stumpo8 subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, stumpo8! (Today's storm count: 7)
ihlendrax: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: Cameron, making cat noises
Juliamon: Still?
Juliamon: Make room for other things please, Cameron
SnackPak_: Cameron must really like his box
ihlendrax: LUL
Juliamon: Must be a side-effect of the catspeak
Juliamon: he fits, he sits
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Juliamon Or if she fits she sits, depending on the cat
Juliamon: we're talking about Cameron specifically
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Juliamon OH, apologies, I walked into that conversation from studying for tests this upcoming week and therefore just went into vet clinic mode automatically
Juliamon: No worries!
xantos69: Hey LRR folk. How goes things?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also in LRRchat I figure cat chat is generally if you come in with cat intentions you're pretty well good
Metric_Furlong: things go thingishly, xantos69
Diabore: im so fucking hype for this stream
Thefluffiestguineapig: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Crossing the Streams (The LoadingReadyRun crew join hands (sometimes from the comfort of their homes) to play some video games! Game: LOCKDOWN Protocol) at Mon 05:00 PM PST (2s from now).
Thefluffiestguineapig: I'm getting closer to being on the nose!
Metric_Furlong: one day you'll get it
ButButTheJesus: boopin that snoot
Metric_Furlong: we believe in you
Juliamon: me too, been waiting ever since Foxmar and the other mods all suggested it
Thefluffiestguineapig: @xantos69 I have two tests this upcoming week I am nervous for but mostly because I just want them over with, I've been studying so much
EmpressTila subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 125 months!
EmpressTila: Woo
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, EmpressTila! (Today's storm count: 8)
DeM0nFiRe: πŸ‘‹
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Metric_Furlong I've gotten it before, I just enjoy the game, gotta occupy the ADHD/autism somehow
LurkerSpine: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Crossing the Streams (The LoadingReadyRun crew join hands (sometimes from the comfort of their homes) to play some video games! Game: LOCKDOWN Protocol) at Mon 05:00 PM PST (1m ago).
Anubis169: hihi chat!
Diabore: @Juliamon i knew it was somewhere in the pipeline when wheeler played it on his home stream
Anubis169: is it lockdown time at long last?
xantos69: @Thefluffiestguineapig I typically test well, so knowing that I tend not to study. Then I remind myself that the reason I test well is because I study hard. So then I go into cram mode 24 hours before a big test. What's your method?
SmithKurosaki: evenin chat
Metric_Furlong: hello SmithKurosaki
TheAinMAP: Title change.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @xantos69 I test well, but in this case it's practical skills for veterinary hematology white blood cells and next day veterinary anesthesia first midterm, so if you don't study unless you aren't a working adult (which I am a working adult) then you are screwed. A lot of these things are things you are not legally allowed to do until you pass the RVT exams at least in the US (and I am currently stuck there) so even though I have lots of vet experience and animal care experience I need to study
letfireraindown: good morning all
Thefluffiestguineapig: @letfireraindown Good time of day to you
Forlorgen: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp
GasCityGaming: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Crossing the Streams (The LoadingReadyRun crew join hands (sometimes from the comfort of their homes) to play some video games! Game: LOCKDOWN Protocol) at Mon 05:00 PM PST (4m ago).
TheAinMAP: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
SnackPak_: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
PharaohBender27: lrrSIG !
Diabore: CONTACT
xantos69: @Thefluffiestguineapig Well at least it is practical knowledge. Always better to test on things that have real application. Saves you a bunch of theory crafting nonsense.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Thefluffiestguineapig I do a lot of rewriting and teaching other people in short
airylan: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Forlorgen: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Metric_Furlong: hello refresh my old friend
micalovits: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Thefluffiestguineapig: @xantos69 I do have a masters in history, so you know
GasCityGaming: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
letfireraindown: @micalovits lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Thefluffiestguineapig: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
lamina5432: evening
teddywhosabear: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
xantos69: @Thefluffiestguineapig Still practical. It was just practical a while ago. I'm talking about my physics theory classes.
kusinohki: meows
Meyari subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 118 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Meyari! (Today's storm count: 9)
thmanwithnoname subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 105 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, thmanwithnoname! (Today's storm count: 10)
BITs19_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 103 months, currently on a 103 month streak!
Valkryir subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BITs19_! (Today's storm count: 11)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Valkryir! (Today's storm count: 12)
Knot_Greg subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 85 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Knot_Greg! (Today's storm count: 13)
DeM0nFiRe: lrrSIG
bellatrixskr: excited to be back
jessicaengle: Yes!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @xantos69 Eh, I would argue physics theory and my Early modern european masters teach the same skills, how to argue and articulate a point, research and put together a paper
jessicaengle: Hello!
Molladia subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 75 months, currently on a 75 month streak!
Molladia: Something something Re-sub message that wont get read.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Molladia! (Today's storm count: 14)
jessicaengle: jlrrDance jlrrDance3 jlrrDance
DigitalSeahorse: no timer?
mowdownjoe subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 76 months!
mowdownjoe: 76 months? That's how long I feel like I've been sick! Help.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, mowdownjoe! (Today's storm count: 15)
Blip2004: Damnit. Of course I work today.
return_of_floki4242: lrrLUL lrrLUL
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunGeiger openseBeeps openseBeeps openseBeeps
xantos69: @Thefluffiestguineapig Maybe... but I have still never once encountered a frictionless plane. Or been able to ignore air resistance.
Dog_of_Myth: Good evening chat!
Thefluffiestguineapig: This song slaps so hard
Thefluffiestguineapig: @xantos69 I've also never encountered a world prior to the Protestant Reformation or where Henry VII was alive but here we are LUL
lirazel64: This always makes me think of Megaman, for some reason.
hieroglyphica subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 95 months!
hieroglyphica: What a great stream to draw to! Hello all(:
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, hieroglyphica! (Today's storm count: 16)
DigitalSeahorse: openseBeeps openseBeeps openseBeeps voxlunGeiger
jessicaengle: jlrrDance jlrrCooltunes jlrrDance
GasCityGaming: @Thefluffiestguineapig *covers wayback machine in my closet*
shushu2539: hi LRRunners <3 <3
jessicaengle: lrrBartleby_SG lrrBartleby_SG lrrBartleby_SG
Thefluffiestguineapig: This intro also still slaps
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
Orxolon: Good evening everyone, let's lock ourselves with these beautiful people!!
DaxStrife: This intro has and will always slap.
PharaohBender27: @Thefluffiestguineapig There's a reason they've kept it for closing on 9 years! :D
Anubis169: hello hello~
TheAinMAP: Hello.
teddywhosabear: hooray!!
DigitalSeahorse: allo
Nigouki: oh wow, two whole vtuber guests!
PharaohBender27: Ahoy-hoy, Ben, Jordynne, Nelson, Cori, Alex, Adam, and James!
micalovits: Tp
rosesmcgee: Finger on the pulse
Makoforte: i see adam and james are trapped in the metaverse
Metric_Furlong: Adam and James on their Vtuber arc, I see Kappa
ghyllnox: @PharaohBender27 They should reshoot this intro... LUL
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ahoyhoy gamers!
Violet__Violence: hell yeah
0x6772: Goes along with the theme of starting a few minutes late, really.
CaptainSpam: Hi, Adam and James, you seem quite animated today.
jessicaengle: Influencers!
micalovits: Totally following the trends
Thefluffiestguineapig: We have Jordynne on this one!!!!
DiscordianTokkan: lmao
tidehollowcat subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 71 months!
PharaohBender27: lrrWOW
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, tidehollowcat! (Today's storm count: 17)
SnackPak_: gottem
ghyllnox: Adam, James, you're looking so smooth!
Diabore: fair
DigitalSeahorse: xD
Thefluffiestguineapig: Pffffffffttt
TheAinMAP: katesSus
Violet__Violence: wat
Feriority subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 88 months!
Feriority: 8 years!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Feriority! (Today's storm count: 18)
cmdrzellgaudis: aww no wheeler?
0x6772: It's Nelson's first time, too
YeomanAres: Among us but everyone can murder
Lobo_Apache subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months!
Lobo_Apache: Let's goooooo
Violet__Violence: wow
DiscordianTokkan: oh no
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Lobo_Apache! (Today's storm count: 19)
Diabore: JAMES
Getter404: Average Vtuber Comment
Violet__Violence: james turner lmao
Dog_of_Myth: lrrLUL
wifi12345678910: Doctor time
Thefluffiestguineapig: Can we get a Jojo Giraffe Adam version?
coachNelly: it actually is my first time
DigitalSeahorse: oh is this the Among Us with the ducks? digita435Raveduck digita435Duck1
xantos69: That's weird. I've been pooping for a solid week.
Anubis169: lrrSPOOP
Kramburger: The Doctor: "Damn, man."
wedge_x: on the job training
cuzuki subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 86 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, cuzuki! (Today's storm count: 20)
patrick_stonecrusher: Weird, Adam doesnt -look- like a giraffe
cmdrzellgaudis: it’s a space station
Thefluffiestguineapig: How much for the babies babyseller?
RatherLargeToad: is this a secret Oregon Trail stream now?
Anubis169: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
jessicaengle: jlrrFacepalm
Diabore: what if i know everything this games about? what then ben?
DaxStrife: Meemst?
Anubis169: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Let's see who is the first to point out someone has a red dot above their head
Kramburger: Yung Prime, Yung Follow
Marvoleath: Pro tip: do not tell others you can see a red dot above someone :D
sands2024: I'm ready!
cmdrzellgaudis: lol Crim
Mollylele subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 69 months!
Mollylele: nice
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Mollylele! (Today's storm count: 21)
wedge_x: hi bob
return_of_floki4242: Rip crim
Anubis169: Cori :D
korvys: When it goes on sale
wifi12345678910: Have you heard of this new game, Skyrim?
Molladia: What was Cori holding up?
Violet__Violence: hell yeah, love from chicago <3
tehfewl: Malort for everyone
MacbethSeemsSus: I will warn the rest of the city of your arrival.
comrade_cards subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 42 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, comrade_cards! (Today's storm count: 22)
Jennie_Fuchsia: Yall are talking about being behind the times but I’m learning about this game today shh
TheArchitectX subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 137 months, currently on a 137 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheArchitectX! (Today's storm count: 23)
DigitalSeahorse: or tell them to play the next game they were planning to play anyway :P
Violet__Violence: rip
Thefluffiestguineapig: Is Alex loud for anyone else?
DigitalSeahorse: oh
ButButTheJesus: mungee?
DigitalSeahorse: a first person among us
TheAinMAP: That only took what? Five seconds?
cmdrzellgaudis: social deduction game
lochnessseammonster: seabatApp
enbycephalopod: @Thefluffiestguineapig he is significantyl louder
micalovits: Red is sus
dragonwarrior000: Alex isloud
Molladia: It's proximity voice?
cmdrzellgaudis: yes you kill them
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Kill them or complete tasks
Arclight_Dynamo: Alex is indeed loud.
wedge_x: haha sus out, get it
YeomanAres: Kill them
sands2024: I can't have audio on right now so idk
GhostValv: No jail no meetings
LithelyUnshod: Ah, no Wheeler?
pn55: Who is what colour today?
Foxmar320: Kill them or just finish all tasks
RatherLargeToad: beat them with rusty hooks
Mischievous_Catgeist subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 56 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Mischievous_Catgeist! (Today's storm count: 24)
Foxmar320: Thats it
jessicaengle: Hi Paul!
CaptainSpam: lrrPAUL !
enbycephalopod: @LithelyUnshod makes it fair for everyone else, hes too good
wifi12345678910: oh no
Anubis169: xxxP "..."
cmdrzellgaudis: you must finish all the tasks to win. only way to win as employees
PharaohBender27: Ahoy-hoy, Paul!
DigitalSeahorse: so we won't hear Ben lol
flatluigi: we don't have game audio
Diabore: we dont have game sound?
tehfewl: wheelerMute wheelerMute
patrick_stonecrusher: You point at them and yell "splitter!"
Marvoleath: You dont have to kill them, but its easier (and more fun) if you do.
Nigouki: we can't hear anyone but Ben
Juliamon: We only hear Ben
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: No game audio
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: There we go
Nigouki: oh there we go
Juliamon: ah, there's Nelly
RatherLargeToad: I’m guessing Adam is purple
underhill33 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 99 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, underhill33! (Today's storm count: 25)
Diabore: game real loud
AugmentingPath: Color coded in the sidebar, it looks like
SmithKurosaki: BEN
micalovits: Huh, perfect timing for it to work
ghyllnox: Mic 5
DigitalSeahorse: we won't hear people unless they are close to Ben
RatherLargeToad: drat!
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunGeiger lrrALEX voxlunGeiger
DiscordianTokkan: voxlunGeiger
ghyllnox: Ah there we go
GasCityGaming: Jordynne in my fave colour! :D
0x6772: Nice eye shadow on character, Jordynne
cmdrzellgaudis: your name is color coded to the right
Marvoleath: I also believe it would be best to have 2 dissidents for a group this size, but maybe on the next run
CaptainSpam: And then Ben was a zombie.
Juliamon: Nelly pink, James purple, Alex yellow, Jordynne orange, Cori teal, Adam blue
betweenmyself: Jordynnge riffThink
DiscordianTokkan: "SKIN VIEWER"
gibbousm: red is sus
DigitalSeahorse: Ben Red
0x6772: lol
DigitalSeahorse: uhoh
SnackPak_: art
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
jessicaengle: F
Violet__Violence: RIP
DaxStrife: Good start, good start.
mercano82: F
Thefluffiestguineapig: @DiscordianTokkan Cursed phrase
cmdrzellgaudis: yeah that happens alot
ButButTheJesus: wtf
Xafty: freaking amazing
ButButTheJesus: LUL
LoadingReadyRun: how's the game volume?
tehfewl: was that a vine boom
SmithKurosaki: Ahh, this is an auspicious start
orangeceltic71: what con will they be at in Chicago?
Anubis169: a tad on the loud side
Orxolon: @juliamon i recomend you copy that for the future xD
an_archist2: Wrong name for Ben on his facecam
Oscelot: RIP
0x6772: That thunk!
northos: game might be a tad loud?
SmithKurosaki: @LoadingReadyRun Players audio might be a little low
TheAinMAP: mattlrDed
wedge_x: Werewolf Lobby, that's it that's the game
Juliamon: Orxolon I literally typed it so I could paste it into LRRbot
KeytarCat: Ben is Cori today! :P
AugmentingPath: you raise me up, so chat can see my health bar
Violet__Violence: oh wow
FlargBlarg: the overlay says ben is cori
GhostValv: There are tutorials for tasks in the tablet I think
DigitalSeahorse: oof
flatluigi: is the vine boom really in game
flatluigi: lmao
ButButTheJesus: love it
PharaohBender27: <message deleted>Wordle 1,332 5/6 ⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ ⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ ⬜🟩🟨⬜🟩 🟩🟩🟩⬜🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
jessicaengle: Yay Paul!
PharaohBender27: Dangit
hatboozeparty: Just got here, Cori looks really different.
CaptainSpam: lrrSHINE lrrPAUL
Thefluffiestguineapig: Who puts up with all this nonsense
Violet__Violence: ben's name is now cori apparently
Oscelot: hey chat, hey crew
korvys: Paul herding the cats
SageofShadowzF: Ben's pi ture view says cori
Anubis169: hi PharaohBender27
jessicaengle: lol @PharaohBender27
Anubis169: Ben=Red, Nelly=Pink, James=Purple, Alex=Yellow, Jordynne=Orange, Cori=Teal, Adam=Blue
DigitalSeahorse: it's like that crapshot ep sort of, but you're fine if you just stand there
ShaneLeeAtk: !venga
KeytarCat: @Thefluffiestguineapig Hi fluff!
PharaohBender27: @Anubis169 Sorry about that, the clip didn't copy and I thought it had
Marvoleath: !heychat
LRRbot: Please ONLY offer advice when the streamer uses the phrase "Hey, chat...". Let them try to learn the game on their own, even if it means they miss a thing or two.
Tangsm: Antics
flatluigi: lol
Dog_of_Myth: Of course
Anubis169: all good PharaohBender27 <3
MacbethSeemsSus: Be cool chat
Foxmar320: Why is it always Ben lol
DigitalSeahorse: Dissent is happen
Violet__Violence: crew btw
0x6772: Yellow sus!
DeM0nFiRe: Congrats on the wordle win @PharaohBender27 LUL
Juliamon: Be cool, chat
Oscelot: Oh you found the pale tree
SnackPak_: whoops
orangeceltic71: Anyone know what con the group will be at next week in Chicago?
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Don't mention the red dot
wifi12345678910: what does red dot mean?
LithelyUnshod: You can kill the dissident, btw
tr3ewitch88: Thank you Paul for tech lrrSHINE
PharaohBender27: @orangeceltic71 MagicCon, IIRC
DigitalSeahorse: nuuu
gravity_pike: just got here, is this just FPS among us?
orangeceltic71: Thanks!
Juliamon: gravity_pike And no voting
patrick_stonecrusher: SPLITTER!
cmdrzellgaudis: they will want more time for the first run through
0x6772: Robbed of an initial dissident run!
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: @gravity_pike Pretty much
Anubis169: do-over dooooo-over, do-over doooooo-over do over!
GhostValv: As a general fyi dissidents can win without killing anyone since they just have to make sure the tasks aren't completed in time
Violet__Violence: i like the transition music
Violet__Violence: neat
DigitalSeahorse: Alex did the opposite of cheating, he pointed it out
0x6772: @DigitalSeahorse TRUE
ani_laurel: so how does the game work?
korvys: Slight echo from someone
mercano82: Ben is echoing through someone
ani_laurel: like, what is the mechanic?
0x6772: @ani_laurel Basically 3D Among Us
Oscelot: it's probably from the game audio
mercano82: Jordyne is stream sniping
SnackPak_: lrrWOW
ani_laurel: oh fun
ghyllnox: There's a faint echo yeah
SymphonySolstice: uh oh boosties
CaptainSpam: Wait... people are WATCHING this? Oh god, everybody hide!
DigitalSeahorse: are you stream sniping on your own stream????
mistycloud21: lrrHORN
MacbethSeemsSus: Ben's now silent
Anubis169: smokeMETAL
circusofkirkus: be cool
Foxmar320: Ben LOL
wifi12345678910: ben is desynced?
BITs19_: can't hear ben
Feriority: I dig the music
0x6772: lol
Marvoleath: You can mute the mic in game, useful for the streamer if they want to talk to chat
Violet__Violence: aw yiss
patrick_stonecrusher: <message deleted>Chat is cringe, you hea5d it here first
Lex_Peacekeeper: so new house on the hill?
korvys: Uh, no Ben sound
DigitalSeahorse: Ben is silent
DaFhaye: This is the first I have ever heard of this game
Thefluffiestguineapig: The sound design so far has been very good for this game
tr3ewitch88: That music kinda slaps
Diabore: mic 5
Anubis169: please keep it positive
Thefluffiestguineapig: Is Ben talking?
