LoadingReadyRun: OvO
LoadingReadyRun: Marco
TheAwkes: Polo
LoadingReadyRun: (user explodes)
LoadingReadyRun: TheAwkes has learned a valuable lesson in how not to be seen
LoadingReadyRun: Do not reveal your position
TheAinMAP: Signal


hey ya heccin nerds whomst i love! 
Nigouki: how do you do, fellow anomaly victims
dougma: o7
felrender: oh boy I can't wait to have a totally normal day in the Zone
chat, pray for my wallet and my free time. Erika has full-on converted me to warhammer 
TheAinMAP: Hello.
jacqui_lantern234: A B C - Always Blame Chat
dougma: TY for streaming Alex.
felrender: same dudes, dif patches
TheAwkes: There'll be a shortage once you've made your way through them all.
Nigouki: shartage of mercs due to radiation ruining everyone's intestines
felrender: Also I think the decade-ish of Anomlay spoiled me, I had to break myself of the habit of grabbing every busted gun in case it had one decent component
The "good" guns aren't much use early when there's no supply of the appropriate ammo 
Nigouki: height of a miserable pile of secrets
felrender: oh the way bullet drop works in this it absolutely doesn't work
Nigouki: iirc the 1.7 at the bottom of it are to mean for a 1.7m tall humanoid
A_Dub888: Salutations fellow stalkers, how fares the Zone?
avi_miller: Hey folks o/

felrender: on one hand, I'd love if this game modeled bullet distance accurately, on the other I don't need to get my wig snatched from a klick out by Sergei Dogmeat and his clapped-out SVD
avi_miller: story time!
Scarbble: no, not captain jagov
felrender: also this is my first time catching the STALKER 2 live, did Alex go traipsing thru the flowers yet
DigitalSeahorse: I wish we could see dead people like in Star Wars
@avi_miller hai friend 
Hey Jacqui! 
avi_miller: hehehe


good luck alex - gotta mod for a friend's stream (dang timing
) but I'll catch the VOD...
KakuEpsilon: @felrender yeah that happens last time
DoodlestheGreat: Clean living.
DigitalSeahorse: uhoh
avi_miller: Have a good time @jadedcynic !
KakuEpsilon: Is anyone else getting weird clipping stutters?
yeah, i hear they suck. specifically from the same person i assume alex has 
avi_miller: nope, stream is fine here
matthaus_c: rock n roll legends the Pissing Stones
Nigouki: Bladder: "MAKE WAY FOR PISS!" Kidney Stone: "No."
avi_miller: yeah, likely
jacqui_lantern234: @KakuEpsilon stream's good for me
jacqui_lantern234: im glad ive also never had stones
felrender: are the mutants still horrendously spongey or did the patches work
DigitalSeahorse: brb i think my dinner is ready
matthaus_c: stg Stalker Dogs are worse than Dark Souls ones
A_Dub888: so many puppers
jacqui_lantern234: dont like the idea of rocks forcing their way through my peenor
Scy_Anide: I can confirm their terrible, though thankfully not firsthand. One of my friends recently dealt with one and they had to have a stent put in to deal with it. He said the feeling of the stent was like constantly having to take a piss.
matthaus_c: @jacqui_lantern234 it's like reverse sounding!
felrender: who taught these dogs how to use cover
avi_miller: @matthaus_c thanks, I hate it
A_Dub888: @felrender The Zone
matthaus_c: Kyle Hill did a short video on the dogs hanging around the NPP, it's super cool
TheDevil_Risen: might be spicy?
felrender: probably fine!
avi_miller: Everything is fine
matthaus_c: turns out the NPP dogs are so genetically different to other dogs around Chornobyl that just mutations are not enough of an explanation
sfn____: a beautiful herd of radiations

Mai_Andra: Those are just flyers for the raid, I mean, rave.
Larkonus: I don't know if that's a bad sign or a good sign, but it's definitely a sign. Multiple in fact.
jacqui_lantern234: @matthaus_c both directions sound like my worst god damn nightmare
TheAwkes: The only radiation sign you need to respect is the one clipped to your belt. And the ones it subsequently tells you to respect.
crap my sub ran out and i don't get paid for another 12h
*inserts everything is fine emote*
Nigouki: hey we found this very warm metal thing in the woods and it's too cold to go back so how about we just lean against it for warmth while we sleep
A_Dub888: where are we finding all these bolts to throw?
avi_miller: oh
matthaus_c: I felt so worldly the first time I rolled into Rostok and could read the word ARENA
avi_miller: Was that a ladder on the side of the building?
nyxlux subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 17 months, currently on a 10 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, nyxlux! (Today's storm count: 20)
felrender: but how breeki?
LiveFaust: The cheekiest of breekies.
wow thats 
SquareDotCube: might be hitting the DPS button
avi_miller: oh, huh
LiveFaust: Your mouse seems to be about an inch off of what where it's showing.
wifi12345678910: mouse displacement curse, have you angered any witches or wizards?
A_Dub888: Next time on TTSF...
LiveFaust: Maybe tab out and into the game?
DoodlestheGreat: What kind of mouse is it?
matthaus_c: mouse pulling so hard to the right it's guesting on Joe Rogan
felrender: I usually fix something like that by tabbing out and in but I dunno what that'll do for streaming stuff
DigitalSeahorse: hmmm
cactusowl: another thing that might help is changing the display resolution and then changing it back
felrender: squinched about it
avi_miller: Yay!

