

SquareDotCube: (here because Discord went down)
TheAinMAP: Signal

KilrenKrae: Hi cht
GDwarble: Hekki ALLMO, chat
Juliamon: Hekki Allmo

Nigouki: Hekki Allmo is what Volgin says when he fires off the nuke in MGS3, right?
poipal: Red to blue
hey_there_Enfys subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 84 months!
hey_there_Enfys: Yay!
Thanks for subscribing, hey_there_Enfys! (Today's storm count: 2)
poipal: Love that the devs are out of Vancouver
BoatyMcBoatfaceJr subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 90 months!
Thanks for subscribing, BoatyMcBoatfaceJr! (Today's storm count: 3)
GDwarble: Red to blue
Nigouki: hallo
Nigouki: did yer snow melt yet?
baltimore_667083: hi cam! hi Cori!
DoodlestheGreat: Mmmmm.... good coffee.
poipal: Hair to hair
Nigouki: damn

ghyllnox: Lmao
Nigouki: the misdirect with the can open
TheAwkes: Crack, hiss, glass of water.
DoodlestheGreat: Hello you two.
DaxStrife: Just want to say: real happy you're continuing this game; I love it and love the commentary.
poipal: Glad the studio has power, apparently the Q didn't yesterday
Nigouki: doesn't sound optimized for wheelchairs either
poipal: You gotta walk like a penguin! Aka don't push off or lift your foot fully off the ground
poipal: @nigouki not even remotely
ghyllnox: I live in Michigan and people with pickups don't realize that 4wd doesn't matter on ice
GasCityGaming: I live in Alberta and i'm going to start saying "Fuck-50" for trucks
DoodlestheGreat: It's the automotive equivalent of a cartoon animal running in place.
DaxStrife: @ghyllnox Another Michigan local and can verify. They can barely drive in the summer.
baltimore_667083: like that one movie âundersteers like crazy and the weight distribution is a disasterâ
TreeVor84: Our snow weather vehicle is my wife's All Wheel Drive Hearse
Quentoxic: That might total the cybertrunk
DoodlestheGreat: Cybertrucks aren't able to handle dry roads with inclines over 20 degrees, much less ice and snow.
DaxStrife: Get a paint pen, find a cybertruck and write "This Machine Fuels Fascism" on the driver window.
ShaneLeeAtk: Just go for all the space in-between the body panels.
TheAwkes: Brushed stainless is great for getting things frozen to it.
DoodlestheGreat: You spread chopped liver on the back and the raccoons will chew up the whole things.
Nigouki: Corollas got big though
KV1NN4: i miss my rav4
GasCityGaming: thought it was balogna?
Quentoxic: Piss disk
DoodlestheGreat: I have always said those things look like a Pinewood Derby entry made by a kid who ran out of f***s to give, cut the block up with Dad's chop saw and sprayed with Rust-O-Leum.
DoodlestheGreat: Most of them ARE that, Cam.
Juliamon: the "mini" in "mini SUV" means it's mini IN COMPARISON TO a FULL-SIZE SUV and all these chucklefucks are like "but it has mini right in the name hur durr"
goombalax: Unlimited Power!
baltimore_667083: doesnât ford already do that with their electric f150?
Angnor33: Logic!
ghyllnox: Your *uncle* has a cyber truck?