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Can't hear the Ben.
Violet__Violence: ben is muted
DigitalSeahorse: gun!
Marvoleath: wheelerMute
northos: being dissident the very first run seems tough because you don't know how to realistically fake tasks
SnackPak_: I'm sure Paul is on it
TheAinMAP: katesGun
Arclight_Dynamo: We don't have Ben audio.
patrick_stonecrusher: Ok, no joking a bout that, got it mods
0x6772: He can't hear you, Ben.
Lex_Peacekeeper: Ben, Ben can you hear us? we cant hear ya ben
DigitalSeahorse: gasp
PharaohBender27: Adam has a GUN katesGun
Orxolon: Adam+gun
0x6772: You're muted in game.
DaFhaye: hahaha
gualdhar: Chat can't hear Ben
Kramburger: Ben muted
Marvoleath: Chat cant hear Ben @LoadingReadyRun
Violet__Violence: adam's a loose cannon
RatherLargeToad: Time to save Gwen Stacy!
mistycloud21: Ben no sound
DigitalSeahorse: I need a gun emote
0x6772: I mean, it's funnier this way.
ani_laurel: the "i got a gun" in the backgroun is great
DaFhaye: Oh nooo who gave Adam a gun
TheAinMAP: bbirbKnife
tehfewl: Hes got a gun!
Anubis169: patrick_stonecrusher: it's kinda hard to tell apart from randos coming in :D
zshunter subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 29 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, zshunter! (Today's storm count: 26)
DigitalSeahorse: LoadingReadyRun Ben is silent
tr3ewitch88: We can't hear ben! NOOOOOO
ghyllnox: Can't hear Ben
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: We can't hear Ben
Foxmar320: The knife is super op
iarethel0ser: Ben bringing a knife to a gun fight.
mercano82: one shot, one opportunity
DarthRagnar815: I love that you don't have to straight up murder folks to stop folks from completing tasks.
MacbethSeemsSus: Bottom of screen said the mic's off
Oscelot: Hmm, can't do this camera motion rn. Have a great stream though y'all
IbunWest: the game is saying his mic is disabled
northos: (big flashing red message "your microphone is disabled" :P )
CaptainSpam: Convenient how it gives you a warning.
DiscordianTokkan: The big "your microphone is disabled" may be the tip yea
GhostValv: There's probably a toggle for mic
SnackPak_: lrrFINE
DigitalSeahorse: did Paul mute him?
cmdrzellgaudis: the scroll wheel button can mute
kireawolf: Adam just talking to himself
prince_infidel: You dropped the knife
Anubis169: LOL it's the scrollwheel
DigitalSeahorse: hmmm
tehfewl: wheelerMute wheelerMute
MacbethSeemsSus: Nope
Arclight_Dynamo: Still can't hear you.
northos: oh, well, we still can't hear him LUL
hd_dabnado: wheelerMute
EricTheOrange: still muted to us
Juliamon: And now we STILL don't hear him
Violet__Violence: still muted for us lol
0x6772: Cool, we still can't hear him.
LithelyUnshod: We still can't hear him
Diabore: i dont think ben can hear paul either LUL
SymphonySolstice: ohno
Anubis169: ok he's super quiet now
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: @northos That is fine. Just need the stuff from his mic out of game
flatluigi: we still can't hear ben on stream
DaFhaye: Ben is muted on stream
SmithKurosaki: mic 5 lol
Oscelot: Scrollwheel is such a bad thing for that rofl
DigitalSeahorse: Ben is still mute
shushu2539: HAL understands what you are saying
Violet__Violence: eyyyyy
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: THERE
flatluigi: THERE we go
DigitalSeahorse: ah
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
Orxolon: And now we don't hear Ben
ThirdGames: FBtouchdown
Juliamon: PHEW
DeM0nFiRe: gdqClap
Tangsm: Yay!
DigitalSeahorse: there
Anubis169: bingo!
GhostValv: Got there
TheAinMAP: SingsMic
MacbethSeemsSus: lrrBartleby
DigitalSeahorse: yay
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
northos: the system works!
xantos69: Nailed it! True Gamer!
tr3ewitch88: YAAAAY!
EricTheOrange: thumbs up
Cptasparagus: professional!
SymphonySolstice: FBtouchdown
DiscordianTokkan: lrrGOAT
IbunWest: merlekBouncy
0x6772: Get on those tasks!
mistycloud21: lrrFINE
pn55: seabatClap lrrSHINE
Orxolon: Yeeeyyyy
DeM0nFiRe: lrrHEART
Thefluffiestguineapig: seabatClap lrrBartleby lrrPistachio
Fruan: WHAT
0x6772: That is an ISNANE default
DaFhaye: Scroll wheel is an interesting choice
Diabore: youll probably need more time for next run, 10 minutes was a good time ive seen
gibbousm: Red is sus
Thefluffiestguineapig: Scroll wheel??????
Kramburger: Intuitive
0x6772: eh, typo stands
ghyllnox: Yaay
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Foxmar320: Thats a task
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunFoam
SnackPak_: scram!
RatherLargeToad: pointy tasks
EricTheOrange: why the vine boom?
offbeatwitch: vine_boom.wav
gibbousm: wait, THATS the sound effect it uses
sands2024: Is Adam dead??
josh___something: The vine boom death effect LUL
CaptainSpam: Ben's the only one who can hear Paul, right?
BITs19_: the vine boom is IN GAME??
Thefluffiestguineapig: Important task is meurder
TheAinMAP: katesWot
Violet__Violence: ahahahaha
DiscordianTokkan: lol
Foxmar320: lol
Kramburger: HAHAHAHA
SnackPak_: o7
circusofkirkus: why
ButButTheJesus: AAAHAHA
Kuhfeek: Why did BLEH
0x6772: 2 tasks down
DigitalSeahorse: PrideLaugh
Juliamon: tonk tonk
PharaohBender27: Just stabbed her in the FACE
Violet__Violence: the mic cutting out
kireawolf: No Kori
gibbousm subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 48 months!
gibbousm: LRR is sus
ani_laurel: ok voice chat for ghosts would be great in this game
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, gibbousm! (Today's storm count: 27)
Kramburger: Ben's making cocktails
tr3ewitch88: HSWP
EricTheOrange: We need the among us ghost voice mod
ekplayscards: hey gamers
ButButTheJesus: ez game ez life
sands2024: I looked away for a minute and then saw his character on the ground
Thefluffiestguineapig: Genuinely because I'm poor I have used a butter knife as a screwdriver
RatherLargeToad: Knife time!
kireawolf: They are all so trusting
DiscordianTokkan: "Bummer"
SnackPak_: already?
circusofkirkus: bummer
CaptainSpam: Bummer.
Violet__Violence: hmm
Dog_of_Myth: bummer
Foxmar320: Bummer
josh___something: "Bummer"
Thefluffiestguineapig: all lower case bummer is vibes
gualdhar: suuuper bummer
0x6772: How could that have happened?
Anubis169: Bummer
MacbethSeemsSus: How inconvenient
ladylinzington: bummer o7
ButButTheJesus: bummer
0x6772: Nelson went outside.
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to bummer! They have given 2975 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, bummer! (Today's storm count: 28)
DigitalSeahorse: :O
ButButTheJesus: "ohhhh that's terrrribllllle"
DigitalSeahorse: you're teamed?
Foxmar320: Screw driver does work it's just slower
Morrigan9: donate the murder weapon
DigitalSeahorse: accomplaces!
EricTheOrange: sooo is their a someone died thing?
0x6772: Splitting tasks between hide items and murder is a good strat.
Foxmar320: Knife is like the best weapon
Thefluffiestguineapig: This teamup is VERY powerful
Juliamon: EricTheOrange Nope!
cmdrzellgaudis: you can kill with everything but the fish
Lex_Peacekeeper: you can kill them with fish as well
flatluigi: he muted in game again
Juliamon: If someone's dead, they're just dead
Arclight_Dynamo: Microphone disabled.
Orxolon: Who can read us?
0x6772: Watch that scroll wheel, Ben.
Lobo_Apache: all i Know about this game is you scream "group of people"... that's what youtube shorts taught me
tr3ewitch88: Not a surprise it would be slower
Marvoleath: You can kill ppl with a bag of rice
cmdrzellgaudis: dark blue room
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Hey it was the among us trashcan
Malkmaven1176 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 31 months!
Malkmaven1176: Kill them with a fish
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Malkmaven1176! (Today's storm count: 29)
Kuhfeek: Nelson RUN
Saintnex: Nelly NOO
DiscordianTokkan: lol
Kuhfeek: blarg
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
wifi12345678910: lmao
ekplayscards: LOL
Dog_of_Myth: Thanks Nelly
Tangsm: Learning!
flatluigi: thank you paul
PharaohBender27: lrrLUL
calculated_uncertainties subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 68 months, currently on a 68 month streak!
ButButTheJesus: SO GOOD
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, calculated_uncertainties! (Today's storm count: 30)
Foxmar320: Knife OP
SnackPak_: ruthless
Thefluffiestguineapig: LUL
raulghoulia: im learnding
Astramentha: o7
0x6772: Wait, go back and hide that component!
Diabore: its too easy!
SymphonySolstice: LUL
Fruan: Learning is fun!
IbunWest: merlekKekw
RealGamerCow: the friggin vine boom/yamcha gets me every time
FlargBlarg: ben on a rampage
DaFhaye: who knew it was so easy
KaleidoscopeMind: im upset we dont get the voxy screams after
tehfewl: too trusting
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Ben is a mad man
Thefluffiestguineapig: I'm laughing so hard
Chesul: Everyone is way too trusting. XD
Arclight_Dynamo: Lucked out being the baddie for the first round.
tr3ewitch88: @marvoleath part of me wants to see death by rice
55 raiders from unarmedoracle have joined!
Diabore: just james and alex left
gualdhar: this is so weird, it just keeps going? there's no meeting?
TheAwkes: This'll teach everyone not to trust their friends!
kireawolf: No the betrayal
wifi12345678910: Hi cam!
0x6772: just toss it in a bush
ShaneLeeAtk: The kills are clean, but the Paul VO is chez manufeek
ekplayscards: Ofc the game full of canadians would be savagely nice
sands2024: What did I miss?
Rourke9: unarmeHeart unarmeHeart unarmeHeart unarmeHeart
Thefluffiestguineapig: Welcome Cam crew!
ButButTheJesus: LUL
DigitalSeahorse: this is why I never help people to use an ATM machine if they ask
Thefluffiestguineapig: To this chaos
PharaohBender27: Ahoy-hoy, raiders!
coachNelly: the deceit :'(
Foxmar320: I like that he is trying to lure people
tr3ewitch88: lrrDARK
Anubis169: hello unarmedoracle raiders!
gibbousm: sounds like you have a ghost problem
Tangsm: Just setting traps for the helpful
CaptainSpam: I like the concept that Paul is Ben's imaginary friend, telling him to kill.
josh___something: The paul commentary track is appreciated
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Ben being so helpful
cmdrzellgaudis: I mean dissidents win. there’s not enough time left
Lobo_Apache: Uh oh. There be Druhkari corsairs in the chat now
Anubis169: Welcome to "Among Us (but fun)"
DigitalSeahorse: while I'm alone*
Foxmar320: lol
DiscordianTokkan: *cackles*
ekplayscards: LETS GOOO STAB STAB
Saintnex: wooow
Dog_of_Myth: lrrLUL
Thefluffiestguineapig: @josh___something Paul commentary is always the best
SnackPak_: o7
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
NimrodXIV: so evil!
gualdhar: WHAT IS THIS
Diabore: definitely need more time
0x6772: This crew gotta WISE UP
FlargBlarg: let's gooo BOOM
DigitalSeahorse: hehehehheheheh
Orxolon: Hahahaha
Anubis169: You utter serial killer Ben
tr3ewitch88: HSWP FBtouchdown LUL
Nigouki: Ben the master stabbist
MacbethSeemsSus: Let's go!!!! *shank*
xantos69: Holy crap Ben
Astramentha: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
WiJohn: o7
Anubis169: manLOL
SymphonySolstice: FBtouchdown
gibbousm: did Ben solo kill everyone?
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh seabatClap
Tangsm: Everyone taught Ben so much
DigitalSeahorse: Ben playing the traitor as usual
ButButTheJesus: *maniacal laughing continues*
Marvoleath: You might want to get longer timer for early runs.
cmdrzellgaudis: you may want only 1 dissident for a while
Foxmar320: There are ways to win without killing as well. Sabatage is fun
HorusFive: Oops all imposters
Diabore: they timed out, thats how you won
Marvoleath: Less tasks / longer timer, but keep 2 dissidents should be best
chanterelleton: yay Among Us
Alas_Babylon subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 66 months!
Alas_Babylon: Two-thirds of the number of the beast
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Alas_Babylon! (Today's storm count: 31)
EricTheOrange: So for people who know this game do you just kill someone if you think their a dissidant?
DigitalSeahorse: I'd do training if it were me
DigitalSeahorse: lol
Foxmar320: EricTheOrange you can
Diabore: @EricTheOrange you can
Anubis169: "This game's fun" says the serial stabbist :D
DigitalSeahorse: Ben's kind of game xD
korvys: The technique of "ask question, then stab" is really effective
Foxmar320: I love to hide important items to win
Marvoleath: @EricTheOrange You can, yes. But you still need to do tasks even if you kill the right persons
Anubis169: btw very very good luring Ben
0x6772: Maybe switch that now, Ben?
Foxmar320: Like hiding the vent filters so they can't complete tasks
GhostValv: No meetings to call
enbycephalopod: nope
cmdrzellgaudis: no just kill the impostor
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: No meetings
AugmentingPath: vote with knife
enbycephalopod: , just murder
cmdrzellgaudis: there are no meetings
Foxmar320: Nope
Dog_of_Myth: No meetings, just kill
0x6772: No meeting, just murder
Veshnikard: No voting or meetings
josh___something: Kill em
corpocracy: Not on this one. You just kill dissidents and do tasks
Diabore: no meetings, game does not end when dissidents die
RatherLargeToad: Is there a way to hear the dead people?
Juliamon: No meetings, vigilante justice only
SmithKurosaki: yup
Foxmar320: If you think its someone just kill them
Marvoleath: No voting, nothing, just talk and kill when you agree
Heckhoundbolt: is Paul just a disembodied voice?
Cptasparagus: at some point you will be chasing each other around screaming information to each other
circusofkirkus: don't exhaust yourself trying to murder them
DiscordianTokkan: No Emergency Meeting, only Emergency Beating
korvys: Direct democracy
Orxolon: Who can read us?
Anubis169: Paul is running tech :)
0x6772: This is anarchy, not democracy
RealGamerCow: Wheeler does the "They're totally the dissident!" and kills them
DigitalSeahorse: if you see two people enter a room and only one leaves and the one that didn't leave is dead then you know who it was
cmdrzellgaudis: you can still murder
EricTheOrange: Yeah I think we and Ben can hear paul but no one else
DaFhaye: Best part is Adam almost killed Ben right out the gate
Diabore: PIZZISH
josh___something: Oh, you can definitely still murder
Veshnikard: If you just kill everyone you will get the dissenters
Foxmar320: Oh no the fish pizza
SmithKurosaki: Time for Ben to be the Sherriff
cmdrzellgaudis: you need containers
Foxmar320: It might be the hardest task lol
Violet__Violence: not the fish pizza
Diabore: god 8 minutes is so little time
0x6772: @Veshnikard Big brain move!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Pizzushi sounds kind of cursed TBH
GhostValv: amazonPizzushi
Anubis169: travLorg
Lord_Hosk: its adam
Lex_Peacekeeper: plant samples?
flouncy_magooo: @Thefluffiestguineapig Would you prefer suzza?
tr3ewitch88: No trust for Ben πŸ˜…
cmdrzellgaudis: no analysis
Foxmar320: No task here
Khalahd: Analysis isn't one of the tasks
cmdrzellgaudis: analysis is not a task
7gorobei: suizza
CaptainSpam: Maybe if there were some sort of training. :D
0x6772: @tr3ewitch88 He was dissident twice in a row
Foxmar320: Task would be on the monitor in the room
Diabore: analysis OF pizzushi
LemonOnRye: peanut gallery paul is my favorite
DigitalSeahorse: Ben probably gonna tease everyone even while not being the assassin
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: That is the wrong video
cmdrzellgaudis: you’re switching the tutorial
tr3ewitch88: @0x6772 true
Foxmar320: Pizza and delivery is it this round
Diabore: wait it says pizzushi at the top?
Feriority: Go to the pizza symbol in the middle?
cmdrzellgaudis: hover over the black area for its video
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Go to the room with the pizza symbol
korvys: muted
0x6772: Isn't "pizzushi" just… cold pizza?
tr3ewitch88: This is how Ben dies... in menu πŸ˜…
Marvoleath: The pizzushi is in the 'pizza' icon room, you can see the ingredients on the tables, and need to gather them and make the pizzushi in the machine
Thefluffiestguineapig: @0x6772 With fish?
LemonOnRye: ghost paul
Orxolon: Muted
GhostValv: There's plaques with the orders on it with the ingredients
Anubis169: Ben xxxP "..."
LiamK712: that's ok you can talk to just us paul
Kramburger: Ben has killed the mic
FlargBlarg: now he can't even scream
jessicaengle: lrrSPOOP
0x6772: @Thefluffiestguineapig Okay, cold New Haven pizza
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Paul could say all sorts of nice things about Ben and he wouldn't hear him
Heckhoundbolt: we can hear you Paul. which makes this funny
Despoiler98: foodvi2OMG foodvi2OMG foodvi2OMG foodvi2OMG
Foxmar320: Uhhhhhhh
SymphonySolstice: welp
jessicaengle: It was Zoidberg!
spo8n: he is just roleplaying zoidberg
uchihab7: was that a zoidberg
wifi12345678910: They were a mutant from the zone, trust him
DaxStrife: Alex did an Shizo Abe!
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Looks like it was out of bullets anyway
Foxmar320: Gun had no ammo
cmdrzellgaudis: killing the dissident isn’t a win con. you must finish the tasks
Kuhfeek: this is so damn funny
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
Anubis169 plays the Benny Hill theme
SnackPak_: lrrLUL
AugmentingPath: rice to meet you
RealGamerCow: the Alex noises were the best
Foxmar320: This is when we find out he was innocent
ThirdGames: Now you still have to do tasks
0x6772: You still have a time limit, my dudes.
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Yeah, you need to complete tasks
cmdrzellgaudis: the tasks is the only win con
Diabore: @Foxmar320 accidental discharge would be so funny
Khalahd: They can delay you enough you fail your tasks, and win while dead
Foxmar320: Pizza might be the most time consuming task
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Look at the menus on on the tables
EricTheOrange: So can only we hear paul then?
