LoadingReadyRun: woopa
Invitare: quagsire
DoodlestheGreat: WE GET SIGNAL
Zaghrog subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 118 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Zaghrog! (Today's storm count: 1)
jessicaengle: armoroHeart Hello!
NightValien28 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 132 months!
NightValien28: chips and breeki
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, NightValien28! (Today's storm count: 2)
cheezweazl: amazonNo amazonIce
jessicaengle: jlrrDance jlrrDance3 jlrrDance
vinewood_og: Stalker on a monday? LET'S A GO.
TheAinMAP: lrrSIG
DideRobot: LRR: Play it Forward || Stalker 2 | All they serve in this place is fission chips | twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun (has image) | https://kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun/113980872859629235
TXC2 comes rushing in, mouth full of potato
LoadingReadyRun: No running on food you'll choke
jessicaengle: @TXC2 FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
TXC2: Hello everybody!
jessicaengle: ModLove armoroDance ModLove
TXC2: LoadingReadyRun I do that anyway :p
TXC2: hello jessicaengle
TheAinMAP: lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrARROW foxmarRAD
TXC2: Here we GO!
Lysander_salamander: hello everyon
TXC2: Hello Alex
jessicaengle: Good morning Alex
TheAinMAP: Hello
DoodlestheGreat: Good muddening.
Melfina__: Gooood morning gang.
PsychoI3oy: wheeee
malsareus: horrors, are we surrounded by Pigu?
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/loadingreadyrun
Strebenherz: Good morning y'all
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out https://store.loadingreadyrun.com/ for the full catalog.
rocketjohn: hey alex i recieved my SHURT and it is awesome.
sephchan: words be good this morning
TXC2: the most hostile place? Philly right now? Kappa
rocketjohn: oh, i'm sorry to hear that.
malsareus: go east, find some good Borch
fredcheckers: Simply consume the soul of Mr Beast.
rocketjohn: yar, the stickers i got were also awesome, but the SHURT is very comfy.
TXC2: monday after Supreb owl day
PsychoI3oy: sunrise + storm?
Critterbot: Hey Alex, one thing the first game did very well was atmosphere, how well do you think this game is doing in that regard so far?
TXC2: fredcheckers he already sold it to the lowest bidder Kappa
rocketjohn: i always heard that proverb relating to shepherds.
TheAwkes: Wherever you are in the Zone, you get plenty of warning over the radio, and a fairly generous amount of time to get to shelter when an Emission™ is going off.
malsareus: and a correct amount of jank
sephchan: That's about the moisture content in the atmosphere and how it's going to impact weather
sephchan: Red = wetter
Critterbot: Nice, I might pick it up as some points, then.
TheAinMAP: jlrrPiggie
TXC2: thicc pigg
Invitare: HOW many feral hogs???
NightValien28: 30-50 feral mutant pigs
Invitare: I think you move at that point tbh
TXC2: water cooled only
matthaus_c: blowout soon, fellow stalker!
fredcheckers: It's about the chepest machine gun an american can buy.
Invitare: you're clearly on some sort of pig worshipping cult burial ground
TheAwkes: The way to deal with feral hogs is time and distance, not hanging out of a helicopter yelling "get some" lrrBEEJ
Steelwolf171: A crewed position or a crude position? Yes
fredcheckers: @Invitare Or rural Arkansas. So yes some pig worshipping cult.
LidofLoathing: my grandfather collected those glass things
viperbunz subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, viperbunz! (Today's storm count: 3)
shushu2539: electrical insulation from the tower
TXC2: they also had to redesign them MANY times to prevent water/birds getting on them :p
Critterbot: And it's for the same reason they are made of a non conductive material, I assume.
rabbitgta: Good morning Alex, hope you are having a good day.
matthaus_c: friendsss
Critterbot: Looks like Strelok missed some snorks.
TXC2: one jumpy boi
Lysander_salamander: oh, snorks
CamTheDeer: When I worked in Injection Moulding they had us take courses on arc flash and electricity in general. They showed a video of a man on top of a train in India.. I don't need to explain further on that one.
Lysander_salamander: they look a little different than in the first game
Mathanwitch: yay! I managed to make it to 3d stream in a row
matthaus_c: ahh the cliffracers of the zone :)
dungeonmasteralek: I hadn't heard of this series before, or read the full title. Was super surprised to hear them speaking ukrainian language!
Steelwolf171: Ah, another day in The Zone
rabbitgta: Have you seen the concentric circles in the rocks at power stations? Electricity is wild.
malsareus: well according to the meme there should be 30-50
matthaus_c: @Lysander_salamander do they? this looks bang on faithful to me
lightfut: So many pigus
TheAinMAP: bbirbKnife
Lysander_salamander: They're not wearing the gasmasks this time
rocketjohn: that was deeply unpleasant
TXC2: dungeonmasteralek Ukrainian dev team on this
Cptasparagus: Good thing you have that silencer on it they'd know you're there
rocketjohn: i do not like them
matthaus_c: @lightfut oh those are men
DigitalSeahorse: PrideLaugh
matthaus_c: @Lysander_salamander ... aren't they?
fredcheckers: It's a prerequisite to become snork.
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunGeiger voxlunRad openseBeeps
TXC2: "wearing" like the gasmask isn't fully part of their skin :p
sephchan: Children?
Steelwolf171: In most games, guns and ammo
JollyGee29: @Lysander_salamander Oh, they are. The masks are just much more.. deeply implemented this time
dungeonmasteralek: @TXC2 Instant buy for me!
TXC2: that is a BOLD look to have around snorkland buddy :p
TXC2: Zulu! your drinking buddy from CoP
matthaus_c: I'll always remember the concept art from SoC of the Snork with a big fuck off rictus grin
sephchan: Oh good, hazing
Cptasparagus: It would be great if randoms showed up to help you in some fights then asked you for money and you had to figure out a tip
NoxStryx: I used to have exclusion zone photos as my phone wallpaper
jacqui_lantern234: i think it was 72 hours after??? could be wrong
jacqui_lantern234: also hi friends whomst i love beyond measure <3
matthaus_c: children's deathtraps
TXC2: hello jacqui_lantern234 welcome
dungeonmasteralek: My grandmother was from a small farm near Pripyat
TXC2: CoP indeed had that TERRIFYING lion in the school in Pripyat
dungeonmasteralek: I've got a bunch of old family photos from the area pre-disaster
matthaus_c: this is the most twinky dutier I've ever seen
dungeonmasteralek: One of my uncles worked in the plant
Mathanwitch: I really like how in Stalker 2 they made a spin on both Duty (=> Ward) and Freedom (=> Spark) what if both of them were as insane as the other side describes them in anecdotes
Strebenherz: @txc2 oh, zombie aslan?
DigitalSeahorse: wikipedia says Pripyat was evacuated on the 27th
TXC2: Strebenherz nah, it was a painting on the wall, still scary :p
matthaus_c: Unit EVA-05? :P
Genie_M: I only remember hushed voices saying don't eat the cabbages after June in the summer.... Nothing official of course but my grandparents basically threw out all the crops
TXC2: you can't turn off Uranium
Izandai: People still need electricity.
malsareus: the power plant will typically be build for it
TXC2: like make plutonium
NoxStryx: What do you mean, a RBMK reactor can't melt down
Genie_M: They got company
Spluuga: I'm pretty sure you can turn uranium off.. once..
