ShaneLeeAtk: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Bonus Stream (Join Ian and Beej for a cheeky Bonus Stream! Game: Macross Shooting Insight) at Sun 02:00 PM PST (1m ago).
CyndaneTierney: Was the bonus stream cancelled?
Juliamon: No word yet
CyndaneTierney: Okay. I'll just hold.
LoadingReadyRun: We're holding toight
LoadingReadyRun: I just arrived with the game
DeM0nFiRe: zeldaParty
Cptasparagus: Macrossing the Streams!
SkylerRingtail: *eager tippity taps*
jessicaengle: jlrrDance
jessicaengle: We're creating Excel macros?
Juliamon: lrrSIG
accountmadeforants: lrrSIG
DeM0nFiRe: lrrSIG
jessicaengle: SSSsssplode
DideRobot: LRR: There've been some SHOOTINGS on the MACROSS so we're calling in Ian and Beej to provide INSIGHT! (has image) |
DrStrangeAL subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 54 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DrStrangeAL! (Today's storm count: 14)
MehallD subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 134 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MehallD! (Today's storm count: 15)
RandomTrivia: Hi friends! lrrHEART I have no idea what we're in for but I'm sure Ian and Beej will make it make less sense somehow!
RainyMint: lrrSIG
SergeYager: sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo
179 raiders from SergeYager have joined!
AnimeKitty: sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo
joallthedogs: sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo
gsyhiap: sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo
brieandbacon: sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo
chrono2x: sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo
jessieimproved: sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo
AdamLavadan: jlrrDance3 jlrrDance3 jlrrDance3 jlrrDance3 jlrrDance3
SRabbelier: sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo
gsyhiap: sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo
jessicaengle: armoroDance armoroDance armoroDance
Boon_33: lrrLUL
ExachixKitsune: sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo
RandomTrivia: Welcome raiders! lrrSHINE sergeHeart
gsyhiap: sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo
Marvoleath: sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo
phoenixfeather14: jlrrDance jlrrDance jlrrDance
TheAinMAP: twitchRaid twitchRaid twitchRaid
AnimeKitty: sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo
l0gin4me: sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo
jessicaengle: jlrrDance jlrrDance3 jlrrDance
Pinwiz11: I just looked at the image and it's Macross Delta? Love it
Wolfstrike_NL: lrrSHINE
gsyhiap subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 115 months!
gsyhiap: sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, gsyhiap! (Today's storm count: 16)
jessicaengle: Brew Crew Hype!
Dog_of_Myth: This will be something
Travilogue subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 92 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Travilogue! (Today's storm count: 17)
Boon_33: lrrSERGE lrrSLOTH
Juliamon: Hi Brew Crew! Hope the stream went well!
Getter404 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 52 months, currently on a 52 month streak!
Getter404: In the world of Macross, there is one universal truth: Sheryl > Ranka
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Getter404! (Today's storm count: 18)
jessicaengle: doo ba doo pap
Juliamon: intro echo
SnackPak_: remix!
korvys: Fun Fact: The last Matters of Import stream was in February 2018
brieandbacon: lrrSIG lrrSIG
RandomTrivia: Double intro let's GOOO
RatherLargeToad: In the cold darkness of space…
WearingCats_CwC: Secret Matters of Import? :o
TehAmelie: hello!
TheAinMAP: Hello lrrIAN lrrBEEEJ
Mai_Andra: "That was it, thank for tuning in!"
calculated_uncertainties: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100
GapFiller: good ebening VOID Beej lrrBEEEJ Ian lrrIAN
Getter404: Isn't like 90% of it on Hulu?
BlueChloroplast: Big Robutts!
NotCainNorAbel: who let these two be in control? lrrBEEJ
Getter404: Everything BUT the original series IIRC
SK__Ren: Get stuffed Harmony Gold!
Getter404: But hey, Delta in the states!