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: and orange vegatable
MWGNZ: hifunkPopcorn hifunkPopcorn
cmdrzellgaudis: that box goes in the kitchen
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: or blue rather
GasCityGaming: we can hear Ben and game audio :)
PharaohBender27: ^
TheAinMAP: HolidayPresent
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: You need to find the sushi bags
h3rsh3yb4r: that present goes in that box on the wall with the yellow button
Grumpingtoon: β€œLet’s not do the tutorial” Also Ben: what am I doing?
korvys: I think you get the rice from the green place?
cmdrzellgaudis: you must watch the tutorials
Anubis169: I think Alex wins
Orxolon: Isn't there a tutorial?
YeomanAres: That box was Delivery
DigitalSeahorse: we should have done training
Thefluffiestguineapig: In these kinds of games the proximity voice chat is so good
notthepenguins: that is why tutorials exist yes
Heckhoundbolt: We can also hear Paul, which is amazing
Foxmar320: Pizza is a lot, you need fish, rice and containers
Lex_Peacekeeper: go to storage the rice is likely there if no ones moved it
0x6772: @Anubis169 Yeah, he def wasted enough time
spo8n: time for deathmatch, last one standing wins
Foxmar320: Also a plant from the green area
Marvoleath: The tutorial was showing wrong video though
zeuserkc: not brown
Foxmar320: Has to be the correct rice
Foxmar320: Need containers
LemonOnRye: : ) cool rice
Tangsm: Cool ranch rice
Mai_Andra: that was when Alex said "RICE to meet you!" and ran away
zeuserkc: that is
SymphonySolstice: : ) cool rice
Anubis169: an ashtray is not a container
cmdrzellgaudis: it was in the room with the rice
Foxmar320: Containers in storage and anaylasis
0x6772: Use Alex's helmet as a container?
jessicaengle: lrrSPOOP
Mai_Andra: Where's toe? We need more burgers.
EricTheOrange: so for chat who knows what happens to players who die? is their a ghost thing?
Lord_Hosk: That person isn't using their helmet, just take it off
Lobo_Apache: Ben is just locked in on doing the task
tr3ewitch88: I think it's dirt actually πŸ˜…
cmdrzellgaudis: you will have to clean the container after the rice
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: No, put it in the machine
MeadyOchre: lmao
zeuserkc: put that on machine by it
Foxmar320: Rice has to go in the pizza machine now
zeuserkc: making a pizza
0x6772: Break glass, get tuna
MeadyOchre: Ben please, put the rice in the machine
h3rsh3yb4r: you make the pizza with it on the assembly line
Tangsm: It's a deconstructed pizza
Foxmar320: Fish is by the fish tank
DigitalSeahorse: why is there a present on the floor?
YeomanAres: Fish atm near door
zeuserkc: tuna by door
Anubis169: LOL
offbeatwitch: shrimps is rice
northos: :3
DiscordianTokkan: :3
wifi12345678910: :3
Its_VeeBot: :3
DeM0nFiRe: :3
jessicaengle: :3
SymphonySolstice: :3
Alas_Babylon: ><:3>
MeadyOchre: :3
KeytarCat: :3
zeuserkc: also need plant
PharaohBender27: :3
MeadyOchre: BEN NO
Astramentha: :3
LemonOnRye: D:
offbeatwitch: insert fish!
Anubis169: oh that is wrong
josh___something: :3
DigitalSeahorse: :3
TheAinMAP: SabaPing
CaptainSpam: Today's fish is trout a la creme. Enjoy your meal.
Tangsm: How do you fish in space, Paul?
Foxmar320: Now you need the plant
h3rsh3yb4r: now you need a veggie
Marvoleath: E:
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunCarp
HorusFive: He's got a cute face. Let's turn him into pizza topping
A_Dub888: Hello gamers, is Ben the traitor?
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: And that is in analysis
tr3ewitch88: I could eat a sushi pizza
Foxmar320: Need another container for that as well
MWGNZ: losing but learming
cmdrzellgaudis: the plants are color coded with the first letter
Foxmar320: Got there
Anubis169: A_Dub888: not this time
zeuserkc: also need Blue ---- first letter
h3rsh3yb4r: the letter on the ingredient is the color
offbeatwitch: ben has learnt many things
Misslinnythebaker: Learning
josh___something: Pizzushi is one of the wierder ones
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: And then once you have everything, you put the pizza on the table
Foxmar320: Then finished pizza goes on the table
cmdrzellgaudis: so bo4 is blue
PharaohBender27: @A_Dub888 He wasn't that time, but he was the round before
ThePixelSavage: "Employees lose" - live under capitalism
Thefluffiestguineapig: Dude, I kind of want that
KaleidoscopeMind: "figuring out" = "chat helped"
Alas_Babylon: Ah ! Ca ira?
notthepenguins: absolutely loving the paul sass
Foxmar320: Alex hid it. Nice
cmdrzellgaudis: do a training mission with no dissident
A_Dub888: Don't do delivery James, do Digiorno lrrBEEJ
cmdrzellgaudis: so you can learn the tasks
0x6772: @A_Dub888 bravo
AugmentingPath: The only impostors are the friends we made along the way, not knowing how to do their tasks
Arclight_Dynamo: @A_Dub888 Delissio in Canada. And also discontinued. :P
Alas_Babylon: Justice for ><:3>
Foxmar320: Only pizza this time
korvys: Maybe rebind the mute key before you get into it?
LemonOnRye: he said all kind of nice things you'll never hear
josh___something: The dissenters can really mess a lot of things up even without killing, huh
Marvoleath: We loved hearing Paul commentary :)
Mai_Andra: raw pizza of the sea
Heckhoundbolt: Paul is the Ai assistant in the suit
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Table 1 needs black rice
zeuserkc: 3 types of rice
korvys: it is
fredericosuave subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 60 months!
fredericosuave: Oh snap 5 years being in the sub tub!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, fredericosuave! (Today's storm count: 32)
korvys: It's white rice
Thefluffiestguineapig: Black, brown and white rice
an_archist2: why white rice in the black bag?
Marvoleath: @an_archist2 extra confusion :D
korvys: Ben, that *was* the white rice
LoadingReadyRun: North American visiting Asian Grocery store for the first time: "There are types of Rice?"
Luminaire_p: first letter is the color
ThePixelSavage: sounds liek a lot of the tasks are made to be cooperative
Foxmar320: Bens got it
zeuserkc: first letter is color
A_Dub888: @Marvoleath maybe it's mixed grain
betweenmyself: the funniest thing ever would be if somebody went rogue during the training session and started killing everyone for the hell of it riffYeti
cmdrzellgaudis: the rice bag is added to a color machine
EricTheOrange: I think the machines choose the rice? maybe?
drcthulu: for contrast
Saintnex: because it dont matter if you're black or white? Kappa
Bruceski: @LoadingReadyRun Just put it all in one jar, saves on storage space.
Foxmar320: C4 detonator
The_Color_Twelve: c4 detonator
zeuserkc: C4 detonator
ghyllnox: Tell them where to get fish?
cmdrzellgaudis: detonator for the c4
KeytarCat: clicky clicky!
ThePixelSavage: resist the urge to push it
Thefluffiestguineapig: UUUUUUHHHHHH
josh___something: Click it :)
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Find the c4
Lex_Peacekeeper: you can click it to find the C4
enbycephalopod: click it
korvys: Muted
GhostValv: Last bit of tech: the topping corresponds to colors, so something starting with W will be a white plant
Lobo_Apache: click it!
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Have fun
jessicaengle: 0.0
CaptainSpam: Aaaand down goes the mic again.
Foxmar320: For when you want to kill everyone at once
Diabore: muted
Thefluffiestguineapig: Muted
Heckhoundbolt: Ben muted again
Arclight_Dynamo: Muted
mistycloud21: Ben was the imposter all along
Kramburger: Cofiscate the boom boom
chaostreader: Group of people!
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: White
zeuserkc: W = white
cmdrzellgaudis: white
ThePixelSavage: game with no impostor and Ben is on a mission to become one
HorusFive: Do you also need to find the C4? or is that part of the surprise?
LiamK712: The first letter is the color
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: The first letter is the color
Foxmar320: There is a plant diagram in the analysis lab
cmdrzellgaudis: first letter is the color
Foxmar320: Shows all the plants
pn55: It is a silly one to have set as default yea.
EvilBadman: Narrator: he never unbound it
cmdrzellgaudis: mix tape
jessicaengle: thicc tape
SymphonySolstice: if it was the middle click that would make more sense but scroll?
cmdrzellgaudis: take the tape to analysis for music
SymphonySolstice: what a weird binding
A_Dub888: !advice
LRRbot: Everyone please take extra care and try not to get eaten.
Foxmar320: C4 could be anywhere, looks like a white brick
Heckhoundbolt: just press the button and hear everyone panic
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: You can try clicking the button and seeing if someone is holding the c4
josh___something: If someone's already clicked it, it might be gone
Foxmar320: Also the C4 doesn't always spawn
cmdrzellgaudis: pressure is very hard as a task
DaxStrife: Ben goes back and everyone's just dead.
Lex_Peacekeeper: its a light grey block with darker gray straps
0x6772: Ben, setting up for another dissident run
Diabore: i saw the c4 if ben wants to know where it is
zeuserkc: pull trigger and it will go off
CaptainSpam: Ben doesn't need a computer to tell him to be a traitor! lrrLUL
LiamK712: The paul and ben show
korvys: You, Paul, and 700 of us
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Click it!
Khalahd: I know Wheeler used the mute a LOT to give asides to his chat that didn't go to proximity. That's probably why it's a quick switch button.
Lobo_Apache: ER.. crazy ER
OldUncleDan: So, is Black Rice a thing? I have never heard of it!
GasCityGaming: when you're around everyone gotta pretend Paul is saying weird stuff "{
SymphonySolstice: the paul inside your head
GasCityGaming: :P
mistycloud21: Paul is the little devil on Ben’s shoulder
MacbethSeemsSus: What's that voice of Paul, I should stab them?
Foxmar320: BOOM
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
josh___something: Lmao
PharaohBender27: "You have to tell me if you exploded!"
Saintnex: cut to finding everyone else dead lol
cmdrzellgaudis: they need wheeler to help
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: I don't thnk so
korvys: Hey, weird question, anyone explode?
Diabore: @LoadingReadyRun fwiw the c4 was beside the detonator
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: You don't need to refine it.
Foxmar320: Oh thats wrong
chaostreader: so what’s fun about C4 is you can carry it in your pocket so no one knows.
HorusFive: Sounds like a skill problem
ThirdGames: You don't need to refine it, just use the plant itself.
Foxmar320: Toss that lol
Marvoleath: You need it ra not analyzed
A_Dub888: !sir
LRRbot: Sir? Sir! How does taxidermy change the mouthfeel of a dead goose?
Marvoleath: raw*
jessicaengle: jlrrFacepalm
cmdrzellgaudis: how he analyzed the white
josh___something: Just the plant, not the analyzed plant
zeuserkc: white plant
Lord_Hosk: thats what I was thinking Ben comes in and sees a whole pile of bodies in kitchen
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: You need just the plant itself and not refine it
Bruceski: Behind the scenes at the Moonbase
OldUncleDan: Ah! Black Rice is just another name for Purple Rice. That makes sense!
Foxmar320: Yes Ben
0x6772: I mean, Ben's dissident in spirit.
circusofkirkus: it was too processed
cmdrzellgaudis: he processed the white plant
0x6772: DO IT
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: You need to do 1 less thing with it
Marvoleath: You need the plant raw, this one is analyzed
Foxmar320: Correct Nelson
zeuserkc: straight sample
EricTheOrange: Ben is too used to being the traitor
cmdrzellgaudis: you need just the plant
zeuserkc: raw
KaleidoscopeMind: rip
josh___something: Fockin RAWWW
Elypants: Nelly got it
josh___something: Lul
0x6772: Welp, so much for training.
mercano82: this is going to be a write-up
tr3ewitch88: Run
SymphonySolstice: F
TheAinMAP: katesDed
KaleidoscopeMind: lul
Foxmar320: When no one is the bad guy everyone is the bad guy
Violet__Violence: rip
Astramentha: o7
Alness49: The Waffle House experience
Heckhoundbolt: amazing
DigitalSeahorse: and what did we learn?
Nigouki: there is no imposter, the real monster is workplace violence
tr3ewitch88: lrrFINE lrrFINE lrrFINE
cmdrzellgaudis: go back to the white lab
Foxmar320: Also you might need to wash the plant container
cmdrzellgaudis: you then need to clean the container after
CaptainSpam: This mode is challenging enough as-is!
mrbuzzfuzz: hellooooo :)
mercano82: this is some sort of space-based purgatory
DigitalSeahorse: very little!
ThirdGames: They're kinda scattered around
Violet__Violence: the tasks in this are way more involved
zeuserkc: Clean container to use again
wifi12345678910: pizzushi
Marvoleath: You can clean containers after use
ThirdGames: Pizzushi! Pizza Sushi!
Diabore: bem
h3rsh3yb4r: it's pizzushi
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Pizzushi
Transmuted_Elf: time to learn how to clean containers
Diabore: ben
josh___something: Pizz-ushi
TheAinMAP: PizzaTime
Astramentha: :3
DigitalSeahorse: lrrBartleby
DaxStrife: Pizza-sushi does sound pretty good.
0x6772: Order up!
josh___something: Now do it again
Kramburger: Combination Pizza Hut and Sushi Train
Arclight_Dynamo: Black rice and cod would be AWFUL.
tehfewl: Hurray
josh___something: You can clean the containers to reuse them iirc?
Kramburger: CoD: Black Rice 2
AugmentingPath: where is your cod now?
0x6772: Nelson's the dissident! Get 'im!
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: @josh___something Yep
zeuserkc: yes chef
mercano82: Nelson seems sus
Tangsm: 10 is not 20
Diabore: 8 and a half minutes
Kramburger: Can't hear Nelson's kids... sus
0x6772: Okay, GI Ben
northos: how many streamers does it take to make a pizzushi
OldUncleDan: Cod just seems like a bad choice for sushi anyway.
HorusFive: The first one took 9 minutes. The second took 1.
LemonOnRye: C0D LUL
Arclight_Dynamo: It took ten minutes, one adult, and six people who aren't Cori.
BusTed: FBtouchdown
Astramentha: FBtouchdown
HorusFive: At that rate it should only take 10 seconds to make a third
Marvoleath: sergeGG
korvys: Another one?
TheAinMAP: FallWinning
CaptainSpam: You served two (2) pizzas! SUCCESS!
Mai_Andra: key binding
jessicaengle: lrrCrab
GasCityGaming: don't forget to re-bind mic :)
Arclight_Dynamo: Binding.
northos: @CaptainSpam *pizzushis
Foxmar320: It just made you do the hardest task twice lol
Lord_Hosk: fix your mute
Diabore: more time in beginner, like 10 minutes
AugmentingPath: go back to having an *assigned impostor
0x6772: Turn it up until the employees win
raulghoulia: Carbon Oxygen Dysprosium
0x6772: Then turn the task count up
josh___something: Other than the engine one, kitchen is the most complex task
DigitalSeahorse: how many more tasks are there than the kitchen and the delivery?
Tangsm: Why not both?
Violet__Violence: sus
mistycloud21: Sure…….
pn55: HypeLUL
dm818: Who is Paul?
DaxStrife: Ben, Paul died 6 years ago.
Astramentha: or ARE YOU
Marvoleath: @DigitalSeahorse I think there is 5-6?
Getter404: And is this 'Paul' in the room with us now?
lochnessseammonster: talking to ghosts! kill em!
SymphonySolstice: [points] EMPLOYED
josh___something: Paul's been dead for 15 years
Feriority: Sometimes you just have to "talk to Paul", we get it
A_Dub888: Silly Nelly, Among Us is a different game
maefly2: alimentations can be rough at first
ghyllnox: You might ALSO be losing your mind
Foxmar320: Scan is a two person job unless you're me
Violet__Violence: and is paul in the room with us now
Marvoleath: Scanner, delivery, pizzushi, analyzing, batteries, cleaning vents, pressure
Kramburger: Guys, I just gotta run to the bathroom and talk to Paul
EricTheOrange: Ben not beating the betrayer allegations
zeuserkc: up
zeuserkc: right and left
Foxmar320: Ive ended up doing this one solo just by sound and it takes forever
EricTheOrange: does jordynne play inverted
Lex_Peacekeeper: Ben's Quest for the C4
Kramburger: Ben's four men?
Kramburger: LEWD
LemonOnRye: vexed
OldUncleDan: I feel it would be cool if they can switch who is the PoV is from game to game. Perhaps that coudl be done in future streams.
Foxmar320: :D
PharaohBender27: lrrJAMES !
an_archist2: IT'S ADAM
0x6772: Blame James!
DigitalSeahorse: it's PINK!
josh___something: It's adam LUL
Astramentha: o7
BusTed: benginO7
Violet__Violence: lmaooo
Violet__Violence: f
0x6772: but, for real, Blame James!
Marvoleath: @EricTheOrange I think she was just looking at the room position instead of the screen
jessicaengle: James!
tr3ewitch88: πŸ˜…
Foxmar320: lol
tr3ewitch88: lrrSHINE
DigitalSeahorse: uh
jessicaengle: jlrrFacepalm
trainpants: LUL
Kramburger: NELLY
pn55: HypeLUL
SymphonySolstice: LUL
Kramburger: GODDAMN
Thefluffiestguineapig: That was amazing
Astramentha: it’s called TRUST
A_Dub888: rayfkWelp
josh___something: "He may have run himself to death" smh no trust XD
tr3ewitch88: lrrFINE
amative1 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 132 months!
amative1: Lockdown Protocol! Don't trust Serifina with a Gun, a C4... heck I wouldn't trust her with a screwdriver or a fuse.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, amative1! (Today's storm count: 33)
7gorobei: trust pistol exercise, who needs trust falls
Marvoleath: tbf the guns have very limited ammo, or sometimes none at all
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: There is dead chat
Foxmar320: Yes, ghosts can talk to each other
KaleidoscopeMind: can we walk through walls as a ghost
northos: so sus
Mai_Andra: would've been hilarious if Alex just picked up the gun Nelly dropped and blasted him.
tr3ewitch88: Good game James πŸ˜…
Foxmar320: No
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: No
josh___something: Inb4 james just wanted to shank you
korvys: Scanner done, nice
Foxmar320: Ghosts just watch
Mai_Andra: I miss when they could here the ghosts of people they had killed.
Violet__Violence: james is zoomin'
Mai_Andra: *hear
spo8n: james is playing tarkov
Marvoleath: Ghost can watch and talk to other ghosts
Diabore: the game not ending when the dissenter dies is such a good change
EricTheOrange: This game feels like it needs a lot of knowledge to work. the tasks are kinda complicated so unless all players really know the tasks the game is gonna go to dissident every time
Bruceski: "Maybe you shouldn't have killed the two loudest pople in the group, Graham!"
Tangsm: It's a pity you can't just make a fish float around
The_Color_Twelve: I don't think he menat to drop it
Foxmar320: He tossed the screwdriver remember
Transmuted_Elf: james just realizing he accidently threw his weapon
Marvoleath: @Diabore yea, you can get non-violent as the dissenter just by sabotage / hiding quest items, it's cool
patrick_stonecrusher: LUL LUL LUL
underhill33: lrrLUL
Fruan: threw driver
Ryenji: LUL
Foxmar320: hahahahaaaaaaa
circusofkirkus: LUL
PharaohBender27: :O
DiscordianTokkan: lol, clapped
margieargie: Got 'em!
