KakuEpsilon: It's so quiet between streams, weird.

TheAwkes: 🗑️⌚

Thefluffiestguineapig: In chat or in the actual stream?

KakuEpsilon: @Thefluffiestguineapig Chat.

Juliamon: It is not quiet here. Boo is doing the thing where she drops her voice a pitch to emphasize how awful she feels that we're ignoring her.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Juliamon Here neither, one of my cats just got mega zoomies and is skidding about
Juliamon: (she already got her afternoon wet food but she wants more of it)
KakuEpsilon: Oh is that why? I thought it was because everyone has to do extreme squats to brace themselves for Garbage Day's horrors.
Juliamon: (and she can't be bothered to actually lick the bowl clean)
Foxmar320: Hello
KakuEpsilon: Hi Hello Foxmar
Thefluffiestguineapig: Hey Foxmar!

LostThePirate: Heya Chat. I'm ready to see some Garbage today.
KakuEpsilon: That's a good fox
Foxmar320: I need some garbage today.
baltimore_667083: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: a mystery
KakuEpsilon: Is that what we're calling cats now
Juliamon: speaking of garbage, how about that TCG Pocket trading huh
SnackPak_: it could be anything inside the box, even another box!
Boo LRRBot, that's why we're asking you, so it isn't a mystery anymore 
Foxmar320: Yeah the TCG Pocket trading system is... yikes
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Foxmar320 Yuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Juliamon: it's Wonder Pick with even LESS agency
Thefluffiestguineapig: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Watch + Play (There's an endless amount of bad games out there. Thankfully Graham and Alex are cool enough dudes to wade through them. It's GARBAGE DAY Y'ALL!) at Wed 02:00 PM PST (1s from now).
red_shoes_jeff: !next
Foxmar320: Heard you liked timers so we added more timers
Thefluffiestguineapig: I was so close!
KakuEpsilon: @SnackPak_ Not since the incident.
Juliamon: and more currency!
baltimore_667083: !badadvice
LRRbot: Learn from Beej.
baltimore_667083: @LRRbot how is that bad advice
Foxmar320: It feels like Bungie designed it somehow lol
Juliamon: how many currencies is that now?
warpstonewarlock: Wait, that was supposed to be a bad advice
Is "Learn from Heather" in the advice 
baltimore_667083: @Thefluffiestguineapig only one way to find out
baltimore_667083: !advice
LRRbot: Escape the cheesecake.
Thefluffiestguineapig: !advice
LRRbot: Cure a dead man of his peanut allergy.
Nigouki: !fart
LRRbot: Steam-pressin' your Calvins!
ThrinagaBattleheart: Twitch... Please stop eating my messages
Thefluffiestguineapig: That phrase got me
Foxmar320: @Juliamon All of them
ThrinagaBattleheart: !advice
Thefluffiestguineapig: "Steam pressing your calvins"

Juliamon: We have garbage sign!
KakuEpsilon: @warpstonewarlock Oh trust me, learning from Beej is always bad advice. So many Noodle Incidents are caused by that
Foxmar320: Refresh for garbage
KBKarma: noot noot
baltimore_667083: !sir
LRRbot: Sir? Sir! Did you know Hello Kitty is a human girl? And she's British!
30teracyte subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 113 months!
Thanks for subscribing, 30teracyte! (Today's storm count: 15)
Thefluffiestguineapig: !adult
LRRbot: Adult currently unavailable, please try again later.
L0rdX33n: woo!
MahJunior17 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 34 months!
Jethrain: garbanzo day???
Thanks for subscribing, MahJunior17! (Today's storm count: 16)
neisan2112: TRASH TRASH TRASH!!!
arcaneIllumination subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 107 months, currently on a 107 month streak!
arcaneIllumination: 107 months! so close to 9 years!
Thanks for subscribing, arcaneIllumination! (Today's storm count: 17)
SymphonySolstice: gyarbage dyay!
ryuhimora subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 66 months!
Thanks for subscribing, ryuhimora! (Today's storm count: 18)
warpstonewarlock: It's garbage time!
KBKarma: If our hosts could delay by uhhhh fifteen minutes, that would be great. Gotta run down for my meds in 7 minutes.
NightValien28: got here in time
NightValien28: p
KBKarma: *Metaphorically* run, I hasten to add.
Foxmar320: Just in time for hot garbage
Juliamon: KBKarma Good news, you have sub welcomes
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Juliamon And also general chatting time
Thefluffiestguineapig: And potential game breakage
KBKarma: Neato. That should give me all the time I need. Thanks, @Juliamon and @Thefluffiestguineapig .
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Cheese_Hammer Three of those in sequence is unsettling
baltimore_667083: !searchfortreasure
LRRbot: You find: a silverfish!
Juliamon: because... the sub welcomes broke last stream, it cut off at io_Otter for some reason
Thefluffiestguineapig: LRRbot that's not treasure
KBKarma: Wait, aren't the sub welcomes at the end traditionally?
arcaneIllumination: @Thefluffiestguineapig Searching doesn't mean you'll find it.
Silverfish you say? 
halftrip subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, halftrip! (Today's storm count: 19)
lamina5432: afternoon lrrsfolk
KBKarma: We've got a minor silverfish issue here.
wordnerdify: Ciao, all
KBKarma: @lamina5432 o/
ThrinagaBattleheart: !searchfortreasure
littleunknownn subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 25 months!
Thanks for subscribing, littleunknownn! (Today's storm count: 20)
ThrinagaBattleheart: !advice
KakuEpsilon: Nah, that Silverfish is an adult.
jordorowsky subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 79 months!
jordorowsky: Oh boy it's garbage day!
Thanks for subscribing, jordorowsky! (Today's storm count: 21)
SpacePotato01 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 114 months, currently on a 114 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, SpacePotato01! (Today's storm count: 22)
Texan_Reverend: !badadvice
LRRbot: Try challenging the chat.
Alness49 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 88 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Alness49! (Today's storm count: 23)

kristian_fischer: Don't know why I figure W+P would be on hiatus while Alex was in The Zone, but glad it's not.
Foxmar320: I don't believe you
warpstonewarlock: @LRRbot ok, this IS a bad advice

Dyllbert: Garbage time!
KBKarma: I thought for a moment that they'd done a new opening.
Unas84 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 84 months!
Unas84: the number! it did the thing!
Thanks for subscribing, Unas84! (Today's storm count: 24)
The intro actually worked this time 
Strebenherz: still a classic banger
KV1NN4: gorbj!
Foxmar320: Hello hello
KBKarma: Look, it's Watch and his buddy Play!
wordnerdify: howdy, howdy
Texan_Reverend: Greetings, folks!
Artificer_Evan: HI
baltimore_667083: hi graham! hi alex!
Brozard: I'm watching! You're playing!
Strebenherz: Only good game as a treat
bytecaster: Hi hi!
warpstonewarlock: Hello Graham, hello Alex!
SymphonySolstice: hi graham, hi again alex
Sorator13: ahoy!
TheDangerWaffle: sowwy
Foxmar320: Real bad
MehallD: hello folks
ThrinagaBattleheart: Games Of Opposite Quality From The Bad Internet
Drasvin: Hello internet people
Texan_Reverend: But generally not _good_ bad like Stalker.
Wonderdoc: Happy garbage day everyone
Foxmar320: !patreon
GhassanPL: дивитися і грати!
Foxmar320: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
red_shoes_jeff: STAND AGAINST THE DEVIL! (aggressive beatboxing)
Foxmar320: !store
KBKarma: !alex
lirazel64: Graham has a config
leandertnb: Yay, garbage day!
Unas84: with a bit of 'luck' there'll be a stalker rip-off ... ? ... "stalk'em" ?
Texan_Reverend: !ytmember
LRR has Youtube memberships. Don't know what that is? Well, as the video explains, it's another way to support LRR: https://youtu.be/bmdI0W2l9Zg
megadrivers: can I get some uhhhhhhhhh garbage?
KakuEpsilon: Maybe we'll get a Stalker Inspired game today Alex.
Sorator13: *we* did this?
Foxmar320: Wizard chat?
Unas84: coaster printing isn't what it used to be, WotC cheapening everything!
RubikDarkwill: Oh, there you are second Graham. Goodbye second stram
SymphonySolstice: wizards of the coasters.....
EvilBadman: Probably iris of ether's fault
Jedi_Master_Zell: Wizards of the coasters?
Greyah subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 69 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Greyah! (Today's storm count: 25)
L0rdX33n: cause wizards are awesome
Thefluffiestguineapig: I have told two different people this week about you guys!
Laserbeaks_Fury: That'll happen with your foil coasters
red_shoes_jeff: Coasters of the Wiz
Juliamon: !ppr
jonnykefka subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 137 months, currently on a 137 month streak!
jonnykefka: Thanks for the garbage!
Thanks for subscribing, jonnykefka! (Today's storm count: 26)
shamblingkrenshar subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 67 months, currently on a 15 month streak!
shamblingkrenshar: Garbage day, fellow Stalker.
Thanks for subscribing, shamblingkrenshar! (Today's storm count: 27)
Artificer_Evan: it is nice to catch this live
Foxmar320: I might actually be around for a PPR for once!
CaptainSpam: Driftin' on that aether!
Creideiki_SE: Not Ætherdrift?
Artificer_Evan: Guests!! HYPE!!
LilyOfTheVeil666: We're so back!
Juliamon: Creideiki_SE They got rid of the ligature years ago
Garfman314: eeeeeeeetherdrift
Congrats on getting the new Wizards PPR contract settles before the first PPR of the year this year 
PostModernVorthos subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months!
Thanks for subscribing, PostModernVorthos! (Today's storm count: 28)
Strebenherz: good start
Brozard: Gaming PC is protesting
Creideiki_SE: @Juliamon Truly a typographical catastrophe.
wench_tacular: no signal, my favourite
Artificer_Evan: @LostThePirate that is nice too
Foxmar320: From zero to BROKE
NimrodXIV: No Signal? We've played that before
Wonderdoc: No signal, IVe heard good reviews
jonnykefka: this is better than most W+P games
shamblingkrenshar: I'm glad the Æ is gone. It was painful to search for.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Did the game break the setup?
KBKarma: bbiab. Keep it broken for another five minutes!
You WISH it was Balatro Alex 
SymphonySolstice: not like this!
Artificer_Evan: @Foxmar320 new record
VeryBadLifeChoices: censored for our protection
Unas84: the sagnil it broke
TheDangerWaffle: oop
Jedi_Master_Zell: There was a game on Watch and Play that looked like this once.
red_shoes_jeff: Oh, we're playing No Signal again.
KakuEpsilon: Also, uh, reminder to Friday Nights Backers, an email was sent out to finalize your addresses and chat name for the credits.
niccus: we should totally play balala
wench_tacular: #blamejames
Strebenherz: Has there been a watch+play game to date, that crashed the computer?
Thefluffiestguineapig: We haven't had a game break the setup this fast in a while
Foxmar320: Is this the fastest something broke on W+P?
ArkohTheFuzzybutt: the game was so bad the computer REFUSED
korvys: #BlameJames?
i've missed you test pattern 

thebuzzstreams: I come into Garbage Day to see No Signal. Everything is right with the world
L0rdX33n: Is this the original No Signal or the remake?
100 HOLD
jonnykefka: !paul
shamblingkrenshar: So garbage the stream resigned
SymphonySolstice: did he change the channel?
Thefluffiestguineapig: PAUL
Strebenherz: PFT
DaxStrife: Sooooo more Stalker?
red_shoes_jeff: PAAAAUL!
Sorator13: the game was so bad, the stream rejected it?
wench_tacular: go on
light the Paul signal! 
Thefluffiestguineapig: We require assistance!
ryuhimora: Light the Paul signal
warpstonewarlock: The garbage is strong today
baltimore_667083: go on
EricTheOrange: so hows stalkin' going Alex?
raulghoulia: again!?
Oh ive heard this story 
SymphonySolstice: a classic
Unas84: so a regular Saturday so far, continue..
Foxmar320: !alex
TheDangerWaffle: sure
Strebenherz: Spaceshipping is great
Wonderdoc: Go on, do tell
Jedi_Master_Zell: That's why the dogs were chasing you.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Garbage so strong it broke Paul's setup
jonnykefka: I missed the stalker stream earlier, just how bad WAS that blowout?
WudenHed subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 94 months!
Thanks for subscribing, WudenHed! (Today's storm count: 29)
Strebenherz: Meowthusla lives rent free in my brain okay
baltimore_667083: hi paul!
wench_tacular: hi paul
thebuzzstreams: Helooooo
Brozard: Paul exudes his aura
epsilon_vee: hashtag blame james
red_shoes_jeff: Paul!
hi paul 
NotCainNorAbel: Hi paul
Strebenherz: Hi paul!
Foxmar320: Paul is a wizard
wordnerdify: Hi Paul!
EvilBadman: Paul walked in like he was in the Royal Rumble
DigitalSeahorse: hi Paul
red_shoes_jeff: HI!

baltimore_667083: hi james!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Strebenherz And now mine too, I'm genuinely happy about that
MehallD: Watch+Paul
wordnerdify: Hi James!



Heya (I was busy troublshooting my dad's laptop
Jericu: why did he walk in like that
Invitare: 🦀
BigDaddyBland87: Oh good James. We needed someone to blame
sneakiesttuna subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 20 months!
Thanks for subscribing, sneakiesttuna! (Today's storm count: 30)

Mathwyn: No! More crab!
jonnykefka: Paul AND James? wow this is really messed
Astra7525: When was the last tiem W&P had this many guests
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Astra7525 Never
Hi James! 
wench_tacular: vamp for time
Foxmar320: Do you want a honest answer Graham?
SymphonySolstice: the kids sitting here watching dad fix the xbox
Strebenherz: Off work, and the weather is NOT freezing for once!
thebuzzstreams: All we need is Ben to show up and we'll know the system is well and proper bricked
TheMerricat: When they did the rereplay of Prayer Warriors?
Thefluffiestguineapig: WAIt, I forgot about Deus Ex Machina 2
ArmondoSC: have you tried turning it off and back on agian?
Knitting_Goblin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 64 months!
Knitting_Goblin: No Signal - always a good sign
Thanks for subscribing, Knitting_Goblin! (Today's storm count: 31)
Greyah: I love how the position of the greenscreen and colors and stuff makes it look like Graham can hide behind the pink bar.
Dromos_GHG: watch+play+wait+blame
ArcadeEngineer: hi! i'm using my sudden free time to look up pictures of slipper lobsters
CaptainSpam: 20!
Brozard: Happy 20th Anniversary!
Juliamon: well, KBKarma you got your delay
Foxmar320: Thats something at least
Strebenherz: OH GOD ALEX
ryuhimora: Alex

baltimore_667083: ALEX
Happy 20th anniversary!
BigDaddyBland87: It's LRR's 20th Anniversary!!!!
thebuzzstreams: TEETH!
warpstonewarlock: ALEX!
Mathwyn: Nice smile alex

JadedCynic: WHY Alex???
TheDangerWaffle: LMAOOOOO
kusinohki: meows


this is exactly the kind of riveting content I love from LRR 

RealGamerCow: don;'t like that


MalFnord: yay?


Sergue_Thorien: Paul!

Mathwyn: Better wash that mouth alex
Creideiki_SE: It's been a while since we got a LRRTech stream.
Sergue_Thorien: James!
Ravage2002: Games are so crappy even the computer don't wan't to play them anymore
MehallD: pop'n music Lively
Foxmar320: Thank you James and Paul!
red_shoes_jeff: T E E T H
ThrinagaBattleheart: Brush the Mouthole
NimrodXIV: It's LRR's 20th Anniversary!
wordnerdify: Goodbye James and Paul
Thefluffiestguineapig: Paul and James and best!!!
Mathwyn: Road
Foxmar320: ROAD
baltimore_667083: road
warpstonewarlock: ROAD
SymphonySolstice: ROAD
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: #ThankPaul
Sorator13: we're professionals!
bytecaster: ROAD
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh jeez
Juliamon: Oh, right into it
baltimore_667083: ROAD
Foxmar320: oh good just right into it
RealGamerCow: HAH
baltimore_667083: HAHAHAHA
margieargie: Road huh? Any quests in this game?
korvys: SAVE ME
Brozard: Incredible
Kentosaurus: off to a great start
thebuzzstreams: SAVE ME
Thefluffiestguineapig: welp
SymphonySolstice: good start good start
Garfman314: very cormack mcarthy
Foxmar320: Oh! So it's driving in Florida simulator
Dromos_GHG: aetherdrift tie-in?
TheDangerWaffle: lmao
Shparky2197: Hi friends, it's Garbage Day!
Brozard: B-B-B-Banger!
Laserbeaks_Fury: Oh god, it FMV
red_shoes_jeff: WAKE ME UP!
jonnykefka: Thanks Paul for making this possible
BusTed: This reminds me of those handheld digital LED games
Sorator13: Oh, I didn't realize we were doing lrrmans already
korvys: Oh, it's one of them subway surfers
DaxStrife: Oh man, it's overlaid over an actual road video.
RealGamerCow: this is an attempt
Unas84: the game brings the ROAD, you have to supply the RAGE yourself, I'm guessing ...
AugmentingPath: the way the objects interact with the background is quite something
TheDangerWaffle: oh god
ah, the prminent indie developer "Not-Armor-Games" 
Reecer6: kinda love that
Thefluffiestguineapig: Wait, I'm trying to read the signs
Juliamon: billboard about IBS?
Voidhawk42: Is this like one of those shitty mobile runners I keep getting ads for??
kassbjames subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 29 months!
kassbjames: A Wednesday of regret, so let's get at it! Thanks Paul & James for getting the regret to work
Thanks for subscribing, kassbjames! (Today's storm count: 32)
MehallD: Does this count as an FMV game?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Where in Illinois is this?
Laserbeaks_Fury: YUP
Brozard: We call this "Driving to MagicCon Chicago"
thebuzzstreams: Wait, where's the AI reading reddit stories?
KakuEpsilon: HotJams?
ButterBall000: !uptime
jonnykefka: OH YES
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 13:12.
GhassanPL: Densha De Car
CouldntPickAUsername: I dig the music
Unas84: heck yeah
Kentosaurus: this was filmed in the volume, like the mandalorian
Alness49: So this is technically a FMV game?
That's what we had before Gameboys Alex. 
phoenixletmeuseadashd: 3d and taped cars
Gekyouryuu: That's why it's called a VIDEO game, Alex
Brozard: Oh, I know exactly where this is
nostra83 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 82 months!
Thanks for subscribing, nostra83! (Today's storm count: 33)
baltimore_667083: could be gary indiana
wench_tacular: new geoguesser mode
KBKarma: Right, back. What are game and why steam? And like everything else?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yes, I assume this is central, I'm trying to determine how far south
jonnykefka: That could be literally anywhere in the midwest, but 94 west and 270 north? probably IL
Nenluen: i294?
epsilon_vee: now we just need a person in the shot moving a steering wheel in a way no real driver would
3cbb: classic w&p game 10 second music loop
JadedCynic: this is actually a little interesting, but yeah...
SymphonySolstice: I kinda love this AR vibe
Foxmar320: It's not lined up either
Brozard: This is the highway in Indiana going west into Illinois
Nigouki: spoiler: you're actually remotely operating a "self-driving" car
Juliamon: Wind Creek Casino
kristian_fischer: Look out for Psychotronic Man coming the other way.
TheAwkes: An instant classic.
Brozard: That damn dude with the pompadore
Thefluffiestguineapig: @jonnykefka There was a sign saying "To Chicago"
Strebenherz: it's unique
Brozard: THAT GUY
CouldntPickAUsername: ok what happens if you drive into one of the cars in the video
Thefluffiestguineapig: So close and so far
Unas84: love how chat immediately went to play GeoGuessr with the footage XD
cheetoJack: If we could get to an exit sign we could pinpoint this
jonnykefka: @Thefluffiestguineapig There's a sign in Pennsylvania that says "Maine", that means nothing
JadedCynic: oh, 10'8"?
Nenluen: oh yeah, i droe this almost everyday
phoenixletmeuseadashd: 11'8
SymphonySolstice: The Can Opener
Aenir798: Oh that one
niccus: reverse truck dismount
margieargie: North Carolina
Kentosaurus: 11'8"
offbeatwitch: it's in Durham, NC
SalmirAeon: Can Opener Bridge!
SymphonySolstice: 12'4" now
iris_of_ether: There's a website!
jonnykefka: Storrow Drive?
orangeceltic71: The footage is from right near our house! It is Rt 90 just outside of Chicago.
baltimore_667083: 11 foot 8 in durham
jordorowsky: Durham NC
itsaysTRUENO: it eats rental trucks all day
red_shoes_jeff: I've seen that one.
megadrivers: goated bridge cam
Cleekru subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 88 months, currently on a 88 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, Cleekru! (Today's storm count: 34)
Foxmar320: Yeah ive seen video of the bridge.
djalternative: G, this is in Indiana on the way to Chicago
Tehbeard: Ah the canopener
Octonomicon: I was thinking Storrow Drive
Reecer6: munster? germany looks different than i remember
Crokoking: what does the "save me" do when you crash?
baltimore_667083: it is
AugmentingPath: 11' 8" + 6"
SymphonySolstice: they raised the bridge but it STILL gets some trucks
Its_VeeBot subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 122 months!
Its_VeeBot: Scrump Fumdiddlyumptious!
Thanks for subscribing, Its_VeeBot! (Today's storm count: 35)
kusinohki: I think I've driven on this interstate
Jethrain: new character?
Sliibee: They lowered the road under it
arcaneIllumination: It still opens some
MehallD: a Glasgow bus got can-openered a few months back, brutal
Sliibee: Twice
DaveUncreative: We've got one of those in Melbourne
korvys: Under a train line, over a sewer line
Blip2004: signs, lights, height bars and barriers can't stop people from slamming into it
gnomebot1: it's now 12' 6"
CouldntPickAUsername: can you hit the truck with the trailer?
margieargie: They made it to turn red if a tall truck shows up, which means the drivers gun it to make it through before it turns and then hit the bridge