PsychoI3oy: such is life in the zone
Mathanwitch: I like how many people mistakenly think water cooling towers ARE reactors themselves
Mathanwitch: they look cool, that's for sure
DigitalSeahorse: wouldn't really call making nukes a good thing but yeah
Mathanwitch: yep, just a huge kettle
Izandai: It's just the fanciest of the several fancy ways we've figured out to make steam.
Genie_M: Almost all power is boiling water
Izandai: And then you shove that steam through a spinny thing.
malsareus: hey if it works
Scy_Anide: Making the spicy tea
rabbitgta: Space meme it has always been stream engines
gualdhar: best thermal expansion of a non-toxic material
TXC2: spicy rocks boil water, steam push turbine, turbine turn generator
Genie_M: Except for solar and some niche stuff
Cptasparagus: Cheer100 Cheer100 I'm getting a therapy called TMS where I sit in a room for an hour a day getting a strong magnetic field pumped into my brain. Your streams happen to start at the same time and have made it so much better, thanks Alex.
TheAwkes: We've got RTGs, too, but at grid scale you can't beat steam, yet.
malsareus: solar boilers are also a thing
Izandai: Even geothermal works the same way. Typically you don't actually use the ground steam to drive the turbines, you use the ground steam to boil your own water.
Genie_M: Power brick. Basically magic
matthaus_c: the cbat effect Kappa
Izandai: Very unlikely to break. Very good to use in something you're launching into deep space.
malsareus: lack of moving parts does cut down on wear
Izandai: Sorry did you say orphan sources?
fredcheckers: One of those was allegedly powers the Mjolnir armor in Halo.
TXC2: Izandai he sure did
gualdhar: @Izandai yes, nuclear material that isn't where we expected it to be
Izandai: Oh okay.
Izandai: My mind was just turning the phrase "naturally-sourced orphans" over in my head.
Izandai: Wait no.
malsareus: somewhere in the middle of the eurasian steppe
Izandai: Ethically-sourced orphans.
LordZarano: Peltier cells are HILARIOUSLY inefficient. But very simple and don't wear down. So perfect for spaceships that need to run for 10 years+ with noone to service them
Mathanwitch: you really want to explore this beautiful jumping puzzle
TXC2: Izandai 100 mile, GMO free, farm to table, organic orphans
malsareus: also most of it is empty
Izandai: @TXC2 lrrLUL
malsareus: like 0 stuff
ProcyonFlynn: Cold so bad it just dehydrates you to death as fast as it freezes you.
DigitalSeahorse: uhoh
Mathanwitch: lol
Izandai: uuuuuh
JadedCynic: NASA uses RTGs on probes and satellites, that GO AWAY FROM US
Izandai: Okay we're fine.
Genie_M: Funhouse
TXC2: psy-block time?
rabbitgta: With a lifetime warranty, the shortened one
JadedCynic: @rabbitgta a half-life warranty, if you will
Mathanwitch: you can do it without psy protection but it will eat up a lot of meds, so yeah
rabbitgta: LUL SeemsGood
Coloneljesus: reminds me of SMRs (small modular reactors) that I researched for running an RPG recently.
Mathanwitch: @JadedCynic PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp
JadedCynic: schedule got ditched :(
malsareus: welll humans gonna human
Genie_M: Hey, free isotopes
DoodlestheGreat: But people being people...
Mathanwitch: my dad was collecting crawfish in the river and selling them to restaurants so he could feed me and my mom
Coloneljesus: not in soviet russia
Spluuga: tamper proof? nah..
Scy_Anide: I dunno, sounds expensive
Izandai: Oh come on, who would want to break into a box of radioactivity?
JadedCynic: well, if 'no one is going to be near it', why go through that extra effort? Kappa
Coloneljesus: more like tamper-ready
Mathanwitch: we also moved to a village and grew potatoes, chicken and stuff
Strebenherz: Not a place of honor ect
Izandai: ~Then they waddled away...~
Master_Gunner: was it a pheasant?
JadedCynic: :D
Decahawk: Even smoke alarms have a tiny bit of radioactivity
Steelwolf171: These are the same materials that have warnings on them like "Drop and Run!"
Master_Gunner: You wouldn't tear a radio source out of an abandoned hospital, sell it at to junkyard, and spread the shiny rocks all over town - would you?
matthaus_c: and the Goiânia incident was exactly that. a discarded radiotherapy device that people found and just... took apart
phoenixletmeuseadashd: the dog death noises being pathetic whines is...oof
fredcheckers: @Master_Gunner Brazil: "oops."
TXC2: "dags...why did it have to be dags?"
Spluuga: and then you get magic dust
Cptasparagus: Yeah I used to work in medical device sterilization, we either used ethylene oxide or cobalt 60
Strebenherz: Dear video game devs stop making wolves that try to eat my face then whine like puppies
JadedCynic: Watch "The Day The Fish Came Out" :)
phoenixletmeuseadashd: the one that I remember is the guy who found an old RTG in mid-Russia and cuddled it for warmth
JadedCynic: @phoenixletmeuseadashd I mean...it WAS warm...kept him warm for the rest of his life...
Izandai: OH NO
matthaus_c: free space heater
phoenixletmeuseadashd: And Alex is thinking of the same one I think. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lia_radiological_accident
Critterbot: EEEEEEK!
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunBabhed voxlunBabhed voxlunBabhed
ghyllnox: It did in fact keep them quiet warm
phoenixletmeuseadashd: also makes that one scene in The Martian a lot more uhhh
Izandai: Something something keep you warm for the rest of your life.
JadedCynic: the 'radiation relay'
Izandai: The square of the distance, yeah.
Genie_M: Squared yeah
DigitalSeahorse: and skin
DigitalSeahorse: with alpha
JadedCynic: maximize distance & shielding, and minimize 'exposure duration'
Genie_M: Water
Mathanwitch: I mean, remember how some very nice people decided to invade Ukraine (again) in 2022 and dug trenches in an ACTUAL effing red forest
DigitalSeahorse: don't swallow alpha
DigitalSeahorse: I guess that counts as shielding
Spluuga: fun fact, nowadays I'm subcontracted to nuclear field.
matthaus_c: reactor pool maintenance must be a joy of a job
malsareus: someone with a big gun
cheezweazl: Turret?
shushu2539: automated turret?
DigitalSeahorse: Spluuga :O
JadedCynic: that was...some kind of ambush?
Genie_M: You can safely swim in the cooling pool.... Well before security finds you
Strebenherz: @mathanwitch like redwoods or some other connotation
TXC2: one of the least radioactive part of a nuclear power plant is the top of the water pools where they keep spent fuel
DigitalSeahorse pats Spluuga
Spluuga: @DigitalSeahorse *purr*
TXC2: shot you with those special 10 inch m-16s the DoE have
JadedCynic: throw a bolt?
phoenixletmeuseadashd: is the Weird Shit in this game also radioactive?
JadedCynic: some yes, some no
TXC2: phoenixletmeuseadashd not always
richard_ermen subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 78 months!
richard_ermen: I wonder if the amount of sub months I have is now higher than the amount of Radiation Humans take in in the same time from athmospheric radiation CaitThinking
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, richard_ermen! (Today's storm count: 4)
matthaus_c: oh it's an *Electro*-Burer
TXC2: oh no, these fucks
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunFoam voxlunCarp
Amentur: They are indeed assholes
Genie_M: Looks friend
Lysander_salamander: wow
malsareus: is that an Ewok?