Pinwiz11: I need to get back to watching Delta
Natimus_Prime: Harmony Gold got their butts kicked and now only have the rights to their specific stuff
GapFiller: now while on one hand its obv nice to make it here in time for the start but otoh wasnt the stream meant to begin 30 mins ago
spicyFerret_: harmony gold >>
GapFiller: guessing slight delay there
Juliamon: yeah they got there late
accountmadeforants: Ew, 60 FPS anime
Juliamon: 60fps AI upscale 🤮
Cptasparagus: think of the gamers, Beej
GapFiller: hlorf
BlueChloroplast: Oh no
GapFiller: blurgh
MalFnord: Is this like the Interstella 5555 "upscale?"
accountmadeforants: The worst thing is when you're looking for an OP/ED for an anime and it's been upscaled, all those globby jelly people
Marvoleath: Humans can't move in faster than 24 FPS lrrBEEJ
RandomTrivia: Oh noooooo
BlueChloroplast: Time to demaster everything
SnackPak_: lrrWOW
GapFiller: oh for the days when everything came w/ CRT scanlines eh
korvys: So I have no idea what Macross is, but looking at google, it seems to be... Gundam Transformer?
MalFnord: Time to hoist the ol' jolly roger again, I guess. 🏴‍☠️
chrono2x: @korvys Kinda but also aliens
Getter404: @korvys More Yamato than Gundam but sure
Juliamon: korvys Gundam but with Music
accountmadeforants: Let's find the original art and re-scan it.
Critterbot: I'd love it if you brought back AnoAni.
korvys: @Getter404 Look, in the same way all consoles are nintendos, all japanese robots are gundams lrrBEEJ
jessicaengle: @korvys Even the fancy Japanese commodes?
WearingCats_CwC: Not even all Gundams are Gundams
Getter404: @korvys someone who willingly chose a Getter Robo nickname I am incandescent with rage. But respectfully.
DEATHlikescats: best friends stream!
Territan: I am now strangely curious about Japanese robot commodes.
Getter404: @Territan Best episode of Bob's Burgers
Natimus_Prime: I love me some Macross 7. Defeat the enemy fleet by rocking so hard they give up.
goombalax: Deerian Jihad
korvys: Oh, is Beej a Dune fan? lrrBEEJ
neisan2112 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 73 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, neisan2112! (Today's storm count: 19)
BlueChloroplast: lrrLUL lrrLUL lrrLUL
Shurtal: all macross reality is warped by in universe creative juice
Bruceski: That is kinda adorable
Getter404: D-DE CULTURE
Zerragonoss: There is already 100X more media then you can consume in a life time, you don't need computers to make more less good stuff.
LordZarano: Hey! I enjoy that photo that that one monkey took of itself perfectly well enough!
RandomTrivia: Wait so the entire franchise is diegetically canon, in-universe?
jessicaengle: I've understood about 15% of the words said so far. So, less than Magic but more than Oki Oki PopCorn
Getter404: @RandomTrivia It was originally "just" DYRL existing as an in-canon movie sometime around M7 but later expanded to encompass all the media, yes
RandomTrivia: @Getter404 Absolutely amazing
Travilogue: By breaking the shrink wrap, you've agreed to all the terms and conditions....
public_key_reveal_party: I think you've done more disclosure than you need to, to be fair
Critterbot: It is on Steam.
RandomTrivia: Of course you did HypeLUL
raulghoulia: very much enjoyed the crapshot where Beej isn't mad at his dad
BimBamBerry: Good thinking SeemsGood let's play!
RandomTrivia: Song volume - is this a cross-promotion with Rhythm Cafe?
ButButTheJesus: hi folks, is this some kinda robotech?
RandomTrivia: Or I guess a Ma-Cross promotion? lrrBEEJ
Territan: You laugh, RandomTrivia, but with only three controls it sounds like a rhythm game.
TehAmelie: is the plural of Macross Macros?
spicyFerret_: VF-DA my beloved
CrossXhunteR: I like the music from delta, but I’ve not watched it
Juliamon: Delta is a hard come-down from Frontier
LordZarano: @TehAmelie Macrosi?
