huffdaddy513 subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, huffdaddy513! (Today's storm count: 2)
AngelicKnighthood: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: The famous James Bond film "Woo, Martinis!"
AngelicKnighthood: Fun.
incslayer: !findquote Martini
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
incslayer: i refuse to believe that
wifi12345678910: PPR Hype!
Sorator13: we have a title change!
baltimore_667083: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: a packet of acidic children
wifi12345678910: !findquote drift
LRRbot: Quote #5277: "That is a Tokyo drift if I ever saw one." —Paul [2018-08-23]
LRRMTG_Judge: Hey everyone! Judge apocalyptic_squirrel signing in :) - Squirrel
Nickiatori: hi folks
KodeMage: @LRRMTG_Judge 10-4
ExachixKitsune: omg that's a 10/10 name Suirrel
LRRMTG_Judge: @ExachixKitsune Thank you! I won't lie, "a_squirrel" was taken and it was the first thing I thought of that the A could stand for :P - Squirrel
Professor_Rakor: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Aetherdrift PPR (Join the LoadingReadyRun crew with special guests Shivam Bhatt and MagicNewGirl for the Aetherdrift PPR! Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Fri 10:00 AM PST (6m from now).
TXC2: Hello Everybody!
ExachixKitsune: a fantastic choice
LRRMTG_Judge: Why thank you :) - Squirrel
DarkMorford: Morning, chat!
TXC2: hello DarkMorford welcome
NymGG: Good whatever chat
TXC2: hello NymGG welcome
KodeMage: 👍👍
admiral_sky_: hi and good time zone everyone! I'm so excited for this
DarkMorford: Was just watching some old Crapshots Youtube decided to resurface for me. Always good stuff.
TXC2: hello admiral_sky_ welcome
DarkMorford: "Torg go invent popcorn!"
NrgSpoon subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 52 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, NrgSpoon! (Today's storm count: 3)
Mattmitchell45: Good afternoon, Mods, Judges, and Chatters! ^_^
TXC2: hello Mattmitchell45 welcome
RockPusher: !search for treasure
LRRbot: You find: a box!
KodeMage: Coffee and Cards time
Anubis169: Afternoon Matt :)
RockPusher: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: box text
DarkMorford: !findquote torg
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
DarkMorford: Ah, darn
TXC2: rare is the time Torg has been on stream
TalpTheScot: talpthBlobby
DarkMorford: Yeah, I'm not really surprised there wasn't anything there, but I was hopeful.
That1GuyBen: do we know the full participant list out of curiosity?
Mattmitchell45: Too lazy and thought of this too late, but today would probably be a good day for Action Movie reference Bingo
ExachixKitsune: !findquote drift
LRRbot: Quote #5277: "That is a Tokyo drift if I ever saw one." —Paul [2018-08-23]
Anubis169: you'll find out in 2m 30s
DarkMorford: !advice
LRRbot: Doors may not be used by wizards.
DarkMorford: Good to know
KodeMage: Whoever shows up to work today? 😅
That1GuyBen: @Anubis169 but what if, and this is only a hypothetical, I explode in about 1m 30s
That1GuyBen: note: there will be no explosion
KodeMage: sucks to suck I guess?
DarkMorford: I'm WFH today so I can watch most of the PPR live. Except for a couple of meetings where I'll have to mute it.
That1GuyBen: @KodeMage that's fair
ihlendrax: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: box text
Anubis169: then you will need both a bucket, and a lot of paperwork doing
That1GuyBen: please no paperworrk i deal with enough of that at work
KodeMage: as far as the one exploding is concerned it's somebody else's problem, really.
Marvoleath: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Aetherdrift PPR (Join the LoadingReadyRun crew with special guests Shivam Bhatt and MagicNewGirl for the Aetherdrift PPR! Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Fri 10:00 AM PST (32s from now).
tryllebanjo: @LRRbot Yaaay!
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: 32 seconds? I can't wait that long
TXC2: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Aetherdrift PPR (Join the LoadingReadyRun crew with special guests Shivam Bhatt and MagicNewGirl for the Aetherdrift PPR! Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Fri 10:00 AM PST (6s from now).
TXC2: fudge :p
That1GuyBen: i will not be able to stay the whole stream since i'll be going to fnm tonight(more innistrad remastered) but i'll definitely be here for a bit
That1GuyBen: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Aetherdrift PPR (Join the LoadingReadyRun crew with special guests Shivam Bhatt and MagicNewGirl for the Aetherdrift PPR! Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Fri 10:00 AM PST (4s ago).
That1GuyBen: damn
KodeMage: If I'm the one exploding I'm probably not doing the paperwork.
Mattmitchell45: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Aetherdrift PPR (Join the LoadingReadyRun crew with special guests Shivam Bhatt and MagicNewGirl for the Aetherdrift PPR! Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Fri 10:00 AM PST (20s ago).
Creideiki_SE: !last
LRRbot: Sorry, I can only see the future.
That1GuyBen: bold of you to assume that work will not make the exploded one do the paperwork anyways
ExachixKitsune: !next-2
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: !advice
LRRbot: Step one: steal from JoeKim's base.
That1GuyBen: LRRbot refuses to dwell on the past. A commendable thing, really.
KodeMage: they can slip it in the bucket with me but it's just gonna get wet
ExachixKitsune: !after
Manae: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
RockPusher: lrrDOTS lrrSIG lrrARROW
NewtyNewts: lrrSIG
Mangledpixel: !greetings
LRRbot: Greetings, you Adorable Rockets!
AngelicKnighthood: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
DarkMorford: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Alma_v: sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo
skripmtg: HYPE
enbycephalopod: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
JRandomHacker: lrrSIG lrrSIG
baltimore_667083: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
sblue333 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 47 months!
sblue333: Vroom Vroom
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, sblue333! (Today's storm count: 4)
That1GuyBen: lrrSIG
t7112: yippee!
phoenixfeather14: lrrSIG lrrSIG
ASilentBark subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 66 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ASilentBark! (Today's storm count: 5)
4AMDonuts: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
GreatWahooney subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 85 months!
GreatWahooney: vroom vroom I guess
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, GreatWahooney! (Today's storm count: 6)
TXC2: it's double refresh day!
LilyOfTheVeil666: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Mattmitchell45: lrrSIG FBtouchdown lrrSIG
fanofmosteverything9: Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines!
skripmtg: sipstrHI sipstrHI sipstrMagicnewgirl sipstrMagicnewgirl
jacketedrock subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 39 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jacketedrock! (Today's storm count: 7)
Brozard: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: @TXC2 So wasn't just me
Makhiel: vroom vroom?
TXC2: Speed is at 1
tyrantcorporation: vroom vroom
lamina5432 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 63 months!
lamina5432: we're here
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, lamina5432! (Today's storm count: 8)
tehcrashxor subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 125 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, tehcrashxor! (Today's storm count: 9)
Mr_Bitterness: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
laikagoat gifted a Tier 1 sub to skripmtg! They have given 291 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, skripmtg! (Today's storm count: 10)
That1GuyBen: dnoFOOBAW dnoFOOBAW lrrSIG lrrSIG dnoFOOBAW dnoFOOBAW
mox_cubit_zirconium: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
QuestionWorm: I'm hopping in my mario kart as we speak
wordnerdify subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 49 months!
frostfox42 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months!
frostfox42: time to drift
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, wordnerdify! (Today's storm count: 11)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, frostfox42! (Today's storm count: 12)
Yixam subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Yixam! (Today's storm count: 13)
Wondermoo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 137 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Wondermoo! (Today's storm count: 14)
dfolesthekid: weewooweewoo PPR ALERT
skripmtg: @laikagoat Thank you very much!!
TalpTheScot: @QuestionWorm MaRo Kart
RockPusher: !quote 5703
LRRbot: Quote #5703: "There's nothing on the line but having good times." —Shivam [2019-01-11]
TimeKapsuleTK subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 85 months!
laikagoat: @skripmtg lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
lightfut: Someone got their drift in my aether
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TimeKapsuleTK! (Today's storm count: 15)
KodeMage: Start your Engines! (and then wait 3 turns until you do anything?)
notoriousmtg_: Lets goooo
R__Doom subscribed at Tier 1.
skripmtg: lrrARROWS lrrARROWS lrrARROWS
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, R__Doom! (Today's storm count: 16)
baltimore_667083: !badadvice
LRRbot: Well, You died.
Wondermoo: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Earthenone: hopefully the guests are drift compatable
TXC2: now the real question is will the players be doing a le mans start this time? Kappa
Ormmannen: This is not a drive by.
notoriousmtg_: PartyPopper PartyPopper PartyPopper
nymistrya subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months!
nymistrya: Time for some multi LRRane drifting lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
RockPusher: !quote 5706
LRRbot: Quote #5706: "I'm probably going to lose, and I don't even care. This game is so much fun!" —Shivam [2019-01-11]
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, nymistrya! (Today's storm count: 17)
djalternative: I got off work with just enough time to get to this. hype!
jadielady subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 31 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jadielady! (Today's storm count: 18)
LRRMTG_Judge: Good morning everyone! - Natedogg
baltimore_667083: @TXC2 oh yes please
Jostech subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months!
Jostech: 7 months! Yippi!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Jostech! (Today's storm count: 19)
CnCPOWERHOUR subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 72 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, CnCPOWERHOUR! (Today's storm count: 20)
Spacecarl subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 110 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Spacecarl! (Today's storm count: 21)
nuclearrayne313 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 44 months!
nuclearrayne313: YAY PPR with guests!!!
KodeMage: @TXC2 better than a rolling start?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, nuclearrayne313! (Today's storm count: 22)
Stormgod: I’m here!!!
Stormgod: We gaming!!!
The Real Deal Collin Beal: :cat-orange-whistling::cat-orange-whistling::cat-orange-whistling:
Lasciel Woodburne: the time is now!
Lily the Otter: we're here!
Hazel Mititai: Woo, ppr time!
Stormgod: Hello YT chat. I’m here for right now
digiman619: SaLRRtations, all
Stormgod: Might have to go to twitch for a while but for now I’m on my phone, so YT it is
Simriel: Hello Chat. We all ready to start our engines?
Stormgod: Anyways, time to start your engines
The Real Deal Collin Beal: Like the stream, everyone! Yeah!!!:cat-orange-whistling::cat-orange-whistling::cat-orange-whistling:
Stormgod: LOL
Stormgod: Simriel we got there at the same time!
Simriel: Remember first place in the race gets 1 Cookie
3schr: Why do I have to watch 12 ads??
notoriousmtg_: GoldPLZ GoldPLZ GoldPLZ
NarfBlinko subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 77 months!
NarfBlinko: Vroom! Vroom!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, NarfBlinko! (Today's storm count: 23)
Xanpluto subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Xanpluto! (Today's storm count: 24)
namagem1: Hey all!
LariatWest subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 77 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LariatWest! (Today's storm count: 25)
DideRobot: LRR: We are LIVE with today's #MTGAetherdrift Pre-PreRelease! Join the LoadingReadyRun crew, and our lovely special guests Magic New Girl and Shivam Bhatt for a full day of Aetherdrift sealed game play! #Sponsored | Live on AND (has image) |
CaptainSpam: It's time for the lurm tug peeper!
Andasolde: Woo!
theDarkWyvern subscribed with Prime.
luke1x: PPR hype!
WampaX subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 128 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, theDarkWyvern! (Today's storm count: 26)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, WampaX! (Today's storm count: 27)
flustered_blue subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 14 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, flustered_blue! (Today's storm count: 28)
Brozard: The Magic & The Gathering: Aether Drift
countingku: Is Ian judging this race?
KyranTheWalker: Won't be able to watch everything due to work later, but i'm excited to see what happens while I can!
captain_goof: As this is the racing set, I will be watching while driving at max speed
pleonasticTautology subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 40 months!
pleonasticTautology: 40 months? that's almost 3.333333 years!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, pleonasticTautology! (Today's storm count: 29)
QuixoticScrivener: Marnin’ hype crew!
Mangledpixel: The track calls. The smell of gasoline and destiny hangs in the air. Drivers and machines hold crouched on the promise of the starting flag. It's time... to race.
OldUncleDan subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 97 months!
OldUncleDan: Ready for the "Kappa Cannoneer Ball Run!"
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, OldUncleDan! (Today's storm count: 30)
baltimore_667083: @countingku he's one of the stewards so yea
namagem1: lrrHEART_SG
Ryuzicohn28 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 37 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Ryuzicohn28! (Today's storm count: 31)
MsMollieMac: drift!
Felicity: Thank you for doing this, it's great to be here :)
Stormgod: A cookie!?! Yes please
Simriel: (Cookie not guaranteed)
lilldiesel: let's hope for a deck construction video this time 🤞
digiman619: For whatever reason, YT always comes in clearer for me, though the lack of emotes is notable
The Real Deal Collin Beal: Stormgod <<<< BOOSTgod
Stormgod: Hey wait a minute
MegaTrain: Here for the YT stream - let's hear it for pausing, rewinding and fast-forwarding live streams!
Stormgod: Hmmm, could dig it
KelsBells: I'm excited, I've seen nothing about the set so far and I can't wait to discover what's going on on the fly :3
Simriel: Hrm, my car is a very large pigeon, but I think the race allows that?
RockPusher: !gant
LRRbot: Consider reducing FFB gain.
bruder_jiba86 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 24 months!
memnus: Yesssss I made it back from the pharmacy on time! Vroooooom
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, bruder_jiba86! (Today's storm count: 32)
thegeardude: Been baving a really bad week and this will really help, Cant wait.
coachNelly: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
corefluxx: VROOM!!!
shushu2539: Hi all lrrHEART
namagem1: Who's ready for some aetherdrifting lrrHEART_SG
TXC2: Hi Nelly
Caineghest subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 42 months, currently on a 36 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Caineghest! (Today's storm count: 33)
629loki: catJam
TheSoundOfWhiteNoise subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 82 months, currently on a 82 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheSoundOfWhiteNoise! (Today's storm count: 34)
coachNelly: beep beeeeeeeeeeeeep
RockPusher: coachn3Rollinghead
Bruceski: Greetings you Spikeshell Harriers!
bloodstar: lrrARROWS lrrARROWS lrrARROWS
BusTed: Hey all.
pleonasticTautology: vehicle sets always make us want to get back into magic
629loki: PartyParrot
Mangledpixel: !greetings
LRRbot: Greetings, you Lore Weavers!
Brozard: gotta go fast
Harvest25: Let's go!
TXC2: now remember chat: easy on the all caps, don't spam emotes, be nice, and have fun !
skripmtg: lrrARROWS lrrARROWS lrrARROWS lrrARROWS voxyHi mtgngHi voxyHypedupp voxyHypedupp voxyHypedupp voxyHypedupp
djmikeysaxx: @coachNelly woooo nelly in the chat!
BakaNerd subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 38 months!
slopoppotamus subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 92 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BakaNerd! (Today's storm count: 35)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, slopoppotamus! (Today's storm count: 36)
The Real Deal Collin Beal: @digiman19 it has a higher bitrate and resolution on YouTube
Stormgod: I mainly gotta watch the judge video, helpful for me since I’m the one judging at my LGS next week
digiman619: I kinda hope that this simulcast idea happens for next Desert Bus. Twitch is a bit hit-or-miss for me.
Stormgod: It could happen
Simriel: Wait, the judge account doesn't operate on YouTube chat does it
Simriel: Do I gotta put my Judge Pants on again, I took them off ages ago
Stormgod: No, I don’t think. Idk tho, I’m not affiliated with it
Stormgod: lol
Cecil Hoshino: I can't help but enjoy a Wacky Races set.
Sarah: We often have at least one judge pop in but no I don't believe there's an official YT judge account
Clockwork Cthulhu: Zoom Zoom
Sarah: We get PharmacistJudge sometimes iirc
Stormgod: I can help Simriel, I do judge calls too
GLHFMagic: What up, fam jam? glhfmaGLHF glhfmaGLHF
mtvcdm: And somehow the Williams team has put it in the wall. How did they even enter this grand prix?
leoflare subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 62 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, leoflare! (Today's storm count: 37)
DirectorStephanie: @txc2 kates7
TXC2: hello GLHFMagic welcome
Ormmannen: Just had 7 ads in a row. Lucky it hadn´t started
Tai114 subscribed with Prime.
LRRMTG_Judge: Evening all, welcome to the speedway! - BlackRose
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Tai114! (Today's storm count: 38)
accountmadeforants: gdqFAST gdqSpin gdqTime
coriolis_storm: Witness them!
ramonaviking subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 65 months!
ramonaviking: Kachow!!!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ramonaviking! (Today's storm count: 39)
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: I should probably start my traditionally second screen experience. Looking at the Card Image Gallery
Kentosaurus: start your engines!
skripmtg: Time to money shift
RockPusher: ohai GLHFMagic
KyranTheWalker: You know... Entire gear shifts on the table to track speed would be funny. They'll probably just use Dice though.
lesbiandracula: alli wanna do is a vroom vroom vroom and a boom boom boom
hvhTim: thanks for having me its great to be here
baltimore_667083: !advice
LRRbot: Don't stay in the blood.
GLHFMagic: o hai
TotalHell subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 14 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TotalHell! (Today's storm count: 40)
skripmtg: Drop a gear and disappear!
flojosch: lrrHEART lrrSHINE
Tepa28 subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Tepa28! (Today's storm count: 41)
micalovits: Time to go Zoom!
TXC2: Here we GO!
Mr_Bitterness: Queue up the Eurobeat, we be drifting now
TXC2: badger!
3schr: Phew. The 12 are finished just in time
RockPusher: badger!
Ormmannen: Let´s gooo
skripmtg: BADGER
Reldnahcire: bbirbJammer
Ashimablackraven: Ppr ppr
tryllebanjo: Let's gooo!
tyrantcorporation: hyyyype
GoudaCat: Legoooo
Friskycharizard subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months!
Artificer_Evan: just in time
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Friskycharizard! (Today's storm count: 42)
notoriousmtg_: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati
RockPusher: yas
Wiliart: Vroom vroom!
baltimore_667083: ay yo?
Obos_TAB: omg
BusTed: Increditble
flatluigi: hell yeah
fanofmosteverything9: Super LRRio Kart!
mtvcdm: Nice
laikagoat: hell yes
freshmaker__: yoooo
ExachixKitsune: omg pixels
DirectorStephanie: SHUT UP
LilyOfTheVeil666: YESSSS
pleonasticTautology: omg
TheWriterAleph: start your engines!!
namagem1: Oh this is adorable
kynelwynn: YES!
pleonasticTautology: donut plains
TheWooglie: amazing
baltimore_667083: omg i love this
laikagoat: wheelerMonkey wheelerMonkey wheelerMonkey wheelerMonkey
Brozard: YES
pleonasticTautology: now i want a donut...
LSRubin: LRRioKart!
skripmtg: What a great intro!
niccus: thank you for the shitpost
Sarah_Serinde: Amazing
flowerseses: oh wow just in timeee
Jethrain: oh my GOD this is incredible
Artificer_Evan: Yes
nuclearrayne313: Charging Badger has Max Speed from the beginning
mtvcdm: Perfect
DarkMorford: Oh damn, nice!
thanzo: aw cute!
KorrenTheNinth: poifect
coachNelly: omg this intro coachn3Rollinghead coachn3Rollinghead coachn3Rollinghead coachn3Rollinghead
wordnerdify: Sweet
Simriel: I mean it's not like there is an official program anymore...
Stormgod: Yeah, I’ve seen PharmacistJudge peak in sometimes
Stormgod: No
The Real Deal Collin Beal: Who's to judge?:cat-orange-whistling::cat-orange-whistling::cat-orange-whistling:
Sarah: Everyone's welcome to answer questions, it's just not an official LRRJudge answer
Stormgod: I got my Rules Advisor right before the program ended
Stormgod: Yeah
digiman619: I'm not saying that I'm gonna proxy some of these new vehicles as the cars from Wacky Races, but I'm not *not* saying it either
Stormgod: I’m around, I’m happy to help with judge calls
Simriel: I used to be a judge back when we had Foils you didn't pay for
Stormgod: Oh damn
BoxedLogic: LRRcart
Stormgod: lol
M Howell: niiice
Stormgod: I love this
Mike Filemaker: ahahaha nice
Austin Rearick: Glorious intro
digiman619: Okay, that's cute
MsMollieMac: production quality!
jovens_v: amazing
tryllebanjo: Shivam <34
R__Doom: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
admiral_sky_: omg so cute
silentguy256: I love that intro!
skripmtg: Hahahahah INcredible
fanofmosteverything9: Judgekitus!
lightfut: OMG that's great
tryllebanjo: Shivam <3
argetbrisingr: only 7 players?
RockPusher: very good
BrookJustBones: Amazing
BusTed: So good
TheWooglie: best intro ever
TXC2: incredible work
kynelwynn: I am windmill slamming Cameron every race! ... wit tht sounds awful
GhostValv: wowie
TalpTheScot: lakitau judges nice touch
DirectorStephanie: Adorbs!
Makhiel: amazing
Mr_Bitterness: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Veshnikard: Wow legally distinct Mario kart
TXC2: Hello LRR
thanzo: <3
frostfox42: wonderful intro
Cinnabat: Ello!! :3
gluonquark: amazing
Tevildo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 67 months!
Tevildo: Good morning
Artificer_Evan: that was pretty great
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Tevildo! (Today's storm count: 43)
skripmtg: sipstrMagicnewgirl sipstrMagicnewgirl sipstrMagicnewgirl sipstrMagicnewgirl
themightygerg: LRR Mariokart mod when?
BusTed: 🏁 🏁 🏁
uneactrice: That was amazin
mantuka17: vroom
wordnerdify: jlrrDance3 jlrrDance jlrrDance3 jlrrDance
Reldnahcire: 🚗 vroom
CalbarTheBear: We're heeeeeeeeere!!
Decaped: Card Games on Motorcycles!
e_bloc: max speed
MagnusVir: Omg that was amazing
flouncy_magooo: That intro was great! I love Sonic Racing!
baltimore_667083: -flicks the ignition-
Land_Manatee subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 33 months!
Land_Manatee: That a fresh cut on Cameron?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Land_Manatee! (Today's storm count: 44)
Robot_Bones: I arrived as we started do I get a speed boost?
Salvulant subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months!
Salvulant: Its Vroom time!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Salvulant! (Today's storm count: 45)
mastershake29x: ooh stuff
LSRubin: vroom, and i cannot stress this enough-- vroom
BrowneePointz: Nellakitu and Lakiterge
Timagio: Can Cameron win another PPR? Lllllllet's get ready to rumbllllllllllllllllllle!
notsaltyeyes: more like maro kart 😎
CnCPOWERHOUR: A PPR on my birthday? Y'all shouldn't have!!
baltimore_667083: @flouncy_magooo that was nascar heat 5 Kappa
DarkMorford: GANT GANT
Fordesgol: Oh i know the one in the middle he was in a cardmarket video!
Diabore: return of guests!
RockPusher: The key art works *so well* on the TV
notoriousmtg_: whoop whoop!!!!
EvilBadman: buckle up, chuckle heads
Underachiever28: Excited!
freshmaker__ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 73 months!
freshmaker__: beep beep
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, freshmaker__! (Today's storm count: 46)
tryllebanjo: Alabamer!
Timagio: Woah-oah black betty, Alabam
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: @Fordesgol Yeah, the card market videos were great
R__Doom: sipstrMagicnewgirl sipstrMagicnewgirl sipstrMagicnewgirl sipstrMagicnewgirl sipstrMagicnewgirl sipstrMagicnewgirl
Beeff1986 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 28 months!
Beeff1986: Another prerelease another sub
MikeProvencher subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months!
MikeProvencher: 7 months on PPR day! Oh happy day.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MikeProvencher! (Today's storm count: 47)
garunkl: PPR! PPR!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Beeff1986! (Today's storm count: 48)
KorrenTheNinth: perfectly timed for twenty-thunder-drive!
RocknGrohlNerd: Hello gamers, mods lrrSIG lrrSIG
huffdaddy513: lrrSHINE
Jack Bross: Is there a Blue Shell card?
ChargeAh: nice!
Stormgod: Shivam!!!
iSmartMan1: Shivam's back!
Stormgod: Jack Bross there is now!
castlewise: Solid intro
M Howell: there is actually a blue shell card
Stormgod: BEEP BEEP!!!
Austin Rearick: yes, there is a blue shell card
digiman619: @jack Broas. Yes. it reduces your speed by 1
Simriel: Cameron looks unhappy about his Car situation, and Shevam is adorable
LogueYne: vroom !
mowdownjoe: Perfect intro. No notes.
amvhellboy: and there off on another aetherdift
The Real Deal Collin Beal: Hello LRRPookies
Mike Filemaker: 8-bit nelson looked hella distinguished
Stormgod: 10/10, no notes, perfect intro
Simriel: our round 1 battle butt?
Stormgod: Hmmm
Stormgod: We love to see it
AgentWynter: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
tryllebanjo: GG!
BrookJustBones: punt//counterpunt????
Mangledpixel: heck yeah!
pleonasticTautology: :D
quartermoose: woooo Alabama people!!!
frostfox42: yayz
RockPusher: benginFingers benginHeart benginDab
laikagoat: wheelerMonkey wheelerMonkey wheelerMonkey wheelerMonkey
Timagio: CDT!
pleonasticTautology: yessssssssss
ReddHaring: Punt counter punt!?
TXC2: hello RocknGrohlNerd welcome
BusTed: tqsHype
lesbiandracula: yesssssssssssssssssss my fav!
public_key_reveal_party: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
phoenixfeather14: lrrSHINE
skripmtg: Deep south represent!
KorrenTheNinth: yay! funding!
flatluigi: calling: mimeoplasm
admiral_sky_: OOOO
laikagoat is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 296 in the channel!
laikagoat gifted a Tier 1 sub to ThePCrowl!
laikagoat gifted a Tier 1 sub to aptkv!
laikagoat gifted a Tier 1 sub to Bevarin!
laikagoat gifted a Tier 1 sub to twitchrislive!
laikagoat gifted a Tier 1 sub to KingEnigma620!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, laikagoat! Welcome to ThePCrowl, Bevarin, aptkv, twitchrislive, and KingEnigma620! (Today's storm count: 53)
Obos_TAB: i've never wanted dt's so badly
DirectorStephanie: thank you Judges!
TXC2: laikagoat lrrHEART
TXC2: judgement time!
RockPusher: sergeHi
Flyingdelorion: Judge video hype!
Robot_Bones: cards go fast, that's all we need to know
ELD_Winterlight subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 16 months!
ELD_Winterlight: Engine: Started
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ELD_Winterlight! (Today's storm count: 54)
KnightKadosh subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 60 months!
KnightKadosh: Woo! 60 months, the one year!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, KnightKadosh! (Today's storm count: 55)
pyronils80: Hello and good evening! :) :) :)
notsaltyeyes: oh man i was hoping that was what ben teased :D
Invitare: those are bikes not segways
public_key_reveal_party: Good job whoever is running tech
RealGamerCow: oh boy new mechanics!
TXC2: hello pyronils80 welcome
Carlioo: nelson operating at max speed
Tai114: He was at MAX SPEED
BusTed: onstaWe
Wonderdoc: made it just in time phew
Kentosaurus: @Robot_Bones this guys gets it
gluonquark: I had a small hope that friday nights are finally back... probably not...
RockPusher: rayfkSanic_HF foxmarRING foxmarRING foxmarRING
mtvcdm: We gotta go fast, it's Sonic's 30th anniversary
wench_tacular: lrrJUDGECALL
ThePCrowl: @laikagoat Thanks for the gift sub!
A_Dub888: rayfkSanic
NorthstarTex: gotta go fast (happy Sonic's 30th anniversary)
DirectorStephanie: @mtvcdm exactly!
flatluigi: @gluonquark very soon
laikagoat: @ThePCrowl lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Stormgod: YES!!!
ChargeAh: pog
BoxedLogic: Deck Tech!
Lily the Otter: yayyyy
Stormgod: Hell yeah Ben!
PB Dot: Deck Tech let's gooooooo
The Real Deal Collin Beal: :face-blue-smiling::face-blue-smiling::face-blue-smiling:
Alex VillaMr: Happy for ben!
digiman619: You know who I'd like to see as a PPR guest? Arin Hanson.
Simriel: The Benergy is always great
amvhellboy: does Shivam have all the white border lands yet?
The Real Deal Collin Beal: Such a Canadian "sorry"
Stormgod: Vroom
b3ans4eva: Serge!
Gaz-L: Nelly got the zoomies
sallomon33: hello everybody! Excited to see how the limited looks for this set
fanofmosteverything9: 4 = Plaid
cameron_in_the_hizous: I love Rush Duels!
Diabore: max vrooms
huffdaddy513: lrrSPOOP lrrSPOOP
pleonasticTautology: ludicrous speed...
Carlioo: max! speed!
Mangledpixel: Mamimillian Speed!
pleonasticTautology: @fanofmosteverything9 THANK you
TheWriterAleph: oh no gritty's in this?
DarkMorford: Card games on motorcycles?!
tsuuisalie: wait, speed does go over 4, doesn't it?
tryllebanjo: No count more than 4. Discworld Troll approve of dis.
TXC2: hello sallomon33 welcome
TheOneInquisitor: I wonder if they ever wear those shirts outside of the PPR judge videos.
Taskmaster1995: SShe's From Alabama? I didn't know we got mtg content creators from our neck of the woods. (Well besides Todd Anderson)
LathosTiran: day/night, ring tempted, hell bent, speed. how many board state effects exist?
LRRMTG_Judge: @tsuuisalie It doesn't! It caps out at 4. - Squirrel
MikeProvencher: Maxamillion Speed.
Timagio: 1 2 3 EYEBALL
LRRMTG_Judge: Your max speed is 4. It can't go any higher - Natedogg
circusofkirkus: nifty tracker
Tai114: Thank god it's not a trigger.
Timagio: Oh, aww.
RockPusher: speedless behaviour
Robot_Bones: oh i need a d4 for this set
MalFnord: gdqFAST
tsuuisalie: ty judges!
Reldnahcire: exhaust has been a new keyword in my life since March 2020...
maclenrac: Wheeeee!!!
fanofmosteverything9: Flicker for more nitro.
micalovits: @Reldnahcire Mood
Timagio: Cephalid pirates!
ExachixKitsune: Exhausting /s
TXC2: Reldnahcire big mood
Stormgod: Zoomies
BoxedLogic: Sonic would have won the Grand Prix
Stormgod: Okay
b3ans4eva: Universe Beyond: Sonic
CA$5.00 from Kevin Bowrin: "MAX SPEED"
Gaz-L: speed= The Ring?
Stormgod: lol
Sarah: Thanks for the super chat!
Simriel: Must Go Quickly
FLAREdirector: @LathosTiran does dungeon/initiative count
Jigokuro: Oh hey, a go live I care about. Time to pause the Jackbox vod to. LRR interrupting LRR! bitterLOL
tryllebanjo: Yay cycling
RocknGrohlNerd: hi my name is Maximilian Speedington , my friends call me Max Speed
circusofkirkus: I like to ride my bicycle
pleonasticTautology: haha, cycling, i get it
mtvcdm: Who let cycles on the track
RealGamerCow: exhaust is gonna lead to some busted stuff
baltimore_667083: @circusofkirkus bicycle! bicycle!
skripmtg: I can ride my bike with no handle bars
TXC2: Cycling: the kicker of card drawing Kappa
micalovits: We Tour de France now
lesbiandracula: cyclling unironically my favorite mechanic
McMenno: serge finally figured out the timing
sallomon33: sad not to see Astral Drift for this set as a Special Guest with how much Cycling there is
Timagio: Elephant seal person!
baltimore_667083: @micalovits the next evolution will be MotoGP
fanofmosteverything9: Seal and Walrus are now both official creature types.
RocknGrohlNerd: @lesbiandracula since Astral Drift was printed
Diabore: venom-sac la-gac
DirectorStephanie: Yee haw is back?!
BoxedLogic: Like tempted by the ring, I think yes
Stormgod: Cycling matters!
PB Dot: motor-cycle
Joshua Weston: Revving my engine in excitement
Stormgod: BoxedLogic in what way? Just wondering
ChargeAh: Cycledrift
digiman619: I mean, I *do* have a proxy deck based on the Sonic franchise, but now I might have to make a new one
Simriel: I just got that Exhaust isn't just Be Tired, it's also Car
Stormgod: PB Dot dammit that’s very good
Stormgod: Glad this is back as well
PB Dot: 🙇
Timagio: He protec, he atac, but most of all, Lagac is Bacc
admiral_sky_: saddle my lagac it's finally time
fanofmosteverything9: New lagac!
Reldnahcire: @fanofmosteverything9 seal kindred deck in 20 years
MikeProvencher: "It's a race! I hope I win!"
Field94: has it really been a year since yeehaw?
OldUncleDan: So Exhaust confused me. But I realized that I got it confused with Exert.
BrowneePointz: Fun Fact: Saddle was designed for this set FIRST and then they co opted it for Thunder Junction!
RealGamerCow: oh, not that much new stuff!
RealGamerCow: Good!
gluonquark: @circusofkirkus if they ever make "bicycle" mechanic, it should discard an additional card to draw two
TXC2: !rel
TXC2: !relaxed
LRRbot: REL:Axed or Rules Enforcement level relaxed means we try to let the cards do what they are supposed to do, and not punish players for their mistakes. While we all try to follow the rules these cards are brand new to everyone and mistakes will be made, just sit back and enjoy the stream.
RockPusher: Diabore how many gacs you on my frood?
flouncy_magooo: I want to see at least one vehicle saddle a creature this PPR
Tevildo: !searchfortreasure
LRRbot: You find: Gold!
RockPusher: !quote 5703
LRRbot: Quote #5703: "There's nothing on the line but having good times." —Shivam [2019-01-11]
mastershake29x: REL:axed continues to be amazing
Diabore: @RockPusher like3/1 my dude
Bugberry: @Field94 OTJ came out in April last year
ErrorCode404: thanks!
lesbiandracula: you're welcome
Wolfstrike_NL: @BrowneePointz That is in fact, a fun fact
wordnerdify: Thanks, Judges!
RocknGrohlNerd: thank you judges
cachorubione: yeyaaaaa
Flyingdelorion: Thanks Serge and Nelson!
Tevildo: !findquote gold
LRRbot: Quote #3070: "Why don't I have a four-story-tall solid gold statue of myself?" —Cameron [2016-07-28]
DirectorStephanie: Thanks Your Honours!
Bruceski: Huh, talked about Saddle but not Crew?
coachNelly: @flouncy_magooo sound like a cool acheivo!
fanofmosteverything9: @gluonquark According to Maro, they tried to make "bicycling" and "motorcycling" work in playtesting.
Mr_Bitterness: Interseting they included Saddle but not Pilot
spicyFerret_ wants a card with Saddle ans Horsemanship
Bugberry: You can hit max in 3 turns
Reldnahcire: @gluonquark and if you bicycle while at max speed its motorcylcing?
namagem1: Did y'all see the skates that are basically the unicycle playtest card
McGreeb: Didn't go over vehicles?
Timagio: So it's a chess-board Pawn, neat.
The Real Deal Collin Beal: They should've reprinted Archfiend of Ifnir hehehehe
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): nice the start of the PPR
Stormgod: Thank you Judges!
Stormgod: :lrrshine:
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): all about showcasing the set and the game
The Real Deal Collin Beal: Hey, that's a oretty funny play on words!
LoadingReadyRun: FYI: we don't have the youtube chat up in the room, but you are all still great 😛
digiman619: See what I mean about missing emotes?
ThaneofStuff: @LoadingReadyRun ❤
Stormgod: Good to know, thank you LRR
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
Diabore: ooh token pile
BrowneePointz: @realgamercow speed and exhaust takes up a lot of mental play space so yea less new stuff
themightygerg: ME?!
Diabore: beeg token pile
GreatWahooney: you're welcome, Ben!
MehallD: You're all welcome
RockPusher: We did this‽ We're to blame‽
Spades_Slicc: REL-axed: Rules Enforcement Level, axed. Each rules infraction incurs one swing of an axe at your person
public_key_reveal_party: Thanks you too lrr
kynelwynn: We did this?
CamTheDeer: We love ya'll! :>
namagem1: Vehicles are basically evergreen at this point
Flyingdelorion: @Timagio great analogy!
Professor_Rakor: Interesting wording that you can start you engines with an act of treason on your opponent's creature with start.
RockPusher: Mangledpixel lrrSHINE
CnCPOWERHOUR: that intro was amazing
DirectorStephanie: Thank you Jen!
public_key_reveal_party: That was very good
laikagoat: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
wulfram77: @McGreeb I guess because they're deciduous or evergreen
MehallD: @RockPusher oh good interrobangs
baltimore_667083: thank you jen!
TXC2: Mangledpixel hype!
DarkMorford: Way to go, Jen!
TehAmelie: oh hi
Pharmacistjudge: also kickstarter people for Friday nights check your email
Tevildo: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: the illusion of choice
Mangledpixel: <3
zelukester subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 23 months, currently on a 23 month streak!
zelukester: off to the races we go!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, zelukester! (Today's storm count: 56)
R__Doom: lrrSHINE
RocknGrohlNerd: Cam I love your glasses
Booster6: does speed go up if you control no creatures with "Start your engines"? Like you play one and it dies, does speed still go up?
Tai114: Vehicles do tend to show up in almost every set now.
LRRMTG_Judge: @McGreeb Vehicles are a mechanic that shows up in almost every set, so no need to cover it specifically - Pywo
TheWooglie: Mangledpixel lrrSHINE amazing
JRandomHacker: I'll be there!
notoriousmtg_: oh sweet!
Flyingdelorion: Mangledpixel is awesome! Thanks!
admiral_sky_: @Booster6 yes, it does!
Mr_Bitterness: I'll be there too!
That1GuyBen: I'll be there!
RayFK: Oh hey that sounds cool, I should go #wotcstaff
BrowneePointz: Vehicles are over a decade old now I believe
Diabore: friday nights!
DirectorStephanie: Oh my word!
skripmtg: I'll be there!
incslayer: WHAAATT
GhostValv: wowie
tryllebanjo: YAAAAAAAAAY
fanofmosteverything9: Niday Fights!
BusTed: PogChamp
RocknGrohlNerd: Mangledpixel very good job
Ashimablackraven: lrrHEART
sallomon33: OwO
gualdhar: WAIT WHAT
laikagoat: wheelerMonkey wheelerMonkey wheelerMonkey wheelerMonkey
digiman619: Alas
BoxedLogic: @Stormgod Responding to Gaz,-L Like how it works mechanically, each player has their own tracker, and it's not interactable, so kinda has a similar vibe
Simriel: Thanks I assume Paul?
Exhausted Elox: You did this!!!
The Real Deal Collin Beal: We're not missing emotes:face-fuchsia-tongue-out::face-orange-raised-eyebrow::cat-orange-whistling::popcorn-yellow-striped-smile:
Stormgod: BoxedLogic yes, that’s a good comparison.
ThaneofStuff: @BoxedLogic It also usually only goes up (I saw one card in spoilers that could make it go down?)
Stormgod: Oh hey!
Gaz-L: did everyone fill in their survey for the Kickstarter rewards?
Kevin Bowrin: :_lrrWow:
Kevin Leung: I thought I saw at least 1 card that can reduce an opp speed. Did I make that up?
TXC2: Oooooooh boooooooy!
TheWriterAleph: it's happeniiiiiing
Taligan: The night of Friday!
wordnerdify: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
incslayer: HYPE HYPE HYPE
thanzo: :O
eshplode: 2:30pm isn't Friday night though
tryllebanjo: SUHWEEEEEEEET
sallomon33: PogChamp
RocknGrohlNerd: friday whats?
nuclearrayne313: wooooo
notsaltyeyes: AAAAA
gluonquark: yeeeeeesssssssssssss
Meldon87: lrrSHINE
Field94: PogBones
jovens_v: wuuuuhuuuuu
tryllebanjo: Thank you, Graham and crew! <3
themightygerg: Polish to a Mirror sheen!
public_key_reveal_party: lrrSIG it's the hype mobile lrrSIG
R__Doom: Lets go
frostfox42: lets go
Tai114: It'll be in a tent? Huge reveal.
Darnessewolffang subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 37 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Darnessewolffang! (Today's storm count: 57)
GhostValv: oh neat
RocknGrohlNerd: fridays have nights now?
ExachixKitsune: cakejuLETSGO
MalFnord: Wait there's gonna be more than one episode?!
LathosTiran: SOONtm
EvilBadman: Graham's tightening up the graphics on Level 2
fanofmosteverything9: Graham crewing the hype train like his power was 2 greater.
duedz2 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, duedz2! (Today's storm count: 58)
Tevildo: !sir
LRRbot: Sir? Sir? You can't FROOT FROOT here.
NrgSpoon: friday frinights
thanzo: very exciting
namagem1: Heck yeah lrrHEART_SG
sallomon33: sadly didn't get to see the intro :< I guess I'll see it in the vod
frostfox42: I'm excited for the playmat as well
tryllebanjo: @MalFnord Friday Night - The Season The Movie!
ekplayscards: Let's goooooooo
ThankYouUro: Thanks me!
themightygerg: Hi Graham from Loading Ready Run
public_key_reveal_party: "take it away me" "thanks me"
RocknGrohlNerd: Hi Graham here
kynelwynn: Throw to yourself, G
Woogachaka subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 40 months!
Woogachaka: Woah 40
TXC2: a peak behind the sausage being made
Tevildo: !quote graham
LRRbot: Quote #8304: "I just figuered I needed to Skeksis it up a bit." —Graham [2022-11-04]
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Woogachaka! (Today's storm count: 59)
That1GuyBen: Alrlight Graham from the present, send us to Graham from the past!
Jericu: are we gonna get to see the pack openings?
mtvcdm: Hi, Graham from LoadingReadyRun
gluonquark: bye gram
Stormgod: OH BOY!!!
BoxedLogic: Delicacies in Dungeons - Dungeon Mushy
castlewise: O.O
Wesley Ackerman: just came in, they haven't started the first game yet?
BoxedLogic: Love that anime
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): I filled out my Survery for the kickstarter
Stormgod: @Kevin Leung it’s very possible
Therberus: Wait LRR makes friday nights? (/s)
Stormgod: @Wesley Ackerman nope, still spool up
BoxedLogic: @ThaneofStuff The mechanic to reduce speed could have been called "Slow your roll"
Wesley Ackerman: thx storm
Cake's Here: I wanna be at the LRR pannel more than the preview pannel happening at the same time
PB Dot: More Friday Night than Yakuza 0 son
Stormgod: Dammit BoxedLogic, that’s so good!
gluonquark: hi gram
Kendo_thorn: looking at that Chandra art behind them makes me 🤢 it’s so bad
Plasterboard: Hi me
Timagio: Attention Duelists!
northos: thanks, me from LoadingReadyRun :P
ExachixKitsune: omg it's graham from loadingreadyrun, I love his stuff, wonder what happened to him.
Earthenone: itsumi? like mario?
mastershake29x: @sallomon33 you can see it on YouTube, they're also streaming there
flouncy_magooo: Friday Nights was my entry into the LRRverse in 2011 or so.
Tom_Bruise: Thanks, Graham
BeardSquadGO subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 103 months!
BeardSquadGO: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BeardSquadGO! (Today's storm count: 60)
sascha454: hi gram!
fanofmosteverything9: Hi Graham, everybody here.
RayFK: Hi Graham from LoadingReadyRun
themightygerg: Hey Look! It's Graham, From Loading Ready Run!
Graved: PopNemo PopNemo
ExachixKitsune: omg it's also kathleen
circusofkirkus: omg is it graham from lrr
Bugberry: hi graham and kathleen from loading ready run
Foxmar320: Oh it's Graham from LRR!
public_key_reveal_party: Hi graham from lrr and Kathleen from lrr
Invitare: oh wow it's Graham from LoadingReadyRun and Kathleen from LoadingReadyRun
MehallD: "from LoadingReadyRun"
RockPusher: lrrDARK
ekplayscards: omg it's kathleen also from loading ready run
Piecrust9: Hi Graham, so glad you clarified that you aren't with StallingWaitingWalk
huffdaddy513: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
ExachixKitsune: lol we're all goobers
TheDevil_Risen: Vroom Vroom
cameron_in_the_hizous: I didn't know Graham was in this!
Timagio: @fanofmosteverything9 Hey Micheal, vSauce here
sallomon33: @mastershake29x right, you can rewind on Yt, thanks for the reminder!
namagem1: "from loading ready run"
RocknGrohlNerd: vroom vroom indeed
RocknGrohlNerd: you mean speeddown
circusofkirkus: what did you roll Graham
RockPusher: instructions unclear, filled engine with ice … halp
mtvcdm: Another spindown for the wine glass!
Jon_CoffeeRobot: hahaha
lesbiandracula: box designer must be a fun job.
Jon_CoffeeRobot: that's a great touch
DirectorStephanie: nyoom
Caryotip: hi every one did i miss the judge video?
A_Dub888: is it safe to have ice in one’s veins?
thanzo: oooh that's so cool
fanofmosteverything9: Chandra having a license feels wrong.
MikeProvencher: That's kind of cool.
BusTed: very good
namagem1: Whoa
admiral_sky_: wait that's sick is that in everyone's?
Carlioo: ahhahahaha
maclenrac: Sweet
GreatWahooney: groan
RocknGrohlNerd: booo
notoriousmtg_: ok thats pretty sweet
wifi12345678910: hehehe
coachNelly: lelu dallas
NarfBlinko: multi pass
Carlioo: they did not call it omenpass lmao
flatluigi: leeloo dallas omenpass
lightfut: New multi pass!
theymerLoviatar: Chandra Nalaa Omenpass
lesbiandracula: chandra nalaar omenpass
RockPusher: benginPun
mtvcdm: Man, they'll give anyone a super license
DiscordianTokkan: mooltipass
Piecrust9: I got it Graham!
Jon_CoffeeRobot: Leeloot Multipass
Radjack: I got it Graham xD
NotGruulButWhy: Multipass
Reldnahcire: Lilo Dallas Multipass
notoriousmtg_: I'm going to need to collect those
Timagio: Ah great, one thing the interdimension portals needed-ID checking.
digiman619: No, I thought he thought we'd forget /s
Simriel: Hi Graham from LoadingReadyRun
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): @BoxedLogic only one card slows speed
Paulo Bastos: Get in, loser, we're omenpathing 🏍🏁
Stormgod: Hi Graham
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): good to have the Graham cuts to Graham back in the PPR
Stormgod: Please tell me they didn’t put an extra promo in that we can’t use
The Real Deal Collin Beal: Hello Grahleen from Loarearun
Stormgod: Oh that’s cool
Stormgod: HAHAHAHA
ChargeAh: lol
Paulo Bastos: Get in, loser, we're omenpathing🏍🏁
Mangledpixel: Leeloo Dalas Omenpass
Bugberry: Remember pro magic player trading cards they used to put in packs?
skripmtg: Leelu Dallas Multipass!
TheWooglie: I got it Graham
MrSarkhan: I thought it was a good reference!
TheDevil_Risen: FortOne PokPikachu
Carlioo: that's so funny
BusTed: debreetle
Taligan: She knows it's an Omenpass.
BrowneePointz: LeeLoot Jenkins. OmenPass
fanofmosteverything9: Welcome back Siege Rhino.
Amentur: Chandra Dallas, Omenpass
nuclearrayne313: the Debreetle!
notsaltyeyes: debreetle
baltimore_667083: DEBREETLE
MorganteMaggiore: the shiege renault
TXC2: nickname aproved
Tai114: This card rips
ThePCrowl: LUL
Diabore: its the siege rhino
That1GuyBen: Siege Beetle!
RocknGrohlNerd: De Breetl
OldUncleDan: (YGOA) "Attention Drivers! My hair is instructing you to start your engines!"
Tai114: (rips is good)
punderdome: if Seige Rhino were a car
laikagoat: bugs bugs bugs
JRandomHacker: Siege Rhino But A Car Now
GhostValv: sounds debristable
skripmtg: Siege Lambo
ipoddodd: yoooo! Siege Rhino mentioned!
Valqori: Siege Beetle!
BrowneePointz: Bee Rhino!
thanzo: siege rhinoceros beetle
oskarbaby subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, oskarbaby! (Today's storm count: 61)
coachNelly: siege beetle is very good.
Timagio: Some people initally translated it as Siege Renault.
DapperKoala2: @OldUncleDan "Attention Drivers! I love America!"
control_rig subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 87 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, control_rig! (Today's storm count: 62)
SimWOT: Chandra getting stuck at custom: "You know I can change plane at will right..."
LRRMTG_Judge: is "Siege Rover" anything? - Squirrel
BusTed: only gas
fanofmosteverything9: Not without a blue shell.
Timagio: initially*
LRRMTG_Judge: @Booster6 That's correct, once you've started your engines you have speed 1 and that will increase any time a spell or ability (including the inherent triggered ability) instructs you to increase your speed even if you no longer have any permanents with start your engines - BlackRose
notoriousmtg_: All gas no brakes
TheWormbo: Well, there's one brake.
MikeProvencher: There's one card in the set that can reduce speed!
wifi12345678910: There is one brake
kynelwynn: untrue!
Krektogar: no brakes on this bus
GreatWahooney: doesn't blue shell unmax one's speed?
flatluigi: no brakes, but exactly one blue shell
namagem1: Technically if you're not by a blue shell
Laserbeaks_Fury: Jarvis, Unmax his Speed
maclenrac: Ultimate Max
Bruceski: There's at least one brake
mtvcdm: There's always one way to brake
TheOneInquisitor: Oh that promo is already a pringle straight out the box I see
turtleman7420: lrrDOTS lrrARROWS
BrowneePointz: Blue Shell can reduce speed
DaMullet14: @LRRMTG_Judge the Scryfall translation placeholder name was 'Siege Renault'
A_Dub888: @coachnelly you’re very good
BrowneePointz: and only blue shell
Professor_Rakor: Heck you, unmaxes your speed.
RealGamerCow: I think I have seen *an* card
circusofkirkus: pedal to the metal
PB Dot: Leeloo Stark Omenpass
Dean Harris: I think I'll collect the omenpasses
Vtuber Enjoyer, Generic: "Omenpass" is a legit good pun
Dataloss484: omenpass
digiman619: I got the reference, Graham
Stormgod: This thing is scary
Chris Jay: hello there
Stormgod: Hi Chris Jay, welcome
The Real Deal Collin Beal: Siege Rhino Stag
digiman619: It's a Seige Rhino as a vehicle
Stormgod: No kidding
Ragnarok2kx: Ludicrous speed
Simriel: I wish my name was Max Speed
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): people have been making gear changers for the speed
Vtuber Enjoyer, Generic: OH WHAT A LOVELY DAY
darrin: I got you g
The Real Deal Collin Beal: I wish my name was Collin Beal
gluonquark: vroom vroom vroom!
coachNelly: @A_Dub888 boom roasted
RockPusher: meow
RocknGrohlNerd: wheelerY wheelerH
BusTed: battlecat
accountmadeforants: They learned their lesson with Energy
Jon_CoffeeRobot: How many cards are incidentally car brands (Jaguar)
mtvcdm: Bin the car. Congrats, you're no longer at max speed.
thesilence9: obligatory "I haven't seen any of the cards"
RealGamerCow: @Jon_CoffeeRobot oh good job spotting that
ExachixKitsune: Love it
Timagio: But you CAN'T EVOKE IT
fanofmosteverything9: Love another *ulldrifter.
ExachixKitsune: 10/10
Carlioo: YES
Mangledpixel: I love it
ipoddodd: evoke where
pleonasticTautology: yoooooo
public_key_reveal_party: Evocan'tion
LRRMTG_Judge: Perfect card, no notes - Natedogg
Wonderdoc: Where is my evoke for this vehicle WOTc???
SoylentDoener: finally 12-drifter
TXC2: spells bad, creatures good
RockPusher: who gave those gators vehicles‽
RocknGrohlNerd: @LRRMTG_Judge thank you Judges
ExachixKitsune: oh a token kill spell
mtvcdm: Who let Verstappen on the course
OldUncleDan: So White Abrade?
Stormgod: Time to go speedy
Boof Troupe: I believe a card exists that lowers speed
Stormgod: Yeah
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): what a beautiful day - Freddie Mercury song
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): cat
Stormgod: I think there’s one or two that do
digiman619: @Bood Troupe There is exactly 1
darrin: no slow just go
Stormgod: Okay, only 1
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): it does a Colassal Dreadmaw imitation
Stormgod: RIGHT
Stormgod: More mulldrifters
The Real Deal Collin Beal: Kathleen's face lol
Simriel: Okay. Hulldrifter is 10/10
Kevin Leung: That'd be a helluva commander Sim. Max Speed, Speed Maxer
Stormgod: lol
TheJackalMan: Multi-pass
MegaTrain: surely he won't read 14x6 cards slowly like this?
Keagan Carwile: need a Commander art alter so I can run Sonic the hedghog as a commander.
Stormgod: Hulldrifter is amazing
LordDarkon88: Graham makes a multi-pass joke when I'm working on a multi-pass style badge for my Nerf club. Coincidence? I THINK NOT!
fanofmosteverything9: "Yup, it's a goblin."
TheWormbo: @mtvcdm MAxin' it out
MikeProvencher: Love the Max Speed in your graveyard payoffs.
ExachixKitsune: omg I heard "Goblin Surveil" as in some new sort of surveil mechanic specifically for golins
Jon_CoffeeRobot: @RealGamerCow I know there's also a new Lotus
Laserbeaks_Fury: MY CABBAGES!
RockPusher: Speed. Max Speed. escher3DOOT escher3DOOT
TheDevil_Risen: Each!
Timagio: Huh
Bugberry: Each player, so increase speed
BrowneePointz: black divination
Bruceski: so it boosts speed
pleonasticTautology: [adam voice] each!?
Diabore: it adds speed
Timagio: Symmetical life cost in black
sallomon33: a draw spell that increases speed, interesting
mtvcdm: Track limits are a state of mind
TheDevil_Risen: voxyWeaselshake
BrowneePointz: straight up black divination
gramplot: doesn't scry though
ipoddodd: Speed the bones?
Pharmacistjudge: to paraphrase adam " It says EACH?!"
TheDevil_Risen: flinterParty2 flinterParty3 flinterHypeA
fanofmosteverything9: The dynamite helps him hit the gaspedal harder.
TheWormbo: It signs in BLood wrong?
coachNelly: coachn3Marionice both halves of sign in blood??
RocknGrohlNerd: @ipoddodd wheelerRita
public_key_reveal_party: Yo
thesilence9: ooooo
Timagio: Ch-ch-chippendale
skripmtg: THat's WILD
namagem1: Whir!
DMGlol: special guest card nice
Stormgod: @MegaTrain not sure what could possibly stop him…
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): @Keagan Carwile just wait for the UB (wouldn't be surprised)
Paulo Bastos: that's sick
Stormgod: Hmmm
Stormgod: Interesting draw spell
Boof Troupe: @MegaTrain it's literally his job
Stormgod: Pilots are back, right
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): Pilots piloting
Stormgod: Woah!!!
CamTheDeer: Ayo! :>
lesbiandracula: love that art
samwiser_: Strictly better goblin arsonist?
admiral_sky_: nice luck!
gluonquark: this art is sick!
lamina5432: thats some art
RealGamerCow: that sure is art.
That1GuyBen: i'm not a fan of the secret lair special guests, at least some of them
DirectorStephanie: Avant garde!
Fordesgol: I would love that card!!
mtvcdm: That's awesome
public_key_reveal_party: That art is pretty rad
CamTheDeer: The art is so creative!
maclenrac: instantly
BrowneePointz: it’s surrealist art
MikeProvencher: Oh did they put the SPG cards in the 8th Common Slot for DFT? I love this change!
TXC2: it's art, that's for sure
That1GuyBen: i like whir and i like chandra's ignition
R__Doom: That art is great
Tai114: That dude snorted a whole grip of pixy stix
control_rig: Get in the bag... uh, chariot
TehAmelie: at the dark magic conference: "what if we sacrificed the OPPONENT's life for the ritual?"
Timagio: The O-Ring car
BusTed: tqsSmug
Timagio: :drums:
Timagio: 🥁
coachNelly: hey samut is just running
Mindfire13: It seems like the special guests have art like Secret Lairs
Diabore: real expensive o-ring
control_rig: Ba-dum-tsh
GreatWahooney: there's a literal bike in the key art, G
Pharmacistjudge: that assumes humans are pedalling
Booster6 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 105 months!
skripmtg: I read a book once
ExachixKitsune: Ah, will Tour De France (the cycling deck) return?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Booster6! (Today's storm count: 63)
MagicMarkerStudio: Someone told me the art for that special guest card is by a member of the band called Lightning Bolt
TXC2: car bad, bikes good
GredGredmansson: I'm a bit miffed we didn't get any returning mechanics from Avishkar
frostfox42: lol
DirectorStephanie: PrideLaugh
DMGlol: Squid1 Squid3 Squid4
Pharmacistjudge: who knows how fast some creature types can pedal a bike
Crazykazel: Chandra behind them on her motorcycle
fanofmosteverything9: Love the Tyrants.
TheDevil_Risen: Vanilla?
namagem1: Tyrant!
LRRMTG_Judge: @coachNelly I was about to post this myself lol - Squirrel
TotalHell: It's just like the story of the grasshopper and the octopus.
TheDevil_Risen: wWoW
BrowneePointz: @gredgredmansson ….Vehicles?
CnCPOWERHOUR: Vanilla! I have missed those.
RockPusher: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4
TheWriterAleph: 8-sided stop sign
Simriel: Let's let the streamers be excited about the cards Chat.
KelsBells: so pretty
Stormgod: Why is that in the middle of the pack???
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): oh yeah the special guests this time around was chosen by the Secret Lair team I think
The Real Deal Collin Beal: Art by the frontman of the noise rock band Lightning Bolt!
Simriel: cycling is back in Amonket form
Stormgod: Hmmm
Stormgod: Say more about this story Kathleen
Stormgod: It’s legendary too
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): the value
ChargeAh: nice wall
R__Doom: Squid1 Squid3 Squid4
gluonquark: @TheDevil_Risen yes
thesilence9: @TehAmelie If they crashed our party, might as well participate!
flojosch: Squid1 Squid2 lrrSHINE Squid2 Squid4
Bugberry: literal GraveDigger
BusTed: Exhaust, also vehicle related
Mazrae: Was that 0/8 only cost 2 mana?
GreatWahooney: yes!
BorealMage: The nice thing about going to Muraganda is that we get vanilla!
TXC2: Mazrae yeap
GredGredmansson: @BrowneePointz i mean like Avishkar *specific*, like Fabricate or Improvise
Orlantia: I love wacky racers: MTG edition
immegamind1: a vanilla in 2025?
BrowneePointz: Vehicles are Evergreen(deciduous?) now but they ARE an Avishkari first mechanic @gredgredmansson
LRRMTG_Judge: @Mazrae yup! It is legendary but otherwise there's no downside to it - Squirrel
Orlantia: Who's snidely Whiplash?
fanofmosteverything9: That's not a request.
Laserbeaks_Fury: His arms have exhaust pipes and I just got Exhaust
control_rig: Shiny and chrome
Kingsgrave: Hello funny people
A_Dub888: possengine
thesilence9: Love that card.
BakaNerd: kinda wish they had watermarked the cards with a “team” logo, kinda like Unstable had
coachNelly: in before secret lair alt name Grrrravedigger
TXC2: hello Kingsgrave welcome
Bugberry: "get in this car"
Timagio: l a g a c
TheDevil_Risen: Squid1 Squid3 Squid4
RealGamerCow: lagac is bac
control_rig: Rhyming Lagac, best card
frostfox42: oh color fixing
Kingsgrave: La Gac
RocknGrohlNerd: lagac my boy
namagem1: @immegamind1 there's a lot of vanillas here! A full cycle of vanilla legends!
baltimore_667083: @coachNelly gives a whole new meaning to monster truck
Brozard: L’gac *tips visor*
public_key_reveal_party: I definitely look forward to confusing exhaust and exert some time in the future
GredGredmansson: thanks me
KingOfLimbs: Loot, Deeply Unsettling
jcthundar: There is a cycle of legendary vanillas. Looking forward to them.
Wesley Ackerman: vanilla creatures are back? but why
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): it can attack
Greencreeper8: I hope someone clipped that octopus comment
Vtuber Enjoyer, Generic: Note: it's vanilla, so it can attack!
J D (JDMan94): Muraganda, that's why
Kevin Leung: because it has 8 arms right?
Gaz-L: totally vanilla. that 0/8 can attack!
Stormgod: We love Morgan’s
Stormgod: Muraganda
Stormgod: Oh damn. That vehicle is sick
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): (steals creature) (it drives the car)
Smargio: oooh fun.
Stormgod: Gain lands, nice
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): oooh Loot
Simriel: Love a Lagac
RocknGrohlNerd: do its french Gac ?
Jon_CoffeeRobot: Am I going a bit strange or did the video shrink in the frame
BrowneePointz: @immegamind1 Muraganda is a plane of big beasties, vanillas, and simple mechanics
fanofmosteverything9: Akira Nalaar
gluonquark: that token is an akira referance
Carlioo: that's just the akira poster!
Laserbeaks_Fury: I can't wait for the Sailing set and we can get a Windtack Legac
flouncy_magooo: @Jon_CoffeeRobot That sometimes happens to me too. Are you on Firefox?
Kingsgrave: I love the Akira nalaar references
RealGamerCow: That is going to be a very sought-after token
Nickiatori: whir of invention is basically a third possesion engine
argetbrisingr: surprised he doesnt separate his rares
BrowneePointz: love the revved up art
TehAmelie: is there a law that legac creatures have to have another word with "ack" in their name?
BusTed: That's great art
Robert_Red_Beard: Ooze!
R__Doom: OOZE
namagem1: OOZE
skripmtg: OOOOOOOOZEeee
TXC2: the splash art behind Graham is Akira art
kynelwynn: Play Find the Garruk
RockPusher: All Will Be Ooze
control_rig: Ooooooze
Jon_CoffeeRobot: @flouncy_magooo Yeah, I switched away from Chrome earlier this month. I'll muck about with it, thanks
Timagio: @flouncy_magooo It's an advertisement thing.
TheDevil_Risen: All become O O Z E
CaptainSpam: I have to ask, how much Wacky Races representation do we have in this set? :D
thesilence9: all of it
public_key_reveal_party: All will be 5 and/or ooze
Taligan: Oozephants, anyone?
Brozard: Chandra’s clearly the Kaneda, so who is the Tetsuo of Aetherdrift? Winter?
Laserbeaks_Fury: And Elephlan
flouncy_magooo: @Jon_CoffeeRobot Refreshing usually works for me
The Real Deal Collin Beal: Seems like Graham should try for Sultai hehe
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): its an Akira reference
Lucian Clark: I wanna know if there are any Steel BAll Run references in this set
ChargeAh: bruuh
Stormgod: As someone whose first Prerelease was in Avishkar, I’m so psyched for this set. I hope there’s a smuggler’s copter in this set (please, also please no)
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): with Garruk in art
Austin Rearick: I love that they basically just made Chandra's aesthetic for this set Akira
Boof Troupe: all cards are lame jokes or shallow references now
Stormgod: Right, a Muraganda card
Simriel: Everything is either an Akira reference or a JoJo reference
flatluigi: @CaptainSpam it's not wacky races, more of a cannonball run or a mad max
cameron_in_the_hizous: remember chat, bigger is always better
Bugberry: @CaptainSpam I've heard Winter described as the Dick Dastardly of this set.
CaptainSpam: @flatluigi I meant more like direct references and such.
That1GuyBen: bloodghast my beloved
control_rig: Oh hey\
wifi12345678910: Blood ghast!
namagem1: @brozard Sita
maclenrac: Small piles sometimes has the best stuff
skripmtg: Blood Ghast brings me back
micalovits: Bloodghast is back in standard? Lets go!
laikagoat: my son!
thanzo: what a scrungly vampire spirit
BITs19_: to the BATTLEFIELD??
Brozard: @namagem1 mmmmm
fanofmosteverything9: Bloodghast, now in Muraganda style.
R__Doom: Yeah bloodghast TwitchConHYPE
ExachixKitsune: Bloodghast + oozefriend
frostfox42: bloodghast takes me back to middle school days
A_Dub888: @cameron_in_the_hizous got it, run every card in my pool for biggest deck
Piecrust9: 2 hulldrifters is too many
tryllebanjo: My first and only prerelease was blue-white. Return to Ravnica. It was hateful. Vile. Full to the brim with detain. I loved it.
Mr_Bitterness: Frog mom
argetbrisingr: FROG
That1GuyBen: frog!
Diabore: slam simic in this pool
skripmtg: Frog mommy
dabudder: THE FILF
Nickiatori: FROG mommy
namagem1: FROG MOM
kynelwynn: Frog god!
RayFK: *sigh* Frommy #wotcstaff
frostfox42: Frog mommy
gamercat88: frog god
NarfBlinko: animated river
BrowneePointz: FROG MOMMY!
Piecrust9: FILF!
R__Doom: FIlF
RocknGrohlNerd: moldy esper
thanzo: FROG MOM
RatherLargeToad: My queen! OSFrog
baltimore_667083: FROG MOMMY
OldUncleDan: New God, who dis?
Marvoleath: aspikeJade
namagem1: RAY
Tai114: FILF
wifi12345678910: Frog Mom
Amentur: For 5?!
Timagio: Dammit chat.
skripmtg: MOTHER
maclenrac: Thick
mtvcdm: There is a sprawling card art genre of 'hapless schlubs getting got by whatever the card does'
RockPusher: RayFK rayfkWelp
cameron_in_the_hizous: that frog has boobs
TotalHell: Frog chants erupt from the crowd.
RossIrelandPrime subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 27 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RossIrelandPrime! (Today's storm count: 64)
Bugberry: !card bounty of the luxa
LRRbot: Bounty of the Luxa [2GU] | Enchantment | At the beginning of your first main phase, remove all flood counters from Bounty of the Luxa. If no counters were removed this way, put a flood counter on Bounty of the Luxa and draw a card. Otherwise, add {C}{G}{U}.
The_Infinity_Bros: Frog momma
Stormgod: I really want to make a card deck
Lucian Clark: @Simriel I'm trying to find the Jojo refrences for this set. Part 7 is a cross country race!
Stormgod: Oh damn, Bloodghast!
Mark Brierley: I really hate that Wizards has tanked its own IP to make UB more palatable.
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): it can't block
ChargeAh: good ol' ghast
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): oh I guess Sultai
Boof Troupe: @Mark Brierley same
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): oh god, a god
Lucian Clark: THICC FROG
Stormgod: Oh right, one of the new gods!
J D (JDMan94): frog mom
Stormgod: Frog mom!
thesilence9: scry me the river, oh.
deathofspam: @CaptainSpam I believe unfortunately, you and I must duel. We are incompatible together
James_the_Dabbler: The Frommy
ExachixKitsune: look, if #wotcstaff say it, surely we can say it
BrowneePointz: Thicc Frog Mom in Your Area
DanTheMediocre: except she just keeps growing
Kentosaurus: why did they make the frog look like that
DanTheMediocre: you never reset the counters
JRandomHacker: time for BUG? was the promo a sign all along?
Ard_Rhys: looks like Sultai to me
Aitsu111: Froggy mommy
The_Infinity_Bros: frog hips dont lie
ExachixKitsune: (don't presume #wotcstaff means a missive from on high)
Bugberry: @Kentosaurus have you seen female godesses in Egyptian art?
BrowneePointz: Cuz Fertility goddesses are historically THICC @kentosaurus
flatluigi: @Kentosaurus have you seen a representation of an egyptian god before
Laserbeaks_Fury: She has a great.....embodiment
Timagio: @ExachixKitsune You can't stop uuuusssss
RocknGrohlNerd: sound advice from Kathleen there
micalovits: @Kentosaurus Probably because the Egyptian frog goddess she was inspired by is also the goddess of fertility
Flyingdelorion: Sultai shenanigans it is!
Julian_Rogue: Hey chat, hey lrr, hows the PPR so far
Stormgod: It’s so cool
The Real Deal Collin Beal: I called it. Sultai time
Stormgod: Also love me some frogs
Vtuber Enjoyer, Generic: Good for Amonkhet, recovering from a major disaster.
Jack Bross: That's what happens when kermit and miss piggy interbreed -- Thicc Frog
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): pretty sure the god is worth playing
Simriel: Frogod
Stormgod: Frogod
Stormgod: I love it
The Real Deal Collin Beal: *Frogoddess
TXC2: hello Julian_Rogue welcome
namagem1: Yeah she's literally the embodiment of the not!Nile
micalovits: We have opened Frog Mommy, so good
Anubis169: just started in Julian!
frank_the_great: What cards actually synergize with that BW god that cares about exiling stuff?
BorealMage: Octopus can't drive a car. Noted.
fanofmosteverything9: The 0/8 may not crew, but it sure is a speedbump.
TheWooglie: splash that god though
ExachixKitsune: what if wet abzan
BrowneePointz: yea the goddess Heqet is the embodiment of the Nile
gluonquark: How Dimir of you
RocknGrohlNerd: @Julian_Rogue hello, it is very fun as always
Bugberry: I like the idea of using the possession engine to steal and creature, but use the creature to crew OTHER vehicles.
TheDevil_Risen: Kathleen UB for life lrrDARK
TehAmelie: of course an octopus can't drive, it has no legs
Tevildo: !findquote goblin
LRRbot: Quote #9232: "Oh, I do understand; you're a goblin." —Beej, about Heather [2025-01-03]
That1GuyBen: howlsquad heavy, brightstone ritual on a stick
Pharmacistjudge: but an octopus with a sword can drive a car
frostfox42: here is hoping graham ends up blue and green
TheWriterAleph: BrieBee
Nickiatori: debreetly
Mangledpixel: the debristle
Brozard: Kathleen “Dimir” De Verne
godardhazard: Sultai poop
Timagio: Wet Golgari
That1GuyBen: mole
namagem1: Mole
godardhazard: Let's goooo
kynelwynn: Greatest? Kathleen I'm in love
mtvcdm: Monty Mole!
sallomon33: as a Sultai enthusiast, I agree
The_Infinity_Bros: mole mole mole
LRRMTG_Judge: @Pharmacistjudge An octopus with a sword can do whatever it likes... - BlackRose
Austin Rearick: Fromom
Stormgod: Sultai has a really good collection in G’s pool
LRRMTG_Judge: @Pharmacistjudge I did once crew a Smuggler's Copter with a Marit Lage - Squirrel
valkyr89: the grin on kathleen is hilarious
jumping_point subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months!
jumping_point: Take those Bezos Bucks, please.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jumping_point! (Today's storm count: 65)
KhazzyB subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 33 months, currently on a 32 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, KhazzyB! (Today's storm count: 66)
maclenrac: Rainbow Bomb
fanofmosteverything9: Punchy mana rock? New Keyrune dropped.
DapperKoala2: In fact, don't crew it the first turn it comes into play or you can't tap it for mana because then the summoning sickness affects it.
ExachixKitsune: if you're running Sultai, may as well add in some white cards, making it a bit more holy, good value, take out some of the slow blue cards....
public_key_reveal_party: Farewell red we hardly knew ye
Jaalib subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 78 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Jaalib! (Today's storm count: 67)
RocknGrohlNerd: @LRRMTG_Judge very spicy
Flyingdelorion: Sultai HYPE!
warpstonewarlock: 3 color good stuff
MikeProvencher: @LRRMTG_Judge This is like when Thanos zooms around in his helicoptor.
namagem1: Sultai em out
Laserbeaks_Fury: Is that Phelia on Bestow Greatness?
fanofmosteverything9: Surely the race set won't be a fast format...
funguslore: Sultai Poop it is
mtvcdm: Racer X!
TheDevil_Risen: escher3DOOT escher3DOOT I want a braven10HEX Pin!!!
flatluigi: it's an overrun
namagem1: lrrHEART_SG
OldUncleDan: Seat of Armor?
Jon_CoffeeRobot: that's a pretty big exhaust
LRRMTG_Judge: @LRRMTG_Judge My only GP day 2 was Kaladesh sealed and I got there by equipping Smuggler's Copter with a Sword of Feast and Famine! - BlackRose
Ashimablackraven: lrrGREED
theaccountant15 subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, theaccountant15! (Today's storm count: 68)
The Real Deal Collin Beal: LFGGGGGGG Sultai stays winning
Stormgod: Sultai goodstuff
Simriel: my favorite decks are all good cards :p
Keagan Carwile: love me some sultai
Stormgod: Oh damn
ChargeAh: Huh
Stormgod: That seems pretty strong
Jon_CoffeeRobot: Graham repping the t:cre IRL
namagem1: Sita is awesome
GhostValv: craterhoof on demand :O
control_rig: You only need to do that once
LRRMTG_Judge: @MikeProvencher I envisaged a single tentacle reaching in through the copter's window and fiddling with the controls. I had also crewed it with Primeval Titan the preceding turn so I assume she had to ask for him to shove over a bit - Squirrel
fanofmosteverything9: @mtvcdm Little did Chandra know that the mysterious Spitfire was actually her not-sister Sita Varna...
BrowneePointz: @olduncledan let’s not make fun of names based on real world Non English languages:3
TheWormbo: !card varma
LRRbot: Sita Varma, Masked Racer [GU] | Legendary Creature — Human Rogue [2/3] | Exhaust — {X}{G}{G}{U}: Put X +1/+1 counters on Sita Varma. Then you may have the base power and toughness of each other creature you control become equal to Sita Varma's power until end of turn.
godardhazard: He has frog god!!!! 🤣🤣🤣
The_Infinity_Bros: That exhaust is a tad spendy for a 2 drop
godardhazard: No branier
rentar42: Have I not been watching for a long time or is Graham being more beginner-friendly than usual (I love it, btw)
wifi12345678910: @LRRMTG_Judge That's an absolutely disgusting combo
skripmtg: You have other peoples creatures
Jon_CoffeeRobot: is a 2/2 for 2 still good rate in 2025?
Laserbeaks_Fury: Any bets the Masked Racer is Nissa?
BrowneePointz: @rentar42 WotC commissioned this for beginners
admiral_sky_: @rentar42 it's for the wotc channel
LRRMTG_Judge: @LRRMTG_Judge fire emoji fire emoji fire emoji - Squirrel
Gekyouryuu: Octopi-rates
wifi12345678910: @Jon_CoffeeRobot not if it's vanilla :(
dabudder: @Laserbeaks_Fury no im pretty sure its sita varma
BrowneePointz: the masked racer is Sits
Mr_Bitterness: @Laserbeaks_Fury It isn't, we know the whole story
namagem1: @jon_coffeerobot in limited, it's okay
BrowneePointz: Sita*
GredGredmansson: @Laserbeaks_Fury its not, Sita Varma is her real name
rentar42: @BrowneePointz well, then we better tell WotC that they are doing great for this
TXC2: Jon_CoffeeRobot only if it draws a card :p
BoxedLogic: Simic gonna Simic
Tinker Tezz: can do that after you crew to buff your vehicles
Stormgod: Yeah
Stormgod: You can crew, then use the exhaust ability
Simriel: Remember before RtR when Simic was pretty weak as a combo?
Tinker Tezz: mhmm, seems rad
Stormgod: lol
Stormgod: Tinker Tezz it is!!!
RocknGrohlNerd: wheelerGreed
A_Dub888: lrrGREED
namagem1: Spitfire is Sita's nickname
R__Doom: lrrGREED
Laserbeaks_Fury: oh, poop, I was hoping for a Racer X arc
BrowneePointz: he did this for foundations and they asked him to do it again @rentar42
GredGredmansson: story spoilers
coachNelly: i have terrible news about splashing bloodghast in sultai
fanofmosteverything9: Worst case scenario, it's a Drudge Zombies.
Bugberry: New card for the Hour Of cycle
kynelwynn: Zombie pilot!
Timagio: @Laserbeaks_Fury She had her arc in the story, but we knew who she was the whole time
BrowneePointz: Story Spoiler!
Graham_LRR: @coachnelly but I wanna
Akaiatana: It's a grey hour.
Flyingdelorion: Sure!
RocknGrohlNerd: @coachNelly go on Nelly :D
darkora subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 24 months!
darkora: 2 Years 2 Furious
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, darkora! (Today's storm count: 69)
namagem1: The new hours are great
coachNelly: siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh
wulfram77: Nissa's stuck in damsel mode
mtvcdm: !addquote (Graham) [now] Nothing in the rulebook says a zombie can't drive a car.
LRRbot: New quote #9253: "Nothing in the rulebook says a zombie can't drive a car." —Graham [2025-01-31]
elias2718: gray ogre + DT
flouncy_magooo: Is there any piece of artwork with an Akira slide?
darkora: @LRRbot nice!
maclenrac: Finds the bombs
GredGredmansson: does Graham have anything else that can kick off Speed
Kingsgrave: The debreetle
BrowneePointz: yes Chandra’s art is the akira slide
Nickiatori: debeetle
GredGredmansson: @flouncy_magooo the new Chandra
BrowneePointz: and on the tv behind them
Pharmacistjudge: You are losing this fight Nelson. I've seen Graham run 60 card in the chaos event So many times.
TheOneInquisitor: Are they all stupid can't they just get an omenpath to zedikar did nahiri lock down the plane or what
maclenrac: Salty
flouncy_magooo: @GredGredmansson Socl
flouncy_magooo: @flouncy_magooo *Sick
Tinker Tezz: Arletherdrift is gonna be so fun
Kevin Leung: zombies canonically great at driving car
Stormgod: I’m so excited for it
BoxedLogic: Can't run all 3 hulldrifters? That's quitter talk.
Simriel: Can Servos Dream of Electric Cars?
ExachixKitsune: you just shouldn;'t
admiral_sky_: @TheOneInquisitor well, finding one is the hard part
MikeProvencher: 17/24 in 2025 baby! 41 Cards or bust!
BusTed: lrrLUL
GredGredmansson: @TheOneInquisitor A: you can't "make" omenpaths and B: Yes Nahiri DID lock down the plane
Jon_CoffeeRobot: Ham Sandwiches all round
omdorastrix: Ham sandwich
Laserbeaks_Fury: 45 is Right OUT
BusTed: 4 lands, all good
skripmtg: 41 card special
fanofmosteverything9: @TheOneInquisitor Signs point to yes, actually. Even Valgavoth's having trouble getting in.
coachNelly: telling me i'm losing sounds too close to saying i'm wrong
marxmarksman: 41 is fine.
micalovits: 43 if mars is in a good place
gamercat88: lrrHAM lrrHAM
notoriousmtg_: oops no lands
namagem1: 40+ playables is a lot
Jethrain: 36? Just add 4 and run no lands :)
wifi12345678910: @TheOneInquisitor Only loot can make new paths and he keeps opening them like 100+ feet in the air
LathosTiran: forget the sandwich, make a whole ham dinner
forshamesir: Or 25 and run the dirty 15 for an aggro deck
LRRMTG_Judge: Graham actively shaming my habitual cheeky 41 right here - Squirrel
Jon_CoffeeRobot: Where we're going we don't need lands
coachNelly: we'll see who loses exactly coachn3Marionelly
The_Infinity_Bros: cut 3 lands. do it!
tobcus3114 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 20 months!
tobcus3114: Good evening folks
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, tobcus3114! (Today's storm count: 70)
BrowneePointz: Loot does not make them
circusofkirkus: we like 17 because it's a prime number
TXC2: 40 cards is propaganda chat, play as many cards as your heart desiers
BrowneePointz: Loot knows where they ALL are
wifi12345678910: 41 special is the best
Durtaz: the heart desires all of the cards
Valqori: 25/17 is my go to tactic
namagem1: He's a map of the omenpaths
Tinker Tezz: aetherdrift is just the Hotwheels: Wheel of Power movie lmao
Stormgod: Also it’s Avishkar, my first prerelease and draft set, so I’m super happy to be here!!!
Stormgod: Hmmm, seems like that’s too many
Kevin O Malley: wait... there's a card in this set called "hull drifter" and Marshal isn't one of the guests?!
The Real Deal Collin Beal: Everybody knows that zombies drive humvees and skeletons ride motorcycles
Stormgod: I mean, you can run a 60 card deck lol
Stormgod: @Kevin O Malley good point lol
RocknGrohlNerd: I always loose to the spicy 41 card pile, once by milling
BrowneePointz: he has an entire map of the multiverse in his mind including the omenpaths
LRRMTG_Judge: Look, running 41 is fine. That last cut is the hardest, so just don't make it - Profession judge advice from Natedogg
Pharmacistjudge: you are wrong in the asesement that Graham is not trying to maximize win percentage. I believe Graham is just trying to maximize fun.
LRRMTG_Judge: @RocknGrohlNerd ...I did win a game this way quite recently... - Squirrel
OrkaOrkinus subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 43 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, OrkaOrkinus! (Today's storm count: 71)
KhazzyB: audio desync for anyone else? just me?
cameron_in_the_hizous: never mill yourself chat, you have so much left to draw
sallomon33: very good advice for new players that selfmill can be beneficial
TXC2: KhazzyB seems ok here
GredGredmansson: @KhazzyB fine for me, try resetting
Lord_Hosk: I have never needed more than 7 land in a game of limited. Therefore... 7 land 33 permanents seems fine, I see NO DOWNSIDES
SconeforgeMystic subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 56 months!
SconeforgeMystic: PPR go vrrrrrroooooooom
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SconeforgeMystic! (Today's storm count: 72)
TrendingNonGamer subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TrendingNonGamer! (Today's storm count: 73)
JosephDeath: The lack of '1 or less' on that sorcery makes me sad
DaMullet14: @Lord_Hosk Better make it 8 so you have something to discard to your looter
PerryThePlatypusBear subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 38 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, PerryThePlatypusBear! (Today's storm count: 74)
Woodthorn: Oh no, I missed the opening
incslayer: snaaake!
coachNelly: look graham can make whatever choices he wants but i still have terrible news about bloodghast in sultai sealed deck
TehAmelie: all car owners simultaneously: i want an unsummon for vehicles
LoadingReadyRun: @KhazzyB lrrPAUL looks ok on my end
Woodthorn: I even sat on the channel page
foolish_s4mwise subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 94 months!
foolish_s4mwise: beep beep
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, foolish_s4mwise! (Today's storm count: 75)
Stormgod: I’ll be right back
blackcoat: Hi chat!
BoxedLogic: Now I want to get a draft of M13 together and draft battle of with with 200 lands
Simriel: Hello @Blackcoat
BoxedLogic: *Battle of wits
RocknGrohlNerd: bulletproof logic there, Lord Hosk
GredGredmansson: they're Eccentric Farmer
The_Infinity_Bros: MOLE
KhazzyB: @LoadingReadyRun thanks et al.
eggjustin: I’m just saying, in the context of all Magic cards ever printed, the difference between 40, 41 and 48 is practically a rounding error emmeJorts
Jethrain: Moles!
A_Dub888: @lord_hosk logic scans
lesbiandracula: woah. new unsummon, don't see those often
maclenrac: filler
foolish_s4mwise: @loadingreadyrun lrrPAUL always looks great
rentar42: so many 2/3 for 3 in this set, they seem to really want the vehicles to do the smashing
namagem1: Strictly better unsummon
foolish_s4mwise: oh you meant the stream. yeah that too
Jon_CoffeeRobot: Javelineer: officially better than a Piker
TehAmelie: we gotta aether drift
kynelwynn: Kathleen here saying everything I was going to type
LRRMTG_Judge: Another way to look at self-mill (for any newer folks in the chat) is that unless you go through your entire deck, you're still drawing the same number of cards either way. Milling a card that you wanted is just the same as not drawing it, but there's a *lot* of ways in Magic to turn the mill into an advantage, whereas a card languishing near the bottom of your library is almost always useless. - Squirrel
quadybohme subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, quadybohme! (Today's storm count: 76)
The_Infinity_Bros: patiently waiting for Magic new girl!
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): Pothole Mole looks like a creature type change to a brother's war card
Joshua Weston: Where the the mutant bandit looking guys from?
Joshua Weston: Plane-wise.
BoxedLogic: Duskmourn?
Joshua Weston: Oh yeah good call.
The Real Deal Collin Beal: Gasdal
MikeProvencher: A card in your graveyard is better than a card in your deck unless it's the last one.
dan_7_8_2 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 31 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, dan_7_8_2! (Today's storm count: 77)
TrendingNonGamer: seems like "Pilot" should be a keyword at this point
SpleenLord subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 99 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SpleenLord! (Today's storm count: 78)
That1GuyBen: blue shell!
skripmtg: sipstrMagicnewgirl sipstrMagicnewgirl sipstrMagicnewgirl sipstrMagicnewgirl
GredGredmansson: Blue Shell
fanofmosteverything9: Blue shell!
Timagio: Blue shell
admiral_sky_: the blue shell
Timagio: also, RAMMUS
R__Doom: sipstrMagicnewgirl sipstrMagicnewgirl sipstrMagicnewgirl
RocknGrohlNerd: ok chat, I´m going to go get my drink (gin tonic), don´t be too funny in the meantime. I don´t wanna miss it
gluonquark: blue shel
namagem1: Blue Shell!
turtleman7420: Turtle time
cameron_in_the_hizous: Rammus? what are you doing here!
