Nigouki: She Snork on my Burer until BLOWOUT SOON FELLOW STALKER
Nigouki: er, I mean what's new in the zone
DoodlestheGreat: Yeah, I remember _my_ first beer.
Nigouki: lrrSIG
GasCityGaming: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
TXC2 rushes in
baltimore_667083: morning all
ThrinagaBattleheart: Hewwo
DideRobot: LRR: Play it Forward || S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2: Heart of Chornobyl | Gone fission! | (has image) |
TehAmelie: sup
TXC2: hello baltimore_667083 and ThrinagaBattleheart and TehAmelie welcome
GasCityGaming: "Gone fission" is VERY good btw
TehAmelie: oh yeah
TXC2: Here we GO!
jacqui_lantern234: HAI FRIENDS <3
TXC2: hello jacqui_lantern234 welcome
jacqui_lantern234: reminder that yall are loved <3
Strebenherz: lrrGOAT <3
TXC2: Hello Alex
baltimore_667083: hi jacqui!
baltimore_667083: hi Alex!
TXC2: Alex doing the Clopen
matthaus_c: za monolit!
Genie_M: I remember you leaving recently
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
DigitalSeahorse: PrideLaugh
matthaus_c: begone, seat
DoodlestheGreat: G'mornin' Alex.
RaidenFirewing subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 38 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RaidenFirewing! (Today's storm count: 1)
TXC2: hello DoodlestheGreat and Anubis169 welcome
TheDevil_Risen subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 12 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheDevil_Risen! (Today's storm count: 2)
Cptasparagus: Hi Alex. You have the perfect time slot for this, I'm spending this hour every weekday for a month getting TMS and you make it a lot easier.
WetPaperSack: Da Alex is GROUNDED! We did not install that lamp so you could throw lamp switch raves!
Cptasparagus: They do
ThrinagaBattleheart: Well also you had to dismantle the housing to reload it right?
EricTheOrange: dare you to walk into it and find out
Metric_Furlong: probably nothing worth worrying about
TXC2: ThrinagaBattleheart that was probably a problem with the prototype
gualdhar: So Alex, what's a fun civilian gun you wished you could play around with?
ThrinagaBattleheart: Yeah, agreed. If it actually went into production, maybe that would have been fixed
TheDevil_Risen: depending on the year this is set, wonder if the Vepr-12 will show up
WetPaperSack: There's a pretty good Forgotten Weapons video on it
Metric_Furlong: @gualdhar please do not ship guns to LRR's PO Box Kappa
WetPaperSack: OK, most Forgotten Weapons videos are pretty good.
Metric_Furlong: oh good
gualdhar: @metric_furlong I'd rather not be put on a watch list in this administration
Strebenherz: I'm sorry what alex
LordZarano: Iirc CoD recently had a lawsuit against them from parents of school shooting victims *because* of the use of licensed guns effectively being marketing of real weapons to children
WetPaperSack: They're neat machines despite their purpose
Genie_M: Ooh a Kraz truck?
TreeVor84: Being fascinated by something doesn't mean you fully and blindly support it.
JollyGee29: "The design constraints on the FN P90 are fascinating! Also its entire purpose is murder."
TXC2: it's the same with nukes, fascinating, but terrifying
ThrinagaBattleheart: Enjoy the Zone! I have chiropractor to visit. Hopefully more progress will be made RE: healing mah arm
TXC2: so long ThrinagaBattleheart stay safe
Amentur: Someone shot my bucket SirSad
Strebenherz: A barbaric weapon for a more civilized age or something
Metric_Furlong: it is honestly kind of amazing we survived the cold war
TehAmelie: i often think of xkcd's simple English word for a nuclear bomb
TehAmelie: "machine for burning cities"
TXC2: nice and safe :p
BlueChloroplast: Uhhhhhh
rabbitgta: So simple no one could guess it
Nigouki: look, you can't be too quick to nuke the commies but you can definitely be too slow!
Orannis0: mmm, tastes like cybersecurity having a stroke
gualdhar: So a president could just slam the same button in a panic
DoodlestheGreat: It was when I found out about the Davy Crockett as a child, I knew US nuclear history was bugnuts.
TXC2: the trick is that no one thinks it's zero indexed Kappa
Genie_M: Noone would try it for reals so it's safe enough
Master_Gunner: The requirement for a password to launch was a civilian one that the military didn't like, so the all-zeroes was some malicious compliance.
TXC2: they do, it's in the Urals
TXC2: it's how I learned the opposite of fail-safe is fail deadly :p
theambivalentagender: Ah shit, I left the doomsday machine unplugged again
Strebenherz: How about a nice calming game of Mario party
Metric_Furlong: you ever just think about operation plowshare?
JuneBlue58: Still just absurd to me that the generally accepted solution to the threat of nukes is "let's all have these things" instead of "let's all put these down and not use them".
TheDevil_Risen: is there coocoos or am i having a stroke?
Strebenherz: Mineshaft gap?
TXC2: TheDevil_Risen there is
Strebenherz: @thedevil_risen yes
TheDevil_Risen: ok thanks
TheDevil_Risen: not imagining it
Genie_M: Start 1 and 2
TXC2: Strebenherz to survive nuclear war, US needs to build mineshafts to live in
TheDevil_Risen: oh in some good news @TXC2 my boss's boss who never sticks his neck out has stuck their neck out for me
TheDevil_Risen: and gotten a stay of execution on my redundancy
TXC2: TheDevil_Risen lets fucking go!
GasCityGaming: That's awesome!
Strebenherz: Congratulations devil, good luck!
JuneBlue58: Humanity is good, it's just that the worst of us are extremely visible and making most of the big decisions.
TheDevil_Risen: so, just have to wait to see if i get interviewed for the internal positions ive applied to, though the team leds involved know me well so hopefully P&C can pull their finger out and make it happen :)
rabbitgta: I can't recall the specifics, but I remember a secret study of radiation poising where they built a residential building with known tainted steel that radiate the residents
TheDevil_Risen: thanks all <3
gualdhar: But we keep fucking ourselves faster than we unlucky ourselves
Strebenherz: Like that cave painting of the guy with their head in their hands
Genie_M: Over a long timescale we're very probably extinct, but that's not really something for perspective
rabbitgta: It takes a lot of energy to be angry all the time
TXC2: rabbitgta it sure does :p
jacqui_lantern234: yeah, im with yo on that, alex. despite all the shit flinging, there is always hope
jessieimproved: Joy is a radical act and totally punk
Metric_Furlong: somewhat relatedly, it is worth noting that our current species of humans have existed for ~250k years, and 'all of recorded history' is about the last 5k of that, if that
TXC2: jessieimproved damn right
TheDevil_Risen: haha yeah, limited shitposting is fun, generalised anger at everything isn't healthy
PsychoI3oy: I have some 250MB zip disks in a box somewhere
TheMerricat: “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference” - valid even if you don't believe in god.
