lirazel64: Hey hey... remembered that Twitch doesn't notify me about FNPF if I've watched Chillpoint, huzzah.
RockPusher: !quote angel
LRRbot: Quote #7940: "Any size hole is fine." —Angel [2022-01-17]
Dog_of_Myth: !findquote drift
LRRbot: Quote #5484: "Is that for when the Sun drifts?" —Alex, on timezones [2018-11-07]
thraximore: umbraWut
ihlendrax: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: the rund
RockPusher: lrrDOTS lrrSIG lrrARROW
DeM0nFiRe: lrrSIG
GasCityGaming: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Dog_of_Myth: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
adambomb625: !advice
Melfina__ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 76 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Melfina__! (Today's storm count: 17)
CrazyWatermeloon subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 58 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, CrazyWatermeloon! (Today's storm count: 18)
lamina5432: evening
lirazel64: lrrBartleby lrrGibb
Jundinator: Hai Lrr chat
TrueNateNemesis subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 29 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TrueNateNemesis! (Today's storm count: 19)
couchboyj subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 32 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, couchboyj! (Today's storm count: 20)
DideRobot: LRR: Friday Night Paper Fight! Tonight it's a 6 player Aetherdrift Draft! (has image) |
Jundinator: Reporting from Prerelease. I opened a chrome mox in my pool. I'm not playing it
Jundinator: !advice
Officinalis: Is this an....Aetherdraft?
cmdrud87: Good evening
Jundinator: !badadvice
Jundinator: !quote 6969
Decaped subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 108 months!
Decaped: Prepare for Operation FUNKYBOY
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Decaped! (Today's storm count: 21)
Dog_of_Myth: !advice
LRRbot: Go get Adam.
KaleidoscopeMind: Fun Puff!
Jundinator: !advice
adambomb625: Shouldn't that advice be in the bad advice command?
Dog_of_Myth: @Decaped I understood that reference
RockPusher: !quote angel
LRRbot: Quote #8115: "This is a perfectly normal stream with perfectly normal guests and conversations." —Angel [2022-06-20]
Juliamon: adambomb625 Things can be in both
Juliamon: it's !advice, not !goodadvice
adambomb625: fair
definenull: A pack 3 pivot is also known as multi lane drafting Kappa
Officinalis: Funkyboy vs each individual eldrazi titan? Fair fight?
RockPusher: Racers to the start line!
AdamLavadan: Woooohooooo!!!!!!
lirazel64: Gentlebeings, Start Your Engines!
hd_dabnado: ow
AdamLavadan: lrrJUDGECALL
Jundinator: Draft time
LiamK712: yes cam
definenull: Angel! What a surprise!
AugmentingPath: othor droft
RockPusher: unarmeGameplay unarmeGameplay unarmeGameplay
micalovits: Nailed it!
raulghoulia: got there
Juliamon: Jundinator Less caps please
RockPusher: unarmeTried
Jundinator: Sowwy
GasCityGaming: Celery!?
InfiniTokens subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 53 months, currently on a 14 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, InfiniTokens! (Today's storm count: 22)
GasCityGaming: :P
AdamLavadan: SERGE!! I didn't think he was back from vaca
letsbelgo: aw, not an 8 player draft
Bugberry: goods and services
sirspate: yes and
micalovits: #WorthIt
Cptasparagus: train pizza
YeetTheRich_: brutal
Dog_of_Myth: lrrLUL
Jundinator: People be sick right now unfortunately
ekplayscards: Serge, I was just at the Costco. Why weren't you there SMH
CaptainSpam: Ah, an Aetherdraft drift.
RockPusher: Internet‽ That sounds like a liability rather than a benefit. :P
Decaped: Angel and Wheeler giving good disapproving parent energy.
Mai_Andra: a nonzero chance of funny
Dog_of_Myth: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
RockPusher: Ben, plz
ekplayscards: you wouldn't download a sleeve
RockPusher: Beej worked so hard
YeetTheRich_: no phone photo would be a great bit
CaptainSpam: He's heeeeeeeere!
KaleidoscopeMind: and then pay the money you would save with the discount code directly to michelle
lirazel64: I can't believe we need Beeejerventio
RockPusher: gabyLul
micalovits: As a European I sorta wish they where on the dragon shield store xD Shipping reasons
CaptainSpam: That is... not how math works. :D
Dog_of_Myth: lrrLUL lrrLUL
RockPusher: Angel should be allowed nice things!
narset6691 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 77 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, narset6691! (Today's storm count: 23)
TheWooglie: LUL
DeM0nFiRe: lrrHEART
sirspate: Wheeler's playing what sleeves up my
RockPusher: lrrDARK lrrDARK lrrDARK
definenull: Hope everyone is doing as well as they can lrrSHINE
Manitu_25: just got second place with boros in my prerelease, my takeaway: BEWARE of LOOT
Mr_Bitterness: Good wishes to Kathleen and James!
Decaped: Noted: Serge is going to pivot TWICE
gualdhar: how many cups of coffee has Serge had today?
lordofkatz: Ooo just in time
Dromos_GHG: Serge is mostly coffee
micalovits: And on 100+ cups of coffee probably
Dog_of_Myth: @gualdhar Yes
DrLigmaPhD: Serge I feel you bro
mistycloud21 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 14 months, currently on a 2 month streak!
mistycloud21: woo! paper fight!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, mistycloud21! (Today's storm count: 24)
raulghoulia: no last name given
KingOfLimbs: food poisoning, pneumonia, jet lag, you name it, LRR's got it
jessieimproved: This is going to be a punchy evening
PipeSmokingOwl: bit sick here in NJ too lol
AugmentingPath: Ben Single-U, for short
hd_dabnado: called out!
KaleidoscopeMind: angel angel, obv
Decaped: Funky Boy Lands
micalovits: The what now?
nevyn666: oh they look even uglier
BusTed: drawfePee
definenull: Please don't use the term piss border again
ekplayscards: the world championship decks did it better
RockPusher: I see there is excess piss from The Long Game
definenull: (\j)
Marvoleath: !piss
Mai_Andra: it's come up so much this week specifically
YeetTheRich_: hee hee ha ha poo poo pee pee
AugmentingPath: You have 60 seconds to make a pick
Juliamon: RockPusher It spilled into OOFC already
micalovits: Eat them
KingOfLimbs: pisslands pisslands pisslands
Dog_of_Myth: !findquote piss
LRRbot: Quote #8944: "How much piss does one man need?" —Nelson [2024-03-15]
DrLigmaPhD: At last, lands for my watersports deck
Decaped: So what's good this format anyway? I'm sure someone here has done like 40 drafts
RockPusher: Juliamon gabyFacepalm
KingOfLimbs: @Decaped draft bombs, don't draft not-bombs
micalovits: Good ol' Bread
Kazman20a: we need to convince Cam to open all his packs like he did on the Crack-a-PaCK
Dog_of_Myth: Three colors as a treat
definenull: From my prerelease, frog mom and the gearhulks are all not okay
ShaneLeeAtk: Faces are your oysters
fjordsword subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 49 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, fjordsword! (Today's storm count: 25)
DrLigmaPhD: The globe is your bivalve
sirspate: Did wizards do anything clever with drafting/racing puns?
itsj0mi: FutureMan
KingOfLimbs: if there's one thing I've learned, it's that after first picking a gold card you should 100% commit to that colour pairing, no takebacks
Bugberry: @sirspate Cycling being in the set is kind of a pun.
Ohpea: yo shivim on the crack a pack is the best!!
micalovits: We also thought that 3 picks ago <3
KingOfLimbs: this stream has big "parents aren't home" energy
DoodlestheGreat: Gonna be THAT kinda night. :tf:
Dog_of_Myth: !adult
LRRbot: Sorry, Beej is unavailable.
Mr_Bitterness: @KingOfLimbs The parents are all sick
Asoxa subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 88 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Asoxa! (Today's storm count: 26)
DoodlestheGreat: Nope, didn't hear it.
KeytarCat: But Beej is the only one available!
definenull: That's called finding a lane
micalovits: You can pivot from 2 drops into 3 drops
DrLigmaPhD: P1P1: Pivoting
PipeSmokingOwl: LOL
JinaMahavira: gambling on food
Nyxjbm: If you're not pivoting, are you even drafting
TheAwkes: Who's Pivot?
KingOfLimbs: Pivot the Civet
Ohpea: pivot Pilot
Manitu_25: is radiant lotus draft playable or too high CMC?
gualdhar: wait, who was incapacitated and put these lovable chaos gremlins in charge?
BronzePanda: hello im the greasiest
Bugberry: !card radiant lotus
LRRbot: Radiant Lotus [6] | Artifact | {T}, Sacrifice one or more artifacts: Choose a color. Target player adds three mana of the chosen color for each artifact sacrificed this way.
definenull: Yeah the lotus pays for the draft
Bugberry: 6 mana to make even more mana
BronzePanda: I want one in Osgir
Cptasparagus: !card Cameron Launcher
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
kynelwynn: Yuriok
definenull: Headphone warning
Bugberry: drafting in an avalanche
Marvoleath: the "we really ddnt want to make another KCI but wanted to make another KCI" lotus
HadesLeprechaun: drop it in your food or clue deck, then you have a turn where you make 48 mana
fcloud: can we get more of the rustly plastic pls
RockPusher: Cards‽ Sounds OP
fcloud: just wrap that bad boy around the mic and rub
Chichen: coquiOmegalul
ViperousPlanet subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 72 months, currently on a 36 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ViperousPlanet! (Today's storm count: 27)
BronzePanda: Gimme Serge
Chichen: hey, it's that dog
kynelwynn: @hadesleprechaun need a way to untap it, but yeah
HadesLeprechaun: @kynelwynn no, you can sac one or more, and add 3 per
Bugberry: edgy
gualdhar: Wheeler, I heard that
Juliamon: I've had gnawed-edge packs before, probably one unlucky sheet got misaligned on the cutter
Manitu_25: equip 4 tho
PipeSmokingOwl: nothing can be worse than the Folding of the Rings foils
Chichen: coquiOmegalul
Juliamon: lrrLUL
hd_dabnado: oop
micalovits: å7
Daggerpeak: lrrFINE
micalovits: o7
hd_dabnado: sorry too busy gaming
Chichen: you were so excited... we didnt wanna disappoint you
itsj0mi: sorry Kappa
fcloud: that sentence was a whole journey
DoodlestheGreat: OOPSIE
definenull: Hey that slime is doing its best
Chichen: im going to prerelease in an hour
PipeSmokingOwl: got sick in prerelease week :(
GasCityGaming: have to work late tonight and missed mine :(
RockPusher: Wheeler can have a 5-drop, as a treat
PipeSmokingOwl: lrrGARBO
definenull: Don't commit unless you get a bomb
Cptasparagus: poor Marshall
Decaped: There's no flag. The other people can't see your pick.
notthepenguins: I was waiting on that one lol
NarishmaReborn: yeah that's when i dropped them
itsj0mi: just add 2 lands of that color Kappa
Syntheticuh: yeah i stopped listening to them after they plugged that crypto scam that collapsed. was a shame :(
DoodlestheGreat: The jocularity abounds.
gualdhar: Lords of Limited is also good I've heard
circusofkirkus: There's a podcast you might like Serge, it's called North 100
Syntheticuh: i swapped to lords of limited and those two are great
BronzePanda: Id listen to a Serge podcast about the journey of whales
Manitu_25: dunno theres this one elden ring streamer that's cool
fcloud: a serge podcast about coffee called The Power Serge
definenull: Take me hoooome
itsj0mi: i wouldn't attack wheeler before turn 5
HadesLeprechaun: speaking of, Wheeler, you need to get Shivam & Wheeler Love Magic on youtube or something, I don't use any pure-audio listening services
Chichen: YOOO
Dog_of_Myth: Dang
itsj0mi: LUL
definenull: Has a lot of words, must be good
notthepenguins: well then
Dog_of_Myth: @definenull That doesn't narrow that down much. :p
Marvoleath: taking the colorless mythic rare, such a specific signal :P
Mr_Horrible: they're out here bullying my boy and the games haven't even started kanagoSad
Decaped: THe lack of the mythic rare is definitely a signal, pay attention Serge.
definenull: Everyone should just add a debreetle to their pool after drafting
fcloud: it's not about drafting the best deck. it's about sending a message
HedgehogKnight: Chicken in every pot, Debreetle in every deck
cmdrud87: jnx
Bugberry: I remember when they had specific alt-arts just for Prerelease promos
Bugberry: !card briarhorn
LRRbot: Briarhorn [3G] | Creature — Elemental [3/3] | Flash / When Briarhorn enters, target creature gets +3/+3 until end of turn. / Evoke {1}{G}
fcloud: !card cher
LRRbot: Found 210 cards you could be referring to - please enter more of the name
BronzePanda: i loved that show, ANGEL
Mr_Horrible: briarhorn a classic
DrLigmaPhD: I say that every day
Mr_Horrible: that homie saved my ass many times in Lorwyn limited
definenull: Snek!
flatluigi: we're gonna snake this take
lilmeaches: meache1Hype meache1Meachdump meache1Hype
definenull: Please do not eat the delicious cards
penrose43: LUL
Dog_of_Myth: lrrLUL
itsj0mi: monkaS
niccus: it's vibes alright
Mr_Horrible: Magnussen can get away with showing up in jeans, he doesn't need to cheat
adept_nekomancer: [muffled beejdrop noise]
BronzePanda: if you open a serialized, are you gonna play it?