Balugo: Ian mentioning using Robotech in Rifts reminded me of a birthday party years ago where I ran a Robotech game for some friends (using that same system)
raulghoulia: Roy Fokker or bust
Getter404: The sum total of my Delta knowledge is the September mash up
Boon_33: we are home.
RatherLargeToad: Auto-recovery = Salvaging cars?
MalFnord: 50ish IIRC
CrossXhunteR: a one year war?
Getter404: The fleets being so isolated (and so full of clones) makes the timeline... murky
MalFnord: Delta's like 2050s I think
BimBamBerry: If the guitars work, it's only waiting for a Japanese fan with a dancemat SeemsGood
ButButTheJesus: do a barrel roll?
goombalax: there should be a request to skip the tutorial, and if you pick it he punches you in the face
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Bruceski: So she's trying to weaponize punk rock?
Getter404: Darksided Sheryl Norm
BusTed: "rue the day" has been called
accountmadeforants: "They'll rue the day", sentences indicating a stable and healthy mindset
DoodlestheGreat: "They'll rue the day!" "Rue the day? Who talks like that?"
MalFnord: So she's talking to herself in a dark room? I like this lady already!
Territan: "Congratulations! Your moose is pregnant!"
RandomTrivia: @BusTed That didn't take long
MalFnord: Also, $5 says this is what happened to Taylor Swift in the Macross-verse
RandomTrivia: This sure is a lore dump with a lot of proper nouns
Marvoleath: space whales, heck yea
Bruceski: So this is Star Trek 4?
Bruceski: go back in time to steal a whale
DEATHlikescats: does Star Trek 4 the search for Spock count as space whales?
RatherLargeToad: She’s a space whale biologist?
goombalax: Ahsoka is like a continuation of Rebels
Zerragonoss: I have done that with clone wars twice
LathosTiran: Time folding? Did we strap a vajara to a delorian?
TheAinMAP: I wouldn't say have too, but if you really like space whales...
BimBamBerry: Songstresses WutFace
BusTed: as one does
DEATHlikescats: I feel like this is Pre-Plus
DoodlestheGreat: "We don't need to keep up on Star Wars, I have enough of a time keeping up on One Piece."
BaronVonPoppinOff subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 90 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BaronVonPoppinOff! (Today's storm count: 20)
Boon_33: a hoi hoi ~mr. Burns
cuzuki: I really need to go back and watch Plus again, it's been a VERY long time since I watched it.
Boon_33: so that guy has pointy ears....
DEATHlikescats: we’re in some AU offshoot?
ScrapyardGhostTrain: SRW is the best.
DEATHlikescats: pulling the warp against the weft, slantwise
Territan: So a space-folding drive... is that like origami?
Territan: Maybe you can fold space into a crane, and then time travel by pulling its beak?
Getter404: Just did some wiki'ing. Plus: 2045. Seven: 2050. Frontier: 2059. Delta: 2067.
Cptasparagus: Glen Edwards
Cptasparagus: WWII pilot
Marvoleath: g-UI-tar?
Mai_Andra: Edwards James Olmos, from Battlestar Galac7...
Thisbymaster: Is this a rhythm game?
RandomTrivia: No gameplay here, only more visual novel :D
margieargie: I'm just assuming this is the whole game, it really is just a kinetic novel
DEATHlikescats: naw y’all in a visual novel
TehAmelie: really reminds me of Heaven will be Mine
DEATHlikescats: GAUL ducat
RandomTrivia: Ooooh
raulghoulia: Lockon is from Gundam
CrossXhunteR: are there no subtitles during the gameplay, or was I missing them
RatekStormcrow: When gameplay graphics are better than the cutscenes :)
Marvoleath: 3 hours mission time?!
Mai_Andra: "I'm gonna jet. Joan Jett."
RandomTrivia: Mission time 3 minutes, because goodness knows we need to get you back to the visual novel :D
Mai_Andra: oh, it's Asteroids, Macross Edition.
goombalax: Macross, by Touhou
PandaKingEric: Ah Robotech
RandomTrivia: Welp
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
offbeatwitch: BONK
DEATHlikescats: lol
Mai_Andra: nani?!
