Thefluffiestguineapig: Sup gamers!
KeytarCat: gup samer!
Thefluffiestguineapig: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Let's Nope (Ben and Adam play horror games until they find the key that will bring them true happiness. Game: The Last of Us) at Tue 05:00 PM PST (10s from now).
Thefluffiestguineapig: Close but no cigar
Thefluffiestguineapig: Keytar I think no one who knows me would argue I am a "samer" because autism is a hell of a thing
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also does chat feel weirdly quiet to you?
Brozard: a little too quiet



dumbo3k: @Thefluffiestguineapig Shhh, or the zombies will hear you
There we go 
jessieimproved: better?
dumbo3k subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 68 months!
Thanks for subscribing, dumbo3k! (Today's storm count: 22)
Thefluffiestguineapig: Here are the rest of the nonsense people!
jessieimproved: Road Quest vibes
saucemaster5000: I am not a nonsense I am a very serious well dressed proper gentleman
ButButTheJesus: hi folks good spoop to you
Blakemcm: the first of us in this chat
them spoops though 
hieroglyphica: Good evening everyone!
YawnLance: Greetings fellow nopers
Thefluffiestguineapig: @hieroglyphica A good time of day to you!
Kramburger: I'm so glad that twitch sent me a going live message for a chennel I was already in the chat for
wiganlass subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 14 months!
14 months of spoop 
Thanks for subscribing, wiganlass! (Today's storm count: 23)
saucemaster5000: just to make sure you knew
Wrexadecimal: aw dis gon be gud
Tripleyew: ‘evening, LRRfolk, and howdy all
hieroglyphica: My alopecia seems to be ending, I have hair growing! :0 it is white tho, but that seems cool. How's it going with y'all?
dankmemeter subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 36 months!
dankmemeter: Last amogus time
Thanks for subscribing, dankmemeter! (Today's storm count: 24)
@hieroglyphica I've been getting grey in my beard recently and I'm just taking it as my ascent into wizardry. 
jessieimproved: @hieroglyphica white hair rocks
Kramburger: I am perma-tired, but I might have a job interview next week
Thefluffiestguineapig: @hieroglyphica Congrats! If it stays white at least it's easy to die!
Thefluffiestguineapig: *Dye
Thefluffiestguineapig: Damn autocorrect
Wrexadecimal: @Kramburger Best of luck!
hieroglyphica: Yeah it's right at the front, so at first the bald spots were the worst but now I think they'll be cool
Thefluffiestguineapig: HEY good thoughts on job interview
Tripleyew: good luck, @kramburger
Juliamon: ooh you can do the Rogue thing
hieroglyphica: Woo job interview! Well don't
hieroglyphica: *well done 😅
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Juliamon Have you seen the KA livestream lately? It's been particularly adorable

Juliamon: yessss I love watching Cloak and Tutu play
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Juliamon Have you seen the camera Mr. A put inside the cat tree?
Juliamon: ya!!
Makrosian_Tay subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 51 months, currently on a 51 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, Makrosian_Tay! (Today's storm count: 25)
squ3e: Is this a real game for real gamers?
dougma subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 108 months!
dougma: o/ boop
Thanks for subscribing, dougma! (Today's storm count: 26)
@Thefluffiestguineapig I followed them because of this conversation last week 
MrSarkhan subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 82 months, currently on a 82 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, MrSarkhan! (Today's storm count: 27)
OmnipotentTrevor: I wonder if they were inspired to play this because of the unskippable
JoeLowe2: Hey everyone!
Orxolon: good night everbody!!!
hurricanealpaca subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 42 months!
Thanks for subscribing, hurricanealpaca! (Today's storm count: 28)
Everyone: "The Last of Us is a great game!" Me: "Sounds good!" Me, waiting until now to look into anything about this game despite a sequal and a show: 
Thefluffiestguineapig: @KeytarCat Good!!!! Kitten Academy is a fucking light in this world and they deserve all the support and love
Kentosaurus: ominous soon
JoeLowe2: Let's go
ghizmou subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 30 months!

Thanks for subscribing, ghizmou! (Today's storm count: 29)
public_key_reveal_party subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 43 months!
public_key_reveal_party: Is this the location of spoops and spoop-adjacent streams?
Thanks for subscribing, public_key_reveal_party! (Today's storm count: 30)
Excited to watch them play this!! My favorite game with the favorite spoop bois 
baltimore_667083: hi Adam! hi Ben!
lamina5432: evening


raulghoulia: okay byeeeee
momocharityops: Hi!
BusTed: whatup
TheWriterAleph: hello boys
Blakemcm: lookin smoooth adam
Thefluffiestguineapig: Sup boyos!
Tripleyew: hello Nopers!
gamercat88: its any punch buggy
jessieimproved: kids making excuses to hit other kids, classic
YawnLance: Also dogs are cool
thatguysteve2709: Hello, hope everyone is having a good day so far
ButButTheJesus: "there's a car!"
Nigouki: children are not very creative with violence
saucemaster5000: sitch dog (shoots friend)
itira: helloooo
Kramburger: Um, accusing me of flinching is defamation and you'll be hearing from my lawyers
patrick_stonecrusher: Flick their earlobes!
BusTed: hell yeah
gamercat88: damn $$$
OmnipotentTrevor: It came with every playstation
Mr_Horrible: they're gonna milk that cow til it disintegrates
Kramburger: Ben are you flushed, or is the red balance off?
ThorSokar: w h a t
Mister_BlueSky: A re-remaster even.
Scy_Anide: Remastered Remake Rebirth ReOrigin
saucemaster5000: more like the last of pus
YawnLance: And then you can play the remaster of the sequel because gamers love remakes
Orxolon: never played this game
Blakemcm: the last of my wallet. the bills are the real monsters
Kramburger: Nintendo-ass pricing scheme
Scy_Anide: They charge that because they know suckers will buy it for the 7th time.
Thefluffiestguineapig: -.-
Scy_Anide: (Also often the upgrade price is $10)
Business expense, NBD. 
MAPBoardgames: I want to see what mods Ben has installed on this game
MWGNZ: thats nz levels of pricing
PotatoWraiths: Adam's about to revolt
PotatoWraiths: lmao
ThorSokar: highway robbery
VeryBadLifeChoices: this is why I don't buy games and only watch lets plays
squ3e: check the spreadsheet
Forlorgen: man sony got the spoop boys
UnkeptFlea: it's buy one, get one 50% off
Blakemcm: dont woke up the zombies
Mr_Horrible: both because lesbians, but neither, because Druckmann's a tool
patrick_stonecrusher: Everyone was mad at 2 for some reason..?
raulghoulia: identity theft!
Orxolon: woke approved?great
but how am I spose’ta shoots mushroom zomboids without ray tracing!?! 
squ3e: show is very faithful imo

Mr_Horrible: Clicker Troopas
Makrosian_Tay: Oh shit. is it TLOU week? Oh...this is gonna hurt 😩
saucemaster5000: Ellie is a Dugong
Kramburger: [M O D D I S C O V E R E D]
Thefluffiestguineapig: I would have been here for that honestly
YawnLance: Let's goooo
Thefluffiestguineapig: OH YES
Kramburger: OH HONEY NO
raulghoulia: mod discovered!
Kramburger: BEN
Kramburger: Consider the Tone
Mister_BlueSky: I think they said they aren't doing anymore Dead Space?
Mr_Horrible: yeah it was called the Callisto Protocol
MAPBoardgames: It went from everything being sequels to everything being remakes.
Kramburger: There's so HEAVY stuff
saucemaster5000: Silent Hill Poo tho
Blakemcm: callisto protocol is ripe for a remake already right?
Calisto Protocol remake 
VeryBadLifeChoices: it'd be hilarious if 2025 lets nope was only remake games
raulghoulia: wait this isn't talking sim?
NarwhalsInATrenchcoat: @Kramburger Which ones the one with the dog ending?
BusTed: what would his sword be
saucemaster5000: Dongle the Bongle pyramid head
Kramburger: I thought James was the big weiner
ButButTheJesus: @Kramburger consider how seriously they considered it when they played SH2 original
gualdhar: I was gonna make a dick joke but fuck
Orxolon: pointy?
@kramburger but imagine what mods can do to the Dog Ending 
Makrosian_Tay: TOS?
Fanklok: Pyramid Head isn't already?
Mr_Horrible: he's got the dildo bat from Saint's Row 3
baltimore_667083: big wiener? so a Costco hot dog?
public_key_reveal_party: So your pitch is silent hill 2 but not subtle?
gamercat88: lmao
YawnLance: Nicole nooo
Thefluffiestguineapig: The whole thing with SH2 is that people are unsure how they will work with the fact some of the coolest shit was them trying to work around system restrictions

circusofkirkus: as they should
BusTed: amazing
ghizmou: that dirty talk

Thefluffiestguineapig: Wow Nicole
good for her 
itira: ahahahha
saucemaster5000: LMAOOOOO
Mr_Horrible: "Bailiff whack his peepee"
Kramburger: In a work context? You're cat's peepee is broken
gualdhar: fastest way to make someone lose all confidence
Forlorgen: If you were coming to magicon chicago you could go to the wiener circle
YawnLance: uh oh pee pees
ButButTheJesus: heehee omg
Blakemcm: all that peepee for mee mee
Kramburger: That'll throw off your rythem
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Kramburger I work in a vet clinic and a coworker has done that before
goombalax: PeePeeArr
Orxolon: you remember,you are blushing xD
Mister_BlueSky: Is a good'n.
Kramburger: @Thefluffiestguineapig noooooo
Thefluffiestguineapig: There are for sure some big triggers
And all that pee! (sung to the tune of All That Jazz)
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Kramburger We have to laugh at stuff sometimes my dude
Mr_Horrible: it's kinda the brand at this point
Mister_BlueSky: I would be more surprised if Adam did the nice thing in a game.
ThorSokar: Adam just wants to watch the world burn
saucemaster5000: that child coulda grown up to be a corrupt cop
Makrosian_Tay: So hype for this game, but also the feels are gonna hit me HARD so I'm glad Ben and Adam are here to make light of it
Kramburger: Do you think it's obvious that Adam was partially raised by a cop?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Thefluffiestguineapig It was an employee pet, easily fixable problem so funny
Nigouki: My only exposure to this game is the "this is the cutest fkn thing I've ever seen" streamer clip and some utterly insufferable takes about how this was the introduction of narrative storytelling in video games
Tripleyew: Adam “Lawful Neutral” Savidan, they call him
James_LRR: Leave the toad alone!
YawnLance: Toads aren't real
saucemaster5000: you're not real man
Kramburger: Ew, James is here?

Fanklok: Adam thinks it's funny to destroy children's dreams
ghizmou: it was a test and you failed
Because if you can't police other people then what will we do 
BersonCorps: Breaking news: toads aren't real
raulghoulia: wars have been fought over vanilla
BusTed: wouldn't you love it if they had vanilla
YawnLance: Setting up their villain arc
Mr_Horrible: @YawnLance vanillain arc
Kramburger: That happens in the comics
Kramburger: It's like the second arc
ThorSokar: offf, games where your save carries over are probably a thing of the past
YawnLance: Flawless Mr_Horrible thank you
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Mr_Horrible I wish there had been a card called Vanillain as part of the food deck in Eldraine
KeytarCat: "Us Money!" - Bengineering
sgowell subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 120 months, currently on a 120 month streak!
sgowell: the 10 year
Thanks for subscribing, sgowell! (Today's storm count: 31)
circusofkirkus: you skeeted
Kramburger: Thiursty for your card condoms
Mr_Horrible: the peepee are
Jadaris: pee pee R
noSmokeFire: they're sleevie for your horns
Scy_Anide: Adam keeps touching that mic and Cam had it in his mouth.
BusTed: agree
ItsThugDimmadome: @Kramburger I picked a bad day to be literate.
Mr_Horrible: no, that's still in the lexicon, sorry bro
jessicaengle: Hi chat.
e_bloc: raw dogging was the word of the year
kusinohki: meows
Mollylele: it would be called rawnugging. lazy.
gualdhar: people are using it to "rawdog plane flights" and it's disturbing
YawnLance: 100 chicken nuggets, no protection
Kramburger: HA
NotCainNorAbel: Raw dogging this stream
gualdhar: oh fuck yeah
Thefluffiestguineapig: @NotCainNorAbel Same
MWGNZ: 100 nuggies in a blender to make a nug shake
James_LRR: lets be honest. stupid, stubborn men.
PhorrestGaze: I love this segment of the show where Adam learns stuff
ItsThugDimmadome: No stimuli.
Thefluffiestguineapig: NOPE
gualdhar: literal psychopaths
BusTed: that's a hankerin' for some blood clots
Nigouki: that'll kill your arteries
Fanklok: Raw dogging is a word of the year
ButButTheJesus: Dan Ryckert on giantbomb was talking about doing this
MWGNZ: turns out moving is good for you
Mr_Horrible: Oh I thought that was referring to flying without medication
ItsThugDimmadome: Apparently MenaRD does it all the time.
Makrosian_Tay: That ain't a person no more that's a robot
Mr_Horrible: but no that's very silly
schordash: yo that sounds ✨awful✨
ghizmou: you can't go completely smooth brained
YawnLance: Men smh
jessieimproved: you could get a blood clot, for real
saucemaster5000: It's the peepee
Mr_Horrible: the peepee, Adam
underhill33: many are asking
Thefluffiestguineapig: Testosterone
The_Timo: humans in general tbh
NotCainNorAbel: we do not have time to get into why men are stupid
jessieimproved: chat please don't sit still that long
ThorSokar: no, that's a 100% way to get a deep-vain thrombosis, that shit will kill you and hurt the entire time it's happening
Mr_Horrible: you're stupid but not in those ways
Veshnikard: We only have 3 hours we can't start
And I thought I was one, so I'm not one to talk
Beats paying to go to Alpha Male camp 
JoeLowe2: we're sorry - men
YawnLance: The corrupting influence of the peepee
Thefluffiestguineapig: For real this is why you neuter pets
hieroglyphica: A friend did that and had no problem doing it. That, and him not crying at Up, really shoulda clued me into that guy's headspace
ButButTheJesus: actually Dan Ryckert was talking about it in terms of no video game on flight, just zoning out/meditating. not sure if he was moving around
Kramburger: Adam's 'watch this' stupid, not 'refuse therapy' stupid
OmnipotentTrevor: Planet of the Apes is us
Thefluffiestguineapig: The testicles are a horrible influence neurologically
tr3ewitch88: What has this convention become 😅🤣
ghizmou: 2 weeks, that's rookie numbers
goombalax: thats not just a guy thing tbf
Kramburger: I'm so quirky teehee
Nigouki: Ben, make the fucking call
dumbo3k: teehee
saucemaster5000: mcdonalds coffee? POG?
ItsThugDimmadome: @Kramburger I love how you nailed this perfectly.
raulghoulia: ben's rawdogging the air
Fanklok: Because we've spent thousands of years being told only girls can be gay
DreamyPants: Not doctors exactly but very much that way with dentists
mitomanox: adam, we miss you kissing ben's cheek
Mr_Horrible: @ButButTheJesus was gonna say, this sounds like a phrase that different people mean different things by, since I thought it was just "flying without taking something for anxiety"
Thefluffiestguineapig: @ItsThugDimmadome Yes, that is perfect
saucemaster5000: "Check this out -- Shit"
MirrorDisco: I love the little giggles - you all are too cute.
violetblight: oh shit last of us, ive never actually seen this game properly
Mr_Horrible: "an air flight"
ItsThugDimmadome: Remember when Adam caught a wasp at beerfest and stung his hand?
saucemaster5000: I like my ground flights
Diabore: small human supremacy
Orxolon: sleep¿?
dumbo3k: Ben, you are a saint
MAPBoardgames: Heh, heh, Canadian sucker
Mr_Horrible: I'm able to fall asleep anywhere, so flights are ezpz
itira: aisle is best imo
hieroglyphica: I will say, for me rawdogging would be doing it without being high, so I do think there's a variable context dependant meaning
BusTed: wasted
Makrosian_Tay: @violetblight not to put the boys on blast, but I think you still won't 😅
aerohydra: im a window all the way
gibbousm: I like the Window because I like being able to lean on the wall
ThorSokar: yea, the center of my chest is KILLING me after any flight over an hour, all the airplane seats are too narrow
baltimore_667083: I’m a window seat ride or die kinda person
saucemaster5000: I purposefully bring really weird books on planes and see if they notice
KeytarCat: I want airplanes to be less worse, and it wouldn't even be hard!
lamina5432: same with the lean as a big dude
Juliamon: aisle sucks, people constantly walking by you
violetblight: @Makrosian_Tay yknow this is fair
squ3e: willing to fight for that
Blakemcm: true and based ben
Masslost: wont lie i pay for first class for the lounge and for the fact i get comfy seats
Juliamon: window lifer here
betweenmyself: cousin died in his mid twenties from a pulmonary embolism a few hours after an extended flight
hieroglyphica: Yeah but the window person gets too decide if the window shade is up and the planes gotta deal with it
Dog_of_Myth: Window person here.
gamercat88: just piss on it first
Bratmon: Aisle means you can pee without asking anyone for permission.
Mr_Horrible: I put my arms inside the space defined by the armrests, I try not to put my arms on them
saucemaster5000: do you caress their hand?
MacbethSeemsSus: Window seat for the win