The_Color_Twelve: heart attack
SymphonySolstice: POG
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: He ran too much
amative1: ran out of stamina!
jessicaengle: jlrrCoolgame
wifi12345678910: lrrLUL
pn55: How did that happen?
Diabore: james ran himself to death LUL
Tangsm: Y
pn55: Oooo
DigitalSeahorse: lrrSPOOPY lrrSPOOPY
herph: jlrrFacepalm
The_Color_Twelve: He ran out of stamina
Foxmar320: amative1 did it
Tangsm: Tried to kill him with a cassette
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: He attacked himself to death
CaptainSpam: Did James just try to bludgeon Adam to death with a cassette?
Diabore: no attacking takes stamina
Marvoleath: hitting also takes stamina
amative1: using weapons drains stamina as well
Diabore: you can die by attacking
The_Color_Twelve: the attack took stamina
Foxmar320: Guns can also be in lock boxes
Mai_Andra: to be fair, that cassette is a brick
maefly2: do you want a hint about where to find weapons?
Transmuted_Elf: has pressure been rebalanced that is like one of the most complicated tasks and kills players
Valkryir: they wont believe him lmao
offbeatwitch: thats really good
MacbethSeemsSus: lrrLUL
pn55: Yea, I don't think Adam realised he killed you
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Adam didn't kill him. James died from running out stamina from attacking
Saintnex: haha
0x6772: this rules
Lobo_Apache: lol second disodent
0x6772: BLAME JAMES you fools
amative1: omg they're gonna think Adam is badf
amative1: *bad
josh___something: James died from attacking too much lmao
margieargie: tqsLOL tqsLOL
Tangsm: Do they know you can just die?
Foxmar320: Yeah they might turn on Adam
Diabore: adam doesnt know you can die from attacking LUL
pn55: He turned away just as James fell down
jessicaengle: 4D Chess!
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: @Tangsm They know you can die from stamina, but I don't know if they know attacks drain stamina
FlargBlarg: ben being the outer voice of twitch chat's inner voice
FlargBlarg: "just do the tasks!"
josh___something: Pizza is time consuming to be fair
amative1: 2 computers and 1 alimentations? I could do that /myself/ in 7 mins
cmdrzellgaudis: the c4 often spawns in the office. did someone use the detonator?
Marvoleath: I once saw a dissident kill themself to confuse others and get them paranoid :D
0x6772: @FlargBlarg Ben is often our champion, especially against Adam.
LiamK712: What do you think of the game so far?
DigitalSeahorse: the colour coding here is reminding me of finding my way through a hospital
cmdrzellgaudis: task rabbit
KaleidoscopeMind: jordynne, the editor, being the task do-er is on track
Diabore: theres one specific task that im not gonna name that will be hilarious when they get it
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Tasks certainly take a bit more to learn
DigitalSeahorse: but without the stripes
josh___something: I can't wait til someone dies to the engine task
Foxmar320: Yeah this is way more fun then Among Us to me
ThirdGames: I got real into it watching Wheeler's streams. The chaos is great.
offbeatwitch: eventually you'll level up to being able to play barotrauma and ss13
Mai_Andra: allamarain, count to four...
tr3ewitch88: So much potential for this game play
LiamK712: Yeah more of a learning curve, but then more interesting
Orxolon: Next Monday another CTS where we know how to play!
pn55: Not having to just kill everyone and just mess with the tasks is fun too
Lobo_Apache: Among us really walked for this game to run
korvys: Yeah, you also need to know how the tasks are done so you can tell if someone is acting weird
maefly2: watching wheeler and voxy play this was some of the funniest stuff I've seen recently
EricTheOrange: This is a game that rewards knowledge a lot. I feel like you need everyone to practice every task for the game to work
Foxmar320: They got this
Violet__Violence: i appreciate how much more like, involved this is
Violet__Violence: compared to among us
Foxmar320: When my group plays I spend so much time in anaysis
Mr_Horrible: yeah, it seems like a good iteration on the formula
Foxmar320: Then serifina kills me
amative1: you can enable/disable each type of task, and also turn off dissident, which makes it easier to quickly learn all the tasks
OldUncleDan: The Russel Hantz strategy.
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: I would say it is always a good strat.
pn55: I love that the gun is still lying there :p
cmdrzellgaudis: you can also just be really bad at a job and win as dissident
xVoxtric: The ability for dissients to win after they've died because they've hidden the stuff for the tasks is one thing I like a lot for sure
Lex_Peacekeeper: Ben on the weapons there are little black laptop looking things around you can open and they might have a weapon, you need to guess the code
ButButTheJesus: @Foxmar320 then I have to assume you deserved it :D
offbeatwitch: knife jugglin!
Violet__Violence: eyyyyy
pn55: seabatClap
jessicaengle: gg
DigitalSeahorse: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
amative1: Task Win!
Astramentha: FBtouchdown
TheAinMAP: FallWinning
DigitalSeahorse: PrideLaugh
tr3ewitch88: LUL
jessicaengle: Fun game!
0x6772: More tasks
0x6772: Bump the task count
josh___something: You can definitely have a pacifist dissident win with how many moving parts on tasks you can mess with
Kramburger: Nelly and Alex, THE GUN
Foxmar320: ButButTheJesus Naaa she just kills everyone reguardless of if shes the killer or not
ButButTheJesus: @Foxmar320 I'm sure she has a good reason
josh___something: Sometimes ya just gotta stab someone
MacbethSeemsSus: Tonight on Hell's Kitchen, Ben must complete a pizza before getting stabbed by his coworkers.
Diabore: PIZZUSH
amative1: d-d-d-double pizza
sands2024: lrrNELSON
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Check the back room
KaleidoscopeMind: that end screen boop-be-doops sound so much like the trouble-in-p4ra-di5e theme
EricTheOrange: @LoadingReadyRun does the viewer camera come with disembodied paul voice
amative1: There's 2 tables, one is in the other room
mistycloud21: Slow night at the pizzeria
Elypants: The other room has another table
sands2024: I got Nelson! Lol, new to Twitch so I am trying to get emotes
LoadingReadyRun: @EricTheOrange yup!
tr3ewitch88: I wonder if you can put any bag of rice into the correct machine.
EricTheOrange: @ben I think the machines change the rice color?
Mr_Horrible: Heard, Chef!
amative1: Hitting things randomly is part of the game =D
Mattmitchell45 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 134 months, currently on a 134 month streak!
Mattmitchell45: I'd trust them with my survival
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Mattmitchell45! (Today's storm count: 34)
DigitalSeahorse: :3
Violet__Violence: i love that face lmao
Violet__Violence: :3
Mr_Horrible: :3
FlargBlarg: :3
trainpants: :3
offbeatwitch: :3
Lobo_Apache: :
GhostValv: :3
DiscordianTokkan: :3
GasCityGaming: :3
SymphonySolstice: :3
adept_nekomancer: :3
Fruan: :3
Mr_Bitterness: :3 fish
Tangsm: :3
amative1: :3
Astramentha: :3
EricTheOrange: colon three
xantos69: :3
WiJohn: :3
Lobo_Apache: :3
Scarbble: :3
DiscordianTokkan: feesh
DigitalSeahorse: :3 :3
mistycloud21: :3
Stratavarius: >:3
ButButTheJesus: :3
7gorobei: :3
Feriority: :3
jessicaengle: @Mr_Horrible Yikes, traumatize me with that memory
Mischievous_Catgeist: Colon three
DigitalSeahorse: heheheh
DarthRagnar815: :3 SabaPing
teddywhosabear: :3
Enki1256 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 63 months, currently on a 63 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Enki1256! (Today's storm count: 35)
Violet__Violence: fibsh
Grumpingtoon: what’s a BO for?
amative1: B = Blue
jessicaengle: HypePat
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Blue
maefly2: B = blue
amative1: first letter of code tells you color
Violet__Violence: vents? sus
MacbethSeemsSus: I think the next room shows each plant design
Chesul: There's an illustration on the wall of the side room it looks like, which shows you the shape of each plant.
LiamK712: Yes, but you'll have to clean it since you used it for rice
mistycloud21: sis
margieargie: Oh no, the fish have a gun watch out!
Foxmar320: Yes
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Yes, but you need to clean it
Foxmar320: It needs to be washed
Robot_Bones: you tellin me a pizza sushi'd this rice?
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Yep
LiamK712: nice
Thefluffiestguineapig: This chat feels very similar to chat from Cook serve delicious
tr3ewitch88: Now I want sushi....anyone else? πŸ˜…
Tangsm: 3 dishwashers to a space station
pn55: Honestly, I like the sounds in this game.
DiscordianTokkan: Damn your pizza give your blue b-
DigitalSeahorse: maybe it's mango flavored blue
CaptainSpam: Hey, James. Where you going with that gun in your hand?
Violet__Violence: womp womp
Foxmar320: hahaaa
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
Thefluffiestguineapig: LUL
DaFhaye: Don't knock it till you try it
DigitalSeahorse: it looks like it smells like mango anyway
Foxmar320: Boom!
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: I heard some c4
Kramburger: None bullets, left clip
Thefluffiestguineapig: I would bet he's a dissident
Diabore: someone found a detonator
Astramentha: D: feesh
AngelicKnighthood subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 58 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AngelicKnighthood! (Today's storm count: 36)
niccus: imagining one of these games with receiver's negligent discharge
jessicaengle: Shramp
amative1: C4, unless there's Pressure tasks
fredcheckers: Why are all these eyelashes so luscious.
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Check storage
Foxmar320: Storage might have rice
Diabore: sometimes rice is in storage
amative1: Storage (orange room)
Transmuted_Elf: rice can be in box room
Elypants: Orange zone
DigitalSeahorse: brice fried by shramp
A_Dub888: *burps* ...... no?
Quaseymoto: Only murderers eat brown rice
DigitalSeahorse: shramp fried brice
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: You need cool rice
tr3ewitch88: I feel like poor Alex is just floating around wondering when someone's gonna find his body.
EricTheOrange: is Alex playing silly buggers?
Tangsm: Cool ranch flavored
Arclight_Dynamo: I suspect Jordynne.
Mr_Horrible: "White???"
Foxmar320: Alex might be hiding stuff
CaptainSpam: Maybe the strategy is to grab all the rice first?
MyrddintheWizard subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 68 months!
MyrddintheWizard: Cheers to all you beautiful people!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MyrddintheWizard! (Today's storm count: 37)
northos: cool rice!
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Yep
Diabore: yea
DigitalSeahorse: yes
fredcheckers: @DigitalSeahorse Doing these tasks like shrimp fried rice
0x6772: Yeah, that worked last time
GasCityGaming: brown bag brown rice:)
DigitalSeahorse: no
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: It is always the same
Robot_Bones: that's the cool ranch rice
0x6772: Nah, because being brown is cool!
Mazrae: Is it bag color?
amative1: It's always the same, but not intuitive by bag color
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Cool Rice! Wait, this isn't James' channel.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Mazrae No because the black bag has white rice
amative1: Black rice is blue, White rice is black, Brown rice is brown
0x6772: It is extremely subtle social commentary.
tr3ewitch88: Brown is yellow.
gualdhar: did the Ministry name these colors?
KaleidoscopeMind: is it text color?
Anubis169: and pink rice is tartan
OldUncleDan: And Golden Rice is high in Vitamin A!
DiscordianTokkan: :)
northos: :)
Violet__Violence: : )
WiJohn: :)
Tangsm: Normal shrimp
offbeatwitch: shrimp :)
DigitalSeahorse: :)
Diabore: LUL
margieargie: :)
Mr_Bitterness: That's a lobster
HorusFive: I have notw
Stratavarius: >:3
Lord_Hosk: Thats not a shrip
Mr_Horrible: "Shrimp"
GasCityGaming: just go with it
pn55: :)
jessicaengle: lrrCrab
DiscordianTokkan: Lobstie
ThirdGames: Thicc shrimp
SnackPak_: ok
EricTheOrange: : )
teddywhosabear: :)
Leshoyadut: :)
Elypants: (:
HorusFive: note
Foxmar320: Sure
NotCainNorAbel: that's no shrimp
mistycloud21: lobster?
Astramentha: :3
amative1: "shrimp"
wifi12345678910: That's a lobster
Geldaran: ummm.. that not shrimp
0x6772: That's a lobster, my dude.
CaptainSpam: That is... a very particular shrimp.
Feriority: :)
Andymonium: :)
ThePerrBearr: that's.. not scrimp
SymphonySolstice: perfectly ordinary shramp
patrick_stonecrusher: Lil loster
DigitalSeahorse: heheheh
LarkSachrosis: (:
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: You aren't the first to comment on it
tr3ewitch88: I think we all do
DaxStrife: That's a jumbo shrimp.
Kramburger: !sir
LRRbot: Sir? Sir! Did you know Detroit was on the Underground Railroad, a route for slaves escaping into Canada during the American Civil War?
offbeatwitch: tell em to bring out the lobster
northos: all crustaceans are the same
Enki1256: that's a very... crayfishy lookin shrimp
Chantzzzzz: checks out
Jillexie: Crawfish
Anubis169: Shrimp (lobster flavour)
pn55: Not taking questions at this time
TheAinMAP: lrrCrab
amative1: very large "shrimp"
xantos69: God dam that is a big shrimp
Tangsm: It's lobster shaped shrimp
Astramentha: lrrCrab lrrCrab lrrCrab
Arclight_Dynamo: Container.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Enki1256 That would be the biggest fucking crayfish ever
A_Dub888: what is shrimp if not smol lobster?
amative1: Red flower
sephchan: Quiet Alex is immediately suspicious
DiscordianTokkan: hurr hurr
ButButTheJesus: what is a shrimp, if not a large lobster
LarkSachrosis: Shrimps is bugs
EricTheOrange: 2 mentally
Diabore: im super curious who the imposter is
0x6772: @ButButTheJesus It's … definitely not a large lobster? Or any sort of lobster?
ButButTheJesus: or the other way around
ElihuAran subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 111 months, currently on a 105 month streak!
ElihuAran: yar har fiddle dee dee
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ElihuAran! (Today's storm count: 38)
nyoomgoom: jumbo shrimp but with a couple centuries of breeding for extra jumbo
Transmuted_Elf: caps lock fail....
Arclight_Dynamo: That's suspect.
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: ru2 is red
Jillexie: sus
cmdrzellgaudis: red
ButButTheJesus: @0x6772 but what if
sephchan: "Who, me? I'm figuring out how to sabotage you all without saying that out loud!"
ElihuAran: The first letter of any of the plants tells you which color the plant is
tr3ewitch88: Okay.So alex is not dead , so that means he sucks
cmdrzellgaudis: ru2 is red
tr3ewitch88: Sus*
zshunter: Don't forget the first letter = color for the plants
Anubis169: everybody over in hydroponics
OldUncleDan: We actually had a pizzaria in town called "Pizza Man." They actually had excellent ribs!
northos: the character facing animation is so good in this game, you get so much expression from someone just turning their camera in different directions
EricTheOrange: I dunno that looks more like a magenta than a red...
Diabore: no ben that was you
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: That was from your first one
ThePerrBearr: you left that there from last time
amative1: You just left the old container there
jamesinor: Hey Ben, I'm thinking of making LRR alters of vehicles from Road Quest. Current list, Valor's Flagship - Gandalf, The Last Ride - Sabine, Detention Chariot - The Crown Vic
HellsPanda: Someone didnt clean up after the first pizza
Dread_Pirate_Westley: I think the "somebody" is you. You left it there.
Tangsm: Adding the wrong ingredient would have been clever
circusofkirkus: Ben's fucking with Ben's pizza
Chesul: There's also a diagram of each plant on the wall of the side room, so you can see what they're shaped like.
saucemaster5000: me
OldUncleDan: Wow... That kinda looked like Jumbilia.
wifi12345678910: Ian?
dm818: yes chef
ThirdGames: Yes, Chef!
Juliamon: that's a pretty pizzushi right there
northos: let him cook chat
Anubis169: probably about 4% of chat
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: You didn't mess up the pizza, you just didn't clean up after yourself
CaptainSpam: We are now pizzushed!
SymphonySolstice: pizza Cooked
amative1: I've made more Pizzushi than you... so... me?
nyoomgoom: actually wait, jumbo shrimp are already like, bigger than an adult human hand
knightWarrior82: good to know you can different Ingredients to make you do it all over again
EricTheOrange: @Anubis169 you think that high?
cmdrzellgaudis: you want those containers again
hieroglyphica: I mean, I'm not anymore, now I deal
hieroglyphica: but I remember the old ways!
Anubis169: You'd be surprised Eric
mistycloud21: Now to go on killing spree?
gualdhar: I'm a chef at a Michelin star restaurant, and Ben is clearly better
tr3ewitch88: PoroSad
SymphonySolstice: F
0x6772: I mean, one person definitely saw Nelly die.
Arclight_Dynamo: It's Alex.
Diabore: i think thats james
Kuhfeek: sus
0x6772: Suuuuuuuuuure, Alex.
xantos69: I wager all my channel points on Alex
shushu2539: that sounds suspicious
Thefluffiestguineapig: Nelly's trusting nature gets him got again
hieroglyphica: Diiiiid you now
Astramentha: FBtouchdown
jessicaengle: wut
sands2024: That's a little sus 🀨
sephchan: Yeah sorry Alex you sound so sus
DaxStrife: "Da Cheat! In our attempt to make a fake pizza joint, we somehow became an actual and well-reviewed pizza joint!"
cmdrzellgaudis: everything is a weapon
FlargBlarg: ben view is so good though
Mr_Horrible: I feel like the pizza task is high opportunity to be messed with
Anubis169: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
Anubis169: stretch break, tea time!
HorusFive: What did happen to James?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Adam cut off mid story LUL
A_Dub888: but what happened to James?
jessicaengle: @DaxStrife Filled with old-world cardboard charm!
Mr_Horrible: you can wait until they're getting something from another room and mess it up, if they're doing it piece-by-piece
Stratavarius: We'll never know what happened to James
hieroglyphica: I guess I could go get water
Violet__Violence: who knows what happened
northos: @HorusFive chunk punching accident, probably :P
EricTheOrange: Chat will never know what happened to james
sands2024: I have it on my phone. So I can take it anywhere!
Anubis169: we'll find out what happened to James... after these messages!
HorusFive: @northos typical
A_Dub888: @northos Got it, fell down a hole
rosesmcgee: "They did not find out what happened to James"
SymphonySolstice: in a fateful turn of events, he was the chunk who got punched
jessicaengle: Yes jlrrCooltunes jlrrCooltunes jlrrCooltunes
jessicaengle: jlrrDance GriddyGoose jlrrDance
Seabats: I smoked james, what a dummy
MilkInBags: so silly
LithelyUnshod subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 80 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LithelyUnshod! (Today's storm count: 39)
hieroglyphica: what a silly goose
alexsteacy: owo
BITs19_: you smoked him right inf ront of Jordynne and Cori??
