TehAmelie: Tearoom of Rhythm
TehAmelie: see because "tear" as in rift
accountmadeforants: Now that's that's a crossword puzzle-worthy bit of layers
TehAmelie: i didn't take a walk today but at least that joke was a long walk
fuzzy_died: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Rhythm Cafe (Heather and Ian continue their never-ending quest to play ALL THE RHYTHM GAMES! Game: Rift of the Necrodancer) at Sun 04:00 PM PST (4m from now).
jessicaengle: DinoDance
Juliamon: lrrSIG
theawesomeonev2 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 63 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, theawesomeonev2! (Today's storm count: 2)
Ignatiuspants subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 46 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Ignatiuspants! (Today's storm count: 3)
RandomTrivia: Hi friends! lrrHEART Hyped for more Rift of the Necrodancer
JohnLockeCole: Hello all, I was wondering whether this game was Rad
DideRobot: LRR: Rhythm Cafe is back with more Rift of the Necrodancer. Let's meet more characters we didn't get to in the first game! https://twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun (has image) | https://kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun/114016287338180972
JohnLockeCole: I do feel that they missed a trick by not calling it "Riff" of the Necrodancer
jessicaengle: jlrrDance jlrrDance jlrrDance
accountmadeforants: sajamVibe
accountmadeforants: @JohnLockeCole Very much so
TehAmelie: @JohnLockeCole i guess they're saving that for the spin-off
jessicaengle: LoveSmash
tinaun: woo
RandomTrivia: lrrFINE
nevermore913: My favorite cafe
TehAmelie: in my headcanon, for this game the show becomes the Tearoom of Rhythm
Dog_of_Myth: Good evening Rhythm Cafe and chat
TehAmelie: hello!
Strebenherz: pfffffffffft
RandomTrivia: But then *using* the thing's name gives you power over it...
Bruceski: Nonono, naming something gives you power over THEM
Strebenherz: ian.horner.ianplz
ekimekim: there are many Ians but only one IAN
TehAmelie: i thought naming things gives you power over "them"
RandomTrivia: Oh wow no that's WAY more cursed
DaxStrife: No, please, stop, cease.
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Lysander_salamander: hello everyone
nevermore913: I hate content creator voice
RandomTrivia: I would like to disembark the ride please
Lysander_salamander: :D
Strebenherz: chipper heather is menacing in a new way
accountmadeforants: And why did you think you won the rhythm game today Quarterback Ian
Invitare: like subscribe and ring the bell
DaxStrife: Heather isn't a content creator, she just creates content.
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Invitare: it means to go to warp
Lysander_salamander: Engines to power, turbines to speed
RandomTrivia: Hide your face, and make *your* ADR Director happy today! lrrBEEJ
accountmadeforants: Engaging your core is when you're shrimping, right 🖥️ 🦐
Lysander_salamander: anaerobic workouts are a bad idea
pleonasticTautology: hi hello everyone!
RandomTrivia: Engaging The Core is choosing the movie with the highest Pseudoscience per Minute rate ever made for your movie night
Dog_of_Myth: Good start tonight LUL
RandomTrivia: 10/10 opening
Lysander_salamander: neat intro
RandomTrivia: Game audio balance absolutely perfect
accountmadeforants: Balance seems good. On the quiet side at worst.
RandomTrivia: The Vibe was great fun
Lysander_salamander: who's the purple elf with the cool bandana character?
ekimekim: Lysander_salamander: Suzu
Lysander_salamander: neat
ekimekim: we'll meet her later
Lysander_salamander: hahahahaha
RandomTrivia: B E E F
accountmadeforants: @Lysander_salamander Uh, bandana character is Suzu (from the second-to-last DLC) purple elf is probably the vampire Nocturna from the first DLC (Amplified)
TehAmelie: Meat Boy sure gets around
accountmadeforants: As an aside, you can use WASD and arrow keys simultaneously, and sometimes that'll be a lot more comfortable
Lysander_salamander: I wonder if I can set up the keyboard inputs like some of the pinball simulators, where shift keys are the bumpers.
