TheAinMAP: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Bonus Stream (To celebrate Besiege's 10th anniversary, Alex and Paul are going to break things, maybe even the things they are supposed to break! Game: Besiege) at Sat 10:00 AM PST (4s ago).
TXC2: Hello everybody
Garfman314: hola
RocknGrohlNerd: Hello @TXC2
TXC2: hi Garfman314 and RocknGrohlNerd
Didero: Hi TXC2!
LoadingReadyRun: Alex's bus was a little delayed this morning. Will be sieging soon
RockPusher: "I'm late! I'm late! For a very importa" *castle explodes*
TheAinMAP: Oh bus.
TXC2: hi Didero
TXC2: no worries LRR
Garfman314: geez, ALEX, control the bus timing better!
TehAmelie: public transit, gotta love it
LoadingReadyRun: Perhaps BC Transit can get inspiration from this stream for a more "efficient" bus system
TXC2: Bus good, car bad
RockPusher: Look down, look up, your train is now a replacement bus service. Look again, your replacement bus service is now a regular city bus. That bus is full of loud people. Now your bus has mechanical failure.
Creideiki_SE: Light rail better.
Garfman314: honestly, as an american, i wish we had better public transit
WeiseDrachenJaeger: @LoadingReadyRun I mean, a series of catapults that launch people onto hot air balloon platforms that slowly sink to the ground with the extra weight can't be that hard to build around down, could they?
Sarah_Serinde: I haven't thought about those old spice ads in ages
TehAmelie: in this country, if a bus gets you late for work or things of that nature the bus company will owe you money. is that common?
TXC2: TehAmelie HA HA HA no :p
RockPusher: Sarah_Serinde they were very good and for whatever reason are my go-to when I make the "Your train is now a replacement bus service" joke
Sarah_Serinde: They *were* very good, it was a whole thing for a while and it was great
TheAinMAP: Another new "Endorphin Report" is a surprise.
TXC2: ^
Sarah_Serinde: ooh really? neat
Thefluffiestguineapig: I’m so stoked for this stream
RockPusher: oooer?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Alex and Paul try the weirdest possible approach
RockPusher: guess I know what I am listening to this evening lrrAWESOME
RocknGrohlNerd: in my country the most you could get out of delayed pubic transport, was a oficial stamped ticked that we could use as a proof why we are late for school
TXC2: title change!
Thefluffiestguineapig: oh
RocknGrohlNerd: @TXC2 wheelerPog
TheAinMAP: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
RockPusher: lrrDOTS lrrSIG lrrARROW
Garfman314: seeeegnal
TehAmelie: giveaways, eh? maybe Alex will defictionalize some builds from the game?
RocknGrohlNerd: FBtouchdown
PywosMom: wow
Garfman314: giveaway: a rock, heading straight for your house, at highway speeds
SymphonySolstice: bee siege
paronomasiac042: b-b-b-bonustream
TehAmelie: a trebucket is a good gift delivery system if you think about it
RockPusher: Arthur Dent versus the Balloon-o-drill-o-scalpel
Carthaz: Nice
RocknGrohlNerd: @SymphonySolstice or in short just lrrBEEJ
Gadora: Oh, this should be a good time.
DideRobot: LRR: To celebrate Besiege's 10th anniversary, Alex and Paul are going to break things, maybe even the things they are supposed to break! |
Gaelan_Maestro: @TehAmelie especially for bees
TehAmelie: it's the fly's thighs
TehAmelie: (didn't want to say the bee's knees)
WeiseDrachenJaeger: @TehAmelie For some reason that makes me picture thigh high fishnets with little lace fly designs at the intersections of the netting.
Garfman314: i feel like it would be very difficult to lay siege to a beehive, as they typically have impressive food stores
Dreadelicious: I'ts so rarely I manage to clock an actual live!
TehAmelie: i'm just picturing a fly wearing sexy stockings
RocknGrohlNerd: @Dreadelicious same here, very hyped for stream
TXC2: here we GO!
prankprogenitus: lrrCrab lrrCrab lrrCrab lrrCrab lrrCrab lrrCrab lrrCrab lrrCrab lrrCrab lrrCrab lrrCrab lrrCrab lrrCrab lrrCrab lrrCrab lrrCrab
RockPusher: m-m-multi Beej!
TXC2: with echo
DeM0nFiRe: Baaaa
RocknGrohlNerd: slight echo
TehAmelie: hello!
TXC2: Hello Paul and Alex
DoodlestheGreat: Time to make things go explodey!
RatherLargeToad: baaa
RockPusher: Ba. Ha Ba Ba.
Alas_Babylon: Besiege, See Beej
TheAinMAP: Hello lrrPAUL lrrALEX
RatherLargeToad: What siege? Bee siege
TXC2: #NonSponsoled
Travilogue: Beej sees
accountmadeforants: To Besiege or not To Besiege
prankprogenitus subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 22 months, currently on a 22 month streak!
prankprogenitus: it’s the wholesome boys! have fun with the legos-with-physics engine.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, prankprogenitus! (Today's storm count: 1)
TehAmelie: to Besiege or Desiege
hey__chat: yo i love this stream, happy to be catching this live :)
I_Drink_To_Forget_Thermo subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 38 months!
RatherLargeToad: It’s Besiege’s 40th Anniversary!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, I_Drink_To_Forget_Thermo! (Today's storm count: 2)
Alas_Babylon: @hey__chat ohi there
mwlsn: A bonus strim?!
TehAmelie: it's way too much fun to play any stage eh
RocknGrohlNerd: @mwlsn very much so :)
mymy0724 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 33 months!
mymy0724: 33 months awsome
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, mymy0724! (Today's storm count: 3)
DoodlestheGreat: As long as you're enjoing yourselves.
rosesmcgee: Quality not quantity (of game completion)
accountmadeforants: Success is measured by how goofy/elaborate your creations are, regardless of the level.
RockPusher: We've been journey-focused over destination-focused
TXC2: dlightfully devilish
DoodlestheGreat: Sounds like a plan.
flying_plop: Ooo the old carrot on a stick
TXC2: also
flying_plop: love this game
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
mwlsn: whoa, that's changed since I last saw this game... Like... 9 years ago?
RatherLargeToad: It became a fire level
Invitare: ara ara
demoninotor: Besiege is 10 years old?!? I haven't played since 2018
accountmadeforants: @mwlsn There's been a DLC which added naval warfare
TehAmelie: castles in the sky!
Jethrain: it is both on fire, and leveled
RockPusher: Canadarm of Destruction
Splash4Mirrodin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 76 months!
Splash4Mirrodin: Do all the things! lrrAWESOME
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Splash4Mirrodin! (Today's storm count: 4)
mwlsn: @accountmadeforants What. Apparently I need to download this game again
hey__chat: oooooh caaaanadaaaaarm
TXC2: these ships have strong fantasy-punk thunderhawk gunship vibes
Dumori subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 133 months, currently on a 128 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Dumori! (Today's storm count: 5)
DoodlestheGreat: So we need lots of boom boom!
accountmadeforants: @mwlsn Mind you, that DLC is paid (it's also the only paid DLC they've done)
RockPusher: Send in the reconnaissance team!
SymphonySolstice: mind the gap
TheAinMAP: jlrrFall
DoodlestheGreat: At least the sheep was okay.
mwlsn: @accountmadeforants That sounds more than fair honestly
RocknGrohlNerd: (Ram Jam starts playing in the background)
RockPusher: Check the War Thunder forum for the book of instructions lrrBEEJ
TXC2: RockPusher :D
TehAmelie: the propellers aren't turning, is this witchcraft?
RocknGrohlNerd: @TehAmelie no no no, pure science
Didero: I think I missed the goal of this level
TXC2: turn radius of eventually
Lichenbeard subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 36 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Lichenbeard! (Today's storm count: 6)
TXC2: Didero destroy everything
Didero: @TXC2 In hindsight I should've been able to guess that :p Thanks
RockPusher: Didero if in doubt, lrrCOW
TehAmelie: i wonder if the bridge is a part of everything. it looks deliciously destructible
fragilepaper: o/ everyone
TXC2: hello fragilepaper welcome
TehAmelie: scroll lock is the one nobody knows what it's for, right?
Dreadelicious: Hello Fragilepaper!
Marvoleath: rereverse
RocknGrohlNerd: soooo, split the difference and lets call it forward
Bruceski: @TehAmelie It locks the scrolls so they don't unroll everywhere
Alas_Babylon: We are very quickly Finding Out
RatherLargeToad: Thank you for flying Delta
Rodzos: o/ everyone
RockPusher: How! Dare!
Didero: Our one weakness: Getting shot!
RocknGrohlNerd: @Rodzos Hello :)
Lichenbeard: engage the shields!
tdapenguin: @alas_babylon :)
TXC2: hello Rodzos welcome
Garfman314: someone want to make the boeing joke?
mwlsn: uhhh, this is your captain speaking from the flight deck, we've encountered a little trouble with the numlock. Should have that sorted out and get you back on your way shortly.
demoninotor: Check the base, there is a coupler that has Detach control
tdapenguin: @mwlsn haha :)
couchboyj: First of all, how dare they
DoodlestheGreat: Oh, they have CANNONS
RockPusher: time for some good old fashioned broadsides!