Hold hands 
Mr_Horrible: since I can get pretty compact
whitebadgerwolf88: Always preferred window seats, but absolutely hate middle...
itira: just rub their hand
MAPBoardgames: Lick their arm
NotCainNorAbel: do not lick anything while flying
Tripleyew: “I claim this armrest in the name of MEEEEEEE!”
Mr_Horrible: don't antagonize, you toddler
Mr_Horrible: GROW UP
jessieimproved: Move, and drink water on a plane, plane humidity is like 20%, you are dehydrating *quickly*
violetblight: airports give me enough diseases dont add planes to it
Cptasparagus: thats assault
dumbo3k: you don't know where there arm has been
Kramburger: Rawdogging arms?
AirmanKJE: Who knows where that arm has been
I have the bladder of someone in their 30s, I think it's aisle seat for me 
Orxolon: "your poor planing doesn't constitute an emergency to me"
hieroglyphica: WHAT
kusinohki: the last time I was on a plane might have been '89...
Thefluffiestguineapig: Absolutely
tr3ewitch88: I've only flown twice first as a toddler second with both my kids ... no arm rests for me
enbycephalopod: as far as airplanes go looking slightly unhinged is decent for personal space
Bruceski: I spend most of my life worried about being in other people's way. When I know I'm in the right it feels so good to just turn that off and roll over people's personal space.
licking is wierd, but wiping the sweat of your brow? perfectly fine 
NotCainNorAbel: Window seat, headphones, and a book.
KeytarCat: My dad likes to sit in the window bc he has a special interest in maps and flying
ItsThugDimmadome: Adam confirmed psychopath
The_Color_Twelve: I need the aisle seat for how wide I am. I need the space even if it does lead to my arm being hit
saucemaster5000: I got to talking to a video game tester who was telling me how they would try to break the tetris game I was playing
korvys: im just going to think it real loud
BusTed: 🙂
MAPBoardgames: Adam is now the cool old guy people sit next to.
TheKingWiggins: I’m flying tomorrow. wonder if I will have a nice older person by me.
Mai_Andra: cool story. i got here just in time.
Thefluffiestguineapig: I once sat next to someone who was a retired medium ranking navy combat veteran
NotCainNorAbel: I was sitting next to Mr Farty.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Dude was fascinating
YawnLance: !cw
LRRbot: This game contains, or we have found it to contain, material that may be upsetting to some of our viewers. If that content is a problem for you, it's okay to not watch this stream. Self-care is more important.
tr3ewitch88: Start fights on plains sounds like a video game or a band
far2muchsarcasm: Ben asserting dominance
superdude097: Yes
YawnLance: *Things* will happen
itira: i couldnt watch the show because it was too sad
Thefluffiestguineapig: Extremely sad
ButButTheJesus: yeah there's a LOT in this one
Kramburger: This STARTS sad
Mr_Horrible: no, Adam, that's #2
MAPBoardgames: This game gets sad frequently
underhill33: this gets real fuckin sad
ThorSokar: this game is real messed up
Mister_BlueSky: Something dies. Big spoiler.
saucemaster5000: oh yeh this is a cotnent warning game
Makrosian_Tay: This one is VERY EMOTIONAL
niccus: it's a sadcore game
tehfewl: it starts sad and just rollercoasters from there
gibbousm: everyone dies
hieroglyphica: Everybody dies pretty much
enbycephalopod: but ben, thats a people show

dumbo3k: Unskippable managed to make the intro funny
0x6772: I've got bad news about Pedro Pascal in this series.
DreamyPants: It would be faster to list people that don't die
kusinohki: just assume the CW is basically 'yes'
YawnLance: The zombies also die
BusTed: Oh I heard about that
enbycephalopod: harrison ford
BusTed: Harrison Ford?
ThorSokar: Oh, I 100% you were gonna say Castlevania
Wrexadecimal: I saw a couple eps of that. it's good.
saucemaster5000: What's it like finally graduating from lucky charms cereal shows Ben?
Fanklok: This many awards and remakes it had to be the saddest shit in the world
couchboyj: Shrinking rules
gamercat88: oh nice
Jadaris: shrinking rules
kimmibeans: I've been wanting to watch that! I'm glad it's goodf
Lobo_Apache: My most recent people show was Ted Lasso.... great show, I don't even like soccer
ratprints: whens it from?
Kramburger: What if they made a live action castlevania
ItsThugDimmadome: Oohhhhh, "people show' means live action?
kimmibeans: @ratprints Now. it came out last year iirc
OmnipotentTrevor: I thought it was a show based around the movie "downsizing"
violetblight: im the same as ben tbh
js1813 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 94 months!
Fanklok: First we get Jeff the Shark and now there's a Jason Seagull?
Thanks for subscribing, js1813! (Today's storm count: 32)
Mr_Horrible: @Fanklok it was essentially the game that hordes of insufferable people say "video games are finally art", to put it bluntly
Kramburger: Technically this stream is a people show
mitomanox: severance
saucemaster5000: They never showed us the East Wing!
PhorrestGaze: Could've been an osteoporosis show
ThorSokar: oh, we just starting fights now?
underhill33: James catching strays
Mr_Horrible: Severance has sounded good, yeah
0x6772: Definitely do watch Severance.
frank_the_great: I'm watching Breaking Bad for the first time rn. About halfway through season 2, enjoying it thoroughly
betweenmyself: Ted Lasso doesn’t rope a single cow, 0/10
niccus: is road quest a people show
Orxolon: you didn't like Ted Lasso¿?
whitebadgerwolf88: Haven't started the new episodes, but season one of Severance was really good!!
Jennie_Fuchsia: a Ted Lasso actor WROTE Shrinking
NotCainNorAbel: What if I'm new?
ItsThugDimmadome: I thought "people show" meant "meant for people". Like Ben watches shows to keep dogs stimulated.
itsr67: TRUE
MirrorDisco: severance is something else ♥️ it’s good
PhorrestGaze: I'm never prepared for it
squ3e: Ben when you say you downloaded a show do you mean that literally?
Mr_Horrible: he's not sorry
ratprints: mmm @ItsThugDimmadome dog show
squ3e: Or that you're streaming it
mitomanox: severance is NOT a work of fiction
Mr_Horrible: but you wouldn't download a car, Ben
Kramburger: Ted Lasso isn't about Football, it's about Belief
Jennie_Fuchsia: Brett Goldstein wrote both Ted Lasso and Shrinking
violetblight: REAL
Thefluffiestguineapig: Same ben
Fanklok: Think about the new viewers
squ3e: I genuinely didn't know you could download things off of sstreaming servicess
7gorobei: shoresy S4 coming up next month
Diabore: ive gone down to 0 streaming services outside of twitch
RealGamerCow: ziig lookin incredible
kimmibeans: @Kramburger It's about Life. Football is Lif
saucemaster5000: Adam only watch the finale of castlevania
enbycephalopod: yar har
KeytarCat: @Mr_Horrible Especially annoying bc it's the narrative that's different from previous titles! They decided it could be art because someone added "Novel" to the tags >:( I don't know how much I believe this
Dog_of_Myth: Arrrrrgh
violetblight: getting dat booty
gualdhar: avast, me hearties yo ho!
ratprints: pie rat
squ3e: Argh brother
Mister_BlueSky: 🏴☠️
Lobo_Apache: After dat booty
ButButTheJesus: y'har
Chaotically_Random: Benny D Ulmer
dumbo3k: You do look a little like a Canadian Pirate
Kentosaurus: you can download off netflix to watch later
DaxStrife: If your show gets canceled you are morally correct in stealing it (until they put out some physical edition or something).
MacbethSeemsSus: They're called "linux iso"
0x6772: I mean, you *can* actually, from some streaming services, download.
YawnLance: Going Hamburgler mode
Admitting to pirating TV? I guess the shows won't be the only thing getting cancelled, Ben. 
itsr67: just video games
PhorrestGaze: I'm already sad
itira: wdym Adam doesnt have FEELINGS
Mr_Horrible: @KeytarCat it's very much a game made by a guy who wishes he was writing prestige TV
gamercat88: lies adam
saucemaster5000: Donkey Kong Country makes me cry
dougma: it is too soon to start the game

mitomanox: smooch
@ThorSokar Accurate. 
ItsThugDimmadome: Adam never finished Yakuza 0 to be fair.
vinewood_og: Let's get dangerous!
tehfewl: play ffxiv
RealGamerCow: Kingdom Hearts will make you feel an angry at how DUMB it is.
Juliamon: even if the show *doesn't* get cancelled sometimes they'll just... decide you can't stream it anymore

Mr_Horrible: it'll make you feel... confused! *gunshot*
violetblight: LMAO
saucemaster5000: LMAO
jessicaengle: Mario 2 was all a dream!
violetblight: sauce is doing a bit around the kong family
itsr67: fucking sauce

violetblight: we've all begged him to stop
violetblight: he wont
Get blasted 
Chaotically_Random: Adam has his own Discord?!
Juliamon: it is ethically correct to pirate shows
Masslost: gears of war 2 has a big sad moment
jessicaengle: Big "no, and" energy
kimmibeans: I'm already on the edge of crying, so let's fucking go! I want to start sobbing
DandyGeek: lol someone got read
Kramburger: Don't bring seachats in here, this is a nice place
itsr67: keep it quarantined
Kaaannaaa: If there ever was a game that could give Adam a feel, this is probably it
YFiddler: Not at work
saucemaster5000: I only have three more days till I'm free
ratprints: speaking of darkness. the brightness
Kaaannaaa: assuming he don't get distracted by chat
Fanklok: You didn't feel sad when The Ancestor pasted The Abomination
Mr_Horrible: that response was the equivalent of Sauce going in drive rush and getting perfected
Kramburger: The bandai namco screen
saucemaster5000: it's honestly not worth it, let's watch the last of us
jessicaengle: 1at time Pasta Bus?
Mister_BlueSky: There's a lot of accessibility here, it's pretty great actually.
ShaneLeeAtk: I never check Discord. I am going to go check Discord.
Makrosian_Tay: I haven't played this game in forever, but just thinking about it hits me hard
NotCainNorAbel: Like when they released a barbie without ears
baltimore_667083: better than being too sleepy
Kaaannaaa: honestly, the sound design is the most impressive thing about this game
niccus: oh yeah, these games have *big* time accessibility features, there's a good reason it won accessibility awards
baltimore_667083: how do you release a Barbie without ears…
ThorSokar: pretty sure you accidentally turned that hearing one off
Kramburger: Because it's Art
Frizzlenill: because all logos have become the marvel logo
Mr_Horrible: like I said, Ben, it's made by a guy who wishes he made movies
Chaotically_Random: YUP
Mr_Horrible: yes
BradTheLemming: yes
jessicaengle: Whenever PlayStation is not on screen, I should be asking, "Where's PlayStation"?
Chaotically_Random: Its this one I think
DreamyPants: it's this one
Fanklok: @mr_horrible Kojima made Last of Us?
vinewood_og: MCU ruined intros
Should “Are they woke?” be added to the “Are they single/baptized?” routine? 
GreyThey: That was Negaoryx
letsbelgo: Part of the load screens is for actual loading of the game. That space would be blank
niccus: legitimately designed to have a mode playable without sight
Mister_BlueSky: Left Behind is pretty good and I do recommend it after the game.
gibbousm: Left Behind is the story of Ellie before she meets Joel
Makrosian_Tay: Don't do it!
raulghoulia: melee build
0x6772: Yeah, don't do that.
VeryBadLifeChoices: some people like to pay 80 bucks to suffer
Mr_Horrible: @Fanklok no, Kojima is the only one of that auteur cadre that actually really loves games. The amount of specific hardware tricks he loves to pull, and all that.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeah nope
itsr67: haha
Nigouki: it's the setting you turn on because you paid $80 for a game and you need to keep playing it for months to get the value
gualdhar: uh
tehfewl: for honor mode
gualdhar: Adam
Kramburger: Hardcore mode? This game's just ripping off PoE
shendaras: what mode have you been playing in poe2 recently?
YawnLance: What if we're not cool?
itsr67: ssfhc says what
squ3e: most roguelikes
MacbethSeemsSus: Even crazier, just one save slot. Imagine doing something that crazy.
IgorApp subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 29 months!
IgorApp: Hello boys, so nice to be here with y-- look behind you!
Thanks for subscribing, IgorApp! (Today's storm count: 33)
0x6772: "if"
Mai_Andra: Path of Exile (xp loss when you die)
Mr_Horrible: "TLoU SSFHC"
Mr_Horrible: oh that directional audio indicator is p nice
0x6772: Oh, I forgot this opening sequence. Wooooof.
raulghoulia: Pasture Bedtime

kusinohki: did the recent unskippable prompt this playthrough??
BusTed: got her ass
Makrosian_Tay: Chat, I'm not gonna make it. It's already starting 😢
dumbo3k: such dad energy
itsr67: mixed
ButButTheJesus: hardcore drugs!

YawnLance: naptime
0x6772: She's who you're playing, Ben.
BusTed: maybe she's the main character
Mister_BlueSky: I mean.. he kinda knows that.
mcbaseballface: oh no
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeah, death
Mollylele: excuse me stewardess, I speak foreshadowing
itira: Benjamin
frank_the_great: BEN
ButButTheJesus: Ben
tr3ewitch88: When you like them that fast you know, they're gonna die.
7gorobei: death flags set and flying

Dog_of_Myth: @Mollylele I understood that reference
frank_the_great: Embrace the pain, this is Let's Nope
hackingducks: why'd her dad not tuck her in?
Rhynerd: death flags visible from the next ship over.
YawnLance: Asshole hung up on her smh
saucemaster5000: misery can be beaten by just smiling more. Men keep telling me
Mr_Horrible: why you callin' Sarah's phone then, Tommy?
raulghoulia: play as woman. woke
KeytarCat: @hackingducks summer in texas? or something?
hieroglyphica: The way this game uses lighting is what taught me that games do that
Mr_Horrible: she's got room phone

violetblight: your line is gonna be dead
itira: uh huh Ben
hieroglyphica: Now I get frustrated in games and look for the lights focus
Dog_of_Myth: Ben
YawnLance: VHS machine
Juliamon: vhs machine

Mr_Horrible: okay but if she's a jiggs main she deserves what she gets
goombalax: turn in your millenial card
0x6772: Well, Adam, you gonna get up there on the pole and fix that phone line, since you know so much about it?
vinewood_og: Adam Savidan: fun at parties.
BusTed: aww
gualdhar: next Ben will call it an ATM Machine
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also we are a few minutes into the apocalypse so phones aren't dead yet
frank_the_great: pops
mcbaseballface: oh shes gone
hieroglyphica: Facts
circusofkirkus: she's got that gamer slouch
hieroglyphica: Me too!

vinewood_og: Same.
Ben doesn’t recognize things from 30 years ago and Adam doesn’t recognize things that happened two weeks ago. The ultimate Odd Couple 
hieroglyphica: Then I married that guy
NotCainNorAbel: my people, typically that person is a dog or cat
0x6772: Shitter?
Mr_Horrible: and if forges a LIFELONG BOND, Benjamin
raulghoulia: I always leave a newspaper in the shitter
saucemaster5000: mirrors are windows into our souls
frank_the_great: Mirror in the bathroom

Diabore: by their powers combined...
Mr_Horrible: can't see yourself in the frost shower panes, 0/10 were they even trying etc etc
Lobo_Apache: Dude that's my apartment
0x6772: Welcome to midwest America, Canadians.
DreamyPants: Property in texas is cheap
The_Timo: definitely bigger than mine
ItsThugDimmadome: Who keeps an eliptical i ntheir bedroom?
0x6772: I grew up in this house, but it was two stories.
saucemaster5000: just a usual day in america honestly
gualdhar: The Commies are invading!
gibbousm: Seattle?
Mr_Horrible: seems fine

superdude097: We're in Texas right now
BradTheLemming: texas
BusTed: This is Texas
YawnLance: Texas right now
InconsiderateHat: God, you're right, the things in this game didn't even register as not-modern because I was her age when this was made.
kid_flashionable: Austin
RealGamerCow: This is normal for Texas.
0x6772: Yeah, north Texas.
NarwhalsInATrenchcoat: seems like school's out
Mister_BlueSky: 'Murica.
shendaras: You heard her accent, right?
ItsThugDimmadome: Tay-hass
CaptainSpam: Coloradofornia
Mr_Horrible: this was actually a stealth reboot of Modern Warfare 2
violetblight: no its not
saucemaster5000: yeah this is just tuesday
gualdhar: chemical plants go up all the time
Mr_Horrible: yeah, their power grid is fucked
niccus: yeah sometimes it's leftover fireworks day
MilkInBags: did adam or ben ever play this game before?
circusofkirkus: it's actually dialed back
frank_the_great: Texas Tuesdays
Lobo_Apache: There is NO submillion dollar house that's that big, but the explosions are accurate
violetblight: its only like once a month we get fireworks
WiJohn: Looks like UT lost, it happens
Decaped: Normally the explosions are accompanied by a train derailing
jessieimproved: power grid failures are normal for sure
Mr_Horrible: @MilkInBags Adam played the OG release quite a while back
baltimore_667083: yup the horns lost and the city has gone rogue
0x6772: @violetblight That's every weekend in Philly.
dumbo3k: Look, iPhones were new
violetblight: nah itd be A&M, theyre louder abt it
YawnLance: Peak phone UI
Nigouki: mid-00s non-iPhone
violetblight: fuckin aggies
Veshnikard: 2013 phones were wild
Duwani1: it is like 2002
CaptainSpam: Actually resembles a G1, kinda.
Mister_BlueSky: We are not in current times right now.
Mr_Horrible: "Behold, an Android"
niccus: how much overlap was there between CRTs and smartphones
MilkInBags: adam
0x6772: @0x6772 (I mean, it's that or gunfire. It's hard to tell, at range.)
Duwani1: dog died
public_key_reveal_party: Man Ben's too young to remember VHS players, too young to recognize early smart phones
Kramburger: BEN
TStodden: Apple has a licensing deal that ONLY HEROES use iPhones... (Villians must use Android or other phones).
Kramburger: You had ONE job
Orxolon: that house is HUGE
gibbousm: click click click
Young Joel 
satyropodobny: ah yes the hairy single father origin story
ItsThugDimmadome: Gee, ya think Joel?
SnackPak_: mawp\
gibbousm: casually has a revolver. Yup its Texas
BusTed: He ain't gonna be in Last of Us 2
CaptainSpam: "Ow! What the hell, Joel?"
saucemaster5000: he's not gonna be in part 2
frank_the_great: Jimmy's not making it to TLOU2
ghizmou: she has the eyes of a warrior
Orxolon: she looks like an actress whose name i cannot remember
ItsThugDimmadome: @CaptainSpam "I gave you back your mower!last week!
Mr_Horrible: ironically that's how 2 starts, Jimmy wakes up and goes "man, I've got a *splitting* headache!"
RealGamerCow: "You got red on you"
MilkInBags: it's the woke mind virus
Kramburger: I've got some notion? Did Joss Weadon write this?
saucemaster5000: you choo choo chooose me?
0x6772: Sufficiently distinct to avoid copyright violation Jeep Grand Cherokee.
InconsiderateHat: No go bag? *tsk tsk*
violetblight: milk cmon
Mathwyn: no seatbelts smh
Makrosian_Tay: This opening sequence completely put the fear of god into me when I played it. It was so well done, it felt so realistic
Mai_Andra: ♫ When you walk by every night~ ♫
0x6772: @Mathwyn I mean: Texas.
hackingducks: in your headdddd, in your headd-ed-ed, zombeh, zombeh
violetblight: damn this is down by austin
kid_flashionable: Travis county is Austin
as_ever_ellesandra: At the time this intro sequence hit like a sack of bricks
Dalrint: Again, texas
Where's Your Head At? 
violetblight: skill issue, wouldnt have happened to dallas
Lobo_Apache: OH shit, this is in Buda, tx
YawnLance: No need to wear your seatbelt in the apocalypse
saucemaster5000: no seat belt? well I guess she gets what's -- nevermind
MilkInBags: i can't believe they copied a TV show
dumbo3k: I'm sure not wearing your seat belt won't be a problem
NotCainNorAbel: Midwest safe
dumbo3k: It's practically a cutscene, don't need seat belts
kid_flashionable: @Lobo_Apache Thatwould def be accurate
violetblight: wdyall mean thats texas, is that not the sorta thing ppl do everywhere
tr3ewitch88: 🎵 it's the end of the world as we know it 🎵
satyropodobny: flip that kid truck kun
0x6772: @dumbo3k Easy there, cowboy
RatherLargeToad: (he did not)
SnackPak_: clever kid
MilkInBags: "they abducted my family!" (that's for adam)
Mr_Horrible: establishing character traits! *jazz hands*
frank_the_great: Joel makes the tough decisions
TomatoKigu: Joel, meet Karma.
Duwani1: don't eat the pancake mix
Toxxick: I still think this might be one of the most effective video game openings from the past 20 years
Mr_Horrible: prominent TLoU NPC, Count Lachlann of Ogham
0x6772: @Toxxick Agreed.
don't spoil anything chat 
Mister_BlueSky: @Toxxick It's a good'n.
SnackPak_: oops
YawnLance: So uh about that seatbelt

