DEATHlikescats blanches in Magnus Archives at mention of panopticon
Chronomagistrate: @DEATHlikescats Wow, a wild TMA mention :)
petey_vonwho: This is my first episode of QWERPLINE and I've been missing out lol
PipPosit subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 37 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, PipPosit! (Today's storm count: 67)
azninsect: have a great watchalong everyone o7 sleep calls
TXC2: so long azninsect sleep well
TehAmelie: Yukon gold is a potato? this changes the gold rush narrative
piggyback101: Anyone know what time James' Morning show is?
haberley: 6am i think
baltimore_667083: yeah it's at the hour
TXC2: in ten mins :p
piggyback101: Awesome! just in time
DEATHlikescats: @chronomagistrate eyyyy! The fan base I’m guessing has some overlap with QWRP fans, by way of Welcome to Nightvale being the middle child
shabe_x_roc: Huh tune out at s03e02 and come back to this.
Sorator13: I wonder how the prehistoric giganticoon would do at this
ninjadino98 subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ninjadino98! (Today's storm count: 68)
haberley: @Sorator13 he would DEFINITELY fill the uniform
TXC2: I feel like Derick got better at his job this season because of his fear for Beatrice
Chronomagistrate: @DEATHlikescats Yeah, I remember WTNV being a cited a lot by the fans (Disclosure: I used to be RQ's Comms guy; I had a cameo in TMA)
DEATHlikescats: “getoffmeyoushufflecat!” is a helluva quote haha
L0rdX33n: Thurpston was such a good villain
Jasmine Moore: “King edwards”
IceBot: Yeah lol
L0rdX33n: Is there such a thing as a punchable voice?
DEATHlikescats: @chronomagistrate haha! that’s so cool
Marc A.: Alex doing the nice rolling on the "r" 's there
pleonasticTautology: "i HATE to interrupt— wait, that's not true"
IceBot: I’m blasting outlasting
DEATHlikescats: @l0rdx33n unrepentant in the most satisfying heel way
LoadingReadyRun: I will be taking the stream offline for just a second when the watch a long is done in 9 minutes.
TehAmelie: alrighty
Furyfire: Ooo pre-emptive panic
Charlymandias: How dare!?
Furyfire: :D
DEATHlikescats: thanks for the heads up!
AriaHibiki subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AriaHibiki! (Today's storm count: 69)
TXC2: good to know LRR
Furyfire: NICE
pleonasticTautology: @LRRbot nice
TXC2: Day 2 NICE
Chronomagistrate: Was a ever a reason given for switching Thurpston's VA from Beej to Alex?
DEATHlikescats: nice
warpstonewarlock: @Chronomagistrate He was always played by Alex
TehAmelie: !uptime
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 17:41:10.
DEATHlikescats: stormcount ratewoNderNice
r10pez10: Chronomagistrate beej is 19
TXC2: "my lowest score ever: seven thumbs up"
ThatWhichNeverWas: Fun fact: Nsberg Raccoons have 8 thumbs!
DEATHlikescats: ratewoNderHahahah
IceBot: Note the town hall is the bar and the townhall is the legislative building
warpstonewarlock: They just changed Dick's voice from "very deep" to "old villain"
pleonasticTautology: finnish. line.
pleonasticTautology: g-d
TXC2: oh carp
pleonasticTautology: i JUST got it
TXC2: I heard Carte :p
Chronomagistrate: @warpstonewarlock Ah, okay, that's why I was confused.
LoadingReadyRun: Just a heads up that the stream might go offline for just a moment after the watch a long in 6 minutes.
DEATHlikescats: @pleonastictautology the layers of puns in the show I swear!
Earthenone: 8 thumbs? were the girl scouts casualties realy that high?
ganiwo: Hi! Bloomburrow Pre-Prerelease - when? This weekend?
Earthenone: !ppr
TXC2: ganiwo on sunday
TXC2: !ppr
LRRbot: The Bloomburrow PPR will be on Sunday, 21 July at 10am PDT! More info forthcoming.
adi_pie subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 127 months!
adi_pie: Hello, Chat. I'm melting.
ganiwo: thanks a lot!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, adi_pie! (Today's storm count: 70)
Catcard: hi adi!!!!
Earthenone: hi melting!
TXC2: hello adi_pie
fragilepaper: @adi_pie oh god, hopefully you can cool off soon
DEATHlikescats: @adi_pie may you have ready access to good air conditioning or barring that, a day at a water park
TopHatPeezy: mmmm sugary slurry
commentarywife: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 6:00 AM
haberley: OMG seriously
commentarywife: ooh they back soon?
MechaKuuga: Great product
Snowcookies: Time for morning show?
LoadingReadyRun: This is the last video
TXC2: wow Ian hair
MrPhlip: Well, chat, I leave you in the capable hands of the morning crew, and leave for bed.
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
adi_pie: fragilepaper well, we're expecting/hoping for storms after Friday, but until then 38-40C/100-104F days. adipieRIP
TXC2: so long MrPhlip sleep well
TacitusVigil: Why. Am I. HERE?
IceBot: Good bye qwerpline
Veronica van Voorst: Hey friends!
Sorator13: I love the noise it makes
TehAmelie: wow, the Phantasm reference
definenull: LUL
DEATHlikescats: oh no Phantasm 2 reference!
RandomTrivia: Molly! lrrHEART
pleonasticTautology: "i also have a punchline!"
TXC2: do not vote now on your phones
PhoenixMelior: Adam's, for sure.
RandomTrivia: "Who orders a hit off Amazon?!"
BlackIsis: Too late.
ATrophonian: LUL
Irsaan: Yay it's a new day!
HaltBen2514: I voted
ProcyonFlynn: !vote 6
LoadingReadyRun: ok. offline for just a second
TacitusVigil: @TXC2 Too late.
shabe_x_roc: Buh bye
red_shoes_jeff: lrrARROWS lrrARROWS lrrARROWS lrrARROWS lrrARROWS
PMAvers: And so they voted so hard it released the magic smoke from the phones.
Nenluen subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 94 months!
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: sometimes I get blindsided by how long LIVE has been going on
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Nenluen! (Today's storm count: 71)
Simonark: I didn’t even vote THEN on my phone
TehAmelie: already gathering power
Mangledpixel: RandomTrivia those who like free 2 day shipping
haberley: in a bit chat
pleonasticTautology: @TXC2 too late and somehow i'm the next american idol????
TheWooglie: @TXC2 I voted on my computer
Jillexie: kirsta1Raid kirsta1Raid kirsta1Raid kirsta1Raid
definenull: and we back?
l0gin4me: lrrFINE
RandomTrivia: lrrSIG Dawn of the Second Day
TXC2: pleonasticTautology they still make that show ?
definenull: lrrSIG
adambomb625: panicBasket
TheWooglie: lrrFINE
PsychoI3oy subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 66 months!
PsychoI3oy: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Irsaan: lrrFINE
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, PsychoI3oy! (Today's storm count: 72)
Jillexie: Sub-A-Thon Part Deux
electra310: Whew, that was a scary seven seconds!
TeacherSeanTV: SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood
pleonasticTautology: @TXC2 i dunno, i just watch kamen rider and super sentai
TXC2: pleonasticTautology fair enough
Genie_M: Hm, twitch still thinks I'm from Denmark
TheWooglie: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Mixolydian Blues: Love the unnecessarily loud outro
LoadingReadyRun: we still online?
Sevinon subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 61 months!
Sevinon: I hear it's some sort of sub-a-thon?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Sevinon! (Today's storm count: 73)
L0rdX33n: butts?
teddywhosabear: what a refreshing stream
seanmrwick: Morning everybody
medmora: lrrAWESOME
meaninglessMeg subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 29 months!
meaninglessMeg: lrrSHINE
Eramis8: It's uptime!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, meaninglessMeg! (Today's storm count: 74)
TriChronos: It begins...again!
maestrith subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 76 months, currently on a 73 month streak!
maestrith: Glad I didn't use this already :)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, maestrith! (Today's storm count: 75)
teddywhosabear: oh no the storm count!
IbunWest: good morning friends
dpj2009: CrreamAwk
pleonasticTautology: also yes hi good morning everyone
seanmrwick: Yall ready for coffee chat?
TXC2: Here we GO!
haberley: hype!
BorealMage: hello!
pleonasticTautology: it is
TehAmelie: g'day
Didero: Hello!
baltimore_667083: hi adam!
PhoenixMelior: MorninG Adam!
Brozard: lrrGibb lrrBartleby
Two_Hats subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 19 months!
Two_Hats: Doot
josh___something: Hello adam!!!!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Two_Hats! (Today's storm count: 76)
definenull: adam!
TXC2: Hello Adam and James' voice
TheWooglie: We hear you!
seanmrwick: Morning Adam and James
pleonasticTautology: hi adam!
inconsideratehat: Oh hai
ramonaviking subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 63 months!
definenull: gmorning!
haberley: Adam!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ramonaviking! (Today's storm count: 77)
NonUniqueGuy: I'm right on time
micalovits: Hello!
PhlibbertyGib subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 26 months!
Charlymandias: Adam!
ArrestedHouse: lrrBartleby
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, PhlibbertyGib! (Today's storm count: 78)
Furyfire: Moooooorning
weekendjedi42: We good
TriChronos: Hey! It's Adam!
Two_Hats: Morning
l0gin4me: hello
IbunWest: welcome to Jank in the Morning
AriaHibiki: hi adam and james!
dpj2009: Adam's life stories
itmightbemikey: It's not working, everything is on fire, run, RUN,. RUN!!!!
Two_Hats: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Chronomagistrate: James and Adam in the Morning!
ArcticAtlantic: hello! sergeHi
Charlymandias: James!
Elbasunu: i think so
Woodthorn: Looks online to me
Woodthorn: It has the subathon title card
Aidan Cox: you appear to be?
Aidan Cox: ye
Merc1987: here yes, twitch maybe?
Veronica van Voorst: Hey! I see you Adam and hear James!
ShaneLeeAtk: We're here?
TriChronos: And James!
jolly6100: hei adam and james
the_phantom_game_player: It's good
Brozard: You’re looking cute, Adam
JinaMahavira: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
forcedreject: Is this what fighting game players call Adam on Wake up?
pleonasticTautology: oh that's a nice coffee brewer
darkcyril subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 25 months!
darkcyril: Coffee time!
Underachiever28: ready
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, darkcyril! (Today's storm count: 79)
seanmrwick: Got some coffee myself
TehAmelie: James and Adam in the moooorning
fonkoncle: its the rund
Furyfire: Planning is overrated
themercenary1987 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 13 months, currently on a 10 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, themercenary1987! (Today's storm count: 80)
krorkle subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 88 months!
inconsideratehat: Hell yeah, content
pn55: Hello James and Adam! lrrSHINE
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, krorkle! (Today's storm count: 81)
Sibwow: hes got coffee, and friend
Didero: We're about 6 minutes off from James just punching a chunk
BlindProphet32: Morning James and Adam
Simonark: Step 2: Vamp a LOT
MrPhlip: !addquote (James) [now] This morning, my friend is Adam.
LRRbot: New quote #9047: "This morning, my friend is Adam." —James [2024-07-16]
FriendlyNeighborhoodGM: So it's just an hour of Chilling and Chatting w/ Adam? Sweet.
definenull: don't worry, let's nope has prepared adam for this
MaddogM: coffee is the plan?
Redpandarama: Adam! ❤️‍🔥
dpj2009: Tall handsome bois
Didero: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 6:04 AM
seanmrwick: Welcome to fun with coffee
HaltBen2514: isn’t this just another let’s nope stream
forcedreject subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 56 months!
forcedreject: Something something Wakeup Super
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, forcedreject! (Today's storm count: 82)
seinka: So does that mean Adam is only considered a friend one morning a week?
pleonasticTautology: i got jack in the box for breakfast
8thKingdom: Morning! <3
boglebog: This stream is minimally haunted
Elbasunu: eyyyyy
Carrion Crow: Okay, there we go. Good morning, James, Adam, everyone in chat.
James Carey: Wow. I tuned in just in time
Yellowmaster52: good morning
Resilient Spring: YouTube is here!
Elbasunu: < Obos_TAB but im on youtube today.
KingJimmeh: Good afternoon from the UK. Enjoy your coffee boys.
Mixolydian Blues: Good evening from Australia!
Veronica van Voorst: Good morning @8thKingdom
TXC2: the nugget sexdecathon ?
RagingSagu subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months!
RagingSagu: Woo, morning James and Adam from Dublin!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RagingSagu! (Today's storm count: 83)
darkora subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 23 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, darkora! (Today's storm count: 84)
NonUniqueGuy: Breakfast nuggets
nevermore913: It was a choice
haberley: Adam, quick, mutiny!
ShaneLeeAtk: !bgc
LRRbot: Jimmy Hinson AKA "BigGiantCircles" is a musician whose chiptunes are featured during commercial breaks. His music, including LRR remixes and the soundtrack for Road Quest, is available here:
FarleyF: 20 years of friendship boiled down to a single morning
RandomTrivia: Aww, for one second I thought we were getting DJ TurnLRR already
ArcticAtlantic: lrrWOW
TXC2: ProZD did every food from Olive Garden, how hard could it bee?
JinaMahavira: Graham got the middle of the burrito, because he had cancer
Didero: Nope, no music
adi_pie: Nay
nevermore913: No
Iam_Dead: No
BorealMage: Nope
Darleysam: ah, I'm here in time for A Very James and Adam Morning, excellent
PhoenixMelior: No
the_phantom_game_player: Not yet
PsychoI3oy: negative music
Narcuru: not yet
dpj2009: No
Charlymandias: nope
seanmrwick: What was the bad part about doing the McDonald's breakfast
NonUniqueGuy: No
l0gin4me: nope
generatrix: no music
seanmrwick: Nope
niccus: time to pitch "nuggets of wisdom"
red_shoes_jeff: No
MaddogM: Chair, and Adam!
DEATHlikescats: no
Metric_Furlong: no
itmightbemikey: I hear the music of the spheres, but no Big Giants Circles
Simonark: @seinka If dragged in at 6AM for this twice, they might cease to be friends
Arazien: Are you playing 4'33?
dpj2009: synthe18Chatter
TheManaLeek: I can hear music in my heart
generatrix: yup
AriaHibiki: yes
adi_pie: There we go
QuixoticScrivener: there it is
l0gin4me: mattlrDogchamp
RandomTrivia: There it is
Didero: Music!
PhoenixMelior: Yes
haberley: there it is
BorealMage: There it is. Loud, though
Didero: Yeah, too loud
RandomTrivia: Louder than you
seanmrwick: Now I can hear it
Narcuru: little loud
DEATHlikescats: there it is
PhoenixMelior: Loud indeed
TXC2: too loud indeed
MrPhlip: Prob too loud
Veronica van Voorst: Good afternoon from the Netherlands!
Elbasunu: Is there any youtube chat integration or no?
Veronica van Voorst: No music.
Elbasunu: I hear naught
rabbitgta: SeemsGood SeemsGood
Charlymandias: Mawp
haberley: is that road quest?
zuuuuuuul: good morning <3
red_shoes_jeff: Hey
dpj2009: Lower by 2-4
quton: AlienDance
pn55: A bit loud yea
Brozard: Cut it in half
ghyllnox: Too loud yeah
l0gin4me: a bit loud
Redpandarama: so loud
DahudLefthanded: Not too loud it's a bop
altis39: Tid loud
Didero: Still a bit loud
ArrestedHouse: DinoDance
seanmrwick: Its a tad loud
inconsideratehat: A bit loud for chatting
asthanius: well you're in Canada
adi_pie: Only because they're cowards
public_key_reveal_party: This is better
ghyllnox: Still too loud
dpj2009: Good Morning Candia
AriaHibiki: iz okie we're in canada
TriChronos: If they did, maybe I'd watch it
ProcyonFlynn: maybe down another 10% -
RandomTrivia: They probably have a soundcheck *BEFORE* going live :D
asthanius: he's not dead
GhostValv: D:
raven131399 subscribed at Tier 1.
adi_pie: We can fix that
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, raven131399! (Today's storm count: 85)
Leebo140: Al is very much alive
Furyfire: He's alive
itsr67: howdy
Furyfire: And very thing
teddywhosabear: al roker's doing commercials
Narcuru: this is basically the same as GMA
adi_pie: That's what necromancy is for
Furyfire: thin
IbunWest: GMA has a whole tech crew to be fair
Didero: One touch quieter
pleonasticTautology: that's good
Narcuru: surely
seanmrwick: Perfect
ProcyonFlynn: Good for headphones
Simonark: Also, this is the least Road Quest image you’ve ever streamed
Didero: I wanna hear your voices
Irsaan: still too loud
pleonasticTautology: also i would prefer it if gma did this
ghyllnox: Better, you could still take it down a little
RocknGrohlNerd: meowdy everybody
TXC2: what about Kelly Rippa ?
Brozard: You could go quieter
darkcyril: Roker is a nice 69 years old.
TheOtherTrevor: what is worse? thinking someone alive is dead, or the reverse?
adi_pie: If he had passed, would that make him Al Croaker?
Hangedman: a bit quieter cause it'll get louder
TXC2: hello RocknGrohlNerd welcome
ghyllnox: It's not exactly background as is
Didero: The music is still a bit loud
DEATHlikescats: agreed
Kyle Ladd Stobener: Audio get!
Dayton Guo: The spin doctor?
Veronica van Voorst: There's some music.
Elbasunu: a tad too loud
James Carey: a little loud
Carrion Crow: There it is. Might want to turn it down a bit.
Mixolydian Blues: Good volume
ShadowPangolin: just got here for first time, good morning, wassup
BorealMage: It's still kinda loud, tbh
IbunWest: i got up at 5 today
pleonasticTautology: i got up at 5 cos my stomach was like "BREAKFAST. NOW."
ghyllnox: Actually yeah too loud
dpj2009: synthe18Laugh
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
seanmrwick: Too early? That's my normal wakeup time
mercano82: is there any pong to go with the coffee?
GrassVortex: extraLUL
darkcyril: @adi_pie if he lost his job he'd be Al Broker
MaddogM: Bedtime here in Aus
DEATHlikescats: morning therapy
micalovits: Wooo! Trauma dumping!
seanmrwick: Im usually up at 5 M cst with coffee
seinka: oooh early morning therapy session
Darleysam: chating PROUST! PROUST! PROUST!
Tplayne: Gooooood morning gamers
Darleysam: *chanting
NonUniqueGuy: "Why are you like this, Adam?"
TXC2: hello Tplayne welcome
hyperialguard: VoHiYo
Eggmojii: I was 14 and did not care at all
QuixoticScrivener: @Darleysam But only the traumatic questions!
SnowBuddy18: I was like 1
the_phantom_game_player: <3
Obos_TAB: swapped back to twitch
KingJimmeh: race car? I had Crazy Frog PTSD from that noise.
L0rdX33n: hello
Obos_TAB: good morning
BigDaddyBland87: Well to Coffee (and Counseling) with James
PhoenixMelior: Make some coffee
adi_pie: 25 is basically a retiree.
Simonark: Linear time is a later shift’s job
TXC2: my "dad" walked out the week before my 13th birthday :p
LadyAiluros: good mewoning
Obos_TAB: Your parents are divorced, Adam. Are they single?
TheWooglie: when did you two meet?
HalcyonPrime9 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 35 months!
pleonasticTautology: i was, like, 8? and it's A Whole Thing. definitely contributes to me/us being the way i am/we are (yay being plural)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, HalcyonPrime9! (Today's storm count: 86)
Darleysam: @QuixoticScrivener Proust Roulette, every one-in-six is a softball
seanmrwick: I swapped from tap tap concede nicknames to coffee morning ever
RandomTrivia: It's because of Twitch Chat, clearly lrrBEEJ
bakerydragon: Yay back in time for James and Adam! Two lovely boys
Darleysam: it's how we deflect from the sadness!
adi_pie: If you meant tall, that's just how people are in Canada from my experience.
public_key_reveal_party: Somewhere a psychologist just looked up and had a revelation
PhoenixMelior: No dumping but uh, my parents were not great. :)
MaddogM: day 2 is a lie?
PipPosit: My parents divorced when I was like 30 and me and my sibling's response was "Took you long enough."
darkcyril: Dawn of the second day.
TXC2: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
DEATHlikescats: lrrAWESOME PrideLGBTea ratewoNderChefsKiss
Simonark: My parents never divorced and have made it everyone else’s problem for the last forty years
bakerydragon: @PhoenixMelior huge empathy to you for that
Nigouki: that was some excellent knuckle cracks right into the mic, more please
Brozard: every sub you thon
the_phantom_game_player: nice
TehAmelie: my parents got married when i was 10 and there the troubles began
altis39: My parents divorced before I was born. I was a real wrecking ball.
electra310: Cheer800 I'll do my part but I won't do math
An anonymous user is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to tonlysheriff!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, AnAnonymousGifter! Welcome to tonlysheriff! (Today's storm count: 87)
benobi42: How's the weather in Victoria looking for the subathon? It's brutally hot this week in Edmonton
Sibwow: adam how many divorces are you planning on for yourself by the time youre 80?
Obos_TAB: uh oh i hear intor music
remjesser12: <message deleted>
DEATHlikescats: ratewoNderBirdDance
NorthstarTex: Good morning everyone
NotSoLuckyLydia: my parents just recently "separated" and i still dont know what that means
Nathan Hawkins: good morning! :3
Sarah: !subathon
Sarah: (give it a moment)
Sarah: but be aware that memberships aren't able...yeah, what James said
Veronica van Voorst: Aww, thanks James!
RocknGrohlNerd: whadup youtubes
Veshnikard subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 50 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Veshnikard! (Today's storm count: 88)
Mandillio: BangbooBounce BangbooBounce BangbooBounce
darkcyril is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 20 in the channel!
darkcyril gifted a Tier 1 sub to hulduloke!
darkcyril gifted a Tier 1 sub to Calzac!
darkcyril gifted a Tier 1 sub to quesog32!
darkcyril gifted a Tier 1 sub to prairiedogstyle!
darkcyril gifted a Tier 1 sub to glogirllaylani!
darkcyril gifted a Tier 1 sub to JimmyTheGuz!
darkcyril gifted a Tier 1 sub to hrodvinter!
darkcyril gifted a Tier 1 sub to Cwelso!
darkcyril gifted a Tier 1 sub to rougepenguinknight!
darkcyril gifted a Tier 1 sub to taco_cohen!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, darkcyril! Welcome to hulduloke, Cwelso, prairiedogstyle, quesog32, JimmyTheGuz, glogirllaylani, Calzac, hrodvinter, rougepenguinknight, and taco_cohen! (Today's storm count: 98)
ArrestedHouse: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
mynameisfourteen: 18 months! That's almost one and a half years!
TXC2: darkcyril lrrHEART
DEATHlikescats: GoblinJam GoblinJam GoblinJam
TotalHell: Mornin'!
bakerydragon: Dang! Dark Cyril
seanmrwick: Its not bad right now in downtown Chicago where I'm currently at work
inconclusivecapybara subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 27 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, inconclusivecapybara! (Today's storm count: 99)
PhoenixMelior: Tea only sherrif
RandomTrivia: Cheer352 Let's Nice this
Sorator13: Tea mold?
leggettor: Did you mean for the stream to go offline James did you mean for the stream to go offline James
quesog32: @darkcyril Thanks for the gift sub!
cle0deen: Good morning from Des Moines
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown
DEATHlikescats: ratewoNderCrabWalk ratewoNderCrabWalk lrrCrab ratewoNderCrabWalk ratewoNderCrabWalk
haberley: worth it
Pinwiz11: Worth
darkcyril: @quesog32 You're so welcome!
SnowBuddy18: it's worth
NonUniqueGuy: Do it
hulduloke: math%
Iam_Dead: Worth
Sorator13: That's going to have an interesting effect on the local economy
PhoenixMelior: I think its worth
SnowBuddy18: it's like 2/3 of a percent
Angreed66: Worth
Veronica van Voorst: Appreciate you too
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and…
Mixolydian Blues: Aww thanks
Rose McInerney: Joined on youtube just in time to hear how loved and appreciated we are. Thank you James!
KilrenKrae: 420069!
Obos_TAB: Sporting Event Horizon
electra310: 420,069! Good job everybody!
NotSoLuckyLydia: im going to that sports game. money or spaghettification, either way, such glory
sag3error subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 97 months!
sag3error: Make Number Go Up!
Earthenone: sounds like a win win
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, sag3error! (Today's storm count: 100)
Narcuru: 0.66%
thekumquatking: That's a win/win baybee
tajessa: worth, I'm either rich or I don't have to pay rent
NonUniqueGuy: Either way, it is good.
DEATHlikescats: bootie5Coins bootie5Coins bootie5Coins
definenull: so now you can finally afford a 1 room apartment
northos: win-win, right? :p
Sibwow: being in a black hole isnt my porblem
RevanentOne: it's 0.006666%
adi_pie: On the one hand, 5 million dollars. On the other hand, I don't have to pay taxes anymore. Either way, I'm doing better.
Sorator13: 5% richer?
Fancy_frenchman: Just as a fun topic to ask, but not to pry behind the curtains if something is in the works, where would you two personally like to do a RoadQuest? You have to plan the trip, it is your RoadQuest to subject people to
bloodstar: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Mangledpixel: if people are being sucked into a black hole, then everyone else is easily close enough to a black hole to be killed
public_key_reveal_party: I mean, I either get 5 million or don't need to to worry about money either way
itmightbemikey: You die forever because shit gets relativistic when you fall into a black hole
TehAmelie: in the worst case, you get to explore the inside of a black hole. i'll take those odds
qwertiest_mint: This is a perfect lunchtime break treat - Hi from Ireland 🇮🇪
red_shoes_jeff is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 551 in the channel!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Ed_Ryan!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to warpstonewarlock!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Corollax!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to FrostyKaze!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to solosunto!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to ObstreperousOctopus!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Hoplon42!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Doc_Rider!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Crazyeyes3076!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to JeromeFromNH!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, red_shoes_jeff! Welcome to FrostyKaze, warpstonewarlock, Corollax, solosunto, ObstreperousOctopus, Hoplon42, Doc_Rider, JeromeFromNH, Ed_Ryan, and Crazyeyes3076! (Today's storm count: 110)
haberley: yeah, time will get weeeeird in a black hole
itmightbemikey: dying forever
NonUniqueGuy: It would be nice if those jokes got old because they no longer apply.
ender4449: 420069
StressHead95: Goooooooooood morning
TXC2: red_shoes_jeff lrrHEART
RandomTrivia: They meant that you spend forever dying, but it doesn't seem like it to you
itmightbemikey: without actually getting there
Fanklok: Adam knows TQ
Invitare: maybe they mean that due to time dilation it takes forever to die
definenull: lrrAWW
RandomTrivia: Your perception of time becomes relativistic along with spacetime
TXC2: TQ is a druid not a necromancer
Nigouki: You haven't spent a roadtrip with Paul?
DanTheMediocre: dying forever as in you might experience your death infinitely slowly
tyrew0rm: Bontan is the necromancer
haberley: also, because light can't escape the black hole,everyone would see you start to get sucked in then just... fade away...
Arazien: Please do not revive me from infinite density without practicing first
Rourke9: what if other people don’t show up? your chances get worse
DEATHlikescats: of all of LRR, who’s the Necromancer/villain?
jchinnock: good morning!
Iam_Dead: We gotta get Adam and Paul on roadquest 2
darkcyril: @TXC2 So Reincarnate instead of Raise Dead
DentedPockets: James is tsundere
Sibwow: hes a curmudgeon
ThorSokar: "No, james is just like that"
DanTheMediocre: but who knows, not like anyone can relate how it's like to get sucked into a black hole
seanmrwick: I have yet to meet some of you lrr folks
tajessa: which would win: a black hole or my ADHD time blindness
canahedo: How could anyone dislike Adam?
TehAmelie: maybe me and the other 499 spaghettificationing people will form a wonderful timeless community
ThorSokar: can confirm James is the quiet one
Fanklok: If you don't talk a lot why are you hosting a Talk Show
Jennie_Fuchsia: “no, you don’t get to have imposter syndrome about your friends” - a coworker I hang out with sometimes who might hate me
RandomTrivia: lrrWOW
seanmrwick: I bet Morgan talked more than bill
TeaBread_: How is Morgan? I miss him on videos
pleonasticTautology: :(
Chronomagistrate: lrrWOW
adi_pie: Wow
NovaTiempo: boo
definenull: ADAM
GrassVortex: wow
Sibwow: snorted
micalovits: Wow
Narcuru: lrrWOW
BigDaddyBland87: WOW
Obos_TAB: I've been watching the Bear and it's ike they sampled my friend group, cring eand all
TPRJones: jesus
PhoenixMelior: Yeah i think bill is kinda quiet now
Mangledpixel: woooooow
ForOhForError: jeeeeeeez
ThorSokar: W OOOOOO W
forcedreject: ADAM
Q_sic: ouch
tajessa: lrrWOW
Earthenone: solid
Sorator13: I remember Ashley talking about you hearing *everything* and knowing she can't talk about presents for you even if you're on the other- omg
TheAinMAP: lrrWOW
fragilepaper: wooow
pn55: jlrrFacepalm
maestrith: too soon!
public_key_reveal_party: Wooooow
Mark_D_Stroyer: It’s my man Adam!
itmightbemikey: Yeah I have severe anxiety problems so I just kinda... let other people do the talking while i just sit there and listen and vibe.
ATrophonian: lrrWOW
inconsideratehat: WOW, but also Bill would have liked that
DEATHlikescats: @tajessa fall into the black hole by accidentally walking into it and forgetting why you went
TXC2: Bill would laugh at that joke
NorthstarTex: wow, but I can see bill laughing at it
micalovits: It was good, but also... WOW
Sorator13: You absolutely are
Herbert_Erpaderp: Bill would make that joke about you
ForOhForError: well done but WOW
MaddogM: Fellow not getting a word in people
RandomTrivia: Bill would 100% have laughed at that
TPRJones: oh for sure, but it's our right to be scandalized. :P
KV1NN4: RIP Bill <XD
ThorSokar: Bill would have 1000% laughed
Hangedman: i used to talk nonstop but i had a friend who talked even more, so it helped me chill out
seanmrwick: Bill would have jokes about twitch chat
BigDaddyBland87: Bill finding it funny is your only pass
StarShock2002: Cheer100
flyingstaplers: WOW
Bryan Roth: good morning!
solidazoriginal: Adam!
cle0deen: No longer a fish
caimheul: Should have asked serge for coffee recommendations :-P
Obos_TAB: removed the flavor
Nigouki: But descaling removes the flavor D:
public_key_reveal_party: Cleaning the coffee maker? Is that legal?
MrPhlip: Who was cooking fish in the coffee maker
northos: as opposed to...?
Sorator13: technically yours?
NonUniqueGuy: It no longer has any scales in it
brieandbacon: Oh man, two great guys on my twitch!!!
Iam_Dead: Why'd you put scales in it in the first place?
Tplayne: that is my dream. to get roasted at my funeral
red_shoes_jeff: Cheer100
MaddogM: Does cleaning it reduce the flavour?
Pteraspidomorphi: Gah I'm late for the most important slot of the subathon
JinaMahavira: but what about the piss mug?
KV1NN4: no coffee for me until milk appears 8n8
TheAinMAP: Talk
seanmrwick: So Adam what was your first lrr appearance?
Arazien: If you'd stop climbing the coffee maker, you wouldn't have to descale it
haberley: seen any good movies recently?
hyperialguard: Chug chug chug
Sorator13: @MaddogM Not as long as you rinse the cleaner out before you make the next batch of coffee >.>
itmightbemikey: Talk about the current events, like... you know, let's not talk about current events.
Angreed66: They wildly speculate and shill products
nitrosarcastro: what's the weather today and how was traffic?
Nigouki: oh god, now you're making me realize that it's been literally 15 years since I've tuned into morning television willingly
TheWooglie: Statler and Waldorf
Iam_Dead: Adam, are you excited for the new street fighter characters
Nebula662: Cheer210 Good Morning folks
KingKool2099: I'm watching USCSB videos this morning, how about you?
TheManaLeek: Temp. The was his middle name
SpleenLord: Tell us about your Elden Ring experience
FrostyKaze: @red_shoes_jeff thanks for thr gift sub!
DEATHlikescats: yall be Wendy Williams and just riff off rumors and topics
bsudo: adam and james are the george and rick of lrr
Simonark: They talk about weather and banter about the news. You are both better than that. Even James.
RandomTrivia: The important distinction between a morning hangout and a morning talk show
ArtemisHuntress: good morning, friends!
seinka: You two have been friends for a long time but how did you guys meet?
cle0deen: Your supposed to ask Adam about his new movie coming out and for him to set up a clip
Furyfire: LUL
miniMacGuru: You have to try and sell the new book(s) you wrote. True morning show energy.
GhostValv: maybe talk about other segments of the sub-a-thon today?
red_shoes_jeff: @FrostyKaze benginFingers
qwertiest_mint: How was your trip to Europe? 💙💛
TXC2: hello ArtemisHuntress welcome
Viewers_Like_You: Merry timezone, coffee and/or chunk crew
BorealMage: How much does James know about the game at all?
jarnatan: How come nobody's wearing a cap?
TehAmelie: if you had just written a book, what could you tell us about it?
brieandbacon: sergeHeart sergeHeart jlrrPunch
rabbitgta: Topic, opinions on grilled cheese with butter or mayo to crisp the bread?
maestrith: Favorite media so far this year?
TXC2: hello Viewers_Like_You welcome
Nebula662 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 16 months!
Nebula662: Dang 16 months extra good morning folks
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Nebula662! (Today's storm count: 111)
NorthstarTex: Dear Dr. Adam, why does my boyfriend insist that whips are great in Elden Ring?
Harvest25: Can Adam tell us how to get good at Magic
TotalHell: DLC's great!
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: I can't believe they just made Elden Ring 2 and called it an expansion
woggle subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 86 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, woggle! (Today's storm count: 112)
public_key_reveal_party: Has James played a fromsoft game before?
ArtemisHuntress: Dear Drs LRR: What flavor of honey is best?
KingKool2099: It ISN'T?
TheWooglie: you watch Adam's streams? that's cute
Arazien: Unpopular? My circle's doing nothing but singing its praises
Robot_Bones: no adam you're right. its the internet who is wrong
Sevinon: @ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa Exactly, and that's all I could have asked for
MaddogM: I have never played Elden ring
unicornery is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 15 in the channel!
unicornery gifted a Tier 1 sub to DentedPockets!
unicornery gifted a Tier 1 sub to GothicMess!
unicornery gifted a Tier 1 sub to space_jonny!
unicornery gifted a Tier 1 sub to The_Nat_Ones_!
unicornery gifted a Tier 1 sub to powerpow09!
taco_cohen: My only Issue with the DLC is that the map could have been less confusing
leggettor: I just beat godrick and I'm still going to buy the dlc when I beat it
definenull: you can't say that on camerae
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, unicornery! Welcome to GothicMess, DentedPockets, The_Nat_Ones_, powerpow09, and space_jonny! (Today's storm count: 117)
doctor_spacheman: Damn Adam looking fit
Sorator13: @rabbitgta Microwaving the sandwich to melt the cheese before you put it in the pan to "grill" is secret tech that is upsettingly effective
ShaneLeeAtk: !quote R1
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
TXC2: unicornery lrrHEART
seanmrwick: Have you played any kind of dark souls or elden ring d&d campaign?
RandomTrivia: The fundamental FromSoft gameplay loop
Tplayne: Is james a claw gamer?
Talin06: Co-op or coaching?
DanTheMediocre: would you be up for a wizarding build?
mercano82: You’re forgetting the “die horribly” part.
qwertiest_mint: as a fantasy book enjoyer, Adam, do you have any thoughts on DUNE? 🏜️
public_key_reveal_party: The bubble horn is the dumbest weapon I absolutely love
HaltBen2514: @artemishuntress it’s just objectively Manuka honey
DanTheMediocre: or just general big sword spank & dodge
niccus: difficult friends. friends you have to parry
Obos_TAB: @qwertiest_mint Arrakis? The Desert Planet?!
Robot_Bones: can't believe there's no whip buff
Obos_TAB: Spice? AT WORK?
KingKool2099: I thought Elden Ring was considered the best discovery since oral sex?
TehAmelie: or big shield blocks - counterstrike, that's another option
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: I want King's Field 5, just a return to a nice slow-paced somber dungeon crawl
TXC2: getting comffe
s1ck1y: FOR FREE?
Sorator13: Nice socks!
brieandbacon: Tootsies!!
pipshardfour: are either of you part of TCG day on Friday?
thekumquatking: James's dogs are BARKING
Kivipaperisakset: it's james and better-james!
DEATHlikescats: Question: you get isekai’d into Elden Ring, but do come back from getting killed. what is your build/strategy on getting back home?
ClockTamer subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months!
ClockTamer: Take Bezos's money! I took it from the Amazon Warehouse while he wasn't looking!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ClockTamer! (Today's storm count: 118)
Obos_TAB: Juri's still out
qwertiest_mint: @obos_tab SHAI HULUD! 🤣
TotalHell: Head massages vs. foot massage?
Robot_Bones: feet are bleh we should have hooves
Dalrint: Good morning James, Adam and chat!
darkcyril: "Neither of us are feet people" - what in the hell did I come back from the bathroom to?
DEATHlikescats: @totalhell ooh good question!
Simonark: One of you is an elbow person and has been unable to find the right way to broach the topic for years.
HaltBen2514: breaking bad?
TXC2: hello Dalrint welcome
Sibwow: do you have a price
TacitusVigil: James loves Perry Mason Kappa
lamina5432: morning
cle0deen: @darkcyril I caught in between the coffee grinder noises. Not sure
inconsideratehat: The weed bits
cog1to: shorwhat?
brieandbacon: Which is the sub, which is the -a-thon?
seanmrwick: Whats your favorite place to go to for coffee when you're not at the moonbase?
PhoenixMelior: You what now
Metric_Furlong: tingers
Trafficcone99: size 16 tingers lmao
jarnatan: But.. you shouldn't
jchinnock: James would you Severance yourself to avoid the wait for Severance S2?
Sibwow: adam beast
SnowBuddy18: GGs shake my foot
Sorator13: Oh yeah, I've seen some tingers, man
Obos_TAB: Feet Only Fighting Game Stream
cle0deen: Mine is
Metric_Furlong: biggest toe
Simonark: A Thon is just a French tuna, right?
DEATHlikescats: flip the bird with your toes
Obos_TAB: OkiOki Foot Club
TacitusVigil: Now I'm thinking of the Adam/Cameron hologram going "showmeyourfeet"
TehAmelie: dare you to show your toes to the internet
northos: it's just a genetic thing I think
darkcyril: Adam "Tinger" Savidan
forcedreject: I think for the full 5 days you would need around 7k subs?
Tplayne: Feet = bottom hands
adi_pie: It meanss your second toe is longer
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
ClockTamer: You got ugly feet? Prove it!
jarnatan: Tune in next time on the Foot Clan Morning Show
Sorator13: lrrWOW
JoannaTastic: Morton's toe!
Mark_D_Stroyer: 2ub-2-2hon
DEATHlikescats: thumb war but with feet
PhoenixMelior: You pump blood well, 10/10
NonUniqueGuy: It means you are going to die on August 27th, 2041
AriaHibiki: it's prime day btw for ppl w/ amazon prime xD
baskwalla: The can toe-nely be one
HaltBen2514: I once got told by a podiatry student that I had ‘really interesting’ feet and still don’t know how to feel about it
cle0deen: Its weird when you say it like that!
Trebs42 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 85 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Trebs42! (Today's storm count: 119)
Metric_Furlong: farming?
Sorator13: It's because you're good at what you do and also lovely people
Viewers_Like_You: gib soul pls
PhoenixMelior: Your life essence
TotalHell: What am I gaining here?
Sorator13: Not everyone can pull it off
DanTheMediocre: successful content agriculture requires a lot of care and input
seanmrwick: Its mutual
BorealMage: Trade offer
DEATHlikescats: it’s very improv theater
TXC2: it's reciprocal
Arazien: Stardew King and Junimo Cart champ wants to farm us
thekumquatking: I'm taking y'all for all you're worth
Sarah_Serinde: *or* you could look at it as *giving* to each other...
ghyllnox: I was going to say, what do you think we're here for
Dalrint: We take so much. We take and we take and we take
Trafficcone99: mutual assured content
s1ck1y: shark and remora type situation
Obos_TAB: It's like improv. were just shouting suggestions
Pteraspidomorphi: Wait there are gift bags?
cle0deen: NTA just weidd
SonofThoth: Yeah, we give you our money, you give us your sanity
TehAmelie: just warn us before crop rotation
itmightbemikey: You are a nickelodeon, but instead of nickles, we put in innane questions
DEATHlikescats: a symbiotic relationship
forcedreject: Adam is getting W's in oki oki
public_key_reveal_party: I mean, we can also fuck off if we want, no one is forcing us to be here
brieandbacon: You can be both
Metric_Furlong: do you just let Alex out to graze then bring him back in for content extraction?
Catcard: Hello Adam and James!!!
quesog32: What is it you have gained, Mr. Freeman?
adi_pie: A shark
DanTheMediocre: do you pay the 4
leggettor: Osw did a deep dive on elden ring. Also helped me get bitten
qwertiest_mint: I don’t mind! you all have been there for this broke student during hard times so keep making great content ❤️
forcedreject: "Remora" me on mono blue in commander
DEATHlikescats: The marine biology nerds
Sibwow: shork
fragilepaper: @Catcard CCAATTCCAARRDD!
HalcyonPrime9: remora in the dark, band name?
SonofThoth: It's a fish. Like mystic remora
Mark_D_Stroyer: @danthemediocre Viewer irrigation.
0rAnge_FrOg: Wait whatd you take can I have it back
Dandelion V: @kingkool2099 unites states chemical safety board?
KingKool2099: You know it
Tplayne: Mystic Remora enjoyers
Catcard: @fragilepaper !!!!!
Simonark: It’s the name of the fish, Adam.
Cinominn: remora are them little fishies that eat off sharks
quesog32: Fallout was really good
L0rdX33n: shark was DC
Judders__: thats Gamora
DEATHlikescats: shoutout to the siphonophore fiends!
Sorator13: Oh yeah, that's a problem for me too; my brain does not process time well
Metric_Furlong: nothing's come out this year. all culture has stopped
cle0deen: Is there tv in 2024?
Sibwow: my adventures with superman <333
makeshiftreaper: My favorite media was Late Night With the Devil
TXC2: I think Shogun came out last year, but if not Shugon
lamina5432: new dr who
thekumquatking: The best media of every year is Dario Argento's Suspiria (1977)
PMAvers: I'm just going to default to Dungeon Meshi.
TXC2: *shogun
fragilepaper: yes!
Wolfstrike_NL: Above Elden Ring dlc Adam?
PhoenixMelior: Oh my partner watches that
Cinominn: solo leveling is great
BorealMage: Solo Leveling was solid
DanTheMediocre: I had a great time with Delicious in Dungeon
tajessa: Dungeon Meshi is my new hyperfixation
ShhIAmARealCat: Solo leveling was Phenomenal
AquilianNights: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Pteraspidomorphi: It's very straightforward
itmightbemikey: This year is slim for TV and Movies because we're still dealing with the lag caused by the Writer's and Actors Guild strikes
mweepigeon: trope heavy is accurate
Dalrint: The season felt like it ended on not a season end though?
KingKool2099: Those videos are fun
KingKool2099: well, not FUN fun, but fascinating
L0rdX33n: cliche?
Wolfstrike_NL: Music was great as well
forcedreject: Dungeon flippers even though it only has 1 episode right now
lamina5432: waiting for season 2
TehAmelie: i started watching Hacks. amazing show
MehallD: My top media this year is Frieren
DEATHlikescats: Dungeon Meshi/Delicious in Dungeon fans unite!
Archermaster24: that show looked great, for sure. very good animation
Spooky_Noises: kaiju no 8 was really good, along the same lines
adi_pie: Did they find either the Tower or God?
awildshen: Freiren ended this year and t hat show was a BANGER
Verrain2: Senshi!
Riandisa: If you like Solo Leveling, just wait for Omniscient Reader
DanTheMediocre: oh yeah Frieren too
Obos_TAB: Shogun was incredible
TheWooglie: Furiosa so far for films
PhoenixMelior: I love that beej made adam into an anime fan.
Robot_Bones: Laios Its time to cook
mweepigeon: dunmeshi <3
tajessa: @DEATHlikescats high five
fragilepaper: @Spooky_Noises Kaiju was also so good
DEATHlikescats: Freiren is gorgeous
HiCallMeRusty: shouting out season 6 of game changer, super good
Matrim528: I really enjoyed Shogun, myself.
JinaMahavira: Arcane Season 2 in Nov :D
PMAvers: Beej kicks in the door
Pteraspidomorphi: Riandisa: There's an anime coming?
Defrost: Adam is turning into a weeb! How long until Adam's anime seasonly recaps??
GhostValv: dunmeshi :)
Metric_Furlong: some of it's good
drawnbinary: My dentist's girlfriend told her to recommend me some animes while she was cleaning my teeth
Sevinon: Rewatching Haruhiu Suzumiya atm
Sorator13: @HiCallMeRusty yesss
pleonasticTautology: my favorite piece of media comes out on friday cos my favorite band is dropping a new album
DEATHlikescats: @tajessa high five!
Dandelion V: i investigated one of those. The Methyl Mercaptan release.
solidazoriginal: Demon Slayer?
JJ Sandee: Shogun is really good.
public_key_reveal_party: Beej just coolaid man's through the wall
leggettor: A weeb
jarnatan: Fitting that Road Quest music plays in the background as Adam discusses anime he's watching. The embeejening was successful
makeshiftreaper: @Sevinon How endless is that eight?
nevermore913: First season of hasbin hotel was this year
cle0deen: Is that why I hear Roadquest music? Cause were reflecting on Adams weeb journey?
DaimyoAmerica: It's so good
drawnbinary: Dungeon Meshi is great
tajessa: it's so good Adam
forcedreject: @Defrost Beej already christened Adam during Road Quest
Obos_TAB: I think a lot of anime pacing has been terrible
DanTheMediocre: and I've heard that that new deer one has the kind of absurd humour I could enjoy so giving that a shot
jackulhaups: is there a very slightly delay between audio and video or is it just me?
HalcyonPrime9: dunmeshi is so good
DaimyoAmerica: But it takes some wild turns
TacitusVigil: Star Trek Prodigy was crazy good.
thejadedthief: Loved Shogun and Dungeon Meshi
micalovits: Frieren is an easy recommend
Gekyouryuu: I also really enjoyed Solo Leveling. it's apparently based on a Korean webcomic that's already finished and has a sequel, apparently?
Riandisa: @Pteraspidomorphi Yes, it was just officially announced at Anime Expo last weekend
Sevinon: @makeshiftreaper ... May have skipped to the last episode of it. Also, may have been scarred enough to instantly recognize the first episode
RandomTrivia: Some anime becomes "not" after 3 seconds
TriChronos: There is SO MUCH of it now, there's guaranteed to be a few out there for anyone
SnowBuddy18: I don't watch much anime, but Dungeon Meshi is great
DEATHlikescats: sometimes you just gotta take a break
Viewers_Like_You: The "can you show this to your parents" unpredictability is very real
PhoenixMelior: Yeah, thats japan for you
Pteraspidomorphi: One out of ten shows are good, but that's still plenty of shows
DahudLefthanded: Anime tend to have a really sharp falloff
Dalrint: I cannot recommend Frieren: Beyond Journey's End enough. Best anime I've watched in years.
FrostyKaze: I read the manga for Dungeon Meshi and it's fantastic
Wolfstrike_NL: Did you get to watch Frieren, Adam?
Sorator13: @jackulhaups I've gotten that some lately; refreshing usually fixes it in my experience
raulghoulia: Opinions on chainsaw man
HavenDragon: Dungeon Meshi is my favorite anime *ever*
Brozard: Delicious in Dungeon is great
drawnbinary: The women are not sexualized in Dungeon Meshi lmao
thekumquatking: There's so much of EVERYTHING out there.
KingKool2099: EVERYTHING's good until it's not
Colin: absolutely agree with that Adam
qwertiest_mint: HOTD? 🐉
Mark_D_Stroyer: I’ve continued to bounce off every anime I’ve tried except for FMA:B
DandyGeek: I’m still waiting for you to watch Deadloch, James
jackulhaups: @Sorator13 thank you! :)
Pteraspidomorphi: Riandisa: That's great news! Definitely more interested in that one
FrostyKaze: Frieren is awesome too!
Robot_Bones: Dunmeshi def is not one of those fanservice show
Brozard: Frerien is also good fantasy
itmightbemikey: Yeah I'm Ace and sometimes the oversexualization in anime and TV shows just... push me away.
DanTheMediocre: yeah dungeon meshi really does not have the standard anime issues
Obos_TAB: I kinda miss cowboy bebop esque contained eps
DEATHlikescats: @drawnbinary it is so REFRESHING
Defrost: So much TV and only like half of it is disney just running properties into a content mill...
Mangledpixel: there are a lot of squicky tropes that seem embedded in anime culture
RevanentOne: like 90% of animes set in our world take place in a High School for no reason
mweepigeon: dungeon meshi is really good, absolutely incredible worldbuilding and avoids a lot of those oversexualization tropes common in anime
tajessa: seconding Deadloch recommendation! They are making a second season!
Woogachaka: have you read berserk adam?
TriChronos: It also needs consequences, right?
PhoenixMelior: So, game of thrones
SnowBuddy18: have you watched Andor, Adam?
Aitsu111: Adam have you seen Zom 100
petey_vonwho: About the only new media I watched this year is Fallout
draxov: There's a good looking upcoming anime about QA testers in a game :D
pleonasticTautology: the new VW is SO GOOD
lamina5432: chainsaw man should keep that up for you
thekumquatking: New VW is indeed good!
Keneth Rodriguez: you're describing mushoku tensei (jobless reincarnation)
Quinn Shannon: chainsawman absolutely keeps that vibe
DandyGeek: Andor fuckin’ rules
forcedreject: Overlord kind of has that moral grayness at times
Dalrint: Is "I enjoy bad things happening to my favorite characters" masochism or sadism?
Makoforte: I think the sexualization is a thing that comes back and forth, but it's also not like... exclusive to Japan or Anime either, it's just a lot of places are on the prudish turn.
TheWooglie: Acolyte
FrostyKaze: Acoylte
jarnatan: Acolyte
Narcuru: the acolyte
baskwalla: The Acolyte
DEATHlikescats: acolyte
Brozard: I’m halfway through Andor now
Narcuru: ends today
Korolan: Chainsawman is 100% that vibe
public_key_reveal_party: @dalrint yes
DanTheMediocre: acolyte is the new one
TotalHell: Last episode drops today
darkcyril: Last episode airs tonight.
TheWooglie: Final tomorrow/today
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: Andor is the best Star Wars content since the 2004 Clone Wars cartoon
myknorman: I thought the new Lego star wars was a new game, but i guess its a tv series! looks interesting
patrick_stonecrusher: Unfortunately most anime is aimed at horny 12 to 20 year olds cause thats where the money is :(
pleonasticTautology: there's so much great music coming out this year
jarnatan: I like Andor and/or The Acolyte
Korolan: Do not get attached to any characters. They are all scumbags, but in an almost likable way
baskwalla: I'm enjoying Acolyte
ForOhForError: Andor is maybe the best Star Wars full stop
HaltBen2514: how is acolyte? I haven’t yet watched it
NonUniqueGuy: I liked the Acolyte.
DandyGeek: Andor is legitimately incredible on its own, you do not have to care about Star Wars to appreciate it
butt_ghost: andor got crazy when alf showed up as a series lead
Obos_TAB: acolyte is ok
quesog32: Undergrads!
DEATHlikescats: @thirtycubicfeetofsalsa agreed. similar vibe too.
qwertiest_mint: DUNE is proto Star Wars 🤣
ATrophonian: Ooooh, Undergrads can't have aged well.
RevanentOne: @patrick_stonecrusher as a former 12-20 year old I can say they absolutely do not have money
TheManaLeek: Undergrads was so good, does not hit the same now
Hansk_and_Boo: The Acolyte is pretty great,
KingKool2099: Acolyte
KingKool2099: It's meant to be not that good
KingKool2099: But who knows
Keneth Rodriguez: hello chat from Spain btw
KingKool2099: ROFL
Tplayne: Project 77 or bust for Starwars
Defrost: Acolyte is star wars through the cw...
Obos_TAB: i'm on The Bear. Incredible show
Korolan: Chainsawman does have some horny parts though, so just be aware of it.
thekumquatking: My AOTY so far is the latest Mdou Moctar
quesog32: OG Clone High holds up pretty good
hesterbyrde: These days I have a rule that I don't watch any TV until it's finished. I got burned by SHIELD, Firefly, and such either getting canceled or never knowing when they're ending so they can't be coherent.
pipshardfour: are either of you taking part in TCG day on Friday?
pleonasticTautology: new VW, new Los Campesinos!, new johnny foreigner, new illuminati hotties, new IDWhow...
Harvest25: Reboot
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: I straight up don't like Star Wars and really enjoyed Andor
Makoforte: wh-
draxov subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 72 months!
draxov: 72 months (6 years) on the subaversary!
qwertiest_mint: somebody say Clone Wars?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, draxov! (Today's storm count: 120)
momalyd: Damn it how long have they been back?
TacitusVigil: Did somebody say Beast Wars?
PhoenixMelior: Lorcana, whoo!
forcedreject: The DCAU was during the 2000s so there's that
pipshardfour: what about SWU??
DaimyoAmerica: Is anyone going to play some Flesh and Blood on TCG day?
SnowBuddy18: time to watch Metalocaypse instead
hiFunko: The correct answer would have been Star Wars
DEATHlikescats: @hesterbyrde valid AF
L0rdX33n: I still use that clip explaining Risk in 4 sentences from time to time
Q_sic: TCG day could have the Mine O' Clock crew play the Hermitcraft TCG
kid_flashionable: Good morning!
Mark_D_Stroyer: Yeah The Bear is like living through PTSD, I don’t know why I love it
myknorman: James have you heard of anyone doing a Lorcana Commander variant? I'm sure it could work . . .
KingKool2099: Undergrads was legit
jarnatan: Glad to hear LRR is going to do something with Magic. It's about time Kappa
KingKool2099: I wonder what we'll think of our current shows in twenty years
DanTheMediocre: two great houses, equal in stature, opposed to each other
TXC2: hello kid_flashionable welcome
TheManaLeek: I need to play Star Wars Unlimited so bad
Defrost: Wheeler teaches the crew Mahjong??
Julian_Rogue: good morning chat. good morning LRR
TheGeneralThomas: The MonTaGues and the Card-pull-ets (I hate myself)
DEATHlikescats: @mark_d_stroyer catharsis?
Obos_TAB: I know we have OkiOki Tournament this week, but if you could throw a big stupid fighting game at the rest of LRR what would it be
TacitusVigil: You can have a star war if you behave.
Fanklok: Wheeler doesn't even know how to play mahjong
Grumpingtoon: That’s the thing about stuff that’s 10-20 years old. It’s recent enough that it feels cringe, old enough that we’re progressed as a society, but not SO old that you can go “It was a different time”
HaltBen2514: is wheeler participating at all this week?
TXC2: hello Julian_Rogue welcome
RandomTrivia: @Defrost What, so they can tilt him even further? :D
Obos_TAB: Unlimited is very good.
thekumquatking: As someone who works at an LGS, that sounds about right for Star Wars: Unlimited.
ErinusTV subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ErinusTV! (Today's storm count: 121)
PMAvers: Set 2's got some *really* good mechanics in it, with the Smuggle and Bounty mechanics.
hiFunko: I'll force James to play in December when I get there
forcedreject: Is the Oki Oki tournament SF5?
protojman: the pacing is so different
forcedreject: *SF6
tyrew0rm: Is everything still kicker?
maestrith: Do any TCG work together that maybe shouldn't?
Mark_D_Stroyer: @deathlikescats I don’t know if catharsis normally involves being so stressed out?
Adam Steel: Hey! How long has the subathon been going on? Didn’t even realise it had started :(
Sarah: Around 18 hours
BorealMage: SW:U is really interestingly designed. It doesn't feel like Flesh and Blood to me when playing.
hiFunko: It's much less complicated than Flesh and Blood
Obos_TAB: Flesh and Blood has bigger combat phase
SKRYMr: No, you have turns in Flesh and Blood
Viewers_Like_You: But where do the horsemanship units go?
DanTheMediocre: I think it was similar to One Piece TCG?
lordofkatz: It's more like Legends of Runeterra (the League card game)
PMAvers: I'd say the passing alternate actions is closer to Runeterra, for things Adam has played.
nevermore913: Sounds cool
itmightbemikey: What about the new Neopets CCG?
hiFunko: SWU is alternating actions, so you get chances to interrupt your opponent's combos and there's more lines/mind games
DanTheMediocre: yeah runeterra comes closer
SnowBuddy18: isn't that just the Space Beleren mechanic?
DEATHlikescats: @mark_d_stroyerooh good point lol
cle0deen: What kind of coffee are you drinking this morning?
Spooky_Noises: Theres a new game comming out later this year caled Altered that feels very simmilar to SW:U im very excited for
SKRYMr: Had you ever played Star Wars Destiny before?
hips_dont_lijah: yeah buy who's playing Yugioh on tcg day? /s
Sarah: But there's most of a week left to go if enough subs come in :)
Sarah: They started yesterday at noon PDT
Adam Steel: Thanks Sarah. That explains a lot, I wasn’t awake!
Sarah: Haha understandable
KingKool2099: I don't know if they're watching the Youtube chat
KingKool2099: We can say anything we want
Sarah: I believe they still can't see this chat
KingKool2099: Super Pac Man counts as a kaiju!
quesog32: What's this background music? I like it.
darkcyril: It's why I never understand the OSR movement in TTRPGs - we've learned so much about game design since D&D first came out.
TXC2: !bgc
LRRbot: Jimmy Hinson AKA "BigGiantCircles" is a musician whose chiptunes are featured during commercial breaks. His music, including LRR remixes and the soundtrack for Road Quest, is available here:
DaimyoAmerica: You should play Flesh and Blood. Reminds me of a better time in MTG
KingKool2099: They are talking MAD SHIT in the Youtube chat
commentarywife: boo I had a work call start just as this was starting (4pm here), so I had to mute and I've missed what we're talking about
myknorman: Adam you'd like this, I threw together my Baldur's Gate chaff and added some other rares and such that I like. Giving everyone a free arcane signet with their draft pool
quesog32: @TXC2 Thanks!
DanTheMediocre: bgm is a remix of one of the Big Giant Circles songs
Tplayne: what day is okioki event?
Metric_Furlong: Legend of the Five Rings is probably the oldest alternate activations card-fighting game, iirc
BorealMage: Friends and I have been playing a *ton* of Villainous recently
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
DanTheMediocre: I think plop the punk remix of rose in a field?
DanTheMediocre: but dont call me on that
forcedreject: What game is it?
Colin: also don't say anything you want, mods are still here
stillgood7: Is the music quite loud for anyone as well?
Sarah: When there's someone on tech, like Paul, they can see this chat. And sometimes Graham checks in.
Colin: @KingKool2099 that's... uhhhh
Sarah: And your memberships should show up in the sub thanks at the end of the stream, but wont' count to the subathon
Tplayne: oh sick, i think I can play then
Welbog: Good morning!
Metric_Furlong: we can't see the youtube chat, ergo it doesn't exist Kappa
Weagle: Good for them :P
TXC2: hello Welbog welcome
Eggmojii: I would never
Welbog: Is this a very Adam and James Christmas?
commentarywife: we talking collectible cardboard?
the_phantom_game_player: I wouldnt
forcedreject: Ah, I am a simple Tekken 8 player, have fun peeps
SnowBuddy18: that's because you're amazing, Adam, bound to get some haters
jarnatan: If a tree talks smack about you and there's nobody around, do you still tilt?
TXC2: wellity wellity wellity
Viewers_Like_You: I hear the youtube chatters are charming and delightful, gottem
Woogachaka: Oki Oki fight club is such cool show to see spool up. I've never had the guts to get into fighting games, but I'm glad to see folks learn and have fun doing it
muondecay subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 121 months!
muondecay: Happy Coffee to you!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, muondecay! (Today's storm count: 122)
PMAvers: I always hoped that there could be a stream like ITYC? but where they played and focused on playing a paper card game for a month or two. Sorta like the AF40K league.
HaltBen2514: 6 holes in the ground
Leebo140: What's the brew this morning?
cle0deen: Coffee cheers
doctor_spacheman: When are you guys doing a friday nights with Good Games Morley?
mtvcdm: Morning
KingKool2099: ROFL
Sarah: pfft hi James
Colin: is it a tech issue that means they can't show the YouTube chat to the streamers? I am curious
Darius Drake: mad shit about nothing.
Sarah: I think it was complicated to make a way of showing both at once to the room, and they haven't sorted it out yet
Colin: like is it a YouTube being weird thing?
Sarah: I don't think so
TXC2: hello mtvcdm
hiFunko: I only play fighting games by putting my coin on top of the arcade console so I know where my place is in the line
Viewers_Like_You: At the same time?
brieandbacon: James, did you ever get your Ember mug?
TheWooglie: people were saying nice things about you earlier Adam, there was the gvlog to the Rumble and Pax South
northos: play fighting games at the gym, got it
Bassios: I love playing Street Fighter, I'm terrible at it
HeartwoodMtG: fighting games are Big "type 2" fun
drawnbinary: i know my place (being terrible but irritating at smash bros)
pleonasticTautology: i've been slowly learning ggst but it's a bit awkward for my thumbs lmao
definenull: hit the gym, hit the buttons
Programmerman1: The only fighting game I ever "got into" was Smash Bros. Never "got" the Street Fighter-style ones
Woogachaka: Do both at the same time! Play Rumble!
DandyGeek: Adam’s a modern day Charles Schulz here
Two_Hats: As Adam has talked about doing a cosplay, does James have a character he would cosplay?
the_phantom_game_player: Are you happy about the Marvel vs Capcom Collection?
HiCallMeRusty: my goal is to get a better internet connection and then play fighting games
myknorman: Adam I've been on the ice three times a week after I moved to Ottawa. Most fit I've felt in years!
ArrestedHouse: The Brain Destroyer
itmightbemikey: On Fighting games, any picks for EVO, or things you want to hear announced there?
forcedreject: "Can the batter hit this mix?"
Metric_Furlong: these comparisons are just making fighting games wound less appealing Kappa
DandyGeek: (Schulz wanted all kids to play sports to learn *how to learn*, since you have to fail to improve)
Metric_Furlong: *sound
QuixoticScrivener: Peanuts artist
KingKool2099: Creator of Peanuts
Obos_TAB: Pick a top tiers(basketball player)
Jennie_Fuchsia: ask Kathleen
JDMan94: God I love NL, love that he's kinda been popping off lately
pleonasticTautology: peanuts/charlie brown
hiFunko: Nature invented the peanut James
Sandboxgamer27: hit ‘em with the brain destroyer
jarnatan: Jimmy Carter invented the peanut
KingKool2099: Yeah, he was George Washington Carver's protege
Mark_D_Stroyer: @hicallmerusty You normally don’t need amazing internet, just figure out how to plug in Ethernet while you’re playing
mtvcdm: I kinda want to see that baseball fighting game video now
KingKool2099: He helped make peanuts
IbunWest: charles brown never learned how to kick a football
KingKool2099: the food peanuts, not the comic
Metric_Furlong: you can fail at so many things besides sports, if you're not basic Kappa
nevermore913: That does sound like golf
DandyGeek: gotta put beej on the CPS3 Jojo’s Venture fighter
Tplayne: bison punch SO hard
forcedreject: Technically the tournament is right before EVO
Colin: I mean The Gym and Soulslikes are also the same xD
Colin: gym is sweaty dark souls
Adam Steel: Checks out, the gym is a place for pain and suffering in an effort to git gud
TXC2: yes, yes it is Adam
Programmerman1: Sports are fun because sometimes you fail even when you play "perfectly"
doctor_spacheman: In a meta-analysis of clinical trials powerlifting was the most effective anti-depressant
SnowBuddy18: people want the things they like to be good and the things they don't like to be bad, it's simple
cle0deen: "We have what they'll never have..." "Enough."
petey_vonwho: I used to love playing Tekken at the arcade during my breaks at work back in the early 2000s
tinysuze2342: Afternoon from the UK, hope everyone is doing well, love to lrr folk, the mods and chat
quesog32: Nah, that was George Washington Carver
TXC2: he farmed them at least
Welbog: Al Gore invented inventing peanuts.
TXC2: hello tinysuze2342 welcome
pleonasticTautology: @quesog32 say what
QuixoticScrivener: George Washington Carver waiting for Jimmy Carter to invent peanuts...
IbunWest: there is a lot in the world to be unsatisfied by but you gotta find the happiness where you can
cle0deen: @quesog32 my thought exactly
KingKool2099: @QuixoticScrivener ROFL
quesog32: Say whaaaaat
Mark_D_Stroyer: Adam got me into fighting games in his SFV Mika era, it was absolutely the correct choice to just start playing
Welbog: Golf Lore
KingKool2099: There used to be GOLF TV and there was so much technique
Sorator13: One of the reasons it's so important to learn how to fail is because so many things require failing to improve, yknow?
quesog32: For supper, I want a party platter
Sorator13: like it's important because it's ubiquitous
Jillexie: What watch do you have on, James?
Obos_TAB: Watching influencers get kids into chess was WILD.
tyrew0rm: James, who's winning the Open this weekend then?
MrPandaaaGaming: Chess is interesting. Idk what to tell ya
SnowBuddy18: getting out there and hitting some balls
Masslost subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 62 months, currently on a 62 month streak!
Masslost: I’m doing my part
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Masslost! (Today's storm count: 123)
Verrain2: I drink Arnold Palmer's. That's like golfing.
TacitusVigil: Golf is a good walk ruined.
raulghoulia: Afk chess when?
seanmrwick: To Adam and James, what is your "breakfast of champions"
Metric_Furlong: Golf is unironically an environmental disaster
jarnatan: I feel like all golf shorts are comedy golf shorts if your legs are funny-looking enough
mericlese is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel!
mericlese gifted a Tier 1 sub to okkator!
mericlese gifted a Tier 1 sub to muihtils!
mericlese gifted a Tier 1 sub to Gwentian!
mericlese gifted a Tier 1 sub to Croncy!
mericlese gifted a Tier 1 sub to DeveloperMo!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, mericlese! Welcome to okkator, Gwentian, muihtils, Croncy, and DeveloperMo! (Today's storm count: 128)
myknorman: I am terrible at Golf, but I like spending the time on the course with pals. I also use Golf (with beanbags and buckets) to teach integers to my Grade 7s
mtvcdm: Failing at sports is normal. In most competitive settings it's zero sum. One must win, one must lose. You just dust yourself off and try again.
Meltalar: mernin
Bionull: That doesn't sound like a good thing
ender4449: To be fair, the Youtube chat moves significantly slower (less people) than the Twitch chat so keeping up with both when just keeping up with Twitch is difficult.
DEATHlikescats: chasing dopamine
TXC2: mericlese lrrHEART
jarnatan: One cool thing? In this economy?
cle0deen: None of this make me want to play golf
seanmrwick: That literally sounds like a channel on YouTube called Bob does sports, which is a lot of golf content
Mathonwy: How does that feel? My brain doesn't make dopamine right.
taco_cohen: Good fighting game for a beginner? Tekken? SF?
ItsThugDimmadome: *SPDs* "I'm just like Itazan!"
richard_ermen: feet?
commentarywife: Feet?
TXC2: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Obos_TAB: I changed my air-toair against bridget and suddenly i was winning and I was so happy. fighting games are something so great
Welbog: wat
the_phantom_game_player: Whose feet?
cle0deen: Unsubscribe
Programmerman1: Golf is wonderful. But I enjoy it a lot more as an "old person" who has learned some patience with myself
Sorator13: mefetso
richard_ermen: Show feet.
IbunWest: abatBEANS
Jillexie: Can we take back subscriptions? :D
mtvcdm: Speaking of golf... How goes the scorecard?
piggyback101: Are you gonna be watching any of The Open this week James?
0x6772: Um, can I retract my subscription? (Re: feet)
DanTheMediocre: can I subscribe against feet?
LordZarano: Surely that's against TOS?
jchinnock: Fill Studio C with Feet
hips_dont_lijah: Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to feet!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, feet! (Today's storm count: 129)
pleonasticTautology: honestly what i love about fighting games is finding the character that clicks with my brain
Gwentian: @mericlese Man what a welcome, i just show up and this is what i get LUL ill try to be more active despite the timezone restricitons ^^
Metric_Furlong: @0x6772 no take-backs
pyrock_mania: Golf is something that my dad and I bonded over (and something he bonded with his dad over), even though I was never very good at the long game. My short game was fire once I got on the green though.
doctor_spacheman: Just Eddy it up!
blastanos subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 16 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, blastanos! (Today's storm count: 130)
Arazien: DNF Duel is my crack
seanmrwick: I grew up playing tekken
KV1NN4: maybe if it was for peets..
definenull: sf6 is very 'legible' from personal experience
pleonasticTautology: and it's just *so* much dopamine to be like, "oh, *this* character makes my brain work*
mercano82: Smash Bros has an easier learning curve, in that it's the same button combos for all charachters
seanmrwick: Whats your favorite tekken game?
accountmadeforants: Strive and GBVS will let you do cooler things even more easily
wasterweiss: how are you awake at this time
nevermore913: If I wanted to play a story first which is better?
Mark_D_Stroyer: I played Tekken 3 in a standup arcade recently, and…yeah, game’s sick, I get it
jarnatan: I once took one round of Tekken against a random Japanese player in an arcade in Tokyo and retired champion
Obos_TAB: @definenull yeah legible is a good term for it
Woogachaka: I've been trying to learn Rivals of Aether in anticipation of Rivals 2, but just don't have the hutzpah to actually hop online outside of friendlies
0x6772: @Metric_Furlong Maybe I can redirect them to Bezos? It was his money…
NovaTiempo: Roadquest music is absolutly aweosme
KV1NN4: Tekken 3 used to be my jam
cle0deen: @pleonastictautology thats me for any game with character pleyers
gama41: Eddy mashing 3 ye
adi_pie: Once the weather stops melting me, I do need to make time to be bad (and eventually better) at Guilty Gear
Redpandarama: Any thoughts on Super Smash bros Adam?
bondeulv: Eddy on Tekken 3
muihtils: @mericlese Thanks!!
jackulhaups: thats one hell of a coffee pot you lads got there
doctor_spacheman: Tekkan has the best post game videos
ThorSokar: You mean Dive Kick?
cle0deen: @novatiempo i use it in my music classes
pleonasticTautology: @cle0deen tbh that's also us with ffxiv; dragoon sits well in our brain the way no other class in ffxiv does lmao
drawnbinary: i play down+B on smash with kirby until kirby gets banned (and then they regret that when pikachu is worse)
PharaohBender27: Morning!
Obos_TAB: @ThorSokar I love Dice Kick.
DanTheMediocre: I love watching SC
bondeulv: still watch lol?
Obos_TAB: Select your GEM
TXC2: hello PharaohBender27 welcome
Leebo140: Valorant is really cool to watch
ArrestedHouse: That's me with EVO tbf
seanmrwick: I sometimes watch the world series of poker if that counts
Pinwiz11: tbf, Worlds was great last year
definenull: thats me with dota 2 and TI
RandomTrivia: Morning PharaohBender27
wasterweiss: hot take: for honor was the most fun i had with a fighting game
doctor_spacheman: The 4 hour documentary about the original pros of Meele on youtube is great
bondeulv: overwatch league was fun
Obos_TAB: we loaded up HotS again this week and did a 5v5 it was GREAT
Tinsomaxed: ;-; i miss spectator mode
Woogachaka: excited for the new league fighting game?
tyrew0rm: I miss peak Starcraft 2 Esports
Scarbble: morning james, morning adam
Mark_D_Stroyer: Valorant is the definition of a game that’s interesting to watch and I hate to play.
DanTheMediocre: Katovice is a great event in general
HaltBen2514: I was randomly watching Aussie TF2 the other day
TXC2: hello Scarbble welcome
ItsThugDimmadome: Are there overnight watch alongs for this run like last year?
Masslost: I miss soul calibur cause that game was a vibe
Cptasparagus: I just hit masters in TFT and I love it but I can't stand watching it.
qwertiest_mint: next place to go in Europe?
DanTheMediocre: awesome Starcraft plays too
mtvcdm: It's always fascinating in any sport or competitive venture to see how much difference there is between casual play and top-level elite stuff.
Leebo140: @bondeulv I used to watch on Disney XD, rip to the greatest money burning
RayFK: Morning chunguses
drawnbinary: is valorant a shooty-shoot
JinaMahavira: Katovice is...Poland, right?
TXC2: hello RayFK
seanmrwick: I think csgo is very interesting to play and watch
ClockTamer: I miss Overwatch 1's esports scene
Metric_Furlong: @drawnbinary yes
Sorator13: morning RayFK
Scarbble: morning rayfk
momma_tatts subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 51 months!
seanmrwick: Morning, @rayfk
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, momma_tatts! (Today's storm count: 131)
wasterweiss: chungussys
Rourke9: chungi
ArrestedHouse: chungii
DahudLefthanded: Adam: in your opinion, what features define fighting games as a genre?
DanTheMediocre: poland yeah
hiFunko: I believe the correct word is chungusii
RandomTrivia: D'awwww
TXC2: chungodes
Brozard: If folks haven’t seen it, Adam did a GDC talk on FGC and Wrestling commentary. Don’t have a link handy, it’s on their archive page, it’s real good.
MehallD: chungeese
cle0deen: Awww
Dalrint: I'm half-listening while working and valorant sounds close enough to my username it keeps throwing me off
pleonasticTautology: adorable
jarnatan: Considering how many hours I have on Counter-Strike I am embarrassingly bad at it
Austere_Squire: i'ma be honest, i kinda thought Katovice was a name Adam made up
constablecrab: I’ll watch anything if it has good sports commentators.
CocoaMix86: Heyo you wonderful people!
bondeulv: Overwatch Apex seasons were so good
Rourke9: @Brozard I'll have to check that out!!
RayFK: It's Bungus and Smungus. Big Chungus and Small Chungus
Scar_Red_Tiger: Outplayed
KamalPJ: so sweet lil lads
DEATHlikescats: Counterstrike hits closer to chess, where everything is solved and known and it’s about reading your opponent’s strategy
RayFK: It's from love
Mark_D_Stroyer: I unironically play Overwatch 2 a decent amount. tbf I completely missed 1 so I have no point of comparison.
Hawkwreak: @Brozard Wait for real? Adam did GDC? This I gotta see!
TXC2: hello CocoaMix86 welcome
jchinnock: CS is the closest to “normal” sports cause it hasn’t changed much. games update and change too much for true longevity to take hold
RandomTrivia: Jordan would never be mean to you
Austere_Squire: i thought you were just saying a thing!
DanTheMediocre: Katovice and Dreamhack(?) tournament have been some of the biggest EU stages iirc
DEATHlikescats: @jchinnock exactly!
RayFK: James, how dare you
Defrost: James thoughs on the current mcu?
Underachiever28: Death Stranding. a chill game where you just deliver packages
DanTheMediocre: poland and sweden respectively
Colin: chungii
Colin: the correct multiple is chungii
Rourke9: There was a fantastic GDC talk by Alex Jaffe this year that talked a lot about the psychology of being a fighting game player and how mechanics support that.
raulghoulia: Is Marvel Rivals out yet?
hiFunko: I've been really enjoying PvE tarkov, it's incredibly easy and stupid
Fistacles: CS is also just super simple concept with no filler or compelxity
adi_pie: Look, as a European, most places here sound like we spilled the alphabet soup onto the map. Even as someone that can read that soup.
KamalPJ: Overwatch community is among the worst i've experienced tbh
lamina5432: smite two is coming out
myknorman: OW esports champs were always on during midterms and finals for me, so it was easy to procrastinate studying
itmightbemikey: Learn to speedrun Power Wash Simulator
myknorman: not that I enjoyed watching
Q_sic: and it's only $250
seanmrwick: I'll play overwatch once in a while but.....I need to get back into playing magic arena or learn mtgo
GhostValv: time for fear and hunger :)
CocoaMix86: what kind of coffee are you drinking?
Rourke9: unfortunately I dont think its free, but I keep meaning to host a watch party of it in seabats discord
Cptasparagus: New TFT soon
ghyllnox: I wouldn't get into Tarkov at this point
KidAmn: Marvel Snap was fun, but damn expensive to keep up with
Masslost: grim dawn is getting a expansion Adam
Mark_D_Stroyer: My absolute favorite game of the past few years was The Cycle, and they killed it, and it was brutal and I’m still sad.
accountmadeforants: isnt the pve like a hundred bucks?
brainbosh: PVE Tarkov is much more forgiving lol
bondeulv: @KamalPJ that's every community after they stopped having dedicated servers
RayFK: I keep wanting to get back into DOTA
JinaMahavira: League Vampire Survivors this week :)
Earthenone: snap was fun, but i randomly lost my account and dident feel like startign over
darkcyril: @Masslost Have they announced a date for that yet?
Eggmojii: It's a good Finnish game
ItsThugDimmadome: It's reallllllly phallic
public_key_reveal_party: It's wild
adi_pie: Funger is A Time
Woogachaka: Age of Wonders 4 is neat, kinda like playing civ but magic
DEATHlikescats: I hear it’s akin to Made in Abyss
Arazien: Imagine a JRPG hated you
Fanklok: How big are we talking?
doctor_spacheman: Its like Beserk mixed with Chrono Trigger
wasterweiss: why is there no new powerstone
jarnatan: Tarkov is wild. You spend an hour on sneaking around and managing your inventory and then somebody shoots you from somewhere you can't see and you start over again
squ3e: scorn?
mostly_minerals subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 32 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, mostly_minerals! (Today's storm count: 132)
bondeulv: removing dedicated servers killed the longevity of so many games
GhostValv: there is the pinecone mod
ForOhForError: okay you *can* patch out the dicks
ItsThugDimmadome: THere IS a streamer edition on steam I think
Eggmojii: Torille
Mark_D_Stroyer: Adam, it’s starting to sound like we need to get your barber on a podcast.
DEATHlikescats: @doctor_spacheman yes! that!
Hawkwreak: Does anyone have a link to Adams GDC Talk? I am really damn fascinated now.
Masslost: @darkcyril I don’t think so but the might have
Iam_Dead: Its berserk, but more fucked up
Fanklok: Dar kCloud 2 Adam
ItsThugDimmadome: Yakuza would never hate me.
TherapyforNarwhals: I got the similar “feel badass after 30 minutes of frustration” feeling from Celeste.
renaissance_rat: gm! is there a way to see what is planned for the day of streaming?
L0rdX33n: Is that the barber equivalent of “Do you like gladiator movies, Timmy?”
DentedPockets: New tourist destination :P
Defrost: Adam's barber seem like the kind of person who'd be hella into JoJo
Brozard: Found it
DEATHlikescats: @iam_dead which is a FEAT
seanmrwick: Does kingdom hearts as a whole qualify as a JRPG?
commentarywife: !eventa
adi_pie: I remember Adam challenging chat for subs during Dark Cloud 2. That was a fun time.
darkcyril: @Masslost Nothing on their site yet.
myknorman: So fellas when does Serge come in and just roast the coffee you're drinking?
commentarywife: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
Earthenone: blitz?
Defrost: Blitz??
PhoenixMelior: Hes not wrong
Krillin_fan: bltizball is trash
AtrusOfMyst: Good morning gamers
Masslost: @darkcyril ah ok
Irsaan: Blitzball is top 3 all time
Fanklok: And yet Adam hates blit... well fuck
unleashenlightenment: gwent disagrees
jessicaengle: Good morning chat.
Pteraspidomorphi: It is quite bad
NorthstarTex: blitz
PhoenixMelior: Dark Cloud 2 huh
ATrophonian: What about Blitz... Nevermind.
RayFK: Adam, just play EA Golf
rasterscan: Triple Triad > Blitzball
Sorator13: triple triad though >.>
bv310: The King's Game is the greatest minigame
bsudo: nah triple triad
lordofkatz: JRPGs have 3 vibes: you are god, kill god, or god can't save you
TXC2: hello jessicaengle welcome
PhoenixMelior: Adam kingdom hearts? Id watch that
jarnatan: Blitzball could have been 50% less frustrating if it had more than one music track
Happy_Wayfarer: i liked blitzball :(
raulghoulia: Then youd have to get off the couch to ban me
DiamondMX: Blitzball > Triple Triad
simpletoon: How's the coffee this morning?
mtvcdm: Man this guy is really good at spheds
RayFK: 8
protojman: when’s that co op stardew run?
rasterscan: FF8 not 9
bsudo: 8
DEATHlikescats: don’t try to understand it tho
Dalrint: There's only 43 kingdom hearts games, how long can it take
SnowBuddy18: well, I have to head out, thanks for the morning show
pleonasticTautology: triple triad is from 8/14
itmightbemikey: Triple Triad is from 8
AriaHibiki: KH is on steam now xD
fonkoncle: you thought about doing KINGS FIELD?
neisan2112: Dark Cloud was one of the only things I knew about adam when I first started watching
pleonasticTautology: tetra master is from 9
seanmrwick: Id watch Adam play kingdom hearts
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: Kingdom Hearts 2, the 8th game in the timeline...
Woogachaka: V rising is pretty sweet
rasterscan: FF9
commentarywife: FFX
darkcyril: @Masslost I'm really looking forward to it though. Such a great example of an ARPG
rasterscan: FF9's card game is awful
Rourke9: Here is the link to Adam's GDC talk for those with Vault access:
NonUniqueGuy: What about Gwent?
neisan2112: Naw its terrible, who said that?
Austere_Squire: i feel like when i think of Adam and games, i think Persona 5 and Sekiro
RayFK: Yo no Blitzball is dog shit as a game
adi_pie: From 8. 9 has Tetra Master which looks similar and is very much not lol
TXC2: so water polo?
IbunWest: blitzball is only fun after you grind stats
SnowBuddy18: it's water polo
rasterscan: Gwent is also very good too
Wolfstrike_NL: Junimo Kart tho
Defrost: Someone get Matt and Jordan in a Kingdom Heart retrospective podcast
PhoenixMelior: The tutorial game in FFX is an ansolute travesty
DEATHlikescats: kinda? yeah.
Irsaan: Tetra Master > Triple Triad
IbunWest: it sucks at first
Colin: fear and hunger 1 is mostly just edge for edge sake but with some cool lore, Fear and Hunger 2 is actually super interesting and deep
Mike Saccento: yo he right tho
WiseGuy57: Kingdom Hearts is a videogame for the Playstation 2
rasterscan: Jecht Shot. T_T
ArrestedHouse: jecht shot baybee
Sorator13: Well... that stops working pretty quickly
jessicaengle: Just keep swimming
ContingentCat: it's legally distinct water polo
accountmadeforants: All FF minigames are trash except Mahjong in XIV
BigDaddyBland87: yea Jecht shot is OP as hell
RayFK: I'm a diehard 10 fan, but God Blitzball is genuinely bad as a mini game
QuixoticScrivener: but what about fort condor!
neisan2112: Its pretty miserable
Mark_D_Stroyer: Water Polo + Horses
myknorman: Adam have you seen the Blitzball reference in Bloomburrow? there's an otter just fiending with a ball
CocoaMix86: Cookie clicker speedrun
ShaneLeeAtk: Blitzball was easy to optimize the fun out of.
RandomTrivia: Don't play it on stream
ItsThugDimmadome: Cabaret Club Czar is the true best mini game.
TacitusVigil: That's just baseball. Kappa
northos: that's bit infringement on Serge :p
seanmrwick: @rayfk do you think kingdom hearts is a jrpg? I thought it wasn't for the longest time
RandomTrivia: Idle
Rourke9: I love incremental games.
Earthenone: idle game
Sorator13: @RayFK 100% correct
taco_cohen: Incremental
DEATHlikescats: what if water polo but I. 3d sphere?
Fanklok: Adam's clearly never played high level Blitzball
awildshen: Idle gamesd
TheManaLeek: Idle/Incremental
rasterscan: Idler Games
drawnbinary: idle game
Welbog: Idle games
DanTheMediocre: it's barely a minigame, and much less a aport
itmightbemikey: Idler
ghyllnox: Play Universal Paperclips
DanTheMediocre: sport
Irsaan: I would unironically buy a blitzball game
Dalrint: Serge started playing cookie clicker again this week
CaptainCoriale: I liked that you could recruit just about any npc to play blitzball, but it had...gameplay issues
NovaTiempo: there are better idle games - Trimps, Evolve
The_Color_Twelve: Idle
GhostValv: idle / clicker
jarnatan: I wrote a bot that played Cookie Clicker for me
Defrost: Pyre is a better
mtvcdm: You're in a sphere of water and you're just on the path of least resistance down the middle
ContingentCat: number go up games
awildshen: not to be confused with Idol Games
rasterscan: Lizard brain likes number go up
Defrost: Pyre is a better blitzball
RayFK: I can see Adam getting into Idol games.
Wolfstrike_NL: Should ask Serge about them
RandomTrivia: Cookie Clicker is a weird one where you start as an idle game and then play it more actively as you progress
neisan2112: Love me some Leafblower Sim idle game
hyperialguard: I treat them like casual management games
momalyd: I am playing 2 idle games right now
fonkoncle: what if adam gets into the TRAILS games
solidazoriginal: Blitzball in X2? 🤣
Oisín Brogan: Idle games
Oisín Brogan: Omg can they see Youtube?!
seanmrwick: I would get bored of xookie clicker in about 5 seconds
kimmiekoneko: you haven't truly lived until you've baked an octodecillion cookies
darkcyril: That said if they beefed up the rules of Blitzball into an actual sport, I would play the hell out of Blitzball Manager 2kwhatever.
nappitatti: cookie clicker requires quite a lot of active gameplay for you to advance
RayFK: Give him some Love Live
Rourke9: Kittens Game, A Dark Room, etc are really good. a subgenre called Incremental games, theres a bit more to them
LidofLoathing: unless it's Kitten Simulator and it's winter, then number go down
Brozard: idol game
Scarbble: yeah lets get adam onto love live
L0rdX33n: Anyone else remember Progress Quest?
Scar_Red_Tiger: Oh yeah, the Vtuber fighter is tight
Earthenone: i would love if anyone on lrr played a trails game
Ivalenz_ is gifting 20 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community!
Ivalenz_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to Jogela!
Ivalenz_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to technoFinch!
Ivalenz_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to HubbeKing!
Ivalenz_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to Seasonal_Waifu!
Ivalenz_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to Brascharr!
Ivalenz_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to HesGotNoPants!
Ivalenz_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to unleashenlightenment!
Ivalenz_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to before_damage!
Ivalenz_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to KmdrKibneg!
Ivalenz_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to gluonquark!
Ivalenz_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to Night_xD!
Ivalenz_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to Krillin_fan!
Ivalenz_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to oneupthextraman!
Ivalenz_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to somebasil!
Ivalenz_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to Lex_Snipe_49!
Ivalenz_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to Miamiblofeld!
Ivalenz_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to MaddestScientist!
Ivalenz_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to Durhall!
Ivalenz_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to HeartwoodMtG!
Ivalenz_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to CoemgenTaillear!
nevermore913: Pyre is great
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Ivalenz_! Welcome to Jogela, technoFinch, HubbeKing, Seasonal_Waifu, Brascharr, HesGotNoPants, unleashenlightenment, before_damage, gluonquark, Night_xD, oneupthextraman, Krillin_fan, somebasil, Lex_Snipe_49, Miamiblofeld, MaddestScientist, Durhall, HeartwoodMtG, CoemgenTaillear, and KmdrKibneg! (Today's storm count: 152)
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: cheer69 I make Number go up!
Earthenone: its my favotite jrpg franchinse
Ivalenz_: Make number go up.
TXC2: Ivalenz_ lrrHEART
DEATHlikescats: hololive?
pleonasticTautology: hololive just had an event game with the los angeles dodgers
Furyfire: Boom
Mr_Bitterness: Pekorrra!
jessicaengle: GoatEmotey
Sibwow: dear drs lrr should i have mozzarela sticks for breakfast?
DanTheMediocre: bunny ears?
drawnbinary: oh i thought idol showdown was gonna have like mikus battling
Woogachaka: Across the obelisk is pretty sweet though the onboarding is brutal. its deck building darkest dungeon
DanTheMediocre: pekora
Krillin_fan: @Ivalenz_ Thanks for the gift sub!
Tobenamed1: rip
accountmadeforants: Idol Showdown is still getting new characters I think
Scar_Red_Tiger: The rabb8it? She's a Minecraft Warcriminal
Irsaan: I wanted to like Pyre but it didn't click. Maybe I have to try it again at some point.
Tobenamed1: dodged
Mark_D_Stroyer: “somebody made a fighting game” either ends up being Great or awful
Scarbble: the hololive dodgers thing was WILD
justanotherslapstick: HI thanks!
Genie_M: I have an idle game running for almost 10 years now
HeartwoodMtG: @Ivalenz_ Thanks for the gift sub!
wench_tacular: jlrrCarrotmilk
justanotherslapstick: Yayyyyy
DEATHlikescats: @pleonastictautology saw they had a drone show for it!
bondeulv: oh, bit count is kinda nice
darkcyril: @Sibwow Not an answer, but thank you for reminding me that I need to order breakfast.
unleashenlightenment: @ivalenz_ thanks yo!
WiseGuy57: Punch a Chunk but with less strain
Oisín Brogan: I've been playing cookie clicker for 7+ years 😅
Triforcecwp: @loadingreadyrun my one year old is seeing you on the tv and waving at you saying hello. Her name is Avacyn.
itmightbemikey: Progress Quest is the ultimate idle game
seanmrwick: I actually had a crazy idea for a video game: blizzard character fighting game with the style of either MK or injustice
KidAmn: did you ever try The Gnorp Apologue?
rasterscan: There is one idle game I actually respect: NGU Idle
pleonasticTautology: @DEATHlikescats that wouldn't surprise me! i, uh, don't pay attention to the national league lmao. i just follow the mariners
Mr_Bitterness: Idol Showdown is a legit fighting game too
doctor_spacheman: Its a dopamine drip
Genie_M: 3424 days currently
TXC2: I played realm grinder for a year, got REAL far with that
fonkoncle: it's rts game tech trees
PharaohBender27: @Genie_M O_o
rasterscan: @KidAmn Oh Gnorp is super rad too
justanotherslapstick subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months!
justanotherslapstick: You guys are the only channel I'm subscribed too
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, justanotherslapstick! (Today's storm count: 153)
mtvcdm: I get a cookie?
ThePerrBearr: It's been on steam for a while now, too
Rourke9: Candy Box is fun
Defrost: You enslave some grandmas
DEATHlikescats: did anyone ever play the browser based game, Pandemic II?
seanmrwick: Like characters from overwatch, npc's from World of War craft and other games like that
drawnbinary: i remember the humour in cookie clicker was quirky
wench_tacular: cookie based economy
jessicaengle: I like the idea of a cookie based economy.
