KakuEpsilon: Also, uh, getting fried by electricity, thrown by fire tornados and being eaten by invisible teleporting freakjobs that wouldn't exist if not for the radiation is radiation poison death enough form
KakuEpsilon: *for me, even.
Nigouki: oh noes, blowout time

KakuEpsilon: Oh heck, Singal
TXC2: Stream soon fellow chaters
Joy_Stix_DragQueen: I thought the twitch notification was a YouTube one cause I’ve been watching Chernobyl shorts recently! lol
Darleysam: @KakuEpsilon jokes on you, all that lead is only keeping me safe!
BITs19_: @TXC2 really? when?
TXC2: BITs19_ in 3 mins
BITs19_: lol
qwertiest_mint: hey chat ❤️ are folks more on Bluesky or Mastodon these days? need to fly away from big blue bird
Mazrae subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 40 months!
Mazrae: Wooo 40% to the one year
Thanks for subscribing, Mazrae! (Today's storm count: 2)
Jedi_Master_Zell subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 71 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Jedi_Master_Zell! (Today's storm count: 3)
KakuEpsilon: @Darleysam Well yeah, that's why you shoot where you're going and not where you stand. Wait, wrong version of "lead." Haha, Text-only puns.
TXC2: qwertiest_mint mastodon is "better" if you have the time for it, but most are on bluesky now
hey all you lovely friends whomst i cherish 
TXC2: hello jacqui_lantern234 welcome
DigitalSeahorse: please, keep everyone alive
qwertiest_mint: can I ask what you mean by better @txc2 ? thank you 🙏

TXC2: qwertiest_mint less corporate
qwertiest_mint: deece, thanks 👍👍👍
LoadingReadyRun: Just be aware Beej is there
TXC2: a warning for these dark times
TXC2: Here we GO!
KakuEpsilon: Honestly, "Just be aware, Beej is there" could apply to any place. Also would be a great fridge magnet
KingOfLimbs: Blowout soon, chat
TheAinMAP: Hello.
TXC2: Hello Alex
hey alex 
PsychoI3oy: 10 on tuesdays
Nigouki: used to be nine, now twn
TXC2: it WAS at 9, but then moved to 10
Mazrae: I want to say 10 on Tuesdays
they killed the Nine/Mine joke 
MungoDude subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 55 months!
MungoDude: hi Alex, James just finished his home stream for the day
Thanks for subscribing, MungoDude! (Today's storm count: 4)
TXC2: !patreon
Mazrae: !advice
LRRbot: Make the blahajs kiss.
TXC2: !store
Wolfstrike_NL subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 50 months!
Wolfstrike_NL: 50 Months? That's half a year!
Thanks for subscribing, Wolfstrike_NL! (Today's storm count: 5)
very good lrrbot advice 

BITs19_: wow, is that how fast this game loads when you have it on an SSD?
and vod is muted 


chat, i have exciting news! just finished building my ork kill team this morning 
TXC2: today in the zone: Death!
TXC2: jacqui_lantern234 congratulations
KakuEpsilon: So, uh, not that I'm trying to rush Alex or this playthrough, but what is the "end goal" of STALKER? Leaving? Becoming a king of Radiation? Collecting the Egg Macguffins to undo the Chernoboyl explosion?
MungoDude: looked like DooM 2
TXC2: KakuEpsilon in the OG games it was getting to the Nuclear power plant
KakuEpsilon: @TXC2 To.. die of radiation poisoning directly? To drink the forbidden Radiation soup?
Nigouki: Zeus says hi
NightValien28: how are you alive
Darleysam: AC/DC start playing
DigitalSeahorse: game seems a bit loud
MungoDude: lightning never strikes the same place twice, except when it does
KakuEpsilon: @NightValien28 Zeus was just saying how big of a fan he is of Alex.
TXC2: KakuEpsilon the bad ending was you found the wish granter, which would do things like make you blind or kill you with gold, and the good ending was you found the things making the zone fucky
NightValien28: wow
Mazrae: Great way to start the stream
DoodlestheGreat: Hi ho!
TheDangerWaffle: haiiiiii
KakuEpsilon: @TXC2 I kinda love the implication of this.
MungoDude: living up to his name

TheDangerWaffle: lmoaoooooo
SunsetOcelot: Vityok, crumple!
oh Alex how could you?! 

W+P is not for another 4 hours Alex 
Strebenherz: Good morning Alex n chat
PsychoI3oy: so to get them on the bench do you do it f.... guess not
shushu2539: if you have a bolt in your hand you receive a bolt from the sky
TXC2: Hello Strebenherz welcome
Nigouki: @KakuEpsilon if you want not super spoilerish tl;dr for the previous games: Shadow of Chernobyl - you're a season stalked and got in too deep and now committed to go all the way to the center, inside the power plant. Clear Sky - prequel to first game. Call of Pripyat - outsider sent into figure out consequences of first game.
Nigouki: as mentioned, first game has a ton of different endinging. CoP and presumably this follow the "canon" one
KakuEpsilon: @Nigouki I was more curious as to what we're end goaling for in this game, but I appreciate the explanations
Lysander_salamander: Hello everyone!
TXC2: hello Lysander_salamander welcome
Lysander_salamander: oh a scope
io_Otter subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 111 months!
Thanks for subscribing, io_Otter! (Today's storm count: 6)
DoodlestheGreat: We hope it was bandits...
KakuEpsilon: @Lysander_salamander Great for clearing out Germans in a Cave Mouth. /Mouthwash pun attempt
now how many of what has now spawned? 
Nigouki: I don't think we've had it super clarified so far what our end goal is? We had A Goal, but shit went sideways and now stuck in the zone trying to unfuck our situation?
Lysander_salamander: well, ok

Lysander_salamander: guess there's a poltergeist here?
ArmondoSC: oh dear
Nigouki: oh hey did they add the HL2 crossbow? :V
KakuEpsilon: @Nigouki Okay, I thought I had missed something, but thats' where I was thinking we were at.
Lysander_salamander: is that a snork?
ArmondoSC: snorks
ArmondoSC: had to be
Lysander_salamander: eek
TXC2: 380V ?
Lysander_salamander: ah, giant rats. Classic
cheetoJack: doesn't mean it'll bridge for long
Strebenherz: What's up with the beeping?
TXC2: Strebenherz means anomalies are nearby
Master_Gunner: '/
TXC2: some ROUS here
Strebenherz: Gotcha
Lysander_salamander: jam it right into the heart
KakuEpsilon: Maximum Saturday.
Nigouki: back to life and cig is first priority
Darleysam: waiting for the smoke so start coming out through the hole you just made in his chest
ArmondoSC: i guess everyone just know about the monolith now?
TXC2: also it's been 10 years since the first game, people are gonna have learned about monolith
ArmondoSC: OH
ArmondoSC: this is that hallway
Hey wonderful Alex-man 
Lysander_salamander: oh this spot
ArmondoSC: this is where you got eaten by a bloodsucker in the first episode
ThrinagaBattleheart: I finally took a better look at Shadow of Chernobyl after the last Play It Forward, and I'm enjoying it more now! Except for the constant crashing
shushu2539: just a couple of playful otters
TXC2: ThrinagaBattleheart welcome to the zone
GasCityGaming: Are ya Stalkin' son?
ThrinagaBattleheart: The last crashdump I had said that a level was missing, or something, so I'm trying to verify the install at the moment
kristian_fischer: This is The Zone. Nothing is "necessarily safer"
ThrinagaBattleheart: I already installed ZRP and that didn't seem to help.
KakuEpsilon: If that doesn't work, check behind the couch, Thrinaga.

