accountmadeforants: lrrSIG
Diabore: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
bisaflau: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
couchboyj: ๐Ÿš— ๐Ÿ lrrCOW
Hrrisn: skiiirrt
DideRobot: LRR: Cori and others are drafting on arenaaaaaaa ๐Ÿš—๐Ÿ’จ |
tinaun subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 2 month streak!
tinaun: lets go
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, tinaun! (Today's storm count: 11)
nymistrya: My body is a machine that turns gems into 0-7 drafts
Hrrisn: HI!
Diabore: its a graham!
LurkerSpine: Cheer100 Hi
BrowneePointz: Alright which one of you is Dastardly and which one of you is Muttley
Hrrisn: alll the cool kids at my lgs use dragon shields
goombalax: She's Her
EvilBadman: Y'all still doing that Friday show thing
Flyingdelorion: Hello Cori and Graham! and hello chat!
TehAmelie: hello!
tsp397: What up Lurmtuggers!
EvilBadman: <3 :D
Strebenherz: Friday niiiiiights \o/
Marvoleath: !fn
BrowneePointz: Look Australia isn't a real place anyways
accountmadeforants: Friday Midnights
Hrrisn: can't wait for Friday nights again holy cow
BrowneePointz: it's more a fever dream in the shape of a landmass
Strebenherz: "Thank you for being a friend"
Marvoleath: Sadly, you put them upside-down
TehAmelie: so, sort of a pre-premiere
reindeering: scoopsCHEER ๐ŸŽ๏ธ
samu_btdp1985 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 86 months!
samu_btdp1985: Hey great to see you guys. Hope everyone is feeling better.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, samu_btdp1985! (Today's storm count: 12)
accountmadeforants: The sun never sets on the LRR Media Empire
DoomBringerIL: it's finally cominggggggggg
BrowneePointz: I mean, my State gets picked as a test market IN the US for products cuz we're like...a decent cross section
TehAmelie: i remember a time when the president of Sony told Europe we get served videogames after everyone else because we have shown we're fine with it
DoomBringerIL: when is the next season shoots?
Greyah: I'll use the special tech of rewatching it and pausing it then.
Marvoleath: but you can then speed up the stream, I believe
RatherLargeToad: Magic magic magic
Diabore: oh right cheevos now
TehAmelie: a drift draft, or draift
gnomebot1: Have you checked out the new achievment ques
Strebenherz: PFT
gnomebot1: Achievments
BrowneePointz: SPEAKING of Graham *takes a deep breath and leans into the mic* first look at FF x MTG in like 5 days
Strebenherz: what do you get for the achieveos?
Diabore: vroom vroom i say
Marvoleath: @Strebenherz titles, sleeves, emotes
goombalax: (thats a good one)
Strebenherz: for THREE green?
Marvoleath: bigger than before!
gnomebot1: I had that at the prerelease
TehAmelie: gotta go fast!
BrowneePointz: fair, that ALSO is a bomb
Strebenherz: Cori, chaos always
Greyah: Imagine getting a Debreetle now
ButButTheJesus: you mean a BIG big?
Mindfire13: So we're forcing green
gnomebot1: It made my 7/9 rediculous.
Strebenherz: I love that the race set got the blue shell
BrowneePointz: harrier is PROBABLY the best card
TehAmelie: speed removal, in the set that has speed? seems like high value
Greyah: Peep the Hulldrifter
Cptasparagus: I like the creatures that basically cycle out of your graveyard
Diabore: what is it? very bad in limited
gnomebot1: jaguar and velocipede are nuts
NornsFelidar: Hello everyone
Diabore: its ESPECIALLY bad in bo1 G
accountmadeforants: Veteran Beastrider has been real good in all two drafts I've played with it
tinaun: glider whips
tinaun: that enchantment is great
Greyah: Flying honse. Flonse.
TehAmelie: flying AND horsemanship?
Cptasparagus: Ted Lasso
holesinone178 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 121 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, holesinone178! (Today's storm count: 13)
CironSkylark: oh no D:
Strebenherz: ohdamn
goombalax: Nimona? I love that movie
GredGredmansson subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 59 months!
GredGredmansson: Fast-Go machines for all my Go-Fast needs!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, GredGredmansson! (Today's storm count: 14)
Strebenherz: I hope she feels all the way better soon
TehAmelie: and James had food poisoning, though that's maybe not in the same league
TehAmelie: plague league
tinaun: good blocker
CironSkylark: hope yall have fun here next week! :> hoping the weather gets a little nicer for you cironsLove
Jillexie: Both me and my son got in September. Doctor said some form of bacterial pneumonia was really making the rounds this year.
tinaun: my roommate got Norovirus, really hoping I get through unscathed
NotCainNorAbel: We say a lot of things
Dromos_GHG: BRanes!
NotCainNorAbel: Pride500 - This is magic? You are magic!
CironSkylark: BOTH EARS!? cironsWide holy moly...
tinaun: I have never seen that card played
couchboyj: Late RW uncommon
NornsFelidar: that's a car you can wear around!
GredGredmansson: My opponent got me with that in prerelease
TehAmelie: do you wear it or ride it? "yes"
GredGredmansson: still can't believe they put the Unicycle in black border
silent_sol: next equipement creature planeswalker vehicule
Diabore: that vehicle is messed up though
tinaun: you could go GWB
Diabore: we only have 1 blue card even
CironSkylark: misade1Laugh misade1Laugh misade1Laugh
couchboyj: Do you have any discard effects ?
NornsFelidar: cage!
Robot_Bones: isn't that what he bidet is for?
Robot_Bones: backsplash
LurkerSpine: and the raceway
blackroseimmortal7: lol
jessicatheblack: I'm so excited about the Commander Bracket System!
GredGredmansson: Bob's Miser
Strebenherz: that art is fantastic
CironSkylark: If Mike is short for Michael, IS Bike short for Bichael? shinin43Think
BrowneePointz: art by the Bob's Burger's guy right?
Robot_Bones: He's mister Bone Miser, He's Mister Skull
Strebenherz: maybe the charriot will come back
Strebenherz: we can hope
Greyah: Can you imagine having Bone Miser *and* the Chariot? Daaaaang
TimeToFry: Want Not
jessicatheblack: Can we have that episode of Bob's Burgers please?
NornsFelidar: ghast
tinaun: whoo
Robot_Bones: They call him Bone Miser, what ever he touch, turns to bone is his clutch. He's too much
Cptasparagus: veloheart is great
Diabore: slam hollow imo
goombalax: blades is very strong
jessicatheblack: @Robot_Bones *impressed clap* :3
TehAmelie: i think Stephen King wrote a book about a vehicle that fixes
Mangledpixel: boop
couchboyj: Broken wings is real good this set
goombalax: I was typing out the broken wings joke lmao
tinaun: surveyor is good
NornsFelidar: leonin is good
NornsFelidar: bot is soo good for speed
blackroseimmortal7: and how exactly is this bone miser going to be good in our deck xD?
NornsFelidar: jeez, I wonder if I have gems to spend ... my draft gland is itching
Greyah: Cycling cards is how bone miser is good.
TehAmelie: if there's a draft on your gland, time to see a doctor
jacqui_lantern234: hey ya heccin nerds whomst i love with all my heart!!! <3
tinaun: sise the tings
DiscordianTokkan: Wet the drys, mise the bones.
thanzo: bone miser, only your finest bones
Mangledpixel: who up misin their bones?
jacqui_lantern234: HAI G HAI CORI!!! <3
tinaun: 9/7!
tinaun: oh yeah
QuixoticScrivener: oof owwie, my bones have been mised.
Diabore: interface*
GredGredmansson: double crew
iris_of_ether: Bone miser bone miser, mise me a bone
TehAmelie: hi Jacqui
LurkerSpine: I'm Mr. Bone MIser, I'm mister skull...
TheOneInquisitor: But the 9/7!
TheOneInquisitor: Oooh ox
Greyah: Samut does go fast.
TheAwkes: I mean, sometimes when I yawn I guess I sound like that.
