jessicaengle: Goob?
accountmadeforants: lrrSIG
RandomTrivia: Hi friends! lrrHEART
DideRobot: LRR: Time for Rhythm Cafe. We're groovin' the titula goob in Groove That Goob! (has image) |
jessicaengle: jlrrJade jlrrJade jlrrJade
RatherLargeToad subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 65 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RatherLargeToad! (Today's storm count: 15)
jessicaengle: Titular goobs only, accept no substitutes
KeytarCat: goobagooba
LurkerSpine: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
jessicaengle: hold
RandomTrivia: Flawless
RandomTrivia: seabatClap
Juliamon: Capicola
neogetz subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 32 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, neogetz! (Today's storm count: 16)
bytecaster: I love places I can go!
Invitare: solid forms? Liquid meat?
RandomTrivia: Making this up? In this House of Lies? Never!
Strebenherz: !findquote ian
LRRbot: Quote #2294: "The I is for Ian. U is for Ian, too." —Ian [2016-04-12]
SquareDotCube: They tried a spinoff called The Baritones but ratings were too low :p
bytecaster: Undead Smurf
jessicaengle: @SquareDotCube I don't know how I feel about this joke
RandomTrivia: @jessicaengle I think it has a nice range
Strebenherz: @SquareDotCube LUL
jessicaengle: Okay that won me over FBtouchdown
adept_nekomancer: Is goob related to glurp?
RandomTrivia: I already love the visuals
jessicaengle: DinoDance
jessicaengle: jlrrDance
RatherLargeToad: The groove is in the goob
RandomTrivia: benginDance
jessicaengle: armoroTail
Juliamon: Quickbreads are too squishy for butter
Manae: Peanut Butter on banana bread
jessicaengle: @Manae Ooo
RandomTrivia: D'awwww, what an adorable little blob
Cptasparagus: !card torpor orb
LRRbot: Torpor Orb [2] | Artifact | Creatures entering don't cause abilities to trigger.
adept_nekomancer: blob dab!
jessicaengle: armoroDab
offbeatwitch: congroobtulations!
jessicaengle: That's some good Panic on Funkotron groove
RandomTrivia: Uh
adept_nekomancer: Wait, we're doing crimes?
jessicaengle: D:
RandomTrivia: sergeCrimes
offbeatwitch: arrested for goob crimes!!
Juliamon: FREE GOOB
Dog_of_Myth: Free Goob!!
RandomTrivia: Goob is innocent!
jessicaengle: Did we crime?? :(
RatherLargeToad: for crimes against globmanity
RandomTrivia: Sure looks like it
Strebenherz: CONSUMED
RandomTrivia: We can Kirby the dancers?!
DaxStrife: He got Kirby'd.
bytecaster: Oh, this has mouthful mode!
Dog_of_Myth: CONSUME
jessicaengle: jlrrCooltunes
adept_nekomancer: This sort of has some "Crypt of the Necrodancer" energy.
Cptasparagus: when do we get to eat a car
RandomTrivia: Make sure to get the guy's consent before getting inside him
Cptasparagus: @RandomTrivia if they didnt want to be piloted they wouldnt be made of meat
iris_of_ether: I see we are controlling musical blue Ditto today
bytecaster: Lets softlock ourselves!
Dog_of_Myth: Goob Science
Juliamon: Dittokirby
bytecaster: DinoDance
bytecaster: I really enjoy this song!
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Strebenherz: amazing
Strebenherz: Ianplz
bytecaster: The title certainly does not lie, I'm grooving to this
Cptasparagus: @bytecaster you are now goob
bytecaster: The sudden appearance of vocals has startled me
RatherLargeToad: just lying awake. the end
jessicaengle: the Goob of Damocles
jessicaengle: jlrrDance jlrrDance jlrrDance
RandomTrivia: F
Strebenherz: JAIL
adept_nekomancer: Oh no, our crimes!
RandomTrivia: Oh I know what the crimes are now
RandomTrivia: We're dissolving people
adept_nekomancer: I think the crime is eating people, yeah
Ignatiuspants: arrested for grooving while goob
bytecaster: They still exist as a part of us, surely
RandomTrivia: Their atoms are released into the universe
bytecaster: We all become goop in the end
RandomTrivia: Are we just a katamari?
adept_nekomancer: Created by mad musical scientists
LordZarano: Carrion
Cptasparagus: the new miyazaki film
CaptainSpam: I turn into a trampoline when I eat a tangerine jelly bean, for instance.
bytecaster: Different jelly bean, different attitude
ArdCollider: (I just started paying attention, but I could immediately guess where we were at.)
bytecaster: "grab" one of you
CaptainSpam: Ah, that's from the Wii version?
