TXC2: title change!
TheAinMAP: Signal
roefizzlebeef subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 28 months!
Thanks for subscribing, roefizzlebeef! (Today's storm count: 1)
BorealMage: Today: "Is This Your MacGuffin Engine?"
jonnykefka: I don't know this game, but I'm interested to see it
BorealMage: @jonnykefka It's a good 'un
Diabore: @jonnykefka its like an autobattler
Didero subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 65 months!
Didero: [Beej voice] It's my sub's 65th anniversary!! (Thanks to @beowuuf for my sub gift!)
Thanks for subscribing, Didero! (Today's storm count: 2)
Didero: Good evening!
TXC2: hello Didero welcome
thraximore subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 59 months, currently on a 27 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, thraximore! (Today's storm count: 3)
cha0shazard: Benjamin Wheeler? In MY Bazaar?
BorealMage: In THIS economy?
DarkNacht subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 91 months, currently on a 69 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, DarkNacht! (Today's storm count: 4)
fiftymcnasty: Aw yeah. The Bazaar!
ChargeAh: Bazaar of Wheeler?
LoadingReadyRun: hold
TXC2: at this time of year? in this part of the stream?
BorealMage: holding
cha0shazard: Take your time king
Alex_Frostfire: Are we drawing two cards then discarding three cards? ...What do you mean, "not that bazaar?"
KickAssKanuck: hoooold
Pseudonym_Ken subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 105 months, currently on a 105 month streak!
Pseudonym_Ken: Oh hey, I can catch this from the start today
Thanks for subscribing, Pseudonym_Ken! (Today's storm count: 5)
TXC2: here we GO!
Pseudonym_Ken: This music is so fun
Didero: Hi Ben!
TXC2: Hello Wheeler
cha0shazard: Hello good day
ChargeAh: good evening sir
cha0shazard: Holy crap Lois
Tommadness: Cool game!
mortazza_e_vino: hello
Aenir798: Is it as cool as you though?
platymage: playing it currently
mortazza_e_vino: loving the baazar, I'm terrible at it but so much fun
PenguinEmperor: Dear Benjamin have you heard of Aotenjo? A rogue like Mahjong game.
TXC2: !patreon
@PenguinEmperor He has, yeah, I asked him the same question a little while ago on his own stream 
ChargeAh: "who touched the thermostat?"
PenguinEmperor: @accountmadeforants Ah neat hopefully he'll play it on stream
cha0shazard: I believe in you my boy
MichaelSnowbird: How bizzare
KickAssKanuck: how bazaar?
Aenir798: Does it have cards?
TXC2: !backseat
LRRbot: Please refrain from backseat gaming unless the streamer asks for help or !heychat is active. The streamer wants to play the game the way they want. Feel free to discuss tactics in chat or with the mods.
accountmadeforants: See, you draw two cards and then discard three.
BorealMage: Is that memory leak still an issue with this game?
Tommadness: If there's one thing I can say, there are cards.
Sure, but you've been told that before 
ipoddodd: It has "cards"
Xela4Eva: This game has major pog factors to it.
Diabore: it has card like objects
cha0shazard: Ope you haven't unlocked the bazaar, stream over sorry chat
fiftymcnasty: Its card adjacent, an autobattler tableau builder
accountmadeforants: Damn, I wanna be smug pig
couchboyj: Could be a card game but not presented as such sort of tging?
ipoddodd: introrb, if you will
maltbeverage: Place !
cha0shazard: Pygmalien is such a smug guy
cha0shazard: He's also a landlord
cha0shazard: That's like his whole theme
TheAinMAP: What's the sub counter doing?
fiftymcnasty: Pyg is ok, Dooley is the true god
TheAinMAP it's best 
PenguinEmperor: Is that Ragavan?
Diabore: yo ho ho a pirates life for she
RatherLargeToad: Kari Zev?
cha0shazard: There's gonna be skullduggery? I was not warned of this
rabbitgta: World famous loot from mtg got in here? Lol jk
Paranundrox: oh boy, Bazaar time
TXC2: probably doesn't matter now, but could we get subtitles please ?
accountmadeforants: Weapon Friend
I hope that wheeler hasn't bough any paint since Vanessa doesn't use it 
eshplode: Fish are weapons. Not food
MichaelSnowbird: that poem sucks
BorealMage: Yeah
SocraticMethod: Yes
fiftymcnasty: There are no more cutscenes
QuixoticScrivener: aren’t narwhal large?
Tool is the inverse of Friend 
fiftymcnasty ok, kinda boo though 
SocraticMethod: The effects apply to themselves unless it has "other" keyword
I actually didn't know you could inspect the cards like that. Been playing the whole time without it 
MichaelSnowbird: i remember that cadence in English class.
fiftymcnasty: @TXC2 Its very much still beta
QuixoticScrivener I dare to presume there are larger things then Narwhals in this fantasy world 
Diabore: put a bayonet of your hand axe
TXC2: fiftymcnasty ah ok
fiftymcnasty: It has ammo
Pseudonym_Ken: It looks to have an ammo limit?
BorealMage: The bolas has ammo, so limited uses
RatherLargeToad: 4 Nickel Bolas
ipoddodd: It doesn't explain well, but the bolas are an ammo item
maltbeverage: that one runs out basically
Paranundrox: if you right click it explains the mechanics more, yeah
Didero: Wait, 'every X seconds'? A real-time card game?
fiftymcnasty: @Didero auto-battler
ipoddodd: @Didero It's an autobattler, where the fights are real time
Didero: Ah, that makes sense, thansk
Alex_Frostfire: Honestly... seems neat.
fiftymcnasty: 3 gold, 1 xp, 1 item or skill
quton: 3 donuts, diamond and little shit
ipoddodd: Gold, experience, item
MichaelSnowbird: Since you bought the switch blade you need to get the leather jacket and learn how to dance.
jonnykefka: ATB card game, that has potential
Pseudonym_Ken: So did the axe increase in damage each time it triggered?
eshplode: I like that I can tell what's going on here compared to something like TFT, but just watching a bunch of timers while health bars go down is funny
Paranundrox: @Pseudonym_Ken yes, off switchblade adjacency
Diabore: prepping for a 5 minute thing? thatll be an hour
Pseudonym_Ken: @Paranundrox Ah, that's what happened
rabbitgta: Turning 36 in 4 days
TXC2: warming up to exercise for 30 mins? that's an hour
fiftymcnasty: you cant afford it though
They should make that a rule in MTG, you can only play as many cards as will fit on your playmat side by side 
eshplode: Entering an eating contest while carrying all those weapons
thaigeprime subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 98 months!
thaigeprime: vanessa gaming
Thanks for subscribing, thaigeprime! (Today's storm count: 6)
accountmadeforants: Ah, I guess if its fully automated they can make the multiplayer asynchronous
jonnykefka: the fact that they started with 1/2 your health and absolutely nothing worth doing says probably not a real player
Diabore: prestige is the bar under the hour counter
TXC2: that Kitana with that knife is a real combo
accountmadeforants: !advice
LRRbot: Place the cookie where it goes.
Tommadness: Wheeler, known chat command adder
cha0shazard: !katana
Juliamon: !wheeleradvice
LRRbot: No! You should have waited!
TXC2: Henka is a fine part of Sumo, and you mist be able to deal with it
Paranundrox: this is apparently a pretty rough game to stream in general. it can get very backseaty
accountmadeforants: !quote 8110
LRRbot: Quote #8110: "Why did you dodge into his mouth?" —Beej [2022-06-17]
enjoistuff: !eatingcontest
Juliamon: !wheeleradvice
LRRbot: No! You should have waited!
cha0shazard: Yeah no backseating let him traverse the bazaar peacefully
Juliamon: c'mon lrrbot
BorealMage: Katana the second
Juliamon we've had that for a while and I've only just seen it haven't I? 
cha0shazard: LONG JOHN SPOTTED
I havnt actually played this myself which means Im in the perfect position to backseat 
Juliamon: it DOES have the dodging one I swear
accountmadeforants: @Paranundrox Isnt that all card games?
Juliamon: TXC2 I don't know, I didn't add it
MichaelSnowbird: Toucan Anna. The name of your parrot?
thraximore: big boss baby
Alex_Frostfire: Bird!
Juliamon: I only noticed when I added !wheeler
Juliamon even better 
Xerodin: reorganizing your cards seems important
jonnykefka: !wheeler
Magic: The Gathering
cha0shazard: Slice him! Also dice him!
Alex_Frostfire: You also have ramp up.
TXC2: number go up!