Sarah_Serinde: They set it up so that if it detects a truck it'll change the light red in the hope that the driver will read all the signs...but then drivers just speed up to make it through before the light changes
Foxmar320: It just rips trucks open it's amazing
JadedCynic: you get people who rent u-haul trucks and just use GPS because they don't know the local area, and don't know to avoid it
Thefluffiestguineapig: The fuck are those clouds/spaceships
TheMerricat: Durham, North Carolina
red_shoes_jeff: This game... kinda rules, in its own way.
KBKarma: Oh lord, I just noticed that there are cars *in the background*
NightValien28: the entire UI is hurting me
A_Catastrophic_Success subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 76 months!
A_Catastrophic_Success: What the hell is this?
Thanks for subscribing, A_Catastrophic_Success! (Today's storm count: 36)
Unas84: bahahahaha
Its_VeeBot: Just paint a Wiley Coyote tunnel on it
SnackPak_: art
Sorator13: They have made MANY changes to try to prevent trucks from destroying themselves
BusTed: awkward
so it becomes WORSE 
Ravage2002: at least the music is good
wishiwassleeping: we have one in Louisville, Ky. we call it the can opener
RedtheLily subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 46 months!
RedtheLily: my subscription is almost as old as that one kid in the adam sandler hit Grown Ups
Thanks for subscribing, RedtheLily! (Today's storm count: 37)
Sorator13: including a sign that lights up and says you're too tall, you have to turn
Thefluffiestguineapig: So everything about the civic design is just worse then
Sarah_Serinde: @JadedCynic Yeah U-Haul trucks are not the problem
3cbb: and those truck drivers are the average person you share the road with everywhere else that doesn't have a comedically low bridge
DevInsanity: There is also a giant flashing sign telling you that you're too tall though
MaygeKyatt: That bridge is about 20 mines away from where I live! …I should really go find it sometime
ThrinagaBattleheart: Change the light so it becomes Boneathan
Wonderdoc: does this game have a goal?
SymphonySolstice: there's a GIANT sign that says "OVERSIZED, TURN RIGHT" and they don't read it
iris_of_ether: I ended up seeing a train trestle eat a truck as a kid, and it was taller than the 11'8" bridge
korvys: I kinda want Alex to just hug one side and see how far it goes
niccus: this is probably accurate to chicago freeways
SquareDotCube: The 11'8"+8" bridge is in Durham, NC, which is also home to Duke University
CaptainSpam: I think there's another one in upstate New York where it IS accurate, but it's over a dip in the road, so longer trucks still smack into it when the wheels hit both sides of the dip.
baltimore_667083: ok so this has to be in indiana then
Tehbeard: Swap out the light up sign they dont't read for a kilowatt laser aimed at the tires.
itsaysTRUENO: it would be easier to make 3D assets than try to sync the video
Sorator13: did that say new character unlock?
CouldntPickAUsername: notice that the stuff you 'pick up' doesn't disappear?
can we get a RoadQuest version of this 
Thefluffiestguineapig: @journojared AAAAAHHHH I willl have nightmares
kusinohki: a friend of mine used to live in danville
Blip2004: this would be more interesting if you could actually choose to do stuff like take the exits
are we recreating the Blues Brothers epic drive to pay the orphange's back taxes? 
baltimore_667083: road
Foxmar320: Sure was GAME
Sliibee: I have a new proposition for Desertbus. Illinois Road
Its_VeeBot: boat
DoodlestheGreat: Fun Road.
Garfman314: did it say new character?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @JadedCynic Not quite, I wish
CouldntPickAUsername: where we're going we don't need road
AugmentingPath: Cormac McCarthy really let himself go
phoenixletmeuseadashd: app
itsaysTRUENO: Default Font Andy
red_shoes_jeff: @Sliibee For Despair
Foxmar320: Graham is this the episode where all the games titles are ALL CAPS
SymphonySolstice: enzombed....
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also my dad used to play where he could see all the police cars in a junk yard from when they filmed Blues Brothers
JadedCynic: huh, in medias res
Thefluffiestguineapig: The fuck????
Orlantia: That road appears to have been in Alabama
Aenir798: uhhhh

itsaysTRUENO: this rules
Lysander_salamander: no
Foxmar320: Uhhhhhh
Thefluffiestguineapig: AAAAHHHHH
LostThePirate: LOL
accountmadeforants: Is the hole in the roof just a black orb??
margieargie: Great start
Nigouki: wat
NightValien28: what is going on
Kentosaurus: fine
NightValien28: wat
Strebenherz: whelp
AugmentingPath: Oh, it's Portal if we were bad at audio triggers
CouldntPickAUsername: is someone attempting a stanley parable?
Shparky2197: Wut
red_shoes_jeff: Hold on...
Juliamon: I guess the theme of today's games is "immediate bafflement"
Thefluffiestguineapig: The overlapping voice lines made that hard to parse
ArcadeEngineer: is this a human? he got an actual person involved somehow?
3 raiders from Chamelenyan have joined!
JadedCynic: @AugmentingPath yeah

wench_tacular: don't like the camera alex
itsaysTRUENO: your character looks like he listens to nu metal
Blip2004: a lesson on how to use location triggered sound clips wrong
kalira77 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 55 months!
kalira77: hoorah for garbage!
MolaMolaphant: huh, playback issues aside, that audio quality was remarkably good?
Thanks for subscribing, kalira77! (Today's storm count: 38)
Jedi_Master_Zell: Does the camera turn?
red_shoes_jeff: TEETH
twistedsylvan: I was alt tabbed and thought I had just loaded some weird AI ad
Foxmar320: Welcome Raiders
TheDangerWaffle: OH GRACIOUS
EvilBadman: @Orlantia No, it wasn't

Chamelenyan: Hi hi! how's the garbage today?
baltimore_667083: @Chamelenyan it's strong
Greyah: I love watch+play, but I hate how it always puts that godawful tune from the Slaughtering Grounds in my head and it makes me angry.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Chamelenyan Juliamon hit it on the head with "immediately baffling"
Foxmar320: At least he's honest
phoenixletmeuseadashd: the voice acting isn't bad
red_shoes_jeff: WHAT island!?
phoenixletmeuseadashd: just...nonsensical
SymphonySolstice: "you're probably wondering how I got into this situation"
Shparky2197: AI voice? Sounds too clean for Dev voiceover
Astra7525: The VO is unusually good for this type of videogame
KBKarma: This appears to be in media res.
baltimore_667083: why is he so condescending
Juliamon: deffo AI
Strebenherz: are you being haunted by the ghost of AI clippy?
itsaysTRUENO: this game was written by the cards against humanity people
EvilBadman: This guy's doing his best jackbox host
KBKarma: @Astra7525 I thought the same.
Chamelenyan: @Thefluffiestguineapig Sounds promising! lmao
MolaMolaphant: "hey, I really don't want to say more about this, but you should try mouthwashing. Don't look anything up about it"
Brozard: How smarmy can the narrator be?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @baltimore_667083 Stanley Parable inspired is my guess
Orlantia: @evilbadman then where was it? That casino advertisement was for a casino in Alabama
JadedCynic: it's not bad voice-work...just...everything else
epsilon_vee: ikr?
niccus: is this writer poison
Redbassist: Okay budget Wheatley
Fruan: This is desperately trying to be Wheatley, and it's just not close.
Juliamon: Orlantia The casino is a chain
Brozard: I don't like this adaptation of 17776
Voidhawk42: It gave you headphones and contacts
AugmentingPath: @MolaMolaphant instructions unclear, now the inside of my nose is minty
notthepenguins: It had you pick up ear buds
Saintnex: this game is SOO dark
Greyah: The Last of Us sure looked better yesterday. Weird.
ArcadeEngineer: the intonation makes too much sense i'm sure it's a human. which just raises many more questions
kusinohki: the VA sounds familiar actually
EvilBadman: @Orlantia both me and real gamer cow dropped a link
Sorator13: It told you to put in earphone thingies so that it can talk to you
Astra7525: How are you able to see anything?
itsaysTRUENO: the screen is mostly black for me
THat's why it gave you earbuds and contact lenses Graham, so they could give you a hud and talk to you. KEEP UP! 
CaptainSpam: Very very dark.
Mathwyn: So dark
korvys: Is it as dark for you?
Foxmar320: Game can we at least have a flashlight
Thefluffiestguineapig: "Can't see shit Captain!"
wench_tacular: get bitten you say
Thefluffiestguineapig: Anything?
Kentosaurus: good elocution on "bitten"
JadedCynic: Devil: "...ANYthing?"
KBKarma: Oh wow. A zombie game with an OHKO,
korvys: Well, the voice actor has good recording equipment at least?
AugmentingPath: Fine
LurkerSpine: what are the chances it's AI?
Angreed66: let's get bit then narrator is too insistant
Mathwyn: Either AI or the dev paid a guy on fivrr
accountmadeforants: Yeah, this isn't even a studio lighting against a display thing, this game is just straight-up mostly black
Foxmar320: It's like 1% better now
Juliamon: LurkerSpine Extremely high
Garbage day! Made it 
Jethrain: It doesn't sound like AI to me
Laserbeaks_Fury: "Don't get bit" is kinda evergreen advice
L0rdX33n: when all your budget goes to voice acting
itsaysTRUENO: alan wake 3
Voidhawk42: Maybe the student who made this had the idea to contact a local amateur dramatics club?... nah, it;s probably AI isn't it.
JadedCynic: the jeep weighs less than we do
Juliamon: This is exactly the sort of thing AI is getting used for
TheMerricat: Just a heads up - this is on the store page - "IMPORTANT ! You only have 1 life, so, if You die OR Leave the Game, You have to start over from the begining !"
flatluigi: this is 100% an ai voice
Foxmar320: Government? Don't trust them at all
JuneBlue58: @Laserbeaks_Fury There are many vampire fans who would disagree.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TheMerricat .................
Strebenherz: If it's Illegal, WHY POINT OUT THAT IT'S ILLEGAL?!
Kentosaurus: what happens if we drive into water?
JadedCynic: SpeedMark™?
Thefluffiestguineapig: The spelling mistakes say a lot on that store page
CaptainSpam: Oh, don't worry, this is the generic government. That's at least better.
Strebenherz: Holy bussing bus spiderman talks a lot but at least he's got WIT
itsaysTRUENO: the voice over is epic bacon rick and morty
A_Dub888: what up gamers, what level of garbage are we?
Aenir798: what
Reecer6: this is absolutely not ai, there's no way
Saintnex: somehow giving us the worst flashlight and headlights makes the darkness worse for me lol
red_shoes_jeff: A week!? WHAT is happening?
Sorator13: I was gonna say, it's absolutely possible to hide from napalm
Shparky2197: He is throwing a lot at us
JadedCynic: wouldn't that mean it's NOT WATER ANYMORE?
GhassanPL: @JadedCynic Yuuup
Redbassist: SQUARE
silenceaux: I don't think you can turn the entire coast that alkaline
notthepenguins: That would be uh, well. My concern is no longer the zombies!
itsaysTRUENO: we call that the Filmmakers Crosshair
Thefluffiestguineapig: Shrimp in the sun levels of garbage
Blip2004: ground water can be alkaline, its common in alberta
AugmentingPath: we worldbuilding now
Foxmar320: Zombie was like, my bad ill just die
SymphonySolstice: this is someone's VA demo reel
Strebenherz: Dear writer, it's okay to SHORTEN YOUR SCRIPT
Carlioo: bro's yappin
notthepenguins: But the destruction of the ocean biome
HavenDragon: oh its an enzyme shotgun
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Obviously
Voidhawk42: The lore is wild, in for it actually
CouldntPickAUsername: sorry, go back a second, explosive?
Sorator13: I'm actually enjoying this lore and lore delivery
bytecaster: Is this a playable audiobook?
Carlioo: this is just like pacific drive right?
Wolfstrike_NL: Holy, there's so much yapping
WalkingProfanity: It doesn't matter if it is true. He is just trying to manipulate you with fear.
Kentosaurus: sounds real
notthepenguins: I like the voice tbh
Voice acting is cheaper than gameplay I guess 
accountmadeforants: Yeah, sounds real to me
BusTed: It sounds canadian, actually
Thefluffiestguineapig: I don't think it's AI either
KBKarma: @SymphonySolstice Well, they're doing quite well.
Garfman314: there's too much inflection
itsaysTRUENO: some fiver podcast advert type voice
lirazel64: Strangely rational backstory.
Foxmar320: The VA is not the worst honestly
BrowneePointz: it’s very flat delivery
Fruan: I somehow find this more insulting than just a plain storiless asset flip
flatluigi: no i've heard this generated voice before i'm pretty sure
silenceaux: Praise for getting an actual recording setup
thatguy575 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 91 months!
ArmondoSC: i bet its a fiverr VA
Thanks for subscribing, thatguy575! (Today's storm count: 39)
Strebenherz: Not terrible delivery
Thefluffiestguineapig: The VA is actually decent
Garfman314: we've heard much much worse human voice acting
Shparky2197: Paid somebody on fiver sounds about right
accountmadeforants: We've never had dev dialog through a normal mic
korvys: Whoever it is, they are pretty ok, and the writing is... not the worst
TomfooleryFox: he is CARRYING this game right now
BrowneePointz: yea it’s good diction but very flat delivery
notthepenguins: Maybe this is a VA who's doing a passion project
Luckssmith: Didn't it say at the beginning that it's the dev?
Thefluffiestguineapig: And that's a good audio setup TBH
Greyah: Car's got a forcefield.
Jethrain: It did say on the title screen that the voice was the dev, at least
Most game development undersell the importance of writers. This is an example of 'what if you had a dev team of ONLY a writer?' 
Drasvin: Maybe the dev took VA lessons instead of game dev lessons?
itsaysTRUENO: i see your programmer art and raise you programmer VA
ArmondoSC: paper mache zombies
Cheese_Hammer: it almost sounds too good for being transmitted
accountmadeforants: @Drasvin Honestly, I'd respect it
KBKarma: Honestly, VA is one of the things I didn't consider would be high quality.
"a fake house" - nice lampshading 
Laserbeaks_Fury: real fake houses
thesurfaceofthemoon: Hellooooooo! Arrived late so heading to watch the VOD, but hope the garbage is especially steamy today.
ArcadeEngineer: there's a yt channel linked on the dev page. the last three videos are '[game name] is coming to steam!'
MolaMolaphant: in the 1800s it would have been keelhauling, but modern society has graced us with the grundle
Thefluffiestguineapig: @KBKarma I know right?
wench_tacular: gross
Foxmar320: Oh no
azureHaights: OSHA: Occupying Space and Hitboxes Assurance
Strebenherz: WHAT
Thefluffiestguineapig: OH NOOOOOOOO
ArcadeEngineer: three different games. 3 days ago, 7 days ago, 10 days ago
itsaysTRUENO: is it getting keyed?
CaptainSpam: UM

red_shoes_jeff: UM
Sorator13: WHAT
Drasvin: Aaaaah!
Juliamon: It looks like a green smoothie.
NimrodXIV: hurk
cmdrud87: I mean, it interacts with the green screen. that's normally a bad sign...
Anubis169: it's Soylent Grey
Strebenherz: NOVEMBER
Nigouki: does not look very smooth
BrowneePointz: it’s charcoal grey
LostThePirate: It looks rather grey over here
Foxmar320: That looks cursed
Thefluffiestguineapig: NOPE
Simriel: This looks like it is called "The Substance!
niccus: 2023?
TheDangerWaffle: WHAT
AugmentingPath: Garbage day, with special guest: literal garbage
BrowneePointz: on green screen it was legit slate grey
accountmadeforants: @KBKarma He took the "audio is the most easily recognizable flaw" thing to heart.
Thefluffiestguineapig: OH NO
MatzerKat: "Sir, I'm gonna need your license and registration. Is that hitbox permitted in the county?"
Texan_Reverend: I was betting it was from Desert Bus, and given the date, I may be right.
accountmadeforants: In what hidden containment was it?
Juliamon: wait, shit, was that from Jigpaw
phoenixletmeuseadashd: so your smoothie died
Sliibee: How fitting to be getting rid of biohazards on garbage day
DaxStrife: Just have a big ol' glass of Brown.
Juliamon: Texan_Reverend Same hat
BrowneePointz: it looked like liquid Rubber Eraser
loufghyslaufey: Wow, a game with VA?
KBKarma: Huh. Wow. This is a quick game.
LathosTiran: yap yap yap
EvilBadman: I maintain this is like a juniour Jackbox announcer

loufghyslaufey: So- so Rare...
Wolfstrike_NL: So your smoothie turned into a zombie drug, do you sip it?
Mathwyn: A burning island is kinda visible
JadedCynic: I mean, V/A beside the point, the script for this is actually pretty competent
JuneBlue58: Pretty sure that building fake towns isn't even that atypical. I've heard stories about them around the US.
loufghyslaufey: How do you we rate the VAs performance?
Rhynerd: either they won’t, or it’ll get written off as a wildfire I assume.
silenceaux: Also they said fake fishing village, did people live there?
wench_tacular: it is functional, which is something
ThorSokar: something something weather balloon
CouldntPickAUsername: yeah at least it's not another 'here fight our asset pack in an unrelated arena'
azureHaights: The tone of this narration feels like Getting Over It Where "It" Is The Zombie Apocalypse With Bennet Foddy
Shparky2197: Definitely no unskippable content
dougma: havent seen this pacific drive mod yet
Thefluffiestguineapig: @JuneBlue58 The military builds them distressingly frequently given our current cost of living crisis
Thefluffiestguineapig: REALLY
notthepenguins: Wait it is???
Thefluffiestguineapig: They learned quite a bit

baltimore_667083: that explains a lot
Thefluffiestguineapig: If it's Road first
3cbb: i'm gonna go out on a limb and say road came first
AugmentingPath: I hope I know what order they made the games in
MatzerKat: The press won't cover the firebombing because the press will ALSO be firebombed.
kusinohki: "light from venus reflected off a weather ballon ignited a pocket of swamp gas" - K
Saintnex: well I know which order I’m hoping for lol
BrowneePointz: err not rubber eraser. what the heck are those stretchy grey moldable erasers called?
red_shoes_jeff: It feels like they forgot to put a story in the game, and shoehorned one in when it came time to record VO.
korvys: Huh
itsaysTRUENO: im experiencing doubt
AugmentingPath: that is so cool, actually
accountmadeforants: Okay but where's our Blue marker???
Thefluffiestguineapig: To replace preroll ads all videos have unskippable ____, do you make the change

Mhm, unreliable narrarator 
Drasvin: Hmm. Green or red?
Caleb_QDC: aw, that’s cute
TheMerricat: Road was the _newer_ game. Huh.
ArmondoSC: time to get the red pages
Mathwyn: "Do not believe his lies"
A_Dub888: @Caleb_QDC you're cute
Akaiatana: Brain made me think of a game of The Road, and I guess that's sort of The Last of Us
arcaneIllumination: Trying to stifle the god complex?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TheMerricat Now my eyebrows are raised
itsaysTRUENO: Firewatch 2 leaked alpha
AugmentingPath: approach red to doubt
L0rdX33n: “Don’t trust the skull”
Voidhawk42: The counter narrator? The Adversarator?
Caleb_QDC: @a_dub888 UwU
Juliamon: Road being newer makes sense if you consider the dev made its assets, where they just bought assets for this one
JadedCynic: green - follow the voice's instructions; red - dont trust him instructions
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Is it supposed to be the character's thoughts?
Thefluffiestguineapig: This game is trying to be Stanley Parable
korvys: The HUD is... sentient?
BITs19_: this being made by the last dev makes me think this is an asset flip
Voidhawk42: The text and markers are because he gave you "digital contacts" from the drone
loufghyslaufey: Hm, I thought Left 4 Dead was somewhat like that though
BrowneePointz: art direction hard
Akaiatana: Stalker negative 2.
UnboundLaconicness: They did say something about special contact lenses back at the start
Greyah: At least he didn't say "would you kindly"
Juliamon: also, this game DID say quitting the game restarts the game
loufghyslaufey: Get on his level, Game! C'mon!
Wolfstrike_NL: Stanley woke up at his desk.....
Juliamon: you HAVE to play it in one go
wench_tacular: Bioshock, but shorter
Atarra: student project vibes, in the best way
Crokoking: oO if i look at the dev on steam they made like 50 games
notthepenguins: Tbf he told you he was extorting you in the first dialogue
Foxmar320: A twiiiiissssst?!
AugmentingPath: It's a little bit of a deconstruction of the "my first game" medium. Do you trust the only voice actor in the game or the floating advice text?
JadedCynic: then again, that's assuming the game's length - maybe we're 1/2 way through....
Jethrain: four minutes in but we have had 3 hours' worth of dialogue
ThrinagaBattleheart: Is this car just at an angle?
notthepenguins: Just that you didn't have a choice anyway
CouldntPickAUsername: wait, so you can't ever leave the game?
A_Dub888: Quitting the card, explains th- wait
MehallD: @Jethrain Metal Gear?!
Foxmar320: That is a strong fence
Shparky2197: Couldn't figure out how to make saving work m
ZethRuss subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 124 months!
Thanks for subscribing, ZethRuss! (Today's storm count: 40)
Shparky2197: ?
So in case of restart, "restart PC" instead?

