Metric_Furlong: S O O N™
StageMgrRob subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 86 months!
StageMgrRob: yeah!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, StageMgrRob! (Today's storm count: 15)
MAPBoardgames: AF40k
Manae: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: AFK (Time to shove aside those keyboards and play some tabletop games! Game: Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team) at Wed 05:00 PM PST (0s ago).
RockPusher: seabatClap
RockPusher: lrrDOTS lrrSIG lrrARROW
MAPBoardgames: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Manae: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
baltimore_667083: lrrSIG
Fruan: We're finally going to kill that team, chat. I can feel it.
RockPusher: Cry havoc, and let slip the lrrHAM s of war!
TheMandrew: lrrHAM
Cheese_Hammer: ooh, Kill Team night
raulghoulia: magneto was right
Nigouki: There is no "I" in Team but there is in KILL
DideRobot: LRR: Time for AFK! Tonight Ben's Gellerpox Infected takes on Alex's Death Korps of Kreig. Whoever Wins, we also win! (has image) |
Athelgar subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 33 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Athelgar! (Today's storm count: 16)
baltimore_667083: it is time!
MWGNZ: PogChamp killteam
Strebenherz: KomodoHype
Strebenherz: Hallo!
KBKarma subscribed at Tier 3. They've subscribed for 51 months!
KBKarma: Oh wow, the half year!
Aarek subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 134 months!
Aarek: Hello!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, KBKarma! (Today's storm count: 17)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Aarek! (Today's storm count: 18)
baltimore_667083: hi Ben! hi Alex!
RockPusher: benginFingers benginHeart benginDab
Strebenherz: All 40 Ks?
Forlorgen: SO MANY Ks
PMAvers: Paul, get the bat!
RockPusher: voxlunBean voxlunBean voxlunBean
Lobo_Apache: kill those teams! kill those teams!
IsSecretlyPaul: yo its ben that guy who plays killteam
CaptainSpam: *cough*
IsSecretlyPaul: Wild!
DeM0nFiRe: I know it's been there a while already, but I love the AF40K logo lo
DeM0nFiRe: lol*
CaptainSpam: Fun is forbidden! Get back to work!
RockPusher: Playing games without us‽ fugiWow
MalFnord: Wait, you're allowed to do that?!
Sudobyte: This seems like a good excuse to get my aquilons built
Forlorgen: Necrons did just get nerfed lol
Lobo_Apache: Bunch of my buddies just got back from LVO so I'm super excited to see more killteam from y'all too!
Sudobyte: Austin Powers Necrons
Getter404: All the Mike Myerses. Wayne, Austin Powers, the Love Guru...
MWGNZ: FBtouchdown learming
goombalax: YEESSSSS
goombalax: put the warhams in my veins
Sudobyte: @goombalax georgHi
DigitalSeahorse: digita435Snail openseBeeps openseBeeps voxlunGeiger
rxpalindrome: im getting ready to go to a killteam tourney this Saturday so im glad y'all are playing today
DaxStrife: I prefer the jingle the bingle myself.
Sudobyte subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 20 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Sudobyte! (Today's storm count: 19)
MAPBoardgames: get 2 killin
goombalax: @Sudobyte unarmeGiga
baltimore_667083: grampa nurgle!
Lobo_Apache: Let's go! Death Korp just got a huge buff so this game will be interesting
Mr_Bitterness: Already equipped with gas masks
Mazrae: I love not playing meta
LoadingReadyRun: Papa Nurgle cares not for the Meta
Forlorgen: both got updates this year so they some what better
Getter404: The most Lemme Smash team
DigitalSeahorse: I hope this destitute music won't make me cry or dissociate
Lobo_Apache: @Getter404 He's got blue!
Strebenherz: gellar fields go brrr
Gekyouryuu: cursed thrice. told "fuck", "shit", AND "damn"
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunCarp
letsbelgo: instant event horizon
SaxPython: PogChamp SabaPing PogChamp
Fruan: Blackjack!
Nigouki: 3 heads, 3 times the self-doubt and anxiety
0x6772: His belly is… a charcoal grill, on its side?
notthepenguins: them be three beefy fellas
Sudobyte: 'Don't mess with the gas that eats your face" "What could go wrong?" "It's gas. That eats your face."
SaxPython: Squid1 CurseLit Squid4
Sudobyte: I've had firegut way too many times myself
MacbethSeemsSus: Me after eating hot wings
LoadingReadyRun: Today on Hot Ones!
Gekyouryuu: @Nigouki alternatively, every time one head puts itself down, the other two chime in "no! YOU'RE fine. I'M the one who sucks." and they're all aggressively positive to each other until the funk ends
Lobo_Apache: The fact it has seek light and saturate is hilarious to me
notthepenguins: Well, since he is a child of granpda nurgle, that makes him a dad. So it's only fitting that he has a built-in grill.
Sudobyte: Do a barrel warp!
tehfewl: Barrel!
DigitalSeahorse: Cool Technology!
MAPBoardgames: gross
DigitalSeahorse: opensePortalL
Dog_of_Myth: coxWiggle
QuixoticScrivener: eww inches
DigitalSeahorse: opensePortalR
CodeIndigo: three inches of looooooove
measureofhope subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 38 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, measureofhope! (Today's storm count: 20)
MAPBoardgames: isert a "i've seen this hentai" joke here
Sudobyte: Basically this will be can the guardsmen shoot down the gellerpox guys before they get into melee
0x6772: No, @LoadingReadyRun: he's just running a fever and doesn't want to get anybody else sick.
notthepenguins: honestly I love how varied and different these designs are
QuixoticScrivener: d3? what shape is that?
letsbelgo: @QuixoticScrivener d6
DigitalSeahorse: yikes!
CodeIndigo: awwww, just a lil' guy with lil'er guys
Sudobyte: my gut's felt like that before, too
Strebenherz: WHAT
adept_nekomancer: Ah, he's a Tonberry
QuixoticScrivener: @letsbelgo I demand an object with 3 sides, not one with a multiple of 3
LoadingReadyRun: Oh great! Now I have more mouths to feed
Strebenherz: he screm
letsbelgo: I mean, they exist
Juliamon: I have many mouths, and they all must scream
CodeIndigo: hungry hungry horrors
letsbelgo: they are funky looking
notthepenguins: I would also need extra AP to do things if that was near me
Mr_Bitterness: Diseased Nippers!
Fruan: smol
DigitalSeahorse: smol
CodeIndigo: smol daemon is still daemon
MAPBoardgames: hes just a little guy!
