Sethalidos: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: ChillPoint (Paul, Beej and Heather chat about Video Games and Video Game related news!) at Sat 02:00 PM PST (6m from now).
RockPusher: !search for treasure
LRRbot: You find: a Potion of Healing!
Sonic Sims as a xover feels like a missed opportunity
Sethalidos: do you REALLY want those two fandoms coming together?
GapFiller: who doesnt
GapFiller: meanwhile there isnt a violin small enough for Sam Altman
Sethalidos: sane people?
GapFiller: it figures not even nanotech can create a violin small enough for OpenAI schadenfreude
GapFiller: saw a clickbaity article this week abt how the console wars have been won and nobody cares
Sethalidos: yeah that tracks
the winner was the glorious PC Master Race 
GapFiller: well excepting those for whom it is eternally 1993 but really what do those opinions count for these days

mtvcdm: The only real 'war' now is, five or six games or so on one side, and everybody else on the other.
Juliamon: the war is now AAA vs indie
mtvcdm: And the five or six games are winning.
GapFiller: oh right there was an entire PPR between CheckPoint and ChillPoint
Juliamon: hadouken
Jillexie subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 17 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Jillexie! (Today's storm count: 4)
mtvcdm: Oh, not even AAA. Just, like, Fortnite, Roblox, GTA, Minecraft, Call of Duty, Counterstrike 2.... and then *every game that's not those*.
Sethalidos: @Juliamon hi are you Ken
Juliamon: are any of these game wars even worth fighting
Juliamon: (they aren't)
Sethalidos: only by guys named Chaz
GapFiller: speaking of pointless tech tribalism someone on another (nonLRR) chat was getting legitimately huffy abt Apple vs PC and my abiding thought (voiced openly) was 'in 2025 dont we all have more important shit on which to devote our limited spoons'
Juliamon: and only then because it keeps them busy and away from important shit
mtvcdm: They are if you're not one of those games: people only have so many gaming hours and if a handful of top names suck up *all the hours*, there's nothing for anyone else.
GapFiller: !picnic
Sethalidos: @Juliamon got it in one


red_shoes_jeff subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 84 months, currently on a 84 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, red_shoes_jeff! (Today's storm count: 5)
lightfut: as a treat
n3ther: if we're what now
SaxPython: #AsATreat
ImmortalLen: 24hr CHILLPOINT!
mtvcdm: What kind of cookies
GapFiller: perks of being An Adult eh Beej
RockPusher pops back with porridge
TheMerricat: Is Harley Quinn still going?
GapFiller: Hell in 2024/5 surely Harley x Ivy are the Heroes
mtvcdm: Welcome to 2025, where Poison Ivy was right
spicyFerret_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 37 months!
Thanks for subscribing, spicyFerret_! (Today's storm count: 6)
Dromos_GHG: thanks for watching Caped Crusader!
n3ther: goated with the sauce
Invitare: Poison Ivy made in the modern age would be an international Hero that saved the world from climate change and ushered in a new age of green living
Brozard: I want things coated in sauce
mtvcdm: Goated with the sauce is just goat curry
SaxPython: Sauceless has Regular Crispy energy

SocraticMethod: @Invitare considering she's an AnPrim I highly doubt so
Juliamon: Some funny stuff happened
Juliamon: MultiVersus is dead again
GapFiller: have they actually announced anything abt the Switch tho really
n3ther: lol
gnyrinn: We'll care about the New Switch once we know something about it.
RockPusher: Beej must obey the watch
ImmortalLen: Point betting wether Paul gets logged out?
gnyrinn: Yes "It is Saturday" will change, eventually.
Snowcookies: place your dollrs
RockPusher: I've already had to answer a question from my sister if Sims 2 will run on her computer…
TheMerricat: ""The Sims 2" likely stopped being considered the best-selling game ever made sometime after the release of "The Sims 3" in 2009 as "The Sims 3" went on to sell significantly more copies than its predecessor, pushing "The Sims 2" down the list of best-selling games. "
spicyFerret_: Ive been annoying my roomie by saying the Switch announcement is really just an announcement of an announcement @gapfiller
SaxPython: Whoever did the writing of the Simlish in the story did a great job.

RockPusher: Myst opportunities for jokes

harryl_293838: hello am Harry can I tell you a story that happened a couple minutes ago on Roblox
Sethalidos: I smell a bot
ImmortalLen: @Sethalidos I was thinking the same thing
bootsmalone: the character creation seemed to have less options in sims 4
DoodlestheGreat: Either a bot or someone having a stroke.