Decaped: Beejdrop in mechanical motor wrrrrs
Chichen: open it ben, show us the piss cards
SquareDotCube: level 5 superjudge, Beej just controls Serge's stomach via ESP
DrLigmaPhD: sex sells, cam
definenull: Mood
definenull: My pool is breaking in front of me
Chichen: chrome mox
definenull: Piss mountain!
TiredStateofMind: the indulgence!
Chichen: YOOO
Dog_of_Myth: DANG
BusTed: 🤔
Chichen: spectacular pile up yep
Chichen: thats great for your deck wow
Mr_Horrible: it's Burnout: Revenge
definenull: Dog!
AugmentingPath: !card spectacular pile
LRRbot: Spectacular Pileup [3WW] | Sorcery | All creatures and Vehicles lose indestructible until end of turn, then destroy all creatures and Vehicles. / Cycling {2}
Daggerpeak: that bug got the drip
definenull: L
niccus: crack a collector boostie and draft a vanilla
Chichen: yoink it
RockPusher: Shiny!
fcloud: the vehicle destroyer gets "cycling"? clever
Manitu_25: yeah, come get them in switzerland
UnkeptFlea: I have that 3rd one but its going into my blurry kindred deck
adambomb625: I do think i have a copy of *unintelligible blur*
Dog_of_Myth: I saw that Schmandrew art
maywecomein subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 93 months, currently on a 93 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, maywecomein! (Today's storm count: 28)
DrLigmaPhD: We're bloomin
definenull: They anthem does stack...
PipeSmokingOwl: im sad the wrappings arent in the precon
PipeSmokingOwl: so hyped for the zombie precon
Chichen: i got a sire
muchomangobestdrink: charge your phone wheeler
Syntheticuh: LOOOOOL
thraximore: LUL
RockPusher: gabyLul
dumbo3k: @muchomangobestdrink Oh god, that's gonna drive me crazy xD
definenull: snerge strikes again
Metalupis subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 134 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Metalupis! (Today's storm count: 29)
HedgehogKnight: I had two Sliver Queens that got stolen. Both had sentimental value
definenull: The new eeveelution morpheon
Nyxjbm: What's a Sliver Queen between friends
Gadora: Running over the cards is thematic!
Mr_Horrible: okay but *what's* being blown out by the roadside? This could still be lewd
fcloud: the most painful walk home ever
Decaped: Pls Serge sell Wheeler and oversized version of Sliver QUeen
fcloud: cause you're not sittin down after that
NarishmaReborn: agreeeeed
dumbo3k: What is a Draft, but an extended Crack A Pack?
Metalupis: judge draft where you just spread out what you drafted and decide who would have won
fcloud: What is a Crack-a-Pack, but a Draft waiting to be born?
definenull: 'Have' is subjective
KaleidoscopeMind: this
tyrsredritehand subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 72 months!
TheAwkes: Trouble in Horsetown
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, tyrsredritehand! (Today's storm count: 30)
fcloud: cam's "i broke my wrist" wave
Manwedraithancaranfin: Call me strange, but I prefer actually Playing the Game? 's why we, y'know, play the game.
niccus: i don't know, i always find myself losing the game
paronomasiac042 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 92 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, paronomasiac042! (Today's storm count: 31)
fcloud: can't lose a game you never play 🌠
fcloud: which bgc jam is this
Manwedraithancaranfin: Hold up there, I said *play* the game, never said I win
Dog_of_Myth: !bgc
LRRbot: Jimmy Hinson AKA "BigGiantCircles" is a musician whose chiptunes are featured during commercial breaks. His music, including LRR remixes and the soundtrack for Road Quest, is available here:
Dog_of_Myth: Ooo Lockdown Protocol
TrentSSB subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 12 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TrentSSB! (Today's storm count: 32)
LRRbot: Rocky Roads | Land | This land enters tapped unless you control a Mount or Vehicle. / {T}: Add {R}. / {1}{R}, {T}, Sacrifice this land: Create a 1/1 colorless Pilot creature token with "This token saddles Mounts and crews Vehicles as though its power were 2 greater." Activate only as a sorcery.
sporkraptor: no music, or is my stream muted? XD
TrentSSB: Music has in fact dies
flatluigi: usually means they'll be back in a moment
DEATHlikescats: it spooky quiet
flatluigi: that or they just want chat to be alone with their thoughts
r10pez10: full speed ahead
Gadora: The music didn't die. It was /murdered/. Wait, no. Detective set was ages ago.
Dog_of_Myth: lrrSPOOPY
FinestOtter subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 21 months!
FinestOtter: Vroom vroom cars!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, FinestOtter! (Today's storm count: 33)
flatluigi: @Gadora if you can believe it, mkm released just under a year from today
flatluigi: feb 9 2024
johnnylongtorso: @flatluigi only 37 sets ago
sporkraptor: ah music! aaand there it goes XD
Manwedraithancaranfin: Road quest theme!
Manitu_25: hellooo
TrentSSB: We back!
definenull: road quest theme is very on-brand for the set
djalternative: I did leave to finish a task during the break
itsj0mi: RyuChamp
GasCityGaming: let's magic some gathering!
BusTed: onstaWELP
ghizmou: a mirror match !
LRRbot: Momentum Breaker [1B] | Enchantment | Start your engines! / When this enchantment enters, each opponent sacrifices a creature or Vehicle of their choice. Each opponent who can't discards a card. / {2}, Sacrifice this enchantment: You gain life equal to your speed.
definenull: oh no wheeler's unsleeved meta has spread to the others
LRRbot: Thundering Broodwagon [2BBGG] | Artifact — Vehicle [6/5] | Menace, reach / When this Vehicle enters, destroy target nonland permanent an opponent controls with mana value 4 or less. / Crew 3 / Cycling {2}
LRRbot: Wreckage Wickerfolk [1B] | Artifact Creature — Scarecrow [1/3] | Flying / When this creature enters, surveil 2.
Mr_Horrible: "Damn, what that Thundering Broodwagon do?"
theamc2000: have people been vroom vroom ing today
itsj0mi: D:
LRRbot: Broken Wings [2G] | Instant | Destroy target artifact, enchantment, or creature with flying.
itsj0mi: cori on that golgari control
Mai_Andra: "one and only one"
r10pez10: corgari
DEATHlikescats: so take! these broken wings! and learn to fly again, fly again so freeeee!
LRRbot: Veloheart Bike [2G] | Artifact — Vehicle [4/2] | When this Vehicle enters, you gain 2 life. / {T}: Add one mana of any color. / Crew 2
itsj0mi: LUL
definenull: LUL
LRRbot: Spin Out [1BB] | Instant | Destroy target creature or Vehicle.
ghizmou: ruthless
adept_nekomancer: Cori says no things allowed
Mr_Horrible: don't ask questions you don't want the answer to OpieOP
Dog_of_Myth: lrrLUL
itsj0mi: goated EZ
Rogue_07: Welcome to the highlight reel
PipeSmokingOwl: This is Cori's House
r10pez10: revroomval
johnnylongtorso: turns out Cori's deck name is pretty accurate
LRRbot: Dredger's Insight [1G] | Enchantment | Whenever one or more artifact and/or creature cards leave your graveyard, you gain 1 life. / When this enchantment enters, mill four cards. You may put an artifact, creature, or land card from among the milled cards into your hand.
definenull: welp
Manitu_25: this is corys draft, yall are only tolerated
Manwedraithancaranfin: As a Sultai Control canlander player...I'm all about Cori's deck here
Bugberry: consolation land
LRRbot: Carrion Cruiser [2B] | Artifact — Vehicle [3/2] | When this Vehicle enters, mill two cards. Then return a creature or Vehicle card from your graveyard to your hand. / Crew 1
LRRbot: Deathless Pilot [1B] | Creature — Zombie Pilot [2/2] | This creature saddles Mounts and crews Vehicles as though its power were 2 greater. / {3}{B}: Return this card from your graveyard to your hand.
adept_nekomancer: None skeleton, left meat
LRRbot: Wild Roads | Land | This land enters tapped unless you control a Mount or Vehicle. / {T}: Add {G}. / {1}{G}, {T}, Sacrifice this land: Create a 1/1 colorless Pilot creature token with "This token saddles Mounts and crews Vehicles as though its power were 2 greater." Activate only as a sorcery.
Rogue_07: Ben, now I want a skeleton that gives me mead
Rogue_07: side note: I also want mead
Bugberry: It's basically a Durable Coilbug from Ikoria
hd_dabnado: but dont use Skeleton magic on a zombie. made that mistake once
definenull: congrats angel, a nonland permanent survived 1 turn!
LoadingReadyRun: Thicc Skeleton
DEATHlikescats: big boned
AugmentingPath: This is the full launch of pilots, the Neon Dynasty version were just the pilot program
PipeSmokingOwl: engines still warming up
definenull: oh right
Bugberry: Swarmyard for undead
kynelwynn: Well, Cori -can- crew it, but it will not be able to attack
itsj0mi: paul lacking
PipeSmokingOwl: that land rules
johnnylongtorso: wizombird
LRRbot: Pothole Mole [2G] | Creature — Mole [2/3] | When this creature enters, mill three cards, then you may return a land card from your graveyard to your hand.
fjordsword: ah, the second mariokart reference
Hackroots02: I missed MTG haven't played since Betrayers of Kamigawa shibuy4Arare shibuy4Arare
LRRbot: Accursed Duneyard | Land | {T}: Add {C}. / {2}, {T}: Regenerate target Shade, Skeleton, Specter, Spirit, Vampire, Wraith, or Zombie.
Jundinator: Currently 1 and 1 at my AetherDrift prerelease
Jundinator: Oh and I opened a Chrome Mox PogChamp
fjordsword: you are currently on the tv at my store's pre-release
definenull: dang congrats on that pull
LRRbot: Silken Strength [1G] | Enchantment — Aura | Flash / Enchant creature or Vehicle / When this Aura enters, untap enchanted permanent. / Enchanted permanent gets +1/+2 and has reach.
r10pez10: chat everyone wave to the store
Dog_of_Myth: Yeah my old LGS did that for preleases
DEATHlikescats: heck yeah the serge n Nelly videos are hella useful for LGS
AdamLavadan: You're currently on my TV! Does that count???
definenull: *waves*
theamc2000: how does angel have two commander cards?
Jundinator: aceHI aceHI
Jadaris: @fjordsword voxyWeaselshake voxyWeaselshake voxyWeaselshake
PipeSmokingOwl: gorgcShake
Bugberry: Drafting Collector Boosters will do that
Mr_Horrible: she's quite dastardly that way
singinnonsense: spidercar, spidercar, does whatever a spidercar does
theamc2000: oh commander boosters ty
ElektroTal: how dare you aetherdraft without me
LRRbot: Jibbirik Omnivore [1G] | Creature — Beast [3/2]
theamc2000: i meant collector
Jundinator: Hai Shivam
LRRbot: Hazard of the Dunes [3G] | Creature — Wurm [4/4] | Trample, reach / Exhaust — {6}{G}: Put three +1/+1 counters on this creature.
50keyz: yeah vanilla
r10pez10: howdy shivam
definenull: beeg worm!
fjordsword: thanks for the waves
Dog_of_Myth: Hiya Shivam
Spades_Slicc: That ape has correct opinions on beans
Jadaris: vanilla is a flavor
niccus: how atrociously can you make a cube out of two cycles of a commander precon
hd_dabnado: ape LOVES Creme Brulee wheelerOok
Jundinator: @elektrotal I opened a gorgeous Chrome Mox at my prerelease
PipeSmokingOwl: Loving the tap taps @ElektroTal
goombalax: @ElektroTal looks like you need to find some island real estate lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
Jadaris: i won't stand for this Vanilla eradure
Rogue_07: Mmm, nothing like FNPF, Arena on the other monitor, and a glass of whiskey to spend my Friday night
LRRbot: Carrion Cruiser [2B] | Artifact — Vehicle [3/2] | When this Vehicle enters, mill two cards. Then return a creature or Vehicle card from your graveyard to your hand. / Crew 1
r10pez10: kind of rude to call the local wildlife "hazards"
goombalax: such a proud bug
thatguyyeshim: these arts rule
ElektroTal: @Jundinator nice!
thatguyyeshim: like the pilot arts
Jundinator: @r10pez10 I mean if that wildlife is making potholes.....
r10pez10: "turn left at the 7/7 wurm"
AdamLavadan: What happened to all the thing dieing?
Decaped: The race bribed those officials fair and squre.
itsj0mi: PJSalt
50keyz: LUL
adept_nekomancer: This is why you always bring the backup cruiser.
QuixoticScrivener: does the alt art for Carrion Cruiser have a mustache?
definenull: yeah that worm is a problem late game
Jundinator: I'm sad that the race didn't feature Ravnica. I'd figure those city streets are perfect for a race
fjordsword: that was a very Jo reaction from Cori
glitched_goddess: “I’m not upset. don’t report that I’m upset.”
LRRbot: Jungle Hollow | Land | This land enters tapped. / When this land enters, you gain 1 life. / {T}: Add {B} or {G}.
theamc2000: pot molé
LRRbot: Pothole Mole [2G] | Creature — Mole [2/3] | When this creature enters, mill three cards, then you may return a land card from your graveyard to your hand.
AdamLavadan: I bet serge is napping backstage
definenull: LUL
LRRbot: Cursecloth Wrappings [2BB] | Artifact | Zombies you control get +1/+1. / {T}: Target creature card in your graveyard gains embalm until end of turn. The embalm cost is equal to its mana cost.
Fruan: Muraganda has a real pothole problem
ElektroTal: man, Angel's roads suck. look at all these potholes!