BusTed: benginO7
RandomTrivia: Get outplayed I guess?
DEATHlikescats: 2020Victory
DEATHlikescats: ScaredyCat
RandomTrivia: The background is so visually noisy
letsbelgo: my boyfriend is a pilot
RatekStormcrow: I think that ship has missiles or what is that in the top left ?
Mai_Andra: oh, no... is *this* what Touhou is? (I'm into this...)
letsbelgo: kyun kyun
margieargie: It's increasing your shot level, so presumably better weapons when you get a new level
Cptasparagus: I also thought that was a pickup Beej
offbeatwitch: @Mai_Andra tohou is THE bullet hell
Mangledpixel: boop
Mangledpixel: aha, nerds, I knew it
Boon_33: "we have enemy contacts in every direction sir." "Good, we don't need to aim."
Mai_Andra: I spent quite a lot of time in Captain Skyhawk, Aerofighters, Ikaruga, SkyForce...
Boon_33: I'm partial to UN Squadron myself.
Marvoleath: You do not get health regen between the stages
Marvoleath: which seem rough
RandomTrivia: I think that must explain what "auto-recover" was
Mangledpixel: I'm assuming there isn't anything to replenish your shields?
Boon_33: o wow, it was a fighting robot this whole time :)
ceskin82: Hi! how it seems?
SkylerRingtail: Small world. Hero With a Thousand Faces is my current reading
offbeatwitch: super fightin' robots!
Boon_33: Are bullet hecks just rhythm games with extra steps? (no extra steps)
RandomTrivia: You'll be fine
RandomTrivia: Welp
RandomTrivia: I've never had to eat my words within 4 seconds before :D
Boon_33: is the japanese for 'menu'... "menu"
accountmadeforants: Option menu yo
accountmadeforants: Imagine if every game did that. (I suggest using yo for English, as well. Volume should go "Turn down for what")
Boon_33: "I wish I could strafe through bullets." "good news, you can. Once."
accountmadeforants: @Boon_33 Damage boosting OpieOP
Boon_33: hahaha
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
ScrapyardGhostTrain: "Once Mr. Torpedo has left the tube, he is no longer your, nor anybody else's, friend."
TehAmelie: ronine millimeter
Boon_33: sweet feudalism jokes, Can't wait till we get to crenelation law.
offbeatwitch: LMAO
jessicaengle: armoroDance armoroDance armoroDance
RandomTrivia: WHAT WAS THAT lrrSPOOP
goombalax: alright here we go
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
calculated_uncertainties: The asteroids are brain death.
RandomTrivia: Oh we literally Touhou now
accountmadeforants: Armed projectiles are not fond of long-distance relationships
ButButTheJesus: katesShake katesShake katesShake
accountmadeforants: Honestly, the movie should've been main screen with the gameplay in the little window off to the side :P
Cptasparagus: its actually Char
RandomTrivia: Ok soundtrack, first off, you have no right to go that hard, and second, you have no right to go that hard and then STOP AFTER 15 SECONDS
LordZarano: @Boon_33 Technically menyuu but yes it's an English loanword
Shurtal: is that guys name really Max Genius?
ButButTheJesus: @RandomTrivia right
Marvoleath: @LordZarano which is funny, give English loaned it from another language in the first place :P
RandomTrivia: benginJam jlrrDance
TehAmelie: the maximum genius there can be, seems fake
Juliamon: it's Japanese law that space-scifi anime have to have bullshit names
RandomTrivia: benginO7
l0gin4me: o7
ButButTheJesus: Narrator: It did not start from the boss fight
accountmadeforants: Ah yes, this is the famous arcade-style gameplay
Mangledpixel: there's no checkpointing in War, Ian!
ButButTheJesus: that guarantees I'll not play this
Boon_33: @LordZarano neato, Thanks so much.