RockPusher: Deploy the HMS Pop-Pop!
demoninotor: Dual Catapult car?
Didero: "Shout when we hurt you, we're dialing this thing in!"
Alas_Babylon: @Didero The most violent game of Marco Polo
Didero: Can you attach a camera to the arrow? :p
TheAinMAP: FBtouchdown
TXC2: we're slowly but surely building the new replacement vehicle for the Bradley IFV Kappa
tdapenguin: Chat, everyone is being very witty today and I can't possibly acknowledge every single comment! So, please take this as blanket praise!!!!
TXC2: tdapenguin thank you
DigitalSeahorse subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 71 months!
DigitalSeahorse: ahoy, I'm here now! digita435Seahorse
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DigitalSeahorse! (Today's storm count: 7)
Creideiki_SE: I pulled out a blanket from the wardrobe the other day, because I was feeling poorly. It has now been claimed by the cats. I'm sure they would praise the blanket, if they could.
RockPusher boson whistles DigitalSeahorse aboard
RockPusher: apparently we a navy now
DigitalSeahorse: RockPusher digita435LOVE
RatherLargeToad: effective
satyropodobny: tchaikovsky NO!
TehAmelie: they're business hubcaps
demoninotor: Cannon on a raised wheel
Thefluffiestguineapig: That may be precipitating the wheel destruction
ladylinzington: tchaikovsky yes!
ladylinzington: tchaikovsky always yes!
satyropodobny: LUL
DigitalSeahorse: rotate key was stuck in the rotate lock
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Creideiki_SE Obviously it was for them, who else would it be for?
RockPusher: Amazon's new Bond car is very Nolan Batman Tumbler lrrBEEJ
DigitalSeahorse: lul
TXC2: well yeah Paul, we put turrets on the TOP of Tanks Kappa
Thefluffiestguineapig: This is a very strong start
TehAmelie: our vision is based on gun
DigitalSeahorse: wait, did the game have camera position before?
Didero: Looks like the horn of a gramophone player
TXC2: Bond theme intensifies
RockPusher: gabyLul
Thefluffiestguineapig: @DigitalSeahorse It has had a camera block in the most recent couple of Paul and Alex ones, but not in the original streams
DigitalSeahorse: woops
demoninotor: @digitalseahorse yeah, has it at release I think
satyropodobny: death by recoil
Thefluffiestguineapig: lrrLUL lrrLUL
iarethel0ser: The front fell off.
RatherLargeToad: just a smidge of recoil
Rodzos: LUL
Dreadelicious: >cannon falls out of my pocket
RockPusher: What happened? Well, the front fell off!
DigitalSeahorse: I see, differently now
accountmadeforants: Besiege's engineers haven't found enough Noclippium yet for the whole frame
Garfman314: one in a million chance
Dreadelicious: @RockPusher Is it supposed to do that?
demoninotor: Reinforce it with rods
Jundinator: Naw. Moar guns
Garfman314: alas, you've run out of digits
Jundinator: !badadvice
TXC2: we got plus 30, that should do for LoS shots
Jundinator: !advice
TXC2: !advice
LRRbot: Go left.
Jundinator: Why not right lrrbot
Dreadelicious: thanks LRRBot
TXC2: Jundinator bad things on the right
Jundinator: !badadvice
Jundinator: I need some bad advice
RockPusher: ♫ Go Left! Life is peaceful there. Go Left! Over somewhere <-- there ♫
Didero: !badadvice
LRRbot: Use LRRBot as legal counsel.
Mediocre_Man5: love a good headcannon
RealGamerCow: oh great I'm not too late!
Jundinator: Good advice LRRBOT
RealGamerCow: low
Thefluffiestguineapig: Maybe camera block needs to be moved?
Didero: Kind of hard to see what's the cannonball and what's just random particles
RockPusher: add more powder!
satyropodobny: more cowbell!
TheAinMAP: Whiff
Garfman314: sooooo close
Jundinator: Come on
RocknGrohlNerd: ooops all neat miss edition
Jundinator: Nope
Garfman314: gotthere
Didero: Nice on
DigitalSeahorse: lrrBartleby
Jundinator: Pog
RockPusher: benginTry
TehAmelie: first time!
Dreadelicious: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
Thefluffiestguineapig: lrrBartleby lrrHORN lrrGOAT
DoodlestheGreat: "I will... I will kill him... I will..."
Rodzos: ApplauseBreak
Dreadelicious: it *is* a hanging stone bridge
LathosTiran: new meaning to 'gun sight'
Garfman314: too high i think
Thefluffiestguineapig: Maybe removing some of the stuff like the saws on the wheels and things?
Jundinator: Can't see
Garfman314: but there are people what need killin
Thefluffiestguineapig: Do you need all six sets of wheels ?
Jundinator: I say just FLUNGE and go for it
Thefluffiestguineapig: The reason I ask is specifically for weight
RocknGrohlNerd: naah, we got spare ones
TehAmelie: that front left wheel gets so much hate
TXC2: Thefluffiestguineapig more traction with 6
RockPusher: We need to help these serfs understand the exploitative dynamics of their social order and encourage them to seize the means of production!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TXC2 I wonder about tank treads or something
RockPusher: We shall deliver this message with arrows!
Didero: We're never gonna get to giving away keys at this rate Kappa
Strebenherz: Tuning in, howdy y'all and ... Is that an anti aircraft tank o.O
DigitalSeahorse: one cannon gone
Dreadelicious: weeeeeeeee
Garfman314: how many more cannon shots do we have?
DigitalSeahorse: lol
TXC2: hello Strebenherz welcome
Thefluffiestguineapig: The home planet required it
SymphonySolstice: we slidin'
DigitalSeahorse: looks like we're stuck
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Garfman314 My guess is between one and none
TehAmelie: ah, the red bar at the bottom tells us we have much left to destroy
jessieimproved subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 65 months!
jessieimproved: lrrHEART
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jessieimproved! (Today's storm count: 8)
WeiseDrachenJaeger: I do love that severed parts are still entirely under your control.
Garfman314: maybe a blimp with a seperable car?
frank_the_great: This looks well constructed
Thefluffiestguineapig: Make sure we check what each of the steering propellers keys are bound to before we start so we remember
rosesmcgee: bomb hopper sounds good though
Squallloir: a bomb hopper would be fun if it worked lol
SymphonySolstice: LUL
Squallloir: HELL time!
TheWooglie: smooth
Dreadelicious: weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
RockPusher: lrrCOW
TXC2: wonderful
Didero: So the good news first: The bombs work...
frank_the_great: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
Rodzos: kaboom
Invitare: remember that you need to drop them symmetrically to maintain balance
TheAinMAP: lrrCOW
DigitalSeahorse: lrrLUL lrrLUL lrrLUL
RatherLargeToad: to the mooooooon!
RocknGrohlNerd: exactly as predicted
TehAmelie: Kerbal Space Program intensifies
Razdak: They sure do paul
itsaysTRUENO: this is what Miyazaki was talking about when he called airplanes "a cursed dream"
RocknGrohlNerd: @TehAmelie :D :D
shamblingkrenshar: FBtouchdown lrrCOW
Invitare: you want a grappler
Anubis169: wheeeeeeeeee
Anubis169: freakin' love this game
A_Dub888: Hello friends, how's the Besussy?
Thefluffiestguineapig: This game is amazing
Anubis169: that is tentatively ok
RocknGrohlNerd: kinda sketch, but I like it :D
TXC2: hello A_Dub888 welcome, we've exploded only once
Garfman314: that feels very much like a screwdriver in a nuclear core
Squallloir: I hope things go wrong when dropping bombs left to right imbalances the device
Darth_Litigious: Might want to add a downward facing camera for aiming.
DigitalSeahorse: uhoh
itsaysTRUENO: there goes my gyro
Thefluffiestguineapig: Geez
Anubis169: how high can they shoot?
TehAmelie: the Ride of the Valkyries works
WeiseDrachenJaeger: Oh no, do you have to kill all the birds too?
SymphonySolstice: can you put panels in front of the air pockets to protect them?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Just immediately take out the top of the tower
itsaysTRUENO: try using flush rivets to reduce drag
Thefluffiestguineapig: @SymphonySolstice You can't apply panels to the balloons if memory serves
frank_the_great: I've found that most problems in life could be solved by flying really up high
TXC2: beep beep beep beep
Anubis169: nice!!!!
DigitalSeahorse: lower it so they can shoot it down on top of them
Squallloir: WAHOO
TheWooglie: FBtouchdown
SymphonySolstice: effective
DigitalSeahorse: wooo!
Thefluffiestguineapig: DAMN
Rodzos: :0
TheAinMAP: sergeHolyMoly
Dreadelicious: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
Anubis169: Kablooey!! lrrCOW
DigitalSeahorse: PrideLaugh lrrBartleby
LathosTiran: the clock keeps ticking
Thefluffiestguineapig: How many bombs do you have left?