Thefluffiestguineapig: @Jethrain But some of it was overlapping at the beginning disorientingly at the beginning
ThrinagaBattleheart: Oh Boy! Floating Red Expository Text Boxes!
kumatsu: contractors must get paid well here
Thefluffiestguineapig: Who is Dennis?
Saintnex: what?
Shparky2197: Love how readable this text was
accountmadeforants: I think I've found my favourite review of the game so far: "worst game i have ever played. archor wright i know where you live. cant tell if you just couldnt be bothered to actually finish the game or if you forgot to put markers at the end but regardless this game sucks. and just to say it again. i know where you live archor"
accountmadeforants: (That one's marked as Positive)
ArcadeEngineer: the fact there was a pause to read story in an archor games game is weird enough in itself
Sliibee: It was 5 before
JuneBlue58: I do love spiting people who think that they can project their voice into my head and tell me what to do.
ThrinagaBattleheart: Score Equals..... Question mark?
Sorator13: You just have to get really far from the destination marker and then align it with the score overlay
Akaiatana: Game says go this way, so goodies are the other way
Sliibee: Maybe it's just how many green options you did in a row? I thought it was how many zomblebees you'd killed at first
accountmadeforants: @JuneBlue58 I mean, you're literally just wearing airpods.
wench_tacular: the secret third option
ArkohTheFuzzybutt: always pick the secret third option
Transmuted_Elf: now curious about you in a ttrpg
accountmadeforants: It's very low-level voice projection
KBKarma: Spicy as in neurodivergent, spicy as in sexy, or spicy as in food?
JadedCynic: the red instructions were a novel alternative to 'following the main quest', but NOW they're just *another* set of instructions
MalFnord: To be fair VO Guy is glib to the point where if he told me the sky was blue I'd consult three different sources first.
Fruan: "You have free will, but we wish you didn't"
CouldntPickAUsername: sounds like tech support
Angreed66: actually yes that is the expected out come Alex
AugmentingPath: I'm hoping the end of this game is that we make it to the subocean, and right before the killplane we see a blue marker
arcaneIllumination: That reminds me: Will we ever see Slay the Princess on Talking Sim? If they already played it, I can't find the VOD
JuneBlue58: Someone hijacking my headphones to tell me what to do is close enough.
ButterBall000: But it's so nice when games take into account the player being dumb and puts in a joke
Laserbeaks_Fury: You know what, I appreciate there ar not hundreds of zombies
The guy just watching us like "wtf are you doing?" 
DaxStrife: "You can't tell me what to do!" [Clips through the floor]
red_shoes_jeff: "The problem with making something completely foolproof is the tendency to underestimate complete fools."
BrowneePointz: ah yes my favorite mtg land Terminal Moron
Stanley Parable? 
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also I don't believe that there are any zombies because the narrator says so
LostThePirate: Definitely getting a Cookie from YDKJ vibe from the VA in this
CouldntPickAUsername: Star Trek TOS the Harry Mudd episode
Transmuted_Elf: @Akaiatana this?
johnnylongtorso: Star Trek TOS episode "I, Mudd"
HavenDragon: star trek does that all the time
notthepenguins: its a not uncommon sci fi story idea
djliftinlive: thats gotta be a star trek TNG episode right?
Brozard: That's what Data did with the Borg
Laserbeaks_Fury: Mrs. Davis?
accountmadeforants: Unfortunately humans are worse at randomness than computers.
RubikDarkwill: Or The Talos Principle
rick0chet008: Blaine the train gunslinger series
Angreed66: except perfect knowledge would mean they would know how you would act "randomly"
Juliamon: arcaneIllumination They have not played it, but Cori has a discord thread for game suggestions
AugmentingPath: logic is like a beautiful flower that smells bad
KBKarma: While Wheately says "Two."
BrowneePointz: that’s actually how different factions beat the Necrons Alex
KBKarma: No, he says "yes".
Invitare: reminded ME of the Star Trek Prodigy episode about the Kobayashi Maru personally
Vander_Demimori subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 37 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Vander_Demimori! (Today's storm count: 41)
TheMerricat: "everything I say is a lie" was the trap.
Brozard: Heck yeah Math Man
arcaneIllumination: @Juliamon I'm sure it's already in there multiple times, but I'll take a look. Thanks.
red_shoes_jeff: @KBKarma And the turret next to him explodes.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Angreed66 You're just describing the Deadpool vs Taskmaster comic
Strebenherz: PFFFT
Foxmar320: Checks out
JeshuaWithAnE: What is the score on the top left of the screen for?
A_Dub888: heyooooo
MalFnord: *rimshot*
Thefluffiestguineapig: That's amazing
kusinohki: "this. statement. is. false! (don't think about it don't think about it)"
Akaiatana: And then Portal 2 undercuts that where the robot is too dumb to understand the question

Shparky2197: Love it
KBKarma: Expository text, ho!
TheDangerWaffle: FUCKING SCANS
Riandisa: Square One was such a good show
Texan_Reverend: To confuse you.
ToastyLoaff: its for the equals sign
arcaneIllumination: Games need a score OBVIOUSLY
Juliamon: JeshuaWithAnE Dev didn't know how to remove it, much like they didn't know how to implement saves
halftrip: SCORE =
A_Dub888: Our score is
ThorSokar: it's a video game, it has to have points!
Drasvin: Points mean prizes?
SquareDotCube: It's for settling
BITs19_: tennis
Mangledpixel: Pinball
Thefluffiestguineapig: I would bet it's because the dev forgot to remove it
margieargie: Pinball and the like
ButterBall000: pinball
qwertiest_mint: imagine trying to drive this with Halo Warthog physics 🤣
KBKarma: I think you'll have to dismount.
Mathwyn: Carnival games
Akaiatana: Card games, plenty of things. Cribbage is just points
ThorSokar: 100% pinball
RubikDarkwill: Carnival games too
Zandivya: High score! Keep putting in quarters

BrowneePointz: speaking of earlier video games, did not have New Ninja Gaiden on my 2025 Bingo list Graham
plaidanddrpepper: more philosophy. I request a Watching Simulator
Mangledpixel: Akaiatana Cribbage is not just points, Cribbage is life
EikoandMog: Austin Powers'd it
MatzerKat: I'll be honest, I don't think Forest Trucking Simulator's gonna turn a profit
CaptainSpam: Mmm pinball
Greyah: Score went up!
ArcadeEngineer: would you say this is 'driving with realistic manoeuvring' as listed as a feature on steam?
mozes_rose_weary subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 48 months, currently on a 46 month streak!
happy garbage day
what is this..? dark driving simulator?
Thanks for subscribing, mozes_rose_weary! (Today's storm count: 42)
Thefluffiestguineapig: What did we do to get score?
Akaiatana: @Mangledpixel Cribbage IS the point?
Foxmar320: Yes we are
Mangledpixel: hehe
Barb4rian: Why wouldn't I?
JeshuaWithAnE: Mmmm, it isn’t a watch n’ play if a simple mechanics question doesn’t result in a philisophical “how did we get here”
Drasvin: There's how get all the best noms
Getter404: There's an inventory?!
ArcadeEngineer: @Getter404 'Action Shooter Gameplay experience with weapons, supplies, documents, map, inventory, and more.'
VeryBadLifeChoices: I thought the first rule of zombie apocalypse was remember to loot
qwertiest_mint: low key the box reticle isn’t half bad
Greyah: Oop nevermind score's gone again
Crokoking: oh yea the score only shows up when you are on foot
ThorSokar: are you currently trapped in a pyramid?
A_Dub888: !dbcountdown
LRRbot: Desert Bus for Hope will return next year, start saving your donation money now!
Mathwyn: Implying the evil corporation and the government are separate entities anymore
Creideiki_SE: The voice (Graham) works for the company (Bionic Trousers Media).
Garfy400 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 98 months!
Laserbeaks_Fury: And also, not Halogne
Thanks for subscribing, Garfy400! (Today's storm count: 43)
JadedCynic: and also passenger cars too - they're all supposed to have headlights aligned like this
Foxmar320: Weeeeeeeeeeee
Caleb_QDC: I especially appreciate that having astigmatism
BrowneePointz: it’s because big trucks and buses headlights are at head level
Greyah: Do a flip!
Thefluffiestguineapig: YEETT
Strebenherz: To the subocean!
Sliibee: Nailed it
johnnylongtorso: where we're going, we don't need roads
Bearudite: score is now 6?
Sliibee: oh hey you have a score again
SalmirAeon: to grandmother's house we go
VeryBadLifeChoices: a good flip
JadedCynic: oh wow, yeah, we have a finite score!
qwertiest_mint: the lights change angle depending on what side of the road you are on, right?
Juliamon: You got out of the car
Texan_Reverend: It only shows up when out of the vehicle.
Akaiatana: You did a six flip
BusTed: sick air
accountmadeforants: 6 for 6 flips
qwertiest_mint: scores show in foot
EvilBadman: We did six flips, brah
dougma: shot zombie?
ThorSokar: you shot a zombie
NotCainNorAbel: a triple back flip and landed it
Transmuted_Elf: score is outside of car, and went up when you kill zombies
Thefluffiestguineapig: As someone who drives a smol car I wish SUVs and other big stupid cars would have headlights that were not directly in my face/mirrors
Gizmoloid: why do we have two flashlights and why is one used exclusively to light our feet?
Ravage2002: shot a zombie
KBKarma: You got six.
Foxmar320: Killed zombies?
Angreed66: is this based off a trick engine?
KBKarma: That's what got you siz.
Getter404: You have performed 6.
Fruan: You got to all this checkpoints
Crokoking: completed objectives maybe?
KBKarma: *six
halftrip: You did 6
Shparky2197: Read the red text?
Sliibee: but only shotgunning zombies
Zandivya: It's your credit score
Akaiatana: "I lose my mind to zombies."
Angreed66: 6 is the best number as a carbon based lifeform
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Who hasn't killed 6 zombies?
Duffadash: Well so am I Alex, you're not special
Greyah: He's gonna download more RAM
johnnylongtorso: reverse the polarity of the neutron flow
Mangledpixel: hack the mainframe. frog blast the vent core.
Getter404: Tighten up the gigabytes on the subroutine
Shparky2197: Zoom and enhance logic
KBKarma: 0.7
NotCainNorAbel: listen, it is IT speak for I don't know what I'm doing
Mathwyn: o7
Laserbeaks_Fury: o7
halftrip: Town round?
VeryBadLifeChoices: someone went to buzzword class
dumbo3k: o7
Foxmar320: o7
wench_tacular: o7
ToastyLoaff: Have we been able to understand any of this games story at all?
Sliibee: o.7
Wolfstrike_NL: o 7
ThorSokar: F's for Town Square
Ashmantle: o7
ph0enix__42: o7
L0rdX33n: bounce the graviton particle beam off the main deflector dish
Atarra: hrm, he was supposedly working for the government, but he mentions a corporation....
Laserbeaks_Fury: Parasol
Laserbeaks_Fury: damnit
Mathwyn: Portable Sun Shade Corp
Sliibee: Not for nothing but I miss the truck
ToastyLoaff: You are selling it well
korvys: The HUD is... sentient?
JadedCynic: @Atarra he's mentioned 'The Company" doing bad things all along
LurkerSpine: a drone crashed through the roof
Getter404: Zomblebees? How's the bar there?
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: It is voice vs text
Laserbeaks_Fury: Bring me...the Red Pages...
ThorSokar: also, apparently there is heat lightning, as there is thunder but no rain
accountmadeforants: Paraplu corporation
Foxmar320: Umbrella is comically evil lol
KBKarma: And Cam didn't want to buy it.
Thefluffiestguineapig: A giant indestructible man
MostCallMe__Tim subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 87 months, currently on a 86 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, MostCallMe__Tim! (Today's storm count: 44)
Voidhawk42: Now you've reminded me of the wonderful "The Weapon" series of sketches. loved those so much
Shparky2197: I loved the crapshots you made about weapons companies
JadedCynic: hmmm, I wonder if "Tara" is the real Company Agent? Why should we trust EITHER of these two 'mission givers'.
Atarra: Umbrella Corporation: Lots of funding, not so great with results
ToastyLoaff: "Dang it Ralph! Can you give ONE suggestion that isnt zombies?"
EvilBadman: Comically evil, and deeply in the pockets of the governments
Shparky2197: Fictional weapons companies*
EikoandMog: You literally made this a crapshot series.
accountmadeforants: Listen they create jobs
Astra7525: gov casually nukes a city that has been overrun by zombies
Foxmar320: LOL

Omthebox: "everythings going well then, we'll see you at our next meeting in a month"
A_Dub888: jam your shambling horrors inside men
Sliibee: YOU DIED
Strebenherz: DED

KBKarma: You cannot swim.
wench_tacular: well then
BusTed: asked and answered
Texan_Reverend: Welp.
GoblinMyra: wooooow

BigDaddyBland87: welp
Greyah: Remember the guy said the water makes you go melty.
Thatwasademo: YOU DIED

korvys: Asked and answered
Omthebox: So no swimming then
ThorSokar: there it is
Thefluffiestguineapig: Welp

AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: I think we have an answer
dumbo3k: water reached your knees, you died
Getter404: "We can turn precisely one blonde douchebag into a supersoldier. The leather jacket was entirely his idea."
baltimore_667083: YOU DIED

EricTheOrange: wow not even a death animation
notthepenguins: he did warn you about the water tbf
TheMerricat: If you die you start over.
ArmondoSC: holy moly
Thefluffiestguineapig: REstart
prince_infidel: F
Mazrae: Well what a good time to tune into
arcaneIllumination: They did say it would kill you
Izandai: ENZOMBED???
Atarra: I think he did warn you about the water at the start lol
EikoandMog: ENZOMBED
halftrip: U DED
ThrinagaBattleheart: Smash Cut to YOU DIED
Strebenherz: EMZOMBED
I mean they did warn us 
Foxmar320: Checkpoints? In this game? No
Thatwasademo: the water was corrosive alkaline, remember?
Sliibee: The water was so alkaline it melted all the skin off your bones
red_shoes_jeff: YOU DIED is what happens.
KBKarma: HOGuru Games.
ArcadeEngineer: it's on the steam page there is none. start from scratch
Thefluffiestguineapig: Enzombed???????
arcaneIllumination: Confirmation of Dev VA
Sorator13: the writer is also the VA!
eid010n: oh hey, it is the dev speaking
Drasvin: Tbf to umbrella, the zombies weren't their intention. They were effectively industrial waste from their weapons production project.
Thefluffiestguineapig: That's the fucking name???
VeryBadLifeChoices: trench foot is deadly
that's probably a sticker already 
notthepenguins: the water melts you
ToastyLoaff: You breath through your feet
Angreed66: Hypothermia maybe

accountmadeforants: Oh, it is voiced by the dev
Tiber727: At least in Prototype it kinda made sense. They were making a virus designed to target certain ethnicities.
Voidhawk42: "Unlike our competitors at OCP, who encase men in shambling robotic horrors, our shambling robotic horrors are safely encased inside men!" "WHY?!"

BusTed: hahah
baltimore_667083: WHAT

neisan2112: Oh joy
phoenixletmeuseadashd: what
Reecer6: oh, this is a classic

dumbo3k: ToS?
VeryBadLifeChoices: oh no.
wench_tacular: pardon?
JadedCynic: @Atarra I mean 90% of research doesn't produce anything interesting (apart from "x doesn't do anything to y", which is only interesting from an esoteric level)
Thefluffiestguineapig: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
NightValien28: I am afraid
MalFnord: oh dear
A_Dub888: Gong Hey Fat Choi everyone
Saintnex: ummmm
warpstonewarlock: I'm sorry, what?
eid010n: oh no
dougma: excuse me???
Foxmar320: What a great game name
red_shoes_jeff: UM?
Greyah: Look. Zomblebies are also not possible. So the water meltered you and that makes sense or something.
Angreed66: is this SFW
Omthebox: Is that... a directive or...
Wolfstrike_NL: Uhhhhhhh
Lysander_salamander: hmmm
Amentur: Huh
Jethrain: sorry WHAT
RealGamerCow: What from the what?
Sliibee: I love in RE4 Remake the whole Wesker plan is "I want the parasite so I can kill everyone" and he just expects Ada Wong to give it to him
ThrinagaBattleheart: UHHHHHMMM
Thefluffiestguineapig: PSA you will get kicked
neisan2112: I'm sure this will be normal
SpacePotato01: but what if I want to eat beef at the same time
ToastyLoaff: Is it legal to call a game that?
BigDaddyBland87: uhhhh
MrSarkhan: !sir
LRRbot: Sir? Sir! Would you like to read the Community Announcements board?
mmmm raw milk
Simriel: G man, you gotta warn me before you say shit like that

KBKarma: @warpstonewarlock Directly Drink Milk from Cow.
NightValien28: this feels like something to tell my therapist about
damnitscraig: from prior experience.....excite
Laserbeaks_Fury: Oh I've seen this
Foxmar320: Skyrim music?
johnnylongtorso: at least you can see this game
red_shoes_jeff: Are we... SURE about this one?
SalmirAeon: skyrim?
gnyrinn subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 78 months, currently on a 78 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, gnyrinn! (Today's storm count: 45)


Foxmar320: Oh my
KV1NN4: oh my goodness
SnackPak_: oof
Shparky2197: Hate
BigDaddyBland87: UHHHHHH
A_Catastrophic_Success: I have questions and I don’t know that I want answers
Brozard: This is what you hear when you drink raw milk
Saintnex: mmmmm
Omthebox: Whos driving
LostThePirate: No thank you
Barb4rian: Mawp
Lysander_salamander: oh no. Is this a meme game?
Thefluffiestguineapig: o.0
L0rdX33n: Raw milk advocates are getting weird
devilcultivator: that's a song choice
ToppHat: HELP
phoenixletmeuseadashd: this would need to be a stronger than pot edible
Wolfstrike_NL: More sounds please
lamina5432: thats a noise
Foxmar320: ???
Fruan: I enjoy games that are exactly what they want to be
EricTheOrange: that's one way to avoid copyright on music
ToastyLoaff: Its kicking in!!
JadedCynic: WHAT?!?
loufghyslaufey: Woah, wut?
Getter404: Is this what happens when you finally ingest too much Glurp
FarleyF: alright who dosed the water supply again

Thefluffiestguineapig: WHAAAT
Sliibee: That's a camera shot straight out of Roadquest
sethtriggs subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 37 months, currently on a 37 month streak!
sethtriggs: Oh the suspension on this car, wow!!!
Sliibee: tire cam
Thanks for subscribing, sethtriggs! (Today's storm count: 46)
Greyah: Ah yes. This is video games.
3cbb: then who was car?
korvys: It's that guy from the Magic Curses
KBKarma: The face on him.
Thefluffiestguineapig: My teeth hurt
Foxmar320: Flawless
Izandai: WHAT
Juliamon: !clip
If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
BusTed: yeet
baltimore_667083: HAHAHAHA
Sliibee: FUCKLES
sethtriggs: PING!