ArdCollider: this one is for the 2009 remake, yeah
CaptainSpam: The NES version had more... not all of which were that useful. :D
ArdCollider: that's the NES one
ArdCollider: (maybe?)
ArdCollider: sheesh, who knew this was this complicated. :D
bytecaster: Wow, this dance floor is packed
bytecaster: Strong golden retriever energy, yes!
TheAwkes: She was just somedoggy that you used to know.
CaptainSpam: In the NES version, it was root beer for the rocket.
SquareDotCube: Boy and His Blob had a literal catchup mechanic
CaptainSpam: And, of course, there was ketchup, which Blob hated to eat, but could be used to make him appear next to you.
CaptainSpam: A Boy and His Blob was, in all honesty, a SUPER ambitious game, both for its time and on its platform.
SquareDotCube: I've heard the Wii version is great but but the PC port was terrible without the motion controls
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown
SaxPython: Dab that Goob
jessicaengle: o7
DaxStrife: "We who are about to goob salute you."
KeytarCat: gooball
SquareDotCube: goobulator
SaxPython: Goobernates
jessicaengle: Hired Goobs
Expl0dingL0bster subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Expl0dingL0bster! (Today's storm count: 17)
KeytarCat: Goobalax
Ignatiuspants: Goobizabeth
adept_nekomancer: Gooey B.
Ignatiuspants: Glorious Orbital Offensive Blob
Shadowsoflife: goobert
gualdhar: Gooberius the 24th, Earl of Gooberville
Ignatiuspants: Grandmother's Oily Orb of Bacon
DaxStrife: Gamers On Our Bow
SquareDotCube: Greater Olive-Orange Bacteria
Ignatiuspants: Gelatinous Official Ottowa
SquareDotCube: So... the Mighty Ducks TV animation?
bytecaster: #notacult
SquareDotCube: where the Anaheim Ducks were literal anthromorphic ducks
SaxPython: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
SaxPython: g...oops
SaxPython: PogChamp
e_bloc: a goob little game
SaxPython: !findquote power
LRRbot: Quote #7319: "For awhile I wasn't powerful, and it felt bad, now I feel good....any questions?" —Serge [2020-11-03]
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
bytecaster: I mean the department is called human resources
Cptasparagus: ask Marshall Sutcliffe
96 raiders from benjamin_wheeler have joined!
SaxPython: I think the level before this was a U
RandomTrivia: Welcome raiders! lrrSHINE
Dog_of_Myth: Heya Raiders
thatguysteve2709 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 31 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, thatguysteve2709! (Today's storm count: 18)
accountmadeforants: wheelerOok
Juliamon: Welcome Rodeo
Juliamon: Goob is groovin
bytecaster: So when are we playing this on "Is this your card?"
Dog_of_Myth: Just a lil guy grooving to the beat
Dog_of_Myth: Yes
bytecaster: Inflation has really hit the hip hop girl groveconnomy hard.
DrLigmaPhD: goob makes the world groove round
adept_nekomancer: Except I don't remember Sakura being a sentient ooze.
bytecaster: @adept_nekomancer Maybe she just liked that particular form a lot and never let it go?
DaxStrife: America 2025.
SaxPython: Pfffff
SaxPython: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
DrLigmaPhD: Goob arrested for... public indecency?
SaxPython: Also though that level looked like a Y
Juliamon: For eating people
jessicaengle: Does that mean Kirby is also crime?
Swickwick subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 42 months, currently on a 8 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Swickwick! (Today's storm count: 19)
KeytarCat: @jessicaengle Yes, but Kirby is also a god, so
Juliamon: Kirby is canonically a cosmic horror/god
Juliamon: good luck arresting them
KeytarCat: PrideHeyyy la meme!
SaxPython: Awesome! Thanks RT!
A_Dub888: What up gamers, how Goos it?
SaxPython: It's Groovy
jessicaengle: Kirby is a god? I had no idea
consolecowboy88: enjoy Chicago , ya Canadians ! pay a visit to the quimbys zine stor e if ya get the chabce
Juliamon: goob is in the heart
consolecowboy88: free goob
jessicaengle: @Juliamon jlrrDance jlrrCooltunes jlrrDance
consolecowboy88: so there’s no level where ya bust goob outta prisonV
Juliamon: This one's also a letter
SaxPython: O maybe?
consolecowboy88: has anyone done a “bust a goob” pun yet?
consolecowboy88: okay sorry that pun doesn’t make sens
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown ?
A_Dub888: so what happens to the people we eat?