Sethalidos: por que no los dos?
TheMerricat: One of the biggest complaints every generation of Sims had was that each iteration cut out stuff that the previous did, and didn't always replace them in DLC.
GapFiller: it figures the nostalgia is key here
GapFiller: WoW and The Sims are being driven by the same impulse
gnyrinn: @LordZarano Oh, I'd forgotten they made PUBG's name silly.
CaptainSpam: Like, there's going to be differences between, say, NHL '94 and NHL 2K24 or whatever they're up to now...
Ignatiuspants: The Sims has different stuff in every version. And people miss that stuff
Yeah, like Super Mario, Super Mario 2 and Super Mario 3 are the same games 
Lukepearsonharris: Hi
Ignatiuspants: Sims 2 has a magical bunny that visits you when you're sad
Ultimately every game is just Pong. 
RockPusher: People really wanted the ability to trap their sims in the pool back
GapFiller: ^
bootsmalone: each game had different functionality and had dlcs that expanded on them and the dlcs were not the same
MikeProvencher: I'd love to see Beej play like an hour of every Sims game.
Ignatiuspants: Sims 3 lets you retexture anything you like
SocraticMethod: Yeah, like Sims 3 and 4 have more goals for the sims instead of just free-form simulation
GapFiller: people sleep on nostalgia for removing the pool ladder
TheMerricat: I just wish they also included Sims 3 in this. It's engine really could use some love.
bootsmalone: agree
Lord_Hosk: Why play then?
ghizmou: it was not a bug, it was a feature
NoxStryx: Them announcing the rereleases made my wife dig out her disk copies of sims 3 to play
Akaiatana: Working as Nintendo'd

wildpeaks: an entire new dimension
Imagine if the Swtich 2 was a SteamOS device 
GapFiller: end of January beginning of February is if yr think abt it terrible for news sites as everythings still kinda slow but theres no more year end listicles to run

TheMerricat: MySims?
tho on that thought the surprise is why nobody does more Chinese Neu Ear stuff instead (tho perhaps thats just a specific bias)
Akaiatana: That's Stardew Valley
Bruceski: That's just Rocky Horror
Ignatiuspants: The first console version was just called "The Sims", and it came with a story mode too
Ignatiuspants: MySims is a totally unrelated game
LordZarano: After watching Checkpoint I checked and the complete edition of Sims 1 is indeed available (including a no-disk patch) upon the seven seas. Which is good for archiving purposes I suppose
GapFiller: schadenfreude
Sethalidos: microsoft's one is Gemini
mtvcdm: It's still wrong and boils oceans, but it boils fewer oceans to be less wrong and that makes lots of rich people very sad and angry
Laserbeaks_Fury: What happens if you train an AI to write AI code, and use that new code to retrain on writing AI
*Completely unrealistic investor bubble pops a little* All of Wall Street: 
GapFiller: Laserbeaks_Fury isnt that just a UTM
SaxPython: Export Controls investigations will be fun to follow
bytecaster: If the AI bubble pops, they have to rename 365 Copilot to Office again
LordZarano: Freeware AI?
bytecaster: I'd say that is a reasonable comparison, as far as I can tell
linabina333: Hi
RubikDarkwill: deflation?
cromozony: <message deleted>Dude 🙋, I enjoyed ya stream, it's so nice 🤩 I would love to join ya next stream so we can vibe and have a nice talk about ya stream schedulelet's chat more on Discord...username: traoma001
Akaiatana: It caused a vacuum pack
Lord_Hosk: We don't know about their training or development for certain, but people have been using it on their home systems and it is MUCH lighter weight thats confirmed
RockPusher: the force blowing up the bubble took a breathe
RockPusher: *breath
Laserbeaks_Fury: All we gotta do is hook the logic circuits of a Bambleweeny 57 Sub-Meson Brain to an atomic vector plotter suspended in a strong Brownian Motion producer.
can nanotech manage a violin small enough for Sam Altman
Akaiatana: IP Freely over here
SaxPython: @laserbeaks_fury we turboencabulating?
accountmadeforants: Sam Altman only supports massive automated theft of intellectual property, not direct theft!
Akaiatana: Woo! Things on my Dream!
GapFiller: Things On My Dreams is the Paul Twitch channel we all really want
accountmadeforants: I miss when Google Deep Dream was at least much more obviously wrong.