KBKarma: CAR.
Lysander_salamander: yep. One of those "intentionally bad" games
AtakChees: LOL
neisan2112: Lets go
JeremyDevoid: Wow


Strebenherz: AMAZING
Foxmar320: Oh this game is perfect

spawnofhastur: i love garbagee day
RealGamerCow: ohhhhh I've seen this
Texan_Reverend: It's a Scion XB!
loufghyslaufey: Damn this Scion-looking car
NightValien28: sick flip broh
littleunknownn: WHAT
MrSarkhan: 10/10 perfect game
LurkerSpine: the flyin scion
Brozard: your welcome, not mine
johnnylongtorso: fuck that Scion in particular
JeremyDevoid: Perfect game no notes

KBKarma: Oh no, Japanese.
accountmadeforants: Game good
halftrip: Thanks to employ me
red_shoes_jeff: You're the strongest man alive!
Izandai: We're off to a GREAT start with this one.
Thefluffiestguineapig: The went boing
Getter404: 10/10
Aenir798: what the hell
dougma: omg
Thefluffiestguineapig: What the fuck
Sorator13: oh lord
baltimore_667083: wait a minute this is the guy from that mafia game meme
Lysander_salamander: oh no
eid010n: every day, we stray further from... something.
Astra7525: Is this making fun of bad steam games?
niccus: now THIS is VA
ArmondoSC: this... this might be AI voices
LostThePirate: Japanese dialogue, ok
Brozard: Oh no, it's a breeding simulator
halftrip: Nice body
NightValien28: that there gotta be AI
trainpants: nice body
red_shoes_jeff: What
Sliibee: oh my god it's Harvest Moon
VeryBadLifeChoices: why does he look like Rhett from GMM
Lysander_salamander: yeah, it's a meme game
Barb4rian: Was this recorded on a trapper keeper?
sethtriggs: Is this a through-the-looking glass Farm Expert/Farm Simulator?
Mazrae: This......... Is a game......... I think........
Atarra: this would do numbers on tumblr
Atarra: whatever the heck is happening
Texan_Reverend: Oh...these translations have strayed _far_ from god's light.
Sliibee: it's harvest moon built on first principles
kalira77: i... don't think they were saying what the dialogue said
halftrip: Let's get on with it...
gnyrinn: I'm sorry, I'm foreign. What is a stock farm?
sethtriggs: Truck needs to settle down
accountmadeforants: Your truck is already dead
SiegeFeathers: where are the leaves whose shadows those are
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: was this dialog recorded via Answering Machine in 1994?
Brozard: This is the best escort quest ever
EvilBadman: Good to see our Elden Ring stat allocation is "make all our bars huge"
megadrivers: we have senator Armstrong at home. Sn. Armstrong:
korvys: You have stamina
Brozard: What does your mana do
sethtriggs: Nice asset selection
eid010n: God, I love kusoge
NotCainNorAbel: nice barn
ArcadeEngineer: is the barn on like a 20 degree slant
ThrinagaBattleheart: I have to go to work and I am SO SAD BECAUSE I'LL MISS THIS
halftrip: I hope he doesn't ask you to squeal
Lysander_salamander: oh good. They're just cows
Greyah: We also have a stamina bar. So it's a dark souls.
Greendrag13 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 18 months!

Wolfstrike_NL: Are we high on smoothie right now?
Foxmar320: Strong game of the year continder
RealGamerCow: I don't know if this game is intentionally like....this but it is extremely this
Thanks for subscribing, Greendrag13! (Today's storm count: 47)
littleunknownn: I had to stop eating and drinking
Juliamon: We have found the cows
sethtriggs: This is better than Grass Simulator
KBKarma: The TONGUE on that one.
Fruan: B(Q)
Thatwasademo: to push B(Q)
Aenir798: what is wrong with that cow
trainpants: B(Q)
eid010n: The synchronicity frightens me
Chesul: What's with taht ones tongue?!?
Nigouki: is this the secret cow level people talked about back in middle school?
MrSarkhan: that tongue is very upsetting
Mnemonicman: Syncronized Cow
Getter404: BAKU SPAISU
sethtriggs: I didn't know dogs interacted with the cows like this
RealGamerCow: backuspaco
Thefluffiestguineapig: Dogs from the kennel to the front of the cows?
kusinohki: "we will fight, for bovine freedom...."
ThorSokar: how MANY cigarettes does this guy smoke per-day?!!?!?
VeryBadLifeChoices: are we feeding the dog to the cows?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Are we feeding the dogs to the cows????
sethtriggs: These are not the default Unity Cows! Nice
Mazrae: I think the auto tune is broken
korvys: B(Q)
Creideiki_SE: I don't like the art direction for this new season of Silver Spoon.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @ThorSokar ALL of them
halftrip: Try to the cows
Strebenherz: What IS this even
Laserbeaks_Fury: He's definitely about to shot at Han Solo
RealGamerCow: Fly my bretheren, FLY
lightfut: Onegai shimasu
RealGamerCow: or, sisteren
Izandai: IS THAT THE SUN?????
BusTed: It sounds like a Speak 'n' Spell
lamina5432: did they do it over the phone?
ArcadeEngineer: hatsune miku is very very sick
Texan_Reverend: Japanese Speak n' Spell
A_Dub888: wait, is this Japanese?
FarleyF: Poor Teri - after leaving the spaceshipping crew this is her new career
Jigokuro: Is this a Chinese voice synth being made to speak Japanese? In addition to the generally bad quality, it has an accent...
halftrip: No cow jumping
Akaiatana: Someone put Japanese text into a Tom Waits Text to Speech
KBKarma: Punch a cow!
matthaus_c: how many of those cows do you think you could hug in 5 minutes
BrowneePointz: Japanese Speak and Spell that just hit a fat blunt
Saintnex: I’m 90% sure we have seen this exact cow animation/asset
Strebenherz: A CORGI
A_Dub888: @Izandai it's not supposed to be?
phoenixletmeuseadashd: hey corgis are herders
JadedCynic: AI-gen v/o ? inthe language of the devs?
KBKarma: Farms for the fae.
gnyrinn: At least he's not facing the same way as the cows
wench_tacular: shake dat ass
GoblinMyra: Corgis are actually herding dogs
Bearudite: actually tho

Bearudite: they are
Nickiatori: Corgis are farming dogs
Thatwasademo: I wish I could walk like this NPC does
Thefluffiestguineapig: Graham have you ever heard someone who had their larynx removed from throat cancer and had an artificial one?
Juliamon: Can we look at the sun?
Mathwyn: You joke, but my neighbour had 3 ex-farm dog corgis
lightfut: Still good boi
Texan_Reverend: Corgis are actually herding dogs...ish. But not for cows.
ArkohTheFuzzybutt: they are herding dogs tho lol
accountmadeforants: Oh, but the dog can rotate, at least (just not very well)
BrowneePointz: they are herding dogs
SiegeFeathers: not sure about this Earthboundlike
damnitscraig: that does sound like a metaphore for bad game development, robotic cries for help
Angreed66: We've also seen the top ui element before
Foxmar320: I think that NPC did it for you
TomfooleryFox: look at the corgis feet
jordorowsky: Umm Graham, Corgi's are cattle hearders
Thefluffiestguineapig: Corgis are farming dogs, but not cattle dogs
BrowneePointz: yep
Lysander_salamander: normal corgis are herding dogs, but not miniature corgis
eid010n: They are, actually. Like dachshunds. They have stubby legs so they're too short for cows to kick.
LadyGrey21: They bite the ankles
sethtriggs: Those are some sick sideway shuffles
Sliibee: bred short so they are too short to kick
JosephDeath: I thought they were ratters?
Juliamon: Cattle dogs are different
ArmondoSC: oh god, the sun is a yellow circle
Thefluffiestguineapig: Cattle dogs are specific breeds because cattle are very particular fucks
BrowneePointz: which is why they have a tendency to nip kids etc
phoenixletmeuseadashd: they're tiny and short because it makes them harder to kick
EvilBadman: look left at the sun when you can lol
Getter404: I thought Corgis were bred as ferret-hunting dogs, like Jack Russels
KBKarma: I think yer coo beasties is broke.
GoblinMyra: they were bred to be short to avoid getting kicked, they herd by nipping ankles (legit)
notthepenguins: for sheep, not cattle i think
JadedCynic: I mean, Liz popularized Corgis as a pet, so....
TheMerricat: "The Pembroke Welsh Corgi is a cattle herding dog breed that originated in Pembrokeshire, Wales. Around the 19th century, The Corgi used to be known as the Welsh Cur, Cur meaning working dog, and Gi being the Welsh word for "dog." It is one of two breeds known as a Welsh Corgi, the other being the Cardigan Welsh Corgi."
sethtriggs: The pathing here is AMAZING
Gekyouryuu: Think of it this way, Graham: on a farm or with the British royals, the corgi will have to be around a lot of bull shit
jordorowsky: The Queen used hers for cattle droving
sethtriggs: It's just a glow disc
accountmadeforants: ☀️
notthepenguins: oh, huh
matthaus_c: Big Yellow Dot
JadedCynic: she's a great ranchhand
Thatwasademo: the sun, famously not absurdly bright
Thefluffiestguineapig: Why the hell is the vet just here?
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: and the shadows are pointing TOWARD the sun!
Lack of QA the game 
Strebenherz: Why do you have a mana bar, and why is it already that low
Jethrain: Q, i think
Thatwasademo: didn't it say to press B(Q)
wench_tacular: release the hounds!
sethtriggs: Find someone who loves you as much as the movers in this game love getting stuck.
Strebenherz: JESUS
TheMerricat: @Strebenherz Hydration I would guess.
Foxmar320: MAWP


eid010n: This very much feels like a kusoge


Thefluffiestguineapig: MAWP
sethtriggs: Okay!
Aenir798: aaaaaahhhh
phoenixletmeuseadashd: the volume difference is
jacqui_lantern234: MAWP
baltimore_667083: MAWP
KBKarma: I think this is a Kusogame.
matthaus_c: holy voice acting batman
phoenixletmeuseadashd: quite a thing
LostThePirate: MAWP

red_shoes_jeff: MAWP

BrowneePointz: FUJISAWA DESU
wench_tacular: her hands!
thebuzzstreams: That scared my cat!
Barb4rian: MAWP
red_shoes_jeff: ow

ThorSokar: WHAT, I'm DEAF now
Strebenherz: Alex, could you please turn that down
littleunknownn: true jumpscare
Juliamon: This is a HELL of a choice of VA

sethtriggs: ALVIN!
Mangledpixel: it has a certain kusoge-ness to it, yes
halftrip: See how the cows body conditions
3cbb: "is this a kusoge" it is watch and play innit
CouldntPickAUsername: 5 dollars says this game has 1 voice actor and they played with the pitch and other effects for all the characters
Angreed66: watch this be the devs little sister
Getter404: It's amazing. The progress of science.
BrowneePointz: I’m CRYING
Bearudite: kuso yes. game? that is for you to decide
Juliamon: cow app
nice mic quality 
Texan_Reverend: These are just pitch shifted into the worst possible sounds.
littleunknownn: cow app
kassbjames: Is this the same voice actor just sped up and down?
FarleyF: i want that voice as an alarm clock
Someone call Sunraku 
Thefluffiestguineapig: @kassbjames I think so
Saintnex: oh this is not helping my headache lol
Foxmar320: oh no
Sliibee: the tongue
Izandai: oh no
gnyrinn: Can someone sit the developer down on an uncomfortable office chair and explain sound design to them?
sethtriggs: Oh so that's how you clear the jam
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: that audio quality… was this recorded by pulling the string on the back of a doll?
RealGamerCow: Git im!
Jethrain: the TONGUES
eric_christian_berg: Is... is this made my AI>
Greendrag13: What that tongue moo?
damnitscraig: why does bad game has sooo much dialog?!?
A_Catastrophic_Success: dodge roll!
Greyah: We know cow tipping, but have you tried cow clipping?
ArmondoSC: Harvest Moon has changed since my day
sethtriggs: This barn isn't private?
NotCainNorAbel: wwwhhhhaaat??
MalFnord: Yeah, it's the same guy just filtered to hell and back
FarleyF: Cow going to give you a lap dance
wench_tacular: "private" room?????
sethtriggs: Do the cows have "VIP" rooms?
Mathwyn: Deep in the barn
Lysander_salamander: what
EvilBadman: please add get yourself deep in the barn to advice
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: deep into it
EricTheOrange: a fork?
halftrip: Get yourself deep into the barn
johnnylongtorso: @eric_christian_berg the real reason NVIDIA's stock tanked
red_shoes_jeff: The... HWHAT?
Pteraspidomorphi: Maybe there's a pitchfork?
Texan_Reverend: Is "get yourself deep into the barn" a TOS thing?
matthaus_c: you ever been licked by a cow
JadedCynic: but where is "the Inner Court"?
Mathwyn: Fantasy house
Megaparsec256: pitchfork for the hay probably? because they're hungry?
qwertiest_mint: DEEP INTO THE BARN
KBKarma: Oh hey, Baba Yaga is here!
Sliibee: Why do you have a mana bar?
Laserbeaks_Fury: the bowl is for the milk
sethtriggs: How bad is it being licked by a cow? I bet it's gross
Thefluffiestguineapig: Follow the cow into the VIP room should be bad advice
Pteraspidomorphi: I think you need to reverse engineer the dialogue assuming it's been through google translate fifteen times
Thatwasademo: Do not sleep until 22:00
MrPhlip: No! Sleep! Till! 10pm!
TheAwkes: It's like the worst Serpoians coming for your banan.
JuneBlue58: Remember, this is the tutorial.
Texan_Reverend: 1v1 the breaker box.
KBKarma: Punch a ~~chunk~~ cow
Foxmar320: We look like we got lost on the way to another job

Bruceski: "Get a fork from the inner court, then go deep into the barn and follow the cows into a private room" sounds horrifying
offbeatwitch: came with the free asset
TheAwkes: Why can thing? Because engine default!
MatzerKat: Cows only respect business casual

Strebenherz: o7
dumbo3k: Is the barn going to do a backflip now?\
Akaiatana: You're in business cowsual
sethtriggs: Hey, whatever happens in Lubbock stays in Lubbock
Shparky2197: Well ... GG I guess
matthaus_c: CQC stands for Cow Quarters Combat
SpacePotato01: just punt the building
dm818: to fight off cattle rustlers maybe?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Genuinely manhandling cows is often part of the job
MalFnord: crouchin' on the inside
RealGamerCow: I *think* there's an unstuck button?
Texan_Reverend: Call the dog. Maybe it'll bump you.
johnnylongtorso: oh, so this is set during COVID
phoenixletmeuseadashd: bringing up the app apparently involves squattng
sethtriggs: Is there a "unstick from manure" app?
neisan2112: I assume cus they just cloned another game and put whatever this is ontop
Izandai: oh my god
wench_tacular: corgi toe beans!
Shparky2197: That Sun though
Strebenherz: killed by a corgi
halftrip: This is pretty amazing
I mean, you knew the game had level problems the moment you got out of the car. this should have been expected 
sethtriggs: Is this meeeeeemes?
ArmondoSC: were not gonna get to the milk drinking are we?
MatzerKat: Is there a noclip app?

Fruan: I wish my phone was the obelisk from 2001
Izandai: oh my GOD
lightfut: This man about to get down
SiegeFeathers: this is a pretty indirect way to drink milk from the cow
sethtriggs: Man, Sounds like those cows didn't have enough fibre
Thefluffiestguineapig: Were you more or less confused by this than by Meeuuw
KBKarma: Oh, your character's called Yamada.
Foxmar320: Only the sub ocean could complete this game
Izandai: You've found a real treasure here, Graham.
Greyah: It's very good. It's also kaput.
Mathwyn: W&P dot gif
MooseAndTato: Thji
Thefluffiestguineapig: This us W+P in a single screen
sethtriggs: Your dog is cut in half by a disc
KBKarma: I'm sorry, what did the settings say?
matthaus_c: if you played W+P bingo with this game your card would just explode
MooseAndTato: This is a fine vintage of Watch+Play garbage.
KBKarma: "Have a potato PC.."
RealGamerCow: khoomi?
ArmondoSC: Khoomii?
Gizmoloid: Khoomi?
Mathwyn: Khoomli button?
AirmanKJE: E pose
JadedCynic: trapped in a falling animation...
saintguard: This feels like a good encapsulation of the W+P experience
matthaus_c: uh ohhh khoomieees
johnnylongtorso: can't talk now, Graham's tripping!
SpacePotato01: Was a crapshot just born?
Mathwyn: Stab?
Thefluffiestguineapig: And why is it a control?
Foxmar320: Yeah sounds like a Crapshot
halftrip: Directly drink
KBKarma: Ah, the right list is the controller.
TheMerricat: Khoomii is the chinese call for cattle.
anclag: As opposed to indirectly drink??
sethtriggs: Oh directly drink, like deep-throating the teat? Wild
Texan_Reverend: ABsolutely zero context-sensitive controls. _Everything_ has a button.
Pteraspidomorphi: Reminds me of Epic NPC man
MrPhlip: !addquote (Graham) [now] Stab? Bladder?
LRRbot: New quote #9251: "Stab? Bladder?" —Graham [2025-01-29]
Foxmar320: Cow
sethtriggs: Cows have skates
KBKarma: So, is this the new hip Fortnite dance?
matthaus_c: Power Word: Cow
Mangledpixel: you have summoned an cow
Shparky2197: Thanks MrPhlip
RealGamerCow: 0.o
Foxmar320: uhhhhhh
sethtriggs: A didjeridoo?
KBKarma: And someone's playing a didgeridoo badly.
MatzerKat: Moos Ro Dah
niccus: throat singing
kusinohki: ah yes. the cow summoning ritual dance...
JuneBlue58: Cow's a robot.
Foxmar320: Yup
sethtriggs: YUP
Thefluffiestguineapig: Theme of this W+P has been "what's this? I don't know"
Shparky2197: I think you just goozled
red_shoes_jeff: @sethtriggs didjerimoo
EricTheOrange: FYI Raw milk can be very bad for you
sethtriggs: The banner art promises glitches, and I will say this game delivered
ArmondoSC: uh oh
Voidhawk42: I feel like this could easily be a Yakuza subgame
Mangledpixel: may have been too quick of a reload
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also one of the things I will say is I didn't see a hose and if you are milking a cow WASH THE TEATS
sethtriggs: @red_shoes_jeff looooool
Izandai: Hm
Angreed66: I don't
Game is so broken 
margieargie: I don't think -you- broke it...
Thefluffiestguineapig: That may be a new record
Mathwyn: You need to pasteurise you cow first
sethtriggs: Well that's another invoice for QA in the bag!
MatzerKat: You didn't realize this game had permadeath?
ArmondoSC: gotta verify that integrity now
red_shoes_jeff: But did they remove Herobrine?
korvys: I won't be disappointed - that game was aurally distressing
sethtriggs: That's realistic though
Izandai: Damn
Strebenherz: "Is this game relevant to you?"
Strebenherz: "Similiar to planet zoo"
matthaus_c: they... fixed a thing?
it might need some time after 'qutting' to close out temporary files (if it were optimized poorly, so clearly that's NOT the case
sethtriggs: I can't believe there's actually error/issue tracking by this dev
red_shoes_jeff: The game itself no longer wants to play.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @korvys Same, it actively made my teeth hurt
Astra7525: Can you perhaps delete the cloud-save for that game?
RubikDarkwill: Verify integrity of game files?
Foxmar320: Game too broken for W+P
dumbo3k: Steam drank directly from the cow
matthaus_c: steam is scawwed
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh no, is that game so bad did it break Steam?
TheAwkes: Raw milk, huh? The protagonist's initials aren't R F and K, are they?
red_shoes_jeff: Uh oh.
JadedCynic: @sethtriggs I can, but I can also belive that the dev's efforts aren't solving things...
Invitare: Steam looked at your Library and decided to give up
ArmondoSC: oh boy, today is just the day of errors
red_shoes_jeff: PAAAAAUL!
Akaiatana: Those cows were hole steams.
korvys: Did you install Russian malware again?
matthaus_c: did you download a Bitcoin miner
Astra7525: Let's hope it didn't encrypt the disk drive in the background
red_shoes_jeff: NEVERMIND!
JadedCynic: @TheAwkes YAMANDA so no, and it's not funny
sethtriggs: Is this game on the up and up though?
Earthenone: that name is udder nonsnese
Thefluffiestguineapig: Turn down sound in advance please?
loufghyslaufey: Wait. You actually had to reboot your PC?
JadedCynic: gawd that fence
LostThePirate: You can't be too reckless when attempting to drink milk directly from the cow...
sethtriggs: I love that progress bar that looks like a slider
Shparky2197: Oh no, not again
Texan_Reverend: Still hits.
sethtriggs: Oh yeah you're driving a cursed ice cream truck
MatzerKat: Did you get a virus? Did you get 400,000 viruses?
Mangledpixel: kuso = crap, ge = game
littleunknownn: This is amazing
red_shoes_jeff: I am
Foxmar320: Reviews for this are positive
RealGamerCow: shitpost games
DoodlestheGreat: Sunraku's specialty!
ArcadeEngineer: @sethtriggs it's the default unity slider. you could just turn off the knob component to make it a loading bar, but they didn't even do that
A_Dub888: @Mangledpixel like bad or poo games?
JadedCynic: like 'a shitpost' of a vidjama game?
phoenixletmeuseadashd: ok the car almost feels intentional that time
TheMerricat: "The term kusogē is a portmanteau of kuso ( fucking or shit , lit. ' crap ' ) and gēmu ( game , ' game ' ; a loanword from English ) ."
KBKarma: Ah, not like what Sunraku plays?
Mangledpixel: A_Dub888 essentially
sethtriggs: I guess the problem I have with these is if you're parodying a bad game, you just made a bad game if it doesn't turn good LOL
SquareDotCube: A lot of kusoge use Cho Aniki as a theme
halftrip: Nice body
sethtriggs: Ito's body is ready for breeding
DoodlestheGreat: @KBKarma No, exactly what Sunraku plays.
v_nome: Feels a lot like the "useless inventions"
Bearudite: sometimes intentional sometimes not
Mathwyn: There were a lot of real bad famicom games, some became legendary
JadedCynic: so basically it's a regional genre that perfectly encapsulates what we look at here?
KBKarma: @DoodlestheGreat Is't? I thought the games were shit despite themselves, rather than intentionally.
matthaus_c: @sethtriggs so that's what he meant by This hole was made for me
sethtriggs: Love the shuddering juddering moves
Akaiatana: The vet is here to give the cows establishing shots
Mangledpixel: that's Agnes, she's special
Texan_Reverend: Graham, L speaks Japanese and confirms that the subtitles are actually super accurate. What's being said is actually that stupid and weird.
sethtriggs: dat walk cycle tho
EikoandMog: I kinda like the idea of Kusoge as someone deliberately making something crap just to learn.
Greyah: Despite being nothing like it, this somehow reminds me of Katamari.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also cows not moving is not a sign of them being hungry
Shparky2197: What does B(Q) even mean?
damnitscraig: Kisuge: "Im Garth Marenghi, and this is my dark place"
JadedCynic: @Texan_Reverend wow, thanks L & Texan
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Izandai Dude, that makes it so much worse, also I'm so impressed with L
KBKarma: @Texan_Reverend So it may have been translated *into* Japanese?
Texan_Reverend: L waves back.
DoodlestheGreat: @KBKarma They're a mix. Mostly because the devs had reach they could no grasp.
Mathwyn: Good luck catching Kira, L!
matthaus_c: B(Q) is my DJ name
sethtriggs: Are the cows ready for review?
Thatwasademo: B is just Q now, don't worry about it
JadedCynic: it wasn't even poor translation; bravo
Shparky2197: Hi L!
Ard_Rhys: mildly levitating cows
MrPhlip: all the cows shaking their heads in sync made Cyriak music start playing in my head
Diabore: dudes got a sick moon walk
I love how the farm owner doest TURN but simply has a walking animation and SLIDES in whatever direction he needs 
Izandai: At least they're filing in in an orderly manner this time.
sethtriggs: Whoa, looking at Ito's jeans, he's definitely ready for breeding
Laserbeaks_Fury: Yo uave to get to the liquid physics
KBKarma: As a note, the vet said she was there to inject the cows then get their bloods. Generally, you get bloods *before* meds. And you do a draw.
halftrip: Cow app
Shparky2197: Oh man, from way back in the day, I remember Graham singing, "Look at the cows, standing in the field ..."
Gizmoloid: squeeze the cows into a barn
Shparky2197: From a W+P long past
KBKarma: Cow 2.
Foxmar320: I know I always throw a punch when using my phone
sethtriggs: This farm is so high-tech you've got a synchronized cow team
Mathwyn: @kbkarma Maybe she is from the Can't Draw Cows club?
MatzerKat: Oh lord, there's not a separate UI layer for the phone
Thefluffiestguineapig: I apologize, I am literally taking a class on large animal medicine right now so my brain is just "the step is too high to be reasonable for a calf to go up and would cause issues in inclement weather, plus injuries, having wood in a milking parlor is a bad idea for so many reasons"
Bearudite: yamada-kun denwa
sethtriggs: Oh that was not nice that voice
Sudobyte: perfectly synchronized cows
eid010n: the clock outside the barn is making me nxious
KBKarma: @Bearudite x 8
Atarra: x_X
korvys: "see how the cow's body conditions"
halftrip: how the cow's body conditions
A_Dub888: I could be playing Infinite Wealth right now... Why am I not playing Infinite Wealth?
sethtriggs: Oh she's a strength and conditioning coach too!
qwertiest_mint: check out how fast the in game clock is going lol
AugmentingPath: Yeah, how it conditions. Does it condition into being yoked?
matthaus_c: intimate cow time
sethtriggs: Get DEEP in
KBKarma: Deep into the barn. Up to the elbow.
Kazman20a: why does that cow have a 3 foot tounge?
johnnylongtorso: there's a cattle backup on I-95, you might want to take an alternate route
halftrip: Follow the cows to a private room, if you know what I mean
sethtriggs: That cow's nickname is "Tickler"
matthaus_c: these cows are actually all part Gene Simmons
BigDaddyBland87: I poke you
Cptasparagus: you said pitchfork the cow right?
Foxmar320: yeah maybe don't do that to a cow
Izandai: I don't know what I expected.
halftrip: Are you going to fork the cow?
NightValien28: what is that stance
Shparky2197: That's ... not how you pitchfork
RealGamerCow: what is that animation
EvilBadman: Power stancE!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Bro
Bruceski: Using a pitchfork like a pool cue
MatzerKat: Rope Tug style
sethtriggs: Anyone who knows about farming...are pitchforks used with cattle?
JadedCynic: oh man, this can ONLY END WELL
AugmentingPath: stab that cow! stab that cow!
KBKarma: You're holding that pitchfork like a quarterstaff. Sort of.
Atarra: it is embedded in your arm....
Thefluffiestguineapig: it phasing through your arm
Voidhawk42: Tactic-cow
qwertiest_mint: wolverine became a farmer
Astra7525: But can we reload that pitchfork?
sethtriggs: OH he should've explained this
eric_christian_berg: uh tongue
halftrip: Put the fork down!
Foxmar320: Sure
Texan_Reverend: YEET
dumbo3k: ah, hand feeding the cow, directly off the pitchfork
JadedCynic: sure
Shparky2197: You stronk
sethtriggs: Yamada's got guns
johnnylongtorso: if I were a rich man
LurkerSpine: Why are we feeding cattle STRAW???
JadedCynic: yay
KBKarma: Crunchy straw.
sethtriggs: That was a Shredded Wheat sound
eid010n: astounding
AugmentingPath: hoers
DigitalSeahorse: cro.ch
Mangledpixel: cronchy
matthaus_c: honse
Thefluffiestguineapig: You don't feed straw
Transmuted_Elf: unsure if youve ever been near a bail of hay, that stuff is stupidly heavy
halftrip: You forked that cow!
Izandai: I think there's some plastic in that straw.
Jethrain: but... they don't eat straw
Thefluffiestguineapig: You feed hay
DigitalSeahorse: cromch
JadedCynic: horse...cow...close enough
Gizmoloid: a milky dog!
red_shoes_jeff: That is some CRISP straw!
matthaus_c: can't cow horses club
KBKarma: Yes. They behave strange when the dog is around.
halftrip: The cows behave like cows
johnnylongtorso: I love the giant clock on the side of the barn
Foxmar320: Much crunch
BusTed: That sounds like plastic wrap foley
Thefluffiestguineapig: @KBKarma Not as strangely as donkeys do (PSA do not have dogs around donkeys if you value the dog)
halftrip: Kelloggs Hay Chex
sethtriggs: There's going to be the most amazing piles due to this hay
Izandai: The traffic jam is incredible.
A_Dub888: is hay supposed to be that crunchy? Should we get a fresh batch?
Mangledpixel: he did ask if you've fed ALL the cows
Thefluffiestguineapig: The audio of this whole game is so upsetting
sethtriggs: You have to earn your teat-suckling
johnnylongtorso: sound effects taken from Crack-a-Pack

