TXC2: title change!
NewtyNewts: @tod_vom_himmel I like that spoonerism
totally smooth opening we were on the correct card the whole time droids you're looking for 
offbeatwitch: hel yeah let's see Nelly get it

AceGun_: jumpscare!


Didero: Good evening!
Bengineering: hello boys
Mr_Horrible: "So this, young Nelson, is *anime*"
AceGun_: Hello boys and pc desktop!
Didero: Are we supposed to be already seeing Adam and Nelly?
Bengineering: idk if they know we can see them
TXC2: the 4th wall is gone, like your expectations
Didero: Mic's muted though
Mr_Horrible: it's like a one-way mirror
itsr67: this is pretty funny
Mr_Horrible: that we're yelling really loud through
lightfut: Hype music still playing
itsr67: LMFAO
NewtyNewts: Ooh, we're on cam!
Bengineering: and the intro music is still playing lol

NewtyNewts: And there's background audio!
tod_vom_himmel: flawless
itsr67: LOOOOOL
NorthstarTex: XD

offbeatwitch: no problems whatsoever

TK_Squared subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 19 months!
NorthstarTex: what a thing to arrive to
Thanks for subscribing, TK_Squared! (Today's storm count: 1)
TheMerricat: I blame James

JunieJazz: I'm so excited - GranBlue is my fighter of choice
the_fanerdic: bgc named this song after Adam. fact.
The phantoms of the changes that Paul and James made during W+P 
BrowneePointz: let’s hit someone with a buster wool today!
TXC2: Here we GO!
tod_vom_himmel: hello adam and nelly for the first time today
itsr67: howdy
TXC2: Hello Nelly and Adam

Mr_Horrible: hello streamers I am seeing for the first time today
offbeatwitch: hello Adam and Nelly for the first time
itsr67: one of those is true
snikerony subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 43 months!
Thanks for subscribing, snikerony! (Today's storm count: 2)
TXC2: !patreon
tod_vom_himmel: CONTENT
Naesiir: oh no we did this, we're at fault
TXC2: !store

TXC2: LRR: we make electrons move
AceGun_: Adam mic very quiet?
inetro subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 26 months!
Thanks for subscribing, inetro! (Today's storm count: 3)
the_fanerdic: Nelly had his coffee this morning it seems
josh___something: perfect no notes
the_fanerdic: PERFECT
ZestyFungus: "PERFECT!!"
Mr_Horrible: putting a little "P" up above Nelson on the match counter
TXC2: Flawless victory
tod_vom_himmel: too late i already tattled
AceGun_: everything is now perfect, as it has always been.
TXC2: Hello Ben
lightfut: Ben here for the animu
NorthstarTex: New fighter who dis?
after 10000 years, he's refilled his allergy scrip 
TXC2: anime, but not an anime fighter
Stiggis7: It's Ben!
surprised to encounter OOFC on a thursday but delighted 
josh___something: ben's a nier enjoyer? dang
god forbid women have hobbies 
saucemaster5000: she got shot with a shotgun and she's still good
Frizzlenill: character power is moot until at least 'diamond' or top 5 percentile
tod_vom_himmel: imagine not being on twitch
lamina5432: afternoon wasn’t gonna miss this
tod_vom_himmel: its thew least anime fighter anime fighter
TheMerricat: Waifus galoure.
Mr_Horrible: "Our honest neutral" "Their barbarous Wild Charge"
Zaneysed: Air blocking
AceGun_: This is simply another step toward an 'Asuka 120% LimitOver' episode of OOFC!
30teracyte: different games are hard in different ways
Zaneysed: @AceGun_ -_-
BrowneePointz: there’s more actual ToD in this game right?
AceGun_: I don't think there are any real ToDs in this game.
Heefnoff: Yessirrrrrr Granblue
Heefnoff: Buttons are different
Mr_Horrible: @AceGun_ still holding my breath for Shrek Super Slam episode
30teracyte: its similar to modern controls
drizztnailo: i dont think they are currently any ToDs in this game from my memory
AFamiliarCalledEl: Oh, forgot about the PPR, almost missed this... Excited to see Nelly try this game
Snowwraith: Yeah, 4 attack buttons, a skill button and a guard button.
Frizzlenill: motions are essentially irrelevant except for specifically in neutral
30teracyte: motion inputs are better when you are doing a special raw. if you cancel the special out of a button its exactly the same as using the special button
Zaneysed: As Aladin would say "It's a Gran Blue world"
drizztnailo: you can kinda air block but not most grounded normals
100 Bran Glue!
Snowwraith: It's all in the training menu I believe.
Zaneysed: Pick your new main right here and right now
drizztnailo: ladiva the GOAT
AceGun_: still haven't purchased perfect small rat girl though...
josh___something: Vikala not bought, smh my head
Heefnoff: Saying Adam bought Big Lady is like saying you found a fork in the kitchen
Zaneysed: @Heefnoff I got bad news about my kitchen
Zaneysed: I need to do the dishes
Snowwraith: Terry with a spear
Zaneysed: Bust Wool
josh___something: Ferry is bad
AFamiliarCalledEl: Just skipping right over Vikala T.T
Heefnoff: They nerfed Ferry because the players were too good
BrowneePointz: Anila is ver ywell Rounded
BrowneePointz: Very*
drizztnailo: play ladiva if you want to be sad
BrowneePointz: Baiekn
BrowneePointz: Baiken*
Heefnoff: "Ferry excels in long-range combat, using the reach of her whip to keep foes at bay. However, we found that skill gaps between players could lead to one-sided dominance."
BrowneePointz: Trans Grappler
Heefnoff: For the exact quote
AceGun_: Trans Rights (1 of 2)
josh___something: Versusia >:)
matthaus_c: animaniac
Greyah: I remember Lowain being a weird lil' gremlin
tod_vom_himmel: lowain is peak
AFamiliarCalledEl: Grimnir has very "hey watch my cool kickflip" energy
Ryu, Ken 
BrowneePointz: Trans Rights but Puppet?
AceGun_: Trans Rights (2 of 2)
Trans rights, but lil shithead 
drizztnailo: she has JP pierce too
BrowneePointz: oh wait yea Nier is Puppet. Cag is setplay?
AFamiliarCalledEl: Beelzebub is hot demon guy (zoner version)
Frizzlenill: Nier (manual)
BrowneePointz: Anila is well rounded as well
LurkerSpine: 2B is from Nier. Nier is from Granblue
RatherLargeToad: @lurkerspine and Grandblue is from 2B?
LurkerSpine: @RatherLargeToad I wonder how quickly I can make a game...
drizztnailo: his weapon is called "the manly road to manlieness"
Frizzlenill: btw this game has a free-to-play version (though you can only play the Ryu of the game)
Frizzlenill: but otherwise you have full features
Heefnoff: @Frizzlenill You get Ryu and a few rotating characters iirc
Snowwraith: @Frizzlenill Ryu and 3 rotating characters that change each week.
AceGun_: The Free version has Gran, and a rotating list of 3 other characters, yeah.
silent_sol: good
Frizzlenill: oh neat, kinda KI style
drizztnailo: @Frizzlenill also you can't do custom rooms with the free version i think
30teracyte: I think it would auto-advance if they weren't all completed already
Ferisar: there is a block button
LurkerSpine: I mean, you could play MK
drizztnailo: but only the close versions chain together
AFamiliarCalledEl: there is also a block button, which is notable
LurkerSpine: but yeah there is a block button too
AFamiliarCalledEl: good for crossups
BrowneePointz: he has a sprint state yea
Heefnoff: 66L my beloved
didn't pay [free trial version] to block 
Frizzlenill: oy vey why do games pull this block button BS it completely removes a whole layer of depth with crossups
saucemaster5000: yeah dash light is wild in this game
NewtyNewts: Think Gran's the automatic tutorial character for the game?
BrowneePointz: Ugh, Gran. That Rizzless underbaked potato
therepoman__: Yippie oki oki
tod_vom_himmel: grans chest armour looks like a face
niccus: gran blue but why gran red
TXC2: hello therepoman__ welcome
LurkerSpine: it chains if it hits I think
@niccus red kryptonite, i think? 
AFamiliarCalledEl: @LurkerSpine yeah, you can link into most combos
Snowwraith: It's important because you can cancel a dash into anything except a block. So a + attack is great to cancel into.
Cptasparagus: Tap tap concede
Frizzlenill: block button and throw tech with anything is WILD
AFamiliarCalledEl: spot dodge my beloved
AceGun_: and throws
MilkBreadTB: man this game looks so good
Snowwraith: Anything that hits your feet
Frizzlenill: I also would love to see yall just play around with the marvel infinite and beyond mod
BrowneePointz: @Frizzlenill Adam's mentioned getting to it sometime
Frizzlenill: @BrowneePointz pog
howiedooin: oh boy it's my favorite fighter!
Bugberry: @MilkBreadTB Between this and Relink, the mobile game's visuals translated very well.
JunieJazz: The art style is my favorite of the fighters ATM - basic in concept, but still extremely character rich
JunieJazz: Very little visual noise
howiedooin: @JunieJazz it's the perfect balance between pretty visuals and clarity in motion so that you know what's going on
Hello everyone 
TXC2: hello HungryTanuki welcome
HungryTanuki: Hello TXC2 !
Bugberry: @JunieJazz You should look up how much Granblue's art style has changed over the last 10 years. It started VERY much looking like FF Tactics, which isn't a coincidence.
BrowneePointz: ArcSys games always look great
AceGun_: L and M usually have essentially zero cooldown. H has several seconds.
Snowwraith: It's the heavy ones mostly that make a cooldown happen.
BrowneePointz: Strive is one of the best looking fighters currently on the market(although 2XKO is a real damn good looking game)
AFamiliarCalledEl: There are some 25% things, and there are 25% refunds, so the really big combos can be somewhat complicated, but not as bad as street fighter, and not something to think about yet
Snowwraith: Every round
Snowwraith: You can only get a BP back if you use a super.
30teracyte: Supers build one point back
itsr67: the one way you can negate it as the defender is to basically do a drive reversal
itsr67: aka brave counter
drizztnailo: people have lots of opinions about brave counter
AceGun_: This is also (currently) plus on block, so there is no reason not to do it besides managing resources.
BrowneePointz: It's like MvC etc with having a "burst" to break pressure if you need it
LowUpsideCJ: good morning anime okis
TXC2: hello LowUpsideCJ welcome
BrowneePointz: Sick Beyblade Arena
AFamiliarCalledEl: This is basically your level 23
AFamiliarCalledEl: level 3*
Snowwraith: There's shortcuts as well.
LurkerSpine: the f2p also let's you access the fall guys mode
LurkerSpine: just no private lobbies (but most people play in public lobbies anyway)
itsr67: catastrophe I think is also different based on distance
BrowneePointz: all Lvls 3s are CA yea
TrueAmbience: point blank does more damage and get cinematic
taeasakura: As a weirdo who loves the mobile gacha game, seeing people getting into the IP through this and relink always makes me happy
BrowneePointz: oh yea point blank gets a Mini movie
itsr67: excellent hit confirm milord
AceGun_: You can hit them with the full chain, and it should be safe on block.
AceGun_: So you get three hits to hit confirm.
BrowneePointz: just like your SSBA plays a different animation on proximity versus long range
itsr67: if you do the overhead/low ender you cant cancel it
LowUpsideCJ: I can’t play granblue because I can’t be normal in proximity of others
Mr_Horrible: "DEVS HATE HIM! This is the trick they DON'T want you to know."
taeasakura: @LowUpsideCJ ah, a belial main
Hangedman: the one timing that's specific is the cancel window, but that's just getting the hang of it per game
gualdhar: oh nooooo the weebs are fighting
howiedooin: any vanilla versus gran boot lovers?
HungryTanuki: The size 16 yaddas
Hangedman: he was kinda sauced
saucemaster5000: I give it to Sol
howiedooin: LMAO
Hangedman: in GBVS he had like... 32 hit bnbs
Hangedman: i could not play that game
BrowneePointz: Out of all the Rizzless Underbaked Potatoes goes, he actually has a lil salt and pepper
taeasakura: sorry I like Djeeta over Gran
howiedooin: I've been caught, i loved the plus on block boot
TheOneInquisitor: Granboot fantasy
BrowneePointz stop insulting potatoes 
BrowneePointz: Raw Potatoes are not palatable how dare @TXC2
gualdhar: you have to cook potatoes, but they stand on their own
Hangedman: they've got a tiny bit of landing recovery (although not much, in this game)
howiedooin: welcome back Xrd Sol 2D
AceGun_: Gran smacking his face on the ground is always so funny.
AceGun_: I think Gran's 66M is an overhead?
howiedooin: it's a nasty low
Hangedman: sometimes it lets you get weird links, but in this game it's not as big of a deal
Snowwraith: Unique
LurkerSpine: Unique
Snowwraith: As it's everyone's unique gimmick button
MilkInBags: U for UNga