Squallloir: 3
RocknGrohlNerd: 3
CmdrMadMoe subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 120 months!
CmdrMadMoe: 10 years for me too apparently, holee
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, CmdrMadMoe! (Today's storm count: 9)
rosesmcgee: Birds are getting hamburger for dinner
Thefluffiestguineapig: I'm impressed the birds didn't flee
TheAinMAP: The clock from the clock tower is still spinning.
rosesmcgee: That's a thing
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yup
Camail: its brutal
Garfman314: that's when your spinal cord separates, but not your head
Sciman101: horrifying!
Jethrain: died of a collapsed wavefunction
Didero: I don't think I like those messages...
Marvoleath: did one died from cowardice? :D
Thefluffiestguineapig: If your spinal cord is severed internally without an external head seperation
Squallloir: oh wow is that like dwarf fort or rimworld death reports for the fun of it?
Anubis169: and a left-sided bomb
DigitalSeahorse: yikes
Anubis169: huh...
Squallloir: @Thefluffiestguineapig that happened in a famous boxing match like a hundred years ago right?
Anubis169: what's still standing? o.O
Didero: Maybe the bridge counts too?
Aenir798: There's some folks on the island
DigitalSeahorse: someone is still alive
Jethrain: do the birds count?
Gaelan_Maestro: the tiny island
TXC2: "hands up, who's not dead?"
Gadora: I think there are some people under that one tree?
Anubis169: well there's nothing that can shoot us down anymore
Dreadelicious: there are some dudes on the tiny island
frank_the_great: F them birds
DigitalSeahorse: eep
Garfman314: it might be that chunk of wall
Didero: Serpentine, serpentine!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Hm, does the drill work?
DigitalSeahorse: F
SymphonySolstice: nooo
Dreadelicious: F
RocknGrohlNerd: just fall on them :D
Anubis169: xxxCOM
Thefluffiestguineapig: o7
TheWooglie: more bombs!
TXC2: like Icarus we fall
DigitalSeahorse: again1
Rodzos: F
TheAinMAP: They are very good with their arrows.
frank_the_great: Always more bombs
DoodlestheGreat: More bombs, obviously. The American way!
itsaysTRUENO: Zeal defends itself with honor
DigitalSeahorse: good idea
TheMandrew: After the Bombs....soooo Fallout
DigitalSeahorse: gravity arrows
Jethrain: "tilt" in the camera controls?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Down?
Jethrain: maybe a combination of height and tilt would do it?
DigitalSeahorse: the attachy bit is upsidedown?
Gadora: Is it attached to anything?
DigitalSeahorse: hmmmm
Thefluffiestguineapig: I think the camera block needs to be moved
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeah
TehAmelie: should we call this device "death from above and definitely no other direction"?
DigitalSeahorse: doh
Gadora: I look forward to this view.
Thefluffiestguineapig: That is just destruction cam
Didero: Glad it's not a windy day :p
Dreadelicious: bwuh
Anubis169: manBRO xxxBEAT
TXC2: chat look away :p
Anubis169: WOW
fragilepaper: Daaaaamn
DigitalSeahorse: neat heart emote
Thefluffiestguineapig: Good time to make tea refill
Thefluffiestguineapig: HOLY SHIT
TheAinMAP: sergeScience
TXC2: one of them did didn't it? :p
Garfman314: why DIDNT curiosity's skycrane have bombs?
Dreadelicious: good bye
TheAinMAP: Some Mars landings haven't gone well, right?
Anubis169: We don't talk about Beagle 2
Dreadelicious: Nyoom
RocknGrohlNerd: cocks rover.. "Mars haunted"
DigitalSeahorse: weeeeeeeeeeeeeee
jessicaengle: Hello chat!
RocknGrohlNerd: @jessicaengle hello :)
TXC2: hello jessicaengle welcome
Anubis169: "Distance to surface, 1100 yards."
Anubis169: "wait... yards?"
Anubis169: "Metres..."
LurkerSpine: Cheer100
Thefluffiestguineapig: We're bowling for air ships
Anubis169: (neo cratered)
Didero: Swing the bomb rack around and use it as a battering ram? :p
Thefluffiestguineapig: Try swinging the bomb rack?
eid010n: Looks like there's archers on a bunch of those tiny islands
Dreadelicious: second smaller island
Thefluffiestguineapig: wNOOOOOOOOO
fragilepaper: \o/
CaptainSpam: VICTORY
Rodzos: ApplauseBreak
SymphonySolstice: FBtouchdown
Anubis169: WIN
Dreadelicious: phew
DigitalSeahorse: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
TehAmelie: perfection
frank_the_great: Like a glove
Thefluffiestguineapig: YYEEEEESSS
Didero: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
jessicaengle: LD
TheAinMAP: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
Anubis169: manGRY manFIST
Dreadelicious: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
NotCainNorAbel: just how we drew it up
iarethel0ser: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
DigitalSeahorse: code?
Gadora: marqui30Yay
Pseudonym_Ken: Flawless, just check the recordings
Strebenherz: Do what now?
jessicaengle: jlrrDance jlrrDance3 jlrrDance
Creideiki_SE: wolfccHowl wolfccJackHowl
DigitalSeahorse: I had to authorize it
Pseudonym_Ken: Ah, windy
fragilepaper: PrideLaugh
DigitalSeahorse: also I think I already have this game
Magnifisquatch: I've discovered a flaw...
Anubis169: oh Alex i dunno if you've seen the preview, there's a new game based on Spintires coming out and they've really expanded it, it's Euro Truck Sim level of detail :D
A_Dub888: slight breeze...
jessicaengle: lrrFINE
DigitalSeahorse: o.O
Rodzos: it heckin
IanAllenBird: good morning folks
Dreadelicious: help!
SymphonySolstice: lrrSPOOP
DigitalSeahorse: WIMDY
Rodzos wimdy
TheAinMAP: sergeHolyMoly
TheWooglie: more weight
Thefluffiestguineapig: Well, wind+bomber blimp=not so good time
CaptainSpam: Wimd report: Heckin
RockPusher: heckin wimdy
TehAmelie: time to invent the tank thread?
Aenir798: make a brick?
Thefluffiestguineapig: That's heckn' wimdy
A_Dub888: add mass?
WeiseDrachenJaeger: Oh, what about sloped surfaces to keep stuck to the ground?
Magnifisquatch: TORQUE
Anubis169: Chat, ever seen that video where a taxi drives behind a 747 at full thrust?
Pseudonym_Ken: Wait, grappling hook with a winch?
WeiseDrachenJaeger: Isn't that what F1 cars use?
SymphonySolstice: time to make a battlebot
Garfman314: what was the goal?
RocknGrohlNerd: @Anubis169 nope, how did that end?
Marvoleath: one arm with a giant spike to pull us forward? :D
TXC2: WeiseDrachenJaeger aerodynamics are very hard to figure out :p
Anubis169: RocknGrohlNerd: about 500 metres further back
frank_the_great: Code worked - pog
Thefluffiestguineapig: @frank_the_great You have super fast internet, congrats!
RocknGrohlNerd: @Anubis169 well time to YT that :D
Garfman314: is the code just first to click?
Zaghrog: @Garfman314 you click the link, then copy+paste the link into Steam. First to complete the code claim gets it
Thefluffiestguineapig: Or treads?
frank_the_great: I remember playing it at a buddy's years ago and liking it. Looks like my jam for sure
Zaghrog: sry, copy+paste the code behind the link
TheAwkes: Those middle beams are still going to be floppy. They don't connect to the other ones.
maxdamnit: i bought this game years ago after Alex played it on iddqderp, loved it ever since
rabbitgta: That sounds like work
DigitalSeahorse: yes, I do have this so I won't be clicking
DigitalSeahorse: my arm is achy
TXC2: but....torque
A_Dub888: @TXC2 they'll make it worque
SymphonySolstice: as much heft as possible
DigitalSeahorse: rocks
TehAmelie: there's a block that's just a compact weight, i remember. could be handy
Mazrae: Would gears work as wheels, use the teeth for grip?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Alex is Giles Corey-ing this
TXC2: A_Dub888 Snort :D
Thefluffiestguineapig: (I'm sorry for that joke to anyone who gets it)
ArvynEternal: Huh, Besiege is 10 years old now
A_Dub888: What's the goal for this level?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Holy shit
Dreadelicious: that's real windy
Marvoleath: right hind wheel did not copy the hotkeys
SymphonySolstice: middle beam do be wiggly
Anubis169: a spoiler?
Didero: A sail!
Garfman314: it didn't look like all of your wheels were going
A_Dub888: @Anubis169 Rosebud's the name of the sled
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Garfman314 I'm not sure anything got a chance to go before it all got blown over
Mazrae: Would gears work for teeth for grip??
Thefluffiestguineapig: Why isn't the middle attached?
Thefluffiestguineapig: That's weird?