Lobo_Apache: Fun Fact! they're just small enough to also be completely out of visibility behind light barricades
goombalax: also being within 2 inches now defeats all those abilities that prevent shooting
Goombill subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 62 months, currently on a 34 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Goombill! (Today's storm count: 21)
CodeIndigo: don't ask what the hair gel is made of
Mr_Horrible: just your average workaday mutant
letsbelgo: necron head
CodeIndigo: let's just say that "gorilla snot" is only partly a euphemism
QuixoticScrivener: man in the necron mask
Lobo_Apache: bugbugbugbugbugs!
TheWriterAleph: ben's really buggin out
DigitalSeahorse: digita435Octo
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunFoam
SittingOx: HAHA
SittingOx: GET IT
DigitalSeahorse: they won't bug you unless they bug you
QuixoticScrivener: walks
letsbelgo: cant fly inside
Lobo_Apache: Correct! only the Vespids have fly now
letsbelgo: duh
goombalax: They Walk now? (They Walk now!)
Strebenherz: lil stalkers!
11 raiders from Sharkfists have joined!
Dog_of_Myth: Heya Raiders
TheAinMAP: sharkf11THINK sharkf11THINK sharkf11THINK
Sharkfists: sharkf11HI
DigitalSeahorse: these guys look RAD voxlunGeiger voxlunGeiger voxlunRad
theamc2000: is this war hammer 4 0 0 0 0 ?
shamblingkrenshar: Hi chat. I have just arrived. I love this new tech to show datacards!
Sharkfists: heck yeah killy teamy
LookoutScience: love the map on the krieger!
theamc2000: why is the sniper named spotter?
DigitalSeahorse: I love these
calculated_uncertainties: Cheer100 Cheer100
red_shoes_jeff: @theamc2000 Because Sniper the spotter had seniority.
Mai_Andra: Yeah, once the gun goes off, people might know you're there.
shamblingkrenshar: I love that as a mechanic. Your laser weapon gets one surprise shot, then they know where you are.
Lobo_Apache: Yay! The jobbers!
shamblingkrenshar: @red_shoes_jeff I assume its because they're just relaying the coordinates
red_shoes_jeff: Gee, I wonder which one's the medic.
TheAwkes: The launching is silent. The arriving is not.
QuixoticScrivener: Jabronies
Getter404: Bionic... AAAARM
SquareDotCube: For when you wanna XCOM in your 40K
tehfewl: did someone say Bionic ARM
shamblingkrenshar: He's casting Indicate
LoadingReadyRun: He's In the ARMy Now
Nefarious_Ned subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 109 months, currently on a 109 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Nefarious_Ned! (Today's storm count: 22)
MalFnord: He's pointing so his Stand knows what to punch
jamesk902: You need some even morphine.
Strebenherz: WHAT
DigitalSeahorse: neat
tehfewl: yep
Sharkfists: wild
DaxStrife: "I need some morphine, duct tape, and a priest."
measureofhope: Based bases here
Getter404: Yep, quick n dirty alternative to sutures
tehfewl: military medic here, that is correct
Lobo_Apache: Yup! Super glue is an excellent liquid stitch
SittingOx: yeah it was designed to close wounds fast
Fruan: It was originally for closing wounds as a temporary fix, yeah
goombalax: super glue as medical adhesive is well known
LookoutScience: sorry they invented *WHAT* in nam??
phoenixletmeuseadashd: because kill it with fire
BrowneePointz: M&Ms were also invented as war rations
tehcrashxor: Yep, flesh glue is in fact great at gluing flesh.
Cptasparagus: can confirm, I use it to cover up stitches on mice all the time. Works great.
BITs19_: brother! get the flamer! The HEAVY Flamer!
RockPusher: You want a quick and easy way for keeping the insides from becoming outsides
BrowneePointz: @lookoutscience crazy glue was created as medical adhesive
goombalax: if it shoots ya, its gonna hurt
Sudobyte: meltas are scary
shamblingkrenshar: Snake watch out, this area is mined!
DigitalSeahorse: this mine is mine
red_shoes_jeff: @goombalax He's bigger, faster, and stronger too! He's the first member. Of. The 40K crew!
Getter404: So it's Siege rules. Plywood walls only
DaxStrife: "Wallbang" sounds dirtier than it should.
RockPusher: blowing up a building is fine, less effective against like, a hill
prince_infidel: So we're just saying "wall bang" like it's nothing huh?
Getter404: @prince_infidel R6 Siege terminology
Mai_Andra: Didn't wanna get blasted through the wall? Shouldn't've been standing so close to the blasting wall. xivGoob
letsbelgo: @prince_infidel its not a new term at all
SittingOx: what is team kill about?
RockPusher: prince_infidel you would prefer a different type of banging? lrrBEEJ
BrowneePointz: small team skirmish @sittingox
Gekyouryuu: @prince_infidel I mean, there's someone out there named Harvey who's famous for doing such.
RockPusher: tqsSmug
SittingOx: oh lord the innitiative is ALSO here??? NotLikeThis
SittingOx: BrowneePointz thankss
Sharkfists: p-p-p-p-point
shushu2539: point taken
Sharkfists: 👉
RockPusher: point point benginFingers
theamc2000: so it is battlefield capture the flag?
shamblingkrenshar: They do have some very wordy legalese explanations in the rules that can be put much more succinctly. Though I appreciate they're trying to get out ahead of any ambiguity.
tehfewl: point
TheWriterAleph: point! ha ha, narf
Shadowsoflife: point
MAPBoardgames: !point
LRRbot: If you came here hoping for there to be a point to this, I have bad news for you.
Shadowsoflife: pointy point point
Lobo_Apache: Fun fact, Confirm kill does trigger turning point one. You just can't score it
shamblingkrenshar: I just had a pavlovian response to Ben saying "As a reminder" where I expected "everything we do is brought to you by YOU" to follow.
Lord_Hosk: Can you point the turn on point point turn? or do you have to control the point to get points for the point pool?
SittingOx: but ben, how much point would a point point if a point could point?
Sharkfists: @SittingOx 6
goombalax: these jokes are pointless
NotCainNorAbel: The point is to put points on the points and then cash in the points from the points to get points.
TheWriterAleph: get to the point
Lobo_Apache: dirty pile o stuff is light cover thankfully
Lord_Hosk: Ben's guys over here going "NUHH UHH... I got a force field"
TheWriterAleph: Bad Technology!
Lobo_Apache: Can we get a "Revolting technology" in Bacon's voice?