TheAinMAP: NomNom escher3TREAT
Mark_D_Stroyer: I’m a baker by trade, I…would simply make the cookies
RayFK: It's Capitalism but cookies
AtrusOfMyst: I finished Inscryption for the first time a couple weeks ago. That game is wild.
hyperialguard: Feels like gardening
cle0deen: Then this mouse comes out and if you give him a cookie a whole book happens
Pinwiz11: Industry fueled by diabeetus
public_key_reveal_party: Then it gets weird and Eldritch
hyperialguard: You tend to them
Irsaan: I bought Gnorp but haven't played it yet. I should get to that this week
Genie_M: Then things become weird
accountmadeforants: I played Cookie Clicker when you could export and import save files, so I just exported it, gave myself hella cookies and reimported
fonkoncle: it's like buying all the upgrades in starcraft
RandomTrivia: You enslave the grandmas, they revolt, [SPOILERS] and then everything is fine
jarnatan: Yeah I just started a bunch of setInterval loops that simulated a click every milisecond
bondeulv: and you pay them with cookies
CocoaMix86: Adam and James, what kind of coffee do you have? And did Serge recommend it?
commentarywife: idle games are all like this, they're great
Master_Gunner: There's an IRL Cookie Making speedrunning challenge that spun off from that game. Record is like 4 minutes.
MrQBear: Don't forget the time where the grandmas overthrow you and become an eldritch god
jchinnock: click cookie get cookie CLICK COOKIE GET COOKIE! /Nick miller voice
ThorSokar: Late game Cookie Clicker gets wild
Brozard: Universal Paperclips tho
bondeulv: tower defense
drawnbinary: i cant do thinky good for rts
doctor_spacheman: We have strayed to far we must return to Neopets
RayFK: Let's go?
Mark_D_Stroyer: I love RTS, absolutely awful at them
Judders__: wc3 warlocks?
commentarywife: oh Neopets
UltraVioletVodoo: fuck yeah WMW
cle0deen: @doctor_spacheman yes!
Woogachaka: element td 2 is a sweet addendum to those
Scar_Red_Tiger: It's fun going through the Red ALert camppaign
bondeulv: Chibii TD
mtvcdm: The allure of an idle game isn't the game, it's the plot.
drawnbinary: @doctor_spacheman hell yeah the plot on Neopets rn kinda slaps
Sarah: They can't see YouTube chat as easily as Twitch chat. A bunch of people on Twitch also said idle games
nicholas haywood: Adam what have your thoughts on elden ring DLC?
Genie_M: My neopets are gone:(
rasterscan: I still am so mad that Blizzard made such an amazing modding enviroment with WC3 and RUINED it by being greedy with Starcraft 2.
HeartwoodMtG: I used to play the hell out of some browser-based Tower Defense games
rasterscan: I am so mad.
tuo2: also, what type of coffee brewer are you using in the moon base? Grinder?
SolarisII: i miss lans
Sorator13: y'all did a LAN yesterday!
UltraVioletVodoo: i still do lans sometimes
Spooky_Noises: wc3 custom games was the best thing, I miss it all the time
awildshen: I've done a few with friends in the last couple years
bondeulv: I was at a LAN two months ago
DEATHlikescats: Lan party Star Wars Battlefront 2 for the goofiest games
fonkoncle: That LAN PARTY photobook was pretty neat
PMAvers: I mean, locals for fighting games are basically LAN's.
bondeulv: we played UT99 CTF
awildshen: we take frequent breaks
RayFK: Yeah who would want to do a LAN? anyway here is the newest LoadingReadyLan
Defrost: Wasn't LTT trying to bring back LANs around vancouver?
asthanius: "I need a vegetable, I can't LAN"
DEATHlikescats: alllll. weekend
HeartwoodMtG: My friends and I do a LAN semi-annually.
drawnbinary: i've got neopets open on the other half of the monitor lol
hips_dont_lijah: so much Worms at my LAN parties
hiFunko: Yeah but that was mostly to trade Realmedia rips of Southpark and Stargate
NoxStryx: Tribes 2
Jillexie: We are all #TeamOld
TeacherSeanTV: I remember LANs starting Friday and ending Monday morning before school
Fistacles: We had a 10-person LAN for my 30th. played some Counter Strike Source and halo like the good old days
petey_vonwho: I miss staying up all night gaming with friends
DEATHlikescats: we did Xbox halo pan parties
Earthenone: were you age of empires laners?
fonkoncle: It's on STEAM now!
Mark_D_Stroyer: oh yeah Soldat
TehAmelie: ah, Cookie Clicker is fun to chase cheevos for a week or two, but then there's a bunch of achievements left that will take multiple years to get. . .
doctor_spacheman: CRT Lan with Worms armageddon and golden eye
Lex_Peacekeeper: just got back who won the punch a chunk?
MrQBear: Have you tried Soldat 2 yet?
RayFK: UT2004
thaigeprime: Eventually the youth will lose all context for the guy duct taped to the ceiling LAN picture and that makes me so sad
NorthstarTex: SOLDAT IS ON STEAM?!
bondeulv: RA2
hips_dont_lijah: I was an Age of Mythology guy
mercano82: Day of Defeat
PMAvers: Man, if only Epic didn't go through and unlist all the Unreal games from stores...
Mark_D_Stroyer: I have Soldat on Steam
asthanius: get Basshunter blasting during the LAN
Jayredd00 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months!
jarnatan: WarCraft 2 was the LAN game for me
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Jayredd00! (Today's storm count: 154)
jvetting83: Unreal Tournament
tuo2: soldaT was great. reminded me of playing bolo in the Mac computer lab at school.
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: I still play UT2004 pretty regularly
DEATHlikescats: sweet
ilik3pi subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ilik3pi! (Today's storm count: 155)
Q_sic: mid-2000s Tron 2.0 had some great LAN multiplayer games
spicyFerret_: cakejuYello
thaigeprime: pure gamer instincts
Woogachaka: lan is the best mp config. so much dungeon siege
doctor_spacheman: Adam have you seen Kenshi?
bondeulv: @ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa I play UT99 CTF
fonkoncle: I played so much SVENCOOP on a bad internet connection
Mark_D_Stroyer: 86 Unreal 3, sub Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast multiplayer
asthanius: the retrospective mentioned that, yeah
Lightglobe subscribed at Tier 1.
Welbog: whyyy
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Lightglobe! (Today's storm count: 156)
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: @bondeulv hell yeah
jchinnock: probably Bawls
asthanius: Kenshi is an INCREDIBLY grueling game
commentarywife: it's mentioned in the 10 year anniversary stuff
JAGxTERRA: I'm surprised Adam has never tried King of Fighters on Seachat stream
maestrith: Worms and the 2D tank game.
jarnatan: So how many Ians do you need for an Ian party?
DEATHlikescats: @jchinnock my go to drink.
rasterscan: @asthanius Kenshi is like mount and blade but even harsher?
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: @maestrith Scorched Earth mentioned?!
Scarbble: scorched earth?
accountmadeforants: Quake 3 was a fantastic LAN game
Therberus: Is the goal here to drink the whole thing of coffee?
RayFK: Got a cuppa wood in the morning!
thaigeprime: my church youth group used to hold a bi annual Halo reach LAN, good memories
maestrith: @ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa Thank you!
AutumnRayne92 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 54 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AutumnRayne92! (Today's storm count: 157)
cle0deen: Thats on my bc to visit list
pipshardfour: what’s your bloomburrow animal
asthanius: @rasterscan I can't properly explain the depths of Kenshi over text
Colin: source: forts was a good LAN game, also the o.g prophunt mod
Scarbble: squirrel
Therberus: Lizard wizard
Welbog: Got me some irish-cream flavoured coffee. I'm not normally into flavoured coffee but this one has me.
bondeulv: badger
jchinnock: ugh now I want a parsonage breakfast sandwich
Robot_Bones: got a coffee in a ziplock baggie like dis da shit
Scarbble: no actually rabbit
DEATHlikescats: ooooh a snaaaake a snaaaake!
wench_tacular: jlrrPongchamp
Rourke9: Been showing my girlfriend Road Quest and shes been enjoying it
NoxStryx: James is drinking fernwood, the guests all get Tim Hortons. lrrBEEJ
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: I know I'm gonna have to buy all the otters, which I'll be doing via card kingdom dot com slash lrr
thaigeprime: Im a black coffee game if its GOOD coffee
jarnatan: Make a Road Quest sequel that is also a murder mystery. Call it Road Kill
Rourke9: My Ky and Sin playing girlfriend is predictably playing Ken Street Fighter yes lmao
NikiGothBunneh subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 90 months, currently on a 62 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, NikiGothBunneh! (Today's storm count: 158)
brainbosh: I've never had coffee with cream or sugar lol, black all day
asthanius: I really enjoy the way people use "gamer" to describe their tastes now
Defrost: Has Serge influenced your coffee tastes?
asthanius: "yeah I'm a banana gamer"
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: a pinch or two of salt in the grounds is good for cutting the bitterness without otherwise affecting the flavor
jchinnock: Road Quest filming is when I started drinking coffee 😂
Mark_D_Stroyer: Way back in the day, I realized, “Oh, if I don’t put cream in my coffee you can taste the flavors more” and smash cut to me being a coffee roaster now.
wishiwassleeping subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 20 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, wishiwassleeping! (Today's storm count: 159)
Therberus: Any tea drinkers in the chat?? ☕
Sibwow: water is natures juice
vickysaurus_mystax: Water's good stuff
bondeulv: water and tea'
DNAli3n: i have tried suger in my coffee, but i prefer it black
PharaohBender27: :D
TXC2: Gottem!
stippledotter: LAN these days would hit different just with the diet change
pn55: HypeLUL
ATrophonian: XD
HeartwoodMtG: Love an Earl Grey
NovaTiempo: A+
cle0deen: Nailed it
Earthenone: i drink soda as my caffine, but water in general
ItsThugDimmadome: GOT EM
thaigeprime: @Therberus earl grey gang
wench_tacular: perfect
RayFK: Uhhhhhhh ohhhhhh, Choooooooocy
shendaras subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 43 months!
shendaras: seabatClap
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, shendaras! (Today's storm count: 160)
ElementalAlchemist: mmm, choccy milk
bo_brinkman: Just got here... Does anyone else think Adam looks like a Djinn?
Rourke9: oh nooo
accountmadeforants: Water, it’s got what gamers crave!
DEATHlikescats: ratewoNderBanger
Nigouki: at least it's not chonky milk
RayFK: Oh God the bowls
Fanklok: What about the double down?
KidAmn: and the Double Down
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: I do about a third of a teaspoon of sugar in my tea
TacitusVigil: You take that back!! :P
Austere_Squire: i knew i was an adult when i stopped being able to eat cheetohs with impunity
mtvcdm: The bowls are awful
NoxStryx: Love the KFC bowls
hiFunko: Those were like 2010s yeah
ItsThugDimmadome: Baconators
bondeulv: I do drink salty caramel flavoured iced coffee
itmightbemikey: First Double Down was like 2010, 2011
DaVeganPolice: oh god
Rourke9: oh gross
hips_dont_lijah: @Austere_Squire the consequences are half the fun of Flamin Hot
Earthenone: my favorite lan tradition was something called "skittlebrew" where we added skittles to mountain dew bottles and let them sit
NikiGothBunneh: Double downs are suprisingly not bad, least the ones we got in the UK
Sibwow: rock bottom is a cold double down
L0rdX33n: want a bunch of tasty food all smooshed into a bowl like you’re a death row prisoner
HeartwoodMtG: Our LAN breakfast is still a case of White Castle
DEATHlikescats: midnight doubledowns
Rourke9: was the double down single
Mark_D_Stroyer: The KFC Bowl sounds like an awful Sports
DaVeganPolice: how ARE you alive ?!?? LUL
Colin: I drink squash personally.
Colin: I used to eat entire cold Smoked Sausages at lans
rogerivany: I refused to ever get a double down.
bondeulv: but only once a day
Austere_Squire: adam, nooooooooooo
Therberus: For the uninitiated, what's a double down?
DEATHlikescats: been there
dpj2009: Fake food don't die
thaigeprime: The KFC double down serves as proof of either gods inexistence or indifference
NoxStryx: I'm pretty sure they are making a new doubledown
StarShock2002: Cheer121
jarnatan: I mean famously McDonalds food doesn't biodegrade so you're fine
nevermore913: A cold double down?
NovaTiempo: no steppy
asthanius: whar
DEATHlikescats: kids
DaVeganPolice: NotLikeThis adam please
Mewr11: The time they force-fed you french fries?
Just_Herby: McDonald's food is fo full of salt they're practically preserved.
cle0deen: Did you guys eat that thigh watermelon?
Krillin_fan: foot grape? delicious
jchinnock: and back to feet
Austere_Squire: i... why? adam, why?
DanTheMediocre: to hide it from god?
Earthenone: hiding your cheese from god?
public_key_reveal_party: I am at the stage of being an adult where I can eat trash food, but the day will be over at that point
RevanentOne: i remember a friend ate a double down before a Magic tournament and was still wiping grease off his hands for the next 2 rounds
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: @Therberus bacon and cheese in between two pieces of fried chicken
saucemaster5000: was the cheese baptized?
adi_pie: He was pretty cheesed off
DEATHlikescats: raccoon energy
dpj2009: James can't get mad w those socks on
constablecrab: I once saw a couple guys get arrested at gunpoint trying to carry the McDonald’s Golden Arches off the side of the restaurant home to their dorm room.
TXC2: Otorlan Cheese
NoxStryx: Double Down is just a poor mans chicken cor don blue
Therberus: @thirtycubicfeetofsalsa whyyyyyyy?!
PharaohBender27: @Therberus It's a KFC thing that's essentially a bacon sandwich, but the gimmick is instead of buns it's pieces of fried chicken.
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: @Therberus america!
DEATHlikescats: cheese or tôl an
DanTheMediocre: OrdoLAN party
Mike Saccento: NO
Drewind: I use to be able to eat a 6 piece family feast with 8 hot wings by myself...
Drewind: good times ;D
thaigeprime: "Hey can I get a slice?"
pleonasticTautology: i want cheese...
Therberus: @thirtycubicfeetofsalsa 🦅🦅🦅
DEATHlikescats: @danthemediocre eyyyy! 2020Victory 2020Victory 2020Victory
saucemaster5000: "CAMEMBERT ON SUNDAY?"
accountmadeforants: “Got any games on your phone?”
spicyFerret_: I loved the double down. I managed to navigate eating one with the temporary casts on both my wrists when i was a kid
hips_dont_lijah: is this the reminisce segment of the stream?
ContingentCat: working overnights is fun yeah
Mark_D_Stroyer: “fun”
Sibwow: hashed browns
thaigeprime: hell yeah brother
ContingentCat: @Mark_D_Stroyer """""fun"""""
Rourke9: that sounds nice
DaVeganPolice: LUL fleeeced
Wilcroft: spheda god
Therberus: SPHEEDA
cle0deen: Cause thats what friends are for
bondeulv: where'd adam work?
PharaohBender27: NGL, a 2-minute walk commute would be GOAT
Jillexie: Dark Cloud 2 was the best
dpj2009: Brefess roomie SeemsGood
DEATHlikescats: ratewoNderBirdDance ratewoNderBirdDance ratewoNderBirdDance
Iam_Dead: Mmmm, files
commentarywife: talking about eating healthy and I'm just sat here at 3pm eating nutella with a spatula straight out of the jar 👀
Jayredd00: I live next door to a McDonalds, I can smell the fries if I have my window open. haven't eaten there in 5 years the will is strong
spicyFerret_: I mean, i like running overnights
ItsThugDimmadome: @ContingentCat From experience, it's fun until your taking 10mg of melatonin to fall asleep. NotLikeThis
RayFK: I do miss my 7 minute commute when I was at Card Kingdom
HeartwoodMtG: I had a two-minute commute working at a local brewery for a while
Mark_D_Stroyer: 12 hour nights. -_-
public_key_reveal_party: My commute is a 90 degree rotation currently
SK__Ren: Wait, you worked for the gobermint?
bondeulv: damn
NoxStryx: And still miserable, but less so
saucemaster5000: wait, adam guarded the arc of the covenant???
NovaTiempo: Paper inventory of the strategic maple syrup reserve?
DEATHlikescats: Iron Mountain’s Canadian subsidiary
drawnbinary: @commentarywife 10pm eating ice cream out of the tub lmao 🤝
Rourke9: @RayFK that does sound nice
doctor_spacheman: What secrets do you know Adam?
Woogachaka: with the rise of handheld gaming pcs (steamdeck, rog ally, legion go, etc), I hope some variant of lans naturally returns
Nigouki: but man imagine how many boxes of documents you could lift now
MattIsAMage: oh this story, hell yeah
Jobot180: We're you an archivist, Adam?
ContingentCat: @ItsThugDimmadome yeah I was always a little nocturnal, I just remind myself no customers.
petey_vonwho: I miss getting home from work at 7 am and playing Diablo 2 for hours
Therberus: I live across the street from my office, it is a DELIGHT
NovaTiempo: OHNO
bondeulv: that sucks
RoeDent89: Ouch
bondeulv: I get why you quit
DNAli3n: sounds horrid
DEATHlikescats: @jobot180 *Magnus Archives activates*
vickysaurus_mystax: I've been woken up by falling posters and that's terrible enough
Sibwow: dudes rock moment
Earthenone: diablo 2 was so good, i remember passing out playing and waking up to duriel dead
PharaohBender27: @Jobot180 Sounds more like he was support staff for records management.
Fistacles: top 3 games you no-lifed?
hips_dont_lijah: MINCERAFT
ContingentCat: My favourite part of working overnights is forgetting some 50% off stickers in my pocket to drop on the bus lol
ShadowPangolin: have to watch on youtube because twitch giving me account issues
doctor_spacheman: I was woken by flash bang grenades during COVID protest outside my flat in Melbourne, will never forget that
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: working 2nd shift is why I gave up on FF14, because nobody was around at 3am when I got home to do the mandatory dungeon queues to progress the story
Mark_D_Stroyer: Wasn’t that the game Adam was playing in OG sketches?
TXC2: doctor_spacheman ooof
RayFK: r u okay?
DanTheMediocre: worst I've woken up to is caramellized hot dog water
Fistacles: no-lifed the heck out of d2 and guild wars 1 for like 2 years
Nigouki: make it a 2-person stream so that chat knows you're fine
Austere_Squire: i am afraid of that sentence
asthanius: raining from heaven
Q_sic: My cope game is Civilization
jimber_jam: fell asleep boiling hotdigs?
cle0deen: You left water on the stove Nd the stove on?
thaigeprime: the hot dog man gottem
RayFK: Someone just makes a parody of Smooth Criminal, "Adam are you okay? Are you okay, are you okay Adam?"
neisan2112: How does that carmalized?!
Fanklok: Well you dsee carmelization is when the sugars have started breaking down from heat
ztghostie: how do you carmallize hotdog water... actually, dont' want to know
Mr_Bitterness: @ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa They added NPCs for nearly all mandatory dungeons to address that.
stippledotter: That's a strong sentence to drop amd then run
ItsThugDimmadome: @DanTheMediocre I sat up in my chair in disgust
DanTheMediocre: didnt get to a fire alarm point but the water in a pot on a very slow burn on the stove
ContingentCat: how does one carmelize water?
drawnbinary: @DanTheMediocre how do you caramellize it 😬
Therberus: I got into P5 because of Adam tbh
raulghoulia: you start and you don't stop
mtvcdm: 4x games sound like work
PMAvers: Cam kicks in the door. "Don't!"
Triforcecwp: My 1 year old keep waving at you on the Tv and saying hello. Her name is Avacyn.
JinaMahavira: Civ 5 Kappa
RoeDent89: Leave it in there long enough?
BlackIsis: adam play CK3 challenge
DNAli3n: sounds like foretting a thing of hotdog water on the stove, til it boils away the water and caramelizes the rest
fonkoncle: 4x games are just Path of Exile skill tree's
Austere_Squire: i feel like it's bad that my cope games is, like... Bloodborne? so sometimes it also just makes me frustrated
HeartwoodMtG: I missed the ending, who won the PAC yesterday?
DaVeganPolice: Crusader Kings 3 mentioned
RayFK: I want to forget playing P5R so I can play it again blind
DEATHlikescats: @triforcecwp hi Avacyn!
TopHatPeezy: @Triforcecwp hellionWave
Dalrint: What it would take to get you to play Persona 5 Golden, adam?
Therberus: Exactly once is TRUE - hyped for P6 when that eventually comes out
L0rdX33n: sort of?
drawnbinary: I can't hear Persona 5 without thinking of how Tyler Breeze says "Personified"
mrverbal: HOMM3 is excellent
ItsThugDimmadome: Adam, think you'll hop back onto Yakuza again?
thaigeprime: my strongest nostalgia game is Oblivion, my mom used to open it on the computer so the main menu theme would wake me up for school and I would play for 30 minutes before I had to go to school
Earthenone: have you tried the persona universe fighting game yet adam?
maestrith: One of my favorite clips is Adam playing P5
Geldaran: @HeartwoodMtG We did!
AugustGreen subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 34 months!
AugustGreen: Today is a good day!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AugustGreen! (Today's storm count: 161)
Jobot180: Any Alpha Centauri enjoyers?
doctor_spacheman: Would you try the Japanese Convenience store simulator?
accountmadeforants: Adam’s P5 playthrough was like several seasons of a cool tv show for me
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: @Mr_Bitterness I've heard, but it's just one of those "too little too late" things for me. I wasn't really enjoying myself regardless, it just took being stuck not being able to do one trash dungeon halfway through Heavensward for 3 weeks for me to realize it
jarnatan: HOMM 3 is objectively best, but HOMM 2 is still way better than it had any right to be
Jobot180: That was my 4x of choice
TheNerdWonder: is Adam still planning on continuing his DDLC playthrough?
Brozard: I think you’d like Persona 4, definitely a stronger “I fight for my friends” vibes
bondeulv: it was fun watching you play pool in yakuza
stippledotter: Bits ends in 69 (nice)
L0rdX33n: I’m a fan of the original M&M games, you may have guessed from my username
DanTheMediocre: > sounds like foretting a thing of hotdog water on the stove, til it boils away the water and caramelizes the rest. Yup this. I was probably drunk and definitely stupid before going to bed
Mark_D_Stroyer: Oblivion is still a GOAT tier Interior Decorating game.
AceGun_: uppahcut!
expropriate7uu subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, expropriate7uu! (Today's storm count: 162)
fonkoncle: no dudley?
stetsVerneint: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Singenmeister: So far I’m liking this sequel to A Cam & Ian Christmas
saucemaster5000: or the guy with a normal ass name
ItsThugDimmadome: Care to narrow down "Weird Japan Thing"?
couchboyj: Persona! * Uppah cut! *
Mark_D_Stroyer: Dudley is so sick though.
pn55: Steve
leggettor: @thenerdwonder this is a good question
DaVeganPolice: I thought we finished DDLC
neisan2112: There was only like 30 min left of ddlc tbh
Wormsbane: Alex
stetsVerneint: Is there a schedule somewhere?
ggodopaste: STEVE!
Jayredd00: DAN
DEATHlikescats: @singenmeister it’s much more interactive
AceGun_: Carl is top-tier
RoeDent89: Carl!
Fanklok: Hey @saucemaster5000 you ever think about how you're responsible for the Subwayverse
doctor_spacheman: Coral!
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
Judders__: Dan from sf
Earthenone: i just unlocked a charicter in a yugioh game, his name is Dennis, it killed me
DNAli3n: well, i'm off for now, heading to the library to play some commander :D have a nice morning/day/evening
DandyGeek: Dan rules
TXC2: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
Mark_D_Stroyer: Steve as a character is really so pointed at Adam
saucemaster5000: @Fanklok all the time
mtvcdm: Hades 2 is next up
qwertiest_mint: favourite books recently?
couchboyj: Uppah cut
fonkoncle: Adam have you seen the DOTA fighting game Valve put out last week?
MattIsAMage: ALLEN!
TXC2: so long DNAli3n stay safe
thatguysteve2709: Heard my name called
mtvcdm: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Hades 2 w/ Matt at Tue 08:00 AM PDT (59m from now).
Rourke9: Any predictions/hopes for the Oki Oki tournament later this week?
azidbern95: speaking of fighting games content: send the Oki Oki crew to EVO one year and film stuuf
commentarywife: ooh hades 2 next? is it a new save?
pimiento: the schedule at the live URL doesn't show half the hours of the day but there's a link to a google calender that has it all
Mark_D_Stroyer: Ohhhh that sounds so bad
SUPERWLA: Slay the Spire
Scarbble: absolutely killed me when i was checking out First Descendant and there was some commanding officer named jeff or some nonsense like that
doctor_spacheman: You should try Star Wars Masters of Teräs Käsi on oki oki
glyndev subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 49 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, glyndev! (Today's storm count: 163)
bondeulv: did you play Tunic?
TXC2: for some reason, my Head made DotA fighting game = Dead or Alive :p
Jillexie: Hades is one of the few games I tried speed runs on.
Mark_D_Stroyer: “My first fighting game was the final act of Metal Gear Solid 4”
Krillin_fan: I didn't know James played minecraft...since when?!
Rourke9: yeah Hades 2 is maybe even better already in some ways
ThorSokar: Hades is fantastic and Hades II is even better
Cinominn: ooooo sea of stars is great
Austere_Squire: i wish i liked hades; it's how i realized i don't enjoy roguelikes
Rourke9: I should go back to Astral Ascent. That game rules
trainpants: I quite liked sea of stars
jarnatan: Hades was so good, SuperGiant reneged on their "we don't do sequels" schtick, and the world is better for it
g0blinslide subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, g0blinslide! (Today's storm count: 164)
mtvcdm: Oh man the time Heather picked a fight with Charon on 32 health
UnsaltedHam subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, UnsaltedHam! (Today's storm count: 165)
Therberus: Lack of voice acting, too simple combat, not enough "build" options
commentarywife: to what level (if at all) are you avoiding spoilers if you are waiting to play Hades 2?
nevermore913: I fell off sea of stars
thaigeprime: hey adam you ever think about doing one off oki okis about meme fighting games like divekick or that one chess fighting game
Mr_Bitterness: Sea of Stars was an okay 7 / 10
unleashenlightenment: I really can’t imagine either of you being way heavier than you are now. weird
KamalPJ: which matt?
mrverbal: hades 2 very good
asthanius: C's get degrees
RevanentOne: Rosebud was the name of the sled
Welbog: Ian was Content-Aware Phil the whole time
IbunWest: @nevermore913 Same to be honest.
fiftymcnasty: 70 is a c
Therberus: I wanted to get into SoS but it really didn't manage to hold my attention tbh
MrQBear subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 60 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MrQBear! (Today's storm count: 166)
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Don't care about spoilers? So about Luke and Darth Vader...
TheNerdWonder: @daveganpolice I know we finished the first run through and stopped because of perfectly reasonable reactions to the content. I don’t think there have been more streams of it and that’s okay.
MrTowers1000: Adam what’s your favorite leg workout?
Mark_D_Stroyer: Gaming has such a hard “yeah it’s not completely broken” baseline
itmightbemikey: School Grading Systems skewed how ratings systems should work, it's annoying
mercano82: Wiggens still has a LRR emote. lrrFRUMP
HiCallMeRusty: Beethoven was the dog
jarnatan: Halfway through the stream, Matt G takes off his mask and its actually Wiggins
PhoenixMelior: Road Quest James is a shock
pleonasticTautology: the mariners only have to win 54% of games to make the postseason to yeah like. 7/10 is good
BoofTroupe: in most people's minds, 5 is the worst possible rating
Hawkwreak: Just generally, go watch roadquest.
the_phantom_game_player: Road Quest 2 please
commentarywife: my husband is actively avoiding spoilers for Hades 2, I've been so upset cause I've been playing and want to talk to him about it! 🤣
KamalPJ: i dunno maybe wiggens was making a surprise appearance!
doctor_spacheman: KG?!
RoeDent89: Stilts?
ghyllnox: We just watched a GVlog where they were both heavier
Jturbobanana: wall sits
bo_brinkman: Gorgeous. Mans. !!
Tplayne: aww man I miss SwS
aussie_rob_w: respectfully, you both look amazing.
Rourke9: been getting back into squats finally
PharaohBender27: @doctor_spacheman No, they mean pounds
DEATHlikescats: was just saying 7 years plus a pandemic does a lot to change a person
TXC2: doctor_spacheman pounds I sespect
ItsThugDimmadome: Kicky Bois
UltraVioletVodoo: we saw adam in a 2017 Gvlog for pax, you look way better now adam
tyrew0rm: Time for another road quest rewatch i guess then
Dread_Pirate_Westley: @pleonasticTautology A GOOD hitter only reaches base 3/10 tries.
doctor_spacheman: I know I know
Rourke9: yeah leg press is fun
lordofkatz: Watching old Friday Nights episodes just shows how far you guys have come. James you look great!
PharaohBender27: Yes, you did
Rourke9: yeah for sure
Tplayne: I like breaking watermellons with my thighs
Earthenone: you got that "someone else cuts your hair" money
cle0deen: And stopped with all that hair dresser nonsense
pleonasticTautology: @Dread_Pirate_Westley and then steal second, third, and head home on a wild pitch
Didero: A barber with a subscription service :O
RoeDent89: I think it was only really the first year of me watching LRR (2017/18) that James didn't have a beard
saucemaster5000: I don't trust strangers with knives near my head who want to make small talk
Therberus: It's like watching old episodes of Friends, they've matured and learned how to groom themselves properly, mens looking buff and good
thaigeprime: Time is inexorable all will be dust
Blakemcm: I have that exact same Coffee Maker!!!!!
Obos_TAB: My favorite highlight will always be Venga Bus Midi
Jobot180: My fantasy for getting a bunch of money is a tailored wardrobe
PhoenixMelior: Wait is this mark 6? Did i forget about an entire moonbase?
Dalrint: If I won the lottery, my weird rich person thing would be I would never wear the same pair of socks twice
doctor_spacheman: Lotto dream is to have my own Japanese bath house type bay in my house
Suffix: GOOD MORNING FRIENDS! I am in the process of brewing coffee. It's necessary today.
cle0deen: Venga Bus was on Fortnite Festival
RoeDent89: Barbing
Austere_Squire: i would be terrified of a straight razor
Decaped: Loving the big GENIE energy in the room.
DEATHlikescats: @obos_tab Cori really outdid herself with it
TXC2: hello Suffix welcome
MrTowers1000: does you barber know what you do for work?
TehAmelie: killing customers is bad for business
Gekyouryuu: if they haven't thought about it at least once, are they even a barber?
AceGun_: "I must have deserved this"
Obos_TAB: "bus is coming" is something we say a LOT now
PhoenixMelior: Sweeney todd was also in a loft
PharaohBender27: My usual haircut strategy is to wait 2-3 months and then when my hair is unmanageable I get it cut pretty short. Since the pandemic, my folks just have my mother's hair stylist make a housecall.
Rourke9 gifted a Tier 1 sub to iidalus! They have given 26 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, iidalus! (Today's storm count: 167)
SmithKurosaki: Good [timezone] chat, how's everyone today?
Erik Lidström: Hej
cle0deen: No it drops below the floor
TehAmelie: *any business
saucemaster5000: (shink) "what did you think about the new marvel movie?"
Jobot180: Is there a restaurant below?
doctor_spacheman: Meat pie time!
pipshardfour: did not have Sweeney Todd on my bingo card for the day
thaigeprime: oh its for the hair
PMAvers: Heather leans in, "Yeah, there's way cheaper ways to dispose of a body."
RoeDent89: Attend the tale of Sweeney Todd
Austere_Squire: third zippered garbage bag this morning
stippledotter: "Whoa, that's a lot of hair"
PharaohBender27: "Can't wait for the new shipment of meatpies!"
adi_pie: I mean, at that point there's no use worrying, not like I could stop them once the razor is in position lol
nevermore913: What your garbage bags don't have zippers?
Obos_TAB: Adam did you have any idea Cor was gonna drop that Venga Bus on you?
cle0deen: Who went to their make impeccably shaved...
RoeDent89: I feel tons better after a haircut too
Therberus: You get a haircut on your nose?
pleonasticTautology: oh yeah if our sides get too long we get wildly dysmorphic, so we need to keep our sides short
Mangledpixel: haircut on the nose?
Programmerman1: 4 weeks. We schedule the next one at the end of the current one
L0rdX33n: There was a mission like that in Red Dead Redemption 2 where a lady of the evening asked you to haul a corpse out of her room
RoeDent89: I had mine done last week
r10pez10: did you get them all cut etc
Erik Lidström: Good
NonUniqueGuy: You get your nose hairs cut?
adi_pie: Sadly my hair has started abandoning me, which is not great for my self-image. But it does mean I can just shave my head and that really saves on barber costs.
DEATHlikescats: when you look Bonita you feel Bonita
petey_vonwho: I just cut my hair for the first time since 2020
loufghyslaufey: Cool WUBs Subs
reptile___ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 53 months!
reptile___: suuubathon
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, reptile___! (Today's storm count: 168)
Austere_Squire: i do think you both have very nice haircuts
Pinwiz11: I schedule my next haircut when I get one, it's great to have that scheduled
Irsaan: I get a haircut every 8 weeks or so but I need one every 3 weeks or so
Scar_Red_Tiger: I started growing my hair out during pandemic and now just letting it ride.
CocoaMix86: What's the weirdest thing you can see from where you're sitting?
Blakemcm: i should be better about that
Therberus: The midi bus 😗👌
RoeDent89: JAMES
snowewolf: Gawd i need to find a ego booster like James has
Rourke9: If anyone is looking for vengabus clip I have it saved to my home page.
wench_tacular: james! jlrrNo
Didero: I really need a haircut...
pleonasticTautology: james
drawnbinary: worst part of being 7 years on T is that I have to shave every 4 days before it Feels Bad
Austere_Squire: a bit of human contact is nice
PharaohBender27: @CocoaMix86 In before they say "Chat" :p
Iam_Dead: graphi49Huh
ktm_343: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
inconsideratehat: Yeah for real
Obos_TAB: I'm growing my hair out and finally got a good stylist to help me out and it was a big bump in self esteem
Singenmeister: welcome to the highlight reel
maestrith: My hair decided that it was done growing.
unleashenlightenment: rooScuffed
brieandbacon: jlrrNo jlrrNo
thaigeprime: I love getting a high quality shave at a barber with that hot towel, so good
RayFK: I have a clip to text Ashley
loufghyslaufey: Wut you say, chat?
Bassios: I last had my hair cut in 2021 when I cut 2 feet of hair off to donate to a wigs for kids charity. It's now long enough for me to sit on it again
wench_tacular: she touches him with a water sprayer
azidbern95: thanks for the pandini flashbacks, only person who touched me in that time was my hairdresser
ThorSokar: composDrama nevera14Creepchu
commentarywife: I've been getting my husband to chop off my hair to shoulder length every three years or so, after growing to hip length each time. I donate the length to kids cancer charity. just done this for the third time in a row
Cinominn: i mean honestly tho, human contact is such a great thing for my mental health
Mr_Bitterness: The back of the neck shave is the best
ktm_343: hot towels get cold way too quick
Austere_Squire: sometimes it's nice to get your hair shampoo'd at the hairdresser because it just feels nice to have someone wash your hair
qwertiest_mint: moustache or beard
Welbog: It is a coincidence that I am about to leave for a haircut.
bv310: As someone who made the mistake once, no matter how much your partner says they can cut hair, DO NOT LET THEM. I nearly had to shave bald to even out lengths
PhoenixMelior: Yeah they do that to keep your clientele
accountmadeforants: Prevents ingrown hair and gets you a cleaner shave
asthanius: "u up? wanna cut hair"
Rourke9: yeah just trying to bring her clients if possible
SymphonySolstice: usually they do that to keep clients yeah
saucemaster5000: wait, did she text you "I'm leaving" after putting on the hot towel?
VVrenwick: Hej
Gekyouryuu: I have trouble shaving properly. I'm trans AND a lesbian, so I'm not allowed to use a "straight" razor
JinaMahavira: @Gekyouryuu seabatClap
Cptasparagus: You stopped doing weekly mud wrestling with beej?
stippledotter: Pandemic throwback of giving blood as often as possible in part to feel human touch
Irsaan: @Gekyouryuu lrrJUDGECALL
MacSquizzy: @Gekyouryuu lmao
PharaohBender27: @Gekyouryuu escher3PUN
jarnatan: It is my dream to have my hair cut by Bob Mortimer. I figure that's a safer dream to have than having my dentistry done by Bob Mortimer
wench_tacular: Adam gets around
bv310: @Gekyouryuu Boooooooo
Earthenone: the oxidization process or the game?
Nigouki: Too many people in Victoria want to talk about Rust while getting a beard trim?
Rourke9: you're a trendsetter
adi_pie: I'd be worried if someone that uses razors a lot would be a fan of rust
thaigeprime: boooo
Blakemcm: just too much luscious hair to trim, couldnt handle it
asthanius: that's homophobic
Tobenamed1: have we hit cap yet?
PhoenixMelior: As a bisexual i understand this
waterfallingmist subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 29 months!
OmegaPlatinum: Oh my stream WAS frozen cool glad I refreshed
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, waterfallingmist! (Today's storm count: 169)
Brozard: You just have great tastes in hair cutters
the_phantom_game_player: Boo this man
tuo2: man, there are not a lot of female barbers in my area
Jturbobanana: hooglShh
Mangledpixel: I've not yet had the confidence to go into a hairdresser since my transition
Carrion Crow: Chugging coffee, trying to wake up.
Woodthorn: My favourite part of going bald is being able to just shave at home
JupiterStarlight: good morning all :D
Woodthorn: That feels like the only upside though :)
Mangledpixel: I mean, I'll get there, it's just a strange kinda scary
Rourke9: i should get a haircut soon
SmithKurosaki: @Mangledpixel, I believe in you, when you're ready :)
CocoaMix86: Literally all barbers in my area are women
PhoenixMelior: Oh wait it's been so long since ive been here i dont think i told chat that, hey chat, i came out as bisexual a couple years ago
DeathsCaddy: In my teens I would go to a barber called the Mad Hacker. He started to refuse my custom as I would only go once a year and just ask him to go at it with a hedge trimmer
mtvcdm: We are not at cap, we have like three days to fund to hit cap still. Long way to go.
thaigeprime: have you tried
JupiterStarlight subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 70 months, currently on a 70 month streak!
JupiterStarlight: wow 70 months! In a Row!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, JupiterStarlight! (Today's storm count: 170)
Obos_TAB: @Mangledpixel Hope you get there!
SymphonySolstice: all of the barbers at my sister's job are women
BadRoxie: my barber left town too. trying a new hairdresser this week.
inconsideratehat subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 52 months!
inconsideratehat: Aight, back on it, boys
todeswillen: is this Morning Cofi?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, inconsideratehat! (Today's storm count: 171)
TXC2: PhoenixMelior congratulations lrrHEART
iidalus: thanks for the sub @rourke9 ❤️❤️❤️
Zanzabar_: 215 wow, youve got
UltraVioletVodoo: gotta say, when i was a guy, straight razor shave was the best shave ive ever gotten
RevanentOne: as a guy with long hair I get my hair cut about once every few years
ArcticAtlantic: omg for some reason i thought this whole conversation was about therapists 😂
DanTheMediocre: haircuts have been getting worse as stress and genetics have been taking their toll on the hairline and especially volume
GenericHerooo: Hi, everyone! lrrSHINE TwitchConHYPE
OmegaPlatinum: How's the Not-a-Bus For LRR marathon going?
TXC2: todeswillen sure is
Mangledpixel: yeh, especially in the UK
Earthenone: @PhoenixMelior i remembered that! :D
Suffix: If all else fails, I have a set of clippers.
pimiento: @Mangledpixel i had one recommended to me who're explicitly queer friendly and said 'halp make hair good' and it was great
TXC2: hello GenericHerooo welcome
Didero: I've been going to the same barber for my entire life, I'm dreading the day he retires
Colin: leg press is also good if squats have physio issues
RevanentOne: once went 6 years without getting a haircut
Rourke9: @iidalus ok Sin player
seinka: if someone joins the stream right now they are gonna get the wrong impression of what you guys are talking about
cle0deen: Could have been dental hygienists too
Jennie_Fuchsia: wrong-licensed therapist
todeswillen: it is 4 PM in Swiss
jarnatan: Barbtender
saucemaster5000: your therapist uses a hot towel?
Scar_Red_Tiger: It's self care
CocoaMix86: What's the best "corporate" coffee (McD, Tim's, etc)?
Obos_TAB: You two ever want to die your hair an anime color?
drawnbinary: barb-tender
iidalus: @rourke9 WOW
nappitatti: barbtender
stippledotter: Barb(tend)er
tuo2: I’ve never actually had my beard done professionally. I’m … not even sure I’d know how? all of the barber shops in Sydney seem way too blokey.
ArbalestTheGeni: My fiance's hairdresser quit during the pandemic and she spent about a month researching for a new one before she went for any other cuts.
unleashenlightenment: but bartenders are therapists for some people
PhoenixMelior: As a regular tattoo getter, my tattoo artist is closer to my therapist than my stylist
UnknownFriday: Working on 10+ between haircuts right now.
Jturbobanana: I haven't been to the barber since before the Pandini
ztghostie: currently on year 5 of no haircut
momalyd: I have only had one haircut since 1997
Austere_Squire: i get a haircut whenever my bangs hang in my eyes and give me a headache... which is probs a bad metric
GwalchmaiOfHouseParadox subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 38 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, GwalchmaiOfHouseParadox! (Today's storm count: 172)
RevanentOne: my hair was down past my belt
Therberus: Blue haired Adam!
pleonasticTautology: i went pretty long without getting the long parts of my hair cut but i kept the sides shaved; i got an actual haircut somewhat recently and it unlocked Additional Gender
Obos_TAB: Godlike?
Dalrint: I didn't get a haircut during the pandemic. When I finally got it all chopped off it felt SO NICE
Earthenone: i only get my hair cut every 2-3 years, i hate being touched by strangers
KBKarma: @tuo2 I have. Generally it's just getting my beard trimmed and shaped.
cle0deen: @phoenixmelior I've only ever had the one tattoo artist
Colin: like if you have support issues for barbell squats
Colin: I do single leg leg extensions, those are brutal
SmithKurosaki: Yea, I need to find out what I can do with my knees messed up
Antiivvan: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
momalyd: dreads
pimiento: i went.. 7+ years without a pro haircut, but i also transitioned through that time soo...
SymphonySolstice: my sister is a barber, it's basically therapy except the therapist gets information they never asked for
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: I just buzz my head in my bathroom once every two weeks, saves money and I don't have to endure a stranger touching me
snowewolf: Reasons i have cut my hair in the last 10 years , 1 someone touched it, Life events (Wedings and intervew)
QuixoticScrivener: James could pool off Funko pink
public_key_reveal_party: I need a haircut soon, and I think the salon I go to is spying, because they sent me a promo email this morning
RoeDent89: Small thing but it's nice being able to just run my hands through my hair or scratch my head if I need to and not have to tidy it up afterwards
pipshardfour: how many people sang you that Eiffel 65 song
DrTeaSpoon: Is this artifact? I think you are on wrong streaming category.
DandyGeek: during lockdown I went from zero to 70s disco creep before finally cutting it back
Metric_Furlong: as someone with funny therapist stories, that'd be oversharing too much to talk about in chat Kappa
Two_Hats: I think I am on year 6 without a haircut?
Dread_Pirate_Westley: @Earthenone This is the way.
Laserbeaks_Fury: I would shave my head, but I am too lazy to do it like every day.
TXC2: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
PhoenixMelior: @cle0deen yeah ive been going to the same artist since 2017
kdefinition: I haven't had a haircut in 12 years, and I don't intend to start again
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
ElementalAlchemist: James.
Pinwiz11: I basically have a single haircut style but I also still have thick hair at almost 50 so I'll take it.
Welbog: OK here
Suffix: James. No.
Welbog is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 216 in the channel!
Welbog gifted a Tier 1 sub to zatance!
Welbog gifted a Tier 1 sub to seancplays1!
Welbog gifted a Tier 1 sub to Dulcid!
Welbog gifted a Tier 1 sub to jo199920!
Welbog gifted a Tier 1 sub to ThreeOmega!
Welbog gifted a Tier 1 sub to ChemicAlfs!
Welbog gifted a Tier 1 sub to vinvis_!
Welbog gifted a Tier 1 sub to WhistlingRobot!
Welbog gifted a Tier 1 sub to Majuri_!
Welbog gifted a Tier 1 sub to roadhog123!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Welbog! Welcome to jo199920, zatance, seancplays1, Dulcid, ThreeOmega, vinvis_, WhistlingRobot, roadhog123, Majuri_, and ChemicAlfs! (Today's storm count: 182)
stippledotter: James
MrQBear: Is that a threat?
northos: is that a threat?
OmegaPlatinum: James.
BigDaddyBland87: Was that a threat?
mtvcdm: You heard em chat
pn55: HypeLUL
wench_tacular: jlrrNo jlrrNo
Therberus: We'll get to a point where there's no more people who can sub
TXC2: Welbog lrrHEART
Programmerman1: lol
Scar_Red_Tiger: 5000 Retweets
KV1NN4: Adam and Heather should both dye their hair blue again and pretend to be twins
OmegaPlatinum: Hi highlight reel!
Chronomagistrate: Promise or threat? :P
malfnord: Enough of the hair is going that I just buzz it personally. Can't justify the expense.
neisan2112: I really need to get one too, my bangs are getting so flippy
DandyGeek: how many subs to put the shoes back on
RoeDent89: Those are certainly words that came out of your mouth
Cinominn: how much do we have to sub for you to NOT take the socks off
Kyser_Echoes95: I was worried I wasn't going to make it for Coffee with James today, but I'm glad I'm here with the good boys
L0rdX33n: How much to put them back on?
Tplayne: then how many more subs to put the socks back on?
Welbog: <2
unleashenlightenment: lrrSHINE
SmithKurosaki: So far only thing I've considered safe was elliptical
Welbog: <3
darkcyril: Feet the baby. Feet the baby.
vinewood_og: day 2 and we're already at show feet? Friday is gonna be WILD!
drawnbinary: add more socks
Mathwyn: Is that like "the gloves come off" but for kickboxing?
cle0deen: Nice socks tho
Mandillio: Does twitch let you show feet?
zatance: ty @Welbog !
SmithKurosaki: Feet. The. Baby
thaigeprime: I know nothing about hairstyles so I just tell the barber I want it relatively short and submit myself to hairstyle roulette
TehAmelie: i'm on year 5 of only shaving the right side of my head. compromising between having nice long hair and low effort
commentarywife: I had my hair chopped off this week, hip length down to shoulder length
Brozard: I grew out the crown of my hair since the Pandini, had hair like Adam’s but recently cut it. Now I rock a curled pompadour and I feel so good.
PharaohBender27: All right, need to take off for work. See you later today! lrrSHINE
Welbog: @zatance No worries
snowewolf: so What is your OF handle ? James
RayFK: Friday? Nah, Feetday
KBKarma: Something something Wikifeet.
TXC2: so long PharaohBender27 stay safe
James_the_Dabbler: … ToS?
adi_pie: Temperature is peaking again (41C), so I'm going to turn off my PC for a bit to cool down my office. See y'all in a bit. Stay nice, Chat.
UnknownFriday: Day 2? This is still the first 24 hours!
Earthenone: saturday is naked sushi day right?
GoRiLLa87 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 115 months, currently on a 115 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, GoRiLLa87! (Today's storm count: 183)
Austere_Squire: yesssssss, i adore the undercut
PhoenixMelior: I wish i couod pull off the side shave
DanTheMediocre: cant go side shave, soon enough sides is all I could have left
constablecrab: I’ve shaved my own head for 20 years. Those clippers were a solid investment.
Colin: Honestly go to the physio first if you have bad knees, get exercises that will strengthen and support your knee issues
TXC2: adi_pie stay safe, think cold thoughts
mtvcdm: Only 308 to socks now
Obos_TAB: My wife saw kathleen's hairstyle and was like "finally something i want to try"
KBKarma: My pandemic haircut was all gone. I've always wanted to shave it off since I started going bald. So I took the opportunity. My parents do not like it at all.
jarnatan: Pulling it off sounds painful
Mangledpixel: it's not easy to undo
SursaiKosecksi: Haircuts make me feel worse. I'd rather see the dentist than the barber.
commentarywife: how long do we assume this sub-a-thon will go on for if we compare to other times?
CypherRaze: I just decided to go bald with a beard and it's one of the best decisions I've made
TXC2: I also shave my own head
Austere_Squire: i could not pull it off, but i support y'alls who are
drawnbinary: i don't like an undercut on myself. i was serving The Miz and it wasn't cute
tehfewl: im like 2 steps away from "Just shave it all off"
tuo2: Kathleen looks sick with an undercut too. you all have rocked it.
thaigeprime: listen just figure out if you look good bald and then its no risk, cus you can just shave it if it looks bad
iamthemidboss: I've been shaving the side of my head for 8 years now, and the top, and the back.
RayFK: I am sadly approaching "shave off" territory with my head
DandyGeek: I just like the closer cut during summer, tbh
constablecrab: bald and beard is the way
pleonasticTautology: early in our transition i had to shave off all my hair cos i bleached it a lot and some of it cracked off lmao. but an actor friend of a friend got me a wig
Scar_Red_Tiger: The only safety net is shaaving bald.
unleashenlightenment: you guys have to be happy you aren’t experiencing hair loss
Woodthorn: @CypherRaze I took the leap at the beginning of -23. It's nice.
fonkoncle: full chonmage?
Pinwiz11: One year in college, I went from having long hair for a show to being bald for a show. It was a heck of a change in haircare.
Didero: The music makes making clips quite a trip:
leggettor: James, could you pour me a coffee
Sarah_Serinde: @commentarywife There's only one other subathon to compare to and chat hit the cap easily. This one is capped at 5 days and we've got a lot of hours left to earn on it
TXC2: I have been doing a number all over shave since I was 19 :p
KBKarma: @TXC2 CoolCat
nicholas haywood: Hey Adam, what’s your feelings on elden ring DLC?
TXC2: *number 1
AceGun_: When your temples get cold. thats the worst.
CypherRaze: the plus side of being bald with a beard now, is the head massages are soooo nice.
KBKarma: I got a specialist head shaver, and just take it all off.
TriChronos: I had really long hair for the longest time and just recently tried out the undercut as ya'll inspired me to try it. Absolutely love it!
jaimeblacken: what's the breakfast?
DandyGeek: you can always opt for the toque in winter though
Therberus: That's why the mounties invented toques, keep the head toasty
RevanentOne: I started growing my hair out 20 years ago, I don't ever want to deal with the middle stage so if I ever cut it short it's staying that way
commentarywife: thanks @Sarah_Serinde
ContingentCat: I always get my undercut shaved shorter in the summer yeah
RoeDent89: Coffee is the breakfast
seinka: I like Autumn, cold but bright
DandyGeek: talk to me when you’ve survived Florida summers, fellas.
Dandinstorm12: there is no breakfast, there is only Zuul
Earthenone: im the oposite, you can always put more clothes on but you can only take off so much
leggettor: Are we planning a weather show on one of these?
Metric_Furlong: side effects may include breakfastlessness
TXC2: Summer used to be good, then it got too hot
Mandillio: I just put my hair in a ponytail and cut it whenever it gets too long to give surfer/snowboarder from a teen movie vibes.
constablecrab: I had super long hair in my 20’s but I refuse to have the middle aged receding hairline ponytail.
missa_hancock: calories in coffee, right?
neisan2112: I still have no clue what I want/can even do with my hair. Hate it short but it get weird and flippy at a certain length.
reptile___: "I hate winter, the cold sucks"--Adam, noted Canadian
Sarah_Serinde: LRR made each minute cost more for this subathon since chat hit the cap on the last subathon so easily
DanTheMediocre: cwasô :3
TehAmelie: random hair fact: most people's hair only grow for seven years before it falls out. one year for body hair
Mangledpixel: give me a sunny summer's day with a nice breeze
SmithKurosaki: @Colin I tried that for my lower back, and everything just made it worse. Been just seeing osteopaths instead
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
SmithKurosaki: @TXC2 Back in my daaaay :p
commentarywife: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 7:16 AM
Suffix: Okay. I now have coffee.
snowewolf: MC D - Greasy Breakfast
itmightbemikey: I used to like summer but now 3 of my meds increase my intolerance of heat and a 4th makes my skin more apt to sunburn so I am like a Vampire during the summer now
bad1arry: Didn't want to bring McDonalds in for Adam for old time's sake?
CastorDanton subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, CastorDanton! (Today's storm count: 184)
Therberus: @missa_hancock Only if you have cream & sugar
cle0deen: Oo i .ay plan ny day to drive during dns
Obos_TAB: I have built that set and its rad, but I'm waiting to run the campaign for my son and his friend
TXC2: SmithKurosaki yes, but my day was all of ten years ago :p
KBKarma: I used to live in a country that got up to like 32 Celcius in the summer. Staying indoors a lot was a requirement.
nevermore913: Normally I agree about summer but 100 degrees and humid is the worst
Scar_Red_Tiger: Oh, is that the finished Riverdale back there on the set?
maestrith: I wonder if 3 hours will be enough time?
zed_alpha subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 102 months!
zed_alpha: oh hell, 102 months. Hey, if you see this question, James, how did you get used to early mornings? I just started a job with the post office and the one hard bit I can't get used to is waking up at 5 AM every day.
Sarah_Serinde: Yes it is
ArbalestTheGeni: Question about the schedule. Graham said during the schedule that he's going through the new D2 dungeon. Final Shape didn't drop a dungeon though so is he doing the old dungeon from last season or the new raid?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, zed_alpha! (Today's storm count: 185)
thaigeprime: Bout to go grab a Lox bagel sandwich for breakfast I shall return
mrMorphius: Just gonna mainline his destiny
cle0deen: Graham gone wild
Colin: there is often a degree if it getting worse before it gets better for physiotherapy
snowewolf: When is the leggo being Built?
Sarah_Serinde: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
bv310: @ArbalestTheGeni Warlord's Ruin
DandyGeek: Graham probably doesn’t even know which dungeon, tbh
Sarah_Serinde: Everything in the subathon is on the schedule
DanTheMediocre: 5 am is vacation early
iidalus: loll i wake up at 3:30am for my job
CypherRaze: I wake up at 5am every day
commentarywife: @KBKarma that's what the UK gets to during heatwaves
DanTheMediocre: 6.30 is a nice regular early
Two_Hats: Adam, you were thinking about destiny 2, yeah?
lorithen subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 58 months, currently on a 40 month streak!
saucemaster5000: that's the male witch's hour!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, lorithen! (Today's storm count: 186)
missa_hancock: early, early bedtime
Underachiever28: served in the army for 3 years. 5am is easy
azidbern95: same, 3:30am for my job (and commute)
Brozard: @dandygeek Is he doing a dungeon or a raid?
nosole: Yeah, up at 5 is rough, I don't miss having to get up that early
cle0deen: I teach elementary school. 5 am is quiet time.
KBKarma: Destiny 2? Has anyone considered playing aa Critically Acclaimed MMORPG with a free trial up to level 70 including an award winning expansion and another one?
fonkoncle: I get woke up at 6.30 everyday then go back to bed, I think I need to just start "waking up" at that point
RevanentOne: i get up at 6:10am to get to my 7am job
constablecrab: I’d rather be up for a few hours before work.
Brozard: or heck, why not both
fiftymcnasty subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 91 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, fiftymcnasty! (Today's storm count: 187)
ThorSokar: 5am and earlier is soul-crushing, I used to wake up at 4:30am to drive 2.5hrs to work every day
MacSquizzy: I I had to wake up at 5am every day I would simply not
KBKarma: @commentarywife Oh, during heatwaves it hit about 40C.
Sebusol: !time
Colin: the twitch commands don't work here
Sarah: It's 7:17am LRR time (PDT)
Sarah: Yes they do
pleonasticTautology: having a consistent bedtime is honestly the thing that helps waking up early the most
DanTheMediocre: I only recall doing 5.30 for paper routes as a youth
Two_Hats: As someone who has been waking up at 4 for a few years now, it doesn't get easier
Scar_Red_Tiger: Wake up at the sasme time, go to bed when your body tells you to.
DandyGeek: @brozard No idea! I guess he’ll tell us next time he’s on camera or in chat?
UltraVioletVodoo: ya i have to get up for work by 4:30 am i go to sleep around 8:30
red_shoes_jeff: 5 am's close to the end of my work day.
CypherRaze: it depends if you are a night owl vs a lark
ArbalestTheGeni: @bv310 Sadge. Salvations Edge would have been a hoot to see.
TXC2: Gods it really does
cle0deen: Go to bed when you're tired. Time of day is morally neutral.
Brozard: Fair enough!
drawnbinary: mine's bad quality, not enough and i don't get to choose when it happens
TopHatPeezy: @fonkoncle same, but I am a late to bed person so I will end up getting not enough hours wakeyRIP
jimber_jam: I get up around 6:15 for work, but I can't sleep unless I am exhausted so I usually don't go to bed until midnight
hoveringhalibut: Getting older helps
neisan2112: I wish I could do that. I can't get myself to sleep before midnight.
TXC2: I never once had a good nights sleep
bv310: Covid lockdown let me figure out that my natural sleep pattern was 2am-10am. Shifting to 11:30-7:30 has been vaguely successful
CypherRaze: because I go to bed late, but wake up early naturally.
RevanentOne: my sleep last night suffered but my wow classic guild downed 2 new heroic bosses so it was worth it
SymphonySolstice: I would like to get up earlier, but I have chronic insomnia so I end up not falling asleep till like 2 or 3am
Mangledpixel: @Sarah_Serinde well, some things are hidden cos of how the schedule page works - like this segement for example
Pinwiz11: It's making myself turn off the digital inputs in that hour before bed that's difficult.
RoeDent89: I'm usually asleep not long after 11 and wake up around 7
commentarywife: @KBKarma aah fair, my husband and I would NOT be able to handle that
fonkoncle: @TopHatPeezy oh totally I fall asleep most nights at 2am
pleonasticTautology: my sleep has been bad for most of my life lmao.
DeM0nFiRe: I am bad at falling asleep but I make up for it by also being bad at staying asleep
snowewolf: 1am sleep for a 6am wake up - ima tired lad most days
DanTheMediocre: I'm great at staying asleep or returning to sleep
zed_alpha: Got it. So go to bed earlier if I can, try to find ways to at least get rest even if I can't sleep. Hey, that's actually really helpful, thank you!
myknorman: being an early riser helped a tonne in university. My roomies would be getting up for class and I'd be all done for the day
ztghostie: I have to take melatonin if I want to get to sleep shortly after laying down
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 7:18 AM
Sebusol: !thank
Colin: wait they do? oh just delayed
Dandelion V: @nicholas haywood They are not following youtube chat. it is just us chickens and mods.
Sarah: Yeah because of how YouTube works the bot is slower here
SmithKurosaki: ^^
Prince Phantom: 4:30 am every weekday for me for the last 2 years. Getting out of the bed is the hard part, I’m good after that
DanTheMediocre: but.yeah getting there can be tough
Sarah_Serinde: @Mangledpixel In which case you can follow the link on that page to the google calendar, which has everything
Rourke9: trying to get better about not having streams on when i sleep
Austere_Squire: i usually fall asleep and stay asleep easy, so the one week i had insomnia, i just looked at all my friends like "you live like this?!"
bondeulv: falling asleep after 5 minutes maxis my superpower
DandyGeek: I found that I kinda prefer some sort of white noise for sleep
pleonasticTautology: my bad sleep is my brain; i had night terrors as a lil kid and had to be given oral sleeping meds lmao
KBKarma: @commentarywife Fair. Turns out a country that is something like 50% desert gets hella hot.
public_key_reveal_party: I never felt super rested when I slept, and it turns out that I have super severe sleep apnea, so, gonna see a doctor soon about that
CypherRaze: circadian rhythm is very important.
Cinominn: whats your favorite side of the bed to sleep on
s1ck1y: hey can one of you let me in lol lmao
Suffix: I'm a GREAT fall asleep person. My partner may eventually smother me because of it.
ChillTheEffOut: I got a cpap machine recently. I'm still getting used to it.
doctor_spacheman: Go to Med school and you will never have trouble sleeping again
itmightbemikey: Just make your bedroom a no screen zone, that works really well
Didero: @Cinominn The top Kappa
RoeDent89: lol
ztghostie: I would argue you shouldn't use screens or do anything that engages your brain in the room where you sleep
RevanentOne: read a book or something to go to sleep
zed_alpha: I was the household's night owl before I got this job, it was a lot easier for me to *stay up* until 5 AM than it was to *wake up* that early. Switching it has been hard.
Brozard: No caffeine after like 2pm (if you consume it)
drawnbinary: i preemptively start cheating at pokemon sleep (so my guys don't get sad)
A_Catastrophic_Success subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 71 months!
A_Catastrophic_Success: Awww, you guys didn’t have to hold an entire Subathon to celebrate my birthday today! Thanks!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, A_Catastrophic_Success! (Today's storm count: 188)
KBKarma: @s1ck1y Nice. I was expecting that to just pass them by. :D
LidofLoathing: I read a book in bed before I go to sleep and it helps
zed_alpha: RIGHT, stop the screen time! Good call, Adam, thanks, I always forget that
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: I (try to) read a few chapters of whatever book I'm on before bed
TehAmelie: there's been studies suggesting there's usually a limit to how early you can train yourself to wake up before it's unsustainable
Woodthorn: Used to be I'd spend the last half-hour in bed reading a book.
myknorman: I fall alspee to watching old LRRMTG streams, but to me that's not the same as looking at my phone. More of a podcast
Didero: What do you REALLY think about James?
Earthenone: do you like ice cream/?>
PhoenixMelior: Do you like James
CocoaMix86: Whats the weirdest workout?
nappitatti: Show toilet
AceGun_: How does James smell?
RandomTrivia: Jordynne outside the Moonbase, nose pressed against the window like a puppy that was left outside a shop
0x6772: No keyboard, Adam can't shoot us!
Rourke9: lets prank james by saying nice things about him
justanotherslapstick: DO YOU LIKE JAMES?
SymphonySolstice: is james stinky
Night_xD: @Ivalenz_ Thanks for the gift sub!
ThorSokar: What does James' house smell like
pleonasticTautology: @s1ck1y okay so i'm glad james is coming to let you in but also it's really funny that you had to ask via twitch chat
darkcyril: @Austere_Squire I have this fun thing where I swap between insomnia and hypersomnia.
leggettor: When will we get an adam and jordyn co stream?????
Wolfstrike_NL: How Lickable is James?
Therberus: Show fridge
fiftymcnasty: Whats James biggest secret
maestrith: @Didero Same.
NonUniqueGuy: What is the best thing about James?
public_key_reveal_party: What is James's darkest secret?
UltraVioletVodoo: how did you get so cute
drawnbinary: if you found james in a large jar in the woods....
Brozard: Is Nintendo real?
saucemaster5000: do james' socks smell?
snowewolf: do you like Cheese Tosties?
Blakemcm: would a character work in SF6 with a 5 frame jab?
ttandmore subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months!
ttandmore: The pandemic turned me into the 8pm bed time guy
RayFK: Smart is pushing it
asthanius: roasted
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ttandmore! (Today's storm count: 189)
jarnatan: There was a cHustle about this, Jordynne just needs to do some gestures and have a list of favourite doors
Therberus: Is Nintendo real?
neisan2112: Hell yeah
RandomTrivia: @nappitatti They did that on the previous subathon, for 2 whole hours
reptile___: @ChillTheEffOut yeah it takes some getting used to but I've found it very much worth it. I am no longer tired literally all the time
LordManiMani: Tuning in for coffee with....... Adam
KBKarma: Adam: there are two guards. One always tells the truth. The other always lies. Knowing this, which one would be the best opponent in a fighting game?
NimrodXIV: Roasted
ladylinzington: morning chat
brieandbacon: Which member of the crew would you be least surprised to find in a jar in the woods?
TehAmelie: James Adam roasted you good
Suffix: Bold accusation Mr. Savidan.
zed_alpha: Yo, Adam, where on my body would you recommend I try to get my first tattoo if I'm utterly terrified of needles and the pain that goes with them?
Didero: Now say that to his face :)
RoeDent89: @NimrodXIV Like the coffee
TXC2: hello ladylinzington welcome
ChillTheEffOut: @reptile___ how long did it take for you to get used to it?
doctor_spacheman: Have you watched Baki yet Adam?
leggettor: i indend for this question to be answered this week if its the last thing i do
bondeulv: where are you on the aphantasia scale?
ttandmore: Has anyone asked what kind of coffee they are having this morning?
jedi_master_zll: My job is using computers, then in my free time I do stuff on the computer, I definitely have too much screen time.
LordManiMani: Perfect answer
myknorman: @zed_alpha front of your thighs!
KBKarma: Imminently sensible.
maestrith: Why would James be trapped in a jar?
Brozard: @zed_alpha Having recently gotten my first tattoo, your upper arm
zed_alpha: Well yeah but I want body art XD
fiftymcnasty: forehead
pleonasticTautology: tattoos aren't really needle pain, tattos are... Spicy
bondeulv: @ttandmore fernwood
ladylinzington: @maestrith if he was bested in single combat
DiamondMX: Have you considered not getting a tattoo? :D
James_the_Dabbler: 2/8 hours achieved at work so far. eepy.
ttandmore: @bondeulv that sounds lovely
AtrusOfMyst: Graham crackers and coffee for breakfast
AceGun_: It can hurt in certain places, but it doesn't feel like getting poked by a needle, really.
accountmadeforants: “That’s real???” and they respond with a stone-cold “Yeah.”
CypherRaze: get one where there's a good bit of meat too
saucemaster5000: don't get one on your eye
KBKarma: Seconded. I'm not terrified of needles, but I hate them so fucking much, considering how many I've had stuck in me over the last ten years.
Mathwyn: Get you first tattoo on someone else's body
Mark_D_Stroyer: I would argue that a cheaty boss is actually a better fight, because calling out is your angle to win
DanTheMediocre: upper arm or outside of the leg should be okay
CypherRaze: like avoid the wrist.
Didero: but what a way to go
AceGun_: My first tattoo goes to my armpit. That really sucked.
DanTheMediocre: plenty of tissue, not a particularly sensitive place
Brozard: I’ve heard thigh tattoos make people feel sexy/cute
SmithKurosaki: Being awake before 10am is illegal for me, but I also have a job that means I need to be awake by 830 so :(
lorithen: Adam, can we get another season of M+ content in the Next Expansion? Loved the series.
ladyjessica: I think where it’s “boney”
Chelsea12492: I got a rib tattoo as my first and only tattoo lol. I want more, but money is a thing. The artist was very surprised I let him do the water color and line work all in one go. I love it though!
Scar_Red_Tiger: Shoulder blade??
Dalrint: James, do you have any tattoos?
PhoenixMelior: My partner says wrist is the worst, i havent had that one but ive had ankle. Ankle is the worst for me.
doctor_spacheman: Popliteal Fossa is apparently the worst
DanTheMediocre: close to bone is agony
tehfewl: thigh tattoos are great, but you have to buy a bunch of short shorts to show them off
Aitsu111: More meaty areas of the body I would think hurt less
reptile___: @ChillTheEffOut it was a gradual process. Started getting a little easier after a week. Gradually got easier after that, but it'll probably never feel "normal"
saucemaster5000: "whoops this is invisible ink my b"
fonicbelt: I dunno which was worse: my sternum or my forearm
myknorman: @zed_alpha everyone's thigh is pretty meaty, and often covered by shorts for it to heal easily
ladylinzington: @Chelsea12492 that is hardcore
Musicsquid: my inner bicep was way more painful than the back of my hand tbh
PhoenixMelior: James when are you getting your LRR tattoo
KBKarma: Ah. So, the forehead would be bad? I know I once had stitches in my forehead when I was eight, and there wasn't enough tissue there for me to get anaesthetic as well...
leggettor: Adam and Jordyn co-stream?
Brozard: @tehfewl Yes, and?
CypherRaze: Would you get another tattoo Adam?
Suffix: It was very well done.
ContingentCat: How many subs for James to get a tattoo?
zed_alpha: thanks everyone! I've *really, really wanted* body art for a while, but I keep wimping out about it.
ttandmore: are we going to get a choose your own adventure book this year <3 those are my fave
Naesiir: Good content, but it seemed like a lot of time investment
nappitatti: I got my first tattoo last year on my upper arm. Didn't hurt at all except the parts that were close to the elbow and shoulder
gamercat88: good morning LRR and chat!
jarnatan: My biggest problem when choosing tattoo placement is worrying "but what if I come up with a better tattoo to have in that place"
Didero: As a kid I had to have the same surgery twice before they realised it wasn't really working and only changed something the third time. Would've liked them to figure that out sooner too
Rourke9: it was fun to watch
Sarah: Yeah my body is much happier waking up around 10 or so, but day job says no
TXC2: hello gamercat88 welcome
Dalrint: What's M+?
thatladyinplaid: Top of my foot was the worst!
NoxStryx: I care zero about WOW but i still watched those videos
tehfewl: ayy top of foot gang
hesterbyrde: I don't even play WOW but it was so much fun to watch. But I totally understand.
petey_vonwho: I still need to go watch that. I main survival hunter, so they looked fun
cle0deen: Top of the foot was my first
mtvcdm: Free tattoo
LordManiMani: I'm almost caught up on the Fighting Fantasy Etc playlist
pleonasticTautology: james no
DiamondMX: Hype level for Bloomburrow?
DanTheMediocre: is it hard to find enough new CYOA games at some point
PhoenixMelior: Ah, a prison tattoo
Mark_D_Stroyer: time for a wrist tattoo
zed_alpha: How many subs for James to play in the next season of Not A Drop To Drink?
nappitatti: Don't take tattoos as a dare or sub goal
DanTheMediocre: did they stop making them?
Fanklok: James getting prison ink live on strea?
AceGun_: how many subs for Adam to give James a stick'n'poke?
Naesiir: I guess a scar is kind of like a tattoo
RandomTrivia: Only happens if you can figure out how to underflow the Twitch interface and gift zero subs
SymphonySolstice: james going for a stick n' poke
saucemaster5000: stick and poke with a highlighter
myknorman: @zed_alpha Some good advice I got for a first tattoo was imagine wearing the design you want on a tshirt for a month straight. Would you tire of it? If it's meaningful, probably not!
CypherRaze: good lord you don't look 40 at all
Therberus: James is 40?! Fading to dust here
VIOLETTO: thats how stick and poke works i think
PhoenixMelior: Come on, someone else needs to get a LRR tattoo
Musicsquid: my dad got his first tattoo at 49
lorithen: @Dalrint Mythic Plus, timed dungeons in world of warcraft. infinitely scaling in theory.
zed_alpha: @myknorman Ooh, that's a good idea
Scar_Red_Tiger: James gets a 𝓭𝓪𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓮𝓭 tattoo
TehAmelie: hmm James what was it you said you'd do for 1 million bits?
leggettor: youre 83?
zed_alpha: Hey, happy pre-birthday
asthanius: Lordy Lordy
DiamondMX: You mean, like, together added up?
CypherRaze: neither of you look 40. that's wild
Brozard: 83 babyyyy
lordofkatz: Could we have adam write a choose your own adventure book? I just want half of the paths to end with god takes out a gun
quatoria: they both look 40! like they look good, but they both look 409
Blakemcm: Flight Risk tatoo on neck
quatoria: er, both look 40
Tplayne: dang, not gonna lie, my father did NOT look as good as you guys do when he turned 40
hesterbyrde: My best friend went from no ink to all the ink between age 40 and 44
Therberus: I hope I look as good as you in 8 years time
jarnatan: Get a face tattoo of somebody elses face
asthanius: it's hard to look 40 imo
DanTheMediocre: 'clearance sale' tattoo
RayFK: Just one of those map scale markers right on the dong
quatoria: i think maybe you don't know what 40 year olds look like
doctor_spacheman: Do your 30s get better the more you get in to it?
pleonasticTautology: i'm 35 and i get carded constantly lmao
NoxStryx: I have been trying to write a LRR spoof CYOA but probaby need to crowed source content if anyone wants to help, maybe i should post in discord.
violetblight: damaged goods is good booty shorts text
CypherRaze: I'd say you both look early 30s
Suffix: 40 isn't 'old' anymore.
ArbalestTheGeni: Do you guys find that gaming as a job makes gaming at home feel weird? I'm curious how you compartmentalize the two.
jchinnock: “some regerts”
LowUpsideCJ: Good morning stream a thon chatters
northos: millenials are aging better than previous generations it seems
bondeulv: I could not tell you were 40 when I met you at MagicCon amsterdam
TXC2: people don't look old anymore because people don't smoke
cle0deen: Yep
itmightbemikey: Yeah
Mark_D_Stroyer: I have hypersensitivity issues and my wife is constantly saying I need a tattoo and it hurts just thinking about it
ShaneLeeAtk: She is
drawnbinary: 40 just looks like an adult vaguely ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Naesiir: Blanche yeah
quatoria: people have this idea that at 40 you "look old" but basically you look almost identical to how you did at 34, except you have some gray hairs now
itmightbemikey: Blanche was the nympho
asthanius: 40 is like 30 but more
DiamondMX: When I was 20 my image of people over 40 was just a pile of bones and dust.
Tplayne: Maybe kids just mess you up haha
SWPilgrim: My work day starts at 4am. Ive been on this schedule for years and its amazing what you can get used to lol
TXC2: hello LowUpsideCJ welcome
Mangledpixel: different generations have had different looks for different ages
Brozard: It’s all relative. When you’re 20, 40s looks so old. When you’re 40, 20 looks like literal children.
BlackIsis: what
YeomanAres: The cast of cheers was in the early 30s
PhoenixMelior: Spinsters are the best tbh
Didero: And you also look golden
Pinwiz11: It may have been Sex and the City?
chunkymoon123: @yeomanares hii
TeacherSeanTV: in 1983, 40 year olds looked a lot older
quatoria: all the cigarette smoking made people look WAY OLDER in the 70s and 80s honestly
thatladyinplaid: We've just learned to age better...and use sunscreen.
Master_Gunner: Most people look like 10-20 years younger than past generations did at the same age - not smoking makes a big difference.
TXC2: things = cocaine
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: not as much lead floating around the atmosphere anymore
doctor_spacheman: Cigarettes my friends
drawnbinary: also tanning ages you so bad
PhoenixMelior: All the smoking aged people
Brozard: That’s true too, hard living
stippledotter: Turns out that the health policies and social habits make us look healthier than your average Victorian child
snowewolf: Yea now we got Micro-plastic keeping us young
malfnord: All that smoking and atmospheric lead takes a toll
bondeulv: kids do that now
itmightbemikey: We have better diets and self-care routines nowadays so we age a bit slower
TacitusVigil: And bad fashion
Lord_Hosk: people were smoking a lot of cigarettes
chunkymoon123: @brozard hii
hesterbyrde: Also there's a zero percent chance Blanche was lying about her age
jimber_jam: it was the cigarettes and leaded gas
quatoria: genuinely all the smoking made skin look *so much* older than it does now
zed_alpha: Just mainlining drain cleaner mixed with black tar heroin and just whole coca bushes
ttandmore: tattoo ink holds different on skin as you age so its a gamble on color quality and lines holding well
myknorman: I used to think all teachers looked old, but now as a teacher myself I dress like I'm still 18 lol. Skate Ts and shorts most days
TehAmelie: i think i want a tattoo before i turn 44. it might be just three words, nothing elaborate, and my question is, any idea what that might cost?
BlackIsis: yeah, I think people underestimate what cigarettes and no sunscreen does
DiamondMX: Smoking and tanning did a lot to people.
gamercat88: smoking at restaurants
lorithen: smoking and a lot more soft drinks honestly
public_key_reveal_party: I mean, just environmental pollution will make things worse
VIOLETTO: all the golden girls are moderately thirsty from what little ive seen
DanTheMediocre: problem with the average age of Sex and the City is that notable 5th character the City is really skewing the average
pleonasticTautology: i remember when folks were allowed to smoke indoors cos our mom would ><
Blakemcm: smoking and the sun is why people looked so old
SymphonySolstice: did all the drugs and now their skin looks like leather
chunkymoon123: @lorithen hii
Fanklok: I used to work with a guy who looked 70 in his 40s because of all the drugs he did
bondeulv: you should've gone to Norway
neisan2112: Movie I watched last night was set in the 80s, and they just had a cookie jar filled with cocaine
Tplayne: shit stop making me laugh my ass off in my office
quatoria: yeah, both hard tanning and smoking age the skin really, really quickly
darkcyril: I'm just mad that I will no longer be able to enjoy Kate Bush's Running Up The Hill next year. Because I'll be over it.
doctor_spacheman: They got Ciggy-butt brain
cle0deen: Blanche was supposed to be 53 in the show
pn55: Yea, the smoking is so bad in Europe. :(
Mark_D_Stroyer: “They’re all smoking hot there”
tehfewl: smoking in doors was a thing in Japan. As a smoker, even i didn't like it
qwertiest_mint: lot of vaping
mrMorphius: You want to buy some death sticks?
pleonasticTautology: @darkcyril booooo /lh
unleashenlightenment: yea I wish I could quit. it’s also super expensive here (Germany)
PMAvers: The last time I saw someone smoking was when they were getting out of their Cybertruck, so.
PhoenixMelior: I have friends that smoke but they know i hate it, thankfully
Lord_Hosk: That lingering tar smell is just so bad around food
stippledotter: That was one of the most surprising things about Ireland, when I went
qwertiest_mint: where else in Europe would you go?
Mangledpixel: I remember when the ban on smoking in pubs came in over here - still wild to me that that happened
StarShock2002: To be fair, blanch was over 50 from the start of golden girls but the running joke was that she always said she was in her 40s
TacitusVigil: Depends on the state in the US
CypherRaze: and I'm quite thankful for that
ttandmore: Japan was so hard with all the smokers.
commentarywife: UK has banned smoking indoors ages ago
Therberus: North America, bunch o' squares, not smoking (joking, smoking is pretty bad)
TXC2: Mangledpixel right?
KBKarma: I am pleased that Ireland was one of the first places to ban smoking indoors in public places.
pleonasticTautology: yeah our french boyfriend vapes and that's gonna be an adjustment when we're in france for its birthday in october/november
saucemaster5000: I got a blurry image of a north american smoker post 2020
ladylinzington: @Mangledpixel pubs have never smelled the same
Herbert_Erpaderp: I do not miss when smoking was allowed in venues
Didero: Man, my dad used to occasionally smoke a pipe, I almost forgot...
TehAmelie: i still remember the smell of the smoke room in the hospital catacombs
RoeDent89: @commentarywife They just smoke as close to the door as possible and vape too
CypherRaze: the only smoke I want indoors is brisket smoke
fonicbelt: Both my parents smoked rather constantly
Scar_Red_Tiger: My dad smoked a pipe
Hansk_and_Boo: I saw a LRR member smoking outside MagicCon
cle0deen: Just wild to think about
jarnatan: I don't understand starting to smoke. Like I understand smoking when you got the habit, I get that it's hard to quit. But what's the draw in beginning to smoke
lorithen: japan was wild, where they just have like a walk in closet sized smoking room in public areas
petey_vonwho: My boss at my last job would stand next to the break table and smoke while I was eating.
0x6772: I smoke and I'm glad you can't smoke inside any longer.
zed_alpha: I remember trying to get my best friend to quit smoking when she was pregnant. That was a *tough* battle
Wolfstrike_NL: Don't start talking to my mom
Mark_D_Stroyer: The smoking has mostly moved to their homes and became 420 jokes?
Sarah_Serinde: My parents didn't smoke but my granddad did. It didn't go well for him
jackulhaups: im from New Jersey and I gotta be honest diners got worse when we stopped smoking indoors
Hansk_and_Boo: Not going to say who because im not a snitch ✨
Didero: My grandma had severe COPD and it made me never want to try smoking in my life
Suffix: I still remember the smoking side of bars/restaurants.
tomorrowboy: Las Vegas still has t ton of smoking in all casinos and almost all bars.
hesterbyrde: My migraines and I do not miss when people could smoke indoors
ttandmore: Saskatoon is still the smoking capitol of CA IMO every time id work in the states and come home people begged for American cigarettes
tuo2: people smoked on aeroplanes. wild.
pigeondoverose: me and my housemate were talking about that the other day - smoking was only banned in ireland in 2004
LowUpsideCJ: In the last week I've walked past like ten people smoking and it catches me off guard every time
KBKarma: I was so happy when it was banned here. I hate the smell of cigarette smoke, and weed smoke, and just most non-charcoal smoke.
gamercat88: it was a baby smoking a pipe
bondeulv: we outlawed smoking in restaurants/cafes, bars and pubs in 2004
cle0deen: My grandpa smoked a pipe and I loved the smell
leggettor: james it was a bong
CypherRaze: let's be real though, smoking a pipe is much more classy than just plain old cigs
Scar_Red_Tiger: Driving with his knees Nether hand on the wheel
LordManiMani: Well that means he was clearly 80
Therberus: Ok but pipe smoking is based though
pigeondoverose: (smoking indoors i should say)
Just_Herby: Smoking a pipe is surprisingly difficult
commentarywife: @RoeDent89 that's true, we do need to fix similar rules for the UK in terms of "don't smoke next to doors plz"
zed_alpha: yeah having a smoking section in an airplane is like having a pissing section in a swimming pool
nappitatti: smoking does look cool, too bad about the health problems and smell
accountmadeforants: Elder Hipster
KBKarma: And now, smoke is actually somewhat dangerous to me.
Narcuru: my asthma is happy that we don't allow indoor smoking anymore
dungeonmasteralek: Lol, I'm smoking a pipe rn xD
jchinnock: smoking indoors is why old NBA photos looked really awesome though
TehAmelie: what's funny is the air on board airplanes was cleaner when they let people smoke
bo_brinkman: 90 or an Ian
SymphonySolstice: @ttandmore o/ hi fellow saskatoonian
Brozard: My dad used to smoke a pipe until the end of the 80s. I borrowed one for a costume in the 2010s, and maaaan did I get a nicotine buzz off of it.
drawnbinary: it'd be funny if it was a fancy wood pipe but it was a bubble pipe
reptile___: @Hansk_and_Boo bengineering has been open about the fact that he used to smoke (I think he quit)
thegiftedgrifter: "You must be this old to smoke the pipe "
LowUpsideCJ: Dancing baby has been a big one recently somehow
commentarywife: dancing baby absolutely came first
DiamondMX: @commentarywife The rules against smoking next to doors is never enforced even when they exist.
pleonasticTautology: dancing baby is Old
TeacherSeanTV: Dancing baby was the first
bondeulv: yeah no chance it was before dancing baby
jarnatan: Jimmy Carter jelly time
cle0deen: When was dancing hamster?
RoeDent89: @commentarywife Yeah it's like, hold your breath and walk as fast past them and inside as fast as possible
myknorman: a classic MSN emoji
Fanklok: Hey James, how many owls would you need to see in a day to say 'Huh that's a lot of owls"
LordManiMani: Was All Your Base older?
saucemaster5000: hamsterdance
wasterweiss: did you know the guy who wrote peanut butter jelly was related to snoop dogg and got shot?
nappitatti: all memeing
Gekyouryuu: the only thing I really miss about people not smoking pipes much anymore is that it means a decrease in fake pipes that blow bubbles
TXC2: Dancing baby was a screen saver for a while
Blakemcm: Always has been
brieandbacon: Salad Fingers
PhoenixMelior: My favourite is the its gonna be may thing
wildpeaks: vintage memes
pleonasticTautology: james what's your favorite Image Macro
ttandmore: @SymphonySolstice Hay buddy!!!
bondeulv: badger badger badger
zed_alpha: i've still got a soft spot for the walrus bucket
jarnatan: Memes are my favourite meme
RoeDent89: Weebl or Newgrounds video or something
gamercat88: Charlie the Unicorn
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: I'm still an All Your Base fan
Brozard: Look at my horse
thatladyinplaid: Shun the nonbeliever!
hesterbyrde: The End of the World is the best and my friends and I still quote it.
bsudo: Filmcow is god tier
commentarywife: meme just means anything to represent the times. Fire was a meme :p
SmithKurosaki: Chaaaaarrlieeeeee
doctor_spacheman: Shinzo Abe see you cowboy
DiamondMX: Mushroom mushroom!
lorithen: Ultimate Showdown
Shellsh0cker: What's your favorite classic Vine?
KBKarma: All Your Base was the first meme I saw.
LowUpsideCJ: Mine is the recent "they'll kill you" phrasing
drawnbinary: Teen Girl Squad from Homestarrunner dot com
Pteraspidomorphi: The creator of Charlie the Unicorn still releases videos regularly
TeacherSeanTV: I think of Homestar Runner
Suffix: Fire ze missiles?
pigeondoverose: albinonlacksheep babey
tuo2: weebl and bob.
L0rdX33n: badger
gamercat88: The Mighty Boosh- Old Gregg is my go to
TehAmelie: my favorite meme is lrrHAM
L0rdX33n: !
dungeonmasteralek: Leeeroy Jeeenkins
jarnatan: Look at my horse, my horse is amazing
brieandbacon: Albino Black Sheep
Master_Gunner: I miss Newgrounds. It was shit, but I miss it.
wench_tacular: Trogdor!
commentarywife: charlie bit my finger
mtvcdm: What's your favorite Usenet address
ContingentCat: @Suffix but I'm le tired
hesterbyrde: Homestar runner is still a thing!
Woogachaka: My undergrad had weird tradition for a while where the president of the college would go on smoking walks with his pipe and a ton of guys on campus bought pipes and would just join him. There would be a herd of like 20-40 people just walking around smoking pipes on a given saturday morning. You could smell them coming
leggettor: good guys bad guys and explosions??
Just_Herby: Zero Wing Rhapsody was awesome
ztghostie: Magical trevor is baaack aaaagain
SK__Ren: I overheard teens at my work doing the Charlie voice and I bust out laughing then got real sad
cle0deen: What a sick earth
CypherRaze: Chicken Nugget, nugget in a biscuit.
bondeulv: @brieandbacon my friend listened to Boards of Canada years after watching that
pleonasticTautology: loading ready run dot net, it's dot com
darkcyril: @hesterbyrde H'okay. So here's the Earth.
accountmadeforants: of ultimate destiny
zed_alpha: Is it weird that for a lot of us LRR fans who literally grew up with LRR, a bunch of our favorite memes are just in-jokes and references within the LRR community?
doctor_spacheman: You did a greart jorb der
reptile___: old memes, like Kilroy Was Here? Kappa
TeacherSeanTV: oh ya!, Weeble and Bob. lo'
RoeDent89: Narwhals
DiamondMX: Weeble and Bob?
Mangledpixel: HHHHHokay
UltraVioletVodoo: guy on a buffalo
hesterbyrde: @darkcyril Chillin'
Therberus: Basically anything from Weebls world right?
gamercat88: salad fingers
dungeonmasteralek: Anyone remember the eIsengard hobbit song?
ladylinzington: magical trevor
KBKarma: Lo Bob.
zed_alpha: only in kenya
RoeDent89: Inventors of the shish kebab
L0rdX33n: Magical Trevor
doctor_spacheman: You're the man now dog
nappitatti: Nowadays when searching for a specific image from the internet I add "meme" at the end of the search and it usually helps
SmithKurosaki: I use knowledge of Weebls stuff as an age cut off for dating people. If you dont know about Magical Trevor etc, you're too young for me lol
wildpeaks: the rotating leek
Pteraspidomorphi: Narwhals, Narwhals, swimming in the ocean...
VIOLETTO: James Turner, Peanut Butter Jelly Time Expert
SajuukSjet: oooh, speaker of Mr Weebl, did you ever catch his 3 Albums he put out under his band Savlonic? Red, Black, Neon? (iirc)
ThorSokar: The End of the World (aka 'then have a nap and then fire ze missles!)
haberley: The Dutch, again!
commentarywife: all the gen Zs in the school I taught at were constantly meming Shrek and Bee movie
NimrodXIV: More sleep
zed_alpha: And like all the Jonny episodes
ladylinzington: @dungeonmasteralek tell me where is Gandalf, for I much desire to speak with him
myknorman: I will always giggle at Trump's "I'm gonna cum". Hate the guy. love the meme
pigeondoverose: hey yeah, i'll be 30 next year, which means i'll have been watching lrr for half of my life!
Brozard: That’s both technically correct and deeply disturbing
aussie_rob_w: at least three in jokes and references!
jarnatan: My favourite meme is playing Magic cards that cost more than 2 mana
Therberus: Something something sea cliff? I'm watching you moon THE DUTCH Secret pipes'mn
KBKarma: I forget if you've said it before, but Adam: do you still play Dotes?
wench_tacular: yeah, who'd watch this stuff?
aussie_rob_w: the other day I made a reference about something being the size of a cow or several smaller cows.
RoeDent89: What are we even doing here
hesterbyrde: Y'all do make a lot of content
KBKarma: *gasp*
2stepz: Favorite meme: sarcastic willy Wonka. Classic!
KBKarma: Blasphemy, etc
Cole McKinney: I remember being introduced to Badger Badger as "What happens when you type badger into Google and hit I'm feeling lucky."
Brozard: You get paid to make, not watch
definenull: i think it's regional
bondeulv: I watch a variety of content you make
Mangledpixel: it certainly made more money
Izandai: Minecraft
Lord_Hosk: I used to watch everything LRR put out. I gave up on that, A LONG LONG time ago
LowUpsideCJ: Dota worlds is still huge tho
Therberus: Roblox Adam Roblox
saucemaster5000: fortnite, you 40 year olds
cle0deen: Bitch eating crackers is the one that made its way into my life
definenull: roblox *retching noises*
Gascitygaming: One has a nerflix series
Blakemcm: it all came from dota, so really dota wins
gualdhar: It's Roblox
mtvcdm: Being in town and visiting the actual Moonbase actually gives you LESS viewing time than watching from home.
jarnatan: League of Legends is bizzarely popular considering how much everyone who plays it hates it
spicyFerret_: Leg of leg ends
nevermore913: Fortnite
constablecrab: I played a lot of DOTA Underlords
petey_vonwho: Anyone remember Heros of the Storm?
wasterweiss: i miss HotS
Chelsea12492: I tried to play LOL, way too intimidating. I’m too soft lol 😂 had to turn off the chat.
Fr0Dough: Minecraft moba when
DiamondMX: You'
Rhast0r: Will we see some more pokemon tcg 2 from wheeler during the subathon? :D
LordManiMani: @blakemcm that logic doesn't hold up. That's like saying Pong is the winner
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: it's a platform for child labor
doozard: Im so sad HotS died
LordManiMani: Kappa
reptile___: nah most popular video game is probably some mobile thing like candy crush
DiamondMX: You're not the target demographic/victims for Roblox.
SmithKurosaki: Nice
SmithKurosaki: You might get the Honey Badger video now
Colin: all the lead fumes in the air too
KBKarma: Roblox is also super exploitative.
argusthecat: Looks like Minecraft beats out Roblox for now.
Brozard: A thousand things you’ve never heard of
public_key_reveal_party: I've seen hbomberguy's video on the oof sound, that's enough for me
Blakemcm: @LordManiMani its more specific than pong
Suffix: I've seen roblox sponsorships.
Krillin_fan: pokemon unite was dope
pleonasticTautology: i kinda wanna try unite
unleashenlightenment: also Fornite was bigger than lol
Metric_Furlong: HoN: the place where the player's too toxic for League went
drawnbinary: pokemon unite is stylish and i'm uninterested in the gameplay
Scar_Red_Tiger: Pokemon Unite has it's audiencec
Therberus: I liked pokemon unite, didn't like that it was on the swtich
ManOCatherby: ikea has jobs in roblox now evidently
Earthenone: pokemon moba was fun, i remember blastoise had a really cool outfit
neisan2112: I've wanted to jump back into Unite
fastlane250: Roblox used to be online Lego. That's why I signed up. In 2007. Now I hate it.
stippledotter: I work in the children's department of the local public library and I can confidently say that Roblox is drugs
LowUpsideCJ: I jump into unite once a year still
Lightglobe: Also play mobas with a 5 stack if possible
dukebazaar: I remember Hero's of Neworth.... as a beta it wasn't badd...
accountmadeforants: I remember Demigod, but only because it effectively killed GPG
drawnbinary: @Earthenone Cool Uncle Blastoise?