KakuEpsilon: Highlander? But that was Sunday

TheDangerWaffle: ACK
and we thought BSG was bad 
ArmondoSC: delish
TheDangerWaffle: aaaaaaa
KakuEpsilon: I want a big Radiation Hamburger
tknomncr: Self-heating sausage
DoodlestheGreat: Radburger's Syndrome.
TheDangerWaffle: yikesville
thetoastmonster: Good to know the machine that goes ping! is working
Master_Gunner: "In 1990, KGB officers unearthed four refrigerated train cars with 618 tons of radioactive meat that had been rolling around the southwest railroad for four years."
Jedi_Master_Zell: "We hear this mysterious beeping getting closer and closer sir!"
maefly2: 3.6 roentgen. Not great, not terrible.
Master_Gunner: Hmm, article doesn't say what happened to that train. But yeah, Ukraine was the breadbasket of the Soviet Union, so they did a lot of work in figuring out how to handle the agricultural impacts of the disaster.
Nigouki: OW my kneecaps....
TheDangerWaffle: oooooo
TXC2: many a death in fallout from a shotgun trap
KakuEpsilon: *Kaboom!* "Ow, my kneecaps. Oooh, free Boomstick!"
Master_Gunner: Among the attempts for dealing with variously contaminated produce, meat was to be mixed with clean sausage and distributed... just not anywhere near Moscow.
GhassanPL: They had to shit?
TheDangerWaffle: XD
GhassanPL: Everyone has to
ThrinagaBattleheart: Wow, persistent bad doggos
Nigouki: bites you and croc rolls
Mazrae: Next it airborne pups
Crokoking: your character's blood is probably 30% drugs by now
TXC2: they're Ukrainian, so it'll be SAMBO
KakuEpsilon: I do so love factually correct yellings of annoyance at things.
Master_Gunner: Ah, found something more on the radioactive meat train - after everyone rejected delivery of it, they did eventually just bury it back in the exclusion zone.
ThrinagaBattleheart: But where was reactor?
Cptasparagus: Hi Alex! I'm currently undergoing transcranial magnetic stimulation therapy. Thanks for giving me something interesting to watch.
KingOfLimbs: just one big Pyrex bowl
jacqui_lantern234: OH NO
Strebenherz: Nuclear. LAVA?!
TXC2: hello Cptasparagus welcome
LordZarano: "Meltdown" is not just a term. It's a literal description
Steelwolf171: That is both very cool and deeply troubling
Strebenherz: What
ArmondoSC: as ya do
SymphonySolstice: the most soviet response
RainyMint: Of course. When in doubt, shoot it
ThrinagaBattleheart: When have glorious AK, shoot at horrifying mass of semi-liquid nuclear fuel
DaSunao: Contaminated dust is such an utter hell to deal with
the finish is in about 4 million years 
Cptasparagus: I was just reading about the broken arrow incident in North Carolina, and after reading a whole article it then sunk in that I'm sitting like 10 miles away from where it happened currently lol.
Oh hi Alex. You finally got to ordinary Ukrainian farmer simulator. Your fan from Kyiv here 
Lysander_salamander: does the super-heating accelerate the half-life?

TXC2: hello Mathanwitch welcome
Nigouki: it's like 'merrika took a whole bunch of WWII ships and nuked them then sent in sailors to scrub the still floating ones to test decontamination procedures
Lysander_salamander: I see
Cptasparagus: @lysander_salamander my degree isn't in physics but I have a lot of education in it. My understanding is that radioactive decay is not dependent on temperature.
Lysander_salamander: oh ok
Cptasparagus: But like it could affect how the bulk material interacts with itself in some weird way
TXC2: things decay in different ways, and that further affects how they decay
TheDangerWaffle: @Lysander_salamander short answer is that heat can make your half-life longer
Lysander_salamander: neat
virgil82: Piggu hungers, help them out.
Mazrae: I love history time with Alex
TheDangerWaffle: mostly because you can have molecules collide more, which means they have a chance to decelerate
silverxX59: hey alex hey chat how goes the stalkering
TXC2: hello silverxX59 welcome
TheDangerWaffle: So not to where it is that noticeable.
Strebenherz: The philosophers stone exists, it's just radioactive
cyclopsboi: and a weird iodine isotope somewhere
silverxX59: wait they made cory into an element
DaSunao: Well, some elements also chunk off electrons, angry helium, and neutrons
Cptasparagus: Coriumander Dickinson
kristian_fischer: Chewy on the outside AND the inside.
@Strebenherz or a star 
DoodlestheGreat: Corium almost sounds like a brand of dishware.
Imagine that! 

kristian_fischer: And when it becomes gaseous, it ASPLODES
Strebenherz: What
ThrinagaBattleheart: YOUR PLANT ASPLODE
virgil82: Notably at that point your control rods have also melted
cyclopsboi: the new thorium reactors are very cool though
kristian_fischer: This is the Shotgun Room. It's where we keep the shotguns.
DaSunao: I find it funny that angry helium does the most damage internally, but is blocked by paper
'control crucibles' if you will 
TheDangerWaffle: ⁹₂U²³⁵ → ⁹⁰Th²³¹ + ²He⁴ is the first part of that chain iirc
TheDangerWaffle: @MungoDude NEAT
TheDangerWaffle: thxxxx
MungoDude: oh whoops, wrong isotope
kristian_fischer: I still do, tbh. Aluminium likes to burn. A LOT.
silverxX59: FOOF is also fun
DaSunao: Radioactive metal fires aka your lungs are fucked
silverxX59: same with thermite
JadedCynic: and this is why I keep saying "I fear high-pressure steam more than any mere explosive"
silverxX59: just oops we made a thing
TheDangerWaffle: @MungoDude true
meepsalot subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 106 months!
Thanks for subscribing, meepsalot! (Today's storm count: 7)
LordZarano: @silverxX59 Oxidized oxygen, what could go wrong?
kristian_fischer: There was a US Navy cruiser that caught fire a few decades ago. Its hull was steel and the superstructure was aluminium. After the fire was out, the superstructure was ALL GONE.
JadedCynic: you only need 'push together enough angry rocks'
TXC2: FOOF: for when you need concrete and glass to catch fire
ThrinagaBattleheart: Oh joy!
ThrinagaBattleheart: I totally wouldn't fear for my life
Mathanwitch: Chornobyl was a lesson in "always put your reactors into goddamn containment, kids"
DaSunao: @JadedCynic I worked in a space where there were pressure relief cutouts into the space from the reactor containment. We were given to understand that the pressure shock of them popping would knock us out before we cooked
Mathanwitch that and don't put graphite on the ends of the control rods 
JadedCynic: "don't cut corners" yeah
kristian_fischer: Lesson for Chornobyl was "your reactor design be fucked, son!"
silverxX59: the lesson with cherno was make sure its easy to turn off your reactor
TXC2: cultures of lying bad
cyclopsboi: cut corners and dont hide your technology research behind secrecy
Cptasparagus: If you want to read about scary chemicals, there's a blog called "things I won't work with" which I think includes FOOF
SymphonySolstice: a long series of oopsie fucking boingos that turned into one big oopsie fucking boingo
kristian_fischer: A perfect storm of asshats.
LordZarano: @TXC2 I mean.. just plain fluorine will do that
Master_Gunner: like 20 different set of circumstances and questionable decisions had to line up *perfectly* for the disaster to happen.
LordZarano FOOF does it with style and passion 
Mathanwitch: kind of yeah. every catastrophe is like 100 bad things that met together and if you could remove at least one or two it wouldn't have happened
kristian_fischer: @Master_Gunner And they did
DaSunao: Do you know about the way the US army and air force accidented themselves out of running nuclear power programs?
silverxX59: was it the first or third time they lost a nuke
JadedCynic: grrrrr
Mathanwitch: they were loners
silverxX59: sorry 6 broken arrows
ArmondoSC: oops
ThrinagaBattleheart: But who was shootymans?!
Strebenherz: Clearly just girl scouts
Nigouki: yeeeeeeeeeeeees
Mathanwitch: now they are enemies, hehe
ArmondoSC: think of the loot
Nigouki: the bed float jank is still here!
Matiff likes to sleep above the covers 
ArmondoSC: 6ft above?
Nigouki: i have screenshots from CoP where a dude lies down and then starts sinking and never stops
RealGamerCow: Hold me closer tanya boomerang (to the tune of Tiny Dancer)
ThrinagaBattleheart: Why are these guys trying to kill you? For talking to the guy in the attic?
Mathanwitch: they were after the guy, not you and you were supposed to make a choice
Cptasparagus: @silverxx59 I was saying earlier that I just read about the Goldsboro incident earlier and didn't realize until I had read the whole thing that it's like 10 miles from where I'm sitting rn.
ThrinagaBattleheart: WELP I guess that choice is made now XD
Mathanwitch: yep xD
TXC2: these guys made the choice when then dumb as fuck walked up during a convo
Anubis169: o hai
silverxX59: @Cptasparagus oh yea they just left it in the ground
TXC2: hello Anubis169
Mathanwitch: the compass is still red so probably one hiding somewhere?
Mathanwitch: or it's just local a-life
JadedCynic: he's behind that wooden table/whatever
Anubis169: Alex that bush is looking at you weird
JadedCynic: it's obscuring him, but he-an NPC- can see and shoot through it
Mathanwitch: I like how lootable corpses are marked with "X" on compass
JadedCynic: circle around the house the far side
LordZarano: !advice
LRRbot: You can read the instructions, but don't follow them.
silverxX59: nyope
are you KIDDING me? 