jonnykefka: the what
Paranundrox: or pro-stalling mechanic

Tommadness: @Paranundrox really this yeah lol
SocraticMethod: Fun fact: it's possible to out-scale the sandstorm and game decides it's a draw
cha0shazard: The sandstorm allows pacifist builds to technically have a win condition
Paranundrox: I have had a draw once yeah
accountmadeforants: I hope there's a way to survive the sandstorm indefinitely and then two stall decks just get locked in combat forever
cha0shazard: Not all jaballians are pacifists
the sandstorm, the rope, the inevitable death 
TinyAwoo: Gun
SocraticMethod: @accountmadeforants There is, and game will force a draw after a while
@SocraticMethod Cowards 

cha0shazard: g l a n d
cha0shazard: Welcome to Dooley gaming
BorealMage: never didn't have it
TXC2: glass cannon build there
cha0shazard: He's strapped up, keeps that Tooley on him
TXC2: buy items with ammo? Metro 2020 here we come
Paranundrox: the burn vs poison dichotomy is interesting
h3rsh3yb4r: you can also put the fish in your backpack if you decide you want it later instead
we ammo gaming boys 
Notamys3000: oh yeah big boomin'
Xerodin: What does your knife card do?
Atrizk: stonks
MichaelSnowbird: i was rooting for Risky
SocraticMethod: @Xerodin +3 dmg to adjacent weapons when they activate
schordash: abi - always be incoming
TXC2: we gonna pog off now
Diabore: if youre blocking youre losing
fiftymcnasty: all weapon build
mostly_minerals subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 38 months!
Thanks for subscribing, mostly_minerals! (Today's storm count: 7)
Diabore: they fucking died
accountmadeforants: You were her, but stronger
BorealMage: Melted
eshplode: Maybe they are real people. Just not great ones?
MichaelSnowbird: Bully
Notamys3000: big boomin' crit proc
tehfewl: grenade crit
Alex_Frostfire: Grenade crit for 88% of their max HP.
cha0shazard: Your opponent didn't even show up
cha0shazard: Dropped dead on the doorstep
tehfewl: burn
fiftymcnasty: get juggled
MichaelSnowbird: hahahahhahaha
Xerodin: obliterated
BorealMage: Literally cooked
cha0shazard: Beaten by a performance arts major
Diabore: got burned
BorealMage: Game's definitely still got bugs. If it still has a memory leak, you may want to restart it during the break.
BlasterKyubey210: Tenno knife throwing i tempting
TXC2: we got the Lindt chocolate bars
Mangledpixel: their build is fishy
Thadrin46: I am completely hooked on this game, despite the horrific balance issues.
solemn_storm: they're definitely still figuring some things out
fiftymcnasty: Its been very fun
BorealMage: Oh it's a good game for sure
accountmadeforants: Yeah, this seems pretty slick
Diabore: im eagerly awaiting the open beta that theyve pushed back 2 months in a row
Decaped: This Balatro-like is pretty cool
cha0shazard: GUMBALL GAMING
Thadrin46: Small bonuses to various things
Pywodwagon: looking at this and realizing I’m so cooked
maltbeverage: it currently reminds me of early magic where the dominant strategy was to not play magic
Pywodwagon: this might fill the SBB brawl
solemn_storm: 10 max
eshplode: I like that I actually know what the heck is going on in this as a viewer
fiftymcnasty: you can only buy 10
Thadrin46: mAX 10.
Diabore: !heychat
LRRbot: Please ONLY offer advice when the streamer uses the phrase "Hey, chat...". Let them try to learn the game on their own, even if it means they miss a thing or two.
Mangledpixel: the different colours of gumballs do different things, btw
solemn_storm: mid-grade chocolate noooo
h3rsh3yb4r: that's ok, chocolate is never worth buying
Greed is a thing chat 
tehfewl: don't get juggled

Paranundrox: @h3rsh3yb4r depends on build (and econ)
cha0shazard: I am a certified gumball gamer
Xerodin: can you move a faster weapon next to your dagger instead of the axe?
solemn_storm: hershey bar in the chat advocating for chocolate free life

tehfewl: lol

BlasterKyubey210: No Kizuna Beasts today
harsh game, real harsh 
BlasterKyubey210: This one rides alone
Didero: And they say videogames aren't realistic
SocraticMethod: Repeater down to 5.6s
Thadrin46: its osition when you sell it, so you hit the gun yes.
0x6772: Is this, like, Candyland, but make it violent?
h3rsh3yb4r: @0x6772 kinda yeah
kaestralblades: cards cpmfise amd scare ,e
0x6772: @h3rsh3yb4r I mean, it's an original concept, I'll give them that.
h3rsh3yb4r: hit nickelodeon cartoon daria
because chocolate is never worth it 
fiftymcnasty: Tutorial
h3rsh3yb4r: (they're bots in the tut run(
Diabore: im joking
Diabore: fwiw
Thadrin46: I take chocolate when I have nothing else I need and plenty of money.
kaestralblades: i bouuught a kitkat once and i starrted crying
kanofudo: i mean at this point shouldn't you buy the fancy chocolate for the funny
cha0shazard: 150 HP for 10 gold
cha0shazard: Follow your arteries
Cptasparagus: you're not a dog it wont hurt you
accountmadeforants: Maybe all of them were called Bill
h3rsh3yb4r: this is how we found out wheelers fursona
Thadrin46: inside you are two dogs. both want your chocolate.
kaestralblades: I GOT THAT DOGGGGG IN MEEEEE (mug root beer drink)
TXC2: that dog in me + chocolate = diabetes ?
Decaped: If your dogs lasts for more than one stream, please contact a doctor.
thaigeprime: @Thadrin46 inside you are two wolves, seek medical attention immediatly
kaestralblades: should i buy japanese kit kats on amazon currently
0x6772: The chocolate goes through your stomach before it reaches the umbilical cord to the Dog Within You, it's okay.
kanofudo: oh no
SocraticMethod: One more to the right
Pywodwagon: Ben no
Thadrin46: japanese kitkats are bonkers if you get the really mad flavours
cha0shazard: Oh lawd he got a crane
Paranundrox: I love the Crane
Thadrin46: the green tea ones are great
Xerodin: this man is osha compliant
Cptasparagus: daretti?
cha0shazard: Forklift certified
accountmadeforants: No, this is all part of Forklift Certification
tehfewl: katana isn't stacking damage
thaigeprime: wheeler the union buster smh
accountmadeforants: He has to do this
Pywodwagon: Ben you fucked up your switchblade placement
rosesmcgee: And it was bring your kids to work day
I mean, we do that to you 
TheRealDawnreaver: Dear God! They had a family!
h3rsh3yb4r: it's ok he's the foreman. we hate bosses
Cptasparagus: show cog
cha0shazard: Cogchamp
thaigeprime: cog champ
0x6772: @Didero lol
TXC2: Cog? on main?
thaigeprime: fr? on Cog?
Thadrin46: Quixel is a size queen
h3rsh3yb4r: damn you can sharpen the gun
kaestralblades: i cog on his champ til he
solemn_storm: weeper v wheeler
Notamys3000: miyazaki-san, is that you
eshplode: Sounds like a good Live bit
accountmadeforants: Surely there are still Poison Taster jobs out there
Didero: We can mentally poison you, does that count?
Pywodwagon: yea Ben that’s called capitalism
cha0shazard: Not even close baybee
h3rsh3yb4r: isnt that just experimental drug trials?
DakotaKobold: Wheeler playing Bazaar. What a legend
kaestralblades: beautiful cards stream to do terrible things to
TheAwkes: Just need to sign up for more LRL food batsu games.
that some modern hardware they have 
Alex_Frostfire: They've got a lack of chocolate in their diet.
cha0shazard: Diamond alpha ray Vanessa my beloved
Pywodwagon: we can’t be sure until we see a name with a slur
Thadrin46: I wish I ran into people like that in my runs...
Atrizk: everyone is a bot, it's dead internet theory
h3rsh3yb4r: everyhting is an item
solemn_storm: weapons are items too
0x6772: @Pywodwagon Ah yes, closed beta: probably haven't sorted the filtering out yet.
fiftymcnasty: everything is an item
Thadrin46: When I see Sniper Rifle it's got a 2 second cooldown, does 1500 damage and autocrits.
RealGamerCow: squid games Hey Chat in here today
solemn_storm: you're murdering a vacationing penguin
cha0shazard: Kick the penguin like a football
TXC2: hello RealGamerCow welcome
Rourke9: the only way to win etc
BlueMechanic: That penguins got flippers
h3rsh3yb4r: even worse, the penguin from surfs up
accountmadeforants: Could be the Penguin from Evangelion
Paranundrox: Charles is a stall build yeah
TXC2: oh no, they're lifegain!
eshplode: Ah so this is a stall build
0x6772: He's healing up!
Paranundrox: he has 0 damage
solemn_storm: stall builds are very good in this game
Alex_Frostfire: Just chill out!
thaigeprime: hes big chilling
0x6772: Oh, you're boned.
cha0shazard: He is in fact a stall deck
Cptasparagus: only so mnany bullet
Didero: *Darude starts playing in the background*
Diabore: COUNTS
gualdhar: I just got here and I have no idea what's going on
Paranundrox: draws are wins yeah
uchihab7: i think charles sells ice cream
0x6772: JUST got there.