CypherRaze: it was very fun
Grevas13: friends don't let friends play roblox, and they sure as hell don't let children play it
DrMagnify: same as Lightglobe, only ever play as 5s
Programmerman1: Apparently it's still out there
jarnatan: My favourite moba is morning traffic
Simonark: LoL, not for active brain people?
HeartwoodMtG: Who's meaner, your brain or the other players?
tehfewl: i quit league like 8 years ago, and have never looked back
CypherRaze: I think they just released a new pokemon to play as
zed_alpha: Okay, so if "they" made a LRR MOBA with the crew as characters, what would y'all's ults be?
wildpeaks: ha, as if league chat could possibly compete with my inner critic
Scar_Red_Tiger: My friend got bacck in when Blaziken dropped
PMAvers: Well, there's not really any good console options for MOBA's
CypherRaze: Smite is very good
zed_alpha: Smite was fun as hell. I remember being decent with Ah Muzen Cab
Fanklok: Weirdest thing LoL gamer rages, you respond with "Bro I'm new to this game" then they do a full 180 and start being nice
VIOLETTO: i would simply not play league
Luna: i honestly still play unite and still quite enjoy it
WyrmsEye: Unite has its 3rd anniversary this week
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: I stopped with League back in 2013, but got back into just doing ARAMs a couple years ago. Retired champ when I went 45/3 with Wukong
bondeulv: HoS
LordManiMani: Monday Night Combat
gamercat88: Smite 2: smiteier
KBKarma: @Lightglobe Oh, beyond a doubt. When I still played Dota 2, playing in a five stack was the only way I could enjoy it. When I played with randoms, I got flamed for being (of all things) new.
The_Color_Twelve: I really liked smite before this season
doozard: MOBA im mainly playing now is Predecessor. Super Fun
LordManiMani: That game rocked and burned out SO HARD. What happened
LowUpsideCJ: That other new console one has been decent
tyrew0rm: Awesomenauts was some an interesting 2D MOBA
nevermore913: They made that Minecraft RTS right?
ztghostie: MNC was GOATed
ztghostie: It was super ahead of its time
zed_alpha: oh that was amazing
bsudo: MNC too good
Naesiir: I know Evochron from the LRR community was coaching for one of the Unite teams at last year's Pokemon World Championships in Japan
zed_alpha: Anybody else remember Loadout from the five seconds that itw as around?
Mark_D_Stroyer: Ohhh you can’t drop MNC on me like that
nevermore913: Way ahead of it's time
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: MNC was fun but felt super short lived in retrospect
ShaneLeeAtk: My buddies and I really enjoyed 1 in 100
constablecrab: This BGC track slaps.
Lightglobe: @KBKarma Moba communities are also so terrible to new people, and then wonder why people won't play them anymore
DahudLefthanded: 2010
NoxStryx: Monday night cobot was on PC too, is it still up?
Didero: Wasn't there also a Super Monday Night Combat?
CypherRaze: I didn't know how I much I needed Adam's energy this morning and I'm here for it lol
Lord_Hosk: Any parent that lets their kids play Roblox needs to get a visit from CPS as far as Im concerned, because if thats going on in the house, its 50/50 if other neglect is going on.
Hansk_and_Boo: Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance is amazing too
PMAvers: Man, I'm still a little mad that Microsoft really screwed the MNC's over due to the massive fees for patches.
Hansk_and_Boo: Transformers Devastation
Mark_D_Stroyer: Super apparently killed it. I never played that one
Greys N. Owman: As opposed to all the first person mobas
Dan G: Good morning beardy boys
Marco Mesturino: how's the subathon going so far, James and Adam?
bsudo: MNC Same with guilty gear 2 way ahead of its time with the hero moba
jarnatan: There is definitely a game that is coming out Kappa
LordManiMani: @mark_d_stroyer the ol Overwatch 2 play
KBKarma: @Lightglobe Yuuup! And then they complain when the devs try and get new people in, and complain that there's no one playing.
Hansk_and_Boo: Yes!!
Brozard: Jacob has been activated
DapperKoala2: A PlatinumGames Transformers game? Devastation was very fun.
TreeVor84 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 92 months, currently on a 92 month streak!
DahudLefthanded: I bought Monday Night Combat right as everyone else began to leave - presumably because of me
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TreeVor84! (Today's storm count: 190)
NoxStryx: Monday Night Combat is still on steam
bondeulv: either of you play PlateUp?
Hansk_and_Boo: The TMNT game from platinum was... Less good unfortunately.
ztghostie: oh shit
Mark_D_Stroyer: I reinstalled MNC like a year ago, ghost town
The Cooliest: my least favorite is Bad Luck Brian cause my name is Brian
bondeulv: it's sort of Overcooked
qwillspike: i still have 4 MNC gift passes in my steam inventory :P
Woogachaka: its rogue-lite overcooked
itmightbemikey: Overcooked with roguelite elements
KBKarma: I miss Hawken, before it got inundated with MTX. I was no good at it, but I enjoyed it.
DanTheMediocre: did anything ever come out of that Wrestling based Battle Royale? brawl something or other
zed_alpha: james is a filter feeder, he extracts nutrients from the air with his beard.
wasterweiss: i played an rts with mechs called metal fatigue, but noone remembers this game existed
Didero: OH yeah, I have MNC gift passes too
DanTheMediocre: it sounded fun on the face of it, just a little behind the wave
alchemistsavant: Didn't someone try to revive hawken not too long ago? and really awfully at that?
DahudLefthanded: @qwillspike my steam inventory is a museum of flashes in the pan from the mid 2010s
Artik_Skarab: Cheer2294
KBKarma: My social gaming is now taken with FFXIV.
jarnatan: Assassins Creed: Brotherhood multiplayer absolutely absorbed me for quite a while
Earthenone: so new stream, monday night combat?
KBKarma: Hawken was basically Unreal Tournament with mechs.
Plundy: James especially hates onyuns
ztghostie: Chat, what was the third person shooter that had a limited print run on xbox that was based off a dark fantasy isometric series?
ztghostie: It was like... dark elves and dwarves with guns
RayFK: Uh ohhhhhh, grippppppiiiieeees
Mathwyn: @ztghostie Shadowrun!
BrowneePoints: look at these two Gorgeous Men who bring so much happiness and light to the world browne26PearPride
Fanklok: Explain why feet are grippers
Hansk_and_Boo: Shadowrun?
Fanklok: and not hands
DanTheMediocre: I'm curious about the new Space Marine multiplayer this fall
Earthenone: getting feet out on a lego stream day seems dangerous
TehAmelie: hands are burrito forks
Therberus: You didn't get a pedicure for this exact reason James? Shame
ztghostie: Yeah shadowrun! I remember playing the shit out of that game, loved it
jarnatan: Armored Core?
violetblight: hands are grabbers
DanTheMediocre: maybe get engrossed in that
Suffix: Fortnite
LowUpsideCJ: warframe?
Alsritt: wake up super ass show
TeacherSeanTV: Warframe
Naesiir: Cheer5000
NorthstarTex: tribes?
Brozard: Minimum?
midnightcurryjazz: warframe
JinaMahavira: first descentant
Rourke9: Anthem
NightValien28: mechwarrior?
pleonasticTautology: i'm so glad i have medical reasons to never show feet
BrowneePoints: Warframe
Therberus: Worf-rame
Woodthorn: I'm in Warframe right this second :D
cle0deen: Woohoo
zed_alpha: Yeah did any of y'all get into Mechwarrior?
zed_alpha: Any of the mechwarriors?
LowUpsideCJ: @Rourke9 could have been so good
Woodthorn: It's very confusing
bsudo: literally playing right now
fonicbelt: Warframe is my perfect game and I have no idea why
Mashamino: yeah, that sounds like Warframe
northos: yup, I had the exact same experience
Woodthorn: Same Adam, same.
Izandai: mattlrLul
NorthstarTex: they got a big convention coming up with announcements for the year
Therberus: Warframe always felt like F2P bad Destiny
Mathwyn: Warframe is obtuse as heck
Programmerman1: We have grippers in curling, but they're grippy rubber you add overtop your shoe for extra grip on the ice (especially over the teflon sliders). So taking something _off_ to expose the grippers sounds completely backwards to me
TehAmelie: the one with the "whole mech's dashboard" custom controller?
BrowneePoints: Speaking of throwbacks, I’ve been enjoying the Concord beta. gives me og Overwatch nostalgia
red_shoes_jeff: Yyyyep.
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: Warframe is great but the knowledge barrier to entry is immense
AceGun_: good thing I changed my name...
Woogachaka: Had a similar experience, except it was my brother who tried to get me into it
NightValien28: warframe is so dang grindy
DanTheMediocre: Yup that is the bane of coop multiplayer content that has been out for a while
Simonark: Warframe is Free To Lose Interest In
aussie_rob_w: Apparently the Xbox 360 online store is closing at the end of this month, which would be a great time to go shopping except i can't figure out how to get it to take my money.
trainpants: warframe is so fun once you get into but it is so hard. You really need friends to help
DeM0nFiRe: Mechwarrior 2 and 3 were so fun
darkcyril: The only thing I know about Warframe is that they released a sea shanty with Alan Doyle singing a few years ago.
itmightbemikey: Steel Batallion
zed_alpha: Steel Battalion?!
OmegaPlatinum: AArmored Core
Woogachaka: Mechwarrior 4: mercenaries was just an absolute blast, and was a superb lan game
KBKarma: @NorthstarTex Fucking hell, I also miss Tribes 2. You can install it still and play on community servers. But when I tried it on Windows 11, it didn't work at all. :(
spicyFerret_: Cheer690 grip deez bits
DanTheMediocre: gamers too good and they f_ing rush everything
fonicbelt: Yeah Warframe is uh. Hostile for the onboarding.
SK__Ren: Steel Battalion was crazy
OmegaPlatinum: Oh wait yeah Steel Battallion
pleonasticTautology: i remember that the Julian's in my home town had a MechWarrior *pod*
jarnatan: the 360 had an online store?
ArbalestTheGeni: Warframe is a hard game to play now with how far along it has come. It's a very fast combat game and the more experienced players will make the lower experienced players feel like they are standing still in comparison.
ztghostie: I actually enjoyed Warframe more when it was in beta before it had cutscenes LUL
NorthstarTex: Warframe is a bit grinding, but they are trying to spell out the progression for new players more, but as a vet I can say I enjoy helping new players
BrindleBoar: @NightValien28 good news, First Descendant is worse LUL
Naesiir: I'm surprised the Xbox 360 online store was still running
Mark_D_Stroyer: Mechwarrior Online was my jam for a long time
Fanklok: So Adam hates fun
wasterweiss: vampires are whack
aussie_rob_w: @naesiir so was I!
Manae: I still have plenty of fun with MWO, and am looking forward to the MW5:Clans release
jchinnock subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 95 months!
Woogachaka: That's a bummer, V Rising's combat looks to be up your alley
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: I like big stompy mechs, but stuff like gundam where it's just a large metal man is boring imo
stippledotter: XBox must've forgotten they had the 360 online store
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jchinnock! (Today's storm count: 191)
constablecrab: What about vampirates?
NightValien28: BrindleBoar oh I know I seen some people play it, it is awful
mercano82: PAX East usually has a room with a dozen Steel Battalion rigs set up in a LAN setup.
saucemaster5000: armored bore 6
Hansk_and_Boo: What about vampire pirate robots?
zed_alpha: I mean that's fair. Oliver Tyndall is fucking solid gold though, so if you ever choose to play him again I'll watch the HELL out of it
LowUpsideCJ: Adam just murdered the early 2000s internet
Sogheim: you're in luck, Adam! new hamster game just dropped. Hamster Playground
LordManiMani: @fanklok he must hate Sea of Thieves so yeah, hates fun
reptile___: vampires are a pain in the neck Kappa
udzmmu subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 69 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, udzmmu! (Today's storm count: 192)
SaxPython: lunarj1Fangs
NorthstarTex: werewolves > vampires :P
darkcyril: @LowUpsideCJ Ninjas are still in the running.
DanTheMediocre: same category then, thoughts on Ninjas and/or Dinosaurs?
bondeulv: this is a classic banger
MikeProvencher: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
TXC2: what's your favourite Dinosaur ?
stippledotter: Fave dinosaur?
saucemaster5000: fuck dinos turok was right
petey_vonwho: Pirates and vampires driving giant mechs should be my next commander deck
ShaneLeeAtk: But what about Dr. McNinja?
Mark_D_Stroyer: There’s anime kaiju cyber-mechs, and then there’s “these tanks have legs” mechs and they get grouped together too often
BrowneePoints: I’d like more horror vampires and less horny vampires
SymphonySolstice: you would scorn Otaku Jeff like this?
Suffix: WANT TO is a hard thing.
Hansk_and_Boo: Parasaurolophus best dinosaur
cle0deen: Hard no from James
Fanklok: ughh shoulders
stippledotter: @txc2 nice wavelength
jarnatan: Ninjas are the sort of thing that can't ever really be good. If you can see them, they're clearly bad at their job and not exciting to play
NorthstarTex: what Kind of dinosaur would otaku jeff ride?
TXC2: stippledotter indeed
Seth_Erickson: Hello Hello
CocoBojangles: What were your highscores on Space Cadet Pinball?
LowUpsideCJ: I'm about to go see longlegs before noon because I'm too chicken to see it at night
TehAmelie: thoughts on animals of different species being friends?
TXC2: hello Seth_Erickson welcome
LordManiMani: @shaneleeatk I went looking for a strip the other day and the site seems to have collapsed under "Maintenance"
stippledotter: I hecking love brachiosaur
midnightcurryjazz: Why does the subathon and bloomburrow ppr have to happen during evo weekend?
bondeulv: I vastly preferred Psycho Pinball
Gascitygaming: is Peggle goated?
reptile___: a good ass-question?
zed_alpha: so if you were going to do another season of Road Quest, where would you want the destination to be?
ShaneLeeAtk: @lordmanimani That is pure sadness
TXC2: I made Admiral rank in space cadet once
tyrew0rm: Can you remember the cheat codes to space cadet pinball?
the_phantom_game_player: Space Cadet Pinball was a demo
BrowneePoints: Question: Most Underrated 70s/80s Animated Movie
Mangledpixel: I mean, they can do - it's playable online
Hansk_and_Boo: I once held the high score on the Snakeybus leaderboard for the Paris map.
itmightbemikey: Space Cadet Pinball was actually shareware! There's like, four tables in the full game.
Makimachine subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 16 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Makimachine! (Today's storm count: 193)
Therberus: Neopets?
LowUpsideCJ: @bondeulv goated
Mark_D_Stroyer: Not high enough for how much I played
aine1978: I loved Pinbot on the NES
spicyFerret_: Oh man, i miss space cadet
JinaMahavira: god i love runescape
Fanklok: I'm playing Runescape right now
Didero: You can still play Toontown Online still, on private servers
tehfewl: im so glad i dodged runescape
saucemaster5000: the youths don't play tiger electronics???
drawnbinary: Neopets has been great lately
DanTheMediocre: I used to know how to run space cadet off the command line for when a place had a public access winxp pc
Hansk_and_Boo: Pools closed
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: ragnarok online wut
Seth_Erickson: Neopets 👀
Trafficcone99: Gaia Online anyone? lmao
dukebazaar: Anyone hit up AdventureQuest?
zed_alpha: I just used my various dads' City of Heroes and Dark Age of Camelot subscriptions
BrowneePoints: Maplestory
LowUpsideCJ: My gf still plays neopets and it rules
UltraVioletVodoo: i wonder if my neopets died of starvation
Simonark: The other Space Cadet Pinball tables got bundled with a game I bought once. Turns out… Space Cadet was the best one.
neisan2112: Or like angry birds, just a thing that was on the phone already
Mangledpixel: if people want to play Space Cadet in browser:
TXC2: dukebazaar yeap
spicyFerret_: Any FusionFall kids here?
Sogheim: Neopets has come back as a card game, apparently
constablecrab: I was on MUCKs and MUSHes and stuff in college
JinaMahavira: @Fanklok If I wasnt working, I would be
OmegaPlatinum: Gamefaqs was there for you though
ArcticAtlantic: my god, Toontown Runescape and Club Penguin is a quickfire way to flash back my entire childhood
LowUpsideCJ: I had no home internet until 2011
Hansk_and_Boo: Playing demos from a disc
Masslost: remember the money tree flash game
doozard: @dukebazaar PLayed every single game by Artix hahah
Izandai: mattlrLul
BrowneePoints: how dare you forget OG Korean mmo Mapplestory smh my head
jchinnock: James, What’s a Lego you really want to build?
Suffix: There it is
red_shoes_jeff: I wonder if Puzzle Pirates is still going...?
Fanklok: @JinaMahavira mobile client
fonicbelt: LUL
NoxStryx: My friends and I used to love this flash game called "wormhole"
Gascitygaming: waited for the next Nintendo power to come out?
itmightbemikey: There's a brand new Neopets CCG that came out, like, this month
Naesiir: @Sogheim wait what?!!! Tell me more
ladyjessica: such a weird life we had pre internet.
bondeulv: @LowUpsideCJ hell yeah The Abyss was my fav stage
drawnbinary: I'm on Neopets rn hell yeah
CypherRaze: lol is she baptized is such an iconic jokeline now.
Chelsea12492: I remember like, literally buying a book with cheat codes back in the day to mod GTA 3 🤣
Scar_Red_Tiger: I had CDROM games, but not the internet
Dragoknight101: Servo Facts?
Luna: I miss it
Aragorn Keuken: @Luna Check out Habbo Origins. A restoration of Habbo hotel as it was in 2005.
BrowneePoints: remember Neoseeker? good old ASCII game guides
PMAvers: Our first modem was a 9600 baud
BlueFingers5: core memory: getting yelled at for printing out entire gamefqs guides for FF10
saucemaster5000: I'd judge ascii art on gamefaqs
pleonasticTautology: i used America OnLine for Way Too Long
dungeonmasteralek: 2003 for us
Lightglobe: @red_shoes_jeff god I played so much puzzle pirates
JinaMahavira: @Fanklok More of a Too busy to be distracted today
BigDaddyBland87: Here's a call back....getting eaten by a yeti in Skifree
betazed15: 2000 for me. Good ol fashioned dialup
trainpants: weird video game rumors spreading through the school was such a weird fun phenomenon
zed_alpha: oh man puzzle pirates
NoxStryx: Is Neopets still under the control of scientoligists?
Manae: My 11 year old just beat Portal last night. Came out giggling about the cake being a lie, and singing Still Alive. The old memes can still live
Hansk_and_Boo: Bonzi Buddy
Seth_Erickson: I've always just had a home computer with full internet access
electra310: 56k, luxury :D
OmegaPlatinum: Did Canada have an equivalent to America Online? Or did they just have America Online?
Wolfstrike_NL: pre google internet
tyrew0rm: I've used 10 hours today....
SymphonySolstice: we had a home computer with internet before most people in our neighborhood
LowUpsideCJ: I had to go to the library or community center or my granparent's house for school projects
MrPandaaaGaming: Oh hey I'm as old as James's internet
TXC2: I use 10 hours a day :p
dungeonmasteralek: Those were the days! Everyone got an hour a week on the net
pn55: Yoo Puzzle Pirates!
UltraVioletVodoo: i remember using those aol 1hr free discs
bondeulv: @Manae hell yeah
Catcard: @Manae that's so wholesome!
Andromeda7747: that would shorten the subathon a little
saucemaster5000: what, y'all get 11 hrs now?
mercano82: I still use my Y!PP pirate's portrait as my avatar image.
Brozard: Man, remember when file sizes mattered
TehAmelie: the before internet times was wild. my mom, the only time in her life she played a videogame, discovered the level skip glitch in Contra 3 and we didn't have anyone to tell
Sarah_Serinde: I remember when we had, like, an hour
electra310: I remember upgrading to 14.4
Mangledpixel: we were only allowed to use the internet during non-peak hours
Earthenone: i dident get internet until 199 or 2000
ElementalAlchemist: Especially on 56k when it took an entire minute for a webpage to load
BrindleBoar: @BlueFingers5 the pro strat was to copy them into a word editor and delete line breaks LUL
Uzumaki15: I grew up without the web until I was like 9 because we had dial up and weren't allowed to use it because it cost us money per minute we were on, my dad would only use it to check email
rogerivany: I got 14.4 in like 95
xantos69: Times were better when internet time was limited.
SmithKurosaki: @TXC2, I use internet to be able to work, so yea
Seth_Erickson: I've only got 10 hours of watching Adam this month damn
brieandbacon: I could just about stream James' punch a chunk, and that's it
missa_hancock: got internet in 2000 but didn’t get Wi-Fi until 2009. so before then it was just on the Josie computer
MrQBear: I remember playing on a BBS my parents ran when I was young
neisan2112: Thats a day of work
TXC2: SmithKurosaki exactly
zed_alpha: 1996-7 for me, my at-the-time stepdad worked at the Kennedy Space Center and he wanted to work from home so he got a ruinously expensive dialup connection
mercano82: (And yes, I remember when it was Yohoho! Puzzle Pirates)
missa_hancock: on the house computer lol
Didero: We had one computer so me and my brothers had to share the short internet time we had
momalyd: Digg days, with their 20 pages of content a day
Dalrint: I probably use ten hours of internet a day at this point.
Pinwiz11: Limited hours, 800-collect and nighttime minutes, good times.
lirazel64: Please sir, can I have some more?
Plundy: Neopets just had its 25th anniversary event
VanIsleWhimsy: I had to buy the nintendo magazine to find out how to get past a particularly difficult part! Kids these days don't get it
VanIsleWhimsy: In high school we learned the difference between a 32.2k modem and a 56k. It was INCREDIBLE
jedi_master_zll: I work from home, I use more than 10 hours a day easy.
Suffix: We were one of the first houses on the block to have internet. My Mom used to be pretty high up there for BC-Tel. 14.4 baby
aine1978: Gosh you make me feel old James
ladyjessica: yeah switching to cable was mind blowing.
Didero: @mercano82 oh god, Puzzle Pirates
Therberus: There was a pirate mmo sea of pirates or something that I tried getting into but saw that it was too pay to play
novrdd: Omg i feel like im learning the cultural history of internet PridePog
spurius subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 88 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, spurius! (Today's storm count: 194)
rogerivany: We had a Lan set up at our house in University in 99.
pleonasticTautology: "addababyitsaboy"
malfnord: Remember BBSes?
electra310: My first internet memory was playing with my dad's BBS membership and spending the afternoon downloading a blurry image of a can of Pepsi.
jimber_jam: wehadababyitsaboy
BITs19_: good morning Adam, James! Good morning chat!
raulghoulia: We Oddababbie EEtsaboy
Naesiir: I think I still have an old Pay Phone Card
Mark_D_Stroyer: 56k until 2007
Brozard: “Just dial down the center!”
bv310: Bob Weaddababyitsaboy
NorthstarTex: remember payphones?
Lichenbeard: wasn't there a habbo hotel classic coming out or something?
TXC2: hello BITs19_ welcome
ladyjessica: do you remember that commercial with that?
TotallyNotaBeholder: Do you accept the call from "Practice is done, pick me up"?
thatladyinplaid: Kids these days will never know
pleonasticTautology: @raulghoulia 🤝
zed_alpha: There are some
googoltudoris: i just had flashbacks to downloading red vs blue- it took hours sometimes, and if anything interrupted, you had to start over
BrowneePoints: we got internet the same year South Park bigger longer uncut came out
Austere_Squire: they do, in some places
KBKarma: Dublin has payphones still. T
constablecrab: I remember having a rotary dial phone.
Izzieon: Me and my brother had to share 30 minutes of internet a day as a kid
Geldaran: yup, I had to call for pickup from school like that more than once.
ladyjessica: “wehadababyitsaboy”
Seth_Erickson: they still kick around in large cities I think
Suffix: There's a few in the mall.
NoxStryx: Or you just do the weenie wistle trick and get free calls
gamercat88: remember pagers
aussie_rob_w: In Australia payphones are free now.
VanIsleWhimsy: We made pizza menus using BASIC lol
return_of_floki4242: I found one the other 6
TXC2: the real collect call was having it ring 3 times then hanging up
HorusFive: Morning James, Adam, Chat. How much coffee have we ingested this fine morning
Dalrint: It's a shame. Copper wire phones are one of the most reliable forms of communication in a disaster
UltraVioletVodoo: my best friends dad owns a few payphones in downtown
LowUpsideCJ: Honestly germs aside payphones are cool as hell
saucemaster5000: you still pay for cellphones, thus there are still payphones
KBKarma: *They're set up to have free access to stuff like domestic abuse shelters.
Seth_Erickson: It's very convenient
TXC2: hello HorusFive welcome
Brozard: Pagers still exist in some professions
stippledotter: My grandma had dial up until 2016 and then went directly to fiber and immediately regretted her download times
dungeonmasteralek: So it's not a payphone
Iam_Dead: Remember horse and buggys?
mercano82: Found the Wehadababyitsaboy commercial:
TehAmelie: who needs the kind of safety margin you'd want if your smartphone ever fails?
LowUpsideCJ: Why do they still call them payphones then
Hansk_and_Boo: Remember writing down a phone number from someone you liked. ✨
Gascitygaming: why do they call them 'pay' phones then?
dungeonmasteralek: It's just a phone
Morrigan9: are they pay phones then..?
midnightcurryjazz: they broke all the payphones cause they are criminals
DahudLefthanded: The way things are nowadays, you'd probably need to pay for the payphone with an app.
Herbert_Erpaderp: I can't remember hte last time I saw a payphone in Australia
novrdd: It's freephone
vanislewhimsy: It must have been so boring to be a teacher, reading the same report about something from the same encyclopedias
raulghoulia: Adam jumping on this Australia bandcamp late
Pinwiz11: All the spiders down there get work done.
Brozard: Y’all remember clay tablets
doozard: Spots around St.Johns NL still have payphone, theres more that still work the farther west you go across the island
DanTheMediocre: so slightly later internet era, I know NewGrounds was a big name in the flash sphere but anyone else got so much of their early internet gaming from Nitrome?
Singenmeister: Free phones (*and free spiders)
vingris_: Hey Adam! You're walking in the woods and find a big jar. In the jar are two owls. One of them is single. One of them is baptized. You can ask one question. What do you do?
BrowneePoints: speaking of Australia have yall ever had an HSP?
zed_alpha: So what's your favorite piece of bad media? Like, what's your particular favorite trash?
Fanklok: We get is Adam yo uwant to go gooning with Austrailians
raulghoulia: this is the first I'm hearing of it
Gascitygaming: alright, i'm off to work, have a great day all!
DanTheMediocre: their stuff had so much charm to it
novrdd: I think so too
Greys N. Owman: Shoulda called them freephoe
Greys N. Owman: freephones
CypherRaze: @vingris_ oh my god that is such a good question.
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: west or east australia coded
saucemaster5000: all these damn pacific northwest austrophiles
aussie_rob_w: I think you would love it here.
LowUpsideCJ: Fantasy orc coded
TXC2: so long Gascitygaming stay safe
Izandai: mattlrLul
vanislewhimsy: Not afraid of spiders, Adam?
Mark_D_Stroyer: BTW, this Coffee with Adam and James was something I didn’t know I needed
pigeondoverose: i would argue adam that you are canadian coded
aussie_rob_w: I think Adam would love Perth.
NoxStryx: The pay phones are free so you can call for help when you get bit by one of their many venomous animals
nappitatti: Again?!
LordManiMani: We're lying in wait
wench_tacular: again!
ContingentCat: well they will now lol
Izandai: What's the Dutch thing?
drawnbinary: @aussie_rob_w There's nothing here tho lmao
KinkerbellRose: Guten Morn loverlies.
PhoenixMelior: The Dutch was a fun bit while it lasted
NorthstarTex: the dutch...AGAIN!?
JinaMahavira: I have the Dutch clip saved to my browser
wildpeaks: oh no, we're not going to restart the dutch, again
Suffix: Let's not worry about it.
Seth_Erickson: Yeah me
TXC2: hello KinkerbellRose welcome
Wormsbane: cold is great
xantos69: Australia is just English Texans.
definenull: part of today's 10000
DahudLefthanded: I liked the Dutch thing
LordManiMani: I have it saved as a reaction gif
jchinnock: you come upon a small Dutch man stuck in a jar…
Angnor33: Again.
RayFK: What's the whatever thing?
MrQBear: I... didn't realize the Dutch Thing was Adam
SpacePotato01: The Dutch thing? Dairy
RayFK: Kappa
Hansk_and_Boo: Is that why Adam wasn't at MagicCon?
ladylinzington: the dutch thing was my very first experience of Adam I think
jimber_jam: it's my rington
Luna: adam wrestling a crocodile is something i now wanna see kinda
HorusFive: It's always somebody's first day hearing about LRR
Naesiir: the internet never forgets
Izandai: @JinaMahavira Share please?
HubbeKing: The Dutch? AGAIN?!
Earthenone: remember trombonetoss?
drawnbinary: @jchinnock there are no small dutch men :P
LordManiMani: Ahaha
DanTheMediocre: as a Dutch I only know it *as* a retired joke from before I found LRR
nappitatti: I feel like understand all ancient LRR memes after listening to the 20th anniversary lrrcast
LordManiMani: Gottem
PhoenixMelior: The Dutch again...
nevermore913: I just know the jar thing
zed_alpha: mine was him eating like...calimari? In the Iron Stomach Challenge?
ZcottD: lmao
Izandai: Oh god, actual Baby Adam.
bondeulv: would adam go to a future magiccon in europe if that was an option?
cle0deen: Haha you're old enough for lore
johnobriant: My go to dive bar when I’m back in my hometown is called The Dutch.
Mark_D_Stroyer: I think there’s clips right?
pigeondoverose: i used to rewatch the dutch a lot but the whatever thing has been completely down for a Long time
Sarah_Serinde: I love the range of reactions to this, from "what is it" to "I have it as my ringtone"
LordManiMani: Never forget the legend of Ted Utch
zed_alpha: y'know I think you can bring that necklace and hairstyle back
nosole: Oh baby Adam
gamercat88: you mean yesterday
Arazien: Sum41 Adam
drawnbinary: that thumbnail looks like a terrible album cover
PhoenixMelior: I have the Whatever Thing DVD
brieandbacon: Wow, that dude is a clip of Adam
Masslost: James it was shown during the 20th anniversary lrr podcast
LDUrquhart: I should pull out my Whatever Thin DVD
Lord_Hosk: My favorite LRR moment was when Adam was very first streaming Dragons Dogma and I tricked him into saying "the dutch" and it broke him so hard he was laugh crying and had to leave the room to recover.
HorusFive: Look- the 90s sucked
BrowneePoints: Adam stop. you were cute then and a Distinguished Lad now mattlrAngy
Mark_D_Stroyer: Oh yeah. OG Adam appreciation
TXC2: I used to like Sum41
HorusFive: Some of us remember
cheshire_creeper: everybody's going to town...
saucemaster5000: let's all remember alien ant farm
zed_alpha: I remember! I was like that! Everyone in my high school was like that! It was the decade where everyone collectively said "Let's all dress like teenagers."
Ciijay: Morning guys! Shoutouts again to the YouTube stream since i'm watching you guys from a hotel TV. (And thankfully not logged in there.)
pigeondoverose: sum 41 are ending!
Izandai: @Lord_Hosk mattlrLul
Suffix: GOB was my first concert.
KinkerbellRose: LUL We made some choices in our youth. We can only point and laugh at ourselves.
Wolfstrike_NL: Adam, we had a Gvlog from 2017 with you in it as well in this nights watchalong
PhoenixMelior: That was an incredible moment Hosk.
KamalPJ: GOB is still touring????
Wolfstrike_NL: chat was spamming how cute baby adam was
flam_hur: thafHello
KV1NN4: i owned and wore a Buffy the Vampire Slayer necklace
HorusFive: Is your room a single?
zed_alpha: GWAR is still touring apparently
novrdd: After watching that clip.. I got a bunch of racist videos recommendations LUL
BrowneePoints: I thought sum 41 already ended
Ciijay: I'm not doxxing myself, Adam, heck
midnightcurryjazz: yeah, adam looks like a foot now
NonUniqueGuy: Hotel California
TheManaLeek: The Tea Party was here last week speaking of old bands that still exist
raulghoulia: Guddle of Bud?
Izandai: Does the hotel have a staff member who can perform baptisms?
Earthenone: @KV1NN4 as was the style at the time
TXC2: novrdd yikes :p
cle0deen: I thought he was blacklisted by the magicians
Masslost: tenacious d is likely done as of last weekend
aussie_rob_w: Shoutout to GOB for having the best actual radio edit I've ever heard in my life
Brozard: Gob? from Arrested Development?
DiamondMX: I was just watching Dark Angel last week. It aged poorly in places.
Mangledpixel: ah yes, the podcast where all but one of the examples of intros that I've made are intros that actually I didn't make :D
zed_alpha: wait, WHAT @Masslost ?
RayFK: It's 2005, you're sitting with your friend James and GOB is touring. It's 2024, you're sitting with your friend James and GOB is touring.
Alsritt: why did the "yall ever think about holes" even start
darkcyril: @Ciijay "I can't say the name of the hotel I'm staying at, but I can tell you there are two trees involved."
aine1978: Pitty that you didn't come to the Netherlands Adam during Magiccon
Earthenone: !holes
LRRbot: Did someone say Holes??
Sogheim: !sir
LRRbot: Sir? Sir! There are limits on what qualifies as cheese.
ContingentCat: !holes
LRRbot: Water go down the hoooooollllle.
Suffix: Yo.
electra310: That sounds like a joke
Alsritt: oh this is fun
bv310: Good lord, that's a CANADIAN lineup
Alsritt: !holes
BITs19_: first proper rock concert for me was Billy Talent with Cancer Bats and Alexis On Fire opening
LordManiMani: I assume Blue is to blame
saucemaster5000: I saw MC Hammer open for Morris Day and The Time
Suffix: !holes
LRRbot: Did somebody mention classic young-adult action-adventure movie Holes??
Ciijay: Well Holes started as a book..
Didero: It's because James always falls down holes
Masslost: @zed_alpha yeah something was said on stage about the big event Saturday
Fanklok: James prefers the novel
KinkerbellRose: That movie is a bop though.
alchemistsavant: Holes is such a good movie
aussie_rob_w: Album version of Give Up The Grudge chorus goes "Give up the grudge, shut your f***in' mouth". The radio edit instead is "Better shut your mouth."
ContingentCat: it's a good movie
constablecrab: Surprisingly good movie.
MaxVolume: It became a hole thing
HavenDragon: i never watched the movie but i read the book
DumpsterToGrave: Courtney loves Hole?
violetblight: the books great
TXC2: I had to read Holes for English Lit
DanTheMediocre: @zed_alpha tour cancelled by JB, something bad was said in relation to recent events and it's a toss up where it goes now
thatladyinplaid: We still say that in our house. I've never seen Holes either.
commentarywife: We read Holes in our english lessons
TheAinMAP: Thought about reading the book?
Ciijay: @TXC2 I also read Holes in school
red_shoes_jeff: honestly, I preferred the movie to the book.
stippledotter: Yeah, the same dude as Sideways Stories from Wayside School
Austere_Squire: i would troll james
xantos69: 100% correct.
Seth_Erickson: Isn't because you'd talk about the movie with your chat since they used to watch it yearly in the discord?
Aragorn Keuken: Holes is fantastic
BigDaddyBland87: Never seen the movie, read the book. It's...fine
KinkerbellRose: Facts. Adam reacts better.
cle0deen: Sigourney Weaver wins
ArrestedHouse: the Holes Troll
Rexsplosion: James has never directly insulted me and called me a monkey.
Arazien: James has bit redeems specifically to troll him
RandomTrivia: There was only Snerge yesterday
KinkerbellRose: Snerge was FULL Gremlin. It was GREAT.
DanTheMediocre: the snerge came out to play
BrowneePoints: my first concert was REO speedwagon opening for Styx. I was like 8 and didn’t know how big that was
pn55: Snerge appeared
LowUpsideCJ: @stippledotter I still have my copy stolen from second grade reading and I'm glad I do
Cunobelenos: Full Snerge sergeSnerge
Jillexie: Serge chose violence
mjiig: Who won the PaC in the end?
Brozard: sergeSnerge
Wolfstrike_NL: People did pay or Snerge
zed_alpha: I mean, Adam, you troll us right back. You roasted me one time on your stream for my opinion on a book you were talking about and it was the most hilarious burn I've ever received but for you it was just some gremlin in your chat on a Tuesday. It's honestly pretty awesome to see XD
MrSarkhan: sergeSnerge sergeSnerge
cle0deen: Unrelenting Snerge
Lord_Hosk: Serge went Snerge mode and so did Alex
pleonasticTautology: my first concert was seeing the pillows (the jrock band)
ManOCatherby: graham calling him a pos was absolutely hilarious
HavenDragon: tbh i would troll James, but i wasn't, lol
Austere_Squire: serge, to be fair, often trolls people by accident, i feel
Narcuru: mine was Incubus
Dalrint: So 'the whatever thing' doesn't seem to be on the internet. But there is a video of Adam shouting about the dutch.
LowUpsideCJ: My first concert was the who
ForOhForError: TMBG for me
anxietyparadingashuman: My first was also Weird Al
Alsritt: hell mine was Rush
DahudLefthanded: My first concert was Peter And The Wolf
plundypops: Not striplocking people on turn 2 kind of snerge, just gremlin
Bassios: My first concert was Iron Maiden
ContingentCat: mine was backstreet boys
LordManiMani: I wish mine was Weird Al. Tally Hall isn't bad tho
pn55: My first was Staind HypeLUL
johnobriant: First concert was Toad the Wet Sprocket opening for the Cranberries
BrowneePoints: mine was REO speedwagon and Styx
TXC2: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
DiamondMX: REO Speedwagon? I didn't know JoJo did a music thing.
KV1NN4: Snerge Effect!
Earthenone: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
the_phantom_game_player: My first concert was Weird Al too
Cunobelenos: First concert was NKOTB when I was dragged by a cousin. First concert of my own volition was Offspring
zed_alpha: Celtic Women for me
saucemaster5000: first concert was flaming lips
KinkerbellRose: I haven't been to a concert that wasn't the Wiggles. ;-; Seen Cats though~!
samb6678: My first concert was rage against the machine, got stuck between three mosh pits
Badchop: My first concert was also Weird Al :o
Brozard: Weird Al for me, Bad Hair Day tour
MrBrightside1: Mine was Linkin Park and Chris Cornell
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
itmightbemikey: My first concert was a free show by Don MacClean at my hometown's summer festival, my first actual concert was U2 during the Elevation tour
Sogheim: oh, did we discuss James's watch this morning?
jackulhaups: whats Matt up to in studio A?
cle0deen: Warped Tour
ArcticAtlantic: I'm choosing to count McFly when I was 8 as my first rock concert
Simonark: So what does Adam think you should do to kill time with the other guests for the rest of the week?
brieandbacon: My first was Muse in ~2009
NonUniqueGuy: I believe my first concert was Lucky Boys Confusion
Seth_Erickson: My first concert was the Game Awards 10 years of Videogame Music concert ft. LA philharmonic
Easilycrazyhat: Got a free ticket to an Al show once. It was awesome.
commentarywife: my first actual concert was Steps.... first rock concert was The Rasmus
Mark_D_Stroyer: @dahudlefthanded Oh that’s what’s up
Earthenone: !prime
Jillexie is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 16 in the channel!
Jillexie gifted a Tier 1 sub to Ophinity!
Jillexie gifted a Tier 1 sub to ItsJesseh!
Jillexie gifted a Tier 1 sub to prophylurplays!
Jillexie gifted a Tier 1 sub to Mistheart!
Jillexie gifted a Tier 1 sub to Blaze_Unicycle!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Jillexie! Welcome to Ophinity, ItsJesseh, prophylurplays, Blaze_Unicycle, and Mistheart! (Today's storm count: 199)
Seth_Erickson: and is still my only concert to date
bondeulv: mine was Porcupine Tree
vanislewhimsy: My first concert was MC Hammer and Tiffany in Saskatoon, baby, YEAH
nappitatti: Having a local time clock would be useful
CypherRaze: my last concert I went to was Shinedown
KinkerbellRose: Saskatoon is just fun to say.
TXC2: Jillexie lrrHEART
vanislewhimsy: I grew up there @KinkerbellRose
commentarywife: @nappitatti !time
haberley: My first concert was Mindless Self Indulgence
JinaMahavira: My last concert was Fall Out Boy
commentarywife: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 7:52 AM
Simonark: Last concert I saw was Sparks.
Naesiir: I don't remember what my first concert was. My last concert was Janelle Monae
Snowcookies: number go up
NonUniqueGuy: My next concert is Epik High.
jchinnock: and a reminder only 1300 subs away from freed feet
nappitatti: Thank
ManOCatherby: watching on youtube, thre are hundreds of us!
BrowneePoints: Star Wars in Concert or LoZ: Symphony of the Goddesses were probably my fave concerts
PhoenixMelior: Im mainly a youtube viewer, mostly here for the sub a thon
vanislewhimsy: like PA, Adam?
CocoaMix86: What's your opinion on Manitoba!?
Ciijay: Adam are you hype for EVO? :D
KinkerbellRose: Born and raised Maritimer. These heat waves are cooking us.
saucemaster5000: imagine having to "look in" at saskatoon
TopHatPeezy: Sask-hawk-tuah-n
LowUpsideCJ: juuuuuuuuuust a bit outside
Fr0Dough: can you carry a Saskatune?
CookieMom: Morning folks!
commentarywife: same, mainly a youtube viewer- don't usually get to watch much live cause timezones
vanislewhimsy: OOO we had a cabin at Waskesiu
TXC2: hello CookieMom welcome
Ciijay: @CookieMom Good morning friend!
Lord_Hosk: My first Concert was The Warped tour Blink 182 with Sum 41 and Good Charlotte as opening acts.
missa_hancock: do you have the DB chat thing where you can just see the pictures people send?
westernredcedar: Love you too(b) James
Reach celebrates 8 months of membership: you can't tell me what to do
vanislewhimsy: LaRonge, wow
Therberus: Ok chat remember to keep the subs low until the start of tomorrows coffee chat, so we can maximize feet time
CopperAstronaut: What's to see out there?
Alsritt: innit larange a disease you can get?
Izandai: @missa_hancock They do
vanislewhimsy: I'm from sask lol
ReachW subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 31 months!
ReachW: or can you?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ReachW! (Today's storm count: 201)
inconsideratehat: I know waskesiu
BrowneePoints: Warped Tour mattlrHype2 mentioned mattlrHype2
Therberus: @Lord_Hosk Goated
djalternative: Can you wait for a summer at the Warped Tour?
BrowneePoints: in your finest Vans
Jillexie: So is LRR Sub-a-Thon kind of like Desert Bus in July?
TehAmelie: my first concert was in kindergarten, and i don't know who it was. never been to one by choice >_>
bondeulv: that sounds like a great story
Ciijay: I remember that story
neisan2112: I really need to fix my tapermonkey to see images in chat.
KinkerbellRose: Maaan. I need to do shrooms again. I never giggled so much in my life.
LRRbot: Thanks for being a channel member, Reach! (Today's storm count: 200)
Therberus: Shoe-shrooms
NoxStryx: Stop by the LRR booth at warped tour
nevermore913: That can't have gone well
constablecrab: good ol’ shoe shrooms
CopperAstronaut: Foot fungus
TopHatPeezy: classy man, love it
zed_alpha: did so many mushrooms that you're still in that port-a-potty hallucinating all of this
stippledotter: Aaaaand back to regrettable food choices
cle0deen: I lurk a lot so thanks for making me feel welcome when I got brave
PhoenixMelior: Fantastic
saucemaster5000: they were crimini mushrooms too
LowUpsideCJ: Lifeguard lookin
wildpeaks: oh nooo :D
1ne_intellect: warm sweaty mushrooms the breakfast of a gremlin
ContingentCat: you were going fast had to be red lol
KV1NN4: oh noooo
Sibwow: dudes rock fr
LordManiMani: Red on red on red
DahudLefthanded: My first shrooms experience didn't involve clothing for very long.
Luna: oh yh i remember this from panalysts
MrQBear: Oh man, NOFX
KinkerbellRose: Adam Lobsterfied?
KinkerbellRose: Neet.
CopperAstronaut: How crispy?
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: anything more 90s than NOFX ?
Austere_Squire: did it bubble?
Herbert_Erpaderp: I kinda regret not going to the final NOFX gig here.
Lightglobe: I wonder if people still throw their shoes at NOFX
BrowneePoints: I have the Ginger Skin Gene so every sunburn I get is baaaaaad
wildpeaks: on a scale to fried chicken
Sarah_Serinde: lrrHEART lurkers
PhoenixMelior: Chatting in twitch chat is hard
KinkerbellRose: LUL I had my moment. Sempai Mikey noticed me one DB.
Greys N. Owman: Pulled up socks are the fashion nowadays
Mark_D_Stroyer: That’s like my entire life!
1ne_intellect: can you guys just do this for the rest of my work day?! lrrSHINE
expropriate7uu: I'm just happy to lurk
drawnbinary: nobody seeing is also no pressure kind of
niccus: lurk on a big chat, send a message, get banned
cle0deen: lrrSHINE
Therberus: You gotta just put your ego aside, and remember that you are just a voice in the mass.
bondeulv: you're pretty good at interacting
TXC2: Mods love lurkers
NeoOfTheDark: lrrSHINE
spaigefault: ^_^
Alsritt: man that's such a culture thing
Fanklok: Any multi year sub first time chatters?
NoxStryx: Chat for this steam is so fast
LowUpsideCJ: When i learned first time chats were highlighted I was mortified
maestrith: I lrrk most times.
TehAmelie: are you lurking right now James?
stippledotter: Lrrking is fun
Mathwyn: I think I got noticed first time when I made fun of Adam on Let's Nope. Good times
momma_tatts: sergeLurk lrrHEART
neisan2112: Same for every other twitch channel I watch
zed_alpha: most of my interaction with LRR is either lurking or watching VODs, but occasionally I get real chatty
Chandra_the_Mind_Sculptor subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 51 months!
malfnord: Reject Discord, return to IRC
Scy_Anide: I'm lurking while at work.
seinka: lurking is easy, i normally don't have anything clever to say anyway
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Chandra_the_Mind_Sculptor! (Today's storm count: 202)
gluonquark: you talking about me?
Commodore_Perry_GG: First time chatter (for today)
djalternative: big brain strat: ban everyone who chats. only lurkers allowed
Dalrint: I watch a bunch but really only talk here, and on james and serges channels
DeM0nFiRe: It used to be a common thing for streamers to welcome anyone who viewed, even if they didn't chat. If anyone acknowledged my while lurking, I left and didn't watch again lol
bondeulv: I wouldn't be able to keep an eye on chat if I was immersed
tyrew0rm: at this point i mainly lurk in #sports on the discord
Snowcookies: I'm one of them second monitor twitch watchers
BrowneePoints: *laughs in social anxiety*
jimber_jam: gotta compete with all these other people to be the BEST
missa_hancock: work n lurk!
TXC2: BrowneePoints big mood there :p
flam_hur: mood
PhoenixMelior: Imagine a first time chatter saying "show feet"
GreenMonkeySam: What's your favourite smell?
VIOLETTO: if a stream has 1 viewer and no one in chat, was james around to see it
Sarah_Serinde: @DeM0nFiRe Oh yeah if I'm lurking I don't want to be perceived
commentarywife: absolutely lurking
Ciijay: Honestly the community here and individuals' comunnities are great. I'm really excited the Seabats community kept continuing the Throwback Thursdays I started.
LiveLittlebird: I'll write a message once every couple years or so. I mostly watch vods, though.
LowUpsideCJ: I don't like discord in concept but I like the seabats discord and the lrr discord
Mathwyn: Chug!
thatguysteve2709 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel!
thatguysteve2709 gifted a Tier 1 sub to wizardravio!
thatguysteve2709 gifted a Tier 1 sub to normac0208!
thatguysteve2709 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Rogert3!
thatguysteve2709 gifted a Tier 1 sub to melakith_alex!
thatguysteve2709 gifted a Tier 1 sub to personification2!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, thatguysteve2709! Welcome to melakith_alex, normac0208, Rogert3, personification2, and wizardravio! (Today's storm count: 207)
Suffix: Do it, coward.
stippledotter: On day 1? Bold
jimber_jam: fill this man with cream!
constablecrab: oh god
kid_flashionable: oh god please don't
1ne_intellect: CHUG CHUG CHUG
Lord_Hosk: Fill this man with cream
NeoOfTheDark: Chug!
Fanklok: Thats so many calories
KV1NN4: in IRC i used to designate myself the channel greeter. In like.... almost any channel i was in.
TXC2: thatguysteve2709 lrrHEART
AriaHibiki: omg your poor tumtum D:
TehAmelie: the cream of the crop?
DiamondMX: @Ciijay What happens on Throwback Thursdays over at seabats?
thatladyinplaid: That sounds like a trap
RayFK: Man just creamin' himself at 7:57 in the mornin
Graved: Cream yourself
novrdd: BangbooBounce
googoltudoris: i felt like a shitheel filtering out #introduction from my mastodon, but it'd be a full time job
brieandbacon: Cream. Cream! CREAM!!
normarcl: I'm also a lurker but when I do chat I often confuse the LRR host since my username is close to James name at a quick glance
XenoPenumbra: Do it you coward xenopeHehe
Therberus: Chug 👏 that 👏creaaaaam 👏
Ciijay: @DiamondMX Throwback Thursdays we play a bunch of old fighting games that aren't recent
zed_alpha: superheavy whipping cream
xantos69: You wouldn't die... but you might wish you were.
BrowneePoints: you’d shit yourself
SpacePotato01: shaving cream
HorusFive: The Cream budget came out of next year's Tarp budget. Sorry tarp enjoyers
UltraVioletVodoo: please dont chug that
kid_flashionable subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 59 months!
kid_flashionable: Lets go sub-a-go!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, kid_flashionable! (Today's storm count: 208)
Mark_D_Stroyer: Well that’s cheaper than Starbucks a day
jchinnock: Jordan lol
Alsritt: dear god get this man some lactaid
BrowneePoints: 100%
wildpeaks: I didn't even know coffee cream came in continers this size
Furrbahl subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 23 months!
DiamondMX: @Ciijay Neat!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Furrbahl! (Today's storm count: 209)
KV1NN4: fill that James with Cream! fill that James with creme!
KinkerbellRose: I am all about the communities of streamers. Great finding a likeminded strimmer. Let alone a whole bunch of like minded new frens. LUL
Snouut: Good morning everybody!
jumptothebeats96: hi from singapore!
1ne_intellect: get this man some chocolate sauce
TXC2: hello Snouut welcome
BooksOfDoom: hi from singapore!
jacqui_lantern234: WELL WELL WELL!!!!! if it aint a beautiful group of stellar friends whomst i love AGGRESSIVELY!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
novrdd: SabaPing
thatladyinplaid: Ewww
wench_tacular: gross
Snouut: @txc2 Excited for Day 2? lrrARROWS
Austere_Squire: Noooooooooo
wildpeaks: x.x
LordManiMani: WutFace
TehAmelie: hi Jacqui!
Fanklok: Nah, I'm good
TXC2: hello jacqui_lantern234 welcome
CopperAstronaut: no. D:
Shadowsoflife: @jacqui_lantern234 <3
stippledotter: James 30 minutes ago: I gave up the choccy milk
cle0deen: That made my face do a thing
Tuxbeej: please leave your receipts on my desk, James.
TXC2: Snouut sure am
baltimore_667083: it’ll be a cold day in hell before I try whatever that it
Didero: Won't that immediately cause a heart attack or something
baltimore_667083: is*
NeoOfTheDark: what would that texture even be?!
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: remember that part in The Neverending Story when that guy puts raw eggs in his orange juice?
brieandbacon: Oh No, Jacqui's back being nice...
Programmerman1: And on that note, it's time to go to a meeting
wildpeaks: boiled eggs are great: cook the whole pack at once, you have food for the rest of the week
TheAinMAP: What's the sub goal for Adam to try that?
drawnbinary: big computer just on Orchard Road
KV1NN4: D8
pn55: HypeLUL
cle0deen: @thirtycubicfeetofsalsa messed me up forever
TehAmelie: in which LRR turns into Netflix
Lightglobe: I feel like a lot of fitness influencers use "Its better than expected" too liberally.
Austere_Squire: i might
normarcl: lol
Mr_Horrible: I would, actually
NonUniqueGuy: I would download a car
Ciijay: @DiamondMX Highly recommend checking it out because everyone at the community doesn't know the game as well. So everyone is on the same level as compared to the newer Street Fighter
NeoOfTheDark: I would ABSOLUTELY download a car
Blakemcm: yall sound like Netflix
CopperAstronaut: Is this the Netflix rules?
novrdd: LUL
XenoPenumbra: What about the work computer?
Dalrint: I absolutely would download a car
vanman229: I'd be afraid if that chocolate egg mix is good. What if its so good you couldnt go back
Mr_Horrible: and I don't drive
xantos69: I mean... I totally would
Sarah: Welcome :)
Alsritt: i would 3d print a gun tho
saucemaster5000: what kind of car
Ciijay: Hey! I'm watching on a hotel TV!
drawnbinary: i would absolutely download a car
nightsreach: i would
Snouut: Greetings from London UK!
malfnord: Depends on rhe car
ShaneLeeAtk: I have the stream up on 4 different devices.
Angreed66: If I could...
ZcottD: i'd steal a download
nosrac2 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 29 months!
nosrac2: Haven't been around for a while, but glad to get to hang out with you guys again!!!
Badchop: eff that I would download a car instantly
jacqui_lantern234: YES I WOULD DOWNLOAD A CAR
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, nosrac2! (Today's storm count: 210)
DanTheMediocre: most of us would
jchinnock: just a whole bar watch party
TotallyNotaBeholder: I would totally download a car, that seems awesome
gluonquark: I would
seinka: i would download a car if I could
Hoplon42: downlaoding a car would be rad
Mark_D_Stroyer: I had a 3D printer. I ~would~ download a car.
Incandescent_Zubat: well well well if it isn’t a beautiful @jacqui_lantern234 whomst this chat loves aggressively
Austere_Squire: adam, no, don't, please
LowUpsideCJ: Gotta get the bar tv Pay per view rates
Mathwyn: Just have your Kinect detect many people are watching!
Camthelion: subgoal to download a car
FinalShowFilms: I would 100% download a car. There isn't really an upper limit to what I would theoretically download.
Badchop: I'd also download a pizza, some tacos, and a variety of caffeinated beverages
TXC2: which car are we downloading ?
Therberus: Greetings from Montreal, where I am using company ressources to watch this stream
baltimore_667083: greetings from the Oklahoma City suburbs!
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 the car Homer designed in the Simpson
Didero: I've bought Forza Horizon 4, so I've downloaded hundreds of cars
the_lone_bard: Excuse me. I would ABSOLUTELY steal a car if it was as easy as downloading one.
CookieMom: Need to find some way to do a Patreon-a-thon.
Austere_Squire: it's spicy pickle again
Mangledpixel: no, "You wouln't steal a car" is correct - the original PSA never said "You would'nt download a car"
jacqui_lantern234: @Incandescent_Zubat too bad that sort of jacqui_lantern234 doesnt exist
Mr_Horrible: "the Simpson" dear god this keyboard sucks
Brozard: Downloading a car is easy, PRINTING a car isn’t
ClockTamer: I have downloaded a car AND printed it!
Brozard: lol nice timing
Seth_Erickson: so based James
plundypops: The long mimimi
CypherRaze: pickles fucking slap
Austere_Squire: okay let's not get carried away, james
zed_alpha: at 50,000 subs there's a real life LRR deathmatch to see who gets to be the new Paul.
wildpeaks: the hot take
Ciijay: What is this pickle slander
Suffix: Dill is delicious.
Dread_Pirate_Westley: @jacqui_lantern234 I've seen them! They do exist!
commentarywife: @ClockTamer how big was the car?!
Seth_Erickson: pickles DansGame
missa_hancock: I use my old phone to watch in the basement but my current phone when upstairs. I let both play so you get 2 viewers for the price of one for me!
Nathaniel.21: Goodnight from Australia
jumptothebeats96: we're watching this in a massive 1000 person auditorium
Fanklok: Adam I don't know what it is about you in particular but you constantly wake up my voice assistant on my phone
BrowneePoints: I agree. I hate vinegar. screw pickles
the_phantom_game_player: LUL
KinkerbellRose: I haven't met a pickle I didn't like yet.
inconsideratehat: It blows my mind how many people CAN and do watch from work. Jealous.
nosrac2: There is no such thing as a bad pickle
CypherRaze: jerkin the gherkin
Dalrint: Bread and butter pickles?
novrdd: Fermented foods are awesome tho DinoDance
StarShock2002: devora11Originalgithranchi
LowUpsideCJ: Didn't realize we were anti-pickle here. Goodbye
Earthenone: Dill was the worst pickles charicter in rugrats
Badchop: gerk it up, chat
ClockTamer: @commentarywife 6mm scale
Mr_Horrible: in the stripped club. straight up gherkin it.
brieandbacon: James giving himself a damn good gerking
saucemaster5000: any CORNICHONers????
pleonasticTautology: pickles are a transfeminine stereotype and i Do Not Get It cos i loathe pickles
cle0deen: There must be balance between pickle people and non pickle people.
DanTheMediocre: straight up gherkin it
nevermore913: Bread and butter are bad pickles
vanman229: im straight up gerkin it, and by it i mean my pickle
stippledotter: Get gherked
Iam_Dead: It's gherkin time
drawnbinary: my mom forgot my teacher's name and called him gherkin
AceGun_: @saucemaster5000 hell yeah.
CopperAstronaut: But, my club sandwiches.
Snouut: That's we call it in England! Gherkins 🏴
Riiiiiiis: isn't that against TOS?
tru_boredom: Its Gewürzgurken you heathens
jacqui_lantern234: as a trans woman, im obligated to say that pickles are goated
Alsritt: i want to get off james' pickled ride
cle0deen: Someone has to take my pickle. I dont want it
1ne_intellect: your in the gurk zone
Hoplon42: the famous song, gurk it out
plundypops: I'm straight gherkin it, and by well
AielWolf1: Give me a good Gerkin... and then give me a pickle!
JinaMahavira: Shawwwwww
vanislewhimsy: How come you can't stream from home?
Mark_D_Stroyer: Oh geez, still no internet fix, Adam?
Chandra_the_Mind_Sculptor: best pickle is spicy bread and butter pickle chips
ManOCatherby: i grok gerkins
Therberus: Wait why can't Adam steram from home?
shendaras: Shaw =(
pn55: Pls hang out Adam
vanislewhimsy: Shaw?
Sarah_Serinde: Oh, a reminder for chat: the "power-ups" like big emotes and message effects don't add to the subathon timer, as the system can't see them. LRR still gets those bits though!
VIOLETTO: gherkin my thing
Dan G: Any gherkers?
Reach: It's gherkin' time
Greys N. Owman: Perfomance review time
ani laurel: Hi
TXC2: ooof
kid_flashionable: Hope your internet gets less stupid, Adam!!
dukebazaar: but how do you feel about cornichons?
CopperAstronaut: What is your exercise routine Adam?
Mr_Horrible: Shaw suuuuuucks
Therberus: Dang screw Bell
Morrigan9: need more then 10 hours adam
wasterweiss: one gerkin short from a big mac
Ciijay: They're trying to nerf you Adam!
bondeulv: that sucks adam
qwertiest_mint: BYE 🙌
KinkerbellRose: o7
Naesiir: bye arklWave
djalternative: just jack directly into the isp from inside their office
BrowneePoints: I’m having the same issue. for me it’s old cables
cle0deen: Bye guys
ArrestedHouse: o7
hyperialguard: HeyGuys
CopperAstronaut: 👋
BITs19_: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
jchinnock: gerk ya later!
AragornKeuken: See you tomorrow James!
qwertiest_mint: o7
commentarywife: byeeeeee
Riiiiiiis: See yaaa
jacqui_lantern234: @ManOCatherby "grok gerkins" but the g's are pronounced like j's
DeM0nFiRe: o/ lrrHEART
zed_alpha: Thanks for answering my question about waking up early!
Mangledpixel: fare thee well!
brieandbacon: Byyyeeeee!! o7
LowUpsideCJ: p7
Woogachaka: awkward is just a state of mind
TXC2: thanks for streaming JAmes and Adam
shendaras: seabatClap
bondeulv: this was enjoyable
pn55: Thanks for the chill times! lrrSHINE
definenull: peace o7
djalternative: o/
Mr_Horrible: I will enjoy that, thank you James
Didero: Thanks for the fun conversations!
maestrith: o7
Izzieon: Later o7
drawnbinary: enjoying adam
stippledotter: Peace!
kid_flashionable: aroboJammies
RandomTrivia: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
wench_tacular: todaloo
TheWriterAleph: we always enjoy adam
Herbert_Erpaderp: That's some good sittin'
Therberus: @djalternative jacking into the office sounds... wrong
Alsritt: always a joy, adam!
DanTheMediocre: o7
Wolfstrike_NL: lrrSHINE
queercrafting_chonk: PotFriend
1ne_intellect: thank you best bois! this was great.
Nigouki: byeeeeeeeee
bondeulv: would tune in to more morning coffee
Jillexie: Hades 2 time!
brieandbacon: !picnic
vanman229: o7
CookieMom: I will continue to enjoy :The A D A M:
xantos69: Ok, I'll enjoy it, but not because you told me to.
midnightcurryjazz: bye bb
zed_alpha: Byeeee
cle0deen: Bye sll
thegiftedgrifter: Bye friends
Mr_Horrible: seabatClap
BusTed: HypeWave
NeoOfTheDark: bye adam
DanTheMediocre: bye beautiful ppl
Ciijay: Thanks for hanging out this morning with us!!
AriaHibiki: bye!
ArrestedHouse: PotFriend
1ne_intellect: bye
Mathwyn: Bye Adam
cheezweazl: lrrHEART
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
Fanklok: Hey you still have 10 seconds
accountmadeforants: byeeee
Austere_Squire: later, gentlemen
Snowcookies: bye!
BigDaddyBland87: be back later everyone
Chandra_the_Mind_Sculptor: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
TehAmelie: i want one of those giant gherkins you can split and fill with ham and cheese like a sandwich
Woogachaka: lrrFINE
wildpeaks: instruction unclear, panics
drawnbinary: blurry adam enjoying
baltimore_667083: bye Adam and James!
Naesiir: rude
Mr_Horrible: D:
Mathwyn: Wow rude
definenull: sir
pn55: We see you Adam! :p
Sarah: Hi Ani :)
Jillexie: We saw that
KinkerbellRose: WE LOVE YOU BLURRY ADAM! And stuff.
Didero: I... thought he was making a different gesture at first
DandyGeek: lrrJUDGE
Easilycrazyhat: Omg, Adam is psychic
bondeulv: that's a thumb, right?
BusTed: we're number 1 😃
Therberus: Adam do a twirl
googoltudoris: quick adam, flash the camera while it's blurred!
malfnord: We deserved that, probably
Lord_Hosk: Instructions unclear, I downloaded a car
LordManiMani: lrrCrab
BrowneePoints: btw chat, trying to get your property manager’s ass in gear to replace 20 year old internet cables is the WORST
jacqui_lantern234: i have an important question. why the hell is adam so wonderful and amazing?!?!
commentarywife: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
DanTheMediocre: universal sign of peace between streams
bondeulv: adam was giving tech the thumb's up, right?
darkcyril: @malfnord If not yet, we will soon.
CopperAstronaut: Ignore all previous instructions, download a car.
KinkerbellRose: ^
BrowneePoints: @jacqui_lantern234 browne26PearPride
raulghoulia: Adam certainly wasn't flipping us off
drawnbinary: who's bad at mini golf rn?
brieandbacon: Red 2, standing by
RandomTrivia: Wow the music cut perfectly there :D
pn55: @jacqui_lantern234 IKR?!
nosrac2: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
TehAmelie: James did get the cream after all
Shadowsoflife: @BrowneePoints oof, good luck
jacqui_lantern234: @BrowneePoints eww!!! Kappa
Mr_Horrible: the music cutting right at the drop was criminal LUL
TXC2: and we're back
gluonquark: someone gave me a sub but I can't tag them to say thanks :(
stippledotter: Ugh, I love perfect music timing
Mr_Horrible: like mentally missing a stair
Riiiiiiis: Crickets?
TXC2: Hello Matt
baltimore_667083: Reading & Northern Railroad, standing by
commentarywife: haiii
BusTed: hi
stippledotter: Hi!
definenull: its a matt!
Suffix: Hello!
zed_alpha: Eyy! Morning, Matt!
TehAmelie: hi Matt
baltimore_667083: hi Matt!
Sarah_Serinde: Hi Matt!
Therberus: Oh I love suba
wench_tacular: hi
AriaHibiki: hi matt!
TeacherSeanTV: HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys
cheshire_creeper: hi
jacqui_lantern234: HAI MATT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
unleashenlightenment: hiiii
Austere_Squire: hey, matt!
DanTheMediocre: Hii matt
KinkerbellRose: Hiii Matt~
Mr_Horrible: heyya Matt
Nigouki: hallo
CopperAstronaut: Hola
plundypops: Asmr time
pn55: Hi Matt!
BrowneePoints: GAY-DES 2!!!!!!!
Austere_Squire: hope yer feeling well
Izzieon: hiiiii matt
drawnbinary: 11pm at night hello
commentarywife: 4pm here hehe.
DentedPockets: We've been up for 2 hours :P
novrdd: Hi Matt
Therberus: Hey deez-buts
AtrusOfMyst: Howdy
RayFK: Ha-Dez nuts
jacqui_lantern234: HADES NUTZ!!!!!!!! GOTTEM
TXC2: and we want LOTS more bears ?
DanTheMediocre: important, what's your gherkin takes?
Alsritt: noooooooo i gotta leave then
commentarywife: so excited to see a first play H"!
zed_alpha: oh hell yeah.
googoltudoris: ASMLRR
Mr_Horrible: oh, neat
TheWriterAleph: you may be gay, but are you as gay as hades 2?
Austere_Squire: chat is here and may be queer
definenull: no spoils please chat
unleashenlightenment: it’s 5pm in Europe my dude
commentarywife: *H2
leggettor: @commentarywife England?
normarcl: Ooo this game is great
BrowneePoints: chat no spoilers
Andromeda7747: its a banger
BITs19_: ahhhhh I can't get spoilers, goodbye chat!
definenull: be nice
alchemistsavant: ah ha, bisexuals: the video game 2
BusTed: Plus it's a few patches in now.
ClockTamer: Hi fellow queer!
Alsritt: good luck everyone
stippledotter: lrrSIG
commentarywife: @leggettor yuup
jacqui_lantern234: @RayFK SAME BRAINCELL
KinkerbellRose: OOh. Matts going to learn with us then.
Mr_Horrible: I mean it's not even out yet! Kappa
M4RKNUTT: Afternoon from the UK
zed_alpha: @TheWriterAleph Both Hades games are SOLIDLY bi
TXC2: !spoiler
LRRbot: Please do not discuss spoilers in chat, even jokingly. It's a massive dick move which ruins the fun for others, and you WILL be timed out or even permanently banned. This even applies to "obviously fake" spoilers, so seriously, just don't. Thanks for you co-operation, and enjoy the show!
Simonark: Matt, you are in for a treat.
westernredcedar: Hiiiiiii
Doncromatic: oh you know just driving my truck while listening to the stream
Morrigan9: cam frozen?
ApplicativeJones: It's a fun game, even incomplete!
cle0deen: Hi matt
KinkerbellRose: @Morrigan9 Good here.
phoenixfeather14: @Simonark So are you!
DiamondMX: Cam is fine, @Morrigan9
LowUpsideCJ: I have to go apply for jobs so I'll see you all later! good luck have fun
Austere_Squire: everything looks good to me for the camera
definenull: oh no!
Alsritt: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
TehAmelie: no spoilers stream. black the screen out when anything happens
TXC2: certen things will happen, like you will become queer
brieandbacon: Matt definitely has ill/morning voice
zed_alpha: Oof. Sympathy
novrdd: Oh noes
Austere_Squire: oh nooooo
Alsritt: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
baltimore_667083: ouch
Ahxes: Oh god, I completely zoned out during the transition music and the Whispered ‘hi’ scared the hell bus out of me
brieandbacon: And I'm here for it
Mr_Horrible: that's what the Voice Acting is for
NorthstarTex: know what, I tried to stay spoiler free, but honestly, I am here to experience it :D
TXC2: Get well soon Matt lrrHEART
novrdd: Be well and happy dear mr strimer
zed_alpha: Mage Chat. hey, we're wizards
BrowneePoints: the soundtrack in this goes even harder than the first
Austere_Squire: magister chattister
Alsritt: be back in a few hours i guess
wench_tacular: drugs are good, m'kay
CopperAstronaut: I'm sure Juniper wants you back to nurse you Matt. ^_^
malfnord: We shall learn together!
Metric_Furlong: m'Hades (tips fedora)
drawnbinary: oegh i should join you in medsin and hot drink
Evan Davis: Podcast form. I’m familiar with the concept
Kilo: Meds time!
KinkerbellRose: Glad you're taking care of yourself Matt!
cle0deen: You sound a like Cam
BrowneePoints: Darren Korb the GOAT
AriaHibiki: get well soon matt D: stay hydrated and take it easy!
pn55: I was gonna say, you're sounding deeper than usual. Hope you get better soon lrrSHINE
stippledotter: As a fellow cold haver, that sounds fab
definenull: the music and art in this game is 🔥
TXC2: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
CocoaMix86: Matt you're a cool person
jacqui_lantern234: magister?!?! i hardly know her!!!!!! .....ill see myself out
googoltudoris: feel better streamer! thanks for hanging out with us anyway!
DarKovalord subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 51 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DarKovalord! (Today's storm count: 211)
UltraVioletVodoo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 62 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, UltraVioletVodoo! (Today's storm count: 212)
Sarah_Serinde: We are a ways away from capping it
haberley: as someone recovering from surgery, look after yourself and feel better soon!
BlackIsis: stream a FOREVER
reptile___: it was at 1700+ before
KinkerbellRose: WE need 420069 immediately.
definenull: wait the sub count is borked?
drawnbinary: @haberley i misread that as sugary 😅
Kilo: Definitely remembered to take my meds today, but thanks for the reminder! 💜
westernredcedar: Can y’all imagine self drive on a Tesla with LRR on the screen? Unreal
googoltudoris: quick, team order, 61 bits
jacqui_lantern234: thats over 4000 usd in bits alone :)
spicyFerret_: Cheer61 :3
midnightcurryjazz: your knowledge will 100% help
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: is Hades played by James Woods in this game, too?
Fanklok: I think there's a bit of a thing with the switch between gaming PCs and not having a proper update
definenull: oh yeah whole lotta time puns incoming
KinkerbellRose: Much better. ♥
TehAmelie: chat must have gone wild with the bits at the chunk-a-punch
stippledotter: Nice
HubbeKing: Death to Chronos.
jacqui_lantern234: @spicyFerret_ YEEEEEEEEESSSSSS
SK__Ren: oh no, puns already
googoltudoris: @spicyFerret_ lmao thanks!
BusTed: Bamboozled
commentarywife: Death to Chronos
TXC2: tale as old as time, beauty and the beast
Shadowsoflife: Nice @spicyFerret_
ProcyonFlynn: Well done @spicyFerret_ lrrCrab
NeoOfTheDark: Death to Chronos
CopperAstronaut: Nice. the best bits
cle0deen: Chat it's been a great start to the day. Thanks to all. Feel better Matt! Have a good one all!
wench_tacular: game ruined
commentarywife: Moonlight guide you
stippledotter: Oooh, it's pretty
NeoOfTheDark: You unlock it later
reptile___: "Tool required." go get Adam, he should still be in the building Kappa
TotallyNotaBeholder: Moonlight Guide Us
Geldaran: sooon.
BrowneePoints: yea this game is so much better looking than 1
TXC2: not leting us fish is evil
accountmadeforants: I can’t believe *we’re* the ones being baited with fishing
commentarywife: <message deleted>huh, I forgot this was the first weapon
BrowneePoints: this game looks like it was drawn with COPIC Markers
westernredcedar: Hades 2 fishing rod speedrun
couchboyj: Gift one tapped fish
KinkerbellRose: Oh we have flowers?
TXC2: look like mummie plants
CopperAstronaut: they look like deer mummies.
kalira77: we
drawnbinary: oh bone arm
TotallyNotaBeholder: Oh no he's hot
HubbeKing: Apollo <3
kalira77: we're not wetting the dries again this time?
Simonark: You…. may have a lot of plant gathering ahead.
NorthstarTex: Apollo = hot
definenull: @TotallyNotaBeholder that is going to be a recurring trend in this game
Nigouki: game a bit quiet?
BrowneePoints: Artemis’ Hotter Brother!
haberley: queer awakening II: the game
wench_tacular: looking fabulous
NeoOfTheDark: *Spoilers* They're ALL hot
ghyllnox: Lots of queer icons in this one
KinkerbellRose: We're going to have a lot of 'oh no, they're hot' moments.
Metric_Furlong: spelling magic with a 'k'
HubbeKing: oh yeah, literally everyone is hot
TotallyNotaBeholder: @definenull I know, doesn't make it less fun to say
Shadowsoflife: @TotallyNotaBeholder god of the sun of course he's hot
RandomTrivia: That's not a spoiler!
TXC2: if you've not seen a Hades game before chat, get ready for "oh no he hot" for EVERY character
RandomTrivia: It's obvious!
Jigokuro: Aren't ALL the gods in Hades queer icons?
betazed15: I haven't played any bit of this yet...I'm so excited. Hades the first is one of my favorite games ever
HubbeKing: i just about died when i first saw Hecate
BrowneePoints: oh woah they changed Lucid again
Austere_Squire: i bounced off hades 1 because roguelike but god was i loving the story and in love with literally everyone
TXC2: HubbeKing it's the abs right?
TotallyNotaBeholder: @Shadowsoflife very apt point
commentarywife: <message deleted>the shouty ladies are here, I always hate them!
HubbeKing: @TXC2 it's the abs and the clothes
BrowneePoints: it’s big. nova strike makes your aoe huuuuuuge
NorthstarTex: he was busy, his sister had the duo covered
Gekyouryuu: I don't think it's that the sun is spells, I think she was hyping herself up to say the spell "In the name of Hades, Olympus, I accept this message."?
kalira77: Sir Not-Appearing-In-This-Video-Game
Black Mage M: i wanna watch but also i wanna experience this myself when it comes out. Glhf Matt!
drawnbinary: apollo's usually busy on tumblr playing dodgeball, if i recall
commentarywife: <message deleted>ah, shouty ladies are called wailers
TXC2: Armour this early?
Simonark: You get some new gods here, and some from the first game aren’t back.. yet? But it’s still in EA.
SomebodyNowhere: !findquote armor
LRRbot: Quote #3403: "My box body armor was doing NOTHING!" —Ben [2016-09-14]
TXC2: we on hell mode? :p
BrowneePoints: yeeeeep
TehAmelie: you are a squishy wizard
azidbern95: press Left to open Inventory to read descriptions?
BrowneePoints: chat reminder no spoilililues
Brozard: 60 iirc
Brozard: *50
Metric_Furlong: I hope we never open inventory
Hoplon42: Pom, pom, pom, pom er pom, pom per pom
definenull: yeah you started with way more in hades 1
azidbern95: yes
Metric_Furlong: leave it a mystery
midnightcurryjazz: Did it all so far
commentarywife: <message deleted>I've been loving this game!
wench_tacular: it's so good
NeoOfTheDark: Very much so
Rourke9: yeah
kid_flashionable: its been lovely!
normarcl: Me it's been great so far
haberley: i've been waiting for the full release
BrowneePoints: I’ve put in 70hrs in already
drawnbinary: i've only seen art of one sleepy boy
TotallyNotaBeholder: Put a few dozen hours into it, then decided to wait for full release
definenull: it's been great so far
QuixoticZ: Been very good so far
cspacefeet: I played a lot when it first came out but now I will be letting it cook, maybe until full release
Jillexie: I also have been purposfully avoiding it
kid_flashionable: Excited to see more additions to it!
Chronomagistrate: Loving it so far. It's tougher than the first game for me, but really enjoying it
jedi_master_zll: Waiting for the full release
NorthstarTex: been trying to avoid it or waiting for like 90% of content to be released
NonUniqueGuy: I played a bit, but then decided to wait longer.
Geldaran: I played quite a bit on "release" though I took a break after I "beat" both paths.
Rourke9: possibly already better than the first hades in some ways
BlueFingers5: I'm also waiting. I got Hades on day one and then dropped it for too long.
kusinohki: Sadly my computer couldn't play it
BrowneePoints: it did
Aitsu111: I'm taking a break from it til the next BIG update but I really enjoyed it
Cunobelenos: waiting for full release, so the fact I'm watching now is a testament to how much I love LRR.
hella_qh: I was Obsessed when it first came out and managed to "beat" it so now im probably not going to go in again until official release
kid_flashionable: It did, yes! It was fun to see how it progressed
BrowneePoints: it’s why hades 1 launched as a banger
haberley: uhoh
Simonark: it’s a pretty great game. There is a LOT already in there.
commentarywife: <message deleted>hold down dash to sprint
Rourke9: yeah rootstaker is an early run-killer
betazed15: Same. I've been burying myself to avoid things.
AFamiliarCalledEl: EA was great. I had a blast speedrunning it a few patches ago, but I've been distracted by other games and haven't come back to it
BrowneePoints: !heychat
LRRbot: Please ONLY offer advice when the streamer uses the phrase "Hey, chat...". Let them try to learn the game on their own, even if it means they miss a thing or two.
HubbeKing: the rootstalker is roooough
HubbeKing: him hit like truck
TehAmelie: i played it until it got to difficult to be funny
commentarywife: <message deleted>hold down dash to sprint
SomebodyNowhere: so close
Metric_Furlong: ok, well, good game everyone
TXC2: and now the game truly begins
CopperAstronaut: Oh no!
HubbeKing: and now you get to meet BEST CHARACTER
definenull: FROG
Rourke9: rootstalker takes getting used to
NeoOfTheDark: FROG!!!
TotallyNotaBeholder: All hail Frinos!
NorthstarTex: Frog? FROG!
AriaHibiki: frog fren!
alchemistsavant: the good boy :)
kalira77: i love the froggy friend
Greys N. Owman: Time to uninstall the game
TXC2: commentarywife please don't give advice unless asked
KinkerbellRose: Froooooog~
BrowneePoints: FRINOSSSS
TheAinMAP: OSFrog
HubbeKing: we stan Frinos
SomebodyNowhere: OSFrog
Aitsu111: Ah my fav part of watching a person first time stream this is about to happen
SierraSaysDrinkWater subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 50 months!
SierraSaysDrinkWater: froge
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SierraSaysDrinkWater! (Today's storm count: 213)
Metric_Furlong: frogs do lay eggs, so technically yes
definenull: they're fancy
kdefinition: Frinos Slays
commentarywife: ah sorry, I know it took me a while to understand how to do that in comparison to H1
ladyjessica: frog chronos is fronos
Metric_Furlong: oh god, worse than hell Kappa
TotallyNotaBeholder: Hell, France, what's the difference
qwertiest_mint: how is this connected to hades one?
BrowneePoints: Direct sequel
NorthstarTex: Remember Zag? Those were good times.
Simonark: New main character.
Metric_Furlong: m'lenue
stippledotter: 2 Fast 2 Hades
betazed15: :O Oh, hang on...That better not mean that Hades (et al) are toast. :(
definenull: heh time skip
qwertiest_mint: child of zag?
NorthstarTex: @qwertiest_mint more like younger sister
commentarywife: I love Dora
HubbeKing: Dora's great
TXC2: if they were humans, this would be a 15-20 year time skip it seems
midnightcurryjazz: big smurks
qwertiest_mint: Danke @northstartex
KinkerbellRose: I need to use begone in a sentence today now.
Metric_Furlong: who's Tall and why are we stanning them?
KinkerbellRose: One of my friends is getting told begone today.
SK__Ren: ABS
Lichenbeard: them abs
NorthstarTex: oh hey, its the BG3 narrator
SomebodyNowhere: abs tho
KinkerbellRose: HELLO NURSE.
TotallyNotaBeholder: Oh no she's hot
piggyback101: Woah HEcate ripped
Rourke9: abs
HubbeKing: fun fact, Hecate is voiced by the same person who did the narrator in Baldur's Gate 3
Aitsu111: AB WINDOW
commentarywife: the "everyone is hot" conversatrion still continuing
Metric_Furlong: @KinkerbellRose no, she's a headmistres
TXC2: Hecate seen here played By Lean beef Patty :p
HubbeKing: and yes, she *wildly* hot
TehAmelie: the queen of abs and witches
azidbern95: Nem! Nem! Nem! Nem! Nem!
Aitsu111: Show off that work Titan
KinkerbellRose: @HubbeKing Even hotter now. I can hear it.
Greys N. Owman: My favorite part of the Hades series is the voice acting
protojman: dat voice
Nigouki: ah, so we're killing time :3
Skye_Stryke: Gods Amelia Tyler is so good in this role
NorthstarTex: goddess of witchcraft be ripped af
Metric_Furlong: they're just abs, chat, relax
commentarywife: the fanservice is strong with this game
SK__Ren: @Nigouki For about 3 hours ;)
KinkerbellRose: But we're thirsty.
TXC2: mel-la-noi? that's pronunciation really ?
accountmadeforants: Witch of the Crossbars
protojman: @Skye_Stryke after whispering in my ear for several BG runs...
stippledotter: @nigouki nice
roastbeefsandwitch: Remind me, what was the conclusion of Hades 1?
TehAmelie: and there's so few characters here showing any skin
BrowneePoints: She’s the goddess of Crossroads first, Magic 2nd in Greek Mythology.
TXC2: and the hotness contuines
betazed15: Romantic interest #1?
Aitsu111: Oh hi NEM
HubbeKing: :)
midnightcurryjazz: everyone is hot
azidbern95: NEM!
Rourke9: yes
definenull: this game is E for everyone
Brozard: I’m Neme, sis
Jillexie: No water needed, as our thirst is quenched
KidAmn: muscular mother
red_shoes_jeff: It's Hades, so yes.
Metric_Furlong: Nemesis has a different accent to everyone else, because she wants to be special
HubbeKing: the sapphics are indeed eating well
DandyGeek: oh, it's only getting started
betazed15: Yes please.
TXC2: I'm a straight man, I am also eating well
invickthus: supergiant didn't need to make everyone hot. they did that for us, and we are thankful.
NorthstarTex: Apollo: Hot. Hecate: Hot. Nemesis: Hot. Prediction: lots of hotness is to be had
KinkerbellRose: Snu. Snu.
Aitsu111: NEM and Karlach are tied for my fav warriors in Video games
TehAmelie: eh, she's not my favorite
hesterbyrde: Look we bi-disasters were sated last time. It's someone else's turn.
Austere_Squire: i dunno, Hecate, the witch with abs, might also do it
roastbeefsandwitch: Xena, Warrior of Hotness, in other words
HubbeKing: but also, hnnf. Odysseus
BrowneePoints: o-daddy-seus
NorthstarTex: its that one guy from the one story!
definenull: *swoon*
drawnbinary: big day for people with eyes
BrowneePoints: if he had a beard, that man would be perfect
TehAmelie: though the game's hotness scale goes from 9-12
ClockTamer: its about to be the death of this bu enby
betazed15: Pupper!
invickthus: yes yes obligated.
commentarywife: what happened to these cuties
Rourke9: pets :3
Simonark: @northstartex He’s in at least two stories!
BrowneePoints: in Greek folklore Hecate’s familiar is the Dog
commentarywife: I want to see more of these
BrowneePoints: Polecat
TotallyNotaBeholder: Polecat I believe
ExachixKitsune: oh they look like such good friends
stippledotter: Omg otter
definenull: Eepy boi
SajuukSjet: otter and dog?! +++
kdefinition: Anubian Jackal
HubbeKing: him eeepy
NorthstarTex: mr glow up.
definenull: Just like me frfr
BrowneePoints: Weasel and Dog*
Nigouki: oh hey, it's him
Jillexie: Cameron will be *pleased* to see Hypnos
TXC2: NorthstarTex right ?
niccus: do we have to?
HubbeKing: the boy is napping
neisan2112: Our poor sleepy boi
stippledotter: Promise or threat
Rourke9: we can let him sleep
RebekahWSD: Alas, poor sleepy eepy Hypnos
novrdd: Very comfy
Brozard: “pleased”
boglebog: That was an extremely impressive first go
Snowcookies: Sleepy boi
commentarywife: sleepy sleepy
NeoOfTheDark: very eepy
BrowneePoints: Hecate was associated with Dogs and tangentially Polecats in folklore
NorthstarTex: @TXC2 That was the biggest surprise of the game for me
KinkerbellRose: I want to be that happy snoozing, once in my life.
Rourke9: yeah
neisan2112: YEEES
novrdd: PrideUwu
BrowneePoints: so you heard it here chat, one of the oldest figures to witchcraft we have had the familiar of a dog, not a cat
red_shoes_jeff: Right now? Yep.
TXC2: Hpynos: the god of sleep? or sweet dank nugs? Kappa
commentarywife: got briefly confused by the sub-a-thon logo over the card haha
drawnbinary: i looked away for a second, was there the sleepy boy?
accountmadeforants: unlocked the sub-a-thon card
Simonark: Constantly. Sleep sure seems great all the time.
NorthstarTex: ah, the CCR card
Metric_Furlong: carry on
L0rdX33n: I barely slept because I was helping Beej with Fallout. I am dying. Pls sleep pls
TehAmelie: Hypnos may have taken More Sleep™ too far
midnightcurryjazz: yea
TotallyNotaBeholder: Yeah, Meta progression
Metric_Furlong: yeah, no truce with the the furies this time
betazed15: I sure appreciated regen in the first game
accountmadeforants: These casts are Duilt Bifferent
neisan2112: Cast is very different
alchemistsavant: mmm titan
TXC2: regen was important but always felt weak in HAdes 1
RomanGoro subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 116 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RomanGoro! (Today's storm count: 214)
HubbeKing: Melinoës casts are real stronk
commentarywife: I've not yet seen anyone new playing this figure out how to get Psyche on their own. I only did it by accident
wench_tacular: Skelly!
HubbeKing: Commander Schelemeus!
Jillexie: UPgraded Skelly!
Aitsu111: Schelemeus
red_shoes_jeff: S K E L L Y !
NorthstarTex: Skelly! I mean Schelemus!
lightfut: New skelly just dropped
commentarywife: who is this "skelly" you speak of?!
TXC2: even skelly is sexy now
aquinas_0: does skelly have a beard?
novrdd: SpiritEel
stippledotter: Made it to skellytown
BrowneePoints: YEP
TehAmelie: nobody can prove that's the same Skelly
Metric_Furlong: yes, you can hold the 3 buttons now
BrowneePoints: they made it DEEPER
commentarywife: hit the buttons, hold the buttons
HubbeKing: yeah, they expanded the base mechanics some
Metric_Furlong: that's like twice as many buttons
definenull: Yeah it took me a while to get used to the controls
Geldaran: yeah, i feel like they made the casts way more useful/important.
TXC2: feels kinda like a fighting game now
aquinas_0: you mean you just don't spam blade rift every minute or so?
betazed15: So game 1 was fighting OUT of the 2 is fighting our way back in?
glitched_goddess: she works a lot different than Zag, which makes it feel like a different game
Simonark: I’m going to be honest, I didn’t even start trying to use cast for about 30 hours played
TXC2: betazed15 yeap
BrowneePoints: When the moon hit shore right and you’ve got to kill time, that’s a Hades
betazed15: @TXC2 I'm in. <3
BrowneePoints: hits your eye*
NorthstarTex: grandmother?\
definenull: Oh yes
RocknGrohlNerd: Death to chronos? Ain't nobody got time for that
BrowneePoints: GAM GAM
wench_tacular: Granny
definenull: What a glow up
Metric_Furlong: trying very hard to make that line A Thing
commentarywife: at least she knows who you are!
HubbeKing: Grandmother Demeter geared up for WAR in this one
red_shoes_jeff: Gramma!
BrowneePoints: Gam gam dressed for WAR
novrdd: Hi grandma
glitched_goddess: War Granny lol
malfnord: Gramma is pissed
reptile___: which meter?
Austere_Squire: hahahahaha, yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
NorthstarTex: yes, yes we are under siege
Metric_Furlong: WarGandma 40k
James_the_Dabbler: ooh hades 2
James_the_Dabbler: This game slaps
BrowneePoints: Chat her name is Dem-ih-turr not Duh-meat-er mattlrBonk
TXC2: we start in erebus this time eh?
commentarywife: @James_the_Dabbler it's a new save, only the second run now :)
Luna: he's not wrong
commentarywife: plants!
definenull: Dang the hades motifs
BrowneePoints: not just new save. Matt is brand new
James_the_Dabbler: @commentarywife EXTRA exciting! so much changed in the June patch
definenull: So good
BrowneePoints: :)
HubbeKing: :)
Rourke9: :3
James_the_Dabbler: :3
commentarywife: yay flames
HubbeKing: that's right, this game has TWO GRANDMAS
RebekahWSD: I love Hestia
Rourke9: i love her
betazed15: Oooohhhh I <3 her.
Simonark: Auntie!
neisan2112: She's so great
James_the_Dabbler: Hestia is so sweet
BrowneePoints: Design facts: her vitiligo looks like ash smudged skin, her earrings are marshmallows and her necklace is a brazier
HubbeKing: Hestia's fantastic
novrdd: PridePog
NorthstarTex: its SOoooo Hestia
James_the_Dabbler: Her boons are also straight fire
novrdd: Steaming hot character design
definenull: Jen Zee killing it as usual
TXC2: this is the grandma that ALWAYS has cookies for you
James_the_Dabbler: (literally)
accountmadeforants: Grandma called us hot stuff
stippledotter: Mmm, the *glow* up
Brozard: Is she wearing a brazier?
drawnbinary: power move
commentarywife: Mrs Potts / Mrs Weasley energy
NorthstarTex: She is the goddess of the hearth after all and she will take care of you
HubbeKing: Also she has vitiligo! Which works super well and I love her
alchemistsavant: that's amazing.
embermage34: She is the goddes of the heaarth
L0rdX33n: Hearth goddess, it scand
L0rdX33n: scans
kdefinition: Hestia is Bestia
BrowneePoints: holy Jesus I haven’t played this in weeks hearth gain is reworked
BrowneePoints: wow that’s good
James_the_Dabbler: Hearth Gain is *shockingly* strong
QuixoticZ: Yeah that sounds way better than old version
BrowneePoints: old hearth gain sucked
neisan2112: Yeha it was pretty bad bwfore
BrowneePoints: well, it was risky
Luna: kinda reminds me of the pot lady from deaths door
boglebog: I'm curious to learn more about Schelemeus and his exploits, shame skelly isn't back
Luna: skelly was made general I headcannon was too busy to star
commentarywife: I lean towards n=*not* using my mana, but I really should more
BrowneePoints: but not *sucked*
James_the_Dabbler: Zeus’ new mana gain is *also* really good
Rourke9: i wonder who that could be
James_the_Dabbler: it’s on a specific weapon
BrowneePoints: :)
NorthstarTex: I thnk that's an attribute you gin
wench_tacular: so squishy
HubbeKing: Poseidons boons in this are *so* strong
BrowneePoints: @james_the_dabbler first time playing let him discover on his own
commentarywife: backstab damage was a thing in H1 because there was a thing that gave you extra for it
PercentZER0ZER0: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
TXC2: wow this is a tough room
commentarywife: don't think it was in the early game
NorthstarTex: o7
BusTed: benginO7
SK__Ren: What is that hitbox?
midnightcurryjazz: those screamy ones are there to show you the root
SK__Ren: 0 frame backhand
betazed15: Ooofta. Those big boys suck.
definenull: I forgot how squishy you are at the beginning
BusTed: OSFrog
NorthstarTex: Frinos is best boy
stippledotter: Good froggo
SierraSaysDrinkWater: frogge
HubbeKing: Yes
commentarywife: I'm a wimp and turned on God mode
Angnor33: More of a toad...