DaxStrife: Don't all car doors lock? Why is that a feature?
Juliamon: We all have a relative like that
SnackPak_: daaang
MWGNZ: paperwork takes time
ghyllnox: She should have followed through
Cool TEchnology!
accountmadeforants: I'm sorry
Akaiatana: Stay together for the kidneys
Joric_Art: I think divorce papers come for free with each Cybertruck
DoodlestheGreat: They don't. The bodies rust like cheap toys.
accountmadeforants: @Joric_Art Oh yeah, they're part of the "no resale" contract
ShaneLeeAtk: Keep your Cybertruck, I will appreciate my new Zojirushi rice cooker. Much more useful.
MWGNZ: egg+sun destroys car paint
NotCainNorAbel: the recent thing I read was someone justifying the corossian as 'people that own CT don't care what it looks like so why pay for paint'
poipal: Just goad them into proving they can haul a bale of hay and boom, there goes their suspension
poipal: "Cori, it's February"
KV1NN4: it's my birthday 8u8
Akaiatana: Lemon, it's February
couchboyj: If you are in weather that will freeze an oyster, the freezing weather has already made the truck inoperable for you, likely
DoodlestheGreat: @KV1NN4 Joyous natal anniversary felicitations!
GDwarble: Hair to hair
walkeroftales: Hekki grace, sister.
Juliamon: also: coloured tissue paper/crepe paper, when it gets wet, fucks up car paint. Pull a party popper over that Cybertruck, celebrate its inevitable demise
brieandbacon: What, and now you're gonna tell me there's a whole ten other months to go?
I'm so glad I was born in time for all this
Just so thrilled with my parents
RealGamerCow: shrinkflation
goombalax: No ethical consumption moving into No Consumption
NotCainNorAbel: shrinkflation comes for produce
KV1NN4: @DoodlestheGreat thanks!
QuixoticScrivener: When does shrinkflation come for my waistline?
theghostwiththemost subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 86 months!
Thanks for subscribing, theghostwiththemost! (Today's storm count: 4)
theghostwiththemost: I'm back
brieandbacon: You'll be hard pressed...
Akaiatana: The dragon has weak scales

whitefirecomix: Pronatalist?

RealGamerCow: Cori's face is correct
CookieMom: YUPPPP
ShaneLeeAtk: Why hack a backdoor when they are just letting folks shove flash drives in USB ports.
CookieMom: Everythings kinda on fire here.
Juliamon: and everyone just sitting there watching them do it