Tommadness: We take those

MichaelSnowbird: nice
Juliamon: suck it, chuck
Xerodin: now we get his house
charles WASN'T in charge that game 
ChargeAh: ez clap
Cptasparagus: we own property!
Alex_Frostfire: Property: It's free real estate.
thaigeprime: bigger number better person as I always say
h3rsh3yb4r: cove is econ technically
sorry a WHAT-tant 
cha0shazard: Woohootant
0x6772: "Hi, Sailor!"
h3rsh3yb4r: thats spongebob
fiftymcnasty: spongebob
thaigeprime: chat its soapbob, legally distinct
0x6772: Shouldn't the sextant be between two things?
0x6772: Yeah, that.
Cptasparagus: ***tant seems good
cha0shazard: @thaigeprime sponged robert
rosesmcgee: So in this game we're basically fighting in the parking lot of a Princess Auto with the random crap we bought inside as weapons?
Paranundrox: it has a little poison but yes
Atrizk: o7
Diabore: oh shit they gen shield faster than we gen damage
rosesmcgee not quite, but we need that game now 
Paranundrox: turtle shell has shield scaling yeah
h3rsh3yb4r: katana breaks through eventually
Thadrin46: Oh Ben.... wait until you see an optimised shield build...
thaigeprime: big turts
h3rsh3yb4r: nvm weebs suck
cha0shazard: Crush from Finding Nemo is too strong
solemn_storm: monster is accidentally a meta build
solemn_storm: almost
30teracyte: turtle shell was an absolute menace in the patch before this one but they nerfed the amount items charge pretty substantially
30teracyte: still good
thaigeprime: gumball gaming
solemn_storm: oh i missed that there was a patch
solemn_storm: i got very bored of vanessa being a stall main
Thadrin46: OOps... you lost a bunch of balls because you didn't have stash room
Diabore: the buchet!
accountmadeforants: Tres Bucket
thaigeprime: traybucket
cha0shazard: TREBEBUCHAY
Cptasparagus: *trebucket*
trebuchetboy: I have arrived
trebuchetboy: You are welcome
Paranundrox: correct
Paranundrox: nope

cha0shazard: Oh no
0x6772: ooof
h3rsh3yb4r: nope, lost to the void
solemn_storm: gumballsfell out of yourt pockets onto the ground
Paranundrox: if you don't have slots you lose out
accountmadeforants: That's so cruel
Diabore: got bad news wheeler
cha0shazard: Gumballs spilling out of your pockets
TXC2: hello trebuchetboy wlcome
Juliamon: fell out of the hole in your pocket
thaigeprime: never look a gift trebuchet in the mouth
0x6772: Yeah, some kid walked down the sidewalk behind you and claimed those gumballs.
accountmadeforants: I like that you can fit a house in your pocket but not 10 gumballs
TXC2: fell out of pocket while talking to your crush
Paranundrox: the Haste also charges
Rourke9: trebuchet can be so fun
0x6772: @accountmadeforants Value-based, rather than real-world space-based, storage.
Pseudonym_Ken: Yeah, but the crits seem really cool
h3rsh3yb4r: just do what bruno mars would
cha0shazard: It is still dinner time
cha0shazard: It remains dinner time
h3rsh3yb4r: sell a grenade for ya
tehfewl: get walled
cha0shazard: o7
treyhollander: Hello
0x6772: Turns out defense might be a good strategy.
TheLodgium: One thing that's funny about these asynchronous games is that your opponents never know that they beat you
Diabore: just Mak
Thadrin46: mak is one of the unreleased heroes
Rourke9: the locket was bugged for a while, i assume it’s fixed now?
fiftymcnasty: They need to hurry up and release Mak
fiftymcnasty: @Rourke9 yes
Diabore: everyone else got fancy names, then just Mak
SocraticMethod subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 33 months, currently on a 29 month streak!
SocraticMethod: Did you know that not all Jaballians are pacifists?
Atrizk: the forbidden class, Mak
Thanks for subscribing, SocraticMethod! (Today's storm count: 8)
Thadrin46: Jules the Chef and the mechanic are the others
tehfewl: seems good with trubucket
Thadrin46: He's REALLY good. Fast cooldown
thaigeprime: hes just a little guy
Paranundrox: First Aiden would be great with Trebuchet
Thadrin46: the beam would have pumped damage on all your weapons.
DakotaKobold: Passing up a First Aiden hurts
Paranundrox: @Thadrin46 It would not
fiftymcnasty: @Thadrin46 not if you dont have a core
Paranundrox: he has other beam or core to trigger beam
Paranundrox: Beams don't trigger off themself
TXC2: world's greatest knife
I love speaking very confidently on things I have little knowledge about 
Thadrin46: Dammit. You're all right. I've omnly played it in Dooley.
this game is the best backseating bait 
Paranundrox: So there's a set of different enchantments that do various different things. it can get complex for the various options
TheAwkes: Shame you can't just have 10 switchblades.
Thadrin46: Waterwheel Trebuchet is an amazing combo if you can make it work.
0x6772: I dunno, Balatro's pretty up there in the rear seats.
h3rsh3yb4r: butterfly swords are great because they pollenate the flower cannon
30teracyte: There's a reason northernlion stopped playing this on stream and only does it for youtube
Paranundrox: So *mostly* Deadly gives flat crit but it also can have differrent effects on some specific items
kaestralblades: HOT PRO TIP! sell all your cards and go into default
BorealMage: Does this have more or less backseating than Balatro?
thaigeprime: mood
DakotaKobold: And people getting mad about it not being 8x speed
rabbitgta: Math's do be hard sometimes
gualdhar: I resemble that remark, and it hurts
cha0shazard: Shoot them with your guns and katana
0x6772: Oh, I miss the jangling keys! Can we have keys?
thaigeprime: I still think about the putting it on .5 speed as a bit sometimes that shit was so funny
Thadrin46: THIS is a stall build
cha0shazard: Barrel plus shell is pretty tuff stall ya
viewers were confused at Wheeler's lack of a Crack addiction 
Paranundrox: they also have the Bonk skill
Paranundrox: which adds 1s to all your cooldowns
cha0shazard: Oh yeah get bonked too
Thadrin46: Watch the seaweed's heal value
accountmadeforants: Holy shit that's so much shield
Alex_Frostfire: That's sure a lot of shield.
Diabore: 20k shield
Atrizk: 10k shield KEKW
Paranundrox: welcome to the Bazaar
uchihab7: are ocean builds just stall builds? thats the pattern im seeing
thaigeprime: thats at least 2 shield
spinebustertee subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 69 months!
spinebustertee: That stupid barrel is so broken.
Thanks for subscribing, spinebustertee! (Today's storm count: 9)