TheDevil_Risen: weird
TheAwkes: lo-fi Stalker 2 is a vibe. I had to crank things down to basically minimum to make it through a particular boss fight and it actually looked rad AF.
LT_84 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 36 months!
LT_84: Loved this game, I hope you are enjoying it as well
Thanks for subscribing, LT_84! (Today's storm count: 21)
avi_miller: you just start punching the ladder
matthaus_c: help, step-ladder, I'm stuck
Larkonus: You killed Oblivious Oscar!
Mai_Andra: boy was just doing his stretches...
avi_miller: I never made it as a man.
SquareDotCube: bandage?
LiveFaust: Oi, you got red on you.

avi_miller: There seems to be a party going on out there
wifi12345678910: They got Viktor from Arcane in this game?
DigitalSeahorse: my tab just crashed
LiveFaust: Dammit. Viktor taking all the spoils.
SquareDotCube: was the box in the truck cab not a stash?
matthaus_c: psysuckers got you hearing things
Cptasparagus: breadbox
SquareDotCube: it's a breadbox
TheDevil_Risen: ^^
matthaus_c: whereas the bredbox is where you keep all your femboys
matthaus_c: Karlik Psyduck, Burer Golduck
avi_miller: lol
Nigouki: what are bandits if not vodka metabolizers?
SquareDotCube: the cheese slice, as Tarkov players call them (or at least Funko and James)
SquareDotCube: gee I wonder why
TheAwkes: Single use disposable syringe
avi_miller: Yeah, I feel like it coming with the morphine would be very illegal
TheDevil_Risen: ^^^ they use them in the military a lot
avi_miller: PharmacistJudge is a cool human
Cptasparagus: ive got liquid cocaine at work
LiveFaust: Physically? Maybe. Legally? Oh no.
bio lab 
matthaus_c: lemme just get in touch with my Morphine guy--
LiveFaust: Where does liquid cocaine fall on the James Turner Lickability Scale?
Cptasparagus: no I don't touch heavy metals or anything fluoronated
Scarbble: wasn't that scale permanently retired?
Cptasparagus: @Scarbble in practice
avi_miller: Yeah....
avi_miller: It was very deliberate
matthaus_c: we could have had so much cool shit if these incredibly smart people weren't trying to kill each other/not get killed
Cptasparagus: yeah its on a gimble next to your head so it can't spill and easy access
TheDevil_Risen: weee that screen effect
Cptasparagus: it sprung
Juliamon: byoioioing
avi_miller: sproing
SquareDotCube: bleeding reduction and rad reduction, yeah
SquareDotCube: but the carrying weight reduction is also good for making a lot of rubles
TheAwkes: The downside is generally dying of radiation exposure faster than usual.
Cptasparagus: something about the spring makes me want to have a version of this where instead of weird irradiated artifacts they're cartoon objects like in Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Ace__of__Hearts: hi Alex
Cptasparagus: good thing they cant fit through doors
TheDevil_Risen: also hey Alex and chat!
avi_miller: I see a giant in the distance
100viewbots: I dunno who decided to add smell to this game..
Cptasparagus: is the screen tearing for anyone else? Can't tell which side of the stream its on.
Mai_Andra: don't ask where he kept it stored...
Ace__of__Hearts: I know this isn't RE VI but....
Ace__of__Hearts: buck slamchest
Cptasparagus: you winged him
TheDevil_Risen: F

matthaus_c subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 52 months!
matthaus_c: bloodsucker head game out of this noosphere
Thanks for subscribing, matthaus_c! (Today's storm count: 22)
rabbitgta: Oh an alex, yay!
Cptasparagus: the booty
Natural_Ones_Only: The booty takes all the bullets
100viewbots: Kissing
wifi12345678910: bravely run away?
matthaus_c: shotguns are usually pretty good mutant killers
Cptasparagus: yeah I'd think shotty would be better here
Nigouki: double shotgun blast than switch to magdump