Strebenherz: whoops hope ran off to the toy isle again
accountmadeforants: This song really sold me on this way of doing beatmaps (it's also fiendishly difficult)
tinaun: remember to use your power
RandomTrivia: Well, a hive usually has one queen... lrrBEEJ
Lysander_salamander: Those parents have peculiar senses of humor, to name them "Hope" in the first place
Strebenherz: probably
nevermore913: Unfortunately
Strebenherz: there are definitely parents doing theme things for names
kusinohki: meows
Strebenherz: meme^
accountmadeforants: Are kids not physical memes of parents :)
Bruceski: As a twin, who knows other twins, I can attest that there is no end to people who decide to be "cute" in punishing ways
TehAmelie: let's ask the twins Winner and Lose Lane
Lysander_salamander: The saxophone in this is great
TehAmelie: Loser, even
RandomTrivia: Oh, cats, go nuts
RandomTrivia: Same for OCs
Lysander_salamander: My brother did name his cats off book characters
Mollylele: cat isn't gonna respond to their name anyway
RandomTrivia: Children should never be named for memeing, pets should ALWAYS be named for memeing
spethycakes: When I was a kid, my family always joked that the pastor at their church should have named his kids Water and Fire Hazard
Lysander_salamander: oof
nevermore913: I've seen some weirder cat names than that
randombillfolds: Meet my cats: Rainbow, Reignbeau and Raynebough.
pleonasticTautology: kids named after homestuck characters are turning 13 soon
kusinohki: I knew someone who was planning on naming their daughter (if they ever have one) Destiny. I'm like "you know every guy is just going to say 'you are my destiny' as a pick up line"??
TehAmelie: my dream is to have a cat i can call Two Robocops
Bruceski: Homestuck is only 13 years old? Thought it was 20 or 25
accountmadeforants: sajamVibe
accountmadeforants: playfr3Carriedance
Lysander_salamander: dang this is a good song
pleonasticTautology: @Bruceski oh sorry it's 16 this year
pleonasticTautology: so they're old enough to play the alpha :P
Bruceski: Huh, could've sworn Homestuck was around when I was in college
pleonasticTautology: started in 2009
pleonasticTautology: april 13th, 2009
Lysander_salamander: remap to left and right shift, and spacebar for down?
accountmadeforants: @Lysander_salamander Oh yeah, this is also a cool idea!
goombalax: "I'll kill you" (Affectionate)
accountmadeforants: But clearly we need the Pop'n Music controller
GDwarble: "I'll kill you!" is a Gundam Wing line, I think :P
Lysander_salamander: can you do it with the taiko drum controller?
TheAinMAP: TTours
Juliamon: wubalubadub is it true?
goombalax: its like 50% of heero's lines to Relena
BusTed: seabatYIKES o'clock
TehAmelie: this is a novel kind of photography, usually you just make them stand still
Lysander_salamander: nice
Lysander_salamander: that ab action
accountmadeforants: I love Merlin's reactions in the background
A_Dub888: @juliamon woah, you go big guy
GDwarble: Teketeketeke Desuka?
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
kusinohki: "looks like you get the picture" - made me a little angry tbh...
Bruceski: This is straight up Rhythm Heaven
Bruceski: I hope there's a minigame mashup at the end
calculated_uncertainties: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100
Lysander_salamander: hopefully there'll be a woodchopping or airplane-badmitton stage
ekimekim: what a shock, the "King" and "Queen" are the King and Queen chess pieces from Deep Blues
accountmadeforants: @ekimekim Necrodancer knows games that use subtlety and thinks they're cowards.
ekimekim: i'm like 90% sure that's Kevin from power-up audio making those sounds. it's the exact same sound as the Thief in Crypt
accountmadeforants: The diamonds unlock songs (automatically) in the Play Mode
accountmadeforants: And some challenges
tinaun: yeah they do look like wheeler
accountmadeforants: But they're thresholds, not things you spend
Invitare: James knows all about using diamonds
spethycakes: ohlindPonder
accountmadeforants: Tisk tisk
jessieimproved: she's got Megara energy
calculated_uncertainties: Laverne caverne?
Bruceski: I get my kicks above the bassline, sunshine.
Darleysam: love that they made a tabletop version of the game from that show
DaxStrife: It's very good (for copaganda).
KeytarCat: Leverage is about heists and not simple machines
RandomTrivia: Not to be confused with *hoists*, which don't need as much leverage lrrBEEJ
ekimekim: it always bothered me how the Golden Girls weren't actually made of gold
spethycakes: @RandomTrivia really pulleying it out there
TheMandrew: Fulcrum is a codename used by Ahsoka, and later Agent Kallus in star wars Rebels
RandomTrivia: @spethycakes Gotta tidy up those loose threads, after all
accountmadeforants: Leverage, featuring John Fulcrum, Jane Pivot, Lord Load, and the up-and coming Alex Advantage.
