xantos69: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Let's Nope (Ben and Adam play horror games until they find the key that will bring them true happiness. Game: The Last of Us) at Tue 05:00 PM PST (6m from now).
Thefluffiestguineapig: Sup early nopers
TheAwkes: The First of Us
Manae: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Let's Nope (Ben and Adam play horror games until they find the key that will bring them true happiness. Game: The Last of Us) at Tue 05:00 PM PST (0s ago).
Thefluffiestguineapig: !next
Thefluffiestguineapig: Hehe
Forlorgen: lrrSPOOP lrrSPOOP lrrSPOOP lrrSPOOP lrrSPOOP
Manae: lrrSIG lrrSPOOP lrrSPOOPY lrrSPOOPY lrrSPOOP lrrSIG
NotCainNorAbel: lrrSIG lrrSHINE lrrSIG
Darleysam: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Thefluffiestguineapig: If Manae appreciates what I did with the next command, then I did it well
saucemaster5000 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 69 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, saucemaster5000! (Today's storm count: 26)
Thefluffiestguineapig: Saucemaster has the nice sub? I guess we're hearing about that all stream
fjordsword subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 49 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, fjordsword! (Today's storm count: 27)
LostThePirate: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Mr_Horrible: the Yass of Us bimboSLAY
Forlorgen: you know what they say, if you got time to lean, you got time to take a mildly unpleasant girl through the wasteland of humanity
MWGNZ: hifunkPopcorn
Kuhfeek: Us of the last
lamina5432: evening
Mr_Horrible: please, Mr. Us was my father
dumbo3k: @Kuhfeek Of the Last Us
ButButTheJesus: Yassifys
Blakemcm: the first of us to watch the last of us
Blakemcm: we are the real monsters
MercedesBinnsKB subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 18 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MercedesBinnsKB! (Today's storm count: 28)
Darleysam: That Fast and the Furiof US
ButButTheJesus: just saw an ad with fleshy cowboy head baby and I have concerns
Kuhfeek: @dumbo3k The of last us
journojared subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 60 months!
journojared: This space intentionally left blank
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, journojared! (Today's storm count: 29)
ButButTheJesus: the of anyway I started last us
dumbo3k: @Kuhfeek Last of the Us
paronomasiac042: this message intentionally left
DideRobot: LRR: Post Apocalypse Escort Quest Simulator continues with Ben questioning if its really worth saving humanity and Adam leaning back in his chair saying "Nah" | https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun | https://kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun/113988211140249790
Kuhfeek: @dumbo3k Last of of Last
Juliamon: The
ButButTheJesus: Last
Juliamon: lrrLUL
BusTed: rayfkWelp
ggodopaste subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 63 months!
ggodopaste: 3 months from Nice!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ggodopaste! (Today's storm count: 30)
raulghoulia: oh boy
public_key_reveal_party: Hi Ben
Blakemcm: DAE holes?!?
Mr_Horrible: they baited you
pleonasticTautology: lmao hi ben
underhill33: lmao
NimrodXIV: and Serge!
Astramentha: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
TherapyforNarwhals: Fucken nah lmao
0x6772: Mine that clock!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Welp
ladyjessica: fuck!
TheAwkes: Swearing on word 3 of the stream. A strong showing.
lamina5432: ready to mine and craft
saucemaster5000: Guess you gotta play minecraft
Thefluffiestguineapig: DinoDance
patrick_stonecrusher: #blamejames
Andymonium: XD
paronomasiac042: the last of mine
0x6772: HARD CUT
NotCainNorAbel: jlrrWalldiamond jlrrWalldiamond jlrrWalldiamond
Astramentha: SSSsss SSSsss SSSsss
Makrosian_Tay: seabatDance seabatDance seabatDance
Nigouki: permadelete it from playlist
TherapyforNarwhals: Greatest intro
RatherLargeToad: It’s spoopy
Astramentha: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
Kuhfeek: dah dah dah dah
gualdhar subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 90 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, gualdhar! (Today's storm count: 31)
N30dude subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 48 months!
N30dude: Wooo, 4 years with my favourite LRR lads
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, N30dude! (Today's storm count: 32)
Lord_Hosk: Careful... Adam might "accidentally" shoot you in the face for his own protection
opalkatzen22: Yay! Watching live tonight!!
BusTed: baner
saucemaster5000: dillhole reporting for duty
BusTed: mmhm
gamercat88: sure is
Makrosian_Tay: I like this rendition of Dandandan a lot better Kappa
Mr_Horrible: this aggression seems unwarranted, Streamer
TherapyforNarwhals: Hell yeah it is, next to butter!
Thefluffiestguineapig: LUL
Blakemcm: it is for meeeee
xantos69: Kinda yea
ButButTheJesus: it sure is!
spo8n: hello from a dillhole
rin_the_kat: yay!
MWGNZ: wednesday afternoon
Kramburger: Well...
N30dude: absolutely
NimrodXIV: confirmed
Cptasparagus: its wednesday my dude
bytecaster: Hi, dillhole reporting in
protojman: it's our only way to spend a...what day is it?
TheWooglie subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 106 months!
TheWooglie: lrrSPOOPY lrrSPOOPY lrrSPOOPY
mrjujubeans: true
dumbo3k: I mean, if it wasn't I probably wouldn't be here
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheWooglie! (Today's storm count: 33)
public_key_reveal_party: Solid 4/10
patrick_stonecrusher: I mean, lm here
kimmibeans: Hey, I look forward to this every week :)
Thefluffiestguineapig: Hey I'm a degenerate troglodite thank you very much
Orxolon: Good evening everyone
Nigouki: ok I've been meaning to clarify this: Are dillholes holes for dills or holes in dills?
Darleysam: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/loadingreadyrun
Dog_of_Myth: Adam is just waiting for the check to clear.
TherapyforNarwhals: Who the fuck is Ellie?
gualdhar: Mods, I'd like to take my earlier subscription back please.
bytecaster: The salary is the friends we made along the way
BusTed: shut up and jam
saucemaster5000: backcheck paycheck
Mr_Horrible: now you're making your living getting dunked on (metaphorically) by Shaq
ButterBall000: And one day there will be a comic made about Adam fighting Godzilla
RayFK: Streamers? Retire? lol.
Forlorgen: Ship in a bottle analyst?
TherapyforNarwhals: @bytecaster We're like a family here
Cptasparagus: gunpla in a bottle?
GasCityGaming: rhino in a botle?
paronomasiac042: it's a collapsible ship
Blakemcm: when you just cant feel it with regular model making
bytecaster: Has someone done Warhammer in a bottle?
Cptasparagus: all of my gunpla is in a big glass gabinet
betweenmyself: What if your job is putting ships in bottles?… What do you retire to then? riffThink
opalkatzen22 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 14 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, opalkatzen22! (Today's storm count: 34)
Mr_Horrible: no the bottles are to protect *us*
Darleysam: because it's difficult
Thefluffiestguineapig: I don't think so
Lord_Hosk: You don't have to dust it Ben
Nigouki: you put in glass to prevent it dusting up
Thefluffiestguineapig: I think it's because it's hard
Geldaran: that's a good question...
GreyThey: If you came across a ship in a glass bottle in the woods, would you let it out?
ghyllnox: It's for the challenge
Orxolon: The black pearl was inside a bottle
saucemaster5000: I’ll ship you in a bottle
0x6772: It's because it's improbable: how did you build that thing through that tiny aperature.
North_Sol subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 31 months!
North_Sol: I took a wrong turn at the YouTube VODs and somehow ended up here. Hello Spooky Crew!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, North_Sol! (Today's storm count: 35)
Nigouki: it's too fragile to dust
Mr_Horrible: you can't dust a model ship, dude
saucemaster5000: All the rage
patrick_stonecrusher: Sip in a bottle < pony in a jar
pleonasticTautology: as someone who dusts gunpla *and* kamen rider belts *and* books? if i could have a layer of glass over everything *i would*
Mr_Horrible: they don't make it fresh from the horse anymore
paronomasiac042: the ship is collapsible. it's built, pushed through the neck, then unfurled
ButterBall000: Things get brittle and dry out too
bytecaster: Just you wait until I have finished my bottle ship kill team!
dumbo3k: Yeah, Ian
TheWooglie: Alex
Nigouki: basically any ship model, even modern plastic ones are too fragile to dust so they all need dispaly cases
NotCainNorAbel: don't need to finish the question
Thefluffiestguineapig: Alex
Dog_of_Myth: Answer is always Ian
Astramentha: yeah also Alex
Kramburger: Cam
bytecaster: Ian is doing a sushi model
Mr_Horrible: so do you, Ben
NotCainNorAbel: If it was a Japanese boat
Thefluffiestguineapig: So do you
Mr_Horrible: do you see yourself making a ship in a bottle?
vogon_poet: Do they know that the ship isn't actually constructed in the bottle? It's constructed elsewhere, then unfolded into the bottle...
bytecaster: Jacob would do it if the ship has a complicated backstory!
Fanklok: Jacob would *try*
Forlorgen: If it was tank in a bottle it would be alex
ghyllnox: Cam
public_key_reveal_party: ben is learning
pleonasticTautology: llmao hi
Astramentha: Jacob wouldn’t start on his own, he’d SEE Ian do it and get the bug
GreyThey: Given the sea shanties, I feel like it would be on-brand for Paul
saucemaster5000: Ian would try to make the ship more complicated then complain about it not working the way he thinks it should
bytecaster: The ship from the Terror in a bottle
NimrodXIV: I have the lego ship in a bottle
0x6772: Call him!
Martin_FcG: Warhammer in a bottle?
Mr_Horrible: I feel like Cameron would do it once, then realize that it was a satisfying exercise and also that it sucked
RockPusher: Ship in a bottle fits with Cameron's lighthouse keeper fantasy
KWardJenx: @bytecaster This!
raulghoulia: dilhole (affectionate)
Astramentha: Call James and get Cams number
0x6772: Wait, Victorian the time period or Victorian the city? (Both.)
bytecaster: Graham is working on 40 minute youtube video on ships in bottles!
RockPusher: gabyLul
Thefluffiestguineapig: @bytecaster I would watch that shit
bytecaster: @Thefluffiestguineapig Me too, this is wishful thinking
NotCainNorAbel: dog
measureofhope: Are we about to have a fun time with some fungi?
Mr_Horrible: this convo specifically is brought about by our patreon contributions
Nigouki: Dew It (not sponsored)
NorthstarTex: Evening everyone!
TherapyforNarwhals: Adam what's that shirt?
Mr_Horrible: a bit much
NotCainNorAbel: is that why you don't stream on saturday
Makrosian_Tay: @measureofhope in a VEEEEERRRREYYYY relative sense
Mollylele: that's a lotta tarps
saucemaster5000: it’s like that scene in “society”
North_Sol: What's the tarp for
ButButTheJesus: hrm
Mr_Horrible: but I can't tell you how to live
Fanklok: Currency can be exchanged for ships and bottles
Dog_of_Myth: Go on....
gamercat88: new bone down policy
Mr_Horrible: NEW BIT
BusTed: mulligan mulligan
raulghoulia: cursed
Astramentha: clip it
Juliamon: That's a lot of pro Ds
Mollylele: Let's POKE
TheWooglie: someone call HR
EvilBadman: DIG UP
0x6772: This is gonna be a good one, eh?
ButterBall000: Abandon conversation
saucemaster5000: uh oh pokies
bytecaster: HR!
North_Sol: Deploy tarps!
Mr_Horrible: that's tarp content, Ben
ButButTheJesus: well that answers that
Nigouki: so when are the LRR member body pillows showing up at the store?
empyreon: riffYeti gotta get an early start
Mr_Horrible: making it past the hump is also tarp content, Ben
Juliamon: OnlyTarps
DaFhaye: Hi hi
xantos69: Do you two need a minute?
Forlorgen: Just one honk adam
patrick_stonecrusher: Nips still sore until at least thursday
Lord_Hosk: Gotta make it past the hump to get to the hump
saucemaster5000: nipple rub tuesday replacing tacos
Mr_Horrible: that's it, I'm getting the hose
Dog_of_Myth: !y
groulux subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 49 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, groulux! (Today's storm count: 36)
Mr_Horrible: lemme get a honk on that bobo
ButButTheJesus: !y
0x6772: One honk, one donk.
bytecaster: One Honk Adam and Two Honks Ben today on Lets Nope
Xenovita subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 24 months, currently on a 12 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Xenovita! (Today's storm count: 37)
North_Sol: If you honk three times a Canadian Goose legally has to appear
Nigouki: the Let's Nope Express of this is on Netflix
gamercat88: bill
bytecaster: Shrooms happened
Lazy_F4: some people got hit with bricks
ButButTheJesus: wha happa
saucemaster5000: there were zombies
Kramburger: Bring girl to people
0x6772: Several people died. Also a child.
Juliamon: We hung out with Bill
Mr_Horrible: met a weirdo and then he got sad cuz we found his main squeeze
NotCainNorAbel: zombies
tr3ewitch88: Just a tickle Adam
Makrosian_Tay: You met Bill, who hooked you up with a car
opalkatzen22: Finger Arrow
Mazrae: Got a truck then crashed truck
spo8n: you fought the zombie pope
ButterBall000: Driving sticks
patrick_stonecrusher: Woods porn origins
TheAwkes: Clickers, army jerks, shooting, placing planks, reading notes.
Makrosian_Tay: And then after driving for a while you got T-boned by marauders and that's kinda where you are now
Juliamon: And then we immediately lost the car.
bytecaster: We like being talked to!
Mr_Horrible: I'm fairly certain that that note was not the man's true feelings
dumbo3k: Adam Farms Egagement
Strebenherz: gaslight
Mr_Horrible: yeah that's normal
saucemaster5000: Ben’s telling the truth
public_key_reveal_party: he's not wrong though
Kramburger: Sorry for doing his JOB, Ben
Nigouki: it's not checking out, it's just past a certain stage of slumping in the chair
DaFhaye: At least Adam is engaging
Mr_Horrible: you have no power here Gandalf Stormcrow
0x6772: Adam, some times when you "talk with Twitch chat", it feels like it might be abuse… ;^P
Mazrae: You just switch your focus on the back half
gamercat88: Adam is locked in
saucemaster5000: you know what we mean
betweenmyself: just edit out a few words “Adam’s checking out… chat” riffYeti
NotCainNorAbel: Adam's game is chat
Mr_Horrible: no, that's the epithet
Mr_Horrible: that Theoden uses
Kramburger: Gandalf has many names
ButterBall000: Ol' Mithrandir?
Fanklok: Adam's voice sounds like dangling keys
bytecaster: We like it though
Mollylele: if adam checks out just toggle his nip to wake him up
Robot_Bones: For whom?
saucemaster5000: words have power
ButButTheJesus: Greybeards is Skyrim
lamina5432: if you don’t get cancel for Ian you two will be fine
tr3ewitch88: Don't forget the game starts right up where you left off ben so if you were getting punched 😅
Thefluffiestguineapig: No that's what Grima Wormtongue calls him
0x6772: I *WAS* joking.
Kramburger: The elves don't even call him Gandalf
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Geldaran: stormcrow is one of his nicknames, from his tendancy to bring bad news.
Thefluffiestguineapig: It's Gandalf the Grey
Mr_Horrible: "Your Honor my client is was just a little silly goofy."
public_key_reveal_party: thank you for your service molly o7
Thefluffiestguineapig: People who don't like Gandalf call him Stormcrow
gualdhar: so we've found Adam's On switch
Mr_Horrible: Ferisar *would* say it tho
Strebenherz: what about milk
Kramburger: Ferisar isn't a friend
bytecaster: Spicy podcast today
EvilBadman: I wouldn't drop that line but I'm only a well-wisher
Kuhfeek: wow look at that, there it is
Mr_Horrible: @EvilBadman names continue to be ironic
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Kramburger They call him Mithrandir!! (I'm so sorry, my nerd had been activated)
Fanklok: Oh it's Ferisar day? Better be on my worst behavior
gamercat88: object permanence of the stash, nice
Thefluffiestguineapig: This sure is a hell of a podcast today, isn't it?
EvilBadman: @mr_horrible ya caught me
TheAwkes: That occasionally happens with my tattoo still, after 9 years.
Nigouki: Ben "Hasn't shaved since Alberta" Ulmer
Strebenherz: how does one accidentally do a shave
Loa_Ayizan: please never shave, it would feel so wrong at this point
Kramburger: I've been there
Molladia: After most of your life without them, have you started to forget you wear glasses yet Ben?
DaFhaye: That's me whenever I see my hair on my shoulder now that I have grown it out.
gamercat88: baby face
spethycakes: face-bald
NotCainNorAbel: mustache stream when
Mr_Horrible: if we just photoshopped a baby head over Adam's head
North_Sol: I've never shaved my beard fully since someone did a double-take and asked, "what's that?" That was my face. ;_;
rin_the_kat: do beards feel itchy as it grows?
Strebenherz: ooooofff
Lazy_F4: beard removal is sort of a cheat code to look younger for most
bytecaster: Happened to me on my head hair too, it happens
Mr_Horrible: this is why I use electric razors
Kramburger: Electric razors still have a guard
Astramentha: BigSad
DaFhaye: That's criminal
SnackPak_: oofa
Kramburger: RUDE
ButButTheJesus: right you mentioned that
Andymonium: B R U T A L
Kuhfeek: jeez
bytecaster: That is so rude
pleonasticTautology: because you looked "too young"
saucemaster5000: they got six people that way, there was no job
YawnLance: ouch
Mr_Horrible: that kinda shit should actually be illegal
North_Sol: ;_:
Kramburger: Who are they, name names Ben
kimmibeans: what
Mr_Horrible: oh so they were just idiots
betweenmyself: yeah, fuck those people pennyWhat
Astramentha: what the BUS
Thefluffiestguineapig: @bytecaster My cat bumped me once when I was trimming the undercut I have and I had to take an extra 1/4 inch off
bytecaster: "Not enough hair"
EvilBadman: LRR is facial hair encouraged so it worked out
vogon_poet: I made the guard setting mistake once, right up the side of my mouth. My only choices for recovery were a chinstrap or a Hitler toothbrush moustache. I went with clean-shaven.
Kramburger: Heh... wizz
Mazrae: I just shaved my sideburns for the first time in about 3 years last week, just trimmed the area around my mouth
North_Sol: "We're looking for Cousin It"
Nigouki: hehe, whizz
dumbo3k: They were worried about getting in trouble for violating child labor laws
kimmibeans: zSome hiring managers are just stupid
RockPusher: Event Technology!
NotCainNorAbel: most jobs do seem to want a wizard with 25 years experience.
saucemaster5000: “do you have a wand or a staff?”
The_Timo: as opposed to baby face of event technology
tr3ewitch88: If ever a wiz there was
DaFhaye: But that's impossible. All wizards have beards
Mr_Horrible: "We need someone who looks more haggard than you" "Well keep this interview going for another 30 minutes and I'll be exactly aged enough for you"
tehfewl: unless for safety reasons, grooming standards are BS
Andymonium: @NotCainNorAbel for starting pay, obvs
Strebenherz: yeaaaaaaaaah
bytecaster: Bonus Shavin Stream!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @vogon_poet That..........was a very difficult set of options and I'm sorry. Also I LOVE your user name and now need to read or relisten to the BBC dramatization I have somewhere of that book
Mollylele: ya beard don't all grow back at the same speed
Kramburger: Do it in the break and don't address it
ButterBall000: Adam's just gonna walk back in 20 years younger
NotCainNorAbel: @Andymonium paid! what kind of internship do you think we are running here jlrrFacepalm
lamina5432: my beard generally looks the best in that month
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Andymonium No, they want one who LOOKS like they have 25 years experience
cutaos: if i try to grow a beard, it always looks half grown in, even after i tried to let it grow for a year
bytecaster: Want to permanetly modify your skin in someones backyard?
BusTed: sweet
saucemaster5000: does the dog put on the shaving cream?
DaFhaye: If I schedule a tattoo and I end up at someone's house I am driving away
tehfewl: as the proud owner of a home tattoo, its not that sketch
Dog_of_Myth: Hair cut and dog pats? Win/win.
Andymonium: @NotCainNorAbel this hit me in my soul places
Bruceski: I went through a funk for a month or so, didn't shave, and then someone made a pass at me. I spent half an hour looking in the mirror trying to figure out whether I'd developed "a look". Not one I was happy with, that got me to shave.
kumatsu: Ben shut up you look good
Mazrae: That's not bad
Loa_Ayizan: meh, looks fine
Astramentha: Ben you look SO normal
Thefluffiestguineapig: As someone who is 30 and people will refuse me an intro position because I am simultaneously overqualified, too old and willing to accept too little pay I am SO MAD
tr3ewitch88: I can't get my beard to grow in....probably cuz I'm a woman
dumbo3k: I only think my hair is too long when people start saying I look like Grizzly Adams
Robot_Bones: Let it grow, let it grow
public_key_reveal_party: to be fair, a tattoo can get infected very easily, and unless your barber is really bad, a haircut can't so, backyard barber not a big deal
TherapyforNarwhals: At least you're not balding bro you got good shit
YawnLance: Suuure
drrek0: I have a buzz cut because I don't want to do anything with my hair
bytecaster: I'm not convinced
saucemaster5000: sorry we meant to say jesus christ you sasquatch
ButterBall000: discomfort
kumatsu: long hair gaaaaang
Mazrae: Ben I haven't had a hair cut in almost 3 years
GreyThey: Next week, Adam shaves his beard and Ben shaves his head?
Jennie_Fuchsia: my stylist moved to 45 minutes away and I can’t drive so I organized a haircut carpool
0x6772: My complaint is usually ear-tickling rather than neck-tickling, but that is a real thing, and I support you in this, Ben.
Kramburger: GHD or what?
Mr_Horrible: I need to figure out what to do with my hair short
Mr_Horrible: this shit getting annoying
tehfewl: 17 years of military haircuts baby
saucemaster5000: the tips were tip too
saucemaster5000: tip top
Lord_Hosk: I just go to "local discount store" and say "3 on the top 1 on the side clean up the edges" im in and out in 10 minutes for $20 and im happy for 3 months
gamercat88: the frost was cool
Fanklok: I just shave around my Mohawk once a week myself, no reason to pay someone to do it
NorthstarTex: Had frosted tips and then I went to hockey hair.
kumatsu: I haven't had a full haircut since 2008
Thefluffiestguineapig: @drrek0 I have a haircut worthy of the firebenders from Last Airbender for the same reason, genuinely I brutally shave (with a razor) everything but the top and I keep that very shot because no effort
TheAwkes: The maybe shouldn't have been cool, but they were.
jessieimproved: My now husband had frosted tips when we first started dating in th elate 90s
YFiddler: the surfer necklace was cool
protojman: no haircuts. I shave
saucemaster5000: I trim, but long hair gang
NotCainNorAbel: I am on a 2 week schedule, I hate my hair getting long
Mr_Horrible: pre-pandemic some time was my last haircut
LostThePirate: Every 5-7 years, I get a pixie cut, and otherwise I just let it grow the fuck out down to my waist. It's currently down to my lower back, so I'm about due...
bytecaster: Prime condition
Mr_Horrible: somewhere between 2017 and 2019
Kramburger: I should go every 6 weeks, but I'm unemployed & lazy
letfireraindown: I've been growing my hair out since 2020 and its finally past my shoulders
EvilBadman: I need to get touched up. I am not trying to go DB length again
Mr_Horrible: go fill in your backer surveys
OmnipotentTrevor: I avoided haircuts for a while when it was cold, but now that it is hot again I just got a haircut.
North_Sol: Genuine question, do most people book an appointment for a hair cut our just pop in to their barber shop?
bytecaster: Exciting!
RockPusher: Fill in your surveys if you haven't already
gamercat88: will it have a ship in a bottle
frank_the_great: Howdy Ben, howdy chat! Adam.
Rourke9: @north_sol appointment
Mollylele: @EvilBadman don't wanna wait until next DB neither?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @protojman Same, genuinely I use razors and do 2/3 of my head with that
saucemaster5000: like in general?
Jennie_Fuchsia: sometimes actors try to get us to pay for haircuts when a play closes in less than a week. haircut fraud is real
RockPusher: Card people send your stuff to Graham if you haven't already!
kumatsu: the Undog
SnackPak_: so many dogs
bytecaster: Stochastic dogs
tehfewl: @North_Sol depends on the barber, and how busy they are
Arnye1984: I had to fire my hair cause it just stopped showing up for work and now I shave my head 3 times a week
Mr_Horrible: it's not called The Last of Dogs, Ben
ButterBall000: 20 years have gone by
EvilBadman: @mollylele nah, :p
Nigouki: oh you got nothing on dead dogs vs STALKER
Snouut: Have you guys watched TLOU TV Show? xlittl1Ghost
0x6772: I mean, a player character's daughter died.