Marvoleath: @Mangledpixel tell it to Tom Cruise in Edge of tomorrow
Mangledpixel: heh
TehAmelie: imagine if saving was one of your special abilities. choose between saving before the big boss or having a big bomb for the big boss
jacqui_lantern234: hey ya heccin nerds whomst i love beyond measure <3
ravensshade: would pick save 100% of the time
accountmadeforants: "Visuals on the screen you don't have time to look at" is just rhythm games
Boon_33: War, war never checkpoints. (war has changed, but it has always checkpointed.)
Mangledpixel: Hayate is Present
chrono2x: This background of an asteroid belt is also making it very hard to parse what is going on
TehAmelie: of course if you suck too much you may not be able to save
Boon_33: @chrono2x oo, that is so intentional.
Boon_33: @Boon_33 hope you're not color blind. :)
RandomTrivia: Oh cool even *your* hitbox is janky as heck :D
Boon_33: @RandomTrivia ye ole 3d strafe
TehAmelie: what i'm getting is that they maybe should have stayed with the visual novel mode
accountmadeforants: @TehAmelie I worry the VN mode wouldn't have had any songs at all
RandomTrivia: @accountmadeforants Only if the devs were cowards
SquareDotCube: It's so strange that they don't have a middle ground of health pickups
TehAmelie: Heaven will be Mine had a sweet soundtrack as i recall. should play that some more come to think of it
accountmadeforants: @RandomTrivia Given that the songs weren't animated and taking up most of the screen, I'm confident in suggesting they're not brave :p
RandomTrivia: Not even using the full screen width :D
goombalax: I wonder if the vods will get muted during those sequences
SnackPak_: but the leaderboard lrrBEEJ
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
ButButTheJesus: your bragging rights!
RandomTrivia: Ah good, literal actual baby mode :D
ButButTheJesus: Very easy is the correct choice
RandomTrivia: (I get the feeling this is NOT going to be literal actual baby mode)
TehAmelie: streaming adds two difficulty levels, though
RandomTrivia: @TehAmelie Good point, gotta account for that Chat handicap
RandomTrivia: Is she... a puppet?
SnackPak_: lrrFRUMP
RandomTrivia: Uh
ButButTheJesus: uh
TehAmelie: fashion?
RandomTrivia: Oh his arm just hadn't loaded in
RandomTrivia: lrrBEEJ
Juliamon: RandomTrivia The sprites are swapping layers depending on who's talking
RandomTrivia: Juliamon Oh that makes sense
RandomTrivia: I prefer my version though :D
Cptasparagus: his arm is actually vibrating through her torso so fast that its superimposed
Mangledpixel: a
Marvoleath: Super Saian enterred the caht
TehAmelie: don't think too hard about where his hand passes through
Sogheim: reverse matryoshka
ButButTheJesus: Ian
TehAmelie: baby decides: religion!
RandomTrivia: Why is this Yugioh 5Ds character in a Macross game? lrrBEEJ
Mangledpixel: mother throwing a baby: ma, crossing
goombalax: is this the part that didn't age well
RandomTrivia: I wish I could get my hair to do that
SquareDotCube: Ma'am your cowlick is out of control.
tenthtechpriest: oh right, the space whales
TehAmelie: that's no cowlick, she's part super saiyan
TehAmelie: the middle forehead part
Sogheim: I am so confused and it's ok
TehAmelie: this has gone sideways
ButButTheJesus: okay sure
SolarBlitz1: So they're just going through all the styles of scroller games, interesting
Mangledpixel: of course, that would be rude
RandomTrivia: Is there a way to stack multiple sets of cat ears on a character? Because if there is then I'm on board
adept_nekomancer: We're a bit too close to that star.
TehAmelie: it
TehAmelie: it's fine, this isn't star wars
RandomTrivia: Keeping you company, giving moral support
TehAmelie: the stars are neutral
Marvoleath: At least you do not have to protect the other ship
Cptasparagus: hes getting his flight hours in for his licencing
Mangledpixel: or it's one of those teleconferencing microphones with a bendy 'swan' neck
ButButTheJesus: his gun's jammed
TheAwkes: Are they gifts to raise your relationship with the other characters?