Marvoleath: right hind wheel did not copy the hotkeys @LoadingReadyRun
TheAwkes: The game is very particular about which nodes automatically attach to what. Ends to ends or sides, but not sides to sides.
Thefluffiestguineapig: UUUhhhhhhhh
nalha_saldana: is borked
Thefluffiestguineapig: Can we make snow chains?
Anubis169: Traction has to be related to downforce if this has any physics whatsoever
nalha_saldana: sawblades for wheels :3
SymphonySolstice: tank treads?
plaidanddrpepper: only go
Thefluffiestguineapig: Maybe not wood for the body of the machine if we do the saw blade wheels
Anubis169: btw I adore the hammer animation in this
Marvoleath: are there grip pads or something that can be applied on the wheels?
DigitalSeahorse: are there any aerodynamic blocks?
DigitalSeahorse: spoilers and slopes
SymphonySolstice: not quite
Rodzos: 🐛
Welbog: Nyoom
TheAinMAP: Whoops
A_Dub888: I have.... notes
TXC2: 4 and 5 ?
Invitare: that's... 4 on one side, 5 on the other
Aenir798: is the odd number of wheels intended
Aenir798: oh those are huge
Garfman314: metal gears?
frank_the_great: Treads, like a tank
A_Dub888: B E E G W E E L
Garfman314: can you put a chain between the gears?
TXC2: A gear to surpass small gear
Vilun: no
Asimech: @DigitalSeahorse There should be wings, though I think they added a spoiler after I had stopped playing b/c of PC problems.
frank_the_great: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
Garfman314: can you add chain?
A_Dub888: can you shoot a peton?
DigitalSeahorse: lots and lots of ground connecting wheels
plaidanddrpepper: small internal wheels?
Kelderan: We need cleat physics XD
CaptainSpam: Do we have any other way to anchor it to the ground?
Didero: There's an expansion for this game that adds boats and water problems, if we had that, we could probably get a sail from there
hieroglyphica subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 96 months!
hieroglyphica: What a sweet surprise! Have fun folks
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, hieroglyphica! (Today's storm count: 10)
Marvoleath: "The Grip Pad is an armor machine block with the highest friction in the game."
WeiseDrachenJaeger: Now I'm picturing a caterpillar type thing that uses pistons and grabbers to reach forward, grab the ground, pull itself forward, then anchor in place as the next set reach out.
Invitare: you should be able to copy and paste configuration
nalha_saldana: "I think this is gonna be good" never works in this game :D
Invitare: yeah you know
Asimech: @Marvoleath Hayter voice: "Gripper Gear?"
Thefluffiestguineapig: "Should be fine"
TXC2: WeiseDrachenJaeger like the giant drill from the last airbender
frank_the_great: Aren't we all
WeiseDrachenJaeger: @TXC2 I'd forgotten about that but yeah, exactly that.
A_Dub888: maybe a ramp for the front? Use the wind to force it down?
frank_the_great: What's the goal here?
Vilun: aren't there weighted blocks?
TXC2: frank_the_great beat the wind it seems
Thefluffiestguineapig: Did they see the Gripper block info someone posted?
DigitalSeahorse: wimdy
Invitare: yeah ballast will be heavier than wood
Gaelan_Maestro: its manitoba in feb
nalha_saldana: how about a flying vehicle :P
RatherLargeToad: have we tried asking the wind to stop?
couchboyj: It's hekkin wimdy
WeiseDrachenJaeger: I mean you can build a plane, so there's at least some level of aerodynamics.
SymphonySolstice: huh
TheAinMAP: Smashed
Vilun: yea, looks like you made a sail
Rodzos: 🦊
Kelderan: @couchboyj Yeah
TehAmelie: i think you can adjust the weight of the plates?
DigitalSeahorse: hmmm
RatherLargeToad: Box car, no!
Sciman101: does the i button up top show the weight
Kelderan: swifts52Note
Marvoleath: can you try going left?
Zaghrog: aybe this level is about staying out of the wind
DigitalSeahorse: what's sticky?
Dreadelicious: an anchor of some sort?
rabbitgta: Anchors?
Invitare: you can adjust the weight of ballast
CaptainSpam: What about going to the left? Are there more wind-blocking geometry?
Kelderan: swifts52Bonk
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Kelderan I LOVE that emote
putz12a: Could you put propellers on upside down to push the thing down?
Marvoleath: also, the piece in armor in the middle is a grip pad, not sure how it works
Kelderan: @Thefluffiestguineapig It's a good one.
malsareus: is there balast?
TehAmelie: ah yes, ballast, the sweetest word right now
Invitare: is the stupid idea shooting the wind?
rabbitgta: Stupid usually means fun
frank_the_great: Rocket propulsions is my stupid idea
shushu2539: is there a way to claw your way forward?
Zaghrog: the armor section has a "grip pad"
malsareus: can we pull ourselves forward with multiple harpoons?
TheAwkes: If you want to have a real think about it, you can build a mechanical inchworm or caterpillar with gripper feet.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Invitare I don't know how complex the weather system is but theoretically you can create a pocket of warm air
DigitalSeahorse: rockets might get us into the wind some while they're on
Marvoleath: the piece in armor in the middle is a grip pad, not sure how it works
Kelderan: Yeah this seems fine.
A_Dub888: one opportunity
TXC2: one shot, one opportunity
DigitalSeahorse: xD
RealGamerCow: could you make a walker instead of a roller?
A_Dub888: @TXC2 same brain cell
Kelderan: Are... we making a multistage rocket now
RatherLargeToad: simply catapult the core. what could go wrong?
DigitalSeahorse: nope
TXC2: A_Dub888 I've not even seen the show :p
Thefluffiestguineapig: What about a trebuchet?
malsareus: can we fire the cannon sequencially?
xX_Before_The_Dawn_Xx: Project orion time?
Garfman314: can you trebuchet the center block?
RealGamerCow: are the wheels going to clear the body now?
DigitalSeahorse: hehehehe
DigitalSeahorse: xD
A_Dub888: stay on target
TXC2: also, did we build jumping jacks there? :p
Vilun: smaller wheels
DigitalSeahorse: can we make an orb?
Kelderan: Clearance Clarence.
RealGamerCow: if you put angled plates on the front, will they provide downforce?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TXC2 It was for the level where we were surrounded by cannons
TXC2: Thefluffiestguineapig ah
DigitalSeahorse: not that orb would work
RealGamerCow: dinger
Vilun: smaller wheels have more torque
WeiseDrachenJaeger: I'm confident there are ways to create angled plates, given some of the stuff I've seen people make online.
Marvoleath: what if we make expanding tower and just yeet our main piece from the top towards goal? :D
Garfman314: or use a smaller wheel
lanelife44: and if you lean your vehicle forward?
DigitalSeahorse: not enough space for tall tower builds
Steelwolf171 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 112 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Steelwolf171! (Today's storm count: 11)
schordash: can we put the metal plates on anything in the front to angle them serve aerodynamically? 📐
schordash: dang ; v ;
accountmadeforants: There's an angled piece in the sea DLC
Marvoleath: if this does not work, we might need really high acceleration to get us going
accountmadeforants: Or rather, a quarter-circle piece
Marvoleath: or try maneuvering behind the rocks to get less wind
Didero: Some good chunky wood breaking noises though
TXC2: this is like 200MPH wind :p
Didero: Simply fly above the wind! Kappa
Kelderan: How heavy do we need to be. Yeesh
Gaelan_Maestro: @Marvoleath yeah thats what i was thinking
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeah the other direction
RealGamerCow: Can you grapple hook on to something in front of you then reel it in?
schordash: hear me out. what if sails??
Vilun: smaller wheels have more torque and less surface area
Vilun: or can you go around the wind?
shushu2539: can you dig a tunnel?
malsareus: mecha siege worm perhaps?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeah, are wheels necessary at all?
TehAmelie: i wonder what kind of recoil a flamethrower might have
Mangledpixel: two winches, or about 50 mm
RocknGrohlNerd: can we get some aerodynamic structure, like a giant arrow in the front of the vehicle
DigitalSeahorse: so we can't angle any of the blocks lower than 45 degrees?
Pseudonym_Ken: Wait, my idea is about to be tested? Drag sled?
Kelderan: Your mom lets you have TWO winches?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Right, then you winch to the ice/rock
Thefluffiestguineapig: then retract
WeiseDrachenJaeger: There are advanced building tools that allow you to rotate parts, if you turn on Advanced Building in the options menu
DigitalSeahorse: winchy
Thefluffiestguineapig: repeat
TXC2: baby drag sled
A_Dub888: facts
TehAmelie: and don't forget double jumps
Pseudonym_Ken: This is just a fact. Grappling Hooks make games better
Vilun: does the wind have a max height? maybe a flying machine where you are the bomb?
Pseudonym_Ken: Don't need a double jump if you have a grappling hook
shamblingkrenshar: I am a strong proponent of Grappling Hook Theory
DigitalSeahorse: a lot of wind to grapple with
Thefluffiestguineapig: If the grapplers aren't powerful enough we have quite a few non-wheel methods of propulsion
TXC2: !addquote (Paul) [now] All games are better with grappling hooks.