TehAmelie: the Broken Earth trilogy has an organization called Fulcrum to control all the earthbenders
accountmadeforants: First you ask "Is this yours?" and you only eat it if they say yes.
Remni: This game is so much fun
accountmadeforants: Nocturna's story and minigame are peak.
ekimekim: ah yes, the famous rhythm game Bop! Bop! Revolt
Bruceski: I think a crisp cold roast beef and cheddar is lovely
accountmadeforants: Subspecies of the dumpling genus.
TehAmelie: can they breed with other dumplings?
Invitare: what is a soup dumpling in this context?
pleonasticTautology: ian no
RandomTrivia: So how do we map that onto the cube?
ekimekim: wait all these arcade machine names are amazing. Grave of the DeadLancer?
aitsu100: pbnj uncrustables but with soup
Bruceski: A Sloppy Joe gets close
DaxStrife: Why are you looking for sandwich at the soup store?!
Frizzlenill: so the main thing is that the dough is thick and rubbery to contain the soup right? sandwiches specifically have openings where it can pour out
accountmadeforants: @ekimekim Not to mention the brawler: Preteen Alien Sumo Pandas. Using the Hurtbox mechanism of controls.
randombillfolds: I always love callbacks to weird 2000s Tim Horton's menu items.
spethycakes gifted a Tier 1 sub to SoupSandwich_! They have given 8 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SoupSandwich_! (Today's storm count: 4)
tinaun: @invitare Asian dumplings with more broth than the regular pan fried gyoza
Frizzlenill: you would have to basicallly make a breadbowl out of dumpling dough
Frizzlenill: and then find a way to make an upper layer that you place on top
TehAmelie: a soup sandwich that isn't just a bread bowl of soup would be a challenge
GapFiller: Dear Dr Ian Heather: is Tim Hortons a reason to visit Canada? lrrBEEJ
accountmadeforants: NecroDancer is also covering Preteen Alien Sumo Pandas
Mollylele: there is THo's in america anyway
GapFiller: also non vegan paper money
TehAmelie: that's leveraging your monetary energy
accountmadeforants: I love that Cadence's hairtie Skull emotes along with her
aitsu100: baseballs are great in socks
Invitare: meanwhile Necrodancer is setting up a blind date with a vampire?
DaxStrife: Steal the bricks from your local Wal-Mart, one at a time.
Strebenherz: @accountmadeforants oh i just noticed that, hah
TehAmelie: where do you buy a brick?
Dog_of_Myth: @TehAmelie Legal or illegal brick. :p
Strebenherz: free from any brick wall if nobody's looking
TehAmelie: i idon't think i've even seen a spackle store
adept_nekomancer: It sounds like they weren't exactly... springing into action.
WriterRaven: I also failed high school physics. I didn't get either the concepts OR the math,
darkcyril: @TehAmelie Isn't that just a Jackson Pollock showroom?
RandomTrivia: That's the Concept Design phase :D
TehAmelie: i was thinking a shop made of spackle
Lysander_salamander: hahaha
Dog_of_Myth: Hi G
Symphoneers: LUL
BusTed: DinoDance
GapFiller: nalvHi5 hai G
ShaneLeeAtk: Hi G!
Invitare: nothing happened
Strebenherz: what
Lysander_salamander: that's messed up
Strebenherz: That's very weird
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
fuzzy_died: Hi G again
Lysander_salamander: oof
Strebenherz: "got replaced by a social studies teacher before finals"
RandomTrivia: Welp
Strebenherz: THAT WAS JUST GRADE 10?!
Dog_of_Myth: oof
GapFiller: nalvThink now where is the company founder going w/ one of the other company founders PS5's?
Lysander_salamander: I had some messed up teachers but not quite that bad
SymphonySolstice: both of my math profs were also the football coaches. needless to say they were both LOUD
RandomTrivia: lrrGRAHAM
TehAmelie: it's a Graham
Mollylele: bye Graham
Aylig: bye Graham
GapFiller: OH right yeh the Network Test
Mollylele: cya later Graham
GapFiller: nalvHi5 bai G
TheAinMAP: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Rhythm Cafe (Heather and Ian continue their never-ending quest to play ALL THE RHYTHM GAMES! Game: Rift of the Necrodancer) at Sun 04:00 PM PST (49m ago).
