LostThePirate: Heya early Nopers
xantos69: Hello!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Hello!
Thefluffiestguineapig: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Let's Nope (Ben and Adam play horror games until they find the key that will bring them true happiness. Game: The Last of Us) at Tue 05:00 PM PST (10s from now).
Thefluffiestguineapig: Close!
LostThePirate: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
NotCainNorAbel: lrrSHINE lrrSIG lrrSHINE
MAPBoardgames: lrrSIG lrrSPOOP lrrSIG
slamaham: yay
Fanklok: 100% of ads on twitch are Turbotax or Aetherspark
KeytarCat: @Fanklok I was getting the google ai chatbot :(
baltimore_667083: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: [muffled sounds of gorilla violence]
Fanklok: Oh right and ai assistant that only functions in a world where humans cannot communicate directly with one another
Thefluffiestguineapig: @KeytarCat I am so sorry, I am so tempted to get a fucking brick phone because I refuse to get a damn AI built into my fucking phone
Nigouki: AI stands for "Artificially Inflated power consumption"
bytecaster: I miss when new tech excited me like at all.
Fanklok: You know a product is quality when woody Harrelson is in the adevertising
Thefluffiestguineapig: @bytecaster Rather than depressed me
bytecaster: Yeah, these days it's just "weary sigh" every time
Nigouki: that goes for all those server racks too. Did you hear Microsoft is trying to get Three Mile Island started up again to fuel their "AI"?
Earthenone: ~last
DideRobot: LRR: Cameron and Cori continue to watch her 👁️https://twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun | 3 hours, 34 minutes ago | https://kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun/113947745277591446
Juliamon: yeah, it was mentioned on Checkpoint the other month
Diabore: Brick brick brick BRICK BRICK
Lockraemono: it's time
Lockraemono: get in
MAPBoardgames: lrrSPOOPY
InconsiderateHat: Ohhhhh nailed that stream refresh timing
phoenixletmeuseadashd: twitch says it's just me in chat. or the rest of you ghosts
AdamLavadan: SPOOPY BOIS!!!
LostThePirate: LUL
Lockraemono: hate snow
patrick_stonecrusher: 🍄🍄🍄
Blakemcm: get some inches up there lads?
AdamLavadan: I'm on Ben's teams
circusofkirkus: that's because you non-snow people are wrong
kragmabutch: oh im so sorry Adam
RatherLargeToad: Humbug
raulghoulia: Ben, snow man confirmed
itomeshi: I'm on Team Snow.
NotCainNorAbel: Sounds like you have gotten more snow than my part of Wisconsin
gamercat88: the dump happened
Thefluffiestguineapig: For me the big thing is that technology should not cause active issues, in vet practice so many things are now technology that shouldn’t be
SnowBuddy18: Ben, do you want to build a snowman?
AdamLavadan: Even georgia and Florida outdid yall
baltimore_667083: hi Ben! hi Adam!
Earthenone: to me milk is what makes soup a stew
Fanklok: Stew is thickened with flour
Mai_Andra: He was not wrong about that.
LowUpsideCJ: bits to broth raysh
MAPBoardgames: it's 30C outside here right now.
itomeshi: Tired: Big Ass Pot of Soup... Wired: Big Ass Pot of Hot Chocolate
Lockraemono: true
baltimore_667083: amen Ben!
InconsiderateHat: Stew has a thickness/chunkiness line
bytecaster: If someone gave me soup, I would simply be grateful
circusofkirkus: Beej hates fun
LowUpsideCJ: beej = based
frank_the_great: I love snow... the first time. Then it could fuck off for a bit
phoenixletmeuseadashd: That is at least the second person on lrr that left middle because of sno :D
FlyingWolfAngel2: snow sucks!! -signed Colorado
rosesmcgee: Wise words
frank_the_great: Adam's always saying that
LowUpsideCJ: hey great point adam
NotCainNorAbel: yep, that well know saying
vanman229: Is that a binary choice??
baltimore_667083: snow bad give me sunshine and baseball any day
AdamLavadan: That's snowist!
Nigouki: from the photos I've seen Victorians have absolutely no skill manually salting sidewalks. Just dogshit distribution. Large lumps and streaks, no consistency.
gualdhar: imagine hating snow so much you move to one of the most southern areas in your country and it still snows
phoenixletmeuseadashd: @frank_the_great here we got the best. half an inch on a a weekend, gone by monday
Earthenone: you need to hate something, might as well hate snow
bytecaster: Is this a very special episode of Lets Nope?
GasCityGaming: big "gotta nuke something" energy :P
vogon_poet: Imagine if the only thig people hated was weather.
rosesmcgee: Gotta hate somethin
noSmokeFire: nothing brings people together like hating snow
patrick_stonecrusher: Dont be a racist, l am a building
frank_the_great: @phoenixletmeuseadashd It's been like that here in Boston lately
NotCainNorAbel: dog
bytecaster: *Jazz hands*
thatguysteve2709: There it is I was worried Adam was starting to respect us
SnowBuddy18: As someone who's handle gets shortened to Snow regularly, it's always weird to hear this discourse
mulligan2six: Welcome back to Lets Cry
vogon_poet: Although blaming snow for plane crashes makes more sense than some of the nonsense currently being blamed by Trump...
DaFhaye subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 16 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DaFhaye! (Today's storm count: 13)
itomeshi: Snow would be perfect if not for all the people, yes.
NotCainNorAbel: I have figured out, they are always idiots, the snow just makes more obvious
Blakemcm: same thing with the heat down here lol. "can you believe the temperature today?!?"
MAPBoardgames: Snowfall is caused by last administration's policies.
Fanklok: Snow globes are full of water
HedgehogKnight: Classic milk and bread rush when it snows
ButButTheJesus: O R B
bytecaster: People must be so bored
Thefluffiestguineapig: Dude, chill
Charlie_Victor7 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 59 months!
Charlie_Victor7: 59 also nice!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Charlie_Victor7! (Today's storm count: 14)
SkiaSymphonia: extroverts in winter need an outlet
Thefluffiestguineapig: hehehhehehehe
ButButTheJesus: snow orb. snowrb
HedgehogKnight: People act like they will be snowed in for 3 weeks
EvilBadman: In Seattle we had some unusually big flakes
TheMerricat: There is a reason why the saying is better to say nothing and let people think you are a fool than speak up and confirm it. :D
Thefluffiestguineapig: @SkiaSymphonia I guess
bytecaster: The TP crash
tr3ewitch88: Why toilet paper though 😅
AdamLavadan: Quich horde all the essential goods!!!
NarishmaReborn: the pendulum swings
Earthenone: either way its a shitty investment
Uzumaki15: Areas that don't get snow often really overcorrect when they actually get snow
gualdhar: The $TPCOIN wasn't worth shit
Nigouki: the prices on toiler paper still hasn't gone down though, shameless corpo fucks
GasCityGaming: or Yeast
bytecaster: It was flour here
GasCityGaming: plexi glass too
TheMerricat: Yeast. So many bakers.
Mazrae: The tp price went down the shitter in a way of speaking
SkiaSymphonia: is THAT a binary choice? tp or glass?
EvilBadman: I'm on 🥚COIN now
Bruceski: In my supermarket the TP section was bare except for some rolls of camouflage "man wipes". Not even panic buyers wanted that stuff.
Earthenone: baby formula was the hard to find thing near me, people were constantly complaining about it
TheMerricat: So many folk outside of the US trolling us by posting pictures of their egg prices online right now. :D
SnowBuddy18: Also flour and eggs from bread making
Kramburger: Our balcony, comrade
Thefluffiestguineapig: Dude, communist balcony
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Kramburger Drift compatible
tr3ewitch88: @bytecaster flour at least makes sense 😅
ButButTheJesus: DAMMIT JIM
Kramburger: Muuuuum, Jim's furniture is touching my side
Fanklok: That's Adam not Jim
bytecaster: That's emminent domain
RealGamerCow: Ben and Adam being neighbors without knowing each other is a hilarious idea
NotCainNorAbel: as a patio lawyer that is how that works
QuixoticScrivener: de jure drift
Forlorgen: This sounds like the sony camcorder mad tv skit
gamercat88: peepers
LowUpsideCJ: lookin at units?
Jennie_Fuchsia subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 116 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Jennie_Fuchsia! (Today's storm count: 15)
Bruceski: They're replacing our balcony railings so we had to take everything off of them, but now it's delayed because "oops the folks we hired didn't have permits."
tr3ewitch88: What is this conversation 🤣🤣🤣
Kramburger: The girls are fiiightingggg
itomeshi: This is... avant garde.
baltimore_667083: ah yes, the fourth inning grumbles
Thefluffiestguineapig: @tr3ewitch88 This is pandini convo stuff
skintbint: grimey undies i get it
baltimore_667083: grundles*
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yes, grundle is taint
dumbo3k: Grundle is definitely Tainted
Darleysam: I mean, they are tainted
bytecaster: Grendel is monster in Beowulf
RatherLargeToad: Didn’t Beowulf fight it?
AdamLavadan: Relatable....
GasCityGaming: uh oooh grundieees
Jadaris: this stream sponsored by MeGrundies
NotCainNorAbel: yed
DaFhaye: Yes
xantos69: I have missed you
bytecaster: It's my favorite podcast
DaFhaye: It's great
vanman229: unironically yes
NarishmaReborn: yes
baltimore_667083: fresh underwear implies the existence of frozen underwear
Thefluffiestguineapig: Always
Fanklok: I hate this conversation
squ3e: deeply
tr3ewitch88: Yes
Kramburger: This *is* the show
ButButTheJesus: yarp
kragmabutch: this is tame for lets nope
janky_as_heck: how could I not miss the boys?
RealGamerCow: This is the shootin the breeze section of Lets Nope
Jennie_Fuchsia: Grundelstiltskin
tr3ewitch88: True 🤣🤣🤣 this is all normal now
Kramburger: Hahahaha
noSmokeFire: grundle sounds like a lvl 1 jrpg enemy
squ3e: You're laughing. I said Grundle, and you're laughing
AdamLavadan: The best part of the show is over, let's all head out boys
baltimore_667083: I love that video
Thefluffiestguineapig: Alpaca on the street is asking to kicking someone
bytecaster: Everything is a weird dog if you try hard enough
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also they are 4 feet tall
TotalHell subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TotalHell! (Today's storm count: 16)
tr3ewitch88: lrrHERE
Kramburger: Tradies, man
Fanklok: Alpaca on the street llama in the sheets
Kramburger: They're ready to go
MitchTheQuaker: tradies nuts
Darleysam: Paul, A Tradie
NotCainNorAbel: this is why I watch australian car dash cam youtube
Mr_Horrible: "Sparkies" still makes me laugh
AdamLavadan: Boo adam!
Juliamon: Blue-collar
goombalax: Unionized
Kramburger: We call carpenters Chippys
baltimore_667083: the working man, which, per Geddy Lee, is what you am
squ3e: blue-collar
Mr_Horrible: okay brownnoser, here's your chair at the front of the class, too
Thefluffiestguineapig: White collar is lawyers
BrowneePointz: steel worker jacket vs lab coat
Saintnex: White collar is office
Thefluffiestguineapig: Blue collar is factory work
itomeshi: white collar is office work
Darleysam: named after something Serge made in Minecraft
GasCityGaming: blue collar is for denim
frank_the_great: You'll never guess my first name
BusTed subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 126 months, currently on a 126 month streak!
BusTed: what's up dillholes
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BusTed! (Today's storm count: 17)
Mai_Andra: SergeYager?
Fanklok: Benjamin_Wheeler
tr3ewitch88: Blue color is definitely what Americans call them.
squ3e: I always white collar was literal cause my dad was alwys weaing a white buttondown
Darleysam: James_LRR
EvilBadman: Fake names or riot
KeytarCat: Darleysam KappaPride
dumbo3k: Bengineering
Kramburger: So which one of you is Mister Run?
Jennie_Fuchsia: legally Fuchsia
AdamLavadan: We piss excellence around here
LowUpsideCJ: This used to be my government name but i changed it
squirrel_stowaway: @darleysam looks at your name
GasCityGaming: gotta change my government to "Gas"
MitchTheQuaker: i always assumed it was a fgc ref
egyptcraze subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 111 months!
egyptcraze: It's my Bilbo-versary!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, egyptcraze! (Today's storm count: 18)
Thefluffiestguineapig: You are a sound engineer
Kramburger: My name is in my user name
itomeshi: Audio Engineer
Darleysam: @squirrel_stowaway .......
Forlorgen: He engineers bens
ButButTheJesus: its a band? I thought it was like a "wake up" attack in fighting games
bytecaster: Wait, are you batman?
Mr_Horrible: I mean, you're sorta sound tech
DaFhaye: Your not!!!
Mr_Horrible: counts
gualdhar: Adam has Protean?
squ3e: I remembeer asking that exact question on this stream ben lol
frank_the_great: Are you, perhaps, the Sea?
gamercat88: illusion broken
Mai_Andra: Isn't AdamLavidan from Serge's channel? (Didn't he name a minecraft animal Adam and then send it into lava or something?)
DaFhaye: I feel lied to
jessieimproved: Ben you're a lil bit engineer
noSmokeFire: fuck this bat is huge
RealGamerCow: do you know how hard it was to learn typing with hooves?
SnowBuddy18: Your Batcave?
Mr_Horrible: "Eat any good fruits or insects lately?"
SkiaSymphonia: i'd presume a seabat is some kind of fish
skintbint: i thought you were like trained as a light/sound technician or something, am i a stupid idiot head?
CataclysmicReverb: fresh rock molds today
TherapyforNarwhals: Don't forgor to sub <3
Marvoleath: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/loadingreadyrun
Marvoleath: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out https://store.loadingreadyrun.com/ for the full catalog.
tr3ewitch88: No thank you
TherapyforNarwhals: Me I'm a sub for yall ;)
bytecaster: Gungle the Grungle
frank_the_great: @SkiaSymphonia You're some kind of fish
couchboyj: @gualdhar Thats why he wouldn't take it in game, he's already tired of it
Kramburger: If you Seabats, Saybats
SkiaSymphonia: @frank_the_great yeah probably
Mr_Horrible: it *could* be a good way, but not the way that the YT algo uses likes
Kramburger: The literally have a watch later button
Mr_Horrible: that's me, baybeeeeee
GasCityGaming: middle click brother!
SnowBuddy18: Clean tabs
circusofkirkus: cowards
itomeshi: Ben! I feel very seen with my tabs!
thatguysteve2709: Adams got the YouTube tech
bytecaster: I'm enjoying Ben and Adam Tech Tips!
dumbo3k: Hey! Don't call me out on my tabs! I've got a dozen going right now!
vogon_poet: I have 100 minimum all the time.
circusofkirkus: you need 75+ tabs
Juliamon: 5-6 is a good limit
frameshifty: I'm a tab guy ;_;
Mr_Horrible: if I'm under 5 it's a miracle
tr3ewitch88: I do something similar on Netflix.I watch it for a second and then go back
frank_the_great: I'm a firm low tab guy. The exception is Scryfall
bytecaster: A singular tab?!?!
skintbint: having loads of them open is tab-oo
Saintnex: Hah, I add it to my list of a bajillion watch lists, not tabs!
Mai_Andra: I just leave the tab open until I - oh no, Ben just called me out. NotLikeThis
ButButTheJesus: 2 windows, 100 each
gibbousm: I scared work IT with the amount of tabs I had
SnowBuddy18: 2-5 is good
micalovits: One tabbers represent!
DaFhaye: Less tabs are better
e_bloc: johnny one tab over here
Mr_Horrible: Adam opening a new window for each tab Kappa
SnackPak_: I'm sitting at 5 tabs currently
Kramburger: One thought per Window
Riandisa: Close one tab, open four
LostThePirate: I usually have between 10 and 30 tabs open :P
Darth_Litigious: Currently sitting on 145 tabs
TheAwkes: I drag and drop video links to a bookmark folder I use as a watch-list.
SageofShadowzF: At work I have like 3 browsers smd 6-7 tabs going
NotCainNorAbel: My watch later playlist is 1,034 videos....any day now I'll get through it
TotalHell: Too many tabs feels bad.
Fanklok: One tab? Sociopath behaviour
BusTed: Adam lives a single-threaded life
Mazrae: I close each tab when I'm done with it, I try to keep it as tab free as I can
Juliamon: email tab, social media tab, stream tab, active-at-the-moment tab
itomeshi: I cleaned up recently and I'm down to 152 tabs.
circusofkirkus: at work I have close to 150 tabs open
Mr_Horrible: why would you use the internet?
Mr_Horrible: freaks are there
frameshifty: Adam is a Monotasker Only
squ3e: single webpage purist, as god intended
Mai_Andra: I closed a bunch of tabs this morning, so now I only have about twelve up there...
bytecaster: Is this why Adam is immune to the news of the day?!
vogon_poet: Adam's like "WorK?! WTF IS WORK?!?!"
Kramburger: We've established Adam's hiding out in Plato's cave
LowUpsideCJ: we should know by now that adam doesnt use the internet
Thefluffiestguineapig: Adam doesn't have ADHD confirmed
QuixoticScrivener: this is why Adam didn’t know about Luigi
Juliamon: my 5th tab is a personal spreadsheet
KeytarCat: I have an elden ring lore video open for when I finish Shadow of the Erdtree. I've had it open since before I finished the base game...
tr3ewitch88: Look, some of us have ADHD and we can't multi-task.
ThorSokar: 6 monitors is where it's at
RealGamerCow: Adam just gave Ben a "what is wrong with you kids these days"
MacbethSeemsSus: Adam puts on a suit, pours some brandy: "Time to peruse the interwebs."