Mr_Horrible: they're perfect for chucking all these dead bodies into, tho
LRRbot: Pactdoll Terror [3B] | Artifact Creature — Toy [3/4] | Whenever this creature or another artifact you control enters, each opponent loses 1 life and you gain 1 life.
LoadingReadyRun: @Jundinator unlike most planes, Ravnica is advanced enough to actually have traffic laws
definenull: *boop*
Mr_Horrible: "Does this card pass the Pactdoll Terror?"
HadesLeprechaun: he does not, he likes "choose" cards
niccus: !card celestial toymaker
LRRbot: The Celestial Toymaker [WUB] | Legendary Creature — Rogue Artificer [2/4] | Whenever The Celestial Toymaker attacks, look at the top three cards of your library. Exile any number of them in a face-down pile and the rest in a face-up pile. Defending player chooses one of those piles. Put that pile into your hand. / At the beginning of each end step, each opponent loses 2 life for each spell or ability that caused one or more players to guess or to group cards or permanent…
itsj0mi: azorius will hand out speeding tickets
LRRbot: Hellish Sideswipe [B] | Sorcery | As an additional cost to cast this spell, sacrifice an artifact or creature. / Destroy target creature or Vehicle. If the sacrificed permanent was a Vehicle, draw a card.
LRRbot: Fang-Druid Summoner [3G] | Creature — Ape Druid [2/4] | Reach / When this creature enters, you may search your library and/or graveyard for a creature card with no abilities, reveal it, and put it into your hand. If you search your library this way, shuffle.
definenull: MONKE
theamc2000: is living death a special guest?
LRRbot: Kalakscion, Hunger Tyrant [1BB] | Legendary Creature — Crocodile [7/2]
itsj0mi: PogChamp
Spades_Slicc: That big croc sure can be killed by most things
MegaDosX: None booty
definenull: forgot to do its squats
johnnylongtorso: vanilla legendaries, what is this, Legends?
LRRbot: Oviya, Automech Artisan [3G] | Legendary Creature — Human Artificer [1/2] | Each creature that's attacking one of your opponents has trample. / {G}, {T}: You may put a creature or Vehicle card from your hand onto the battlefield. If you put an artifact onto the battlefield this way, put two +1/+1 counters on it.
definenull: oh no
Spades_Slicc: Does this crocodile get in to flat fuck friday?
DEATHlikescats: dad bod croc
Decaped: I wonder what makes it's butt so small lore wise. Maybe it's filled with explosive gas, or something
singinnonsense: all bite no butt
Bugberry: Legendary Piper
r10pez10: holy shit oviya is back
definenull: this card is not okay (tm)
GasCityGaming: one green and the creature sticks?! :O
Bruceski: Wait that's... no sac at end of turn, you can just play any creature for a green?
Bugberry: @GasCityGaming Elvish Piper exists
Fruan: It's an Elvish Piper
Jundinator: !card elvish piper
LRRbot: Elvish Piper [3G] | Creature — Elf Shaman [1/1] | {G}, {T}: You may put a creature card from your hand onto the battlefield.
itsj0mi: yeah, that's gonna be a problem in standard lol
Spades_Slicc: putting this in Urtet
Bugberry: !card Elvish Piper
LRRbot: Elvish Piper [3G] | Creature — Elf Shaman [1/1] | {G}, {T}: You may put a creature card from your hand onto the battlefield.
TheWooglie: is the doll just artifacts or any creature enters?
LRRbot: Pactdoll Terror [3B] | Artifact Creature — Toy [3/4] | Whenever this creature or another artifact you control enters, each opponent loses 1 life and you gain 1 life.
singinnonsense: it's a 1/2 for 4 that needs to live for a turn
MegaDosX: Just play the sound in reverse, easy
definenull: yeah this set is a little tricksy like that
Bugberry: Lots of cards don't have "once per turn", it's usually there for a good reason.
kynelwynn: Brakes_noise.wav
MegaDosX: Maybe Yoshi going "owowowowow"
LRRbot: Venomsac Lagac [1G] | Creature — Lizard Mount [2/1] | Deathtouch / Whenever this creature attacks while saddled, it gets +0/+3 until end of turn. / Saddle 2
MegaDosX: He protec, he attac, but most importantly, he venomsac
LRRbot: Willowrush Verge | Land | {T}: Add {U}. / {T}: Add {G}. Activate only if you control a Forest or an Island.
raulghoulia: incoming second rite
itsj0mi: taking 7 like a boss
Mr_Horrible: zombies in potentia
LRRbot: Kalakscion, Hunger Tyrant [1BB] | Legendary Creature — Crocodile [7/2]
definenull: spiderman dot jpeg
theamc2000: we are meat controlled skeletons
rogerivany: I have a system of fluid filled bladders on the inside.
Bugberry: I really wish they gave the vanilla legends Full Art versions.
r10pez10: it's nice having the flavourtext, but i agree
Jundinator: !badadvice
r10pez10: maybe even on the future sight frame
LoadingReadyRun: Zookeeper, those two crocodiles are killing each other! *whisper* oh
adept_nekomancer: Oh no, croc on croc violence
drachenfells subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, drachenfells! (Today's storm count: 34)
definenull: no cheaty creatures this time lrrAWW
water_attunement: croc had trample too
definenull: that... is technically true
sporkraptor: there's a skeleton pilot inside all of us?
Bugberry: The crocs got confused
definenull: !chat
LRRbot: Always listen to chat, Never listen to chat.
Spades_Slicc: Imagine if that's how trample worked
sporkraptor: blockodile
LRRbot: Foul Roads | Land | This land enters tapped unless you control a Mount or Vehicle. / {T}: Add {B}. / {1}{B}, {T}, Sacrifice this land: Create a 1/1 colorless Pilot creature token with "This token saddles Mounts and crews Vehicles as though its power were 2 greater." Activate only as a sorcery.
Fruan: We're a distraction!
water_attunement: well thanks for calling me terrible for learning. see ya
Mr_Horrible: Curse of One-Person
djalternative: !lovepaul
circusofkirkus: "twitch chat is terrible" now you're getting it, angel
drcthulu: tantrum is a mechanic that does that
MichaelSnowbird: We are wounded
Bugberry: Basically Spitemare/Boros Reckoner on blocks
definenull: yeah there was a playtest card with that mechanic
Fruan: I think a Unknown Event playtest card keyworded that as 'Tantrum'
yall__: magnaloth?
stevefromdetroit: chat has 2 wounds remaining
LRRbot: Dismal Backwater | Land | This land enters tapped. / When this land enters, you gain 1 life. / {T}: Add {U} or {B}.
LRRbot: Silken Strength [1G] | Enchantment — Aura | Flash / Enchant creature or Vehicle / When this Aura enters, untap enchanted permanent. / Enchanted permanent gets +1/+2 and has reach.
r10pez10: gain lands? are we going back to tarkir or something?
definenull: yikes
LRRbot: Fang Guardian [3G] | Creature — Ape Druid [4/2] | Flash / When this creature enters, another target creature or Vehicle you control gets +2/+2 until end of turn.
MichaelSnowbird is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 125 in the channel!
MichaelSnowbird gifted a Tier 1 sub to ChrisMackGames!
MichaelSnowbird gifted a Tier 1 sub to TheAinMAP!
MichaelSnowbird gifted a Tier 1 sub to revhologram!
MichaelSnowbird gifted a Tier 1 sub to bishonenjumpu!
MichaelSnowbird gifted a Tier 1 sub to MrMorimus!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, MichaelSnowbird! Welcome to TheAinMAP, ChrisMackGames, revhologram, bishonenjumpu, and MrMorimus! (Today's storm count: 39)
Jundinator: Subbomb
definenull: we were so afraid of the zombies we didn't see the monke
LRRbot: Aetherjacket [3] | Artifact Creature — Thopter [2/1] | Flying, vigilance / {2}, {T}, Sacrifice this creature: Destroy another target artifact. Activate only as a sorcery.
Decaped: one turn late, F.
LRRbot: Thornwood Falls | Land | This land enters tapped. / When this land enters, you gain 1 life. / {T}: Add {G} or {U}.
TheAinMAP: @MichaelSnowbird Thanks for the gift sub!
Jaolen: she’s went well below 20…cards in deck
fjordsword: cotton eye joe
definenull: lrrAWW
Decaped: Get inside the crocodile, tree man.
yall__: Okay yeah meglonoth is the creature a was thinking of with blocking trample, except its not excess damage its all damage
LRRbot: Skyserpent Seeker [GU] | Creature — Snake [1/1] | Flying, deathtouch / Exhaust — {4}: Reveal cards from the top of your library until you reveal two land cards. Put those land cards onto the battlefield tapped and the rest on the bottom of your library in a random order. Put a +1/+1 counter on this creature.
MichaelSnowbird: Go out on your own terms.
definenull: it's mini-pogging!
Decaped: !card meglonoth
LRRbot: Meglonoth [3RGW] | Creature — Beast [6/6] | Vigilance, trample / Whenever Meglonoth blocks a creature, Meglonoth deals damage to that creature's controller equal to Meglonoth's power.
Bugberry: Get even more cards out of the library!
LRRbot: Mimeoplasm, Revered One [XBGU] | Legendary Creature — Ooze [0/0] | As Mimeoplasm enters, exile up to X creature cards from your graveyard. It enters with three +1/+1 counters on it for each creature card exiled this way. / {2}: Mimeoplasm becomes a copy of target creature card exiled with it, except it's 0/0 and has this ability.
LRRbot: Keen Buccaneer [2U] | Creature — Octopus Pirate [2/3] | Vigilance / Exhaust — {1}{U}: Draw a card, then discard a card. Put a +1/+1 counter on this creature.
r10pez10: huh, new mimeoplasm
TheAwkes: Rad snake.
Bugberry: Mimeoplasm is going to be huge
Mr_Horrible: did we know before this set that Mimeoplasm was on Muraganda?
djalternative: yes
itsj0mi: monkaS
definenull: so if angel played 40 cards she would be 1 away from decking huh
sporkraptor: I need to get dinner but I can't leave until I find out if Cori can mill Angel out XD
LRRbot: Ancient Vendetta [3B] | Sorcery | Choose a card name. Search target opponent's graveyard, hand, and library for up to four cards with that name and exile them. Then that player shuffles.
thraximore: borborygmos
Bugberry: You can name Basics with that card
r10pez10: ooh, name a card is back
definenull: you could technically see angel's hand too
AlchemicalPanda: ooh, and Hand
Mr_Horrible: that effect but worse used to be on a 20USD rare
Mr_Horrible: how times change
djalternative: yeah. you can look at angel's hand too
hd_dabnado: yooo LD in limited
definenull: XD
sporkraptor: one point!! XD
TwitchingPokki: hmm how many non basics run against bloodmoon
itsj0mi: land buddies
TwitchingPokki: do people* run against
sporkraptor: another land XD
sporkraptor: daaaaamn
Bugberry: That was a very Goglari style match
kynelwynn: Learning a lot about Aetherdraft
h3rsh3yb4r: i kinda just wanna slam dunk it and steal all their lands
djalternative: looks like the mill deck should maybe run more than 40
Manwedraithancaranfin: @TwitchingPokki Sometimes you try and play more basics to account for it, sometimes you just acknowledge "if they get it I lose". Depends on the deck.
definenull: angel was running 45 so she might have decked out otherwise
Bruceski: I've never had the guts to go three color even if I need to play bad cards to stick to 2
Bugberry: Temur Exhaust seems like an interesting archetype
mishrasbauble subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 21 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, mishrasbauble! (Today's storm count: 40)
circusofkirkus: Ben hates babies
RendezVoodoo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 69 months, currently on a 69 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RendezVoodoo! (Today's storm count: 41)
Cptasparagus: @Bugberry it seems kind of.... exhausting
Decaped: omg, Exhaust is a pun in this set. I feel angry
KeytarCat: I mostly started in Alara, so I generally default to three color
LRRbot: Wastewood Verge | Land | {T}: Add {G}. / {T}: Add {B}. Activate only if you control a Swamp or a Forest.
LRRbot: Jungle Hollow | Land | This land enters tapped. / When this land enters, you gain 1 life. / {T}: Add {B} or {G}.
adambomb625: Oh, THAT's why it's called "45" days later
LRRbot: Wreckage Wickerfolk [1B] | Artifact Creature — Scarecrow [1/3] | Flying / When this creature enters, surveil 2.
Rogue_07: Sir Valen!
Rogue_07: First of his name
Spades_Slicc: Syr VAlen
LRRbot: Thornwood Falls | Land | This land enters tapped. / When this land enters, you gain 1 life. / {T}: Add {G} or {U}.
Bugberry: @Decaped it's perfect because it fits the Vehicle theme while being generic enough to be used anywhere.
h3rsh3yb4r: what is this, tarkir?
kynelwynn: Angel's in Tarkir Limited over here
itsj0mi: anotha 1
LRRbot: Carrion Cruiser [2B] | Artifact — Vehicle [3/2] | When this Vehicle enters, mill two cards. Then return a creature or Vehicle card from your graveyard to your hand. / Crew 1
definenull: Darude?
Decaped: @Bugberry it being the generic Tap for other games made me completely ignore the other definitions.
LRRbot: Pothole Mole [2G] | Creature — Mole [2/3] | When this creature enters, mill three cards, then you may return a land card from your graveyard to your hand.
HadesLeprechaun: was the surveiled card not a creature? I didn't see what it was
LRRbot: Skyserpent Seeker [GU] | Creature — Snake [1/1] | Flying, deathtouch / Exhaust — {4}: Reveal cards from the top of your library until you reveal two land cards. Put those land cards onto the battlefield tapped and the rest on the bottom of your library in a random order. Put a +1/+1 counter on this creature.