LRRbot: New quote #9264: "All games are better with grappling hooks." —Paul [2025-02-22]
RocknGrohlNerd: @DigitalSeahorse good one
mtvcdm: Oh hi hello
DigitalSeahorse: PrideLaugh
Steelwolf171: My immediate thought is "build an iceboat". Any skis or blades?
Kelderan: That's a science fact
Pseudonym_Ken: Exactly, I've heard it from so many people
matthaus_c: Mabel Pines
Mangledpixel: clearly says "Paul" right there
TheDevil_Risen: dam notification was an hour late :(
mtvcdm: I get into Beacon Pines and forgot this was happening
TheDevil_Risen: Happy 10th Besiege Day!
TXC2: well you're the first LRRsm'n to say it Paul
matthaus_c: !findquote grappling hook
LRRbot: Quote #9264: "All games are better with grappling hooks." —Paul [2025-02-22]
A_Dub888: If Yahtz wants to claim credit, he's free to come to Victoria and fight in single combat
matthaus_c: the records don't lie
shamblingkrenshar: I think its something that many gamers realize as they play
lanelife44: big wheels in back and small in front
TXC2: matthaus_c I legit checked before I added the quioe :p
TXC2: *quote
Vilun: you need torque, not speed
matthaus_c: amazing HypeLUL
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TheDevil_Risen It's almost like the company that owns Twitch is more focused on other much dumber and more evil things than having a good customer experience
Thefluffiestguineapig: Maybe take off the back couple of blocks?
A_Dub888: @Thefluffiestguineapig So like most big corporations?
TheDevil_Risen: @Thefluffiestguineapig i know right i just am happy to actually see @LoadingReadyRun love with this <3
Thefluffiestguineapig: @A_Dub888 In the modern day where people just sigh and say that's how it is rather than punishing them? Yup
A_Dub888: @Thefluffiestguineapig Capitalism was a mistake
SymphonySolstice: she's too heavy cap'n
DigitalSeahorse: feels like flat fuck friday
TXC2: this is starting to look like something in Star wars
DigitalSeahorse: only it's Flatterday
Thefluffiestguineapig: @A_Dub888 Agreed, join us in Tiltyhouse chat on Fridays where we love corvids, light rail, weird Yakuza and railing against capitalism
Razdak: could the traction pads be made into tank treads somehow?
DigitalSeahorse: did the game add any other music?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Is this more for science about can they be dragged?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Or did we forget about the grappling onto the rocks idea
QuixoticScrivener: can we inch-worm? putting pads between extending pistons?
Vilun: you know you've made a lever, right?
Gadora: I wonder if those can be mounted on wheels.
Marvoleath: make a walker with grip pads on 'feet'?
Vilun: I mean you're on Hoth
LordZarano: Pads on big wheels?
ScrapyardGhostTrain: There are weights.
RealGamerCow: like those wind up toys that have interlocking feet
TheMerricat: - "In contrast to slippery blocks like the Plow, the Grip Pad has incredibly high friction and sticks to anything it touches. This can be used for stabilising legs, VTOL landing gear, and for the fingertips of crane claws."
Invitare: ballast
TXC2: "we'll be fine, unless they come at us with giant camels"
TheMerricat: "It is not a good choice for anything involving moving parts - e.g. wheels, walker legs, tracks, clutch plates - as it is too grippy. When faced with breaking or slipping, the Grip Pad will break whatever it's attached to. "
TheAwkes: Ballast, from the flying section.
TheAwkes: You can customize their properties.
ScrapyardGhostTrain: ^
TehAmelie: this map is definitely ballast's time to shine
Invitare: it has custom weight
Thefluffiestguineapig: The crane claw thing would have seriously saved them some headaches in earlier episodes
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunCarp voxlunFoam
Thefluffiestguineapig: Can you limit the rotation?
SymphonySolstice: this is those enemies from the latest watch & play
TehAmelie: middle ages bionic trousers!
Creideiki_SE: 3D QWOP seems wild.
RatherLargeToad: Would you still drive me if I was a worm?
RealGamerCow: yeah this looks good
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TehAmelie It's literally bionic trousers!!!!
Razdak: this is gonna be real jank to control
TXC2: finally
accountmadeforants: The optimal shape is clearly an anatomically correct spider
Thefluffiestguineapig: This looks so Wallace and Grommet
dougma: I just read the wiki on this level.... should not have spoiled myself
iris_of_ether: No matter whether you succeed, you have won
dougma: ^
Garfman314: it's the wrong trousers! and they've gone wrong!
dougma: non-spoiler spoiler, everything discussed can work.
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunBabhed
16AngryBears: Besiege: QWOP edition
TehAmelie: i'd fill the feet with ballast
TXC2: can they slide instead of rotate ?
Marvoleath: so, those are the 'grippers' Adam discussed?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Same issue where you need to have one of the grippers on the ground
Mangledpixel: as makers of robots for the last half century can attest: walking is hard
Razdak: it might be easier to do as a quadrupedal frame
RocknGrohlNerd: @TXC2 oh that is spectacular idea :D
Anubis169: Weight: YES
A_Dub888: @Mangledpixel not with that attitude *takes step, falls over*
Marvoleath: I wish the ground could just break under a too heavy build :D
TehAmelie: basically we've made a giant clothes iron
Anubis169: oh that's a nice feature
TXC2: we make a cam-shaft walk, then we can have SPEED Kappa
TXC2: *walker
SymphonySolstice: progress
CaptainSpam: MORE CHONK!
LarkSachrosis: progress!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Progress has been made!!!!
Anubis169: Mission failed successfully, progress made
accountmadeforants: There are some visualizations available through the (i) and cogwheel. The bottom option of the (i) shows centre of mass and such. And the cogwheel has options for block stress and such
TXC2: I think we need to come into the wind at a shallower angle
Gaelan_Maestro: its a lead brick with wheels
accountmadeforants: No text stats, though
A_Dub888: uh ohhhhhh, chonkyyyyyy
Mangledpixel: just sinks to the center of the planet
Anubis169: wow that wind is STRONG
Anubis169: driving a slab of iron
TehAmelie: maybe you can add some struts too, for stability ?
lanelife44: You can use control C control V to do faster
betweenmyself: is it just a question of weight, or do we know whether having a low vertical profile will give less surface area for the wind to push against?
mtvcdm: It's like watching a wrecking ball made of Legos
Anubis169: you mean the reinforcing metal pieces that also weigh something?
dougma: YES profile does matter...
mtvcdm: The thing breaking apart is as much a threat as the wind
Invitare: braces to keep it together?
TXC2: can we go left first?
SymphonySolstice: can you brace the wheels tgether?
Pheonix888: instead of up, can you ring the side?
mtvcdm: The INSTANT you lose even momentary ground contact it's all over
Krillin_fan: it's now a heckin' chonker
TehAmelie: i choose to believe each ballast is 3 tons
Thefluffiestguineapig: It's falling apart when it smashes into the ice
Dreadelicious: if you can ctrl+c/v, then you can probably ctrl+z
matthaus_c: this is what the Soviets had to solve in the Cold War
Anubis169: need some traction for this action
TheMerricat: so to answer a small question that's been floated twice or rather Paul has said "we don't know" - this game _DOES_ have areodynamics modeled in it. Spoilers and Wings are a thing.....
Anubis169: will this undergo gravitational collapse...
16AngryBears: "The babies seem unhappy" "Add more ballast"
Dreadelicious: we've created a singularity
dougma: anti-wings are also a thing
Vilun: could you add some propellers and reverse them?
dougma: yes you can
Kelderan: My brain keeps expecting this whole thing to collapse under its own weight.
Anubis169: Good grief
SymphonySolstice: jeez
matthaus_c: like a fortified pastry
rabbitgta: Better?
Dreadelicious: hmmmm
dougma: Paul, I recommend reading the wiki for suggestions
Gadora: That felt like it caught more wind, somehow.
RealGamerCow: yeah would wind blowing through reversed propellers pull?
Anubis169: can you stick diagonal bits on the edge? like that weird Da Vinci tank
Grumpingtoon: Never played this game but is there a way to get downforce?
LarkSachrosis: I think more ballast is just also giving more surface area to push against
Grumpingtoon: Like active downforce with friction or propellers?
ELD_Winterlight: Do you want toknow how I solved it?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @ELD_Winterlight I think "hey chat" is in effect
Pseudonym_Ken: There are the grabbers, so can you somehow use them as the feet of the walker to grab the ground?
Mazrae: Can you make tank treads with the grips
Alephred: Ah, like downward-oriented corkscrew propellers?
TXC2: Grumpingtoon there are propellers, whether they provide enough downforce is another matter
Anubis169: ELD_Winterlight: might be a good idea to hold valid solutions until they've succeeded, there's always more than one way to solve a prob :D
TheMerricat: @Pseudonym_Ken The problem with grabbers is they grab too hard.
