Metric_Furlong: hey, now, let's be fair
TehAmelie: unless daddy Microsoft wants to buy me a new computer i'm just gonna have to hack it in the lawless land of a sunset OS
Metric_Furlong: windows 11 has been pretty brilliant add for Linux
LoadingReadyRun: yup, I get that too
LoadingReadyRun: every fairly new PCs are not compatible with win 11.
Metric_Furlong: amazing
TehAmelie: mine's from 2016. made a bet with dad it would do everything i need it to at least for ten years
TehAmelie: it struggles with Elden Ring but i'm hopeful
dumbo3k: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: ChillPoint (Paul, Beej and Heather chat about Video Games and Video Game related news!) at Fri 02:00 PM PST (8m from now).
accountmadeforants: My PC (mostly built in 2019) does support Windows 11, but I don't support Windows 11 so it be do.
TehAmelie: ha
accountmadeforants: (My work laptop came with Windows 11 so I'm dreadfully aware of what it truly is, and that's with the Enterprise version stripping at least some of the bloat.)
TehAmelie: here i should probably plug this program called Shut Up Windows
LoadingReadyRun: I think it has something to do with the motherboard supporting a certain type of encryption?
TehAmelie: it enables you to stop a lot of things everyone wants Windows to stop doing
terribleplan: TPM 2.0 is the requirement that MS really wants but has/had workarounds for, but then they keep waffling about
accountmadeforants: It requires a Trusted Platform Module (2.0 and up, specifically), which is a way to safely store encryption keys (including during boot)
RockPusher: !search for treasure
LRRbot: You find: a Wandering Monster!
accountmadeforants: The idea being that there's this one un-fuck-withable thing that can be relied on, if nothing else, to make other things un-fuck-withable
accountmadeforants: Of course that doesn't help against Microsoft fucking with Windows in general.
TehAmelie: as i recall, i got it on the windows store page. this is a "trusted partner" of microsoft
terribleplan: I don't get the hate for Win 11. I daily drive linux so maybe it's that I only boot into windows monthly, so I expect all sorts of annoying crap around wanting to update and such. Using a non-OEM installer maybe helped too with the bloat?
RockPusher trips the wandering monster and it starts crying, so he gives it a cookie
Juliamon: I think most of the hate right now is the hard push of Copilot
Metric_Furlong: a hard of Copilot, which is itself terrible
Metric_Furlong: *hard push
TehAmelie: as i understand you'd need something like Shut Up to get 11 to stop actively stealing everything on your screen
accountmadeforants: @terribleplan It just does all kinds of iffy things by default that require registry edits to fix if possible (like the right click menu using obtuse symbols instead of text). And they tend to push other Microsoft products pretty hard inside the OS (on consumer versions), like it's some sort of shitty website that needs ad support. And now there's the truly awful Copilot nonsense
terribleplan: Oh yeah... I have had to do a bunch of GP editing to hide various things. I suppose that was annoying. Again, linux daily driving.
GapFiller: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: ChillPoint (Paul, Beej and Heather chat about Video Games and Video Game related news!) at Fri 02:00 PM PST (1s ago).
RockPusher: sergeOffByOne sergeOffByOne sergeOffByOne
Juliamon: the modern tragedy, becoming so accustomed to annoyance that you no longer notice it
Metric_Furlong: the whole 'yeah, we're just going to have it automatically take screenshots of your PC while you're using it and upload those to our servers. Yes, this can happen when you're logging-in to your bank account. No, we don't think this'll be a security risk"
terribleplan: Step 1: Use a password manager. Step 2: There is no step 2.
LunarJade: đź‘»
terribleplan: lol
GapFiller: nalvThink hmm what tapioca news wd Beej have covered this week had he felt like going solo in the absence of a cohost
GapFiller: something Copilot related perhaps
GapFiller: LunarJade nalvHi5 hai Heather
RockPusher: Heather has installed a new ghost it seems lrrSPOOP lunarj1Heart
RockPusher: lrrDOTS lrrSIG lrrARROW
accountmadeforants: @LunarJade lrrSPOOPY
TheAinMAP: Signal
accountmadeforants: lrrSIG
terribleplan: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
GapFiller: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG NEU!