morbis237: This Khorne Berzerker I'm painting disagrees, angy all the time
TheDevil_Risen: that reminds me i have to grind my grandad's hammer again
TXC2: morbis237 the cost of having wires in your brain
Genie_M: I have an old Soviet made drill - living in the eastern bloc that's not too surprising
TheDevil_Risen: and give it an oil bath
PsychoI3oy: i mean, american stuff from the cold war was a lot better than most of today's tools
Riiiiiiis: Not all old tools were better quality, the bad quality ones have just not survived
PsychoI3oy: true
TheDevil_Risen: or be like me, watch the torque test channel and go off their spreadsheets
LordZarano: To an extent that's also survivorship bias. All the bad quality tools that were made in the past already broke and got thrown away
Riiiiiiis: @LordZarano twinzies
baltimore_667083: that is correct
gualdhar: Granger is in the US too
Natimus_Prime: Things used to be built to last 50 years with little to no maintenance, because there was the small chance there might not be any industry left and we would need things to rebuild.
LordZarano: @Riiiiiiis *high five*
Strebenherz: Granger is, as far as Missouri at least
TXC2: on the one hand, survivorship bias is real, on the other, the capitalistic decline in quality is real
jacqui_lantern234: also ULine is SUPER transphobic a company :P
rabbitgta: @thedevil_risen yeah they seem to do the testing well too, so it doesn't feel like they are shilling
PsychoI3oy: but don't buy snapon, they're WAY overpriced
PsychoI3oy: unless it's used
PsychoI3oy: oh, the tools are good, the prices are absurd
DoodlestheGreat: @jacqui_lantern234 And super racist and sexist, too. A trifecta.
Strebenherz: @jacqui_lantern234 good to know NotLikeThis
PsychoI3oy: and you can get 90% as good tools for 1/4 the price
Riiiiiiis: I found out how to calibrate (actually adjust) my old caliper the other day
PsychoI3oy: between Project Farm and Torque Test Chanel... I have opinions... but my last tool purchase was at harbor freight
LordZarano: TorqueTestChannel on YouTube is EXTREMELY good for knowing what's good. They actually test stuff in a consistent and scientific way
jacqui_lantern234: @Strebenherz yeah, i know. i wish i could justify using their stuff, cause its genuinely good supplies for a reasonable price, but they do a lot of harm to this world
jacqui_lantern234: @DoodlestheGreat the hand-in-hand nature :P
rabbitgta: Harbor freight Also has a decent warranty policy too
PsychoI3oy: hehehe power fist
baltimore_667083: good ol’ harbor farbor
DigitalSeahorse: PrideLaugh
jacqui_lantern234: @PsychoI3oy me, glancing over to my PowerFist tool bag: ehehehehehehe
Genie_M: Very Fallout of them
gualdhar: Power Fist (TM) branded sex toys, anyone?
rabbitgta: When normal fist won't cut it better use a power fist
jacqui_lantern234: :O SO WEE
DoodlestheGreat: Harbor freight is perfect for the times you need to buy a special tool but don't know if you'll need it long term.
PsychoI3oy: oh man, Alec Steele got some welders off Amazon and one was tiny like that
WetPaperSack: The Harbor Fraught isn't where I would go for top quality. But if you need something that will do the job once quick and on the cheap, there's probably no better place.
TheAwkes: Sounds similar to the kind of stick welder offroaders like to install in their trucks that run off the alternator.
TXC2: regular green storm
Riiiiiiis: @PsychoI3oy Woow, I saw a lot of his videos some years ago, but when he moved to the US for some reason he just fell off my radar
rabbitgta: Stick welding it like 80% grinding and cleaning
PsychoI3oy: Riiiiiiis, oh he moved back to the UK like 3 years ago; Will has his own channel (and moved into Alec's US shop after a while)
TXC2: Plasma welding: por que no los dos?
NoxStryx subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 71 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, NoxStryx! (Today's storm count: 3)
TacitusVigil: No chance you can't burn the dirt off with another gas welder?
Strebenherz: Oh no
rabbitgta: Don't use brake cleaner with ammonia in it to clean your welding parts
PsychoI3oy: the internet suggests 70% rubbing alcohol; avoid spray cleaners like carb/brake cleaner
Strebenherz: Jfc
jacqui_lantern234: O.o
jessieimproved: A lot of car youtubers have found out about galvanized welding the hard way
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunCarp
gualdhar: Oh, only maybe, that's comforting
Nigouki: what does the PDA say? find cover?
Nigouki: is it just me or did they add the Bloodsucker tackle as a kind of first warning?
TheDevil_Risen: sergeGG lrrAWESOME lrrSHINE
rabbitgta: FBtouchdown SeemsGood
DoodlestheGreat: We live HERE now.
TXC2: so the one thing worse then welding galvanised steel is fighting a bloodsucker during a blowout :p
Master_Gunner: just little a chemical warfare, as a treat
PsychoI3oy: i mean, chloronated brake cleaner is kinda to be avoided anyway
Strebenherz: Into what gas?!
PsychoI3oy: phosgene
gualdhar: It's funny how chlorine makes the weirdest chemical weapons
Genie_M: And now being a war crime
TheDevil_Risen: lrrALEX unarmeGameplay
BlueChloroplast: PrideLaugh
TXC2: sniffs "hmm, fresh mown grass, like being on the farm" dies
DigitalSeahorse: new moan hay?
GasCityGaming: Some kid who grew up working in a lab one day was brought some unexpected nostalgia
GasCityGaming: who grew up on a farm
Genie_M: Sarin is WW2
Nigouki: iirc WWI was mostly chemical irritants and direct flesh melting and it wasn't until just before WWII that we got to the nerve gas shenanigans
Genie_M: Never used during but was created
Nigouki: oh yeah the binary sprays as a "prank"
Nigouki: North Korea be fucked up
baltimore_667083: oh I remember hearing about that
TXC2: wasn't this Kim Jong Un's brother (that got killed)?
Nigouki: yeah it was one of the ruling family that wasn't welcome anymore
TheDevil_Risen: F
TheDevil_Risen: jlrrFall
TXC2: I mean north Korea will kidnap movie directors, so maybe :p
rabbitgta: Fell down
jacqui_lantern234: oh no D:
DoodlestheGreat: Oopsie.
TheDevil_Risen: least u can take ammo now
TheDevil_Risen: :)
Soul1355: classic stalker experience
WetPaperSack: At least you can sort out your MP5 ammo
TXC2: maybe sleep the blowout off
WetPaperSack: That sale didn't actually happen
goombalax: right the ricin umbrella
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunBean voxlunBean
Eklinaar: You can buy a taser disguised as an umbrella on Amazon.