Cptasparagus: oh thats collector number 420
Cptasparagus: blaze it
Rogue_07: More like PauLGS
Spades_Slicc: @HadesLeprechaun silken strength
Bruceski: LRR is in the poicket of Big Small Business
fjordsword: plz support your FLGS
LRRbot: Pactdoll Terror [3B] | Artifact Creature — Toy [3/4] | Whenever this creature or another artifact you control enters, each opponent loses 1 life and you gain 1 life.
r10pez10: what is the F in FLGS
Gekyouryuu: hello, friends. I'm currently 2-0 with one round left in my LGS's prerelease. how are you all doing?
Spades_Slicc: Angel finally below 20
superdude097: @r10pez10 Friendly
fjordsword: Friendly
Bruceski: F-ing
r10pez10: ah thankyou
singinnonsense: or favorite
ztghostie: F A B U L O U S
r10pez10: Froot Loops Game Store
LRRbot: Loxodon Surveyor [2G] | Creature — Elephant Scout [3/3] | Start your engines! / Max speed — {3}, Exile this card from your graveyard: Draw a card.
Gekyouryuu: Friendly Liendly Giendly Siendly
Cptasparagus: you said that and someone just revved outside
Cptasparagus: wild
fjordsword: I would absolutely support a Froot Loops game store
Bruceski: I know this one, "anything it wants"
itsj0mi: poor elephant needs a machete
h3rsh3yb4r: dumbo drove a train right?
Natedogg2: The car would have to be pretty small - the elephant has to drive from the trunk.
r10pez10: nate
Rogue_07: Dumbo rode on a train, but never drove it
DirectorStephanie: twas an awesome cartoon as well
Mr_Horrible: I have *very* vague memories of the movie
Juliamon: I was lowkey terrified of Babar as a kid
dacbruh: Holy crap Babar mentioned
Natedogg2: Yes?
LRRbot: Aetherjacket [3] | Artifact Creature — Thopter [2/1] | Flying, vigilance / {2}, {T}, Sacrifice this creature: Destroy another target artifact. Activate only as a sorcery.
fcloud: @Rogue_07 that we *know* of
Mr_Horrible: @Juliamon this is not an uncommon reaction to the French
adept_nekomancer: Engines are eepy
Rogue_07: @fcloud valid
hd_dabnado: L + Engineless
LRRbot: Keen Buccaneer [2U] | Creature — Octopus Pirate [2/3] | Vigilance / Exhaust — {1}{U}: Draw a card, then discard a card. Put a +1/+1 counter on this creature.
itsj0mi: how can you win with your engine off? NotLikeThis
definenull: Engineless behaviour
Manwedraithancaranfin: Absolutely engineless behaviour
r10pez10: billy kart racing
LRRbot: Jibbirik Omnivore [1G] | Creature — Beast [3/2]
Spades_Slicc: Has anyone said Pogracing before?
LRRbot: Oviya, Automech Artisan [3G] | Legendary Creature — Human Artificer [1/2] | Each creature that's attacking one of your opponents has trample. / {G}, {T}: You may put a creature or Vehicle card from your hand onto the battlefield. If you put an artifact onto the battlefield this way, put two +1/+1 counters on it.
definenull: OK I see the line, go off Cori
LRRbot: Cursecloth Wrappings [2BB] | Artifact | Zombies you control get +1/+1. / {T}: Target creature card in your graveyard gains embalm until end of turn. The embalm cost is equal to its mana cost.
TjPshine: got 3 gearhulks in my prerelease, all in different colours, didnt play a single one
itsj0mi: F
TjPshine: rite
Mr_Horrible: I keep wanting that card's name to be Skyseeker Serpent and it feels like missing a stair that it's not
Spades_Slicc: wait I thought embalm made it a 4/4?
TjPshine: @Spades_Slicc should
Mr_Horrible: @Spades_Slicc that's eternalize
definenull: Yeah I get confused with the zombie making mechanics
TjPshine: oh
Spades_Slicc: eternalize right
itsj0mi: secret ink marker PogChamp
LRRbot: Chitin Gravestalker [5B] | Creature — Insect Warrior [5/4] | This spell costs {1} less to cast for each artifact and/or creature card in your graveyard. / Cycling {2}
r10pez10: chitin is "ky-tin" right
Mr_Horrible: yump
dacbruh: BEN
definenull: And it's still pogging, good job
KeytarCat: Kitten Gravestalker is funny tho
Manwedraithancaranfin: I don't know, anything drawn with that...juicy marker has to be at least a little inappropriate...
Spades_Slicc: Cori you didn't want to explode the wrappings?
Mr_Horrible: @Manwedraithancaranfin just put a really fat dumper on it and you're good to go
LRRbot: Fang Guardian [3G] | Creature — Ape Druid [4/2] | Flash / When this creature enters, another target creature or Vehicle you control gets +2/+2 until end of turn.
4 raiders from BrowneePointz have joined!
BrowneePointz: browne2Pride browne2Pride browne2Pride browne2Pride
definenull: Welcome raiders
itsj0mi: FutureMan
Mr_Horrible: heyya Brownee and raiders
Larkonus: I think that thing can only be sacced as a sorcery?
superdude097: Welcome Raiders!!
Natedogg2: That ability is only as a sorcery.
definenull: lrrAWW lrrAWW lrrAWW
Mr_Horrible: 2025 Magic: alternately way too cracked and not cracked enough
Larkonus: Everything is sorcery speed, everything else says "Only once per turn." lrrAWW
itsj0mi: schrodinger's magic
goombalax: Elcor thanks
BrowneePointz: Sorcery Speed is about what I deserve
Bugberry: @Larkonus everything?
InfiniTokens: That might be the least-snek looking snek that ever snekked. Love it.
Larkonus: @Bugberry Not actual everything, just playing into the bit.
LemonOnRye: At the end of you acknowledge step, i make a snarky comment
LRRbot: Broken Wings [2G] | Instant | Destroy target artifact, enchantment, or creature with flying.
Natedogg2: Thanking is actually a special action that you can do any time you have priority and the opponent can't try to stop you.
raulghoulia: lrrJUDGE chat's taking too long
InfiniTokens: Snek is too cute to die
KeytarCat: @goombalax "Otherwise disappointed, genuine: Thank you"
Larkonus: So take these broken wings, and learn to fly again?
LRRbot: Silken Strength [1G] | Enchantment — Aura | Flash / Enchant creature or Vehicle / When this Aura enters, untap enchanted permanent. / Enchanted permanent gets +1/+2 and has reach.
adept_nekomancer: Silken strength untaps the big guy, right?
LemonOnRye: untaps too
itsj0mi: untap enchanted permanent
kynelwynn: 14 - 5 is 9, Ben
Larkonus: Chat can help Cori too! We did it!
LRRbot: Fang Guardian [3G] | Creature — Ape Druid [4/2] | Flash / When this creature enters, another target creature or Vehicle you control gets +2/+2 until end of turn.
dacbruh: Ben out here trying to keep Angel in Hidetsugu's second rite range
Spades_Slicc: 2 +2 = 2
MichaelSnowbird: A bucaneer thats 12 for a dozen
Larkonus: It's just standing there, menacingly!
w1gum: sir that is a monkey
Mr_Horrible: that'd be on the tamer end of fanart for the frog god
LRRbot: Demonic Junker [6B] | Artifact — Vehicle [4/3] | Affinity for artifacts / When this Vehicle enters, for each player, destroy up to one target creature that player controls. If a creature you controlled was destroyed this way, put two +1/+1 counters on this Vehicle. / Crew 2
dacbruh: is that legally distinct DK
itsj0mi: she's safe at 10. Nelson's not around
Mr_Horrible: @dacbruh Don'tkey Kong
dacbruh: @Mr_Horrible nice 👌
Bugberry: For the record, you can Exhaust at instant speed
BrowneePointz: That's what Greedo said right
BrowneePointz: NO BEN BEAT ME TO IT
BrowneePointz: curse my slow fingers!
BrowneePointz: Croc Mom!
LRRbot: Kalakscion, Hunger Tyrant [1BB] | Legendary Creature — Crocodile [7/2]
Larkonus: Kalakscion, Disciple of Yargle
LRRbot: Mimeoplasm, Revered One [XBGU] | Legendary Creature — Ooze [0/0] | As Mimeoplasm enters, exile up to X creature cards from your graveyard. It enters with three +1/+1 counters on it for each creature card exiled this way. / {2}: Mimeoplasm becomes a copy of target creature card exiled with it, except it's 0/0 and has this ability.
Fruan: It is!
dacbruh: it's up!
BrowneePointz: it's up
Juliamon: It just went up
Spades_Slicc: Personally I'd've sequenced it so you play the croc like normal and piper the junker in on Angels turn
Mr_Horrible: it *is* a cool video
ShaneLeeAtk: It went up today
Mr_Horrible: I done seent it on my feed
Bugberry: The video going up was triggered by Angel casting it.
dacbruh: I just wish it put like.... "ooze counters" on the exiled creatures for future reference :D
Manitu_25: the alt art is hillarious
BrowneePointz: It goes infinite with Kami of Whispered Hope and Sleep-Cursed Faerie in Standard(with another creature tucked under)
Mr_Horrible: it's a big investment but I like that it can swap copies on the fly
Cptasparagus: Marge: " I just think its neat"
Larkonus: I can never remember these kinds of abilities - if this Mimeoplasm leaves and enters the battlefield, will it still be able to become the previous creatures it exiled or no?
BrowneePointz: no
BrowneePointz: new game object
Cptasparagus: @Larkonus the only cards that work like that are Alchemy on Arena
Larkonus: @BrowneePointz Aww, that's unfortunate. That limits its Commander playability a bit.
dacbruh: yeah that's why I'd like it to have counters like Mairsil, because I like busted things :v
Mr_Horrible: also interesting that it targets a card with its activated ability, so that people have a chance to respond after knowing what it'll become
kynelwynn: The "Exiled with it" means that "it" is the current game object entering, not other Mimeoplazms. Plazmi?
BrowneePointz: If it had "put ooze counters on those" and "copy any creature with an ooze counter on it" then yes @Larkonus
InfiniTokens: I think the monkey is angry because it doesn't have ears or a tail. That would make me angry.
Manwedraithancaranfin: Cards that care about previous instances of exile like that typically mark the cards they've exiled with some kind of counter.
BrowneePointz: Correct @kynelwynn
BrowneePointz: @dacbruh doesn't necessarily need counters tbh. It still combos with with a ham sandwich
LemonOnRye: If you exile Eternal Scourge, and then cast it, can you make into a copy of Eternal Scourge? I'm guessing no
Mr_Horrible: @LemonOnRye I believe that's correct, since Scourge is a new object once it changes zones?
Bugberry: @LemonOnRye Eternal Scourge is no longer a card Mimeoplasm has exiled. It looks at what is currently in Exile.
Natedogg2: @LemonOnRye If the Scourge leaves exile, it's no longer exiled with Mimeoplasm and it can't become a copy of it anymore.
LemonOnRye: ahhh, right
dacbruh: @BrowneePointz oh yeah, I just want to make a weird copy of a creature that should be 1/1
LemonOnRye: ty ty
Manwedraithancaranfin: No, b/c it would no longer be in exile for Mimeoplasm to reference. Any kind of zone change typically erases card memories
InfiniTokens: If they smudge, they still work! Just with slightly less detail LUL
BrowneePointz: Oh snap yea Embalm equal to mana cost lets you cast it again
Bugberry: Reminds me when Ixalan's Binding had a weird interaction with DOM Squee that you could cast from Exile.
definenull: Just draw ditto
definenull: :]
Mr_Horrible: Ben it's a Dragon Quest slime
Mr_Horrible: I believe in you, Bro
Manwedraithancaranfin: @Bugberry Oh I *hated* how that one ended up working
dacbruh: the mimeoplasm's like "I'm just a little guy? are you gonna have beef with me? it's my birthday"
Mr_Horrible: lrrLUL
Mr_Horrible: there's always next Cursecloth Mimeoplasm combo
definenull: That mimeoplasm looks like it's eating the d6 PrideLaugh
KeytarCat: Ben's Mimie is so sad 😭
Mr_Horrible: honestly not bad from memory
hd_dabnado: D:
Manitu_25: its an island :D
LemonOnRye: D: looking boi
kynelwynn: That slime's seen some things
LRRbot: Migrating Ketradon [4GG] | Creature — Dinosaur [6/6] | Reach / When this creature enters, you gain 4 life. / Cycling {2}
InfiniTokens: PERFECT
Manitu_25: a happy island
Mr_Horrible: slime hitting us with the erosStare
sporkraptor: monkey ooze... mzunky?
maxarquette: !speed
InfiniTokens: <3
Mr_Horrible: "This is the beautiful reality I pictured for my invention"
kynelwynn: Not a sponsor, just really cool
kaboomjr26 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 53 months, currently on a 34 month streak!
kaboomjr26: Oh boy, another hat set.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, kaboomjr26! (Today's storm count: 42)
maxarquette: whats the speed counter under angel?
dacbruh: that face screams "ahhh there's a fire"
LoadingReadyRun: Monkey and Ooze. They're the worst crime fighting team!
50keyz: its arms say "yay" but its eyes say "my existence is a horror unto itself!"
Jaolen: wait what
sporkraptor: @LoadingReadyRun one's a pile of ooze! the other is a monkey! together they don't fight crime really
LRRbot: Dismal Backwater | Land | This land enters tapped. / When this land enters, you gain 1 life. / {T}: Add {U} or {B}.
Natedogg2: Ooze gonna save you?