Laserbeaks_Fury: OMG it's jusrt Blue Shell
Earthenone: its a turtle and a hare!
sallomon33: the blu shel
KhazzyB: Cards you can hear the sound of
coachNelly: that turtle is based
Timagio: eyyy they got there
skripmtg: Okay, mmhmm
mistbornhoid subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 78 months!
lesbiandracula: there it is
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, mistbornhoid! (Today's storm count: 79)
flouncy_magooo: @coachNelly Based on what?
skripmtg: alrigh
The_Infinity_Bros: Thats the only card that reduces speed in the set
TheDevil_Risen: hahaha
TheWriterAleph: LUL
Nouxatar: the only card that can reduce speed!!
R__Doom: Hahaha 😆
wickaboxet: the blue shell from the mario
frostfox42: hahahaha
maywecomein: hahah that is hilarious
TXC2: the penny drops
That1GuyBen: it's also a 4/4 that bounces a dude
funguslore: 5 mana 4/4 man-o-war seems good
CalbarTheBear: Oh that is AMAZING!
GanixU: o//
jake_jajam: nice!!
mibukotaro: LET'S GO!!
The Real Deal Collin Beal: They're with the Endrunners
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): blue shell
Joshua Weston: I like cards like Deathless Pirate and Tenacious Underdog
BoxedLogic: I like the robot team
digiman619: This is the only card that reduces speed
Stormgod: We did get the blue shell
Kevin Leung: Woo, answer get
Stormgod: Yep
iSmartMan1: BLUE SHELL
Stormgod: The only card in the whole set
Wesley Ackerman: i didn't see the blue sheel reference immediately
M0nt3zuma: Blue shell! 🐢
Stormgod: That reduces speed at all, and it’s the blue shell. So perfect
ExachixKitsune: remember; there will be someone at your prerelease who has not seen the set and will be experiencing the same childlike wonder and joy that Graham is experiencing now: be sure not to crush it
skripmtg: ^
That1GuyBen: hey surprise reach creature of hte set
rentar42: remember kids: in the worst case you can crew a vehicle with another vehicle if your creatures aren't big enough
fanofmosteverything9: Monstrosity 3, basically.
coachNelly: official licensed nintendo secret lair gonna go so hard
flatluigi: !card haunted hellride
LRRbot: Haunted Hellride [1UB] | Artifact — Vehicle [3/3] | Whenever you attack, target creature you control gets +1/+0 and gains deathtouch until end of turn. Untap it. / Crew 1
skripmtg: sipstrMagicnewgirl BOP
TalpTheScot: im going to need a kathleen at my PPR to help me make cuts
Pharmacistjudge: Nintendo will get their own set. not a secret lair
TXC2: coachNelly first billion doller secret lair :p
coachNelly: porque no los dos tho
namagem1: Imagine a smash bros set
Stormgod: We like that thing
The Real Deal Collin Beal: @Joshua Weston I answered your question
Daniel Of Course: blue shell is incredible
Stormgod: 5 cuts, dang
CrazyBurrito: Is there a mushroom with increase your speed, counter target spikeshell?
Stormgod: That ooze is too beeeg
Simriel: Graham has "All these cards are too good" problems
Stormgod: CrazyBurrito maybe, haven’t seen one yet
Daniel Of Course: unfortunately your vehicle can't hit me, I have a Banana Peel artifact in play
Stormgod: lol
Isaac: Time to set the stream to 2.0 and catch up
BoxedLogic: Prefer when my sealed pool is so bad, that I can only do one option
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): remember to support you LGS
Jaolen: Kathleen just sitting there looking at you…”really, ANOTHER 6 drop mythic?”
LRRMTG_Judge: @rentar42 Remember that you do need to crew that first vehicle before it can crew a second vehicle though - Natedogg
Tevildo: !findquote shell
LRRbot: Quote #263: "I want to blue-shell people in real life. Grrrrr..." —Kathleen [2015-05-11]
TheDevil_Risen: @coachNelly I've been waiting on that announcement since aetherdrift hit the roadmap :D
Tom_Bruise: like motor oil and gas fires
namagem1: Appeopriate
wifi12345678910: Motor Oil and Gastal Vampires
LRRMTG_Judge: @ExachixKitsune Incredibly well said. One of my favourite Magic memories is seeing a random kid opening a pack of Born of the Gods and getting the card Nessian Wilds Ravager, which I thought of as just some dumb large creature that was kinda okay in limited. His exultant cry of "It's a 6/6!" has lived in my head ever since - Squirrel
TheWriterAleph: motor oil and banans
kynelwynn: @namagem1 With UB, are we not already there? :P
Kentosaurus: opening the cards explains the cards... wait that's not how that works.
skripmtg: @namagem1 Smash Bros Typal hahah
MikeProvencher: @coachNelly I'm very excited for the Deja Vu Case.
rentar42: @LRRMTG_Judge true, I should have mentioned that.
PorpoisesUnknown: motor oil and peanut butter and jelly
flouncy_magooo: @namagem1 A Smash Bros set would be neat. I want to see Ryu as a card.
omdorastrix: @Pharmacistjudge The set will be 54 cards with 13 each in 4 colours
Marvoleath: petro jelly?
TriforceDrummer: @LRRMTG_Judge But you don't have to saddle a mount to crew a vehicle!
GredGredmansson: @flouncy_magooo do i have news for you
namagem1: @flouncy_magooo I have news for you
argetbrisingr: graham please
TheDevil_Risen: @coachNelly coachn3Rollinghead
admiral_sky_: @flouncy_magooo do I have good news for you
flouncy_magooo: @GredGredmansson :D
LRRMTG_Judge: Prereleases are absolutely one of my favourite events both to play and to judge. They're so fun and friendly! - BlackRose
namagem1: !card Ryu, world warrior
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
coachNelly: coachn3Welp
TXC2: "he's picked up the scent of motor oil and vodka"
A_Dub888: Zendi-car
Jon_CoffeeRobot: @A_Dub888 Boooo
Stormgod: Do Kibo’s banana’s tap to reduce speed?
Joshua Weston: Kerosene and marshmallows?
Daniel Of Course: Great question Stormgod
Stormgod: Now we need Kibo to use their bananas to slow you down…
Simriel: @Joshua Weston Please no xD
Stormgod: lol
Stormgod: We love nostalgia
BoxedLogic: Kibo can remove artifacts, thus slowing down the vehicles
Tom_Bruise: @namagem1 Give me Marvel VS Capcom: I wanna use Magic cards to see who'd win in a fight between Dante and Dormammu
RocknGrohlNerd: @A_Dub888 we got there :D
GredGredmansson: card reader probably dedicated to Aetherdrift today
Julian_Rogue: @A_Dub888 booooo <3
wifi12345678910: Streaker got arrested
The_Infinity_Bros: blueshell is going to be so nice at prerelease
PorpoisesUnknown: "that God has no power here" -Graham Stark
Graved: Get possessed, nerd
funguslore: Kappa
RockPusher: lrrDARK
namagem1: !card Ryu,
LRRbot: Did you mean: Zimone, Mystery Unraveler; Imperial Recovery Unit; Ryusei, the Falling Star; Goro-Goro, Disciple of Ryusei; Predatory Urge
mtvcdm: Never let a streaker on the track
RockPusher: Kathleen is a helper!
Earthenone: !findquote wife
LRRbot: Quote #1804: "NO! That's my wife!" —Jamie [2016-02-13]
namagem1: Oh right, it uses it's within name
Bobtheninjagoldfish: @LRRMTG_Judge The best part of any hobby is observing people who are into your hobby casually getting complete JOY from things we are too enfranchised to care/enjoy
ExachixKitsune: !findquote Don't listen to
LRRbot: Quote #4530: "Always listen to Heather." —Ian [2017-12-03]
TXC2: counterpoint: listen to your wife Kappa
cameron_in_the_hizous: "I dont say this often, dont listen to your wife"
GredGredmansson: i feel like we should have at LEAST Hulldrifter if we opened 3
gluonquark: Car-drifter
coachNelly: if we commit to bloodghast we should probably cut a three drop
MikeProvencher: Come on Grant-From-The-Past, just play 41! Me typing this will absolutely change time I'm sure.
LRRMTG_Judge: @Bobtheninjagoldfish it's truly the best - Squirrel
PorpoisesUnknown: If it's name isn't mull-DRIFTER i'm upset
ExachixKitsune: @LRRbot I feel like you are sassing me
maclenrac: Extra card extra land slants you to making your land drops
fanofmosteverything9: @MikeProvencher But the future refused to change...
Stormgod: BoxedLogic you’re right!!!
Stormgod: Oh my god
Stormgod: Now I wish Kibo was in the set
CrazyBurrito: Play 41 Graham, you know you want to
Stormgod: Play 41!!!
BoxedLogic: Remember when James listened to Kathleen in that one PPR?
David K: Thank you so much for continuing to co-stream on YouTube. I prefer the platform.
Innis Mirage of Deceit: The card was originally named Mull Drifter
The Real Deal Collin Beal: Not the bounce!!
Joshua Weston: Same here!
beowuuf: this one sparks card draw
TXC2: ExachixKitsune lrrbot speaks only the truth Kappa
skuzzo: !vikya
BrowneePointz: double possession engine is RUDE
RockPusher: ExachixKitsune LRRbot hard no-ing you there
NorthstarTex: !badadvice
LRRbot: Stuck? Press X to eject, then do a double jump to continue climbing.
skuzzo: !card vikya
LRRbot: Vikya, Scorching Stalwart [2W] | Legendary Creature — Human Warrior [2/4] | Training / {4}{R}, {Q}, Discard a card: Vikya, Scorching Stalwart deals damage equal to its power to any target. If excess damage was dealt to a creature this way, draw a card.
RealGamerCow: Also, some people like to play FUN decks, and those might not be OPTIMAL decks
Mazrae: !advice
LRRbot: Try being super, super good at sports.
GredGredmansson: @PorpoisesUnknown It's Hulldrifter, though "Mull Drifter" was a playtest name for it
Mazrae: !searchfortreasure
LRRbot: You find: a Pit Trap!
admiral_sky_: @RealGamerCow me at literally every cube draft lmao
circusofkirkus: I can build Graham's pool at MY prerelease?
Jon_CoffeeRobot: remember: if you're at your PPR and usually finish your deckbuilds early due to experience, other newer players really appreciate you being their Kathleen
NorthstarTex: @LRRbot shame it wasn't the pit crew
raulghoulia: This isn't where I parked my car
RockPusher: beep and/or beep
northos: beep beep indeed
RealGamerCow: @admiral_sky_ Normalize jank
grimkingxx: Beep beep!
RocknGrohlNerd: beep beep
spicyFerret_: Beep beep
Tevildo: !findquote beep
LRRbot: Quote #7973: "Beep boop, I'm an alien!" —James [2022-02-19]
RealGamerCow: whabadah!
TheWriterAleph: this is not my beautiful car
skripmtg: Beep/ 2nd beep
themightygerg: Hey Look! It's Kathleen, from Loading Ready Run!
GredGredmansson: lrrBEN lrrKATHLEEN lrrCAMERON
The_Infinity_Bros: oh hai!
zhiachusk: Honk honk
TehAmelie: beep beep wroom
micalovits: I may have taken cruel ultimatum every time I have seen it in thunder junction drafts for example
fanofmosteverything9: Yay!
Earthenone: McDonalds!
GreatWahooney: yaaay!
TXC2: huh, Graham turned into Kathleen
PorpoisesUnknown: @GredGredmansson Damn :/ I do enjoy the playtest name better than "Hull Dritfter"
djalternative: !gant
LRRbot: Yorri, no!
cameron_in_the_hizous: yay
A_Dub888: @txc2 instructions unclear: tried listening to wife, was told to leave bathroom
sallomon33: BEEP BEEP
funguslore: :D
Taligan: Yay!
maclenrac: Boop Boop
TheDevil_Risen: lrrAWESOME lrrAWESOME lrrSHINE
BITs19_: Graham had to go edit Friday Nights lil
laikagoat: the kathleen to kathleen throw wheelerMonkey
GhostValv: \o/
RockPusher: lrrBartleby
kaareendrup: yaaaaay
public_key_reveal_party: Kathleen unaccustomed to enthusiasm
thesilence9: magic school bus secret lair when
TheShatzMan subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 33 months!
TheShatzMan: ooOOoooo didn't realize this was happening right meow! Happy Friday lrrPistachio
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheShatzMan! (Today's storm count: 80)
Simriel: @BoxedLogic It was Kathleen listening to James.
Stormgod: Innis oh dammit, very good!
Guevon: yuuup, yt is a much better streaming place, never thought I'd say that
Kydrou Kair Renner Oudre: Remember guys, this is a prerecorded section
The Real Deal Collin Beal: Wowowow
GrandiaKnight: Beep Beep indeed
Lasciel Woodburne: dear god the volume difference lol
MikeProvencher: That *is* how a race works!
skripmtg: Nailed it
PorpoisesUnknown: Leader of the camorids won the die roll
Timagio: wink wink
MikeProvencher: That *isn't* how a race works!
mtvcdm: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
TXC2: the antipole
GredGredmansson: Pole Position means that you start the race in first, so that works
Earthenone: is positioning your pole allowed under tos?
TehAmelie: the poles are reversed?
Jon_CoffeeRobot: Start your poles
The_Infinity_Bros: position those poles!
GreatWahooney: I too am in position
incslayer: position your poles! wait no
KriegerSan: Don't you mean the Aetherdrift BeepBeep R
fanofmosteverything9: Hope they're running Mounts; then it's Gallop Polls.
RockPusher: Go! Go! Gooooooo!
GreatWahooney: (get it, because I am from Poland)
That1GuyBen: top gearhulk is a GOOD name
NorthstarTex: welcome to pole facss
Jon_CoffeeRobot: great deckname from Cameron
Nickiatori: Cruise control?
TheWriterAleph: Speed 2: This Time It's a Boat
Timagio: @MikeProvencher Well *you're* not on the pole, so what do you know?
Mangledpixel: that's the one with the boat!
Marvoleath: Paul in position
Julian_Rogue: Ben I love the name of your deck
skripmtg: They're in Polsition
loufghyslaufey: Go, go, Ga-ga-Gant Gant!
LoadingReadyRun: !cardview on
LRRbot: Card viewer enabled
spicyFerret_: Is Cameron north or south
PorpoisesUnknown: HES IN THE LEAD
gluonquark: he is winning
fanofmosteverything9: Outstanding deck names.
Graham_LRR: I forgot to mention, pls visit for more information—it helps WotC know that we’re effective at stuff
funguslore: Love Camerons deck name
kynelwynn: Oh my god I love both of these deck names
GredGredmansson: oh THAT kind of cranial injury
Artificer_Evan: @Graham_LRR will do
EvilBadman: Speed 2, _is_ Cruise Control, so that sounds great
MikeProvencher: @Timagio I'm not sick but I'm not well
LRRMTG_Judge: Poor sandwich - Natedogg
frank_the_great: Tragic to hear
KhazzyB: THE BOY
fanofmosteverything9: Legendary Watchwolf!
sallomon33: oof, sounds a bit rough
gluonquark: tap tap conced
Wesley Ackerman: Beep Beep R
Kevin Leung: cam protecting the coffee
Cecil Hoshino: I will be Beep Beep-ing so much whenever drafting
BoxedLogic: Can't wait to time trial my own deck
LoadingReadyRun: you're welcome! unfortunately co-streaming on youtube is awkward to do for every stream, but I'm glad we can do it for special events
Simriel: Remember to position your pole comfortably
Joshua Weston: lol Cam's deck name
David K: If you're not first, you're last, Ben.
PB Dot: First Speed 2: Cruise Control reference of the night!
Stormgod: He’s winning!
SmithKurosaki: something something Keanu Reeves
Felicity: Shame there wasn't a Speed 3 movie so you could use the Speed mechanic as a method of figuring out what your Speed is
Wesley Ackerman: Ben named his well too
first last: there's no giveaways this time right
Stormgod: Oh so Cam opened a gearhulk
Kydrou Kair Renner Oudre: @Guevon excelente nombre, buen hombre:yougotthis:
Oliver Metz-Strauss: can you get to speed two on the same turn you get to speed one if you play a card with Start Your Engines! then immediately hit your opponent with another creature?
micalovits: And so much flavour text!
thesilence9: yay vanilla
ztghostie: He turns sidewise
zhiachusk: Under the floor?
nuclearrayne313: love this guy!
The_Infinity_Bros: VANILLA
R__Doom: The deck names are great
Timagio: Bigfoot
northos: hey, he's an artifact too!
omdorastrix: Tells time when the sun is out
sallomon33: THE WATCHWOLF
public_key_reveal_party: Why does the moonbase have so many heavy objects between 5 and 6.5 feet in the air?
gluonquark: VANILA!
That1GuyBen: ISAMARU....2!!!
immegamind1: god bless vanilla
lesbiandracula: awesome.
maclenrac: Legend
dabudder: this is very cameron flavour text
northos: wait, is this just the guy from Elden Ring?
The_Infinity_Bros: Someone better play Terry!
thanzo: he has all the attributes of a creature and an artifact
elgenericosfavoriteorphan: "Hey can you check the dawn tyraant and tell me what time it is?"
coachNelly: yarglefolk unite
GredGredmansson: Most importantly, its an artifact
Kingsgrave: That card is so cool. I saw that earlier today and just had to yippee
Jon_CoffeeRobot: oh, WATCH wolf because it's a sundial
Mazrae: Is the dawn tyrant part of Dawn Guard?
Kentosaurus: 2 mana 3/3 is solid
RocknGrohlNerd: if you name your deck car go pants, does it mean its vehicles and equipment ?
Symphoneers: I do love the amount of vanilla creatures in this set.
LRRbot: Venomsac Lagac [1G] | Creature — Lizard Mount [2/1] | Deathtouch / Whenever this creature attacks while saddled, it gets +0/+3 until end of turn. / Saddle 2
Timagio: L A G A C
theymerLoviatar: @elgenericosfavoriteorphan amazing username, friend
RockPusher: Lagac time!
admiral_sky_: LAGAC hell yeah
laikagoat: wheelerMonkey wheelerMonkey wheelerMonkey
fanofmosteverything9: Lagac is back!
skripmtg: THE GAC
Carlioo: lagac is laback
PorpoisesUnknown: Its venomous?!? oH no
Timagio: Return of the Gac
MrSarkhan: LUL
TalpTheScot: this is already popping off
SymphonySolstice: 100 gacs
NorthstarTex: the gac of la
Symphoneers: Just like me fr fr.
AugmentingPath: It's a sundial, which is kind of like a watch. Timekeeping Device Kindred?
thanzo: return of the gac
MikeProvencher: The Legac Sac Is Back Jack!
TXC2: get a loud of GAC!
TheDevil_Risen: Dat Lagac is BACK
public_key_reveal_party: Saddleback legacy: still fun to say
TheWormbo: TOS Kappa
Tom_Bruise: how often does your butten suddenly increase in size?!
BITs19_: are there enough Lagac's for a commander deck...
TheMrFriend: can't sack the legac!
RockPusher: Increment the Gac counter!
That1GuyBen: oh i think cam drew the namesake of his deck
CnCPOWERHOUR: that's a very personal question ben
GreatWahooney: I too identify as an LLM
kynelwynn: That Lagac has a La Back
R__Doom: GAC=BAC
TehAmelie: this Lagac won't cut no slack
kynelwynn: When saddled
PorpoisesUnknown: Cameron "The twice Saddled" Lauder
coachNelly: how often do you get saddled? "with crippling debt? every university degree and major purchase"
Paspantoute: 2 mana 3/3 NotLikeThis 1 mana 2/2 SeemsGood
fanofmosteverything9: Oh no, the lagac ran out of transmission fluid.
GredGredmansson: for SEVERAL turns
GreatWahooney: I just say whatever things feel appropriate in the morning
RocknGrohlNerd: New Gacs for Cam´s emporium
GreatWahooney: *in the moment
TXC2: coachNelly damn :p
TalpTheScot: thats future camerons problem
Mr_Bitterness: That's a long stun
spicyFerret_: lrrCAMERON_TK
DMGlol: eepy lagac
dabudder: mans is sunbathing rn
skripmtg: HOnk shoo mi mi mi
Timagio: @dabudder LUL
LRRbot: Carrion Cruiser [2B] | Artifact — Vehicle [3/2] | When this Vehicle enters, mill two cards. Then return a creature or Vehicle card from your graveyard to your hand. / Crew 1
RockPusher: It's okay legac, I have mornings like that too
GredGredmansson: *checks under hood of Lizard* well THERE'S your problem
raulghoulia: @BITs19_ there are 5
TehAmelie: the funniest thing you could do to a Lagack is turn it into food
A_Dub888: Carruiser
grumpenprole: ohh it's the ppr
Symphoneers: Sick
TehAmelie: aka lagack snack
LRRMTG_Judge: @coachNelly Too real, Nelly, too real - BlackRose
omdorastrix: whiff
Gekyouryuu: New music act: 100 Gacs
GredGredmansson: lrrJAMES
grumpenprole: who are the guests for the ppr
public_key_reveal_party: Can you pilot a forest
frank_the_great: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
notoriousmtg_: he's deck thinning
fanofmosteverything9: Getting through the land clump one way or another.
Bugberry: too much and too little land
colonelkreiner subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 94 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, colonelkreiner! (Today's storm count: 81)
micalovits: @public_key_reveal_party Only if you are Wrenn
TXC2: grumpenprole Shivam and MagicnewGirl
PorpoisesUnknown: now ben SURELY won't draw a 5th land in a row
Wonderdoc: the legacy of JAmes
TheDevil_Risen: awww poor BenBen and Cam
Jon_CoffeeRobot: they almost got Freaky Friday'd
frank_the_great: Guess you'll need to reenact it
RockPusher: was there a comedic coconut sound?
Brozard: That's how knowledge is transfered
grumpenprole: @TXC2 times are tough
turtleman7420: another one???
fanofmosteverything9: Ticketomaton (not the Unfinity one)
coachNelly: holy nice turtle
GredGredmansson: affinity is at 3
sallomon33: interesting card
gluonquark: he is ramping!
Kentosaurus: he defends once
flatluigi: great for crew and saddle!
thanzo: this turtle can punch
kynelwynn: And the all caps text
coachNelly: beta
Pharmacistjudge: !card wall of razors
LRRbot: Wall of Razors [1R] | Creature — Wall [4/1] | Defender / First strike
Mangledpixel: with the all-caps robot voice
Greendrag13: reminds me of cinder wall
dabudder: maybe thats how cameron finally gets rid of his curse, through simultaneous physical trauma with another
Bugberry: !card wall of swords
LRRbot: Wall of Swords [3W] | Creature — Wall [3/5] | Defender / Flying
admiral_sky_: god I love the treasure tokens this set
maywecomein: wall of flames in 2010s ish
wifi12345678910: Wall of Swords!
BrowneePointz: love the flavor text
phoenixfeather14: That's not how you do the fusion dance!
coachNelly: 3/5 flying for 3w
cobthegreat: Wall of spears
SeismicLawns: turtle drives car well
The_Infinity_Bros: turtle kindred
Pharmacistjudge: wall of razors the 4/1 first strike wall
maywecomein: wait, wall of torches!
turtleman7420: hell yeah]
RocknGrohlNerd: and wall of spears
MikeProvencher: That Legac is cooking up something.
LRRbot: Debris Beetle [2BG] | Artifact — Vehicle [6/6] | Trample / When this Vehicle enters, each opponent loses 3 life and you gain 3 life. / Crew 2
maywecomein: 1R for a 4/1
dabudder: debreeble!
RockPusher: Debreetle
incslayer: a debreeatle?
baltimore_667083: DEBREETLE
Timagio: D'breetle
PorpoisesUnknown: DebreeTLE
micalovits: Siege Beetle!
Jon_CoffeeRobot: @admiral_sky_ it's a little small on screen, what do you like about them?
tryllebanjo: Debreedle!
Tom_Bruise: A Drebreetle?!
skripmtg: Siege Lambooooooooo
Desomas: Da Brettle?
fanofmosteverything9: Debreetle 2: Dungball Boogaloo
maclenrac: Nice
DMGlol: seige bettle
namagem1: Debris-tle
BrowneePointz: Bee Rhino!
wulfram77: The Siege Renault
nuclearrayne313: all hail the debreetle!
public_key_reveal_party: Ben is assembling the fleet
Flyingdelorion: Mino-Rhino?
Vandristine: ah yes, Siege Beetle
TehAmelie: alternatively, Debeetle
Tom_Bruise: Good to see we're all brain wizards on that debris beetle nickname
sallomon33: ooh yeah babye
T3223R3T: its the siege renault
admiral_sky_: @Jon_CoffeeRobot it's the good luck pin nissa gave chandra!
fanofmosteverything9: @wulfram77 Outstanding.
NorthstarTex: the 3rd color is on board!
Jon_CoffeeRobot: @admiral_sky_ Awww
The_Infinity_Bros: sundial violence!
wulfram77: @fanofmosteverything9 Not my joke originally
public_key_reveal_party: We know only violence and some other things
LRRMTG_Judge: we know maximum legal violence. pharma2Vial
Flyingdelorion: Siege Beetle! Nice!
ELD_Winterlight: I just onticed Cam's deck name, and I love it
T3223R3T: @fanofmosteverything9 joke is from scryfall
joiner2468: Any giveaways yet?
Paspantoute: how is that a vehicle
maclenrac: 50% violent
zhiachusk: Sadly does not die to big game hunter
PorpoisesUnknown: what did you call me?
CalbarTheBear: "We know only violence. ... We know some violence."
RockPusher: that's a mouthful
notoriousmtg_: Magda is so ready to eat this set
TXC2: joiner2468 none that we know of this time
namagem1: Mana flooding
roefizzlebeef subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 28 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, roefizzlebeef! (Today's storm count: 82)
LRRbot: Dune Drifter [XWB] | Artifact — Vehicle [3/3] | When this Vehicle enters, return target artifact or creature card with mana value X or less from your graveyard to the battlefield. / Crew 2
notoriousmtg_: LRR goes cedh??
raulghoulia: I, for one, would like to commend these professional comedians on their deck names
spicyFerret_: Ben is secrely james
EvilBadman: "The joke is your draws, I'm helping"
dabudder: otherwise known as the reanimotor
itsj0mi: shit, i forgot about this NotLikeThis
Jogela: First game land, second game spells. See lands and spells
LRRbot: Lifecraft Engine [3] | Artifact — Vehicle [4/4] | As this Vehicle enters, choose a creature type. / Vehicle creatures you control are the chosen creature type in addition to their other types. / Each creature you control of the chosen type other than this Vehicle gets +1/+1. / Crew 3
BrowneePointz: it’s a vehicle that gets back black lotus
TXC2: itsj0mi still only game 1
fanofmosteverything9: Adaptive Automobile
dabudder: @Graham_LRR nicknames come back for this set?
ExachixKitsune: The King of all Submarines
notoriousmtg_: I need that card for magda so bad lol
tryllebanjo: Spooky.
dabudder: there are so many
GredGredmansson: and the scarecrow he has is a 2/4
RealGamerCow: scarecrow, for no particular reason
frank_the_great: Could have been gamers
PorpoisesUnknown: Or Scare-cars if you will
Bugberry: it's the RACE car
LoadingReadyRun: I guess a car *does* scare a crow
itsj0mi: @TXC2 thanks
RealGamerCow: don't even worry about it
g1yph: ben not crewing and attacking ther eis wild
BrowneePointz: wickerfolk is a scarecrow @realgamercow
mtvcdm: !advice
LRRbot: Don't cronch the chunks.
LathosTiran: oh yeah, new damage assingment rules
GredGredmansson: @g1yph tough to crew without any untapped creatures
spicyFerret_: lrrSCOOP_SQ
TXC2: LoadingReadyRun Unskippable seems to say that relationship is the other way around
Derpmind: No! Not flavor text!
Cecil Hoshino: That's just Friday mornings at the end of the week
GrandiaKnight: Vanilla!
Stormgod: Legendary vanilla creatures!!! Love it!
Joshua Weston: I unironically love that they're bringing vanilla creatures back.
blackcoat: Yay Vanilla creatures are back!
SmithKurosaki: yea that sounds like some Cam flavour text
LRRbot: Venomsac Lagac [1G] | Creature — Lizard Mount [2/1] | Deathtouch / Whenever this creature attacks while saddled, it gets +0/+3 until end of turn. / Saddle 2
Simriel: @Oliver Metz-Strauss seems to be the case yeah
Stormgod: LAGAC!!!
BoxedLogic: Now this is Muraganda racing
GrandiaKnight: Damn it Cam!
Stormgod: lol
David K: @Oliver you cannot get to speed 2 on the same turn as speed 1.
The Real Deal Collin Beal: Not the Lagac!! With the venomous sac!!
Stormgod: Dammit Cam
Simriel: The problems occurred when Cameron said Words there
blackcoat: You can't just *ask* someone how often they're saddled
iSmartMan1: @Joshua Weston Agreed, they needed more vanilla to combat power creep
salfredo: did cam draw for turn?
The Real Deal Collin Beal: perchance
LRRbot: Carrion Cruiser [2B] | Artifact — Vehicle [3/2] | When this Vehicle enters, mill two cards. Then return a creature or Vehicle card from your graveyard to your hand. / Crew 1
jacob m: @David K you can get to speed 2 the same turn, yes. They talked about it just after the rules segment
Stormgod: @David K you can: because starting your engines gives you speed 1, and then now that your opponents lose life for the first time that turn, you can increase your speed again, since that happened once
Stormgod: So yes, you can both get your speed to 2 on the first turn you start your engines
Cecil Hoshino: Land Drought VS Land Flood. The classic matchup
David K: Wow. That was not clear from all the Preview spoiler videos from the community. speed is a lot better with Speed 2 on the first.
GrandiaKnight: love it!
Tony Fay: crews and saddles better as a high-power defender
BoxedLogic: Sparks are flying in this heated Death Race
LRRbot: Debris Beetle [2BG] | Artifact — Vehicle [6/6] | Trample / When this Vehicle enters, each opponent loses 3 life and you gain 3 life. / Crew 2
Stormgod: Okay, chat, I’ll be back in a little bit.
Syntheticuh: SEIGE BEETLE
jacob m: Agreed! It’s a lot easier to hit max speed that way
ZTxGhost: the defender knows metaphorical violence
Gaz-L: some violence, some pacifism
Zacharie St-Pierre: the debreetle
David K: I've listened to entire podcasts that were talking about needing to wait 4 turns to get max speed.
BoxedLogic: Defender: "You gotta come over here for this violence bud"
LRRbot: Dune Drifter [XWB] | Artifact — Vehicle [3/3] | When this Vehicle enters, return target artifact or creature card with mana value X or less from your graveyard to the battlefield. / Crew 2
LRRbot: Lifecraft Engine [3] | Artifact — Vehicle [4/4] | As this Vehicle enters, choose a creature type. / Vehicle creatures you control are the chosen creature type in addition to their other types. / Each…
GrandiaKnight: Spicy!
Cecil Hoshino: All vehicles, no pilots
Joshua Weston: it's the all bottoms no tops situation
PorpoisesUnknown: Scarecrow get into this BEETLE
LRRbot: Carrion Cruiser [2B] | Artifact — Vehicle [3/2] | When this Vehicle enters, mill two cards. Then return a creature or Vehicle card from your graveyard to your hand. / Crew 1
g1yph: @GredGredmansson you mean like that?
LRRMTG_Judge: please be advised you will not have to attorney at your prerelease and must represent yourself. pharma2Vial
mtvcdm: Cameron, as your notary public...
LRRbot: Diversion Unit [1U] | Artifact Creature — Robot [2/1] | Flying / {U}, Sacrifice this creature: Counter target instant or sorcery spell unless its controller pays {3}.
GredGredmansson: @g1yph i thought you were talking about prior turns
fanofmosteverything9: π~π
BrowneePointz: TT~TT
skripmtg: Mana Leak on a stick!
oodwae subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, oodwae! (Today's storm count: 83)
Bugberry: another sad robot
NewtyNewts: Love that flavour text
ztghostie: I LOVE that these guys talk like HK 47
nuclearrayne313: so sad
dabudder: THAT FLAVOUR TEXT nooooo
argetbrisingr: π~π
NewtyNewts: goodbye.
notoriousmtg_: This is your conscience advising you to play red
Marvoleath: make-you-sad robot
Field94: omg, you cant put that in the flavor text ;_;
Deeehm: π~π
Driskus: Don't they not trade due to lifecraft buffing your other vehicles?
TehAmelie: you can play a Rules Lawyer to represent you, but then you'll be disqualified cause that's not even in this set
wifi12345678910: @LRRMTG_Judge Can i kidnap an attorney to represent me?
g1yph: no fear
Greendrag13: @Driskus it was a 4/3 withthe buff
dabudder: I love you guidelight voyagers
GredGredmansson: @Driskus 4/3 blocking 3/3 after the buff
LRRMTG_Judge: Miscast on a stick - Natedogg
ExachixKitsune: debreetle
Driskus: Oh, I thought it was a 2/2, yeah, my bad
LRRMTG_Judge: @wifi12345678910 Please do not commit crimes to get out of other crimes - Natedogg
LRRMTG_Judge: @wifi12345678910 generally speaking, I would say no - Squirrel
LRRbot: Ride's End [4W] | Instant | This spell costs {3} less to cast if it targets a tapped permanent. / Exile target creature or Vehicle.
Jon_CoffeeRobot: Diversion Unit: unkeyworded Exhaust
notoriousmtg_: Danny De Beetle
Laserbeaks_Fury: π ~ π
kynelwynn: Rde'sOver
tryllebanjo: wrecked, eh
BrowneePointz: that’s a spicy common
maclenrac: Gotta make em have it
LRRbot: Oildeep Gearhulk [UUBB] | Artifact Creature — Construct [4/4] | Lifelink, ward {1} / When this creature enters, look at target player's hand. You may choose a card from it. If you do, that player discards that card, then draws a card.
grumpenprole: !
RocknGrohlNerd: wheelerOok wheelerOok
RockPusher: The Debreetle discovered that *it* was the debris
frostfox42: gearhulk lts go
notoriousmtg_: hulk smash
chriswr5: gearhulk go brrrr
Bugberry: basically rummage yourself
djalternative: @LRRMTG_Judge They can't convict you if you never stop committing crimes long enough for them to hold a trial
TehAmelie: don't rummage yourself on stream
coachNelly: this robot lets you pick a land
tryllebanjo: He just got a big card blown up. Hand attack him!
RockPusher: Such an unctuous creature
BusTed: 🤔
Bugberry: amazing
LRRbot: Guardian Sunmare [3WW] | Creature — Horse Mount [5/5] | Ward {2} / Whenever this creature attacks while saddled, search your library for a nonland permanent card with mana value 3 or less, put it onto the battlefield, then shuffle. / Saddle 4
frostfox42: lol
skripmtg: THE SPIKE
itsj0mi: LUL
GredGredmansson: that's a sick horse
laikagoat: wheelerMonkey wheelerMonkey
Timagio: Horse Town stays winning
Diabore: guardian
g1yph: thats his horse tho
BrowneePointz: GOOD HORSE
TXC2: remember: the pyrexian oil is Inert, it's fine, nothing will go wrong Kappa
public_key_reveal_party: Honse
Jon_CoffeeRobot: sheeeeesh
grumpenprole: @Bugberry woah it's the famous bugberry
fanofmosteverything9: Look at his horse. His horse is amazing.
Kentosaurus: that is a good horse
wifi12345678910: The horse is not here
funguslore: Horse
frostfox42: think cameron made the right choice looking back at this
maclenrac: Good hit
komododrake: Crested Sunmare? Cameron says Neigh
Veste: the _second_ guardian sunmare???
Tom_Bruise: Someone get that horse off the track!
laikagoat: horse grabs some pre-war formalwear real nice
tryllebanjo: The Sunmare survived!
Earthenone: NO, NO IT was A Horse Mount [5/5] | Ward {2} / Whenever this creature attacks while saddled, search your library for a nonland permanent card with mana value 3 or less, put it onto the battlefield, then shuffle. / Saddle 4
RealGamerCow: big honse
Carlioo: horse titan?
itsj0mi: lawyer says SeemsGood
RockPusher: Horse power ranking needs updating
RocknGrohlNerd: how is this on ghost snakehorse power scale?
A_Dub888: wait, search your LIBARY???
shamblingkrenshar: He is the diversion unit
fanofmosteverything9: Declarative: Goodbye
BrowneePointz: it’s a good horse
skripmtg: Yeah, the horse is insane
OldUncleDan: I'm just waiting for the moment when a crewed vehicle ends up saddling a mount.
Pharmacistjudge: ooze time
Deeehm: o7 goodbye diversion unit
RockPusher: Horsepower? Yes.
LRRbot: March of the World Ooze [3GGG] | Enchantment | Creatures you control have base power and toughness 6/6 and are Oozes in addition to their other types. / Whenever an opponent casts a spell, if it's not their turn, you create a 3/3 green Elephant creature token.
sallomon33: YOOOO
ExachixKitsune: OOOOOZE!
tryllebanjo: YYYYYYYEEEEAAAH!!!!
fanofmosteverything9: We oozin'!
namagem1: OOZE
Taligan: OOZE!
nuclearrayne313: ooze
g1yph: oh boyyyyyyyyy
control_rig: Moooze
Chesul: "Oh yeah..." The sound of a lot of people at pre-releases.
frostfox42: hahahahahaha
funguslore: PogChamp
Mangledpixel: ooooooooze
Mr_Horrible: but it's January
ExachixKitsune: Yeahhh so glad this got
thanzo: OOOZE
TXC2: OOZE time !
SymphonySolstice: oh lawd we oozin
LilyOfTheVeil666: OOZE
RockPusher: All Will Be Ooze!
wifi12345678910: Foil too lmao
itsj0mi: GG
public_key_reveal_party: Ooooooooze
That1GuyBen: oh and cameron's onboard counterspell is dead!
NorthstarTex: Oooooooooze
simpletoon: OOZE
Timagio: With hidden Garruk cameo!
dabudder: now this is one gunky card
grumpenprole: only cast mythics from now on
PorpoisesUnknown: the perfect counter spell counter
notoriousmtg_: he's oozing with excitement
Valqori: There is Garruk inside the ooze
Pharmacistjudge: Something bad is coming down, have your hear the news?!?
Laserbeaks_Fury: And oozes
RockPusher: !gant
Bugberry: Oooze! Aaahze!
GredGredmansson: Scarecrow is a 7/7
Sage0fMadness subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 42 months!
Sage0fMadness: Happy PPR!!
dm818: scarecrow is 7/7
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Sage0fMadness! (Today's storm count: 84)
TehAmelie: and the elephant is then an ooze twice the size of an elephant
nuclearrayne313: @That1GuyBen only counters instant or sorcery
skripmtg: YIPES
RealGamerCow: ooof
maclenrac: 7/7 with the anethem
GasCityGaming: including any 3/3 elephants
coachNelly: i opened this mythic too. Did wotc seed the prepre kits with SLIME??
AmiralTurtle: boostie
g1yph: flunge?
Timagio: Swing for 13
fanofmosteverything9: Scarecrow's still a 7/7
GredGredmansson: he's taking 7
laikagoat: 7
Kentosaurus: of course ben played the ooze
That1GuyBen: @nuclearrayne313 oh i thought it was noncreature. must've confused it with one of the other ones
wifi12345678910: Ben running over turtles how could he
Mr_Horrible: @coachNelly Nickelodeon Secret Lair incoming
dabudder: @coachNelly what is this, the nickolodean kids choice awards?
Greendrag13: the Ooze-crow cometh!
BusTed: It's in the rules?
BrowneePointz: Muraganda is MADE for Ben
fiftymcnasty: Love an oozy boi
coachNelly: you can't do that on Twitch TV
skripmtg: I don't make the riles
ExachixKitsune: This set is oozing with... ooze
Veste: hmmm... maybe it SHOULD be the law...
sallomon33: @BrowneePointz hard agree
silenceaux: Ben can't do jail time. Not again.
grimkingxx: "This is not legal advice"
RocknGrohlNerd: did anyone say rockandgrohll?
A_Dub888: @coachnelly it oozes into you pool
RockPusher: Ooze vs Oily
ekplayscards: omg it's a @coachNelly
public_key_reveal_party: Turns out 6 drop mythic rare enchantment is powerful when it hits the board
R__Doom: Ooze would be a great promo
notoriousmtg_: Ooze tribal coming in hot
notoriousmtg_: Kindred*
Jericu: what, are you gonna get a card that says "all your dudes are huge" and NOT play it?
Timagio: Live and Learn~
fanofmosteverything9: World first speed increment.
TehAmelie: does ooze and oil mix or is it like water and oil?
Bugberry: "don't press the red button"
flatluigi: hot
Jon_CoffeeRobot: brum
pleonasticTautology: yooooooooooooo
itsr67: coooool
sallomon33: OOOH
incslayer: feancy
TheDevil_Risen: Wooo!
chriswr5: yooooo
BusTed: tqsClap
coachNelly: vroom vroooooooom
RockPusher: vrooom vrooom
LathosTiran: Go Paul!!!
Mr_Horrible: VRRRM
komododrake: eogCar vroom
Kentosaurus: oooh
TheShatzMan: oOOooo
Unas84: sweeeet
Symphoneers: Hell yeah Paul
laikagoat: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
frostfox42: dope
tryllebanjo: Woop!
Mangledpixel: that's AWESOME
SymphonySolstice: SPEED
maywecomein: hell yeah
circusofkirkus: do we have the beeps
Obothehobo11: yes Paul
wifi12345678910: WOWOWO
itsj0mi: PogChamp
DapperKoala2: That's so cool!
g1yph: sweeeet
TXC2: Paul Hype!
Sarah_Serinde: Awesome work as always Paul
mtvcdm: Vroom!
kaareendrup: paul!
micalovits: With a boop noice even!
BITs19_: and this is why he's paul
RocknGrohlNerd: please clap
NorthstarTex: YES PAUL!
R__Doom: Gotta Go Fast
dabudder: THE GRAPHICS
A_Dub888: rayfkSanic
djalternative: a sound effect?!?!
maclenrac: Paul!!!
Mr_Bitterness: lrrPAUL
TheShatzMan: lrrBartleby
mysteenova157: noice well done paul
Reldnahcire: bbirbClap PAUL
TehAmelie: hot damn
TheWooglie: GG Paul
coachNelly: hi @ekplayscards ! :D
TheDevil_Risen: @LoadingReadyRun lrrPAUL sergeModLove lrrSIG
lirazel64: lrrPAUL lrrSHINE
RocknGrohlNerd: Paul the Wizard
thanzo: the graphics
Pharmacistjudge: Paul always delivers on cool overlay stuff
babyspacecadet: that rules
TheOneInquisitor: HELL YEAH PAUL
DirectorStephanie: lrrPAUL hell yeah Paul!
warpstonewarlock: Paul always delivers
funguslore: That is very cool :)
kaareendrup: that animation is gorgeous!
LRRMTG_Judge: @BITs19_ ooh excellent deep cut - Squirrel
NorthstarTex: 1st gear is always the hardest to get into
namagem1: That's awesome Paul
R__Doom: lrrPAUL
kaareendrup: Go Paul!
OldUncleDan: Vroom Vroom... Fighting the Ooze!
Mr_Horrible: Paul's whimsy and technical skill enthralls us all, yet again
kaareendrup: Please do it again
fanofmosteverything9: Scarecrow Ooze. Just a pile of sticks and goop.
MikeProvencher: !card March of the World Ooze
LRRbot: March of the World Ooze [3GGG] | Enchantment | Creatures you control have base power and toughness 6/6 and are Oozes in addition to their other types. / Whenever an opponent casts a spell, if it's not their turn, you create a 3/3 green Elephant creature token.
rob_mossop subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
rob_mossop: Yay - race cars!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, rob_mossop! (Today's storm count: 85)
RocknGrohlNerd: now thats a hover myr I would play
RockPusher: Ben has been practising say "Wreckage Wickerfolk"
LRRbot: Carrion Cruiser [2B] | Artifact — Vehicle [3/2] | When this Vehicle enters, mill two cards. Then return a creature or Vehicle card from your graveyard to your hand. / Crew 1
LRRbot: Diversion Unit [1U] | Artifact Creature — Robot [2/1] | Flying / {U}, Sacrifice this creature: Counter target instant or sorcery spell unless its controller pays {3}.
BoxedLogic: Every time is read the bsky shorturl, I read Banksy first
Derpmind: π~π
LRRbot: Ride's End [4W] | Instant | This spell costs {3} less to cast if it targets a tapped permanent. / Exile target creature or Vehicle.
SpectraOcean: don't know that I've ever watched a pre-release/limited event live but here i am because cards rule
SpectraOcean: cars*
LRRbot: Oildeep Gearhulk [UUBB] | Artifact Creature — Construct [4/4] | Lifelink, ward {1} / When this creature enters, look at target player's hand. You may choose a card from it. If you do, that player dis…
Simriel: Lrrbot is being snappy today
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): oooooh Gearhulk
blackcoat: @SpectraOcean Car Cards!
Zacharie St-Pierre: cards do rule too
David K: welcome @SpectraOcean
SmithKurosaki: it'll be good until the cap gets reached and then it's des
SmithKurosaki: des*
LRRbot: Guardian Sunmare [3WW] | Creature — Horse Mount [5/5] | Ward {2} / Whenever this creature attacks while saddled, search your library for a nonland permanent card with mana value 3 or less, put it ont…
BoxedLogic: "Crested Sunmare"
Simriel: I will take the horse please is such a line
iSmartMan1: OOF
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): reader pls wrong horse
LRRbot: March of the World Ooze [3GGG] | Enchantment | Creatures you control have base power and toughness 6/6 and are Oozes in addition to their other types. / Whenever an opponent casts a spell, if it's no…
Simriel: No the reader is right the player just misspoke
Joshua Weston: yooo
CrazyBurrito: OOze time already!?
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): ok okay
Simriel: it's currently January of the World Ooze actually
Joshua Weston: you ooze you lose (or probably win in Ben's case)
Gaz-L: Ben means he makes a 6/6 eleph-ooze
BoxedLogic: Oozephant
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): vroom
BoxedLogic: The big red button!
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): a big red button
David K: ohhhhhhhhb
Derpmind: Neat!
Joshua Weston: oh that's fun
David K: ahhhhhhh
Gaz-L: brrrrrom
TheJackalMan: hell yeah
Cecil Hoshino: Oh I'm going to make that sequence mistake so much
M0nt3zuma: Good job Paul!
David K: There are so many annoying sound effects I can play on my phone during prerelease.
wickaboxet: still not as good as murktide reagent
babyspacecadet: damn this set is actually so cool
Obos_TAB: I ooze you wooze
sascha454: so we know that Winter gets to go free if he wins, but why are the rest of the Duskmourn crew racing? do they all go free if they win?
kaareendrup: was it rendered on 5 PS5s?
joiner2468: Any word on giveaways yet?
Caryotip: 6 6 flyer for 2 magic is getting wild
Marvoleath: 2 mana 7/7 flying and etb effect, that power creep for real wheelerKappa
GredGredmansson: @sascha454 I'm not sure they had a choice
MikeProvencher: We love a good top.
Bugberry: @sascha454 do they have a choice?
elgenericosfavoriteorphan: oh no, the dredded top top
Mr_Horrible: "And so, they realized they were both tops"
circusofkirkus: Take these broken wings and learn to fly again?
BusTed: lrrLUL
Timagio: Cameron!
RockPusher: hahaha
RocknGrohlNerd: wheelerPog
OldUncleDan: IMHO, this set was ripe for a return of Settle the Wreckage.
fanofmosteverything9: Vehicles and March don't play that well together.
Laserbeaks_Fury: Vehicles are 7/7
TheWooglie: aren't they all 7?
That1GuyBen: ow oof my bones
micalovits: Not that one, thats the lord
GredGredmansson: Only one vehicle and it doesn't buff itself
skripmtg: That bone hurtin gjuice
Timagio: Doesn't cam go to 1?
LRRMTG_Judge: Chat is correct, vehicles are 7/7 - BlackRose
BrowneePointz: lord doesn’t buff itself chat
LRRbot: Lifecraft Engine [3] | Artifact — Vehicle [4/4] | As this Vehicle enters, choose a creature type. / Vehicle creatures you control are the chosen creature type in addition to their other types. / Each creature you control of the chosen type other than this Vehicle gets +1/+1. / Crew 3
fanofmosteverything9: Yes it does.
LRRMTG_Judge: the vehicles are scarecrows. not all creatures are scarecrows. pharma2Vial
dragonofnivix: @sascha454 Some are outright possessed, some probably have a deal like Winter does, and some are probably Razorkin/Cultists
skripmtg: Square is a circle
northos: @fanofmosteverything9 it makes itself the type, but it doesn't buff itself
fanofmosteverything9: No it doesn't.
fanofmosteverything9: My bad.
TheWormbo: @fanofmosteverything9 "other than this vehicle"
coachNelly: !chat
LRRbot: Chat seems active.
GredGredmansson: correct
TehAmelie: what if you choose Changeling?
Timagio: Either way
kaareendrup: Ben is right
CrossXhunteR: ban chat
coachNelly: !listen
LRRbot: Chat? Engaging in mimicry?
LRRbot: Tune Up [3W] | Sorcery | Return target artifact card from your graveyard to the battlefield. If it's a Vehicle, it becomes an artifact creature.
micalovits: !listen
LRRbot: Chat seems active.
ELD_Winterlight: It makes itself a scarecrow, but it does not buff itself.
RealGamerCow: Game loss for chat.
GredGredmansson: @TehAmelie "Changeling" isn't a creature type
northos: @LRRbot lmao I love this made it into the bot
Kunx990: BIGFOOT!!!!
Timagio: @TehAmelie Changeling is an ability, not type
TehAmelie: aww
Max_Fan: Changeling is not a creature type, it's an ability that gives a creature all types
Marvoleath: @TehAmelie it's not a subtype
BrowneePointz: another Refurbish!
TheShatzMan: dwarfs gonna do dwarf stuff
Mr_Horrible: they at least had the decency to make this one not cost 1 or 2 :p
MikeProvencher: Fun Fact about Tune Up: If you reanimate a Vehicle, it becomes a Creature forever.
LRRbot: Reef Roads | Land | This land enters tapped unless you control a Mount or Vehicle. / {T}: Add {U}. / {1}{U}, {T}, Sacrifice this land: Create a 1/1 colorless Pilot creature token with "This token saddles Mounts and crews Vehicles as though its power were 2 greater." Activate only as a sorcery.
tryllebanjo: I love limited reanimation in white.
spicyFerret_: lrrSCOOP_SQ extraZoey
rand0mtask_: Making your creatures big/big is a thing
Mr_Horrible: "March Of The Opposite Of The Machines"
PorpoisesUnknown: Probably goes well in Bearforce 1
TXC2: !aetherdrift
LRRbot: For more information on Aetherdrift, including a full image gallery, where you can find your local prerelease, and where to pre-order the set, click here!
silenceaux: It's probably going to upgrade your creatures
TheMadS8nt: I like to think there is a reality where ben called Ooze on the engine
argetbrisingr: graham didnt want to play it but played bloodghast lol
RockPusher: Oozy goodness
QuixoticScrivener: Ben and oozes, name a better pair.
Gekyouryuu: Abuelo's Awakening, or, as i call it: Grandpa's Get Up and Go
g1yph: 2 mana 6/6 flyer etb surveil 2 hmmm
kaareendrup: I feel like graham is about to side in the ooze before his first game
Max_Fan: Turns out you only need a couple 6/6 or 7/7 creatures to win
public_key_reveal_party: Sometimes a wall of meat just gets there
funguslore: March of the World Ooze is basicly a Overrun in limeted
RealGamerCow: !card world ooze
LRRbot: March of the World Ooze [3GGG] | Enchantment | Creatures you control have base power and toughness 6/6 and are Oozes in addition to their other types. / Whenever an opponent casts a spell, if it's not their turn, you create a 3/3 green Elephant creature token.
RocknGrohlNerd: big donkey good in limited, you heard it here first
R__Doom: Ooze can go crazy pretty fast
turtleman7420: imagine a 6/6 bloodghast
Simonark: They call him Mr. Ooze.
BrowneePointz: chat it still has 3 pips
BrowneePointz: that’s not free
QuixoticScrivener: Graham fixes his deck off screen.
maclenrac: Plus make elephants?
Obos_TAB: that bloodghast could have been a 6/6 ooze
MikeProvencher: It could be any number.
public_key_reveal_party: Mystery
fanofmosteverything9: It's fine.
coachNelly: when cameron casts disenchat it
Obos_TAB: graham fursiously altering deck in the other room
RockPusher: knock knock, open up the door, it's OOZE!
g1yph: what if it wasnt delivery? it was diogiorno
frank_the_great: That's one hot mike
Jon_CoffeeRobot: so based on Graham's deckbuild and these two, do we think this is a very splash-friendly three-colour format
coachNelly: is gonna be pretty funny
notoriousmtg_: Ivan Ooze alter coming soon?
TheShatzMan: lol it could be anything....even a boat! You know how much we've wanted one of those.
LoadingReadyRun: lrrPAUL World ooze is on the battlefield. I jump into my car and hit the gas. Car turns into Ooze :(
Simonark: The horse IS a 6/6
laikagoat: of course
fanofmosteverything9: The classic horse splash.
OldUncleDan: Of all of the colors, triple green is generally the least difficult to get.
RealGamerCow: @Jon_CoffeeRobot seems like lots of fixing
Graham_LRR: I’m still not running the ooze, the green is too heavy
rand0mtask_: The rule is it is only greedy when it doesn't work
GredGredmansson: I'm not sure if this set HAS much enchantment removal in it
Spades_Slicc: What was that blue egg Cam played, it had something like a spell pierce effect?
LathosTiran: REL:axed
RocknGrohlNerd: @LoadingReadyRun avngrJam
comrade_cards: !findquote snorse
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
Jon_CoffeeRobot: "The green is too heavy", things said on a Friday night
rob_mossop: It's all a bluff by Graham...
Obos_TAB: @Graham_LRR You know what else is heavy? 6/6's (i don't disagree with you though)
coachNelly: @Graham_LRR thats fair i'm sure bloodghast is better in sealed than march of teh world ooze
TXC2: just run more lands Kappa
PorpoisesUnknown: Graham I believe you to be strong enough to carry those green pips. Run that ooze!
Max_Fan: And UU for however many Hulldrifters
Wolfstrike_NL: @Graham_LRR What about running it in the second deck :P ?
GrumblingMoblin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 111 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, GrumblingMoblin! (Today's storm count: 86)
mattyraft44: hi Graham.
OldUncleDan: Green is probably the heaviest color.
GredGredmansson: !card Diversion Unit
LRRbot: Diversion Unit [1U] | Artifact Creature — Robot [2/1] | Flying / {U}, Sacrifice this creature: Counter target instant or sorcery spell unless its controller pays {3}.
BrowneePointz: @Spades_Slicc Diversion Unit
EvilBadman: @Graham_LRR I don't think running and ooze are congruent words
RocknGrohlNerd: @TXC2 or more 6/6s
notoriousmtg_: the support for 3 color in this set ia amazing
TXC2: RocknGrohlNerd exactly
ThanhtTheBoss: PPR has ruined my plans (at work) by providing entertainment. Curses :shakes fist in sarcasm:
TheWooglie: your removal is 6/6s
Spades_Slicc: ohh instants and sorceries only
fanofmosteverything9: Player removal is always viable permanent removal.
LRRMTG_Judge: @Jon_CoffeeRobot Vehicles and Start Your Engines (and exhaust to a lesser extent) slant heavily aggressive, so draft may or may not be amenable to 3c+ piles depending on how good the cheap interaction and blockers are, IMO. However in Sealed having the cycle of tapped gainlands and a bunch of really strong rares floating around pushes people heavily towards playing lots of colours and casting their bonkers cards! - Squirrel
TehAmelie: if an elephant is a 3/3 and oozes are 6/6, we should assume one ooze weighs as much as 12 metric tons
RockPusher: lrrFINE
LRRbot: Reef Roads | Land | This land enters tapped unless you control a Mount or Vehicle. / {T}: Add {U}. / {1}{U}, {T}, Sacrifice this land: Create a 1/1 colorless Pilot creature token with "This token saddles Mounts and crews Vehicles as though its power were 2 greater." Activate only as a sorcery.
GredGredmansson: lrrFINE
Simonark: It turns out "All The Oozes In The World" is valid strategically.
dabudder: everythings fine? even war?
frank_the_great: He screams for he does not know
ThorSokar: shouldn't Ben have a win pip?
R__Doom: lrrFINE
Jon_CoffeeRobot: @LRRMTG_Judge Neat 👍
fanofmosteverything9: Love the Country Roads cycle.
LordShadner subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 132 months, currently on a 132 month streak!
LordShadner: Have to go back for 1st hour later but glad to be here for a PPR lrrSHINE
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LordShadner! (Today's storm count: 87)
BrowneePointz: also, Vehicles skew aggressive but not necessarily fast
TXC2: watching the wacky races in my case
Marvoleath: The road cracks, pilot comes at. It's like their eggs
Rodzos: Hi :)
LathosTiran: a car has crashed and closed the road, but now theres a spare pilot
sydinor: My removal is player based would be a great button
TheDevil_Risen: lrrDARK need a lrrAWESOME
Bugberry: If the land was a desert, that's basically Anakin's backstory.
ThanhtTheBoss: Did Garruk show up in the story?
TXC2: hello Rodzos welcome
maclenrac: Wicked
chuckaw1977 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 60 months!
chuckaw1977: 60 months...that is like 1 year...also who all will I be seeing in Chicago in just a few short weeks?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, chuckaw1977! (Today's storm count: 88)
GredGredmansson: @ThanhtTheBoss he does not
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): does the Ooze Enchantment make a Ooozephant?
BoxedLogic: It just makes elephants, but while the enchantment is play, they are also oozes
Kydrou Kair Renner Oudre: I just play Darkest Dungeon lines whenever i make a mistake
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): thats a lot of damage
LRRbot: Lifecraft Engine [3] | Artifact — Vehicle [4/4] | As this Vehicle enters, choose a creature type. / Vehicle creatures you control are the chosen creature type in addition to their other types. / Each…
Joshua Weston: the ooze enchantment is a beating
BoxedLogic: Cam has more speed, but Ben's winning this one, proving slow and steady wins the race?
LRRbot: Tune Up [3W] | Sorcery | Return target artifact card from your graveyard to the battlefield. If it's a Vehicle, it becomes an artifact creature.
LRRbot: Reef Roads | Land | This land enters tapped unless you control a Mount or Vehicle. / {T}: Add {U}. / {1}{U}, {T}, Sacrifice this land: Create a 1/1 colorless Pilot creature token with "This token sad…
Joshua Weston: ggs
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): oh the roads are mount/vehicle dependent I missed that on first read
BoxedLogic: All my creatures become colossal Oozemaw
Gaz-L: turn flying men into 6/6s
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): Of Oooze and Men
Wesley Ackerman: why did graham cut the world ooze? ;_;
Stormgod: okay, im back!
Stormgod: hi everyone
LRRbot: Reef Roads | Land | This land enters tapped unless you control a Mount or Vehicle. / {T}: Add {U}. / {1}{U}, {T}, Sacrifice this land: Create a 1/1 colorless Pilot creature token with "This token sad…
BoxedLogic: Opp having to block 6/6 oozes is basically removal
Wesley Ackerman: wb storm
RATZGobbler: Hey Cameron! How many automotive puns have yo0u endured so far?
Stormgod: oh, new land cycle
Deebster: missed opportunity, if Ben had named ooze with the lifecrafter engine...
Stormgod: @RATZGobbler certainly this set has driven that number up...
LRRbot: Guardian Sunmare [3WW] | Creature — Horse Mount [5/5] | Ward {2} / Whenever this creature attacks while saddled, search your library for a nonland permanent card with mana value 3 or less, put it onto the battlefield, then shuffle. / Saddle 4
TheDevil_Risen: there it is
Stormgod519: im here too!
81ackR0se: @Graham_LRR Coward... my Duskmourn prerelease deck was 4 colours with triple pips in 2 of them and double pips in the other 2...
Jon_CoffeeRobot: if Fayden was still around they'd absolutely make a Dack Dastardly card
gawag_: yessss
BrowneePointz: the art on that Sun mare is GORGEOUS
RockPusher: vroooom
Stormgod519: morning everyone!
PorpoisesUnknown: Vrommmmm
GhostValv: wowie
Symphoneers: Again, hell yeah Paul.
Graham_LRR: A Guardian Sunmare the size of a Crested Sunmare has crashed into the graveyard
fanofmosteverything9: Good Wind Drake.
kaareendrup: all commander players want is crested sunmare in standard
DapperKoala2: That UI feature and the audio with it are so dang cool.
CrossXhunteR: turn it into think twice
namagem1: Vrummm
TXC2: hello Stormgod519 welcome
PorpoisesUnknown: Paul is the goat with this stuff
GredGredmansson: there's a 5 card cycle of Surveyors
TyvarLala: is there a token like in lord of the rings for speed?
OldUncleDan: Remember when creatures were bad? My green playing butt certainly remembers!
v1nzan1: did magicnewgirl already play?
argetbrisingr: @TyvarLala yep
LRRMTG_Judge: @TyvarLala Yes! It was shown in the deckbuild segment earlier. - Squirrel
TXC2: TyvarLala there sure is
argetbrisingr: @v1nzan1 this is match 1
Jon_CoffeeRobot: @v1nzan1 This is game one
skripmtg: @v1nzan1 SHe hasn't
LathosTiran: @TyvarLala yep, it was seen in grahams deck build
LRRMTG_Judge: @v1nzan1 Nope, we're in Round 1 - Squirrel
Stormgod519: @v1nzan1 nope, its still game one
TXC2: v1nzan1 not yet
letsbelgo: @v1nzan1 round 1 of 6. So it would be impressive if she did
Graham_LRR: @v1nzan1 next round!
BrowneePointz: @v1nzan1 nope this is round 1 game 2
TehAmelie: i remember Clockwork Avian
LRRMTG_Judge: every prerelease kit will come with a speed reminder pharma2Vial
laikagoat: lrrSPOOP lrrSPOOP
wifi12345678910: @OldUncleDan When is Fallen Empires remastered coming out?
frank_the_great: Wreckage Wickerfolk is a tongue twister.
Stormgod519: @LRRMTG_Judge and thank god not a second promo you cant play
dabudder: synergy!
fanofmosteverything9: ^=^
Jon_CoffeeRobot: ^=^
BrowneePointz: I so hope these cute guys come back in Edge of Eternities
RayFK: :)
googoltudoris: i really want to 3d print an h-shifter speed tracker
OldUncleDan: @wifi12345678910 I want an Ebon Praetor reprint!!!!!!
Chronomagistrate: So do they
GredGredmansson: People think they might be seeding for EoE
niccus: it seems very likely they'll be in the teased space set
Marvoleath: Nunu bot plane
goombalax: the seem like the True Neutral plane from D&D
SittingOx: LRRMTG_Judge does that count as a speeding ticket?
LRRbot: Debris Beetle [2BG] | Artifact — Vehicle [6/6] | Trample / When this Vehicle enters, each opponent loses 3 life and you gain 3 life. / Crew 2
TXC2: is the robot plane not the one from Edge ?
BrowneePointz: I think it’s for EoE Ben
TehAmelie: Debribble
namagem1: Debreetle
BrowneePointz: a pre seeding
DapperKoala2: Someone in chat said "Siege Renault" and that's incredible.
Timagio: Real talk: I love the design of Guidelight stuff, but think it does NOT belong in MtG.
Nickiatori: Cam liking robots on this event and the latest EDSC
Chronomagistrate: I mean, they're trying to find an omenpath back to their home plane
funguslore: Siege Beetle
kaareendrup: Yeeees robot plane! Wizards if you are watching we are reacting positively to robot plane!
LRRbot: Scoured Barrens | Land | This land enters tapped. / When this land enters, you gain 1 life. / {T}: Add {W} or {B}.
BrowneePointz: ye the Space Opera set
LRRMTG_Judge: @SittingOx it's more a spedometer than a speeding ticket. pharma2Vial
Jericu: It's the robots and it's also the multiple times in the story they, for no apparent reason, are like "I wonder what lies...beyond the stars..."
OldUncleDan: @BrowneePointz A PrePre Seeding? A PPS if you will.
BrowneePointz: set on “the boundary of the multiverse”
PorpoisesUnknown: I've been for an Alien / space set for a lonng time. I'm pumped
namagem1: There's also the insect plane whose name can't be said by normal mouths
wifi12345678910: DIdn't the goblins canonically go through the blind eternities by reaching escape velocity or something?
Timagio: @kaareendrup I'm not, but being drowned out :(
Nickiatori: debreetle!
Mr_Horrible: I need a mario kart mechanic where if you start your engines with proper timing you start at 2
GredGredmansson: @wifi12345678910 pretty sure yeah
QuixoticScrivener: Kathleen would tell us if she is doing the flavor text for Edge of Eternities. Excepting the hypothetical NDA.
Mr_Horrible: although I guess that's already the case if you have a source of life loss the same turn
BrowneePointz: they went through an omen path
Jon_CoffeeRobot: @Mr_Horrible And if you get greedy and hold down A, do you take 2 damage?
niccus: @Mr_Horrible there's a rakdos 2-drop that pings on arrival that lets you do that
BrowneePointz: and THINK it’s cuz they hit escape velocity
ecredragon subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 15 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ecredragon! (Today's storm count: 89)
GredGredmansson: @Mr_Horrible the Rakdos Uncommon Lizard does that, it ETBS and deals 1 to an opponnet
LRRbot: Carrion Cruiser [2B] | Artifact — Vehicle [3/2] | When this Vehicle enters, mill two cards. Then return a creature or Vehicle card from your graveyard to your hand. / Crew 1
MrAyeAxe: BenBen needs to take a stun counter off his vehicle btw :D
TehAmelie: "charging somebody with speeding in this place was like handing out speeding tickets at the Indianapolis 500"
mrf1shie: Judge! Stun counter removed
fanofmosteverything9: Alas.
Mr_Horrible: @Jon_CoffeeRobot see now that'd be funny, too. Something that manually increases your speed outside the implicit, but damages you
beissman: would have swapped the colors for the speed graphic.. red goes faster!
skripmtg: Don't have any white currently
TXC2: !relaxed
LRRbot: REL:Axed or Rules Enforcement level relaxed means we try to let the cards do what they are supposed to do, and not punish players for their mistakes. While we all try to follow the rules these cards are brand new to everyone and mistakes will be made, just sit back and enjoy the stream.
flatluigi: @beissman max speed is 'go mode'
LRRMTG_Judge: you don't need to put in all caps about reminders, we are monitoring chat. pharma2Vial
GredGredmansson: @beissman ...I don't want to be in a vehicle with you at a traffic light.
RockPusher: !quote 5703
LRRbot: Quote #5703: "There's nothing on the line but having good times." —Shivam [2019-01-11]
Timagio: Jousting!
Jon_CoffeeRobot: We watched the entire Fast and Furious franchise on our Discord (backwards) and it's absolutely about staring at one another
dm818: Car jousting
ThanhtTheBoss: It's the opposite of chicken. Parking?
Gekyouryuu: It's about FAMILY
Professor_Rakor: Honk
frank_the_great: Shout out to the judges! <3
Sir_Louis: Sounds to me like this set need Chicken gm
goodies_7: love the gentle reminder 🤣
LRRMTG_Judge: not a single message escapes our wrathful gaze - Squirrel
Mr_Horrible: reenacting George Romero's "Knightriders" at higher speeds
LRRbot: Interface Ace [1W] | Artifact Creature — Robot Pilot [0/4] | This creature saddles Mounts and crews Vehicles using its toughness rather than its power. / Whenever this creature becomes tapped during your turn, untap it. This ability triggers only once each turn.
MalFnord: Love me a good game of chicken
PorpoisesUnknown: theres enough long pause shots on vin disiels face for me to 100% believe that
TheDevil_Risen: it was never about the cars, it was about the FAMILY
Bugberry: I remember when Future Sight was coming out, there was a joke "scifi space set" on the Wizards site. Hard to believe it's actually coming true.
mrf1shie: @LRRMTG_Judge Thanks for your assistance :)
TehAmelie: remember Speed Racer, the movie. that's what racing is like innit
Sir_Louis: -Game from yu-gi-oh
TXC2: we all learned from Talldaga nights that racing is about men learning to love
A_Dub888: Interf-ace
TXC2: *taladega
LRRMTG_Judge: also, we tend to wait for pauses in flow to fix things. we often don't want to stop a conversation for something like a stun counter. pharma2Vial
maclenrac: Double saddle
pleonasticTautology: everything i learned about racing came from growing up/learning to drive on long island
Laserbeaks_Fury: Boy 2 Crew
Jon_CoffeeRobot: @TehAmelie Speed Racer had such an amazing aesthetic that the critics couldn't appreciate
immegamind1: card seems goaded in vehicle deck
Marvoleath: that robot can ride two horses at once
ThanhtTheBoss: @txc2 I didn't see that movie. Is this a straight love... or you know, for the rest of us?
joejoebear812: there's been significantly fewer *vroom* noises made than I was expecting
TheShatzMan: the fast and furious movies taught me that racing is about excessive amounts of shifting 🤔
Timagio: @Bugberry They also joked about variant cards/cards that can only be bought as box toppers, etc. But here we are!
Zoowks: i always feel like things like this should track what turn it is
BusTed: @TheShatzMan LUL
A_Dub888: @TXC2 I thought the lesson from Talladega Nights was "If you're not first, you're last"
Jon_CoffeeRobot: @TheShatzMan it's how you go faster
LRRbot: Night Market | Land | This land enters tapped. As it enters, choose a color. / {T}: Add one mana of the chosen color. / Cycling {3}
BrowneePointz: gorgeous art
fanofmosteverything9: Ah yes, Temu Triome.
TXC2: ThanhtTheBoss it's more about a man learning to love himself, and his family
LRRbot: Guardian Sunmare [3WW] | Creature — Horse Mount [5/5] | Ward {2} / Whenever this creature attacks while saddled, search your library for a nonland permanent card with mana value 3 or less, put it ont…
RATZGobbler: @Stormgod 😑
Stormgod: Love that
Exhausted Elox: That's so cool, Paul :D
Gaz-L: when i was/a young boy/my father took me into the city/to see the wacky races
Stormgod: @RATZGobbler im here all week, and you cant get rid of me
Octagone: I love the sound effects
Stormgod: also love that speed overlay thing
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): those wickerfolk are tougher then stormcrow
Wesley Ackerman: finally something more broken than stormcrow
Stormgod: oh dang
Gaz-L: oh, is that a cycle of Start Your Engines dudes that draw a card from the bin at max?
Stormgod: @Wesley Ackerman nothing is more broken than storm crow
Exhausted Elox: I love that flavor text :D
LRRbot: Debris Beetle [2BG] | Artifact — Vehicle [6/6] | Trample / When this Vehicle enters, each opponent loses 3 life and you gain 3 life. / Crew 2
iSmartMan1: Can't be exiled to Force of Will, not better than Storm Crow
Simriel: Cameron is known to Like Robots
Stormgod: Siege Beetle
Octagone: They got to be from Edge of eternity, right?
LRRbot: Scoured Barrens | Land | This land enters tapped. / When this land enters, you gain 1 life. / {T}: Add {W} or {B}.
RATZGobbler: Clearly anything is possible when it comes to flavor
Exhausted Elox: Cuz he can start crewing it next turn. That's smart
LRRbot: Carrion Cruiser [2B] | Artifact — Vehicle [3/2] | When this Vehicle enters, mill two cards. Then return a creature or Vehicle card from your graveyard to your hand. / Crew 1
Exhausted Elox: Should have lost a stun counter at Untap step.
Octagone: Missed the stun counter
Derpmind: Stun miss counter the.
BoxedLogic: We all judge the chat
Stormgod: lol
Stormgod: as is the obligation
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): lol
Gaz-L: car joust
Octagone: Counter the miss stun
Pyre Dynasty: Demolition derby
LRRbot: Interface Ace [1W] | Artifact Creature — Robot Pilot [0/4] | This creature saddles Mounts and crews Vehicles using its toughness rather than its power. / Whenever this creature becomes tapped during …
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): though Cameron is going faster as speed of 1
Stormgod: ay, we love pilots
Elliot: can you proliferate speed?
RATZGobbler: Like that movie where the two guys face off. What was the name of that movie again?
BoxedLogic: no
Gaz-L: no, it's not a counter
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): no, I think it is like Ring Tempting
Octagone: Where are all of Cameron’s beep beeps?
Elliot: awesome, thank you!
Stormgod: yeah
LRRbot: Night Market | Land | This land enters tapped. As it enters, choose a color. / {T}: Add one mana of the chosen color. / Cycling {3}
BoxedLogic: All these pilots, and nothing to drive with them
Stormgod: speed is different from energy
TehAmelie: indeed. i predicted the world would take 10 years to catch up with Speed Racer and start enjoying it, not to call myself a prophet or anything. . .
TimeToFry subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 74 months!
TimeToFry: Nyoom
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TimeToFry! (Today's storm count: 90)
niccus: night market is very cromulent
LathosTiran: @A_Dub888 fire is invisible
funguslore: LUL
Mr_Horrible: I love a flying Cumberstone
beissman: @GredGredmansson well.. we already have some speed.. even at red.. just wanted to get the ork fans involved ;)
public_key_reveal_party: LUL
MikeProvencher: I'm here for a good time *and* a long time.
Tai114: Threw some spike strips on the track
BrowneePointz: it turns into a 5/5!?
Jon_CoffeeRobot: Race? No, this is a cross-country rally
ThanhtTheBoss: @txc2 Ah, thank you! That's a pretty good sounding movie.
Mr_Horrible: Kathleen with the "boo-urns" is very appropriate
A_Dub888: @LathosTiran fire is a state of mind
raulghoulia: that card is hilarious with extra combats
mrf1shie: What a lovely control finisher
kaareendrup: Oooh Cam 1 lands away from a 5/5 fligilance
SittingOx: do i see 3 forests?
Debatra: @BrowneePointz Yeah, but that costs seven mana.
A_Dub888: beep beep
Mr_Horrible: I will say that only hearing the starting beep in that sequence feels like my brain missing a stair lrrLUL
Mr_Horrible: but that just means it's working
PorpoisesUnknown: "2 racers pullin into the starting area, this race is about to HEAT UP"
maclenrac: ignition
Jon_CoffeeRobot: is Speed one of the colour-pairing archetypes, or is it just prevalent in the background?
fanofmosteverything9: @SittingOx Sadly, Ben milled the March.
TheWormbo: @SittingOx world ooze is gone already
ypsilonkappa subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 35 months!
ypsilonkappa: Yay PPR!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ypsilonkappa! (Today's storm count: 91)
itsj0mi: peepoDrive
Mr_Horrible: @Jon_CoffeeRobot all over the place I think
TXC2: I wish my PS1 still worked, 'cause I'm gonna need to play crash team racing after this :p
BrowneePointz: @debatra correct, at instant speed late game: I misread it this morning as one counter
ExachixKitsune: dang TXC2. I loved CTR.
kaareendrup: Good call Ben
PorpoisesUnknown: it bought some time
GredGredmansson: oh the SACCED creature
GredGredmansson: permanent*
TehAmelie: i'm feeling more Twisted Metal
Mr_Horrible: it's funny to me that we got an F-Zero mainline magic set before we got another F-Zero mainline game
Gekyouryuu: @txc2 is the remake for that not out yet?
Laserbeaks_Fury: Chome Splinters
Marvoleath subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 20 months!
Marvoleath: Speed at 20
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Marvoleath! (Today's storm count: 92)
Zaghrog: CTR still playable, no need for past tense
Jon_CoffeeRobot: @Mr_Horrible Why would you hurt us like this
TXC2: Gekyouryuu didn't know there was one, I'm not much of console player
silenceaux: @Mr_Horrible A pain deep in my soul. Give us another F-Zero GX.......
Mr_Horrible: @Jon_CoffeeRobot Because this pain is also my pain kanagoSad
dabudder: okay!
LRRbot: Thopter Fabricator [2U] | Artifact — Vehicle [4/4] | Flying / Whenever you draw your second card each turn, create a 1/1 colorless Thopter artifact creature token with flying. / Crew 2
Mr_Horrible: I love drawing 2nd cards *and* making flying artifact tokens
TXC2: Zaghrog I don't have hardware that can play my copy :p
fanofmosteverything9: Debris Beetle's out of its pit stop.
baltimore_667083: debreetle returns to the race
Nickiatori: Debreetle!
g1yph: that was more than a 5 s stop-go penalty
Gekyouryuu: @txc2 afaik there is/will be, but i might've heard wrong
LRRbot: Debris Beetle [2BG] | Artifact — Vehicle [6/6] | Trample / When this Vehicle enters, each opponent loses 3 life and you gain 3 life. / Crew 2
0gl1tch0: Can we get three more stun counters?
ThanhtTheBoss: I'm glad I watched this, so many good jokes to spread at my pre-release.
TXC2: Gekyouryuu well here's hoping
Zaghrog: @TXC2 Unfortunate. Emulation might be an option
MadWolf1290 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 72 months, currently on a 69 month streak!
MadWolf1290: the nice streak
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MadWolf1290! (Today's storm count: 93)
BlightwidowMTG: hello friends!
Stormgod519: @BlightwidowMTG hello
TXC2: hello BlightwidowMTG welcome
skripmtg: @BlightwidowMTG HEllooooooooooo
BrowneePointz: I still love that the Speedbrood turn themselves INTO cars
GredGredmansson: ben no
R__Doom: @blightwidowmtg hi
Jaolen: did Ben just go “I want your deck to do the thing it does” to Cameron
gawag_: love a shade
CuChullain21: attacking creatures -1/0
fanofmosteverything9: Nope, generic shade.
dabudder: cameron 'i want your deck to do the thing it does' lauder
OldUncleDan: So Max Speed is kinda like City's Blessing in that once you get it you can't lose it?
coachNelly: that mutant has a lot of words
Mr_Horrible: yeah, colorless shade is pretty huge for limited
LordShadner: flowstone
Atrizk: @BrowneePointz We.Are.Speed
LRRMTG_Judge: flowstone is +1/-1 pharma2Vial
LRRMTG_Judge: @OldUncleDan That's right! - Squirrel
RocknGrohlNerd: flowstone
maclenrac: Atog
Mr_Horrible: normally they need B somewhere in there
magicnewgirl: hiii chat !! 🩷
Bugberry: Flowstone on Rath
SittingOx: did you get the Akira pilots?
Wonderdoc: @CuChullain21 thats dead already
TXC2: hello magicnewgirl !
notoriousmtg_: @magicnewgirl she's here
CuChullain21: @Wonderdoc Thanks
skripmtg: @magicnewgirl Hellooooo sipstrMagicnewgirl sipstrMagicnewgirl sipstrHI sipstrHI
RocknGrohlNerd: Hi @magicnewgirl
sascha454: can we see the token?
R__Doom: @magicnewgirl sipstrHI sipstrMagicnewgirl
raulghoulia: that's some stone
QuixoticScrivener: show token please
Jethrain: You could lose max speed because of the blue shell though, right?
A_Dub888: Each day we move one step closer to becoming zombies
Rourke9: omg i love her outfit
Atrizk: @Jethrain yes
argetbrisingr: i wonder if theres a mount version too
Nickiatori: Avishkar
Sir_Louis: Gallant Char!
Spades_Slicc: Avishkar Serge
Knightclasse: Shades have been +1/+1 since the begining of time
BrowneePointz: Avishkar Serge
QuixoticScrivener: thanks Serge!
PolarPayne: what happened in the morning?
Laserbeaks_Fury: It's Yui Kimura from DBD
fanofmosteverything9: Wouldn't it need to be red to be Char?
raulghoulia: Char does ride a horse
Valqori: Can the old pilots also mount better now?
themightygerg: What predicated the name change?
Stormgod: its closer to the ring tempts you
Stormgod: oh dang
Stormgod: we are here for a looooooong time
Simriel: For more information on Aetherdrift, including a full image gallery, where you can find your local prerelease, and where to pre-order the set, click here!
BoxedLogic: Did you just throw a CAR at me?!
Stormgod: lol
Stormgod: he got T-boned
iSmartMan1: Is it weird that I feel the set based around racing and a literal "speed" mechanic is going to be a slow limited format?
Wesley Ackerman: i was just thinking that too
Stormgod: hmmm
Stormgod: maybe
Stormgod: its a lot of vehicles
Stormgod: so less creatures will slow things down a bit
LRRbot: Thopter Fabricator [2U] | Artifact — Vehicle [4/4] | Flying / Whenever you draw your second card each turn, create a 1/1 colorless Thopter artifact creature token with flying. / Crew 2
Stormgod: im liking it so far, but maybe it is way slower
Stormgod: oh my god, this card
Stormgod: this thing is cracked
castlewise: The PPR seems like its always slower than things end
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): vehicles are not fast in game, so format isn't going to fast. Sealed is also not a fast format usually
Octagone: Oh no
RATZGobbler: Really wish they named the set something like Verse Racer's Mad-Dash just so it could have the code VRM!!!
Stormgod: more debreetle
iSmartMan1: I've been wanting a slow format for years, I'm the kind of guy who likes durdling
BoxedLogic: Don't forget, pre-release is sealed, it's usually slower than draft too
LRRbot: Debris Beetle [2BG] | Artifact — Vehicle [6/6] | Trample / When this Vehicle enters, each opponent loses 3 life and you gain 3 life. / Crew 2
Stormgod: how do i work this?!?
Austin Rearick: I mean, it's closer to a cross country race, so you could argue plays into it thematically
Stormgod: oh god
Stormgod: the debris rhino is really good
Stormgod: oh Ben
BoxedLogic: mutant's are back? My The Master deck will be pleased
iSmartMan1: @BoxedLogic Yeah, but there's a bunch of stuff in the set costing 5 and 6 mana, and it's the first set to have playable vanilla creatures in a long time.
Austin Rearick: While the vehicles and mounts are fast, the actual act of trying to eek out the win is a going to take a bit, especially if everyone is actively making the race harder for everyone else
Stormgod: now wait a minute
Dandelion V: is brn still mad at cam about kamigawa?
Stormgod: LOL
Stormgod: @Dandelion V I literally was thinking the same thing when Ben said "i want you to do the fun thing"
Nickiatori: @themightygerg an in universe revolution
BrowneePointz: desh is a slur in Hindi
Chatty_Protagonist subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 25 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
Chatty_Protagonist: I have nothing to contribute.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Chatty_Protagonist! (Today's storm count: 94)
wifi12345678910: beep
Jon_CoffeeRobot: @Valqori There's a few creatures with 'Pilot' type but they don't inherently crew better
Stormgod519: @Valqori they should be able to
Bugberry: their neck and neck
JRandomHacker: god I can't wait to hear the max-speed payoff
TheDevil_Risen: escher3DOOT
TXC2: BrowneePointz Kala is the slur, Desh just means land
GredGredmansson: @Stormgod519 @Stormgod519 they don't
TheOneInquisitor: those beeps are terrifically loud
benjamin_wheeler: @browneepointz it ain’t
BrowneePointz: Ope sorry what TXC said
skripmtg: Your still my favorite, Serge!
aridos: I forgive you, Serge
kaareendrup: Good form Serge, thanks for the reminder!
ElektroTal: Desh is not a slur. It means land of
TheDevil_Risen: wonder how long its going to be before we all stop calling it the original name
RocknGrohlNerd: don´t forget to beep the speed gamers
Stormgod519: @GredGredmansson interesting. they have the same name so i wouldve assumed, but they have different rules text, i see
LRRMTG_Judge: @themightygerg If you'd like the full explanation, it can be found here: - BlackRose
silenceaux: I'm really hoping Paul did a certain thing when they reach speed 4
dabudder: dabreeble
BrowneePointz: @elektrotal sorry Shivam got the syllable wrong!
MyrddintheWizard: the boop for speed is so good.
LRRbot: Gas Guzzler [B] | Creature — Vampire Rogue [2/1] | Start your engines! / This creature enters tapped. / Max speed — {B}, Sacrifice another creature or Vehicle: Draw a card.
EvilBadman: @TheDevil_Risen Hopefully soon so we don't have to waste brainspace wondering
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: I’m pretty new to MTG and don’t know much of the lore. why did they change the name of the plane?
LoadingReadyRun: @silenceaux lrrAWESOME
GredGredmansson: @Stormgod519 Not all tokens have the same inherent rules text, particularly for Creatures.
Jon_CoffeeRobot: @silenceaux what I want to know is what happens if Kathleen presses the + button after they hit 4
Timagio: Oh hey Ben Stiller
Tai114: Max speed makes the playfield explode.
frank_the_great: The guzzler
TehAmelie: i figured they changed it to sound like "a wish car"
tsuuisalie: you don't go up in speed by playing cards
A_Dub888: Gas Guzzlussy
RocknGrohlNerd: hello my name is Gus Guzzler
Stormgod519: @GredGredmansson yep. that's my bad. thanks for clarifying
Vandristine: its Ben Stiller
GredGredmansson: EVERYONE doe, Serge
tryllebanjo: Yes!