Bruceski: This early in pack three I think I'd have grabbed Samut and tried to pivot into red instead of black.
TheOneInquisitor: SPEMON
BrowneePointz: Me while driving on the Autobahn
akatarli: i got to die to my own speed demon during pre-release! it was my only goal and it was great!
Marvoleath: flample on the demon makes it kill oppo faster than it kills you, most of the time
A_Dub888: good day fellow Gatheringers! How Magics it?
MaybeTara subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 125 months!
MaybeTara: I've had a rough few months, and I've really enjoyed being able to dive into the edsc, paper fight and highlander showdown back catalogues. As always, I am ever grateful for this little corner of the Internet
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MaybeTara! (Today's storm count: 15)
BrowneePointz: to de playyyyyyce
plaidanddrpepper: i love that fact
BrowneePointz: John Denver had not visited Virginia when he wrote the song
drp3p3r77: 100%
tinaun: enchantment
Juliamon: West Virginia and Virginia are two states
BrowneePointz: so he wrote it about Western Virginia, but sings West Virgina
iris_of_ether: Whoa
ghizmou: isn't west virginia the westernest virginia?
Kentosaurus: Is there an appreciable difference?
BrowneePointz: yes
drp3p3r77: Those mnts are in the west part of VA
Bruceski: Country Roads is about western Virginia, not the state West Virginia
Strebenherz: yes
Strebenherz: there's a virginia, and a west virginia
Mindfire13: Virginia confirmed canon in MTG?
Cptasparagus: West Virginia is more like North Virginia
LurkerSpine: Yeah, they broke away from Virginia to become a Free State
A_Dub888: Did that happened because of the Civil War ?
YeomanAres: Also the writer was inspired by his time on Massachusetts
BrowneePointz: Cuz John Denver
BrowneePointz: had NEVER VISITED
Juliamon: Yes
TheWriterAleph: Virginia Actual goes more west than West Virginia
Dromos_GHG: we got 50 of, bound to forget 1 or 2
BrowneePointz: so he did an oopsie
ghizmou: creative writing
underhill33: scanned better
plaidanddrpepper: John Denver fells asleep on his bus
ShaneLeeAtk: John Denver? Probably high
QuixoticScrivener: silly Usonian reasons
Flyingdelorion: Me too Graham, I did not know that until the moment this chat mentioned it last week...
Cptasparagus: parts of Virginia go further west than West Virginia
A_Dub888: apparently when the song pays in West Virginia (the state) everybody sings along
Juliamon: it 100% does not stop West Virginians from claiming the song though
BrowneePointz: is WV the one that got grossed out by VA and became it's own state or was it VA that got grossed out by WV and made it its own state?
TheWriterAleph: bing'd again!
EvilBadman: @BrowneePointz Civil war
Dromos_GHG: There are North, South, West, & New states, but no East or Old
couchboyj: Rocky mountain, west Virginia, lowercase w, take me home
WanderingWinder subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 16 months!
WanderingWinder: lrrHEART lrrGRAHAM lrrCORI
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, WanderingWinder! (Today's storm count: 16)
A_Dub888: @juliamon can confirm, my brother worked there once and recalled a time where it came on and everyone in the bar dropped everything to sing it.
Garuuk_Predator_of_Scrubs subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 77 months, currently on a 77 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Garuuk_Predator_of_Scrubs! (Today's storm count: 17)
BrowneePointz: So I guess Graham, John Denver knew about as much about Viriginia that he did about flying a plane kappa
BrowneePointz: Kappa
MegaDosX: "t:creature or t:vehicle"
Cptasparagus: @Dromos_GHG Old would be hard since we stole all the names
Mangledpixel: Dromos_GHG North, South, West, New, Strange, Charm
MegaDosX: You need the t: to find vehicles
LurkerSpine: nah
silent_sol: it putted card that says or
MegaDosX: There's a lot you can do with the search bar
MarkovDescendant subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 30 months!
MarkovDescendant: My sub is almost ready for it's midlife crisis.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MarkovDescendant! (Today's storm count: 18)
Stripe_dog subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 97 months, currently on a 97 month streak!
Stripe_dog: Vroom Vroom
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Stripe_dog! (Today's storm count: 19)
Dromos_GHG: @Cptasparagus Eh State name don't need logic
tinaun: scouter?
adambomb625: what does the scouter say about our deck
adambomb625: 's power level
Marvoleath: @Dromos_GHG I mean, that makes sense, you do not do "old" because it's the original one with that name, and they started colonization from the east, so eastern states would also be earlier
GredGredmansson: dinobanosaur
flikerz1: Dear Teacher, Lizola and I are stuck in the McDonald's play place, please assist at your earliest convenience, our happy meals are getting cold. Yours, stark.
Marvoleath: oppo be like "I said - hit you for 4!"
Molladia: Purdy lands
Foxmar320: Hello Cori and Graham, hope you're both well
MarkovDescendant: I wish they would take away the ninjitsu whirlies.
Jasoman: wait like a sentient markov?
Kentosaurus: speed number go up
Diabore: and very bad
Voidhawk42: !card count on luck
LRRbot: Count on Luck [RRR] | Enchantment | At the beginning of your upkeep, exile the top card of your library. You may play that card this turn.
Marvoleath: It's cheaper but redder outpost siege variant
ghizmou: suspicious !
Voidhawk42: Best they can do is make you sac the ox
anosognostic: i say thopter
hd_dabnado: or that 3 mana pump spell
blackroseimmortal7: only for things with counters?
Bruceski: With counters
Marvoleath: just the ones with counters
silent_sol: noooo
Mr_Horrible: this is fine as a trade imo
LurkerSpine: 2 for 2
ghizmou: we still have so much life to spare
Marvoleath: and you can get the aura back
Mr_Horrible: ace is free enabler, yeah
oatway: sequel to hand me the ox, mount the ox
Mr_Horrible: and now we get the aura back too
Marvoleath: This robot's booty so thicc, it can drive a car with it
TheAwkes: But what if I don't want to attack?!
anosognostic: a very fancy thopter
BrowneePointz: The Guidelight Voyagers have me REAL pumped for Edge of Eternities
Mr_Horrible: I wouldn't yet
tinaun: scurry foot + exaust
blackroseimmortal7: double mouse also not ba
Mr_Horrible: feels better on defense for the activated
GredGredmansson: can't stopter the thopter
Greyah: Bop with the thop
blackroseimmortal7: such a tired mouse
Mr_Horrible: and we just need 1 offensive activation of beastrider to up the clock on the thopter
blackroseimmortal7: beastrider can outclass the flyer in the air
Flyingdelorion: Can't thop won't thop
blackroseimmortal7: if we have enough mana
BrowneePointz: We have them Adventure Time Dead!?
oatway: can't thop addicted to the shindig, chandra says I'm gonna win big
djalternative subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 69 months!
djalternative: I have achieved the clearly best subscriber number. See you next week, Graham.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, djalternative! (Today's storm count: 20)
Fancy_frenchman: Bon Jovi friends
BrowneePointz: The Pathcruiser! The one with the Alt Art of the Stanced up Loxodon doing the Slav Squat!
blackroseimmortal7: beastrider saddles ox, count on...something?
Fancy_frenchman: Hey Graham, who all is coming to Chicago?
Marvoleath: Ace can also saddle it
Fancy_frenchman: Merci mon ami
Voidhawk42: Strong squad
blackroseimmortal7: lethal by my count
BrowneePointz: one of these times in Chicago yall should try Ed Debevic's Graham. It's a Retro Diner aesthetic with actors as waitstaff hired to be sassy
goateedave86: I'm sure it's already been asked but how is Kathleen doing now? If this has been asked can chat answer instead of the streamers plz
blackroseimmortal7: eyooo
goateedave86: Glad to hear it, sounded and looked very rough
Mangledpixel: to the Outside?!
patbaer: heck yeah
MegaDosX: Achievement get!
Vandristine: luckily the house didnt leave her
Gadora: I don't understand why people concede instead of just letting the combat resolve.