JadedCynic: the oof
Mathanwitch: @Strebenherz no, like the "Red Forest" - the one in Chornobyl. the red forest itself is not there anymore, it's just a field now as all the trees died and they leveled everything with the ground to reduce the radiation, but yeah, those fucks just decided it's a good idea to dig trenches and sit with their naked butts in it
DoodlestheGreat: WELP
richard_ermen: We were just beaten to death by a very tiny mantle man.
Critterbot: Wait, was that a death counter? :D
PsychoI3oy: so was it shooting you or ...?
sephchan: You got beat by a radioactive potato
TheAinMAP: katesDed
matthaus_c: @PsychoI3oy telekinesis + bulat
phoenixletmeuseadashd: victory for the Sontarians
PsychoI3oy: matthaus_c, ah
richard_ermen: His look makes me think of Tomato Way.
Genie_M: Bzzzt
TheAwkes: Bro can weild guns at a distance.
JadedCynic: flinging everything I think
richard_ermen: I think he's basically bursting blood vessels in you
PsychoI3oy: hahaha brain go brrrrrt
malsareus: so we're fighting a tiny Jedi
DigitalSeahorse: I think you're bleeding
sephchan: the Newtonian force of RAW HATE
richard_ermen: Hmmm, or is he accelerating like nails and dirt?
TXC2: so evil yoda ?
JadedCynic: @malsareus not quite 'tiny' - think tolkien dwarf
PsychoI3oy: "we have yoda at home"
NoxStryx: Arent all potatoes radioactive potatoes, depending on how you define radioactive
fredcheckers: Potato Yoda.
richard_ermen: lol
cheezweazl: Grogu of Moscow
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: oh goodie more scary adventures
DigitalSeahorse: Jetnei
richard_ermen: He definitely can take as much of a punch as yoda can
matthaus_c: half expected him to yeet the grenade back at you
richard_ermen: Can we even damage him?
Strebenherz: Diet Sasta yoda
JadedCynic: yeah, listen for the humming - when it stops THAT is when you attack
fredcheckers: @cheezweazl I think you could get people to click that Wiki link thinking it was a Soviet era criminal.
Spluuga: yoda tanking those nades
Cptasparagus: Or "I like that" noises
JadedCynic: (if you can SEE the blue Cherenov 'shield' you're in danger :D )
Mathanwitch: try using skif's pistol? he can't steal it from you
rabbitgta: Looked like a turret by the door way
richard_ermen: Do we have anything to attack better from a distance so he lowers his shield from us no longer being nearby?
Mathanwitch: yep
Invitare: Maybe throw one of those grounding wrist straps at it
DigitalSeahorse: he tried to steal your gun?
JadedCynic: @Mathanwitch you had to SAY that - we were LUCKY until you poitned it out LUL
TXC2: and that's why they're worst mutant encounter
Mathanwitch: he's shielded too
Cptasparagus: Fuck he's full of midichlorians
Genie_M: Well you came here to their turf
Mathanwitch: @JadedCynic hahah
richard_ermen: I don't even remember these guys from the first game.
matthaus_c: I don't believe Burers were in SoC
JadedCynic: @DigitalSeahorse he DID succeed in making us drop it, which is enough to stop us hurting him until he can get his shield up again
TheAwkes: Burers are a true DPS check.
TXC2: richard_ermen I think they were in Clear sky first
Invitare: ~right behind you~
fredcheckers: @rabbitgta It
NoxStryx: Are there any fully non-agressive mutants in this game? Like in the book one of the guys daughters was mutant and born furry
richard_ermen: @TXC2 Oh no, I never finished that one because it constantly crashed at the red forest for me =(
TXC2: richard_ermen same here :p
Amentur: I did read a patchnote about Bloodsuckers healing when not in combat CaitThinking
fredcheckers: @fredcheckers It's the burer levitating a gun and firing it with his mind.
JadedCynic: @matthaus_c yeah, not sure about Clear Sky, but I did do the 'confuse him with melee' trick on a Burer near the start of Call of Pripyat
Mathanwitch: @TheAwkes yeah with a good timing and Saiga you just run to it, pew pew pew and he's dead
richard_ermen: Best case scenario, he's clipped through the floor and can no longer hurt us?
TheAwkes: It *might* be dead. Some of the psychic effects linger if you kill their source at the wrong time... Never mind, it pulled your gun.
richard_ermen: Can...can he go semi-invisible?
ghyllnox: I was going to say, your HUD wasn't red, but now it sees you
PsychoI3oy: GG
matthaus_c: at least in CoP they had the decency to not attack you while holding their shields up :p
DigitalSeahorse: lrrBartleby
richard_ermen: Woooohooooo
ghyllnox: \o/
rabbitgta: FBtouchdown SeemsGood FBtouchdown
Lysander_salamander: no loot drops? Darn
TXC2: some decorum please
Genie_M: XP? Loot?
TXC2: mutants don't drop loot
Amentur: @Lysander_salamander No rewards from mutants besides getting away with your life
TXC2: mutants are an environmental hazard
Mathanwitch: I've seen an empty room with mutant trophies that reeaaaly looked like a vendor box, so hopefully there will be mutant loot in the future updates
matthaus_c: mutant drops are also a thing people often mod in. like little belt attachments and body parts
NoxStryx: That mutant was someone's child!
richard_ermen: @NoxStryx Was he though?
Mathanwitch: *at Rostok
Izandai: heh
malsareus: lack of XP encourages tactical thinking
malsareus: "do I actually have to fight that?"
NoxStryx: Join PETM: people for ethical treatment of mutants
TXC2: NoxStryx does PETM also run kill shelters? Kappa
matthaus_c: qualitative progression is pretty sick too
Genie_M: Equipment based progress
richard_ermen: It's a strange thing to say, but I find that a lack of XP, it means the game has to offer other ways of increasing character power, usually by equipment. It can be absurdly difficult, and potentially bad if not well scaled.
Mathanwitch: it's a sound bug from a dead Burer
Izandai: It would be a very different vibe if enemies were XP pinatas instead of purely threats.
NoxStryx: @txc2 some mutants can't be rehabilitated, but only PETM gets to decide which
TXC2: NoxStryx :D
JadedCynic: The purest example of "bullet sponge" I encountered - I LOVED roaming around an icy abandoned NYC...
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: division 2 also experienced infamously poorly balanced stretched
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: stretches*
NoxStryx: The mutants in this game aren't enemies, the other humans are the enemies, like someone said earlier mutants are hazards
Mathanwitch: napierdolym granatamy! xD
Genie_M: So darkness only hurts your chances?
cheezweazl: literally unplayable :P
JadedCynic: @NoxStryx they are essentially 'environmental hazards'...but the environment can be a malevolent enemy too
TXC2: "crisp and clean, no static cling"
JadedCynic: Jaws - "it's just a dumb animal; why worry?"
matthaus_c: nobody taught them to turn off their headlamps
phoenixletmeuseadashd: excellent example of flashlights sometimes being a liability
NoxStryx: @jadedcynic its rare for you to get XP from say, avoiding a lava pit though
A_Dub888: hello friends! How’s the Zone treating us?
TXC2: hello A_Dub888 welcome
JadedCynic: @NoxStryx depends on the DM Kappa
JadedCynic: @A_Dub888 like it always does :)
NoxStryx: @a_dub888 inhospitable as always
DoodlestheGreat: Sounds like someone ate the bad sausage.
DigitalSeahorse: I did some video and image backup from my phone camera today
DigitalSeahorse: 80+GB
TheAwkes: Guys going Oof, The Game.
