NewtyNewts: Almost fightsm'n time
TXC2: title change!
NewtyNewts: lrrSIG
TomokaMT: Good afternoon chat
Didero: Good evening!
TomokaMT: almos time for a game I am much better at thans treet fighter lol
lightfut: Okie magokie time!
LMAOkai_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 27 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LMAOkai_! (Today's storm count: 1)
DideRobot: LRR: Rise and Shine gamers it's time for Oki Oki Fight Club |
ItsThugDimmadome: What up dillholes
NewtyNewts: Dimmsdoug Dillahome
pleonasticTautology: good morning
ItsThugDimmadome: Right in the dimma-holes
cattleprodlynn: Hey, it's my first live Oki viewing. What are the traditions here?
TXC2: the dim sum dimmadome
pleonasticTautology: @cattleprodlynn likewise!
TXC2: cattleprodlynn Lariat good/bad
Izandai: @cattleprodlynn Talking about how people poop.
cattleprodlynn: @TXC2 What does that mean?
ItsThugDimmadome: @cattleprodlynn You can enable twitch tools to see as to whether lariat sucks
TXC2: cattleprodlynn Zangief's move Latiat exists in a superposition of being good or bad until it is used
pleonasticTautology: good morning adam and nelly
MWGNZ: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
TomokaMT: lmao
MilkInBags: cancelled
MilkInBags: unsubscribed
Izandai: Good start, good start.
TXC2: Fuck you to Adam lrrHEART
Mr_Horrible: stalalaLeave
AceGun_: How did they know?!
lamina5432: man I’ve been napping to these insults recently
TXC2: Hello Nelson and Ben
cattleprodlynn: @TXC2 Schroedinger's Lariat?
NewtyNewts: oh boy
TXC2: cattleprodlynn exactly
ItsThugDimmadome: @cattleprodlynn In Street Fighter 6, the character Zangief has a move called Lariat that was nerfed in this edition of the game. It's still good, just no longer hits behind Zangief and therefore kinda sucks.
Didero: I've learned to take insults as a compliment, yeah :p
Mr_Horrible: cue the "AUGH!"
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
zianna_jean: Howdy
pleonasticTautology: the patreon lets you afford bins to sort the garbage
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: too early to be strangely existential already
Izandai: lrrLUL
Izandai: You walked right into that one, Adam.
NewtyNewts: Yup. If I've learned anything... first work, then banana
TXC2: please Adam, you;re not a monkey. you're more of a gorilla Kappa
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
Heefnoff: More Granblue ayo?
pleonasticTautology: or using your bezos bucks
Didero: !pobox
LRRbot: LRR has a PO box! Bionic Trousers Media Inc., PO BOX 8132 Victoria Main, Victoria, BC V8W 3R8, Canada. If received, your mail may be featured in a Mail Time. Please ship responsibly.
TXC2: or just giving $20 when you met them at cons
ItsThugDimmadome: Bens in the Mist, coming to Hulu.
MilkInBags: he is super quiet and it's funny
lightfut: He's heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere
TomokaMT: hello ben!
Heefnoff: It's Ben a long time
pleonasticTautology: hi ben
pleonasticTautology: what game?
Mr_Horrible: he's so eepy
Mr_Horrible: hell yeah
MWGNZ: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
TXC2: I had a dog barking me awake ever hour :p
Heefnoff: THAT'S MY GOAT
TXC2: Congrats Nelson
MilkInBags: so silly to get food poisoning
TheAinMAP: lairofTrain guyjudgeTrainn guyjudgeTrainn lairofTrain
pleonasticTautology: james got food poisoning and kathleen got pneumonia :<
Didero: That day, Nelson got the banana
Mr_Horrible: "Dance of the 7 Rails"
MrSarkhan: LUL
NewtyNewts: oh my
pleonasticTautology: lmao nice reference, nelly
BrowneePointz: Nelson Thomas rain a Train on that Engine
TXC2: Please, thomas gets backshots surely ?
MWGNZ: great start
Mr_Horrible: the time's not the only thing shining at that station erosSmug
Izandai: Did someone put something in the coffee today?
Didero: Nelson "Lubricated" Salahub
Mr_Horrible: playing ticket to ride... the looooooooong way
schordash: much luck today gents~ o7
Mr_Horrible: that's a long time to be playing board games. *Video* games on the other hand-
BusTed: rayfkWelp
JinaMahavira: seabatDance JinxLUL
Mr_Horrible: damn, Thomas erased his memory and everything
Mr_Horrible: that good, huh?
BrowneePointz: no he was gonna do co troller
freshmaker__: howdy gamers
TXC2: Mr_Horrible fulled fucked his brains out
BrowneePointz: He was gonna do controller than he told him there was a modern option and then Nelson said, since I started with modern on controller, I will do controller
TXC2: hello freshmaker__ welcome
MilkInBags: because you spoke too loudly right at the start
BrowneePointz: he was gonna do keyboard*
MilkInBags: yeah don't gaslamp
NewtyNewts: Gaskeep Gateboss Girlight
Didero: But Nelson moved to Europe 7 years ago...?
saucemaster5000: if we gaslight hard enough we can convince them they were playing blazblue last week
BrowneePointz: I’m not that was the conversation! Nelson was gonna do keyboard, and then you told him that there is a modern control style, and then Nelson responded well I started street fighter on modern on controller so I will try controller on this as well and then didn’t keyboard
NewtyNewts: Mouse idol
TXC2: Ben been playing the cheese
TomokaMT: She is currently the worst character in the game
freshmaker__: did i see correctly last week that the demo version can't play in rooms?
Cptasparagus: Weird, stream wasn't showing up in my following tab
AFamiliarCalledEl: ahhh hell yeah, mouse time
Mr_Horrible: Ben has gone silly rat mode kourra1DANSE
Izandai: Oh there is actually a character named Nier. That's confusing.
TomokaMT: She's getting big buffs next patch tho
therepoman__: Greetings granblue gamers
Mr_Horrible: @Izandai yeah she was in the OG roster, then 2B was the first DLC character
TXC2: hello therepoman__ welcome
Mr_Horrible: salutations repo
saucemaster5000: grambluers
NewtyNewts: Nier matamatamata
jacqui_lantern234: hey ya heccin nerds whomst i love beyond measure!!! <3
TXC2: hello jacqui_lantern234 welcome
itsr67: check out these guns!
saucemaster5000: he’s got guns! (tasers itsr)
itsr67: girldmBrickthrow girldmBrickdeath
Didero: "As long as you don't hit any buttons,..."
Vanatoth: Clicking the left stick switches control
Mr_Horrible: Soary's
TXC2: big brain play there
Mr_Horrible: I really do not like R3 inputs in games
saucemaster5000: Damn baby thumb kids
TXC2: Nelson "stronk boi" Salahub
Mr_Horrible: My big manly thumbs are too powerful for this puny PS5 resistor
BrowneePointz: Nelson and his D A D T H U M B S
freshmaker__: youre incredibly strong compared to a child nelson. is that what you wanted to hear? Kappa
7gorobei: babies just need to stop skipping thumb day
TXC2: kids don't play thumb wars anymore and it shows
Vanatoth: There is a training setting for infinite brave points if you want
TehAmelie: i remember my little brother getting lost on the OG XBox controller. that was a many machine huh
saucemaster5000: they decided to teach kids “thumb kisses” and the game lost popularity because of thumb cooties
TehAmelie: he didn't even realize there was shoulder buttons, they were so far out of reach for his tiny hands
GGsLive: Look at those combos!
TXC2: pretty sure the OG xbox controller was designed for Shaq :p
TehAmelie: or for use as coffee tables
accountmadeforants: Yeah, it was great. Also, 6 face buttons
MWGNZ: duke controller was a great size, i got the 20th anniversary remake of it
freshmaker__: oh yeah there was just a black and white button right?
TomokaMT: I loved the original xbox controller
TomokaMT: also yeah a b x y black white
itsr67: The Duke?
TehAmelie: A B X Y and black and white. a very reasonable schema
MWGNZ: og controller also had analoge buttons
AFamiliarCalledEl: you can also do multiple raging strikes in a combo to keep going. really only for ending rounds, but it's an easy way to get more damage
saucemaster5000: the og xbox con cooked you breakfast and did your dishes while you slept
Izandai: @accountmadeforants That's got 6 face buttons.
accountmadeforants: @Izandai yes, I was replying to Adam not remembering it had 6 face buttons
Izandai: Oh
saucemaster5000: one da bar
BrowneePointz: yep it was called The Duke
BrowneePointz: which is a hell of a name for a controller
TXC2: the duke, because it ruled
jacqui_lantern234: @saucemaster5000 ahh pahh cut! :P
TehAmelie: @TXC2 could also be cause it was a potato
TehAmelie: historians disagree
TXC2: TehAmelie :D
pleonasticTautology: hey is it okay if i share something good/positive that isn't related to fighting games
TXC2: pleonasticTautology sure
pleonasticTautology: i came out as trans 11 years ago today :3
Izandai: @pleonasticTautology 🎉
TehAmelie: woo
TXC2: pleonasticTautology happy anniversary lrrHEART
sadlyfrown: good morning tall streamer and nelson
accountmadeforants: God bless dash buttons
accountmadeforants: @pleonasticTautology Hell yeah
TomokaMT: you have to hold forward while doing the dash macro
LordZarano: @pleonasticTautology Happy Transiversary!