Bruceski: My AP bio teacher was a lovely lady who had lost her ability to teach from old age, the students had to band together to get her retired.
TheAinMAP: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out https://loadingreadyrun.com/live for an interactive schedule, or http://lrr.cc/schedule for a Google Calendar version.
GapFiller: totally forgot that was why theres no IS This Your Card or PiF today
Juliamon: My teachers were similarly... interesting. Half of them got fired in my senior year because they wouldn't help cover up the gym teacher's affair with a student.
Juliamon: But they still had to teach the rest of the year.
Astrovore subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 30 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Astrovore! (Today's storm count: 5)
Lysander_salamander: use the big blue notebooks for everything
Juliamon: So my English teacher just let us watch SNL clips on the school internet
jessieimproved: @Juliamon Booo. I had the opposite, where a beloved teacher got fired for smoking weed behind the school with seniors
spethycakes: My HS concert band was invited to perform in Carnegie Hall. During our first informational meeting, the band director informed us all that the school administrators had informed him they would not be renewing his contract.
Lysander_salamander: wow
SymphonySolstice: @jessieimproved that's wild to me because our principal would regularly smoke weed with the kids out back and never got in trouble for it
Lysander_salamander: some weirdo overachiever student probably reported her with a poison-pen letter
jessieimproved: @SymphonySolstice emphasis on "principal"
spethycakes: regarding HS band director: we were told that the reasoning was that he had failed to fabricate a marching band from a concert band in under 1 school year
TehAmelie: four of my teachers and two principals had students in my class. it's weird how little trouble anyone got for that
Invitare: so... those armadillos, eh?
TehAmelie: had children, i mean
DaxStrife: Also not using the invincibility, nice.
Remni: oooh the best song is coming up
Juliamon: Styrofoam is just dry. Glitter is *itchy.*
jessieimproved: I hate that Styrofoam is widely used.
SnackPak_: lrrFRUMP
GapFiller: lemme just put a really terrible idea out there: Styrofoam glitter
accountmadeforants: @Remni I can think of several Best Songs :p (And one of them isn't till Suzu)
Remni: @accountmadeforants I'm thinking of Amalgamaniac
adept_nekomancer: no no no no no
accountmadeforants: @Remni We already did Amalgamaniac, that's during Heph/Merlin's section
DaxStrife: Nope.avi
accountmadeforants: But yes, definitely one of my Best Song candidates
SymphonySolstice: my sister did that but with a wood planer. wear safety goggles when operating machinery
Remni: @accountmadeforants Oh wait, I'm thinking of the another one, yeah
RassilonDND: In high school home ec class, i remember we had to be all sent home one day because one of the girls refused to put on a hair net, and she got her hair stuck in one of the sewing machines
TehAmelie: step 1, make steam, step 2, don't get hit by the steam
RassilonDND: she was bullied for a while, kids called her seamstress baldy
accountmadeforants: @TehAmelie Wow, you've invented the steam engine!
RassilonDND: it wasnt okay, but kids are ruthless
TehAmelie: pretty happy we learned sewing on 100 year old foot pedal machines. hard to have any accidents with so little speed
RassilonDND: I think the machine was relatively new at the time, like 30 years old then (50 years old now)
RassilonDND: not new enough to have safety features
pleonasticTautology: it's also fun seeing them be one beat off from each other instead of two
pleonasticTautology: i think i'll get this when it's on the switch
accountmadeforants: Harpies combined with sword guys and short wyrms are pure evil
Remni: @pleonasticTautology it already is
RassilonDND: Capitalism HO
Remni: oh thats right it was delayed
Remni: enjoying the custom track maker for it on steam though, its simple to use
accountmadeforants: I hope they add an incredibly ill-advised motion control mode to the Switch version, just for laughs.
pleonasticTautology: in general we prefer having games on our switch, which is why it'd be hilarious if the switch 2 got ffxiv lol
pleonasticTautology: our steam library? teeny tiny. our switch library? well, we had to get a 2TB microSD card,
accountmadeforants: Oh hell, I think the last time I recall a Nintendo system getting a big MMO was that Dragon Quest one (and even then, I think that was only in Japan)
accountmadeforants: FFXIV would be something
pleonasticTautology: oh thank you heather
pleonasticTautology: *chugs my baja blast*
DaxStrife: I refilled the humidifier, does that count?
Geldaran: why would I waste a perfectly good turkey leg as a projectile?