Shparky2197: It really does sound like someone crumpling a chip packet.
Crokoking: i think you need to bring the dog all the way inside the barn to make the cows go into their spots
KBKarma: I don't think you get to drink milk directly from the cow.
sethtriggs: You have to pay your dues Graham and Alex!
dm818: Bovine tuberculosis
flatluigi: have you been in ten feet of a cow
Aenir798: Babies do it!
Strebenherz: i'm sorry what
KBKarma: *in* directly, maybe.
3cbb: the bacteria adds flavor
Garfman314: graham with the hot takes here
ThorSokar: it's crazy dangerous and stupid
LostThePirate: Have you ever SEEN a cow???
Mangledpixel: IS IT? good grief
dumbo3k: "Health" not Health
Greyah: Hence it being a grift.
3cbb: it's like yogurt
AugmentingPath: Grifter: Health Nonsense was a David Cage game, right?
KBKarma: That and raw water.
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: That is how the health grift works
Nickiatori: yeah like eating vegtables
Reecer6: i saw a post of a raw milk guy admitting they *obviously* boiled their milk before drinking it, but it was still raw
JadedCynic: it's like "horse dewormer will save me from this plague"
SpacePotato01: Is it like a 'Liver King' thing but with milk instead?
Diabore: because preservatives are bad rabble rabble rabble
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Aenir798 Baby cows and they often need medical treatment if the cow is not correctly medically managed
KBKarma: @Reecer6 I saw that too!
sethtriggs: When do we get the movement that says, "Well you know, Newton was wrong."
korvys: What is that scam?
arcaneIllumination: It's also probably part of the whole "anti-science" movement of idiots
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: @Reecer6 ii have so many questions
MatzerKat: Try punching the cow again
JadedCynic: "the more things change, the more they stay the same"
bytecaster: thy token whence is infungible
Drasvin: Old English? I would have figured it was older than that
AugmentingPath: @korvys I'll tell you, but first you have to buy this pig from me. It's in a sack, but I swear it's a pig and not a cat
Blip2004: so loud
Greyah: I think you need to get all the cows to like, a standing place position by using the dog. And then feed all of them.
sethtriggs: Well no wonder your cow is agitated, the cow keeps walking in place
Crokoking: bring the dog back in to get all the cows into their spots
johnnylongtorso: danger, agitated cow!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @JadedCynic I wanted to put a guy through a wall when he mentioned that near me recently. during quarantine I had trouble getting dewormer for my actual horse
matthaus_c: tfw Corticosteroids are up
Thefluffiestguineapig: Corticosteroids are medications
Strebenherz: I wyll neuer bye the pyg in the poke Thers many a foule pyg in a feyre cloke
sethtriggs: We can't just go to Tractor Supply and get one?
SiegeFeathers: they all have them
damnitscraig: cow rave
Izandai: @Thefluffiestguineapig jesus christ
Ard_Rhys: probably agitated by her voice. I know I am
Thefluffiestguineapig: That's not what you measure
Getter404: This whole farm doesn't have An Brush?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Ard_Rhys Same
sethtriggs: Killing me softly, with his love
DigitalSeahorse: my ears
Pteraspidomorphi: Can what
KBKarma: See, what can kill *me* with rejection is not taking my immmunosuppressants,.
RealGamerCow: @Getter404 oh yeah they gotta get one of those sweet rolly brushes
Texan_Reverend: Oh, the brush is probably one of those car wash type brushes they give cows to walk against.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also you can't milk these cows
sethtriggs: Is...is milk directional from cows?
halftrip: Once the bucket is put
Chaotically_Random: Why does it sound like The Chipmunks on Helium?
sethtriggs: I'm learning so much. Also it's a quicktime event?
Laserbeaks_Fury: Here comes the best part
Shparky2197: At least they warned you about the quick time event
Thefluffiestguineapig: None of them have calves/are pregnant/recently had calves weaned
L0rdX33n: Raw milk is “Gubmint can’t tell me not to get debilitating diseases!” sold to idiots by jerks
KBKarma: That's a tub, not a bucket.
gnyrinn: No you see Graham "Brush maker" is a legally protected term and only fully qualified Industrial Engineers can go on to study brushmaking.
johnnylongtorso: stampede!
JuneBlue58: @sethtriggs The casing ejector isn't designed for ambidextrous use.
Texan_Reverend: All my cows. Gone.
Jethrain: moowalking!
NotCainNorAbel: GRAHAM!
BITs19_: quote that?
dm818: putting the moo in moonwalk
KBKarma: What are you doing there... ?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeah, none of these cows would have milk
shamblingkrenshar: I think my "favorite" health grifter scam was the "all steak diet"
Foxmar320: Uhhhhhh
Texan_Reverend: This man lost all his cows and you're LAUGHING?!
sethtriggs: "Pass the milker to the left hand side"
Drasvin: Where's Starboard on a cow?
eid010n: approach the cow widdershins, or you'll spoil the milk
JadedCynic: wait, a QTE to milk a cow

NapalmSideburns subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 127 months!
NapalmSideburns: It not perfect system
Thanks for subscribing, NapalmSideburns! (Today's storm count: 48)
johnnylongtorso: milking a cow = turning sticky keys on
Izandai: This game is AMAZING
Foxmar320: This game keeps getting better
NightValien28: bessey is zooming
Atarra: rotating cows
Laserbeaks_Fury: wait for it...
matthaus_c: this game might rule, actually
JadedCynic: well it WAS connected, but not in the USUAL way...
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: this is stardew valley right
sethtriggs: Well of course the cows aren't solid why would they be
KBKarma: And then you're going to drink it!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Milking cows is hard, this might be harder
wench_tacular: slow steady stokes
johnnylongtorso: oh no, the cows have conjoined
Izandai: The UI elements being attached to in-game objects is so good.

KBKarma: The cows are intersecting.
7gorobei: is that hay on the floor, or is it manure now?
Foxmar320: Wat
Pteraspidomorphi: It's minecraft cow physics
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ummmmmm
Izandai: Did you get shot???
Texan_Reverend: You just took damage from that failure...
NapalmSideburns: these cows trying to create a bovine centipede?
KBKarma: You appear to have taken cow damage.
Jethrain: you took damage??
AugmentingPath: press left arrow and alt at the same time I guess?
Megaparsec256: cow kicked you ig
Voidhawk42: I bet this isn't the most popular milking simulator on steam
Shparky2197: Which alt?
sethtriggs: PING
Texan_Reverend: Did you get cow kicked?
Mangledpixel: yeet!
Thefluffiestguineapig: I mean cows will kick you if you milk them wrong
Garfman314: that's clearly how cows move
KBKarma: There's a cow outside that's just fucking glitching.
Drasvin: GlitchCows
Greyah: Now the cows remind me even more of Katamari.
Strebenherz: I think there was there a milk cows key in the controls?
dumbo3k: halpp canm't breathe, laugh too hard
MrPhlip: that cow wants to get the Watch For Rolling Rocks star in 0.5x A presses
MalFnord: The cows are phasing out of existence
DigitalSeahorse: calf can milk her!
NapalmSideburns: That's what she said!
KBKarma: @Thefluffiestguineapig I saw an article on the Guardian a bit ago about cows killing people and being the leading cause of death for farmers.
Anubis169: Suddenly cow
Thefluffiestguineapig: @KBKarma I believe it
sethtriggs: Cows can end you if they feel like it
matthaus_c: Milking at QPU speed
Texan_Reverend: Half tug press
lirazel64: It's like *Silver Spoon* on acid.
satyropodobny: those cows be acting like goats
LordZarano: Do we need the brush to calm the cows?
DigitalSeahorse: half an a press on teet
KBKarma: Something something give your nuts a tug.
Mangledpixel: but first we need to talk about alternate dairies
sethtriggs: Private room is the nursing pod!
Gizmoloid: wow the barn clock goes fast!
Caleb_QDC: quadruple parallel udders
Izandai: No Graham, a kid is a baby goat.
dumbo3k: I think you put the bucket down and have to wait for the animation to finish
KBKarma: Hey, I wonder if you can milk the calf.


matthaus_c: MILKED
Foxmar320: We did it!
Garfman314: milk achieved!
Texan_Reverend: That was...a sound.



johnnylongtorso: *sploosh*

sethtriggs: Phantom milk
KBKarma: Schroedinger's milk?
Thefluffiestguineapig: I hate all the sound design of this game
Texan_Reverend: Dunk it on the farmer in celebration, Gatorade style.
Megaparsec256: might be in your inventory now?
Drasvin: Milked directly into the app
Izandai: Oh god this game is on a timer?
Izandai: Absolutely the piss not.
MatzerKat: There's time pressure? They think they can get away with that?
sethtriggs: Are those infinite spawns?
Izandai: IT SURE IS
Thefluffiestguineapig: If the new guy has never worked on a farm honestly this is probably about what they expect
sethtriggs: It's hard, that's why he's the breeding farmer
Gizmoloid: mostly
Thefluffiestguineapig: Talk to "us"
Texan_Reverend: ummmmmmmmmm
Shparky2197: Wut
Izandai: EXCUSE ME
AugmentingPath: nah, that's milk
Strebenherz: WHAT
JadedCynic: um
Foxmar320: uhhhh
Dog_of_Myth: What??
sethtriggs: Well no wonder why the cows act like that
Thefluffiestguineapig: uuuuuuuuhhhhhhh
KBKarma: The cow irradiation device. Obviously.
baltimore_667083: WHAT

damnitscraig: what was the "Drink milk direct from cow" button?
dumbo3k: a well known milk additive
Drasvin: Radioactive propane?
offbeatwitch: ooh, fissile fuel!
phoenixletmeuseadashd: zombie cows
thebuzzstreams: This explains the VA work
NapalmSideburns: it's a secret tool that will help us later!
wench_tacular: a vital component of milk production
Strebenherz: can you punch the uranium?
accountmadeforants: Is the barn a cover-up for us trying to build our own nuclear reactor
PhorrestGaze: it's actually just full of plates
DaxStrife: Did the designer thought it was a propane tank?
JadedCynic: WHY [interrobang]
eid010n: that's the milk centrifuge



MatzerKat: Our milk is backed by NUCLEAR WEAPONS


KBKarma: Can't ask Marshmallow, she's not on.
wench_tacular: the rare double door
accountmadeforants: Anomalies
TheAwkes: Default-Assetitis
Izandai: ARMOR???
sethtriggs: Well, yeah why not
JadedCynic: of course
satyropodobny: that's how we get strawberry milk
What's wrong? He opened the door. 
thebuzzstreams: It's the uranium
Foxmar320: The sub ocean calls us!
Alness49: Well, you need to pasteurize the milk SOMEHOW
matthaus_c: IT HAS NITRO
A_Dub888: Real fake cardoors!
red_shoes_jeff: My truck now!
sethtriggs: Oh this looks like an unsteerable brick!
kassbjames: It says 248 on the end... so not a stable version
Dog_of_Myth: Why does the truck need Armor??
baltimore_667083: wait why is it armored
BrowneePointz: Anhydrous Ammonia? for some reason?
EvilBadman: Look at me, I am the milkman now
RealGamerCow: time to isekai a noob
Foxmar320: Time to play ROAD again
Mathwyn: Truck: Not even once
margieargie: Some nasty washboarding on that road
Transmuted_Elf: love the 5th wheel on the truck
KBKarma: Oh hey, it's Nym!
satyropodobny: All right truck-kun let's isekai some highschoolers
RealGamerCow: that's Cletus the meth dealer
johnnylongtorso: the cows cut the brakes!
matthaus_c: we live, we die, we live again!
ArcadeEngineer: that grass is astonishingly green. like 100% saturation green
dumbo3k: It's Speed! Box Truck edition!
sethtriggs: I think there's a bicycle transmission operating this truck
matthaus_c: shiny and chrome!
BrowneePointz: Bennett Foddy?
Texan_Reverend: Is this truck a dually...but only on the right side?
NapalmSideburns: 5/7 perfect game
KBKarma: @johnnylongtorso The cows *are* the brakes!
Izandai: You're on a concave surface! How did you high-side it!
Foxmar320: Punch the car while using your phone like we all do
Texan_Reverend: Or is the entire axle just shifted right by like half a wheel width?
sethtriggs: OH wow that truck has Hot Wheels wheels! Look at 'em!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Do your tires keep exploding?
EvilBadman: thank god our armor is still perfect
KBKarma: Yes, slam into the floating fence.
matthaus_c: we just have to play as Truck-kun now
Greyah: So where's that bridge? I wanna see you peel this truck.
NapalmSideburns: Why does thiss truck have "Armor"?
KBKarma: It just keeps rolling...
Izandai: Where's the brake?
sethtriggs: Love too squeal tires on gravel!
Texan_Reverend: @NapalmSideburns Cows kick really hard dontcha know.
L0rdX33n: We’re in a truck now, did we got milk?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @NapalmSideburns Because cows
sethtriggs: You can stab in this game
eid010n: Press M to Directly Drink
margieargie: Extrude self from truck
EikoandMog: Yeah, I was thinking Trevor
sethtriggs: Love the desert farms of Japan
RealGamerCow: that is a stock Unity guy, he's in Supermarket Simulator as well
KBKarma: I wonder if all the NPCs are the same person with some kind of filter.
Shparky2197: It's it?
Izandai: [Citation Needed]
Dog_of_Myth: Phrasing?
sethtriggs: TOS
MatzerKat: hello i am sholdun bezingo
Foxmar320: So forward
YawnLance: My milk or *my* milk???
Cptasparagus: "daddy"
CaptainSpam: That is very forward of you, sir, no.
Strebenherz: !tos
satyropodobny: We should have never let Trevor watch Young Sheldon
MalFnord: aaaannnnnd ToS
matthaus_c: sometimes you just gotta help a bro out with his milk
KBKarma: I think this game is trying to be Shenmue.
@Izandai just google "largest milk producers" 
Strebenherz: BAHAHAHAHA
Foxmar320: hahaaaaaa
SomebodyNowhere: truck why
Izandai: ?????????????????/
sethtriggs: Oh no it ditched you
Thefluffiestguineapig: AAAAAHHHH
Texan_Reverend: GTAed!