AFamiliarCalledEl: you can't use the dash macro by itself to get dash normals
TXC2: hello sadlyfrown welcome
AFamiliarCalledEl: i think you can do dash+6+button
accountmadeforants: Need to hold forward even if you use the dash button
NorthstarTex: afternoon all
pleonasticTautology: thanks everyone lrrHEART
TXC2: hello NorthstarTex welcome
itira: morning gamers
TXC2: hello itira welcome
saucemaster5000: RISING
TXC2: honka honka cheese in love
fishboi_samurai: SF6? :(
fishboi_samurai: KappaRoss KappaRoss
Izandai: lrrLUL
itira: hahahaha
Luna_TheOtter subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 38 months!
Luna_TheOtter: Hey, you are doing amazing guys! Keep it going
Izandai: That's fucked.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Luna_TheOtter! (Today's storm count: 2)
TXC2: !clips
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
freshmaker__: this house is like a prison
Izandai: mattlrLul
accountmadeforants: I'm so glad I got the collector's edition up front for like 40 euros. Nowadays the character pass alone is that much.
saucemaster5000: gbvsr is a game for puritans
MilkInBags: 2025
pleonasticTautology: fluffy!!!
TXC2: 6969 is banned, but "huge normals" is fine?
JinaMahavira: ????
MilkInBags: delete this character :)
Strebenherz: o/
accountmadeforants: "Losing feels bad, therefore winning is banned"
AFamiliarCalledEl: mouse time zandraCheese zandraHoppy
MilkInBags: proof that every zoner is toxic
AceGun_: Vikala!
itira: D:
accountmadeforants: Imagine what they'd do to Blue in Magic
BrowneePointz: Imagine a Diamond pre-nerf JP vs other people
NewtyNewts: Big mouse
Izandai: wow rude
BrowneePointz: Oh! Idols!
AceGun_: annoying?!
TomokaMT: She's adorable!
BrowneePointz: And? Anila is God of the SHeep and NOT annoying
TXC2: Sheep are useful
TrueAmbience: rat zodiac goes kawaii
JinaMahavira: Hakos Baelz?
Orlantia: is she the god of rats, or mice? those look like mouse ears
MrSVCD subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 82 months!
MrSVCD: Murder Hobo Go!
BrowneePointz: @TXC2 Anila is also sick and has a Terry reference(although most people meme her cuz she has PRODIGIOUS bazongas)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MrSVCD! (Today's storm count: 3)
itira: oh my god LUL
BrowneePointz: Yes there's a cycle of Gods of the Chinese Zodiac
freshmaker__: did she say "1 2 throw em in prison"?
NewtyNewts: Hmm... to get this game and be the punching bag, or to just watch...
saucemaster5000: on dustloop it says vikala is sure to give her fans a gouda time
saucemaster5000: let’s ban dustloop
GGsLive: is she the tooth fairy?
pleonasticTautology: @GGsLive god of the rats
TXC2: so the cheese fairy
Izandai: Wow I didn't know this community was full of joyless haters who can't appreciate some innocent whimsy.
BrowneePointz: Best we can do is She Hulk snapping your neck
pleonasticTautology: big woman laying against a tree trunk? sounds like seattle
offbeatwitch: hello gamers
BrowneePointz: God, I imagine Nelly would be a terrifying Slayer player
TXC2: hello offbeatwitch welcome
saucemaster5000: izandai… her wiki page says her item summon is done by RNCheesus. I cannot abide
itira: seems like toxic positivity to me
TXC2: pleonasticTautology I need to get to Seattle :p
TomokaMT: lmao
OminouslyOminous subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 120 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, OminouslyOminous! (Today's storm count: 4)
Orlantia: RNCheesus is an amazing phrase
Mr_Horrible: Wife Guy Rushdown
BrowneePointz: He'll be the DANDIEST Demolisher
Izandai: @saucemaster5000 That sounds like a personal problem.
pleonasticTautology: @TXC2 i "joke" that a side effect of estrogen is moving to seattle, so there're a lot of 6ft+ midwest transfemmes who moved here and. yeah
accountmadeforants: That's such a good grab
pleonasticTautology: (i'm a 5'6 new york transfemme)
gualdhar: Imagine being intimidated by an innocent rat girl with clown canons
AFamiliarCalledEl: Vikala has the best forward throw
BrowneePointz: Speaking of Whimsy. God I hope they put Zoe in 2XKO
accountmadeforants: @gualdhar Listen, if someone's the whole circus, I'm intimidated.
BrowneePointz: I want to make some people uninstall browne2Rage
offbeatwitch: vikala seems like the type of gal to say "for you, it's on the mouse!"
Orlantia: @pleonasticTautology IT's either move to seatle, or become a member of the greater Portland polycule
Mr_Horrible: offbeatwitch she has 100% used "Cheesed to meet you!" before
pleonasticTautology: @Orlantia oh seattle also has... a few greater seattle polycules
pleonasticTautology: there's a clickhole article about the greater seattle polycule
Orlantia: lol
Izandai: Vikala is would absolutely work at a bar and bring you your drink balanced on her head and say "It's on the mouse!"
Mr_Horrible: "What the fuck is DEMACIAAAA?!"
accountmadeforants: Who, Vikala? OpieOP
TomokaMT: We love Jamieson Price
BrowneePointz: Oh shit it's Jamieson Price!?
TomokaMT: LOL
BrowneePointz: He's Paul in Tek 8 too @LoadingReadyRun
Korolan: Of course Ben is on Clown Horn
accountmadeforants: "I must go now, my planet needs me"
Orlantia: we need a mod to replace the honk honka with a vuvuzela
LegionofLashes: character is definitely the most anime
Zaneysed subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 17 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Zaneysed! (Today's storm count: 5)
Mr_Horrible: I'll defend the clown horn with my life
Mr_Horrible: that shit is peam
NewtyNewts: peam?
accountmadeforants: The vuvuzela is not Canadian, we all saw the 2010 World Cup LUL
gualdhar: Wtf is "peam"
Mr_Horrible: Me talking about my puzzle: "That's the corner I been workin' on"
Mr_Horrible: just a new vernacular misspelling of peak
cattleprodlynn: Wait, what???
gualdhar: Lewd
TXC2: the vuvuzela is south Africa's greatest crime
Izandai: @NewtyNewts @gualdhar "Peak" as misspelled by Tumblr trans girlies.
Zaneysed: Inside your are 2 wolves
Zaneysed: they are your super
NewtyNewts: That'd explain why I don't know it, I'm not on Tumblr
Mr_Horrible: @Zaneysed kanagoFloosh
Orlantia: @izandai that's pean
gualdhar: @izandai i feel old, thanks
Izandai: I've not seen pean.
TXC2: but.....pean is penis?
cattleprodlynn: Could have used an SBA... a Small Business Administration?
Strebenherz: She's peak cheesy
Orlantia: yes, that was the joke @TXC2
Mr_Horrible: no that's peen TXC2
Izandai: @TXC2 That's peen.
accountmadeforants: Goldship is the canonical lil helper person, she's deranged
cattleprodlynn: As in ball peen hammer! To the balls!
Mr_Horrible: we're getting good cross-pollination of puns and pedantry right now
TXC2: I see, thanks chat
cattleprodlynn: As is tradition?
Mr_Horrible: @cattleprodlynn yeah, the name is the locality to apply it to
saucemaster5000: don’t you mean cheddantry mr horrible
Decaped: >.<
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 and now we've circled back around
lightfut: When they tech but you honka honka instead
Mr_Horrible: I need an emote that uses the "Jerry just ate a wedge of cheese and is now a triangle" template
accountmadeforants: Hell yeah Nelson
cattleprodlynn: Nice comeback.
TehAmelie: so many tricks in her pocket. i wonder if this Vikala can summon a clown car for her final attack
Mr_Horrible: bullied by a rat kourra1Fufu
accountmadeforants: I just noticed the giant teeth don't come back down after being knocked into the air. Presumably some bird is having a very very bad day
Orlantia: I was promised naked Soriz, and I yet to receive naked soriz
Izandai: @Mr_Horrible The first Jerry I thought of was the Seinfeld one and I was confused.
TXC2: Tween? she's probably 3000 years old :p
Decaped: Someone had a lot of fun animating this game
Mr_Horrible: @Izandai "You ate the cheese, Jerry?" "I ate the cheese!"
TXC2: Orlantia Naked Soriz has to be earned
Orlantia: and 'm waiting for nelly to earn him
AFamiliarCalledEl: @TehAmelie No, she just summons an entire concert
NewtyNewts: Ben healed you!
TXC2: "what's going on in there?" "We're eating cheese Jerry!"