TXC2: that's a lot of gigs
DigitalSeahorse: a lot of footage of family
TXC2: "and should you die, die with a strong, Slavic oooof"
quatoria: just some light radiation sickness with lunch
DigitalSeahorse: eep
JadedCynic: camera sparkles!
Izandai: Where the SHIT did that come from?
A_Dub888: !panic
Spluuga: ooh film grain, that's normal
ghyllnox: DONT
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: dont panic it's just the atmospheric hot sauce
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunGeiger openseBeeps openseBeeps openseBeeps voxlunRad
TheAwkes: Impressive that you survived a full rad meter at all.
JadedCynic: !picnic
Lysander_salamander: I guess you need a hazmat suit?
matthaus_c: anyone ordered fried stalker
TXC2: air got REAL spicy there
A_Dub888: @txc2 how many chili peppers we talking?
TXC2: A_Dub888 5 at least
TXC2: Getting into trouble/ Making content, it's all same Kappa
A_Dub888: “getting into trouble on purpose” so every Shonen protagonist
matthaus_c: find out :)
Genie_M: Surely not
Lysander_salamander: ah, zombies
TXC2: zomgeis!
richard_ermen: That scream at first sounded as if we had found a sort of danger goose.
Dezponia: Hey Alex! What's your thoughts on the 80s cartoon "The Centurions" if you have any.
matthaus_c: them brains scorched
TXC2: is this the merc base from CoP ?
Dezponia: Feels like you might know about it if anyone at LRR does :)
matthaus_c: it does look like the Zaton base, yeah
JadedCynic: he's repeating...
Genie_M: Still enjoying the superpower you have - you know everyone's name just by looking at them
matthaus_c: that place where Alex fought the Burer did seem like the Jupiter Underground entrance
malsareus: who gave the zombies guns?
richard_ermen: I think there's only one path up
TXC2: Dezponia Gi joe wannabe with a kickass theme
richard_ermen: Assault Rifle Zombies?
Balor213: @malsareus that's how we S.T.A.L.K.E.R.s like our zombies
matthaus_c: the fun thing about zombies in this game is they're not necessarily undead yet :D
richard_ermen: Imagine Zombies standing up again? That would be even worse.
TXC2: Balor213 "like" is a strong word there :p
Mathanwitch: btw, have you heard a remake of Stalker 2 post punk radio song by cheeki breeki bandidts feat. Sidorovych?
A_Dub888: haven’t these zombies heard of double tap???
Dezponia: @TXC2 It's so great though! Power Xtreme! adamvsLOVE
JadedCynic: for a given value of 'like'
JadedCynic: yeah
ninjapufft subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 39 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ninjapufft! (Today's storm count: 5)
Izandai: The best gun is the one that will take the bullets you have.
JadedCynic: 'use your enemy's guns'
malsareus: logistics always win in the end
richard_ermen: The best gun you can have is "no gun but a knife" xD
TXC2: logistics win wars
TheAwkes: It's nice that a couple of the top end guns still keep using the 5.45 .it stays relevant.
Amentur: That and buckshot seem wonderfully abundant in the Zone
quatoria: i mean hey if the guy's been hiding in the bathroom this whole time it clearly can't be that urgent
Balor213: @txc2 I love my zombies packing assault rifles, sub machine guns, or basic shotguns, with a backup pistol
matthaus_c: 5.45 is such a good workhorse caliber. not like that hussy 5.56
TXC2: Balor213 makes good loot doesn't it
A_Dub888: @balor213 sounds like most enemies from RE6
JadedCynic: well, he's saying "I'm in an outhouse" so going in the big building first to loot seems deece
TXC2: matthaus_c 5.56 is a fine, college educated gal! Kappa
richard_ermen: @matthaus_c Wouldn't that be available as well in huge quantities after Afghanistan?
Mathanwitch: parkour
richard_ermen: Good ideas always require quicksaving
JadedCynic: *quakes in acrophobe*
Balor213: He's in the single story building across the toxic reservoir bridge
Dezponia: I always keep my medkits high up on th roof after a rikety ladder
malsareus: sir please shut up, your static is horrible
Dezponia: For convenient access
A_Dub888: @dezponia lets you keep an eye on things while applying pressure to those flesh wounds
Balor213: @loadingreadyrun , I repeat, he's in the single story building across the toxic reservoir bridge
JadedCynic: oh, so Ukrainians put their 'outhouses' inside bigger buildings? dang culture shock
Dezponia: @A_Dub888 Big brain, very smart
richard_ermen: That sort of parkour would make me shriek.
TXC2: an indoor outhouse? ritzy
matthaus_c: well if we just strolled through Jupiter into Zaton then the Brain Scorcher is definitely not back online
JadedCynic: to be fair - these guys don't seem to hurried to get to him
TXC2: so less then 5 mins after we clear out the zombies, these guys show up?
Mathanwitch: oh wow, Monolith uniform
matthaus_c: those are 100% Monolith
Inari_Kitsune: Morning all.. sleepy but awake
TXC2: hello Inari_Kitsune welcome
JadedCynic: yeah, I remember this place from CoP
Mathanwitch: although as the Ninth told us, Monolith is no more and it's just a bunch of poor amnesiac folks
Mathanwitch: whom everyone hates
matthaus_c: eyup, guess the Wish Granter being stolen did that to 'em
Dezponia: @Mathanwitch Oh wow I didn't know Stalker had a tie in with 2001: A Space Oddessy! /s
TXC2: just the most hobo salvage operation
matthaus_c: "idi ko mn-- hey hold up what are you doing"
A_Dub888: How big is the Wish Granter?
matthaus_c: nothing a F150 couldn't haul
richard_ermen: As big as you want it to be.
TXC2: A_Dub888 at least 10m tall
richard_ermen: I mean, wasn't the "Wish Granter" a sort of black obelisk in the short story, and a radioactive nothing in Stalker 1?
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
Mathanwitch: @A_Dub888 we'll find out sooner or later, hehe
Mathanwitch: but about 6 meters tall if I recall correctly
matthaus_c: it's a 6m tall glowing slab with a sense of humor
JadedCynic: @matthaus_c a djinn's sense of humour
Balor213: I was actually born 2 months 13 days before the disaster at Chernobyl, although I was born on a Naval training base north of Chicago
Mathanwitch: @matthaus_c COME TO MEEEE!
A_Dub888: @matthaus_c define “humor”….
matthaus_c: well, when Strelok asked it to make the Zone disappear, it just struck him blind :p
TXC2: and we're back
JadedCynic: When Strelok asked it for a fortune in wealth, it dropped tons of gold coins on him :)
Mathanwitch: yeah a djinn. or a monkey's paw comes to mind - it technically grants you a wish. but there's a catch xD
TXC2: the wish granter is basically a DM who sees it as their mission to kill the players
JadedCynic: when Strelok asked it to make him invincible, he was turned into a stone (or metal?) statue.
JadedCynic: that 'sense of humor'
TXC2: én pipé
JadedCynic: he won't need it anymore, even if he does get back up again...
JadedCynic: welp
PsychoI3oy: sneeki breeki
JadedCynic: "dang - I watched him get taken out by one of those shambling....zombies?"
JadedCynic: it was now
Mathanwitch: it's a blue quest search area
Mathanwitch: and orange bar is main quest search area
Genie_M: It's always funny to see all these trucks with the brand name absent...