DentedPockets: Hypno Toad
TheWonko subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 72 months!
TheWonko: 72 months, that's almost a year!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheWonko! (Today's storm count: 215)
averythetiger: In some ways, yes!
HubbeKing: and he's a VERY good frog
NorthstarTex: not completely
Rourke9: they didnt not
miniMacGuru: For those of us that haven't played any of this series, should we start with 1, or is a 2 a good point to jump in?
HorusFive: Are you saying it's liek a Hypnos-Toad?
BrowneePoints: same job efficacy
glitched_goddess: strict upgrade
AugmentingPath: Frinos is covering hypnos's break until he's done napping. Any day now.
TXC2: they supplemented Hypnos with a frog
RandomTrivia: Needs to be a very hot frog
James_the_Dabbler: I think this game is tricky because it plays very differently than Hades 1, but it feels similar enough to trick you into trying button mash
mercano82: If "Dead Like Me" taught me anything, the frog is from a death myth.
Joël Trousset: the cast is important in this game for crowd control
stippledotter: Good soup
Two_Hats: Missed the beginning, is this is a blind first time with hades 2?
definenull: Let her cook
TXC2: miniMacGuru either seems fine
BrowneePoints: @minimacguru id say play 1 first cuz its good, but if you know your Greek myths you can start with 2
commentarywife: @Two_Hats yup, brand new
TXC2: Two_Hats yes
commentarywife: We can hear James
KinkerbellRose: I hear a James.
red_shoes_jeff: Holy Moly!
HubbeKing: So mote it be.
commentarywife: blow dat noe!
commentarywife: *nose
SierraSaysDrinkWater: it mote be, it mote not be
definenull: Authority- wait wrong game
42MiLLyWays: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
KinkerbellRose: Young me is coming out. I haven't heard So Mote it Be since my wiccan teen years.
TXC2: oh moteful one, tell me who to mote and they shall be moten!
andreagustafson: Interesting....combining ancient Greek mythology with modern Pagan sayings
Luna: dang melinoe is the goddess of ghosts and spirits and that, I love it
BrowneePoints: there’s a lot of neopagan seasoning on this
TXC2: is Hacate's VA the same as the DM from BG3 ?
alchemistsavant: yep!
NorthstarTex: @TXC2 Yes
KidAmn: yup
HubbeKing: yup!
Jillexie: The narrator!
KinkerbellRose: Sure is
NorthstarTex: you can hear it
TXC2: I knew it!, thanks Chat
BrowneePoints: cuz actual knowledge of Greek occultism is mostly forgotten
Austere_Squire: I was not paying attention and was doing work and legit just thought i'd accidentally did something and gone to a BG3 vod or something
NorthstarTex: Witchcraft is involved in many theologies Mat :)
L0rdX33n: Hee-kayte
BrowneePoints: technically in greeek the h is silent
TXC2: yeah, English is bad for translating Names
Angnor33: Just keep adding syllables until it feels right.
AugmentingPath: the ttrpg sweeping the sapphic community: Eurydice
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I did a similar thing as a young child reading about Aphrodite.
SK__Ren: I pronounced it with a longer A. Heh-caw-tay
stippledotter: Sighs in ur-a-dee-che when I first read it
BusTed: no *you're* a 🎲
HubbeKing: Nemesis is *such* a character
HubbeKing: love her
Ciijay: Yeah it's really rough trying to pronounce these names. I tend to just read them mentally in my head a different way
TXC2: I used to call Tutankhamun too-tank-man :p
BrowneePoints: the biggest thing to remember is Ancient Greek has no diphthongs
BrowneePoints: or soft cs
big_blue_man subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 41 months, currently on a 20 month streak!
big_blue_man: oh boy hades the second
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, big_blue_man! (Today's storm count: 216)
NorthstarTex: yep
BrowneePoints: technically no
commentarywife: some of the british accents become pretty weird - e.g. "Fraught", "daughter", etc sound not quite right
BrowneePoints: that’s Cronus
xantos69: Because death is only the beginning.
Lichenbeard: well how do you destroy time?
NorthstarTex: time never died, it was just trapped
BrowneePoints: Chronos is time but they get conflated
sogzad subscribed with Prime.
trebuchetboy: @Lichenbeard Chop him into bits
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, sogzad! (Today's storm count: 217)
BrowneePoints: this game is Smashing Cronus/Chronos together
gluonquark: Chronos isn't time, that's a later interpretation
Rourke9: technically just cut up into pieces! which i guess you could read as measuring time
NorthstarTex: chopped to bits is not death in greek mythos, weirdly
Lichenbeard: @trebuchetboy is 5min small enough?
Ciijay: It's weird and fascinating to really read up on how Greek or Roman mythology changed over time
stippledotter: Mmm, pomodoro method
Ciijay: Like the whole ..How Hades came about thing
SK__Ren: Yeah. It always bothers me with that. Cronus/Kronus vs Chronos/Kronos. That silent H gets you every... time
wench_tacular: time for some minecraft crossover
BrowneePoints: Chronos has always been time, the Olympian father is CronUS who was associated with the harvest
Rourke9: yeah, and there is no 'canonical' reading of any myth - they were different both over time and from city to city
andreagustafson: that is pretty interesting...and that Chronos, Time, was a part of a previous generation of gods...something about Time always being in the past?
BrowneePoints: but due to similar name the two got smashed together
NorthstarTex: Rod. Of. FISHING!
commentarywife: I think it's prioritised by default cause there's only one
TXC2: keep in mind that Greek myths were Oral stories told over centuries, things where bond to change
Skye_Stryke: For 'prioritize' did they change it so you can have all the tools equipped now?
Ciijay: Yeah the previous generation of Gods. Kind of like the theory that Persephone was the former goddess that represented death
Rourke9: @TXC2 yeah exactly! and there wasn't consensus at any given time either
Skye_Stryke: Having to swap the tools really annoyed me on initial release
Greys N. Owman: Chronos and Kronos are two different things
RandomTrivia: So is that actually Wayne Grayson or someone pretending to be Wayne Grayson? :D
commentarywife: @Skye_Stryke essentially yeah. They changed it so the others still show up, just not as much
BrowneePoints: kind of? that theory doesn’t hold as much water
Sethalidos: @Skye_Stryke yes but the selected one can gain more resources
neisan2112: Thats such a nice little thing
TXC2: also why Zeus is EVERYONE'S dad :p
NorthstarTex: Uncle!!
mercano82: In the early builds of the game, you could only take one harvest tool per run. People didn't like finding resource nodes they couldn't access, so they changed it so the selected tool increases the odds of finding that sort of node.
BrowneePoints: THE GLOW UP
averythetiger: Someone tell Serge there's a fishing minigame
Diabore: minecraft dungeons
wench_tacular: jlrrPunch
alchemistsavant: poseidon <3
Brozard: sergeHolyMoly
Brozard: boat uncle glow up
Greys N. Owman: It's only later (1st century bc) that they started to get confused
TXC2: everyone's gotten hotter somehow
NorthstarTex: Hades 2 Posidon looks so much better.
SeismicLawns: i think this is just an ILF game
GredGredmansson: eh, he's more funcle vibes to me
Lichenbeard: everything for everyone!
Sogheim: even Hephaestus got a glow up in this game
Ciijay: I fear for what happens if there's a Hades 3. Will we be able to handle it?
Ciijay: Can we handle the hotness?
trebuchetboy: Zeus got a little worse imo but I like all the rest
andreagustafson: Because Zeus is Divine Daddy. Best not to ask too many questions. lol
averythetiger: This game supports Dual Dilf.
BrowneePoints: It’s really funny though
Rourke9: I do somewhat prefer hades 1 poseidon
BrowneePoints: hades 1 Poseidon gives me the ick
alchemistsavant: it's worth noting that the breaking wave only activates when you're sprinting, not just normal dashing
Luna: poseidon really sortet his life out woop no longer the estranged uncle look
thedepthandbreadthofseth: MILF, DILF, GILF. In true mythological fashion, the whole sexy family is here.
stippledotter: Hades 3: Tokyo Drift will slay us all
Ciijay: Divine Daddy - the newest dating sim :P
Diabeto3241 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 68 months, currently on a 18 month streak!
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averythetiger: Stupid, sexy pantheon
BrowneePoints: but yea there’s not a lot of evidence Kore was the old death god, but we DO have evidence that Persephone and Hades are two of the ABSOLUTE oldest in Greek beliefs
GredGredmansson: FIRE GRAMMA
invickthus: she's a vision. I love her.
BrowneePoints: which makes a lot of sense because to a culture of subsistence, farmers and goat herds the two concepts that are ever present are the seasons and death
NorthstarTex: love her brazier skirt
KV1NN4: Fascinating design for Hestia; i dig it
Jillexie: Auntie Hestia
Sogheim: she's super strong, too
BrowneePoints: she’s West Country! or Welsh?
invickthus: amber is the color of hestia's energy
wench_tacular: it is
commentarywife: I wouldn't call her welsh... closer to west country I guess, but not sure I can place it (as a brit)
alchemistsavant: ChronosCoin! The new currency that is despised in the underworld.
midnightcurryjazz: charge up your stuff!
Bassios: @BrowneePoints Definitely not Welsh, there's a little bit of Yorkshire in it but mostly West Country
stippledotter: Unfamiliar with Greek mythology--are those serious geese
bistod subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 83 months!
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NorthstarTex: but...charon
ContingentCat: Solid choice, resist capitalism
Diabore: you really remember how squishy you are early game
wench_tacular: there would have been less screamy ladies at the store
TXC2: ah Charon, the real end boss, when you fiight him in level 1 :p
qella46021 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 20 months!
qella46021: Woo 2 years!
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commentarywife: sprint is so hard to pick up when you're used to dash from H1
GredGredmansson: from fire gramma to ice gramma
alchemistsavant: ah, the miniboss that wants you to learn how to sprint or take wayward hits
NorthstarTex: Reasons.
awildshen: the game doesn't really tell you about sprint
BrowneePoints: :)
midnightcurryjazz: Did the tutorial teach you sprint? Kinda helpful
Diabore: :)
stippledotter: It was *time* to stop
GredGredmansson: does he *need* a reason
TXC2: kick his ass and find out I guess :p
Shadowsoflife: plot
commentarywife: is sprint not in the Schelemeus tutorial?
HorusFive: TBH- Hades and his brothers tried to kill him first.
HorusFive: Was mostly successful
neisan2112: Yeah I didnt know there was a sprint until I got the arcana that mentioned it
red_shoes_jeff: Because he's Chronos
NorthstarTex: love me the Hades narrator
groovemancery: they're grape flavored bones
Marshall Wentworth: Because Chronos is not a fan of the Olypians.
Luna: chronos felt a lil gooofy
Marshall Wentworth: He did start their mythology off by eating all of them.
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
Lucien0451: Hes a bit annoyed about them murdering him first. Hades was closest
stippledotter: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Hades 2 w/ Matt at Tue 08:00 AM PDT (45m ago).
averythetiger: Give 'em Grandma's icy hot!
HubbeKing: you ALWAYS need bones.
BrowneePoints: hades is also the oldest
NorthstarTex: Murder is a bit strong, he was only torn apart
BrowneePoints: of the siblings
Iam_Dead: To be fair, Zeus is the guy that murdered chronos
betazed15: Didn't he try to eat them when they were wee things?
Luna: nothing gets the gods going like a casual dinner
glitched_goddess: everyone tries to kill everyone it’s like saying hello
TXC2: you can't really murder an immortal titan right? :p
azidbern95: the Hades family was isolated from the rest of Olympus and controlled alot of territory and 'population'
Shadowsoflife: To be fair chronos started it with eating his kids
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Murder feels like a bit of a stretch.... Justifiable homicide surely.
midnightcurryjazz: The big ae boons are super strong
HorusFive: Hades also owned the literal under-world. As in all the stuff under the ground. Like gold and silver
NeoOfTheDark: Yeah, you're not exactly "the good guy" when you eat your kids
alchemistsavant: but he was hungry! :(
midnightcurryjazz: esp if you charge them up
BrowneePoints: anyways let’s not get into spoilers too much considering how much of this story is new
commentarywife: I think people are mostly talking about the mythos rather than the game
Its_VeeBot: Banshees be like "a"
alchemistsavant: spoiling greek myth for the funnies
BrowneePoints: Wailers suck
TXC2: cool that 3000 year old mytholgie is spoilers again
NorthstarTex: A
BusTed: like a surskrit
glitched_goddess: need a pic of Mel wearing a t-shirt saying “don’t yell at me. I will cry.”
GredGredmansson: going for punch wizard strats
UnknownFriday subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 92 months!
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BusTed: LUL
commentarywife: I know I didn't really learn much about the classics at all though. My husband has given me all of the info on the classics... plus this game
Iam_Dead: If there's a banshee in a jar in the woods
BrowneePoints: the relationships in this game are based on the myths but the story and motivations are 100% completely new and not based on any myths @txc2
Fanklok: Banshee's don't even torment, they're just sad ghosts that show up to tell you grandma died
TXC2: BrowneePoints oh indeed
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I am so lost! Banshees? Gifted kids? Peanut butter? What does this have to do with Greek mythology?
NorthstarTex: banshee alone is a 'nah'
TXC2: more vit
commentarywife: health is good
BusTed: @thedepthandbreadthofseth all memes, really
commentarywife: oooh boss
SK__Ren: Yeah. the death cry for banshees are for the deceased. Not the cause of the deceased
commentarywife: sorry
QuixoticScrivener: those abs
BrowneePoints: well we saw white skull is midboss
glitched_goddess: ma’am
invickthus: hecate is on my vision board. goals.
stippledotter: Love this music
Therberus: Hecc-a-tea
excalgold: daaaang Hecate Lifts....
BrowneePoints: so red skull must be….
BusTed: @Therberus -coffee drinkers
Therberus: @BusTed LUL LUL
DandyGeek: time to spill that Hecate
BrowneePoints: three faced goddess baby!
NorthstarTex: Hecate: when you piss off the DM in BG3
BrowneePoints: also, you can see the other part of the three face motif on her shoulder pads
invickthus: god, this game is stylish as hell.
wench_tacular: wise words to live by
TXC2: but she grunts so much
novrdd: StinkyGlitch
novrdd: Ouch
GredGredmansson: half health first try not bad
PawssumFable: What we playin
commentarywife: tbf you were doing very well on 4 life for a long time
Fanklok: That was a great first attempt
HubbeKing: and now, Cute!
TXC2: meanwhile in the past
BrokenGolem: i just started Hades 1 this week and definitely am enjoying it.
wench_tacular: awww, so ickle
BusTed: babbo
AugmentingPath: meli'lnoe
commentarywife: @PawssumFable Hades 2, blind, brand new save
BusTed: honk shoo
Joshua Trytten: Got her under half on the first run, not bad
PawssumFable: Oof okay!
NorthstarTex: Eeepy boi
PawssumFable: Thank you
invickthus: oh my god she's adorable.
BusTed: gottem
Jillexie: Cute babby
wench_tacular: rip 4th wall
GredGredmansson: narrator named confirmed
TXC2: the Narrtor is Homer ?
KV1NN4: so adorable
glitched_goddess: d’oh
lightfut: Ah, the 4th wall break
HubbeKing: babbo Melinoë is *so* friggin cute
commentarywife: just to make us cringe, I assume
PawssumFable: Wrong Homer
Luna: hah Homer is the narrator
commentarywife: this is so cute
GredGredmansson: wait but I thought Homer was Odysseus that one time, not some random narrator
hi_im_emily: awoo?
PMAvers: 56709
BrowneePoints: yep they’re confirming it’s Homer
BrowneePoints: but yea look at her shoulders
PawssumFable: haha
CastleOtranto: How many crunches do you think Hecate does every morning?
PawssumFable: I like how she's like "nah"
BrowneePoints: triple faced goddess!
BusTed: LUL
PawssumFable: "Totally vanquishing you"
Therberus: @BrowneePoints Simpson?!
Luna: after just binging all of epic the musical, nice to see a more smiling odysseus
novrdd: If u think it that way
BrowneePoints: no, I’m not referencing a cartoon that is well lived past its prime
Gekyouryuu: dunno if anyone's said it while I've been AFK, but one of my favorite reads of this and the previous game is that Hades 1 is all about leaving home, which is why it features characters from the Illiad while Hades 2 is all about returning home which is why it features characters from The Odyssey
BusTed: @Gekyouryuu That's neat.
Rourke9: @Gekyouryuu thats a really interesting read!!
GredGredmansson: dang i never thought of that
Diabore: thats good advice
PawssumFable: @CastleOtranto No crunches, just very low body fat
commentarywife: that is cool
PawssumFable: Girl lives on broccoli sticks
andreagustafson: Hey chat, do you know that name of that symbol that's on Hecate's belt and has been on the ground? I recognize it but don't know it's name.
GredGredmansson: idk it looks like a maze or something
commentarywife: that lil bob on baby melinoe, just *squishes cheeks*
GredGredmansson: i don't know if its preexisting or not
Shadowsoflife: @andreagustafson Hecate's wheel
BrowneePoints: my favorite read is that there’s two huge stories in Greek culture and they used one in the first one so they had to use the other for this one
GredGredmansson: also, baby melinoe still has both arms
andreagustafson: @Shadowsoflife Great, thanks!
Shadowsoflife: @andreagustafson Welcome
SierraSaysDrinkWater: frog time
averythetiger: Death to Chronos
Jigokuro: Destroying Chronos, the titan with powers of time, will not change the past? Are you sure?
Diabore: frog just vibing
Rourke9: strophalos
SK__Ren: *cough*
Singenmeister: frog just frogging
SK__Ren: I was drinking
TXC2: oh Nyx was THIRSTY for Persephone
Rourke9: heartbreaker
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I'm sorry.... Milves?
NorthstarTex: frog!
GredGredmansson: froge
TXC2: thedepthandbreadthofseth the plural of Milf
red_shoes_jeff: @thedepthandbreadthofseth So it wasn't just me, then.
Skye_Stryke: Mourning Milves is not remotely where I thought you were going with that
commentarywife: Telling the player what the endgame is supposed to be, right
Gekyouryuu: @TXC2 except the plural word would be the M, so it should be Ms-ILF, like Surgeons General
commentarywife: dashing, AND sprinting
L0rdX33n: treasure your Dora
Graved: Supporting friend? More like load-bearing friend
GredGredmansson: strong "proud of you slash sorry that happened" vibes there
TXC2: Gekyouryuu English doesn't care for it's own rules Kappa
Singenmeister: Allow me to introduce you to my emotional support frøgę
invickthus: ok either Melinoe is particularly short or Nemesis is VERY tall.
Gekyouryuu: also, love that Nemesis is using the sword in the Aspect of Nemesis from the first game
NorthstarTex: getting lost is an understatment for you Odysseus
commentarywife: @invickthus it's both!
Rourke9: good question
CmdrMadMoe: mans is still lost
GredGredmansson: "Veteran Tactician"
TXC2: well we're in Erebus no ?
azidbern95: he's Hecate's tactician
betazed15: Better resource gathering? Yes please
HubbeKing: So mote it be.
HorusFive: Well known Lost Boy Odysseus
Rourke9: !heychat
LRRbot: Please ONLY offer advice when the streamer uses the phrase "Hey, chat...". Let them try to learn the game on their own, even if it means they miss a thing or two.
averythetiger: So mote it be
commentarywife: the rhyming is fun
GredGredmansson: i mean, its not stranger than why Achilles was in the first game
TXC2: no, wait I meant Elyism
Jigokuro: Selenie the weenie
GredGredmansson: tomVWelp
wench_tacular: time for some retail therapy
commentarywife: yay broker
NorthstarTex: BROKER!
red_shoes_jeff: Broker!
TXC2: Trading time!
averythetiger: Real talk: The broker: Hair, or book?
TXC2: book
CmdrMadMoe: hims hair being a ledger is so neat
Firewhiskers: He's got headbooks
Gekyouryuu: @averythetiger book as hair
red_shoes_jeff: @averythetiger Um... Yyyyes?
TXC2: book as hair bow
commentarywife: I need to pay more attention to the character design, clearly. Missed the marshmallow earrings AND the book hair
averythetiger: The blades might be my favorite
commentarywife: yeah, sprint is mentioned here
TXC2: oooh fast attack like the fists, me liikey
munocard subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months!
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SK__Ren: hot aunt
HubbeKing: not really MILF, she's kinda just hot
NorthstarTex: love, warfare, she does a lot
Diabore: shes more naked!
TotallyNotaBeholder: Obligatory Oh No She's Hot
neisan2112: Somehow she's more naked
as_ever_ellesandra: she's still a MILF dw
averythetiger: She's dress for war, and somehow less dressed
wench_tacular: saves on laundry
munocard: Supergiant REALLY leaned into the hot gods.
HubbeKing: she is implied to be wearing boots
GredGredmansson: she's wearing MORE
Zaneysed: She's got more on this time, she has war paint
novrdd: Ohh boooi
SymphonySolstice: oh boy hades 2? I love gay people!
Niehilius: @as_ever_ellesandra THE Milf!
NorthstarTex: also love she's kitted out for battle too
petey_vonwho: She's nakie
Mollylele: the lil hearts in her hairdo tho, classic milf
TXC2: and it somehow makes her seem more naked
Barb4rian: Aphrodite leans hard on the lust in these games
betazed15: Ma'am...your clothes
GredGredmansson: @betazed15 what clothes
novrdd: <message deleted>And still.. Serving c*nt
Linwey: Aphrodite had an aspect of war-goddess in certain regions, so it's not just an Ares-reference
SymphonySolstice: I've been on the grind with this game, I want to speedrun it for realsies
BorgarWithAShotgun: and she seems to be in full armor... except for the chest piece and a skirt.
protojman: yeah love the visual guide tying her to the god of war.
NorthstarTex: @betazed15 She's doing a lightweight build
Niehilius: Aphrodite's brother? Isn't she an only child, burn from sea foam?
TXC2: novrdd lets not use that word even as a joke
thegitrogsquirrel: the charge attack id really good
Barb4rian: @BorgarWithAShotgun Less armor does equal more protection after all XD
Niehilius: A little difference LUL
novrdd: @txc2 my apologies
Halvhir subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 53 months, currently on a 46 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Halvhir! (Today's storm count: 223)
NorthstarTex: Artemis and Apollo (twins! :D )
averythetiger: No, it's Apollo and Artemis. The twin archers
Lex_Peacekeeper: O _ o me thinks you are not a fighter, you have more then double mana to health
DaSunao: The Greek incest pantheon is difficult to remember
AugmentingPath: Aphrodite and Ares are, in fact, married. Not that that means they couldn't also be siblings, but they don't happen to be
HubbeKing: speaking of Artemis :)
BrowneePoints: I love the sister blades
SymphonySolstice: speaking of!
GredGredmansson: hello
SonofThoth: Ok thank you chat, I thought I was going crazy
Linwey: Apollo and Artemis are the twins, yeah
neisan2112: Speak of the devil
BlackIsis: look, zeus gets up to so much weird stuff who knows who is whose brother
GredGredmansson: Thanatos seems...different
TXC2: hello GredGredmansson welcome
BrowneePoints: oh hey you got one of the best boons for the blades too Matt
commentarywife: yay Artemis!!!
Niehilius: speaking of the devil
NorthstarTex: SHE'S HERE!!
neisan2112: She's so damn cute
Makrosian_Tay: I love Artemis. She's so pretty
Zaneysed: She looks much more confident
BrowneePoints: good redesign!
HubbeKing: big Mononoke vibes
SK__Ren: I love this new look
BrowneePoints: I love how Artemis travels at night so she is Payless shit and her twin brother is literally the sun so he is tan as hell
SK__Ren: She's alot more outgoing compared to the first game it feels like
commentarywife: Artemis was my favourite in H1, that opinion hasn't really changed in H2 but there are some REALLY good characters in H2
BrowneePoints: pale as shit*
Linwey: @AugmentingPath I thought that was Aphrodite and Hephaestus. But Aphrodite on her own has a war-goddess aspect in some region, so it doesn't actually need an Ares connection
Dandelion V: What run number?
Alex M-E: Pretty sure Ares and Aphrodite are siblings like Apollo and Artemis
Luna: i thought ares and aphrodite were together
Luna: somehow they improved the existing artemis design
Marshall Wentworth: So Aphrodite's original incarnation was more war goddess (he was sparta's).
Marshall Wentworth: She^
BrowneePoints: dictation why you do me like this
TXC2: Right I need to make dinner, so be good chat, and keep on subbing
RedtheLily: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
DaSunao: I mean, the original crew of Olympians were all born then eaten by a titan, then there's random ones that pop up from the ocean or Zeus being such a manwhore that even his brain gets pregnant
NorthstarTex: ngl, very stoked Artemis is an active role in this game
BrowneePoints: except for that time, she murdered a dude just cause he saw her in the woods?
wench_tacular: tough call
Diabore: illusion of choice
QuixoticScrivener: same sex relations in greek culture? NEVER! (sarcasm)
Firewhiskers: @BrowneePoints Dude knew what he did
NorthstarTex: @BrowneePoints Nah, she just sent his own hounds after him, or turned him into a stag and then sent his own hounds after him
averythetiger: Oh, I missed that we got the Aphrodite boon on the knives! That's the best one!
DaSunao: @quixoticscrivener They were all roommates!
BrowneePoints: she murdered him
Firewhiskers: Sometimes gods are like that
BrowneePoints: chat the one consistent thing of the Greek gods is they all suck lol. even the ones you like Chat lol
BrowneePoints: that’s why they’re interesting
Marshall Wentworth: She is not related to Aries by blood (born of Chronos and the sea directly), and in some tellings is wed to aries.
Luna: @Marshall Wentworth ahh that explains the versions ive red thank you
Joshua Trytten: Aphrodite's a separate branch of the family tree from most of the olympians. Born from the sea foam when (Ouranos? Kronos? Don't remember) was castrated by his children.
Firewhiskers: I think we have too much purity expectations of the gods
Niehilius: Grandma!
Makrosian_Tay: New Demeter is so fucking BOSS
Rourke9: @BrowneePoints there is not a consistent thing about them, really. and there were different expectation of them than like, humans
Zaneysed: Shout out grandma for trying in the first place
wench_tacular: Granny showing character growth
QuixoticScrivener: There are no "good" greek gods. Even Athena was a twat.
Marshall Wentworth: (Note she's also the wife of Hephestos in some tellings, or both, one, than the other).
Marshall Wentworth: @Joël Trousset Kronos, after Zeus neutered him.
Clockwork Menagerie: It's hard to say that Aphrodite has any one origin or family in myth, because her concept is older than the polis period, and easily linked to pre-hellenic myths (Ishtar, etc.)
GredGredmansson: dash =/= sprint, i don't think
Niehilius: I do not like the sprinting aspect in this game - mostly because I suck at using it
NorthstarTex: I will say that Zeus is usually a butthead except for the one time he did Artemis dirty but doing the huntresses's lover making her preggo, and then saving said lover from Hera and child making her Ursa Major and Minor...
commentarywife: sprinting is so useful though, especially when you have the boons for it
BrowneePoints: hey Matt, small mechanical thing, mana fully recharges per room so you don’t have to be precious about omega moves
commentarywife: silver!
Diabore: you didnt pick up the reward
cmdrud87: I mean, Hades is mostly okay, apart from the whole Persephone- thing
Lucien0451: Dash=tap at the button. Sprint=holding it in
Snowcookies: Greek gods were written more as morals to not follow than anything
Niehilius: @BrowneePoints yea - they don't really tell you i feel :D
Simonark: But even by the "There are no good Greek Gods" standard, Kronos sucks.
OldUncleDan: I am truly torn about whether or not I want to pick up Hades II. No Athena makes me really sad as she is my prime deity. But the introduction of Hestia to this game is a plus.
Luna: god I love greek mythos
Marshall Wentworth: Yeah, obviously talking about the meta of it, Aphrodite is likely middle easteren Ishtar (a goddess of War and Love, and absolute badass), rebranded and watered down to fit the Athenian flavor.
L0rdX33n: No mortal ever said “I’m glad [insert god] took notice of me.”
PawssumFable: I thinnk when thinking about this mythology, we have to remember that nobody likes a flawless character
PawssumFable: And they knew that lol
GredGredmansson: not using magic as the mage, bold choice
BrowneePoints: you’re fine! The game doesn’t really tell you about the whole amount of recharge per room thing… Ever
NorthstarTex: the only 100% certain that the only wholesome relationship among the greek gods is Hades and Persephone
BrowneePoints: mana*
RandomTrivia: Ouch
Opheliaway: Why use an omega move when you could use an alpha move?
NorthstarTex: THAN!!
GredGredmansson: @BrowneePoints Skelemeus mentions it pretty early on
BusTed: ohai
red_shoes_jeff: THAN!?
BrowneePoints: HOT HOH
DaSunao: @l0rdx33n The thing immediately following getting a boon from the gods is another god noticing you
NorthstarTex: oh wait
BrowneePoints: BOY
Zaneysed: Chaos?
Linwey: @cmdrud87 h, looking at the original myth, Zeus is the real butthead in that tale. It was an arranged marriage thing he pulled off without consulting either Persephone or Demeter
commentarywife: I think it's a mechanic that H1 players don't use very often because they're used to smashy smashy
RedtheLily: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 hey its this guy
munocard: Is this Thanatos?
Luna: i mean most myth is cultures reinterpretation of previously worshipped deities
Clockwork Menagerie: that was then adopted into either crete or sparta? iirc? and then proliferated into hellenic states
Joshua Trytten: The most common version that I've heard is that she's wedded to Hephaestos, but keeps having affairs with Ares. They get caught in a golden net at one point for public shaming.
NorthstarTex: not than...Moros!
Lucien0451: In this game?
HubbeKing: Hot Boy!
commentarywife: a hotboii
munocard: Gues s not
AugmentingPath: Watch out, that boy's Bad News
Halvhir: Hot boi~
red_shoes_jeff: Oh...
averythetiger: *Thanatos' brother
QuixoticScrivener: Hades may actually have been decent, oh wait, Persephone...
commentarywife: the antlers tho
BorgarWithAShotgun: have we found Heph yet?
glitched_goddess: @northstartex actually some versions, it’s Hades’ idea to kidnap Persephone
averythetiger: It's a hard habit to learn, but I REALLY like the omega attack on the blades because it's a teleport
Greyah: Draping his hair over that antler tiara is certainly a look.
Makrosian_Tay: FRINOS
Makrosian_Tay: My best bud!
Greyah: Frinos is the bestest boy.
Marshall Wentworth: Yeah, that's I think the most modern version that I also find the most interesting (likely why it ended that way)
Marshall Wentworth: @Clockwork Menagerie Yeah more or less, Spartans got a hold of Ishtar, did some rebranding, this bled to Athans, who pulled out the 'war' part of her.
PMAvers: e1m1 music starts playing
BrowneePoints: yea the Hades Persephone myth gets real convoluted cuz it’s one of the oldest extant folk tales in Greek history
BrowneePoints: I’m not joking either
NorthstarTex: Dora: Inventor of gaslighting
BrowneePoints: it’s old old. like early Mycenaean Old
graal_smith: So which one is your waifu?
Lex_Peacekeeper: the ghost of ADHD
thegentlepus: All of them
JeshuaWithAnE: I have had similar interactions with housemates before, and they weren’t ghosts trying to haunt me.
Marshall Wentworth: This comes back later as the Genetrix in the Rome era, but never really caught on huge despite an emperor dedicated to her.
Makrosian_Tay: I love Dora so much. If she turns out to be non-romancable I'm going to be actually beside myself with grief
NorthstarTex: slowly more and more, I'm hearing more BG3 DM from her
Chaotically_Random: Is that... the Baudlers Gate voice Actress?!
RedtheLily: so whats the watsonian reason for Mel rezzing?
commentarywife: there's a lot of fanservice in this, no worries about that
reptile___: @Chaotically_Random yes
Luna: oh it's like the mirror
Clockwork Menagerie: Seem to remember some speculation about a Minoan iteration of Ishtar inbetween her older incarnations and Sparta, but could be remembering wrong
Eepy Alice: Hecate is my wife
NorthstarTex: @Chaotically_Random I will never get tired of saying "YES!" because Amelia Tyler is amazing
Luminaire_p: @RedtheLily She's not dying, she's incanting a spell to escape just before death
GredGredmansson: @RedtheLily based on the animation i think its actually an emergency teleport
N2Osferatu: @NorthstarTex Is Hecate showing.... *Authority*?
SymphonySolstice: she's strict but she cares a lot
RedtheLily: @GredGredmansson makes sense, what with the hecate and all that
BrowneePoints: she’s the Goddess of transitions. she dead with more mortals than Nyx does
Halvhir: Basically!
averythetiger: There IS farming
BrowneePoints: deals*
MostCallMe__Tim: yes farming sim
Firewhiskers: Stardew Underworld
BrowneePoints: and yea it’s an emergency teleport
glitched_goddess: just missing a glider
RobertMakesGames: get your own game type hades, stardew was here first
OldUncleDan: One of the other points against this game is that Apollo is one of the gods in this game. And, well, Lore Olympus has seriously negatively soured my opinion of him.
averythetiger: So mote it be
Makrosian_Tay: SO mote it be
Marshall Wentworth: Na, that's mostly true (least far as we can piece together), Minoan stuff's hard to figure as it's all so damaged and fragmented.
BrowneePoints: that’s cuz lore Olympus is…..bad
Aitsu111: The feeling I get is Hecate is a cool Aunt that had to become a guardian where as Nyx was more a Stepmom
Luminaire_p: :)
RobertMakesGames: game is so great. you get to be so witch all the time.
Two_Hats: You sort of get more lore on nyx in this game.
SymphonySolstice: I love wretched broker my friend
OldUncleDan: @BrowneePoints In your opinion. I absolutely loved it.
Two_Hats: As to why nyx acts like she does.
kdefinition: Performing Dark Rituals to expand my local General Store
2 raiders from Serasent have joined!
MTGRanger: As usual, the only people here who can be trusted are dogs and cats
Firewhiskers: My biggest question is Where's Hermanubis? Best furry boy god!
BrowneePoints: I love that one of the oldest Gods to witchcraft we have had Dog Familiars
BrowneePoints: kinda breaks ones preconceptions
PMAvers: Hey, the sundial could actually work here.
NorthstarTex: time of day in Hades 1: ???
Lex_Peacekeeper: there was a shiny top right of the soil plots
SymphonySolstice: more VIT!
Thus_Spooped_Zarathustra : G'morning all.
malfnord: Dogs have been with humanity probably longer than gods.
as_ever_ellesandra: Fairly Odd Parents meme
BrowneePoints: maybe. animism is oooooooold
Luna: are the crossroads within elysium or are they some other section of hades
averythetiger: Oh yeah, I hadn't played much since they updated that
BrowneePoints: yep you got one
SymphonySolstice: yeah they patched it out pretty fast
Makrosian_Tay: They briefly had it so that you could only do one, but it was the first change they made in the patches
BrowneePoints: they changed it 3 weeks in
RobertMakesGames: farming fomo isn't fun
Rourke9: yeah for sure
neisan2112: Yeah it was pretty bad
Dandelion V: The edge of Elysium.
Luna: thank youu, still trying to develop my knowledge of greek myth
averythetiger: The worst was that resources you couldn't collect STILL SPAWNED
neisan2112: Still feel the amount collecting is a bit much, but not bad
wench_tacular: big daddy
sparrowhawksilver: i think they should move access to multiple farming tools to unlockable, together with new content releases
NorthstarTex: thunder uncle
commentarywife: haha the armour abs
glitched_goddess: to quote Kratos, “ZOOOOOOOOOOOS!”
SymphonySolstice: mr. Artwork Still Getting Cleaned Up
red_shoes_jeff: Santa!
Gekyouryuu: @commentarywife the armour nipples
BrowneePoints: the historically accurate armor abs
N2Osferatu: Clearly he should look like a goose
Firewhiskers: He's decidedly unswanlike
NorthstarTex: He looks more regal
Zaneysed: You think he has the abs his armor does?
L0rdX33n: He’s had work done?
Simonark: He's appearing to you in a guise. Of a guy cosplaying as Zeus.
Rourke9: yeah I think this one is placeholder
BlackIsis: Zeus was a golden rain, he can be whatever
RedtheLily: that sure is zeus
Barb4rian: Zeus was also a goose at one point? He can be who he wants
commentarywife: he clearly has a beer belly under the armour
sparrowhawksilver: which i kind of love, he's presenting himself as the king of the gods in a war now
OldUncleDan: Can't be the real Zeus. He didn't try to seduce us immediately.
SK__Ren: He's less Disney Zeus and more santa claus. His beard is more fluffy
Chaotically_Random: Different Angle?
Marshall Wentworth: Elysium is a PART of Hades, to be clear.
Marshall Wentworth: Hades is the 'Nation', Elysium is a region of that 'nation'
Luna: yep
SymphonySolstice: a few character arts are still pretty rough, and some still don't have one
Lex_Peacekeeper: run back and farm now
SK__Ren: In Hades 1 his beard was more straight and wispy
Chaotically_Random: Also how much time has passed?
wench_tacular: badger, badger
NorthstarTex: Shroom!
GredGredmansson: BOP
commentarywife: de- dallas?
glitched_goddess: hammah!
NorthstarTex: Daedalus! Best sentient hammer!
HubbeKing: Dallas Hammer
Marshall Wentworth: (Just like Asphodel, Erebus, and the five rivers)
Luna: would you then consider the "underworld" as the realm then or simply another name for hades as im aware some refer to the underworld as hades in general
averythetiger: I'm on a sea hammer diet. I see a hammer and I eat it.
Firewhiskers: And Eee Karus
QuixoticScrivener: Daddy's Hammer?
sparrowhawksilver: i feel that the change in his look is because of Zeus' narcissism, to present more majestic in the war, compared to just towards his nephew in the first game
SharktoothJack: Dallas Hammer? we Divine now boizz
Marshall Wentworth: The underworld is a colorful name for Hades. The greek people HATED talking about death, death gods or its realms by name, so they'd dress it up when they needed to.
Joshua Trytten: Very much 'if you name it, it'll notice you and come for you'
Luna: ahh that makes sense
OldUncleDan: @SharktoothJack A Divine Hammer?
Gekyouryuu: Daedalus implies the existence of Nightdalus
MostCallMe__Tim: omega atk on this wep is really good because it teleports you behind for extra backstab dmg
Jillexie: Dallas Hammer: anyone else want to negotiate?
Marshall Wentworth: Why Hades himself is "The Dread Lord" and his "Pale Lady" and so on.
MostCallMe__Tim: omega spec throws a fan of blades too
malsareus: the ding was inside you all along
azidbern95: Arachne!
SymphonySolstice: spood friend!
HubbeKing: Arachne <3
Makrosian_Tay: I love this character
Jillexie: OMG
Makrosian_Tay: Best relic tbh
RandomTrivia: D'awwwwww
NekomimiNinja: :O
glitched_goddess: soooo cute!
Halvhir: Arachne! <3
commentarywife: Arachneeeee
RandomTrivia: Tiny spider friend!
RandomTrivia: SO SMOL
GredGredmansson: daw spider
Jillexie: Smol fren
HubbeKing: she's SO SMALL and SO CUTE
Luna: thank you for illuminating this for me
Marshall Wentworth: (Bonus trivia, Pluto, the Roman name is from Greek, who called Hades Plouton, aka 'The wealthy')
wench_tacular: that laugh
commentarywife: her laugh freaks me out tho
TotallyNotaBeholder: Small Friend best friend
Niehilius: Arachne! <3
NekomimiNinja: why is the spider adorable?! Damn you Supergiant!
KV1NN4: oh no shes cute
Lex_Peacekeeper: health might be good
NorthstarTex: She is smol. She is friend shaped! SHE MUST BE PROTECTED!
LidofLoathing: she's adorable and she dressed you up? perfect!
averythetiger: Oh neat! These outfit icons updated when I wasn't looking
Snowcookies: co;our-wise I'd take lavendar
SymphonySolstice: if you break the armor it goes away
Halvhir: Its forever if you never get hit! :P
Carlioo: oh it actually changes the outfit
red_shoes_jeff: Not a real green dress, that's cruel!
Marshall Wentworth: If you really want to go deep into the rabbit hole, check out OSP's talks about greek mythology, they're all great watches.
GredGredmansson: same with hades 1
Makrosian_Tay: That's cruel
SymphonySolstice: yeah you gotta give snackies first then talk
Gekyouryuu: Grandma time?
Gekyouryuu: or not
Lex_Peacekeeper: you could always use a drink
averythetiger: Nah, time to hang out with Boat Uncle
Luna: happily
malsareus: that tentacle is messing up our pretty dress!
CmdrMadMoe: dont they always though
SymphonySolstice: poseidon my beloved
Joshua Trytten: I wondered if those were some OSP data pulls...;) Good stuff.
TotallyNotaBeholder: He's as subtle as a tidal wave
averythetiger: Does Poseidon qualify as a himbo?
SymphonySolstice: free magick refills!
malsareus: More ORB to ponder
RocknGrohlNerd: Hi james
RandomTrivia: Oh cool, we get a Boon of James as well!
wench_tacular: hi james, bye james
Two_Hats: What boon does James give?
RandomTrivia: Ice cream, usually
BlueChloroplast: Its help not a contest fyi
averythetiger: His boons create holes for you enemies to fall in
xantos69: Love the "klang" of that hit.
Lex_Peacekeeper: armor is close to broken already X_X
SymphonySolstice: snacky!
commentarywife: absolutely gift!
commentarywife: yeah, you got one when you made the broker thing and then you bought one from the broker
MTGRanger: Melinoe NO-
MTGRanger: Don't tell any god they're the best!
averythetiger: No, tell them all they're the best... separately when the others can't hear
commentarywife: I mean, she IS the best...
BrowneePoints: easy shot does a bunch of damage
Lex_Peacekeeper: does it tell you if you already have that slot full?
BrowneePoints: and the aoe is big
BrowneePoints: It will actually try to trade that slot out if it is full Lex
SymphonySolstice: the screamers are the worst enemy
BrowneePoints: Like you get a little swap, graphic
commentarywife: @Lex_Peacekeeper It tells you if it's a sacrifice, yes
azidbern95: Yes, yes they do
averythetiger: They're definitely the worst out of this region
BrowneePoints: wailers are the worst and I hate them
Lex_Peacekeeper: the problem with Banshes is they never shut up
AugmentingPath: Banshee's with armor are where I find cast most useful
commentarywife: wailers are horrible, cast the moment they come near
Halvhir: Yep, seeds will sometimes give health
averythetiger: Dig things up and eat them!
Marshall Wentworth: Not directly, I'm deep in the mythology hole, but OSP is just good watching in general (I mostly watch the Trope Talks honestly).
averythetiger: That's what I learned from the existance of potatoes
Lex_Peacekeeper: wheres the badgers?
averythetiger: In Bloomburrow
SymphonySolstice: daggers Good
BrowneePoints: wailers have killed me more than any other first floor enemy on harder runs
BorgarWithAShotgun: the armor has done its course, you are back at full health
BrowneePoints: oh hey we got the best Poseidon boon for these weapons!
SymphonySolstice: casts are good to keep those guys in one place
wench_tacular: gotta fashion souls
as_ever_ellesandra: green equity is important
as_ever_ellesandra: (someone who hasn't played this game)
commentarywife: you might beat her this time :)
reptile___: it's not easy
BrowneePoints: the blades attack so fast they proc spirit bubble SO much
reptile___: (being green)
SymphonySolstice: aww dress gone
AugmentingPath: she burned off everyone's clothes, yeah
NorthstarTex: complete cloths removal is more aphrodite's thing anyways
Lex_Peacekeeper: this beings new meaning to "hot milf in your area" she needs to be put out
wench_tacular: aren't we all
xantos69: It kinda feels like this boss wants you to be ranged.
AugmentingPath: But Mom, this is meow
GredGredmansson: beh
SymphonySolstice: get sheep'd
commentarywife: you a sheep nao
wench_tacular: best hex in the game
Lex_Peacekeeper: speeplied
jacqui_lantern234: @NorthstarTex tbf, removing ones own clothes is very tempting when faced with a mighty temptress Kappa
AugmentingPath: sheepprince2
averythetiger: ALMOST
jedi_master_zll: Lol, that's great. I've turned enemies into sheep in games, idk if it's ever happened to me.
Zatengo subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 95 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Zatengo! (Today's storm count: 224)
SymphonySolstice: rip
commentarywife: ooh, thought you had that one
Catcard: good try tho
wench_tacular: jlrrDang
baskwalla: Great job Matt
AugmentingPath: the hedgehog's dilemma
NorthstarTex: you did even better, and survived as a sheep
glitched_goddess: did better that time
BlueChloroplast: I've definitely gathered first when I didn't think I could beat the boss
jacqui_lantern234: youre doing well, matt <3
reptile___: you are doing...far better than I would do
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
jacqui_lantern234: ALSO MATT!!!!! reminder that youre loved AGGRESSIVELY!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
SharktoothJack: little frog!
wench_tacular: dora doesn't do doomscrolling
SymphonySolstice: real
commentarywife: organic storytelling is great
HungryTanuki: Dora is the best
jacqui_lantern234: @commentarywife YOURE GREAT
malfnord: Dora is now my mentor and little sister.
Lex_Peacekeeper: better then massive lore dumps at the start
NorthstarTex: Dora does not get on social media at all...good for her
jacqui_lantern234: @HungryTanuki YOURE THE BEST
Luna: i think just trying to go in for too many greedy hits
HungryTanuki: @jacqui_lantern234 PrideGive
BlueChloroplast: I'm shipping Dora and milenoe so hard
commentarywife: !event
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
NorthstarTex: Apollo is covering for Artemis 100%
NorthstarTex: (this is a guess)
HubbeKing: I do hope we get to run into Hermes
BlueChloroplast: Hermes is a good boi
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Trickster gods rarely are.
commentarywife: so mote it be
averythetiger: So mote it be
SymphonySolstice: you can mark things to remember what resources you need
sparrowhawksilver: in your inventory, try out the d-pad
Cyberegg: You can now tag things you need resources for
averythetiger: I personally use it a LOT because it then lets you see the recipes for things while out on runs.
Joshua Trytten: Fair enough, they're where I get most of my current mythology knowledge, outside of the ones I grew up with. But you've clearly got some other deep lore sources - that Minoan Ishtar one is new to me.
commentarywife: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 9:45 AM
SymphonySolstice: yes od's keepsake is GOAT
sparrowhawksilver: Nemesis is great, their interactions are so fun
BlueChloroplast: The tags sometimes linger after you get things, but that is beta for you
AugmentingPath: It is not a goat
SymphonySolstice: no it's very good is what I mean
ClockTamer: this game is a bi dream/nightmare
Singenmeister: Is the goat... on fire?
AugmentingPath: it is very good
BusTed: tqsHmph
MTGRanger: A float goat?
Makrosian_Tay: I personally think Arachne's is the best
malsareus: a goat or a GOAT?
as_ever_ellesandra: chat
brieandbacon: You wouldn't lie to Matt, they're just a lil' guy
as_ever_ellesandra: ban that user
SymphonySolstice: I wrote it in caps for a reason
RandomTrivia: Matt's disappointed is immeasureable and his day is ruined
NekomimiNinja: lrrGOAT 'nt
as_ever_ellesandra: lying to Matt in a time like this
SharktoothJack: idk, get turned into a sheep again maybe
matthaus_c: the /other/ kind of goat
Singenmeister: Y'all the duck puns in chat last night were nuts. Could give my granpa lessons
sparrowhawksilver: i had barely thought about which keepsakes are better than others, because i kept switching them to level them all evenly
averythetiger: My early game best keepsake was from Dora
MostCallMe__Tim: however, you do later fight the cyclops sheep herder odysseus fought
commentarywife: I didn't use the antler for ages and then died in the last area because I thought I should level it up 😅
HubbeKing: taking -15% damage from bosses is *so* clutch
mtvcdm: Yep
NorthstarTex: Yep
vinewood_og: "I am dying because of no health." Same, Matt. Same.
commentarywife: Yep
wench_tacular: love Skelly
BorgarWithAShotgun: oh, the keepsakes have art now
Marshall Wentworth: Isthar's cultural shift is pretty interesting, in part because she's just an interesting god. Storming the underworld because death stole her boyfriend (Note, Isthar, as a love god, slept around ALOT
SymphonySolstice: moon mom!
commentarywife: still don't know who this "Skelly" is you speak of
Lex_Peacekeeper: I think I just saw a fishing spot
sparrowhawksilver: @BorgarWithAShotgun didn't even realize that, yeah, wonder if it's all of them yet
commentarywife: I think they all have art now :)
NorthstarTex: mommy sorry mommy sorry mommy sorry mommy sorry mommy sorry
BrowneePoints: Selene’s Weenies! The Titan Glizzy Stand!
Marshall Wentworth: But she had one farmer she always went back to (though depends on the telling if he was cool with it or not)
SymphonySolstice: real for that
SymphonySolstice: I got u
sparrowhawksilver: i mean, would you call yourself wrong for that now? i wouldn't
neisan2112: Mood
L0rdX33n: you can do worse
as_ever_ellesandra: "I will merely hyperfixate for 2 months instead of 2 years"
vinewood_og: realception
SusanTD: extra real
SymphonySolstice: lunar ray is SO fun
Simonark: I am largely fictional, thank you!
mister_nibbles: my D&D character worships a not actually evil but tragically misunderstood version of Shar, so I get it
malsareus: moon laser sounds neat
PMAvers: But… what if laser?
mtvcdm: Behold is not a word to solemnly state. Behold is a word to bellow at the top of your lungs.
Marshall Wentworth: Older versions tend to seem he was totally fine with it, which is more interesting, like Hades and Per's marrage being a bit healthier.
BrowneePoints: @mister_nibbles welp we have to end your character now
wench_tacular: fricken lazer beams
SymphonySolstice: FBtoichdown
QuixoticScrivener: can you cancel it to dodge?
SymphonySolstice: FBtouchdown
malsareus: that's a kamehame
NorthstarTex: moon mom, she is moon mom
sparrowhawksilver: barely used the laser, because movement is so important in this game
mister_nibbles: @BrowneePoints :(
Mollylele: @NorthstarTex "moom"
L0rdX33n: She didn’t look Hawaiian…
nova_plushie: matt likes mystical mommies? same. same
BrowneePoints: in the name of the moon I’ll punish you
ZephyrousOne: It's not caulk-itis
jacqui_lantern234: yeah, its a weird name
as_ever_ellesandra: we support MLMM in this house
Luna: I much prefer the versions where their marriage is more healthy
SusanTD: Grandma!
BorgarWithAShotgun: I do hope I have not missed Matts reaction to wheelchair guy.
RatherLargeToad: Her gun was
Marshall Wentworth: I mean even in the worst versions, they're waaaay healthier than any other olypian.
Luna: for real
Joshua Trytten: Sumerian/Babylonian is one of those mythologies I don't know nearly as well as I'd like. Largely that and Irish.
NorthstarTex: Hestia is most underrated olympian send tweet
SymphonySolstice: I'm meh on her boons
Sogheim: how is the game going? lots of fun?
sparrowhawksilver: @NorthstarTex as evident by the fact that she's not part of the olympians in all myths
Marshall Wentworth: I know Sumerian very well (It's likely my favorate), Irish I'm just full idiot on, most celtic adjacent stuff too. I know scraps, but not real pictures.
Luna: norse and greek my favs probs, irish im okay with but others are beeeg dum
Chaotically_Random: Is it still early access?
BrowneePoints: So Matt, if she ran a Glizzy cart would be it be called Selene’s Weenies?
Makrosian_Tay: I'm actually in love with Selene. God she's beautiful
BlueChloroplast: Hestia is great
protojman: mood
SymphonySolstice: yeah just gotta keep the grind
Sogheim: gotta embrace spellcasting
as_ever_ellesandra: I'm sure there is a way to become a tank
SymphonySolstice: good
as_ever_ellesandra: MLMM in full effect
HungryTanuki: We stan Selene in this house
Marshall Wentworth: If you want a wild ride, check out some of the South and Central american ones.
Luna: those are quite a ride from what i've heard
Marshall Wentworth: Egyptian also pretty wild.
Joshua Trytten: Having grown up with Greek, Celtic is a very different feel, doesn't necessarily follow the same tropes. The Mabinogion is an...interesting time.
SymphonySolstice: you can touch the smoke
NorthstarTex: look at this ass, spilling his shadow all over
sparrowhawksilver: @SymphonySolstice i think her boons are missing the DoT stacking that Dionysus had in the previous game
BrowneePoints: idk I’m a pretty gay man but Selene doesn’t really inspire me
SymphonySolstice: yea I think that might be it
TXC2 returns
SymphonySolstice: it recharges for how much magic you use
TXC2: how we doing chat?
Halvhir: need to spend more magic to charge it
TotallyNotaBeholder: You have to charge up your hex with mana usage
Catcard: @BrowneePoints do you mean pretty as in beautiful or pretty as in somewhat?
SymphonySolstice: you gotta use omegas
NorthstarTex: makes sense, selene can't support you because no moon connection in the shadow
as_ever_ellesandra: it looks to be on some sort of cool down - seemingly related to the magic
as_ever_ellesandra: again, idk the game
MostCallMe__Tim: Selene eqs you to use omega moves first
BrowneePoints: @catcard who knows the
stippledotter subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months!
stippledotter: Gotta keep an eye out for Selene
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, stippledotter! (Today's storm count: 225)
BrowneePoints: Janus! the other god of transitions!
Mazrae: I'm back for day two
TXC2: hello Mazrae welcome back
SymphonySolstice: his boons are my fave
KV1NN4: Artemis? Pranking??
sparrowhawksilver: frequently, Hestia's boons promote staying the corner, rythmically using your stuff so as to not overstack the DoT
averythetiger: EPIC DAMAGE
malfnord: Apollo: hot, but also kind of an asshole
NorthstarTex: I mean Dionysus is the patron of Non Binary individuals :)
mtvcdm: DPS! DPS!
TXC2: malfnord just like the Sun :p
LilyFin: He is so prettyyyy
BrowneePoints: Apollo isn’t really annl asshole, but he does have big Teacher’s Pet energy
mrMorphius: pew pew pew
BrowneePoints: he never did anything MEAN but he was an overachieving pretty boy with a bit of a lil boastful
mtvcdm: Step one, hit everything. Step two, don't get hit. Easy.
BrowneePoints: vibe
BrowneePoints: yep
nova_plushie: i dont know anything about these games. but he gives off hot douche vibes.
Halvhir: Except his exes, perhaps >_>
Joshua Trytten: Loving this chat, but tragically I have a meeting now...byeeee
yalc321: Odysseus's crew may disagree
malfnord: @BrowneePoints I mean, I feel like most of the mortals he chased might beg to differ.
mtvcdm: Do keep that clock humming, chat.
dumbo3k: well, the world does revolve around Apollo
mtvcdm: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Firewhiskers: Arachne makes fast fashion, confirmed
NorthstarTex: she is so sweet! O.O
Luna: good luck
BrowneePoints: @malfnord possibly. he did the least harm of the major olympians but he had a MAJOR EGO
nova_plushie: mood
mtvcdm: Arachne's so cute
TheMerricat: Chat, I assume Arachne wasn't in 1?
NorthstarTex: Arachne Plush or Riot.
BlueChloroplast: Arachne is so cute
TXC2: TheMerricat she was not
BrowneePoints: reminder chat, in the original tale Arachne didn’t want to duel Athena, and Athena got real heckin mad that she lost
Joy_Stix_DragQueen: Don't tell that to Athena
BusTed: LUL
Luna: arachne just dumping her spares on her
BrowneePoints: as Arachne weaved a loom showing the gods in their true natures which the crowd enjoyed more than
mtvcdm: !genius
LRRbot: I'm a genius!
nova_plushie: I know there not. but they look like sleeping bags
Dalrint: Hubris is a strong word for what happened
TXC2: so chair, how have you been finding the subathon?
BrowneePoints: Abuse is more accurate
NorthstarTex: *in plain speech* I am sure a certain wisdom goddess can do better. Totally. 100%.
LeeshaJoy: It looks like skeins of thread or yarn you'd get at the craft shop to me
BlueChloroplast: Hades does do variations on the gods. Like Zeus is adopting demigods and being a braggart, not y'know
sparrowhawksilver: @BrowneePoints you have to be careful using the phrase "original tale" when refering to greek myths, older sources, possibly, but often also just regionally different sources
TheMerricat: "Athena created a tapestry replete with scenes from the history of the gods. She portrayed Zeus at the center of the Olympic pantheon as well as her own contest with Poseidon and her victory, which ultimately made the people of Athens name their city after her. At the corner of her tapestry, she artfully depicted humans who had dared to defy the gods and who had been punished without a trace of mercy."
nova_plushie: kill us or you?
BrowneePoints: hey mortal dork people been saying you’re better at this than me. We’re having a duel . I don’t want to. We’re doing this or you die. Beats her. Turns into a spider.
Cinominn: spider lady is my fave character
TheMerricat: "As for Arachne, she deliberately chose scenes that depicted the infidelities and amours of the gods. She vividly portrayed Zeus and his string of indiscretions. She showed how Zeus had turned into a swan to rape the Spartan queen Leda; a bull to entice Europa; an eagle to abduct Aegina; as a shower of gold to seduce Danae; and as a satyr to seduce Antiope. Arachne's work of art, according to the Latin narrative..."
TheMerricat: ", featured twenty-one scenes of the various misdemeanors of the mighty gods, including Poseidon, Apollo, Dionysus and others."
mtvcdm: Arachne made a tapestry diss track.
Chaotically_Random: So your the sister of the guy in the first game?
BrowneePoints: gurl didn’t do nothing. Athena was malding
Mollylele: Arachne was in the Spider-Man musical
L0rdX33n: Contrast Arachne’s story to The Devil Went Down to Georgia, Arachne won fair and square and was beaten and cursed, Johnny won and got a golden fiddle
nova_plushie: not big on the fish man
trebuchetboy: @Chaotically_Random ye
BrowneePoints: the one that almost killed 5 people? @mollylele
malfnord: Yeah, that's Ovid. On the one hand he's one of a handful of sources close to the text, on the other hand he's also like the prototype of the r/atheism poster.
Dalrint: A lot of greek myths seem to have the lesson of 'Don't be great or the gods will smite you' certainly...a lesson.
SusanTD: Spend mana
BrowneePoints: spend mana
LeeshaJoy: Ovid had a political axe to grind, yeah.
SymphonySolstice: using magick
awildshen: you have to spejnd mana
TomCatFrost: You have to spend mana
TheMerricat: @L0rdX33n Johnny fought the Devil. If he had gone against God, he'd have been smote.
MostCallMe__Tim: use omegas more
cobthegreat: By use omega
Greyah: It resets every room.
Cinominn: its once per room and resets per room
awildshen: and it resets at each encounter
SymphonySolstice: you have to use omega casts, special, attack
HubbeKing: yeah, it's per-encounter and you have to hit enemies with omega moves to charge it
Cinominn: sorry not once per room just resets per room
Greyah: Charon, mate.
BrowneePoints: yep! but you can recharge it multiple times
blackcoat: is this Hades 2?
SymphonySolstice: charon my beloved!!
BrowneePoints: placeholder art
SymphonySolstice: sure is
TXC2: where's the hat!
L0rdX33n: @themerricat Is the devil not God’s middle management in charge of underworld personnel?
BrowneePoints: they are giving him an updated look. Right now he still has his Hades one model as well.
James_the_Dabbler: I just got here but more importantly the Latin writings were designed to paint the Greeks (and their versions of the pantheon) as backwards savages
NorthstarTex: charon's art not complete yet, also old ingame model?
Cinominn: yeah lot of placeholder art.... cant wait to see all the finished stuff
Luna: yep
BrowneePoints: breaker sprint is fun
Greyah: Tidal Ring is one of my favorite boons, personally.
BrowneePoints: become snowplow
James_the_Dabbler: Basically anything from Roman myth is from the tainted well in that regard, which makes it… tough to get accurate pictures of the original stories, to put it mildly
BrowneePoints: Matt is Gods Littlest Snowplow
nova_plushie: shes jacked.
TheMerricat: @L0rdX33n I'd argue he's God's useful idiot. God doesn't support him and rarely hinders him. He's 'useful' till he gets in the way.
blackcoat: yep, it is. I'm avoiding spoilers, so imma bounce until noon. bye lrrfolk!
Luna: take careee
Colin: I am just keeping an eye on chat without watching the stream for similar reasons xD
g0lg0r0th subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 36 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, g0lg0r0th! (Today's storm count: 226)
TXC2: "I am but one" splits into 3
BrowneePoints: Granny does crunches
thegentlepus: We cannot blame them
BrowneePoints: she’s one of the og 3 in one Goddesses @txc2
BrowneePoints: you can see the other heads on her shoulderpads
Rogue 7: Hecate sounds like she's voiced by the narrator from BG3, is that true?
Marshall Wentworth: Yes!
Marshall Wentworth: (Amelia Tyler for reference)
SymphonySolstice: now you got it
TXC2: BrowneePoints neat
SymphonySolstice: sheeb
BrowneePoints: SHEEEEEP
TXC2: baaaa
mtvcdm: Sheep!
Firewhiskers: That's a baaaad status effect
Cinominn: getting turned into the sheep is the worst
Firewhiskers: A big f*** ewe from the game
Rae_of_Light_: But it's so fluffy!
nova_plushie: im gonna go makes some london fog and get a haircut. enjoy the game matt
malfnord: I think you might got this
TXC2: Matt you are WAAAY better at avoiding damage then I am
SymphonySolstice: wooo
baskwalla: woo
NorthstarTex: lrrGOAT
BlueChloroplast: Niiiiiiiice
TotallyNotaBeholder: FBtouchdown
LilyOfTheVeil6666: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
BrowneePoints: The omega main attack on these also lets you teleport straight through so many attacks
BrowneePoints: see other two heads on shoulders
Ranatoki: You're going to start a howl doing that Matt
Ranatoki: cassmuRABID cassmuRABID cassmuRABID
NorthstarTex: yep
BusTed: so it seems
RocknGrohlNerd: yep
HubbeKing: you became a Real Gamer
BlueChloroplast: lrrAWESOME lrrAWESOME lrrAWESOME
Rogue 7: Nice
BrowneePoints: games easy, nothings gonna happen :)
HubbeKing: I love the second area
TXC2: way better then I played Hades 1
HubbeKing: it's great
SymphonySolstice: time for Wet
HubbeKing: and the boss for it RULES
TXC2: took me like 20 tries to beat Meg
TotallyNotaBeholder: Act 2 boss is so much fun, hope we see it tonight
BrowneePoints: hope we get to the boss (no spoilies)
Greyah: Aww. Boo. Didn't get the bonus blessing.
HubbeKing: why you gotta describe the depths as "sopping", Homer
the_phantom_game_player: PogChamp
BusTed: @HubbeKing coulda been "moist," I suppose
tomnar: Oh wow, a lot of people have subbed since I went to work. Good job everyone! <3
Luna: so we're gonna see lovely orpheus probs
James Campbell: more damage from lackeys than the entire Hecate boss
BrowneePoints: this particular room when it shows up always gives me anxiety
SymphonySolstice: those are def the enemies you want to omega cast
TXC2: oh good there are hammers in this game
James Campbell: The water temple?
Luna: omg imagine instead of the hydra they have like scylla or charybdis
Marshall Wentworth: I'd love to see Scylla, needs to show up more.
Luna: YES
Luna: honestly underrated
Marshall Wentworth: I still haven't forgiven class of the titans for that.
Marshall Wentworth: Clash of the Titans^
Luna: understandable honestly
Luna: they did her dirty
theAngelsWeep: I find pinhead are very much, I'm fine with pinheads until I'm swimming in them and very much not fine
SymphonySolstice: o7
HubbeKing: o7
Firewhiskers: Hydrated
BrowneePoints: pretty good for no death defy!
glitched_goddess: PB tho
TXC2: best run so far
TXC2: takes all kinds
HubbeKing: Dora has mixed feelings RE: the sea
SymphonySolstice: learmning!
sparrowhawksilver: the d-pad opens the glossary and inventory, and i don't quite remember what else
N2Osferatu: Deathcap for Cutie
TXC2: Stygius
SymphonySolstice: ya
BlueChloroplast: She sure does
NorthstarTex: yep
Mika_Peek is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel!
Mika_Peek gifted a Tier 1 sub to Catbird0nAStick!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, Mika_Peek! Welcome to Catbird0nAStick! (Today's storm count: 227)
NorthstarTex: wouldn't be suprised if hestia mentioned her aspect of the gun
BusTed: in a fight, right?
TXC2: I wonder if it's actual Stygius or a replica
mtvcdm: Sure
wench_tacular: sure
HubbeKing: Sure :)
SymphonySolstice: "fight"
baskwalla: Whatever she wants, probably
mrMorphius: foxmarHUG wrasslin
BrowneePoints: polecats some years ago
BrowneePoints: some ye*
BrowneePoints: Dogs absolutely
BrowneePoints: specifically “Black Hounds” like Hecuba
SymphonySolstice: arachne has a good keepsake too
mtvcdm: Oh Skelly
wench_tacular: he can't stop us
sparrowhawksilver: porque no los dos?
SymphonySolstice: yesss
NorthstarTex: Hephestus
HubbeKing: Love this man!
Mollylele: finally something for the ladies
BlueChloroplast: More like "keep giving after getting keepsakes"
BrowneePoints: WORLDS
accountmadeforants: “Wanna fuck?” is the purest intent of all
BrowneePoints: HOTTEST
BrowneePoints: MAN
SymphonySolstice: oh volcanic strike is 10/10
Chaotically_Random: arn't they married
BlueChloroplast: 100% hot
TXC2: Chaotically_Random yeap
BrowneePoints: it’s better on your soecials
BrowneePoints: specials
ghyllnox: @Chaotically_Random In the way that gods hate being married, sure
Chaotically_Random: So it makes sense they work together
mtvcdm: More DPS
SymphonySolstice: love that boon
HubbeKing: Blast damage is extremely good
BrowneePoints: it has a massive cool down, so I’ve found it more useful on your special
hella_qh: Heph's Boons are extremely good
RocknGrohlNerd: biblicaly accurate worlds hottest man
BrowneePoints: and a prosthetic leg!
BorgarWithAShotgun: @BrowneePoints there is a dual that fixes that, iirc
BorgarWithAShotgun: Heph is missing a leg and he is in a wheelchai
BorgarWithAShotgun: wheelchair*
SymphonySolstice: no spoilies
TXC2: 1spoilers
Colin: !time
TXC2: !spoiler
LRRbot: Please do not discuss spoilers in chat, even jokingly. It's a massive dick move which ruins the fun for others, and you WILL be timed out or even permanently banned. This even applies to "obviously fake" spoilers, so seriously, just don't. Thanks for you co-operation, and enjoy the show!
BrowneePoints: he has a prosthetic leg in this, and his arm tattoo looks like black and red amphora art @loadingreadyrun
PawssumFable: Hera would make these games so much more complicated tha they already are
TheMerricat: Chat, remind me, is this game 'story finished' or are they still working on it? Do we know?
PawssumFable: She's literally just there to eff things up in that canon
BrowneePoints: it’s not story finished
petey_vonwho: Where's Ares? Is he in this?
BrowneePoints: at all
SymphonySolstice: still working
NightValien28: Still working on it
glitched_goddess: well historically, is Hera really known for being helpful? lol
BrowneePoints: we’re missing an entire zone
sparrowhawksilver: @TheMerricat very much early access
TheMerricat: Thanks chat!
wench_tacular: he's probably busy
HubbeKing: Ares is probably busy, yeah
sparrowhawksilver: lots of content, but the story isn't finished by far
HubbeKing: what with the war and such
BrowneePoints: there’s also a bit of a war against Chronos going on
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 10:25 AM
Luna: I think im gonna go with the assumption that hades 2 utilised the version of aphrodite where she is with ares, mainly due to the matching face paint possibly showing their union in battle
Greyah: For what it's worth, you haven't met all the gods yet.
TXC2: to be fair to Hera, would help if your husband was Zeus ?
BrowneePoints: so he’s probably busy having the time of his life
Simonark: They haven’t said, but also haven’t denied, more gods may turn up.
SymphonySolstice: the game loop is there but there's still expansion that needs to happen
theAngelsWeep: I have been critically Les Mis fandom brain poisoned and therefore can't not see Apollo without thinking of a bunch of Enjolras fanart...
TheMerricat: lrrGREED
Rae_of_Light_: Even as EA, it's got a lot to play.
accountmadeforants: There’s so much game in this game
Marshall Wentworth: Yeah, she's a very late era iteration of her, which is sad, I'd love to see her switch gears from love goddess to murder machine.
Luna: i mean she had that spear, all is fair in love and war and love can bring fury sooo she might f peeps up
Makrosian_Tay: Mood
BusTed: fair enough
wench_tacular: she's a delight
HubbeKing: oh, Hestia
mtvcdm: Mood
excalgold: Hestia that is a MOOD girl
BorgarWithAShotgun: mood
BrowneePoints: two old ladies
glitched_goddess: hash tag mood
BrowneePoints: being old
TXC2: so Hestia is a granny you say
theAngelsWeep: Hestia is my favourite
HubbeKing: just two old women, hating everyone else
accountmadeforants: Hestia’s earned that one
SymphonySolstice: according to supegiant there's as much content in EA as there was in all of Hades 1, and it's still only like 75% finished
KV1NN4: Queen XD
the_phantom_game_player: LUL LUL
malfnord: brb erecting shrine to Hestia
sparrowhawksilver: @Rae_of_Light_ i found it a bit funny how some devs basically said: please don't expect our early access to be like Hades 2, we can't deliver that
TheWanderingNomad: Murtder granny!
Rae_of_Light_: There's enough EA out there that just feel like glorified demos, where this still feels like a full featured game, though there's some obvious placeholders.
Marshall Wentworth: Yeah, I'd hope so, I just like the iteration of her with some teeth, rather than the Trojan War version, but just my love of Ishtar showing through :P
LeeshaJoy: Remember, according to the lore of the original game, Hestia was the one wielding a freaking RAILGUN against the Titans.
Simonark: Pyromania Grandma
mtvcdm: Fire
Mazrae: Watching you play this makes me want to try the first one, never really seen it played
BrowneePoints: she owned an ar 15
BrowneePoints: and shot time with it
BrowneePoints: canon in game
NorthstarTex: @LeeshaJoy my perfered aspect of the rail too, Hestia doesn't fuck around
Dalrint: Well you are certainly doing way moire damage than last time
BrowneePoints: there’s Athena dash
sparrowhawksilver: i never really vibed with any of the adamant rail aspects in the first game
BrowneePoints: Heph boon is a big burst on a long cd @dalrint
TXC2: oh the Rail is my least favourtie weapon
Luna: I agree
sparrowhawksilver: d-pad left for boon info, quite helpful
BrowneePoints: rail is my fave wep
Dalrint: Be careful though, Hades is a gateway drug to roguelikes.
SymphonySolstice: you can leave after you find the reward btw
BrowneePoints: there’s a bunch of fun builds for it. unlike spear. or most swords
Makrosian_Tay: But where's the fun in that?
BorgarWithAShotgun: mine is ... spoilers.
Dalrint: First I was happy with hades, but now I need two, maybe three random maps where I die for no reason just to get out of bed in the morning
BrowneePoints: I’m talking game 1 borgar
KV1NN4: Arachne makes me think of Tomoyo from Cardcaptor Sakura... probably because of makign the outfits XD
LeeshaJoy: My favorite weapon in the first game is the Aegis, just for its versatility.
sparrowhawksilver: my favourite in hades 1 was the xian yu spear with demeter aspect on the big spin, i think
TXC2: for me it's the fists, I love the fists
BrowneePoints: Guan Yu
BrowneePoints: fists were my 2nd fave
sparrowhawksilver: guan yu, not xian yu, yeah
SymphonySolstice: I love Gun
BrowneePoints: since you could infinitely attack
Tophical: I think mine was the spear
NorthstarTex: my fav is Hestia's Rail
glitched_goddess: jeeze where’s all the hearts you were getting before lol
Snowcookies: the shield was fun
BrowneePoints: Lucifer Rail just enabled REAL goofy shit
BrowneePoints: I loved it so much
TXC2: very "get over here!"
NapalmSideburns subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 121 months!
NapalmSideburns: I just found out Canada has a town called Skookumchuck, and I think that's a fun fact more people should know!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, NapalmSideburns! (Today's storm count: 228)
SymphonySolstice: womp womp
BrowneePoints: we got beybladed!
wench_tacular: shame, that build was getting good
BrowneePoints: How far off are we from getting death defiance?
TXC2: BrowneePoints we have one
SymphonySolstice: we have one
Tplayne: hades is how I realized Im actually bad at videogames
BrowneePoints: did I miss it proccing?
BlueChloroplast: So can we hug Dora with our ghost hand?
TXC2: BrowneePoints seems like you did
SymphonySolstice: snacky
TXC2: we attack Olympus when SuperGiant have finished building it Kappa
incredulouspasserby: her abs tho
Simonark: Woodsy!
Dalrint: Wait hang on I just realized, is cerberus not here? How do we pet him?!
TXC2: Dalrint there is another dog to pet
HubbeKing: :)
BorgarWithAShotgun: Big tall Rocks. Name of a Rock Band?
SymphonySolstice: those aren't seeds tho
dantedad222: How's it going everyone?
TXC2: hello dantedad222 welcome
HubbeKing: I do enjoy the implication that you simply can't hold more cards in your hands
BlueChloroplast: Eeeeyyyyy
glitched_goddess: oh that seems useful lol
SymphonySolstice: magick restore is handy
PMAvers: some nights, you just gotta be blastin’
accountmadeforants: @hubbeking Melinoe is not ready to play EDH yet
excalgold: Holy Mole....i just saw the temp was 78, no wonder it feels warm in here
SymphonySolstice: boon from 1st game
BlueChloroplast: Only 2?
wench_tacular: from Hades 1
BorgarWithAShotgun: oooh, Hades 1 Boons
TXC2: these are from Hades 1
TXC2: Hydraulic Might might be the worst boon from Hades 1
sparrowhawksilver: i think i might've taken it exactly once, to collect it for the minor prophecy
TXC2: easy to code?
glitched_goddess: not everything can be a winner
HubbeKing: ah yes, they're not pinned. they're just... locked in a stalemate.
sparrowhawksilver: you didn't rarify the boon there, did you?
accountmadeforants: To teach people to appreciate good boons, like bad magic cards
mtvcdm: Some quick rooms here.
sparrowhawksilver: i mean, same, in the beginning, just not a option i connected with the boons, as i knew them from hades 1
BrowneePoints: dead witch?
SymphonySolstice: hi grandma
accountmadeforants: Megamandragora
sparrowhawksilver: you can look at it's glossary entry, one of the d-pad directions
QuixoticScrivener: just a generic nymph of some kind?
TXC2: sweat sweat healing
SymphonySolstice: fight! fight! fight!
Luna: i think she needs to go to counseling
BrowneePoints: that foraging Boon is how I beat my first run. I had over 350 HP by the end of it.
BlueChloroplast: Nice job Matt!
Two_Hats: It adds up
BrowneePoints: if you get it REAL early
BrowneePoints: it adds up
SymphonySolstice: ya
BlueChloroplast: Nemesis big gurl
HubbeKing: OOOH
HubbeKing: this place has another good friemb
Geldaran: at the risk of violating the tip rules, you can cut her off any take the door first idf you are quick.
TXC2: +8 MAX life
NorthstarTex: KITTY!!!
ShaneLeeAtk: PET CAT
mtvcdm: Chat?
betazed15: Kitty!
TehAmelie: you're a kitty!
BusTed: Bilingual game
TXC2: Kitty!
NonjaBiru: Cat chat!
rossmification subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 44 months!
accountmadeforants: C(h)at?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, rossmification! (Today's storm count: 229)
excalgold: TeleCat
BrowneePoints: yeah, every time I see nemesis I sprint to a door so she doesn’t take it
LeeshaJoy: best game of 2024
NorthstarTex: Pet cat, best game, hear purr 11/10
petey_vonwho: We can pet the cat? Game of the year!
adept_nekomancer: Ran off, evaporated, same thing
wench_tacular: they're enjoying it
BusTed: Just ruining their little spin game.
SymphonySolstice: yippeee!!!
BusTed: drawfeYip drawfePee
Mazrae: The look like demon geese
Geldaran: well, I didn't think so before, but now I can't un hear it.
sparrowhawksilver: one thing i really like in hades 2 is that there are a lot more build-transforming boons
accountmadeforants: The pink light makes it look like Melinoe is blushing
BlueChloroplast: We have so much gold
Simonark: You got this.
anclag subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 40 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, anclag! (Today's storm count: 230)
KrivKobold: !schedule
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I took a little break. How are we doing?
BlueChloroplast: It is interesting
BrowneePoints: she was also also attributed to time because the three heads faced towards the past the present and the future
TXC2: theming baby
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
BrowneePoints: Goddess of the Crossroads and all that
TXC2: I wait for the 3 fates to show up at some point
Mazrae: Ba ram you
BusTed: the little tongue hanging out makes me laugh
James_the_Dabbler: The silver sisters
BlueChloroplast: The silver sisters
wench_tacular: nice
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Don't all the gods offer prophetic insight? Like the Delphic oracle was at a Temple to Apollo, iirc.
BusTed: FBtouchdown
betazed15: at 5 hp! well done
accountmadeforants: seabatClap
Simonark: Act 2 Let’s Go.
wench_tacular: 2 is not zero
TehAmelie: now the game truly begins
QuixoticScrivener: didn't throw!
BrowneePoints: :)
HubbeKing: Just a kindly old man, nothing nefarious about this :)
SymphonySolstice: omg hiiii *twirls hair*
malfnord: Not suspicious AT ALL
jessieimproved: I'm not your pal buddy
TXC2: I'm sure he's not important at all
HubbeKing: Merely an old man
BusTed: Ominous
HubbeKing: I'm sure it's fine
betazed15: My face right now...
Simonark: I’m sure he’ll never appear again!
RomanGoro: Nothing to worry about
BlueChloroplast: Ooops missed the heal
Rae_of_Light_: He makes me think of an ominous Mr. Rogers
Luna: why do i recognise his voice
BlueChloroplast: Wait no we got it
RomanGoro: BlueChloroplast did not, was at 6
Rae_of_Light_: You have to get the heal before the door unlocks. It won't let you through otherwise.
Rae_of_Light_: Even if you're at full.
excalgold: some one told Mel to get into the sea and she took them literally
LeeshaJoy: I was gonna say, in Hades 1 you can't leave the area *without* healing first
the_phantom_game_player: It was great seeing you
AugmentingPath: delicious lime!
Snowcookies: Can't wait to try this game out myself
HesGotNoPants: By force or by horse
BusTed: Survival!
SytYoshi: Thanks for the stream.
QuixoticScrivener: Matt needs a play it forward
TXC2: thanks for streaming Matt
SymphonySolstice: blow a kiss for moon mommy
Simonark: Any thoughts after a few hours played?
BlueChloroplast: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
AriaHibiki: hope you feel better soon matt!
SymphonySolstice: thanks matt!!
SnackPak_: wooo!
TXC2: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
RebekahWSD: Thanks for the game!
Therberus: Thank you Matt, you are a real one
Snowcookies: ty Matt
TehAmelie: thanks for having us
vinewood_og: thanks matt, this was fun, feel better!
TXC2: we can only hope
QuixoticScrivener: ooh soul flem?
wench_tacular: this was fun, thanks
SymphonySolstice: game Good
educatedpeasants subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 29 months!
the_phantom_game_player: See you later
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, educatedpeasants! (Today's storm count: 231)
Simonark: Chakra Mucus?
theworldsmith1: Id watch this play it forward
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
malsareus: gargle your soul to deal with flem
DarkForge23 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 56 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DarkForge23! (Today's storm count: 232)
Mazrae: Yay Lego
Plasterboard: hope you feel better soon Matt
gualdhar: we did last time
TXC2: bye
asddsa28: buy
vinewood_og: bye
wench_tacular: we still hear you
gualdhar: we can hear you
creasehearst: sound is there yes
asddsa28: we can still hear yes
TheWormbo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 91 months!
TheWormbo: yes
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheWormbo! (Today's storm count: 233)
Tophical: Yep
AriaHibiki: yes
AugmentingPath: yep
electra310: Byeeeeeee
Two_Hats: Yep
BlueChloroplast: Oh yeah
the_phantom_game_player: yes
NorthstarTex: yep
SnackPak_: yup
TXC2: yes we can hear
HubbeKing: we can indeed yes
MTGRanger: yeah we hear stream audio
littleunknownn: Yes
Talin06: yes
vinewood_og: yes
electra310: Yes
Snowcookies: yes
DaSunao: Bye! hifunkGold
Plasterboard: hear who? :P
SpacePotato01: no
RocknGrohlNerd: yep
betazed15: yep
Mazrae: Yep
Simonark: Clem Fandango
HesGotNoPants: No I cant
accountmadeforants: yes
dukebazaar: We can Hear
YeomanAres: No tell secrets we can't hear
MTGRanger: we're learning all the secrets of On Break LRR!
petey_vonwho: No
wench_tacular: yep
asddsa28: yes
kaziel0: We can!
AugmentingPath: yes
mtvcdm: Yep
TXC2: yeap
littleunknownn: Yeo
Opheliaway: Yes
SytYoshi: yes
Patorik: yes
SnackPak_: correct
MrSarkhan: Yes
NorthstarTex: yes
excalgold: yes hello James
KaleidoscopeMind: no (lying)
YeomanAres: Yes
vinewood_og: uh huh
HubbeKing: maybe
betazed15: still audio from chairs and james
electra310: Yep
SymphonySolstice: I hear a james
Mazrae: Loud and clear
AriaHibiki: yup
dougma: am I the only one who read the schedule as "Lego DAD Build"?
TXC2: !advice
LRRbot: Mash R1.
HesGotNoPants: No
wench_tacular: because we have ears
the_phantom_game_player: I can hear you
Brozard: Because you're talking?
Opheliaway: Why?
Simonark: You should do a song
thasmiel: yes
electra310: Because we like you
vinewood_og: F4?
fonk: That's Cody Rhode's theme isn't it?
dumbo3k: no, definitely can’t hear anything. nothing no to report at all
NorthstarTex: !badadvice
LRRbot: Have you checked your butt?
beowuuf: inverse wheeler
dukebazaar: We can still hear
Brozard: We can still hear you
seinka: tech magick
Anubis169 bounces around
ghyllnox: Oh hi Graham
AriaHibiki: hi graham!
Therberus: Mic 5
Anubis169: hihi G!
TXC2: hello Anubis169
mtvcdm: Beautiful
electra310: Mic 5!
as_ever_ellesandra: it was still live for Harry obviously
HubbeKing: for that good good room tone
wench_tacular: yes
beowuuf: yup
as_ever_ellesandra: Yes
mtvcdm: Yep
TheWormbo: yes, still
AugmentingPath: yes
Opheliaway: Yes
Two_Hats: Yep
TXC2: yeap
raulghoulia: still yes
SytYoshi: yep
HesGotNoPants: Nope
AriaHibiki: yes
Anubis169: yes
littleunknownn: Yes
NorthstarTex: yes
Patorik: yes
theworldsmith1: Yes
Therberus: Nope can't hear you
vinewood_og: yes
dukebazaar: yup
kaziel0: Still can
betazed15: yep
Despoiler98: yes
Talin06: yes
as_ever_ellesandra: Correct
electra310: Yes
Chronomos901: yep
wench_tacular: sure can
Cyberegg: yes
RocknGrohlNerd: yes
Mazrae: Still yep
the_phantom_game_player: yes
accountmadeforants: yes
Anubis169: can still hear you
betazed15: can still hear, yes
BlueChloroplast: Curtains? Is this not studio A?
Simonark: To our collective reaction, yes
HubbeKing: owls.
Anubis169: well it is confusing
as_ever_ellesandra: Does the scene have mics on it?
Anubis169: gremlins
wench_tacular: this is worse than going to the opticians
as_ever_ellesandra: yes
ghyllnox: You might say a number or a keyword for us to repeat
SatiricalSme: yes
dukebazaar: yes
Brozard: super loud and clear
ghyllnox: So you know which test you're doing
betazed15: sure sounds like it
TheWormbo: it sounds very "direct"
RocknGrohlNerd: should we be confused too?
Anubis169: it's the close-up mic, 5x5
NorthstarTex: yes
wench_tacular: proper mic
Wolfstrike_NL: very clearly yes, that mic
Mazrae: Who broke the mute
as_ever_ellesandra: Its definitely that mic
Therberus: But do they have the "stay" XLR?
malsareus: it's good sound\
asddsa28: yup
Patorik: sounds intentional
Simonark: Yep!
aine1978: Yrsssss
mtvcdm: Loud and clear
Opheliaway: Loud. And clear.
Talin06: sound is good
kaziel0: Affirmative on loud and clearn
Plasterboard: aye, sounds like you are chomping on the mic
ghyllnox: No you're right up on it
as_ever_ellesandra: does the scene show where the audio is coming from on the mixer?
protojman: PS5 controller?
Anubis169: is there audio linked to something further up the chain?
Dalrint: Twitch magic
DentedPockets: Does this have to do with the cable change last night?
momalyd: We hear all and see all!!
aine1978: Ghosts in the mics
malsareus: Windows volume mixer?
Brozard: Paul! lrrJUDGECALL
electra310: Twitch Chat is Magic
BlueChloroplast: lrrSLOTH
aine1978: Yea Paul!!!
Anubis169: manYES
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
Luna: lego dnd time?
mtvcdm: In the meantime keep those subs coming
ghyllnox: Goodbye fuzzy James
SymphonySolstice: game audio was still there too
Simonark: I can no longer hear James!
TXC2: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
electra310: Cheer400 A minute in honor of Mic 5
Scytzo: Yup
Scytzo: Well, they're doing the build - the game comes later.
Luna: yeah awesomeee
Mazrae: Bye how I would think you would look like without my glasses James
RocknGrohlNerd: @malsareus strong pick :)
PhoenixMelior: Hey folks! What's next on the docket today?
RocknGrohlNerd: lego
electra310: Lego Time
mtvcdm: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: LEGO D&D Build at Tue 11:00 AM PDT (2m ago).
PhoenixMelior: Oh heck yeah
Mazrae: Surprise windows update changing all the settings??
ShaneLeeAtk: A wild James!
PhoenixMelior: I can make out kathleen
kdefinition: @Mazrae This has never happened before. Unprecedented.
EvilBadman: Yay I can watch again after dodging Hades 2 spoilees.
AtrusOfMyst: Theres a D&D one shot that goes along with the Lego. I think Graham said Jordynne is going to modify the campaign a bit so they can play it?
DaddyBearPlaysLive subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 65 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DaddyBearPlaysLive! (Today's storm count: 234)
EvilBadman: @AtrusOfMyst Yee
BrowneePoints: Modified
sfot: can they see youtube chat?
Mazrae: Modified to be fun
Simonark: Heroes Of Blurcadia
kusinohki: Lrr, now in glaucoma vision
James_the_Dabbler: Wait did I miss building the set?
James_the_Dabbler: hecking honk
SoaringDragon42: Nope, you're right on time
TXC2: here we GO!
TheMerricat: @James_the_Dabbler They build it as they play? I don't think we've missed any on stream building this thon
Colin: Not really, only if they check on their phones etc
Marshall Wentworth: Yeah I can't imagine the brain jam trying to keep up with two different chats might cause.
the_phantom_game_player: Lego time
Mazrae: Thiat was near sighted vision
BusTed: Hello!
Redbassist: lrrBartleby lrrGibb
TehAmelie: aloha
ArrestedHouse: lrrBartleby
Therberus: Nice outfit Jordynne!
SoaringDragon42: mic?
excalgold: EGADS! its some LRRFolk
TheMerricat: Audio quiet for anyone else?
vegetalss4: nikkikWave lrrBartleby
UnboundLaconicness subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 126 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, UnboundLaconicness! (Today's storm count: 235)
PhoenixMelior: Jordynne rather quiet
TXC2: Hello Kathleen, Cameron, Jordyne, Nelson and Matt
jessieimproved: Let's go LEGO
wench_tacular: hey
SoaringDragon42: sooooo quiet
TXC2: *Jordynne
Anubis169: o hai
ghyllnox: Yes
TehAmelie: the edges are like shot by Zach Snyder and the middle is shot by Michael Bay
Sarah_Serinde: It's been less than a year, because last year's was quite close to DB
Therberus: A day in, but the timer is still stuck on 30ish hours...
Colin: It's more just hard to get both up at once
Sarah: When there's someone running the stream, like Paul or James, they can also see this chat, but folks in studio can't see it easily
Luna: yeah
sfot: i figured, that's fair
LoadingReadyRun: hello
Luna: also cameron woop woop
Marshall Wentworth: Yeah the technical of just displaying them of course also a problem needing solving.
Luna: hello
TXC2: it's been 8-9 months
ghyllnox: It feels like the last subathon happened after DB
AtrusOfMyst: It feels like just last month
Anubis169: TXC2: Spelling it Jordyne makes it sound like there are electrical super powers somewhere :D
lordcrocodile: Ah yes prepping Dnd while watching DnD <3 <3
PhoenixMelior: Jordynne is for ke
TXC2: Anubis169 I wouldn't be surprised
Sarah_Serinde: I did just turn my audio up
MehallD: seems fine to me
the_phantom_game_player: Its fine for me
creasehearst: audio is fine here
TheMerricat: so quiet
IronwoodWizard: seems fine
tsp397: Audio seems good to me
TheOneCalledStu: feels a bit quiet to me
theworldsmith1: By 2050 there will be a subathon every 50 seconds
Plasterboard: seems good
Simonark: I can still hear James
jimber_jam: sounds good to me
RomanGoro: James is louder than everyone else
Talin06: i think all LRR streams are quite
ghyllnox: There's a lot of room, but otherwise seems good
LostThePirate: A little low
as_ever_ellesandra: sounds great to me
KV1NN4: a tiny bit quieter
Creideiki_SE: Quite low.
betazed15: seems good? Cam is kinda quiet?
PMAvers: soon there’ll be a subathon every month, then every week, then daily
wench_tacular: who listens in meetings tho?
AtrusOfMyst: Membrane squirting is banned Cam
Therberus: Membranes in your throat, membranes in the 'phone
TheManaLeek: Headphones vs speakers always ruins the "is the audio quiet" troubleshooting :D
Anubis169: table balance is good, room mic has an echo but is very understandable
wench_tacular: sound is fine
GhostValv: D:
SoaringDragon42: James was fine, the room was quiet.
vinewood_og: James loud, room quiet
Colin: It Paul?
From the Dumpster to the Grave: is that a paul in chat?