BorealMage: Now *this* is the game
rabbitgta: So the stall strategy was legit
0x6772: Wrecked.
TXC2: numbers flying around everywhere!
tehfewl: where's your damage?
cha0shazard: Ocean/aquatic builds are either stall or poison with pufferfish
adamshandy: is this still paid beta only?
cha0shazard: (usually?
cha0shazard: *)
raulghoulia: stall build? good pun
rabbitgta: Can't lose if they can't hurt you
Paranundrox: may I make a recommendation, Ben?
h3rsh3yb4r: green decks be like :
Goosery: does poison damage through shields?
Paranundrox: @Goosery yes
0x6772: I know nothing about this game, but I say sticking with a single focus (here, crits) is better than trying to shift gears. You'll at least learn more.
h3rsh3yb4r: @Goosery yes
Paranundrox: Trebuchet in over the repeater and axe
Decaped: So, is this game completely asynchronous? Or do people's "decks" eventually cycle out.
Goosery: okay that makes sense, otherwise shield is just overpowered lol
Paranundrox: the crit making Sextant go faster I think is better than axe
Thadrin46: I read somewhere that you have a much less chance of upgrading bronze stuff after day 6 but I'm not sure about that.
Paranundrox: yes, as you see later shops you have a harder time upgrading items that have fallen behind
cha0shazard: Ooh deadly switchblade
deathhobbies subscribed with Prime.
Thanks for subscribing, deathhobbies! (Today's storm count: 10)
cha0shazard: Oh he's dicing
h3rsh3yb4r: jokes on you now i have an ICE switchblade
Cptasparagus: moar gun
cha0shazard: Did you see how many buchets you trebbed there?
h3rsh3yb4r: does frost damage
0x6772: Swinging both a laser pistol and a trebuchet around kicks ass.
some schizo tech in this game 
eshplode: Wait why are we using a trebuchet when we have laser pistols?
TXC2: time to get our Rosa Kleb on
Paranundrox: this game is largely a question of cooldowns
BorealMage: This shop is kinda stinky
cha0shazard: God we have so much money
Mangledpixel: Feesh!
PenguinEmperor: But now you have a friend
Xerodin: rerolls for days
Cptasparagus: i missed it, what does the necklace do?
Diabore: jesus we'
h3rsh3yb4r: @Cptasparagus crit
SocraticMethod: @Cptasparagus +crit to other items
Diabore: jesus you're so fucking rich
Cptasparagus: @h3rsh3yb4r ty. This game seriously needs an overlay.
30teracyte: There is a recap option after a fight that shows how much each of your items are doing
Paranundrox: @Cptasparagus +10% crit to all items, per level (so 40 at diamond)
ToppHat: bucket doing work
cha0shazard: Diced yet again
cha0shazard: Miniature david
accountmadeforants: Micro Dave is such a good name
cha0shazard: He's the homie
fiftymcnasty: Dooleys friends have the best names
cha0shazard: First Aiden is my son
h3rsh3yb4r: what do the magnifying glass and the arrow do on the post battle screen? thats new
Cptasparagus: blunderbussy
Paranundrox: @h3rsh3yb4r arrow replays the fight, magnifying class shows you a summary
Thadrin46: I can't remember the pocket knife's name... Bellista and the Harmadillo are favorites though
Paranundrox: Katana with haste is kinda the core of your build right now
cha0shazard: @thadrin46 Chris army knife
cha0shazard: There's also Bill Dozer
ThePCrowl: Keep the weeb dream alive!
Thadrin46: That's the fella
platymage: keep katana faster cooldown charges trebuchet faster
Diabore: i think blunderbussy is the play
BorealMage: You could probably drop revolver and amulet for blunderbuss, but that's the only pivot I see
Thadrin46: oops sorry for caps
Zerragonoss: Musket seems better for slow burn hits, blunderbuss better for rapid burn.
Paranundrox: Katana goes every second with haste
h3rsh3yb4r: you can always keep your current stuff in the bag if you like it less
Paranundrox: 95 on Vanessa especially is a lot
BlasterKyubey210: Depends but close enough is about adaptatbity
cha0shazard: Usually we do not have this much gold at this stage
accountmadeforants: Harpoon seems nasty
100 for the first words I hear through my work van speakers being blunderbussy
BlasterKyubey210: Especilly with this build
cha0shazard: The +10 income is doing a lot of this econ lifting for us lol
Cptasparagus: monty python tells me that golden grenades are strong
Thadrin46: I miss Astrolabe having Armour up
Paranundrox: check the iceburg
Paranundrox: yeah
0x6772: oops
Paranundrox: and then the hammer scales back
hard countered 
VizageTV: kind of, yeah
Paranundrox: yes there are counters
CaptainSpam: Welp.
0x6772: ow
0x6772: Do not want: axe on head.
Paranundrox: you can see the item's contributions by clicking the magnifying glass in the top right after a battle
Thadrin46: The game can get very rock-paper-scissors dependent on your build and what you run into.
Paranundrox: Katana scales by 8 damage each upgrade
Thadrin46: Earlier I had an amazing build but I kept running into builds that would kill me in one hit befoe my engine got rolling
Cptasparagus: im waiting for LMAOkai to pop up
they're us but better 
fiftymcnasty: cannons
cha0shazard: Cannonade yeaaaa
VizageTV: big enchantment
accountmadeforants: Jesus
cha0shazard: Death protection time
cha0shazard: Ohoho sbubmarine
Atrizk: oh boy we are on death row
VizageTV: gumballs are great
Diabore: katana and revolver maybe?
VizageTV: katana and revolver possibly
A_Dub888: hello friends, where’s this Bazaar? Baghdad?
hello A_Dub888 this Bazaar is in a world with trebuchets and laser pistols 
fiftymcnasty: yeah beta def still has some bugs
Bartlebad subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 72 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Bartlebad! (Today's storm count: 11)
Mangledpixel: @TXC2 it is, it could be said, a bizzare bazaar
h3rsh3yb4r: kill the landlord please
TXC2: Mangledpixel indeed
XxPhantom73xX: i like fighting the TMNT space dinosaurs
accountmadeforants: I already liked the Friend subtype, but it just keeps getting better
cha0shazard: Holy haste triggers
coopdawg_22 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 73 months!
Thanks for subscribing, coopdawg_22! (Today's storm count: 12)
scuffed game 
Didero: same
tehfewl: someone mentioned memory leak issue
Bartlebad: Generally good idea to reboot the game after a run.
TXC2: could be the memory leak some mentioned
h3rsh3yb4r: crows nest sniper rifle is a goated combo
browser game 
Paranundrox: yeah single weapon crows nest is a fun build
h3rsh3yb4r: memory leak issue
gualdhar: what kind of shot? this is important
rabbitgta: A shot of apple cider vinegar or something else?
Cptasparagus: !card memory leak
LRRbot: Memory Leak [2B] | Sorcery | Target opponent reveals their hand. You choose a nonland card from that player's graveyard or hand and exile it. / Cycling {1}
ThePCrowl: Sunday funday!
eshplode: It's a weekend. I shouldn't be required to think about memory leaks today
hexproofed katana 
Thadrin46: The memory leak issues seem to have mostly been taken care of
A_Dub888: @gualdhar Paul’s home brew from that episode of Hustle
Bartlebad: Hard choice
Paranundrox: 1 and 3 are both real good
accountmadeforants: The cooldown reduction also seems pretty strong, though I'm not sure how the math works out there until it becomes really good
cha0shazard: Both of those are very strong options
BorealMage: Knife tricks with katana seems real good
Bartlebad: CDR and hope to burst before you need any sustain
Diabore: and now our skill board expanded
Thadrin46: that's fine. the switchblade will buff the armour on your sub too
SocraticMethod: Bazaar has 1sec min cooldown, fwiw
JoTyler: but now.... i got a rock!
rabbitgta: Seaweed op?
Pseudonym_Ken: Seems like sustain of some kind is just real strong
cha0shazard: Honestly an excellent first run
Pseudonym_Ken: Game looks fun
Thadrin46: yep. that was a damn good first try
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
A_Dub888: Shayna Bazer?
Zerragonoss: I do like how many times you can lose with how lopsided the matchups can be.
Invitare: Wheeler's Bazaar Adventure
tehfewl: they always have the bazaar in their opening hand
aridos: bazaar? seems pretty simple to me!
Didero: !card bazaar
LRRbot: Found 9 cards you could be referring to - please enter more of the name
TXC2: and we're back
Didero: I don't know MtG well enough for that, LRRbot
Strebenherz: Wb
TXC2: !card bazzar of baghdad
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
platymage: you can up the other characters
Paranundrox: if you got it via a code you need to unlock the gems via ranked to get the other characters
platymage: buy*
TXC2: !card bazaar of baghdar
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
0x6772: MIcrotransactions!
QuixoticScrivener: consume
Paranundrox: if you bought the pack directly you get the gems with the purchase
A_Dub888: !card bazaar of Baghdad
LRRbot: Bazaar of Baghdad | Land | {T}: Draw two cards, then discard three cards.
fuck my dyslexia 
cha0shazard: Hello
platymage: absolutely
mortazza_e_vino: yes
Thadrin46: Completely different
Paranundrox: yes they have completely different item pools
mortazza_e_vino: totally
cha0shazard: Yes, they have different pools of items
Paranundrox: and unique skills
TXC2: thank you A_Dub888
11Dot: Yes, each character has their own deck of cards
aridos: I'll allow you to spend his money just this once
Didero: James is away for the week, right? So he can't say no
alphi_gabriel: Different Items available by default in the shops
cha0shazard: It's simply an appearance fee
0x6772: James, tomorrow morning, looking at his credit card bill: "WTF is this?"
Paranundrox: I would recommend doing Vanessa for awhile and then considering another character once you feel like you know her builds enough to want to try something else
also I looked it up, Scryfall says Bazaar of Baghdad is $1800 
Strebenherz: Someday James will rescue his credit card, but not today
cha0shazard: Cannon good start hell yeah
cha0shazard: AMMO BUILD INC
Diabore: ammo build lets goooo
Diabore: game real loud again
Diabore: thank you
TXC2: thank you Wheeler
A_Dub888: @0x6772 between Let’s Nope and TTSF you’d think he’d be used to it…
Pywodwagon: thank you for not saying you should have fought it out of aggression at me
Paranundrox: yes, you get a random drop of an item or skill so as you learn the enemies you can sculpt your drop chances
cha0shazard: It's last run again
11Dot: When fighting neutral monsters, you can kinda use context clues for what kinds of items they have. Unless you look them up
0x6772: @A_Dub888 Fair.
cha0shazard: Once you start getting used to the game I would heavily recommend howbazaar dot gg
cha0shazard: Really well made website that shows you how all the items change with upgrades, enchants, what enemies have what items and skills
Spreadsheet gaming? Next time on ITYC: EVE Online 
Diabore: so are we against real people now chat?
cha0shazard: I believe that was the same day 1 opponent
cha0shazard: Gumball machine oinkment shielded brass knuckles
TXC2: Diabore I suspect the first few days are against AI
A_Dub888: I like biscuits
ArcOfTheConclave: pass is good because it can be a fight and more fights are better, right?
TXC2: could we risk it for Triskets?
Paranundrox: @ArcOfTheConclave its good but you can get any fight in the game so it depends
11Dot: @TXC2 iirc, the first 2-3 runs per account are against curated player ghosts.
0x6772: Running out of ammo seems like a bad thing with a gun build.
h3rsh3yb4r: you need like a port or something
Timagio: Turns out you need boolit for gun
Thadrin46: You can get reload items
cha0shazard: Put the double barrel in the cannon
TXC2: "Guns for show, knives for a pro"
h3rsh3yb4r: hold r
Timagio: Click the gear?
Paranundrox: settings concede
mortazza_e_vino: esc concede
cha0shazard: "report bug > reynad ur mean to me"
Timagio: Why don't you have a dog?
cha0shazard: Gumball gamers
Paranundrox: they're saving it for level 4 when they get the upgrade and can sell them for silver dog
0x6772: They're just there to gum up the works.
Paranundrox: which gives them 6 damage per sell vs 3 on the dog
11Dot: You can also put loose loot items on your board as defense against item destruction
ToppHat: give him fuel
Paranundrox: so tank day 1/2 to have a better dog long term
ToppHat: give him fire
quton: going medium red
h3rsh3yb4r: leftmost burn item so it could be in any position sinc you only have one burn item
silenceaux: Your leftmost burn item, so the cannon can be anywhere.
cha0shazard: "Better dog" all dogs are best dogs though?
0x6772: @ToppHat But what about all that he desires?
Timagio: I guess ammo item just means "item what uses ammo"
cha0shazard: Powder Flask is a small non weapon item that reloads the item to the right of it
11Dot: Ammo builds either refill their weapons often, or don't and just go for burst damage
ToppHat: @0x6772 only if he wants that
cha0shazard: If ur looking to do the thingy
cha0shazard: JONG
cha0shazard: LOHN
Cptasparagus: shovel seems neat early
Paranundrox: no on day 3
Timagio: It IS day 3
Paranundrox: it needs to be silver and it needs to be day 1
cha0shazard: Langxian > Long John > Jong Lohn
30teracyte: no
cha0shazard: Tee hee
0x6772: @ToppHat As long as he quenches his thirst with gasoline.
Thadrin46: No. Too late.
11Dot: Long John is decent as a day 1 item when Silver, otherwise its pretty trash
cha0shazard: Boolet time
ToppHat: mercury has to be in the microwave
11Dot: Only when its waxing
Didero: 'up', hopefully
cha0shazard: There's mercury in my Gatorade again
Paranundrox: we want Ballista yeah
TXC2: so is combing a flat double of damage, or something else?
ThePCrowl: What was the cannonball item?
30teracyte: cannonball in between cannon and double barrel?
Paranundrox: @TXC2 weapons mostly increase damage yeah
Paranundrox: other items have different scaling
TXC2: Paranundrox ok, thanks
cha0shazard: Rip rock
A_Dub888: why are the John’s so long?
MattIsAMage: is this still closed beta?
Sub-optimal gameplay? on your first stream? jail!