matthaus_c: it might not spawn until that cutscene?
TheDevil_Risen: not there till it hits you?
Cptasparagus: how to become permanently deaf
matthaus_c: how full of frags are you now my dude
Cptasparagus: all morphed up on a sunday
100viewbots: The strategy? Drugs and bombs
matthaus_c: double bloodsucker would be lowkey worse than a chimera
Nigouki: are the fuckers diverolling now?!
TheDevil_Risen: GG
avi_miller: \o/
TheAwkes: @matthaus_c I can speak from experience to tell you that later on, dealing with 3 Bloodsuckers is significantly easier than a Chimera.
Natural_Ones_Only: I wonder if you can cook a grenade too long in this game
rabbitgta: Definitely not getting up after that
matthaus_c: @TheAwkes jesus christ 3 is so many
avi_miller: ooh
TheAwkes: When you're properly geared later, they're a lot less of a problem, but it's still proper dangerous.
Cptasparagus: ah damn this cave couldve been fillled with the pacman ghosts
that's a very scary statement
I'm excited to see what they've done with chimeras in this game
TheAwkes: You're still early hobo.
Larkonus: That looks rather unhealthy.
avi_miller: This room seems very safe /s
matthaus_c: the artifact inspection is such an A+ addition, they're so pretty
Cptasparagus: sad, shaft died at the bottom of a shaft
wifi12345678910: looks like he got shafted
avi_miller: What a thrill…
Mnemonicman subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 82 months!
Mnemonicman: Alex stabbing doors. As is tradition.
Thanks for subscribing, Mnemonicman! (Today's storm count: 23)
avi_miller: Oooooh
@avi_miller I hate that this song is a meme, /only/ because every time it comes up I feel like listening to the whole thing 
Chardog24 : have they fixed the performance on this game yet?
avi_miller: @matthaus_c Snake Eater *is* a good song to be fair
matthaus_c: it's SO good
Chardog24 : i played the gamepass version to test before i bought on steam and i was getting crazy frame drops and my temps where hitting like 90 degrees
gonna put out a power ranking of Bond themes and put Snake Eater at the top 
Natural_Ones_Only: So is there a lore reason why all the mutants are underground? I'd expect most of them to be in or around the reactor
Natural_Ones_Only: Only one way to find out
A_Dub888: yolo
avi_miller: lol
wifi12345678910: oh no
TheAwkes: They get to see your headlamp, too!
Lysander_salamander: hello every body
DoodlestheGreat: I remember you shooting a couple of pigs outside the door of the room.
A_Dub888: @Lysander_salamander Salutations fellow stalker
Lysander_salamander: I wonder how far into the game you have to go before vendors or loot will have night-vision goggles?
matthaus_c: @Natural_Ones_Only I don't think most mutants are actually the product of radiation, or even have a natural affinity for it. if I remember my lore right, most stories trace back to lab experiments
TheAwkes: @Lysander_salamander Unfortunately they never do.
Natural_Ones_Only: I think the entrance was in the basement of the house right on top of the marker
Lysander_salamander: bummer
found the spiritual successor to Noah? 
TheDevil_Risen: blessyou
DoodlestheGreat: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
DigitalSeahorse: I love you, chat
Genie_M: I was thinking that it is a weird skill that lots of game protagonists have that they know the names of people - alive and dead - just by looking at them. And that would be a decent skill to have IRL
Nigouki: turn towards the wind
Nigouki: some windmills rotate just the top bit, some rotate the whole structure
DigitalSeahorse: yes, when the storm comes figuratively run through it head on to get through it faster
99enigmas: Somewhat awkward position for that body to have landed.
Natural_Ones_Only: Maybe Palm?
matthaus_c: gun-taurs
Nigouki: minecraft approach to durability is honestly kinda neat. smoosh two of the same dead item? get more use out of it!
DigitalSeahorse: one time I'd like to see a game with a fragile sign box and when you open it it's a bunch of exact same fragile glass sign labels
DigitalSeahorse: uh
Natural_Ones_Only: Game?
Juliamon: "yes today" said the game
DigitalSeahorse: Unreal just got Unreal
Genie_M: The weirdest anomaly
CaptainSpam: Ah, the authentic Stalker experience.
DoodlestheGreat: First crash of the game. Should we keep track?
wifi12345678910: Wouldn't be the same game if it didn't have random hard crashes
matthaus_c: Cordon Railway Bridge my beloved
the bridge from Lethal Company? 
matthaus_c: so many bandits sniped off you
Natural_Ones_Only: Ayyyyyy