Genasi_Gaming subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 19 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Genasi_Gaming! (Today's storm count: 4)
MilkInBags: wait, who is the ghostly voice
MilkInBags: is it ben?
LurkerSpine: 66M or 66H should be an overhead
AceGun_: Ben G. Neering
Snowwraith: @MilkInBags Yeah.
TXC2: MilkInBags indeed Ben
MilkInBags: of course Ben loves anime
NewtyNewts: My family has nontraditional christmas cakes, I love them
MilkInBags: oh the thing graham makes?
TXC2: fucking Preach Adam
MilkInBags: millennials are atheists and would rather eat ass than christmas cake
Bugberry: I've never seen christmas cake in person, but I do see King cake a lot but have never tried that.
Ferisar: <message deleted>nelson the fuzzy king
MilkInBags: bye bye
Ferisar: <message deleted>bye milk
BorealMage: o7
JinaMahavira: o7
howiedooin: o7
Ferisar: <message deleted>damnnnn
HungryTanuki: o7
NorthstarTex: o7
Ferisar: <message deleted>can you time me out for his sins
Ferisar: <message deleted>i just want someone to suffer

saucemaster5000: LMAO
HungryTanuki: o7 Ferisar

LurkerSpine: oh damn Ferisar got shot

NewtyNewts: oh no
BusTed: gottem
Ferisar: thank you ben
taeasakura: Adam, Ben, which granblue characters do you like to use?
Zaneysed: lol the streamer shot them
Zaneysed: coulndt happen to me
Ferisar: imagine getting a timeout in class from your twitch streamer teacher
Ferisar: "alright chat settle down"
saucemaster5000: It's the slapstick comedy of streaming
Brozard: @taeasakura beeeg lady
taeasakura: Ladiva?
WiJohn: I think there's a degree of confidence in your relationship with the audience that isn't universal to streamers
AceGun_: @taeasakura Adam is currently trying Katalina, Ben plays Nier.
saucemaster5000: Nier my beloved
howiedooin: it's very useful against avatar belial
taeasakura: of course Ben would play Nier
Snowwraith: You only have to worry about low/high with the guard button.
saucemaster5000: what's wrong with Nier? They shot her she's uh... fair now
Ferisar: jjjjUUUSTICE
"Just Block
@saucemaster5000 most consider her garbage now 
Hangedman: just blocking can be tough to do just straight-up, but learning just blocking during long blockstrings is generally easier
AFamiliarCalledEl: GIves you some gauge
Snowwraith: It's some free meter I think.
taeasakura: is she? She must have gotten hit real hard with the nerf bat
Hangedman: since blockstun will keep you in block even if you let go of block
saucemaster5000: @taeasakura she really did get hit hard
Snowwraith: @taeasakura They basically remade her into a more classic puppet character.
AFamiliarCalledEl: It's not even notably - you spend 2 to negate their 1
taeasakura: thats a shame
howiedooin: after how many top 8s were like 50% nier, i dont blame them for shadow realming her
AceGun_: Yeah, I don't think I saw a single Nier in the top 48 at Frosty (may have been some off-stream though).
MilkInBags: (I'm respecting the morale timeout)
josh___something: Brave points give you like damage reduction right?
Ferisar: yeah it's like... 20% extra damage taken with one missing, 50% with 2?
Ferisar: or something?
Snowwraith: You take 20% more damage if you have only one BP, and 50% more damage if you have none.
Ferisar: ah what snow said
itsr67: you detonate
howiedooin: avatar belial moment
saucemaster5000: @AceGun_ I didn't see one, but I mean that's top 48
taeasakura: getting locked in the corner by a cagliostro
Mr_Horrible: yeah, it's basically a "don't burn these recklessly at round start" safeguard
AceGun_: "okay, ggs, go next" is my mantra for anime fighting games.
LurkerSpine: forward special for DP
itsr67: word
Hangedman: that's anime games bay bee
Hangedman: sweep antiairs
Snowwraith: Gran's is forward special I think.
Mr_Horrible: @AceGun_ OGGGN, loosely pronounced "AUGH!"
saucemaster5000: anti air with a sweep -- truly we live in the golden age of milk and honey
@saucemaster5000 it's an anime classic, sol did that all the time with 2D 
Hangedman: i loved antiairing people who landed ten feet away, with jack-o 3h
AceGun_: Anti-air sweep is an old-school fighting game thing. That was an SF2 strat.
saucemaster5000: I mean I just assume everything is coocoobananas in trive, that game is a clown car
AFamiliarCalledEl: It feels so good to spot dodge a raging strike
Snowwraith: Hit their toes.
Snowwraith: She's like Dhalsim with extra toys.
saucemaster5000: BEPPO
HungryTanuki: Jiji !
saucemaster5000: GEEGEE
AFamiliarCalledEl: BEPPO
offbeatwitch: ferry IS tight
Hangedman: i've been trying to figure out a good layout for this on stick, but it's hard with all of the buttons and macros
LowUpsideCJ: audiences should be asking, where’s beppo
30teracyte: when beppo's not on the screen everybody should be asking "where's beppo?"
howiedooin: ferry is paying for her crimes against vanilla vas still
So... JP arc when? 
Hangedman: the gameplan is that you don't get up
TXC2: when Beppo isn't on screen, people should ask "where's Beppo?"
v_nome: Like Blanka's doll
NewtyNewts: Setup play, kinda
josh___something: Isn't Cagliostro setplay?
itsr67: and then usually lead back to the same scenario (vortex)
Hangedman: the classic setplay example is xrd millia, who drops a fuckin razor disc on you and then does a four-way jumping hard-to-blockable
josh___something: or am I mixing up archetypes?
NewtyNewts: High-low left-right throw mixup
itsr67: they can both be setplay
Hangedman: "set it and forget it"
BrowneePointz: Jack-O
AceGun_: @josh___something Cag is definitely setplay, of the 'trap' variety.
Hangedman: you're in the oki vortex
BrowneePointz: yea Cag is a setplayer with traps
Hangedman: oki leads into oki
half the rising roster feels like setplay tbh 
Hangedman: but also they rule
AceGun_: Usually setplay characters have to work harder to get their gameplan started, but then have to work less after they get started.
Zaneysed: Yo Nelly wanna play some USF$?
saucemaster5000: hey we play.... no it's all dogshit
howiedooin: I love old games specifically BECAUSE they are ass
Zaneysed: usf4
Snowwraith: Lows or throws
Hangedman: i play vsav, where setplay isn't real because the entire cast is deezed
itira: morning gamers
tod_vom_himmel: <message deleted>so somebody told me i have to post donkey kong lore?
Mr_Horrible: "Old games are dogshit. Anyway-" *boots up poe1 for the 5000th time*
TXC2: hello itira welcome
Mr_Horrible: hey itira
GasCityGaming: oh hey, a Bengineering!
itira: a Ben!
josh___something: HAH
therepoman__: lol

Hangedman: you can even hit em post cross
AceGun_: farewell, tod!
Zaneysed: Thank god
josh___something: damn, o7s for tod
NewtyNewts: Nice try
Mr_Horrible: I love how *that's* what's getting the gun to be brought out
saucemaster5000: hell yeh
MilkInBags: I'm back
itsr67: dayum
drizztnailo: ya hate to see it
(just watched let's nope) Oh hey, it's Adam Savidan, world's largest twink! 
duallain: tod dying for the sauce sins, lol
this...this is being the one good cop at the station 
itira: hello milk
MilkInBags: hello itira
TXC2: "like being
Mr_Horrible: @drizztnailo counterpoint: extremely funny
flowerseses: oh good we didn't need the note
itsr67: lmao

drizztnailo: lmao
Hangedman: you can do it a bit sooner than it looks
Hangedman: curse of anime game
Snowwraith: Both type of evade can be thrown.
AFamiliarCalledEl: You can throw or you can strike in the back half of the evade
Snowwraith: Yeah they have recovery too.
Mr_Horrible: "Vote with your normals"
itsr67: "kay"

Hangedman: fM and fH are usually great pokes here
Snowwraith: I think you can play these trials with any character you want too.
ToppHat: I was about say "oki oki on Thursday?!" then i remembered theres a PPR tomorrow rofl
gualdhar: why are you calling Graham a shit head
itira: i enjoy the backgrounds very much
Hangedman: Arcsys is too powerful
Mr_Horrible: yeah, he was lovely
raulghoulia: This isn't where I parked my car

itira: straight doodoo honestly

Cptasparagus: "have you heard about the Olympics?"
Greyah: Blablabla fonts bla
itsr67: LMFAO
ToppHat: rofl
taeasakura: "Do you like flags?"
Mr_Bitterness: "Have you heard about Olympic mascots?"
NewtyNewts: Graphic design is my fashion
EvilBadman: Please put the bits in the stream
MilkInBags: he doesn't even need glasses, uses them for the look
mwlsn: "I'm vaguely British but not really" got me
Bugberry: "whats your favorite Font?"
BrowneePointz: just like Graham
Cptasparagus: A significant amount of recovery time, like cancer
Bugberry: excuse me "type face" not "font". wouldn't want to get that wrong.
MilkInBags: I roll my blunts with NDAs CiGrip
TXC2: Cptasparagus damnnnnnnn
Hangedman: gotta dash in and punish
Mr_Horrible: Mods, take this man to the stocks
Hangedman: can use the dash macro
duallain: this game has a lot of moving pieces
Hangedman: i'm still not used to dash macros despite having been bad at tap dashes forever
duallain: can anyone lend me the braincell for a bit
Genasi_Gaming: am I wrong for liking grans design?
taeasakura: no its very solid
minoupitoudev: if you use dash button i think you have to press forward for doing the dash L
Hangedman: it's relatively restrained, for anime game
Ctabbe subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 120 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Ctabbe! (Today's storm count: 5)
@duallain Igotchu 
Bugberry: @Genasi_Gaming they are the main character, so not surprising they'd put a lot of attention in them being a good design.
raulghoulia: second rule is apologize for not being good enough
Genasi_Gaming: In other countries is gran not short for Grandmother?
hey Ben are you going to Magiccon Kyoto 
Hangedman: dash M may reach further too?
Mr_Horrible: 10minutetimeoutgineering
TXC2: Genasi_Gaming it sure is
Cptasparagus: Forward + l + ratio
Genasi_Gaming the phrase "Gran is so tight" was rather laugh worthy for me 
Mr_Horrible: @Genasi_Gaming Granblue fantasy, featuring Strega Nona
Hangedman: the dash buttons have different recovery and startup, so this can get p fiddly, yeah
TXC2: mine was ALWAYS called Nanny
MilkInBags: here we call her Elizabeth
GasCityGaming: Granda or Baba (Ukrainian)
itira: my nephew called my mom Waga
dm818: what a bumma
Mai_Andra: mine were Granma and Granny
Bugberry: @TXC2 same, and grandpa is Papaw.
LowUpsideCJ: in the US we say “big dawg”
duallain: one lilttle kid says your name funny, and you're bumma your whole life
Mishapp53: oh Thursday Oki-Oki, sweet!
silenceaux: Yeah this doesn't seem like a particularly reactable window
Snowwraith: And Gran doesn't have huge normals.