Grumpingtoon: I have not played this game, but I’ve worked in mechanical design and for lightweight robotics like micromice and such, you use a little impeller fan to increase downforce without increasing actual weight
TXC2: don't offer solutions until Paul or Alex explicitly ask for them
CaptainSpam: Anything like tank treads?
Anubis169: would the fan get blown off though?
Pseudonym_Ken: @TheMerricat I don't mean the traction pads, I mean the grappler? They've used them in the past to grab and release rocks?
mtvcdm: BREAKING: I have Thin Mints. ALSO BREAKING: this vehicle.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Pseudonym_Ken We suggested that and we think they got distracted doing science
Pseudonym_Ken: @mtvcdm More news at 11?
Anubis169: There are no wrong designs, only unsuccessful ones
mtvcdm: Nah it's 2 here
Grumpingtoon: @txc2 Solid copy, didn’t realize
Pseudonym_Ken: @Thefluffiestguineapig I mean, I'm here for the science
Gadora: Ooh.
Anubis169: uhhhhhhh
Didero: Wouldn't that create more lift?
mtvcdm: There's really no mechanic here to get some F1-style downforce gluing you to the ground, which is what we really need.
LarkSachrosis: Put your back into the oar
SymphonySolstice: wheeeeee
Dreadelicious: weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
TheDevil_Risen: weeee
mtvcdm: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
TheDevil_Risen: nice one
TheAinMAP: Whoa!
fragilepaper: PrideLaugh PrideLaugh
TehAmelie: i can see my house!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @CaptainSpam There are several versions of tank treads in this game but currently that is not on the table
DigitalSeahorse: weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
RockPusher: Wheeeeeeeeeee!!!!!
Thefluffiestguineapig: WEHEEEEEEE
IanAllenBird: kmljniklmjn
NoxStryx: You should make something that can drive into the wind and drop the grip pad, just to see if it can hold out
DoodlestheGreat: FLY, BE FREE!
Didero: Who knew that adding wings would lift us up? :p
josh___something: Yahoohoohooey
Grumpingtoon: Wings can work in two directions
mtvcdm: On the plus side, you just won red Bull Flugtag
LarkSachrosis: At least it failed spectacularly and entertainingly
TXC2: turns out we can't tack in this game :p
DigitalSeahorse: wait what if we build a pickle?
Vilun: that might work without the big armour sheet on the front and more traction in the dive
Jethrain: If that wasn't right then I wanna be wrong
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TXC2 Or we just didn't tack hard enough
Dreadelicious: @DigitalSeahorse Funniest shit I've ever seen
TXC2: Thefluffiestguineapig touché
lanelife44: if you try to use the other wings maybe
Mangledpixel: an Alex Special
fragilepaper: PrideLaugh PrideLaugh
TXC2: get ready chat
AziraphalesShop: I think you guys made a big inchworm way back when
TheDevil_Risen: code HYPE!
Grumpingtoon: Dumbass Ideas (tm) are a great venue for creative problem solving. Have at it
TXC2: go go go!
mtvcdm: And gone
TheDevil_Risen: F
TheDevil_Risen: gone :D
Rodzos: lol it made me do a very long captcha
mtvcdm: On the plus side you're only competing against people who went 10 years without getting Besiege
jessicaengle: Can we dig?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Save it and test it on a different level?
jessicaengle: Secret tunnels?
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
Anubis169: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
Anubis169: everybody stretch those legs!
Marvoleath: @jessicaengle cant interact with the ground, just buildings
jessicaengle: Bummer
Mazrae: Can you extend the explosion time and strap a bunch of them to you and just rocket your way?
Anubis169: now assume the lotus position
IanAllenBird: ack my laundry
Anubis169: and take your foot in your right hand
Anubis169: and insert your toes into your left ear...
Anubis169: ommmmmmm
jessicaengle: And then get a snack.
jessicaengle: nommmmmmmmm
A_Dub888: @Anubis169 Instructions unclear: attempted extension and dislocated legs
DigitalSeahorse: I heard some snaps
Mazrae: But what about the black lotus position
jessicaengle: @DigitalSeahorse Those are normal. Everything is fine.
Thefluffiestguineapig: I recently helped convince a friend that Magic could be not horribly serious by having them google the card Holy Cow
Anubis169: Mazrae: Banned in modern yoga Kappa
SymphonySolstice: I have a sleeping birb on me, I;m stuck
Anubis169: wat?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Mazrae If you can assume that then I would suggest you purchase property and make a LRR community for those of us in the US who are poor
WriterRaven flops into chat, vaguely awake
Anubis169: a fair reminder that rent, heating and the food bill are more important than the latest MTG deck
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Anubis169 Sorry, I was trying to make a bad joke about Black Lotus being super expensive
Anubis169: Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeah, and Black Lotus is banned in modern yoga for being too OP :P
TXC2: hello WriterRaven welcome
Anubis169: Black Lotus Position*
matthaus_c: Black Lotus Position just made people crack for mana and end up in the graveyard
A_Dub888: @matthaus_c ....define 'crank'
matthaus_c: how you crank is between you and god
kainboa subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 69 months!
kainboa: nice
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, kainboa! (Today's storm count: 12)
Anubis169: and Alexa
Anubis169: and your xbox camera
Marvoleath: !card mind crank
LRRbot: Mindcrank [2] | Artifact | Whenever an opponent loses life, that player mills that many cards.
ScrapyardGhostTrain subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 23 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ScrapyardGhostTrain! (Today's storm count: 13)
TheDevil_Risen: welcome back
Anubis169: Hi back, we're chat
TXC2: and we're back
LarkSachrosis: It's called iterative design
DigitalSeahorse: I didn't sleep enough last night
RockPusher: ♫ Meet the new plan / same as the old plan ♫
Garfman314: is this another walker?
Marvoleath: anyone got AT-AT blueprints? those worked fine on Hoth
TXC2: the empire DID win that battle
Gadora: How windy was Hoth, though?
Anubis169: You'll recall the AT-ATs never went out in the wind
Critterbot: Were they snow speeders, though?
A_Dub888: They DID blow up the shield generator
ScrapyardGhostTrain: As long as Rogue Squadron don't turn up, you'll be fine.
shamblingkrenshar: Penny Arcade had an old comic about how silly they are.
Garfman314: there's another accidental connection on the legs
Invitare: I mean, the Death Star is stupid.
ScrapyardGhostTrain: Intimidation factor.
Didero: That's also the point of Stormtrooper armor, intimidation rather than protection
rosesmcgee: ED 209?
TXC2: ye olde weapon of terror vs weapon of war
Creideiki_SE: The ground pressure on those tiny foot pads would be so high, it would sink through rock.
shamblingkrenshar: The Death Star was very much an intimidation tool, for sure.
AFamiliarCalledEl: Do they look scary, though? They're kind of goofy imho
TehAmelie: and can they actually turn at all?
Critterbot: So they're kind of like Stuka.
xantos69: Hey kids. How goes the siege?
alanbeirne subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 135 months!
alanbeirne: That's some numbers
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, alanbeirne! (Today's storm count: 14)
Didero: "We built a breakdancing robot!!" "Why?" "...what a weird question"
A_Dub888: @AFamiliarCalledEl probably similar to the first time Romans fought elephants
RocknGrohlNerd: we are making snow angles
LarkSachrosis: Are we building TARS?
RealGamerCow: would pistons work better?
CmdrMadMoe: Walking Excavators are neat
TehAmelie: there was a good post talking about how the empire's entire shock and awe thing is especially ineffective against the sort of rebels they spend all the time fighting
rosesmcgee: Put the feet on a cam style offset?
Rodzos: oh?
TheDevil_Risen: oooo nice
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunFoam
shamblingkrenshar: We have liftoff! FBtouchdown
TheDevil_Risen: LETS GO
A_Dub888: motion achieved
TheDevil_Risen: that thing is so cursed but so awesome :D
NoxStryx: But how do you steer?
A_Dub888: Is this how Boston Dynamics feels??
TXC2: victory is inevitable
TXC2: this wind is bullshit
A_Dub888: just the slightest breeze sends it to the Shadow Realm
TheAwkes: The can.
TheAwkes: *they
mtvcdm: Whatever it does, grip's the entire ballgame
mtvcdm: We're not even into the bit where we kill stuff
A_Dub888: @mtvcdm uh ohhhhhh, gripyyyyyy
mtvcdm: Wheel of spikeys?
AziraphalesShop: Anyone remember "The Animal" toy car from the 80s
mtvcdm: I'd go wheel of spikeys
Didero: Ok, tasks finished, I"m upgrading this to my main monitor
AziraphalesShop: @Didero Enhance.
Jethrain: "grab static" is to let it grab things that aren't physics objects
SymphonySolstice: talent
DigitalSeahorse: lrrBartleby
Rodzos: poggy
TXC2: now we are Boston dynamics :p
GazzyInferno: today is the day machines learn to walk upright
Didero: @AziraphalesShop I did also increase the stream quality, yes :D
Marvoleath: 4 of those?