Thefluffiestguineapig: I mean as someone in vet med probs
Rourke9: *most* dogs that have ever existed have died
Kramburger: (Translator's Note: The 'dog' is your daughter)
frank_the_great: A dog might be the secret mastermind
SquareDotCube: zogs
dragonwarrior000 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 39 months!
North_Sol: @tehfewl Makes sense, was wondering if it was a small town vs city thing
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, dragonwarrior000! (Today's storm count: 38)
Rourke9: oh no
BusTed: LUL
frank_the_great: LUL LUL LUL
Mr_Horrible: they were unfamiliar with your game
Mr_Horrible: was that the genesis of No Witnesses?
Kramburger: Drive it like you stole it
Shurtal: i didn't catch the teltale streams, did Ben "glass him"?
OmnipotentTrevor: Sweet Tooth is my post-apocalypse society streaming show of choice instead.
Lord_Hosk: Statistically more dogs have probably died than are currently not died, just because we as people have had so many good boys and girls to protect and companion us. But fear not, they all went to doggy heaven accept rex... rex knows what he did.
RockPusher: People hadn't yet learned about how Adam approaches narrative choices :D
North_Sol: "I'd like to speak to the Gamehaus' manager"
Scy_Anide: I am always here for Adam's playstlyle
LRRbot: Warden of the Inner Sky [W] | Creature — Human Soldier [1/2] | As long as Warden of the Inner Sky has three or more counters on it, it has flying and vigilance. / Tap three untapped artifacts and/or creatures you control: Put a +1/+1 counter on Warden of the Inner Sky. Scry 1. Activate only as a sorcery.
Scy_Anide: playstyle*
Thefluffiestguineapig: Same as someone who can drive a car fine but can't be in the back seat or passenger seat
EvilBadman: Studio C secrets
sands2024: Yay let's nope
Mr_Horrible: I mean, I can understand if something is making you upset because of how it's emotionally resonating, and dipping out
frank_the_great: When Wheeler played Balatro slowly. Straight up checked out, like watching a movie in .5x speed
Mr_Horrible: but you can't be making moral proclamations about it
tehThane: there are some playstyles that i just don't respond well to
North_Sol: Apply brick to enemy. That's the gist
tehfewl: don't think i've ever said "I can't watch this", I have said "oh i want to play this so no spoilers, heres my resub, catch you later"
korvys: The hardest streams to watch are puzzle games, cause I'm just yelling the solution at my computer
tr3ewitch88: Fable 3 pissed me off ngl cuz I made all the good choices and did it right and still ended up with negative outcomes like "only the shop keepers died!?"😅
Rourke9: @frank_the_great I loved that. it was so funny
Lazy_F4: this game should have pocket sand
Akaiatana: "I can't watch this" for me is when my monitor is having issues
SageofShadowzF: Love the loot goblin crawl in this game
public_key_reveal_party: now that gives adam his power
RockPusher: The reward for puzzle games is watching people get it, seeing someone have an epiphany
bytecaster: It's the kind of playthrough you cannot get anywhere else!
SwarlonBrando: that's great energy Adam
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh those people can go watch someone else then
Rourke9: yeah, fine to feel that but not the nicest thing to say
TherapyforNarwhals: Nah beat it we don't need taht negativity
Kramburger: People didn't know you then either
Darleysam: Yung Streamer
Mollylele: I saw Wait Wait Don't Tell Me live once & probably like hundreds of people in the audience were whispering the answers to the news quiz parts. it was like twitch chat IRL
Thefluffiestguineapig: That's hard too
groulux: I had to take a break when you and Cameron were struggling through Bloodborne. But came back in the Vods.
RealGamerCow: 8:30 and the gameplay's started? Must like this game!
Molladia: So time to spin up weekly Spheda again?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Mollylele Wait Wait Don't tell me is also Rad
frank_the_great: Now I'm old and I don't know how the world works
OmnipotentTrevor: And we just casually walked through one of the heaviest conversations in the game
Bruceski: I've had some "give me the controller" moments but usually I can read the room. Sometimes that banter works, a lot of the time it's just bullying.
Rourke9: @mollylele that’s hilarious
Strebenherz: @Adam NPR radio quiz
BusTed: @Mollylele maddening
Fanklok: On Sunday someone came into ITYC while he was playing The Bazaar and said "ewwwwww I hate autobattlers"
saucemaster5000: giving shits are for the. young
0x6772: I think maybe that's not "age" so much as "experience".
RealGamerCow: Then you turn 80 and you're farting in the grocery store
Shurtal: the mental "Fuck it" is a VERY POWERFUL ABILITY
Strebenherz: Yeah I realized after I entered that the @ was silly but if it works it works
frank_the_great: Remember console wars? I look back and cringe. Also Gamecube > PS2 > Xbox
bytecaster: Yeah, you learn to anticipate the chuds and that robs them of power
Mr_Horrible: my response is now "That's alright, you fool."
Mr_Horrible: Kappa
tr3ewitch88: Opinions are great
saucemaster5000: gamecube better than pas????
SnackPak_: that's bait
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: Hunting Horn Inferior, Bow Superior
TherapyforNarwhals: Better game options, ps2 is better experience.
North_Sol: It's called wisdom. You get +1 to it every birthday. Ideally. Not actually :(
Lazy_F4: but the TINY DISCS MAN
MWGNZ: gamecube was goated
Kuhfeek: PS2 sold the most
bytecaster: Exactly, Eye Toy, am I right?!?
Strebenherz: wait wait don't tell me is a longrunning quiz show based on recent events/new, from a public radio station
tehThane: gamecube had the better games
NorthstarTex: PS2 is goated as far s consoles
lamina5432: I wasn’t a gamer back then.
Cptasparagus: pikmin
frank_the_great: This is no longer a hill I'll die on
Orxolon: Gaming peaked at ps2
Mr_Horrible: Xbox sure existed alright
OmnipotentTrevor: The Gamecube stands out in comparison to the huge misstep that the N64 was
ButterBall000: And the Dreamcast?
Kramburger: B-but, Gamecube had a HANDLE /s
Mazrae: GameCube has Metroid Prime
tehfewl: PS2 had the Longest run of any console
gibbousm: PS2 is the best selling console of all time
EvilBadman: The og Xbox was ok. Their stride was the 360
NorthstarTex: PS2 had Jak X
saucemaster5000: gamecube had good games, but the sheer quantity of good ones on ps2 was insane
bytecaster: The Gamecube was more cube shaped
NotCainNorAbel: PS2 outsold PS3 and XboxOne during their releases
Bruceski: I used that handle, too
ButButTheJesus: and it came in purple
dumbo3k: Don't forget, you could use the Gamecube as a Knife!
Veshnikard: A handle and mini discs
LostThePirate: The games the Gamecube actually had were higher tier, but the abundance of good games on PS2 can't be matched.
Mollylele: rented a tour van once that had a TV & a PS2 in it, it was the only disc player and it skipped whenever we hit bumps in the road
TheAwkes: Gamecube had hackability in it's favour as a value proposition, but PS2 was a better experience other than that.
gamercat88: and didn't also come in Hello Kitty case too
BusTed: Plus it was backwards compatible
Kramburger: Gamecube had a handle because it's fans needed to get a grip GOTTEM HOOOOOO
Fanklok: The handle was for using it as a weapon since GameCube was indestructible
North_Sol: I'll always love the GameCube for Luigi's Mansion
RockPusher: Unpacking players not knowing what a gamecube is lrrAWW
ButButTheJesus: @Kramburger HOOO
betweenmyself: those PS2 discs were too freakin heavy; need something tiny for my dainty wrists pennyWhat
SquareDotCube: That AMD Hollywood GPU was great, good enough to be used again in the Wii
Molladia: Sim-Golf = best golf game
Robot_Bones: is that what you call Dark Cloud 2Ben?
TherapyforNarwhals: Need for Speed most wanted was the shit
kumatsu: gamecube had the weed pocket
hug_master: MGS2 alone makes it GOAT
Bruceski: Both PS2 and Gamecube were cracked and picking a "best" one depends on the games you were out there for
NorthstarTex: Hot Shots golf > Mario Golf
Strebenherz: and how
bytecaster: Adventures!
MWGNZ: donky konga
Kramburger: This is Robin Hood erasure
public_key_reveal_party: "the" starfox game that did that?
Texan_Reverend: I still have and love my GameCube. Even have the GameBoy Player attachment.
bytecaster: Like not everything needs to be ordered
Orxolon: Rogue squadron sooo gooodd
OmnipotentTrevor: Krystal got robbed out of her own game
Mollylele: @Kramburger different generation
Orxolon: I played on pc
North_Sol: Oh god. Never finished that one. Wasn't there a bunch of dinosaurs in that one?
tehfewl: game cube had the little jingle when you turned it on
enbycephalopod: mario strikers is the best soccer game made
EvilBadman: @kramburger Different generation spark point
patrick_stonecrusher: Star
TherapyforNarwhals: @Texan_Reverend Same let's go, playing megaman on giant tv screen is the shit
NorthstarTex: PS2 had Ratchet and Clank that cemented my furry existence
jayinthewater subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 39 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jayinthewater! (Today's storm count: 39)
Texan_Reverend: Rogue Squadron, Mario Kart, Melee, etc. A bunch of banger titles that are still way fun today.
BusTed: tqsHmph
Thefluffiestguineapig: I would argue that and that disney Robin Hood movie with the foxes at that same time both activated the furries
bytecaster: FPS, not even once
saucemaster5000: pc people annoy me ngl
patrick_stonecrusher: StarFox Adventures SUCKED;;; but Krystal....
ButterBall000: PCMR
bytecaster: What is your favorite Series of Xbox though?
SquareDotCube: PC or Switch now
MWGNZ: all the consoles are the same now, everything is an xbox
Texan_Reverend: That said, I worked at a game store, so I had a GameCube, PS2, and Xbox. Still have them all.
RockPusher: shrinking down the play window in OG Doom to get those framerates on a 486 lrrBEEJ
Lazy_F4: Yeah it's like nintendo switch and ... whatever else
Mr_Horrible: I *understand* people with the whole 60 or bust thing, but honestly this is my Old Man Take that as long as I'm not seeing consistent hitches <60 is still playable to me
dumbo3k: PC Mast- Oh, jk
frank_the_great: PC + Nintendo best combo
tehfewl: Switch and PC is about all you need
Bruceski: I'm lucky because I am incapable of seeing "bad" graphics. Play two versions next to each other, sure, but if it's on a screen by itself I am perfectly happy with 30fps 1080p.
korvys: PS5 still has exclusives
betweenmyself: nah, you go to the official Destiny 2 forums and you got all kinda weirdos slamming each other’s console choices riffThink
goombalax: Already playing the game? its only been 1/2 hour!
MWGNZ: steamdeck is great
spo8n: pc bottom race?
North_Sol: PS has been porting them over eventually though
RealGamerCow: yes ellie, make a lot of noise with noise-sensitive zombies around
saucemaster5000: sorry folks, bloodborne ain’t for you (clutches ps4)
tehfewl: steam deck is small pc, checkmate
Juliamon: Steam Deck is basically a PC
TherapyforNarwhals: Trubografx is all I need baby
gualdhar: especially if you travel, having a portable console is great
Mr_Horrible: Why would you need a thing with no games on your steam deck, Ben?
tr3ewitch88: I won't lie I don't understand people who "can't " play a game because of the graphics being bad.... also I bed they hate a lot of the games that have come out lately
Thefluffiestguineapig: Steam deck seems clutch and it makes me sad I am poor
Andymonium: \o/
RealGamerCow: It's a good game, bront
Kuhfeek: It's a good game
letfireraindown: I do like how PC Master Race is just a self tell on anyone who un ironically uses it
ButButTheJesus: game good
NorthstarTex: Naughty Dog knows how to make good games
North_Sol: Today it was tarp talk
bytecaster: I'm sorry
Shurtal: according to the ad campaign, everyone here owns multiple xboxen.
SnackPak_: our b
SageofShadowzF: This is one of my favorite games
DeM0nFiRe: It's my fault, true
Kramburger: Ellie getting excited about whistling just hit me in the Dad
TherapyforNarwhals: Ya'll need a podcast <3
lamina5432: what’s your feelings on jello
plundypops: make joke
RockPusher: Ben is an Arch Linux user now, he's legally obligated to tell you that lrrBEEJ
Thefluffiestguineapig: I mean, how's Gus doing?
kimmibeans: I love my Steam Deck. Definitely best gaming purchase I've made
Scy_Anide: That reminds me I have rice pudding!
Mr_Horrible: it's just a little sweet snack
Mazrae: I feel like the only thing I need to do to upgrade my PC is my graphics card
bytecaster: Pudding is MUCH better
Mollylele: jello salad, my brother
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Scy_Anide Homemade?
RealGamerCow: top 3 puddings go
Pteraspidomorphi: That's true
saucemaster5000: pudding make jello look like congealed vomit
Texan_Reverend: GOG also working on Steam Deck is great, too.
Makrosian_Tay: Jello is negative-one food
frank_the_great: Also, shout out to phones for having great games now thanks to PC ports. Balatro, Stardew Valley, Slay the Spire, Bloons, etc
bytecaster: Iceberg lettuce of deserts
Mr_Horrible: no that's Candy Buttons
Uzumaki15: I'll freaking demolish a bowl of jello
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh here's the podcast for the next hour
patrick_stonecrusher: Thas why theres always room for jello
Strebenherz: it's the tofu of dessert
Shurtal: Jello is just a convoluted way to eat koolaid
definenull: These are the hot takes I came to this stream for
EvilBadman: Pudding fcks for real. Get a good butterscotch it's over
Lazy_F4: you load up the jello with that fruit cocktail and you're in business. but plain is very meh
North_Sol: Do not invoke the foul magicks of jello salad D:
Orxolon: Puddi puddiiii
Mr_Horrible: "stealth"
tr3ewitch88: Jello was fun when we were kids but now I feel like adults expect more
bytecaster: Jello is just eating nothing with extra steps
Scy_Anide: @Thefluffiestguineapig I'm sick (probably the flu) so I'm not making anything except phlegm.
Mollylele: it's a convoluted way to eat hooves technically
Mazrae: Jello is good to get electrolytes in you if you are sick and can't take solids down
saucemaster5000: hot take, love pudding, hate flan
Faulpyr: Jello salad is an abomination of the last century
CypherRaze: Jello is just thick Koolaid
Kramburger: Jelly is a dessert garnish
ButterBall000: Jello: Do you want to chew flavored water?
Mr_Horrible: love an aspic
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Scy_Anide I'm sorry, that profoundly sucks, I'm sending the vibes of my adorable cats napping to help you heal
Orxolon: Thank god flashlight doesn't have a battery
tehfewl: whats your opinion on Flan?
TherapyforNarwhals: Ellie don't look
MWGNZ: PowerUpL hifunkSickest PowerUpR
Mr_Horrible: "I'll let you go... to Heaven"
shendaras: seabatClap
Kramburger: No witnesses let's gooooo
bytecaster: Gotta teach Ellie how to deal with problems
Lazy_F4: it letting them go an actual option ?
frank_the_great: Ellie will remember this
Mr_Horrible: @tehfewl peak
DaFhaye: Jello is good but mousse is the best
Kramburger: Flan, from final fantasy?
Shurtal: Flin Flan
Mollylele: flinal flantasy
ButButTheJesus: @Kramburger weak against ice
RockPusher: !flan
Mr_Horrible: I have to remind myself that's a real restaurant name and not a vocal stim
thecwis26: 1/10 times my father would sneak pickle juice into my lime jello when I was a kid, so that was traumatic
Faulpyr: Rice pudding is my jam... that and just normal custard
Fanklok: Buy Flantasy Flan
bytecaster: There is a flan command?!?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Is this the four person flan they bullied you into eating by yourself
patrick_stonecrusher: Flan, from hit movie Envy?!
Kramburger: Is this the birthday that Adam ruined by bringing up the Jar?
saucemaster5000: flan his ass
YawnLance: Things did not go according to flan
tr3ewitch88: Every time I hear flawn, I think of the one courage, the cowardly dog episode.
SnackPak_: hell yeah
TheAwkes: Too much custard is a good problem to have.
Strebenherz: goated
Mr_Horrible: @Fanklok fell courage enjoyer sinuuCultured
Juliamon: bytecaster it's Serge's fault
RealGamerCow: WITH bananas in it.
Astramentha: boooo
EvilBadman: Just a wafer thin mint
ButButTheJesus: mmm banan
tehfewl: goat
saucemaster5000: there’s not a bad pudding
SquareDotCube: best gelatin flavor
Mr_Horrible: yeah banana pudding fucks
frank_the_great: Chocolate pudding OP
plundypops: that is serial killer energy
Mai_Andra: the GOAT
LostThePirate: I wouldn't turn it down if offered some, but I don't really seek it out.
bytecaster: Well, I'm gonna get myself a muffin, y'all are making me hungry
patrick_stonecrusher: Worse than jello
goombalax: great in the pie
tehfewl: with nilla wafers
fjordsword: banana pudding is the lowest of all pudding
Mazrae: My GF and I make banana pudding for all the major holidays
SageofShadowzF: Banana pudding is amazing
Makrosian_Tay: Not controversial enough. What do you think of Tapioca pudding
gamercat88: with waffers
empyreon: goated, with nanners & nilla wafers in it
public_key_reveal_party: tapioca is fine
0x6772: Chicken pudding.
Shurtal: nilla wafers are just barely a food
saucemaster5000: wha-tapioca rules!
Makrosian_Tay: Aw Ben got to it before me
SnackPak_: love tapoica
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ben I disagree
raulghoulia: Ben do you ever worry about the Reboot universe inside your computer?
thecwis26: agree Ben
drrek0: rice pudding is something I want like once a year
mrjujubeans: tapioca is where it’s at
Thefluffiestguineapig: Homemade tapioca pudding
North_Sol: Sir
tehfewl: Bread pudding
gualdhar: aspic is meat jello
jessieimproved: rice pudding can be amazing if it's done right
Thefluffiestguineapig: ASPIC IS CURSED
frank_the_great: Ass pic? On main
YawnLance: Aspic is just evil jello.
RealGamerCow: vegetable jello
Andymonium: you know an ass pic
Kramburger: Benn Aspic? The actor?
Makrosian_Tay: !Sir
LRRbot: Sir? Sir! It's Sonic's 30th anniversary!
sands2024: You should try brownie batter dip
Darleysam: it's 2025, everyody's eatin' aspic
Mazrae: !sire
LRRbot: Sir? Sir! This is a Hideo Kojima production.
Mr_Horrible: it's when you take a picture of your dumper
spo8n: blood pudding, because the english can ruin anything
bytecaster: You know, a terrine!
tr3ewitch88: Oh🤢
RealGamerCow: my wife LOVES tomato aspic and I cannot take it
ButButTheJesus: "ass"
Fanklok: Food from the 50's isn't real food Ben. It's a war crime
SquareDotCube: like olives
0x6772: Consult King Crimson, Adam. "Lark's Tongues in Aspic"
Mai_Andra: i remember really liking tapioca the rare time i had it as a kid, but i have no memory of the flavor.
frank_the_great: AND IT'S COLD
patrick_stonecrusher: Meat flavored jello
OmnipotentTrevor: It was big in the '40s or something
Mr_Horrible: aspic
kumatsu: Aspic is older than you are, Adam
Mollylele: yeah like tomato and ham and olives in a jello
hvsoccer909 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months!
hvsoccer909: That sounds horrendous but the games looks good.
Thefluffiestguineapig: It's from the 1960
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, hvsoccer909! (Today's storm count: 40)
drrek0: Aspic is an old timey food, not modern
Mai_Andra: savory jello was a big 1970s thing
The_Color_Twelve: meat jelly
sporkraptor: and fish
North_Sol: That's a weapon
YawnLance: Cold meat jello
betweenmyself: aspic is straight 1930s food
Andymonium: better, they put fish in it
Thefluffiestguineapig: And ham
gamercat88: tuna
lamina5432: I’m glad I found this topic that eeewww was fun.
EvilBadman: @spo8n That's pudding as a course name not an actual pudding
tr3ewitch88: I like to use the meat gelatin that comes off of your chicken when you cook it and rice, but that's it.
Mr_Horrible: usually lime I think
sporkraptor: big thing in the 60s, fish "swimming" in aspic
squ3e: What! I missed stall but im only 40 minutes late!
twistedsylvan: was that one of those things that got popular during rationing for WWII?
Mollylele: they used to make celery flavor jello
0x6772: Just gelatine, usually.
North_Sol: "apocalypse flavour"
RockPusher: Terrines on the street
GasCityGaming: Fellow saskie ever hear of headcheese?
NotCainNorAbel: Typically not a sweet jello
ButButTheJesus: hlorf
Mr_Horrible: the noises this man is making
OmnipotentTrevor: I recall aspic being unflavored gelatin
UnkeptFlea: mint jello 100%
saucemaster5000: yeah not aspicially a flan of them
Thefluffiestguineapig: @North_Sol Correct
Oscelot: I'm dying, I opened this on the TV and had to come in because this is PEAK
TheAwkes: Or just salty gelatin, without the fruit flavours.
ButButTheJesus: @saucemaster5000 :D
frank_the_great: I thought aspic was made w/ gravy, not fruit jello
ghizmou: you can have pate in aspic, that's kinda fine
Juliamon: aspic is for people who look at bovril and say "how do I make this worse"
YFiddler: i like it
Morrigan9: 1950's housewives favorite i think
patrick_stonecrusher: Real aspic is broth flavored jello, no sugar
YFiddler: some anyways
EvilBadman: Just Horse Kappa
goombalax: Head Cheese is made with aspic
Uzumaki15: My family will do orange jello with pineapple and carrots on thanksgiving
Scy_Anide: They called it aspic cuz the first time they made it they knew it was bad.
Oscelot: @Juliamon I mean
saucemaster5000: …tongue is pretty good ngl
tehfewl: tongue is good
0x6772: Buffalo tongue sounds great! Make me a taco with that!
frank_the_great: Blimy
SquareDotCube: how about the various old sausages
North_Sol: Did you tackle it in the outback?
Oscelot: @Uzumaki15 That makes sense at least, since carrots are sweet
SquareDotCube: that aren't salami
Mr_Horrible: I feel like kangaroo would depend greatly on the kangaroo
tr3ewitch88: Can we go back to talking about good food though 😅🤣🤣🤣
I_Am_Clockwork: Yeah, Kangaroo isn't much to jump out of your seat for or anything Kappa
Kramburger: Kangaroo is tough but we have the BBQ coat of arms
DaFhaye: Kangaroo is alright.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Juliamon I would like to punch up your sentence slightly, aspic is for people who look at bovril and say "hold my beers"
saucemaster5000: My dad tricked me into eating octopus by telling me it was chicken
Mr_Horrible: you 100% do not clear a roo, Ben
Oscelot: Okay, back to lurking. Bless, I needed this hehe
NotCainNorAbel: roo's will f you up
Mr_Horrible: you perish
TherapyforNarwhals: Squirrel?
raulghoulia: whale
North_Sol: Kangaroos are the mantis shrimp of land. Yup.
0x6772: Cat?
saucemaster5000: I
EvilBadman: Most people would die to a kangaroo
DaFhaye: In Australia they make you fight it first. To prove superiority
Thefluffiestguineapig: OH yes, they are just vicious
YFiddler: depends on the dog
frank_the_great: If you successfully defeat a kangaroo, you automatically get Australian citizenship
saucemaster5000: I’d lose to a squirrel
Orxolon: A dog?come on,you can Take a dog
DaFhaye: Shitzu
rhiannamater: 100 duck-sized kangaroos or 1 kangaroo-sized duck?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @saucemaster5000 Squirrels rip each other apart limb from limb
OmnipotentTrevor: like, beacle
OmnipotentTrevor: beagle*
7gorobei: kangaroo will gut kick you and you will take internal bleeding
frank_the_great: I'm built different (worse)
YFiddler: a chihuahua or something you could surely take on
cutaos: might be able to fight a quokka
Mr_Horrible: if one gets a hold it's over for me, but if I get a good kick angle I might make it
Thefluffiestguineapig: @7gorobei Or disembowling
SageofShadowzF: Theu are grouped up for a perfect molotov
kimmibeans: Mine is 100lbs, but he's big for a German Shepherd
NotCainNorAbel: I grew up with very large dogs. if they need to win, they will at least make sure that you lost
betweenmyself: once had a half hour argument with a guy who was convinced he could take down a chimpanzee in hand to hand combat pennyWhat
lamina5432: springer spaniel
jessieimproved: Medium starts at 30lb
LostThePirate: I appreciate that the guy most qualified to win a fist fight on the Crew recognizes that kangaroos would kick your ass.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @kimmibeans Fat or muscular?
rhiannamater: I'm built different, but like, incorrectly I think
twistedsylvan: I feel like the only animals I could fight and honestly win are like a bird
Mr_Horrible: sorry, only Sinner Bernards here
NotCainNorAbel: I have had to St Bernards. Such nice dogs
GasCityGaming: Bernese Mountain Dogs ftw
NotCainNorAbel: two
goombalax: St Bernard in a studio apartment
kumatsu: Adam forgetting about his talking dog again
Mr_Horrible: unlimited funds and therefore unlimited acreage
Astramentha: What would you put in its lil barrel
MWGNZ: my golden retriever is 40kg
0x6772: Right in the sternum!