TomokaMT: ahahaha
Mr_Horrible: my Kavu Predator got a counter and everything
Mr_Horrible: she's a tiny rat, Adam
Zaneysed: She is a mouse
Mr_Horrible: they're not known for being sturdy
TomokaMT: Yeah she has low hp
Ferisar: honka honka
accountmadeforants: Alright Ben, since you clearly did that on purpose, it's time to start playing Asuka OpieOP
Izandai: She's 15.
AFamiliarCalledEl: Looked it up, she has 15k health, most chars have 16k
Mr_Horrible: so she's the Akuma
Mr_Horrible: is what we're saying
Izandai: Why does she say that age is just a number?
Zaneysed: Are you saying Akuma isnt cute already?
Mr_Horrible: Akuma's cute wym
couchboyj: Akuma is a rat, but not like this
flowerseses: medium blue fantasy!
TomokaMT: definitely jlike akuma lol
baskalina: No the actual Akuma is Avatar Belial if I am honest
Orlantia: @Izandai you know why...
saucemaster5000: imagine if akuma tried to demon flip and it sometimes healed the opponent
Izandai: @Orlantia It would be ungracious of me to guess.
30teracyte: he has 14k, so does seox
TomokaMT: Abelial has the lowest hp
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 Imagine if every time Akuma did the shoom advance it did the clown horn
Mr_Horrible: (it already does)
TrueAmbience: nah, avatar burns his hp for ex moves
cobthegreat: They never expect the 8th gank
Vanatoth: Soriz has 17k, so basically Marisa
Mr_Horrible: the impact frames from that anti-air made me think she was gonna disintegrate
accountmadeforants: Just like Ryu is sometimes confronted by his inner evil who wishes to harm others, Akuma is confronted by his inner goodness who wishes to heal others.
Mr_Horrible: I do enjoy that she unironically does the ":3"
Ferisar: honka honka honk
Zaneysed: The fucking clown horn is sending me
accountmadeforants: I'm just obsessed with watching the rat choreography during her attacks
Mr_Horrible: half her HP
Mr_Horrible: lmao
Lyrinoir subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 60 months!
lightfut: Teeth teeth teeth
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Lyrinoir! (Today's storm count: 6)
pleonasticTautology: teeth
TomokaMT: TEEF
JinaMahavira: Teeth
NorthstarTex: teeth!
accountmadeforants: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
Mr_Horrible: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
cattleprodlynn: TEETH!
NewtyNewts: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
Izandai: Rodent Rhythm I think.
saucemaster5000: time to put this lady in a zapper trap
Mr_Horrible: kourra1Fight
freshmaker__: 1 2 throw em in prison
A_Dub888: what up gamers! What level of Oki are our Okis my dukies (heh
couchboyj: Calls the cops on you Velma style
MilkInBags: rip multiverses
saucemaster5000: velma’s cop attack was ridiculous
Izandai: mattlrWoof
TXC2: hello A_Dub888 we have Nelson playing large man vs Ben playing Rat god circus tween
MilkInBags: it's over yeah
saucemaster5000: yup it’s dead
Mr_Horrible: who could have foreseen?
itsr67: they died then put a trailer out where they reverted a lot of the stuff that made it feel floaty
TomokaMT: yep they're finishing season 5 and turning off the servers
itsr67: its wild
AceGun_: Stryker also has a hilarious cop attack in MK1, and that game is also dying. coincidence?
saucemaster5000: never has a game been sabotaged by its publisher more
Mr_Horrible: it released in a super dogshit state
Zaneysed: Well WB hates video games
MilkInBags: early access with a real cash shop
accountmadeforants: @itsr67 Ah, the Tribes Ascend strategy of calling it quits and then releasing a patch that gives the community everything they asked for :)
Decaped: Spent too much on Lebron James
Mr_Horrible: so no one wanted to play when it finally came back
Mr_Horrible: WB hates media in general
Xed_Regulus: Right now, WB hates money
Mr_Horrible: there will always be misanthropic teenagers, yes
TXC2: WB as a whole is a Tax write out :p
AceGun_: Well, they are not releasing any more content after this season.
MilkInBags: babality
MilkInBags: nothing weird
BrowneePointz: correction: it has a MASSIVE casual audience, always has
BrowneePointz: but it has a niche COMP audience
accountmadeforants: WB refuses to accept it can't just get money for doing literally nothing.
couchboyj: Warner Brothers hates. You can end the sentence there. WB Hates. Bunch haters.
Lyrinoir: I always found it strange that netherrealm games seemed to do better when they were mechanically more janky
Mr_Horrible: to be fair I *do* think a lot of that can be attributed to Zaslav (if I'm remembering which corpo is which correctly)
Ferisar: KNUCKLE
TXC2: Lyrinoir maybe it gave them charm?
BrowneePointz: I thought he just yelled A JILL SANDWICH
Ferisar: volcaniccc SANDWHICH
the_patches: it's oki_oki time.
A_Dub888: @accountmadeforants that’s not true, they love canceling near complete projects for tax write offs
Ferisar: ^^^^
TXC2: Mr_Horrible oh absolutely, the buyout fucked WB
accountmadeforants: @Lyrinoir Overt jank is easier to accept than subtler jank. In much the same way that kusoge fighters are beloved.
TomokaMT: Sandwich Bringer goes hard
Lyrinoir: @TXC2 Maybe?! Like, people complained endless about Red Hood in Injustice, but people seemed to like that game way more than I2
Ferisar: my sol, topless, brought me a sandwhich (unprompted)
the_patches: came just in time to see a grown-ass man beat up a little gal.
Ferisar: i exploded
couchboyj: Mmm, lava sauce
Mr_Horrible: @Ferisar I hate this so much
Ferisar: @Mr_Horrible my apologies
saucemaster5000: one day we’ll get bearudite’s wheel of kusoge on here and we can see real degeneracy
AceGun_: @Ferisar I love this so much
Mr_Horrible: @Ferisar don't, I've had it too good for too long
kid_flashionable subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 66 months!
kid_flashionable: Oh boy!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, kid_flashionable! (Today's storm count: 7)
accountmadeforants: @the_patches It's cool, she's a rat god, apparently.
kid_flashionable: That mouse girl is a vibe
TXC2: Ferisar it was "bra-less" wasn't it? which is worse somehow :p
Ferisar: lmaoooo
Mr_Horrible: yes that's correct
the_patches: @accountmadeforants only when she's wearing the ears.
Mr_Horrible: Sol wearing a bra, everyone posting "Let them hang NOW, king"
freshmaker__: put em in the blender
Zaneysed: Ben's super crashed my stream wtf
the_patches: YEAAAAH
cattleprodlynn: Oh, I did not understand any of the words that came out of Adam's mouth just now. Am I too old and haven't been keeping up with enough streams?
TomokaMT: ayyyy that's an aa combo!
Ferisar: @cattleprodlynn it's kind of an old bit at this point
Ferisar: so dw
cattleprodlynn: Yeah, I haven't been watching enough then.
accountmadeforants: @the_patches What does this mean for when they're comically knocked off her head for a few frames of hitstun?
itira: omg they said pal instead of son. this game is woke
TXC2: itira good Kappa
accountmadeforants: Bring out the Excel spreadsheet
the_patches: @accountmadeforants you need to think about what you're doing when you auto into super, then.
raulghoulia: this isn't where I parked my car
TheOneInquisitor: I really need to learn Vicky ben makes her look way cool
TomokaMT: lmaoooo
Mr_Horrible: the big strong man is being beaten up by the small rat girl, is this DEI?
MilkInBags: preach
Mr_Horrible: get his ass
Ferisar: lmaoooo
Izandai: mattlrLul mattlrLul mattlrLul
Orlantia: Adam, we want to see naked buff man...
Zaneysed: LOL
AceGun_: LUL
Mr_Horrible: "Fuck outta here"
TomokaMT: that was amazing lmao
Ferisar: sniper ghost warrior
TomokaMT: fighting games is something so great
Ferisar: *got him in my sights*
cattleprodlynn: Come on, nelson! Hit her in the ears!
TehAmelie: when she grows up will she evolve into a capybara?
TehAmelie: aka best rat
gualdhar: Is Vikala slapping you with a rat?
AFamiliarCalledEl: three rats, even
gualdhar: Oh shit she has a rat king?
TXC2: she grows up into a Rat king, for all that implies
AFamiliarCalledEl: they're not really a rat king, they just like to hold hands
the_patches: on wakeup, it works on Adam.
saucemaster5000: fighting gamers can’t count to 3 frames
Thandres: its less than a tenth of a second, thats not really countable
cattleprodlynn: That sounds similar to when I'm listening to my hubs talk about website load times and 20 milliseconds is too slow.
AceGun_: simply wait an extra 1/20th of a second. easy.
Mr_Horrible: @AFamiliarCalledEl rat roommates, or rat very good friends
the_patches: Yes.
AceGun_: cuteness overload.
SnackPak_: tale as old as time
Decaped: That screen tearing on my end?
MilkInBags: I'd die just seeing the cost of a taylor swift concert ticket
the_patches: wait have they seen Vikala's throw on stream yet?
Izandai: @Decaped I've also been seeing it.