Mr_Horrible: I'm apparently a freak because we always called Grandma "Grandma"
Hangedman: (and then you can't get it again until you sleep)
NewtyNewts: This doesn't make any se-ooohhhhhh
Mr_Bitterness: It's all about figuring out the timing
MilkInBags: reverse dark souls, where you almost beat a boss one time, and then you barely make it past 50%
MilkInBags that's still dark souls 
AFamiliarCalledEl: This is a weird tutorial because this doesn't come up in any meaningful way very often

NewtyNewts: Do they want you to also jump at the same time as the enemy?
Zaneysed: Teaching you it that it exists I guess?
AceGun_: clashes happen a decent amount, but you can't really do it on purpose, so the tutorial is weird.
The mental flashbang of a simultaneous DI hit 
JunieJazz: Anime moment in anime fighting game
Hangedman: at the same level, you both recover at the same time and can push buttons, so it can catch you off guard, but it doesn't matter as much as in other games
Mr_Horrible: I mean weren't the GGST tutorials also a similar mix of "Good starter advice" and "this is way too in the weeds"?
AceGun_: bring back Danger Time from Xrd, you cowards!
Hangedman: yeah it mattered a lot more in xrd where clashing might mean you go to the fuck dimension
AFamiliarCalledEl: Yeah, this is getting into some spreadsheet stuff, where every attack has a hidden "clash" number. It's telling you that it exists here, but it's not worth thinking about
saucemaster5000: @AceGun_ I'll put you in the Danger Timeout
Lysander_salamander: hello everyone
TXC2: hello Lysander_salamander welcome
NewtyNewts: Punish counter on recovery, counter on startup frames
silenceaux: So you can use heavier attacks to break into an opponent's lighter attack?
josh___something: counter hit = startup, punish = recovery
matthaus_c: @saucemaster5000 eventually you learn to love how the bars of baby jail squeeze against your skin
MilkInBags: when you whiff with oki so you're minus on wake up (and other words they convince you mean something)
Hangedman: @matthaus_c have you also seen The Truth About Fighting Games, then?
Hangedman: one of my favourite videos of all time
Snowwraith: Granblue will tell you the difference between a counter a punish but they not functionally different like they are in SF6
adam is away, time to say how cool he is 
Mr_Horrible: @MilkInBags this just sounds like that "STOP doing math" shitpost that has endless permutations
Zaneysed: Finnish
AFamiliarCalledEl: yep, this gets used a lot in combos since you get to start a juggle and don't spend the 25% meter
MilkInBags: is Ben muted
matthaus_c: Milk's concerned you won't hit the yap quota
MilkInBags: just asking in case he was
Snowwraith: It's real generous on these.
Snowwraith: That's someone used an EX move and you perfect parried kind of deal.
AceGun_: empty jump sweep. he's gaming out of his mind.
saucemaster5000: best of 1
AFamiliarCalledEl: Play one round, game uninstalls itself
Zaneysed: What's the game? Footsies?
saucemaster5000: no losers bracket
duallain: not even double elim, single elim
niccus: bo1 divekick
MilkInBags: Leffen shitposting would be incredible
Hangedman: we're doing one-hit-ko-street-fighter-iv at our upcoming regional
Hangedman: now that's a fighting game
AceGun_: That is how old Japanese tournaments were run. Single elim, best of 1.
matthaus_c: bo1 YOMI Hustle
a Man's game 
MilkInBags: random stage, items on
Snowwraith: There was a Guilty Gear tournament that ran on arcade cabs and they still did single elim.
Zaneysed: Smash ult full items
niccus: there has to have been an evo back tournament of rock paper scissors right
goombalax: MR Beast level nonsense
Bugberry: The true hunger games
Bo1 Sailor Moon tourney 