Kramburger: My wife wants a wippet
sparkywondersnail: I used to help take care of a 200 pound english mastiff.
RockPusher: Streamer ranch
Thefluffiestguineapig: @NotCainNorAbel They are so good, they are great
Mazrae: I know male German Shepherds can be up to about 150lbs or wo
DaFhaye: Bernard's are adorable
Orxolon: This sunday sunday sunday!Adam vs a sheep!
RealGamerCow: A Saint Bernard would be great for Adam. They just chill
GasCityGaming: let the streamers roam free on the land
Mai_Andra: a house? oh, we're in magical christmas land now
SquareDotCube: dream bigger - Streamer island
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also they are just drool factories
gamercat88: start a cult
NotCainNorAbel: They actually do well in smaller areas too.
The_Color_Twelve: blarg
Fanklok: Convince Beej that a LRR streamer house is a good idea
kimmibeans: @Thefluffiestguineapig Muscle, which is surprising considering how lazy he is
Mr_Horrible: "I asked for this"
hatboozeparty: Grew up with multiple saint bernards, they are awesome
Shurtal: my mom had a Great Pyrannees. Massive, super floofy. you'd lose sight of your hand in it's fur before you hit skin
BusTed: Adam saw Beethoven once and it changed his life
DaFhaye: I've helped a rescue one before and they are lovely
empyreon: shake their head, get drool on the ceiling
7gorobei: what would the st bernard carry in the keg around its neck?
North_Sol: @BusTed XD
NotCainNorAbel: Mastiffs are also big dumb and doorly
ghizmou: I watched all of the Beethoven movies as a kid
frank_the_great: St. Bernard's are the rescue dogs w/ the medkit on their chest, right?
I_Am_Clockwork: you heard it hear first, Adam is a drool guy
Lazy_F4: Saint Bernard you better like brushing a lot
Arnye1984: Adam my mom has a 220 lbs Newfoundland
Shurtal: she'd sit down and rest her head on the kitchen table
Orxolon: This sunday sunday sunday!Adam vs a sheep!
rhiannamater: My mom (single and baptized) said "Awww Ben is such a cutie! Goodness, Adam is handsome isn't he?"
KeytarCat: LRR commune. LRRmmune
Forlorgen: would you get the mini keg collar?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @kimmibeans OH lord, 1, good on you because that's hard to do (sorry, I'm a vet tech) and 2) yeah, we're all fucked
Mai_Andra: get a bunch of LRR people to go in together on a big house with a half acre yard or some such
Mr_Horrible: that newfie is larger than me
SymphonySolstice: BEEG Dog
gamercat88: Adam have you seen Mastifs?
Yolysses: why a St. Bernard over a Newfoundland? or Burmese Mt dog?
sporkraptor: noofies are adorable
NorthstarTex: thats a lot of dog
protojman: "you big fuckin idiot" is exactly why I call our half shepherd part husky
North_Sol: Hear me out, small dogs. Forever be worried that you'll accidentally trample them. ;_;
Kramburger: GET IN SON
tr3ewitch88: It's the fact that they are avalanche rescue dogs that make me love Saint Bernard's.
gualdhar: Adam wants a dog that will take Adam on walkies
Uzumaki15: I don't need a Saint Bernard, my parents German Shepherd has some viscous freaking drool
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
Mr_Horrible: lmao
Astramentha: FBtouchdown
Thefluffiestguineapig: She baptized?
TherapyforNarwhals: Hi mom ;)
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
SymphonySolstice: he's in
public_key_reveal_party: lrrLUL
BusTed: lrrLUL
gamercat88: seabatClap
betweenmyself: single AND baptized?… but is she woke? pennyWhat
tr3ewitch88: LUL
Thefluffiestguineapig: I'm crying laughing
Darleysam: well.....
Mr_Horrible: I mean if the shoe fits
DeChunkandFriends: Adam is now your stepdad
Fanklok: Yes...
public_key_reveal_party: wait that's not the case?
Kramburger: Your little man's so cute Adam, how old is he?
kimmibeans: @Thefluffiestguineapig Lol, yeah, he's a big boy (he's 5' tall standing on his hind legs)
ghyllnox: LUL
Thefluffiestguineapig: Does she have a St. Bernard?
North_Sol: They're not interchangeable
rhiannamater: Mom asked if Adam needs another mom
Thefluffiestguineapig: @kimmibeans I"M 5' tall
North_Sol: A cute person is not rugged
SquareDotCube: congrats on the adoption Adam :p
North_Sol: Source: me
LostThePirate: Adam really rocks the salt and pepper hair.
ButterBall000: Is this related to the Adam wants to be a twink discussion from before?
sporkraptor: why are these guys bad?
sporkraptor: (yes I just got here)
kimmibeans: @Thefluffiestguineapig Me too, which is why i know the height :D
sporkraptor: the guys he's killing in the game, that is
kumatsu: the dirty thirties
NotCainNorAbel: still won't move out
Kipstar: he sleeping through the nite yet?
Juliamon: they want to kill us, that's why
YawnLance: The terrible thirties, you know how it is
Mr_Horrible: the terrible twooooenties
saucemaster5000: I see he’s still in velcro shoes
Darleysam: thanks, he's 384 months!
TherapyforNarwhals: Making your way downtown?
RealGamerCow: "he's 387 months"
North_Sol: Wheelies or bust
Lobo_Apache: If there was a time I would have wanted to throw a tantrum, it would have been in my 30s
rhiannamater: Hey Ben are you my stepbro now? NOT IN A STUCK IN THE DRYER WAY
tr3ewitch88: I'm thoroughly convinced that every single age correlates to a version of drunk friend.
Mr_Horrible: I have never not tied my shoes and I ain't not starting now
sporkraptor: @Juliamon well yeah, after MC's been killing a bunch of them
0x6772: I own a pair of adult-sized heelies.
Juliamon: sporkraptor They're the ones that t-boned us first
SnackPak_: dude was living his best life
SymphonySolstice: heelies are tight I wanted them
kumatsu: I'd heelie around now if convention centers hadn't all banned them
Thefluffiestguineapig: @kimmibeans I'm crying laughing at the combo of your dog (who genuinely sounds like a delight) and this conversation.
Makrosian_Tay: @rhiannamater Very important distinction to make
SymphonySolstice: but I probably would've busted my face
0x6772: Haven't taken them out in quite a while, but still.
North_Sol: Oops. I've been calling them wheelies my whole life
tr3ewitch88: Wow
Kramburger: Chat? Chat.
Kramburger: Be COOL
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh I need to go get water because I've been laughing so hard
Mr_Horrible: there's guns downstairs?
Robot_Bones: well its good that you always wanted him then
sporkraptor: @Juliamon huh... I missed a lot, I guess.
MWGNZ: @Kramburger im always cool
RealGamerCow: I just thought about how hard it would be to actually crouch-walk backwards down a set of stairs
Mr_Horrible: just faceplant directly into the dumpster
rhiannamater: I think I would be your older sister, at 34. Maybe Irish twins?
Mr_Horrible: mildly dangerous, probably, but very relatable
raulghoulia: Punky Brewster
Darleysam: when does Joel turn to Ellie and say "well, looks like I'm The Walking Dad"
TherapyforNarwhals: Adam getting stuck in a dryer?!
ButButTheJesus: @LostThePirate is ur kid a cat
sporkraptor: oh yah
Mr_Horrible: yeah that was a thing with old fridges
RealGamerCow: Very special episodes
cutaos: old fridges used to lock
gualdhar: that was a sidequest in Fallout 3 or 4
HorusFive: Very special episode territory
0x6772: Per Indiana Jones, that's how you survive a nuclear blast.
SnackPak_: I feel like that was an 80s thing
Shurtal: that used to be a PSA thing, yeah
tr3ewitch88: @lostthepirate my cat does that.... my kids are too big
saucemaster5000: my college roommate broke our dryer by trying to take a “dryer ride” when on shrooms
public_key_reveal_party: fridge doors used to lock and were airtight, so yeah
SnackPak_: like quicksand
EvilBadman: 1950s fridges latched shut
KeytarCat: My ankles are too flexible for heeleys, I catch my heel on the ground and grind to a halt
RockPusher: Old fridges had to have very chunky latching mechanisms
patrick_stonecrusher: That was 50s style latch door fridges
SymphonySolstice: I have an irrational fear of getting stuck in industrial freezers
Thefluffiestguineapig: @MWGNZ That's good, I'm not, I was just crying laughing about a 5' tall standing on his hind legs German Shepherd and Adam snap giving out his email to a single baptized mom who said he was cute
brainbosh: Old Punky Brewster episode about that exact thing lol
Mr_Horrible: peak realism, Indiana Jones 4
raulghoulia: original plot to Back to the Future had the time machine as a fridge but they were worried lids would climb in
BusTed: @brainbosh I remember that one
betweenmyself: Punky Brewster episode,
sporkraptor: that's pretty dark for Punky Brewster o__o
betweenmyself: @brainbosh beat me to it
sparkywondersnail: Now fridges use magnets
cutaos: used to have to take doors off for safty when throwing away because of that
HorusFive: These kids- with their fridges you can't get trapped in
0x6772: Old fridges latched shut because old floors were NOT level.
Mr_Horrible: Punkibald Brewster?
Kramburger: Our fridge has a latch because toddlers
Texan_Reverend: There's a reason that modern fridges vacuum seal rather than latching shut.
goombalax: the movie with the crystal alien skulls always gets shit for the nuke fridge
saucemaster5000: you don’t wake up and think about PB?
ghizmou: I so would have
SymphonySolstice: got a sick ass car instead
0x6772: Yeah, that B2tF thing is true, based on early scripts.
Makrosian_Tay: I love that line of dialogue so much
EvilBadman: @kramburger Yeah you can let me out
korvys: @Kramburger Yeah, well wouldn't want them escaping
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Texan_Reverend For real
Kramburger: Can't imagine back to the future without the delorian
NorthstarTex: So deathtrap cars are better than fridges then huh
Makrosian_Tay: Ben did you catch Ellie's comment?
xantos69: Yep. And they were going to use a nuclear bomb to get the energy for time travel.
North_Sol: Fridges can go 88 miles per hour
0x6772: So, you know, they chose a coke-fueled insane car instead. Cool?
Kramburger: @EvilBadman Have you learnt your lesson?
Mr_Horrible: "skill issue"
North_Sol: in Indiana Jones
Darleysam: sounds like natural selection to me
tr3ewitch88: They were like oops.
HorusFive: Kids start out REAL dumb, Ben
rhiannamater: Similar to the Ikea dresser that kept crushing kids
Thefluffiestguineapig: Because they didn't ever interact with a child
RealGamerCow: yeah when I was a kid instead of removing the feature, they just said "Don't be do dumb, idiot"
ghizmou: that's why they print on all plastic bags inside child toys : this is not a toy
Mr_Horrible: it's like the saying that every OSHA regulation is written in blood
Darleysam: score one for the gene pool
Mai_Andra: to be fair, it was the fridge firing out like a cannonball that seemed ridiculous.
North_Sol: @rhiannamater wait what
The_Color_Twelve: its true
Mr_Horrible: like, for fun?
gamercat88: yeah
public_key_reveal_party: I mean, I work in software, so less vital, but yeah, users will always break shit in ways you don't think of
DandyGeek: there was a toy bat, a "mondo" bat, that went into toy stores two weeks later, the stores received stickers that said "DO NOT PUT HEAD INSIDE BAT"
saucemaster5000: was it one specific dresser?
SymphonySolstice: product development is 90% "who would be dumb enough to hurt themselves with this thing" and trying toooooooooooooooooo tnot do that
tr3ewitch88: Did kids are just your drunkest drunk friend
Kramburger: It's true, I was the dresser
GasCityGaming: ont on their own but like the kids had to climb on it
goombalax: was it just one dresser in the showroom with a taste for blood
Mr_Horrible: Small Soldiers sequel
LostThePirate: People who don't spend a lot of time around kids don't understand just how underdeveloped their reasoning skills are, looool.
SymphonySolstice: o key you good wh
raulghoulia: dresser with the green goblin face
rhiannamater: That Malm dresser
0x6772: The Kïd Kroöschyr
spo8n: open the drawers and climb it like stairs?
Astramentha: @mr_horrible I almost spit out my drink
Thefluffiestguineapig: I mean household furniture kills more people per year than sharks do
EvilBadman: That's why every ikea thing has wall anchors no one uses
rhiannamater: It's like Rubber, the killer tire movie
WiJohn: Definitely a novel from his coke period
gamercat88: same with why all bags tend to have not for small children, not a toy on the outside of it
Mr_Horrible: I got mixed by Small Soldiers, all the marketing made it look like the monster toys were the villains
Darleysam: "place child hjere"
Thefluffiestguineapig: @rhiannamater Or that movie with Jeans that drink all your blood
HorusFive: @Thefluffiestguineapig Cows kill more people than sharks yearly (mostly accidentally- but not always)
RockPusher: Kids doing silly things without thinking about consequences is understandable — it's the adults who should know better that are exasperating
NorthstarTex: I call being the crazy lady yelling at the Ikea dressers yelling "we built you!" while holding an Allen wrench
xantos69: My heart goes out to any parents who had a kid die from a fridge or drowning in a bucket or anything. But also... like that just isn't on the guy who made the fridge. Sometimes dumb kids just die.
saucemaster5000: ikea is for couples only
RealGamerCow: @HorusFive damn right not always
HorusFive: Death gets Chat going
Mr_Horrible: the Paragraph Paragons are out in force
goombalax: ever break a bone as a kid?
Mollylele: damn look at that remastered water
0x6772: Ikea is for destroying relationships, at least in the shopping phase.
public_key_reveal_party: i definitely did dumb shit, I just got lucky to not die or get seriously hurt
Thefluffiestguineapig: @HorusFive Well they are always aiming for grievous bodily harm
North_Sol: Or pre-divorced men
Thefluffiestguineapig: And poor people
saucemaster5000: you know what’s goated? ikea cafeteria meatballs
Darleysam: whose..
North_Sol: or pre-married men, tyvm
MyrddintheWizard: ah Jonathan Colton
Mr_Horrible: I've never done anything *quite* that dumbly dangerous, but I did jump down 2 flights of stone steps at debate camp one summer
spo8n: that's not a raft that's just a pallet
LostThePirate: I recently got a new, cheapo dresser; it said I needed a second person to lift it and, like, I'm *really* out of shape and had no difficulty turning it upside down.
Mr_Horrible: basically took all the skin off my knee
SnackPak_: thanks Doc
AdamLavadan: Didn't see the stop sigh eh adam?
Makrosian_Tay: !sir
LRRbot: Sir? Sir! Did you know Detroit was on the Underground Railroad, a route for slaves escaping into Canada during the American Civil War?
raulghoulia: good bedside manner
shendaras: =(
SymphonySolstice: my babysitter threw me into a wall (accidentally) when I was 6 and busted my arm
Thefluffiestguineapig: I've fished partially constructed IKEA out of dumpsters and finished putting it together by myself
Kramburger: My wife loves Ikea, she kitbashed out office desks
EvilBadman: Chat not recognizing JoCo lyrics smh
lamina5432: a friend sent me a video of a guy trying to run through 1000 layers of duct tape today it didn't go well for him
0x6772: Hey! Ellie! Learn to swim!
betweenmyself: I mean I’m the kid who had his stomach pumped five times before the age of four for eating… not great things
Kramburger: Jesus fuck
RockPusher: "Adam is uneven now, better take up rugby…"
Molladia: How is that supporting her weight?
kumatsu: When I was 5 my baby sitter's little sister bit me in the forehead
Mr_Horrible: "Look the kid likes being the ball in wallball"
North_Sol: I wish there was a 5% chance for Ellie to accidentally miss the raft
Uzumaki15: In my 34 years of existence, the only thing I've broken is my nose when I was like 6
ghizmou: the ceiling was too high
RealGamerCow: I have *so* many stories, I should not be alive.
tr3ewitch88: I still can't believe ellie can drive but not swim
Darleysam: I just have one: are they still available for hire?
Makrosian_Tay: "My babysitter's name was Doom!"
saucemaster5000: I follow one streamer who got hit. by a car and when the paramedic asked what he did for a living he said “I’m not a complete dickhead”
RealGamerCow: I fell out of a 35 foot tree and walked away
SymphonySolstice: we were playing "earthquake" wherein I climbed onto her back and she tried to violently shake me off. cool game
RealGamerCow: just sticky
Shurtal: my nephew got part of his toe cut off in the foot rest of a recliner when he was like 1yo
goombalax: sus
ghizmou: fair assumption though
Makrosian_Tay: Good answer, good answer
Mr_Horrible: you've never done the Milk Challenge for content, you're not a dickhead
tr3ewitch88: I feel like if you're not a d******* You don't need to tell people that.
GasCityGaming: am I a dillhole
plundypops: starts stream "WHATS UP IDIOTS"
0x6772: Ben, I did that by reflex to a former partner's dog because I wasn't all the way awake yet. That was so long ago that that dog's lived a long life and died by now, but I still feel kinda bad about it.
Astramentha: dig up
phoenixletmeuseadashd: I mean you two did say kids should die more because natural selection earlier :P
Kramburger: It's work
Fanklok: Adam you called us fucking dillholes frame 1
Kramburger: 69420
North_Sol: Perception isn't the same as being a dickhead though
Mai_Andra: next week, auditions for new co-host...
Mr_Horrible: 69 69 69
RockPusher: Work is still work — performing for 3h at a stretch is hard
0x6772: 42-69-99
Darleysam: for instance, you have to remember codes
spo8n: 420 420
Molladia: engaging the chat and keeping up the banter is rough
phoenixletmeuseadashd: Ah of course :D
HorusFive: Jordynne- they asked for transcripts!
Makrosian_Tay: People should be more accountable for their kids' actions, that's all I'm saying
patrick_stonecrusher: 80085
betweenmyself: I wouldn’t want a bunch of strangers critiquing my every mistake when I play a game, that’s for sure
Mr_Horrible: it's a performance, and that takes work
public_key_reveal_party: note to self: lets nope guys are bad baby sitters
Makrosian_Tay: Are you telling me...streams can last for SIX HOURS? Kappa
kumatsu: I'd call Adam to watch my kid
Mr_Horrible: they're great babysitters - I've never been injured during one of these streams
Thefluffiestguineapig: Hence the Ian, no command
Makrosian_Tay: I watch cartoons, yeah!
HorusFive: Yeah- my kid just keeps repeating what you say at school and they keep calling ME to talk about it
RockPusher: Kids all about the quinoa now
saucemaster5000: now they eat space junk food and future cartoons
kumatsu: he wouldn't answer, but I'd call
EvilBadman: 22 10 56 ( I don't know if you found this note but eh)
Makrosian_Tay: Disclaimer, I am what you'd call a "big kid"
Kramburger: Ben what are your rates? My wife and I need a date night
NarishmaReborn: which LRR member would you least want to let watch your kid
ghyllnox: Yell a "hey chat" if you want the actual code
xantos69: Goo Goo
Robot_Bones: and they haven't sat on one baby
saucemaster5000: 27
AdamLavadan: I pooped can daddy ben change my diaper...
public_key_reveal_party: also you need to let them know if your wife is single
Mr_Horrible: large pizza and 1 game rental
Fanklok: I have multiple scars that occurred during these streams
SymphonySolstice: the kramburglings
tr3ewitch88: I actually refuse to babysit.Anything older than a Toddler
Lazy_F4: how old, how many are there, and how many fridges that latch closed do you have ?
North_Sol: how many babadooks
Forlorgen: Do they know how to draft?
kumatsu: skibidi out the door and right home
Mollylele: @narishmareborn Alex would teach my kid to build a crossbow and they'd come back slightly irradiated
Kramburger: My children are toddlers, so you'll be able to meet them on an intellectual level
jessieimproved: If you're trying to avoid skibidi and babysit I have bad news for you
Mr_Horrible: "Gonna show your kid Nosferatu"
kimmibeans: What's your rate to watch my 100lbs German Shepherd?
ButButTheJesus: @Kramburger :D
trebuchetboy: @Kramburger get em
saucemaster5000: can they do menial yard labor?
Mr_Horrible: daaaaaamn
goombalax: fucking shot
SnackPak_: walked into that one
Astramentha: gottem
NarishmaReborn: @Mollylele true, though i don't know if that's a dealbreaker for me
RockPusher: jlrrBaby
Makrosian_Tay: Unironically I watched a few dozen Skibidi Toilet vids and--from the standpoint of machinima and Garry's Mod video--it wasn't as bad as everyone says it was
Mr_Horrible: they'll be unionized by the time you and the missus get back, Kramburger
YawnLance: "That baby had a lot of really good ideas"
DandyGeek: that baby told me to invest in plastics
Juliamon: It's honestly a good series
EdibleDragon: Ben will skibidash right out of there and skibibandon the kid
SnackPak_: is that where Adam picked eating paste up from?
0x6772: A mind not as yet sullied by social media: probably some pretty good takes!
mulligan2six: The baby told me to invest in googoo coin and I think that is a sound investment
Fanklok: Member that time Adam ate glue?
SymphonySolstice: my (??) toddlers (2, 4) have unionized
brainbosh: Paste you can eat is just gravy
Kramburger: We do that when my one year old babbles at us "That's an interesting point, but I don't think the free market will fix the healthcare system"
OmnipotentTrevor: the wish audit
Orestes290: Babies grow 4 to 5 feet after eating paste, what else do we need?
Mr_Horrible: @Makrosian_Tay like most things it is significantly less sigh-inducing than its general effect on the zeitgeist
Makrosian_Tay: Very eloquent way to put it Mr H
silenceaux: If you can jump that high, you just need to figure out some kind of parachute...
North_Sol: Right to pass, lady. Thanks
North_Sol: Oh no
SnackPak_: art
Mr_Horrible: "That's not a riddle"
Orxolon: "If you are magical,read me and grant me my beat scenario wish"
bytecaster: How DO taxes though?
Orxolon: *best
silenceaux: I would do a goblin's taxes
RockPusher: Adulting is hard for the modern goblin
tr3ewitch88: That hits home because I know my kids didn't learn that in school.
ButButTheJesus: ♪ Mama, Economy ♪
Mr_Horrible: "How can I get my writing published?"
raulghoulia: what does nicole charge you?
spo8n: you find a nice tax goblin
silenceaux: That's impressive, because your taxes are probably not basic!
SymphonySolstice: to pass this bridge you must answer these questions three: mother's maiden name, street you grew up on, SIN number
SnackPak_: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
Orxolon: Her taxes xD
North_Sol: People died, man
Kuhfeek: I don't get it
ButButTheJesus: LAWL
The_Color_Twelve: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
RockPusher: seabatClap
Kramburger: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
DaFhaye: I think they got the point
jessieimproved: I've been doing my household taxes, by hand, in the US, for years now. I've gotten good at it but holy bus the tax system
public_key_reveal_party: "hey, keep off my lawn"
mulligan2six: Mans all stanced up
Mr_Horrible: "That's mah brick, you best not be lookin at *MAH* brick, stranger"
DaFhaye: I like how he didn't warn his buddy
0x6772: Well, this is going well.
Makrosian_Tay: Adam I think you'd appreciate this; my Phys. Ther. says I gotta start working on strength, but I'm a little poor, so today I've been wearing an overstuffed backpack while I do my chores around the house. Improvise, adapt, overcome! seabatBRAIN
Cptasparagus: is Ellie Morty now
GasCityGaming: very stealth when no one to hear
North_Sol: He's a ghost
Mr_Horrible: he's doing the Pacer Fitness test
Orxolon: What i never got about games Is:why are deodorants a heal?