NotCainNorAbel: roll credit
Nigouki: seat belts are importnat
goombalax: roll credits
CaptainSpam: So, lesson learned: Seat belts.
neisan2112 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 73 months!
phoenixletmeuseadashd: drive toward the direction people are running away from. good plan
Thanks for subscribing, neisan2112! (Today's storm count: 34)
NarwhalsInATrenchcoat: this is my first time seeing this and I think its excellent
Kramburger: That was the fifth time I died
saucemaster5000: oh look at that! the person NOT wearing a seat belt was fine!
satyropodobny: they got isekaied to mushroom kingdom
violetblight: yeah no she shoulda flown
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 see that's how you know the game's not woke
baltimore_667083: this is anti-seatbelt propaganda I guess
phoenixletmeuseadashd: good brick!
Duwani1: brick is mighty weapon
Mai_Andra: not wearing a seatbelt? fine? anti-woke.
Mr_Horrible: that brick is actually the player character
Akaiatana: I don't think I've seen the remaster. The additional face detail is astounding
Decaped: Characters aren't allowed to make good decisions in this game
Orxolon: to be honest i'd be so scared
MilkInBags: welp
BusTed: ggs ggs
hackingducks: whoops
SnackPak_: rip
MilkInBags: game uninstalled
0x6772: And roll credits.
Mr_Horrible: lmao
satyropodobny: short game
squ3e: gg go next

MilkInBags: pedro pascal lost his job
Mister_BlueSky: And that's... how it really ended.
frank_the_great: Death count: 1
Duwani1: did not know you could die
NotCainNorAbel: just need to outrun the slower non-zombies
Jadaris: modern gas prices there lol
MilkInBags: and it's not even over
BusTed: It is a great sequence
Mr_Horrible: also note: they're in the city now


violetblight: idk its no kingdom hearts 2 opening
CaptainSpam: BENJAMIN
Juliamon: !clip
If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
MilkInBags: Skyrim = Last of Us, you heard it right here
NotCainNorAbel: lol
hackingducks: ben's not wrong.

raulghoulia: Paws!
SnackPak_: fair

30teracyte: its certainly memorable
gualdhar: LOL
itira: thats it, we're turning this stream around
hieroglyphica: Thank you Adam
0x6772: Oh, this is gonna be a minute.
MrSarkhan: Ben's been canceled


saucemaster5000: This is deserved
LithelyUnshod: I thought I missed a bunch, but then I remembered: the podcast
SnackPak_: I'll miss Ben
Makrosian_Tay: Fuckin GET HIS ASS


VeryBadLifeChoices: they hated him because he spoke the truth
Blakemcm: trying to cross the border ey ben?
Lobo_Apache: I was just gonna ask how long until Adam just walked out
ItsThugDimmadome: 5 minute major
frank_the_great: I don't know, this is really ripping off that zombie show on HBO

itsr67: goddamn it
tr3ewitch88: RIP BEN
DaxStrife: It's woke? GOOD.
Veshnikard: I mean everyone knows what game it is, so it's a great opening
Ritaspirithntr: Oh good! some well timed comedy!!
Mollylele: it's not called Let's Woke
thatguysteve2709: When we come back Adam only bens never be here at all
betweenmyself: I was once running from a mushroom zombie outbreak like you, until I took an arrow to the knee.
Blakemcm: got picked up by that imperial ambush like the rest of us
0x6772: lol
hackingducks: lmao
varmintx0: lol

frank_the_great: Death count: 2
vinewood_og: I'll update the spreadsheet!
Orxolon: wait,what was that pause for?hahahah
Was this one of those "Tell Heather" moments? 
0x6772: 3x
raulghoulia: Let's Nope coming back from commercial is always fun
tehfewl: imagine dying in the prologue
hackingducks: make that thrice
damn, can't believe the zombie fungus made you gay this whole time 
frank_the_great: Death count: 3
Thefluffiestguineapig: This game does not tolerate fucking around at all
Duwani1: Reading the words explains the words
Mai_Andra: I still haven't actually played skyrim...
frank_the_great: Tommy is a G
satyropodobny: red polo shirt is the goat
Fanklok: Losing in the tutorial is a Ben classic
hackingducks: tommy clearly never played deadspace
Thefluffiestguineapig: For real Tommy is one of the most hardcore characters ever
0x6772: No way this ends badly for anyone involved.
NotCainNorAbel: no, no we can't leave him because he has the gun
RatherLargeToad: (he was not fine)
MacbethSeemsSus: (it was not fine)
50keyz: strong alan wake vibes
Thefluffiestguineapig: TRIGGER WARNING
Mr_Horrible: honestly kudos to Tommy, keeping a pretty level head
whitebadgerwolf88: Even after multiple playthroughs this whole sequence gets me. It's so damn good
raulghoulia: he's more scared of you than you are of him
Crimall: Oh boy here we go
Thefluffiestguineapig: Child death
MilkInBags: o7
frank_the_great: BRO, that sounded like the 30 second alarm in Katamari
MilkInBags: @Thefluffiestguineapig don't spoil the game either
0x6772: What could possibly go wrong?
baltimore_667083: there is our answer
SnackPak_: hell yeah Tommy
Blakemcm: fuck yea tommy
CaptainSpam: Tommy to the rescue!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @MilkInBags Sorry, I'm trying to provide people the chance to get out for the triggers. I try to be as not specific as possible

oh no 
i never cry
Orxolon: how awful


Hey this sucks 


korvys: (her dying, not the game)
Duwani1: the watch broke
saucemaster5000: so when do we get a rocket launcher?
TheMandrew: whelp, what a horrible time to join the stream. peace out everyone
NotCainNorAbel: wait a minute, that isn't a dog

VeryBadLifeChoices: :c
kimmibeans: I know I said I wanted to cry... but damn
frank_the_great: Tommy will avenge her
thatguysteve2709: This is such an amazing opening
o7 for Sarah
ItsThugDimmadome: YEESH
Duwani1: Almost like his life stopped

MilkInBags: it's wild how they copied a tv show
TheWriterAleph: VIDEO GAMES *jazz hands*
Mr_Horrible: good at setting up characters and stakes, it's true
saucemaster5000: yeah milk is right
Well... this is a short game... What's next? 
Makrosian_Tay: Yup. Still good opening ;_;
whitebadgerwolf88: Music is so good too
saucemaster5000: let's get some lawyers
Kramburger: This makes the ending make more sense, tbh
itsr67: and they kept remaking this game for a decade
Thefluffiestguineapig: Opening good, but hits VERY hard
MilkInBags: no
violetblight: no but its got like 3
Diabore: oh god no
YawnLance: It has two, yeah
varmintx0: not even close
Dalrint: Skyrim doesn't have any remakes, technically
Mr_Horrible: Skyrim never got remade
Makrosian_Tay: Troy Baker better have gotten an award for this
Juliamon: Skyrim doesn't have remakes, just ports
Mr_Horrible: it's just been released on multiple new platforms
Orxolon: 20!?
thatguysteve2709: I 100% agree with game being the best game of the PS3 era
BusTed: just had a 20 year anime time skip
gibbousm: 20 years, thats a long time
Duwani1: who wants to live for 2 decades in this hellscape
Mr_Horrible: "Shit, same as the rest of them"
Orxolon: @BusTed imagine the power ups XD
MilkInBags: Where were you Tess when the Westfold fell
0x6772: Nah, Tess is a good 'un.
saucemaster5000: I bet it'll end in a dance number
frank_the_great: It's no Minecraft
Mr_Horrible: it's not sunshine and rainbows, that's for sure
BusTed: time to get a real slouch goin'
itsr67: game to enjoy at a 45° angle
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 this isn't AI: The Somnium Files
Orxolon: how old is Joel?like 50?
Makrosian_Tay: This game is gonna get me all over game and I'm not even playing this time
ratprints: i didnt watch the last of us except for the gay episode which was VERY good
Duwani1: Joel is one of the most complex characters in recent history.
MilkInBags: i remember this looking very good at the time
KeytarCat: yeah, Joel is 50s
Mr_Horrible: yeah the visual update did really pay off
CaptainSpam: Okay, now we need someone to make a PS1 demake of this.
Orxolon: @KeytarCat thx
violetblight: pixel art last of us when
HadesLeprechaun: I think this was pretty handily the best looking game on the PS3, but it was still the PS3, so 720p and 30fps
Mollylele: Ben tryin on that Savidan Slouch
Duwani1: Last of us - or as it should be known Critical role the game
0x6772: Oh yeah, remake this with tank controls. That'd really make the game sing.
raulghoulia: Boston looks just like this to this day
betweenmyself: I would pay a good $87 for this game… That last buck really kills me
KeytarCat: It's def worth a session of nightmare cart
The_Timo: those are prime zambo hours
worst, there are people who don't agree with the government 
ratprints: If youre out past 6pm youre a zombie
Fanklok: Nightmare cart CTS?
Mr_Horrible: Joel's mosey
Orxolon: do we know the rules for this zombies?intelligent,sound atracted,vulnerable to fire,etc?
saucemaster5000: hey how come the truck gets the big door?
MilkInBags: they're trying to go to the washroom
MilkInBags: worse than puzzles to reach it
Kramburger: Did that sign say FEMA or Freda?
SnackPak_: papa john's? this really is the apocalypse
ratprints: @Orxolon not yet revealed
Duwani1: fireflies suck
Duwani1: everyone kind of sucks
vinewood_og: He called papa johns, pizza. Zombo detected!
Orxolon: @ratprints we will learn?
MacbethSeemsSus: In this reality papa john is a despotic warland claiming Kentucky
raulghoulia: humans are the real monsters
saucemaster5000: not me I'm the best in this game
ratprints: @Orxolon yes over time
Kramburger: Ellie is perfect how dare
Orxolon: cool
Kaaannaaa: turns out the apocolypse makes people cranky
baltimore_667083: Joel’s back. tell a friend
Akaiatana: The game's thesis statements don't work with a bunch of good people.
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 you finally make amends with the deer, and live in harmony in the ruins of Cali
MilkInBags: jimmies were rustled
vinewood_og: "Cranky"
saucemaster5000: someone has a case of the mondays
MilkInBags: how expensive are eggs in this world
Decaped: Joel is a drug smuggler
my new dishwasher arrived 
Kaaannaaa: look at the detail on those rug stains

drcthulu: Pivot!
Duwani1: When the world ends all the floor is a toilet
patrick_stonecrusher: Link to the Past moment
saucemaster5000: bro you tipped over the books!
MilkInBags: imagine you pull and the whole tv stand breaks apart
Mr_Horrible: the ol Hollow Television trick
Diabore: i dont think hes getting the safety deposit back
MacbethSeemsSus: My ankles!
NotCainNorAbel: and who moves the case back"?
TheBehemothBarn subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 85 months!
Thanks for subscribing, TheBehemothBarn! (Today's storm count: 35)
Kaaannaaa: git gud joel
Lobo_Apache: God's Caliber baby!
MilkInBags: yeah Ben once you learn all the controls, it's 100% just QTEs one after another until the end for 16 hours
Mr_Horrible: I wanna see 100% on that mission-end accuracy report, Joel
0x6772: Gotta make sure the weapon functions!
Mai_Andra: "One."
"Ammo's a commodity!"
*shoots toilet*
Obsolete2885 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 21 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, Obsolete2885! (Today's storm count: 36)
ratprints: *holding gun* is this thing on??
loufghyslaufey: Wait. You replace the whole inco.plete clip when you reload?
Mister_BlueSky: "Make your shots count." Me: Melee only, got it.
saucemaster5000: holy shit what a lift
MilkInBags: pull her down as a joke
Akaiatana: Tess' upper body strength is admirable
VeryBadLifeChoices: stronk
behold, the genesis of Yellow Paint 
loufghyslaufey: *incomplete

tehfewl: gun in the waistband, SMH
saucemaster5000: it was from uncharted
Kramburger: I thought thta was uncharted
Mr_Horrible: not actually no
saucemaster5000: which they also made so
goombalax: at least Mirror's Edge
DreamyPants: I remember someone pointing it out in like ps1 tomb raider
Duwani1: it started with the free running game
Mister_BlueSky: I remember it in Uncharted.
Mr_Horrible: but Naughty Dog's games were some early prominent examples
MilkInBags: it was a great movie
saucemaster5000: uncharted 2 was a fun time
Mr_Horrible: that really stuck in the zeitgeist
Mai_Andra: the first time i saw it was only Horizon
raulghoulia: uncharted is a horror game
think we'll get a guitar weapon in this one 
Kaaannaaa: i bought a ps4 basically to play the uncharted series
Duwani1: 4th uncharted was incredible
Uncharted has zombies, so you're good 
very spooky 
Fanklok: Farcry
uncharted is scary... good 
ghizmou: I bet it's got great mods
MilkInBags: bloodborne is spooky
Forlorgen: Theres a damn wendigo in uncharted
MilkInBags: uncharted is not
Makrosian_Tay: Bloodborne is indeed spooky
Nigouki: Call of Duty has zombies, you gonna play that?
ducking_mad: did I miss the musuem scene that was the part that sold me on this game
ratprints: bloodborne has blood in the name. blood's scary@
0x6772: Chat: we won't tell on them if they play Uncharted, right?
MilkInBags: ludwig's 50th attempt is spooky
saucemaster5000: what is scarier than western men raiding other countries in the name of capitalism?
Mister_BlueSky: Uncharted on the hardest difficulty... pretty spooky.
ghizmou: it's spooky how much I love it
Mr_Horrible: okay mr "I'm not scared of the Meat Wolves in Yahargul"
Duwani1: zombies, wendigo, the devil, and avarice
korvys: Minecraft has zombies
Makrosian_Tay: They'd have a better chance of pitching the new Tomb Raider games
Mr_Horrible: CoD Zombies actually fucks tho
Orxolon: LRR update Let's Nope changed it's name to Let's not adventure XD
Decaped: Pivot: The horror section of Outer Wilds would be cool to see on Let's Nope
Mr_Horrible: fun stuff
Mai_Andra: hehe... "duty"

MilkInBags: Stellaris has zombies
RealGamerCow: "Do I still get paid?"
Lobo_Apache: There be browncoats around
gualdhar: Call of Doodie? lolgotem
Kramburger: Minecraft has Zombies
saucemaster5000: sellaris also has nerds playing it
i have no survival instincts 

Mr_Horrible: "You're lucky there wasn't a round chambered"
Fanklok: Hey what day is April first this year?
Forlorgen: talking sim X Lets nope 6 hour stellaris stream
patrick_stonecrusher: Plants vs Zombies...? Hmmmm..?
ratprints: make em flinch
dumbo3k: Spore was a neat game
Kramburger: Playing Stellaris would activate the Cam
damn, only 80 bucks on steam 
tr3ewitch88: Zombies just aren't scary anymore.... we need deep sea monsters
MilkInBags: look, that's saucemaster
HadesLeprechaun: the second one is coming really soon, too
Mr_Horrible: Sony learned it's better to actually sell your games
Makrosian_Tay: Tbh I might re-buy and play this after this
goombalax: I guess that explains the Playstation ad
saucemaster5000: building has bad lumber support
Mai_Andra: eyes AND ears?
Makrosian_Tay: And stream myself crying the whole way through LULp

ItsThugDimmadome: Least it wasn't load bearing
MilkInBags: *stomp*
RealGamerCow: get stompin like you're listening to ska
loufghyslaufey: (sighs) liberate him
Mr_Horrible: "What if I just sat on the filing cabinet?"
saucemaster5000: nice shot

Orxolon: liberated!
he never....saw it coming 
loufghyslaufey: Like damn
Makrosian_Tay: Anybody know if TLoU 2 is on steam?
Decaped: Joel's a mouthbreather
Mr_Horrible: he's in a respirator you sillybilly
frank_the_great: If this was like The Wolf Among Us, Adam would have left his ass
Blakemcm: i cant breath with this dang mask on!
raulghoulia: Ben sounds like ancient reptillian brain
Pteraspidomorphi: What if he could be turned to the dark side?
Kramburger: Joel's a dad, he's just making dad noises
MilkInBags: sneak with your flashlight on
Kramburger: shhhhhhh
saucemaster5000: (sneaks up) tag you're it!
Kramburger: shhhhh now
TStodden: Waaa? No Segal Special?
ButButTheJesus: ♪ We got Death Star (Death Star Death Star Death Star) ♪
MilkInBags: personally, i wouldn't die from getting choked for 5 seconds, I'm different
shendaras: that seems very risky when bites would get you infected...
frank_the_great: Just like the bear in Skyrim!
Orxolon: zombies that breathe?
I'd advise not trying to 100% every enemy moment 
lochnessseammonster: gross sounds
WitchyTQ: chew with your mouth closed smh
Mr_Horrible: @MilkInBags well yeah but you wouldn't be infected in the first place, clearly
MilkInBags: adam, if you were infected, you wouldn't make any noise when feeding?
Orxolon: interesting
Kramburger: That dude died last year RIP
Blakemcm: my new coworker eats so goddam loud
Mr_Horrible: a succulent human meal?
They don't react to our flashlight? So we can't do the "hold your flashlight under your chin to make a scary face" trick? 
baltimore_667083: exactly tq
neisan2112: A succulant human meal?!
vinewood_og: A delicious human meal!?!?!
DaxStrife: A SUCCULENT American meal?!
KeytarCat: Yeah, the choking takes more like 15 seconds
ButButTheJesus: @WitchyTQ zombies so rude
loufghyslaufey: A break room at a community college kind of looked like this place
MilkInBags: it's the australian guy
MilkInBags: manifest destiny
Mr_Horrible: for eating a meal? A succulent chinese meal?
RealGamerCow: That man touched my...
Makrosian_Tay: So chat, at average pace, when do we get clicks?
ItsThugDimmadome: Serial dine and dasher being arrested.
Orxolon: never seen Democracy maanifest?