LiveFaust: "Russell here..."
DoodlestheGreat: It was when you got to the water it crashed.
Strebenherz: Heyo. Just popped in , why straight line?
Juliamon: Straight line bad choice
Strebenherz: Cus anomalies and need to be careful?
DeM0nFiRe is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 2973 in the channel!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to CopperAstronaut!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to MLeeLunsford!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to Gorad_!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to Cyborg_Huey!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to GlennSeto!
Thanks for the gifts, DeM0nFiRe! Welcome to CopperAstronaut, Cyborg_Huey, MLeeLunsford, GlennSeto, and Gorad_! (Today's storm count: 28)
Juliamon: we just had a game crash
Juliamon: so we're trying to avoid the same path
Natural_Ones_Only: Fuck the police?
Strebenherz: Gotcha. And yis, fuck the coppers
JollyGee29: It won't come up for a while yet, but has anyone warned Alex about the gamebreaking bug in a future plot mission?
Strebenherz: Ea Nasir for life
matthaus_c: @JollyGee29 ominous statement
Juliamon: Not sure, but it's better to wait until it's relevant anyway
DigitalSeahorse: what's under the ribs?
DigitalSeahorse: the lungs
DigitalSeahorse: oh
Natural_Ones_Only: Sphere's the headquarters of the IPSF
DoodlestheGreat: Well, it wants you to check your stash. Maybe there's a cupcake in it.
DirkDigler89: what is the point of getting artifacts in this game
matthaus_c: probably a technician?
Genie_M: How decent of him to have exactly infinite money
Cptasparagus: @DirkDigler89 you put them all together into a big gun at the end
Natural_Ones_Only: Relics?
Cptasparagus: like the power rangers
matthaus_c: you know Traits from Fallout? they're equippable Traits
ArvynEternal: Power and/or profit
Natural_Ones_Only: The relics from Darkest Dungeon 2 basically
DirkDigler89: ok, got it didn’t know
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: we finally figured out the crafting/upgrade mechanic?
matthaus_c: best place to sell artifacts would prolly be a Scientist, not sure you've run across any yet
Strebenherz: "I have 18 bottles of vodka" Reminding me of that w+p gif of you chugging a clear wine bottle of water
DoodlestheGreat: Mah-ni.
DigitalSeahorse: a filter made of asbestos?!
DigitalSeahorse: yick
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: so long as whatever is being filtered out is worse than asbestos I guess one comes out ahead?
Genie_M: You're not breathing in the asbestos
matthaus_c: having acquired Knowledge from the Internet, artifacts sell best to Scientists, then next down from that to Weapons/Armor traders, but what matters the most is your rep with the trader (if they show up green in your PDA, you've got the best rep)
LiveFaust: Asbestos filters: the peak of 1986 technology.
avi_miller: Ok, I am gonna head out for the night. Have a good one folks, & enjoy the rest of the stream Alex!
matthaus_c: night avi!
DigitalSeahorse: nah, peak of 1986 tech was liquidators tech in Chernobyl
DigitalSeahorse: as sad as it was
LiveFaust: "Hey, man! You've really come down since the last time I saw you.... levitating over a bed."
DigitalSeahorse: that moment you remember how good it feels to just breathe
matthaus_c: satisfying glass sounds
DigitalSeahorse: you've been loafing around
DigitalSeahorse: xD

Natural_Ones_Only: Yes
Natural_Ones_Only: You did
matthaus_c: you sure did
Natural_Ones_Only: And are
I mean, what did it shoot before, 9x19? good upgrade 
DeM0nFiRe: Do you need an ammo? Forget it. But what about a different ammo?
Natural_Ones_Only: 0.45, God's Caliber
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: @Natural_Ones_Only i feel like ive heard this quote in other games
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: oh learn something new every day
DigitalSeahorse: great gif
matthaus_c: bless the Colt 1911
JadedCynic: @DigitalSeahorse a classic
JollyGee29: Is that not the sight you already have on your MP5?
matthaus_c: you can pop a save and get a taste
Natural_Ones_Only: No .45 I can find for an MP5
DoodlestheGreat: Okay, the MP5 comes in 9X19mm, 10mm, .40 S&W, and .22LR.
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: that's more flavours of mp5 than I wouldve guessed
matthaus_c: Wikipedia says H&K had a prototype based on the MP5 that could be converted to .45, but it was never properly developed
matthaus_c: that new recoil is pretty gnarly
matthaus_c: nice chunk
matthaus_c: that man's face plate did a fucking kennedy
Natural_Ones_Only: There was an artifact we were cghecking out
ghyllnox: You did get distracted by an artifact before you got ambushed
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: what does throwing hexnuts at the beeping sounds do exactly
matthaus_c: electros are the fucking worst
matthaus_c: have we seen a Flesh pulled into one of those yet
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: i would be so dead
Strebenherz: Hold up, noises can fake you out?
matthaus_c: if you don't know exactly what to listen for, yea
matthaus_c: and I think enough Psy damage gives you auditory hallucinations?
DigitalSeahorse: F
shushu2539: seems that there was a big bolt factory nearby
Natural_Ones_Only: I think now you might be able to
DigitalSeahorse: zombies with guns!
matthaus_c: wonder if the Brain Scorcher is back
Natural_Ones_Only: Don't need a brain to spray and pray
Natural_Ones_Only: Who needs stealth when there can be no witnesses
FlamingSpipernado subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 74 months!
Thanks for subscribing, FlamingSpipernado! (Today's storm count: 29)
there was a stealth system in the original trilogy? I could never tell 