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunBabhed
Strebenherz: I'm sorry, beans?
Strebenherz: What
TXC2: the chair that had a spike come up the seat
TXC2: that was real
BlueChloroplast: Castor beans are the heart affecting ones
jacqui_lantern234: yeah, ricin is terrifying
jacqui_lantern234: oh no D:
SymphonySolstice: my irrational chemical fear is phosphorous
Nigouki: the maid came by, picked up the guns thrown on the floor like towels
Strebenherz: The post office has many warnings and instructions for if there is a mercury spill
theambivalentagender: I'm terrified of accidentally mixing vinegar and bleach whenever I clean anything
SymphonySolstice: air I believe
DigitalSeahorse: eek
SymphonySolstice: YUP
SymphonySolstice: don't like that one
Genie_M: White phosphor ignites on air yeah
BlueChloroplast: I thought it was ammonia and bleach, not vinegar
Soul1355: most reactive of the stable ones anyway
SymphonySolstice: yeah, going down the table = more reactive
Angnor33: sodium, lithium, potassium, all that column.
roseofloki: Francium is the most reactive, I believe
TXC2: Francium, but that's barely real
Eklinaar: My science teacher in high school dropped a bunch of them in water for us, big explosions, it was fun
roseofloki: if I remember my Periodic table
theambivalentagender: @BlueChloroplast I've always heard it's vinegar and bleach
Soul1355: that makes mustard gas. speaking of war crimes
LordZarano: Rubidium is the most reactive. Actually more reactive than Francium due to weird nuclear & relativistic effects
roseofloki: I can still remember my high school chemistry teacher cranking on the lid of an ancient jar of Sodium tabs and the friction on the lid literally sparked
TXC2: LordZarano neat!
theambivalentagender: I really like ChubbyEmu's videos when he goes into the organic chemical reactions behind horrible accidents that happen to humans.
goombalax: I'll ship you some river water from back home so you can have a uranium sample
LordZarano: @LordZarano Nope, I misremembered the order. It's Caesium
Nigouki: the artifact search tickles the gambling addict part of the brain that keeps you coming back and way too deep
Genie_M: Whomp
NapalmSideburns: close but no NYOUP!
DigitalSeahorse: digita435Raveduck
PsychoI3oy: 🤏 👀
Nigouki: "It's juuuuuuust right there! I CAN get it!!"
BlueChloroplast: So zoop = hurty?
TXC2: I kinda want a stalker game where blowouts made the anomalies move
TXC2: BlueChloroplast yes
DigitalSeahorse: digita435Duck1 duck
Nigouki: FROG!
TXC2: good name Kappa
JuneBlue58: I think a lot of them are called that.
PsychoI3oy: ah yes, my favorite anomly: "WhatTheFuckIsThat"
Nigouki: it's going to the moon!
goombalax: Froge!
TXC2: !clips
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
Genie_M: Levitating froggy
TheDevil_Risen: poor frog
Gizmoloid: did you snuggle an anomaly?
NapalmSideburns: that frog is having a ribbiting experience!
WetPaperSack: They're turning the frogs into birds!
DigitalSeahorse: digita435Octo
DigitalSeahorse: they're turning the frogs gay
DigitalSeahorse: ""
TheDevil_Risen: dont forget the angry dude
WetPaperSack: You hope
Genie_M: Let them have their fun
NapalmSideburns: late night kielbasa
schordash: ShowLove100 ShowLove100 wanted to say i find your streams so fun and interesting! your PIT of this game has unironically been a comfort stream for me. thanks, mate o7
WetPaperSack: Weird place for a patrol, but whatever
DigitalSeahorse: digita435LOVE digita435LOVE digita435LOVE
TheDevil_Risen: hahaha
Strebenherz: Thank you for what you do
schordash: ahh~ it’s working for this corner of the internet then n - n
TXC2: Care bear stare the Fascism away
WetPaperSack: Maybe they were after the artifact you got
TinkerTezz: You do it well ^_^
BlueChloroplast: Are we throwing bolts?
JuneBlue58: Yup. Throwing bolts.
TXC2: BlueChloroplast yeap, to trigger anomalies
BlueChloroplast: Cool
TXC2: 3rd is location
Genie_M: Throwing bolts is kind of grandfathered into the games from the original book
Genie_M: I know most of these vehicles personally
gualdhar: Oh yeah, petroleum congeals over time
Sacrenos: ow yea, never let a car sit for long with half a tank of gas, it will go bad.
TXC2: oh yeah, it lasts like 6 months :p
Genie_M: Which is a fun thing to know for Mad Max movies
TacitusVigil: I only learned petroleum expires because of Back to the Future III
TXC2: also oil has taste, and Sweet crude is not a metaphor
WetPaperSack: I advise not trying to take the express down the ground floor this time.
Riiiiiiis: Hmm, is petroleum and gasoline the same ?
Inari_Kitsune subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 42 months!
Inari_Kitsune: Finally 42!! Hooray!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Inari_Kitsune! (Today's storm count: 4)
TXC2: Riiiiiiis for the most part yes
gualdhar: @txc2 how do you know? Are you a gas vampire?
goombalax: different levels of refinement
TXC2: gualdhar no, but others are
Riiiiiiis: remove one side of the fire triangle
goombalax: !card gas guzzler
LRRbot: Gas Guzzler [B] | Creature — Vampire Rogue [2/1] | Start your engines! / This creature enters tapped. / Max speed — {B}, Sacrifice another creature or Vehicle: Draw a card.
TheAwkes: With explosives, like a candle.
Genie_M: Or using jet engines fixed on trucks actually
TacitusVigil: So, a Tesla? Kappa
DigitalSeahorse: aww teddy
WetPaperSack: At least Teddy there has decent cover
Gizmoloid: we talking about Sorcerer?
TXC2: if you've seen the Mr Plow episode of the Simpsons, you've seen parts of Wages of fear
TacitusVigil: The scene on the side of the mountain? Neat.
DoodlestheGreat: There's several systems used to shut off oil fires these days.
Coloneljesus: that's not good
TXC2: yeah nitro sweats
Gizmoloid: oh boy
tyrsredritehand: nitro
Genie_M: Nitroglycerin goes boom when hit
PsychoI3oy: nitroglycerin goes boom when looked at funny
tyrsredritehand: Shock sensitive.
Genie_M: And used in medicine 😁
TXC2: nitrogen doesn't like being anything other then nitrogen :p
TacitusVigil: Shelf-stable nitro! Perfect for an MRE/IMP!