MilkInBags: get your hands off my penis! i see you know your judo well
Kramburger: It's a dude getting arrested in brisbane, cops here used to be heavy-handed
0x6772: That sort of choking out has nothing to do with "breath". That choke move stops blood flow in the carotid artery.
Diabore: he passed recently
Mr_Horrible: chalk up another one for Old Man Adam
MilkInBags: dude is funny
WitchyTQ: i think this chat should be on a slow mode so they have to think before the type
Kramburger: The Savipappy strikes again
vinewood_og: man was kind of a prophet with that quote
saucemaster5000: chalk up another smartass quip for Mr Horrible
CaptainSpam: Adam is merely gaming out of his mind, is all.
ItsThugDimmadome: Having Adam play "Spot the Fake Meme" would be a fun LRL bit.
WitchyTQ: put them in the corner
Mr_Horrible: honestly it's a good defense mechanism
MilkInBags: thinky stinky
Makrosian_Tay: TQ may be on to something
frank_the_great: Says Adam, who is actively not gaming
hieroglyphica: Look, being chronically online isn't enviable
Lobo_Apache: @WitchyTQ But I never think anyways
MilkInBags: ook ook
hieroglyphica: I am cursed
vinewood_og: NEVER!!!

Kramburger: Oook
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 there's not enough chalkboard in the world, dude
loufghyslaufey: All this "Democracy Manifest" sounding like Helldivers II
Juliamon: you really think that'd help TQ
gualdhar: I don't fuckin think about anything
frank_the_great: ook ook
MilkInBags: every sentence i type on twitch chat is funny
Juliamon: we can try it
saucemaster5000: I neer correct
saucemaster5000: never
Decaped: bummer, Democary Manifest dude died in August 2024
Decaped: zombies got him
MilkInBags: minorspellingmistake
Mr_Horrible: if it's one that annoys me I'll post an amendment
Kramburger: I might correct it if what I meant isn't clear
Lobo_Apache: I've never done anything worng
frank_the_great: Ive never made a misteak in my life
Thefluffiestguineapig: So confirmed Ben isn't a human?
YawnLance: Splish splash
Forlorgen: Bens the true riz god
Mr_Horrible: she does, apparently
loufghyslaufey: Democracy Manifest. Understood. Still can't play Helldiver 2 atm
ItsThugDimmadome: Wouldn't you be breathing in spores from on your clothes?
Kaaannaaa: every time
Mr_Horrible: W
dumbo3k: yeah, every single time
saucemaster5000: ew plants
loufghyslaufey: Probably for the best
Thefluffiestguineapig: More greenery please
raulghoulia: also no people
Decaped: You can do that now....if you don't have pets.
VeryBadLifeChoices: wasn't there an entire tv show focused on that?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also more accessible housing
hieroglyphica: Man it's the only thing I miss from covid
saucemaster5000: I'd make an idle game out of books
Mr_Horrible: hoop, stick, dirt road
they’re gonna get a stern letter from the HoA with all that overgrowth 
Forlorgen: Magic would still be around lol
ButButTheJesus: board games
Makrosian_Tay: @verybadlifechoices I remember that one! "Life after people"
KeytarCat: Apocalyptic Solarpunk
Kramburger: My 1y/o was just lying on my cat and he gave her the softest baps, he's so patient with her
Mollylele: you'd have to fight in the actual street
vinewood_og: "I'm not a perfect circle!"
Mr_Horrible: "But Beeeeeennnn, we gotta practice for regionals!"
DarknessKingCoH: Bugs everywhere, more so than they already are.
saucemaster5000: check out this mix! (hits the hoop)
NotCainNorAbel: one person's apocalypse is another person's paradise
lochnessseammonster: i'm gonna start calling knitting loop and stick
Cptasparagus: Benedict Cupandball is my favorite actor
7gorobei: hoop and stick regionals are coming up
Mr_Horrible: cupping ball night is an entirely different activity
YawnLance: Cup and Ball club being notably different than Cupping Ball club
Decaped: oh no, this is also a milkshake duck situation
Kramburger: do a backflip
Forlorgen: Post apocolyptic magic con
Mr_Horrible: he's pulled an Alan Wake
saucemaster5000: the future is now
tr3ewitch88: Om so confused 😅
VeryBadLifeChoices: it's too high to jump he scared
MrSarkhan: cool game

Forlorgen: trade rations for commons
gsyhiap: Perfect game.
Mollylele: floor's lava
Mr_Horrible: although Alan Wake let you get back down
Robot_Bones: Peak gaming
Orxolon: hahahaha

MilkInBags: steam refund
frank_the_great: I wish that you would step back from the ledge my friend
Thefluffiestguineapig: Never made a mistake Ben?
YawnLance: Tess we need uppies to get down
loufghyslaufey: #TheyLiveHereNow
dodge roll to freedom! 
DaxStrife: Can you dodge-roll out of it?
raulghoulia: emergent game play
hatboozeparty: Hardcore over
0x6772: Perfect game, no notes.
tr3ewitch88: Oh noooo
DaxStrife: That was a fast reload though.
Lobo_Apache: *That's* his first warning?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Benjamin
Fanklok: Joel wanted uppies
KeytarCat: See if it's repeatable!
saucemaster5000: cats learn faster
Mr_Horrible: he cannot deny his nature, Adam
Ben hears the call of the void. 
tr3ewitch88: 🤣🤣🤣🤣 ben
Orxolon: question is,can you reproduce it?
Mr_Horrible: the better kind of Gamer Moment
Mr_Horrible: tbh
Kramburger: @saucemaster5000 considering the way my cats insist on lying on the floor near my toddler, I disagree
frank_the_great: First of 1
Twitch won't let me send an all caps repeat of BENJAMIN apparently 
Orxolon: how many warnings do you need¿?
Mr_Horrible: Tess just watching like "...I trusted this man with a gun"
saucemaster5000: and only one kiss earned so far...
raulghoulia: that would be so freaking heavy
until today that “accidentally getting stuck on the boxes and having to reload from autosave” trick was thought to be TAS only 
gamercat88: let me smash
YawnLance: Ook ook good provider give plank
Kramburger: plank together strong

Mr_Horrible: her hands are full of splinters now
tr3ewitch88: She can handle it 🤣
Dragonality: not ook ook, oak oak.
Mr_Horrible: I would tho
MilkInBags: delicate twitch chatter hands
Mr_Horrible: I'd say exactly that
VeryBadLifeChoices: speaking as someone handling planks like that at work, damN she stronk
itira: your weak ass baby skin Mr Horrible
Kramburger: Tess doesn't have soft gamer hands
Mr_Horrible: in that exact inflection
7gorobei: tess has never skipped grip day
Kramburger: Jesus ben
saucemaster5000: ben what do you put in your hair
Akaiatana: My fingers qwerty-hurty
Mr_Horrible: man can't even roast me right
MacbethSeemsSus: Imagine complaining about a splinter in a zombie apocalypse
Forlorgen: JERGINS BEN its right there
Mr_Horrible: I deserve a better class of nemesis
MilkInBags: it's called a tuque
Dragonality: That had to hurt
saucemaster5000: they got good stuff
vinewood_og: I had to cancel pert plus. They kept raising the subscription price.
Orxolon: @Dragonality hahahahaha
YawnLance: All made from 100% bee
TheWriterAleph: not the beeeees
MilkInBags: just spit on your hands, fixes everything
dumbo3k: Mmm, Bee Vomit and Feces!
0x6772: Burt's Bees is good stuff.
Mr_Horrible: I've saved so many tubes of Bert's chapstick, yeah
DaxStrife: Honey 'n Shit Cheerios.
itira: @MilkInBags D:
ButButTheJesus: @vinewood_og heh
vinewood_og: Jorkins.
TheWriterAleph: straight jergen it
saucemaster5000: @MilkInBags don't you work in a hospital or some shit?
Kramburger: Ben's a gamer, he uses 4-in-one bodywash, shampoo, conditioner, and rash cream
MilkInBags: @saucemaster5000 that would make it way better but no
0x6772: It's not Tony Hawk, Ben.
Mr_Horrible: damn, he's him
how does that work? rub the honey in your hair then wait for ants to come and eat all the filth out your hair? 
Orxolon: this game's gonna explode XD
RealGamerCow: it's not as good as that game where they were making the movie and her head twisted all the way around
SnackPak_: toothpaste
superdude097: Face wash
hiFunko: Butt stuff
0x6772: The fourth thing is for jorking.
saucemaster5000: Australians can only count to three
MilkInBags: anti perspirant
Kramburger: adam
ghizmou: the irish spring 5 in 1 is also a great shower cleaner
Robot_Bones: and motoroil
frank_the_great: There's a secret 5th thing
Mr_Horrible: guys I don't think Adam understands counting...
MilkInBags: the shower is very pog
itira: ahah funny joke Adam
vinewood_og: Swass is real.
MilkInBags: yeah sorry adam this chat doesn't deserve you
YawnLance: doggies
gualdhar: we are enjoyment vampires
tr3ewitch88: That seems like a lot lol
Orxolon: i'm a when i wake up guy
Robot_Bones: showerchamp
Kramburger: don't know, why can't you count
ButButTheJesus: !listen
LRRbot: Chat? At this time of year?
Mr_Horrible: fun's illegal in the post-apocalypse, Streamer
Thefluffiestguineapig: Doggos!!!!!
hiFunko: Yeah but are you part of the armpits+crotch+everything else takes care of itself crew?
dumbo3k: WoW, they really didn't remaster those doggos
RampG4mes: hey are you guys going to magicon
the_walking: does twice a day dry out your skin?
Decaped: Dogs would be great in a zombie apocalypse
MilkInBags: hello neagan

Kramburger: Pits, tits, holes, and soles, the basic shower
lilbeezie259: Why are tickets the currency? Idk how explained that is, I've never gotten into TLOU
Diabore: damn how up is tess?
dumbo3k: @lilbeezie259 Ration cards/tickets
Thefluffiestguineapig: A loud one or silent crop dusting Ben?
Fanklok: Hey Adam, what's an antidiluvian?
Kramburger: FINALLY
ButButTheJesus: @Kramburger be free!
WiJohn: More of a super trowel
The_Timo: It's child sized,
itira: im backing Adam here
Mr_Horrible: gotta dig big ditches in the post-apocalypse, Ben
SnackPak_: I;m with Adam
superdude097: Adam's right
MilkInBags: ben, any shovel can have any size they want
Blakemcm: my wife says that shovel is fine
Mr_Horrible: nope, Adam's right
budgetjim: it is. it has the T handle
0x6772: That's either a trench shovel or a shovel whose haft broke off and was refashioned with a new handle.
tr3ewitch88: Snow shovel
loufghyslaufey: No, Am with Adam too.
hiFunko: that's OG shovel right there
Decaped: CLIP IT
dumbo3k: Look Ben, it's a grower not a shower
Diabore: if thats a normal shovel that hammer is fucking massive
drcthulu: what it's umpa loompa sized
frank_the_great: Ben is just really tall
Boon_33: it's a zombie shovel
MilkInBags: all sizes are valid
HedgehogKnight: Looks normal to me
0x6772: But trench shovels 100% exist.
DaxStrife: This is what peak shovel performance looks like.
UltraVioletVodoo: the shovel is fine
gualdhar: look shovels come in all shapes and sizes
RealGamerCow: That is a shovel that had the handle break and be replaced
OuchOuchYoureOnMyHair: Adam's right
ItsThugDimmadome: Yeah, shovel checks out.
TheAwkes: There are shovels of all lengths, Ben, and they're all beautiful!
VeryBadLifeChoices: I sell shovels and that's fucked up
UnkeptFlea: lots of post apocalyptic shovels look like that
gualdhar: nothing to be embarassed about
twistedsylvan: it's just cold in here
Kramburger: Sometimes you shovel just looks different
ItsThugDimmadome: Maybe it's just cold in that shed.
Mr_Horrible: seems an odd place for it, true
kimmibeans: I don't think that was garbage...
loufghyslaufey: "Adam hath spoken"
itira: Ben has a shovel complex
Fanklok: No one is going to shovel shame with you Ben
tr3ewitch88: Sorry ben I think it's just a shovel 🤣🤣🤣
MolaMolaphant: haft seems a bit small for a D-handle shovel, but that can happen if you're using it for a long time and re-set the head
saucemaster5000: that guy is john wick
lilbeezie259: @dumbo3k Aaaahhhh, got it. Thanks
KeytarCat: Garbage on the bike bc someone was going to take it somewhere and it kept piling up like my garbage does!
raulghoulia: are tickets fungible? can you pay with half a ticket?
Mr_Horrible: that's not very cash money of you, Adam
drcthulu: dug a hole
MilkInBags: @james_lrr show yourself
Diabore: !holes
LRRbot: Do you ever just think about holes?
Forlorgen: This chat is too shovel pilled
Orxolon: call him xD
loufghyslaufey: Excuse u, Ben
Kramburger: We're WHAT?
ButButTheJesus: its true I don't diggy diggy hole
saucemaster5000: sorry ben we aren't from a family of pirate treasure diggers
MacbethSeemsSus: Did someone mention Holes?
Mr_Horrible: well this looks suspiciously like a combat arena
Boon_33: mnnn beef.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Sometimes I wonder about why clothes are so dirty in post apocalypse stuff, in Medieval settings and Roman settings they didn't have white clothes but they washed their fucking clothes regularly
itira: my partner diggied holes for years. i think id know better
SnackPak_: blat blat
thatguysteve2709: It is not meant for digging deep holes it is a survival shovel ment for digging latrens
KeytarCat: is his name Smuggler or does he not get a name?
Thefluffiestguineapig: She's a dead eye

VeryBadLifeChoices: Tess knows how to escalate effectively
Fanklok: Ask Alex is he thinks it's a weird shovel
Diabore: you ready, she asks AFTER starting shit
raulghoulia: @KeytarCat Ol Smuggler Jones
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Fanklok Also ask Ian

Diabore: jesus thats some splatter
Kramburger: Zombie game, headshots only
Thefluffiestguineapig: We can have mono Yeet strats???
MilkInBags: !build
Boon_33: and beer bottles, bottle him!
Mister_BlueSky: Get absolutely bricked.
HadesLeprechaun: you don't get like, a lot of ammo, so you do end up doing a good amount of stealthing
Diabore: uh oh boosties
Robot_Bones: give uppies
Thefluffiestguineapig: Because you're taller
Crimall: Boostieeeeessss
dumbo3k: Cause she has the upper body strength to pull you up
itira: that command is broken Milk. Adams working on it

Juliamon: Thefluffiestguineapig I assume they just have "wash clothes" as the lowest priority, if the choice is "find food so you don't starve" or "wash a shirt" I think the first gets picked every time
lochnessseammonster: yeah
Makrosian_Tay: D A N G
0x6772: Yeah, just Joel, Ben. Just Joel.
tr3ewitch88: Tess definitely a top
Thefluffiestguineapig: Tess is a power top
tehfewl: rat could be a carrier
Orxolon: sorry for caps XD
Kramburger: Adam
gibbousm: you're too buff

ghizmou: you can't
Juliamon: You're way too large
0x6772: You are WAY too big.
MilkInBags: at best a twank
Decaped: too old too big too hairy
Crimall: Too hairy
Forlorgen: your a giant adam
drcthulu: no
tehfewl: twunk
saucemaster5000: we said he could be a twunk!!!!!
OuchOuchYoureOnMyHair: You are burly sir
loufghyslaufey: But why though?
RurouniGeo: Physically can't
itira: nope
lochnessseammonster: you're trying to be big!
hieroglyphica: You have generally too much hair
Boon_33: you can roleplay a twink
Diabore: wow theres a lot of waist high cover in this small arena
gualdhar: body shaming? in the gay community? it's more likely than you think
frank_the_great: Adam, you can be whatever you want to be
twistedsylvan: at worst you're a twunk
Kramburger: They're called otters Adam
loufghyslaufey: What even is that, twitch chat?
Forlorgen: your at best a otter
tr3ewitch88: Absolutely adam
hatboozeparty: You can be a Twunk
TheWriterAleph: twonk
hieroglyphica: It would have to be very well maintained, that's for sure
MilkInBags: from dessert to animal
Kramburger: Well...
ItsThugDimmadome: Twinks have 5 points of quality. Young, thin, hairless, care-free joie de vive, can't spell "joie de vive".
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Juliamon Oh absolutely, for me it's more the idea of if there is an infection as your biggest threat filth might be a second priority
TheAwkes: Also too old.
lochnessseammonster: twee twunk
hatboozeparty: Dinky Twinky
0x6772: You can be a twink if your partners all play basketball professionally, Adam.
frank_the_great: Hunk is old school
itira: uh oh twunkies
Fanklok: You have gray hair
xVoxtric: the last thing twinks get is respect
beneckja: There's a very good segment on one of the chackpoints baoutwhat qualifies as a twink
saucemaster5000: "check in the twunk" I think he means trunk
MacbethSeemsSus: How honest could you walk like that before your thighs give out.
ItsThugDimmadome: "TWUNK SMASH"
twinks have respect, 
ghizmou: twunk is the past tense of twink
MilkInBags: you're a silver otter twunk
Thefluffiestguineapig: Adam you can be a Kronk, like from Emperor's New Groove
loufghyslaufey: Otter- Twunk- what do these bits mean?
UnkeptFlea: twee twunks
betweenmyself: Look in the Twunk…
Crimall: Adam with the Bear energy
Orxolon: hahhahaha
0x6772: oh shit, clip time
vinewood_og: A smart mimbo? A Smimbo?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Crimall Adam is big time Kronk from Emperor's New Groove
TheAwkes: That's my secret, Cap. I'm always brat.
raulghoulia: lithe
hiFunko: otter is mid range
Juliamon: Thefluffiestguineapig That's why I appreciate Project Zomboid having different levels of bandage/clothing cleanliness and sanitizing
tehfewl: otter is smaller bear
Orxolon: slim
MilkInBags: twinks type on twitch chat with delicate hands
Crimall: @Thefluffiestguineapig Absolutely
frank_the_great: My favorite part of Twunk was when Twunk said "it's twunking time" and twunked all over the place
Akaiatana: Ral Zarek
Fanklok: Remember the only labels that matter are the ones you apply to yourself. You can call yourself a twink if you want to.
Otter implies a large degree of flexibility. 
saucemaster5000: this chat is twoke
Thefluffiestguineapig: Tess is so good
dumbo3k: See! Keys! This is a horror game!
LeokadiaBosko: Otters are hairy like bears, but thin
saucemaster5000: look to the yeast on the third day
raulghoulia: food is rare. starch everything
MacbethSeemsSus: Salt the earth, then starch it. We'll have our starter dough in no time.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Who is the fae trickster from Eldraine?
ghizmou: oko?
Thefluffiestguineapig: He has BIG twink energy
Thefluffiestguineapig: @ghizmou YES
Crimall: Use your wall hacks
Orxolon: ouch
MilkInBags: god shot him
SymphonySolstice: that guy's not coming home for dinner
tr3ewitch88: Put mashed potato flakes on the earth😅
frank_the_great: If I've leaned one thing from covid, it's that the apocalypse brings about a lot of bread lovers
Dalrint: this game is exhaustingly brutal. the first time I played it, I had to take breaks just to calm down.
MilkInBags: what kind of gun do you think god uses?
Juliamon: fingergun
Crimall: Kill a son of mine??? Ill kill a son of yours!!
saucemaster5000: do you think god only eats godiva chocolate?
frank_the_great: God is American
raulghoulia: god uses slappers and only headshots
MacbethSeemsSus: Approaches St Peter: I'd like to speak to the manager.
Juliamon: nah God has better taste than to waste time with Godiva
frank_the_great: Must have been rats
MilkInBags: i was an adventurer like you until i took a bottle to the nose
Orxolon: "curious,bottles are falling from the ceiling"
tr3ewitch88: Rain is just angels peeing
MilkInBags: joel has such great knees to walk like that
Fanklok: I saw Joel vent
Nigouki: what is this Naked Gun gag
MilkInBags: i would also approach my target if i had a gun