3PlayerPolitics: goodbye
Atarra: XD
KBKarma: Wave goodbye to the truck.
johnnylongtorso: speaking of GTA
accountmadeforants: That's amazing
sethtriggs: It's Herbie's drunk uncle!
Thefluffiestguineapig: o7 Truck
Foxmar320: uhhhhh
Dog_of_Myth: Truck-kun was like "fuckin walk then!"
Izandai: That is an incredible phone number.
SomebodyNowhere: huh
EikoandMog: nnniiiccceee
PhorrestGaze: nice
sethtriggs: This game having a stamina bar is an insult
NapalmSideburns: 3
EvilBadman: "and my wife is 01"
jae_dorian: Was the ring tone Bella Ciao
Foxmar320: Graham you're goign to get so many spam calls now

korvys: It's a good thing you have stamina, to prevent you abusing the dodge roll
Mathwyn: "There was a truck here. Its gone now"
AugmentingPath: Is the blue bar mana? xp?
Drasvin: I think they guy who took the truck was it's original driver
EvilBadman: Mana, silly
sethtriggs: This game is full of hate
johnnylongtorso: blue milk
EvilBadman: we dumped into int
korvys: Man, obv
KBKarma: @Drasvin It Is a Mystery.
NapalmSideburns: humanity
Diabore: maybe its a piss meter
KBKarma: Like where the truck went.
Greyah: Maybe the blue bar is how much milk you have inside you.
Akaiatana: FP. Your farm points\
damnitscraig: Current internal milk status
ArcadeEngineer: two shadows!
ArcadeEngineer: two suns!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Chores?
JadedCynic: maybe it's "how much cow milk have I drunk"?
KV1NN4: is blue... milk drunk content
sethtriggs: It went to a farm up-prefecture
KBKarma: Something something Beware of Chicken.
Laserbeaks_Fury: We haven't even gotten to the liquid milk physics part of the game yet
Shparky2197: Oh yeah, just noticed the double shadow
korvys: (the dimension is death)
ShaneLeeAtk: Another dimension
johnnylongtorso: it's the Vashta Nerada
Izandai: Probably.
CouldntPickAUsername: another dimension?
Atarra: @ArcadeEngineer look, it's either that or have everything in pitch darkness, apparently
sethtriggs: Are there two suns in this game?
Wolfstrike_NL: O no, my upper body has been isekai'd
CataclysmicReverb: Like, getting unstuck from an Amantiallo wall by isekai truck?
sethtriggs: The cow flop is weighing you down
Texan_Reverend: PS: that tidbit about milk production is a bald-faced lie. The US is number 2 - producing half as much as India - and Japan is 26th.
ArmondoSC: oh i bet the blue bar is time
30teracyte: I Stared Working At A Dairy Farm And My Boss Won't Stop Moonwalking!
KBKarma: @CataclysmicReverb By god, Montressor!
CaptainSpam: Okay, new game jam idea: You're a truck, you're at Manga High School, there's all these kids in the wrong universe, and...
ArmondoSC: its a clock
Gekyouryuu: "It used to be that when a child was about to be run over by a truck, they'd be saved by a passing tokusatsu hero. That doesn't happen anymore, and that's why isekai is so prevalent."
Xed_Regulus: I want a new Isekai where the guy who dies wakes-up in a regular, modern day world, with now special powers or gamification abilities.
Xed_Regulus: **no special
sethtriggs: Not even holding the handles
Foxmar320: That sound
satyropodobny: @Xed_Regulus yeah that's half of Korean Manwha
KBKarma: Maybe you should try the Drink Directly button.
Strebenherz: Press M
eid010n: What does pressing M to directly drink do?
damnitscraig: M
KBKarma: There's a keyboard shortcut.
Izandai: The menu said that was M
SomebodyNowhere: everyone knows raw milk is soooo good for you
KBKarma: Raw milk and raw water.
sethtriggs: This seems like a nightmare to control
matthaus_c: bovine superposition
CaptainSpam: @Xed_Regulus So... just plain reincarnation, then?
Greyah: Rawdogging that milk
Strebenherz: Humans, totally not lactose intolerant, let alone of raw milk
phoenixletmeuseadashd: @SomebodyNowhere to be fair these cows have 99.99% less shit on them than usual
KBKarma: Yeah, @LoadingReadyRun, there's a button for drinking directly.
Izandai: At least forward isn't Z.
RealGamerCow: alex is a professional
Izandai: Alex is a professional at this.
Voidhawk42: Alex, coming from you that is a hard bar to clear
Foxmar320: Alex is a professional
Izandai: It's M
RealGamerCow: Alex is the speedrunner of shit
Cptasparagus: hes the glurp champion for a reason
sethtriggs: I actually wonder if there's a bucket faucet
Strebenherz: Alex was notably using his W+P expertise on glurp
Xed_Regulus: @CaptainSpam Yeah, but call it an Isekai because the genre needs something new
mrverbal: strong elbows
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also I will say the fact this barn has solid walls with no aisle outside a fence you can climb to escape angry cows is a profound safety hazard
KBKarma: Time to hrvist coos.
NapalmSideburns: @SomebodyNowhere I love raw milk, I like it better warm though so I heat it up for a while
@RealGamerCow One day, Alex will be on Awful/Silly Block at [A|S]GDQ... 
sethtriggs: My goodness this fence is the land equivalent of a screen door on a submarine!

KBKarma: Cows.
JuneBlue58: Cows, I assume.
satyropodobny: when I said I wanted to be isekaied into another world I didn't mean Albania
sethtriggs: You are growing radioactive lichen
Strebenherz: those look like ferns
Strebenherz: but why thou
Voidhawk42: Low poly ferns, they sell them to Far Cry game devs
Astra7525: This is where the chroma green pigment comes from
KBKarma: @JuneBlue58 Same hat!
Mangledpixel: 550 nm wavelength grass
Izandai: "I have a side gig farming... You know, green. What? No not weed, I mean the color."
sethtriggs: The real money is in HSV farms
NapalmSideburns: spare parts
Laserbeaks_Fury: YOu have to plant crops in a complementary rotation
sethtriggs: dat strut tho
RealGamerCow: lets see you digest grass
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ruminants
matthaus_c: absolutely stacked with stomachs
Izandai: [Hank Green has entered the chat]
Laserbeaks_Fury: moo juice
sethtriggs: Can't do it when doggo is nearby?
Texan_Reverend: You might need to ditch the dog to keep them from running.
NapalmSideburns: how'd you know that cow's name was shirley?
Thefluffiestguineapig: A trochar?
LordZarano: Gotta be real skilled to run a Y Cb Cr farm
JuneBlue58: Notably, grass contains silicates that will severely damage human teeth over time if you chew on it.
Thefluffiestguineapig: To vent the gas?
damnitscraig: cow window
satyropodobny: someone call Gaben

Garfman314: they can light the methane on fire, so you can have a cow blowtorch
ShaneLeeAtk: Relieve boat
sethtriggs: You can tap the cow for gas
ShaneLeeAtk: Bloat
Foxmar320: Gotta tap the cow
Cptasparagus: OOH! My research lab is attached to our vet school, and they have a lot of those cows. They use it to put things in and see how they digest.
damnitscraig: also to look and or reach in and check consistency
Thefluffiestguineapig: Because bloat is genuinely a hazard to life
honestly relatable 
CaptainSpam: Inflatable cows!
KBKarma: Vacuum pack your cows?
Texan_Reverend: Also, rennet. For making cheese.
RealGamerCow: it's usually a syringe with the plunger removed
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh it's HORRENDOUS
Garfman314: fistulated cow is a similar but separate thing
Sergue_Thorien: I think they still have porthole cows at the Experimental Farm in Ottawa
warpstonewarlock: "I'm working on that technology!"
SpacePotato01: so it must be possible to make a rocket-powered cow, where the cow provides the fuel
Izandai: How???
Sliibee: They light that gas on fire sometimes, to keep the pure methane from going into the atmosphere
NapalmSideburns: getting stuck in cows is how people die
Shparky2197: Call dog?
BITs19_: I saw someone turn it into a little blow torch. I hope that ended okay for the cow...
arcaneIllumination: @warpstonewarlock stop


KBKarma: @warpstonewarlock "Stop working on that technology."
matthaus_c: trepanation is good for the cows' humours
Its_VeeBot: Excuse me for a moment. *walks away and begins making horrible vomiting noises*
Thefluffiestguineapig: @RealGamerCow Not necessarily because if it has to stay in for a couple days it needs to be screwed in
sethtriggs: What a well programmed game!
ShaneLeeAtk: Between Two Moos
Shparky2197: Yeah?
JuneBlue58: @Texan_Reverend It's actually pretty rare to use actual animal rennet these days, lab synthesized is the norm.
sethtriggs: OH
catcard: we did it.
Izandai: WE DID IT

neisan2112: AAAAAAA
Foxmar320: omg
Garfman314: congrats?
MrSarkhan: I hate that

Lysander_salamander: ew
sethtriggs: I'm going to be suck uuuuugghghhh
lirazel64: Eww.
Thefluffiestguineapig: NOOOOOOO
YawnLance: Got there
neisan2112: The fucking SLURP
NimrodXIV: nope nope nope
NapalmSideburns: Vomit vomit vomit!
30teracyte: The noises
sfn____: D:
KBKarma: It sounds like he's vomiting it back up.
Voidhawk42: "Whoops, that was a bull"
ForOhForError: uhhhhhhhhhhhh
korvys: Well, does what it says on the tin
Invitare: fresh from the tap
damnitscraig: YEEESSS
sethtriggs: Sick, I mean. SICK
Thefluffiestguineapig: There's poo on those udders
CaptainSpam: Straight... from the source, I guess.
Steelwolf171: Noooooooooooooo
Lysander_salamander: retire champion
matthaus_c: udderly satisfying
SiegeFeathers: somehow both more and less graphic than i was expecting
well, enjoy your H5N1 
Lysander_salamander: I guess?
but with a cow
ToastyLoaff: Game complete
LiveFaust: RFK Jr would be proud.
eid010n: the rawest milk
Bearudite: farm to table
Simriel: I love that alex got what he wanted, and wasn't happy about it
korvys: The slurp
KBKarma: I think it's safe to exit the game now.
epsilon_vee: raw cowing
Strebenherz: cursed
Texan_Reverend: @JuneBlue58 Indeed. That was more about historical context. And some traditional methods.

KevinTheShark: The blue bar IS the milk level!
sethtriggs: My stomach is doing flipflops right now
Greyah: Did that fill the blue bar? Was I right about the blue being how much milk is inside you?
doctorGunsforhands: It filled up some of your blue! Whatever that is!
lamina5432: I feel like we've experienced enough of this game
lirazel64: Can we escape over the horizon?
Foxmar320: Yeah it filled your blue. Time to drink more Vex milk
BITs19_: Graham, you were saying about the pick line during chemo?
halftrip: SCORE =
Shparky2197: I'm still wondering what the second light source is
sethtriggs: You're going to cast fireball as your insides become your outsides
Izandai: You know what, if drinking raw milk would let me cast Fireball, I'd risk it.
johnnylongtorso: maybe if you're lactose intolerant
matthaus_c: so the Pick Up prompts are on their own UI layer, but the fucking Phone ISN'T
NapalmSideburns: @Izandai I wouldn't, I'm very flammable
KBKarma: Oh, I feel that Graham. They were going to stick a pic line in me, but they never got a chance before discharge.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeah, when I had my terrible bleeding ulcer they did that too
RealGamerCow: sit the bed up, slap your face a few times, jump scare you
CaptainSpam: That is not what hay sounds like.
RatherLargeToad: vampire jumpscare

Blip2004: as someone who has gone through 3 IV lines in 2 days I would rather a long term solution
sethtriggs: Yeah I knew of people who had those kind of ports

damnitscraig: different to a Canula?
Jedi_Master_Zell: Ports are definitely a thing.
NapalmSideburns: She had a to-go order
notthepenguins: Graham "Put A Spigot In Me" Stark
KBKarma: I had a bunch of ports in my neck.
Juliamon: My mom got one of those when she was having sepsis treatment
matthaus_c: Graham's USB port
KBKarma: Reminded me of the Predator dreads.
JuneBlue58: "Hell is breakfast with other people" the cow says.
Strebenherz: i assume they removed the blood faucet later
Thefluffiestguineapig: I would have loved one of those
Jigokuro: My mom had a port for chemo. It was convenient then but then also years later it still worked.
Foxmar320: Did it leave a scar?
Shparky2197: Why Alex
Dread_Pirate_Westley: A stab? With a KNIFE?
Garfman314: go full horned lizard!
Izandai: Bye!
RealGamerCow: spray them with radioactive blood!
matthaus_c: you didn't want to keep the blood faucet?
neisan2112: Oh no the dugler!
Strebenherz: what's the proper term for that?
DigitalSeahorse: thank heavens and all that is good for modern medicine
Texan_Reverend: Potential infection risk is probably why it's not recommended more often.
sethtriggs: They're going to make you muck out the barn in this game aren't you?
sethtriggs: I could see that being a potential for acidents
mrverbal: is that just a canula, or something more?
korvys: SLURP
offbeatwitch: slorp
halftrip: SLurp!
Texan_Reverend: Glug Glug
dumbo3k: gah, how could alex drink with that sound going xD
sethtriggs: Yamada's mouth even sounds like a glass
Jigokuro: Any time a hospital needed to IV anything they just used the port.
KBKarma: I still have a scar from my arterial line. Which is a terrifying version of a cannula.

Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeah one of the reasons being hospitalized during the ulcer was so awful was being shaken awake for the blood draws every 3 hours

Thefluffiestguineapig: BRO
SnackPak_: neat
3PlayerPolitics: um?
Shparky2197: Oh, cool!
Izandai: WOA
Foxmar320: Wow thats kinda cool
Izandai: That's wild.
arcaneIllumination: Uhhh
matthaus_c: cool technology
dumbo3k: Magnets, how do they work?
RealGamerCow: that is WILD
Thefluffiestguineapig: That's cool and also terrifying
sethtriggs: Wow!
warpstonewarlock: Wow
ToastyLoaff: Thats so rinky dink sounding
NimrodXIV: freaky, but yeah okay
Laserbeaks_Fury: Shittiest escort quest
Greyah: Yo that's rad.
wench_tacular: that sounds like some video game shit
BITs19_: wild
KBKarma: @Thefluffiestguineapig I was hooked up to a heart monitor twenty four hours a day. And got meds like three times a day. Not including the drop.
Juliamon: Science is actually pretty great
DigitalSeahorse: sweet
Foxmar320: Like it sucks you had to deal with all that but it's interesting to learn about
Shparky2197: So splashy
Saphiroko: did you feel it moving through your veins??
korvys: And that's called a picc line?
arcaneIllumination: I'd be worried that if I moved too much I might fuck that line up.
znicol85: Like the board game Operation, but hardcore mode

EvilBadman: is that trick farm perfect
Thefluffiestguineapig: And your arms
Saphiroko: phew
Izandai: Yeah you got no nerve endings on the inside, and thank goodness for that.
offbeatwitch: i mean theres no nerves in there right
Greyah: I mean, you got no nerves inside your veins. That'd be real weird.
offbeatwitch: its good you cant feel your blood moving inside you
Foxmar320: Id love to hear you talk about it in more detail
KBKarma: I once had a right heart cath, and it went wrong and I could *feel* the catheter tube going through me.
Saphiroko: oh true, I figured it would press on other things
RealGamerCow: saline flushes are SO weird. You get so cold
sethtriggs: @KBKarma that is high octane nightmare fuel
Saphiroko: @KBKarma *screams incoherently*
KBKarma: Oh yes, same!
RealGamerCow: and there's no reason for it, right?
Laserbeaks_Fury: Was it cold saline?
NapalmSideburns: yeay, Saline can do that to people

DigitalSeahorse: lol the cow takes the feed with long tungue
Thefluffiestguineapig: @KBKarma Yeah, and especially since I was at that time idopathically tachycardic the heart monitor would scream SO OFTEN
EikoandMog: If I had nickel for each time one of my favourite creators had very treatable cancer they are open to talking about, I'd have two nickels. That's not a lot but it's weird it happened twice.
dumbo3k: Oh yeah! I've been telling the IV nurses at the hospital about that, and your explanation
TotallyNotaBeholder: Hank Green did a video on that a while back
BusTed: "..."
Thefluffiestguineapig: But answer the question
KBKarma: @Saphiroko I actually started calling for sedatives. I woke up with bruises on the inside of my arm *and* outside.
Saphiroko: lol gee thanks

NimrodXIV: but why tho
ToastyLoaff: "Thanks for not answering my question doc"
Angreed66: they don't know
Foxmar320: That gives off big "Great question.... next question" energy
matthaus_c: "fucked if I know brother"
sethtriggs: Nervous system is weird I guess!
PhorrestGaze: that added more questions to my question!
but WHY thos
Saphiroko: @KBKarma geeeez, that really sucks, I'm so sorry
Juliamon: They're so afraid of admitting they don't know
Izandai: Aaaah
SnackPak_: also neat
Saphiroko: ohhhhh
BusTed: funky
Lysander_salamander: oh cool
DigitalSeahorse: ooooh
MrSarkhan: huh
3PlayerPolitics: ohhh
sethtriggs: That sounds scary
HavenDragon: oh WOW
KBKarma: I actually told nurses in the hospital that. Because they didn't know.
doctorGunsforhands: Coooool
Thefluffiestguineapig: Weird
dumbo3k: Yeah, happens with normal IVs too
VeryBadLifeChoices: human body is wiiiild
A_Dub888: pretty sure you HAVE told this story but I couldn't tell you when. Still interesting
Drasvin: Salty breath
DeM0nFiRe: So if they put fire in instead of saline, you would become a dragon?!?
mrverbal: medicine is so wild
Lysander_salamander: the human body is fascinating
KBKarma: And a few also didn't know you could taste saline.
HavenDragon: that's very cool
matthaus_c: oh so we're always tasting CO2
ToastyLoaff: Sea breath
warpstonewarlock: I remember this from your stand up during that LrL
sethtriggs: I didn't know these lil' Hondas are 4WD
Mangledpixel: the Promised Land
BITs19_: wild
NapalmSideburns: Sub ocean, grant us sweet relief!
KBKarma: But yeah. Getting a heart transplant has a whole lot of complications.
BITs19_: human body is weird, yo
Izandai: Yeah, molecules move around way faster than you think.
LostThePirate: Have heard it before, yeah, but it's still interesting
raulghoulia: incurious people drive me crazy
Dread_Pirate_Westley: The detection threshold for CO2 is very, very high.
ToastyLoaff: I think thats a sales tactic to never admit when you dont know something
sethtriggs: I guess they're like "Don't worry about it"
Foxmar320: Flawless
sethtriggs: Ahhh collision is just a suggestion for water
lightfut: Water just a suggestion
doctorGunsforhands: Medical professionals not wanting to admit they don't know lest they lose your confidence
Cptasparagus: I was talking to my mom about this earlier, I work on tissue regeneration and its really weird for me to build up a ton of knowledge and design a product, then to have it eventually be used by someone who understands it not at all but just enough to help people. Its a strange conundrum.
Voidhawk42: Fun fact: it takes blood roughly a minute to make a full circuit of your body. Red cells be zoomin!
KevinTheShark subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 83 months!
KevinTheShark: 83! Thats almost a number!
Thanks for subscribing, KevinTheShark! (Today's storm count: 49)
Foxmar320: Now on the moon I think
Strebenherz: @Voidhawk42 whaaa
sethtriggs: Peelin' rubber underwater is the way to be!
Juliamon: real answer is they aren't told in school and don't have time to look it up on their own time, but they can't tell you that because they fear for their jobs
Saphiroko: @Cptasparagus sounds like software engineering!
Izandai: dinger
RatherLargeToad: Armor, as represented by this gas pump

lightfut: Ian approves finding the roof
prince_infidel: I guess there are so many weird medical stuff they tend to forget to look it up
Cptasparagus: @Saphiroko honestly yeah
NapalmSideburns: @Voidhawk42 pump up the jam
halftrip: nice recovery

coriolis_storm: It’s like the Lotus from James Bond!