Strebenherz: @goateedave86 improving, sounds like from earlier comments by graham
hd_dabnado: the easiest title to get is the crafter one but thats because I had hundreds of common and uncommon wildcards
goateedave86: @Strebenherz Thank you
tinaun: 7 is better than 6
9 raiders from Luminaire_p have joined!
Luminaire_p: lumina1Heart
Luminaire_p: This is that Doctor Who game, right? 4Head
A_Dub888: How exactly are we gather the magics?
Diabore: no its the fallout game
NornsFelidar: among other things, it's also a doctor who game yes :)
goateedave86: soon to be finally gathering the fantasies
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Gadora The couple times I have done that it is because I get autistically overwhelmed by the number of triggers (meaning 30+) that will need to resolve before combat even begins
djalternative: @Diabore That's Tragic: The Gathering
TriforceDrummer: 8/7 crew 1 seems good
Diabore: and the pilot is a 2/2
Marvoleath: @djalternative Garnering*
TheWriterAleph: they were so yung -_-
TheOneInquisitor: Thagt's extremely rood
Thefluffiestguineapig: For me I get frustrated when clearly I "mess up" a person's SECOND TURN meaning I block or cast an aura that means it's not the ideal type or whatever and they just concede
Marvoleath: Actual horse mount
Thefluffiestguineapig: That was very rood and also probably correct
BrowneePointz: yep
BrowneePointz: it's a BOMB
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Marvoleath The dictionary definition of the term mount!
accountmadeforants: Mythic Green Card strikes again!
drcthulu: 2025 magic cards be like you like power?
ToastyLoaff: vroom vroom
BrowneePointz: Graham, the Speedrood don't know the meaning of it
TheWriterAleph: GAVIN
A_Dub888: @browneepointz if you think about it, arenโ€™t most cars bombs?
Marvoleath: @Thefluffiestguineapig "Everyone can see what a horse is. "
Thefluffiestguineapig: That card name is so good in terms of mouth feel
Thefluffiestguineapig: Deck why you betray us so!!!
LurkerSpine: why not poke for 3?
LurkerSpine: or is that only vehicles?
LurkerSpine: Sadness
Marvoleath: Mario only supports vehicles and mounts
Cptasparagus: I heard "Dairy Mechanic" and now I want that to be someone who fixes cows
GredGredmansson: Ted Mariasso
goateedave86: sad wa-hoo noises
TheWriterAleph: @Cptasparagus how many milk tokens would that give you
Diabore: oh no infinite thopters
GredGredmansson: OOF tomAww
Bruceski: The refuler combos in a sick way with pretty much anything
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Cptasparagus I know some bovine veterinary specialists who would probably get that printed on all their coveralls
GredGredmansson: TAKE
Jasoman: KEKW
Diabore: gotta shoot camera launcher right?
Cptasparagus: @Thefluffiestguineapig same, I work next to a vet hospital XD
Cptasparagus: I could be a mouse technician
RayFK: This set makes for great sentences said out loud. Just good words. #wotcstaff
EvilBadman: like vroom and brrrr
Molladia: Have you spent time thinking which commander you'd like to play? Try for Sita? Or Vnwxt? (also how do you pronounce that?)
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Cptasparagus I work in a vet hospital, so I am the horse monologer
grgriffin3 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 138 months, currently on a 138 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, grgriffin3! (Today's storm count: 21)
RayFK: If you need someone to be despondent or exasperated, I have a special set of skills. #wotcstaff
TriforceDrummer: Aetherjacket can always kill the camera launcher too, at the cost of your 2/1 fly vig
Skye_Stryke: Can't Jacket kill the launcher?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @RayFK You and Cameron both (I am joking
drcthulu: on board tricks
A_Dub888: @rayfk have you thought about appearing on this stream called Desert Bus? rayfkSanic
Thefluffiestguineapig: Don't you dare
RayFK: @A_Dub888 Indy projects are a little beneath me Kappa
Thefluffiestguineapig: Noooooooooooooooo
drcthulu: that was our ride or die
goateedave86: oh no the getaway car!
EOstby: @RayFK Is that why you never come to GenCon? Keepo
Mangledpixel: graveyard recursion recursion recursion recursion recursion...
Diabore: is they even block, they could easily just take 4
Thefluffiestguineapig: I am hoping there is some kind of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas reference in some flavor text in this set
GredGredmansson: oh that's a mount
GredGredmansson: pooossssummmms
silent_sol: there is an achievement for losing 5 time in a row
Marvoleath: engorge the possum
Diabore: k, question, why is the possum a 1/1 if it can CARRY A HUMAN
Thefluffiestguineapig: A gihugic possum
Kentosaurus: I feel seen
Marvoleath: @Diabore humans are 1/1, and can carry other humans?
A_Dub888: this cheevo was made for me!
drcthulu: just black color identity things
A_Dub888: are you SURE James is real?
Diabore: oh just dead
ToastyLoaff: dern combat tricks
Thefluffiestguineapig: Welp
goateedave86: toodles
Thefluffiestguineapig: o7
Marvoleath: farewell
drcthulu: who's the third spirit?
Thefluffiestguineapig: I always say I had fun if I got to play the game Magic the Gathering
NornsFelidar: but James is alive
Thefluffiestguineapig: If they just ran out timers or snap conceded then I say I did not have fun
drcthulu: for now
Wiliart: Is Gavin coming? He seems like a spirit of future Magic.
djalternative: are we third spirit?
TehAmelie: Graham, Cori and James, that's three
A_Dub888: is it @rayfk ?
RayFK: Nah
goombalax: thats better than the entire building moving
djalternative: why did the plate strip? tell it to put some clothes on
Bruceski: @djalternative Wrong set, we're the pic crew
Bruceski: Shouting orders at the people driving the thing but ultimately not effecting anything.
Bruceski: *pit crew
GredGredmansson: ort ort
Marvoleath: first Seal of MTG
Kentosaurus: I dislike the constant spinning propellers on this battlemap
GredGredmansson: @Kentosaurus it makes me think i have something with ninjutsu
Marvoleath: (although now all changelings are retroactively seals)
goateedave86: Hey James
TehAmelie: hii
NornsFelidar: No fam jam for aetherdrift planned?
Diabore: reddit is big mad about the board (whats new am i rite)
Cptasparagus: it bothers me that the top chevron fills in first
Marvoleath: There is new "lands" emote now, apparently
Diabore: @Cptasparagus THANK YOU
Cptasparagus: @Diabore YOURE WELCOME
BrowneePointz: magiccon timing
BrowneePointz: made it hard
BrowneePointz: it's okay you'll do one for the better set
BrowneePointz: LET'S GOOOOOO
theawesomeonev2: It bothers the heck outta me that the max speed things go down. It's so distracting
Diabore: the next one in 2 months
NornsFelidar: well glad y'all are feeling better
Jasoman: what is ideal anymore
RayFK: For some people they've been, dare say, shitty.
TheKingWiggins: excited for that amazing Chicago weather
goateedave86: Really do hope the travel to Chicago goes smoothly
GredGredmansson: yes you can
Diabore: you can
GredGredmansson: with the guy you just played
BrowneePointz: well
Jasoman: "Some", that is being nice.
djalternative: James, I have good news for you. We just got a whole ton of snow here in Chicago last night. You're Welcome.
BrowneePointz: the midwest just got ass-blasted by snow this week so
BrowneePointz: have fun with that
Marvoleath: #blameJames
iris_of_ether: You can be like me last week: stuck in Milwaukee because they cancelled my Seattle flight back :v
drewm1022: Adam loves snow though!
BrowneePointz: the propellers are a bit too much and should be toggleable
Fruan: I hate the propellers
GredGredmansson: Loot Box!
grgriffin3: I'm #TeamPropeller
drewm1022: I've seen a lot of complaints about the whirly propellors because it makes you think you have ninjutsu for some reason.