Didero: Can you make it quadrupedal instead of bipedal, for stability?
xX_Before_The_Dawn_Xx: AT-QWRP-V
NoxStryx: Grip plates on the body so it doesnt slide?
WiJohn: Time for dog?
TehAmelie: two legs good, etc
RealGamerCow: army crawl your way there?
mtvcdm: 4WD spikey wheels is my play
A_Dub888: Can we build a ramp and give THAT wheels?
ScrapyardGhostTrain: @A_Dub888 You want to build Roadblock?
TheAwkes: If you get clever with multi-mapping your controls you can make moving this thing a bit smoother.
ThePixelSavage: would maybe a really heavy vehicle with tank tracks work?
Mangledpixel: you missed toggle mode on one of the '3' ones
DideRobot: LRR: For anyone at #MCChicago today, quick reminder that you can find all of us at our Meet and Greet later today at 5:00PM towards the back of the hall on the 3rd floor! | Come by, say hi, get everything from your playmat to your first born signed! |
TXC2: ThePixelSavage we've tried weight, hasn't helped
ThePixelSavage: @TXC2 ah ok
ThePixelSavage: sorry I just came in :D
TXC2: ThePixelSavage no worries
xX_Before_The_Dawn_Xx: this map is basically in a hurricane as to why we're here
shushu2539: loving how much this one differs from the previous approachs
SymphonySolstice: deactivate button for the front should be the activate for the back
RealGamerCow: This is like that climbing game with keys for each limb
LadyGrey21: Thanks to your ideas my wife is on besieged building the crawler from hell.
A_Dub888: @RealGamerCow Getting Over It with Benny Foddy?
Mangledpixel: you put 4 on detach not attach on that first one
bensmith0987 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 53 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, bensmith0987! (Today's storm count: 15)
Garfman314: i think a piston might be miskeyed too
Didero: Introducing: Cha Cha Bot
NoxStryx: Is there some sort of light you can assigned to the attach detach buttons so you know the state of each grabber
Damaris1034 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 110 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Damaris1034! (Today's storm count: 16)
kataanglover1 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 101 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, kataanglover1! (Today's storm count: 17)
Thefluffiestguineapig: @NoxStryx Some kind of thing where an indicator would be attached to the same button as the attach button
Rodzos: 🐛
Didero: How do you steer?
Mangledpixel: as I said earlier, one of the '3' pistons didn't have toggle on
Didero: I think you do need a gripper on the back too, yeah
Garfman314: a single back grip
Thefluffiestguineapig: I think you need one grip pad on the back
Thefluffiestguineapig: I'm not sure it's on the ground
SymphonySolstice: FBtouchdown
Mangledpixel: it's working! IT'S WORKING!
RocknGrohlNerd: @Didero weeell.. you don´t... also also thats future Alex/Paul problem
Thefluffiestguineapig: IT'S WORKING
lanelife44: it will take a time haha
kainboa: slow and steady wins the race
Didero: @RocknGrohlNerd A future that's quickly approaching :p
Garfman314: add a lateral spin for steering?
SymphonySolstice: can you attach a rotation to the grippers?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @kainboa Slow and not being blown into the glaciers so hard we disintegrate
WeiseDrachenJaeger: Maybe a block that allows rotation between the piston and the grabber, so you can rotate around one that's still anchored by pulling with the other?
Didero: @SymphonySolstice Ooh, that sounds fun!
RocknGrohlNerd: @Didero true :) the boys are crackig the code on this one
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also are those totally frozen guards?
TXC2: it took evolution 50 million years to get to this point, so we're ahead of the curve Kappa
NoxStryx: Add extenders that go left and right as well so you can sidestep
Didero: What are those plates?
Marvoleath: @Didero grip pads
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Didero The weighted ones or the grippers?
Didero: @Marvoleath Ah, thanks
TehAmelie: i think it needs to be much more complicated. why not six grabbies? :)
Mangledpixel: this can only end well
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TehAmelie Yes, because more potential failure points in a hurricane force blizzard is always the best idea
TheDevil_Risen: nope
TheDevil_Risen: haha
TehAmelie: at last, Besiege is mine!
TehAmelie: thanks Paul
Mangledpixel: I mean, the middle bits aren't
SymphonySolstice: woo
JadedCynic: @TehAmelie hurrah! <3
Thefluffiestguineapig: You may need to drop another code every time you fundamentally change the approach to solving this level, because I think removing the time pressure will help you guys have fun
Rodzos: i'm getting better with captchas but there's still a lot of room to grow
SymphonySolstice: it's perfect
TXC2: wild that it rotates
Thefluffiestguineapig: If you guys make Besiege a more regular thing I genuinely made a Besiege bingo for myself
Marvoleath: @Rodzos have you tried not being a robot? MrDestructoid
Thefluffiestguineapig: That rotation is super cool
Thefluffiestguineapig: I showed my friend the Besiege bingo and she cackled
Marvoleath: Is it possible to reproduce the walking sequence from the "going shopping" video from desert bus? :D
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Marvoleath Nightwatch/Zeta intro for this year?
Garfman314: this machine may in fact go to the store
Strebenherz: what were the codes for? also love the craziness of the machines
TXC2: "going to the store" is the video name
mtvcdm: Eventually half of all Besiege creations go to the store of their own accord
Marvoleath: @TXC2 ah, thanks
EikoandMog subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 134 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, EikoandMog! (Today's storm count: 18)
TXC2: Strebenherz for this game
Apadraco subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 85 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Apadraco! (Today's storm count: 19)
WriterRaven: @mtvcdm The rest are bomber planes.
Strebenherz: ahhh ok. Will skip codes then I already have it
Strebenherz: thank you @TXC2
Thefluffiestguineapig: @WriterRaven Don't discriminate, maybe the bomber planes can go to the store too
Strebenherz: I have ideas for this one but I'll hold off until "hey chat". it's also fun to see the frankenstein creations
Didero: This is starting to look suggestive...
mtvcdm: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Rhythm Cafe (Heather and Ian continue their never-ending quest to play ALL THE RHYTHM GAMES! Game: Afterlove EP) at Sun 04:00 PM PST (1d, 3:10 from now).
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Strebenherz You're allowed to have wild ideas, just don't put what worked if you have actually solved this exact level.
mtvcdm: Oh, so *technically* you've got all day if you wanted
mtvcdm: No streams coming up behind
Thefluffiestguineapig: This looks VERY star wars
Thefluffiestguineapig: Holy Shit
lanelife44: I am back what did you do haha
mtvcdm: Okay.... now does it pass the wind test
Thefluffiestguineapig: This is remarkably well coordinated
JadedCynic: it's almost like we're creating a 'mountain-climbing' robot...
Thefluffiestguineapig: @mtvcdm Probably not as lanky as it currently is, but maybe if compressed
Garfman314: this is the mangled soldier crawling away from the blast simulator
Strebenherz: @Thefluffiestguineapig sort of. meta knowledge from beating it
JadedCynic: maybe a single 'pivot point' at the front?
SymphonySolstice: as long as one is gripping at all times it should be fine?
Razdak: This is a beautiful creature
JadedCynic: this is VERY impressive tho! <3
Strebenherz: THE WALKER
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Strebenherz Then I would hold off, but if you have knowledge of how blocks work/which blocks are in the game to contribute to this insanity working then feel free to put that into chat
lanelife44: you should do one per one
NoxStryx: Set your left and right grippers to attach/detach on opposite buttons so that one grabber is always holding
Garfman314: one grabber on at all times
mtvcdm: ABG. Always Be Gripping
Didero: If you put one grabber in the middle of the center plate, you can rotate around that
Jethrain: i'd guess you always need to be holding on with at least one grabber, not releasing both
DigitalSeahorse: what happened to grapping winch?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @DigitalSeahorse Never built
Thefluffiestguineapig: At least as far as I saw
Thefluffiestguineapig: What does "flexible" do?
accountmadeforants: The best thing I saw so far is this terrifying jumping spider:
Garfman314: i thought the wheel system was working well
Strebenherz: That's beautiful @accountmadeforants
TheAwkes: Did the autograb snag on the frame there?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ok, I have to run the recycling to the ground floor, I somehow know when I come back everything will be completely different and somehow the same
PixelArtDragon subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 75 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, PixelArtDragon! (Today's storm count: 20)
accountmadeforants: Meanwhile, I just spent several hours trying to make a full-body spinner work. Turns out that's rather difficult without bearings... or being able to make round bodies.
DigitalSeahorse: digita435Snail this lullaby
Didero: Isn't this exactly what we had earlier?
TheAwkes: @accountmadeforants I've managed it by using linkages and deleting structure after setting them up, but it wasn't really good for anything in the end.
sptrashcan: It looks like its arms are getting caught on its armpits.
gualdhar: That's a penis .jpg
accountmadeforants: @TheAwkes Yeah, I've been trying with grabbers (or just making a square) but even when I do get it to briefly work, it basically explodes on contact with anything
NoxStryx: The problem with them moving together is you will have a moment where they are not attached
SymphonySolstice: a grabber under the main base yea
NoxStryx: Paul figured that out
NoxStryx: Put the grabber on the base on a small wheel/ swivel so the wheel in the back can rotate around it
TheAwkes: @accountmadeforants You can make an n-sided (8's the easy one) polygonal frame with linkages connecting to just a few key blocks that will rotate nicely on a central axle, but they get pretty big and don't do much.