DigitalSeahorse: OwO
hieroglyphica: 😳
Mazrae: So chat... How is everyone doing during this break
DigitalSeahorse: openseLuna w openseLuna
A_Dub888: @BITs19_ I didn't know James doubled as a cigar lrrBEEJ
hieroglyphica: u win
DigitalSeahorse: lol
MilkInBags: wow it's taking forever to smoke that turner blunt
sephchan: @alexsteacy Sus
ElihuAran: Having played this every weekend with friends, I'm constantly trying to pull up my tablet to see what my tasks are :D
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Mazrae Studying classes of veterinary anesthetic drugs, how about you?
agentofsaruman69: @Mazrae sad, because the 'back by popular demand' splash for the middle LRRTH playmat is still in rotation, and it's still out of stock :(
Mazrae: I'm doing okay, just about to cook some elbow noodles to eat with butter and Parmesan cheese, kind of feeling a little bland dinner tonight
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
DigitalSeahorse: :O
MilkInBags: @agentofsaruman69 based on your username, should Grima then be called Worntongue?
DiscordianTokkan: Hooray!
Juliamon: sometimes butter noodles just really hits the spot
TheAinMAP: lrrSIG
SymphonySolstice: wooo
hieroglyphica: Oh that's one of my old favorites, except I toast some pecans on top of the elbows
Astramentha: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
Mr_Horrible: impressive
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Mazrae Honestly sounds great
BusTed: benginO7
Diabore: does jordynne now have a paul in their head?
0x6772: Jordynne for Dissident!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Jordynne cam!!!! Totally ready for it
A_Dub888: @Mazrae brewing a Jeskai vehicles deck with Kykar called Ky-Car
0x6772: This game needs Twitch integration so we can vote!
GhostValv: :)
0x6772: wheeeeee
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: And evil right off the back.
Astramentha: YESSSS
CaptainSpam: Ooo, Jordynne gets a Paul ghost now!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Paul commentary with Jordynne cam? And on Dissident?? Oh I'm so happy
PharaohBender27: Let's go Jordynne!
SymphonySolstice: crimes crimes crimes
0x6772: Seven: hide things too
agentofsaruman69: @MilkInBags lol oh noooooo
tr3ewitch88: Are we doing crime?
DigitalSeahorse: vents can has events
0x6772: @tr3ewitch88 ssshhhhh others may be reading
MilkInBags: is adam just reading chat to know who's the killer?
hieroglyphica: I am always down for minor crimes! I'm not old enough for elder crimes yet
0x6772: @MilkInBags wouldn't you?
Astramentha: duncKnife duncKnife duncKnife
PharaohBender27: lrrLUL
Nigouki: James smoked once again
A_Dub888: !findquote trust
LRRbot: Quote #8193: "I trust Adam to wreak havoc." β€”Cameron [2022-08-28]
Thefluffiestguineapig: Genuinely proximity chats in these games adds a lot
Transmuted_Elf: knife sometimes in pizza
0x6772: @Thefluffiestguineapig hard agree
PharaohBender27: @0x6772 I third that
hieroglyphica: You can do it!
MilkInBags: why can we hear paul all the time
tr3ewitch88: Games like this are totally for people with trust issues πŸ˜… it's my time to shine ✨️
Thefluffiestguineapig: @MilkInBags Paul is in charge of tech
DaxStrife: Mmm, pizza knife.
MilkInBags: oooh he's not playing
DigitalSeahorse: lrrLUL murder with a round pizza slicer
0x6772: Paul as Angel/Devil on shoulder is quite the casting
sephchan: Ok, can you kill someone with a pizza wheel?
maefly2: get a screwdriver, go hide one of the air filters?
wifi12345678910: @milkinbags Paul died years ago, I can't hear him
hieroglyphica: Look, I made Rick knives in the playground as a kid, there's always knives if you try hard enough
Orxolon: I'm back,are we employees?
hieroglyphica: *rock sorry
CaptainSpam: Ah, I see someone went with the strategy of finding all the rice bags first.
Arclight_Dynamo: Open that briefcase?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @sephchan If we can kill someone with rice I assume everything else up from there in terms of deadliness is on the table
0x6772: I love this bit and we should maintain it across future content where it makes no sense
CaptainSpam: Now we find the other players have taken the strategy of "hide all the weapons". :D
DeM0nFiRe: Hate when I am hungry and the knife vending machine is still empty
Anubis169: P=NP.... Spatial Awareness = NSpatial Awareness
Anubis169: Discuss
A_Dub888: @Thefluffiestguineapig Also every time there's a CtS from home, Paul implants microchips in chat's brains so he can talk directly to us lrrBEEJ \
0x6772: Whoops, missed the "reply" button - I mean the "Paul died 6 years ago" bit
DigitalSeahorse: maybe knife is in the meat you part of the kitchen?
DiscordianTokkan: nice
DigitalSeahorse: xD
Andymonium: Nice.
SymphonySolstice: nice
tr3ewitch88: If no weapon try disorganized shenanigans πŸ€ͺ mess with everything
Scarbble: nice
MilkInBags: you were born in 96?
Molladia: You can blow up the generator cant you?
ButButTheJesus: heheh
NorthstarTex: nice
saucemaster5000: mwehehehe
hieroglyphica: heheh
ButButTheJesus: heheheheh
NorthstarTex: hehehehe
gualdhar: maybe an employee picked up a knife :(
BusTed: onstaHEHE
Molladia: Tape works as a weapon
Molladia: cassette tape
hieroglyphica: Yeah ATP an employee has to have gotten the weapons
Transmuted_Elf: red area might have a weapon?
maefly2: i think there was a locked case in the other office
0x6772: What are the tasks? Could a screwdriver help manipulate the vents?
RealGamerCow: can you punch them to death?
Forlorgen: feels like dissident is balanced poorly
CaptainSpam: Maybe those cassette bricks.
DigitalSeahorse: a briefcase?
cmdrzellgaudis: there was a mix tape
hieroglyphica: Maybe we have moved past single dissident mode
MilkInBags: so do people have infinite tasks to complete?
ihlendrax: Get them jumping along to the music from the mix tapes.
DaxStrife: You can't just bludgeon someone to death with a golf trophy! Professionals have standards.
DigitalSeahorse: no weapons in the weapons area
cmdrzellgaudis: go to the delivery room
Forlorgen: I feel like beginner has less weapons
pn55: Finding a screwdriver and hiding the vent filter would be very sneaky
DaxStrife: Alex already confiscated the guns.
Andymonium: phillips akimbo
NimrodXIV: time for tasks!
tr3ewitch88: Can't even punch people πŸ₯Ί
DigitalSeahorse: steal both screwdrivers, now we screwy!~
DigitalSeahorse: uhoh
SnackPak_: rip
NimrodXIV: oh nooo
pn55: HypeLUL
DigitalSeahorse: xD
0x6772: nuts
ButButTheJesus: DAMMIT
xantos69: Astounding
wifi12345678910: Pulling a james
Scarbble: lololol
Astramentha: o7
Arclight_Dynamo: You stabbed yourself to death.
BusTed: onstaWELP
brutusq13: DOUBLE KILL
TheAinMAP: katesDed
Lex_Peacekeeper: went to two weapons cases and did not try to open them at all
NorthstarTex: o7
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: The second time someone died trying to kill Adam
DiscordianTokkan: Hahahaha
Andymonium: environmental storytelling
pn55: That stamina goes down quickly!
MacbethSeemsSus: Ever stab someone so hard you die yourself?
HorusFive: tragic- Adam tried to kill Jordynne
jessicaengle: Why are we so fragile?? lrrSPOOP
xantos69: When people show up and find this all they see is 2 corpses and 2 screwdrivers
Darleysam: mmm whatcha sayyy
DiscordianTokkan: ART
ButButTheJesus: A R T
Mr_Horrible: "environmental storytelling"
DigitalSeahorse: lrrSPOOPY lrrSPOOPY
brutusq13: "Duality"
Saintnex: Wow Adam is good at getting someone to die trying to kill them
NimrodXIV: environmental storytelling
Chesul: The second time Adam has killed someone just by tanking. XD
Orxolon: Double ko!
DigitalSeahorse: wait where's the ghost?
ButButTheJesus: "Teh Hurbis"
ThePerrBearr: i don't know this game, how did her health go down?
DigitalSeahorse: oh
sephchan: oh THERE'S the screwdriver
patrick_stonecrusher: Best case survivors turn on each other
Metric_Furlong: @ThePerrBearr ran out of stamina
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: @ThePerrBearr attacking, running, and jumping all draain stamina
tr3ewitch88: lrrWOW
andy_ink subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 40 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, andy_ink! (Today's storm count: 40)
couchboyj: Folie a Screwdriver
ElihuAran: @ThePerrBearr Almost every action uses up stamina, and when you run out of stamina, you die. It's also why sometimes people die when jumping too many times
0x6772: Down time or add tasks
tr3ewitch88: We need a hubris emoji back.
0x6772: JINX!
pn55: Jordynne is a helper
DocTie: hum...
7gorobei: task gremlin
Diabore: jordynnes a task rabbit
Mai_Andra: Hell, yeah. Tasks.
Mai_Andra: I wish tasks could be my day job.
DaxStrife: "Scanners buddies!" [Head explodes]
rabbitgta: So taskful
0x6772: Suuuuuuure Ben
AugmentingPath: that would've been the funniest kill
ButButTheJesus: oh my
CaptainSpam: Butt successfully observed.
tr3ewitch88: Right
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: I don't think he had a chance to grab a knife yet
nyoomgoom: needs privacy in the scanner
Kendo_thorn: now i see why people say this game got worse. considering how hard it is to actually find weapons this seems like a very shitty version of among us
Juliamon: That's a weird take when you don't need weapons to win
Mollylele: put your hands on your hips and bring your knees in tight
0x6772: That's a cover, she did it
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Yeah, finding weapons can be annoying.
Robot_Bones: totally a cover
mercano82: Cori comes to report the murder she committed
0x6772: @mercano82 100%
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: But you can win as a bad guy without killing by wasting enough time.
sands2024: Goodnight everyone.
tr3ewitch88: I would fail at this task so hard.
cmdrzellgaudis: there should be an audio cue for the person doing the looking
cmdrzellgaudis: it should sound like a radiation Geiger counter
TheDailyMapleSyrup: VirtualHug
LoadingReadyRun: lrrPAUL I like the idea of the dissident doing scanner and just wasting all the time by giving or following the directions really badly
tr3ewitch88: Can't be dyslexic for this oneπŸ˜…πŸ€£
DeM0nFiRe: FBtouchdown
ButButTheJesus: WOOOOO
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: That was too quick
MilkInBags: clap clap clap
DiscordianTokkan: Daaaaaayum
LurkerSpine: woah you motored through those
SymphonySolstice: FBtouchdown
A_Dub888: ye
NorthstarTex: Eyy
PharaohBender27: lrrBartleby
hieroglyphica: Looolllll
MilkInBags: james lies!
rabbitgta: FBtouchdown SeemsGood FBtouchdown
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
Kendo_thorn: @juliamon except it’s part of the game so you still be able to do it if that is the path the dissidents take
MilkInBags: #BlameJames
josh___something: LUL
Orxolon: Rise the amount of weapons
MilkInBags: @Kendo_thorn good thing among us is still playable!
mercano82: OK, the good thing Among Us did that this game doesn’t is announcing the imposters at the end.
Nigouki: for the sake of being interesting, Teamwork is BANNED
Juliamon: Yeah, if this is worse than Amogus then just go play Amogus
NorthstarTex: Normal Mode!
DigitalSeahorse: normal module
DaxStrife: Normal mooooooode!
SymphonySolstice: crimes times
DigitalSeahorse: nominal mode
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Looks like Ben is partner
pn55: Time to grab a screwdriver quick :p
josh___something: No longer beginner >:)
FlargBlarg: let's goooo jordynne/ben power hour
Arclight_Dynamo: I like Paul as the devil on the dissident's shoulder. :D
DigitalSeahorse: feliciaTeam feliciaTeam
A_Dub888: Oh dear they ded
MilkInBags: what are the numbers next to rooms? tasks to be done?
josh___something: Mayhaps
Kendo_thorn: @juliamon it’s also worse to watch and Jordans first round proved it.
tr3ewitch88: Don't forget to hide all the riceπŸ˜…
Robot_Bones: Paul is too powerful
Darleysam: ah the computer, where I keep my bullies
0x6772: Paul's the cyber-bully!
hieroglyphica: It's interesting that it's the same pair again
Lobo_Apache: Paul is perfect in everyway there is nothing to bully
wifi12345678910: sus
gualdhar: Paul is of the age where bullying was done in person as God intended
DigitalSeahorse: we lived in the age before the internet
Juliamon: Kendo_thorn It's Jordynne, and I'm having a good time, you don't have to watch if you don't like it
MilkInBags: o7
Kendo_thorn: hard to argue against something we literally just saw with our own eyes
hieroglyphica: Run away time!
MilkInBags: @Kendo_thorn we got it, thanks for the input
Diabore: he left the herd
couchboyj: Philips dead screw driver
j_crane330: what a way to go
OldUncleDan: In my opinion, it would be cool if there was a way for Dissidents to create more tasks. Or to make it look like a task was completed.
Orxolon: Wrong place,wrong time
Juliamon: Again, if you don't like it, you're welcome to leave
0x6772: Clipping that's not worth the effort, J will NEVER put it in a video
TheAinMAP: 2020Suspicious
DigitalSeahorse: uhoh
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
MilkInBags: LUL
Astramentha: Adam has the right idea
MilkInBags: masterful gambit
pn55: HypeLUL
wifi12345678910: lrrLUL
DigitalSeahorse: feliciaTouch
0x6772: wooooooooooooooo
Foxmar320: :D
0x6772: Go Jordynne!
Robot_Bones: seabatBRAIN seabatBRAIN seabatBRAIN
DigitalSeahorse: lrrALEX feliciaTouch
MilkInBags: no she can defend herself paul
Singenmeister: "The Zoidberg noise" is A+ detail
A_Dub888: doesn't Alex make Zoidberg noises as normal?
tr3ewitch88: SELF DEFENSE
jessicaengle: woobwoobwoobwoob!
MilkInBags: oops
nyoomgoom: this game looks like the only hidden identity type video game i'd actually enjoy playing, considering dissident's m.o. is just interference. feels like less pressure to stay secret
0x6772: welp
Foxmar320: hahahaaa
HorusFive: Bap
DeM0nFiRe: Hahaha
Andymonium: RIP
BusTed: LUL
CaptainSpam: POOM
RealGamerCow: BHLAW
DocTie: Typical Adam
ButButTheJesus: DAMMIT ALL
PharaohBender27: :D
tr3ewitch88: You have to claim self-defense.
NorthstarTex: XD
josh___something: LUL
northos: justice LUL
LarkSachrosis: lol
DeM0nFiRe: Alex's ghost being the first thing after death is very funny
DaxStrife: I half expected Adam to shoot James next.
DigitalSeahorse: xD
Mollylele: murder in the zen garden is a nice touch
MilkInBags: detective adam
pn55: I love that this is also making them wastte time :D
Alex_Frostfire: This is comedy.
circusofkirkus: great delay tactic
margieargie: Successfully sown discord!
josh___something: Adam, 2nd impostor
ghyllnox: BANG
DeM0nFiRe: To be safe
SnackPak_: to be safe
Saintnex: that clock is TICKING lol
northos: safety third!
HorusFive: "to be safe"
MilkInBags: the manual doesn't say a dog can't be a detective
AugmentingPath: I love gun safety
DaxStrife: They still have 9 tasks. :-D
SymphonySolstice: omg
ButButTheJesus: CHAOS
trainpants: Adam's all about that decisive action
0x6772: Definitely do no tasks
maefly2: there's no way tasks get done
jessicaengle: lrrFINE
nyoomgoom: like i'd get dissident and just jump around going "boo! boo!" and people would be like "ok lol" and punch me dead, and i'd have fun because i wouldn't be scared
A_Dub888: Adam "To Be Safe" Savidan
Astramentha: Adam is the best
tr3ewitch88: Now everybody just stands on the circle and shoots each other.πŸ˜…πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£
DigitalSeahorse: hehehehhe
hieroglyphica: Yesss great work Ben
ghyllnox: Hell yeaaaa
MilkInBags: i like the BLAP and then laughs
Foxmar320: Im also bad at being the dissident
0x6772: You did a great job there, wasted a ton of time!
ButButTheJesus: I get it Jordynne
Foxmar320: I just do my tasks
ButButTheJesus: lying hard
A_Dub888 presses the doubt button
Astramentha: we literally watched u lie
Zerragonoss: You causing that scene was actually really good for wasting time.
DigitalSeahorse: ah but do you volunteer at an animal shelter?
sephchan: A lack of experience lying might have been what caught you out
HorusFive: yeah- that sounds like adam
MilkInBags: time to gaslamp
DaxStrife: I'm surprised Adam hasn't killed more by now.
hieroglyphica: Wow they are shot happy this round
Arclight_Dynamo: Alex should, too.
josh___something: But can they finish the tasks? LUL
cmdrzellgaudis: jordynne, you don’t have to kill anyone. just do tasks wrong and hide stuff
pn55: HypeLUL
0x6772: I love the floating orbs
DigitalSeahorse: there's a bag of rice
ButButTheJesus: BEN YES
pn55: You monster Ben! :D
Foxmar320: Im taking notes
0x6772: Ben is cruel
SymphonySolstice: loool
MilkInBags: this seems like a better way to stall them
protojman: I am so amused by the story of this run
hieroglyphica: This is amazing
SAJewers subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 106 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SAJewers! (Today's storm count: 41)
tr3ewitch88: Like I. Keep saying if all else fails chaos goblin.
Diabore: theyve done literally nothing yet
Foxmar320: I didn't know you could hide something up there
Mattmitchell45: Now this is interesting
0x6772: Running both the distraction tactic and the hide tactic is *good*
Andymonium: we'll always have 42069
jessicaengle: You created subterfuge! IT
Mr_Horrible: tizzy has been called
jessicaengle: Very effective
DigitalSeahorse: lol
Orxolon: The thing mode hahahaha
DaxStrife: Adam is our Wilford Brimley.
josh___something: Hehehehehe
Diabore: LUL
ylegm: sometimes, you swing, and you're gonna go home shaking your head. Sometimes you Incept Adaam so hard he creates a mass casualty event
MilkInBags: LUL
Foxmar320: hahahaaaa
Saintnex: HAHAHAH
Mr_Horrible: yeah that tracks
SymphonySolstice: omggggggg
Dog_of_Myth: LUL LUL
DigitalSeahorse: xD
josh___something: Adam, YES
KaleidoscopeMind: hahaha
wifi12345678910: lrrLUL
Andymonium: XD
Nigouki: hahahaha
Kendo_thorn: now this is entertaining
josh___something: Adam 3rd impostor
HorusFive: So, anyway- I started blastin' - Adam, right now
xantos69: Astounding.