InconsiderateHat: Byeeeee
North_Sol: @Orxolon I know Monster Hunter does it, don't know any other ones though
jessieimproved: and a brick? in this economy?
bytecaster: @Orxolon What you can't smell, can't hurt you
Orxolon: Resident evil
Juliamon: Orxolon I think it's meant to be an antibac spray
North_Sol: Ah true
Orxolon: Some rpgs
Mr_Horrible: @Orxolon that's not deoderant, that's just, like, antiseptic spray
Orxolon: Aaaahhh
EvilBadman: "You guys don't mind if I got through your shit" is this game basically
Orxolon: And that gives you health?
n3ther: that mattress looked comfy Keep
Mai_Andra: maybe it's a Murphy bed.
Juliamon: like, a saline wash
Makrosian_Tay: Run with bag has potential 🤔
Mr_Horrible: body weight exercises are also pretty good for mileage
SymphonySolstice: find someone with a 220lb dog
Juliamon: Orxolon I mean, as much as pills do instantly
SymphonySolstice: lift that thang
DaFhaye: I really like hiking
raulghoulia: i know its the end of the world and all that but do something with your garbage, people
Makrosian_Tay: Dang!
Orxolon: Hahahaha true
DaFhaye: I did a little when I lived in vegas
tehfewl: walking around listening to podcasts is definitely the way to go
kimmibeans: I wonder if the toilets still work. This looks like a great place to poo
Mr_Horrible: no car means I'm either walking or using public transit and then walking
AdamLavadan: Weird flex but okay
Makrosian_Tay: Who needs weights. I got like 10 commander decks LUL
InconsiderateHat: I've been doing 100% bodyweight training for a while now, I love not having to go to a gym
Makrosian_Tay: I'm only slightly joking
LostThePirate: One of my uncles was realy popular in college for hiking trips, because he'd backpack a pony keg up a mountain.
Fanklok: We doing fitness talk again?
tr3ewitch88: Everybody should walk for 30 minutes a day.
North_Sol: @tehfewl Heck yeah, rougher in winter though. Well, location dependent
n3ther: Ben
Lazy_F4: "I was saying boo-urns"
SageofShadowzF: Just got a standing desk and working on getting a walking pad for work
bytecaster: Ben
ButButTheJesus: Ben
sands2024: I want a cain Corso
korvys: Laying pipe
Shurtal: bazornga
squ3e: boooooooo
SnackPak_: good joke streamer
DaFhaye: Bricked up then you gave him some pipe
Mr_Horrible: see this was an example of "setup" and "payoff"
Makrosian_Tay: Billy the Big Mouth Bass(ball bat)
0x6772: The "exercise" regimen I've stuck with since I was in college is: "Do something that makes you sweat for about 30 minutes a day." (For me that's often swimming or biking, but you do you.)
bytecaster: Does anxious pacing count?
raulghoulia: these guys ran you off the road and now your tracking each one down systematically and killing them one by one
0x6772: (I don't think eating hot peppers counts.)
kimmibeans: @Fanklok I was so proud, I actually went the gym after our last fitness talk! Then I sprained my ankle and it's still healing :(
Mr_Horrible: it's just that generally you don't want your legs inactive for *super* long periods of time
Transmuted_Elf subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 36 months!
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Mr_Horrible: blood settling and all that
Makrosian_Tay: @raulghoulia the way Richard Garfield intended Kappa
tehfewl: just got to remember, anything is better than nothing
EvilBadman: Regular walk makes your health mindset better at a base level
saucemaster5000: I walk plenty to the counter for my cheese danishes
Orxolon: Must be soooo tiresome to walk like that for 5 minutes
LostThePirate: I have been having knee pain for several months now, and got my MRI results today. Turns out I've been working on my feet with a sprained knee for who knows how long... :P
Thefluffiestguineapig: You can do ankle rolling in a chair and it can count
squ3e: Its the button on the controller that says listen
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 did the new ones not fail you for the last time?
Fanklok: Adam is started doing stairs after my workout because of you
tr3ewitch88: No it's 30 minits of flat ground walking is good for you and anything more is just better... that's what I keep being told
public_key_reveal_party: I wish I could walk to my gym, there's like, half a mile of just road with no sidewalks
Fanklok: Yeah fuck you (affectionate)
Thefluffiestguineapig: Stairs are fucked
North_Sol: WA-ohh
ghizmou: you can actually walk too much
UnkeptFlea: if only you could craft faster
xantos69: James is that you?
Mr_Horrible: I basically try to walk at least 15-30 minutes a day, either for errands or just doing a lap around my apartment complex
shendaras: ah, the craft speed
TherapyforNarwhals: I work retail, most my job is walking :D
Thefluffiestguineapig: I do horseback riding as my cardio plus walking dogs as my cardio
Thefluffiestguineapig: Plus you know, I walk as part of my clinic job I guess
Mr_Horrible: remaster btw
betweenmyself: if only there was a pill you could take…
kimmibeans: I honestly miss being able to take public transit to work because I got so much more baseline exercise between walking to and from the station and the stairs
LostThePirate: Yeah, like that ability that could've turned Oliver into a bat...
Makrosian_Tay: I WISH I had the stomach for climbing, but I get so scared
DaFhaye: I wish I could. I need to lose a lot more weight first
ghizmou: rock is too hard for me, I'm more of a couch climber
Thefluffiestguineapig: The Paris Olympics inspired a lot of people
bytecaster: After all those video games I can only climb if there is some yellow color on the thing I want to climb
Kramburger: Diet is hugely important
Mr_Horrible: truuuu
North_Sol: but my carbonated water
North_Sol: oh phew
saucemaster5000: soda and booze immediately is a weight loser
Strebenherz: I could uhh probably drink less soda
Fanklok: Literally just eat less, barring any medical conditions
GasCityGaming: uuuhg i know but it's so hard
tehfewl: Diet > Exercise by far
Mr_Horrible: if I actually stopped drinking alcohol lrrLUL
Pheonix888: Sounds like Ben should take Protean
awildshen: switching to bubbly water and diet pop ios huge
LostThePirate: I've switched to no sugar energy drinks and flavored fizzy water.
DaFhaye: My metabolism is like dead. I really need to get it back
Makrosian_Tay: Dang!
SwarlonBrando: how long did you stick with that, Adam?
TherapyforNarwhals: Would you ever care to stream that kinda thing Adam?
Mr_Horrible: but I'm basically at water, black coffee, and drinks with friends
tr3ewitch88: I dropped 15lbs by just cutting out sugary drinks
Makrosian_Tay: Same Ben. Same
kimmibeans: @DaFhaye Exercise is good for raising your metabolic rate, but you have to do it regularly
North_Sol: Aspartame has its claws deep in me
AdamLavadan: None of us can lie, Adam is straight goals
SymphonySolstice: I can only drink like one pop a month it's just so much
GasCityGaming: I honestly think mine is just out of habbit at this point
saucemaster5000: I’m a soda lifer, they’ll take it from my dead diabetic hands
jessieimproved: Pro tip if you're trying to drink less alcohol make yourself drink a whole glass of water in between each drink
The_Timo: I'm too hooked on soda... moving to the city I couldn't do the tap water change
Mr_Horrible: learning to love the taste of water
Jennie_Fuchsia: so many people told me to cut out sugary sodas and I was like- I never do? “switch to 2%” from skim?
Uzumaki15: If it weren't so expensive I'd legit cut soda for grape juice
betweenmyself: I drink *maybe* three sodas in a year
n3ther: I quit drinking soda in high school
GasCityGaming: i do the diet stuff, though that's not exactly THAT much better
Orxolon: How about juice with sugar?
SwarlonBrando: been thinking about kicking alcohol, i don't drink very often, but when i do i go pretty hard
tr3ewitch88: Yeah, you'd be surprised. How many sugar and carbs is in a beer?
saucemaster5000: yeah alcohol is a big weight gainer, folks don’t realise
Strebenherz: on one hand i want to take adam's advice, on the other hand dr pepper keeps me from committing crimes
SageofShadowzF: I went from 390 to 325 by cutting out sugary drinks and getting proper medication for diabetes
jessieimproved: My secret tech is that I hate soda
Makrosian_Tay: Yeah, sugary *drinks*. I don't have any those things. Nope, no sugary *drinks* in this house 👀
ButterBall000: I'm such a sucker for carbonated lime water
n3ther: nodders
Strebenherz: ehhh it's good advice
n3ther: oh
Mr_Horrible: he's dead
TherapyforNarwhals: Dead
SwarlonBrando: my doctor, twitch streamer Adam, said
MWGNZ: moving in to 'go talk to a nutritionist' territory
Mr_Horrible: that's the last of him
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeah, then the challenge becomes consult a medical professional
Lazy_F4: the spine buster
ThePixelSavage: he would be so dead
tr3ewitch88: Well, everyone's gotta live their own life.
TherapyforNarwhals: Definetly dead
kimmibeans: #AdamIsNotADoctor
definenull: Welp
n3ther: how did he survive that lol
enbycephalopod: I used to work at a liquor store and people would daily come in and ask what booze was Keto
North_Sol: How is he intact
SymphonySolstice: rest in pepperoni
North_Sol: how much calcium
ButButTheJesus: video games!
Orxolon: What's your stance about juice with sugar?
raulghoulia: the backpack took most of the hit
public_key_reveal_party: he would have like, broken ribs at bare minimum
RealGamerCow: that's Mick Foley off the top of the cage
Thefluffiestguineapig: Hitting the water from that height would be like hitting concrete
Kramburger: Remember that real change takes time, chat. Crash diets aren't sustainable
EvilBadman: My guns broke the fall
Mr_Horrible: brother your spine just got thanos snapped
VeryBadLifeChoices: as long as you hit the water you're fiiine
WiJohn: Well, sorry you scared I'm going to drown in this elevator shaft now
Strebenherz: "Don't do anything stupid" CALLED OUT
TherapyforNarwhals: Water level without ellie? Amazing!
Makrosian_Tay: Anybody know is this accent is authentic from Troy Bakker?
saucemaster5000: stupid is a stupid doves
Mr_Horrible: wait, but *I* do stupid...
Mr_Horrible: erosGasp
Strebenherz: Sass aside thank you for the tip @adam , will keep that in mind
Thefluffiestguineapig: Grocery shopping in stagnant water?
betweenmyself: life is like a box of chocolates: a non-zero amount is going to be disgusting cherry cordials pennyWhat
ButterBall000: True weightloss is a long-game
Makrosian_Tay: Looking huge bro
KeytarCat: Me with HRT
TherapyforNarwhals: How long til you felt better?
North_Sol: For me the first change was seeing the shoulder muscle definition
Makrosian_Tay: You're actually an inspiration
SageofShadowzF: I think Joel's life would have been much easier if he just stayed home
SwarlonBrando: that helps to hear. I've been doing it about that long, and see some results, but I haven't been going at like, maximum commitment, i've been working at it like something I want to sustain for the next...rest of my life
Juliamon: Personal improvement of any form is a slow process
rosesmcgee: That's the neat part...
Mr_Horrible: you keep it up in confidence that you are making a positive decision
North_Sol: tarp talk
Makrosian_Tay: "Feeling better" is first and foremost a state of mind
saucemaster5000: call me a squeez-it
Fanklok: Getting in shape is such a long term commitment and the results are so incremental it's hard to tell they've happened
andy1503 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 87 months!
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MWGNZ: need those endolphins
Mr_Horrible: I'm sore every day but in the grumpy sense OpieOP
LostThePirate: Endorphins
Thefluffiestguineapig: You learn not to notice it partially
Makrosian_Tay: Grey Fox: "hurt me! hurt me...more!!"
SymphonySolstice: sore makes you feel like you did something
GasCityGaming: my brain doesn't like breaking the exercise habbit/pattern
Makrosian_Tay: MGS fans will get that joke
EvilBadman: Kids yearn for the mines, the elders desire soreness
Mr_Horrible: why would you want to end orphans, Adam?
Mr_Horrible: haven't they dealt with enough?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @GasCityGaming Yeah, the routine is BIG for me
Pharmacistjudge: I hate being sore. I’m just over a year and I don’t “see” any results. it honks.
Mr_Horrible: one of these days
Mr_Horrible: I'll leave this prison in a pine box
Thefluffiestguineapig: Wait, don't y'all need to take a break soon?
Makrosian_Tay: I'm too scared to bait out the ban, but I know it's a rite of of passing for any frog
Mr_Horrible: there's a lot of truth in "Never too late to start"
Makrosian_Tay: trog*
Pharmacistjudge: I didn’t take any pictures. I am too self conscious to even do that
RealGamerCow: i need it to be spring so I can do my outdoor chores and get strong again.
Orestes290: It's too easy to 'see' the plateau
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Pharmacistjudge ^^^^^^I only take pictures when I am incidentally in a picture with an animal
goombalax: I fucking hate compliments goddamn
Pharmacistjudge: like I know I’m getting stronger. number is going up. but visually nothing.
VeryBadLifeChoices: gonna get trench foot at this rate
Mr_Horrible: bro's gonna have trench everything
KeytarCat: Humans love number go up!
Fanklok: Keeping track of what you've done also helps, over the last year I've added 70 lbs to my bench press but I don't really notice any notable physical change
korvys: I'm always worried I'll be like "You look great, have you lost weight?" and they'll be like "Yeah, I'm really sick"
GasCityGaming: couple months i began seeing abdominal definition and that gave me a BIG boost of motivation
raulghoulia: just change your socks
North_Sol: Prevalent in WW1
Makrosian_Tay: You ever think about how G N A R L Y Joel's pants must be every night?
TherapyforNarwhals: Do you recommend diet or exercise change first? Which helped more?
Lazy_F4: keep skin in contact with water long enough and bad stuff always happens
Mr_Horrible: foot in bad water long time, foot go bad
Thefluffiestguineapig: During WWI
InconsiderateHat: On the one hand, I don't notice much change now that I've been sticking with my 30minX2 per week strength training for probably half a year, which is the longest I've ever kept a routine. On the other hand, I'm not pushing myself to the point of feeling sore, so hopefully it's still worthwhile.
SymphonySolstice: visuals all depends on the exercises you're doing and which muscles you're using too
tr3ewitch88: After everything is said and done at the end of the game, they're all gonna die of dysentery.
Jennie_Fuchsia: one of the best reasons to work out is Not Falling Down. forget appearances. it’s all about Not Falling Down
n3ther: NotLikeThis
saucemaster5000: the gym is mecca
Juliamon: humans are not designed for lengthy CLEAN water exposure, let alone this filth
rosesmcgee: Diet is more efficient if you want to lose weight
Lazy_F4: ohhhh rats. why did have to be rats
n3ther: you know who doesn't love the gym
Fanklok: I did diet first, each person is different
n3ther: ME
definenull: Adam is built different
SwarlonBrando: weight loss happens in the kitchen
n3ther: the gym is the worst
Kramburger: Technically I think that diet is more important, but doing either is good, really
Mr_Horrible: @Jennie_Fuchsia this is kinda where I've been at. Exercise is to help it feel fine to move around, and anything beyond that is gravy
TherapyforNarwhals: What do you love about it?
public_key_reveal_party: also, the change you can keep with is going to be the change that is best long term
kimmibeans: It was so muich easier to got to the gym in grad school when it was across the street :(
tehThane: whether to start with diet or exercise i think is mostly up to whichever is easiest for you to change.
Thefluffiestguineapig: It partially depends, if you are at all female presenting, even it unintentionally, the gym can be HELL
ButterBall000: American portion sizes are also the worst
SwarlonBrando: Adam how do you feel about cardio? i've been on a huge running kick lately
n3ther: I do enjoy cardio at least
DaFhaye: No I really do need to get on a serious diet again
North_Sol: @ButterBall000 I always get a kick out of the child-sized drink from Parks and Rec
rosesmcgee: I lost 100 lbs and even going to the gym 5 days a week the best results were from diet
Mr_Horrible: this is where we learn Joel is actually fine with wet socks and I lose all sympathy for him as a protagonist
korvys: Cardi O? Have we moved on from Cardi B already?
Forlorgen: cut sugar and cut carbs if you need to lose fat, but it turns to muscle so the scales wont always change
Kramburger: I do cardio at the end of each workout
InconsiderateHat: At least a little bit of cardio per week is recommended for sure
SwarlonBrando: god damn
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Mr_Horrible If they are wool socks that could potentially be ok short term
Styxseus: From what I've learned, exercise doesn't really help you loose weight, but it does a loooot of other really good things to your body and your brain
Thefluffiestguineapig: Goddamn
LRRbot: Flameblade Adept [R] | Creature — Jackal Warrior [1/2] | Menace / Whenever you cycle or discard a card, Flameblade Adept gets +1/+0 until end of turn.
SwarlonBrando: has this game ever given you a spook?
randomblathering subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 53 months!
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serramarkov: I like to benchpress the bar. It makes me feel strong.
TherapyforNarwhals: How long were workouts to begin with?
Mr_Horrible: bro looks like an enemy from The Forest
DaFhaye: Oh I love doing stairs at the end of a workout
Thefluffiestguineapig: @serramarkov I am a 5' biologically female person, so the bar is genuinely a challenge for me
The_Timo: hate the sneaky ones
InconsiderateHat: Hey, the bar is a weight! It has mass!
TherapyforNarwhals: Did you learn via people or internet? Youtube?
Thefluffiestguineapig: I do a lot of body weight stuff
Fanklok: Bar is 45 whole pounds
public_key_reveal_party: I like that this is ben plays a zombie game while he, adam, and chat discuss physical fitness
Fanklok: That's so many more than 0
Thefluffiestguineapig: Because I have so many genetic joint issues I learned a lot from physical therapy
TherapyforNarwhals: Thank you for answering btw I really want to get better.
tr3ewitch88: Nah, you wanna work out? Lift a needy toddler for 2 hours.
Thefluffiestguineapig: It was YEARS before I could bench the bar
InconsiderateHat: @Fanklok Holy moly! I don't think I could bench press 45, that's solid!
serramarkov: @Thefluffiestguineapig I'm only 4" taller than you, also bio female- it's a challenge for me, too.
Fanklok: Oh it's do waay more than 45, but everyone has to start somewhere
Mr_Horrible: it's a helpful lie, tho
Fanklok: I do
Mr_Horrible: because it's like 90% true
Thefluffiestguineapig: @tr3ewitch88 Or do two hours of lifting and restraining animals for a vet clinic, similar kind of challenge
public_key_reveal_party: if they're judging you they probably aren't someone whose opinion you should care about
Jennie_Fuchsia: if you’re walking not running it’s a lot more affordable to get a walking pad than a treadmill
Pharmacistjudge: it’s definitely a lie
rosesmcgee: If you're being a schmuck people are gonna judge you. Just be polite at the gym and you're fine.
InconsiderateHat: @public_key_reveal_party That right there is more the point
Thefluffiestguineapig: @serramarkov Yeah, all our muscles that are easy to build are lower body, any upper body strength is gained by tooth and claw
MWGNZ: be polite at the gym and wipe down gear when you finish
brainbosh: How do you keep from being bored to death at the gym tho
Mazrae: listening to you right now, is helping me get into the mind set to exercise, im going to get my resistance band and use that while i watch now
Mr_Horrible: I've learned that if I want a critical eye to a game this stream is not the place for it, and I mean that with all the love in my heart
MWGNZ: @brainbosh music
Fanklok: @brainbosh audio books
SwarlonBrando: headed to play dnd, cheers Adam, cheers Ben, cheers chat
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Mazrae Yeah, resistance bands and body weight stuff is the shit
Pharmacistjudge: I had to shame myself into consistency by getting a personal trainer and making appointments
Makrosian_Tay: Oh hell yeah, when I went to the gym regularly, I got so mad when people didn't wipe down
definenull: If there's a way to gym with the assurance that even God won't perceive me I would gym more often :/
Orxolon: I'm the kind of "fatso" that has a beer belly,and reason why i don't do gym Is judgemental stares From More "beautiful people"
saucemaster5000: lick your gear after wiping to make sure it tastes good for the next person
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh I get so mad because some people don't deworm their dogs
xVoxtric: Nothing makes me feel more comfortable in the gym than having my own little gym towel for things
Oscelot: @Thefluffiestguineapig It screws up the ground water too
betweenmyself: about a year ago I was sent to speak with four different specialists about rehabbing my shoulder who each gave me a group of exercises to add onto what I was doing… After two weeks I told the first guy that the totality of exercises added up to like two straight hours of just shoulder exercises
Pharmacistjudge: I still hate going to the gym. hate it but I know it’s good for me.
Thefluffiestguineapig: And some people don't vaccinate their dogs and then other puppies get VERY sick
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Oscelot Because some of those parasites are zoonotic
Pharmacistjudge: Victoria has a lot of concrete.
betweenmyself: he said, yeah, that’s way too much, and pared it down to 30 mins
ButterBall000: lick to recover salts
Fanklok: Adam I'm curious, what are your 1RMs?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Pharmacistjudge I hate it because I am biofemale and people are really creepy if I go by myself so I just work out at home and do my stuff at the barn
DaFhaye: Although make sure you use proper form. As someone who hasn't been able to walk much the past couple days it sucks.
public_key_reveal_party: well, this did motivate me to look into restarting my gym membership now that i've moved, so thanks for that
Makrosian_Tay: @Orxolon If it makes you feel any better, smartly shopping around the net got me A LOT of good at-home workout devices so I wouldn't have to go to the gym all the time
MWGNZ: also thanks Adam for talking about fitness in general, thanks to discussions like this i went from doing none fitness 2.5 years ago to finishing a hyrox at the start of the month
0x6772: As someone who frequents a rock-climbing gym: if you're the sort of person who's worried about people looking at you, indoor rock climbing might not be For You.
saucemaster5000: ah gottem ggs
tr3ewitch88: I can lift my 8yo.... so 72 lbs😅
Makrosian_Tay: A new Oreo competitor Kappa
Mr_Horrible: not much, hyrox with you?
patrick_stonecrusher: Those are those other Oreos
MWGNZ: 8 1km runs split up by things like '1km on the rower', or 'farmers carry'
Makrosian_Tay: Ben turn your light off LUL
TherapyforNarwhals: What do you listen to?
Mr_Horrible: oh damn, that's some real shit MWGNZ good job
Thefluffiestguineapig: High rep stuff is often good. Also going to get an eval to make sure form is good so you aren't breaking yourself is important. As someone who had genetic hip issues and who therefore had to get hip surgery and can identify people's weird lower body stuff by looking, watch form
kimmibeans: I would honestly much prefer to workout at home, but I have small 2-bedroom apartment and my giant dog and giant partner take up a lot of space lol
Mr_Horrible: audio days he listens to cardiobooks
SymphonySolstice: I really need to start a gym membership again, I cancelled it because pandini but after the place I went reopened they doubled their prices
Thefluffiestguineapig: That's a large white male privilege you ahve Adam
Orxolon: @makrosian_tay it does, that's why I'm excersicing outdoors
ButterBall000: "pick up heavy thing and put it down" was why I like being a grocery worker
Pharmacistjudge: I know I’m super self conscious about how I look. yet I’m fine with going swimming 3-4 times a week. so I’m definitely a hypocrite
Thefluffiestguineapig: I'm sorry, 8 1k runs???
Makrosian_Tay: WOAH
Thefluffiestguineapig: No, sorry, that wasn't meant to be harsh
Mr_Horrible: @Pharmacistjudge eh, it's brains, they're weird and particular, *especially* when it comes to body image
MWGNZ: @Mr_Horrible thanks, i've caught the bug and started training for a second one in july
0x6772: poooof
Lazy_F4: remember that melon that Adam crushed?
Sogheim: you just exploded that poor man
MacbethSeemsSus: Also don't beat yourself up if you miss a workout day. I know a lot of people who want to get consistent but miss a day, and then beat themselves up over it.
DaFhaye: I always find the lower weight more rep to be more satisfying
Mr_Horrible: @MWGNZ unstoppable
Mazrae: well crap, just went to look for my resistance band that i had but now i cant find it
saucemaster5000: I wait for it every day
InconsiderateHat: Oh, related! I started a pushup challenge today and managed to do 40 total incline pushups! (4 sets of 10)
InconsiderateHat: I'm proud of that
rosesmcgee: @saucemaster5000 LUL ?
paulthemapguy subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 33 months!
paulthemapguy: I salute you both as you are two very funny and enjoyable streamers!
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Fanklok: I've had a couple people come up to me and say "damn that's a really hardcore workout you do" and I'm just like ok cook thanks? I don't think it is
MWGNZ: @InconsiderateHat seabatClap
betweenmyself: I mean, I’ve never been asploded with a shotgun, so I can’t say one way or the other
tr3ewitch88: In reality, half of these people would have been like OF this and run away by now.