BITs19_: sssswing and a miss
Swamplor: Shouldn't have brought a knife to a gun fight
rifle butt > knife 

JadedCynic: WHEW!
Anubis169: Sir, well played
hell, even through the stream, I heard that grenade bounce SO close ! 
Anubis169: hang on...
Anubis169: yo, Ukranian VA!
JadedCynic: yup
DaSunao: Its in the name, it grants wishes
silverxX59: wishgranter did nothing wrong its all a setup from big stalker
hope he gave you a box of high quality ammo 
TXC2: the wish granter does, Provably "grant" wishes, so.....
- *HE* is calling US weird?
KakuEpsilon: @TXC2 I mean, if you wish for death...
"You, sir have no valid point of reference to make such a judgement anymore" 

KakuEpsilon or to not see evil 
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
normally I'd follow that, but I just got up from a nap like 10 min ago 
JoTyler: you heard the bot, go take another nap
RealGamerCow: Oh, Robo Rally is so good
I love that playmat actually 
A_Dub888: salutations fellow STALKERs, how fares the Zone?
TXC2: hello A_Dub888 welcome
TXC2: and we're back
Strebenherz: Wb
Mathanwitch: oh, corpses are lootable again
Mathanwitch: the X marks are back
Mathanwitch: welp, doggo time
TXC2: "yah like dags?"
KakuEpsilon: I remember a guy called Stumpy in College that looked just like that tree stump
A_Dub888: Bork
RealGamerCow: the casings hitting the ground is a very satisfying sound
Mathanwitch: little grey X marks show lootable ones
TXC2: cool, it shows each hammer going up
loufghyslaufey: Uh BORK?
JadedCynic: it's not the roving bands of gunmen that are the problem in the Zone; it's the beligerent animals that are the real hassle; they don't carry ammo to replace what you have to use to stop them from eating you.
loufghyslaufey: WHERE?
loufghyslaufey: Darn caps
JadedCynic: arguably, mutants are just 'improved' animals
ArmondoSC: the way the food in that can jiggles upsets me
A_Dub888: “I suppose mutants are probably the worst.” Alex is anti-X-men pass it on
TXC2: !sir
LRRbot: Sir? Sir! You come across the altar of a false god. What do you do?
silverxX59: its just the zone move along nothing to see here
Strebenherz: Re: game devs. No making enemy dogs whine after I stop them from biting my face off
you just walked through an invisible high-tension-wire tower 
A_Dub888: @silverxx59 why’s that guy have three arms?
"find a job you LIKE!" 
silverxX59: @A_Dub888 its just the zone move along nothing to see here
Nigouki: and in true russian fashion, wasn't actuall in russia!
Nigouki: now Kazakhstan has to deal with all that nuked land
dang - no binocs, can't go prone; this sequel is just mean 
silverxX59: the us made nevada a little spicy
Nigouki: above the arctric circle, yeah, but way east of scandinavia
Strebenherz: WHAT
Strebenherz: Third PASS around the earth?!
Geez, & I thought on Let's NOPE,
"a dog might die" blanket content warnings
JuneBlue58: I was about to say, it was half of its theoretical full size too.
ThrinagaBattleheart: Oh my gods...
loufghyslaufey: Right, chat?
KakuEpsilon: Who keeps pissing on the main road, and why is it radioactive?
JoTyler: sorry that was me
TXC2: Train good
LidofLoathing: Think of Stalin and try not to piss yourself
RealGamerCow: Kazakhstan also have to deal with a lake that is insanely polluted because it is a lake without an output, and all the rainwater from farms that use extremely high amounts of weed killer.
KakuEpsilon: @JoTyler Friend, eat more asparagus and drink more water.
Nenluen subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 100 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Nenluen! (Today's storm count: 8)
JadedCynic: as all biological forms evolve to crab; all transit systems evolve into TRAIN
A_Dub888: @txc2 u gud
MDK_Marshal subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 129 months!
Thanks for subscribing, MDK_Marshal! (Today's storm count: 9)
JoTyler: @KakuEpsilon but i like the spicy rocks
Strebenherz: Alex why the fek does every bit of nuclear lore you disperse be more batshit than the last
ThrinagaBattleheart: because NUCLEAR LORE is more batshit the more you go
Nigouki: I'm so morbidly curious about the fact that in theory you can have infinite stages. You can just keep chaining them....
loufghyslaufey: I mean, yeah. In the docu-fictionary Oppenheimer? The entirety of their Manhattan was also run by rail... Mostly.
Strebenherz: It's amazing
silverxX59: remember that time the US dropped a nuke on like 5 guys to show that the geenie ATA missle was safe
JadedCynic: it's the best example of "how insane will humans act IN GROUPS"
RealGamerCow: I wish I still had the 1956 Popular Science magazine I found. You would have loved it
KakuEpsilon: @JoTyler I'm not saying stop eating the spicy rocks. I'm saying eat more asparagus with them and drink more water with them
JoTyler: 8D
Mathanwitch: my favorite wtf nuclear story is those Japanese guys handling uranium in a bucket
Strebenherz: @silverxx59 what
JuneBlue58: The Cold War itself was madness. Deciding that "more nukes" was the better solution than "no nukes" truly was mad.
SLAM is why we don't have nuclear powered jet engines 
CaptainSpam: Wait... are we trying to find Strelok again?
Strebenherz: Uranium bucket?
JoTyler: we made an infographic :3
A_Dub888: Nuclear Science: Humanity was a MISTAKE
silverxX59: the genie was an ATA nuclear missle that was made to destroy the sovieat threat of nuclear bombers
silverxX59: it was a nuke rocket made to down soviet bombers
loufghyslaufey: @mathanwitch that unfortunately made more sense at the time, with nuclear theory being so... infant & novice? Many civilizations had no idea what they were dealing with
silverxX59: the brits tried making a chicken powered nuclear landmine
Strebenherz: Wha
silverxX59: they had a chicken in it
BITs19_: Chicken warmed?
silverxX59: and when it died the heat went away and the nuke went off
A_Dub888: THIS one’s so stu- ok nvm
loufghyslaufey: In regards to the atomic energy(weapons!) (coughs) race.
Mathanwitch: omg xD
KV1NN4: I suddenly wonder if that's the implication of the chicken on top of Mount Everest in Artic Egg...
ArmondoSC: armor repair?
silverxX59: theres operation plumbob
DoodlestheGreat: "Poppies, poppies, poppies..."
Strebenherz: I'm sorry they used A LIVE CHICKEN to warm a NUCLEAR LANDMINE?!
JadedCynic: you wanna talk about madness - look at 'boffins' and the British (military-related) technological advancement
silverxX59: @Strebenherz correct
LordZarano: Didn't Britain do a pigeon-guided missile too?
silverxX59: we americans made nuclear artillery
TXC2: LordZarano they sure did