walkeroftales: excellent work, Agent 47.
goombalax: They're Duuuuue
NotCainNorAbel: Without Canadian wood we can't build guillotines
LegionLoyalist: does it count as a back door if they are walking in the front door?
SnackPak_: Pedro Pascal laughing then crying
not if the orioles have anything to say about it 
poipal: "you can't buy timmies any more, they're owned by Brazil!"
DoodlestheGreat: Code phrase: "Only cinnamon Timbits for me."
poipal: This Hour has 22 Min did such a good bit on it lol
Dog_of_Myth: Whelp, now I'm depressed again.
Zu_o: @poipal "If it has an american city in the name, it's probably canadian"
Akaiatana: Taking Back Bacon
Yeah that sounds like something we'd do. 
walkeroftales: Not in Chicago, at least. Most of the folks I know are staring in abject horror.
DaxStrife: "I will protest this item/idea by buying it en-masse and then destroying my property."
ShaneLeeAtk: We don't know, either
Juliamon: We don't know either
LegionLoyalist: Neither do we
DoodlestheGreat: Neither do we, Cam. Best way to explain it is "marketing."
walkeroftales: Except my idiot coworker who loves Joe Rogan and Elon Musk.
goombalax: its sort of alliterative?
whitefirecomix: Hypernormalisation! Woo!
poipal: It is nice to see
Nigouki: *screams in ongoing Ontario election*
RealGamerCow: I mean, it makes sense if you look at it from a "collapse of an empire" point of view
dasherdans: <message deleted>guys spam 69
Zu_o: Danielle Smith is still here Cori
SarkhanGluedBackTogether: good.
poipal: @zu_o "Heinz is American but KD is made in Canada!"
GasCityGaming: Papa can't hear you little one
dumbo3k: If only we could hook up some form of power generation to their hopes, we might have discovered perpetual energy!
niccus: funded with canadian money
poipal: The publisher is Australian I think? With a very interesting background
Zu_o: Shogun was so good
walkeroftales: A canadian video game about resisting fascism.
LegionLoyalist: Uh oh⌠do I need to pay a tariff to watch?
poipal: But yeah the devs etc are Canadian
TheAwkes: The way things are right now, you'll see a lot fewer of them the next couple years. I haven't had a job on set in *ages*.
Akaiatana: Shogun > gun show
Juliamon: Now, on a lighter note, a post-apocalyptic video game about blind worship!
Nigouki: Toronto the forever imposter city. I watched the Edward Norton Hulk movie in a movie theatre on the same street block they filmed the final battle.
GasCityGaming: Buntaro
Zu_o: The next season is just the anjin and his spoiled duck
GasCityGaming: very good drunk archer
Akaiatana: New milkshake ducks every day
Zu_o: turns into a food show
Angnor33: Grunting and refusing to bathe? Is this a new Tim Allen show?
GasCityGaming: my milkshake hangs all the ducks in the yard.....
ArdCollider: commitment to the bit
goombalax: The end of the book is an inner monologue from the Shogun about his intent to string the Anjin along forever so it would be hilarious if he just kept edging him with promises of boat
GDwarble: So, to remind chat, last week Watcher had a communion with Knower that ended up revelaing Iris made a deal with the Occupants, and then Watcher smashed Secretary
QuixoticScrivener: Gwendoline Christie had some fantastic performances in Wizards vs Aliens
Juliamon: Could we get a sliiight bump in game audio?
GDwarble: Also, since it's been a while, Fixer's lines here are the same as the ones she spoke at the start of the game
GDwarble: Hello Knower, fancy seeing you there
GDwarble: Eva was definitely an inspiration