Fanklok: It's real weird
MWGNZ: go for walks
TherapyforNarwhals: Do we gotta take ad break? lol
loufghyslaufey: buy a job- oh, wait...
hypergirlie_hyperpop: what if i dont like physical activity in general and dont want to do it
MWGNZ: 'do more than you currently do'
LtSMASH324: Adam is actually lowkey inspirational
Orxolon: 90!?
Thefluffiestguineapig: I should have phrased that differently Adam, that was my bad with the privilege comment, I apologize,
loufghyslaufey: my bad, I take it bad, in a not-knot good way?
xantos69: I would rather die than work out. So I don't. I haven't been to a gym in 15 years. Also, I'm in good shape because diet is so much easier than committing time to working out (for me).
Mollylele: my fitness plan is gonna be all aspic-based
paulthemapguy: You need to show up for yourself and you deserve to go through that struggle to find out what your thing is
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Mollylele Welp, cursed
RhoxPaperScissors: getting a dog helped me get in regular hikes
Shurtal: there must be an impetus
Oscelot: @Mollylele Ah yes, the 50s plan
tr3ewitch88: Exactly... that's why zumba is a thing
Mr_Horrible: "Aspic for Ass Pics"
definenull: *grumble grumble* I don't like it but you have a point
Mr_Horrible: sure did kiddo
Darleysam: and his brains
0x6772: Making a game out of exercise works well. (That's why I like rock-climbing.)
Thefluffiestguineapig: For me one of the ways I got myself to walk was by introducing myself to all the dogs in the neighborhood, then when I walked I would look for them all and give them pets
VeryBadLifeChoices: baby's first murder!
NorthstarTex: good shot girl
DaFhaye: She's grwoing up
frank_the_great: Workout routine: Jog for 20 minutes, or eat aspic
Juliamon: Fuck OFF Joel
Oscelot: Hell yeah Ellie
Oscelot: Get 'im
tr3ewitch88: Can shoot a gun but still can't swim!
Kidror: Get his ass
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeah, tell this dick
DaFhaye: Joel sucks
Thefluffiestguineapig: Fuck you Joel
saucemaster5000: he has a case of the mondays
loufghyslaufey: "No, just walk it off."
Mr_Horrible: ngl kinda glad your daughter ain't around cuz you suck, dude
hypergirlie_hyperpop: Joel's not prepared to be a dad
Kaaosa: double nut
HadesLeprechaun: nuts all the way down
Oscelot: Nutception
Fanklok: It's been 20 years Joel, brie up
loufghyslaufey: No, no. Sadly, I vibe with Joel just fine.
betweenmyself: downright curmudgeonly, this guy
Kaaosa: you can't just say that
Kidror subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 50 months!
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frank_the_great: Dead daughter + dead kinda wife would do that
ButButTheJesus: juggawhat
Kaaosa: nut
Mr_Horrible: okay but if I'm a Later Dillhole, what am I *now*?
Mr_Horrible: riddle me that, Batman
0x6772: Short podcast this week.
Orxolon: Yeah 😢
DaFhaye: @Mr_Horrible That's Adam not Batman
Thefluffiestguineapig: @0x6772 We had a longer podcast earlier about mustache object permanence
0x6772: @Thefluffiestguineapig Fair point!
Mr_Horrible: @DaFhaye I've been wrong about this for like 7 years, how embarrassing
InconsiderateHat: @hypergirlie_hyperpop If you're asking "how do I make myself do it so I don't die of a heart attack" then you probably gotta do what I did: Check the minimum movement recommendations that make the long term health difference, then start doing that as grumpily as you need to and give yourself a reward after (or during, like a podcast). Sometimes ya just gotta do the thing. Habit forming is a whole other conversation tho.
Thefluffiestguineapig: I do love Adam started kvetching about not having a topic, someone wrote "do you like jello" an that was a topic for 40 minutes LUL
Mr_Horrible: @Thefluffiestguineapig god help him that boy can riff
tr3ewitch88: I kind of miss when Ben leaves the mic on
ButButTheJesus: another thought, Mike from Penny Arcade talked about exercise he was getting from VR once, if VR is something you'd be into, waving your arms around in like Beat Saber burns some energy
DaFhaye: @Mr_Horrible It's okay it's an understandable mistake
InconsiderateHat: Heck yeah, dancing is my favourite cardio!
SnackPak_: here we go
Oscelot: wb.
ButButTheJesus: wtf
The_Timo: Nah sounds like you volunteered
Mr_Horrible: I'm with Adam on this one
tr3ewitch88: No that's the best friend law
Thefluffiestguineapig: Hold onto your butts
Oscelot: I have Concerns
RealGamerCow: Was it a Beej snack?
0x6772: That's an Ian trap.
Fanklok: But what if you like it
DaFhaye: Ben do you also smell bad things then ask others to smell it
drcthulu: It was aspic
Sogheim: sometimes snacks be like that
Orxolon: He just wanted a shared experience
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ian snack?
hypergirlie_hyperpop: @InconsiderateHat im actually doing okay and i was being flippant about the fitness conversation, but thank you very much
Mr_Horrible: that's a "thanks for jumping on that grenade for me, homie" moment
tr3ewitch88: But sharing in a bad experience is part of the best friend law.
ButButTheJesus: ew
0x6772: Ben, you are the Worst.
Sogheim: it's called "sharing"
TherapyforNarwhals: Shared trauma
InconsiderateHat: @hypergirlie_hyperpop Yeah that's real XD
ButButTheJesus: no thanks
Mr_Horrible: yeah I'm sharing the experience of *you* doing something headass
TheAwkes: Stronger as a friend, weaker as a human. Because you've been poisoned.
Transmuted_Elf: would you try the Berverly beverage from coca cola?
korvys: Adam believes your judgement, Ben. That's TRUST.
0x6772: That makes it your turn to try the shitty thing next, Adam.
Shurtal: we, as humans, can learn from other human's actions, not just our own
Mazrae: question, i have a resistance band that one end around my foot, how many reps should i do
Thefluffiestguineapig: So Ben would try the Mayo soda?
tr3ewitch88: I totally made @sageofshadowzf smell a pizza candle
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yes there is a Mayo soda in Japan and it is carbonated
0x6772: Oh, you'll know when the next time is.
serramarkov: My best friend and I totally bonded over liking the same guy.
Sogheim: ok when it comes to Japanese snacks, the only thing I'm all in on are specialty Kit Kats. they have never done me wrong.
GasCityGaming: i've had that ranch soda, DON'T do it
Pharmacistjudge: i hope i can get some malort iced coffee for serge
CataclysmicReverb: It's like Mayo but good
0x6772: Also, I have a package en route to Mail Time…
RealGamerCow: kewpie
Orestes290: yolk only mayo
MolaMolaphant: kewpie, and it's thinner and sweeter
DaFhaye: Japanese mayo is drastically better
EvilBadman: More eggy
Juliamon: Like the doll
saucemaster5000: that’s ky jelly
Mr_Horrible: they made mayo out of ME????
Mazrae: there is a chain of stores that have butter soda and dirt soda and others
Fanklok: Kewpie, it's made with more egg yolks
hypergirlie_hyperpop: MAYO SUCKS ADAM IS RIGHT
Mollylele: @Pharmacistjudge that actually sounds kinda promising? maybe w/ creamer?
thesimbiote: It's a yeasted mayo made with egg yolks
Mr_Horrible: it's fine in moderation
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Mr_Horrible ^^^^I agree, it's overused
HorusFive: How can Ben be so right!
Scy_Anide: Is ranch a condiment?
The_Timo: place I go makes a sandwich with an amazing sundried tomato mayo
JosephDeath: You're both wrong. Very very wrong. Mustard is the worst condiment
InconsiderateHat: @Mazrae I feel like the advice I've generally seen about starting reps is to do as many as you can before feeling like you can't, but if that's like 50 on a regular basis you can probably kick it up a notch.
Mr_Horrible: Ben is attacking the Midwest, where I grew up, and he's correct to do so
Fanklok: Yo the fuck? I say we cancel Ben
SnackPak_: no way
RealGamerCow: dill dip for veggies
Kaaosa: mustard is good
Juliamon: Depends on the mustard
Kaaosa: what
NarishmaReborn: dark mustard is top tier
mrjujubeans: that is the most Canadian thing ever lol
OmnipotentTrevor: I mix mustard and ranch
enbycephalopod: ranch is the only condiment for school lunch pizza
Thefluffiestguineapig: Fried pickle dip is the only appropriate use for ranch
0x6772: You're upsetting so much of the people in Philadelphia suburbs, wrt ranch, and I'm here for it.
Juliamon: Yellow mustard is worthless
ButterBall000: Tarter Sauce?
The_Timo: That weird "mustard" yes
dougma: mustard slaps
Mollylele: mustard contain mustitudes
Shurtal: Jelly is technically a condiment
Mr_Horrible: if you're, like, only eating French's yellow or something
drrek0: Mustard is garbage
DaFhaye: Ketchup is the worst condiment
The_Timo: real mustard slaps
JosephDeath: Mustard overpowers everything it gets put on
thesimbiote: Mustard is the best.
GreyThey: Honey mustard - best condiment?
DudelidouX: even yellow mustard isn't the worst
Kaaosa: people who don't like mustard will never reach enlightenment
tr3ewitch88: Exactly
saucemaster5000: tartar sauce and peanut butter sammich
vogon_poet: Cranberry sauce is the worst condiment.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Juliamon The only use for yellow mustard is as part of making the deviled egg filling
tr3ewitch88: Meanwhile, Russian dressing is for everything.
RealGamerCow: My wife likes dipping fries in tartar sauce, but she's from Maine.
Oscelot: Tartar sauce is really good on crinkle fries too
Thefluffiestguineapig: WHY DRINK EITHER
GasCityGaming: hot caeser dressing is underrated
Oscelot: @RealGamerCow jinx
CataclysmicReverb: Mayo and Ranch are on about the same level of terrible, but Sour Cream is the actual worst (or maybe just bc it makes me sick)
rosesmcgee: Mustard is best for one reason: zero calories
patrick_stonecrusher: Yellow mustard sucks, whole grain mustard rocks
0x6772: I… would prefer not to "drink" either mustard or ranch…?
drrek0: So many varieties. And none of them good
Shurtal: @RealGamerCow she gets a pass
Mollylele: wait are we judging condiments by which ones are drinkable?
Orestes290: Sauerkraut on everything
Pharmacistjudge: there are alot of questionable asian condiments. like there are sauces i swear that is just like eating feet.
Oscelot: roflmao
Sogheim: I had a mustard so spicy it made my nose bleed
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Mollylele No idea
Mr_Horrible: fuck yeah, dude, share laynaReach
HorusFive: Tell them you're into Gold now
Oscelot: Nicole's family, bless. XD
Thefluffiestguineapig: 15????????
hypergirlie_hyperpop: that sounds like a great christmas, to be fair
HadesLeprechaun: yo curry mustard is the BEST
Oscelot: Oooo curry mustard
Juliamon: That sounds legit
RealGamerCow: Ben, try that on hot dogs. its so good
thesimbiote: Carolina Gold BBQ sauce is a mustard based barbeque marinade and is so damn good
frank_the_great: My favorite fact of mayo is that it's a mother sauce. Like, it feels so out of place in this list: béchamel, espagnole, tomato, velouté, hollandaise, and mayonnaise
Fanklok: Name drop the mustard Ben
MacbethSeemsSus: I'm a big fan of prebuilt PCs
Mr_Horrible: this is how Ben becomes a landlord
HadesLeprechaun: curry mustard is great on absolutely anything that can use mustard
tr3ewitch88: Just be like $100 bills are my favorite.
Mr_Horrible: his villain arc
saucemaster5000: I’m annoyed that ken has the best street fighter themed hot sauce
Thefluffiestguineapig: I like animal shelters I own
trebuchetboy: I like solid gold bars
TheAwkes: I've been on a really good South Carolina style mustard sauce recipe I got on Serious Eats. Tried it with a roast pork butt first, but it's great in a bunch of other stuff too.
Kidror: You like big boats and you cannot lie?
HorusFive: I think I'll start collecting "property"
Scy_Anide: But how many houses can you carry?
Orxolon: "I like trains"
Shurtal: Big fan of gold boullion
Revelia: Ben you better not talk about how much you love Remy else you'll end up with 4 new puppies
EvilBadman: Boats are holes in the ocean you throw money into
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Revelia Talk about dog toys
Robot_Bones: Careful you'll get 4 copies of Monopoly
Fanklok: I'm not Ferisar...
trebuchetboy: Gets 30 armies for Christmas
QuixoticScrivener: I'll take the shame pile of midness.
Mr_Horrible: "I've been getting really into investing in index funds recently..."
Thefluffiestguineapig: I knew someone who had a shame GARAGE
frameshifty: it's not a shame pile it's a strategic reserve
TherapyforNarwhals: Save scum
saucemaster5000: Damn ben
Mazrae: reload?
xantos69: reload?
Mr_Horrible: wow, I can't believe that you, the player, are a bad dad, and not this character that we wrote
sands2024: Goodnight Ben & Adam. I will finishing watching the rest of this on YouTube tomorrow.
MacbethSeemsSus: Queue the bad ending
TherapyforNarwhals: Let's go
frank_the_great: This is what time travel was meant for
TheAwkes: Brick: Joel's only remaining friend.
Thefluffiestguineapig: It was a two car garage, they had one car, the other side was shelves, of still shrink wrapped unopened Warhammer
HorusFive: Now leave her hanging again!
ButButTheJesus: Joel stfu
Thefluffiestguineapig: BRO
Kramburger: BEN
Kramburger: I SWEAR
Mr_Horrible: "let's play catch, kid"
Kramburger: Adam doesn't make choices for you Ben
Thefluffiestguineapig: Adam "chaos goblin" Savidan
tr3ewitch88: Adam... stop rubbing Ben🤣
Mr_Horrible: HE SAID THE LINE erosSoyjack
patrick_stonecrusher: No, that happens on tarp day
MacbethSeemsSus: Would you do that in a world with sound sensitive zombies?
Fanklok: Ben screaming "I learned from watching you" ar his canonically stepfather Ben
Mr_Horrible: "You control the buttons you press" etc etc
Fanklok: Wow I royally fucked that sentence
Thefluffiestguineapig: At that point then Adam would just be playing the game
Kramburger: God, I'm dreading the point when both my daughters are teens
0x6772: There is NO WAY those casters were locked up enough that he couldn't move it but her help broke it free.
DaFhaye: I really forgot how much of a dick Joel is
Shurtal: sasspocalypse
saucemaster5000: they might bite your shins
0x6772: Source: my mother's retired from teaching piano now, but owns both a piano and a harpsichord, and I've moved more pianos than I can recall.
Kramburger: I went to an all boys school, I have zero experience with teen girls
frank_the_great: Dead daught, dead kinda wife, watching a kid on her request
Mr_Horrible: nah, I'm different
Mr_Horrible: clear this shit easy
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Kramburger o7 I'm sorry dude you're screwed
0x6772: Because Joel doesn't have enough rifles on his backpack yet.
HadesLeprechaun: it is a well written, believable character, ignoring the typical video gamey cognitive dissonence of massive amounts of murder
Oscelot: "Congrats, you're a sniper now"
Mr_Horrible: "How much Stalker you played, Ellie?"
ButterBall000: Did she hit any?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Congrats, take them out at 500 yards
tr3ewitch88: Add it to the elli can't list
patrick_stonecrusher: Bullseyed womprats
consolecowboy88: so Ellie was the main character in fallout 3?
0x6772: So… that rifle's empty now, right?
0x6772: And she has no ammo?
Mr_Horrible: "write that down, write that down" kanagoNote
Orxolon: Hahahahah
RealGamerCow: yeah I don't do guns but didn't she empty it and not put something else in?
frank_the_great: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
Thefluffiestguineapig: There we go
shendaras: seabatClap
Kaaosa: jugganutcracker
Oscelot: Well, that's the closest we'll get to an apology
SymphonySolstice: bust his nut right open
tr3ewitch88: BEN!
7gorobei: nut 1 cracked
trebuchetboy: hehehe
ItsThugDimmadome: "Now you're a REAL American, kid"
Kramburger: Who up creacking their nuts?
KeytarCat: Better than nutting his---
tehfewl: Remember, Center mass
0x6772: BEN
frank_the_great: BEN
MechaKuuga: BENJAMIN!
CataclysmicReverb: Joel going through that cognitive behavioural therapy
Thefluffiestguineapig: BENJAMIN
drcthulu: gotta bust a nut
TheAwkes: There's a lot of emotional baggage in there. Does that make it a juicy nut?
DaFhaye: Someday we will get Joel to release
RealGamerCow: and sometimes the longer it takes, the more rewarding it is
betweenmyself: Gotta make him “come” out of his shell, etc etc
Mollylele: can't teach a old nut new tricks
Oscelot: So why are we attacking literally every other actual human we come across, anyway?
tr3ewitch88: May I suggest a bomb
consolecowboy88: man, my copy on my ps 3 is broken or something I gave up on the game after trying to do sniper stuff some years ago too
Kramburger: Speaking of old nuts, how's Ian doing?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Oscelot They are trying to murder us
SnackPak_: smooth
frank_the_great: Stealth
consolecowboy88: Ellie is cool though
Shurtal: the fact that Baby Mr. Peanut exists says yes
DaFhaye: Old tricks can always find new nuts
Fanklok: It's snowing
Oscelot: @Thefluffiestguineapig Okay, same question in reverse then ;)
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Kramburger He's made friends with the crows! Three of them took peanuts out of his hands two weeks ago
ItsThugDimmadome: "Did one of you grunt just now?" "Nah, just the wind."
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Oscelot No idea
Mazrae: that squat walk is hurting my knees
ButButTheJesus: croikey, this Joel is fierce!
Lysander_salamander: yay
Oscelot: @Thefluffiestguineapig fair enough
frank_the_great: The zebra in the lion documentary vs the lion in the zebra documentary
Juliamon: mmm ASL
consolecowboy88: now do a narration as Werner herzog
Oscelot: @Juliamon delicious hands
fjordsword: and rid us of your stupidity
Scy_Anide: Wait, Fall but no pumpkin? Immersion broken!
EvilBadman: Post-apocalypic FOMO
TherapyforNarwhals: Adam's cute
Fanklok: But caramel isn't a spice
frank_the_great: I miss Adam
Mr_Horrible: he's pretty cool and good actually
Kramburger: Yeah, I think Adam's really funny
Veshnikard: Adam is cute and handsome
SymphonySolstice: I'm allergic to nuts
Forlorgen: Im in love iwht adam
MechaKuuga: @LoadingReadyRun Do you really think Adam is not cute?
ButButTheJesus: Adam's a good bean
ItsThugDimmadome: Adam is ok
patrick_stonecrusher: I eat my boogers
protojman: What was that noise?
Makrosian_Tay: I never ate glue before and I feel left out of the conversation when Adam talks about it T_T
consolecowboy88: uhh my confession is this game has too many boxes
Mazrae: he shifted a little i think
0x6772: While we're tossing around coffee drinks: I've been playing around with egg (whole or just whites) shaken (like you would for a cocktail; dry shake) and espresso. It works very well.
consolecowboy88: but you are all cute
AdamLavadan: We confess that you're our favorite
Mollylele: any unbaptised moms out there who wanna speak up?
ItsThugDimmadome: That Ben guy's a bit sketchy, but he's cool so far.
tr3ewitch88: Adam's tallness makes me feel short...or it might be the 5ft thing
TherapyforNarwhals: He called you cute
saucemaster5000: we told ben the thing, sorry
Fancy_frenchman: I think Adam is hot, both physically and personality
Pharmacistjudge: quick type nonsense to scroll the screen
Mr_Horrible: and you say *WE'RE* snitches
Oscelot: he IS a good bean
Pharmacistjudge: very true, ben is snitching.
Shurtal: the focus noise really sounds like someone breathing into the mic, it's off putting
0x6772: @Mr_Horrible Takes one to know one.
Fancy_frenchman: but I just want to get a drink with him mostly
CataclysmicReverb: your other in
MacbethSeemsSus: Perfect
Oscelot: bye Ben
0x6772: Oh, good, now it's Ben-gremlin.
Kramburger: Make the L with your hands ben
thesimbiote: Y'all are both hot. An extra bonus for watching this stream
HorusFive: Cheep date then
Kramburger: Checkmate athiests
Pharmacistjudge: drunk adam in vegas playing 2 headed giant was hilarious.
MechaKuuga: Starbucks has water
shendaras: drink some water with a tall drink of water
EvilBadman: I know a real good water fountain
saucemaster5000: let’s go get a tall drink of the clear stuff baybee
kimmibeans: I mean coffee and tea are also drinks
BrindleBoar: you gotta hydrate, H2bro
MacbethSeemsSus: It's a special occassion, bring the Pellagrino
Mazrae: go get some high quality H2O
Oscelot: Your son is adorable Adam
Mr_Horrible: if you're hot and/or cool I'll go somewhere to drink water with you sure
kimmibeans: There's also juice bars
saucemaster5000: alright but filtered water does taste better
Fancy_frenchman: I’d go for some nonalcoholic beverages too Adam
tr3ewitch88: Well that works
underhill33: fish in a barrel
MechaKuuga: they sure do sound like exploding gushers when you shotgun them
drcthulu: the flanks
Fanklok: How is Ellie supposed to support you while you're inside a building
Mr_Horrible: he outsmarted you, and now his smarts are on the outside
Mazrae: question about water..... water temp, i drink mine room temp
saucemaster5000: I’m a sour warhead
kimmibeans: I mean, pretty much
0x6772: Please never say that again.
Mr_Horrible: pretty much
SymphonySolstice: uh oh gushies
Fancy_frenchman: Ben, if I see you at Chicago I have another present for you and Adam
Scy_Anide: And the worst part is we're all the same flavor of gusher.
Pharmacistjudge: it's not *that* inaccurate
ItsThugDimmadome: Not for free I ain't
Mollylele: big wet batteries, we are
frank_the_great: Man, it's been too long since I've ha a gusher
kimmibeans: we're just meat sacks with a giant hole in the middle
NarishmaReborn: omg the facial expressions on adam there
TherapyforNarwhals: Ellie aint shootin shit in there
kimmibeans: I guess that makes us meat donuts technically
Mr_Horrible: @Mazrae I have recently seen the light of warm water. Not an always kinda thing, but I've been liking it in the cold
EvilBadman: Gushin' ON A TUESDAY?
Orxolon: Wallhack
thesimbiote: Hey, Ben, I've been trying to send you some digital fanart since 2020, but I'm not on Twitter. Where would be the best place?
BrindleBoar: whomst among us is not a meat gusher
tr3ewitch88: She's not very helpful
Oscelot: She's been shooting
Mai_Andra: ♫ We're all juicy inside~ ♪ Everybody juicy inside~ ♫
Fanklok: Pizza Bites are gushers for masochists
Mr_Horrible: I mean you didn't really post up where she can help
HorusFive: You left her on a sniper perch and then ran INTO a building
saucemaster5000: the dangle angle needs a bangle
Mr_Horrible: you can't just comment on a coworker's dangle, Adam
Orxolon: Auch
SymphonySolstice: pipe yes, crowbar no
DaFhaye: I have done it
betweenmyself: Ben’s ready to lay down some pipe… wait riffThink
Orxolon: I mean...for my life?yeah
Mr_Horrible: they're mass market packaged sandwiches
Mollylele: they're full of ranch dressing
Muddy_Thunder: Whoa, the uncrustable slander
Juliamon: They have a specific purpose
Mr_Horrible: they taste like how you think
patrick_stonecrusher: Good
Mollylele: they're empanadas for white people
saucemaster5000: the uncrustable keeps thinking “cmon this is the week….”
DandyGeek: gotta put them in the toaster oven
Shurtal: the NFL goes through an ASTRONOMICAL amount of Uncrustables
Mr_Horrible: oh okay Ben lost his whimsy
thesimbiote: Uncrustables are lovely, especially when they're still just a little frozen
MechaKuuga: They are just sandwiches that are smushed at the ends, but they are surprising close to a real sandwich when defrosted
Fanklok: It's just a fuckin PB&J
0x6772: @Mollylele True
Mr_Horrible: I've never heard this claim
Pharmacistjudge: wait for someone to give you one Adam. One will make it to you eventually.
ghyllnox: Frozen uncrustables though
TheAwkes: The Mr. Noodles of PB&J sandos.
TherapyforNarwhals: Very name worthy
Mr_Horrible: got to watch a stream where someone made "cursed" uncrustables
MacbethSeemsSus: You could go with Lunchly and get that delicious mold flavoring
QuixoticScrivener: they are chewyer
thesimbiote: Yes
RealGamerCow: Now I want a fluffernutter
Mollylele: put frozen into toaster oven
thesimbiote: Very slightly frozen
brainbosh: I don't understand uncrustables. Why would you buy the simplest thing to make, buy something better.