Metric_Furlong: @Lobo_Apache "cruel technology"?
LookoutScience: Hot genuinely feels like a risk now, and I really appreciate it. gives it a lot more of a risk/reward
lsronin1998: <3
goombalax: hot was still a d6, its just more likely now
goombalax: very flavorful that the worse you are at shooting, the more likely you hurt yourself
carwynheart: Gambit doesn't cost a CP
lsronin1998: hi Ben and Alex !!!
Sudobyte: Strategic Gambits are things that happen during the strategic phase. Strategic Ploys are effectively just gambits that cost CP
Lobo_Apache: Did you know..... That a four turning point game of killteam takes place over a minute of time narratively
ButterBall000: I don't know how, but I misheard "doorway" as "wall"
chanterelleton: Yay! Kill Team!
hiFunko: I was just reading my new KT core rule book to learn this edition, now I can learn watching the pros do it
Lobo_Apache: Gosh, imagine if we were measuring in shapes like triangle/pentagon/square instead of inches. That'd be so dumb
kynelwynn: hi Funko!
TheAwkes: @hiFunko Oh, cool! Where are you watching them?
I_Am_Clockwork: Cheer10000 Hooray Killteam!
Sharkfists: @TheAwkes 😂
LoadingReadyRun: thanks @I_Am_Clockwork !
control_rig: @I_Am_Clockwork <3 lrrHEART <3 You rock
Sudobyte: vantage cancels out light cover+conceal
SittingOx: yoooo lets goo bitsssss
Lobo_Apache: So the hulk is visible, but is not a valid target for teams of Line of sight.
Lobo_Apache: @Sudobyte but the concealed gets two saves for being in cover on conceal which is neat
Sudobyte: @Lobo_Apache true
Sharkfists: dash goes in the square hole
Sudobyte: seek light also cancels out light cover+conceal. Small cancels out things like vantage or seek
0x6772: "I'm just going to set this explosive down and… sit right next to it!"
CDooey: which techno-curse did Ben take?
Sudobyte: "I've got a pizza for Vulgrar the Thrice-Cursed, extra maggots." I'll leave it here for your contact-free delivery."
Lobo_Apache: You can move through your guys now!
Lobo_Apache: it's handy :)
carwynheart: you can move through your own guys, but can't end a move on them
DoomBringerIL: hi chat!
DoomBringerIL: did i miss the arena streamer event??
Juliamon: DoomBringerIL It was cancelled due to illness
TheMerricat: Graham had to miss it because he was unwell
DoomBringerIL: get well soon grant!
DoomBringerIL: Graham*
Earthenone: lol grant :P
ZippoTricksMcEdgelord subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 99 months!
ZippoTricksMcEdgelord: 99 months, and this joke is still great.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ZippoTricksMcEdgelord! (Today's storm count: 23)
DoomBringerIL: probably using it to sneak more work in before the premiere of friday night
micalovits: Surely there are no grenades
Lobo_Apache: I *hate* when people group up, especially because I play the wreckas and use blast all the time :P
control_rig: Ministry of Mutant Walks
Sharkfists: I haven't played enough New Kill Team, but from the bit I played with Erika turns out Hunter Clade is now the All The Keywords team
DigitalSeahorse: your flies are down!
DigitalSeahorse: no wait that's for when they get killed
QuixoticScrivener: walk of the bumblebee
Sharkfists: pretty fly for a sick guy
control_rig: It's like those cartoons where the swarm forms a vaguely teardrop shape
I_Am_Clockwork: have we done a "pox upon thee" joke yet?
SittingOx: surprisingly no
Lobo_Apache: @I_Am_Clockwork You've got one chance! make it count(er)
I_Am_Clockwork: oh good
TheWriterAleph: waauuuggh
I_Am_Clockwork: A Gellerpox upon thee and thy house!
LoadingReadyRun: SingsNote I'll die with the Eyestinger Swarm pickin my bones in north ontario-io in North Ontario SingsNote
I_Am_Clockwork: *dusts off hands* there, check that off the list
Lobo_Apache: 7/3 Clockwork, excellent job
0x6772: Napalm seems kinda excessive for some flies, Alex. Geez.
micalovits: Nothing excessive for the heretic
I_Am_Clockwork: no no, this is perfectly warranted. Fly swarms be nasty.
Mr_Horrible: thanks, Paul, now that song's stuck in my head again lrrLUL
LoadingReadyRun: this is like what happened in that Rowan Atkinson show, man vs bee
DigitalSeahorse: his flies are now down!
SittingOx: a dreamed we've all dreamed off
Mr_Horrible: just doing a bunch of the little dots with loops for wings
bloodstar subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 49 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, bloodstar! (Today's storm count: 24)
Mr_Horrible: "I'm up to 275 now, you guys gotta keep up"
Garfman314: henlo everypeoples, are the hammers warring?
QuixoticScrivener: Is Gellerpox a virus, a bacteria, a prion, or something more horrific that is yet to be identified?
Sharkfists: @QuixoticScrivener sure!
QuixoticScrivener: @Sharkfists Thanks Max! I think...
shamblingkrenshar: @QuixoticScrivener Yes
Sharkfists: all we know is it's pretty geller
CDooey: and within 2 inches... the PLAGUE can be felt
Mai_Andra: "This tool only has two functions - shoot and reload, and my load is already full."
LoadingReadyRun: @QuixoticScrivener I think its a demonic affliction. Pretty sure no amount of medicine will help
micalovits: Tasty bait is still tasty
virgil82: Well the Geller Field is the the bubble of reality human starships use to protect themselves while flying through hell for their FTL.
MacbethSeemsSus: @LoadingReadyRun Is there windex is the yaer 40,000?
QuixoticScrivener: @LoadingReadyRun Summon Cameron, he would know.
virgil82: And the Geller Pox is someting you can get when your ships Geller Field fails in transit so...
dumbo3k: I’m pretty sure the only cure for Gellerpox is Promethium
virgil82: What Sharkfists said.
Sharkfists: waoo
QuixoticScrivener: Maybe we shouldn't use hell for FTL travel.
DrLigmaPhD: That is the purpose of a uniform...
Decaped: The fear of the disease causes the disease, fun.
virgil82: @QuixoticScrivener The only reason they do is that they haven't figured out another method.
Garfman314: what is the goal of this; is it control point or kill the other guy?
goombalax: all other ftl technology is being suppressed by Big Hell
DrLigmaPhD: @virgil82 Don't the Tau have a way?