cha0shazard: Big bite
cha0shazard: Chomp
0x6772: Alas, Dwayne "Pet Rock" Johnson.
TXC2: MattIsAMage yes
MattIsAMage: bens love cannons
Thadrin46: Crows with a single weapon is fine
11Dot: Harpoon is mean, and i love it
TXC2: this game needs some popups that explain what mechanics do on cards, like how Arena does
0x6772: Waffle, but in pajamas.
aridos: Sentenced to being two thousand and late
0x6772: Actually, PajamaWaffle's a better username.
30teracyte: large large medium medium or large large large small are the options for 4 items
TheAwkes: Purple monkey dishwasher called. They want their bit back.
fiftymcnasty: Barrel good
cha0shazard: Barrel good
11Dot: Barrel good
TjPshine: yeah is this pvp? it looks like a roguelike, but these are real usernames
teejayrivers: Ah, barrel. The totally balanced shield item
SusanTD: single barrel > double barrel
30teracyte: the pogging barrel
Cptasparagus: barrelgoyf
fiftymcnasty: That barrel pogs
Timagio: @TjPshine Backpack hero style, non-simultaneous
PMAvers: barrel!
Thadrin46: Barrel is pretty good, i prefer shell.
deathofspam: How are you liking the Bazaar so far Ben?
TXC2: TjPshine it's an autobattler, you often start against AI, then move on to real players in a run
30teracyte: @TjPshine its asynchronous pvp, so you play against builds other people made previously
alphi_gabriel: It's an item that scales. Scaling items are great late game.
Thadrin46: Wheel for wheeler
TjPshine: ok pretty cool! thanks folks
Timagio: No more mod aboose
cha0shazard: Squadded up
teejayrivers: You destroyed their crypto! D:
cha0shazard: First Aiden my son
what are you talking about, I'm a cinnamon roll 
cha0shazard: Hey it's me
0x6772: Ah, William Dozer, of the Connecticut Dozers.
Paranundrox: the Dooley friend names are all great
cha0shazard: Bill Dozerman
11Dot: Im a fan of Chris Army Knife
Pywodwagon: you kill the mod and then make Jules serve you food, messed up
MattIsAMage: its normally a dooley item, so not common for her to see it
cha0shazard: There's a snake item that Dooley has
cha0shazard: He is a robotic copperhead
cha0shazard: And his name is Copper Ed
cha0shazard: He is the homie
drcthulu: go full boat build
0x6772: Crow's Nest seems like it *should* go with the wheel, right?
TheAwkes: Does the weapon need to be big if you can surround it with non-weapon items?
RealGamerCow: Jund em out
drcthulu: scammed
Diabore: confirmed barrel aint shit, loses to gun
ToppHat: no barrel stuffing here
0x6772: Jund 'em out
turn 1 aggro wins again 
Timagio: Oh we're ready
quton: D: noo Bill
0x6772: We wish Bill Dozer the best in his future endeavors.
cha0shazard: Well that's my time folks
16 gold for a spyglass sounds pretty expensive, but it's much cheaper than the 1000g it costs in dnd 
cha0shazard: Thanks for having me ig
cha0shazard: :^)
Pywodwagon: rock is a weapon
Timagio: Pet rock is a weapon
Paranundrox: Rock is a weapon
Timagio: Turns you you've purchased many firearms
Paranundrox: I have never beaten the Lich
Pet rock shouldn't have to be a gun, it should be what it chooses to be 
0x6772: oops
30teracyte: you cannot beat lich
deathofspam: Lol, "Yes, I can beat the Lich" the funniesst statement of thee patch
cha0shazard: This pivot is amazing
Paranundrox: you need to deal 2000 damage in about 15 seconds
aridos: (he cannot beat the lich)
cha0shazard: But the lich is not beatable
Paranundrox: (plus regen)
A_Dub888: !card lich
LRRbot: Lich [BBBB] | Enchantment | As Lich enters, you lose life equal to your life total. / You don't lose the game for having 0 or less life. / If you would gain life, draw that many cards instead. / Whenever you're dealt damage, sacrifice that many nontoken permanents. If you can't, you lose the game. / When Lich is put into a graveyard from the battlefield, you lose the game.
Yeah so uh..... lich is probably the hardest monster encounter in the game 
BorealMage: I believe
TXC2: bad matchup, it's a bad matchup is all
h3rsh3yb4r: cove is econ
cha0shazard: Cove is indeed econ
30teracyte: both are better than cove
Timagio: But it's the answer you need
30teracyte: fair
drcthulu: -5 points to gryphondor
jabisbad: I know nothing about this game, wheel sound cooler
redpandrake: glorp
fiftymcnasty: Wheel is better and its not even close
cha0shazard: BIGGER GUN

autumnalOC: ohhh this game is neat! deckbuilder autobattler is more fun than i expected
Boon_33 ++
MattIsAMage: put chat memebers on "the list"
Invitare: Chat has no shame
Boon_33: ;
cha0shazard: POP POP
Timagio: Goddamn
ToppHat: POP
silenceaux: That sounds like a healthy and positive environment
0x6772: 1250 is more than their health
rabbitgta: 1250? Seems legit
accountmadeforants: The Shame Economy
drcthulu: it's a shame you can't shame chat
MattIsAMage: put channel points inot the shame jar
aridos: Shame is the enemy of comedy
BorealMage: Shame: Remastered
Boon_33: make chat shameful again?
Strebenherz: What if they're into it
cha0shazard: Cult 👀
cha0shazard: Deadly sniper 👀
TheAwkes: If shame gets tracked, there's going to be competition for most shameful chatter.
Chat talks about frogussy, chat shame has looooong since sailed 
A_Dub888: @Boon_33 We weren't shameful already?
Boon_33 not a cult
drcthulu: 115% chance to crit
protojman: abc
cha0shazard: CLAMERA THE BOY
cha0shazard: Yeah you'd lose your buff and clamera is only ok but he's a clam camera
TXC2: Wheeler makes sub-optimal plays so you don't have too
aridos: Me clammed up at the farmer's market
drcthulu: you lost like 125 damage
dm818: you lose like 250 dmg with sniper with the seaweed
rabbitgta: Seaweed was goat in that one lineup
30teracyte: 25*5*2
ArcOfTheConclave: radiant has one of the best skills in the game
MattIsAMage: you can crit heal i belevie
Timagio: ninjawaffle the nemesis
TXC2: big natural Crits
SkylerRingtail: C'mon one shot
1 tap them 
cha0shazard: Uh oh
rabbitgta: Too much shield for your crit to go through
cha0shazard: Barrel gaming
TXC2: we need a cooldown reducer
Invitare: Achilles also got a crit on his heel
drcthulu: Donkey Kong gaming
teejayrivers: Any item with a number at the top and a cooldown can potentially crit, not just weapons
accountmadeforants: Or something that increases damage over time
Paranundrox: Silencer is what we want
Invitare boooo 
cha0shazard: A barrel of our own perhaps (it's not good for us here)
SkylerRingtail: @Paranundrox The one we re-rolled in the last shop? lol
drcthulu: reroll
drcthulu: welp
cha0shazard: Wheel currently v good
drcthulu: does your sniper have ammo?
Timagio: Sniper's not an ammo item, though
6 raiders from DreadQueen_Persephone have joined!
TXC2: hello raiders !
BorealMage: Welcome raiders!
lenny__cool: Does charge make you shoot faster?
cha0shazard: Oho clamera synergy
TXC2: oh good you can have more then 6 skills
MattIsAMage: @lenny__cool haste makes you shoot faster, charge skips a step
dm818: weapons gaining damage seems good
alphi_gabriel: Surprised you didn't choose Pyg
lenny__cool: @MattIsAMage Cool cool
cha0shazard: Pyg is a landlord
MattIsAMage: @alphi_gabriel pyg isnt unlocked yet most likey?
teejayrivers: Pyg's playstyle is based around value, stuff like gaining gold and raising the gold value of items
rabbitgta: Steering wheel, water wheel, could you go mono wheels?
quton: wacky wheels
Timagio: Issalilguy!