DigitalSeahorse: algae I think
brieandbacon: @TXC2 sometimes it can be a dye
LordZarano: "Diatomaceous earth consists of the fossilized remains of diatoms, a type of hard-shelled microalgae"
KilrenKrae subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 103 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, KilrenKrae! (Today's storm count: 5)
DigitalSeahorse: diatoms yep
DigitalSeahorse: diatoms look super cool magnified
theambivalentagender: I know diatamacious earth because my family would spread it around our garden to kill snails and stuff
Gizmoloid: reminds me how people still sometimes find some crazy old dynamite on their property, without knowing what it is and then other people are freaking out that theyyl handled it and nothing went off
LidofLoathing: there was an episode of Lost that had a guy explode because of that
DigitalSeahorse: diatom earth also kills fleas and other smol bugs
Inari_Kitsune: I have a deep love and respect for Diatomaceous Earth. In Arizona you put a line of it by your doors that go outside. Scorpions die when they pass through it.
Coloneljesus: oopsthatsdeadly is great
TXC2: the first kinds of smokeless powder also did that, while also being corrosive :p
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
schordash: BangbooBounce
TacitusVigil: Make sure to rotate your dynamite! I mean body. And fluids.
Singenmeister: Let's rotate those cushions
Riiiiiiis: @Inari_Kitsune I must say that I really like living in the cold north, where we have almost no creepy crawlies
Inari_Kitsune: @riiiiiiis I happily moved away from there 2 years ago. So happy to not be near scorpions anymore.
tyrsredritehand: The story that blows my mind is Fritz Haber and the Haber nitrification process. He was a German chemist that figured out how to pull nitrogen from the atmosphere and make fertilizer or high explosives.
A_Dub888: Hello, how's the Zone today stalkers?
Inari_Kitsune: And 120° summers. Arizona summers are miserable
TXC2: hello A_Dub888 welcome
TXC2: and we're back
Genie_M: Glass is heavy
Genie_M: It's made in most countries starting in Ukraine and going east
TXC2: bead bear = larger ?
calculated_uncertainties: dinner beer rather than drinking vodka
Marvoleath: Kwas, yea, which means "acid", it's a soft drink though
Marvoleath: slav cola :D
JuneBlue58: Mildly alcoholic soft drink.
jacqui_lantern234: i have the brew equipment, just need the ingredients
Marvoleath: 0,7−2,2% alcohol, which is about 0% for slav reality
JuneBlue58: Your last main quest thing did indicate you'd need to head to Garbage next.
Marvoleath: I guess the closest would be kombucha
TXC2: getting the right yeast is the main issue I suspect
Genie_M: Yeasted bread and sugar and water
jacqui_lantern234: @TXC2 yeah, the only yeast i have is wine yeast
Gizmoloid: kvas is weird - most of store bought stuff is closer to cola in taste, but the genuine thing is very obviously fermented
TheAwkes: It's mission gated. When you get sent to the north checkpoint as part of your story mission that's when you can go hog wild exploring.
A_Dub888: @JuneBlue58 How'd waifus get in the Zone?
PsychoI3oy: 7.62x54r
TXC2: the fedarov ?
Gizmoloid: yeah kombucha can be quite close to proper kwas taste
Nigouki: Tokarev had an auto-loader, right?
TXC2: you got A key last stream yes
Genie_M: The rain sounds on the metal roofing is incredible
Nigouki: what's the main mission marker? the key?
JuneBlue58: When you get to the store and realise you forgot your wallet.
TheAwkes: I went straight to the Cordon at this point. It was like coming home.
CaptainSpam: Chungus malungus. Dingus patingus. Papas gatito.
TXC2: if it's a quest item one would hope it cound't be sold
Genie_M: Where am key?
Nigouki: who did you have to talk to to get the key? the camp leader guy?
CaptainSpam: Wuh oh.
JadedCynic: man, what a time to step in late ;)
TXC2: what's the name of the mission?
accountmadeforants: @jacqui_lantern234 Apparently you can use whey to make the starter, as well. (Or sourdough starter)
roseofloki: SAVED!
TXC2: accountmadeforants ah neat
BlueChloroplast: Yaaaay!
JuneBlue58: Gaffer has just been sitting there waiting to give you the key the whole time.
Genie_M: Now save
JadedCynic: yay! I was here to see a crisis averted
Strebenherz: Alex have you saved recently?
CaptainSpam: Sometimes the Eurojank is Eurojanky.
DeM0nFiRe: Dude looks like he has a headache
Strebenherz: AMAZING
JadedCynic: "I'm of two minds about helping you..." LUL
WetPaperSack: Such is life in the zone
JadedCynic: 10/10 GOTY - no notes
TXC2: lets go!
Genie_M: He eats two little bits form that can - what a waste
TXC2: twitch is not liking this greenery I can tell you :p
Nigouki: oh hey because we forgot the key we now get to travel in sunlight :V
Natimus_Prime: Dogs have control of their eyebrows and the ability to emote, and wolves do not. Evolution is neat
accountmadeforants: Lovely view
JadedCynic: "got a beautfiul view of an anomaly out my kitchen window" :D
TXC2: I was thinking that was gonna be a teleport
A_Dub888: @Natimus_Prime you're neat
BlueChloroplast: Oh dear
Nigouki: were we supposed ot start that fight?
Juliamon: Which will kill us first, assholes or anomalies
JadedCynic: yes
JuneBlue58: Dead men.
Nigouki: well, they dead pricks now
JadedCynic: some...there's at least 2 more moving around
TehAmelie: what if. . .the assholes are anomalies?
TehAmelie: anomaholes, if you will
JadedCynic: @TehAmelie I would assert that "the anomalies are assholes"
JadedCynic: assomalies?
Marvoleath: @TehAmelie sadly, being an a-hole is not much of an anomaly :/
JadedCynic: ^^^^
Zael250 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 93 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Zael250! (Today's storm count: 6)
TXC2: backy diggems
A_Dub888: @JadedCynic anomalassholes
JadedCynic: "all anomalies are assholes, but not all all assholes are anomalies" :)
JadedCynic: "lol YOLO - amirite, followers?"
TXC2: well I hope those instagramers enjoy their cancer in 20 years :p
JuneBlue58: I've never understood Instagram influencers, and that didn't help.
TehAmelie: when not drinking enough vodka is your big regret
JadedCynic: when the pursuit for 'the viral picture/video' supersedes self-preservation
Marvoleath: But they get to leave forever in their fame /s
JuneBlue58: At least the Russian soldiers sent in there had no idea where they were or what happened there. Knowingly going into the exclusion zone is something else entirely.
Marvoleath: live forever*
JadedCynic: @JuneBlue58 we had a term for them in my day: Attention Whores (which is really unfair to saddle sex workers in the same group as them)
TacitusVigil: Influencer: celebrity without the celebrity.
JadedCynic: @TacitusVigil exactly
JuneBlue58: @Marvoleath You were right the first time.