Sudobyte: he's bigger, madder, and stronger, too, he's the first member of the decay crew
QuixoticScrivener: @virgil82 Such uncivilized folks haven't even invented the Bistromathics drive yet.
micalovits: Can he do that from conceal?
Sudobyte: @Garfman314 you get points for both
DigitalSeahorse: I interpreted rolling a 3 for a save as on one of the dice
Lobo_Apache: can you counteract from conceal?
virgil82: @DrLigmaPhD They just reverse engineered human warp drives.
Lobo_Apache: @micalovits good call!
CDooey: unless you're Astartes yeh
micalovits: Your welcome, gotta get some good boi points back after being mean to Adamn yesterday xD
Sharkfists: @CDooey bloody ass tarts
LoadingReadyRun: *not* warp through Hell?! Next your going to say that Hell isn't a good source of unlimited energy in the DOOM series
goombalax: @virgil82 the tau don't use warp drives, they travel relatively slowly through realspace
virgil82: Tau have such a small presence in the warp that its not as dangerous for them and also don't have psychic navigators at all so they can't do the long jumps everyone else can do.
DigitalSeahorse: brb
DigitalSeahorse: digita435Octo
Sudobyte: it seems like the gellerpox guys would be immune to gas grenades, but I guess it would get too complex to account for all of those little situations
TheWriterAleph: they're just men
Garfman314: this is interestingly opaque for someone who hasn't seen a lot of warhammer
DrLigmaPhD: That you know of, Alex
Sudobyte: well, presumably two
shamblingkrenshar: Something to keep in mind is that the galaxy is Large. Shunting yourself through time and space is often the "fastest" way to do it. Definitely not the safest. Or most reliable.
Gekyouryuu: I thought all men had 2?
Chesul: I would put out there that Adam is an exceptional guy.
Gekyouryuu: >.>
virgil82: @shamblingkrenshar This
Gekyouryuu: wait, no, that excludes some trans men, that's rude of me
Shadowsoflife: @Gekyouryuu Technically yea
DaxStrife: How do we know Adam isn't hiding a 2nd head?
Gekyouryuu: @DaxStrife Adam secretly Zaphod Beeblebrox
DrLigmaPhD: @Gekyouryuu I was thinking Total Recall
LoadingReadyRun: Is Vulgrar Thrice-Cursed 1 guy mutated to have 3 heads or 3 guys muted together into one body?
Gekyouryuu: @DrLigmaPhD tbf, that second head belongs to a second person, and therefor technically *isn't* a second head
Garfman314: i mean, thrice cursed seems to imply SOMETHING
0x6772: @LoadingReadyRun Don't ask questions you don't actually want the answer to.
goombalax: he screams, for he does not know
Shadowsoflife: @LoadingReadyRun Yes
Gekyouryuu: @LoadingReadyRun nah, he's called "thrice cursed" because each head swore at the same time.
DrLigmaPhD: @Gekyouryuu In perfect harmony
goombalax: he only knows 3 curse words and he says them exclusively like Groot
Sharkfists: given that setup, I'd want to be the middle voice so I get the choice on whether to make it a major or minor chord
DigitalSeahorse: digita435Octo digita435Octo
virgil82: @goombalax Their very first Expansion was done with generation ships, but they found and salvaged a human ship after that.
DigitalSeahorse: I would like everyone to live and not die
KeytarCat: Never changes anything :(
Lobo_Apache: It's a curse. Every time you command reroll it's a 1, it's a law in killteam
Sharkfists: @virgil82 fun to have the humans be people scavenge tech from for a change
kynelwynn: Kabewmsplat
goombalax: @virgil82 Yeah but the Ether Drive doesn't quite go into the warp, it skips across it like a stone, and is still far slower than true warp tech
virgil82: Fun fact: The Tau thought they'd developed their very own, homegrown FTL system for their Fifth Expansion. It went 'very' wrong.
Sharkfists: @Sharkfists wow I mangled that sentence
Karneioss: that doesn't feel accurate to the death korps of krieg
shamblingkrenshar: Necron do have "conventional" FTL. I put it in air quotes because it involves telling the laws of physics to go sit down and be quiet.
Decaped: Don't want to shoot your own dudes? That doesn't sound very Warhammer
virgil82: @Sharkfists Humans just litter their stuff all over the place in 40K
Lobo_Apache: Blooded, Pathfinders, Ratlings, and.... one more that I can't remember
DigitalSeahorse: getting buffer again
DigitalSeahorse: pls twitch
red_shoes_jeff: Shooting your own men is the Commissar's job, and subverting the chain of command like that is grounds for getting shot by the Commissar.
shamblingkrenshar: @virgil82 To the point where humans scavenge from ancient human civilizations now!
QuixoticScrivener: @Decaped Laughs in non-Evocation Wizard.
dumbo3k: @QuixoticScrivener I cast grenade!
TheDevil_Risen: bugger, missed the first hour and a half of killteam :(
TheDevil_Risen: how's it been going today?
Sharkfists: 🥩🌪
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: way things are going might as well start digging some trenches
dumbo3k: Nurgle would love to meet Geneva
QuixoticScrivener: Does 40k even have a concept for war crimes?
virgil82: @shamblingkrenshar Everyone knows that the best stuff is old tech!
CDooey: how can he target the medic whiile it's in conceal?
LoadingReadyRun: The Geneva Convention, aka GenCon
Getter404: Papa Nurgle gave you a coughing baby
CDooey: noice
DrLigmaPhD: @Getter404 The perfect gift!
Garfman314: what rolls are hits?
CDooey: 4 up
shamblingkrenshar: @virgil82 Yeah! The Ad Mech know this to be true. Why would you invent new technology? That sounds heresy.
dumbo3k: I think you might need new dice, Ben
adept_nekomancer: Maybe it's saving all the boom for the third guy
Lobo_Apache: It's the curse of being a good player. You're dice abadon you :P
TheDevil_Risen: aww poor BenBen lrrBEN
CDooey: If it's any consolation I've had no luck with frag grenades universal equipment either
QuixoticScrivener: @dumbo3k low rolling dice go in the freezer!
dumbo3k: @QuixoticScrivener And then the hammer?
shamblingkrenshar: Medic saying "Don't be such a baby. Ribs grow back!"
QuixoticScrivener: @dumbo3k use them as an example to scare the other dice into rolling higher
DaxStrife: The grenade he brought from home.