RatherLargeToad: Angry Buzz Lightyear?
RandomTrivia: lrrCOW
BlueChloroplast: Yaaaay!
TehAmelie: wait her necklace is a snake
TehAmelie: sneklace
adept_nekomancer: I just noticed that too... Does she have a sleepy snake necklace?
Mangledpixel: this school day could have been an email
Sogheim: I am surprised Roy is alive
TehAmelie: you look like you're close to retirement and it will treat you well
Cptasparagus: you've heard that dogs and their owners start to look alike....
TehAmelie: how much hair gel do you think this ship goes through per day?
tenthtechpriest: deculture
Juliamon: Maybe they take advantage of lower gravity for higher hair
TehAmelie: then the guy with a single bang hanging down to his shoulder and then curling up must be trying extra hard
tenthtechpriest: SPACE gel made using zero g polymers
couchboyj: Thats how it works for Dr Who. Best is your first and the most recent is trash. Second most recent was just misunderstood in its time.
TehAmelie: aerogel could be thing. when you want your hairstyle to last a while
offbeatwitch: the multiplier seems to be in the "rate" circle on the right
Mangledpixel: !genuis
Mangledpixel: !genius
LRRbot: I'm a genius!
BlueChloroplast: Oooh a bug ship
MAPBoardgames: !secret
LRRbot: That's my Secret, I always have reach.
RandomTrivia: @Mangledpixel This comment is a work of art by itself
Mangledpixel: @RandomTrivia :p
tenthtechpriest: where is the backup they promsied?
RandomTrivia: I love the explosion effects that bear no relation to the artstyle
RandomTrivia: No, you were right the first time, Ian
Juliamon: You were right both times
SK__Ren: MacrosS+ ?
tenthtechpriest: all our friends and squidward
TehAmelie: okay to be fair that bang barely goes down to his chin. but so perfectly sculpted
adept_nekomancer: A sneklace and a triforce
miniMacGuru: I guess we could just install "retro" CD players in all our future space ships.
accountmadeforants: The only way to acquire music now is if a Songstress sings it. It's the grimmute future.
TehAmelie: we'll find out if she shows up just before you die
TheAwkes: Hardened cameltoe protection.
TehAmelie: you need vacuum sealed bellies in space
tenthtechpriest: maybe she just has an abnormally large belly button
accountmadeforants: @TehAmelie It's the only way to combat the cold vacuum outside
TehAmelie: now i'm remembering Carrie Fisher's rant about George Lucas "demanding" that Leia could not wear a bra because of zero gravity
ButButTheJesus: @TehAmelie right and I'm like wtf they've NEVER in zero G
adept_nekomancer: I'd think you'd want extra support when there's no gravity to keep things predictably constrained.
TehAmelie: that's one of the troubling parts of the concept. . .
Sethalidos: RIP Carrie Fischer Drowned in Moonlight, Strangled by her own bra
iris_of_ether: ^^^
accountmadeforants: @adept_nekomancer Maybe this is what the skin-tight suits are for in this game
Sethalidos: no rythmn cafe?
Juliamon: It's up next
accountmadeforants: I really hope there's some way to get overlapping songs
Juliamon: !next
TheAwkes: Distracting Overlays, Activate!
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Rhythm Cafe (Heather and Ian continue their never-ending quest to play ALL THE RHYTHM GAMES! Game: Rift of the Necrodancer) at Sun 04:00 PM PST (19m from now).
RandomTrivia: @Sethalidos It's not time yet - also this is clearly a warm-up :D
RandomTrivia: The circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant, weren't you listening to Mewtwo?