silverxX59: no that was the americans
Nigouki: Back to the Tube Alloys chaps!
silverxX59: and it worked surprisingly too well
silverxX59: there were also the bat bombs that would have been 12 times more deadly then nukes during ww2
RealGamerCow: There were many a "cor blimey"
JadedCynic: @silverxX59 you even made a only-slightly-bigger-than-shoulder-mounted-nuclear-rocket (the inspiration for Fallout's famous weapon)
MDK_Marshal: "nah bruv, control rod's -definitely- out, swear on me nan"
silverxX59: @JadedCynic oh the davey crockett
TXC2: but, for a brief, shining moment, we had nuclear reactors in the UK
MDK_Marshal: Pop down to Nandos for a cheeky criticality incident
JadedCynic: was it a 'Fizzle'?
silverxX59: oh yea theres the stupid thing called the thunderscreech aka the mighty ear banger
JadedCynic: Israel has no nuclear program; please take the knife from my neck
loufghyslaufey: And somehow, I recently heard that France has so far... converted their grid to nuclear energy, asking to confirm if it is accurate...
DoodlestheGreat: "Let a thousand flowers bloom."
TXC2: Israel does not have a nuke, and therefore none of the Arab states need nukes, but if, IF Israel did have a nuke, it would be a good reason for them not to attack...
loufghyslaufey: I hardly took notice, so...
TheOneCalledStu subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 118 months, currently on a 118 month streak!
TheOneCalledStu: Steer clear of the anomalys, Stalker!
RealGamerCow: can't EMP a horse, checkmate
Thanks for subscribing, TheOneCalledStu! (Today's storm count: 10)
ThrinagaBattleheart: I do know that MiHoYo, the gacha game company, funded a tokamak reactor - though I don't know a tokamak can enrich weapons-grade fuel
DoodlestheGreat: Ah yes, I remember that film. Have it on DVD, even.
Metric_Furlong: poor horses
Strebenherz: Im going to wear out the word at this rate, but I repeat hoarsely "WAT"
PsychoI3oy: fat electrician did a video on that
PsychoI3oy: (the American one)
ArmondoSC: free test subjects
silverxX59: i mean yes but no
Strebenherz: You're a good teacher on Nuclear history
LidofLoathing: there's also that one John Wayne movie that filmed near a test site and maybe gave people cancer
ThrinagaBattleheart: YEAH
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: damn late to the stalker adventure tiems
silverxX59: oops all radiation
ThrinagaBattleheart: the movie The Conqueror
RealGamerCow: Project Orion
Croooooooow_t_robot subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 16 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Croooooooow_t_robot! (Today's storm count: 11)
Chesul: Project orion is probably my fave non-war use.
Project plowsheres, the project to put a manhole cover into space 
CataclysmicReverb: What if nuclear power but instead of turbine, ONE BIG CYLENDAR ENGINE
phoenixletmeuseadashd: the UK was apparently planning on using an underground crater for storage of gas which is...uh.
@LidofLoathing Where John Wayne plays a fucking Mongolian warlord 
Strebenherz: Wait, how close were we to a nuclear dug Panama canal
silverxX59: ahem there were 3000 Genie ATA missles
KakuEpsilon: @LidofLoathing Pretty sure they were all killed and it was proved rather recently, so no maybe about it
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: they did what
RealGamerCow: isn't there video of them doing that?

TXC2: the soviet program had the BEST name: Nuclear explosions for the Nation economy
LidofLoathing: @ThrinagaBattleheart yeah, that was the one where he was Gengis Khan, because... IDK, racism
silverxX59: there was operation CHROMEDOME
ThrinagaBattleheart: Basically the 50s yeah
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: @TXC2 was this back when they wanted to use nukes for civil engineering
well, not OUR OWN; we've technically been part of the US's arsenal 
DoodlestheGreat: "Trinity And Beyond." That's the movie you were speaking of earlier. Though "The Atomic Cafe" is another great one.
@chesul it'd be awkward if Orion in mythology was misinterpreted as a deith or god of war