Mr_Horrible: you get Phantom Zone'd like in superman 2
GGsLive: I saw tearing earlier too
Mr_Horrible: "Works on my machine. Ticket closed."
AceGun_: I'm just used to a bit of tearing during fighting games now, I don't even notice it anymore.
Ferisar: never noticed it
TehWERR: I'm really cheesed to see this new granblue character!
pleonasticTautology: i noticed the tearing and it's made it hard to watch, myself
itira: I can see it also but its not ruining my experience
AceGun_: but the input lag!
Zaneysed: I just assumed it was a stream issue on my end lol
TomokaMT: I'm used to a little bit of tearing since vsync adds input dselay lmao
raulghoulia: I don't know what screen tearing is and I will not notice it
Mr_Horrible: waiting for that vernacular to finally be updated to "Skill issue. Ticket closed."
TehAmelie: the stream decided to stop crashing every 10 seconds on my end, so that's good too
pleonasticTautology: nice!
cattleprodlynn: YEAH!@
the_patches: or you're playing against Seox and it's never your turn his combo is still goin.
TXC2: Mr_Horrible oh, that's evil
Mr_Horrible: the fadeaway boot
cattleprodlynn: Yes!
TomokaMT: nice
NorthstarTex: hell yea nelly
Orlantia: you just caved that rat's chest in
Mr_Horrible: "This W's for all the dudes out there!"
freshmaker__: *mickey mouse after he sees you pirating disney plus shows* huh huh! go to prison!
Mr_Horrible: "Ow, my skull"
kid_flashionable: Twitch was doing that to me almost all this week--this is the first time it didn't bork out
Zaneysed: Ya the stream crashed for me on Ben's last full meter super lol
TehAmelie: wow
GGsLive: Put 'em in the "lightly stirred"
cattleprodlynn: It feels weird thinking that the big beefy old guy is the underdog here.
TXC2: oh no he's hot!
the_patches: oh nooooooo
TXC2: Kappa
Orlantia: lol
kid_flashionable: Rats win again!
Mr_Horrible: the magic pixel
AFamiliarCalledEl: zandraMouse
Ferisar: fine on my end
Mr_Horrible: I've seen no twitch freakouts
TXC2: twitch is always freaking out :p
Mr_Horrible: I'm keeping my ledger
MrSarkhan: Twitch seems fine on my end.
Zaneysed: God I can punish that
AceGun_: I'll add it to your tab
freshmaker__: damn this stream is -55 on block?
NorthstarTex: stream is fine here
raulghoulia: ooo class action law suit
Ferisar: points at the floor
kid_flashionable: I'll take those frames in photos of fun and cool things
saucemaster5000: I’ll let you pay those frames in installments if you want
Ferisar: there's the 55 frames
Ravynn: There was that one there, and that one a minute ago
Orlantia: it was the 55 frames where adam was nice to chat
cattleprodlynn: Also, I'm glad that I finally understand the "get naked" comment now.
TheOneInquisitor: 55 frames is almost how plus Nier is on her specials
AceGun_: Think of the punish I could get with those plus frames.
GGsLive: 55 frames are a lot if they are plus
TehWERR: give me my one second of stream back battleRee battleRee
kid_flashionable: @Orlantia Aw man I can't believe I missed that!!
TXC2: "you owe me 55 frames and I want them back!"
BrowneePointz: well I tried to say 55 Frames, 55 Fries to reference the meme but Twitch said NO
Mr_Horrible: no, in a column
the_patches: 55 frames is enough time for a safejump
pleonasticTautology: don't drop any frames on your way across the parking lot!
MilkInBags: 55 Burgers, 55 Fries, 55 Tacos, 55 Pies
kid_flashionable: 55 frames 55 fries 55 burgers, 55 tacos 55 pies
Mr_Horrible: my hands are cold
kid_flashionable: seabatBRAIN
Decaped: I want to see the pretty cutscenes
the_patches: is ben playing Vikala with the EN voices to hear Ironmouse?
Zaneysed: That seems drastic
saucemaster5000: you didn’t heat up the milk bottle
SnackPak_: yeah, it's a little cold out today
BrowneePointz: anyone got White Woman Normals in this game?
Orlantia: we'll never get those 55 frames of complements back, chat. Mourn our collective loss
MilkInBags: big naturals frames
freshmaker__: idk i feel like theres not enough screen tearing now
TXC2: big, pendulous DIs
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
NewtyNewts: Grabbed the game and am trying it out... I don't think any of these really speaks to me character-wise
TehAmelie: i did a wizard roulette game earlier, and it gave me the spell Ray of Frost. of all the most useless spells to burden an adventuring party with, i feel it'd actually be great in every day life
TehAmelie: cool down the office? zap. get an ice cold soda? zap
30teracyte: what were the details for the room?
TXC2: I think the room name was big normals and the code is 4206
TXC2: and we're back
pleonasticTautology: hi nelly
TehAmelie: aloha
saucemaster5000: can he get me some water too?
TXC2: 30teracyte ah it's Huge normals
bytecaster: @saucemaster5000 I'll get it for you
itira: Adam bring me a bubbly
Mr_Horrible: I believe Adam's arms are strong enough to chuck a bottle all the way to Sauce
Orlantia: So adam is gonna be Soriz when he grows up, yeah?
Zaneysed: God Soriz's theme fucks
gualdhar: Without the headband she's literally a normal human
Mr_Horrible: he just t-poses down from the heavens
TXC2: the headband is the god that Ratatoue's her ass
cattleprodlynn: After yelling at the clouds, the old men can float down from them.
pleonasticTautology: i just had a thought.
pleonasticTautology: letterkenny fighting game
freshmaker__: *iron man voice* if youre nothing without the headband then you shoudnt have it.
LegionofLashes: o shes purple now
TehWERR: I like how an idol type character fights with a bear trap on a chain
TehAmelie: wait, does Tony say that line? it sounds like something someone would say to him
drizztnailo: ben just like me frfr
TXC2: TehAmelie he says it to Spiderman
itsr67: I thought soriz just gets to do it if he's in install
Ferisar: 1 2 thrown in prison!
saucemaster5000: drizzt, jumping in 5 times with every char
TehAmelie: aah
TomokaMT: @TehAmelie he says it to tom holland peter parker
Ferisar: sandwhich bringer!
Ferisar: i could lol
TehAmelie: a big moment of lack of self-insight eh
the_patches: Goldship with wisdom.
drizztnailo: if they charge my ass 35 dollars for the buffet you better bet your ass im eating 35 dollars worth of food
TXC2: "how much should you eat?" enough to make the chefs worried
TXC2: Kappa
TehAmelie: restaurants judging you to save on the all you can eat budget
saucemaster5000: damn vikala costs a grip to buy… she’s not brie DLC
Ferisar: did you grow up with "finish all your food" household
JinaMahavira: I have that problem, working real hard on fixing it
saucemaster5000: we offered adam a wafer thin mint and he died
drizztnailo: big same
Ferisar: yeah
TXC2: I grew up in a "eat fast or don't eat at all" house
saucemaster5000: my family had a salad course
Ferisar: sometimes kids just eat kind of random amounts honestly
Mr_Horrible: I really don't like throwing away food, yeah, so I've mostly tried to get better at "how much do I need to prepare to actually feel satisfied"
saucemaster5000: had to eat our greens before the good stuff
Geldaran: My wife pointed out... Even if you eat it, it is still going to "waste"
TehAmelie: allowing myself to care abut leftovers as little as if they actually cost just pennies has been good
Ferisar: my brother always ate like half a plate, and the portion felt like it never mattered lol
Mr_Horrible: yeah also kid metabolism is weird, so it's gonna ping-pong around
cobthegreat: My parents would let the food sit there until we went to bed but that was the only food for the rest of the day
gualdhar: so are there characters with this playstyle that aren't, like, psychotically happy?
BrowneePointz: it is weird
BrowneePointz: tell them how to parent their kids
Ferisar: on one hand, watching calorie intake
TXC2: so much of hunger is basically your brain lying to you :p
Ferisar: on the other hand... eclair
Mr_Horrible: @gualdhar Peacock from Skullgirls is more snide psychotic than cheery
kid_flashionable: I was the youngest kid so I think they were happy I wasn't really picky
NorthstarTex: I'm trying to make small concessions for my intake like if its extra protein then I'll be all 'just a little more'
JinaMahavira: @Ferisar watching the intake increase
Ferisar: good thing i only need one hand for the eclair
Ferisar: @JinaMahavira so true
saucemaster5000: my parents would only give us half the can of wet food so we knocked their mug off the table
BrowneePointz: on the one hand, fuck moralizing food, on the other hand, fuck societal fatphobia
Mr_Horrible: damn I really want a donut now Ferisar
gualdhar: @Mr_Horrible I meant in Granblue
uneactrice: Agreed!
Mr_Horrible: but the place by me is probably closed for the day
TehAmelie: a chocolate eclair, still hot from the baker. . .why can't i have this?