Flyingdelorion: Hello James! lrrLUL
BrowneePointz: beastrider is a GNARLY uncommon
BrowneePointz: guess it's a good thing we can put the engine in the babycage
grgriffin3: OK, the "speed up" animation is good, but I HATE that it fills in downwards instead of upwards
GredGredmansson: well i think i know what we're putting in the lootbox now
Diabore: veteran beastrider weirdly good for an uncommon, why does it also have a team pump
Marvoleath: cant attack or block
Bruceski: Someone said the speed up noise sounded like StickyKeys and I can't figure it out, mine doesn't sound like that.
Marvoleath: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: a packet of acidic children
TheOneInquisitor: Oh and then they can sac the Aetherjacket to remove the manalith bike
TheOneInquisitor: 2 for 1
GredGredmansson: @TheOneInquisitor summoning sickness
ToastyLoaff: Its how its done in Avishkaar
djalternative: the lights are like a countdown where as speed is counting up
Diabore: also counting down on an up arrow
TheOneInquisitor: @GredGredmansson Ye I mean next turn, no mana for it now anyway
TurnedToFrog: You are speeding <Up>
vinewood_og: Up is forward in a 2D playspace?
GredGredmansson: full swing
vinewood_og: facts
grgriffin3: I do appreciate that they actually TRIED, that's for sure
Stormgod519: good afternooooooooooooon!
grgriffin3: I just think it could be a liiiiiiiittle bit better, you know?
Marvoleath: I like that it's not more distracting or noisy, well done on that part too
djalternative: I'm going to go take a nap. enjoy the rest of lurmtug, all.
WhiteWizard42: I've got a bunch of game codes to give away, anyone mind me dropping them here?
djalternative: @WhiteWizard42 we tend to use Pump19 for that purpose
drcthulu: sorcery speed
WhiteWizard42: already on it
NornsFelidar: but the ability is only at sorcery speed
NornsFelidar: this set has a lot of cards that require like proper reading
GredGredmansson: the same loot box
Stormgod519: hmmm
Stormgod519: now hang on
Diabore: they need to crew
Marvoleath: they can use it to crew, I guess
Stormgod519: why didnt they crew?
Marvoleath: or not
GredGredmansson: they didn't though
Stormgod519: win?
GredGredmansson: Road Rage
Stormgod519: WIN
Diabore: there is a shock
GredGredmansson: didn't have it
Stormgod519: @GredGredmansson damn, that's so good
ToastyLoaff: Did they think they can only crew as a sorcery?
vinewood_og: Drats
Strebenherz: pffft
Stormgod519: yeah
Stormgod519: they just added achievos
Strebenherz: they juuust added them
TheWooglie: I got the achievement for winning on 1 life
Flyingdelorion: Nice!
ztghostie: there's an emote reward that's "Lands, am i right?"
Stormgod519: win a game hellbent
GredGredmansson: @Stormgod519 damage to a permanent equal to 2 + Mounts and Vehicles you control
Stormgod519: vey cool
Bruceski: There's an achievement for mulling the opponent out and I don't think anyone's ever gonna get it because who's gonna sit there instead of scooping?
Stormgod519: @GredGredmansson lol, i love that name so much
Marvoleath: You have the little track for each section
Marvoleath: with cosmetics
djalternative: Titles are available into profiles
GredGredmansson: @Stormgod519 there's a bunch of race puns in this set
GredGredmansson: Chandra: I am a genius! OH NO
Diabore: tuesday but yeah, this week
Stormgod519: @GredGredmansson they mustve been flooring it to get as many in as they could
n3ther: the day before friday Kappa
Voidhawk42: ke I asked
Thefluffiestguineapig: As someone who spends no money on Arena because I am poor so I can draft about once every 2-3 weeks depending on how I do in alchemy the fact they cycle the quick drafts so frequently feels super predatory
TehAmelie: at some point several hundred years ago, we decided what day of the week it was and then never got it wrong
Voidhawk42: They didn't stop counting at wednesday like I asked
GredGredmansson: we can play Ox turn 2, which lets us play our Countr Roads untapped
TehAmelie: so far
GredGredmansson: need for pede
Marvoleath: need of 'cipede
Thefluffiestguineapig: Most of the rewards for the achievements seem to be cosmetic (I believe they were introduced all of either today or yesterday so obviously haven't seen many) but that seems ok to me
NornsFelidar: oh look a target for cage!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Sick some not the bees on it!
ToastyLoaff: loot looks sad for the first time in his life in that card art
Stormgod519: my only complaint is that, ironically, speed is a pretty slow mechanic
Stormgod519: and kind of a trap
Thefluffiestguineapig: @ToastyLoaff Who looks sad? My tv is very old so I can't see art very well on it
GredGredmansson: idk BR can get speed online real fast
Stormgod519: like, the lack of stuff that gets affects at different speeds is a let down i have with the mechanic
GredGredmansson: i actually really like Roadside Assitance
Marvoleath: @Thefluffiestguineapig Loot, the pikachu in Perilous Snare
NornsFelidar: I have to disagree about speed, played rakdos and mardu speed this far, can really get there super quick, attacking is optional
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Marvoleath That's Loot in there?? That's very good art direction choices and also makes me sad
TehAmelie: searching for the heart of speed
wiigamer1995: will aetherdrift have a famjam?
TehAmelie: like Stephen King in the 80s
GredGredmansson: do we cycle the parry
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TehAmelie With a body made mostly of cocaine?
Stormgod519: @NornsFelidar i know, but outside that, it feels drawn out without stuff that getsd effects from you being at different speeds
Bruceski: Only as a sorcery
GredGredmansson: snare is sorcery only
tinaun: socery
Stormgod519: i dont think its a bad mechanic though
Stormgod519: oh crap....
Stormgod519: sorcery speed, curse youuuuu!
GredGredmansson: uhoh opponent is comboing
Thefluffiestguineapig: Does reading the card for instance explain the card?
A_Dub888: reading? in this economy?
CaptainSpam: New theme idea for the next Un-set: Platypi. Then they can have a Secret Agent Platypus with the Parry ability.
Thefluffiestguineapig: As someone who plays the jankest UB faeries deck that runs Talion and it gets people because they clearly mouse over the wall of text and decide not to read it and then get hit by it over and over and I just shake my head I literally have named that deck "Reading the Card Explains the Card"
Thefluffiestguineapig: @CaptainSpam That sounds amazing, also since in real life platypi make zero sense they can give them all kinds of nonsense abilities. And also make them outlaws for some reason
GredGredmansson: sac it, might as well
Stormgod519: rude!
Thefluffiestguineapig: But outlaws from the normal rules of nature
tinaun: if you snare + saddle last turn you could of pushed for 5 but I think opp is gaining too much life now
Mazrae: Hello everyone, going to try and use this stream to distract me a little while my GF (LRN) is in a teams meeting about wound care, which I cannot watch because ewww
GredGredmansson: 7/7 maybe
GredGredmansson: we have 2 copies of that white exile spell
GredGredmansson: kill 3/4
GredGredmansson: TAKE
GredGredmansson: answer the question Kappa
Diabore: james go to their house theyre only on 4 lands
couchboyj: Flying comes with the tap three, yeah
GredGredmansson: crews EVERYTHING
GredGredmansson: not with the Ace?
tinaun: no you need a blocker
tinaun: for the trample
GredGredmansson: i'd attack with jaguar but not saddle
Diabore: they can chain crew and make the 7/6
GredGredmansson: which we broken wings
couchboyj: There are mounts with ridiculous saddle effects with mount 5, so it doesn't mount everything. I don't thibk there's crew 5 in the set?
NornsFelidar: they'll just eat the cat
NornsFelidar: they got a 7/6
kumatsu: 7/6 crews for free
GredGredmansson: @couchboyj the wubrg one is cres 5
GredGredmansson: it's not a flyer
GredGredmansson: we can block it with the 9/8
GredGredmansson: with what?
GredGredmansson: isn't that one in the bin?