ButButTheJesus: great success!
Saintnex: Adam just killing EVERYBODY
Singenmeister: Moral victory (kinda)
sephchan: winning from beyond the grave
Astramentha: spread chaos FBtouchdown
saintguard: Adam the fifth column
DigitalSeahorse: so many spoops
GhostValv: D:
RealGamerCow: I want to see Adam and Wheeler play tthis together. The paranoia would be off the charts
DigitalSeahorse: lrrSPOOPY lrrSPOOPY lrrSPOOPY
Diabore: i will continue to advocate to 12 minutes next game
BrindleBoar: I've seen how Adam plays Dark Picture games, he's always a werewolf
0x6772: yes adam
0x6772: kill adam
0x6772: kill adam-cat kill
josh___something: Oh, this is perfect
AugmentingPath: help i shot everyone who can make pizzushi
rabbitgta: Are these the people that add the smells to the gas?
ButButTheJesus: they are all against you adam
tr3ewitch88: πŸ˜…
Kendo_thorn: Adam β€œso I started blasting” Savidan
Singenmeister: This is a haunting show I'd watch
iris_of_ether: "Kill them, and bring them happiness!"
MilkInBags: FBtouchdown
DaxStrife: Oh you have to get Wheeler in this, he would totally whisper to everyone.
Kendo_thorn: join the Darkside Adam they have cookies
SymphonySolstice: FBtouchdown
Astramentha: FBtouchdown
DigitalSeahorse: Adam: Why am I hearing voices?
Robot_Bones: some good asmr
tr3ewitch88: The angel on his shoulder is a cheos goblin
schordash: β€œthe third dissident” LUL
NorthstarTex: From the grave!
josh___something: Ben with the hidey strar
Mattmitchell45: I still think the Timer needs to be dialed in
josh___something: Adam, mvp
northos: this game feels like it really needs a difficulty in between that one and the one before :D
DigitalSeahorse: this game is actually just hide the rice
MilkInBags: Adam Savidan, greatest detective in the Milky Way
Mattmitchell45: @northos Agreed
0x6772: Adam confirmed 3rd
Foxmar320: Hide the rice, hide the air filters, hide the screw drivers...
tr3ewitch88: BETTER THAN SHE THOUGHT AT SUS!πŸ˜…πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ₯°
Diabore: hi cori!
Foxmar320: Hide all the things!
ButButTheJesus: a Cori!
HorusFive: Adam will shoot first and finish tasks later
Mr_Bitterness: Hello Cori
josh___something: Hi cori
A_Dub888: HI CORI
hieroglyphica: Hi Cori!
NorthstarTex: Hi Cori!
SymphonySolstice: cori timee
pn55: Hi Cori!
schordash: o/
wifi12345678910: @MilkInBags Kill them all and let god sort it out
iris_of_ether: tiltyhYAS tiltyhYAS tiltyhYAS
7gorobei: shoot first, repent in leisure
wifi12345678910: Hi Cori
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: It is like wordle
MilkInBags: whatever happens, kill James just in case
Forlorgen: lrrCORI
0x6772: It's simon says, Alex
DigitalSeahorse: no no no
tr3ewitch88: lrrCORI TwitchUnity
Diabore: its wordle
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: It can have guns
DigitalSeahorse: so it's numbered wordle
Foxmar320: Sometimes stuff is in the case
0x6772: ssshhh, why would you give the right answer?
Foxmar320: It's RNG
GhostValv: :)
Diabore: we just following dissidents around
wedge_x: hell yeah
epsilon_vee: telling the kids this is what numpad is for
wifi12345678910: Paul is a Psychic
ButButTheJesus: yaaasss
ElihuAran: There's weapons in there sometimes, and they'll usually be more full than the weapons lying around
iris_of_ether: benginTraitor tiltyhYAS
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: It is so not all the guns are available right away
josh___something: Paul is a jinx
SymphonySolstice: gettin all the live crime action
schordash: causeiPoint
Heckhoundbolt: Ben is the traitor again
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Getting so many dissent rounds
tr3ewitch88: I'm still gonna recommend to everybody that they hide the rice.
A_Dub888: @Heckhoundbolt as is tradition
josh___something: Pizza is probably the only real timesink
fredcheckers: What kinda bullshit space station has no pizza.
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Yep, looks like the right spot
Foxmar320: Yep that looks correct
TStodden: No Mic on Cori?
pn55: It's in the general area
SymphonySolstice: box is plants
ButButTheJesus: mhm
NorthstarTex: was afk on load, is Cori doing crimes?
A_Dub888: cant see the plants? Skill Diff
SymphonySolstice: cori's crime time yes
saintguard: Cori is criming!
Grumpingtoon: Jordan said she can hear paul
MilkInBags: @NorthstarTex yes, and also written at the top right
Heckhoundbolt: Jorden can hear Paul?
tr3ewitch88: My favorite play is "I don't know what I'm doing."πŸ€—
Mazrae: Did jordynne just say she could hear Paul
Foxmar320: Find broken vent, steal filter
northos: @NorthstarTex she's doing Alternative Tasks :P
pn55: Hehe
LoadingReadyRun: jordynne can't hear me anymore
Foxmar320: Cori is a pro
cmdrzellgaudis: hide the vent!
ButButTheJesus: yep
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Oh bad Ben again.
Robot_Bones: in a neat little Pack-ageee
EricTheOrange: now Cori is the one with an imaginary friend
MilkInBags: #BlameJames
SymphonySolstice: rip
Diabore: ben killed adam
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Ben was coming from that direction
josh___something: We didn't even do that one, sick
NorthstarTex: ben most likely
DigitalSeahorse: maybe Adam killed Adam
Cunobelenos: James got sick of his crap
MilkInBags: misfortune did it
Singenmeister: Huh a body... anyways
DaxStrife: Adam killed Adam, 100%
cmdrzellgaudis: Adam definitely killed Adam
Zerragonoss: Whoever did killed adam it was probably self defense.
josh___something: Surely adam just ran out of stamina
ShaneLeeAtk: Knowing Adam, he just ran into a door a few times
Orxolon: The trashcan in security looked like a "amongus"
DeM0nFiRe: benginO7
HorusFive: Based on how many people were killed last round- statistically it was Adam who did the killing
ghyllnox: At this point, someone might have killed Adam to mitigate future losses
AugmentingPath: Adam's dead: insecurity
MilkInBags: "ok" LUL
sephchan: "Adam jumped himself to death"
CaptainSpam: "bummer"
Foxmar320: Cori is a pro
pn55: Haha
Saintnex: hahaha
Foxmar320: :D
HorusFive: Cori speaks only truth
iris_of_ether: sponge73Ghost
wifi12345678910: Where's the money Lebowski
saintguard: *where's the vent*
Foxmar320: Cori still did a lot of stuff
Wizzo1138: Where's the beef?
josh___something: Now can they find it LUL
A_Dub888: Where's the vent Lebowski!!!
CaptainSpam: To be fair, Cori didn't have the vent.
public_key_reveal_party: One cori always says truth, the other always lies
Mattmitchell45: You dies a Spy's Death
putz12a: Oh, the dot above someone's head means that they're the other dissident
cmdrzellgaudis: Cori should stop telling people about bodies and just keep pretending on tasks
DigitalSeahorse: Ben as usual
0x6772: They're destroying themselves!
josh___something: Ben MVP traitor
Foxmar320: Knife!
ButButTheJesus: RUN
ghyllnox: Which LUL
MilkInBags: ben is bloodthirsty
Foxmar320: Knife is so OP
jessicaengle: Ben is gaming
NorthstarTex: XD
Foxmar320: Knife 2 taps
0x6772: Knife is also better than gun, because ammo
Diabore: just nelly?
pn55: Nelly?
DaxStrife: I still think it's Adam.
Tangsm: That seems pretty true to reality. Knives are generally more dangerous than screwdrivers
josh___something: The KNOIFE is so dangerous
Foxmar320: Yeah knife is like the best weapon
MilkInBags: poor nelsonm
sephchan: Anyone left to murder?
A_Dub888: Nelly?
tr3ewitch88: That screwdriver is OP
MacbethSeemsSus: So many bodies
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
Saintnex: wooow
SymphonySolstice: LUL
Saintnex: run Nelly RUN
josh___something: God bless you, benjamin
mercano82: Adam became dead in security.
Foxmar320: Nelly is looking for stuff Cori hid I bet
MilkInBags: "where is everybody?" -nelson probablyt
EricTheOrange: ghost should have no clip
DigitalSeahorse: uhoh
ButButTheJesus: battle!
DigitalSeahorse: xD
brutusq13: we peepin
schordash: causeiLaugh
tr3ewitch88: FBtouchdown
sephchan: Knife dance time
MilkInBags: FBtouchdown
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
Mattmitchell45: This must have been what Cain and Abel was like
schordash: FBtouchdown
PharaohBender27: lrrBartleby
northos: DinoDance
jessicaengle: Holy moly
Astramentha: FBtouchdown
Mr_Bitterness: seabatClap seabatClap
MilkInBags: ben was unleashed
SymphonySolstice: cold blood
tr3ewitch88: That was close at the end.
ButButTheJesus: huzzah!
Lord_Hosk: Ben killed EVERYONE
DigitalSeahorse: Win! lrrBartleby
Nigouki: Ben is so damn good at murder
7gorobei: this Dune remake is so good
Veraphage: lrrBartleby
xantos69: Great run
tr3ewitch88: Ben. Totally went on a spray.
cmdrzellgaudis: Ben Ulmer. Ben Wheeler. certified killers
Foxmar320: There are two spots for Pizza delivery
Athelgar: its in the other grey room
Diabore: did it have the symbol?
cmdrzellgaudis: Alex was at the wrong box
GhostValv: there can be multiple delivery spots in one area
schordash: hasWicked πŸ”ͺ
Heckhoundbolt: why is it stuck in Xmas mode
KaleidoscopeMind: just switch to nelly view
EricTheOrange: does ben still have that traitor emote?
cmdrzellgaudis: the right delivery zone has a symbol on it
tr3ewitch88: I really did enjoy watching cori do the shenanigans and hide everything 🀣🀣🀣πŸ₯°
Stratavarius: Now to hide the filter again
Diabore: is pressure just off?
Lex_Peacekeeper: C4
Foxmar320: C4
Alex_Frostfire: Yeah, that FPS dip is real.
0x6772: Break out the detonator!
Foxmar320: I hope someone has the detonator and hits it now
0x6772: There is an airlock somewhere
Arclight_Dynamo: If you find the detonator, you can detonate it.
josh___something: Someone pls find the detonator
Lex_Peacekeeper: find the trigger and yell group of people!
7gorobei: can c4 take out everyone in the roof?
epsilon_vee: because c3 is not enough and c5 is too many :P
DigitalSeahorse: lol
0x6772: Good talk
Diabore: i dont think its nelly, that was an easy kill
7gorobei: room
LiamK712: Checking you checking the security cameras
TheAwkes: I bet Cori throws more false positives than the others the way she pokes and prods at games to test them.
josh___something: 2/7 dissidents is probably too many
DigitalSeahorse: pizza pizza
asddsa28: he was in here befor
Foxmar320: Yessss Cori
Luminaire_p: different bags is correct
Thefluffiestguineapig: Cori is the GOAT as always
singinnonsense: detective Cori
Lex_Peacekeeper: and then cori started stabbin everyone
ShaneLeeAtk: Where is Jordynne?
Scy_Anide: This reminds me of how much I enjoyed the Among Us streams.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Cori would, that's why she figured out to look for it
lamina5432: they haven't done pressure have they
Mattmitchell45: Does it feel kind of framey or is that just me?
Juliamon: It is known
tr3ewitch88: SUS!
DocTie: It's that area of the map
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Mattmitchell45 I also have the frameyness
Arclight_Dynamo: Cori's just Poirot-ing her way through this.
Arclight_Dynamo: Adam is suspect.
Mattmitchell45: @Thefluffiestguineapig It might also be that Cori runs around more frantically than other players were
Scy_Anide: Is it just always Ben?
SnackPak_: hmmmm
schordash: adam LUL
NorthstarTex: o7 ben
Thefluffiestguineapig: Adam............
tr3ewitch88: I actually love the fade out when people run away from you while they're talking.
Bengineering: turns out the screwdriver is ass for killing people
Foxmar320: :D
ButButTheJesus: :D
PharaohBender27: lrrLUL
Foxmar320: Oh yeah the screwdriver is real bad
Luminaire_p: Screwdriver is the worst damage/stamina, yeah
DigitalSeahorse: :D
EricTheOrange: I mean if I was playing I'd be suspicious of Cori cuz shes not doing any tasks
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Bengineering Really, is it Ben? And how would you know? lrrDARK
DigitalSeahorse: this is a good distraction
sephchan: Weaponised incompetence coming out of Alex
DigitalSeahorse: yup
Luminaire_p: You are correct, Cori
pn55: It does
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Yes, rice goes in there
Foxmar320: Yes rice goes in it
Thefluffiestguineapig: Black rice, black like my heart
Stratavarius: Correct
NorthstarTex: eys
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: One size fits all container
Molladia: are we on 2 killers?
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Yeah, two killers
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
Luminaire_p: red
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: ru2 is red
LiamK712: RU2 is red
SymphonySolstice: LUL
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: first letter is the color
Luminaire_p: The first letter is the color
schordash: causeiLaugh causeiClap
Mr_Horrible: poor bastard
Arclight_Dynamo: The first letter is the colour.
Thefluffiestguineapig: I think 2 killers 9 tasks maybe?
DaxStrife: Death by fish
Marvoleath: stone cold killer
tr3ewitch88: What just happened 🀣🀣🀣
DigitalSeahorse: are you too? xD
Thefluffiestguineapig: The aesthetic and sound design of this game is VERY good, the center tree is gorgeous
ghyllnox: R is Red
DigitalSeahorse: PrideLaugh lrrLUL
Robot_Bones: Multipass
DigitalSeahorse: RU2
Diabore: how much time was this one? 10?
pn55: Jordynne not doing analysis is sus
heronblademaster subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 95 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, heronblademaster! (Today's storm count: 42)
Mr_Horrible: "Kobe!"
Lex_Peacekeeper: cod and flower pizza >.>
Tangsm: "Here's your order. Think fast!"
josh___something: I think 1/7 was the perfect dissident ratio, 2 is too many
DiscordianTokkan: That was Adam, I think
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Tangsm Here's your order YEET
Foxmar320: Yeah not enough time
DigitalSeahorse: this game has music?
Lord_Hosk: This might be too weighted to the murderer. 2-5 when the 5 have to complete 8 tasks
DigitalSeahorse: doh
NorthstarTex: dam
TheAwkes: Time comes for us all.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Can they manually lower the number of tasks or raise the time?
teddywhosabear: the time limit is very friendly to the dissidnet
0x6772: Time creeps on in its petty pace, from day to day…
ihlendrax: @digitalseahorse : Yeah. those mix tapes
Foxmar320: Yeah 2-5 is weighted to the dissidents
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ben is SO GOOD AT THIS
Scy_Anide: I love the aspect of sabotage but it's def hard to balance.
tr3ewitch88: Lies
Mr_Horrible: a pyrrhic victory
RainyMint: LUL
tr3ewitch88: Ben is fibbing πŸ˜…
Astramentha: go Nelly XD
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunCarp a fishy murder!
PharaohBender27: escher3CRIMES
iris_of_ether: tiltyhYAS tiltyhYAS tiltyhYAS
Astramentha: FBtouchdown
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
epsilon_vee: so in other words, skill issue :P
SymphonySolstice: crime time again!
TheAinMAP: escher3CRIMES
shendaras: benginTraitor
TheAwkes: Ben: You need a knife! Nelly: Get on my level, n00b.
MyrddintheWizard: With a fish...and Auspicious murder
ghyllnox: With a fish, dang
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Oh, finally got pressure task
Foxmar320: Last time I played this I never got dissident out of like 12 games
LiamK712: Pressure is going to be... interesting
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Someone is going to die from pressure
DigitalSeahorse: I'm guessing the texture artists
Foxmar320: C4 again
Mattmitchell45: Yeah, the motion sway is getting to me
Lex_Peacekeeper: @AMillionCatsOnTypewriters likely a few
DigitalSeahorse: there's another on the floor
tr3ewitch88: This is beautiful to watch πŸ₯°πŸ€£
Thefluffiestguineapig: They are learning this task too, right?
RainyMint: Ben LUL
ButButTheJesus: lovely
iris_of_ether: Bless both of you with the Queen/Bowie :D
teddywhosabear: oh no they saw you take that though!!
0x6772: Watch out for that copyright strike, ya'll ;^>
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Yeah, they are all newbies
NorthstarTex: now I have Mouth Pressure stuck in my head
EricTheOrange: oh you have a helpful FPS counter. it went down to 10 in that room
iris_of_ether: It looks Europ-ish
Bruceski: Everything's haunted
Darleysam: an auspicious moon
DigitalSeahorse: maybe it's IO
wedge_x: always has been
Luminaire_p: I'm trying to guess how many just died from pressure
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Moons Haunted
margieargie: I hear you're not supposed to attempt landings there
ShaneLeeAtk: Always has been
Kuhfeek: Moon's haunted
Bruceski: Dark matter is ghosts
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: That was pressure
Thefluffiestguineapig: *cocks shotgun* Moon's haunted
0x6772: Did *nobody* watch 2010?
Astramentha: it IS a moon
Foxmar320: Belopa's Haunted foxmarMOON
EricTheOrange: Europapean space lobsters
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Pressure makes explosions
LiamK712: Pressure room probably
0x6772: All the OTHER moons!
0x6772: Not that one!
singinnonsense: Europa has a sub ocean ... that's creepy
Astramentha: Am I Nellys keeper
Foxmar320: Cori just being a menace
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: I saw nothing
Mazrae: See what??
NorthstarTex: cough
ButButTheJesus: nope no one
hieroglyphica: I sure didn't
Foxmar320: Saw what?
0x6772: Saw what, Paul?
BITs19_: saw whatÉ
Gadora: Saw what?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @singinnonsense And the entire surface is just ice
tr3ewitch88: Very nice
DigitalSeahorse: good thing I'm not a nobody
Forlorgen: '
Thefluffiestguineapig: Just blair witch it
couchboyj: Buncha Johnny Tightlips in this chat
tr3ewitch88: There are definitely some Heidi corners for ambushes.
jessicaengle: Ajony!
Forlorgen: find the gun
0x6772: Yeah, chat's never spoiled a joke
Foxmar320: :D
Foxmar320: I bet they killed themselves
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Yep, two deaths from pressure so far
CaptainSpam: "Hang on, let me pull up a YouTube video..."