RandomTrivia: lrrBEEJ
TehAmelie: i feel bad for the VAs who had to go and record a bunch of ha and hoo noises for this
RandomTrivia: *hard cut*
TehAmelie: one more, what could go wrong
Juliamon: TehAmelie It's not unusual for VA work tbf
Mathwyn: There is enough music in this to count for rhythm cafe right? :p
RandomTrivia: What are the odds that Heather walks in and just carries on playing this
spethycakes: I believe in the industry, they call them "beards"
Sogheim: do we get to warn Roy about Operation Pineapple Salad?
Marvoleath: That one in the background is definitely photoshoped in, different light and scale xD
tenthtechpriest: just a bit of subtext, as a treat
Juliamon: I mean, you could look for excuses to make this qualify for RC, but why would you when you could be playing Rift of the Necrodancer?
RandomTrivia: @Juliamon ..... shit you make a good point
Marvoleath: wait, he's called Focker
kusinohki: meows
kusinohki: totally forgot about this. sad I missed most of it
rabbitgta: You dont like facts?
ButButTheJesus: hoel
Havok4 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 134 months, currently on a 134 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Havok4! (Today's storm count: 21)
kusinohki: random thought - how well would a veritech fighter actually work in space??
Sogheim: oh no!
tenthtechpriest: oh someone gonna die
Mathwyn: We have big zam at home
tenthtechpriest: You can tell the boss is strong because we managed to hit chorus
Marvoleath: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
Marvoleath: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
kusinohki: I kind of miss matters of import. started watching the show about 3 weeks before it stopped...
Juliamon: !paypal
LRRbot: Have you ever wanted to financially support LRR without any of those pesky 'perks' or 'recognition'? Well, you're in luck, because LRR has a PayPal link:
rabbitgta: Thanks for streaming
Marvoleath: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Rhythm Cafe (Heather and Ian continue their never-ending quest to play ALL THE RHYTHM GAMES! Game: Rift of the Necrodancer) at Sun 04:00 PM PST (7m from now).
NotCainNorAbel: Pride500
TehAmelie: thanks for the stream!
Marvoleath: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
RandomTrivia: Thanks for the bonus stream, Ian and Beej! lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
ButButTheJesus: thamk strem!
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
DeM0nFiRe: o/ lrrHEART
spethycakes: lrrSHINE
GapFiller: lrrSPOOP lrrSHINE that bgm came in w/ a bit of a bang
TehAmelie: anyway, Heaven will be Mine is a terrible good visual novel about space mechas and smooches if anybody's into that
GapFiller: nalvThink interesting how interstitial theme volume so often tends to be inveresly proportional to speech volume
Juliamon: I think it's scene-based
Juliamon: so it's a case of OBS not having identical settings for each scene
GapFiller: sounds abt right
chrono2x: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Juliamon: lrrSIG
RandomTrivia: lrrSIG !
TheAinMAP: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
GapFiller: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG jlrrCooltunes jlrrCooltunes jlrrCooltunes
GapFiller: it figures something like that is also the reason for the Zoom audio difference problem on streams w/ multiple people not physically together having radically variable volume (thinking of the occasional CtS where one person is pinning back the meter while at the same time somebody else is inaudible)
accountmadeforants: lrrSIG sajamAaaa
accountmadeforants: I've been playing Rift of the Necrodancer pretty much every moment I could since getting it (which admittedly isn't as much as I would've liked). I can confidently say it rules.
putz12a: Still hearing Macross dialog in the background :D
DaxStrife: Time It's Go
TheAinMAP: lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrARROW jlrrCooltunes
Supermariowert: no
TehAmelie: hello Heather, hi again Ian
CaptainCoriale: @accountmadeforants saaame! I have to play it in short chunks because it breaks my brain though
TheAinMAP: Hello lrrIAN lrrHEATHER
SaxPython: Doth Thou Rizz'eth
jessieimproved tips hat "and a skibidi rizz to you as well"
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
SaxPython: lunarj1Messy
NotCainNorAbel: nicer than Ben ever handles that mic
accountmadeforants: @CaptainCoriale Oh, for sure, it's the first rhythm game in a while where I didn't immediately switch to the Hard/Hardest beatmaps.