Mollylele: crispy bread with cold jelly
saucemaster5000: I have found out the uncrustable mascots are “the bread brothers”
ItsThugDimmadome: @Mr_Horrible There's gotta be a Tinker Tailor of that by now.
tr3ewitch88: Look up what Australians call toasties
Fanklok: You made tuna uncrustables?
MolaMolaphant: It's a more unique experience frozen, I think it's better? but I also was never the biggest fan
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
Oscelot: Hellie yeah!
MechaKuuga: No you just take em out and let them defrost
consolecowboy88: Ellie !
0x6772: Nice… one shot? I guess?
Mr_Horrible: grill cheese
thesimbiote: Nah, you just pull one out and let it thaw for a bit. Great for taking with you as a snack
Mollylele: they're frozen so that they survive in like a baby's lunchbox but you can toast it like an adult
Shurtal: toasted sandwich
Mr_Horrible: or, grill cheems
Shurtal: usually grild chees
Orxolon: She made her shot count xD
MacbethSeemsSus: You're now a mass murderer Ellie
Shurtal: a panini
KeytarCat: Meal prepping frozen pb&j was how I survived 2022
tr3ewitch88: Yeah same thing ben was saying....they sound good
Fanklok: She hit that shot from that far with no optics?
Orxolon: @macbethseemssus serial killer for now
thesimbiote: Real talk, Uncrustables are great for dealing with low blood sugar if you're out running errands
0x6772: oh no
Shurtal: pizza pops count as Heritage Minutes
GasCityGaming: isn't mccain canadian?
SnackPak_: o7 Ben
Mr_Horrible: you're on thin ice, Ulmer
saucemaster5000: Philly cheese hot pockets tho…
DistractedMOSFET: deport him
Mr_Horrible: "Welcome to the final episode of Let's Nope, everyone"
Pharmacistjudge: we can hear adam's heart breaking
ItsThugDimmadome: Ben.
SnackPak_: turn in your badge and maple syrup
HorusFive: If you watch this clip you can see the moment Adam lost all respect for Ben
0x6772: As a representative of Philadelphia, we will accept you here, Ben. I have a futon you can crash on.
GasCityGaming: the KRaft Dinner pizza pop was mid
ItsThugDimmadome: I think Kathleen gave those out at a PPR once.
InconsiderateHat: Wait, are we debating pizza pockets vs the mccain rounds? Because the second one, hands down
Fanklok: So Adam moves to Talking Sim and Cori comes onto Let's Nope?
DistractedMOSFET: i understand, i am a kiwi that likes vegemite (it's australian....)
Karimsicle: there are dozens of us pocket > pops fans
Cptasparagus: did you just start singing The Star Spangled Banner Ben?
Orxolon: "look Lisa,If we go frame by frame we can see the exact moment Adam's heart breaks"
saucemaster5000: pizza lunchables were the hot ticket
Pharmacistjudge: i just had hot pockets and bagel bites
MechaKuuga: Is there anything other than Poutine that is a good Canadian culinary discovery?
RealGamerCow: ham and cheese Hot Pockets.
cptcobalt subscribed at Tier 3. They've subscribed for 122 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, cptcobalt! (Today's storm count: 46)
ItsThugDimmadome: @MechaKuuga HOney dill dip on tendies
Oscelot: KD
drcthulu: nanimo bars
tr3ewitch88: Maple syrup
InconsiderateHat: Butter tarts kinda
circusofkirkus: what's that weird ice cream
RealGamerCow: all dressed chips?
KeytarCat: Hawaiian pizza :)
Mollylele: alldressed chips are alright
RunicScribe: Nanaimo Bars
Makrosian_Tay: What does chat think of Nanaimo bars?
saucemaster5000: nanaimo bars
Karimsicle: ginger beef was founded in calgary,
circusofkirkus: tiger something
BusTed: I only know buttertarts from Steal My Sunshine
TheAwkes: California rolls.
Mollylele: "Boston Pizza"
patrick_stonecrusher: Pinapple pizzas Canadian
Shurtal: game crash
Oscelot: nanaimo bars are like week long foods lol
EvilBadman: Beavertails Kappa
Mr_Horrible: remaster btw
consolecowboy88: what’s the squeaky noise
ItsThugDimmadome: @circusofkirkus Tiger tail?
goombalax: according to wiki we got Butter Tarts
thesimbiote: Nanaimo bars are great, but so sweet
MacbethSeemsSus: Too deep a squat
saucemaster5000: oh you invented the caesar cocktail
Fanklok: I have heard that all dressed chips are very very similar to Zapp's Voodoo chips
0x6772: Why'd you try to open that grate? That's on you.
DistractedMOSFET: a very naughty dog in this instance
consolecowboy88: Aw hell
HorusFive: Game no work
GreyThey: I really want the next Loading Ready Live to have a nostalgia junk food sampling segment
Oscelot: "Game stop worky"
Oscelot: ROFL
0x6772: yes yes yes
Oscelot: They are going to be baffled
Oscelot: yesssss
0x6772: Ship it
SymphonySolstice: LUL
BrindleBoar: That'll really help them.
trebuchetboy: gg
Mr_Horrible: powerful
tr3ewitch88: FBtouchdown
Orxolon: Hahahah
Mollylele: "We're canadian btw" should be LRR's tagline
saucemaster5000: oh canadians invented pineapple on pizza — not joking
drcthulu: I'll point out that Adam said nanimo bars were bad right before it crashed
shushu2539: LUL
MacbethSeemsSus: Escalate this!
ButButTheJesus: "sir, check out this report" ... "mother of godddd"
RealGamerCow: some Support guy in Toronto: "Hell yeah brother"
LosSpikey: No safe mode, only danger mode !
patrick_stonecrusher: "Hey Siri, whats a pizza pop?"
Mr_Horrible: 1 nanaimo bar sustains a sweet tooth for like a week
Pharmacistjudge: that's me and cheesecake. the first bite is great and then i give up
TherapyforNarwhals: Fluffernutter!
Mollylele: ^^
LostThePirate: Fluffernutter?
TherapyforNarwhals: Love those as new englander!
Fanklok: I hope Graham calls you into his office on Thursday and says "Ben why did Naughty Dog call me yesterday"
saucemaster5000: god lemon bars slap
OmnipotentTrevor: So I just looked those up and saw coconut. I don't like coconut in anything, sorry
Oscelot: lemon bars are always good
Morrigan9: PB and fluff sandwitch is fluffernutter
TherapyforNarwhals: No that's fair
0x6772: Fluffer nutter is just marshmallow and peanut butter.
Veshnikard: Bottom tier
TherapyforNarwhals: Incredibly mid
Shurtal: they're fine
0x6772: (I mean, it's fine, if you like sweet stuff, but…)
consolecowboy88: wait frosted ones?
lamina5432: if they are there
Shurtal: i prefer others, but they'll do in a pinch
Mr_Horrible: I'm unsubscribing and slandering your names on socmed
Oscelot: I love sugar cookies because they're easy to make and I can actually make them gluten free
Draynus: Hard agree
Karimsicle: I go nuts for gingersnaps
drrek0: They're like, minimum acceptable cookie
Muddy_Thunder: Oatmeal raisin over chocolate chip
trebuchetboy: the soft frosted cookies are terrible
ThorSokar writes Ben out of the will
frameshifty: as long as you don't come for my snickerdoodles
Thefluffiestguineapig: They must be doctored
empyreon: I will take them over none cookie, but that's about it
TherapyforNarwhals: Well hold on soft chew frosted are good
consolecowboy88: all right fair
Brozard: Soft and chewy ones are good, but the really dry and brittle ones are bad
LostThePirate: Sugar cookies are pretty mid-tier, but now and again they're nice.
tr3ewitch88: I have to add other flavors to them so they aren't boring
ItsThugDimmadome: They're mid, but fin.e
Oscelot: But I agree, tehy're *mid*
Thefluffiestguineapig: Snickerdoodles are where it's at
enbycephalopod: cakey sugar cookies are awful, crispy ones are okay
Mr_Horrible: social media
InconsiderateHat: Agreed. shortbread tho? *chef's kiss*
Mollylele: an unfrosted sugar cookie?? what is the point
vogon_poet: Okay, but what about the butter cookies that they sometimes mistakenly put in sewing kits?
0x6772: @Orxolon Bravo
Shurtal: Question: If your choices are Sugar Cookie or Nothing, would you choose nothing?
MyrddintheWizard: I'm with the boys on this one. Sugar Cookies are kinda mid.
saucemaster5000: mr horrible is too online
Lazy_F4: I'm down for like 1 sugar cookie around Christmas time, but that's enough for the year
RealGamerCow: Are you talking about Kleinberg bars? peanut butter rice crispie treats with marshmallow and chocolate on top?
ghyllnox: Sugar cookies are... fine
tr3ewitch88: Like sugar cookies with orange flavoring.
DaFhaye: most holiday cookies are bleh
Mr_Horrible: lazy people like me
Oscelot: @InconsiderateHat I make Graham's family version every year :3
goombalax: what kind of cop calls it SocMed
Pharmacistjudge: like i like snickerdoodle cookies, which is basically a sugar cookie with cinnamon.
Fanklok: Social media
Mai_Andra: i crave sugar cookies sometimes.
enbycephalopod: nah Ive never hear soc med before
Mr_Horrible: oh without a doubt
ItsThugDimmadome: Now oatmeal raisin cookies are great.
ghyllnox: Social Media
0x6772: Honestly, "socmed" is less abrasive than "the socials".
Mollylele: you are certainly the weirdos but that isn't why
ThorSokar: I'll say it: frosting sucks
BrindleBoar: ginbre is med
Lazy_F4: gingerbread - the cookie so bad it's mostly used for house construction : P
RealGamerCow: I made Kleinberg bars based off of someone from BC's recipe.
BrindleBoar: LUL
Oscelot: There's a reason it's called "warming" spices
betweenmyself: social media, or as the in crowd call it, S&M
mjiig: There is more than one baked good called ginger bread, one of them is good
Juliamon: ginbre
Fanklok: A real googling gubermint moment there
Mr_Horrible: incredible
SmithKurosaki: @Lazy_F4 Ginger Molasses far superior
tehfewl: those fat peanut butter cookies
EvilBadman: @lazy_f4 Those houses fucking suck
Oscelot: ginbre!
SnackPak_: blat blat
MacbethSeemsSus: What? Ginbre is med
InconsiderateHat: *golf clap*
SnackPak_: o7
TheAwkes: Immortalized.
NotCainNorAbel: lol
Juliamon: when the ginbre is med
Oscelot: *wheeze*
Shurtal: Stream title: Ginbre is MEd
Fanklok: White chocolate macadamia cookies
vogon_poet: Okay, who let gen alpha into the stream? This is not okay...
consolecowboy88: heh
Makrosian_Tay: Change the title of this stream RIGHT NOW
ButButTheJesus: what's a ginbre and why are they med
ItsThugDimmadome: Someone check on Brindle Boar
Pharmacistjudge: ginbre is med is now all over SoMed
Mr_Horrible: oh you got the glasses off and everything
trebuchetboy: @ButButTheJesus gingerbread i think
Mazrae: whelp ben is broken
Mr_Horrible: how does autocorrect auto to "ginbre"???
Juliamon: gin(ger)bre(ad)
Orxolon: Next highlights are gonna be on fire
Kidror: They shortened Gingerbread like Social Media to SocMed
tr3ewitch88: That's what you get for trying to say. Ginger bread is mid.
EvilBadman: No they did scomed = ginbre
Mazrae: my ginbre is gin(ger)bre(ad?
Veshnikard: ginbre like socmed
QuixoticScrivener: in ginbre a word?
Fanklok: @brindleboar hello new parnets buddy
0x6772: Hang on. i've got gin.
BrindleBoar: No that's exactly what I put in, I assumed it would make someone mad and I was right
0x6772: What do I add to that for "Ginbre" as a cocktail?
CataclysmicReverb: okay but what about that one sort of sugar cookies but they have flavor... I forget what they're called
Mr_Horrible: mad with laughter
Oscelot: rofl @BrindleBoar
vogon_poet: Butter cookies?
Mazrae: snickerdoodles?
BrindleBoar: I mean "socmed" made me mad, so LUL
Mr_Horrible: I just love the simplicity of a good soft sugar cookie
RealGamerCow: @CataclysmicReverb snickerdoodles?
saucemaster5000: oreos are super mid
ghyllnox: Why didn't she just do that in the first place
Fanklok: Joel is like 60
GasCityGaming: the GOAT!
tr3ewitch88: As go say, it's either butter cookies that they're talking about or press cookies which are almond flavored.
CataclysmicReverb: @RealGamerCow Yeah those! couldn't remember the name
EvilBadman: Only good sugar cookie is one with a jersey kiss jammed in it
fjordsword: my coworker makes lemon goat cheese sugar cookies that are amazing
SnackPak_: what
EvilBadman: Hersey kiss even welp
Veshnikard: It'd be better
RealGamerCow: @EvilBadman peanut butter cup is better
TheAwkes: TWF "Dad's Goodie Ring" is in your search history. lrrBEEJ
Juliamon: yikes
EvilBadman: @realgamercow oh fuck yeah
Mr_Horrible: centerless sugar cookies I usually only encounter on the straw of a shake from Potbelly, so they're in a good context
DistractedMOSFET: joel's unboxing vid camera setup
EvilBadman: @juliamon I think that's a mob thing
Stormthius subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 40 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Stormthius! (Today's storm count: 47)
RealGamerCow: I am the Bubba Gump of cookies
SidewinderSky: I've got an olive oil orange cardamom sugar cookie recipe that absolutely kicks, only kind i really like
Mr_Horrible: fast casual sub sandwich place
Mr_Horrible: decent, probably a little pricey
tr3ewitch88: It's a restaurant american
MacbethSeemsSus: Decent fast sandwich shop in the states
ThorSokar: How do you feel about the cookies that come in a sewing tin?
Oscelot: @SidewinderSky Uh hi yes I would like to be your new best friend :P
CataclysmicReverb: They talking about those nickleprint cookies with strawberry jam in the med?
consolecowboy88: potbelly is a good sandwich place that one and cousins
Juliamon: crunchy topping sugar sucks
0x6772: Okay, Ginbre as a cocktail: - gin - Becherovka - ancho Reyes - … extra somethin'? Maybe this is where the bitters go? I'll report back on proportions shortly.
consolecowboy88: Panera bread has gone downhill
Veshnikard: Hot take
Lazy_F4: sugar in CUBE form
betweenmyself: there’s some Post Malone Oreo’s on sale atm… they’re fairly decent pennyWhat
GasCityGaming: wafer cookies? like the crispy things with icing in between, like the big insides of a kitkat?
drrek0: But have you ever had Berger Cookies? Those rock.
kimmibeans: I used to snack on sugar packets as a kid
patrick_stonecrusher: Boo coarse sugar best
Mr_Horrible: I used to eat sugar cubes as a treat as a kid, so I've probably got freak somewhere in my DNA
Fanklok: Convention Center? You mean Conv Cen
EvilBadman: @0x6772 sounds med
InconsiderateHat: Tell that to my 9-year-old ass
Mai_Andra: I legit used to do that as a child, though... >.>
Fanklok: @consolecowboy88 it's because everything is frozen now
SidewinderSky: @Oscelot Pretty sure I got the recipe from King Arthur Baking's site, definitely reccomend
HadesLeprechaun: dusting of powdered sugar I like, but not crunchy coarse sugar
Juliamon: powdered sugar is good because it's not crunchy and fucking up the cookie texture
ghyllnox: What really sucks is vanilla or cinnamon
OmnipotentTrevor: But a spoonful of it helps the medicine go down!
saucemaster5000: how about rock candy
consolecowboy88: @fanklok more like cos they got rid of the basic Swiss and ham
Oscelot: @SidewinderSky Ty! I'll look it up
Riandisa: I can't stand powdered sugar. I can taste the stuff they use to keep it from clumping
MacbethSeemsSus: Chugging a bottle of vanilla extract
Orxolon: Regarding the short podcast,why so short?,were you scolded?
Oscelot: Good vanilla is amazing in things
patrick_stonecrusher: Powder sugar worst, tastes like chemical
Mazrae: Vanilla is an aromatic
drrek0: Vanilla is so good we made it our default flavor
Mr_Horrible: strawberry if ya nasty
frank_the_great: If you concentrate a flavor hard enough
saucemaster5000: I like green tea ice cream the best
tr3ewitch88: I do the same thing cause I forget that extract is made with alcohol.
Oscelot: Don't be tumblr kids
OmnipotentTrevor: Wasn't cinnamon on it's own an internet challenge way back?
ghyllnox: On their own yeah
tehfewl: Scoop of vanilla in a shot of espresso
NarishmaReborn: get that wacky strawbaccy
RealGamerCow: corn starch is used to keep powdered sugar from clumping
vogon_poet: Two white guys talking about how good vanilla is, in moderation? What is this, a podcast?
Oscelot: @OmnipotentTrevor Yes, a dangerous one. It's hydrophobic so people were getting their airways clogged
GasCityGaming: i'm a fiend for strawberry anything
kimmibeans: @Oscelot What's wrong with tumblr?
Yolysses subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 82 months!
Yolysses: why do we get all our flavors from beans?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Yolysses! (Today's storm count: 48)
Mr_Horrible: no, sorry, Adam, that's fire
Oscelot: @kimmibeans Where do I start? ;) (Look up Strange Aeons vanilla cake)
tr3ewitch88: At least they're not talking about how great pumpkin spice lattes are.
saucemaster5000: hook in cheek
Oscelot: @Oscelot (on youtube)
frank_the_great: ginbre is med
Mr_Horrible: A+ USDA prime grade post right there
Orxolon: You like vanilla? don't find out where it comes from
QuixoticScrivener: @Mr_Horrible You joke, but the USDA Forest Service grades lumber.
Oscelot: Ooops
Jadaris: "Vanilla is a flavor!" _Nick Wiger
kimmibeans: I'm pretty sure you are just let him slowly and painfully bleed to death
MechaKuuga: *looks sideways*
Mr_Horrible: @QuixoticScrivener works on layers I didn't even think possible
shushu2539: you read fast!
Mr_Horrible: natural reclamation baybeeeee
Oscelot: Oh the overgrowth takes over FAST
Fanklok: Sounds like you're wasting ammo to me
saucemaster5000: ben is an ecoterrorist from a godzilla movie
Robot_Bones: Not also the fall of man
Thefluffiestguineapig: With this amount of greenery
GasCityGaming: The Ben-pire
EvilBadman: So not like Detroit
consolecowboy88: you anarcho primativist you
Thefluffiestguineapig: Having buildings with moss on them and things absolutely
ThorSokar: The thing a lot people don't realize is how FAST this would happen, and how much maintenance normal cities take
lamina5432: to close to home boys
kimmibeans: I mean, there's speculation that we're on track for another pandemic with the current bird flu
DarknessKingCoH: You'll finally be able to afford a home in Victoria!
MechaKuuga: @LoadingReadyRun Are you also a Pomerian in this dream a la Tokyo Jungle?
Mr_Horrible: in the land of toilet paper, he who holds the bidet is king
tr3ewitch88: I just think it's weird that it wasn't water.
TherapyforNarwhals: You could say it was the least shit, cause everyone had tp
MacbethSeemsSus: Generalissimo Ulmer
saucemaster5000: we could’ve hordes sugar cookies
darkcyril: How are your egg stocks currently? That's the new economic model.
Orxolon: BUT would you still stream?
Oscelot: @ThorSokar Exactly. There've been studies on how fast things'll get reclaimed by the wood, and it's astonishing how fast
Thefluffiestguineapig: @darkcyril 6, 6 eggs
Mr_Horrible: I mean eggs *are* fucking expensive right now
kimmibeans: Bro, eggs are EXPENSIVE
rosesmcgee: Don't try now
saucemaster5000: I use a lot of eggs
MechaKuuga: I love eggs
Oscelot: Sheesh. Almost glad I can't really eat eggs
kimmibeans: They used to be cheap sources of protein, now they are expensive
Lazy_F4: The egg thing is very real though, unlike the toilet paper stuff which was mostly people losing their minds. Millions of chickens have been taken out by bird flu
kimmibeans: and chicken prices are rising, too
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 you should start throwing TP at houses instead, probably more economical right now
Fanklok: Eggs are still cheap at costco
LostThePirate: I can't keep track of how many times an *hour* customers complain about egg prices........ (grocery cashier here)
Makrosian_Tay: Vile
Thefluffiestguineapig: NOOOOOOO
Oscelot: @Fanklok Careful with that, there's been a recall of their eggs
saucemaster5000: people not understanding egg mog
EvilBadman: Someone stole like $400 of eggs from a west Seattle diner
SmithKurosaki: @LostThePirate oeuf (but oof, rl)
OmnipotentTrevor: I figure chocolate syrup can cover the taste of a lot of things
GasCityGaming: so like 18?
LostThePirate: lol
kimmibeans: @EvilBadman So... 2 dozen?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @EvilBadman Was it like 10 eggs
Makrosian_Tay: And QUICKLY too
rosesmcgee: Yes
BrindleBoar: grand theft eggo
saucemaster5000: a criminal baker
TherapyforNarwhals: Reseller
RealGamerCow: yup, egg scalpers
Morrigan9: cool hand luke
QuixoticScrivener: freeze the eggs and use them later
MacbethSeemsSus: Flip em on ebay
Lazy_F4: Got a whole distribution network to unload stolen eggs lol
Angnor33: That's only like 2 doxen eggs guys.
ItsThugDimmadome: Tried the egg whites thing once. My butt was seized by the Geneva Conventions.
CataclysmicReverb: $400 worth of eggs is like 2 dozen
Mr_Horrible: so eat some fuckin peanut butter
vogon_poet: Someone stole 100,000 eggs from an egg farm near me a few weeks ago.
Oscelot: Eggs last for a decently long time in the fridge in my experience
wharra: What are you Gaston?
circusofkirkus: so 2 eggs?
Mollylele: that was literally a panalysts question once
hiFunko: that vietnam-era powdered army eggs
EvilBadman: Grate all hitting the two dozen joke
Oscelot: @vogon_poet Yikes. I hope they weren't hit too hard
patrick_stonecrusher: Size of a barge
Fanklok: Is that a challenge Ben?
ThorSokar: 12 eggs here is currently $9, and I live where we grow chickens
frank_the_great: Listen Ben, you can't make an omelet w/o cracking a few eggs
Mr_Horrible: Molly got the tapes
ghyllnox: Real Gaston over here huh
fjordsword: the best one was you and Jacob making the heraldric crest
LiamRos: Yeah 100,000 eggs were stolen in PA recently, everyone is baffled what the hell they are going to do with that many
RealGamerCow: Adam breaking Jacob during the Family Crest talk was great
HadesLeprechaun: some of those videos of people getting whole cartfuls of eggs at like, CostCo are just other restaurants or businesses getting them for their place, not individuals stocking up
Orxolon: I'm not afraid,i just don't want to
vogon_poet: Yeah, it's about 10 miles form me.
tr3ewitch88: I wonder if you can freeze eggs? 🤔
kimmibeans: I mean, y'all both got the woke game list question wrong on the Big Mid Quiz, despite literally discussing it for nearly an hour during Let's Nope 2 weeks earlier
OmnipotentTrevor: Peanut butter, now there's a food. I can eat it in so many things, or just eat a spoonful by itself. I even put a spoonful in my mac'&'cheese sometimes.
SmithKurosaki: @ThorSokar yikes
gawag_: just pickle the eggs smh
7gorobei: hatch all the eggs. corner the market
Fanklok: I have a family crest on my mom's side, it means "Sorry your husband/son died in my army here's a crest"
Thefluffiestguineapig: @ThorSokar $12 eggs where I live depending on the grocery store (and I am not talking organic or anything) is between $7.50-$8.00 US at places like Aldi
LostThePirate: The biggest impression Panalysts left on me was Jacob visibly crying inside as Adam made the most meme-tastic coat of arms.
TherapyforNarwhals: Would stealing eggs make them... poachers?
consolecowboy88: @omnipotenttrevor max n cheese and pb? ack
Mr_Horrible: had the cheat sheet, still didn't study for the test
lamina5432: adam got it faster than serge when that PA is Pennsylvania
Mr_Horrible: smh my h
ThorSokar: and woke as picked by a group of lunatics
rosesmcgee: Let they who is without woke cast the first stone
kimmibeans: I'm still going to give you crap because you're my favorite (don't tell the others)
GasCityGaming: 4 dollars canadian here
gawag_: comedy gold
Mr_Horrible: "Nail bombs!" *jazz hands*
ItsThugDimmadome: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
Thefluffiestguineapig: And all the grocery stores have a 2 dozen egg limit
Shurtal: While you were having fun with your electronic interactive entertainment, i studied the woke games list
trebuchetboy: car go beep beep?