Sharkfists: medic, save thyself
DrLigmaPhD: Medic is just breakdancing on them
TheDevil_Risen: OOF
micalovits: He is just instantly bandaging himself
dumbo3k: He's that medic from Saving private ryan, who gets shot in the canteen, but keeps working
DigitalSeahorse: panicking isn't fun
TheDevil_Risen: F
QuixoticScrivener: trade dice for the second half
TheDevil_Risen: lrrSHINE lrrJUDGECALL
LoadingReadyRun: Medic: "I'm fine everyone! Don't worry!"
dumbo3k: Ah, the Medic had the Grenade Vaccine
DrLigmaPhD: Medic is named Brick House, MD
VTMonster: Wednesday Night Warhammer Fight!
goombalax: He's grenaded himself once every morning to build up an immunity
Sharkfists: that's xcom baybeeeee
LoadingReadyRun: that's where they inject you will a little bit of defused granade
goombalax: he's just pounding the Grenadine
dumbo3k: Nah, I found grenades usually went where I wanted in X-Com. Now, rocket launchers, those went all over the place
Sharkfists: "97% chance to hit" dice: so you're saying there's a chance
Lobo_Apache: Hey! my wrecka's break through walls
Garfman314: as a charger, can he replenish my phone?
Lobo_Apache: we da best
dumbo3k: @Garfman314 Only if they are plugged in
CDooey: as a charger, can he choke in the playoffs? :(
Sharkfists: more like, uh, _dumber_ ghast
lamina5432: wait is ben playing a Left 4 Dead killteam
LoadingReadyRun: Ah the Charger is charging! who could have guessed!
dumbo3k: Down? So easier to hit?
TheDevil_Risen: hey lrrPAUL
shushu2539: if the dice keeps spinning you may be in a dream
goombalax: @lamina5432 Left 40K Dead
TheDevil_Risen: so big news, I've been given a week extension on my redundancy and have heard that they want to interview me for one of the internal roles I applied for!
Getter404: The Punchgood family endures
hiFunko: Float like a Bloatfly, sting like when Nurglings pee
TheDevil_Risen: hey Funko :)
goombalax: Funko!
DigitalSeahorse: you can order pizzas this small?
Juliamon: bagel bite pizzas I guess
dumbo3k: Danger Close!
Metric_Furlong: now that's a roll
TheDevil_Risen: 6 6 6
micalovits: And better he was!
DrLigmaPhD: Sick
Lobo_Apache: That's your one!
TheDevil_Risen: nice Roll, you deserve it Ben!
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunFoam
Metric_Furlong: the 1-in-216!
CDooey: the number of the beast
DrLigmaPhD: Pusscorm
virgil82: Nurglings
DaxStrife: Nah, just a big bowl full of teeth.
DrLigmaPhD: I regret typing that
Sudobyte: popped (foot) corns
goombalax: deep-fried nurglings
DigitalSeahorse: ew
DrLigmaPhD: Why not just teeth?
MalFnord: ewewewewEW
DigitalSeahorse: candy corn
adept_nekomancer: @DigitalSeahorse on the candy cob
0x6772: Mixed nuts. No, not the commonly edible kind, the testicle kind.
tehcrashxor: teeth. teeth. teeth. Teeth. TEETH. lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
virgil82: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
TheDevil_Risen: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
DigitalSeahorse: candy cob covered in candy cobwebs
Forlorgen: Have you met my many faces?
Fruan: Gotta have enough meat for the grinder
I_Am_Clockwork: its like they grow them boys in vats or something...
Shadowsoflife: TEETH
DigitalSeahorse: like west side story
dumbo3k: I used to bullseye womp rats!
DigitalSeahorse: I'm now on ativan and a half
adept_nekomancer: Sniper shotgun... somehow
blackroseimmortal7: wow I am so out of my depth trying to even watch this game
DigitalSeahorse: thank you all for the distraction
DigitalSeahorse: lol
DigitalSeahorse: xD
QuixoticScrivener: to be fair, the air pressure from a passing .50 bullet is quite damaging
DigitalSeahorse: that was cute
DigitalSeahorse: digita435Raveduck
TheDevil_Risen: sniper order still conceal?
dumbo3k: @QuixoticScrivener Ah, but it was a Longlas, so a long range flashlight
DigitalSeahorse: openseVortex
DrLigmaPhD: It's homemade!
ghyllnox: "Yeah these grenades are for inside!"
DrLigmaPhD: From scratch! Fresh fertilizer, nails from the garage!
red_shoes_jeff: ALL grenades are outside grenades, once the pin is pulled.
MacbethSeemsSus: This is my grenade. He's called Mordecai
QuixoticScrivener: @dumbo3k right, laser weapons
Julian_Rogue: His kid made it for him in arts and warcrafts.
rosesmcgee: Make sure you put your name on the grenade and the pin in case they get separated
Sudobyte: FURCADIA . . . I mean . . . FOR CADIA!!!!
red_shoes_jeff: lrrCOW
TheDevil_Risen: Alex's sniper order still conceal after the shot???
kynelwynn: Is Furcadia evens till around?
goombalax: @TheDevil_Risen he can stay concealed, he just can't shoot again
TheDevil_Risen: @goombalax ahh makes sense :)
TheDevil_Risen: @goombalax ty
CDooey: @TheDevil_Risen I think the Krieg sniper only has silent on first shot
CDooey: small doesn't apply if you're on engage
silverbulletdevil: Side view is nice
CDooey: if the target it
goombalax: 2" supercedes all other rules now too
Lord_Hosk: House Rule says yes, because it makes sense, forget the rule book
CDooey: ohhh
goombalax: as of the recent update
CDooey: it's *better* than regular "super conceal?" nice!~~
Sudobyte: yeah, the small rule probably SHOULD say when on conceal, but it's missing that part. probably an error, but still the official text until when/if GW decides to fix it
vogon_poet: Anyone know what happened to the LRRMTG Aetherdrift Streamer Event today? I've checked everywhere I know, and can't find evidence that it ever occurred or a reason why it didn't...
CDooey: interesting that they didn't choose to clarify it in the balance patch last week
TheDevil_Risen: @vogon_poet Graham is unwell
vogon_poet: @TheDevil_Risen Thanks.
Druj_Nasu subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 71 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Druj_Nasu! (Today's storm count: 25)
DrLigmaPhD: Slices your guy, extra thin
Metric_Furlong: GW have been making rules oversights like that for at least 20 years, tbf :p
micalovits: GW have never been good at writing rules, its a bit funny
Sudobyte: GW make nice toys and usually playable rules for them
Lobo_Apache: So people talk about the small rule, but the Felgore spent nearly a year having the exact same function. Which allowed them to be on engage but be treated as conceal regardless of any other rule. It was hilarious
Makoforte: it's amazing that a company can be at this for so long and still not be practiced at it
CDooey: did y'all see the paragraph-long clarification for the upper vantage on Volkus Stronghold B lol
tehcrashxor: Nah, the rules just don't matter. In detail, at least. The important thing is that they keep publishing new ones, so you need to buy new books and models
virgil82: Part of it is that they've been practicing rules churn, not rules refinement.