TXC2: fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn yes, it was their project plowsheres
loufghyslaufey: *deity
JadedCynic: a friend streamed "Fail Safe" last week
Mathanwitch: I found this long shotgun to be better than a boomstick
jolly6100 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 39 months!
yeah alex time 
Thanks for subscribing, jolly6100! (Today's storm count: 12)
and HOW? 
silverxX59: "Murica"
Strebenherz: An unguided nuclear rocket
Nigouki: "To whom it may concern" method of delivery
Strebenherz: WHAT
JadedCynic: the Geine worked on the principle of "close enough"
Swamplor: I mean, if there's any munition that you only have to get kinda close, it's a nuke
Oh good, the Genie was unguided too 
silverxX59: @Strebenherz oh you mean the davey crocket
phoenixletmeuseadashd: I suppose guidence is less important when the idea is "yes that thing over there, I don't want to see it anymore"
Krektogar: fuck this area of airspace in particular
TXC2: Nigouki "dear grid square...."
Strebenherz: "only a few"
phoenixletmeuseadashd: Fun fact: a bomb squad found a Genie in some dude's garage a few years back. Thankfully sans warhead
JadedCynic: @silverxX59 we are talking air-to-air
A_Dub888: Was it called the Genie because it was supposed to aim with magic?
Mathanwitch: this is the place where it pays off to pay attention to the story
JadedCynic: but yeah, the Davy Crockett was just as insane
ButButTheJesus: Hi I just got here and - wait I did not realize Canada (or anyone) actually deployed nuclear missiles in that way, like an actual nuke attack, if I understand right
phoenixletmeuseadashd: @ButButTheJesus patroled with, no shots fied
phoenixletmeuseadashd: (fired)
JadedCynic: @ButButTheJesus US Air Force ordinance on loan
ThrinagaBattleheart: Only a few kilotons, but still enough to wipe out an air wing
TXC2: only 2 nukes have ever been used in anger
ButButTheJesus: oh they weren't fired ok
Nigouki: ok the wooden house creaking background noise is fucky...almost TOO Much ambiance
ButButTheJesus: @TXC2 ok that's what I thought
SymphonySolstice: that's the moose's nukes now
A_Dub888: @TXC2 so were the rest used in heat?
silverxX59: the davey crockett a nuclear recoilless rifle had a blast yield of 20 tonnes of TNT the MOAB that has tto be yeeted out of the abck of a c130 has a blast yield of 11 tonnes of TNT
Strebenherz: Unfound nuclear ordinance gives me the willies
BITs19_: I live near a hiking park that usually has one or two UXO's discovered per year. I wonder if any of them have been nuclear...
A_Dub888 they were tests, so more like masturbation 
JadedCynic: @TXC2 the rest were used in "what if...?" (and technically the two angry ones were 'experimental' too)
DoodlestheGreat: We've sure LOST a mess of bombs.
A_Dub888: @TXC2 yeah that tracks
silverxX59: we launched a manhole cover into the void at mach fuck
DoodlestheGreat: Not a Minuteman, a Titan 2.
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: I learn new and terrifying trivia every stream
A manhole cover? When? 
phoenixletmeuseadashd: fortunately nukes just break if you blow them up. There was also one where it was dropped and 2/3 of the "ok I'm ready to go boom now" safties disarmed
A_Dub888: @silverxX59 what did it do do piss us off so much?
ButButTheJesus: bad, yeah
TXC2: Strebenherz blew a nuke underground
New and Terrifying Nuclear Ordinance Trivia, now with every Play It Forward 
ThrinagaBattleheart: I'm all for it
silverxX59: @A_Dub888 SCIENCE
TXC2: the cover is either in space, or it vaporised
JoTyler: [LEO = low earth orbit]
silverxX59: it was a 5000 lbs manhole made of steel
DoodlestheGreat: That accident helped accellerate the Minuteman program because sold propellant rockets are less susceptible to dropped wrenches than nuclear ones.
Master_Gunner: well, some atoms from the manhole likely made it into space.
TXC2: it's on camera for one frame
phoenixletmeuseadashd: my bet is on "made it to space, but not as a manhole cover"
JadedCynic: @A_Dub888 have you ever dropped one on your foot?
silverxX59: it was in 1 frame at 1000 frames per second on a highspeed camera
Nigouki: it makes you wonder if maybe some little chunk of metal from the halifax explosion maybe made it to space
cyclopsboi: i think i saw something recently where they break it down frame by frame and run the numbers and say it was obliterated
DoodlestheGreat: Er, liquid propellant ones. I am so tired.
Mathanwitch: that's a true Stalker way! making a "skhron"
SymphonySolstice: manhole cover particulate
phoenixletmeuseadashd: @DoodlestheGreat an Orion ICBM is quite the thing to imagine
TXC2: Well there's your problem has a great episode covering Project plowshears
ThrinagaBattleheart: The flowers are making you tired Alex
Mathanwitch: that Pomor looks sus
A_Dub888: @JadedCynic I mean, not after it smashed a hole in my kitchen
DoodlestheGreat: @phoenixletmeuseadashd I wouldn't be shocked if someone proposed one.
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: @DoodlestheGreat I misread this as nuclear wrenches and was -very- confused
silverxX59: 2000 lbs lid and the high speed was 1000 frames per second
Strebenherz: Mental health and taking breaks from news is good
Mathanwitch: Pomor sounds as if he didn't really want you to loot the bodies, but to join them instead xD
ButButTheJesus: yeah I've turned off the default news feed that was on my phone browser
loufghyslaufey: Some kind of.... Amnesia game mechanic?
so is this poppy field just sending ambient opium into the atmosphere? 
it’s a well of topics, just… it’s a well full of cholera 
silverxX59: speaking of mental health did we go into the red forest yet
TXC2: Smart move Alex
BrindleBoar: I should do that but can't
JadedCynic: 'media' has changed from what it used to be
SymphonySolstice: I try to, but I live with my mother who is deep in the sauce so it's difficult
Mathanwitch: Energy drinks make you hungry too
I get my News from Imgur now 
jacqui_lantern234: yeah, im in the same boat as Alex. tuning out most news is gonna be what gets me through
Mathanwitch: so does vodka
jessieimproved: I've been listening to conversations about "compressing news" instead of avoiding it, basically finding sources that just give you the facts and get out
RealGamerCow: If you want a non-biased news aggregator, Ground News shows the bias of the sources it pulls from
I get my News from Alex's discord server 
silverxX59: alex do you watch the fat electrician
LordZarano: The only newses I follow now are spaceflight and Checkpoint
Year after year, I've become more and more glad I never joined Twitter... 
Strebenherz: Biologically we're monkeys a few years out of the trees, where a family of a hundred would be huge, being tired into the news of everything is... Yeah
TXC2: CaptainSpam big mood
SymphonySolstice: it really is. living with someone who does that is very depressing
JadedCynic: Rupert Murdoch et al. should be... re-directed...from turning human communication into an exploitable commodoity
schordash subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months, currently on a 7 month streak!

Thanks for subscribing, schordash! (Today's storm count: 13)
JoTyler: spread the load
TXC2: Logistics win wars
Strebenherz: Breaks are valid
Chesul: You can help and support without diminishing yourself.
phoenixletmeuseadashd: Informed, yes. Doomscroll no.
CaptainSpam: You are not the main character of the world. It is not upon you to shoulder all of the world's responsibilities.
BITs19_: I think Bo Burnham covered it pretty well in Healing The World With Comedy
jessieimproved: Yeah narrow your focus to what you are good at and what you feel like you can effect
jacqui_lantern234: comfort and joy are also much needed things
Strebenherz: @Alex The laughs you bring make bad days easier
TXC2: bringing joy into a cruel world is the most punk, resistant thing you can go
TXC2: *do
DoodlestheGreat: They're also a record of food science.
tknomncr: Gods bless steve1989. His content is so interesting and oddly comforting to watch.
JadedCynic: a treat
@TXC2 on this note, i love and cherish each of you, chat 
Lazarus2511: candy and hot sauce
JadedCynic: psychological benefits
CataclysmicReverb: four thousand calorie packet of cheese wiz
SymphonySolstice: same reason that brits were encouraged to bake cookies to send to troops in WWII
JoTyler: in fact can be a for of resistence
JoTyler: form*
JoTyler: create out of SPITE
JadedCynic: the jester is more important than the king
Lysander_salamander: the act of creation will help
DaSunao: I definitely had crises snacks stored in my locker underway
silverxX59: man this sucks atleast i got this kitkat
TXC2: you gotta be odd to be number one
JadedCynic: MAKE
jacqui_lantern234: @JoTyler so much this! create to resist, create to bring joy, create to remind yourself that youre human
gualdhar subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 89 months!
Thanks for subscribing, gualdhar! (Today's storm count: 14)
TXC2: being whimsical is defiance
PsychoI3oy: i know the one you're talking about
SymphonySolstice: I am saying fuck it, and am looking into finally taking training for my dream job
A_Dub888: @TXC2 what if I want to be the square root of -1?
TXC2: SymphonySolstice heck yeah!
SymphonySolstice: life's shit might as well do something fun with my time
Strebenherz: Fucking art
Swamplor: Aww, buddy ...
ThrinagaBattleheart: That's even more important now. Especially with my rights, as someone who is queer, and the rights of all of my queer, trans, questioning, w/e friends too
JadedCynic: 'the more things change, the more some things stay the same'
A_Dub888 irrational, but you do you 
Lysander_salamander: passively viewing things can give you a quick shot of dopamine. Creating things over time will give you the slow gradual feed of the happy-juice.
KakuEpsilon: I prefer to be Crimes and do Gay things.
RealGamerCow: Block, filter, mute words, etc.
Same tbh 
TXC2: remember: with social media, YOU are the product
RealGamerCow: Even if you like the person who is posting, if their posting gets to be too much for you, unfollow them
Mathanwitch: barmen should have more juice drinks for sale
Strebenherz: Too true
JuneBlue58: Oh, yeah, I gave up on ever arguing on the internet years ago. Sometimes I type out a comment and then delete it just for the catharsis, but never post.
yeap, we don't argue with trolls, we just ban 'em 
ButButTheJesus: don't feed teh trolls
JoTyler: time to go full intolerance of intolerance
cyclopsboi: it ups the engagement so that you stay there
Strebenherz: "oh this person with a blue checkmark said they hate puppies and rainbows I wonder why"
SymphonySolstice: as someone working at a marketing agency currently, please starve the advertisers
KakuEpsilon: I started blocking the Ad companies on my social media of choice.
CaptainSpam: Also remember, just because you chased someone off with your arguments, that neither means they "just despawned" or that you won their heart and mind. They still exist, and still do things outside the internet.
ButButTheJesus: yep
LordZarano: This conversation also reminds me of how Nichelle Nichols, who played Uhura on Star Trek, wanted to quit to become an activist. Until MLKJr met her and told her that he was a fan and she was doing important work
JoTyler: also like.... don't take things personally on social medias
JadedCynic: Meh - let other people think that if it helps them
SymphonySolstice: if you block someone, you win because you don't have to argue with them anymore. ez game
we've been trained to treat all social interactions as COMPETITIONS; you have to WIN at small talk. 
TXC2: LordZarano exactly, she was a black woman on TV doing a highly technical job in space, the Civil rights movement needed that
JadedCynic: if anything, a block is a win-win; you never see them, and they never see you either
BITs19_: appropos, I am working on a crossword. The clue was "Request for consolation", and the answer was "I Need A Hug"
LordZarano: @TXC2 In a high-ranking position too!
JuneBlue58: Pretty sure this is just like living in the NT but with more radiation.
Lysander_salamander: Like Mad Max, but your car has broken down?
TXC2: LordZarano indeed!
JadedCynic: yeah, they're someone you bumped into on a crowded street; you'll never see them again anyway, and they're one person out of eight BILLION; you won't miss them
RealGamerCow: I;m sorry I hear that cookoo and I think of My Summer Car
Lysander_salamander: actually, wait. That would be kind of cool. A stalker game in the mad max setting
phoenixletmeuseadashd: safety rock!
JadedCynic: whew...
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
cyclopsboi: i love that damn movie
JadedCynic: do I hear more in the distance?
Lysander_salamander: Maybe I should watch some of the sequels