GredGredmansson: that's remeval but summoning sickness
ghizmou: now they'll have to leave something behind to block
Diabore: yeah that ends us
Marvoleath: close
Marvoleath: but not lethal
tinaun: if they didn't gain 4 life last turn...
couchboyj: Early days but this does seen like a real interesting limited environment
BrowneePointz: seems like it encourages attacking but isn't fast
couchboyj: Yeah, feels slow for a racing set. Golgari felt good to me for the first time in years.
kumatsu: FrankerZ
Marvoleath: aspikeLucy1
Thefluffiestguineapig: @BrowneePointz That's my feedback too
ghizmou: oh no, we 're the victim of a very cute doggo
GredGredmansson: you don't have to exile it to gain the life
Thefluffiestguineapig: It feels like there should be a turbo/nitrous/overdrive mechanic but since I can't predict if they are doing a part two of this set or not I have no idea
GredGredmansson: they can pump it out of range
Marvoleath: Exhaust is kinda that @Thefluffiestguineapig
tinaun: hey lrr I claimed this code but already had it so here it is again
couchboyj: The old on board trick
Thefluffiestguineapig: Because recently I feel like a lot of times these settings/mechanics could use a three set cycle to fine tune stuff
BrowneePointz: please don't do mic asmr
Gadora: Seconded.
Stormgod519: your what?
benv0li0 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 68 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, benv0li0! (Today's storm count: 22)
NornsFelidar: is this crossing streams? mtg and asmr with james?
Diabore: they just sac dog
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Marvoleath Kind of? But this might just be a feel thing to me that it feels slow. To me I wanted this set to feel like being on the receiving end of the fucking Hare Apparent deck when I don't draw appropriate proportional responses in alchemy where it just revs and goes
ztghostie: I liked Jamesmr D:
Thefluffiestguineapig: Speaking of dog, how's your dog James?
Marvoleath: @Thefluffiestguineapig I suppose it's more endurance race than drag racing though
Gadora: @ztghostie My shoulders are extremely tense right now, because of it.
gualdhar: LRR ASMR WHEN
Strebenherz: Lrr after dark
RayFK: Fuck no
TimIAm: Competitive ASMR as a LRL bit?
tinaun: wasn't it a crapshot
KaleidoscopeMind: ASMLRR
3and4fifths: There's already a crapshot
solarsheeptoken: u already took asmr from me
ztghostie: that sounds like a LoadingReadyLive segment tbh
A_Dub888: asmlrr
Stormgod519: nay
Diabore: nope
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Marvoleath That's fair, I guess I need to dial more into LRRMans feels than Flunge feels
Jasoman: no
ghizmou: I do
MarkovDescendant: Not I
Thefluffiestguineapig: Nope
EvilBadman: sure
couchboyj: LLASMR
Juliamon: They didn't ask for nos, chat
JoannaTastic: On occasion
patbaer: I get the anti-tingles
solarsheeptoken: is paul asmr
Strebenherz: sure
Jasoman: no licking mics for me
Feriority: I use it to help with sleep some nights
jessicatheblack: 1
Gadora: I have yet to encounter a kind that didn't tense my shoulders and back.
jessicatheblack: most days a week :3
patbaer: small sample size
3and4fifths: Maybe ear mics for a can't draw horses club episode
Thefluffiestguineapig: I have Autism related auditory overload so I am very selective with what sound stimulation I intake
gualdhar: I'd listen to LRR folks narrate paint drying in an NPR voice
RayFK: Eh, what you really care about is Engagment / 1000 Impressions
SolarBlitz1 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 65 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SolarBlitz1! (Today's storm count: 23)
virgil82: You guys are already my ASMR
couchboyj: Its just a super cut of Paul's sultriest "Hello"s
Thefluffiestguineapig: @gualdhar Eh, I would rather listen to QWERPline
NotCainNorAbel: I just like the idea of trying to have Adam, Ben, or Wheeler be soft spoken for three hours
GredGredmansson: they wanted the counter
TheAwkes: Heard it here first, no such thing as bad engagement.
patbaer: I'd probably listen to Jordynne do ASMR
Plasterboard: I watch/listen to the Rewatch w/ Love series sometimes to have background talking
Thefluffiestguineapig: @couchboyj No wait, I just want a super cut of Paul reading the chat's things from JobJob in JackBox
patbaer: I'm sorry James.
tinaun: make a pilot
TehAmelie: i never heard it before
Jasoman: i thought his hole punching was ASMR
A_Dub888: JamSMR
Bruceski: My issue with ASMR stuff is when they don't turn the ads off so every 5 minutes you get VERY LOUD PEOPLE TALKING ABOUT STATE FARM or whatever.
gualdhar: @Thefluffiestguineapig there is room for both
Thefluffiestguineapig: I would listen to Jordynne do ASMR get interrupted by their cat
Marvoleath: but would you include words like "blorbos" in your whisper parts?
3and4fifths gifted a Tier 1 sub to ASMReSports! They have given 586 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ASMReSports! (Today's storm count: 24)
Feriority: I would definitely listen to cat-interrupted ASMR
TehAmelie: when James does ASMR the M stands for mining
Stormgod519: YT premium is the only subscritpion i have outside of 2 tiwtch subs
Stormgod519: YT premium is super nice
Thefluffiestguineapig: There is one ASMR video I adore which is ASMR Goku powering up
EvilBadman: (whispers) fuck blorbos
ztghostie: Beej's anime round up but in ASMR
Stormgod519: !findquote blorbos
LRRbot: Quote #9248: "If I'm your favourite Blorbo, stop that shit right now." โ€”Adam [2025-01-25]
Thefluffiestguineapig: I nearly cried laughing the first time I watched it
gualdhar: yelling ASMR is a thing
MarkovDescendant: @Stormgod519 Big agree. Totally worth it
Stormgod519: FUCK HIM AGAIN!
Feriority: Is "your blorbo is trash" the new "your waifu is trash"?
3and4fifths: Azmer is my favorite guild of ravnica
Thefluffiestguineapig: @MarkovDescendant Oh yeah, I originally got it no word of a lie for LRR playlists and the ZP playlist
Cptasparagus: we've won every game right
TehAmelie: you say the true-true?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also question for people in chat, can you have private draft cues with Arena friends that don't cost gold or gems?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Beep beep make way for glider!
BrowneePointz: They should put it in for free
ztghostie: from hell's heart this sugar glider stabs at thee
Cptasparagus: @Thefluffiestguineapig WOTC is allergic to letting people play magic for free
Thefluffiestguineapig: One more time brightfoot glider seems like a good button
BrowneePointz: don't get to keep the cards
Jasoman: Capitalism hates the idea
Thefluffiestguineapig: It would be a phantom draft
Stormgod519: yeah
TimeToFry: I'd be fine paying for a normal draft if I could form private parties for it
Stormgod519: agreed
Marvoleath: @Thefluffiestguineapig nope, what ppl were doing is drafting on like draft sim or sth and then building the decks with your collection, but that costs wildcards too
Jasoman: Elon could be in chat so maybe not everyone
A_Dub888: do they have to though?
couchboyj: Cheap phantom deafts would be nice. Free is a pipe dream.
ztghostie: 5 dollar phantom draft bundle that gives you like, 3 or 4 drafts
ryu9969 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 52 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ryu9969! (Today's storm count: 25)
Marvoleath: They only made 1 bln dollars last year
gualdhar: ban capitalism
KaleidoscopeMind: not if we have UBI
Jasoman: Well just get the AI to replace humans
couchboyj: If they don't make money, Hasbro will pull da plug
Stormgod519: yeah
Thefluffiestguineapig: You know what would pay rent for a while? Can the C suite! (I do not consider people like Mark Rosewater C suite)
Stormgod519: it could be real fun
A_Dub888: ur amazing
ztghostie: 15 dollars a month for unlimited phantom drafts, thoughts
Cptasparagus: we did do FNMs remotely during COVID lke that, you just have to be coordinated
Thefluffiestguineapig: Or if not can them then make them make the same as the rest of their employees)
DarthRagnar815: It just plain BIG.
ztghostie: Mono green whoolly thoctar seems deece
Marvoleath: 3 mana 5/4 vanilla is not bad
Cptasparagus: @ztghostie how will the CEOs eat?