walkeroftales: man, every time I catch bits of this game now having played it once, every bit of stray dialogue is jam-packed with meaning
Nigouki: oh no, we got a chunk of our ghost orb as a shiv?
Nigouki: is that what we used in the opening scene?
Lysander_salamander: hello everyone
GDwarble: Hekki grace, Lysander_salamander
accountmadeforants: Oh yeah, it's kinda like the train Cloud arrived on
GDwarble: Love this song
accountmadeforants: Yeah, you've earned it at that point
Lysander_salamander: it's pretty cool
GDwarble: Basically what Lady Gaga was wearing, yeah
GDwarble: Complete with the vertical shoulder pads
AFamiliarCalledEl: Got here just in time, I see
TheAwkes: Quick stream. Good job, everyone. See you next time.
They listened to Christopher Lee on what sound someone makes when stabbed. 
walkeroftales: Man, we must be at like the end of the game /s
GDwarble: Love her shoes
QuixoticScrivener: if only the animation was as good as the outfits
goombalax: 1000xResist!
accountmadeforants: Dang

Bruceski: "Mom's dead, time for a house party!"
Zu_o: "How are you doing that with your mouth?"
accountmadeforants: And a good [REDACTED] to you
Andymonium: @Zu_o beat me to it XD
SnackPak_: neat
Zu_o: @Andymonium De-veganize him boys
accountmadeforants: Dang, they got invisible wall technology in addition to Faust door tech
QuixoticScrivener: killing spree?
GDwarble: Our exits are North, Sou, and Dennish
walkeroftales: cameron! what do gamers never do?
Murfburffle: is this the slowmo detective game i've heard about?
chrisvonclause subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 81 months!
Thanks for subscribing, chrisvonclause! (Today's storm count: 5)
walkeroftales: (up)
Normal things to see outside of communion.
accountmadeforants: Uppies, yay!
GDwarble: This section is either pretty neat if you happen to luck into looking up right away, or a bit of a mood killer if you have to run around in slow mo for a few minutes
walkeroftales: Are you *sure* you weren't communing?
GDwarble: Ooh, logo's all bloody
Andymonium: this is fine and normal, right?
Murfburffle: is this game deep?
Nigouki: maybe that's how the train works, communing?
GDwarble: Well, this is different
Murfburffle: are you trying to say commuting? that's trians
GDwarble: Sisters must see fire
walkeroftales: God. If I could make one game character real so I could delete them - it'd be Knower.
GDwarble: See, I really like Knower as a character
Murfburffle: great band tho
walkeroftales: Oh as a character Knower is interesting. But I hate them.
accountmadeforants: "What's a little murder between friends"
Bruceski: "I went too far." "NO SHIT YOU MURDERED ME!"
Andymonium: i love that b/c A is confirm it just looks like Secretary is screaming
DaxStrife: Hell of a way to commute.
Murfburffle: this can't be good on her back to travel like this all the time
Murfburffle: are they a Mighty MOrphin POwer Ranger group?
Lysander_salamander: drat
Murfburffle: do they zorb?
goombalax: gameplay in MY videogame?
Juliamon: I presume they're hiding in the same spots as we saw in that communion
Murfburffle: is this game entirely this painful or did I just get here at a weird time?
Juliamon: Murfburffle This is several streams into the game
Juliamon: It's a very complex game
Juliamon: If you haven't been here since the first episode I can't imagine you'll have any idea what's going on or why
KeytarCat: @Juliamon Hekki allmo
Murfburffle: i only joined at the slow-mo murder mystery bit. This is not an easy game to understand without context
Murfburffle: she looks so uncomfortable zipping around