TehAmelie: hi again
pleonasticTautology: hi amelie
TehAmelie: i've seen us get 2 diamonds for a B and 3 diamonds for C and D. are they like golf points? or should we tank our grade for riches?
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: lewhat disease
pleonasticTautology: @fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn legionnaire's disease
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: oh that's a new thing to look up
accountmadeforants: You only swap that water if something is already going really really wrong
ekimekim: press F to open door
accountmadeforants: (or if you're swapping components)
xVeXeVx subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, xVeXeVx! (Today's storm count: 6)
pleonasticTautology: i learned about legionnaires from an episode of sawbones
accountmadeforants: Best minigame coming up after this
ekimekim: oh boy, Glass Cages time
accountmadeforants: @pleonasticTautology I learned about it because we weren't allowed to use the taps in the building where I practiced basketball.
accountmadeforants: (They closed the line, anyway, it wasn't a pinky promise thing)
ekimekim: and now, the most rude apple
pleonasticTautology: @accountmadeforants oh jeez
TehAmelie: the arrows are keeping the apple away, is it in league with the doctors?
accountmadeforants: Damn you offbeat harpies
jessieimproved: i dig this song
ekimekim: I love this song, I hate this track
accountmadeforants: @ekimekim It's incredibly satisfying on keyboard (or leverless, rather). Once you get it right, anyway.
pleonasticTautology: oh! the shapes under them tell you if they're on the 2/4 or on the 1/3
pleonasticTautology: that's neat
ekimekim: pleonasticTautology: there's also a star shape for "neither", generally used for thirds
pleonasticTautology: @ekimekim this is so cool
accountmadeforants: Yeah, star shapes can be whatever, but they try to keep them consistent within a song, at least.
ekimekim: yeah they didn't have it in the demo originally and several people (myself included) complained it was impossible to read
pleonasticTautology: we're good at rhythm games if we don't have to use our feet
couchboyj: seabatClap
pleonasticTautology: woo!
accountmadeforants: Like keeping all your items in case you need them later
adept_nekomancer: Always hoard all your potions because you never know when you'll need them more.
ekimekim: so, the vibe meter isn't just for safety. it increases your score during the section, so timing it during a high-score section is vital for score runs
Amentur: extraCult ?
goombalax: #NotACult
accountmadeforants: And yeah, it does boost your score as well
Shurtal: Rhythm Cafe: DBZ edition
jessieimproved: I might be wrapped in a heated blanket right now
Driosenth: a shrugie if you will
accountmadeforants: Anyway, time for best mini game
jessieimproved: heck yeah bring cool grandma back
accountmadeforants: @jessieimproved She's decidedly uncool grandma
ekimekim: yep, that's the holey moley (underworld bully)
DaxStrife: Legally Blonde, and its sequel, Legally Mole.
silenceaux: spies for who though?
Remni: this minigame sucks lol
adept_nekomancer: I don't think most moles have to be installed
ekimekim: i had a lot of trouble with this minigame, the required timing is very uninutitive
accountmadeforants: @Remni I thought it was hilarious.
Shurtal: we had a dog that was the bane of all moles. For 90% of her life, we didn't have a mole problem in any yard we had. I miss her
accountmadeforants: But I just like the fail state animations, so that helps
pleonasticTautology: seals
silenceaux: I'm just thinking of the wiggly bumping they do across land now
jessieimproved: Seals can hop is that a jump?
DaxStrife: Jumping with your arms is just push-ups.
adept_nekomancer: If you have no legs, I think that makes it a bounce?
accountmadeforants: I don't think snakes can jump (if Snake Pass is anything to go by)
pleonasticTautology: hahaha
NotCainNorAbel: well the common Internet knowledge point is that the only manuals that can't jump is elephants, so seals can jump.
TehAmelie: i can do push-ups where my hands leave the ground, does that count?
pleonasticTautology: graham "sorry, *what*" stark
TheAinMAP: sergeScience
jessieimproved: like a pushup jump
jessieimproved: oh that's hard
Shurtal: adam might beable to do it
silenceaux: Oh yeah I guess you don't need to fully invert
DaxStrife: This is James with the watermelon all over again.
adept_nekomancer: Thanks for assisting us with science!
randombillfolds: You just need to drink more Glurp.
SquareDotCube: If done repeatedly are you just dribbling yourself like a basketball at that point?
Driosenth: but is it a jump?