matthaus_c: holy shit Adam IS Mr Beast
NewtyNewts: Smash bros, bombs on high only, final destination
MilkInBags: @matthaus_c hurtful
Lysander_salamander: hahaaha
Hangedman: i do actually recc random select 0 hp sfiv, it's extremely funny and kinda technical
Mr_Bitterness: @NewtyNewts Smach bros, all bombs, Zelda Temple only
Hangedman: can't block, chip kills
MilkInBags: I don't think Adam has committed war crimes
Bugberry: @Mr_Bitterness Big Blue
cmdrzellgaudis: only Marth lol
TXC2: bo1, single elim $10 million Jackpot Time Warriors Tourney
saucemaster5000: the only war crimes adam has committed is his hard earned gains
NewtyNewts: Oh come on, Poke Floats
silenceaux: Probably more niche and less intuitive than "this person is stronger"
there aren't 500 shotos 
HungryTanuki: Badass grandpa !
LowUpsideCJ: none of us a great but all of us are Gran
Frizzlenill: it lets you make your install/transformation move more powerful
saucemaster5000: did you just call me gran
saucemaster5000: how dare
Hangedman: soiya, soiya, soiya
Frizzlenill: @Zaneysed yeah he has a super where he goes Undie Mode
Mai_Andra: "your guy gets naked and starts fu-"
Frizzlenill: it gives back the meter tho
AceGun_: @Zaneysed his punches become to powerful to be contained by clothes, yeah.
Frizzlenill: so there's no real downside if you have the meter at low hp iirc
Snowwraith: There's no grey life equivalent in this you just take a little bit of damage.
A_Dub888: Good morning gamers! What level of Oki is this?
Mr_Horrible: it's when you leave out some bait of tasty frames with which to trap a fighting game player
@A_Dub888 Anime Oki 
TXC2: hello A_Dub888 welcome
Hangedman: a frame trap beats someone mashing jab
therepoman__: @Mr_Horrible i'm so full of frames yum
Snowwraith: It's a special move
AFamiliarCalledEl: yeah, this is medium special
<-this burger is +2
StickInMud: frame traps cause a window where you can't blockstun the full chain, so the opponent triesd to press a button to interrupt your next move. You, howevevr are plus, so your next move will be faster
Hangedman: it's just plus enough to trap
A_Dub888: @therepoman__ *slaps roof of player* you can fit so many frames inside this gamer
NewtyNewts: An opening that's large enough for the defender to push a button and start their move, but small enough that you recover to hit them before it comes out
StickInMud: Most character in this game have some sort of frame trapping medium special iirc
Snowwraith: It's until end of round but it's his low-health super.
Hangedman: your back special will often be the followup to a short combo at midrange, cause it can close the gap
Hangedman: rb is like the special button in smash bros
GanixU: o/
HungryTanuki: @GanixU o/
GanixU: I forgot we had Granblue today >.<
Snowwraith: You can cencel it into an attack basically.
TXC2: hello GanixU welcome
Rock Smash is supposed to have a % chance to lower opponent's defense
Hangedman: yeah, he has to pay meter for an invuln dp
Genasi_Gaming: <message deleted>sad news. Wayne June the voice of the ancestor in Darkest Dungeon passed away
TXC2: Genasi_Gaming not the time or place
therepoman__: you could say they are built different
Snowwraith: Jump U is often pretty good for many too
StickInMud: The invulv dp is usually tied to a heavy version- so it has a cooldown on those chars
Hangedman: jM is usually an air-to-air, i think.
HungryTanuki: Oro oro oro !
StickInMud: light and med don't have cd, heavy versions do
Snowwraith: It's simple now.
NewtyNewts: It's a link instead of a cancel?
StickInMud: Yeah most combos outside of the triple hit>special require links
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
AFamiliarCalledEl: You do often have tiny delays and microdashes
Hangedman: the trick with simple specials is having to hold the button if you want a different strength, which can be even weirder than motion inptus
A_Dub888: how many frames does a short break get me?
HungryTanuki: +10
matthaus_c: this one (I'm framing you for murder)
JinaMahavira: Hi Adam
NewtyNewts: Ah, we stanks
I step away one time for a piss and there's been a murder? 
TXC2: and we're back
matthaus_c: @TXC2 it was @A_Dub888 !!!
matthaus_c: in the kitchen with the candelabra
matthaus_c we have a candelabra? what kind of bougie chat is this? 
saucemaster5000: we're still struggling with simple machines, don't worry
Tedziy: me no nandertall
Lysander_salamander: the only thing I know about Granblue is from watching a weird high-school drama anime spin-off.
@TXC2 statistically at least one of us must be able to afford that 
AceGun_: Time to punch the puppet!
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
NewtyNewts: Hmm... what if you've never played before?
TXC2: no smurfs
NewtyNewts: and only have the free version?
itira: brand new to granblue?
AceGun_: You can't join the room if you are on the free version.
saucemaster5000: you actually can't join rooms in the free version
NewtyNewts: @saucemaster5000 oh darn. nevermind.
AFamiliarCalledEl: I am rusty, but not new so I'll sit this out
MilkInBags: no freeloaders
NewtyNewts: maybe next time.
duallain: nice avatar ben ben
Lysander_salamander: muscle cat
saucemaster5000: who you looking at playing newt?
TXC2: that is a heck of an outfit
silent_sol: Oh thats a cute interface
Lysander_salamander: interesting
Bugberry: Nier has issues
saucemaster5000: I love nier, she is so much fun to play
matthaus_c: incentivising walking forward kinda goated tbh
Mr_Horrible: "I love [N]ie[R], [...] so much fun to play" - Sauce, 2025
tenrousei1: Haven't had a chance to play Rising yet, but the OG Versus didn't give that much meter for walking forward, I think?
NewtyNewts: Do you get even more for dashing?
Cptasparagus: is Ben pulling up a huge cellphone?
Evandill: damn that's way more than even in gg
Lysander_salamander: nice
Mr_Horrible: his defense, ironclad
Evandill: well Strive I mean
AFamiliarCalledEl: @Cptasparagus i think it's a tarot card? Death, probably
A_Dub888: Didn't Nier kill off all of humanity? (I might be thinking of a different Nier)
TXC2: Nelson "flak-cannon" Salahub
TXC2: !wiki
tenrousei1: @A_Dub888 Nah, nothing that extreme. GBF Nier just had a traumatic AF childhood and is all like "All of you hate me, etc"
Mr_Horrible: "Brother may I have some oats-ki?" "No, Brother. The tall skinny gods saw fit to bestow the oats-ki upon me."
taeasakura: @A_Dub888 She killed of her family and many, many boyfriends
TXC2: given they're made by the same devs, is granblue related to blazeblue?
Evandill: Nope
AceGun_: lore-wise? nope.
AFamiliarCalledEl: Not really, other than general style.
TXC2: ok then, thanks chat