Genie_M: Oooh
JadedCynic: tacticool shortgun
Juliamon: it's not about how it looks, it's about what it does
Nigouki: fuken counterstrike camo skin
DaxStrife: Was this shotgun left by an influencer too?
TXC2: sporterized!
JadedCynic: is the butt olive green or gilded?
WetPaperSack: The pattern stinks, but if she fires true it's livable
TehAmelie: i think i liked influencers more when they were called guerilla marketers and no one could prove they were really paid
JadedCynic: @DaxStrife I would not rule it out...
A_Dub888: @JadedCynic porque no los dos?
TacitusVigil: Wouldn't the keychains make unnecessary noise in the field?
TXC2: TacitusVigil sure world
TXC2: *would
TXC2: it's a T72 of some kind
JadedCynic: 72?
JadedCynic: lower profile than the 64
A_Dub888: what happened to the other 71? lrrBEEJ
Juliamon: These aren't *really* dogs
Nigouki: meanwhile, Cameron is watching this and fistpumping
Aenir798: It's okay I'm a cat person
TacitusVigil: Russian autoloader auto loads turret upside down onto chassis!
TXC2: A_Dub888 we didn't need new tanks those years
DeM0nFiRe: 👍
JadedCynic: okay, we get the wrap peeled off when we're next visting lens, but it's a keeper
JuneBlue58: Tank reddit seems to think T-64.
WetPaperSack: Dev photo?
Strebenherz: Game devs please don't make dogs that try and bite my nads off then whine like puppies
JadedCynic: just some dude giving the camera a thumbs up
Bluealien047: Alex, I know you won't see this but I love your art 💗
TheAwkes: There's little photos like that all over the game.
Nigouki: loosy goosy scroll wheel?
JadedCynic: :D
A_Dub888: Next time on TTSF...
TXC2: I'm gonna assume it's one of the devs/ friend of the devs who are no longer with us
TehAmelie: if you just number your tank models sequentially, that could give free information to the enemy
5 raiders from Vex_Composure have joined!
gualdhar: yeah, time for Ian to play with the mouse
TXC2: hello Raiders
DaxStrife: You make very good comics.
JinxedPixie88: RAIDING PARTY
Vex_Composure: Ayo yall. How goes the stalkin? ch3llxWaves
TheDanaMaster: captmu2HI
TXC2: it goes well, we're finally in the cordan
Marvoleath: @TehAmelie the trick is to name them in order and then just skip a number or two from time to time lrrBEEJ
A_Dub888: lively little bugger
Bluealien047: Comic-book artist!🥰 please buy Space-shipping everyone!
Marvoleath: !alex
LRRbot: Alex’s Varied Creations ~ Website: | Home stream: | Patreon:
Vex_Composure: Glad to see Alex lovin hating this as much as the first LUL
TehAmelie: i has a bucket
JadedCynic: go away geists!
TXC2: the trick with naming things sequentially is that by the time you're naming it, the enemy has know about it for 5 years :p
TheAinMAP: mattlrFine
Nigouki: oh wow, a monster that traps you with geometry
Nigouki: truly evil
rogacz20: Hey, how far into the game are you :)
rogacz20: ?
TehAmelie: do the blue shells do something special by the way?
Nigouki: we just left the first area
Amentur: @rogacz20 Alex just left the Lesser Zone
TehAmelie: [Mario Kart joke]
A_Dub888: @TehAmelie Home in on the leader lrrBEEJ
TXC2: remember: higher gauge = smaller shell
rogacz20: Oh, I guess thats just the beginning. Great adventure awaits you. Just be aware that this is a very long game imo :D
TehAmelie: funky
JadedCynic: green
Marvoleath: different flavors :)
TXC2: high brass is higher pressure?
JadedCynic: I mean, if you load your own shells, you might color-code them - birdshot vs buckshot vs slug, but again, that'd only apply to YOUR shells.
Nigouki: can we have you suit?
GedankenPalast_: Ahhh shux...I missd 2 hours of this because I watched the vod :D
TXC2: me thinks this is Freedom
s_t_a_l_k_e_r_ll: loot the boxes, green and med's
TehAmelie: is that a one liter can of energy drink called Non Stop? seems fangerous
JadedCynic: @TXC2 ...or what Freedom evolved into?
TehAmelie: dangerous too
TXC2: JadedCynic indeed
roseofloki: anyone else find Russian to be a very pretty language to listen to?
rogacz20: Oh so I suppose youv'e played the prequel games ?
JadedCynic: @roseofloki Wanda did ;)
GedankenPalast_: Alex, did you figure out that you can turn on the flashlight with a click of your mouse wheel? Because in the Vod I see you reaching for L a lot.
Thisbymaster: the reason is, you are expendable
Nigouki: this is Ukranian, they took out the Russian due to Current Events
roseofloki: @Nigouki oh neat!
rogacz20: Nice, whats the best one for you? The prequels
roseofloki: I guess I just enjoy the phonetic sounds of Slavic languages in general
TXC2: rogacz20 call of Pripyat
TheAwkes: He did just tell you to take his gun.
JadedCynic: Star: "Did we hire Link?"
CaptainSpam: I mean, he said to take the gun.
Genie_M: "eh, stalkers"
TXC2: don't kink shame Alex Kappa
JuneBlue58: It's like Skyrim. Once you're friends you can just take low value items.
roseofloki: Just like we all do to Doc Mitchel's house in New Vegas
rogacz20: Good choice - CoP is the most "flushed" upon release imo
Thisbymaster: like when I have a meeting with my boss and just start going through the filing cabnets.
JadedCynic: well, it's sellable...
JadedCynic: PEROGI???
Natimus_Prime: You're a protagonist, presumably with spiky candy-colored hair. Everyone just lets you do what you want because they know you're the most important person here
Steelwolf171: I like to think Stalkers are expected to take anything that's not nailed down so everyone's just used to it
Marvoleath: @roseofloki there is a reason we call the eastern slavic accent "zaśpiew" which has a close meaning to "to sing"
CaptainSpam: Hot damn, those DO look like perogi! ...or, I guess, a lot of dumpling-like things look like perogi. :D
JadedCynic: yeah, true
rogacz20: @Marvoleath you're Polish?
JadedCynic: I mean...
CaptainSpam: Seems like just about every culture on the planet has developed something like the dumpling.
buhlian22 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 36 months, currently on a 3 month streak!
buhlian22: stalkin'
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, buhlian22! (Today's storm count: 7)
JadedCynic: technically, but...