Juliamon: I think they understand players care more about the models looking good so they prioritize it
jokcourtz: Painting my first ever mini's !
shamblingkrenshar: @Makoforte They did only recently adopt a policy of "We'll actually fix things at all", so maybe by the end of the century they'll have that next part down
CDooey: @tehcrashxor wow haha
CDooey: @jokcourtz hell yeah! what are you working on?
Sudobyte: 1 hp gang!
red_shoes_jeff: "I'M BADLY BURNED, BUT STILL ALIVE!"
jokcourtz: @CDooey i got the Deathguard combat patrol thingy
DrLigmaPhD: Is Veteran among these guys like... survived 2 battles?
virgil82: Its a number of hours survived.
goombalax: Literally Yes
DigitalSeahorse: I hate it when I pause stream while trying to type cause the cursor isn't here
shamblingkrenshar: @Juliamon Something I find myself explaining to people fairly often is that Warhammer is a whole multipart hobby and the actual game is only one area. It will take a staggering number of games before your in-game time exceeds your time spent painting those models.
Lobo_Apache: @DrLigmaPhD in lore, it's roughly 28 hours
DigitalSeahorse: I feel like I'm only 1hp
CDooey: @jokcourtz amazing
virgil82: ^^
DigitalSeahorse: 1 sea pee
Juliamon: shamblingkrenshar I don't doubt there's a sizeable portion of the fanbase that has painted minis but have never once played the game
shamblingkrenshar: Oh for sure
LoadingReadyRun: New edition comes out -> has errors/typos -> GW is very slow to fix -> New edition comes out (repeat for 20 years)
CDooey: @jokcourtz you should be able to use the marine models in that box for the Plague Marine Kill team if you wanted :)
TheAwkes: Hot Ordinance in your area.
virgil82: Notably the new edition does not address issues from the previous edition.
DrLigmaPhD: @virgil82 Some issues are gone, but are replaced by newer and weirder issues
adept_nekomancer: Roll for spicy grenade?
CDooey: maybe leaving issues in the rules is a strategy to make sure people never stop talking about the game lol
DigitalSeahorse: opensePortalR opensePortalL climb with portals
shamblingkrenshar: I'm glad we at least get something. There was a time when you'd maybe get a points update mid-edition.
TheDevil_Risen: #FeelsBad Ben <3
Metric_Furlong: the dice giveth, and the dice taketh away
virgil82: @DrLigmaPhD 'These two rules have unintended interactions, should we fix these?' "Not to worry those rules are going function in a totally different way now!"
TheDevil_Risen: lrrFINE sergeModLove lrrSIG
Dog_of_Myth: Dice tell stories
DrLigmaPhD: Well Ben, you haven't lanced theor boils sp now they're all big amd squshy
LoadingReadyRun: new 40k editions are kind of like when a new version of a piece of software comes out that was rewritten from the ground up and is missing features and fixes from the old version
goombalax: we gotta wait for Warhammer Service Pack 2
MacbethSeemsSus: @LoadingReadyRun Speaking of which, Civ7 comes out next week!
goombalax: or today if you have the deluxe
LoadingReadyRun: @MacbethSeemsSus Better in every way, I'm sure!
virgil82: Remember! Firaxas games have a History in their releases. I badly want Civ7 to be amazing, but I cannot in good conscious reccomend their games on release.
adept_nekomancer: The barrel of the grenade
MacbethSeemsSus: @virgil82 Most of the news I've seen so far is it's a lot of fun but basically in Early Access for the first few months.
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Is Alex playing Kriegers?
virgil82: @MacbethSeemsSus Sounds right.
Juliamon: thedepthandbreadthofseth yup
thedepthandbreadthofseth: That tracks.
DigitalSeahorse: I think he is
goombalax: I watched Kuro play civ for 5 hours today. The game is good and future updates will only make it better. its probably the best civ launch yet
DigitalSeahorse: dudes with gas masks
thedepthandbreadthofseth: And what are Ben's troops? Something Nurgley, or just a normal plague?
goombalax: Nurgley, the Gellerpox Infected
DigitalSeahorse: PrideLaugh
Sudobyte: within 3 inches of centre for part one, on centre line but not in 3 inches of centre for part 2
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @goombalax sounds like I have a new piece of lore to research 😁
Lobo_Apache: Doesn't caching in require an APL in battle phase?
I_Am_Clockwork: hoooray, moar kilb temm
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Well, since they are all done, I'm going away ...
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Kappa
goombalax: instructions unclear, deleting twitch
Lejana_: Secure center has two things it's looking for...
LoadingReadyRun: @Lejana_ thanks for the reminder, just checked and Alex doesn't have any guys right on the center line
Lejana_: Rad. :)
KeytarCat: Back from work, what turning point are we heading into?
goombalax: 3
KeytarCat: hell yeah
DigitalSeahorse: nice
DigitalSeahorse: eep
Lobo_Apache: You, the winner, get to choose
Lobo_Apache: it's not a have to anymore
carwynheart: tiebreaker goes to the person who didn't go first last turning point
Lejana_: You get to pick, but yes
goombalax: Pick a pickled pack of plague ploys
DigitalSeahorse: stratgedy
DigitalSeahorse: stragudy
goombalax: don't need accuracy when you have 12 gallons of fuel
TheAwkes: Prawn cocktail grenades
Sudobyte: pomegranate/grenades
KeytarCat: @Sudobyte Apple bombs, or Pomme-granades
adept_nekomancer: His only weakness -- tiny knives
goombalax: live by the scalpel, die by the scalpel
0x6772: "Two, four, six… seven! Who do we… send to heaven"?
NotCainNorAbel: lrrCOW
goombalax: thoomp
DrLigmaPhD: @0x6772 Ain't that a Highlander line?
holidayMD subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 130 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, holidayMD! (Today's storm count: 26)
goombalax: why you bury me in the cold cold ground
DrLigmaPhD: He reacts like gum is on his shoe and stops in place
adept_nekomancer: Oh no, he's a firebender
DigitalSeahorse: RPGShihu RPGFireball sideways fire
DigitalSeahorse: xD
LoadingReadyRun: I love idea of one of the Nightmare Hulks attempting to do the "upload" action and having to call someone back at base to talk them through it over the phone.