Rourke9: yes
frank_the_great: Everyone does
skripmtg: I'm hoping for a higher pitched beep for the fourth speed
Mr_Horrible: well now I do
BusTed: haha
Jobot180 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 114 months!
TheDevil_Risen: yeah
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Jobot180! (Today's storm count: 95)
aridos: please dont call it gas guzzlussy
LRRbot: Diversion Unit [1U] | Artifact Creature — Robot [2/1] | Flying / {U}, Sacrifice this creature: Counter target instant or sorcery spell unless its controller pays {3}.
ElektroTal: Kala isn't a slur either. It means black. However, putting black and land of together becomes a slur
Atrizk: from blood vampire to oil vampire
avocategory: @tsuuisalie you do, but only from 0 to 1
skripmtg: Yes indeed Stiller for sure
TXC2: I see it now
coachNelly: Orange Mocha Frappucinnos!
skripmtg: Mana Leak
GredGredmansson: so, Ben Stiller from Tropic Thunder then
fanofmosteverything9: Miscast
ThorSokar: that is EXACTLY what I was thinking Serge
Bugberry: They did waste a lot of gasoline in Zoolander
EvilBadman: "I got the black lung, pa"
CrossXhunteR: spell pierce is back, baby
Laserbeaks_Fury: I mean, it's masically Mr. Furious
Mr_Horrible: "You called it 'Guzzoline'! What did you expect me to do?"
NrgSpoon: TT~TT
Pharmacistjudge: !card miscast
LRRbot: Miscast [U] | Instant | Counter target instant or sorcery spell unless its controller pays {3}.
themightygerg: Zoomlander
simpletoon: Declarative: Weep.
kaareendrup: Thanks, I'm never not gonna see Ben Stiller now
OldUncleDan: Specfically Ben Stiller from Mistery Men.
LRRMTG_Judge: It's a Miscast - Natedogg
ztghostie: Blue Steel looking a little different these days
skripmtg: TT~TT
niccus: gas station scene (good ending)
laikagoat: it's dooley, don't feel too bad
wifi12345678910: TT~TT
ThorSokar: He's just screaming "Is this a car for ants?!"
tryllebanjo: @aridos But please do call it guzzoline! V8!
LRRMTG_Judge: @ThreeTwoOnePantsOff Full explanation here: - BlackRose
Mr_Bitterness: Ben Stiller back in his Mystery Men days, yeah
Timagio: So chat, I was looking for the techno-viking Zombie token from Mirrodin Besieged and I can't find it online
Jon_CoffeeRobot: Didn't they literally have a petrol fight in Zoolander
Marvoleath: @threetwoonepantsoff in-world explanation was after a revolution happening, real world you got a link above
SeismicLawns: TT~TT
Atrizk: TT~TT
Laserbeaks_Fury: π~π
Timagio: It does not look like a viking at all
fanofmosteverything9: π~π
Mr_Horrible: @OldUncleDan yeah, the headband/goggles definitely evoke Mister Furious
BrowneePointz: yes they had a fight with gas in Zoolander
Undersol: π~π
EvilBadman: @Mr_Bitterness Or Zoolander in the coalmine
skripmtg: It's a great photo
dfolesthekid: what is this, a board state for ants?
RocknGrohlNerd: serge is having a ball, I love it
Debatra: @LRRMTG_Judge +2 Life for Cameron, because the creature he just chumped with gives Ben's attacking creatures -1/-0 and it was missed twice now.
GredGredmansson: am I the only person who sees Tugg Speedman from Tropic Thunder
LoadingReadyRun: outside interference: distracting the judge!
fanofmosteverything9: Under the bug bus.
Stormgod519: good point Paul (i presume)
Mangledpixel: racing? in this set? :p
SittingOx: that's a lot of lands ben
Sir_Louis: its a very bus adjacent set
PowrOfFriendship_: Have we had a primer on the Kaladesh to Avishkar name change?
BrowneePointz: the Debreetle. aka, The Bug Bus
A_Dub888: lrrJUDGECALL Look, a distraction!
dabudder: DABREEBLE
googoltudoris: "serge why does your flag only have 49 stars?" "i'll be deep in the cold, cold ground before i recognize avishkar!"
GredGredmansson: @PowrOfFriendship_ we have yes, there's a WotC article
coachNelly: @PowrOfFriendship_ there was an announcement article on dailyMTG
Nickiatori: can we call board stalls in this set traffic jams?
LRRMTG_Judge: @Debatra That card died earlier - the creature Cameron just blocked with is just a 2/2 flyer with some speed-related mechanics. - Squirrel
PorpoisesUnknown: Been has a NEED
LRRMTG_Judge: @Debatra which creature? pharma2Vial
TXC2: PowrOfFriendship_ there was an artical about it months ago when the change was first anouched
dfolesthekid: “it just goes to show, any guzzler can die in a. freak gasoline fight accident”
PowrOfFriendship_: Yeah, I more meant on this stream, for people who are watching this as their Aetherdrift first look
Kentosaurus: gotta go fast lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrARROWS
RocknGrohlNerd: !card need for speed
LRRbot: Need for Speed [R] | Enchantment | Sacrifice a land: Target creature gains haste until end of turn.
Jon_CoffeeRobot: nyoom
chriswr5: yesssss
TehAmelie: a need for love, respect and safety?
silenceaux: LET'S GOOOOO
Mr_Horrible: VRRRM
BusTed: tqsClap
tryllebanjo: Wooooooooh!
Taligan: NICE
TheSuperDoubleG: SICK
Timagio: nyoom
fanofmosteverything9: Heck yeah.
Haroldholmes25: he zoomin
GhostValv: neat
Debatra: @LRRMTG_Judge Maybe I got them backwards.
TXC2: and they're off!
Cinnabat: VROOOOOM
admiral_sky_: VROOM
lightfut: Big vroom
tsuuisalie: wooooooooooo
A_Dub888: rayfkSanic rayfkSanic rayfkSanic rayfkSanic
itsj0mi: peepoDrive
TheShatzMan: lol
kaareendrup: wrooooooooom
skripmtg: Exactly what I wanted
Nickiatori: vroom
LRRbot: Gas Guzzler [B] | Creature — Vampire Rogue [2/1] | Start your engines! / This creature enters tapped. / Max speed — {B}, Sacrifice another creature or Vehicle: Draw a card.
DirectorStephanie: Amazing work Paul! CheersToThat
argetbrisingr: now what happens if you press it again?
kaareendrup: VROOOOOOM
laikagoat: wheelerRagavan wheelerRagavan wheelerRagavan
LSRubin: speed maxing, exhaust pilled
silenceaux: I just wanted the higher pitch for "go" and it was there, delightful
johncarsongames: ryckertLivefast
rob_mossop: Broom broom (I'm sweeping)
EvilBadman: @A_Dub888 the child
maclenrac: Achievement unlocked
ExachixKitsune: maximum nyoom
MikeProvencher: Now just to be clear, my LGS will also have that same overlay at prerelease, right? ...right?
LRRbot: Molt Tender [G] | Creature — Insect Druid [1/1] | {T}: Mill a card. / {T}, Exile a card from your graveyard: Add one mana of any color.
frostfox42: use the blue shell now
Tai114: Tender, tender molt
BrowneePointz: wanna put my tender molt in a blender
TehAmelie: it's like i'm playing Maximum Overthruster
Pharmacistjudge: rayfkSanic Max Speed rayfkSanic Gotta go fast!
RockPusher: For the brood!
BrowneePointz: watch it spin round to a beautiful oblivion
LRRbot: Oildeep Gearhulk [UUBB] | Artifact Creature — Construct [4/4] | Lifelink, ward {1} / When this creature enters, look at target player's hand. You may choose a card from it. If you do, that player discards that card, then draws a card.
chriswr5: death-left shaman
SeismicLawns: Please, Mr. Tender was my father's name: call me Molt
Valqori: DRS at home
coachNelly: hold up
LRRMTG_Judge: @MikeProvencher We cannot in good conscience recommend yelling "BEEP" very loudly when increasing your speed, but if you do it, I probably won't find out - Squirrel
coachNelly: nononono
GredGredmansson: You didn't choose a card
WanderingWinder: "if you do"
LRRMTG_Judge: @MikeProvencher That depends how technologically advanced your LGS is... but the good news is that every prerelease kit will contain a speed tracker - BlackRose
skripmtg: If you do
Earthenone: interveining if
SeismicLawns: you have to choose a card in your hand to do that yea
googoltudoris: i knda wish there were speed 2 and speed 3 powers, so it was like sagas except they all share
Mr_Horrible: it's Vendillion Clique-ish
MikeProvencher: @LRRMTG_Judge ...that's all I needed to hear!
maclenrac: stabilize
Tai114: Oildeep more like OilDORK
flatluigi: @googoltudoris there are cards that key off of speed at non-max values
GredGredmansson: @googoltudoris there are a few cards that scale with speed, rather than caring about max speed
TehAmelie: wait, what kind or racer has only four gears?
WrightJustice: @googoltudoris there are some that are X speed
DirectorStephanie: thank you judges! AmbessaLove
LRRMTG_Judge: @googoltudoris There are some cards that have an effect that scales with your speed, but I think they're rarer. - Squirrel
tryllebanjo: @Tai114 got'em!
EvilBadman: Vendillion Hulque
iSmartMan1: Bah gawd, that's Char's music!
BoxedLogic: Cam wins, he played a lotus
Sophie Matthews: boop
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): the lotus is a six drop
Stormgod: thanks Serge
BoxedLogic: It says lotus right there on the card, idk what you're talking about
SmithKurosaki: neat. when did they change the name?
LRRbot: Gas Guzzler [B] | Creature — Vampire Rogue [2/1] | Start your engines! / This creature enters tapped. / Max speed — {B}, Sacrifice another creature or Vehicle: Draw a card.
Octagone: Ding!
Gaz-L: This set!
Octagone: Zoolander!
RATZGobbler: Delicious fuel
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): max speed approaches
Wesley Ackerman: yeah it's ben Stiller
BoxedLogic: "The Guzzler"
Innis Mirage of Deceit: Does he have a drain effect?
Stormgod: LOL
Stormgod: very true
LRRbot: Diversion Unit [1U] | Artifact Creature — Robot [2/1] | Flying / {U}, Sacrifice this creature: Counter target instant or sorcery spell unless its controller pays {3}.
Gaz-L: Ben Stiller in Mystery Men, specifcally
Teslabolts: Yeah, this set I believe for the name change. There is an article on the Magic site explaining the reason behind it for those folks interested
Innis Mirage of Deceit: Because I don’t think he gains speed for playing a card with SYE
Christopher Peterson: Mad Max Beyond Globogym
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): 3 mana closer to a leak
Stormgod: mana leak
Stormgod: Diversion Leak
Bakesale: miscast
BoxedLogic: Mana Pierce
J Rosenberg: It's Benzine Stiller
Christopher Peterson: @J Rosenberg Oh that's good
Stormgod: LOL
Stormgod: thank you judges, that's amazing
RATZGobbler: I'm really psyked to get my hands on the Temur precon.
Syntheticuh: someone better do it with the zoolander gas scene
Torrid1994: It's Mr. Furious!
Innis Mirage of Deceit: @Smith Kurosaki- Shivam is part of this event so he can explain but Kaladesh was supposed to mean “Tomorrowland” in Hindi. However, there are a bunch of dialects of Hindi and in one of them the
SmithKurosaki: ahhh thx
Huecalpixqui Jean III: π~π
Huecalpixqui Jean III: Goodbye
Innis Mirage of Deceit: original designer doesn’t speak it basically means “negroland”. They were really embarrassed when they found out.
Christopher Peterson: Max peed? O
Innis Mirage of Deceit: Now it has been changed in universe to “Avishkar”, which means “Invention”.
Stormgod: heck yeah!
Derpmind: vroooom
Stormgod: so sick
JesGolbez: *cringe*
Cecil Hoshino: Pog
LRRbot: Gas Guzzler [B] | Creature — Vampire Rogue [2/1] | Start your engines! / This creature enters tapped. / Max speed — {B}, Sacrifice another creature or Vehicle: Draw a card.
Octagone: That’s so fun
Stormgod: that's solid
LRRbot: Molt Tender [G] | Creature — Insect Druid [1/1] | {T}: Mill a card. / {T}, Exile a card from your graveyard: Add one mana of any color.
RATZGobbler: I wish I was a bus
Stormgod: @RATZGobbler how about a desert bus?
Gaz-L: seems good ye
Christopher Peterson: Bolt the molt
LRRbot: Oildeep Gearhulk [UUBB] | Artifact Creature — Construct [4/4] | Lifelink, ward {1} / When this creature enters, look at target player's hand. You may choose a card from it. If you do, that player dis…
Stormgod: hmmm
Stormgod: yeah
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): can't just make it card draw in those colors for some reason
JesGolbez: Wouldn't be an LRR without Cam getting dumpstered :(
RATZGobbler: @Stormgod then I could ram down mummies myself. BRILLIANT!
Marvoleath: @googoltudoris there are few cards scaling with speed
silenceaux: Is that implying that the oil of oildeep is like ex-phyrexian or
Jon_CoffeeRobot: there's something mentally punishing about knowing your opponent who has you down to 3 is also at MAX SPEED
iPsyop: ben has drawn literally every land in his deck jesus
GredGredmansson: @silenceaux judging by the flavor text, maybe?
kaareendrup: Deep in the oil
googoltudoris: neat!
CypherWulf: The 3d printed gearshift that's been making the rounds on Reddit is nice
Pharmacistjudge: @TehAmelie i doubt the multiverse uses Earth engine designs.
tryllebanjo: @silenceaux Yup. Inert. Surely nothing can or will go wrong!
BrowneePointz: VendOilion Clique
Marvoleath: @silenceaux enjoy its flavor text :)
Mr_Horrible: @silenceaux I think people are just gunshy about the concept for the time being
northos: @silenceaux I don't think so, just that people are wary of filling things with oil post-phyrexian
Stormgod519: @Pharmacistjudge i would hope not
GredGredmansson: @silenceaux "Oil-actuated inventions raised eyebrows after the Invasion, but no one could argue against the efficacy of the design."
silenceaux: Everyone telling me to read the flavour text: the flavour text is exactly why I asked that question
fanofmosteverything9: Move to bweh step?
Mr_Horrible: but also all the Glistening Oil became inert after the end of Phyrexia iirc
Tai114: Bleh has been called
RockPusher: Everybody needs a good Bweh
Mr_Horrible: so presumably it could function as just regular WD-40
tryllebanjo: @silenceaux It's wondrously ambigous <3
TehAmelie: maybe they have sliding gears with conical wheels. i always wanted that to be a thing
GredGredmansson: i think its more people are just paranoid about Oil in general after seeing Phyrexian Oil
BrowneePointz: we are unsure if it’s inert glistening oil or if it inspired them to come up with oil
Nickiatori: Debreetle!
Debatra: @LRRMTG_Judge I'm trying to find it on scryfall, but the only result I'm getting for an Aetherdrift card with "-1" in its oracle text is a PW with a -10 ult.
silenceaux: @tryllebanjo Fair! and I appreciated your response.
tryllebanjo: <3
LRRMTG_Judge: @Debatra scryfall has not updated yet. pharma2Vial
Jon_CoffeeRobot: reverse-engineer the Phyrexian Oil to make an oil that knows it HAS to go fast
MattIsAMage: te he, ben ordering blockers
maclenrac: Golgari Beast
googoltudoris: instead of "toxic", aetherdrift oil just has "don't crink this"
GredGredmansson: @Debatra what are you looking for?
googoltudoris: *drink
northos: @googoltudoris don't tell me what to crink
OldUncleDan: Well, in my experence, machines generally need oil or some other type of lubricant.
tryllebanjo: @Jon_CoffeeRobot Wacky Races: Phyrexian League!
PowrOfFriendship_: Avishkar already had some kind of oil presumably because of Midnight Oil?
Timagio: Come on cam, you can still win this!
fanofmosteverything9: Oof.
Debatra: @GredGredmansson The card Cam had that gives attackers -1/-0.
LRRMTG_Judge: @Debatra You're looking for Sabotage Strategist
LRRbot: Night Market | Land | This land enters tapped. As it enters, choose a color. / {T}: Add one mana of the chosen color. / Cycling {3}
OldUncleDan: @PowrOfFriendship_ No... They were from Australia.
TXC2: Avishkar has aether oil ?
LRRMTG_Judge: - Natedogg
LRRbot: Back on Track [4B] | Sorcery | Return target creature or Vehicle card from your graveyard to the battlefield. Create a 1/1 colorless Pilot creature token with "This token saddles Mounts and crews Vehicles as though its power were 2 greater."
maclenrac: day of judgement
LoadingReadyRun: lrrPAUL I do like the idea that all types of oil have a real PR problem after the phyrexian invasion
Tai114: Time for the under the table settle
kaareendrup: Good game!
Decaped: card selection on a 1/3 flier seems good
Earthenone: really beat a dead horse
TXC2: GGs!
R__Doom: GGs
thanzo: FBtouchdown
GredGredmansson: @Debatra oh that was revealed in today's Card Dump that might not be in scryfall yet
spicyFerret_: lrrSCOOP_SQ
tryllebanjo: GG, nice match
TehAmelie: that was unusually quick for a first game of the set
Sir_Louis: ooooo!
TheDevil_Risen: escher3PUN sergeGG lrrAWESOME
Debatra: !card Sabatoge Strategist
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
skripmtg: GG
TehAmelie: so, on theme?
silenceaux: doot. doot. doot. DOO!!!!
LRRMTG_Judge: @Debatra I apologize, you misinterpreted what I was asking? I meant which creature on the battlefield. I do know what card you meant in the deck. pharma2Vial
kaareendrup: Overlay was MVP
fanofmosteverything9: Time to pack-crack!
LRRMTG_Judge: Just a quick note on lifelink for our newer players out there in chat: the life gain from lifelink is simultaneous with damage being dealt - BlackRose
nicplz: NEW GIRL!!!!
RocknGrohlNerd: a cooster :D
maclenrac: Crack-a-Pack!
SHUT_YO_FACE: Prack cracking goodness
PowrOfFriendship_: The sesame oil industry is in shambles across at least 40 planes
TXC2: !aetherdirft
R__Doom: sipstrMagicnewgirl sipstrMagicnewgirl
googoltudoris: "ExxonMobil- look, we're evil, but we're not *Phyrexian* evil!"
skripmtg: sipstrMagicnewgirl sipstrMagicnewgirl
TXC2: !greetings
LRRbot: Greetings, you Squelching Leeches!
nicplz: I came for Magic Newgirl ofc
immegamind1: the legac
EvilBadman: some bloodghast foreshadowing
Julian_Rogue: is the audio off?
A_Dub888: Something just hit me, how do does one drift on aether?
Motherboards: Venomsac Legac Crack a Pack
Laserbeaks_Fury: aether or
iPsyop: what did he just call me ???? I'm actually a baleful strix tyvm
Julian_Rogue: or is tit just my stream?
fanofmosteverything9: Sad day for Æ fans.
googoltudoris: owtherdrift
Timagio: Ayyyyy ther
Jon_CoffeeRobot: you all lost the spelling of encyclopaedia =(
RocknGrohlNerd: crackpack lagac
admiral_sky_: @A_Dub888 the aether powers your car so you can drift
tryllebanjo: Æ Ø Å, ya heathens!
Mr_Horrible: "The a is silent, as opposed to Duskmourn where the AAAA was very not silent"
TehAmelie: aah they could have made up a Phyrexxon Corporation, what an opportunity
Julian_Rogue: is the audio uut of sync?
GredGredmansson: Eitherdrift
maclenrac: Ah-ther
elias2718: LUL
kaareendrup: ÅÆØ unite!
bwk789: way
TXC2: the reverb!
northos: I believe wotc has always considered it to be pronounced "ee-ther" but who knows
Mr_Horrible: good bit
silenceaux: Across the universe
bwk789: wah
Timagio: Bang!
A_Dub888: @iPsyop did he stutter?
BlightwidowMTG: @nicplz hey!
Stormgod519: that's a good gif spot
rand0mtask_: The reverb is too powerful
DMGlol: rip paul
omdorastrix: Woke up the cards!
RocknGrohlNerd: Cam is a pro
skripmtg: Poor sound guy
BlueFingers5: rip paul...again?
frank_the_great: It's locked in as Ayy in my mind and I refuse to change
fanofmosteverything9: He'll get better.
Mr_Horrible: he's just like me fr fr
Kentosaurus: he's just a little guy
Jon_CoffeeRobot: @Julian_Rogue the audio often lags a couple of frames when they play prerecorded sections during live streams
TXC2: Paul's been a Zombie for 17 years....
GredGredmansson: helps with achieving speeds
RockPusher: Paul's dead (he got better)
silenceaux: ALT+0198therdrift
JRandomHacker: Oh hey that's probably what Matt was posting about when he said "It's always a good thing to add echo to impactful sounds"
EvilBadman: @Julian_Rogue try a refresh?
fanofmosteverything9: A good Typhoid Rats is always nice to see.
LoadingReadyRun: the sync looks fine to me
CnCPOWERHOUR: I love using the news desk for non-news purposes
Julian_Rogue: I did a refresh and it got it
Mr_Horrible: @GredGredmansson both halves do, even
argetbrisingr: it looks very slightly off for me
GredGredmansson: White Abrade
GredGredmansson: Yes.
skripmtg: It might be like 25ms off
djalternative: @LoadingReadyRun twitch has been wreaking havoc with the sync when buffering today
TehAmelie: ha he read your mind
Debatra: @LRRMTG_Judge I'd mistaken the board state as Cam still having the "creatures attacking you get -1/-0" card on the board, during which time he let two unblocked creatures through, each on a separate turn.
Jon_CoffeeRobot: Cameron read my mind from an hour earlier too
fanofmosteverything9: Lagacs and saddle's back.
Sandeon: could you get closer to a White Abrade in a different colour?
Timagio: Saddleback, but not Lagac
DiscordianTokkan: Saddleback... Legac
Julian_Rogue: wasn't expecting sattle back legacs?
northos: @Timagio except yes lagac
Mr_Horrible: I think you have to pronounce it Jag-u-wah until the set is over
GredGredmansson: @Debatra no that was killed with targeted removal before Ben's next attack
Timagio: @northos But it's not THAT Lagac!
Stormgod519: @Mr_Horrible oh dammit... very good
maclenrac: Am I out of sink?
TXC2: Sandeon a fight spell in green ?
Julian_Rogue: @Mr_Horrible is that what the orcs call their sports cars?
Stormgod: lol
Stormgod: happy to help
Huecalpixqui Jean III: Cam either gets hilariously dumpstered
Huecalpixqui Jean III: Or hilariously dumpsters
JesGolbez: Poor Cam
Gambling: just got here, Cameron getting dumpstered?
Stormgod: kind of yeah
Octagone: Is there a wrath in the set?
JesGolbez: yup
Stormgod: yes, pretty sure
JesGolbez: @Octagone a 5-mana white one
Simriel: Cameron only has two modes, being dumpstered or Dumpstering
Stormgod: ive only glanced at the set
Gambling: as it was written
tehDoc1: ouch
LRRbot: Night Market | Land | This land enters tapped. As it enters, choose a color. / {T}: Add one mana of the chosen color. / Cycling {3}
LRRbot: Back on Track [4B] | Sorcery | Return target creature or Vehicle card from your graveyard to the battlefield. Create a 1/1 colorless Pilot creature token with "This token saddles Mounts and crews Veh…
Octagone: Well that wasn’t it
Austin Rearick: That actually leads me to ask, but have we had a draft set without a wrath effect in the past decade?
Dandelion V: gg
Stormgod: ayyyy
Kevin Leung: siege rhino beetle robbed of the win
Gambling: no I'm pretty sure a sweeper is a required design slot
first last: there's no giveaways this time right
Stormgod: no
first last: thanks
Gambling: Ather
Stormgod: oh damn
Stormgod: someone gif that
Dandelion V: Cameron's glasses look like movie 3D disposable specs
Huecalpixqui Jean III: Don't drift on Aether irl, it can cause brain damage
JesGolbez: It's pronounced Aether
Simriel: Mwap
RATZGobbler: Cameron please. I free base antifreeze
Austin Rearick: @Gambling One would think, but I was just curious
Cheshire Creeper: I love Deathtouch Rats
tehDoc1: aether? sorry I've already eaten today
Octagone: I am still going to pronounce it aether
Pyre Dynasty: With infinite mana you could win the game!
Stormgod: love it
Stormgod: mew
Gambling: I agree, trying to work out what the required slots are us fun. it definitely seems like a white mini resurrect is now baseline
Stormgod: i do like seeing Saddle back
Pyre Dynasty: Standardized pronunciation is a silly concept in a multiculture.
Simriel: As a general rule with infinite mana you can win the game :P
JesGolbez: saddleback ribs
fanofmosteverything9: It's okay, they're drones.
silenceaux: Do not launch the Cameron
frank_the_great: smh my head my head
public_key_reveal_party: Hammer bros?
TehAmelie: well now the nickname has to be Cameron Launcher
Timagio: Thopter cameras!
Marvoleath: It's funny that Saddleback Lagac does not have saddle
Jon_CoffeeRobot: how're we pronouncing Vnwxt's name
ExachixKitsune: urgh, magic mechanics these days. They are exausting. /s
Mazrae: Spider yeeter?
skripmtg: It's kicker!
Jon_CoffeeRobot: "Vinwixt"?
LRRMTG_Judge: That's a "Camera" Launcher, not a "Cameron" Launcher - Natedogg
DiscordianTokkan: eepy
wifi12345678910: epy
GredGredmansson: @Jon_CoffeeRobot Vin Wixit
LithelyUnshod: I love that Cameron Lauder opened Camera Launcher
Marvoleath: @Jon_CoffeeRobot I believe it's Vnwxt
Tai114: Is there any confirmation from WOTC that Pilot tokens made in previous sets (Neon Dynasty) also work to Saddle like the ones in Aetherdrift
Julian_Rogue: not to be confused with Exhaust which means it can't untap
Mr_Horrible: @Julian_Rogue I feel like the orcs would come up with a term like "Fancywagon" or somesuch
TXC2: not a chimera luancher ?
GredGredmansson: @Tai114 Yes. They don't.
Jon_CoffeeRobot: @GredGredmansson Vin Diesel, gotcha
niccus: i think i also would only be able to launch cameron once
Tai114: Dang
patera_su subscribed with Prime.
silenceaux: Interesting
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, patera_su! (Today's storm count: 96)
aridos: nice
fanofmosteverything9: Great cycle.
TXC2: Arcades' best friend
Mr_Horrible: the Muraganda legends are funny
LRRMTG_Judge: @Tai114 There will not be errata. They do different tokens with different abilities and sizes all the time - Natedogg
Spades_Slicc: @Julian_Rogue Exert
Chatty_Protagonist: A+ pause.
skripmtg: Vanilla creatures again! Weeeeeee
BITs19_: I want to break the octopus
Timagio: Petroglyphs baybe!
tryllebanjo: Do like big ladies.
public_key_reveal_party: Big lady? You have chat's attention
immegamind1: right into my arcades deck
BITs19_: I'm determined there's a way to do it
Mr_Horrible: I did not expect there to be a full cycle of them
northos: lol I love Graham reflexively checking the back in case there's more somehow
OldUncleDan: The world of MTG is so crazy. Could you imagine something that launched drone mounted cameras in real life? /nervouslaughter
TXC2: man startled by Vanilla creature in 2025
rand0mtask_: The game has gotten so crazy that vanilla creatures stand out
GaijinTree: larg fish
aridos: out of the way frog god, new girl in town
Jon_CoffeeRobot: "my dog is here"
Laserbeaks_Fury: the Stoptopus
maclenrac: Cheap Hentia
Deeehm: she doesn't have defender! She doesn't work with Arcades!
fanofmosteverything9: Do not mess with the man's dog.
Mr_Horrible: good edit
Timagio: Imagine.
argetbrisingr: WOW
chriswr5: BisexualPride i love cycling
GredGredmansson: why
wifi12345678910: nooo, not that comic
queenhoneygames: <message deleted>I'M READY FOR MAGIC NEW GIRL!!!!!!!!
aridos: yes that comic
GredGredmansson: we're already past the octupus card though
Mr_Horrible: "7 wheels" :O
TheDevil_Risen: sergePun sergePun
foolish_s4mwise: NAH you can’t do that to me lol
TehAmelie: vanilla legendaries, it's like 2003 again
TXC2: queenhoneygames that;s nice, please don't all caps
Tai114: Hack the planet
themightygerg: Stoptopus with Hull Clade
silenceaux: The Phantom Zone!!
Nickiatori: with that comic I think we can tell who edited this lol
dabudder: its tezzeret claw
queenhoneygames: My bad!
Stormgod519: @TehAmelie show me my 2/5 fish with no abilities!
maclenrac: Cool
fanofmosteverything9: Hack the planet!
Jon_CoffeeRobot: certainly a card for Zevlor
aridos: five mana make two thopters deal two damage isn't bad
Jon_CoffeeRobot: and then the order they resolve, the next two opponents lose 2 and then 4 more
Mr_Horrible: @TehAmelie this has got me wondering if Isamaru was the first vanilla legend since Legends
CypherWulf: Lol @ stoptopus
aridos: in commander
GredGredmansson: @Jon_CoffeeRobot you only choose one opponent
micalovits: @Mr_Horrible Yargke wiykd kuje to Bargle
Mr_Horrible: no, yeah, I really see it
GredGredmansson: @Mr_Horrible and Yargle+Multani
micalovits: Yargle would like, holy hell I just shifted all the keys
gawag_: someone photoshopped that exact thing lol
RocknGrohlNerd: chat I just tried to rewind the stream to read again the card. I´m a fool :D and you can point a laugh at me
TehAmelie: o yeah i thought thee might have been some
Brozard: looking for it now gawag_
Jon_CoffeeRobot: @GredGredmansson that's even more punishing
wifi12345678910: People already photoshopped loot getting run over with one of those lands
Mr_Horrible: @GredGredmansson well yeah but Isamaru came out before we were using the 10's digit in the current millennium (I'm old)
fanofmosteverything9: The graffiti art is great.
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Some amazing art this set
micalovits: @RocknGrohlNerd No laughs, only hugs and saying it happens to us all
Nickiatori: @wifi12345678910 oh no :( poor loot
TXC2: wifi12345678910 poor loot, no one likes them :p
Jon_CoffeeRobot: @wifi12345678910 "Our dog, Brian Griffin, is dead"
Mangledpixel: Sloosted Boop
niccus: i hope someone opened a posing loxodon
maclenrac: Slooper
A_Dub888: Bloop
Mattmitchell45: @RocknGrohlNerd dbjPoint lrrWOW
dabudder: the SLOOP
fanofmosteverything9: Sloop John B(oost)
gawag_: @Brozard yessss
mtvcdm: Greetings, you Boosted Sloops
public_key_reveal_party: "Greetings you boosted sloops" coming soon to a crack-a-pack near you
TehAmelie: sloops, junks, someone has to put whoever makes up names for boats in jail
KingOfDoma: "Hello, you Boosted Sloops, welcome to the Crack-A-Pack"
TheDevil_Risen: loll
TXC2: so it's the copter again ?
Mr_Horrible: there's a couple of those effect in this, I think
Timagio: Booster Sloop, I hardler knower!
TheDevil_Risen: Graham!
Timagio: hardly*
EvilBadman: Hang on sloopy, sloopy hang on
fcloud: it's a ramen place
Mr_Horrible: the B/R legend is a "sorta hellrider" with speed
Jon_CoffeeRobot: Bowls of Sloop
A_Dub888: Why do I have to Boost my Sloop?
kaareendrup: I'll tak one large Sloopie with extra boost please
DegHag: Bowls of Simic Slaw
RocknGrohlNerd: @micalovits @Mattmitchell45 thank you both :D
tryllebanjo: New Simic Slaw?
silenceaux: It's soup but they insist on calling it sloop
ArcOfTheConclave: My LGS Booster Sloop
maclenrac: Bowls of sloop
memnus: Boosted Sloop is how I finally beat Satisfactory!
Sage0fMadness: looper slooper
brokenpipe: sloop sounds like something that should've been on wet ones
dfolesthekid: Sloop Soop
thanzo: soup + slop = sloop?
Mr_Horrible: they cost 15 dollars apiece
EvilBadman: soup+slaw
Jon_CoffeeRobot: Cameron why do you say these things
Laserbeaks_Fury: Hang On Sloopy
KingOfDoma: Hedge Shredder's boyfriend
dfolesthekid: Boosted Sloop’s Bloosted Soup
Timagio: He was not fine
TheDevil_Risen: lrrFINE
fanofmosteverything9: Primeval Tractor
TXC2: really? none of us are fine :p
SoylentDoener: tasty colesloop
R__Doom: lrrFINE
Mr_Horrible: who will be brave enough to first refer to their booty this way?
public_key_reveal_party: Seems decent tbh
micalovits: @fanofmosteverything9 Oh thats good
GredGredmansson: its on Enter too though
rob_mossop: Sloopedy Boost! It tastes like slicken!
Gambling: they a lack re argh
Simriel: Expensive Yeet
Gambling: Graham we live on a planet called earth. are you dirty?
Pyre Dynasty: Lakitu
Octagone: There was a story beat like what graham described
JesGolbez: How can a 0 power rip up a highway like that? is that a hot wheels track?
Gaz-L: send toot
Stormgod: we love to motorcycle
Cheshire Creeper: Imagine
Gambling: it has 0 power cos it's so busy track ripping. no time to actually fight
Gambling: lava axe?
Octagone: At least 3
Gambling: it's 2 one ones
Gambling: so it's not just a burn spell
Stormgod: lovely
Stormgod: that's an interesting art
Stormgod: not sure if i like the POV
Stormgod: LOL
Stormgod: Beeg Arm
Wesley Ackerman: Beej arm
RATZGobbler: Hey hey people
JesGolbez: Beej's arm?
Gambling: it's so big
Stormgod: @RATZGobbler wassup?
RATZGobbler: Sseth here
Stormgod: ah
Stormgod: The Sloop Boosted...
Huecalpixqui Jean III: Any Redline references this set?
Gambling: what an absolute sloop
Octagone: Booped sloop
Stormgod: we have what we call a Boost Sloop...
Stormgod: aviation
Stormgod: Graham, why?
Gambling: my sloop! you boosted it!
Simriel: Boosted Bowls for sure
Kevin Leung: grits
RATZGobbler: Who doesn't love a freshly boosted loop?
Stormgod: when did we pivot back to Ravnica?
Stormgod: oh god, G's dying
Stormgod: oh right, this card is fun
Gambling: boosted sloop's soup is super moist
Insigneos: I too get flustered when looking at foil rares
Timagio: Big ask for a BIG AS-
LSRubin: Blursted Slurp
fcloud: i got my sloop boosted. cost like $6700 but it was outpatient
Mr_Horrible: yeah, it's immediately a bad rampant growth and just keeps going
maclenrac: Green beef crews good
RocknGrohlNerd: Serge as a premier lands pilot, will play it
silenceaux: Did it have trample?
Jon_CoffeeRobot: @LSRubin oh no I don't like that one
TheDevil_Risen: Don't forget to Boop your Sloops
Mr_Horrible: Primeval Tiguan
LSRubin: who up boostin they sloop?
Stormgod519: @Mr_Horrible Very good!
A_Dub888: A Saheeli Ride
Mr_Horrible: look, we love when couples synthesize their interests
Tai114: Oh, Commander card
fanofmosteverything9: Love energylink
Bruceski: Boosted Sloop is a wind-blasted shop in a seaside town that sells maps, disposable cameras, and beach rocks for ten dollars.
Timagio: Energy-fect
BrowneePointz: Avishkari Loxodon!!!!
OldUncleDan: No trample, and doesn't up Toughnness... Kinda bad for Green.
skripmtg: Almost lost it
RocknGrohlNerd: so tenergy
Timagio: Energy-link
Marvoleath: Do not panic!
GredGredmansson: draw a minimum of 5 cards
GredGredmansson: in green
Jon_CoffeeRobot: she... sloop... until I... boost
Jon_CoffeeRobot: I'm so sorry
Timagio: Dies to interaction
skripmtg: Who up boostin' they sloop?
TXC2: "we took AoE2 units and made them into one MtG card
Lord_Hosk: He has a gungan shield
TalpTheScot: @Jon_CoffeeRobot talpthPoint
Tai114: Don't slurp the tusk-aether
Nickiatori: commander players are allergic to single targer removal so its fine
elgenericosfavoriteorphan: @TXC2 nliTAZLUL nliTAZLUL
TehAmelie: an elephant warrior putting blunts on his tusks would send a message
wifi12345678910: Where is the squatting Loxodon?
RocknGrohlNerd: aetherballs,
Mr_Horrible: the Murdery Machine
public_key_reveal_party: Yo, that art is sick
micalovits: Goblin Cradle!
GredGredmansson: the Shellraiser?
fanofmosteverything9: One of the better examples of this style.
Carlioo: oh it's a goblin's auto include
elgenericosfavoriteorphan: i love this card
Jon_CoffeeRobot: @TalpTheScot I know I deserve it when I get the Irons
BrowneePointz: the only good example of this style
KingOfDoma: I'm building a General Kreat deck right now. I WANT THAT CARD
A_Dub888: @public_key_reveal_party you're sick (compliment)
odddirective: The one of these cards that has good eyes
ReddHaring: Actually it's a fishhook and a red for cost
fanofmosteverything9: Goblin Archdruid
elgenericosfavoriteorphan: we love the gobbos
Jon_CoffeeRobot: Rabble Rabblemaster
EvilBadman: 100% on the TMNT van
gibbousm: rabble rabble rabble
funguslore: New rable master :)
Mr_Horrible: love to have Brightstone Ritual on a stick
Lordofironstorm: I'm just excited for the return of vanilla creatures
TXC2: dangerous sounding card
public_key_reveal_party: Rabble faster
Laserbeaks_Fury: Goblin Ramblermaster
TheAwkes: That's... quite good?!
Timagio: Goblin time, Spice8Rack is gonna be excited
Skye_Stryke: Up until now I also thought that was a vehicle lmao
Jon_CoffeeRobot: @public_key_reveal_party you found it
GredGredmansson: there are 11 printed Goblins in this set, btw
elgenericosfavoriteorphan: paging Spice8Rack
silenceaux: This seems to do a lot of things
veiledwanderer: Gives Krenko haste in std!
R__Doom: Pretty solid
Mr_Horrible: @public_key_reveal_party oh that's very nice
fanofmosteverything9: We are going back to Lorwyn next year...
skripmtg: big fan of the squad
wifi12345678910: We get more goblins next year in Lorwyn probably
elgenericosfavoriteorphan: oh i love that art
Nickiatori: omg hasty krenko!
Jon_CoffeeRobot: damn, printing this type again
Mr_Horrible: sweet artwork
Laserbeaks_Fury: Goblin Rambler Master
tryllebanjo: I love it
micalovits: It not being legendary is also... Interesting. Use one to cast the next, that then have haste for more mana
wifi12345678910: 2nd half o fcycle
GredGredmansson: we had allied verges in Duskmourn
Timagio: Duskmourn cycle
Bruceski: I like how red and blue that red and blue are
fanofmosteverything9: Duskmourn, I say, as though the recording will hear me.
Marvoleath: Fblthp in Segovia?
MechanizedMinion: second half
Marvoleath: in the art
Haroldholmes25: missed the fblthp :(
niccus: second quarter
maclenrac: Second quarter
fcloud: primus, that u?
gibbousm: Getting a ghasting
immegamind1: w art style
wifi12345678910: unleaded O- lmao
medebula: 2nd Quarter iif you believe they will do a 20 card cycle
GredGredmansson: i don't know if there will be 20 verges, i doubt it
TehAmelie: it's like i'm reading 2000 AD
TheAwkes: Rat Fink style hotrod art.
mtvcdm: It looks like Mad Magazine
Mr_Horrible: I can never remember the artist's name but
ArcOfTheConclave: welcome back to standard
Mr_Horrible: TheAwkes ah, thank you
BrowneePointz: based on Ed Roth and Rat Fink
elgenericosfavoriteorphan: these arts are all very Mishka clothing coded if anyone knows that streetwear brand
Mr_Horrible: I'll be honest, no new art can really beat OG Bloodghast for me
TheWriterAleph: eyyy
funguslore: KEKW
ExachixKitsune: and they slam in the back of my blooo~oodghast
Mr_Horrible: but I appreciate the reimaginings
siqqsadgurl: too real
SittingOx: are the mana symbols not aligned?
Lordofironstorm: By Rob 2/2 Zombie
fanofmosteverything9: Mana symbols vibrating like hadrons.
tryllebanjo: Rakdos them to pieces!
Nickiatori: fabled passage
skripmtg: We're just missing Hogaak now
Timagio: Memento Blocki
TXC2: ban evolving wilds :p
Flyingdelorion: So 1 Ghost Vacuum in my main fron now on, got it!
gibbousm: Bloodghast is straight up one of my favorite cards of all time
R__Doom: Love bloodghast
TheOneInquisitor: Hogaak in Standard would probably be fine right
Simonark: Wait. Does Bloodghast go in.. never mind.
Flyingdelorion: from*
Mr_Horrible: sofieHmm
fanofmosteverything9: Love a dracosaur.
Timagio: @TXC2 Unironically, ban fetchlands, see what happens
maclenrac: Scoop the sloop
A_Dub888: Angrath's mind melts
silenceaux: I've never really thought of dragons as not being dinosaurs?
Gambling: pilots abound maybe, so crew 4 might not be impossible?
Stormgod: yeah
RATZGobbler: Sahuatli vibes
Stormgod: likely achievable
Wesley Ackerman: Peema pants
Stormgod: right, energy is back in commander set
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): indeed
Cheshire Creeper: Imagine Energy in Limited
Stormgod: Temur energy wont be in standard again
Stormgod: oh very cool
Stormgod: I love Rishkar's Expertise
SmithKurosaki: I miss the RG energy deck
Gambling: junk in his trunk
RATZGobbler: Rishkar's Expertise never disappoints
Stormgod: @SmithKurosaki Avishkar was my first prerelease and draft, so it holds a soft spot in my heart, but that set was messed up
Stormgod: owah
RATZGobbler: A six pound watch? so a clock
Stormgod: that looks almost like the van in Dawn of the Dead...
Stormgod: lol
Pyre Dynasty: Ed Roth drawing the Turtle van
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): it could also be a Mystery Machine
Gambling: interesting. I know avishkar is the name now, but are we not calling the *set* khaladesh?
Stormgod: its a goblin clown car
Stormgod: @Gambling for the same reasons we dont call the plane that, yeah.
Huecalpixqui Jean III: Probably too slow for goblins
Huecalpixqui Jean III: Which is... a statement
Cheshire Creeper: Goblins should be a standard deck
Gambling: fair beans
Stormgod: i think its a bit too slow for goblins, yeah
Stormgod: yay
Stormgod: more verges
RATZGobbler: gonna hear the joke "Hey kids. get in my van!" throughout the whole prerelease
Insigneos: It’s technically the second fourth of the full cycle
Stormgod: yeah
Stormgod: cycle is halfway done now
JesGolbez: Is this some sort of ... Dracula?
Wesley Ackerman: Rat Fink style
Simriel: Classic tattoo art
Pyre Dynasty: Ed "Big Daddyx Roth
Stormgod: lol i love that
Wesley Ackerman: Dragula*
RATZGobbler: @Wesley Ackerman You're right! Rat Fink's the artist
Cheshire Creeper: Dragula? Like the song?
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): Dinosaur Dragon
skripmtg: Blood Ghast? Dredge got a new toy
LRRMTG_Judge: @Simonark nah unplayable - Squirrel
TXC2: Timagio brawl might be playable again :p
Bugberry: We already had one in Lost Caverns
gibbousm: my best Bloodghast story is playing against a mono black aggro deck in Modern and naming Bloodghast with Runed Halo then watching my opponent draw and play all 4 copies.
Bruceski: Looks Klingon
BrowneePointz: gatewatch
Nickiatori: doubling up on creature types to get the timmies excited
fanofmosteverything9: Nissa's planar glyph, on Chandra's motorcycle.
Timagio: That's the Gatewatch logo Nissa made
KingOfDoma: That's Nissa's symbol thingy
NotGruulButWhy: I think you'll find that token had treasure on both sides
BrowneePointz: it’s the Gatewatch symbol nissa made
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
TheWormbo: that looks like the glyph Nissa created on Zendikar to bind the Eldrazi
admiral_sky_: @fanofmosteverything9 I think pinned to her chest
Mr_Horrible: @fanofmosteverything9 oh that's a very cute touch to have that as a treasure token, then
EvilBadman: It's the triforce Kappa
LRRMTG_Judge: so chat, what's your speed counter at for Aetherdrift?
jumping_point: These people are so fun to watch. It's unreal.
PowrOfFriendship_: The icon is from Oath of Nissa. It was a gift from Nissan to Chandra
LidofLoathing: I had a moment of "oh, the crack a pack ended, I need to go to Youtube to see what new video to watch"
JinaMahavira: 1
TXC2: it's their weding ring chat Kappa
warpstonewarlock: @LRRMTG_Judge Max, of course
Nickiatori: I am getting an Aetherdrift ad right now
Mr_Horrible: hopefully just 1, I'd hate to think I caused someone to lose life
LidofLoathing: @Nickiatori me, too!
JinaMahavira: @Nickiatori they know x76troAH
TheDevil_Risen: @LRRMTG_Judge 2, its severly limited allocation down under, commander decks are gone from distro already, so are collector boosters
northos: @LRRMTG_Judge π
poly_rebel subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 45 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, poly_rebel! (Today's storm count: 97)
niccus: i don't think psychic damage increments speed
LRRMTG_Judge: @Mr_Horrible Respect - Squirrel
justalog96: Honestly, for a magic in a hat set, I'm pretty hype for it
A_Dub888: @northos and now I'm hungry
Jon_CoffeeRobot: oddly enough, just got two car ads
TheDevil_Risen: @LRRMTG_Judge decks are already going for the same as MH3 decks
Mr_Horrible: I was definitely a little poo-poo on speed when I first saw it during previews, but I'll admit that it's grown on me and is a lot cleaner than previous mechanics they've done in that vein
djalternative: LRRMTG_Judge it's been a while. are the puns still available?
Jon_CoffeeRobot: @Mr_Horrible it works very cleanly for the "we need games to not stall out towards the end"
The_Infinity_Bros: Would speed be to OP if you could proliferate it?
JinaMahavira: @Mr_Horrible Do you stare into the middle distance thinking about daytime/nighttime
TehAmelie: so, with the plane of Avishkar, the wizards have unlocked the most powerful magic: retconjuration
Jon_CoffeeRobot: sort of like City's Blessing where your cards just get better for being in the game longer
skripmtg: sipstrHI sipstrMagicnewgirl BOP
BusTed: HypeWave
TXC2: and we're back
notoriousmtg_: AHHHHHHHH
tryllebanjo: HII
R__Doom: sipstrMagicnewgirl sipstrHI
TehAmelie: halo!
queenhoneygames: Yay!!! GL Magic New Girl DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
notoriousmtg_: Here we goooo
Brozard: lrrGibb lrrBartleby
ExachixKitsune: omg cool boots
skripmtg: @queenhoneygames HElllooo
sallomon33: what stylish boots!
themightygerg: Hey look it's Graham, from Loading Ready Run!
nicplz: MAGIC NEW GIRL!!!!!!!!!!
RealGamerCow: BOOTS
Pharmacistjudge: showing feet for free?
Jon_CoffeeRobot: @The_Infinity_Bros I bet they playtested that and had more ways to interact with it but found it was too complex/broken
gir2543: Boots!
skripmtg: KICKED BACK
LilyOfTheVeil666: Those boots!
RealGamerCow: ALL boots
The_Infinity_Bros: Hey I know her!
Mr_Horrible: @Jon_CoffeeRobot I was mostly concerned about memory issue stuff with like the Ring or Day/night, yeah, but Speed hews closer to City's Blessing, I feel, which kind of an easier, (not-quite-)binary state
frostfox42: retired champ
A_Dub888: Ben retire champion?
TheDevil_Risen: what up Magic New Girl!
queenhoneygames: @skripmtg helloooooo
micalovits: Retired champion!
notoriousmtg_: new boot goofin
public_key_reveal_party: Retire champion!
TheDevil_Risen: Heya Graham!
sallomon33: retired champion
baltimore_667083: oops! all boots!
immegamind1: lrrGRAHAM lrrGRAHAM lrrGRAHAM
queenhoneygames: The b o o t s
R__Doom: The boots are awesome sipstrMagicnewgirl
MrSarkhan: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Nickiatori: ah the Paul Cheon approach
micalovits: Damn, dem boots are sweet
googoltudoris: who is she? is she new?
Reldnahcire: victourian?
Mr_Horrible: Victouria even
Reldnahcire: @Mr_Horrible get out of my head bbirbGiggle
EvilBadman: Take 'em to Jones
hvhTim: god bless a good accent
Mr_Horrible: @googoltudoris you're never gonna believe this, but-
queenhoneygames: Limited is the bestttttt GL Magic New Girl!
MyrddintheWizard: welcome magicnewgirl!
kaareendrup: ooooooooozzzzeeee
iSmartMan1: Love the boots and the accent
Jon_CoffeeRobot: ohh, this is why people were mentioning Alabama earlier <3
the_phantom_game_player: Heart of the cards
TheDevil_Risen: sergePrideLove sergePrideLove sergePrideLove
tryllebanjo: LUL
loufghyslaufey: "You can't just- retire!? Before the end of the Pre-Prix Day!"
nicplz: Magic Newgirl is the BEST!!!!
Pharmacistjudge: she's from Alabama, Y'all
skripmtg: First time for MagicAzoriusGirl
Mr_Horrible: @Reldnahcire honored to share the braincell benginO7
TXC2: oh this woman is very Alabamain
Simonark: I argued with talking cardboard once. It ended so badly.
fanofmosteverything9: Ben retires in triumph.
hvhTim: roll tide or war eagle?
LarkSachrosis subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 100 months!
LarkSachrosis: Magic: The Gathering
TheOneInquisitor: Wait they have castles on vancouver island
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LarkSachrosis! (Today's storm count: 98)
TheOneInquisitor: Wild
skripmtg: War Eagle!
kaareendrup: So you're saying there's a chance!
Lordofironstorm: I went a couple months ago. It was lovely. I proposed to my girlfriend and now she's my fiancee
BrowneePointz: so mtgnewgirl Roll Tide then!
rob_mossop: Nails looking awesome!
fanofmosteverything9: Victouria
TheDevil_Risen: sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo
The_Infinity_Bros: I think shes all War Eagle
BrowneePointz: ?*
TheAwkes: If you get to triple green on the board a couple times in a row... maybe.
BusTed: A Herbie reference in the year of our lord 2025
That1GuyBen: Herbie Goes To Muraganda oh that's a GOOD name
Mr_Horrible: gdi Graham lrrLUL that deck name
Reldnahcire: @Mr_Horrible to be fair I'm not really using it (just don't tell my boss)
warpstonewarlock: As usual, the deck names are wonderful
sallomon33: both deck names, perfect as usual
skripmtg: SOL RING
ELD_Winterlight: Those are some sweet nails
Mr_Horrible: oooooh those nails :O
LRRbot: Nesting Bot [W] | Artifact Creature — Robot [1/1] | Start your engines! / When this creature dies, create a 1/1 colorless Servo artifact creature token. / Max speed — This creature gets +1/+0.
CaptainSpam: PLAINS!!!!!
nikmn: @Lordofironstorm congrats!
frostfox42: vroom
That1GuyBen: matryoshka bot!
LRRMTG_Judge: @Lordofironstorm Congratulations! - BlackRose
tryllebanjo: Oof, strong!
skripmtg: VROOM
sallomon33: @warpstonewarlock jinx!
Marvoleath: Speed!
LarkSachrosis: Just a lil guy
micalovits: Oh, thats a sweet one drop
nicplz: GGs y'all
Mr_Horrible: it goes in aristocrats, and it *GOES* in aristocrats
TheDevil_Risen: escher3DOOT escher3DOOT
skripmtg: BOP sipstrMagicnewgirl
fanofmosteverything9: Servo Facts started posting again?
TXC2: who knew white was the zoom zoom colour this set :p
namagem1: @theoneinquisitor Mostly forts from what I understand, but also yeah
Christopher Peterson: Dinosaur dragon, so... a dragon?
SmithKurosaki: yea that art is very 90s pog energy
SmithKurosaki: for bloodghast
Huecalpixqui Jean III: What aspects of dinosaurs aren't simply eclipsed by dragon aspects?
Austin Rearick: @Cheshire Creeper More so the car in the is talking about
Austin Rearick: *the song is talking about
GalaticCyrus: omg it's my favorite LRR member,.Comer Cial!
RATZGobbler: How many helpless dinosaurs must be misrepresented as dragons🥲
Cheshire Creeper: Dinosaurs are kinda like dragons if you think about it
Christopher Peterson: If we're doing dinosaur dragon typal though, I'm gonna need to see a black one called Terrordactyl
Dandelion V: do they still make Back In The Box?
MegaTrain: that token is created by Draconautics Engineer
Stormgod: heck yeah
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): The Benest Ben
SpectraOcean: best aetherdrift player of all time (for now)
Clockwork Cthulhu: welcome to the channel.
NS777: woo yeah magic
Cheshire Creeper: Retired as champion…
RATZGobbler: Nice boots
Christopher Peterson: These boots are made for planeswalkin'
Clockwork Cthulhu: nice accent
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): dont question the talking cardboard (don't eat the delicious food tokens)
Spartan Link_047 (Dark_Link_047): I am so Jealous of that Sub Sunen.
9clawtiger: The boots and the accent
Stormgod: les goooo
PB Dot: very powerful
JesGolbez: burp
Stormgod: turn one?
LRRbot: Nesting Bot [W] | Artifact Creature — Robot [1/1] | Start your engines! / When this creature dies, create a 1/1 colorless Servo artifact creature token. / Max speed — This creature gets +1/+0.
Stormgod: ayyy
Simriel: Powerful Magic!
Stormgod: dang, that seems sweet
TalpTheScot: i want to know more about these white/blue robots
TheWriterAleph: @LarkSachrosis and inside that little guy? another lil guy!
Reldnahcire: bbirbEyes
Brozard: yooooooooo
BusTed: 🏁 🏁 🏁
public_key_reveal_party: Very good
LidofLoathing: amazing!
Marvoleath: matrioshka bot
Rourke9: wooow love those!!
skripmtg: Incredible
micalovits: Uhhh, nice!
Nickiatori: A second doomed traveller for standard
TXC2: dang fancy
nicplz: SLAY
Mangledpixel: heck yeh
Timagio: Sleigh
kaareendrup: gorgeous!
LRRbot: Jungle Hollow | Land | This land enters tapped. / When this land enters, you gain 1 life. / {T}: Add {B} or {G}.
Valvoa6: are these sleeves available?!
thanzo: nice
notoriousmtg_: Period Purr
public_key_reveal_party: Sleigh and/or slay
kaareendrup: A sleigh indeed
WitchGirlTamara: those nails are great
thanzo: those nails rock
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
skripmtg: Saddle the sleigh
The_Infinity_Bros: PLUG
Valvoa6: Yes!
LathosTiran: this makes the Beej happy
namagem1: Aggro SYE
Orxolon: she's accelerating!
ReddHaring: Speed 2 the one with a boat?
notoriousmtg_: first blood!
skripmtg: This bus will not be going under 50 miles per hour
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: I just got some of those sleeves delivered, literally loading them right now!
Timagio: Yeehaw
GredGredmansson: that's a real nas car right there
Haroldholmes25: LUL
LRRbot: Sita Varma, Masked Racer [GU] | Legendary Creature — Human Rogue [2/3] | Exhaust — {X}{G}{G}{U}: Put X +1/+1 counters on Sita Varma. Then you may have the base power and toughness of each other creature you control become equal to Sita Varma's power until end of turn.
fanofmosteverything9: Ah, it's like I'm back with my Florida relatives.
laikagoat: Raise hell praise dale
JKBalch: That *boop* sound effect still thrills me every time
Marvoleath: that is a nice car
thecobbgoblin: The most SOUTHERN thing I've heard all day
LarkSachrosis: Just got in, excellent design on the Speed Overlay (I'm assuming Paul).
Mr_Horrible: @LarkSachrosis ayup
TXC2: iPsyop easy on the all caps please
CrossXhunteR: we do
GredGredmansson: She's a character in the story
Nickiatori: Spitfire
Diabore: shes sita varma ben
immegamind1: GENTLEMEN!!! Start, Your, Engines!!!
admiral_sky_: she's spitfire
LathosTiran: @LarkSachrosis it goes beep
Mr_Bitterness: She's the main character
Andymonium subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 50 months!
Timagio: Yes! Next question
LSRubin: Biomass Mutation on a stick
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Andymonium! (Today's storm count: 99)
Jericu: Ben she's one of the main characters of the story.
tsuuisalie: she's spitfire
shamblingkrenshar: She's a prominent character in the story
Haroldholmes25: yes she's the avishkar lead racer
NrgSpoon: racer X?
TheOneInquisitor: She's probably Racer X
maclenrac: Totally want to flicker her
fanofmosteverything9: Full Throttle
GredGredmansson: LootChamp
Mr_Horrible: she's clearly Speed Racer's sibling, but secretly Kappa
BrowneePointz: her dad tries to do a coup to bring the consulate back
WrightJustice: her racer name is spitfire
thanzo: she's the main driver for the avishkar team
BrowneePointz: her racer name is spitfire
Pharmacistjudge: she's the Aether Ranger pilot
Jon_CoffeeRobot: Story reveal, it's just Jace again
PowrOfFriendship_: She gave up winning the race to save Pia. Sita's great, we love her
matthaus_c: yea Jace casually gets her dad to do a fascism
Jon_CoffeeRobot: literally every set, Jace is going to be disguised as the new character
skripmtg: Secret reach
Mr_Bitterness: @BrowneePointz That's mostly due to Jace manipulation
skripmtg: Jace is everyone
GredGredmansson: @Jon_CoffeeRobot no Jace is doing his own thing, not disguised
Simonark: Keanu Reeves DEFINITELY said no to Speed 3.
LRRbot: Veloheart Bike [2G] | Artifact — Vehicle [4/2] | When this Vehicle enters, you gain 2 life. / {T}: Add one mana of any color. / Crew 2
Timagio: @matthaus_c Oh he wanted to do it anyway
Sorator13: Question: Does speed/max speed do anything inherently, or is it just something that some cards reference to turn stuff on or the like?
PowrOfFriendship_: Her Dad was already doing fascism, Jace just wanted to do his own fascism too
TXC2: matthaus_c Jace speed running his villen arc :p
EvilBadman: @Simonark just pretend wick 3 or sonic 3 is speed 3, it'll work
Jon_CoffeeRobot: speedrunning is very apt for this set
BrowneePointz: no, Jace wanted a distraction
The_Infinity_Bros: the new age fascism
GredGredmansson: @Sorator13 it just something other cards reference, like the City's Blessing
LRRMTG_Judge: @Sorator13 it has no intrinsic ability. pharma2Vial
matthaus_c: can't wait until the next amnesia bit
kaareendrup: god bless 3 drop mana rocks with upside
BrowneePointz: so he used her dad
Sorator13: thanks!
LRRbot: Reef Roads | Land | This land enters tapped unless you control a Mount or Vehicle. / {T}: Add {U}. / {1}{U}, {T}, Sacrifice this land: Create a 1/1 colorless Pilot creature token with "This token saddles Mounts and crews Vehicles as though its power were 2 greater." Activate only as a sorcery.
PowrOfFriendship_: He wanted Loot, and decided to do a domestic terrorism to catch him instead of just attacking Winter
Mr_Horrible: @Jon_CoffeeRobot *pulling off the scooby-doo mask to reveal that they're Jace, then doing it again to reveal they're Lazav*
Mr_Horrible: we gotta layer these jokes
Jon_CoffeeRobot: @Mr_Horrible where IS Lazav
fanofmosteverything9: Yeet the GoPro.
northos: @Jon_CoffeeRobot right behind you
TheShatzMan: @matthaus_c a surprising amount of fascism in mtg lol
LRRMTG_Judge: I guess that's not true. speed has adds the ability to trigger to get more speed. pharma2Vial
Timagio: Youuuuu mustwhipit
Mr_Horrible: @Jon_CoffeeRobot last seen in Thunder Junction (along with everyone else and their gam-gam)
notoriousmtg_: snakes on a planeeeee
skripmtg: Spped 3
RealGamerCow: yah YEET
Jon_CoffeeRobot: I thought based on the card rarities we'd have a common Lazav by now
The_Infinity_Bros: Who throws a camera? honestly?!
skripmtg: Cruisin' now!
iSmartMan1: @jon_coffeerobot Literally anyone could be Lazav
GredGredmansson: There is not
BusTed: rayfkSanic
RockPusher: rayfkSanic
shamblingkrenshar: The Blue Shell made it at least
Mr_Horrible: lrrLUL
R__Doom: Gotta go faster faster faster faster faster
EOstby: rayfkSanic rayfkSanic rayfkSanic
TheWriterAleph: i wonder if they tried
Orxolon: missed oportunity for Sanic
Pharmacistjudge: rayfkSanic
Sorator13: @LRRMTG_Judge technically correct, but you understood my question the first time, heh
TXC2: too fast for the naked eye
A_Dub888: rayfkSanic rayfkSanic
niccus: arguably Samut since she's just running
shamblingkrenshar: There's also no card named "Fast and Furious" as far as I'm aware. I guess that was too on the nose
EvilBadman: no blue sparks either, I think
TehAmelie: with Thoughtlace any hedgehog can be blue
Simonark: And both the echidnas in the set are really lazy
Nickiatori: where is Jordan when you need him
kaareendrup: Well it is his 30th anniversary
Reldnahcire: id be more excited about a sonic set than a nascar set
Unas84: surely there'll be a UB Secret Lair with sanic :p
Timagio: !card glitchghost surveyor
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
The_Infinity_Bros: @shamblingkrenshar not yet
thecobbgoblin: Sonic, he can really move
LRRbot: Spikeshell Harrier [4U] | Artifact Creature — Robot Turtle [4/4] | When this creature enters, return target creature or Vehicle an opponent controls to its owner's hand. If that opponent's speed is greater than each other player's speed, reduce that opponent's speed by 1. This effect can't reduce their speed below 1.
skripmtg: Womp
fanofmosteverything9: Samut always has been MtG's Sonic. Just fighting fewer robots.
LRRMTG_Judge: Can't believe he didn't get a card for his 30th anniversary - Pywo
R__Doom: Lol blue shell
thecobbgoblin: Sonic, he's got an attitude
Timagio: !card glitch-ghost surveyor
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
skripmtg: SLOWWWW DOWN
Timagio: Dang it
That1GuyBen: shouldn't have been in first, simply a skill issue
sallomon33: blue shell, being annoying as always
The_Infinity_Bros: Booo
notoriousmtg_: speed bump
BusTed: Catchup mechanic
kaareendrup: what a swing
RockPusher: Graham assuming the role of the villain this game with that blue shell :P
The_Infinity_Bros: blue shell is going to end friendships
EvilBadman: Behold a way to lose max speed
Julian_Rogue: @notoriousmtg_ No that's a goblin
shamblingkrenshar: I love Blue Shell
notoriousmtg_: @Julian_Rogue hahaha
tryllebanjo: @shamblingkrenshar Instant, red-red. Double the power of target creature. It gains Trample. Sacrifice it at the end of turn.
babyspacecadet: such a fun design
frostfox42: 4/4 for 5 in blue with bounce is good with out the speed mechanic
Jethrain: i was almost hoping for a "slam on the brakes" noise for the speed going down
fanofmosteverything9: It is.
skripmtg: It is
Pharmacistjudge: @Nickiatori I can bet @RayFK is in chat.
GredGredmansson: correct
Dog_of_Myth: Just got off of work, have I missed anything?
Timagio: So far
Mr_Horrible: @EvilBadman nooo my beautiful ratchet effect
iSmartMan1: It is
LRRbot: Brightfield Glider [W] | Creature — Possum Mount [1/1] | Vigilance / Whenever this creature attacks while saddled, it gets +1/+2 and gains flying until end of turn. / Saddle 3
TXC2: Dog_of_Myth you missed round 1 sadly
shamblingkrenshar: @tryllebanjo Oh right it was an MH2 card
WrightJustice: possum!
sallomon33: THE POSSUM
TheDevil_Risen: *tires screeching*
cyrix240: BIG BABY
Jon_CoffeeRobot: Cuuuuuute
EvilBadman: shoulda been the blue shell sfx,
BusTed: tqsWow
GredGredmansson: Second Possum in Magic
Sorator13: possum mount!!!
DiscordianTokkan: Creature type: Possum
skripmtg: Our first Possum I think!
Mr_Horrible: @frostfox42 yeah I'd absolutely play that in limited just as-is
GLHFMagic: Cutest card ever printed. I will not be hearing any argument.
shushu2539: cute possum
fanofmosteverything9: Odd that it's not a Squirrel.
kaareendrup: Awesome possum!
Kentosaurus: large possum
Alness49: Three possums now!
GredGredmansson: 2nd, there was one in Bloomrrow
notoriousmtg_: Magic Constructed Girl
mtvcdm: Hey, Rocky, watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat
Mr_Bitterness: Big Sugar Glider
MrSarkhan: possums are the best!
public_key_reveal_party: Possums are amazing animals
rob_mossop: I'm a Possum, sort of
tryllebanjo: @shamblingkrenshar Like, this was just an idea I just brewed up. Should probably be Vehicle, but yeah.
WetPaperSack: Quando omni flunkus moritati
GredGredmansson: oh right i forgot there was one in OTJ?
TheDevil_Risen: that looks like a flying squirrel :D
googoltudoris: make possum stew!
Jon_CoffeeRobot: if you want to see more possums go to Australia, they have laods
TheDevil_Risen: but, super cute
Jon_CoffeeRobot: loads*
LRRbot: Jungle Hollow | Land | This land enters tapped. / When this land enters, you gain 1 life. / {T}: Add {B} or {G}.
Christopher Peterson: When it comes to the aesthetics of the set, she really... nailed it
LRRbot: Sita Varma, Masked Racer [GU] | Legendary Creature — Human Rogue [2/3] | Exhaust — {X}{G}{G}{U}: Put X +1/+1 counters on Sita Varma. Then you may have the base power and toughness of each other creat…
tehDoc1: Who is the masked racer?
Bones: It's Creative Kitty!
RATZGobbler: Does that make Winter Dale Earnhart Jr or Sr?
Stormgod: she's pretty cool
J D (JDMan94): whichever is in trouble with a demonic haunted house
JesGolbez: That spirit's face perfectly captures my thoughts on this set LUL
LRRbot: Veloheart Bike [2G] | Artifact — Vehicle [4/2] | When this Vehicle enters, you gain 2 life. / {T}: Add one mana of any color. / Crew 2
RATZGobbler: So Sr
PB Dot: I imagine this set might be really fun for people who like vehicle go fast. Like that set with the moth guy for us horror nerds
LRRbot: Reef Roads | Land | This land enters tapped unless you control a Mount or Vehicle. / {T}: Add {U}. / {1}{U}, {T}, Sacrifice this land: Create a 1/1 colorless Pilot creature token with "This token sad…
Elleree Breslau: Hop on, I shoved a manalith in the trunk
SmithKurosaki: let's not make jokes about that Jes
LRRbot: Spikeshell Harrier [4U] | Artifact Creature — Robot Turtle [4/4] | When this creature enters, return target creature or Vehicle an opponent controls to its owner's hand. If that opponent's speed is g…
Stormgod: Blue shell!!!
Jeff Spencer: Shouldn't Graham's life go down when he is attacked?
J D (JDMan94): hrs had gained 2 earlier
J D (JDMan94): so he was at 22, then lost 2
Niccoli Omari: He's been gaining life each turn
Stormgod: yes
Stormgod: its the only way
LRRbot: Brightfield Glider [W] | Creature — Possum Mount [1/1] | Vigilance / Whenever this creature attacks while saddled, it gets +1/+2 and gains flying until end of turn. / Saddle 3
SmithKurosaki: @jeff appreciate the question. there's judges on site to help with rules issues etc :)
public_key_reveal_party: Classic shufflecats
TheOneInquisitor: I appreciate that the flying marsupial is a possum not a squirrel, thank you flavour team
A_Dub888: Ben Ulmer: Certified Trash Man
Mr_Horrible: "We've been infiltrated... again"
shamblingkrenshar: @tryllebanjo I do love your idea though! And -technically- the MH2 card is Fast//Furious
ThirdFloorDraft: was just in Australia, had a possum in the roof of my airbnb, they are less fun as roommates
LRRbot: Hulldrifter [3UU] | Artifact — Vehicle [3/2] | Flying / When this Vehicle enters, draw two cards. / Crew 3
skripmtg: Nice!!
GredGredmansson: @TheDevil_Risen apparently its a Sugarglider, which is closest taxonomically to Possums
Mazrae: Looks like a sugarglider
iSmartMan1: Dank Ruggington
Mr_Horrible: can't believe Graham hates drawing cards
tryllebanjo: @shamblingkrenshar Gotta look that one up :)
Butternades: Deja-Vu….
GredGredmansson: Graham loves draw card.
skripmtg: It's like U/W flyers is prime limited tech!
micalovits: Who doesnt love card draw?
Pharmacistjudge: Graham has played a 5 drop that draws 2 cards....Are we in for a Blake 2 hour game?
TheDevil_Risen: @GredGredmansson makes sense
iPsyop: @Mazrae sugar gliders are possums
skripmtg: Draw go weeeeee
fanofmosteverything9: TIL
public_key_reveal_party: Listen sometimes you need to draw card to get to your card draw spells
skripmtg: HULK?
Skye_Stryke: Graham could've played Ooze on 5 this game. Should've listened to chat
stippledotter: I feel so seen by the "untap, upkeep, draw" chant
Mr_Horrible: brings its own crew
TheDevil_Risen: cant stop wont thop :D
skripmtg: Great card
R__Doom: THOP
Dog_of_Myth is gifting 13 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 1660 in the channel!
Dog_of_Myth gifted a Tier 1 sub to SaxPython!
Dog_of_Myth gifted a Tier 1 sub to LadyDesco!
Dog_of_Myth gifted a Tier 1 sub to Remy_Iebeau!
Dog_of_Myth gifted a Tier 1 sub to devoidmelody!
Dog_of_Myth gifted a Tier 1 sub to RadioHupfen!
Dog_of_Myth gifted a Tier 1 sub to SpelloShibe!
Dog_of_Myth gifted a Tier 1 sub to FlounderOfThe12!
Dog_of_Myth gifted a Tier 1 sub to Flaptain_Jack!
Dog_of_Myth gifted a Tier 1 sub to hulkyhuhulky!
Dog_of_Myth gifted a Tier 1 sub to pdools!
Dog_of_Myth gifted a Tier 1 sub to kindredstairs!
Dog_of_Myth gifted a Tier 1 sub to Joanorld!
Dog_of_Myth gifted a Tier 1 sub to silicienna!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Dog_of_Myth! Welcome to Remy_Iebeau, LadyDesco, SaxPython, devoidmelody, RadioHupfen, Flaptain_Jack, FlounderOfThe12, SpelloShibe, hulkyhuhulky, kindredstairs, Joanorld, silicienna, and pdools! (Today's storm count: 112)
SHUT_YO_FACE: Why would you ever even want to upgrade to this over a 1080ti?
TehAmelie: that rambler must have some serious servo steering
TXC2: Dog_of_Myth lrrHEART
Mr_Horrible: thopter somehow a licensed pilot upon construction
Reldnahcire: don't thop believin
control_rig: Damn, Dog_of_Myth, the legend
googoltudoris: i run niv-mizzet because i love having my commander countered or killed immediately, not for any silly card drawing
Jon_CoffeeRobot: the top dog
GasCityGaming: The Dog, the myth, the legend
A_Dub888: @Mr_Horrible there's nothing in the rules that says a thopter can't get a license
Tweygoh subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 26 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Tweygoh! (Today's storm count: 113)
Atrizk: broadcast rambler? more like a streamer LUL
Jon_CoffeeRobot: @googoltudoris Niv-Mizzet, aka "no my deck doesn't do any of that I pwomise"
Mr_Horrible: @A_Dub888 I'm just flabbergasted at the speed, usually bureaucracy takes longer than that
fanofmosteverything9: Confetti Servo!
Pharmacistjudge: what is the servo's name?
maclenrac: servo facts
control_rig: Yippee!
Mr_Horrible: cute
GredGredmansson: pinkie?
Mangledpixel: lrrHORN
rob_mossop: Lands in front, party in back
Ard_Rhys: #servofacts
TheDevil_Risen: haha cool servo
OldUncleDan: I should send LRR a copy of "Formula De" via Mailtime. It's my favorite board game, and I think certain folks (Ian) would get a kick out of it.
skripmtg: Yippeeeee
BrindleBoar: Partied In Half!
TheWriterAleph: lrrHORN fweeee
immegamind1: servo fact
warpstonewarlock: Unsubscribe servo facts!
A_Dub888: @Mr_Horrible Its probably built in
niccus: would you like to subscribe to party servo facts?
TheDevil_Risen: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
Reldnahcire: @Jon_CoffeeRobot dawnma4Shy pwomise?
BusTed: tqsHype
Butternades: and servo was his name-o
thecobbgoblin: Y'all should see us in Commander
Mr_Bitterness: @Pharmacistjudge Eustice
fanofmosteverything9: Welcome to the Servo Party Line
micalovits: As long as it is clear
thecobbgoblin: That graveyard goes literally anywhere
public_key_reveal_party: Love putting serge on the spot
CnCPOWERHOUR: Broadcast standard is to have Graveyard and Exile in line with the deck.
googoltudoris: @Jon_CoffeeRobot ok, ok, ok, but what if HEAR ME OUT *what if...*
Mangledpixel: there are rules for higher RELs I believe
The_Infinity_Bros: add chaos. put the lands in front
komododrake: #LandsInFront
shushu2539: please ask Ian to craft a party cannot servo for the next Desert Bus
omdorastrix: Bring out the left-handed playmats
LRRbot: Carrion Cruiser [2B] | Artifact — Vehicle [3/2] | When this Vehicle enters, mill two cards. Then return a creature or Vehicle card from your graveyard to your hand. / Crew 1
TheWriterAleph: it's a philosophy question and we all know those lead to wars
Nickiatori: lands behind spells is just a comp rel thing no?
djalternative: library in the middle of the playmat with everything else around it
Jon_CoffeeRobot: @googoltudoris can't hear you over the twenty counterspells and burn spells hitting before it's even lost summoning sickness
avjamethyst: I had a player play with their graveyard in front, it was awful
fanofmosteverything9: Octopirate!
BrowneePointz: DAVY JONES!
zeathean: Octo pirate
Taskmaster1995: While I had never heard of magic new girl before today, I feel as an Alabama native, I must root for the home team. Go girl go!
BrowneePointz: It’s an Octopus Pirate!
TheDevil_Risen: Section 4-7
skripmtg: A shelf
LRRMTG_Judge: In general, most board layouts are fine as long as both players are clear on what's going on. Preferably, a spectator should also be able to understand the board state without explanation. - BlackRose
micalovits: I have played dredge, your graveyard will need to take up like half the baord at times
TehAmelie: maybe you can arrange your board how you like if you hire a visual interpreter to tell people what you're doing
Nickiatori: is 2015 I was the annoying guy in my lgs that played upside down to try and psych out my opponents at fnm
MrAyeAxe: That buccaneer is an insane common wow
Debatra: Creatures have to be together because of that tournament where a guy hid a dryad arbor with his lands, but I thought that was the only placement rule?
skripmtg: SEND IT
thecobbgoblin: I have never seen so many hit land drops
skripmtg: SNAKE
notoriousmtg_: snakes on a planeeeeeeeeee
BusTed: Year of the Snake
rob_mossop: SNEKONPLEN
LSRubin: snecco
Timagio: il snecco
LRRMTG_Judge: And as Ben said, coverage has different, stricter rules for board layouts - BlackRose
Jon_CoffeeRobot: Affinity gooo
fanofmosteverything9: Are we tired of these monkey-fighting snakes on this Monday-to-Friday plane?
thanzo: early marvel spoiler card
LRRMTG_Judge: at comp and professional REL there are set rules on how cards need to be arranged, but they are highly recommended for all other players. pharma2Vial
LRRbot: Gearseeker Serpent [5UU] | Creature — Serpent [5/6] | This spell costs {1} less to cast for each artifact you control. / {5}{U}: Gearseeker Serpent can't be blocked this turn.
R__Doom: SNAKE sipstrMagicnewgirl
nicplz: SNAKE
TehAmelie: on reflection, there must be snakes on almost every plane
shamblingkrenshar: The boy!
Haroldholmes25: big snake
RockPusher: snek
thanzo: huge snake!
baltimore_667083: SNAKE
Mr_Horrible: It's Back, Baby
funguslore: Big snek
Marvoleath: neat reprint
CrossXhunteR: it’s like tolarian terror but not
TXC2: sneeeeeeeek it's a snek!
Bruceski: Snake on multiple planes
GredGredmansson: Kaladesh (the set) All-Star
NapalmSideburns: Snake? Snake! Snaaaaake!
JKBalch: Snake on a train?
Bugberry: naming your deck after a common is a power move.
Timagio: Badger badgerbadgerbadgerbadgerbadger
BrowneePointz: @crossxhunter …this came first
shamblingkrenshar: Snake, try to remember the basics of quadrant theory. (Is that still at thing drafters use?)
queenhoneygames: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4
Jon_CoffeeRobot: oh Plane like THAT kind of plaaaaane
RockPusher: Serpentine! Serpentine!
CuChullain21: Snek Big
OldUncleDan: Roll High Tide!
Nickiatori: none fliers with left speed
googoltudoris: @Jon_CoffeeRobot my usual play style consists of finally get UUURRR, play commander, dragon nerd dies immediately, fail to get to 8 mana to recast
notoriousmtg_: koma's estranged cousin twice removed
BrowneePointz: this is a reprint and a good one
Reldnahcire: get thhis monday to friday snake of my monkey fighting multiplanar raceway
Marvoleath: oh, plane as in planeswalking
LRRMTG_Judge: Coverage may add additional rules, but the card layout rules are mandatory at Comp Rel and higher. pharma2Vial
Stormgod519: @Marvoleath oh my god. very good
skripmtg: Loooooooove mafic
GredGredmansson: @googoltudoris how are you not doing literally everything in response to your opponents things, all the time
skripmtg: magic*
LRRbot: Hulldrifter [3UU] | Artifact — Vehicle [3/2] | Flying / When this Vehicle enters, draw two cards. / Crew 3
fanofmosteverything9: Multi-hull drifting!
Rourke9: you love to play magic? why dont you marry it
LoadingReadyRun: lrrPAUL are there any cycling Cycles in this set?
LRRbot: Hulldrifter [3UU] | Artifact — Vehicle [3/2] | Flying / When this Vehicle enters, draw two cards. / Crew 3
Sam W: got in at round 2. can't wait to watch the deckbuilding video...
PB Dot: Very excited for Ben's Bin Chicken era
JesGolbez: You, sir, are no Mulldrifter!
Huecalpixqui Jean III: If only we could evoke the hulldrifter to immediately scrap it
PB Dot: chat's sending Serge Ben Stillers (Bens Stiller?) again
Sam W: magic new girl, is she a streamer?
RATZGobbler: Guessing they couldn't make a Need for Speed card due to EA
tehDoc1: Need for speed already exists as a card
LRRbot: Carrion Cruiser [2B] | Artifact — Vehicle [3/2] | When this Vehicle enters, mill two cards. Then return a creature or Vehicle card from your graveyard to your hand. / Crew 1
Chris Mcgillick (Sypher704): let's not promote these front. graveyard heathens
PB Dot: Velocity Requirement
SpectraOcean: where your graveyard is doesn't matter. everyone knows lands go in front.
Huecalpixqui Jean III: Lands go on the left, creatures on the right
jacob m: I like to alternate land, creature, land, creature
Punisheris1995: are there exhaust indicators in the pre release packs?
SpectraOcean: gearhulk babey!
Stormgod: oh boy
SpectraOcean: no the snake one. seeker.
Stormgod: oh no
LRRbot: Gearseeker Serpent [5UU] | Creature — Serpent [5/6] | This spell costs {1} less to cast for each artifact you control. / {5}{U}: Gearseeker Serpent can't be blocked this turn.
Stormgod: big snake!
Tommy Grozier: i always put my graveyard to the right. if its behind the library opponent cant see it
Stormgod: thats so good!
JesGolbez: more like SNAKE on a plane
Pyre Dynasty: snek
Octagone: New rules text!
Stormgod: @Punisheris1995 presumably, there will be some sort of counter in the box for marking exhaust
BoxedLogic: Threed
LRRbot: Hulldrifter [3UU] | Artifact — Vehicle [3/2] | Flying / When this Vehicle enters, draw two cards. / Crew 3
Nickiatori: if you love playing Magic so much whu dopnt you marry it
Bugberry: double mull drifting!
TXC2: that Hull is Drifting again!
BrowneePointz: Hull Toyko Drift
rob_mossop: Drifting those hulls all over the damn place
Jon_CoffeeRobot: @fanofmosteverything9 [Eurobeat intensifies]
Mr_Bitterness: And with your spirit
NapalmSideburns: multidraw drifting!
TheAwkes: Hulldrifter Compatible™
Nickiatori: @LoadingReadyRun darn it lol
goatprince: slay, queen
maclenrac: Tokyo hulldrifting
Butternades: *Tokyo drift playing vaguely in the background*
iSmartMan1: @nickiatori In response, I cast Wedding Ring
A_Dub888: lrrJUDGE A Magic: The Gathering Player likes playing Magic: The Gathering lrrJUDGE
Timagio: Hollywood Hills account
shamblingkrenshar: @LoadingReadyRun There is a card that is basically Unicycle from Unknown cards. Does that count?
TXC2: your card hold
dabudder: new lambourghina
KingOfDoma: GARE-idge
skripmtg: Graham loves to tinker on his cars
TehAmelie: deck idea: Snake on a Plains
GredGredmansson: @LoadingReadyRun there are some vehicles that CAN Cycle, but I don't think they ARE Cycles
fanofmosteverything9: In his garage, he feels safe...
LRRMTG_Judge: @A_Dub888 Never heard of it. - Squirrel
Stormgod519: @skripmtg but tinker's banned everywhere, so you have to say he likes to fabricate on his cars
RocknGrohlNerd: howsinthegarage?
Marvoleath: Mikah Raj
CaptainSpam: Wow, that's some oldschool stuff.
elgenericosfavoriteorphan: oh man Tai Lopez, havent thought about them in a while
LoadingReadyRun: @GredGredmansson lrrAWW
cameron_in_the_hizous: Im sure that guys doing crypto now
WetPaperSack: @fanofmosteverything9 Got there before I could
googoltudoris: @GredGredmansson my interaction lives in a pocket dimension where it is always in my deck, never in my hand
skripmtg: @Stormgod519 Big fair. I miss tinker.
IaCthulhuFthagn: Tai is still going strong, still selling his grifts.
maclenrac: Car hold
Jon_CoffeeRobot: @cameron_in_the_hizous grifters gonna grift
LathosTiran: her nails! :)
Stormgod519: @skripmtg yeah,
Nova19_: @GredGredmansson it would be even better if they made a cycle of cycles that could cycle
thanzo: all the lamborghinis on my lamborghini shelf
fanofmosteverything9: Launch the camera!
goatprince: launching cameron
TXC2: it eepy
Stormgod519: @goatprince hi Matt
goatprince: boo
TehAmelie: the Cameron Launcher
skripmtg: This thing empty YEET
GredGredmansson: oh that's a creative way to do that
TehAmelie: he'll be happy it's exhausted
Fluffy776: I am going to read that as Cameron Launcher every time huh
TXC2: "this Camera empty, YEET!"
medebula: "Check that thang out" I say as I launch a camera into the sky]
Marvoleath: Congratulations, it's a camera!
Jon_CoffeeRobot: @Fluffy776 Cameron Lauder, Camera Launcher, what's the difference
CnCPOWERHOUR: Okay the sleeve + dice tech is something I've never considered before but for webcam games I love it
skripmtg: Good ask
public_key_reveal_party: So this means the flavor of the card is that it is weighed down by the weight of carrying a thopter
skripmtg: Can't hurt to ask
Butternades: I keep reading Cameron launcher as Cameron lauder
cameron_in_the_hizous: hes just a little birthday boy on his birthday
itsj0mi: CaitThinking
stippledotter: Camera Launcher is such a great member of the LRR crew
fanofmosteverything9: Frankie Peanuts trigger?
munocard subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 15 months!
EvilBadman: You wouldn't download a snake
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, munocard! (Today's storm count: 114)
IaCthulhuFthagn: Chat, don't launder your cameras.