TXC2: every culture makes bread, beer and perogi
Marvoleath: @rogacz20 I grew up in Poland, yea
rogacz20: Dissagree with pierogi :D
Genie_M: If that is your closest connection
TehAmelie: i like to think we Swedes invented the ugliest dumpling. you can look up "kroppkaka"
JadedCynic: bread, beer, projectile weapons and 'food pockets'
rogacz20: That every culture io n earth does their version of piergi - im not so sure about that :D
JadedCynic: THANK YOU, alex
rogacz20: Thats a good point, aggreed
Thisbymaster: a version of bread with stuff in it
TacitusVigil: Every space faring civilization has their own version of Swedish meatballs
Genie_M: Do you think they know they have a fire mutant thingy in their basement?
gualdhar: portable meat in starch is everywhere
JadedCynic: it's just that @TXC2 is taking the step of 'naming the category after the best iteration of it' :)
TehAmelie: the Earl of Sandwich did his part too
Juliamon: yeah it's the same 'ch' as 'Chanukah'
rogacz20: That is a random spawn, wasnt it?
Inari_Kitsune: I'm a fan of all of them I've had so far. Samosas are great!
Marvoleath: yea, the concept seems straight forward, put meat or veggies in starch and wrap it around so you can cook it
JadedCynic: ♫ Well, I never drew first, but I drew first blood ♫ :D
schordash: LUL
BlueChloroplast: The only Persian dumplings are made by Persian Jews, the majority do not have a dumpling
TXC2: JadedCynic exactly, it's like how Biro means pen now Kappa
Orannis0: It still counts as stealth if there are no survivors
Genie_M: Cook, then easy to store and transport
TXC2: grenades: the super bolt
rogacz20: I wonder what would happen if you threw a nade into the teleport anomaly
Genie_M: I wonder if they are hindered by the darkness
TheAwkes: Weren't you still cooperating with Ward? These guys look like they're in Ward uniforms.
JadedCynic: @rogacz20 "I shot an arrow, into the air. It came back down, I know not where" :D
CaptainSpam: But today was supposed to be a good day! You don't bring your AK to that!
TacitusVigil: Once ze rockets go up who cares where zhe come down.
JadedCynic: that's new ppl
Marvoleath: reinforcements?
malsareus: perhaps they're friendly
Marvoleath: for you or for them?
JadedCynic: other faction attracted by the noise?
TXC2: hngngng
TXC2: vowels are overrated Kappa
JadedCynic: @malsareus to us in particular, or just well-disposed to everyone in general?
malsareus: it's nice of them to warn about the grenades
A_Dub888: @TXC2 vwls r vrtd
Genie_M: So many red triangles
malsareus: so I'd say friendly in general
JuneBlue58: It is nice of them to yell out every time they throw a grenade so you know to scoot out of the way.
schordash: GivePLZ 🥟
TehAmelie: the baddies seem to see you way too clearly
TXC2: A_Dub888 xctly
malsareus: we brought a knife to a gunfight and won
JadedCynic: cqc
Thisbymaster: the darkness is like soup
TehAmelie: is the healing stuff steroids? oh well we probably don't have to worry about long term health problems
Thisbymaster: long term doesn't happen in the zone
ThatOverkillGuy: @Thisbymaster why are you buying your darkness at the soup store
Marvoleath: Is this a shoot first, ask later kind of game? Or can you mess up your playthrough by shooting the wrong faction?
Thisbymaster: human vacuumcleaner?
JadedCynic: factions, story, etc.
malsareus: you're a loot gremlin
Juliamon: you're your own faction
JadedCynic: alex is just a tourist Kappa
Genie_M: No politics, just guns
TacitusVigil: Team Discovery Channel!
schordash: “i’m just here for the experience” is a wonderful faction xD
JadedCynic: you don't have to worry about politics when every mob is a target :)
TacitusVigil: I'm just here to make some friends, get some exercise...maybe shoot a bandit or two.
TheAwkes: Something intersting/annoying about shotguns in this is how lopsided they are. In the hands of an enemy at longer ranges all they need to do is injure you to be a problem, but at those same ranges only being able to injure an enemy is a huge drawback compared to being able to kill them.
TXC2: TacitusVigil or 200 :P
Marvoleath: was he called something bro"?
TacitusVigil: @TXC2 :D
JadedCynic: !!!
malsareus: that man had beef
Marvoleath: shotgun is the one with a 90* V spread, right? :P
ParanoidRabbit: Real shotguns are used to hunt birds :D
JadedCynic: he looked in EVERY direction but where you WERE :D
TacitusVigil: Have you ever played any shooters with more realistic shotguns?
JadedCynic: and the first guy walked right into your headlamps light cone...
CaptainSpam: I've always had some mild logistical issues with taking armor off of dead opponents, as it clearly didn't help THEM...
TehAmelie: the Delta Force series had its moments as i recall
Thisbymaster: if shotguns had the spread they normally have in video games you could hit anything
JollyGee29: That bullpup you picked up is a Ukrainian TAR-21, basically
TheAwkes: I think Tar5kov is supposed to simulate them well, but that level of simulation is their whole shtick.
Juliamon: CaptainSpam Armor doesn't protect from a headshot
CaptainSpam: @Juliamon Fair enough.
JadedCynic: @CaptainSpam yeah, I do like games that either don't let you (their armor has been ruined) or just give you worn YOUR bullets :D
SnyperWoIf: Alex fall down?
TehAmelie: we can always throw bolts at them eh
Thisbymaster: I just realised the ammo counter is covered by the steam label
JadedCynic: @Thisbymaster ...including yourself
TXC2: when are we getting NODs ? :p
JadedCynic: well, you wear one...they just forget to turn theirs off :)
JadedCynic: I think you got in with the second shot
ThatOverkillGuy: alex made boom boom
SnyperWoIf: @ThatOverkillGuy Did not know it was that sort of stream!
ThatOverkillGuy: @SnyperWoIf its always that kind of stream
JadedCynic: I think the game is doing a good job, if you're edgy and paranoid and never quite sure if 'that was the last one?"
SnyperWoIf: Wait, should I be leaving my ammo in random open boxes like these mooks?
JadedCynic: Alex Steacy - not first pick for hostage rescue team ;)
TXC2: SnyperWoIf no, these guys are idiots :p
schordash: GoldPLZ exp and munnie plz
TehAmelie: don't your estus refresh when you clear an encounter?
JadedCynic: CHEEZ StinkyCheese
TehAmelie: wait wrong game
JadedCynic: try turning off your light?
JadedCynic: the water isn't reflecting the moonlight coming in through the doorway
SnyperWoIf: water and ice reflections?
JadedCynic: assuming ray tracing is off? ;)
Lysander_salamander: hello everyone
TXC2: hello Lysander_salamander welcome
JadedCynic: hey - we have a reason to loot the heck outta this place, we're looking for Nestor's archival documents
JadedCynic: VOG-25? That implies... <3
TXC2: vogs you say?
SnyperWoIf: new gun day!?!
JadedCynic: (hopefully) we'll be getting a new toy to play with...