Mr_Horrible: @gualdhar oh uhhhh, IDK? I think Cagliostro also has kinda summon-y gameplay but is more of the "oh gosh, oh jeez" kinda flustered?
uneactrice: @BrowneePointz Agreed!
TehAmelie: (the bakery is closed among other problems)
mjuukis: @TehAmelie its because of woke dei
drizztnailo: SO REAL
Ferisar: "i better stop jumping" "oh my, look at the time" *clock hand on the up arrow key*
mjuukis: @TehAmelie oh no :(
cattleprodlynn: @Ferisar Yep. Often, I'd be sitting at the table with little piles of food around my plate while everyone else was already done with dinner and mom or dad were cleaning up.
TXC2: LRR's a comedy factory!.....wait
Ferisar: @cattleprodlynn yeah that's rough
TehAmelie: "okay grandpa put your pants back on"
Ferisar: there's also the thing in this game where empty jumps might be blocks
Mr_Horrible: she's pro-whimsy but anti-abolition, we all have our demons
NorthstarTex: next thing you know this rat will start union busting
saucemaster5000: this rat doesn’t believe in parole
TomokaMT: Certain moves are air-unblockable though so watch out
cattleprodlynn: @Ferisar My relationship with food is much weirder now because while I'm not gaining weight, I'm also not losing weight when I try portion control and I'm on Ozempic so that my kidneys don't work so dang hard.
Ferisar: i believe in your power
cattleprodlynn: @Ferisar I appreciate that
TXC2: the Rat is a cop? makes sense Kappa
cattleprodlynn: Shame that it's not a classic NYC union rate.
NewtyNewts: I haven't a clue how I'm supposed to play this game LUL
itsr67: hit em
itsr67: dont get hit
itsr67: ezpz
TXC2: push buttons, see what happens
Ferisar: what makes you plus in granblue fantasy versus?
Ferisar: getting c-
Ferisar: nvm
Mr_Horrible: too much cross-pollination
NewtyNewts: The hard bit is remembering what the buttons do. I've hit them so many times in so many combinations, but I'm still expecting other moves to come out
Ferisar: thank god
itira: LUL
Mr_Horrible: I mean that reference will always be funny to me
Mr_Horrible: but it took me a second to recall the context
Izandai: I'm completely lost.
saucemaster5000: cyberpunk keanu meme
Izandai: Oh.
Mr_Horrible: it's the Cyberpunk shitposts
cattleprodlynn: Wut
Izandai: Oh you'd love it Adam.
JinaMahavira: Adam knows nothing except "Who wants to go to a dogshit hotel"
Mr_Horrible: where they take cuts of Keanu's lines to make funny hahas
TomokaMT: "why do you cum?" *intense guitar riff
Ferisar: ^^^
TehWERR: in cyberpunck 2077 you can become
Mr_Horrible: you can be cum DUNUH NUHNUH NUH NUHNUH NUH
Izandai: "I'm gonna com–"
itira: LOL
Mr_Horrible: yes twitch I'm sure I wanna send that message don't fucking question me ever again
itira: i was unaware of these cyberpunk memes
Izandai: mattlrLul
TXC2: Mr_Horrible :D
Mr_Horrible: I mean I do wanna talk about ducks
itsr67: duck you man
Mr_Horrible: but also wanna swear
Mr_Horrible: ducks cute
Izandai: Oh wait I just realized I haven't seen the "chat seems active, make a clip" thing in a while. Did they kill it?
cattleprodlynn: Oh, that reminds me about an audio file I have somewhere of nothing but the lines from FFX that can be heard as naughty sexual innuendo.
TomokaMT: taunt to get bodied is real even for unintentional ones
itira: Ducks are top tier animals imo
TXC2: Izandai Gods I hope so
saucemaster5000: “I was just trying to make ben angry”
Izandai: saaaaaaam
BusTed: @itira masters of land, sea, and air
itira: hmm yeah
Izandai: *saaaaaaaame
Mr_Horrible: they have the same number of vertebrae in their neck, so they're even on the tierlist
saucemaster5000: giraffes can’t float in water
itira: Go Ducks
Strebenherz: Autocorrect whoopsing into auntie when I'm trying to trash talk about autocorrect. Amazing
raulghoulia: sauce can't go back to India
SnackPak_: they got that long neck, no need to float
saucemaster5000: not a lot bud
Mr_Horrible: @Strebenherz we love when the spellchecker gets meta with it
TehAmelie: ducks are objectively the funniest animal too
TomokaMT: Granblue only has air block for certain moves
TomokaMT: mostly projectiles
AFamiliarCalledEl: there is, but a lot of ground normals are air-unblockable
TehAmelie: science fact
drizztnailo: you can only block air to airs and projectiles mostly
Mai_Andra: random fucking clown horns~
GGsLive: oh it's like sf alpha
TomokaMT: Granblue is a lot closer to SF than other anime games in that regard
TehWERR: @TehAmelie false. weasels are 30% funnier than ducks
kynelwynn: Will the Oki Oki gang play MvC2 in the near future?
AFamiliarCalledEl: @TehWERR it's true, weasels do funny dances
raulghoulia: you'd never catch Adam playing a Marvel game
Mr_Horrible: yeah but we'd never *catch* you playing one
Zaneysed: How long did it take you to learn a magento loop?
Mr_Horrible: because of your sick hypergrav loops
Zaneysed: Shit is tough
Mai_Andra: seabats Magneto god tier
Mr_Horrible: retire undefeated
TomokaMT: oph nice frametrap nelly
freshmaker__: if strive is potentially low on the list because of the inputs then marvels sure never making it lol. :P
itsr67: they're definitely attractive at a base level, unless you're tod
Mr_Horrible: "Fear Magneto." *turns off game*
TehAmelie: okay it's really completely subjective, but they did an extensive project researching what people think is funny
kynelwynn: I'd love to see the Capcom Fighting Anniversary collection
the_fanerdic: seabatClap Well done Nelly!
pleonasticTautology: i would say i'm at nelson's skill level
freshmaker__: maybe im just biased because it was my first game and felt pretty good after bouncing off all other fighting games.
saucemaster5000: god reviewing your file “those 50 hours could’ve been spent learning sign language”
drizztnailo: i need 2xko back in my life
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 wrong. ToDs are actually the universal language. Enjoy your damnation, heathen.
Zaneysed: @drizztnailo come play league with me then
AceGun_: *stares longingly at his 2XKO desktop icon*
itsr67: what was the tweet? "I want to kidnap a group of people and put them in an empty room with a copy of cvs2"
freshmaker__: TO PRISON
itsr67: cvs2 is wild
drizztnailo: @Zaneysed no must level fury warrior
TomokaMT: Yeah the 6th Grade +R Meta!
itsr67: hella sick thread
kynelwynn: Geese + Ryu, neh?
Izandai: Fascinating.
AceGun_: That is such an incredible story.
Mr_Horrible: studies in the wild are always neat
Zaneysed: @drizztnailo oh no he's in there now
TomokaMT: He did semi monthly posts for about 2 years
itsr67: zappa kid
AFamiliarCalledEl: most 66L links have really small windows
saucemaster5000: “we have decided pot is top tier” “Interesting. you all got an F”
cattleprodlynn: I'd love to read that thread but I also hate Reddit's policies.
Zaneysed: @drizztnailo Need me to tank some dungeongs?
Mr_Horrible: kourra1Cheese
TomokaMT: I miss Ukrainian Potemkin and Axl Kid lol
itsr67: @cattleprodlynn Sajam (on youtube) has a video series catalogueing it
cattleprodlynn: @itsr67 Thank you!
Mr_Horrible: literal cartoon Fight Cloud
GGsLive: then why don't you like medium headbutt into ex headbutt?
NorthstarTex: the fist comes out of the cloud and all I heard in my head was "NANI!?"
itsr67: thrown in prison
drizztnailo: @Zaneysed im just questin atm for the warrior but im down for some fire mage dungeons
TehWERR: 📯 📯 📯
Mr_Horrible: sinuuClown
TehWERR: 🎺 🎺 🎺
NewtyNewts: lrrHORN
Mr_Horrible: WoW's basically a fighting game, right?
Zaneysed: Brother phase 2 end of feb-ish
the_fanerdic: How’s Mai in sf6? Any enjoyers?
itsr67: mai seems good
Zaneysed: I will be full blown wow degen
Mr_Horrible: the fan combos seem really cool and like there's a lot of weird stuff you can do
saucemaster5000: mai is gonna take a bit to shake out it seems
itsr67: -10 basically unpunishable tc is very funny though
Mr_Horrible: I mean, everyone is enjoying Mai, on some level or other
Izandai: The only thing I've seen of Mai in SF6 is someone made a mod to shrink her tits.
TomokaMT: Mai is cool, I like her
Zaneysed: @drizztnailo ight lmk
AceGun_: @itsr67 basically unpunishable *for you
TXC2: Izandai the opposite of what I expected :p
TomokaMT: Hell yeah Nelly!
itsr67: ok fuckin
the_fanerdic: Nice hit confirm
itsr67: its wild
the_fanerdic: I WILL MAKE YOU SUPPER!