TheMerricat: In 2022, 79% of U.S. adults were literate 54% of adults read at or below a 6th grade level 21% of adults are illiterate 45 million adults read below a 5th grade level
bytecaster: People don't ever listen to my doomsaying
Sethalidos: we're all gonna be stupid from too much CO2 in the atmosphere anyways
GapFiller: TheMerricat that is not only deeply depressing but infact actively upsetting
Akaiatana: Checkpoint has Feature Parody
LordZarano: @TheMerricat source?
Laserbeaks_Fury: Why draw the line there? Should just require all games run on the 360, or windows 95
Frankenfruity subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 108 months, currently on a 108 month streak!
Frankenfruity: 9yeariversary!!!!
Thanks for subscribing, Frankenfruity! (Today's storm count: 7)
It's no real loss, people with a Series S don't have friends, anyway. 
Lord_Hosk: Chillpoint can be viewed on the lesser checkpoint engine and hardware. If Checkpoint is viewed on the Chillpoint hardware it looks AMAZING
GapFiller: Laserbeaks_Fury DOS Compatibility Gang Rise Up!
Bruceski: XBox has made their power their selling point, so it feels like undermining themselves
LoadingReadyRun: @Lord_Hosk Hey now, just a second here
RubikDarkwill: I think games are often ported *to* Switch, rather than it being the initial target console
accountmadeforants: I do kinda wish Sony had a Series S equivalent, at least initially. Just so fighting game tournaments could've replaced their PS4's with them and at least have SSD storage.
accountmadeforants: (Though now that the PS5 is more readily available that point is pretty much moot)
SocraticMethod: Unfortunately, they were released as Xbox and Xbox at home
bytecaster: How things are going, the next one is gonna be called the Xbox Copilot
SymphonySolstice: xbox one, not to be confused with the first xbox
Bruceski: The Google Pixel 9a, where a stands for "affordable"
SocraticMethod: @bytecaster Copilot Series X, more like
bytecaster: @SocraticMethod Copilot One
SocraticMethod: @bytecaster No, that's they are going to be called what used to be Teams
accountmadeforants: The more PC-like architecture really helped them there. (And also most devs aren't tying game logic to framerate anymore, fortunately)
bytecaster: @SocraticMethod Oh, Xbox Skype
SocraticMethod: Azure is going to be renamed to Copilot App
cmdrud87: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: ChillPoint (Paul, Beej and Heather chat about Video Games and Video Game related news!) at Sat 02:00 PM PST (48m ago).
accountmadeforants: @SocraticMethod Fuck, I can totally believe you
bytecaster: Little know fact, the C in C, C++ and C# stands for Copilot actually
accountmadeforants: @bytecaster The CC field in Outlook now stands for Copilot Copy and sends your mails to Copilot for summary. (BCC stands for Business Copilot Copy and costs extra)
bytecaster: docx actually stands for Document Office Copilot XTreme
Akaiatana: He talks about portables more than a high school principle
GapFiller: it figures thats more of a Steve Ballmer idea
Akaiatana: principal*
bytecaster: Many computers are more of an Xbox Series Jank though
TheMerricat: "Microsoft Gaming CEO Phil Spencer has now confirmed that is indeed the case. Speaking to Bloomberg, the executive acknowledged that fans expect the company to "do something" in the portable gaming sphere. Microsoft has already started thinking about what that "something" could entail and is presently in the process of prototyping its first-ever handheld gaming system, Spencer said. The official also noted that he asked his team to develop not just a handheld but a full-fledged vision..."
TheMerricat: "..for how Microsoft could compete in the portable gaming market."
TheMerricat: That was back in November.
ProcyonFlynn: This is the same parent company that's trying to kill an operating system while choosing (forced) to continue supporting an OS 3 versions back.
LordZarano: The more I hear about the way Windows is going the more glad I am that I jumped over to Arch. I have 59 updates waiting for me, and I only know that cause I manually checked. And those updates will stay there indefinitely until I feel like pressing go
GapFiller: there was an old Microsoft quote (not attributed to anyone specific) abt their attitude to piracy which feels not irrelevant here: "if yr gonna pirate software at least pirate ours"
bytecaster: Looking forward to Donkey Country Returns Returns
RockPusher: UHD
TheAwkes: Donkey Kong Returns WQHD
RockPusher: 720p is HD, 1080p is FHD
accountmadeforants: Donkey Kong Returns Pro
once upon a time VGA was HD 
accountmadeforants: @RockPusher And 1080i is a sin.