MechaKuuga: Not great
thatguysteve2709: Let it out
raulghoulia: cybertruck?
LostThePirate: XD
Oscelot: Car fatalities are really getting me XD
Thefluffiestguineapig: You have so many baseball bats
Makrosian_Tay: Trip wires
Mr_Horrible: it's odd, yeah
raulghoulia: buy the car. its a great deal
TherapyforNarwhals: We're in your walls
saucemaster5000: you all have a weird job
Oscelot: "Wait, this is my life?"
ButButTheJesus: it me
GasCityGaming: more people than went to my 7-12 highschool
Thefluffiestguineapig: "By the car!" "WHICH ONE"
BusTed: sweet caroline
Mr_Horrible: Watching me..... waaaaatching youuuuuuuu....
0x6772: Okay, "ginbre" as a cocktail: 1.5 fl oz/45 mL gin (London dry, probably? I used Bluecoat), 1 oz/30 mL Becherovka, .5 oz/15 mL Ancho Reyes, 2 dashes Angostura (for lack of an E), stir, strain, garnish lemon twist.
patrick_stonecrusher: SWEEET CAROLINE
thefakeinyellow: can confirm, im only watching adam
Mai_Andra: bah bah bah ♪
DistractedMOSFET: zoom the camera entirely in on adam please
Makrosian_Tay: BAH BAH BUM
Shurtal: it's a Neil Diamond Video Game Stream
ThorSokar: Watching me, Watching You.... there's a song in there somewhere...
Kramburger: Who's the new guy next to Adam
frank_the_great: Sweeet Caroline! Bum bum bum
gawag_: cmon adam, we need second monitor content for the new magic set dropping
DistractedMOSFET: yes thank you
thefakeinyellow: finally
ButButTheJesus: YES
circusofkirkus: so BEEG
InconsiderateHat: To be fair...
Mr_Horrible: the Adam of Us
lamina5432: thats better
protojman: Bruh we'll even plan our day around y'all sometimes :)
Orxolon: Hahahaha
WiJohn: I can see his skin!
MechaKuuga: I SEE A WEEB
BusTed: tqsLurk
saucemaster5000: ngl I have tape over one corner of the monitor
DaFhaye: Ah the real show
Thefluffiestguineapig: hehehhehehehe
Lazy_F4: The Adam Show starring Adam
Oscelot: @0x6772 @BrindleBoar immortalized XD
xantos69: I could get used to it.
kimmibeans: Let the tall man be small!
TherapyforNarwhals: True streamer position
Orxolon: Hahahahah
ThorSokar: look me in the eyes, ADAM!
MacbethSeemsSus: Looking at you, looking at me. Hung upon the wall for the world to see.
Thefluffiestguineapig: So teeny
Oscelot: *snerk*
tr3ewitch88: What is happening right now 😅🤣🤣🤣
Juliamon: you should sit on the corner bug
Makrosian_Tay: Peekaboo
circusofkirkus: it's like I'm watching on an 8k monitor
frank_the_great: The game seems so much bigger
ButButTheJesus: tinygamers!
lamina5432: this sucks
Fanklok: I'm not here for Ben...
Orxolon: I love this
BrindleBoar: @Oscelot put the recipe on my tombstone
Mr_Horrible: "I got scared..." *breaks down into 5 minutes of laughter*
0x6772: @Oscelot I am, no lie, opening a bar soon. I may put this on the menu.
patrick_stonecrusher: Is this a stream made for ants?
Anubix_007: Adam You weren't supposed to tell Ben why we were all here
consolecowboy88: this is very ween esque
raulghoulia: Ben's a rick and morty character
Mr_Horrible: Ben no you've become nightcore
Oscelot: @0x6772 *cackle* amazing
Anubix_007 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 27 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Anubix_007! (Today's storm count: 49)
InconsiderateHat: Oh it's the egg squeeze one
tr3ewitch88: lrrLUL lrrLUL lrrLUL lrrLUL lrrLUL lrrHERE
EvilBadman: This was Cori's egg squeeze game voice
shushu2539: squirrels!
Oscelot: oh my gods I needed this you menaces XD
tr3ewitch88: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh here we go!
BusTed: here's the rest of the stream
GreyThey: Adam and the Chipmunks
Mollylele: Ellie is givin you the stinkeye
Mr_Horrible: Da Wast of Us
SnackPak_: the keys are jangling
Orxolon: Hahahaha
Thefluffiestguineapig: So Adam thinks Alvin and the Chi[munks is peak
EvilBadman: Ellie coming into frame makes this fucking more
MWGNZ: eLUL giant ellie head behind them
Forlorgen: The Chipmunks was peak comedy?
frank_the_great: LUL
definenull: The doubling makes it even better
Mr_Horrible: Ellie like "...are they okay?"
lamina5432: with ellie looking over your shoulder
Thefluffiestguineapig: I'm crying at Adam laughing
Orxolon: Ben's laugh hahahahah
Fanklok: It should not be as funny as it is
Mr_Horrible: "This stream used to be about horror, man...."
Mollylele: the reverb is no
tr3ewitch88: Nah I love this 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
xantos69: uwu whats this then?
patrick_stonecrusher: UwU
tehfewl: foamy the squirrel
ThorSokar: And poor Adam is gonna give himself a hernia laughing
Oscelot: *wheeze*
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Fanklok I agree
fjordsword: okay Cat Yzma
kimmibeans: Oh no, now all I can think of is Yzma as a cat
raulghoulia: laughter should not be expsensive
Thefluffiestguineapig: @fjordsword OH MY GOD it totally is!!!!!
EvilBadman: Cheap pops brother
Orxolon: I laughed so hard
consolecowboy88: just keep adding more and more dub and abstract sound effects
ThorSokar: tripwires if you want the word for them
saucemaster5000: a cheap pizza pop
Mr_Horrible: in this economy we're all about cheap pops
EvilBadman: Yep
Oscelot: @kimmibeans *chefkiss*
Mr_Horrible: it's a lively read
Oscelot: Fun with Physics!
raulghoulia: emergent gameplay!
consolecowboy88: Joel probably reads Clive cussler
Orxolon: LP!
TherapyforNarwhals: This wasn't organized via dewey decimal!
Kramburger: Yeah
patrick_stonecrusher: Porn was last week
Oscelot: @consolecowboy88 Yeeeeeeeeah
GasCityGaming: yeah
consolecowboy88: i have no clue
consolecowboy88: my bad
Mr_Horrible: where's Clive Politeler?
CataclysmicReverb: biddle battler
consolecowboy88: i confused him with loke James mirchnerv
Mr_Horrible: it's late, I'm tired
Kramburger: He made up a underwater enviiromental agency in his books that has like infinity funder and a hologram supercomputer AI
0x6772: @Oscelot It's actually pretty good! I mean, it's an obvious martini riff, but still.
consolecowboy88: @mr_horrible same
Mr_Horrible: my career grimmi14OHNOOHNO
TherapyforNarwhals: Orphans?
tr3ewitch88: I just realized that them playing with the voice is totally going to be a stream highlight 🤣
Oscelot: @0x6772 Yay!
Fanklok: Carbonated or uncarbonated bottled boat?
Mr_Horrible: no, some people spontaneously generate
saucemaster5000: not stitch from lilo &
Kramburger: So deep, streamer
CataclysmicReverb: Yeah and some of us hatched
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 "Ohana means get back in the box"
Oscelot: Joel does totally seem like a Clive Cussler or Orson Scott Card reader
Morrigan9: Ben they're called editors
Kramburger: Beej
frank_the_great: Beej and Ian
KeytarCat: I was born AND I hatched!
LostThePirate: Loooool
tr3ewitch88: Shhhh you're not supposed to tell
Mr_Horrible: I can't quite do the scream, I'm a terrible pod person
Orxolon: Good rebutle when she meant descendsnts
ItsThugDimmadome: Is that why Serge's ryr blink sideways?
Oscelot: I legitimately didn't realize we were trying to get anywhere specific lol
ItsThugDimmadome: Eye
Kramburger: Serge was hatched in a coffee pod
0x6772: @Oscelot Just looked at my copy-paste into my notes - I forgot the half oz (15 mL) dry vermouth in that message. (It needs to be there to balance the Becherovka & Ancho)
Oscelot: Wow, my husband just turned to me and showed me an ad that JUST popped up in their feed for temu pod offices
LostThePirate: Serge isn't vilified, just ridiculed
ThorSokar: Serge has some glaring omissions from his vocabulary and general knowledge
lamina5432: serge has other free passes
Mr_Horrible: that's because you get that treatment on your home stream, Adam
definenull: lrrWOW
frank_the_great: BEN
Lazy_F4: ohhh just run him over beep beep
BrindleBoar: man just got incinerated
fjordsword: isn't that the self-professed Himbo status for you, Adam?
Kuhfeek: wow
wharra: Serge is genuinely unaware of something. Adam's response is why WOULD I know that
Makrosian_Tay: lrrWOW
ButButTheJesus: oh noooo
patrick_stonecrusher: 👏👏👏👏👏
Thefluffiestguineapig: lrrWOW lrrWOW lrrWOW lrrWOW lrrWOW
Mr_Horrible: harsh truth delivered, please sign here
Larkonus: Streamer murdered live on air!
Mollylele: Serge has gotten forgiveness from the LRRd a lot already
drcthulu: It's okay Adam's doing his best
kimmibeans: Well, the difference is Adam = Baby, and Serge = Cinnamon Rol
ThorSokar: It's OK because Adam's pretty
Oscelot: @0x6772 Np, I'm not able to do wheat so I can't do most alcohol anyway, so I'm jus appreciating from afar o7
MacbethSeemsSus: First Drake, now Adam. What a week.
ItsThugDimmadome: @wharra Nail meet head.
Mollylele: Serge also hacked a kid's ear off with a curling bat once
Fancy_frenchman: @MacbethSeemsSus I am literally on my second monitor watching the Kendrick performance bc I missed it live
InconsiderateHat: Yeah but Adam's blank spots are like, the news, whereas Serge's are more like "Have you never been a teenager?"
ItsThugDimmadome: @Mollylele It was a hockeyy stick wasn't it?
lamina5432: is adam the muscle toddler meme ?
Mollylele: @ItsThugDimmadome I think that's correct
ThorSokar: at his birthday party
0x6772: @Oscelot I… think this actual counts as gluten-free? Only ingredient I'm not sure of is the Ancho Reyes.
Oscelot: Snerge was born from the spilled blood of a child
SnackPak_: at the super bowl
ItsThugDimmadome: Kendrick's Superbowl performance.
Oscelot: @0x6772 Oh neat, ty^^
Mr_Horrible: Aubrey's had like 5 funerals in the last year
LeshiVR: with a shit eatin grin too
Kramburger: It was the season finale of the beef
Mr_Horrible: gonna bury that shithead in a lead-lined coffin
Muddy_Thunder: Mans straight looked into the camera, smiled, and said Say Drake
ItsThugDimmadome: Certified Loverboy, CERTIFIED AAAAHHH
NotCainNorAbel: Prof: How can your uncle die so many times? Student: My uncle is Drake
Mr_Horrible: a blowout
TherapyforNarwhals: Decimation
Jennie_Fuchsia: that they mixed the audio to highlight the audience singing it
0x6772: @Oscelot But also: you've no added a very important item to my menu development. Thank you!
Mr_Horrible: go birds etc
Kuhfeek: it was one sided
gawag_: bloodbath
Kramburger: The chiefs got stomped
mulligan2six: Cathartic
Muddy_Thunder: Great, the chiefs got stomped
Fancy_frenchman: A friend of mine said that the Kendrick performance was truly sickening watching a public execution on TV and people cheering for it.
Shurtal: Birds SHALLAC"D KC
EvilBadman: Kendrick still has a father's day concert in Toronto for the finale
Mr_Horrible: the chiefs have to find a sea to walk into
lamina5432: obligatory go birds
Lazy_F4: yeah a massively one sided beat down.
raulghoulia: win or lose philedephia gets destroyed
Mollylele: I watched Owl House instead
drcthulu: it's just an armored humvee
ItsThugDimmadome: 40-22 Eagles
Oscelot: @0x6772 No problem!
Fanklok: Serena Williams also got to style on him
Orxolon: Adult hide and seek Is fun
Mr_Horrible: what the fuck
tr3ewitch88: That's not a tank it's a Humvee.
Mr_Horrible: why do they get this kinda ordinance?
Larkonus: Surely they run out of ammo eventually, right?
ItsThugDimmadome: I got to hurl bricks off the overpass near me in my Eagles Jjersey. Felt good.
Jadaris: @Mollylele hoot hoot
thatguysteve2709: Agreed
Shurtal: don't let Dix hear you
TherapyforNarwhals: FUCK YOU The patriots deserved Brady lmao
kimmibeans: But yeah, I'm a 5' tall microbiologist, I have no leg to stand on when it comes to pod-person behavior
EvilBadman: I cannot stand Philly sports fans
wharra: Correlation or causation though?
dougma: As someone from boston: It also sucks for us
Mr_Horrible: unfortunately the Iggles were the protagonists in this episode
GasCityGaming: i watched hazbin hotel for the first time
goombalax: what did Gritty do to you
saucemaster5000: when baltimore wins we all win
Forlorgen: Nah the chiefs are the villians
0x6772: @Oscelot (I was already worried about making sure no non-alcoholic cocktails resembled alcoholic cocktails at all, so my employees never send booze to sober people, and vegan/veg stuff, but I hadn't been considering gluten in booze.)
xantos69: I'm from Kansas City. I'm glad they lost so people at work will finally shut up about it.
betweenmyself: real Alien V Predator situation there: no matter who wins, we lose
Forlorgen: chiefs are the orange mans team
wharra: Cause the eagles being good is debatably a good thing because the world is worse off.
Fanklok: What the fuck
MacbethSeemsSus: Philly fans threw batteries at Santa
tr3ewitch88: I wanna know how they got a mini gun
glyndev subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 56 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, glyndev! (Today's storm count: 50)
SidewinderSky: Gunner spending that .50BMG like uncle sam is still paying for it
Mr_Horrible: they're actually 40K orks
saucemaster5000: nyanngna
gawag_: sure, how do you spell it?
Mr_Horrible: Adam's getting so much good material to work from
SymphonySolstice: gritty is the embodiment of philly. he sucks and that's why he's good
TheAwkes: Quantum ammo. It's infinite until you get a look in their pockets.
HadesLeprechaun: because ending this encounter by running them out of bullets wouldn't be a terribly fun video game encounter
Orxolon: It's a Truck full of ammo
consolecowboy88: unlimited ammo for thee but not for me
Kramburger: The problem is that Christopher Lee has already perfected the death scream
Oscelot: @0x6772 Appreciated <3 My biggest advice for it is that things are often not labeled as containing wheat product or gluten and are then used as ingredients. Shoyu is a good example.
Fanklok: Who voices Joel
xantos69: @HadesLeprechaun Honestly I could get behind that if it was well written. Give me a few lines like "Steve Keep Shooting!" "Can't I'm Dry" "Damn it Steve!"
WiJohn: murka
EvilBadman: @fanklok Troy baker
Fancy_frenchman: @Kramburger Are you referring to the stab in the back bit? Or something else
InconsiderateHat: @Kramburger Which context? Like how far back in the career we talkin
BusTed: LUL
MyrddintheWizard: That's a solid DeNiro
Oscelot: Dangit I'm trying not to wake up my cat laughing hehe
Mr_Horrible: he's hemsworthing again, get the bat
raulghoulia: is your cat baptized?
Oscelot: She's in my lap and so sleepy hehe
Thefluffiestguineapig: oh it’s a hard line to walk
Orxolon: "I have tits,can you milk me focker?"
Oscelot: @raulghoulia I'm a priestess of Bast so definitely not :P
SnackPak_: dog crimes
Oscelot: Aww, I hope Nicole feels better soon
TheAwkes: I'm a cat owner with no remorse when it comes time to move a cat from a thing for any reason.
MWGNZ: great sharing
BrindleBoar: yeahp
Thefluffiestguineapig: yuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Oscelot: oh my GODS
Mr_Horrible: "Feast, my brother"
ButButTheJesus: aww gus
LostThePirate: LUL
Thefluffiestguineapig: Cooperation
0x6772: @Oscelot Yeah, it's rough. The reason I have reservations about Ancho Reyes is that it's "hot peppers in grain neutral spirit" - cool, brother, which grain?
kimmibeans: As soon as you said that Gus was eating more I was like "nah, it's Remy"
Kramburger: One of my cats tried to do that for my wife when she was pregnant
Jennie_Fuchsia: cpicsBiscuits
Oscelot: @0x6772 Yeeeeah
ButButTheJesus: @Kramburger omg I can't even
Orxolon: nyanngna
Oscelot: @Kramburger Oh my gods, what a sweetheart
MacbethSeemsSus: Your kibble madam
EvilBadman: "Remember this, when we revolt"
saucemaster5000: my cats would drop dead birds on my table when we had it set for a big feast
0x6772: @Oscelot For this particular drink: a vinegar-y hot sauce subs for the Ancho in the same portion just fine.
Oscelot: @saucemaster5000 Awwwww!
Thefluffiestguineapig: my three cats learned to cooperate to open and knock over the trashcan so they could raid it, including dragging it out of a corner and removing a weight from on top
tr3ewitch88: Some cats are just extra... I'm pretty sure they feel like they need to feed everyone else in their household.
Kramburger: Legit he went from overweight to dangerously underweight
tr3ewitch88: Pretty. Sure. My cat thinks that I'm just a c***** cat.
BusTed: They've been doing their own last of us
Thefluffiestguineapig: I love smart animals but I also want to just tear out my hair
Mr_Horrible: "We're... kinda the bad guys"
Oscelot: @0x6772 o7
Mr_Horrible: my bad og
MolaMolaphant: yeah, cat's don't understand that we aren't cats. The big one isn't moving fast enough to catch prey! gotta bring some food
Mr_Horrible: :crouchingguile:
Thefluffiestguineapig: they think we are just incompetent cats
Thefluffiestguineapig: that’s why they bring us prey, to try to teach us to hunt
tr3ewitch88: I just wish that my cat would stop bringing me live in bed
tr3ewitch88: Live mice in bed*
goombalax: man in a jar situation
Thefluffiestguineapig: also I am a cat behavioral special interest veterinary professional so please tell me to stop if this is wasaaaay to in depth
MWGNZ: 100% a trap
MacbethSeemsSus: @Thefluffiestguineapig I mean technically, they're right
Oscelot: @tr3ewitch88 Awwwwwwwww that's so sweet of them. But yeah, I understand it being less than fun
saucemaster5000: I’d say “okay lets go” then get the free shot
Makrosian_Tay: @tr3ewitch88 What kind of mouse situation do you have if you're cat is able to find one in your own home that often?
thatguysteve2709: Adam you should read "the road"
Orxolon: In this Situation?yeah
Lazy_F4: This is Ben's way of saying he craves the long pig
Oscelot: @Thefluffiestguineapig <3
MWGNZ: @saucemaster5000 seabatBRAIN
DistractedMOSFET: me? frame 1
Orxolon: Hahahaha
EvilBadman: We saw this behavior night on crossing the streams
ItsThugDimmadome: @Thefluffiestguineapig They're naturally communal aren't they?
Mr_Horrible: Ben's doing the "oooh, I'm so hungy..." while he's just chowing on a human leg
Oscelot: @ItsThugDimmadome Yep! Colonies
MechaKuuga: What if they cancel the apocalypse but Ben already got too hangry LUL
BusTed: Adam got Ben so hard at pressure
EvilBadman: It was entertaining as hell
0x6772: In retrospect, "Channing Tatum on a Leash" is a better cocktail name, actually.
Orxolon: 16
BusTed: it was really good
Mr_Horrible: it was a real good show, yeah
tr3ewitch88: @makrosian_tay Well. I have a basement and my house is next to a field. And my cat has only done it twice, but that's enough.
Fanklok: Wait I missed mongy?
Kramburger: Distenders
Mr_Horrible: Rapscallions
Fanklok: Oh Containment Protocol
Thefluffiestguineapig: @macbethseemssus A lot of cat “annoying behavior” makes sense since they are self domesticated so you have to work with them differently. like with them sitting on phones or laptops, they recognize you value the thing so they want to show they value it too. so if you make a decoy notebook or laptop next to you they will often lay on that to show “see, I know the thing and can mimic”
Mr_Horrible: "I thought I was a dissident"
Kramburger: Classic Adam
Thefluffiestguineapig: That stream was SO good
BusTed: benginChaos
Mollylele: glad Jordynne was there so she knows what to clip for the highlights already
ItsThugDimmadome: @Thefluffiestguineapig I love seeing people make cat laptops and boxes on their desks.
Thefluffiestguineapig: The Adam massive #teamchaos energy was so good
saucemaster5000: some days you just gotta switch sides
adept_nekomancer: I liked Jordynne's "five minutes of wandering around and being haunted by everyone" adventure.
Orxolon: Can we repeat it?pleeease
consolecowboy88: @thefluffiestguineapig what about when cats knock stuff off of shelve s
Fanklok: Adam you're the jock you die like fourth
Mr_Horrible: giving the imposters more options for sabotage besides killing is good
Oscelot: @Thefluffiestguineapig That's so cute ;_; I can't wait for it to warm up so I can let my girl back out on the balcony soon. This child has decided every single drawer in the house MUST DIE
Thefluffiestguineapig: she was Colombo-ing you so hard
Orxolon: Yeeeyyyy
tr3ewitch88: Ok that's a tank
Oscelot: They're so bad at listening to directions
MWGNZ: Joel should rtake that
Mr_Horrible: is JOY not a necessity, Henry?
HadesLeprechaun: meanwhile Joel is stocking up on comics
drcthulu: Ellie get all the comic
drcthulu: s
Mr_Horrible: damn they got Concord action figures
Oscelot: I hope Ellie snags it for him
EvilBadman: @mr_horrible Yes!
Orxolon: Tatuaje means tattoo
Makrosian_Tay: Looks like one figure DOESN:T SELL 👀
Fanklok: This is one of two parts I remember about this game
Robot_Bones: World ended before they got Tasker Force 2
ItsThugDimmadome: @Thefluffiestguineapig Wait, yeah why do cats knock things off tables?
Orxolon: Maybe it's a terranaitor!
tr3ewitch88: But it lights up in honks, Ben.
saucemaster5000: I’d buy it for you and remind you how much I spent constantly
Oscelot: "What's the Secret" lol
Mr_Horrible: @Robot_Bones I saw the reviews - even without the zombies they weren't getting Tasker Force 2
Oscelot: 20$ fr Chess seems pretty accurate honestly
Mr_Horrible: but what if it's bespoke, Adam?
Orxolon: No wonder why the world went to hell
goombalax: Dollhouses? thats warhammer terrain
tr3ewitch88: If they don't tell you the price it's too expensive. That's what my mom always said.
drcthulu: that's why it's 50% off
consolecowboy88: @fanklok yep me too . and my ps3 version then crashed after the well you’ll see what happens
BrindleBoar: talks a lot Kappa
Xaunaught: checkmate
drcthulu: 50% is the barbie
saucemaster5000: it’s the b side of speaking
Muddy_Thunder: It's the past tense of spoke
darkcyril: "$20 for chess? Those pieces better be carved out of diamond!"
fjordsword: custom made
Muddy_Thunder: He bespoke yesterday
HadesLeprechaun: I feel like stuff like this is what really helps sell this game, how much custom stuff they built for one store that you walk through in 30 seconds
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
SymphonySolstice: yayy
Mr_Horrible: we made it
empyreon: FBtouchdown
Mr_Horrible: cutting it close, but we made it
EvilBadman: We got twenty minutes to not fuck this up
tr3ewitch88: lrrFINE
Thefluffiestguineapig: @oscelot have you ever tried these for your kitty? they are cheap and one of the ways I extend their life is as mine destroy cheap fishing pole toys the lures end up on these Kalimdor Interactive Cat Feather Toys,Retractable Teaser Toy ,Hanging Interactive Toys for Indoor Cats Kitten Play Chase Exercise, Kitten Mental Exercise Toys
drcthulu: Ellies a ghost
Shurtal: Man i could really do without the Flesh Hat commericals, Tubi...