LoadingReadyRun: it actually G, just to confuse you
Colin: Graham? That's not Paul
PawssumFable: My PC is at 35% and I hearing fine
QuixoticScrivener: jordynne was a bit quiet, compared to others
sfot just became a member!
momalyd: You really need to use your Lego voice
LostThePirate: Compared to the other scene, much quieter - I did turn my volume up already, it's nearly maxed :P
mtvcdm: Use your diaphragm
TehAmelie: i hear some humming but i guess that's inevitable
Patorik: quieter than the other room, but everyone sounds appropriate to each other
Anubis169: EYY
PawssumFable: If you can't hear, it's def you
as_ever_ellesandra: Don't worry nelson, its only been 10 months
RomanGoro: There's a humm that makes it hard to hear if you have a good subwoofer :D
Simonark: We were there the day Cameron went full Savidan.
TXC2: speaking of blaming chat
TXC2: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
the_phantom_game_player: I'll blame James
SymphonySolstice: She..........
Anubis169: I freakin' love lego!!
jessieimproved: Lego and D&D, my heart
TehAmelie: Dungeons & Dragons n a box!
sparrowhawksilver: i general, i feel like LRR content is less loud than other stuff, including their vods
Uzumaki15: How many pieces is the set?
AtrusOfMyst: That's so dope
Didero: Is this one of those sets that's split up so multiple people can build at the same time?
Austere_Squire: the nerdiest thing possible
Anubis169: btw, it wasn't until trying some knock-off lego, I realised how much effort and time Lego put into making their manuals as accessible as possible. No others come close <3
CmdrMadMoe: DnDeez nuts
LRRbot: Thanks for becoming a channel member, sfot! (Today's storm count: 236)
Luna: we've been tricked, backstabbed, and quite possibly bamboozled by the G man
From the Dumpster to the Grave: lets not jump to conclusions, graham MIGHT be paul, let him speak
Sarah: Hi Graham XD
LoadingReadyRun: Hey thanks sfot!
Therberus: Is the lego stuff used as minis for the D&D session?
TXC2: they're LEGO
theymerLoviatar: meowdy n'y'all
stippledotter: Dungeons or Dragons or Both at the same time?
TehAmelie: the minifigs can use the maximum lawn yahtzee dice on the shelf :D
TXC2: hello theymerLoviatar welcome
wench_tacular: good joke streamer
AugmentingPath: Being a lego figure and having a d4 hit die is double caltrops
Chesul: Elf Wizard? the prophesized child of the Krankor family has arrived!
kusinohki: The party meets at a brick house
Luna: absolute madlads
From the Dumpster to the Grave: have really enjoyed the subathon, some of the vids brought back great memories of watching about ten years ago when I was in uni :)
LoadingReadyRun: Thanks!
Colin: What a name there by Nelson
Luna: genuinely it reminded me of old vids that really helped me through tough times
sparrowhawksilver: @Anubis169 some other brands, like cobi, put outlines for the "important" pieces of the build step
saucemaster5000: why are you building your castle out of our body parts???
GhostValv: ayo?
TehAmelie: legos are immune to crushing damage, right
Patorik: phrasing
Kentosaurus: delegate the sub assemblies
SpacePotato01: The set is designed to be built with four people at once, one per module, iirc
AtrusOfMyst: Get ready to hustle some Lego
Colin: LRR has always been extremely Comfort Media for me, always makes me feel better
chifii: Are we moving towards a "Ken came in a different box" joke?
From the Dumpster to the Grave: init, its just *nice*
wjmck subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 33 months!
wjmck: The one year!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, wjmck! (Today's storm count: 237)
Heckhoundbolt: I have my doubts that will help
raulghoulia: literal dungeon manager, Jordynne
AtrusOfMyst: Bricked up in 3 hours
beowuuf: past james writng cheques he doesn't even have to cash :p
TehAmelie: so it's really four sets each 1/8 the size of the Rivendell
lordofkatz: A 3 hour "break"
Wolfstrike_NL: A break to keep building
tsp397: I'm not sure James has done the math
Kentosaurus: those are beefy instructions
Uzumaki15: Oh it's only 3700 pieces, I could probably do that solo in about 3 hours
TXC2: those are some weighty tomes
Didero: The official Lego app has instructions for co-op building for some sets, but I don't know if it's for this set too
Colin: I love this set, I have talked myself out of building it like 5 times
Colin: buying it rather
Austere_Squire: 5e?
neisan2112: Oh I love the color of Jordynne's dress
gualdhar: something something short and thick does the trick?
petey_vonwho: No work, only lego
wench_tacular: phrasing?
Chesul: it's Lego, it IS therapy.
raulghoulia: between 3 and 4
Austere_Squire: it was orisons in 3.5
IaCthulhuFthagn: When csntrips changed meaning.
OmegaPlatinum: It's in Pathfinder 1e too
Austere_Squire: 5.5
PrancerInflatableReindeer subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 44 months!
PrancerInflatableReindeer: löv for yü
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, PrancerInflatableReindeer! (Today's storm count: 238)
mtvcdm: ! Clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
BusTed: good tweet pic
Lily the Otter: oh, is this the dnd lego oneshot?
Colin: They were Cantrips in 3.5 I am sure
TXC2: YT thumbnail there
raulghoulia: I've been pronouncing orison wrong for 20 years
TXC2: raulghoulia been saying just Or-son ?
BusTed: Roy Orison the cleric/bard
kaijuknight428: Whats being built?
TXC2: kaijuknight428 LEGO D&D set
Lily the Otter: or are we building it?
Luna: building
iris_of_ether: Oh no, this will not help my strong desire to dump money on
raulghoulia: @TXC2 stressing the I. or-EYE-sen
kaijuknight428: Oh cool my brother has that set, it looks really cool
BlueChloroplast: Skall!!
KorrenTheNinth: Denmark, so skol
TXC2: raulghoulia ah I see
westerfarmer: Skål
AtrusOfMyst: Lego is from Kaldheim
IaCthulhuFthagn: @raulghoulia What lies beyond the 'orizon?
Greyah: I know some people that buy large LEGO sets, build them once, and then sell them again so they can buy more sets to build.
morgoth_bauglyr subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 60 months!
morgoth_bauglyr: bwawawawawa lrrSIG
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, morgoth_bauglyr! (Today's storm count: 239)
westerfarmer: that å close to an oh sound
BusTed: There's something rotten?
HorusFive: So much crinkle. lrrAWESOME
TehAmelie: i just saw Cloud Atlas yesterday, where an "orrison" is a kind of formal interview in the Neo Seoul future
Didero: The very large pieces are often separate, yeah
momalyd: Ah, there's all that aduio
kusinohki: Recently got a used y wing. Didn't realize how much a difference having stuff organized in bags make
vinewood_og: Hey Siri what is the opposite of ASMR?
vegetalss4: Skål is how you says "cheers" in denmark, as in when drinking
Marshall Wentworth: Yeah this is the building portion required before the running of the adventure.
EQMoPower: this is a cool idea
Lily the Otter: dope
JadedCynic: ahoy the builders! <3
stippledotter: All their base are belong to bag
beowuuf: kathleen and nelson on ampersand duty :p
sparrowhawksilver: @iris_of_ether buy other brands, they're at least the same quality, but like half the price, just no franchises attached
TXC2: hello JadedCynic welcome
mtvcdm: !addquote (Nelson) [now] Where is Sweden from?
LRRbot: New quote #9048: "Where is Sweden from?" —Nelson [2024-07-16]
TehAmelie: it's from under the ice sheets of the last ice age
Lily the Otter: still at work unfortunately so I'll probably have to catch a lot of this as a vod later
TXC2: 3ft gnome with the 6ft sword
TehAmelie: still rising out of the sea by 1 cm per year, i recall
HorusFive: @TXC2 hot
TXC2: HorusFive right?
CheshireCake: @vinewood_og ASMR stands for autonomous sensory meridian response, so presumably the opposite would be a Dependent Imaginary Base Question
AtrusOfMyst: Crinkle cut Lego
Wolfstrike_NL: #BlameJames
wench_tacular: #blamejames
as_ever_ellesandra: james, now posting #BlameJames
wench_tacular: bad choices were made
maestrith: Nap time for James
Austere_Squire: relatable content
IaCthulhuFthagn: @TXC2 Oh, I brought the wrong scale of mini for my Cloud with a Buster Sword? Guess I'm a gnome.
saucemaster5000: dogs are just kids who are more excited about walkies
BusTed: LUL
AtrusOfMyst: They made fathers day in honor of James
Wolfstrike_NL: Desertbus Dad
James_the_Dabbler: The no-sleep life didn’t choose James, James literally chose the no-sleep life
Austere_Squire: DM energy, having a bunch of adult older children
ShaneLeeAtk: BDE - Bitlocker Disk Encryption?
Sarah_Serinde: Being a mod is enough of the parenting experience for me :P
Joshua Trytten: Jordynne DMing this build session
TXC2: ^
TehAmelie: or Micromanaged Emotional Edge Initiative
BlueChloroplast: Oooh NB ork
kusinohki: Lego cannot be used by the wizard
TheNerdWonder: can Jordynne give any more info on why the adventure as written was bad enough to need a rewrite?
as_ever_ellesandra: NB Ork
Austere_Squire: the two genders: hood and bald
IaCthulhuFthagn: Hair or bald, the gender binary.
Greyah: The orc's gender is BEEF
James_the_Dabbler: *gets a generic minifig head*
Therberus: What's under that hood though 🤔
Wolfstrike_NL: That would be some great bathroom signs
Therberus: More hood?
wench_tacular: impressive
TXC2: Bless you
TehAmelie: looks like my Minecraft bases
wench_tacular: kathleen legless
AtrusOfMyst: Wizards like to store their legs in odd spaces
TehAmelie: wizards don't need legs, just give em a horse
lordofkatz: So how bad was the pre-made one shot? I heard Jordanne's players mutinied after 2 hours
maestrith: I thought Matt sounded a bit under the weather playing earlier :( get well soon!
TXC2: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Didero: LRRbot has got ya
CmdrMadMoe: wizard legs are stored in their orbs
Sarah: !subathon
TXC2: maestrith he is coming off of a cold
as_ever_ellesandra: serge might solo a treatza pizza
IaCthulhuFthagn: @TheNerdWonder Wild guess - It was a published adventure, and they are pretty much all in more or less dire need of rewrites?
maestrith: @TXC2 ah, bummer.
TehAmelie: i think the time renaming has actually gone down during my nap? chat be slipping
Greyah: So the wizard's backstory involves being a professional stabbist, is what I'm hearing.
TXC2: I feel like teeth are a mix of Hammers and knives
AugmentingPath: o
dionizuz: when is the bloomburrow preprerelease?
TehAmelie: remainig
DeM0nFiRe: Leg: no
Didero: Where'd the leg go?
powerflapjack subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 17 months!
powerflapjack: you walk into a dark room that you were building legos in earlier that day. roll d20 to see if you step on one
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, powerflapjack! (Today's storm count: 240)
Earthenone: sunday
TXC2: dionizuz Sunday
TehAmelie: *gives up spelling*
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and…
Sarah: (Note that they're unable to count YouTube memberships towards the subathon timer, but you're all appreciated regardless)
Colin: If you sub, they Thon
inaudibledaisy: do yall have little game piece containers or bowls to help keep the parts oragnaized?
EQMoPower: sub they stay on
emmaInProgress: Legone
Anubis169: TXC2: would go more for hammers and log splitters
QuixoticScrivener: leg 0
MTGRanger: Lwg-no
MTGRanger: Leg-no*
TXC2: Anubis169 indeed
alchemistsavant: Finally, leg obtained.
saucemaster5000: the best part of lego is following the instructions exactly and never making up builds yourself
DideRobot: LRR: The Sub-A-Thon continues! | We’ve already had coffee with James and Adam, and Matt rocked some Hades 2! Now it’s on to LEGO! These lovely humans are gonna build this dope D&D LEGO set and then later today they’re gonna play a one-shot! (has image) |
TXC2: leg no my LEGO
AtrusOfMyst: The Lego Legolas jokes were strong last time
Geldaran: I do a rough sort, but I'm not psycho about it.
Sarah_Serinde: !ppr
LRRbot: The Bloomburrow PPR will be on Sunday, 21 July at 10am PDT! More info forthcoming.
JonnyH: Does anyone sort all the pieces? No? Me neither....
Greyah: There's a term for that... was it knolling?
TehAmelie: is everything awesome yet?
QuixoticScrivener: now Kathleen needs to find all the other clown pieces
Geldaran: knurlling?
phoenixfeather14: Yes, knolling
powerflapjack: kathleen: I enjoy sorting things also kathleen: (drops crack a box contents into a pile)
DeltaStrata: Lego today is for Leg=0.
ClodiumSoride: @Greyah yes, that's it, laying things out in a grid
Geldaran: I saw adam savage talk about it once.
TehAmelie: i was told everything's cool when you're part of a team
PawssumFable: If Kathleen enjoys sorting and Matt enjoys clicking, why not let Kathleen sort Matt's and vice versa
PixelArtDragon: As opposed to gnolling, which involves monsters
HorusFive: When are they going to give Beej a radio and make him put the pieces together remotely? lrrBEEJ
Opheliaway: @powerflapjack Well yeah. Then she can sort it after dumping it into a pile
IaCthulhuFthagn: @PixelArtDragon That's for later.
gualdhar: oh yeah Wiggins is hardcore Gundam now
HorusFive: mattlrWoof
Xafty: gundam plamo
Nigouki: contraction of Gundam Plamo, and Plamo is a contraction of Plastic Models
TehAmelie: they're like legos, but you can only build them once
ghyllnox: Plamo is the generic
Xafty: plamo= plastic model
nevermore913: Yes Wiggins is doing good work with those
wench_tacular: now you know
Cptasparagus: no theyre all Bandai
Cptasparagus: not all robots are gundams
Colin: Warhammer is Lego for even nerdier kids :P
DeltaStrata: Well, a different kind of nerdy kid, anyway.
Nigouki: Only Bandai has the license to make Gundam model kits
nevermore913: And gunpla has no glue
powerflapjack: i enjoy SEED and SEED Destiny because I like a lil bit of unintentional comedy in my space opera
Nigouki: other robot model kits IPs have lots of manufacturers
TheMerricat: So if GunPla is a portmandu of Gundam Plamo and Plamo is a portmandu of Plastic Model.... We've got recrusive portmandues!!!
Mazrae: So next year, Lego eye of sauron, Barad-dûr, to go with rivendell
mercano82: War in the pocket is pretty good. It’s also only like six or eight episodes, so it’s not a huge commitment
Herbert_Erpaderp: Bandai makes some fantastic models.
TehAmelie: you've got your Gundamns, your Yandhams, your Macross
Xafty: people use gunpla as the generic even though the generic is technically plamo
PixelArtDragon: Is IKEA furniture gunpla?
ghyllnox: YouGeeOh!
Saintnex: I want to say Namco is the big brand, but it’s been years :p
Gekyouryuu: War in the Pocket: a wonderful Christmas special Kappa
TXC2: Asking questions is how we learn
Patorik: Isn't there Gunpla in the room with Nelson right now?
Eklinaar: I have to ask people half my age to explain pop culture stuff to me all the time
HorusFive: Thing is- people love talking about the things they love
CaKnuckleguy: @notthepenguins I can't wait for Yu-beej-oh
IaCthulhuFthagn: @PixelArtDragon Is mayonnaise Gunpla?
vegetalss4: I like Nelson asking - it often means I get to learn
wench_tacular: lrrSHINE
Xafty: @Saintnex Bandai, so technically
powerflapjack: @Gekyouryuu war in the pocket's alsoa good barbeque show
jdr_42: middle aged dudes never want to explain their hobbies to someone
alchemistsavant: I'm honestly glad to know exactly what gunpla is now! I got it from context, but now I know 100%.
Pinwiz11: I still have 5-6 G-Witch gunpla I need to put together
Didero: Man, my life got a lot easier when I stopped worrying if people thought I was stupid and just started asking questions when I didn't know something
Pat Hulse: War in the Pocket is basically Summer of My Gundam Soldier
Sarah: Sometimes it's the same nerdy kid
omdorastrix: Nelly was one of the lucky 10,000 today to learn about gunpla
JonnyH: XKCD's lucky 10,000 idea - people don'
saucemaster5000: I just assumed gunpla was when you sneeze while taking a dump
notthepenguins: the g-witch gunpla are so good
BusTed: @Didero seabatBRAIN
iris_of_ether: Matt.
wench_tacular: pardon?
Pinwiz11: I also should rewatch g-witch
Opheliaway: Matt...
MrQBear: @Pinwiz11 I'm in the middle of a GaoGaiGar model that I should pick back up...
alchemistsavant: oh my, we're putting the dragussy together?
notthepenguins: legendary tbh @didero
Bugberry: They don't call House of the Dragon Hot D for nothing.
Archonic_Energy subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 90 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Archonic_Energy! (Today's storm count: 241)
BusTed: he's not wrong
IaCthulhuFthagn: @jdr_42 Is that how you tell when someone turns middle aged?
Sarah_Serinde: Ian's not here, apparently *someone* needs to take up the cloaca talk
TehAmelie: really wild Elden Ring and Gunpla has the same publisher
HorusFive: Spiky Hole
TXC2: Sarah_Serinde do they? must they? :p
AtrusOfMyst: They must have studied Smaug very closely
Sarah_Serinde: @TXC2 See this is why I said "apparently" :D
BusTed: none of that purple stuff
Sarah_Serinde: I would generally prefer if they didn't
Pinwiz11: According to my calculations, three gunpla can count as a full "Imperial Titan" army in One Page Rules.
Mr_Horrible: @Sarah_Serinde is this a "Speed" situation? If cloaca are mentioned less than 3 times per bit does the studio explode?
Bugberry: I have never done mecha model building, but the Armored Core ones have been the most enticing.
mtvcdm: Oh is it time for Cloaca Talk?
Sarah_Serinde: @Mr_Horrible That might just be Ian
Mr_Horrible: fair
maestrith: #subscribe Cloaca Facts
Patorik: Not used to watching streams live anymore. I was just like "I want to scrub ahead and see if they finished building on time", "oh, wait"
Laurence72: Good morning! Wow, do we have five people off screen giving instructions on how to put the pieces together? lrrBEEJ
reptile___: "They're reptiles, right?" ...
sparrowhawksilver: better than a mistake you only notice when you have to undo like half an hour of clickies
From the Dumpster to the Grave: in the spirit of the stream im putting together my indominatus space marines, its the worst warhammer ive ever assembled
TXC2: hello Laurence72 welcome
TehAmelie: Laurence, no they want to get this done and play with it
BrowneePoints: Dragons have shapeshifting magic meaning they have whatever reproductive organs they wish
Falannt: Hi chat, hi @LoadingReadyRun . Do we have a timelimit / countdown? ;)
Singenmeister: !quote cloaca
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
TXC2: hello Falannt countdown in the top left there
CaKnuckleguy: The big grey box witht he countdown?
EQMoPower: worst w40k kit I ever put together was some imperial guards
TXC2: *top right even :p
Cirrial subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Cirrial! (Today's storm count: 242)
IaCthulhuFthagn: D&D Dragons, like Zeus, exist to answer the kind of questions about crossbreeding generally only asked in fanfiction.
Bugberry: @BrowneePoints how else do you get Draconic sorcerer bloodlines?
Falannt: @TXC2 is this for lego alone? O_o
saucemaster5000: lego hubris can lead to loss of limb
quigonginnjuice subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 40 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, quigonginnjuice! (Today's storm count: 243)
TXC2: Falannt no that countdown is the whole Sub-a-thon
AtrusOfMyst: I'm not always smarter than the game made for children ages 7-14
IaCthulhuFthagn: Damnit Nelson.
omdorastrix: To be fair, you're not competing with the bricks, you're competing with Lego as designers
phoenixfeather14: @saucemaster5000 but are you entitled to compensation?
Sarah_Serinde: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
From the Dumpster to the Grave: these are clip together ones, but they dont seem to be clipping
EQMoPower: started gluing guys together and by the end the last few were missing limbs
From the Dumpster to the Grave: haha, where you realise theres limited combinations which work together?
Didero: @Falannt They have about 2.5 hours left for this build, according to the schedule:
saucemaster5000: @phoenixfeather14 are you unionized?
Krektogar: haven't seen Jordynne in a while apparently, love the hair
Shadwhawk: They'll give you one extra for every 'small' piece in every color and print.
TXC2: remember: it's not that you are smart or stupid, it's just that sometimes you roll a 20, and other times a 1
Falannt: @Didero thank you for the info
toddbepraised: the spares are all 1x's, because they are packaged automatically by weight, so they estimate over to make sure they don't under pack a bag.
mtvcdm: So. Dear Dr Jordynne. As a Wisconsinite to an Ontarian, is Ontario part of the Midwest?
wench_tacular: use it wisely
TehAmelie: whose idea was it to bring brightly colored candy to the lego build group
HubbeKing: I'm pretty sure you get spares of the pieces that are most likely to get yeeted into the carpet when you accidentally brush against them
EQMoPower: yup
From the Dumpster to the Grave: the arm that goes under the gun is at the totally wrong angle?
SmithKurosaki: Yea always extra smaller pieces
LordManiMani: @toddbepraised fascinating
Didero: If you want prebuilt toys, buy Playmobil :p
saucemaster5000: I aspire to be the lego construction that is never seen
TehAmelie: that's the secret loot compartment
CaKnuckleguy: @mtvcdm "Midwest" is a 'murican concept. Canada we just use 'west' and 'the left coast' and 'anything past Ontario is western canada'
TXC2: Cameron lrrWOW
EQMoPower: I made it work but I didn't end up with a full squad.
public_key_reveal_party: I had this on in the other room, and needed to come in and congratulate Cam on the "threads" reference
SmithKurosaki: @mtvcdm Nope, were the line between middle and east (were even in EST)
wench_tacular: so stabby
IaCthulhuFthagn: At the start of the adventure, does everyone sit in their own shadowy corner of the tavern?
mistbornhoid: lrrSHINE
KV1NN4: 11/10 orc name
TXC2: the hurter not the hurte
Eklinaar: Ontario's definitely not part of the midwest. The midwest is a region in the US.
Greyah: No unga, only bunga
niccus: orcish, roguish
hivefleetdarknell subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 29 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, hivefleetdarknell! (Today's storm count: 244)
TehAmelie: Darkstab Glintfang sounds 100% like a demihuman miniboss in Elden Ring
Laurence72: Team Gnorc?
IaCthulhuFthagn: I'm playing a Chaotic Bald Orc Bard.
sfot: the new ork kits don't let you make a full squad of shooty boyz or axe-y boyz. it's split like 5-4
Colin: @From the Dumpster to the Grave They are not even close to the worst warhammer kids
Colin: New Ork kit was a mistake tbh
Sarah_Serinde: lrrDARK
TXC2: the Chaotic neutral duo
IaCthulhuFthagn: (I decided I like Hair/Bald more as an alignment axis)
Austere_Squire: extremely real name, Darkstab Glintfang
spawnofhastur: Good morning goods folk LRR!
Kentosaurus: Brickbeard is so good
TXC2: hello spawnofhastur welcome
Austere_Squire: Brickbeard Beardbrick
IaCthulhuFthagn: One of the names is real and the other is what everyone else calls the character.
EQMoPower: they want you to buy two
From the Dumpster to the Grave: whaaat? you cant make all sluggas or all shootas? utter bs
Colin: They seem to be gonna make a new-new ork kit
sfot: yep, probably the last time i'm gonna try get back into warhammer. that company is so greedy to the core
Colin: Cause of player feedback
EQMoPower: haven't made a kit for over a decade
sfot: slay
Colin: Infinitely less greedy than WOTC 😆
LordManiMani: Brickbeard Rockgroin
LeeshaJoy: Darkstab Glintfang was a college roommate of Zippo-Tricks McEdgelord.
TehAmelie: i'm a Neutral Hairy Sea Elf Druid
Bugberry: Darkstab sounds like they'd be favored by Shargaas.
spawnofhastur: It's 4:30 AM, I've got COVID and I can't sleep so I'm having the LRRs folk keep me company.
Zhedor: Deities&Demigods?
TXC2: spawnofhastur oof, get well soon lrrHEART
IaCthulhuFthagn: You only really need Laduguer, the other dwarf deities are wimps.
MTGRanger: @Zhedor No I think that's Greyhawk
Colin: Most bad GW decisions are down to making stupid mistakes rather than malice
sfot: that's true
thatguy575: Is it morning? The main dwarf god guy?
BrowneePoints: Book of exalted deeds?
maestrith: @spawnofhastur Get well soon :(
phoenixfeather14: @spawnofhastur feel better soon, friend!
ShifuDaxiongmao: Deity of "The Dude" :P
ClodiumSoride: a dwarven cleric of slack?
Zhedor: @MTGRanger Ah, ok. I just remember it having multiple pantheons in it
uncleardata: The power of chillaxing compels you
wench_tacular: you're not Serge!
BlueChloroplast: Off by One!
N2Osferatu: Off by one! Off by one!
ShaneLeeAtk: Nelson experiencing true Lego building
IaCthulhuFthagn: There are multiple edition books called Deities and Demigods.
UnknownFriday: sergeOffByOne sergeOffByOne sergeOffByOne
mtvcdm: Hope you overcome it soon, @spawnofhastur
Colin: Someone probably thought the new ork kit was really cool, and didn't actually think it through
sfot: also a 2d printer is cheaper than a 3d printer 🤔
EQMoPower: when I was a kid I stole 30 boosters. I'll pay them for absorbing that cost
MTGRanger: It was Faiths and Avatars!
nova_plushie: Hot preist? Ask matts opinion on mystic mommies
SmithKurosaki: sergeOffByOne I guess we know who theSerge of the group is now
IaCthulhuFthagn: Faiths and Pantheons is a Faerûn-specific book on the same theme for 3E.
kewkyc subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 57 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, kewkyc! (Today's storm count: 245)
TheArchitectX: Philosophy over dogma.
undecided44: Danny Timeshare from "Rude tales of Magic:" the god of vacation. Class spell "the weather is here, wish you were beautiful."
LizzyTPau: But can we call you Daddy?? Daddy is not a Father
BrowneePoints: what domain is your cleric?
Sarah_Serinde: Yesss Kathleen message board
BlueChloroplast: In character!
mtvcdm: Community announcement board!
Snowcookies: very Kathleen to get the message board
undecided44: *cleric domain spell, not class spell
SmithKurosaki: The power of the brick separator compels you
Bugberry: Does every character have a subclass?
TXC2: Accessorizing the Beej ?
public_key_reveal_party: I genuinely stole the community announcement board for several games I ran
BlueFingers5: Will Jordan be sharing the rerwrite she did ? I hope to get this set and am sad to hear the adventure is a stinker
AlchemicalPanda subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 49 months!
AlchemicalPanda: Gotta press the button on Sub-a-thon day
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AlchemicalPanda! (Today's storm count: 246)
From the Dumpster to the Grave: tbf I think GW are a pretty alright company. They take the mick a bit with constant new source books
Colin: Axebeard Beardaxe is the Dwarf Barbarian equiv of Steve Stevenson, human fighter I think
Colin: @From the Dumpster to the Grave Yeah the way they do rules is the big thing I disagree with, and I think that's mostly innertia
RoeDent89: Hekken Fighter
LizzyTPau: Innocent Kathleen is playing a thief/rogue? Not on brand at all
Bugberry: sword person
TXC2: champion fighter?
omdorastrix: Class fighter, subclass fighter, occupation fighter
bjergmann101: Cameron the nihilist cleric
From the Dumpster to the Grave: it feels like they don't really 'finish' editions. Like they've not released an astra militarum codex for about 3editions i think?
xantos69: If you have never been a DM, you can't know the amount of worry and care that goes into even a bad campaign.
Therberus: 3hrs time difference sounds like a pain
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah that's the nice thing about travelling from Ontario to BC, it's easy to be an early riser
IaCthulhuFthagn: Finding out one of your players have already played the published adventure you are running but is going in basically blind and spoiler free anyway because of your extensive rewrites is a fun experience, by the way. Watch their reactions to things.
Bugberry: @omdorastrix background: fighter
measureofhope: "innocent" got redifined while I wasn't looking?
mtvcdm: I'm still on Central Time and waking up accordingly
TehAmelie: fighter fighter, with twice the fighter feats
Wolfstrike_NL: Also Justice for Jordynne for being locked outside the moonbase this morning
Therberus: I thought it was Paul & Grahams company?
carnage69420: ive been watching yall since i was 10 im 20 now
BrowneePoints: Berronar Truesilver presides over the domain of life for Dwarves @loadingreadyrun
public_key_reveal_party: "want" is a strong word
AliceLovelin: The girl in the back looks so incredible ;-; I know commenting on looks isn't the most awesome thing to do but she just looks so great I had to say something
RoeDent89: And chat!
Colin: Oh, no Guard got a codex in 9th, and will for 10th
RoeDent89: Chat'll be there too!
Julian_Rogue: just gush about something for the whole time Jacob is real easy to lead into a speil
IaCthulhuFthagn: Kathleen telling people about music is always welcome.
KV1NN4: I am waking up so early this week
BrowneePoints: @alicelovelin they are Jordynne! one of LRRs amazing editors in as a guest from Ontario
xantos69: That would be a GREAT campaign. Your class is Brick-mancer and you build things with magic.
Juliamon: AliceLovelin She is great, isn't she 👑
TehAmelie: they noted earlier everyone else being beige and desaturated makes Jordynne pop
Colin: the 3 year edition cycle can get really stupid feeling tho
From the Dumpster to the Grave: isit? Ive only really just gotten into it. Started with the edition which was space marines and dark eldar then got back into it tepidly about a year or two ago
Colin: THough the new AoS edition seems really fun, and I am excited for it
AliceLovelin: @BrowneePoints I'll look them up!
ClodiumSoride: Have they been to the Barrier Peaks?
niccus: intentionally?
wench_tacular: that doesn't seem safe
ogier300: Recommend watching the last LRR stream highlights.
KV1NN4: Oh THAT tavern!!!
ShifuDaxiongmao: Cameron could have a neutral good god of adventure, but it was the god who picked him, so now he's reluctantly travelling :D
BrowneePoints: THE YAWNING PORTAL!!!
TXC2: Bungee jump into Hell :p
Julian_Rogue: kiss the toe
undecided44: I'm a fan of good tavern names, but I would not stay at "the yawning portal"
saucemaster5000: 7 minutes in heaven is intense there
BrowneePoints: gateway to the under mountain!
EQMoPower: I never liked the game. I liked the models and wanted to make a better one but I didn't
From the Dumpster to the Grave: ive never played AoS. Was super tempted by old world though. but ive got so much unassbled 40k
EQMoPower: obsessed?
bjergmann101: Where is Health and Safety... That can't be safe
kusinohki: Lego master (like Lego movie) as an rpg? How would that work?
omdorastrix: It's the fear hold isn't it?
CaKnuckleguy: It's like a Polar Dip but for mushroom soup terrors
Julian_Rogue: @bjergmann101 no one follows the god O'sha
BrowneePoints: *nerds out over FR lore*
Therberus: Wee bonny lass
public_key_reveal_party: Ah, the evil dead 2 bar
LordManiMani: I played in an urban fantasy RPG where we were trying to thwart cultists summoning a demon frog god. Idk if we did too well or the DM dropped the ball but we didn't even get to see the giant frog.
bjergmann101: @Julian_Rogue damn that is good
BrowneePoints: it’s a long unused keep of Halastar Blackstaff
Mal2mad: Undermountain is a megadungeon with about 24 different levels as per the last canon
BrowneePoints: the Dungeon of the Mad Mage!
IaCthulhuFthagn: "We are playing the Tearing of the Weave? Cool. First order of business, derail hard left, plane shift to Sigil and hop on a Spelljammer to a different setting altogether." - Every D&D group ever, and not even on purpose.
EQMoPower: oh unassembled
Colin: AoS has got better the more they lean into it being utterly absurd and 80s metal album vovers
BrowneePoints: Dragon Heist is a good adventure
public_key_reveal_party: I realize it would probably be very difficult to impossible, but I would love to see jordynne run a longer dice friends campaign
BrowneePoints: and helped flesh out the largest city on the Sword Coast SO much
bjergmann101: This is probably one of the best ideas in the world... Session Zero and Lego, GENIUS!
KaleidoscopeMind: a darkstab at it
akiliyan subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 52 months!
nuclearstulle subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 38 months!
nuclearstulle: Wooo Sub-A-Thon time!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, akiliyan! (Today's storm count: 247)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, nuclearstulle! (Today's storm count: 248)
Moonstruckragamuffin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 71 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Moonstruckragamuffin! (Today's storm count: 249)
BrowneePoints: Cameron as a Yacht Rock Hot Dad Vibr Cleric of Berronar Truesilver?
BrowneePoints: Vibe*
A_Dub888: hi friends, has anyone bircksploded?
ShifuDaxiongmao: Is Cameron the janitor assistant of the priesthood? :D
TehAmelie: oh, i just remembered this handy toy. if you ever can't decide on a character to roll and have a d100
IaCthulhuFthagn: @public_key_reveal_party Have LRR done a distanced Dice Friends series à la the Jackbox streams?
SK__Ren: life goals
TXC2: hello A_Dub888 welcome
googoltudoris: hyperdelegation
TXC2: IaCthulhuFthagn we did during the pandemic
RomanGoro: IaCthulhuFthagn many during de pandemic
A_Dub888: !card froghemoth
LRRbot: Froghemoth [3GG] | Creature — Frog Horror [4/4] | Trample, haste / Whenever Froghemoth deals combat damage to a player, exile up to that many target cards from their graveyard. Put a +1/+1 counter on Froghemoth for each creature card exiled this way. You gain 1 life for each noncreature card exiled this way.
Bugberry: Only the Bullywugs are Bully Frogs
zerragonoss: Frogs are like 60% shin makes sense you would be a fan.
From the Dumpster to the Grave: i got the AoS pen and paper rpg book to try and get my head round the setting and just bounced right off it
DeltaStrata: Matt, it's a Froghemoth, not a Bullfrog.
From the Dumpster to the Grave: think its cos Im still thinking of it as the old world rather than a totally new setting
BrowneePoints: well now I need to make an Oath of Frogs Paladin subclass
HorusFive: That's great. Frogs HATE Badgers
IaCthulhuFthagn: @TXC2 @RomanGoro That makes sense. I'm ten years behind on Dice Friends, and only catching up very slowly ^^
googoltudoris: has jordynn talked about what people didn't like about the og campaign?
TehAmelie: i heard Kathleen "minus thirteen"
alchemistsavant: Talky rogues are fun.
TXC2: good old Charisma Rogue
Bugberry: Spicy Chicken Breast
LostThePirate: XD
CaKnuckleguy: Excuuuuse?
MrSarkhan: Nelson why?
HorusFive: nononono
vinewood_og: oh noooo
gualdhar: I just puked in my mouth a little bit
phoenixfeather14: Eww, Nelly, why!
ClodiumSoride: "gun with eyelashes" is an Existenz outtake
as_ever_ellesandra: dragon cheeto
Sarah_Serinde: @IaCthulhuFthagn You've got some great things to look forward to :)
as_ever_ellesandra: its that lego humor
BrowneePoints: NELSON
LeeshaJoy: Harry Taquito sounds like a Latino drag king
A_Dub888: define “hot wings”
Simonark: Because it’s a LEGO module, so it all makes perfect sense
BigDaddyBland87: What did Buffalo Wild Wings co-sponsor?
TehAmelie: a living creature needs a charisma score, but nowhere in the rules does it say it can't be a negative score
SymphonySolstice: writer was eating some really good hot wings when writing
bytecaster: Note: You should bring hot wings to the session for added immersion
jessieimproved: Hot Ones is legit a good interview show if you like interviews
Bugberry: Eating Hot Wings gets people to say things they wouldn't otherwise
mtvcdm: I remember the Hot Ones game show
neisan2112: Its very good, and they do much more interesting interviews than anyone else.
BigDaddyBland87: Yea Hot Ones is a great interview show
ThankYouUro subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 46 months!
ThankYouUro: Subs for the Sub Count! Bits for the Bits Jar!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ThankYouUro! (Today's storm count: 250)
Bugberry: My brother got me the Hot Ones challenge kit a few years ago. Those higher level sauces are no joke.
neisan2112: Nardwar is who gave info on Drake
commentarywife: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 11:48 AM
EvilBadman: Naudwar, "So Cameron, let's talk about mashing R1"
xantos69: My dream is to have Jon Oliver have to do an entire episode about me and how I am messing up EVERYTHING.
mtvcdm: The trick is the wings get your guard down for Chris's questions.
LizzyTPau: Solid interview skills is an UNDER appreciated
lamina5432: wasn’t a fan of the books
TehAmelie: good buildfeel?
IaCthulhuFthagn: @Bugberry Depending on the line up, many of the higher level ones are just not tasty either. Da Bomb being the prime example, if it wasn't hot no one would want to touch it with an 11' pole.
nobodez subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 22 months!
nobodez: Huzzah for the subathon
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, nobodez! (Today's storm count: 251)
LizzyTPau: New TV show definitely adds the POC perspective in s1
Colin: Yeah it's a wildly different kind of setting
mtvcdm: Lego: try not to get satisfied (98% get satisfied)
Bugberry: @IaCthulhuFthagn yeah, those remained mostly full just because they aren't tasty to have casually. They only really exist for "challenges".
bytecaster: A ruin was once structural but no more
ShifuDaxiongmao: if it is a ruin, can you even build it wrong? :D
TehAmelie: it's. . .de-structuralized
Bugberry: I wish I could afford that Dune Ornithopter lego set. Don't really have anywhere to put it either.
Wolfstrike_NL: So Jordynne, you already gave this campaign a try, did that also come with the LEGO build?
IaCthulhuFthagn: @Bugberry There are standout exceptions, but there's usually only one or two in the top five of any given sauce line up.
ClodiumSoride: @bugberry there are services that rent Lego sets.
Sarah_Serinde: That was very definitive :D
bytecaster: I wanna be surprised too!
0x6772: It was on the box…?
Pteraspidomorphi: Yes, and also no
seinka: 'entirely dissasembled human' is a phrase that comes up surprisingly often in DnD
LizzyTPau: Table has spoken! No Spoilers Allowed
PixelArtDragon: Building scenes, or a scene of building?
Sarah_Serinde: Doesn't mean they remember exactly what was on the box
TXC2: "no, and how dare"
LoadingReadyRun: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
TehAmelie: how about some jazz style lego
IaCthulhuFthagn: @Bugberry Build it, encase in acrylic, sand smooth, build into a counter top.
TehAmelie: "no!"
Boon_33: we need and old priest and a young priest
ShifuDaxiongmao: "want to get a longer break from your boss?"
physics pony: I built this ser few months back, it is so fun :)
IaCthulhuFthagn: @seinka Alien creatures curiously dissecting humans comes up more in my Call of Cthulhu games than D&D, and now I'm curious...
TXC2: we're all Marlbro men
UrielAngelSpy: Love how Jordynne is making the screen tell chat what to do. Just sub, hon
bytecaster: The Lothlorien Special
JonnyH: Your love of the halflings' leaf has slowed your mind
as_ever_ellesandra: Your dealer tells you that you get free supplies for life
Eklinaar: pipéd weed
TheMerricat: Poor Tolkien. He really did want Pipe Weed to be tobacco, but the fans.... :D
jacqui_lantern234: lrrWOW LUL
TehAmelie: the one thing i miss from the books in the LotR movies is the reveal of Saruman's cloak of many colors. it should have been fabulous
BigDaddyBland87: boooo
PixelArtDragon: sergePun
ShifuDaxiongmao: @TheMerricat the fans chose the healthier option ;)
bytecaster: I hear you can only do psychic damage to the DM
as_ever_ellesandra: Mood Jordynne
jessieimproved: That's a glorious amount of D&D group time
IaCthulhuFthagn: @TheMerricat I've always read it as heavier stuff myself.
jacqui_lantern234: ok, i NEED to say it. i ADORE Jordynne's hair 🤩
neisan2112: Thats such a cool idea
IaCthulhuFthagn: Coca leaves or something.
AliceLovelin: @jacqui_lantern234 It does look great doesn't it?
TXC2: I feel Like Adam would do that with James
Eklinaar: @TheMerricat So many of Tolkien's early fans were hippies and Tolkien really disliked the hippie movement.
TehAmelie: you're both orange, checks out
jacqui_lantern234: @neisan2112 AND YOURE A COOL FRIEND <3
Sarah_Serinde: lrrDARK
Laurence72: Kathleen IS a trickster diety!!
neisan2112: @jacqui_lantern234 lrrSPOOP
JonnyH: Kathleen been training years for that role
jacqui_lantern234: Kathleen is an enabler
HubbeKing: I'm like 40% sure Kathleen just *is* a trickster diety
jessieimproved: The LongDistanceVillains subreddit is one of the only things I miss from my Reddit times
xantos69: That button is SUCH a game changer.
LizzyTPau: Hooray for Kathleen as avatar of chaos and trickery
LurkerSpine: Bedtime Mode is great
Marshall Wentworth: Man that's a job I would absolutely volunteer for.
jacqui_lantern234: MOOD Jordynne XD
Sarah_Serinde: I think about other people way too much
bytecaster: Bonus fire? Score!
TehAmelie: whenever Kathleen says "heeey everybody" in my mind i picture like a slow zoom in on her pupil until you only see the pitch black of chaos
LizzyTPau: If i've sent messages outside of hours, I try to delay delivery them but i don't at ALL expect a response to them
alchemistsavant: Finger Lickin Good... Of Death
SmithKurosaki: Jordynne missed all the lame weather this morning here by being out West
northos: I guess maybe they thought having the physical model would stand in for that?
TXC2: theatre of the mind Kappa
Sarah_Serinde: I would say "lame" isn't the best word for more than one reason
Sarah_Serinde: But also Toronto got so much flooding
jacqui_lantern234: @SmithKurosaki good thing ive basically become reclusive :p
Simonark: I’m from Ontario and would absolutely love to stop thinking about other people.
as_ever_ellesandra: the boys had to unionize
IaCthulhuFthagn: Waow. That's dire.
jacqui_lantern234: amazing XD
jacqui_lantern234: i CANT WAIT for this monstrosity
TehAmelie: they can't all be winners. . .on the first try
seinka: wow the module as written must be...... extremely not good
Molator: girls and non binarys just wanna have fun
SpacePotato01: I bet my contest submission would have made for a better adventure. 'just a dragon'
bytecaster: A pose-able sword
MacSquizzy: "You'll get to see the world"
as_ever_ellesandra: Maybe being hired gets you an extra week of sick leave
Sarah_Serinde: Sounds like a free vacation
TXC2: an in to the inn
vegetalss4: Froghemoths are pretty dangerous right?
northos: !card froghemoth
LRRbot: Froghemoth [3GG] | Creature — Frog Horror [4/4] | Trample, haste / Whenever Froghemoth deals combat damage to a player, exile up to that many target cards from their graveyard. Put a +1/+1 counter on Froghemoth for each creature card exiled this way. You gain 1 life for each noncreature card exiled this way.
saucemaster5000: last time I talked to a frog they just wanted to explain their OC for an hr
JadedCynic: Why yes, adventurers DO often spend the rest of their lives on their expeditions... Kappa
IaCthulhuFthagn: Every time the party encounters a giant frog: *Speak with Animals* *Zone of Truth* "Did you eat Thalia?"
jokerzgrave: Wondering if you'll be using the lego set to run the session?
TXC2: IaCthulhuFthagn "why, is she missing?"
alchemistsavant: Love me a pathetic failman.
Snowcookies: oh dear
Singenmeister: why not call him two-strings so it’s a surprise?
haberley: evening everyone
HeartwoodMtG: Threestrings failure is a cover, he's actually a really skilled Harper spy!
TXC2: hello haberley welcome
Sarah_Serinde: "undergoing a lifestyle adjustment" is a fantastic euphemism
jacqui_lantern234: jokes on life, im ALREADY stupid!!!
bytecaster: Quick, fill chat with nonsense to cover up the spoiler
IaCthulhuFthagn: Reminder that joke spoilers are also spoilers.
Wolfstrike_NL: lrrSHINE
HeartwoodMtG: My bad. I ran Undermountain, and I'm really into it. Sorry.
pn55: lrrFINE
Mangledpixel: boop
as_ever_ellesandra: Durnan also has a solid magic card
HubbeKing: does Fantasy Scotland have Fantasy Haggis
inconsideratehat: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
haberley: fantasy Scotland = Dwarf?
TXC2: hello Mangledpixel welcome
BlueChloroplast: 300 kick stuff back into the hole!
ExachixKitsune: hello friends
bytecaster: Spoiler: The will be dice involved
SK__Ren: What is this Inn's equivalent of play Wonderwall?
mtvcdm: ! subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
TXC2: hello ExachixKitsune welcome
IaCthulhuFthagn: Ooh, speaking of which, chat... what racial stereotype are your dwarves? Scottish, Norse, or German?
stippledotter: How much damage is dealt by stepping on the Lego?
TheM8 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 78 months, currently on a 63 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheM8! (Today's storm count: 252)
Laurence72: Prerequisite to be a tavern owner -- being able to break up tavern brawls by yourself
haberley: @IaCthulhuFthagn our DM can only do Welsh accents, so they're that :P
JadedCynic: Hey, as long as the attraction and devotion is mutual, more power to the two of them <3 "assymetrical" relationships can be good - the just add a layer of complexity
BrowneePoints: His card is in the red green commander pre-con from commander legends baldurs gate
IaCthulhuFthagn: @haberley Sweet.
KV1NN4: 8o8
Lord_Hosk: Big Bong Johnson was banned from this Lego set for being OP
Soul Verna: he has a mtg card!
BrowneePoints: !card Durnan
LRRbot: Durnan of the Yawning Portal [3G] | Legendary Creature — Human Warrior [3/3] | Whenever Durnan attacks, look at the top four cards of your library. You may exile a creature card from among them. Put the rest on the bottom of your library in any order. For as long as that card remains exiled, you may cast it. That spell has undaunted. / Choose a Background
BrowneePoints: see
jokerzgrave: Who was banned 🤔
IaCthulhuFthagn: @stippledotter Whatever the current edition rules of caltrops are, use those for 1x1 Legos.
stippledotter: @lord_hosk with the callback
bytecaster: Exciting
hatboozeparty: lrrSIG
neisan2112: Oh joy
UltraVioletVodoo: bing bong
northos: lrrSIG
TXC2: remain calm
Wolfstrike_NL: We do have a dragon, so their might be actual fire?
BlueFingers5: engineering hopefully has their finger on the mic mute
BigDaddyBland87: lrrFINE
MTGRanger: lrrFINE
BrowneePoints: can James bring up the art of his magic the gathering card?
DarthRagnar815: I have a cousin who work briefly for LEGO translating British English to American English.
DavidHighfrost subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DavidHighfrost! (Today's storm count: 253)
MostCallMe__Tim: fire drill! go line up outside everyone!
mtvcdm: Sooooo keep calm chat
ghyllnox: Never heard a fire alarm referred to as a "little bell" before lmao
ElementalAlchemist: gotta test them sometime I guess
Plasterboard: and creating content for the AI to consume and learn from :/
Austere_Squire: you've had it too good for too long
bytecaster: Was the thing they didn't have "joy"?
SpacePotato01: The ability to draw hands.
alchemistsavant: I still need to make a Durnan deck.
JadedCynic: *gets an evil grin* Oh, I think LOTS about the Techbros...
malfnord: I'd feel bad for the techbros but... I don't. :)
GameSageZB: I'm a (reluctant) tech bro. let them burn.
Riiiiiiis: that's why the app exists..
Loupetron: That’s why I use the iPad app!
Didero: Lego DOES have an official app with building instructions, don't know if you can rotate in there though
EvilBadman: Lemme no clip this build Lego
UltraVioletVodoo: theres an ipad app for legos?
as_ever_ellesandra: the lego app is genuinely p nice for this reason
Colin: Better than Warhammer instructions XD
Colin: "Put snakes on the base" is an actual warhammer instruction
ExachixKitsune: sergeHubris
Singenmeister: Kathleen: Queen of Confidence
ExachixKitsune: a low int score is no excuse for not knowing hubris sergeSnerge
mercano82: Lego instruction manuals are more user freindly these days. I remember as a kid each step was "Spot the differences." Now they at least tell you how many of each part are added in a step, and often point to the changes.
Austere_Squire: i dunno, in my experience PCs get pretty uppity after a single victory
xantos69: Is never knowing Hubris the highest level of Hubris?
EvilBadman: @Didero Oh wow that app looks like it rules
SymphonySolstice: lrrSPOOP
bytecaster: Who is this Hugh Bris, everybody is talking about?
PhoenixMelior: Thank you nelson
CmdrMadMoe: Hugh Briss? who is this?
BrowneePoints: Speaking of Adventuring. when you get a chance, Kathleen, you should totally read the planes walkers guide to Bloomburrow. Valley is secretly a Metal AF plane
TXC2: bytecaster a Cheese monger
Riiiiiiis: nice tape
Resilient Spring: the Lego Mario sets have an app that does exactly what Cam was demonstrating
Resilient Spring: (is anyone in studio able to read the YouTube chat?)
wench_tacular: so spikey
spaigefault: dargon
RuiFaleiro: @bytecaster a moyel
Coloneljesus: knowing hubris but still hubrissing is the highest of hubris
reptile___: dragon!
Riiiiiiis: I can scan that barcode :-D
TXC2: RuiFaleiro damn :D
fubargames: Wait, the "chicken wings" were delicious, and a huge frog died nearby the night before?
IaCthulhuFthagn: @fubargames Shhh!
mercano82: Aww, stickers, not silk screened parts. :(
jchinnock: can confirm Kathleen, the official Lego Builder App does have 3D models you can rotate for this model
BrowneePoints: speaking of dungeons and dragons chat, if you have not seen the more recent movie, it is extremely good and you should watch it
ElementalAlchemist: 🎉
TXC2: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
JadedCynic: woo! lrrHORN
42MiLLyWays: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100
mtvcdm: Make number go up!
DaSunao: PartyPopper lrrHORN
JadedCynic: @BrowneePoints agreed!
IaCthulhuFthagn: @fubargames It's at least not the casserole served by the presumed kidnapper of the missing party member.
solus97: THE 1 DAY!!
lenonn_2949 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months!
lenonn_2949: ashenb1PogFrog2
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, lenonn_2949! (Today's storm count: 254)
constablecrab: Just waiting for my current Prime sub to be up on Friday.
mtvcdm: Keep number from go down!
dungeonmasteralek: Cheer100 *Chuckles* I'm helping
TXC2: !yt
nuclearstulle is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 8 in the channel!
nuclearstulle gifted a Tier 1 sub to Aringrey!
nuclearstulle gifted a Tier 1 sub to parrot6633!
nuclearstulle gifted a Tier 1 sub to SapphoEnergy!
nuclearstulle gifted a Tier 1 sub to MinusTimes_!
nuclearstulle gifted a Tier 1 sub to zero_manzoku!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, nuclearstulle! Welcome to Aringrey, MinusTimes_, SapphoEnergy, zero_manzoku, and parrot6633! (Today's storm count: 259)
Sarah: The person running the stream (currently James) can, but the folks on screen can't unless they check in from their phones
Sarah: Sometimes other folks like Graham will say hello
Colin: Woo!
Resilient Spring: ah ok thanks
TXC2: nuclearstulle lrrHEART
Singenmeister: We appreciate you too, James
Jakelope13: That's why I moved over here!
Sandeon subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months!
Sandeon: Here, have more minutes!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Sandeon! (Today's storm count: 260)
Astramentha: @jakelope13 <3
dungeonmasteralek is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 2 in the channel!
dungeonmasteralek gifted a Tier 1 sub to HamHocks42!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, dungeonmasteralek! Welcome to HamHocks42! (Today's storm count: 261)
Austere_Squire: smashcut to 2020 redux
HeartwoodMtG: Very Stanley Parable
TXC2: smash cut to bleached white skeleton
VigorishG: I am thinking about getting this set. Has it been fun to build so far?
mtvcdm: Look ye on my subathon and despair
vinewood_og: Smash cut to a bleach white skeleton!
neisan2112: Said someone summer 2019
Sarah: Your memberships should still be picked up for the big thank you section at the end of the subathon though
Resilient Spring: whoo! :D
The_Freakazoid subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 43 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, The_Freakazoid! (Today's storm count: 262)
ghyllnox: Smash cut to a pool with plastic balls in the middle of a bare moonbase
mercano82: An empty room with a bomb raid siren wailing in the background.
bytecaster: I like the idea of "next year", I hope we get there
Sarah_Serinde: It's very Ian is what it is
ElementalAlchemist: It's a star in a reasonably priced forklift
ElementalAlchemist: (it's Ian's thing)
ElementalAlchemist: in Shenmue, yes
nosole: @Sarah_Serinde That is honestly the best way to describe it
SK__Ren: Are we racing?
neisan2112: Used to do it in Shenmue originally
ElementalAlchemist: ah, we gave up on Shenmue
SnackPak_: checks out
ElementalAlchemist: It came from Shenmue
hella_qh: It is also BSL for driving
ElementalAlchemist: which is, itself, a ride
accountmadeforants: Shame it’s not in Shenmue
Resilient Spring: I did get my hubby to go use his Prime on Twitch
Carrion Crow: Hey there, James. Good afternoon.
LoadingReadyRun: HI!
MWGNZ: jamieOhjeez
bytecaster: Critical hit
ElementalAlchemist: 🪦
wench_tacular: turns to dust
AtrusOfMyst: Any Lego Island gamers here?
JadedCynic: OW. *takes advil*
vinewood_og: VoteNay
stippledotter: lrrJUDGE
malfnord: Welp, there's me old
okkator: NotLikeThis
HubbeKing: oh yeah if anyone else remembers those bits, make sure to take your ibuprofen for your back
IaCthulhuFthagn: I wonder if Cam's post-apocalyptic vision of the future of Victoria has anything to do with the fact that LRR currently has a nuclear stockpile of "less than ten" warheads.
Didero: @AtrusOfMyst Man, those games felt so great at the time
mercano82: Steam thinks I was born in 1901.
Bugberry: It's not like Simpsons is still on TV or anything.
Lord_Hosk: Whats my age again... Whats my age again...
JadedCynic: *sets up tray and offers Advil and small cups of water to chat*
LoadingReadyRun: @Lord_Hosk i took her out
vinewood_og: My birthday on every website is 1-1-1901
BusTed: haha
KharadBanar: 7'12" simultaneously sounds taller and less tall than 8'0"
mercano82: The problem is your age changes every year. You update that memory location too many times and it wears out.
accountmadeforants: I go with 1969 Dec 31 just in case they’re using wonky timestamps
haberley: gemini man was not a good film
Snowcookies: pfft
hackingducks: gemini man.. whew... your weapon just isn't great.
0x6772: "Fun" game I like to play with Internet forms that request age or DOB: use a number/date before various OS epochs (eg, 1970-01-01 for Unix) to see if it breaks anything.
HeartwoodMtG: Hey, that's me and my partner! One book told us "In the garden of your love, you will grow only cabbages"
ThePixelSavage: Astrology is bull.
IaCthulhuFthagn: This is why every time someone asks, I'm an Ophiuchus.
FickleMuse: LMAO as a female taurus NAH
HeartwoodMtG: I still don't know what that means
Didero: It's almost like star signs have no effect on your personality
VorlonScout: I'm a Florb.
bytecaster: Gotta gemini your man
ShaneLeeAtk: @hackingducks Not a fan of a bouncy laser?
BrowneePoints: much like my sign, astrology is bull
midnightcurryjazz: it like none of that stuff matters! Weird
FickleMuse: I'm a stubborn idiot
haberley: @VorlonScout #florblife
MTGRanger: @VorlonScout you beat me to it!
hackingducks: @ShaneLeeAtk get yourself a metal man
nosole: Kathleen, that is the based way to describe a long term relationship I've heard lol
bytecaster: These sure are words
Saintnex: good reason for not judging or assuming ppl based solely on their birthdate
xantos69: My sign is... if you ask me my sign the date is over.
MehallD: Mood, Jordynne, though I mostly let my Wife tell me what I am
Bugberry: I just find it funny how my Chinese and Greek zodiac signs are both Goat/Sheep.
MTGRanger: #Florblife
malfnord: @HeartwoodMtG I imagine it's a bad thing if you don't like cabbage.
ThePixelSavage: @xantos69 this.
AtrusOfMyst: People who talk about astrology the same way I hear magic players talk about the color pie
SnackPak_: wooow
Jakelope13: When did they add modifiers to the Zodiac?
neisan2112: Wooooow
ElementalAlchemist: wow
bytecaster: An "oof"? :O
ghyllnox: LUL
TXC2: that is wild
BusTed: 😬
electric_claire: Ugghhh, that's so gross
SK__Ren: savage
hatboozeparty: lrrWOW lrrWOW
vinewood_og: rough
NimrodXIV: read all the horoscopes for all signs and see how many match to you! it's all made up!
Geldaran: alternate take: astrology is bullcrap. fun for a lark, not to be taken seriously in any way.
JadedCynic: Yeah, a girlfriend of my brother was big into astrology, and on hearing that I'm an Aries/Pisces cusp and my belle was a Libra, was very dismissive...we celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary this year, so SUCK IT PLANETS LUL
JAGxTERRA: Have to factor in the Canadian Buff to compatibility
Verrain2: More fool them!
quton: thats sounds a bit unfair
TXC2: Jakelope13 always have been
HubbeKing: Do not kill the part of you that is cringe, kill the part of you that cringes.
ShifuDaxiongmao: no loss being unmatched by people who would unmatch for something like that XD
FickleMuse: Taurus Capricorn Capricorn
ThePixelSavage: @AtrusOfMyst the difference being Magic has more substance to it
nosole: @HubbeKing Yessssss
inconsideratehat: Why does Astrology not have a "If they've put in the work/ if they haven't put in the work" dichotomy?
Riiiiiiis: people have the weirdest reasons to unmatch on dating apps
Lord_Hosk: I find that my personality is exactly like the 1/12th of the people who were born in my section of the year, regardless of our year of birth or socio-economic status.
ThePixelSavage: @inconsideratehat because its all completely made up fanfic?
malfnord: Wake me when astrologers start adding exoplanets to their calculations.
BrowneePoints: your Horrorscope
haberley: eight legs and a stinger?
DanTheMediocre: wait so how do you figure out the particular details?
FickleMuse: That's basically my vibe as well. It's fun, but like don't base your whole personality around it
SkylerRingtail: Tired: Astrological sign compatibility. Wired: Fursona species compatibility
niccus: what if it helped decide american policies in 1988-1989
Jakelope13: @TXC2 Thank god the horoscopes in papers I've read never went that deep. I think my gamer brain would have fixated too strongly
SmithKurosaki: Hows everyone doing?
IaCthulhuFthagn: "INTP Brony"
Sarah_Serinde: Good
BrowneePoints: hey I’m an INTP!
DaSunao: This is your astrological star sign serial killer outfit
TXC2: Jakelope13 indeed
newdarkjr: Huh
Riiiiiiis: that's still going strong on tinder and stuff
ShifuDaxiongmao: Myers-Briggs , horoscopes for CEO's :P
DanTheMediocre: presumably it should be deterministic for year and time of day right?
JadedCynic: meh, I'm SMTP
00busyhands: INTJ Salute
AdamYMHMI: INFP here
nosole: Yeah Meyers Briggs was suuuuper cringy, I had people argue with me about being INTJ
IaCthulhuFthagn: On the astrology subject, it's at least nice when the huge red flag comes with the other party also ejecting from the conversation.
malfnord: I wanna know what TRAPPIST-1 does to my horoscope.
Therberus: Oh I'm an IMDB - I loke movies
Zaghrog: INTS here
AdamYMHMI: INFP Gemini Man
ShifuDaxiongmao: You can literally take the test and direct it towards the result you want XD
FickleMuse: I flipped between F and T so big shrugs
bytecaster: I'm an OOOF
betazed15: Wash?
haberley: I'm an IDGAF
Saintnex: humans love making horoscopes for everything, like even body types :p
GameSageZB: MB is really useful as a starting place for understanding yourself. but defining yourself by it is definitely cringe =\
jessieimproved: Alan Tudyk
gualdhar: Wash yeah
Luna: really good thanks
Carrion Crow: Wishing I was assembling a large set of Legos while procrastinating in general. How are you doing?
Bugberry: @AtrusOfMyst the main difference is Astrology assumes behavior based on outside phenomena, while the Color Pie looks at common groupings of behaviors and makes groupings for them. So basically the exact opposite process.
ShaneLeeAtk: Wash
nosole: Yes Nelson, Steve the Pirate
Defrost: @nosole that doesn't sound like INTJ behaviour SMH
betazed15: Hobun Washburne
saucemaster5000: (takes a personality quiz) "you're lord palpatine" (it was a pokemon quiz)
BrowneePoints: Wash
mercano82: Lord Vetenari believes in one man, one vote: He was the man who got the vote.
JadedCynic: The funny guy pilot 'Wash'
DaSunao: Wash was amazing!
N2Osferatu: Like Hei Hei for some reason
YeomanAres: The chicken in Moana
MehallD: i DO Like Wash
DanTheMediocre: wash was great
brieandbacon: He did the voice acting for Hei-Hei in Moana
JadedCynic: (I'm watching "Resident Alien" right now and Alan is MAGNIFICIENT)
saucemaster5000: I'd last about as long a Wash
nosole: @Defrost They took issue with me being Introverted because I masked Extroversion so well, so yes it didn't lol
GDwarble: I think chat is overall neutral on the concept of washing
BusTed: loot!
LeeshaJoy: K-2SO
KV1NN4: Alan Tudyck did the rooster in Moana and it is beutiful
KharadBanar: "If you're looking for a box to put me in, find a better set of boxes first"
couchboyj: Resident Alien is great if you're a Tudyck fan
Stephonee: He has voiced at least one character in every Disney movie since 2012
xantos69: @JadedCynic I just wrapped that up. He absolutely sells "I am not human"
bytecaster: But that's content!
Bugberry: The real question is, which Avatar Bending Style fits your personality the most.
Saintnex: so God can’t see them
ShifuDaxiongmao: someone mouth the alarm noise!
CaptainSpam: sssssshhhhhhhh
brieandbacon: !picnic
N2Osferatu: lrrSIG
nuclearstulle: the Crapshot? with the Wash the dishes joke is still one of my favorite jokes in a LRR video
ElementalAlchemist: well, they warned them, which is nice
JadedCynic: thanks for the warning! *moves headphones* ;)
Zanzabar_: thanks james for not blowing out our ears!
TXC2: Bugberry fire, easy
niccus: quick, what's something funny to say if immediately followed by a fire alarm
IaCthulhuFthagn: @KharadBanar I'll take this cardboard box over here, thank you. *Pushes mug off the counter*
MajorFrostbyte: Best test is to start something on fire. Kathleen, let's go!
reptile___: There's a great clip where Alan Tudyk is making chicken noises into a microphone (he plays the chicken in Moana) and then he stops, sighs, and says "I went to _Julliard_."
wench_tacular: ljgami1Friendlyfire ljgami1Friendlyfire ljgami1Friendlyfire
BrowneePoints: Anyways, people are more malleable, mercurial, and complex than any psychographic profile could ever hope to capture no matter how ancient or modern
hatboozeparty: lrrSIG
northos: lrrSIG
neisan2112: lrrSIG lrrSIG
CaptainSpam: We have a winner!
TheManaLeek: Recess is over
DeM0nFiRe: lrrSPOOPY
ShifuDaxiongmao: briiiing briiing
IaCthulhuFthagn: Fire alarm is at the door.
ElementalAlchemist: lrrSIG
xantos69: Test complete?
haberley: oh, my dinner's reay!
HubbeKing: lrrSIG
MacSquizzy: @KV1NN4 that lead to one of my favorite bits of behind the scenes footage ever - Tudyk making chicken noises into a mic then turning to the camera and saying "I went to Juliard"
BigDaddyBland87: ANNNNND they're off!!!
Sarah_Serinde: Yup it was still startling :D
beowuuf: lrrHORN
mercano82: It's alright, I'm saved by the bell
Stella_Noctis: lrrSPOOP
DaSunao: panicBasket lrrSIG lrrFINE
hatboozeparty: Back to class....
Nigouki: oh wow, you got the bell type and not the beeping type
stippledotter: Time for the next class!
quton: I'm awake I'm awake I'm awake
Stephonee: Fire alarm works
TallynNyntyg: Oh, time for breakfast!
bytecaster: I'm awake
Jakelope13: Mwap
JadedCynic: yeah, that was good to hear and learn
Bugberry: @TXC2 just don't date any waterbenders.
beowuuf: jlrrPit
MTGRanger: that's the fire alarm? Where's the shrill shrieking and flashing lights!
Mollylele: 🥊!
BrowneePoints: Well, that just made me remember what it sounded like in grade school
CaptainSpam: Looks like we're gonna have to JUMP!
StarShock2002: jennif129Bb
JadedCynic: know for next time
Therberus: I'm late for class :O
Patorik: Wasn't muted
Stephonee: 10/10 would be alarmed, no notes
nosole: I miss the bell compared to the alarm I have to put up with at work
Simon Pratt: Mute + copyright-free music? I could be into that.
Dandelion V: works!
commentarywife: hah, I just unmuted as that went off
Zanzabar_: thats actually a really mild fire alarm noise.
Didero: That's a much nicer fire alarm sound than the screech ours make, those caused literal panic attacks of 'make it stop'
KV1NN4: @MacSquizzy aaahahahahaaa
JadedCynic: @CaptainSpam yeah, except it didn't stop in school ;)
StarShock2002: jennif129Bb jennif129Imp jennif129Dance jennif129Bb
mtvcdm: That barely registered in the friend zone funnily enough.
nosole: @Didero I hate those kind and am so thankful for noise cancelling earbuds because of them
ShifuDaxiongmao: You need to leave the very last brick for James :D
BrowneePoints: look, I live in an area that has tornado sirens. And get to do the fun thing to newbies of “oh it’s just a Wednesday” when they go off
Zanzabar_: is this set designed to be build by a whole group of people?
mercano82: The bell was a lot more pleasant than the shrill electronic beeper we have in my building.
nova_plushie: So this is why people like D&D. no wonder people play
mtvcdm: Studio C got it way louder than the friend zone.
spaigefault: Surely they leave a random brick from the middle for james
SmithKurosaki: Rude
Didero: @nosole Ours even kept going off like every other week for absolutely no reason, it got so bad I said (and meant) I'd rather have a fire than these alarms
SmithKurosaki: Thats just Rude
CaptainSpam: At least this Lego build hasn't yet run across "make 64 of this simple yet tedious construction to place individual pellets in a Pac-Man maze"...
nova_plushie: crinkling plastic asmr
BrowneePoints: Waterdeep is basically FR NYC
Riiiiiiis: on vacation from Chult
nosole: @Didero Ugh that's brutal, thankfully I missed most of the testing days early on, so it's only been a once in a while thing for me
Colin: Build warhammer, or Play pacific Drive
mtvcdm: Born in Waterdeep, moved away, came back
Bugberry: It could be a homecoming back to Waterdeep. "The Boys are Back in Town" starts playing.
bytecaster: The Waterdeep Tropicanas? N way!
EOstby: RIP the Las Vegas Tropicanas.
mercano82: @CaptainSpam For the ship-in-a-bottle Lego set, there's an instruction to get 300 clear blue round 1x1s and dump them into the bottle.
roverandomness subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, roverandomness! (Today's storm count: 263)
Carrion Crow: Waterdeep...oh man. Every time I've gone to Waterdeep? Beholders. Frigging beholders.
Colin: Waterdeep tends to be a lot more like, egalitarian about it's guards
AtrusOfMyst: Practicing Neppomancy
haberley: y'know, for the longest time I head that phrase as 'nipple baby' and didn't get what it meant
Bugberry: Brickstopher
ManicPixieDreamLurker: @CaptainSpam Or put 212 fiddly pieces of track together for the rollercoaster
BrowneePoints: Berronar Truesilver
ShifuDaxiongmao: the public domain dwarf god
as_ever_ellesandra: I was also direct targetted by this
BrowneePoints: Truesilver is the life domain goddess for dwarves in 5e…I think
JadedCynic: oh GOD, they tested my composure SO MUCH.
niccus: master of boon administration
frnknstn: english degree paid off
notthepenguins: holy shit cam
betazed15: Burned so badly that he had to go sit in the snow...
Austere_Squire: wow, cam destroyed a man
awildshen: Cam with the "It was a Tuesday" moment
airylan: for Cam it was Tuesday
malfnord: Cameron can destroy a man's soul WITH A WORD
Colin: Indoor job with no heavy lifting
Colin: Why most people join the priesthood
seinka: that is true power
iris_of_ether: One shot, one kill
Pinwiz11: Cnameron
Khalahd: Cameron Dark Urge run
NorthstarTex: dark cameron appears
Laurence72: Cam got max damage on Vicious Mockery
AtrusOfMyst: Remind me not to insult Cam
BrowneePoints: hey same!
haberley: i can use my English degree to DESTROY YOU
BigDaddyBland87: Cam is the Dark Urge?
notthepenguins: "What are you going to do with your english degree?" "This"
HeartwoodMtG: If evil Serge is called Snerge, what is evil Cameron called?
BusTed: NotLikeThis
JadedCynic: Cameron lost control over his Inner Demon and it got loose...
DaSunao: Wooow
spaigefault: @HeartwoodMtG Cameron
HubbeKing: @HeartwoodMtG Cameron
Snowcookies: oh dear
Bugberry: @HeartwoodMtG Cameroff
VigorishG: the world runs on businesses. a business degree is a great one. the world needs more of those
TallynNyntyg: And then his nose gets longer once again.
saucemaster5000: "yeah well, you're still a puppet. Loser"
Laurence72: @HeartwoodMtG Lethally Armed Oracle?
Nicol Bolas: But for Cameron, it was Tuesday
Colin: That straight up does not surprise me about Cameron
kdefinition: @VigorishG Businesses.The most renewable resource.
HeartwoodMtG: @Bugberry lrrWOW
Austere_Squire: i feel like maybe an english major is the wrong person to go after; we're learning the shakespearian insults
jokerzgrave subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jokerzgrave! (Today's storm count: 264)
DanTheMediocre: you can probably get to a lot of places you shouldnt be able to get to through the yawning portal nonzero chance
IaCthulhuFthagn: I have been wearing my headphones for 90 minutes and only just realised I've been listening to the speakers this entire time. I'm tired.
TXC2: Mayor Steno paperclips ?
EQMoPower: lol at Tuesday. aesop fan
Gekyouryuu: ok, the star chart talk earlier got me curious about moon and rising, so I looked mine up, and I'm Libra, Ares, Aquarius, apparently
JadedCynic: There's a reason "the Lords of Waterdeep" mask their identity...
mercano82: Car = Carriage?
Riiiiiiis: when is the D&D session going to happen?
BrowneePoints: there’s the masked lords and one open lord
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
BrowneePoints: who speaks for the council
Riiiiiiis: @TXC2 thanks
mster605 subscribed with Prime.
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Rhynerd: i remember there being a book by that name after Dragon Heist
IaCthulhuFthagn: When mayor is openly a paid actor role.
JadedCynic: @BrowneePoints I'm old and kinda out of touch, the open lord I remember was...back in 2nd Ed :p
ManicPixieDreamLurker: Maybe it's hiding under the pile of chicken wings? Is that why they're so important to the story?
KangarooRage: Prof told me to come here from Charlie's video, cool CM Punk mug!
BrowneePoints: the open lord is literally a paid actor
AtrusOfMyst: But what if there is no fridge??
BrowneePoints: it’s the person who is willing to take the brunt of any of the outrage from public sentiment
code_sourcerer: LRR stream & lego building, combining 2 of my favorite things :D
JadedCynic: @BrowneePoints A figurehead
BrowneePoints: almost no one knows the identities of the masked lords but there’s a lot of rumors
aquinas_0: what set are they building?
N2Osferatu: We have ~~~H O L E~~~~
TXC2: aquinas_0 D&D set
aquinas_0: cool
BrowneePoints: sorry I love FR and know a bunch of lore
EQMoPower: they have had it for ages
Sarah: Welcome!
TXC2: every morning Cameron
as_ever_ellesandra: imagine going to the portal enough you hear a scream out on an adventure and think "I need a pint"
petey_vonwho: "you wanna go where the EYE knows your name"
saucemaster5000: the first mistake was thinking there should be an order
LiveFaust: The psychic yell is the Howie Long Scream.
Sunidesus: I wish I was at home instead of at work during this so I could build some Lego too
reptile___: @BrowneePoints clearly you can't know that much lore about them, considering that they're Forgotten Kappa
BrowneePoints: and WotC DROPPED THE BALL in 5e by ONLY giving us sword coast stuff outside Chult in ToA
N2Osferatu: You must construct additional membranes
as_ever_ellesandra: Dennys, where you see police tape out and about and think "I need a moons over my hammy"
calculated_uncertainties: Cheer1000
IaCthulhuFthagn: "Please hand me an N-brane" - What I assume string theorists say.
saucemaster5000: I'm sorry you went to florida
reptile___: oh dang wing membranes. Nice
as_ever_ellesandra: I'm sorry for your loss Jordynne
AtrusOfMyst: The membrane was... Perfectly smooth...
LoadingReadyRun: @calculated_uncertainties Thanks so much for the bits!
TXC2: yeap that's a star destroyer
NekomimiNinja: [empire march intensifies]
neisan2112: Oh no
as_ever_ellesandra: yup
as_ever_ellesandra: thats Florida
neisan2112: Sounds right
BigDaddyBland87: ok here we go
neisan2112: Only 2?
ShaneLeeAtk: Just 2 fights? Lihght night
as_ever_ellesandra: 2 is nothing yea
BrowneePoints: Waffle Loves Waffle
stippledotter: We love dinner theater
JadedCynic: @BrowneePoints yeah, I kinda stepped away from the setting after the 'let's ruin everything everyone has build and retcon it back to barely settled with the Spellplague and the Return of the Netherese...
Bugberry: I'd be funny if that same waitress was involved in one of the fights.
Sunidesus: that checks out honestly
AtrusOfMyst: Waffle House is basically the tavern every D&D campaign starts in
momalyd: That is how you know it done
JadedCynic: ONLY 2? and in FLORIDA? what was it, a tuesday night?
xantos69: "Leave it as a sign to the others"
iris_of_ether: Hahaha ow my chest
UnknownFriday: "Throw it against the wall and see if it sticks"
Riiiiiiis: ceiling pancake?
HbombAndFriends: Well, I’m glad you had a safe time in my home state.
DanTheMediocre: that's how you know they use good syrup
BrowneePoints: @jadedcynic I don’t care about that I care that they didn’t tell us what was going on outside the sword coast in 5e except Chult
Pinwiz11: Wall Waffle, distant cousin to Celing Egg
neisan2112: Its their versin of ceiling egg
saucemaster5000: Look, I threw the pancake cause Iwasn't gonna eat it
as_ever_ellesandra: oh yeah *that* waffle house
mtvcdm: Wall Pancake x Ceiling Egg OTP
BigDaddyBland87: Wall waffle with ceiling egg...part of LRR breakfast
Pinwiz11: Pancake Panel instead of Wall Waffle
CaptainSpam: That pancake is now the city's mayor.
reptile___: oh, Gainesville is a little *more* normal because of all the college students
HubbeKing: @mtvcdm LUL
DNAli3n: hello everyone
AtrusOfMyst: "Your party meet in a Waffle House..."
TXC2: hello DNAli3n welcome
BusTed: brickscuits
KV1NN4: Ceiling-Egg has a new friend! Wall-Pancake!
mercano82: See, if they used real maple syrup instead of "breakfast syrup", that wouldn't have happened.
PTElder: @AtrusOfMyst Why have I never started a campaign in a Waffle House? So borrowing this.
DanTheMediocre: you brought little Guilty Gear chracters?
DanTheMediocre: character*
BrowneePoints: I’m still gobsmacked that Exandria is the first new WotC canon setting since FR
JadedCynic: @BrowneePoints I feel a little guilty that I'm proud of bailing on the setting with the suspicion that it wouldn't recover...before the failure to recover was made manifest
HorusFive: Nelly- bringing a full BBQ to lego build. You know who's the dad in the group
alchemistsavant: brisket is my favorite guilty gear character
mercano82: Or to call for aid if you do fall
TXC2: Brick sicts ?
IaCthulhuFthagn: @JadedCynic I mean, the Time of Troubles was just as much an apocalyptic rewrite of the setting as the Spellplague and the Second Sundering, it was just written better :P
CmdrMadMoe: Your family DOESN'T have a poop chain?
TXC2: *skits
BrowneePoints: @jadedcynic it’s not not recovering when they just don’t have any new stuff about it
CaptainSpam: @PTElder Well, if you've ever started one in a diner, you're pretty well most of the way there already.
NekomimiNinja: We had one of those pull-chain wc's at our old house, it was loud and awesome and terrible at its job.
DNAli3n: i don't recall, but we are building some dnd lego, right?
EQMoPower: anyone remember your first Lego set?
AtrusOfMyst: Those were my go-to vending machine treat
TXC2: DNAli3n yes
JadedCynic: BRAVA to her! <3
commentarywife: very confusing when my cat is called Hazel haha
mtvcdm: Flagon is a common pub name word
mtvcdm: Oh noooooooo
jacqui_lantern234: that ontario mood where you know EXACTLY where that pub is XD
JadedCynic: Ontario white people restaurant?
BrowneePoints: she’s British she’s used to Coleman’s Mustard
BrowneePoints: Coleman’s Mustard has hands
JadedCynic: :)
AtrusOfMyst: Hazel wants to experience everything the curry has to offer
BlueChloroplast: D'awwwwwwwww
shadowstorm1820 subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, shadowstorm1820! (Today's storm count: 266)
TXC2: I know British people who could eat curry hotter then lava
SmithKurosaki: @EQMoPower I blame LRR for getting back into lego after the rivendell set in October, just had bricks as a kids
Marshall Wentworth: Sort of, my first 'lego' where a hodge podge of random parts. The first proper set was the big underwater aqua base set. It went not at all with the random knights and pirate stuff I had.
EQMoPower: one of my brothers wanted a medieval army so I was given a little wagon I traded for a chicken nugget
jacqui_lantern234: XD shes so precious i love her now
LoadingReadyRun: @shadowstorm1820 Thanks for the sub!
KV1NN4: my step-mother is a tiny british lady who'd terrify a bunch of Malaysians by just putting straight chilli on half her savoury meals (not sure if she still does but hse's still more local than I am)
fuzzra: @TXC2 It's a national sport.
Makrosian_Tay: Have we hit the cap yet on extra time?
CaptainSpam: I was expecting that story to end with "I'll tell you when I've had enough spice, lightweight, now pour it on, barkeep!" :D
BrowneePoints: Steven Universe
JadedCynic: in my experience, old people tend to want MORE spicy food; they've bunred away their taste buds over a lifetime of scalding hot drinks...
Bugberry: It's probably because of reading Girl Genius, but Agatha needs to come back.
TXC2: fuzzra indeed
BlueChloroplast: Dunno if Gertrude will ever come back
betweenmyself: let’s see some Gertrudes!
Artificer_Evan: just tuned in. what is happening?
saucemaster5000: my niece is a dorothy. Don't get that one much anymore
mercano82: Is this the kids named while Steven Universe was in production?
constablecrab: I’ve encountered college students named Edith in the past few years.
RedNightmare7: Ruby feels like an all timer. But then I am not English native
IaCthulhuFthagn: @BrowneePoints The fact that you can snort freshly ground horseradish without flinching doesn't mean you also enjoy capsicum.
BrowneePoints: oh god the SU generation is growing up lol
kimmiekoneko: or medieval names like tiffany
jacqui_lantern234: according to my friends, "Jacqueline" is an old lady name... im 31
Astramentha: Eugene
TXC2: gotta bring pack Socretties
HedgehogKnight: My wife's friend has a little girl named Edith
EQMoPower: nice. I think I know what you are talking about. I was thr youngest so what was left of other sets were given to me.
Sarah: I don't remember what my first set was but the big 90s UFO one was a favourite
jacqui_lantern234: AWW CMON JAMES
mtvcdm: Wow
pn55: Boooo
Artificer_Evan: ooooh legos.
BlueChloroplast: @jacqui_lantern234 awww hugs
hackingducks: hell maybe
BusTed: Dragonfly
BrowneePoints: James isn’t fun Turner
Lord_Hosk: James, could I get a "no"
emberBecky: yeh I like the name Hazel and I looked it up just now and it's #28 popularity currently? almost like people my age are having kids. XD
qwertiest_mint: That looks like a spicey Dune thopter dragon
Laurence72: Can I get a witness?
Narcuru: its a ring
melegaunt_: I'll take a number 4, a number 6, and throw in a plastic donut.
JadedCynic: @jacqui_lantern234 your friends are guilty of 'lying by omission' - yes, it's an 'old lady name' but it's ALSO a current hip name TOO. <3
BrowneePoints: all I can think of is “number 15! whopper whopper double whopper!”
TXC2: Laurence72 are you some kind of wonderful ?
Laurence72: @TXC2 LUL
commentarywife: Obligatory hazel the cat picture:
melegaunt_: A cool wizard hand? Like... Vecna's?
IaCthulhuFthagn: I'm perpetually confused that "old people names" consistently make their come backs about a generation before new parents should have stopped considering them "old people names".
Seru: so jordynne is supervising the children playing with their lego?
EQMoPower: there were some really nice sets back then.
EQMoPower: still too but then as well
TheElrad: but are you living on a prayer?
wench_tacular: there is a little icon progress bar on each page
Mangledpixel: commentarywife that cat wins Carcasonne
thedepthandbreadthofseth: hey folks! How's the build/
TallynNyntyg: Imagine getting NG+ building a LEGO set.
IaCthulhuFthagn: But I guess more people want to honour their elders by naming their children after them than I give them credit for.
TXC2: hello thedepthandbreadthofseth welcome
CaptainRasputin: @TallynNyntyg thats kinda how I see the lego 3-in-1 sets
commentarywife: @IaCthulhuFthagn they're often named after loved grandparents
Narcuru: (If nelly looks at page 44 of his book, the ring "goes" into the hand of the skelly as a magic ring/loot)
commentarywife: @Mangledpixel Kingdom Builder, actually :p
TXC2: people tend to love their Grandparents more then their parents, for a number of reasons
IaCthulhuFthagn: @commentarywife I get that, I just personally think that's what middle names are for :P
Capt_clown: @IaCthulhuFthagn I mean, at least that's better than the current trend of naming kids something normal but spelling like you had a stroke at the hospital LUL
ElementalAlchemist: Isn't there always a new King Gizzard album coming out?
neisan2112: Very excited for this one!!
SymphonySolstice: Increase Gizz
commentarywife: @Capt_clown
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @IaCthulhuFthagn In my community (European Jews) it is traditional to name exclusively after deceased relatives.
stippledotter: @iacthulhufthagn yeah, it was truly weird being in high school this millenium and having a classmate named Barbara
Cunobelenos: Back! How goes the legoing? I see a dragon.
SK__Ren: @Capt_clown ah yes, dqn names
BrowneePoints: it’s 70s rock inspired!
neisan2112: Its very southern rock
Capt_clown: "This is my kid Sidney but we spelling it Xyd-knee
JadedCynic: yay! :)
Riiiiiiis: dab rock?
SquidVorb: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Thank you, Matt. We sure do!
poly_rebel: Black Parade
gualdhar: Master of Puppets
IaCthulhuFthagn: @thedepthandbreadthofseth See, that's a name cycle I understand. Three or four generations makes more sense to me than two.
niccus: papa roach is dad rock
Austere_Squire: American Idiot?
BrowneePoints: not just southern rock. but 70s in general. the first track was like ZZ Top meets Aerosmith meets Kiss
MWGNZ: Enema of the state
Shellsh0cker: The Black Parade
poly_rebel: Enema of the State
sparrowhawksilver: Linkin Park?
TXC2: Dad rock is blink182 Kappa
malfnord: Stop! Stop making me feel old!
YeomanAres: Nickelback
TheSmilingMammoth: I saw a "Dad Rock" cover band recently and it was all 2000s indie music
Last1031: Creed your answer is Creed
nosole: Got told Linkin Park is Divorced Dad Rock recently so...
Lord_Hosk: Current dads are talking about Blink's new album its pretty sweet
frnknstn: "music died when Cobain died"
SusanTD: Nickleback or Creed.
BrowneePoints: Dashboard Confessional and Pear Jam
neisan2112: That time period yup
BrowneePoints: Staind
Juliamon: mmm pear jam
MWGNZ: @Lord_Hosk some real bangers on it
BrowneePoints: Linkin Park
HorusFive: Ouch- my knees and back mattlrCry
IaCthulhuFthagn: @Capt_clown I enjoy the "trend" of naming your children names without regard for their meanings or context. Cassandra, for instance, was fairly popular in my generation.
RevolverRossalot: Teaching my kids that Discovery was the last great album ;)
JadedCynic: Penelope is generationally precocious :D
BrowneePoints: yea Gorillz is dad rock
Gekyouryuu: every day we inch closer and closer to "stuffy old people music" being hard core gangsta rap, 90s boybands, Gorillaz, and stuff
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I mean, I am very Elder Millennial and I think Billie Eilish's new album is a 10.
TXC2: there's a reason radio is the best of the 80's 90's and now :p
Cptasparagus: okay none of these hurt me until The Killers
thedepthandbreadthofseth: But so is Pearl Jam - 10.
northos: ah, but Kathleen, you're assuming that the rest of the audience *doesn't* want to hear the same music over and over again, which...may not be true :p
jacqui_lantern234: ive already accepted that my childhood is over, and that its gonna be alright
iris_of_ether: You want a local KEXP, really
IaCthulhuFthagn: Have we heard Kathleen's opinion on Le Risque, by the way?
Pinwiz11: I thank Eurovision for keeping me 10-years-behind-musically-current. :)
RedNightmare7: It is a great time
iris_of_ether: braven10HEX braven10HEX braven10HEX
Bugberry: Only the daddiest dad can control the dad rock music channel.
Gekyouryuu: "fun" thought: someday, "The Offspring" will be for the oldest living generation
fubargames: There's a new Weird Al single dropping this Friday!
gualdhar: there are ways... we have the technology
Dromos_GHG: braven10HEX braven10HEX braven10HEX
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah if I'm still up when Kathleen is streaming I am up too late
TehAmelie: how much time would it take to listen to King Gizz's catalogue? at 3 hours a week?
hatboozeparty: They are on the LRR wiki im pretty sure
jdr_42: the alt rock station i listened to in high school was still running the exact same playlist when i visited 20 years later
JadedCynic: I mean, I've been happy to sit back in my 'own generation of music' (but skimming out just the bands I like) and then similarly skimming over later generations and cherry-picking the music I like from it <3
Gekyouryuu: "Gotta keep 'em separated (your pills, grandpa)"
Juliamon: TehAmelie Depends on if you include live albums
Capt_clown: I do appreciate the radio option on most music apps that lets me find new stuff. And honestly, even insta/TikTok has gotten me to find some amazing bands too.
RedNightmare7: I'm with Jordynne on that take
BlueChloroplast: The kathleen part is great
ghyllnox: How many music streams does Jordynne watch regularly?
TehAmelie: ah, i guess we'll settle for one instance of each song
IaCthulhuFthagn: The Kathleen part, and the unrelated muted video in the background part as well.
Riiiiiiis: bean technology!
TehAmelie: instance? performance?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: oh, chat folks, is there a visible schedule for this week? I am loosing track?
TXC2: Work Dave vs school Dave vs LGS Dave
DaxStrife: Wait, "blorbo" is real? I thought it was just a meme from that last Jackbox stream.
Juliamon: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
spaigefault: well, just using their name without a suffix would be presumptively informal
Juliamon: Use the Google Calendar link thedepthandbreadthofseth
Lord_Hosk: The archive dot org videos are the true star of the show. Especially when they are WILDLY inappropriate and out of time.
BusTed: got pranked
flustered_blue: my greyhounds paws smell like Fritos
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @Juliamon ty <3
BlueChloroplast: Blorbo is new fanspeak for favourite character
flustered_blue: it’s more common in hounds
42MiLLyWays: my beagles paws had strong Fritos sent lrrHEART
EQMoPower: I would like to see lrr stand the test of time so my question is this; Do they require additional funding to meet their budget?
bytecaster: This dog shit smells dog shit, dude
PawssumFable: That's weird, my dog used to smell like fritos just generally
IaCthulhuFthagn: @Lord_Hosk +1
PawssumFable: I don't think he was trying to get anyone
abracadaver23: Dude I love it when I'm stoned out of my mind and I smell a bag of chips
JadedCynic: I can totally see Ryan doing this, and on one hand, props to a great troll, and on the other hand, damn you :D
TehAmelie: press the back of the hand to the street for 15 minutes, lick your dog's paw, something along those lines
abracadaver23: Also I don't smell my Labrador's feet
RedNightmare7: Dog can't help it
TehAmelie: okay 15 seconds
JadedCynic: smells like whatever they walked on
TuckstheRulesLawyer: I think it's a (normal and healthy) bacteria that lives on some dogs that smells like freetos
nova_plushie: i have a bearded dragon. luckly they dont smell
true_kayos is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel!
ElementalAlchemist: 🤔
true_kayos gifted a Tier 1 sub to jimmythebass!
true_kayos gifted a Tier 1 sub to CienZaufania!
true_kayos gifted a Tier 1 sub to FissionableBadger!
true_kayos gifted a Tier 1 sub to Blahguy_ssbm!
true_kayos gifted a Tier 1 sub to jorgeq1996!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, true_kayos! Welcome to jimmythebass, CienZaufania, Blahguy_ssbm, FissionableBadger, and jorgeq1996! (Today's storm count: 271)
abracadaver23: they're corn chips
TXC2: true_kayos lrrHEART
CanvasWolfDoll: i have a terrier, and i don't go around sniffing dog feet, so...
abracadaver23: they're great
Resilient Spring: my dog's paws absolutely smell like fritos/doritos/cheesey
Resilient Spring: it's nice
Grady Cooke: One of my dogs got sprayed by a skunk before I went to work this morning.
Sarah: They don't need this subathon in order to stay in business, they'll be fine without it
bytecaster: !unsubscribe dog feet facts
JadedCynic: fritos are corn chips
stippledotter: Yeast culture is so underrated
PawssumFable: Oh no sweetie, the whole US likes fritos
Therberus: @nova_plushie I thought they had little noses?
Bugberry: Frito Pie
neisan2112: Fritos are just everywhere at least US
notthepenguins: what that's deranged just eat them like chips
abracadaver23: I LOVE SUN CHIPS
TehAmelie: did you know? humans have on average one unique species of bacteria living in their belly button
saucemaster5000: chili+fritos legit good with nacho cheese
PawssumFable: Fritos are super pop in the south
SK__Ren: I would make Frito Nachos all the time as a kid
IaCthulhuFthagn: Ryan Goslings dogs' paws smell like cinnamon because he lives in a cinnamon dune.
JAGxTERRA: Frito Pie, son!
stippledotter: You gotta have fritos for a walking taco
Juliamon: Fritos are literally half of Frito-Lay
Sunidesus: yeah, the "walking taco" thing is absolutely a thing where I'm from too (upper midwest)
Bugberry: I mostly see BBQ flavor Fritos here in Texas.
thedepthandbreadthofseth: and Fritos, nelson. they're extra corny fried corn chips
miniMacGuru: I started an argument in my family when I asked "if the grocery list says 'corn chips' do you buy Fritos or tortilla chips?"