MalFnord: Bring back CGA, you cowards *angryfist*
bytecaster: @accountmadeforants Interlacing, not even once
spicyFerret_ interlaces *you*. @accountmadeforants
Bruceski: DKCR had waggle
bytecaster: Gotta have the waggle
Bruceski: The HD version has *different* performance issues. Load times are huge, for example.
bytecaster: @Bruceski Why? How?
mtvcdm: When you jump on someone, it does tend to harm them
LordZarano: A Mario 1 framerule?
TheMerricat: I'm having a headache wondering how you'd play coop on a 3ds.
Bruceski: @bytecaster I don't know if anyone's figured out why yet (HD graphics + poor optimization?) but speedrunners are pretty angry about it.
accountmadeforants: @spicyFerret_ A-A-A-A-H-H-H
accountmadeforants: -A-A-A-A-H-H-
So you're saying there will be more categories for speed-running? 
accountmadeforants: (Sadly it's hard to vertically interlace text)
spicyFerret_: @lordzarano so theres a seris of busses...
GapFiller: as Yahtzee said re New Super Mario Bros Wii back in the day arguments begin at char select
Bruceski: "worst" is relative. I'd say the ones where you can interact with each other are very different games single and multi. Definitely had fun trying not to throw people around when we all need to be on a small platform.
accountmadeforants: Clearly we need Donkey Kong Country qHD. No, no, not QHD, quarter HD, 960x540.
accountmadeforants: Or let the enemy leave a ghost you can still bounce off of
Bruceski: I believe you can chain them for 1ups in DKCR
Local _wireless_ multiplayer from a quote on that I can't copy+paste
Bruceski: And then in Mario 3 they made it deliberately a versus mode
BusTed: oops whoops
accountmadeforants: So yeah, local wireless co-op, both players need a cart
accountmadeforants: *card
Snowcookies: PvP in my PvE
Bruceski: I'm remembering bits of Bread and Fred where it was unclear if an oops was an "oops".
ghizmou: the trick is to make it seems like an accident
ImmortalLen: Me and my cousin when we played the chip n dale nes games. We would turn it into VS deathmatch since we could pick each other up and throw them into hazards.
accountmadeforants: The DS download thing was fantastic, especially for Mario Kart, yeah
accountmadeforants: And Metroid Prime Hunters
Bruceski: My hunch is it's a mix of both Capitalism and not putting too much effort into it. Making a single-player game that can talk to each other is different from doing that AND making a second-player client.
NoxStryx: Worm Town does that
Doc_Layzah: Broodwars
GapFiller: cowards
accountmadeforants: "Cooperative DKCR is nearly an entirely different and disheartening experience."
RockPusher: !findquote elephant
LRRbot: Quote #2778: "Don't touch the Risks Elephant. Leave the Risks Elephant alone." —Graham [2016-06-13]
BusTed: Ermac
GapFiller: Ermac aint even the only one either
BusTed: error macro or somesuch
GapFiller: Smoke too iirc
gualdhar: sounds ridiculous
GapFiller: thats a bad omen in fan industrial complexes
dumbo3k: Yeah, never listen to your audience, they are always wrong
GapFiller: sign of inmates running the asylum
MajorFrostbyte: I like dilly bars. You should do some sort of running gag based on dilly bars.
KeytarCat: !chat
LRRbot: Seriously, just never listen to chat.
accountmadeforants: My favourite is still Capcom making "Shen Long" a real character, because of the "You must defeat Shen Long" mistranslation in Street Fighter 2 (which was actually about learning to beat the shoryuken)
People may have asked questions if you had the cabinet pulled out and a debugger hooked up to the board 
CaptainSpam: I mean, MK being self-aware is when it's the best, I feel.
KeytarCat: He comes in from far away, across the field
CaptainSpam: Mortal Kombat 1 Plus 1 Plus 1 Plus...
Laserbeaks_Fury: I tried to unlock Floyd, but I keep running in the Wall
GapFiller: something something Dan Hibiki
Bruceski: Noob Saibot's lazy roommate tried doing the laundry once.
Cptasparagus: does this make MK woke?
Invitare: pink is actually a very good camoflage colour. for planes.