TotalHell: Adam Tabidan
Mazrae: I only have one monitor but I don't have enough room for another
AdamLavadan: Used to be Adamsayproliferate but I started to feel bad for adam...
bytecaster: Caught!
Kramburger: Adam doesn't look at chat when he's streaming, are you crazy?
rosesmcgee: no, that's two tasks
Blakemcm: Gottem ben
DaFhaye: That's not tabs those are apps
frank_the_great: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
RealGamerCow: I have 8 windows with between 1 and 7 tabs each
xantos69: Does Adam not know the difference between a window and a tab?
Veshnikard: Two windows not tabs
LowUpsideCJ: two tabs for work, one tab for pleasure
micalovits: That was a lot of work to find something where he uses two tabs, for saying "usually just one"
Mai_Andra: That's two "windows" though...
itira: good evening
Kramburger: Listening to this is a tadk
KeytarCat: One task in two tabs
Kramburger: Welp
Uzumaki15: I have multiple windows with 30+ tabs regularly at work XD
itira: thats buckwild Adam
Mr_Horrible: that's just deciding terms mean something other than they mean
Kramburger: BEN
tergonis: so all my wiki tabs count as one tab so long as they're the same subject
Mr_Horrible: erosSmug
bytecaster: I am always screensmaxing as the youth says
frank_the_great: So we're on the main screen? FBtouchdown
SnowBuddy18: I need my emotional support 5 things happening
tr3ewitch88: lrrBartleby
MacbethSeemsSus: I literally can't do my job with one tab.
vogon_poet: I have 10-15 eBay tabs open at any given time. I guess that only counts as one tab.
Fanklok: How do you live without any emotional support noises?
Nigouki: but what about the cute pics in the pets channels of every discord servers?
DaFhaye: Not me with my tv playing while playing a game, while watching this, and playing something on my phone
QuixoticScrivener: @fanklok, it is a cruel, dark existence.
MitchTheQuaker: yo same
bytecaster: We don't ASMR shame here
MitchTheQuaker: it feels so condecending
ThorSokar: oh I HATE that shit
egyptcraze: I try to keep my tab count around 7 or 8
itira: i didnt know that was a thing ... LUL
TherapyforNarwhals: I'd die
BorealMage: Anyone else not listen to anything while driving?
Nigouki: yeah no that's natsy
TotalHell: That's creepy
raulghoulia: Im a piece of shit you dont know!
n3ther: those are very weird
TherapyforNarwhals: Adam can you do ASMR
Kramburger: Ben I dare you to affirm yourself right now
jessieimproved: that literally makes my skin crawl
ThorSokar: If I wan't someone to lie to me, there's PLENTY of avenues for that
bytecaster: "You don't even know me!"
frank_the_great: (you're great)
BusTed: You got this, champ
LostThePirate: That stuff's weird, I don't get it either
Mazrae: I can't do ASMR
LowUpsideCJ: i don't like that
bytecaster: Uncommon
AdamLavadan subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months!
AdamLavadan: Used to be Adamsayproliferate, but I started to feel bad for adam...
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AdamLavadan! (Today's storm count: 19)
ghyllnox: Maybe you need your friends to make the affirmation vids
frank_the_great: Yes, 100%
Blakemcm: Adam is Focused. i wish i could do that
RealGamerCow: ASMR of any kind makes my back go up like a cat
itira: Adam = weirdo
KeytarCat: "The" weirdo is a bold take
niccus: adam, you have an attention span and executive function. you are a freak.
BorealMage: I'm with Adam on this one
DaFhaye: Go ahead Ben dig that hole
SnackPak_: is that one thing affirmation ASMR?
NotCainNorAbel: it isn't what the general public is doing
TotalHell: Would videos of yelled affirmations be better or worse?
ButButTheJesus: dig up!
gamercat88: its not the norm
Nigouki: only shotgun blast positive affirmation content I'll accept is that japanese fisherman guy
itira: i always have a stream and a game open
bytecaster: I clear my tabs out once every 5 years
vogon_poet: Don't worry, Ben, we're all hanging with you. He IS weird.
Boopity: Single tabbing is basically a superpower
Juliamon: TotalHell Like that Japanese fisherman? Hell yeah
Veshnikard: One tab and nothing on the desktop
DistractedMOSFET: If you can't read the tab names at all, I don't know what you're up to at that point
couchboyj: Its weird that your attention span hasn't been wrecked like Ben and the rest of us
niccus: he's not even a fisherman...
MitchTheQuaker: currently sitting at 17 tabs
drcthulu: that's why browser's have history
Thefluffiestguineapig: My computer would die
gibbousm: rarely
dumbo3k: Never
circusofkirkus: frequently
QuixoticScrivener: I might reach 5 tabs if I’m diving a wiki. but I can’t saying doing 10 or more.
Jadaris: daily
kragmabutch: never use em
bytecaster: 20 from the right knows what it did
NotCainNorAbel: when doing reseach yeah
Fanklok: What's worse, one tab or raw dogging the locker room floor.
kragmabutch: until i do
gibbousm: like months in between
drcthulu: hardly ever
CataclysmicReverb: right now, that's this window
AnjaZeta: frequently
SnackPak_: that's what bookmarks are for
RealGamerCow: My wife keeps like 20 tabs of memes open
raulghoulia: 20 never. 21...
Boopity: @Juliamon NEVER GIVE UP
Thefluffiestguineapig: Genuinely i can't have more than 5 or my computer crashes
TherapyforNarwhals: A bunch of people just felt judged and left lmao
TheMagicalSazerac: I'm a "If I have to scroll tabs, then I close a bunch"
ghizmou: I keep it because eventually I'll get around to it
LostThePirate: May be a generational thing? Or, well, you're both millenials, but you know what I mean, might be growing up with different eras of the internet.
Kramburger: More shocking is people who never turn their pc off
itomeshi: jumping between projects, deciding on purchases...
ButButTheJesus: "I'll check back on it eventually" is what my mind says
DaFhaye: Oh no. I never keep tabs open more than a day.
itira: i am!~ LUL
tr3ewitch88: No but it's emotional support now
Mr_Horrible: most of these are like, reference once, then maybe once again later
betweenmyself: webpage hoarding pennyWhat
TheMerricat: I swap between groups of tabs constantly. But some tabs only get touched once a month.
gamercat88: FREE :3
ThorSokar: A lot of my old tabs are research projects I'm currently burnt out on
rosesmcgee: I have dozens and dozens of reference tabs open for work across three separate browser windows.
Mai_Andra: that's in the queue. I'll get back to it when I get through the 19 in front of it.
itira: free chairs!!
Mr_Horrible: you can just take the ducks, the government can't stop you
frameshifty: you have to call out any farm animal like cows or horses though
Nigouki: speaking of keeping things around. went through the canned food cubby today and finally threw out all the cans with best before dates from before the pandemic
Sparklyopteryx: They're almost all gift ideas and I use them 8 or so times a year probably
bytecaster: "STOP"
itira: "STOP"
bytecaster: Jinx
Mr_Horrible: "Ooh, Beltzer Avenue"
itira: LUL
janky_as_heck: same. or I'll read trucking company names in a weird voice
DarknessKingCoH: Road Work Ahead
gamercat88: Fre shavachdo
squ3e: "Whitespot? HOME FOUND"
Juliamon: My sister doesn't read them out loud but she DOES make a joke about them and I have to guess what sign she was looking at
momalyd: Oh no I missed the start of the banter
TotalHell: I thought you needed to be at least thirty years older to do that regularly.
Mr_Horrible: "The cold of existence is closing in. Enjoy burger."
Manae: Ben is the sign-reading guy from Sheep in the Big City?
BusTed: PogChamp
LostThePirate: I used to live on High Alley, and just had to tell people to turn down the street missing a street sign :P
itira: yep! ADHD at its finest LUL
TherapyforNarwhals: It's the dog in you
Mr_Horrible: "I want to leave this vehicle"
Veshnikard: But we can't afford the $10
Arnye1984: I normally save website on my favorites till I use it like I still have Rasavastore.com saved to get signed DND books for my girlfriend every holiday or birthday
SkiaSymphonia: did you tuck and roll when they kicked you out of the car?
ghizmou: the worst is when 1 of your 150 tabs start making noise and you can't find it
tr3ewitch88: ADHD is a beast
Boopity: I thought it was two wolves
itira: D:
Mr_Horrible: he's got *that* dog in him
skintbint: what breed?
BusTed: drawfeGoodjoke drawfeGoodjoke drawfeGoodjoke
micalovits: Booo
drcthulu: ruff
gamercat88: seabatClap \
AdamLavadan: lrrHORN lrrSPOOP lrrHORN
Tangsm: It's a good dog
SnackPak_: dude
DaFhaye: all bark no bite
Mr_Horrible: oh boo hoo your daughter got shot
couchboyj: He got that dog in him, and that dog fucking loves burgers
Kipstar: let's mope
frank_the_great: Outside a dog, books are man's best friend. Inside a dog, it's too dark
Mr_Horrible: GROW UP JOEL
SkiaSymphonia: he's not wrong
itira: Adam is spitting
CataclysmicReverb: JASTER
circusofkirkus: I'm glad we have this happy-go-lucky game to distract us from the real world
gamercat88: the darkest of clouds
Nigouki: only thing sad so far is you're in an apocalypse and you killed more humans than non-humans so far
DaFhaye: Dark Cloud 2 is the saddest game
Boopity: LUL
ghizmou: the same
DaFhaye: But the best game
JinaMahavira: a small, round child
Mazrae: It's all that Remey (sorry if misspelt) hair that youve ingested over the years Ben
TherapyforNarwhals: Stream?
goombalax: boof
Tangsm: What's the game look like Ben
micalovits: Playing LoL is also pretty sad at times
BusTed: game screen
noSmokeFire: last of us would be better with spheda
DoomBringerIL: hey adam! hey jude! @LoadingReadyRun
NarishmaReborn: booth
Fanklok: Cool gameplay
squ3e: Are we? we cant see
DistractedMOSFET: don't tell them
bytecaster: Cinema
Mr_Horrible: "My small child who was the wrong color"
DistractedMOSFET: it's good
itira: LUL
DistractedMOSFET: nooooooooooo
Nigouki: ASMR stream
Boopity: *Chaos noises off-screen*
SurfDownstage: I'm sure you're doing great
DaFhaye: Or the moment in Dark Cloud 2 when your weapon breaks and you don't have repair
Nigouki: just punching noises
InconsiderateHat: Don't mind us just getting wrecked by zombies
tr3ewitch88: lrrFINE lrrFINE lrrFINE lrrFINE
BorealMage: Let's Nope with only booth cam would be an experience
TherapyforNarwhals: Adam's death scream!
Mr_Horrible: you can blame Joel for a lot, turns out
SnackPak_: GG Adam
gamercat88: nice
Mr_Horrible: that's aspirational right there
Mr_Horrible: in multiple ways
BrowneePointz: idk have you been shot?
Darleysam: a zombie with FEELINGS
squ3e: Ya know, for a man worried about the infection he punches them in the mouth with no protection a lot
KeytarCat: This game has a snap-aim for thrown objects, right? that's what the little circle means?
bytecaster: You try to sound cool if you are full of fungus!
FlyingWolfAngel2: is this the new wilhelm??
SurfDownstage: Once more with FEELING
The_Timo: I mean literally it was probably a guy yelling in a tiny box for several hours
Boopity: @BrowneePointz I believe this one was from a punch LUL
tr3ewitch88: Me I would make that noise as a Z
TherapyforNarwhals: @FlyingWolfAngel2 Last of Us Part 1 Remaster
RealGamerCow: ripping yarn
rosesmcgee: How droll
itira: Heavens to betsy!
LowUpsideCJ: oh the humours!
Mr_Horrible: Mergatroid
betweenmyself: Ho ho, what a perfectly cromulent jape! riffYeti
Mr_Horrible: from Marvin the Martian iirc
SnackPak_: lrrWOW
skintbint: if you stuff your self full of fungi there won't be mush room left in you
TotalHell: Murgatroyd (with variants including Murgatroid) is a surname among the English nobility, originating in Yorkshire.
RealGamerCow: it's like a metroidvania
Mr_Horrible: it's just an exultation of his
TheMerricat: "The expression “Heavens to Murgatroyd” was coined by the writers of the Yogi Bear cartoon series in 1961. It is a variant of the earlier expression “Heavens to Betsy“. The first recorded use of the phrase in print was in an advertisement in the Ohio newspaper The Akron Beacon Journal in March 1961."
TheMerricat: "The name “Murgatroyd” is a real surname, but it is not common in the United States. It is likely that the Yogi Bear writers chose this name because it sounded wacky to American ears. "
Darleysam: I love playing murgatroyvanias
circusofkirkus: simpler times
bytecaster: I have you know I never planked
butt_ghost: loved the harlem shake
gamercat88: mushroom
TherapyforNarwhals: MUSHROOM
SnackPak_: mushroom!
Mazrae: Mushroom mushroom
micalovits: mushroom
SurfDownstage: mushroom
frank_the_great: MUSHROOM MUSHROOM
circusofkirkus: that is classic art
DaFhaye: mushroom mushroom
DistractedMOSFET: every generation pays the cringe toll
MitchTheQuaker: my 5th grade camp did the harlem shake
RealGamerCow: I remember it as Snagllepuss as well
patrick_stonecrusher: AFRICAAAN SNAAAAAAKE
raulghoulia: exit stage left even
Mr_Horrible: I mean, those writers probably *also* wrote Snagglepuss
Juliamon: Hanna-Barbera cartoons sharing jokes??
BusTed: Might be the same writers? I also remember Snagglepuss
TheMerricat: "The phrase is often mistakenly attributed to Bert Lahr’s character in the 1944 film Meet the People. The Snagglepuss character, who popularized the phrase, is very similar to the persona that Bert Lahr adopted on-screen, but the phrase doesn’t appear in the film and was not coined until 17 years after the film was released."
QuixoticScrivener: both are Hannah Barbara
LaconicLad: Snagglepuss was part of the Yogi universe
TotalHell: Snagglepuss was part of the Yogi cartoons. Bunch of different cartoons together.
The_Timo: I never understood it
gamercat88: Old Gregg!
tr3ewitch88: Yeah stay focused
Mazrae: Candy mountain Charlie
TherapyforNarwhals: Llamas w Hats tho
goombalax: its the Magical Peopluridon, charlie!
TherapyforNarwhals: That still hits hard
TotalHell: @LaconicLad The Yogi Cinematic Universe
Kramburger: Yeah, never thought it was *that* funny
Mai_Andra: "We're on a bridge, Charlie!"
DaFhaye: I have no idea what Charlie is
ButButTheJesus: ♪ you can do tha Harlem WUBWUBWUB ♪
Mazrae: Llama in hats?
Stripe_dog: The 5th one is something entirely different
frank_the_great: Same for Salad Fingers
Mr_Horrible: there's a few gems in it, but it's mostly just that era of "so random" internet humor
Orestes290: Salad Fingers
bethy_kins24: candy mountain
shendaras: filmcow is great
SkiaSymphonia: @frank_the_great was just thinking the same thing
ghyllnox: I remember it being half funny and half disturbing
bethy_kins24: @mazrae yesss Carlllll
BrowneePointz: half of them are still good, half aren't
Kramburger: Magical trevor
Jennie_Fuchsia: yall saying Salad Fingers are making me feel so validated
HadesLeprechaun: @Mr_Horrible Skibidi? That era never left
dumbo3k: The Ultimate Showdown
BusTed: did you ever tell your friends to make sure to watch the video to the end
Boopity: Was salad fingers supposed to be funny?
RealGamerCow: I liked Magical Trevor because it had a cow in it
BrowneePointz: Salad fingers was creepypasta for peoiple WAY into Invader Zim
Orestes290: I just liked watching others reactions to it
Mai_Andra: It's a liopleurodon. A magical liopleurodon!
tr3ewitch88: Salad fingers was unsettlingly entertaining.
frank_the_great: I loved the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny
Mazrae: Star Wars Kid?
LostThePirate: Fire ze missiles!
DaFhaye: Did you watch the weird gore rabbits? I forget what they were called
AdamLavadan: Haven't thought about salad fingers in like 10 years...
couchboyj: Captain Kirk is climbing a mountain, why is he climbing a mountain is still a banger, I'll die on that hill
betweenmyself: “Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared” is some of that good weirdo horror shit
DaFhaye: Happy tree friends
DaFhaye: Yeah that
TherapyforNarwhals: Ben you've watched Vox Machina right?
Uzumaki15: Being homeschooled I didn't encounter a lot of 90s meme trends
frank_the_great: Hated HTF
bethy_kins24: @mai_andra shun the non believer
Mr_Horrible: @HadesLeprechaun that's honestly the most interesting thing about Skibidi, is that it's a return to that, *in Gmod* no less
HedgehogKnight: I'm Gen X so just give me a good old "Cow Tools" any day
Juliamon: Never watch HTF or Foamy
The_Timo: tape too tall
Mr_Horrible: like something unmoored in time
TherapyforNarwhals: That's Pykes voice actress!
Juliamon: *watched
Jennie_Fuchsia: if anyone doesn’t know Ultimate Showdown and Mouth Sounds are the same guy: you’re welcome
Rootpotato: in that vein Too Many Cooks is a classic
frank_the_great: Betrayed by yellow tape
CataclysmicReverb: @Juliamon You are missing nothing
The_Timo: Nice
xantos69: Her name is Ellie. So Ellie-oop
YawnLance: Uh Tess
TotalHell: That worked
Mr_Horrible: lol
LostThePirate: Lol, this is how old I am: I rented Happy Tree Friends DVDs from Netflix in college :P
BusTed: Allyoop
micalovits: Uhhh
shendaras: seabatClap
AdamLavadan: Foamy the squirrel? That's a big throwback...