LunarJade: new ghost needed. last one was looking a little burnt out
TehAmelie: lrrSIG received
Juliamon: you don't want to overwork your ghosts
corpocracy subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 97 months!
corpocracy: Checkpont
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, corpocracy! (Today's storm count: 10)
RockPusher: It's important to rotate your ghosts every so often to ensure even haunting
Juliamon: then they get grumpy and form a union
accountmadeforants: Anyway, time to play Rift of the Necrodancer while chilling with some points. (It's finally out! :D )
GapFiller: we had a whole Crapshot abt renting a haunted house
saiarcot895 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 46 months, currently on a 46 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, saiarcot895! (Today's storm count: 11)
jessieimproved: can someone confirm for me there is no music?
GapFiller: it figures a Crapshot abt a ghost union aint outta the question
saiarcot895: yeah, no music for me
RockPusher: jessieimproved no music here
jessieimproved: thanks
GapFiller: Silence is Golden
LunarJade: I don’t think we’re sending any audio currently
LunarJade: use the silence to think about… chilling points I guess?
jessieimproved: just wanted to make sure all my myriad sound options were in place
GapFiller: no secret podcasts then either eh
LunarJade: I don’t have control of these mics..
dumbo3k: Sooooound!
CaptainSpam: There's the music.
LunarJade: should be music now
mtvcdm: Yep
RockPusher: Heather controls the horizontal *and* the vertical
TehAmelie: the AV club is fully assembled and operational
GapFiller: RockPusher but Paul controls the tech apparently
dumbo3k: @RockPusher but not the Microphonetal
GapFiller: which it figures means Paul is perhaps more omnipotent than Heather
GapFiller: on this one topic at least
CaptainSpam: Heather controls the horizontal. Paul controls the vertical. Beej controls the diagonal.
LunarJade: I think there’s no mics set to this scene…
TehAmelie: but who controls the orthogonal?
LunarJade: so hard to secret podcast if you can see our faces
dumbo3k: @LunarJade don't worry, we promise to close our eyes
LunarJade: lol
GapFiller: just closing yr eyes and letting the audio carry you away IS the romantic ideal
TheAwkes: TFW BGC coming on reminds you that you left a window open to Twitch on a monitor that's been turned off for a couple hours.
RockPusher prepares himself with popcorn
GapFiller: nalvNom !?
CaptainSpam prepares himself before preparing others
Geldaran subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 91 months, currently on a 69 month streak!
Geldaran: Niiice!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Geldaran! (Today's storm count: 12)
RockPusher: foxmarPOP
saiarcot895: but what about pointing
mtvcdm: I've had enough thrillin' thanks
GapFiller: good ebening lrrPAUL P lrrBEEEJ B lrrHEATHER H lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
TheAinMAP: Hello.
TehAmelie: hello!
TheAinMAP: jlrrFall
kingandcommoner: That box was left....unchecked
mtvcdm: "Circumstances"
GapFiller: aiui Kathleen was unwell(?)
GapFiller: and Graham had to look after her
Juliamon: Kathleen being in hospital is an issue, yeah
RockPusher: Hopefully Kathleen is feeling a little better
GapFiller: Juliamon lrrSPOOP YIKES didnt realise she had been in hospital
GapFiller: that IS bad
mtvcdm: Well, out of hospital, being looked at by the nurse (who is a cat)
Juliamon: check her bsky for more updates
GapFiller: lrrDARK lrrDARK lrrDARK
Juliamon: !bsky
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Bluesky! You can follow the LRR account here: Or find all the crew accounts here:
kingandcommoner: But if everything is mad the points really matter?
Cptasparagus: god laughs?
RockPusher: mtvcdm I don't think Baxter would stay in a set of scrubs very long :D
GapFiller: Have You Played Atari Today?
Cptasparagus: is that train pizza?
EvilBadman: Beej is pragmatic eating the leftovers
RockPusher: Atari the true final boss of the video game industry :D
CaptainSpam: They USED to be Gaijin Games.
GapFiller: oooh Breakout endless runner
Cptasparagus: the gravity in the TV made it so it had to be vertical
RockPusher: Endless breakout-er
GapFiller: like the Pacman 256 endless runner where yr get chased by the kill screen
TheAwkes: Arkanoid was better #RetroGameHipster
TehAmelie: those old CRTs are so heavy they have gravitational singularities in them
CaptainSpam: Reminds me of the endless mode of Shatter, an old Breakout-like from the early-ish days of the indie gaming renaissance.
jessieimproved: Tetris Effect in VR is really cool
Akaiatana: If you get all the tetris games straight in your head, they disappear
DoodlestheGreat: The gift that keeps on giving.