JadedCynic: LUL
matthaus_c: sausage party
cheezweazl: lol
Critterbot: Das a lotta sosig! :D
DigitalSeahorse: PrideLaugh
cheezweazl: amazonPrideWiener amazonPrideWiener amazonPrideWiener amazonPrideWiener amazonPrideWiener
TXC2: Gods its like that Lindsy Elise gif
ghyllnox: This man appears to have died of... Sausage?
Lysander_salamander: yay jumping puzzles
Mathanwitch: oh no. za shcho obklav huyamy pana?
JadedCynic: "What killed him?" " Nitrates, apparently."
ghyllnox: There's a blood trail
malsareus: was the key inside us all along?
DigitalSeahorse: it wasn't sodomy, it was salami
JollyGee29: I did this at nighttime and didn't know that blood trail was there, cool
ghyllnox: *crunch*
malsareus: your poor ankles
JadedCynic: @DigitalSeahorse Kielbasa killed him, not Kalashnikov
DoodlestheGreat: Coulda gone worse, too.
DigitalSeahorse: PrideLaugh
TXC2: save time me thinks :p
JadedCynic: yeah, best time to save was 'before you started this conversation' and the next best time is now :)
ghyllnox: Down, down, down...
Mathanwitch: btw, if you want to learn cyrillic, I have cyrillic -> latin transcriptor that makes reading Ukrainian text much easier
dungeonmasteralek: I can also translate for you
Tehbeard: River Styx? More like River Sievert...
PsychoI3oy: big rusty pipes and glowing yellow sewage.... are we in Black Mesa?
TXC2: this has more of a phylgathon vibe to me :p
Mathanwitch: @dungeonmasteralek same here. I'm native in Ukrainian and somewhat? fluent in English
JadedCynic: ugh, I had to got to the loo, and I've got wireless headphones...when I went to the sink to wash my hands, the 'anomaly proximity warning' started, and stopped as I backed off, then started again as I stepped up :D
JadedCynic: I HOPE I got cleaner...we'll find out, huh?
TXC2: JadedCynic uh oh :D
matthaus_c: you have never been cleaner :)
JadedCynic: @matthaus_c sterilized, even :)
TXC2: controller time?
Mathanwitch: he's dead but he needed to finish waking animation lol\
Mathanwitch: it's a good opportunity to stock up on psy tablets too. they usually throw a lot of those around controller rooms
JadedCynic: That's my purse! I don't know you! >BOOM<
malsareus: are we sure these are zombies and not just drunks?
Balor213: Okay Rob Schneider
JadedCynic: @malsareus what's the difference again?
TXC2: point 00 buck to the face, that guy would be purée :p
malsareus: @JadedCynic guns?
TXC2: *point blank
Mathanwitch: overall I like the game design here - they tend to put stuff you need where you need it
TXC2: they're dead Alex
Genie_M: Surprise controller
DigitalSeahorse: lill mousie
JadedCynic: well, they're being remote-controlled - have you ever tried using a drone's camera to look around? takes a bit of getting used to
Mathanwitch: you're hearing voices
TXC2: about 5 minutes
JadedCynic: @Mathanwitch well, yeah
TXC2: there were trials yes, just not medical ones...
ghyllnox: FDA? LUL
DigitalSeahorse: eek
JadedCynic: looks around at flamable gas canisters? sure you want a rocket launcher?
TXC2: also Ukraine even have an FDA equivalent ?
Balor213: Ukraine doesn't have the United States Food and Drug Administration, and I'm pretty sure there's even less regulation in the alternative timeline of the game
JadedCynic: I'm pretty sure the US won't have the USFDA for much longer...
dragon_pandaDnd subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 69 months!
dragon_pandaDnd: the nice number
Mathanwitch: Ukraine drug regulation is more lax than US as per my observation
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, dragon_pandaDnd! (Today's storm count: 6)
TXC2: JadedCynic the USA wont have a U for much longer :p
matthaus_c: are you applying for an internship as a slenade gruncher :p
DigitalSeahorse: o.O
Genie_M: What a great audio design
Mathanwitch: a lot of stuff you can buy over the counter in Ukraine that would be 100% prescription only or even banned in US
TXC2: matthaus_c with those numbers I think Alex was trying to be a mortar crew :p
nessiah_aries: Guy walks around like he's just trying to grab a beer from the fridge
Lysander_salamander: yay
ghyllnox: \o/
Lysander_salamander: so wibbly
TXC2: Mathanwitch interesting, thanks
JadedCynic: geez, I didn't even do anything here, and I need a drink! :D
JadedCynic: props to GSG
Mathanwitch: and my mom is ALWAYS trying to send me some meds ffs. I keep telling her that she should really stop trying to get me deported. but hopefully, all of the stuff she sends is homeopathic lol
malsareus: were you hoping for a grenade launcher?
calculated_uncertainties: infused
Genie_M: Vodka is mostly water
ghyllnox: They said they did
Genie_M: And ethanol
JadedCynic: @Genie_M so are we, for that matter
malsareus: gamers still not looking up
TXC2: "ordinary water with nothing more then a few spoonfuls of ordinary LSD"
Genie_M: Ask and....
cheezweazl: Wish Granted
JadedCynic: so many empty spam cans...
CaptainSpam: You were saying about a rocket lawnchair?
TheAwkes: Just a little teaser.
Critterbot: Exciting to know that there is one, though.
JadedCynic: maybe...
DigitalSeahorse: maybe someone will sell you a launcher
CaptainSpam: Though it would be kinda hilarious if that one rocket is all there was. No more rockets, no launcher, just the one rocket.
TXC2: I thought those were gold bars :p
JadedCynic: it'd be such a tease to leave RPG rounds and no launcher in the game B)
DigitalSeahorse: rocket lawnchair
DigitalSeahorse: :P
Mathanwitch: oh yeah, don't even get me started on socially normalized alcoholism. I mean, you can observe it even in Stalker. waaay many people non-ironically told me horilka (vodka) was therapeutic
Mathanwitch: oh yeah, Noontide is ex-Monolith
JadedCynic: @TXC2 laquer-coated ammo cans - 'spam cans'
Mathanwitch: I think you accidentally completed a Wild Island quest too early
TXC2: JadedCynic ah ok
malsareus: lovely weather
JadedCynic: @Mathanwitch more like 'Nootide' amirite?
Mathanwitch: hehe
JadedCynic: we helped you, just in time to take shelter from this coming blowout (how convenient)
TXC2: well Hog dies
Mathanwitch: peace was never an option
Anubis169: brakka brakka brakka brakka
malsareus: another pigu down
TXC2: hello Anubis169
Anubis169: hi TXC2
JadedCynic: just one more dead Flesh
Mathanwitch: Tosha Mutant xD
TheAwkes: People in the Zone need to learn that going toe to toe with Skif is a bad idea.
TXC2: we learned, once again, ACAB
intdiffusor: hello
malsareus: looked at the sky and noped out?
JollyGee29: They stepped inside to get out of the storm
TXC2: hello intdiffusor welcome
Mathanwitch: these nicknames are too real as well. even my mom has one (she used to be a field medic)
malsareus: the sounds aren't getting closer?
Anubis169: uhhhhhhhh
JadedCynic: @TXC2 ". Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he deems himself your master."
malsareus: are the 2 wolves inside us fighting?
DigitalSeahorse: behind you?
Anubis169: well at least it was just a storm and not a blowout
TXC2: JadedCynic exactly
DoodlestheGreat: Is Juniper still on the map?
Anubis169: o.O
Anubis169: wtf is that?
Mathanwitch: yay! veteran strats
JadedCynic: bloodsucker?
TXC2: chimera ?