TheWriterAleph: GOTDAM

Crimall: Work my foot out of your FACE!!
saucemaster5000: negotiations are for quitters
MilkInBags: banned from twitch
RatherLargeToad: The Last of Us…Because We Snapped Everyone Else’s Necks
Decaped: I definitely forgot how much of a murderer Joel is
to be fair ben is controlling him 
Musical_Marauder subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 81 months!
Musical_Marauder: 81 months? 19 more and i think i may need back medicine
Thanks for subscribing, Musical_Marauder! (Today's storm count: 37)
frank_the_great: I wish more video games had a spare option tbh. Hate how Skyrim they'd just get back up
RedcoatsRevolt: Out here yanking our chains
Decaped: They really softened Joel in the TV show.
dumbo3k: Ben is yanking your chain
Diabore: oh its certainly not a new bit
Seth_Erickson subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 72 months!
Seth_Erickson: 72 months of the Nopesters
Thanks for subscribing, Seth_Erickson! (Today's storm count: 38)
raulghoulia: that's just Boston
Crimall: @dumbo3k Bah dum tss
SymphonySolstice: legally obligated not to hear gunshots
saucemaster5000: <message deleted>"boy they sure are doing a lot of fireworks over there!"
Diabore: BRICK
MilkInBags: normal day at work
thatguysteve2709: Got his ass
MilkInBags: "Steve is at it again"

Thefluffiestguineapig: @BusTed The TQ emotes continue to be so good
oh, not brick 
MacbethSeemsSus: @raulghoulia Perfectly normal Tuesday live fire practice
Thefluffiestguineapig: Brick: the ultimate weapon

Diabore: no i saw the med pack and thought it was brick
SymphonySolstice: Brichard!!!
hieroglyphica: I guess I'll get up and stretch my legs
Orxolon: Ben,show Adam the suculent chinese meal!
RedcoatsRevolt: Brick, where did you get that hand grenade?

Fanklok: But Adam ran ads at the 42 minute mark
Lobo_Apache: Don't brick that safe!

Lobo_Apache: 6/10 burp
0x6772: Thanks, Adam.
saucemaster5000: <message deleted>8/10
dumbo3k: okay adam
ButButTheJesus: ew
Diabore: secret podcast
0x6772: Going to the bathroom to burp harder?
raulghoulia: every time

Thefluffiestguineapig: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
Crimall: But burp
saucemaster5000: <message deleted>so about donkey ko-
Crimall: Butt**
gsyhiap: @0x6772 Much better reverb in there...
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Crimall Isn't a butt burp just a fart?
saucemaster5000: <message deleted>fart implies poo particles
tr3ewitch88: Can someone grab me a drink while you're up? No? Ok I'll get it
Crimall: @Thefluffiestguineapig there are nuances
Incandescent_Zubat: @saucemaster5000 what about donkey kong?
saucemaster5000: <message deleted>no zubat please! I was hoping chat would scroll past it!
saucemaster5000: <message deleted>you're gonna get me shot
Diabore: sorry saucemaster, rules are rules
saucemaster5000: <message deleted>uh.. quick what's everyone's favorit cookie?
LoadingReadyRun: *grabs brick*
Crimall: Choccy chip
LoadingReadyRun: *arcs brick*
MacbethSeemsSus: Run Sauce!
Diabore: BANG
noSmokeFire: oow
ItsThugDimmadome: We're not running back GBFV on Oki Oki?
0x6772: @gsyhiap Just double-clicked "ian.wav" on my desktop in commemoration.
Kramburger: WELP
Fanklok: Stand your ground Sauce
noSmokeFire: *pow
itira: damn
itira: i really wanted to talk about cookies
Fanklok: We can still talk about cookies
ItsThugDimmadome: Oatmeal Raisin gang in here?
itira: oo OK chat! whats your favorite cookies! ill take notes for sauce.
Crimall: Remember what Sauce said? Pepperidge farm remembers...
Dragonality: Yo, we talking about cookies?
NotCainNorAbel: My SO made homemade caramel delight cookies
Mister_BlueSky: White chocolate macadamia or cranberry orange cookies.
Fanklok: White chocolate macadamia
Makrosian_Tay: @notcainnorabel you hold onto that person! That's a good partner!
ButButTheJesus: I just had cookies from my Burger King order but they were kinda hard, don't recommend
kusinohki: about to say "nestle tollhouse pan cookies".... and now I want pan cookies...
SymphonySolstice: your first mistake was ordering cookies from burger king
hieroglyphica: Wow a lot happened while I was gone...
NotCainNorAbel: @Makrosian_Tay +20 years, they haven't figured out how to drop me yet
Dragonality: My mind went to Thin Mints, and I haven't had some in forever.
ButButTheJesus: @SymphonySolstice but I wanted cookie!
Fanklok: Is it weird that we as a culture will distill down an entire relationship based purely on what one if them bakes?
Crimall: Aussies in the chat, do you class Tim Tams as a cookie or a biscuit????
Makrosian_Tay: @notcainnorabel the foozies!
Mr_Horrible: itira honestly, with contemplation I gotta just say a soft chocolate chip or m&m cookie
kusinohki: "If you love someone, cook them tasty food" - tshirt a friend has...
Orxolon: yeeeeyyyy
Crimall: An aussie icon!!
ButButTheJesus: an knower

0x6772: Adam, you're one of Chat now.
Decaped: Milkshake duck alert.
Dragonality: One of us? Oh, I'm so sorry
Orxolon: "it seems you know your judo well sir"
enbycephalopod: Can I offer you a brick in these trying times
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Decaped I'm sorry, what?
saucemaster5000: for the record, my favorite cookies are nutter butters
NotCainNorAbel: OSHA would be there so fast
UnkeptFlea: oh long brick
Thefluffiestguineapig: DAMN
Orxolon: boink
tr3ewitch88: Fight Fight Fight
Thefluffiestguineapig: Joel's got a fucking arm on him
Decaped: @Thefluffiestguineapig Don't look into who the succulent chinese meal guy was if you want to keep enjoying the joke.

Crimall: Use your wall hacks to spread enemy cheeks
Thefluffiestguineapig: Plus whoever did that foley had so much fun with the brick impact noise
Cunobelenos: have you checked your butthole? skidapbadap
saucemaster5000: blaming the controller smh
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Decaped Same with the cookbook mentioned last night during Jackbox by Alex
Orxolon: *why can we be friends?why can we be friends?*song in the background
Mr_Horrible: there's a reason Tess rhymes with Best
Thefluffiestguineapig: Welcome back sauce! someone took notes on cookie preferences
MacbethSeemsSus: My knee!
tr3ewitch88: "Must have been a figment of my imagination "
Mr_Horrible: bro didn't maximize his Unarmed Strike
Mr_Horrible: is there auto-aim?
Orxolon: can they be looted for ammo?
Crimall: I always forget how terrible the pre-upgraded handguns are
saucemaster5000: LMAO
KeytarCat: My trick with controller is that I do fine aiming with the left stick
Mr_Horrible: "My one weakness, Old Milwaukee!"
SnackPak_: gottem
saucemaster5000: juggernaut coming in!
Orxolon: hahaaha
Decaped: Joel is a serial killer already.
Dragonality: Are we the bad guys?
frank_the_great: Have you considered that we're the real monsters?
tr3ewitch88: He did want none🤣
Mr_Horrible: Ben is just gonna be trying to moonwalk/shimmy Joel this this whole game
Pteraspidomorphi: Passing notes in class?
BusTed: Sometimes you gotta journal
frank_the_great: It's folded, so passed note?
Mr_Horrible: geez *Bob*
0x6772: Oh geez
0x6772: pause the game
Orxolon: i'm confused,why are Joel and Tess killing all these ppl?
violetblight: journaling method
itira: Adam please
Crimall: "do you think im cute?? O yes O no
Mr_Horrible: it's when I write in mah journal with mah AK brother KKona love Amurica
RealGamerCow: But there's no lines in the journal, just dots.
0x6772: Let's get all the links about bullet journeling up for Granddad Adam.
BusTed: free gun
Decaped: @Orxolon Joel and Tess's gang is in a turf war with their gang, basically
Kramburger: It's kinda like graph paper, Heath was big into them I think
frank_the_great: Pull an ol' Superman maneuver
Mr_Horrible: time to have a Hoely Joely Christmas
MacbethSeemsSus: "we just want to talk" after murdering 20 people.
Mr_Horrible: why bro look like Sean Penn?
7gorobei: is that bron from GoT?
tr3ewitch88: He didn't think that all the way through
patrick_stonecrusher: Nancy Karrigan
ItsThugDimmadome: "WHYYYYYY WHYYYY"
Mr_Horrible: "Me and the guns aren't really on speaking terms right now"
Dragonality: Betting on horses is probably why he's in debt
Mr_Horrible: "At how much I owed the Fireflies"
ayir: 10 million Fireflies? yeah I probably WOULDNT believe my eyes
virgil82: Reminder that Joel is not a good person.
ghizmou: is this what they call the money shot?
Pteraspidomorphi: Just a few, kept in a jar... jar... jar...
HadesLeprechaun: yeah I've gotten shot before, covid, flu, tetanus
0x6772: No no, Ben's been behind the shoulder of somebody who's been shot in the head.
Crimall: Ben knows the angle because he did the shooting
UnusuallyLargeMoth subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 78 months!
Thanks for subscribing, UnusuallyLargeMoth! (Today's storm count: 39)
Fanklok: Ben hears gunshots on the regular
varmintx0: bye, Robert
Mister_BlueSky: Joelver?
tr3ewitch88: Bricks are better 😅
Mr_Horrible: there's no fish, but there's Joel
ButButTheJesus: @Mister_BlueSky thank you
patrick_stonecrusher: Too spoopy for serge
Mr_Horrible: his heart wasn't in that one
Mr_Horrible: yes but the real monster is mankind
Kramburger: They're not gorey though
NotCainNorAbel: their cuddling
Cptasparagus: theyre roommates
Mr_Horrible: that makes it a national treasure, Ben
noSmokeFire: serge famously made a people grinder and named it after adam
Mr_Horrible: immersion ruined
SnackPak_: Adam Lavadan
frank_the_great: I'd be honored
Kramburger: Is that like James Burner?
saucemaster5000: adam doesn't grind people, you lock in and feel the Gs
because you view us chatters as chattel 
DistractedMOSFET: adam hardly mince-meats enough people to deserve this

itira: no one said Serge was good at naming things (Kevin)
he's playing minecraft and you expect better? 
WitchyTQ: did i hear my name? im doing finances
WitchyTQ: cool

saucemaster5000: minecraft is the oatmeal cookie of video games

Juliamon: look, the villagers each had one job, and if they couldn't do it then it's perfectly fine to yeet them into the lava
MrSarkhan: oatmeal raisons are great!
itira: shes already not listening im sure of it
neisan2112: Fuck yeah Ben
gamercat88: cowboy cookies all the way
ItsThugDimmadome: HELL YEAH BEN
Mr_Horrible: in that it's never really bad but you don't want it all the time
saucemaster5000: oatmeal is good, structural and no one really hates it yeah
ghizmou: I like those big ass oatmeal cookies from cafeterias
Lobo_Apache: what about oatmeal coconut chocochip?
violetblight: i hate it
TheWriterAleph: i like non-oatmeal raisin cookies
lochnessseammonster: i like oatmeal raisin if the raisins are chocolate chips and the oatmeal is coconut
Juliamon: Oatmeal pie cookies were goated
tr3ewitch88: Try oatmeal cranberry
saucemaster5000: @violetblight damn it vi
tehfewl: 5mins
WiJohn: Not long for a blood choke
0x6772: Well, it happend on the NYC subway a couple years ago.
DistractedMOSFET: you can make someone black out very fast at least
omniep1c: under a minute for permanent brain damage
violetblight: eh probably a few minutes
Boon_33: KO in 3-15 secs, head in 2-5 mins
Mister_BlueSky: I'm not googling that, thanks. My FBI agent would not be happy.
Lobo_Apache: most people can survive several minutes of being choked
0x6772: Three minutes or so, as I recall.
ItsThugDimmadome: Blood choke is like 10 sec I believe
saucemaster5000 gifted a Tier 1 sub to violetblight! They have given 62 Gift Subs in the channel!
violetblight: but like you could do damage pretty easily
MacbethSeemsSus: You can go several minutes without breathing so longer than that
Thanks for subscribing, violetblight! (Today's storm count: 40)
gamercat88: i have a 5th amendement right not to answer that question
Boon_33: *dead
hieroglyphica: I don't want to know
UnkeptFlea: like 3-5 business days
saucemaster5000: get rekked
frank_the_great: Got their asses
gibbousm: about 9 second for a proper chokehold to knock someone out.
Akaiatana: I mean, there are two people on stream, you could do science
Mr_Horrible: no, Adam, they just fell down a wikipedia hole!
violetblight: man i know that bc of a dr doom comic it aint me
Mr_Horrible: they're innocent!
ItsThugDimmadome: I just like watching jiujistu vids officer.
violetblight: ty sauce
0x6772: This is a not quiet news story, Adam.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeah, martial arts are powerful
NotCainNorAbel: your brain like O2
Boon_33: the blood flow loss can KO somone in a few secs, 3-15
tehfewl: blood chokes are Very effective
dumbo3k: Choke Holds aren't suffocating you, they are stopping blood flow to the brain. No blood, no thinky-thinky
0x6772: The white ex-marine who killed a Black street performer on the NYC subway because he was being loud.
hieroglyphica: Yeah, lack of air wouldn't do it but I need that blood flow, you know?
ButButTheJesus: @dumbo3k huh, TIL
Mr_Horrible: "Ow! I didn't know we were fighting for real, you jerk!"
OmnipotentTrevor: Yeah me and my friends were dumb kids who would knock each other out with choke holds. It really is just a couple seconds to pass out.
ItsThugDimmadome: My cousin told me it takes about 4lbs of strike force to bend an elbow back. He's a nurse and amrital artist.
0x6772: He was "exonerated" shortly before the recent US Presidential election. Shockingly.
Nigouki: there were a bunch of "cool kids" in my high school that thought it was cool to apply pressure to each others necks until someone passed out and then laughed at the confusion when they came back to. high school was stupid
Mr_Horrible: it's a good game, just got a little poisoned by its own hype
MacbethSeemsSus: Cook the brick
HadesLeprechaun: the pro play is 'hit with brick to stun, then run and punch as followup'
lochnessseammonster: he's winding YOU up ben
Juliamon: kids love that permanent brain damage shit
Mr_Horrible: Adam like "Whaddya mean 'would'? I've done that like 3 times."
hieroglyphica: Wow these comments here are making me SO glad I didn't go to high school
Thefluffiestguineapig: @0x6772 I am unsurprised and also sad
ayir: Joel "Magic Hands"
ItsThugDimmadome: "aaaayyyyyy badabing"
ButButTheJesus: whater thoooose
0x6772: @Thefluffiestguineapig Don't look too closely, he'll get a cabinet position soon.
patrick_stonecrusher: Loading screens
Mr_Horrible: cool switchblade, kid
RealGamerCow: Git on up is one of the most Texan things he's said in this game
s1ck1y: oh shit you guys are playing dad simulator
ItsThugDimmadome: Is this still the OG voice overs?
saucemaster5000: god of big snore
violetblight: no that ones called dad of boy
ButButTheJesus: @s1ck1y hewwo, sad dad time
RealGamerCow: the first was was an all timer
Decaped: Better game: sure, Better dad, no.
violetblight: adam have you been able to play ragnarok yet?
Mr_Horrible: the old ones are definitely of their time, but they're still very fun
literally your going live music 
0x6772: I think God of War counts as a horror game. Play it on this stream!
MichaelSnowbird: He called us Smart
Mister_BlueSky: Start throwing bricks?
Lobo_Apache: would you prefer us to be dumbasses?
raulghoulia: adam called us smart
Thefluffiestguineapig: @0x6772 I know, there's a reason I'm powering through getting as many veterinary skills as possible as fast as possible. i want to outweigh my high scovil neurospiciness and genetic issues with good skills so I'm less of a target
saucemaster5000: I do like god of war 1-3. The remake can drink my...
tr3ewitch88: Just remember children are our future.... what a sweet girl 🤣
HadesLeprechaun: I think the old ones are more fun to -play-, but the writing in the new ones are waaaay better
violetblight: god of war 2018 is about the horror of family trauma
Thefluffiestguineapig: All of chat is smart for now!
tehfewl: this game kinda hits different now that i have a niece named Ellie
Dragonality: God of War has zombies, just sayin
Some creatures in God of War are spoopy...right?? We could play it 
ayir: I like to exist in the juxtaposition of Dumbass and Smartass
ItsThugDimmadome: Cut it down the middle and call us smart marks?
saucemaster5000: I heard it
0x6772: @Thefluffiestguineapig I think we agree, but also I think this is the wrong forum to go too much further into it. I'm glad you've got a focus, though!
HadesLeprechaun: you go to literal hell like, 4 times
Dragonality: Loud and clear
Mister_BlueSky: Would watch.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @0x6772 Absolutely! But good thoughts
Nigouki: God of War got creepy and violent aspects to it, that's basically 90% of horror game formula
MichaelSnowbird: Wheeler does that
frank_the_great: Now presenting: Let's
Dragonality: Yeah! Own it!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Reference Bloodbourne
ItsThugDimmadome: How bout next week?
raulghoulia: Games for Babies
NarishmaReborn: we would watch that
shendaras: but can you throw a brick at her?
0x6772: Definitely cap Ellie. See what happens.
DaxStrife: Ah, the return of Adam's Gamehaus?
omdorastrix: What IF: This is the game Ben and Adam want to play?
Mario Kart has Dry Bones and Boo, so they should be fine right 
TheAwkes: Just need one of us to be smart once and we all get to feel smart until one of us is un-smart.
0x6772: You've got a recent save oint.
Mr_Horrible: more like subtractductors amirite gamers?
saucemaster5000: damn it horrible I was figuring that on eout!
ItsThugDimmadome: Knew a guy who called that the "No Machine"
Adam + Ben: Play it Forward? 
mrjujubeans: gotta stop abducting people Adam!
Cptasparagus: your dad ducts are sore?
Mr_Horrible: "Ellie, rule number 1: don't interrupt the moonwalk"
frank_the_great: Ben's Gamehause
Mr_Horrible: those ducts are where puns come from
need some abduct tape? 
0x6772: @Thefluffiestguineapig 👍
Mai_Andra: "only I get to moonwalk"
Mr_Horrible: the walk of the moon, the dance of my people
RealGamerCow: dumpsters are SO heavy
s1ck1y: joel truly isn't the stepdad, he's the dad that stepped up
Mr_Horrible: Ben just loves player agency
TheAwkes: What is this, Hollow Body?!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Mr_Horrible Are you one of the Inhumans?
ANeMzero: you want me to believe the dumpster wheels that never ran that smooth when the world hadn't fallen apart have suddenly become properly lubricated in the apocalypse
Mr_Horrible: @Thefluffiestguineapig if I was blackbolt you'd all be fucked, I'm Yapper Supreme over here
saucemaster5000: goldlewis helps brisket through her stuff, #1 dad energy
also he's not asking 
Mr_Horrible: true
0x6772: Good talk!
saucemaster5000: you're blackbolt in multiverse of madess
saucemaster5000: be warned
tr3ewitch88: GOOD
Mr_Horrible: they have drink powders for that now, Joel
Mr_Horrible: unless those were lost in the apocalypse
Dragonality: One poop is negotiable
RealGamerCow: wait what happened to Tess?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Mr Horrible in that universe your wife can also bind your mouth eternally with her hair
Mr_Horrible: the Eeper
saucemaster5000: Whoever says they are a one shot coiler is a lie -- you give two shits
Mister_BlueSky: Just needs to have a hat to put over his face.
ANeMzero: I am not sure if I don't give two shits is caring more or less than not giving a shit.
Cptasparagus: its hard to hear ellie as a child when I know its a like 29 year old Ashley Johnson
SymphonySolstice: time for some snork mimimimi
itira: he was laying on that backpack??