Bugberry: @TXC2 Granblue is a mobile gacha made by Cygames, no relation to Blazblue other than the fight game developer.
A_Dub888: @taeasakura skill issues got it
i just send it on his ex moves because almost all of them are plus 
AFamiliarCalledEl: ArcSys does a lot of these licensed anime fighters, but BlazBlue is their own thing
TXC2: Bugberry I see
Mai_Andra: is granblue the same devs? I thought blazblue was the same devs as guilty gear
taeasakura: cygames do shadowverse, the horse girl gacha and this
howiedooin: @Mai_Andra same overall studio, different dev teams
Mr_Horrible: *this* granblue is developed by ArcSys
howiedooin: team blue is blazblue, and team red is guilty gear and dbfz
Mr_Horrible: working in conjuction with the IP owners
Mr_Horrible: ArcSys gets contracted to make a good number of the anime fighters
StickInMud: Blazblue and Guilty Gear are both owned and developed by Arcysys. Granblue is owned by Cygames but hired Arcsys for dev assistance on this
Mai_Andra: "why do we fall?" "the life juice fell out."
TXC2: StickInMud makes sense, thank you
howiedooin: anytime there's bad balance decisions i blame cygames and any time there's good balance decisions i thank arcsys
AFamiliarCalledEl: @Mai_Andra me when i haven't made coffee
TheOneInquisitor: Ben please tell me you only started playing Nier after 1.5
taeasakura: The other granblue game relink, they hired platinum for help and it didn't go very well
Mr_Horrible: when Soriz does that heavy dash punch all I hear is the UMvC3 Hulk "H!!!" yell
Genasi_Gaming: are there throws in this game ? i just havent seen any?
NewtyNewts: The best feeling
A_Dub888: @Mai_Andra In my defense, I stepped on an exceptionally pointy LEGO
Bugberry: Similarly, GBF Relink was originally developed by Platinum until Cygames took over themselves, so that game plays a lot like Nier (not this Nier)
saucemaster5000: she has to be active yeah
StickInMud: @taeasakura You didn't like relink? I thought it was a decent anime monhum-lite
taeasakura: anyone who plays soriz needs to listen to the SOIYA theme tune and video tbh
Evandill: @Genasi_Gaming There are, jsut haven't used any yet it seems
AceGun_: @Genasi_Gaming They definitely exist, but fairly weak compared to something like SF.
Cptasparagus: yeah i'm still seeing this tarot card as her video calling her mom to ask her to send puppet
Mr_Horrible: @taeasakura how so? I remember that being pretty well received when it came out. Was it just a development fiasco while getting made?
saucemaster5000: nier is a super glass cannon
taeasakura: @StickInMud oh its really good, it just was a big mess up and was a development fiasco yeah
"9k HP
Bugberry: @taeasakura I played that game on release and it was great. It had a ton of post-story content.
type_variable: everyone loves local serial killer nier
Mr_Horrible: @taeasakura ah, okay
TXC2: "what if Akuma, but teen girl?"
A_Dub888: @type_variable is it the ears?
Bugberry: @taeasakura yeah the game was in development hell for a long time, but it's final release was worth it.
Mr_Horrible: H!!!
TXC2: windows noises!
NewtyNewts: Windows!
DaVeganPolice: bro is this just Monk from DNF ? also... DNF when?
StickInMud: I greatly enjoyed the english voices in this
more like "gun-DAMN" show 
matthaus_c: teen anime girls and total annihilation, name a more iconic duo
Mr_Horrible: I can't
howiedooin: @DaVeganPolice correction, monk is just soriz
Mr_Horrible: amazon never sent me the code
v_nome: It was Windows noises on stream
Ferisar: register these guns
saucemaster5000: register your windeez
matthaus_c: I'm on arch linux sunglasses emoji
TXC2: windows can register my foot in their ass
Mr_Horrible: I've been running bootleg win10 for 7 years
LostThePirate: I heard it too
Genasi_Gaming: whats DNF?
A_Dub888: @matthaus_c I can but it's against TOS
howiedooin: dnf is for the most degen of degenerates
Mr_Horrible: I can't even change my desktop background
Evandill: God I love dnf duel and need to play it more
TXC2: Mr_Horrible so stupid isn't it?
howiedooin: hitman moment
Mr_Horrible: DNF is one of those games where you see one game and think "...people play this for money"
Mr_Horrible: @TXC2 very silly
Lysander_salamander: I tried the mmo, which was fun until all the microtransactions got under my skin
itsr67: DNF was made by 8ing, who made UMVC3
i played ranger back when people thought he wasnt THAT bad 
DaVeganPolice: YOOOOo inquisitor player?!? Ben MY Mn
Mr_Horrible: Playing Inq in DNF is like drafting Golgari Value in cube
Mr_Horrible: you made a mistake
howiedooin: boy were they wrong, ranger is one of the most vile characters in that game lmao
DaVeganPolice: but big wheel D:
itsr67: YEEEAH
saucemaster5000: LMAOOO
AceGun_: He's cracked the code.
saucemaster5000: Let's fucking go nelly
Mr_Horrible: Guess what's PLUS, BAYBEEEE???
silent_sol: That's the win button
StickInMud: Plus frames are a state of mind
Ferisar: get him beatrix
30teracyte: Medium rush punch is the plus one
AceGun_: Maybe give Beatix a try?
Mr_Bitterness: Sol Badguy? Unleash the UNGA BUNGA
Mr_Horrible: Bandit! Bandit! Bandit!
Ferisar: right this moment
DaVeganPolice: think about wife
Evandill: I can easily see it
NewtyNewts: He found The Button!
taeasakura: He should try Vikala
Ferisar: yes
duallain: when you say sol badguy player it kinda sounds like an insult
AceGun_: Yeah
Ferisar: literally just sol badguy
Excalibur_1867_: yes
A_Dub888: Is Sol Badguy.... bad guy?
Mr_Horrible: Sol Hotgal
cokebot9000 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 13 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
cokebot9000: amazon cash!
Thanks for subscribing, cokebot9000! (Today's storm count: 6)
Mr_Horrible: @A_Dub888 ironically no
itsr67: beatrix is basically sol translated into granblue
AceGun_: Beatrix is Sol the same way that Anila is Terry.
duallain: is there a Guile in this game?
BrowneePointz: he's actually the protagonist
Mr_Horrible: "We ran Sol Badguy through the Gacha Extruder and you won't believe what happened"
NewtyNewts: He just has a bad guy's soul
itsr67: He is however, the Guilty Gear
matthaus_c: Sol Badguy is like Mr_Horrible
saucemaster5000: @duallain not really honestly
AceGun_: @duallain charge input zoner? no.
BrowneePointz: Sol took the heat as a fall guy and so renamed himself Badguy
Ferisar: it cost me 50, ain't that nifty
Mr_Horrible: @matthaus_c bro I wish I was a) that plus or b) had those calves
BrowneePointz: he's actually one of 2 main protagonists for Guilty Gear
BrowneePointz: and I'm not joking
TXC2: "I say Sol, you are badguy, but this does not mean you are bad guy!"
saucemaster5000: zoner life is rough in Granblue
cokebot9000: is nelson playing ben?