I'm surprised they don't just charge you Money to unlock him as DLC 
MalFnord: Oh lord, this one
BusTed: I remember that playthrough

wildpeaks: oh yeah I didn't have the beyond 2 souls story on my bingo card either
RockPusher: not good? shocking!
7 raiders from chilliteracy have joined!
EvilBadman: Especially with how Elliot Page talked about the issues filming the game
Laserbeaks_Fury: I like Detroit: Become Human despite John Cage's influence.
RealGamerCow: ah, the old Kings Quest logic
average book-enjoyers shuffling in! 
SocraticMethod: @Laserbeaks_Fury That's because the best parts (Connor and Hank) were written despite him
Laserbeaks_Fury: It sure was
SocraticMethod: "game overs a failure of the game designer" - David Cage
TheMerricat: Oh was Two Souls the one where Cage snuck in a full nude model of her?
GapFiller: yep
MalFnord: Ayup
TheMerricat: Him, sorry.
GapFiller: offchance anyones interested in in that Beyond Two Souls GPLP it happend February 2014
GapFiller: four streams over the ocurse of the month
LilyOfTheVeil666: A full nude model *without their consent*
SocraticMethod: There wasn't court case, his lawyer was threatening Sony with one
BusTed: huh
RealGamerCow: that's a good name fora companty
SocraticMethod: The model was nude-nude, it had barbie-doll anatomy below the bust. Still not OK.
TheMerricat: Wonder if Cage is fuming that he's not getting to do this given how he really wants to be a director.
SocraticMethod: wasn't* nude-node
wildpeaks: what's wrong with willem dafoe ? or did I miss some news ?
GapFiller: TheMerricat Cage is one of those people who is always fuming abt SOMETHING
I think the many years of aging would make that role harder to recreate than the transition would 
Shurtal: IT better have an underwater chinese ghost base
EvilBadman: @wildpeaks Nothing wrong just probably hard to get him for the tv ahow
wildpeaks: oh I see
RockPusher: Take the core of the idea, adapt it into something better?
gnyrinn: Far stupider adaptation ideas have been implemented.
Laserbeaks_Fury: I always said I would watch a COnnor and Hank procedural show
Doc_Layzah: Wasn't there a choose your own adventure type Netflix show that asked you to make choices while you watched to determine what version of the show you got? I could see Quantic pulling something like that
Juliamon: The games had good elements
Earthenone: did you know that detroit was on the underground railroad?

Brozard: Uh, I don't believe so
Shurtal: Quantic Dream did not do LA noire
GapFiller: thought LA Noire was an Australian studio
bytecaster: Not Heavy Rain?
SocraticMethod: They are sort of good? Like for gamer's first narrative game Detroid is good
Shurtal: that was Team Bondi and Rockstar
GapFiller: Bondi?
wildpeaks: perhaps you're thinking of Indigo phrophecy ?
LostThePirate: No, that was ... something that started with a B
CaptainSpam: L.A. Noire was a different company, and they have their OWN set of issues...
Brozard: They did Indigo Prophecy
accountmadeforants: LA Noire was Rockstar, right?
Brozard: where David Cage is in the game and talks to you
TheMerricat: Fahrenheit / Indigo Prophecy (2005) was their actual breakout game that made people think they could do stuff.
RealGamerCow: Farenheit was the original I believe
TheMerricat: Heavy Rain came after.
Brozard: pretentious putz
SocraticMethod: QD usually have very good starts but then go off the rails go bonkers
eid010n: QD also did the David Bowie game, Omikron: The Nomad Soul
wildpeaks: the Bowie game (Nomad souls) might be more their breakout game
SocraticMethod: The general public seems to like QD games especially when not looked at critically
@eid010n Yes, but no one claims that put them on the map. 
RockPusher: Press X to JASON!
GapFiller: thing is sometimes theres a good reason nobody else has ever done something
GapFiller: uniqueness is at always an intrinsic virtue
GapFiller: *not always
wildpeaks: Omikron was even the very first gamedev documentary I saw (interviewing from the devs on french tv GameOne, was very interesting)
SocraticMethod: They also did interesting choices in Detroit where it was actually possible to upend status quo and start a violent revolution. And it was presented as a good ending
LordZarano: Become Human is 95% +ve on Steam. Which makes it one of the top highest rated games on the whole platform
Lord_Hosk: Detroit Become Human isn't a game overtly about slavery I hear
@Lord_Hosk you forgot your 
SocraticMethod: The worst parts of Detroit also become clear when seeing all the branches and especially in rare choices.