GapFiller: jlrrFacepalm ohhh Tommy Tellarico
CaptainSpam: Apparently they still insist the Amico is coming.
CaptainSpam: Somehow.
SocraticMethod: !venga
LRRbot: Turn down for BUS!
Akaiatana: It's an incestuous orobouros
NotCainNorAbel: retroception?
EvilBadman: Retire? In the economy?
Flyingdelorion: Is it not hip to be square anymore?
SocraticMethod: @Flyingdelorion It's square to be hip now I'm afraid
Akaiatana: Are the original games going to be retroactively called 'break up' after this?
Flyingdelorion: @SocraticMethod Lol
kusinohki: meows
kusinohki: thought there was no chill point this week. did I miss-read and it was no checkpoint??
Akaiatana: Correct
RockPusher: kusinohki no checkpoint, chillpoint as usual [currently in progress]
Mai_Andra: Loved Arkanoid. wish there were a good modern remake... (the PS port is frustrating and disappointing...)
TheAwkes: Shatter: but not the crystalized THC kind.
BusTed: Mortal Pongbat was my breakout of choice
lirazel64: It me.
RockPusher: Thinking about puck-based games and now I'm thinking about Shufflepuck Café
SocraticMethod: Anyone remembers DX-Ball 2? Menace of the computer labs classes
mtvcdm: Well, I got here a piball machine that introduced multiball in 1956, called 'Balls-a-Poppin'
Mai_Andra: MacOS? I'm pretty sure my Apple ][gs didn't have that.
GapFiller: Vegas Rules 4 Lyf!
TehAmelie: i hope there's someone called Mark who's made an off brand Markanoid game
NotCainNorAbel: like strip solitaire?
Mai_Andra: why settle for DOS when you can have ProDOS.
Darleysam: what if I've not played One to Threebidden Solitaire?
kusinohki: forbidden solitaire is what I call playing forbidden island by myself...
RockPusher: Or, Beej does know about forbidden solitaire but isn't aloud to let anyone know he has this knowledge
kingandcommoner: forbidden solitaire is when you're dad uses the only desktop for work so you're not allowed on it to play solitaire
BusTed: Oh neat, same dev as Home Safety Hotline?
RatherLargeToad: The solitaire is also cursed
niccus: this is somehow only the second recent solitaire with FMV
SocraticMethod: We are only getting room mic audio FWIW
kingandcommoner: very stupid, but somehow very tempting
RockPusher: For that video the room mic audio is probably better
EvilBadman: So is this gonna be ITYC or Talking Sim Kappa
jessieimproved: idk i'd try it
RockPusher: it fits with the style
terribleplan: a m b i a n c e
Orannis0: Honestly, I HAVE been wanting a Solitaire game to play that isn't Windows 10's ad-riddled Klondike
CaptainSpam: Okay, that looks like a charming piece of delicious, delicious cheese.
GapFiller: if anything for a 90s CDROMFMVtastic retro game less quality is surely better
RockPusher: The Zactronics solitaire are solid
SocraticMethod: @CaptainSpam StinkyCheese my jam
Cptasparagus: yeah thats Balatro
RatherLargeToad: lrrHERE
RockPusher: I haven't played the standalone but the ones as embedded games are fun
mtvcdm: Balatro but the jokers aren't your friend
SocraticMethod: Inlatro? Balscryption?
mtvcdm: Golf Peaks?
Rob_Racoon: Fairway Solitaire!
CaptainSpam: Though, I gotta be honest, I LIKE the fact that Balatro doesn't try to have deep, grim lore behind it.
Juliamon: I've played... so many solitaire variants now
GapFiller: Vanilla Solitaire tended to play third fiddle to Spider Solitaire and Freecell personally
RockPusher: KPatience on KDE has a good number of variants
Akaiatana: Would solitaire come on the ipod shuffle?
Mai_Andra: We had a collection of about a dozen solitaire variants on the Apple 2e when we were kids. Good times.
Juliamon: 250+ Solitaire on Android is great and has my preferred monetization method of "pay once to remove ads forever"
LordZarano: @RockPusher 14 in fact
GapFiller: lrrLUL thats fantastic commitment
RockPusher: LordZarano indeed
GapFiller: what yr saying Paul is theyre like those Mario Maker lvls
GapFiller: complete w/ copletion bounties presumably
mtvcdm: My mom did Tetris, my dad did Duck Hunt
Juliamon: My mom was the Dr. Mario gamer, my dad was Tetris
SocraticMethod: IT's out for advanced access
kusinohki: don't think my parents have ever once touched a video game...
terribleplan: All the content creators in that space have been dropping stuff for what feels like a week or more.