ElektroTal: please, they're called Mooze
Dog_of_Myth: Fancy Ooze
Bugberry: @maxarquette the new mechanic for the set. LRR has a video explaining the new mechanics on their Youtube channel.
InfiniTokens: Ben, it's magnificent
LRRbot: Cursecloth Wrappings [2BB] | Artifact | Zombies you control get +1/+1. / {T}: Target creature card in your graveyard gains embalm until end of turn. The embalm cost is equal to its mana cost.
dacbruh: goddammit it's a filthy capitalist now!
superdude097: @maxarquette That's her "Speed." It's a new mechanic from the set. When you get to 4 Speed, some cards do stuff
Bugberry: Double Wrapped
maxarquette: @superdude097 i LOVE when cards do stuff
Manwedraithancaranfin: It's like the old-timey boxing hand wraps, but you just keep wrapping more and more so you hit harder
definenull: Vroom vroom!
dumbo3k: Vrooom Vrooom!
itsj0mi: looong race
LRRbot: Ancient Vendetta [3B] | Sorcery | Choose a card name. Search target opponent's graveyard, hand, and library for up to four cards with that name and exile them. Then that player shuffles.
Bugberry: I think the Mardu colors are the ones with the most Max Speed payoffs.
Mr_Horrible: it's a win for us, the viewers
Dog_of_Myth: FBtouchdown
itsj0mi: Clap
niccus: judge, what do i do if my opponent is exiled
definenull: !card cori
LRRbot: Did you mean: Excoriate; Scoria Cat; Scoria Elemental; Scoria Wurm
Mr_Horrible: I never don't mean Scoria Wurm
Manwedraithancaranfin: My brain really wants the max speed noise to be the Roadrunner Meep Meep
MegaDosX: Bueller?
Natedogg2: Chat?
dumbo3k: @Manwedraithancaranfin That was the sound running thru my head
maxarquette: unsleeved magic hurts my heart
maxarquette: even if it is just janky stuff from the new set
malfunct: unsleeved magic takes me back to my childhood
ElektroTal: sleeving prerelease and fnm draft decks is a waste of tiem
ElektroTal: decks need to earn sleeves
maxarquette: WutFace
maxarquette: what is wrong with you people
maxarquette: savages
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
ElektroTal: i don't even sleeve my edh decks unless i absolutely have to
Mr_Horrible: I tend to just because I like the feel of the sleeves, unless I took every minute deckbuilding
sporkraptor: a card must prove its worth in battle before it will earn its armor
Mr_Horrible: but I ain't gonna give someone guff for it
ElektroTal: you laugh, @sporkraptor, but that unironically is exactly it
BrowneePointz: as someone who grew up poor and didn’t get many things, sleeve everything
maxarquette: @ElektroTal holy FUCK... are you a real person?
ranen951 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 45 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ranen951! (Today's storm count: 43)
malfunct: I put cards in sleeves now, it feels like a luxury upgrade I earned for myself by doing adulthood
ElektroTal: i've been playing since 1994. if a card isn't sidewalked, is it even a card?
malfunct: but I'll never forget the games on the stairwell floors with naked cards
Juliamon: it's also fun to annoy people who don't like how you play
BrowneePointz: I wish I would
dacbruh: oh hey this is the road quest song, but different :v
Mr_Horrible: playing as a teenager, holding a deck together with a rubber band and storing multiple in the same ziploc bag
maxarquette: @ElektroTal i wasnt alive in 94. so you have all the right to do what you want with your lotus's that ended up in bike spokes!
ElektroTal: basically the only time i'll sleeve decks is if i'm taking them to a con, or the deck has shown me that it's worth keeping around
malfunct: I always worried about rubber band goop getting on my cards so I used old hair bands ;)
GasCityGaming: the sleeves on my fave commander deck are my favourite colour just cause i like seeing it :)
BrowneePointz: I sleeve every deck I play cuz they are pretty and I try to take care of my things
Mr_Horrible: honestly yeah if you do a lot of building/tinkering/brewing, I can see sleeving & unsleeving constantly to be a massive hassle
ElektroTal: i also don't sell cards, so i do not care about monetary value. the only person playing with that unlimited sol ring is me, so who cares?
maxarquette: you guys are all doing this on purpose. im LITERALLY having a visceral reaction to all this info
Mr_Horrible: also a good point
GasCityGaming: yeah, i gave up making money in this game a long time ago lol
Dog_of_Myth: Back in the day, rubber band and ziploc baggie and dood to go.
Mr_Horrible: the "value" of a collectable item only matters if it's changing hands
Dog_of_Myth: *good
malfunct: in 1995 I didn't think about things like card value
ElektroTal: i'm 100% serious too. folks get super tilted, but like, whatever, they're just cards
GasCityGaming: @ElektroTal Wondering if those white bordered snow lands from MC VEgas have made it into a deck?
maxarquette: cardboard with pretty pictures
Mr_Horrible: @Dog_of_Myth hell yeah, wondering why my cards were bending weird after half a year of storing them like this lrrLUL
ElektroTal: ok here's another time i'll sleeve cards- if my lands are a different color back than the other cards as happens when i use older basics.
malfunct: but I also traded a volcanic island for a basic mountain and basic island because I was "doubling my value" so maybe I wasn't smart back then
ElektroTal: @GasCityGaming they're in my minsc and boo!
Orxolon: More than the art i fell in love with the flavor texts
Mr_Horrible: it's okay, no one was malfunct
maxarquette: @malfunct cadeRig cadeGed
jokcourtz: pgeMEOWDY1 pgeMEOWDY2
BrowneePointz: I’m the kind of person who keeps my collectibles in box til I have a good place to display them
GasCityGaming: @ElektroTal Nice! I gave you a mountain Sunday morning :)
superdude097: I sleeve my cards because I can't shuffle magic cards without them :P
Dog_of_Myth: Ooo That's a good home for those @ElektroTal
TheAwkes: As long as you treat them nice enough that they still shuffle into a deck years down the line, it's all good.
ElektroTal: i'll bet you don't even like folks who write on cards, eh?
ElektroTal: cause i have used more than one card as a lifepad at cons, lol
maxarquette: @ElektroTal signatures are fine if its the artists
InfiniTokens: @ElektroTal I draw on my cards all the time. ;)
BrowneePointz: signatures are always cool
ElektroTal: oh, i'm not talking sigs. i'm talking straight up sharpies and life totals, lol
definenull: Or if it's signatures on a second rite
Manwedraithancaranfin: Esp. for 100 card decks, I find they shuffle easier in sleeves when you can mash them, plus there's the decks with double faced cards. I don't like using the placeholder inserts.
Dog_of_Myth: I see what you did there @InfiniTokens
maxarquette: cadeWtf
Mr_Horrible: I *did* do the Menger (sp?) Cube nonsense with old commons when I was bored in college
GasCityGaming: i've taken draft chaff and wrote on them for tokens i don't have
BrowneePointz: but yea I deface draft chaff all the time
maxarquette: how long is this break? i wanna see some magic!
Mr_Horrible: never got to the layer 3 one tho, too much space taken up
maxarquette: nvm lol
ElektroTal: lol
Mr_Horrible: speak of the devil OpieOP
ElektroTal: I DID
BrowneePointz: @maxarquette it could be longer. be appreciative
Mai_Andra: definitely sleeves for shuffling
KeytarCat: I still can't write in books I own, and that's a staple tech of critical reading
TheWriterAleph: draft compat
ElektroTal: I said aetherdraft earlier today in here even =)
baneless27: lol cams the best!
Dog_of_Myth: I have artist signed cards and creator signed cards. I have a nice signed Assemble the Legion from @ElektroTal
LiamK712: Good friend lucko
definenull: Ooh looks like everyone signalled correctly, judging by the color mirrors
ElektroTal: @KeytarCat oh books are different. i would cut my thumb off before i wrote in a book
LRRbot: Venomsac Lagac [1G] | Creature — Lizard Mount [2/1] | Deathtouch / Whenever this creature attacks while saddled, it gets +0/+3 until end of turn. / Saddle 2
Bugberry: Lots of people in Green
BrowneePointz: I write in books all the time
Manwedraithancaranfin: I've started getting people to sign my Guttersnipe when I win with it...I'm on Nelly's side
malfunct: lagacs are back
LRRbot: Walking Sarcophagus [2] | Artifact Creature — Zombie Cat [2/1] | Start your engines! / Max speed — This creature gets +1/+2.
Mai_Andra: yes... fight to the death, then suspiciously sourced steaks.
JoshSanville: To the tune of Backstreet’s Back: “Sac La-Gac, alright!”
BrowneePointz: but that comes from Film/acting classes and marking things for rereading/sense recall
Dog_of_Myth: Zombie Cat is the OG Smelly Cat
LRRbot: Goblin Surveyor [2R] | Creature — Goblin Scout [3/2] | Trample / Start your engines! / Max speed — {3}, Exile this card from your graveyard: Draw a card.
GasCityGaming: Sar-cat-phagus?
BrowneePointz: please, Dog of Myth, they’re based in Egypt
maxarquette: you can saddle even with summoning sickness?
BrowneePointz: on* those mummies are perfumed SO much
BrowneePointz: @maxarquette yes
LRRbot: Rocketeer Boostbuggy [RG] | Artifact — Vehicle [3/2] | Whenever this Vehicle attacks, create a Treasure token. / Exhaust — {3}: This Vehicle becomes an artifact creature. Put a +1/+1 counter on it. / Crew 1
GasCityGaming: @maxarquette yeah, it's a cost of the card with saddle :)
Dog_of_Myth: Oh yeah you're right @BrowneePointz
ElektroTal: rocketeer was my best card at the ppr
Dog_of_Myth: I failed in my joke.
LoadingReadyRun: Who is driving the Boost Buggy?!
circusofkirkus: BTE
Manitu_25: wild cantor
Bugberry: !card wild cantor
LRRbot: Wild Cantor [{R/G}] | Creature — Human Druid [1/1] | Sacrifice Wild Cantor: Add one mana of any color.
kynelwynn: Blood Tree Emissary yeah that one
BrowneePointz: Burning-Tree
LRRbot: Endrider Spikespitter [3R] | Creature — Human Mercenary [3/4] | Reach / Start your engines! / Max speed — At the beginning of your upkeep, exile the top card of your library. You may play that card this turn.
KeytarCat: !card burning tree em
LRRbot: Burning-Tree Emissary [{R/G}{R/G}] | Creature — Human Shaman [2/2] | When Burning-Tree Emissary enters, add {R}{G}.
kynelwynn: Nope, sorry Brownee, its Blood Tree form here on out
Rogue_07: Burning Tree
BrowneePointz: honestly with how the Curse of Wandering works I bet reasonably recent Amonkheti zombies still bathe
Mr_Horrible: we have to distinguish it from Burning-Tree Shaman somehow
KeytarCat: if it were in construction, it would be burming-tree emissary !
Rogue_07: World Slapionship
LRRbot: Gilded Ghoda [1R] | Creature — Horse Mount [2/2] | Whenever this creature attacks while saddled, create a Treasure token. / Saddle 1
ElektroTal: Ghoda
KeytarCat: Hilded hoda
BrowneePointz: Serge Shivam is gonna reach through the screen and admonish you for such a cheesy pun
ElektroTal: is pronounced with a strong G and a tongue flap for the da
Manwedraithancaranfin: [G]ho[rd]a
Chesul: Is it just me, or does it feel like more creatures in this set should have haste than actually do?
LRRbot: Bestow Greatness [2G] | Instant | Target creature gets +4/+4 and gains trample until end of turn.
InfiniTokens: @KeytarCat If it was into avians, it would be Birding Tree Emissary.
ElektroTal: but also with a deeeeeeeep gutteral HHHOOOOOWDA
Bugberry: I found it kind of odd how base-set OTJ had no regular Horse mounts, so I'm glad this set has a few.
LRRbot: Run Over [1G] | Instant | This spell costs {1} less to cast if it targets a Mount or Vehicle you control. / Target creature you control deals damage equal to its power to target creature an opponent controls.
definenull: Beeg pupper!
jimmethjambo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 14 months, currently on a 13 month streak!
jimmethjambo: Yipeee
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jimmethjambo! (Today's storm count: 44)
circusofkirkus: vroom vorom
dacbruh: hot damn
Gekyouryuu: I lost round 3, chat. I end my prerelease 2-1 in second place
baneless27: i was making my own sound effects at prerelase LOL
Dog_of_Myth: Nice
LRRbot: Rugged Highlands | Land | This land enters tapped. / When this land enters, you gain 1 life. / {T}: Add {R} or {G}.
GasCityGaming: @Gekyouryuu congrats!
WiJohn: Nice!
TiredStateofMind: good showing
BrowneePointz: lightning strike with SICK art
InfiniTokens: @Gekyouryuu Nice job!
Bugberry: @Gekyouryuu as Ricky Bobby says "if you ain't first, your last".
Mai_Andra: presumably this one?
vetr1c subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 51 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, vetr1c! (Today's storm count: 45)
baneless27: LOL drained his brain
BrowneePointz: Speed Rhino doesn’t screw around
Manwedraithancaranfin: Green was a mistake
Bugberry: !card Debri Beetle
LRRbot: Debris Beetle [2BG] | Artifact — Vehicle [6/6] | Trample / When this Vehicle enters, each opponent loses 3 life and you gain 3 life. / Crew 2
Decaped: !card debrittle
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
LRRbot: Wind-Scarred Crag | Land | This land enters tapped. / When this land enters, you gain 1 life. / {T}: Add {R} or {W}.