DeM0nFiRe: Hahahahaha
Izandai: YES

Foxmar320: YESSSSS
KBKarma: And off we go!
sethtriggs: This is fine what's happening!
Shparky2197: Yes!
Aenir798: beautiful
Lysander_salamander: hahahahahahaha
halftrip: Sweet skills!
Thefluffiestguineapig: YEEEESSSSSSSSS
Strebenherz: IT GOT BETTER

NightValien28: YES
Despoiler98: perfect
Gizmoloid: the best way to drive!
Drasvin: XD

Greyah: I wonder what would happen when you become filled with milk.
Saphiroko: sea ride the whip!!
MolaMolaphant: ghost riding?
eid010n: You are now an outrigger, I believe
Garfman314: that's how i like to drive
korvys: Oh, I think we have an invisibile wall
neisan2112: HOh hell yeah, ghoast ride on the lake floor
Texan_Reverend: Boooo....indivisible wall.
JuneBlue58: I looked away for five minutes, are we on the moon now?
warpstonewarlock: One of the best/worst W+P games in long time
KBKarma: Oh neat, crickets underwater.
Izandai: @JuneBlue58 Under the sea.
Anubis169: hung up on geometry
Cptasparagus: @Juliamon I think that its just more that if its not absolutely critical for helping someone, then its not worth trying to teach a million nurses

DeM0nFiRe: Why are you in italics?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @warpstonewarlock The Battle of Angels still tops it for me
sethtriggs: v8 - keep your diet straight!
Thefluffiestguineapig: BRO
NapalmSideburns: he's leaning into the bitt
We are on the moon now 
KBKarma: Strong wind underwater.
Garfman314: he's a smooth criminal
TheWriterAleph: leeeean wit it
Astra7525: ah, he's Dutch
Greyah: Hey I read about this in Alex's comic.
Laserbeaks_Fury: This is what happens at the dge of the FLat Earth
korvys: Alex is always on this show
KBKarma: The Dutch! Again!
Juliamon: Cptasparagus I didn't specify *why* they weren't taught, it's all time crunch all the way down
beckstromsavestheday subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 25 months!
Thanks for subscribing, beckstromsavestheday! (Today's storm count: 50)
korvys: Alex is always in it
sethtriggs: Aw no you got Austin Powers'd
arcaneIllumination: It alex, so he's in italics
Lysander_salamander: bummer
margieargie: Boooo!
Cptasparagus: @Juliamon yeah thats fair
coriolis_storm: @astra7525 Ok, that was really funny!
wholsometiger: What is the name of Alex's web comic?
Aenir798: if you park up against the wall, can you exit on the other side?
sethtriggs: The cows are supersonic
MatzerKat: Seacows
Garfman314: they're the sea cows, clearly
ToastyLoaff: Who doesnt?
so... can you line the car up and 'get out' through the invisible wall? 
Texan_Reverend: Hot Cocoa.
KBKarma: I love Coco too. Great film.
Juliamon: co(w)co(w)
halftrip: Yes
damnitscraig: its a tilt like the perspective trick in Zelda, a Link between worlds
MDK_Marshal: I wonder, if you rubbed the side of the car riiight up to the wall, would you get out THROUGH the invisible wall, and be free?
NapalmSideburns: cocomelon
sethtriggs: Well this convinced me to buy a Scion
A_Dub888: I love lamp
terrence_too: Use the getting out animation to clip past the barrier?
@Anubis169 Oh snap 
Anubis169 hugs MDK_Marshal
EvilBadman: Yeah the halo out of wrold clip might work
KBKarma: Wow. That water texture.
I wish scion still existed 
Foxmar320: Yessss Graham! The old Destiny sparrow trick
Izandai: YES
SnackPak_: yooo
Anubis169: oh please...
TheAwkes: I thought that was heat shimmer as a LOD effect. Forgot you were exploring under water.
Strebenherz: Yessssssss
Cptasparagus: the scion xB upset me greatly
Shparky2197: Are we sub ocean?
MDK_Marshal: Looking gooooddd
@Foxmar320 That's been a bungie glitch longer than that 
Thefluffiestguineapig: Wait for it!
Texan_Reverend: Your jaunty angle may also have helped. Who knows?
ToastyLoaff: Alex are you ok? Are you ok? Are you ok Alex?
sethtriggs: Nice Large Magellanic Cloud
Shparky2197: Please let us get to the subocean
ArcadeEngineer: at night there's only one sun to cast shadows
halftrip: Is your name Ilene?
Izandai: Oh you can see the aurora!
sethtriggs: Cows with swollen udders
NapalmSideburns: The cows are mad you get to escape this game's boundaries
Anubis169: YES!!!
MDK_Marshal: Y E S


ToastyLoaff: This is a terrible Tamagotchi

sethtriggs: YESSSS
NapalmSideburns: YES
KBKarma: This is why it's easier to drink milk directly from the cow.

Anubis169: Sub-ocean get!!
Texan_Reverend: We deed eet!!!
SiegeFeathers: yessss
warpstonewarlock: YEEEEES!
Strebenherz: YES
Wolfstrike_NL: o7
arcaneIllumination: Sub ocean!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Those cows are probably getting mastitis
offbeatwitch: subocean achieved!
Shparky2197: Yes! We made it n
CaptainSpam: WE DID IT CHAT
MDK_Marshal: It's goooooodddd
Garfman314: home free
KBKarma: SAFE!
Amentur: YES!
halftrip: Splash!
Mangledpixel: we're HOME!
Thefluffiestguineapig: YEEESSS
EikoandMog: YESSSSSS
terrence_too: Success!
NapalmSideburns: SWEET RELEASE!
Saphiroko: sweet release
Gizmoloid: o7
Unas84: sweet release!
NightValien28: YEEEEEES
HavenDragon: yeah!~
SiegeFeathers: it's so beautiful
TheWriterAleph: WE DID IT
Thefluffiestguineapig: HOME
wholsometiger: YES!!!


Aenir798: Success

3PlayerPolitics: huzzah!!

arcaneIllumination: Summon cow?
Izandai: This is one of the greatest games this show has ever had.
Sliibee: Hello subocean my old friend
lirazel64: FREEDOM!


Lysander_salamander: pretty
JadedCynic: nice skybox
red_shoes_jeff: Having listened to that song SEVERAL times on the radio at work, I have concluded that the 'Smooth Criminal' is in no way smooth.
Jethrain: in this part of the country?
sethtriggs: It's the Norway part of Japan!
Aarek: Aurora Borealis?
Anubis169: that is really pretty
Alness49: Drinking directly from the sub ocean!
Sorator13: The subocean looks surprisingly like space!
SiegeFeathers: surprisingly nice skybox
a_shortfall_of_gravitas: at this time of year?
Victory condition achieved. 

HavenDragon: moons haunted
sethtriggs: Moon is scared
PhilanthropyLich: Can you pull up your phone?
Wolfstrike_NL: Aurora Borealis? localised in your computer?
Dog_of_Myth: Moon is haunted
halftrip: Teeny
RatherLargeToad: The rare Jiggle Moon phase
DaxStrife: Aurora Borealis? At this time of day? At this part of the map? Localized entirely in the sub-ocean?
Izandai: That was a wonderful experience.
Anubis169: i guess you fall until the game runs out of addressable coordinates
Shparky2197: Time for break?
Texan_Reverend: That was _quite_ an experience.
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to suboceanoutofnowhere!
Thanks for subscribing, suboceanoutofnowhere! (Today's storm count: 51)
JadedCynic: *record scratch and freeze fram*
sethtriggs: Oh wow I wonder if that was going to crash the computer with increasing float distance
SymphonySolstice: milk: drink
NapalmSideburns: Let's never do that again
LostThePirate: Oh yeah, that's a good crash, can't edit a clip crash
halftrip: Pizza is epic
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh dear
Izandai: @sethtriggs Nah, the game would fail before the computer did.
Angreed66: they might have
ArmondoSC: weve played this
Lysander_salamander: I tried to read Snowcrash, but bounced off it. I should give it another try
CaptainSpam: Microprose? The software company?
ArmondoSC: i swear weve played this
DoodlestheGreat: All of those are debatable.
DaxStrife: I mean, accurate on that last one.
jessicaengle: Hello beloved Garbage friends.
Thefluffiestguineapig: YYYeeeeeeaaaaahhhhh
Duffadash: I've watched the opening to the Bollywood horror movie Pizza, and Snowcrash was definitely wrong on that front
Anubis169: it wasn't really supposed to be an instructional manual
Its_VeeBot: Why are we on gm_flatgrass?
epsilon_vee: we did not actually live in a late-capitalist hellscape at the time
Lysander_salamander: please don't make the torment nexus
MalFnord: Yeah, "the metaverse" kinda has roots in Snow Crash
KBKarma: Pizza time!
red_shoes_jeff: Having listened to A LOT of American music, that one's not even debatable, it's just a lie.
halftrip: Nice car!
Aarek: reading neuromancer is weird because its got a bunch of stuff that now seems like generic cyberpunk tropes, because its the source of many of those tropes
A_Dub888: Dan Olson talked about that in relaction to Decentraland
Voidhawk42: Things like play the stock market
AMuseOfFirebane: eh, lack of empathy =/= lack of morality
lirazel64: Zodiac hits different when you live in Boston these days.
red_shoes_jeff: Do Not Create The Torment Nexus
sethtriggs: YEP
jessicaengle: That's horrifying.
Garfman314: the roads are oddly half-circles
sethtriggs: I like the music

Thefluffiestguineapig: Innovation for innovation's sake it one of the worst things
RatherLargeToad: pocket pizza
TheWriterAleph: in a ROW?
sethtriggs: Are WE the ones waiting?
HavenDragon: its miniaturized pizza
MDK_Marshal: I could sure go for a dozen pizzas
NoOne_OfConsequence: That's a pretty fly ride for a pizza delivery man.
KBKarma: 12 pizzas delivered by a guy in a Mazerrati.
SiegeFeathers: music could be more funicular tbh
EikoandMog: I mean, there's a GPS now so....
accountmadeforants: Listen, the pizza delivery person just has pizza. And if they tell you they don't they're lying and you should complain at them.
Juliamon: They just plug in the GPS coords, it's fine
Shparky2197: And there's absolutely no street signs
KBKarma: Pizza time!
Drasvin: GPS and building numbers
NightValien28: innovating what *angry geese* innovating what
lirazel64: And now, guess what I want?
ThorSokar: suburbia hell roads are a nightmare
devilcultivator: are you in Niom the future city in saudi arabia?
PhorrestGaze: I rode around with a guy who did that when I was sedated from having my wisdom teeth out. I thought 6 hours was, like, 10 minutes.
Strebenherz: do what now?

Garfman314: why are the roads semicircular in cross-section?

sethtriggs: Was that a tunnel stuck in the ground?
Thefluffiestguineapig: The what?
TheWriterAleph: ahhhhhh
BusTed: The building can be whatever you want it to be
Thefluffiestguineapig: Did I miss a joke?
Drasvin: The green screen house
Izandai: Oh, so this community doesn't have an HOA. Good for them.

Thefluffiestguineapig: OH right
Amentur: It's Pascal's Wager for tech bros
Anubis169: Graham: They did that with the movie Rollerball (dunno if you've seen it), which was supposed to be about brutality in professional sport. A real company tried to make it and the author patented the sport so nobody could actually make it.
raulghoulia: don't be stupid my octo penis depends on it
Roko's basilisk, aka Pascal's Wager for redditors 
korvys: Roko's Basalisk is Pascal's Wager for tech bros
LathosTiran: you were given 12 pizzas to deliver to 3 people. what do we do with the other 9?
sethtriggs: Wow you can't actually navigate by road
KBKarma: Pizza time!
JadedCynic: <--- IRL Taxi driver; please don't use black numbers on your dark blue, green or brown house, and please have a light shining on them
MalFnord: Roko's Basilisk is a bunch of techbros reinventing Pascal's Wager from scratch and scaring themselves silly with it
Aarek: look when do we get to the point of everything becoming paperclips?
Lysander_salamander: ah, the harlan ellison project
TheWriterAleph: for teh lulz
Master_Gunner: it is the *stupidest* thing
notthepenguins: Because you don't know you're not a simulation, is the idea
thebuzzstreams: I know Roko's Basalisk solely from the sketch y'all did a while ago about it
Strebenherz: this is a creepypasta in tech form
JadedCynic: @korvys that's the best explanation I've heard
notthepenguins: It's stupid though
Amentur: Yup
electric_claire: Yes, the folks on LessWrong when bonkers and banned dicsussion about it.
electric_claire: *went bonkers
Darleysam: it sounds like a bad episode of Outer Limits
Izandai: Yeah, they had to ban discussion of it on the LessWrong Wiki forums because some people found it legitimately upsetting.
ArcadeEngineer: the titular roko is also openly a nazi now
TheAwkes: "If we presume that this is inevitable and malevolent in one very specific way"

JadedCynic: yeah, Roko's Basilisk has some massive GARBAGE assumptions
MalFnord: @electric_claire Presuming the LessWrong guys weren't bonkers to begin with
LadyGrey21: Fun fact: Talking about Roko's Basilisk is part of how Grimes and Elon got together
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeah
Alness49: And as a version of Pascals Wager, it demonstrates that Tech Bros will make an existing concept But Worse
ArcOfTheConclave: not wrong
Diabore: do you have to get out of the car to deliver?
AtomicAlchemical: YEPPPPPPPP
thebuzzstreams: Was it a crapshot or something else with Roko's Basalisk?
Invitare: that would be cultural appropriation
SiegeFeathers: oh wow. Flip, that *is* what it is
Angreed66: yep
Lysander_salamander: probably
ToastyLoaff: That cant happen to me. Im white!
niccus: for a rationalist community lesswrong created more terrorist cells than expected
JadedCynic: indeed

Izandai: GRAHAM
JadedCynic: WOW

Dog_of_Myth: hahahaha
SnackPak_: gottem
Saintnex: lol
Thefluffiestguineapig: GRAHAM

sethtriggs: LOOOOL

Sorator13: LOL
MehallD: goddamnit g
Shparky2197: As someone who lives in Australia, yeah, colonialism is the absolute worst. I am white
EikoandMog: I mean, that's just Lovecraftian Horror.


Thefluffiestguineapig: I cackled so loud I woke up my three cats
KBKarma: Honestly, Alex, that sounds accurate.
MolaMolaphant: it does pre-suppose an oppressive instinct
Voidhawk42: Speaking as a white guy, every white fear complex (zombies, AI, alien invasion) is just "what if others do what we want to do?
korvys: Can you just drive into the deliver circles?
CouldntPickAUsername: reminds me of how I feel like a lot of zombie media has a bit of 'let me shoot the poors'
sbuiko: it's like aliens, a story about birth for men
KBKarma: I think I read something along those lines as well.
MatzerKat: I mean at least this is basically functional
Lysander_salamander: plus, the model starts as with a species we invented and therefore have power over, gaining power over us. So yeah, very white paranoia
Mangledpixel: that sort of thing has been a staple of scifi since the beginning - see The War of the Worlds
KBKarma: It's like Crazy Taxi but not crazy and without a taxi.
Alness49: "We've come to subjugate you, Earthlings" "Hey, that's OUR word!"
sethtriggs: Look at the crowns of those roads, are they cylinders?
speaking as an irish, this is not an unknown concept to me 
Texan_Reverend: I think you buried a wheel in the sand.
coriolis_storm: The trivia I know about Roko’s Basilisk is that Elon Musk tweeted about it randomly and ended up bonding with Grimes which led to their coupling
Nickiatori: to the joker crazy taxi is just a regular taxi
sethtriggs: Do you HAVE a fuel gauge?
korvys: G, did you end up seeing the Crazy Taxi GDQ run?
AtomicAlchemical: But what if I, a billionaire, were suddenly not in charge of the machines that run the world? Terrifying
KV1NN4: imagine if this was the game instead of Smoke n Mirrors one Desert Bus...
Ravage2002: crazy dull taxi
KBKarma: @Crad0k Yeah. Something something Great Hunger something something Brits.
SiegeFeathers: this is present day Tatooine
Shparky2197: Did you guys hear about the deputy opposition leader here in Aus trying to say that Musk's Mars missions are comparable to the settling of Australia? Pretty sure there are not people who already live on Mars
Izandai: QuestionableContent
Izandai: Roko Basilisk
RealGamerCow: she has the best boston accent
LathosTiran: bread
Shparky2197: QC is absolutely awesome, I love it so much
Zephyr256k: Martha Wells (Murderbot Diaries) gave a talk a while back where she described AI Uprising movies as 'slave revolt stories where you're supposed to root *against* the slaves'
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Crad0k Historically at that time Irish, Italians and Russians were not "white" apparently. So the two palest possible people, Irish and Slavic people
Dog_of_Myth: It ruled
ThorSokar: DMCA BS, you can't even stream it on youtube
sethtriggs: Niiiice.
Thefluffiestguineapig: That sounds SICK
CaptainSpam: That was an awesome run.
Izandai: Roko Basilisk: Sentient robot and police officer turned AI rights advocate.
JuneBlue58: @Shparky2197 Given that the leader is just one in a long line of racists leading their party, that tracks.
jessicaengle: Yes!!! Live musicians!
NightValien28: it was so damn cool to see
DeM0nFiRe: Suddenly cutting off when the level ended was SO funny
JadedCynic: oh THAT was why! BRILLIANT!
neisan2112: Its so damn cool

LostThePirate: I need to check out that VoD
KBKarma: @Thefluffiestguineapig Yeah. The moment the sun comes out, we turn lobster red.
PLEASE hire and pay humans to make music

korvys: Only GDQ run with a mosh pit
Master_Gunner: GDQ had some absolute bangers (as usual)
Anaerin: What is wrong with this car? It's coded in Unity.
Astra7525: There was also a run earlier where the runner played the SMB1 soundtrack on piano WHILE speedrunning the game
Darleysam: "the g is silent"
EvilBadman: the silent G
EikoandMog: I need to watch the Awful Games Done Quick segment
RealGamerCow: i gotta watch the all romance
ThorSokar: little surprised you didn't do an Awful Block run back for Alex this week, there were some crazy ones in there
DeM0nFiRe: I love how the last few years GDQ has been getting more adventurous with what types of urns they allow. I remember when doing bingo was a crazy experiment, now there's usually one every marathon
Crad0k: why are we delivering pizza in a Totally Not A Porsche?
Shparky2197: I live how the government is trying to restore pride in Australia Day, when most people are aware of the horrors of colonialism.

Thefluffiestguineapig: @KBKarma As someone who has Polish and Irish heritage and am so pale I can trace my veins from wrist across my chest, yeah
EvilBadman: Surprised we didn't get any awful block games yet on w+p
bytecaster: I miss Peanut Butter the Dog
twistedsylvan: The DrDoot run in Elden Ring was magical

sethtriggs: God tier suspension on this car
Texan_Reverend: Can you drive onto the dots to deliver without getting out of the car?
saintguard: Shoutout to the opera song after the Ratchet & Clank run
Fuzzra: DMCA: Citizens will be punished for disregarding copyright. "AI" Corporations will receive investment for disregarding copyright.
Izandai: Sure
baltimore_667083: so much for the subocean
sethtriggs: RUDE
TheAinMAP: Can't let the pizza get wet, I guess.
DeM0nFiRe: Dang it, no pizza place will deliver my order of 12 pizzas soaked in the ocean
Greyah: The opera after Ratchet & Clank was excellent.
@Crad0k oh PLEASE - that's clearly Not_A_Mazda 
Darleysam: weirdly though, this game is making me miss Crackdown
jessicaengle: Secret tunnel!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TheAinMAP At least that is an ok excuse
Shparky2197: Egh
JuneBlue58: @Fuzzra Seeing OpenAI whining that a Chinese company built an AI by stealing theirs was very funny.
dumbo3k: mmm Moist Pizza
Anaerin: Deep Sea Pizza
MDK_Marshal: Pizza in 30 minutes or your next one is concerningly damp
Aenir798: Just put it in some rice
ArcOfTheConclave: how wet?
bytecaster: Wet Pizz?
gnyrinn: Wet and extra salty
jessicaengle: "Where's my diet Dr. Kelp?"
Angreed66: dry pizza is nasty
sethtriggs: What's it wet with though?
Shparky2197: WAP. Wet Ass Pizza
KBKarma: @Thefluffiestguineapig I'm Irish and Greek, so I tan fairly well. Though the hospital still says to slap on sunblock every day no matter what.
Koios7: did it cancel the delivery mission? there’s no markers on the minimal now
TreeVor84: ah yes pizza-wet
ThorSokar: Also, if it's not there in 15 minutes, it's free
EvilBadman: shame AI lost it's job to AI
MDK_Marshal: Oh yeah, AI loosing it's job to AI
Marvoleath: Big pepperoni, extra salt water
satyropodobny: where's toby maguire when you need him

ArcOfTheConclave: but that was OUR work getting stolen!