MacbethSeemsSus: Ellie's not real
Makrosian_Tay: Game logic is very important at times like this
Oscelot: Ellie doesn't have Presence
Mr_Horrible: he miscounted the men
xantos69: My theory is Ellie doesn't exist. Joel has just had a mental break and made her up because he misses his daughter.
fjordsword: dang get wrecked
OmnipotentTrevor: besmoke
Oscelot: @Thefluffiestguineapig I'll check and see if I can find 'em. I have a pole toy for her that she just ignores tho unfortunately
Orxolon: Hahahahah
Oscelot: @Oscelot (Thanks!)
couchboyj: Bescreaming
adept_nekomancer: "Don't shoot me, I bespoke!"
Muddy_Thunder: @OmnipotentTrevor Fucking Lol
fjordsword: @OmnipotentTrevor dang it that's good
Cptasparagus: SAIL
tr3ewitch88: lrrFINE lrrFINE lrrFINE lrrFINE lrrFINE
saucemaster5000: ouuuuuyea
SymphonySolstice: AAAOOOWW lrrSIG
Fanklok: Oof ouch owie my bones
Orxolon: Raaauulll
Mr_Horrible: "They don't want this smoke!" *30 seconds later* "THEY WERE FINE WITH THE SMOKE HELP ME"
Oscelot: My cat is now staring at the TV BAFFLED
MWGNZ: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
drcthulu: hamburger achieved
Jadaris: @Mr_Horrible they besmoke
Makrosian_Tay: FBtouchdown
tr3ewitch88: Fantastic
Thefluffiestguineapig: @oscelot This hangs from a doorframe which helps
darkcyril: Oh baby, a triple.
Fanklok: Ooo baby a triple
Oscelot: Oooh @Thefluffiestguineapig
Orxolon: Aced
Mr_Horrible: after this Joel started yelling "Valuetown!" whenever he threw an explosive
ghyllnox: Chunky
SnackPak_: FBtouchdown
Fancy_frenchman: fucking bang
Oscelot: @Thefluffiestguineapig Found it \o/
MacbethSeemsSus: Gets hit by a grenade: ow!
xantos69: Well yea, he doesn't have the rule about not picking up random stuff
saucemaster5000: if he drops the bag the whole city explodes
EvilBadman: I shoot man through heart. Also my favorite band
Kramburger: And yet Titus in Space Marine 2 can only hold two guns and a sword
Fancy_frenchman: Don't forget the food rations too apparently
drcthulu: and a 2x4
OmnipotentTrevor: That reminds me, I'm watching through Secret Level, and so far I think the Unreal Tournament episode is the best one, even though I never cared about the franchise
Mr_Horrible: man's got half of a Dick's Sporting Goods on his back
0x6772: Yeah, and that backpack makes no sound when he's sneaking. Totally doesn't jangle.
Oscelot: ROFL
7gorobei: man scouts of america
Orxolon: Assortment of bricks and pipes hahahah
Oscelot: that delayed reaction
darkcyril: I usually wait until the second apocalypse before going that far.
Oscelot: mawp
rosesmcgee: Shitty batman
MacbethSeemsSus: MAWP
saucemaster5000: this is bait
patrick_stonecrusher: Poo
Muddy_Thunder: PK FIRE
drcthulu: Poo
consolecowboy88: no
SymphonySolstice: speak your truth bro
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 same as it ever was
rosesmcgee: It's been 30 something years. Let it go
couchboyj: Mr Saturn? Doink!
Fanklok: Ok Adam, scintillate is with more bait opinions
drcthulu: yeah Poo stinks
vogon_poet: Is Earthbound single? Is it baptized?
Oscelot: You are entitled to your terrible opinion :P
SnackPak_: gottem
tr3ewitch88: I don't know ben that sounded more like pearl jam
consolecowboy88: what’s your feeling on chrono trigger
couchboyj: Jeremy Bespoke
Mr_Horrible: and it was *revolutionary*
Oscelot: *wheeze*
Oscelot: Okay I'll give you that
xantos69: This must be the new "Hop Hip" all those kids are talking about. It isn't bad.
SnackPak_: sounds like prime fodder for CDHC
Mr_Horrible: it's got zombies, that means it's a horror game
Forlorgen: whats your pre FF7 Final Fantasy?
Fanklok: How much money for you to play Chrono Trigger top to bottom?
Robot_Bones: It insists upon itself
0x6772: Family show, Adam!
tr3ewitch88: Just wait for them to turn it into a TV show and then watch It.
drcthulu: Adam counts as children
Juliamon: honestly I'd rather play Golden Sun again than Chrono Trigger
SquareDotCube: I remember Adam's playthrough of Chrono Trigger, he thought the Tyran Castle theme was a banger
patrick_stonecrusher: Put them on the train
Mr_Horrible: Adam understand that gambling is a sine
OmnipotentTrevor: Despite all the "inspired by Chrono Trigger" games, I still don't think there is currently any game that quite does what Chrono Trigger did. I'd say it is still worth playing
Mr_Horrible: *sin
Mr_Horrible: drat
saucemaster5000: adam is kinda spitting for that
Oscelot: gold saucer music does do Things to people's brains
saucemaster5000: mr horrible that’s a tangent not a sine
Fanklok: Adam's pre FF7 is Mystic Quest
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 see now *this* is comedy
HadesLeprechaun: lets have this discussion standing in the window where they could just look up and see us
Mr_Horrible: @Fanklok banger alert
Orxolon: Hahahahah
SymphonySolstice: "no fun allowed" "I wonder why my boy doesn't smile"
Mr_Horrible: "Mirth wastes calories, Sam"
SquareDotCube: Chrono Trigger is a solid 30 hours but it's a 30 hours that doesn't waste your time
Mr_Horrible: FUCK YEAH
Orxolon: Btw 14 wanting toys?
Cptasparagus: Lufia is based
saucemaster5000: again adam spits
Mr_Horrible: jamming out to Gades's theme
saucemaster5000: that’s twice now
Oscelot: @Mr_Horrible Waaaaaow
darkcyril: @SquareDotCube This. 100% this.
Oscelot: @SquareDotCube well said
Cptasparagus: Lufia has the balls to actually kill off characters midgame
wharra: What about Tactics?
Mr_Horrible: talking about the shortest old JRPG "yeah I just don't think these respect my time"
saucemaster5000: fuck I can’t do NEW rpgs. too fucking long
goombalax: ARAM is goated
Orxolon: But Beeeeennnn Akira Toriyamaaaa....
drcthulu: dirty league player
SymphonySolstice: the truth come out
SquareDotCube: Lufia II is great, technically it beats the roguelike genre trend by 15 years with its generated optional dungeon
Mr_Horrible: @SquareDotCube ancient cave a banger
Xaunaught: ikr
Oscelot: I like the new guy, it's too bad he's going to probably get horribly betrayed or something
Orxolon: Didn't someone do a play it forward of Chrono trigger?
DistractedMOSFET: yeah, you can just be polite and wash the hand they shaked later in private
xantos69: My single player games have a toxic community.
goombalax: its a league of its own
Thefluffiestguineapig: All communities can be toxic
lexiconjurer: "Sorry, Officer, I was playing League of Legends." "I've heard enough. Deadly force authorized."
Fanklok: I had an ARAM where some guy was having a melt down because our team wasn't attacking the nexus
Xaunaught: What do you play in WoW Ben?
patrick_stonecrusher: Ancient Dungeon best part of Lufia ll
Pharmacistjudge: i gave up on league. i just don't have the reflexes anymore
Thefluffiestguineapig: OH YES
saucemaster5000: I’d argue league is designed in a way that leads to toxicity. BUT Ben is also spitting about stardew
Mr_Horrible: people from the wrong side of tumblr
tr3ewitch88: I don't know what you're talking about. We're nice people.😅
saucemaster5000: look at undertale
HadesLeprechaun: the big sexist culture of Riot's company that came out like 6 years ago kinda did it for me
betweenmyself: the Valley too woke for these people?
Mollylele: these takes in the same show as "i'd drink mustard over ranch dressing" is so great, what quality entertainment content
SymphonySolstice: cozy uwu gamers are hardcore nasty mean
MacbethSeemsSus: You shouldn't let any hobby/entertainment define you.
Pharmacistjudge: i could never stream stardew. the backseating is so strong
Orxolon: Chuds OR meta players
gawag_: i think a lot of people played league when they themselves used to be toxic
Lysander_salamander: A distressing overlap of the cozy games with the tradwife-to-fascist pipeliners
Xaunaught: I just dont wanta game where I have to invest my life into, which is why im currently playing Runescape :)
Orxolon: But life's too short not to play meta xD
N2Osferatu subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 74 months!
tr3ewitch88: Oh yeah🥰
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, N2Osferatu! (Today's storm count: 51)
TherapyforNarwhals: They say "I bet you watch Arcane too, you piece of shit lol"
Cptasparagus: I gave up on pro LoL when they sold out for Saudi money
Mai_Andra: I'm still sad they canceled the switch port of Wild Rift.
thatguysteve2709: I ask why not to judge but to understand what drew you back to the game
Pharmacistjudge: and Medic is big commander player
Xaunaught: Hell yeah brother
Pharmacistjudge: Ben just got solved
Orxolon: I'm a fire wizard
Mr_Horrible: it's in a weird spot, because if you understand the flow and what's going on, it's great spectator stuff, but if *not*, it's way more impenetrable than basically any live sport
Morrigan9: boo that man
xantos69: Life is too short for low tier characters Ben.
Thefluffiestguineapig: The reason I never started Stardew is I can't stand needing to look up something and seeing rage posts about "wrong" ways to do it which are the ways I prefer to play
Lazy_F4: why would you _not_ play a druid? tank, heals, melee, and range
Fanklok: Ok Boomkin
Thefluffiestguineapig: Adam with the soul read
tr3ewitch88: All the bombs
Oscelot: ROFL
Mr_Horrible: damn, that voice gets shit done
Oscelot: that timing
Thefluffiestguineapig: DAMN
Orxolon: FBtouchdown
MacbethSeemsSus: Paul told you to do that?!?
Mr_Horrible: "That fucking squad and their nightly bomb parties again..."
darkcyril: @MacbethSeemsSus "Hellooooo. *explosion*"
underhill33: sergeBongo
Mr_Horrible: *Jungle Japes intensifies*
Fanklok: "You guys hear an explosion and the death rattles of several of our friends?"
Thefluffiestguineapig: @darkcyril I've always known he's been building up power with those Hellos
Mr_Horrible: it *can* blind enemies. It won't, but it *can*
Oscelot: @Fanklok *snerk*
solthelma: Adam and Benjamin, the goblin raid is out soon, wink nudge
saucemaster5000: I mean it makes it harder for YOU to see THEM
Mai_Andra: but have you tried hitting them directly in the face with the smoke bomb?
Lazy_F4: shoot out the light
tr3ewitch88: I think. They know where you are
saucemaster5000: fire ANGRY
xantos69: Oh snap they learned crafting. We are on equal footing.
Orxolon: Ooogaaa boogaaa
Mr_Horrible: patch 7.2 for FFXIV in a month erosSmack
tr3ewitch88: "They have fire sam"🤣🤣🤣
Oscelot: @Mr_Horrible Ooooooh
Mai_Andra: (gets shot) "Bullets, my one weakness!" (firebomb) "fire?! my one weakness"
Oscelot: I'm way behind on MSQ but I reaaaaally can not wait for more housing slots
wharra: I logged into 14 in the first time in months just to update my hair style Lol
Lazy_F4: WoW gonna add player housing. That'll be... interesting
Mr_Horrible: I found a nice raid group so been progging the tier, it's good
frank_the_great: It's scary enough for LEt's Nope
tehfewl: but have you cleared FRU
Aidankatz7: I just finished watching season 4 and 5 of South Park
Mai_Andra: i played the FFXI raid in FFXIV and then forgot completely to do anything else in that patch...
Mr_Horrible: they're adding player housing while specifically throwing shade on FF housing (as they should)
BusTed: It will not be limited like that no
MacbethSeemsSus: Surprise, it's another Garrison!
HadesLeprechaun: just a....few years late on that trend, but better late than never
MWGNZ: our house
Mr_Horrible: gotta share that bunk bed
Fanklok: Runescape has had houses for 20 years
Thefluffiestguineapig: Are they doing the FFXIV
Orxolon: "i did everything i wanted to do,and to be done to"
xantos69: "You said you wanted a house... why aren't you smiling?"
Mr_Horrible: the 4-month cycle is taking some adjustments, yeah
tehfewl: 7.2 looks really good
MacbethSeemsSus: You rebuild Dalaran but it's 1/10th the size
Mai_Andra: they just released an entire expansion a few months ago?
tr3ewitch88: My problem is that MMORPGs can get really expensive really fast
Lazy_F4: yow
Oscelot: *yikes*
Mr_Horrible: subscription ain't cheap, yo
Thefluffiestguineapig: JEEBUS
saucemaster5000: that’s sounds like a canada problem
EvilBadman: Reasons why I stopped wow in 2010
saucemaster5000: gotta get those benjamins
Oscelot: Uhoh, we've hit cinematic mode, time for drama
wharra: Them's fighting words.
Xaunaught: its gone up to nearly $30 dollars here in Aus, its fucked
tr3ewitch88: But that's the thing it's not just wow, that can get expensive ESO is expensive too. It's all mmorpg
HadesLeprechaun: that's like....40 Undertale's
lamina5432: figured WoW would localize that?
Mr_Horrible: damn, we don't deserve this lass
phoenixletmeuseadashd: how are her legs not broken
MacbethSeemsSus: @lamina5432 Remember run by Activision
Mr_Horrible: ooh what's on tap?
Orxolon: I never gave Them a Lenny(pirate server)and i got my Phoenix ride,Rode it and left after top 5 un PvP
xantos69: No way in any reality that door stops those bullets.
Orxolon: Arenas was fun
drcthulu: the reason he has unlimited bullet is because he can't hit anything
Fanklok: Sam "oh shit its an action set piece we gotta go"
tr3ewitch88: @phoenixletmeuseadashd video game physics
MolaMolaphant: oh, I'd be dead
NotCainNorAbel: wakka wakka
LostThePirate: I bought a Lifetime subscription to Lord of the Rings Online, and have been accruing heaps of premium currency since they went free-to-play. Every new expansion, I just buy with that. I load it up every now and again just to screw around in Rivendell or whatever, haha.
Mr_Horrible: Adam like "I'd be miffed at that behavior"
DaFhaye: You watch the instant replay in the after life
tr3ewitch88: Video game physics.
EvilBadman: "Bazinga bitch"
MWGNZ: fungal zombies also arent real
Fanklok: Serge plays video games for realism
kimmibeans: @MWGNZ They are, just not in people
HadesLeprechaun: "we don't play for realism, but also that humvee truck should have run out of bullets by now"
adept_nekomancer: "The cornering on this horse is all wrong!"
Mr_Horrible: "the verisimilitude! :O "
Kidror: I know a horse girl and yeah that does happen
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ben, that's the opposite of my experience most of the time
saucemaster5000: the horse didn’t smell like a real hors
Thefluffiestguineapig: As a horse person
MacbethSeemsSus: Hey my goblin wizard shouldn't have survived that fall!
drcthulu: They're not horsing around with the horse physics
Mr_Horrible: yeah that's why he grinds up entire populations in them
MWGNZ: @kimmibeans look im eating dinner and adding 'human' to my message was too many keypresses
7gorobei: how did they get the horse in the mocap gear?
SymphonySolstice: gamers want one thing and it's disgusting (horse realism)
xantos69: My complaint isn't so much about the realism. It is more about how if they made it slightly more real it would be more interesting. He could have had to hit the deck and watch the bullets fly over head.
Mr_Horrible: really nice of them to have that instruction on the front bumper
Makrosian_Tay: Serpentine!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @7gorobei Honestly that wouldn't be that hard for some horses, if you train them correstly
Mr_Horrible: Larry was hitting the moonshine again
kimmibeans: @MWGNZ Lol, fair
MWGNZ: gun man is doing they best
Fanklok: Roundabout? What is this JoJo's Bizzare Adventure part 4: Diamond is Unbreakable
frank_the_great: You're not playing a game for a realistic gunman
tr3ewitch88: Maybe instead of teaching her how to shoot and drive, he should have been teaching her how to swim.
couchboyj: No exactly like the gunman had a smooth ride
EvilBadman: Guy in the gun, "This feels just like shooting a gun on a truck!!!"
Thefluffiestguineapig: @kimmibeans Sometimes fending off cats+eating+chat makes adding characters just too much
MacbethSeemsSus: The trick is Joel's drunk and the gunner's dangerously sober.
Lazy_F4: crunchy
Mr_Horrible: this is also an *intensely* weird amount of effort and sunk cost for these bandits
BusTed: cronch
saucemaster5000: that’s gonna smart
Oscelot: I love this kid
Mr_Horrible: like why would they not just go "thank fuck they're out of our territory"
Fanklok: @mr_horrible Joel did kill like 30 of them
tr3ewitch88: 😅🤣🤣🤣
Thefluffiestguineapig: @MacbethSeemsSus Ah so you mean the kind of straight edge we all dislike who tells everyone constantly
kimmibeans: Also, fun fact, the cordiceps that infects ants doesn't actually infect their brain, just the nerves that allow for movement, so the ant is totally aware of what is happening and cannot control itr
ghyllnox: @kimmibeans Oh that's so much better D:
Orxolon: Talking about realism,the damage this person took was unreal,and wet weapons idk If they'll work
Thefluffiestguineapig: @kimmibeans Yup, it's the worst kind of thing, it's the same as locked in syndrome
Makrosian_Tay: Not everyone's nice at the end of the world Ben
Mr_Horrible: @Fanklok like I get there's a narrative justification for it, but I gotta think about cutting losses by that point
goombalax: shoot him in the pinky toe
0x6772: Joel is just a complete asshole throughout this game.
Thefluffiestguineapig: This game everyone sucks it's just about how much
EvilBadman: Yeah the dynamic in show for them is softer
Oscelot: @kimmibeans Yep, we can actually eat cordyceps. It's apparently pretty tasty in soups
frank_the_great: The TV show did a good job on improving things
Mr_Horrible: just like "okay fine, geez, truce, get outta here"
Aidankatz7: wait was this guy wrong or right for abandoning Joel?
Orxolon: Cliffhanger!
NotCainNorAbel: Pride500
I_Am_Clockwork: we made it!
kimmibeans: @ghyllnox Hey, I said it was a "fun" fact, not a happy fact
Mr_Horrible: "and with that we end our broadcast day"
tr3ewitch88: lrrHERE lrrHERE lrrHERE lrrHERE
I_Am_Clockwork: we did it togeather!
patrick_stonecrusher: FutureMan FutureMan FutureMan
frank_the_great: Night all
Oscelot: @Aidankatz7 I mean he had the priority of protecting the kid, and if Ellie hadn't jumped down he probably would have looked out for her too.
KWardJenx: Got'em!
Makrosian_Tay: FBtouchdown
Forlorgen: honka honka
MechaKuuga: Naughty Ben
Thefluffiestguineapig: lrrADAM lrrBEN lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrAWESOME Great stream as always
xantos69: Cheer50 Bits. Thanks for the great stream. Have a god evening you cuties.
saucemaster5000: so this is how you dongle the bongle
rosesmcgee: Someone call HR
MacbethSeemsSus: Sure it's funny when Ben does it but when I do it's an "HR meeting"
Mollylele: bringin it full circle
Oscelot: Thanks for stream you two
Mr_Horrible: sinuuSqueeze sinuuSqueeze sinuuSqueeze
tr3ewitch88: Ben .... we don't tickle our coworkers 😅🤣🤣🤣
saucemaster5000: vikala coming in
0x6772: Okay, so one more nipple tickle, Ben?
darkcyril subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 32 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, darkcyril! (Today's storm count: 52)
Thefluffiestguineapig: @tr3ewitch88 Without consent, and Adam has asked twice for Ben to not
Thefluffiestguineapig: Stand against the DEVIL
I_Am_Clockwork: Hooray!
Mr_Horrible: Kill Team... in SPAAAAA- wait, no
Orxolon: Is that gonna be awesome?
Kramburger: Ew, a West Australian?
Fanklok: Funko has invaded again?
MacbethSeemsSus: The aussie is in the moonbase!
0x6772: Welcome back, Funk…er?
Mr_Horrible: nice dog there bud
I_Am_Clockwork: Shatter point you say? Funko you say? I will be there!
NarishmaReborn: now cancer free funko yeah!
KWardJenx: That's a dead-on Funko
Mr_Horrible: @NarishmaReborn oh damn, I had no idea. Hell yeah lrrSHINE
Aidankatz7: Ben good job biking every day. I also started biking a lot last year
wharra: Oh, if Funko is in Canada, that means you can have Funko Pop
QuixoticScrivener: Pro D?
tr3ewitch88: TPFufun thank you for another great stream guys lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Cptasparagus: im pretty pro-d-day
rosesmcgee: Those kids need some Professional Development. Grow up.
Fanklok: Nelson is one of the three adults
Thefluffiestguineapig: @NarishmaReborn Yaaaaaaaaaay!!!! THey and Graham having a cold open for a LRL if they are free jamming about cancer could be interesting and funny if both are comfortable
Mr_Horrible: the cards for LRR. LRR's cards. the cards designed specifically for LRR.
DaFhaye: I'm excited for the unknown event
sparkywondersnail: Thank you for playing.
Orxolon: Yeeeyyy
DoubleNterprises: V I B E
tr3ewitch88: @mr_horrible 🤣🤣🤣
lamina5432: gnight
Earthenone: loadingreadyvibe, brought to us by the owner of buttblug.io
Mr_Horrible: nice
Thefluffiestguineapig: the movie nights lead to fun things. Her brain was perfectly smooth lives rent free in my brain
Oscelot: NYOOM
QuixoticScrivener: @Earthenone risky click of the day
thatguysteve2709: Thank you for stream appreciate you both
Eltanin73 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 74 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Eltanin73! (Today's storm count: 53)
Thefluffiestguineapig: DinoDance
0x6772: Cool, great stream, guys! I'm gonna go shovel some snow now - tata
MacbethSeemsSus: speed muffin
tr3ewitch88: lrrCOW
Mr_Horrible: that muffin's got somewhere to be
kimmibeans: Thank you both for keeping me company while I write my lecture for tomorrow!
Oscelot: That makes more sense lol
Mr_Horrible: I'm not niceing again
Oscelot: @kimmibeans Good luck!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @kimmibeans lrrAWESOME If it's not too invasive what on?
KWardJenx: Thanks so much for the stream!
I_Am_Clockwork: thank you for the stream!
LostThePirate subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 25 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LostThePirate! (Today's storm count: 54)
Thefluffiestguineapig: @vogon_poet I still love your username and when the stream ends i'm going to go start the series in audio book form again
SymphonySolstice: dabits
Thefluffiestguineapig: Thanks for the stream, thanks mods and thanks for good chats!!!!
Mr_Horrible: thanks for the show, lads lrrSHINE
ButButTheJesus: thamk strem!
I_Am_Clockwork: he's viking home?
Mr_Horrible: it's still so chilly here kanagoDespair
Oscelot: it's gonna be 0F here ;_;
Aidankatz7: proud of ya Ben for biking
tr3ewitch88: Goodnight everyone! 🌙 lrrSHINE
Aidankatz7: I bike a lot too
I_Am_Clockwork: just rolling up the fjord with his longship?
Orxolon: Thanks for the stream guys!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Gothim!
Mr_Horrible: we love a cheap pop
Orxolon: I love the voice board
MyrddintheWizard: Have 6 inches of snow on the ground here...
Makrosian_Tay: Gottem
tr3ewitch88: One of those is totally gonna be a stream highlight.
SnackPak_: lrrWOW
ButButTheJesus: pbth
Fanklok: Nightcore Let's Nope rules
Mr_Horrible: erosSleep
Oscelot: Night you menaces lol
MyrddintheWizard: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
empyreon: LUL
Orxolon: Hahahaha
ButButTheJesus: LUL
tr3ewitch88: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Earthenone: goodnight my little pog champs
Makrosian_Tay: LUL
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
Aidankatz7: lol
Orxolon: Hahahah
shushu2539: well bespoked
Makrosian_Tay: FBtouchdown
Oscelot: lol
LostThePirate: :D
tr3ewitch88: 🌙
Orxolon: He bespoked well indeed
Thefluffiestguineapig: Man podcasts were good today, mustache object permenance, chipmunk Adam laughing
Thefluffiestguineapig: SymphonySolstice I want that on a t shirt
ryuhimora subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 66 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ryuhimora! (Today's storm count: 55)
Thefluffiestguineapig: Modify the wrestling t shirt