accountmadeforants: Wheels dot dec
drcthulu: can't have one wheel, it's wheeler's
Juliamon: wheels of fortune
TXC2: Wheels witnin wheels
cha0shazard: Bricked up buddy
Ferisar: dooley dooley dooley.............
drcthulu: spinning them wheels
Timagio: You got wheely far.
dm818: does the sniper have ammo?
Timagio: You think he'll notice the lack of ammo on the sniper rifle?
TXC2: dm818 it does not
MattIsAMage: @dm818 it does not, no dots
drcthulu: I don't think the sniper has ammo, I did says that like 2 turns ago...
accountmadeforants: That seems really strange, visually
Invitare: must be a laser sniper
modern technology, needs no ammo 
not all guns have ammo. Weirdly, some swords have ammo 
Timagio: Railgun beats sniper, goddamn
cha0shazard: It's dinner time!
h3rsh3yb4r: dinner time must be the only player on the game
cha0shazard: Dinner time and ninja waffles
Paranundrox: the two wheels together gave permahaste already so hasting Sniper didn't increase its speed
drcthulu: iceberg is good
11Dot: Iceberg is reallllly good
cha0shazard: SCHNICEBERG
teejayrivers: enchanting the rifle with haste also removed the crit enchantment that it had
Paranundrox: Iceberg beats the fast firing builds
Paranundrox: you do need to move wheel
TXC2: teejayrivers Wheeler knows
cha0shazard: Oh no
ToppHat: no more mono-gun
ToppHat: we need combo kills
0x6772: Nah, you just didn't go big enough yet
cha0shazard: That guy specifically scales off of freezing things
cha0shazard: So your iceberg foisted you
deathofspam: Yeah, one weapon builds work, but you need a specific set up with most of them
TXC2: I think the concept was sound, we just bricked on upgrades
PantherTuer952: Hi everyone, is the bazaar still in Beta?
Paranundrox: yes
deathofspam: @PantherTuer952 Yep!
bobokiddo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 36 months!
Thanks for subscribing, bobokiddo! (Today's storm count: 13)
TXC2: hello PantherTuer952 game still in beta
PantherTuer952: oki, thanks y'all.
It seems that the longer this show runs, the harder it is to find card games to play. Which means that the show is transforming for Is this YOUR card, to Is this A card. 
GreatGodOm: from*
AJtheDreamSculptor: Wow, walking into the middle of combat was over whelming

cha0shazard: You're still getting it tho this is going smoother than when I started lmao
RealGamerCow: process of elimination
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
0x6772: Knowing what not to do is very important.
cha0shazard: It took me forever to get past 4 wins
Paranundrox: Ive had a much harder time on this newest patch. Last patch was great
cha0shazard: This patch the cheat code is just to play Dooley
accountmadeforants: The Wheeler knows what to do because they know what they shouldn't do
Paranundrox: Pyg is my favorite
Paranundrox: but they massacred Matchbox
cha0shazard: His early game items are also his late game items, harmadillo/duct tape/pulse rifle is such an insane core
Paranundrox: yup
cha0shazard: I love playing pyg
Paranundrox: duct tape/harmadillo is way too strong imo
cha0shazard: My last 2 runs have been deadly gym runs with double whammy
cha0shazard: Gym goes off, gives 100% Crit, bonk for 30k
Paranundrox: I love Double Whammy
Paranundrox: Ive had some sweet gold gym caltrops builds as well
cha0shazard: Ugh caltrops is so insane
Paranundrox: had an Icy Hogwash that was disgusting
cha0shazard: It also fits in so many builds so easily
Paranundrox: almost permafroze the octopus with that build
cha0shazard: 🤯
TXC2: and we're back
Strebenherz: Welcome back
SkylerRingtail: Shield build!
TXC2: strap in chat
Pywodwagon: good ol zdps build
cha0shazard: Dude let's go
Paranundrox: I don't even think it's possible to lose to cloak
cha0shazard: Life preserver start is a nearly guaranteed day 1 win
Paranundrox: maybe if you somehow did a Dooley self burn build but
I don't know, I think we need 0.5x mode for this speedy deck 
Cptasparagus: oh shiz he's a gumballer
PMAvers: Tank Fight Tank Figh
0x6772: What, no 4x speed?
lenny__cool: The way of the blue wizard!
number need bigger than their number
doesnt matter which number
dm818: And this is why lifegain isn't good in mtg
fiftymcnasty: Too bad Wheeler wasnt around for monitor lizard winter
dm818 lifegain doesn't crack the top 20 problems in MtG 
ComradeMik: no way
TheAwkes: Skin of your teeth.
TXC2: never punished
ComradeMik: he can't keep getting away with it
ComradeMik: but he can and will
TXC2: Maximilian Health
A_Dub888: “God I’m annoying” - Benjamin Wheeler 2025
QuixoticScrivener: the feet does not defeat me
0x6772: No no, "da feet"
tehfewl: da feet?
0x6772: She's not defeated by feet.
TXC2: "don't be part of the problem, be the whole of the problem!"
Half_Duplex: she needs a thesaurus
accountmadeforants: Defeat does not de-feet her, maybe
QuixoticScrivener: show feet?
fiftymcnasty: I paint my ship red; but not with paint
Strebenherz: Sounds like coping
cha0shazard: I wonder if she uses paint to paint her ship
cha0shazard: @fiftymcnasty oh
TXC2: Red ones do go faster...
A_Dub888: @fiftymcnasty instead of christening with booze they used tomatoes
cha0shazard: Second health bar frfr
vinopinguino: Why does this give me slot machine vibes?
QuixoticScrivener: @cha0shazard I wonder if her Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo?
TXC2: what do these numbers in the bottom left corners of each card mean?
Marc_otato: does sea weed scale faster after upgrade
Paranundrox: shovel will spit out silver items every day when you upgrade it
h3rsh3yb4r: shovel and net give you their items even in the backpack
cha0shazard: Vanessa while pyg had had had had had had had had had had had a better effect on the Dooley
Paranundrox: yeah Shovel doesnt need to be on your board to give you the item every day
cha0shazard: Oh this might be a real gamer
cha0shazard: We're out of the bots
fiftymcnasty: The Poging Barrel
aridos: sands undertale?
cha0shazard: Mm maybe not they only had like 200hp
cha0shazard: Potench still bot
cha0shazard: WE'RE BARREL
h3rsh3yb4r: you still can
Wolosaur: @LoadingReadyRun Hi Wheeler, just coming into the stream. Idk how much Bazaar you've played, but I'm masters and would be happy to answer any questions.
Marc_otato: oh..
cha0shazard: Turtle shell is extremely good
30teracyte: yes
dcponcho: turtle shell plus barrel is nuts especially with clam
Marc_otato: this is the meta
cha0shazard: Better by a lot yes
Marc_otato: right now
ShaneLeeAtk: !heychat
LRRbot: Please ONLY offer advice when the streamer uses the phrase "Hey, chat...". Let them try to learn the game on their own, even if it means they miss a thing or two.
cha0shazard: 🫡
Diabore: flame juggle these nuts
ComradeMik: Flame Juggler more like The Fluggler!
TheAwkes: Ben "Zero Damage" Wheeler
fiftymcnasty: nice turtle shell
h3rsh3yb4r: pacifista
cha0shazard: AND we still have a second health bar
tehfewl: boy, shield and heal seems like a fair and balanced mechanic
ComradeMik: yo what the hell was that
QuixoticScrivener: bazaar hate this one weird trick
cha0shazard: What a close and tense matchup
Strebenherz: Amazing
Paranundrox: now we just need pearls
@cha0shazard Yeah, it ended up going to time 
ComradeMik: 2k shield and 2k effective health
this is what being weathy must feel like 
deathofspam: I love a good Brick Buddy on Dooley
Paranundrox: oh we have a Pearl
cha0shazard: Ninja waffle has returned
Paranundrox: get the Silk and or Coral out
Marc_otato: oh no
Paranundrox: but Pearl is core in aquatic builds because of the charge
Paranundrox: it charges and then when it fires that charges shell and then shell charges it etc
Pywodwagon: they're stalling even harder
tehfewl: you might lose this
QuixoticScrivener: this is like watching healers duel in WoW
Buxx345: 2 stallers sitting in a hot tub
cha0shazard: We are potentially stronger with our second health bar
Marc_otato: this is us but better
dm818: why are they scaling so much harder?
cha0shazard: Drat
Paranundrox: double scaling off silver barrel plus pearl is firing more
Diabore: god damn ninjas
Paranundrox: Silk needs to go
TXC2: 4 skills to our 2 probably helped them too
fiftymcnasty: ooh gold ball
A_Dub888: @txc2 so skill diff?
Paranundrox: yeah
cha0shazard: Where we're going we don't need damage
A_Dub888 literally yes 
redpandrake: martyr of the sands lookin mf
fiftymcnasty: Poison doesnt care about shield
Wolosaur: poison goes through shield
Paranundrox: Poison ignores armor
Marc_otato: Not all pirates are pacifst
ComradeMik: poison baby
alphi_gabriel: Poison goes straight to health
cha0shazard: Poison goes through shield ya
Wolosaur: healing also reduces poison stacks by 1
cha0shazard: Ticks half as fast as burn tho and healing worked very well in our favour
Strebenherz: Working, package delivery
deathofspam: Yeah, shield blocks fire, but fire ticks down on it's own, and poison slips in under shield, and can only be reduced by healing
Paranundrox: burn also does half damage to shield
cha0shazard: Schokolade
Diabore: the waffle returns!
deathofspam: I do wish they had some sort of explainer on the way the various damages and effects work
SquareDotCube: the skills are different
dm818: nah they have the exact same build as last run I think
Cptasparagus: ninjawaffle was set up like this last time, was all shield then they switched to sniper. I assume bot.
deathofspam: Yeah, hopefully by full release they will have that
cha0shazard: NOT CLOSE
ComradeMik: sniper rifle ain't doing nothing there
fiftymcnasty: Gumballs do all kinds of things
h3rsh3yb4r: gumballs increase everything
Mangledpixel: gumballs do lots of things
fiftymcnasty: each color is diff
Paranundrox: yellow shield red damage blue crit green HP
cha0shazard: Damage, health, shield, Crit chance
Paranundrox: marbles is good
Cptasparagus: no dont eat the marbles
alphi_gabriel: You get gumballs that have random effects that they can increase
cha0shazard: Tasty marbles
A_Dub888: @mangledpixel can they do my taxes?
Paranundrox: marbles charges which fires faster and scales your barrel and shell
Mangledpixel: A_Dub888 they can, but they do a terrible job at them
h3rsh3yb4r: all cannon, no ball
cha0shazard: B a r r e l g a m i n g
deathofspam: Oh Wheeler, if you run into the bug where you can't sell something from your pack, move it to your board and then sell it. Reloading the game will also resolve it
cha0shazard: o7
Paranundrox: hover over the Necronomicon
Pywodwagon: (he could)
Wolosaur: the lich will best you
deathofspam: He can best you again. He always whoop you
Paranundrox: he scales off you going faster
Paranundrox: you need a really big weapon to beat him, basically
ComradeMik: He can bleed
cha0shazard: This build is currently pretty good, pufferfish if you want to switch to a more active kill or waterwheel for board wide haste and more item procs
deathofspam: He used to be a lot more beatable, but the last two patches she has been a doozie
QuixoticScrivener: poisoning going through shields is a nice counter
SquareDotCube: slow maybe
is Lich a supposed to lose fight? 
Paranundrox: so we want jellyfish and pufferfish most likely
h3rsh3yb4r: big weed
cha0shazard: Yea pivoting to puffer is likely the easier one so far
fiftymcnasty: getting a fire or poison enchant on seaweed would be good for you
Paranundrox: that works too
0x6772: Best not to mix your uppers with your downers, no? I mean… speed weed… oof.
cha0shazard: Jelly v good for the puffer build
As a non burning Dooley main Wheeler, I hate your build with all of my heart 
Paranundrox: we want Jellyfish but it wont do anything until we get pufferfish
cha0shazard: ^
Paranundrox: so that's just a hold, but it unlocks the synergy that makes pufferfish good
fiftymcnasty: @deathofspam railgun can burst it down before it goes off, or dinos to eat his stuff
h3rsh3yb4r: you can check after a battle, how much shield everything gives
deathofspam: @fiftymcnasty Yeah, those are pretty specific needs, and you need big Dino to properly do it
QuixoticScrivener: Hearthstone Warrior v Warrior vibes
cha0shazard: I have beaten the lich... One time I think
fiftymcnasty: @deathofspam yeah Rail is a lot easier to build than dino
30teracyte: but yeah life preserver falls off later into the game once other builds can take out that extra health bar pretty quickly
deathofspam: @cha0shazard In the last two patches? Amazing
Paranundrox: Ive lost by 1s twice due to freeze on my Regal Blade at the start of combat
cha0shazard: Yeah literally once I think
Paranundrox: but Regal is the only build I;ve gotten close on
cha0shazard: It's insanely tough even with all weapons BC of his healing and regen
Paranundrox: I love Kev because you can get enchanted items
deathofspam: I go for a lot of double core with The Core, so I am never single hit strong enough for Lich
Paranundrox: Check his Red skill
cha0shazard: Omg corsair skill with life preserver
cha0shazard: Lmfao
cha0shazard: Burn is fine with our shield
deathofspam: We need to send Wheeler back to like 4 patches ago when Cove was the shield item
Paranundrox: @cha0shazard can we beat 6400 HP though
Paranundrox: in sandstorm
cha0shazard: What a great question
Paranundrox: it's close
deathofspam: @Paranundrox I think so with the life preserver
cha0shazard: NICE
deathofspam: Oh Toxic Flame, how I love thee
Paranundrox: Crescendo easy
fiftymcnasty: 1 is very op
deathofspam: @Paranundrox 100%
Paranundrox: we have no weapons
fiftymcnasty: yes
Paranundrox: yes
cha0shazard: Shields can crit
Paranundrox: and poison and burn
cha0shazard: Yessss
Paranundrox: dig can give enchanted items, and items not in our item pool. it's strong
deathofspam: You only pick 1 thing at Peral Wheeler
platymage: catfish is good too
cha0shazard: Lucky Dee Luffy
Paranundrox: lmao at the ray
A_Dub888: lucky.dee(s nuts)
QuixoticScrivener: Is this game free?
deathofspam: Gotta run. Have fun with the Bazaar Wheeler! Chat, be good and lead him well when he asks!
Paranundrox: I dont think a human player is running non-solo sniper
cha0shazard: Currently closed beta, can get invite codes from people who have purchased founders packs
deathofspam: @QuixoticScrivener It will be when out of beta, but is pay to enter now
TXC2: so long deathofspam stay safe
QuixoticScrivener: @deathofspam ahh
quton: almost 15k effective health. immortality
Marc_otato: huge
cha0shazard: Pearls before swine (pyg)
Paranundrox: take rod
ComradeMik: never lucky
QuixoticScrivener: Trogdor?
Paranundrox: the rod spits out aquatic items every day
Paranundrox: which can allow you to get multiple pearls
Paranundrox: which then fire off each other and fire shell fastedr
cha0shazard: May I say - barrel gaming
affinityforfrog: Yoo Wheeler Bazaar content? How long has this been happening?
TXC2: affinityforfrog this is stream 1
Diabore: @affinityforfrog about 2 hours and 40 minutes
ComradeMik: 13k shields even through the sands
ComradeMik: did you just sell the jellyfish you wanted to hang on to?
UtilityPunk: Rolling with your barrel, one might say barrel rolling
affinityforfrog: Nice, is this his first time playing?
QuixoticScrivener: Hot take: what if shield was capped as a percentage of your max health?
cha0shazard: It happens
Paranundrox: fire on seaweed
cha0shazard: DOUBLE BARREL
fiftymcnasty: Fire on seaweed goes off
A_Dub888: dat barrelussy
dm818: you actually sold jellyfish I think
ComradeMik: You did just sell the jellyfish
Marc_otato: looool
affinityforfrog: its baaack
ComradeMik: double punished
30teracyte: lmao
cha0shazard: That's cinema
jamesinor: Today's lunch reminds me of Berlin. How goes the game?
TXC2: the irony
TXC2: "precious hamburgers?"
ComradeMik: You can just tank our mockery on your 15k shields
cha0shazard: Alright Olga
ComradeMik: you'll be fine
No love for the whale blubber 
A_Dub888: I mean, we can’t send voice clips through chat so you’re good on that front
QuixoticScrivener: Its prounounced O lga O
cha0shazard: I don't think that a bot build can beat what we currently have fwiw
ComradeMik: sorry, I said 15k shields, i should have said 35k
0x6772: Yeah, that was just 4 shields.
accountmadeforants: I see the shield build is finally coming together
QuixoticScrivener: maybe we can stack underflow and nuclear gandi our shield
cha0shazard: This feels like a 10 piece chicken nuggets
fiftymcnasty: If only we had a force field
TXC2: so what was the enchantment to our barrel?
cha0shazard: Gives double shield
ComradeMik: he gets double punished and just casually 35k shields through the pain
TXC2: cha0shazard neat!
cha0shazard: And then Crits for double THAT
cha0shazard: It's great
QuixoticScrivener: @TXC2 shield, I believe
jamesinor: Oh god, it's the fish!
accountmadeforants: Benjamin Whealer
MiniVelociraptor: oho
Benny Wheels, the Heal heel 
MiniVelociraptor: hes found the shells has he
tehfewl: just crit myself
lenny__cool: Sheldamin W-Healer
A_Dub888: I thought Adam was the heel…
cha0shazard: Hello
Good heavens implies the existence of bad heavens 