Boopity: Girlboss
itsr67: remastered
ladyjessica: wow
DaFhaye: Or like Foamy the squirrel
Mr_Horrible: Tess using her powers to translate along the Y axis
BusTed: zoom
YawnLance: nyoom
niccus: realistic gaming
ButButTheJesus: yeet
Boopity: Remastered, now with new bugs!
tr3ewitch88: Whoa
DistractedMOSFET: tbf if my mate is trying to move a dumpster i'm climbing on frame 1
phoenixletmeuseadashd: brickjoel
frank_the_great: Overwhelmingly positive
raulghoulia: joels all bricked up
Mr_Horrible: look, they just focused on making it *look* good not *work* good
NarwhalsInATrenchcoat: game's haunted.
SkiaSymphonia: new elemental attack: brick
Mr_Horrible: still not as good as Sea of Thieves
DaFhaye: This game still looks great
Boopity: Water is goated
Boopity: Oh
TherapyforNarwhals: Now it's global warming :(
ghyllnox: Always with the swan boats
SnackPak_: I still care about water
frank_the_great: Water is a 10/10 drink
micalovits: Water to woke
Mr_Horrible: they found some old slurs from its forum days
CataclysmicReverb: Watershake duck
noSmokeFire: water doesn't hate snow
itira: LUL
SkiaSymphonia: with all the junk coming out of the states lately, would not surprise me
Boopity: LUL
tr3ewitch88: What?
bosqueofpines: Can only drink diet soda now.
gamercat88: nice
micalovits: I mean, Budlight did and thats almost the same
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
DistractedMOSFET: clap
Mr_Horrible: ayyy we got there
frank_the_great: Shockingly, water is not baptized
itomeshi: Dammit Adam!
SkiaSymphonia: new executive order: water is outlawed
BusTed: onstaWBEANS
BusTed: Bye Beej
dumbo3k: Bye Beej!
SkiaSymphonia: bye beej
micalovits: Bye Beej!
Mr_Horrible: Farewell, Beej
CaptinOfBeez: bye beej!!!
Going_Medium: As an American, we use Brawndo. It's what plants crave.
TherapyforNarwhals: Oh I thought you were saying bye to Tess
YawnLance: Bye Beej
ButButTheJesus: bye beej!
xantos69: Ok, here is my pitch. Have Wheeler do a "Frank's Ranks" But ranking things by how woke they are.
frank_the_great: He'll be back
7gorobei: bye beej
ladyjessica: bye beej!
ghyllnox: Bye Beej
mrjujubeans: damn that’s good
JinaMahavira: Bye lrrBEEEJ
The_Timo: Think the game does the scene better but show was good
tr3ewitch88: No you don't cuz its all different 😅🤪
Darleysam: a lab? we just looking for their dog?
johnnylongtorso: @Darleysam we're just trying to get our cholesterol checked
ghyllnox: She was clean on the scan though
BusTed: rayfkWelp
Juliamon: she was clean on the scan before that fight we were just in
The_Timo: Man actually Anna Torv killed it.
Blakemcm: Tess is a real one
Forlorgen: Tess ultimate bad ass
TherapyforNarwhals: Ngl died way cooler in the show but this is so much sadder
BusTed: "can I have ur stuff"
Blakemcm: gimme ur bulletas
ghyllnox: Yeah just strip naked and run at them yelling
dumbo3k: It's not a virus! It's a fungus!
frank_the_great: bruh
tr3ewitch88: @therapyfornarwhals yeah they were both good in their own way
johnnylongtorso: ugly bags of mostly water
tr3ewitch88: Yeah, but they couldn't put all the fighting in the TV show.
Nigouki: why doe sit sound like they were smashing up pots like they're Link?
Mr_Horrible: bolt-action my beloved
Mr_Horrible: that motion is hot and you know it
Mr_Horrible: don't front
Blakemcm: melee build
Forlorgen: They call me "Bricksy" on account of my bricks i hit peole with
Mr_Horrible: the soldiers realize it'd be rude to act like they heard that
AdamLavadan: Still crazy to hear ashley johnson's voice
TherapyforNarwhals: You can hear them through walls, we haven't done that in a min
Boopity: Immediate pay-off
Dog_of_Myth: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
BusTed: command grabbed
Mr_Horrible: "Actually nevermind a lotta people gotta die"
DaFhaye: Brick is best gun
Mr_Horrible: the internet betrayed you
Blakemcm: hell yea ellie brick
The_Timo: forgot about batman vision?
Mr_Horrible: it's very dumb to do, yes
johnnylongtorso: now we'll never be able to watch 2000s internet memes
BrowneePointz: front of your skull is very thick
Mr_Horrible: in a practical sense it's a last resort
BrowneePointz: your brow ridge is dense
xantos69: If you hit your head into their head in exactly the right spot... Their head will explode.
frank_the_great: The more headbutts you do, the less you care
DaFhaye: It is a very bad idea to headbutt.
micalovits: Gotta have space for that giant brain
BusTed: adam's skull never closed
scienceglizzy: listen mode lets you see through walls
LowUpsideCJ: resting robin egg face
Blakemcm: dont jump just crouch block
johnnylongtorso: @xantos69 Forehead of the North Star
Mr_Horrible: Defeating Adam in a single blow by striking his unfused fontanelle
AdamLavadan: Jesus ben....
frank_the_great: Ellie will remember this
tr3ewitch88: CaitlynS LUL LUL LUL
BusTed: she didn't see anything
7gorobei: j
15 raiders from Sharkfists have joined!
Boopity: Amazing framing
scienceglizzy subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 4 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, scienceglizzy! (Today's storm count: 20)
couchboyj: lrrSPOOPY
TheAinMAP: sharkf11THINK sharkf11THINK sharkf11THINK
Mr_Horrible: heyya raiders
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: where the zombies at
airddragon subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 43 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, airddragon! (Today's storm count: 21)
Sharkfists: hi!!
tr3ewitch88: lrrJUDGECALL
Kramburger: Fontanelle is the soft spot babies have
Juliamon: lrrLUL
LowUpsideCJ: monologue cutscene
drcthulu: you mean he isn't?
Mr_Horrible: I'm a children's cartoon villain
SymphonySolstice: I mean he just needs to get a doctorate and t hen he can star in a musical
Mr_Horrible: gonna turn the ice cream factory into a spinach factory
MyrddintheWizard: Max!
micalovits: Chat could be an anime villain
kimmibeans: I always just assumed the name was a play off Dr. Horrible
The_Timo: detective vision? lol
EvilBadman: We're learning you some words good
Fanklok: You not knowing words longer than 7 letters isn't Mr. Horrible's fault
mulligan2six: If I say that I wanna headbutt you in your soft spot it sounds sexual though
Mr_Horrible: yeah but not to kids
Sharkfists: pickled kale factory
Mr_Horrible: although maybe kids like spinach now, IDK
GasCityGaming: you knocked his block off!
SkiaSymphonia: the thing about headbutts, the more you do em, the better an idea they are
ghizmou: good thing you grew out of that
Boopity: Past tense?
couchboyj: Mr Horrible as a name has big off brand Team Rocket leader vibes. He'd have two goons, tops.
Mr_Horrible: did you also love 8pm bedtime and reading with your bifocals on?
Juliamon: loved them brassicas
SnackPak_: sprouts are goated
Fanklok: Cabbage and Brussle's Sprouts are the same plant
kimmibeans: I hated brussle sprouts (still do) but I loved broccoli
Sharkfists: brusseler sprouts
tr3ewitch88: I still do but I'm weird
skintbint: i remember going through a 2 week rhubarb fase when i was like 9, never eaten it since and im 26
BrowneePointz: cooked broccoli soaks up flavor
NotCainNorAbel: carrots
ghyllnox: Capitol not bricked up
TotalHell: Broccoli is goated
frank_the_great: Hard agree
Boopity: Broccoli top tier texture
xantos69: Onion 100%
DaFhaye: Broccoli is the best
gamercat88: bell peppers
ladyjessica: yeah, carrots are goat
noSmokeFire: broccoli is super high in vitamin k
Forlorgen: Carrots have something to say adam
Fanklok: Eggplant????????
Sharkfists: I'm mid on brocco. it's fine but very far from the best for me
gualdhar: how can you saythat when tomatoes exist
SnackPak_: I'd buy broccoli as best veg
Forlorgen: and peas
Juliamon: Broccoli started making me sick :(
micalovits: Ongion
BrowneePointz: Onion is in another tier
Mr_Horrible: if you were a carrot man you'd be more... yellow? Is that it?
DaFhaye: Asparagus is also really good
TherapyforNarwhals: Onions an accessory
Riandisa: roasted broccoli is so good
korvys: Potato
NotCainNorAbel: solo fried
frank_the_great: carrot carrot milk carrot milk carrot milk
Boopity: @Juliamon Nooooo
jessieimproved: Green beans
Darleysam: sweet potato
GasCityGaming: only brocoli i've ever enjoyed was blackened (not burned) in cast iron with lots of crushed red pepper
Seth_Erickson: yeah like broccoli
arkham1981: Asparagus
Mr_Horrible: in that case onion for me, yeah
tr3ewitch88: Anyone else here like spaghetti squash?
BorealMage: Ooh, yeah, asparagus is great
Fanklok: I'd raw dog and eggplant
TotalHell: Soloing this onion 2nite
HadesLeprechaun: Broccoli I think needs to be baked to the perfect brown crispiness around the edges
xantos69: Adam I put this before you... come to my house and let me cook for you if you leave without saying "Man Onion is the best" then I'll cover your groceries for a month.
SkiaSymphonia: I eat everything in a room all alone though
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: toss broccoli with oil, salt, garlic and Garam Masala. roast at 400°F for 10-15 minutes
CataclysmicReverb: As opposed to eating it for the vine
LowUpsideCJ: onion is an all time role player though. first ballot hall of fame
ghyllnox: You'd think he'd take a helmet
TheMerricat: raw onions can be nice to eat. But roasted onions are to die for.
ladyjessica: I liked carrots so much as a baby I turned orange.
skintbint: id bite into a carrot like a horse if i had one right now
MitchTheQuaker: pesto trash tier
frank_the_great: Asparagus is good, but it like requires butter
kimmibeans: Fun fact: Brussle sprouts have actually been being bred to be less bitter. The brussle sprouts we eat today taste sweeter compared to the ones we grew up with
raulghoulia: it smells like asparagus which smells good
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: onions are underappreciated
ExtraWubs: eating a baked onion is based. needs some salt
Mai_Andra: Cameron just biting into a whole cabbage...
BrowneePointz: are we talking eating veggie or veggie veggie. Cuz Onion is kind of another tier all by itself just cuz it's the most versatile veggie on the damn planet
TotalHell: I used to love the slimy asparagus out of a can.
Sharkfists: asparagus is great with butter and salt, but so are most things
MitchTheQuaker: you ripping a raw broccoli?
Mr_Horrible: I'd chomp on an onion yeah
DaFhaye: Fine then spinach
Fanklok: Onions have layers
circusofkirkus: in that case, bell pepper
SnackPak_: raw broccoli is good
TherapyforNarwhals: Tes sure gave us plenty of time to single handedly murder them all
TheMerricat: Eat it like an apple. Onions are good if you pick the right variety.
Forlorgen: Tomatoes then are the best
Mr_Horrible: no, horse has more killing intent
Mai_Andra: ♪ carrot carrot milk ...
DistractedMOSFET: apparently a great-uncle of mine used to eat into onions like apples just to gross out my dad when he was a child
Sharkfists: I mean, I regularly eat raw califlower as a snack
CataclysmicReverb: Who's biting horses
jessieimproved: I eat onions raw or cooked
Stripe_dog: Carrots are so sweet that they might as well be fruits
kali_dehumanization: Dude raw sweet potato slapppsssss
Mr_Horrible: all horses are sociopaths
NotCainNorAbel: and Adam started the Horse War
BrowneePointz: Also yea there's some great onions raw, they're like apples though, gotta know which are for which
EvilBadman: Mr Ed, "I'm bite different"
jessieimproved: My grandma used to have a slice of onion on her plate at dinner and I copied her and now I love it
frank_the_great: You mean worse broccoli?
itira: cauliflower rules
Kramburger: As was the style at the time
ghyllnox: Why are they trying to kill them again
Forlorgen: Onions in a different style
Darleysam: hell yeah onion for dinner!
Juliamon: cauliflower is differently-textured broccoli
Fanklok: Ghost broccoli
DaFhaye: Cherry tomatoes are really good on there own
NotCainNorAbel: have you never had a burger with a side of burger?
jessieimproved: she might have that woman loved onions
TheMerricat: Don't be silly Adam, you can't have just Onion for dinner, you need some bulbs of garlic too.
tr3ewitch88: I just like veg. In general...ever since I was a kid
MitchTheQuaker: we have also killed a bunch of them
BrowneePointz: Militia is full control and they left quarantine
couchboyj: When it wasn't dinnertime, did she keep the onion on her belt? As was the style at the time?
Nigouki: we did murder two guards
skintbint: @NotCainNorAbel what a meal, yum yum gimme
BrowneePointz: and they assaulted a truck of dudes
Mr_Horrible: you posted mean words about a cop online
gamercat88: shot the sheriff but not the deputy
Mr_Horrible: so they brought out the assault vehicle
Boopity: Bulbagarlic, my favorite Pokemon
frank_the_great: I'd wear one on my belt
GasCityGaming: roast garlic, mash it, put it on toast, fantastic
Sharkfists: mmmm garlic
LowUpsideCJ: breath wars 2025
KeytarCat: I can't eat garlic or onion anymore :(
Nigouki: she bulb my garlic until I onion
DaFhaye: I would not advise biting into a bulb of garlic
Sharkfists: boba garlic
NarishmaReborn: the bulbagarlic was my favorite pokemon starter
Mr_Horrible: bulbagarlic, that was that one mean podracer right?J
Stripe_dog: You ever eat raw garlic? Stuff is spicy like horseraddish.
onetrueseth: @KeytarCat stones?
TherapyforNarwhals: Time to learn!
RealGamerCow: There's a garlic festival near me and they have a contest to see how many raw garlic cloves people can eat. Last year the winner was 34
7gorobei: bulbagar bulbasaur's cousin
Fanklok: Sure you can swim, just do it
tr3ewitch88: @sharkfists ew😅
ghyllnox: "Time for you to learn"
BrowneePointz: Debulba is a dug, and a very dangerous one at that
KeytarCat: @onetrueseth just bad stomach
Nickiatori: Imagine not knowing how to swim
BrowneePointz: ni chooba ni?
BorealMage: Underwater gas mask seems like a bad idea
ButButTheJesus: chooba da noya!
Tangsm: Flood water has plenty of goop
Fanklok: Wouldn't that ruin your guns and bullets?
The_Timo: @Fanklok if they were made of paper
Mr_Horrible: I can swim, but not well
BrowneePointz: You think people can afford to fuckin go to the pool?
Cptasparagus: twitch poll?
TherapyforNarwhals: I mean she was born in the apocolypse so
Morrigan9: since water got canceled, nok swimming
BrowneePointz: oh wait yea there's places other than the US
LaconicLad: Are people denser than they used to be?
couchboyj: This water's pronouns are guh/oop, tyvm
Kramburger: We started our daughter's swin lessons at age 2
tr3ewitch88: It depends on if someone throws you in water ?
Khalahd: If you were born in the apocalypse, I think you'd have a bit of a tough time finding a swimming class.
itomeshi: I had asthma and we paid for multiple year of sitting on the tile at the YMCA.
KeytarCat: My brother did that while my parents were out for the evening
Mr_Horrible: Joel you're getting the paper wet!
xantos69: I'm ok with that approach. Better to figure out early if the kid can swim in a pool rather than a lake
LowUpsideCJ: My niece is getting swimming lessons!
frank_the_great: Frank FBtouchdown
Nickiatori: @LaconicLad yes but that s unrelated
Seth_Erickson: my aunt is a swim instructor so I had an in from the get go also my grandparents had an outdoor pool which helped as well
lamina5432: i learned natualy so no idea how to not ne able to swim
TheMerricat: "The Red Cross says 54% of Americans can’t swim. According to surveys, 80% of adults claim they can swim, but only 44% can do all of the following: float or tread water for 1 minute, jump into deep water and come up for air, spin in the water and find a way out, get out of a pool without a ladder, and swim 25 yards continuously."
phoenixletmeuseadashd: man this water would make you so sick
BrowneePointz: We had to tread water for a minute to be allowed in the deep end as kids
betweenmyself: luckily for Australia, only 72% of their deadly spiders have learned to swim… Water is safer than dry land down there
HadesLeprechaun: it mostly just notifies you when you've hit a new available thing
tr3ewitch88: @themerricat Well, now. I feel special cause I can do that.
Boopity: @TheMerricat O-oh... well if that's the criterion for "can swim"...
kimmibeans: I'm just wondering how the hell that gas mask is still functional with how waterlogged it is
BorealMage: Sure don't
dumbo3k: No
CataclysmicReverb: No
kimmibeans: NO
7gorobei: nope
dumbo3k: definitely don't
SkiaSymphonia: they do here
Cptasparagus: no it would be clogged with water
Stripe_dog: The filter would get soaked and clogged I'm sure
Mr_Horrible: yeah you can't really submerge that shit
MitchTheQuaker: super not made for submergeable
CataclysmicReverb: The filter would dissolve in water
skintbint: surely youd get water up your bum like and that'd infect you
TherapyforNarwhals: Swimming w a latter is probably hard
Tangsm: Weirdly enough, gas masks aren't used for scuba
Dromos_GHG: suddenly sims
MacbethSeemsSus: If he stops paddling for a second we'll drown!