Juliamon: The tldr: this is post-apocalypse, aliens came and spread a lethal disease that only one member of humanity was immune to, she survived and created clones of herself to populate the world
Murfburffle: is hide and seek a major game loop?
Juliamon: It's a recurring theme more than a loop
KeytarCat: Repetition legitimizes
MungoDude: so long, so long, auf Wiedersehen goodbye
Murfburffle: this game is too artsy for me, i want games where mustached men stomp on sentient mushrooms
SquareDotCube: that moment you accidentally jesus
goombalax: they looked like government buildings. the concourse was basically Ottawa
Murfburffle: or a college that was builtin the 90s
Mass Effect was filmed in Vancouver 
goombalax: Vancouver is the capital of Earth
Murfburffle: capital of hollywood
SquareDotCube: Vancouver is a habitation ring?
Andymonium: and also round you
nalha_saldana: Hi chat, am I round?
KeytarCat: repetition legitimizes
Murfburffle: well rounded
Murfburffle: this game is starting to make sense
Andymonium: @Murfburffle that's when you know you're in trouble
Murfburffle: is that a shell on her face?
Juliamon: A mask
bramble_st: Into the sun
Anubis169: Chapter complete!
Murfburffle: athena, bartender, round
wildpeaks: successfully yeeted yourself
SquareDotCube: just gotta clip through the ceiling
GDwarble: When I first played this, my reaction to this was "Wait, we're not done? Oh, this game is *going* places, then..."
Nigouki: combine all the colors into white?
accountmadeforants: Oh dang, the White Ranger
Anubis169: new mask who dis?
Murfburffle: It Was aLL a DrEam
Andymonium: good honse
wildpeaks: delicious flavour tubes
SymphonySolstice: small horse the size of a large horse
Murfburffle: drank too many flavour tubes
Murfburffle: not exactly a dynamic, living world they built
Andymonium: "yes ma'am" to the tune of "eff you"
SquareDotCube: very... NERF gun with the multiple tubes
Juliamon: I suspect Nerf are the only guns Iris has reference of
Murfburffle: are they wearing masks so they don't have to animate mouths?
Andymonium: bartender, get that misc a tonic!
SquareDotCube: right, so nightshade, sewage and rat poison it is
Andymonium: Nailed Itâ˘
indianajo3 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 107 months!
Thanks for subscribing, indianajo3! (Today's storm count: 6)
Juliamon: Murfburffle nah, we see unmasked people too
Murfburffle: what's this game called?
Juliamon: 1000xRESIST
Murfburffle: what was that sunset icon that was on a splash screen?
Murfburffle: it has a picture of a space helmet, blood, and it said sunset something under it?
Andymonium: "sunset visitor" is the developer, I think
Murfburffle: oh yah,k
Andymonium: Fine And Normal
Lysander_salamander: yay
Lysander_salamander: hmm
goombalax: oh you're metaChrist
Lysander_salamander: accelerationists are annoying
GDwarble: @Murfburffle kinda yes, we do have characters where we can see their mouths, but those mouths aren't animated, which the masks help hide. In-universe they exist because anyone not wearing a mask instantly contracts a disease that causes them to cry themselves to death
spicydungus subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 76 months!
Thanks for subscribing, spicydungus! (Today's storm count: 7)
Murfburffle: @GDwarble makes sense
goombalax: perfect timing
Murfburffle: what a weird game
Juliamon: it's very weird and very good
GDwarble: I'd definitely recommend checking out previous streams to get more context
GDwarble: It relies a lot on slowly building up concepts and repetition
KV1NN4: i feel like i missed a tream... ah well i wanna rewatch all these particular episodes again soon
Murfburffle: I read the plot synopsis on wikipedia. I'm not sure if I want to committo that
GDwarble: @KV1NN4 Probably not, the change near the start of this stream is pretty abrupt
GDwarble: And we're still in the new in media res moment
Murfburffle: it's one of those deep artsy games about isolation and diaspora, that requires critical thinking and media awareness, where i just want to shoot lasers and drive cars
LeonisCo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 44 months!
Thanks for subscribing, LeonisCo! (Today's storm count: 8)
KeytarCat: Shoot lazers at isolation! Drive cars with the diaspora!
Murfburffle: i want to shoot all the sadness
TehAmelie: blaasma the blues away, Disco Elysuim style
Murfburffle: new high score! you have become your own mortality!
Nigouki: mic 5
Murfburffle: level boss: the torpa you created when you went through that thing. DESTROY THEM
we missed the burp 
Lysander_salamander: well, ok
InconsiderateHat: I meeeeaaaan
Nigouki: conscious?
SnackPak_: thank you Cori
InconsiderateHat: You really don't have to--
Lysander_salamander: pretty ok
Lysander_salamander: what?
Bruceski: @Murfburffle For some reason I've got it in my head that this "gathering ingredients" is going to end in a 1940s Paris Resistance style cafe ambush and I know I'm gonna be disappointed.
cheezweazl subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 121 months, currently on a 121 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, cheezweazl! (Today's storm count: 9)
TehAmelie: 1000x Resistance was always going to end up being "le" Resistance eh
GDwarble: @TehAmelie I think more umbrella protests
TehAmelie: translator's note: i know nothing of this game
DaxStrife: "Sitting on a park bench." [Aqualung intensifies]
SymphonySolstice: I was just typing that lol
So, I know that someone picking their own name and choosing "Melody" is probably *not* deliberate trans woman coding, but... 
GDwarble: I don't think these secret police are very friendly
Lysander_salamander: is it the lady that was asking bout Janice?
KV1NN4: Maybe this character will be Kris..?
GDwarble: I dunno, it just feels like a name I've heard a number of trans women pick
TehAmelie: i have known an inordinate amount of Robins myself, but maybe
Juliamon: I know at least three Jacquelins (of various spellings)
SymphonySolstice: observe the cake
wildpeaks: ponder the cake
BorealMage: Cake (open box)