GapFiller: right that was this week
goombalax everything Hosk says has an implicit 
wildpeaks: Helldivers 2
SocraticMethod: Not many players get to see that which is why the general impression is more positive than those that take a deeper look into it
wildpeaks: they removed the requirement only for 4 games though
bytecaster: Also they sold it in some countries not supported by PSN
EvilBadman: The PSN account thing was also exasperated by regions not having PSN Accounts
Laserbeaks_Fury: RIP Origin
Laserbeaks_Fury: Origin *was* EA
RealGamerCow: It's different people to impress!
Laserbeaks_Fury: x2 VALUE
AngryFil: 5 PS5s
RealGamerCow: Nintendo should 100% do patches
cmdrud87: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Is This Your Card? (Join Wheeler and his every expanding list of card based video games! Game: The Bazaar) at Sun 10:00 AM PST (18:28 from now).
GapFiller: mmm patches
LadyDKat: I would wear Nintendo achievement patches!
RealGamerCow: I would spend that money
Cptasparagus: Adam Savage sells "demerit" badges of all the ways you can screw up a project
Cptasparagus: theyre great
RockPusher: Heather Dery, Marketing Genius
Laserbeaks_Fury: Sell me a Focus
Earthenone: you could tell strangers on the bus you caught all the korocks
SocraticMethod: Hello! Have you heard about this indie game called Destiny?
dumbo3k: I would buy those achievement patches Beej
I mean... you already have pins for Desert Bus... 
asddsa28: oo i binged road quest in a day pach
ProcyonFlynn: I would LOVE more LRR patches!
Brozard: ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: Celebrated Sonic's 30th Anniversary
schordash: isn’t that just scout badges? x)
GapFiller: lemme tell yr having lived the punk metal trenches patches are always a winning money maker
@Laserbeaks_Fury Why would you want a Ford? 
RockPusher: LRR sticker packs would be fun
Brozard: Drank More Glurp
goombalax: I got off Facebook so I wouldn't have to do friend management
Bruceski: Are there still DVDs? Rebrand them as LRR wearable decorations.
gnyrinn: Remember chat: Do not bother Beej with your idea unless it's good.
LadyManticore12 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 39 months!
Thanks for subscribing, LadyManticore12! (Today's storm count: 8)
Laserbeaks_Fury: Also, if you were willing to buy into PS to play those games, you already have an account. People buying it now on other systems are the folks who didn't/couldn't buy into PS
RealGamerCow: @TheMerricat My brother still has his Pitfall patch.
RubikDarkwill: They didn't make Helldivers 2 available again in PSN restricted regions after the PSN requirement was removed
GOG is love, GOG is life 
wildpeaks: especially now preservation is important
@RealGamerCow I wish I still had mine, and I was 'cheated' out of three of them because I was a kid and didn't realize taking a picture of your TV with a flash camera would cause the TV screen to just be a white square. 
wildpeaks: plus their versions often work better too
accountmadeforants: Oh dang, Freelancer is a good top pick there
RockPusher: NOLF eh, good luck with that…

accountmadeforants: Good on you, GOG Dreamers
SocraticMethod: Nope, it's free-for-all
TheMerricat: This has been something for years, but I think they finally made it easily accessible.
SocraticMethod: Like NOFL is in the rights hell
LordZarano: Nice votes for Black & White
accountmadeforants: (Admittedly, I still have my CD copy of Freelancer, and a rip of said CD, but more people should play Freelancer)
RockPusher: there was that group of highly motivated ones who very seriously looked into getting the NOLF rights and concluded it was virtually impossible
GapFiller: istr this was how LRR got most of their music back in the day
GapFiller: all that old C64 ost stuff
Natimus_Prime: Man, Freelancer was amazing. Getting a release for that would be great.
mossknight497 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 17 months!
Thanks for subscribing, mossknight497! (Today's storm count: 9)
wildpeaks: "please let us give you money"
Caffine1138: I would 1000% buy Freelancer again
AngryFil: that's the only point when many of the decisions makers start listening - "get money"
LordZarano: 69969 people for the top voted it looked like
accountmadeforants: I think Freelancer is still owned by Microsoft, so I guess it'll be a coinflip on whether they allow it or decide to try to do it themselves for Gamepass and then fail and give up
SocraticMethod: It's totally free-for-all, GOG doesn't seem to curate what is allowed on the list
accountmadeforants: @TheMerricat Oh hell, I've never seen this before
GapFiller: The Hand!