Boopity: Ew, there's video game in your video game?
TherapyforNarwhals: Well nevermind that's just stupid lmao
Juliamon: damn Joel, you couldn't grab the fucking pipe for a boost
SnackPak_: lrrWOW
Blakemcm: clumsy dope
kimmibeans: I'm a microbiologist and I've given up on this game making any sense
tr3ewitch88: Nope, you gotta bring her over.
dumbo3k: Oh no! It's Titanic all over again!
RealGamerCow: what the dumbass aesop's riddle is this
SnackPak_: cannonball!
BrowneePointz: @kimmibeans hey now, the Cordyceps things makes JUST enough sense to be a plot device
Mr_Horrible: and then she crashed through the ice and drowned
KeytarCat: !heychat
kimmibeans: @BrowneePointz Fair enough, lol
schordash: causeiLaugh
SnackPak_: you say that like it's a bad thing
Kramburger: Baked and bakes
BrowneePointz: except for the whole our nervous systems are too advanced and any fungus that attempted a full override would PROBABLY just shut our whole body down @kimmibeans
ghyllnox: Hell yea
Mr_Horrible: we love Havok here don't we folks?
dumbo3k: Breathing in gas masks is not easy
Juliamon: there is NOWHERE on the red line with that many benches
Juliamon: this game's bullshit
Kramburger: It's Joel ASMR. Or JSMR, if you will
KeytarCat: Y'all hear about the fungus that learned to drive robot legs?
itira: youd probably be breathing loud if you just swam in poo water
Mr_Horrible: I need to update that joke, I have no idea if Havok is even in use anymore
tr3ewitch88: He needs hi inhaler
Boopity: If it were me, I would simply stop breathing
kimmibeans: @BrowneePointz The more I try to justify it, the more I find holes and I'm struggling over her
TherapyforNarwhals: And we're dry af
skintbint: @KeytarCat no what it do?
Mr_Horrible: @KeytarCat yeah, I watched Scavenger's Reign
itira: that explains a lot honestly
gualdhar: Adam swam in the Seine?
AdamLavadan: After the pandemic gas masks are nothing...
MungoDude: Sewage McDuck
EvilBadman: You eat pieces of shit for breakfast?
tr3ewitch88: Don't talk about tests. Where am I gonna find another girlfriend in the Apocalypse?
raulghoulia: @Juliamon the world ended in 2013, hadnt ramped up the anti unhoused stuff as much then
kimmibeans: If you have ever swum in a natural body of water then congratulations, you have swum in poop water
rosesmcgee: the gym is just a euphemism
Mr_Horrible: "What the fuck's a car?"
dumbo3k: @Mr_Horrible It's those rusty things you hide behind
gamercat88: 20
BrowneePointz: I still remember when they got sued by Elliot Page and had to change her design
Vandristine: 20
Stripe_dog: She's seen a car, the militia has some
Vandristine: outbreak is like 2003
SkiaSymphonia: It was longer in the show, short in the game
Mr_Horrible: noooo my joke is falling apart
Mr_Horrible: I'm melting
Kramburger: One Piche?
BrowneePointz: Watch the Netflix Live Action
Mr_Horrible: ~~~can we get much higher?~~~
EvilBadman: @mr_horrible Shoulda called it an automobile or some other fanciful word
BrowneePointz: it's good and you'd like Zoro Adam
skintbint: @KeytarCat yo thats sick i want one
spo8n: it's on hiatus, time to catch up!
Mazrae: Thanks Ben I'm going to have that intro in my head for a bit
itira: Ben hates kids
Mr_Horrible: @EvilBadman gonna start charging Adam for reading my 5-dollar words
kimmibeans: They apparently just wrapped up filming for season 2 of the live action
varmintx0: Child abuse is not funny, Ben.
Mr_Horrible: I'll make a mint
ButButTheJesus: @KeytarCat neat!
BrowneePointz: Wait...would Adam like Zoro...or would he be a Sanji stan...
Nickiatori: stop trying to gum gum pistol ellie
Thefluffiestguineapig: I genuinely know someone who wore a 5303 respirator through quarantine because she had access to one and thought it was wise
drcthulu: she better learn how to dodge a punch then
micalovits: Just an angry man
MacbethSeemsSus: Ben that's inappropriate. That's what the brick's for.
tr3ewitch88: She may be the savior but she's also a pain in the ass brat.
Juliamon: nah Sanji is too pervy for Adam
BrowneePointz: Live Action Juliamon
BrowneePointz: not Anime
Nickiatori: @BrowneePointz I feel like he might like live action Sanji but would hate manga/ Anime sanji
Vandristine: ah yes wild spirit magic
BrowneePointz: Live Action Sanji is a Rizzlord. Anime is a horndog
micalovits: If you saw 10.000 firefleis
TotalHell: if en million fireflies?
Mr_Horrible: you think Owl City survived the apocalypse?
BrowneePointz: dear lord i'm thirty two fucking years old and just said the words Rizzlord
TherapyforNarwhals: Plank time, she loves planking.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Game had a smash cut to a 20 years later screen last week
Juliamon: Owl City didn't even survive the decade
tr3ewitch88: Ellie suddenly has ADH D.
BrowneePointz: that was 7 whole days!
MacbethSeemsSus: I barely remember today.
AdamLavadan: Dude is ripped to do that...
micalovits: More than 100 hours!
vogon_poet: Drop it!!!!!
Nickiatori: New pipe who dis
KeytarCat: Newpipe is how I watch youtube
Mr_Horrible: ngl I'm still kinda wincing whenever he just lets the edges of these boards slide through his grip
vogon_poet: Drop the pipe. Need to hear the sound.
BrowneePointz: Chat if you watch ANY bit of the Last of Us show
BrowneePointz: watch the Bill Episode
Nigouki: we had to UNLOCK a receipie to duct tape knives to a stick!?
johnnylongtorso: Joel's hands are 95% splinters
mrjujubeans: new pipe just dropped
BrowneePointz: Nick Offerman will leave you in TEARS
Mr_Horrible: now is that noise zombos or frogs?
crashdownreg: @BrowneePointz you mentioning it is making me cry
schordash: so narwhals don’t exist to you?
tr3ewitch88: What does Ellie know how to do?
Dragonality: Get outta here hoop and stick, knives ON stick is the new hotness
LowUpsideCJ: not only that, had to unlock it 20 years into this thing
Mr_Horrible: don't worry, Ellie, it took me a while too
Thefluffiestguineapig: Joel is the worst character in this game
vogon_poet: Fucking gen alpha...
Thefluffiestguineapig: His brother was so much better, Tess was great
tr3ewitch88: Like she can't swim. She can't whistle WTF.
CataclysmicReverb: You don't. The fingers are just to look cool
Vandristine: I cant whistle either
ButButTheJesus: I couldn't whistle until like late 20s and its still barely anything
BrowneePointz: Look, I can only teach yall how to do the waterdrop cheek sound. I can't teach you how to whistle
VeryBadLifeChoices: she's just like me for real for real
HedgehogKnight: Just put your lips together and blow
Juliamon: I wouldn't want to learn the finger whistle at this point. I ain't sticking my fingers in there
Mr_Horrible: shivn't
Nickiatori: looks like the shive was not required
MacbethSeemsSus: Crouches of respect
Mr_Horrible: zombie really going for the oscar there
BrowneePointz: Bartholomew! I see him and he's GLORIOUS!
micalovits: The good ol dramatic death
HadesLeprechaun: you have zombo-vision
kragmabutch: i would be a menace if i knew how to whistle
Mr_Horrible: brick's like bottle 2.0
dumbo3k: Good Joke Adam
Mr_Horrible: it's not *strictly* better, but you're gonna run brick before bottle 99 times outta 100
tr3ewitch88: Just start throwing knives at them.
dumbo3k: Pipe is P tier
BrowneePointz: Overtone Singing and Whistling are two things I could DESCRIBE how to do mechanically with your mouth but cannot ACTUALLY teach you how to do
Fanklok: Two bricks?
Forlorgen: gun loud tho
crashdownreg: Brick. Bottle. Battlestar Galactica.
RealGamerCow: aluminum bat
Forlorgen: lol
tr3ewitch88: ADAM
Mr_Horrible: Ellie sees the yellow, she understands
loufghyslaufey: How game have no crowbar?
Nickiatori: dont split the party!
Mr_Horrible: ADAM-UH
Mr_Horrible: it's like the LISTEN-UH
Thefluffiestguineapig: Addddaaaaauuuuummmmmuuuuaaaa
tr3ewitch88: You say some of the most out of pocket stuff😂
phoenixletmeuseadashd: joel really likes his bricks
BrowneePointz: wow that was nuts
TherapyforNarwhals: I thought it died I was so sad
Fanklok: Adam...
SnackPak_: o7
Kramburger: GET 'EM
BrowneePointz: Gun Loud? Like that Mortal Kombat guy?
Mr_Horrible: he's locking in
CataclysmicReverb: out of pocket?
drcthulu: this is your hill to die on for today
micalovits: Squirrel was immune to brick though
Diabore: hit it and it dodnt do shit
kimmibeans: He got it... but nothing happened :(
itsr67: seabatNogood
gamercat88: off da chain
2 raiders from McGurganatorZX have joined!
Blakemcm: alright then perfectly timed
tr3ewitch88: No ... I don't think that what that means 😅
micalovits: Helle friends!
BrowneePointz: okay my internet paused RIGHT as you whipped your pipe out
BrowneePointz: and it was the FUNNIEST thing
BrowneePointz: wait phrasing
schordash: causeiLaugh
drcthulu: we call this lesson gnomechompsky
Forlorgen: Ellie playing leagues of voltaan
AdamLavadan: We say out chewing with your mouth running
Mr_Horrible: Ellie, in the zombie apocalypse: "You know I keep that cold iron on me in case the fae cause trouble"
ghyllnox: @BrowneePointz Mine too, might have been a twitchy
goombalax: Hey if zombies are real why not gnomes? Why not Bigfoot?
TherapyforNarwhals: PLEASE game let us play
Mr_Horrible: Ellie, school Joel in MK right now
Mr_Horrible: First to death
BrowneePointz: Joel, you are the most boring ass Texas Boomer
tr3ewitch88: I think out-of-pocket means saying something random without context.
Mr_Horrible: run the set
Nickiatori: Joel not a gamer confirmed
Boopity: Joel: "I heard these things make people violent"
TherapyforNarwhals: @Boopity Fuck you're so right that's his vibe
Mr_Horrible: it's a bit much on the oil side for *every* day
skintbint: i just ate a margaritta pizza yum yum, you jelly
BrowneePointz: wait
itsr67: k boss
BrowneePointz: Shepherd's Pie or Cottage Pie?
YFiddler subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 42 months!
Nickiatori: I had perogies tonight
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, YFiddler! (Today's storm count: 22)
saucemaster5000: I am late-- Got back on the sf grind. Won a ton. You want pot pie? I'm cooking it rn
Mr_Horrible: okay boss kourra1RUN
Blakemcm: this is the best pie on the citadel
ghyllnox: I have shepherd's pie leftovers actually
itira: hell yeah Sims
Forlorgen: Come to MagicCon Chicago ill make you one Adam'
ButButTheJesus: Let's Nope calls for aid!
The_Timo: Gondor calls for aid! bring the pie!
Forlorgen: With lamb too
Mr_Horrible: is she a malevolent or benevolent god?
crashdownreg: Sims 1?
BrowneePointz: Adam, do you want Shepherd's Pie or Cottage Pie?
Mr_Horrible: "Please, my crannies..."
Fanklok: Introduce her to Civilization
itira: "i dont even have a disc reader!"
EvilBadman: They just rereleased sums 1 and 2
HadesLeprechaun: They ARE remastering 1 and 2
The_Timo: Rosebud;!;!;! lol
MacbethSeemsSus: Summon the disk drive!
Mr_Horrible: "Windows *3*???"
Boopity: Well they are rereleasing it
kragmabutch: everyone knows you gotta start at the beginning with the sims series
crashdownreg: Sims 1 and 2 were just rereleased
Dragonality: Dives into storage for Sim Ants
MacbethSeemsSus: This is Ghandi. Fear him
Nickiatori: 5-17-21
micalovits: But what if it had bunny girls?
crashdownreg: @kragmabutch yeah, otherwise you wouldn't be able to follow the story
ButButTheJesus: Whoa Nelly was Nelly Furtado
SnackPak_: was it Country Grammer?
Kramburger: ^^^
HadesLeprechaun: I think you just ran past a bunch of arrows in a guy
Kramburger: She's like a bird
BrowneePointz: Yea that was Country Grammar(Hot Shit)
itira: Nelly Potato
NotCainNorAbel: Nelly for Pedro
Fanklok: I thought Nelly just played Trombone
Forlorgen: There was a lot of nelly happening in the early 00s
The_Timo: more arrows back down
Sharkfists: nelly furtado is from victoria, which is fun. same band teacher as me
Forlorgen: including coachnelly
Nickiatori: I just want Nelson to make canlader themed parodies of nelly songs
jessieimproved: I am like a bird, I wanna take my clothes off
BrowneePointz: thanks adam now I have "Shimmy Shimmy Cocoa What!" stuck in my head
tr3ewitch88: Ellie can't whistle or swim. I wouldn't give her a gun either.
Sharkfists: yeah she went to landsdown and mount doug
Mr_Horrible: because you personally slighted her back in '01
TherapyforNarwhals: Don't you mean Kobe's?
Mr_Horrible: you just never realized it
BrowneePointz: and a height class
BrowneePointz: and a shoe size
jessieimproved: rude
tr3ewitch88: Never meet your heroes either.
Cptasparagus: didnt you think he was dead last week
LowUpsideCJ: that'll be awkward when you get traded from lrr to the lakers
itira: HUHH
ButButTheJesus: wut
Nigouki: this game uses the plank "puzzle" more than HL2 uses the see-saw
vogon_poet: It's now a double escort quest. Ellie and the board.
BusTed: I remember this one
Stripe_dog: Yes you've told it on this stream last year
ghyllnox: He's literally said it on this show
BrowneePointz: Adam, not a Country Lesbian Ally
Mr_Horrible: pickers for the Order Trees
InconsiderateHat: Oh right yeah I remember this
Mr_Horrible: for the Order Harvest
itira: holy shit LUL
Mr_Horrible: scrub the vod
Mr_Horrible: no records
Kramburger: Ban chat, no witnesses
CataclysmicReverb: Nah, you'll just blame sauce
BrowneePointz: Wait.. KD Lang AND Orville Peck are Canadian? yall have so many Queer Country Stars
AdamLavadan: Clipped
frank_the_great: She's watching right now, mouth agape
Fanklok: Helloooo highlight reel
gualdhar: we are all rats on this record day
NotCainNorAbel: i could clip it, sending it to KDL is hard
Mr_Horrible: no, I can't make music
Mr_Horrible: hell yeah far side
consolecowboy88: holy shit good far side reference
frank_the_great: LUL LUL
KWardJenx: Brilliant!
consolecowboy88: second favorite comic next to Calvin and Hobbes
Mr_Horrible: Gary Larson a goddamn treasure
consolecowboy88: third is bloom coutny
ButButTheJesus: I'm partial to "Tantor burns up on I-90"
CataclysmicReverb: "Was"? Is.
Mr_Horrible: that's a good top 3 consolecowboy
betweenmyself: School for Gifted Children: Kid pushing on the door that says “PULL”
tr3ewitch88: Far side is definitely one of my favorite comics. It's almost like they have a comic for every situation
KWardJenx: @consolecowboy88 Love your list
SurfDownstage: Without Far Side what would all my professors put on their doors
Nickiatori: I am currently splitscreening lets nope and the Flames game
MacbethSeemsSus: Gary Larson occasionally creates new comics on his website.
ButButTheJesus: also "Mr. Ed spill his guts"
tr3ewitch88: My mom had 3 and original Garfield
HedgehogKnight: I just made a "Cow Tools" joke earlier
vogon_poet: Dilbert is disappointing. Scott Adams turned out to be a real tool.
Kuhfeek: @nickiatori me too
7gorobei: new in box. to ebay we go
Thefluffiestguineapig: DB auction?
Mr_Horrible: Adam just pulls his collar up and says "Boys? We got 'im."
Boopity: That is a lot of commitment for one bit
Mr_Horrible: "BOOK EM, DAN-O"
goombalax: unless you bought it in 2001 when our dollar was higher than USD
itira: LUL
Dragonality: Gotta get one good "Objection!" in there
gamercat88: can you not be prose (represent yourself) in Canada?
saucemaster5000: "I plead the 5th" "YOU ARE THE LAWYER!"
Mr_Horrible: it's that and burning down our capitol
Sharkfists: hey there was a second time
SymphonySolstice: once? it was in 2015 too
momalyd: just wait a few weeks
HorusFive: You can just stand up in court and say that Adam. The judge will get real mad- but you can do it
Sharkfists: actual best pax was going down with the high dollar imo
Mr_Horrible: "Can you make change for THE QUEEN?"
BrowneePointz: Okay since I was young...did it pass our dollar cuz the whole 9/11 thing?
DaFhaye: Don't worry I'm sure your money will get there again sooner than later
tr3ewitch88: I won't lie. I've always wanted to go to China just so I can feel rich for a minute.
Mr_Horrible: actual looney tunes setup
MrAyeAxe: Really Joel? You can't find annny space for a few more bullets? LUL
Sharkfists: t h e m a c h i n e
Mr_Horrible: if the trap is stupid, what does that make Joel?