DigitalSeahorse: lrrLUL PrideLaugh
LoadingReadyRun: "Just put the drive in the computer" *crash* "Did you just rip the computer open to put the drive inside?" ""
goombalax: gambling pays off!
MacbethSeemsSus: Hey guys this works a lot better when we shoot them!
DigitalSeahorse: I thought Alex was attacking
goombalax: parrying is proactive
micalovits: Pew!
DigitalSeahorse: lrrBartleby
62MGcobra: can't push a button when your dead
DigitalSeahorse: except if dead hand is turned on already
LoadingReadyRun: apparently this is all happening over a single minute in real time. In which case this is a hell of a gruesome minute
KeytarCat: @LoadingReadyRun Warhammer FBtouchdown
QuixoticScrivener: 3 minutes
Lobo_Apache: Yeah, in the lore it's a minute.
0x6772: I mean, one "round" in D&D is 6 seconds, in theory.
tehcrashxor: A D&D round is 6 seconds, even if it takes 15 minutes to play through with enough spellcasters.
Lord_Hosk: A DnD combat round is 6 seconds
Lord_Hosk: HEYOHHHH everyone is on it
tehcrashxor: lol
Cptasparagus: guys I think a dnd round is 6 seconds
MacbethSeemsSus: How long is a D&D combat round?
0x6772: All of these games (until recently) were designed by white dudes who'd literally never been in a fight of any sort, so…
DrLigmaPhD: Any way we can slip the conch into Warhammer lore?
0x6772: @MacbethSeemsSus Six seconds.
MacbethSeemsSus: @0x6772 Ohhhhhh
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I think the scale is the less realistic factor. Our current weapons have rangers in the hundreds of meters or more. They're fighting in a 20 x 30 field of battle?
LoadingReadyRun: But how long is a D&D round? That seems relevant to this discussion🤔
DrLigmaPhD: @0x6772 As a DM I have to put strict limits on comminucation in combat for this reason
Lobo_Apache: @0x6772 the dnd round is at least pretty accurate. 6 seconds with everyone going roughly at the same time at least makes sense
DigitalSeahorse: owee
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @loadingreadyrun traditionally 1/10 of a minute, or six seconds. I dunno if more recent editions have changed that.
0x6772: @Lobo_Apache I think it makes more sense if you've watched a lot of kung fu movies (or structured martial arts combat) and less sense if you've ever actually had a physical altercation, but it does stand as a pretty good compromise between reality and fantasy.
LoadingReadyRun: I don't think I could insert a USB stick and copy something off in a minute, let alone multiple different times
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: D&D rounds being 6 seconds is also why they explicitly killed the classic Peasant Railgun in the new 5.5e handbook
0x6772: @LoadingReadyRun I mean, USB-B or USB-C?
Cptasparagus: time actually moves slower toward the center of a planet, so in the underdark a round is 5.999999999 seconds
Stormgod519 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 41 months, currently on a 21 month streak!
Stormgod519: yoooooo, 41 months babyyyyy!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Stormgod519! (Today's storm count: 27)
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @loadingreadyrun it's one of those tap to pay situations...
0x6772: @Cptasparagus Bravo!
CDooey: has alex been doing his battle commands?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @cptasparagus general relativity exists in D&d?
CDooey: the guardsmen orders
0x6772: @Cptasparagus In retrospect, this level of attention to real physics has HUGE implications for Spelljammer!
LoadingReadyRun: that woul dbe great: 1 AP to perform the "insert USB" action. Roll d6. on 4+ the stick was inserted correctly, otherwise the action fails
Cptasparagus: @0x6772 true
0x6772: @LoadingReadyRun … repeat at least 2 more times
MacbethSeemsSus: @LoadingReadyRun What do you need to roll to remember your password on the first try?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @loadingreadyrun it's upside down. Flip it and roll again.
DrLigmaPhD: @LoadingReadyRun What if the operate on Robocop dives that are just shivs?
0x6772: @MacbethSeemsSus It depends whether you're carrying the "Password Manager" artifact or not.
Cptasparagus: @LoadingReadyRun USBs are only rated for like 10,000 insertions so hopefully this equipment isnt too ancient
thedepthandbreadthofseth: It's a dilly of a pickle...
DrLigmaPhD: "Nut bomb - All enemy units that do not save cannot act next round"
LoadingReadyRun: I bet the Gellerpox Infected have a lot of problems with Face ID
0x6772: Thanks for dragging that back out of the gutter…
KeytarCat: @DrLigmaPhD "Must think about the choices that led them here"
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @loadingreadyrun more or less than finger prints?
0x6772: I mean, realistically? They're monsters: they don't even enable locking on their phone.
Stormgod519: hehe, balls
Lysander_salamander: hello everyone!
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @stormgod519 all good games have balls.
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @lysander_salamander hello.
LoadingReadyRun: I would imagine that almost every biometric measurement of the Gellerpox infected is constantly in flux as they are horribly mutated
TheAwkes: Oops, I faughted.
BrowneePointz: wait you can eat hookup apps?
0x6772: Oh, cool the vomit assault.
DrLigmaPhD: @BrowneePointz Well...
0x6772: @LoadingReadyRun Yeah, sticking to the PIN code is probably a better bet.
0x6772: It's still the contents of the stomach, Paul!
Rourke9: love the kill team streams, they are a big part of me finally having gotten into warhammer 💜 would love to see you all play Spearhead
KeytarCat: @BrowneePointz Order delivery
LoadingReadyRun: How about a Less-tor? Could we try that?
KeytarCat: Lads gun
TheDevil_Risen: sergeGG sergeGG lrrAWESOME lrrAWESOME
KeytarCat: 9 from the devastating bc it was at 11? I don't think it matters
KeytarCat: I skipped enough words that I failed to communicate :P
Rourke9: seeecrets
Butcher0fBlaviken: who won?
CDooey: yall are so sweet and friendly
KeytarCat: About 6 seconds
dumbo3k: @Butcher0fBlaviken as always, we did
CDooey: It warms my heart
NotCainNorAbel: Pride500
Butcher0fBlaviken: so if the death korps are dead... they won? i mean lorewise speaking
DigitalSeahorse: I missed who won too
TheDevil_Risen: thanks for the stream!