RockPusher: "Thanks for the wood, we need more wood though!"
GapFiller: we didnt love being The Hand
definenull: Nivr
goombalax: B&W1 or 2?
RockPusher: *feeds wood needing group to my monkey*
SocraticMethod: IT's 69981 now
GapFiller: feasibility is a whole thing ofc
gnyrinn: They were working with Blizzard, until the end of last year.
80% of all the games released on Steam now are games that fit on Watch+Play. 
wildpeaks: KCD2 released this month for example, I only know about it because the first was released on GOG, it's not just old games
mtvcdm: Hey everyone they released Wrecking Crew again
gnyrinn: Now we know
RockPusher: *may* own
RockPusher: the problem with NOLF is noone knows for sure who owns what
Earthenone: !pkmn bill
LRRbot: Bill | Trainer — Supporter | You can play only one Supporter card each turn. When you play this card, put it next to your Active Pokémon. When your turn ends, discard this card. / Draw 2 cards.
GapFiller: it figures value here is proportional to ephemerality
Cptasparagus: "I have this copy of drudge skeletons that Mark Rosewater sneezed on in 1997"
Cptasparagus: grading IS largely a scam
Julian_Rogue: @Cptasparagus I've been saying that since high school
GapFiller: yeh this is used for tracking ransom notes ect
Julian_Rogue: @GapFiller Thats why I use a laser etcher and aluminum sheets
RockPusher: C+Y+M+K = Pikachu!
Shurtal: the Rosetta Station
Earthenone: i wonder if in 20 years people will be looking for the prints with 2024 dot codes as a memory of this scandal
kusinohki: a stone tablet modded into a gaming console... surprised that hasn't been done honestly
TheMerricat: - "ntroducing the SuperStation one. An open-source PS1 FPGA gaming console that supports original games, memory cards, and controllers. Load games from a disk or a backup. Region free. Supports all MiSTer FPGA cores, including N64 & Sega Saturn."
stone tablet running Doom thats the real 
bootsmalone subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 93 months!
Thanks for subscribing, bootsmalone! (Today's storm count: 10)
GapFiller: a Saturn one wd be the Dark Souls of ect ect given the well known travails of Saturn emulation
Shurtal: the stability of mid-90's cd tech is unreliable? Who knew
LordZarano: The dye on PS1 disks is only black in visible light. It's transparent in IR
SocraticMethod: Beej: the black color on disks was never a problem. Some old CD drives couldn't deal with the sectoring.
isent marvel rivals just DC? 
SpoonfullOfSugar: The MOON
TheAwkes: This way we'll never get to have the experience of mid-run resoldering a capacitor to keep going.
Shurtal: marvel ravel
ImmortalLen: HE OWES ME 5$!
SocraticMethod: @SpoonfullOfSugar HAUNTS YOU
Cptasparagus: HONK SHOO
goombalax: I KNEW IT
Shurtal: I mean, Dr. Acula owes him money, so he's not the most upstanding of people
RatherLargeToad: he is an unreliable narrator, it’s true
accountmadeforants: Isn't Loki in there
GapFiller: thats exactly the kinda petty that people WILL get hung up on
RatherLargeToad: He says “The Moon haunts you” so some ghosting is expected
accountmadeforants: You need a webcam and we'll use very expensive AI to check if you're experiencing fun
Decaped: honestly, compared to youtube ads, old videogame ads seem pretty tame
Bionull: Now I'm picturing early test DK and it's just the same except bowtie.
BusTed: It's Castlevania because it's a Metroidvania that takes place in a castle
accountmadeforants: I think it was one of the Castlevanias that got called a Metroidvania, but I'm not completely sure
Laserbeaks_Fury: is the first Castlevania even qualify as a Metroidvania?
Like Japanese Anime 
SocraticMethod: @Laserbeaks_Fury Nope, it's an action rgp
SocraticMethod: rpg*
Chat, is Ultima a JRPG? 
Joecool190: action rpg
goombalax: isn't it Action rpg?