Anubis169: lol there's 2 of 'em
JadedCynic: would you like a little blood in your morphine system?
DigitalSeahorse: and a twister
Anubis169: you lucksack! lrrSACK
TXC2: "correction Marge, TWO perfectly good bloodsuckers"
TheAinMAP: lrrFINE
Lysander_salamander: weird that mutants don't set off the anomalies
DigitalSeahorse: help me, Auntie Emm
JadedCynic: oh they can
Mathanwitch: my #1 veteran strat for this game was: just run away 99% of the time or get the problems fight each other
Mathanwitch: and keep all the bullet for myself (and Hamster)
Strebenherz: Fuckoid sounds like a bad word for reptoids
DigitalSeahorse: uhoh
nessiah_aries: dooty?
Mathanwitch: damn, a-life got so much better after patches
Anubis169 points
malsareus: how many sides does this battle even have?
Anubis169: it's right there
JadedCynic: I think 4 at this point
DigitalSeahorse: aren't they all shooting you?
Anubis169: that bit of empty space next to the other bit of empty space
DigitalSeahorse: oh
JadedCynic: not ALL but any of them might
TXC2: like the end of the hobbit here Kappa
Anubis169: NOPE lrr SPOOP
JadedCynic: YOURS!
DigitalSeahorse: xd
Mathanwitch: oh fuck
Anubis169: lrrSPOOP
nessiah_aries: This is a comedy of escalations.
Anubis169: runrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrun
DigitalSeahorse: PrideLaugh voxlunCarp
TXC2: some TURBO nopes here
JadedCynic: so...when did we last save?
TXC2: !clips
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
Mathanwitch: it's Barsyk
Creideiki_SE: Good evening. I see I've joined the stream at peak Stalker.
Mathanwitch: my favorite doggo
JadedCynic: is the bloodsucker dead at least?
nessiah_aries: At least it wasn't a Bayun...
JadedCynic: *slows breathing*
TXC2: duty armour is TIGHT
BlindPathfinder: tf2 ass spy
TXC2: and not tight like cool, tight like snug
malsareus: round 2
Mathanwitch: @nessiah_aries Alex actually encountered one before hissing from an abandoned village
JadedCynic: @Mathanwitch at least that one was inside a locked garage/shed
JadedCynic: mexican standoff?
Laserbeaks_Fury: I can not say Baccaruda
JadedCynic: @Laserbeaks_Fury like the Heart song?
malsareus: chiceled into the underside of a random rock
ghyllnox: What's the name of the place where you need the code?
malsareus: nah that was a joke
malsareus: I never played this game
malsareus: It is what I would do if I HAD to leave a code out somewhere though
malsareus: oh right the floating splinter death field
Mazrae: Hello Alex how are you doing?
JollyGee29: The code for this safe is apparently in a different location
ghyllnox: From GameRant: "The code for the Intercom Tower safe can be found towards the west of the Cement Factory base... [on the] body of Pvt. Kryvoshapko lying in the corner"
malsareus: and this is his 3th career
TXC2: hello Mazrae welcome
LordZarano: !advice
LRRbot: Don't fall for the spider trap.
Genie_M: Such a waste eating 2 bits from the tin
TXC2: lrrbot with the foreshadowing?
Mathanwitch: these breads are iconic too. and while there were many more varieties in Ukraine (being agricultural haven and all), but across most of Soviet Union it was pretty much one of the only 2 types. with another one being rye round loaf. this "батон" it is the most popular bread type to this day too
Laserbeaks_Fury: I dunno, it's the going rate for a shave and a haircut
Laserbeaks_Fury: what does bleeding do?
TXC2: Laserbeaks_Fury kill you, unless you stop it with a bandage
TXC2: been a long day
JadedCynic: yeah, been encumbered for a while
JadedCynic: what if we bring that guy BOTH R & S's PDAs? :)
Balor213: Have you been setting up staging caches?
Invitare: I thought the small lightning enemy gave it away
JollyGee29: The G36 is, or at least was, the Bundeswehr's main service rifle!
TXC2: is no G11 at least :p
Balor213: It's a deep raider trick, you find stash bags and boxes, and leave stuff you want but can't carry on a presumed route back to a base camp
Balor213: They can
TXC2: how good is this handgun? :p
ProcyonFlynn: #GoodEnough
Balor213: @txc2 Skif's PM is special, because you ALWAYS have it, so it can get you out of some nasty situations
TXC2: Balor213 neat
ghyllnox: *Bang* -HUD grey
Strebenherz: Could you please explain the g36 weirdness?
fredcheckers: In the previous game they were at least the export model.
ProcyonFlynn: A sight with a hat :D
PsychoI3oy: Strebenherz, it's like finding a 5 year old BMW in this situation
Strebenherz: Oh damn okay
TXC2: the G36 is the German army's main rifle, so what it's doing in Ukraine is a mystery
JadedCynic: why is a small-run domestic-only German car end up in Ukraine wilderness? ;)
fredcheckers: It's still in production and avialable for any military or police customer to order. It's not as outlandish as the Famas or something.
Master_Gunner: it is also the standard infantry rifle for Germany. But still, not something you'd expect to find here.
JadedCynic: @TXC2 it WAS; milsurp and gun runners
TXC2: same with the Spanish army
JadedCynic: huh, still?
JadedCynic: I'd have though...
Master_Gunner: and it was adopted in '97, so it's a very modern rifle.
fredcheckers: And turkey bought a bunch
TXC2: guns take a while to replace
JollyGee29: Wikipedia says that the G36 was replaced with the HK416 in 2022, but was the main rifle from 1997 to 2022
JollyGee29: And yea, the fancy dual-purpose optic is standard
fredcheckers: They have mostly ditched the crap red dot on top of the integrated optic
JadedCynic: yeah, only a quarter-century old; that's still a child, for gun terms *laughs in Mosin*
Laserbeaks_Fury: Where do guns even innovate these days?
TXC2: Laserbeaks_Fury optics
JadedCynic: @Laserbeaks_Fury you have a point there...
JollyGee29: That's a bad color for the sky
fredcheckers: Honestly they only pivoted to the 416 because of a weird political scandal. The 416 is super solid but also kind of a pig.
JollyGee29: You have about a minute from the call to find shelter, you should be fine
JadedCynic: we need shelter...
TheAwkes: I wonder where in the world all the British L85s ended up since leaving service, unless they actually effectively chopped them up.
TXC2: legitimately, Sig using STEEL in a casing is biggest innovation in 30+ years
JadedCynic: a culvert
JadedCynic: WHEW
s_t_a_l_k_e_r_ll: nice
TheAwkes: Your quest marker turns into the nearest shelter when an Emission starts, BTW.
8bitdame: o.o
fredcheckers: You can handle the semi-auto version at some america gun stores. Though the owner will be watching you intensely as you hold four grand in your hands.
Lysander_salamander: yay?
DoodlestheGreat: WHEW
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunCarp
TXC2: TheAwkes they're in a shed in scotland
TXC2: probably :p
JadedCynic: @TheAwkes knowing the UK...they might have...
Critterbot: A bit too close for comfort, that one. :D
DoodlestheGreat: Well, that was an impressive test of bladder control.
8bitdame: How close to death was he there? >.>
TXC2: 8bitdame a few minutes? :p
JollyGee29: @8bitdame Fifteen-twenty seconds or so
fredcheckers: @TheAwkes They tend to drop them in deep parts of the ocean.