Decaped: God, I despise Joel
Mr_Horrible: @Cptasparagus I think she does a pretty good "teen kid" tbh
lochnessseammonster: someone said i don't give a shit and the other person tried to one up them with i don't give TWO shits
chanterelleton: Cool game! Cool to get to watch y'all play it
Mr_Horrible: "it sucks out loud, Ellie"
ButButTheJesus: @Cptasparagus oh right, one in a million chance but anyone else remember Phenom from mid 90's? it was like 1 season
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Decaped It is hard when everyone around Joel is so awesome
Kramburger: TBF, Joel's not in a good place right now
frank_the_great: Good for them
tehfewl: its true
ayir: just in public??? get a room!
YawnLance: Sounds messy
Mr_Horrible: "Clickers? No no, they're called *Dickers*."
Cptasparagus: @Mr_Horrible yeah when I first played it before I got into critical role it was easy to believe, but now I just hear Fearne lol
0x6772: @Kramburger Oh yeah, he's *still* nursing a hangover too!
ayir: good one Adam
Mai_Andra: but we *just* turned lit this lamp...
@Cptasparagus ah, fair 
patrick_stonecrusher: Drop and give me 12
gamercat88: narina
YawnLance: Gamers love secret doors
Mr_Horrible: look someone thought it was cool
Mr_Horrible: c'mon DBD Player
0x6772: Pull it harder, Ben.
Blakemcm: 3 pump chump
Dragonality: What else are bookshelves for? I'm hiding like 3 holes in MY house right now.
Mr_Horrible: "I'm the daughter of a large wig, yes"
0x6772: @Dragonality The real tech is hiding things inside objects *on* the bookshelves.
ghizmou: anyone seen the latest canadian ad to get kids moving?
tr3ewitch88: Everyone expects the Spanish inquisition?
0x6772: You can fit so many drugs in there. It's where I keep my ibuprofin.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Is Ellie modeled on Elliot Page?
RealGamerCow: thats some good rain noise
Mr_Horrible: "Sir there's some dumbass poking his head outta the sewer over there"
ItsThugDimmadome: @ghizmou Is it better than "Get Your Rear In Gear?"
Mr_Horrible: it's got zombies in it
Nigouki: it's a post-apocalyptic game!
Cptasparagus: BOTW2 is scarier

violetblight: you wake up 100 years in the future, thats horror
snowyowlly: the sequels have kinda zombies
Mister_BlueSky: True though.
0x6772: Chat: Breath of the Wild counts. Don't tell Graham.
Mr_Horrible: don't get too clever you'll both pass out
ANeMzero: @Thefluffiestguineapig She is vaguely modelled after Ashley Johnson
NeoGabi: Everything is a horror game if your anxiety is bad enough! =P
ghizmou: @ItsThugDimmadome oh yeah, it's called fill your holes
memory loss hooray 
Thefluffiestguineapig: @ANeMzero That also makes sense
dingo94200 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 26 months!
Thanks for subscribing, dingo94200! (Today's storm count: 41)

MacbethSeemsSus: Rip Ramirez
0x6772: You still that soldier, Adam?
ItsThugDimmadome: @ghizmou W H A A A A A A A T
Mr_Horrible: soldiers getting shot in the side of the head count: 2
VeryBadLifeChoices: you started the stabbing, girl!
Boon_33: technology has never failed us in this apocalypse !
NoxStryx: My nightime black and white on my screen just kicked on and this looks pretty good as a black and white film
Orxolon: oooohhhh i seee,Ellie is the last of us
Mr_Horrible: uh oh, stinky
0x6772: Yeah, that's def how she'll be remembered.
omdorastrix: Night mode on android yeah
circusofkirkus: "I don't see color after 9pm"
Evil_John_Cena: hello everyone
i see less blue at night 
Mr_Horrible: it's the 4 Swords prison yard all over again
Lobo_Apache: That's COmmander Shepard and this must be her favorite hole in the Citadel
Thefluffiestguineapig: To help your brain wind down
InconsiderateHat: Oh yeah my phone does that too
gamercat88: too real
Cptasparagus: too late
ButButTheJesus: ohhh
vinewood_og: Too soon.
ANeMzero: White light has blue light in it Ben.
violetblight: oh its like death stranding
Mr_Horrible: The Least of Us
Orxolon: really?
NoxStryx: After 10, yeah helps me wind down
ghizmou: @ItsThugDimmadome I'll post it on the discord
0x6772: As a US resident: bring it.
korvys: topical
brainbosh: Yeah every other country is still fine
loufghyslaufey: (hisses)
Boon_33: turns out countries with socialized healthcare were fine with Zombies.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @0x6772 Honestly please
loufghyslaufey: I almost always anticipated that though, Adam.
Mr_Horrible: IDK if they ever elaborate?
ANeMzero: Everyone else is fine and having a big party without the US.
they use zombies as manual labor, they're fine 
Decaped: depends on if you count the TV show
Mr_Horrible: the opening at least was talking about in the US
Cptasparagus: everywhere except new zealand
0x6772: I don't recall that LOU ever goes into detail about other locales.
Nigouki: i mean, we have our own experience of pandemics at this point....
korvys: It's probably just this one town
the US is the world, Ben 
korvys: Everyone else is fine
ButButTheJesus: everyone else is just watching. waiting.
loufghyslaufey: Well, it wouldn't phase me if it wasn't worldwide tbh
that's why Texas fell so fast 
tr3ewitch88: Yes pandemics are usually worldwide
shushu2539: they're lucky its keep raining through the whole scape
Orxolon: 2020
brainbosh: the "pan" part lol
loufghyslaufey: I don't buy it either
Orxolon: xD
NoxStryx: A zombie move where ONLY the US got infected and canada and mexico have like huge walls to block it out would be kinda cool
Kramburger: All those americans who have specced hard into guns are going t have a rough time when their food runs out
0x6772: Chat, Adam knows what "pandemic" means.
Evil_John_Cena: @Kramburger next pandemic, trust
Nigouki: Ben that's psycho murder hours
0x6772: Ben, it takes more like 4:30am in Philly for that.
ANeMzero: Same feeling as walking around on Christmas
Mr_Horrible: 1 in the morning is Mapping Time
Thefluffiestguineapig: 3am is the witching hour right?
RealGamerCow: I walked 10 miles home from a friend's house starting at 11PM and it was weird.
lochnessseammonster: gross
0x6772: And even then the nightowl bus still rolls by.
lochnessseammonster: i would never
CaptinOfBeez: I was driving on the interstate when everything in the US started shutting down and there were the DOT signs all over the highways saying "Stay home" " Do not travel" etc.... very creepy
lochnessseammonster: if i can help it
Thefluffiestguineapig: I go to the barn in the mornings
mrjujubeans: I used to have to work at 3am
Bruceski: My hometown evacuated due to a fire decades ago, and we were some of the last ones out. Driving through a town that's not empty because everyone's at work but because everyont's just *gone* is eerie.
itira: yep 3am for coffee shop workers
loufghyslaufey: (sputters) not the abandoned office desk wasting away outside
ItsThugDimmadome: Night gym is also good.
RealGamerCow: Joel's the dumbass in hockey who punches someone in the helmet
Mr_Horrible: SLASH!
hieroglyphica: I work at 7:30, so my ass is up at 6 for dog walks. I recommend early morning dog walks, everyone is friendly and it's quiet
BusTed: quick, behind this chest-high wall!
0x6772: @Thefluffiestguineapig Growing up, I convinced myself that 11:11 (pm) was "the witching hour" because of the digit repetition on digital clocks. (I have no further defense of this position.)
Fanklok: Good thing no one decided to radio in
Dragonality: I only played part of this years ago, was there a 'see through walls' mechanic?
korvys: Do you have health or is it one of those "catch your breath" games
Mr_Horrible: leave one alive, to tell the story
korvys: Cartographer
Thefluffiestguineapig: IE a geographer?


loufghyslaufey: Or is it scrapping?
Mister_BlueSky: Folding the map back up, that's the real challenge.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ben??????

Fanklok: Well yeah you don't just look at a map, you need more tools
MacbethSeemsSus: All joking aside, most people would be screwed with just an elevation map.
NarishmaReborn: nah, we millenials we had to read our printed out mapquests
Mr_Horrible: at least he's honest
0x6772: oh dear i can't breath
violetblight: wait you were being funny

enbycephalopod: Just remember, latitude is FLATitude
Lobo_Apache: We've had your back this entire chat though
Mr_Horrible: it's telling you to shake what your momma gave you
violetblight: adam youre only a martyr if other people remember you
Nickiatori: new idea for a live prerecord, yall go orienteering
Kramburger: Ben's too young to rememberpaper street maps
raulghoulia: we had your back with the shovel
shushu2539: to read a map maybe
omniep1c: i thought you were only a martyr if u died
Mister_BlueSky: Triple A game btw.
Fanklok: Yeah Ben is the bad guy this time
Orxolon: i cannot find anywhere if it is the last of us pronoun or the last of United States
Thefluffiestguineapig: Adam we have had your back this stream
frank_the_great: I'll never forget you, Allen
itira: ooooooooooo
Nigouki: gonna remember your feet
gamercat88: damn nice one
0x6772: @Kramburger I recently learned that (US) AAA will still actually give you TripTiks.

violetblight: damb fair point
ItsThugDimmadome: GOT EM

Fanklok: Yo who was the one soldier guy voiced by? It was so familiar
ButButTheJesus: heyoooo
rosesmcgee: Who won't remember the legendary Alan Slamajam?

ItsThugDimmadome: Adam Shoresey Arc
thatguysteve2709: Adam is going to go down in the annals of history as the largest twink
DistractedMOSFET: my mum doesn't remember many client's names, sorry
she actually will 
violetblight: i got nothing for that
Mr_Horrible: and he says he never bullies us
betweenmyself: seems to me Adam would be great at orienteering… He has a high vantage point on his surroundings by just standing there.
NotCainNorAbel: Joel' the klepto
0x6772: B I G TWINK.
Nigouki: become a twink by eating all the other twinks
lochnessseammonster: twinks cannot crush watermelons
SnackPak_: wooow
gundamschwing: The Incredible Twulk
couchboyj: Big twink energy
Fanklok: Oh it's teasing when Adam dies it
loufghyslaufey: @fanklok do we have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down?
Thefluffiestguineapig: One of the good points Yahtzee made was that "the last of us" isn't referring to humans because there is so many of them
Mr_Horrible: actual lol on that one
circusofkirkus: yes sir mr seabats sir
thatguysteve2709: 2 floor flinching

thatguysteve2709: For

0x6772: Adam is the bully instigator.
Mr_Horrible: Adam is a sidearm for everyone's partner
korvys: Beej and Heather?
violetblight: ok but thats so real, i do this with friends so much
tr3ewitch88: Adam can be whatever he wants 😅🤣
Nickiatori: do you and Kathleen bully G?
Adam is the 
DistractedMOSFET: it's hilarious if the fight goes on long enough that you can manage to sneakily change sides
Dragonality: Adam not bully, simply accomplice
Cptasparagus: @korvys adam and Beej are blood brothers
circusofkirkus: what a metaphor
7gorobei: Adam is the catalyst
Fanklok: Scout rifle?
0x6772: Yeah, let's get picky about loadouts in this context, Ben.
Dragonality: Adam the Needler?
Thefluffiestguineapig: That's just the survival move
rosesmcgee: Adam is the Unreal Tournament Shock Rifle combo
ItsThugDimmadome: "Heather, what did Beej say now?"
gibbousm: Remember, Heather is always right
tr3ewitch88: Adam is that 1 friend that brought the duct tape
Dragonality: For exposition, yes

Ben like "the pixels

Nigouki: hahahaha
violetblight: LMAOOOOOO
shushu2539: what is out there?

Thefluffiestguineapig: Wait, Ben are you not getting the injections due to stubbornness?????????
Hey Kids hope the stream has been going well.
50 Bits!
Mr_Horrible: true tho

mrjujubeans: she told on you?! :0
circusofkirkus: don't make deals with terrorists and your significant other is a terrorist
Dragonality: Sup
Mr_Horrible: we're going great
Thefluffiestguineapig: I can't get them due to US insurance BS and I want them so bad

itira: look booking appointment anxiety is a real thing
0x6772: Nah, Ben, we're always the Problem.
Thefluffiestguineapig: I'm studying and this is my break
Mr_Horrible: "So this weather, huh?"
korvys: What's the timeline here - how long after the start is this?
mrjujubeans: so, what’s your favorite color?
NotCainNorAbel: does it look safe kid?
Mr_Horrible: @korvys you mean in game or, like, since they started playing?
korvys: No, in the game
frank_the_great: !updog
The stream has been live for 15:25:24. 
SnackPak_: smartass
violetblight: its been 20 years
Mr_Horrible: 20 years since shit hit the fan
gibbousm: 20 years post click
korvys: Yes
Mr_Horrible: yes
Fanklok: Ben also spends a d3cent chunk of time running around in circles
Mr_Horrible: it's called reciprocity, streamer
0x6772: You're my Grok, Adam.
frank_the_great: Google gives AI answers now, you're all we've got
0x6772: oh good grief
itira: >.>
BusTed: 😬

0x6772: I'll try to avoid it?
Fanklok: It's a coding term for understanding things
Kaaannaaa: can't promise anything
Juliamon: Grok is what Musk named his AI shit
Mr_Horrible: a real teeth-drier, that one
0x6772: I also don't ask Grok for advice, was the point.
letsbelgo: comes from aa programming termm
Bruceski: Grok is slang from a weird sci-fi book that nerds pretend isn't all sorts of weird and messed up.
NarishmaReborn: it's a heinlein term that has been coopted by douchebags
itira: @Juliamon ew D:
violetblight: well its a word for understanding that came from sci-fi, but more importantly its the twitter AI
Mr_Horrible: yeah it's the dumbass twitter version of chatGPT, which means it's dumb squared
tr3ewitch88: Mmmm
OmnipotentTrevor: Hey, you were admiring the sideways building, and now you're in the sideways building!
shendaras: grok, from stranger in a strange land, iirc

NeoGabi: Zombies? In my zombie apocalypse?
Mr_Horrible: I get it
Fanklok: Seabats
Boon_33: Somebody should do something about these: zombies.
Mister_BlueSky: Good... joke?
korvys: Crafting, like Minecraft
Nigouki: Shiv Master? You mean Palpatine?
rosesmcgee: Merit badge?
Adam did I ever tell you about the time I saw a plaque at the zoo that said "Look up to see bats!" and I was like "Yeah, I guess I do" 
Nickiatori: its a survival game from the 2010s of course it has crafting and skills
couchboyj: Gitten shivvy with it (sha na na na na na)
BusTed: @Mr_Horrible aww
LadyEarlGreyWarden subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 59 months, currently on a 59 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, LadyEarlGreyWarden! (Today's storm count: 42)
Mai_Andra: I would simply carry 99 of everything, just in case.
Mr_Horrible: I have the picture saved somewhere
Boon_33: pop pop!
MWGNZ: perfect stealth
mrbuzzfuzz: cant wait to see what they do with last of us 3
NeoGabi: Unsightly
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh no my health!
Mai_Andra: "Fool of a Took!"
Mr_Horrible: real Pippin Took hours
Orxolon: zombos are plants?i thought they were against each other!
fcloud: hard hittin' new-brickin'
Mister_BlueSky: That was a perfectly good brick.
Nickiatori: new brick just dropped
drcthulu: it's kobe time
mrbuzzfuzz: love a good brickjob
Dragonality: Is the window single?
0x6772: "new brick dropped" actually is not a good sign in any urban environment
NeoGabi: @Orxolon They're mushrooms, that's not the same as plants.
Kaaannaaa: but for the content
Mr_Horrible: Adam's on the *content's* team
0x6772: Gotta fail to learn, Ben.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Sometimes it's funny for the content
kimmibeans: I'm an only vhilc
@0x6772 it can be healthy if ur constipated 
VeryBadLifeChoices: always on the team of dramatic irony
Mr_Horrible: why is he making the mama mia hands while saying this?
circusofkirkus: in fact I hope you get more cocky
Fanklok: Damn, Adam is such a Dark Angel
kimmibeans: I'm an only child, so I'll just assume Adam is correct

0x6772: @fcloud oof?
he says with the straightest face 
mrbuzzfuzz: lololol
BusTed: oh, yeah yeah
Orxolon: @NeoGabi myconids xD
Mr_Horrible: "uh, samesies"
Makrosian_Tay: "I hope you never become humbled" is a top tier compliment
7gorobei: herbris
Nickiatori: you guys have big oldest and middle sibling energy
ButButTheJesus: uh yeah yeah
tr3ewitch88: I have a brother... can confirm what Adam said 😅
NeoGabi: @Orxolon Exactly
fcloud: a little liturgical humor for my catholic homies BillyApprove

Mr_Horrible: Adam's older, because he doesn't know memes
Darleysam: oh I mentioned it on Adam's discord, but I found a priest who DJs from his church on Twitch the other day
Mr_Horrible: and Ben is younger because he's got gremlin energy
gamercat88: second first child in my fam
Mr_Horrible: WOW
That's amazing
Thefluffiestguineapig: I'm the oldest of two in my family
Darleysam: @Thefluffiestguineapig I was so happy it's a thing
Mr_Horrible: @Darleysam baptism stream real?????