Jon_CoffeeRobot: rules levels are REL:whoops
TehAmelie: the snakes can get stuck in the tubes of internet
LSRubin: @EvilBadman You wouldn't boost a sloop
skripmtg: RIP
EvilBadman: I'm boosting every sloop I see
TXC2: !relaxed
LRRbot: REL:Axed or Rules Enforcement level relaxed means we try to let the cards do what they are supposed to do, and not punish players for their mistakes. While we all try to follow the rules these cards are brand new to everyone and mistakes will be made, just sit back and enjoy the stream.
BlightwidowMTG: oh nooo!
Bugberry: "retired"
micalovits: Poor snake!
fanofmosteverything9: Murder, but it can slash your tires.
thecobbgoblin: Shot
niccus: spinny
A_Dub888: the SpOUT
cameron_in_the_hizous: Graham you promised!!!
thecobbgoblin: sipstrSHOT
Mr_Horrible: "GSS spinout, was this justified, Chat?"
ipoddodd: gearseeker wound a little too tight
BlightwidowMTG: @thecobbgoblin hey!
GredGredmansson: would you murder a car
notoriousmtg_: too many cocktails
skripmtg: @thecobbgoblin Hello
skripmtg: RUn the tape back!
Butternades: you wouldn’t rotate a snake
googoltudoris: PLEASE let there be a bit in the future where Cameron has a name card of "Camera Launcher"
CnCPOWERHOUR: Notably, her deck name is implies multiple snakes
OldUncleDan: If pro wrestling taught me anything. Worse Sportsmanship can win crowds as well!
venommtg: Hello!
CrossXhunteR: urza’s saga island?
Stormgod519: @venommtg hellooo!
BlightwidowMTG: @venommtg hey!!
ghizmou: if a car moved on it's own, I might consider murder
skripmtg: @venommtg Yooooo
Mattmitchell45: Monty!
Jon_CoffeeRobot: we're Moo Moo Farm now
TXC2: hello venommtg welcome
RockPusher: sergeMoly
IaCthulhuFthagn: @Butternades ...but a shark?
BlightwidowMTG: all the friends are here!
LRRbot: Rise from the Wreck [2G] | Sorcery | Return up to one target creature card, up to one target Mount card, up to one target Vehicle card, and up to one target creature card with no abilities from your graveyard to your hand.
Butternades: always rotate sharks
queenhoneygames: @BlightwidowMTG hi my love!!!
venommtg: My Friends are here!!
goatprince: that mole needs to pilot some sort of vehicle. it's enrichment for it
RocknGrohlNerd: @BlightwidowMTG hello
cameron_in_the_hizous: @ghizmou The Cars movies are actually horror films if you think about it
micalovits: That is a lot of value
Tai114: Wow now that is a regrowth effect
queenhoneygames: @venommtg Yo!
Jon_CoffeeRobot: @cameron_in_the_hizous Then don't think about it!
googoltudoris: the first deck i make with a speed mechanic is getting named *shifts into 11th*
BlightwidowMTG: @queenhoneygames Queen Honey my love ♥️
fanofmosteverything9: Love a three-mana four-for-one.
Mr_Horrible: I do like that you get 1 from each plane of the race, essentially
lilyak_thefuffy: are there any vanilla creatures in this set?
LarkSachrosis: Not 'or', 'And"!
venommtg: Ah literally everyone is here Hiiiiiiiiiiii
LSRubin: "pothole mole" has a way worse mouthfeel than "boosted sloop" to me, idk
BlightwidowMTG: @rockngrohlnerd hey!
Bugberry: @lilyak_thefuffy a cycle of legendary ones
skripmtg: @LSRubin Potmole hole
GredGredmansson: to hand*
Stormgod519: @venommtg indeed. its a party
goatprince: graveyard to hand*
NornsFelidar: @crossxhunter saga lands didn't have big symbols. this is from one of the remastered sets I suppose
thecobbgoblin: I couldn't let my co-host go on LRR and NOT watch her
Marvoleath: @lilyak_thefuffy there is also Jibbirik Omnivore, 1G 3/2
satyropodobny: get that zombie a dragula
TehAmelie: do we call the battlefield the track or something? it's rather crowded anyway
pleonasticTautology: i was doing dishes at the time but i did a spittake when graham said "and also with you"
FeistierErmine subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 74 months!
FeistierErmine: Magic: the Gathering
Pharmacistjudge: @thecobbgoblin welcome!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, FeistierErmine! (Today's storm count: 115)
Gaz-L: Most cards with exhaust have some way you'd know if you used the ability, like getting +1/+1 counters or such
JesGolbez: Drifting makes me feel good
Stormgod: if there's something strange, drifting in your bed...
Niccoli Omari: I wonder if Exhaust will become a more common mechanic in later sets
Stormgod: brutal
BoxedLogic: Unless it's loot, which has several, you could do likewith exerted creatures and pull them half out the sleeve
Elleree Breslau: I'm wondering if I can make snake work in standard...
Samarbrander: @niccoli Omari That sounds exhausting
Stormgod: lol
Stormgod: Well G, would you?!?
PB Dot: Graham "I'm gonna kill that snake" STark
BoxedLogic: If you're gonna kill my snake, you legally have to tell me
Stormgod: oh?
Stormgod: oh no!
Stormgod: spun out
Stormgod: in his defense, your honor, he did promise he would
LRRbot: Rise from the Wreck [2G] | Sorcery | Return up to one target creature card, up to one target Mount card, up to one target Vehicle card, and up to one target creature card with no abilities from your …
Stormgod: oh boy
Stormgod: that card is stacked
Stormgod: i remember a boros card just like that
Stormgod: be back in a bit chat, gotta go warm myself up (my bloodflow is bad
Stormgod: )
TXC2: I'm waiting for WotC to make Pilot N a keyword
Mr_Horrible: it's almost a powerstone
fanofmosteverything9: Exclamatory: Punch it.
coachNelly: sounds painfuk
BrowneePointz: love that flavor text
skripmtg: Send one to an early grave
BrowneePointz: @coachnelly come again
Jon_CoffeeRobot: "It makes me cooler"
A_Dub888: @TXC2 Definitely didn't skip over the "a key" part of that sentence and do a double take
skripmtg: Personal win is as big as any
GredGredmansson: there's a thing in the bin she can exile I think
coachNelly: *painful
RocknGrohlNerd: @CrossXhunteR where?
notoriousmtg_: Goals are meant to be met
IaCthulhuFthagn: @TXC2 ...but these pilots and the Kamigawa ones work differently, no?
Orestes290: Anyone know story beat for Amomkhet zombies not being mindless anymore?
maclenrac: Goals
BrowneePointz: they never were mindless @orestes290
TXC2: A_Dub888 yikes, my bad :p
Mr_Horrible: "Disregard. Objective incomplete."
GredGredmansson: @IaCthulhuFthagn yeah these Pilots work with crew AND with saddle
TXC2: IaCthulhuFthagn yes, but errta is a thing
chriswr5: i just tuned in after a break, this is quite the boardstate
TheDevil_Risen: @LRRMTG_Judge Dec 2024 tourney rules section 4-7 game layout - comp/pro REL <3 about the only reference for it, REL:Axed is less stringent :) <3
AgentWynter: I read all the Guidelight flavour text in hk-47's voice
satyropodobny: @Orestes290 no bolas no problem
Bugberry: @Orestes290 they were never mindless, it was Bolas' influence that made them slaves.
Timagio: @GredGredmansson They do work differently, but going forward Piloting may become a word.
Jon_CoffeeRobot: 'BUG'
GredGredmansson: @TXC2 when have they ever errataed a token
LRRbot: Possession Engine [3UU] | Artifact — Vehicle [5/5] | When this Vehicle enters, gain control of target creature an opponent controls for as long as you control this Vehicle. That creature can't attack or block for as long as you control this Vehicle. / Crew 3
fanofmosteverything9: The Love BUG.
BusTed: drawfeGoodjoke
skripmtg: Herbie fully Gandad
BrowneePointz: their culture and subservience to Bolas’ machination meant they were willing slaves, during MoM they came to the living and said we’ll help but you need to stop treating us as servants @orestes290
SFSMaus: "Herbie Goes Wild!"
Orestes290: @BrowneePointz so are we just seeing the lazotep ones here?
Dog_of_Myth: Love it G
Jon_CoffeeRobot: Don't worry Graham, chat appreciates you
MrSarkhan: lrrWOW
pleonasticTautology: i like your deck name, graham! i, too, am old
OldUncleDan: I'm a Gen-Xer! I get the joke!
public_key_reveal_party: Everyone liked that
itsj0mi: Kappa
GreatWahooney: good joke, streamer
TXC2: GredGredmansson I live in hope :p
Bugberry: @Orestes290 there were already indicators in the original Amonkhet that some overcoming the influence.
WetPaperSack: If you were truly going for a flavor win, you'd be running 53 cards there, G
A_Dub888: the Possengine
fanofmosteverything9: Graham has assumed the role of cameraman.
xblue007: Christine
frostfox42: so graham gets speed now right?
notoriousmtg_: eepy
Timagio: eepy engine
skripmtg: Not beating the sleepy allegations
NornsFelidar: this is like turn 20 and they still got 20 life 😩
Mr_Horrible: we took this robot and put its soul in a gas tank
Reldnahcire: 😪
EvilBadman: Undertaker in the Limo abducting Teddy Long, basically
munocard: I hear it's 9/10ths of the Law Engine
Timagio: @NornsFelidar It's great!
GredGredmansson: @TXC2 the way i see it, it would be as though All Zombie tokens gained Decayed after Midnight Hunt
Lordofironstorm: What's the speed of this format like so far?
TheAwkes: My problem with Boosted Sloop isn't it's name, per se, but that it's a 2-masted vessel, and not a Sloop in the first place.
MehallD: yeah G has a card with SYE now, he should have 1 speed
Timagio: @Lordofironstorm Somewhere between 1 and 4.
Bugberry: @Orestes290 The Eternals were the ones encased in Lazotep, the regular zombies had Cartouches which were made of the stuff too.
Jon_CoffeeRobot: @Lordofironstorm either 1, 2, 3 or 4. :P
skripmtg: Yeah
LRRMTG_Judge: @GredGredmansson Fun fact: All tokens got errata'd not long ago when their names were changed to include the word "Token". For instance, a Goblin token used to be named "Goblin" and now it is named "Goblin Token". This was done to differentiate them from card names that happened to overlap with tokens. - Squirrel
NornsFelidar: @timagio it's great when you aren't on a round timer 😝
Jon_CoffeeRobot: @Timagio I see you and appreciate you
Mr_Horrible: @TheAwkes that's the boost! Kappa
TXC2: GredGredmansson that wouldn't be the worst.... :p
Jericu: a boardstate like this and there's been barely any damage dealt, wow
Nickiatori: car something pilup
venommtg: Seeing all these sweet cards, I cannot wait to draft this set next week!
skripmtg: Spectacular Pile up is correct
Timagio: @Jon_CoffeeRobot Back atcha
Bugberry: !card spectacular pileup
LRRbot: Spectacular Pileup [3WW] | Sorcery | All creatures and Vehicles lose indestructible until end of turn, then destroy all creatures and Vehicles. / Cycling {2}
A_Dub888: @TXC2 you don't live in a society?
goatprince: what about cameron lauder?
RocknGrohlNerd: @LRRMTG_Judge nice
t7112: is it legal for G to activate exhaust?
Mr_Horrible: @LRRMTG_Judge I believe you mean "- Squirrel *Token*" :p
notoriousmtg_: prerelease at a hole in the wall bar coming soon
TXC2: A_Dub888 not if I can help it :p
skripmtg: Neat
chriswr5: huh, cool
Mangledpixel: kinda like ascend?
GredGredmansson: @t7112 No, its ability has already been activated
queenhoneygames: I like it
Jon_CoffeeRobot: @Lordofironstorm but serious answer, each game players have reliably gotten to 7 mana
LRRMTG_Judge: @Mr_Horrible Lol, well played - Squirrel
itsj0mi: interesting
RocknGrohlNerd: cool
t7112: thanks
notoriousmtg_: really good to know
Marvoleath: kinda like ascend
TheDevil_Risen: Yeah Start your engines is interesting as a State-Based effect
Jericu: I have a question, if Graham grabbed a crewed vehicle with Possession Engine, would he continue to control it when it stopped being a creature?
skripmtg: Decisions
Mr_Horrible: okay good I didn't know if that would come off funny or rude lrrLUL
skripmtg: Hell yeah
skripmtg: GEt it
Bugberry: live fast die young
Jon_CoffeeRobot: @Jericu yes, but it would just stop being a creature?
GredGredmansson: @Jericu he would, yes
fanofmosteverything9: Love the group gasp
RockPusher: ♫ We're going for distance! We're going for speed! ♫ escher3DOOT escher3DOOT
LRRbot: Ride's End [4W] | Instant | This spell costs {3} less to cast if it targets a tapped permanent. / Exile target creature or Vehicle.
skripmtg: GOT 'EM BOP BOP sipstrMagicnewgirl sipstrMagicnewgirl
TheWriterAleph: pew
LRRMTG_Judge: @Jericu Yes, he would still control it even after it stopped being a creature. It would stay a creature (crewed Vehicle) until end of turn. - Squirrel
TXC2: one last ride!
R__Doom: DinoDance sipstrMagicnewgirl
Pharmacistjudge: End of the line. All passengers must exit.
TheDevil_Risen: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR lrrHEART
notoriousmtg_: this is it... my final rideee
tenkapitaan: wtf?! why after blockers?!
MrMightyMax: @jericu it only checks the permanent type = creature during the target. After that, the permanent type can change without it impacting the mind control effect
TheWormbo: stun counteR?
googoltudoris: i want to get off mr bones wild ride
CaptainSpam: Maximillian Speed.
JKBalch: Is there a Vengabus in this set?
CaptainSpam: Of the New England Speeds.
TheOneInquisitor: I mean Graham can make everything a 9/9 I guess
Bugberry: Can't believe life totals have remained mostly the same
ChillyCru subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
apstrac2: why not use it earlier, there aren't other fliers right?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ChillyCru! (Today's storm count: 116)
TXC2: !venga
LRRbot: I feel the Venga Bus move under my feet, I feel the party tumbling down.
Marvoleath: good for Maximilian
fanofmosteverything9: It's a blue shell. It doesn't deserve mercy.
RATZGobbler: A zombie pilot? So it works for Amazon
BoxedLogic: Valid!
LRRbot: Possession Engine [3UU] | Artifact — Vehicle [5/5] | When this Vehicle enters, gain control of target creature an opponent controls for as long as you control this Vehicle. That creature can't attack…
JesGolbez: YOINK
tehDoc1: uh oh, same sleeves
RATZGobbler: Spectacular Spectacular?
Simriel: !aetherdrift
RATZGobbler: Or Vehicular Spectacular
Cecil Hoshino: No words in the vernacular
boredkid07: gasp
LRRbot: Ride's End [4W] | Instant | This spell costs {3} less to cast if it targets a tapped permanent. / Exile target creature or Vehicle.
Simriel: For more information on Aetherdrift, including a full image gallery, where you can find your local prerelease, and where to pre-order the set, click here!
satyropodobny: are there any mice on motorbikes from Bloomburrow in this set
RocknGrohlNerd: @CaptainSpam only friends can call me max speed
Jon_CoffeeRobot: Yeah, Masked Rider sitting there menacingly for a good few turns
Tai114: PotHoleMole
js2062: not sure if i missed the announcement of this or something but i didn't see this on twitter
Jon_CoffeeRobot: yaaaay
The_Infinity_Bros: If ya aint first, youre last _ricky Bobby
GredGredmansson: @satyropodobny No, there is only one Mouse (in green)
EvilBadman: @js2062 don't use twitter
TXC2: js2062 we don't use twitter
satyropodobny: sad.
LRRbot: Sita Varma, Masked Racer [GU] | Legendary Creature — Human Rogue [2/3] | Exhaust — {X}{G}{G}{U}: Put X +1/+1 counters on Sita Varma. Then you may have the base power and toughness of each other creature you control become equal to Sita Varma's power until end of turn.
Mazrae: I can just hear scooter yelling "Catch A Riiiiide" with this set
TheWriterAleph: i kept hearing "suit of arma"
fanofmosteverything9: DIY March of the World Ooze!
js2062: @TXC2 oh, where then
CnCPOWERHOUR: @tenkapitaan Being on camera and playing with a new set for the first time. It would have been better to do it in response to the crew, but it's a real easy distinction to miss.
TXC2: !contact
LRRbot: ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List:
notoriousmtg_: Magic Speed Bump
couchboyj: Max Speed sounds like a rejected name for the rock star in the Goofy Movie.
skripmtg: BOP BOP BOP BOP
munocard: Sita is an 8/9
Jericu: looks like game?
TXC2: js2062 that contact list has links
Marvoleath: !bluesky
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Bluesky! You can follow the LRR account here: Or find all the crew accounts here:
BusTed: rayfkWelp
venommtg: That's a lot of damage
TheDevil_Risen: escher3DOOT escher3DOOT escher3PUN VROOM!
R__Doom: Nah never mind sipstrMagicnewgirl
control_rig: "Can you?!" "... no"
fanofmosteverything9: G-jeez
Mattmitchell45: lrrHERE lrrHERE lrrHERE
coachNelly: lrrLUL
kaareendrup: looks like he didn't need that ooze after all
iPsyop: yeah thats just dead on board lol..
RocknGrohlNerd: GGs
js2062: @TXC2 cool thx
TheDevil_Risen: sergeGG sergeGG
goatprince: simply delete the opponent
Tai114: Launch the Camera Launcher
R__Doom: GG
Jon_CoffeeRobot: Sideboooooard?
thecobbgoblin: GG
GredGredmansson: yeah Sita basically does the same thing
letsbelgo: Hey there bud
frostfox42: hahaha the serge callout
maclenrac: block clock take 24
niccus: embrace hubris
skripmtg: GG
venommtg: GG
GredGredmansson: I don't see the Ooze making 8/8s
Kentosaurus: ooze would just be win more here
ztghostie: side in the world ooze!
thecobbgoblin: sipstrSALTY sipstrMagicnewgirl
NornsFelidar: lol
notoriousmtg_: game 2 you got this
OldUncleDan: Pot Hole Mole sounds like a Squirrel Girl villain.
Wonderdoc: G do it you coward :P
munocard: lmao Chainwhirler was amazing with Soul Scar Mage
skripmtg: Niv-Mizzet Parun isn't even that hard to cast.
Jon_CoffeeRobot: @skripmtg the double-triple
Bugberry: The Ooze and Sita Varma don't really synergize, since they both set BASE power.
NornsFelidar: chainwhirler *shivers*
t7112: Hey Ben, explain that chainwhirler reference?
Tai114: Pothole Mole is the sidekick villain to The Underminer
That1GuyBen: !card goblin chainwhirler
LRRbot: Goblin Chainwhirler [RRR] | Creature — Goblin Warrior [3/3] | First strike / When Goblin Chainwhirler enters, it deals 1 damage to each opponent and each creature and planeswalker they control.
maclenrac: verges are real
Jon_CoffeeRobot: @t7112 Chainwhirler is a goblin with casting cost RRR
GasCityGaming: Overrrun is real and CAN hurt you
ArcOfTheConclave: that rb chainwhiler deck was super weighted toward red mana
Diabore: the RG gearhulk has overrun too
RocknGrohlNerd: the gearhulk as well
skripmtg: @GasCityGaming WILL hurt you
BrowneePointz: Pyrewood Gearhulk overruns
GredGredmansson: !card Boom Scholar
LRRbot: Boom Scholar [1RG] | Creature — Goblin Advisor [3/3] | Exhaust abilities of other permanents you control cost {2} less to activate. / Exhaust — {4}{R}{G}: Creatures and Vehicles you control gain trample until end of turn. Put two +1/+1 counters on this creature.
couchboyj: Need some black to give that Wriler deathtouch
Bugberry: pyre-something gearhulk?
That1GuyBen: Gruul Gearhulk.....monument to Wrenn
Jericu: Pyrewood?
That1GuyBen: Pyrewood Gearhulk
LRRbot: Boom Scholar [1RG] | Creature — Goblin Advisor [3/3] | Exhaust abilities of other permanents you control cost {2} less to activate. / Exhaust — {4}{R}{G}: Creatures and Vehicles you control gain trample until end of turn. Put two +1/+1 counters on this creature.
TXC2: overruns, the correct way to deal with board stalls, not board whipes
Tai114: It isn't an overrun, it just gives trample
RocknGrohlNerd: wow
Marvoleath: ah yes, the Scholar of the Boom
dpj2009: !card trumpet blast
LRRbot: Trumpet Blast [2R] | Instant | Attacking creatures get +2/+0 until end of turn.
JaymicUnyielding: Also Pyrewood Gearhulk
Myrniss subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 133 months, currently on a 133 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Myrniss! (Today's storm count: 117)
kimtalica subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, kimtalica! (Today's storm count: 118)
TXC2: Tai114 often that can be enough
RocknGrohlNerd: that goes into my Voja
LoadingReadyRun: as a note: Exhaust *doesn't* have an associated counter, you can mark it in any way you wish (we are doing the partial pull from the sleeve), it's just a property of the card. it can't be removed, proliferated, etc. It. Exhaust is reset if it becomes a new object (blink, unsummon, etc)
skripmtg: Mulligan time?
notoriousmtg_: the nails are sending me what a slay
frank_the_great: Most exhaust cards also add a +1/+! counter, which makes it eay to remember if you did
skripmtg: Mulligan time
maclenrac: Trample for everyone
BrowneePointz: There's a 7 mana Red "overrun" that returns your yard for the Turn as well G
BrowneePointz: I think
A_Dub888: just draw lands 4Head
BrowneePointz: black diviniation
BrowneePointz: It's just black divination
notoriousmtg_: my grandpas deck has no bad cards
BrowneePointz: that's WILD
ztghostie: if you open seven spells no lands, then technically MORE than half you deck is lands
RocknGrohlNerd: @A_Dub888 easy I know
GredGredmansson: @BrowneePointz it returns all Mounts and Vehicles, auto crews them, and gives them Haste I believe
TheDevil_Risen: @LoadingReadyRun sergeModLove unarmeHeart
GredGredmansson: does not saddle though
Marvoleath: divination, but spicy
Rourke9: I think there aren't other ways to add +1/+1 counters specifically so it isn't confusing with exhaust
TXC2: my decks are often 40% lands, yet I have to fight Arena to give me 3 lands in oppening hand :p
Jon_CoffeeRobot: @ztghostie you sound so correct and I dislike that
notoriousmtg_: glhf
t7112: what does chat think of the mindspring merfolk card?
Knightclasse: Ben, a THIRD
NornsFelidar: oh yeah, the card you can draw the game with :)
DirectorStephanie: GLHF~
OldUncleDan: So, this is the literal first I am seeing this set. Who is the Planeswalker in the set?
Knightclasse: ?
couchboyj: Sign in our Blood, comrade
GredGredmansson: @Rourke9 there are
LRRbot: Basri, Tomorrow's Champion [W] | Legendary Creature — Human Knight [2/1] | {W}, {T}, Exert Basri: Create a 1/1 white Cat creature token with lifelink. / Cycling {2}{W} / When you cycle this card, Cats you control gain hexproof and indestructible until end of turn.
GredGredmansson: @OldUncleDan Chandra
Bugberry: @OldUncleDan chandra
fanofmosteverything9: Cat dad!
TheDevil_Risen: oo a new Basri!
LRRMTG_Judge: reminder chat, if you have seen your hand and has not chosen. you are on the play. pharma2Vial
NornsFelidar: kitties!
frank_the_great: I'd be lion if I said I didn't like that card
GredGredmansson: @OldUncleDan but there's also "The Aetherspark" which is a Planeswalker Equipment
control_rig: Cat Dad
RocknGrohlNerd: mono cat deck
OldUncleDan: Chandra... Do'h! I am pretty sure I knew that!
GredGredmansson: this set has four desparked walkers
Timagio: He is the Savannah to the Lions
maclenrac: Walker turn one
BrowneePointz: Basri and Zahur
BrowneePointz: very Good Cats
TXC2: has the lore explained the aetherspark yet ?
LRRbot: Reef Roads | Land | This land enters tapped unless you control a Mount or Vehicle. / {T}: Add {U}. / {1}{U}, {T}, Sacrifice this land: Create a 1/1 colorless Pilot creature token with "This token saddles Mounts and crews Vehicles as though its power were 2 greater." Activate only as a sorcery.
Timagio: @TXC2 Yes it ha!
Timagio: has*
LRRbot: For more information on Aetherdrift, including a full image gallery, where you can find your local prerelease, and where to pre-order the set, click here!
LRRbot: Sita Varma, Masked Racer [GU] | Legendary Creature — Human Rogue [2/3] | Exhaust — {X}{G}{G}{U}: Put X +1/+1 counters on Sita Varma. Then you may have the base power and toughness of each other creat…
salfredo: uffa duffa
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): Overrun style effects doing well in a PPR, what is this foundations?
Simriel: Overrun. It kills people
Pharmacistjudge: would you rather 2 hour games with cloudblazer?
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): indeed
LRRbot: Boom Scholar [1RG] | Creature — Goblin Advisor [3/3] | Exhaust abilities of other permanents you control cost {2} less to activate. / Exhaust — {4}{R}{G}: Creatures and Vehicles you control gain tram…
Cecil Hoshino: Mulligans always hurt
MajorHorrigan: a third? what are you playing? RDW?
Nive34: I like Lorcana's mulligan system, put how ever many cards to the bottom of the deck, draw that many cards, then shuffle
LRRbot: Basri, Tomorrow's Champion [W] | Legendary Creature — Human Knight [2/1] | {W}, {T}, Exert Basri: Create a 1/1 white Cat creature token with lifelink. / Cycling {2}{W} / When you cycle this card, Cat…
Bones: Boros Vehicles was my first deck and my first Chandra 🤣
Simriel: @Pharmacistjudge Oh god I forgot the Cloudblazer decks...
Scott Wendt: I love watching Graham play magic, his joy for the game is infectious
LRRbot: Reef Roads | Land | This land enters tapped unless you control a Mount or Vehicle. / {T}: Add {U}. / {1}{U}, {T}, Sacrifice this land: Create a 1/1 colorless Pilot creature token with "This token sad…
That1GuyBen: if there is a legit goblins deck i WILL get into standard
TXC2: Timagio ok good
Mattmitchell45: Glimmer cats ,right?
Rourke9: @GredGredmansson dang, you're right. that's frustrating
notoriousmtg_: Queen of first blood today
LRRbot: Sita Varma, Masked Racer [GU] | Legendary Creature — Human Rogue [2/3] | Exhaust — {X}{G}{G}{U}: Put X +1/+1 counters on Sita Varma. Then you may have the base power and toughness of each other creature you control become equal to Sita Varma's power until end of turn.
LoadingReadyRun: lrrPAUL Tomorrow's Champion, but tomorrow never comes :(
fanofmosteverything9: The mysterious Racer X returns.
Timagio: Ben please
LRRbot: Air Response Unit [2W] | Artifact — Vehicle [3/3] | Flying, vigilance / Crew 1
GredGredmansson: Hovermore
BrowneePointz: @TXC2 a planeswalker spark stabilized in a bath of Aether, Consulate had it in their vaults cordoned off for study, in the wake of the omenpaths the Avisharki gov was like "not important anymore. make it a prize"
Isitmeorisitme1: arahbo in foundations, savannah lions, cat collector, plenty of cat support right now
TheWormbo: Poggermyr?
TheDevil_Risen: Going to have to figure out what card to cut from my Cats and Dogs deck for that new Basri, he seems like a good card
CrossXhunteR: natural tron achieved
Marvoleath: @TXC2 It was one of the artifacts consulate has comandeered, it was not explained how it was created / extracted, I believe
TXC2: BrowneePointz neet
RocknGrohlNerd: @GredGredmansson wheelerPog
TheWormbo: Forest for 3x green?
TXC2: Marvoleath ah, ok
A_Dub888: 2/3s of the way to O O Z E
Butternades: potmole is fun
GredGredmansson: @Marvoleath the story begins with the person creating it just before the invasion, and activating it as it began
BrowneePointz: New Culture Collective is the new government right? or is the NCC just a single body within it?
Isitmeorisitme1: Also, aerial response is just a straight upgrade to dragonfly suit, which saddens me
LathosTiran: the aetherspark is just injecting lilliana into your veins
TXC2: BrowneePointz sounds like there could be follow up as to whose spark it was
goatprince: slay?
TheDevil_Risen: RIP Dragonfly Suit <3
skripmtg: Curving ouuuut
Jon_CoffeeRobot: Go first, curve out
TheWormbo: not actually a reprint
Jon_CoffeeRobot: what's #3 again?
Alien_37_: <message deleted>dont punt
IaCthulhuFthagn: @Jon_CoffeeRobot Run out of gas.
Isitmeorisitme1: I'm keeping Dragonfly Suit in my Cat Mech deck.
Jon_CoffeeRobot: there we go
chriswr5: we'll find out more about the spark in return to avishkar remastered: masters
OldUncleDan: I am pretty sure "Nimble Thopterist" is Hautli's pet name for Saheeli.
Bugberry: @Isitmeorisitme1 I hope EOE has more mechs.
A_Dub888: @TXC2 Did we see where Nahiri's spark went?
LathosTiran: this powers the maan
notoriousmtg_: judge just a check here but you can crew with summoning sick creatures right?
Jon_CoffeeRobot: fourfourforfour
Timagio: @TheDevil_Risen It's not a cool mech, so...
LRRMTG_Judge: @notoriousmtg_ Absolutely! - Squirrel
fanofmosteverything9: 4/4 4 4
coachNelly: i'm not certain nimble thopterist is a reprint but it feels like it
GredGredmansson: 5 mana 9/7
frank_the_great: There's also vanilla uncommons
Anubis169: we got a veto on that term Alien_37_, keepin' it positive :)
shamblingkrenshar: Back in my day a 6 mana 6/6 had downsides!
Isitmeorisitme1: @Timagio exceedingly true
satyropodobny: the perfect brick to block ratio
Bugberry: Removal got good
kaareendrup: Oh do they all have 7 mana activated abilities?
BrowneePointz: Graham, there's a 3 mana 5/4 dinosaur LORD in this set for just 1GG
TheAwkes: Poor ol' Giant Spider. Can't get work any more.
Snampo_ok subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months!
Snampo_ok: 🥳🥳
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Snampo_ok! (Today's storm count: 119)
TehAmelie: Dunes of Hazzard here
Isitmeorisitme1: exhaust (it's actually just monstrous)
Tai114: Secret Reach
TheDevil_Risen: @BrowneePointz I have not seen this card. but that is pretty wild
Fluffy776: Cheer100 Cheer100 yeet levist8Heart
Bugberry: Pure stats hasn't been enough outside Limited in awhile.
OldUncleDan: Dunes of Hazzard... Roll High Tide!!!!!!
fanofmosteverything9: Love a big square with keywords.
satyropodobny: some say Cameron is still in the air, screaming
Zombie_Spacer subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 60 months!
Zombie_Spacer: lrrSHINE
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Zombie_Spacer! (Today's storm count: 120)
maclenrac: Hands to the sky
t7112: is that a reference to dukes of hazard?
GredGredmansson: seems on flavor with the robot team
Butternades: is hazard just a sandwurm from Dune proper?
Timagio: Streamer-coded
Marvoleath: !card regal imperiosaur
LRRbot: Regal Imperiosaur [1GG] | Creature — Dinosaur [5/4] | Other Dinosaurs you control get +1/+1.
skripmtg: Royal we is the way to go!
Chesul: To be fair Ben, Gigantosaurus was a 10/10 for 5.
BronzePanda: G does have villain energy
IaCthulhuFthagn: Is "square" an established term for an X/X for X?
Lordofironstorm: Chat, we will do this
kaareendrup: Forget keyword soup, keyword square is my best friend
LRRbot: Hour of Victory [2B] | Enchantment | Start your engines! / When this enchantment enters, create a 2/2 black Zombie creature token. / Max speed — {1}{B}, Sacrifice this enchantment: Search your library for a card, put it into your hand, then shuffle. Activate only as a sorcery.
Timagio: Content creatormaxxing
frostfox42: vroom
GredGredmansson: spoilers graham Kappa
A_Dub888: Magic New Girl is royalty confirmed
BrowneePointz: Story Spoiler!
TheDevil_Risen: escher3DOOT escher3DOOT escher3PUN
BrowneePointz: also grats Amonkhet
Diabore: graham starting his own engine on stream
kaareendrup: Anybody up starting their engines
Tweygoh: Graham might have been thinking of Nimble Innovator
notoriousmtg_: are you aloowed to do that on a stream?
joiner2468: Any word on giveaways?
Molladia: my message before failed.. Is there wotc giveaways between rounds? or can I go to the vod start?
TXC2: joiner2468 no giveaways as far as I know
OldUncleDan: Hour of Victory... As opposed to Hour of Devistation.
BrowneePointz: Basri and Zahur
fanofmosteverything9: Basri and his co-captain.
GredGredmansson: That is Basri and Zahur
BrowneePointz: the Amonkhet Team
Cyborg_Huey: just tuning in, I love the SYE animation!
Alien_37_: @Jon_CoffeeRobot well played lol
coachNelly: its amonkhey zombies. they're winners
Jericu: It's the Amonkhet team
marxmarksman: Spoilers, because car.
skripmtg: Vroom
micalovits: I mean, it being named "hour of victory" it has to be Amonkhet
BrowneePointz: also INCREDIBLE art
R__Doom: Zoomies
frank_the_great: I like how the winner died and came back
fanofmosteverything9: Love a Phantom Monster with upside.
BrowneePointz: that art is SICK
A_Dub888: I'll star my OWN engines! With Blackjack and...
Timagio: Why is that bird covered in worms
LRRbot: Slick Imitator [1U] | Creature — Ooze [1/3] | Start your engines! / Max speed — {1}, Sacrifice this creature: Copy target spell you control. You may choose new targets for the copy.
skripmtg: NIC
skripmtg: Good card
Anubis169: oooOOOooo
TXC2: Slimitator
Anubis169: (ze)
Kunx990: THE MVP OF THE SET!!!
maclenrac: chauffeur start my engine
fanofmosteverything9: Any spell.
skripmtg: Big fan
frank_the_great: Fave card of the set
kaareendrup: Wait is Shivam and Wheeler going to battle later?
RealGamerCow: "Hello fellow sharks"
CrossXhunteR: this thing feels like a clone or changeling, and is neither
Pharmacistjudge: I remember that very long PPR.
Clockwork Cthulhu: I'm already playing cats in standard
Simriel: @Scott Wendt I just think Graham has a general pleasant energy
LRRbot: Sita Varma, Masked Racer [GU] | Legendary Creature — Human Rogue [2/3] | Exhaust — {X}{G}{G}{U}: Put X +1/+1 counters on Sita Varma. Then you may have the base power and toughness of each other creat…
LRRbot: Air Response Unit [2W] | Artifact — Vehicle [3/3] | Flying, vigilance / Crew 1
salfredo: didnt cgb reach legend with cats?
Simriel: @Pharmacistjudge I judged a midnight prerelease for that set. It lasted till like 7am
RATZGobbler: So nimbly bimbly
Octagone: It is not a reprint
Simriel: Wait was this not an existing card?
Pharmacistjudge: and since I haven't said it yet, if you have any rules question feel free to @ me. and i'll answer the best i can.
Octagone: Not according to scryfall
ShadeRicter: oh its has monstrous
SpectraOcean: @Pharmacistjudge what's banding?
Simriel: No banding jokes please Chat
SmithKurosaki: maybe we skip the meme questions :)
SmithKurosaki: the judges in chat are volunteering their time to help out, please don't troll them
Octagone: Banding is stripes on something :P
Simriel: I am Also a Judge, so Banding jokes are so burned for me XD
LRRbot: Hour of Victory [2B] | Enchantment | Start your engines! / When this enchantment enters, create a 2/2 black Zombie creature token. / Max speed — {1}{B}, Sacrifice this enchantment: Search your librar…
SpectraOcean: Sorry judges and chat, my b
Plundy: Our of victory, we are victorious
Simriel: @SpectraOcean No issue, you aren't as bad as the guy who messaged me at 3am with questions about Dredge
Simriel: Real thing that happened to me XD
SpectraOcean: oh that's foul lol
Gavin Li: oh there's SFX for speed! Way to go, Paul!
DerUser94: Cool animation
Pharmacistjudge: that's why I don't give players my cell phone number. and I direct them to the IRC chat
Octagone: Hmm, guys this card makes me wonder who won the race.
Simriel: @Pharmacistjudge Just DMed me on social media about it XD
Octagone: Maybe it is amonkat team
CosmicGiggalo: Basri and Zahr at the end of the story won the Aetherheart for Amonket by crossing the finish line almost uncontested
LRRbot: Slick Imitator [1U] | Creature — Ooze [1/3] | Start your engines! / Max speed — {1}, Sacrifice this creature: Copy target spell you control. You may choose new targets for the copy.
CosmicGiggalo: That card shows that moment of their victory
BrowneePointz: all the sharks are like "Dude that's messed up"
A_Dub888: Jawsome art
GredGredmansson: "Yaar, anyone know what happened to Bitjaw?
Timagio: @CrossXhunteR Just an ooze digesting your former friend!
Marvoleath: can clone permanents
fanofmosteverything9: "We be a culture, not a costume. Yarr."
TXC2: kaareendrup yes, we don't know if they're against one another yet
GredGredmansson: well Muraganda influence
BrowneePointz: Thank Muraganda
JRandomHacker: Magic New Girl somehow just moved to combat _so_ hard that my browser crashed
oberon939: Cars ooze many things
coachNelly: start your oozegine
nickipedia45: Muraganda is the land of primordial ooze
LSRubin: "injection" ISWYDT
LoadingReadyRun: No giveaways today. Your prize is powerful magic plays and everyone wins! lrrAWESOME
TXC2: Muranganda the land of vanilla
Pharmacistjudge: these oozes have low viscocity. they flow really fast.
maclenrac: Uzi
kaareendrup: @TXC2 That would be so pog though
A_Dub888: I wasn't expecting all the fish people and now I want to go to the fishman plane
BrowneePointz: Chunks of Moon Crashed to Muraganda after ancient Mage wars, and almost as a natural response the plane birthed a LOT of Oozes
OldUncleDan: @kaareendrup I hope not... I don't really like violence between good boys like that. Maybe they should just play a nice game of Magic instead.
Isitmeorisitme1: I personally dislike playing against oozes
Marvoleath: Vanilla ooze, mhmm
TXC2: kaareendrup oh indeed
Mr_Horrible: you can just say you read X-Men, you don't have to call yourself a "mutant surveyor"
GredGredmansson: There's a full 5 color cycle of Surveyors
Tai114: And we find ourselves here again
notoriousmtg_: what a traffic jam
grimkingxx: board stall your engine
itsj0mi: nice control mirror match
Nickiatori: red?
Timagio: greer
Kentosaurus: @Mr_Horrible lol
Isitmeorisitme1: where's the catastrophic collison
maclenrac: Grid lock
skripmtg: That card from Gatecrash Gridlock
kaareendrup: @OldUncleDan An hour of two chaps calling each card their favourite ever
frank_the_great: There is an on-board overrun, but lands be needed
couchboyj: Yeah I wanna go to the fish pirate plane real bad
TehAmelie: it's a 12 car pileup here at the track
RealGamerCow: That is a waaaad board
GredGredmansson: !card Spectacular Pileup
LRRbot: Spectacular Pileup [3WW] | Sorcery | All creatures and Vehicles lose indestructible until end of turn, then destroy all creatures and Vehicles. / Cycling {2}
R__Doom: I have the need...
JustAnotherMuffin: BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD
Williams4jesus subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 40 months!
skripmtg: going wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide
Timagio: @Isitmeorisitme1 Nobody seemed to draft it, sadly.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Williams4jesus! (Today's storm count: 121)
goatprince: i know i'm clamboring
ExachixKitsune: Blood for the blood chat!
TehAmelie: oops, 14
R__Doom: Nevermind
themightygerg: We clamor for VROOM
Timagio: So give us blood, blood! Gallons of the stuff!
GredGredmansson: GAS GAS GAS
Mr_Horrible: seabatDance seabatDance seabatDance
TXC2: cards for the card throne!
maclenrac: give her an overrun
GredGredmansson: (i'm gonna step on the gas)
BrowneePointz: Chat. There is a Whale Shark Pirate in Red. We NEED to go to the Chordatan Plane
shamblingkrenshar: Chat desperately wants someone to cast "Math Is For Blockers"
Pinwiz11: Math! Blood! Math! Blood! Math!
TheOneInquisitor: Surely this is enough attackers to increase speed a LITTLE
GasCityGaming: what makes the gears turn?!
LRRbot: Spikeshell Harrier [4U] | Artifact Creature — Robot Turtle [4/4] | When this creature enters, return target creature or Vehicle an opponent controls to its owner's hand. If that opponent's speed is greater than each other player's speed, reduce that opponent's speed by 1. This effect can't reduce their speed below 1.
mondasin: blood for the blood god, timbits for the skull throne?
onmartn: B L O O D
Tai114: Where's Unable to Scream when you need it
GredGredmansson: also it can't be reduced before 1
Marvoleath: Blood, not a mechanic in this set :)
JustAnotherMuffin: and speed cant be reduced below 1
TehAmelie: Speed 1, the best Speed
LRRMTG_Judge: You also can't go below 1 speed - Natedogg
frank_the_great: Off to live on a farm
Mr_Horrible: can't believe Graham is anti-little-guy
Dog_of_Myth: The Blue Shell comes for us all.
BrowneePointz: that's just Spike from Gremlins
flapjacksofwar subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 54 months!
Isitmeorisitme1: the aetherspark should be stealable if you have max speed and hit your opponent.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, flapjacksofwar! (Today's storm count: 122)
JustAnotherMuffin: That goblin listens to fred durst
maclenrac: Very Die Hard
UnknownFriday: Cool goblins don't look at explosions.
RocknGrohlNerd: both racers are just cruisin on speed 1
GreatWahooney: still not my favourite, but that _is_ a cool goblin token
Jon_CoffeeRobot: 50cc
Marvoleath: @UnknownFriday usually because they are in the middle of them
Mr_Horrible: it can reduce speed, but it can't boot your car
kynelwynn: For a set about speed, sure are a lot of slow games (due to board states)
LRRbot: Basri, Tomorrow's Champion [W] | Legendary Creature — Human Knight [2/1] | {W}, {T}, Exert Basri: Create a 1/1 white Cat creature token with lifelink. / Cycling {2}{W} / When you cycle this card, Cats you control gain hexproof and indestructible until end of turn.
Tai114: Spikeshell Harrier can't fill your tank with water
BrowneePointz: these cat tokens are SICK
IaCthulhuFthagn: @RocknGrohlNerd Just a sensible joy ride, no adrenaline chasing here.
fanofmosteverything9: Proper lifelinking Amonkheti cats.
chriswr5: kitchen table exert by rotating it 180
Mazrae: So just go pspspsps for cats???
tryllebanjo: LUL
OldUncleDan: Exert... Not to be confused with Exhaust.
DrMcGoodTimes: What chonky boards.
CmdrMadMoe: Sand Catsle
Timagio: Sand...ats. Sants?
oberon939: Sand catsle
DirectorStephanie: pspspspspspsps
Isitmeorisitme1: the speed mechanic that takes 4 turns to activate
maclenrac: Is that where cats come from
RocknGrohlNerd: @IaCthulhuFthagn I do support that :D
skripmtg: Rip and tear at the litter box
Butternades: cat litter is made of cats?
AgentWynter: AmonKats
RockPusher: Oh Baxter
tryllebanjo: The best!
itsj0mi: DansGame
Pharmacistjudge: which cat?
RealGamerCow: bandolier cat
oberon939: @cmdrmadmoe same braincell
ExachixKitsune: aren't we call
flapjacksofwar: Precious floofboy
ExachixKitsune: *all
Mr_Horrible: we love Disaster Cat
Timagio: We love Baxter in this chat
couchboyj: Making kitties makes Basri ti-ti, he needs a turn off
CaptainSpam: Baxter is good kitty.
Tweygoh: a "litter" of cats
TheDevil_Risen: Baxter!!!
A_Dub888: How much of Baxter is tail?
RockPusher: Baxter certified disaster cat
Asolya: awww we love Baxter
ChillyCru: Litter Kitty
BrowneePointz: Baxter is an old man who thinks his life is very hard
TheDevil_Risen: lrrSHINE
fanofmosteverything9: Do the thing!
CmdrMadMoe: @oberon939 yup lol
Butternades: my very floofy cat is currently trying to get on my desk while I work
RocknGrohlNerd: quote !baxter
JustAnotherMuffin: Maine Coons are all babies
Isitmeorisitme1: I'm quite sad I can't put the new Basri into cat mech, because he isn't a cat.
RockPusher: !quote baxter
LRRbot: Quote #7826: "[repeated loud meowing]" —Baxter [2021-10-27]
Jethrain: one of my parents' dogs sits like that across you in the evenings despite being 25kg of irish setter instead of tiny cat
Tweygoh: or alternately, "litterally" cats
notoriousmtg_: the suspense is getting so real
A_Dub888: @RockPusher Baxter's a CAT?? I thought he was a amorphus pile of technically cat hair
Mazrae: One of my cats loves to cuddle up on my while I'm playing shooters on the pc
fanofmosteverything9: These are, indeed, rookie numbers.
Marvoleath: @Isitmeorisitme1 at least you can cycle him to protect kittens
RocknGrohlNerd: thank you @RockPusher
kaareendrup: Would it be an idea to mark basri as exerted?
Isitmeorisitme1: are they playing magic the gathering or jenga?
JustAnotherMuffin: This is the cold war of the Aetherdrift PPR
TXC2: Baxter is 126% tail by volume
frostfox42: hahaha
Bugberry: mid-game deck tech
flapjacksofwar: Rookie numbers! Speed 4 is for Closers
OldUncleDan: My cat is a 15 pound fur covered dopamine factory.
coachNelly: set review podcast
tryllebanjo: @OldUncleDan <3
micalovits: That worm is doing so much for Graham
IaCthulhuFthagn: Aetherdrift PPR [Visual Spoiler]
fanofmosteverything9: This isn't a duel so much as an auto show.
madcat2030: It's the pre-race parade
itsj0mi: most convoluted deck tech ever
dpj2009: Fair fight
GredGredmansson: @kaareendrup an easy way is to tap it upside down
thegeardude: This is a funny “Car Show”
RockPusher: A_Dub888 I mean, all that fur literally everywhere presumably came from a cat at *some* point :D
shushu2539: its not a battle, its a parade
niccus: we're just hype for 24 player mario kart
maclenrac: Wish I had an enchantment that turned everything big
TXC2: forget crack a pack it's crack a deck time! Kappa
Bugberry: Car Show-and-Tell
Isitmeorisitme1: we needed mobilizer mech reprinted in this set
Marvoleath: Judge, library card count? :P
Tai114: Here's where a Special Guests Triumph of the Hordes rears its head
Octagone: You don’t say. :p
Stormgod: im back!
Simriel: Cars are often filled with various Oozes
Octagone: I love that art
Søren Bach: So basri might get a new planeswaker again 😳
Stormgod: i wish Acidic slime got a reprint here
Simriel: Is Basri still a planeswalker?
Simriel: I genuinely don't know who is and isn't
tehDoc1: no
Octagone: No he got desparked
Stormgod: i dont think so....
Søren Bach: Or did they give the aether spark away
Teslabolts: based on the card MNG has, I don't think so
Teslabolts: since that's just a legendary creature
Octagone: He is literally on the board as a creature.
PB Dot: blood for the blood chat
Søren Bach: Was mostly thinking if he has the aether spark they might do something with that
Stormgod: indeed
SpectraOcean: *nascar voice* THEY'RE GOING 9 WIDE
LRRbot: Spikeshell Harrier [4U] | Artifact Creature — Robot Turtle [4/4] | When this creature enters, return target creature or Vehicle an opponent controls to its owner's hand. If that opponent's speed is g…
Plundy: We have a need. A need for speed
Pharmacistjudge: Like the aetherspark is a novelty item. with the omenpaths around, it's basically just a private jet between planes.
Simriel: NGl I am paying more attention to the chat a
TriforceDrummer: Idk I think the aether spark is just an external spark, but it doesn't turn someone into a planeswalker, so I wouldn't expect planeswalker cards for them
LRRbot: Basri, Tomorrow's Champion [W] | Legendary Creature — Human Knight [2/1] | {W}, {T}, Exert Basri: Create a 1/1 white Cat creature token with lifelink. / Cycling {2}{W} / When you cycle this card, Cat…
Søren Bach: We’ll know in 5 years or maybe never
Simriel: @Pharmacistjudge Thanks for sharing your time with us in youtube chat
Simriel: Wait, does this mean we can get "Sand" creatures again?
Simriel: Just 1/1 Sand
Søren Bach: It’s probably just a story maguffin tho
Stormgod: lol Ben...
Bones: send it!
Bones: Full throttle
Octagone: The aetherspark seems like Bolas bait.
TheJackalMan: 😆
Stormgod: lol
Stormgod: this is a showcase
Octagone: Graham seems like he is stuck on mana
notoriousmtg_: shake
notoriousmtg_: and bake
Bugberry: shake and bake!
LRRMTG_Judge: @Marvoleath not relevant yet. pharma2Vial
MegaDosX: Exclamatory: Punch it
public_key_reveal_party: Who draws overrun first?
rand0mtask_: I stepped away for lunch and it looks like Incoming! was cast LUL
Nickiatori: is this the point where arena stops letting you scroll on your phone very easily?
LRRMTG_Judge: @Marvoleath Libraries are confirmed to still contain cards - BlackRose
Molladia: MNewGirl explains like she’s teaching chat how to play.
Mazrae: What region is that phrase from
Bugberry: "I'm gonna come at you like a Giant Spider-monkey"
shardsofthegoddess: So in someone else video I saw them call Speed Gear. What do we think about that? I kinda like that mroe lore wise
Gekyouryuu: Hazard of the dunes. The hazardous dunes. The dunes of hazard.
Isitmeorisitme1: special guests Sheoldred of the Apocalypse
A_Dub888: @public_key_reveal_party Overrun's a green card an only one player runs green soooo....
TehAmelie: hmm is it still a library if it has no cards?
munocard: Thopter Thopter, give me the news
fanofmosteverything9: Chat's thirst has not yet been slaked.
Timagio: Yay bloodshed!
RockPusher: lrrBartleby Blood!
Nickiatori: Blood for the blood dog
itsj0mi: progress! PogChamp
thanzo: blood for the speed god!
maclenrac: thopter facts
flapjacksofwar: Yay murder!
Symphoneers: He got that blood in him
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Not since the accident
themightygerg: No it's a Samurai Jack montage
Bugberry: Winter's thopters probably have blood in them.
theamc2000: I like the speed up sound effect Paul
AgentWynter: BLLLLOOD
RocknGrohlNerd: @Tai114 I use my fortnite version in my arcades walls deck for max meme value
Marvoleath: He bleeds!
GredGredmansson: @munocard i've got a, bad case, of gettin crewed
Voidhawk42: Innistraad Blood Thopter when??
LRRbot: Carrion Cruiser [2B] | Artifact — Vehicle [3/2] | When this Vehicle enters, mill two cards. Then return a creature or Vehicle card from your graveyard to your hand. / Crew 1
Gekyouryuu: He HAD blood in him, Ben. Now it's outside of him.
ChillyCru: It's the Royal Rumble with all the wrestlers in the ring
Simonark: Who’d have thought the old man had so much blood in him.
Mattmitchell45: Waffle House Parking Lot
GredGredmansson: source?
notoriousmtg_: you def draw a island here lol
Isitmeorisitme1: coffee - food artifact - 2, sac, gain 2 life - when this artifact is sacrificed, gain 1 speed
IaCthulhuFthagn: Special guest Glimpse the Unthinkable :P
TehAmelie: Carrion Cruiser looks like that guy from Kill 6 Billion Demons
Isitmeorisitme1: gain 3*
A_Dub888: @ChillyCru I think TNA ran on of those
notoriousmtg_: oh?????
micalovits: Exile spell? :D
Mazrae: Snake?
TehAmelie: although much less metal
fanofmosteverything9: Oh dear.
AugmentingPath: smh forgetting to untap all your permanents just because there's two dozen of them
notoriousmtg_: omg its happening
ChillyCru: @A_Dub888 Rumble is tomorrow on Netflix
fanofmosteverything9: Ain't no rule that says a cat can't get a pilot's license.
Bugberry: Return of SWAT Kats
Isitmeorisitme1: the appeal of cat mech is now mainstream apparent
notoriousmtg_: ying ying
Bugberry: Anyone remember 90s cartoon Swat kats?
maclenrac: Get some
Reldnahcire: @Bugberry my dreams are coming true
LoadingReadyRun: lrrPAUL Carrion Cruiser implies that you can take your broken car to a necromancer to have it fixed
vetchable: PPR season already?
notoriousmtg_: I count 3 forest
vetchable: and im late?
NornsFelidar: in MTG there are more cats with flying than dogs with flying
MisplacedLocation: this set makes me wish for a Redline sequel
Mr_Horrible: sent to Road Jail because your opponent was too cool, you hate to see it
LRRMTG_Judge: apology to ben, but it's gaining speed is a trigger and Magic New Girl will win before gaining Max Speed. pharma2Vial
micalovits: See, could have cast the ooze!
TehAmelie: Little Girl however cannot crew any vehicle alone
Quyzbuk26: Cast Ooze
OldUncleDan: Needs UU for the overrun type effect, right?
Mattmitchell45: @NornsFelidar The cat dragon?
Ashimablackraven: Did anyone pull the atherspark?
kaareendrup: Sita varmaaaa
Nickiatori: @vetchable no Duck season
RealGamerCow: beep beep
Isitmeorisitme1: foundations had a cat that pilots a bird but not a cat pilot
BrowneePointz: just Si(ta) what happens
Kentosaurus: @LoadingReadyRun *looks at roadkill "Well there's your problem"
dabudder: @LRRMTG_Judge Does the trigger associating with gaining speed have a controller? does it have a source?
Mr_Horrible: no, Ben, fungus was back on Ixalan
A_Dub888: Worth noting: Graham has 3 forests, methinks he should side in OOZE
maclenrac: Kami cause he
Mazrae: @loadingreadyrun a necrocanic, necro mechanic?
TXC2: "you cannot harm me in a way that state based actions will care about"
Isitmeorisitme1: cat pilots unfortunately still do not exist
LRRbot: Basri, Tomorrow's Champion [W] | Legendary Creature — Human Knight [2/1] | {W}, {T}, Exert Basri: Create a 1/1 white Cat creature token with lifelink. / Cycling {2}{W} / When you cycle this card, Cats you control gain hexproof and indestructible until end of turn.
GredGredmansson: thank you for your service Basri
IaCthulhuFthagn: Inb4 free spell lava axe no one has seen before that is inexplicably in the set.
RandomTrivia: Hi friends! lrrHEART (oops, almost forgot to tune in!)
TXC2: Game 3 !
TehAmelie: woo
R__Doom: sipstrMagicnewgirl sipstrMagicnewgirl sipstrMagicnewgirl DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey
Isitmeorisitme1: GG
notoriousmtg_: lets gooooooo
kaareendrup: Wooo
TheDevil_Risen: lrrAWESOME sergeGG sergeGG
skripmtg: Good win
BusTed: tqsClap
RealGamerCow: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
notoriousmtg_: blood blood blood
coachNelly: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
TXC2: hello RandomTrivia welcome
R__Doom: Ggs
Jericu: 3 forests on the field again....
LRRMTG_Judge: @dabudder It will certainly have a controller. I don't believe it has a specific source. - Squirrel
Reldnahcire: cats on a plane > snakes on a plane
Isitmeorisitme1: aetherdrip
Mr_Horrible: I don't understand why Basri is the champion of an obscure legendary spirit from Betrayers of Kamigawa Kappa
maclenrac: Success
BrowneePointz: Like Royalty. a Duke, of Hazards you could say Graham
fanofmosteverything9: Oof.
A_Dub888: @Isitmeorisitme1 To be fair, I wouldn't trust Baxter with controlling a plane
goatprince: you possessed those engines
munocard: That sounds like 18/10th's of the law
maclenrac: 41st card
BrowneePointz: honestly with as much board stalls as there were. Ooze would've broke them WIDE open
micalovits: Can't wait for G to lose with the Ooze stuck in hand
coachNelly: coachn3Nissathedog coachn3Nissathedog coachn3Nissathedog
Nickiatori: goodbye bloodghast
BrowneePointz: taking out bloodghast and putting in ooze i bet
JustAnotherMuffin: I think of the Best Case Scenario and then manifest it.
Kentosaurus: goodbye bloodghast
coachNelly: goodnight sweet vampire spirit
BrowneePointz: Nelly said it earlier
TriforceDrummer: Probably looking for a second blue source
TheJackalMan: Regional from Quebec right?
Stormgod: make something shake? i love it
Clockwork Cthulhu: blood and oil
MajorHorrigan: she is winning!
Stormgod: woooo
Stormgod: Blood!
LRRbot: Carrion Cruiser [2B] | Artifact — Vehicle [3/2] | When this Vehicle enters, mill two cards. Then return a creature or Vehicle card from your graveyard to your hand. / Crew 1
Christopher Peterson: snek
Octagone: What did graham grab?
Stormgod: oh?
Stormgod: oh more stall
Stormgod: in the air!
Bones: Let's go!
MajorHorrigan: fitting
Stormgod: uh oh
Stormgod: Victorious Velocity!
Stormgod: o7
LRRbot: Basri, Tomorrow's Champion [W] | Legendary Creature — Human Knight [2/1] | {W}, {T}, Exert Basri: Create a 1/1 white Cat creature token with lifelink. / Cycling {2}{W} / When you cycle this card, Cat…
Stormgod: game threeeeeee!
Bones: Yayy MNG!
Stormgod: lol
Stormgod: maybe the ooze was right
ExachixKitsune: Always do Results Oriented Thinking. I know it's correct, a judge told me so
goatprince: nissa,,,,,,,
vetchable: do the players get to keep the cards they get during a PPR(or draft)?
TXC2: money it's still not the ooze card Kappa
kaareendrup: GWS nelly!
Pharmacistjudge: Graham are you giving in?
ExachixKitsune: :o
TheDevil_Risen: @coachNelly coachn3Thankscoachnelly coachn3Thankscoachnelly coachn3Thankscoachnelly
baltimore_667083: dog!
GredGredmansson: but Nissa is a commander card...
RockPusher: coachn3Nissathedog coachn3Nissathedog coachn3Nissathedog
Mr_Horrible: he no longer got that dog in 'em
coachNelly: coachn3Thankscoachnelly coachn3Thankscoachnelly coachn3Thankscoachnelly
RocknGrohlNerd: Nelly was right after all
dpj2009: It's getting hot in here coach Nelly
Pharmacistjudge: Did you board in the ooze?
frostfox42: everyone love bloodghast
chumpXL: it's a ghast of blood
TehAmelie: a strategy for winning the exact game you just played will never help as much as a general strategy etc
BrowneePointz: Cameron runs into the room just to shake his head and shame Graham
fanofmosteverything9: Bad enough that Cam's already been launched multiple times this round.
Skye_Stryke: But Bloodghast is so good with the Ooze
Bugberry: casting BB on curve in a 3 color deck is also a tall ask.
syracuse300: Bonjours a toute l'équipe :)
tryllebanjo: Boooo!
elias2718: BOOOO!
Mr_Horrible: the dedication to snake makes a bit more sense, then lrrLUL
namagem1: I love an unapologetic sonic player
namagem1: Simic
shamblingkrenshar: You have to go out for -blood- its true
shamblingkrenshar: Which makes me sad because I just want to make wild things work
IaCthulhuFthagn: Kitchen table means mana crypt is still legal, right? Keepo
dabudder: I mean you werent wrong
chriswr5: @namagem1 shhh don't spoil the unannounced universes beyond
RocknGrohlNerd: oh no simic bull*hit :D all the way down
Mattmitchell45: OOF
itsj0mi: it is
munocard: Ben!
Bugberry: !card duskdrinker
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
00gogo00: I still think that
R__Doom: It is year of the snake
RandomTrivia: benginLul
tryllebanjo: Viiiile
notoriousmtg_: you are a monster
LoadingReadyRun: @namagem1 no need to apologize for sonic
SolarBlitz1: Ben no!
Kleypex: just got back into mtg. now i only play commander
fanofmosteverything9: Hokori? Really?
Mr_Horrible: only at the kitchen table can my Lure Deck not get its spine busted
public_key_reveal_party: Oh hey, it's the fun police
darkora: okay Satan
Bugberry: !card dustdrinker
LRRbot: Hokori, Dust Drinker [2WW] | Legendary Creature — Spirit [2/2] | Lands don't untap during their controllers' untap steps. / At the beginning of each player's upkeep, that player untaps a land they control.
munocard: !hokori
Timagio: Now THAT is how you play commander.
BrowneePointz: My OG EDH deck back in 2008? 2009? was Ulasht, the Hate Seed with all the R and G cards I loved
NornsFelidar: Ben is a monster
funguslore: BEN!
couchboyj: BENJAMIN
Isitmeorisitme1: love me some stax
RandomTrivia: NOOOOOO!
Chesul: So, you started as a complete monster Ben.
coachNelly: coachn3Welp
TXC2: the irony
ThePCrowl: whaaaaaaaat, Ben being the problem as usual
letsbelgo: Canlander is the superior singleton format
A_Dub888: @LoadingReadyRun rayfkSanic rayfkSanic
fanofmosteverything9: I feel like that's a war crime.
RandomTrivia: NotLikeThis
R__Doom: Nooooooooooo
ExachixKitsune: Thank you for your sacrifice
Mr_Horrible: we understand how hard this was for you, Graham
GredGredmansson: My first deck was Ziatora Fling. It still exists today.
skripmtg: 93 mulligans
maclenrac: All gas
Isitmeorisitme1: canlander is superior but commander is fun
Pharmacistjudge: pharma2Calc pharma2Calc
BlightwidowMTG: that sounds exactly like me. I couldn’t stand commander at the start
niccus: we tried to give you energy but the latency is too big
ReddHaring: ALl lands or none lands
Mr_Bitterness: all lands or all non-lands
TXC2: all or none land
RealGamerCow: Yes, All lands or All spells.
munocard: Yes, this is accurate
GredGredmansson: That sounds HORRENDOUS
maclenrac: checks out
LithelyUnshod: both
ghizmou: that s what shandalar taught me
Chesul: It was both.
LRRMTG_Judge: Serge is correct, I believe. Also you could only mulligan once. - Squirrel
madcat2030: both
Timagio: Yeah that's the first Mull rule.
frostfox42: either i believe
Marvoleath: OG mulligan rule, yea - all lands, or no lands
shamblingkrenshar: It was a dark time.
coachNelly: but also you got only one
NornsFelidar: accurate
thanzo: kinda like the pokemon mulligan rules?
RocknGrohlNerd: and one mulligan
Tai114: Sounds like the brainless mulligan rule that currently exists in Pokemon TCG
MikeProvencher: Serge is correct. You could mull with no lands or with all lands, but *also* if your opponent mull'd you could also mull.
TheWormbo: yup, that's what the Portal starter guide said: all lands or all non-lands
DaveUncreative: That's how it worked in that Shandalar game
ReddHaring: hence why land grant was a banger
TheDevil_Risen: Both only
RealGamerCow: you were honked.
GreatWahooney: so the nonmana lands were HARSH for this reason
Bugberry: Legend rule also used to only allow 1 copy of a legend in the entire deck.
LRRMTG_Judge: None lands were also a mulligan...which is why maze of ith was bad because it counted as a land despite not making mana. pharma2Vial
Mr_Horrible: "Take your lumps" - Richard Garfield
TheDevil_Risen: * /either
GreatWahooney: got a Maze of Ith? sorry, no mulligan
kaareendrup: Wow cool trivia, thanks Serge!
galleadden: could be worse, could be pokemon or yugioh mulligan rules
CommiePuddin: That was the first mulligan rule
JustAnotherMuffin: Watch me
krfsm: when I started playing Magic commander wasn't even a twinkle in Sheldon's eye.
SpectraMTG: the reason magic is great to play now is because it had to SUCK to play back then lmao
LarkSachrosis: I think you also had to reveal what you were mulliganing, to prove it.
RockPusher: sergeSnerge
shamblingkrenshar: Have you seen the old flowchart to determine who has priority? Nightmare.
NornsFelidar: you also didn't have 4x restriction :)
WrightJustice: similar to pokemon tcg mulliganing only if you have no basic pokemon to play
RealGamerCow: Bring back mana burn you cowards
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Marvoleath: also, had to show it to opponent to proof, of course
Greyah: Alright Serge, you enjoy damage going on the stack again then.
Timagio: Iiiiiit's Sonic's 30th anniversary!
TheDevil_Risen: OOF
goatprince: serge has a room?
TXC2: "mana doesn't burn, it's not 1996 anymore" "it's not?"
wiigamer1995: !card krosantusker
LRRbot: Krosan Tusker [5GG] | Creature — Boar Beast [6/5] | Cycling {2}{G} / When you cycle Krosan Tusker, you may search your library for a basic land card, reveal that card, put it into your hand, then shuffle.
fanofmosteverything9: Break out the effect resolution labyrinth!
Mr_Horrible: I pog, then I search for a land, then I draw
BITs19_: !card krosan tusker
LRRbot: Krosan Tusker [5GG] | Creature — Boar Beast [6/5] | Cycling {2}{G} / When you cycle Krosan Tusker, you may search your library for a basic land card, reveal that card, put it into your hand, then shuffle.
TheDevil_Risen: BEN!
Cyborg_Huey: Hey Serge, Who is the boss though?
Tai114: The Krosan Tusker burn
public_key_reveal_party: Ben just shutting down the bit
DanTheMediocre: that sounds like a fun FNPF idea, imposing old rules on new magic
LRRMTG_Judge: Are we going to back to interrupts and damage prevention windows too? - Natedogg
BrowneePointz: Ben just put Serge back in the Judge's Ball Pit
RocknGrohlNerd: sad crosan tusker noises
maclenrac: Marbles!
QuoteSF: 1/6 of the way to ooze
LRRbot: Nesting Bot [W] | Artifact Creature — Robot [1/1] | Start your engines! / When this creature dies, create a 1/1 colorless Servo artifact creature token. / Max speed — This creature gets +1/+0.
Isitmeorisitme1: no turn 1 mtenda lion
tryllebanjo: GG
CommiePuddin: Two words: Mana. Burn.
dabudder: turn 1 SYE seems really important
A_Dub888: @goatprince It was his reward for passing his Judge test
Marvoleath: @DanTheMediocre "I put damage on the stack" - "but there is no such thing as stack!"
RandomTrivia: Holy moly that overlay benginLove
notoriousmtg_: GG graham is cooked
TheDevil_Risen: escher3DOOT escher3DOOT escher3PUN escher3FOX
DaniellNaruta: All lands was called "a farmer's hand" or a "farmer's mulligan" back in the day
fanofmosteverything9: Big Man!
BrowneePointz: this card is MESSED UP
TehAmelie: MNG hit the accelerator at the perfect time to get a boosted start eh
ztghostie: this card is nus
maclenrac: seems nice
ztghostie: *nuts
JustAnotherMuffin: :(
BrowneePointz: it's a sky Sea flap flap!
BusTed: very good
JustAnotherMuffin: : (
Timagio: : (
TheDevil_Risen: yeah stingray is great
BrowneePointz: also it's an INCREDIBLY GOOD CARD
CalaveraCreations: I like me a goofy face
GredGredmansson: are those eyes or nostrils?
BandsWithLegends: graham got pegged
notoriousmtg_: Queen of first blood
LRRbot: Carrion Cruiser [2B] | Artifact — Vehicle [3/2] | When this Vehicle enters, mill two cards. Then return a creature or Vehicle card from your graveyard to your hand. / Crew 1
LithelyUnshod: That is how rays look. Those are nostrils on the bottom tho
RocknGrohlNerd: @LRRMTG_Judge damage on stack would be good, please and thank you... my goblin fanatic wants to dominate the battlefield again
maclenrac: Loot in the air
GredGredmansson: i guess they could be eyes
MegaDosX: I think I need one for the Captain Howler deck I'm eyeing up
Mr_Horrible: "that many counters"??? Oh dear...
TheDevil_Risen: im sad there's only 12 sharks (14 if you include rules text)
BusTed: I can only see the felcycle
That1GuyBen: i had to step away a bit, MagicNewGirl won that last game holy hell
ELD_Winterlight: Good with psychic frog
Mr_Horrible: Psychic Frog and the ray just dapping each other up
Bugberry: Was not expecting Pirate synergy from this set as well.
onmartn: did anyone else get "they put the eye they put the eyes they put the eyes"?
Stormgod519: phrasing...
MegaDosX: Faithless Looting put two counters on it
Mr_Horrible: ooh la la
ztghostie: I want UR looter aggro to be a deck in standard so bad
LRRMTG_Judge: @RocknGrohlNerd Mogg Mob immediately becomes the best card in Magic - Squirrel
frostfox42: scouring skyray needs to go to my cycle deck
BrowneePointz: Yep. It's the 2 drop after the Mako that has that ability for just R but no evasion @Mr_Horrible
LRRMTG_Judge: @RocknGrohlNerd If you want to be technical, Mogg Fanatic was printed a year before "damage on the stack" was a thing. - Natedogg
TheBattleOfHastings subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 51 months!
TheBattleOfHastings: Start your engines!
JustAnotherMuffin: Curving out in sealed is a pretty good plan
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheBattleOfHastings! (Today's storm count: 123)
CalaveraCreations: spicy
munocard: oh dang
Mr_Horrible: @BrowneePointz oofa doofa
Nickiatori: ooh I am making a Rafine flyers deck and that Ray is gonna go in for sure
kaareendrup: Vroooom
BrowneePointz: Turn 1 Mako. Turn 2 Ray. Turn 3 Windfall/Wheel and make your opponent cry
LRRMTG_Judge: @LRRMTG_Judge RIP Mogg Fantastic - BlackRose
Bugberry: @BrowneePointz doesn't it have menace?
IaCthulhuFthagn: @ELD_Winterlight To be fair, everything is good with Psychic Frog. Dismal Backwater is good with Psychic Frog.
Isitmeorisitme1: skyray for sure goes in azorius cycling/delve canlander decks right?
queenhoneygames: @CalaveraCreations hi! <3
munocard: lmao
BusTed: lrrLUL
ztghostie: LUL
That1GuyBen: TOO FAST
rand0mtask_: Too much power
kaareendrup: Vrrrrrrooooom
RandomTrivia: benginLul
Tai114: False start!
TXC2: !clips
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
tryllebanjo: HACKS!
fanofmosteverything9: Too much vroom!
munocard: too much vroom!
frostfox42: hahahahahahaha
Jon_CoffeeRobot: aagggh
TheDevil_Risen: hahaha
Mr_Horrible: this is why we don't let Ben drive
chriswr5: welcome to LA traffic
Deeehm: lmao
Marvoleath: !card mako
LRRbot: Marauding Mako [R] | Creature — Shark Pirate [1/1] | Whenever you discard one or more cards, put that many +1/+1 counters on this creature. / Cycling {2}
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: False Star
Isitmeorisitme1: lol
funguslore: LUL
turtleman7420: LUL
Orestes290: It happens to everyone
kaareendrup: Outvroooomed
SolarBlitz1: Perfect
notoriousmtg_: Too much nos!!!!
djalternative: False Start
GredGredmansson: I'm pretty sure the engine just EXPLODED
BrowneePointz: False Start!
control_rig: That was the Mario Kart spin out
RandomTrivia: lrrCOW
BusTed: spin out
hexthehex: graham did a hold the A button mario kart start
CaptainSpam: ZOOM
thanzo: 0-100 in one sec
Reldnahcire: zoom zoom BOOM
PsychoI3oy: danger to manifold
Zombie_Spacer: lrrLUL
LRRMTG_Judge: I think we just invented drag racing - Squirrel
MegaDosX: Graham put his foot through the floor there
Jericu: Graham just hit speed 17
lirazel64: Max speed from a standing stop!
baltimore_667083: graham im gonna have to give you a penalty for speeding in the pits there Kappa
themightygerg: vrrroooOOOOOMMM
Deeehm: judge!!
CalaveraCreations: @queenhoneygames Hiii I was on Youtube and realized everyone was on twitch lol
kaareendrup: no2
LRRMTG_Judge: That's speed-running strats, where you glitch out and get max speed within seconds - Natedogg
SolarBlitz1: So did Graham just do a Burnout
ztghostie: false start, -5 yards to graham
noSmokeFire: FBtouchdown false start, yellow card
flapjacksofwar: NYOOOOOOOM
JKBalch: Like watching a drag racer torque out
maclenrac: Sleeping on the gas
themightygerg: 123go
Mr_Horrible: "Sir do you know how fast you were going?" "Actually no"
MegaDosX: To quote Jacob, he tried to touch the road
MajorHorrigan: sample size of 1 - best sample size
Stormgod: you can always go to 41...
TriforceDrummer: Vita plus ooze card would be crazy tbf
Bones: best emoji then
Stormgod: now hang on
Carson Chavez: Booo Koma
Bones: KOMA
Stormgod: ay
Bones: It's packs a punch lol
Stormgod: a Koma player lol
Simriel: I feel like "The Ooze was right" isn't a sentence you WANT to be saying
TriforceDrummer: Her Koma deck is fun. I got the chance to play against it last year at Chicago and it was a hard fought battle lol
Stormgod: LOL
Stormgod: Ben...
Stormgod: i remember this story
Stormgod: wooooooow
Bones: Ahhh Callie you got the Bones special lol
Carson Chavez: All or No lands
Simriel: !aetherdrift
Stormgod: yeeeep
Stormgod: all lands or no lands
admiralsky: yes, when I play with my dad he still thinks that's the rule
1mrGhost: Also i think you had to show your opponent your hand before you shuffled it away.
Lucian Clark: Pokemon mulligan rules lol. Can only mull if no basic pokemon
A_N00B: damage on the stack?
MajorHorrigan: zing
Pharmacistjudge: None lands were also a mulligan...which is why maze of ith was bad because it counted as a land despite not making mana.
Stormgod: Oooooooo
Stormgod: get him Ben
LRRbot: Nesting Bot [W] | Artifact Creature — Robot [1/1] | Start your engines! / When this creature dies, create a 1/1 colorless Servo artifact creature token. / Max speed — This creature gets +1/+0.
LRRbot: Carrion Cruiser [2B] | Artifact — Vehicle [3/2] | When this Vehicle enters, mill two cards. Then return a creature or Vehicle card from your graveyard to your hand. / Crew 1
Gavin Li: Phrasing!
Stormgod: ummmmmm
Stormgod: phrasing?!?
MajorHorrigan: thats seems insane in a cyling deck
MajorHorrigan: wotsit fox plus flying
Clockwork Cthulhu: speedrunning!!
MajorHorrigan: is there a xenith flare as well?
Cecil Hoshino: Max speed jumpscare
Stormgod: ummmm
Stormgod: LOL
gnyrinn: I think that's a false start
Stormgod: Graham just hit Moc speed
Spectre97: Graham has no maximum speed cap when going backwards
RocknGrohlNerd: @LRRMTG_Judge oh yeah :) Mog Mob (wheeler and sorensen chuckeling about it somewhhere surely)
chriswr5: 4 drop cmon keep the curve going
Marvoleath: 0-60 in 1 sec
BrowneePointz: wait, Ben just made us experience the NOS scene from Redline
BusTed: 🏁 🏁 🏁
tryllebanjo: WROOOOM
notoriousmtg_: flyers doing the thing
Dog_of_Myth: FBtouchdown
MrSarkhan: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Timagio: @vetchable They printed that just for the Spongebob set, I'm sure.
laikagoat: fionSteer fionSteer
Wolfstrike_NL: Morale win done
GredGredmansson: awiiiight ben
RocknGrohlNerd: FBtouchdown
Marvoleath: lrrBartleby
hexthehex: I saw that homestarrunner reference ben!
shamblingkrenshar: Ben with the Homestar Runner-ism, I love to see it.
rogerivany: So start your engines isn't for each card?
Mattmitchell45: Nice @A_Dub888 🤜
BrowneePointz: yep
MegaDosX: Sure does
RealGamerCow: that's gross
Tai114: It's a game object/ tracker thing
CalaveraCreations: Just baby damage
LRRMTG_Judge: @rogerivany The player has the speed, not each card. - Natedogg
BrowneePointz: works with wheels. There's a Red one drop that has that ability too Graham
LRRMTG_Judge: @rogerivany speed is a property of a player.
Tai114: Like Day/Night
MegaDosX: Faithless Looting, Psychic Frog, Raffine, etc
Isitmeorisitme1: mmm looting
micalovits: Can someone say wheel effects?
Mr_Horrible: Ralph Wiggum "I'm in danger" voice
munocard: The set has cycling in it too.
Marvoleath: @rogerivany only when you control a card with "start your engines" ability, which is all speed-related cards in the set iirc
JustAnotherMuffin: @rogerivany the phrasing is " once on each of your turns"
rand0mtask_: Not quite serpent'o clock
niccus: writes down "math"
Diabore: the air? 3
Timagio: @Tai114 what what
fanofmosteverything9: Land acquired!
Timagio: OSFrog
bjergmann101: This is special; it goes to 5
BrowneePointz: Bug Bus!
LRRbot: Debris Beetle [2BG] | Artifact — Vehicle [6/6] | Trample / When this Vehicle enters, each opponent loses 3 life and you gain 3 life. / Crew 2
maclenrac: Five on the fly
tryllebanjo: Debreeedle!
LRRMTG_Judge: @rogerivany Start Your Engines only does anything the first time you control a permanent with it each game - BlackRose
GredGredmansson: Speed Up
RandomTrivia: Debr-eetle!
baltimore_667083: DEBREETLE!
fanofmosteverything9: Speed!
Isitmeorisitme1: chandra not having cycling is a flavor fail.
public_key_reveal_party: Not to be confused with the Doritos
TheOneInquisitor: Siege Renault
gluonquark: speed!
themightygerg: SPEED
fanofmosteverything9: Delicious nacho cheese Debreetles.
tryllebanjo: I was turn the whole time.
chriswr5: what da breedle doing?
SpelloShibe: @Dog_of_Myth thank you for the sub lrrHEART
Darokin: Ludicrous speed!! She's gone to plaid
rogerivany: Thanks everyone
Timagio: Love me a siege renault
Nickiatori: Siege Rhino who?
galleadden: ayyy its the siege rhino beetle
cameron_in_the_hizous: all im saying is you've theoretically been able to cast the ooze more often than the double blue pip cards in your deck
simpletoon: @TheOneInquisitor excellent
darkora: the debristle gave speed before combat
NornsFelidar: debridle also speeds you up
GredGredmansson: Debeetle would have also triggered Speed
Mr_Horrible: @LRRMTG_Judge oh, interesting question then, are there any non-permanents that affect or care about speed?
ChillyCru: Dung Rhino
GredGredmansson: @Mr_Horrible there are not.
Mr_Horrible: neat
BrowneePointz: wait...
BrowneePointz: Speed Rhino
Timagio: There are not...yet!
BrowneePointz: how did I miss that one
coachNelly: oh lost life
RocknGrohlNerd: @BrowneePointz wheelerPog
coachNelly: good catch Ben
kaareendrup: Of course mr yager is on top of it
munocard: Big Beetle Doin' Thangs
CalaveraCreations: God I can't wait to play this in Chicago
BrowneePointz: it's relevant for like...Samut who has first strike and a team pump but otherwise I don't think it comes up much
ArchRequiemD subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 63 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ArchRequiemD! (Today's storm count: 124)
TXC2: big bad beetal bus
tryllebanjo: Don't sell out to Big Beedle! That's what Big Mulch wants you to!
R__Doom: Vroooooom
LRRMTG_Judge: There are no specific reasons why they couldn't make non-permanents that care about speed, but Start Your Engines only works on permanents: "The first time in a game that you control a permanent with start your engines!, your speed becomes 1." - Squirrel
maclenrac: Max gears
fanofmosteverything9: Party Servo's back!
LRRbot: Nesting Bot [W] | Artifact Creature — Robot [1/1] | Start your engines! / When this creature dies, create a 1/1 colorless Servo artifact creature token. / Max speed — This creature gets +1/+0.
Lord_Hosk: "This is a pre-prerelease, we might miss things and not make optimal plays its the first time anyone outside of wizards has played with these cards. We make mistakes so you don't have to"
TheDevil_Risen: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
7gorobei: party servo in the house tonight
Marvoleath: that robot was full of... another robot D:
Mangledpixel: Cantona?
gluonquark: now Graham can't use the blue shell...
LRRbot: Gearseeker Serpent [5UU] | Creature — Serpent [5/6] | This spell costs {1} less to cast for each artifact you control. / {5}{U}: Gearseeker Serpent can't be blocked this turn.
TXC2: Lord_Hosk and yet i'll make mistakes anyway :p
CalaveraCreations: It's a ssnnnnaakkkkeeee
chriswr5: 1 white mana up, maybe she has swords
Isitmeorisitme1: aetherdrift alt format: a fan with 4 power settings is hitting the battlefield at all times, and increasing your speed increases the power of the fan. any permanents that fall off the table are exiled.
Tai114: Straight up affinity for artifacts
BrowneePointz: Speaking of Snake, did yall see the Year of the Snake promos? There's a super sweet Xyris for Ben!
Marvoleath: @chriswr5 defo mana tithe
A_Dub888: @Lord_Hosk We don't 'HAVE' to but we still can
cruinard: hey, I didn’t miss MagicNewGirl! sick!
fanofmosteverything9: The List is sadly no longer a thing.
johncarsongames: I don't think there is a list anymore :(
Isitmeorisitme1: we have special guests now
xblue007: RIP list 2020-2024
Zenthere: once per turn, thats a game loss.
LRRbot: For more information on Aetherdrift, including a full image gallery, where you can find your local prerelease, and where to pre-order the set, click here!
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): @Zenthere the life tracker and speed tracker clearly lost the game
Stormgod: yeah. Judge! They increased their speed to 4 all in one game!
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): but they are objects
Stormgod: @Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson) i mean, i think you just lost The Game
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): ?
Stormgod: sorry, bad joke
Stormgod: it is The Game after all
Gavin Li: @Stormgod I have a platinum angel and can't lose The Game
LRRbot: Debris Beetle [2BG] | Artifact — Vehicle [6/6] | Trample / When this Vehicle enters, each opponent loses 3 life and you gain 3 life. / Crew 2
Stormgod: but does that stop you from losing The Game, or just your magic game?
Gavin Li: the reprinted Siege Rhino???
twoolf01: Is that like... baby Seige Rhino?
twoolf01: Siege**
millenomi: mah gawd, they _racing_
Stormgod: Siege Beetle? Debris Rhino?
LRRbot: Nesting Bot [W] | Artifact Creature — Robot [1/1] | Start your engines! / When this creature dies, create a 1/1 colorless Servo artifact creature token. / Max speed — This creature gets +1/+0.
LRRbot: Gearseeker Serpent [5UU] | Creature — Serpent [5/6] | This spell costs {1} less to cast for each artifact you control. / {5}{U}: Gearseeker Serpent can't be blocked this turn.
Wholly Mindless: I read that as Serge Rhino.
Dog_of_Myth: Smart money is on Mana Tithe. :p
Mr_Horrible: joke's on us it's actually condemn
TXC2: game suddenly turns into any Brawl game :p
themightygerg: I mean... Get Lost IS theme appropriate
dragonofnivix: Mana Tithe
skripmtg: Close game
forestflunge: sorry if I saw wrong, wouldnt the onedrop have traded with the 2/2 bc max speed becomes a 2/1?
IaCthulhuFthagn: @Mr_Horrible My bet is on Oust.
LRRbot: Plow Through Reito [1W] | Instant — Arcane | Sweep — Return any number of Plains you control to their owner's hand. Target creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn for each Plains returned this way.
Tai114: Condemn was in Duskmourn as a Special Guest
That1GuyBen: brutal
accountmadeforants: @LRRMTG_Judge Couldn't a spell just make your Speed 1, or does the Speed mechanic outright not work unless you've Started Your Engines?
niccus: why'd it grab *that* plow through
Kejardon: math is for attacker ?
Mr_Horrible: @IaCthulhuFthagn I only didn't say oust because it's sorcery, but it would indeed be funnier. Reprint with someone getting kicked out the passenger-side door, and everything.
A_Dub888: @LRRbot uhhhh LRRbot u ok?
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
maclenrac: Got there
fanofmosteverything9: "I win, please."
CalaveraCreations: math is for blockers
circusofkirkus: nice manners
LRRMTG_Judge: @accountmadeforants there is nothing saying it couldn't but no spells known currently do that. pharma2Vial
BrowneePointz: Speed Rhino has Trample
Isitmeorisitme1: cavalier of dawn being in this set is so funny
kaareendrup: GGs!!