SocraticMethod: main release date is 11th
Juliamon: mom actually wore out a GBC from playing
Juliamon: I appreciate that they're working to improve representation instead of just saying "look you got your rep, what more do you want" like a lot of companies would
DoodlestheGreat: I wonder if Cam's heard of any of this.
Juliamon: Written is what gets preserved, but isn't necessarily the same as spoken
Julian_Rogue: what's going on in the CLRRb
SocraticMethod: Little bit of good news about Civ VII
Juliamon: as a treat
GapFiller: DoodlestheGreat arent the Cree a totally dfft people
RockPusher: A proper paper book isn't going to do an update on you and spontaneously stop working lunarj1Heart
kusinohki: papa laptop, mama laptop, and baby laptop...
DoodlestheGreat: @GapFiller Oh, absolutely, but he may still be interested that the effort is being made.
CaptainSpam: Shame that Civ VII doesn't seem to be being received well, from what I've heard...
dumbo3k: Like the rendering of Notredame that they offered up after the fire
Juliamon: yeah, the Cree rep in past Civ is why they're trying better now, iirc it wasn't great
sokorobuckner2002: Heyo!
Bruceski: @CaptainSpam It's the Civ cycle. Comes out feeling threadbare, a couple of expansions later it's the best Civ ever, an expansion after that it's bloated ald clumsy, then a new game comes out.
sokorobuckner2002: Happy Friday.
RockPusher: CaptainSpam while it sounds like there is some valid criticism, it's also true the the Civs usually take a couple expansions to become fully baked
mtvcdm: @CaptainSpam Happens with most Civ games, you're going from full-feature old version to base-version new one. Going from full feature back to base is gona hurt for a while.
DoodlestheGreat: Civ games tend to be the kind where they get continual modifications and patches.
SocraticMethod: @Bruceski 7 seems to be even more underbaked than usual, might be something to skip like 3
GapFiller: wellsaid
SocraticMethod: Like 4 to 6 did have good foundation, 7 less so. Especially because they released with an era missing
RockPusher: Yes, known underdog, Microsoft
Mai_Andra: recent AssCreed games haven't really been set in periods with a lot of iconic architecture. Maybe they'll get back to it someday...
GapFiller: also it turns out Sega was a colossal shitshow throughout the 90s
CaptainSpam: Sega in the 90s... hoo boy.
GapFiller: benefit of hindsight the miracle is that Sega lasted that long given how they were run
GapFiller: say what yr will abt Microsoft they at least have their shit together more than THAT
minotauro_war: <message deleted>Zeke Yeager...bye...
SocraticMethod: @Mai_Andra It should include historical castles around Osaka region, so probably will. Not sure if western audience will recognize it unprompted, though
KBKarma: o/
GapFiller: nalvThink otoh no company in the intervening 25 odd years has had a mascot on the calibre of Segata Sanshiro
CaptainSpam: Sega of Japan flailing in their home market, then actively sabotaging Sega of America when it turned out they understood their market better than SoJ understood theirs...
KBKarma: @CaptainSpam Wait what? Ooo, do tell!
Orannis0: Microsoft needs to can Xbox for good and start selling cheap pre-built gaming PCs instead.
KBKarma: FAB, Virgil!
GapFiller: maybe the trick Sega missed was focusing on Sonic instead of the guy who beat people up for doing anything other than playing Sega Saturn
SocraticMethod: @CaptainSpam Interestingly, Sony seems to be doing the same path inverted
terribleplan: I mean, why is valve making a "console"? PCs are still more complex in many ways compared to something purpose-built.
terribleplan: (Software-wise)
Mai_Andra: I remember going to a preview event for Xbox because I worked at Circuit City at the time.
RockPusher: Which is why the OG XBox made an excellent media player :D
CaptainSpam: @KBKarma As I always heard it, the short story is the Mega Drive was third place in a one-horse race in Japan, but Sega of America played to US devs better, so when Nintendo came to US shores expecting to steamroll, they found the Genesis waiting with chains and baseball bats. Metaphorically.
GapFiller: SocraticMethod early PS3 era Sony (per those classic PA strips) feels relevant here somehow
Mai_Andra: "Custom Soundtrack" is still the greatest feature that was never repeated.
NoxStryx: Pretty sure valves also trying to push the PC gaming away from targeting windows because microsoft is a competing storefront.