RealGamerCow: is he single?

Mister_BlueSky: Are they single?
tr3ewitch88: Yay I'm da baby and the girl....I'm so spoiled 😅
rosesmcgee: God's a snitch?
Darleysam: I didn't see baptisms mentioned as a redeem, sadly
MacbethSeemsSus: Patch notes
BrowneePointz: wow I am NOT awake
Dragonality: God like: Like, Share, and Subscribe
Mr_Horrible: "These Canadians stole my idea!" - that priest watching the AW2 streams
0x6772: I mean, God wrote a pretty long coupla books alreaedy.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @BrowneePointz I just did a small spit take luckily missing my computer
@Mr_Horrible funnily enough, he's also Canadian 

SnackPak_: you bully
“you tryin to hit that?” 
ButButTheJesus: you're doing great
0x6772: God on social media, trying to get people to buy the Amazon ebook of the Bible.
BrowneePointz: I hope it eats the shit of Ben
gamercat88: a Canadian priest DJ
NeoGabi: LMAO
BrowneePointz: let the hubris flow
Mr_Horrible: can this actually do enough damage to kill?
Nickiatori: bulliying the zombie solidifies ben as the older sibling of you two
hieroglyphica: I love how they walk
violetblight: zombies are pretty low on the fuckable monster list tbh
Mr_Horrible: "She let me hit cuz I'm stealthy"
BrowneePointz: that's a woman
violetblight: like, rotting flesh is a big no for me
Thefluffiestguineapig: The sound design is great and also it's very upsetting
0x6772: That's an eating disorder, Adam.
enbycephalopod: that was a woman
Dragonality: Twink by way of Nurgle, maybe
tehfewl: thats a mushroom zombie
Mister_BlueSky: That's a clicker.
Makrosian_Tay: @thefluffiestguineapig real
LeokadiaBosko: It is very much not genderless
Mr_Horrible: IDK the nomenclature but I usually see it referring to men
violetblight: LOL
violetblight: real tho
NeoGabi: New Unit just dropped: Twinks of Nurgle
theHazeSystem: imho Tracer from overwatch is a twink
violetblight: bro i got a girlfriend i aint got time for twink discourse
ayir: LOL
BrowneePointz: Adam is closer to a Wolf
Nigouki: Ben stopped updating his relationship resume
violetblight: nah bear beats gorilla
mrbuzzfuzz: Ben's a good bear :3
tehfewl: yeah the big thing now is poly dog girls
drcthulu: Be a Harambe
circusofkirkus: Adam, the world's first giraffe
BrowneePointz: or a really buff Otter
itira: Giraffe vtuber when
Thefluffiestguineapig: As someone who enjoys both genders, yes there can be women twinks
0x6772: How has the giraffe fan art not yet arrived?
(Bear bear bear bear!)
Nickiatori: be the animal you want to see inthe world
gamercat88: he wants to twinkle
Fanklok: Now he's on his giraffe thing again
ItsThugDimmadome: Get cultivating mass Adam
ayir: "Im not a twink im a Giraffe!"
Mr_Horrible: man's never found a hill before
neisan2112: This is just called a Fursona
Nickiatori: 2025 is Adams twing gorilla year
tr3ewitch88: Now Adam is just being greedy 🤣
@Thefluffiestguineapig both? theres only two? 
Mr_Horrible: 1*
Thefluffiestguineapig: @neisan2112 No he has that already and it's a giraffe
Dragonality: My ONE hill is that I get many hills
0x6772: Just keep "climbin' up that hill".
7gorobei: always want what we cant have
neisan2112: @Thefluffiestguineapig Oh yeah true
frank_the_great: (1*) (He gets more than 1)
Fanklok: NO! Bigger than a hand.
Mister_BlueSky: 1 + x, where x is the amount I decide at a later time.
Mr_Horrible: (1*] is what you just said
YawnLance: one* (more than one) ((one))*
LeokadiaBosko: How many hills do you have that are close enough together that you can be on more than one?
adept_nekomancer: 1 ± some amount
ayir: thats true he doesnt have to
BrowneePointz: actually yea Adam has that Joe Manganiello Build, so he'd be pretty close to being a Wolf
MolaMolaphant: giraffe is the animal of choice in an analogy for Non Violent Communication (it's a thing)
Nickiatori: ocelot?
rosesmcgee: Source? "I made it up"
Mr_Horrible: revolver? I barely know er
Thefluffiestguineapig: @theHazeSystem No, sorry I was typing too fast and my brain is full of the names of veterinary surgical instruments rather than good relationship terms
ToppHat: Source? Cause I said so
satyropodobny: look the definition and criteria of a twink are razor thin as an edge of a knife they are not to be trifled with
Fanklok: Ocelot would be like 130 years old
Thefluffiestguineapig: @MolaMolaphant I mean, but they have violent communication, the males will beat each other
MacbethSeemsSus: We need to stop the zombies from activating.....metal gear.
YawnLance: He's not ripe yet
Mai_Andra: featuring Dante from Devil May Cry
Mr_Horrible: "No, no, I just had too much jam!"
mrbuzzfuzz: fungays
LithelyUnshod: I'll say this: watching Tokyo Drift on the 2020's, with a main character named Twink, is a hell of a thing
BrowneePointz: the ones with fruiting bodies on their face can't see
MolaMolaphant: @Thefluffiestguineapig the analogy is more that people look at you funny IRL
Mr_Horrible: gunfected
ItsThugDimmadome: @satyropodobny "Young, thin, hairless, care free joie de vive, can't spell "joie de vive"." I heard this from a twink comedian.
tr3ewitch88: If no shrooms on face they can see
Mai_Andra: they usually lose their sight around the time their face opens to fungus
ToppHat: Joel-ver
BrowneePointz: 3 normals and 1 clicker
Mister_BlueSky: It's Joelever.
frank_the_great: I think that was 4. Good run
BrowneePointz: and yea if a Clicker gets you i'ts a 1 shot
patrick_stonecrusher: You dont just carry a couple bullets in your pocket?????
Mr_Horrible: bookshelf instructions lookin ass
Mr_Horrible: keys, phone, earbuds
gamercat88: but he does keep a little dirt under his pillow for the dirtman
Mr_Horrible: mask in the back
0x6772: "What'sssss Ben got in itssss pocketssss?"
patrick_stonecrusher: Adam doesnt drop loot smh
Mister_BlueSky: That's just an All That skit.
mrbuzzfuzz: a little bit of monica in my life?
BrowneePointz: I've got one hand in my pocket, and the other is giving a high five
ShaneNeebus: i carry bullets in my pocket and just throw them if a threat comes at me
calculated_uncertainties: I heard Canadians get weapon proficiency Hockey Stick instead.
Nickiatori: I'm a pocketman carrying all these things inside my pants
Fanklok: Someone go get Beej's weighted training vest
HadesLeprechaun: Getting bit gets you infected gets you dead, so yeah, not even once
omdorastrix: Keep a little lint in your pocket for the pocket man?
tr3ewitch88: Adam
violetblight: joel is a tool
Dragonality: So Joel is a tool?
violetblight: so like yeah
Dragonality: Confirmed
perhaps it is you, the one controlling Joel, who sucks 
Kramburger: My family Joels
Cunobelenos: kicked in the family joels
satyropodobny: the joel economy is in shambles
Mr_Horrible: the crown Joels
Fanklok: Maybe Ben needs a few more shivs
have you guys heard of Jake and Joel are Magic? 
Kramburger: Coca Loela
ayir: down to hiiiiss laaaaair, deeep within the mooountain
gamercat88: swing away
BusTed: haven't they ever seen a ninja movie
Mr_Horrible: this isn't Callisto, Ben
Mr_Horrible: they expect you to actually play
BrowneePointz: WE ROWDY!
omdorastrix: They seem to wait - obeying the ninja one-on-one rule
ayir: very much so
Mr_Horrible: sure is
BrowneePointz: Dubstep is very much around. Brostep fell off
violetblight: technically yeah
InconsiderateHat: I still love that song
Nickiatori: dubstepe is a lifestyle
violetblight: but like i wouldnt know
omdorastrix: at least the zombies respect the one-on-one
rosesmcgee: Dubstep exists in the cosmic background radiation from whence it came
satyropodobny: is dubstep retro yet
ghizmou: I was always more of a substep kinda guy
Dragonality: Still not a fan of my step dub
lochnessseammonster: STOP
MacbethSeemsSus: Skrillex was apparently at Lolla last year.
violetblight: goddamn wild
underhill33: my bones
Mr_Horrible: hachi machi
ayir: I wish I never heard that
Thefluffiestguineapig: I feel old
underhill33: they wither
Mister_BlueSky: I'm gonna... gonna lie down now.
i just crumbled to dust 
DaxStrife: 12 years of an awful song by an awful band.
Cunobelenos: how old is sandstorm at this point?
Nickiatori: catecrash is 12 years old this month
BrowneePointz: just a dude and his uncle Party Rockin
violetblight: that was so many school dances
Thefluffiestguineapig: go take your back meds
rosesmcgee: Need to take my back medicine
ayir: Im tired boss
kyp_dorrun: still listen to it when i work out
Nickiatori: gatecrash*
Mr_Horrible: incredibly funny that they released "Party Rock Anthem" then "Sorry for Party Rocking" then broke up
VeryBadLifeChoices: Sandstorm is 25 years old
HadesLeprechaun: they really just dropped like, 2 all-time hits and dipped
ItsThugDimmadome: The Legend of Korra turns 13 this year.
circusofkirkus: that's like a 27-30 year old
BrowneePointz: we were in college
DarknessKingCoH: Try 14 years ago
lochnessseammonster: i think you mean weddings
rosesmcgee: @Mr_Horrible gotta respect calling it quits
DarknessKingCoH: 2011
ayir: Yeah it was a house party song for me as well
Mr_Horrible: that's college time, yeah
BrowneePointz: same for OPPAN GANGNAM STYLE!
0x6772: It's 2025, Ben.
hieroglyphica: I was firmly house party stage
neisan2112: Yeah it was like the end of highschool time for me
itira: good one Adam
Mr_Horrible: @rosesmcgee just the mental image of deep contrition for party rocking too hard
Forlorgen: GOT EM
BrowneePointz: There's people who watch yall who weren't born when Party Rock Anthem came out now
BrowneePointz: have fun with that
hieroglyphica: I even went as a homemade Shuffle Bot costume to one boozy Halloween
Dragonality: I went to a US college, I'm definitely not educated
Nickiatori: I am a scout leader and all of my scouts are younger than party rock anthem
he said the line, chat 
ItsThugDimmadome: @Nickiatori ow
dumbo3k: No, but they are a fun-gi!
satyropodobny: joel gentrifying the neighborhood with his blood
Mr_Horrible: "onthem"
Dragonality: Covers blown, abandon ship
BrowneePointz: Pahty Rahk Ahntham
HadesLeprechaun: not any more
MolaMolaphant: I love their Bit of having the Party Rock Anthem, and then "Sorry for Party Rocking" and then broke up the band
NotCainNorAbel: people keep fucking
itira: hey man
Nickiatori: I was in scouts when party rock anthem came out
Thefluffiestguineapig: Then there would be no ben
adept_nekomancer: People being born? In this economy?
circusofkirkus: no, births stopped Dec 31, 1999
Decaped: Adam is Child of man
BrowneePointz: I'm Queer as fuck, my line IS ending with me
Forlorgen: They broke the mold with adam
frank_the_great: Why bother after perfection?
tr3ewitch88: You're all so young 😭 running around in your 20s an shit😅
Mr_Horrible: that early, huh?
MacbethSeemsSus: We're only a couple years away from the Children of Men timleline.
JinaMahavira: Im free of this mortal coil
circusofkirkus: Ben's a boomer
Mr_Horrible: the age of 30 is in the chat
BrowneePointz: Okay Wesley Snipes
tr3ewitch88: I'm 36 ben!
frank_the_great: I'm 30 and single
BrowneePointz: pay taxes "sometimes"
ItsThugDimmadome: 29 here.
shendaras: (for legal purposes, that was a joke)
Nickiatori: is 30 2 better than 30 1 was?
shushu2539: well, this game has a Children of men vibe
Mister_BlueSky: Listen, I am 30 or 40 years old and I do not need this right now.
neisan2112: Hey once a year is sometimes
Veshnikard: Adam and LeBron James on the same day, has to be the peak
Darleysam: I turned 42 a week ago...
Spacepup: 37 and feeling it every day.
neisan2112: 31 in less than a month
HadesLeprechaun: hey if the federal government is trying to halt all spending, why should I pay federal taxes?
Mr_Horrible: that he's a poser

Darleysam: did you put "say it back" in the message?
brutusq13: any recommendations for my 30th birthday on April 1st?
0x6772: You are twink-sized relative to Lebron James, Adam.
tr3ewitch88: He's rude?
Nickiatori: I just turned 28 last week and I dont fear aging
MacbethSeemsSus: That he'd like you out of his house.
NotCainNorAbel: he doesn't celebrate birthdays?
YawnLance: I knew what Ben was thinking
Adam you're my hero 
satyropodobny: I too have joined the covenant of the third decade two weeks ago
itira: hes not dead ben
LithelyUnshod: Knew it
ayir: LMAO
Mr_Horrible: lmao
hieroglyphica: All my years past like 27 have been better than the last
0x6772: oh, woof
Mr_Horrible: incredible
Nickiatori: BEN
ItsThugDimmadome: wooooooooow
Spacepup: "Kobe's dead?"
LithelyUnshod: Read you like a book Ben

Mr_Horrible: good news, you don't have to!
LithelyUnshod: This is true
Spacepup: I like it though.
adept_nekomancer: Wouldn't your third decade be your 20's though?
Darleysam: sounds like something the Master Chief's gonna want to fight
HadesLeprechaun: baby joel needs his bawttle
0x6772: @satyropodobny Happy late birthday!
tr3ewitch88: So raise your hand if you have unexplained back pain 🙋♀️ 🤣🥰
Mr_Horrible: it really is
ayir: right down the roooooad
0x6772: @adept_nekomancer Yes. Shhhhhh.
Juliamon: Mine is very easily explained
Thefluffiestguineapig: No
drcthulu: bad posture
ItsThugDimmadome: Mine's just from bad form
itira: must be nice Adam
BrowneePointz: Your Unexplained Back Pain is either not enough activity or not enough stretching
Mr_Horrible: yeah the explanation is that my posture is dogwater
BrowneePointz: or Shrimping
omdorastrix: Mine is explained - I'm over 40
satyropodobny: join the covenant we offer male pattern baldnes and bedtimes
hieroglyphica: 🤷 always? but yes extra today
0x6772: 3-43-78
Despoiler98: 3 43 78
rosesmcgee: My back is full of bulging discs. It's awesome
drcthulu: it's explained you're over 30
Makrosian_Tay: 3-43-78
hieroglyphica: I think mine is I wasn't drinking enough water
HadesLeprechaun: you keep all the notes on your person, can just pull it back out
frank_the_great: I forgot it
varmintx0: don't worry, the back pain will come for you to
Thefluffiestguineapig: As someone with back pain that is not easily explained or treated because I had genetic issues my parents refused to get surgically treated when I was a toddler must be nice
i had to take meds for my back for the first time today... it was humbling