SurfDownstage: No it traps stupid
Fanklok: Stupid people fall for stupid traps
saucemaster5000: states are at "pray for mojo moments"
Blakemcm: that backpack sure has a grip on his thighs
HorusFive: Actual idiot trap
Mr_Horrible: and this is how Joel impacted his spine and died
frank_the_great: This is neat
Mr_Horrible: tfw a clicker says "Ow my fuckin balls!" after a gunshot
VeryBadLifeChoices: need to get Ellie a bigger knife
gualdhar: Ben got Spiderman kissed
saucemaster5000: When you are upside down, using ammo makes ammo that's math
johnnylongtorso: smooches
CataclysmicReverb: how's that maylay build going
Mr_Horrible: that's 2.5 american bullets
BrowneePointz: you shot her in the chest 3 times, and as we all know, Zombitties are stronger than Iron
TherapyforNarwhals: The same one too
Makrosian_Tay: I hated this sequence in the moment, but in retrospect it was such a cool set piece
BrowneePointz: what WAS the song for that kiss scene?
Darleysam: has anyone tried biting the zombies back?
BrowneePointz: was it Hero? or Vindicated? I think Vindicated was Spider-Man 2
Mr_Horrible: "Pills here! Do you get that reference, Ellie?"
johnnylongtorso: reload, Dr. Freeman!
TherapyforNarwhals: This is the strongest fucking rope
SurfDownstage: lmao
Mr_Horrible: can you aim for the legs to slow them?
Fanklok: Teepee, haha I sure would hate it if a zombie came up and smooched me while I was suspended upsidedown
SurfDownstage: Maybe that's what Ellie did
Blakemcm: then they would have to get a credit score and a job
BorealMage: That's the cure, just nobody's tried it
saucemaster5000: "THAT's what that feels like? My B"
Makrosian_Tay: The clickers are tankier on the head. Go for center mass
goombalax: !card Rabid Bite
LRRbot: Rabid Bite [1G] | Sorcery | Target creature you control deals damage equal to its power to target creature you don't control.
BrowneePointz: It's like the scene from Highscool of the Dead with the Sniper cept she's tankin em
tehfewl: if it bites you and you die, its venomous, if you bite it and you die, its poisonous.
Sharkfists: what if you bite it and _it_ dies
gibbousm: why are we upside down?
Fanklok: Ellie has a knife Joel has some sharp plastic wrapped in duct tape
tr3ewitch88: I'm totally adding this to the list of things Ellie can't do.😅🤣
Makrosian_Tay: The rope-a-dope works
BrowneePointz: Nick Offed a man!
HadesLeprechaun: Ron Swanson!
CataclysmicReverb: Are we running for our lives? Running for the Bills?
BrowneePointz: Run too the billlllls!
BrowneePointz: *dun digga dun dun digga dun!*
Mr_Horrible: "Hold on Bill this'll look really cool"
HadesLeprechaun: Ben's running over so much ammo and not picking it up
BrowneePointz: God they really made Nick Offerman look like his in game model
Sharkfists: rude
SnackPak_: hell yeah
BrowneePointz: wow the remaster made Bill way hotter
TherapyforNarwhals: ELLIE
NotCainNorAbel: lrrWOW
BrowneePointz: That wasn't even acting
tr3ewitch88: Told you she's a brat
Fanklok: Gasoline definitely doesn't go bad or anything
BrowneePointz: that was just Ashley being Ashley
Nigouki: oh goodie fetch quests!
Nickiatori: Ashley Johnson is so good sometimes!
TherapyforNarwhals: @BrowneePointz Bro she pops off it's amazing. Pike's gotta be my favorite character shen she's pissed.
BrowneePointz: Ashley is good all the time. She's a great actress
HorusFive: He'll need 10 bear asses before we can get the car running
Mr_Horrible: but my maybe needs life-saving surgery, Adam! erosGasp
Makrosian_Tay: He really is managing the entire town all by himself isn't he?
saucemaster5000: Ellie and Zombie end in "ie." Coincidence?
TherapyforNarwhals: CHESS
BrowneePointz: speaking of which 8.5 hour campaign finale for CR this week *eye twitches*
loufghyslaufey: Bill: Best I got. Take it or get out.
Nickiatori: Newer pipe who dis
SurfDownstage: PogChamp
Mazrae: Sounds like even in a zombie apocalypse there are still fetch quests
Makrosian_Tay: @browneepointz what's CR?
NotCainNorAbel: I refuse to be triggered by Adam
saucemaster5000: I'd win that chess match
BrowneePointz: oh uh Critical Role. Ellie's VA Ashley Johnson is one of the cast members @Makrosian_Tay
raulghoulia: citrussy
schordash: SeemsGood
Makrosian_Tay: oh cool
ButButTheJesus: i wasn't paying attention
itira: say it again streamer, i zoned the fuck out LUL
EvilBadman: Bill is the biggest divergence from game version
micalovits: We are trying to be nice!
drcthulu: better material
Fanklok: I'm sorry did you say something?
frank_the_great: I entered my PIN Number into the ATM Machine
DaFhaye: I walked away what happened?
itsr67: anything
Nickiatori: @BrowneePointz wait C3 is over already? I kinda fell off early on in the season and fell behind
lamina5432: your taunts grow weak
rosesmcgee: Sorry Adam, we're all just real tired
DaFhaye: Oh the time machine
vogon_poet: Well, a few weeks ago, when we said neither of you were funny, we were half right...
ghyllnox: Yeah we knew you were goading us
wildpeaks: ohhh Last of Us <3
Mr_Horrible: I started typing but thought better of it
Natural_Ones_Only: You got the touch! You got the power!
schordash: at the moment machine?
TherapyforNarwhals: I honestly don't know what at stands for
LowUpsideCJ: i thought it was called that in canada
MrSarkhan: we're smarter than your bait today
Mr_Horrible: I've filled my pedant quota for the day
QuixoticScrivener: Chai tea? CHAI TEA!
tr3ewitch88: Sorry... just used to that in the USA
BrowneePointz: @Nickiatori ...it's been 4 years
EvilBadman: Oh sorry uh Ass To Mouth machine. Better?
Fanklok: @vogon_poet we?
LostThePirate: I noticed but didn't want to be pedantic
Makrosian_Tay: What's the T in ATM stand for?
Natural_Ones_Only: My Pedantometer is going off
saucemaster5000: we need better material/you say the same thing -- which is it?
johnnylongtorso: @TherapyforNarwhals automatic teller
Mr_Horrible: I *am* a dark souls boss, after all, it's true
micalovits: We all just to tired of the world to care
Nickiatori: @BrowneePointz oh geez time sure is a thing
itira: poor Adam
circusofkirkus: I assumed you didn't know better and didn't want to correct you
frank_the_great: Good thing the meta commentary worked
PhuzNutz: Was trying to remember my Personal Identification Number number
SnackPak_: we're sorry Adam
NotCainNorAbel: it's because you said it to trigger us
kimmibeans: @Makrosian_Tay Teller. Automated Teller Machine
shendaras: =(
MacbethSeemsSus: Do you want a freebee?
Makrosian_Tay: Ahh
ChrisTheLemming: I feel like I've been summoned
TheInnsanity: THE M IN ATM MEANS MACHINE, ADAM YOU FOOL (there do you feel better now?)
itira: i promise to laugh the next time you make a joke
Makrosian_Tay: thanks @kimmibeans
Natural_Ones_Only: Penn and ATM Machine
Mr_Horrible: maybe his feelings should learn how to block this mix
DaFhaye: Adam how dare you say Machine machine
saucemaster5000: lil orphan adam gonna go to the boo box
Dragonality: I already completed my dailies on my pedanto-meter
drcthulu: chat is screaming
BrowneePointz: Instead of Chatters, you get tricked
BrowneePointz: Instead of Bitties, you get shit!
Forlorgen: Instead of bits we get hits!
kimmibeans: @Makrosian_Tay You're welcome!
BrowneePointz: It's a hard knock life!
Darleysam: instead of money, we get Bits
ghyllnox: ADAM don't say ATM MACHINE, ATM means Automatic Teller MACHINE you FOOL
UnkeptFlea: wait the M in Adam doesn't stand for machine?
skintbint: man new material just dropped, and its called annie
HorusFive: I DO want to. I'm just so tired
BrowneePointz: in Soul Calibur
micalovits: !chat
LRRbot: Seriously, just never listen to chat.
Fanklok: You don't want me to be angry
saucemaster5000: NEW material/well this feels forced... I see the goalpoast moving
Makrosian_Tay: SHAWN
Sharkfists: I was making soup. we making fun of adam in here?
DaFhaye: Doesn't it mean chat is getting better by not getting mad
Mr_Horrible: Adam knows how to make me angry if he really wants to
Fanklok: Soup or stew?
Sharkfists: @Fanklok soup
Mr_Horrible: I feel like the baseball one is the one that always gets forgotten
schordash: yooooo
NotCainNorAbel: the two genders
HadesLeprechaun: you can make it into a spiked bat using the crafting menu
Mr_Horrible: Backyard Baseball whips
MacbethSeemsSus: Which version
itsr67: true
BorealMage: That's a throwback
Blakemcm: go pedro!
BrowneePointz: You don't wanna see me when I'm angry. Cuz I cry when I'm angry, and I'm REAL ugly when I cry.
schordash: that’s great!
LowUpsideCJ: Pablo sanchez the goat
itsr67: banger
onetrueseth: Heeeere's Keesha
raulghoulia: where's the camera?
Muddy_Thunder subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 78 months, currently on a 75 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Muddy_Thunder! (Today's storm count: 23)
Blakemcm: sorry pablo
hotgreenflames subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 38 months!
hotgreenflames: since adam can crush a watermelon with his legs somethings gotta keep him humble
tr3ewitch88: I was nervous at the Doctor's appointment and totally set registered R. N. There does that help?😅
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, hotgreenflames! (Today's storm count: 24)
brutusq13: ded
Mr_Horrible: wow, Bill's such a gentleman
Saintnex: Oh shes in paradise alright
tehfewl: so registered
Mr_Horrible: on the register registry
micalovits: Double Registed
Makrosian_Tay: Reggie Registered Nurse, the old president of Nintendo America
itira: naauurrr
Nickiatori: f
Mr_Horrible: they were getting scuttle, Ben
The_Timo: Look at my Mana
DaFhaye: Those are some good leg muscles to be able to back peddle like that
micalovits: Shopping takes time! New items!
Darleysam: Ellie can't be The Last of Us if Joel's still alive
Mr_Horrible: Bill just shouting from the background "Objective gaming!"
goombalax: Bill's like Sorry, first time Support
MitchTheQuaker: no shot adam would have seen that
TheInnsanity: adam there is no shot
Pharmacistjudge: adam was just reading chat
TheInnsanity: oh ok
Fanklok: Saga from Alan Wake 2
Nickiatori: the eragon Saga
frank_the_great: I know this one!
SnackPak_: lrrWOW
The_Timo: Someone called Run lol "Just run run run"
Mai_Andra: Adam was just referencing "every League of Legends match ever".
Vandristine: Wow Classic drama is insane
schordash: causeiChad
gibbousm: the issue was more the doubling down they kept doing
tr3ewitch88: The next Leeroy Jenkins?
MrAyeAxe: It was the max rank blizzard for 1 second to eat a ton of the mana bar that really cracked me up LUL
superemorroida17: <message deleted>joel dead in 2
NotCainNorAbel: it's always the second lie
Blakemcm: you always gotta double down
frank_the_great: Also it turned out he faked/cheated at some puzzle games
Makrosian_Tay: @blakemcm you sure don't!
Kramburger: Animal well
itira: yikers
Mr_Horrible: "I simply must be extremely petty in my lies"
frank_the_great: On a related note: Animal Well is a banger puzzle game. Easy 10/10
necrocreature: yeah but he used to work at blizzard so
EvilBadman: Was this piratesoftware or someone else
RealGamerCow: He was ALL OVER my youtube feed and now he's completely disappeared
spo8n: use a brick to forget?
Makrosian_Tay: Well, Ben didn't see the spoiler, so it's still a win isn't it?
korvys: Goes by Thor
itira: ew
MitchTheQuaker: his mods have healthcare tho which is cool
noSmokeFire: he has weird vibes
BrowneePointz: ah yes that game that literally stole art assets
Sharkfists: man I do not miss Being Online
tehfewl: thought he was alright for a while, but then he colab'd with that dirty wow guy
Nickiatori: I am anti anyone who is pro palworld excpet my partner
tehfewl: can't remember his name
QuixoticScrivener: i agree, she needs a gun
LowUpsideCJ: Sometimes i forget twitch is a whole website and not a lrr streaming service
xantos69: Legit... I cut myself off from all internet except LRR. Never been happier.
frank_the_great: B/c of that drama, I found out WoW is way more popular than I thought nowadays
Makrosian_Tay: gotta go for now boys. you're the best! hope you enjoy the game!
Darleysam: get that curated online experience. Have the Online friends who can show you the good stuff
Pharmacistjudge: i'm online in my own sphere. i just avoid "the greater internet culture"
Sharkfists: today's legit the first time I've even been on twitch in over a month
frank_the_great: @xantos69 Have fun doing your taxes
schordash: adam missed so much in the poe fugue x)
Pharmacistjudge: i feel no desire to look at the front page of reddit
BrowneePointz: wow did a big course correction after they cleaned house
xantos69: @frank_the_great I don't have to. I have a guy for that.
TherapyforNarwhals: Bro the show did their story so good
SnackPak_: gettem Ellie
itira: LUL this guy is great
NotCainNorAbel: kids these futures
necrocreature: I looved the way they did it in the show, it's even better contrasting how Bill acts in the game vs the show, it's pretty well done
Mr_Horrible: "not my Stupid Pile! That's where I keep my stupids!"
schordash: we should yell more in this apocalypse
spo8n: pump short gun
goombalax: My Pokemans
Blakemcm: genius
tr3ewitch88: I like how they tried to make the people in the TV show look like the game characters
Nickiatori: his minecraft world he has been working on for 20 years
schordash: causeiGrenadeEgg causeiPoint
frank_the_great: Did you think about it?
MrAyeAxe: they're secretly Orks, believe it'll go boom and it'll go boom :D
DaFhaye: I mean it still has to video game some how
BrowneePointz: iirc aren’t there some notes around this level that gives bits about Bill’s relationship?
Dog_of_Myth: Cheer500
Dragonality: New hotness I just invented: nails in can
spo8n: if you really think making nail bombs is easy and someone doesn't need to show you what to do...
EdibleDragon: Pen-pineapple-pen crafting
spo8n: new live bit?
schordash: causeiDance causeiRest
Dragonality: This games rad
micalovits: Uhuh, Breakies!
tr3ewitch88: DRINK WATER
Mr_Horrible: "That's actually why we need to get out west, I got traded to the Dodgers"
raulghoulia: every time
LostThePirate: We're actually breaking tonight? Lol, I feel like we only do that like once a month on Nope.
xantos69: He might have had to go poop bro
BrowneePointz: speaking of Pineapple I got some pineapple mt dew today and it was tasty
BusTed: turned 360 degrees and walked away
itira: time to fire Ben
scienceglizzy: But now we get to hear your dulcet tones
NotCainNorAbel: Ben "Audio" Ulmer
schordash: causeiClap
frank_the_great: This aetherdrift ad is annoying lol
Mr_Horrible: well I know something that's showing up on his yearly review, then
tr3ewitch88: I saw he did that intentionally every time
tr3ewitch88: I thought *
ghyllnox: "Oh"
goombalax: get his ass
rosesmcgee: This is some petty petty shiz. And I am here for it
tr3ewitch88: For real. I think he's left to the mic on every time. I've watched the stream.
Mr_Horrible: @rosesmcgee now we have to do some deep digging, and we discover that Adam's been secretly oiling his fingers so he can't flip the mute switch
rosesmcgee: @Mr_Horrible He's just covering because he doesn't know how to mute the mics and knows it'll reflect poorly on his performance review
tr3ewitch88: Wait, didn't he say earlier that you guys could take whatever you wanted?
MacbethSeemsSus: Is it prepping when you're actually in an apocalypse?
Mr_Horrible: Prodigious PeePee, there, Gamer
rosesmcgee: It's less of a burn to call someone a prepper in the midst of actual doomsday
micalovits: "now go and learn some manners!"
QuixoticScrivener: creepy peepy?
CataclysmicReverb: Sour creme
vogon_poet: It's got sour cream?
Sharkfists: timey wimey, peeny weeny
TherapyforNarwhals: Keep quiet. Screams
Fanklok: Supreiner
Mr_Horrible: no, that's a channel-changer
spo8n: bricky clicky!
scienceglizzy: The power of the brick!
circusofkirkus: trigger shy
Seth_Erickson: outplayed
SnackPak_: oops
SurfDownstage: hmmm
QuixoticScrivener: remastered
Blakemcm: melee build wins again
Mr_Horrible: Joel, using a brick as a bludgeoning weapon: "I'm so fuckin stealth"
vogon_poet: skill dif
frank_the_great: The old fashioned way
shushu2539: trigger jammed?
MichaelSnowbird: an old fashioned death
ButButTheJesus: wha happa
tr3ewitch88: Game stuff happened
circusofkirkus: realistic trigger james
Mr_Horrible: I'm in the business of killing zombies, but I never got my business license
HadesLeprechaun: enemies drop ammo more often if you're low on ammo, pretty sure, so always check bodies
SnackPak_: FBtouchdown
BorealMage: What if Ben yelled "Hit da bricks!" first?
junehawk: remember that time you threw a brick at me ben
Mr_Horrible: clicker just stops what it's doing and starts up, "Wow, that's so incredibly disrespectful, dude"
DaFhaye: All bricked up
tr3ewitch88: Warm Bodies style zombies just getting hit with bricks.🤣
EvilBadman: You make noise when walk
QuixoticScrivener: you stood in his echo location
scienceglizzy: You gotta go gentle on that stick
yarghs: Why do these enemies walk around like methed up chickens?