KaleidoscopeMind subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 39 months!
KaleidoscopeMind: 3 batches of cookies
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, KaleidoscopeMind! (Today's storm count: 13)
accountmadeforants: @NoxStryx Yup, that was their motivations for the original Steam Machines back during the Windows 8 days :D
Mai_Andra: "drifting" xivGoob
RockPusher: Did Nintendo try to patent a mouse…
SocraticMethod: Wasn't mouse mode part of switch 2 leaks?
GapFiller: welp time to break out the red sting and cork board
KBKarma: @CaptainSpam Ah. Oh daer.
LordZarano: You can literally see the optical sensors in the teaser video
accountmadeforants: I wonder if Lenovo will have anything to say about this, given they already did the same thing (albeit in a worse way, by putting the sensor on the bottom edge of the controller...)
accountmadeforants: Hehe, rail
KBKarma: Rail against the dying of the light.
GapFiller: accountmadeforants yes exactly
CaptainSpam: @KBKarma This, in turn, was what saved Sega's bacon in the 16-bit days, but Sega of Japan were NOT happy that of America was functionally calling the shots. Among other things, this is what led to the US-led 32X being upstaged by the Japan-led Saturn.
GapFiller: the power of steam ect ect
SocraticMethod: !findquote rail
LRRbot: Quote #6135: "You can break the railings...with your face." —Cori [2019-06-19]
Juliamon: ah, the Witherbloom incident
RatherLargeToad: Head cannon is not cannon
NoxStryx: @accountmadeforants I think the SteamDeck has done it better though. See quite a bit of new games trying to be Deck Verified
RatherLargeToad: and then their stock price drops after the announcement because of “missing” features
Mai_Andra: reminds me that No Man's Sky launched as exactly the game I expected it to be from the advertising.
Darleysam: resurrecting the Phantom's Lapboard
KBKarma: I'ma bouncey bounce. Have a good evening.
accountmadeforants: @NoxStryx Oh, absolutely, during the Steam Machine days, Valve vastly overestimated the leverage they could get by buying in bulk, and vastly underestimated the ability for prebuilt machine manufacturers to not shoot themselves in the foot.
accountmadeforants: *to shoot themselves in the foot
RockPusher: NoxStryx Valve have been hedging their bets with respect to Windows ever since MS made extremely ill-advised overtures to forcing all software through the MS app store way back when they originally started the app store
accountmadeforants: Might allow for DS emulation, as well
accountmadeforants: Since that'll allow it to be played on the couch
NoxStryx: I need some one in the open source hardware community to come out with a controller spec that is free to everyone that doesn't label the buttons with letters.
NoxStryx: So i can stop getting mixed up between A on nintendo and A on xbox
CaptainSpam: @NoxStryx ...but that aren't Sony's not-letters?
EvilBadman: a HORI branded flat surface for couch use
UWDJohn subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 73 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, UWDJohn! (Today's storm count: 14)
terribleplan: The Kinect argument
MolaMolaphant: @NoxStryx don't even get me started on X...
accountmadeforants: @NoxStryx DInput is already there and already better than just about everything else for anything but fancy haptics. But the reason the labelled buttons thing won, is because it lets devs show those labelled buttons in their games for tutorial/UI purposes.
EvilBadman: x is on the x axis and I'll die on that hill
EvilBadman: (xbox/dreamcast style)
NoxStryx: @captainspam i like the Sony ones but they are tied to sony.
RockPusher: Mouse plus a controller for your WASD+modifiers… Switch could clean up as an FPS console
NoxStryx: Can everyone just start labeling the buttons with card suits?
SocraticMethod: @EvilBadman Is X horizontal or vertical? Trick question, it's forward
drawnbinary: So like the wiimote and the nunchuck
Gadora: Switch 3 when?
RockPusher: Nice are more precise
RockPusher: *Mice
NoxStryx: ♠️♣️♥️♦️
GapFiller: drawnbinary yeh my first thought was didnt the Wii kinda nod at this already
AFamiliarCalledEl: zandraMouse Mice are also Nice
accountmadeforants: Mice allow for immediate translation
SocraticMethod: I've heard that motion controls are better than both in vertical aiming. Snappier than mice and more precise than controller
GapFiller: time does tend to flow quickly when it moves linearly
Juliamon: *HEAVY SIGH*
GapFiller: jlrrFacepalm
MolaMolaphant: the available muscle memory for knowing how your mouse moves at the sensitivity is, I think, more effective than how long to hold the joysticks. human perception of length of time is worse than movement
Invitare: Veilguard was actually quite good
GapFiller: how many live service games got canned this week again
accountmadeforants: @SocraticMethod I can see that, wouldn't be good for your wrists, though.