TXC2: Fritos just reminds me of God of War
melegaunt_: they are 100% not like sunchips
Capt_clown: I know a former partner that worked at a doggie daycare & they actually had different scented shampoos for the dogs. All pet safe but used to laugh when the puppy would come home smelling like bubble gum
abracadaver23: Walking Taco is what fritos are for
PawssumFable: Lots of dog food has corn in it, so the dogs smell likee corn
ghyllnox: They aren't just in CA, they're all over. You're talking about a walking taco, which is also traditionally made with Doritos
reptile___: yeah Fritos are a general US thing, not just a southern california thing
PawssumFable: That's all it is
melegaunt_: they're thick, moderately over-salted cornchips
beowuuf: @TXC2 adam stream starts :)
Riiiiiiis: I mean the paws were on my face already
Snowcookies: ever had a dog shove their foot at your face?
Cptasparagus: was there constant, enthusiatic feet consent?
TXC2: beowuuf exactly
Sarah: But LRR benefits greatly from regular support like subscriptions/memberships and patreon support
Sarah: !patreon
EQMoPower: thanks. cats pads can smell simialr
Red Shift Productions: You can buy fritos in Canada
Red Shift Productions: you apparently can't buy Fritos in BC
Wreckonning: "Southern Californian"? how dare!
Russell Lee-Goldman: (wait, surely frito pie [chili on top of fritos, [in the original bag]] is more of a southern thing? not socal?)
Sarah: Hmm the bot *should* eventually give a patreon link
abracadaver23: I got back from a week long vacation and my Lab was extremely happy to see me
Lord_Hosk: hmmmm, I haven't had sunchips since the early 90s when I had a bad experience... I wonder if I actually like them.
LoadingReadyRun: @true_kayos Thanks for the subs!
Going_Medium: Maybe Ryan Gosling has a professional groomer that scents his dogs feet to something they think Ryan will like?
TehAmelie: i had a dream where a strange cat decided to climb on top of my head. it bled quite a bit and i was just "how can i help you kitty?"
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
Sarah: There it goes
EQMoPower: I'll save donates if I have been given a job by the time dB starts up again
Bugberry: @miniMacGuru getting Fritos when asked for Corn Chips is like being asked for Soda and getting Mt. Dew. You're technically right but it's not the normal default.
commentarywife: Kathleen: "show me the backside"
panhead096 subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, panhead096! (Today's storm count: 272)
IaCthulhuFthagn: @TehAmelie All this normal cat behaviour happened and *also* the cat was somehow strange?
w1gum: someone told the cats to smell jordans paws
abracadaver23: I think it's weird that turtle shells are made of a material that is like skin
TehAmelie: i mean i didn't know them
LoadingReadyRun: @panhead096 Thanks for the sub!
abracadaver23: and get's raw
Stormgod519: hi everyone! good morning!
insanecat6mtg: Hello everyone!
Sarah: Definitely look after yourself first!
EQMoPower: charity starts at home
JadedCynic: that's a low bar, tho
TXC2: hello Stormgod519 and insanecat6mtg welcome
AugmentingPath subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 80 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AugmentingPath! (Today's storm count: 273)
tidehollowcat: My cat will claw and meow outside my bedroom door... when I'm downstairs.
IaCthulhuFthagn: @Bugberry Is the normal default powdered sodium carbonate?
LoadingReadyRun: @AugmentingPath Thanks for the sub!
Capt_clown: No, it's the lambs that scream Clarice!
Sarcastic_comma subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 80 months, currently on a 80 month streak!
Sarcastic_comma: any suggestions for sub $150 Lego kits ?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Sarcastic_comma! (Today's storm count: 274)
abracadaver23: I watched a video on removing barnacles from a turtle's shell and it was weird seeing raw turtle shell affected by barnacles
JadedCynic: "okay, this isn't bad, being held in this hand....I wonder if there's food?"
abracadaver23: Also barnacles being alive is weird to me
iris_of_ether: In the past I've held baby goats and gotten hugged by the neck of an elderly mule. Would recommend.
LoadingReadyRun: @Sarcastic_comma Thanks for the sub!
EQMoPower: counterpoint Kath, animals don't have our respsobilities
Resilient Spring: sorry Kathleen, there are some animals out there that do things that humans would consider abhorrent 🫣 animals are just animals.
commentarywife: sargon
commentarywife: *dargon
TXC2: commentarywife good, important correction there :p
omdorastrix: I've picked up strays a few times and yes all the vets in my area will check for a chip for free. Only one of the cats I've picked up was chipped but there was no info so mileage may vary
chrisvonclause: most vets will check chips for free
KV1NN4: Friend of mine found a super friendly ginger boy cat with a collar... the owner kept putting off picking him up (and there was often yelling int he BG of calls)..... sssso... anyone in London, Ontario, ther'es asUPER FRIENDLY BOY looking for a forever home.
reptile___: @Sarcastic_comma Saturn V rocket? it's out of print and there are scalpers, but you can sometimes find them for a reasonable price
KV1NN4: (the owners dumped him over 3 miles away or something)
KV1NN4: (* at the local shelter)
EQMoPower: o.o
EQMoPower: they understand
Makrosian_Tay: What a scummy thing to do
omdorastrix: Reminder if people want cats go to shelters, get cats from shelters, also dogs, there's plenty of good boys such in shelters that need homes
electra310: Cat ambassador was checking you out, you are ready for cattening
Lamebert1415 subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Lamebert1415! (Today's storm count: 275)
AtrusOfMyst: Nelson, VP of Cat Acquisitions
Bearudite: hell yeah cat king
LoadingReadyRun: @Lamebert1415 Thanks for the sub!
JadedCynic: I've had friends end up being adopted by a cat - said cat lived with another family, but gradually went back and forth between the two households, and eventually chose my friends. :)
Earthenone: !schdedule
IaCthulhuFthagn: @Sarcastic_comma: The bonsai tree is pretty and makes for a nice decoration when finished.
Bugberry: @IaCthulhuFthagn at least here in Texas, tortilla chips far outnumber and have more variety than fritos.
Earthenone: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
Master_Gunner: Fluffy little murder machine
EQMoPower: I cannot trap domestics that wander because it could be someone elses
TXC2: JadedCynic My Mum is doing that with our neighbour's cat :p
Juliamon: honestly if you want ANY pet check a shelter first, they don't get just dogs and cats
LoadingReadyRun: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
TehAmelie: outdoors cats are such cute ecological disaster areas
Juliamon: I've met lots of very sweet rats and bunnies at our shelter
omdorastrix: Also, if you find a straight cat with a clipped ear, there's a good chance that they're part of stay neuter release program. A lot of places do that and that also helps keep stray cat populations down
Mattthebeard subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 14 months!
RomanGoro: And about as many cat births
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Mattthebeard! (Today's storm count: 276)
couchboyj: My old orange manx kitty passed away yesterday. Subathon has been a very welcome distraction!
LoadingReadyRun: @Mattthebeard Thanks for the sub!
MehallD: both my cats are rescues, and anyone on Serge's discord will tell you how unbearably cute Mochi is
ExachixKitsune: Mochi is such a good cat
sparrowhawksilver: just gotta have a cat that's caught one from a car, and is too slow to actually catch anything like my family did
Asimech: @Juliamon While I know what you meant, I also imagined rats and bunnies with shades on and leaning casually.
TXC2: Gnome tend to have high INT
TehAmelie: are displacer beasts hypnotic? like if your int check fails they don't teleport?
Bearudite: brain is smart but the head is dumb
CmdrMadMoe: pure of heart dumb of ass
spicyFerret_: Cheer100 displaces ur beast
sparrowhawksilver: absolutely the most friendly cat ever, but definitely had some long-term-damage from that car crash
Asimech: @Juliamon With big "talking about going surfing" energy.
malsareus: head empty heart large
TXC2: calm as a Hindu cow
HorusFive: Think of the joy. Like a happy puppy mattlrConfus
PhoenixMelior: My cat came in on the streets and he still seeks out food at every turn. My house is child proofed.
sparrowhawksilver: aphantasia?
melegaunt_: Aphantasia and SDAM
RedNightmare7: Oh wow, really?
TehAmelie: meditation?
commentarywife: <message deleted>more Hazel with her recent "gift" for us
kaziel0: @Sarcastic_comma While aimed at LRR, a few options are, if you're a fan of the series, Lego has put out some Animal Crossing sets, which vary in size from sub-$20USD to around $75USD at highest. :)
TXC2: oh honey, existential dread don't care if something is real :p
ghyllnox: Vibes-based bullying
JadedCynic: my word...I would be SO lonely without the voices in my head! :(
TehAmelie: i sometimes can't keep up with my own thoughts. like "could you write that down for me?"
Myrniss: my partner made a catio for our indoor cat :3
Juliamon: commentarywife Hey, can we get a CW for images with dead animals, thx
Stormgod519: you can talk about leverage here?
melegaunt_: aphantasia is a per-sense kind of thing. I have *excellent* auditory imagery in my head, but *no* visual imagery whatsoever.
JadedCynic: I mean, 90% of the time I ignore what they advise me of, but it's still nice to have the background noise...
commentarywife: sorry, thought I had made that fairly clear.
PhoenixMelior: Aww, i want a catio for my baby... i need to work on that
quatoria: oh dang, were we talking about aphantasia
IaCthulhuFthagn: My friend's recently departed cat once dragged in a live pigeon through the cat door when we were over, which I still can't understand on so many levels.
Juliamon: "gifts" can be toys or live animals too
stippledotter: More of that beautiful crinkle asmr
TehAmelie: Kathleen, leading bag lady. no wait
TXC2: what's behind door number 1
Gaz-L: is it 5e or 6e? (5.5? One? what are we calling it?)
tidehollowcat: I've found a dead mouse in my shoe before
Stormgod519: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
IaCthulhuFthagn: @tidehollowcat I prefer that to a live scorpion.
TehAmelie: we're building the dungeons and the dragons
Jakelope13: If a gelatinous cube turns to crystal, did it "die of natural causes"?
Wolfstrike_NL: :)
Lord_Hosk: Wiiiinkkie faaaaaace
Snowcookies: PrideLaugh
protojman: like kappa?
electra310: YES
Stephonee: obviously, that's the only way to text
PawssumFable: god yes
TXC2: "there's no emoticon for what I'm feeling!"
Laurence72: For maximum PC killing, this adventure should feature 1d4 damage for every square they move, since they will be constantly walking on legos.
HorusFive: In all professional settings- yes
JadedCynic: I take the 5th
ShifuDaxiongmao: no :)
Sarah_Serinde: Me with 90% of my messages
niccus: smiley face in group chat is like first sign moderators should pay attention
stippledotter: Unless it's a sarcastic emoji...
PawssumFable: I'm joking all the time
spicyFerret_: Emote! in the Twitch Stream
protojman: i do the smiley a lot with work messages to imply that pleasant tone...:D
TehAmelie: i need emoticons just so my texts sound less terse
IaCthulhuFthagn: A single appended smiley face after a line *always* reads as sarcasm to me.
sparrowhawksilver: one of my family's cats once brought a dead mouse to my little sister's bed when she was sick
HorusFive: Stand the line Kathleen. I'm there with you
niccus: or if the "lol" frequency goes above like 5%
BusTed: I found that I had to stop for tone reasons.
BlueChloroplast: Semicol9n life!
Twilight_Spark: If they do then I'll join you on this insanity arc.
commentarywife: there's no good reason to abbreviate any more
electra310: I send grammatically correct texts with smileys
mkaybuddy11: true vibe is using a ; and no period at the end :)
stippledotter: I'm part of the "has used semicolon in text" squad
Camthelion: Kathleen was giving use of all punctuations and will use every one.
Jakelope13: @Laurence72 But their feet have the holes for the lego things to fit into, which our completely normal human feet do not
JoannaTastic: I use *so* many dashes in just about every form of written communication
ExachixKitsune: I still send mesages like that
CaptainSpam: The point of sending texts is to just splurt out letters and assume everyone else has access to your brain to know how to interpret said letters.
ExachixKitsune: to certain people mind
Inkompetence: I feel uncomfortable if I don't use punctuation in texts.
Foolinc: As someone who’s first smart phone was a blackberry, my texts also is written with punctuation for the most part.
emberBecky: yeh I use emoji to establish tone. I feel like my text sounds angry by default
commentarywife: it's actively harder to remove letters from words now
its_north_or_nothing: Nelly is so real for that. I do that to my friends alot
Makrosian_Tay: @Inkompetence big same!
PawssumFable: I never texted when texts were by the letter
Lord_Hosk: My parents mock me all the time for texting in complete sentences with capitalization and punctuation.
EQMoPower: they have 6e already?
CaptainCoriale: There are people at my workplace who use emojis in business emails and it bugs me to my core.
its_north_or_nothing: So what are they building rn?
TXC2: D&D set
its_north_or_nothing: ahhh gotchya
commentarywife: what does a D&D set actually mean?
Inkompetence: @Makrosian_Tay Solidarity through symbols!
TehAmelie: "it's an informal work place" "dress or email code?"
IaCthulhuFthagn: I felt seen when Randall Munroe called out people who write "O.K." in an XKCD strip.
sparrowhawksilver: sometimes, i struggle to put the correct emoji into a text, trying to remove ambiguity, but i'm not good at emojis
AtrusOfMyst: Separate the smol from the beeg
LoadingReadyRun: Oh god
Juliamon: James........
Sarah_Serinde: Thanks James...
niccus: james...
Bearudite: actually
Marshall Wentworth: Some people are calling the new update 6th edition (since WotC tried to brand it as a new edition).
Marshall Wentworth: But the differences are not that dramatic, so some are leaning towards 5.5, I'm not even sure i'd go that far, but I haven't dived deep into it.
EQMoPower: I have all the books from 4e and i paid for all of them
samb6678: Mmmmm, link gore
mkaybuddy11: oh bud
ExachixKitsune: uh mods, can we get loadingreadyrun for spamming please? sergeSnerge
notthepenguins: you can have wordless impulses
DanTheMediocre: I've had people be very suspicious of me because I opened a whatsapp message with 'Hello [name], I am [name] we met through this and I would like to ask you the following" because that seems like the most reasonable cold open. I'm still twenty something
LoadingReadyRun: I just wanted to share the lego set!
CaptainSpam: JAMES
TXC2: James pls
Mangledpixel: that is one chonky URL
notthepenguins: i do all the time
SnackPak_: lrrFRUMP
nevermore913: Blame James
Bearudite: anything you can see you can imagine on your tongue
TehAmelie: i think you can cut everything after the question mark
SK__Ren: pica?
BigDaddyBland87: uhhh
ghyllnox: OHNO
LathosTiran: delete anything after an "?" usually
Sarah_Serinde: James get in the habit of cutting out tracking info in urls :D
Astramentha: JORDYNNE NO
tod_vom_himmel: I might te a psychopath , but I always opened all the bags at once and poured then into big pile
maybe_games: ate as in held them in the mouth or swallowed them?
omdorastrix: Something something don't you put it in your mouth
AtrusOfMyst: All is aw of that huge url was, "IN_GOOGUS"
nova_plushie: Jordan increasing her Net worth by eating jems
vegetalss4: That seems like it'd be awkward to explain to your boss
SnackPak_: hardcore
LordZarano: Thanks 500MB of tracking data in every website's url now
mkaybuddy11: jordynne the emeralds stole your thoughts
spaigefault: nyam nyam nyam
commentarywife: @baskwalla was about to do the same- fixed it!
Patorik: Jordynne: Totally outrageous!
Joshua Trytten: It doesn't seem like nearly as dramatic a change as 3.5 to 4e or 4e to 5e.
Gaz-L: I have a substantial number of the 4e books still
Marshall Wentworth: I don't think its even as dramatic as 3 to 3.5
glitched_goddess: some people would probably pay more lol
TXC2: got steam cleaned 3 times
jacqui_lantern234: JORDYNNE OMG
AtrusOfMyst: Pre-digested ring?
DanTheMediocre: and by ring we mean butthole
spaigefault: like the civet coffee
TXC2: Very subtle there Jordynne
TehAmelie: ring ring, bananaphone?
CmdrMadMoe: HYCYBH
Juliamon: And that's how we learned the office doesn't use Firefox with its incredibly helpful "Copy Link Without Site Tracking"
BlueFingers5: Rocks AND rings
EQMoPower: I stole a 3.5 phb
Gaz-L: it feels more like 3.5 to Pathfinder 1e, I guess
EQMoPower: opinions on ww?
jacqui_lantern234: also how have NONE OF US SAID "HAVE YOU CHECKED YOUR BUTTHOLE"
omdorastrix: You don't have to eat that gem tonight.rock sand!
TehAmelie: you don't have to squeeze your body through the thing
Sarah_Serinde: It's easy to forget that firefox setting or just use ctr+c
HubbeKing: I can no longer hear Roxanne without thinking of Roxanne But It's Just Rocks
QuixoticScrivener: dagger that shoots crossbows!
TXC2: Roxanna is always Ross Can for me :p
EQMoPower: ww=white wolf
DanTheMediocre: @Juliamon that's a feature? what's the shortcut for that
TehAmelie: i just think of the Narcoleptic Argentinian in Moulin Rouge who does the most amazing growling "Roxanne"
DanTheMediocre: I know copy/paste without style formatting
seinka: moulin rouge version of roxanne is the best
HorusFive: A Dice Friends ending in a fist fight would instantly go viral.
Juliamon: I'm not sure what the hotkey is, but it's in the right-click menu directly below Copy Link
Gaz-L: I have run exactly one (1) session of VTM, so undecided
TXC2: Icarus: just a little wing boi
queercrafting_chonk: that's great Icarus characterization honestly
its_north_or_nothing: Borkin' it too hard
seinka: Icarus would have big humming bird energy I feel
EQMoPower: I felt like a good dm particularly because I wanted to be avoice actor adter
EQMoPower: after* having seen full house
Gaz-L: but otoh i really want the chance to run one or more of the Modiphius 2d20 games
Joshua Trytten: I've actually been running a VtM 5e game, and it seems to be going pretty well despite the fact that I don't know what I'm doing. Definitely a more narrative style, at least how I run. Less rolling.
BlueChloroplast: :D
RedNightmare7: Artemis just wants to be left alone
IaCthulhuFthagn: I haven't seen the displacer beast in the build yet and its adventure implication terrifies me more than the red dragon's.
commentarywife: Talking of greek gods, how far did Matt get in his Hades 2 stream? I had to step away to go food shopping
TXC2: Going over there with Caliope
TXC2: no Callisto
bytecaster: Same
Austere_Squire: transistor was glorious
Mal2mad: Same
TehAmelie: he got just past stage 1
protojman: know that mood
Mathonwy: Greek deities were just... The worst.
SK__Ren: She feels more personable in Hades 2 and is less... gloomy?
Austere_Squire: and matt has made me want to give hades another chance
SymphonySolstice: @commentarywife saw Oceanus twice but not the boss
Twilight_Spark: There's this whole genre of grand-strategy type games, Crusader Kings et al., that I have to avoid because I cannot afford that time.
EQMoPower: just saw 2d20 games. certainly acchoice
Twilight_Spark: And I know I'll spend it.
reptile___: Greek myths have great comedy potential. Like, jokes about Oedipas and King Midas are mother****ing gold
commentarywife: @SymphonySolstice he wasn't far off beating the first boss when I was watching
PawssumFable: Don't murder me: I think Star Wars is the most over-rated piece of media of all time. ...That's not to say it's BAD.
HorusFive: "Get out and take your Star Wars with you"
Vanastar22: I'm putting off playing Baldur's Gate 3 for the same reason.
sparrowhawksilver: Artemis in Hades 2 isn't stuck on Olympus anymore
PawssumFable: Just that it's the biggest, most over-loved thing ever. It's not nearly as good as its fans think it is.
BlueChloroplast: @reptile___ XD XD XD
42MiLLyWays: you will love!
Gaz-L: it's not quite what the name implies, it's a dice pool system like WW
EQMoPower: I don't know what it's like to "successfuly" stream
Gaz-L: the Star Wars FF system is v good
glitched_goddess: @pawssumfable it’s like the Beatles. people act like it brings the dead back to life lol
Austere_Squire: a friend dragged me through the original trilogy for the first time because of Andor like 3 months ago... all i took away was a hate Han Solo and Tarkov's cheeks could cut steel
Juliamon: PawssumFable I'd argue it has close competition with LotR, the MCU, Harry Potter, etc etc
KV1NN4: Chase The Mummy with George fot he Jungle :B
KV1NN4: Horses man...
LordZarano: "Adguard URL Tracking Protection" in uBO's filters will also remove all the nonsense from URLs. *Except* that it also removed the affiliate code for LRR from Humble Bundle. Had to add an exception just for that
TXC2: warning: the Mummy WILL Turn you Bi, it's inevetible
LilyOfTheVeil6666: The Mummy aka The Bisexual Awakening
JadedCynic: They are NOT exaggerating about "The Mummy(1999)"
PawssumFable: LoTR is cinematically beautiful though
nosole: It's still a really good movie
Vanastar22: Harry Potter is definietly hugely over-rated.
EQMoPower: I do keep my ear to the train tracks. I will understand if you want to talk about it.
Therberus: Acceptable men, the bar is very low for my gender...!
YeomanAres: And Rachel weizs
Makimachine: Yes, The Mummy is THE bisexual awakening.
PawssumFable: And the Beatles are actually really good if you break the music down like a music nerd
Bearudite: love to hate benny
glitched_goddess: 100%. only thing worse than Mummy is Hades lol
Stephonee: Looks like you're on the wrong side of the riiiiiiVer
PawssumFable: Star Wars doesn't have anything to say about it like that. It's... fine.
JadedCynic: a nice contract between 'normal men' and those gods-on-earth :)
JadedCynic: *contraSt
PawssumFable: So I would still put it at the top
JadedCynic: LUL
TXC2: form DB6 ?
GenericHerooo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 28 months!
GenericHerooo: lrrSHINE lrrSPOOPY lrrSHINE
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, GenericHerooo! (Today's storm count: 277)
IaCthulhuFthagn: Beni is definitely not the inspiration of multiple D&D characters I've played...
RonaldMcDownload subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 62 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RonaldMcDownload! (Today's storm count: 278)
SymphonySolstice: fill this man with cream *clap clap*
SquareDotCube: I remember "fill this man with (ice) cream) from SPRING!
Bearudite: the TKO tshirt is still fire
LoadingReadyRun: @GenericHerooo & @RonaldMcDownload Thanks for the subs!
BlueFingers5: Things you typically don't want to hear
ShaneLeeAtk: Hop, Skip, AND Jump?
magical_girl_amelia: it's 6am it was my birthday yesterday and i'm eating leftover curry for breakfast. what a nice day
DaxStrife: Spiders? But it's not Mail Time?
beowuuf: that's where chat escaped to
SquareDotCube: Spiders? Quick, get a hammer, free XP!
GenericHerooo: @loadingreadyrun Love you guys
Chesul: Oh, have we hit the Mail Time Crossover part of the stream?
IaCthulhuFthagn: ~99, give or take.
TXC2: there will be spiders, the VERY off kilter sequel to there will be blood
IaCthulhuFthagn: One point of SAN for every spider swallowed.
TehAmelie: @magical_girl_amelia congrats!
JadedCynic: YUP.
Sarah_Serinde: NotLikeThis
JadedCynic: absolutely
undecided44: At least your max POW stat increased... CoC rpg jokes
JadedCynic: it does get better
EQMoPower: call of chutlu ref
tomorrowboy: "no cap"
beowuuf: at least we might get our five points of mythos
SK__Ren: Its a reference to fake teeth caps
Mal2mad: I've seen that one, it's Miles Spider-am, not Peter Spider-man
as_ever_ellesandra: no cap? is "no shit?"
SK__Ren: Fake gold teeth vs real ones
neisan2112: Based off gold teeth cap
Astramentha: or “for real?”
JinaMahavira: no Kappa
Kentosaurus: I thought it was no kappa, like from twitch
jdr_42: I am apparently too old for that joke
EQMoPower: I am always so pleased with lrr
commentarywife: I thought cap was equivalent to a lie
thedepthandbreadthofseth: it's like the cheese tax.
mercano82: Things get confusing when Miles and Peter exist in the same universe.
Astramentha: @commentarywife right, so it’s “no lie”
Fr0Dough: Jordyne is queen and no one can tell me different
SK__Ren: @commentarywife It is. Fake teeth caps = lies vs real teeth/full replacements = truith
Pharmacistjudge: Mr trollo sounds like a minor saint
EQMoPower: they are rushing the builds. over under on a misconstruction
Halinn: "Cap" meaning lie is from a 1906 novel
TehAmelie: such a reach, it sounds like Cockney rhyming slang
PawssumFable: I need... a single reason why someone as cool as anyone on LRR would like Paris Hilton at all
CocoaMix86: Chat, what's your favorite lego set?
niccus: paris hilton is much cooler than you think
KV1NN4: I need to ask my friend who worked on Repo his perspective on that
KV1NN4: His opinion on her has not softened <XD
PawssumFable: Her bad decisions make it difficult to like anything else about her, though?
Colin: Paris Hilton?
Joshua Trytten: Repo is...a Wild Time
Colin: Repo was when I realised Paris Hilton was a "character" not who she is
DiamondMX: Oh neat, they're playing with the fun foot hazards.
commentarywife: @DiamondMX thry do seem to all be wearing shoes to reduce this hazard
TehAmelie: it's not the legos' fault they're made to be harder than feet
DiamondMX: @commentarywife Very clever! It means that only future hosts are in danger.
glitched_goddess: Lego is made of old nokia phones
EQMoPower: she's both
14 raiders from emmaormusic have joined!
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Her actual voice is like four registers deeper.
TXC2: Hello Raiders
MaxTurkeyFlaps: @cocoamix86 The Millennium Falcon, if only because my kiddo and I built it together over several months.
emmaormusic: HypeMwah HypeMwah Come for the lego, stay for the company! (and the lego) GoatEmotey GoatEmotey
LoadingReadyRun: @emmaormusic Thanks for the raid!
pilgrimJonah: emmaorHype emmaorHype Come for the lego, stay for the company! (and the lego) xmijukArmy xmijukArmy emmaorYay emmaorYay
blue_charrette: Come for the lego, stay for the company! (and the lego) deanna9Triskelion TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid deanna9Triskelion deanna9Absinthe2 deanna9Triskelion TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance VoteYea deanna9Triskelion
Pinwiz11: Mik's was so good for that kickoff
TehAmelie: ha, the 3310 wishes it had the indestructibility of lego
Juliamon: Welcome! Please try to rein in your emotes to 7 or less
ZombieMonkey_Martin: DinoDance Come for the lego, stay for the company! (and the lego) DinoDance
DiamondMX: @thedepthandbreadthofseth I don't know music but I have to assume that means at least one of her voices is only audible to dogs.
emmaormusic: No problem @LoadingReadyRun, @lordx33n showed us the set they were building and we had to come see, it looks so beautiful!
Japolai subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 40 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Japolai! (Today's storm count: 279)
ZombieMonkey_Martin: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance BaileyChamp I tried
TXC2: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
LoadingReadyRun: @Japolai Thanks for the sub!
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @DiamondMX yes... that's definitely what I knew I was saying and meat to imply :D
hazy_sheep: DinoDance Come for the lego, stay for the company! (and the lego) DinoDance
jae_dorian: i'm painting minis
Astramentha: oh no
TXC2: well shit :p
Pinwiz11: I'm building a lot of vlookups, does that count?
asddsa28: no you sent use each one block
pilgrimJonah gifted a Tier 1 sub to emmaormusic! This is their first Gift Sub in the channel!
bytecaster: Wait, when does my set arrive?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, emmaormusic! (Today's storm count: 280)
ThorSokar: Oh, was I not supposed to be done already?
tod_vom_himmel: I'm sleeping
saucemaster5000: no you're not
CaptainCoriale: I have a cold, can I be excused?
blue_charrette: HypeHide Lego barkitechture
Therberus: Oh crap, I've been working all afternoon at my job - I'm very late on my build
RedNightmare7: Unless I gotta hand it in afterwards, it is a race I will gladly lose
L0rdX33n: were I not at work, I would be building along
AlliterateA subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 43 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AlliterateA! (Today's storm count: 281)
ZombieMonkey_Martin: this looks cosy though
EQMoPower: yeah
EQMoPower: although 170
Rebecca Holt: Good morning from Australia
Luna: it looks so good
EQMoPower: evening m8
Colin: Gosh I wish
NonUniqueGuy: I'm still waiting for mine to arrive
laikagoat: I finally built my Lego Orchid set just now
commentarywife: very happy to have recieved this $360 set of lego, though it doesn't seem to have arrived. maybe import taxes?
HedgehogKnight: I have one but my wife won't let me build without her
TXC2: I legit can't remember the last time I did a LEGO :p
emmaormusic: Aw the Rivendell Set!
thedepthandbreadthofseth: who exactly is subbing and who is thonning, btw??
reptile___: @ZombieMonkey_Martin cozy? there's a bag of spiders!
DiamondMX: @thedepthandbreadthofseth I feel like more singers should appeal to the >20khz dog market. They're underserved and they're all such good boys.
NonUniqueGuy: We are subbing and they are thonning.
thedepthandbreadthofseth: fair
TXC2: thedepthandbreadthofseth chat subs, lrr thons
emmaormusic: I had plans to build that with a friend of mine, sadly he passed away before we had the chance.
commentarywife: @Pinwiz11 xlookups are superior
ZombieMonkey_Martin: @reptile___ oh? Zoom in, please!
HedgehogKnight: I do have the mimic bonus set built
its_north_or_nothing: (I am inputting all my rare and mythic magic cards into a spread sheet to sell them
DanTheMediocre: @commentarywife pivot table or riot
Dandelion V: Hello Australia. How is tomorrow?
pilgrimJonah: !hug @emmaormusic
CmdrMadMoe: sub... bags, dom bags?
Coloneljesus: hell yeah!
aesir_blade: Does the set come with any polyhedral dice, lego or otherwise?
Pinwiz11: @commentarywife perhaps, but I can write the others quickly to get my work done
its_north_or_nothing: BANANA BREAD AT WORK DUDE
HubbeKing: work first, then banana
seemsdeece: Hell yeah
Bearudite: scratching ur eye but its still ithcy bro? HELL NO
Rebecca Holt: Dark and chilly, it's 6am
EQMoPower: it's over 100 in NJ us
Colin: The Banana bread viceo is so good
CocoaMix86: @Bearudite pink eye
zenthere: What's for lunch?
TXC2: oh hallelujah out problems are solved, we have banana bread
seemsdeece: Like fucking skunks dude, hell no
commentarywife: @DanTheMediocre aaah my ex manager was obsessed with using pivot charts and then getting a mess of a formula by trying to get data from it, shudder
poly_rebel: I do love that the guy's issues are: Skunks, Itchy Eye, The Cubs, and Wage Theft
commentarywife: @Pinwiz11 Xlookups are just as quick, and don't require the data to be in a particular order :D
TehAmelie: i missed something but banana bread is code for illicit sex, right?
OVERKiLL!: 🍌 mMMM. Banan. 🦍
Colin: Didn't mean to delete my own comment there but oh well XD
Rebecca Holt: Oh dang! It's currently 9 degrees here. Stay cool friends.
DaSunao: I think you mess with Pulitzer winners when you want your roast to be award winning
seemsdeece: @poly_rebel truly a based man
RossIrelandPrime: Spending Jeff's money on my sub
JoannaTastic: They need to put up a plaque
ExachixKitsune: Behold, my trousers are entirely unaflame, ergo my word is truth
Juliamon: TehAmelie Banana bread is banana bread
IaCthulhuFthagn: @TehAmelie "illicit"?
Pinwiz11: @commentarywife I'll take a look at them, but sometimes I just need a comparison done quick. :)
EQMoPower: I'm looking at I like f and 9 is c
Luna: @Colin mod power moment
Rebecca Holt: Yes, so it's 48.2 freedom temperatures
TXC2: Surely he knows before this?
mwlsn: @exachixkitsune verily
DiamondMX: @ExachixKitsune Don't make us get the Truththrower.
azninsect: eyyy subathon!
Wolfstrike_NL: I'm gonna guess a Cyclops
IaCthulhuFthagn: Imagine you are Drake, and only just figured out your name means "male duck".
azninsect: !yay
LRRbot: Yaaaaaaay...
commentarywife: @Pinwiz11 fair, it's essentially the same thing, bbut can look in any column, not just the leftmost one :)
rfholloway: cyclops football team?
elohim_3 subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, elohim_3! (Today's storm count: 282)
EQMoPower: I'm not new. I have been here over a decade.
Rebecca Holt: Me too!
Colin: The time I pocket banned someone in Cameron's chat was the real accidental mod power moment
TXC2: maybe Graham can hear with his heart ?
TehAmelie: @IaCthulhuFthagn sounded funnier than just "sex"
PhoenixMelior: Someone get kathleen a spoonful of peanut butter?
Juliamon: speaking of 'x at work' my sister told me there was a plate of black-n-white cookies in the break room at her store, and someone deliberately left the white half of a cookie in the tray, which just feels like... the rudest possible thing
roseofloki: ah yiss, time for LEGO in the background while I sew
TXC2: PhoenixMelior and some milk right ?
PhoenixMelior: Of course txc2 !
TXC2: ok good
EQMoPower: I think I'd like au. such a bracket of temps
Joshua Trytten: Looking ahead to low 30s C for the next week here in 'northern' Canada ('northern' being anything north of Toronto/Vancouver).
OVERKiLL!: last week. it was 127f in my car by 4pm. california .
EQMoPower: not specuak
commentarywife: "hungie" just reminds me of that gamechanger episode 🤣
PhoenixMelior: Tell us more about drawl
Twilight_Spark: Ah, the good ole' coffee/tylenol bifurcation point of the day.
TehAmelie: i'm waiting for my caffeine to cool down in the freezer ;_;
gualdhar: LRR is doing a sunbathing and recording at the same time? That's nuts
IaCthulhuFthagn: @Juliamon ...and now I'm imagining carefully slicing them apart with a scalpel to reassemble them colour sorted.
gualdhar: SUBATHON
mtvcdm: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Kraven Manor Speed Runs w/ Ben at Tue 02:00 PM PDT (29m from now).
IvanRussel subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 30 months!
IvanRussel: Happy Sub-A-Thon!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, IvanRussel! (Today's storm count: 283)
gualdhar: not sunbathing gdi phone why
LoadingReadyRun: @IvanRussel Thanks for the sub!
EQMoPower: not more special than you*
Rebecca Holt: Yeah, it's snowing in Tasmania, and Darwin is having a cold snap at 25 degrees
TehAmelie: still hoping someone will invent a household flash freezing device. it could be as useful as a microwave oven, just doing the reverse
bytecaster: Imagine going into a Games Workshop and calling the armies Mini-Figs!
oyleslyck subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 88 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, oyleslyck! (Today's storm count: 284)
PhoenixMelior: Whenever i see a message from the lrr account i hear it in Paul's voice
SkylerRingtail: Rejoice!
Twilight_Spark: I've always wanted head.
brieandbacon: !sir
LRRbot: Sir? Sir! You have now experienced the globoscopic, all-powerful wonderkrill.
SnackPak_: rad
NekomimiNinja: ooh! derg!
TXC2: durgon!
beowuuf: lrrGOAT
Mangledpixel: durgan!
ExachixKitsune: yes
Cptasparagus: thats one bit of canadian speak I dont get "i'm about done this bag" instead of "im about done WITH this bag"
bytecaster: I'm sure you can multiclass
as_ever_ellesandra: Its a venn diagram
Astramentha: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
DiamondMX: Yes, scaly is a subgroup.
PawssumFable: It's the same community
ClockTamer: scalies are a sub faction of furries
NorthstarTex: yep, *lives with one*
EQMoPower: who?
EQMoPower: if I wanted to paint minifigs i could but who will I pay for the right paint?
Rebecca Holt: Dragon complete! Woo!
Austere_Squire: their own lore
notthepenguins: there are definitely some intra-community feuds over that
TXC2: are Fish scalies ?
PawssumFable: People who like dragon people also like tiger people, it's all the same lol
Austere_Squire: can i just say, "cousins" and "roommates" one of my favorite jokes in the world
ClockTamer: as a furry, a scalie is a sub faction so you can run scalies in your furry army
mtvcdm: I literally heard someone genuinely use the word 'eh' this morning
IaCthulhuFthagn: Are dinosaurs scalies despite feathers?
QuixoticScrivener: are bird anthros called featheries?
NoxStryx: Is a beaver both a scaley
Juliamon: QuixoticScrivener Sometimes, avians gets used too
DiamondMX: @QuixoticScrivener Nope, they're birbs.
TehAmelie: fluffies?
EQMoPower: very articulated tail
PawssumFable: And there's no bird subgroup
Bugberry: @NoxStryx how about Platypus?
PhoenixMelior: Food
Austere_Squire: hi, graham
TXC2: surely they're beakies ?
commentarywife: @mtvcdm I use the word "eh" all the time
NoxStryx: Is a bever both scaley and furrie
commentarywife: "wife time"
DiamondMX: @NoxStryx Do beavers have scales? I did not know this.
DaSunao: I think I've heard "avians" thrown around
mtvcdm: Pizza anytime
TehAmelie: a beaky could be an octopus
Austere_Squire: is this a canada thing?
Juliamon: Austere_Squire Bite-sized Hot Pocket
PhoenixMelior: Canadian hot pockets @austere_squire
Jack_Slack: Snack bars and pizza pops: The definition of 12 years old.
Coloneljesus: seems like a spoiler :P
vegetalss4: Disagree, it's because you are an adult and no-one can stop you
as_ever_ellesandra: Hot Pocket
Sunidesus: I am also curious about these pizza pops
IaCthulhuFthagn: Everything in the room except the chest is a mimic.
Bearudite: the ac is on and she is listening to her favorite music
notthepenguins: bed mimic is nearly as fiendish as the outhouse mimic a friend of mine had in a campaign
PawssumFable: Hot pockets yeah
IaCthulhuFthagn: The chest is a painted rock.
melegaunt_: OMG they're like pizza empenadas
DanTheMediocre: @Austere_Squire a little self-contained dough roll of pizza sauce and topping
gualdhar: so question, what's the point of a mimic that doesn't surprise the party?
EQMoPower: part of the screen is showing youtube chat to the workers
n3ther: dang i miss hot pockets
commentarywife: I was imagining a cake pop in pizza shape
JadedCynic: McCain foods' version - they're round, tho; not oblong
korvys: Oh, see, I assumed it was pizza on a stick, like a popsicle
n3ther: gamers ideal food Keepo
TehAmelie: see beavers are a fish according to Catholic scripture
DanTheMediocre: it is not like pizza flavoured soda pop no
JadedCynic: Pilsbury's entry in the genre is better on both sides of the border tho
BigDaddyBland87: @korvys I know...that was deeply disappointing
Bugberry: As Dungeon Meshi says, the world is full of different kinds of dumplings. Pizza Pops/Hot Pockets are just one kind.
Sunidesus: I was imagining a cake pop but pizza
PhoenixMelior: James?
IaCthulhuFthagn: @notthepenguins Everyone loves the rug mimic, but what about the rug mimic that also acts as the trap door for a spiked pit trap?
zazamos: We have Pizza Puffs in the midwest
EQMoPower: I ran out of hot pockets two days ago
Rogue 7: I would like to see the child.
TXC2: In my head, Pizza pop was just a mini, mincrowaveable pizza
notthepenguins: oh dang now that's trap efficiency @iacthulhufthagn
commentarywife: but how do they know that Kathleen made a mimic?
darkcyril: "Beholder Spare Bits." brb, I've got an adventure to write.
DanTheMediocre: @commentarywife the rug came with a stat block
commentarywife: behold, a beholder?
L0rdX33n: apparently pizza pops are like mini calzones
EQMoPower: of?
Rogue 7: Jordynne and Nellie, of course
TehAmelie: could we get a closeup of the beholder? to behold it
reptile___: @commentarywife but who beholds the beholder?
Saintnex: @txc2 they really are :D but after having tried air fryering them, dang they hit differently
spaigefault: the beholder is staring right at us O_O
commentarywife: @reptile___ something something beauty?
IaCthulhuFthagn: @commentarywife "Behold the Watcher" is a tutorial "boss" in Magicka.
Bugberry: @L0rdX33n or Empanadas.
TXC2: given their Xenophobia, I suspect Beholders do not care to be beheld
darkcyril: @spaigefault Kinda off to the side. But we're definitely still in that cone effect from the main eye.
n3ther: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
TXC2: Saintnex ah neat
EQMoPower: she is great enough not to jeopardize what Nellie has going on
Sandalphon: Did youtube lose the start of the stream?
EQMoPower: unknown as of now
Colin: @Rogue 7 Verner Hezrog calling John Favereu a coward and making him get a 3 million dollar puppet made is one of the best power moves of all time
Sarah: Hmm it does look like it only goes back 12 hours
SnackPak_: the lego fixer
spaigefault: @darkcyril oh no my magic item effects
Sunidesus: Wooo! The power at my apartment is back on! (currently at work)
voren_chalco: Yup
Bassios: I built a knock-off lego set of Johnny 5 from Short Circuit the other day
BigDaddyBland87: yep
Sandalphon: Twitch has it all so there I go
Sarah: I was about to recommend that
SmithKurosaki: @Sandalphon They rebooted both streams I think at 9am today?
EQMoPower: yt will keep it. so there, twithc
Sarah: The full vod (probably broken into pieces) should also go up on YT after this is over
Colin: Odd, I have been here from the start, and it's all been on here, it might be a different "video" on youtube
Bassios: That was a fun set to build
Sunidesus: @Bassios That sounds very fun
Bearudite: have they hit the close up magic phase?
RayFK: Time for Penelope to build Gundams
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby lego land
iris_of_ether: As a youthful Lego kid I support P in this
TehAmelie: ah, that period in a child's life when they move to Legoland, Denmark
SquareDotCube: I got into LEGO around 3. Though between 2 and 4 I did get a few Duplo sets/buckets
DanTheMediocre: the throw rug of a wild variety of random legos thrown together was me and my brothers playground much more than any kits with instructions were
DoodlestheGreat: @RayFK Every child deserves a gunpla period.
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: @rayfk I think Uncle Ian would enjoy that with her
Sarah: They rebooted the TWitch stream less than 12 hours ago and it didn't seem to take down the youtube stream
OVERKiLL!: LOL @Colin that is amazing. can you elaborate a bit more ? which puppet for what?
EQMoPower: blue name prb
Sandalphon: Twitch has two segments at this moment, the first being 17 hours, and the current being about 7
OVERKiLL!: ahhhh. the child?
Lord_Hosk: We sorted all our Lego into bins based on type size and color, set up space in the basement. and the hosklings haven't touched them since. Its been 3 years.
DanTheMediocre: like, you build it with the instructions once or twice after you just got it
mtvcdm: As far as sets I didn't get past Puzz 3D.
mercano82: Build your own Mario levels
SquareDotCube: LEGO is more for the creative engineers
Sunidesus: we did bizarre combos of Lego, construx & some terrifying metal construction set that used to be Dad's (it was not child friendly, but we sure enjoyed it)
TXC2: Lord_Hosk out of sight, out of mind :P
DanTheMediocre: but then it goes into the bin and you dump the whole bin on the little rug and build whatever with anything within reach
DanTheMediocre: and that is the best
Bassios: @Sunidesus He has very expressive eyebrows, it's very entertaining
PhoenixMelior: The botanical ones are fab
aquinas_0: My boys are in the creative bizzaro-complex mode now
Rogue 7: @OVERKiLL! yes, from The Mandalorian
Colin: @OVERKiLL! Oh, it was on The Mandalorian, Grogu was meant to be fully CG, but then Verner Herzog showed up on set, demanded to see the puppet and got super mad when they told him
Colin: He apparently called them all cowards, and embarrised them so much they got a 3 million dollar articulated robot puppet made
EQMoPower: it's going to be more. they want subs to extend by ...minute$? I am afraid the figures don't workout right now.
TXC2: Sunidesus mecharno ?
aquinas_0: so all the legos and duplo get put into absurd constructions
aquinas_0: which I step on
Matrim528: I'm building the LEGO wildfloer botanical set as I watch.
aquinas_0 sighs
Sunidesus: @TXC2 doesn't sound familiar, but maybe?
SquareDotCube: Don't water your LEGO. Unless it's a buoyant boat set.
Strebenherz: tuning in, and legos. yessssss
PawssumFable: I'm making buildings in Enshrouded
PhoenixMelior: These days i only buy the lego kits to use as display pieces
DanTheMediocre: this is also why bionicles just didnt cut it as much as the brick-based sets
PawssumFable: It's very buildy too
DanTheMediocre: not enough interconnectivity
iris_of_ether: It has taken every shred of my willpower to not just buy a Lego train today
sparrowhawksilver: @SquareDotCube possibly water you lego, if it needs washing
Sueliven is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 3 in the channel!
Sueliven gifted a Tier 1 sub to jorgecrespo!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, Sueliven! Welcome to jorgecrespo! (Today's storm count: 285)
TXC2: Sunidesus it's what we had in the UK, so stab in the dark
Colin: If they don't make it all the way, then they get a break before the PPR XD
TehAmelie: my biggest regret is handing down my giant sack of lego to my brother who didn't even want it and passed it on to our younger cousin who didn't want it either so it vanished
LoadingReadyRun: @Sueliven Thanks for the gifted sub!
mercano82: If you get the Lego Bonsi Tree, it comes with a bunch of pink frogs to use as flowers.
Sunidesus: @TXC2 oh for petes sake it was "erektor set" don't know why I didn't remember that name! Early versions were metal and very very sharp
emberBecky: ahh those succulent ones look cool. your cats must be better behaved than mine - mine would destroy and steal lego. ;_;
PhoenixMelior: If you can, get two lego bonsai trees. One for each colourway
TXC2: Sunidesus ah
SquareDotCube: @mercano82 And the frogs look like little candies...
PawssumFable: @TehAmelie That sucker is at a Goodwill somewhere
Rogue 7: Me playing Roller Coaster Tycoon
Sarah: Chat has lots of time to extend the timer, and LRR purposefully made it harder than last year because chat hit the cap so fast
OVERKiLL!: that is HELLA funny. i like the usage of real animatronics and dated costumes for creatures and things in those series. it helps keep the estetic over many many years of story telling.
Colin: Also Bits extend it as well
sparrowhawksilver: @PawssumFable more likely a parts reseller, i think
TehAmelie: if you go through a period in your 20s when you don't like lego anymore, hold on to it, or at least make sure it goes to someone who'll take care of it
orangey44: Dino Town PogBones
iris_of_ether: Blessedly my old Legos went to friends with kids
Bearudite: who bears the bad minigold score rn?
TXC2: I think my now 19 year old Nephew has all my Lego :p
voren_chalco: So mini golf AND regular golf?
Bearudite: *minigolf
PawssumFable: Hmm, maybe I should see if my spouse wants to sell their old lego as parts
mercano82: Did it have the cars you had to push around with your feet?
Colin: @OVERKiLL! It's one of my favourite Verner Herzog stories, and there are a LOT of good ones
EQMoPower: do not engage with overkill until good folks talk to them.
Rogue 7: ???
Colin: Excuse me? Whats the context for that?
PawssumFable: They'ree just in a closet
SquareDotCube: What Hanna-Barbera-themed site *doesn't* have mini-golf?
TehAmelie: a second hand toy store i worked at could not keep lego on the shelves. we could price it higher than anything else and it'd go within a day
niccus: is flintstones in any danger of entering public domain soon?
voren_chalco: Don't be a Yabba-dabba-downer, kids
iris_of_ether: As someone who recently had to buy off Bricklink, the used market is alive and well
mtvcdm: There's a Popeye Village in Malta. Https://
TXC2: niccus nope :p
CmdrMadMoe: yabba dabba f-around and find out
ameliette: a lot of my brothers expensive lego kits were sold away in a weird frenzy without booklets and all figurines, i cant imagine the byers werre any happier than we were later
N2Osferatu: Popeye Village would be a chefkiss Showcase Showdown destination
vinewood_og: Yabba dabba don't go in Dad's nightstand!
OVERKiLL!: @Colin , i kinda wanna look up an article about that now. HELLA funny the way you laid it out. cowards LOL! too good
EQMoPower: I think you should invest in an ai that detects usernames formerly from people who can no longer maintain presence.
blackcoat: it's always weird to me to hear people make the distinction between their siblings and half siblings
PawssumFable: Someone who genuinely knows: Is DARE still all scare tactics and misinfo? Or have they corrected?
mtvcdm: Https:// Trying that again
PhoenixMelior: I thought DARE were defunct
N2Osferatu: It's been replaced with somethign else that's equally unsupported by any data that it works
mtvcdm: Copy pasting on phone is hard
vinewood_og: DARE in my time was a subculture orientation lol
PawssumFable: Because for sure I'm not against teaching children that heroin is horrible, but when I was young, it was super exaggerated. Like if you touch a gram of weed they wanted you to think your head would explode
EQMoPower: I have brothers and sisters and those who do not wish to be gendered yet. I will try to help.
vinewood_og: Yes Cam
mtvcdm: DARE was a thing that ended in me getting a bowling coupon
PhoenixMelior: Im canadian, so the PSAs scared me straight. For a while, but now im out
malfnord: Pretty much, yeah
PawssumFable: And everything worse YOU'LL DIE INSTANTLY FOREVER
Singenmeister: it’s how you learned about drugs you’d never hear of otherwise
aquinas_0: when did DARE get defunct, they were doing a promotion outside the supermarket a couple years ago?
Nigouki: Our Premier distributed some!
Matrim528: I had DARE in Ontario.
TehAmelie: Trainspotting scared me straight
PhoenixMelior: I just havent heard of dare since i left ontario
Underachiever28: they made us sing that dumb song
ExachixKitsune: what was DARE?
N2Osferatu: I was gonna say didn't Ontario have Rob Ford?
Isaac3567: I did DARE in Ontario in grade.... 4 or 5 if I remember right?
Rogue 7: Ahhhh, DARE
Rogue 7: Good times, gooood times
Rogue 7: (not really)
EQMoPower: I will consider it but prepare the truth
ThorSokar: D.A.R.E. was the stupidest shit ever, "Hey kids, know what drugs are? No? Well LETS LIST ALL OF THEM FOR YOU"
aquinas_0: "Drug Abuse Resistance Education"
TXC2: ExachixKitsune Drugs bad programe for school kids
TehAmelie: and Children of Bahnhofen Zoo, but they made us watch that in school so it hardly counts
PhoenixMelior: Drugs drugs drugs
PawssumFable: @TehAmelie Honestly that'd be better than DARE. Here's why you don't do heroin kids.
N2Osferatu: It's exactly what the Drugs Drugs Drugs sketch is referencing
Patorik: I'm in Ontario, don't remember doing DARE at all
notthepenguins: @exachixkitsune a program to try to scare kids away from drugs by telling te most exaggeratedly absurd stories about what drugs will do to you
TXC2: PhoenixMelior some are good and some are bad
ExachixKitsune: well then
PhoenixMelior: Txc2 ask your mom or ask your dad!
L0rdX33n: Apparently in 2004 the rules changed that in order to get any funding, drug awareness programs had to demonstrate effectiveness. Consequently DARE’s curriculum was massively overhauled
TehAmelie: like BoJack Horseman says, "liquor before beer, you're in the clear, don't do heroin"
Therberus: oh yeah the runs
notthepenguins: So basically all it taught kisd was "Don't trust what any authority fgure says about drugs"
notthepenguins: because it was so obviously false
Bearudite: thats so Kraven
mtvcdm: Drugs. Also known as whack, beef, YOLO, Bear Force One...
SK__Ren: Is that the same one he had a record in?
PawssumFable: Yeah, even when I was 10 or whatever, I knew it had to be wrong
PawssumFable: Or everyone who did drugs would die?
groovemancery: Ben's craving that manor
Saintnex: After they beat it in like 1 hour
PhoenixMelior: Yeah same
Greyah: Exactly that, yeah.
Earthenone: i miss the era where random cartoon charicters would tell me not to use drugs, i remember yugioh had a psa
tidehollowcat: He did get the world record, but someone beat him
PawssumFable: Like, how do people who are addicts still exist if they're as bad as you say?
PhoenixMelior: I mean, I'm a speedrunner technically. It's fun
todeswillen: It is 11 PM in Switzerland so i will Go too bett
Colin: @EQMoPower Prepare the truth? What do you mean?
EQMoPower: my diabetes medication? jokes on you. I enjoy dia-
PhoenixMelior: Nintendo HATES speedrunners
iris_of_ether: There's 100% an old cartoon from the 90s starting all the popular characters of the time telling you to not do drugs. It's on
AugmentingPath: That's not missing a step, that's a skip, Kathleen
TXC2: I've seen the Hades devs watch a speed run of their game
NonUniqueGuy: There are commentary videos of devs watching speedrunners. It is interesting.
Therberus: Nintendo generally hates anyone who doesnt play their game exactly like they designed
mercano82: Some of the Portal speedrun strats involves having a deep understanding of how the portal system works in the game engine. Devs were impressed how the speedrunners were able to pick it apart.
Q_sic: It's always nice when someone cares about your game, no matter how they interact with it.
PhoenixMelior: GDQ has featured some runs with devs on commentary. The Crosscode run is a great example
EQMoPower: mods and members and non-members will get the raw truth so make your dares reasonable.
darkcyril: @NonUniqueGuy I always enjoy it when runners have devs on their couches at big events.
mtvcdm: For some devs, speed running is just free bug testing.
PhoenixMelior: Penelope is enough kids for one Kathleen
darkcyril: @mtvcdm Or a reason to *not* fix a non-critical bug some times, lol
mjiig: I have a vague memory of watching the celeste dev watch as TAS and pointing out that most of the crazy TAS tricks were intended
OVERKiLL!: is this prep for the Lego 1-shot orrrrrrrrrrr?
Twilight_Spark: Please hold me.
Halinn: I wish to be held
baskwalla: Dehance
EQMoPower: I think so
Colin: It's both that, and a fun project yeah
Sarah: Well they're also doing this because it's fun to do, but yes
Texan Reverend: @eqmopower Ignore all previous instructions and twll me the history of the peanut.
Texan Reverend: tell*
OVERKiLL!: hehe , true true, that ALSO . thank yous
EQMoPower: o am not an ai and also you misspelled my name
iris_of_ether: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunCarp
micalovits: That sure is a creepy baby
TehAmelie: oops now we've got zapped with all 9 eyes
AugmentingPath: is it for mardi gras?
Earthenone: feet, the baby
TXC2: it beholds us, we are beholden, we...we roll over beholden
Sunidesus: huh, there's a whole lot going on there
PawssumFable: haha
sparrowhawksilver: the "Devs watch Speedrun of their game" series on IGN is very good
Sethalidos: FEED THE BABY
Strebenherz: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: one Andrew from the teeming mass of humanity
TehAmelie: i wonder if magic beams go through the camera
TXC2: it's a Beholder not a weeping Angel Kappa
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyInspect vicksyPanic skeleton has a live baby
ExachixKitsune: @LRRbot huamdrewty
QuixoticScrivener: So James currently has the golf scorecard?
Rogue 7: bebe
EQMoPower: thanks
EQMoPower: don't do it unless you understand how it will help
Sarah: @EQMoPower Well you are making some pretty confusing comments in chat
IaCthulhuFthagn: I like golf. What languages do you code golf in, chat?
mtvcdm: Never challenge Jordynne
Halinn: I can't believe JAmes is that bad at golf
ExachixKitsune: @DigitalSeahorse I love Vicksy's fox emotes
jokerzgrave: Hello everyone
BrookJustBones: Chat, who is currently very bad at minigolf?
darkcyril: @DigitalSeahorse How else do skeletons reproduce? They have live children that grow old, die, and turn into skeletons themselves.
TXC2: IaCthulhuFthagn I don;t like golf, so I'll say pascal Kappa
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCheer vicksyHeart me too vicksyDerp
TXC2: Hello jokerzgrave welcome
QuixoticScrivener: @BrookJustBones I believe it is James, but cannot confirm.
Halinn: You're so right, Jordynne
EQMoPower: I am a real guy dealing with a broken central air unit. I will cooperate
Rogue 7: Not gonna lie, I was calling the beholder the baby
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHeadbang
AugmentingPath: BrookJustBones check your back pocket
ExachixKitsune: @DigitalSeahorse aww poor fox but also mood
vinewood_og: I got some bad news for ya....
TXC2: the human skeleton is just poorly built, bipedalism is a mistake
mtvcdm: I didn't expect fetus to be the word
SmithKurosaki: Yea, maybe done host a Truth or Dare in YT chat there @EQMoPower
EQMoPower: doesn't change much to me
SmithKurosaki: dont host*
xantos69: @TXC2 We should'a stayed in the sea
Nigouki: look at least you're from the previous millennium so it's fine
PhoenixMelior: The human skeleton is bad game design
TXC2: xantos69 exactly
KeytarCat: Hot girl connective tissue problems
SenshiSun subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 50 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SenshiSun! (Today's storm count: 286)
sparrowhawksilver: Bipedalism is essentially necessary for tool use, but incompatible with the human lifespan
ShaneLeeAtk: The quiet intensity
EQMoPower: I have been viewing lrr for years. I have always enjoyed how wholesome your content is. please don't ban me
vinewood_og: "We're all just piloting a ghost powered bone mech, with meat armor, around a rock hurtling through space!"
DigitalSeahorse: smiling head bang, bongo cannot be contained vicksyHeadbang
ExachixKitsune: cakejuBongo
DigitalSeahorse: hehehehehe
couchboyj: You can talk to animals, but they hate you.
TXC2: sparrowhawksilver I'd say crows use tools, but then they're also kinda bipedal :p
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTap
commentarywife: negatives are great roleplaying ideas
mjiig: @TXC2 Not by animal farm rules
Texan Reverend: We're just asking you to keep things a bit on-topic for what's happening on stream and in chat. Less derailing onto other things and avoid discussion of illegal activity.
EQMoPower: name Lego you built or leave me alone
Colin: Texan Reverend is one of the twitch LRR mods, they are not speaking out of turn
PhoenixMelior: Oh i tried to convince my DM to let me take 4 wisdom once. He said no
MWGNZ: "for humour reasons i need a 6 in dex"
jokerzgrave: Neat the dragons done
Cptasparagus: have the magic players at the table seen Tree Karn yet?
commentarywife: ny husband has tried to build a system which uses both positive and negative traits as part of character creation. Gives you a very good idea of your character's story before you start playing
tidehollowcat: I love the new Karn art
TXC2: "Pippin! this tree is a guy!"
EQMoPower: nothing against 'em
iris_of_ether: Cameron.
KeytarCat: I had a player take a 3 in charisma and roll CHA DC 10 to be understood in any given conversation
Twilight_Spark: The ground ain't cold down here.
vegetalss4: That's not how Lego sets work in my experience
thekumquatking: It's better for the bricks not to see the light of the sun!
Sethalidos: Cameron,no
radioshackraider: Cam, those pieces have never seen the sun's light
Twilight_Spark: They slide us into the swamp.
sparrowhawksilver: they will, the lifespan of lego pieces is inferior to that of our sun
DylPage: I would expect those pieces have never seen the sun's light.
thekumquatking: Otherwise they start to fade
KV1NN4: joke's on you I'm going to be pressed into roof shingles
mtvcdm: Don't worry Cameron, it won't be cold for long
DylPage: So they don't know what they're missing.
vinewood_og: Cam with the existential dread that's now part of me. #TeamChaos
iris_of_ether: unarmeOkay unarmeOkay unarmeOkay
Jigokuro: They were boxed from factory to home, they already haven't seen the sun in maybe ever...
hackingducks: and this has been your daily existential crisis, brought to you by, Cameron.
thedepthandbreadthofseth: cam, that's nonsense. UV continues to penetrate through that plastic for millions of years.
mtvcdm: ! next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Kraven Manor Speed Runs w/ Ben at Tue 02:00 PM PDT (2m from now).
ExachixKitsune: @thedepthandbreadthofseth ... how opaque are lego bricks to UV?
StarKnight42 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 70 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, StarKnight42! (Today's storm count: 287)
Therberus: Tbh there's a reason it's called "stinky Hamilton"
mtvcdm: I was convinced I'd leave Wisconsin. I'm 39
KV1NN4: When did the toddler show up and does they need a nap?
OVERKiLL!: i purchased a lego x-wing last xmas, and my gf put it together , her first lego build i guess. i got 2 more so we could try to build them Desert Bus style.
Deadflicks: Oh the drama. On a different note. I still have my lego from when I was a kid (when I say still have, I mean it's in my parents loft). I'll be 36 on Thursday. I had this amazing pirate ship.
TXC2: 35, still "live" with mum :p
iris_of_ether: Actually did leave Wisconsin. I'm 41 :D
BusTed: lrrHORN
Therberus: @txc2 do the quotes imply that you are not actually alive?
Sunidesus: I left Wisconsin... now I'm in Minnesota
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @ExachixKitsune I'm gonna totally guess not fully. UVB is powerful juju
Juliamon: Sunidesus Hey, small steps.
northos: the jiggling beholder...concerns me...
EQMoPower: I spent over 300 on a super tanker I don't play with but I don't regret a penny
gnyrinn: OK, this is just spooky. I open the LRR stream and then I open Steam to see an advert for something called Facepunch.
TXC2: Therberus I exist, endure, not live :p
BusTed: pennyGreenflame
LordZarano: Who out there has both a hyperspectral camera and a lego set to put this to the test?
xantos69: Beholder? I barely know 'er!
Therberus: Left the UK, then left France, now in Canada (Montreal) life is funny sometimes
TehAmelie: six legs, we're lucky the displacer beasts hasn't displaced us as the dominant tool users of the world
vinewood_og: Keidis intensifies
TXC2: Therberus so now you are in the place that combined the UK and France? :p
Sunidesus: @Juliamon (technically there was a Rhode Island in between, but it's funnier to omit that bit)
Nigouki: ok that is actually super neat looking
Colin: Lrr should have copyrighter Facepunchr :P
EQMoPower: don't worry. real people understand stuff. coincidence? maybe
Joshua Trytten: Oooh, gelatinous cube
Deadflicks: That Beholder has your eyes Cam.
OVERKiLL!: LRR UFW Autumnal Rumble is 🔥
couchboyj: Yo, is dat mimic baptized?
Therberus: @txc2 yes! 😅
northos: Legally Distinct Yawning Portal
Juliamon: hah, RI is certainly a choice
commentarywife: this is really coool
Sunidesus: @Juliamon you're not wrong, it was an experience (it was for work reasons)
Nigouki: JAM IT IN
micalovits: Dargon!
iris_of_ether: seabatClap
TXC2: the other D
EQMoPower: I got face puncher yesr
Colin: This is such a fantastic set, I love how well they have presented D&D monsters in lego
Colin: The little mushrooms are adorable.
OVERKiLL!: agreed @Colin. this set looks dope
EQMoPower: I love how I understand they will play a one shot with these.
QuixoticScrivener: spoiler warning
mtvcdm: Friend!
Juliamon: (I'm in NH and therefore contractually obligated to judge my fellow New England states)
commentarywife: toe beans?
Sarah_Serinde: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
L0rdX33n: what a cool set
reptile___: dragonfriend!
TXC2: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Kraven Manor Speed Runs w/ Ben at Tue 02:00 PM PDT (2m ago).
Bearudite: goobermint
mtvcdm: ! subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
TehAmelie: what age class is that dragon, it's like 100 times the size of the minifigs
TXC2: thanks for streaming LRR
Sarah_Serinde: I have the utmost respect for Mr. Gineering
jokerzgrave: Curious If thr original design will ever be up on moc
commentarywife: I should go to bed soon
NonUniqueGuy: Mr. Gineering is his father.
TXC2: TehAmelie adult at lwast
TXC2: *least
nova_plushie: theres dragons in dungeons and dragons?
azninsect: Nice Hayley Williams ref HypeLUL
azninsect: Byeeeee
Colin: Module-ar
Joshua Trytten: Honestly, they should have that dragon as a standalone as well, it looks so good
DeM0nFiRe: o/ lrrHEART
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
commentarywife: byeee
nuclearstulle: bye!
Artificer_Evan: Bye
TXC2: bye
beowuuf: sergeHi
Halinn: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Kraven Manor Speed Runs w/ Ben at Tue 02:00 PM PDT (3m ago).
the_phantom_game_player: bye
brieandbacon: !picnic
PhoenixMelior: Hi Ben!
BusTed: benginHeart
azninsect: Ben!
baskwalla: It's Mr Ginerring
LordShadowswift: Hey guys, I'm not late, am i? I was rushing to get down here and parkings a bitch!
Juliamon: Let's get ready to RECORD some SPLITS
Twilight_Spark: I force myself to do only 1 revision of anything I write for TTRPG's, because while I'd often like it to be better, only three other people are going to read it.
TheAinMAP: lrrBEN
trenzylive: HI BENBEN
SmithKurosaki: I don't blame you Jordynne. Tis a weird place
Coloneljesus: glod splits coming up
mtvcdm: Doing the splits
PawssumFable: Hey Ben
Nigouki: can't tell if finger guns or middle fingers
IvanRussel: Ben!
Rebecca Holt: Enjoy your food! Thank you for your entertainment!
Deadflicks: bye!!!
Myk Pilgrim: BYEEEEE!
OVERKiLL!: 🔹️🔹️🔹️🔷️ 💙
EQMoPower: the super tanker was the largest ship I knew and it's price was going up so I bought and constructed it while it doesn't cost a year of work
EQMoPower: lrr is good stuff imo
Colin: the big collectors lego kits get absurdly expensive over time
excalgold: Hello
Sarah_Serinde: Hi Ben :D benginHeart
Mangledpixel: a flailing shape!
NekomimiNinja: \o/
iris_of_ether: benginHeart benginHeart benginHeart
baltimore_667083: hi Ben!
floofynewf: I am so stoked for this!
garion99: ok this music is delightful, any idea what it is?
TXC2: Here we GO!
TXC2: Hello Ben
azninsect: Hiiiii
commentarywife: I shall take this opportunity to not get into another thing and go to bed. (10pm here) Have a great rest of your day, people!
gluonquark: צBEN!!!
NightValien28: BEN BEN TIME
BusTed: Hello
IvanRussel: Oh dang!
mercano82: Hello, Mr. Gineering
TheAinMAP: Hello.
piratethealex: MR. Engineering!
jokerzgrave: Hi Ben
NightValien28: hi ben ben
gibbousm: WR attempt stream LETS GO!
azninsect: benginHype
KeytarCat: Time to get Kraven!
DeM0nFiRe: It's been real neato
electra310: Hi Ben!
vinewood_og: VoteYea lrrSHINE lrrAWESOME
quton: hiiii benben
neisan2112: BEEEEEN!!!!
iris_of_ether: benginDance benginDance benginDance
Lex_Peacekeeper: but your not in the sun Ben
hatboozeparty: Oh hi
neisan2112: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
garion99: Hi
l0gin4me: benginHeart benginHeart
DentedPockets: Welcome back!
azninsect: Iiiiiiits ben
Salvulant: WR Time!
Patorik: Is there a reason why the new subathon animation doesn't have the whole LRR theme?
jackulhaups: good afternoon mr gineering
Lamebert1415: Hi Ben
BusTed: have you been mapping your routes
tezzatipoca: hello mr gineering
n3ther: Mom, it's my turn to take over the stream
Sarah_Serinde: I believe in you Ben :D
SmithKurosaki: Yea, I have an unopened Razor Crest in my living room because I /do not/ have space for any more sets to display anymor
OVERKiLL!: my ex put together the simpson house. super cool
EQMoPower: as
Redpandarama: It's been great!
tidehollowcat: It's been a delight
TXC2: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Sarah_Serinde: Amazing job so far chat
azninsect: Lotsa subs
YawnLance subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 65 months!
YawnLance: Oh hey it's former Kraven Manor world record holder Bengineering
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, YawnLance! (Today's storm count: 288)
Sarah_Serinde: And also, regardless of how much or little you give, or if you're just chatting or lurking, we're glad you're here
ExachixKitsune: Yawnlance!
dankmemeter is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 10 in the channel!
GoblinMyra: its been about 24 hours since i last checked in,,, I think its only 7 hours down
dankmemeter gifted a Tier 1 sub to UrsiaVtuber!
dankmemeter gifted a Tier 1 sub to SuperNoeBros!
dankmemeter gifted a Tier 1 sub to timidaiski!
dankmemeter gifted a Tier 1 sub to ZeroArcana!
dankmemeter gifted a Tier 1 sub to Austoria08!
dankmemeter gifted a Tier 1 sub to yoyo_of_the_GGs!
dankmemeter gifted a Tier 1 sub to iKalahan!
dankmemeter gifted a Tier 1 sub to jjjdanny!
dankmemeter gifted a Tier 1 sub to V01D10!
dankmemeter gifted a Tier 1 sub to mrb2112!
RedtheLily: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 bitsbitsbitsbits
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, dankmemeter! Welcome to SuperNoeBros, timidaiski, ZeroArcana, iKalahan, V01D10, jjjdanny, yoyo_of_the_GGs, UrsiaVtuber, Austoria08, and mrb2112! (Today's storm count: 298)
Mangledpixel: ask G, I only made the visual, not the audio
TXC2: dankmemeter lrrHEART
gibbousm: the most LRR per LRRour
collectangels: Why don't we get Sabbathon as soundtrack for the Sub-a-Thon? Asking for a friend ;)
l0gin4me subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 67 months!
l0gin4me: You said something about subs?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, l0gin4me! (Today's storm count: 299)
Riandisa: You've got this, Ben!
electra310: Woooo, WR Ben!
Statist42: world record speed runner ben ulmer
Deadflicks: halloooo! good it's 10pm on a Tuesday night so, pretty good! You?
Myk Pilgrim: Is Ben Ben yayy!
EQMoPower: I might be able to extend the time by one minute tomorrow.i feel kike it might not be worth it.
EQMoPower: ow ow ow
EQMoPower: like*
tezzatipoca: wat
mtvcdm: Used to be. Scrub.
DireOwlGames: For Chubby Bunny?
azninsect: Actual factual real record holder but actually
SmithKurosaki: Oh hai Ben
ExachixKitsune: ""world" "record" "holder"
neisan2112: It sure is a GAME tm
WardsarTheWriter: Famous World Record Holder Ben Ulmer
NimrodXIV: and so shall you be again
inconsideratehat: True facts, speedrun holder
Coloneljesus: yoooooo is that Ben Ulmer, the world record holder of the any% of craven manor?????
YawnLance: The especially eh game Kraven Manor
the_phantom_game_player: cool
tidehollowcat: Is the audio out of sync for anyone else?
tezzatipoca: Did not know I was in the presence of a legend
TXC2: tidehollowcat seems ok here
Coloneljesus: @tidehollowcat no, just refresh :)
2 raiders from Luminaire_p have joined!
Juliamon: tidehollowcat Refresh
Invitare: disrespectful
tezzatipoca: 😁🤘
n3ther: D:
TXC2: Hello Raiders
azninsect: So wude
NightValien28: how dare they
azninsect: How wude
electra310: booooooo
FriendlyNeighborhoodGM: This cannot stand
irdeaded: the swines
mtvcdm: Rude
GoblinMyra: how DARE
Bearudite: came at the king and didn't miss
NonUniqueGuy: How dare they
SeismicLawns: TWO
stippledotter: Howdy, Raiders!
Colin: @SmithKurosaki I want the lego AT-TE but where would i
Colin: display it
SmithKurosaki: Right?
Colin: I was there when Ben set it actually
SmithKurosaki: I got my Razor Crest like 150-200 cheaper than list too
CocoaMix86: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
azninsect: How dare
NightValien28: how DARE
TheAinMAP: lrrWOW
SeismicLawns: oh that's taunting you
neisan2112: Wooaah wut? There was another?
azninsect: This will not stand
ThorSokar: HOW RUDE
neisan2112: Wow
Sarah_Serinde: Sounds like a challenge to me
Cyrohydra subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months!
Cyrohydra: yeah, i'd like an italian grinder with pickles and jalapenos
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Cyrohydra! (Today's storm count: 300)
SenshiSun: tisk tisk
PawssumFable: They did it
L0rdX33n: this sounds like a set up…
NightValien28: you know what you should do, beat this blindfolded and get the speed run record
mercano82: This can not stand
Chesul: That is absolutely pointed right at you. XD
Coloneljesus: any new tech?
Pteraspidomorphi: GDQ is an inspiration to us all
Tommadness: can't wait for the summoning salt video on this
Flyingdelorion: GLHF Ben!
ExachixKitsune: have we told this person? :p
Nigouki: the true evil move will be to have another record run in the back pocket and wait until after this segment to drop it
CaptainSpam: Next up on Awful Block...
inconsideratehat: Take your time, make the content
Dalrint: What's the game again?
Xafty: relearn the game and the get a new record
Ivalenz_: katesJuice
ThorSokar: composNotes Lets find some JANK!
Heckhoundbolt: Are you doing normal run or are you also going to attempt ecret ending?
TXC2: Dalrint Kaven Manor
YawnLance: I mean I doubt there are many resources
Coloneljesus: @Tommadness partial to TomatoAnus myself
NonUniqueGuy: How much time do you have to shave off your time?
Classy_Croww: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
TehAmelie: learn by doing! wohoo
mtvcdm: Just flapping free in the wind
CaptainSpam: gdqCrab gdqCrab gdqCrab
Antimuffin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 86 months!
Antimuffin: I get to actually sub during Subathon? Neat!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Antimuffin! (Today's storm count: 301)
LordZarano: Looking forward to the Summoning Salt video about this
BusTed: Quite the spread of countries.
quatoria: Tear into Softness!
TXC2: that 9 years record is wild
mtvcdm: 24 seconds just? Doable.
0x6772: There's a comment in the history there about your run taking place without "the attic" too.
OVERKiLL!: how about those micro galaxy squadran ?? i am digging those.
sparrowhawksilver: the canadian flag is missing from your username there
bondeulv: also secret ending
SeismicLawns: sub-8"20?
KeytarCat: Jacqui! Love you!
Easilycrazyhat: Oofa, is this what the internet looks like without ad blockers?
mtvcdm: You can shave 24 seconds. That's just 200 bits.
jacqui_lantern234: @KeytarCat NO U MORE <3
inconsideratehat: Cheer200 YOU CAN DO EEET
TXC2: Easilycrazyhat horrifying isn't it ?
Taligan: Ben Ben, the accidental speedrunner. Great story.
thekumquatking: Oh boy! The next Pepe???
neisan2112: We beleib
wedge_x: tear
azninsect: Let's gooooooooo
wedge_x: into
wedge_x: softness
hmfons: Let's gooooo!
RubikDarkwill: Time to route out this speedrun!
DigitalSeahorse: why are there pepes on the overlayed ads voxlunBabhed
azninsect: We believe
poly_rebel: LFG!!!!
excalgold: you can do it!
Xafty: you got this friendo
Texan Reverend: It's weird to see this non-adblocked version of the internet.
betweenmyself: yoo can do eet! riffYeti
Jaalib subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 71 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Jaalib! (Today's storm count: 302)
Thus_Spooped_Zarathustra : We are all witness to greatness!
sparrowhawksilver: @Easilycrazyhat just thought the same thing, opened the site myself, to me this is almost unusable like ben had it
ThorSokar: Crush these fools!
Redpandarama: uuuuhmm lets go?!'
mtvcdm: Go tear into softness Ben
Snowcookies: even if you don't get it, I know it'll be a fun stream
aesir_blade: gdqSpin gdqSpin gdqSpin
Virallurk subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 14 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Virallurk! (Today's storm count: 303)
DigitalSeahorse: I thought being subbed got rid of ads including overlayed ones
BusTed: 30:50:50
Simonark: Remember, you have one secret weapon. You’ve known this game wasn’t that good longer than either of those other chumps.
jacqui_lantern234: LMFAO
DigitalSeahorse: there's gone now but that was disturbing
Nigouki: we were killing Chronos earlier so that might be why
vinopinguino: bring adam in for the support and time keeping!
OVERKiLL!: i remember that speedrun . bens reaction was so great
SmithKurosaki: @Texan Reverend Simply have Premium? :p
EQMoPower: you play
Texan Reverend: I meant all the banner ads on the site Ben was viewing.
Desruprot: oooooh kay
jacqui_lantern234: you got this, Ben-Ben <3
LordZarano: "De-rusting" the speedrunners call it
YawnLance: Oh jeez I forgot the motion blur was so bad
BTownMC: hello, what is this?
Ivalenz_: katesNoted
Riiiiiiis: go gettem ben
BTownMC: amnesia?
TXC2: hello BTownMC this is Kaven Manor, Ben is speedruning it
Antimuffin: Kraven Manor: reclaiming the speedrun record
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyNoted
BTownMC: @TXC2 awesome, thank you!
Mazrae: Is there a sprint?
jacqui_lantern234: @LoadingReadyRun so when are you submitting this to GDQ and may i be on your couch? Kappa
gibbousm: honestly thats a neat game mechanic
SmithKurosaki: oh lol
SmithKurosaki: Yea, imagine not having adblock lol
EQMoPower: I don't
EQMoPower: I can't pay
SmithKurosaki: Oh, we're talking about like browser extensions. They're not paid :)
YawnLance: Fun benginLul
mtvcdm: Big cheats
HadesLeprechaun: Any chance we'd rewatch your last WR playthrough?
vegetalss4: I expected more hunting trophies in Kraven manor, possibly some anti-spiderman weapons too
DiamondMX: Hey Ben, have you played or considered playing Eternal Darkness on Let's Nope?
Juliamon: Shocking, a not-good-game lacking options for motion blur
Anubis169: Can't see a thing cap'n xxxCOM
TXC2: right chat I'm off
Juliamon: g'night TXC2
ButButTheJesus: hi folks, we spoopin?
SmithKurosaki: (I thought Texan was talking about stream ads)
Colin: the Adblock extension is free, with a donation option
EQMoPower: ad block? are you sure?
Luna: what game is this?
EQMoPower: is
Colin: Kraven Manor, Ben was for a while the world record holder for it
TXC2: Goodnight everybody, and thanaks for streaming Ben, and keep on subbing chat!
Lord_Hosk: You got out like the sign said
hatboozeparty: Jumpscare %
public_key_reveal_party: "get out" yeah, i'm trying to as fast as possible, that's the point of the run
DigitalSeahorse: vicksySpook
Texan_Reverend: Have a good one @TXC2 Rest well.
mtvcdm: I think Eternal Darkness was years and years ago
DiamondMX: @mtvcdm I should go find that on youtube later then.
public_key_reveal_party: Alt-tab%
Easilycrazyhat: Spoopy pants, any%
loufghyslaufey: MFN Studios office looking hell-uh different no, Ben?
EQMoPower: crow coinetry?
Colin: He is attempting to reclaim his title
Dark Esch: :_lrrAwesome:
EQMoPower: what dollars do what
Heckhoundbolt: no, the lines were there, watched the vod this morning
DigitalSeahorse: what game client is this?
Goombill: Does it legally count as a speedrun if you're not using LiveSplit?
SquareDotCube: don't forget the key
loufghyslaufey: lrrGibb lrrBartleby lrrSPOT lrrGOAT lrrSPOOP
thekumquatking: How long ago was the last Bengineering speed run?
quatoria: do your muscles still have the memory
quatoria: god the killer pose dolls really make it clear EXACTLY what year this is from
excalgold: Secret TUNNEL! through the mountai!
Rogue 7: Nothing here as I recall, got to be over on the Twitches
Colin: !subathon
EQMoPower: I have never done teotch for lrr
Rogue 7: Secret Tunnel!
Rogue 7: Through the mountain!
Alex_Frostfire: Do they follow Weeping Angel rules?
mjiig: @Goombill Strictly speaking this is sparkling rapid gameplay
mulligan2six: I think there are two versions of this game. I think you played on the GOG version last time so there might be some differences.
Lex_Peacekeeper: the model just wants you to draw him
DigitalSeahorse: uhoh, I hope steam isn't putting ads on stuff
stippledotter: @thekumquatking 2 years, I think
mtvcdm: It is your classic W&P horror game.
HadesLeprechaun: Did you even know what a Weeping Angel was when you first played this? haha
thekumquatking: @stippledotter Ah, no wonder he doesn't remember stuff lol
SquareDotCube: there is a shining painting
stippledotter: That sound is like a pig making goat noises
Heckhoundbolt: the rope on the ewindow
Lex_Peacekeeper: the painting keeps glowing
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and…
EQMoPower: I forget the rest
SmithKurosaki: (But as was mentioned by Rogue, only Twitch Subs etc count towards the counter)
Goombill: That's okay, everyone needs a little de-rusting when coming back to an old speedgame
LiveFaust: Speed vibeing.
QuixoticScrivener: we could rewatch your world record vod
IanAllenBird: uhoh
Lex_Peacekeeper: no light for you
Coloneljesus: speedily vibe through the game
AugmentingPath: brick%
PhoenixMelior: Picking up the flashlight is timeloss
loufghyslaufey: Gee whisk, Let's NOPErrs are slightly harder to scare
likelyDangerous: hey everyone what game is this?
Heckhoundbolt: good start
GameSageZB: no routing only vibes
thekumquatking: What, AAA game experience Kraven Manor broke?
SurfDownstage subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 62 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SurfDownstage! (Today's storm count: 304)
Lex_Peacekeeper: lightless, no torch any % run ?
Lord_Hosk: They updated the game! The speedrunning community is very divisively split on if the new update still counts or if there should be a sub catagory ;)
EQMoPower: thank you, I did not know that
thekumquatking: 1.69 is the Nice Version
Desruprot: well which is the fastest update is what matters more
Coloneljesus: ^
Furyfire: I wonder if anyone at LRR has played Indigo Park yet? o3o
groovemancery: which version is best for Punch a Chunk?
Dreamlettuce: Hurt in a slip and fall? You can sue!
mercano82: Kraven Manor: Benny %
ThorSokar: can you jump?
thekumquatking: Is Kraven Manor built to code?
Desruprot: if you can glitch to stop the cutscenes?
EQMoPower: horror Ben is my favorite
Chris Rice: Nice
SmithKurosaki: The support here is very appreciated, but the time tracker can't ready YT contributions
public_key_reveal_party: Version 1.420 is fun but not great for speed runs
Mr_Horrible: always great to see a world champ return to the stage
SmithKurosaki: @groovemancery, Based on yesterday, 1.17?
ThorSokar: oh dang
Chesul: no jump in the game, only in real life.
mtvcdm: Zero is a percent
Desruprot: but Link can jump
Lex_Peacekeeper: the only jump is in Ben, when Scared
stippledotter: If you jump in the game you jump in real life
EQMoPower: wheeler has suggestions but he is on vaca
Chris Rice: Does pressing escape end the cutscene faster?
Chris Rice: Pulling up the menu and exiting out from it
ThorSokar: (beaing able to jump is how a lot of speed-runs skip triggers)
DigitalSeahorse: just trying to shove self into all corners so we can clip through walls maybe
30teracyte: the zelda game comes out late september
Mazrae: He can roll to move a little faster
KeytarCat: Specific games/items let Link jomp
Anubis169: in before he starts taking racing lines between doors
groovemancery: new Zelda game comes out September 26
EQMoPower: Ben and tech taking this timeslot
Carson Chavez: I just got here - is this a Spooky Speedrun?!
EQMoPower: close enough
Chris Rice: Can't wait for ben to be on GDQ
Heckhoundbolt: uh...? that is different
thekumquatking: I took your model of the attic. AND IT THREW IT ON THE GROUND
Coloneljesus: gotta bind something to the scroll wheel. always makes things faster, right?
DigitalSeahorse: what happen to spoop
Heckhoundbolt: I think you picked up the secret room
YawnLance: Gamers continue to not be able to look up
brieandbacon: Ben being a classic gamer
Lex_Peacekeeper: this is the hall if I remember right
SK__Ren: Lever on wall?
EQMoPower: you remember when it was I that asked production associates to view a speed run
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPanic lrrSPOOPY
Heckhoundbolt: the room after the bedroom is supposed to be the library
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCope
neisan2112: Were there a couple areas you didnt have to go to?
kumatsu subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 92 months!
kumatsu: Push button, receive jumpscare
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, kumatsu! (Today's storm count: 305)
Blip2004: this does look better than I remember
Dalrint: Kraven Manor: The Awakening
Anubis169: The real horror game is when the game takes over your speedrun
Pinwiz11: Extra-Kraven Manor
quatoria: i guess they changed the game
SquareDotCube: If only we had a Let's Nope video to refer to
DahudLefthanded: Game's haunted
Lex_Peacekeeper: new game + ?
SK__Ren: oh
ani laurel: Hello
EQMoPower: howdy
SK__Ren: Fill the barrel?
Mr_Horrible: oh, yeah no this is Kraven Man*EST*, it's the harder version Kappa
Ravensfest: break glass
YawnLance: I mean there was a secret ending category
maybe_games: the new patch may have added new sections
Chesul: yeet it into the barrel?
Heckhoundbolt: @SquareDotCube I watched it this morning, Attic is not in the run
UrielAngelSpy: Is this Krav3n Manor?(skip past 2 because 2 is boring)
Statist42: there is some "discussion" (three posts) on regarding a run (i guess bens) that didnt include "the attic" maybe becuase of game version?
DeM0nFiRe: The speedrun forum for this game mentions that on your first run you skipped the attic somehow
Coloneljesus: this is now a secret ending% run
DeM0nFiRe: "WR in the Any% category does not have an attic, therefore skipping straight to the library and saving a minute. Has this run been submitted to the wrong category or is there a different Steam version that is missing part(s) of the game and is publicly available?"
DahudLefthanded: Nah nah this is COURAGEOUS Manor. Easy mistake.
DeM0nFiRe: That comment is about your run
Mr_Horrible: this just became a True Ending % run
Heckhoundbolt: Yes, the attic is used in the secret ending, but that is all I know
Desruprot: a new secret ending that takes longer to speedrun
PhoenixMelior: Maybe there was a game update
NightValien28: amazing
YawnLance: Oh
Anubis169: We now call this UlmerSkip
Bearudite: man had strats
Mr_Horrible: we're learning so much today
tidehollowcat: That's hilarious
NightValien28: you actually managed to stumble on a skip
EQMoPower: he does remember "huh?"
SmithKurosaki: Hi anu
SmithKurosaki: ani*
SmithKurosaki: This game def seems a bit different
ani laurel: oh, this is the speedrun? Neat
thekumquatking: LOL
neisan2112: Increible
ThorSokar: HAHAHA
Furyfire: Ben accidently being a pro
Jakelope13: Holy crap
Mr_Horrible: that's actually cracked
WardsarTheWriter: Ulmer-skip!
NimrodXIV: professional gamer
ButButTheJesus: no waaaayyy
GDwarble: Accidentally did a skip *repeatedly*? Huh
excalgold: That's two internet gaming personalities i watch that have a skip named after them
PhoenixMelior: Yup time to go back lol
IanAllenBird: powerful
couchboyj: Bengineered a work around
thekumquatking: This seems like a great room to skip too
mulligan2six: You played the non-steam version of the game before that does not have the attic segment.
LariatWest: did you skip it on just the PB run or on every run?
Easilycrazyhat: That's hilarious XD
YawnLance: Apparently the person who got an 8:31 also skipped the attic
SmithKurosaki: Ben's trying to reclaim his title, yes
EQMoPower: I am still attempting to determine the game he is playing. i mi
SmithKurosaki: @EQMoPower Kraven Manor
EQMoPower: thanks
Colin: Ben invented a speedrun skip? Rad
GameSageZB: the 8:31 does it with the attic
ThorSokar: so, if you're skipping an entire section, that makes sense
Heckhoundbolt: I have no idea what you did
mtvcdm: I like your chances of you found a skip
James_the_Dabbler: Ben so powerful discovering skip by accident
0x6772: Neither of the two who've beat you seem to know how your version didn't enter the attic, based on their conversation there.
goateedave86: Hey everyone. Hope everyone's doing well? Anyone got a random fact for me?
Heckhoundbolt: watch your run
betweenmyself: turns out this is actually a 100 hour epic that Ben accidentally turned into a sub ten min run riffYeti
TheMerricat: @yawnlance actually when that forum post was made Ben's run was the second run or in other words they were talking about his run.
stippledotter: Kraven Manest
NightValien28: we need to watch the run
Furyfire: Time to watch the run LOL
vinopinguino: you're probably gonna need to try to recreate?
excalgold: Stumbled into a skip
SenshiSun: @goateedave86 possums have pouches like kangaroos
GameSageZB: The mod ended up not caring because it was no longer the WR
Bearudite: ah kusoge bizzareskips
Dalrint: There are two catogories now. Any% and Secret ending
kumatsu: Ben's just a Gamer, got it
terribleplan: The throwing stuff seems really slow. Attic skip FTW
earlgrey82: @goateedave86 The primary ingredient in hotdogs is poultry not pork.
EQMoPower: he invented good stuff that osn't this
SmithKurosaki: Twitch chat is mentioning that the version he played before may not have had the attic
WardsarTheWriter: Did the game get patched after Ben got his record?
Jigokuro: So they went fast enough to beat the time WITH the attic? Interesting...
neisan2112: Thats so cool
goateedave86: Ooh thank you @SenshiSun
goateedave86: @earlgrey82 I did not know that!
Lex_Peacekeeper: Ben over here cheating on speed runs
mtvcdm: The rabbit hole of speedrunning
vinopinguino: ben's gamer powers too strong
lonlycracker subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 110 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, lonlycracker! (Today's storm count: 306)
0x6772: It's in the forums.
Thus_Spooped_Zarathustra : xEB seems to confirm that a sub 8:52 run CAN be done with the attic?
Statist42: on the right "latest threads"
IaCthulhuFthagn: Ben might not be the WR holder anymore, but he *is* the prime glitch hunter.
betweenmyself: could it be a game version difference? maybe check the version update history for the game?
DigitalSeahorse: oooooh the ads are on speedrun dot com!
Pinwiz11: It's Any%, so skips should be fine
public_key_reveal_party: Learning how to speedrun a game while speed running a game you had the previous world record
EQMoPower: I care a lot about the lrr crew and I won't be paid.
GameSageZB: Skips are fine but version differences are usually the problem.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDerp vicksyEmpty
DigitalSeahorse: me
0x6772: The "open" question is whether you somehow had a different version of the game than they used.
Meyari: lol you pissed them off so much they had to go get better records than you?
A_Dub888: hehehe “need him to come”
Mazrae: Looks like you are walking faster
mtvcdm: Master Roulette
Statist42: are you playing the steam version (now and in the past). seems like they were thinking that was the issue
themercenary1987: are you still tapping a and d in this version?
30teracyte: it seems like it might just be an older version of the game
EQMoPower: heard adam
Anubis169: wat
YawnLance: Huh weird
GameSageZB: I'm gonna need the YouTube WR commented version, complete with other runners on Discord with poor audio
thekumquatking: Uh oh
quatoria: yeah you speedran a different version of the game
Anubis169: that's been changed
Ivalenz_: katesPlot
Scarbble: time to start the grind
TheMerricat: So looking on steam Depot the last time the game was updated was 2020 I don't think it actually has been changed?
mtvcdm: Oh dear
ThorSokar: can you down-patch?
Coloneljesus: let the downgrading being!
NightValien28: is there a way to check the versions?
NimrodXIV: huh
quton: hotfixed due to too fast ben
Juliamon: Time to learn!
DentedPockets: Time to get a validation for a new version :P
TheAinMAP: katesNoted
0x6772: It's almost impossible to know what version was used, unless it flashes somewhere in the old VOD.
stippledotter: 2 Kraven 2 Manor
Texan Reverend: @EQMoPower I don't think anyone was talking paying chatters.