as someone approaching 43, everything randomly hurts on occasion 
frank_the_great: 7
mrbuzzfuzz: Ben do you have a moxfield?
Nigouki: stealth in vidya games is traaaash
frank_the_great: OF?
mrbuzzfuzz: @frank_the_great if only
BrowneePointz: Ben, with the Aetherdrift PPR on Friday, has the Tokyo Drift song been playing in your head on repeat?
OmnipotentTrevor: should you pre-reload?
HadesLeprechaun: Ben gives the feet pics for free
tr3ewitch88: That's so much
Makrosian_Tay: All the cool kids are doing it
frank_the_great: Reverse psychology, smart
hieroglyphica: Having an OF is a hell of a lot of engagement
itira: Same Ben, sameee
hieroglyphica: It's just too much work
BrowneePointz: I have Ace Friends with OFs too. Also shout out to Sex Workers. Job ain't easy
frameshifty: samesies
satyropodobny: alright but why do all mushroom zombies wear the same clothes
Spacepup: Money could make me do a lot of things.
DaxStrife: Sex is a silly thing, ace or not.
Kramburger: Your pjeenis
Forlorgen: Only Feet ben get them thangs out there
Thefluffiestguineapig: Certain people do
omdorastrix: Being sexy is kinda ridiculous from time to time - it's ok to giggle...
shushu2539: 3-43-78
frameshifty: lol weiner portrait session
gamercat88: depends on the weiner
mrbuzzfuzz: I almost made one when I lost my job lol
Thefluffiestguineapig: @mrbuzzfuzz Same
Spacepup: "20$ is 20$"
DaxStrife: Another, smaller safe.
WiJohn: Wiener photo shoot
tr3ewitch88: Is only fans all sexy stuff though? I don't use it so no idea
ghizmou: a photoshoot of weiner in costumes
Kramburger: Al capone's vault
0x6772: This is not intended as a brag: I'm 45, and my back only hurts (a very little bit, rarely) at the moment because I'm given to vagus syncope and scraped it against the cabinet handles under my sink last night. If you're 30+ and your joints started hurting, but you're otherwise healthy, I encourage you to be more active. Bike rather than drive. No need to go Lift, but maybe take up rock climbing. Move more. That's really all it takes.
drcthulu: *the safe is empty*
satyropodobny: there may be better sources of weiner photos, but they don't have 'this' hat
Nickiatori: woah 17 dollars!
HadesLeprechaun: you'll find out later
HadesLeprechaun: but you want em
gamercat88: make a calendar of it
mrbuzzfuzz: would buy ahah
InconsiderateHat: @tr3ewitch88 It wasn't necessarily MADE for that, but it's how it tends to be used
gothtoesuckr: id buy that
SnackPak_: no thanks
Juliamon: it's all just Beej
Boon_33: holes?
tehfewl: im sure we could pick out whos who
circusofkirkus: privates of LRR
betweenmyself: a month for every inch, eh?
Kramburger: I feel like there's some where you'll know
violetblight: weiners and more
omdorastrix: WeinLRRs?
BrowneePointz: And it's all Dachshunds
ShaneNeebus: onlybeej
KV1NN4: but what if I need to know what brand of hotdogs you're using
satyropodobny: it's difficult to put a hat on a vulva
frank_the_great: Wieners* (more than wieners)
rosesmcgee: Sell it alongside the body pillows
adept_nekomancer: @ShaneNeebus [beejdrop noise]
GreyThey: "WeinLRRs and Other Assorted Genitals 2025 Calendar:
kimmibeans: I'm honestly just imagining a bunch of hot dogs with the condiments each LRR member prefers
HadesLeprechaun: Ellie doesn't actually affect anything
Forlorgen: Look at this friend I made
MacbethSeemsSus: Aren't escort quests fun?
mrbuzzfuzz: PPR: Penis Picture Rotation calendar?
Thefluffiestguineapig: A Beejdrop OnlyFans Crapshot could be funny
neisan2112: @0x6772 If it wasn't activly hostile to do so/everything insanley spread out I'd love to bike so much.
omdorastrix: OnLRR's Fans?
varmintx0: yeah, it was just a coincidence
ButButTheJesus: I don't think Ellie can alert them
0x6772: I mean: Ellie's immune, right? Just let her get bit.
rosesmcgee: Ellie's like "I'm immune. You on your own"
mrbuzzfuzz: @omdorastrix lmao yes
Thefluffiestguineapig: @0x6772 Can't they still rip her apart
frank_the_great: ook ook
Mister_BlueSky: Yeah, I'm pretty sure anyone following you will not aggro enemies.
HadesLeprechaun: Ellie can walk directly in front of human enemies and wont attract them
mrbuzzfuzz: gottem hahah
0x6772: @Thefluffiestguineapig Let's find out!
BrowneePointz: this also is one of the first Hard Rooms
0x6772: @neisan2112 Welcome to the war on cars!
YawnLance: The wiener calendar is too powerful
thegiftedgrifter: Whatssl this about weiner engagement farms?
NotCainNorAbel: time for fire?
mrbuzzfuzz: @thegiftedgrifter prepare for a LLR weiner calendar
OmnipotentTrevor: I think my strat was to cull the herd with stealth kills, but I can't remember 100%
HadesLeprechaun: I like how on the reload, Joel just walks up to a random safe and opens it, and the people with you are just like "how...?"
Juliamon: a t&a calendar but it's all actually photos of bent elbows
Boon_33: bottle them!
Boon_33: glass them
“I wouldn’t last three seconds.” Just think about baseball 
shushu2539: 3-43-78
0x6772: @neisan2112 But more seriously: I'm said "bike" because it's what I do. Do what works for you: walk, run, swim. That whole "take your back medicine if you remember X" joke only hits because we've become so sedentary, societally (regardless of calendar age).
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Juliamon Or they call it T&A without specifying so they can submit a picture of anything that has the initials t and a
tr3ewitch88: So many people would be screwed in a zombie outbreak...I got kids.
insomniacmonkey: Do better?
HadesLeprechaun: so, I think the runners can see your flashlight
OmnipotentTrevor: safe save
neisan2112: @0x6772 OH definitely, I'm just sad I can't bike places.
Juliamon: run!
lamina5432: this is why i stopped thvideo game
SnackPak_: o7

TheAwkes: Have you tried simply not being bitten?
Spacepup: Mods, feed that guy to the zombies.
Have you guys ever heard of Jake and Joel are Magic? 
Dragonality: Yeah, I think I stopped around here. I seriously dislike stealth or die mechanics. Not 'gamer' enough lol
0x6772: @neisan2112 I am also sad about that for you. (Where are you? I know bike advocacy folks in lots of North American and European places, in whose newsletters you might be interested.)
CaptainSpam: All these infected, just having a fun time in here, minding their own business, and then you come by and...
mrbuzzfuzz: would love you guys to meet at chicago
HadesLeprechaun: that was almost "pick up bottle, knock over whole shelf of bottles"
Thefluffiestguineapig: Define fast food
MacbethSeemsSus: But the bit
0x6772: wait wait - subway zone?
lochnessseammonster: subway is the only restaurant
Decaped: Subway is chill to work at tho.
Mister_BlueSky: Could've said Arby's.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Does it have to be a chain or can I pick the local place that is fast food but it is local vietnamese
Orxolon: Wendy
Kramburger: I've done subway, mixing up the seafood extender haunts me to this day
Dragonality: In n Out. I don't care for the food, but I heard they pay decent.
mrbuzzfuzz: Wendys is bae
DaxStrife: Subway first pick, A&W second.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeah, what pays highest
JusticeJuice: A&W, or Quizno's
tr3ewitch88: I just make my own subs
drcthulu: so would tacobell
Mr_Horrible: the "Jevil"

Mr_Horrible: there's like 3
drcthulu: there are
Mai_Andra: The only A&W around here is combined with a KFC.
mrbuzzfuzz: kfc actually became really good!
HadesLeprechaun: I went to A&W recently and at least where I live the quality TANKED. Got a chili cheese dog and it was just awful
enbycephalopod: there are like 200 left
enbycephalopod: quiznos
LeokadiaBosko: There's a Quizno's just down the road from me in Seattle
LithelyUnshod: I worked at Wendy's for a whole month. Never again
drcthulu: I have a 2 for 1 deal on my uber eat for quiznos
hackingducks: quiznopes
SnackPak_: the subwayverse grows
tr3ewitch88: I really don't know if I could work at a fast food chain. I did work at a delli
Fanklok: Quiz NOs
dumbo3k: It's rusty
frank_the_great: The death of Quiznos ruined the alphabet game for car trips
NimrodXIV: too rusty
dumbo3k: might get Tetnus
Darleysam: "oh I'll go back and get that ladder we literally just used"
adept_nekomancer: "We climbed around an abandoned building, but this truck is pretty big."
brainbosh: "Throw me!"
drcthulu: it has to break the skin
Juliamon: no chance Joel's gotten his TDAP in the last 20 years
BrunchMansley: "You're gonna have to toss me"
0x6772: It's just the spores, Adam.
brainbosh: the eggs are in the teeth
Thefluffiestguineapig: Any bodily fluid?
kimmibeans: Not necessarily depending on the necessary route of entry
0x6772: The blood, apparently, has no spores.
Forlorgen: they might not produce spores yet
Mai_Andra: but it's fungus. wouldn't you get infected just breathing near them?

Spacepup: It does seem a real bad idea to choke someone out and get your bicep right up in their face when a bite could infect you.
Mr_Horrible: make a reel, brother
brutusq13: make video game that's just screaming
rosesmcgee: @Mai_Andra I was just typing that
varmintx0: I feel like that is an achievable goal.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Mai_Andra I think so, and wouldn't you need to burn anything you were wearing near them?
dumbo3k: Pistol whips to the head a pretty lethal, or at the very least, very debilitating
kimmibeans: It probably needs to be directly into the blood stream, so a bite or needle prick
mrbuzzfuzz: its very close to noises you hear on OF
0x6772: Wait, Ben, stop pushing that crate, let's let Adam get his death screams in the clear.
Mr_Horrible: no shot that would move that smoothly
“Adam Savadan, reading for dying zombie… AAAAUGH!” 
YawnLance: Bodily fluids, huh?
drcthulu: don't boink the zombies
Mr_Horrible: their bodily fluids comingling with theirs I think
Juliamon: make the wounds kiss
No more calendar then. 
Darleysam: don't let the zombie spit in your mouth
mrbuzzfuzz: docking?
don't get cut 
Mr_Horrible: so no raw-dogging
ButButTheJesus: ew
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeah, so not having facial coverings so very bad
kimmibeans: Yes, you should, but Joel has plot armor
HadesLeprechaun: loading screen, Ben
tr3ewitch88: ADAM.....BEN!
MacbethSeemsSus: Definitely not hiding a loading screen
Mr_Horrible: "Spoiler alert, Joel has to pull a lot
shushu2539: the truck wall didn't stop them?
Mr_Horrible: buh dum tish
Mai_Andra: "you got someone on your shoe"
0x6772: Crafting!
DaxStrife: I've seen EDC videos like this.
Orxolon: hahahaha
Mr_Horrible: Joel on HSC
Mr_Horrible: "Ooooh look at me, I'm a gun"
I load my guns, then I pit them barrel to barrel so it looks lime they’re kissing 
Thefluffiestguineapig: So modifying your hands?
adept_nekomancer: Gotta upgrade your hand.
NotCainNorAbel: finger exercises
Mr_Horrible: re-chambers faster
drcthulu: bump stock
WiJohn: Smear "parts" on it
brainbosh: cycling action
lochnessseammonster: lube
xVoxtric: How fast the firing pin resets and strike another round
Dalrint: Video games!
kimmibeans: Magic
DaxStrife: Better striker and/or springs.
paulthemapguy: This buff infuses the protagonist with caffeine so he can pull the trigger faster
Mr_Horrible: gotta cycle the bullet casings
dumbo3k: probably something to do with oiling up the action, stronger spring maybe?
betweenmyself: you put some more screws in using needle nose pliers, just like the game
Dragonality: As someone who knows nothing about guns, let me explain:

Dragonality: Magic
MolaMolaphant: but actually, add lube, so that it can cycle more quickly. It'd be graphite? not silicone
MacbethSeemsSus: Wait who did you pay to upgrade?
tehfewl: you do have to lube your guns
brainbosh: Spent too much time reading chat lol
Mr_Horrible: congrats lochness you've learned how to direct Adam's eyes
Dragonality: Thank you
YawnLance: Magic (lube)
rosesmcgee: Science
Fanklok: You work with a guns guy
7gorobei: you can tweak it by changing springs
frank_the_great: Busty
Mai_Andra: I'm sure Alex has thoughts
paulthemapguy: by succulent you mean sucky
Mr_Horrible: "Charles turn that tutorial off, that guy is full of shit"
omdorastrix: You can make your own explanation, with blackjack and other things...
HadesLeprechaun: "I demand a new explanation" that's what like, Pharoahs would say to their magicians
drcthulu: berries and cream, berries and cream, I'm a little lad who likes berries and cream
Mai_Andra: why is that one hiding behind its pedestal...

Mr_Horrible: Tell the others what you saw this day Dr Franklin
paulthemapguy: If one of them was Lincoln or Kennedy that would have felt extra wrong
tr3ewitch88: But isn't it called greasing your gun?🤣
DaxStrife: Nah, he owned slaves, waste Jefferson.
Mr_Horrible: looks like a John Adams
rosesmcgee: Get behind Lincoln. I wanna re-enact something
fcloud: adam just shooting plaster busts like bullets are free
omdorastrix: This shop is kind-of a bust
Fanklok: Name one president that isn't on money
Trahas: For some canadians you sure know a lot of the founding fathers and presidents of america
dumbo3k: Boston is pretty big on their busts on various revolutionary peoples
Darleysam: "OW"
Mr_Horrible: "AWOOOOGA!"
ButButTheJesus: OURGH
MacbethSeemsSus: Adam just quietly says "ow"
paulthemapguy: YAH AIN
mrbuzzfuzz: again, death screems close to noises you hear on OF lol
Mr_Horrible: "ayy!"
neisan2112: Perfect

Makrosian_Tay: Perfect no notes
Dragonality: Game developers, take note

ButButTheJesus: waow
tr3ewitch88: That girl who hit her hip on the bed post
paulthemapguy: Shakira as Kirby?
Mr_Horrible: yeah I don't think Mahershala Ali is gonna get to play him in this timeline either
neisan2112: Yeah Snipes wasn't acting, he's actually just Blade irl
jamesinor: Wesley Snipes exists in every world
paulthemapguy: Kirby eats Shakira, goes "lalay lalay"
WiJohn: Trapped like rodentia!
Juliamon: these floors should be creaking so badly
Dragonality: The can't find me hiding if I simply don't hide
NotCainNorAbel: at the end of the day his legs are going to feel it with all of the duck walking
BrindleBoar: bri
paulthemapguy: we need a knee pain meter that fills to critical after walking like this for some time
tr3ewitch88: Tess
greenday61892: the noises you make when you make a shot
LithelyUnshod: Oooh, Friday Nights Kickstarter email...
Makrosian_Tay: @notcainnorabel I think about that sometimes. Like, every stealth game protagonist must be soooo caked up because all they're doing is crouch walking for 7 straight days
fcloud: @paulthemapguy i'm thinking 3-5 seconds
greenday61892: wait wtf
greenday61892: how did i end up in this shtream
greenday61892: lol
Mai_Andra: got the hiccups
paulthemapguy: I planted a portal
VeryBadLifeChoices: party rocked too hard woke up 12 years later
Mr_Horrible: AGAIN
VigorishG: They can only hear right?
Mr_Horrible: Adam vs The Door
Mr_Horrible: a classic bout

Nigouki: the quite and quick way

adept_nekomancer: The spicy bottle claims another victim.
frank_the_great: Fire move
tr3ewitch88: Well
0x6772: def cooked
fcloud: then ellie burned to death the end
rosesmcgee: Light a man a fire and he's warm for a day...

HadesLeprechaun: the fully transformer cordyceps guys can only hear, these runner-types can still see
Mr_Horrible: "Zombie crashout, chat was this justified?"
paulthemapguy: that guy needs some lotion, he's all ashy
ButButTheJesus: teh gorl
Mai_Andra: it's fairly close to the end of this chapter, i think...
Mr_Horrible: "ow, my solar plexus!" - that zombie
Nigouki: ian_noise.wav
ButButTheJesus: owwww!
fcloud: "mind if i CRAFT you a few questions?" -- ben, probably
paulthemapguy: lmao @Nigouki
tr3ewitch88: I still want mine to be the girl that hit her hip on the bedpost.
Mr_Horrible: wee ben
loufghyslaufey: Wow. They're cutting it there
lamina5432: gnight

kimmibeans: Well, I think this is the first Let's Nope in a long time where the game may actually give me nightmares
night daddy! 
NotCainNorAbel: feet dangling
paulthemapguy: Judge! What's a mutual fund?
Nigouki: Thanks for the stream!
Riandisa: Thanks for the stream!
NotCainNorAbel: !store
A spontaneous
stream wrap up
neisan2112: I just got a Bite Club shirt in today!
Darleysam subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 51 months!
Darleysam: sub noise!
Thanks for subscribing, Darleysam! (Today's storm count: 43)

tr3ewitch88: Thank you guys for another fantastic stream
Mr_Horrible: free them


ButButTheJesus: frogs begone!
RatherLargeToad: Still here
NeoGabi: Thank you for streaming today!
Mr_Horrible: gotta go on a quest to find the missing shipment
mrbuzzfuzz: can we suggest a board game?
dumbo3k: I would be shook
Mr_Horrible: "Salutations, fuckers!"
paulthemapguy: hahahaha

Mr_Horrible: Oki Oki Thright Club
Mai_Andra: i kind of hope he sees this and just does that in the intro
itira: BEN!
Ferisar: the fart of us part 1
Ferisar: oh you're done
Mr_Horrible: Damn, dude

DistractedMOSFET: she gotta kick your ass
underhill33: Benjamin...
paulthemapguy: you cook yourself lol
SnackPak_: ok, thats fair
0x6772: Just let Ben cook, Adam!
NeoGabi: Valid
itira: you know what. Ben has a point, i make appointments for my partner too
ButButTheJesus: as a struggler with keeping up witht hings, I can appreciate that
Nigouki: Zods
Mr_Horrible: Zoid
Nigouki: *zoids
paulthemapguy: Tyrann(osaurus)
neisan2112: Ah zoids
ButButTheJesus: wut
paulthemapguy: Birds are small dinosaurs
Mr_Horrible: okay Peepaw let's get you to bed
MolaMolaphant: probably a beetle, tbh

Mai_Andra: they have literal dinosaurs also
jamesinor: Adam about to start talking about featherless bipeds
Mr_Horrible: gotta play fast
NeoGabi: They do have actual dinosaurs, yeah.
Mr_Horrible: le bazaar
tr3ewitch88: I have so much anxiety so my partner does a lot for me not gonna lie 😅
itira: yikers
Juliamon: BZR
Mr_Horrible: yeeesh
0x6772: So, like $13 USD, then?
ButButTheJesus: ooh Xmen!
Mr_Horrible: "Charles, I need meter!"
BusTed: "Oourrraaaghh!"
Blakemcm: oh man gimme gimme
ButButTheJesus: put Cyclops in Rivals you cowards
Blakemcm: magneto! relive your childhood!
itira: HAA wtfff
mrbuzzfuzz: LOL
Mr_Horrible: "Charles! Did you eat all my eggs, Charles?"
jamesinor: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand I think it's time for bed
MacbethSeemsSus: Why does he sound like Bane
mrbuzzfuzz: thats his sex name for him
Mai_Andra: The Vanisher's real name was Telford E. Porter. He's a teleporter.
Darleysam: o7
Kramburger: Looks like the sauce ran out
itira: thanks for the stream! Have a good night everyone!
ButButTheJesus: thamk for strem!
tr3ewitch88: Thanks Adam and ben
thanks for the stream, lads 
YawnLance: Nah we're stuck here
0x6772: Love you too, Adam!
itira: you cant get rid of us
Mr_Horrible: I'm codependent at this point
Makrosian_Tay: Thanks for the stream guys! You rock!
SnackPak_: we put up with it

mrbuzzfuzz: 100%
varmintx0: abusive relationship
no we're not 
insomniacmonkey: Just like my parents
dumbo3k: Negging us is our kink
Mai_Andra: There it is - wieners and dillholes
DEATHlikescats: peak tsundere
MacbethSeemsSus: And Manifesto out
Orxolon: g night every1
Thefluffiestguineapig: Good night! Got all my cat's nails trimmed cduring that last stretch but good stream!
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