matthaus_c: lmao they still see through foliage as well as ever
Natural_Ones_Only: May I suggest: Murder
GayGhostPrince: hiii it's been a while
GayGhostPrince: is stalker 2 good?
LiveFaust: Chungi?
matthaus_c: it's no Clear Sky, but it's p good :3c
GayGhostPrince: @matthaus_c oooh fun
GayGhostPrince: maybe i should try it
DoodlestheGreat: A bear?
shushu2539: a zombie t-rex
matthaus_c: @GayGhostPrince people have reported lots of technical issues, tbh, so gotta keep that in mind
DeM0nFiRe: The first time seeing one of those things in shadow of chernobyl is so cool
@matthaus_c I will take note of this 
@DeM0nFiRe and thank goodness you don't see them very often after that 
Natural_Ones_Only: I think bloodsuckers might have a psychic attack
matthaus_c: hit that blunt so hard you start hearing idi ko mne
jamesinor: Hey uh.. Should that be beeping that much?
DeM0nFiRe: is he gonna be ok?
A_Dub888: How does he keep finding bolts to throw?
matthaus_c: oh no your bones
wifi12345678910: yes, beeping is good
Cptasparagus: if I were working on this game I'd have tried to get Fluke to sponsor their name on that sensor
wifi12345678910: the Hand thing beeping is good
the lure was too strong 

rabbitgta: Stalker is kinda stressful
DoodlestheGreat: Ooopsie doodle.
matthaus_c: equal parts stressful and meditative, weird stuff
Juliamon: Good stress

Juliamon: A comfortable build and release of tension
JollyGee29: The gravity anomalies suck. 10/10 would mald over getting artifacts out of them again
JadedCynic: 'healthy stress' - productive stress, that has a release
matthaus_c: big chilling until you hear a Pseudogiant stomp around and all the muscles around your neck tense like they're hitting a road bump at full speed
evershiner subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 107 months!
Thanks for subscribing, evershiner! (Today's storm count: 30)
JollyGee29: They hide again if you don't pick them up, yea
JadedCynic: but yeah, that was like 2-3 seconds - shorter than most
JadedCynic: ba-dum-TISH!
DigitalSeahorse: you can say that again
matthaus_c: it looked like a Jellyfish to me? not a bad one
ghyllnox: I thought it said Goldfish but it was very brief
matthaus_c: oh if it's Goldfish you're in business
A_Dub888: Now I want Goldfish crackers
DoodlestheGreat: Yeah, the anomalies are pulling you around.
matthaus_c: some anomaly fields are definitely much worse
matthaus_c: burner fields are my least favourite
all the more tilting when they DO hit me 
Genie_M: Are these the same every time? Can they be learned?
100 spicy beeps
JadedCynic: @Genie_M yep
matthaus_c: so tantalisingly close
JollyGee29: Troll-ass gemstone
Strebenherz: got it!
JadedCynic: whew



Natural_Ones_Only: Worth it?
ghyllnox: \o/
matthaus_c: shit seems like Bloodsucker Central
at least pay to replace the meds we used? 
Natural_Ones_Only: Save?
DigitalSeahorse: I so wish real life had saves
matthaus_c: it was a can designed to look normal in Andre the Giant's hand
A_Dub888: @DigitalSeahorse I can think of a few points it would have been useful
matthaus_c: if Snorks learned how to burrow we are all fucked
glowsticks have utility beyond raves 
DigitalSeahorse: yeah like the moment you think you're gonna lose someone, just keep going back to that point over and over
Genie_M: Would that mean everyone else has them or just you?
DigitalSeahorse: everyone
DigitalSeahorse: except fascists
Lysander_salamander: if only you could get telekinesis in this game
Lysander_salamander: you'd have to constantly use bandages from the nosebleeds?

matthaus_c: it would be pretty fascinating to experience the Zone as a Burer
matthaus_c: ahhh Poltergeists
lure him out and into an anomaly 
JadedCynic: nah, fleshes
Strebenherz: something about the yeeting bolts for survival cracks me up

TonySki: Don't go t that town, lol
Lysander_salamander: Maybe there's a cave?
Lysander_salamander: one of those underground bunkers?
Natural_Ones_Only: Yknow what this game needs? Flamethrowers
Lysander_salamander: that would be fun
@Natural_Ones_Only oh there's flamethrowers...just not ones WE can use 
AND the flamethrowers are alive 
A_Dub888: @JadedCynic is it napalm? that makes flames right?
ThatStonedTroll: sup
JadedCynic: @A_Dub888 nah, napalm is a finite fuel source...eventually runs out - these NEVER END
matthaus_c: in the Zone, for sure
Natural_Ones_Only: 12 gauge is an anything round
that's now an anti-air shotty 
A_Dub888: !card pack rat
LRRbot: Pack Rat [1B] | Creature — Rat [*/*] | Pack Rat's power and toughness are each equal to the number of Rats you control. / {2}{B}, Discard a card: Create a token that's a copy of Pack Rat.
matthaus_c: we are deaf and full of frags

A_Dub888: @matthaus_c isn't that Zone default?
ThatStonedTroll: i rathert fight 50 rats then 50 psi dogs
guess so yeah 
JadedCynic: @matthaus_c WHAT? whatever just remind me to not sit down until I get all the metal picked out
AziraphalesShop: Will you come out clean on the other side?