TehAmelie: can you palm yourself?
couchboyj: Adam is the only LRR member I can think of who would stand a chance
Xafty: Serge or Adam MIGHT be able to get a small amount of clearance. but its rough
NotCainNorAbel: wil Ian's shoulder or writs break first?
jessieimproved: 2 hops 2 hops this time
accountmadeforants: sajamVibe playfr3Carriedance seabatDance
silenceaux: I don't remember Fortissimo...
jessieimproved: jlrrDance jlrrDance3
ekimekim: did they get MegaRan again for this voice?
accountmadeforants: Welcome to the LRR showcase
Juliamon: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
jessieimproved: that looks so weird slightly off camera
Driosenth: Ian, are you gaining any elevation, or just falling?
sithenin subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 98 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, sithenin! (Today's storm count: 7)
TehAmelie: if you jump off your hands and don't land on them, is that falling?
jessieimproved: trust us chat will barrage Adam with this
SAJewers: someone clip this and send it to his discord?
Shurtal: is this the real life equivilant of the Mario Speedrun "Yump"?
accountmadeforants: This bit of the story is great, though. Nocturna's running a children's television channel
jessieimproved: I believe I used "queen" unironically for the first time yesterday
jessieimproved: (like the current slang version)
TehAmelie: don't give the Windsors ideas about necromancy
Cptasparagus: what about Necroranchers
accountmadeforants: Necrodancing like nobody's watching is not allowed
JohnLockeCole: Thankfully no one has asked me
jessieimproved: It's almost like G is committed to LRR
silenceaux: I think you were just a little syncopated there
Cptasparagus: toads!
accountmadeforants: Shield Skellies and the Armadillos are so satisfying
offbeatwitch: this looks real hard
silenceaux: It's a very misleading way to represent the rhythm. But I guess that's kinda the point.
KeytarCat: I like that the subdivisions are indicated by base shape
OdsyWrenn subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 72 months!
OdsyWrenn: Yesssss Rift
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, OdsyWrenn! (Today's storm count: 8)
pleonasticTautology: phew
accountmadeforants: seabatClap
silenceaux: Wild chording on that one
JohnLockeCole: I feel like this game might be quite Rad
pleonasticTautology: stake-holder
pleonasticTautology: 🥁
hd_dabnado: oh right this song
Bruceski: The Bouncer
Juliamon: ehrgeiz
Shurtal: God Bless the Ring
Bruceski: It was about three Nomura-designed people rescuing one of them's girlfriend, I believe
Dog_of_Myth: I thought it was a basketball game.
Bruceski: So basically Kingdom Hearts
ekimekim: this harpy bit was the first time i had to use practice mode
ekimekim: so i could jump right to it and try it over and over
accountmadeforants: I love that the beatmaps basically have boss phases.
hd_dabnado: is it weird I wish this song had more red armadillos?
niccus: they're hiding in hard
accountmadeforants: @hd_dabnado You can try the randomizer, maybe you'll find a seed with more armadillos :p
pleonasticTautology: is there a control scheme for this to use a guitar controller
accountmadeforants: @pleonasticTautology If it translates to a keyboard, gamepad or DDR pad, the game will support it
accountmadeforants: (No strumming, though)
ekimekim: pleonasticTautology: you just need three directional keys + a vibe trigger, it should be possible
ekimekim: four directional keys for the minigames/bosses
accountmadeforants: The fourth directional key also serves as an "all buttons as at once" in the regular sections (though I don't think I ever used it outside of the tutorial)
pleonasticTautology: i'm thinking like. you use the neck buttons to select which button(s) to press and the strum is the "press"?
accountmadeforants: @pleonasticTautology You'd have to use some external program/driver to handle the strum-to-press translation
pleonasticTautology: true
ekimekim: maybe not? if you mapped the 3 buttons to "shift", "ctrl" and "alt", then made the strum "A"
ekimekim: then mapped controls to "shift-A", "ctrl-A", "alt-A"
ekimekim: wait multi-button presses wouldn't work
pleonasticTautology: hmmm
pleonasticTautology: i think i could piece it together
ekimekim: it'd be nice if the game let you explicitly map all button combinations, ie. left + down, left + right, and down + right
pleonasticTautology: true
accountmadeforants: @ekimekim You can use something like Auto HotKey to translate those combinations to actual buttons (and Shift+Ctrl+A and other variants to the combination of those buttons)
ekimekim: yeah that'd work
pleonasticTautology: @accountmadeforants ooo yeah
JohnLockeCole: Oh yeah, How *do* you press left and right on a D Pad?