SocraticMethod: I didn't _sell_ 1.5M, it had 1.5M players
GapFiller: cz it was enough to lose count personally
Invitare: electric boogaloo
Darleysam: Kingdom Come: Tokyo Drift
EvilBadman: 2King2Come: Deliverance
Darleysam: not fantasy, I believe
Metric_Furlong: Medieval Medieval
EvilBadman: the big selling point is it is NOT fantasy
Marvoleath: It's more historical medival
Amentur: Proper normal medieval. None fantasy
SocraticMethod: Veilguard has dragons
LilyOfTheVeil666: The Kingdom Come devs are mega fashy tho
TheAwkes: No dragons. Lots of being murdered in the mud and undergrowth.
EvilBadman: "historical" except y'know not acknowledging people of color or sexual expression
SocraticMethod: First quarter
EvilBadman: Vielguard was halloween
BimBamBerry: @TheAwkes No, fighting is oftentimes even discouraged
Invitare: nah that's not true
Invitare: I mean, it's true that that's what they're saying
Marvoleath: @EvilBadman tbf there weren't many ppl of color in that area at the time, and sexuality was oppressed by christianity
Invitare: but it's not accurate
LilyOfTheVeil666: And then you have the "go woke go broke" chuds
TheAwkes: @BimBamBerry I'm speaking as someone who played the first one. It's not everything, but it happens plenty.
EvilBadman: @Marvoleath Yeah I don't need to devil's advocating this
EvilBadman: to=you
Juliamon: yes, please do not devil's advocate for fascists
accountmadeforants: @LilyOfTheVeil666 Yeah, not sure I'd want to support someone who decides to wear this shirt (, then goes on crying about how he's being "dragged into a culture war".
Marvoleath: @EvilBadman And I'm not, just stating a fact as someone who grew up in that area. I do not know anything about the devs and haven't played the game itself though.
niccus: kcd 2's position is more complicated since kcd 1's hardcore defenders really dislike that it does have racial representation and same-sex relationships now and yet is even more popular, but it's not like the devs have gotten that much better
GapFiller: accountmadeforants jlrrFacepalm imagine having zero problem going out in public wearing that shirt
EvilBadman: TakeTwo's swearing GTA6 will come out this fall
r10pez10: imagine going out in public
GapFiller: EvilBadman TakeTwo: GTA6 is FUCKING coming out this fall!
RockPusher: *sings shanty* *stabby* *sings shanty*
accountmadeforants: Oh, somewhat gaming news (as in literally gaming news). Football Manager 2025 was cancelled and refunded, since they figured they wouldn't actually be able to release it on time.
EvilBadman: ^
GapFiller: accountmadeforants the perils of hanging out in a football forum is THAT being the big gaming news story of the week
r10pez10: i guess it is already 2025
Mai_Andra: um, actually... spoilers... that did happen once, though it wasn't a player choice
RatherLargeToad: Hardest level in the game
GapFiller: eyyy RSI!
RatherLargeToad: try using the Mushroom badge. for some reason it’s easier to wall jump when big
accountmadeforants: @GapFiller I mean, it is sort of a big gaming news story anyway. In that it's a sports game with a year attached that's actually willing to spend more time on the game, rather than just put out the yearly slop.
couchboyj: In Dishonored, you don't have to kill bosses, but most get a fate worse than death if you do
accountmadeforants: (But as I understand it, Football Manager was pretty hardcore as far as sports games go.)
mtvcdm: Yeah, FM is spreadsheet hell
EvilBadman: @accountmadeforants Yeah, we're also talking proper footy, not madden.
accountmadeforants: @EvilBadman I was thinking more along the lines of FIFA (or whatever EA is calling it now)
accountmadeforants: (For yearly slop)
GapFiller: accountmadeforants yeh it figures the lack of coverage in the present assembled is more abt from lack of interest (which is a reflection of the present companys bias)
mtvcdm: They were looking to do a full rework of the game's backend and couldn't get the rework done in time, so they're taking the year off now to do it properly. Like with the WWE franchise.
yawn9296 subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, yawn9296! (Today's storm count: 15)
accountmadeforants: Game too good
mtvcdm: Which... annual releases don't always vogue with market expectations of big-money sports titles anymore, but sports keeps happening.