Dandinstorm12 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 131 months, currently on a 127 month streak!
Dandinstorm12: mmmm Alex playing Stalker, brings back memories of a simpler time
Thanks for subscribing, Dandinstorm12! (Today's storm count: 31)
Lysander_salamander: good old barnacles
AziraphalesShop: HelloGordon.wav
Dandinstorm12: hey chat
Gordon Freeman is just a poltergeist with a visible form 
Lysander_salamander: hello Dandinstorm!
JadedCynic: he-he-he-he-he!
Dandinstorm12: delicious grey matter
JadedCynic: "I hunger."
matthaus_c: barnacles just so into getting that head
Dandinstorm12: @JadedCynic Like Sinistar?

A_Dub888: @JadedCynic Futaba?
JadedCynic: yeah, a zombie would've lingered with the statement "I hungerrr......"
need more Stopping Powah Alex 
Lysander_salamander: It's too bad that most guns drop as un-sellable
Dandinstorm12: at least you didn't quick save right before he spotted you
Lysander_salamander: kind of takes some of the fun out of scavenging
JadedCynic: more proof these really are idiots - headwounds do nothing to their ability to fight
matthaus_c: Phineas Gage over here casually taking a hunk of metal to the forehead
Dandinstorm12: call OSHA
JollyGee29: You can keep hitting the boxes
JollyGee29: (Took me waaay too long to realize too)
Dandinstorm12: does vodka still help against Rads?
matthaus_c: energy drink by way of four loko
that's JUST a coincidence! 
Dandinstorm12: you interupted dinner Alex
hes hungry, alex!!! 
DigitalSeahorse: he's Ukrainian Wallace

AziraphalesShop: blyat
DigitalSeahorse: Blyat!
Cptasparagus: is your rad detector running?
very realistic fighting 
Dandinstorm12: lol
ThatStonedTroll: id shoot him just for punching me in the dick ... you dont punch in the dick
matthaus_c: aight this guy rules
Dandinstorm12: single action??
Lysander_salamander: some folks really like bread
DigitalSeahorse: xD
A_Dub888: @ThatStonedTroll shoot him in the dick?
Strebenherz: I love that he sounds like he was eating, bonus points for the extra effort
matthaus_c: fucking perfect cutscene lmao
Lysander_salamander: very dry bread
JadedCynic: mein gott, i LOVE this!
Lysander_salamander: I guess it's stale?
ArvynEternal: This man is a mood
worst part, I can't even clip all this 
Cptasparagus: it kind of looks like hes painting 40k
KakuEpsilon: Slightly overlapping the dislogue there, boss, covering the speakers names
AziraphalesShop: Bakery soon fellow stalker
Natural_Ones_Only: I mean he works for the cops
matthaus_c: @Lysander_salamander there's prolly a zone-wide anomaly making all the bread always stale
Strebenherz: Quick steal his bread
JadedCynic: as much as you're a danger to me, I gotta respect the attitude and style...*clonk*
Dandinstorm12: shame it wasn't diet sausage
DigitalSeahorse: I hope not, pls don't pour on me when I'm already down
Cptasparagus: nooooo not his smash CRT
Lysander_salamander: onions!
Dandinstorm12: never enough onions
Strebenherz: PFFFFFFFT
DigitalSeahorse: big bag o boob
Lysander_salamander: it's good for you
DigitalSeahorse: bweh
ghyllnox: Bread and onions
Dandinstorm12: helps with your consistancy
matthaus_c: imagine his breath afterwards
AziraphalesShop: I love the shitty power strips strewn about
JadedCynic: omg - I'm bloating with gastric gas just looking at them...
DigitalSeahorse: I hate onions
ThatStonedTroll: thats what ghe fed his men onions and he ate whole loafs of bread
Cptasparagus: i feel like that bread has a lot of gunpowder in it
DigitalSeahorse: same JadedCynic
Dandinstorm12: do you need the shortgun?
kuudereingly: Fart on his chair before you leave.
which is sad, because I *like* the taste of onions...and have had my 'bad gastric reaction to the proteins' develop over years and decades
a bad bout of gas and bloating ended up giving me a hernia.
Lysander_salamander: nice
JadedCynic: yeah, literally
Dandinstorm12: guess they weren't bread for this....
JadedCynic: snausage
matthaus_c: sosig
Cptasparagus: I Was just playing the last of us 2 again and seeing you unload more than 2 rounds into anything hurt me inside
DigitalSeahorse: pfft
Dandinstorm12: he's out of diet sausage, tragic
JadedCynic: it's wrapped in foil and in his y-fronts