TXC2: cokebot9000 yes
NanoDelta: You can use the metered version even if the skill is on cd, btw
Vanatoth: Eustace has charge zoning, but otherwise not very Guile-y
cokebot9000: woot.
silenceaux: Me, playing FF14 to get to Mahjong in Gold Saucer
AceGun_: Me playing Yakuza to play any game but Yakuza.
Mr_Horrible: for a long time FFXIV was the best way to play mahjong online
Cptasparagus: theres a new mahjong roguelike
Mr_Horrible: there's been a few good ones in recent years, tho
silenceaux: You can get to mahjong with the free trial
tenrousei1: Mahjong Soul is 100% free, but has gacha if you REALLY want to pay into it.
TXC2: Mahjong soul is gatcha with wifus
Bruceski: You can get there as part of the unlimited free trial, and apparently FF14's version is a very good interface.
Cptasparagus: Aotenjo, its like $9
v_nome: @AceGun_ The moment I found Shogi in Like a Dragon
type_variable: not playing granblue versus until golden knight is added
type_variable: unfortunately still a gacha main
A_Dub888: @AceGun_ Yakuza's a karaoke rhythm game right? Or have I been playing it wrong?
Mr_Horrible: "This is my girlfriend, she keeps killing my boyfriends"
taeasakura: @type_variable have your recovered from water guild wars yet
Bugberry: @type_variable I'm just waiting for Violet Knight to be playable in anything, gacha or otherwise.
type_variable: @taeasakura first time i hit a billion honours and honestly could have gone harder
taeasakura: @type_variable I hit 4b and I hated it, the 200 and 250 boss SUCKED

saucemaster5000: Ben is chewing on the cable
Lysander_salamander: hahahahaha
Servers baby 
A_Dub888: we take those
type_variable: lmao 4b
type_variable: why
that counts. 
TXC2: !clips
If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
Mr_Horrible: ArcSys please, let my boys fight
type_variable: me sitting on 4000 valor badges watching
Lysander_salamander: all the viewers are downloading the game and now the servers are upset
Bugberry: @taeasakura looks like Geo is up to his shenanigans on the Arcsys servers, am I right?
taeasakura: Geo made cygames change the element order of GW
type_variable: Geo still not playable literal crime
BrowneePointz: Did we Tell nelly if you hit em with the CA point blank he gets a kickass anime mini movie?
AceGun_: "wow, nice evade!" (rush punches again immediately)
LurkerSpine: I'll say what I want... I think this game is fun
BrowneePointz: no no, point blank plays a BIGGER animation
A_Dub888: What if I believe in the Heart of the Cards instead of victory?
saucemaster5000: I don't wanna cure cancer I just wanna rush punch
TXC2: didn't download for free to not rush punch
Zaneysed: I love that Nelly gravitated toward Soriz lol
AceGun_: @LurkerSpine I think people generally think the game is fun. It just has some issues competitively at the moment.
A_Dub888: @saucemaster5000 rush punch cancer
saucemaster5000: @AceGun_ ask Drizzt how he feels about this game and brave counters
AceGun_: @saucemaster5000 That's what I mean, yeah. Brave counters are a big issue for competitive players.
StickInMud: Fighting games are at their most fun when neither player knows too much about the systems
30teracyte: U impact knuckles is -4 on block
30teracyte: M knuckles is the plus one
AceGun_: No, only M.
AceGun_: Medium has a slower startup, but is plus.
matthaus_c: so plus it wraps back to minus
goombalax: Nelson asking the real questions
saucemaster5000: First you undo your belt and shirt buttons
type_variable: TOS
TXC2: !addquote (Nelson) [now] How do I take my cloths off?
LRRbot: New quote #9252: "How do I take my cloths off?" —Nelson [2025-01-30]
Mai_Andra: Nelly gotta shit real quick
StickInMud: Health and meter will turn blue if you meet the req's
AFamiliarCalledEl: your health bar will turn blue when you can ssba
30teracyte: He was low enough but the input is different
30teracyte: 236S+U
30teracyte: 5S+U+Throw
cokebot9000: get the kids on THIS show!
Zaneysed: Have you been beating their ass in minecraft then?
goombalax: Demaciaaa
AFamiliarCalledEl: truuuuely, this is exactly what Soriz players look like up through like... high A rank
Zaneysed: God Garen in 2xko will be dumb lol
30teracyte: soriz's other plus specials are H and U back special and M, H, and U down special
StickInMud: Nothing beats GGST's "COUNTER"
Zaneysed: Eat this chip brother
TXC2: "you win again gravity!"
goombalax: Sim players laughing
AceGun_: you haven't even begun to experience unfair!
DaVeganPolice: DNF time babyyyy
lightfut: The game even said nice
LowUpsideCJ: did someone say dnf duel

shendaras: Beppo!
AFamiliarCalledEl: oh btw is there a room open for chat to jam? or are we just cheering on the boys?
"y'know, like, nyah?" 
AceGun_: @AFamiliarCalledEl the room is called "huge normals", and the password is 1111
NewtyNewts: Ms. Fortune of Skullgirls?
TXC2: AFamiliarCalledEl there is a room, but Adam asked for new players only to face Nelson
type_variable: SOIYA
taeasakura: the "robot" is literally called Death, so saying something edgy like misfortune is right up her alley
oh he's Urien 
AFamiliarCalledEl: Yeh, wasn't intending to fight Nelly, thank you

BusTed: nakey power

30teracyte: he also takes less damage depending on the stacks he builds up under his heath bar there: 5 stacks = 50% less damage
itsr67: then we move on to asuka 120%
AceGun_: Are you planning on playing Granblue next week? Or are we checking out Mai?
StickInMud: Fundamentals do transfer
Mai_Andra: back on SF6 when they add C Viper
TXC2: theory is worth a try
lightfut: Big old man do punchies
itsr67: found supernova
30teracyte: going to the plus frames man to stock up on plus frames for the week
StickInMud: If he likes punching, slayer might be more applicable
accountmadeforants: Nah, that's a Slayer mindset if I ever saw one
buttons are buttons 
BrowneePointz: Slayer is THEE unga bunga
AceGun_: Slayer also gets naked.
BrowneePointz: there is not a character in the HISTORY of fighting games that is as unga as Slayer's bunga
StickInMud: Only classic inputs as well, plus half circles can be a pain
LowUpsideCJ: true I get smoked in strive big time
Zaneysed: LOL
Mai_Andra: instructions unclear. brought roman candles.
Zaneysed: When GG accent core? /s
AceGun_: @Zaneysed now we're talking!

So we gotta play GG Xrd with Stylish inputs 
Mai_Andra: meter was burning a hole in his bocket
Mai_Andra: *pocket
itsr67: AC+R when you play someeone your skill level is kinda fun
itsr67: but of course, many asterisks
StickInMud: It takes away a lot of mental stack when you stop actively thinking about your own inputs and can start using the moves you mean to. I think a lot of the frustration comes from when you know what move you want to do, but your execution is just to slow because you're thinking about what your fingers are doing
30teracyte: why stop there, Missing Link is on Duckstation
matthaus_c: Soriz skin wearing 2B's costume
AceGun_: @30teracyte okay, now we have to maintain some of our dignity.
Yeah i cant play these games due to cerbral palsy and motion inputs 
Tweediculous: well i can but just get smacked around
Zaneysed: Dude 2xko was wack for me cause no motion inputs
Zaneysed: Well nmo quater circles
itsr67: if motion inputs were keeping you from playing outside of actual motor reasons, there's less and less of an excuse nowadays
me when I'm forced to check out the guns 
TXC2: motion input on a keyboard sucks for me
StickInMud: I actually think granblue strikes a great balance becuase you don't have to choose one or the other, the classic inputs are there if you want them
Tweediculous: Oh thats good to know. I havent tried to pick one up in ages due to this
Lysander_salamander: and like, keeping track of all the inputs is difficult too
itsr67: lol that looked neat
StickInMud: But you can also use modern inputs at the same time
flowerseses: @Tweediculous this one is free to play too! with a limited set of characters but still
AceGun_: Even rereleases of old games are adding it in.
LowUpsideCJ: I like when the side of the screen says “Just! Counter!” good advice
Zaneysed: Kof has auto combos
AceGun_: CotW will have modern controls.
AceGun_: I forget what they are calling it.
StickInMud: The ONLY penalty you get in granblue is that using specials outside of a combo gets a slight damage nerf to lower the power of DP's
BrowneePointz: in april
Lysander_salamander: Does Tekken have the one-button specials?
BrowneePointz: CotW looks SO good
BrowneePointz: there should be a beta soon
LowUpsideCJ: I’m so excited for CotW and will be moderning
BrowneePointz: if yall want a first look
itsr67: arcade style vs smart style