RockPusher: Just one more run…
KeytarCat: Which game is Beej talking about?
EvilBadman: dead cells
KeytarCat: tyty
GapFiller: thought occurs Beej was one of the few people who DIDNT play Dead Cells onstream back in it was first making waves years ago
GapFiller: to my memory maybe he did
EvilBadman: I only remember Adam jamming out dead cells
GapFiller: yeh Adam (and maaaybe Alex?) was big on Dead Cells at the time
BusTed: Rock & stone!
dumbo3k: Rock & Stone!!!
LordZarano: That's what the steamdeck is for, now
GapFiller: nalvLUL like to think on that note Paul sometimes has games he just doesnt wanna play on any of his 5 PS5's
accountmadeforants: Symphony of the Night is on Android, though
Invitare: in the magic forest
Invitare: you saved lives, but lost a map
accountmadeforants: And it was on Xbox 360, perhaps more relevant
GapFiller: maps clearly more imprtant than people there
EvilBadman: SOTN was on xbox live acade, so whatever's keeping it off the switch is super-duper weird
GapFiller: EvilBadman maybe its Nintendo then
Cptasparagus: "RPGs which people initially hate and then don't mind that much 5 years later"
EvilBadman: @GapFiller either that or the Xbox agreement was an outlier
accountmadeforants: @GapFiller Maybe Konami's still trying to find a way to charge 60 dollars for it
accountmadeforants: Or add microtransactions
EvilBadman: the hidden exit badge on that level is minimal help too
Cptasparagus: Luigi gets to have a great time in Brothership
accountmadeforants: Nintendo gives their toughest levels to their strongest Marios
Juliamon: A deep inferiority complex
EvilBadman: This is what radicalized Luigi lrrLUL
Brozard: He lets out that stress with the red shells
GapFiller: this all really makes Mario sound like bad family for not back up his bro
Juliamon: Mario's not bad family, he just has his own life
mtvcdm: Mario's always off gallivanting with royalty and is never around for his brother.
BusTed: NotLikeThis
BimBamBerry: German :)
GapFiller: mtvcdm right!? Mario is too busy moving and shaking to prop up his brother when hes going thru crises after crises
CaptainSpam: Not just French! French *Canadian*!
Flyingdelorion: instant gratification always better imo
LilyOfTheVeil666: Tabarnak, Mario!
EvilBadman: Mario Odyssey not having "lives" was eye-opening in the "why is this still a thing"
BimBamBerry: It is a wonderful mechanic, yes
CaptainSpam: Man, Wonder was a LOT of fun right at launch when there were a bunch of ghost players who were all trying to figure this out, too.
GapFiller: "and then several hrs happend" ohhh yeh thats just the worst innit
Flyingdelorion: I only do the dayly climb everyday for my Slay the Spire fix
Flyingdelorion: daily*
GapFiller: dae remember hearing Ode To Joy in Peggle back in the day
GapFiller: that was particularly terrible for that shit
CaptainSpam: Peggle just somehow nailed the EXACT timing and impact for Ode To Joy to really set off joy centers of your brain.
CaptainSpam: The drumroll, the slowdown, the whole bit just WORKED.
cmdrud87: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Friday Night Paper Fight (The LRR crew plays Magic the Gathering! This week we draft Aetherdrift! Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Fri 05:00 PM PST (1:28 from now).
mowdownjoe: The sequel was probably due to wanting to move it to a new engine. (Unity, at first, before that debacle.)
definenull: The "Aww" is extremely funny too
BimBamBerry: That is one of the best implementations of music ever
AutumnRayne92 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 60 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AutumnRayne92! (Today's storm count: 16)
definenull: And no other PvZ sequel or spinoff was made ever.
accountmadeforants: Beej discovers the joy of big roguelikes
CaptainSpam: Reminds me of Gungeon, too.