Thisbymaster: why do some container open the inventory and other demand to be smashed
Marvoleath: I love how efficient the knife-opening is for the boxes, kinda like that one guy I knew, who used to open wine bottles with a knife as a party trick
JadedCynic: it HARDER for you, yeah
JadedCynic: do what's best for YOU <3
Thisbymaster: Brightness, Yes
SnyperWoIf: I mean, it's dim on my screen as well
SnyperWoIf: 100% contrast?
TXC2: gotta have high gamma, for lore reasons
DigitalSeahorse: better
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
Genie_M: There's a brightness setting too
TXC2: what's this everyone kemosabe ?
malsareus: just standing there with a gun aimed, waiting for him to turn
Genie_M: But gamma is better
TehAmelie: i wonder why the game doesn't make any deal of cranking up screen gamma rays
Steelwolf171: Responds in Mutant "Nah, you're good"
JadedCynic: @malsareus we never shoot first, but we always shoot last...
TXC2: maybe the gun for that ammo is upcoming?
JadedCynic: drink up!
DaxStrife: Oh no it fell under the truck
s_t_a_l_k_e_r_ll: rather than lose your loot, maybe stash it and mark it on the map for later, u might need it
CaptainSpam: Curse you, physics engine!
JadedCynic: clipping? :(
JadedCynic: reload a save?
TehAmelie: clearly we'll have to shoot at the box to move it
malsareus: the void claims its due
JollyGee29: Dropping stuff does seem to mess up some times. Like it falls through the world or something
DeM0nFiRe: "Region: Garbage" Wait it's not wednesday 🤔
magicmusicjb: oh crap, haven't been on a lrr live stream in a very long time. I plan to resubscribe as soon as i'm financially able.
JadedCynic: @JollyGee29 'eurojank' we refer to the physics engine...glitches :)
DeM0nFiRe: lrrFINE
JadedCynic: lrrFINE
CaptainSpam: lrrFINE
ThatOverkillGuy: its the dick cutting man
DaxStrife: Uh, physics collision?
ThatOverkillGuy: hes coming
DaxStrife: (I hope)
JadedCynic: hivemind high-five, @DeM0nFiRe o/\o
Transmuted_Elf: wariors come out to plaaaaay
malsareus: sounds friendly
Genie_M: Puppy
malsareus: maybe they want a hug
TXC2: magicmusicjb don't worry, there's no pressure lrrHEART
JadedCynic: @Transmuted_Elf dammit now I can't get shirtless Serge outta my head :D
Marvoleath: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
SnyperWoIf: gimme a big hug!
DeM0nFiRe: @JadedCynic LUL
magicmusicjb: is this play it forward or lets nope hahahah
Transmuted_Elf: @JadedCynic WHAT?!?! this is LRR history im unaware of
Nigouki: well shit, it does look identical
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to magicmusicjb! They have given 2974 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, magicmusicjb! (Today's storm count: 8)
Genie_M: Been here in a previous life?
SnyperWoIf: What's wrong with Boomerang?
Marvoleath: he's 'eepy
magicmusicjb: yo! you're awesome !!!!
Marvoleath: just napping
Nigouki: it's starting to bother me more and more that I'll have to stop watching this at some point to keep some surprises for whenever I finally get to play the game on my own :(
Genie_M: It's a bzzzt
DaxStrife: A bzzt and a bloodsucker
magicmusicjb: lol
Nigouki: right between those booty cheeks
TXC2: up the bloodsucker's purt, tight asshole....
matthaus_c: bloodsuckers kinda caked up... maybe Freedom has a point
SnyperWoIf: he fast!
tyrsredritehand: sergeGG
magicmusicjb: clap them cheeks haha
SnyperWoIf: save plz?
malsareus: do they have loot?
schordash: Clap
Marvoleath: "1/10 enemies killed" lrrBEEJ
JadedCynic: @Transmuted_Elf
magicmusicjb: i thought so, space management inventory, ncie
Transmuted_Elf: @JadedCynic lol now im curesed with that, lol
matthaus_c: I do not think that's an electrogeist
SnyperWoIf: sparky fren?
schordash: got a rubberband ball?
magicmusicjb: are you shooting, a ball of electricity, with an AK
magicmusicjb: interesting lol
matthaus_c: pretty sure you are, that's one of them wandering anomalies
Nigouki: did they get outsnorked?
matthaus_c: this is just Tuesday for a snork
Amentur: Snorks slowwaScare
SnyperWoIf: could use a little makeup
magicmusicjb: wow, i assumed they were passive
matthaus_c: I think these are different from the electro geists. don't remember being able to shoot the one in the lab in Clear Sky
eric_christian_berg subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 80 months!
eric_christian_berg: I like nice round numbers.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, eric_christian_berg! (Today's storm count: 9)
CaptainSpam: I am the god of hellfire, and I bring you...
JadedCynic: now to stash what we can't yet use
Transmuted_Elf: is the blue boxes a resident evil linked chest?
Genie_M: Then never return for it
Marvoleath: behind the box
Marvoleath: with the sausage
magicmusicjb: sausage lol
Marvoleath: oh, I thought you asked about the rest of your stuff
TehAmelie: those sausages look like they're 60% lard and 30% sawdust
magicmusicjb: what is this like, violent ghostbusters
SnyperWoIf: if you cannot see sparky fren, then sparky fren can see you!
JadedCynic: Slimer?
Riiiiiiis: uhh soup
SnyperWoIf: bath time?
Thisbymaster: you could become ninja turtle
TXC2: nice cleansing acid bath
Transmuted_Elf: FEV?
CaptainSpam: Forbidden bread is best bread.
malsareus: tripping acid bread
magicmusicjb: looks like one of those pools of image dipping lol
TXC2: bead gonna give us superpowers
magicmusicjb: where you dip something to transfer it's image onto
JadedCynic: choo-choo; riding the bzzt train
JadedCynic: oooo, blue cheez
JadedCynic: every damn time
CaptainSpam: Seems a jolly person.
magicmusicjb: wow, they aren't very tough are they
JadedCynic: bolt?
magicmusicjb: dafqu are those things
roseofloki: I think there was ammo in that desk drawer?
JadedCynic: shards of glass?
JadedCynic: suspended?
Lazarus2511: floating glass shard?
DigitalSeahorse: lrrSPOOPY
TXC2: fozen in time
malsareus: oh that's very safe
TehAmelie: seems like someone went full Csrrie here once
magicmusicjb: wtf are those things you're shooting?
JadedCynic: better hope we don't ever trigger the anomaly to STOP holding them stationary...
magicmusicjb: oh lol
Thisbymaster: I always nail my bread into boxes
TehAmelie: rats the size of corgis. i think that's not too far out of the realm of reality
magicmusicjb: well good thing they go down in one shot
DigitalSeahorse: rodents of unusual size? I don't believe they exist!