LowUpsideCJ: beta is in February
Zaneysed: Ya and open beta is like feb 20th
itsr67: tekken is v different
Bearudite: time to kbd
Lysander_salamander: neat
Zaneysed: tekken is the best fighting game for just mashing buttons
AceGun_: Tekken has a 'simplified' control scheme that you can swap to mid-match, but it doesn't have "special" moves the same way.
Zaneysed: Cool shit just happens
Bearudite: yeah its all about spaceing
saucemaster5000: Soul Calibur tho

Zaneysed: So close lol
itsr67: its in his blood
itsr67: we just need to get it out
Zaney, how can you say that when Soul Caliber exists 
that was so close
Lysander_salamander: I rather like Soul Calibur
Zaneysed: @Bearudite never heard of it
itsr67: The COTW beta will overlap on the 21st
Bearudite: Namco pls
Bearudite: pls bless us with rollback
Bearudite: only 1
Bearudite: on fightcade
AceGun_: Unfortunately
itsr67: online and soul calibur are oil and water
Bearudite: One is good but its nothing on basically any later ones
Bearudite: no
Bearudite: sadly
saucemaster5000: 2 no unfortunately
Bearudite: 2 was PS2 Xbox Gamecube
AceGun_: There are a bunch on Fightcade.
saucemaster5000: samsho has come close a few times on throwback
Lysander_salamander: I've played Samurai Showdown in the arcade, back when there were arcades
itsr67: seems like samsho 2 & 5 are the popular ones on fightcade
Bearudite: yeah and then people just play garou instead sigh
itsr67: 5 special*
Bearudite: or old GG
itsr67: look bear garou is fun
Mr_Horrible: Suzuka, iirc
Bearudite: it is
Bearudite: kevin
taeasakura: setsuka?
Lysander_salamander: I like the lady with the rapier in Samurai Showdown
Mr_Horrible: that's probably it taeasakura
Ferisar: lol she really is just sol badguy
Ferisar: hell yea brother
Mr_Horrible: I can't respect any game where there's a toptier named Kevin
Bearudite: Setsuka is the one from SC
Mr_Horrible: sorry, that's the rules
itsr67: kevin is cool
Ferisar: VIPER

Ferisar: damn right

itira: you read ferisar like a book
Bearudite: kevin is a cop
Zaneysed: Isn't Sol Badguy just Terry?
BrowneePointz: Except for being a Cop
Bearudite: hate em
BrowneePointz: I think he will be
Zaneysed: Nope, not yet
itsr67: we are still in the dark
AceGun_: They have not announced the beta roster.
Ferisar: he is kevin
itsr67: we know there's 8 I think
LowUpsideCJ: I hope Clark is in the beta
Bearudite: Dong tho
Ferisar: the fact that they'll have ken and chun is funny
Mr_Horrible: what if there's Kevin but he's dogshit?
Ferisar: and the footballer
AceGun_: They better not add Clark to Garou...
matthaus_c: Kevin players shaking hands with Arcane fans
Bearudite: Clark is just warcrimes flavored cop
itsr67: They might fix kevin so he doesn't have infinites like he did in garou but
AFamiliarCalledEl: ggs tanuki, i need to get back to work
LowUpsideCJ: I just gotta hug everyone in the game
TXC2: "eww, fuck Clark"- Lois Lane

AceGun_: @LowUpsideCJ That is what Tizoc is for!
flowerseses: as long as preecha is in, I am fine

Mr_Horrible: cag is cool
TXC2: hello El_Zilcho22 welcome
AceGun_: Cag! The goat!
Ferisar: when the bub is beelzed
El_Zilcho22: @TXC2 hello!
BrowneePointz: feb 20-24th
AceGun_: lmao.
itsr67: if its a weird character and also a girl
hyperialguard: Of. Course.
Zaneysed: Beatrix has roman cancels wtf
itsr67: ace coded
hyperialguard: Happy for him
Ferisar: @Zaneysed HELL YEA BROTHER
AceGun_: Hey, I also like Vikala!
Zaneysed: @Ferisar wtf is this
Bearudite: not true
Zaneysed: Good bye AKtalina
saucemaster5000: weird char + hard to play + setplay
Ferisar: she has a command grab that gives her an RC
Bearudite: Ace POlays Scorpian in Martial Masters
Ferisar: "we're really struggling!"
Lysander_salamander: mood
TXC2: the Millenial mood
Bearudite: it slaps
BrowneePointz: I just like Anila cuz she's incredibly well rounded
Bearudite: Saojin is my bae
itsr67: ey
Ferisar: oh yeah wasn't ben gonna play the rat
Mr_Horrible: Martial Masters? The white hiphop artist?
Bearudite: she is both good AND fun
So when are we getting Def Jam fight for NY on Crossing the Oki Oki Club? 
Ferisar: vikala
itsr67: the mouse
flowerseses: wait, Ace, who do you play in melty
Zaneysed: Alright I have purchased Beatrix
type_variable: Happy! Lucky! Vicky!
AFamiliarCalledEl: Vikala?
Ferisar: ah okay
tod_vom_himmel: vikala is pretty goated
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
AceGun_: @flowerseses depends on the version. AACC I play Len, TL I play maids usually.
Ferisar: hell yea let's go
Mr_Horrible: sponsor us, ArcSys
Bearudite: the mouse stole saojins selfie super
Ferisar: i'm so glad her command grab is a headbutt
itsr67: streamer code "get nakey"
Ferisar: they really were like copy x paste
TrueAmbience: @Zaneysed beatrix bros !
itsr67: unironically
StickInMud: I enjoyed playing Seigfried and Yuel, personally. Whiff punishes and mindgames are my jam
saucemaster5000: hey people might've bought it after frosty!
LowUpsideCJ: influenced
Zaneysed: Fucking love sol badguy
Ferisar: check out these guns!

flowerseses: @AceGun_ ok yea makes sense
TXC2: headbutt = command grab is a Balrog move no?
StickInMud: Vaseraga looks like a blast though
Zaneysed: 3x M into M hashogeki
Ferisar: vaseraga is cool
NanoDelta: Katalina is all footsies tbh
TrueAmbience: kata is fireball, poke footies
Ferisar: but he is slow as fuuuuck
LRRbot: Air Response Unit [2W] | Artifact — Vehicle [3/3] | Flying, vigilance / Crew 1
flowerseses: I keep going between vira and belial. The hinges fell off my game
Bearudite: does anyone else see the vsync issues or is that on my side?
itsr67: what the hell lmfao lrrbot
saucemaster5000: when people think of adam they think of footsies
Ferisar: there's a bit of tearing @Bearudite
Ferisar: it's not that bad tho
Bearudite: ok
TrueAmbience: also her ult skills are obnocious
Bearudite: not losing it