CDooey: Ben took the dub
Stormgod519: oooh
Rourke9: thanks for stream!!
goombalax: Feck Yes
RockPusher: hifunkBeard
Lysander_salamander: nice
I_Am_Clockwork: Oooh Shatterpoint!
DrLigmaPhD: Battershoint?
MWGNZ: hifunkBeard
TheDevil_Risen: Funko! Funko!
I_Am_Clockwork: Warmachine!!!!
I_Am_Clockwork: My Beloved!
Rourke9: oooh yay other war games!!
Sudobyte: OOH! Warmachine!
Lysander_salamander: sounds exciting
62MGcobra: hifunkBeard
DrLigmaPhD: Is Funko still pink?
DigitalSeahorse: "Um ACTUALLY..."
LostThePirate: Oooo, Funko continuing his goal of never experiencing summer?
TheDevil_Risen: yep
Rourke9: would LOVE to see y’all play Spearhead or Warcry at some point
Sudobyte: looking forward to some warmachine coverage
I_Am_Clockwork: Crisis Protocol also a good one
CDooey: on wednesdays?
RockPusher: benginHeart voxlunBean
Juliamon: yep, every Wed
I_Am_Clockwork: We did this!
Sudobyte: @Rourke9 they did do a warcry game a while back
Juliamon: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
adept_nekomancer: Wednesday warday
micalovits: Mood
Mai_Andra: ooo... after declining for years, Warmachine finally announced they were officially... launching a new edition.
CDooey: "pile of shame"
Rourke9: @sudobyte oooh I’ll have to look that up, thank you for the heads up
TheDevil_Risen: #Based
DigitalSeahorse: the walls look rad
DrLigmaPhD: Based and geller-pilled
Lysander_salamander: oh that scenery looks amazing
Rourke9: they look great!
gualdhar: sounds like someone needs to appear on Horse Club
CDooey: great drybrushing on the scenery
TheDevil_Risen: the terrain is awesome ben!
iris_of_ether: AAAAA
DigitalSeahorse: lrrALEX lrrBEN voxlunGeiger voxlunRad
tidehollowcat: I’d still love to see a fully fledged game of 40k at some point.
CptMurphey: thicken the paints
CDooey: the paint is EXTRA THICC
Rourke9: have a good night!!
RockPusher: benginFingers voxlunGeiger escher3SAFETY
Gadora: I'd love to see some BattleTech, personally.
DigitalSeahorse: thank you so much for helping distract me from woes
I_Am_Clockwork: Seconding the call for eventual Battletech
Mai_Andra: LRR "The Minis" sketch was the first one I watched and has been re-watched multiple times.
DigitalSeahorse: openseBeeps voxlunGeiger
tidehollowcat: Also a Gundam wargame coming up in the summer
CptMurphey: there is a gundam board game coming soon?
RatherLargeToad: I think MoM might be up right now
CptMurphey: yeah
Rourke9: @mai_andra I show that one to people all the time
micalovits: Would love to see 9th age, but I am quite biased since I am part of making that... And play it to much
tehfewl: the actual pre-release
Juliamon: Early start!
62MGcobra: @Gadora I know they got Alpha Strike in mail time some time ago
Strebenherz: Will there be ticket to ride after this, or are these like the last for now?
micalovits: Long train comes to an end!
goombalax: @tehfewl Prerelease is on release weekend now
I_Am_Clockwork: Long black train
I_Am_Clockwork: wait thats a different song
RockPusher: ♫ With many a winding track ♫
DigitalSeahorse: ohno I don't want that song in my head right now
RockPusher: Anime‽
DigitalSeahorse: pls
DigitalSeahorse: no
I_Am_Clockwork: we Granblue-ing here now?
BrowneePointz: his name is Soriz Alex
BrowneePointz: he explodes his clothes off
I_Am_Clockwork: Drift Draft
I_Am_Clockwork: Drift Draft Draught
micalovits: What? You can just do that??
Stormgod519: hmmmmm
BrowneePointz: it was less hat set than everyone was thinking it would be
DigitalSeahorse: wat
DigitalSeahorse: LOL
Rourke9: yum
Lysander_salamander: soap gum?
adept_nekomancer: It's card adjacent.
RockPusher: a game that has cards?
RatherLargeToad: it has cards that you pick
0x6772: It has kinda card-like mechanics…
Juliamon: It's spinoff-y
DigitalSeahorse: can't be as bad as biting an actual bar of soap when you think you're holding a chocolate bar
Rourke9: interesting
BrowneePointz: pseudo sequal
BrowneePointz: it's a g uitar hero rpg
RatherLargeToad: one part guitar hero, one part rhythm heaven
BrowneePointz: kind of
RockPusher: foxmarRAD voxlunGeiger escher3SAFETY
DigitalSeahorse: lrrALEX voxlunGeiger voxlunRad
DrLigmaPhD: That's winning!
DigitalSeahorse: lrrALEX openseBeeps voxlunGeiger voxlunRad
NotCainNorAbel: good thing I only have a piano
0x6772: It is an escape, organ failure.
Rourke9: but I like when my organs succeed
goombalax: winning the human race
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
RockPusher: vrrrrom
DigitalSeahorse: woah!
Strebenherz: BRRRRRR
Lysander_salamander: hahahahaha
I_Am_Clockwork: Zoooom!
Stormgod519: VROOOOOOM
tehcrashxor: lol
DigitalSeahorse: lrrLUL lrrLUL lrrLUL lrrLUL
adept_nekomancer: max speed!
NotCainNorAbel: Paul wants to go home
MacbethSeemsSus: Zoomies!
TheDevil_Risen: VROOM!
Lysander_salamander: no that was fine
Stormgod519: man, paul hit max speed i see
MAPBoardgames: Thanks to these people!
Buxx345: flashbang! lol
DigitalSeahorse: lrrARROWS lrrLUL zip
62MGcobra subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 74 months!
62MGcobra: and me!!!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, 62MGcobra! (Today's storm count: 28)
Stormgod519: cheers Ben!
I_Am_Clockwork: >.>
I_Am_Clockwork: <.<
I_Am_Clockwork: *ducks*
DigitalSeahorse: xD
RockPusher: benginHeart lrrSHINE benginHeart lrrSHINE
Dog_of_Myth: Not in cover @I_Am_Clockwork
Strebenherz: Y'all have a good night
DigitalSeahorse: lrrSHINE digita435LOVE
I_Am_Clockwork: curses, I Guess I'll use my second AP to open the door
DigitalSeahorse: openseLove openseAs lrrDARK
DigitalSeahorse: now to dive into more protein and gaming distractions to try keep my mind from crumbling as much