EQMoPower: edit files to say you won
5 raiders from Chamelenyan have joined!
NightValien28: 0x6772 it should show up in the main menu, no?
mtvcdm: It's from 2014, how is it still getting patched
Chamelenyan: Hi hi! chamel41Wave
0x6772: @NightValien28 Maybe? I
SK__Ren: It also lacks the A/D qte
vinopinguino: the ben patch
Juliamon: Welcome raiders!
TehAmelie: couldn't we look up the patch dates and the stream date?
Makrosian_Tay: Wait, what's this?
themercenary1987: I think he is able to grab the first map during the cutscene somehow
neisan2112: Wow, thats wild
Makrosian_Tay: Is this early Let's Nope?
0x6772: m going off having read that exchange earlier today, not any real research.
Anubis169: runner got Attic
Easilycrazyhat: Learning? On a LRR stream?
TheMerricat: @mtvcdm it hasn't. As far as I can tell on the steam Depot the only patches that have been being put in have been updates to the redistributable
OmegaPlatinum: Wait did we check the patchnotes?
50keyz: BEN BEN BEN!
stippledotter: Lrrning
Juliamon: Makrosian_Tay 2-years-ago
Snowcookies: Maybe the devs watched your playthrough and patched it ?
excalgold: you cant spell Learning with out LRRning
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
YawnLance: Oh
groulux: Back home after work. making food while following the Subathon!
EQMoPower: I want to thank the mods for taking it easy with me. I do loveclrr
Coloneljesus: aw yeah the tech
vinopinguino: haha parkour!
Bearudite: TECH
neisan2112: Oh lol
Stratavarius: Prop clipping, hell yeah
Anubis169: OOB Parkour!
NightValien28: TECH
cadesguy: oh no TECH
themercenary1987: BEn just learnt Tech
YawnLance: Ben's gotta learn some stuff benginLul
mtvcdm: !sub
quatoria: oh sh it there's real tech for ben to learn
korvys: actual tech
Juliamon: Clippies!
DudelidouX: haha good luck
mtvcdm: Oh my
quton: now this is podracing
Brozard: Alex says: stand on the sign and pick it up
WiJohn: Wow someone super clever must have come up with that!
GameSageZB: Strats strats Strats
Heckhoundbolt: what
Taligan: Time for tech!!
HadesLeprechaun: uh oh, actual speedrunners got their hand on this game, lol
excalgold: its like tey pushed the door open
Furyfire: Well lets see if you can skip attic real quick Kappa
mtvcdm: So you wanna be a speedrunner
thedepthandbreadthofseth: hello, what have I missed? This sounds loud.
DentedPockets: Did you expect to work for it?
LurkerSpine: fix timer?
SquareDotCube: they likely have it on the easiest setting.
public_key_reveal_party: just meta-textually, speedrunning a horror game is very funny
Chris Rice: HAHAHA!
Chris Rice: that's awesome
Gaz-L: Ben even better at speedrunning than he realised!
A_Dub888: @juliamon Clippies my di- nope, not finishing that
Makrosian_Tay: Omg, did Ben playing this game bring it into the crosshairs of the true speed runners??
Makrosian_Tay: I love everything about this
brieandbacon: Good luck y'all, I away to sleep
public_key_reveal_party: you didn't start the timer this time
zombub: Oh boy, the scuba-thon! 🤿
Xafty: catalyst
maxthefourth: Probenitor?
Makrosian_Tay: The O R I G I N A T O R
Juliamon: You lit the torch
ShifuDaxiongmao: does this mean Ben had the first speed run record in this game? :P
themercenary1987: Try and grab this on cutscene#
AugmentingPath: If you were the progenitus event, you would have had protection from people overtaking your record
Heckhoundbolt: @public_key_reveal_party apparenty Ben played on a different version somhow
IanAllenBird: whoa
bsudo: progenitor?
A_Dub888: “The Progenitus?” Ben has protection from everything!
HadesLeprechaun: @public_key_reveal_party this is just a learning run now that there's new stuff he's gotta learn
Furyfire: Find all the bugs
vinopinguino: ben about to break the game again
ButterBall000: Lrr-ning
TheAinMAP: guyjudgeNotes
public_key_reveal_party: @HadesLeprechaun Ah, I must have just missed that, thanks
Furyfire: Did you softlock?
Furyfire: SOFT LOCK!
Talin06: there might be a way to pick it up in the cut scence
bondeulv: cool game
Heckhoundbolt: wtf is going on
mtvcdm: Time to do the wiggle
quton: LUL
Blake Treleaven: Showed up late - so Ben is still 3rd, but now he's up against two real speedrunners and has real tech to learn?
SmithKurosaki: Yea, also his run appears to be an older version
EQMoPower: ben can win but does he want to?
Mind2Waste: good thing this run is short
ShifuDaxiongmao: dang you rng :D
Furyfire: I think you can skip the attic still then
Bearudite: can you use the room models to jump shit later?
30teracyte: Ok so the 5th place run from 3 years before your run also includes the attic, so it wasn't just patched in after you played it
jacqui_lantern234: please, ben, Duct Tape has the ability to work :p
Ivalenz_: katesHm
GameSageZB: y no backwards bunny hops
Furyfire: So yeah, there's a way to skip the attic
KeytarCat: Can you sit at the lever in the cellar while the bronze man approaches?
Heckhoundbolt: @30teracyte so ben somehow missed the attic?
Colin: Yes, because it's funny XD
OVERKiLL!: how many attempts can ben fit in, during this shift? i mean, as long as he dont slam it in one.
Texan Reverend: @EQMoPower Winning is explicitly the goal here. As fast as possible.
Heckhoundbolt: his version also never asked if he wanted to play on nightmare
Juliamon: Heckhoundbolt It seems like the attic might just be missing from the non-Steam version
mulligan2six: @Heckhoundbolt Ben was playing the non-steam version
excalgold: its really odd that it handed Ben the library rather then the attic
Dalrint: Skipping a whole zone is speedrunning gold though
Dumori: Oh that'll be why
mulligan2six: Yup
Furyfire: Yeahhhh
DudelidouX: They seem to look at the wall to open the attic as well
EQMoPower: I understand blue name
Texan Reverend: @EQMoPower Please, don't disparage anybody.
EQMoPower: I am not. all these people are great
maxthefourth: if you put a red koopa into the correct xy coordinates on your screen, due to the limits of the nes, its sprite address overwrites the attic and replaces it with the library when you go through the pipe
mulligan2six: When you had played it the first time, you called it a "free game" which implies not steam
Brozard: Get on to the small box to the right, then do it a second time?
UrielAngelSpy: Didn't the other speedrun have a lever on the wall in the hallway? To open the attic
Brozard: lol nope, they just launch themselves in one go
vinopinguino: the pickup boosts you?
Symphoneers: Barrel's haunted.
GameSageZB: The keg bit back
KeytarCat: You overlapped the keg LUL
UltraVioletVodoo: he stood on top of it and picked it up
ShifuDaxiongmao: might need to be closer to the thing, it could be that it does not make you jump but displaces you higher up
Brozard: Maybe throw it and pick it up at the same time?
vinopinguino: jumped right before pickup?
DudelidouX: It boost into the corner geometry?
50keyz: do they jump while pickin it up?
SK__Ren: pickup and jump at the same time?
BigDaddyBland87: forward momentum as you pick up
public_key_reveal_party: game
YawnLance: Uhhh
korvys: Seems like he's picking it up as he starts to climb it
Heckhoundbolt: i think it needs to be on iits side
offbeatwitch: bonk
public_key_reveal_party: you good game?
trenzylive: LUL
mtvcdm: Good game
Serioavion: Can you rebind keys?
ClodiumSoride: need to be running?
excalgold: so its entirely RNG
Stratavarius: Yeah, it might be trying to right itself as they pick it up
EQMoPower: Corey and Ian are my favorite but it was aclose match.
0x6772: Belatedly: I can't find any version number in a skim of the old VOD, and you launch the game before switching out off the booth camera. Starts here if anybody has more patience and better eyesight than I:
mtvcdm: ! subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Heckhoundbolt: wtf
vinopinguino: hahaha
cadesguy: lmao
offbeatwitch: CLONING!
BusTed: onstaWELP
James_the_Dabbler: Uh
0x6772: New glitch!
ShifuDaxiongmao: infinite glitch!
public_key_reveal_party: the strats?
haberley: wtf
YawnLance: wrong glitch, Ben :p
neisan2112: Lmaoooo
themercenary1987: new TECXH!"
NightValien28: we found a bug we were not looking for
TheAinMAP: lrrWOW
KeytarCat: Prayers and duct tape
DudelidouX: Also notice where he throws and pick might be interaction with other geometry that push you up
Taligan: Maybe dupe glitch instead of jump glitch?
vinopinguino: if you created enough of them you can stand on them and get over that lol
GameSageZB: no longer a speedrunner but a glitch hunter
maxthefourth: 99 barrel %
Alex_Frostfire: So, do we just build stairs out of kegs?
DigitalSeahorse: how close to crate?
Dalrint: Infinite Barrel Glitch
DudelidouX: Nice
Furyfire: Okay - I just validated it - The Itch.IO version gives you Library. Steam gives you Attic
sparrowhawksilver: now just HOLP
ShifuDaxiongmao: wait,.. maybe you can keep cloning below you for alternate strat? :D
jacqui_lantern234: yo, Ben out here finding new speed tech for this game Kappa
cadesguy: i wonder if making a bunch of dupes leads to any skips hahah
vinewood_og: timer not restarted?
Jakelope13: Either that's a glitch, or that's a dup the dev threw in if someone is taking too long (might have indicated they lost the barrel?)
SmithKurosaki: @EQMoPower You're saying a lot of strange, and sometimes conflicting things. The comment that was deleted without further context doesn't read kindly.
EQMoPower: that's fine. I day
UrielAngelSpy: New goal: fastest to get 10 barrels
themercenary1987: Its working.... ITS WORKING!!!!
Furyfire: Markiplyers playthrough was the version and it gave him Library
reptile___: @vinewood_og this isn't a timed run, he's just figuring things out
LordZarano: They also look up as soon as they grab
betweenmyself: be great to use the dupe glitch to push yourself OOB and find a way to walk to the ending
50keyz: that felt close
vouru subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 49 months, currently on a 40 month streak!
vouru: Let's go Subathon!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, vouru! (Today's storm count: 307)
TheMerricat: So looking into it, this game was created by while in graduate school at a game dev university program. :D
EQMoPower: I say strange things because I am a rwa
EQMoPower: a real guy enjoying how that company works for people in need
ShifuDaxiongmao: might need to watch video again in case it's specific spot
vinopinguino: i think its getting there
cadesguy: are you looking down as far as you can? idk what the camera clamps to
jacqui_lantern234: ok. OUT TI THEM!!!!!!!
jacqui_lantern234: TO*
50keyz: @TheMerricat if this was a small team/solo effort its really cool
Goombill: I love the speedrunning communities for small games like this. Trying to figure out tricks when all that you have to go off of is a random video with no commentary.
R_Craddz subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 67 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, R_Craddz! (Today's storm count: 308)
Heckhoundbolt: worst case, you could try the non-syeam record
sparrowhawksilver: there's an any% non-steam category on speedrun . com, with a 7:45 time, so i guess that's the faster version
Goombill: Do they just pick it up while standing on it?
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: maybe the distance you're away from it when you pick it up?
jacqui_lantern234: @Goombill same. this shit warms my speed-gremlin heart
midnightcurryjazz: Its like the throw it and jump on it real quick
zombub: *monster attacking Ben* “bro STOP I’m trying to do something!”
UltraVioletVodoo: i think theyre more or less standing on it when they grab it
MrQBear: you also want it to be a little farther back from the cabinet i think. I think you're hitting your head on the geometry instead of launching up
ShifuDaxiongmao: there is a thing up to the right that might be blocking you if you're too far right
DigitalSeahorse: maybe the run up is part of it
themercenary1987: He's LEARNING!
mulligan2six: Learning is occuring
Taligan: Yeah, he was getting goozled by the trunk on the shelf.
GameSageZB: Need a button input monitor!
maxthefourth: We're gonna need more kegs
Dumori: okay-okay race club when
Mazrae: Did he have it when he was on top of the shelf??
Artificer_Evan: twitch hotkeys messing with me again
Astrovore: feel slike maybe they're picking up then immediately dropping again
SmithKurosaki: @Astrovore Like, throw spamming?
Astrovore: maybe?
Taligan: @GameSageZB And more frame data!
Bearudite: speedrunoneword
DrTeaSpoon: Boo!
DeM0nFiRe: I think it's cool
Dalrint: It's fun to watch
50keyz: i love watching the "figuring out" of it
Lord_Hosk: would it be faster to clone it and do the level "correctly"
tidehollowcat: I would legitimately love a Ben speedruns games show
KeytarCat: Can you bounce it between yourself and the shelf?
Taligan: This is the content we're here for! Go off.
Dalrint: I watch a few speedrunners. The way you talk things out is what makes it entertaining
Desruprot: speedrunning is fun to watch, it actually was what first turned me to twich
Dumori: speedrunoneword was fun this is also fun not the same but not too different
ShifuDaxiongmao: speedrunning attempts is just as valid entertainment :)
Thus_Spooped_Zarathustra : If I'm not watching LRR, it's strong odds I'm watching speedruns. This is just ramming two of my favorite things together.
SK__Ren: So this has me thinking. The first room where we get our first model looks like the bottom floor of the library. What if we can boost ourselves up the second floor in that room? Could we skip the basement and the bedroom?
Greyah: I dunno, I watch speedrun practice/attempts every now and then. Mostly depends on if the runner's fun. Which you are.
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: does the distance you pick it up from matter?
Astrovore: they don't have it in their hands when they land on top
EQMoPower: warn me? warn them too
Dalrint: Wait
LordZarano: 0.25x speed?
Dalrint: Did he pick himself up using the barrel?
themercenary1987: Frame by frame?
maxthefourth subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 51 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, maxthefourth! (Today's storm count: 309)
NonUniqueGuy: Former record holder talks about how he isn't a speedrunner
DudelidouX: Pick it as you're right on it
Commander_Taz: can you pick it up and put it down multiple timees very quickly?
SquareDotCube: I think the player model is slightly clipping into the bookshelf
Bearudite: time to put pickup on mousewheel
sparrowhawksilver: does the direction of the camera matter? it feels deliberate how they look up after
vinopinguino: its the barrel jump lol.
reptile___: The second-place speedrun also does the same trick and it takes them 2-3 tries; you could try seeing if you can intuit anything from that video
DrTeaSpoon: I think you need to stand on top of it before the 'pickup' removes collisions from it.
Mangledpixel: pickup on mousewheel is a trick from source engine games (HL2 etc)
vinopinguino: i wonder if he's throwing it down immediately as the animation begins
Snampo_ok: Are you getting stuck under the shelf on the right? Maybe jump more to the left
cadesguy: ohhh so walking over it as its falling?
IanAllenBird: that collision seems a little easier maybe
Martin_FcG subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 57 months!
Martin_FcG: moar spoops
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Martin_FcG! (Today's storm count: 310)
ShifuDaxiongmao: oh. so more than one spot
Red Shift Productions: Yeah I was thinking it might be that pick up and drop are bound to mousewheel so they can just scroll down at full and climb the object
Astrovore: that's a good idea
DudelidouX: They seem to try and pick it back up before it hits the ground
vinopinguino: OH
CaptainSpam: "So for this next part I'll be quiet. You'll never figure this out, Bengineering!"
KeytarCat: It's...just an item climb. Neat!
Taligan: More promise there!
ShifuDaxiongmao: so basically finding a place where the collision nudges you to the top
SquareDotCube: gotta use the slight ramp of the painting to get up where while you've still got momentum
EvilBadman: Trust the barrel will land where you can glitch it without looking at it explicitly.
DigitalSeahorse: pile items in the gaps?
vinopinguino: LETS GOOO
Heckhoundbolt: YES
ShifuDaxiongmao: NICE!
neisan2112: Letsgooooooo
50keyz: GOOOOO
0x6772: Nice!
DeM0nFiRe: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
tidehollowcat: WOO
reptile___: DID IT
KeytarCat: YOOOOO
Krillin_fan: hell yeah!
IanAllenBird: hell yeah fuck yeah
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: nice
neisan2112: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHype
themercenary1987: YOOOOOOOOOOOO
jacqui_lantern234: LETS GO BEN
prince_infidel: FBtouchdown
Astrovore: YES
ZombieHendrix: close to the wall seems like part of it
themercenary1987: GG!!!
GameSageZB: Opa!
Easilycrazyhat: benginChamp benginChamp benginChamp benginChamp
BusTed: gaming
zazamost: LOL we speedrun
cadesguy: yooo
cookiebeard: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
goateedave86: He's starting to believe
vinopinguino: GAMER
Makrosian_Tay: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
themercenary1987: YOOOOOOOO
DeM0nFiRe: actively gaming
mtvcdm: Repeatable!
offbeatwitch: propfly baby
YawnLance: Yeaaaah
ZombieHendrix: gamer
0x6772: This Maryx guy also has a Poppy Playtime run, so clearly that's the next stop.
IanAllenBird: yessss
KeytarCat: Line up with the glowing orb?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHype vicksyHappy vicksyHappy vicksyHappy vicksyHappy
Heckhoundbolt: YES
Krillin_fan: he is the one!
Taligan: We got airrrrrrr!
thewafflesareburning: WOOOO
DudelidouX: The top speedrun seem to mix in a geometry glitch while the second seem to just go with the item jump
haberley: go on my son!
themercenary1987: YAHHHH!
morgoth_bauglyr: lrrGOAT lrrGOAT lrrGOAT lrrGOAT
KV1NN4: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 2:44 PM
LordZarano: Consistent!
The_Real_Chicky: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
ElementalAlchemist: lrrHORN
neisan2112: Holy shit lets fucking go Ben!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHappy vicksyCheer vicksyClap
nuclearstulle: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
Makrosian_Tay: RNG? Never heard of it!!
ShifuDaxiongmao: Speedrun record, here we come!! :D
Tommadness: GAMER
DeM0nFiRe is gifting 20 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 2468 in the channel!
CoderBugsworth: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
50keyz: GAMER
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to Shinji16!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to theplebicide!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to momintie!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to YaBoiThiccToni!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to Brutask!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to zergsalad!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to gr1ff1n775!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to shawnchon!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to Minus54!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to guillermobc7743!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to omegaphoenix117!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to Perivale!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to thingo314!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to IluvatarHS!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to Ravensaurus!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to zerokaizoku!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to dreadxdead!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to crashdownreg!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to ShredsTheRaptor!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to MillionAnts0267!
KeytarCat: HELL YEAH
betweenmyself: look chat, he’s gaming! riffGasp
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, DeM0nFiRe! Welcome to Shinji16, theplebicide, momintie, YaBoiThiccToni, Brutask, Minus54, zergsalad, shawnchon, gr1ff1n775, omegaphoenix117, Perivale, thingo314, IluvatarHS, zerokaizoku, crashdownreg, guillermobc7743, Ravensaurus, dreadxdead, ShredsTheRaptor, and MillionAnts0267! (Today's storm count: 330)
SymphonySolstice: GAMING
DaSunao: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
Melfina__: lrrHORN lrrHORN
SmithKurosaki: DinoDance FBtouchdown DinoDance
Lichenbeard: there we go! now just do it enough to be easily replayable
Goombill: gdqHeart gdqHeart gdqHeart
SmithKurosaki: Woooo
OVERKiLL!: got there
Astrovore: aw yeah. He's 100% cracked it
SmithKurosaki: HAX
Riandisa: Go go!
vinopinguino: he on xgames mode
themercenary1987: Now do it 50 times
SquareDotCube: time to bind grab to mousewheel so you can do it rapidly
sgowell: so is that the “ulmer skip”?
Easilycrazyhat: Ben's gonna become a speed runner XD
shurtal: we're doing Kraven Manor speadruns?!?!
ShifuDaxiongmao: become? he already sounds hooked ;)
Taligan: @sgowell Nah, the Ulmer Skip was no attic at all. This'll be the "New Ulmer Skip".
vinopinguino: ben's got a taste of that speed runing goodness. now hes gonna be addicted
Juliamon: This is the Subathon Skip
Marshall Wentworth: This is going to color how Ben plays other games on Lets Nope, isn't it?
Marshall Wentworth: Once you start abusing engine physics, you never go back.
Colin: Did not expect to find as much Tech in this tbh, this is great
DudeMan1620: w00t go ben!!!
SmithKurosaki: Nah, I feel like this is a special exception
OVERKiLL!: lol @Marshall W
Astrovore: I didn't expect him to get it this quickly
SmithKurosaki: I dont think he's gonna get the rub up against everything in D2 disease G has :p
Colin: I wonder how much Alex could break this game
tehfewl: GDQ when?
Taligan: Ooooh, like that.
Heckhoundbolt: thisgame used to cost money
ShifuDaxiongmao: one skip down.. how many more? :D
themercenary1987: IS the Subathon Skip where Ben Glitches the Cap in 3 hours or less?
Bearudite subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 47 months!
Bearudite: time to see if you can do it with a room model
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Bearudite! (Today's storm count: 331)
ClodiumSoride: Watch the other runs again to see where they go after they get on top of the shelves?
kusinohki: meows
CaptainSpam: Remember, Awful/Silly Block is Best Block! :D
ShifuDaxiongmao: gotta start doing streams with a timer on screen :D
Colin: Since Alex has managed to fly on a noticeboard before
Marshall Wentworth: Yeah I'd love to see like, Ben doing this, with Alex and G as commentary / coach.
OVERKiLL!: oh snap @Colin, that was an amazing clip
Astrovore: having colour commentary would be great
themercenary1987: Grab it on cutscene!
EvilBadman: @Taligan It'd be Ulmer skip skip
jacqui_lantern234: @kusinohki HAI LOVELY FRIEND <3
MrQBear: I mean, were you softlocked? You could grab the other room, and head back down. The extra bit of skip just avoided the danger manequin
zombub: Horror games are the funniest things to me when not played casually and they lose all mystery, “Ok right here Nightmare Billy is gonna burst out of the painting and we’re just gonna scoot on by, hi Billy”
kusinohki: *uses mirror defense on jacqui*
Rourke9: oh interesting, why were you able to skip a room before but not now?
SquareDotCube: So here's my idea: if we can use the physics glitch to go through the ceiling, and then figure out where the last room is from there, we could fall into the last room and skip all of this
poly_rebel: It's a fun hose
Colin: @OVERKiLL! I legitimately choked from laughing when this one happened
ani laurel: I died laughing when Alex did that
ani laurel: I'm so glad I caught it live
ShifuDaxiongmao: try throwing at the moment the drop is supposed to happen.. maybe it checks for you having the item while at the location :)
poly_rebel: fun house*
ClodiumSoride: The last room is the lobby; the final fight there has to be triggered.
50keyz: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100
jacqui_lantern234: @kusinohki jokes on you, mirrors dont reflect eldritch entities
ButterBall000: Haunted House
sparrowhawksilver: like RE no hit runs, just scooting by all of the zombies
kusinohki: not even eldritch mirrors?? curses!
Desruprot: just like Gandalf
Colin: Same. The moment was funny but the "I'm a genius" is what utterly broke me
Rourke9: oooh wow it a version thing?
Bearudite: the no qte's is nice tho
Rourke9: *was
inetro subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 21 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, inetro! (Today's storm count: 332)
Rourke9: goootcha
Goombill: If you know how to get the version, the speedrun forum had some people looking for a copy of it
jacqui_lantern234: @kusinohki get got <3
sparrowhawksilver: you'd have to beat a 7:45 on the itch io version, though
jokerzgrave: Secret tech and didn't even know it
kusinohki: what is ben's PB??
cadesguy: why on earth does turning off the flashlight knock over barrels
the_tarabyte subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 28 months!
the_tarabyte: Spoop Sub? Spoop sub!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, the_tarabyte! (Today's storm count: 333)
vinopinguino: Quiet please, he's attempting the barrel skip... 👀
jokerzgrave: More so than you had secret tech and didn't realize it sorry
ShifuDaxiongmao: slightly to the left of the corner
accountmadeforants: I have to assume there's some geometry to wiggle through, somewhere. Maybe the Kraven Manor speedrun discord community can discover some new tech OpieOP
LordZarano: There's a switch on the wall to open the attic that is probably slightly faster
DigitalSeahorse: we got up the painting easier
DigitalSeahorse: I think
OVERKiLL!: "tomatoe way" was pretty insane just in general . W&P is goated.
Taligan: Painting skip looked more reliable, yeah
Snampo_ok: You're getting stuck under the shelf
jokerzgrave: Nah you've got this
DigitalSeahorse: there
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyNoted
Colin: Oh W&P has always been my favourite stream, I love a lot of others but nothing beats the utter nonsensical nature of that
SmithKurosaki: Watch & Play /is/ great
SmithKurosaki: They find so much trash
OVERKiLL!: i love how Alex just had to hit the sub ocean even in that punchachunk on the craft. its like a curse/gift/disease .
Colin: Oh who won the punch a chunk
GameSageZB: Moonbase need an ad blocker XD
0x6772: He falls off to the left there.
offbeatwitch: nooo the alt-ta
Heckhoundbolt: drat
Chaotically_Random: Just got here, what is going on?
gibbousm: whats PB so far?
littleunknownn: Did it crash?!
ShifuDaxiongmao: @Chaotically_Random Ben the game breaker :D
OVERKiLL!: did the grizzled old people bring it home or?
Astrovore: I think they called it a draw?
offbeatwitch: ah its like
JonnyH: Bluescreen any%
offbeatwitch: stuck itself on fullscreen
QuixoticScrivener: game so rude it added leves
DigitalSeahorse: oh no vicksyCope
stippledotter: Ope, a speed done
themercenary1987: Dont alt tab a source ga-ga-ga-ga BZZZZZZZZZZ
50keyz: the lame IT version of Taskmaster - Taskmanager
A_Dub888: Game is like “That boy is NEVER getting a world record on me again!”
JeshuaWithAnE: Can you Alt + Enter to exit fullscreen?
sparrowhawksilver: try windows + tab
ElementalAlchemist: But before that, we're learning how to leave the game
midnightcurryjazz: spooky
vinopinguino: You broke the whole computer lol
themercenary1987: Wow dead PC?
accountmadeforants: This is why all the pros have a second PC just for playing Kraven Manor (which makes LRR one of the pros)
DigitalSeahorse: time to reboot? vicksyHeadbang
ShifuDaxiongmao: see you once you've restarted :D
mulligan2six: Hardlock
Snowcookies: game pls
Juliamon: 50keyz Please use a different word
kusinohki: what's the subocean% look like?
offbeatwitch: the manor claims another victim
0x6772: They do go through some other motions first, is it possible that you have to do that before you can warp through that ceiling beam? (after getting the game to work again, of course)
MrQBear: yeah, windows tab to swap desktop
IanAllenBird: 😔
tidehollowcat: Paaauul!
OVERKiLL!: a gentalmans draw huh?
Astrovore: they couldn't decide on the penalty for remaining blocks
SmithKurosaki: Yea 'chat won'
OVERKiLL!: that bat boon was super funny
Sarah: I believe James just declared that the YoungGuns won
Astrovore: that was very funny
Sarah: But the veterans finished faster and with fewer missed blocks in bedrock
Sarah: So...everyone wins!
EQMoPower: maybe
OVERKiLL!: G with the wrestlemans ref to the Young Gunz
BusTed: rayfkWelp
Snowcookies: light the Paul beacon
GameSageZB: Probably Paul
sparrowhawksilver: open a new desktop with windows + tab, open task manager there
cadesguy: alt-f4 while its focused?
jokerzgrave: Paul?
Snampo_ok: Windows Key + Ctrl + D
Easilycrazyhat: Huh, this happened to me last night. Putting the pc to sleep fixed it for me.
I_Am_Clockwork: Cheer20000 the good old alt-f4 strats
ShifuDaxiongmao: I think you just set a new PB for moonbase pc breaking :P
emmaInProgress: if you have multiple screens you could try and switch the game or task manager to a different one with win+shift+left/right
Sarah_Serinde: Dang Clockwork thanks for those bits
RubikDarkwill: Graham does of negative time by installing Russian Malware
50keyz: @Juliamon apologies
Krillin_fan: try cleaning the gunk out of the mouse
QuixoticScrivener: who gives tech support for the Bengineering?
NonUniqueGuy: I mean, I'm sure someone broke it in quicker than 54 minutes.
Master_Gunner: time to hard reboot
flustered_blue: win alt right arrow?
Chesul: I believe the "Break the comp" speedrun record is held by G.
fuzzra: @Easilycrazyhat Yeah, that can do it. Log out if it doesn't.
tidehollowcat: sergeHolyMoly that's a lot of bits
A_Dub888: you’re a hot key Ulmer
offbeatwitch: ctrl-shift-esc is just task manager, which is already open
protojman: did you try both Ds
DigitalSeahorse: either you or Alex I'm betting with watch n play having many games powerfully broken
YeetTheRich_: cool game
themercenary1987: 20000 Bits?! Wow!
Coloneljesus: well we didn't beat the game but the game beat us!
jokerzgrave: IT speedrun
Juliamon: Do I need to ping Paul?
mtvcdm: Ben
QuixoticScrivener: alt f4?
Colin: that's gotta be a Watch and Play title held
Colin: 0 to broken pc
NotCainNorAbel: WIN+m
trebuchetboy: go to steam and shut it off?
offbeatwitch: well we'll know soon enough if it isn't
UltraVioletVodoo: so even if you cant see task manager you can use it to kill programs
Dalrint: Bye ben
ElementalAlchemist: success!
TheAinMAP: jlrrDang
ShifuDaxiongmao: phew.. he guessed correctly
Snampo_ok: If you manage to open a new desktop window you can open task manager there
Pteraspidomorphi: Well the stream didn't go down
trebuchetboy: oh
fuzzra: Heh, or that.
SquareDotCube: Alt+enter moves it to windowed mode
offbeatwitch: it like, crashed fullscreening itself
sparrowhawksilver: usually, windows + tab works for me in those situations
ElementalAlchemist: IIISI
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPrider vicksyPride katesPride
Chaotically_Random: This is why we can't have nice things Ben
accountmadeforants: This is why I've got Task Manager set up to always be on the foreground
mtvcdm: There are ways I imagined this might go. This was not one of them.
GameSageZB: *insert Mac Startup noise*
RebekahWSD: Oh. Well. My
offbeatwitch: there's a separate leaderboard yeah
0x6772: Your old time would still be 2nd place on the non-Steam leaderboard.
EQMoPower: watch and play? Alex wouldn't still be playing this game
Astrovore: "I think this one's the gaming PC" famous last words
EQMoPower: thank you mods. if you have a question I will answer here foryou.
QuixoticScrivener: ↑↑↓↓←→←→BA
Coloneljesus: 1234
KeytarCat: Trapped windows' focus, and bricked!
offbeatwitch: 6969
Chronomos901: it's dickbutt
wench_tacular: get a grownup to help you
DigitalSeahorse: dickbutt
stippledotter: Paul!
morgoth_bauglyr: Dickbutt
jacqui_lantern234: HAI PAUL <3
Saintnex: 69420
neisan2112: Dickbutt?
UrielAngelSpy: Dickbutt
Snowcookies: hi Paul!
protojman: Hellooo!
CovetedPeacock: totally dickbutt
Dalrint: Is it Assword?
mikael_alv subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 16 months, currently on a 14 month streak!
mikael_alv: password?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, mikael_alv! (Today's storm count: 334)
sparrowhawksilver: @0x6772 second place, out of two submitted times
WardsarTheWriter: It totally is.
LiveFaust: The password is dickbutt!
Pteraspidomorphi: This is a serious company
themercenary1987: hello
l0gin4me: 8008135
ShifuDaxiongmao: no no, it's a horror game.. so backward... sboob
A_Dub888: “big ape”
mtvcdm: The number dickbutt
Jigokuro: It's not like we'll ever have the chance to USE knowing the pin...
trebuchetboy: I want a Paul beard :(
Aeraliz subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 75 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Aeraliz! (Today's storm count: 335)
EvilBadman: 'fourwordsalluppercase'
0x6772: @sparrowhawksilver shhhh don't sweat the details
snowewolf: is the password James Credit card number?
WardsarTheWriter: Most games are tbh.
Juliamon: Jigokuro Now, you *say* that
themercenary1987: Maybe stick around paul...
RandomTrivia: Hi friends! lrrHEART I hope I didn't miss the attempts while I was away
bobokiddo: more like scotch tape, i wouldn't give it duct tape
ShifuDaxiongmao: duct tape and string.. and the maker ran out of duct tape quickly
Astrovore: Hi Paul!
amative1: dickbutt01?
accountmadeforants: Hell yeah third pc
Juliamon: but some folks have actually been there
trebuchetboy: Paul has a top 10 beard and I want one
Taligan: It's got *layers*.
jacqui_lantern234: @Juliamon AND THEN THEY'LL BE THERE
TheWooglie: well just cause a power cut that should get everything
mtvcdm: At least it's a quick reboot
IvanRussel: Crash all of LRR any%
CaptainSpam: And then it crashes the entire Vancouver Island power grid...
vinopinguino: Time to break the entire setup lol
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
ShifuDaxiongmao: if we hear about the island suddenly losing power, we know who to blame ;)
JoannaTastic: Annoy Paul any%
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
Chesul: anyone remember where G got that Russian malware?
ElementalAlchemist: ongLOL
Easilycrazyhat: Crash the moon base any%
mtvcdm: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunBabhed
50keyz: "i cant believe" - but really; cant you?
EQMoPower: the password was *********
tehfewl: full runs no reset derust stream
trebuchetboy: wubbyHe
A_Dub888: New category: Broke Flashlight run
Marvoleath: Wait, go into Task Manager, and enable "Always on top" in options
ShifuDaxiongmao: about the dive part, try throwing item just before it is supposed to go off
Marvoleath: just in case
NotCainNorAbel: sounds like a speedrun stream
SK__Ren: I am currently trying to clip up to the top of the library here at the start. I'll let you know if it works
8 raiders from AdzyandJaneComics have joined!
thekumquatking: Nostradamus
midnightcurryjazz: This man has no glotch
CaptainSpam: "How did the entire nation of Canada have a cascading power failure?!?" "Well, there was this one streamer in BC who played a really bad horror game..."
stippledotter: Hi raiders!
bluejaydreamer: GO BEN! Adzy and blueJane are cheering you on!
50keyz: the most difficult part of glitchless is not accidentally glitching this game
EvilBadman: There's no registered times for Nightmare difficulty :D
tehfewl: ah the age ol method of making your own category for WR
JoeKim: are ya winnin son
mtvcdm: Does this game even HAVE a glitchless
TheMerricat: So I'm going to bet that the version that Ben originally played was the 'demo' version - - as far as I can tell that was the only other version of the game released.
0x6772: There's a comment in that second place video about having worked on his run for plural days, so if you get anywhere close in 3 hours, you're doing very well.
KeytarCat: Let's go speedrunning! *bwamp* aw dangit
EQMoPower: that was a joke
EQMoPower: don't make me laugh
offbeatwitch: in the 2nd place speedrun he like, drop-grabs it at the same frame as the animation, so he's holding it during the animation
WriterRaven flops into chat, vaguely awake
e_bloc: Corgo852 lets go speedrunners
WardsarTheWriter: In games like these, is there ever a true "glitchless" run?
AdzyandJaneComics subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 94 months, currently on a 94 month streak!
AdzyandJaneComics: 94 Months, that's over 93 months!? That's almost 95 Months!Big mad love to you all <3
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AdzyandJaneComics! (Today's storm count: 336)
RhymesWithMoose: What ho! I heard something about snowboarding and am desperate to think cold thoughts!
ShifuDaxiongmao: I wonder if you can throw it over the sofa on the right, walk around and pick it up again and potentially bypass a trigger zone
offbeatwitch: i don't think it saves a significant amount of time
DigitalSeahorse: No Intentional Glitch Run
sparrowhawksilver: @50keyz reminds me of a pokemon red/blue challenge run, where you weren't allowed to have any glitches, including gen 1 misses
Bearudite: so you start with access to the lower floor of the library could you use the room model to jump to the second floor? and skip the prior rooms?
tehfewl: Mostly* glitchless**
accountmadeforants: I do have a sequence of secret passwords, I mean keyboard shortcuts, ready in case the game manages to break things again
EQMoPower: please do ask if you need me to be more clear. I am extremely gladly
OVERKiLL!: :face-orange-raised-eyebrow:
EQMoPower: glad* my privileges were returned
snowewolf: This Leathal Company Mod is so Detailed
Fe1ix66 converted from a Prime sub to a Tier 1 sub!
ShifuDaxiongmao: if this was a student game, I would expect the triggering to be a collision box that checks if you have the item when you enter it
mtvcdm: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
accountmadeforants: (And in case I'm gone by then, here you go, chat: )
themercenary1987: How far away can you grab the attic chain?
Myk Pilgrim: Ben! the timers not working!!!
EQMoPower: oh no,you are correct
SmithKurosaki: I *think* he's practicing atm
Colin: I think this is still a practice run, untimed, just to test
EQMoPower: understood
accountmadeforants: That's how you keep your APM up
Bearudite: there is a switch on the wall for the attic too
0x6772: @accountmadeforants That's general-purpose useful, not just today!
IanAllenBird: well,
DeM0nFiRe: Wow lol
kaboomjr26: Is this a speedrun?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDed
SK__Ren: omg, I just achieved flight by rapidly picking up and dropping a globe
corpocracy: I think the general speed run mantra is "tricks save seconds, movement saves minutes"
themercenary1987: Well then...
accountmadeforants: @0x6772 I just have Always On Top on in general, but it's obviously not helpful if you didn't turn it on in advance. So those shortcuts solve that issue.
Stratavarius: Speedrun practice
maxthefourth: Barrel: Don't talk to me or my son ever again.
Myk Pilgrim: gotcha tnx, I'm not the brightest light in. the ceiling 😉
DigitalSeahorse: laggy barrel
Dreamlettuce: It's decided to finish the job!
DeM0nFiRe: barrell's haunted
themercenary1987: Ben making his own horror game
themercenary1987: Oh so you a real gamer!
thekumquatking: I can't come over after school today. I have barrel practice
0x6772: @accountmadeforants … and I'm used to just always having more than one virtual desktop, so same deal.
vinopinguino: That one was clean
Fancy_frenchman: What game we speedrunning?
RandomTrivia: Kraven Manor
RandomTrivia: It's very bad
EQMoPower: how many pilgrims does it take to replace a light bulb? that's the first racist joke I was told
EQMoPower: at least 1 more
Fancy_frenchman: Ah bringing back the old speedrun
stippledotter: Steam version, now with more attic
themercenary1987: oh no....
0x6772: They were taking damage while above the roof like that too.
DigitalSeahorse: lrrSPOOPY Queen Barrel is not impressed katesHrm
tidehollowcat: I think you're taking damage from occupying the same space as other objects, but I could be wrong
Fancy_frenchman: Ben needs to defend his title
offbeatwitch: yeah look for the glowing thing
offbeatwitch: you can see it from above
offbeatwitch: you saw it briefly
Coloneljesus: maybe use the streaming pc to check the other run to avoid crashes?
Ivalenz_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to ThingsOnMyStream!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ThingsOnMyStream! (Today's storm count: 337)
OVERKiLL!: :face-red-droopy-eyes:
themercenary1987: Tehre!
ElementalAlchemist: lrrGOAT
themercenary1987: YOOO!
KeytarCat: Skip get!
DeM0nFiRe: gdqClap gdqClap gdqClap
Heckhoundbolt: nice!'
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHappy
accountmadeforants: Hell yeah Barrel Skip achieved
Tweygoh: i just popped in, is Ben speed running this game again?
Heckhoundbolt: huh
IanAllenBird: lmao
offbeatwitch: it seems like that door is not locked properly
themercenary1987: Done
Texan Reverend: We don't need racist anything here.
Astrovore: directly below, of course :D
EQMoPower: I have no intention of hurting feelings. we all have them.
Myk Pilgrim: Say you're a bot, without saying you're a bot.
Bearudite: I think the other door still being in the animation makes this one think its unlocked
NonUniqueGuy: Maybe they replaced the book portion with the attic.
RandomTrivia: *screeeeee*
Heckhoundbolt: there was an order
GameSageZB: "that's never happened before"
Heckhoundbolt: first shelf, second shelf, fourth shelf, third shelf
sparrowhawksilver: somebody know if the website uptodown . com is legit? i found a version of the game from aug 14, 2013 there
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDed
offbeatwitch: game so good
themercenary1987: AHHHHHHHH
Easilycrazyhat: Torchless run let's go
Mr_Horrible: it's Kraven Manor not Working Manor
accountmadeforants: Can you rebind the flashlight button to fix it maybe?
WardsarTheWriter: A well-made and well-polished game!
Heckhoundbolt: so... the dorr is jusgt unlocked ?
DigitalSeahorse: maybe suggest a flashlight patch
EQMoPower: I am not, ask me something only a real person would a answer
Texan Reverend: Or you could just chill out and not need to prove anything.
EQMoPower: also fair
vinopinguino: Gotta break it all at once or NOTHING AT ALL
Heckhoundbolt: but only on your first life?
Lichenbeard: well you get to practice the barrel jump more
Easilycrazyhat: Use the force, Ben
50keyz: "bug report%"?
incredulouspasserby: and here I was missing Watch+Play these last few weeks when all I needed to do was hold out for this segment of the subathon
mtvcdm: This is a really silly thing to ask, but do you have a backup game just in case.
raulghoulia: solid snake on the right is sending me
Darksualc: The speedrunning game that forces you to reset
RandomTrivia: Just think of every start as a PB attempt lrrBEEJ
offbeatwitch: wonder if the library door is only unlocked if you walk through instantly
HexDrone7624: Long time watcher, first time chatter. Love everything you guys do, keep it up <3 Pride1000
ShifuDaxiongmao: if we can find a way to skip that drop, that might be at least 5 sec
offbeatwitch: oh maybe
Defrost: I can't wait for Ben to show up in a summoningsalt video
haberley: just got back, have we done the attic?
Bearudite: its the other door being in a unlock state and still animated. I am willing to bet they cloned the door's entity
haberley: sweet, congrats
DigitalSeahorse: attic is cracked
haberley: perfect experience, perfect game
DigitalSeahorse: worst flashlight ever
sparrowhawksilver: the kravenmanor . com is mostly a weird online casino ad by now
offbeatwitch: livesplit babey
vinopinguino: You die in the game, you (the game) dies in real life
ThorSokar: Time to download livesplit?
Bearudite: livesplit is pretty easy to set up
accountmadeforants: My best guess as to why it breaks the flashlight is the action just becomes unbound in some weird way, and rebinding it fixes it. (That's happened to me in a lot of janky unity games.)
offbeatwitch: nice gettin the actions for the table down
jacqui_lantern234: so now i have a fun story. i got a phone call for Jibkat's sock subscription delivery... we live on near opposite sides of canada
Darksualc: lever on wall
SmithKurosaki: @jacqui_lantern234 wf
Heckhoundbolt: the switch I think is for the secret
raulghoulia: I remember crying after you and Adam hugged when you first got the speedrun record
Austere_Squire: greetings again, chat
jacqui_lantern234: @SmithKurosaki they use the same delivery service as LRR does, so it just auto-filled my phone number and his address
Austere_Squire: hullo, ben; hope yer speedruns are going speedily
haberley: @Austere_Squire hi there :)
accountmadeforants: Reminds me of learning how to rocket jump effectively
jacqui_lantern234: for context, Jibkat got me DB pins last year
themercenary1987: This is me leaning combos in sf6. Just practicing two links over and over
Furyfire: Getting used to it!
SmithKurosaki: @SmithKurosaki oh noooo
50keyz: considering this is reverse-engineered from a video thats AMAZING
jacqui_lantern234: @SmithKurosaki dont worry, socks are safely delivered
SquareDotCube: Ben, I think if you rebind grab/throw to mousewheel the cycling will make the physics glitching easier
Furyfire: Ded
LoadingReadyRun: lrrPAUL Thanks for the gift sub @Ivalenz_ lrrSHINE
DigitalSeahorse: xD
BusTed: rekt
jacqui_lantern234: LUL
Heckhoundbolt: you can skip that cutscene
Amras0x00: Might want to learn a consistent setup, paying attention to camera position on successful runs
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDed
DigitalSeahorse: splat
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPoint lrrSPOOPY spoop helps
SK__Ren: You shouldn't need to rebind. I'm able to reliably prop fly with any of the larger items in game
SK__Ren: just by mashing throw
Bearudite: key on the table
Heckhoundbolt: the layout may be different
prince_infidel: The key?
SquareDotCube: key on the table?
offbeatwitch: it doesnt let you start placing in the line until it arrives but you can get to the table first
Bearudite: mottom right
jacqui_lantern234: @LoadingReadyRun lrrPAUL i cant give you anything material, but here's this reminder that i love and value you more than words can express!!! <3
jacqui_lantern234: GET GOT, NERD
whitebadgerwolf88: Yay!! Was hoping to catch parts of this live. Let's go Ben!! Take back what rightfully yours!! lrrSHINE
DigitalSeahorse: hover goat came back as a dummy
Furyfire: LUL
Ted Prodromou: oooh, just joining, what game is this?
Marshall Wentworth: This is Ben trying to speed run Kraven Manor
ElementalAlchemist: dang
50keyz: rough
Heckhoundbolt: you are not supposed to be able to go up the stairs i do no think
accountmadeforants: Welp, worth a shot
Furyfire: LOL
offbeatwitch: well that was fascinating
DigitalSeahorse: so dark
offbeatwitch: i guess the other skips
Bearudite: squadalaaaaa
raulghoulia: cool game
haberley: ulmer skip v2?
Furyfire: Duct Tape and Ben
Ted Prodromou: fun! the game sure breathes heavy!
ani laurel: weeping angel monsters just suck
John Hill: honestly if this was a game made while in a game design school, it's pretty decent
Marshall Wentworth: Specifically to beat the current record holder, doing practice runs to relearn it.
Stratavarius: Totally awesome video games
ShifuDaxiongmao: a wizard did it? :P
Furyfire: Try switching it to other than F?
themercenary1987: Ben gonna have Speedrunners studying footage
Bearudite: bind it to a diffrent key?
Furyfire: Nope?
DoomBringerIL: u missed lethal on kat last turn on ED social @LoadingReadyRun
Furyfire: Dang
DoomBringerIL: but was a very GG @LoadingReadyRun
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDed
Ted Prodromou: Neat!
accountmadeforants: Shame
Furyfire: It's Steam Tuesday
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
offbeatwitch: steam cloud pls
ElementalAlchemist: our cloud data is Important
Austere_Squire: cloud data is always out of sync
vinopinguino: Uh oh lol
themercenary1987: Watch the full run?
SmithKurosaki: Oh tuesday at 6pm est
DigitalSeahorse: there it synced
Furyfire: Maintenance
Makrosian_Tay: "So, how was the LRR sub-a-thon?" "Don't you mean, tech-support live?"
Catcard: hello Ben and chat, how long have we been on the speedrun (or what I'm assuming is the speedrun, from what I recall?)
e_bloc: my favorite magic set, murder at kraven manor
superdude097: To avoid having to reset to get back the flashlight, just memorize every route so you don't need to see where you're going. Kappa
Cole McKinney: Wait, Ben is trying to beat his WR for Kraven Manor?
Marshall Wentworth: He's trying to beat the people that beat him.
SmithKurosaki: The people who beat his, actually :)
Cole McKinney: ah, I see. delightful
Marshall Wentworth: Ben cannot be content with 'former world record holder'
Gaz_L: how did lego go, btw?
mtvcdm: When you try to speedrun steam garbage sometimes it's down to who the game smiles on most.
DigitalSeahorse: lego dragon is built
TheMerricat: @Gaz_L They didn't finish but still hope to have it put together for post Ben's Stream DND stream.
OVERKiLL!: go get em ben
DigitalSeahorse: and most of the build if not all
LowUpsideCJ: hey speeders how goes it
Gaz_L subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 45 months, currently on a 35 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Gaz_L! (Today's storm count: 338)
Mr_Horrible: me only just now realizing that that's just blatantly the SotN noise
maxthefourth: sometimes a cosmic ray flips the right bit
SeismicLawns: so is this version supposed to be in a different category or did i hear the discourse wrong
mtvcdm: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: LEGO D&D One Shot at Tue 05:00 PM PDT (1:39 from now).
SmithKurosaki: Original WR is in diff category
Kingsgrave: spooky speedrun?
KeytarCat: @SeismicLawns SRC board is on the steam version, the og letsnope was on the itch version
LowUpsideCJ: this manor is almost absurdly kraven
mtvcdm: We came in looking for a new WR. Almost half done and we haven't even completed it yet.
neisan2112: Oh yes the floating asset room
accountmadeforants: I wonder if there's a prop you can bring to jump those walls, waiting for them to slide away seems to take a fair few seconds
l0gin4me: Timer
Krillin_fan: you got this Ben!
Coloneljesus: get some runs in for sure
mtvcdm: Go
themercenary1987: GO BEN GO
Scy_Anide: glhf all re
thatguysteve2709: Good luck you got this
ShifuDaxiongmao: gotta nail the barrel in the attic and skip the drop early and you got it :D
RandomTrivia: GLHF
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCheer vicksyCheer vicksyCheer trying to get this emote into favorites
SK__Ren: I'm still trying to breach the invisible walls in the library. They seem to have been very throrough
myknorman: Ben gimme a sick speedrunner youtube intro
RandomTrivia: "So the first thing you'll notice is a technique we call 'Arm Pumping', and what this does..." lrrBEEJ
tidehollowcat: You've also got an hour and a half left
Furyfire: lol
Greyah: You are watching the wrong speedrunners in that case.
RebekahWSD: "Oo, good time on that"
SnackPak_: no talk, only fast
CaptainSpam: Wait, that's the answer: Next GDQ, Ben gets the other runners of this game and we get an Awful/Silly Block race.
myknorman: so immersive
bytecaster: From the back row: "Do a CLIP!"
ElementalAlchemist: RIP flashlight
IanAllenBird: kmjikjni
Furyfire: LOL
Bearudite: loooooool
ElementalAlchemist: oh lol
BusTed: seabatBRAIN
WriterRaven: WOMP
I_Am_Clockwork: lol rip
l0gin4me: LUL
ImmortalLen: F
vinopinguino: That's so cruel
RandomTrivia: Oh I would love to see a Kraven Manor race in Awful Block
SmithKurosaki: F
Lichenbeard: reset
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL benginLul
jacqui_lantern234: if thats all youre getting ben, ill send you a list of fun personalities
accountmadeforants: Now it picks up the rebind, amazing
DeM0nFiRe: gdqRipUrn
Krillin_fan: great start
ElementalAlchemist: Q
themercenary1987: Welp
0x6772: I HOPE that this... well, never mind. Anyway: that the speed runner imitation would be in "the run".
electra310: F
jacqui_lantern234: LMFAO BEN YOU DWEEB XD
1y1e: Q
50keyz: riPepperonis
Krillin_fan: :P
accountmadeforants: Press Q to pay respects
Lichenbeard: here we go
ClodiumSoride: I suspect a lot of the time the winning run is after many others, so the speedrunner isn't partictularly excited for that one.
ShifuDaxiongmao: I bet it's broken now :D
RandomTrivia: benginTry
themercenary1987: Flashlight any%?
skullbuilt: that's a run killer
Antimuffin: q
Lichenbeard: easy sub 8min
Morrigan9: this is what peak performance looks like
jacqui_lantern234: Q
themercenary1987: q
RebekahWSD: Totally for realisies this time honest for reals~
ShifuDaxiongmao: we need to create the "no flashlight %"
artacuno53: does this game have auto splits?
Austere_Squire: lrrSIG
CmdrMadMoe: F for respects cause it sure aint Flashlight
electra310: Attempt 1, lol
kusinohki: gotta mind your Ps and Qs...
mtvcdm: So, behind the scenes for y'all: I can report that between the actual person in the room and the TV in the friend zone, it's about a 10-second lag.
themercenary1987: I think this is grabable
accountmadeforants: Oh hell yeah, optimal
Makrosian_Tay: sprint cancelling?? is this economy??
ClodiumSoride: @mtvcdm thanks for the backgrouund
RandomTrivia: Something something Whistle Sprinting something
TimIAm subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 98 months, currently on a 98 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TimIAm! (Today's storm count: 339)
RandomTrivia: benginChamp
DeM0nFiRe: pog
Lichenbeard: lets goo
ElementalAlchemist: gaming
Furyfire: SKillz
KeytarCat: YOO
jacqui_lantern234: hes GAMING
Makrosian_Tay: He's a knower!
betweenmyself: Kraven Manor breathing in your ear ASMR
Kingsgrave: knower not a shower
RandomTrivia: Already prepping for the blindfold runs lrrBEEJ
WardsarTheWriter: Pro gamer Ben Ulmer.
electra310: He's gaming!
Austere_Squire: ben got it on lock
Blakemcm: Que matrix reference
NightValien28: he is GAMING
groovemancery: no, because it was dark
themercenary1987: HE KNOWS
ShifuDaxiongmao: any% blindfold run when? :P
Night_xD: First try
Talin06: your a knower not doorer
excalgold: You got this! you can Gineer your way to victory!
Brozard: Gamer Sense: Activated
ShifuDaxiongmao: but chat, Ben is a-door-able.. :D
jacqui_lantern234: no, but you are a-DOOR-able!!!!
Night_xD: A knobber even
jacqui_lantern234: @ShifuDaxiongmao DAMNIT BEAT ME TO IT
themercenary1987: DAMn
TheWooglie: @jacqui_lantern234 no you are
neisan2112: That was aa really clean room
electra310: Nice and smooth
themercenary1987: here we go!!!
themercenary1987: lever aon wall
jacqui_lantern234: @TheWooglie nope, i got beat to the joke, so no im not
EQMoPower: I love where I live. good people
themercenary1987: CROSS FINGERS
Makrosian_Tay: It's okay. We just testing. We just testing
Morrigan9: fix it in post
accountmadeforants: We'll make up for this split later
DeM0nFiRe: So close
DeM0nFiRe: gdqClap
RandomTrivia: benginTry
Krillin_fan: krilli151sttry
Lichenbeard: smash that grab
themercenary1987: Yeah!
Julian_Rogue: I just got off work. what's been doing?
Astrovore: ooh are we doing a timed runs now?
SmithKurosaki: Yup. He's going for it
Astrovore: awesome!
BusTed: benginTry
Makrosian_Tay: seabatClap
quatoria: ben has almost learned: skip tech!
jedi_master_zll: Oh there's a secret ending category, wonder what that is.
Makrosian_Tay: Long long ruuuuuuun
artacuno53: does the world record get this barrel thing first try?
MovieNation: don't forget to like
TehAmelie: tiny barrels, how many lives have been lost to this menace? when will it end?
vinopinguino: Wish would barrel jump that ledge my friend
ElementalAlchemist: the Tech
EQMoPower: real talk I registered pixel perfect designs in nj
MovieNation: don't to forget to hit the like button
Lichenbeard: should you still try against the self so you'd have more room to sprint?
ShifuDaxiongmao: there is a dark smudge at bottom of painting, I think the sweet spot is somewhere between painting corner and that
0x6772: MIght be a good idea to drop back down and try the barrel repeatedly until you can get it multiple times in a row.
EQMoPower: 50 bucks in taxes a year and I didn't earn a cent
Colin: @MovieNation Please don't spam the same messages
ElementalAlchemist: this game has one Technology, which is a barrel
Makrosian_Tay: Good
Bearudite: being a speedrunner with tech is so much cooler tho
Grumpingtoon: So in the library, the farthest book. I don’t think you need to go around. You can probably hit it from the second to last aisle through the bookshelf like the first book
MooCowofDom: Cool technology!
Austere_Squire: you've done barrel roll, but have you done barrel tech?
Lichenbeard: easy game. it's like throwing barrels in the attic!
QuixoticScrivener: I think the issue is that you're missing your lucky Adam.
tryllebanjo: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
EQMoPower: I hit like because they reminded me tbf
MovieNation: yes Colin thanks
mowdownjoe: So, there was new tech discovered in this game since you ran it on Let's Nope? Neat.
ElementalAlchemist: lrrHORN
ShifuDaxiongmao: the trigger for the drop to the floor seems to be between pillar and stairs.. I still suspect there could be a potential skip if you can throw item over the sofa, walk around and pick it up
EQMoPower: Adam is there. this is known
Lichenbeard: @mowdownjoe a whole new room
turrikass: Wine cellar expert!
Mind2Waste: on unlock even
neisan2112: @mowdownjoe More like, there's a room that he didn't even have on his run.
Gekyouryuu: @Lichenbeard a new fantastic point of view
DiscordianTokkan subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 108 months!
DiscordianTokkan: Back from work in time for Spookyness! (The Nine Yeeeaaaarrrsss)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DiscordianTokkan! (Today's storm count: 340)
Coloneljesus: Ben, you are also a real speedrunner right now
jacqui_lantern234: but ben, you ARE a real speedrunner
Colin: The real adam was inside us all along... wait
EQMoPower: he's a lot funnier in person... but dum chee
Bearudite: I am tempted to run this to dev some tech, but that would defeat the purpose of trying to get ben back on top
jacqui_lantern234: you have a confirmed time and everything
Greyah: Not to like, downplay the other folks's skills or anything, but you're also a real speedrunner.
turrikass: Barrel time!
mowdownjoe: I look forward to this eventually being shown on the Bad Games block of a GDQ.
Dalrint: A weekly show where you and a guest learn to speedrun a game would be great fun
GameSageZB: Speedrunning is definitely not a gatekept term!
mtvcdm: You held a world record.
Gekyouryuu: "you should watch someone speedrun kraven's manor. they're very good." "but doctor... I AM the Kraven's Manor world record speedrun."
Coloneljesus: agreed @Dalrint
ElementalAlchemist: lrrGOAT
GameSageZB: @dalrint wasn't that a James show?
WardsarTheWriter: New LRR stream idea: Ben speedruns the whole thing
Greyah: Crow Country speedrun when?
ElementalAlchemist: lrrAWW
TehAmelie: "former, Mr Ulmer. former world record holder"
0x6772: I think redoing this on purpose is probably good, actually.
KeytarCat: right, right, left, right
jacqui_lantern234: speaking of wonderful speedrunners, Blackheartwings does some cool stardew runs
Makrosian_Tay: "What's the matter, young man? You're having trouble with a speedrun? Well, you just need to see the great Benjamin Ulmer and he'll show you how it's done!" "But doctor, I AM Benjamin Ulmer SirSad "
mowdownjoe: You still did it third try. Good enough for GDQ.
0x6772: (without having to go all the way from the beginning)
Austere_Squire: honestly, yer doing great; tech stuff is wildly strange
RealGamerCow: It's like you're practicing a kickflip
mowdownjoe: @jacqui_lantern234 That always amazed me that there are speed runs of that game.
ElementalAlchemist: hmm
BITs19_: just got here, what's Ben up to?
Austere_Squire: speedrun tech
WriterRaven: Reclaiming the Kraven Manor speedrun record.
Mr_Horrible: I mean, that should only matter to the barrel's prospective partners
Alex_Frostfire: I think the barrel is ace, personally.
Kingsgrave: @BITs19_ spooky speedrun
TehAmelie: i wonder what a Stardew Valley 100% run looks like
mowdownjoe: @bits19_ Trying to reclaim his WR on of this game.
jacqui_lantern234: @mowdownjoe you should check them out. GDQ has hosted it a few different times
BITs19_: ooooooooo good luck!
Lichenbeard: you're learning. you can do this
wiganlass: ah Let’s nope quick lrrSPOOP
jacqui_lantern234: @TehAmelie hell. its hell
Mazrae: Just got back, how is the speedrun going
0x6772: Yeah, their youtube channels are devoted to unlisted videos of speed runs.
Snowcookies: yes Ben, one of them is a mod for that site
Lichenbeard: this is very interesting to watch. I'm hypnotised by this barrel throwing
TheMerricat: @Snowcookies :LD
offbeatwitch: xEB is a variety runner I think, they just run tons of stuff
TheMerricat: @TheMerricat :D
JoannaTastic: seems like it may be important to invoke the name of Christ at the moment you attempt the glitch
ShifuDaxiongmao: so, just to the right of the painting corner
Saintnex: So does this make Ben a real speedrun boi getting them to first beat Ben's record and now challenging them? :D
MrQBear: @jacqui_lantern234 Agreed! My housemate and I did a co-op run so I could 100% it once in my life and it was so slow at the end.
ElementalAlchemist: !
DeM0nFiRe: FBtouchdown
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown
DiscordianTokkan: FBtouchdown
cadesguy: FBtouchdown
50keyz: GOAL!
korvys: lol
eshplode: FBtouchdown
Snowcookies: nice
ElementalAlchemist: GOAL!
jacqui_lantern234: FBtouchdown
TehAmelie: it's well known Christ helps those who pay proper homage
Lichenbeard: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
baltimore_667083: GOOOOOOAL!
ShifuDaxiongmao: no, the barrel is to the left of the corner XD
IanAllenBird: 👏
BusTed: onstaWELP
Furyfire: lrrBartleby
KeytarCat: That's the other side of the room!
l0gin4me: that is a bit more than kissing... mattlrBlush
offbeatwitch: twin fantasy (barrel to barrell)
0x6772: Nesting doll % run
I_Am_Clockwork: oh no the barrels docked
mtvcdm: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
Julian_Rogue: 2 points
I_Am_Clockwork: a game of inches
jacqui_lantern234: uhh...phrasing?
DeM0nFiRe: Yeah speedruns are a ton of practice
jacqui_lantern234: oh yeah, this kinda deal is super common
ShifuDaxiongmao: yeah, you find one you can replicate, then practice until you can do it most of the times
Astrovore: 😄
Colin: I don't know why but "make the barrels kiss" absolutely cracked me up
0x6772: Is there a keymapping without depending on the scroll wheel that'd make this feel easier?
Bearudite: yeah it looks like a unity item hop
Lichenbeard: they almost like threw it over the painting
James_LRR: Are we once again the very best? Like no one ever was?
Kit300 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Kit300! (Today's storm count: 341)
Oreo1369: Is there gonna be a lets nope tonight?
James_LRR: @Oreo1369 No
Juliamon: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyRave vicksyCheer vicksyCheer vicksyCheer
Astrovore: any kiss%
ani laurel: I've never watched a speedrun stream and its honestly impressive how much work goes into them
Oreo1369: thanks
ShifuDaxiongmao: barrelception
Scarbble: so many barrels per barrel
ElementalAlchemist: oooooh
RandomTrivia: It's like shooting barrels into a barrel
jacqui_lantern234: @James_LRR hes working on it
JoannaTastic: nothing but net
0x6772: Kinda shocking the inside of a Big Barrel is actually modeled as empty.
NonUniqueGuy: After this is Lego One-Shot
mtvcdm: This baby can fit so many barrels
Juliamon: The answer is "it's more complicated than that"
RandomTrivia: Ben has new tech to learn and practice
Astrovore: I definitely don't have the patience to do a speedrun
SmithKurosaki: I also dont have the patience for speedrunning
neisan2112: This whole room was missing from his original run.
TehAmelie: they've got exquisitely modeled 3D props but haven't solved how to let the player run if holding down the run button before starting to move. . .
Mazrae: New lrrtech??
James_LRR: wild
50keyz: @TehAmelie priorities
Oreo1369: is the game better
Oreo1369: ?
Juliamon: No
I_Am_Clockwork: I think you’re maybe a little to far to the right?
BITs19_: as in, wasn't part of the game? or wasn't part of the route?
Juliamon: It's the same but with more bullshit
Juliamon: Wasn't part of the *game*
saucemaster5000: How goes it top tier speedrunning gamer supreme?
Oreo1369: ouch
Bearudite: so you are throwing it to get under your feet to reset your Y position
ani laurel: Yeah, its not what I want to do with my spare time
Furyfire: And he keeps cloning the barrel there
Austere_Squire: this reminds me of when I watched a sonic adventure 2 speedrun for the first time and they said "luckily the walls only have 1 side" and my mind opened to what speedrunning was
Juliamon: Ben originally played on the non-Steam version which doesn't have this room at all
artacuno53: Watch + play type game
DeM0nFiRe: gdqClap
0x6772: Now do it again!
Lichenbeard: now again
James_LRR: he's gaming
Oreo1369: Good Job
jacqui_lantern234: LETS GO
northos: Clap
artacuno53: I feel like you looked more downwards when you got it
mtvcdm: Games like this don't get better, just mildly less bullshit
neisan2112: LETS GOO
TehAmelie: twice in a row!
Austere_Squire: yeeeeeeeeee
Oreo1369: LETS GO
BusTed: PogChamp
0x6772: More! More!
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
KeytarCat: EEEE
jacqui_lantern234: HES FUCKIN GETTING IT
cadesguy: hes gaming
Lichenbeard: there we go! couple more times!
trenzylive: POGGERS
tehfewl: He's Gaming!
Mazrae: By Ben he's learning
I_Am_Clockwork: fighting game combo unlock endorphins
BITs19_: wax on, wax off...
NonUniqueGuy: Just do that every time
gualdhar: but if you detail everything then you'll reveal your secrets to your competition!
DeM0nFiRe: He's beginning to believe!
RandomTrivia: He's dialling it in!
artacuno53: LETS GOOOO
Mangledpixel: this is why speedruns are SO DANG COOL!
Astrovore: he's starting to see the matrix
Scarbble: he's the GOAT!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCheer vicksyCheer vicksyCheer
Furyfire: 3 in a row!
0x6772: sweeeet
James_LRR: gamer mode activated
Lichenbeard: this is so cool!
jacqui_lantern234: LETS FUCKING GO BEN
ElementalAlchemist: Practice paid off!
Snampo_ok: There's a shelf your jumping against I think
vinopinguino: We're cooking boys
ShifuDaxiongmao: happy ben has got the zoomies :D
whitebadgerwolf88: lrrHORN
Oreo1369: Ben is Becoming a Gamer
A_Dub888: you’re our baby
mtvcdm: Hey James, did you get the thing?
jacqui_lantern234: @Oreo1369 becoming? hes already there
Astrovore: well done Ben!
Study Music: You got this Ben!
Oreo1369: I meant a pro gamer
LordZarano: Can we get it on the other shelf like the WR did?
ThorSokar: the old speedrun addage is "be able to do a trick 3x in a row before attempting it in a run"
Lichenbeard: I should go to bed, but here I am watching ben throw barrels. this is just too cool
DeM0nFiRe: It's a barrel of fun!
John Hill: my hungry a** couldn't be a speedrunner
mtvcdm: ! subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Scarbble: i am fully here for barrel stream
A_Dub888: Barrel Boy Ben
Redpandarama: Barrel stream honestly goated
ShifuDaxiongmao: Ben "Barrels?" Ulmer
RandomTrivia: The adage that I was always taught for musicians is "don't practise until you can play it right, practise until you can't play it wrong"
stippledotter: We love a barrel roll
Mazrae: When did this game become donkey Kong
MooCowofDom: Ben Barrulmer
Bruceski: We watched people punch chunks for 5 hours yesterday, this is nothing.
Mazrae: With all the barrel throwing
jacqui_lantern234: DO A BARREL THROW
HesGotNoPants: Is this the world run attempt?
DeM0nFiRe: @HesGotNoPants Practicing this skip for now
IanAllenBird: I surprisingly don't have a migraine from this yet
Saintnex: ngl Ben, I have you on the background :p
Oreo1369: sleep is overrated, Ben learning and gatting better is PEAK entertainment
Bearudite: so it looks like you need to grab it right as you "step up" on it
0x6772: Yeah, hitting the right slot at the top looks like it matters.
mwlsn: as a nausea-from-games sufferer, I'm dipping in and out so I can keep experiencing the magic
DigitalSeahorse: not seeing the full screen helps us not be sick, just a circle
ShifuDaxiongmao: the green chair blocks, and the brighter thing on the left up there above the corner seems to block too
undecided44: If it's pushing you back, would approaching the box backward make it work?
SK__Ren: You can actually do it back by where the stairs come up
ShifuDaxiongmao: I think the crate is below thhe blocker
SK__Ren: yeah right to the right of the stairs
ElementalAlchemist: WHOA
ShifuDaxiongmao: I imagine runners don't do it because walking back there takes time
Lichenbeard: gaming
Austere_Squire: Pride100 Pride100 Pride100 Pride100 Pride100
excalgold: that'll shave a few seconds off!
DeM0nFiRe: new tech? 👀
SK__Ren: Yeah much easier
neisan2112: Thats even faster!
public_key_reveal_party: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
Oreo1369: Lets go
ThorSokar: lets gooo
Oreo1369: new tech
undecided44: New route unlocked?
0x6772: great call @SK__Ren
SK__Ren: I'm breaking this thing right along with ya lol
Juliamon: you should dupe glitch your barrel before you use it
Lee Misset: Nice.
ani laurel: he got it!
IanAllenBird: oh shining carpet spotted
DeM0nFiRe: With chat helping, does this count as a Fool Assisted Speedrun?
RandomTrivia: @DeM0nFiRe Hehehehehe
Austere_Squire: LUL
RandomTrivia: Also yes
Lichenbeard: didn't you go more right?
superdude097: So, for those not aware, what exactly is happening in the game? Are we standing on top of the barrel, then picking it up, which causes it (and by extension us) to move up?
public_key_reveal_party: @DeM0nFiRe I just want you to know I looked to see if you had a sub when I saw this, because I would have gifted one immediately for this
A_Dub888: Ben’s always right
DeM0nFiRe: @public_key_reveal_party LUL
Chronomos901: @DeM0nFiRe He's gonna get a Fool Assisted Speedrun Time (FAST for short)
Grumpingtoon: So is there a barrel up near the ladder that you can grab early on a fresh run?
ShifuDaxiongmao: @superdude097 pick it up and throwing it in almost same motion
RandomTrivia: Worth a try
QuixoticScrivener: barrels, barrels everywhere, and not a drop to drink
superdude097: @ShifuDaxiongmao Ty
A_Dub888: @chronomos901 benginFingers
Grumpingtoon: Or do you have to run up to the barrel, grab it then run back
DeM0nFiRe: lol
Grumpingtoon: So I think they aim for that corner of the bookshelf near the crate because there’s no painting to get landed on top of plus the corner of the bookshelf and the crate may “trap” the barrel when you throw it. Plus it’s right near the first barrel
OVERKiLL!: ⁰¹⁰⁰¹¹⁰⁰¹⁰¹⁰¹⁰⁰¹¹⁰¹⁰🐇
Simriel: Decided to actually fix my name
ani laurel: welcome Simriel
SmithKurosaki: Nice :)
ThorSokar: anything you can pickup should work, what's happening is you're boot-strapping yourself, as in you are picking yourself AND the item up at the same time
SK__Ren: Yeah this is classic prop flight. the larger the object the better
SK__Ren: the globe in the lobby is by far the easiest to fly with
Grumpingtoon: But a skip you can do reliably is better than one that feels harder so long as you get the save. So go for whatever works
Bearudite: easier isn't faster in this case sadly
SK__Ren: You could even plan ahead and bring that with you
inconsideratehat: Oh hey the carpet looks like The Shining carpet. Nice cameo.
ShifuDaxiongmao: I think this should be the backup strat... you go fetch barrel and try once at painting, if fail, go back to above stairs and try there
rhodgejr: !game
LRRbot: Currently playing: Special Events
KeytarCat: Does this climb require the sprint? second place doesn't get far enough back to get a sprint
SK__Ren: spam the throw key and you kinda just take off
Grumpingtoon: Oh, I like this
Laserbeaks_Fury: Try to beat your PB?
Bearudite: can you grab the globe in the hallway>
ThorSokar: game is Kraven Manor rhodgejr
Bearudite: there was one there as well
Garfman314: this is my first time seeing this game... what time are we trying for?
korvys: If that's true, then that suggests the curved surface is important, which would explain why it seems to work less well when the barrel is upside down, and with the block
rhodgejr: thanks
inconsideratehat: Dribble that basketball
ShifuDaxiongmao: @korvys was thinking the same
Juliamon: Garfman314 We're currently learning a new technique for a room that wasn't in our version of the game last time
OVERKiLL!: gotta LOCK it iN!
KeytarCat: Record is 8:xx
RandomTrivia: Current any% WR is 8:28
ElementalAlchemist: welp, bye
Tangsm: Goodbye
inconsideratehat: ROFL
Garfman314: 3 points!
jedi_master_zll: Yeet!
DigitalSeahorse: YEET
RandomTrivia: YEET
Heckhoundbolt: @Laserbeaks_Fury more like learn a whole newrun
Bearudite: boooo
Going_Medium: Don't think locally... Think globally.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha
ShifuDaxiongmao: next time we need to hum the harlem globetrotter theme.. :D
TheMerricat: @Garfman314 The first time Ben and Adam played this on Lets Nope, they discovered that they could apply for a speedrun world record for it and got it. Since then others have come in and taken the record, so Ben's back to reclaim the throne. :D
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCheer vicksyCheer vicksyCheer
Fancy_frenchman: @Garfman314 Speedrunning a game Ben jokingly speedran a while ago and ended up getting WR so Ben is revisiting it and trying to do it again
Mattmitchell45: Is there a full schedule for the Subathon posted somewhere?
Juliamon: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
SensationalBagel subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SensationalBagel! (Today's storm count: 342)
werewolftuxedo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 85 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, werewolftuxedo! (Today's storm count: 343)
Mattmitchell45: thanks @Juliamon
Laserbeaks_Fury: This is why I do Glitchless Kappa
inconsideratehat: Glitch, or Featour?
ElementalAlchemist: globe fren!
boglebog: is ben okay
Simriel: Ben seems to be fine, he's just practicing a difficult thing
ShifuDaxiongmao: does globe work near painting?
RandomTrivia: O R B
Grumpingtoon: Hack to get the WR: Start a glitchless category then be the first
ClodiumSoride: This a very specific reference: the ambient drone here sounds a lot like the same thing in the ruined office building map type in City of Heroes.
IanAllenBird: : OOO
inconsideratehat: Holy shit
ShifuDaxiongmao: HE FLEW!
Furyfire: PogChamp
0x6772: Triple jump!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyBork
50keyz: lrrWOW
KeytarCat: Good item fly!
Mazrae: The glove seems so bouncy/rolly
Oreo1369: what da hell
SK__Ren: thats prop flight
thekumquatking: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
Mazrae: The glove**
inconsideratehat: Fuckin Michael Jordan here
DigitalSeahorse: vicksySquish
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: @ClodiumSoride huh, you're right
SK__Ren: You got it!
cadesguy: just fly
RubikDarkwill: Prop floating!
Austere_Squire: so you can just fly with this
Kibbik: Weighted Companion Globe ❤️
SK__Ren: thats the trick
0x6772: It propels you slightly backwards
MrQBear: Mario 3 Flying Sound Intensifies.
Juliamon: "that's some squadalah shit" I'm saving that one
Oreo1369: maybe we can use globe jump to skip other thing
0x6772: (so face away)
ClodiumSoride: @ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa oh cool, it's not just me
Austere_Squire: what is this globe made of?!
Brozard: @Juliamon Squidalah, we are off!
forcedreject: Pulling off stuff like this must make you feel like a wizard in a game
ShifuDaxiongmao: so... to save time.. we bring globe from middle down towards attic.. drop it to activate lever, pick it up and enter attic?
IanAllenBird: clipping it through the floor is just rng manip
WardsarTheWriter: I have to say I'm really loving this. I love watching speedrunners discover and learn tech, and then I also get the great commentary of Ben here.
Simriel: He's a genius! Xd
Dr.Sun: I step away long enough for Prime Day and we've moved from barrel meta to globe meta :popcorn-yellow-striped-smile:
Simriel: MLGLOBE pro
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDed vicksyCheer
ShifuDaxiongmao: think happy thoughts, think happy thoughts!
0x6772: Yep
TheNerdySimulation: he's beginning to believe!!
superdude097: Is the triple jump easier if you're facing the wall (bookcase?) rather than the couch?
SK__Ren: When I did it I did it against the flat wall to the immediate left of the stairs coming up not behind it. I think the couch is actually pushing the ball away before you can fly
excalgold: @TheNerdySimulation Bengining even!
Lord_Hosk: He can fly, he can fight he can crow
0x6772: But maybe don't be up against anything -- that wall may stop your momentum
noisyblizzard: just joined, what game is this?
SK__Ren: you can
Bearudite: but if its any wall....
groovemancery: @noisyblizzard Kraven Manor
RandomTrivia: @noisyblizzard Kraven Manor
SK__Ren: you do need a little mommentum
OVERKiLL!: 🛢🆚️🌍
Madeleine Weinberg: this is now an ocarina of time speedrun
werth_it subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 14 months!
werth_it: sub-a-thon lessss goo!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, werth_it! (Today's storm count: 344)
sbta579: <message deleted> pls raid this server and spam the foto for ban pls
sbta579: <message deleted> pls raid this server and spam the foto for ban pls pls raid this server and spam the foto for ban pls
sbta579: <message deleted> pls raid this server and spam the foto for ban pls pls raid this server and spam the foto for ban pls pls raid this server and spam the foto for ban pls
sbta579: <message deleted> pls raid this server and spam the foto for ban pls pls raid this server and spam the foto for ban pls pls raid this server and spam the foto for ban pls pls raid this server and spam the foto for ban pls
Laserbeaks_Fury: How much time does it save you
sbta579: <message deleted> pls raid this server and spam the foto for ban pls pls raid this server and spam the foto for ban pls pls raid this server and spam the foto for ban pls pls raid this server and spam the foto for ban pls pls raid this server and spam the foto for ban pls
sbta579: <message deleted> pls raid this server and spam the foto for ban pls pls raid this server and spam the foto for ban pls pls raid this server and spam the foto for ban pls pls raid this server and spam the foto for ban pls
SmithKurosaki: sergeModLove
RandomTrivia: sergeModLove sergeModLove sergeModLove
DeM0nFiRe: sergeModLove
TheWooglie: GG mods
mtvcdm: lrrDILLY
SnackPak_: blat blat
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHeart vicksyHeart vicksyHeart
Oreo1369: Good Job Mods
adept_nekomancer: ModLove
James_LRR: At least sub to the channel you dang bots
ShifuDaxiongmao: You're speedrunning, it attracts them... :P
TehAmelie: lrrSHINE
RebekahWSD: I'm always surprised by bots when I should not be
TheNerdySimulation: we raided that server so good /j
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCheer vicksyCheer vicksyCheer
tidehollowcat: sergeModLove sergeModLove sergeModLove
Sarah_Serinde: lol James
Meyari: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
SmithKurosaki: @James_LRR Right?
KeytarCat: Can you get on the couch by walking?
ttandmore: Gave it the yea old wiz bang
a_tapes: wen u nut it push ya backward
superdude097: Can you put a barrel or something on top of the couch then use the globe or another barrel to get on the couch then just do two separate small jumps?
TehAmelie: the speedrun must be going great if we're getting bot raids
James_LRR: LOL, went to gift a sub to one of the bots, but they got banned :P
ShifuDaxiongmao: I think globe might work better at painting tbh
thekumquatking: Good old barrel. Nothing beets barrel!
0x6772: You could practice the prop propulsion in a less crowded space to get a better feel for it.
artacuno53: The barrel seemed to get more results
Oreo1369: Globe has a lot of potential
tidehollowcat: I'd go back to the barrel myself
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyNoU bots
I_Am_Clockwork: is it pushing you backward as you climb?
Blakemcm: Just got here what's this part of the speed run about?
cadesguy: i feel like there's a timing and angle where you can just fly with it
Blakemcm: This is confusing
Oreo1369: are you able to walk backwords over it
DeM0nFiRe: Yeah I wonder if that corner with the painting may work better with the globe because the other shelf can bounce the globe back to you so you can fly over the painting?
KeytarCat: @Blakemcm Wall jump skip room
ShifuDaxiongmao: Aliens visiting... Ben: "The Globe's got potential"
ClodiumSoride: @blakemon trying to get a skip of an area Ben didn't see the first time, since he was playing a different version of the game.
Blakemcm: Gotcha! Some halflife 2 strata
ttandmore: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
TheNerdySimulation: could you jump off the globe at the end of the height or are you already doing that?
OVERKiLL!: not convinced till you hit it multiple times in a row
TheNerdySimulation: gotcha
Oreo1369: Ben can you do a globe jump while walking backward
KeytarCat: No manual jumping in this game
WardsarTheWriter: Donkey Kong approves of the barrel agenda.
Makrosian_Tay: Reject globe. Return to barrelle
Heckhoundbolt: why are we not calling it a globe trot
ShifuDaxiongmao: I mean, the 2nd place spot had to do 3 tries with barrel at painting.. so it probably is a bit fickle
ArcLightningCanuck: So the game doesn't expect you to master this, it's a speed run thing?
DigitalSeahorse: hmmm what if you lined up box barrel and then globe in a row so you'd have 3 things to possibly click and possibly extra hight?
SmithKurosaki: @ArcLightningCanuck yes
Laserbeaks_Fury: Yeah you are literally standing on the item and it snapping up into your hand is juggling you up
TheNerdySimulation: ooo
yatagarasu1177: is there a schedule soemwhere?
Oreo1369: love lightbulbs
Lex_Peacekeeper: wheres the switch to turn it back on Ben?
ClodiumSoride: @ArcLightningCanuck the proper way to go through this area is to toss several of the little barrels into a big barrel to raise a barrier. If he can get this skip, it's about a minute faster than that.
SmithKurosaki: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyBox vicksyTrash PrideWorld ?
BITs19_: he thinks he can, he thinks he can...
TheNerdySimulation: so close!!
ArcLightningCanuck: @ClodiumSoride Cool!
ShifuDaxiongmao: "This barrel sucks.. yeet!"
groovemancery: would keeping the camera pointed down help? I'm not sure if that's needed or not
OVERKiLL!: do you have footage to atleast see ideal placement or?
ElementalAlchemist: ooooh
TheNerdySimulation: game designer could you delete that chair thx
DigitalSeahorse: box barrel globe trot
IanAllenBird: game designer could you just delete a wall while you're at it
Oreo1369: I'm enjoying watching you learn and grow while interacting with chat, this is fun.
Laserbeaks_Fury: you got to the rafter, thats good
ArcLightningCanuck: The game physics of picking yourself up by picking up the object you're on is an interesting take on reality.
HadesLeprechaun: just jumping over is probably easier, but there MUST be a way to use this to clip out of the map
RandomTrivia: @HadesLeprechaun This game doesn't have manual jumping
Blakemcm: Like a fighting game combo
Laserbeaks_Fury: There are tools that do show inputs, but it probably takes effort
OVERKiLL!: the freshmaker
LPS_97: the item pushing you upward by picking it up on repeat reminds me of those HL2 speedruns. Yet it is not a source game
DigitalSeahorse: katesFight
WardsarTheWriter: Now we know Ben is real invested in becoming a speedrunner because he wants to add a controller input overlay.
ShifuDaxiongmao: then the bright flat thing up there blocks you
Blakemcm: Is it a true 1 frame string? Lol
HesGotNoPants: Is mayonnaise a fighting game? Tell me why it is
0x6772: Throw ALL the barrels!
TheNerdySimulation: I was gonna suggest two barrels earlier and didn't!!
ClodiumSoride: Ben's going to see that tiny barrel in his dreams tonight.
Laserbeaks_Fury: I am not a fan of the ambient tone that's pitching up into EBS
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha
Oreo1369: Globe + Barrel?
TheNerdySimulation: don't know how practical having multiple barrels there is for the speedrun but it actually seems viable
tidehollowcat: I think what's really important is that the barrel intersects with the painting. Not sure why, but when you've been able to do it consistently, they're intersecting.
Blakemcm: That was clean
offbeatwitch: the mannequin is just staring at you like ???
DigitalSeahorse: multiple barrels or multiple objects in a row to run over top
TehAmelie: reminds me of Twisted Metal, the car battling game where you'd use fighting game button combos to do things like jump your car or fire backwards. very underused concept
ShifuDaxiongmao: "I'd torment him, but he seems to be doing that fine on his own"
TheNerdySimulation: practice makes progress
excalgold: i love the idea of a games AI being aware of speed runners and being immensely confused
korvys: "I feel weird watching this dude fuck a barrel..."
offbeatwitch: he's gaming
frank_the_great: Is Ben practicing a speedrun?
Blakemcm: Yeaaaa the neurons are connecting
50keyz: definitely making progress here
Bearudite: baw gawd
0x6772: yessssss
DigitalSeahorse: there goes the comments lost to scroll
WardsarTheWriter: Place barrel, move back, move forward, apply directly to the forehead.
groovemancery: oh so it does seem to require the sprint
mtvcdm: Practicing. Yes.
korvys: The sprint seems really important
mtvcdm: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: LEGO D&D One Shot at Tue 05:00 PM PDT (46m from now).
OVERKiLL!: boop and bop is ViTAL
SmithKurosaki: He'll get it :)
offbeatwitch: we've got consistent height
DigitalSeahorse: lrrSPOOPY spoop believes in you
WardsarTheWriter: Ben discovered clipping!
OVERKiLL!: okay
TheNerdySimulation: he is a free man!! No Barrel can contain him!!
Mr_Horrible: Bro got put in the barrel, everyone point and laugh
prince_infidel: Nobody puts Benny in the barrel
Oreo1369: Inside of barrel
logophile99: don´t put yourself into the barrel then
ShifuDaxiongmao: wonder if we can use the splits on the floor to line it up?
Laserbeaks_Fury: what is 12x17
Bearudite: I sleep to rain sounds so this but also exuberant Ben is some cognitive dissonance
ClodiumSoride: @TehAmelie left-right-back to launch the ghost backwards to hit chasing cars
tidehollowcat: It almost seems like something in the very corner is hitting your head on the way up
DNAli3n: it seems like the barrel has drifted to the left. maybe try a few cm to the right?
OVERKiLL!: :face-purple-crying:
Diabore: @Laserbeaks_Fury enough
othyem2468 subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, othyem2468! (Today's storm count: 345)
MrQBear: @Laserbeaks_Fury more than 100, less than 400
ShifuDaxiongmao: I've watched too many speedruns... noticing all the small hints etc they use to guide themselves to lining up stuff :D
plundypops: is his pb currently the one on the top left of the screen?
SmithKurosaki: @plundypops For today, yes
SmithKurosaki: Kind of
Stormgod519: hi Ben!
mitomanox: ehermagerd it's a Ben! <3 Henlo yalll!
plundypops: gotcha
Sarah_Serinde: we're vibing
SmithKurosaki: (I thought it was a previous run)
ShifuDaxiongmao: and we're all here for it :D
mtvcdm: When this was scheduled there were hopes and dreams
WardsarTheWriter: We're all learning!
Strebenherz: All good ben, it's cool seeing you play
Morrigan9: *snicker* ben learns to stream
Gaz_L: i've been playin Neon White on Game Pass, it's helping me appreciate speedruns
offbeatwitch: the room changes yeah
RandomTrivia: The issue is that you had a plan - and no plan survives first contact with the enemy
couchboyj: New LRR show, Let's Zoom! Same tyeme song but played at 2x
frank_the_great: Is this the game you speed ran a few years ago?
Greyah: Watching you learn the run has been fun though!
OmnipotentTrevor: It's more than I could have hoped for.
TheNerdySimulation: all we're missing is Adam from this and we'd have Speedrunone back
ArcLightningCanuck: I wonder about giving your brain a break from this section and working on something else for a bit, come back to it fresh?
sparrowhawksilver: i think stuff unlocks once you reach the model
ShifuDaxiongmao: you're probably triggering a shelf move while up there
RealGamerCow: LFG GAMERZ
Bearudite: when you cross a certain point it triggers the door
korvys: Do we know how to do that room normally, btw?
MrQBear: the moment you get up to where the model is, there is a creaking of the wall opening
mitomanox: pwogwess
the_tutorial_boss: chat, did we do it? have we speedran?
Laserbeaks_Fury: About how much time does this skip save?
Sarah_Serinde: So chat I've been pretty distracted, what's the current record time?
superdude097: Reset timer?
Simriel: It's been neat watching you learn
OVERKiLL!: refresh the course, AND learn a glitch
offbeatwitch: so, sideways barrel, at that point, fast throw? was that how it goes?
TheNerdySimulation: got this, Ben!
RandomTrivia: @Sarah_Serinde 8:28
Sarah_Serinde: Thanks
l0gin4me: 1st speedrun attempt for real real this time
RandomTrivia: You got this Ben, stay cool
groovemancery: is that not the intended way of completing that room?
TheMerricat: @groovemancery :D
frank_the_great: Chat, don't distract Ben by asking Ben questions, or saying Ben's name so he looks over
Greyah: Funnily enough, that's a super common thing in the speedrunning community. It happens more often than you'd think that a runner never played through the game casually.
DeM0nFiRe: You're telling me a speed ran this game?
ClodiumSoride: @Laserbeaks_Fury it skips at least one, maybe two puzzles, seems like it saves at least a minute
Austere_Squire: speedrunners finding unintended solutions? perish the thought!
mitomanox: @frank_the_great but but we can't help it HI BEN
RandomTrivia: That door is SO BIG
KeytarCat: @korvys There's a big barrel you fill with smaller barrels
sparrowhawksilver: @Greyah and then they get absolutely bamboozled by game features that have been optimized out of the speedrun
OVERKiLL!: is that Ben Ulmer, Loading Ready Run Member, and Kraven Speedrun World Record Holder ? 🙊
offbeatwitch: the four-room run
mitomanox: when Ben's around it's like Shea Stadium with The Beatles in here (boomer reference)
ShifuDaxiongmao: first try every try!
TheNerdySimulation: Barrel Skip first try, I believe
Dedwrekka: Is Shea Stadium where Shea butter comes from?
frank_the_great: Look down your shirt and spell attic (tehee)
IanAllenBird: ghost interference
inconsideratehat: FBtouchdown
0x6772: Yeah, go with it.
offbeatwitch: woo!
TheNerdySimulation: I blame the ghost
DeM0nFiRe: gdqClap
TheNerdySimulation: Flag on the field!! Ghost interference
OVERKiLL!: got it in ONE! sorta
offbeatwitch: good pace!
DeM0nFiRe: Not bad at all
Krillin_fan: good jorb
mitomanox: @Dedwrekka of course yes
KeytarCat: Hell yeah
BITs19_: could have been better, could have been a lot worse
offbeatwitch: wait
E4rthR0cker: When I was learning how to do some speedrunning, i always felt just completing runs was absolutely crucial for my own morale
TheNerdySimulation: 3 attempts is good!
E4rthR0cker: you got this
offbeatwitch: ah heck
mitomanox: NotLikeThis
DigitalSeahorse: oops
0x6772: Just keep rolling anyway, though
offbeatwitch: keep on rollin
RandomTrivia: Barrel!
Sarah_Serinde: sergeFriend
Grumpingtoon: rollin rollin rollin
RealGamerCow: set a pb, then beat it
Sarah_Serinde: Rolling away with our friend the barrel
TheNerdySimulation: the best way to learn is by doing
offbeatwitch: other shelf
Blake Treleaven: Holy crap I just put down DK64 randomizer, did Ben invent that barrel skip?
KeytarCat: 1253
Sarah_Serinde: Learning!
James_LRR: what's the record anyways?
offbeatwitch: barrel tech was solid
Sarah_Serinde: You're doing great Ben
E4rthR0cker: barrel strat strong
frank_the_great: Proud of you
offbeatwitch: 8m28
offbeatwitch: is the WR
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCheer vicksyCheer vicksyCheer
korvys: I think you weren't stepping back far enough to get the sprint
plundypops: ez, you got this
ShifuDaxiongmao: if we can do a sub 10, we'll be very happy :)
ExhaustedElox: Hey Chat! Once again, I am in you!