Voidhawk42: 3 mana 5/4 is pretty darn good rate
Diabore: good enough to first pick, its a 5/4 for 3
Wiliart: 3 mana 5/4 fine
BrowneePointz: no
BrowneePointz: there's a couple dinos
TehAmelie: there was a freeware program back in the day where you'd just connect with a friend and load in JPGs you could move around. so people used that to play MtG
ztghostie: there's a decent number of dinos
Texan_Reverend: Including a tournament structure of some sort would also be cool. Multiple draft pods all moving along a shared ladder.
Stormgod519: not super present
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Cptasparagus Same way I do, inconsistently
BrowneePointz: it's mostly just a 3 mana 5/4
Stormgod519: there's a fair number tho
blackkkkk: there is a 8/8 with trample so yeah
Wiliart: Not a lot, just a few dino's around.
goombalax: the dinos are big splashy bombs
Mazrae: How have you been feeling James
ztghostie: There's also the 9/7 for 2GGG vanilla dino
Marvoleath: there is total of 6 dinos, in GR
BrowneePointz: cuz Crocodiles are not Dinosaurs
Diabore: the green one is a donosaur
Robot_Bones: It should get on the floor
Stormgod519: "why doesnt this rare make dinosaurs!?!"
A_Dub888: a lot of things should be dinosaurs
Diabore: *the green vanilla is a dinosaur
couchboyj: Thats real good in golgari
Cptasparagus: @Texan_Reverend its not quite the same issue, but it took Riot like 3 years to get this figure out for LoL
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also I will not get into the politics, but if you are in the US please call your representatives and senators and just leave the message "be afraid of the consequences of your actions"
ztghostie: venomsac lagac is also fun to say
GredGredmansson: there's like...8 dinosaurs in the set? that's not nothing
Thefluffiestguineapig: Wait, the creature time should be lagac!!!!
Thefluffiestguineapig: There are other lagacs!!
Feriority: I like the lagac, keeps us in green and cheap deathtouchers are always great
KaleidoscopeMind: when will wizards oracle "all birds are dinosaurs" to be scientifically accurate :P
Thefluffiestguineapig: I do love saying lagac
Thefluffiestguineapig: @KaleidoscopeMind That means a bunch of the Jeskai monks will be dinosaurs and I will be very happy
couchboyj: This pack is doo doo
ztghostie: @KaleidoscopeMind counter point, why not errata all dinos to be birds
Stormgod519: alsot he dino you can cycle
Diabore: have fun at captain america
BrowneePointz: Oh Captain America we couldn't remove the shitty character?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @ztghostie My brain melted because certain green red decks and certain blue white decks will be very OPOP
Diabore: my showings tomorrow
Cptasparagus: not Captain Canada?
BrowneePointz: Yes and Red Hulk
Stormgod519: but what about captain canada?
BrowneePointz: Red Hulk
ztghostie: among others
SolarBlitz1: Red hulk harisson ford
Plasterboard: Han Solo
BrowneePointz: The Master
BrowneePointz: dude from the Hulk movie
A_Dub888: what the hell did America do to get their own captain!? lrrBEEJ
Diabore: red hulk is in the movie, if hes the villian is nebulous iirc
RatherLargeToad: Serpent Society
GredGredmansson: wait why are there hulk villains in a not hulk movie
BrowneePointz: The Leader*
GredGredmansson: wait i know the aswer to this
GredGredmansson: dumb contract language
BrowneePointz: or is it Giancarlo Espocito as the Serpent Society dude
BrowneePointz: look all I know is there's red hulk, the dead celestial is making adamantium, and they fought like hell to keep Sabra in the movie when they should've taken her out
Wiliart: You are getting paid right now to play magic, so technically true.
GredGredmansson: i dunno i like the reanimator spell in reanimator colors
Stormgod519: wooooow
GredGredmansson: tomDab
Stormgod519: :dabs:
Stormgod519: feesh
BrowneePointz: oh yea James how about that F4 Trailer tho!
Stormgod519: oooh, green goblin
Marvoleath: the 3 mana black card you have in sb isnt bad
BrowneePointz: Sentry melting people into shadows in the trailer for Thunderbolts is wild
Stormgod519: cya James
GredGredmansson: bye jabes
BrowneePointz: good ol Ben Stiller
couchboyj: Remember Vengvine? He's back! In gob form.
GapFiller: enjoy the gig James
Stormgod519: We love the artifact's birthing pod
MarkovDescendant: Too bad TapTapConcede doesn't do nicknames anymore
Stormgod519: @MarkovDescendant i miss those a lot
GredGredmansson: "Welcome Back Kardur"
MarkovDescendant: lol
Mangledpixel: !greetings
LRRbot: Greetings, you Spellgorger Weirds!
Mazrae: Gary?
EOstby: El Spidro (whatever the spider was)
Stormgod519: my favorite is "Bite Steal Colossus" for the new Etali from MOM
GredGredmansson: for Kardur's Vicious Return
GredGredmansson: my favorite one that I personally submitted is "Keyword-Blade" for Eater of Virtue
TimeToFry: I love all the variations of Chad that came around
GredGredmansson: I STILL call Basri Ket "Brad"
GredGredmansson: Verge!
Stormgod519: ooooo
Stormgod519: on color verge...
GredGredmansson: oh.
Diabore: it can definitely kill you, but also itll be funny if it does
GredGredmansson: we're going to reanimate SO HARD
GredGredmansson: speaking of nicknames
GredGredmansson: two popular ones for Grim Bauble
GredGredmansson: "This Figure"
GredGredmansson: "Dead Paperweight"
Stormgod519: i love "This Figure"
Marvoleath: !card disfigure
LRRbot: Disfigure [B] | Instant | Target creature gets โˆ’2/โˆ’2 until end of turn.
Mangledpixel: Bim Grobble
GredGredmansson: !card Dead Weight
LRRbot: Dead Weight [B] | Enchantment โ€” Aura | Enchant creature / Enchanted creature gets โˆ’2/โˆ’2.
Diabore: it wasnt a nickname ttc but i dont think anything can top off the cuff creepy pp from kathleen
BrowneePointz: So Cori, since we're getting our first look at FF x MTG next week, what specific character or reference do you hope to see?
GredGredmansson: Fleshy George from the BRO PPR as well
BrowneePointz: I specifically wanna see, verbatim: Edward, Spoony Bard
MarkovDescendant: Individual Cids or like the Nazgul?
GredGredmansson: Cid typal Vehicle deck sure
kumatsu: counterpoint: every Biggs and Wedge
Diabore: cid highwind cid midwind and cid lowwind
DiscordianTokkan: The Multiverse of Biggs and Wedge
GredGredmansson: I want to see a Bartz deck that's a 5-color Class deck
Juliamon: a Cid for every rarity
kumatsu: lol I hit send right when you said it
kumatsu: tonberry, slime
GredGredmansson: Tonberry, so Graham can tell us what they are again
BrowneePointz: If they give me specifically Amano style art for FF16/14 Cids I may cry. for myself and my wallet
Dog_of_Myth: I want to see a Hell House card. LUL
BrowneePointz: cuz like...they HAVE to be doing Amano or Pixel style art for the showcase right?
DiscordianTokkan: I can see a Blue Mage creature that can gain activated abilities of other creatures
ContingentCat: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: ChillPoint (Paul, Beej and Heather chat about Video Games and Video Game related news!) at Fri 02:00 PM PST (21:52 from now).
GredGredmansson: @DiscordianTokkan Better: Blue Mage Class enchantment
Dog_of_Myth: @BrowneePointz I would hope so
DiscordianTokkan: @GredGredmansson seabatClap
BrowneePointz: If they get actual Factual Amano to do a cycle they are gonna be SO expensive
BrowneePointz: that japanese Amano Lili is still like over 2.5k
Marvoleath: tip for later: you can get to speed = 2 on the turn you start engines, if you do so before dealing combat damage to opponent
Marvoleath: do so = play the start engines card
Jadaris: @BrowneePointz 110 regular, 1499 foil
Stormgod519: aight, time for a workout, likely in the rain!. take care Cori! cya chat!