GapFiller: PvZ def a one game series yes
accountmadeforants: Apparently the third person shooter PvZ was quite good
accountmadeforants: Which is probably the most surprising part of that whole tragedy
definenull: "you can do THAT?" PrideLaugh
accountmadeforants: Zelda adding a different noise for bombable walls when you poke them with your sword was a big QoL improvement, in that sense PrideLaugh
definenull: i love the korok buddies but I keep getting distracted
TheAinMAP: escher3CRIMES
accountmadeforants: The Koroks are always a test to my ability to come up with the most convoluted way to get them where they want to be
EvilBadman: Those dudes are totally still isolated from each other with a leaf icon on the map (as I mentioned at db23). Welp.
definenull: narrator voice: she did not come back
GapFiller: lrrLUL
CaptainSpam: Nintendo knew EXACTLY what they were doing with the Koroks. lrrLUL
accountmadeforants: The Korok Space Program is not failing for lack of test pilots
definenull: from the many times i just drop the rock back on top of them, they def are indestructible
RockPusher: Talking about video games of ChillPoint… I dunno about that
Snowcookies: ty for the stream
GapFiller: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
GapFiller: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
Flyingdelorion: Thank you for chilling the points!
TheAinMAP: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Friday Night Paper Fight (The LRR crew plays Magic the Gathering! This week we draft Aetherdrift! Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Fri 05:00 PM PST (1:18 from now).
definenull: cards? on motorcycles?!?
CaptainSpam: Card games, about motorcycles, on motorcycles.
saiarcot895: ethereal draft
Snowcookies: aetherdraft
gualdhar: we can play card games on side cars
definenull: except for the space un-set
CaptainSpam: When do we get an Un-set version of this where it's straight-up Wacky Races?
Rob_Racoon: it does on the Un plane, right?
Marvoleath: @GapFiller Yea, she is doing the Akira slide
gualdhar: !card cardpecker
LRRbot: Cardpecker [1W] | Creature — Bird [1½/1] | Flying / Gotcha — If an opponent touches the table with their hand, you may say "Gotcha!" When you do, return Cardpecker from your graveyard to your hand.
Mai_Andra: "Wah! Nintendo is real!"
GapFiller: nalvLUL
TheAwkes: Jace is a cube drafter, Bolas is a pubstomper. Discuss.
RealGamerCow: averatge yugioh fans were like -10 when Akira came out'
kusinohki: watched a youtube compilation of "akira motorcycle slide reference" - it was like 40 min long
EvilBadman: Hell, that shots been done with horses too
niccus: descended from a game based on a card game
RockPusher: Is This Your Card? is a question, sometimes the answer is no :P
FarleyF: There is a new Necrodancer Rhythm game
GapFiller: oooh Macross
BusTed: vibes based gaming only
Mai_Andra: xivCactuar !!!
FarleyF: benginChaos benginChaos benginChaos
kusinohki: praise snecko!
RockPusher: Kawaii Muffin-chan!!!
GapFiller: #BlameJames lrrBEEJ
Juliamon: Gundam is about child soldiers, Macross is about idol singers
Mai_Andra: ♫ it's not the one you thi~nk ♪
Joecool190: hell yeah
RealGamerCow: was the person who wrote that writeup named Ian Horner?
KeytarCat: @Juliamon sooo... Child soldiers
GapFiller: Juliamon trying to remember if somebody has done the jlrrBaby combining those two
EvilBadman: making up for all the missed streams ;)
GapFiller: cz surely somebody has had child soldier idol singers
kusinohki: there was an aerosmith shooting game "where music is the weapon"
accountmadeforants: Currently playing Rift of the Necrodancer, it rules
EvilBadman: Revolution X @kusinohki the guns shot CDs
Juliamon: KeytarCat The singers aren't ALWAYS children
RockPusher: lrrALEX voxlunGeiger escher3SAFETY
FarleyF: Hell Yeah Wheeler has played this a lot on his channel
RealGamerCow: oh Whee;ers streams of this are good
accountmadeforants: It is not creepy, it's pure comedy
FarleyF: it's a more awesome 3d Among us
CaptainSpam: A murder occurs.
accountmadeforants: Wheeler's been playing it with Crim and several others
CaptainSpam: 1000 ohm resistor.
definenull: oof
definenull: lrrWOW
RockPusher: benginFingers RPGFireball RPGFireball foxmarFIRE
GapFiller: sick burn Heather
GapFiller: thanks for streaming lrrPAUL lrrBEEEJ lrrHEATHER lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
BimBamBerry: gn all!
definenull: thank you for the stream lrrSHINE
RockPusher: lrrSHINE lunarj1Heart lrrSHINE lunarj1Heart
Snowcookies: bye
RockPusher: time to make some lunch before funpuff
Juliamon: oh, this is not the offline screen
RockPusher: a little oopsie on the way out
TheAwkes: Just early for FNPF is all. Nothing to see here.
LordZarano: Sharkfists is live with ZERO Sievert, if y'all want something to do