Cptasparagus: should we be referring to Cher as Chor now?
JoTyler: 83
cyclopsboi: you arent missing much with the sequels
Lysander_salamander: I've heard the prequel isn't awful?
JoTyler: theyre still a fun time
TXC2: what movie is this?
JoTyler: Tremors
JadedCynic: TREMORS
JadedCynic: and its sequels
JoTyler: i have all of them on dvd >w>
TXC2: JoTyler JadedCynic ah ,ok, thank you
CataclysmicReverb: @Lysander_salamander So Borderlands but with a serious tone?
Mathanwitch: you might spend more money worth of bullets than you'll get $ for the mission when killing monsters. depending on your difficulty though. it was not even worth it on veteran
to be fair, the sequels kept Michael Gross in work and doing an AWESOME meme-worthy character 
Cptasparagus: that energy drink looks more like a beer
Mathanwitch: barmen sells energy drinks
cyclopsboi: the fact that they gave the big monster little monsters did quite a bit to make the practical effects workable for the movie i think
JadedCynic: what 'works'
the wild west tremors was so crap... but the scene where Earl's pacifist ancestor gets hooked on guns was fun 
JadedCynic: they had limits
raulghoulia: my local science museum sponsored an evolutionary biologist to talk about the science involved followed by an outdoor screening of Tremors
BITs19_: even superman. Can do practically anything, nearly impervious, but he still has his lryptonite
his weakness is the trope-name for 'weakness in powerful entities' 
cyclopsboi: they also did a really good job with the geologist in the first movie
Cptasparagus: One of my favorite parts of Not A Drop is when Adam gets a visit from one of the other vampires and they ask to enter and he's like "oh yeah thats a thing right" and the vampire is like "no im just being curteous"
JuneBlue58: Which is ironic as Superman's weakness to magic is much, much easier to exploit.
JadedCynic: oh, you mean Kyplzim?
JoTyler: backwards

Lysander_salamander: He's showed up in the "My Adventures with Superman" series
KV1NN4: Yup, showed up in the newest Superman anime (he's so pretty)
Strebenherz: Quinn: "No, I'm.. just being polite" XD
ThrinagaBattleheart: Mxyx-whatever his name is
LordZarano: I do find it funny that things that were believed in superstition to destroy evil, like silver, are actual antimicrobial
Lysander_salamander: This time his weakness is his hat
KV1NN4: it was an interesting take
LordZarano: *actually
Cptasparagus: @Strebenherz oh was it Quinn lol. I honestly had a hard time keeping Quinn Knives and Chains separate in my brain.
KV1NN4: I liked it
Mathanwitch: that's Monobank Cat sticker!
cyclopsboi: ah yes Mister Mxyzptlk
Strebenherz: @Cptasparagus yeah, I think it was quinn, don't quote me on that
DoodlestheGreat: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
A_Dub888: time flies in the Zone. Wait not that's the radiation messing with my watch
there are gravity anomalies in the zone, maybe they're effecting time? 
A_Dub888: porque no los dos?
Mathanwitch: also NonStop - is an actual brand of energy drink. they would sell special limited Stalker Edition of those around the time of release
Strebenherz: anomaly asmr
TXC2: and we're back