MarkovDescendant: @Stormgod519 Be safe
shaneandkk subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 72 months!
shaneandkk: Hi!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, shaneandkk! (Today's storm count: 26)
TimeToFry: This arena makes me think we can activate a ninjutsu ability
GredGredmansson: i know right
GredGredmansson: if pactdoll lives we win
BusTed: seabatClap
Lord_Hosk: perfect record retire champion
Marvoleath: need James back
GredGredmansson: 2 land and 4 cost cards
coriolis_storm: Uh-oh, we appear to be stalling :(
GredGredmansson: the answer is "no" then
ghizmou: new set= new lessons
Lord_Hosk: should have retired as champion
GredGredmansson: gotta play speed demon i think
GredGredmansson: yes it's a 5/5 flying blocker
Marvoleath: I like engine + break some wings
Marvoleath: not against a hasty dragon though
GredGredmansson: I'm surprised they didn't counter your spell with Diversion Unit
EvilBadman: ^
GredGredmansson: so, what have we learned
GredGredmansson: that's a shame
coriolis_storm: โ€œReading the card, explains the cardโ€
Marvoleath: reading cards does nothing, clearly
Mazrae: Take more than two lands?
Lord_Hosk: Controller was broke
GredGredmansson: kiora what are you wearing
EvilBadman: Thunder Drive, fastere than fear
GredGredmansson: I was going to say "read the cards" but
TheWooglie: ball friend
Kipstar: a ball off!
Marvoleath: the Jabbirik!
GredGredmansson: dinobinosaur
coriolis_storm: Weโ€™re playing against an oilman, they have a clear advantage in this race!
GredGredmansson: 2 vanilla creatures and Lightning Storm
GredGredmansson: what year is this
Lord_Hosk: I really dont like that beep they chose for start your engines
Marvoleath: It's a shame that Muraganda vanillas didnt get some better synergies
ghizmou: it s the same sound as the oops you press shift too many times
Lord_Hosk: @ghizmou yep
Fruan: Ahah! They'll never get to max speed now! Checkmate
GredGredmansson: i think we play the raider and sideswipe the 1/4
Marvoleath: cycle, hope for land + reanimate?
GredGredmansson: Not their pinger?
Marvoleath: dead to the enchantment anw
GredGredmansson: suppose that was a thing too
GredGredmansson: missed that
Lord_Hosk: If you could catch everything, you could probably get a lucrative job for the Olympics as a Javalin judge
Juliamon: no
Lord_Hosk: Its how I just spelled it
EvilBadman: minor spelling error GET EM
CookieMom: You've never seen the coffee spear event?
KingOfDoma: Serge would be good at Javalin
Mr_Horrible: it's a slang contraction of Javaling, a coffee elemental prominently featured on the sidelines of this race Kappa
GredGredmansson: is this monoblue
Mr_Horrible: @GredGredmansson given the number of cards in hand I'm guessing no
GredGredmansson: @Mr_Horrible i dunno i feel like monoblue frequently has a lot of cards in hand
Mr_Horrible: in constructed, maybe
GredGredmansson: heck yeah
Mr_Horrible: I await the tide of history for the answer, though
adambomb625: speed demon is gonna kill us
Marvoleath: not if it kills them first!
Fruan: speed demon is gonna kill SOMEONE
Mr_Horrible: I mean we're still getting ETB triggers off doll
GredGredmansson: ok, so this ISN'T monoblue
Mr_Horrible: damn, I should really read cards before making pronouncements
Diabore: @GredGredmansson its mono sad right now
Mr_Horrible: it only drew us 7 cards kanagoSad
Fruan: I mean, it drew you 7 cards. It's probably fine.
GredGredmansson: we still have a land drop right?
GredGredmansson: oh we don't
EvilBadman: you also have a tutor on the hour of vic, yeah?
GredGredmansson: yeah hour can tutor for "they die" i guess
EvilBadman: ace
Fruan: Speed demon seems pretty good.
SnowBuddy18: maybe even admiral
Mr_Horrible: Kirk for a day, Crusher for the other 364
adambomb625: that's not even the same series
Mr_Horrible: I'll leave that footnote to the historians
Lord_Hosk: Kirk in the Sheets, Crusher in the captains chair.
Mr_Horrible: (I don't really watch much Trek)
Texan_Reverend: @adambomb625 There's overlap during the Generations movie.
Lord_Hosk: How many Crushers do you know who have taken the captains chair?
gualdhar: Jack?
GredGredmansson: @Lord_Hosk you mean, like, home with them?
Lord_Hosk: lol\
ghizmou: we'll never see it again
Featherweight_: oh no, got gulked !
LurkerSpine: riptide has double strike, right?
Mazrae: Third from the top(rope)
Mr_Horrible: Venomsac Lagac: still annoying, turns out
LurkerSpine: oh fair trade
ghizmou: gottem
Mr_Horrible: doritos bold, opponent
Texan_Reverend: Regal's back. Tell a friend.
Jadaris: Ken is back...
GredGredmansson: why did i convince myself pactdoll worked with any creature too
Mr_Horrible: oh the dramatic irony
GredGredmansson: "that's not ironic that's just coincidental
Jadaris: I love dramatic ironing
Mr_Horrible: is sideswipe one of the ones where you can pay 5 instead of pitching something?
GredGredmansson: no
Mr_Horrible: damn, we used to be a society
Thefluffiestguineapig: What are they eating?
TheRedshift subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 13 months!
TheRedshift: wheeeee
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheRedshift! (Today's storm count: 27)
tryllebanjo: oh
TheRedshift: Who else is hyped for new friday nights
Lord_Hosk: draft again!
Fruan: @TheRedshift So hype
CaptainSpam: Welp.
CaptainSpam: I have obtained hype.
TheRedshift: I am beheld!
Mr_Horrible: YIPPEE kanagoYip
Thefluffiestguineapig: I am very hyped
gualdhar: You have a teaser trailer? It's not a real announcement without a teaser trailer
TheRedshift: Where is this granich
3and4fifths: @TheRedshift Shadowmoor
jacqui_lantern234: the 21st?! thats a few days before my surgery date! :P
Azralorne: Is there a Cori in Friday Nights?
TheRedshift: haha, gotem
Lord_Hosk: its so mean to time
mastershake29x: oof
Fruan: You can get a title by crafting 250 commons
BusTed: NotLikeThis
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also it was not great, the ratio of lands was bad
Lord_Hosk: Jumpin is still running for 17 minutes
Fruan: Is Cori gonna be in next season of Friday Nights?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Lord_Hosk Sign up ends before this stream begins
GredGredmansson: Treasured Otters
jacqui_lantern234: Otter?! i hardly know her! :P
TheRedshift: my main issue with aetherdrift is there's not enough drifting, yknow
TheRedshift: @jacqui_lantern234 peak
Juliamon: oooh a legit teapot
M4RKNUTT: Evening, I never catch a Cori stream :) how are the drafts going?
jacqui_lantern234: @TheRedshift dont encourage my unfunny nonsense! :P
TheRedshift: who up aethering they drift
Thefluffiestguineapig: @jacqui_lantern234 My parasitology and hematology instructor for valentines day puts up parasite themed dad jokes all over the building, nerds are just full of unfunny nonsense
TheRedshift: @jacqui_lantern234 the world needs more encouragement
Cptasparagus: wait did you queue into aetherdrift draft vs bloomburrow draft?
GredGredmansson: this is jump in
GredGredmansson: featuring bloomburrow allstar Magda
Cptasparagus: yeah dwarves are otters right?
calculated_uncertainties: I just watched that crapshot again last night.
calculated_uncertainties: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100
GredGredmansson: you didn't crime
jacqui_lantern234: @Thefluffiestguineapig what a coincidence! i, too, call myself a parasite Kappa
GredGredmansson: tomDab
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Cptasparagus Well, certain dwarves care about crimes, and that helps with cascading certain things
GredGredmansson: btw i hope i haven't been overbearing at all tonight, i'm a bunch of a rules lawyer some time
jacqui_lantern234: whatever you build, Cori, send me a DM so we can test some decks out!