TXC2: UtilityPunk so Hell?
Wolosaur: burn enchant, not skills
MiniVelociraptor: burn skill is not an enchant ye
cha0shazard: Yeah skills and enchants are different
MiniVelociraptor: itll be stuff like "When u burn x"
Paranundrox: Burn on Seaweed would be from the enchantment, the skills just augment things that already are burning
cha0shazard: Ooh that's a good one ya
MiniVelociraptor: thats the one
MiniVelociraptor: what a gamer
alphi_gabriel: They are skills, enchantments modify items
MiniVelociraptor: is this run 2 or did we hard pivot
fiftymcnasty: @MiniVelociraptor run 3
TXC2: MiniVelociraptor this is run 3
tehfewl: run 3
MiniVelociraptor: oh hes addicted got it
MiniVelociraptor: :>
MiniVelociraptor: nah u outscale
Wolosaur: Just playing vanessa today?
ComradeMik: never mind
TXC2: Wolosaur only one we've unlocked
tehfewl: barrel for 2k
Mangledpixel: number, as they say, go up
h3rsh3yb4r: we got the tractors we got the trucks
TXC2: Day 10!
Mangledpixel: day ten. date hen.
ComradeMik: Wheeler took like 5k damage from the cannons and simply said "Nah, I'd heal it"
TXC2: this is furthest we gone?
MiniVelociraptor: little late but holding wanted poster in stash is good
Wolosaur: @TXC2 makes sense. I am a GM Dooley enjoyer, so im hyped to see it.
grave2057: is this your third run of the day?
ToppHat: POG
MiniVelociraptor: booooooom
fiftymcnasty: Nothing can touch us now
jamesinor: Oh hey, it's that new card from Aetherdrift
SkylerRingtail: This build is _disgusting_
MiniVelociraptor: uh
MiniVelociraptor: he maybe slaps u up lol
Paranundrox: hmmm
MiniVelociraptor: cus u dont do dmgh
Paranundrox: I don't know if we're fast enough
MiniVelociraptor: LOL
Timagio: Uh oh
Pywodwagon: lmao
fiftymcnasty: crunch
PMAvers: These streets got hands
niccus: quadratic scaling, meet bigger quadratic scaling
we in the big boy leagues now 
Diabore: got fucking crundled
QuixoticScrivener: over confidence something something
ComradeMik: boom goes the district
MiniVelociraptor: WAIT it was a free item lol
fiftymcnasty: lol still ninjawaffle
MiniVelociraptor: mmmm are they us but better
Wolosaur: read the skill with the hammer they have
MiniVelociraptor: only time will tell
ComradeMik: ninja trying to copy your build
Wolosaur: bonk
MiniVelociraptor: yeah thats not great
Paranundrox: they are slightly outscaling
Pywodwagon: theres are bigger
TXC2: numbers are large, credentials are good
fiftymcnasty: bonk is good
Paranundrox: it's really really strong
MiniVelociraptor: bonk is one of the counters to this strat unfortunately lol
Wolosaur: bonk is a drop from a PvE round and its kinda a free win
rosesmcgee: this game sounds like an accordion falling down the stairs
Paranundrox: click th magnifying glass after this round
Timagio: Gonna be here a while yet
accountmadeforants: I don't know if either player can lose this
Diabore: so uh... hows it going?
MiniVelociraptor: because they also arent doing damage u guys literally might outlast the storm here lol
Timagio: Metaoid Harden battle be like
Paranundrox: this might be a true draw
Timagio: Metapod*
ComradeMik: good god, the game can't even scale fast enough
30teracyte: you can draw from a time out
Paranundrox: it scales up but after a certain length of time it draws
Wolosaur: sand damage increases, but you can actually just go to time
alphi_gabriel: it scales up yes
MiniVelociraptor: dang
Paranundrox: click the magnifying glass
fiftymcnasty: Waffle back for revenge
Paranundrox: aww
MiniVelociraptor: ive had a couple of true draws where both of us outlast the sand, it ends eventually lol
ToppHat: yeah its in the post fight screen
ToppHat: you can see a breakdown
Paranundrox: yeah before you hit "continue" you can see how much each item did
ImmortalLen: This game looks interesting, would you say it's worth the current 33$ price?
alphi_gabriel: It seems when you both go below zero at the same time the game counts it as a victory for you
11Dot: Draws are counted as wins
fiftymcnasty: @alphi_gabriel yeah ties are wins for both
Paranundrox: @alphi_gabriel yes
MiniVelociraptor: @ImmortalLen the $33 also gets u both other heroes its the best $33 ive spent in a long time lol
h3rsh3yb4r: rematch the district
Diabore: i was considering it, but thats in usd, so its like 50 dollars cdn
MiniVelociraptor: oh man, with a slightly different version of this build that skill is so good lol
fiftymcnasty: of course you get juggler with no large
Paranundrox: ooh Juggler rules (not relevant to this build but)
simplytheonion: if I can hit like 50 cents per hour playtime Im happy with the value proposition of the game
MiniVelociraptor: it technically makes ur crescendo top out faster
Juliamon: "is it worth the price" always strikes me as an odd question to ask about a game that's still in beta
11Dot: its eventually going to be F2P, they paywall is just for early access
Timagio: Welp.
PMAvers: I keep on seeing Jules' Cafe and thinking about the user on the Rodeo discord.
Juliamon: bc like, it's beta, it could become entirely different by the time it goes gold
fiftymcnasty: oh its Allan again
ImmortalLen: @11Dot That's what I though, and why I hesitate to pull the trigger now on it.
simplytheonion: that shark is gonna get big
MiniVelociraptor: i think u win cus they nerfed frozen shot lol
ComradeMik: Generally games won't massively change from beta to full release
MiniVelociraptor: it used to not be limited to 8
Diabore: shark getting scary
fiftymcnasty: if they had knife trick's id worry, but they dont
11Dot: @ImmortalLen The 33$ gets you the first 3 available characters, Do you want to play it right now?
h3rsh3yb4r: bug fixes and balance patches
Pywodwagon: oh speaking of betas did you sign up for the Nightreign Network Test and did you get it
jamesinor: I mean, I dropped $150 on groceries from a german deli, so yeah
TXC2: is $33 disposable to you?
RedArrogantKnight: yeah I like framing it around how much you can afford. atm I have more money than time, so sure. but if I had more time than money...
Wolosaur: finn gives health and other things
jamesinor: TXC2 has a good point as well
Pywodwagon: elden ring roguelike
Timagio: Note to chat: if someone is offering you a Nightrein access code, DON'T take it, it's a scam. You can't get them any more, than ended over 10 days ago.
Wolosaur: rip
literally all bricks 
Paranundrox: you might get a tool you're probably not running a weapon
Pywodwagon: the codes also haven't been sent out yet? mine isn't coming until the 12th
Juliamon: also "is it worth it" is a completely subjective question so one person's answer probably won't be actually helpful
Paranundrox: he's really hard to stall
simplytheonion: lookin at 4 narcomoebas and 3 prized amalgams right there
Paranundrox: you kinda need to be able to kill him in like 20s or less
ToppHat: is the network test on steam?
ToppHat: i thought I saw somewhere it was console only
Paranundrox: once they get the 2nd round of big freezes off they're scaled like crazy
otakubox0: @ToppHat in the email it says you can use the code on w/e platform you'd like so I assume both would be fine
MiniVelociraptor: i would
ToppHat: oh cool
Paranundrox: Wanted Poster rules
MiniVelociraptor: maybe sell preserver for puffer
fiftymcnasty: You can beat them
MiniVelociraptor: wait why are they the same enemies? lol
drcthulu: you have the almighty barrel tech though
Paranundrox: we outscale them but our items are all like 20-25% worse due to Bonk
jamesinor: Uh... Is this ever going to end?
ComradeMik: I mean, isn't ninjawaffle just your build but with bonk?
Paranundrox: the answer is to hunt for the Thug who drops bonk and counter bonk
leondebowa: ive just arrived and i dont know whats going on
drcthulu: we live here now
Timagio: @leondebowa Metapod fight
ToppHat: magnifying glass this time!
fiftymcnasty: Thug is like day 7 or something
Paranundrox: yeah
ToppHat: gotta see those numbers rofl
A_Dub888: shields go brrrrrr
leondebowa: wheeler stream
I feel uncomfortable with the amount of abuse youre putting your PC through with this build 
Paranundrox: well magnifying glass after this fight this time
MiniVelociraptor: oh nice
MiniVelociraptor: true draw that time
Paranundrox: we surived
fiftymcnasty: they true tie
simplytheonion it's LRR's PC not his 
Paranundrox: an actual draw
drcthulu: tie
TinyAwoo: If your anti stall mechanism is failing...maybe need a new one
ToppHat: holy butts a draw rofl
TinyAwoo: Or some rebalancing
Timagio: Drawl
fiftymcnasty: Draw is win
MiniVelociraptor: yeah counts as win
Paranundrox: ttheir barrel fired twice as much
Diabore: we 100% were losing if we didnt draw so yes
Paranundrox: but did the same total amount of shield
simplytheonion: @TXC2 well great, its abuse in the workplace KEKW
h3rsh3yb4r: life preserver seems like it's overstayed its welcome
drcthulu: gg