PsychoI3oy: as in deeper grooves or more of the barrel is rifled?
just add more barrel spiral ez pz 
PsychoI3oy: don't they have a thing where you can't buy a rifle until you've owned a shotgun for 5 years so there's smoothbore 'shotguns' in 7.62.39 with 'rifled chokes' ?
PsychoI3oy no, this isn't EVE online 
LordZarano: We heard you like rifling, so we put rifling in your rifling!
i want a bubble helmet suit, feels so insecure without it 
loufghyslaufey: Sounds like Usurper in here
Lysander_salamander: that sounds like a good way to make a musket
PsychoI3oy: congrats, now it's 7.72x39
just ream the barrel out, what could go wrong? 
Lysander_salamander: give the bullet a vertical spin
JadedCynic: 'tumble'
Lysander_salamander works for ninja death stars, why not bullets? 
Lysander_salamander: take it one step further. Have it shoot ninja stars
TXC2: "it shoots shurikens and lightning!"
what's that weapon in Unreal Tournament? 
TXC2: Paris gun was WW1
KakuEpsilon: @TXC2 It could only be cooler if it had tits and as on fire.
JadedCynic: a suspension barrel
JadedCynic: cantilevered
TXC2: KakuEpsilon exactly
loufghyslaufey: Oh, I see
loufghyslaufey: It would overheat quickly?
loufghyslaufey: And artillery wouldn't have any heat sink deterrents?
TacitusVigil: Atomic artillery
malsareus: good evening, have we made peace with the pigu yet?
TXC2: hello malsareus welcome
and then we made solid state electronics that are super resistant to shock and now we have guided artillery shells with range boosting asshole rockets 
silverxX59: davie crocket was made to do drive by nuking
TXC2: Tactical nukes aren't
Spluuga: atomic artillery is just a glorified flare
Creideiki_SE: The Davy Crockett device worked on the "better dead than red" principle.
loufghyslaufey: So they had to scale specific munitions to scale the shell housing?
KakuEpsilon: @malsareus We got a quest to drop some rounds into a Piggu Horde, does that count?
Master_Gunner: Well the 16" nuclear shells they totally never made for the Iowas could have been quite the thing.
TacitusVigil: Oh no
Mathanwitch: that's main quest locked
Nigouki: "the 50s and 60s WERE actually THAT insane"
PsychoI3oy: it's not a jpg, not a png
malsareus: who left their APC running?
loufghyslaufey: Recent comments referred to the Peras or "Paras" gun, thing?
A_Dub888: how close have we gotten to Fallout Mini Nukes?
PsychoI3oy: is it a bmp?
loufghyslaufey: +*Of mine
AdamLavadan: How far into this game are we? It looks sick!
Invitare: that building has remarkble sound proofing
KakuEpsilon: @A_Dub888 Pretty sure that's what a Davy Crockett was
phoenixletmeuseadashd: would be funny if you could steel the bmp
Nigouki: iirc RFK was there for a live Davy Crockett test, cuz you use to just do that and invite a crowd of press and politicians to watch your kabooms
malsareus: they are red so by law they have to
JadedCynic: @A_Dub888 the Davy Crockett was the inspiration - a LITTLE too big to be shoulder-mounted, but not by much, and warhead about the size of a basketball
the 1950's: lead is in car, asbestos is in every wall, and everyone smokes, dumbfuck choices were mandatory 
A_Dub888: @JadedCynic humanity was a mistake
Mathanwitch: wow, nice catch!
ThrinagaBattleheart: There also was a plan by the US to do Paratrooper squads to essentially guerilla nuke places
Nigouki: it's fine, we also had asbestos in the cigarette filters to make smoking safer
JadedCynic: @A_Dub888 just like anything - SOMETIMES horrible, and sometimes AWESOME, too...
KakuEpsilon: @A_Dub888 No, Humanity is a series of mistakes that somehow keep not leading to our complete demise, and it's fun to see how close we get to absolute annihilation.
JadedCynic: somebody has had a lotta time and fear to go through all this prep
Spluuga: chicken coop nuke tho
JuneBlue58: Blaming all of us for the ignorant/hateful/absurd decisions of a small number of very powerful people is unfair.
PostModernVorthos: Is that where the picture of the paratrooper with a nuke strapped to his nuts if rom?
ThrinagaBattleheart: Yeah, two person paratrooper squads where one jumped with the bomb in a pack BETWEEN HIS LEGS
ButButTheJesus: maybe a dumb question - would the paratrooper survive that? or how was it delivered/
ThrinagaBattleheart: It would be set up on the ground.
A_Dub888: @KakuEpsilon Six of one, half a dozen o- oops I armed the nuke
ThrinagaBattleheart: Then the two would have to run like hell
CataclysmicReverb: @PostModernVorthos "Dr. Strangelove" I think?
KakuEpsilon: @A_Dub888 Ted no again. D:
Lysander_salamander: nyop
Nigouki: gamer didn't look up
malsareus: pretty good position tbf
TXC2: gamers don't look up strikes again
ButButTheJesus: @ThrinagaBattleheart ohhh
Mathanwitch: ded
JadedCynic: missed a tripwire
TXC2: 1 is not zero there
you DID get him tho 
Nigouki: FUCK

ButButTheJesus: SNOIPAH
SymphonySolstice: bruhh
Nigouki: wait did our grenade kill its durability!?
Mathanwitch: probably costs 10000000 to repair
Master_Gunner: that guy was stacked
phoenixletmeuseadashd: Iwas not expecting smg when I saw that
malsareus: sure you will
Nigouki: do we have to reload and non-grenade kill to get a better one!?
PostModernVorthos: This is the picture
JoeKim: god i need to get into this game
JadedCynic: makes sense for someone to camp inside traps with one of those...
Nigouki: the nuke is stored between balls
JoeKim: it scratches so many itches
RealGamerCow: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Watch + Play (There's an endless amount of bad games out there. Thankfully Graham and Alex are cool enough dudes to wade through them. It's GARBAGE DAY Y'ALL!) at Wed 02:00 PM PST (1:43 from now).
ButButTheJesus: @PostModernVorthos hoo lordy
RealGamerCow: It *is* a W&P day
malsareus: hey if it works
TXC2: hello JoeKim welcome
KakuEpsilon: We have reach Peak Alex excitement.
JadedCynic: I mean, it's a good powerful cart
RealGamerCow: Porch and Weigh
ThrinagaBattleheart: Wasn't the Mosin Nagant made to use surplus rounds anyway?
silverxX59: god i forgot about that
Strebenherz: What
Master_Gunner: They were also sighted assuming the bayonet was attached.
JadedCynic: 19th century
Cptasparagus: arschen? that just means butts in german
Cptasparagus: ahhh
JadedCynic: arshin
malsareus: so 1 will be the Viper we have at home
loufghyslaufey: Take it that meters outmoded archin, be that I've never heard of it
Cptasparagus: I was like... yes we measure things in butt widths here
JadedCynic: run into a whirligig
Nigouki: mosin round is the ghost of russian imperialism still haunting the world
Mathanwitch: original would be "аршин" = "arsheen"
Lysander_salamander: there's mods for reducing repair costs.
silverxX59: remember stalker quick saving is apart of the game
KakuEpsilon: Arsheen and Moiderate.
Master_Gunner: oh yeah, a lot of early smokeless powder rifles had... ambitious sights, even without volley fire.
malsareus: human eyes aren't set up for depth perception past about a 1000m
JadedCynic: back in the days of "fire enough guns at once and hope some hit"
RealGamerCow: isnt' there a new game coming out that is "what if we took gun physics and turned it up to 1000
RealGamerCow: Cubits started in Egypt, IIRC
a squad-sized shotgun, if you will 
silverxX59: a foot was the size of your foot
To be fair, butt widths are important - in some cases 
JadedCynic: a yard was the length of your stride
TXC2: your foot should be about the same length as your forearm
Jedi_Master_Zell: @ThrinagaBattleheart I wish more seating took butt width into account.
JadedCynic: *should* but Mother Nature likes variation
silverxX59: you are as tall as your hands are apart
ThrinagaBattleheart: Yeah true Zell
@silverxX59 *usually - I'm not! 
silverxX59 not me, I'm minus 2 on the ape index 
KakuEpsilon: @silverxX59 Minus your shoulder span across the back.
Mathanwitch: @ThrinagaBattleheart is this a reference for a Space Shuttle being exactly 2 horse butt wide?
JadedCynic: I have a six-foot reach from fingertip to fingertip, but I'm only 5'5"
TXC2: remember: there is no average shaped person
ThrinagaBattleheart: 11,761 for the SVDM, what's the AR416?
TacitusVigil: I am dumb, it took me this long to realize I was conflating Stalker and Metro
RealGamerCow: @TXC2 I am *very* close to being "average American male adult* size. I have a joke that everything was made for me.
Ah, I meant the repair costs 
KakuEpsilon: Does the langauge setting affect the music on the radio too?
RealGamerCow ha 
ThrinagaBattleheart: Looks like about 18600 K or so to repair both
malsareus: we need that Vodka
JadedCynic: my inseam (length of leg from crotch to ankle) is about 4" shorter than my sleeve length (tip of shoulder to wrist)
Strebenherz: Need more vodka
Mathanwitch: @KakuEpsilon nope. btw, I found official Stalker radio music playlist on Spotify. so cool
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
TacitusVigil: Emergency repair vodka
JadedCynic: I can touch my toes with ease, still at 52
malsareus: emotional support vodka
ArmondoSC: how heavy is the bandage you have 50 of them
JadedCynic can you pull your socks up without bending over? 
Mathanwitch: 10 kg of bandages xD
Lysander_salamander: I remember a stream where you had the character slam two cases of vodka and he keeled over. Maybe it was from a mod?
JoTyler: no monster for you
ThrinagaBattleheart: You have 3 K left
JadedCynic: @TXC2 if I jacknife my legs up against my chest, yes, but arthritis...
gualdhar: how much was that gun you bought again?
TXC2: JadedCynic ah boo, good luck with that
Mathanwitch: oh, hi Solovey
it's actually stayed pretty mild - started as joint stiffness and aches in my 20s, and hasn't really gotten worse over the last 30 years; just gradual loss of flexibiltiy range 
JadedCynic: I could be a LOT worse
Lysander_salamander: well, ok
ThrinagaBattleheart: A MAN OF MEN
JoTyler: oh shit he's time shifting
Strebenherz: Anomaly spotted
malsareus: a there's the jank
ButButTheJesus: SIR
DaxStrife: Guest starring: JANUS.
ButButTheJesus: sir you can't do that
goombalax: his Ego and ID are not on speaking terms
LathosTiran: NPC casts mirror image
MAPBoardgames: that man is beside himself
KakuEpsilon: Throw a bolt at him
TXC2: I recall a stream where an NPC looked at Alex as Alex walked around them, and the NPC got TWISTED
RealGamerCow: *gary's mod physics thrashing noise*
malsareus: I still fondly remember being launched into orbit by the Skyrim giants
JuneBlue58: It's probably still fine.
TXC2: sausage been there since the days of the Keiven Rus
JadedCynic: I mean, it's SAUSAGE
Mathanwitch: there's a cool stash of energy drinks near the Poppy Field. if you find it - don't forget to read the note
cyclopsboi: giga pig noises
Mathanwitch: I swear this place. every time I come here there's always someone fighting
JadedCynic: let the NPCs spend all the bullets to shoot the pigus; they've got infinite #s
KakuEpsilon: Alex: Crate Murder
JadedCynic: oh yeah, you're a marine...
ButButTheJesus: haha npc go brrrrr

Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
lightfut: Lol so proud of themselves
Yeah! One trigger held, one kill! 
look, crayons are made of wax...which is rendered animal fat...and you need fats to survive in extreme conditions 
Probably by the Navy 
Mathanwitch: oh, your stash, nice
CataclysmicReverb: Probably the US Navy, they have to deal with the marine corps the most
gualdhar: apparently it comes from 2016
JadedCynic: I mean, Marines are considered 'simple' and we ALL ate crayons when we were little kids, right? The implication is that Marines never grew up, I guess
Is there any armed force where one branch doesn't hate the others though? 
JadedCynic: "existed on the internet since at least the mid-2010s"... "However, the meme likely stems from intra-military jokes predating their prevalence on the internet." - I'd heard the 'meme' offline before then
TXC2: TacitusVigil nope
Mathanwitch: and that's where we learn what a effing monster Pomor is
TXC2: inter-service rivalry is damn near mandated
everyone loves the Space Force 
jessieimproved: just a lil poppy eep
@goombalax who? 
Mathanwitch: there's one more maybe?
ArmondoSC: i think two of those guns are back at the stash in the town
ThrinagaBattleheart: Did you miss a body? Or did you stash one of the guns
Mathanwitch: you probably carried one of the guns all the way back to base
TXC2: do we have fast travel in this game?
JadedCynic: heck, not even limited to inter-service; different branches within the same service: "Infantry exists to paint targets for people with real guns." vs. "Artillery exists to launch large chunks of budget at an enemy it cannot actually see."
ThrinagaBattleheart: Do you need all the ammo with you too? I'm assuming so
ThrinagaBattleheart: Maybe it's checking for X amount of Y shells
Mathanwitch: he want's 2 or 3 broken AKs and some ammo afaik
Nigouki: weren't we already in a house where we had dialogue about the icon?
Mathanwitch: there's one more quest marker on the map too
Mathanwitch: one more body?
TXC2: JadedCynic and that's without getting into all the support branches
phoenixletmeuseadashd: that went zero to spicy to zero quick
@TXC2 some would argue 'artillery is just a support branch' 
TXC2: JadedCynic heh oh!
Mathanwitch: the quest is 1) loot every quest marker body 2) then bring the loot (he will list the items). if he didn't yet it might be that you need one more body
Mathanwitch: that blue quest marker on the map you have might be it
Nigouki: yep, this is the dialgue again
Nigouki: fak
TXC2: hey chat is active
malsareus: perhaps from the outbuilding?
Mazrae: Whats going on with the vision?
Mathanwitch: magical place
ArmondoSC: you want a picture of the map?
JoTyler: field of poppies makes you sleepy~
Juliamon: Mazrae Poppies
ArmondoSC: its literally a hole in the ground
Mathanwitch: is that a bullet in that guy's head?
malsareus: why does he live next to the demon flowers?
this guy is super sus 
Mathanwitch: what does he need icon for?
ThrinagaBattleheart: I would guess as a "fuck you" to the guy who wants it?
Lysander_salamander: dude's a scavenger. Anything that can be sold is what he wants.
Mathanwitch: maybe he knows him, idk. or to put it back and lure more rookies to loot
ThrinagaBattleheart: Aaaaaayyy
Mathanwitch: also that Ceasar guy previously we heard him try to save a sleepy guy and Pomor said "no, he's not going to wake up don't bother". and later we find Ceasar dead with a bullet in the cellar
TXC2: it suuuuuuuucked
CataclysmicReverb: Oh yeah, the old fallout "oops my booze ran out" problem
phoenixletmeuseadashd: uh
Master_Gunner: uh
gualdhar: Fallout made it so you couldn't sprint or fast travel
TacitusVigil: Janus!
ThrinagaBattleheart: Fallout, you can drink booze to raise Strength to carry more, but then if it wears off
ThrinagaBattleheart: You can't sprint or fast travel then, yeh
Lysander_salamander: He was at the traders but maybe he moved?
CataclysmicReverb: I thought you also slowed down to a crawl too
my playthrough of fallout 1 I was hitting that limit all the time 
TXC2: CataclysmicReverb you did, then if you went even more over you stopped completely
CataclysmicReverb: ahh
Mathanwitch: barmen pays less if you're selling, fyi
Thefluffiestguineapig: Are we not doing W+P today or just PIF right up to the wire?
Mathanwitch: yellow guns can be sold too
Mathanwitch: red ones - not for a long time
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Mathanwitch is that just based on how hazardous they are? (slightly joking, but also maybe based on radioactivity)
the average American gun owner's bed 
ArmondoSC: all these guns junping on the bed
ArmondoSC: jumping*
TXC2: thanks for streaming Alex
Games Of Opposite Quality 
Nigouki: Thanks for the stream!
Lysander_salamander: Thanks for playing!
Strebenherz: How long break?
Mathanwitch: @Thefluffiestguineapig haha. it's just deterioration. around >50% durability - yellow, less than that - red
TXC2: !patreon
TXC2: !alex
KakuEpsilon: "Stalker, what are you doing in there?" "Tucking in my guns."
Mathanwitch: your own gear can get yellow and then red if you don't repair it
Strebenherz: Spaceshipping is very good
Strebenherz: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Watch + Play (There's an endless amount of bad games out there. Thankfully Graham and Alex are cool enough dudes to wade through them. It's GARBAGE DAY Y'ALL!) at Wed 02:00 PM PST (1:01 from now).
LurkerSpine: thanks Alex!
TXC2: !discord
LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here: https://discord.gg/lrr
TXC2: !contact
ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List: https://lrr.cc/contact
TXC2: Goodnight everybody
ThrinagaBattleheart: Good night to all! ...For about an hour until the Watchening begins again
Thefluffiestguineapig: Night TXC2, sleep well
ThrinagaBattleheart: Or if you're actually going to sleep, then good night fo realz
Thefluffiestguineapig: @ThrinagaBattleheart TX is in the UK
Ahhh gotcha 
ThrinagaBattleheart: That would be past 9 pm then
JohnLockeCole: Hullo all
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