Mr_Horrible: Adam you can't bust out the Count Lachlann of Ogham at the drop of a hat like that
Mr_Horrible: stay strong, streamer
Mr_Horrible: don't succumb to chat's shenanigans
NewtyNewts: Roman prison!
drizztnailo: the opposite of roman reigns
TXC2: roam in prison
Zaneysed: Thats where youre forced to watch only roman rigns matches
the_fanerdic: @zaneysed I accept death
TehWERR: I quite sure throwing a stick of dynamite at someone is thowing them in prison
TXC2: what we're all the weird one in our own ways?
BusTed: 📸
Izandai: @TXC2 Okay, my way is that I'm the only normal one.
TXC2: Izandai if you're the ONLY normal one, they you are the weirdest one of all Kappa
AFamiliarCalledEl: bunnies? they're rats, thank you zandraPout
TehAmelie: we should write down all the ways of being weird and draw them out of a hat to see what fits whom
Izandai: @TXC2 mattlrPika
Mr_Horrible: "It's not just 1 person driving backward - everyone on the highway's doing it!"
saucemaster5000: groaning prison
the_fanerdic: FBtouchdown
TXC2: grown in Prison, the Rodent Rizzen
raulghoulia: the Dazz God
freshmaker__: i like the evolution of this phrase
NorthstarTex: Real talk, mouse girl does have rizz if you die from her noticing you.
TehAmelie: give em the rat-lash dazzle
GasCityGaming: !uptime
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 1:54:58.
the_patches: he's an old man.
TXC2: this stream is a condensed lesson on how "Nihon" became "Japan" :p
NorthstarTex: He's old. That's why
the_patches: Nelson can learn to brave cancel out of corner pressure.
the_patches: he's mastered holding pressure, I believe in him.
MilkInBags: this game is too silly to take seriously and be frustrated Kappa
Mr_Horrible: lrrLUL
Zaneysed: We have a lot of killers in sf
MilkInBags: knowing you could do better because you understand the game unlocks the possibility to be frustrated, when you have no idea what's real and what you can do it's not like you can understand what could have been done
the_patches: autocombo makes this game feel a little easier to get a handle on.
ThirdFloorDraft: this is full anime
NorthstarTex: you get naked in the dead of winter, that's hella anime
cattleprodlynn: 'kay, lunch time now. This was a nice thing to listen to.
cattleprodlynn: See y'all some other time, chat, Adam, and Nelson!
cattleprodlynn: And Ben. Can't forget Ben.
the_patches: head of cute
the_patches: GOTTEM!
TXC2: so long cattleprodlynn stay safe
cattleprodlynn: YES.
BusTed: lrrLUL
gama41: it in fact did not kill lmao
pleonasticTautology: nice!
ThirdFloorDraft: 1 HP aint Zero
uneactrice: YES
gualdhar: WHAT
TXC2: !clips
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
rabbitgta: Just had an 8 yr old start fencing. They get so frustrated and tell themselves they are going to lose before each fight, I tell them we need to start somewhere and that the goal right now isn't the win but to learn.
pleonasticTautology: i've had fights like that with my best friend in yomi hustle, where somehow i still have 1 hp left and i turn the tables
MilkInBags: I'll say it: ben got fucking robbed LUL (affectionate)
matthaus_c: solar flare changed a bit in nelly's health bar
the_patches: niiiice
drizztnailo: so true king
drizztnailo: only honest foosies frfr
MWGNZ: only robbing in fighting games come from wifi next to a microwave
MilkInBags: i was under the impression Leffen always gets robbed according to him Kappa
cobthegreat: And karma is delivered
NorthstarTex: the pixel wins are heating up
the_patches: Vikala's crouch is one of my favorite images in the whole game.
BrisketJonesDiary: Magic pixel is the best pixel
pleonasticTautology: hell yeah
matthaus_c: @BrisketJonesDiary hit 'em with the magic pixel from the granblue school depository
NorthstarTex: these matches are actually getting hella good
the_patches: hold that block and then push back
NewtyNewts: Reverse of dash-through
itsr67: block+ direction
the_patches: "roll" is what it's called in the community.
NorthstarTex: the rat T-poses when running
TomokaMT: Yeah we call it "roll"
BrisketJonesDiary: Thanks! :D
offbeatwitch: LMAO?
JinaMahavira: seabatDance seabatDance
NewtyNewts: LUL
MilkInBags: low maintenance sub
NorthstarTex: Long time lurker, first time chatter? Hell yeah!
TXC2: 2 year follower, love to see it
MilkInBags: first time chatters voting to ban someone is also good
itsr67: 1
Zaneysed: 1
kynelwynn: 1\
gama41: 1
pleonasticTautology: 1
goombalax: 1
NorthstarTex: 1
Strebenherz: 2
Zaneysed: still 1
itira: we got bamboozled
NewtyNewts: The trap
gama41: worth
Izandai: @Zaneysed mattlrLul
itsr67: kratos jump into the abyss for me t hen
matthaus_c: that's a Savidan move if I've ever heard one
itsr67: then*
Bearudite: 1
NorthstarTex: He did a taunt!?
MilkInBags: totally accidental
GGsLive: nevermasher here
NewtyNewts: They're just mashing one button at a time
the_patches: No, I block on wakeup because it's polite.
Thandres: i never mash, i abare
pleonasticTautology: i'm definitely a masher but i also use mashing to start to piece together things on my own terms
GGsLive: ;jadfipacvx ,na
Zaneysed: im not a masher
Bearudite: glorious Abare
goombalax: mashin' them keys
BusTed: LUL
matthaus_c: @GGsLive real
TXC2: lies, everyone mashes like they making potatoes for dinner
Bearudite: your filthy mashing my noble abare
BrisketJonesDiary: I play Marvel, I mash :(
Lyrinoir: @BrisketJonesDiary Objectively correct
the_patches: sick
pleonasticTautology: i play guilty gear strive and smash bros ultimate
BrisketJonesDiary: I grew up going to the same arcade as J Wong and Yipes and LI Joe lulz.
pleonasticTautology: i came back to smash bros after playing a lot of yomi hustle and some guilty gear and i Understand Smash Bros Now
the_patches: the soriz life.
Darleysam: less smash bros, more mash bros
BusTed: lrrFINE
Zaneysed: First to piss
matthaus_c: serving tiltqueue
BusTed: 📸
the_patches: JWONG
matthaus_c: what do you MEAN you 'just had a piss moment'
freshmaker__: a... piss.. moment..
MilkInBags: february is piss month
TXC2: "I'm not owned!" I say, as I tilt queue for the 5 time in a row
Izandai: That's a hell of a place to cut the conversation.
Bearudite: no the secret ambicross texts are being leaked
matthaus_c: sand blast
freshmaker__: oh banana
the_patches: I'm going TO MEMPHIS
BusTed: drawfePee
MilkInBags: weird, adam's too
TXC2: LRR: come for the comedy, stay for the PISS!
matthaus_c: my name in the polycule discord server is 'a machine for piss' so y'know I get it
TomokaMT: EX Rush Punch is -4
pleonasticTautology: @matthaus_c spironolactone?
BrisketJonesDiary: Is there a way I can clip when Adam said my username was cool so I can save it? <_<
matthaus_c: @pleonasticTautology if I knew what that is, /absolutely/
TXC2: "my body is a machine that turns liquids in to piss liquids"
Juliamon: you can clip from vods
Izandai: "Stand back I'm makin' PISS."
itira: LUL
BrisketJonesDiary: Hahaha thank you :D
BusTed: clean take
TXC2: clean take right there
BrisketJonesDiary: Now I need to figure out how to clip.
offbeatwitch: you *can* also go and clip the VOD
pleonasticTautology: @matthaus_c oh spiro is the common antiandrogen in the us and it's also a diuretic so folks on it piss. a lot.
BrisketJonesDiary: My spiro dosage keeps getting lowered.
BrisketJonesDiary: But the pee never stops.
TXC2: BrisketJonesDiary just press the clip button by mistake like 50% of all the clips we have to deal with :p
TomokaMT: yeah I just checked, funny thing about EX Punch is that it literally goes so far that you can't space it to make it plus
the_patches: U rush goes full screen so you can't space it.
matthaus_c: @pleonasticTautology oh this is good god damn knowledge to have for my circles HypeLUL tyvm
MilkInBags: damn
TomokaMT: patches and I on the same wavelength
BusTed: @TXC2 at least there's a cancel button now
pleonasticTautology: @BrisketJonesDiary i got an orchi a few years ago and i still piss constantly
Izandai: @TXC2 Didn't Twitch stop saving clips that aren't actually published?
the_patches: siiiiick\
the_patches: that move is plus a lot
pleonasticTautology: @pleonasticTautology i have thus confirmed that pee is *not* stored in the balls
BusTed: @pleonasticTautology science at work seabatBRAIN
BrisketJonesDiary: @pleonasticTautology I started at 100mg 2x daily. Down to 25mg 2x daily the pee is still 10x daily
the_patches: +4
30teracyte: M rush punch, H and U multipunch, M, H and U rock mash are soriz's plus specials
TomokaMT: EX flurry is +4
pleonasticTautology: @matthaus_c no problem! :P
TXC2: Izandai I don't know, there are A LOT less then there were, but there's still some randoms in there :p
Izandai: @TXC2 That seems about right.
pleonasticTautology: also tbf i piss a lot cos i drink more soda than is healthy. i bought... 250? 300? 12-packs of baja blast zero last year?