SymphonySolstice: FBtouchdown
TheDevil_Risen: @LoadingReadyRun these are some of the best devices that you've put together for us, thanks <3
SymphonySolstice: onward!
Pheonix888: going for a walk, and may be some time
Juliamon: ""works""
Didero: The outside grabbers don't need to be on wheels, do they? Seems like that just throws them off
mtvcdm: Step 2... actually kill some dudes
Razdak: This configuration might work better by replacing the wheel arms with pistons
SymphonySolstice: next step cannons?
DigitalSeahorse: PrideLaugh
NoxStryx: The wind blowing the arms is a bit of a problem
accountmadeforants: This really feels like some kinda Tonberry enemy. Where once it actually gets you it just stabs you dead
RealGamerCow: Progress!
mtvcdm: Welp
TXC2: progress is being made
Garfman314: so close!
TheAwkes: If the grabbers are on counter-rotating axles mapped to the same control as the arm they're on, you can make them always point down.
Vilun: why not do this with 4 legs?
NoxStryx: Pivot joint on the bottom grabber
SymphonySolstice: ^
Garfman314: already claimed
Didero: There's no Is This Your Card tomorrow, so the timeslot is free Kappa
lanelife44: I know if you try make a plank with wheels in back
Garfman314: well, i just suspect someone got there first
Garfman314: just like that one
TXC2: "what's he building in there?"
NoxStryx: With a pivot/wheel on the bottom grabber the back wheel can rotate the body around it
mtvcdm: Lots of places
TheAinMAP: Everywhere.
ButButTheJesus: Hi folks, sorry I missed the carnage
DigitalSeahorse: lrrCOW lrrBartleby
RealGamerCow: *goofy scream*
TXC2: hello ButButTheJesus welcome
Juliamon: ButButTheJesus You have a very good VOD ahead of you
Thefluffiestguineapig: Hold up
TheDevil_Risen: Yay i got one <3
ButButTheJesus: yayyy vods
TheDevil_Risen: THANKS @LoadingReadyRun
BusTed: FBtouchdown
Strebenherz: 1/8 of the mooks?
nyoomgoom: one out of eight of Doing That
TheDevil_Risen is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 96 in the channel!
TheDevil_Risen gifted a Tier 1 sub to irisisstreaming!
TheDevil_Risen gifted a Tier 1 sub to captaingale!
TheDevil_Risen gifted a Tier 1 sub to Giftgiver!
TheDevil_Risen gifted a Tier 1 sub to SoleilGreisis!
TheDevil_Risen gifted a Tier 1 sub to sorocoroto!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, TheDevil_Risen! Welcome to irisisstreaming, captaingale, SoleilGreisis, Giftgiver, and sorocoroto! (Today's storm count: 25)
TXC2: TheDevil_Risen congrats
Thefluffiestguineapig: Is the goal to get the blocks?
TXC2: TheDevil_Risen lrrHEART
Didero: Maybe it's a bonus objective?
ELD_Winterlight: There's a bonus for getting a 8 boxes
Garfman314: i suspect it's secondary
mtvcdm: After all this time... we find out what we're trying to do
Thefluffiestguineapig: Wait, is the goal to get the blocks into that area?
Razdak: Yay, thanks for the code!
ScrapyardGhostTrain: I must have done this level when I played this, but I have no memory at all of how.
Didero: Maybe one of the entries in the INfo menu?
ELD_Winterlight: Valfross wasadded after launch
Didero: Time for me to go. Thanks for a very entertaining stream, Paul, Alex, and Chat!
fragilepaper: PrideLaugh
TheDevil_Risen: ooops
TXC2: so long Didero stay safe
mtvcdm: !addquote (Alex) [now] Even the power of God is no match for nature!
LRRbot: New quote #9265: "Even the power of God is no match for nature!" —Alex [2025-02-22]
TheAinMAP: sergeHolyMoly
IanAllenBird: o7
Thefluffiestguineapig: That is a very good quote
Thefluffiestguineapig: These are very good streams
Strebenherz: it's open ended mad science
TheMerricat: If you want to spoil yourself on the possible solutions: but only if you want to spoil yourself.
NovaTiempo subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 65 months!
NovaTiempo: o/
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, NovaTiempo! (Today's storm count: 26)
NovaTiempTwo subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 55 months!
NovaTiempTwo: \o
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, NovaTiempTwo! (Today's storm count: 27)
accountmadeforants: I wonder if it's still possible to build one machine that beats every level at this point
ButButTheJesus: we are in cryo sleep until next time kates7
Thefluffiestguineapig: That you literally don't know
NoxStryx: The wiki is almost like reading actual engineering guides
schordash: thanks for the stream guys! lrrSHINE causeiCozy
TheAwkes: When you get into tuning block parameters there's a whole second world of building weird stuff.
Ashmantle: <3
mtvcdm: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
fragilepaper: thank you for the stream!
Thefluffiestguineapig: This was fantastic
TehAmelie: thanks for having us!
TXC2: thanks for streaming Paul and Alex
Riandisa: Thanks for the stream!
DigitalSeahorse: lrrSHINE digita435LOVE
Strebenherz: STILL?!
mtvcdm: GOT ONE!
Garfman314: :(
Rodzos: i did so many captchas today
TXC2: Alex played it when it was in early access
NovaTiempo: @mtvcdm *cheer*
Thefluffiestguineapig: It was a brand new game
TXC2: that's when I got the game
ScrapyardGhostTrain: Yeah, they released a boat-themed DLC just last year.
RocknGrohlNerd: Thank you for the strim, it was a blast lrrSHINE
Rodzos: ty ty ty
LaconicLad: captchas are hard
TXC2: Frogs are gone!
mtvcdm: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Rhythm Cafe (Heather and Ian continue their never-ending quest to play ALL THE RHYTHM GAMES! Game: Afterlove EP) at Sun 04:00 PM PST (1d, 2:47 from now).
TXC2: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Rhythm Cafe (Heather and Ian continue their never-ending quest to play ALL THE RHYTHM GAMES! Game: Afterlove EP) at Sun 04:00 PM PST (1d, 2:47 from now).
Razdak: Bye! lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
mtvcdm: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
DoodlestheGreat: This has been a fun morning.
mtvcdm: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
spethycakes: lrrSHINE
Thefluffiestguineapig: lrrALEX lrrPAUL lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
ButButTheJesus: STONKer
mtvcdm: !bluesky
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Bluesky! You can follow the LRR account here: Or find all the crew accounts here:
mtvcdm: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
mtvcdm: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at, and LRRMtG at
NovaTiempo: Rats are known persistance hunters
xantos69: Cheer50 Bits for you. Yay!
mtvcdm: !youtube
LRRbot: LRR's main channel is . For Stream VODs check out . MtG vods and other MtG content are at . Tabletop related videos are at . LRR Videogame videos (including Checkpoint+) are at
DoodlestheGreat: Persistence predators.
TheDevil_Risen: i like me some stalker
DigitalSeahorse: digita435Octo digita435Octo
mtvcdm: !contact
LRRbot: ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List:
TheDevil_Risen: really enjoying watching you play it Alex
Pseudonym_Ken: It was so good!
TXC2: it's SOOOOO good
mtvcdm: In these Internet Times, *do* keep that Master Contact list close at hand
Thefluffiestguineapig: @DoodlestheGreat Like humans used to be, humans and wolves have that in common
Strebenherz: y'all did a great job, it was awesome
jessieimproved: It was so cute and good
TheDevil_Risen: also FN is awesome, so glad I'm a rare credit :D
Pseudonym_Ken: I've already watched it 3 times
TXC2: there's Behind the scenes clips at the end!
xantos69: I enjoy it also. Stalker isn't for me, but I really enjoy watching Alex play through it.
mtvcdm: !paypal
LRRbot: Have you ever wanted to financially support LRR without any of those pesky 'perks' or 'recognition'? Well, you're in luck, because LRR has a PayPal link:
TheDevil_Risen: and yeah the easter eggs on watch 2 and 3 were great
Strebenherz: cheer50
RockPusher: nice
DigitalSeahorse: digita435LOVE
iarethel0ser: Nice
KWardJenx: Thanks so much for the wicked cool Saturday stream.
Thefluffiestguineapig: lrrAWESOME lrrSHINE
TheAinMAP: guyjudgeBits
Ashmantle: <3
SymphonySolstice: dabits
RockPusher: Thank you Alex, thank you Paul lrrSHINE
Strebenherz: o/
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
RockPusher: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
mtvcdm: Later all!
DoodlestheGreat: 10 q 4 strem
ButButTheJesus: silly wimdy
TXC2: bye
Thefluffiestguineapig: Thanks mods and chat!
TXC2: goodnight everybody
Anubis169: <3
TheDevil_Risen: night all