Bugberry: Green Black
LRRbot: District Mascot [G] | Creature — Dog Mount [0/0] | This creature enters with a +1/+1 counter on it. / {1}{G}, Remove two +1/+1 counters from this creature: Destroy target artifact. / Whenever this creature attacks while saddled, put a +1/+1 counter on it. / Saddle 1
Dog_of_Myth: Dog!
Bugberry: Green doesn't get to Drain
WiJohn: Pee dog!
definenull: pupper!
baneless27: dog got artifact!
Mazrae: !updog
LRRbot: Draconautics Engineer [1R] | Creature — Goblin Artificer [2/2] | Exhaust — {R}: Other creatures you control gain haste until end of turn. Put a +1/+1 counter on this creature. / Exhaust — {3}{R}: Create a 4/4 red Dinosaur Dragon creature token with flying.
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 16:19:44. lrrSPOT
InfiniTokens: Yeah YEAH
HadesLeprechaun: many ways to get eepy
LRRbot: Redshift, Rocketeer Chief [RG] | Legendary Creature — Goblin Pilot [2/3] | Vigilance / {T}: Add X mana of any one color, where X is Redshift's power. Spend this mana only to activate abilities. / Exhaust — {10}{R}{G}: Put any number of permanent cards from your hand onto the battlefield.
Bugberry: One of the few Exhaust abilities that doesn't put a Counter on it.
Mai_Andra: "Dog not remember. Actual parents law degree." xivBehe
baneless27: 3/3 rares xD
BrowneePointz: crim was doing dumb things with that card loot and soul cauldron in standard testing
WiJohn: Nooo pee dog!!!
LRRbot: Afterburner Expert [2G] | Creature — Goblin Artificer [4/2] | Exhaust — {2}{G}{G}: Put two +1/+1 counters on this creature. / Whenever you activate an exhaust ability, return this card from your graveyard to the battlefield.
Bugberry: Venge-Goblin!
Dog_of_Myth: @BrowneePointz Crim was forcing Corgis
BrowneePointz: Crim was also using this guy
Sogheim: wait Green gets Goblins now?
BrowneePointz: Fun fact, in Loot Cauldron that dude is JUST Vengevine
Fruan: Loot Soup
Bugberry: @Sogheim has since Lorwyn
BrowneePointz: that guy Cauldron, Engineer
Mr_Horrible: cauldron exhaust is an interaction that a lotta folks are testing, yeah
definenull: Loot cauldron
djalternative: or loot this town
BrowneePointz: yea Crim was playing Loot Cauldron
DrLigmaPhD: Just clone Loot
LRRbot: Goblin Surveyor [2R] | Creature — Goblin Scout [3/2] | Trample / Start your engines! / Max speed — {3}, Exile this card from your graveyard: Draw a card.
WiJohn: We're cookin' forced mascots tonight!
HadesLeprechaun: Loot Soup riot, RIOT
MrAyeAxe: Loot is another thing for Hazel's Brewmaster to break in canlander too :D
LRRbot: Blossoming Sands | Land | This land enters tapped. / When this land enters, you gain 1 life. / {T}: Add {G} or {W}.
baneless27: ya clear the road
BrowneePointz: Loot Scoot Boogie
MapleFoniks: It's cam!
BrowneePointz: zoot suit riot! RIOT! throw back a bottle of beer!
Manitu_25: i'm more of a jund kid myself
BrowneePointz: zoot suit riot! RIOT! pull a comb through your coal black hair!
LRRbot: Reckless Velocitaur [3R] | Creature — Minotaur Pilot [3/3] | Whenever this creature saddles a Mount or crews a Vehicle during your main phase, that Mount or Vehicle gets +2/+0 and gains trample until end of turn.
BrowneePointz: Redline reference!
Decaped: untargetted ability, neat.
baneless27: serge flash creature!
MapleFoniks: Serge be flooded
LRRbot: Burner Rocket [1R] | Artifact — Vehicle [3/1] | Flash / When this Vehicle enters, target creature you control gets +2/+0 and gains trample until end of turn. / Crew 1
AdamLavadan: The premier lands pilot in action
LRRbot: Rocky Roads | Land | This land enters tapped unless you control a Mount or Vehicle. / {T}: Add {R}. / {1}{R}, {T}, Sacrifice this land: Create a 1/1 colorless Pilot creature token with "This token saddles Mounts and crews Vehicles as though its power were 2 greater." Activate only as a sorcery.
circusofkirkus: ratchet the speed
djalternative: does it have marsh mellows?
LRRbot: Samut, the Driving Force [3RGW] | Legendary Creature — Human Warrior Cleric [4/5] | First strike, vigilance, haste / Start your engines! / Other creatures you control get +X/+0, where X is your speed. / Noncreature spells you cast cost {X} less to cast, where X is your speed.
ElektroTal: pretty sure you can't pilot lands in this set
flatluigi: so when was samut introduced again
Mr_Horrible: original amonkhet iirc
Bugberry: A few artists have distinct styles.
HadesLeprechaun: So, is the race -actually- vehicles, vs chariots vs people actually just running on foot?
djalternative: serge can't tell between francisco degoya and salvador dali
baneless27: i want to p1p1 her!
Mr_Horrible: Samut, Doesn't Need a Car
Decaped: Samut is the car
Muddy_Thunder: @djalternative that's the one with the red hair right?
Bugberry: @flatluigi back when the Gatewatch was going from plane to plane, she was the Ahmonkhet representative. How she sparked was neat.
LoadingReadyRun: @ElektroTal You can't pilot lands, but there are Pilot Lands in the set
flatluigi: @Bugberry oh that was rhetorical, i was making a joke about serge not recognizing the character
Bugberry: Her being a cleric is neat and not something I noticed
BrowneePointz: Also she’s not running the Race. she’s basically doing administration on Amonkheti but give Zahur and Basri two thumbs up and are wishing them the best
Orxolon: Pilot lands!?w😮w
LRRbot: Boommobile [2RR] | Artifact — Vehicle [5/5] | When this Vehicle enters, add four mana of any one color. Spend this mana only to activate abilities. / Exhaust — {X}{2}{R}: This Vehicle deals X damage to any target. Put a +1/+1 counter on this Vehicle. / Crew 2
Fruan: Samut isn't in the race because it would be unfair to everyone else.
LoadingReadyRun: (by Pilot Land, I mean the land that makes a pilot)
Orxolon: Aaaahhhh ok ok
LRRbot: Road Rage [R] | Instant | Road Rage deals X damage to target creature or planeswalker, where X is 2 plus the number of Mounts and Vehicles you control.
circusofkirkus: Maximum speed
LRRbot: Plow Through [G] | Sorcery | Choose one — / • Target creature you control fights target creature an opponent controls. / • Destroy target Vehicle.
Mr_Horrible: Serge keying Ben's car on the way out
ElektroTal: @LoadingReadyRun oh snap you absolutely got me there
LRRbot: Kolodin, Triumph Caster [RW] | Legendary Creature — Human Pilot [2/3] | Mounts and Vehicles you control have haste. / Whenever a Mount you control enters, it becomes saddled until end of turn. / Whenever a Vehicle you control enters, it becomes an artifact creature until end of turn.
LRRbot: Basri, Tomorrow's Champion [W] | Legendary Creature — Human Knight [2/1] | {W}, {T}, Exert Basri: Create a 1/1 white Cat creature token with lifelink. / Cycling {2}{W} / When you cycle this card, Cats you control gain hexproof and indestructible until end of turn.
baneless27: a dude just made so many cats against me...
LRRbot: Rampaging Aetherhood [4G] | Creature — Snake Hydra [4/4] | Trample, ward {2} / At the beginning of your upkeep, you get an amount of {E} equal to this creature's power. Then you may pay one or more {E}. If you do, put that many +1/+1 counters on this creature.
Mr_Horrible: I mean, Kalonian Hydra has existed for a long time
Fruan: And that's the FLOOR - if you have other engery sources or payoffs, who knows what'll happen
Bugberry: Ron Spencer has a distinctive look
baneless27: ron has the best art.
Mr_Horrible: but it also didn't have ward
LoadingReadyRun: It's also a Snydra!
Bruceski: I like the one head looking at the camera, that in particular feels very 90s magic card
Mr_Horrible: damn, he's got me there, Chat
Decaped: Energy Hydra, coming to a commander game near you.
BrowneePointz: let’s do this Cam! demolish em!
Mr_Horrible: I honestly am more interested to see what kinda gross *other* stuff people do with energy from a big donkey they can grow through whatever means
goombalax: unarmeHmm unarmeHmm unarmeHmm
Mishapp53 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 18 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Mishapp53! (Today's storm count: 46)
Mr_Horrible: seems like one of the easier bulk engines to get rolling
BrowneePointz: they put Samut on a tricycle so it’s fair, like Sonic in a car in Sonic Racing
Decaped: @LoadingReadyRun Snake Many
LRRbot: Brightfield Glider [W] | Creature — Possum Mount [1/1] | Vigilance / Whenever this creature attacks while saddled, it gets +1/+2 and gains flying until end of turn. / Saddle 3
Mai_Andra: surprise, it wheeled!
LRRbot: Nesting Bot [W] | Artifact Creature — Robot [1/1] | Start your engines! / When this creature dies, create a 1/1 colorless Servo artifact creature token. / Max speed — This creature gets +1/+0.
LRRbot: Bulwark Ox [1W] | Creature — Ox Mount [2/2] | Whenever this creature attacks while saddled, put a +1/+1 counter on target creature. / Sacrifice this creature: Creatures you control with counters on them gain hexproof and indestructible until end of turn. / Saddle 1
LRRbot: Interface Ace [1W] | Artifact Creature — Robot Pilot [0/4] | This creature saddles Mounts and crews Vehicles using its toughness rather than its power. / Whenever this creature becomes tapped during your turn, untap it. This ability triggers only once each turn.
LRRbot: Country Roads | Land | This land enters tapped unless you control a Mount or Vehicle. / {T}: Add {W}. / {1}{W}, {T}, Sacrifice this land: Create a 1/1 colorless Pilot creature token with "This token saddles Mounts and crews Vehicles as though its power were 2 greater." Activate only as a sorcery.
thraximore: LUL
Dog_of_Myth: lrrLUL
Bugberry: From 4 different players all playing Green to none.
LRRbot: Marketback Walker [XX] | Artifact Creature — Construct [0/0] | This creature enters with X +1/+1 counters on it. / {4}: Put a +1/+1 counter on this creature. / When this creature dies, draw a card for each +1/+1 counter on it.
Jaolen: the tension LMAO
TheWriterAleph: Marky Mark
Cptasparagus: canadiansplaining american culture there Wheeler?
Chesul: Yup, the Blue Ridge Mountains and Shenandoah River aren't in West Verginia.
Mr_Horrible: if the song's old enough, West Virginia may have just been west Virginia
Manwedraithancaranfin: Country rooooooads, let's-a gooooo, it's-a meeeeee, Mariooooo
Decaped: That song is so old West Virginia was still Virginia
thraximore: @Manwedraithancaranfin hahahaha
LRRbot: Voyager Quickwelder [2W] | Artifact Creature — Robot Artificer [2/4] | Artifact spells you cast cost {1} less to cast.
Bugberry: fair market value
Chesul: @Mr_Horrible It can't be, since the landmarks in the song are still in Virginia.
thraximore: cam pls draw an island
LRRbot: Pride of the Road [3W] | Creature — Zombie Cat Warrior [2/5] | Vigilance / Start your engines! / Max speed — At the beginning of combat on your turn, target creature or Vehicle you control gains double strike until end of turn.
Jaolen: (Virginia goes farther west than West Virginia, think about that)
thraximore: umbraWut
Dog_of_Myth: It's true
dacbruh: who is the REAL west virginia huh
Decaped: Gerry Mander was from West Virginia
Mr_Horrible: that's what happens when you want to get away from your racist brethren
BrowneePointz: if you have a problem with the lyrics you can take it up with John Denver. I’m sure he’ll be all ears
Mr_Horrible: you just draw the line and say "yeah we're in the north now"
LRRbot: Collision Course [1W] | Sorcery | Choose one — / • Collision Course deals X damage to target creature, where X is the number of permanents you control that are creatures and/or Vehicles. / • Destroy target artifact.
rabbitgta: Burger so old it could vote?
circusofkirkus: Yes John Denver was definitely alive during the Civil War
dacbruh: sings about west virginia, last name denver. Poser
Chesul: Whether or not the song is old enough for that, the landmarks in the song aren't in West Virginia, they're in Virginia, so it wasn't talking about that area of land either way.
Diabore: split of virginia, sometime between 1861-1865, country roads released 1971
frank_the_great: Fun fact: When the original colonies were made, they owned everything to the west of them. So you can fine maps of LONG Massachusetts
Mr_Horrible: @Diabore so we were close, is what you're telling me
LRRbot: The Aetherspark [4] | Legendary Artifact Planeswalker — Equipment [4] | As long as The Aetherspark is attached to a creature, The Aetherspark can't be attacked and has "Whenever equipped creature deals combat damage during your turn, put that many loyalty counters on The Aetherspark." / [+1]: Attach The Aetherspark to up to one target creature you control. Put a +1/+1 counter on that creature. / [−5]: Draw two cards. / [−10]: Add ten mana of any one color.
circusofkirkus: @Diabore so contemporaries from a geological timescale
flatluigi: YO
TehAmelie: ah, the west Virginia/West Virginia debacle
Mr_Horrible: Ben you have to win the race for that
Mr_Horrible: this is stolen valor
BrowneePointz: No John Denver wrote it in 1871 and got frozen in the Rockies for a century duh
Chesul: The Aetherspark is so good.