Ferisar: lotta characters i think
TomokaMT: Katalina, Belial
the_patches: Katalina, Luci, Belial
TXC2: BusTed it's helped but it's not enough :p
Zaneysed: KAtalina is sick
Zaneysed: We love a good shoto
JinaMahavira: god I love Katalina
the_patches: I like them low and mid tiers.
TomokaMT: Yeah I've been playing Kat since Vanilla seeing her be strong is nice
itsr67: white bread is a staple
Mr_Horrible: she suffers from Zoner Life, and also got nerfed based entirely on vibes
itsr67: they say
TomokaMT: You Are Not Immune To Hot Lady Knight
Zaneysed: What if Ryu was more pretty?
bytecaster: If there is a character called Gran, is there also a character called Blu?
the_patches: incredible japanese VA
Zaneysed: Ya and KAtlina is more
bytecaster: Ryu is definitely a Waifu!
gama41: @bytecaster but Gran is wearing blue so it works out
Strebenherz: Based @adam
freshmaker__: the katalina wine mixer?!
Mr_Horrible: fruitopia is only available now in a vending machine in the courtyard of a motel in Flordia
TomokaMT: I've been thinking of learning a secondary in addition to Kat but I can't decide between Zooey and Metera\
Mr_Horrible: Flordia
Mr_Horrible: lol
Mr_Horrible: mythical kingdom lookin ass typo
the_patches: @TomokaMT Zooey seems like knowledge checks the character.
BrisketJonesDiary: I don't know if you guys had it in Canada, but I remember when I was younger that there was some drink that had little like jello fruit cubes floating in it?
Bearudite: god I love her crouch
itsr67: if nelly installs he can use the same input to do the super for no meter
BrisketJonesDiary: @silenceaux Thank you!
the_patches: siiiiick\
BrisketJonesDiary: I couldn't remember the name of the drink
Mr_Horrible: orbeez or something
BrisketJonesDiary: Yeah Nelson it was in a glass bottle
Mr_Horrible: Bawls was an energy drink, normal, but in a glass bottle
GGsLive: zed...
pleonasticTautology: bawls has a textured glass bottle
BusTed: It was an annual thing
matthaus_c: every day I miss honey mustard ruffles
Mr_Horrible: remember when Jones soda wasn't dogwater?
Bearudite: ugh
BusTed: They had a 4-pack of different Thanksgiving flavors
Bearudite: the worst
itira: zed!
BrowneePointz: yes they had turkey and mash and gravy pop
NewtyNewts: He said Zed!
BrowneePointz: a b c d e f ged
BrowneePointz: h i j k l m n o ped
LurkerSpine subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 118 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LurkerSpine! (Today's storm count: 8)
TehAmelie: Bawls never took off in my country where the wordplay would go unnoticed
BrowneePointz: q r s t u ved
BrowneePointz: w x y and zed
freshmaker__: meta time
Mr_Horrible: @TehAmelie it was unironically my "energy drink of choice", a phrase that makes me now wince to say, back in college
sadlyfrown: good afternoon tall streamer and nelson and ben
Mr_Horrible: but I do still love when drinks come in glass bottle rather than plastic or a can
Ferisar: what's the room name for this one?
Ferisar: or pw i guess
TehAmelie: it is nice
JinaMahavira: 4206
Mr_Horrible: plus hit hook hand car door
Ferisar: @TehAmelie tyty
itsr67: ah gottem
itsr67: ggs
Mr_Horrible: "Begone, rat"
matthaus_c: my man's arm is thicker than a dracula flow blunt
Mr_Horrible: flippin bricks for mansa musa
Bearudite: something something esperanto
matthaus_c: before y'all even became a type 1 civilisation
Mr_Horrible: she would taunt like that
Mr_Horrible: true, that was *THE* way you started beef in the elementary schoolyard
Mr_Horrible: kourra1Blicky "How about you check out *this* gun old man?"
Strebenherz: Except instead of kissing she'd spell out cheese
NorthstarTex: oof, I saw the frame where the bite happense and...
DaVeganPolice: Blanka pushing a baby carriage ?
TXC2: "haha, you two like to express intimacy in privet, aren't you weird and gross" :p
Mr_Horrible: when the neener-neener rhyme is you having a fulfilling relationship with a loving partner
saucemaster5000: First comes divorce, then comes alimony, then comes an afternoon alone at mcdonalds trying to make eye contact so someone talks to you
gualdhar: yeah, but that fulfilling relationship was with someone who hated my guts :(
itira: @saucemaster5000 LOLOL
Izandai: @saucemaster5000 Getting a little autobiographical there? :P
DaVeganPolice: sauce, do you need to talk?
Mr_Horrible: the deer is back, Sauce is going through it
TXC2: saucemaster5000 that sounds like that's coming from a real place, you OK?
matthaus_c: sauce is spitting
freshmaker__: is there any mechanic that stops the chip damage, like faultless defense in gg?
matthaus_c: must be tuesday
MilkInBags: chat cannot comprehend fiction
TehAmelie: joke's on the bullies, i never did get a relationship
TXC2: TehAmelie big mood there
TomokaMT: Yeah it's just spot dodging
saucemaster5000: truth be told mr horrible I haven’t seen the deer in a while
pleonasticTautology: the bullies called me gay and turns out they were right
TomokaMT: It's actually one of my few complaints is that there's no way to even spend resources to stop chip
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 damn I hope they're doing okay (I do not have high expectations, however, given the drivers around there)
Bearudite: yeah can't get me with your bullshit relationship scenarios if I don't do them HahaThink
Zaneysed: @pleonasticTautology When it turns out they were being supportive but they had an issue with tone
Mr_Horrible: the Yomi continues apace
TehAmelie: they called me a woman and they were right about that too
pleonasticTautology: @Zaneysed lmao i mean they didn't know i'd transition and meet lotsa women
matthaus_c: the load-bearing pixel doesn't always carry a man to Rome
MilkInBags: close the room to get these out
Mr_Horrible: nuke the room from orbit
UnspokenKibbles subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 118 months, currently on a 118 month streak!
UnspokenKibbles: Hello, streamers - this is your explicit reminder that you're doing good in the world by bringing joy to others, and we truly appreciate it. Also, chat: stay hydrated.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, UnspokenKibbles! (Today's storm count: 9)
saucemaster5000: charge these rats quarters for those cabinets
gama41: MK still allows it
TrueAmbience: can we spectate a match ?
Mr_Horrible: MK is also stuck in the past tho
ernieblolb: what happened to friday nights i thought u announced it would return early 2024
MilkInBags: hell yeah time to shit on ferisar Kappa
BrowneePointz: it's a liiiil slow for how low the damage is
BusTed: Earthrealm's greatest champion
Mr_Horrible: the campaign *was* pretty good
TXC2: ernieblolb it's coming soon
MilkInBags: great Ghost song
Mr_Horrible: Beezel Bob
BrowneePointz: @Mr_Horrible the expansion is REAL stupid
offbeatwitch: i forgot that you can give djeeta a pan
offbeatwitch: and it goes BONG
Mr_Horrible: @BrowneePointz good stupid or bad stupid?
gama41: oh right LMAOkai has the pan
matthaus_c: TF2 gaming right here
freshmaker__: iron pipe falling noise
Mr_Horrible: she's on Toadstool mode
Zaneysed: God the pan noises
MilkInBags: ben did you renew your gamer card
Mr_Horrible: damn, Ben got VAC banned
matthaus_c: sometimes I get chastity caged out of Steam too for no reason
BrowneePointz: @Mr_Horrible bad stupid
TomokaMT: they literally banned the pan at big tournaments because othe unique sound effect makes it easier to hit confirm lol
TXC2: can't log into steam? that seems really bad
Mr_Horrible: I beg your pardon matthaus
matthaus_c: @Mr_Horrible yes? :)
Mr_Horrible: @BrowneePointz ah. Shame, that
Zaneysed: Cotw on feb 20th
BrowneePointz: what do you want?
Red_Dead_Monkey: SKin all around!
BrowneePointz: all rounder, puppet, zoner?
AceGun_: There is a training cabinet
AceGun_: I think.
Mr_Horrible: they've had it too good for too long
TomokaMT: you can wait in training yeah
BrowneePointz: Anila is a good all rounder
Mr_Horrible: all these Judases that said they'd imprison my ass
Zaneysed: Lediva
matthaus_c: Knights of the Round but Lancelot has a fucking 7.62x51
saucemaster5000: yooo the cleric in king of dragons???
gama41: he has a rekka
TXC2: !infil
LRRbot: The glossary of fighting game terms can be found here:
matthaus_c: baka rekka gaijin
saucemaster5000: jamie in sf6 for nelly’s reference
Mr_Horrible: it creates a "how far will they commit?" and "will they delay?" prediction game
DaVeganPolice: what about second brekka?
matthaus_c: gedankenwirbelwind
itsr67: clearasice
TomokaMT: Lance's Heavy Fireball is really important cause it's got more hits and is slow so he can use it for setplay
TomokaMT: and to cover his approach
gama41: fireball is a good oki tool ye
BrowneePointz: it's also only february
TXC2: ^
matthaus_c: holy shit it's february
AceGun_: invincible DP means a character is not for me.