GredGredmansson: @accountmadeforants Start Your Engines sets your speed to 1 if you don't nhave it, and its on every card that otherwise cares about speed
R__Doom: GGs
Mr_Horrible: good stuff
Mattmitchell45: Oh right, they killed The List because they wanted everything to be Arena-legal
CalaveraCreations: GG
baltimore_667083: ggs!
BandsWithLegends: zoomin'
RocknGrohlNerd: GGs gamers
Isitmeorisitme1: ggs
notoriousmtg_: magic vroom girl!
skripmtg: Great game! Everyone going fast
cameron_in_the_hizous: going fast makes me feel alive
insanecat6mtg: sergeGG sergeGG
RandomTrivia: seabatClap
kaareendrup: Well played both!
R__Doom: Zoomies all around
Bugberry: I remember people claiming max speed would be hard to get to.
Mangledpixel: *whispers* zoom zoom
CalaveraCreations: But no Aatchik or Chandra lol
kaareendrup: Yeeeeees
Timagio: @cameron_in_the_hizous Card games on motorcyclllllles
chriswr5: shivam and wheeler love preprereleases
Diabore: time to find out best host
circusofkirkus: who loves magic the MOST
frostfox42: lol
funguslore: Yesss
kaareendrup: They love magic!
public_key_reveal_party: G forgot math is, on occasion, for attackers
Dog_of_Myth: Podcast Battle!
coachNelly: shivam and wheeler PLAY magic!
LRRMTG_Judge: Shivam and Wheeler Play Magic - Natedogg
rogerivany: spoiler. Yes
letsbelgo: (no)
kaareendrup: Shivam and Wheeler love fighting!
Hansk_and_Boo: Remind them to take a picture together!!
ExachixKitsune: The next round will last 4 hours as they do a live podcast and just tangent and we'll love it
jake_jajam: good luck on packs!!
Mattmitchell45: They can't fight! They're family!
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL]
RockPusher: Debreetle!
onmartn: Shivam and Wheeler kiss not clickbait
maclenrac: Crack-a-toa
LRRMTG_Judge: @accountmadeforants I think they could use the 'your speed becomes 1' wording: "Once you have a speed of 1 or greater, there is a new triggered ability that can occur for you during the game. That ability is 'Whenever one or more opponents lose life during your turn, if your speed is less than 4, your speed increases by 1. This ability triggers only once each turn.'" - Squirrel
accountmadeforants: Debreetle!
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
TXC2: !greetings
LRRbot: Greetings, you Rock Lobsters!
mattyraft44: our lord and savior wheeler is here!!
DeChunkandFriends: Oh, Wheeler's up? Goodbye everyone.
fanofmosteverything9: Hindshadowing!
Mr_Horrible: dazeDrink
cruinard: !greetings
LRRbot: Greetings, you Elvish Mystics!
Isitmeorisitme1: wow that was a fast reorganization of people
TXC2: !aetherdrift
LRRbot: For more information on Aetherdrift, including a full image gallery, where you can find your local prerelease, and where to pre-order the set, click here!
LiveFaust: Segue!
accountmadeforants: Thanks LRRMTG_Judge! I was curious :)
Isitmeorisitme1: ruining the chrome mox smh
Timagio: Layjic
Tai114: Less noisy than Cameron's
maclenrac: Taste the rainbow
Tweygoh: Lmao perfect for the end of that match
fanofmosteverything9: I too sometimes tear packs open with my teeth.
flapjacksofwar: Lagacc Gang rise up
RockPusher: ♫ Venomsac Lagac!!! ♫
Sir_Louis: I got Lagac and now my eyes are really dry
Timagio: @Tai114 Many things are quieter than bombs, yes
GreatWahooney: Lagic the Gathering
MegaDosX: He protec, he attac, but most importantly, he Venomsac
Khyrberos: luh-GACK
TehAmelie: this is how we learn Lagacs are real in Alabama
Isitmeorisitme1: love me some lagacs
Pinwiz11: From Fon Du Lac
frostfox42: might missed it but did they mention any give aways today?
BrowneePointz: Disfigurine
TXC2: TehAmelie sounds belivible
RandomTrivia: The Bauble-head
goatprince: b o b b l e
LSRubin: Crack-a-Pack Lagac
Isitmeorisitme1: that looks like the same skull as the mh3 card, right?
ArcOfTheConclave: not a bobblehead
vetchable: Lagac the Gackering
lunaniq: Shoulda made this a bobblehead
Mangledpixel: a bobblehead, of course :D
DiscordianTokkan: Aw, they didn't make it a new bobblehead
fanofmosteverything9: The utter cowardice of not making this a Bobblehead. SMH.
TXC2: frostfox42 no giveaways today
Tai114: Oh this card is sweet
Dog_of_Myth: @BrowneePointz 10/10 no notes
TotalHell: @BrowneePointz very good
MegaDosX: b a u b l e
northos: grauble
BrowneePointz: or as Gred said, Dead Paperweight
RandomTrivia: @BrowneePointz 10/10
Isitmeorisitme1: that skull has definitely been in a mtg card before
maclenrac: Bounce replay
Marvoleath: @BrowneePointz sergeJustRight
wistol subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 53 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, wistol! (Today's storm count: 125)
cruinard: Grim Bauble is wildly good for a common, it’s gonna be so fun
Mattmitchell45: When I first moved to NC, I was surprised by the casual lizards out and about in the summer
BrowneePointz: @Isitmeorisitme1 all the Duskmourn demons had that head
Isitmeorisitme1: gotcha
Isitmeorisitme1: thank you
Mr_Horrible: lots of good cheap ways to get your speed started
fanofmosteverything9: There's a cat in there.
kaareendrup: wait it's not pedal to the medal??
TehAmelie: walking sarcophagus upgrades to RACING sarcophagus
ArchRequiemD: Bring forth the Dreadnought
accountmadeforants: The fact that the walking sarcophagus gets more powerful as it picks up speed is also terrifying
RealGamerCow: that's a cool looking land
cruinard: Callie ain’t got an accent, she sounds just like me lol
BrowneePointz: correct. Pedal(the gas) to the Metal(the floor)
ArcOfTheConclave: it's west virginia!
Timagio: @kaareendrup It never has been?
magicnewgirl: foul roadsss take me home
That1GuyBen: s/os to the hell road from road quest
Mazrae: The hell road on Road Quest
Timagio: @magicnewgirl Country Roads is this land in white!
Timagio: It's a real card!
cruinard: @magicnewgirl need you to sing Country Roads Karaoke lol
Marvoleath: @kaareendrup the phrase is 'pedal to the metal', coming from pressing the gas pedal until it reaches the metal floor beneath
Mr_Horrible: "We taught a raptor to drive"
Marvoleath: !card country rounds
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
frostfox42: @TXC2 thank you
Marvoleath: !card country roads
LRRbot: Country Roads | Land | This land enters tapped unless you control a Mount or Vehicle. / {T}: Add {W}. / {1}{W}, {T}, Sacrifice this land: Create a 1/1 colorless Pilot creature token with "This token saddles Mounts and crews Vehicles as though its power were 2 greater." Activate only as a sorcery.
PowrOfFriendship_: When you conquer the road you become a better driver
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): Siege Car
LRRbot: Plow Through Reito [1W] | Instant — Arcane | Sweep — Return any number of Plains you control to their owner's hand. Target creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn for each Plains returned this way.
grelgen: that's a sorcery?
grelgen: nm, thought is was her turn
Stormgod: GG, G!
Lucian Clark: YES
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): Wheeler vs Shivam, nice
Lucian Clark: I was hoping for Wheeler v Shivam
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): don't they have their own podcast?
Lucian Clark: They do! Shivan and Wheeler Love Magic
Stormgod: ayyyy
Stormgod: we love to see it
Pyre Dynasty: I'm so glad Wheeler finally gets to meet Shivam
Chad Braden: MNG is a delight. I don't hear accents like my own on the internet very often.
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): lagac
MrDalevich: I have no idea what just happened but it looks like a good time was had by all.
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): they tend to have saddles
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): you saddle your lagac now
Stormgod: this does feel like Nascar a bit
SmithKurosaki: @steve, please keep politics out of chat. thanks :)
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): not enough chickens on that road
Steve Droddy: My bad.
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): the pilot gets stranded
Stormgod: power 2 greater
Stormgod: so it can crew or saddle equal to 3?
Stormgod: that's how i read that
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): yeah
TriforceDrummer: At base yes, but if you buff it's power it can go higher
Stormgod: lovely
Stormgod: oh of course
QuixoticScrivener: have Kamigawa pilots been errata’d for mounts, or are the new ones just different now?
Reldnahcire: take me home
fanofmosteverything9: "I advise explosions."
BrowneePointz: Brian Valeza KILLED that art
CalaveraCreations: the Card color is red lol
Mr_Horrible: "I'm da king of da highway"
Dum_Dum_Dugan: I wish Country Roads was green so I could put it in a Mothman deck
Marvoleath: He is learned in the boom
Pteryon: !card Prisoner's Dilemma
LRRbot: Prisoner's Dilemma [3RR] | Sorcery | Each opponent secretly chooses silence or snitch, then the choices are revealed. If each opponent chose silence, Prisoner's Dilemma deals 4 damage to each of them. If each opponent chose snitch, Prisoner's Dilemma deals 8 damage to each of them. Otherwise, Prisoner's Dilemma deals 12 damage to each opponent who chose silence. / Flashback {5}{R}{R}
BrowneePointz: @QuixoticScrivener different
tryllebanjo: I misheard that as 'Boomfather', and I desperately want that card.
Marvoleath: Scholar of the boom, also known the holder of the microphone
RocknGrohlNerd: pedal to the metal, nice Adventure Zone reference :D
MegaDosX: Foreshadowing is a literary device which-
TXC2: same mountain
LRRMTG_Judge: @QuixoticScrivener There hasn't been an errata at this time, and I don't think we're expecting one. Similar tokens with differing abilities aren't unusual in Magic - BlackRose
TehAmelie: it's a Tron bike
fanofmosteverything9: Love a good lightcycle.
Khyrberos: Tronike
RandomTrivia: Ah, there it is!
Timagio: @Khyrberos Trike
LRRMTG_Judge: @QuixoticScrivener They have made different tokens that have the same name but have different abilities/colors/power and toughness in the past, so this isn't anything new. And they have said that old Pilot tokens will not be changed - Natedogg
fanofmosteverything9: We are 2-for-2 on Bloodghast in these packs.
Khyrberos: Perfect xD
Mattmitchell45: This a very different vision of a Bloodghast....also neat
nyoomgoom: green blue and red, let's go
Mattmitchell45: Like a Lilo and Stitch experiment
tryllebanjo: !card Bloodghast
LRRbot: Bloodghast [BB] | Creature — Vampire Spirit [2/1] | Bloodghast can't block. / Bloodghast has haste as long as an opponent has 10 or less life. / Landfall — Whenever a land you control enters, you may return Bloodghast from your graveyard to the battlefield.
RocknGrohlNerd: not legendary token
Timagio: Loot getting what he deserves
circusofkirkus: what's in the box
fanofmosteverything9: Loot is not having a good day.
Jon_CoffeeRobot: where he belongs
LRRMTG_Judge: Loot box! - Natedogg
GredGredmansson: It's the Loot Box
chriswr5: where he belongs >:|
itira: lrrAWW
Bugberry: Loot is very Stitch-like
RandomTrivia: Noooo, the little guy!
Jericu: keep him in there
Kleypex: rat
RandomTrivia: @GredGredmansson sergeJustRight
TXC2: LRRbot boooooo Kappa
Judders__ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 17 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Judders__! (Today's storm count: 126)
micalovits: That is a real good o-ring
TXC2: LRRMTG_Judge boooo Kappa
Stormgod519: @GredGredmansson boooooooooo
Stormgod519: @LRRMTG_Judge booooooooo
fanofmosteverything9: Hit the afterburners!
Stormgod519: also dammit, i was so close to saying that
fanofmosteverything9: (Also, board wipe for Feather.)
tryllebanjo: Debreetle!
Bugberry: You can target their stuff with it, which can be relevant.
BrowneePointz: Beep Beep Bug Bus
LRRMTG_Judge: You act like I can stop making puns. Spoilers - I can't - Natedogg
RandomTrivia: Debri-tle count: like a thousand
Stormgod519: oh i didnt see "each"
Mazrae: Look at that little guy on top
taeasakura: the siege rhino vehicle
ChillyCru: Dung Rhino
RocknGrohlNerd: @LRRMTG_Judge tough but fair :D :D
magicnewgirl: that was foreshadowing really
skripmtg: Siege Lambo
kalatash: Perilous Snare = Gay Baby Jail
Jon_CoffeeRobot: alright, it's very late in the evening for me so good night and enjoy the rest of the PPR
TXC2: so long Jon_CoffeeRobot sleep well
jamwno: drafting energy with collector boosters. it’s a bold move, cotton. let’s see if it pays off
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
vetchable: good night
Molladia: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE to the editors for smashing these out so quickly. I imagine the time between recording and airing was not long. lrrHEART
TriforceDrummer: So if you put a +1/+1 counter on it, it can crew up to 4
Stormgod: this pilot is different from the kamigawa pilots, so that's notable
Stormgod: only reason i bring it up
SmithKurosaki: !aetherdrift
TriforceDrummer: Yeah it works like the Kamigawa pilots except works with saddle too
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): overrun, winner of the foundations PPR
Chris Rice: Frist time hearing a Carolina Drawl (a type of accent) on LRR. Happy to hear!
Stormgod: we love a good overrun
9288Savior: Great flavor text
9288Savior: This set is exhausting
Stormgod: G is having the time of his life
Stormgod: @9288Savior give it some time to warm up, youll be cool with it soon
Stormgod: give it a lap or two to show itself off
9288Savior: hahaha
Stormgod: oh dang
ShadeRicter: oh this is the less good commander from that deck
Stormgod: temur energy back babyyyyy
Stormgod: oh yeah
Stormgod: i didnt see the each part of that card
MajorHorrigan: speedracer beetle
Stormgod: oh wow the alt art is so cool
BrowneePointz: Perilous Snare: How most people view Loot. Explosive Getaway: How I view Loot
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
wifi12345678910: Thanks for having chat, it's great to be here
Criously: Debreetle? Nah, that's Siege Renault
TotalHell: Love a genuine y'all
Fluffy776: levist8Pride levist8Pride levist8Pride
Timagio: @BrowneePointz Very small, easily ignored?
magicnewgirl: they’re very genuine 🤣🤣
Verrain2: Nascar set. Love it.
LRRMTG_Judge: So chat, what colours are you hoping to play in your prereleases next weekend? - BlackRose
Dog_of_Myth gifted a Tier 1 sub to magicnewgirl! They have given 1661 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, magicnewgirl! (Today's storm count: 127)
Criously: Im spending this time watching also sorting through my collection, ended up taking apart my kalamax and finding force of negation, deflecting swat and dockside lmao
Molladia: nah @verrain2 these vehicles turn both directions
RandomTrivia: @LRRMTG_Judge Yes
Mattmitchell45: RU Pirates Please
magicnewgirl: lrrARROWS lrrARROWS lrrARROWS lrrARROWS
Verrain2: I'm just hoping to luck into the new Gonti.
Just_Herby subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 89 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Just_Herby! (Today's storm count: 128)
Stormgod519: @LRRMTG_Judge whatever I can, but probably gruul. Its the start your engines set, so gotta go fast (also the gearhulk looks sick!
CalaveraCreations: Vehicles and Chandra what more do you need lol
Criously: I hope I can draft an artifacts deck in this format, the affinity cards look gross
ignitionpoint subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 16 months, currently on a 16 month streak!
ignitionpoint: Can’t wait to see ya’ll at Chicago!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ignitionpoint! (Today's storm count: 129)
wifi12345678910: @CalaveraCreations Nissa
Mattmitchell45: More Green Goblins! Curse that Spider-Man for keeping them from us
CalaveraCreations: @wifi12345678910 Fair fair lol
TXC2: and we're back
circusofkirkus: the who loves magic more fight
RockPusher: PogChamp Shivam!
R__Doom: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Pywodwagon: Shivam!
wifi12345678910: Benny Wheels!
themightygerg: Hey look it's Cameron, from Loading Ready Run!
JustAnotherMuffin: Wheeler! Shivam!
JKBalch: Grudge Match! Grudge Match!
kynelwynn: Hey! These two guys Love Magic!
Dog_of_Myth: Shivam!!
whiscash_enthusiast: oh hey its those guys from the thing!
Juliamon: !wheeler
LRRbot: lrrWHEELER Magic: The Gathering
GhostValv: vroom vroom
GreatWahooney: wow look at these delightful nerds
themightygerg: HE SAID THE THING
fanofmosteverything9: He said the thing.
baltimore_667083: HE SAID THE LINE!
Hansk_and_Boo: Hellooooooo ^^
Mattmitchell45: SHIVAM! ensClap ensClap ensClap
pleonasticTautology: hahahaha
AgentWynter: These boys look like they love magic
Asolya: Shivam !!! \o/
letsbelgo: butt
dpj2009: Perfect matchup!!!
TXC2: easy on the all caps chat
Zombie_Spacer: LUL
Hansk_and_Boo: Shivam And Wheeler take a picture together?
fanofmosteverything9: Shivam and Ben! Shivam and Ben!
Juliamon: shiv 'em, Shivam
NewtyNewts: Shivum and Been
GredGredmansson: lrrWHEELER lrrCAMERON lrrSHIVAM
GredGredmansson: lrrFINE
OldUncleDan: Shivam's here. Bloodywood just released a new video. I just ate some excellent Chicken Josh today. Seems to be a theme here.
kaareendrup: Benjam and shiler!
DanTheMediocre: Shivam And Wheeler? Is this one of my favourite podcasts?
Cyborg_Huey: Wheeler, how many drinks do you have?
Flyingdelorion: Shivam you are an awesome person!
goatprince: you comprehend Magic
GredGredmansson: does anyone TRULY understand Magic
Hansk_and_Boo: THanks!!!!
grandchickenlord: I love how both cam and ben have this vibe of being in constant agony. it’s something that I very much empathize with.
LSRubin: the famous podcast, "Wheeler and Shivam Understand Magic"
BusTed: 🎂 🎂 🎂
Juliamon: Oh, happy birthday!!
TheWriterAleph: happy birthdaaaay
kaareendrup: Happy birthday Shivam!
GredGredmansson: Happy Pre-Birthday Shivam
GreatWahooney: happy birthday Shivam!
fanofmosteverything9: Happy almost-birthday!
dpj2009: CaitlynS
Dog_of_Myth: Happy Birthday!!
coachNelly: happy birthdPPR!
huffdaddy513: Happy birthday!!!!
chrono2x: hi
LidofLoathing: Happy Birthday!
TXC2: Happy Brithday for tomorrow
kaareendrup: Hi Shivam!
Mindfire13: Happy Birthday!
iPsyop: love Shivam, dude is just always bringing the happy and excited vibes! and HAPPY BIRHTDAY !
JustAnotherMuffin: TransgenderPride
Asolya: Happy Early Birthday Shivam!!
namagem1: Hi shivam
LarkSachrosis: Happy Birthday Shivam!
flapjacksofwar: Happy Birthday
phoenixfeather14: Happy early birthday!!
RockPusher: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride
Hansk_and_Boo: Happy almost birthday!! <3
LilyOfTheVeil666: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Greyah: Happy birthday!
eleric937: Happy pre-birthday Shivam!
hexthehex: <3
DiscordianTokkan: lrrSHINE
TotalHell: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
darkora: Happy Birthday for tomorrow, Shivam!
Stormgod519: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride
salfredo: Happy birthday
BrowneePointz: browne2Pride browne2Pride browne2Pride
Mangledpixel: lrrSHINE
public_key_reveal_party: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
JKBalch: Thank you Shivam
MrSarkhan: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
R__Doom: HBD Shivam TransgenderPride PansexualPride GayPride
LarkSachrosis: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Flyingdelorion: Happy pre-birthday!
LoadingReadyRun: meet Shivam over on Camera 5
VorlonScout: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride
pleonasticTautology: lrrHEART
coachNelly: coachn3Thankscoachnelly coachn3Thankscoachnelly coachn3Thankscoachnelly lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
baltimore_667083: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Ankarah: hellova month too!
RockPusher: tqsTransPride tqsTransPride tqsTransPride
GhostValv: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Clockwork_Penguin: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride
thanzo: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride
MyrddintheWizard: shiva and wheeler love everyone
flapjacksofwar: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Cunobelenos: Hi Shivam! Happy Birthday!!! lrrSHINE
RocknGrohlNerd: happy birthday Shivam
Dog_of_Myth: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
elgenericosfavoriteorphan: lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
thingo314: seasideLoves
GredGredmansson: lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
Andymonium: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
huffdaddy513: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
pleonasticTautology: happy birthday, shivam
TheWriterAleph: love you shivaaaam lrrHEART
zelukester: trans rights are human rights!
Alness49: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
whiscash_enthusiast: Shivam gonna make me cry rdropLove
Graham_LRR: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Debatra: Yeah, hell of a great week!
TrendingNonGamer: happy birthday Shivam. trans rights are human rights
JRandomHacker: lrrSHINE TransgenderPride lrrHEART
darkora: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride
usmu1976: BisexualPride VirtualHug TransgenderPride VirtualHug GenderFluidPride VirtualHug PansexualPride
Flyingdelorion: F the orange guy!
frozencapybara: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride
tyrantcorporation: <3 <3
micalovits: TransgenderPride PansexualPride NonbinaryPride LesbianPride IntersexPride GenderFluidPride GayPride BisexualPride AsexualPride
Zombie_Spacer: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Mishapp53: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Hansk_and_Boo: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
LilyOfTheVeil666: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
thatguyyeshim: <3
namagem1: lrrHEART_SG lrrHEART_SG lrrHEART_SG lrrHEART_SG
Rourke9: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
R__Doom: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
kynelwynn: Hey! Hap Birf!! lrrHEART TransgenderPride lrrHEART TransgenderPride
Alma_v: PrideTrans PrideTrans PrideTrans
TheMrFriend: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
WhirlwindAbyss: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Scarbble: love you shivam <3
magicnewgirl: 🩷🩷🩷🩷
Butternades: thanks shivam that makes me feel a lot better as a US Federal HR Specialist
kaareendrup: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride
anneabridged: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
ghizmou: sergePrideLove sergePrideLove sergePrideLove sergePrideLove
phyxius149: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
wrapscalion: Love you Shivan!
fanofmosteverything9: TransgenderPride PansexualPride GayPride
memnus: Thank you, Shivam. TransgenderPride
Ankarah: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
wifi12345678910: Time to cast force of will
thegeardude: 💕💕💕💕
deskisdead: TransgenderPride
1QUIZ1: lupoLOVE lupoLOVE lupoLOVE
CaptainEnder7: lrrHEART BisexualPride lrrHEART
marxmarksman: Oh, it's kind to give Shivam the close up. <3
Cunobelenos: We Trample.
RocknGrohlNerd: breyaTransDynamo breyaTransDynamo
invickthus: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Lord_Hosk: We love you TransgenderPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride PansexualPride GenderFluidPride
magicnewgirl: Never concede!
nyoomgoom: PrideWingL PrideLion PrideWingR
namagem1: GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride
themightygerg: We play the Stoptopus!
Mistheart: <3 <3 <3 <3
chumpXL: PrideHeartL PrideLove PrideHeartR
Mattmitchell45: PrideLion PrideLion PrideLion
Stormgod519: Preach it Shivam!!!
laikagoat: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
thegeardude: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride
Mangledpixel: we are the Gathering
darkora: <3
usmu1976: BisexualPride VirtualHug BisexualPride VirtualHug BisexualPride VirtualHug BisexualPride
LilyOfTheVeil666: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
TheWriterAleph: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
pleonasticTautology: thank you shivan lrrHEART
control_rig: TransgenderPride GayPride
kaareendrup: GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride
danbjorn: lrrSHINE
TehAmelie: lrrSHINE
TheShatzMan: 🥹🥹🥹
coachNelly: thanks Shivam!!
Juliamon: Hell yeah.
hexthehex: Oh this is a lovely surprise, thanks for the awesome words shivam.
GredGredmansson: That's so good.
BITs19_: Thanks Shivam lrrSHINE
UnknownFriday: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Asolya: Awwww thank you Shivam
control_rig: lrrHEART
Hansk_and_Boo: lrrSIG lrrFINE lrrSIG
Incandescent_Zubat: seabatClap seabatClap GayPride GayPride
Flyingdelorion: 2020Glitchy 2020Glitchy 2020Glitchy 2020Glitchy 2020Glitchy
shabe_x_roc: :'-)
R__Doom: lrrSHINE
Verrain2: Well said Shivam!
samsquatch_28: yessss
anneabridged: Thank you Shivam!!
Lord_Dodo: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
grandchickenlord: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride
Nommii77 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 109 months!
warpstonewarlock: Happy Birthday Shivam! And thank you!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Nommii77! (Today's storm count: 130)
iPsyop: Shivam making me tear up as an american.
jaak0n: <3
OmegaPlatinum: barrPresto barrPresto barrPresto barrPresto barrPresto
Carlioo: never forget: you're better than them!
Cinnabat: <3 <3 <3 <3
ExachixKitsune: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
bisaflau: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
chuckaw1977: OMG....That was AMAZING
Hansk_and_Boo: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
usmu1976: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride
thanzo: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride
wifi12345678910: lrrHEART
GhostValv: lrrSHINE
RocknGrohlNerd: good message
plaidanddrpepper: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
ExachixKitsune: 2-80?!
Iceberg_Man: <3
itsj0mi: never scoop EZ
JustAnotherMuffin: WOTC can suck eggs if they have a problem with this
phoenixfeather14: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride
Orxolon: who is "them"?
ElissenRedux: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Aarek: lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
Jigokuro: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
huffdaddy513: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
call_me_gee: hell yeah
Greyah: Shivam is cool. Make em have it.
RocknGrohlNerd: who won the die roll?
eleric937: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
micalovits: Hey, two wins? That is better than Serge!
LarkSachrosis: If the situation were hopeless, their propaganda would not be necessary.
Jobot180: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
caetzer: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Sage0fMadness: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
duedz2: <3
Stormgod: thank you yall!
LRRbot: For more information on Aetherdrift, including a full image gallery, where you can find your local prerelease, and where to pre-order the set, click here!
Stormgod: love a good crack a pack
OVERKiLL!: 🔴🟡🟢🏁💙
OVERKiLL!: Loading Ready Love
Stormgod: hello overkill
Stormgod: welcome
OVERKiLL!: big ups @Stormgod thank you
Stormgod: cheers
Stormgod: we just hanging out
Stormgod: it is the break time
Stormgod: so imma grab a drink
OVERKiLL!: i caught the tailend of that crackapack
SmithKurosaki: Yup, nows a good time to cycle those fluids
SmithKurosaki: That way you're ready to race
OVERKiLL!: Shivam🏁
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): epic match of Shivam vs Wheeler
jan Melantu: Shivam and Wheeler LOVE Magic
Paulo Bastos: my three dads
Andy Shamel: I hear these guys love Magic
SmithKurosaki: Ahh yes, this is going well lol
Stormgod: Happy early Birthday Shivam!!!
Nadav Franji: happy Bday shivam!
Stormgod: Trans Rights!
TLBlitz: My birthday too! Happy shared birthday!
MsMollieMac: 👊
OVERKiLL!: 🎉 Happy BORN Day @Shivam 🎁
SmithKurosaki: @Justin You can stick around if you keep the politics out of chat
MsMollieMac: tyank you Shivam!
Andy Shamel: Thank you, mods!
Stormgod: Preach it!!!
WeedMom666: LOVED watching a certain comment get nuked in real time lmao
J D (JDMan94): Trans Rights baby, we ain't conceding
flyingtoastr: Common Shivam W
John Hill: Trans Rights!
Kevin Bowrin: Never concede!
Paulo Bastos: 👏👏👏👏👏
Crom: <3
Spencer Powell: :_lrrHeart::_lrrHeart:
Crom: Let go Shivam!
Filip de Groot Boersma: <3
Rourke9: lesson: Wheeler is the villain
Mythallian: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
usmu1976: BisexualPride PansexualPride AsexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride
slandernlies: <3
pharmdnd: Thank you Shivam!
RossIrelandPrime: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
crazyburrito7: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
thanzo: <3
CuChullain21: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride
grandchickenlord: @larksachrosis 💯
Flyingdelorion: VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug
namagem1: DDD
PipeSmokingOwl: Allegedly...
control_rig: Hahahah
onmartn: MARIO BROS
iPsyop: free luigi !
slandernlies: Such a cutie!
gluonquark: AsexualPride NonbinaryPride TransgenderPride AsexualPride NonbinaryPride TransgenderPride AsexualPride NonbinaryPride AsexualPride NonbinaryPride TransgenderPride
DiscordianTokkan: yesss
darkora: Doomblade, Dismember, Defenestrate
Timagio: Wheeler would get Pinkerton'd and we love him for that
Rourke9: something something author of Goosebumps
Stormgod519: thank you so much for that!
loufghyslaufey: Wow, Wheeler getting put on blast! LUL MindManners TPFufun mattlrDogchamp
LRRbot: Marauding Mako [R] | Creature — Shark Pirate [1/1] | Whenever you discard one or more cards, put that many +1/+1 counters on this creature. / Cycling {2}
BrowneePointz: This card is grooossss
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Stormgod519: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
GredGredmansson: Sick deck name Shivam
Scarbble: shark alert
Derekwillis: <3
wifi12345678910: Blahaj?
nyoomgoom: PrideRise PrideRise PrideRise PrideRise PrideRise PrideRise PrideRise
fanofmosteverything9: Shark love discard card
kynelwynn: Shivam that deck name is such a chef's kiss
h3rsh3yb4r: god can doomblade, dismember, dreadbore be a CK button
JRandomHacker: T1 Mako, T2 One With Nothing
Diabore: lotta black green so far, thats 3 of them now
pipshardfour: shark warning
BrowneePointz: Disfigurine!
itsj0mi: W
GredGredmansson: Dead Paperweight
GreatWahooney: nooo, how dare!
Orxolon: sorry for the ignorance,who is "them"?
RockPusher: Thank you Shivam, and also, Happy Birthday for tomorrow too! lrrSHINE
namagem1: T1 bauble is rude
Timagio: @BrowneePointz Datfigurine!
Anubis169: grimmy17: Your sub appears to have expired
fanofmosteverything9: Ooh, nostalgia bomb from Wheeler's deck name.
ThorSokar: composLove Here's to Shivam upping that to 84 & 3
RocknGrohlNerd: @BrowneePointz nice
Mattmitchell45: I love that Ikoria set us up for Draw/Discard Sharks
fele_of_Cardmarket subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, fele_of_Cardmarket! (Today's storm count: 131)
coachNelly: that dashboard has some confessional to do
LRRbot: Muraganda Raceway | Land | Start your engines! / {T}: Add {C}. / Max speed — {T}: Add {C}{C}.
KorrenTheNinth: @h3rsh3yb4r I second this
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: they misspelled Gruul in the deck name
Anubis169: let's fix that
TXC2: Orxolon "people" who we don't need to talk about
Anubis169 gifted a Tier 1 sub to grimmy17! They have given 13 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, grimmy17! (Today's storm count: 132)
Debatra: @Orxolon Presumably US politics.
pleonasticTautology: oh that's a cool land
galleadden: Shivam made sure even if wheeler won the game, They won the fans
LRRbot: Scrap Compactor [1] | Artifact | {3}, {T}, Sacrifice this artifact: It deals 3 damage to target creature. / {6}, {T}, Sacrifice this artifact: Destroy target creature or Vehicle.
GreatWahooney: Scractor
Chesul: That land not coming in tapped is kinda insane.
grimmy17: @Anubis169 Thank you <3 <3 lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
fanofmosteverything9: Pact Comscraptor
RandomTrivia: Scrompactor
dpj2009: Scrap compactor was my nickname in hikeschool
LRRbot: Jungle Hollow | Land | This land enters tapped. / When this land enters, you gain 1 life. / {T}: Add {B} or {G}.
LRRMTG_Judge: incredibly well said, Shivam :) and happy (near-)birthday! - Squirrel
Orxolon: @TXC2 what happened?i am completely like Adam level of lost
grandchickenlord: <message deleted>any chance you Canadians can come down here and burn down the white house again?
BrowneePointz: @Orxolon i whispered you
kynelwynn: Anyone else hearing "Worthless" playing?
LRRbot: Draconautics Engineer [1R] | Creature — Goblin Artificer [2/2] | Exhaust — {R}: Other creatures you control gain haste until end of turn. Put a +1/+1 counter on this creature. / Exhaust — {3}{R}: Create a 4/4 red Dinosaur Dragon creature token with flying.
GredGredmansson: @Orxolon real world stuff. Nothing LRR specific. Please don't ask further.
Juliamon: Chat, we appreciate the sentiment, but the moment has passed. Back to Magic please.
Haroldholmes25: good gobbo
GoblinRoyalty: My favorite duo! can’t wait to see them at MC Chicago
cameron_in_the_hizous: judge my opponent has played 2 rares in 3 turns
Debatra: "We're all here playing Magic" Yes, and we'd like to have a break from everyone feeling the need to make political statements all the time so we can just relax and enjoy the Magic.
RealGamerCow: "It makes a Tappy" :D
kaareendrup: Dang that's a lot of card for card
Mr_Horrible: eggs-haust
Orxolon: @GredGredmansson ok
Marvoleath: but this one has two exhausts
GhostValv: oof
LSRubin: just spray some carbon monoxide on the card to represent the exhaust fumes
MrSarkhan: hateful
GredGredmansson: oh its the thing that makes the Dracosaur- and its dead.
TXC2: removal busted, should be baned
warpstonewarlock: wow
ArdCollider: Shivam's sempai here to say "get him, Wheeler, get his ass"
ArdCollider: :D
Mr_Bitterness: Ben and his "Oops all removal deck"
ExachixKitsune: love watching these two
ipoddodd: wheeler playing removal with his removal
cameron_in_the_hizous: it does die to doomblade at least
LRRbot: Rocketeer Boostbuggy [RG] | Artifact — Vehicle [3/2] | Whenever this Vehicle attacks, create a Treasure token. / Exhaust — {3}: This Vehicle becomes an artifact creature. Put a +1/+1 counter on it. / Crew 1
Debatra: (Yes, I'm done. Just magic talk now. 👍 )
TXC2: woopse, didin't mean to tag BusTed in that :p
r10pez10: *akira slides into chat*
onmartn: Wotc please nerf removal
Caryotip: i feel like a lot of marbles are hanging on this game
fanofmosteverything9: Perma-crew
BusTed: I'm used to it.
TXC2: hello r10pez10
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: cheer69 first time I’ve ever watched a PPR live!
TXC2: BusTed lrrHEART
iPsyop: Wheeler when he see's 1 mana removal: "oh yeah that's the good stuff"
wifi12345678910: Weird question, but is Gruul spelled wrong in Shivam's deck name?
r10pez10: !greetings
LRRbot: Greetings, you Steeple Creepers!
BusTed: @TXC2 lrrHEART
LRRbot: Debris Beetle [2BG] | Artifact — Vehicle [6/6] | Trample / When this Vehicle enters, each opponent loses 3 life and you gain 3 life. / Crew 2
Khyrberos: Yeah it is
BrowneePointz: Beep Beep Bug Bus
BrowneePointz: Speed Rhino
ekplayscards: LUL
Timagio: Siege Renault!
Diabore: thats so good
That1GuyBen: siege rido is pretty good
TXC2: wifi12345678910 yes and no
e_bloc: what did everyone get one
GredGredmansson: Siege Renault was the Scryfall name
ztghostie: everyone has the debreetle appparently
r10pez10: i hear wheeler and shivam love magic
Ard_Rhys: most common rare in the set apparently
KhazzyB: Speedge Rhino
coachNelly: debris beetle 'rare' card from aetherdrift
RocknGrohlNerd: the britz
Mythallian: wait did someone hear graham from offstage?
ekplayscards: @r10pez10 big if true
Criously: Siege Renault
Marvoleath: Sledge rhino
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: @wifi12345678910 I noticed that too
Scarbble: so many beetles
Valqori: Siege Carhino
DanTheMediocre: rhino beetle?
ekplayscards: @coachNelly oh how the mighty have fallen
thegeardude: This beetle is making this ppr a party for itself haha
fanofmosteverything9: Autopilot engaged.
That1GuyBen: is that a muraganda raceway with shivam
TXC2: wifi12345678910 it's correct for the actual word, and incorrect for the pun :p
sacredserenity: Wheeler playing without sleeves?
LRRbot: Agonasaur Rex [3GG] | Creature — Dinosaur [8/8] | Trample / Cycling {2}{G} / When you cycle this card, put two +1/+1 counters on up to one target creature or Vehicle. It gains trample and indestructible until end of turn.
LSRubin: we shouldn't have self-driving cars in Magic
Haroldholmes25: LUL
micalovits: @sacredserenity As always in the PPR
kynelwynn: Typically plays unsleeved, yes
ipoddodd: @sacredserenity classic wheeler
Scarbble: beeeeg dino!
GredGredmansson: love me a 5 mana 8/8 Trample
usmu1976: @sacredserenity yes
fanofmosteverything9: (Jurassic Park on kazoo intensifies)
TXC2: 5 mana 8/8 trample, still bad :p
GreatWahooney: oof size: large
kaareendrup: pog
LRRbot: Scrap Compactor [1] | Artifact | {3}, {T}, Sacrifice this artifact: It deals 3 damage to target creature. / {6}, {T}, Sacrifice this artifact: Destroy target creature or Vehicle.
RocknGrohlNerd: @sacredserenity I mean when is he not :D
chriswr5: contrary to popular belief, magic cards are meant to be played with LuL
sacredserenity: @RocknGrohlNerd Don't watch them that often tbh, but I am not surprised :D
Khyrberos: Paying attention confirmed
t7112: confirmation
That1GuyBen: it's just a big dumb idiot
Timagio: with freed souls
BrowneePointz: it's a 5 mana 8/8 or an INCREDIBLE combat trick
Rourke9: Wheeler knows there will be a test at the end
chriswr5: wheelerRat
Randall Kelly: we can absolutely pull the board wipe off the top! never give up!
Clockwork Cthulhu: that is so beautiful 🥲
Matthew Zweig: Shivam is amazing!
Lizzie Two Shoes: Thank you, Shivam ❤️ happy birthday!!!
Lucian Clark: Thank you Shivam ❤
MsMollieMac: Whoever works on the VOD can we get a cut of that on the channel?
Justin Leach: …in Minecraft
flyingtoastr: Common Wheeler W too
Jolyn Villa: Love Shivam
LRRbot: Marauding Mako [R] | Creature — Shark Pirate [1/1] | Whenever you discard one or more cards, put that many +1/+1 counters on this creature. / Cycling {2}
Crom: We love this stuff wizards!
MahNoseIsMelting ReallyItIs: strong start pfff
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): ooooh
Pharmacistjudge: no! not blahaj
LRRbot: Muraganda Raceway | Land | Start your engines! / {T}: Add {C}. / Max speed — {T}: Add {C}{C}.
jan Melantu: TRON
LRRbot: Scrap Compactor [1] | Artifact | {3}, {T}, Sacrifice this artifact: It deals 3 damage to target creature. / {6}, {T}, Sacrifice this artifact: Destroy target creature or Vehicle.
SmithKurosaki: @Pharmacistjudge I love Blahaj
LRRbot: Jungle Hollow | Land | This land enters tapped. / When this land enters, you gain 1 life. / {T}: Add {B} or {G}.
LRRbot: Draconautics Engineer [1R] | Creature — Goblin Artificer [2/2] | Exhaust — {R}: Other creatures you control gain haste until end of turn. Put a +1/+1 counter on this creature. / Exhaust — {3}{R}: Cre…
TriforceDrummer: Oh this is what makes the dino dragon
Andy Shamel: As the dad of a newborn, I feel seen
Paulo Bastos: Wheeler sucks
LRRbot: Rocketeer Boostbuggy [RG] | Artifact — Vehicle [3/2] | Whenever this Vehicle attacks, create a Treasure token. / Exhaust — {3}: This Vehicle becomes an artifact creature. Put a +1/+1 counter on it. /…
LRRbot: Debris Beetle [2BG] | Artifact — Vehicle [6/6] | Trample / When this Vehicle enters, each opponent loses 3 life and you gain 3 life. / Crew 2
Justin Leach: Shivam and Wheeler Theoretically Love Magic, Even If One Of Them Doesn’t Get To Play is admittedly more accurate but less catchy
MajorHorrigan: is wheeler racing in middle earth?
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): Siege Car
Stormgod: made a yt clip of Shivam's message
Anthony Locker: Happy birthday, Shivam!!!! I can't properly express just how much we love you. Thank you!
LRRbot: Agonasaur Rex [3GG] | Creature — Dinosaur [8/8] | Trample / Cycling {2}{G} / When you cycle this card, put two +1/+1 counters on up to one target creature or Vehicle. It gains trample and indestructi…
MajorHorrigan: trash XD
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): big dino
LRRbot: Scrap Compactor [1] | Artifact | {3}, {T}, Sacrifice this artifact: It deals 3 damage to target creature. / {6}, {T}, Sacrifice this artifact: Destroy target creature or Vehicle.
Innis Mirage of Deceit: Its a siege lambo
OVERKiLL!: LOL the decknames are 🔥
iPsyop: never assume the gruul deck doesn't have path to exile in it lol..
UnknownFriday: Incredible eyebrows.
RocknGrohlNerd: @sacredserenity fair :)
RandomTrivia: Creature stats really just don't matter any more, do they
TXC2: bless you
Greyah: I think life totals are woopsied? Shivam should be at 12, Wheeler at 13?
coachNelly: speederate
EvilBadman: Shouldn't that be 'Gruul' in Shivam's deck name?
frnknstn: oh yeah that is a great combat trick
fanofmosteverything9: Speederate
Bugberry: @RandomTrivia not unless they come with some other value.
LRRbot: Veloheart Bike [2G] | Artifact — Vehicle [4/2] | When this Vehicle enters, you gain 2 life. / {T}: Add one mana of any color. / Crew 2
Bugberry: @RandomTrivia or haste/ward/hexproof.
LSRubin: "Velociheart" dinos on the brain LUL
Mattmitchell45: @EvilBadman Hopefully someone fixes it cause this is like the 6th time it has come up in chat
coachNelly: shivam used treasure to cast bike? just checking
GredGredmansson: @coachNelly he did yes
LRRbot: Kalakscion, Hunger Tyrant [1BB] | Legendary Creature — Crocodile [7/2]
cameron_in_the_hizous: @coachNelly yup!
LRRMTG_Judge: @coachNelly He did - Natedogg
BrowneePointz: 3 mana 7/2
coachNelly: tyyt
BrowneePointz: Let's GOOOOOO
fanofmosteverything9: Yargle Jr.
r10pez10: i wanna croc (croc!)
BrowneePointz: Big Croc mama
ipoddodd: Why are they so BIG
thanzo: powerful croc
RandomTrivia: Speaking of creature stats not mattering benginFacepalm
LRRbot: Broken Wings [2G] | Instant | Destroy target artifact, enchantment, or creature with flying.
dpj2009: Yugiboi is unleashing!
maclenrac: what the...?
Bugberry: dabroken
RocknGrohlNerd: oh black betty klakalak
TheDevil_Risen: Shivam! <3
BrowneePointz: Debreetle been Debrided
Timagio: Take! These broken wings!
LRRbot: Afterburner Expert [2G] | Creature — Goblin Artificer [4/2] | Exhaust — {2}{G}{G}: Put two +1/+1 counters on this creature. / Whenever you activate an exhaust ability, return this card from your graveyard to the battlefield.
fanofmosteverything9: Beetles do have wings...
TXC2: chat, what if the Shivam's deck name is correct and is just trolling y'all ?
mastershake29x: @LoadingReadyRun Paul - typo in Shivam's deck name I'm pretty sure
coachNelly: narrator: actually thats not fair at all
micalovits: Only if all your opponents get a second rite in their starting hand for free
BITs19_: WAT
Bugberry: Venge-Goblin
RocknGrohlNerd: "anyways, lava axe"... wheeler probably
mastershake29x: @TXC2 thou shall not take metallica lyrics in vein?
cameron_in_the_hizous: you know if thing had happened than thing would happen
kaareendrup: So much swagger from Ben
TXC2: mastershake29x yes
kynelwynn: Most of the exerts do put +1/+s on themselves
coachNelly: many of the Exhaust cards come with counters
RockPusher: gabyLul
dpj2009: CurseLit
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
That1GuyBen: OH BOY
RandomTrivia: lrrCOW
LRRbot: Chandra's Ignition [3RR] | Sorcery | Target creature you control deals damage equal to its power to each other creature and each opponent.
TXC2: hot AND Fresh out the kitchen
jamwno: @coachnelly all uncommon and commons do
GredGredmansson: and Shivam has Max Speed
RealGamerCow: Shivam saying Chandra's name makes my brain happy.
fanofmosteverything9: Max speeeeeeed!
BrowneePointz: that art is GORGEOUS
RockPusher: !gant
LRRbot: Controls are locked for the next 6000 seconds.
cameron_in_the_hizous: sol ring online!
Timagio: Monopog
LiveFaust: That art is GORGEOUS.
RockPusher: PogChamp
chriswr5: wheelerPog
n3ther: he's pogging off
Bugberry: Hard to not pog when going very fast
fanofmosteverything9: Golgari pog typal
thanzo: going fast will do that to you
TXC2: !addquote (Wheeler) [now] So much of my deck is pogging.
LRRbot: New quote #9254: "So much of my deck is pogging." —Wheeler [2025-01-31]
Rourke9: wheelerPog
drewm1022: Wheeler should have a speed fwiw.
Mattmitchell45: You know Amonkhet animals are gonna be pogging
That1GuyBen: god can't help you from this dinosaur shivam
BrowneePointz: Deck name suggestion for WHeeler: Pogadile Rock
RocknGrohlNerd: ooop all pog faces edh deck
Xerodin: did shivam use his treasure instead of his mana rock on wheelers turn?
Greyah: Shivam should have 4 more life, and wheeler 4 less. Damage from Shivam's first attack had been incorrectly assigned to himself.
NapalmSideburns: Beep beep!
GredGredmansson: @Xerodin he didn't have the mana rock at the time
Mattmitchell45: @drewm1022 Did Wheeler play a Start Your Engine's card?
GredGredmansson: @Mattmitchell45 he did not
fanofmosteverything9: One of the most gorgeous Special Guests in the set.
Rourke9: such a perfect reprint
AzureDragonGod subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 74 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AzureDragonGod! (Today's storm count: 133)
drewm1022: Oooooh. Good point. I r dum.
TXC2: !relaxed
LRRbot: REL:Axed or Rules Enforcement level relaxed means we try to let the cards do what they are supposed to do, and not punish players for their mistakes. While we all try to follow the rules these cards are brand new to everyone and mistakes will be made, just sit back and enjoy the stream.
Greyah: I noticed it, but chat moves fast. Also I'm not a judge. Ingore me!
GredGredmansson: why did chat wait until the end of the game to say that
micalovits: I think it was all correct, he took 3 from the siege beedle
RockPusher: !quote 5703
LRRbot: Quote #5703: "There's nothing on the line but having good times." —Shivam [2019-01-11]
GredGredmansson: oh.
chuckaw1977: Can't wait to see you all in Chicago
GredGredmansson: OOOH.
pleonasticTautology: asmoranodaistinaculdacar
Paulo Bastos: is it even card design at that point
Jaime Grijalba: it doesn't stop being a creature?
LRRbot: Veloheart Bike [2G] | Artifact — Vehicle [4/2] | When this Vehicle enters, you gain 2 life. / {T}: Add one mana of any color. / Crew 2
Scott Wendt: a mana rock you can ride sounds pretty fun
LRRbot: Kalakscion, Hunger Tyrant [1BB] | Legendary Creature — Crocodile [7/2]
Pharmacistjudge: the exhaust ability of the buggy does *not* say "until end of turn"
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): yay vanilla
Paulo Bastos: 3GG 8/8 Trample, poor green, such a limited design space
LRRbot: Broken Wings [2G] | Instant | Destroy target artifact, enchantment, or creature with flying.
J McTeague: oh black betty, Kalak
LRRbot: Afterburner Expert [2G] | Creature — Goblin Artificer [4/2] | Exhaust — {2}{G}{G}: Put two +1/+1 counters on this creature. / Whenever you activate an exhaust ability, return this card from your grav…
James Campbell: 🐊
XenoPenumbra: Getting 8 OOF
Guevon: he can't keep getting away with this!! 😂😭😭
leonis_contego: Hi Ziggs
Paulo Bastos: who would've thought that one day green would be the worst color
Philocrates: Me, because I've been saying it's the worst color for years! DOWN WITH GREEN!
LRRbot: Chandra's Ignition [3RR] | Sorcery | Target creature you control deals damage equal to its power to each other creature and each opponent.
multeyemeteor: Petition to make Wheeler an Oathbreaker commander with Berserk in every single command zone of every single game he plays?
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): nice
OVERKiLL!: 🔥🔥🔥🔥
beatrix: when every color's green, no color is
Stormgod: well
Stormgod: fair
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): Max speed
Paulo Bastos: Charli XCX's "Vroom Vroom" stars playing.
Stormgod: a 5 mana 8/8 is wild
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): with trample
multeyemeteor: Golgari Pogs
Stormgod: ah, love broken wings
Phill Olson: so excited. I never am lucky enough to catch this live.
Stormgod: well, hang on!
Stormgod: oh wow
RealGamerCow: ook ook intensifies
pleonasticTautology: no i goofed it!
CommanderZim: Judge! I need a snack pls.
GredGredmansson: Wheeler's already looking forward to the Muraganda set I see
pleonasticTautology: i biffed it!
Simonark: Look, Shivam won the moral victory, and that's all that matters.
drcthulu: open big things, turn them sideways
googoltudoris: i'm naming all my decks after metal albums with hot rods on them
SimWOT: wheelerOok
Marvoleath: @pleonasticTautology missed mardica
TheOneInquisitor: Did we have someone with the siege renault in all three matches today
Tai114: !card Asmoranomardicadaistinaculdacar
LRRbot: Asmoranomardicadaistinaculdacar | Legendary Creature — Human Wizard [3/3] | As long as you've discarded a card this turn, you may pay {B/R} to cast this spell. / When Asmoranomardicadaistinaculdacar enters, you may search your library for a card named The Underworld Cookbook, reveal it, put it into your hand, then shuffle. / Sacrifice two Foods: Target creature deals 6 damage to itself.
WitchGirlTamara: just looked up that chandra's ignition art. it's really pretty :D
xblue007: Goodness Six years ago....
pleonasticTautology: @Marvoleath yeah 😔
thegeardude: Ben was just laying Hammers out in that game
LRRMTG_Judge: @CommanderZim You have my permission to acquire one (1) snack - BlackRose
nymistrya: Its almost like these two love magic or something
RandomTrivia: Shivam "Outrageously Good and Wholesome Person" Bhatt over here
BrowneePointz: and now you've worked on a Set!
CommanderZim: @LRRMTG_Judge NomNom
kaareendrup: Shivam you're a treasure of the community
Orestes290: Wheelerdrift!
goatprince: and cameron's in this set, getting launched
RocknGrohlNerd: wheeler, noted Nekusar player :D
fanofmosteverything9: Ben "Aetherdrift" Wheeler
RockPusher: excellent
Dog_of_Myth: Awesome!
Stormgod519: @LRRMTG_Judge what about me? am hung
TXC2: give me that TTC !
Stormgod519: hungy
Stormgod519: shoot
Stormgod519: sorry
Scarbble: i am so excited to listen to shivam for 45 minutes
RockPusher: gabyLul
TrendingNonGamer: gottum
n3ther: lUL
niccus: so how is this compared to wheelie breakers
t7112: i love the vibe of the energy of Shivan and Ben!
GredGredmansson: tomLewd
PipeSmokingOwl: so is this TTC one of Shivam's favorites??
cameron_in_the_hizous: @Stormgod519 lmao
iPsyop: Shivam is the best
Tai114: Take the mulligoose
TXC2: cmdrzellgaudis I will if you keep all caping :p
dragonofnivix: @PipeSmokingOwl Of all time I imagine
LRRMTG_Judge: @Stormgod519 I will allow you to have one (1) snack as well - Natedogg
Stormgod519: i meant to say hungy!
BrowneePointz: I love that we finally have Avishkari Loxodon, AND their art goes HARD as HECK!
LRRMTG_Judge: @Stormgod519 You may also acquire one (1) snack - BlackRose
munocard: No, that's legal
Stormgod519: @LRRMTG_Judge thanks Nate. Apologies on the typo
PipeSmokingOwl: @dragonofnivix lrrLUL
LRRMTG_Judge: i went throught the replay, it makes sense to me. Shivam lose 3 from the trigger, and attack for 6. Gain 2 from trigger, 8 from a hit.. then lose 5 to zero. the life totals was correct. pharma2Vial
RocknGrohlNerd: @Stormgod519 its all good :)
Stormgod519: Damn right Shivam!
Stormgod519: never concede
LithelyUnshod: 729597
fanofmosteverything9: It's like asking the paladin to go to the other end of town for a few hours.
LRRMTG_Judge: Confirmed that this is a thing that you can do if both players agree (but in a sanctioned event you do have to report the drawn game as part of your results!) - Squirrel
BrowneePointz: I still have my DCI card in my wallet
Xerodin: 8208303074
TehAmelie: i remember my Club Nintendo member number
Stormgod519: o7
t7112: back in Ice Age!
TXC2: I think I have two DCI numbers :p
thegeardude: I was born in 1995
wifi12345678910: Ghost ship!
avjamethyst: you don't have any nieces or nephews
chuckaw1977: I still have my DCI card
Gekyouryuu: I THINK it's 6102724838?
frnknstn: got my DCi at the prerelease for Mirage
Juliamon: No idea where my DCI card went. It disappeared really fast.
maywecomein: Shivam! My DCI number is 5433, also used for an ice age block constructed at Games of Berkeley! (even been?)
TXC2: cmdrzellgaudis please do not all caps
LRRMTG_Judge: !card Ghost Ship
LRRbot: Ghost Ship [2UU] | Creature — Spirit [2/4] | Flying / {U}{U}{U}: Regenerate Ghost Ship.
forestflunge: 1106784791
Bugberry: ghost ship was on the Time Spiral time shifted sheet
JRandomHacker: 2203739533
Woodthorn: @LRRMTG_Judge I thought with the introduction of the Companion app that draws aren't tracked any more?
QuixoticScrivener: Duelist Consortium International, right?
Ard_Rhys: For some reason I was never given a DCI card, so my DCI number was scrawled on a scrap of paper.
cameron_in_the_hizous: some things are more important cam
LRRMTG_Judge: Got a reprint in Masters 25, I believe. - Squirrel
GredGredmansson: I think i started playing only a few months before that whole thing ended
t7112: who needs that math Cam!
iSmartMan1: 610361420 1
Bugberry: Ghost Ship is Modern legal
TXC2: Juliamon I think mine is still in my wallet :p
fanofmosteverything9: 1201873780
LRRbot: Jungle Hollow | Land | This land enters tapped. / When this land enters, you gain 1 life. / {T}: Add {B} or {G}.
Simonark: Look. Some people really want their favorite characters to hook up with ghosts, and they're really into talking about it.
Anubis169: Still got my DCI card, but I got it in the States so the number's different to all the ones in UK
LRRbot: Venomsac Lagac [1G] | Creature — Lizard Mount [2/1] | Deathtouch / Whenever this creature attacks while saddled, it gets +0/+3 until end of turn. / Saddle 2
DiscordianTokkan: lol
coachNelly: prove it
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
BrowneePointz: thanks Muraganda is now set to Kool & the Gang for me forever now Shivam
TehAmelie: i've got the feeling the urge to not have to shuffle your deck again plays into mulligan strategies a lot
TheDevil_Risen: hahaha
NapalmSideburns: But did you grow up in a dip?
pleonasticTautology: i can remember the phone number for nintendo of america support but cannot remember the names of any of my cousins (and never have been able to)
BrowneePointz: Get on up-a Grooved on up-a
thanzo: the funky little digits on the back of your credit card pls
mortazza_e_vino: yey ppr with guests <3
LRRbot: Veloheart Bike [2G] | Artifact — Vehicle [4/2] | When this Vehicle enters, you gain 2 life. / {T}: Add one mana of any color. / Crew 2
LoadingReadyRun: lrrPAUL Maybe don't post your DCI number, It's probably fine, but I'm slightly concern that people are doxxing themselves lrrAWW
Simonark: Don't tell us, I've never made a correct choice.
Stormgod519: thanks Paul
LRRMTG_Judge: @Woodthorn Hmm, good point, there might not be a slot in the UI for it. I would have to check - a quick search isn't giving me anything concrete. - Squirrel
TXC2: pleonasticTautology I have over 25 cousins, I was never gonna be able to remember the, :P
r10pez10: please post your power and toughness instead
LRRbot: Muraganda Raceway | Land | Start your engines! / {T}: Add {C}. / Max speed — {T}: Add {C}{C}.
TXC2: *them
LRRMTG_Judge: Agreeing to both go back to 7 is actually something I regularly offer my opponents at prereleases if we're both mulliganing lower than 5. What technically happens is we draw the game and go to the next one, but @Woodthorn is correct that drawn games aren't reported in Companion, only drawn matches - BlackRose
wifi12345678910: I'm a 0/1 human
7fpv: is Aetherdrift playable on mtg arena online ?
LoadingReadyRun: lrrPAUL lrrAWESOME
RandomTrivia: The overlay is absolutely absurdly good
Mr_Bitterness: lrrPAUL
ExachixKitsune: @r10pez10 0/0 somehow
TXC2: 7fpv not yet
RockPusher: lrrHEART lrrSLOTH lrrHEART
pleonasticTautology: @TXC2 i don't have that many, we just never spent time around our extended family
g0blinslide: lrrPAUL lrrPAUL
Scarbble: @7fpv not yet
LRRbot: Endrider Catalyzer [1R] | Creature — Human Warrior [3/1] | Start your engines! / Max speed — {T}: Add {R}{R}.
goatprince: shout into the microphone for our boy paul,
Orxolon: thank you Paul
Stormgod: that card is cool
Paulo Bastos: right
Paulo Bastos: just guys being dudes
Stormgod: oh Serge...
Stormgod: oh boy
Stormgod: Ayyyy
Stormgod: we love Chandra's Ignition
MajorHorrigan: I m sure he never heard any jokes about his name and wheels before XD
Phill Olson: are there still giveaways today?
Stormgod: no giveaways for this one
Paulo Bastos: make him eat smoke, Shivam
Stormgod: Max Speed
Guevon: shivams the best lmao
Phill Olson: thank you
Stormgod: we do love Shivam
Paulo Bastos: Shivam: 🏎 / Wheeler:🚙
Deebster: I have to say, Wheeler's sleeves are really sweet
MysticMogul: Tim on a boat!?
MysticMogul: Aww, that's not Tim on a boat. Nevermind.
Stormgod: yeah, not likely
MysticMogul: I got excited.
OVERKiLL!: The DARK is a sick set 🌙
Stormgod: no
Stormgod: its not
Stormgod: it is a sick set
LRRbot: Jungle Hollow | Land | This land enters tapped. / When this land enters, you gain 1 life. / {T}: Add {B} or {G}.
Stormgod: this goblin is great
Stormgod: we are? oh, we are...
LRRbot: Venomsac Lagac [1G] | Creature — Lizard Mount [2/1] | Deathtouch / Whenever this creature attacks while saddled, it gets +0/+3 until end of turn. / Saddle 2
Stormgod: Wheeler....
Paulo Bastos: Justin Timberlake mentioned
SmithKurosaki: Wheeler, No!
Stormgod: name of your 3rd grade teacher...
LRRbot: Veloheart Bike [2G] | Artifact — Vehicle [4/2] | When this Vehicle enters, you gain 2 life. / {T}: Add one mana of any color. / Crew 2
Paulo Bastos: 🤨
SmithKurosaki: Remember chat - Dont dox your friends (or streamers)
Stormgod: yeah
SmithKurosaki: !aetherdrift
LRRbot: Muraganda Raceway | Land | Start your engines! / {T}: Add {C}. / Max speed — {T}: Add {C}{C}.
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): vroom
Stormgod: the start your engines is great
Stormgod: :lrrpaul:
LRRbot: Endrider Catalyzer [1R] | Creature — Human Warrior [3/1] | Start your engines! / Max speed — {T}: Add {R}{R}.
TheJackalMan: It's going to be so disappointing not having that effect in Arena 😆
Paulo Bastos: Paul is a legend
GredGredmansson: dorkdork
RockPusher: That is why he's Paul
fanofmosteverything9: Oh, I love dork rock.
mortazza_e_vino: pretty awesome effect
RandomTrivia: !paullove
LRRbot: It's not Paul's fault, no matter what the streamer says.
coachNelly: alienmaxxing 3rd rock pilled
onmartn: Is there a bus that boardwipes if you're not at max speed??
Tai114: LMAO
coachNelly: yeah yeah i got it
salamisuperstar: Clap
pleonasticTautology: i am, wheeler!
cameron_in_the_hizous: what?
lirazel64: lrrPAUL lrrSHINE
TXC2: I am
couchboyj: seabatClap
chuckaw1977: 3rd Rock for the win
elgenericosfavoriteorphan: ayyy 3rd rock from the sun
fanofmosteverything9: Reference acknolwedged.
pleonasticTautology: french stewart bought me a wig early in my transition
BrowneePointz: gonna have to give that a John Lithscowl
Verrain2: You are the High Commamder!
Simonark: I mean, I know who he is, but that's why I'm not here for the reference?
Tai114: I hate it when my Stewart gets Frenched
ThorSokar: composOld Something something 3rd Rock from the Sun
Symphoneers: I've never frenched a steward in my life.
Land_Manatee: I'm gonna hold out for a better French Stewart referrence.
onmartn: I am here for the French Stewart references
MediocreGamer42: Incoming message from the Big Giant Head!
JustAnotherMuffin: "Got that stuff that made my deck french" Feels like a Dracula Flow line
TehAmelie: the Speed bus would have to boardwipe when you hit max speed
PipeSmokingOwl: so you can Mario Kart speed boost on Start?? so much flavor
RandomTrivia: That art is sick
Chesul: so, you can get the Mariocart perfect start.
frostfox42: thats cool with the speed
Xerodin: can you copy that trigger ability?
GredGredmansson: or One With Death
RandomTrivia: Oh that's just a better wincon for New Perspectives
Diabore: one with nothing finally playable
Marvoleath: !card one with nothing
LRRbot: One with Nothing [B] | Instant | Discard your hand.
GredGredmansson: right Nothing
coachNelly: oooh firestorm referenced 11year old nelly so hype
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
RocknGrohlNerd: firestorm , sweet
cameron_in_the_hizous: many, yeah
clockworkmenagerie: fun with curiosity on end step discard
munocard: We haven't gotten a 0 mana discard outlet since Noose Constrictor
frnknstn: I want Madness back in standard
cheshire_creeper: One With Nothing Combo incoming
LRRMTG_Judge: @Xerodin yes you can.
Kejardon: !card Thunderhead Gunner
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
cheshire_creeper: Bloodthorn Flail
clockworkmenagerie: and by fun we mean goes infinite
RealGamerCow: god I love the full art new kamigawa lands so much
LRRbot: Debris Beetle [2BG] | Artifact — Vehicle [6/6] | Trample / When this Vehicle enters, each opponent loses 3 life and you gain 3 life. / Crew 2
Xerodin: if they one with nothing the magmakin only triggers once right?
Kejardon: there's a discard-draw once-per-turn red creature in the new set
TehAmelie: Debrittle
goatprince: debreetle,,,,,
Dog_of_Myth: It keeps coming back
northos: debreetle is the real star of this PPR
iPsyop: love Shivam and Wheeler love magic.
Kejardon: it's 5 cmc though
That1GuyBen: it's back on the escalator again
Khyrberos: Debreetle my beloved
chriswr5: there's actually only 1 debreedle in the moonbase and everyone is sharing it
Sandeon: a lot of debreetle today
maclenrac: Beetle is a beatdown
Lord_Hosk: Ding him for 21
GredGredmansson: @xblue007 it triggers once but it deals "that much" damage
northos: @maclenrac or is it a beetledown?
iSmartMan1: Debreedle is a good card
GredGredmansson: @Xerodin i mean
Simonark: Shivam and Wheeler Love Magic. It's Behind The Bastards but with Time Spiral instead of terrible people.
Xerodin: ty
Diabore: 3 rounds even
RealGamerCow: like seige rhino in that PPR
JustAnotherMuffin: They made crew really good with this set
TXC2: the debretle is like the one eletron the moves through time an space
Sandeon: Its shown in each round
iSmartMan1: Wait, it's a rare?!
tryllebanjo: Don't give in to Big Beetle! That's what Big Mulch wants you to do!
A_Dub888: de3tle
LRRbot: Broken Wings [2G] | Instant | Destroy target artifact, enchantment, or creature with flying.
Ard_Rhys: plus the one in the crack a pack
TheWriterAleph: huh, reminds me of Boss Debreetle, amiright
GredGredmansson: TAK
coachNelly: beetles have wings wheeler
TheOneInquisitor: Siege Rhino is Siege Rhino
LithelyUnshod: Beetles do have wings
Khyrberos: Beetles have wings xD
JustAnotherMuffin: Flavor Judge? The Debreedle has no wings
cameron_in_the_hizous: hrrrm, seems to me this is a pretty slow format. I know this because I have watched 3 games from the PPR
MediocreGamer42: a beatles reference when kill a beetle
frostfox42: thank god wheeler solved the format with the beetle. what else would i play
ChillyCru: Overrun for foundations. Debreedle for Drift
That1GuyBen: did you know? damage causes loss of life
RockPusher: Mr. Mister not a fan of the Debreetle
TXC2: do ALL Beetles have wings? functoning wings ?
Bugberry: That's the beauty of Ichor Slick.
Marvoleath: but speed only triggers on your turn
Khyrberos: Define "functioning" ; )
fanofmosteverything9: A new card? At the PPR!?
RocknGrohlNerd: gottem
A_Dub888: can I cycle as an interrupt? lrrJUDGECALL lrrJUDGECALL
RandomTrivia: seabatBRAIN
ThorSokar: GOT'EM
coachNelly: lrrLUL
NapalmSideburns: wow, rude
That1GuyBen: wheeler not missing a single beat
chriswr5: thank goodness, im tired of all these cards ive seen before
LRRbot: Daretti, Rocketeer Engineer [4R] | Legendary Creature — Goblin Artificer [*/5] | Daretti's power is equal to the greatest mana value among artifacts you control. / Whenever Daretti enters or attacks, choose target artifact card in your graveyard. You may sacrifice an artifact. If you do, return the chosen card to the battlefield.
TXC2: Khyrberos provides lift to the creature
Simonark: I believe the only thing that MAKES a beetle a beetle are mouth parts that pierce and bite.
snydepels2: Just got here and love the metallica reference in Shivams deck name
maclenrac: They pay life, your speed goes up
TXC2: Simonark interesting
RandomTrivia: Daretti, Rocketeer Welder
LRRbot: Maximum Overdrive [1B] | Instant | Put a +1/+1 counter on target creature. It gains deathtouch and indestructible until end of turn.
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
goatprince: ah, maximillian overdrive,
Tweygoh: Opponent using a fetch land at the end of your turn
fanofmosteverything9: Double deathtouch!
Khyrberos: @txc2 ah, then no I don't think so. But I'm pretty sure all beetles by definition have wings, and they serve some evolutionary function (scaring predators? Cooling? Etc).
pleonasticTautology: i love hearing folks laugh from off-screen
IaCthulhuFthagn: Pretty sure all beetles have wings (and wing sheathes).
LSRubin: overdrive maxing, beetle pilled
Bugberry: @fanofmosteverything9 deathgrab
That1GuyBen: give him fire baby
kynelwynn: The only film King directed
kaareendrup: Vrrroom
TXC2: Khyrberos neat!
LRRbot: Momentum Breaker [1B] | Enchantment | Start your engines! / When this enchantment enters, each opponent sacrifices a creature or Vehicle of their choice. Each opponent who can't discards a card. / {2}, Sacrifice this enchantment: You gain life equal to your speed.
Simonark: @TXC2 Yeah, bugs suck their food, beetles shred.
maclenrac: froom
RandomTrivia: Turn it over a couple times first
IaCthulhuFthagn: Elytra, right. The sheathes are called elytra.
JDMan94: Out of all the cocained fueled movies, Maximum Oversrive certainly is one of them
JohneyS: Maximum Overdrive really showed the full range of Yeardley Smith.
TXC2: Simonark we learning today, thank you
JDMan94: Man typing is hard
LRRbot: Veloheart Bike [2G] | Artifact — Vehicle [4/2] | When this Vehicle enters, you gain 2 life. / {T}: Add one mana of any color. / Crew 2
OVERKiLL!: Big Ups and NUFF Respek @Paul
Stormgod: no kidding
LRRbot: For more information on Aetherdrift, including a full image gallery, where you can find your local prerelease, and where to pre-order the set, click here!
Stormgod: Im gonna make those noises at my PR
RATZGobbler: Paul is why we CAN have nice things.
Paulo Bastos: 🏎
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): Elemental Pirate, don't see that typing often
LRRbot: Debris Beetle [2BG] | Artifact — Vehicle [6/6] | Trample / When this Vehicle enters, each opponent loses 3 life and you gain 3 life. / Crew 2
Paulo Bastos: 🤨
Patrik Caes-Sayrs: debreetle
SmithKurosaki: Serge dying offcam is my favourite
LRRbot: Broken Wings [2G] | Instant | Destroy target artifact, enchantment, or creature with flying.
Paulo Bastos: >:)
Stormgod: lol
Stormgod: dammit, Shivam, make me like you more wont ya!
LRRbot: Daretti, Rocketeer Engineer [4R] | Legendary Creature — Goblin Artificer [*/5] | Daretti's power is equal to the greatest mana value among artifacts you control. / Whenever Daretti enters or attacks,…
MajorHorrigan: I m only here for the reprints
Huecalpixqui Jean III: Daretti isn't a planeswalker anymore...:shelterin:
LRRbot: Maximum Overdrive [1B] | Instant | Put a +1/+1 counter on target creature. It gains deathtouch and indestructible until end of turn.
RATZGobbler: He's not wrong
LRRbot: Momentum Breaker [1B] | Enchantment | Start your engines! / When this enchantment enters, each opponent sacrifices a creature or Vehicle of their choice. Each opponent who can't discards a card. / {2…
Paulo Bastos: more like Betamin Wheeler
Huecalpixqui Jean III: Is that the movie Stephen King directed and claims he doesn't remember at all because he was doing so much nose candy at the time?
OVERKiLL!: its weird when they name a common something like MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE
Nickiatori: @IaCthulhuFthagn idk we should ask serge or James
garunkl: why is the "of their choice" in the ruletext? seems unnessecary
TXC2: IaCthulhuFthagn oh yeah, like in minecraft :p
kaareendrup: lot of incidental lifegain in this set
northos: @garunkl for clarity
LRRbot: Autarch Mammoth [4GG] | Creature — Elephant Mount [5/5] | When this creature enters and whenever it attacks while saddled, create a 3/3 green Elephant creature token. / Saddle 5
GredGredmansson: @garunkl its new templating adopted by WotC recently
JRandomHacker: @garunkl New templating that makes it clear to new players who gets to pick
Haroldholmes25: @garunkl that's just the templating they use now
GreatWahooney: toot toot!
garunkl: ok. thanks for all the responses!
chriswr5: OMG
fanofmosteverything9: Green elephants on parade!
TheDevil_Risen: SICKKK
Timagio: CUTE
JustAnotherMuffin: OMG
iSmartMan1: Oh hey, he's got a counter to the 8/8!
adambomb625: Are there any cards in this set to decrease opponent's speed?
RandomTrivia: WOAH
Dog_of_Myth: Nice
RandomTrivia: That's amazing
LilyOfTheVeil666: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
TheWriterAleph: yay elephant!
thanzo: YOO
goatprince: many, many years ago (like, 3)
GredGredmansson: @adambomb625 exactly one, the Blue Shell
LRRbot: Debris Beetle [2BG] | Artifact — Vehicle [6/6] | Trample / When this Vehicle enters, each opponent loses 3 life and you gain 3 life. / Crew 2
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
DiscordianTokkan: lol
BusTed: gottem
Timagio: Burn
chriswr5: can we get the token on the card reader?
TheMrFriend: so you're going to take your gift back and try to kill him with it?
DyllonKG: Ben Wheeler vs Shivam. Iconic
Simonark: Welcome to the Crack-A-Pachyderm
TheDevil_Risen: Got Em
coachNelly: lrrLUL lrrLUL lrrLUL
MediocreGamer42: SAVAGE
Mythallian: we're in unfinity chat
NewtyNewts: Roasted!
Wolfstrike_NL: 100/10 Cameron, you win the internet
t7112: great jokes!
Scarbble: @Simonark good joke
cameron_in_the_hizous: these new tokens are crazy! the art really pops out
cheezweazl: numotPOOP numotPOOP numotPOOP
LSRubin: this is incredible content
fanofmosteverything9: Mammoth!
thanzo: so that's the smell coming from the moonbase
Timagio: LUL
MediocreGamer42: Hi Stream Highlights!
SubscribensteinsMonster: that was a crap joke. :P
adambomb625: what is the blue shell card's name?
That1GuyBen: it costs 2 less even
coachNelly: artifact though too
DyllonKG: Ok chat, was seems to be the best color pairing to lean into? Give me the details
kaareendrup: incredible Cam
Forlorgen: Powerful Ribs today
coachNelly: wheeler could untap a land
Nickiatori: @DyllonKG purple
Wolfstrike_NL: @DyllonKG purple and orange
TheDevil_Risen: wheelerY wheelerFee wheelerH wheelerOok wheelerOok
LoadingReadyRun: lrrPAUL does "Veloheart Bike" mean bikeheart bike?
Timagio: Boom, brain aneurysm
JustAnotherMuffin: Oh we peeked it
fanofmosteverything9: Move to contemplate mortality step.
chriswr5: @DyllonKG golgari for debreedle
DyllonKG: @Nickiatori halloween theme goes hard
coachNelly: perf lrrSHINE
DyllonKG: @chriswr5 what is a debreedle LOL
LRRbot: Clamorous Ironclad [3R] | Artifact — Vehicle [6/3] | Menace / Crew 3 / Cycling {R}
TehAmelie: i am Bike, the son of Bicycle
BandsWithLegends: nice slay the spire reference
Timagio: bote
That1GuyBen: the speedlines in this set are so rad
TheDevil_Risen: Love Shivam's Deck Name
GredGredmansson: "makes a lot of noise
chriswr5: @DyllonKG !card Debris Beetle
onmartn: Bichael
fanofmosteverything9: How much do you have to boost a sloop before it becomes clamorous?
TrendingNonGamer: a lot of people have talked about Shivam's deck name, but has anyone mentioned that Cadillacs and Dinosaurs is an incredible 1993 arcade beat-em-up by Capcom?
DyllonKG: You could say he is...Da-ready. dyllHNG
IaCthulhuFthagn: @DyllonKG I have only seen fragments of two different games of sealed in this format, but I can still say authoritatively that the best colour(s) is/are...
Lord_Hosk: HMmmmmm
TheOneCalledStu: YES
coachNelly: yeah
frostfox42: yes
TheDevil_Risen: Yes
Dog_of_Myth: Yes
elgenericosfavoriteorphan: !!!
Timagio: Vaaaguely?
LRRbot: Venomsac Lagac [1G] | Creature — Lizard Mount [2/1] | Deathtouch / Whenever this creature attacks while saddled, it gets +0/+3 until end of turn. / Saddle 2
Flyingdelorion: Yes
frostfox42: oh god Cameron dont make me feel old
fanofmosteverything9: A second Lagac has hit the board.
chuckaw1977: so much deathtouch
That1GuyBen: wheeler's ground defenses are incredible
forestflunge: Fergie would like to have a word with you about not singing clamorous...
RandomTrivia: Powerful
micalovits: Ooze?
warpstonewarlock: I vaguely recall something like that...
That1GuyBen: MARCH
LRRbot: March of the World Ooze [3GGG] | Enchantment | Creatures you control have base power and toughness 6/6 and are Oozes in addition to their other types. / Whenever an opponent casts a spell, if it's not their turn, you create a 3/3 green Elephant creature token.
RandomTrivia: LET'S GOOOO
chriswr5: da ooooooze
goatprince: o o z e
elgenericosfavoriteorphan: oozin
pleonasticTautology: ooooooze
Scarbble: ooze!
TXC2: ooooooooze!
Mangledpixel: ooooooze!
Timagio: OOZE
cameron_in_the_hizous: Graham could never
aitsu100: CHONKY
wifi12345678910: ooooooze
snydepels2: OOZE
LilyOfTheVeil666: OOZE
NotEvenDavid: OOZE
shamblingkrenshar: How much ooze we got in this pre-release?!
pharmdnd: Ooooze
Mattmitchell45: dbjButterslimer dbjButterslimer dbjButterslimer
Dog_of_Myth: o o z e
warpstonewarlock: Ooze! Ooze! Ooze!
Kentosaurus: WOOZE
vetchable: OOZE
DyllonKG: Where is MagicNewGirl. This is her card!
flapjacksofwar: OOOOOOOZZZZEEE
Simonark: How many of this one mythic did the players open? It's at least 3, right?
onmartn: OOZIN ON HIM
Sandeon: lots of March of the World Ooze this PPR...
BrowneePointz: Spot the Garrukk
coachNelly: why did every pack have a derbreetle and a Form of the Ooze?
TXC2: shamblingkrenshar this is the 2nd one
Forlorgen: and the world oozed
Diabore: hang on is this also the 3rd ooze march we know of?
frostfox42: umm actually this feels like ooze format. hahahahaha
IaCthulhuFthagn: @shamblingkrenshar At least one in each pairing so for.
maclenrac: Ooze World Order
IaCthulhuFthagn: far*
Alness49: So we found the "All that I desire" card
Scarbble: oh lawd he oozin
Lord_Hosk: that card is ooooozy
Timagio: It's covered in slime!
Nickiatori: @DyllonKG she was in the last match
kaareendrup: ooooooze
sacredserenity: Debreetles vs Oozes
That1GuyBen: man i wonder who that guy in the elephant ooze is
onmartn: The number of the beast
cameron_in_the_hizous: so the big elephant just got smaller but everything else just became ooze size
That1GuyBen: couldn't be Garruk
shamblingkrenshar: Graham tried to hold back the ooze but it found a way
DyllonKG: @Nickiatori She has one more, yeh?
coachNelly: 'mythic rare'
TheOneInquisitor: Actually how does Daretti interact with that
Timagio: Math is for blockerrrrrrrs
RealGamerCow: The FLUNGE
LRRbot: Daretti, Rocketeer Engineer [4R] | Legendary Creature — Goblin Artificer [*/5] | Daretti's power is equal to the greatest mana value among artifacts you control. / Whenever Daretti enters or attacks, choose target artifact card in your graveyard. You may sacrifice an artifact. If you do, return the chosen card to the battlefield.
Nickiatori: @DyllonKG yeah
LoadingReadyRun: lrrPAUL I like that you get an elephant token, which then immediately turns into an ooze
Nickiatori: math is for blockers!
coachNelly: rel AXED moment everyone
eshplode: @That1GuyBen More of that strange guy in the ooze. It's probably nothing
chriswr5: hello judge is deretti a 6/6 or does his * power replacement effect apply in a later layer?
fanofmosteverything9: Elephant riding an elephant makes an elephant.
GredGredmansson: he should be a 6/6
r10pez10: yeah it's very funny that it makes elephants
LRRMTG_Judge: @chriswr5 He is a 6/6. The effect from the March is applied after Daretti's own ability - Natedogg
Simonark: That's some.. remarkable foresight!
LRRbot: Carrion Cruiser [2B] | Artifact — Vehicle [3/2] | When this Vehicle enters, mill two cards. Then return a creature or Vehicle card from your graveyard to your hand. / Crew 1
RealGamerCow: !card grim bauble
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
LRRbot: Veloheart Bike [2G] | Artifact — Vehicle [4/2] | When this Vehicle enters, you gain 2 life. / {T}: Add one mana of any color. / Crew 2
LRRbot: Autarch Mammoth [4GG] | Creature — Elephant Mount [5/5] | When this creature enters and whenever it attacks while saddled, create a 3/3 green Elephant creature token. / Saddle 5
Jacob C: OH, this live is actually like LIVE. I'm never in time for that, I don't know what to say
Stormgod: jeez
Paulo Bastos: 🐘
Paulo Bastos: 🐘🐘
SmithKurosaki: @Jacob C You're good - Welcome in :)
LRRbot: Debris Beetle [2BG] | Artifact — Vehicle [6/6] | Trample / When this Vehicle enters, each opponent loses 3 life and you gain 3 life. / Crew 2
LRRbot: Clamorous Ironclad [3R] | Artifact — Vehicle [6/3] | Menace / Crew 3 / Cycling {R}
MajorHorrigan: it means they make a ruckus
MajorHorrigan: I mean look at them
MajorHorrigan: its like a 40k model - I love it
LRRbot: Venomsac Lagac [1G] | Creature — Lizard Mount [2/1] | Deathtouch / Whenever this creature attacks while saddled, it gets +0/+3 until end of turn. / Saddle 2
Allen Gould: "Elder Millennial" just hurts.
Paulo Bastos: 😲
LRRbot: March of the World Ooze [3GGG] | Enchantment | Creatures you control have base power and toughness 6/6 and are Oozes in addition to their other types. / Whenever an opponent casts a spell, if it's no…
Stormgod: uh oh
Stormgod: beeg ooze time!
MajorHorrigan: hell yeah
TheJackalMan: March of the World Ooze is bananas
MajorHorrigan: oozes of the world unite!
Huecalpixqui Jean III: There is a statistically strange number of Debris Beetles and World Oozes today
OVERKiLL!: dope art on this one
Paulo Bastos: I thought it would be a stomping but it's more like a suffocating
LRRbot: Daretti, Rocketeer Engineer [4R] | Legendary Creature — Goblin Artificer [*/5] | Daretti's power is equal to the greatest mana value among artifacts you control. / Whenever Daretti enters or attacks,…
Stormgod: @Paulo Bastos more like an absorbing
Stormgod: make a 6/6 elephant ooze
Warhobby: Can someone please "Um, actually" Cameron and let him know that ROTJ takes place on Endor?
TheJackalMan: beautiful
RATZGobbler: Shivam can you move the Elephant figures like hotwheels with car sounds?
LRRbot: Carrion Cruiser [2B] | Artifact — Vehicle [3/2] | When this Vehicle enters, mill two cards. Then return a creature or Vehicle card from your graveyard to your hand. / Crew 1
SmithKurosaki: @Warhobby We don't do that around here :)
Skulk: do you think these players love magic?
LSRubin: lmao of course Wheeler put the egg in his deck
Marvoleath: between the mammoths and the avishkari loxodon this is secretly a very elephant-y set
Travilogue: hair looks GREAT
micalovits: Looking good!
DyllonKG: Shivam, you look fucking great
Timagio: Looks like Adam
GreatWahooney: it sure does, Shivam
NotEvenDavid: looks great from here
TheDevil_Risen: good shivam :)
Dog_of_Myth: Looking good sir
cameron_in_the_hizous: looks good
aitsu100: i like it Shivam
fanofmosteverything9: Looking good!
coachNelly: loookin handsome as all get up Shivam
iPsyop: hair looks great Shivam
BusTed: 👌
Lord_Hosk: Your hair looks great
TXC2: Looks fantastic
RockPusher: looking good Shivam
ELD_Winterlight: Look great
pleonasticTautology: hair looks fantastic
NorthstarTex: Looks great
JustAnotherMuffin: As the kids say it looks fire
frostfox42: looks great
ThorSokar: 5/5
Chesul: You look great.
salfredo: Looking great man
Nickiatori: looks great!
frnknstn: hair is flawless
TheDevil_Risen: You're always cool!
mysteenova157: Looking amazing!
cheezweazl: Looking stylin as always Shivam!
LRRbot: Venomsac Lagac [1G] | Creature — Lizard Mount [2/1] | Deathtouch / Whenever this creature attacks while saddled, it gets +0/+3 until end of turn. / Saddle 2
pleonasticTautology: i'm getting a haircut tomorrow, getting my sides reshaved
DiscordianTokkan: Looks great!
Timagio: Lagac is bac
coachNelly: wheeler and cam look good too!
TehAmelie: maybe you'll have to watch the tapes. looks good to me though
Hansk_and_Boo: Shivam you look great!
kaareendrup: debreezle?
Korolan: You look Great Shivam!
Dog_of_Myth: Legac is back
onmartn: good hair Shivam
That1GuyBen: passgac the lagac
aitsu100: YES
Scarbble: regac
A_Dub888: @coachnelly you look god
coachNelly: coachn3Thankscoachnelly
Hansk_and_Boo: NGL all three of you look amazing tonight.