HadesLeprechaun: there is a difference in sound between even fast crouch walking and slow crouch walking
Mr_Horrible: "uncalled for" is how I would describe the incident
Sharkfists: @yarghs they got hit with meth bird flu
DaFhaye: melee build will always be the most fun
Mai_Andra: weird hiccups, man. try a glass of water maybe.
Mr_Horrible: these zombies still clearly have all their teeth
MichaelSnowbird: hahahahahahahaha
Mr_Horrible: presenting the zombie with a brainteaser to occupy its attention
raulghoulia: preppers do usually suck
mulligan2six: HOW? Give them a word search??
tehfewl: "man these zombies you have stealth past are really tought to shoot and kill"
scienceglizzy: damn, they really are blind
Sharkfists: they see worse than twitch chat!
MacbethSeemsSus: Challenge unlocked
itira: LUL
Mr_Horrible: he's so clever, chat
scienceglizzy: nice and crisp
tehfewl: im not owned. dril tweet
patrick_stonecrusher: So glad lm watching and not playing. I never would have finished this game
saucemaster5000: Yells at someone, laughs at self swearing
tr3ewitch88: I love that you have to sneak so hard. And your party members are just running through.😅
couchboyj: Excellent jape, sir. seabatClap
itira: they gotcha Ben
Mr_Horrible: "Hey, that sounded like someone in front of me throwing a brick!"
SnackPak_: lrrWOW
TheInnsanity: Adam is one of us
HadesLeprechaun: definitely saw the white alert bar get full
CataclysmicReverb: You'd think they'd run out of zombies after 20 years
EvilBadman: Clickers also have echolocation
rosesmcgee: Good old video game stealth sections. No improving on those...
ButButTheJesus: stray but a little, and your quest will fail
betweenmyself: pennyWhat
Saintnex: the numbers dont lie
Forlorgen: Kurt Angle knows he cant beat Adam
Juliamon: Peej is a good boy
SnackPak_: too good for this world
Forlorgen: so he wont try
itira: hehehheheheh
Mr_Horrible: to be fair I think the only one I have is when I hit Ben with the Gief L3
frank_the_great: I've been known to yap on occasion
Fanklok: How many do I have?
itira: oh fuck
Mr_Horrible: yeah, that I'm fucking hilarious
itira: quick someone shoot me
Mr_Horrible: and endearing
HadesLeprechaun: you also *just* got a nail grenade, if you see a group
goombalax: Too many green flags is a red flag
lamina5432: shoot me please
DaFhaye: Just gotta be faster than the mods
Larkonus: Cue everyone asking "How many chat messages and mod actions do I have?"
NotCainNorAbel: what if I'm just supportive?
Jennie_Fuchsia: oh no
tehfewl: now im wondering if i had any actions taken against me
patrick_stonecrusher: <message deleted>
Saintnex: OwO please shwoot me? Kappa
RealGamerCow: no don't like that
micalovits: Shoot me pappa
itira: hmmmm
vogon_poet: I don't have any, but I think I know how this works: "Mod me, daddy?"
lochnessseammonster: seabatApp
betweenmyself: think I’m clean on LRR, but I’ve definitely had messages purged on a PG stream for misspelling “shirt” pennyWhat
SnackPak_: oh no, please don't shoot me
scienceglizzy: Pappy, shoot me please
Fanklok: Nono, Ferisar gets shot because of what i say
Seth_Erickson: cpaps :)
Mr_Horrible: "Gonna kill me, Streamer? Better make sure you do it right. Better not miss. Better do it in one shot." sinuuSmile
tr3ewitch88: I try to be good so I don't think I have any
saucemaster5000: Let's just sto parenting each other
TheInnsanity: I dont think I got any mod actions on the mothership
thatguysteve2709: Idk never been shot before so. I also don't know my chat log or where to even see that info
spo8n: we already know the secret word to get shot
CataclysmicReverb: Would you prefer Daddam?
HadesLeprechaun: Ben, I also think your 6-shooter hasn't been reloaded since you got more ammo for it
Stripe_dog: Man I love meatloaf
DaFhaye: Who has dinner upstairs
Mazrae: But it's Taco Tuesday
ButButTheJesus: never cared for meatloaf
EvilBadman: They gonna hit up the mall
Sharkfists: big baddam
frank_the_great: Drunk posting in LRR chat
Dragonality: He's a good ladam
Mr_Horrible: I get really Gladam whenever I turn on his stream
frank_the_great: Can you ban someone IRL?
vogon_poet: If he was providing a place to live, he would be Padam.
noSmokeFire: these puns seem like a fadam
tr3ewitch88: @stripe_dog meatloaf again!?
Saintnex: Ben, you're making him Sadam Kappa
johnnylongtorso: @frank_the_great it requires a brick
Darleysam: Adam would you say he's still your Friendjamin?
DaFhaye: He's quite a good Ladam
couchboyj: If you're looking particularly fresh, it's Ad-dayum
Stripe_dog: @tr3ewitch88 Hey I make a mean meatloaf
micalovits: Its where all the cool kids are
goombalax: "Being alive 30 years without a restraining order is a red flag"
vogon_poet: If he were designing using computers, he would be CADam.
tr3ewitch88: @stripe_dog Sorry, it was a Rocky horror picture show reference.
Larkonus: I've been rocking out to music all day, I've really BenJamin.
ButButTheJesus: just need to hear it sometimes
Mr_Horrible: you gotta check your vibes every 1000 miles
vogon_poet: Damn
HadesLeprechaun: I think some of these are runners that will be able to see you
micalovits: He could be DJ Skatdam
spo8n: what are you doing how did you get there
Mr_Horrible: "I'm being TACTICAL!"
mulligan2six: If he were a woman he would be Madam
CataclysmicReverb: So uhh, when you're checking your vibes, where's the dipstick go?
SageofShadowzF: Bills scuttling
lochnessseammonster: hey now!
itira: ROOD
Larkonus: katesD
protojman: called out
Dog_of_Myth: lrrWOW
Blakemcm: its illegal to be funny these days
tr3ewitch88: Aww I'm not funny?🥺
johnnylongtorso: my mom thinks I'm funny
lochnessseammonster: i know you think i'm funny PrideLaugh
NotCainNorAbel: I'm guessing a lot of chat isn't funny then
MacbethSeemsSus: We don't have to be funny. That's your job.
lamina5432: I’m pretty sure it just means you’re not rude.
Saintnex: except youve already said if one of us is funny, we're all funny Adam
Mr_Horrible: weirdly appropriate since my 1st timeout was for my most powerful joke in this stream
itira: is this because of the Rex comment Adam? Finally youre firing back at me?
Fanklok: Even the mods here have mod actions
SnackPak_: we've all been timed out
Larkonus: For the Greater Good.
Mr_Horrible: his one weakness, using his previous jokes against him
DaFhaye: Yes. Just running under the shotgun. Classic plan
noSmokeFire: collective bargaining
Nigouki: it's like Dark Souls Adam, you dive into the bullets to dodge
saucemaster5000: Eh, I'm not funny I'm just quotable
vogon_poet: Have we done Chadam? Because we should totally do Chadam.
LostThePirate: I don't remember any actions on me, but I probably got dinged for accidental caps spam or something at some point, lol.
NotCainNorAbel: so if one of us has a mod action we all have a mod action
micalovits: Does that also mean that if one of us are cute we are all cute?
itira: its ok, i cry about it too
frank_the_great: Have you considered that he's lying?
tr3ewitch88: Yay! I get to be funny by as
Mr_Horrible: crytira
tr3ewitch88: Association.
CataclysmicReverb: What, the dinosaurs having stomachs in their legs thing?
Mr_Horrible: damn, we're all cute
lochnessseammonster: PrideUwu
The_Timo: listen mode helps with stealth lol
micalovits: Good news chat! We are all cute since I am cute AF
Dog_of_Myth: me
DaFhaye: I'm not cute haha
pygmytortle: D:
scienceglizzy: oh how the turn tables
SnackPak_: what the hell Bill
Blakemcm: oh no bill used his cooldown stun and didnt account for the flanker
vogon_poet: Bill gets turned on more than Twtch chat.
Stripe_dog: Joelver
Mr_Horrible: that's the fastest I've seen someone go from "I owe you a beer" to "I'll hunt you to the ends of the earth"
Forlorgen: CKY CKY CKY
Nigouki: Just give Ellie a gun, problem solved
tr3ewitch88: I'm cute as heck I don't need help with that one
ButButTheJesus: i mean it worked
Mr_Horrible: that's Texan Stealth
mulligan2six: That riff is still a banger to this day
betweenmyself: just on the law of averages, *some* of the folk in chat must must merit the rank of adorable riffThink
TherapyforNarwhals: Noone can detect you if there's noone to detect
micalovits: See, now there are noone left to spot you!
Stripe_dog: The enemy can't be alerted if there's no enemy to alert
Forlorgen: A true one hit wonder
Dragonality: Ben has chosen 'Eversor' as his stealth type
Fanklok: Wow CKY, what a mid 2000's ass band
hyalopterous: You can stealth kill with a brick btw
SnackPak_: FBtouchdown
Larkonus: "Not in my house!" - Tree
ButButTheJesus: f you, tree!
Mr_Horrible: Ben's 3-pointer just got shot the fuck down
vogon_poet: Best. Yeet. Evart.
Mazrae: Just going out on a limb and say that didn't work
tr3ewitch88: mahna mahna
Seth_Erickson: you sounded like the antagonist from Dodgeball there for a second Ben
MacbethSeemsSus: Rip
Mr_Horrible: the thing is, Bill *also* reacts to loud noises
Mr_Horrible: so it's kind of a lose-lose
micalovits: 0/10, no loot all
thatguysteve2709: Remaster by the way
Mr_Horrible: imagine being outflanked by World of Snorecraft
Mai_Andra: World of Warcraft is all trash, though. Every item here is essential. xivCactuar
Stripe_dog: Couldn't he jsut cut the rope
saucemaster5000: Imagine playing world of warcraft
drcthulu: So you're saying this has 3 dlc's to catch up?
Mai_Andra: oh, no.. is this a puppy-girl game now? NotLikeThis
Fanklok: But dogs are fucking idiots
Sharkfists: joel probably only played OG wow
micalovits: To look cool
goombalax: Gangland style
pygmytortle: Joel of the woodland realm
tr3ewitch88: I was just about to say it looks cooler.
Saintnex: Oh its so bad to hold it like that
saucemaster5000: someone's not a gangsta
Mai_Andra: sideways is the stealth draw animation
Mr_Horrible: Huntsman Gaming
thatguysteve2709: Is Bill your gimili if so cute
vogon_poet: Ben's using an aimbot.
Seth_Erickson: roll back
betweenmyself: some people *like* games that are less advances than WoW (see WoW: Classic)
EvilBadman: Man fuck hawkeye
Larkonus: I mean, arrows can break.
Mr_Horrible: money where your mouth is, Benjamin
scienceglizzy: You can only get the headshots back
Mr_Horrible: turn off the stream
vogon_poet: He's not that good.
DaFhaye: Good chance that arrows break after one shot
raulghoulia: must have been the wind
schordash: SeemsGood
Natural_Ones_Only: That is proof
tr3ewitch88: Thems fighting words
The_Timo: oh no
Fanklok: Raise your hand if you got banned from a FPS server for being able to aim
Mr_Horrible: can't believe they located your echo
DaFhaye: I remember someone claiming that I was using aimbot while playing hanzo
schordash: causeiLaugh
Mai_Andra: The who-bris is you.
micalovits: Why can't we pick up the famn showel of all things
thatguysteve2709: Ben if you paid for your aim or I'd get your money back it doesn't work for bows
CataclysmicReverb: red herb blue herb? time to bring back our resident evil skills
Mr_Horrible: I guess that's the Last of This that we'll be playing Kappa
darkcyril: Ben's got those sweet wallhacks
EvilBadman: Wallhacks
spo8n: crossbow has better penetration than a gun
Nickiatori: a real bad splinter
thatguysteve2709: That hurts under the nail
Stripe_dog: Sick
QuixoticScrivener: remaster btw btw
tr3ewitch88: You should be able to retrieve if it's stuck in your hand.😅🤣
Fanklok: Guess the only thing the remaster did was add more woke
dumbo3k: Perfect Game 7/6 no notes
darkcyril: You've heard of iron sights? Check these.
Mr_Horrible: "We made the faces prettier, what more do you want you monsters?" - Naughty Dog, releasing this game for the 7th time
protojman: cool minecraft skin
EvilBadman: Borderlands ass gun
QuixoticScrivener: arrow shadow in your flashlight is great
Dragonality: Loving the arrow shadow flying across the screen
micalovits: Very low chance
squ3e: Isnt that tediore guns?
Fanklok: Zero chance and I'm still buying it
CataclysmicReverb: Was 3?
Mr_Horrible: probably gameplay-wise, pretty alright
squ3e: torque are all explosive
MacbethSeemsSus: Well none of them are good so no
thatguysteve2709: I hope so I really want it to be good
micalovits: RIP arrow cutscene
Mr_Horrible: 4 they appear to at least be actively trying to avoid Borderlands Writing
DaFhaye: I really like one of the writers on it
Sharkfists: noooo the arrow
spo8n: what if you could craft shivs faster?
DaFhaye: If you know who the comedian Ify is
tr3ewitch88: It's still going to be better that elder scrolls 6
Riandisa: I care less about the story at this point and just see Borderlands as a series about fighting with silly weapons
Mr_Horrible: but it's also lots of contract writers so who knows if the style will come together
Fanklok: Do you even know what point blank means
Mr_Horrible: Ben took point blank for his 1st deadeye ascendancy
TheInnsanity: GAMER ALERT
CataclysmicReverb: The one about the horse
raulghoulia: grossepoint blank?
circusofkirkus: ok hawkeye
tycoonbosh: Grosse Point Blank was fantastic.
Mr_Horrible: "MLG! MLG!"
thatguysteve2709: Aim bot back on
Mr_Horrible: "Joel be quiet"
frank_the_great: Love that movie, hated the ending tho. Rare too happy ending
raulghoulia: yessiree
lochnessseammonster: yes
tr3ewitch88: Yes
thatguysteve2709: Yes it's great
frank_the_great: Yeppers
varmintx0: great fucking movie
lochnessseammonster: i love it
Fanklok: It's how far a projectile can travel before dropping significantly from gravity
SnackPak_: that movie bangs
tr3ewitch88: That's a good one too
CataclysmicReverb: What're the steaks?
Nickiatori: serendi pity
Lockraemono: so do I
lochnessseammonster: i would not have guessed
Mr_Horrible: Adam contains multitudes
itira: damn
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
BusTed: LUL
micalovits: Got em
Mr_Horrible: or contained, I guess
Gooseblast: baited
The_Timo: I love the shotgun reticle is " Ehhhh... somewher in this region"
Lockraemono: :o
tr3ewitch88: I honestly don't think I've seen a bad Cusack movie.
MitchTheQuaker: serendipidesnuts
thatguysteve2709: Welcome to the Castlevania verse serendipity
Mai_Andra: I saw Kate Beckinsale in five different movies before I realized it was the same person...
PhanTom_lt: what's this section?
lochnessseammonster: no
Mr_Horrible: Day After Tomorrow is him, innit?
Orestes290: Cell
BusTed: The Day After Tomorrow
Forlorgen: room 138
schordash: 1408
SnackPak_: he has a couple stinkers
raulghoulia: identity
Crimall subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 70 months!
Crimall: Much love my cute Spoopy boys
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Crimall! (Today's storm count: 25)
spo8n: a flood
thatguysteve2709: 1408 is a classic
Mr_Horrible: they drove, Ben
CataclysmicReverb: Ben pulls out excalibur
dumbo3k: Swam there, in the rain
noSmokeFire: swam
Sharkfists: splish splash he be havin a bath
betweenmyself: that one where he’s one of several split personalities in the mind of a serial killer? riffThink
Mai_Andra: They fell out of the trees.
ghyllnox: Dropped in by birds
xantos69: Ben, how did they get in the ocean? Answer me that with your science.
tr3ewitch88: He does a lot of comedy so if you like to laugh
Kipstar: birds
Fanklok: Birds can drop things
micalovits: Swallows carried them
squ3e: Bit of a personal question Ben
Mazrae: You are asking too many questions
squ3e: leave those fish alone
EvilBadman: Migrated from community pool
patrick_stonecrusher: Catfish can walk distances over dry land, its crazy
Dragonality: I believe that's the fishes business, Ben
ButButTheJesus: Turtles.
Mr_Horrible: okay mr 4th futurama movie
shushu2539: stops to look for mutant leeches on the pool
CataclysmicReverb: Ah yes, Titan AE
thatguysteve2709: Can I unsubscribe to this podcast
spo8n: one is not enough for most animals
QuixoticScrivener: parthenogenesis
tr3ewitch88: I think Ben's talking about Titan. A. E!
Blakemcm: some kind of final fantasy spirits within
Sharkfists: nah, you get two of the space being
Crimall: Whoops I cracked an "Old One" with the boys and now I am insane
dumbo3k: Fish do not bang
Mai_Andra: ♫ Like a fish dropped by a skybird in your neighborhood~ ♪
Sharkfists: and then THEY bang
Mr_Horrible: you're not missing anything
rosesmcgee: it is still a decent flick
Mr_Horrible: the monster designs were cool, and the Planet Bob joke is good
LostThePirate: Went to clip that and clipping seems to be borked at the moment
spo8n: it's not as good as animu
Mr_Horrible: because I'm a joy vampire
varmintx0: The opening scene to Titan AE is certainly memorable.