Thefluffiestguineapig: @CaptainSpam This reminds me of someone trying to do car maintenance by themselves on the side of the highway via stubbornness
Thefluffiestguineapig: I don't think Dissidents win this, I think Pressure wins this
circusofkirkus: yeah james
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Blame James
wifi12345678910: Blame James returns
margieargie: I can't believe James would do that
DaxStrife: #BlameJames
Marvoleath: Cori, you can overload the pressure tanks, so they kill ppl in front of them ;)
patrick_stonecrusher: #blamejames
Thefluffiestguineapig: !advice
LRRbot: The cat knows better than you.
RealGamerCow: i hope that Alex is messing up the existing tanks
EricTheOrange: I mean statistically I'd be wary of Ben
Thefluffiestguineapig: That's just true
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Don't stand there
DigitalSeahorse: xD
iris_of_ether: Hahahahahaha
Kumakaori: XD
Arclight_Dynamo: HAHAHA
Astramentha: o7
Thefluffiestguineapig: o7
TheAinMAP: lrrCOW
RainyMint: o7
Thefluffiestguineapig: WELP
SnackPak_: GG
Foxmar320: hahahaaaa
Mr_Horrible: LMAO
teddywhosabear: lmao
iris_of_ether: Ahahahahaha
DiscordianTokkan: lol
BrindleBoar: LUL
pn55: HypeLUL
BusTed: ggs
circusofkirkus: anyways
SymphonySolstice: LUL
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Stratavarius: lol
jessicaengle: Wow
underhill33: sheeesh
ButButTheJesus: YES HAHA YES
Astramentha: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
DigitalSeahorse: lrrBartleby PrideLaugh
couchboyj: seabatClap
Lord_Hosk: So good!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Pressure wins!!!!
saintguard: JinxLUL
DaxStrife: Ben wit da BLAT BLAT
jessicaengle: Amazing
MyrddintheWizard: GUN!
SmithKurosaki: Alex with the blap
NorthstarTex: Alex with the win
tr3ewitch88: πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
sephchan: That was so funny
ghyllnox: LUL
DigitalSeahorse: hehehhe
tr3ewitch88: That Explosion was beautiful coriπŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°
Kumakaori: me: Cori, this can't be a great place to stand XD;. oh, failure /WAS/ an option XD;.
DigitalSeahorse: lul
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Typically you don't want to stand there.
Ryenji: LUL
pn55: Haha
underhill33: hahahaha
saintguard: ADAM
Astramentha: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
Foxmar320: Yessss Adam YESSSSS
ButButTheJesus: YES ADAM YES
epsilon_vee: alol
Lord_Hosk: The disidents seem op
josh___something: Adam 3rd dissident
lamina5432: the blood bath of pressure
hieroglyphica: Adam "I thought it would be funny!" Savidan
josh___something: I think 2 dissidents is too many
AugmentingPath: Two isn't, four probably is
Robot_Bones: try 1.5 dissidents
DigitalSeahorse: I love the smilies on things
Foxmar320: For the number of players id roll with 1 dissident
tr3ewitch88: Hey Alex πŸ‘‹
Robot_Bones: like 1 dissident and Adam
josh___something: For 7 people, at least
ButButTheJesus: an alex!
DigitalSeahorse: a blurry Alex
wifi12345678910: Oh No, Alex got blurred
NorthstarTex: chat is here for crime
teddywhosabear: alex in the wrong aspect ratio
teddywhosabear: or... cropping
betweenmyself: Apex screen a bit zoomed in
Zerragonoss: I would say 1.5 disandast would be impossible but that is every game where Adam is not one.
Kramburger: Alx?
EricTheOrange: Alex may have muted Paul?
hieroglyphica: Crime crime crime!
7gorobei: does Alex have and ultrawide monitor?
Kramburger: Alx pls
DigitalSeahorse: Alex is nice and fuzzy :3
Robot_Bones: Censored A.L.E.X.
betweenmyself: *Alex, even
Astramentha: Can he hear
saintguard: It's weirdly cropped, yeah
Transmuted_Elf: c4
wifi12345678910: C4
Lex_Peacekeeper: Alex is doing crimes??
PharaohBender27: lrrSPOOP
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: That was pressure
Foxmar320: I think someone hit the C4
SymphonySolstice: rip
Juliamon: That was a fast C4
Diabore: maybe paul is the dissident, everyone he swaps to is imposter
tr3ewitch88: Can he hear you Paul?
DigitalSeahorse: "leaf" me alone!
DigitalSeahorse: :P
sephchan: I don't think he knows it's his view
DigitalSeahorse: on the wall
Foxmar320: Clean room
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: There are multiple rooms
chaostreader: there are more than one.
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: multiple spots rather
SymphonySolstice: paul commentary now
EricTheOrange: I'm assuming Alex muted everyone in discord or something\
knightWarrior82: he’s too good for us
SymphonySolstice: like a sportsman
anyGould: "And the Alex makes the goal!"
Foxmar320: Each area has at least two delivery spots
DigitalSeahorse: LoadingReadyRun can Alex see what Paul sees in chat? Alex can't hear Paul
sephchan: he wouldn't deliberately ignore folks
BusTed: lrrLUL
Kumakaori: ADAM
Foxmar320: :D
teddywhosabear: lmao
LurkerSpine: lmao
DigitalSeahorse: xd
Mr_Horrible: KKona brother
Kramburger: shhhhhh
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Adam shooting his teammate
Mr_Bitterness: 2.5 Dissidents
DigitalSeahorse: PrideLaugh lrrLUL
tr3ewitch88: What was that!?🀣
NorthstarTex: lol wut
Tangsm: Oh wow, good guess
Darleysam: man's got a brand
Marvoleath: Is Adam just shooting at random? :D
Thefluffiestguineapig: Adam is always #teamchaos
Kramburger: We're hunting empwoyees
couchboyj: Sea "Shoot first, ask questions never" Bats
DigitalSeahorse: woops
DaxStrife: Adam didn't shoot people, people just became shot when around him.
tr3ewitch88: I feel like shoot people, then find out if supposed to is Adam's default.
Darleysam: SeaBlatBlats
sephchan: there's a man experience hyperfixation
DigitalSeahorse: uhoh
DigitalSeahorse: that was quick
NoxStryx: Did someone accidentally invite gun nut adam?
Thefluffiestguineapig: What happened?
DigitalSeahorse: xD
DigitalSeahorse: lrrLUL
BusTed: onstaGUN
7gorobei: the other dissident is listed by the names on the right
TheAwkes: Training bullet resistance in Stalker 2.
DaxStrife: Alex is immune to bullat, after all that time in The Zone.
DigitalSeahorse: Alex practices stamina in STALKER
drrek0 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 91 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, drrek0! (Today's storm count: 43)
tr3ewitch88: Okay, after the lip wiggle, I know that he can't hear us.
tr3ewitch88: LUL
EricTheOrange: @LoadingReadyRun I guess you can follow someone else, talk to them and get them to talk to alex and let him know that he can't hear you. seems kinda round about way
DigitalSeahorse: yes, don't be UPS
schordash: yeah hell yeah! much fun! causeiDance
NoxStryx: Alex has been consuming small amounts of bullet each day, to build up an immunity.
Thefluffiestguineapig: This seems super cool honestly
DigitalSeahorse: lrrBartleby lrrALEX
Lysander_salamander: didn't know there was a gift-giving version of the map
ButButTheJesus: to defeat bullat you must become bullat
Thefluffiestguineapig: That pressure minigame could use a serious tone down, but other that that it seems pretty even
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Alex's package is too big
EricTheOrange: I feel like once you get a crew who knows all the tasks really well that's when the game really shines
DaxStrife: What monster would gift-wrap a pizza?
Foxmar320: :D
0x6772: Well, that's clear as mud
DigitalSeahorse: it's Ben ? :P
Thefluffiestguineapig: @DaxStrife Dominos
0x6772: Adam's just BLASTIN
0x6772: in character
SymphonySolstice: LUL
Foxmar320: :D
SnackPak_: what a dad move
teddywhosabear: lmao
DigitalSeahorse: DinoDance
ButButTheJesus: get TAPED
Diabore: i hope its ben
TheAinMAP: jlrrDance3
DigitalSeahorse: uhoh
patrick_stonecrusher: Killer tunes
TheAinMAP: bbirbKnife
BusTed: benginChaos benginChaos benginChaos
sephchan: Did Alex just kill someone with a CASSETTE TAPE
DigitalSeahorse: oh Adam
Foxmar320: This match is going so smoothly
Arclight_Dynamo: Adam took "Kill us both" to heart.
xantos69: When Adam screams "Kill them Both" he means that
tr3ewitch88: Oh no!🀣
Kuhfeek: this is bedlam
AugmentingPath: random violence doesn't mean Adam is the official dissident
jessicaengle: jlrrCooltunes
DaxStrife: Low-fi beats to dissent to.
Diabore: this is what i was hoping for
Lysander_salamander: can there be multiple saboteurs?
ani_laurel: they did all agree to kill Ben
DigitalSeahorse: where's the last package?
NotCainNorAbel: adam 'kill first figure out teams second'
an_archist2: You just stuck him with a knife! - Person who smashed someone's head in with a cassette
Darleysam: there is, at least, a reasonable chance that Adam's not the designated killer
Thefluffiestguineapig: Adam brings chaos
couchboyj: There was an agreement to kill Ben and Nelly
DigitalSeahorse: I'm scared too
Foxmar320: I don't think it's Adam
sephchan: @ani_laurel yup, they show a red dot above their head if the viewpoint person is also a saboteur
DigitalSeahorse: nuuuuu
ButButTheJesus: aahaha
0x6772: Ya think, Paul?
DigitalSeahorse: common
Thefluffiestguineapig: So Jordynne and who?
tr3ewitch88: But she tried to kill Alex so good for her?πŸ˜…
wifi12345678910: WHy did adam stab ben?
EricTheOrange: nelson or Ben
Thefluffiestguineapig: Because I think Adam is just being Heath Ledger's Joker
DigitalSeahorse: doo doo doo da da doo da
ghyllnox: And Adam just stabbing people per usual
tr3ewitch88: Oh yeah for sure Paul
AugmentingPath: yes
Tangsm: Plot twist
Foxmar320: Yes :p
MacbethSeemsSus: I feel like in Rome if Adam was asked to perform decimation he'd respond "what just 10%?"
iarethel0ser: Oops all dissidents.
Mr_Horrible: the world turned upside down
Marvoleath: The only way to be sure - kill everyone and do the tasks yourself
Bengineering: Adam starting killing people randomly because he thought he was the dissedent
Bengineering: lmao
DigitalSeahorse: woot
ButButTheJesus: wtf
Tangsm: Unlucky
BusTed: NotLikeThis
dumbo3k: Here at Dissidence Incorporated, we believe everyone is the Dissident of their own story
Mr_Horrible: :/
AugmentingPath: :/
northos: :/
DigitalSeahorse: :/
KaleidoscopeMind: :/
Foxmar320: Sometimes you get NOTHING
margieargie: Wah wahhh
SymphonySolstice: :\
teddywhosabear: :/
schordash: StinkyGlitch
BusTed: seabatNogood
Tangsm: High security for their foam inserts
Heckhoundbolt: good game design
CaptainSpam: Absolutely nothing! Stupid!
Serifina: hmm, I see a distinct lack of Group of People…
Foxmar320: It was Serifina with the C4
Thefluffiestguineapig: I think there's only 3 left alive
Serifina: hi Foxmar. I don’t have it this round!
ButButTheJesus: I'm sure @Serifina has a good reason
Diabore: so nelly dead, ben dead, no james of jordynne around
Thefluffiestguineapig: Jordynne, Alex and one other
Serifina: I see a detonator…
Foxmar320: Oh look a detonator
Serifina: I wonder where the funny cube is…
Thefluffiestguineapig: Is it Jordynne, Alex and Cori?
CaptainSpam: Alex is all alone?
Foxmar320: I think someone already popped it
0x6772: Alex's computer: verifiably better GPU than Cori's.
Serifina: aww
Lysander_salamander: didn't know there were cameras
PharaohBender27: Go!
DigitalSeahorse: how do we know she didn't die on purpose?
jessicaengle: go!
sephchan: Paul encouraging while Alex can't hear him
Mr_Horrible: so close!
DigitalSeahorse: aww
pn55: So close!
margieargie: SO close
Astramentha: awwwww
Foxmar320: Mail was late, you fail
Transmuted_Elf: that corner is a fave for dissidents
tr3ewitch88: Awww good try Alex
SnackPak_: lrrWOW lrrWOW lrrWOW
Alex_Frostfire: Secret third dissident!
PharaohBender27: lrrWOW
Astramentha: OMG
0x6772: Adam is ALWAYS the Dissident!
Mr_Horrible: mistaken identity strikes again
saintguard: *Adam*
RainyMint: LUL
underhill33: lrrLUL lrrLUL lrrLUL
EricTheOrange: OMG Adam
DigitalSeahorse: woops
Tangsm: Secret third dissident
public_key_reveal_party: Adam
Lysander_salamander: well, these things happen
dm818: Adam the always dissident
Thefluffiestguineapig: DAMNIT
Foxmar320: Adam is the Serifina of this game
couchboyj: seabatBRAIN
DigitalSeahorse: lrrADAM lrrLUL
schordash: adam!! >xDD
Gadora: Amazing.
Foxmar320: Always choas mode
TheAwkes: Adam is everyone's worst enemy in this.
DigitalSeahorse: hehehe
0x6772: Adam certified MONSTER
DigitalSeahorse: oh we've got split view, nope
tr3ewitch88: Hi again Ben!
Bionull: Alex looking young
ani_laurel: !uptime
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 2:25:54.
DigitalSeahorse: Alex is young
Foxmar320: :D
Lysander_salamander: :D
Astramentha: hai
schordash: o7
Stratavarius: Time for more dissident view
Thefluffiestguineapig: Game good
Foxmar320: :D
DigitalSeahorse: lul
ButButTheJesus: ayooo
pn55: :D
SymphonySolstice: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
Lysander_salamander: this is rather silly
xantos69: Honestly yea
0x6772: Yeah, Adam must die
DoomBringerIL: how is it different from among us? except the 1st person perspective?
tr3ewitch88: Yeah just to be on the safe side
ButButTheJesus: its the only way to be sure
SymphonySolstice: time for pizz
LiamK712: Oh no pressure
DigitalSeahorse: black
Diabore: hell yes more pressure
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: That is white
EricTheOrange: white rice in black bag?
wifi12345678910: @doombringeril Tasks are harder and you have to finish them to win no matter what
Diabore: it doesnt change at least
tr3ewitch88: No it's blue and yellow
DigitalSeahorse: brown and green is brown
ButButTheJesus: cats and dogs, living together
northos: where's the white and gold rice? :P
Foxmar320: C4 someone hit the detonator
Tangsm: So just put that in your pocket for a while
Bruceski: Maybe don't hold that
niccus: what rice does that make?
EricTheOrange: maybe not hold it?
tr3ewitch88: Brown is green.Black is black and red and the other one is blue and yellow
0x6772: Airlock Beb
mistycloud21: hot potato!
TheAwkes: At least the rice labels are only a problem the first couple times any given person plays.
0x6772: There's an Airlock
Foxmar320: Yesssss
EricTheOrange: OMG Ben
SnackPak_: yikes
ButButTheJesus: yes ben yessss
RainyMint: LUL
Diabore: that was pressure yeah
Heckhoundbolt: oh no
Ryenji: LUL
Foxmar320: :D
LiamK712: That was pressure lol
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: That was pressure
SymphonySolstice: LUL
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
DigitalSeahorse: lrrLUL
schordash: causeiLaugh
0x6772: airlock the C4!
Marvoleath: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
Tangsm: Ben and his pet C4 go for a walk
Thefluffiestguineapig: Realization of his mortality in real time
Foxmar320: Need you to get that C4 away from me - Cori
PharaohBender27: tqsLOL
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: There is just one c4
northos: lrrLUL
Muddy_Thunder: quote
ButButTheJesus: Paul is right
Dog_of_Myth: lrrLUL lrrLUL lrrLUL
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
Kramburger: Now Paul's being cyberbullies
northos: "somebody" = Adam :P
Muddy_Thunder: I don't know how C4 works, I'm not Tom Clancy
wifi12345678910: Paul getting cyber bullied for the first time
Foxmar320: I hope someone finds it
tr3ewitch88: Oh my goodness πŸ˜…πŸ€£πŸ€£
LiamK712: You gave Adam a job now. All he's going to do is go find the detenator
Darleysam: Adam is exactly the kind of guy to find and jam on the detonator
ani_laurel: he is
northos: :3
BusTed: :3
teddywhosabear: :3
KaleidoscopeMind: :3
EricTheOrange: :3
SymphonySolstice: :3
WiJohn: :3
RainyMint: :3
Thefluffiestguineapig: :3
DigitalSeahorse: :3
NorthstarTex: :3
Darleysam: :3
Dog_of_Myth: :3
wifi12345678910: :3
ButButTheJesus: :3
mistycloud21: Sus
EricTheOrange: can you start a second pizza while the first one is on the conveyer
BusTed: make sure that the dissident hears that
northos: "we" "have to"
Luminaire_p: Detonator only spawns in 1/3 games
GasCityGaming: Jordynne was very quiet there....
Foxmar320: It could be anywhere its a random spawn
Diabore: well james is dead
LiamK712: James dead in pressure
SymphonySolstice: rip james
Thefluffiestguineapig: o7 James
DigitalSeahorse: what if you throw it really hard?
EricTheOrange: People who know, is their some way to talk remotely to people?
Bruceski: try hitting someone with it?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ben go do tasks
Bionull: Under pressure!
ylegm: I mean, you could shoot it, but that doesn't work in real life soooo
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: James couldn't take the pressure
Fruan: Sometimes James just does that
EricTheOrange: wow james shade
Marvoleath: did James fall (down a hole)?
Diabore: everyone is going to die here
tr3ewitch88: SUS
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Nelly is so bad
0x6772: Regulate, Ben.
tr3ewitch88: SUSY PANTS
SymphonySolstice: o7 pressure
Thefluffiestguineapig: Please someone finish the damn pissa
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
DigitalSeahorse: lrrLUL
pn55: Gottem!
ThePerrBearr: planting the gun
DigitalSeahorse: lrrBartleby
0x6772: Three minutes!
tr3ewitch88: Nice
Foxmar320: It might
Forlorgen: leave the gun take the canoli
EricTheOrange: wow gun doesn't even kill in 1 shot. what a pissy gun
DigitalSeahorse: how much time we have?
Marvoleath: the good ol' "I thought you were getting it"
Diabore: i mean that just sounds like pressure
Foxmar320: pressure is so easy to mess up
Thefluffiestguineapig: The pressure might have just killed people
RainyMint: Oh no
SymphonySolstice: o7 pressure again
tr3ewitch88: Poor Alex
BusTed: Clearly not that yellow one since that killed the last person
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Ben is going to die
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Swap the tanks in there
LiamK712: I think there are only 8 you have to swap
Foxmar320: Swap a tank from the other one
Arclight_Dynamo: Move those tank around.