TheWriterAleph: that's unusually specific, Cam – but yes
pn55 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 49 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, pn55! (Today's storm count: 134)
pleonasticTautology: @TheWriterAleph naw i get it
Mattmitchell45: The kinda hair sweat that improves your look
Simonark: The next episode of a certain podcast is just going to be these two gentlemen saying "Venomsac Lagac" over and over again like the concept of language falling down a spiral staircase, isn't it.
LRRbot: Bestow Greatness [2G] | Instant | Target creature gets +4/+4 and gains trample until end of turn.
Timagio: Big corgi
Dog_of_Myth: FBtouchdown
GreatWahooney: kachow!
DyllonKG: That card is so cute wtf
Dix subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 137 months!
Dix: Oh dang I can push this button again!
aitsu100: that dog art is the best
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Dix! (Today's storm count: 135)
coachNelly: dog so beeeeg
TheDevil_Risen: lrrAWESOME lrrAWESOME sergeGG
TXC2: Game 3 !
DyllonKG: Green seems so good for draft
Lord_Hosk: Shivam Shivam Shivam!
TehAmelie: i predict they'll try to get every word with an "ack" in it to brainstorm more lagack names
cameron_in_the_hizous: greatness bestowed
tyrantcorporation: huzzah
onmartn: Super spike Shivam strikes again
goatprince: (woo)
Haroldholmes25: insert air horns
jellyroll154: Ooze your daddy, Wheeler
fanofmosteverything9: (happy Shivam noises)
drcthulu: elephant trumpeting noises
TXC2: gruul is the best
LSRubin: it's a nontoken noise IWBH
Dix: Beeg Beef
chuckaw1977: big dumb idiot typal is pretty great
NapalmSideburns: Gunk Elephants on parade!
Bugberry: I forget, has every round gone to 3 games so far?
maclenrac: Elephant stomp
t7112: what do you all think of the point the way card? is it good for constructed?
That1GuyBen: shivam, noted enjoyer of creatucilar manslaughter
A_Dub888: @coachnelly the beeger the dog the gooder the dog
iSmartMan1: Hey @dix
fanofmosteverything9: Crush them! We eat!
adambomb625: is there an in set way to decrease opponent's speed? someone just said blue shell but I can't find a card by that name?
Sorator13: Hey, it's Spinny Wheels!
ExachixKitsune: Wheeler? More like spinning your wheels-er
Scarbble: mana is for casters only, i have heard it said
aitsu100: more like gol=got run over by gruul
fanofmosteverything9: @adambomb625 Spikeshell Harrier
TXC2: adambomb625 there is one (1) card that does that IF they have more speed then anyone else
jasonmartin9090 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jasonmartin9090! (Today's storm count: 136)
Sorator13: @adambomb625 I forget the actual name of the card, but yes, there's a card that can reduce their speed by one
Marvoleath: !card jibbirik omnivore
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
chuckaw1977: You could just play izzet and just play solitaire
maclenrac: Go wide 6/6s seems good
Simonark: @TehAmelie I'd love a Canadian themed magic set but not if it just means they print Nickleback Lagac
Gekyouryuu: Red Green decks with strained wordplay jokes, call that Gruul and Unusual Pun-ishment
ExachixKitsune: @Marvoleath oh come on, that's not a real card name... is it
fanofmosteverything9: Vanilla 3/2 for 1G.
JustAnotherMuffin: Go for it
A_Dub888: !advice
LRRbot: Avoid the chickens.
onmartn: Yolo
vetchable: @Simonark nickleback lagac is a goated card name
NapalmSideburns: Go left!
Dog_of_Myth: !chat
LRRbot: Always listen to chat, Never listen to chat.
Marvoleath: @ExachixKitsune it's a 1G 3/2 vanilla with silly art :D
Pharmacistjudge: !badadvice
LRRbot: Dying is a free action.
Lord_Hosk: You will draw the cards that you need... or you wont
goatprince: i advise you to give wheeler money
Timagio: Our advice is STERLING, WHEELER
cameron_in_the_hizous: you should mull to 4
BlueFingers5: have you tried turning it off and on again?
gluonquark: Cam doesn't want to be the new James
frnknstn: Advice: Do the thing
drcthulu: chat lethal confirmed incorrect again
micalovits: !listen
LRRbot: Chat seems active.
ThorSokar: Oh we're horribly, don't listen to us
Nickiatori: Yolo
Simonark: We CAN give advice but you can do better?
TheDevil_Risen: SaVAGE
chuckaw1977: I wouldn't take advice from me...I'm terrible
vetchable: is shivam going to magiccon chicago?
YeetTheRich_: try wheelerPyro
Paspantoute: Truuue
niccus: sideboard to 41
Greyah: Probably mull to 2.
frostfox42: i dont trust chat, mainly cause im in here
NorthstarTex: !badadvice
LRRbot: Submit.
DyllonKG: I want to take a moment and say how much I appreciate the vibe LRR brings to magic. It's kind, approachable, and everything magic should be
onmartn: Wouldst thou like to live deliciously??
maclenrac: 50% Greed
wedge_x: have you tried hitting your opponent for more points, Shivam?
A_Dub888: @goatprince but then I can’t give YOU money
Dog_of_Myth: To real LRRbot
eff_the_bard: oh damn THE match is on!
t7112: @DyllonKG great!
Lord_Hosk: You are in Canada what better time to use the Vancouver Muligan
YeetTheRich_: inside of you are two wheelers, both are sickos
DiscordianTokkan: You have Two Wheelers inside you
LoadingReadyRun: lrrPAUL chat always has the streamer's best interests at heart
drcthulu: just draw black lotus
TXC2: I play Arena, never keep a 2 lander :p
aitsu100: second 6 always has it
rogerivany: Cmon, both Wheelers would be devils. ;)
maclenrac: Top it and drop it
Yolysses: there are two Wheelers within you…
frostfox42: mulligan is hard
captanovious: :)
eff_the_bard: Shivam's looking great <3
fanofmosteverything9: Wheeler exists beyond conventional morality.
IaCthulhuFthagn: Swift-tack Legac for the sailing themed set, or Carpet Tack Legac as a tapper in an Un-set.
JustAnotherMuffin: That is so match up dependent
LRRbot: Rugged Highlands | Land | This land enters tapped. / When this land enters, you gain 1 life. / {T}: Add {R} or {G}.
Pywodwagon: I kept a 1 lander at canlander monday night and won, kept a 2 lander and Angel sent me to the shadow realm
Huecalpixqui Jean III: Looks better than mine!
Paulo Bastos: looks sigma rizz
cronchable: looks DOPE
LRRbot: Venomsac Lagac [1G] | Creature — Lizard Mount [2/1] | Deathtouch / Whenever this creature attacks while saddled, it gets +0/+3 until end of turn. / Saddle 2
OVERKiLL!: it looks like Shivam always has SO much fun at the PPR
Huecalpixqui Jean III: A very specific feeling Cam, yet I can empathize
LoadingReadyRun: sigma rizz is good, right?
LRRbot: Bestow Greatness [2G] | Instant | Target creature gets +4/+4 and gains trample until end of turn.
Huecalpixqui Jean III: Is that that one dog planeswalker on the art?
Paulo Bastos: @LoadingReadyRun it's the best
SpineBusterTee: the overlay is extra cool for this, neat!
Fulpper: Yes it's pretty good
SmithKurosaki: @LoadingReadyRun I have been informed that is correct. But it was a while ago, so may no longer hold
RATZGobbler: @LoadingReadyRun if you have to ask, you're not rizzing.
OVERKiLL!: \(^-^)/
Paulo Bastos: grandpa Richard mentioned
MajorHorrigan: rude
OVERKiLL!: Good Answer Good Answer ❌️
MajorHorrigan: my advice - beat wheelers ass XD
Cinereous: just got here. How bad are the new mechanics?
Paulo Bastos: lmao
RATZGobbler: Which Wheeler wins
Fulpper: the one that goes wroom
LRRbot: Rugged Highlands | Land | This land enters tapped. / When this land enters, you gain 1 life. / {T}: Add {R} or {G}.
micalovits: Its the kind of hand you keep on your first mul
Simonark: The one that can use melee weapons, Slash-and-Hack Lagac
TehAmelie: Carjack Lagack when we get back to New Capenna
LRRbot: Scrap Compactor [1] | Artifact | {3}, {T}, Sacrifice this artifact: It deals 3 damage to target creature. / {6}, {T}, Sacrifice this artifact: Destroy target creature or Vehicle.
vetchable: greenback lagac when we get the america set
GredGredmansson: dynamite headdy reference, drink
iSmartMan1: Server-Hack Lagac for the next trip to Kamigawa
Simonark: The one janitors right, Shopvac Lagac
BrowneePointz: the real key to singing is confidence
LRRbot: Venomsac Lagac [1G] | Creature — Lizard Mount [2/1] | Deathtouch / Whenever this creature attacks while saddled, it gets +0/+3 until end of turn. / Saddle 2
JDMan94: Yeah I was trying to come up with a Hack one lmao
Oddities_Collector: the "witness me" goblin
drcthulu: not even in the same octave
IaCthulhuFthagn: Stack Legac as a vanilla creature creature with flash and split second (or a green creature stax piece).
onmartn: HOLY DIVER!
adambomb625: Nickelback lagac for the music set
GredGredmansson: Boomshakalac Lagac
Bruceski: Every time I catch myself saying something like "this is a great hand as long as I draw a swamp by turn 4" it's a trap and I need to mull.
frostfox42: hahahaha
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
LoadingReadyRun: lrrPAUL the travel-ready Compact Legac
onmartn: Quarterback Legac for the football set
GredGredmansson: @Bruceski I am CONSTANTLY there.
Simonark: The music set's old border card, 8-Track Lagac
t7112: whoa! who is Angel?
LRRbot: Muraganda Raceway | Land | Start your engines! / {T}: Add {C}. / Max speed — {T}: Add {C}{C}.
jellybeanmassacre: RaccAttack RaccAttack RaccAttack RaccAttack
Omentuva: @Bruceski ... I need to internalise this as well.
That1GuyBen: to her, you're just another victim
Pywodwagon: Wheeler watched her top deck M&B me into the dirt game 3
r10pez10: Cheese and Mac Lagac
TimIAm: Naming lots of Legacs isn't a terrible Crapshot idea
iSmartMan1: The outdated computer Compaq Lagac
Timagio: Hardtack Lagac
cameron_in_the_hizous: is this card glued to your hand?
Omentuva: @GredGredmansson tomScream
fanofmosteverything9: ENIAC Lagac for the space set.
coachNelly: @t7112 Angel's a friend of t he channel. She appears on some fnpf and Horse clubs
TXC2: t7112 Friend of LRR, she's been on stream a number of times
avjamethyst: hello, I am Angel
LRRbot: Endrider Catalyzer [1R] | Creature — Human Warrior [3/1] | Start your engines! / Max speed — {T}: Add {R}{R}.
NapalmSideburns: Creature from the black lagac
BrowneePointz: Mur-a-gan-da *horns* Mur-a-gan-da *Horns*
micalovits: To you, it was a finals in can lander. To her, it was just another monday
vetchable: stickytack lagack
Marvoleath: @t7112 avjamethyst on twitch, occassional guest with LRR, Magic and art
frostfox42: lol
Symphoneers: Backtrack Lagack?
Bruceski: @Omentuva It's easy enough to talk yourself into keeping a bad hand of great cards, it's even easier when it's *almost* online.
TheDevil_Risen: sergePrideLove sergePrideLove sergePrideLove seabatClap
ExachixKitsune: Angel also appeared on Wheeler's Mahjong streams on occasion
GreatWahooney: I played a ton of Oath of the Gatewatch limited back in the day and every time I saw Jori En, Ruin Diver, that song got stuck in my head
IaCthulhuFthagn: Oooh, now I'm thinking of it I really want a Snack Legac for the food deck.
A_Dub888: @Marvoleath and Mahjong
maclenrac: On the track and running
That1GuyBen: it's like THAT huh
maclenrac: Whoa
onmartn: You go back Legac, do it again. Wheels turning round and round
GredGredmansson: are those attacking or are you crewing the lagac
TehAmelie: Family Pack Lagac, with a mommy lagac, daddy lagac and little Jaques Lagac
Pinwiz11: Next up on AEW: PAC Legac
LSRubin: @IaCthulhuFthagn "Midnight Snack Legac" sounds like something that should've 1000% been in Eldraine
BrowneePointz: Muraganda is all about SImple Abilities, Vanilla and Big Dinos
onmartn: Superpac legac!
iSmartMan1: The return of the common vanilla crrature!
fanofmosteverything9: @TehAmelie Jacques Le-gawk?
cameron_in_the_hizous: my toxic magic opinion is every creature card should look like that
vetchable: racetrack lagac when we get the racing set. Oh wait...
A_Dub888: @Pinwiz11 Death Riders come to the ring riding legacs
YeetTheRich_: wheelerMonkey
RockPusher: wheelerOok
Simonark: The online trivia UB set presents, the Jack Attack Lagac
NapalmSideburns: Who you calling a flash ape?
Greyah: Surprise ape!
niccus: oh crap it's a bloodfen raptor
YeetTheRich_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 46 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, YeetTheRich_! (Today's storm count: 137)
ekplayscards: hello chat
maclenrac: Jumping monkey
IaCthulhuFthagn: @LSRubin Right?
cameron_in_the_hizous: its never the lagak you see, its the ape you dont
TXC2: hello ekplayscards welcome
LoadingReadyRun: for your own safety, please do not flash an ape
CnCPOWERHOUR: hey @ekplayscards long time no see
Dog_of_Myth: @ekplayscards Heya
Bugberry: Fang Guardian new Briarhorn
RocknGrohlNerd: @Greyah hidden gibbons almost
Marvoleath: @LoadingReadyRun the bot does not believe Jibbirik Omnivore is a real card (it wont display it in chat), not sure if it's a real problem though, since it has no abilities and the picture is in card reader
r10pez10: all my apes, flashed
Lord_Hosk: @LoadingReadyRun LOL
thanzo: tictac lagac - the food artifact lagac
Marvoleath: wheelerMonkey
TXC2: sunddly apes!
LRRbot: Clamorous Ironclad [3R] | Artifact — Vehicle [6/3] | Menace / Crew 3 / Cycling {R}
onmartn: Flashing ape will get you arrested most places
LRRMTG_Judge: We need more Simian Grunts - Natedogg
onbeklimbare_os: Yet another set without a Shaman.
ekplayscards: @Dog_of_Myth @TXC2 @CnCPOWERHOUR hey friendos <3
fanofmosteverything9: Be sure to apply painter's tape before applying our sprape.
chuckaw1977: Are Surprise Apes better than Mana Monkies?
BlightwidowMTG: @ekplayscards hello friend!
Jigokuro: I do not like the word 'sprape' moistS
Simonark: We live in a world of predictable monkeys, and no surprise apes.
malfunct: I think if it is going to be on motorcycles it needs to be on bicycles as well
Avawen1312: he played the forest
OldUncleDan: Did someone say "Card games on Motorcycles?" lrrBEEJ
ekplayscards: @BlightwidowMTG oh hey i know you too!
DyllonKG: Im super excited to build a zombie cycling deck. Maybe turn Karametra into a cycling deck
LoadingReadyRun: @Marvoleath it probably wasn't spoiled until this morning, so the card database might be a little out of date
A_Dub888: @OldUncleDan Card games on Motorbikes!
onmartn: @OldUncleDan isn't this a whole yugioh series?
coachNelly: yeah this is shivam's t4 i think
LRRbot: Venomsac Lagac [1G] | Creature — Lizard Mount [2/1] | Deathtouch / Whenever this creature attacks while saddled, it gets +0/+3 until end of turn. / Saddle 2
TehAmelie: Ziplock Lagac, something you can put away for the next game
maclenrac: Push
IaCthulhuFthagn: @OldUncleDan Card games on motorcycles would be a great, if questionably workplace-safe, FNPF.
fanofmosteverything9: Put the ape in the compactor.
GreatWahooney: whenever my opponent doesn't know if they played a land already and I'm not sure either, I ask if they remember what they did last turn. they usually do, and they usually remember how many lands they had left after. would recommend
LRRbot: Scrap Compactor [1] | Artifact | {3}, {T}, Sacrifice this artifact: It deals 3 damage to target creature. / {6}, {T}, Sacrifice this artifact: Destroy target creature or Vehicle.
That1GuyBen: wheelerOok
Stormgod: LOL Cameron
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): oh I didn't know there were more vanilla then the cycle
LRRbot: Scrap Compactor [1] | Artifact | {3}, {T}, Sacrifice this artifact: It deals 3 damage to target creature. / {6}, {T}, Sacrifice this artifact: Destroy target creature or Vehicle.
Paulo Bastos: I'm actually nervous
LRRbot: Venomsac Lagac [1G] | Creature — Lizard Mount [2/1] | Deathtouch / Whenever this creature attacks while saddled, it gets +0/+3 until end of turn. / Saddle 2
MajorHorrigan: looks like a gremlin
LRRbot: Muraganda Raceway | Land | Start your engines! / {T}: Add {C}. / Max speed — {T}: Add {C}{C}.
Paulo Bastos: I hate this
LRRbot: Endrider Catalyzer [1R] | Creature — Human Warrior [3/1] | Start your engines! / Max speed — {T}: Add {R}{R}.
OVERKiLL!: Yatta:hand-purple-blue-peace:
SmithKurosaki: @Paulo Bastos gonna be ok?
OVERKiLL!: oOK Ook 🦍
LRRbot: Clamorous Ironclad [3R] | Artifact — Vehicle [6/3] | Menace / Crew 3 / Cycling {R}
RATZGobbler: Strike back with the Venomsack Lagac, It's a fact the man's got tact and he ain't no hack.
Paulo Bastos: we need put me on Wizards R&D
Stormgod: damn,m true
MajorHorrigan: they have a motorcycle below deck
MajorHorrigan: I bet
LRRbot: Venomsac Lagac [1G] | Creature — Lizard Mount [2/1] | Deathtouch / Whenever this creature attacks while saddled, it gets +0/+3 until end of turn. / Saddle 2
Paulo Bastos: we need a Sesame Street Universes Beyond set
Jacob Welch: i put it on 1.5x speed so you'll have to start playing faster.
LRRbot: Scrap Compactor [1] | Artifact | {3}, {T}, Sacrifice this artifact: It deals 3 damage to target creature. / {6}, {T}, Sacrifice this artifact: Destroy target creature or Vehicle.
ExachixKitsune: @TehAmelie ah, it's getting melded with some sort of selkie. it's re-sealable
krfsm: "speed is good" - I think that's more Walter White than Gordon Gekko
TehAmelie: hoho
LRRbot: Agonasaur Rex [3GG] | Creature — Dinosaur [8/8] | Trample / Cycling {2}{G} / When you cycle this card, put two +1/+1 counters on up to one target creature or Vehicle. It gains trample and indestructible until end of turn.
A_Dub888: @IaCthulhuFthagn Ian races motorcycles he'll make sure everyone's safe
That1GuyBen: WHUF
CrossXhunteR: big dumb idiot dino
maclenrac: pop speed
iSmartMan1: SUNOVA-
Simonark: Oh, and the one from the War of the Spark story, Whack-A-Dack Lagac
cameron_in_the_hizous: and I oop
thanzo: ouch
fanofmosteverything9: NEVER CONCEDE
Marvoleath: aspike104
whitefirecomix: wow it's like these two love magic
SittingOx: big donkey good!
Invitare: accelerating, surely
kaareendrup: Thanks Serge!
TXC2: Never concede/ please concede on your turn, not mine :p
CuChullain21: Never give up, Never surrender
maclenrac: I want speed om my opp turn
Greyah: Classic magic card Reincrement.
LRRbot: Draconautics Engineer [1R] | Creature — Goblin Artificer [2/2] | Exhaust — {R}: Other creatures you control gain haste until end of turn. Put a +1/+1 counter on this creature. / Exhaust — {3}{R}: Create a 4/4 red Dinosaur Dragon creature token with flying.
plaidanddrpepper: speedenating
LRRMTG_Judge: "Play a Saddleback Lagac, girrrrl. A Saddleback Lagac, girrrrl" - Gwen Stefani ( - Squirrel)
TheWriterAleph: by grabthar's hammer
Nickiatori: Serge give Cam a game loss for correcting the judge
r10pez10: always concede never play
A_Dub888: @TXC2 Conceding is an admission or de- wait
TheOneInquisitor: It's called agonasaur because you sure are in agony when it's across the table
IaCthulhuFthagn: I'm just curious, given the Gatherer weirdness...
IaCthulhuFthagn: !card +2 Mace
LRRbot: +2 Mace [1W] | Artifact — Equipment | Equipped creature gets +2/+2. / Equip {3}
malfunct: in general I'm fine with conceding, I just get annoyed when it reduces how far I can get on arena dailies in the game
LRRbot: Carrion Cruiser [2B] | Artifact — Vehicle [3/2] | When this Vehicle enters, mill two cards. Then return a creature or Vehicle card from your graveyard to your hand. / Crew 1
IaCthulhuFthagn: Alright. Point bot.
onmartn: @LRRMTG_Judge That there, that's my shit.
NapalmSideburns: Squeek!
Lord_Hosk: Is the plan to fireball Wheeler for 18... Cause I like that plan
LRRbot: Venomsac Lagac [1G] | Creature — Lizard Mount [2/1] | Deathtouch / Whenever this creature attacks while saddled, it gets +0/+3 until end of turn. / Saddle 2
Timagio: I thought that was a squeaky chair
DiscordianTokkan: sergeSqueak
TXC2: A_Dub888 I'm just really tired of people playing out a turn, and then not letting me do the same :p
LRRMTG_Judge: @onmartn Would you describe it as bananas? - Squirrel
MrGibberish: sergeSqueak sergeSqueak
Simonark: Welcome to Loading Ready Run, where the beeps are synched like nowhere else.
onmartn: @LRRMTG_Judge No but I would spell it that way
That1GuyBen: slightly less beeg dino
fanofmosteverything9: Oh boy, more surprise reach!
NapalmSideburns: Of course it cycles, you see the legs on that thing?
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
GhostValv: sergeSqueak
GreatWahooney: please do!
ExachixKitsune: sergeSqueak sergeSqueak sergeSqueak sergeSqueak
Gekyouryuu: Civilized Dreadmaw
RandomTrivia: Cameron that is the most incredible idea
That1GuyBen: booooooo
maclenrac: relentless
A_Dub888: booooo
NotEvenDavid: KEKW
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
TheWriterAleph: ugh. LUL
Timagio: LUL
warpstonewarlock: boooo
LRRbot: Afterburner Expert [2G] | Creature — Goblin Artificer [4/2] | Exhaust — {2}{G}{G}: Put two +1/+1 counters on this creature. / Whenever you activate an exhaust ability, return this card from your graveyard to the battlefield.
fanofmosteverything9: The fabled quad-tap.
TXC2: round and round the land goes what it taps for no one knows!
CrossXhunteR: ziggs from league of legends?
Simonark: Wait, is Cameron just looking to swear more on podcasts but trying to make it a budget line item?
xaarthis: didnt it had trample ?
shushu2539: that wheel spinning grants speed too?
xaarthis: should i be for 3 ?
eleric937: are there give-aways this ppr?
TXC2: eleric937 nope
fanofmosteverything9: All of the goblins in this set are having a wonderful time.
Marvoleath: @eleric937 none announced
xaarthis: didnt the big dino had trample ?
CaptainSpam: I look at this game state, I see one player with speed and one without, and I find myself convinced it'll come down to either the fast and the furious, or the quick and the dead.
maclenrac: Looks like a big boy set
LoadingReadyRun: !card Jibbirik Omnivore
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
MrSarkhan: sergeGG
cameron_in_the_hizous: o7
thanzo: FBtouchdown
circusofkirkus: wheeler loves magic more
TheDevil_Risen: lrrAWESOME lrrAWESOME sergeGG
eleric937: @TXC2 thanks for letting me know!
GredGredmansson: @xaarthis it was blocked by 8/8 of stats
chuckaw1977: oooh oooh beep beep
insanecat6mtg: sergeGG sergeGG
micalovits: @xaarthis It did, but Shivan blocked with 8 toughness
kaareendrup: The magic has been loved!
ThePCrowl: wheelerPog wheelerCyber
LRRMTG_Judge: @xaarthis It was blocked by a 6/6 and a 2/2. - Natedogg
Timagio: The Shivam Dragon
frostfox42: great game
LRRMTG_Judge: the dino had trample yes. I was doing the math, but I doubt it would matter and it didn't.
11 raiders from Card_Cave have joined!
Mr_Horrible: it's good to have a brand lrrLUL
Taffman91: I love it cant wait!
TXC2: hello Raiders!
Dog_of_Myth: Heya Raiders
RandomTrivia: Welcome raiders!
CaptnCheesebeard: Hi LRR!
MrSarkhan: seabatClap
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
GreatWahooney: oh cool!
maclenrac: Ben!!!
Pharmacistjudge: welcome raiders
GredGredmansson: Is it Captain Howler?
ExachixKitsune: :o I'm in the crowd. I like being pleased
RockPusher: benginFingers benginHeart benginDab
Tai114: Can we get that deck tech in Sour Cream and Onion?
fanofmosteverything9: Guest vs. guest!
7ukanda: tukandRaid tukandRaid tukandRaid
Marvoleath: the guest-off!
Kentosaurus: oops all guests
Haroldholmes25: oh no
cameron_in_the_hizous: YES
TXC2: that chain, good lord
That1GuyBen: oh is it bad fortune?
RandomTrivia: benginTD
tryllebanjo: Ssssiiiick!
RainyMint: Oh dear
accountmadeforants: Off to a good start
maclenrac: Bling bling
flapjacksofwar: Yessss
RandomTrivia: Oh yes, let's GOOOOP
Lazarus2511: XD
GredGredmansson: Far Fortune?
TXC2: fambily!
RandomTrivia: *go
A_Dub888: Life is like a highway, I'm gonna ride it all night long
Diabore: !ppr
LRRbot: The Aetherdrift PPR will be on Friday, 31 January at 10am PST! More info:
CrossXhunteR: gus
RockPusher: Gus!
raulghoulia: Gus!
ExachixKitsune: Gus!
RandomTrivia: GUS! benginLove
Sarah_Serinde: benginHype benginHeart
Dread_Pirate_Westley: KITTY!
namagem1: Aww
Dog_of_Myth: Gus
BITs19_: awwwwwww
micalovits: D'aaaaw
Haroldholmes25: LUL
loufghyslaufey: New deck tech? StinkyCheese TPFufun MindManners GlitchNRG
Juliamon: Gus cameo!
GreatWahooney: aww!
flapjacksofwar: On the open road, theres no stop signs
DiscordianTokkan: Hi Gus!
Timagio: FAMILY
wifi12345678910: Family lmao
krfsm: yay Gus!
A_Dub888: GUS (also Nicole)
Stormgod519: YES!!!
Symphoneers: Gus so big now!
maclenrac: FAMILY!!!
TheOneInquisitor: GUS!
LithelyUnshod: Man, Gus is beeg
TheDevil_Risen: sergePrideLove sergePrideLove sergePrideLove sergePrideLove sergePrideLove sergePrideLove
Mr_Horrible: Vin Deisel voice
ExachixKitsune: And Nicole!
Dix: F A M
lightfut: Kitty!
circusofkirkus: where's the bald cap
RockPusher: Also, Nicole!
JKBalch: Ben is looking badass
Tai114: Where did the gloves go? My immersion!
RockPusher: !y
RocknGrohlNerd: GUS and Nicole :D pog
bo_brinkman subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 58 months!
bo_brinkman: fambly!
DyllonKG: God I love having commercials baked into your live stream
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, bo_brinkman! (Today's storm count: 138)
namagem1: Honk honk
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Marvoleath: more like Aether-drip
Critterbot: "ayther" -.-
That1GuyBen: was that wheeler on the honk
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Starring Gus, with Ben Ulmer.
TXC2: is that the first time we've seen Nicole in full?
wifi12345678910: Seal! Honk!
raulghoulia: Hope Gus got paid for that
kynelwynn: Crapshot honk
RandomTrivia: I almost choked on my sandwich at the seal :D
fanofmosteverything9: (The seal is also a pirate.)
phoenixfeather14: Gus has gotten so big!
LRRbot: Agonasaur Rex [3GG] | Creature — Dinosaur [8/8] | Trample / Cycling {2}{G} / When you cycle this card, put two +1/+1 counters on up to one target creature or Vehicle. It gains trample and indestructi…
SmithKurosaki: @Paulo Bastos While I can appreciate you may agree with the direction of wotc, chat isnt really the place to repeatedly negative about the game. If you're not enjoying the game, might be worth a break
SmithKurosaki: may not agree*, apologies
Paulo Bastos: I'm joking
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): definitely a 5 mana 8/8 trample
Paulo Bastos: It's 7pm in Brazil
SmithKurosaki: @Paulo Bastos Cool, but like it's hard to tell that over text, so maybe just drop it?
LRRbot: Draconautics Engineer [1R] | Creature — Goblin Artificer [2/2] | Exhaust — {R}: Other creatures you control gain haste until end of turn. Put a +1/+1 counter on this creature. / Exhaust — {3}{R}: Cre…
Jacob Welch: "i love learning, i love speed" reminds me of an adjunct i had in college.
Paulo Bastos: @SmithKurosaki ok 😐
SmithKurosaki: thx
tehDoc1: planchet?
LRRbot: Carrion Cruiser [2B] | Artifact — Vehicle [3/2] | When this Vehicle enters, mill two cards. Then return a creature or Vehicle card from your graveyard to your hand. / Crew 1
Stormgod: EEP
Eric Funk: Shivam and Wheeler love Magic, amirightchat?
LRRbot: Venomsac Lagac [1G] | Creature — Lizard Mount [2/1] | Deathtouch / Whenever this creature attacks while saddled, it gets +0/+3 until end of turn. / Saddle 2
SmithKurosaki: @Eric Funk jokes starting to get stale
Stormgod: lol
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): lol
Stormgod: Add squeak.serge to the soundboard
Paulo Bastos: you know what? I'm about to say it
OVERKiLL!: nice
LRRbot: Afterburner Expert [2G] | Creature — Goblin Artificer [4/2] | Exhaust — {2}{G}{G}: Put two +1/+1 counters on this creature. / Whenever you activate an exhaust ability, return this card from your grav…
Eric Funk: @smithkurosaki Fair, should have considered that. But I also just got here and was hyped to see them both.
Paulo Bastos: season 1 of CommodoreHustle was the best one
SmithKurosaki: np :)
SmithKurosaki: !aetherdrift
Oscar J: I was fully sure that exhaust was already a mechanic, turns out I was thinking of exert
OVERKiLL!: 🎉Happy Born Day @Shivam🎁
Ruby Severin Whitworth: Lets go Ben commander deck
Boof Troupe: wake me up when we're back to limited
Stormgod: Family!
Stormgod: i love it
Eduardo Martins: any giveaway this time around?
cameron_in_the_hizous: with the power of Family, im going to stomp on the ground so hard it makes this parking lot collapse
frostfox42: lol
That1GuyBen: oh it's mimeo
Juliamon: ooze!
fanofmosteverything9: Mimeoplasm!
ExachixKitsune: OOze!
Timagio: OOZE
tsuuisalie: mimeoplasm!!
cameron_in_the_hizous: YAY!
Dog_of_Myth: Heck yeah
GredGredmansson: New Mimeoplasm
onmartn: OOZE FAM
namagem1: New mimeoplasm!
flapjacksofwar: Ooze ooze ooze
QuixoticScrivener: oh ben
Timagio: Mi..Mimmy-o-plasm?!
BrowneePointz: eww
frostfox42: haahahaha
darkora: LUL
DracoFire87: WHY
RandomTrivia: OH MY GOD YES BEN
TheWriterAleph: hello mimeoplasm revered one
DarthCakeN7: wrong lesson! wrong lesson!
ExachixKitsune: yessss
Timagio: THAT'S how he says it?!
kaareendrup: Furiooooze
RockPusher: Word Crimes lrrBartleby
Kentosaurus: Furiooze was right there
TheDevil_Risen: lmao 10/10
Pharmacistjudge: sergeCrimes sergeCrimes sergeCrimes
ELD_Winterlight: No it's perfect
TXC2: yes, yes it is word crimes overlay
VelvetFalcon: Furiooze
cameron_in_the_hizous: Fast and Furiooze
Jigokuro: Furiooze was RIGHT THERE!
themightygerg: When Fast and Furiooze was right there
flapjacksofwar: lrrJUDGE
Timagio: Mime-o-plasm
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Experiment Kraj is back!?
themightygerg: Though that said, way to drive chat and Youtube comment engagement.
GreatGodOm: So skithyrix combo?
onmartn: Furiooza
namagem1: It is *not* mime-o-plasm
Tai114: I would have loved to see Ben in a bald cap for the real Vin Diesel look
Diabore: frog
fanofmosteverything9: Sab-Sunen's water park!
a_Weakling: Yah looking forward to making a monster with this
RandomTrivia: benginLul
Spluuga: yaaaaas
loufghyslaufey: More like.... "Phosphorus," right? LUL mattlrDogchamp TableHere NotLikeThis FBtouchdown
Simonark: Experiment Kraj never left. Kraj was always just waiting for the rest of us to get good.
A_Dub888: @loufghyslaufey Phosphorussy
onmartn: @fanofmosteverything9 Sounds like a euphemism.
RandomTrivia: "And speaking of nonsense, Dredge!" is the most evergreen Magic feeling :D
namagem1: Mimeo- is a prefix pronounced "mimmy-o"
kaareendrup: konrad incoming
namagem1: He's saying it right
Jaolen: Ben was just like “you could decide to be ‘that guy’ at the LGS and run entomb”
gluonquark: syr Konrad wins games
a_Weakling: Hope he references cephalid constable
Timagio: @namagem1 What other words use mimeo- in the first place?
flowerseses: family. We're throwing family in
accountmadeforants: That's still such a cool card to look at
GredGredmansson: @Timagio Mimeograph
Fruan: @Timagio mimeograph
Juliamon: mimeograph Timagio
A_Dub888: do Eldrazi use kitchens?
CaptainSpam: That is one keywordy card.
themightygerg: Sire with Shade ability.
Dog_of_Myth: hahha
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
kynelwynn: My mee oh graph. Check
themightygerg: Then it would have everything and the Mana Sink.
A_Dub888: @CaptainSpam the sire or the questing beast?
cameron_in_the_hizous: :(
GreatWahooney: is Cephalid Constable in this?
GredGredmansson: Froge
Timagio: froge
Dog_of_Myth: Big Frog
Tai114: FILF
wifi12345678910: No dog mom?!
CrossXhunteR: FILF
That1GuyBen: froge
Mr_Horrible: I respect the effort, Ben lrrLUL
n3ther: FILF
LidofLoathing: filf
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Frogod?
namagem1: @timagio Mimeograph and mimeotype are the big ones
RockPusher: Frommy!
RandomTrivia: benginLul
Juliamon: Frog with tiddy
onmartn: Man I love frogs
Timagio: LUL
RandomTrivia: BENJAMIN
flapjacksofwar: Big steppy
tryllebanjo: @RockPusher LUL
fanofmosteverything9: @wifi12345678910 Frog mom is the right color identity.
Stellio_Cantos: that skims the line so nicely rofl
SkiaSymphonia: Clone High ref! Heck yeah
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
cameron_in_the_hizous: mmhm
VelvetFalcon: Ben no!
r10pez10: horned toad on main
galleadden: FILF
Debatra: Kek
maclenrac: That's what I'm admiring too
frostfox42: so happy deck techs are better
wifi12345678910: @fanofmosteverything9 Yes, but you need Dog mom in everything
frostfox42: back not better
BOTGrant: A Clone High reference on a PPR?! Yassssss
GredGredmansson: Love me a Tear Asunder
Nickiatori: Terra Sunder
RockPusher: Ben, plz
Dog_of_Myth: BEN
GredGredmansson: it WILL be
DyllonKG: They always gunning for my blob...
DyllonKG: dyllT
e_bloc: Gun for my blob is my go-to opening line on dating sites
Symphoneers: Tfw they gunning for your blob
ExachixKitsune: Thanks twitch, for poppup up the "This includes a paid promotion" in that moment
onmartn: My blob has already been gunned send paramedics
CaptainSpam: "Now, I should warn you in all fairness that once in a while your opponent might fight back."
dwchief: hedge shredder so hot right now
TXC2: ExachixKitsune right?
Nickiatori: she guns on my blob till i ooze
Timagio: It's no Marketback Lagac
Nickiatori: soory
warpstonewarlock: vengatank?
tryllebanjo: @Timagio Love it LUL
onmartn: @Nickiatori I forgive you
Marvoleath: !venga
LRRbot: Come on, ride the Bus, hey, ride it
CaptainSpam: @A_Dub888 The sire, I believe.
LidofLoathing: if you have time to climb, you have time to slime
Blip2004: the bus, the bus, the bus is a tank
A_Dub888: New ooze, Nooze.... News
Diabore: ben
ExachixKitsune: ULMER
RandomTrivia: benginLul
TheWriterAleph: ribbity
frostfox42: hahahaha
flapjacksofwar: Someone bonk Ben
cameron_in_the_hizous: hop on that thing
wifi12345678910: BEN
Dog_of_Myth: lrrLUL
fanofmosteverything9: Be yourself. Unless you can be a frog god. Then be a frog god.
TheDevil_Risen: BEN!
Mr_Horrible: Ben just appreciates a good harvest season, is all
flowerseses: @LidofLoathing oh this does need hadana's climb
onmartn: Man I Love Frogs
LRRbot: For more information on Aetherdrift, including a full image gallery, where you can find your local prerelease, and where to pre-order the set, click here!
SmithKurosaki: Enjoy your break Boof :)
Jacob C: so he... Bengineered this deck?:face-blue-smiling:
Stormgod: i love this
Stormgod: @Jacob C of course
Stormgod: Oh boy,t he grave troll
OVERKiLL!: 🚗 I wonder if you know, How they live in Tokyo (はい) , If you seen it, then you mean it ,Then you know you have to go, Fast and Furious! 🚘
XenoPenumbra: Oh right HIM LOL
Stormgod: lol
XenoPenumbra: Keyword soup lad
Stormgod: we love big piles of good stuff
Stormgod: FROGGY
XenoPenumbra: Yo that alt art!
SmithKurosaki: BEN lol
XenoPenumbra: Love all these newer cards for this
Stormgod: its something
Stormgod: thats for sure
Christopher Fernandez: Wow. Clone High reference? 😆
SmithKurosaki: Have you seen the newer seasons?
Stormgod: this is so good
Stormgod: love it
XenoPenumbra: LMAO
DiscordianTokkan: Frommy
RandomTrivia: Ben is an absolute champion
NorthstarTex: frog mom later
Timagio: Ben you have a family, with a dog!
Mattmitchell45: I should call her
benjamin_wheeler: thicc frog mama
Mythallian: Man I love Frog
Simonark: It's now too late.
ztghostie: I just want the frog god to crush me with her big thi- I mean what
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
Mr_Horrible: Agriculture Appreciator
RatherLargeToad: we demand frog deck tech! OSFrog
frostfox42: frog mommy
Mythallian: amazonTasteTheRainbow amazonTasteTheRainbow amazonTasteTheRainbow
GredGredmansson: Oh you have Valgavoth and Wrexial in here too
A_Dub888: Hop on me frog mommy
cattleprodlynn: I'm so glad that these interstitial bits are back.
Mr_Bitterness: Everyone appreciates a thicc frog
Commodore_Perry_GG subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 30 months!
Commodore_Perry_GG: Man I Love Frogs
cameron_in_the_hizous: "hear me out" but its a person with a conventionally attractive body and a frog head.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Commodore_Perry_GG! (Today's storm count: 139)
AliceLovelin: Man, I Love Frogs
Transmuted_Elf: @benjamin_wheeler seriously need to see this deck
GredGredmansson: and Breach the Multiverse! that's sick
NonjaBiru: Ben, when somebody asks you to make a frog god deck you say yes!
LidofLoathing: @flowerseses it would help!
Commodore_Perry_GG: amazonTasteTheRainbow amazonPumpkinDance amazonTasteTheRainbow
TXC2: right chat I'm off
loufghyslaufey: mattlrWoof
Mr_Horrible: honestly she's an interesting commander, too. Counters manipulation to get the benefits and attack as often as possible
r10pez10: bye TXC2
ExachixKitsune: goodnight TXC2!
RockPusher: 'night TXC2
r10pez10: don't get any speeding tickets
TXC2: Goodnight everybody, and thanks for streaming LRR and guests
Mr_Horrible: good sleep, TXC2 o7
RandomTrivia: Night TXC2, take care! sergeModLove
Dog_of_Myth: lrrSHINE
doomerb: thx everyone
LRRMTG_Judge: @TXC2 Goodnight TXC2! :) - Squirrel
IaCthulhuFthagn: "Featuring Friday Nights" Wooo!
Bengineering: Thanks to everyone asking for the deck techs to come back :) WOTC heard u!
Stormgod519: @TXC2 GGs Friend. Thanks for hanging out
Mr_Horrible: @Bengineering they're fun, and you've got great energy in them!
Stormgod519: @Bengineering no, Thank YOU!!! it was great.
lear1987 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 103 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, lear1987! (Today's storm count: 140)
Dog_of_Myth gifted a Tier 1 sub to Bengineering! They have given 1662 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Bengineering! (Today's storm count: 141)
RandomTrivia: @Bengineering Do they have to sign off on the scripts? :D
djalternative: @Bengineering good. I don't have to be screaming from their roof anymore
Bengineering: Nah I can do just about whatever :P
eleric937: lrrBEN
RandomTrivia: Oh good, so nobody had to be traumatized by reading that ahead of time :D
TheDevil_Risen: WB!
TheDevil_Risen: <3
QuoteSF: WotC actually asked for more frog thirst to be added
DyllonKG: Ayyyyyy!
EvilBadman: @Bengineering bring back applewood smoke pulled pork
Juliamon: hot take, all the break music today should be RQ
maclenrac: All the guests
RockPusher: Very relaxed magic
CnCPOWERHOUR: ayyy loook at these lovely guests!
DyllonKG: The BOOTS
Serpens77: all the guests, and all the guests' feet
RandomTrivia: Those are POWERFUL boots
kynelwynn: Guest fight! Guest fight! Guest fight!
fanofmosteverything9: Swiftfoot or Lavaspur?
RayFK: These Americans with their feet on the table SMH Kappa
RockPusher: These boots were made for beep beep into the red zone
Platipus11: those are some boots
malfunct: A visitor from Thunder Junction?
Eduardo_Velho: heylou
cameron_in_the_hizous: and what boots are you wearing Graham?
Sarah_Serinde: !aetherdrift
LRRbot: For more information on Aetherdrift, including a full image gallery, where you can find your local prerelease, and where to pre-order the set, click here!
EvilBadman: @RayFK ur usa-ian dude
cattleprodlynn: I went to the URL. Button, please?
RayFK: @EvilBadman Please, Canadian first
RandomTrivia: Suited AND booted
BandsWithLegends: start your boots
Pywodwagon: damn I missed my chance to show boot on stream
therealsheaguy: Callie with the kicks
Timagio: bOOTed up
Tai114: New boot goofin?
RockPusher: wheelerMuldcb wheelerY wheelerH
fanofmosteverything9: We are coming perilously close to kicking the camera.
Nickiatori: Judge wheeler!
LRRbot: Brightfield Glider [W] | Creature — Possum Mount [1/1] | Vigilance / Whenever this creature attacks while saddled, it gets +1/+2 and gains flying until end of turn. / Saddle 3
Serpens77: enough boot talk, LET'S MAGIC :D
DyllonKG: I adore the Glider so muchhh
NornsFelidar: it's not cowboy set any more why boots talk?)
RandomTrivia: The sugar glider! benginLove
onmartn: @Tai114 GENUINE OSTRICH
Bruceski: Felix stole mine back in OTJ. Didn't even use one of them!
cameron_in_the_hizous: the gliderrrrrr
ThePCrowl: Racing boots
Pharmacistjudge: shivam will slowly descend into a southern drawl
maclenrac: relax
GredGredmansson: vigilance?
POWERSTAPLES: possum punchies, pass
LRRbot: Rocketeer Boostbuggy [RG] | Artifact — Vehicle [3/2] | Whenever this Vehicle attacks, create a Treasure token. / Exhaust — {3}: This Vehicle becomes an artifact creature. Put a +1/+1 counter on it. / Crew 1
fanofmosteverything9: Wheeler, honorary member of chat.
RandomTrivia: It doesn't have flying, for some reason
XenoPenumbra: A+ as always ben
OVERKiLL!: lol read that as "MeatBack" Walker LOL 🥩🍖
Christopher Fernandez: I saw a bit of the second. It took a while to find it's footing but it seemed like it was getting a lot better.
Stormgod: yes it is Ben
Stormgod: you shouldve known better
Stormgod: Frog mom deck techwouldve gottene veryone
Boof Troupe: @SmithKurosaki thanks, it was nice
SmithKurosaki: @Christopher Fernandez Yea, I watched a couple, then a bunch, and I'm stalled out in the second season of the new stuff
SmithKurosaki: @Boof Troupe wb
Stormgod: support the channel
SmithKurosaki: For more information on Aetherdrift, including a full image gallery, where you can find your local prerelease, and where to pre-order the set, click here!
OVERKiLL!: oh wow dem BOOTS 👢
SmithKurosaki: lol thx Sarah
Stormgod: oh no
Stormgod: who gave Wheeler the judge hammer?
S Le: These boots were made for DRIVING
SEEDZANDTWIGZ: Boot-leg draft
LRRbot: Brightfield Glider [W] | Creature — Possum Mount [1/1] | Vigilance / Whenever this creature attacks while saddled, it gets +1/+2 and gains flying until end of turn. / Saddle 3
Stormgod: all the turn 1 plays
Stormgod: She has so many 1 drops
LRRbot: Rocketeer Boostbuggy [RG] | Artifact — Vehicle [3/2] | Whenever this Vehicle attacks, create a Treasure token. / Exhaust — {3}: This Vehicle becomes an artifact creature. Put a +1/+1 counter on it. /…
LRRMTG_Judge: Right, with perfect timing for the start of a fresh round, I need to scoot out, it's getting late where I am. Thanks LRR and judges and mods and chat for a lovely PPR, hope the rest of it is just as excellent as the start! See you soon all :) - Squirrel
Marvoleath: @RandomTrivia it can gain it though
benjamin_wheeler: I’m a born poster
RandomTrivia: @Marvoleath True
Pharmacistjudge: Thank you squirrel
Anubis169: Thank you Squirrel <3
Tai114: A shoot poster
fanofmosteverything9: Lifelink possum!
fanofmosteverything9: Also, thank you, Squirrel.
thanzo: that possum can't be killed
Alien_37_: rip wind drake
LRRMTG_Judge: Aw thanks all <3 - Squirrel
Marvoleath: upside bears have become upside drakes
onmartn: Sleeve popping or Slopping if you will
RandomTrivia: onmartn No, I don't think I will
ThePCrowl: I might
OldUncleDan: Can an Exhausted Rocketter Boostbuggy still be crewed?
RandomTrivia: Oh no, the drawback of the boost!
benjamin_wheeler: let’s slop these vehicles up
GredGredmansson: @OldUncleDan Yes, but there's no point since its already a creature
A_Dub888: @RandomTrivia not on a family stream anyway
onmartn: @RandomTrivia Slop to exhaust
Eduardo_Velho: and play?
DyllonKG: Scuse me, Shivam
Tai114: Tramampoline
Timagio: Crombopuline
goatprince: a scarmolophogus?
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
fanofmosteverything9: Wasn't Ms. Crombopaline Bart Simpson's teacher?
Timagio: Very straightforward
galleadden: That treasure gives me oath of the gatewatch vibes. Is that the symbol nissa makes in her oath or something??? is it suppose to be like chandras treasure is nissa??
GredGredmansson: the stallephant had kromple
OldUncleDan: @GredGredmansson The point would be so that you can tap certain cretures. Emara, Voice of the Accord, for instance.
RandomTrivia: A perfectly Crombulent word
Commodore_Perry_GG: Trambopoline?
Quyzbuk26: Its a perfectly cromulent word
benjamin_wheeler: I’ve been calling her Krandel
LRRbot: Gilded Ghoda [1R] | Creature — Horse Mount [2/2] | Whenever this creature attacks while saddled, create a Treasure token. / Saddle 1
POWERSTAPLES: chrome-bubblin'?
SpectraMTG: man it's been a long time since I watched Shivam play magic, i love the energy he brings man
WetPaperSack: Don't bring home any more used crutches!
flatluigi: I had to leave for a while, did I miss the commander deck tech?
warpstonewarlock: yup
fanofmosteverything9: Love bilingual alliteration.
RedArrogantKnight: I ghoda learn how to pronounce this one
Juliamon: ghodha
onmartn: Oh shit phonetics on the LRR stream
onmartn: Goated
fanofmosteverything9: Shivam's tongue is ghoda'd with the sauce.
GredGredmansson: so don't emphasize the D so much?
notoriousmtg_: The more you know!
TheWriterAleph: guilty
EvilBadman: Love Shivam doing primers
DyllonKG: It feels like if i were to lightly roll the D....wait
micalovits: CAn confirm
Frostwriter111: don't call us out, G
notoriousmtg_: learning with shivam
RandomTrivia: I love the extraneous cool stuff we learn from PPR guests
POWERSTAPLES: when Ghoda gets goated, it's a tongue twister
A_Dub888: I'm not NOT doing it right now
Cyborg_Huey: "Shiny horse" got it!
Nickiatori: yes I am G
GedankenPalast_: *takes notes*
Greyah: Honse
BrowneePointz: Davy Jones!
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
TheWriterAleph: lrrLUL
thanzo: LUL
GredGredmansson: Do you Feahr Deayth
A_Dub888: lrrJUDGECALL That horse doesn't look very shiny lrrJUDGECALL
BandsWithLegends: that's how much corn costs, too. A buck an ear
Transmuted_Elf: I call it Gumbo
galleadden: Ok yeh confirmed that is the symbol nissa is making in oath of nissa. The treasure token is adorable
coachNelly: groaner detected
RandomTrivia: Thanks Graham sergePun
maclenrac: Back in an ear
Pharmacistjudge: a potential cosplay for me...
That1GuyBen: oh brother this guy PUNS
Mr_Bitterness: Yeesh between that and the Ooze pun
TheDevil_Risen: sergePun sergePun sergePun
RandomTrivia: WE NOTICED
TheDevil_Risen: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
goatprince: Bug Father energy
Genomancer_: Team Dad Jokes ;)
fanofmosteverything9: "You merely adopted the dad joke. I was born in it."
A_Dub888: Graham 'Always a Dad' Stark
Greendrag13: I dad joke so hard, I've been adopted as a dad in like, 3 friend groups
goatprince: *big
IaCthulhuFthagn: @A_Dub888 A gelded gelding instead, then?
LRRbot: Daretti, Rocketeer Engineer [4R] | Legendary Creature — Goblin Artificer [*/5] | Daretti's power is equal to the greatest mana value among artifacts you control. / Whenever Daretti enters or attacks, choose target artifact card in your graveyard. You may sacrifice an artifact. If you do, return the chosen card to the battlefield.
Pharmacistjudge: Graham is Golgari. so Bug father works too.
Stormgod: holy cow its so adorable
Stormgod: that vehicle is so good
Stormgod: lol
Starfury117: yea that vehicle is almost smuggler's copter
LRRbot: Gilded Ghoda [1R] | Creature — Horse Mount [2/2] | Whenever this creature attacks while saddled, create a Treasure token. / Saddle 1
SmithKurosaki: That was a /menace/ back when it came out
Starfury117: 2 toughness though, i think it still slightly weaker than copter though i think treasure token is better than looting a card
Silverlight: i don't watch this to get called out like this, this isn't checkpoint
Stormgod: this guy STINKS!
SmithKurosaki: Slow burn on that one
Marina Valenheart: come for the magic stay for the dad jokes
Pharmacistjudge: might cosplay that creature
OVERKiLL!: !! LOL !!
Stormgod: Dang Shivam lol!
LRRbot: Daretti, Rocketeer Engineer [4R] | Legendary Creature — Goblin Artificer [*/5] | Daretti's power is equal to the greatest mana value among artifacts you control. / Whenever Daretti enters or attacks,…
Bugberry: some are born doing dad jokes, some have dad jokes thrust upon them.
A_Dub888: @Pharmacistjudge Bug Daddy?
notoriousmtg_: Daretti got a shelf
Mr_Bitterness: @Bugberry I'm forced to endure them
tron1632: Mario An-Daretti
pleonasticTautology: by krom!
fanofmosteverything9: Mortal Crombat, especially since Conan's playable.
notoriousmtg_: this is healers hawk all over again
IaCthulhuFthagn: Some are dads of jokes, some are fathers of ham.
TheDevil_Risen: Hopefully that Kickstarter gets printed by UP soon :) <3 looking forward to it!
RandomTrivia: MIGHTY
onmartn: Kromm the Conan god?
Fluffy776: levist8Cry
Lord_Hosk: Blame James
TheDevil_Risen: JAMES!
DyllonKG: Oooooof. Shivam's deck is sandbagging for him
GredGredmansson: Damn that's impressive
WetPaperSack: James?
Juliamon: *shakes fist* JAMES
pipshardfour subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 33 months!
DiscordianTokkan: Bold choice
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, pipshardfour! (Today's storm count: 142)
Bugberry: nothing but gas
NorthstarTex: You don't look like James
Dog_of_Myth: James!!
thanzo: JAAAMES!
A_Dub888: #BlameJames
Timagio: James'd
Mr_Bitterness: Ah yes, the James Turner special
RandomTrivia: #BlameJames
cameron_in_the_hizous: I dont even understand why you're running that Path of Exile
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Have you considered drawing something else?
fanofmosteverything9: Goblin on a ghoda.
LRRbot: Gilded Ghoda [1R] | Creature — Horse Mount [2/2] | Whenever this creature attacks while saddled, create a Treasure token. / Saddle 1
Timagio: #JamesCanada
BrowneePointz: it can Ghoda distance
benjamin_wheeler: hmm interesting this happens the round James is on tech
malfunct: the arena shuffler is hitting IRL
A_Dub888: @benjamin_wheeler it's all conneccted!
RandomTrivia: Ah yes, the treasure token, because clearly what Shivam needs right now is MORE MANA
LRRbot: Chandra's Ignition [3RR] | Sorcery | Target creature you control deals damage equal to its power to each other creature and each opponent.
coachNelly: hold up
r10pez10: huh, mounts are in this
EvilBadman: @benjamin_wheeler Sounds like a prime time to shout "you're flooding it"
coachNelly: oh right that thing exhausted cool cool
koalaking94: is that a creature?
coachNelly: its a creature yes
DyllonKG: UGH that Chandra art is fantastic
LevDev: Four scores and a explosion ago.
niccus: what's the theme for the special guests this set?
Mr_Bitterness: @koalaking94 Yes, it activated its Exhaust ability to become an Artifact Creature
coachNelly: the boostbuggy exhausts to STAY creature
koalaking94: @Mr_Bitterness ahh ok awesome
LRRbot: Rocketeer Boostbuggy [RG] | Artifact — Vehicle [3/2] | Whenever this Vehicle attacks, create a Treasure token. / Exhaust — {3}: This Vehicle becomes an artifact creature. Put a +1/+1 counter on it. / Crew 1
fanofmosteverything9: Exhaust — Permacrew
koalaking94: wow thats a strong vechile
That1GuyBen: god that chandra's ignition art is still so pretty
r10pez10: i should rewatch fury road
RandomTrivia: Kind of like paying 5 mana (in two installments) for a 4/3 with haste
Bugberry: I like to imagine the exhaust on the buggy is putting a brick on the gas pedal.
r10pez10: and mad max 2
TheDevil_Risen: Cant Stop Won't Thop :D
BrowneePointz: the Amonkheti one is GORGEOUS Shivam
eshplode: Absolutely gorgeous art on that one
WitchGirlTamara: it looks so good
thanzo: the art is truly incredible
GredGredmansson: and everyone else with it
LRRbot: Clamorous Ironclad [3R] | Artifact — Vehicle [6/3] | Menace / Crew 3 / Cycling {R}
BrowneePointz: also Graham if you haven't seen them the 1/1 zombies from the commander deck have INCREDIBLE art
LSRubin: and she is Not Looking at the Explosion, which means she's Cool
IaCthulhuFthagn: This set keeps reminding me of Ignition, the best racing game.
Ard_Rhys: loud metal boat
DyllonKG: @BrowneePointz Theyre SO cool
onmartn: Chandra's Ignition Interlock Device
Bugberry: I haven't looked at the special guests, but there's a few cards with "engine" in the name that would be appropriate, like Contagion Engine
Hansk_and_Boo: MvC2
fanofmosteverything9: Sing a song of swing-pence, pocket full of die.
ArcOfTheConclave: the amount of exhaust effects that include putting a number of +1/+1 counters so you have a casual reminder that you already activated it is just good game design
Tai114: Gonna take you for a ride
Cyborg_Huey: @Tai114 Dang it!
GreatWahooney: so that's 5 power on Daretti?
onmartn: Wait are there DUI's in magic now???
GreatWahooney: oh nevermind
OldUncleDan: Shivam, did you see the new video Bloodywood released today?
GredGredmansson: @GreatWahooney only 4, the 6/3 is 4 mana
stardustkl subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 19 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, stardustkl! (Today's storm count: 143)
Marina Valenheart: shellephant is a 2/2
OGCommander: LRR Shuffler confirmed broken
LRRbot: Gilded Ghoda [1R] | Creature — Horse Mount [2/2] | Whenever this creature attacks while saddled, create a Treasure token. / Saddle 1
Pharmacistjudge: that's mean to call Shivam Broken
SmithKurosaki: woooow
LRRbot: Chandra's Ignition [3RR] | Sorcery | Target creature you control deals damage equal to its power to each other creature and each opponent.
LRRbot: Rocketeer Boostbuggy [RG] | Artifact — Vehicle [3/2] | Whenever this Vehicle attacks, create a Treasure token. / Exhaust — {3}: This Vehicle becomes an artifact creature. Put a +1/+1 counter on it. /…
Pharmacistjudge: and for the mods OGcommander is a good friend of Shivam. don't worry
SmithKurosaki: thx :)
OVERKiLL!: 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Marina Valenheart: i wanna be a thopterist
davewindjack: read that like thr Pokémon theme song
LRRbot: Clamorous Ironclad [3R] | Artifact — Vehicle [6/3] | Menace / Crew 3 / Cycling {R}
SmithKurosaki: Like no one ever was :p
LRRbot: Gearseeker Serpent [5UU] | Creature — Serpent [5/6] | This spell costs {1} less to cast for each artifact you control. / {5}{U}: Gearseeker Serpent can't be blocked this turn.
RandomTrivia: Big snake time!
fanofmosteverything9: I do like that it officially has affinity now.
RandomTrivia: I do like that they actually keyworded the affinity
Marvoleath: @ArcOfTheConclave yup, they said that most of the common ones have counters, and the rare ones usually have an effect that you are less likely to forget (big splashy effect, or making a token etc.)
e_bloc: two snake clock
benjamin_wheeler: very funny they updated it for affinity
RandomTrivia: fanofmosteverything9 one braincell lrrHEART
GreatWahooney: @GredGredmansson oh right, I thought it counted artifacts like some other cards. thanks!
GredGredmansson: @GreatWahooney He ONLY counts Artifacts
GreatWahooney: @GredGredmansson yes but I thought it looked at their number, not greatest mv
Diabore: it was actual affinity, it was just the italicized text iirc
Serpens77: ~cameos~
SolRingMTG: Let’s goooo <3
EvilBadman: Chart a course has Raid, basically
LRRbot: Autarch Mammoth [4GG] | Creature — Elephant Mount [5/5] | When this creature enters and whenever it attacks while saddled, create a 3/3 green Elephant creature token. / Saddle 5
RandomTrivia: Turns out mental shortcuts are useful in a really complicated game :D
Juliamon: Yeah, the previous insistence of "only keyword if the keyword is in the set already" was so awful
a_Weakling: Troll shroud is still unique though
hd_dabnado: elephant, elephant
Stormgod519: @EvilBadman god dang it Peej
Nickiatori: the Flyers took my golden retriever last night
TheDevil_Risen: wooo Elephanto!
benjamin_wheeler: one day they’ll give the Ghoultree cost reduction a name
fanofmosteverything9: The man asked for an elephant, Graham.
TheWriterAleph: a lephant!
LRRMTG_Judge: funny thing is the Foundation Jumpstart Gearseeker Serpent still doesn't have Affinity. pharma2Vial
onmartn: @RandomTrivia Chunking is for the weak raw data is how you succeed in life
Stormgod519: @benjamin_wheeler one day. keep hoping
LRRbot: Clamorous Ironclad [3R] | Artifact — Vehicle [6/3] | Menace / Crew 3 / Cycling {R}
Dandyfloss: 🐘🐘🐘
maclenrac: elephanteh
fanofmosteverything9: Menacé.
That1GuyBen: @benjamin_wheeler speaking of ghoultree can i get some ghoultree opening luck at my fnm tonight
WitchGirlTamara: So, now any instance of "when a land enters" counts as landfall even without the keyword. If i understand correctly?
TheDevil_Risen: Vroom Vroom!
Transmuted_Elf: Shivam how is Avishkar pronounced?
Marvoleath: Emry still does not have affinity though, and I believe her cost redu stacks with affinity if you give her it somehow
LRRbot: Ride's End [4W] | Instant | This spell costs {3} less to cast if it targets a tapped permanent. / Exile target creature or Vehicle.
Sandeon: Are we going to see a crew/saddle chain next turn?
benjamin_wheeler: @that1guyben may you open at least two Ghoultrees
EvilBadman: I think the Serpent only has affinity in this set because other affinity cards are in it
That1GuyBen: thank you fellow ben
Sandeon: I guess not
GredGredmansson: @WitchGirlTamara well, landfall is an ability word, not a keyword, but stuff with "when a land enters" will say Landfall now
Caryotip: is it weird that you can put 2 elephants on an elephant and you end up with 4 elephants?
LRRMTG_Judge: "Landfall" is an ability word - it doesn't have any rules meaning. It's just used to tie together a theme. So adding "landfall" doesn't change how any card works - Natedogg
PowrOfFriendship_: I think this is the first time I've actually seen/heard Shivam. He's great
GredGredmansson: @EvilBadman there is also one Exert and one Embalm card in the set
LRRbot: Endrider Catalyzer [1R] | Creature — Human Warrior [3/1] | Start your engines! / Max speed — {T}: Add {R}{R}.
Bugberry: @WitchGirlTamara not every card with Landfall has "when a land enters" as a triggered ability.
Rebellion232: Should have attacked and finish the game next turn
OldUncleDan: @Marvoleath So like how Armadillo Cloak stacks with Lifelink?
r10pez10: brain overload
GredGredmansson: max speed prolly not happening today
mana_flooded: Hey Hey!
Marvoleath: @OldUncleDan yea, there are some effects like that
GredGredmansson: in this game i mean
notoriousmtg_: riveting
fanofmosteverything9: Very much so!
Kejardon: doesn't Lifelink stack with Lifelink?
TheDevil_Risen: good to see you Shivam!
RandomTrivia: We're having a blast
ExachixKitsune: @r10pez10 better than a brian overload
WitchGirlTamara: ty for explaining y'all :D
notoriousmtg_: DANGGGGGGGGGGGG
fencepostmagpie: I like the homarids in the Ironclad's art. They're so cute.
R__Doom: Great time
RandomTrivia: uh oh
Travilogue: Oh
pn55: HypeLUL
ChillyCru: I keep wanting to hear the Road Runner Meep Meep sound after the engines rev
TheDevil_Risen: ooo my!
cameron_in_the_hizous: 2 of them
goatprince: snakes plural
lunchbox1142: is that only 6?
Stormgod519: 2 sankes
Pharmacistjudge: the deck name is snakeS on a plane. no Snake on a plane
Serpens77: those gears are being SOUGHT
GredGredmansson: @Kejardon no, Lifelink is not a trigger
LRRMTG_Judge: Multiple instances of lifelink are redundant and don't do anything useful - Natedogg
LRRbot: Gearseeker Serpent [5UU] | Creature — Serpent [5/6] | This spell costs {1} less to cast for each artifact you control. / {5}{U}: Gearseeker Serpent can't be blocked this turn.
maclenrac: She got those snakes
Mangledpixel: it is SnakeS on a Plane after all
Timagio: She drafted 2?!
Bugberry: There's a cycle of Instants from original Zendikar that have Landfall, but they are replacement effects "if a land entered this turn".
lunchbox1142: oh boy
TehAmelie: i seem to remember they came up with Lifelink in order to nerf Spirit Link
glyndev: There are cards that have been printed with the surveil effect but not the keyword. Would these now trigger “when you surveil” effects?
EvilBadman: @Timagio sealed
BrowneePointz: just a good ol boy. doing no harm
Serpens77: Dunes of Hazard?
Timagio: @EvilBadman Potato, tomato
onmartn: @LRRMTG_Judge You can do old "life link" and life link right?
GreatWahooney: @Serpens77 LUL
Timagio: @Timagio Pulled 2 out of packs
Nickiatori: 11 mana 7/7
thedino_dez: Hello hello
Nickiatori: what is this 2001
GredGredmansson: @glyndev If they got errata to say surveil, yes. But only if.
LRRMTG_Judge: @glyndev If they've been errataed to surveil (check the Oracle text in Gatherer to be sure), then yes.
Kentosaurus: @glyndev yes, some have been updated. such as consider
Marvoleath: @glyndev they did errata basically all of them some time ago, so yes
fanofmosteverything9: Just some good old wurms, never meanin' no harm...
cattleprodlynn: I love her nails. Well done.
LRRMTG_Judge: @onmartn Yep, triggered life gain when a thing deals damage will stack with lifelink and itself. 🐰
goateedave86: Or Rhythm of the Night
GreatGodOm: Hazard of the dunes has legally distinct monstrous.
glyndev: Thanks all!
TheDevil_Risen: also the Rhythm of the WIld Oh yeah!
Bugberry: @TehAmelie Lifelink was originally introduced in Future Sight on Daybreak Coronte, so not really targeted at spirit link.
lunchbox1142: soooo she didnt just win ?
LRRMTG_Judge: @onmartn old lifelink (assuming it was not the ones that was reprinted to have lifelink like Loxodon warhammer) do stack because it is a triggered ability. pharma2Vial
Serpens77: finding card names that fit tot the tune of "Everybody Dance Now" is always fun
thedino_dez: Hi Magic New Girl!!!
Chichen: trample
PipeSmokingOwl: Shivam should make the Duel of Fates deck Olivia has..every card in the deck can be hummed to the orchestral beats
GredGredmansson: @lunchbox1142 She can't give BOTH of them unblockable
TheDevil_Risen: flinterParty1 flinterParty2 flinterParty3 flinterJam
LRRbot: Autarch Mammoth [4GG] | Creature — Elephant Mount [5/5] | When this creature enters and whenever it attacks while saddled, create a 3/3 green Elephant creature token. / Saddle 5
Dread_Pirate_Westley: 3 and 3 is ALMOST 7.
SolRingMTG: nails on point <3
Bugberry: They also used to have "deathtouch" as a triggered ability before Deathtouch became a keyword.
Chichen: i think the trample gets there?
LRRbot: Gearseeker Serpent [5UU] | Creature — Serpent [5/6] | This spell costs {1} less to cast for each artifact you control. / {5}{U}: Gearseeker Serpent can't be blocked this turn.
LRRbot: Autarch Mammoth [4GG] | Creature — Elephant Mount [5/5] | When this creature enters and whenever it attacks while saddled, create a 3/3 green Elephant creature token. / Saddle 5
LRRbot: Clamorous Ironclad [3R] | Artifact — Vehicle [6/3] | Menace / Crew 3 / Cycling {R}
LRRbot: Ride's End [4W] | Instant | This spell costs {3} less to cast if it targets a tapped permanent. / Exile target creature or Vehicle.
LRRbot: Endrider Catalyzer [1R] | Creature — Human Warrior [3/1] | Start your engines! / Max speed — {T}: Add {R}{R}.
Stormgod: having fun, Shivam
Stormgod: just along for the ride
LRRbot: Gearseeker Serpent [5UU] | Creature — Serpent [5/6] | This spell costs {1} less to cast for each artifact you control. / {5}{U}: Gearseeker Serpent can't be blocked this turn.
Stormgod: emrakul
Stormgod: oh good boy
Stormgod: Duel of Fates deck moment
LRRbot: Autarch Mammoth [4GG] | Creature — Elephant Mount [5/5] | When this creature enters and whenever it attacks while saddled, create a 3/3 green Elephant creature token. / Saddle 5
onmartn: @LRRMTG_Judge Big thank!
Caryotip: the trample for exactcies
fanofmosteverything9: I think that's exacties.
GredGredmansson: what trample?
GredGredmansson: oh that trample
TheDevil_Risen: LETS GO!
RandomTrivia: sergeJustRight
TheDevil_Risen: gg Shivam!
R__Doom: Ggs
warpstonewarlock: NOT off by one
LilyOfTheVeil666: LET'S GOOO
DyllonKG: What a comeback from being flooded
TehAmelie: all according to keukaku
maclenrac: DOB
TheDevil_Risen: flinterStruggs2 flinterStruggs2
Serpens77: having too many lands actually helped! LUL
Transmuted_Elf: there was also the exaust effect on the wurm right?
Marvoleath: mana sink, still decent in limited!
GredGredmansson: @Transmuted_Elf he already activated it
notoriousmtg_: love q riffle shuffle
Transmuted_Elf: thanks i missed it
GredGredmansson: for some reason i thought the wurm had vigilance not trample
notoriousmtg_: love a riffle shuffle
POWERSTAPLES: That game was pretty gruul
Stormgod519: its great having you here
Pharmacistjudge: i was not an official guest but even then the PPR was great
BlueFingers5: Raise Hell and Praise Dale
thedino_dez: Azorius ewwww lol
maclenrac: Moonbase is out of this world
notoriousmtg_: Retirement party
Timagio: "Retired!" sfx plays
micalovits: Then we can have Wheeler and MagicNewGirl loves magic podcast!
tryllebanjo: Shivam <3
goateedave86: I do love how humble Shivam is
Pharmacistjudge: crashing the Wilds of Eldraine PPR was awesome
notoriousmtg_: my bets are on magicnewgirl
ExachixKitsune: happy birthday Shivam!
xxxmidwayxxx: thumbs up or thumbs down, how many people like this set?
OldUncleDan: Shivam, did you see the new video Bloodywood just dropped today? It's so much fun!
fanofmosteverything9: Thank you for fitting this in, Shivam.
thedino_dez: I love this set!
Hansk_and_Boo: Racing to your party is very Aetherdrift coded
Omentuva: Good plug Graham.
Marvoleath: Clearly, should have invited the birthday guests to ppr wheelerKappa
onmartn: @xxxmidwayxxx I'm very ambivalent
Marvoleath: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
kaareendrup: What commitment. We're lucky to have you here Shicam
kaareendrup: *shivam
R__Doom: I like the set. 👍
CommanderMechanic: I heard there were cool friends playing Magic in here eh?
TheDevil_Risen: dead here is sold out :(
tryllebanjo: Skip work! Let's all watch that video, rrrright now! How about it, mods!?
BrowneePointz: also chat listen to Bloodywood
TheDevil_Risen: all the others are in stock
BrowneePointz: Indian Metal with big social messaging
TehAmelie: trying to make Shivam vulnerable to Camera Thrower eh
brilliantScoundrel: Sealed is a gem of a format. I know the sophisticated magic enjoyer take is draft as the limited format of choice, but sealed captures the old kitchen table feel better for me.
galleadden: Im curious how the exhaust mechanic is feeling? its the one mechanic i was iffy on. I love the speed mechanic
Juliamon: tryllebanjo Alas, we don't make those rules
fanofmosteverything9: I think I'm just sold out here.
Earthenone: !tellbeej
Flyingdelorion: Mood
thedino_dez: Lol
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Can confirm. I was emailed one of times.
Alness49: It's kept in the short-term memory Beej
tryllebanjo: @Juliamon Rabble! Rousing! Riot*tm!
itsj0mi: W
BlueFingers5: lrrBEEJ
TheDevil_Risen: The Email system works!
CrossXhunteR: i left my email once, and it ended with me having jace and vraska kiss sleeves months later
TheDevil_Risen: i usse it
TehAmelie: Kermit can take it
Earthenone: kermit was just a straw man argument
tycoonbosh: Can verify - did it for the hockey sweatshirt. No other emails in the year since.
cameron_in_the_hizous: is graham anti kermit? discuss
goateedave86: Why are there so many, cards about drifting...
thedino_dez: I wonder.....
EvilBadman: We're invasive emailing you yaaaay [kermit flail]
CrossXhunteR: i like how they feel when shuffling
TheDevil_Risen: love my set of the kiss
Avery316: got my email earlier this week for a Bite club shirt
maclenrac: Judge! voice dubs are off
onmartn: Kermit, hasn't been the same for a hot minute. I
BlueFingers5: He plays green, he know's it's not easy
darkora: Pro-Kermit and Pro-Kermit accessories
LRRMTG_Judge: But Graham... what if we WANT a LRR mailing list so we know what shiny new merch we could be getting?! - BlackRose
Land_Manatee: The email was also useful for me
cameron_in_the_hizous: throw it back Shivam!
Nickiatori: muppet movies rewatch podcast with G and Gibb when?
TheDevil_Risen: <3 G
benjamin_wheeler: pro Kermit anti skub
Earthenone: the mass email has a new, sub, Scibbbbbba
onmartn: @LRRMTG_Judge HMMMMM
brilliantScoundrel: Kermit and I are both UMD alums, so I don't tolerate frogism.
Chesul: Does Graham sympathize with Kermit, since they both run comedy troupes?
thedino_dez: We are off to the races!
LRRbot: Marauding Mako [R] | Creature — Shark Pirate [1/1] | Whenever you discard one or more cards, put that many +1/+1 counters on this creature. / Cycling {2}
benjamin_wheeler: shark warnibf
fanofmosteverything9: The one-drop is on the other foot!
benjamin_wheeler: warning
Nickiatori: warnibf
Earthenone: that guy can get wheely big
CrossXhunteR: i see many new friends for psychic frog in this set
RandomTrivia: The fact that that line of text is on MULTIPLE creatures in this set is terrifying
LevDev: Love that shark the minute I saw it.
A_Dub888: It also says "Shark Pirate" and that is awesome
chriswr5: !spelling
Stormgod: we love having you!
Stormgod: lol
Cecil Hoshino: As a Canadian buying from a Canadian group through an American outlet...
SmithKurosaki: I get it Cecil, but lets not vaugepost about politics
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): Muppets matter
Cecil Hoshino: Oh, didn't mean to make it about politics, just woes about shipping logistics
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): lets not forget Muppet Treasure Island
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): and the Muppet 3D show at Disney
Geo Pine: graham basically is Kermit, but Kathleen isn't nearly as much of a diva as piggy
LRRbot: Marauding Mako [R] | Creature — Shark Pirate [1/1] | Whenever you discard one or more cards, put that many +1/+1 counters on this creature. / Cycling {2}
SmithKurosaki: @Cecil cool 🙂 (I have similar gripes)
Geo Pine: like big G has the same job description as Kermit
EvilBadman: @CrossXhunteR Oh no
benjamin_wheeler: MF said warnibf
fanofmosteverything9: The shark's name is Warnibf.
SpectraMTG: no snakes? no planes?
Frostwriter111: "that many" is always a scary phrase in magic
4AMDonuts: there's also a 2 mana version of that card with flying
thanzo: I'm super excited for a self discard deck in standard
brilliantScoundrel: So wheeler is just on his phone off screen, typing in chat?
Spluuga: I'm gonna need marauding mako's for my legacy deck
thisguyarechris: shivam not an ff7 fan confirmed
LRRbot: Clamorous Ironclad [3R] | Artifact — Vehicle [6/3] | Menace / Crew 3 / Cycling {R}
benjamin_wheeler: I call it judging
Nickiatori: Wheeler is a Chatter just like us!
itsj0mi: KEKW
RandomTrivia: In every sense of the word
goateedave86: You're supposed to be judging the game, not chat Wheeler
turtleman7420: PogChamp
TheDevil_Risen: Hi Wheeler
sallomon33: LOL
CrossXhunteR: wheeler is the internet
micalovits: Shitposters gotta shitpost
benjamin_wheeler: I’m here to antagonize chat bot players
benjamin_wheeler: not*
thedino_dez: We just all here rambling
ShaneLeeAtk: Gotta have the meta content
fanofmosteverything9: Pirate-on-pirate violence. There's a mutiny afoot.
TheDevil_Risen: wheelerBrat wheelerCrat wheelerCrat
brilliantScoundrel: Born to be chat, forced to be strimmer: The Benjamin Wheeler story
TheAwkes: The man types in chat during FNPF drafts. What do you expect?
SeismicLawns: octopus warnibf
EvilBadman: @benjamin_wheeler and auto-correct
cattleprodlynn: I love that I have an idea of where the judges (and Wheeler) are sitting because I was there for Desert Bus this year.
CastleOtranto subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 138 months!
onmartn: @benjamin_wheeler Your vitriol has been noted
LRRMTG_Judge: @benjamin_wheeler Well, we do have a crew of chat judges for you to lean on while you are on your phone... 🐰
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, CastleOtranto! (Today's storm count: 144)
benjamin_wheeler: I’m a man of the people
RandomTrivia: Literally made this gif today to help people understand
everythingspellslinging: Shivam you got this!
A_Dub888: @benjamin_wheeler Do you need to antagonize chat though? we do that pretty well ourselves
LRRbot: Starting Column [3] | Artifact | Start your engines! / {T}: Add one mana of any color. / Max speed — {T}, Sacrifice this artifact: Draw two cards, then discard a card.
accountmadeforants: @benjamin_wheeler We're people? :o
everythingspellslinging: Kibu says hi as well!
Nickiatori: @benjamin_wheeler the peoples judge
brilliantScoundrel: @benjamin_wheeler wheeler is a populist confirmed
cattleprodlynn: Dang, well done Paul on the speed graphic.
itsj0mi: F
xxxmidwayxxx: mahnah rawk
WitchGirlTamara: @RandomTrivia thats so good xD
Earthenone: im so disapointed it wasent called mana accelerant
Pharmacistjudge: and with that information i am NOT cosplaying anymore.
fanofmosteverything9: Genuinely love Shivam's excited asides.
ghostihosti: I'm late to the party. Has there been a blue shell yet?
CrossXhunteR: @ghostihosti yes
NotEvenDavid: wait that's so cool
warpstonewarlock: There was
DyllonKG: Shivam is such a wealth of knowledge
A_Dub888: @Nickiatori I thought that was @LRRMTG_Judge
onmartn: @benjamin_wheeler During the Rules committee stink my play group had a joke that you would nail 95 theses up at wotc
Pharmacistjudge: it was on my list of potential cosplays but if it has cultural significance, heck no
babyspacecadet: thats so cool
TheDevil_Risen: Stay you Shivam <3
ghostihosti: @CrossXhunteR who was the victim? XD
EvilBadman: Not useless :P
brilliantScoundrel: That's what bar trivia is for Shivam!
Platipus11: Is there anything that Shivam doesn't know?
TheDevil_Risen: we love you for it!
goateedave86: SAWLM - Aetherdrift is gonna be Shivam's revenge for Kamigawa
RandomTrivia: Nailed it
CrossXhunteR: @ghostihosti i believe graham cast it against magic new girl
eshplode: Perfection
tezzatipoca: Watching on YT, popped in to say I love story time with Shivam!
accountmadeforants: @Earthenone Dark Ritual but it's called Nitrous Oxide and it adds speed.
DyllonKG: LMAO
Bugberry: EDHD
TheDevil_Risen: HAHA WHEELER
LRRMTG_Judge: @A_Dub888 Close... we're the judge's people - BlackRose
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
drcthulu: gotta go real fast
ghostihosti: @CrossXhunteR the nerve, haha. Thanks :)
sallomon33: LOL LUL
DyllonKG: @Bugberry This is an incredible name
brilliantScoundrel subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, brilliantScoundrel! (Today's storm count: 145)
Darleysam: AetherDriftHyperactiveDisorder
brilliantScoundrel: Have a prime
TheOneInquisitor: Is it still @ghirapurigears over on bluesky
CrossXhunteR: all gas, no brakes
Greyah: Judge, my opponent has something cool.
MrSarkhan: For me?
TheDevil_Risen: Don't forget to follow both of Shivam's accounts if you're into religion, politics and general goings on as well
SagaMonstrum: how long we been going chat?
GoblinRoyalty: that was so cool. maybe shivam should have a podcast where he describes his favorite cards? maybe with wheeler bc he’s cool too?
LRRbot: Daretti, Rocketeer Engineer [4R] | Legendary Creature — Goblin Artificer [*/5] | Daretti's power is equal to the greatest mana value among artifacts you control. / Whenever Daretti enters or attacks, choose target artifact card in your graveyard. You may sacrifice an artifact. If you do, return the chosen card to the battlefield.
GedankenPalast_: Uhh, for me?
t7112: Thanks SHivam
SpectraMTG: shivam's hair rules. not super relevant to the gameplay but still true
DyllonKG: How many Daretti's are in Shivam's deck? Lol
fanofmosteverything9: Daretti's doing the Daretti thing!
couchboyj: seabatDance
RandomTrivia: Let's! Get! WELDING!
LRRbot: Clamorous Ironclad [3R] | Artifact — Vehicle [6/3] | Menace / Crew 3 / Cycling {R}
GredGredmansson: here is my card.
chriswr5: we love to see it
thedino_dez: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
Marvoleath: the ol' switcheroo
fanofmosteverything9: And now Daretti's a 4/5!
GredGredmansson: it are go very fast
CrossXhunteR: daretti is now a 4 power creature, right
Scarbble: such value
Omentuva: Daretti's power to 4?
Sandeon: Daretti power is now 4
brilliantScoundrel: What's everyone's favorite prime number?
GedankenPalast_: DinoDance GlitchCat DinoDance
Transmuted_Elf: Daretti's power went up
notoriousmtg_: chat we are cooked
thedino_dez: That's nutty
POWERSTAPLES: frosty the no-land
benjamin_wheeler: 1 kappa
GedankenPalast_: @brilliantScoundrel 13
LevDev: Darettie is alway at da ready.
Fruytk subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Fruytk! (Today's storm count: 146)
TheDevil_Risen: 2 Kappa
TheDevil_Risen: Ah AH AH
fanofmosteverything9: So "clamorous" feels clamorous?
ghizmou: it just wants to be glamorous so bad
RandomTrivia: Is chat ever not cooked?
CaptainSpam: We already had an un-set with clams, didn't we?
A_Dub888: @benjamin_wheeler ah ah ah
sallomon33: @brilliantScoundrel 3, it hapens to be my favourite number overall too
goateedave86: F
R__Doom: F
cameron_in_the_hizous: much like a clam we are cooked
fencepostmagpie: you're telling me a shrimp crewed this ironclad
ghostihosti: th-that's no wheelchair! D:
brilliantScoundrel: @benjamin_wheeler Remind me not to call you as the judge when I play the new Zimone
Pharmacistjudge: it just a clam love us. Clam Amor Us
RandomTrivia: benginO7
thedino_dez: GOT EM
Bugberry: I prefer Clangerous
GredGredmansson: lrrFINE
BrowneePointz: Loot's Cool Uncle is Down!
POWERSTAPLES: very gallant
Cecil Hoshino: Does that make Ian Gonzo?
LRRbot: Clamorous Ironclad [3R] | Artifact — Vehicle [6/3] | Menace / Crew 3 / Cycling {R}
Geo Pine: no pretty sure that's Beej
TLG1255: So fun to see magic new girl on the pre-pre-release!
Cecil Hoshino: Beej is like a Scooter+Gonzo hybrid
LRRbot: Starting Column [3] | Artifact | Start your engines! / {T}: Add one mana of any color. / Max speed — {T}, Sacrifice this artifact: Draw two cards, then discard a card.
Geo Pine: Ian is more like Canadian sam the eagle with a side of Swedish chef
William James: I just got here, why are we talking about the Muppets? Also, Ian is Honeydew.
Geo Pine: graham recently declared that he is "incredibly pro-kermit"
Geo Pine: Paul is Scooter, he even mostly does behind the scene stuff
Geo Pine: so who is animal? that's what I wanna know
SmithKurosaki: For more information on Aetherdrift, including a full image gallery, where you can find your local prerelease, and where to pre-order the set, click here!
Fitz: Is Shivaam sure its not just cool but his Favourite
LRRbot: Daretti, Rocketeer Engineer [4R] | Legendary Creature — Goblin Artificer [*/5] | Daretti's power is equal to the greatest mana value among artifacts you control. / Whenever Daretti enters or attacks,…
LRRbot: Clamorous Ironclad [3R] | Artifact — Vehicle [6/3] | Menace / Crew 3 / Cycling {R}
DerUser94: Ben Ulmer is Animal if there is one in LRR
Geo Pine: what about Adam?