CataclysmicReverb: It's great but not a must see
7gorobei: stick to iron giant
vogon_poet: Titan A.E. has a BANGER soundtrack.
itira: Iron Giant is great
raulghoulia: do you like LIT? if you like LIT youll like Titan AE
MacbethSeemsSus: You stay, I go
Blakemcm: groot voices the iron giant
Sharkfists: my aunt called me an energy vampire once
DaFhaye: Iron Giant is okay. Nothing happens in it. Looks great tho
lochnessseammonster: i was too young when i saw iron giant and don't remember it
itira: I had the same thought Adam LUL
consolecowboy88: iron giant is great.
Mr_Horrible: the Ironic Giant
brutusq13: "I Am Iron Giant"
Blakemcm: that voice actor has range
thatguysteve2709: @mr_horrible I had a customer at my old job call me the killer of joy.
darkcyril: I'm sure Tony has built Groot a suit at some point in Marvel canon
itira: eeegaahhhh!! yeeeahh!!
Crimall: Getting much better with the controller Ben <3
dumbo3k: There is a movie about that
micalovits: Heh, kill bill
Nickiatori: they made 2 movies about that
MacbethSeemsSus: That's good movie idea
Natural_Ones_Only: Kill Bill 2
betweenmyself: You know, Iron Giant: “I live life a quarter mile at a time.”
Blakemcm: born to shoot, forced to stealth
Kramburger: Killy Billy
rosesmcgee: That's my purse. I don't know you!
tr3ewitch88: It's Vin diesel... I think he's really only got 2 modes....I am groom and family
noSmokeFire: how come the zombies don't attack each other?
lochnessseammonster: every time you say bill for a moment i think you're saying milk PrideLaugh
Mr_Horrible: because they're homies
tr3ewitch88: *groot
virgil82: Fungus things
Seth_Erickson: because their flesh is dead it's no good anymore I assume
Natural_Ones_Only: They're all just fun guys
Nickiatori: uh oh boosties
dumbo3k: Fungus recognizes itself? which means they probably shouldn't notice Ellie
darkcyril: It's Ellie's teammates
Fanklok: Which movie had the zombies that figured out guns?
frank_the_great: They're a fungus, so it's actually one hive of zombie.
SurfDownstage: I'm always the problem >:)
Fanklok: Chool bus
thatguysteve2709: That was the reason I do not play games online anymore
CataclysmicReverb: @Fanklok Day of the Dead 3 I think? The one where the goth girl slowly became zombie?
Raincoast_Bear: Hi there Super Dope Bros! lrrBEN lrrADAM lrrHAM
Mr_Horrible: ah, the 57-minute radiance
lochnessseammonster: seabatApp
dumbo3k: I think you need to go in too
squ3e: they're waiting foor you lol
ButButTheJesus: yep
Darkstorm257 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Darkstorm257! (Today's storm count: 26)
Sharkfists: and that's how ellie got tinnitus
jamesinor: I imagine that the clicker mushrooms probably wouldn't taste too bad
tr3ewitch88: They were just waiting for you the whole time 😅
DaFhaye: That glass will hold. That glass is so strong
GasCityGaming: I actually just got a paying gig reading audio short stories on youtube. check out casting call club for free audiotion spots if you're legit looking into it :)
Nigouki: that's the pull handles
MitchTheQuaker: my high school had that style door
ghyllnox: My old gym in elementary did
The_Timo: min had both, depending on the area
Natural_Ones_Only: Schools with money, yeah
TherapyforNarwhals: Normal handle
Sharkfists: yeah but we live in canada, canada has better doors
brutusq13: You never know when you need to barricade against the teenagers tho
Crimall: Samesies
Mr_Horrible: that school have 5 dollars for the year
Mr_Horrible: Canadian
GasCityGaming: we had two racks of basketballs though :P
jessicatheblack: Adam... your school was priceless... it had you
Thefluffiestguineapig: It has to hold back Canadian snow
darkcyril: All those subsidies in door research
Mr_Horrible: locked
MacbethSeemsSus: Hole
itira: they dont have doors in america
Thefluffiestguineapig: Shit
The_Timo: They're all RE doors
DEATHlikescats: underfunded
Juliamon: All my school's double doors were push-bar.
Darleysam: yeah America's real proud of that one time their doors were better than Canada's
vogon_poet: Door tariffs ruined passageways in the States.
micalovits: I am sorry
Manitu_25: you guys have doors?
CataclysmicReverb: Yeah, because doors are safety features, America doesn't have 'em
tehfewl: doormaxxing
tr3ewitch88: Nah my school had the "pushy doors" as ben said
Manitu_25: we still use big rocks
jessicatheblack: willoSmug
Raincoast_Bear: Crash bars have been standard in US/Canada/Britain since tragic school fire in 50s.
Mr_Horrible: big rubbermaid tubs
The_Timo: Rubbermaid
Mai_Andra: I wouldn't know. My school had to rent pre-fabs in the church parking lot for classrooms.
thatguysteve2709: Blue tote
drcthulu: rubbermaid
Juliamon: classic Rubbermaid
Mr_Horrible: We stored debate evidence in there
TherapyforNarwhals: Did he just say tubber
vogon_poet: Gotta love the Roughneck.
The_Timo: Got one full of lego at home
Sharkfists: rubberdubbermaid
EvilBadman: Tote goat
darkcyril: That's how I moved one time. Just a bunch of those. No joke.
Dragonality: I just moved like 3 of those today
DEATHlikescats: none of that Serlite nonsense
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
Mr_Horrible: "See in 3 days, idiot"
Arnye1984: We had doors that where magnetic and anyone who pulled it hard enough could get in
jamesinor: I mean, that's what the song Rock A Bye Baby is about, right?
CataclysmicReverb: Bill: "Oop."
thatguysteve2709: That first one had a vendeta
Thefluffiestguineapig: In America the Latin teacher at my school got fired because he would just show the Caligula movie that had no Latin, incest and people would write musical scores and draw comics on the national exams
brutusq13: Classes are 3 days long when you roll the rock in
yarghs: If you're didn't get locked in a tomb sometime during high school THAT'S a red flag
Mr_Horrible: all the time Kappa
Darleysam: you heard it chat, we're their friends
Thefluffiestguineapig: The Latin board contacted the principal multiple years because they were concerned
micalovits: What did you call us?
MacbethSeemsSus: and chat
rosesmcgee: We're not friends.
The_Timo: "friends"
tr3ewitch88: My daughter legit shut herself in one of those clear bins. I had to save her.😅
BusTed: 🙂
ProcyonFlynn: And the rest of chat
vogon_poet: Adam's never been more offended.
DaFhaye: Friiiiiends
Mr_Horrible: uh oh Ben's getting parasocial again
couchboyj: Friends seabatTROG
lochnessseammonster: clip it!
Mr_Horrible: get the spray
itira: Youre my friend too Ben
lamina5432: I'm only an observer
DEATHlikescats: we be PARAsocial.
frank_the_great: No take backsies!
The_Timo: Uh oh
itira: Not Adam though.
thatguysteve2709: I am not a friend I do not know you it's okay
Thefluffiestguineapig: I will happily be your parasocial friend Ben
The_Timo: big boi comin
protojman: friends and Bens
brutusq13: yeaahhh "friends"
CataclysmicReverb: Ben's friends. Bends
Fanklok: We are not friends
micalovits: Boss time!
Mr_Horrible: I'm antagonists with you
drcthulu: monsterNo
junehawk: im so gladam you are here adam
betweenmyself: “FRIEND…?” riffYeti
tr3ewitch88: lrrWOW
vogon_poet: Gym teachers always be doing roids.
The_Timo: Ben said you were, too late
Thefluffiestguineapig: We know each other Parasocially at best, but I enjoy your streaming persona
Mr_Horrible: ever since I trapped Adam's grandpa's soul in a television for losing a card game
brutusq13: K.O.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Does that sound more accurate?
SnackPak_: night night
Mr_Horrible: we've been on the outs
The_Timo: not even the best kill anim from this guy
Mai_Andra: "if not friend, why friend shaped?"
Fanklok: Yo is that Pudge from DOTA2?
lochnessseammonster: don't jump or i'll cry
QuixoticScrivener: do you thick they were the gym coach?
CataclysmicReverb: "Respect my ranged pressure"
Mr_Horrible: "Force field! Force field!"
Mai_Andra: "Hello, boys!" - The Undertaker, driving the ambulance
tr3ewitch88: I think he's mad ben
squ3e: Is this a kill boss or a run boss?
brutusq13: gotta break out the melee build
tr3ewitch88: @squ3e yes
MacbethSeemsSus: @squ3e Kiss boss
BusTed: ouch
dumbo3k: That was gnarly
micalovits: That looked liked it hurt
CataclysmicReverb: Neat, we got dead spaced
frank_the_great: Dead Space vibes from that one
Thefluffiestguineapig: "Best" in terms of most interesting
Mr_Horrible: maybe if you hadn't used allitov them
The_Timo: This guy was the Gym teacher here for sure
darkcyril: He's proven that to be a lie twice.
tr3ewitch88: I feel like this could be going better 😅🤣
Mr_Horrible: this wouldn't work, because Ellie won't do gennies
micalovits: Remastered btw
CataclysmicReverb: Who's on generator
Nigouki: does Bill have unlimited ammo?
darkcyril: Bill have hacks.
darkcyril: has*
The_Timo: eh gamedev wise he probably does damage but won't get the killing shot
Mr_Horrible: "It just seems unsporting now"
Seth_Erickson: he doesn't want to kill steal
TherapyforNarwhals: He got dizzy
tr3ewitch88: I guess you should have given Ellie that gun.
DaFhaye: God I forgot how dumb the ai in this game was
Mr_Horrible: pad the meters let's gooooo
yarghs: The bloater sounds like an asthmatic pig
frank_the_great: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
tr3ewitch88: lrrFINE
CataclysmicReverb: pweez
Juliamon: Scholastic catalogs
ghyllnox: Man those big old retractable bleachers, brings me back
TherapyforNarwhals: One piece?!
tr3ewitch88: Pogs
QuixoticScrivener: and its the same piece
Raincoast_Bear: 7th grade Text Books.
Nickiatori: onepiece?
Mr_Horrible: even with every piece it will never work smoothly in 1 go
thatguysteve2709: Same piece of different in each
Mr_Horrible: such is the curse
Thefluffiestguineapig: @yarghs The base level of pig sound is a scream so loud it requires the level of ear protection that machinists use on factory floors, so that would be the blessed quieter sound of an opera singer directly in your ear
Raincoast_Bear: I'm.......BATMAN
micalovits: Yea, that big guy
TherapyforNarwhals: Smash...
yarghs: Now I just want to hear a pig sing opera
tr3ewitch88: Adam!😅🤣 hot?
Mr_Horrible: Joel like "I can appreciate their artistic vision"
brutusq13: hot to go?
Seth_Erickson: Logan 👀
consolecowboy88: haw!
Fanklok: Adam...
The_Timo: always? lol
NeuterCommuter subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 94 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, NeuterCommuter! (Today's storm count: 27)
Mai_Andra: ♫ Frodo of the nine fingers... and the Ring of Doom ♪
lochnessseammonster: PrideUwu
frank_the_great: My requirements are low, but they're still requirements: 1. Have a pulse
brutusq13: Adam looking at that clickussy
Mr_Horrible: we just like to type "Adam..."
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Mai_Andra They're taking the hobbits to isenguard!
lamina5432: your not its weird all around
Mr_Horrible: that fungussy
ProcyonFlynn: It's only 80% as weird as the things Ian says.
spo8n: ben IS a mod on /r/sexycryptids
CataclysmicReverb: And if not, there's twitch dot tv
PipeSmokingOwl: Say what you will about Adam...say he likes them zombos
thatguysteve2709: They are birds
tr3ewitch88: I also question the people who f monsters 😅
BorealMage: Literally the first zombie in this game broke through a door just like that
Lockraemono: you're allowed to say they're hot
EvilBadman: Let a dude get his brain ate, geeze
frank_the_great: Frank :(
Thefluffiestguineapig: Husbando D:
Mr_Horrible: so is he single?
DEATHlikescats: awwww. o7 Frank.
consolecowboy88: ya coveted another man’s husband 😉
Mr_Horrible: baptism has 50/50 odds tho
darkcyril: But is Bill baptized?
Kramburger: Dammit Frank
Mr_Horrible: Parasite Eve next game, confirmed
Mr_Horrible: sinuuPoint
ghyllnox: Have you ever tried to sit in a car with a backpack?
thatguysteve2709: Thank you Mr. Johnson
tr3ewitch88: lrrLUL
Sharkfists: it's the cell of the powerhouse
Darleysam: gotta play Parasite Adam first
Vandristine: 1 and 2 yeah
varmintx0: Parasite Eve is better.
SnackPak_: it counts
lochnessseammonster: samsies PrideLaugh
DEATHlikescats: the games, definitely
thatguysteve2709: It is a horror game. It is in the horror genre
Thefluffiestguineapig: The book absolutely is
Manitu_25: that pterodactyl on the bridge was horrifying
The_Timo: @varmintx0 but it's so obtuse lol
Lockraemono: damn
RayFK: David has good taste, sometimes
Mai_Andra: mitochondria are the real one...
Mr_Horrible: damn, he's hitting David with the Mr Horrible treatment
whitebadgerwolf88: Dino crisis would totally count
necrocreature: bro Dark Cloud is the best game ever made
Mai_Andra: Parasite Eve hype.
DaFhaye: Dark Cloud 2 best game of all time
frameshifty: Adam you are the only person besides my husband who seems to have every even played Dark Cloud 2
necrocreature: Dark Cloud 1 is better, but 2 is awesome as well
TherapyforNarwhals: That's so much worse than the show goddamn
tr3ewitch88: Wow I love you too frank
consolecowboy88: so it was a one way love affair
Mr_Horrible: something tells me that's not Frank's genuine sentiment
frank_the_great: The show def improved on this one
goombalax: set it on fire like the Dark Knight
Vandristine: husband single?
micalovits: Just shows that your husband got good taste
varmintx0: Dark Cloud 2 is sitting on my shelf right now.
rosesmcgee: New mission is to find the last remaining photocopier and leave that shit around for Bill everywhere
shushu2539: disco stu
itira: iv played Dark Cloud 2 one of my faves
Nickiatori: jaundis
Mr_Horrible: that's where all the simpsons come from
Mr_Horrible: they're in purgatory
rosesmcgee: it's gonna be under is pillow every night
darkcyril: Going to that big Springfield in the sky
dumbo3k: Putrefaction does tend to discolor you
Nickiatori: jaundis nuts
Mr_Horrible: oh what's that? Streamer paying for a slouch?
darkcyril: @Nickiatori gottem
Mr_Horrible: my heavens
tr3ewitch88: Wait, Ellie doesn't know how to whistle. Or swim, but she knows how to drive?
Blakemcm: where is the hug button
Blakemcm: bill needs it
Mai_Andra: @tr3ewitch88 Texas. Yee-haw.
TherapyforNarwhals: HOW
ghyllnox: Oh this is a MANUAL>
Stripe_dog: What's this "We"
vogon_poet: The fuck an 11-year-old knows how to pop a clutch. Even in the apocalypse.
Mr_Horrible: @vogon_poet I mean, I'd believe it in Texas
SnackPak_: Ellie is a Sonic fan
DEATHlikescats: Must go Faster
frank_the_great: These zombies sure are inconvenient
SageofShadowzF: I could pop a church and knew how to drive at her age.
TherapyforNarwhals: Now that's what drugs do kids
tr3ewitch88: @sageofshadowzf yeah but you also knew how to swim 😅🤣🥰
Mr_Horrible: "Okay that'll get you to California"
Fanklok: How to pop a clutch is 100% a thing I've forgotten how to do
MacbethSeemsSus: Did she drift that?!
DaFhaye: It's not hard to drive
Mr_Horrible: woulda laughed if you just got t-boned again
Thefluffiestguineapig: Popping a clutch is fucking hard
tr3ewitch88: I bet Ellie doesn't know how to butt ride a bike either.
Mr_Horrible: twitch cautioned me about sending that message lmao
jessicatheblack: she played a lot of Ma-rio Cart?
DaFhaye: It's just hard to drive well
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also how the fuck is the gas still good
Cptasparagus: its not
rosesmcgee: 20 year old gas? good luck
ghyllnox: 20 year old gas
DaFhaye: Yeah that gas would be dead and dry
SageofShadowzF: Video game magic
Blakemcm: i gotta go drink rainwater and jork it alone
Saintnex: yea, that gas would be hella useless, but video games
Mr_Horrible: they're walking out of frame all dramatic like
frank_the_great: Bro, are ya gonna mention Tess?
darkcyril: Remastered.