JadedCynic: @8bitdame nah, not very - loads of time
TXC2: huh, sound cut out, that was weird
Mazrae: I was going to say that sound cutting out made it even creepier
s_t_a_l_k_e_r_ll: better dont attach it if u wont use it, its easily overlooked imo, u need to spot the difference between others of it
JadedCynic: ah, the calm after the storm
Mathanwitch: @Laserbeaks_Fury there's not much pressure to innovate guns specifically as modern war is all about drones (and anti-drone drones). that's where the most of the innovation is happening
Mazrae: Did you re-equip your rifle?
JadedCynic: ♫ Blue skies smiling at me Nothing but blue skies do I see ♫
PsychoI3oy: a Sig somthingorather
JadedCynic: iirc it was the SIG?
TXC2: SIG won with a part steel case
fredcheckers: SIG Spear won.
JadedCynic: the long barrel firing a stell casing
PsychoI3oy: Swiss
JadedCynic: yep
TXC2: SIG is American owned Swiss
JadedCynic: steel handles higher pressures for the heavy slug
ProcyonFlynn: genuine question - is it com-posite or comp-osite? Or is that a regional pronunciation thing?
fredcheckers: The base is super high pressure resistant steel..
Master_Gunner: Stopping Powah was the main thing they wanted out of the new ammo
TXC2: Steel is for higher pressure, .277 fury can go upto 85,000 PSI
fredcheckers: The brass front helps gas seal.
TheAwkes: It's the stuff they've been doing with small naval guns the past couple decades that's scary to me. Shells that selectively blast a heap of shrapnel down into the open top of a RHIB or other small boat as they pass overhead, for one.
JadedCynic: brass is surprisingly great, but for such P+ ammo you need something stronger to hold the back
fredcheckers: The recoil is visibly violent on video, but it can punch level 4 plates.
TXC2: also the scope that came out of the program is aim assist in real life :p
fredcheckers: Allegedly.
Laserbeaks_Fury: Aluminium
Mathanwitch: oh yes, a lot of good habarčyk. Guron happy ^_^
Critterbot: Well there is an RPK on a shelf in the bar, sooo...
TXC2: fredcheckers allegedly yes
TXC2: RPK is sadly a great way to waste 10K of ammo at nothing :p
Mazrae: What are those tablet looking things in your inventory
Critterbot: Or is that ab RPD? I forget.
PsychoI3oy: Just don't mix them up with a PRS
TXC2: they probably make sense if you speak Russian
Critterbot: Either way, they both ise 7,62x39.
Mathanwitch: armor upgrades are waaay too expensive
Creideiki_SE: What's the joke about US designations? A soldier is riding on an M1 and takes fire, so they don their M1 and returns fire with their M1, supported by the squad's M1. Afterwards, they have a snack using their M1.
JadedCynic: L)
JadedCynic: :)
GapFiller: why did we never get a Megatron can opener eh lrrBEEJ
JadedCynic: at least those are in different branches
JadedCynic: @Creideiki_SE don't forget when they attach their M1s onto their M1s and charge the enemy. then they get their M1 unstuck from the mud by an M1
Critterbot: Actually no, whatever it it's not an RPD, RPD's got that kind of unusual front grip.
JadedCynic: "oh? Well that's how grampa feels when you talk about your pokeymans"
Balor213: Ummm, M4: Shotgun, assault rifle, and shoulder fired recoilless rifle/ anti tank launcher
Invitare: @JadedCynic are they also fighting in the UK, on a motorway between London and Leeds (it's called the M1)
Mathanwitch: yes, this AK lived with me for half of the game until I got a Clusterfuck
TXC2: we're constructing a new "buffalo buffalo buffalo" sentence with M1
JadedCynic: M1 - helmet, light tank, different heavy tank, battle rifle, bayonet, submachine gun, rocket launcher, artillery gun, and three different tractors. And all those are within ONE branch of the services
quatoria: rock the casbah, baby
Critterbot: I've noticed that Stalker 2 simulates the cartridge in the chamber unlike most other fps games that doesn't. I appreciate that little detail of gun mechanics realism.
JadedCynic: "do not learn naming from the US Army"
Creideiki_SE: It's not as bad if you do it properly: rifle, calibre .30, M1. The problems start when people try to shorten it.
JadedCynic: (threw up a 'copypasta' about M1 designations in the 'gun channel' of Alex's discord last year sometime :) )
Creideiki_SE: And it's usually logical! Read from left to right, from most generic category to most specific.
Mathanwitch: always a great idea to burn trash. especially in Chornobyl
JadedCynic: @Creideiki_SE ...like the US army :D "Maxim #48. If it ain't broke, it hasn't been issued to the infantry."
Mathanwitch: you've got a ticket
Creideiki_SE: "The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries"? I see you are a man of culture.
Mathanwitch: Shah's Viper
Laserbeaks_Fury: He smells like almonds
Mathanwitch: yep, show it to the guard
Creideiki_SE: Was that not a reference to the web comic Schlock Mercenary?
JadedCynic: @Creideiki_SE :)
Mathanwitch: violence is always an option
JollyGee29: You are here to ice Shah anyway, and Slag Heap is such a long walk..
TXC2: this is a video game, violence is THE option :p
Mazrae: Like stealth is an option.... Gun is also an option
JadedCynic: @Creideiki_SE *strokes copy next to keyboard* the shipping cost more than the book, but it was worth it
Mathanwitch: it's not like you should trust a gangster to let you out alive anyway
malsareus: doing a survery without a clipboard? Sir!
Mazrae: Quick save?
DoodlestheGreat: Who knows how many inside, though.
MAPBoardgames: Greetings. fellow stalkers. How's life in the zone?
TXC2: hello MAPBoardgames welcome
Juliamon: About to get exciting
malsareus: Can we name our saves?
JadedCynic: *flashes ID card* Snap inspection - where are all your clipboards
TXC2: "be wery quite, we're killing bwandits!"
MAPBoardgames: @malsareus I'm going to call this one, "Muffins"
JadedCynic: how'd they know to open the door? - oh right, one of the guards got a few rounds off
Mathanwitch: lol you died
richard_ermen: Seems he was..."pretty good"
TXC2: that posture!
DigitalSeahorse: lrrGREED
malsareus: so maybe we dont't stand in the middle
JadedCynic: I mean, with a little polish I think...
TXC2: cheevo get!
JadedCynic: ding
DigitalSeahorse: lrrBartleby
JadedCynic: P R O F E S S I O N A L I S M
MAPBoardgames: That was amazing. Thanks @Creideiki_SE
Mathanwitch: there's also doom achievement - 4 kills with different weapons in 10 sec
richard_ermen: Was that a crit malfunction?
Mathanwitch: hehe. gunfight with the vendor
malsareus: that man had a lot of meat
richard_ermen: Great scott, what a bloodbath.
DoodlestheGreat: Nice work.
TXC2: a hero, even
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunBean lrrALEX
malsareus: true stalward of the community
Lysander_salamander: what if you carry him all the way to the quest-giver?
richard_ermen: I wonder if they give out Hero of the Zone awards in this universe.
JadedCynic: you know you only need his pda, right? :D
TStodden: You may be a good guy, but you're not a "good" guy... lrrBEEJ
Lysander_salamander: that would be fun
TXC2: "I don't need his head on platter" "hmm, how about his whole ass body?"
Lysander_salamander: see what he says about it
JadedCynic: oh wait...did you, that acidic pile of barrels? :)
Mathanwitch: I heard some of the folks said "fuck it, we're leaving" and bailed out of the fight
Mathanwitch: I guess this Shah was... not very loved
richard_ermen: Just like the old sha, basically?
richard_ermen: Man, what is it with people not liking shahs?