TXC2: "already" Feb, as if Jan wasn't 4 years long this year :p
saucemaster5000: Ace what if the DP is only invincible sometimes ans it’s a random effect?
matthaus_c: roll a d6 you get that many DP iframes
AceGun_: @saucemaster5000 No thanks. I don't like random effects. Give me a DP that costs all of my meter and half my health or something.
the_patches: lance feels too fast for me to play
yolksoup_: @AceGun_ Abel wants a word with u
TomokaMT: Yeah when i started to realize just how much I liked med to long range mids dispensers and zoners like Axl and Yuzu and Kat it was over for me
TomokaMT: sometimes I like something outside of that like Bullet in blazblue but for the most part I found my archetype and its magical
AceGun_: I simply want to be playing a different game than everyone else.
saucemaster5000: asuka designed for ace and ace alone
itsr67: I wanna play anakaris
Zaneysed: TRU
tenthtechpriest: rude but true
LMAOkai_: AKi bottom tier? true
itsr67: true
AceGun_: Sometimes I play top-tiers that are completely impossible.
Bearudite: Martial Masters Scorpion
Zaneysed: God I just steal other's work lol
BrowneePointz: she was below average
Mr_Horrible: I mean there's only so many archetypes
BrowneePointz: then she got a couple buffs to wonky things
BrowneePointz: and now she's great
Bearudite: I play the character with good normals and then throw hate
AceGun_: I did my time in the bottom tier with AKI.
NewtyNewts: pls no
MilkInBags: paying $20 for a bottom tier and have infinite complaint equity Kreygasm
saucemaster5000: I play the dogshit people with a couple really cheap moves
LMAOkai_: Dudley in SF6 would be sick
accountmadeforants: Versusia's great
AceGun_: I would never play him, but Dudley would be great in 6. Possible too strong.
MilkInBags: it's sexy mewtwo
Bearudite: imagine the Rose setups
saucemaster5000: dudley would be screwed up in 6
matthaus_c: ticks all the boxes: [X] big [X] arms
TomokaMT: It'll light up Yellow or Blue if you can use super
accountmadeforants: @MilkInBags oh no
pleonasticTautology: i need to duck out a bit early, but thanks for the stream!
rentar42: "My character is a hindu god, what's yours?" "Quite buff"
TXC2: MilkInBags but mewtwo is already sexy Kappa
TXC2: so long pleonasticTautology stay safe
MilkInBags: i hope i dont ruin it for adam
Mai_Andra: oh no, she has extra arms... my weakness...
TXC2: congrats Ben
TomokaMT: she's more like Hot Lady Susanoo
MilkInBags: LUL
matthaus_c: mewtwo is no dewgong
BrowneePointz: He just had his birthday
Zaneysed: chat clip that
BrowneePointz: don't try to fuck the psychic cat
DrLigmaPhD: Mewtwo could get it
BrowneePointz: wait the mewtwo from the last movie was a lady
Mr_Horrible: mewtwo got those child-bearing hips
saucemaster5000: if mewtwo is so hot why is there not a mewthree?
TXC2: !addquote (Adam) [now] Mewtwo thicc as hell.
LRRbot: New quote #9255: "Mewtwo thicc as hell." —Adam [2025-02-07]
TomokaMT: I wish I could play Versusia but I cannot deal with a dash that bad
TomokaMT: otherwise I love her
BrowneePointz: SHe's lookin kinda Versussy Baka
matthaus_c: @saucemaster5000 mewtwo /can/ get pregnant, keep trying
Diabore: *man whos only played magic "getting a lot of kroxa vibes from this titan"
TXC2: saucemaster5000 Mew is Ace, and Mewtwo respects that choice Kappa
Unable_To_Load: oh sick they're still live. usually oki oki is done by the time I get here
Mr_Horrible: why she got a Dragonball FighterZ super?
MilkInBags: try the whip bunny lady Kappa
BrowneePointz: she's a horse
saucemaster5000: BEPPO
Mr_Horrible: GIGI
BrowneePointz: Adam would like Beppo from One Piece
Zaneysed: When you getting on wow adam?
Mr_Horrible: Zaney with the "log in, streamer"
Ferisar: gotta take a work call ggs ben sorry brb
Bengineering: ggs pal
Zaneysed: @Mr_Horrible shhh we voted to ban you lol
MilkInBags: yeah sure ferisar
MilkInBags: ben don't believe him
saucemaster5000: ferisar ducking the top players
MilkInBags: ferisar lost the first to piss
TXC2: Zaneysed chat can vote all it wants to ban people, but this ain't a democracy :p
Mr_Horrible: @Zaneysed and yet here I stand
Zaneysed: LOL
Mr_Horrible: lrrLUL
Mr_Horrible: "This will affect the trout population"
itsr67: here comes bear
Zaneysed: That game is sick
saucemaster5000: I missed samsho night NotLikeThis
Mr_Horrible: do any of them make the YEAAAOW?
Zaneysed: Screw ABK, I just wanna Samsho
Bearudite: enjoyed some samsho ye
SnackPak_: one more!
TXC2: uno mas!
saucemaster5000: gun nun rules. just shoot them and don’t get hit
MilkInBags: beej is gonna cut the cord with scissors at 1:01
AceGun_: ABK is super fun to pick up and play.
itsr67: we're gonna have a war in the discord w/ abk and samsho 5 for no real reason
Mr_Horrible: short for Andrew Bubbayew K
Bearudite: I am glad ya'll like ABK so I don't have to
saucemaster5000: can we just play both at the same time?
Zaneysed: No
AceGun_: @saucemaster5000 Nope, one has to be objectively better, and we can only play that.
saucemaster5000: blitzkampf vs samsho get on it modding community
Bearudite: nah I just need to accept that I choose the losing side in every one of these wars
IsSecretlyPaul: yo when did they add this large lady
Mr_Horrible: a while back iirc
the_patches: ye
the_patches: yw
cavewizarddd: Bros keep it rocking
TXC2: thanks for streaming Adam. Nelson and Ben
LMAOkai_: seabatClap
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
Mr_Horrible: thanks for the stream, lads
therepoman__: FROGS ARE GONE
kid_flashionable: Thanks for the stream!
NewtyNewts: Good show!
MilkInBags: can we support in other ways than monetarily
GGsLive: ribbit
TomokaMT: Good Games y'all! Glad to see games more in my wheelhouse on this one.
BusTed: Frog eggs kinda look like Orbitz
kid_flashionable: That's gunna surge through the toilet!
NewtyNewts: I'm thinking Orby'z
MilkInBags: this is the kermit free zone
ghizmou: that famous video
kid_flashionable: Orbeez are plumbing ruiners!
TXC2: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: ChillPoint (Paul, Beej and Heather chat about Video Games and Video Game related news!) at Fri 02:00 PM PST (58m from now).
Bearudite: fuck this septic tank
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
MilkInBags: michael schumarer set
saucemaster5000: i# hope nelson finally earns his badge
Mai_Andra: oh thanks, Nelson. reminded me I need to unclog the tub drain...
kid_flashionable: go scout with some boys Nelson!
MilkInBags: sus
TXC2: !sus
LRRbot: foxmar320 is acting suspicious...
MilkInBags: music is minus
kid_flashionable: Its okay we can sing it in chat
kid_flashionable: badada dadaaadada
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
kid_flashionable: Thanks for noting the underscore Nelly!
TXC2: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
GGsLive: robbit
TXC2: !contact
LRRbot: ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List:
Mr_Horrible: byeeeee
kid_flashionable: Adam never does barrYgood
Ferisar: @saucemaster5000 ill duck ur mum
Zaneysed: ah shit do they also call us frogs when the stream ends?
Mr_Horrible: sinuuARRIVE
Ferisar: also @LMAOkai_ ggs sorry i missed your chat message in game
Mr_Horrible: @Zaneysed that's not for us to know
kid_flashionable: barrFrogPog
Zaneysed: OH GOD
uneactrice: luls
matthaus_c: never reach froghood
Mr_Horrible: lol
TXC2: fuck you I could frog
LoadingReadyRun: in a good way
TXC2: goodnight everybody
accountmadeforants: Y'know. Losing to flood feels a lot worse when it started with 10 cards left in your deck and 5 of them would win you the game, and the other 5 were the lands you just drew. (:
accountmadeforants: (Admittedly, I wouldn't have survived those five draws over three turns if my opponent wasn't also drawing duds. So I can't feel *too* bad.)
TehAmelie: the law of averages in full effect eh
accountmadeforants: Yup. On average I'm never lucky and my opponent is always lucky KappaHD