JadedCynic: funny story; blue cheese will kill me from allergies
Marvoleath: capibaras are rodents
Marvoleath: and they are large
ProcyonFlynn: With all that bread&cheese you could make a sandwich lrrBartleby
magicmusicjb: blue cheese will kill me from disgust
DaxStrife: I'm sure it's just milk. Ordinary milk.
TXC2: dibs on the shotgun
Lysander_salamander: maybe it's the hell sludge
magicmusicjb: is this game good, or does it count as slavjank?
TehAmelie: more stinky cheese for me
Thisbymaster: EMP?
Marvoleath: nuke? :D
JadedCynic: of course we both peek through...
Thisbymaster: that was the way out
magicmusicjb: well....
magicmusicjb: fuck
TXC2: we just did a war crime :p
QuixoticScrivener: gas, or rads?
CaptainSpam: Well. That seems unpleasant.
JadedCynic: a neutron bomb?
Genie_M: Friend?
Nigouki: is that a fucking mobile brain scorcher?!@?!?!
Lysander_salamander: portable brain burner
Transmuted_Elf: is her men now dead?
JadedCynic: @TXC2 ♫ Ohhhh, Caaa-na-daaaaa ♫ ;)
TXC2: JadedCynic hey, you don't have a monopoly on that shit :p
JadedCynic: @TXC2 no, we're just pioneers in the field B)
JadedCynic: ionized gas...
magicmusicjb: someone ripped the big one
JadedCynic: seems to ebb and flow...
QuixoticScrivener: hold your breath and dive
JadedCynic: timing
Lysander_salamander: yay
magicmusicjb: oooo
Nigouki: OH BABY
JadedCynic: SCORE
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunFoam
rabbitgta: What was that goodie?
GasCityGaming: tom servo? :P
TXC2: science suit lets go!
magicmusicjb: that's a find!
QuixoticScrivener: here I thought it was a human torso
Marvoleath: hazmat?
Metric_Furlong: "why can't we make cheese?" "no fucking whey"
TXC2: and it's the good Orange one
magicmusicjb: a little glass in your eyes, no biggie
Nigouki: now we can teabag anomalies!
magicmusicjb: @Metric_Furlong lol
TXC2: Man I hope the SEVA suit can have night vision in this game again
rabbitgta: Good PPE not good pew pew E
JadedCynic: a wonderful german invention, the 'jerry can'
GasCityGaming: we all laughed at "antique cans guy" Then American Pickers came out :P
TehAmelie: aww we can't take the coffee machine?
Riiiiiiis: and one hand can carry two
TXC2: it's also so you can carry two at once in one hand
QuixoticScrivener: eww sewerstagtites
DigitalSeahorse: also for ease of pouring
magicmusicjb: interesting. I always wondered why jerry cans have 3 handles like that
TehAmelie: i think that was G-man's Ukranian cousin
JadedCynic: there's a ton of cool design 'easter eggs' in it <3
DeM0nFiRe: Also makes it easier to pass down a line of people
magicmusicjb: and into another fucking frying pan
QuixoticScrivener: what did you say about electricity resistance?
JadedCynic: I mean, we got the suit for this...
Transmuted_Elf: was there anything left in the blue crate we liked?
QuixoticScrivener: drink through the mask?
magicmusicjb: a blow out hahahah
TheAwkes: You sure can't.
DeM0nFiRe: I just noticed this game doesnt appear to have the little radar thingy to tell you how many stalkers are near by and whether they are friendly
magicmusicjb: unfuck this sitch
TacitusVigil: Go to the light Alex!
jacqui_lantern234: newest episode of "UnFuck My House" :P
TXC2: "unfuck this sitch" to the tune of "uncry these tears"
magicmusicjb: @jacqui_lantern234 exactly what i was thinking lol
jacqui_lantern234: @magicmusicjb #SameBrainCell
Marvoleath: "check a roof" vocalized like "catch a ride"
magicmusicjb: is that a geiger counter, are these, like, radioactive spirits or something
TXC2: W+P level lava monster there :p
Juliamon: I dub thee "volcano"
Marvoleath: that's a spicy noodle
DeM0nFiRe: zeldaFine
TXC2: magicmusicjb the thing in our hand is an artifact detector
TehAmelie: i think we've dug into the Nether
TehAmelie: so much lava
magicmusicjb: that's what the entitiesi n this are called, artifacts?
Marvoleath: I think you mean anomalies @magicmusicjb
Marvoleath: artifacts are items you can gather though
Juliamon: the entities are anomalies, artifacts are the *other* beeping
Juliamon: One tends to come with the other
magicmusicjb: ah
Juliamon: no such thing as an unguarded treasure here
Thisbymaster: shotgun is key
magicmusicjb: game looks neat
TXC2: keymaster is a kind of shotgun afterall
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
Riiiiiiis: thanks for trimmin' Alex
jacqui_lantern234: thank you so much, alex <3 youre a joy and a delight
TXC2: thanks for streaming Alex
magicmusicjb: awesome man, have a godo one alex
schordash: thanks for the stream lrrSHINE lrrALEX
Nigouki: Thanks for the stream!
Lysander_salamander: have a good afternoon!
TXC2: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Crossing the Streams (The LoadingReadyRun crew join hands (sometimes from the comfort of their homes) to play some video games! Game: 4-Player Arcade Night) at Mon 05:00 PM PST (4:00 from now).
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
TXC2: !storm
LRRbot: Today's storm count: 9 (new subscribers: 1, returning subscribers: 8, new patrons: 0, new YouTube members: 0, returning Youtube members: 0), bits cheered: 200, new followers: 5, YouTube super chats: 0, YouTube super stickers: 0
DoodlestheGreat: ten q 4 strem Alex
Anubis169: Look at that muffin go!
TheAinMAP: guyjudgeBits
TXC2: !alex
LRRbot: Alex’s Varied Creations ~ Website: | Home stream: | Patreon:
Anubis169: ^
TheDevil_Risen: Thanks for the stream Alex!
DigitalSeahorse: digita435LOVE lrrALEX digita435LOVE
GasCityGaming: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Crossing the Streams (The LoadingReadyRun crew join hands (sometimes from the comfort of their homes) to play some video games! Game: 4-Player Arcade Night) at Mon 05:00 PM PST (3:58 from now).
calculated_uncertainties: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
schordash: TwitchUnity
TehAmelie: byee
TXC2: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
DeM0nFiRe: o/ lrrHEART
TXC2: !contact
LRRbot: ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List:
TXC2: no horse club, so goodnight everybody
Juliamon: gnight!
Lysander_salamander: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Crossing the Streams (The LoadingReadyRun crew join hands (sometimes from the comfort of their homes) to play some video games! Game: 4-Player Arcade Night) at Mon 05:00 PM PST (3:43 from now).