DigitalSeahorse: uhoh
Marvoleath: Swap the ones that are there
Diabore: you can over pressure
NoxStryx: Is it not that you need to move the red one
Thefluffiestguineapig: AAAAHHHH I'm so stressed
ThirdGames: Those are the same
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: You just swapped a yellow and yellow
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ben AAAHHHHHHHH
SnackPak_: knew it
Ryenji: LUL
BusTed: hahahaah
Lord_Hosk: SOMEONE is killing a lot of time not finishing
pn55: Haha!
BrindleBoar: LUL
Foxmar320: hahahaaaa
ani_laurel: lmao
DigitalSeahorse: dangit
0x6772: lol
BusTed: so good
PharaohBender27: lrrWOW
RainyMint: LUL
DiscordianTokkan: lol
SymphonySolstice: LUL
ButButTheJesus: ADAM
Scarbble: hahahahaha
Astramentha: XD
Dog_of_Myth: Knew it
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
schordash: causeiLaugh causeiClap
Scy_Anide: Knew it
saintguard: BROTHER
margieargie: tqsLOL tqsLOL
teddywhosabear: lmao
pn55: Adam yes!
Darleysam: UN believable!
Heckhoundbolt: amazing
xantos69: Legendary
Stratavarius: That is what happens when you don't kill Adam first
shendaras: benginTraitor
hieroglyphica: NICE
DigitalSeahorse: PrideLaugh voxlunCarp lrrLUL
couchboyj: seabatDance seabatDance seabatDance
Nigouki: woooooooooooooow
epsilon_vee: ggwp
tr3ewitch88: I knew it was Adam. He was being too nice.
schordash: causeiClap causeiClap causeiClap
shendaras: seabatClap
Pheonix888: Come on, you gave him soooo much rope
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: He could have just blown Ben up with the pressure
Marvoleath: Nice one :D
hieroglyphica: Always kill Adam
shea_wolfe: I can't believe Ben didn't catch on after the second time
Thefluffiestguineapig: That was masterful and I'm SO MAD
Tangsm: So was Adam actually the dissident this time?
DigitalSeahorse: well plaid
Darleysam: someone's got to win, in the end
EricTheOrange: I feel like if your an employee find the knife and hold it in storage
tr3ewitch88: @tangsm yes
xantos69: Sounds dirty and also fun
DiscordianTokkan: Krungler
Cptasparagus: someone made of schmung
Robot_Bones: Alex sabotaging pregame
Stratavarius: One who schumgles
Thefluffiestguineapig: Adam that was genuinely masterful
DigitalSeahorse: shmungler handles the shmung
sephchan: what is a schmonhler?
Himyul: shmungling is probably against TOS
0x6772: "Oops all dissidents" is just "deathmatch"
ButButTheJesus: schmungler, one who grunches slenades
saintguard: And remember: kill Adam
fredcheckers: It's like chungus. You can tell it's not a compliment.
0x6772: "I'm the baaaaaaaad guy…"
Thefluffiestguineapig: @saintguard That strategy reduces chaos by 30% instantly
DiscordianTokkan: "Are you a mimic? You gotta tell me if you're a mimic"
DigitalSeahorse: xD
RainyMint: BEN LUL
SymphonySolstice: LUL
OldUncleDan: Am I a bad guy? Duh!
0x6772: keep it close, Ben, keep it secure
Thefluffiestguineapig: sure it will, sure it will
DigitalSeahorse: lrrBEN lrrLUL
DigitalSeahorse: lrrALEX voxlunGeiger
saintguard: Batteries
Diabore: alimentations is fuses yeah
Chesul: I really hope that Ben forgets about the C4 and randomly blows up.
ylegm: I want the detonator to show up so badly
Thefluffiestguineapig: Blateries for the ventilations
Diabore: theres a vent
SymphonySolstice: F
DigitalSeahorse: ohgod not the music
tr3ewitch88: Too easy
DigitalSeahorse: I can't take depressing music right now
couchboyj: Unlikely Paul, neither of those corpses is Adam
northos: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
Astramentha: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
AugmentingPath: no headbobbing plz
Thefluffiestguineapig: What is this 2000's music
DigitalSeahorse: or even mid music apparently
DigitalSeahorse: anything with a down beat just beats me up
BrindleBoar: cruel
SymphonySolstice: LUL
0x6772: oops
SnackPak_: woooow
7gorobei: the frame job
margieargie: Welp
brutusq13: biffed
ButButTheJesus: AAAHAHA
Orxolon: Hahahahah
Mr_Horrible: incredible
dumbo3k: Cori even threw you a gun xD
Astramentha: omg
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunCarp voxlunFoam
schordash: good try >xDD
Marvoleath: brutal xD
tr3ewitch88: WOOOOOOOOOOOW
Orxolon: Dance!Dance!
tr3ewitch88: GG
TheAinMAP: One more?
ghyllnox: Lmao
Diabore: fuck
ghyllnox: And then Ben ran himself to death
DigitalSeahorse: nice stranger things intro
Orxolon: Mmmmm
PharaohBender27: Too late, Nelson's gone
Orxolon: Sus
Lysander_salamander: oops
Diabore: i dont think hes coming back
circusofkirkus: played yourself
chaostreader: you can do scanner alone.
an_archist2: why'd you do that ben
Arclight_Dynamo: Gotta kill him to stop it happening.
ButButTheJesus: everyone sus!
Marvoleath: you spooked him
xantos69: Yep, you gotta just do tasks.
SymphonySolstice: F
DigitalSeahorse: maybe Nelson is the one
1 raiders from mrharrydresden have joined!
Mr_Horrible: remember, those who sacrifice liberty for safety deserve neither, Ben OpieOP
sephchan: @Mr_Horrible proportional response xD
Lysander_salamander: this is such an odd challenge
SymphonySolstice: F again
0x6772: Plenty of time.
underhill33: lrrCOW
margieargie: Meanwhile, in the pressure area...
SnackPak_: kill em
ButButTheJesus: adam yesssss
Lysander_salamander: hahaha
Diabore: the spoopers working together
Thefluffiestguineapig: Why are there so many dots
SymphonySolstice: F x3
Kramburger: Man's the boshy but can
0x6772: That's been a few explosions somewhere else…
PigmyWurm: I'm hearing a lot of booms
Kramburger: t follow simple insturctions
SnackPak_: lol
0x6772: welp
BrindleBoar: LUL
DigitalSeahorse: fuck
circusofkirkus: LUL
TheAinMAP: Dang
Orxolon: Hahahaha
Lysander_salamander: wow
spethycakes: HypeLol
pn55: HypeLUL
DigitalSeahorse: nuuuuu
DiscordianTokkan: HAHAHA
circusofkirkus: ahahahahaha
SnackPak_: got played
Thefluffiestguineapig: Fucking damnit
Ryenji: LUL
SymphonySolstice: james pls
SmithKurosaki: GOTTEM
Mr_Horrible: the jumpscare
GhostValv: deserved
DigitalSeahorse: lrrLUL
tr3ewitch88: At least it wasn't Adam?
Forlorgen: fucking james
DigitalSeahorse: aww
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
Diabore: whos left?
LiamK712: who is left?
Mr_Horrible: what who the hell's even still alive?
LiamK712: Jordynne?
DigitalSeahorse: I knew it was Nelson
Mr_Horrible: is just Jordynne?
BusTed: Ben had a genuine look to camera moment there
protojman: this has been amazing
0x6772: Jordynne literally can't do scanner
Diabore: thats game over, scanner
SnackPak_: oh no, not scanner
GasCityGaming: you can with the beeps
ThirdGames: You can do all tasks solo
Astramentha: jordynne you must TASK
northos: pressure might be tough too
0x6772: She is a "good little tasker"
Thefluffiestguineapig: Pressure would be MISERABLE by yourself
tr3ewitch88: I haven't heard Paul in a while as he's still with us.
0x6772: It would certainly be pressing down on her
SnackPak_: I believe in Jordynne
LiamK712: Pressure and scanners are going to be awful
Darleysam: weird, but, very funny
Astramentha: Go JORDYNNE!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Jordynne! seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap Jordynne! seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
0x6772: Under PRESSURE!
ThirdGames: Not every gun spawns loaded
Marvoleath: Yea, some guns spawn without ammo
ButButTheJesus: she tryin so hard <3
0x6772: (Got Queen running in another tab right now…)
Astramentha: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
Diabore: does she know shes alone?
pn55: We love Jordynne!
DigitalSeahorse: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
xantos69: If anybody can, she can
Thefluffiestguineapig: YEAHHH let's GOOOOOOO
lochnessseammonster: PrideUwu lrrSHINE
EricTheOrange: clip jordynne saying cute things to put in the highlights
PharaohBender27: Let's goooooo Jordynne!
xantos69: Large Channel Point Wager On Jordynne!
Fruan: Flooding Jordynne with clips of everyone being so nice to her will be hilarious.
SnackPak_: lol
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
SymphonySolstice: LUL
northos: lrrLUL
combattwombat subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 81 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, combattwombat! (Today's storm count: 44)
DigitalSeahorse: nuu come back!
DiscordianTokkan: "... NOPE"
ButButTheJesus: "fuck this"
DigitalSeahorse: try the thing
tr3ewitch88: I feel like she doesn't know that she's alone
0x6772: She doesn't 100% know she's alone
Alex_Frostfire: Jordynne just alone here for like, six minutes?
Diabore: she doesnt know shes alone LUL
SnackPak_: o7
DeM0nFiRe: Hahaha
Diabore: now she does
Astramentha: XD
DigitalSeahorse: uh
ButButTheJesus: awww <3 kates7
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Time to jump for joy
pn55: HypeLUL
SymphonySolstice: LUL
saintguard: JinxLUL
DigitalSeahorse: PrideLaugh
MWGNZ: tClap seabatClap seabatClap
spethycakes: lrrLUL
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh jlrrFacepalm
KaleidoscopeMind: "ok um cool"
Lysander_salamander: a little bit of a breakdown
tr3ewitch88: I think she's. Panicking.
xVoxtric: "i'm at work - i guess"
DeM0nFiRe: :D
ButButTheJesus: <3 kates7 <3 kates7 <3 kates7
TheAinMAP: lrrFINE
DigitalSeahorse: xD
Astramentha: omg XD
SnackPak_: hell yeah
0x6772: Time to unionize!
Thefluffiestguineapig: "I'm reading my emails, this is what happens when you're the only remote employee"
KaleidoscopeMind: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
epsilon_vee: this is good prep for the big one
EricTheOrange: Jordynne final girl
SnackPak_: perfect
Lysander_salamander: oh hey
DigitalSeahorse: just runs by it
Thefluffiestguineapig: lrrSHINE lrrAWESOME
Astramentha: FBtouchdown
0x6772: c'mon Jordynne
singinnonsense: Jordynne livharClapping livharClapping livharClapping
0x6772: You can do it.
ghyllnox: LUL
DeM0nFiRe: Hahaha
DigitalSeahorse: awwwww
teddywhosabear: LMAOP
Lysander_salamander: oh heck
Thefluffiestguineapig: She's literally never done this
Astramentha: aawwwww
ButButTheJesus: <3 kates7 <3 kates7 <3 kates7
asddsa28: omg
TheAinMAP: lrrHERE
WiJohn: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
PharaohBender27: kates7
Thefluffiestguineapig: They're blair witching it!!!!
NotCainNorAbel: Pride500
Marvoleath: mood
Heckhoundbolt: lrrHERE
Astramentha: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
sephchan: Employee of the Year
PharaohBender27: Cheer690
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunHug voxlunHug voxlunHug
tr3ewitch88: It was. That moment you realized everyone else went home early
Lord_Hosk: Couldnt have ended any better
patrick_stonecrusher: FutureMan FutureMan FutureMan
TheAinMAP: lrrHEART unarmeTried lrrSHINE
Heckhoundbolt: that is definitely going in the highlights
Orxolon: This was AWESOME
calculated_uncertainties: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100
xVoxtric: Great stream as usual
Mr_Horrible: very good, very good
0x6772: That deserves a repeat
xantos69: Please bring this back!
Thefluffiestguineapig: That was very good
Lysander_salamander: :D
Marvoleath: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
Astramentha: Jordynne the GOAT
DigitalSeahorse: digita435LOVE digita435LOVE digita435LOVE
tr3ewitch88: Thank you all for a great stream
Orxolon: Laughing WITH her
Marvoleath: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
tr3ewitch88: Jordan, counting the bodies is gonna end up being a stream highlight.
RatherLargeToad: laughing near her
couchboyj: Game was secretly Pac Man all along
Thefluffiestguineapig: lrrHEART lrrHEART
Diabore: you can do pressure alone
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: You can certainly due pressure alone.
Diabore: its not easy but you can
Thefluffiestguineapig: Maybe this is how Jordynne gets her channel emote
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Probably easier to do pressure solo
DigitalSeahorse: the eye thing has audio cues
tr3ewitch88: Thank you too Paul πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
Astramentha: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
tr3ewitch88: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Orxolon: Thanks everyone!
DigitalSeahorse: lrrPAUL
Thefluffiestguineapig: lrrPAUL lrrSHINE lrrAWESOME
ButButTheJesus: thamk paul
Diabore: i really hope this makes a comeback with more people
Marvoleath: !paul
Marvoleath: !thankpaul
Astramentha: o7
itsr67: frogs r gone
xantos69: Cheer50 Bits!
Marvoleath: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
Robot_Bones: Bold
ButButTheJesus: it'd be rude not to
Diabore: oh dark ben
0x6772: Ben is benighted.
tr3ewitch88: πŸ˜…
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ben you getting Gus/Remy?
DigitalSeahorse: !alex
LRRbot: Alex’s Varied Creations ~ Website: | Home stream: | Patreon:
Robot_Bones: watch and ya!
KeytarCat: Irradiated, drink some vodka about it
Mr_Horrible: an expanding collection of hellrocks that kill you
Thefluffiestguineapig: OH yes!!! The Highlights this week are going to be stacked
DigitalSeahorse: thank goodness for things to look forward to
Rourke9: excited for this month of AFK!!
Orxolon: Wow coool
NeoOfTheDark subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 73 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, NeoOfTheDark! (Today's storm count: 45)
ButButTheJesus: pupper!
DigitalSeahorse: pupper!
wifi12345678910: Dog!
TheAinMAP: lrrSPOT
Nigouki: PUPPY!
Mr_Bitterness: Remy!
MacbethSeemsSus: Pup stritches!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @DigitalSeahorse Agreed, sometimes i just don't look at other things on the internet. This and Kitten Academy on Youtube
KeytarCat: The boy really loves his papa
Thefluffiestguineapig: REMY
virgil82: Remy has activated Chat
Thefluffiestguineapig: Good pupper with his good belly rubs
Mr_Bitterness: Gunky Runner!?!
Juliamon: Thefluffiestguineapig Tomorrow is Teaspoon's 2nd birthday!
EricTheOrange: Gunk Ben time?
alexsteacy: I am pretty sure I had Paul muted when I wasn't supposed to lmaoooo
Marvoleath: yea, you did, but it was fine :P
EricTheOrange: @alexsteacy yeah he followed you for 2 games
Juliamon: sure did
DigitalSeahorse: Thefluffiestguineapig helps to pull us through sad times too
TheAinMAP: lrrPistachio
Nigouki: The one head Paul couldn't get into
DigitalSeahorse: lrrPistachio
Astramentha: welcome stumpo
sephchan: @alexsteacy we may have noticed a little bit
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Juliamon I know!!!!! Where did the time go. Also all the voids in the current litters are now very l o n g l a n k kittys
ButButTheJesus: @Mollylele nice!
DeM0nFiRe is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 2980 in the channel!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to PyroJakk!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to EQFalsu!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to Strickly_Bear!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to vinn_thehuman!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to jessicatheblack!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, DeM0nFiRe! Welcome to PyroJakk, EQFalsu, Strickly_Bear, vinn_thehuman, and jessicatheblack! (Today's storm count: 50)
Mollylele: nice
tr3ewitch88: I think Alex has been having some technical difficulties tonight.
ButButTheJesus: CHAOS
Pseudonym_Ken: lrrPistachio seabatYIKES
Marvoleath: lrrFINE
pn55: You're all monsters :p
Thefluffiestguineapig: Brains are broken
DigitalSeahorse: I'm not seeing any of these names
Strebenherz: cheer100
Voidhawk42: Proffessionals ladies and gentlemen LUL
Nigouki: Ho Chi Ming City!!!!
xantos69: We love you Alex
MacbethSeemsSus: words words words words words
Thefluffiestguineapig: I'm just focusing on the good belly rubs for the pupper
Orxolon: Now that's a highlight xD
DigitalSeahorse: I'm confused too, Alex
Marvoleath: lrrHORN
sephchan: Adorable as always, Alex
Thefluffiestguineapig: lrrSHINE lrrALEX
SymphonySolstice: dabits
PharaohBender27: lrrSHINE
DigitalSeahorse: lrrSHINE lrrALEX
wedge_x: nailed it
DeM0nFiRe: o/ lrrHEART
pn55: seabatClap lrrSHINE
tr3ewitch88: Thank you guys so much. Have a Good night.
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
spethycakes: lrrSHINE
MrSarkhan: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
tr3ewitch88: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
ButButTheJesus: wemy kisses <3
shendaras: benginJam
Orxolon: G night everyone
MrSarkhan: LUL
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
tr3ewitch88: Or is james going to stab all of you
Orxolon: With a screwdriver?that
Nigouki: the reason there's no TTSF this week is all the screwdrivers and knives have to be hidden
Thefluffiestguineapig: Back to studying for me, thanks for a great stream, thanks for great chats!
tr3ewitch88: ??
DigitalSeahorse: I had a nap earlier but I'm gonna eat and try not to panic
calculated_uncertainties: @Nigouki SeemsGood
tr3ewitch88: Good night everyone! 😁
ghyllnox: "Go to sleep" is what Adam will say when he stabs James
ghyllnox: Thankies o/
Thefluffiestguineapig: @DigitalSeahorse Go watch kitten academy, genuinely it helps my anxiety
s1ck1y: gg everyone
DigitalSeahorse: I'll give it a try, thanks digita435LOVE
lamina5432: gnight
Nigouki: gniiiiiiight~
SmithKurosaki: Later Jordynne
pn55: Gnight Jordynne! You did great!
Strebenherz: !
Nigouki: D:
QuietJay: ashleyHullo
SymphonySolstice: hi internal paul
Mr_Horrible: thanks, voice
pn55: Jump-care!
SymphonySolstice: thank you
Lord_Hosk: Thanks voice in my head!
DigitalSeahorse: lrrSHINE lrrPAUL digita435LOVE
wifi12345678910: Thanks voice in my head
Riandisa: Good night, Paul. Thank you
Nigouki: hey wait a minute, my brain would NEVER tell me that!
TheAinMAP: Good night, Paul.
ThePerrBearr: i dunno.. seem sus
spethycakes: good night, Paul
DigitalSeahorse: it IS important
Strebenherz: Good night Paul, you're awesome btw
ghyllnox: Thanks voice inside my head, you too
DigitalSeahorse: here is kittens and cats with hiccups
DigitalSeahorse: turn on volume