Cecil Hoshino: Ah, Land Drought.
Fitz: Cheers to whoever programmed the bot to auto cite the cards as they are scanned
DerUser94: Adam is less chaotic I‘d say
Geo Pine: I think Ben Ulmer feels more like Rowlf to me idk
CrossXhunteR: it's like destroy evil, but less versatile
fanofmosteverything9: 2-for-2 on Daretti getting ghost-stabbed this match.
Omentuva: Daretti getting Gallantly Struck two games in a row.
notoriousmtg_: we are simmering
brilliantScoundrel: Mine is 2 by the way. The only even prime number.
TehAmelie: clang, clang, clang goes the armored train
notoriousmtg_: basting?
lightfut: Cooked or cooking?
Nickiatori: jetlaged?
themightygerg: Did someone mention Sobek?
TheDevil_Risen: 10/10 no notes
Pharmacistjudge: marinating
goateedave86: Move to boop step?
onmartn: I'm taking off. LRR ad astra and Slop to exhaust
Bugberry: cooked some So-back noodles
krfsm: @lightfut yes
TheDevil_Risen: escher3DOOT unarmeGameplay
CrossXhunteR: does this menace boat do anything on attacks, besides menace?
benjamin_wheeler: James bring the studio lights up 80%
GoblinRoyalty: if magic new girl presses the “a” button when she hits 4 speed, she gets a turbo start.
maclenrac: Forecasting
GredGredmansson: @CrossXhunteR no its just a 6/3 with Menace
goateedave86: @CrossXhunteR it just sits there...menacingly
LoadingReadyRun: @benjamin_wheeler No
brilliantScoundrel: It's more than I do on attacks
Sandeon: it just stands there. menacingly
TheDevil_Risen: @benjamin_wheeler nah put it in DB dance party mode
thedino_dez: RPM set for 4 turns! Chat we gonna go 0-60...eventually
DyllonKG: Yeah but like, hold A after the 2nd light turns on or you'll spin out
Nickiatori: uh oh the Judge and the Tech are arguing in chat
RandomTrivia: @TheDevil_Risen Pretty sure that doesn't work without 17 streamdecks in engineering
fanofmosteverything9: An appropriate set to go into the tank.
Pharmacistjudge: you see you need to flick the controller back and forth at least 30 times per second and then you build massive speed backwards and then you can skip the intro
TheDevil_Risen: @RandomTrivia YEAH true <3
maclenrac: Grinding Gears
LRRMTG_Judge: @Nickiatori See, this is what happens when we let Serge have breaks =P - BlackRose
ghostihosti: love me a gruul thinker
CrossXhunteR: we're so back
A_Dub888: @RandomTrivia That's only because we need to hear the bus horn
RandomTrivia: So back confirmed
goateedave86: @Pharmacistjudge I thought that's how you found new islands? :)
Nickiatori: @LRRMTG_Judge true no breaks for him next time
TheDevil_Risen: @RandomTrivia Forget 5 Ps5s, its 17 stream decks!
benjamin_wheeler: they brought in the senior judge for this
TehAmelie: "thopterist" sounds made up, like "sandwich artist"
POWERSTAPLES: nimbling through it
benjamin_wheeler: (other than Nelson, RIP)
Nickiatori: Rip Nelson
LoadingReadyRun: I miss Nelson
fanofmosteverything9: Love a good punch.
itsj0mi: i liked nelson FeelsBadMan
LRRbot: Rocketeer Boostbuggy [RG] | Artifact — Vehicle [3/2] | Whenever this Vehicle attacks, create a Treasure token. / Exhaust — {3}: This Vehicle becomes an artifact creature. Put a +1/+1 counter on it. / Crew 1
LRRMTG_Judge: @Nickiatori Nelson was here, he just had to abandon us to your tender mercies as a result of having a family and life. 🐰
JDMan94: Sometimes I think I can still see Nelson chat....
CrossXhunteR: i feel like this boostbuggy should have haste
LRRMTG_Judge: No, please, let the judges have breaks. We need them - Natedogg
A_Dub888: @LoadingReadyRun he never got to play that new Jackbox game Split the Room lrrBEEJ
TheDevil_Risen: @LoadingReadyRun coachn3Rollinghead sergeModLove
fanofmosteverything9: Gattai!
chriswr5: yo dawg
RandomTrivia: LET'S GO!
LRRbot: Clamorous Ironclad [3R] | Artifact — Vehicle [6/3] | Menace / Crew 3 / Cycling {R}
TheDevil_Risen: Amon Amarth would be proud!\
Pharmacistjudge: so it's a Ferry?
thedino_dez: Its on Medium Heat right now
Lord_Dodo: It's an Attack Ferry
gamercat88: its a ferry
Bruceski: Carboaten
Kueller: Go Ferry go!
TrendingNonGamer: i heard you like cars
TheDevil_Risen: Row PIT GO!
RevolverRossalot: Multitrack drifting!
fencepostmagpie: crab boat crab boat
GredGredmansson: it can kill 2 creatures maybe
UnknownFriday: That's some real car-nage.
Sandeon: vehicular stack
benjamin_wheeler: tickle car?
ghostihosti: coat? or bar?
TehAmelie: is it a ferry if a car is driving it?
CrossXhunteR: speed, he is speed
maclenrac: Double block
Mythallian: the car is a transformer at this point
insanecat6mtg: Matryoshka vehicles!
Sandeon: We have a pileup on turn 6 over here!
antissef: That's some clown car russian boat
Bruceski: crewed, but effective
turtleman7420: bOOp
Mythallian: also don't tell amazonian about said car
chriswr5: the turducken of aetherdrift limited
benjamin_wheeler: we are colliding with Swartz Bay terminal
Our_oBoros: A carducken?
ShaneLeeAtk: I want to get that home
Nickiatori: @benjamin_wheeler is this a Colab with BC ferries?
GoblinRoyalty: hold the A button!
goateedave86: Secret lair, BC Ferries
Calhoun327: Very much enjoying this set! And the PPR is excellent as always
CrossXhunteR: pedal to the metal
maclenrac: OOze!
LRRbot: Autarch Mammoth [4GG] | Creature — Elephant Mount [5/5] | When this creature enters and whenever it attacks while saddled, create a 3/3 green Elephant creature token. / Saddle 5
benjamin_wheeler: I’d buy secret lair bc ferries
thedino_dez: HES BACK
fanofmosteverything9: El elephante es gris y grande
Geo Pine: Wheeler is Statler and Waldorf, simultaneously, but the subtext is just text
DerUser94: So, LRR Live Muppet Intro when?
LRRbot: Rocketeer Boostbuggy [RG] | Artifact — Vehicle [3/2] | Whenever this Vehicle attacks, create a Treasure token. / Exhaust — {3}: This Vehicle becomes an artifact creature. Put a +1/+1 counter on it. /…
? the Vtuber Ch: @fritz I believethat was Paul
TheInvisibleKev: Missing the original cast
LRRbot: Clamorous Ironclad [3R] | Artifact — Vehicle [6/3] | Menace / Crew 3 / Cycling {R}
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): cars driving cars
Geo Pine: we call that a "ferry" here in the States
Cecil Hoshino: Mass hysteria
Geo Pine: i'm in love with the speed sound effect
Under100edh : You got him Magic new girl! Don’t let him talk trash about strating with all will be one!
Geo Pine: also I LOOVE Shivam's deck name. I now want to build gruul vehicles for Commander
LRRbot: Autarch Mammoth [4GG] | Creature — Elephant Mount [5/5] | When this creature enters and whenever it attacks while saddled, create a 3/3 green Elephant creature token. / Saddle 5
LoadingReadyRun: @benjamin_wheeler Secret Lair White Spot
TheDevil_Risen: Dumbo's on the Boat!
RandomTrivia: @benjamin_wheeler No point, It would never arrive
BlueFingers5: I didn't know the elephant could do that
brilliantScoundrel: @benjamin_wheeler If you weren't going to buy it I don't know who would.
GoblinRoyalty: we’re so cooked
TheDevil_Risen: or is it BaBa?
brilliantScoundrel: Graham I guess would buy it
Marvoleath: mount & vehicles combos crewing/saddling each other can get wild :D
Calhoun327: I'm so hype to get some of these cards into my Lita commander deck
GedankenPalast_: That elephant has a license!
thedino_dez: We are so cooked
R__Doom: Cooked
PipeSmokingOwl: Is saddle sorcery or can it be done as blocker like crew?
benjamin_wheeler: Secret Lair SeaWest Lounge
flatluigi: saddle is sorcery
PipeSmokingOwl: Word
goateedave86: That elephant is crewing from the trunk
LRRMTG_Judge: @PipeSmokingOwl Saddle is only as a sorcery - BlackRose
accountmadeforants: The red die makes it go faster
BrowneePointz: Speaking of Elephants, I love that we finally have Avishkari Loxodon and they have some of the SICKEST alt arts in the whole set
GoblinRoyalty: board clear or bust?
Timagio: I believe, I believe, every day is a good day when you paint
GredGredmansson: gotta try to keep your colors open
maclenrac: Wrath of God
LRRbot: Daring Mechanic [2W] | Creature — Human Artificer [3/3] | {3}{W}: Put a +1/+1 counter on target Mount or Vehicle.
BrowneePointz: Ted Lasso Mario
CrossXhunteR: ted lasso lookin ass
RandomTrivia: Darren, Mechanic
GredGredmansson: tomAww
fanofmosteverything9: Looks like my uncle.
goateedave86: Ted Lasso
BrowneePointz: Jason Sudekis
accountmadeforants: WotC employee evaluating Start Your Engines: "Hm, a daring mechanic"
cameron_in_the_hizous: yeah thats ted lasso
TheDevil_Risen: hahah true :D
LRRMTG_Judge: That is Ted Lasso - Natedogg
vetchable: Ted Lasso for sure
Chichen: thats luigi
Scarbble: does have some big ted lasso energy
CrossXhunteR: shivam is right
SeismicLawns: Ben Stiller? /s
Crazykazel: Mario coming in hot
BrowneePointz: Or every guy I dated after Maverick related
themightygerg: I saw Speed's Dad from Speed Racer.
BrowneePointz: released*
countingku: Play the Joe Hendry theme!
Timagio: @accountmadeforants 🥁
korvys: The moustache, definitely
Kejardon: it's only the art that makes me think Mario. On the other hand, there's also a literal Blue Turtle Spikeshell...
wifi12345678910: @Chichen It doesn't kill target creature though
maclenrac: Eh Tony
Transmuted_Elf: well they also spoiled him the same time as the blueshell
fanofmosteverything9: This guy's a 3/3.
BrowneePointz: My first thought is 80% of the men in the LGBT community look like that now
call_me_Aras: Jason Sidekis is at least part Lithuanian going by his last name
GredGredmansson: I think people see Mario because this was spoiled at the exact same time as the Blue Shell
BlueFingers5: I do wheeler
cameron_in_the_hizous: I know what he means
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
TehAmelie: he's half the man John Goodman is, but equally good
brilliantScoundrel: Winter is a different card
skripmtg: sipstrMagicnewgirl sipstrMagicnewgirl BOP BOP
skripmtg: In for the beats!
thedino_dez: MAX SPEED
R__Doom: sipstrMagicnewgirl sipstrMagicnewgirl
LRRbot: Rugged Highlands | Land | This land enters tapped. / When this land enters, you gain 1 life. / {T}: Add {R} or {G}.
vetchable: whats the thing with the big thing on it
CrossXhunteR: @vetchable an elephant token, with a elephant on it
fanofmosteverything9: For the glory of BOOSTGOD
BrowneePointz: praise BOOSTGOD
vetchable: oh worm
Nickiatori: Goblin flavortext is the best
RockPusher: !gant
Tai114: About the moon-ah and the June-ah
cameron_in_the_hizous: who taught this elephant how to drive
RandomTrivia: Every time HypeLUL
LRRbot: Autarch Mammoth [4GG] | Creature — Elephant Mount [5/5] | When this creature enters and whenever it attacks while saddled, create a 3/3 green Elephant creature token. / Saddle 5
warpstonewarlock: !gant
LRRbot: Gant! Gant!
TheDevil_Risen: Every Time Shivam!
maclenrac: No free elephants
Timagio: eating the card explains the card
fanofmosteverything9: Some day, Shivam will saddle his mammoth.
thedino_dez: Chat we might be cooked
Diabore: you do get a treasure though
Scarbble: often
TheDevil_Risen: sergeOffByOne sergeBongo
vetchable: explaining the card explains the card
brilliantScoundrel: Judge Einstein here, just want to tell the rocketeers that there are limits to speed. They're going to asymptotically approach the speed of light with any vehicle they make that has mass.
benjamin_wheeler: explaining the card explains the card
POWERSTAPLES: reading the card helps to read the card
LRRMTG_Judge: reading the oracle text explains the card.
Scarbble: as usual wheeler is correct
cameron_in_the_hizous: he for sure has the trample card in hand
TheDevil_Risen: @benjamin_wheeler great Rhystic vid :)
TehAmelie: have we ever had both players at max speed before?
PipeSmokingOwl: @benjamin_wheeler superb new Rystic Studies vid
benjamin_wheeler: mods ban Vetchable I need to cover the evidence
ThePCrowl: Free elephant as a treat?
benjamin_wheeler: kappa
thedino_dez: Card read explain the explain read card
vetchable: @benjamin_wheeler i just said that
GreatWahooney: watching the preprerelease explains the card
skripmtg: The combat trick!
Diabore: big dog!
LRRbot: Bestow Greatness [2G] | Instant | Target creature gets +4/+4 and gains trample until end of turn.
TheDevil_Risen: Lets Go!
RandomTrivia: THE GOOD DOGGO
cameron_in_the_hizous: he got that dog in him
TheDevil_Risen: GG's Shivam! lrrAWESOME lrrAWESOME lrrSHINE
DyllonKG: That damn bestow sealed it up twice
R__Doom: GGs
vetchable: im banned?
Timagio: Oh ooooooooo
skripmtg: Great games!
thedino_dez: We
GredGredmansson: Wellephant having Bample: confirmed
DyllonKG: Good games to the both of you!!!
RockPusher: foxmarGG foxmarGG foxmarGG
insanecat6mtg: sergeGG sergeGG
thedino_dez: GG
R__Doom: Good job Callie
Timagio: GG!
BrowneePointz: Giant Corgo ftw!
Transmuted_Elf: if i ever stream mtg again, im going to keep a swear jar for everytime "reading a card explains a card" is said
BrowneePointz: It's a lil corgi on another card as a mascot that got embiggened @tezzatipoca
fanofmosteverything9: Brand consistency!
Timagio: Sensing a theme, here
brilliantScoundrel: When do you stop being new and what will you rebrand as?
tezzatipoca: Followed you both on bluesky :)
RandomTrivia: Amazing
LRRbot: Daring Mechanic [2W] | Creature — Human Artificer [3/3] | {3}{W}: Put a +1/+1 counter on target Mount or Vehicle.
TheInvisibleKev: This should not be a 3/3
Stormgod: well, we do now
Stormgod: but normally yes we dont ahve winter here
LRRbot: Rugged Highlands | Land | This land enters tapped. / When this land enters, you gain 1 life. / {T}: Add {R} or {G}.
LRRbot: Autarch Mammoth [4GG] | Creature — Elephant Mount [5/5] | When this creature enters and whenever it attacks while saddled, create a 3/3 green Elephant creature token. / Saddle 5
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): reading the professor explains the professor
LRRbot: Bestow Greatness [2G] | Instant | Target creature gets +4/+4 and gains trample until end of turn.
Geo Pine: what a great Elephant!
Stormgod: GGs!
CosmicGiggalo: 0-2 milkshake!
SmithKurosaki: !aetherdrift
Geo Pine: I'm getting Charlotte's Web vibes "Some Pig!"
RockPusher: tqsSip gabySip
CnCPOWERHOUR: Shivam is many places
TheDevil_Risen: Where is he not?
maclenrac: Adult beverages
TheDevil_Risen: :D
measurenull: KPOPheart
tezzatipoca: @browneepointz ooo I see still v cute. I'm bad at dogs lol
R__Doom: Shivam lrrSHINE
tezzatipoca: bleedPurple TwitchUnity bleedPurple TwitchUnity bleedPurple TwitchUnity
thedino_dez: BOP Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 BOP
skripmtg: sipstrMagicnewgirl sipstrMagicnewgirl BOPBOP
KaleidoscopeMind: give them money
RandomTrivia: Shivam and Wheeler, two people who are very good at talking and delightful to listen to
ThePCrowl: LUL
vetchable: wheeler killed me
Scarbble: the cronkles
CrossXhunteR: never enough shows
Transmuted_Elf: Hell yes Dragonlance!!!!!
TheDevil_Risen: Plans TM
RockPusher: Shivam loves dragonlance (understatement)
Mr_Horrible: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Nickiatori: started listen to Sawlm this last year and its fantastic
vetchable: is Shivam going to be at MagicCon Chicago?
skripmtg: That's so funny
tezzatipoca: Looking forward to TTC :)
Nickiatori: uh oh
Mr_Horrible: "Oh this game's ooooooooold"
TheDevil_Risen: 5 hour podcasts :D
TheDevil_Risen: is what heppens :D
TS_Terrapin: bad things or good content?
korvys: "magic MAGIC magic Magic"
t7112: aliens!
BlueFingers5: 3 numbers on the back of the card?
skripmtg: Sounds like it'll be a great podcast
DyllonKG: I need a signature from Shivam
Mr_Horrible: podcasting... the looooooooong way
DyllonKG: Just listen for the laugh!
thedino_dez: HEC YEAH
Pharmacistjudge: i content that because the hall is kinda big
korvys: You can find him... in LRR chat, pretty often too
RandomTrivia: Just open your ears and follow the sound of lore
POWERSTAPLES: Magic the Abduction
vetchable: hell yeah. i got an assemble the legion i need shivam to sign
Hansk_and_Boo: YES FINALLY
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
NewtyNewts: What an eternal question!
Mr_Horrible: I've been dying to know
Juliamon: Finally!
DeM0nFiRe: Scholars have been trying to answer that question for CENTURIES
Dog_of_Myth: Finally
A_Dub888: accurate
Hansk_and_Boo: No more sleepless nights
CaptainSpam: Whew, this is a relief.
Mangledpixel: !greetings
LRRbot: Greetings, you Dross Rippers!
Marvoleath: !card wretched doll
LRRbot: Wretched Doll [1B] | Artifact Creature — Toy [3/1] | {B}, {T}: Surveil 1.
That1GuyBen: i will be at chicago and i have one very important card to get signed which is my hidetsugu's seond rite that has 6 souls claimed and signed on it
RandomTrivia: Welp, we got bodied
A_Dub888: No one tell Ben
GedankenPalast_: I feel spoken to
cattleprodlynn: Wow, I have definitely not seen a Crack a Pack in a while because that's a new table.
fanofmosteverything9: Honk
wifi12345678910: Honk
Marvoleath: first seal in magic
Bugberry: good in Sealed
gundamschwing: Yayayaya Shivam in Chicago!
Marvoleath: (not counting the enchantments)
thedino_dez: We love Howlers Heavy
goombalax: should have been creature type Elephant Seal Pirate
kynelwynn: There's been plenty of seals! A whole cycle even
NapalmSideburns: sealed seal content
WotC_Matt: Gets the Shivam Seal of Approval
That1GuyBen: wait shivam is fromt he bay area???
Fruan: !card ground seal
LRRbot: Ground Seal [1G] | Enchantment | When Ground Seal enters, draw a card. / Cards in graveyards can't be the targets of spells or abilities.
GredGredmansson: elephant seals aren't elephants though
Nickiatori: new format idea called SEAL'd where you can only play creates with the seal tyle
That1GuyBen: there is a non-zero chance i could into shivam what
Nickiatori: type*
Nickiatori: ah Edmonton
Stormgod519: I live down in the monterey bay (wont get more specific), so that's really cool to hear from Shivam. also can confirm
That1GuyBen: i've been the monteray bay aquarium and i can 100% confirm it is still the coolest shit
GredGredmansson: well we see this effect on spells on the time, just not on a creature
Nickiatori: @Stormgod519 my brain parsed that as Madalay bay and was confused why you would live in a hotel in Vegas
brilliantScoundrel: You notice that a lot of planes just have a bad time. Like we talk about how amonket had the bolas stuff before MoM, but innestrad had eldrazi, ravnika had WAR, etc. Planes just have a bad time.
Timagio: The Holy Twiddle
Stormgod519: @Nickiatori LOL
Timagio: 🙏
Geisterkarle: spider twiddle
Transmuted_Elf: spidersilk
RandomTrivia: It straps an Innistrad spider to you
Scarbble: spiders grasp was an outlier and should not have been counted
Stormgod519: @That1GuyBen i need to give it another visit, havent been in a few years
RandomTrivia: KITTY
kynelwynn: kibby
Paulo Bastos: work
LRRbot: For more information on Aetherdrift, including a full image gallery, where you can find your local prerelease, and where to pre-order the set, click here!
Huecalpixqui Jean III: end of ppr? or end of guest games?
CosmicGiggalo: No PPR has 2 more rounds
SmithKurosaki: Yea, just end of round
Stormgod: YES
Stormgod: more scryfall roulette
Huecalpixqui Jean III: thanks! :yougotthis:
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): oh no
Paulo Bastos: Changelings are Seals confirmed
Overseer76: Pack matches shirt.
Stormgod: HOLY MOLY
Stormgod: I live in the Monterey Bay!
Stormgod: (i wont narrow it down more)
Stormgod: but holy moly
Paulo Bastos: Changelings are Seals confirmed
Stormgod: that's so cool
Geo Pine: spidersilk armor?
Overseer76: Spidersilk Armor?
maclenrac: Looks sweet
That1GuyBen: @Stormgod519 me with the exploratorium
RandomTrivia: I love the ears
Sandeon: I need 4 of those
Juliamon: cat with zoomies
niccus: and it's got maryland regalia
LRRbot: Prowl, Pursuit Vehicle (front: Prowl, Stoic Strategist) | Legendary Artifact — Vehicle [2/3] | Living metal / Whenever another creature or Vehicle you control enters, put a +1/+1 counter on Prowl. If this is the second time this ability has resolved this turn, convert Prowl.
MrQwasu: sudden spinnerets?
weff47: Lifelynx
fanofmosteverything9: Hindshadowing!
thedino_dez: Very solid
TheDevil_Risen: BOOST
just__fitz: Wizard really got tired of Lions and has gone heavy into Lynx
cheezweazl: Little Gruul Boost Buggy, in the sand!
Timagio: Shivam got great value out of that buggy, so far.
chriswr5: wheelerOok
RockPusher: wheelerOok
A_Dub888: El Spidro Guerillo
Timagio: m o n k e
fanofmosteverything9: Monke
TehAmelie: giant spidermonkey
Marvoleath: the art foreshadowing the vanilla legends
adambomb625: YARGLE
Bugberry: MOM had vanilla legend
ckupf: Yargle!
call_me_Aras: Yargle & Multani
Timagio: Yargle and Multani
SeismicLawns: the last one was actually Yargle and Multani iirc
Bugberry: !card yargle and multani
LRRbot: Yargle and Multani [3BBG] | Legendary Creature — Frog Spirit Elemental [18/6]
Timagio: You still can't evoke it!
Transmuted_Elf: That art is soooo amazing
brilliantScoundrel: Mullbreacher when?
Greyah: That Hulldrifter art is so cool, dang.
Stormgod519: that's so sick
mmmbop1 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 63 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, mmmbop1! (Today's storm count: 147)
RandomTrivia: Sweet
Mr_Horrible: that's rad as hell
Dog_of_Myth: It does, Schmandrew does amazing work.
fanofmosteverything9: Another one!?
Haroldholmes25: it's back again
DyllonKG: I really like like how much passion that Shivam has for this set
That1GuyBen: Schmandrew's gonna be at Chicago I think
chriswr5: da breetle?
thedino_dez: Dabreedle
cattleprodlynn: Siege Rhido is awesome.
memnus: Debreetle count is at 4 now?
chriswr5: how many debreetles are in the moonbase total??
Carlioo: they should make an alt art of that with the old energy templating
RandomTrivia: The callback to Reservoir is cool
Nickiatori: @Carlioo secret lair hard to read
WotC_Matt: (There are fifty of them.)
vetchable: i wanna see the conduit with the old templating
LRRbot: Prowl, Pursuit Vehicle (front: Prowl, Stoic Strategist) | Legendary Artifact — Vehicle [2/3] | Living metal / Whenever another creature or Vehicle you control enters, put a +1/+1 counter on Prowl. If…
Stormgod: chat, gotta hop onto a zoom for abit, be back later
Stormgod: oh damn
Stormgod: so good
Michael Van Horenbeeck: hi LRR, awsome seeing you open aetherdrift
TehAmelie: hmm they could have remade Aetherflux Reservoir and just called it Fuel Storage
RandomTrivia: The in-universe explanation is very good worldbuilding
fanofmosteverything9: The Indigo Rebranding!
DyllonKG: They honestly changed it in such a great way that has real world building implications
DyllonKG: It felt very cool
WitchGirlTamara: that is super cool
Hansk_and_Boo: F YES LETS GOOOO
Hansk_and_Boo: <3
MaddogM: subscribe Shivamfacts
Timagio: And the story even had consequences for it, they did it very well!
Nickiatori: 2 revolts and a interplanar invasion
munocard: 9/10ths of the Law Engine
vetchable: !subscribe shivam facts
memnus: The Planeswalker Guide and story for this set are incredible, highly recommend checking them out
RandomTrivia: *hands over keys* "Here, hold these"
Fruan: Having in-universe reactionaries who insist on continuing to call it "Kaladesh" is just such a heartbreaking realistic piece of worldbuilding, too.
fanofmosteverything9: The boy!
RandomTrivia: THE BOI
BrowneePointz: My Baby Boy!
xantos69: I don't follow much on magic discourse. Can anybody tell me (in simple terms) why they needed to change the name of the plane?
Balaur1135: The Possession Engine could have gone a step further and made the stolen creature a pilot that was used to crew it
thedino_dez: LOOTTTT
Timagio: The creature
memnus: The little guy!
meruchor: za boi
PipeSmokingOwl: Put Loot in the Box!!!
vetchable: is babby
BrowneePointz: Dark Ritual Ancestral Recall Lightning Bolt
fanofmosteverything9: Who gave this Neopet a pack of Alpha?
LRRMTG_Judge: I believe the term is "impressment" pharma2Vial
Timagio: Box the Beast
Nickiatori: I love Loot!
CrossXhunteR: Bark Ritual
krfsm: @PipeSmokingOwl lootboxes are tightly regulated in the EU
skripmtg: Card is nuts
Diabore: put it under a ca8ldron
JDMan94: Or throwing him into the cauldron
RandomTrivia: Loot seems very strong
Mr_Bitterness: Why does he have Double Strike?
Diabore: cauldron*
a_Weakling: Pushed
RandomTrivia: Can't wait to play Temur Loots in standard
djalternative: b'noble
Scarbble: *tips hat*
niccus: b&noble
munocard: This includes Crew
Orxolon: you choose for which ability exhaust it?or you can exhaust it for the three abilities once?
ghizmou: legally distinct chocobos
Marvoleath: the Taxi
severin_art: @xantos69 this is massively generalising but Kaladesh when said in a certain way was a racial slur
BrowneePointz: that art is SICK
RandomTrivia: @Orxolon You get each ability once
TehAmelie: Snakes on a Crane incoming
WotC_Matt: Each exhaust ability can be activted once.
pleonasticTautology: declare sol ring and it's useless!!!
Orxolon: @RandomTrivia got it thx
korvys: Loot kinda reminds me of Zacama
MaddogM: can you declare treasures?
LRRMTG_Judge: @Orxolon Each ability exhausts separately. 🐰
Timagio: It's the Ibix, bin-juice drinking [austalian word]
Nickiatori: wait does that hit mana abilities too?
LRRMTG_Judge: @Orxolon Since they all use the tap symbol, you could only activate one at a time. You'd have to untap it to activate one of the other exhaust abilities - Natedogg
Bugberry: @MaddogM that's not a card name
Orxolon: thanks
chriswr5: leveling up classes is an activated ability right?
fanofmosteverything9: Pia, aerospace engineer
LRRMTG_Judge: @chriswr5 It is, yes. 🐰
PipeSmokingOwl: *tips hat* D'Breetle
KaleidoscopeMind: m'breetle
chriswr5: hmm, lotsa classes running around in standard these days....
GreatWahooney: Thanks folks, this was fun! Gonna catch the remaining rounds on the vod
WotC_Matt: You can't choose "Treasure" as it's not a card name.
pleonasticTautology: i'm also gonna bounce, i have to shower before a doctor's appointment
PipeSmokingOwl: @GreatWahooney gorgcShake
korvys: The facturefoil of Loot looks dope as hell, btw
pleonasticTautology: thanks for a great show!
vetchable: @LRRMTG_Judge so on a card with multiple exhaust abilities, you can activate each ability once or use it's exhaust effect only once
Bugberry: White has had a few creatures with "name a card, tax it and/or it's abilities" recently. love some hate bears.
PipeSmokingOwl: each once
LRRMTG_Judge: @vetchable each ability once. pharma2Vial
vetchable: sick
BrowneePointz: until it becomes a new object
BrowneePointz: via dying and returning/flickering etc etc
BrowneePointz: hence why loot combos with a ham sandwich
PipeSmokingOwl: someone played a card earlier and the reminder text does say each ability. I had same question
Bruceski: @vetchable The reminder text on loot specifies "each ability only once."
Nickiatori: I am getting the Aetherdrift ad again, I am already going to the prerelease so I am not sure how effective an ad it is
Ormmannen: It´s after midnight here so time for bed. Se you in the vod
BrowneePointz: Also, if you didn't read the story, Jace isn't doing well, and Loot is now terrified of him for some reason, and we think he's been mistreating Loot/pushing him too hard
LRRMTG_Judge: Loot does not combo with a ham sandwich. most of the loot nonsense i read has deadeye navigator or displacer kitten...those two combo with ham sandwich. pharma2Vial
BrowneePointz: well and food chain
Cecil Hoshino: Heck yeah, brother, we love to see in canon development
SmithKurosaki: Welcome in, Michael
millenomi: Lol, I just got the joke — it’s a _rhino beetle_
Overseer76: I arrived late, but was able to blast through the beginning at 2x speed. Caught up just before Crack-a-Pack.:goodvibes:
JDMan94: Orrrr throw him into the cauldron
A_Dub888: now I'm hungry
KaleidoscopeMind: Soup combos with ham sandwich
LRRMTG_Judge: @vetchable Each one can be activated once.
BrowneePointz: yea or Cauldron.
JDMan94: Then every creature can lotus and ancestral :)
fanofmosteverything9: So Loot is a ham sandwich, got it.
PipeSmokingOwl: @LRRMTG_Judge So Loot IS the ham sandwich that they combo with? ....we should kill the loot?
PipeSmokingOwl: put em in a box!
LRRMTG_Judge: Please do not eat the delicious Loot - Natedogg
BrowneePointz: haha basically. Loot combos with SEVERAL interaction because of new object rules and his abilities
Bugberry: @PipeSmokingOwl "each ability" as in each ability individually, not all exhaust abilities as a group can only be activated once.
LRRMTG_Judge: I can't call loot a ham sandwich or I fear Dix may have words with me afterwards. pharma2Vial
Tai114: I think the ham sandwich award for this set goes to Radiant Lotus
Tweygoh: Make a token copy of him, sacrifice the original and put that one in the cauldron
PipeSmokingOwl: @Bugberry yup!
A_Dub888: @LRRMTG_Judge what if they're good words?
LRRMTG_Judge: they won't be. I know better. pharma2Vial
Bugberry: @Tai114 is that even comboing? if you're making a lot of artifacts, there's lots of ways leverage that into winning.
BrowneePointz: but yea, there's several combos where you generate infinite mana with his first ability
Pharmacistjudge: You don't insult the pet of the Modfather.
mistbornhoid: So there will be no more punt counter point correct
BrowneePointz: then dome your opponent for lethal with his last ability
OldUncleDan: Oh no! Something Witty Entertainment is doing an Abridged series of "Fruits Basket." Definitely not on my Bingo Card.
Tai114: @Bugberry Depends on the format, but I just see it in Vintage Cube slotting in with key and Underworld Breach
chuckaw1977: Can't wait to see LRR at Chicago!!!
BrowneePointz: or decking yourself for Thoracle etc. He's kind of a ridiculous card
BrowneePointz: That kid's gonna go far i tell ya
Anubis169: Welcome back you!
TehAmelie: it's midnight, the latest i've been able to stay awake all year. the energy here is so good it's curing my insomnia
tehcrashxor: @OldUncleDan Oh taht sounds fun
Kentosaurus: you're welcome me
Pharmacistjudge: I hope to see y'all in chicago and if you see me, get a ribbon!
TehAmelie: hi Ben, Other Ben and Kathleen
tezzatipoca: You're welcome
Anubis169: LOL
Hansk_and_Boo: OH! It's the unhinged round!! AWESOME!!!
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Thank you for thanking me. It's great to thank you.
NewtyNewts: Hollow?
MrSarkhan: LUL
fanofmosteverything9: Thank you for being you, we're glad to be here.
Chichen: Thank you for the intro Ben, it's great to be here.
That1GuyBen: deep in the abyss
3and4fifths: This is checkpoint all over again
Anubis169: You can hear the stare
CaptainSpam: lrrPAUL lrrHEART
BrowneePointz: Paul hit us with the most SULTRY Hello
LathosTiran: hold A, tap Left
Dog_of_Myth: @Pharmacistjudge Those ribbons are amazing. Love the Goblin one.
Tai114: A 12 on a d10, love to see it
Hansk_and_Boo: Magic: The Gathering
Bugberry: I wonder who Kathleen is playing in her deck.
LRRbot: Gas Guzzler [B] | Creature — Vampire Rogue [2/1] | Start your engines! / This creature enters tapped. / Max speed — {B}, Sacrifice another creature or Vehicle: Draw a card.
Mr_Horrible: 3 bens at the table
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Drawing is Cameron's right!
accountmadeforants: BEEP BEEP (compliment)
Hansk_and_Boo: Did eveeryone just upgrade their hairgame foe the PPR?!
BrowneePointz: no, but LOOTning bolt is!
LRRbot: Rocketeer Boostbuggy [RG] | Artifact — Vehicle [3/2] | Whenever this Vehicle attacks, create a Treasure token. / Exhaust — {3}: This Vehicle becomes an artifact creature. Put a +1/+1 counter on it. / Crew 1
Tweygoh: Magic: The Gathering
BrowneePointz: Hey now! Gruul are Anarchists and/or Punks!
NewtyNewts: Yes?
Mr_Horrible: we're crushing the vanilla test so far
BrowneePointz: although unprincipled
Bugberry: Lightning Strike is in this set
TheDevil_Risen: BOOST escher3DOOT escher3PUN braven10KNOT
gloamsworn: wrong always force orzhov no matter what!
maclenrac: Automaton
fanofmosteverything9: Noot noot, with beep beep happening later.
vetchable: does the boostbuggy stop being a vehicle if you exhaust it? or does it stay a vehicle
Bugberry: @vetchable no "until end of turn"
fanofmosteverything9: The natural Temur
Kentosaurus: impressive
LRRMTG_Judge: @vetchable it stays an artifact creature.
IaCthulhuFthagn: @BrowneePointz ...and Kathleen has nothing in common with such folk, despite having started a riot.
vetchable: but does it keep the type vehicle
Nickiatori: it must be nice, it must be nice to have R U G on your isde
IaCthulhuFthagn: :P
Dark Esch (Travis Nilsson): the bus driver, the bus driver man
LRRbot: Gas Guzzler [B] | Creature — Vampire Rogue [2/1] | Start your engines! / This creature enters tapped. / Max speed — {B}, Sacrifice another creature or Vehicle: Draw a card.
LRRbot: Rocketeer Boostbuggy [RG] | Artifact — Vehicle [3/2] | Whenever this Vehicle attacks, create a Treasure token. / Exhaust — {3}: This Vehicle becomes an artifact creature. Put a +1/+1 counter on it. /…
TheDevil_Risen: lrrDARK unarmeGameplay lrrDARK
TheDevil_Risen: Chaos!
LRRMTG_Judge: @vetchable It becomes an artifact creature - vehicle forever, it keeps the vehicle subtype if that ever matters.
Serpens77: I'm not your buggy, buddy! I'm not your buddy, pal!
Hansk_and_Boo: Gruul is the new very Dimir
LRRMTG_Judge: That last was from 🐰, sorry.
vetchable: okay cool
maclenrac: all vehicles become creature type
Serpens77: boop BEEP
memnus: BOOSTBUDDY isn't quite as influential as BOOSTGOD but they are more pleasant to hang out with
just__fitz: Chompy Stompy
cheezweazl: Holey Moley?
LoadingReadyRun: lrrPAUL BEEP (intimidating)
Nickiatori: will there be beeps at my prerelease?
TheDevil_Risen: @LoadingReadyRun sergeModLove lrrAWESOME
itsj0mi: take your own airhorn
Pharmacistjudge: I don't think BEEP (non-intimidating) doesn't feel right
goombalax: @Nickiatori be the beeps you want to hear in the world
itsaysTRUENO: play sounds on your phone. you won't get kicked out, trust me.
just__fitz: Pls no
Serpens77: @itsj0mi yeah, don't do that lol
Mr_Horrible: maybe check before you bring a beeping device of your own
LRRMTG_Judge: @Serpens77 That would not work the way people think, so it's unlikely to be printed. (It would only apply to animated vehicles, not non-animated ones, which I don't think most people would realize.) 🐰
itsj0mi: LUL
Carlioo: can I honk my car everytime I gain speed?
WotC_Matt: You're allowed to beep during your games, as long as you don't do so in an unsporting manner.
TheDevil_Risen: AH_WOOGAH!
BusTed: awoooga
TheWriterAleph: heenk heenk
Kentosaurus: *awooga
LathosTiran: AAWoooGAAAAA
fanofmosteverything9: "La Cucaracha" intensifies.
IaCthulhuFthagn: Any reason not to bring a Vuvuzela to your prerelease?
CaptainSpam: Just walk into your LGS and swear a lot, that should provide your beeps. lrrLUL
GLHFMagic: A cybertruck honked at me the other day and it sounded like a cow's fart
Symphoneers: You can play ride of the valkyries on a boombox, the world's your oyster.
Woogachaka: I have heard the call, Woogachaka reporting for duty
maclenrac: Awoooga
Hansk_and_Boo: Don't sund my horn without sleevs please
CandyNuke subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 112 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, CandyNuke! (Today's storm count: 148)
LRRMTG_Judge: @IaCthulhuFthagn vuvuzela are so very bulky. pharma2Vial
Bugberry: I want to see someone in Mad Max cosplay at a Pre-release
Commodore_Perry_GG: get the Awooga that Ian put into Saabine
vetchable: @GLHFMagic how did you discern it as a cow fart from a normal fart?
That1GuyBen: I hear that's what they called Shivam in college
Serpens77: or a kangaroo in Aus
GLHFMagic: @vetchable it was stupider
redpandrake: terrain elemental could never
TheWriterAleph: grizzly bears in shambles
ShaneLeeAtk: I watched RoadQuest, I know moose don't exist.
LRRbot: Beastrider Vanguard [1G] | Creature — Human Knight [2/2] | {4}{G}: Look at the top three cards of your library. You may reveal a permanent card from among them and put it into your hand. Put the rest on the bottom of your library in any order.
Kentosaurus: @TheWriterAleph lol
Mr_Horrible: it is more accurate to say you impacted a moose, like one would impact an embankment, or a mountain
mistbornhoid: A deer though the windshield in America will do the job
elgenericosfavoriteorphan: or a deer to be frank ive seen deer fuck up some cars
just__fitz: Moose are at least tasty
LoadingReadyRun: Stay away from his van!
LRRMTG_Judge: @vetchable Also, you get to know your cow farts in the midwest where we live. 🐰
Pharmacistjudge: I thought the bonus material from Roadquest showed moose
couchboyj: And moose aren't terrifying? The last Moose they put in the game power crept Collosal Dreadmaw
dragonfly1992: To slow for paper
GLHFMagic: @LRRMTG_Judge so tru
Hansk_and_Boo: That knight should be riding a bear tho
vetchable: @LRRMTG_Judge i live in the midwest! i'm just in the urban paradise of chicago!
LRRbot: Scoured Barrens | Land | This land enters tapped. / When this land enters, you gain 1 life. / {T}: Add {W} or {B}.
TheDevil_Risen: sergeSqueak
Bugberry: @couchboyj the last Dreadmaw they printed powercrept Colossal Dreadmaw
fanofmosteverything9: The Scarrens want to speak to the card reader's manager.
Pharmacistjudge: Mutant Survetor is here to take the census. Will you please fill out this form.
Tweygoh: "Moose in the headlights" destroy target attacking vehicle and creatures crewing it would be a fun card
Hansk_and_Boo: SHASHAA
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: reminder for someone in chat, probably: Your laundry is done, go put it in the dryer
TheDevil_Risen: @Pharmacistjudge o/
maclenrac: Thought process
LRRbot: Ooze Patrol [3G] | Creature — Ooze [2/2] | When this creature enters, mill two cards, then put a +1/+1 counter on this creature for each artifact and/or creature card in your graveyard.
couchboyj: @bugberry My point is, in MtG terms, a Moose is a faster T Rex :p
vetchable: @ThreeTwoOnePantsOff my microwave beeped when you said that
redpandrake: glorp
memnus: @ThreeTwoOnePantsOff Thank you for the reminder from three hours ago
chriswr5: dredge players salivating
niccus: biblically correct car
memnus: (I have since folded it and put it away)
just__fitz: Did they make a speed limit card or any way to reduce speed?
Mr_Horrible: the P/T Croozer
drcthulu: kirby car
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: @memnus I just cycled my own laundry, figured someone else might need the reminder
LRRbot: Carrion Cruiser [2B] | Artifact — Vehicle [3/2] | When this Vehicle enters, mill two cards. Then return a creature or Vehicle card from your graveyard to your hand. / Crew 1
niccus: the hand wheels are incredible
GredGredmansson: @just__fitz they printed a Blue Shell that can reduce an opponents speed by 1 if they have more than you
Bugberry: @just__fitz just the blue shell
A_Dub888: @niccus you're incredible
Diabore: @just__fitz there is 1, it bounces a creature and if that creatures controller has the most speed it reduces it by 1
LRRMTG_Judge: @just__fitz there is a card that does reduce speed, but to my knowledge there is no speed limit card. pharma2Vial
goombalax: you do get any from your bin
JosVanTongeren: good evening chat, lovely people ar LRR how is Aetherdrift??
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: @gredgredmansson it hits whoever has the highest speed, not just if it’s more than you
vetchable: @JosVanTongeren beepin
flatluigi: @JosVanTongeren seems great
Diabore: who let this scarecrow fly?
redpandrake: spikeshell harrier, the blue shell guy
SmithKurosaki: !aetherdrift
LRRbot: Beastrider Vanguard [1G] | Creature — Human Knight [2/2] | {4}{G}: Look at the top three cards of your library. You may reveal a permanent card from among them and put it into your hand. Put the rest…
LRRbot: Scoured Barrens | Land | This land enters tapped. / When this land enters, you gain 1 life. / {T}: Add {W} or {B}.
OVERKiLL!: mana sinks are king in pauper
LRRbot: Ooze Patrol [3G] | Creature — Ooze [2/2] | When this creature enters, mill two cards, then put a +1/+1 counter on this creature for each artifact and/or creature card in your graveyard.
LRRbot: Carrion Cruiser [2B] | Artifact — Vehicle [3/2] | When this Vehicle enters, mill two cards. Then return a creature or Vehicle card from your graveyard to your hand. / Crew 1
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: @josvantongeren seems like a lot of fun, I dig this set
WotC_Matt: There's beeping!
Mr_Horrible: "The 'Yard Stuff"
fanofmosteverything9: I do enjoy Golgari euughhhhhh
g0blinslide: I believe Ben means Jund Em Out.
GLHFMagic: "Black/Green f around" I think is the archetype name
sallomon33: Golgari Soup is the best archetype
RandomTrivia: Found my favourite honk
just__fitz: Thanks for all the good answers everyone!
Pharmacistjudge: oh hey it's @WotC_Matt , thanks for answering questions on bluesky
sallomon33: the best soup too, coincidentally
A_Dub888: Beep Beep Menaceep Ceep
Bugberry: People have had issues with fast Limited formats recently, so I'm curious how this Speed set falls on that scale.
maclenrac: Dusting off Fade from History
JosVanTongeren: @vetchable @flatluigi @threetwoonepantsoff good to hear! look forward to my prereleases next week doing 3 of them :)
GredGredmansson: that title reminds me of the Muraganda side story
LRRbot: Stampeding Scurryfoot [G] | Creature — Mouse [1/1] | Exhaust — {3}{G}: Put a +1/+1 counter on this creature. Create a 3/3 green Elephant creature token.
cyrix240: LIL GUY
RandomTrivia: D'awwww
RandomTrivia: SMOL
Diabore: kathleen cares not for your speed shennanigans
Hansk_and_Boo: OMG
Mr_Horrible: I like that a 1/1 can be stampeding
Hansk_and_Boo: <3
chriswr5: lil guy who becomes big guy with friend
sallomon33: DA MAUS
Travilogue: A mouse that makes an elephant!!
That1GuyBen: he's just a littlle guy
TheDevil_Risen: wheelerRat wheelerRat wheelerRat
GredGredmansson: sudden meteor
Mr_Horrible: he gets swole and brings a friend. He's a Gym Buddy
fanofmosteverything9: Drop a moon rock on that scarecrow.
sallomon33: though ngl it surprises me this is a Mouse and not a Hamster or Squirrel with the colours it has
RandomTrivia: VROOOM
LRRbot: Ooze Patrol [3G] | Creature — Ooze [2/2] | When this creature enters, mill two cards, then put a +1/+1 counter on this creature for each artifact and/or creature card in your graveyard.
JosVanTongeren: beep beep. I also love the German version of “start the engines”. in German “Starte die Motoren!!!”
LRRbot: Zahur, Glory's Past [WB] | Legendary Creature — Zombie Cat Warrior [3/2] | Start your engines! / Sacrifice another creature: Surveil 1. Activate only once each turn. / Max speed — Whenever a nontoken creature you control dies, create a tapped 2/2 black Zombie creature token.
A_Dub888: Za who?
SusanTD subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 27 months!
SusanTD: Woo, magic
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SusanTD! (Today's storm count: 149)
Mr_Horrible: Magic: the Gathering
maclenrac: Price is right
bytecaster: I just came in, are 4 mana 9/9s the new normal?
LoadingReadyRun: lrrPAUL we need an immediate spinoff that follows Stampeding Scurryfoot and their elephant friend as they have adventures
That1GuyBen: uh oh here comes trouble
Diabore: @A_Dub888 za boots with the hur
TheDevil_Risen: Kathllen's in Danger!
goosevonkaiser: meat
Serpens77: BEEP *squelching ooze noises* BEEP
Bugberry: better Rhizome Lurcher
TheDevil_Risen: lrrFINE
Ard_Rhys: 2025 green cards
fanofmosteverything9: Glorp glorp
That1GuyBen: it's a cheaper moldgraf milipede
JosVanTongeren: wait a 4 mana 9/9 wow
sallomon33: it's a vehicle set, so obviously it also consumes all the scrap, duh!
maclenrac: Gigantic
redpandrake: glorp
fanofmosteverything9: Only Shivam gets the 3D tokens.
Diabore: oh the scurryfoot is on the token too
LRRbot: Redshift, Rocketeer Chief [RG] | Legendary Creature — Goblin Pilot [2/3] | Vigilance / {T}: Add X mana of any one color, where X is Redshift's power. Spend this mana only to activate abilities. / Exhaust — {10}{R}{G}: Put any number of permanent cards from your hand onto the battlefield.
Senseiwoo: Sleepy mouse!
chriswr5: "le-hoo, Zehur" - Ace Ventura pet detective
bytecaster: Are goblins typically vigilant?
That1GuyBen: tapped a blue for that but she has the mana to do it either way whoops
ThePCrowl: Exactly why a 5 mana 8/8 is meh
Balaur1135: @bytecaster I would think the opposite, so no
sallomon33: @bytecaster no, but you have to be vigilant when you're their boss
Balaur1135: Haste, attacks each turn if able, if the slightest thing happens, blow up
chriswr5: sneaky triple green there ben
sallomon33: cuz who else's going to contain them?
Sohkrates: What's it gonna do, stare back?
RandomTrivia: sergeFall
maclenrac: Looks into the abyss, sips coffee
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
ThePCrowl: wheelerPog
JosVanTongeren: beep beep max speed
GredGredmansson: !card ooze patrol
LRRbot: Ooze Patrol [3G] | Creature — Ooze [2/2] | When this creature enters, mill two cards, then put a +1/+1 counter on this creature for each artifact and/or creature card in your graveyard.
fanofmosteverything9: Everyone! Get in here!
TheDevil_Risen: LETS GO!
Balaur1135: @sallomon33 it's hard to look backwards when you have a live incendiary device strapped to your pile of scrapwood as its "engine" and thus looking back is potentially lethal
maclenrac: Make him have it
Lord_Hosk: Make him have it (clap clap Clapclapclap)
bytecaster: BEEP BEEP, defensively
LRRMTG_Judge: it is so lovely you don't have order blockers anymore. pharma2Vial
sallomon33: @Balaur1135 that is true
LRRbot: For more information on Aetherdrift, including a full image gallery, where you can find your local prerelease, and where to pre-order the set, click here!
LRRbot: Stampeding Scurryfoot [G] | Creature — Mouse [1/1] | Exhaust — {3}{G}: Put a +1/+1 counter on this creature. Create a 3/3 green Elephant creature token.
Paulo Bastos: 🐁🐘
Paulo Bastos: 🐁🐘
LRRbot: Ooze Patrol [3G] | Creature — Ooze [2/2] | When this creature enters, mill two cards, then put a +1/+1 counter on this creature for each artifact and/or creature card in your graveyard.
LRRbot: Zahur, Glory's Past [WB] | Legendary Creature — Zombie Cat Warrior [3/2] | Start your engines! / Sacrifice another creature: Surveil 1. Activate only once each turn. / Max speed — Whenever a nontoken…
Paulo Bastos: thanks Mark Rosewater
LRRbot: Redshift, Rocketeer Chief [RG] | Legendary Creature — Goblin Pilot [2/3] | Vigilance / {T}: Add X mana of any one color, where X is Redshift's power. Spend this mana only to activate abilities. / Exh…
KytesofKaos: Yay live LRR what a treat!
SmithKurosaki: welcome in kytes :)
coachNelly: no blocker order anymore
GredGredmansson: there is no blocker order
Bugberry: The new block rules still need getting used to.
GredGredmansson: you decide what takes damage, and then the damage is dealt
gralamin: I unfortunately have had a busy workday, how has the set been?
GredGredmansson: any responding happens before that
RandomTrivia: Combat tricks *DID*, however, get worse
jmchap: ben was going it right
Diabore: combat spells still fine, its protection spells that got worse
IaCthulhuFthagn: Defensive combat tricks are worse.
RandomTrivia: On blocks
LRRbot: Redshift, Rocketeer Chief [RG] | Legendary Creature — Goblin Pilot [2/3] | Vigilance / {T}: Add X mana of any one color, where X is Redshift's power. Spend this mana only to activate abilities. / Exhaust — {10}{R}{G}: Put any number of permanent cards from your hand onto the battlefield.
just__fitz: You can pump before damage, but you cant pump after damage is assigned
DyllonKG: the rules now* are honestly how i learned the game.
Hansk_and_Boo: Damage doesn't go on the stack to the extreme
DyllonKG: I never knew there was a blocker order until they changed
GredGredmansson: we are in blockers, we are going to combat now
bytecaster: Megabyss
g0blinslide: Ty judge!
maclenrac: Life total still intact
fanofmosteverything9: Sometimes, they have it.
TheDevil_Risen: P-P-P-Enta_Block k k k
sallomon33: both brains and life totals still intact, that is good
just__fitz: Hexablock sounds like a sweet instant
LRRbot: Loxodon Surveyor [2G] | Creature — Elephant Scout [3/3] | Start your engines! / Max speed — {3}, Exile this card from your graveyard: Draw a card.
LRRbot: Debris Beetle [2BG] | Artifact — Vehicle [6/6] | Trample / When this Vehicle enters, each opponent loses 3 life and you gain 3 life. / Crew 2
RockPusher: Debreetle!
IaCthulhuFthagn: @just__fitz It sounds like a Minecraft clone or a fidget toy.
sallomon33: debreetle!
Pharmacistjudge: good job paul
kkolko: The Siege Renault
Hansk_and_Boo: This limited format seems very Debrietle centric (jk)
RandomTrivia: Paul doing user-proof design :D
Minus54: It skips 5 and goes to plaid
silent_sol: u go in reverse if its like my car
fanofmosteverything9: None button left speed
BlueFingers5: Paul did QA
mrharrydresden subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 76 months, currently on a 76 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, mrharrydresden! (Today's storm count: 150)
Timagio: No reverse!
Ard_Rhys: the forbidden 5th speed
KorrenTheNinth: Has anyone suggested "this one goes to 5" as a button?
Lord_Hosk: did Kathleens creatures not have 9 power?
Hansk_and_Boo: WARP 29
goombalax: if this were One Piece we could hit 5th gear
Sundrall: Ludicris
Bugberry: Speed 5 to go to 1955
Th3Hypn0Toad: Ben was going so fast he went plaid!
fanofmosteverything9: @Lord_Hosk They had 8 after the kill spell.
Transmuted_Elf: @Th3Hypn0Toad this
flatluigi: the first and the fast furious
elgenericosfavoriteorphan: i could go for some pb
IaCthulhuFthagn: I mean... the game already has five speeds. None, 1, 2, 3 and 4/max.
NornsFelidar: we just had moldgraf millipede reprinted in innistrad remastered, and now the power is creep brought us ooze
accountmadeforants: That one person was just real late
fanofmosteverything9: It's one more.
hattingston: But this one goes to 11
Mr_Horrible: *car explodes*
RockPusher moves the shifter from P to D
raulghoulia: guzoline
Mangledpixel: liquid schwartz
SaxPython: Thanks for the gift sub Dog of Myth lrrSHINE
ThatDangSkeleton: Fifth Speed is what the Rocketeers want, that's what will unleash the BOOSTGOD
nitrodog96: I drink my Mountain Dew from the Spinal Tap, personally
Pharmacistjudge: Yes.
Mr_Horrible: "The handsize of 6 is in demand"
just__fitz: Why do you have to go fast on the island?? Its like an hour across
Hansk_and_Boo: Thats just Ultra Magnus trying to insert the aetherspark like it's the matrix of leadership
RandomTrivia: lrrWOW lrrDARK
korvys: The magic 1% gets 2 7's
Bugberry: they need to make a Delorean vehicle with Max Speed and Suspend.
TheDevil_Risen: Oof
Minus54: Serge minding his own business getting called out
Mr_Horrible: I mean he kinda is that
sallomon33: @IaCthulhuFthagn "you mean, the PRNDL?"
Pharmacistjudge: he does drive people around.
Pharmacistjudge: so yeah
RockPusher: gabyLul
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
redpandrake: HahaThisisfine
hd_dabnado: thats a crime
accountmadeforants: James is still in the oubliette for that one time he gave advice that turned out poorly
Paulo Bastos: kiss
OVERKiLL!: laugh
LRRbot: Redshift, Rocketeer Chief [RG] | Legendary Creature — Goblin Pilot [2/3] | Vigilance / {T}: Add X mana of any one color, where X is Redshift's power. Spend this mana only to activate abilities. / Exh…
LRRbot: Loxodon Surveyor [2G] | Creature — Elephant Scout [3/3] | Start your engines! / Max speed — {3}, Exile this card from your graveyard: Draw a card.
LRRbot: Debris Beetle [2BG] | Artifact — Vehicle [6/6] | Trample / When this Vehicle enters, each opponent loses 3 life and you gain 3 life. / Crew 2
OVERKiLL!: Siege Beetle
SmithKurosaki: @Paulo Bastos Weird message. :(
Paulo Bastos: there should be a Drifting mechanic with the Untap symbol
Overseer76: lol
Nickiatori: #BlameJames
3and4fifths: PridePog
PipeSmokingOwl: lrrLUL
wifi12345678910: How dare he not pay for ice cream, I thought that was part of his job description
JosVanTongeren: icecream!!
chriswr5: i just wanna say it's so nice to see someone else do the "put the middle third on top" cut, shoutout ulmer
RandomTrivia: Wheeler pls
godardhazard: Serge! What coffee would you drunk while waiting on a terminal for the departure the departure of a too early flight?
jacqui_lantern234: wheeler!!! :P
A_Dub888: We're all bottoms
TheDevil_Risen: WHEELER!
Greendrag13: I *just* got back and we're all locked in on bottoming?
IaCthulhuFthagn: I wish I was a little bit...
That1GuyBen: benjamin "always has it" wheeler
flatluigi: yeah elevation's important when bottoming
elgenericosfavoriteorphan: "should i be taller?" I ask myself tht every day
LRRbot: Swiftwater Cliffs | Land | This land enters tapped. / When this land enters, you gain 1 life. / {T}: Add {U} or {R}.
BrowneePointz: everyone bottoms? that's just the queer community
Arboille: bumpin purses or whatever
sallomon33: Ben Wheeler, well known for the family friendly commentary
Pharmacistjudge: do you know what i could not find in Victoria? Tiger tail ice cream
TotallyNotaBeholder: Ben wishes he was a little bit taller, he wishes he was a baller
Timagio: @Arboille Boostin they sloops
fanofmosteverything9: Fairy dust, rocket thrusters, same difference.
RandomTrivia: It must be scared of heights
Th3Hypn0Toad: Treasure planet coded land art
Bugberry: More flying boats for the future Final Fantasy set.
silent_sol: -we invented a ship that scream! -why? -...
BrowneePointz: I hope we get some banger Scarecrows next year in Lorwyn
LoadingReadyRun: lrrPAUL I saw a behind the scenes thing about the movie Driver where they talk about inserting gear shift noises even though it is clearly an automatic car. Apparently it just "feels" better for the audience
hd_dabnado: dont the Wickerfolk have advanced Cheese Touch? seems unwise to have them just in Avishkar
LRRbot: Boosted Sloop [1UR] | Artifact — Vehicle [3/3] | Menace / Whenever you attack, draw a card, then discard a card. / Crew 1
cattleprodlynn: @LoadingReadyRun That's a great factoid!
bytecaster: boostie sloopie
RandomTrivia: Bloop
chriswr5: we sloopin'
Mangledpixel: Sloosted Boop!
sallomon33: boosloop
A_Dub888: Uh ohhhhh, Boostie Sloopiieeeeee
GredGredmansson: @LoadingReadyRun they also do that for electric cards sometimes
TheDevil_Risen: @LoadingReadyRun common foley occurrence, unfortunately
goosevonkaiser: so come on the bloop john b
Ard_Rhys: looty boosty sloop
TheBorzoi: Bloop for short?
RandomTrivia: benginLul
BrowneePointz: we gaht some baja tacos in our boosted sloop dude
GredGredmansson: ya ya yee
Bugberry: @BrowneePointz maybe we'll get 2-brid mana back as well.
Dog_of_Myth: lrrLUL
chriswr5: yeah lemme get a sloop- yeah make it boosted why not, and a side of onion rings
Fruan: I want a cup of that sloop's piss - I think it's boosting!
sallomon33: woke-fueled engines, my favourite
hd_dabnado: they boosted my sloop. cause woke
thecampingviking subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 25 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, thecampingviking! (Today's storm count: 151)
just__fitz: Call back to the wheeler stream
KaleidoscopeMind: tromple sir plompy
Mr_Horrible: "Yeah I boosted my sloop, coach says I gotta sit out for 2 weeks while I recover"
abslomdaak42: Sloop, Awoken
EvilBadman: Kathleen has plenty of Sloopy and Woodstork memorabilia
wifi12345678910: Wait, it's from the pirate faction, boosted means stolen lol
themightygerg: As opposed to a sloop for a toddler, which would just be a Booster Sloop
cattleprodlynn: Or Woodstoork?
call_me_Aras: Potmole?
couchboyj: Damn goblins boosted my sloop. Can't have shit in Ixilan.
RandomTrivia: "Boosted sloop" is how you ask for extra shots of coffee in some places
KorrenTheNinth: Potoly moly
TheDevil_Risen: @LoadingReadyRun funniest thing i saw was gear shift noises on a car ad for a car with CVT
sallomon33: puhthoul moul
TheDevil_Risen: (recent)
Timagio: Ben's shilling?
chriswr5: boosted sloop sounds like a hyper-regional midwest casserole that involves tater tots
fanofmosteverything9: It's more of a horizontal boost.
Fruan: No fly, only boost
themightygerg: It can totally fly! ... Once
Caryotip: secret not flying
LRRbot: Ooze Patrol [3G] | Creature — Ooze [2/2] | When this creature enters, mill two cards, then put a +1/+1 counter on this creature for each artifact and/or creature card in your graveyard.
RandomTrivia: Powerful Magic
Bugberry: They only "fly" the same way podracers fly.
TheDevil_Risen: aww Kathleen's got the whiffs today :(
Nickiatori: 3 toughness booties is the name of my new Band
Lithobraker: "Boosted single masted fore-aft rigged vessel" doesn't have the same ring to it.
just__fitz: Ooze patrol runs on Ooze Petrol
fanofmosteverything9: It ate a car!
Fruan: TEETH
cattleprodlynn: lrrJAMES Oh hey, here's the random emote I got.
Bugberry: And it has floppy arms for wheels
KaleidoscopeMind: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
214 raiders from TheAsianAvenger have joined!
Caryotip: you don t need the word on the card if the opponent thinks it has it
MyNameIsBronus: got to love "looks like it has flying" one of my favorite keywords
LRRbot: Blossoming Sands | Land | This land enters tapped. / When this land enters, you gain 1 life. / {T}: Add {G} or {W}.
RandomTrivia: Welcome raiders! lrrSHINE
MaddogM: It's mtg Kirby?
TheDevil_Risen: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR lrrSPOOPY
Haroldholmes25: country roads is just in this set
thanzo: th ooze is kirby-ing the car
superdude097: Welcome raiders!
TheAsianAvenger: avngrYo avngrYo avngrYo
Nickiatori: Howdy Raiders
cattleprodlynn: Hi, Crim and friends!
Dog_of_Myth: Heya Crim and Raiders
TheDevil_Risen: CRIM Alert!!!
coachNelly: whaup raiders
fanofmosteverything9: Hello, Crimlings.
LilyOfTheVeil666: Hello Crim & Friends!
turtleman7420: Yo.
thanzo: hello raiders!
TheAsianAvenger: hi friends !!
just__fitz: Criminal Raiders
goosevonkaiser: spider273HelloGoobyee
KaleidoscopeMind: im short so it's about chest-high
fanofmosteverything9: Ideally the ooze should be above head level, but it's early.
LRRbot: Rocketeer Boostbuggy [RG] | Artifact — Vehicle [3/2] | Whenever this Vehicle attacks, create a Treasure token. / Exhaust — {3}: This Vehicle becomes an artifact creature. Put a +1/+1 counter on it. / Crew 1
Timagio: Who up boosting they sloops till they ooze
Chandra_the_Mind_Sculptor subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 56 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Chandra_the_Mind_Sculptor! (Today's storm count: 152)
tiennis subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, tiennis! (Today's storm count: 153)
fencepostmagpie: wouldn't a wickerfolk on avishkar be a cataclysmic event that endangers most of the plane?
GredGredmansson: @fencepostmagpie in what way?
Caryotip: @KaleidoscopeMind blb blbl blb blb (i m extra short , i ve become one with the ooze)
SmithKurosaki: That'd be neat
Luka Moon: Love that I caught yall live :)❤
Paulo Bastos: Difting -- Untap this vehicle: Put a +1/+1 counter on it.
M L: sounds like my night in...
LRRbot: Swiftwater Cliffs | Land | This land enters tapped. / When this land enters, you gain 1 life. / {T}: Add {U} or {R}.
OVERKiLL!: :face-fuchsia-tongue-out:🪽
LRRbot: Boosted Sloop [1UR] | Artifact — Vehicle [3/3] | Menace / Whenever you attack, draw a card, then discard a card. / Crew 1
Geo Pine: sloop Boost B
Paulo Bastos: tea
Geo Pine: sail it like you boosted it
Geo Pine: boosted sloop eh?
M L: oh, Monty moles!
LRRbot: Ooze Patrol [3G] | Creature — Ooze [2/2] | When this creature enters, mill two cards, then put a +1/+1 counter on this creature for each artifact and/or creature card in your graveyard.
LRRbot: Blossoming Sands | Land | This land enters tapped. / When this land enters, you gain 1 life. / {T}: Add {G} or {W}.
malacorath: just got home from fnm, anything important i missed?
Paulo Bastos: you just know Jace's ass can't drive 😭
LRRbot: Rocketeer Boostbuggy [RG] | Artifact — Vehicle [3/2] | Whenever this Vehicle attacks, create a Treasure token. / Exhaust — {3}: This Vehicle becomes an artifact creature. Put a +1/+1 counter on it. /…
Paulo Bastos: you just know Liliana can't drive 😭
fencepostmagpie: they assimilate everyone they get their hands on
RockPusher: Tooth Oily
TheDevil_Risen: 2 Foiley 2 Dualie
Timagio: @fencepostmagpie Yes but don't worry about it
IaCthulhuFthagn: @MyNameIsBronus Gotta love a thing I saw at a board... a player asked their opponent if a creature with "looks flying" had actual flying, was informed no, and, relieved, then swung their flier into an unfavourable block by another creature with secret reach.
laff_o_tron subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 103 months!
laff_o_tron: finally a chance to re-up after the in app price malarky
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, laff_o_tron! (Today's storm count: 154)
GredGredmansson: @fencepostmagpie do they still have that ability outside the House?
IaCthulhuFthagn: Looking at the art does not, in fact, explain the card.
Haroldholmes25: a vish car?
fanofmosteverything9: Discar a car.
maclenrac: Dis-card
abslomdaak42: witch car
LRRbot: Boosted Sloop [1UR] | Artifact — Vehicle [3/3] | Menace / Whenever you attack, draw a card, then discard a card. / Crew 1
laff_o_tron: anything important to know for the ppr?
fanofmosteverything9: Ooze on a boat!
Diabore: oh not a may
Timagio: @laff_o_tron Probably!
RandomTrivia: Boosted S-loot-p
just__fitz: So whoever wins the PPR is technically the worlds greatest MTG Drifter for at least a week right?
A_Dub888: yo
fanofmosteverything9: Already made that reference during a Crack-a-Pack.
Khalstrom: MY Grandfather and me?
LRRbot: Ooze Patrol [3G] | Creature — Ooze [2/2] | When this creature enters, mill two cards, then put a +1/+1 counter on this creature for each artifact and/or creature card in your graveyard.
maclenrac: Big boy
fanofmosteverything9: A study in contrasts.
LRRMTG_Judge: @just__fitz nah, that would infer this has stakes. there are no stakes here. pharma2Vial
Haroldholmes25: 4 mana 7/7
goosevonkaiser: hang on to your ego, or it'll be boosted
Fruan: Big Ooze
RandomTrivia: @Haroldholmes25 That will never catch on lrrBEEJ
GredGredmansson: @Haroldholmes25 we hearthstone now
laff_o_tron: i assume any giveaways are long past?
RandomTrivia: benginLul
chriswr5: imagine pulling up to a stoplight and seeing just a bigger version of your exact same car
RockPusher: lrrDARK
godardhazard: You have a funny dying
maclenrac: Hello Jello
goosevonkaiser: "you're funny when you're dying" -cut line from tuesdays w maury
bytecaster: All slooped up and ready to boop
ThePCrowl: Seasoning Salt
ekplayscards: Kathleen's deck name is great, as always.
skripmtg: Agreed, EK.
accountmadeforants: It's the high oxygen environment they bring with them
Timagio: Dinosaurs, famous for their vitality
LoadingReadyRun: When people say Ooze Patrol, I keep thinking "Goosfraba"
Pharmacistjudge: no, Pelakka Wurm
TheDevil_Risen: o/ EK
OldUncleDan: Catcher in the Rhydon?
fanofmosteverything9: I was wondering how long the card nudging would last.
maclenrac: All of them
chriswr5: berserk AND fling??
Cocoathunder432 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 23 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Cocoathunder432! (Today's storm count: 155)
SHUT_YO_FACE: @laff_o_tron Been wondering the same thing. Watching for quite a few rounds and haven't heard anything about any giveaways
amazingjuego8: <message deleted>It's a pleasure to meet you. Your channel looks really impressive, I've been keeping up with your content for the past 2-3 months. I've noticed that some of your videos haven't received as many views as expected. I would appreciate it if we could talk about some key points and tips to improve this. Are you available to chat further about this?
Dog_of_Myth: No giveaways today
That1GuyBen: someone shoot that bot
TheDevil_Risen: @amazingjuego8 bye bye
thanzo: I like dinosaurs as green's iconic creature more than hydras
LRRbot: Lifecraft Engine [3] | Artifact — Vehicle [4/4] | As this Vehicle enters, choose a creature type. / Vehicle creatures you control are the chosen creature type in addition to their other types. / Each creature you control of the chosen type other than this Vehicle gets +1/+1. / Crew 3
SHUT_YO_FACE: @Dog_of_Myth Thanks :)
TheDevil_Risen: sergeModLove
laff_o_tron: oh, ok then, just for love of the stream today
amazingjuego8: <message deleted>Dscrd: Amazing@814
Geo Pine: Garruk drives a jacked up truck, that somehow is still powered by environmentally friendly biofuels
benjamin_wheeler: let’s here them out
LRRbot: Boosted Sloop [1UR] | Artifact — Vehicle [3/3] | Menace / Whenever you attack, draw a card, then discard a card. / Crew 1
LRRbot: Ooze Patrol [3G] | Creature — Ooze [2/2] | When this creature enters, mill two cards, then put a +1/+1 counter on this creature for each artifact and/or creature card in your graveyard.
first last: reference for those of us with lower back pain
Geo Pine: yeah, little does wheeler know that all the Beach Boys fans are watching on Youtube
first last: where's our 409 reference card
Overseer76: I guess someone has to put Ajani behind the wheel to complete the set.
Overseer76: Toonces would beg to differ.
SmithKurosaki: The 'x cant drive jokes' aren't funny
Paulo: you just know Liliana can't drive 😭
Paulo: @SmithKurosaki you banned me
SmithKurosaki: @Paulo Nope. Timed you out. And timeout dodging is not okay
Geo Pine: Liliana feels more like someone who has a chauffer in all honesty
SmithKurosaki: Please don't come back in with a third acocunt
first last: timed out for not having a funny enough joke is wild lol
LRRbot: Lifecraft Engine [3] | Artifact — Vehicle [4/4] | As this Vehicle enters, choose a creature type. / Vehicle creatures you control are the chosen creature type in addition to their other types. / Each…
Geo Pine: i think the suggestion is that the joke is in poor taste
Timagio: Holey moley
fanofmosteverything9: Molemobile!
maclenrac: moley moley moley
redpandrake: LuvUok
skripmtg: That's such a funny message here hahaha
That1GuyBen: @benjamin_wheeler but mr wheeler i only know war
Kentosaurus: thank you mods
Pharmacistjudge: I figured Ben would side with that Tiefling Thief. Stealing the statue.
LRRbot: Broken Wings [2G] | Instant | Destroy target artifact, enchantment, or creature with flying.
benjamin_wheeler: lmao “here”
22awesomehalo: How are they doing aetherdrift preprerelease
Dog_of_Myth: Thanks mods
chriswr5: minor spelling mistake detected
TheDevil_Risen: Thanks Mods sergeModLove
GredGredmansson: TAKE
circusofkirkus: yager
flatluigi: wow
Timagio: Serge LUL
RockPusher: Serge. Serge plz
GredGredmansson: serge.
Mr_Horrible: Get him, Serge
Fruan: Serge
thanzo: LUL
Dog_of_Myth: Serge
Carlioo: serge
Morrigan9: oh dear
fanofmosteverything9: I sing the Beatles song...
RandomTrivia: Oh Serge...
thanzo: SERGE
RainyMint: Serge pls
Amentur: Serge
RandomTrivia: honey
TheDevil_Risen: Serge!
KaleidoscopeMind: Serge.
GedankenPalast_: Ô.o
GredGredmansson: You clearly DON'T know
SHUT_YO_FACE: @laff_o_tron definitely
laff_o_tron: SERGE stop digging!!!
Morrigan9: judge!
noSmokeFire: roast him
Sandeon: Serge. Off by 1 (song)
themightygerg: Judge!
flatluigi: serge what song have YOU been singing
Zom_SGM: oh man Serge
Sarah_Serinde: Blackbird
circusofkirkus: LOL
RockPusher: gabyLul
Timagio: LUL
avjamethyst: blackbird
Dog_of_Myth: lrrLUL lrrLUL
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Fruan: SERGE
GedankenPalast_: Serge hunybun
darkora: LUL
TheWriterAleph: omg LUL
wifi12345678910: Serge?
Phailhammer: LuL
Mr_Horrible: he was singing the MCR one, clearly Kappa
LathosTiran: precius cupcake serge
Sarah_Serinde: Also valid
skripmtg: Serge is so good
LRRMTG_Judge: Yeah, I'm not going to step in here - Natedogg
Voidhawk42: LUL
thanzo: blackbird singing in the dead of night
Transmuted_Elf: Serge put down the shovel. sergeFall
RandomTrivia: Yeah, no ok that's fair
RockPusher: hahhahahaha
Phailhammer: benginFine
Ravynn: Serge.
coachNelly: blackbird is like our grandparent's generation though homes
RockPusher: sergeHeart sergeHeart sergeHeart sergeHeart
blackroseimmortal7: neither of you sound like the original
Th3Hypn0Toad: Wait, you're telling me that Serge is the oldest in the room? Crazy.
accountmadeforants: Remember chat, when you're at your pre-release, argue with the judges about song lyrics
TheDevil_Risen: HAHAHA
chriswr5: LuL
BrowneePointz: XD
Singenmeister: oh Serge
maclenrac: I like Crazy Train
korvys: It's the Serge/Everyone Else divide
thanzo: HAHAHA
BlueFingers5: lrrFINE
That1GuyBen: we have broken kathleen
KaleidoscopeMind: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: there is old and there is OLD
TheDevil_Risen: sergeOffByOne sergeOffByOne lrrCrab lrrSHINE
MalFnord: Best Judge Argument 2025
RockPusher: tqsLOL benginLol
fanofmosteverything9: Serge is eternal.
buemmschaf: this is peak entertainment
Timagio: Serge is eternal
TheDevil_Risen: RIOT!
tehcrashxor: lrrAWESOME
MapleFoniks: anyursms for everyone
GedankenPalast_: Oh I love Serge :D
Forlorgen: lrrSERGE lrrSERGE lrrSERGE lrrSERGE lrrSERGE lrrSERGE
DiscordianTokkan: Serge, you're not 75! :O
WitchGirlTamara: xD
Phailhammer: Hello highlight reel. :D
silent_sol: serge is a vampire
ThePCrowl: LUL
circusofkirkus: Jack Nicholson in the Shining
thanzo: serge the vampire
NarfBlinko: wow, that's the most loopy they've been in awhile
Timagio: @fanofmosteverything9 JINX
frameshifty: this 43-year old thinks Mister Mister on this one
A_Dub888: Mods methinks we needs a poll
Ankarah: honestly these are the conversations i am here for!
Proprietous: Serge is old at heart~~~
themightygerg: Serge is actually ageless.
GredGredmansson: I can sing whatever song I want if I get the lyrics wrong too
Singenmeister: lrrWOW
Shurtal: I'm glad you're all friends
jacqui_lantern234: oh, serge XD
GedankenPalast_: Serge is black and white! :D
Transmuted_Elf: Serge went to Buddy Hollies last performance
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
avjamethyst: I don't know that song either
godardhazard: Serge from the pleistocene
BlueFingers5: sergeBuckets
SolarBlitz1: Looking forward to seeing this all over the highlights again
MTGRanger: highlight reel time
coachNelly: blakcbird has the lyrics 'broken wings' in them right?
GoblinRoyalty: Serge is like the Page from 30 rock. An immortal being.
NarfBlinko: wheeler, you are not believeable :)
satyropodobny: how many cards have a playlist though
themightygerg: Hey do you like Flock of Seagulls?
itomeshi subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 92 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, itomeshi! (Today's storm count: 156)
RandomTrivia: benginChaos benginChaos benginChaos benginChaos
RockPusher: halp, I'm dying of laughter
maclenrac: I want to fly like an eagle
DeM0nFiRe is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 2968 in the channel!
thanzo: I love mcr, my favourite screamo band
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to thegiftedgrifter!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to ReeceNightshade!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to Killerbunny80!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to craddaddy!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to bleach_cocktail!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to 6gustav0!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to PadawanTK16!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to pif_g!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to PixelsAtDawnGaming!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to emerald5862!
TheDevil_Risen: only on LRR <3
Hansk_and_Boo: The Debreetles
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, DeM0nFiRe! Welcome to thegiftedgrifter, ReeceNightshade, Killerbunny80, craddaddy, bleach_cocktail, 6gustav0, PadawanTK16, pif_g, PixelsAtDawnGaming, and emerald5862! (Today's storm count: 166)
fanofmosteverything9: Serge didn't think that Presley kid would catch on.
Fruan: Is Serge secretly immortal?
GedankenPalast_: My face hurts a bit now :D
GredGredmansson: @coachNelly Blackbird singing in the dead of night Take these broken wings and learn to fly All your life You were only waiting for this moment to arise
BrowneePointz: with these broken wings
A_Dub888: In Serge's defense, I also sing Blackbird when I see broken wings
cattleprodlynn: "Take these broken wings and learn to fly / All your life / You were only waiting for this moment to arise."
BrowneePointz: she carries her dreams
Hansk_and_Boo: Sorry, I meant, The Debreatles
avjamethyst: martina mcbride anyone?
LoadingReadyRun: lrrPAUL This is why it is important to have dedicated Judges at these events
Timagio: @Hansk_and_Boo Boooooooo
cattleprodlynn: @GredGredmansson *highfive*
LRRbot: Zahur, Glory's Past [WB] | Legendary Creature — Zombie Cat Warrior [3/2] | Start your engines! / Sacrifice another creature: Surveil 1. Activate only once each turn. / Max speed — Whenever a nontoken creature you control dies, create a tapped 2/2 black Zombie creature token.
MaddogM: @Fruan it's all that highlander
BlueFingers5: wait we're playing magic?
81ackR0se: Over here laughing so hard I actually can't breath XD
Graham_LRR: Cameron says, “this is the most Round Five conversation of all time”
skripmtg: Alter Bridge has a song called Broken Wings
fanofmosteverything9: @Hansk_and_Boo "She drains you, yeah yeah yeah..."
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Broken Wings is what happened When Paul's second band stopped recording.
RandomTrivia: Chat will never be Za-hur lrrBEEJ#
RandomTrivia: lrrBEEJ
Mazrae: Judge stop distracting the players lrrBEEJ lrrBEEJ
themightygerg: Hey Ben, this is the RACING set, derailing the COWBOY set was last year!
RockPusher: Graham_LRR gabyLul
GoblinRoyalty: serge is secretly a part of the greatest generation lol
SHUT_YO_FACE: I love the deck name combination to give us "Cargo Pants? No, Car Go BEEP BEEP (menacing)"
TheDevil_Risen: @Graham_LRR I Entirely agree :) 10/10 unarmeHeart
coachNelly: this cat looks like they
goombalax: King Gizz has " Another Sucker with a Broken Wing"
coachNelly: are gonna win the race
LRRbot: Galvanic Blast [R] | Instant | Galvanic Blast deals 2 damage to any target. / Metalcraft — Galvanic Blast deals 4 damage instead if you control three or more artifacts.
fanofmosteverything9: Shark gun!
TheDevil_Risen: SHARK!
chriswr5: friggin sharks with friggin lasers!!
RockPusher: Sorry chum
chekartstadium_: just wanted to say that precovid and through covid I was watching Friday Nights and just wanted to say thank yall so much!
GredGredmansson: it's a Diorama!
Sandeon: speed!
Kentosaurus: beatles conspiracy theory: "Paul is dead (on board)"
Bugberry: I heard the art was a literal photograph
eshplode: All those diorama arts are so good
TheDevil_Risen: that makes the cards with sharks count 15 :)
LRRbot: Dune Drifter [XWB] | Artifact — Vehicle [3/3] | When this Vehicle enters, return target artifact or creature card with mana value X or less from your graveyard to the battlefield. / Crew 2
themightygerg: He's so derp lookin it's great
drcthulu: he's up two speed on it
fanofmosteverything9: The zombie came back!
Stormgod519: well well well
Nickiatori: how effective is it if the shark warnings come after the sharks?
thanzo: uhoh
Timagio: It'll be fine
Hansk_and_Boo: She was a duuuuune drifter, one day tciker yeah
A_Dub888: @chriswr5 Debreetlemania
GredGredmansson: lrrFINE
RandomTrivia: Finally, something breaks Black Lotus
Dog_of_Myth: I'm sure that's fine
LRRbot: Stampeding Scurryfoot [G] | Creature — Mouse [1/1] | Exhaust — {3}{G}: Put a +1/+1 counter on this creature. Create a 3/3 green Elephant creature token.
dwchief: Great song!
Hansk_and_Boo: Day Tripper
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
TheDevil_Risen: hahahaha
themightygerg: Kitnap the Dune Drifter
TheDevil_Risen: omg
TheDevil_Risen: SHTAP im crying
jacqui_lantern234: BEN
chriswr5: @A_Dub888 damnit that's so way better
GoblinRoyalty: sandstorm starts being played by serge
Kentosaurus: nope
RandomTrivia: BENJAMIN
TheDevil_Risen: BEN!
Timagio: Moving on
Lyrinoir: BEN NO
theamc2000: hi Ben
thanzo: ohno
Phailhammer: BEN
dwchief: NotLikeThis
RockPusher: oh Ben
CaptainSpam: Aaaaaaanyway...
skripmtg: WElp
TheWriterAleph: nope nope nope
That1GuyBen: jacob somewhere is laughing but badly
Stormgod519: nope, nope, nope
MalFnord: aaaaaand tos
DiscordianTokkan: S'BEEN A WHILE
thanzo: hey june-bug
BrowneePointz: Another Black Shrek moment from Ben
Morrigan9: serge thinks under preassure is vanilla ice
circusofkirkus: it's the shrek coloring all over again
Transmuted_Elf: Serge already had his two cups of coffee, no need to roast him anymore
turtleman7420: yikes
lirazel64: NO AND NO.
theamc2000: don’t do religious conversion Ben
fanofmosteverything9: It's Friday night. No one especially observant will be watching.
TheWriterAleph: sweating bulleeeeeets
GoblinRoyalty: KEKHeim
niccus: together we can make bigger mistakes than we can make alone
ItsThugDimmadome: @fanofmosteverything9 LUL
LRRbot: Loxodon Surveyor [2G] | Creature — Elephant Scout [3/3] | Start your engines! / Max speed — {3}, Exile this card from your graveyard: Draw a card.
Hansk_and_Boo: Sweating bullets, from a waaarm guuun
LRRbot: Broken Wings [2G] | Instant | Destroy target artifact, enchantment, or creature with flying.
SmithKurosaki: @first last Sexism isn't funny
SmithKurosaki: Nor is it okay
Overseer76: He mentioned Jace first.
SmithKurosaki: Dodging mod actions means you don't get to stick around
Thomas: God I love Serge when he steps in it like this
Overseer76: But you're not wrong.
Patrik Caes-Sayrs: what song is serge singing?
3 Player Politics: lol
luke1x: Judge call on the Judge
SmithKurosaki: @Overseer76 Shouldnt be making that joke either
SEEDZANDTWIGZ: Seal does a rendition as well
Stormgod: Im back! and i gtg do some errands
Warhobby: Serge - Blackbird by the Beatles. Ben - Broken Wings by Mister Mister
SmithKurosaki: wb Storm
Huecalpixqui Jean III: Serge gives massive "Kenneth from 30 Rock" vibes. Extremely nice and proper and secretly ageless and immortal
MovieNation: Blackbird from Nelly Furtado
LRRbot: Zahur, Glory's Past [WB] | Legendary Creature — Zombie Cat Warrior [3/2] | Start your engines! / Sacrifice another creature: Surveil 1. Activate only once each turn. / Max speed — Whenever a nontoken…
Stormgod: @SmithKurosaki thanks friend. ill be back hopefully before the end of the strem
Stormgod: but gotta grab some stuff
LRRbot: Galvanic Blast [R] | Instant | Galvanic Blast deals 2 damage to any target. / Metalcraft — Galvanic Blast deals 4 damage instead if you control three or more artifacts.