TXC2: we thinks PPR prep is happening
NanoDelta: I like anila or percival, big punishes
Ferisar: air response unit
Ferisar: :thumbs up:
BrowneePointz: Anila can control so much space
BrowneePointz: just like Spear dude
Ferisar: y-yeah
BrowneePointz: also, Sheep Puns!
no I mostly think of delts 
Ferisar: i mean you do go ham on the stairmaster
itira: definitely >.>
MilkInBags: nah i think about pants at SOUP
Bearudite: when I think of footsies I think of nabbing folks with demon
TXC2: yes....footSIES....
Luna_TheOtter: i think of the watermelon
BrowneePointz: and that's why learning the fundamentals first is more important
lightfut: Uh oh, nakey time
NanoDelta: @browneepointz The sweep of the GOOODS.
AceGun_: @Bearudite you are legally obligated to say "footsies" whenever you land a demon, its true.
Lysander_salamander: hahaha
NanoDelta: Also I find metara (?) fun, for a zoner
saucemaster5000: LMAOOO
Zaneysed: LOL
Mai_Andra: the magic pixel
StickInMud: The fun button
saucemaster5000: FOOTSIES
Bearudite: the ben screm sold it
TXC2: that's footsies to the tune of that's amore
MilkInBags: my character is the one that is top tier
Bearudite: wait a puppet in a box? isn't this what you play in that one game ace?
Cptasparagus: that happened with one of my friends with LoL recently... except they decided they're a seraphine main
StickInMud: Aesthetics draw you to a character, moveset makes you stay
Ferisar: oh does nelson know about smacking the puppet
BorgarWithAShotgun: @cptasparagus you need a new friend?
BrowneePointz: i don't want a good one
BrowneePointz: give me the dogshit
Ferisar: kk
TXC2: your character being top tier doesn't mean you are
Zaneysed: So that's why Adam played Katalina /s
AceGun_: @Bearudite Excuse me, it is actually in a suitcase. But yes.
MilkInBags: but Ben you're too far at home
TrueAmbience: the good thing with granblue almost all characters use the same directional shortcuts so you can quickly try stuff
Bearudite: what is a suitcase if not a box
siqqsadgurl: and then they nerfed her...
MilkInBags: never listen to twitch chat
Ferisar: and then ferry was made really good
Ferisar: for a bit
Ferisar: and then
Mr_Horrible: big government trying to keep Beppo down
Ferisar: "die"
MilkInBags: chat with the corporate memory without context
saucemaster5000: when someone asks if you did it on purpose the answer is ALWAYS "Yes I read you like a book"
MilkInBags: i retroactively knew
tod_vom_himmel: foosies
TXC2: "like a book? nah, you're more of a post it note."
MilkInBags: holy fuck
tod_vom_himmel: foosies!
Zaneysed: Foosies
MilkInBags: nelson has zero fear
hi hii OOF club
I hope everyone is well.
NanoDelta: Foosies
TXC2: hello siqqsadgurl welcome
30teracyte: the back special has extra follow ups in naked mode
TrueAmbience: all Soriz skills get improved ( some extended) and you can super again
AFamiliarCalledEl: yeah, air throws are universal
NanoDelta: All have air throws, same with sweep

TrueAmbience: Clap
Mr_Horrible: HELPMEEE
StickInMud: Do Ben or Nelson know that every normal button has a dash modified version?
BorgarWithAShotgun: I wanna Striiiiiiiiiiip!!!!
TXC2: I broke apart my footsies
Frizzlenill: Undie Mode!!!
MilkInBags: sakura card captor lives another day
StickInMud: Understood, just surprised I haven't seen one, even on accident, all good though
saucemaster5000: I've seen the pink bar -- sequel to I saw the TV Glow
TXC2: saucemaster5000 not seen the movie, but I get that reference
Frizzlenill: you can also use your meat stance to absorb projectile hits!
combo limit

30teracyte: rude
TXC2: Nier headbangin'
flowerseses: @saucemaster5000 wait does that one make you cis again?
MilkInBags: we're back, subs eat sand
saucemaster5000: god I hope not flowerses


Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
MilkInBags: deceit will not get you far
Mai_Andra: 4D footsies
LowUpsideCJ: the trust mix
shendaras: Bo1 right?
Invitare: it won't get you anywhere if you tell hundreds of people online what you're planning
MilkInBags: bo1 then steam refund
NewtyNewts: The James Strat doesn't lead to repeat games very often
Mr_Horrible: the most precious snack in the world, a singular W
itsr67: word
josh___something: tru

is...is Adam starting a cult? 
cultivating a community of suckers is definitely normal and not cult behaviour 
MilkInBags: arbitrary decisions have never led to bad outcomes
Feriority subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 87 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Feriority! (Today's storm count: 7)
MilkInBags: you pay taxes so it's not a cult
Cptasparagus: with freshly washed brains
LowUpsideCJ: it’s not a cult we’re just trapped there
itira: its not a cult its a commune
lightfut: So it's a clmi?
duallain: the goat sacrifice is just fun
TXC2: uno mas!
NewtyNewts: For all the marbles!
AceGun_: This one is for all the marbles!
El_Zilcho22: @TXC2 i was about to type that hahaha.
MilkInBags: if it works it works
saucemaster5000: cults don't count if you don't wear robes


StickInMud: If you throw out a hitbox, they'll be too scared t owalk into it. It's just zoning if you really think about it

lightfut: Naked flex, still w
NewtyNewts: Give her something to grab onto
LowUpsideCJ: “it’s the moral W to get naked”
TXC2: NewtyNewts I think the robot gives her enough to grab
MilkInBags: damn
MilkInBags: ben is a gamer
NewtyNewts: @TXC2 I thought she did the grab, not the robot?
Mr_Horrible: he's seeing the possibilities
BrowneePointz: 2B is not an easy character to learn
BrowneePointz: oh you mean Nier yea
NewtyNewts oh she's the top? makes sense 
NewtyNewts: He's seeing the matrix
LurkerSpine: Nier was a top tier and had to be nerfed several times
Mr_Horrible: put Kaine in the game you cowards
they sure do 
TXC2: thanks for streaming Adam, Nelson and Ben
NewtyNewts: Hell yeah great OOF club episode!
TXC2: !patreon
TXC2: !store
GanixU: ggs Thanks for the stream :3
El_Zilcho22: Thanks for the stream!
flowerseses: gg thanks for the stream
give it the 



LowUpsideCJ: ggs granmers
TXC2: !next
next week, serge is the guest to show Dead or Alive 
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: LRRMtG (Graham, and/or James, and/or Cori, and/or someone else entirely play Magic: The Gathering Arena! Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Thu 02:00 PM PST (1:00 from now).
SymphonySolstice: ben was the frog all along
itira: wow Ben

BrowneePointz: guest shivam possibly
TXC2: !events
Mr_Horrible: Easterdrift
BrowneePointz: Nelly I require one Tokyo Drift reference tomorrow
thx for the stream y'all! Have a good day everyone 
Invitare: Back? Isn't that the NEW weekly stream here on LoadingReadyRun?
flowerseses: how bazaar, how bazaar
Mr_Horrible: getting cheeky on that breeky
El_Zilcho22: 4 player X-men!!!!
El_Zilcho22: hells yeah!
BrowneePointz: the super purple ass hawkeye
Bearudite: Nightcrawler
LowUpsideCJ: I’m a colossus enjoyer
TXC2: (X-men animated show theme plays LOUDLY)
Bearudite: all about that bamf life
GanixU: Nightcrawler too strong
Mai_Andra: there were a few of them. The one I remember didn't have Dazzler. Nightcrawler was the goat because you could skip past area walls.

Mai_Andra: do do do do-do do ♪
Paul is so bad at his job 
Ferisar: hm

AceGun_: Enjoy your excercise, muffin
MilkInBags: favourite muffin flavour go
Dog_of_Myth: Muffin lives here now.
shendaras is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 69 in the channel!
shendaras gifted a Tier 1 sub to annasaurus13!
shendaras gifted a Tier 1 sub to ALLxISxLOST!
shendaras gifted a Tier 1 sub to Yondaime233!
shendaras gifted a Tier 1 sub to pirobird!
shendaras gifted a Tier 1 sub to drannakka!
Thanks for the gifts, shendaras! Welcome to annasaurus13, Yondaime233, pirobird, ALLxISxLOST, and drannakka! (Today's storm count: 12)

Ferisar: LMASO


itira: LOLOL i do that tooo
itsr67: LMFAO

Ferisar: he's fucking cooked
MilkInBags: Online Gamner
Lysander_salamander: hahahahahaha
Mr_Horrible: oh yeah you're cooked



Ferisar: peep the creamer
MilkInBags: bye bye
Sacrenos: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: LRRMtG (Graham, and/or James, and/or Cori, and/or someone else entirely play Magic: The Gathering Arena! Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Thu 02:00 PM PST (55m from now).
Lysander_salamander: set my drop filter
Mr_Horrible: thanks for the stream, lads
TXC2: !discord
LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here: https://discord.gg/lrr
TXC2: !contact
ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List: https://lrr.cc/contact
itira: ty for the stream! have a good afternoon all!
Bengineering: lol
Bengineering: tanuki thanks for the matches
TXC2: Goodnight everybody
Diabore: i see ian is no longer descaling a dragon tonight
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