Dog_of_Myth: @Mr_Horrible LUL
dumbo3k: @frank_the_great honestly, that explains a lot about Massachusetts shape.
hd_dabnado: true
TheWriterAleph: LUL
Mr_Horrible: REAL
zelukester: thanks for that, Cam
Orxolon: "Sir do you know why I'm stopping you for?"
Diabore: you can now broken wings a planeswalker
zelukester: duel scene had it rough
Fruan: They make Emrakul work, they can take it.
LoadingReadyRun: lrrPAUL from what I understand, John Denver wasn't actually that familiar with the geography of Virginia
Bugberry: First Equipment for Planeswalkers, now Planeswalker for Equipment.
djalternative: Maximilian Speed
Mr_Horrible: software developers to tabletop game designers: "PLEASE stop just making crap up I beg you"
Dog_of_Myth: Seth, did find an Arena bug with the extended art of the Aetherspark.
LRRbot: Diversion Unit [1U] | Artifact Creature — Robot [2/1] | Flying / {U}, Sacrifice this creature: Counter target instant or sorcery spell unless its controller pays {3}.
Bugberry: @Diabore you could technically do that with the Sarkhan that turns Planeswalkers into Dragons.
BrowneePointz: @loadingreadyrun he wasn’t that familiar with Plane controls either
Chesul: @Bugberry to be fair, there's been a way to make a walker into an equipment for a long time, it's just been way more convoluted before this.
LRRbot: Collision Course [1W] | Sorcery | Choose one — / • Collision Course deals X damage to target creature, where X is the number of permanents you control that are creatures and/or Vehicles. / • Destroy target artifact.
Diabore: @Bugberry but not you can do it with no additional work
Manwedraithancaranfin: Wait...Aetherspark doesn't even need to deal combat damage *to a player*???
definenull: Jeez
Chesul: @Manwedraithancaranfin nope, it's crazy good.
Mr_Horrible: Umezawa's Sippy Cup
Diabore: magic is a dumb game
Mr_Horrible: although knowing Toshiro it's a hip flask
justalog96: Oh I'm DEAD
Mr_Horrible: a *big* hip flask
LRRbot: Daring Mechanic [2W] | Creature — Human Artificer [3/3] | {3}{W}: Put a +1/+1 counter on target Mount or Vehicle.
Manwedraithancaranfin: Umezawa's "didn't we learn our lesson the first time?"
Bugberry: Tjat
cereal_phreak: doesn't aetherspark fall off. He would have to activate to reequip.
Bugberry: That's one beefed up Sugar Glider
Mr_Horrible: it's John Goodman from Speed Racer
LRRbot: Spectacular Pileup [3WW] | Sorcery | All creatures and Vehicles lose indestructible until end of turn, then destroy all creatures and Vehicles. / Cycling {2}
flatluigi: aahha
circusofkirkus: LUL
zelukester: called it lol
TiredStateofMind: Umezawa’s Big Gulp
Mr_Horrible: GET HIS ASS
letsbelgo: WOOOOOOO
Chesul: @cereal_phreak nope, it stays equipped.
Mr_Horrible: no, it's part of the resolution
Mr_Horrible: so he can't get around it
fjordsword: daaaaaaaaaang Cameron
Mr_Horrible: the timing on that was very good
Darkflame0994: Wheeler speaking another wrath into existence XD
Diabore: thats a really pretty wrath
MapleFoniks: Someone clip this for the highlight reel
ghizmou: Cam brought the receipts
JKBalch: What a car crash! NASCAR would be proud
LRRbot: Brightfield Mustang [3W] | Creature — Horse Mount [3/3] | Whenever this creature attacks while saddled, untap it and put a +1/+1 counter on it. / Saddle 1
BrowneePointz: I read marketback walker in the same cadence as Paperback Writer Cori
Orxolon: I love the new wrath
Gadora: And the horse is now a planeswalker?
Mr_Horrible: the fact that it turns off indestructible *and* cycles seems well worth the extra mana over the usual baseline of 4
LRRbot: Voyager Quickwelder [2W] | Artifact Creature — Robot Artificer [2/4] | Artifact spells you cast cost {1} less to cast.
BrowneePointz: most horses are Plainswalkers
LRRbot: Mendicant Core, Guidelight [WU] | Legendary Artifact Creature — Robot [*/3] | Mendicant Core's power is equal to the number of artifacts you control. / Start your engines! / Max speed — Whenever you cast an artifact spell, you may pay {1}. If you do, copy it.
Mr_Horrible: IDK how relevant vehicles will be, but if they are, eh, gravy
itsj0mi: LUL
LRRbot: Lightwheel Enhancements [W] | Enchantment — Aura | Enchant creature or Vehicle / Start your engines! / Enchanted permanent gets +1/+1 and has vigilance. / Max speed — You may cast this card from your graveyard.
Mr_Horrible: @BrowneePointz ironically the only plainswalker I know of is an antelope(?)
Chesul: @Mr_Horrible there's usually at least one vehicle that's relevant.
frank_the_great: That robot is easily my fave card of the set
BrowneePointz: cuz wheeler plays cowboy magic and that there is a mustang
WiJohn: Horse bus
LRRbot: Canyon Vaulter [1W] | Creature — Kor Pilot [3/1] | Whenever this creature saddles a Mount or crews a Vehicle during your main phase, that Mount or Vehicle gains flying until end of turn.
rabbitgta: "You know what is better than being good at magic? Being lucky." Probably wheeler
LRRbot: Brightfield Glider [W] | Creature — Possum Mount [1/1] | Vigilance / Whenever this creature attacks while saddled, it gets +1/+2 and gains flying until end of turn. / Saddle 3
Decaped: That's a very fancy lookin' Segway
Bruceski: Just jump a horse over a canyon
LRRbot: Camera Launcher [3] | Artifact Creature — Construct [2/2] | Exhaust — {3}: Put a +1/+1 counter on this creature. Create a 1/1 colorless Thopter artifact creature token with flying.
Fruan: Oh possum, my possum
Cptasparagus: Cameron Launcher
LRRbot: Memory Guardian [4U] | Artifact Creature — Robot Artificer [3/4] | Affinity for artifacts / Flying
Jaolen: i have high hopes for this memory guardian
BrowneePointz: there is a sloth. it’s the prehistoric kind
Mr_Horrible: looking it up now on scryfall I'm laughing my ass off that there's 8 cards that specifically reference plainswalk, and of them, 4 are creatures that have it and 2 are permanents that disable it
Decaped: Can Cam beat an opponent drawing 3 cards a turn?
frank_the_great: Brightfield Glider, Tender Wildguide, Rambling Possum
BrowneePointz: megatherium that’s what it was
LRRbot: Unswerving Sloth [3WW] | Creature — Sloth Mount [5/5] | Whenever this creature attacks while saddled, it gains indestructible until end of turn. Untap all creatures you control. / Saddle 4
Chesul: @Jaolen It's definitely going to at least touch eternal formats for a bit.
Mr_Horrible: "Ah yes, this incredibly prominent keyword, we should print some counterplay to it"
flatluigi: there's some lower division races
Morrigan9: redline MtG edition
Mr_Horrible: some people have rocket-powered sports-cars and others are from Amonkhet
definenull: You either get super ahead or you just wreck the competition so you're the only one left
frank_the_great: @Mr_Horrible That big do nothing enchantment that removes it is considered one of the worst cards in magic.
Darkflame0994: one of the planes that takes part is literally just a bunch of knights riding various mounts. Their leader rides a giant griffin-bat-thing
Darkflame0994: its the GW legends
rabbitgta: Still considered a flared base
Mr_Horrible: @frank_the_great truly incredible
Orxolon: Isn't arcanine faster than rapidash?
Skye_Stryke: Horse gets a counter right?
Desruprot: I wonder what a Mount Vehicle would be
WiJohn: Horse counter!
Bugberry: @Desruprot Robot Horse
Juliamon: Orxolon It might have a higher topspeed but less endurance
Orxolon: @desruprot a mechanic Horse?
frank_the_great: @Mr_Horrible Yeah, bad cards are broken up into two categories: 1. Hyper specific do-littles, and 2. Resource intensive do-littles
Mr_Horrible: @Desruprot the horse gundam from G-Gundam
BrowneePointz: in lore Arcanine is indeed faster
Juliamon: also an Arcanine is much more likely to get distracted by a squirrel
definenull: Im still not done reading the card since it was spoiled
rabbitgta: Eats the spark
Mr_Horrible: @frank_the_great reading through old sets is definitely a treat, when you find one of these waiting like a landmine
yawn9296: @paul where did you guys get the giant dice you play with?
flatluigi: yes\
superdude097: Yes
circusofkirkus: Planeswalker that's a bestowed Aura
superdude097: That's the prize
Orxolon: @juliamon mmmm,since at first they wanted it to be a legendary thought otherwise
Bruceski: yes, that's the prize
frank_the_great: Yeppers
flatluigi: and the amonkhet team won
BrowneePointz: yes
Darkflame0994: Yes, the trophy is an aritifical spark. Chandra wants it for Nissa
thraximore: I don't know
TiredStateofMind: correct, and Amonkhet wins it
thraximore: probably
KringusWringus: when we getting a planeswalker forest
frank_the_great: There's not a good explanation on what exactly it does iirc
dacbruh: so having it before winning the race would be cheating right
Bruceski: Feels like using it DURING the race is a bit cheaty, just drive off.
Decaped: That prize totally goes to the winners and not to whoever just steals it.
TheWanderingNomad: @flatluigi Was it shareable or did someone in particular use it?
Desruprot: yes the Aetherspark is the prize
Bugberry: Technically Ixalan was also a race for a Planeswalker Spark.
Mr_Horrible: Avishkari artificers: "We made a demigod, who wants to Fast & Furious for it?"
Veshnikard: Mox opal is okay though
BrowneePointz: someone made it pre Revolt, with omenpaths they didn’t need it, couldn’t replicate it, so Avishkar put it up as a prize
frank_the_great: Modern is too fast and too expensive for me
doctortnt30xx: Dont question the implications of making the asetherspark
Kaaannaaa: Which formats are real? Are there any real formats?
doctortnt30xx: Pauper
Darkflame0994: The funny thing is even the Avishkari don't know where the aetherspark came from, they found it in a vault of old stuff the consulate had confiscated
Orxolon: How many More Time are we gonna be sparkless?
LRRbot: Spotcycle Scouter [1W] | Artifact — Vehicle [3/2] | When this Vehicle enters, scry 2. / Crew 1
LRRbot: Voyager Quickwelder [2W] | Artifact Creature — Robot Artificer [2/4] | Artifact spells you cast cost {1} less to cast.
LRRbot: Canyon Vaulter [1W] | Creature — Kor Pilot [3/1] | Whenever this creature saddles a Mount or crews a Vehicle during your main phase, that Mount or Vehicle gains flying until end of turn.
Mr_Horrible: @Darkflame0994 "Hey yeah this showed up in a filing cabinet when we were moving offices"
Darkflame0994: @Mr_Horrible kinda literally.
LRRbot: Memory Guardian [4U] | Artifact Creature — Robot Artificer [3/4] | Affinity for artifacts / Flying
definenull: Huge savings!
LRRbot: Brightfield Mustang [3W] | Creature — Horse Mount [3/3] | Whenever this creature attacks while saddled, untap it and put a +1/+1 counter on it. / Saddle 1
Jaolen: oh no
flatluigi: a drawable one
LRRbot: Camera Launcher [3] | Artifact Creature — Construct [2/2] | Exhaust — {3}: Put a +1/+1 counter on this creature. Create a 1/1 colorless Thopter artifact creature token with flying.
frank_the_great: Unicorn
Bugberry: Kelpie horse
BrowneePointz: yea SOMEONE a while ago made the Aetherspark, they couldn’t find them, or their notes, and can’t replicate it
Orxolon: Pegasus
baneless27: i thought he said cameron launcher
BrowneePointz: and Avishkar doesn’t care about sparks since the omenpaths are around
Mai_Andra: Shrekhorse?
Cptasparagus: it launches camerons
frank_the_great: Oh oh! - The horses that are big AF. Just wild to look at
BrowneePointz: Draft breeds @frank_the_great
Darkflame0994: And I'm so glad the Amonkhet team won, Basri may not be a planeswalker anymore, but he's still one of my favorite characters. Just because he's a white-aligned character who isnt just depressed or crushed by duty etc... he's just a nice guy trying to dothe right thing
BrowneePointz: Percherons, Belgians, Clydesdales, Shires. @frank_the_great
LRRbot: Voyage Home [5WU] | Sorcery | Affinity for artifacts / You draw three cards and gain 3 life.
definenull: Valueee
Orxolon: Valueeeeeee
Bugberry: Technically tapirs are closely related to horses
Fruan: Gotta save them whales
Mr_Horrible: Thoughtcast? I hardly know 'er!
baneless27: shouldnt ben have a cupcake?
fjordsword: would that be a ... horsefly
BrowneePointz: there’s other Draft breeds but those 4 are the most common. and among them Shires are the Titans of the Horse world. they are MASSIVE
LRRbot: Aetherjacket [3] | Artifact Creature — Thopter [2/1] | Flying, vigilance / {2}, {T}, Sacrifice this creature: Destroy another target artifact. Activate only as a sorcery.
Bruceski: Wheeler should have a win muffin, right?
Mr_Horrible: sounds like a Star Wars character
Mai_Andra: sheep-horse
Darkflame0994: I love the Guidelight voyagers too, I really hope theyre seeding for the space opera set at the end of the year
MapleFoniks: Ether JORKIN it
goombalax: buff sheep
WiJohn: That's a jacked sheep
Mr_Horrible: upon inspection, also kinda looks like one
LRRbot: Daring Mechanic [2W] | Creature — Human Artificer [3/3] | {3}{W}: Put a +1/+1 counter on target Mount or Vehicle.
frank_the_great: That sheep looks like I owe it money, and I'm not welcome until I pay up
BrowneePointz: wtf Cori someone crossbred a sheep with a pitbull!