Mazrae: Can you make a gladiator themed gladiator deck?
GredGredmansson: i'm no good at gladiator
QuixoticScrivener: a shock, that by baseline, is worse
jacqui_lantern234: woot ๐Ÿค˜
jacqui_lantern234: anybutt, ima take off. i got a VtM campaign to play in
jacqui_lantern234: later, nerds <3 know that yall are loved
Thefluffiestguineapig: I've discovered I am very bad at brawl, so I assume I would also be bad at gladiator
Thefluffiestguineapig: But I'm ok at alchemy!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @jacqui_lantern234 Know that you are also loved!
GredGredmansson: i appreciate that, nothing worse than a rules lawyer who's talking out their tomYoga
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Mazrae Just theros that shit?
Flyingdelorion: Wait, people are still playing Alchemy? HUh
Thefluffiestguineapig: @GredGredmansson Yeah if you were being a rules lawyer and being wrong (which has happened) and being mad about other people kindly trying to point things out that becomes an issue
Mazrae: @thefluffiestguineapig I don't even know if there are gladiator typed cards, I know very little MtG
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Flyingdelorion I do because I have a very small collection and I can build jank nonsense and just jam stuff for free. I am very poor so I have to scrape and do daily quests to get gold for quick drafts
GredGredmansson: @Mazrae the Theros sets are themed around Ancient Greece
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Mazrae I would probably go just ask Wheeler
GredGredmansson: greek myth rather
Thefluffiestguineapig: Did Theros introduce the creature type God?
Juliamon: yes
Thefluffiestguineapig: And the creature type enchantment creature? or was that earlier?
GredGredmansson: and i belive they have a bunch of Warrior Gladiators and Soldier Centurions
GredGredmansson: Theros introduced Enchantment Creatures, yes
Mr_Horrible: @Thefluffiestguineapig strictly speaking that one was Future Sight
BrowneePointz: if you lose 6 you get fired tho
TheWooglie: can you just concede 5 times in a row?
BrowneePointz: gotta ride that line
Mr_Horrible: !card Lucent Liminid
LRRbot: Lucent Liminid [3WW] | Enchantment Creature โ€” Elemental [3/3] | Flying
GredGredmansson: in fact they didn't show up on any other plane until Neon Kamigawa
Juliamon: You can't really count Future Sight though
Mr_Horrible: it was unmoored from any context, yeah
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Juliamon Future Sight is it's own weird nonsense thing
Flyingdelorion: @Thefluffiestguineapig Fair, I am in the same boat but I just play monoblack in Standard. How is the meta in Alchemy? Cause non of the Magic sites I look at have any info on that....
GredGredmansson: @TheWooglie if its anything like hearthstone it won't count it unless the game's already gone one for a bit or your lifetotal has been depleted
Mr_Horrible: although iirc it does have flavor text that I don't remember
Juliamon: the Liminid is an enchantment creature in typeline only
Juliamon: it doesn't do anything
GredGredmansson: "It is a herald of the sun goddess, projected from the hallowed glass whenever her light passes through."
GredGredmansson: oh hey Mascot is an outlaw. That's funny
EvilBadman: that sounds like winner talk not 4th loss talk
Mr_Horrible: I mean, yeah, there's also enchantment creatures from theros that do not have a unique function as an enchantment creature, they're just thematically an enchantment and possibly care about them
GredGredmansson: return the favor is one of my favorite new cards
Mazrae: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: ChillPoint (Paul, Beej and Heather chat about Video Games and Video Game related news!) at Fri 02:00 PM PST (21:03 from now).
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Flyingdelorion Aside from the fact I cackle like a bad witch when people have clearly copy and pasted a top tier deck and don't say hello or acknowledge when I say they did something cool and are mad when my jank faeries deck cuts the knees out of their deck? It's weird. You see all the "normal" powerful things (mono white life gain, blue red spells matter, mono black zombies etc) but then people like me jamming weird stuff are there too. Feel free to DM me if you want to chat more about this
GredGredmansson: 2 MANA 3/3 HYPE
EvilBadman: crouchin on the outside
GredGredmansson: Geardrake is cool too, I have that in my Vastra/Jenny deck
Mr_Horrible: IDK, I wouldn't necessarily say Future Sight is where a lot of mechs were first A Thing, but I do think it introduced a lot of concepts as thing that they could make work under how the magic rules are structured
Mr_Horrible: *as things
Juliamon: This stream's timeslot makes it impossible to participate in Midweek
RealGamerCow: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: ChillPoint (Paul, Beej and Heather chat about Video Games and Video Game related news!) at Fri 02:00 PM PST (21:02 from now).
Texan_Reverend: !cardkingdom
LRRbot: Card Kingdom is a long-time sponsor of LoadingReadyRun's MtG draft streams. Visit them at and if you live on the west coast, visit their store in Seattle. When you place an order, say "LoadingReadyRun sent me, button please!" to receive a bonus button!
Mazrae: LRRgh
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Mr_Horrible I would agree with that, I think they did a lot of being silly and a lot of sly experimentation to see how people responded
Texan_Reverend: !dragonshield
LRRbot: Want a deal on some sweet Dragon Shield products? Use code LRRMTG5 for 5% off your order at
Texan_Reverend: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
GredGredmansson: @Thefluffiestguineapig and now we have the Playtest cards for that
Texan_Reverend: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
Juliamon: !paypal
LRRbot: Have you ever wanted to financially support LRR without any of those pesky 'perks' or 'recognition'? Well, you're in luck, because LRR has a PayPal link:
Lord_Hosk: Or by funding the next kickstarter for Saturday nights
Texan_Reverend: !ytmember
LRRbot: LRR has Youtube memberships. Don't know what that is? Well, as the video explains, it's another way to support LRR:
Thefluffiestguineapig: @GredGredmansson Future Sight was basically proto playtest, you're right!
Texan_Reverend: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
GredGredmansson: @Thefluffiestguineapig proto playtest that was standard legal
Mr_Horrible: all I know is Ben's involves Gunk
Mazrae: Vibe not tomorrow but Saturday
Mr_Horrible: to fulfill his greatest wishes
Thefluffiestguineapig: @GredGredmansson I wasn't playing at that time but it sounds like chaos, like you're just describing chaos
Flyingdelorion: Tnank you @Thefluffiestguineapig for your answer. I will think about it cause I want to expres more of myself in the game but its very easy to find Standard lists online and I like black! But may it's time for a change to something new! If so thank you for you kind words!
GredGredmansson: Graham's is the one he already had but as a Pilot now
CaptainSpam: Stalker soon, fellow blowout... wait, hang on...
TheAinMAP: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: highly experienced furniture yeeters
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Flyingdelorion And I've seen a bunch of different mono black things in Alchemy too if that helps
EvilBadman: the let's of nope
Texan_Reverend: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
Texan_Reverend: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at, and LRRMtG at
Texan_Reverend: !bsky
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Bluesky! You can follow the LRR account here: Or find all the crew accounts here:
Thefluffiestguineapig: Did James announce what movie is on Saturday?
Mazrae: Well chat, I'm off the eat meatloaf and homemade mash
Thefluffiestguineapig: Did Cori do the subs?
CaptainSpam: Subs?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Mazrae I's jealous, that sounds delicious
Juliamon: Cori get back here
GapFiller: mmm subs
calculated_uncertainties: No subs were discussed
GredGredmansson: @Thefluffiestguineapig this isn't Friday Night Paper Fight
Juliamon: you need to greet the subs
GredGredmansson: they do normal ones mid stream
GapFiller: nalvThink hmm meatloaf mash sub
Juliamon: I don't think she kept up
GredGredmansson: if they aren't preoccupied with in person play
Flyingdelorion: Ok nice @Thefluffiestguineapig but it's bedtime for me! So see you in chat in the future maybe!
Juliamon: ah well
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Flyingdelorion Sleep well! Back to studying for me!
GapFiller: nvm that sounds like a problem for ChillPoint tmrw
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Juliamon I am imagining you shaking your fist at the sky
Juliamon: mostly I'm just shrugging