Lysander_salamander: oh, is that a painting of Watcher?
Lysander_salamander: darned fake alcoves
GDwarble: This place is, if anything, harder to navigate than the Orchard
TehAmelie: oh hi streamers. boy that is a lot of lag on my end
GDwarble: I love this illicit underground baking ring
Bruceski: @GDwarble They talk about "cocaine" when they actually mean sugar to avoid eavesdroppers.
TehAmelie: earlier today i learned of a probably fictional Italian pasta mafia , but it seems nice to have mobs built around everyday goods rather than heroin
Lysander_salamander: well, heck
goombalax: Gallstones?
i wish i was producing some solids 
goombalax: Pandemic Legacy
2 raiders from Luminaire_p have joined!

Lysander_salamander: oh
SnackPak_: hmmm....
wildpeaks: the ol' "just gotta focus"
BorealMage: Cori/Cam, apropos of nothing, have you heard of Homicipher? It's another game that deals with themes of self-identity.
BorealMage: It seems neat, my partner's been really into it lately.

Andymonium: these nerds
wildpeaks: uh oh
ogier300 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 113 months!
Thanks for subscribing, ogier300! (Today's storm count: 10)
wildpeaks: yay promotion
Lysander_salamander: yay
Nigouki: up and into the light
Lysander_salamander: ew
BorealMage: It's upstairs
Nigouki: that's always a great sneeze trigger
Lysander_salamander: I hate it when that happens
SquareDotCube: awkward burp
too many flavour tubes ? 
Lysander_salamander: yay

Nigouki: wrong tube
GDwarble: I love how they play with the goals here
niccus: destroy the provisional government (in minecraft)
BorealMage: @niccus parody, parody
Why did they spell provincial incorrectly? 
goombalax: its comin' up its comin' up... its DARE
KeytarCat: Turns out "in minecraft" is a great search query for finding violent threats online
DaxStrife: Maybe switch to "in Robblox" then? Harder to tell probably.
Lysander_salamander: hahaha
GDwarble: Hello Blue
UtilityPunk: I'm blue da ba dee da ba da
DaxStrife: Blue 2, Electric [Redacted]/
spicyFerret_: One day well cruise down the gulch avenue
GDwarble: Capital Red is fun to hate
BorealMage: Hmm. Perhaps.
Nigouki: sister-on-sister crime would be a hilarious way to refer to sibling shenanigans
Kumakaori: Chat, what chapter are we on?
BlueChloroplast: 6
GDwarble: Yeah, Chapter 6
Lysander_salamander: well, neat
. As I am watching with Playframe I will dip ^^;. yay vods!
. Very looking forward to what Cori and Cam have to say about the game.
GDwarble: "Our history's greatest meanie"
KV1NN4: excuse fuh what??
JKBalch: Yeah, thats one way to describe it
Lysander_salamander: wow
accountmadeforants: Wow
goombalax: Lenin style
Quentoxic: The bite of 2073
Lysander_salamander: distressing
GDwarble: "Hiding in closets", you say
Lysander_salamander: uh
wildpeaks: sounds legit
Lysander_salamander: ok
KeytarCat: oh honey

NorthstarTex: were they roomates?
Andymonium: Historically Accurate Roommatesâ˘
BorealMage: Candy's casual mannerisms combined with not using contractions is interesting.
KV1NN4: oh Jiao...
GDwarble: Candy is great
SnackPak_: gottem
Oh. Jiao. 
wildpeaks: Everything Is Fine
GDwarble: Jiao's voice actor does such a good job
NorthstarTex: Skeletons are hella scary
Lysander_salamander: These Jiaos are very sarcastic. I can relate
Laurence72: I'm getting sarcastic Laurna Schlitzwhistle vines from her
TheMerricat: God this is so....
KeytarCat: She's using the belopa voice
bramble_st: Oh /humans/

BorealMage: Love a nice, cold glass of cow fat fluid.
Juliamon: *glances at tin of toffee*
Lysander_salamander: ah, the customer support voice
GDwarble: Not very good at this secret code word thing
spicyFerret_: Mmmmm, cow fat fluid
TheMerricat: Bang Bang is wanted?
GDwarble: @TheMerricat Yup, the new Minister of Defense mentioned that a bit, BBF is wanted and fled in disgrace after all the deaths from that occupant attack
GDwarble: I think so far the only authority figures from Watcher's day that we know are still around are Principal and Knower. Knower is now the High Minister, though.
KeytarCat: Principal as symbolic head of state makes sense to me
Lysander_salamander: yay
GDwarble: Sphere to square
gualdhar: twin peaks?
gualdhar: I should watch that
Lysander_salamander: I keep meaning to try that show
BorealMage: It's great
wildpeaks: can confirm it's a good show, heh
Juliamon: The Return is also like that
Juliamon: it's great, except for the bits where you're like "wait, why are you doing this again"
KeytarCat: Hakki elmo
GDwarble: Oh hey, it's the Unlucky Shell, I remember her
Lysander_salamander: oh her
GDwarble: (I believe all the Ministers are shells we could get to know earlier, it's a nice touch)
DaxStrife: Ah, good old revisionist history. Just burn all the books and make up new histories.
goombalax: learn from the past? couldn't be us
KeytarCat: "Forget history so we don't know when we repeat it"
BorealMage: Ah, yes. "Re-education"
gualdhar: anyone else getting real Ted Faro vibes from Vanissa?
GDwarble: Cori's got it
Nigouki: surely we're wearing white
Lysander_salamander: oh dear