Darkflame0994: dear god what happened to that sheep
Orxolon: No cupcake for Wheeler i Guess xD
flatluigi: uh oh
circusofkirkus: RIP game
Diabore: camera?
definenull: Uh oh
Mr_Horrible: love a void
Manwedraithancaranfin: VOOOOOID
Dog_of_Myth: Camera got launced
Darkflame0994: mario was so powerful he took out the camera
Dog_of_Myth: *launched
Mr_Horrible: minecraft sheep irl, but also they can kick your ass it looks like
InfiniTokens: It's BUFF
Orxolon: Mmmmm BLT
Bugberry: Looks like if a Sheep was a Bulldog
baskwalla: Is dog
Mai_Andra: well... "early"
Mr_Horrible: you got games on that thing, Wheeler?
LRRbot: Transit Mage [2U] | Creature — Human Wizard [2/2] | When this creature enters, you may search your library for an artifact card with mana value 4 or 5, reveal it, put it into your hand, then shuffle.
Mr_Horrible: good plan, honestly
definenull: Inb4 second aether spark
definenull: Oops
LRRbot: Voyager Quickwelder [2W] | Artifact Creature — Robot Artificer [2/4] | Artifact spells you cast cost {1} less to cast.
Desruprot: could still do a 4 one and then a 5 one
Mr_Horrible: it is both very weird that it's 4 or 5, and that its name doesn't really imply an object
frank_the_great: Trinket Mage is 0 or 1, well until they make something cost negative mana
Mr_Horrible: it's just another "tr-" word
Decaped: What the heck was the art brief on Transit Mage?
Chesul: @frank_the_great and treasure mage is 6+.
Mr_Horrible: @Decaped "IDK, you figure it out"
zombub: The mechanic obviously does mounts but vehicles too?!
BrowneePointz: @decaped they’re from duskmourn
Bugberry: @Mr_Horrible technically "transit" is a noun is a synonym for "vehicle"
TehAmelie: maybe it's minimum 4 to stop you from getting mana rocks? i'm just guessing
Bruceski: vampire bike
LRRbot: Interface Ace [1W] | Artifact Creature — Robot Pilot [0/4] | This creature saddles Mounts and crews Vehicles using its toughness rather than its power. / Whenever this creature becomes tapped during your turn, untap it. This ability triggers only once each turn.
definenull: Let's go!
Mr_Horrible: @Bugberry that is a longer walk than even I am used to
Fruan: It's Greasefang's new ride!
frank_the_great: It's an angel
Bugberry: Greasefang's Best Friend
LRRbot: Valor's Flagship [4WWW] | Legendary Artifact — Vehicle [7/7] | Flying, first strike, lifelink / Crew 3 / Cycling {X}{2}{W} / When you cycle this card, create X 1/1 colorless Pilot creature tokens with "This token saddles Mounts and crews Vehicles as though its power were 2 greater."
Chesul: @TehAmelie 4 and 5 were the only missing CMCs in the cycle, so they probably put both to make it a 5 card cycle instead of 6.
frank_the_great: You guys pull any yellow cards?
LRRbot: Leonin Surveyor [1W] | Creature — Cat Scout [2/2] | Start your engines! / During your turn, this creature has first strike. / Max speed — {3}, Exile this card from your graveyard: Draw a card.
BrowneePointz: and can cycle to make a BUTTLOAD of dudes
Darkflame0994: oh.. its the ship from Independence Day
TehAmelie: ah
LRRbot: Daring Mechanic [2W] | Creature — Human Artificer [3/3] | {3}{W}: Put a +1/+1 counter on target Mount or Vehicle.
LoadingReadyRun: @frank_the_great we got a couple in the booster box boxtopper
LRRbot: Aether Syphon [1UU] | Artifact | Start your engines! / {2}, {T}: Draw a card. / Max speed — Whenever you draw a card, each opponent mills two cards.
goombalax: Avishkar takes their independence day celebration very seriously
Bugberry: @Mr_Horrible you might be thinking of "transmit" which is similar and more often a verb, while transit is almost always a noun.
frank_the_great: @LoadingReadyRun Pog. I hear they look better in person. I'm not as down on them as the rest of the internet it seems
BrowneePointz: the Valor ship is from Kylem yall
mic_marduk: that's what she said
Mr_Horrible: @Bugberry yes but it doesn't refer to a tangible thing in the way the others of the cycle do. I never said what type of word it was, just how it's used
Orxolon: The alien ship wins! FBtouchdown
NotCainNorAbel: Pride500
Bugberry: @Mr_Horrible there's also the distinction that, instead of using a broad word for object, it's about a specific kind of object.
Mr_Horrible: you don't call a city bus "a transit"
TheMandrew subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 104 months, currently on a 104 month streak!
TheMandrew: 104 Months, that's...max speed!
Manwedraithancaranfin: Valour does look like something that was built to deploy a skybeam
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheMandrew! (Today's storm count: 47)
Mr_Horrible: but you call a paperweight "a trinket"
Darkflame0994: @BrowneePointz i was referencing the movie with Will smith and Jeff Goldblum
Bugberry: @Mr_Horrible I've heard people say they will "take the transit"
BrowneePointz: yea I have to pick one up for my Greasefang commander deck
BrowneePointz: and I’m not happy about it
mic_marduk: 104 months is crazy wth
BrowneePointz: cuz it’s not cheap
frank_the_great: LUL
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Mr_Horrible: "Grandad this would be great in Fortnite"
itsj0mi: gandalf, the rizzler
Bugberry: Basically John Clancy
hb8u: nah he'd be playing balatro
ghizmou: Saruman just nuking out the Ents
LRRbot: Brightfield Glider [W] | Creature — Possum Mount [1/1] | Vigilance / Whenever this creature attacks while saddled, it gets +1/+2 and gains flying until end of turn. / Saddle 3
LRRbot: Tranquil Cove | Land | This land enters tapped. / When this land enters, you gain 1 life. / {T}: Add {W} or {U}.
frank_the_great: It's hard to imagine this world w/o OG Tolkien's influence
LRRbot: Spotcycle Scouter [1W] | Artifact — Vehicle [3/2] | When this Vehicle enters, scry 2. / Crew 1
LRRbot: Mendicant Core, Guidelight [WU] | Legendary Artifact Creature — Robot [*/3] | Mendicant Core's power is equal to the number of artifacts you control. / Start your engines! / Max speed — Whenever you cast an artifact spell, you may pay {1}. If you do, copy it.
LRRbot: Collision Course [1W] | Sorcery | Choose one — / • Collision Course deals X damage to target creature, where X is the number of permanents you control that are creatures and/or Vehicles. / • Destroy target artifact.
itsj0mi: LUL
LoadingReadyRun: @frank_the_great lrrPAUL I think I get what they were trying with the yellow cards, but personally, I'm not a fan.
definenull: so a videogame
Mr_Horrible: just a little guydelight
LRRbot: Voyager Quickwelder [2W] | Artifact Creature — Robot Artificer [2/4] | Artifact spells you cast cost {1} less to cast.
TheWanderingNomad: I mean Weird Al voices Wreck-Gar in Animated
Mr_Horrible: it's just grungier astrobot, let's not fool ourselves
LRRbot: Marketback Walker [XX] | Artifact Creature — Construct [0/0] | This creature enters with X +1/+1 counters on it. / {4}: Put a +1/+1 counter on this creature. / When this creature dies, draw a card for each +1/+1 counter on it.
BrowneePointz: I just think of Ewan McGregor in Robots
BrowneePointz: which is a much nicer thought
LRRbot: Stridehangar Automaton [3] | Artifact Creature — Construct [1/4] | Thopters you control get +1/+1. / If one or more artifact tokens would be created under your control, those tokens plus an additional 1/1 colorless Thopter artifact creature token with flying are created instead.
doctortnt30xx: wait there's commander cards?
Mr_Horrible: this card seems sick
LRRbot: Guidelight Optimizer [1U] | Artifact Creature — Robot [2/1] | {T}: Add {U}. Spend this mana only to cast an artifact spell or activate an ability.
Mr_Horrible: yeah they opened a round of collector boosters
superdude097: @doctortnt30xx They drafted a Collector Booster too
definenull: they are all friend shaped
kynelwynn: Mere things
Bugberry: Wall-E plane
mic_marduk: these yellow cards look like Super Trumpfs cards...horrible
BrowneePointz: Edge of Eternities being a space opera seems right up Cam’s alley
itsj0mi: myr enforcer is thicc
niccus: do you think the party servos are happier than regular servos
Mr_Horrible: your mission, should you choose to accept it
kynelwynn: Servo Fact! Servos cannot express joy. Or fear. Or pain. The noises they make are just a byproduct of thir construction!
InfiniTokens: @niccus Maybe they get tired of partying.
doctortnt30xx: speed increase?
itsj0mi: yea
LRRbot: Scrap Compactor [1] | Artifact | {3}, {T}, Sacrifice this artifact: It deals 3 damage to target creature. / {6}, {T}, Sacrifice this artifact: Destroy target creature or Vehicle.
Orxolon: Scream if you Wanna go faster baby
Bugberry: Scrap Compactor has oddly wholesome flavor text
kynelwynn: I just hear the Brave Little Toaster's "Worthless" song
definenull: wow divination but your opponent pays the cost instead Kappa
itsj0mi: cam: this does not remind me of mirrodin. also cam: oh, wait, this is free 4Head
BrowneePointz: also from the one art we’ve seen the EoE full art basics are going to be GORGEOUS
LRRbot: Canyon Vaulter [1W] | Creature — Kor Pilot [3/1] | Whenever this creature saddles a Mount or crews a Vehicle during your main phase, that Mount or Vehicle gains flying until end of turn.
LRRbot: Gloryheath Lynx [1W] | Creature — Cat Mount [2/3] | Lifelink / Whenever this creature attacks while saddled, search your library for a basic Plains card, reveal it, put it into your hand, then shuffle. / Saddle 2
TheWanderingNomad: Man's surfing a motorcycle. I can respect that :D
Decaped: That's a Segway
TehAmelie: Wheeler did not even have a need for speed :o
itsj0mi: Clap
WiJohn: Good night everybody!
Mr_Horrible: Cool games! Thanks, team
BrowneePointz: Japanese one is probably a pretty penny
itsj0mi: FutureMan
InfiniTokens: Thanks for the stream!
yawn9296: before you go, where can I buy the dice you guys use??
Decaped: Anything else to say about John Denver?
BrowneePointz: they were a chessex set
Mr_Horrible: "Doing anything fun?" "Trying not to freeze."
BrowneePointz: kath also has a D&D panel
baneless27: when is bazar become ftp?
LoadingReadyRun: @yawn9296 the big dice are from Chessex
definenull: lrrAWW
flatluigi: of a game in _closed beta_? lmao
yawn9296: thank you! @LoadingReadyRun
Mr_Horrible: Chat: "Sometimes, we're a curse"
Orxolon: But we behave
definenull: i mean wheeler survived streaming balatro so
niccus: imagine knowing how to talk to people
Mr_Horrible: a laser-targeted "Hey, Chat"
Orxolon: Lrr chat would never push you to that point
Mr_Horrible: oh I thought that was Rhythm Cafe for a second
Mr_Horrible: and thought "Wow, Macross rhythm game" lrrLUL
benjamin_wheeler: oh they’re 100% capable of that don’t sell our chat short
TheAwkes: Who can stop you from showing up anyway?
Mr_Horrible: I need a Drip of the Necrodancer clothing line
Mr_Horrible: real
mattydubs82: I love lrr!
Mr_Horrible: increasing your collection of Weird Rocks That Kill You
Mai_Andra: bolt first, then banan
Bugberry: Superbowl Sunday!
Orxolon: Yyeeeeessssss
Bruceski: That's just the Pandemic
dacbruh: I LOVE watching that game
dacbruh: It's amazing
enbyKriss: Omg, yes lockdown protocol on LRR! raysP
frank_the_great: Shoutout to Amy and Voxy
Cptasparagus: its much less annoying than among us
Mr_Horrible: taking some queues from Unfortunate Spacemen, afaik
lamina5432: gnight
Cptasparagus: and Crim is always the murderer
Mr_Horrible: queues? cues
dacbruh: also, killing all the dissidents and still losing because you don't know how to clean a vent
Mr_Horrible: oy
Dog_of_Myth: @Cptasparagus True
mattydubs82: first time chatinng in 2 years. I love chat. miss ya'll
Orxolon: Who are we gonna have on CTS?do we know?
InfiniTokens: @mattydubs82 Welcome back!
Decaped: Dang, 9 years.
KWardJenx: Well played, CAm
TheAwkes: #PeakCameron
Dog_of_Myth: Nice
Mr_Horrible: @mattydubs82 thanks for stopping by (and/or welcome back if you're able to make it more regularly now), hope you're doing well
KWardJenx: Thanks for the stream. Great time
KeytarCat: I've mostly just watched one person explode entire lobbies in Lockdown because the c4 interaction is hilarious
DeM0nFiRe: o/ lrrHEART
Orxolon: Thanks for the stream!
mattydubs82: lurker and comp died. got a loaner. still on an old model
itsj0mi: FutureMan
definenull: thankies for streamies lrrSHINE
Mr_Horrible: thanks for the show, gang
mattydubs82: be back in the next 2 years. i hope