Shurtal: wrpg
Joecool190: yeah, ARPG are like diablo
SocraticMethod: and CRPG stands for Computer, not Caucasian like I thought
Decaped: CRPGs (computer) and JPRGs
Dragoonspirits86: i recall Baldurs gate was called a simulation RPG, as in it was using a already available on paper ruleset
Decaped: japanese people didn't have computers
gualdhar: third-person RPGs are also taking the ARPG monicker, like The Witcher. But originally ARPG meant Diablo, Path of Exile, Grim Dawn, etc
Dragoonspirits86: to simulate a campaign
LordZarano: Computer RPG, because they were adaptions of tabletop RPGs
Laserbeaks_Fury: what even is a MOOBA
GapFiller: it feels this is the best ending of that whole saga
GapFiller: assuming it is infact the ending of that saga
TheAwkes: The only Midnight Society worth respecting is from Are You Afraid of the Dark.
Decaped: they were doing a homestuck
TheMerricat: And what's worse, the jerk whose name does not deserve mention has been remonetized on Youtube apparently.
@TheMerricat Ah, good to know I was right. (Though the part about it being any game inspired by Metroid is kind of silly, because it's explicitly a Castlevania game inspired by Metroid
accountmadeforants: I would buy Discworld Elysium 10 times
Decaped: Terry would love Disco Elysiujm
TheMerricat: Would she want to touch their drama with a 100ft pole though?
The Discworld MUD is still going on, for what it's worth 
gnyrinn: Do we know if Discworld is big in Estonia?
RockPusher: indeed, it would absolutely work as an idea
accountmadeforants: Also the visual style could definitely fit Ankh-Morpork (and the Discworld in general)
GapFiller: the perks of nothing going on afterwards eh
RockPusher: Lazy Sunday ChillPoint
Snowcookies: ty for the stream
GapFiller: if anything this is round abt when ChillPoint normally ends
TheMerricat: Noticed.,
RockPusher: they are more flashy than normal, yes
GapFiller: saw em change colour thruoghout the stream yeh
Cptasparagus: I actually did notice, I like the slower fade
GapFiller: that did look neat
Earthenone: ohh that was real?
Earthenone: neat
Cptasparagus: the quick blinks are a little distracting
Decaped: It's so the magic tricks are harder to tell.
TheMerricat: Noticed, but I think both were great.
Doc_Layzah: Well now I won't unsee it
MalFnord: I thought I was hallucinating
MajorFrostbyte: I noticed, I preferred the fade
lirazel64: Honestly? Don't care.
RockPusher: yeah, the subtle transition I think is less visually distracting
Lord_Hosk: I noticed, I like the fade better
Decaped: This podcast has video?
Earthenone: !patreon

GapFiller: order if ting eh Paul

GapFiller: Is This Your Card Game?
RockPusher: Goob: Grooved
Bionull: Is the goob into it?
Decaped: James is REALLY good at pixel art
SymphonySolstice: the emperor's new goob
voren_chalco: It arrived, fully formed, in the schedule
LordZarano: !rhythm
GapFiller: fittingly Stalker vocal glitch there Paul
TheMerricat: I hope so.
GapFiller: oooh The Return of 1000xRESIST
TheMerricat: They didn't finish it.
Juliamon: They didn't come close to finishing
GapFiller: they got to a midpoint and paused for a while
Cptasparagus: part 1 is the original remastered, but its also getting a further remaster
What will the re-remaster be called? "You haven't seen the Last of Us"? 
RockPusher: That's what quoting titles is for
GapFiller: yes
Decaped: Didn't they play Alone in the Dark?
Juliamon: They've done SOME old ones
RockPusher: "The Last of Us" — Part 1
SocraticMethod: The Last of Us > The Last of Us Remastered > The Last of Us Part II > The Last of Us Part I > The Last of Us Part II Remastered
0x6772: It was Alex & Ben, before Ben & Adam
RockPusher: !gant
LRRbot: ɢᴀɴᴛ ɢᴀɴᴛ
Decaped: Remember when Ben was blonde?
goombalax: YES what
RockPusher: AF40K
0x6772: Ah, DLC for meatspace
RockPusher: Well bitted Hosk

Snowcookies: bye
Earthenone: "the last of us" name has big final fantasy energy where it feels weird to see so many games with the name
Earthenone: very unrelated, but does anyone know if there is a way to not be tagged in @everyone messages in discord? i want to stay notified if someone mentions me or a specific subgroup i am a part of but everyone messages are almost never relevent to me lol
Juliamon: dunno, honestly every server I'm in has @everyone disabled
that must be so nice 
Earthenone: thank you so much!
accountmadeforants: Though it does group @everyone and @here. But as long as you're part of a subgroup those @'s should still work
accountmadeforants: (I.e., if it's a different role, like @admins)
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