Lysander_salamander: a cheese wheel?
Mathanwitch: you can set up your own shop now
richard_ermen: Places like this make me remember that I saw burned out barracks in east germany that looked like this. Minus the corpses, of course.
TXC2: richard_ermen it's the big hats, people think they got something under there, like a big onion
TXC2: Kappa
Lysander_salamander: darn
richard_ermen: @TXC2 Clearly. xD
MAPBoardgames: Did he just get up an run off when you weren't looking?
DoodlestheGreat: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Crossing the Streams (The LoadingReadyRun crew join hands (sometimes from the comfort of their homes) to play some video games! Game: LOCKDOWN Protocol) at Mon 05:00 PM PST (4:14 from now).
Mazrae: Zombied away?
JadedCynic: gave him an HP underflow and he came to life again and fled? :D
Marvoleath: If you shoot a dead person dead, it negates the deadness
TXC2: oh right there's no horse club this month :p
MAPBoardgames: Today on Can't Draw Horses Club. Alex paints the zone with mutant blood and vodka.
Strebenherz: Cori ok?
Juliamon: Cori's just taking a month off
TXC2: LRR members have a life outside of LRR
ghyllnox: What if you go back and say sorry
TXC2: shocking I know
malsareus: bake them an apology cake
Chaotically_Random: Sorry I shot your buddy peace?
DigitalSeahorse: "I thought you were bandits!"
Strebenherz: Fair nuff break earned
spicyFerret_: Cori has become afflicted with horse blindness.
TXC2: a full YT apology video
malsareus: pffffff
richard_ermen: lol
WetPaperSack: Does Skif know how to play the ukulele?
TXC2: WetPaperSack he can play a guitar, so maybe
malsareus: just dumping 20 empty vodka bottles at the dude's throne
ghyllnox: "I went and got all the vodka they had. We good?"
DigitalSeahorse: a nice jazz
DigitalSeahorse: like swing
Mathanwitch: they were about to backstab you when you enter into "interrogation room"
JollyGee29: Varan's goons turn on you, yea
Lysander_salamander: oh
TXC2: Strelok gets in everywhere in the zone
Mathanwitch: they never meant to let you out alive
Mathanwitch: no honor among cheeki breeki
Strebenherz: Seems solid
TXC2: remember: bandits are DUMB
malsareus: look he specializes in omnious looming, not in planning
Marvoleath: to be fair they are more front-shooting than back-stabbing
richard_ermen: I often wonder why games like STALKER never implement any sort of morale system with people starting to run away instead of fighting to the death.
JadedCynic: "gee, if I hire this master-assassin to kill my enemies, he's till around. Wait - what if I backstab him too? PERFECT! Nothing can go wrong!" *calls "Mr. J. Wick"*
JadedCynic: um....that knee...
Marvoleath: @richard_ermen I cant recall the name of it, but one of RPGs I played had something like that, a fear system where ppl could fail checks and run away from fight with you
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
DigitalSeahorse: PrideLaugh
JollyGee29: Can't believe you survived that
MAPBoardgames: I don't think the smoking is going to kill this guy
TheAinMAP: lrrCOW
richard_ermen: @Marvoleath Sounds like something from Age of Decadence, maybe?
TXC2: MAPBoardgames the smoking gun maybe Kappa
WetPaperSack: Shot that dude so hard a box spawned
DoodlestheGreat: I doubt there's going to be anyone left in the zone at this rate.
malsareus: see after this I thing that Shah guy really deserves an apology
JadedCynic: @malsareus he can get in line; the one that ends over in Brittany...
malsareus: I was wondering where that hole would go
Mathanwitch: @malsareus nah, they're all trash. if you talk nicely to Shah he also turns on you
TXC2: "mind if I drop in?" (gets killed)
MAPBoardgames: Every time I hear the phrase "overcook a grenade" I worry if I've forgotten a batch of grenades in the oven.
JadedCynic: @TXC2 I mean, they weren't ready for it.
TXC2: JadedCynic not very sporting of us then Kappa
malsareus: hopefully not down in the sludge
JollyGee29: The room you need to go to is in the room you dropped into
WetPaperSack: There was a door (or what looked to be a door) in the basement there with a light over it
JadedCynic: you grazed him yeah
JadedCynic: that guy must have so many 'loaded' plates...
Mazrae: You have to wait for him to dry before he becomes available?? lrrBEEJ lrrBEEJ
ghyllnox: On SSRIs - Wet Unavailable
Strebenherz: Wet bandits by paying customers only
JollyGee29: Suits are good money
Mathanwitch: yeah, that interrogation was never going to go well
TXC2: worse, but we can sell it
JadedCynic: man, a name like "Magician" and he gets fatally surprised
Mazrae: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Crossing the Streams (The LoadingReadyRun crew join hands (sometimes from the comfort of their homes) to play some video games! Game: LOCKDOWN Protocol) at Mon 05:00 PM PST (4:00 from now).
calculated_uncertainties: Cheer100 Cheer100
JadedCynic: "You cannot rest here; enemies are nearby" ;)
ghyllnox: Some minor pest control
TXC2: JadedCynic imagine if we got that message in real life? :p
JadedCynic: a marksman in the guard tower? how dare they?
Mathanwitch: sniper shotgun!
Lysander_salamander: that's wild
malsareus: I mean he's making it work
TXC2: we're working on that tech
Juliamon: You've got a few hours
Marvoleath: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Crossing the Streams (The LoadingReadyRun crew join hands (sometimes from the comfort of their homes) to play some video games! Game: LOCKDOWN Protocol) at Mon 05:00 PM PST (3:58 from now).
GapFiller: no Horse CLub today
DoodlestheGreat: Yeah, next up isn't until 5
Mathanwitch: thank you for the stream!
TXC2: thanks for streaming Alex
GapFiller: which in theory means this stream can go on a lil longer
JadedCynic: thanks for the entertainment.
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/loadingreadyrun
TreeVor84: Thanks Alex!
JadedCynic: enjoy your break and cya soon!
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out https://store.loadingreadyrun.com/ for the full catalog.
TXC2: !alex
LRRbot: Alex’s Varied Creations ~ Website: https://www.alexsteacy.com/ | Home stream: twitch.tv/alexsteacy | Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/alexsteacy
richard_ermen: Supporting Streemz.
GapFiller: eyyy Lockdown Protocol
malsareus: well don't do that
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out https://loadingreadyrun.com/live for an interactive schedule, or http://lrr.cc/schedule for a Google Calendar version.
Juliamon: You're a whole week ahead?
JadedCynic: @richard_ermen load-bearing streams? :)
richard_ermen: Definitely load-bearing when you want to take your mind off everything else ;)
GapFiller: this is the W+P from last week right
TXC2: also might not be the Bazaar
DoodlestheGreat: If something happens Saturday, we'll get the message.
TXC2: Nice
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
richard_ermen: Byyy
JadedCynic: o/
saberpilot: Dang it, missed subbing
TXC2: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here: https://discord.gg/lrr
TXC2: !contact
LRRbot: ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List: https://lrr.cc/contact
DoodlestheGreat: 10 q 4 strem
JadedCynic: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Crossing the Streams (The LoadingReadyRun crew join hands (sometimes from the comfort of their homes) to play some video games! Game: LOCKDOWN Protocol) at Mon 05:00 PM PST (3:54 from now).
TXC2: goodnight everybody