goombalax: NO
goombalax: No You Did Not
GDwarble: Oh hey, it's the colourblind shell
@goombalax No, no, she means she's *literally* colour blind 
Juliamon: never met a phor I didn't
KeytarCat: Weird that they're destroying old ideas but still reference colors as a way to remind us how good we have it
GDwarble: Healer's dead? Ooof, I liked her.
goombalax: "Pandemic data got really positive once we stopped tracking it"
KeytarCat: The average person is doing well [if you take the mean and assume even distribution]
Laurence72: The cycle goes on for-evelyn
wildpeaks: more like "misc-lick"
GDwarble: @wildpeaks Do not lick the miscellaneous
Nigouki: are the reds actually taller or just high heeled?
GDwarble: @Nigouki Well, everyone's a clone, so I assume it's gotta be down to clothing
BlueChloroplast: WAOW
Laurence72: Anything? I can fill them with cake?
Lysander_salamander: eeeek
Invitare: she has friends on the other side

GDwarble: Always a touch disconcerting when a Jiao-type suddenly swears
Lysander_salamander: good thing we didn't activate her
Laurence72: in the closet
GDwarble: "What a dummy; we want to be just like her"
Lysander_salamander: The blood circle
Nigouki: so are Jiao-types being created as lower class...labor? even lower than Misc Iris-types?
KV1NN4: Feels that way
BlueChloroplast: I wonder how the original expected to take back the surface with so few
KV1NN4: misunderstanding her idolsation being soemthing she developed herself.... too used to people having roles and functions despite the resistant towards it now..?
mrMorphius subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 109 months!
mrMorphius: eek
Thanks for subscribing, mrMorphius! (Today's storm count: 11)
GDwarble: @KV1NN4 Or it's just a convenient excuse to keep them oppressed
gualdhar: that looks impossible to clean
BorealMage: oh yeah, absolutely
DaxStrife: Quiet, and soft surfaces.
Nigouki: oh no, what if all those window cubes are just sock smell...
GDwarble: Time to serve drinks and...save...lives?
KV1NN4: @GDwarble Or that yeah
Nigouki: "traditional methods" also to e supervised by the Ministry of Fluids
Lyserg0Zeroz: "almost graduated" Assertive Shell never getting over not being chosen to replace Fixer =P
Lysander_salamander: making a bomb out of watcher?
KV1NN4: or the reds..?
GDwarble: Ah, mixing drinks and *ending* lives
Lysander_salamander: aaaa
Lysander_salamander: this is rather good
Nigouki: game very neat
BlueChloroplast: Its cool
SnackPak_: loaded is a good word for it
Lysander_salamander: wow
GDwarble: Thanks for the stream!

KV1NN4: i wasn't expecting a protag switch... very Hitchcock's "Psycho"
Nigouki: I'm really curious if it is genetic memory or if the machines also mentally program the clones as they seem to come out fully grown
Nigouki: they skip childhood
JovianSojourner subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 97 months!
Thanks for subscribing, JovianSojourner! (Today's storm count: 12)
Nigouki: at least physically

BorealMage: Thanks for the stream!
Nigouki: Thanks for the stream!

TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
Lysander_salamander: have a good evening!
Lysander_salamander: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Let's Nope (Ben and Adam play horror games until they find the key that will bring them true happiness. Game: The Last of Us) at Tue 05:00 PM PST (36m from now).
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