Paranundrox: because we had the crit and the shield enchant
TXC2: 10 wins baby!
fiftymcnasty: Did it!

BlueMechanic: glod!
Mangledpixel: retire champion
Timagio: Oh it's 30 dollars and you have to pay for ranked mode?
TXC2: thanks for streaming Wheeler

Mangledpixel: wingi and dingi, if you will
TinyAwoo: Ty for stream
30teracyte: history's greatest villain dooley
KWardJenx: Thank you, Wheeler

mortazza_e_vino: thanks for the stream
fiftymcnasty: @Timagio one free a day, and you win tickets in non ranked
ToppHat: ty mr wheeler for the stream
TXC2: !patreon
penrose43: thank you for the stream!
TXC2: !store
Strebenherz: Thank you for having us it's great to be here
LoadingReadyRun: !homestream
LRRbot: Crew homestreams: Adam: twitch.tv/seabats | Alex: twitch.tv/alexsteacy | Ben Ulmer: twitch.tv/bengineering | Cameron: twitch.tv/unarmedoracle | Cori and Ian: twitch.tv/tiltyhouse | Heather: twitch.tv/LunarJade | James: twitch.tv/James_LRR | Kathleen: twitch.tv/BraveNewFaves | Matt Wiggins: twitch.tv/wiggins | Nelson: twitch.tv/coachnelly | Serge: twitch.tv/sergeyager , twitch.tv/sergeafterdark | Wheeler: twitch.tv/benjamin_wheeler
TXC2: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Rhythm Cafe (Heather and Ian continue their never-ending quest to play ALL THE RHYTHM GAMES! Game: Groove the Goob) at Sun 04:00 PM PST (2:49 from now).
TXC2: !event
TXC2: the clopen
Cyraknoss subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 83 months!
Cyraknoss: stopping in to continue 83 months of giving LRR Amazon's money
Thanks for subscribing, Cyraknoss! (Today's storm count: 14)

A_Dub888: LRRMTongue?

Juliamon: It's not woring
Juliamon: it cut them off
ImmortalLen: AGAIN
Juliamon: It did that to Alex too

Juliamon: idk what's up with it
got the zoomies there.



TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
time, they doing their best
TXC2: !discord
LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here: https://discord.gg/lrr
TXC2: !contact
ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List: https://lrr.cc/contact
TXC2: Goodnight Everybody
h3rsh3yb4r: Joj?
Juliamon: good bit streamer
ads got him. 
Strebenherz: Have a good one y'all
Reset scrolling