RatherLargeToad: yes
RandomTrivia: That has been at the end of every level
KeytarCat: Do you have to be at max combo to absorb people?>\
iarethel0ser: It's been congroobulations all along.
consolecowboy88: con groob y raisins
jessicaengle: Can we reboot Toejam and Earl as a rhythm game?
consolecowboy88: con groob u raisins
jessicaengle: That seems like it makes sense
SaxPython: I thought we were at Y before break and O after. Level select may have all levels
SaxPython: Neat
RandomTrivia: I guess you win?
adept_nekomancer: Kind of surprised it doesn't have some sort of end-game screen.
SaxPython: Rewathed the clip. That was level 33
SaxPython: Ian is Integrating
jessicaengle: Fancy "f" is kind of an "s"
jessicaengle: The f holes on a violin have big s energy
consolecowboy88: Ian, your french Werner herzog impression is very good ?
consolecowboy88: french Peter Lorre
consolecowboy88: ?
Juliamon: Oh, the dancers have names! Mullet, Boots, and Ponytail
SquareDotCube: Oh yeah, has Ian experienced the singing tree of Astro Bot?
wifi12345678910: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Play it Forward (Alex heads into The Zone on Play it Forward. Game: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl) at Sun 06:00 PM PST (45m from now).
SaxPython: Nah. My level 33 comment was way before. Sorry
adept_nekomancer: I'm looking through the vod.
KeytarCat: I was playing along with them, but I don't remember when it happened...
TheAwkes: DespaGroobto
consolecowboy88: gas roop Lina?
TheAwkes: No. Just a Despacito joke because one of those tracks sounded a little bit like it.
adept_nekomancer: It's level 16
adept_nekomancer: The lyrics were level 16
SaxPython: @adept_nekomancer FBtouchdown
consolecowboy88: my favorite pet shop boys song is heart
Lysander_salamander: hello everyone
consolecowboy88: wow that man can’t carry a tune
consolecowboy88: i am soeey
jessicaengle: armoroDance jlrrDance GriddyGoose
KeytarCat: The mix is also pretty rough
Juliamon: probably why it's only in one level
consolecowboy88: anyway have y’all heard the pet shop boys album from last year cos it’s good
Lysander_salamander: well, this is peculiar
jessicaengle: heheheee
RandomTrivia: That was jarring
SaxPython: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
A_Dub888: That is some singing
jessicaengle: Well, they tried.
SquareDotCube: you_tried.jpeg
consolecowboy88: it’s called nonetheless and it’s on Bandcamp
RandomTrivia: That's good value
jessicaengle: There's a ranking system??
Juliamon: It was originally made in a game dev program at Cornell
Juliamon: two of the devs have cool sites talking about the process
KeytarCat: This would get an A in class, I hope it actually did
jessicaengle: Break dancing Santa
Juliamon: (it did win an award)
SaxPython: Great shell of a game
Lysander_salamander: kind of like that parade rhythm game
jessicaengle: GG
SaxPython: 100 levels for $10 feels great
KeytarCat: Playtreon . com/ oading ready run
Ashmantle: <3
Juliamon: Leon's page has a lot of character development art, while Ashley's is a bit more technical
SaxPython: !youtube
LRRbot: LRR's main channel is . For Stream VODs check out . MtG vods and other MtG content are at . Tabletop related videos are at . LRR Videogame videos (including Checkpoint+) are at
wifi12345678910: Stalker 2 stalk harder
Lysander_salamander: Is that X-men children of the Atom?
RandomTrivia: Ooooooh
Lysander_salamander: heck yeah
SaxPython: PogChamp
Lysander_salamander: I remember playing that game when I was a youngster, at the arcades
A_Dub888: Sorry, y'all are bringing the X-men to completion tomorrow?
TheAwkes: In The Last of Us 10, they go to space!
Lysander_salamander: that would be a cool cartoon though
Lysander_salamander: I should look up the Aetherdrift short stories
SaxPython: It was after Pirates of DarkWster
jessicaengle: Playing all the hits!
Cptasparagus: Aetherdrift is where the robots are more empathetic than the humans
wifi12345678910: The dystopia is Loot is there
KeytarCat: @Cptasparagus you know, classic sci fi stuff!
SaxPython: #PotatoLand
LurkerSpine: It's related to the Gacha Game
Lysander_salamander: There's an anime spinoff, set in a school
RatherLargeToad: yes
RandomTrivia: Well said, Ian!
Dog_of_Myth: Sooon@
Lysander_salamander: makes sense to me
RatherLargeToad: OSFrog
RandomTrivia: Thanks for the stream, Ian and Heather! lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Lysander_salamander: the sequel to Howl's Moving Castle?
RatherLargeToad: That’s just “Pool”
RandomTrivia: Good move Heather HypeLUL
wifi12345678910: Sentient Kelp better make the highlight reel
SaxPython: The Seas have eyes
Lysander_salamander: clip it!
LoadingReadyRun: OvO