pleonasticTautology: i imagine you use face buttons
SquareDotCube: it's the birds that really screw with you
KeytarCat: The harpy rainbow rotates around the center lane
pleonasticTautology: red means it goes faster
pleonasticTautology: like cars
pleonasticTautology: and mobile suits
accountmadeforants: The fact that harpies can dodge traps is so devious
Magnifisquatch: cpicsUke
pleonasticTautology: also isn't jules conroy the person who played megalovania with mayonnaise
ekimekim: yes
ekimekim: and his doorbell
pleonasticTautology: yeah but i think about mayonnaise being an instrument more than is probably healthy :P
KeytarCat: And because brains are weird, next week you'll clear it in two
accountmadeforants: It helps that these charts are fixed, so you can actually grind away at them, instead of randomized roguelike dungeons. (Though there is a randomized enemy mode for those who still want that experience.)
pleonasticTautology: WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo
accountmadeforants: seabatClap
Cinnabat: LET'S GOOOO
CaptainSpam: Victrola!
WriterRaven: \o/
NotCainNorAbel: seabatClap lrrBartleby seabatClap
Juliamon: Perfect stream end
pleonasticTautology: LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
JohnLockeCole: that last guy while you were on one hit point
TheAinMAP: lrrHORN
KeytarCat: good game good
Mazrae: Rest those fingies
drcthulu: back in the coffin
Earthenone: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/loadingreadyrun
KeytarCat: Thanks for stream!
pleonasticTautology is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 36 in the channel!
pleonasticTautology gifted a Tier 1 sub to Laserbeaks_Fury!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, pleonasticTautology! Welcome to Laserbeaks_Fury! (Today's storm count: 9)
accountmadeforants: Oh yeah, you could play this game for a long time depending on how deep you want to go. (Plus, you can create custom tracks, and there's the Steam Workshop)
NotCainNorAbel: pre-Internet living
accountmadeforants: Alright, I'll make sure to draw rhythm cafe in my cave, right beside the mammoths
TheAinMAP: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Bonus Stream (Graham, Wheeler, and Ben S. are stress testing some Nightreign servers on tonight's Bonus Stream. Game: Elden Ring: Nightreign) at Sun 07:00 PM PST (58m from now).
accountmadeforants: Worth noting it's 3-player parties
TheAinMAP: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: spoilers!
WriterRaven: jark barks! =D
accountmadeforants: (But yeah, even that only matters if the matchmaking passwords are back)
KeytarCat: From the Lands Between to the Realms Beyond!
KeytarCat: Good good game game
NorthstarTex: at least it isn't 4d golf
Mokkun: It's gold adjacent
Mokkun: *golf
accountmadeforants: Mini Mini Golf Golf is fantastic
WriterRaven: Certain Definitions of Golf is the name of my Men At Work cover band.
Earthenone: ben and the other guy!
Xafty: Warmahordes
Luminaire_p: The Other One!
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: oh right there's new warmachine
Cptasparagus: The dude with facial hair
Earthenone: unknown
Cptasparagus: learning how to throw cards
pleonasticTautology: !!!
Juliamon: Wheeler is out of country
pleonasticTautology: afterlove is on my wishlist
Cptasparagus: @Juliamon Canada isn't a state yet?
Juliamon: it will never be a state
KeytarCat: elgilal
Strebenherz: cheer100
Strebenherz: is ian a robot
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
Cptasparagus: you dont really defrag solid state either
pleonasticTautology: good night!
pleonasticTautology: thanks for the stream
KeytarCat: Sleep does such cool stuff to brain
Strebenherz: Goodnight y'all, don't ever change Ian please XD
jessieimproved: sleep is important y'all
jessieimproved: on that note good night everyone
gualdhar: Ian made me think he was dipping his brain in some kind of goo
Strebenherz: Ian's patented brain goo
Earthenone: !findquote goo
LRRbot: Quote #7282: "I fill these lightbulbs with goo, it's what I do now." —Cori [2020-10-12]
KeytarCat: I've heard the planning stage of Nightreign is a surprising part of the difficulty bc you kind of have to plan a whole conquest path in the first couple minutes
ritchards: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Bonus Stream (Graham, Wheeler, and Ben S. are stress testing some Nightreign servers on tonight's Bonus Stream. Game: Elden Ring: Nightreign) at Sun 07:00 PM PST (37m from now).