18' not 18" 
Dandinstorm12: hello friend lol
matthaus_c: he's gaming
JadedCynic: alex just be clicking on heads
Cptasparagus: alex is a trained assassin
Natural_Ones_Only: Lightning reflexes
Strebenherz: Would you recommend checking out the first stalker games before this one for more references/context?
ghyllnox: Sound effect: (dies)
JadedCynic: so camo works, then?
Dandinstorm12: you get used to it
DigitalSeahorse: I recently bought Chernobyl Liquidators supporter pack incl in steam's lunar sale but doubt I'll be able to play it until I've recovered some
JadedCynic: just....bread. *dances*
DigitalSeahorse: I also got Bread and Fred
DigitalSeahorse: for a much lighter note
DigitalSeahorse: conjoined twins
JadedCynic: I kinda wonder what they powered - what was on the other end of those drive shafts beyond the wall?
Dandinstorm12: Tax Collector?
DoodlestheGreat: "Housekeeping!"
DigitalSeahorse: "I'm here to talk about your car's extended warranty."
Dandinstorm12: do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior the Zone?
JadedCynic: @DigitalSeahorse *fusilade of blind-fire*
matthaus_c: have you heard the good news of the Wish Granter?
Dandinstorm12: lol
Strebenherz: THE SCREEN
Cptasparagus: oh yeah there is still screen tearing so its probably on my side
DigitalSeahorse: sweet art
Dandinstorm12: oof
Lysander_salamander: oh, mosaic!
Strebenherz: You CUT the computer screen xD
soviet science mural 
DigitalSeahorse: do not shoot the art
DigitalSeahorse: or the Alex
Dandinstorm12: one of those we can do
Dandinstorm12: too late on the Alex
Dandinstorm12: lol
matthaus_c: wonder if they referenced this from real life soviet art
JadedCynic: @Strebenherz yeah, laptops of that era had a vinyl outer layer...
Dandinstorm12: oooh they're pushing
Cptasparagus: *blows up the PC after cutting it*
DigitalSeahorse: uhoh
Dandinstorm12: Alex is more canned meat than man now
DigitalSeahorse: what achievement?
niccus: Personal Approach - One fight, four enemies, killed by different weapons
Dandinstorm12: classic
Lysander_salamander: mmm sausage in a bun
Dandinstorm12: the bullets pop out of you
Cptasparagus: that toughbook is tough
Strebenherz: MEAT
Dandinstorm12: these boys need nades lol
Natural_Ones_Only: You are murdering like 50 people, holy crap
Natural_Ones_Only: You just killed a battalion
JadedCynic: Good jub, Alvin York!
DigitalSeahorse: all but the hostage
WetPaperSack: Now I want to see a John Wick movie where he's constantly stuffing his gob full of mystery meat
Dandinstorm12: and slamming vodka
Cptasparagus: @Natural_Ones_Only ones alive so its a decimation I think
JadedCynic: @Cptasparagus the opposite
Dandinstorm12: bread for success
Dandinstorm12: out of gas?
Cptasparagus: now you have a tank!
JadedCynic: didn't have the keys?
Natural_Ones_Only: I think it is, bar's blue
wifi12345678910: They were trying to avoid shooting the soviet science mural
Dandinstorm12: somebody closed the hatch, and Dave had the keys.....
Lysander_salamander: can you use the bodies as like, armor?
Cptasparagus: yeah body armor
WetPaperSack: Stackin' 'em up like cordwood
Natural_Ones_Only: Are you making a pile?
gonna leave a statement out for the survivors? 
Dandinstorm12: the last guy was taking a nap, heard the alarm and went "they'll get it surely"
@Dandinstorm12 please dont call me Shirley 
Lysander_salamander: you can't take the onions?
Lysander_salamander: Sad
DigitalSeahorse: nice drill press
Dandinstorm12: @jacqui_lantern234 ok
ProcyonFlynn: If you're full enough of beer, the bullets can't stay in.
Dandinstorm12: moar stoppin' powah alex
Dandinstorm12: yeet for distancem Kobe for acuracy
Dandinstorm12: *distance and
DigitalSeahorse: hold the phone!
Dandinstorm12: right in the eye
JadedCynic: demonstrating the value of position as a force-multiplier
Dandinstorm12: or concealment
DigitalSeahorse: eep
Dandinstorm12: wow