Thefluffiestguineapig: If they said he converted it to run on the fry oil or something I would buy it more
Nigouki: sucking 20 year old gas out of abandoned cars is gonna suck
Mr_Horrible: Ellie that's how comics work
Mai_Andra: roll credits
frank_the_great: The Last of Us Part 1
ghyllnox: LUL
Saintnex: welp, time to get hunted down by Bill? lol
NotCainNorAbel: well f
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ellie the Klepto now?
consolecowboy88: hahaha
Thefluffiestguineapig: LULULLULLU
NimrodXIV: lmao
Mr_Horrible: tee hee
jessicatheblack: lol
tr3ewitch88: WTF Ellie
SnackPak_: lrrFRUMP
AdamLavadan: Wooow
Kramburger: WOW
Mr_Horrible: 10%
Thefluffiestguineapig: seabatYIKES lrrWOW
patrick_stonecrusher: Long. Loooooong. mAAAAAAAAAN
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
MrSarkhan: LUL
ghyllnox: Aww
Nigouki: woods porn origins
frank_the_great: LUL LUL
Blakemcm: omg im howling
7gorobei: preppers warehouse, and smut
DEATHlikescats: the magical woods porn returns to its habitat
Gooseblast: wheelerY wheelerH
tr3ewitch88: lrrJUDGE
vogon_poet: Okay, no 11-year-old from Ohio is popping a clutch. They're too busy doing meth.
Forlorgen: I bet its really hard to find gay porn in the zompoc
Fanklok: So Bill had gay porn?
DaFhaye: Or the sudden break hit
MacbethSeemsSus: Grab a brush and put a little makeup!
betweenmyself: Grab a brush and put a lil makeup!
Forlorgen: Or really easy to find gay porn
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Fanklok The guy who hung himself was his husbando
dumbo3k: I mean, what did you think was gonna happen, going into a city?
dumbo3k: Oh, he hurt now though
tr3ewitch88: Ya done did fucked up
NotCainNorAbel: using our bricks against us?
TherapyforNarwhals: Good point to stop soon?
Blakemcm: are people the real monsters?
SnackPak_: whoops
Mr_Horrible: brick betrayed us
Juliamon: That truck lasted a whole three minutes
rosesmcgee: Smooth move, ex lax
brutusq13: He's got the T-boned curse
Natural_Ones_Only: Man I hate cliffhangers
darkcyril: If I had a nickel...
frank_the_great: Two in 20+ years tbf
Mr_Horrible: Juliamon well to be fair that's an indeterminate number of miles, with the jump cuts
Lockraemono: :o
Lockraemono: oh my god ow
ghyllnox: What if she makes him sick
NotCainNorAbel: lrrWOW
underhill33: god damn
Thefluffiestguineapig: Bro
Juliamon: Mr_Horrible Still not a long drive from Boston to PA though
Mr_Horrible: oh I didn't see the location card
Blakemcm: these fellas playin PUBG or something
Thefluffiestguineapig: How are there this many guns still?
micalovits: Murica
MacbethSeemsSus: Also most driving time on the east coast is traffic.
Thefluffiestguineapig: 20 years after all of society fell?
DaFhaye: Didn't even make sure the kid was still behind you
Fanklok: People can still make bullets
Stripe_dog: It's America
darkcyril: America.
rosesmcgee: Because 'merica
Forlorgen: ALso america
dougma: america
Nigouki: it's america, there's more guns than people
TherapyforNarwhals: Undertale
DaFhaye: Because it's america
Blakemcm: Halo
frank_the_great: America
micalovits: Dark souls
varmintx0: It's set in America, we have lots of guns.
patrick_stonecrusher: Tetris
tr3ewitch88: SmEllie ?😅
jessicatheblack: Street Righter
itira: Stardew Valley
Nickiatori: path of exile
Kuhfeek: Pokemon
Thefluffiestguineapig: Firewatch
DEATHlikescats: Katamari Damacy
SnackPak_: bows are guns
Mr_Horrible: now you're just making shit up mr savidan
lochnessseammonster: streetfighter
WitchyTQ: that means a hot dog is a sandwhich
rosesmcgee: 2 guns for every person baybee!
frank_the_great: Pac MAn sucks
itira: Harvest Moon
patrick_stonecrusher: Pong
betweenmyself: Tetris
Kuhfeek: Good point
Saintnex: tetris
NarishmaReborn: tetris
MacbethSeemsSus: What is an Ent if not a gun
DarknessKingCoH: Need for Speed Most Wanted
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
PhuzNutz: pacman
Thefluffiestguineapig: Layers of Fear
frank_the_great: Stardew Valley?
Mr_Horrible: no that's an L
Mr_Horrible: hold it
brutusq13: farmville
Juliamon: the reverse L is the gun
couchboyj: Dr. Mario
Juliamon: but only the reverse L
Forlorgen: People were stealing the guns out of peoples cars at the top golf in my hometown they had to station a cop there all day
Mr_Horrible: they're kinda hard to grip, tbh
DoomBringerIL: DOOM
Morrigan9: checkers, go, chess
Mr_Horrible: not worth holding
Seth_Erickson: ping pong
tr3ewitch88: There are those gigantic bullets.
NarishmaReborn: nah his brother is the one with the gun
rosesmcgee: Dr. Mario needs the gun for euthanasia
Nickiatori: Call of duty doesnt have any guns
NotCainNorAbel: GTA4
Kramburger: Dr Mario has a PhD in ballistics
lamina5432: the fireball
couchboyj: He's using pills, not needles
frank_the_great: He's an Italian from Brooklyn, of course he's got a gun
darkcyril: owie owie owie
Nigouki: It's Joelver!
Mr_Horrible: fell over like he threw his back out
Transmuted_Elf: dark cloud
Mr_Horrible: which, understandable, that shit sucks
Transmuted_Elf: Boshi
vogon_poet: "How dare you not be more manly when you're dying!!!"
PhuzNutz: Spiderman, only the ohpoos have guns
tr3ewitch88: Harvest moon is good and no guns
Dragonality: You didn't get shot, Joels back just gave out
Mr_Horrible: that guy's not gonna be in Last of Us Part 2
Mr_Horrible: they don't
TherapyforNarwhals: Stardew Valley
itira: Harvest Moon is the best game everrrrrr
brutusq13: sheer will
feet2big: bomb slingshots
The_Timo: You don't, they die if they get sick
Mr_Horrible: no slaughterhouses in Harvest Moon
Kramburger: Like Anton Churgh
LostThePirate: Harvey Moon is great
Seth_Erickson: have you heard of knives Adam
Transmuted_Elf: VVVVVVV
tr3ewitch88: I mean. Harvest moon is gotta be kind of good. They've made more than one version of it.
TherapyforNarwhals: City Skylines
raulghoulia: Mass Effect
SnackPak_: Euro Truck Sim
betweenmyself: Sim Ant riffThink
Nickiatori: your dead asshole
frank_the_great: That's a game within the game - it's a separate game
Mr_Horrible: how about you concentrate on *this* game with guns, Streamer? OpieOP
NarishmaReborn: tic tac toe
Manitu_25: ori and the blind forest
NotCainNorAbel: Minecraft
iamasock_ttv: balatro
TherapyforNarwhals: It has LASERS
micalovits: A car is a gun if you drive it fast enough
DaFhaye: I think WoW counts because the guns suck
Nickiatori: tf2 doesnt have any guns
NotCainNorAbel: Stick and Hoop
tr3ewitch88: Yes it does! 😅😂🤣🤣
Fanklok: Adam can move the goal posts anywhere
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
Mr_Horrible: he spot-dodged
LostThePirate: If Tetris pieces are guns, then Mass Effect 100% has guns lol
CataclysmicReverb: Dark Souls 3? Wait no that has dra- guns
Nigouki: wow you got bonked
Mr_Horrible: when the hoodlum magneto-plinks to you
frank_the_great: That was a brutal death
DEATHlikescats: no shoot, only bonk
TherapyforNarwhals: It's fun to argue
micalovits: Because we are stubborn
Pharmacistjudge: because its fun to argue?
Mr_Horrible: because it'd be boring if we ignored all your bullshit, Adam Kappa
Pharmacistjudge: and it makes content?
tr3ewitch88: What just happened 😂🤣🤣🤣🤣
lochnessseammonster: we do it to feel something
EvilBadman: Goalposts are gun checkmate Maddentheists
frank_the_great: Balatro is gunless
SageofShadowzF: Anythings a gunning you don't care enough
Mr_Horrible: damn, he's got me there
Fanklok: You got really sad about the ATM thing earlier
Saintnex: Because if we didnt respond to your nonsense Adam, chat would be empty constantly
Mr_Horrible: eros4k
The_Timo: horseshit maybe
Aidankatz7: I wish let’s nope happened twice a week
Mr_Horrible: are you okay?
micalovits: Football players also have got dem guns
TherapyforNarwhals: It's late Adam
Mr_Horrible: how many fingers am I holding up?
itira: Adam?
tr3ewitch88: Anything a gun if you're brave enough 😅🤣
MacbethSeemsSus: Gun, check, madden, pst
NotCainNorAbel: Glurp
DEATHlikescats: drink moar
The_Timo: Czech guns?
Mr_Horrible: why do they call it goalchecks when they of in the cold check of out hot kick the checks?
BusTed: My cans! My antique cans!
rosesmcgee: My antique cans!
Aidankatz7: Adam I hope you’re enjoying the fact that the last of us story has sad tropes that are less predictable
NotCainNorAbel: if only your crafting was faster
rosesmcgee: We all have the same brain rot. Love it
patrick_stonecrusher: He hates these cans!
frank_the_great: I like the difficulty in this game. It seems balanced
Fanklok: Why are they called goalposts when you gun the cold food into...
DEATHlikescats: chat is sharing the braincell like champs
tr3ewitch88: I love that the tape is still playing
betweenmyself: any plans to play the mini-prequel before moving on to part two?
Kramburger: Adam's played every game. Just name a game and he'll tell you
The_Timo: does he not use listen mode for the viewer's sake?
Aidankatz7: holy shit the second one might be sadder than the first
MacbethSeemsSus: The two tap
Blakemcm: woah, slugger came to play
frank_the_great: "I'm not goofy as I usually am - peekaboo!"
lochnessseammonster: watching you play this is kinda making me want to watch the show PrideLaugh
darkcyril: Dude should have read the fine print of his Hunter contract
TherapyforNarwhals: Fallout was a banger so excited for s2
MacbethSeemsSus: unlike dead people shows?
Mr_Horrible: clearly Ben should watch the Halo show next OpieOP
CataclysmicReverb: So we can't make the next season of Castledvania live action just to mess with the meta...
BusTed: Sometimes the better player just wins
DaFhaye: Have you ever seen the movie children of men. It's what inspired this game greatly
Mr_Horrible: you're going in that guy's kill montage video on Alienware Arena dot com
MacbethSeemsSus: @DaFhaye All time banger
raulghoulia: joel needs glasses
CataclysmicReverb: slap those lights bud
Mr_Horrible: @raulghoulia vision plan!
The_Timo: @raulghoulia He can see through walls Lol
DaFhaye: @MacbethSeemsSus It's one of my favorites
NarishmaReborn: gotta save the last bullet for yourself in zombie games
rosesmcgee: seabatBRAIN seabatBRAIN
Thefluffiestguineapig: If you can move the goal posts it's only fair he can too Adam
The_Timo: Adam just doesn't like how much he hears it
tr3ewitch88: lrrSPOOP
tr3ewitch88: BEN!
itira: but its *jUsT mY OpiNiOn MaAan*
Mr_Horrible: "I will proceed to not instropect about this revelation"
rosesmcgee: Was this whole encounter a "remember that grenade recipe?"
darkcyril: "I'm JuSt BlUnT"
itira: tqsToasted
patrick_stonecrusher: Thats called a joint
tr3ewitch88: Honestly let's nope wouldn't be as good if it wasn't Ben and Adam
brutusq13: It's only okay if their first name is Emily
ghyllnox: ASD here and yeah I can be blunt
frank_the_great: I'm just being frank
darkcyril: That's who he's saving the last bullet for - the last of us.
TherapyforNarwhals: I need my boys podcast
SnackPak_: I'd watch that
Natural_Ones_Only: Before, wasn't there an Alex?
Kramburger: Fuck me, my one year old has figured out how to climb on to the dining table. Now THAT was a jumpscare
Mr_Horrible: if the game autonomously played itself I'd be impressed but less entertained
raulghoulia: that's Mine O clock
micalovits: Serge being scared would be real funny
Thefluffiestguineapig: That's just Mine O Clock
tr3ewitch88: It'd be just us watching surge scream.
MacbethSeemsSus: The Jacob/Wheeler coup next week will be wild
DaFhaye: I would never be able to catch it.
Mazrae: Spooks to really wake you up
frank_the_great: Alex could carry
Mr_Horrible: @Kramburger stop putting yellow tape on the edges of the table, Kram
darkcyril: @Mr_Horrible Twitch Plays Let's Nope
itira: LUL
lochnessseammonster: i'd say i'd watch it but i already don't watch mine o clock
Kramburger: I don't know Adam, you'll have to tell me when you have one
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Mr_Horrible That sounds like hell
ghyllnox: Welp
DaFhaye: I feel like James would get bored and Serge wouldn't stop screaming
vogon_poet: There are a few LRR personalities which would make me not watch, but it's not very many. I think you're the best combo, though.
itira: @Kramburger ooooo get his ass
Kramburger: @Mr_Horrible :D
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also Serge being scared is part of the fun of the Dark Picture Anthology coop streams
NotCainNorAbel: Pride500
Kramburger: Dude, she's annoyingly observant
micalovits: <message deleted>Time is cruel
The_Passerby subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 87 months!
The_Passerby: Happy birthday me.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, The_Passerby! (Today's storm count: 28)
Mai_Andra: 8 o'clock at night for no reason...
itira: time is soup
NotCainNorAbel: You don't need to go home but you can't stay there
frank_the_great: "We lived" - Ellie who didn't see all the other timelines
Lockraemono: gg
patrick_stonecrusher: FutureMan FutureMan FutureMan
lochnessseammonster: that's why you don't wanna leave us?
Mr_Horrible: sorry, Adam, I was in the moonbase winding the clocks while you streamed
Riandisa: Thanks for the stream
DEATHlikescats: a weird soup @itira
tr3ewitch88: We weren't going to tell you to stop
The_Timo: Thanks for the show boys
MacbethSeemsSus: @itira Why are you gettin soup at the spoop store?
lamina5432: gnight
Thefluffiestguineapig: We are happy to hang out and chat if you want to podcast more Adam :D
tr3ewitch88: Thank you guys for another great stream
NotCainNorAbel: and he said it was good
lochnessseammonster: seabatClap
tr3ewitch88: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
SnackPak_: lrrFRUMP
DEATHlikescats: GoblinJam
Mr_Horrible: sinuuDingdong
DEATHlikescats: gojgBongoSprig bootie5ChatPod
tr3ewitch88: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE LUL
I_Am_Clockwork: thanks for the stream, lads! Cheer5000
NotCainNorAbel: lrrSHINE
Mr_Horrible: "looks like we're gonna have to cheeky this breeky"
Mr_Horrible: why never live team?
Forlorgen: YEAH KILL TEAM!!
Mr_Horrible: who the fuck is Alan?
itira: o.o
NotCainNorAbel: hot mic
Fanklok: What if Let's Nope and Talking Sim did a cultural exchange and we swapped Cori and Adam one week
Mr_Horrible: so is that a euphemism, or...?
I_Am_Clockwork: yay killteam
Mr_Horrible: "Congrats. Go back to the stupid house."
The_Passerby: Whelp. I need to go get some cake.
frank_the_great: Night chat!
The_Passerby: Have a food night everyone
Dog_of_Myth: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
SnackPak_: oooo
tr3ewitch88: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Mr_Horrible: hee hee hoo hoo
micalovits: <message deleted>Speaking of bad, oki oki
MacbethSeemsSus: o7
Dog_of_Myth: o7
SnackPak_: o7
Mr_Horrible: bad as in dazeBadass
NotCainNorAbel: o7
itira: o7
Lockraemono: :x
lamina5432: o7
Nigouki: wow, getting shot in the twitch-exclusive time
DEATHlikescats: o7
Mr_Horrible: o7
MrSarkhan: o7
rosesmcgee: benginO7
ghyllnox: o7
kimmibeans: o7
Forlorgen: o7
raulghoulia: aetherdraft
Saintnex: o7
DaFhaye: Car go vroom vroom cards
Mr_Horrible: Stalker 2, dense game, it turns out
Mr_Horrible: dead silence
betweenmyself: riffGasp
xantos69: Cheer50 Bits!
DEATHlikescats: it’s the ghost version
Mr_Horrible: "No tunes?" kanagoNomaidens
Veshnikard subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 56 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Veshnikard! (Today's storm count: 29)
DaFhaye: I was so confused hearing my name with a question mark haha
NotCainNorAbel: if there is no music is there really a sub read?
NotCainNorAbel: sure was
DEATHlikescats: so many bits!
BorealMage: Thanks for the stream!
tr3ewitch88: Do everybody for the subs and the interesting conversation. Thank you. Been an atom for the great stream.
Mr_Horrible: thanks for the stream, lads
Nigouki: Thanks for the stream!
shendaras: seabatClap
I_Am_Clockwork: See you... in the future!
kimmibeans: Bye!
itira: thanks for the stream! have a good night everyone!
Nigouki: FUK
Mr_Horrible: looks like this was the Last of Them
tr3ewitch88: Thank you everyone *
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
DEATHlikescats: welp
Saintnex: not snow Kappa
DEATHlikescats: tropical funtimes!
Mr_Horrible: 0 points on geoguessr
Thefluffiestguineapig: Caribbean?
Blakemcm: it is near Jamaica
I_Am_Clockwork: It's in teh Caribbean
I_Am_Clockwork: oh no parnets
Mai_Andra: it was just before the pandini last year
DEATHlikescats: Bermuda, Bahamas
KeytarCat: Get in the carbean
Rhynerd just starts belting the chorus to Poco's "barbados"
DaFhaye: Have a goodnight
Rhynerd: thanks for the stream!
vogon_poet: Waiting for the post-credits scene.........
micalovits: AFTER 10 LONG MINUTES, I AM FREE!!