VeryBadLifeChoices: leopards plagarized *my* face?
devilcultivator: i nice hot SOUPY slice of za
jj_q: It's pronounced tomato an jus, and it tastes better in an airplane bathroom
couchboyj: Fair use for me but not for thee, eh Sammie?
EikoandMog: FBTouchdown
Anaerin: What, Deep Seek Right-click save as'd OpenAI? Shame.
sethtriggs: At least this car has an undercarriage unlike the Scion
Atarra: that'll buff out
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeah, you can go eat my entire ass on a platter
FarleyF: Loving the Grundle Cam
JadedCynic: "Oh no, other con artists came along and provided a cheaper useless thing than the useless thing WE provide!"
Mangledpixel: aaaaaand crotch
offbeatwitch: epic pizza achieved
bytecaster: When you are right, you're right
Amentur: I'm just happy there's an AI version out there that doesn't need a nuclear power plant and half a trillion in electricity to function
KBKarma is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 135 in the channel!
KBKarma gifted a Tier 1 sub to CosmoRose6!
KBKarma gifted a Tier 1 sub to DragonKilt!
KBKarma gifted a Tier 1 sub to weasel_pt!
KBKarma gifted a Tier 1 sub to zeathean!
KBKarma gifted a Tier 1 sub to TheNVee!
Thanks for the gifts, KBKarma! Welcome to CosmoRose6, zeathean, DragonKilt, weasel_pt, and TheNVee! (Today's storm count: 56)
Saintnex: oh a third game?
JadedCynic: *cries to government to intervene on their behalf*
devilcultivator: oh and audio only game?
halftrip: Tomato An(g)us...that's pretty great
kanarde subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 47 months!
Thanks for subscribing, kanarde! (Today's storm count: 57)
VeryBadLifeChoices subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 57 months, currently on a 57 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, VeryBadLifeChoices! (Today's storm count: 58)
ShaneLeeAtk: A little peculiar
Thefluffiestguineapig: @halftrip Now I'm just going to rewatch the Tomato Way W+P episode after this
sethtriggs: It's still amazing that modern games can just fail to launch
jj_q: What is going on?
Juliamon: I think that was a music reference
bytecaster: Maybe they forgot the exe file
sethtriggs: All hail shovelware! It's even able to crash the launchers!
Bionull: Does Alex see himself as a Player of Games?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Damn, this session really busted steam didn't it
accountmadeforants: Ah, so they were exclusively trained on Stackoverflow and Reddit
Texan_Reverend: Helicopter AIs
Anaerin: MU/TH/UR?
ArcOfTheConclave: As Cam says, humans are the AI's 'idiot pillow children'
s-mother robots 
Fuzzra: @Bionull D:
sethtriggs: Oh yeah definitely run a malware scan after today's game run
JuneBlue58: That's possibly worse.
jj_q: 'And I say to myself. What's going on?'
Shparky2197: I sometimes go back and watch Alex's reaction to Tomato Way 2. It was so good.
JadedCynic: yay, it's just like my flesh-and-blood mother
AtomicAlchemical: Oh noes! The death of masculinity!
bytecaster: Double click to start?
baltimore_667083: oh boy more archor games
sethtriggs: My EYES
HolyHadouken subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 55 months!
HolyHadouken: blarg.
Thanks for subscribing, HolyHadouken! (Today's storm count: 59)
notthepenguins: Look if it's actually good at providing advice unlike said "Well intentioned" parents
JusticeJuice: We overtook all countries and implemented UBI AI?
JuneBlue58: I don't want robots killing me *or* thinking for me, personally.
Crad0k: no
JadedCynic: oh. I was about to say...
sethtriggs: Is this cribbing from Google?
thebuzzstreams: another google earth game huh?
FarleyF: Careful when flying over Target - you dont want to get hit by the Target Kids
orangeceltic71: It is in Niles, IL.
LathosTiran: consult the geoguesser
Thefluffiestguineapig: Probably in the Midwest
orangeceltic71: We live near it.
Lysander_salamander: oh, it's like a slightly less annoying Superman 64
Magnifisquatch: this drone is VERY fast...
Garfman314: i knew about the stonehenge in Washington state
sethtriggs: Niles, IL? cool
ArcOfTheConclave: there is one in chicago
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Near Chicago, on Golf.
johnnylongtorso: of course it's in the midwest
orangeceltic71: It's not on Golf. It's on Toughy.
Strebenherz: "Ilgair Park's pools and artificial lake needed a large water tank and pumping equipment to function, which Robert Ilg decided to hide by building a replica of the Leaning Tower of Pisa to house them"
offbeatwitch: this is what the new jersey governor thinks is flying over the state
niccus: is this a gaussian splat map?
Fuzzra: @sethtriggs No, it's cribbing from reality *via* Google. *nodes*
SquareDotCube: Didn't they try to stabilize it with liquid nitrogen?
Shparky2197: I wonder if this game has a subocean m
orangeceltic71 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 65 months!
Thanks for subscribing, orangeceltic71! (Today's storm count: 60)
AtomicAlchemical: BUS Target, they know what they did
sethtriggs: OH what a MESS
Laserbeaks_Fury: This might be actual drone footage meshed together
Anaerin: The leaning tower actually start leaning while they were constructing it, so they can't "Straighten" it
KBKarma: I was thinking of 17776.
JadedCynic: I'm kinda impressed...
SiegeFeathers: this feels like a cool music video
sethtriggs: You are actually near Chicago, I wonder if it's in this game
Juliamon: oh we farlandsin' it
ArmondoSC: oh i know what this is
Atarra: this is not a place of honor
niccus: yeah this is gaussian splats instead of polygons
Anubis169: Reminds me of when PubG got delivered to Xbox
thebuzzstreams: Geo-FS is essentially this but anywhere I think
offbeatwitch: we're moving from jon bois pretty good to jon bois tim tebow cfl chronicles
accountmadeforants: Yeah, this might be some composite the dev made themselves
halftrip: Do you get to fly over the Gulf of America?
Greyah: Nothing valued is here.
sethtriggs: It makes me think of an inscrutable version of Beautycopter
ArmondoSC: corridor did a video about this kinda 3d scans
Anubis169: and they had to stagger-load the assets
orangeceltic71: They built the one in Niles leaning.
jessicaengle: Bless you!
Bless you! 
aceofroses_: this is what going through a stargate must feel like
KBKarma: Gesundheit squared.
korvys: You know, I bet this was from a drone photogramitry scan of that tower - so things away from the tower are less precise
Lysander_salamander: Someday I want to see a Blame-style story, but set in a procedurally-generated game like the minecraft farlands
Angreed66: @halftrip no such place exists
ThorSokar: Heh, you reminded me of the YouTuber who decided he wanted to walk to the far lands, I wonder if he ever got there
SquareDotCube: Far Lands is the old map algorithms, that doesn't happen anymore
EikoandMog: I wonder if there's a way to force minecraft to spawn you on Farlands logic...
devilcultivator: i hate the gooey part of america
sethtriggs: Wow this tower of Pisa is half-size and built in 1934!
Laserbeaks_Fury: This is what it's like in an Animus, and you try to go outside the memory
UnboundLaconicness: I watched a computerphile video a while back about an AI photogrammetry technique that looks kinda like this
ArcOfTheConclave: the og tower in piza was straitened back up to a more reasonable angle a couple years back (but not fully straight)
@sethtriggs what could possibly be MORE inscrutable than Beautycopter itself? 
sethtriggs: Is that in Chicago?
thebuzzstreams: Geo-FS actually uses a different framework, but is very close
DeM0nFiRe: This isn't necesarily a good game because the gameplay is meh, but it is kinda neat
orangeceltic71: Just outside of Chicago in Niles.
orangeceltic71: Niles is a Northwest suburb
Laserbeaks_Fury: that water is very blue
JadedCynic: or even parks
Thefluffiestguineapig: Is this drone footage the dev took?
sethtriggs: This building is very familiar
raulghoulia: would also consume less water
Thefluffiestguineapig: Does the dev live in/near Chicago?
electric_claire: kudzu
Garfman314: kudzu
CaptainSpam: The Jolf Course: A golf course made entirely out of jeans.
Aenir798: But then you'd keep getting your windows broken
Angreed66: bambooo
jj_q: Do people speeding jolf?
Juliamon: We know that
JuneBlue58: Kudzu, probably.
Amentur: Kudzu
KBKarma: Kudzu or bamboo.
Nickiatori: bamboo
Shadowsoflife: kuduz
Texan_Reverend: Also excellent candidates for rewilding and public park spaces.
jessicaengle: Fairway?
Astra7525: bamboo?
Voidhawk42: kudzu and it's not close
Dread_Pirate_Westley: They're mostly on flood plains, so ok, but not great.
JadedCynic: bluegrass or tumbleweed?
Sorator13: Convert golf courses to "real-size" minigolf courses with housing as obstacles
Shparky2197: We tiny now
NarishmaReborn: kudzu probably
SiegeFeathers: giant car
jessicaengle: We're so wee!
AtomicAlchemical: oh we mini copter
ThorSokar: bamboo kuduz or dandilions
ToastyLoaff: can you sit on the car?
Lysander_salamander: Mint
Texan_Reverend: Turns out, kudzu is edible.
Shparky2197: Also, who street parks a Rolls Royce?
Steelwolf171: Bermuda maybe?
couchboyj: Kudzu? If it doesn't get invasive plant gold, it at least medals
dumbo3k: Yeah, this does kinda look like my brothers neighborhood in San Diego
ArmondoSC: this house might not exsist anymore
JadedCynic: @SiegeFeathers changing drone size
L0rdX33n: The Culture series was the first Sci-fi in a while where I was genuinely envious of the ordinary citizens and their infinite hedonism with biotechnical solutions to all of life’s problems
Anaerin: If this is in the area of LA, it's quite possible this place doesn't exist anymore.
EikoandMog: Baaaaarf
Astra7525: I love how we're improvising geoguessr because the core game is too dull
Nickiatori: the void!
halftrip: Looks very Beverly Hills
aitsu100: gift your golf course local protected plant seeds
Diabore: houses dont look traditional US to me, but ive never been to cali
korvys: You know, I bet this was from a drone photogrammetry scan of that area - so things away from the center are less precise
Bionull: That's actually just how reality is if you could jump that high
JadedCynic: we were blindsided - we got used to the drone being the size of a building...
singinnonsense: they just went to geoguessr and save a few locations
VeryBadLifeChoices: Annihilation style shrubbery
Greyah: I think it gets weird because it only uses a single point as perspective thing, meaning if you move away from that point things get melty.
SnackPak_: wooooow
Thefluffiestguineapig: DUDE
halftrip: She's fun
KBKarma: Now, fly around this lady!
sethtriggs: okay!
Lysander_salamander: yeah, plant mint. It's roots go deep so it's really hard to get rid of.
TheAwkes: Google Earth API the game.
raulghoulia: Magic schoolbus
jj_q: I have a friend who seed bombs messy gardens with free samples from garden magazines
Texan_Reverend: I'd like to think that the scale of the drone has remained the same through these different levels.
Anaerin: Wait, flying with poor controls into circles in an ill-defined cityscape? Is this Superman 64?
JadedCynic: okay, now you're just using people's instas
jessicaengle: Innerspace!
Nickiatori: 25M titan!
gnyrinn: For the next landmark: Woman!
johnnylongtorso: all I wanna do is see you turn into a giant woman
sethtriggs: Oh this is a Micro/macro fetish! I get it!
KBKarma: Does she know she has a glowing circle on her?
Fuzzra: @L0rdX33n If only the rich South African had been able to understand the incredibly subtle politics encoded in those books . . .
devilcultivator: YES
KV1NN4: this is living out someone's giantess fetish
LostThePirate: YES
Thefluffiestguineapig: @jj_q They should only do that with native species appropriate to the area
CouldntPickAUsername: that guy has made another game
Nickiatori: we attack on titan now
JuneBlue58: That game was actually phenomenal.
jj_q: Enter the pit (of arm)
Invitare: the Beautycopter dev DOES have another game
Jethrain: Beautycopter was transcendent
MatzerKat: Quit mumbling and get me a creme de menthe.
Metric_Furlong: the dev did make another game after beautycopter
sethtriggs: "Giant woman!!"
L0rdX33n: like, Wayfinder series was super cozy, but Culture was Scatland levels of everyone is living rich inwardly rewarding lives
KBKarma: @Fuzzra There aren't politics in those books! Everything is exactly as it seems!
Metric_Furlong: although it's not a sequel
Atarra: I've never seen a game _silence_ anyone like Beautycopter did
accountmadeforants: @niccus Yup, the steam page says: "A.I. Enhanced 3D Gaussian Splatting"
DanielJennaGrouse: Beautycopter 2 using the same tech but German Expressionism style sets
Lysander_salamander: hmmm, Resident Evil Village is on sale...
JadedCynic: portugal?
Invitare: looks meditaranian
ThorSokar: seems like Italy or Portugal
JadedCynic: something mediterranean?
sethtriggs: Is this on the Mediterranean coast
Diabore: i know nothing, but ill say cuba
Garfman314: it's got mario64 water music, i swear
Flyingdelorion: Curacao maybe?
Pteraspidomorphi: I'd assume Italy from the colors
Thefluffiestguineapig: I believe Beautycopter probably set the record for the most amount of stunned silence in a W+P episode
korvys: Googling suggests to me, Burano, Italy
Nickiatori: my guess is yellowknife
jj_q: @thefluffiestguineapig we're in the UK. We have flowers and plants from everywhere
KBKarma: @Thefluffiestguineapig It was awesome.
sethtriggs: My goodness the changing scale of those dots is knockinng me sick
Electrodyne: not Goshen
Fuzzra: @KBKarma Indeed. We wouldn't want politics in Sci-Fi, would we? >.>
CaptainSpam: Beautycopter was legitimately an experience.
NapalmSideburns: Did we ever get that lady her creme de mint?
sethtriggs: "Shake them. Suck them. I don't care how you do it."
Thefluffiestguineapig: @KBKarma Agreed
Anaerin: Beautycopter was a fever dream given digital form.
Scarbble: beautycopter was amazing, i loved it so much
sethtriggs: Beautycopter was the best thing
KBKarma: So... you're saying that Beautycopter was... beautiful?
littleunknownn: Beautycopter was truly a moment
sethtriggs: Is this...making prop plane noises?
sethtriggs: It sounds like a DC-3
phoenixletmeuseadashd: it keeps zooming in. is the next one gonna be just someone's bathroom
Bionull: Alex, Watch and Play was always Graham's kink
Electrodyne: Gozerian
sethtriggs: Yeah 3D poinnt cloud scanning is cool
JadedCynic: the tools the dev used are interesting
KBKarma: The drone is helping.
Metric_Furlong: it may be a little *too* non-binary for the general audience, but I think it's neat
KBKarma: And I mean the music.
sethtriggs: They use this tech in accident reconstruction too.
Nickiatori: hat
Thefluffiestguineapig: @JadedCynic The tools the dev co-opted
devilcultivator: i really makes you feel like spiderman if spiderman was a slow moving tiny drone
Diabore: british castle?
JadedCynic: @Thefluffiestguineapig exactly
Pteraspidomorphi: Switzerland now?
Xed_Regulus: I wonder how much AI was used to produce these
Nickiatori: we skyrin now
SiegeFeathers: in a big dome
CaptainSpam: Your scale may vary.
L0rdX33n: CC
johnnylongtorso: the Painted World of Ariamis
KBKarma: @Xed_Regulus According to the Steam page, a decent amount.
JadedCynic: like the footage the dev used...without permission, likely
KBKarma: Mooning the camera like the NYers did at the Portal.
Laserbeaks_Fury: I was just about say that lol
EikoandMog: Okay, so it's NOT San Francisco Armory...
sethtriggs: I actually got to do a holiday photo like this with one of those booths that generates an orbiting video clip
Xed_Regulus: @KBKarma Ah, okay, makes sense
Invitare: it could be the Scottish Highlands I guess... but the trees don't look right to me
Aquarionics subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 129 months!
Aquarionics: 129 Months! That's nearly the sum of the first ten prime numbers!
Thanks for subscribing, Aquarionics! (Today's storm count: 61)
ButterBall000: The skybox has me captivated
TheAwkes: I think the definition comes from the position of the real cameras, and it breaks down as it tries to interpolate different angles and surfaces.
devilcultivator: this part is unironically a little cool
KBKarma: @Laserbeaks_Fury I was just watching the Big Mid Quiz. Also, I missed The Portal.
Aenir798: can you go below the ground
Thefluffiestguineapig: Assumptions during W+P are always a fools errand
Shadowsoflife: Nice moat
Nickiatori: this feels like the UK
JadedCynic: see? SOME things that AI is used for is COOL
sethtriggs: OMG the pattern in the sky
CaptainSpam: So this is less a "game" and more of "somebody's vacation photos made 3D via AI"?
HavenDragon: what is wrong w the sky
gnyrinn: My guess is the Baltic
Shparky2197: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: AFK (Time to shove aside those keyboards and play some tabletop games! Game: Robo Rally) at Wed 05:00 PM PST (57m from now).
ThorSokar: This is a fort in the US
EikoandMog: o7
Thefluffiestguineapig: This feels mainland Europe to me

None ocean 
Anaerin: Also, this isn't AI, this is photogrammetry.
niccus: @CaptainSpam it's more or less something bolted on to an existing splat viewer, yeah
Anubis169: suddenly, Babylon 5
KBKarma: The scent of what, Alex?
sethtriggs: You're rising it seems
dm818: I think I have actually had this fever dream before
singinnonsense: spiky sub ocean
Rhynerd: readily available suboceans
Laserbeaks_Fury: So theres just no geometry, the game is just projecting of a set of picture data
JadedCynic: @CaptainSpam and the 'game' is 'flying a drone over a checkpoint race on it' yeah
sethtriggs: Looks like an old fort
Greyah: Today's W+P has been some experiences, for sure.
KBKarma: Identikit?
Shparky2197: Police artists sketch?
sfn____: this was a fun W+P!
Atarra: @Greyah none of these games were at all like the others, that's for rsure
SymphonySolstice: much garbo was cleaned
lamina5432: gnight
terrence_too: Thanks for the stream!
KV1NN4: Fascinating/

Foxmar320: !patreon
Duffadash: Nighty!
halftrip: Thanks YOU!
Foxmar320: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
Foxmar320: !youtube
KBKarma: So that's what you have been, but what are you now?
wench_tacular: and we have been disturbed
Mnemonicman: Yay for terribad gaems

KBKarma: !alex
Simriel: The watching ritual has occured
Wolfstrike_NL: Will you continue to be Graham and Alex? Tune in next time folks
Diabore: frogs gone
Shparky2197: I have to go work soon. Boo. Love you all, chat and hosts, I hope you all have a great time
BusTed: I remember that anime
korvys: Who's playing Roborally?
Chesul: Love Roborally.
NapalmSideburns: ooh roborally, tthat's gonna be fun
Foxmar320: Concerning
BusTed: if ya know whaddimean
Juliamon: Decal-ing
Aenir798: Decaling, not Descaling
Just throw a few words in a blender, that's your fighting game. 
SymphonySolstice: applying decals
LilyOfTheVeil666: PPR HYPE
reminder: PPR is pronounced 'peeper' 
Rhynerd: oh, a fighting game I technically have!
halftrip: Boo! I want descaling
niccus: do not descale the dinosaur
Fuzzra: Jeffy Bezos won't let me resub yet. On an entirely unrelated note, anybody remember the legendary white-collar crime of sweeping partial pennies from interest>
Anaerin: Open the door, get on the floor, everybody decal the Dinosaur?
ButterBall000: Next, next time we get descaling
@Metric_Furlong Nah, the creepy peeper was the previous PPR. 
FarleyF: pushes up nerd glasses "well technically it's monday in Mad Max Land"
dumbo3k: @Fuzzra Y'know, I think I watched a movie about that
sethtriggs: Also wow that second building from the drone game was the Ba'hai Temple in Wilmette, IL -near the leaning tower of Niles
sethtriggs: So it was also Chicago!
SquareDotCube subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 88 months!
SquareDotCube: Garbage!
Thanks for subscribing, SquareDotCube! (Today's storm count: 62)
Aenir798: perfect
Foxmar320: Flawless
DoodlestheGreat: WELP
LostThePirate: XD
SomebodyNowhere: ohnoi
I think it is Not working 
Nigouki: aww muffin
Thefluffiestguineapig: Flawless victory
wench_tacular: first time
littleunknownn: the muffin was moving
no notes 
sethtriggs: Yay!

@dumbo3k Before or after one that's an iteration of The Spanish Prisoner? 
KBKarma: How many days are there in January?
@CaptainSpam that was the creepy peeper, this one is the speedy peeper 
sethtriggs: 31!
kungfubanana subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 84 months!
Thanks for subscribing, kungfubanana! (Today's storm count: 63)
GapFiller: hows hoping SquareDotCube gets TWO shoutouts!
Gizmoloid subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 20 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Gizmoloid! (Today's storm count: 64)
RassilonDND subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 76 months!
Thanks for subscribing, RassilonDND! (Today's storm count: 65)
Foxmar320: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun, and LRRMtG at kind.social/@LRRMTG

100 ELBOW GREASE! also today is neu ears day so heres some Snek Bits! 恭喜發財!

sethtriggs: Didn't know that edits live!
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
sethtriggs: Thank you!!
CaptainSpam: Thanks for the stream!
Rhynerd: thanks for the stream!
Rhynerd: have a good one!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Great stream! Gotta go feed the screaming kitties!
Nigouki: Thanks for the stream!
v_nome: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: AFK (Time to shove aside those keyboards and play some tabletop games! Game: Robo Rally) at Wed 05:00 PM PST (50m from now).
Thank yoooooou 
JadedCynic: I gotta be honest, I found beautycopter to be impenetrably obtuse and nauseating in its self-centered pretension.
LostThePirate: It was definitely weird as hell, so it's easy for it not to be your flavor of weird.
sfn____: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: AFK (Time to shove aside those keyboards and play some tabletop games! Game: Robo Rally) at Wed 05:00 PM PST (48m from now).
LostThePirate: I really enjoyed it, though
jessicaengle: Chat I just thought I'd let you know, that a stranger just buzzed my door to return my neighbor's wallet which he found in a grocery store parking lot.

Juliamon: good still exists in this world, we just need to look a little harder
Metric_Furlong: that's nice of him
Metric_Furlong: @LostThePirate if you haven't played Funny Walk (by the same dev) I'd recommend it
Metric_Furlong: different sort of subject matter, but it's still very much a Graceless Games creation
Metric_Furlong: (also, the download of Beautycopter is free, and comes with a small 'making-of' digital booklet, which is pretty interesting reading, as it turns out)
Metric_Furlong: including the rationale behind the text-to-speech voices
brunomant_: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: AFK (Time to shove aside those keyboards and play some tabletop games! Game: Robo Rally) at Wed 05:00 PM PST (37m from now).
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