JadedCynic: 1 > 0

18hr stream
18hr stream 
bleed out moments after taking him down 
Dandinstorm12: mmmmm a pound of sausage
just another Canadian war criminal at his most dangerous: alone. 
Cptasparagus: people meat
Genie_M: Garnir
DigitalSeahorse: soilent?
DigitalSeahorse: soylent*
Dandinstorm12: oops
wifi12345678910: yum
Dandinstorm12: Alex presents "one man kills entire base, a movie."
Strebenherz: was waiting for a piggu to leap out as you said that
Lysander_salamander: do they keep spawning?
Strebenherz: "and your little dog too!" *OINKSCREE*
DigitalSeahorse: so did I
Dandinstorm12: ok chat somebody get a truck we'll make a fortune on discarded AKs
A_Dub888: @Dandinstorm12 Hold up, I moved one and found this pink cat thing underneath
Dandinstorm12: lol
Lysander_salamander: drat
Natural_Ones_Only: Where was the secret entrance?
DigitalSeahorse: they should have made it so you could take the tanks cause there was how to videos since the start of the war
Dandinstorm12: wow
DigitalSeahorse: I concur
Strebenherz: deaded
Lysander_salamander: maybe he was a vendor
DigitalSeahorse: zD
Dandinstorm12: classic
DigitalSeahorse: heheheh
A_Dub888: to be fair, he DID have something
kuudereingly: The rain plinking on the roof is excellent
Dandinstorm12: oooof
DigitalSeahorse: oof
Dandinstorm12: your shins
DigitalSeahorse: F
Natural_Ones_Only: You have killed scores of them, why would they let you leave
Dandinstorm12: sunk cost fallacy demands that you die
JollyGee29: In my experience, enemies will just keep spawning during this mission
DigitalSeahorse: is that a seems like or a definite?
ghyllnox: I'm reading forum posts by frustrated players talking about infinite respawn, so if it's not infinite, it's enough spawning to be cumbersome
JollyGee29: I haven't datamined the game, I killed 30-40 dudes and then decided to leg it
Natural_Ones_Only: Could we not just go back the way we canme?
DigitalSeahorse: consensus seems to point to a heck of a lot of spawn at least
JuniorRoll subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 97 months!
Thanks for subscribing, JuniorRoll! (Today's storm count: 32)
DigitalSeahorse: achieveGET
DigitalSeahorse: maybe they knew you saved so sent in more guys
Gaelan_Maestro subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 44 months, currently on a 35 month streak!
Gaelan_Maestro: huzzah
Thanks for subscribing, Gaelan_Maestro! (Today's storm count: 33)
Natural_Ones_Only: "Since I rose from the dead?"
they just forgot?
Natural_Ones_Only: We were so close to leaving

as long as they keep dropping more rounds of seven-six-two than we spend shooting them, it's a productive experience 
Strebenherz: I tried beating up umbra in oblivion for her sword at level one, greed is a way of life (always ended in yakety sax across the countryside)
DigitalSeahorse: a well?
JadedCynic: fortified venitlator for an underground bunker?
JadedCynic: O RLY?
DigitalSeahorse: really?
Strebenherz: Yarly
JollyGee29: Luckily, there is a bunker with a view here
JadedCynic: blowout soon
DigitalSeahorse: that's a lot of sky colour
Genie_M: Radstorm?
WookieCookie64: Cheeki Breeki, comrade.

Lysander_salamander: oh, blowout!
NotCainNorAbel: what a pretty sunset. It's a sunset right?
Strebenherz: What the bus is this outside
Lysander_salamander: there's a guitar emote?
Lysander_salamander: nice
Strebenherz: Oh my god
virgil82: The fact that you can chill and play guitar as you watch the rad storm is amazing
JadedCynic: playable guitar with chords
DigitalSeahorse: neat

JadedCynic: 11/10 game of the year, no notes.
NotCainNorAbel: anyway...here's wonderwall
JadedCynic: INDEED!!
Strebenherz: AGREE
JadedCynic: just add FLAVOUR
DigitalSeahorse: stuff you can play while at a barrel fire
Cptasparagus: its similar to the one in the last of us 2
JollyGee29: Take a peak out the back window, too
Mai_Andra: a brief cutscene where he plays the "hamster dance" until you escape
Strebenherz: Add a belligerent man with bread
DigitalSeahorse: eeeeeee
DigitalSeahorse: electricity
JadedCynic: that's...a continous arc...
DigitalSeahorse: now I really miss those movies
Lysander_salamander: I miss hamsterdance.
wifi12345678910: What exactly happens if you're outside in an emission
NotCainNorAbel: @JadedCynic yeah, the clouds really hate what ever is at the other end of that
Lysander_salamander: have a good evening! Thanks for playing
Strebenherz: Thank you for streamin
JollyGee29: @wifi12345678910 You continually take massive damage. Once it starts you have about three seconds to get somewhere safe.
DigitalSeahorse: woop
Strebenherz: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Play it Forward (Alex heads into The Zone on Play it Forward. Game: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl) at Mon 10:00 AM PST (12:20 from now).
DigitalSeahorse: !alex
NotCainNorAbel: Thanks for playing
DoodlestheGreat: Well, 10 q 4 strem. c u tomorow.
JadedCynic: @wifi12345678910 Imagine being higher than the grounding point that that continuous arc of electricity was dumping into...
Strebenherz: !patreon
JadedCynic: b'byer future me! o/
JadedCynic: oooo
JadedCynic: 4-player arcade? sounds like X-Men to me...
jamesinor: Hope you have a good rest of your week!
you began your busy week today 
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
cya tomorrow (or sooner on the discord, maybe
JadedCynic: !alex
jamesinor: Talented artist
wifi12345678910: See you tomorrow Alex!

Strebenherz: Spaceshipping is a great comic
JadedCynic: ^^^^
DigitalSeahorse: see you
have a good [diurnal period] everyone! 
Orxolon: g night everyone!
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