Geo Pine: I find it really interesting that the set specifically has Cat Zombies
MovieNation: "Blackbird" is a song by Nelly Furtado that appears on her 2006 album "Loose
LRRbot: Dune Drifter [XWB] | Artifact — Vehicle [3/3] | When this Vehicle enters, return target artifact or creature card with mana value X or less from your graveyard to the battlefield. / Crew 2
SmithKurosaki: @Overseer76 Also, if you must know, that wasn't their first issue
LRRbot: Stampeding Scurryfoot [G] | Creature — Mouse [1/1] | Exhaust — {3}{G}: Put a +1/+1 counter on this creature. Create a 3/3 green Elephant creature token.
Overseer76: I recognized the troll. That's why you're not wrong.
Stormgod: NOPE
SmithKurosaki: :)
Madeleine Weinberg: there's also deserted dunes welcome weary feet
MovieNation: We all live in the Yellow Submarine
LRRbot: Loxodon Surveyor [2G] | Creature — Elephant Scout [3/3] | Start your engines! / Max speed — {3}, Exile this card from your graveyard: Draw a card.
LRRbot: Howlsquad Heavy [2R] | Creature — Goblin Mercenary [2/3] | Start your engines! / Other Goblins you control have haste. / At the beginning of combat on your turn, create a 1/1 red Goblin creature token. That token attacks this combat if able. / Max Speed — {T}: Add {R} for each Goblin you control.
thanzo: LUL
Dog_of_Myth: lrrLUL
maclenrac: Start her engine
wifi12345678910: lrrLUL
fanofmosteverything9: Successful aggro management on Ben's part.
MrSVCD subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 81 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MrSVCD! (Today's storm count: 167)
Wiliart: Ben, you're a good friend.
Timagio: We can think about both, chat is a multitude
theamc2000: I just said hi when you said the line
A_Dub888: and that was the last PPR
RockPusher: Ben taking all the heat for Serge benginHeart
BrowneePointz: also that goblin is RIPPED
BrowneePointz: Look at him! Dude can bench a car!
A_Dub888: @RockPusher Ben's a good friend
IaCthulhuFthagn: I'm sure Jordynne can fit both in the highlights.
TheDevil_Risen: its Goblin Mad Max :)
fanofmosteverything9: As goblins do.
maclenrac: Rabble dork
GasCityGaming: let it through, let it through....
Timagio: Magnanimous!
lirazel64: *hands Ben a glass of Mogen David* Here, drown your sorrows.
Hansk_and_Boo: You Say Goodbye, And I Say MAX SPEED VRRRROOM
KingfisherGames: Oh that's such a good overlay for max speed.
DiscordianTokkan: Goblin Rabblemaster of Para dice-in-the-mirror
gualdhar: question for chat judges: if my opponent plays lands in front creatures in back, and refuses to change, should I call a judge?
TheDevil_Risen: Good Games!!!
Mr_Horrible: for just pennies a day, you too can save a goblin's life
thanzo: FBtouchdown
blackroseimmortal7: already sick of goblins, sad about this one
RandomTrivia: sergeGG sergeGG
TheDevil_Risen: lrrAWESOME lrrAWESOME lrrSHINE sergeGG
insanecat6mtg: sergeGG sergeGG
KingfisherGames: @discordiantokkan goblin rabblemastet of paradise by the dashboard light.
maclenrac: Face the abyss with a smile :)
Wiliart: Benter?
Dread_Pirate_Westley: There was gameplay during that banter?
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
godardhazard: The BENter
GredGredmansson: alright i gotta head out, thanks for the great showing!
LRRMTG_Judge: @gualdhar You can do so, especially if you think they are doing it to confuse you or mess up what is going on in the game. 🐰
BrowneePointz: I'm laughing so hard i'm CRYING
RockPusher: benginHeart benginHeart benginHeart
TheDevil_Risen: lrrFINE lrrFINE lrrFINE
abslomdaak42: Can't wait for the highlight reel
flatluigi: ben's going to go get ice cream
gualdhar: @LRRMTG_Judge thanks!
Timagio: Ooooh!
fanofmosteverything9: I thought it was Aetherdrift.
sallomon33: HUH?
maclenrac: Crack-a-Pack!!!
BrowneePointz: we love you ben! browne2Pride
elgenericosfavoriteorphan: oh even more unhinged?
Dog_of_Myth: Par for the course
mistbornhoid: Could you play that goblin second main phase so the goblin isn't attacking?
RandomTrivia: What did you do to Matt?!
coachNelly: good games!
Timagio: I love a good pack of crack
3and4fifths: Opening a pack of Unhinged?
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Wheeler? Unhinged?
Travilogue: So, standard Wheeler Crack-A-Pack then?
RandomTrivia: Excellent start :D
chriswr5: oh this is gonna be good
Mr_Horrible: good start, good start
Calhoun327: I am still enthusiastic about this preprerelease!
TheDevil_Risen: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
goosevonkaiser: ggs
blackroseimmortal7: how unhinged can cracking packs be?
Ard_Rhys: odds that they open a beetle in this one as well
IaCthulhuFthagn: @LRRMTG_Judge How about if they only tap 45° instead of the full 90?
blackroseimmortal7: wow this is a start
DeM0nFiRe: Hey I was never convicted for that
theamc2000: we’re streaking?
godardhazard: Wheely
satyropodobny: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
cattleprodlynn: I am curious as to how much it costs to fund the Punt/Counterpunt sketches. I might join a backing campaign for a series of those just for the heck of it.
RandomTrivia: Wheeler experiencing some lag there :D
fanofmosteverything9: Wheeler suffering high ping.
elgenericosfavoriteorphan: hot
TheDevil_Risen: lol
Serpens77: chu
maclenrac: Smooches
TrendingNonGamer: the teeth
sascha454: what if the rare is yet another beetle
raulghoulia: yall are goblins but in completely separate ways
WotC_Matt: My engagement is through the roof.
chriswr5: ya know if i had a nickel for every time someone opened a pack with their mouth today, i'd have 10 cents, which isn't a lot, but it's weird that is happened twice
LRRMTG_Judge: @mistbornhoid The goblin token is created by a trigger at the beginning of combat, so if you play the Howlsquad Heavy in the second main phase then you don't get a token - BlackRose
TheDevil_Risen: @WotC_Matt Oh my! <3
definenull: Henlo chat! How has the PPR been?
RandomTrivia: Gotta get to the danger zone somehow
elgenericosfavoriteorphan: they've paved ahmonkhet and put up a parking lot!
BrowneePointz: this card is sneakily good
Serpens77: they removed all the raods afdter the race was done and left no trace
OldUncleDan: They paved Ahmankhet... Put up a parking lot.
fanofmosteverything9: At least it's not a hyperspace bypass.
A_Dub888: I thought it was don't dump toons into a vat of acid
goatprince: my pharaoh, please, the lanes,
OldUncleDan: @elgenericosfavoriteorphan Got there before Idid.
EvilBadman: Eight lanes of shimmering cement running from here to Pasadena. Smooth, safe, fast. Traffic jams will be a thing of the past.
chriswr5: @elgenericosfavoriteorphan oooooh ba ba ba
Nickiatori: I am building an Uril deck and this seems really good for it
maclenrac: From the graveyard makes it good
WotC_Matt: They started to watch it... but then they had to... dip.
fanofmosteverything9: Wheeler will remember this.
BrowneePointz: To be fair, Amonkhet gave Avishkar permission only to make the roads in less populated areas/NOT naktamun
Transmuted_Elf: Rancor!
Lithobraker: They built the road outside the environment.
Mr_Horrible: thankfully Amonkhet is mostly less-populated areas these days Kappa
BrowneePointz: i mean, it's actually more
BrowneePointz: natkamun is back
A_Dub888: *facepalms* I just NOW realized the joke about Dumbo working for peanuts
bullseye3265 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 49 months, currently on a 49 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, bullseye3265! (Today's storm count: 168)
LRRbot: Howlsquad Heavy [2R] | Creature — Goblin Mercenary [2/3] | Start your engines! / Other Goblins you control have haste. / At the beginning of combat on your turn, create a 1/1 red Goblin creature toke…
Geo Pine: this set would have been the perfect one to have a yellow submarine in it
MovieNation: We all live in the Yellow Submarine
Overseer76: Noteno7gh yellow cards in this set?
John Hill: that card is immediately going into Krenko
Overseer76: *enough
Pedro: stomp that pedal, Kathleen
? the Vtuber Ch: Goblins like having short and violent lives
Geo Pine: its kind of the brand really
? the Vtuber Ch: Unhinged? I though this was aetherdrift
Geo Pine: while does it feel like graham is just insulting us for crack a pack today
John Hill: can confirm. Usually my goblin deck doesn't really get going until the third board wipe
RandomTrivia: That's clunky
accountmadeforants: I'm not big on that wording, yeah
BrowneePointz: and a bunch of Ancient Zombie Warlords are battling the crap out of each other with their armies in the far reaches of the desert @Mr_Horrible
Bugberry: I guess it tripped you up
IaCthulhuFthagn: @BrowneePointz A plane where the only biome we have ever seen is desert and flood plain can't be too densely populated, now can it?
TheDevil_Risen: @A_Dub888 oof
GedankenPalast_: Don't like that wording
Fruan: I like the new template
Commodore_Perry_GG: too much Simpsons
sallomon33: premium blue removal spell!
Timagio: "The owner of target permanent" was so clear
LRRbot: Broken Wings [2G] | Instant | Destroy target artifact, enchantment, or creature with flying.
BrowneePointz: Remember, Amonkhet Zombies/Mummies are sentient and by all accounts, people
Max_Fan: yeah the template is awkward
Mr_Horrible: @BrowneePointz yeah, I figured they wouldn't get the 2 new gods if nobody was left to rebuild, so I assume efforts continue apace
satyropodobny: no gods or kings, only tops and bottoms
RandomTrivia: To be fair though, cycling means your vehicle is very unlikely to explode randomly for no reason
BrowneePointz: they're actually kind of thriving
A_Dub888: Aren't we all running on engines, if you really think about it?
EvilBadman: Owner of target nonland permanent points it check check point it now.
cmdrud87: I mean, it has been like 5 years since standard was ruined for the last time, we can do cycling for (1) again
Transmuted_Elf: need someone on a Penny_farthing
Mazrae: Could motor"cycle" it
ArcOfTheConclave: are there any (1) cycling costs in this set? or did they learn that lesson in ikoria?
BrowneePointz: although said Ancient non-cooperative Kings and Queens serve the CHitin Court and are amassing to slaughter the living(once they stop fighting themselves)
RandomTrivia: It's so boring, unfortunately
theamc2000: yay
maclenrac: My centaurs cost 3
chriswr5: clocky queen <3
RandomTrivia: "Hey what shall we make the white vanilla?" "I dunno, Isamaru but bigger I guess"
Foppish: Isamaru 2!
fanofmosteverything9: You can see the gears turning in Graham's head.
Timagio: Isamar2
viciousvulture: it's vanilla creatures
Transmuted_Elf: Graham, is giving a very golden retriever confused feel here.
Bugberry: Artifacts are relevant too
ArcOfTheConclave: Murganda so murganda has vanillas
flatluigi: (this is a prerecord)
A_Dub888: in the year of our lord
GedankenPalast_: crew and those legends really help
RockPusher: Transmuted_Elf mattlrConfus
A_Dub888: *2025
TheMinionGM: Before being given their preview cards, I take it
Kentosaurus: surprised wheeler didn't make a normal men, innocent men joke
EvilBadman: Oh these nerds haven't seen LRR's preview card video
Transmuted_Elf: @RockPusher yes
sadfleck: @flatluigi omg i'm such a big fan of your work Luigi
LRRMTG_Judge: Alrighty... it's after midnight here so time for me to call it a night. Enjoy the rest of the prerelease! - BlackRose
maclenrac: seems good
TheMandrew: notably it doesn't say end of turn
flatluigi: @sadfleck ....what work do you mean
totumusmaximus: it stays a creature
Johanson69: Becomes creature, not only until end of turn
fanofmosteverything9: Thank you, Rose!
cmdrud87: so, wxhaust is basically refurbished monstrous?
Mr_Horrible: have a good night, BlackRose o7
GedankenPalast_: @LRRMTG_Judge Good night
chriswr5: thank you for judging us Clap
A_Dub888: @LRRMTG_Judge lrrJUDGECALL ...... Have a good sleep
RandomTrivia: Night blackrose, take care! sergeModLove
Mr_Horrible: "Get into the car that's inside the car, Shinji"
sadfleck: @flatluigi just making bad jokes with your name being Luigi
RandomTrivia: I really dislike how big all the vanilla and pseudo-vanilla creatures are - you used to not die by not playing a 2-drop and now you can suddenly take 7 on turn 3. Feels very bad
VrolikSyndrome: @Mr_Horrible So there was the show called G Gundam...
Mazrae: Question, could you crew a vehicle with another vehicle?
Mr_Horrible: "What if we printed Electrolyze in 2025?"
Bugberry: @Mazrae yes, it's a creature with power, so it can crew/mount stuff.
LRRMTG_Judge: @Mazrae If the other vehicle is a creature, you could use it to crew another vehicle - Natedogg
A_Dub888: is land
Timagio: Even without the extended Standard cycle, Shelly would have rotated out by now, no?
Mr_Horrible: @VrolikSyndrome believe me, I am aware. The fact that the horse gets its own gundam with its own cockpit is still one of the dumbest things I've ever seen [affectionate].
VrolikSyndrome: it's peam
VrolikSyndrome: for sure
RandomTrivia: #IslandsThatAreIslands
GedankenPalast_: Colour!
sallomon33: so succulent in colour
elgenericosfavoriteorphan: i love how vivid that is
chriswr5: @Timagio DMU rotates later this year, currently still legal in standard
Mr_Horrible: welcome back, Aethersphere Harvester
Timagio: @chriswr5 So she'll be in with Aetherdrift too? Damn.
LRRbot: Broken Wings [2G] | Instant | Destroy target artifact, enchantment, or creature with flying.
TheViperZed: sick, i get to see PPR live, not very often I manage that as a eueropean,
Geo Pine: home sick, but hey I can watch the ppr
Pedro: Seize - B - Sorcery: Exile target vehicle. Creatre a treasure token.
SmithKurosaki: welcome in zed
Pedro: best card in Magic
Bolas138 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 2 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Bolas138! (Today's storm count: 169)
chriswr5: @Timagio eh just slap a Sheltered by Ghosts on her, she's not a big deal
A_Dub888: Is that implying that cards with exhaust are filled with BEES?
Mr_Bitterness: Yeah, that's definitely Redline
fanofmosteverything9: Vin!
cmdrud87: a bit Tron as well
Voidhawk42: Redline is awesome, everyone should watch it. Great film
elgenericosfavoriteorphan: i love this name
flatluigi: rip spellslingers
elgenericosfavoriteorphan: oh my god
Timagio: Humongolodongologongus
cmdrud87: goes straight into Queza
KaleidoscopeMind: is max speed related to max clearance?
A_Dub888: !card ophidian
LRRbot: Ophidian [2U] | Creature — Snake [1/3] | Whenever Ophidian attacks and isn't blocked, you may draw a card. If you do, Ophidian assigns no combat damage this turn.
Shurtal: we gonna meet Max Clearance's cousin Max Speed?
Orestes290: Nickname is Stanley Tucci
laff_o_tron: Vnwxt is looking for work
SK__Ren: @Shurtal What about Uncle Max Headroom?
A_Dub888: @Shurtal we already did, you probably blinked
GedankenPalast_: Found them!
GedankenPalast_: There!
GedankenPalast_: *points at screen*
Nickiatori: this cars is so sick!
Bugberry: Notably, afflict isn't dealing combat damage
accountmadeforants: Yeah, Battlebond definitely had the homunculi with the big eyes for heads. Ravnica homunculi also have the big eye but more head around it.
TheDevil_Risen: love Pitor Dura art
elgenericosfavoriteorphan: oh well that'll go in my gisa and geralf deck
TheDevil_Risen: gorgeous
Tweygoh: Wait, so wouldn't ophidian not work if you chose to draw a card? since no life was lost
galleadden: wheres the debreetle? every pack needs a debreetle!
maclenrac: 2/2 zombies bolt face on block
maclenrac: all zombie
elgenericosfavoriteorphan: arthur dent aahhh zombies
ArcOfTheConclave: NIMBY
raulghoulia: didn't know Graham could do The Voice
Mr_Horrible: lodging a complaint, at high velocity
A_Dub888: "God dammit, I was having a good dream!"
Nickiatori: I really want a full set on Amonket now
Timagio: "The zoning commission will hear of thiiiiiis!"
TheDevil_Risen: OMG
Bugberry: Tempered Steel on a ship
Diabore: quick chat, what does the binary say
TheDevil_Risen: that binary joke
TheDevil_Risen: HAHAHAHA
fanofmosteverything9: Tempered Helicarrier!
niccus: the pyramids were impressive but wait till you hear about the HOA
cmdrud87: I need this, for the flavour text alone
thanzo: zomnimbies
PowrOfFriendship_: That's FLY in binary, I think?
TheWriterAleph: the plans have been on display for five years, i don't know why you're complaining about the freeway
RandomTrivia: Isn't it something like "LIVE" in ascii?
drewm1022: The humans are dead. We used poisonous gasses. And we poisoned their asses.
A_Dub888: @Diabore I think that opens a time portal
Phailhammer: "Oh, it's down the hall and to the left."
Phailhammer: Kappa
couchboyj: Its definitely ASCII
Revelia: Realxeyez starts playing
chriswr5: in binary its "SAVE"
TheBorzoi: That's binary, not ASCII
Amentur: *checks RapidTables* comes out as SAVE
elgenericosfavoriteorphan: @TheWriterAleph ahh yes the display department, you mean a disused lavatory at the bottom of.. etc etc
accountmadeforants: "Drink more ovaltine" (wouldn't fit by a long shot, but hey)
babyspacecadet: i love this card art
EvilBadman: whoa that art
SK__Ren: Alacria? Like Alacrity?
Luminaire_p: @Revelia PridePog
Mr_Bitterness: That is some wild comic art
TheDevil_Risen: @chriswr5 correct
fanofmosteverything9: She-Ra!
Decaped: @TheBorzoi it's both
RandomTrivia: @TheBorzoi Yes the numbers are binary, but they reference ASCII character tables
Frostwriter111: +1
couchboyj: ASCII is a mapping of binary to characters... so ASCII is binary
A_Dub888: Magic: The Gathering!
chriswr5: +1
LathosTiran: an extra counter
Timagio: Buffalo buffalo buffalo Bufallo buffalo.
CaptainSpam: Plus one plus one plus one plus one plus...
ArmstrongRGM96X: Ah, what was that Rhystic Studies video I just watched...?
elgenericosfavoriteorphan: oh lord
Pharmacistjudge: !card harden scales
LRRbot: Hardened Scales [G] | Enchantment | If one or more +1/+1 counters would be put on a creature you control, that many plus one +1/+1 counters are put on it instead.
KaleidoscopeMind: plus 1
TheDevil_Risen: That's a sentance
Commodore_Perry_GG: 1 plus 1 plus 2 plus 1
Fruan: Surely "place an additional counter" would be a better way to word that
Johanson69: frogmu1Hmmm
Foppish: plus three?
GedankenPalast_: Flawless
mjuukis: reading the card explains the card
Pharmacistjudge: that's the normal wording
Paspantoute: xariAie
TheDevil_Risen: Magic : The Gathering!
Timagio: @ArmstrongRGM96X LUL
WotC_Matt: Always fun seeing that phrase get people on like the seventh card it's appeared on
TheNerdWonder: buffalo!
RandomTrivia: Time for a bondulance
Bugberry: Hardened Scales for Vehicles/Mounts
Dread_Pirate_Westley: My plus one is playing that in their deck.
TheWriterAleph: they HAD to have write it that way on purpose right? right???
Johanson69: Explaining the card, explains the card
mjuukis: explaining the card explains the card
Bugberry: !card hardened scales
LRRbot: Hardened Scales [G] | Enchantment | If one or more +1/+1 counters would be put on a creature you control, that many plus one +1/+1 counters are put on it instead.
RandomTrivia: Thanks Matt!
northos: !card ambiguity
LRRbot: Ambiguity [2UU] | Enchantment | Whenever a player plays a spell that counters a spell that has been played or a player plays a spell that comes into play with counters, that player may counter the next spell played or put an additional counter on a permanent that has already been played, but not countered.
TheDevil_Risen: thanks Matt
thanzo: 1+1+1 counters? so three? LUL
Sandeon: can't lose what you don't have
RedArrogantKnight: the card explains to read the card
maclenrac: Grammatically checks out
eshplode: So if you'd put one plus one/plus one counter on a card, you'd put one plus one plus one/plus one plus one counters on the card, plus one?
00gogo00: isn't that literally how hardened scales s templated
GedankenPalast_: he he hehehe
Mr_Horrible: you ever just get ruined by a turn of phrase?
TheWriterAleph: one plus one plus TWO plus one
niccus: part of magic'a rich heritage
elgenericosfavoriteorphan: is this when the room started getting flooded with helium?
zigboy22: lol love the mental breal
AdamYMHMI: Smash cut to bleached white skeleton...
totumusmaximus: Kids remember, drugs are bad ;)
KaleidoscopeMind: quick matt, cut to a "5 minutes later" screen
Bugberry: !card winding constrcitor
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
DyllonKG: I've never seen Wheeler lose it and i love it
Lizzie Two Shoes: Live action??
ShadeRicter: that seems good
Geo Pine: yeah they made a live action speed racer movie
Overseer76: "Venixt" seems like the likeliest pronunciation.
Lizzie Two Shoes: ohhhh okay I thought he was saying that Redline was live action
TheViperZed: thanks SmithKurosaki ^^
Overseer76: nailed it in one.
Lizzie Two Shoes: I love flight of the conchords
Pedro: "Pit Stop" -- Artifact Token -- Sacrifice: Untap target permanent. // Sacrifice: You get 2 energy. // Sacrifice: target equipment becomes attached to target creature.
Geo Pine: Alacria is such a clever place name for a racing set
Mike Filemaker: they have to rename them. they just have to.
j “jesseh” v: so hardend scales
Pharmacistjudge: Hardened Scales [G] | Enchantment | If one or more +1/+1 counters would be put on a creature you control, that many plus one +1/+1 counters are put on it instead.
TheViperZed: some one knew exactly what they were doing there :D
Pharmacistjudge: that's normal
Pharmacistjudge: we've played with that card for years
Pedro: "Pit Stop" -- Artifact Token -- Sacrifice: Untap target permanent. // Sacrifice: You get 2 energy. // Sacrifice: target equipment becomes attached to target creature.
whopsyd: Why is that not "an additional" ?
LathosTiran: "that gun only has one bullet left"
Orestes290: Just because its been the templating doesn't mean it isn't still silly
Chandra_the_Mind_Sculptor: would the third plus one be to mana cost?
Serpens77: @TheWriterAleph *chandelier crashes*
DyllonKG: Walkitback Marker
A_Dub888: @niccus Now I want a series of Magic Heritage Minutes
Mr_Horrible: as opposed to the Walk-it-back Marker
WotC_Matt: @whopsyd WAY less entertaining
Johanson69: neat
LRRMTG_Judge: That is the ability of hardened scales. a card from Khan of Tarkir....from 2014.
Timagio: Walkingback Walker
fanofmosteverything9: Ballista Mart!
TheDevil_Risen: Hangarback Walker / Walking Ballista Draw engine!
TheDevil_Risen: Lets GO!
elgenericosfavoriteorphan: imagine if the shops could come TO YOU
Serpens77: why would anyone need the shopping mall to MOVE AROUND?
RandomTrivia: I love the Hangarback callback
blackroseimmortal7: hangerbacklista
BusTed: lrrLUL
RandomTrivia: GRAHAM
DiscordianTokkan: HAH
RedArrogantKnight: drawing ballista
baltimore_667083: GRAHAM
TheDevil_Risen: GRAHAM!
Dog_of_Myth: lrrLUL
LRRMTG_Judge: @Serpens77 Home delivery - Natedogg
elgenericosfavoriteorphan: oh no
Balaur1135: @Serpens77 In Alethkar, Shopping goes to you!
thanzo: OHNOO
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
accountmadeforants: Imagine how bad your opponent will feel if you hit their Marketback Walker with Vampire Hexmage
elgenericosfavoriteorphan: we're going too deep
Diabore: !card caradora
LRRbot: Caradora, Heart of Alacria [2GW] | Legendary Creature — Human Knight [4/2] | When Caradora enters, you may search your library for a Mount or Vehicle card, reveal it, put it into your hand, then shuffle. / If one or more +1/+1 counters would be put on a creature or Vehicle you control, that many plus one +1/+1 counters are put on it instead.
TheDevil_Risen: 10/10 no notes
CaptainSpam: Graham Stark you glorious monster. lrrLUL
northos: I didn't know we brought back punt/counterpunt for this PPR :P
RandomTrivia: You dorks (affectionate)
DoomCountDown: keiperForgor
A_Dub888: +1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1
TheDevil_Risen: perfect crack-a-pack
Timagio: We love pink Wheeler.
Mr_Horrible: I'm honestly impressed they were good for the stream after filming this
Paspantoute: paspanNotes +1 +1 +1
dacbruh: I love +1/+1/+1 counters
EvilBadman: @TheDevil_Risen I think you mean 11/11, forgot a +1/+1
Forlorgen: was there a gas leak again?
DiscordianTokkan: lol
couchboyj: Sorry I missed that, plus how many now?
WotC_Matt: Reading is fun-damental.
TheDevil_Risen: yeah, sorry forgot the extra +1+1
ThePCrowl: wheelerOok
TheDevil_Risen: ill take the GRV
Bugberry: !card seeds of strength
LRRbot: Seeds of Strength [GW] | Instant | Target creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn. / Target creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn. / Target creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn.
elgenericosfavoriteorphan: a indeterminant amount of counters
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
lightfut: +1
thanzo: +1
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
TheDevil_Risen: +1
GedankenPalast_: +1
That1GuyBen: these boys are alright
RainyMint: +1
NotEvenDavid: i don't think i've ever seen wheeler like full on break like that
maclenrac: therapeutic pack opening
Peevvi: +1
IaCthulhuFthagn: This is a "hi youtube" moment if ever I saw one.
TheWriterAleph: +1
sascha454: can we get a blood pressure check on wheeler?
Mr_Bitterness: I've never seen Wheeler turn that red
Chandra_the_Mind_Sculptor: +1/+1/+1
TheDevil_Risen: hey wheeler, want to be my +1?
TheDevil_Risen: Kappa
raulghoulia: well im crying
KaleidoscopeMind: matt really held back on that one
Hansk_and_Boo: I tried to have a semi serious Whatsap conversation. That no longer happnened xD
AricWest: wheeler when he loses it is so great. His minecraft series has a lot of that
zigboy22: ah the gas leak ep, oh leaving me light headed
TheDevil_Risen: <3
Omega00024: So...I feel like Rhystic Studies released his video a little too early
Baseclef: That was the most unhinged crack a pack I have ever seen.
Syphilicious: !card common bond
LRRbot: Common Bond [1GW] | Instant | Put a +1/+1 counter on target creature. / Put a +1/+1 counter on target creature.
LRRMTG_Judge: sometimes card templating is silly. pharma2Vial and a creature with Hardened Scales on it just seems funnier for some reason.
Nickiatori: I am getting the Aetherdrift Ad again, Twitch I am going to the prerelease this is bad ad placement!
RandomTrivia: benginDance
Pharmacistjudge: So which faction do all like the best?
Dog_of_Myth gifted a Tier 1 sub to plusoneplusoneplusone! They have given 1663 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, plusoneplusoneplusone! (Today's storm count: 170)
Fruan: B O O S T G O D
chaps_the_goblin_king: HAIL BOOSTGOD
TheDevil_Risen: seabatClap jlrrDance3 jlrrJade hifunkSickest escher3BUZZ coachn3Rollinghead sergeModLove wheelerOok voxyCrabdance sergea138Secret flinterParty1 braven10HEX unarmeGameplay
Tweygoh: !card kami of whispered hopes
LRRbot: Kami of Whispered Hopes [2G] | Creature — Spirit [1/1] | If one or more +1/+1 counters would be put on a permanent you control, that many plus one +1/+1 counters are put on that permanent instead. / {T}: Add X mana of any one color, where X is Kami of Whispered Hopes's power.
Nickiatori: Endriders!
stippledotter: Wait, did that screen say Friday Nights at MagicCon Chicago in a few weeks??
Timagio: @stippledotter Yep
LRRMTG_Judge: yes it did.
Nickiatori: @stippledotter yes
EvilBadman: @Nickiatori sub to the channel, that'll show 'em
NotEvenDavid: i just looked at my original khans copy of scales and it's the exact wording KEKW
BrowneePointz: fun fact, in standard Mimeoplasm goes infinite with 3 creatures as long as 2 are Kami of Whispered Hopes and Sleep-Cursed Faerie
valkyrisprime subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, valkyrisprime! (Today's storm count: 171)
TheViperZed: still funny though, every time
CosmicGiggalo: Gas leak in the moonbase
Han Far: nice
ShadeRicter: ohh, its like walking ballista but without win conditions
Geo Pine: yes instead of a win condition itself it just draws your win con instead
Luka Moon: im not gonna be able to get the words plus one plus one out of my head for the rest of the night
TheViperZed: that's also is a tron lightcycle on there
3 Player Politics: 😂
Nickiatori: @EvilBadman I wish I could, Saving up for School
Wiliart: Hey, it's the +1 team.
Anubis169: oh there they are!
flatluigi: ah, graham and wheeler plus one
Diabore: hey wheeler, plus one +1/+1
thanzo: the debreetle match
RockPusher: aaaaAAAAAAaaaaAH
satyropodobny: the final stretch
djalternative: I only A-Hold
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
Nickiatori: Hey wheeler what does Hardened scales do?
protocol_gamma: plus one +1/+1?
thanzo: LUL
BrowneePointz: really slamming the Caradora shut on that finale intro
Hansk_and_Boo: Serge is so WELLD ONE
sallomon33: +1/+1 Wheeler, hard agree
Anubis169: +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
RampG4mes: hey Kathleen how are those shirts my mom gave you and Graham
cheezweazl: numotHELLO lrrBartleby amazonPumpkinDance
A_Dub888: +1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1
definenull: its the silly giggles
couchboyj: Plus how many now?
Transmuted_Elf: sergePeek transm8Rip sergeGG
maclenrac: Laughter +1
Transmuted_Elf: sergeOffByOne
RockPusher: Oh dang, G got hands!
RedJackz: only just got here. can anybody give context?
A_Dub888: Wheeler LOST a die roll??
LRRbot: Thornwood Falls | Land | This land enters tapped. / When this land enters, you gain 1 life. / {T}: Add {G} or {U}.
Nickiatori: Wheeler lost the die roll?
maclenrac: +1
definenull: this isn't canlander so it's fine
Wiliart: Did G win the die roll by +1 from Wheeler?
Anubis169: Thornwood falls, The rest of you make your saving throw
LRRbot: Jungle Hollow | Land | This land enters tapped. / When this land enters, you gain 1 life. / {T}: Add {B} or {G}.
LRRbot: Venomsac Lagac [1G] | Creature — Lizard Mount [2/1] | Deathtouch / Whenever this creature attacks while saddled, it gets +0/+3 until end of turn. / Saddle 2
That1GuyBen: the telltale "oh no" of keeping a greedy hand and getting punished
couchboyj: Plus one plus one life
ChillyCru: how many counters do you get if you have that card plus Hardened Scales plus Doubling Season
Dread_Pirate_Westley: This is almost Tarkir levels of "Your first land comes into play tapped. You start at 21 life."
BrowneePointz: speaking of which, new Tarkir in 3 months
RockPusher: sergeMoly
LRRbot: March of the World Ooze [3GGG] | Enchantment | Creatures you control have base power and toughness 6/6 and are Oozes in addition to their other types. / Whenever an opponent casts a spell, if it's not their turn, you create a 3/3 green Elephant creature token.
definenull: oops
Diabore: triple green though
HolyFroq: omfg
definenull: *regert*
That1GuyBen: jesus
turtleman7420: We did it chat!
g0blinslide: Lol
wench_tacular: oof
RockPusher: coachn3Welp
Nameless_Sword: Ouch, that hurts to see
g0blinslide: Magic is hard graham
thanzo: oouphe
drcthulu: no regratz
LRRbot: Gastal Raider [2B] | Creature — Vampire Rogue [2/1] | Start your engines! / When this creature enters, target opponent reveals their hand. You choose an instant or sorcery card from it. That player discards that card. / Max speed — This creature gets +1/+1 and has menace.
Bugberry: it's like when Serge played that vulture at a PPR and kept milling his bombs.
Pharmacistjudge: if that ooze enchantment was a bloodghast graham would get at trigger next turn.
LRRbot: Rise from the Wreck [2G] | Sorcery | Return up to one target creature card, up to one target Mount card, up to one target Vehicle card, and up to one target creature card with no abilities from your graveyard to your hand.
definenull: WHEELER
sallomon33: NOOO, bur thicc mommy :<
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
1y1e: Reminds me of Grim Captain's Call
BusTed: 🤠
MrSarkhan: lrrWOW
satyropodobny: thick throg
RandomTrivia: lrrWOW
Hansk_and_Boo: popped a wheeler
TheAwkes: What part of the Lagac is the saddle on?
A_Dub888: as a treat
maclenrac: Hotwire it
RockPusher: wheelerMuldcb wheelerY wheelerH
couchboyj: Vroom-haw, cow-drivers
ThePCrowl: wheelerY wheelerH
turtleman7420: YE haw
Bugberry: I'm always ready to giddyup
Haroldholmes25: wheelerY wheelerH
themightygerg: Even had a hat
goatprince: i just humm and haw
themightygerg: EVERYONE had a hat, iirc
LRRbot: Jungle Hollow | Land | This land enters tapped. / When this land enters, you gain 1 life. / {T}: Add {B} or {G}.
That1GuyBen: hey how much did it cost this dude to pierce his ears?
chaps_the_goblin_king: cheap corn
IaCthulhuFthagn: Ah, ther Kimba Kinner.
TheWriterAleph: i also have an exhaustability.
IaCthulhuFthagn: the*
Bugberry: @themightygerg I'm in Texas and literally have a cowboy hat within a few feet of me.
Boon_33: indubitably...
Anubis169: craddle the gaddle
maclenrac: Straddle
LRRbot: Cryptcaller Chariot [3B] | Artifact — Vehicle [5/5] | Menace / Whenever you discard one or more cards, create that many tapped 2/2 black Zombie creature tokens. / Crew 2
definenull: uh oh
silent_sol: craddle the lagac
Diabore: THAT MANY???
themightygerg: If it rains and the mole's home floods, would that then be potholemole water?
Decaped: Cruelback Magack
Mr_Horrible: "Hi. Yeah. Yeah... yeah it's chariot again. Yeah."
sallomon33: GAVIN!
Diabore: what do you mean not once a turn???
XavusGaming: \00
BrowneePointz: imagine it in commander with the card that makes everyone wheel for one less in black
LRRbot: Spikeshell Harrier [4U] | Artifact Creature — Robot Turtle [4/4] | When this creature enters, return target creature or Vehicle an opponent controls to its owner's hand. If that opponent's speed is greater than each other player's speed, reduce that opponent's speed by 1. This effect can't reduce their speed below 1.
3 Player Politics: teh G man huzzah
LRRbot: Thornwood Falls | Land | This land enters tapped. / When this land enters, you gain 1 life. / {T}: Add {G} or {U}.
LRRbot: Jungle Hollow | Land | This land enters tapped. / When this land enters, you gain 1 life. / {T}: Add {B} or {G}.
LRRbot: Venomsac Lagac [1G] | Creature — Lizard Mount [2/1] | Deathtouch / Whenever this creature attacks while saddled, it gets +0/+3 until end of turn. / Saddle 2
3 Player Politics: hollow hollow
LRRbot: March of the World Ooze [3GGG] | Enchantment | Creatures you control have base power and toughness 6/6 and are Oozes in addition to their other types. / Whenever an opponent casts a spell, if it's no…
Syntheticuh: aw it should be a bloodghast
LRRbot: Gastal Raider [2B] | Creature — Vampire Rogue [2/1] | Start your engines! / When this creature enters, target opponent reveals their hand. You choose an instant or sorcery card from it. That player d…
ShadeRicter: eh they were on the bottom of the deck basically
Technotrout: @LRR You guys are so great, funny and relateable. Thanks for uncountable hours of super content, :)
LRRbot: Rise from the Wreck [2G] | Sorcery | Return up to one target creature card, up to one target Mount card, up to one target Vehicle card, and up to one target creature card with no abilities from your …
LRRbot: Jungle Hollow | Land | This land enters tapped. / When this land enters, you gain 1 life. / {T}: Add {B} or {G}.
LoadingReadyRun: @Technotrout thanks! It is our pleasure
LRRbot: Cryptcaller Chariot [3B] | Artifact — Vehicle [5/5] | Menace / Whenever you discard one or more cards, create that many tapped 2/2 black Zombie creature tokens. / Crew 2
Anubis169: XavusGaming: you ok?
Chichen: blue shell from mario kart lol
turtleman7420: Time to slow things down
chaps_the_goblin_king: 1st place gets blue shelled
That1GuyBen: yeah this card seems like an absolute HOUSE
silent_sol: oooookaaayyyy
couchboyj: From the makers of "It says each?!?" We bring you "It says That Many?!?"
definenull: and just like in mario kart you will continue to get wrecked... right?
fcloud: \00 is :100: but, you know, chillin
LRRbot: Veloheart Bike [2G] | Artifact — Vehicle [4/2] | When this Vehicle enters, you gain 2 life. / {T}: Add one mana of any color. / Crew 2
RandomTrivia: definenull :D
Mr_Horrible: heard that "Ta-hoo" and couldn't not think "Tha-three" with the rolled r
Anubis169: o.O
Anubis169: i just see a backslash :D
zigboy22: i thought it was a wave you know \00 being the hand and 2 eyes
Mastumaty_: Next time I get hit by a blue shell on mario kart, i'm gonna say that I got time walked
Hansk_and_Boo: SPEED
BrowneePointz: black divination. I’m still shocked
RandomTrivia: Sign in Blood looking pretty good in this set
Anubis169: oh that could work
CrossXhunteR: that shortcut was risky
couchboyj: Sign in our blood, comrade
Bugberry: @BrowneePointz is it that different from read the bones?
Diabore: @Hansk_and_Boo no
RandomTrivia: Any excuse to say that card name
Hansk_and_Boo: Sorry
Knightclasse: Only if you already have speed
SergeYager: @hansk_and_boo nope
UnknownFriday: @Hansk_and_Boo You can only increase speed on your turn.
Hansk_and_Boo: OH RIGHT, thabks
northos: @Hansk_and_Boo it would increase Graham's speed if he had any; it doesn't increase Wheeler's because it's not his turn
RampG4mes: hey Kathleen how are those shirts my mom gave you and Graham
Nickiatori: or the Debreetle
LRRbot: Cryptcaller Chariot [3B] | Artifact — Vehicle [5/5] | Menace / Whenever you discard one or more cards, create that many tapped 2/2 black Zombie creature tokens. / Crew 2
Timagio: Ruururur -realist
RandomTrivia: River Wheeler eelist
RatherLargeToad subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 65 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RatherLargeToad! (Today's storm count: 172)
DarkMorford: Wiver-wheer Awiawist
BrowneePointz: @bugberry fundamentally no but just wild to see 2B draw two that also domes them
LRRbot: Hour of Victory [2B] | Enchantment | Start your engines! / When this enchantment enters, create a 2/2 black Zombie creature token. / Max speed — {1}{B}, Sacrifice this enchantment: Search your library for a card, put it into your hand, then shuffle. Activate only as a sorcery.
CrossXhunteR: congrats on the land
wifi12345678910: River Wheeler owns a houseboat
LoadingReadyRun: I do like that the keen buccaneer is not just a octopus dressed as a pirate, but they are pretending to be a human-shaped pirate, octodad-style
LRRbot: Debris Beetle [2BG] | Artifact — Vehicle [6/6] | Trample / When this Vehicle enters, each opponent loses 3 life and you gain 3 life. / Crew 2
Hansk_and_Boo: If you ontroduce speed, can you increase it the same turn?
DarkMorford: Everyone loves Debreetle!
maclenrac: Get em Beetle
Hansk_and_Boo: The Debreatles are Surge's favourite band
RandomTrivia: The idea that Amonkheti people record their significant life and historical events in the same style as the Accounting of Hours is cute
drewm1022: There's a zombie on the back, sweet mary he'll attack.
RampG4mes: hey Kathleen how are those shirts my mom gave you and Graham
definenull: everybody's milling their rares!
Diabore: can we get rare on reader?
LRRbot: Grim Bauble [B] | Artifact | When this artifact enters, target creature an opponent controls gets −2/−2 until end of turn. / {2}{B}, {T}, Sacrifice this artifact: Surveil 2.
RandomTrivia: There it is :D
chriswr5: can't wait for pothole mole's commander variant: Poth, 'Ole Mole
BrowneePointz: disfigurine Graham
Timagio: We've had a few Grim cards, a couple Baubles, but never both on the same piece of cardboard
KaleidoscopeMind: erinusPride golgari
LoadingReadyRun: I'd argue that is a Grim Bobble
Timagio: That's the obvious joke yeah
Timagio: But we're going one step beyond
LRRbot: Spikeshell Harrier [4U] | Artifact Creature — Robot Turtle [4/4] | When this creature enters, return target creature or Vehicle an opponent controls to its owner's hand. If that opponent's speed is g…
LRRbot: Veloheart Bike [2G] | Artifact — Vehicle [4/2] | When this Vehicle enters, you gain 2 life. / {T}: Add one mana of any color. / Crew 2
LRRbot: Cryptcaller Chariot [3B] | Artifact — Vehicle [5/5] | Menace / Whenever you discard one or more cards, create that many tapped 2/2 black Zombie creature tokens. / Crew 2
3 Player Politics: mmm. juicy cardboard mouthfeel
LRRbot: Hour of Victory [2B] | Enchantment | Start your engines! / When this enchantment enters, create a 2/2 black Zombie creature token. / Max speed — {1}{B}, Sacrifice this enchantment: Search your librar…
LRRbot: Debris Beetle [2BG] | Artifact — Vehicle [6/6] | Trample / When this Vehicle enters, each opponent loses 3 life and you gain 3 life. / Crew 2
LRRbot: Grim Bauble [B] | Artifact | When this artifact enters, target creature an opponent controls gets −2/−2 until end of turn. / {2}{B}, {T}, Sacrifice this artifact: Surveil 2.
LRRbot: Aatchik, Emerald Radian [3BBG] | Legendary Creature — Insect Druid [3/3] | When Aatchik enters, create a 1/1 green Insect creature token for each artifact and/or creature card in your graveyard. / Whenever another Insect you control dies, put a +1/+1 counter on Aatchik. Each opponent loses 1 life.
Diabore: EACH???
DarkMorford: That has EACH?!
Musical_Marauder: i missed it did wheeler draw off that spell because of the vehicle?
RandomTrivia: Izoni getting a power-up here
Timagio: The obligatory 6 mana golgari insect rare
chriswr5: Ben Wheeler, known graveyard order respecter
Diabore: @Musical_Marauder only if he sacs one
definenull: wormsign!
maclenrac: Cruel
Musical_Marauder: oh I thought it was if the target was a vehicle my bad
Mr_Horrible: we gotta take that phoneme away from Wheeler for the day
chriswr5: Crew Ultimatum: Target opponent sacrifices a vehicle of their choice
TheDevil_Risen: Woo 100K DolLRR's
definenull: !! a vanilla creature?!?
Timagio: Vanilla is the finest of the flavours
definenull: forest bear in shambles
wifi12345678910: @chriswr5 I think crew ultimatum is the last thing before a mutiny
viciousvulture: a 3/2 bear? y
RandomTrivia: lrrWOW
maclenrac: Not going to lie
coachNelly: thats not what my voice sounds like
Serpens77: imagine playing sealed and getting a card pool that has good cards in it. Couldn't be me
hd_dabnado: swamp means you get to search for a swamp right? wheelerKappa
That1GuyBen: to shreds you say
couchboyj: @coachnelly LUL
rogerivany: Wow, don't see many generic creatures these days.
definenull: uh oh
LRRbot: Maximum Overdrive [1B] | Instant | Put a +1/+1 counter on target creature. It gains deathtouch and indestructible until end of turn.
That1GuyBen: it says graham is sad
chriswr5: and boy are it's... arms? tired. do wurms have arms?
Timagio: It's the card they printed for Plankton's commander deck in the spongebob set
LoadingReadyRun: lrrPAUL I am curious to see how they will display Speed in Arena. Sadly, I'm guessing it will just be a digital version of the token. lrrAWW
RockPusher: gabyLul
accountmadeforants: @Serpens77 Hey now, I'm sure you'll get a great pool. And then you'll be up against two people in a row who somehow managed to manifest a Set Constructed deck.
RockPusher: lrrDARK
definenull: LUL
Tweediculous: you two dont have driver licenses!?
RandomTrivia: lrrDARK
Timagio: LUL
TrendingNonGamer: rekt
Serpens77: Kathleen backseat driving Kappa
Anubis169: hehehehe
BusTed: lrrLUL
CrossXhunteR: lrr coverage is the whole reason i use green dice for +1/+1s and blue dice for stun counters
coachNelly: kathleen has got the spikes on her hubcaps today ;)
TheBorzoi: I do the same. Green dice for +1/+1 and black for other things like counting the amount of treasures or planeswaler loyalty
chriswr5: where my walkable city dwellers at
maclenrac: Are you allowed to play this set unlicenced?
Mr_Horrible: @chriswr5 o/
coachNelly: hey you don't have to convice chat
tryllebanjo: @CrossXhunteR Lots of MTG peeps are sticking to it. It's nice.
Serpens77: @TheBorzoi I like to match the Loyalty dice to the PW's colours
idontgetmyrealname: man i wish I could live without a car
definenull: lrrDARK
coachNelly: lrrLUL
glhfmeghan: don't do that
glhfmeghan: he asked
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: I think chat knows.
KaleidoscopeMind: today, yesterday, tomorrow...
definenull: vroom vroom!
itira: vrrrooom
wifi12345678910: Jazz time
maclenrac: Red lining it
Hansk_and_Boo: Hey @coachNelly I want to thank you for keeping the Loe remix album of the Beatles in the back of my mind so it can reemerge at the perfect time.
LRRbot: Carrion Cruiser [2B] | Artifact — Vehicle [3/2] | When this Vehicle enters, mill two cards. Then return a creature or Vehicle card from your graveyard to your hand. / Crew 1
themightygerg: The car you don't have?
CrossXhunteR: cmon aatchik
Hansk_and_Boo: *Love. I need a new keyboard
coachNelly: @Hansk_and_Boo no problem but also idk what i did haha
LRRbot: Venomsac Lagac [1G] | Creature — Lizard Mount [2/1] | Deathtouch / Whenever this creature attacks while saddled, it gets +0/+3 until end of turn. / Saddle 2
glhfmeghan: ack
drewm1022: Having attacked.
Timagio: Ack ack
chriswr5: spaghetti
themightygerg: pass back lagac
LRRbot: Deathless Pilot [1B] | Creature — Zombie Pilot [2/2] | This creature saddles Mounts and crews Vehicles as though its power were 2 greater. 3: Return this card from your graveyard to your hand.
ArmstrongRGM96X: You ought to know by now?
That1GuyBen: i'm here with my venoming my sac...and by that i mean my lagac
Dread_Pirate_Westley: True fact about the Crack a Pack.
hd_dabnado: wheeler has a real knack for it
definenull: oofa
MTGRanger: me too, kathleen
silenceaux: Joke here about checking for messages in Slack
jellyroll154: "Hi, I'm Johnny Knoxville. Welcome to Lagac-Ass"
Timagio: I kinda wish they'd printed that card as "Zombie Pilot" instead
Hansk_and_Boo: @coachNelly Your LOVE T-Shirt
That1GuyBen: this is the part where graham is horribly mangled by several vehicles
maclenrac: Cracking a pack for the laughs
rogerivany: Everytime I hear Carrion, my brain autocompletes Cross.
themightygerg: watch for the the lagac crack back
LRRbot: Aatchik, Emerald Radian [3BBG] | Legendary Creature — Insect Druid [3/3] | When Aatchik enters, create a 1/1 green Insect creature token for each artifact and/or creature card in your graveyard. / Wh…
LRRbot: Maximum Overdrive [1B] | Instant | Put a +1/+1 counter on target creature. It gains deathtouch and indestructible until end of turn.
3 Player Politics: gottem
Technotrout: Exhaust should have been called Overdrive. In my opinion.
LRRbot: Carrion Cruiser [2B] | Artifact — Vehicle [3/2] | When this Vehicle enters, mill two cards. Then return a creature or Vehicle card from your graveyard to your hand. / Crew 1
LRRbot: Venomsac Lagac [1G] | Creature — Lizard Mount [2/1] | Deathtouch / Whenever this creature attacks while saddled, it gets +0/+3 until end of turn. / Saddle 2
LRRbot: Deathless Pilot [1B] | Creature — Zombie Pilot [2/2] | This creature saddles Mounts and crews Vehicles as though its power were 2 greater. 3: Return this card from your graveyard to your hand.
coachNelly: @Hansk_and_Boo oh nice np
TheDevil_Risen: nope, its a common
ghostdragonzero: pauper card?
TheDevil_Risen: also @coachNelly feel better soon mate!
chriswr5: Max Speed isn't like City's Blessing where it permanently stays, correct? If you have Max Speed it can be lowered by cards that do so?
Hansk_and_Boo: @coachNelly I need a new keyboard. Get well soon!
glhfmeghan: I notice no one else ever has to watch Adam eat a chicken during these
tryllebanjo: @chriswr5 Yup
wifi12345678910: @chriswr5 the blue shell can lower it
LRRbot: Agonasaur Rex [3GG] | Creature — Dinosaur [8/8] | Trample / Cycling {2}{G} / When you cycle this card, put two +1/+1 counters on up to one target creature or Vehicle. It gains trample and indestructible until end of turn.
IaCthulhuFthagn: @silenceaux Joke about reading ISO.
maclenrac: finish him
accountmadeforants: It does seem a bit rude how Human gets subsumed by other creature types. Human zombies? Just Zombies. Vampires who were human? Just Vampires. But a cat gets a 10th life? Cat Zombie.
CrossXhunteR: finally, a good green card
tryllebanjo: Flavor rule include: Detain also lowers speed by 1!
RandomTrivia: Graham's reaction there is completely reasonable
RockPusher: !gant
That1GuyBen: graham has been smooshed
silenceaux: @IaCthulhuFthagn But does it rhyme?
Paspantoute: DinoDance
skripmtg: ell yeah
ThePCrowl: wheelerPog wheelerOok
That1GuyBen: graham no the ooze
definenull: adjust the burrs if you got a rough mill
glhfmeghan: i am
LathosTiran: furious at US Pol
Hansk_and_Boo: @LRRbot This is my NO. 1 card I want to pick up since it got spoiled
glhfmeghan: furious
Ilaian: LOL
Paspantoute: max speed baby st00beShuffle
superdude097: Good
TheDevil_Risen: aww thanks Graham!
Solo_Support: D:
Diabore: good
Anubis169: lol
accountmadeforants: Good
loufghyslaufey: Yeah, good
turtleman7420: :(
goosevonkaiser: HARUMPH B)
Frostwriter111: riot!
CrossXhunteR: ben, the NDA. think about the NDA
themightygerg: Cue Yellow Line song
Jensling: Thank god for that
Chandra_the_Mind_Sculptor: Agonasaur should have reinforce, this is stealing reinforce's shtick :P
tryllebanjo: Rabble! Rabble!
TheDevil_Risen: HAHA nice 1 Wheeler
northos: close one
Mr_Horrible: good for her, she deserves a vacation
chriswr5: @ghostdragonzero eh, not really. 2 mana cycler is bad for cycle storm, affinity doesn't have much graveyard synergy, dimir builds go towards control so your graveyard is filled with spells and not arttifacts/creatures.
circusofkirkus: you heard it hear first, Wheeler hates otters
wifi12345678910: Lutri sucks!
Calhoun327: Rabble rabble indeed
ThePCrowl: Free the otter!!!
nifleon: I rule zero'd him
TheDevil_Risen: or is that a Nice +1 /+1 ?
goosevonkaiser: #freelutri
Jayrod1220: HahaShrugLeft supral1PuppetJayrod HahaShrugRight
Nickiatori: good
Bugberry: There's a big green beater in every set that people think will see play but doesn't. Happened with the OTJ Sandwurm and I bet it will happen with the dino too.
coachNelly: thanks for well wishes everyone. i'm honestly pretty good just gotta play it safe.
Orestes290: Kathleen calling for order
loufghyslaufey: Let's egg the FANCY out of Lutri, Wheeler!
djalternative: !updog
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 1d, 22:50:02. lrrSPOT
Knightclasse: good
maclenrac: Yup yup
RockPusher: wheelerOok
dacbruh: Heard it here folks, Lutri is officially staying banned officially
wifi12345678910: Lutri isn't even good enough to get banned in a real format
That1GuyBen: @coachNelly feel better soon Nelly!
Ankarah: i mean you can always do a divisive food related take
3PlayerPolitics: ohhh HERE'S all the chat, not on youtubes! i am dum
Timagio: It's fiiiiiive o'clock on a...Friday
farmall_farmer: free the otter
loufghyslaufey: Nah-nah-nah_nah, KEEP Lutri Banned
maclenrac: Till the cows come home
Eduardo_Velho: it's 21:42 here
That1GuyBen: this table has some horribly chatoic energy
loufghyslaufey: Forever . . . ImTyping
glhfmeghan: I'd wear that every day
Fruan: "been dropped"
Hansk_and_Boo: I keep mixing up Loot with Lutri
definenull: it's definitely a Heavily Played phone
fcloud: for a second i thought her phone was going to ETB
TheDevil_Risen: I will not be silent!!!
Jayrod1220: Become en-floored
Diabore: @Fruan it has become dropped, no one knows how it happened
ShaneLeeAtk: #PhoneBits
RockPusher: Kathleen's phone knows the mean streets
goosevonkaiser: phone's become ungovernable from dropped a lot
Timagio: Get yourself and otterbox or equivalent, chat
skripmtg: Skip merrily to 6
gualdhar: Kathleen have you tried deeper pockets?
Timagio: an otterbox*
glhfmeghan: yeah, and it could be twice!!
IaCthulhuFthagn: Kathleen's phone "fell down some stairs".
TheDevil_Risen: what I need to know, is where i get that BNF pin!???
tryllebanjo: Go Steve-O style!
djalternative: you should wear a shrit with you wearing that shirt on it
TheMrFriend: it's all about getting your face out there
TheDevil_Risen: braven10HEX braven10HEX braven10HEX
itira: in womens pants? good luck!
djalternative: recursive shirts
goosevonkaiser: air brushed agant, depending on the shirt
Juliamon: gualdhar BOLD question considering the Girl Pants industry
Forlorgen: Arrogance or confidence?
Nickiatori: it would be a good bit to have everyone with shirts with their faces on
3PlayerPolitics: true
Th3Hypn0Toad: Only wear the face shirt in the privacy of your own home. As tradition dictates.
accountmadeforants: @Timagio I might once I start dropping my phones.
fcloud: shades of lewis hamilton, with the F1 uniform that has an HP patch and then, six inches away, a larger HP patch
maclenrac: How deep her pockets are
lordericter: But then we could have modal, double faced Kathleen
ElektroTal: I wore a shirt with my face on it for the crack a pack!
Timagio: @accountmadeforants Only takes one accident!
fcloud: it gained the "dropped" status
themightygerg: The Gun was discharged
wifi12345678910: I have large pockets and my phone still slips out
IaCthulhuFthagn: "Became dropped" sounds like rules text.
silenceaux: Look, the passive voice is well loved for its comedic properties
gualdhar: that question was supposed to be sarcastic, and did not translate as I had hoped
jellyroll154: Strategic use of passive voice lol
RandomTrivia: Oh no
3PlayerPolitics: wheeeeeeeeyeet
definenull: again, the use of passive voice is very strategic
RockPusher: *detectives looking over the scene* ah yes, here is where the phone became dropped
CrossXhunteR: kathleen attacking them with her phone
OldUncleDan: My female friends tend to just wear men's pants. Just so much more convienent for so many reasons.
fcloud: if you love your phone, set it free
TheDevil_Risen: I am become death, dropper of phones :)
62MGcobra: yeet
flatluigi: @fcloud i think the setting it free part is the problem
LRRbot: Jungle Hollow | Land | This land enters tapped. / When this land enters, you gain 1 life. / {T}: Add {B} or {G}.
goosevonkaiser: kathleen's phone is made of the same stuff that made the chitty chitty bang bang car
glhfmeghan: move serge
bytecaster: I have never once been funny
Hansk_and_Boo: THAT FUNNY
definenull: OH NO
Ankarah: the cards say funny things?
coachNelly: funny things
Bugberry: chai-tea chai-tea
LRRMTG_Judge: Seeing the cards explains the cards - Natedogg
LRRbot: Kalakscion, Hunger Tyrant [1BB] | Legendary Creature — Crocodile [7/2]
chriswr5: more like chitin chitin beep beep with that common
MapleFoniks: Like chy-til chy-til bang bang?
definenull: magic: the gathering
CrossXhunteR: 21 commander damage, coming up
wifi12345678910: oh no
bytecaster: Perfect commander, takes you down in three swings
northos: the ol turn 3 3 turn clock
skripmtg: tragic the slathering
tryllebanjo: WHAT. That 3-mana vanilla creature is NUTS.
LRRbot: Agonasaur Rex [3GG] | Creature — Dinosaur [8/8] | Trample / Cycling {2}{G} / When you cycle this card, put two +1/+1 counters on up to one target creature or Vehicle. It gains trample and indestructi…
Clockwork Cthulhu: that is no God except for in Graham's graveyard.
NS777: aaaaaa no
Paul: Not in Pioneer
Luka Moon: good
Pedro: Ikoria did nothing wrong
Pedro: Ikoria best plane prove me wrong
Simriel: @technotrout See Exhaust works elsewhere but also fits the flavour
Simriel: I dunno, I think Kathleen wearing a Kathleen shirt would be super funny
Overseer76: slid out of my pants a lot onto concrete floors... i can relate.
LRRbot: Jungle Hollow | Land | This land enters tapped. / When this land enters, you gain 1 life. / {T}: Add {B} or {G}.
? the Vtuber Ch: There is a great YouTube video on why women’s pockets are so bad
SmithKurosaki: !aetherdrift
LRRbot: Kalakscion, Hunger Tyrant [1BB] | Legendary Creature — Crocodile [7/2]
Overseer76: there are a few.
RockPusher: sergeMoly
That1GuyBen subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 53 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, That1GuyBen! (Today's storm count: 173)
OldUncleDan: Or another way to think about it. The way to determine if an article of clothing is for a man or a woman or other is by the person who is wearing it.
themightygerg: Chitin Chitin Fang Gang
maclenrac: jam, that's brutal
coachNelly: 3turn clock 3drop is a hell of a way that i'm gonna lose a bunch of games of this draft format
Kadrofle: Wheeler out here about to kill Graham with commander damage
Mr_Horrible: Rotting Regisaur has never looked so uncommon
chriswr5: thick frog mommy spotted
Fruan: We're a distraction!
definenull: OMG
LRRbot: Agonasaur Rex [3GG] | Creature — Dinosaur [8/8] | Trample / Cycling {2}{G} / When you cycle this card, put two +1/+1 counters on up to one target creature or Vehicle. It gains trample and indestructible until end of turn.
maclenrac: 7/2 unanswered
sallomon33: mommy frog once again went to sleep :(
glhfmeghan: um
skripmtg: Jesus
glhfmeghan: wow
Fruan: And trample!
sallomon33: OH NO
Hansk_and_Boo: Kalakscion has come to brgle
glhfmeghan: uh
accountmadeforants: @Timagio Yeah but if I haven't in over two decades, I think I've offset a new phone in terms of new case costs.
northos: oh nooooo
viciousvulture: oof
wifi12345678910: @coachNelly Did rotting Regisaur do that in draft too?
Nickiatori: oof
3PlayerPolitics: welp.
bytecaster: Oh no
maclenrac: Game Over
coachNelly: this games doesnt count i want a do over
Mr_Horrible: Magic: the Gathering
goosevonkaiser: oof
tryllebanjo: WHAT. That 3-mana vanilla creature is NUTS <--- Top contender for things I didn't expect to say about MTG this year.
Paspantoute: indestructible st00beScammin
themightygerg: Owwwwwww
3PlayerPolitics: yay!
accountmadeforants: playfr3Clap
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
coachNelly: @wifi12345678910 regi is rare
chriswr5: we're so back
sallomon33: good job Graham!
goosevonkaiser: Clap
fcloud: Kite Kite Bang Bang, a new 5v5 first-person shooter for pc and consoles
RandomTrivia: Here Chat, for your reaction folders
themightygerg: One-sided Sheherizad
LRRbot: Veloheart Bike [2G] | Artifact — Vehicle [4/2] | When this Vehicle enters, you gain 2 life. / {T}: Add one mana of any color. / Crew 2
definenull: The Thing is in this set?
chriswr5: chitin chitin bin bin
Mazrae: Should Graham be at 7 since he took 6 when he was at 13 or am I wrong
3PlayerPolitics: rare doublemill
bytecaster: @definenull It's foreshadowing for Spiderman
Hansk_and_Boo: Did someone mak the "Holy Moly" joke yet?
Jethrain: @Mazrae I thought so as well
Kadrofle: @Mazrae I was about to say the same thing
LRRbot: Plow Through Reito [1W] | Instant — Arcane | Sweep — Return any number of Plains you control to their owner's hand. Target creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn for each Plains returned this way.
wifi12345678910: @coachNelly oh, I thought it was uncommon
sallomon33: kill the bike! No cycling!
glhfmeghan: I'm glad I'm watching this so I don't do anything embarrassing like pronounce Pothole Mole wrong at prerelease
northos: thanks lrrbot for reminding us about Sweep
Diabore: huh, plow through pulls the wrong card, neat
bytecaster: No Bite down is a different card
definenull: uhh card reader you okay?
LRRbot: Carrion Cruiser [2B] | Artifact — Vehicle [3/2] | When this Vehicle enters, mill two cards. Then return a creature or Vehicle card from your graveyard to your hand. / Crew 1
MichaelSnowbird: Why couldnt that card be Hazzards of the Dukes
tryllebanjo: Dude just messed with another man's ride. Them's fighting actions!
LRRbot: Agonasaur Rex [3GG] | Creature — Dinosaur [8/8] | Trample / Cycling {2}{G} / When you cycle this card, put two +1/+1 counters on up to one target creature or Vehicle. It gains trample and indestructible until end of turn.
Timagio: @RandomTrivia I wish that actually was a gif and not an mp4
LRRbot: Gastal Raider [2B] | Creature — Vampire Rogue [2/1] | Start your engines! / When this creature enters, target opponent reveals their hand. You choose an instant or sorcery card from it. That player discards that card. / Max speed — This creature gets +1/+1 and has menace.
RandomTrivia: @Timagio Wait what?
definenull: D:
3PlayerPolitics: OOF
Timagio: @RandomTrivia Clicking your link takes me to which is an mp4
RandomTrivia: @RandomTrivia Oh imgur pls, for bus sake
Diabore: she can see the light of dirt though
Pharmacistjudge: Graham will never get to rise from the wreck.
Hansk_and_Boo: It's really hard to push A at the right time this way #luigi
sallomon33: frog mommy went to winter sleep :<
glhfmeghan: o we real thirsty
Juliamon: imgur being a butt as usual
LRRbot: Debris Beetle [2BG] | Artifact — Vehicle [6/6] | Trample / When this Vehicle enters, each opponent loses 3 life and you gain 3 life. / Crew 2
Th3Hypn0Toad: Thick thighs save lives, but not from the graveyard
maclenrac: Super die?
bytecaster: Wheeler is back at 20!
RandomTrivia: @Timagio I literally linked the file link and it redirects to Imgur's page so it can show you ads... I hate the internet
definenull: EACH
LRRbot: Aatchik, Emerald Radian [3BBG] | Legendary Creature — Insect Druid [3/3] | When Aatchik enters, create a 1/1 green Insect creature token for each artifact and/or creature card in your graveyard. / Whenever another Insect you control dies, put a +1/+1 counter on Aatchik. Each opponent loses 1 life.
LathosTiran: @Timagio hit the download link and it presents the gif
maclenrac: beauty
3PlayerPolitics: oofa doofa
tryllebanjo: Oooooof
RandomTrivia: WELP
Fruan: This is fire
flatluigi: game 3?\
Diabore: hahaaaa fuck
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
epsilon_vee: @Timagio but the download imgur serves there when you click download is a gif
NornsFelidar: Magic the gathering
TheDevil_Risen: Hahahaha
definenull: G is def me during next week's prerelease
Pharmacistjudge: yes, it would be good with Hardened Scales
bytecaster: "Getting bugs" step
goosevonkaiser: lmao graham w the hearty laughter followed by the soft "no"
Voidhawk42: plus one plus one plus one plus one plus one plus one plus one plus one plus one plus one
rogerivany: Imagine if wheeler didn't mull to 5.
Juliamon: proceed to bug step
Hansk_and_Boo: DIGNGNGN
3PlayerPolitics: bug me, wheeler dealer
Timagio: @epsilon_vee But I don't want to download or click through a second link, I want to link the gif directly
epsilon_vee: @Timagio fair
SEEDZANDTWIGZ: plus un plus un plus un
CrossXhunteR: not dead to only the bugs
stippledotter: Less a risky shortcut and more a foreseeable one
bytecaster: Is it just me or does this set really promote fun pronunciations more than usual?
definenull: stilll got that cycling combat trick tho
62MGcobra: Herbie goes to supper
maclenrac: 10 attackers
LRRbot: Afterburner Expert [2G] | Creature — Goblin Artificer [4/2] | Exhaust — {2}{G}{G}: Put two +1/+1 counters on this creature. / Whenever you activate an exhaust ability, return this card from your graveyard to the battlefield.
Bugberry: so many on color rares
bytecaster: Has Wheeler only rares?!?
3PlayerPolitics: brawwwwwp
tryllebanjo: That's Ziggs.
accountmadeforants: L+plus one++1/+1 counters
TheDevil_Risen: lrrAWESOME sergeGG sergeGG
coachNelly: deBreetle + ration + insect blood artist triggers
LRRbot: For more information on Aetherdrift, including a full image gallery, where you can find your local prerelease, and where to pre-order the set, click here!
LRRbot: Agonasaur Rex [3GG] | Creature — Dinosaur [8/8] | Trample / Cycling {2}{G} / When you cycle this card, put two +1/+1 counters on up to one target creature or Vehicle. It gains trample and indestructi…
LRRbot: Veloheart Bike [2G] | Artifact — Vehicle [4/2] | When this Vehicle enters, you gain 2 life. / {T}: Add one mana of any color. / Crew 2
LRRbot: Plow Through Reito [1W] | Instant — Arcane | Sweep — Return any number of Plains you control to their owner's hand. Target creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn for each Plains returned this way.
Simriel: Molt Tender sounds like an insult
LRRbot: Carrion Cruiser [2B] | Artifact — Vehicle [3/2] | When this Vehicle enters, mill two cards. Then return a creature or Vehicle card from your graveyard to your hand. / Crew 1
LRRbot: Agonasaur Rex [3GG] | Creature — Dinosaur [8/8] | Trample / Cycling {2}{G} / When you cycle this card, put two +1/+1 counters on up to one target creature or Vehicle. It gains trample and indestructi…
LRRbot: Gastal Raider [2B] | Creature — Vampire Rogue [2/1] | Start your engines! / When this creature enters, target opponent reveals their hand. You choose an instant or sorcery card from it. That player d…
LRRbot: Debris Beetle [2BG] | Artifact — Vehicle [6/6] | Trample / When this Vehicle enters, each opponent loses 3 life and you gain 3 life. / Crew 2
LRRbot: Aatchik, Emerald Radian [3BBG] | Legendary Creature — Insect Druid [3/3] | When Aatchik enters, create a 1/1 green Insect creature token for each artifact and/or creature card in your graveyard. / Wh…
Pharmacistjudge: Graham has been denied Rise from the wreck so often
LRRbot: Afterburner Expert [2G] | Creature — Goblin Artificer [4/2] | Exhaust — {2}{G}{G}: Put two +1/+1 counters on this creature. / Whenever you activate an exhaust ability, return this card from your grav…
RandomTrivia: Deterministically obliterated
goosevonkaiser: deeply unalive
RockPusher: tqsClap tqsClap tqsClap
glhfmeghan: oh no, detective, this man is . . . mathematically deceased
Timagio: I guess he's just dead here
goosevonkaiser: ggs
Bugberry: at least 4 Golgari rares
RandomTrivia: seabatClap sergeGG
3PlayerPolitics: F
huffdaddy513: Tromokratis lrrCrab
RockPusher: foxmarGG foxmarGG foxmarGG
definenull: wheeler brought a constructed deck!
sallomon33: NOOOOO :<<<
RockPusher: Frommy, nooooo!
Diabore: pothole mole is an atheist
Paspantoute: PoroSad
goosevonkaiser: o7 frommy
lightfut: On curve 7/2 just do that
3PlayerPolitics: offering G hugs
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
northos: hot take Wheeler
Mazrae: No frog or vampire thing(can't remember the name)
Hansk_and_Boo: You know, you can just draw your cards
RockPusher: I would have simply drawn the good cards
Hansk_and_Boo: No one can stop you
bytecaster: #skillissue
Dread_Pirate_Westley: If it were me, I would simply draw the good cards.
goosevonkaiser: we're learning together
Ashmantle: lrrSHINE
Bugberry: that's Grahams choice, and we respect it
MapleFoniks: Thanks guys for the stream!
Dog_of_Myth: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
sallomon33: others like to put their frommies to winter sleep I guess
hidingbox: the better wizard just draws better
wrapscalion subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 43 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, wrapscalion! (Today's storm count: 174)
tryllebanjo: Woooo!
thanzo: FBtouchdown
LilyOfTheVeil666: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Orestes290: Last PPR was good good. This one. good + good good
phoenixfeather14: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
maclenrac: LRR Rocks
skripmtg: I agree
TheDevil_Risen: Thanks Wizards and LRR!!! <3
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
thanzo: ty ty ty 4 the stream and the games!
eshplode: Vrooom
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
TheWriterAleph: BEEEEEP
glhfmeghan: beep beep
Calhoun327: So hype for my prerelease
RockPusher: go zooom
tryllebanjo: Wroooooom!
Timagio: Except for when the board stalls out for a few turns, but hey!
RandomTrivia: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
lightfut: Vroom vroom
3PlayerPolitics: brerp brerp
goosevonkaiser: vroom vroom hehe
maclenrac: Me
accountmadeforants: gdqFAST
Kentosaurus: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Mangledpixel: <3
huffdaddy513: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
satyropodobny: seabatDance seabatClap seabatDance
LRRMTG_Judge: Everyone please thank your mods. pharma2Vial
tyrantcorporation: ggs
sallomon33: can confirm, the intro was very cute <3
Hansk_and_Boo: I Would like to thank you!!! <3
maclenrac: Chicago
stippledotter: Thx, mods!
LRRMTG_Judge: Thanks everyone for another great PPR! - Natedogg
DaFhaye: I'm so excited for Magiccon
RandomTrivia: sergeModLove
satyropodobny: now go drive some cars
insanecat6mtg: sergeModLove sergeModLove
RandomTrivia: Uhhh
3PlayerPolitics: 6x cuties
TheDevil_Risen: ummm
RandomTrivia: lrrDARK
maclenrac: High 5
jellyroll154: Pardon?
Mangledpixel: "Normal"
TheDevil_Risen: lrrDARK sergeModLove lrrSHINE
RayFK: *sigh* pls no #wotcstaff
definenull: :O
goosevonkaiser: spider273Congratulations spider273Congratulations spider273Congratulations
Hansk_and_Boo: FRIDAY NIGHTS?!??!
stippledotter: lrrDARK
maclenrac: Frday Nights!!!
Pharmacistjudge: @RayFK Please Yes. Not WOTCStaff
jadielady: urb1Hi urb1Hi
TheDevil_Risen: also thanks for the Friday Nights surveys G!
LilyOfTheVeil666: Urb and Z!
Fruan: I'm given to understand Z is the main character
bytecaster: First fight, then play magic
Mr_Horrible: fight each other... with cards, right?
Kentosaurus: I thought he was gonna say give him 5 bucks
RandomTrivia: Sweet
definenull: you get to fight! and also just play canlander
Diabore: can i bring brass knuckles?
Pharmacistjudge: Sigh why does it have to be saturday? I judge on saturday
NonjaBiru: fight with cards or fisticuffs?
goosevonkaiser: @Mr_Horrible ^
skripmtg: DnD is siiiiiiiiiiiiiick
RockPusher: sergeModLove sergeModLove sergeModLove
RandomTrivia: sergeModLove sergeModLove
DeM0nFiRe: sergeModLove
definenull: lrrSHINE thank you mods and judges!
goosevonkaiser: can i use a steel chair if i tape a card to it?
Mr_Horrible: truuuu ModLove
ThePCrowl: It was a great time, thank you all!
Anubis169: lrrHEART you all
thanzo: ModLove ModLove ModLove
3PlayerPolitics: woop woop
MapleFoniks: Good night folks, sorry about the canucks trade return
RayFK: Diana = GOATed
phoenixfeather14: ModLove
sallomon33: thank you mods! <3 VoHiYo
Aarek: sergeModLove sergeModLove sergeModLove
RockPusher: #ThankJames
skripmtg: Diana is the GOAT
insanecat6mtg: sergeModLove sergeModLove
maclenrac: Paul!!
WitchGirlTamara: it was great being in chat with all of you folks
DiscordianTokkan: lol
DeM0nFiRe: Hahahaha
RockPusher: lrrSHINE lrrSLOTH lrrSHINE
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
RandomTrivia: BAHAHAHAHA
Hansk_and_Boo: VRRRRROOOOM
Sarah_Serinde: lrrHEART lrrSLOTH
Anubis169: Paul has left the building
RandomTrivia: Perfect
CaptainSpam: Beeeeeep!
phoenixfeather14: lrrPAUL !
McMenno: LUL
3PlayerPolitics: paul... oh my!
SEEDZANDTWIGZ: PPR - Plus 1 Plus 1 Release
RandomTrivia: 10/10 guests
TheDevil_Risen: HAHA lrrPAUL lrrSHINE
Mr_Horrible: lrrLUL
goosevonkaiser: lrrLUL lrrLUL lrrLUL
Amentur: lrrHORN lrrSLOTH
Bugberry: the inhuman name
skripmtg: GG
Ashmantle: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
sallomon33: @SEEDZANDTWIGZ the only true explanation
CrossXhunteR: shoutout to special guest Gus
skripmtg: Thanks for this!
Hansk_and_Boo: Happy travels Shivam!!
bytecaster: Frogs are gone?!
Diabore: frogs gone
tryllebanjo: Hi!
definenull: live frogs are still here
skripmtg: Hai
Mr_Horrible: sinuuFrogsideeye
Hansk_and_Boo: HALLOE
Mr_Bitterness: lrrCrab lrrCrab lrrCrab
Molator: ello
goosevonkaiser: spider273Congratulations spider273Congratulations spider273Congratulations spider273Congratulations spider273Congratulations
thanzo: frogs gone to the frog mom
jeepless: Cheer100
TheDevil_Risen: lrrCrab lrrCrab escher3DOOT escher3DOOT
skripmtg: Can't let them just staaaand there
DaSunao subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 73 months!
DaSunao: Whee
pyrehand subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 56 months, currently on a 12 month streak!
pyrehand: Abelard, announce my prime sub
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DaSunao! (Today's storm count: 175)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, pyrehand! (Today's storm count: 176)
namagem1: I fell asleep halfway through, dang
namagem1: It's ending now
RockPusher: Chill Point Point Chill Point
Elypants subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 77 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Elypants! (Today's storm count: 177)
definenull: thank you ben!
goosevonkaiser: chat won't stand for standing guests
LRRMTG_Judge: I am going to get dinner. Y'all take care! pharma2Vial
RandomTrivia is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 119 in the channel!
djalternative: Ajani on the spot
RandomTrivia gifted a Tier 1 sub to 00busyhands!
RandomTrivia gifted a Tier 1 sub to meatybonesthefirst!
RandomTrivia gifted a Tier 1 sub to kingadrock614!
RandomTrivia gifted a Tier 1 sub to loamerboy!
RandomTrivia gifted a Tier 1 sub to maxdamnit!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, RandomTrivia! Welcome to 00busyhands, meatybonesthefirst, loamerboy, kingadrock614, and maxdamnit! (Today's storm count: 182)
Juliamon: BZR
thanzo: how bazaar
Diabore: technically cards
maclenrac: Izzet
Sarah_Serinde: So a typical ITYC stream
CrossXhunteR: it's card adjacent
niccus: it's two steps removed from cards
Pharmacistjudge: you played pokemon
Timagio: It's tangentially-card-ish
skripmtg: The stuff in Bazaar is card adjecent
MapleFoniks: Oh hey, it's shivam!
Hansk_and_Boo: @thanzo how bazaar
RockPusher: Bye Serge
TheDevil_Risen: Yay Hugs for Shivam!
definenull: grooving the goob, in public?!?
RandomTrivia: All games are made up
McMenno: bye serge
stippledotter: All games are made up
bytecaster: Someday I just want Ian to make up a name
TheBorzoi: All games are made up
TheDevil_Risen: Bye Serge, enjoy the Vaykay!
Bugberry: really aren't all videogames "made up"?
IaCthulhuFthagn: All games are made up.
abslomdaak42: All games are made up
MapleFoniks: *waves back at shivam*
stippledotter: Oh good we all made the joke
skripmtg: Hi Shivam :D
Pharmacistjudge: well chat it's been fun, but y'all take care and hope see some of y'all in Chicago. Ask me for a ribbon.
Exhausted Elox: So how has the Speed mechanic been working out?
Pharmacistjudge: speed is a bit more difficult than you think
MajorHorrigan: wheeler senpai teaching moment
Overseer76: 😀
Felicity: Ty :)
Exhausted Elox: Paul is so awesome for including that :D
MichealDraven: Canlander meetup? So all 16 of you?
Exhausted Elox: There can be only one.
Exhausted Elox: We love you Mods!!
Simriel: Thanks for being here. It was great to have you.
Arkouda Chien: I fell asleep halfway through - is it ending now?
_ Slack _: ha! i just got here
_ Slack _: womp womp
Pharmacistjudge: actually the canlander meetup in vegas was way more than 16
Simriel: Shivam looks like the kinda dude you meet in a diner when you feel down and he just says the right thing to make you feel better
Simriel: CanLander is a fantastic format.
BusTed: sweet
chrono2x: oh sweet
RandomTrivia: Oooooooh
skripmtg: sipstrMagicnewgirl sipstrMagicnewgirl BOP BOP
definenull: happy birthday in advance!
Shurtal: welcome to DIE! -Magneto
Ankarah: i do love it when they channel kermit
skripmtg: GOOD BOOTS
Sarah_Serinde: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
TheDevil_Risen: aslo THANKS for the FRIDAY NIGHTS survey!!! <3
Iluvatardis subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 12 months!
Iluvatardis: +1
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Iluvatardis! (Today's storm count: 183)
BraveKingMax subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 72 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BraveKingMax! (Today's storm count: 184)
wedge_x subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 50 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, wedge_x! (Today's storm count: 185)
mtvcdm: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
mtvcdm: !bluesky
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Bluesky! You can follow the LRR account here: Or find all the crew accounts here:
nymistrya: Yay i made it difficult!
mtvcdm: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at, and LRRMtG at
mtvcdm: !contact
LRRbot: ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List:
NarfBlinko: woohoo, ty Shivam
Fruan: Is the scroll hitching, or is that just me?
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah it's hitching a bit
GoWideRedBlackTimurids subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 83 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, GoWideRedBlackTimurids! (Today's storm count: 186)
Fruan: weird
Juliamon: It does that with particularly long sub scrolls
ArdCollider is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel!
ArdCollider gifted a Tier 1 sub to FadedOasis!
ArdCollider gifted a Tier 1 sub to Fate_Dragon!
ArdCollider gifted a Tier 1 sub to Durugai!
ArdCollider gifted a Tier 1 sub to 楓玥アメこいし!
ArdCollider gifted a Tier 1 sub to SandBirdz!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, ArdCollider! Welcome to FadedOasis, Durugai, Fate_Dragon, SandBirdz, and 楓玥アメこいし! (Today's storm count: 191)
Juliamon: I think that's what Paul said anyway
RockPusher: yeah, as it has more going on nowadays the longer scrolls tend to chug a bit
Simriel subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 78 months!
Simriel: It me
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Simriel! (Today's storm count: 192)
TrendingNonGamer: SHIVAM HI
Mr_Horrible: just jogging ahead of the scanline a bit
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown 100! FBtouchdown
LathosTiran: new scroll icon
skripmtg: sipstrMagicnewgirl sipstrMagicnewgirl sipstrMagicnewgirl across the bottom!
skripmtg: FELEEEE
narset6691 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 77 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, narset6691! (Today's storm count: 193)
RockPusher: dixGRITCHAMP dixWTF
Commodore_Perry_GG: amazonPumpkinDance amazonTasteTheRainbow amazonPumpkinDance amazonHello amazonHello amazonHello amazonHello amazonHello amazonHello amazonHello amazonHello HypePat amazonNo amazonIce
Soulltwitch subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Soulltwitch! (Today's storm count: 194)
RatherLargeToad: Toad! OSFrog
Chandra_the_Mind_Sculptor: oh hey, I'm never here when subs are read normally as I'm mainly a youtube frog
KWardJenx: Thanks so much for the event and the stream!
Spencer Powell celebrates 47 months of membership: Really appreciate the YT streams. Keep up all the good work!
Jan Eli Padilla: glad I got to see those last three matches.
dacbruh: TIL a year is 100 months LuL
xantos69: Cheer50 Bits!
ArdCollider: sup friends <3 <3 <3
skripmtg: Great job everyone!
RockPusher: tqsClap tqsClap tqsClap tqsClap
definenull: DA BITS
Hansk_and_Boo: WHOO<3
Dog_of_Myth: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
skripmtg: sipstrMagicnewgirl sipstrMagicnewgirl sipstrMagicnewgirl voxyHype voxyHype voxyHype lrrARROWS voxyHi voxyHi
loufghyslaufey: The end? Wow
BlightwidowMTG: wonderful stream all!!
RockPusher: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Mr_Horrible: yippee tech confirmation!
definenull: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Ashmantle: lrrSHINE
insanecat6mtg: sergePrideLove sergePrideLove sergePrideLove
Sarah_Serinde: Thanks Paul and bot folks for making the YT stuff work
laikagoat: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
RandomTrivia: Thanks for another great PPR everyone! lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
TheDevil_Risen: GOODNIGHT ALL! <3
LilyOfTheVeil666: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Sarah_Serinde: !aetherdrift
LRRbot: For more information on Aetherdrift, including a full image gallery, where you can find your local prerelease, and where to pre-order the set, click here!
skripmtg: Great stream everyone!
McMenno: byebyeee
BraveKingMax: lrrHEART lrrHEART
Th3Hypn0Toad: Good show everyone! Thanks for all the work!
Mr_Horrible: thanks for the show, everyone! lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
skripmtg: Goodnight afternoon you guys!
Orxolon: This was a blast thank you
nymistrya: TransgenderPride lrrSHINE TransgenderPride lrrSHINE TransgenderPride lrrSHINE TransgenderPride lrrSHINE
RockPusher: Have fun, food, and friendship!
Forlorgen: how many times ive done it three times
Sarah_Serinde: They also didn't mention it to the mods until after the stream started :P
Metalupis: byeeee
loufghyslaufey: Oh. I thought Graham was signaling a different hand signal under the table StinkyCheese MindManners TPFufun GlitchNRG
DeM0nFiRe: o/ lrrHEART
TheDevil_Risen: BYEEE
MrSarkhan: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Fruan: Galight WotC, got it.
WitchGirlTamara: it was fun to watch :D
silenceaux: Wait, that actually IS how that works, wow
definenull: And to the vods I go!
Anubis169 bounces around
Hansk_and_Boo: Byeeee love you alll!!!!
satyropodobny: any cars over there
loufghyslaufey: Or gesture
Serpens77: thank you, Racers!
maclenrac: All done
sallomon33: bye everybody, it was fun! <3 HeyGuys
BlightwidowMTG: ♥️
RockPusher: Sarah_Serinde classic streamer behavious :D
Orxolon: G night everyone,this was fun
Hansk_and_Boo: Have a great birthday Shivam!!!
Orxolon: Happy b day Shivam!!
WitchGirlTamara: have a nice day chat folks
dumbo3k: oops, guess I’m late and have to catch the VOD! thanks for streaming!
LRRbot: Thanks for being a channel member, Spencer Powell! (Today's storm count: 195)
Caedynna: <3
Simriel: goodnight Chat.