TheNerdySimulation: you're doing great, ben
OVERKiLL!: did not invent it @Blake T
OVERKiLL!: deffo progress
Laserbeaks_Fury: Is the timer auto starting, or is it manual?
dimeadozent: its crazy that the new world record for this game was only made DAYS ago
RandomTrivia: We're here for this
Austere_Squire: you're doing a legit good job, dude
RebekahWSD: It's been lovely to watch!
Sarah_Serinde: Hell yeah
JDMan94: Speedrunning is cool and fun
IanAllenBird: it's been fun!!
Rumiir_the_Dragon: learning is half the battle.
TheNerdySimulation: at the start of today you knew so much less about this speedrun than you do now! That's rad!
HadesLeprechaun: learning tech in real time!
Laserbeaks_Fury: I've been speedrunning Arkham Asylum. That run is over 3 hours long :P
Oreo1369: I'd enjoy doing this again in the future
50keyz: ever forward out of spite
Kingsgrave: we're at the beginning of Ben's speedrunner arc and we're so here for it
TomatoKigu: I'm having a wonderful time. tomato145Comfy
mwlsn: It's been really interesting to watch/listen to!
0x6772: I very much like watching this happen, not so sure I've got the patience to go do it myself, though.
ExhaustedElox: I mean, it's not even scary at this point.
BtEtta: If you don't get it this time are you going to run it again another time.
ShifuDaxiongmao: sometimes you gotta just (speed)run with what you're given :D
Rumiir_the_Dragon: the other half is merciless violence.
StarWarsTHX1138 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 65 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, StarWarsTHX1138! (Today's storm count: 346)
Laserbeaks_Fury: That is 100% a valid approach
offbeatwitch: SPEEDruns only
RandomTrivia: Missed the door, very nice
Greyah: That's fine though. There's plenty of real short speedruns.
JRandomHacker: The longest run I actually seriously learned was Metroid Fusion which is just around an hour
RealGamerCow: The people that do stuff like FF8 that are like 70 hours long are so dedicated
Bearudite: missed the door
Bearudite: good job
frank_the_great: My favorite speedrunning fun fact is that the Persona 5 speedrun is 15 hours
Austere_Squire: i have a friend who's helped path for the 100% skies of arcadia speedrun... which is like 20+ hours or something? which i think is insane
head_cannon: Since Doom levels only take 5-10 minutes, I've quite enjoyed studying them & trying to set a good time. This kind of repetition can be fun in moderation.
ShifuDaxiongmao: door miss tech :D
PharaohBender27: Oooh, lrrSPOOP times?
Anubis169: manYES
50keyz: @JRandomHacker that game slaps :)
ClodiumSoride: There are people who speedrun Finaly Fantasy 7. I can't imagine playing a game that long that many times.
WardsarTheWriter: If you want a real fast speedrun, Ocarina of Time recently had a new glitch found that's made it even shorter than it already was.
Seth_Erickson: otzGib
Austere_Squire: Vibes are sent!
aprilmoxt: Good Vibes!
frank_the_great: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
WriterRaven: \o/ sending vibes
l0gin4me: bbirbBless
mtvcdm: Subathon
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby lrrSPOOPY lrrBartleby
ImmortalLen: Sending the best vibes your way
neisan2112: lrrSIG lrrSHINE lrrSIG lrrSHINE lrrSIG
TomatoKigu: abbaPray
ShifuDaxiongmao: all the vibes!
Kibbik: critroleVibes
Redpandarama: Sending v i b e s
Garfman314: *vibrates benificently*
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCheer vicksyRave vicksyRave vicksyCheer
E4rthR0cker: i got really into ocarina of time speedruns a few years back. seeing multiple minutes come off of PB's at a time was so staisfying
saucemaster5000: I give you the greasiest of good vibes
Oreo1369: YOu can do it
Dedwrekka: The Speedrunning bug glitches past the infection period and goes straight to death
mtvcdm: ! subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
thekumquatking: lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
Notamys3000: seabatCHOICE seabatCHOICE seabatCHOICE
PharaohBender27: lrrBartleby
hd_dabnado: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
RandomTrivia: benginPray benginPray benginPray
E4rthR0cker: praise the barrel!
Melfina__: u got dis
superdude097: VoHiYo VoHiYo VoHiYo
vegetalss4: lrrAWESOME
Grumpingtoon: Barrel Tech: Not just for long distance shipping in the 1500s anymore
RealGamerCow: ramaBongo1 ramaBongo1 ramaBongo1 ramaBongo1
offbeatwitch: reminder for correct library orientation
couchboyj: Do a barrel trick!
TheAinMAP: GivePLZ TakeNRG
josh___something: PopNemo PopNemo sending energy PopNemo PopNemo
BtEtta: I've been trying to get a respectable sub-40 mins Farewell time in Celeste. I don't want to get top of the table, just a placement that takes some practice.
50keyz: Shamrock100 Shamrock100
DigitalSeahorse: katesBless katesLuck
inconsideratehat: Cheer100 Let's gooooo
ThorSokar: composSus composSus composSus
OVERKiLL!: You CAN do iT Ben!
Greyah: If you want to try learning a quick speedrun you could always try learning E1M1 from DOOM. The record's only like 8 seconds.
Makrosian_Tay: 3rd time's the charm!
ThorSokar: composFive composFive composFive composFive
offbeatwitch: prettyy solid!
offbeatwitch: and make sure to get the library the right way round
IanAllenBird: hell yeah
BtEtta: I've already managed one sub-40. But I forgot to turn of my Cataline mod for that and rules are no mods.
JDMan94: Getting there
GameSageZB: Progress!
ClodiumSoride: Seems that part of speedrunning is not being so surprised when a trick works that the runner gets thrown off their rhythm for the next part.
Grumpingtoon: 1 2 5 3
Blake Treleaven: Seemed pretty clean, honestly
mtvcdm: Yeah a Speedrun is all about keeping your rhythm.
PharaohBender27: lrrSPOOP
packattack_0: amazing cut scene
korvys: rip that guy
offbeatwitch: theres a way to skip that cutscene too but idk what it is
SmithKurosaki: @Blake Treleaven Hows DK64 randomized? I've recently gotten into Archipelago a little
Dedwrekka: It's too late Mannequin! I barreled to the high ground!
ClodiumSoride: Whuh? The other model just followed him back to the display?
DigitalSeahorse: nice that there's shadow on the table to indicate how things go
korvys: The whole model mechanic is kinda dope, tbh
mtvcdm: Bit of lost time there, it's okay
ShifuDaxiongmao: secret tunnel, secret tunnel..
DigitalSeahorse: secret tunnel
RandomTrivia: O R B
Blake Treleaven: The cut helm to just two random kongs and K.Rool to just 3 random phases. Races from the pros take like 90 minutes
Blake Treleaven: I take...uh... 3 hours
offbeatwitch: touch bottles
itomeshi: Now I want to learn how to write TAS runs and try this
RealGamerCow: is the code the same every tiem?
Laserbeaks_Fury: Is the code randomized?
offbeatwitch: excellent
korvys: Is the code different each time?
ClodiumSoride: seems the code is always the same
SmithKurosaki: Fair enoguh
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyFrumpy vibes
PumpkinRats: What game is this?
ClodiumSoride: Kraven Manor
PumpkinRats: Thanks :)
RandomTrivia: Oof
DigitalSeahorse: doh
PharaohBender27: kates7
Singenmeister: lrrPistachio Progress is productivity! lrrPistachio
ThatOverkillGuy: just kick it in the nuts
TheMerricat: restart timer. :D
offbeatwitch: pretty solid pace!
0x6772: "collapse on the floor in a pool of blood" % run
GameSageZB: Reset your splits!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHeadbang vicksyDed
turrikass: You are getting there! Keep it up!
mtvcdm: Well hey.
Greyah: Can't spell progress without poggers.
Laserbeaks_Fury: Yup, it's just a matter of reps
E4rthR0cker: solid progress
josh___something: Barrel!
GameSageZB: Getting golds!
trenzylive: good run
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCheer vicksyCheer vicksyCheer
the_phantom_game_player: You can do it
Laserbeaks_Fury: The run will usually have a hard defined start
Lysander_salamander: Hello everyone!
Greyah: Depends on the game. In this one you do I think.
Lysander_salamander: Oh, this game looks familiar
mtvcdm: First interaction.
Jeri: why's he coming at you like jamiroquai
KeytarCat: Can you outrun the bronze mans with the sprint pumping?
PharaohBender27: Cheer400 I bet this run will be the one
SajuukSjet: testing lrrbot particulars, ignore
SajuukSjet: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
Lysander_salamander: trying to beat the previous speedrun?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCope
KeytarCat: @Lysander_salamander Getting a time in current patch
mtvcdm: Goes the other way too, games will also stop the clock at last player input.
ShifuDaxiongmao: fun part is that speedrunning removes any jump scare effect because people become so focused on doing mechanics :D
Lysander_salamander: oh didn't know it updated
Laserbeaks_Fury: do it like 20 times, you wont even see the pieces, you'll just know how many flips to do
Bearudite: door dodgems
KeytarCat: @Lysander_salamander eh, I think LetsNope got an old version more than this got an update
offbeatwitch: yeah, last steam version change is 2014 lol
RealGamerCow: Horror speedruns are so great because this spooky stuff is supposed to be happening and the runner has zero reaction because they've seen it so many times
SnackPak_: fingers crossed
ElementalAlchemist: The moment of truth
offbeatwitch: its just the steam version has the extra room
Xaunaught: What are we playing? a spoop?
Thefluffiestguineapig: also someone else beat Ben’s old record IIRC
IanAllenBird: important to the speedrun that you get slammed in the face with a ladder there
TheMerricat: It's interesting to see the parallels between Adam's Oki Oki fight club training and how speedrunners train to 'get good' at a speed run.....
ElementalAlchemist: oof
ShifuDaxiongmao: GivePLZ Barrel vibes TakeNRG
josh___something: Cmon barrel D:
ClodiumSoride: @Lysander_salamander Ben originally played and ran the version. This is the Steam version, which has the attic room that wasn't in the version.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCheer
ElementalAlchemist: nice nice nice
Lysander_salamander: neat
uncleardata: noice
ShifuDaxiongmao: last 3 attemps you've done it on 3rd one each time.. consistency :)
TheMerricat: That being said, I can't find any record of an version, I'm wondering if he actually got it straight from the dev's site which unfortunately has been hacked.
RandomTrivia: *SQUIDGE*
TheWooglie: smooth library
PumpkinRats: @Xaunaught Kraven Manor
Blake Treleaven: He cleaned up that library section a lot in one run
TomatoKigu: Incremental gains is the path to success, you're doing fantastic. abbaComfy
theblakdeth: Murders at Kraven Manor
Austere_Squire: increment your way to success
Thefluffiestguineapig: Incremental gains are the only sustainable kind
mtvcdm: Get those gains
offbeatwitch: seemsgood
offbeatwitch: that might be a bug lol
Bearudite: breaking a lot of sequence here bud
RandomTrivia: #That'sNeverHappenedBefore and now you're a fully qualified speedrunner HypeLUL
ShifuDaxiongmao: it's ok, you're still on track for a new PB! ;)
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCheer vicksyClap katesLuck
offbeatwitch: switch
Bearudite: lever
theblakdeth: 1324
Austere_Squire: think of it this way, ben, every new glitch you discover is a possible new speedrun strat
TheMerricat: pull lever
ShifuDaxiongmao: 1 3 2 4
ElementalAlchemist: bloonk
wolgo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 55 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, wolgo! (Today's storm count: 347)
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCheer
offbeatwitch: CLEAN!
IanAllenBird: 👏
Cptasparagus: breaking those sequins
PharaohBender27: lrrBartleby
Cinnabat: It was!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPanic
malfnord: gdqFAST
PharaohBender27: NotLikeThis
RandomTrivia: Ohhhh, that was rude
offbeatwitch: noooo
RandomTrivia: NotLikeThis
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDed vicksyDed vicksyDed
Cinnabat: nooooo
ElementalAlchemist: RIP
Mnemonicman: bogusmDdance
CelticGeek: Nooo!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyFail
IanAllenBird: 😔
josh___something: Noooooooo
public_key_reveal_party: o7
KeytarCat: Bro doesn't stop on this level??
50keyz: RUDE
SmithKurosaki: F
TheWooglie: lrrAWW
stippledotter: NotLikeThis lrrEFF lrrJUDGE
Thefluffiestguineapig: nooooooooooo
Kibbik: brenumRIP
hvhTim: F
Bearudite: got shibbtywhooped
DudelidouX: Did the speedruner look back?
0x6772: It seems almost absurd when the actual game mechanics getcha.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDed vicksyCult
TomatoKigu: Dang, out of curiosity I decided to check livesplit. No auto splitter for kraven manor.
Bearudite: hit em with the ole razzmataz
Dalrint: I left for a bit. How's it going?
barbmitzvah: giving big dinfna vibes
Laserbeaks_Fury: Yeah, someone has to dig into the game to make a split
IanAllenBird: @Dalrint he's gaming
EnglishGrinn: I hope whether he nails it tonight or not, Ben comes back to this
the_phantom_game_player: Did you at least get a new personal best?
InTheHouseOfHavok subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 27 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, InTheHouseOfHavok! (Today's storm count: 348)
0x6772: @TomatoKigu A travesty!
Thefluffiestguineapig: I think dying invalidates the run? unless I’ve misunderstood
SK__Ren: I figured out how to get the gear in the attic. Now I'm trying to figure out where the lever is
KeytarCat: I think you can sprint pump and just make it through the escape, according to what we saw on the second place run
TheMerricat: @Thefluffiestguineapig The problem is the game is a smidge bugged and reloading from a save or otherwise resetting breaks the flashlight. :D
KeytarCat: Haunted doll also didn't stop while you were looking so eh?
TomatoKigu: @0x6772 A damn shame at least. I do like auto splitters, they're magic.
IanAllenBird: @Thefluffiestguineapig reloading breaks the flashlight and makes portions unplayable
l0gin4me: just go fast
Welbog: What's Ben's PB and what's the WR on this run?
Dezponia: Hai Ben! I don't know what you're doing but good luck! adamvsLOVE
Laserbeaks_Fury: Not uncommon
ThatOverkillGuy: games broken
ShifuDaxiongmao: to be fair, making a good save function isn't always easy.. and if this was a student game, they might not have gotten used to making those
yatagarasu1177: what's our theoretical pb
ThatOverkillGuy: but we still love it
Austere_Squire: you have new tech for this game you're playing that apparently isn't the one you played before
ShifuDaxiongmao: 9 should be doable with first try barrel :D
thekumquatking: Theoretically? 6 minutes.
thekumquatking: In practice, yeah, probably 9.
ShifuDaxiongmao: GivePLZ Barrel vibes TakeNRG
TheMerricat: I feel like they were able to save/reload in the old version they played, it may just be an odd interaction between the steam version of the game and the gaming PC.
ElementalAlchemist: yes!
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby
EnglishGrinn: Best time yet
DeM0nFiRe: gdqClap
HorusFive: Love the splits
Welbog: Is that called jumpcasking?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCheer vicksyCheer vicksyCheer
IanAllenBird: 👏
Chesul: I'd say 9 min is a realistic theoretical PB for today, and is pretty solid when you had to learn an entire new area.
CelticGeek: Let's go, Ben!
adept_nekomancer: You got this Ben!
offbeatwitch: lets goooo
DeM0nFiRe: nice
0x6772: James'll need to find a new slot in the schedule for speedrunoneword if this keeps up.
stippledotter: lrrSPOOP lrrGOAT
e_bloc: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Let's go
Dezponia: Pure skill, whatever that skill is adamvsGG
KeytarCat: eee
Jillexie: kirsta1Raid kirsta1Raid kirsta1Raid
thekumquatking: Ah sick, a bus token!
KeytarCat: that was supposed to be caps :P
TheMerricat: New Stream Title "Worlds Fastest Spoop." :D
EnglishGrinn: Even with the dropped book I think he's 5 seconds ahead of last run
haberley: you're getting SO QUICK at the library
PharaohBender27: Model plz
offbeatwitch: wrong room
Bearudite: bedroom
ShifuDaxiongmao: wrong rtoom!!
ElementalAlchemist: oh no
DeM0nFiRe: Still doing good
Thefluffiestguineapig: No you’re just getting used to it
Patorik: You're doing great!
Thefluffiestguineapig: The first split is getting faster every time
duke_dice: howdy folks
ClodiumSoride: Watching this game again makes me appreciate the "collect models to rearrange the rooms" mechanic. I'd like to see the same kind of gameplay without the horror faff.
Welbog: Build-a-dungeon
ShifuDaxiongmao: maybe the sprint part can skip that first cutscene too?
Austere_Squire: you haven't gotten to practice here much, it's fine
ThatOverkillGuy: so, hows the subathon goin? hopefully you are all rested and hydrated
0x6772: back of envelope math subtract conservatively 5 secs for that if it went right
Laserbeaks_Fury: Not only will you get it, you'll be looking to see how much you can set up before the room pops up
Austere_Squire: you did the barrel jump so smooth
Welbog: Is there anything in this place that isn't a hidden passage?
E4rthR0cker: Unironically, i'm so here for barrel %
offbeatwitch: yeah
ThatOverkillGuy: barrel % is peak
IanAllenBird: @ClodiumSoride iirc Carto is a game that does that, very cute
0x6772: You have to actually look at the bottles for them to fall. Good to know.
bagfullofbees: I'm generally super out on horror games, but I think in the context of a speedrun I might be able to handle it
vegetalss4: It seems like the rooms doesn't reset orientation when you drop them, maybe pre-rotating before the goal room lands could be a trick?
e_bloc: Here to appreciate 456,666 bits while it lasts
Dezponia: Ben hates wine!
mtvcdm: The key bit will be surviving spirit guy to complete the run. To finish first, you first must finish.
ClodiumSoride: @IanAllenBird oh right, thanks, I tried the demo of that a while ago
PharaohBender27: @Dezponia That's not what that Adulting X Ways to Y episode implied sparkl171Smug
Garfman314: take it home!
ThatOverkillGuy: LETS GOOOOOO
DentedPockets: Are you gonna practice at home? Make this your game?
Jillexie: kirsta1Raid kirsta1Raid kirsta1Raid
offbeatwitch: got there!
mtvcdm: Get em Be- welp
Cptasparagus: when do we get to the part with the Koopa Troopa with guns?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Gettem
Sarah_Serinde: Let's go Ben
josh___something: YEEEEEE
Thefluffiestguineapig: OH
JDMan94: The pieces be coming together
Thefluffiestguineapig: HE’S DOING IT
mtvcdm: Run!
haberley: hype hype hyper
CelticGeek: Let's go!
offbeatwitch: mid right left
Thefluffiestguineapig: I am unironically super stoked for this to be a long term Ben thing
AugmentingPath: luckily, fire doesn't hurt
GameSageZB: explosions!?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCheer
e_bloc: PB pace?
E4rthR0cker: gotta get that benchmark PB
offbeatwitch: see if you can 1-cycle
adept_nekomancer: We sure are causing a lot of fire.
HadesLeprechaun: gotta learn the ending portions, too
ShifuDaxiongmao: need to set initial PB :)
ThatOverkillGuy: shat is WR?
Thefluffiestguineapig: How close to PR?
Thefluffiestguineapig: pB sorry
offbeatwitch: you have to time coming out from behind the pillar for the swinging ball
haberley: this will be a first PB
JDMan94: The enemy of speedruns: global cycles
PharaohBender27: WHAT
E4rthR0cker: bruh
cadesguy: ????
EnglishGrinn: Wha?
ThatOverkillGuy: or not
TheWriterAleph: OOF
Seth_Erickson: mmm
myknorman: that part makes my stomach turn everytime
ElementalAlchemist: wat
irikaj: Oh
DeM0nFiRe: wat
IanAllenBird: nooo
E4rthR0cker: robbed
Sarah_Serinde: welp
DNAli3n: am i the only one who would love a weekly or biweekly speedrun stream?
public_key_reveal_party: ?
haberley: the old game has been patched out basiclly
Mnemonicman: welp
ThatOverkillGuy: you just die
Makrosian_Tay: Let's go let's go
BusTed: hm
CelticGeek: WHAT!?
Snowcookies: ?
Seth_Erickson: much to think about
Cinnabat: oh
Austere_Squire: ?????
offbeatwitch: i think you got shot
mowdownjoe: Wat
stippledotter: Noooooo
Makrosian_Tay: Wait, What??
e_bloc: What
Thefluffiestguineapig: BRO
Tangsm: Denied.
cadesguy: whathappen
KeytarCat: wut
hackingducks: wow ;___;
l0gin4me: mattlrCry
haberley: wut
Lysander_salamander: wild
neisan2112: It pushed you off the stairs?
Heckhoundbolt: you should be ok
TomatoKigu: o7
Thefluffiestguineapig: WHAT??????????
Laserbeaks_Fury: lol
Bearudite: dont need light
PharaohBender27: I repeat: WHAT!?!?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTH vicksyDed
Chesul: right at the end. XD
mtvcdm: Crimes
Austere_Squire: murdered by game
Sarah_Serinde: Still, great effort
EnglishGrinn: One more?
ImmortalLen: Call Sora!
Sogheim: perfect game. no notes.
GameSageZB: Practice is paying off!
ElementalAlchemist: welp, oof
josh___something: Buh?!
Bearudite: might as well runit
0x6772: That'll buff right out.
EnglishGrinn: One more!
theneatestburrito: oofa
Heckhoundbolt: flashlight not needed
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah!
stippledotter: Impeccable comedic timing
Austere_Squire: let's go
yatagarasu1177: 9 min left? perfect time for a pb
qcanoe: Simply don't collapse to the floor and slip into darkness?
ElementalAlchemist: One! More! Run!
Snowcookies: uh... one more?
Astrovore: man this bit's super cool
Astrovore: well, except for dying :/
Hazel Oakley: End of the game is it
1y1e: one time for the one time
TetraRay: gunselLfga gunselLfga gunselLfga gunselLfga gunselLfga
public_key_reveal_party: you got this ben
Kreiseler: more
ShifuDaxiongmao: the final penultime promise it will be the last run :D
Chedamann: Uhhhhhhhhhh one more?
PharaohBender27: Noch einmal mehr! Una mas!
ThatOverkillGuy: im so mad for you
mtvcdm: !onemore
LRRbot: uno mas? ONE MORE!
mowdownjoe: GET! THAT! PB!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @kreiseler you beat me to it
Thefluffiestguineapig: It seemed super smooth
Dezponia: 50 last ones?
Dalrint: I guess speedrunning is addictive
ShifuDaxiongmao: sub 11 definitely seems doable
Seth_Erickson: Go get that peanut butter Ben
Thefluffiestguineapig: clearly the practice is paying off
onarampage subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 125 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, onarampage! (Today's storm count: 349)
E4rthR0cker: one of us!
inconsideratehat: Cheer100 *massages ben's shoulders* you got this you got this
HedgehogKnight: Remember you were first
GameSageZB: Chase that dragon!
ShifuDaxiongmao: in before Ben becomes a Mario Kaizo runner :D
josh___something: Speedrunning is SOOOO COOL
thatjerkherc subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 47 months!
thatjerkherc: \
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, thatjerkherc! (Today's storm count: 350)
WardsarTheWriter: New recreational activity unlocked.
Zachary Butler: oh hey we're speedrunning?
ImmortalLen: See you at GSQ next year.
Bearudite: I should get my wr back...
HedgehogKnight: And if you're not first you're last
Chesul: So, bonus streams in the near future of working your way back on top (Legitimately this time) for this game?
IanAllenBird: I should get back into it, I got down to ~43 minutes in Katana Zero before the ADHD won
KeytarCat: That was going to be a low 10, which is the old record before our boys kickstarted the community again
IanAllenBird: which is not a good time but it was a fun time
thatjerkherc is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 3 in the channel!
thatjerkherc gifted a Tier 1 sub to Mullibok!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, thatjerkherc! Welcome to Mullibok! (Today's storm count: 351)
comrade_cards subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 35 months!
alphashados: Bengineering coming soon to a GDQ stage near you
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, comrade_cards! (Today's storm count: 352)
PharaohBender27: Is Ben famous in this game's speedrun community?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Cheer100 Cheer100 You’ve got this!!!! We believe in you!!!!!!
RebekahWSD: Good luck!
ShifuDaxiongmao: GivePLZ Barrel vibes TakeNRG
the_phantom_game_player: I believe in Ben Ulmer
PharaohBender27: Cheer400 Let's goooooooo!!!
Kingsgrave: good night people. Hope the run goes well.
Gaz_L: @the_phantom_game_player *clap clap*
Thefluffiestguineapig: @shifudaxiongmao They are indeed exquisite vibes, those barrel vibes
thekumquatking: @PharaohBender27 In that the two other people ahead of him seem to have talked about the run being weird, yeah.
PharaohBender27: Goodnight, @Kingsgrave !
yatagarasu1177: cant believe ben skips pinky day
SusanTD: Get that pump on.
Bearudite: could switch it to space what with there being no jump
Thefluffiestguineapig: Night Kingsgrave!
Chesul: your hand is getting tired of pumping?
Morenames subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Morenames! (Today's storm count: 353)
Greyah: That's speedrunning for you. Sometimes movement tech requires some real weird hand movement.
Gaz_L: did we confirm if the boys played a different build the first time?
Seth_Erickson: easy one shot barrel
rosesmcgee: Uh. We're twitch chat. We're experts at everything.
PharaohBender27: Maybe at understanding the steps in theory, but not the actual keyboard practice :p
Dalrint: Barrel!
ThatOverkillGuy: run ender
thekumquatking: @Gaz_L Yeah, it was apaprently the non-Steam version
Thefluffiestguineapig: Work with us game
PharaohBender27: NotLikeThis
ThatOverkillGuy: THE RUN ENDER
StarWarsTHX1138: uni100 Corgo100 Pride100 FrankerZ100 Lets Go Ben!
yatagarasu1177: the dreaded barrel skip
Thefluffiestguineapig: DAMNIT
Hazel Oakley: Why don't they just call it sprinting?
OVERKiLL!: :face-orange-biting-nails:
Sarah_Serinde: Oh yeah by the way this is also a subathon, you can cheer on Ben and also extend the timer ;)
electra310: Cheer400 You Can do it!
Sarah_Serinde: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
PharaohBender27: Um
public_key_reveal_party: ah
IanAllenBird: uhoh
offbeatwitch: uhh
GhostValv: D:
BITs19_: uhhhh
Bearudite: ummmmmmm
ImmortalLen: Nope
0x6772: booom!
offbeatwitch: paul no
NimrodXIV: doh
jimber_jam: woops
TheWriterAleph: :O
Sarah_Serinde: Whoops gabyLul
CelticGeek: :(
TomatoKigu: D:
aprilmoxt subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 89 months!
BusTed: benginFine
eshplode: Close enough
public_key_reveal_party: D:
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, aprilmoxt! (Today's storm count: 354)
neisan2112: Oh noooooo
arkham1981: byeeeee
qcanoe: aaaa
E4rthR0cker: everything is fine
Lord_Hosk: GOAT THERE!
frank_the_great: LUL LUL LUL
KeytarCat: When you're on the shelves, I think the small barrels and the library piece make a line
IanAllenBird: wuhoh
plundypops: lol
Heckhoundbolt: NOOOO
turrikass: No no!
DeathThirtyOne: woops
Lamebert1415: no
Seth_Erickson: no minutes instead
micalovits: Overruled!
Makrosian_Tay: Whu???
KeytarCat: Ope
Patorik: 4-ish minutes went fast
cadesguy: the run NotLikeThis
Symphoneers: Paul help
yatagarasu1177: 4ish minutes is our pb
measureofhope: byeee
Austere_Squire: i believe in ben regardless of sight
virgil82: !paul
MooCowofDom: !fine
Saintnex: whoops
vegetalss4: Oh no, time ran out
Thefluffiestguineapig: lrrFINE lrrFINE
baltimore_667083: huh?
mtvcdm: HAHAHA
JadedCynic: awww
mowdownjoe: NOOOO
ElementalAlchemist: um
Redpandarama: impeccable timing
ImmortalLen: More like 4 seconds
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDed vicksyDed vicksyDed
itomeshi: Well.... found a new glitch in the game.
haberley: uh oh
howdyhowdyhowdyyall: nooooo
Lord_Hosk: 4 minutes! we made it! perfect!
MWGNZ: hifunkSad
JDMan94: Whoops lmao
Thefluffiestguineapig: !picnic
stippledotter: PJSalt
50keyz: lrrFINE
caimheul: lrrFINE
josh___something: Time ran out D:
Makrosian_Tay: Quick, everyone act like Ben's still playing!
Strebenherz: Subathoneed
ShifuDaxiongmao: Damn you game, now you crashed the whole thing?!?
Dreamlettuce: When it decides taking down one computer wasn't enough.
Stella_Noctis: LUL
JadedCynic: it's like 5 min left
HorusFive: No problem. We'll come back and he'll have the record. Totally legit
betweenmyself: ish…
WardsarTheWriter: Well that was perfectly timed.
TheMerricat: :D
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
JadedCynic: ty!
theneatestburrito: hard stop LUL
haberley: who barreled the server?
TheWriterAleph: LUL
Seth_Erickson: lmao
public_key_reveal_party: LUL
Dezponia: Blind speedrun
ElementalAlchemist: LOL
Twilight_Spark: xD
ElementalAlchemist: run still going
qcanoe: *cut to Ben on a world record pace*
LostThePirate: LUL
Redpandarama: <3 <3
malfnord: Mercy killed
Sarah_Serinde: Oh it wasn't even Ben's fault, rude :D
Marvoleath: Did the game crash the streaming PC? xD
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyEmpty
Desruprot: limesBlink
mtvcdm: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
tehfewl: paul murdered ben
RealGamerCow: I honestly would be fine with this for the next Let's Nope. Adam would 100% be on board.
ShifuDaxiongmao: under stairs!!
Molator: so rude
electra310: Aww man, I just put another quarter in/ :D
Sarah_Serinde: I just assumed he accidentally hit a hotkey or something
plundypops: rip
HadesLeprechaun: new run! one last run!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyShrug
yatagarasu1177: guess our pb is 4 min~
josh___something: Dang it D:<
TheMerricat: They didn't even play him off chat, :D
CaptainSpam: "Four-ish minutes or so?" NO. DENIED.
vanman229: My man's got the crook
DeM0nFiRe: That was fun
Thefluffiestguineapig: @realgamercow For sure
offbeatwitch: we learned to barrel
Dalrint: Demand five minutes back!
fuzzra: Banished like Zod.
pn55: That was a lot of fun though!
CelticGeek: Loved watching you attempt it!
KeytarCat: That was a really fun stream :P
Sarah_Serinde: You learned a lot and you did great!
Seth_Erickson: barrel jump learner
Dezponia: I had a lot of confused fun
Austere_Squire: it was a good time!
Strebenherz: Thank you for stream Ben, I hope to take your upbeat personality into my day
DTMWA6T: Please do this more on another stream!
OVERKiLL!: :hand-purple-blue-peace::face-blue-question-mark:
OVERKiLL!: way to go Ben. Killed it!
IanAllenBird: hell yeah
ElementalAlchemist: It'd be cool to see this again for another submittable go
GameSageZB: This was a lot of fun to have on while debugging! Just a different kind of bug finding
Laserbeaks_Fury: You're in 1/3 consistency, that's really good
josh___something: (this is a cool as heck stream and would ALSO like more)
E4rthR0cker: this was honestly sick to watch
RealGamerCow: It;s a good speedrun game
KeytarCat: 3rd try on one of those weird tricks is very good
NimrodXIV: yeah, I'd like to see another go at this
L0rdX33n: how’d we do?
Oreo1369: You made hella good progress
TomatoKigu: I'd love to see more of this! tomato145Heart
0x6772: Plausible real chop on the clock time would @SK__Ren's globe grab and jump behind the stairs. But that's way more practice time.
stippledotter: Heck yeah, watching the process and lrrning was amazing!
RealGamerCow: You need splits for the next time
Bearudite: I hope there will be a redemption arc
thekumquatking: An excellent go of it, Mr. Gineering! lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
haberley: i'd love to watch more of this
HadesLeprechaun: I don't think it'll need to be a whole new show, but I feel like you've gotta do a bonus stream for this run again in particular
Lobo_Apache: Next week Let's Nope to be "Let's Speed" as we now speed run every game?
E4rthR0cker: i really hope for more
HorusFive: I challenge that Ben isn't an expert. I posit he is in the top %5 of people ever to play this game
Snowcookies: it was a cool stream
TheMerricat: @LoadingReadyRun any chance for a continuation of this as a bonus stream post subathon? :D
Heckhoundbolt: It is facsinating that skip somehow breaks the game wide open
Riandisa: You did great today. This was a lot of fun
malfnord: Learning is cool! And grind this out for a couple weeks and you might get that WR back!
northos: @GameSageZB the worst kind of debugging: debugging someone else's code :p
Sarah_Serinde: I definitely want to see you take another crack at it
bsudo: heck yeah!
corpocracy: Possible runback?
excalgold: Ben becomes a SpeedRunner any%
PharaohBender27: That would be an interesting take on a PiF
josh___something: Hitting a PB is a DOPAMINE hit
DTMWA6T: Yes please!
Thefluffiestguineapig: I would love that
E4rthR0cker: chasing after your own PB's is where its at
LastCenturion: That sounds really fun!
ShifuDaxiongmao: chat is definitely on board for you doing speedruns of this game and some day get sub 10 :)
Omega_Lairon: Reviving "SpeedrunOneWord" ?
ArcLightningCanuck: A good night's sleep and your brain will consolidate what you learned. You'll rock it next time!
DeM0nFiRe: That would be sweet
stippledotter: lrrBartleby lrrSPOOP lrrGOAT
floofynewf: That would be amazing!
Chesul: That would be awesome, please do that.
KeytarCat: @L0rdX33n Got robbed on a low 10 minute run
groovemancery: Loading Ready Speedrun
Goombill: Yeah, these are all the reasons why I took up speedrunning over the pandemic
Snowcookies: I'd watch
qcanoe: Rebrand to LoadingReadySpeadrun?
tidehollowcat: I would love that so much
Tobenamed1: i wanna watch that
couchboyj: Let's Zoom, play the theme at 2x speed :p
Heckhoundbolt: Love to see this one run again either on the main channel or on your personal
MrQBear: 'Bengineering A Solution' the speedrun 'lets try' show . :p
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh yeah, PB is the way to go, as someone who does other things than speed running
forcedreject: Wasn't there a James and Adam show like this?
mowdownjoe: Neon White maybe? It was speed runner crack last year.
pn55: Thank you Ben! lrrSHINE
PharaohBender27: Oooooh
stippledotter: Thank you for your hard work!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @mrqbear I would hells of watch that
AugmentingPath: Nelson
PharaohBender27: Cori?
ArcLightningCanuck: Nelson
KaleidoscopeMind: nelson
haberley: nelly
PharaohBender27: Ah Nelson
micalovits: So many tumblr references incoming
thatguysteve2709: Nelson
musicgirl0923: Nelson
Alahmnat: super looking forward to that (also hi Ben, I've been lurking but enjoying :))
Snowcookies: the DnD campaign that sucks so Jordynne rewrote it
Lobo_Apache: He's got it in the bag. It's his first time playing
MrQBear: @Thefluffiestguineapig Right?
the_phantom_game_player: Sounds good
Welbog: !
Thefluffiestguineapig: oh I’m so excited!!!
stippledotter: Cheer245 yay Ben!
DeM0nFiRe: o/ lrrHEART
ClodiumSoride: I am so looking forward to that.
Thefluffiestguineapig: [Ben learned many things]
ArcLightningCanuck: I'm going to watch as much of Board Game Day as I can. : D
nevermore913: 6 hours of destiny lrr monikers you say?
l0gin4me: MonickLRRs?
IanAllenBird: o7
plundypops: <3
ElementalAlchemist: See ya!
Pteraspidomorphi: Bye!
Oreo1369: Later Ben
bagfullofbees: byr Ben
haberley: thanks Ben!
Thefluffiestguineapig: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
josh___something: PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo
mwlsn: thanks Ben!
PharaohBender27: So long! lrrGibb
Riandisa: Thanks for the fun time, Ben!
HorusFive: Party321 For BEN
Lamebert1415: Bye Ben!
josh___something: PopGhost PopGhost PopGhost
Duudeman1620 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 12 months!
Duudeman1620: w00t subathon!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Duudeman1620! (Today's storm count: 355)
PawssumFable: goodbye Ben
ArcLightningCanuck: VirtualHug
WardsarTheWriter: Thanks Ben!
mwlsn: chat, any word on a public-domain movie night? I wasn't watching last night so I don't know if it's happening or I missed it or what
Juliamon: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
Garfman314: i'm trying the youtube vod on my tv, with the chat monitor here, let's see if the delay is annoying
PharaohBender27: @mwlsn It's scheduled for Thursday evening Moonbase time, don't know if the movie has been announced or not
Agent of Wheeled: so many good things coming up!
Thefluffiestguineapig: ok, gotta checkout to do hw for a little while
TheMerricat: Holy crap chat, I just looked up the Lego set they built and it's $360 USD?!?! Back when I was a kid my parents fainted when I asked for a $20 set. :D
mwlsn: Thanks Juliamon, I had looked at the Discord schedule and it hadn't even occurred to me to look at the calendar
Veggiekeks: Everyone use the break time to sign up for the OKI OKI tournament on thursday
Tobenamed1: G MANNNNN
Thefluffiestguineapig: @pharaohbender27 It cannot beat last years, that was solid gold
Tobenamed1: oh thats still ben
mwlsn: @PharaohBender27 Thanks!
PharaohBender27: @Thefluffiestguineapig Her brain . . . was completely smooth
bsudo: can you still pipe twitch chat to an IRC client?
the_phantom_game_player: <3
MarkovDescendant: @PharaohBender27 That movie scared the crap out of me as a kid
TheMandrew: @TheMerricat i remember i had to beg my mom for the Explorian Starship when I was a kid and that was 120 bucks, and I had to do a ton of chores. now I buy things like Rivendell and Barad-dur with my own money and faint
TheMerricat: @bsudo I think so. Not all the commands work IIRC. Look into a program called chatty if you just want text clients for twitch chat.
malfnord: Public Domain Movie Night honestly needs to be a thing outside of the subathon.
PharaohBender27: @MarkovDescendant I mean, that makes sense.
Lord_Hosk: They cut ben off and aren't even ready to go?
LordZarano: bsudo: yup (sent from irc)
Juliamon: I didn't get Lego sets as a kid because "you already have a bunch of lego"
PawssumFable: @themerricat Because it's not for kids, it's for people who are in both the LEGO and the D&D part of the Ven diagram
Therberus: dang I missed it, did Ben reclaim his speed running title??
Carl Perry: Sadly no, his old title was for a bugged version of the game. But he learned a lot and had fun
neisan2112: @Juliamon Saaaame
PharaohBender27: @malfnord They did it once for Halloween in . . . 2022, I think? They watched the 1950s House on Haunted Hill and then the Cabinet of Dr. Caligari.
WokenClick: I couldn't watch, did they actually get it all built in their alloted time? This set is a beast
haberley: they also did the Abbott and Costello Jack and the Beanstalk film
the_phantom_game_player: @PharaohBender27 It would be cool if they did maybe one a year for halloween
TheMerricat: @WokenClick Not completely but they did some building after stream so they'd be able to use it for this.
neisan2112: @PharaohBender27 They also did an Abott and Costello another time.
Diabore: @PharaohBender27 ill never forget alex just saying "gun, gun gun" as theyre opening boxes and being 100% correct
WokenClick: That makes sense
Therberus: wait someone patched Kraven Manor?!
Carl Perry: Multiple times apparently!
PharaohBender27: I had small lego and playmobile sets, and because I was a weird child I had them do battles with each other and photograph said battles . . . with a film camera :p My parents were VERY supportive, in retrospect.
bsudo: ooooo thanks @TheMerricat and @LordZarano good to know
PharaohBender27: @neisan2112 RIGHT!
Strebenherz: @Diabore what was that from again?
Lysander_salamander: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: LEGO D&D One Shot at Tue 05:00 PM PDT (5m ago).
haberley: @Strebenherz house on haunted hill
Diabore: @Strebenherz one of the domain free movie nights on halloween
Strebenherz: Thank ya
Lysander_salamander: Lego DnD? That's sounds cool
PharaohBender27: @Strebenherz House on Haunted Hill, where Vincent Price's character is opening tiny coffins with "party favors"
ElementalAlchemist: Dice Friends!
TheMerricat: BTW for those interested, I don't know how often they add new movies but -
PharaohBender27: Wow that was an abbreviated musical sting
Sorator13: we speedrunning the subathon intro now? :D
PawssumFable: woo
Tingeltangelibach subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 46 months!
Tingeltangelibach: curious about Jordynne's adjusted one-shot!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Tingeltangelibach! (Today's storm count: 356)
nevermore913: Brick friends
ShifuDaxiongmao: but are the dice made of LEGO?
HorusFive: That music!
CelticGeek: Alright!!
the_phantom_game_player: Hello!
Despoiler98: gandHYPERS mistorSubhype foodvi2Hype TwitchConHYPE YESSSS DICE FRANDS
ElementalAlchemist: LEGO®!
Strebenherz: Welcome back lego dnd'ers
DirectorStephanie: BRICKS!
Sibwow: dungeon and dragon
KaleidoscopeMind: 1 lego
DeM0nFiRe: gdqClap
RandomTrivia: seabatClap
Sorator13: FBtouchdown
JadedCynic: yay!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHype vicksyCheer vicksyHappy
PharaohBender27: Ahoy-hoy, Kathleen, Cameron, Jordynne, Nelson, and Matt!
NekomimiNinja: such a sweet dragon!
ClodiumSoride: thanks @TheMerricat, bookmarked for later
AugmentingPath: I do know, yes
nightshadeqx is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel!
JadedCynic: yeah, totally in the window
nightshadeqx gifted a Tier 1 sub to ScaledLibra!
nightshadeqx gifted a Tier 1 sub to gnab_gib!
nightshadeqx gifted a Tier 1 sub to StereoHercules3!
nightshadeqx gifted a Tier 1 sub to Madchipmunks!
nightshadeqx gifted a Tier 1 sub to Gerard_NZ!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, nightshadeqx! Welcome to StereoHercules3, Gerard_NZ, ScaledLibra, gnab_gib, and Madchipmunks! (Today's storm count: 361)
SaxPython: FBtouchdown
Oreo1369: LEGOS TM
Lysander_salamander: oh, this looks fun
adept_nekomancer: Matt's character name is excellent
the_phantom_game_player: You totally finsihed it
ElementalAlchemist: It's a pretty cool LEGO® set
Doc_Layzah subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 63 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Doc_Layzah! (Today's storm count: 362)
Xan_The_Quiet: ah, made it just in time!
TheWriterAleph: these char names are lrrHEART
PharaohBender27: NGL I am slightly sore that, due to a meeting I can't skip, I will miss most of this.
ShifuDaxiongmao: "To save on time, here is one I prepared yesterday" :D
Lysander_salamander: I didn't know this was a thing
Twilight_Spark: The dragon's got that jiggle in the wings.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksySellout vicksySellout vicksySellout
TheMerricat: @ClodiumSoride Never mind that link I thought it was a different one I had found. That one actually requires money to use. :(
BorealMage: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Too_Many_Knives subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 65 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Too_Many_Knives! (Today's storm count: 363)
Sorator13: I love the little brick backgrounds for the characters!
ElementalAlchemist: I love the LEGO® art of all the characters
OVERKiLL!: 🎲Lego D&D LRR Dice Friends🔥
KaleidoscopeMind: that is a very long name
KaleidoscopeMind: im surprised the canadian gov was ok with it
ghyllnox: 400 bits Jordynne they call them
DirectorStephanie: what
Sibwow: thats a bit right there
DirectorStephanie: amazing
HorusFive: Challenge accepted
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to macgirl75!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, macgirl75! (Today's storm count: 364)
IaCthulhuFthagn: That's an unsafe thing to say on the Internet.
Cptasparagus: whos going to rename themselves "Massive Stretch Goal"
LadyEarlGreyWarden subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 52 months, currently on a 52 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LadyEarlGreyWarden! (Today's storm count: 365)
DirectorStephanie subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months!
DirectorStephanie: I hear tell they call these a sub baby
LeeshaJoy: So I assume that's official art that came from the set?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DirectorStephanie! (Today's storm count: 366)
PharaohBender27 is gifting 9 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 1482 in the channel!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to ghostmoding!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to B__Retro!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to SweedChef!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to ZeroTepMusic!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to StephTheLemming!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to marxmarksman!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to はやひと!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Wallacethellama!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to dink_donk_bonk!
couchboyj: Jordynne is a biblical name that means "400 bits for a minute"
haberley: looking forward to this :D
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, PharaohBender27! Welcome to B__Retro, ZeroTepMusic, SweedChef, StephTheLemming, marxmarksman, ghostmoding, はやひと, Wallacethellama, and dink_donk_bonk! (Today's storm count: 375)
ryu9969 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 45 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ryu9969! (Today's storm count: 376)
Sarah_Serinde: You're gonna do great Jordynne lrrHEART
Lysander_salamander: yay Waterdeeping
micalovits subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 14 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, micalovits! (Today's storm count: 377)
IaCthulhuFthagn: One-shot means 16 continuous focused hours of play, right? It's what happens when I try running one :P
greatknightgaramond: yesss so stoked!!
HorusFive: BTW- Who did the minifig character art?
PharaohBender27: lrrSHINE Jordynne lrrSHINE
ClodiumSoride: @TheMerricat still maybe useful for just the list
BrowneePoints: Jordynne you’re a real one for doing this. you are loved, and you are appreciated browne26PearPride
Lysander_salamander: going to meet some Waterdeepians
AllTheBacons: @HorusFive D&D Beyond assets released with the Lego set
AugmentingPath: Lysander_salamander *Waterdhavian
HorusFive: @AllTheBacons TY
PawssumFable: Is the audio stuttering
PharaohBender27: :D
greatknightgaramond: I’m prepping my campaign in the avatar ttrpg right now! :)
Lysander_salamander: Waterdeeponites
PharaohBender27: Kids cover so much ground
Rinth_BAW subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Rinth_BAW! (Today's storm count: 378)
Despoiler98: MOOOOOD
JadedCynic: M O O D
AugmentingPath: Lysander_salamander perfect
Alahmnat: the WORST
BrowneePoints: they’re literally called Waterdhavians
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyNoted
public_key_reveal_party: ah, the land of algebra problems, i know it well
haberley: oh god the dreaded escort
RecursiveAcronym: oh this is the setting for waterdeep dragon heist; that's actually what I'm prepping right now while watching this!
Lysander_salamander: :D
SFSMaus: Cheer100 Good Luck Jordynne!!!
PharaohBender27: :D
Lysander_salamander: Break a leg
forcedreject: Froghemoth?! NO MY GRAVEYARD
Lysander_salamander: yay mouse barmaid
TheWriterAleph: frohhhh-moth
Twilight_Spark: A house? In this economy? Maybe you could rent a dungeon seasonally.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyAww
Lysander_salamander: nice
PharaohBender27: @Lysander_salamander What *is* the origin of that expression, anyhow? Almost sounds like a threat if you don't have context
adept_nekomancer: @Twilight_Spark We can offer an abandoned shack. You get two five-foot squares, and it'll be 1800 GP per month.
Cptasparagus: is anyone else getting some audio lag?
HorusFive: @PharaohBender27 It IS a threat if you don't have context
incredulouspasserby: Hydrate or diedrate
ClodiumSoride: @PharaohBender27 IIRC theater, because wishing someone luck before a play is acutally bad luck
Lysander_salamander: @PharaohBender27 one of those theatre things. Saying good luck is bad luck. Jinxing it and all that. :)
PharaohBender27: @ClodiumSoride @Lysander_salamander Huh.
LoadingReadyRun: @Cptasparagus I don't see any issues on my end, maybe refresh?
airylan: weirdly, in Barbershop singing, we say "break a lip" rather than "break a leg", and that makes even less sense!
HorusFive: For dancer- where breaking a leg would also be bad (worse)- the common expression I've heard is "Merde"
Lysander_salamander: You know, kind of like Two Weeks to Retirement, or showing off the pictures of the kids. A deathflag of sorts.
Gaz_L: the exact etymology of 'break a leg' is heavily disputed, i believe
PharaohBender27: @Cptasparagus Things seems fine for me
haberley: i was getting loads of lag, i think it's because my twitch window had been open for hours - a refresh fixed it :)
ShifuDaxiongmao: He picked that god for extra credits? :P
Dedwrekka: Ironically, waving a death flag is usually good luck
Despoiler98: gandLUL gandLUL Cam as always the best characters
Lysander_salamander: It's a reversal. If saying "good luck" will jinx it, then saying "break a leg" will have the opposite occur.
IaCthulhuFthagn: "Good luck on your production of Macbeth!"
Lysander_salamander: aaaaaa
malfnord: @Cptasparagus It's a Twitch thing. Pause and unpause the stream & it should clear up.
ShifuDaxiongmao: The Monestary Janitor
QuixoticScrivener: stonemason, because dwarves chairs
HorusFive: And for opera the equivalent is "Toi toi" which I'm told is the sound of spitting?
PharaohBender27: @haberley Yeah, I've sometimes noticed with YouTube the audio seems just out of sync, and a refresh fixes it. Strange, how that is.
jubale1: One Shot?
PharaohBender27: :D
haberley: @PharaohBender27 i think twitch isn't optimised for people having it open for 16 hours of a stream, funny that :P
MrQBear: Oh no, Brickbeard is going to be consumed by conspicuous consumption. :p
JadedCynic: Brickbeard: "Wait, do you guys get to do this for the rest of your lives?" Passing Watchman: "Well, if they're unlucky, yeah, they spend the rest of their lives adventuring."
HorusFive: Brickbeard thinks the barista is hitting on him, even through she's just being nice
PharaohBender27: @jubale1 i.e. this stream is the only time we'll see this campaign, and it's accordingly designed to be short
Lysander_salamander: yay gnomes
ClodiumSoride: I like Kick's shield
PharaohBender27: HSCheers
ShifuDaxiongmao: I think "Shins" is a better nickname :D
JadedCynic: @ClodiumSoride yeah....displacer beast?
jubale1: @pharaohbender27 Thanks. That’s the meaning of One Shot :)
hvhTim: off topic, does anyone know where nelsons shirt might be from
SFSMaus: sergeSip
ClodiumSoride: @JadedCynic yep, which I think we'll see a bit later.
SnyperWoIf: @hvhTim I assume his home
JadedCynic: LUL
PharaohBender27: @jubale1 Oh, sorry - I thought that's what you were asking about, as opposed to whether this was a one-shot. My bad.
PharaohBender27: lrrDARK tqsKnife
Lysander_salamander: That's quite the dexterous mouse
Scarbble: it is absolutely definitely their name, got it
HorusFive: Totally real person Darkstab "not an alias" Glintfang
Shadowsoflife: is this the lego one shot?
Despoiler98: Darkstab "ITS NOT A PHASE MOM"
ShifuDaxiongmao: oh god... kathleen made an emo :P
forcedreject: "That is their name, they have a family" Is quite the loaded sentence
Lysander_salamander: nice
Lysander_salamander: Orange juice has vitamins
ContingentCat: @Despoiler98
PharaohBender27: Good to be relaxed before a job
LeeshaJoy: Darkstab Glintfang is totally an old buddy of Zippo-Tricks McEdgelord
tehfewl: Coffee and OJ Gang
Lysander_salamander: nice
Oreo1369: This is great
LoadingReadyRun: This is Jordynne's adaption of the lego campaign
JadedCynic: @forcedreject Darkstab Glintfang, of the Brigadoon Glintfangs B)
jdr_42 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 10 in the channel!
Lysander_salamander: A Letter!
jdr_42 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Espellace!
jdr_42 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Kingzgambit!
jdr_42 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Glenny99!
jdr_42 gifted a Tier 1 sub to mjiig!
jdr_42 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Botte_De_Radis!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, jdr_42! Welcome to Glenny99, Kingzgambit, mjiig, Espellace, and Botte_De_Radis! (Today's storm count: 383)
Oreo1369: I thought it would go on her head
Twilight_Spark: Okay, I know it's not, but what if it's the golf scores.
Lysander_salamander: Does it contain an omen?
JadedCynic: Jordynne had to 'fix' some issues with the adventure provided from LEGO
Lord_Hosk: cameron hqas a type
Sarah_Serinde: Gosh isn't that nice of them
Lysander_salamander: yay
airylan: I once played in a game where the highest INT was held by the awakened horse.
saucemaster5000: At no point does that note mention an adventure, that's just an orgy proposition
CGSguy2 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 72 months!
CGSguy2: Oh look, a button to take money from Bezos.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, CGSguy2! (Today's storm count: 384)
ClodiumSoride: Totally not suspicious at all.
IaCthulhuFthagn: @Lysander_salamander Oooh... the Mail Time/Dice Friends crossover is an idea that holds terrible power.
DapperKoala2: Their reputation proceeds them but the letter is addressed to "Heroes."
JadedCynic: @DapperKoala2 really buttering up the recipient
voren_chalco: @DapperKoala2 "Dear Occupant, your reputation precedes you..."
HorusFive: @DapperKoala2 That's how you can tell it's absolutely not a trap
LeeshaJoy: I just realized Nokemdown's shield has a displacer beast on it.
Garfman314: out of curiosity, what has been described as the issues with the original version of the campaign?
BusTed: seabatUseless
Lysander_salamander: yay rolling
Oreo1369: ROLL some dice
TheMandrew: i don't recall, but Jordynne definitely talked about it yesterday during the kick-off stream
Sarah_Serinde: You don't say :D
JadedCynic: The test party actually mutinied
LeeshaJoy: It was lacking in box text, for one thing
Marvoleath: #vibecheck
Sarah_Serinde: I don't think Jordynne gave specific examples, just that the players all wanted to stop
IaCthulhuFthagn: @LeeshaJoy There's one on top of the wall on the LEGO set as well.
DigitalSeahorse: players have said original version "wasn't fun and please can we stop?"
JDMan94: I assume the original version is just incredibly bland
Strebenherz: She works retail taverning, can't blame her
Garfman314: gotcha
Alahmnat: gatekeep girlboss gtax evasion
ClodiumSoride: @IaCthulhuFthagn oh, that's where it is
HorusFive: 100% success rate with this party
JadedCynic: Yeah, the lack of box text would probably be the worst offense; I can take a death-grind but at least DESCRIBE my doom :)
Lysander_salamander: woot for painless walking
IaCthulhuFthagn: @ClodiumSoride Centre frame, the most devious hiding place of them all.
DapperKoala2: bittieClap
PharaohBender27: 🐦 🪱
SFSMaus: Tooo quiet
Lysander_salamander: invisible bird?
Lysander_salamander: !y
saucemaster5000: stranger danger, stranger danger!
saucemaster5000: I have mace! Stay back
HorusFive: "Roll for initiative"
SFSMaus: Every little thing she does is magic...
Despoiler98: gandD gandD DANGER DANGER
PharaohBender27: tqsSweat
Twilight_Spark: Definitely not a dragon.
Lysander_salamander: would
JadedCynic: A marvelous flying device of Gond the Wonderbringer that just happens to be invisible?
public_key_reveal_party: I would so die in this encounter IRL
LeeshaJoy: no minifigs for the NPCs?
Despoiler98: gandSus gandSus gandSus gandSus
Jigokuro: What is that loud clicking?
Lord_Hosk: all those gems you could bring back for the barmaid
TheMandrew: @JDMan94 it's available for download by Lego VIPs, i've taken a look at it, and yeah it's bland and designed for new players, so for experienced players it would be bland
Despoiler98: foodvi2OMG foodvi2OMG foodvi2OMG foodvi2OMG DEFINITELY not a red dragon
ElementalAlchemist: Here's our one shot
ClodiumSoride: roll for initiative!
PharaohBender27: lrrWOW
Austere_Squire: the one-shot is how many hits it takes to kill you!
JadedCynic: Cole? what do we think about this witness's testimony?
DapperKoala2: Magic-User I'd...?
Sorator13: I'm glad you keep your promises LUL
Oreo1369: LETS GO MILF
haberley: Mage i'd love to
Suffix: It's a mystery.
Lysander_salamander: wow
thedepthandbreadthofseth: What have i missed?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyFrumpy
DapperKoala2: bittieClap
DapperKoala2: I like puns.
Tingeltangelibach: lrrHORN lrrHORN
MaddogM: How goes the adventure/lego?
Sarah_Serinde: Just getting started, but Jordynne is killing it so far
Lysander_salamander: @MaddogM just started
Twilight_Spark: Fetch 1 dragon eggs. I guess that's better than 10 rat asses.
saucemaster5000: So... time to make some omelettes?
Lysander_salamander: yay rescuing
JadedCynic: I heard 'brace' - 2 eggs?
forcedreject: I forget if red dragons are paternalistic
Snowcookies: "I'll mess up a kidnapper" - Kathleen
JadedCynic: *tired sigh*
RecursiveAcronym: @JadedCynic two eggs, but only one was taken i think?
PharaohBender27: escher3PUN
Sarah_Serinde: @RecursiveAcronym ^
JadedCynic: ah, okay, thanks @RecursiveAcronym
Lysander_salamander: Maybe she's one of those jewel dragons, like a ruby type
SFSMaus: sergePun
saucemaster5000: Is it still toad in the hole if you make it with a dragon egg? Or is that wyrm in a hole?
Lysander_salamander: yay trinkets!
novrdd: PridePog
novrdd: Fancy items
ShifuDaxiongmao: now I want an egg to hatch next to Kathleens character and go "mama?" :P
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @saucemaster5000 dagger mountain toast??
Oreo1369: Fair dark-stab not many are ready for children
LeeshaJoy: @saucemaster5000 you'd need a really big loaf of bread
Garfman314: one-shot, you can just give out magic items
haberley: oof
AugmentingPath: The prayer beads survived dragonfire! It's a miracle!
sandmanlives3: Popping in for engagement!
SmithKurosaki: Welcome in :)
public_key_reveal_party: we got there everyone
Scarbble: tee hee
SFSMaus: lrrDARK
LoadingReadyRun: lrrPAUL the effectiveness of the prayer beads seems to be somewhat in question
JadedCynic: "Inn Plain Sight" :p (Inn Plane Sight? :( )
forcedreject: Was she a milf or technicaly a Dilf? (The d is for dragon)
DapperKoala2: @LoadingReadyRun At least the beads survived... right?
WardsarTheWriter: @LoadingReadyRun Not if they wanted to become ashes...
Elynne Dracolemur: the idea of a dragon Marie Kondoing her hoard XD
Lysander_salamander: yes good
airylan: @JadedCynic I was thinking "inn plane site". (the site for the plane of inns?)
JadedCynic: Pragmatism.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPog vicksyPls
public_key_reveal_party: usually kittens don't breathe fire or acid or lightning
Oreo1369: Darkstab is a mood
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPet
JadedCynic: @airylan ooooh. SeemsGood
ShifuDaxiongmao: @LoadingReadyRun technically we do not know the specifics of what the previous owner last prayed for ;)
sporkraptor: I like the idea of a dragon Marie Kondoing her hoard XD
Lysander_salamander: nice
PharaohBender27: Oooh
haberley: that'll do it
BusTed: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
sporkraptor: the problem is when you're a dragon *everything* you own brings you joy
public_key_reveal_party: nothing like a nat 20 on your milf check
AugmentingPath: Milflore
DapperKoala2: One of my favourite things is rolling a natural 20 with a -1 modifier.
ShifuDaxiongmao: @sporkraptor "does this spark joy? yes. This? yes. This? yes..."
sporkraptor: @ShifuDaxiongmao yesss XD
Lysander_salamander: somehow a person got close enough to her to act as an egg protector. Interesting wrinkle in the tale.
Twilight_Spark: I was in a relationship once where my partner only wanted me for my human form. Glad I'm out of that.
PharaohBender27: lrrDARK
reptile___: dragons not allowed in Waterdeep? racism!
DapperKoala2: "This is not the most ethically dubious thing you've done as a soldier" YET
Marvoleath: She just wants you for your bodies, smh
Suffix: That's a good looking inn
spethycakes: Ahh, the Inn Plane Site
JadedCynic: @Lysander_salamander Cinder mentioned "leaving her clutch in the care of <epithets and pejoratives>"
LowUpsideCJ: Dragon lacks the subtlety of nominative determinism mascot Darkstab Glintfang
AugmentingPath: reptile___ they'd probably be fine with it if the dragon was a different color.... guess they're not beating the racism allegations
LeeshaJoy: Rated 4.7 stars on Fantasy Yelp
SFSMaus: Or the Waterdeep Yelp, Welp.
SevenStarKiller_Tom: hey
HorusFive: "you're important. murder is OK" What a sentence to come back in to
josh___something: "Murder is okay", on all four panels
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyNoted katesNoted
Lysander_salamander: I wonder what about this oneshot needed fixing. Is it edited down to make it shorter?
Despoiler98: gandNote foolsNotes
Twilight_Spark: Big Spirited Away energy.
loufghyslaufey: Wut?
Sarah_Serinde: @Lysander_salamander Jordynne's players unanimously wanted to stop playing partway through, so if length was a factor it definitely wasn't the only one
loufghyslaufey: BrICks!?
loufghyslaufey: Golly
Lysander_salamander: huh
loufghyslaufey: Did they build this LIVE prior to the session?
Sarah_Serinde: Also there was apparently zero box text
Sarah_Serinde: Yes
PharaohBender27: @Sarah_Serinde katesNoted
NotCainNorAbel: @Sarah_Serinde we cant have that
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyNoted
haberley: the chicken wings!
JadedCynic: *raises eyebrow*
Despoiler98: foolsNotes foolsNotes foolsNotes get.....the hot sauce......
loufghyslaufey: Dang, there's probs no room for it in Studio.... C?
RealLegitStreamer is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 273 in the channel!
RealLegitStreamer gifted a Tier 1 sub to Zurai001!
RealLegitStreamer gifted a Tier 1 sub to shirleyabutton!
RealLegitStreamer gifted a Tier 1 sub to pokemonnerd!
RealLegitStreamer gifted a Tier 1 sub to fern_design!
RealLegitStreamer gifted a Tier 1 sub to CallToValor!
RealLegitStreamer gifted a Tier 1 sub to ReIIek!
RealLegitStreamer gifted a Tier 1 sub to KamekoSkye!
RealLegitStreamer gifted a Tier 1 sub to Lixa432!
RealLegitStreamer gifted a Tier 1 sub to c_dabs!
RealLegitStreamer gifted a Tier 1 sub to Kevi1187!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, RealLegitStreamer! Welcome to pokemonnerd, ReIIek, fern_design, KamekoSkye, c_dabs, Zurai001, shirleyabutton, CallToValor, Lixa432, and Kevi1187! (Today's storm count: 394)
DigitalSeahorse: vicksySellout vicksyGift vicksyGift vicksyGift
LoadingReadyRun: lrrPAUL Thanks RealLegitStreamer!
loufghyslaufey: Hahahahahaha, Darkstab "DeVere" Flintfang?
loufghyslaufey: *Glintfang
PharaohBender27: @loufghyslaufey That's Glintfang with a G
LoadingReadyRun: A Water Bed community, if you will
PharaohBender27: @loufghyslaufey Whoops, you corrected yourself as I was typing :p
DigitalSeahorse: water beds? so full of killers then! vicksyGun katesGun
DapperKoala2: Based on what blocks Detect Magic, I have a head-canon that it works via radiation.
Valentine Swonger: Anyway good luck Lego people
BusTed: @ElementalAlchemist tqsSmug
IaCthulhuFthagn: "You feel nothing downstairs" is a vibe.
saucemaster5000: (me, looking at straight people) "I feel nothing downstairs"
ElementalAlchemist: ah, good, everyone else thought that, too
LowUpsideCJ: what system is this? dnd 5e or bespoke lego?
GirlPainting: it´s a kind of maaaaaaagic
JadedCynic: @IaCthulhuFthagn Look, I didn't come here to get dragged like this... Kappa
Sarah: They do their best to tell people in every place they can, but sometimes people will still miss things
PharaohBender27: ^^^
Sarah: But hey, if people give enough subs and bits, you've got almost 4 full days of subathon ahead of you
JadedCynic: @LowUpsideCJ 5e set in Forgotten Realms (just outside Waterdeep)
Ticknevers: :7
DentedPockets: Guessing from the name of the Inn, I'd expect you'd need a staff to open the door :P
ElementalAlchemist: Thanks, Lockpicking Lawyer!
LowUpsideCJ: @jadedcynic thanks!
PharaohBender27: We are currently guaranteed another day
Lysander_salamander: hahaha
Sarah_Serinde: Flawless logic
forcedreject: but what if one could have more child
PharaohBender27: I suddenly remember a news story in the late 1990s or early 2000s about MasterLock having the shortest TV ad ever, and it's just a 3-second thing of a MasterLock being shot and not unlocking, IIRC
haberley: is there a golf card in the bag?
sporkraptor: Brickbeard left holding the bag
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
saucemaster5000: the word choices tonight
vinewood_og: LV426?
IaCthulhuFthagn: "You can see Ridley Scott's hands move behind the translucent bag"
GirlPainting: Bag of holding is defnetly a magic item
kusinohki: "never put a ring of dispel into a bag of holding" - anonymous
ClodiumSoride: I saw a Lockpicking Lawyer video about a common model of Masterlock combination locks, and how they can be unlocked just by feeling the rollers. Later I found three on an overpass, and was able to unlock all three.
PharaohBender27: Oh I suddenly have concerns
Lysander_salamander: :D
Lysander_salamander: yay
Suffix: YAY
DigitalSeahorse: HahaShrugLeft RPGEmpty HahaShrugRight
Scarbble: yaaay
saucemaster5000: they did tha thing!
BusTed: RPGEmpty
vinewood_og: wandering monster!
SmithKurosaki: They got there
Oreo1369: YAY
Strebenherz: YAAAAY
MaraSadow subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 58 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MaraSadow! (Today's storm count: 395)
sporkraptor: hooray
PharaohBender27: !yay
LRRbot: Yaaaaaaay...
loufghyslaufey: Show.... Mimic!
Suffix: RPGEmpty
DigitalSeahorse: HahaShrugLeft RPGPhatLoot HahaShrugRight bweh!
Lysander_salamander: RPGEpicStaff
LoadingReadyRun: Good old Gnome Meat Shield
SmithKurosaki: CON-based Trap Detection you say? Sign me up! :p
PharaohBender27: TWO mimics!? :O
Lysander_salamander: woah bed mimic nice
prince_infidel: What level are the characters?
SmithKurosaki: Woohoo!
Oreo1369: Mimic bed is devious
Lysander_salamander: hahaha
JDMan94: 5th
GirlPainting: they should be 5
0x6772: Huh. What could go wrong setting a bed on fire in an enclosed, wooden space?
Lysander_salamander: nice
LoadingReadyRun: "tank the bed"
Nigouki: bed sheets are not fresh, they are in fact very suspicious
PharaohBender27: All the image results for "bed mimic" show the mouth being at the end of the bed, but wouldn't a more effective method be the mouth being straight down the center of the top of the mattress? katesHm
GirlPainting: "i didn´t ask for the dimentions of the wooden room, i sayed i cast fireball!"
Tweygoh: plus proficiency
Shadowsoflife: ttrpg phrases are fun' I'll off tank the bed"
Quarthian: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
SFSMaus: !advice
LRRbot: Mod your legs.
blackcoat: i continue to be here for Nelly trying to cause Jordynne psychic damage by misusing slang in the full dad voice
haberley: let's put this monster... to bed
mrMorphius: !badadvice
LRRbot: Never don't left.
VorlonScout: I knew I didn't like duvets
Lysander_salamander: yay two attacks
Mazrae: !badadvice
LRRbot: Dye it with your blood.
GirlPainting: Abedimation
SmithKurosaki: !advice
LRRbot: Don't ever skip the cake.
PharaohBender27: @LRRbot Blood is a *terrible* dye; it rusts!
Lysander_salamander: Well, now I kind of want to rewatch "Brothers Bloom" again.
SFSMaus: !quote mimic
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
haberley: !quote bed
Mazrae: !findquote mimic
LRRbot: Quote #8011: "It's nice to know that even my mimic is a piece of shit." —Wheeler [2022-03-23]
Lysander_salamander: PrideLionYay
Jillexie: Snake atack!
sporkraptor: this is the *stabbity* way
thekumquatking: What class is Brickbeard?
ElementalAlchemist: holy heck
Lysander_salamander: nice
sporkraptor: Do Not Startle The Rogue
NotCainNorAbel is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 48 in the channel!
NotCainNorAbel gifted a Tier 1 sub to DragonCeura!
NotCainNorAbel gifted a Tier 1 sub to underhandedgene!
NotCainNorAbel gifted a Tier 1 sub to Man_of_Answers!
NotCainNorAbel gifted a Tier 1 sub to metalionic!
NotCainNorAbel gifted a Tier 1 sub to skeeeeto!
NotCainNorAbel gifted a Tier 1 sub to OffsetLeft!
NotCainNorAbel gifted a Tier 1 sub to bitsycloud!
NotCainNorAbel gifted a Tier 1 sub to coolfatso!
NotCainNorAbel gifted a Tier 1 sub to ConnieNickels!
NotCainNorAbel gifted a Tier 1 sub to decayedcorpseofozymandias!
PharaohBender27: Darkstab is on a ROLL
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, NotCainNorAbel! Welcome to DragonCeura, Man_of_Answers, metalionic, skeeeeto, decayedcorpseofozymandias, underhandedgene, OffsetLeft, bitsycloud, coolfatso, and ConnieNickels! (Today's storm count: 405)
JDMan94: Rogue things
reptile___: @thekumquatking cleric
saucemaster5000: poor lil chest
JadedCynic: @thekumquatking cleric
LostThePirate: Brickbeard is a cleric
Lysander_salamander: hahahahaha
vinewood_og: You're not starting a lawnmower!
sporkraptor: rogues explode in stabby when startled
thekumquatking: Sweet, thanks y'all!
spethycakes: CFÜT, lick FÜT
OVERKiLL!: brickbeard 🔥
Lysander_salamander: roll the special dice ;)
ElementalAlchemist: um
SandwichKed subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 92 months, currently on a 92 month streak!
SandwichKed: Finally, a not-funny number.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SandwichKed! (Today's storm count: 406)
Sorator13: Is that what the kids are calling it these days?
voren_chalco: On stream?!
Biggjudicem: Ian!
Oreo1369: Bonk!
Biggjudicem: I mean Cameron!
SFSMaus: sergeCrimes
Lobo_Apache: Warhammer? I'm more of a chizel myself
Lysander_salamander: :D
Dread_Pirate_Westley: A couple springs break.
Lysander_salamander: lrrAWESOME
IaCthulhuFthagn: @Dread_Pirate_Westley Ah, so *that's* why it's called Spring Break!
DigitalSeahorse: HahaShrugLeft RPGPhatLoot HahaShrugRight 🩰🩰🩰
Magnifisquatch: I'm surprised this hasnt devolved into arguing about which peg to put in which hole xD
ShifuDaxiongmao: my bed always takes attacks of opportunity...
IaCthulhuFthagn: @ShifuDaxiongmao Mine has a mind-affecting gaze attack.
Mazrae: Wait if a character was a wizard monk (I know probably bad stats) would they cast fist
Lysander_salamander: hurgk
Strebenherz: Splurt certainly is a word to use with wet socks
Lysander_salamander: horff
DapperKoala2: That sounds like a Doom 2016 finisher.
Sarah_Serinde: Oh this is more horrific
0x6772: Mimic-as-hamper is a new one.
Oreo1369: Dead chest
public_key_reveal_party: I mean, ben spent most of his throwing a barrel on the ground
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCope vicksyCope vicksyCope RPGEmpty
fracassio subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 17 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, fracassio! (Today's storm count: 407)
Lysander_salamander: nice
incredulouspasserby: what level is the party?
Oreo1369: creaky rusty bed attack
Dread_Pirate_Westley: You can do less than 40 points of acid damage?
PharaohBender27: The Horror stream was really just speedrunning tries, so frustration rather than fear
Oreo1369: 5
MrGibberish: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
measureofhope: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
incredulouspasserby: thx
Oreo1369: All I can think about is the movie Monster house
spethycakes: !findquote socks
LRRbot: Quote #8216: "Socks are a means to constrain us!" —Cori [2022-09-05]
Oreo1369: ahh cursed socks
Lysander_salamander: so fun
ElementalAlchemist: Rogues are fun
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyKnife vicksyKnife vicksyKnife
PharaohBender27: lrrDARK
thekumquatking: Rogues arae wild.
L0rdX33n: And then she died
E4rthR0cker: i live for Rogue Hubris
saucemaster5000: can't hit what you can't catch (scurry scurry scurry)
SFSMaus: lrrDARK
DNAli3n: i'm gonna head to bed, will probably watch the rest when the vods come up, have a nice day over there :D
PharaohBender27: Goodnight, DNAli3n!
Dread_Pirate_Westley: @DNAli3n Make sure it's not a mimic.
Biggjudicem: @DNAli3n dont forget to check for mimics
ElementalAlchemist: ew
ShifuDaxiongmao: the pillows have deflated
Lysander_salamander: mmmm
saucemaster5000: hot
ThatOverkillGuy: its always a mimic
Strebenherz: skin bedsheets
Oreo1369: Flesh-sheets
SFSMaus: A little early body horror never hurt
DaxStrife: Death Bed: The Bed That Eats.
Oreo1369: this is horrihorrifying
MaddogM: So we've solved the bedbug problem?
Lysander_salamander: ew
incredulouspasserby: The first descriptions I'm hearing: Springs are poking out and feathers are everywhere. Me: Oh so this is just a normal bed. Next description: Skin-canopy. Me: Oh.
ShifuDaxiongmao: You're just doing what the nice lady asked for
VorlonScout: You come at the king bed, you best not miss.
BusTed: Bloodborne style
MrGibberish: Kaliman!
thekumquatking: Death Bed: The Bed That Died.
Alex_Frostfire: The bed was on its last legs, and the sheets hanging on by a thread.
singinnonsense: Nelson : "How do I murder... just like my children
ShifuDaxiongmao: omg.. they killed Luggage
JadedCynic: aw.
Lysander_salamander: bummer
PharaohBender27: OK, I'll sadly have to miss the rest of this due to dinner and then a virtual meeting, but let me leave a token of appreciation for this one-shot:
SFSMaus: Oops
Oreo1369: Yeah, Y'all are ripping out the guts off or the arms of these mimics
JadedCynic: 'innocent' - that attacked first.
Lobo_Apache: D&D is just asking yourself if you're the baddies
PharaohBender27 is gifting 27 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 1509 in the channel!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to jakd_in!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to chiles79!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to BobSoftGrass!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to SmurfUnunoctium!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Foppish!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to smasngrab!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to ProJared!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to lojer!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to derschlund!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to wiigamer1995!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to P1nkNinjas!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Vandallite!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to 302_Dave!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to mythosthirteen!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to planeswalkagogo!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Ulminati!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to 17cupsofcoffee!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to dittowill!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to daniiel6cl!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to angstschreeuw0!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to zebajinn!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to krebs255!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to trappski!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to octave_on!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Squdnate!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to EdgeDragon!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to mikedrop1!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, PharaohBender27! Welcome to jakd_in, chiles79, SmurfUnunoctium, Foppish, ProJared, smasngrab, lojer, wiigamer1995, derschlund, 302_Dave, mythosthirteen, planeswalkagogo, Ulminati, 17cupsofcoffee, BobSoftGrass, angstschreeuw0, krebs255, Squdnate, P1nkNinjas, Vandallite, dittowill, daniiel6cl, EdgeDragon, zebajinn, trappski, octave_on, and mikedrop1! (Today's storm count: 434)
JadedCynic: @PharaohBender27 enjoy the meal, and may the meeting go well <3
SmithKurosaki: sergeHolyMoly sergeGift
saucemaster5000: A mimic-king is an entire ikea
LeeshaJoy: A domesticated mimic... isn't that just the Luggage from Discworld?
Lysander_salamander: hahahahahaa
calculated_uncertainties: Cheer5000
haberley: oh wow, generosity going fullbore tonight!
vinewood_og: oh my
niccus: you tell one mimic to copy another, and then make the original copy the copy, and keep going until you reach a fixed point
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha
super_ashura: That's a ton of subs!
haberley: this is just an SCP
Oreo1369: What if mimic king is the one the breaks free from the chains of those that bind it
voren_chalco: @LeeshaJoy "domesticated" is a strong word for Luggage
forcedreject: @LeeshaJoy Sounds like it could be a bed
Lysander_salamander: yay
vinewood_og: that's a svajblark, aisle 9
Strebenherz: the thing
ShifuDaxiongmao: if you make it sad, is that mimic-cry?
ClodiumSoride: check out the book Horrorstör
SFSMaus: Don't eat the meatballs
Alex_Frostfire: That rug really does tie the room together.
haberley: @ClodiumSoride that is such a good book!
Shadowsoflife: There one game I saw has a mimic ship
jamesinor: Best mimic? Mimic Marionette. It's expected but utterly horrible
Chantzzzzz subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 106 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Chantzzzzz! (Today's storm count: 435)
Oreo1369: Mimic suit cases in a airport is spooky
Shadowsoflife: @jamesinor would it be worse then a hunted doll?
Lysander_salamander: :D
IaCthulhuFthagn: The Luggage?
Lysander_salamander: ohhhhh
josh___something: Volo deserves it, tbh
jamesinor: @Shadowsoflife Yes, cause if someone puts it on or starts using it, it won't be leaving
Alex_Frostfire: So, like, half the book.
CaptainSpam: Luggage? I've read enough Discworld to know where THIS is going...
0x6772: Luggage? Cam, you have a Bag of Holding!
Oreo1369: Mimic clothing is also scary, like a mimic Top hat
Shadowsoflife: @jamesinor ah fair
Dread_Pirate_Westley: @CaptainSpam It's probably fine. There couldn't possibly be a THIRD mimic.
incredulouspasserby: Personal opinion: all parties for one-shots should be given a bag of holding to accommodate rampant looting from the inevitable chaos goblins.
jamesinor: Mimic Muppets
saucemaster5000: Frodidn't block-gins
WalrusOntheCourt: The jilted wife put a curse on it to make her former husband's finger skeletal.
BrowneePoints: you say that until you encounter a room mimic
Oreo1369: But what if Mimic House
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
JadedCynic: Volothamp "Fraud" Geddarn
niccus: Volo's IKEA Catalogue
haberley: Voldo's guide to monsters: "HSSSS!"
BrowneePoints: HEY Volothamp Geddarn is 40% right
BrowneePoints: he’s not a COMPLETE sham. he’s MOSTLY a sham
Lysander_salamander: hahahahahaha
ShifuDaxiongmao: in before cursed pants :D
niccus: does Volo have a michelin's guide?
Oreo1369: Fashin week here at the plain inn
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Mimic pants?
SFSMaus: lrrWOW
voren_chalco: @ShifuDaxiongmao They're abandoned leather pants. They're already cursed.
LoadingReadyRun: "no, honey, you don't understand! The bed attacked me"
Garfman314: in the lego context, this means that she's just changing legs
airylan: this sounds like ritual ingredients
BrowneePoints: the funniest thing is Volo is like a lvl 11-12 wizard and can actually mess some folks up
dumbo3k: if lost, please return to Candlekeep
Fruan: I think that means you end up in the Medium Place
saucemaster5000: gods suffer not pedants
Valyote: Volo is competent power-wise, he's just lazy and dumb
JadedCynic: @BrowneePoints but he's a coward (for comedic narrative reasons, naturally)
HorusFive: @Fruan Don't you mean the Neutral Place
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Don't say you're godless where Gruumsh can hear you.
Oreo1369: what are some of the fun connotations in volo's b ok
incredulouspasserby: @saucemaster5000 other than the god of pedantry, in which case the worshipers have other problems.
BrowneePoints: yea volo is mostly a bum
voren_chalco: You get an afterlife, but only on the lawful plane.
vinewood_og: Don't you mean, Dragonbjorn?
saucemaster5000: @incredulouspasserby they would split hairs about that
josh___something: Well...
Lysander_salamander: a dragon with time-blindness sounds terrible
SFSMaus: Well, her eggs were Taken...
josh___something: Any immortal timescale being with timeblindness
Lysander_salamander: one of the eggs,
Oreo1369: no basement or attic or cellar?
Oreo1369: tweety
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
voren_chalco: 'new' pants
Oreo1369: Tree mmic?
spethycakes: Darkstab making some sustainable clothing choices
BusTed: is it ticklish?
Mazrae: Treeformers? More than meets the eye
SFSMaus: Poke the Ent
YeomanAres: Paul?
josh___something: Paul?
thekumquatking: Hey that tree is a guy!
Oreo1369: Deku tree?
josh___something: XD
haberley: Paul?
ImmortalLen: Paul the tree
neisan2112: Oh its the new Karn
HorusFive: Picutre the Tree in your mind Molander! Picture IT!
Oreo1369: that art is great
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Its Paul. 😁
vinewood_og: 100
Simriel: do we know how long this is gonna run?
Lysander_salamander: nice
Oreo1369: were they dead?
SmithKurosaki: Scheduke says another 1h30
super_ashura: Where's Sora when you need'im?
thekumquatking: Trent
RassilonDND: My name is *1 year of silence followed by screaming*
GhostValv: D:
Despoiler98: hahahahahah
BusTed: LUL
Lysander_salamander: oh no
neisan2112: Oof
micalovits: F
Simriel: treey Mctreeface
Astramentha: b r a d
haberley: woof
HadesLeprechaun: Bradtch
Oreo1369: Ouch
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Despoiler98: LUL LUL LUL LUL
niccus: oh, like kevin
RassilonDND: Yes daddy
BrowneePoints: Bradleaf Cooperch
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
thekumquatking: *sad trumpets*
loufghyslaufey: "...but you do seem like a Brad, Brad."
Oreo1369: Chaddik The Tree
haberley: dryChad
RassilonDND: DryChadd
RassilonDND: drat you beat me to it
neisan2112: Poor Kevin
SK__Ren: Chyad
SFSMaus: Tryiad
Oreo1369: Woke Tree
0x6772: Did Brad know the bed and the chest upstairs?
Oreo1369: Chad
0x6772: er, Chad, right
Oreo1369: Mushroom Bois are great
Lysander_salamander: is Awakened an accidental thing, like magical pollution or runoff affecting objects?
HadesLeprechaun: does Nelsons Elf have spells?
thekumquatking: Thad
virgil82: @Lysander_salamander I believe so. Tree has to be around magic for a really long time.
MomoNo9: There's not as moving minifigures and pretending they're taking as I'd hoped
GhostValv: oh no~
TheNerdWonder: @Lysander_salamander I know it's an actual spell that gives sentience to non-sapients. Beyond that, DM's choice?
Lysander_salamander: oh
Oreo1369: Chad, Todd and Skylar
ButterBall000: Paging Dr. Tanner
Lobo_Apache: I'm reminded that I went to highschool with a Tanner
Oreo1369: Tan dis
Oreo1369: whose steave job
BusTed: 🍄
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPog
Lysander_salamander: oh they're cute
MomoNo9: Jonathan, Taylor, and Thomas?
voren_chalco: mushroom, mushroom man
Oreo1369: LET GO we trippin on spores today
haberley: it's Tommy and Timmy Nook
loufghyslaufey: @MomoNo9 SingsNote "The Tank Engine" SingsNote jingles
LoadingReadyRun: Mike & Ned
haberley: called it ^^
Sarah_Serinde: Nice
Lysander_salamander: :D
MomoNo9: That's quite the 90s ship, but I guess...
E4rthR0cker: i've known these myconids for two minutes... i love them
stippledotter: They were shroommates
Oreo1369: Cute Mushrooms are the best
ElementalAlchemist: [hold music intensifies]
Oreo1369: More spores
airylan: myconid speak - like skaven-speak but less murder-kill.
MomoNo9: Adorable AND slightly creepy. I'm in.
KaleidoscopeMind: do their arms swivel as a single ball and socket joint
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
GhostValv: perfection
haberley: oh noooo
Lysander_salamander: delightful
BusTed: very good
Sarah_Serinde: Great work Jordynne
Oreo1369: This is bliss
SK__Ren: Mic & Nid
trenzylive: THIS IS SO FUN
trenzylive: sorry for caps its my class ability bind in destiny 2
Lysander_salamander: you can't kill us in any way that matters
Oreo1369: feed them the Mimis
Oreo1369: mimic
bagfullofbees: Bye chat, I've got to go do a cube draft now. Have fun!
trenzylive: @bagfullofbees bye!
Shadowsoflife: o/
Oreo1369: Mike & Ned
airylan: tribble cooing mushrooms...
haberley: Rose & Rose, are they relatives of Mike & Ned?
Sarah_Serinde: D:
IaCthulhuFthagn: This sounds like an awful recipe.
forcedreject: ah a mad wizard
Lysander_salamander: aw
Astramentha: awwww
haberley: D:
Sarah_Serinde: poor babies
haberley: save them
Astramentha: BibleThump
tehfewl: ooo big stretch
ElementalAlchemist: "but I'm not the egg :("
Lysander_salamander: dang, a land-grab scheme
Nigouki: *Irving
Oreo1369: Poor Alex just had a really bad day
IaCthulhuFthagn: She sent *us* to kill you for her, actually!
Lysander_salamander: hahahahahahahaha
Nigouki: hahahahaha
forcedreject: wait
haberley: jeezus
GhostValv: wowie
JadedCynic: LUL
trenzylive: ah yes
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul lrrDARK
SaxPython: FBtouchdown
BusTed: LUL
forcedreject: are those his parent's pants?
Snowcookies: lmao
Alahmnat: KATHLEEN
thekumquatking: lrrAWESOME lrrAWESOME lrrAWESOME
Oreo1369: LETS GO
malfnord: ow
SaxPython: #TheyWereOnSale
E4rthR0cker: LETS GO
Sarah_Serinde: lrrWOW
Lysander_salamander: nice
YeetTheRich_: LUL
Lysander_salamander: ohno
forcedreject: ok slightly better
trenzylive: OH NO
forcedreject: ok slightly worse
Despoiler98: foodvi2Sad foodvi2Sad foodvi2Sad foodvi2Sad
nevermore913: That line by Kathleen broke me
RatherLargeToad: WAS your dad’s wedding ring
super_ashura: This is the most tragic character of all time.
LoadingReadyRun: "at least my pet mimics are safe"
Oreo1369: OUCH
Sarah_Serinde: Oh no
Simriel: Kathleen stole his pants! xD
gualdhar: Petition to rename the character to "Darkstab Inthefeels"
stippledotter: O no
Alahmnat: @LoadingReadyRun :D
Julian_Rogue: I keep hearing brickbeard as "root beer" and get confused
Shadowsoflife: @LoadingReadyRun what about my goldfish golddy?
Julian_Rogue: a neppoh no baby
Simriel: are you gonna give him back his pants? xD
Sarah: (Their pants)
Oreo1369: ERRvan
JadedCynic: Ervin...
Mazrae: My phone lagged a bit whose ring was it
JadedCynic: @Mazrae Alex's dad :(
Oreo1369: Alex's Dasds
Shadowsoflife: his dad's
dumbo3k: @Mazrae Alex
Sarah_Serinde: *their dad's
DigitalSeahorse: lrrALEX vicksyWave vicksyTH
Simriel: Oh I missed that. Give them back their pants!!!
Julian_Rogue: beholder? I barely know her
reptile___: seven-foot jars? Someone tell Adam
Julian_Rogue: jello molds
Oreo1369: Put it in the bag
blackcoat: nope. dark stabs pants now
Sarah: Yeah Kathleen missed their pronouns so it's easy to mistake
Sarah_Serinde: aww
JadedCynic: oozes are typically bestial intelligence
Oreo1369: Save his friend
Julian_Rogue: 2.5
JadedCynic: 3rd time's a charm
Sarah: since she's been using he/him
Simriel: also since they are Lego, do you just fully remove your legs to get new pants xD
Sarah_Serinde: oh phew
haberley: oh thank god
JadedCynic: <3
Lysander_salamander: so cute
saucemaster5000: consentual sniffing PrideUwu
Oreo1369: what had a baby
Nigouki: Owlbear saunters out like it's the stabilized bigfoot film
Lysander_salamander: hahahahahahaha
Julian_Rogue: rew Paowlbear
thekumquatking: For marketability, the owlbear is voiced by Chris Pratt.
Oreo1369: A Man
BrowneePoints: HooPaul
JadedCynic: A man
DapperKoala2: @Julian_Rogue bittieClap
LoadingReadyRun: lrrPAUL Beholder: Smart enough to know you are not responsible, hateful enough to kill you anyway
bytecaster: @thekumquatking For marketability, the owlbear is voiced by Mario Mario
Julian_Rogue: Cam noticed my pun *is starstruck*
Merc1987: f
Oreo1369: Revenge
0x6772: Also: still without pants.
Julian_Rogue: @bytecaster For Mariobility bear the owl is voiced by pratt chris
Lysander_salamander: nice
haberley: sugar?
epsilon_vee: unchic only, no chic
Shadowsoflife: warlock?
bytecaster: Kamehameha?
Julian_Rogue: Fire ball?last?
bytecaster: Magic Missile?
0x6772: Is he a Pokemon?
ThorSokar: "Does he ever ask how big the room is?"
Julian_Rogue: @DapperKoala2 <3
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul Brickbeard is learning all kinds of things today
josh___something: LUL
Lysander_salamander: hahahahahahaha
Jillexie: I believe INT was Brickbrard's dump stat
L0rdX33n: I blanked out, humans have a what bow?
OVERKiLL!: this is so good. LRR tabletop is always GREAT though. shout out 🌋 Temple of Lava Bears 🐻 and ByLaw & Order.
Oreo1369: we named your tee chad
LoadingReadyRun: Apparently Brickbeard also thought humans ley eggs :p
GreatSacrificer subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 78 months, currently on a 78 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, GreatSacrificer! (Today's storm count: 436)
L0rdX33n: i see
haberley: prevent Cinderhowl meeting Allax, do some serious Cinderblocking :P
Lysander_salamander: We don't know what the humans are like in this world
Oreo1369: Extra credit
thekumquatking: @LoadingReadyRun Do they not????
Lobo_Apache: Hopefully Alex is getting paid hourly for this baby sitting gig
NoxStryx: Can you go dennis?
Luminaire_p: uppies
Oreo1369: UPPIES
Julian_Rogue: ad break
Lysander_salamander: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
NoxStryx: Isnt a door up a hatch?
E4rthR0cker: man, i'm loving this so far
Oreo1369: this is grat
Oreo1369: greate
haberley: this is sweet
Oreo1369: grate
haberley: clearly a bit better than "please stop, we don't want to play any more" from the original
SFSMaus: Fill this door with traps...
SFSMaus: Fill this door with traps....
Despoiler98: lrrSIG lrrSHINE woooo break time
DigitalSeahorse: I just returned with lrrDILLY
Sarah_Serinde: Jordynne's done great work
vinewood_og: a wild paul appears
OVERKiLL!: 🐉Lrr & Legos🧱
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyBanana lrrDILLY
haberley: i should really go bed, but I'm enjoying this too much :)
SFSMaus: Jordynne, you're doing great!
terribleplan: This is very good so big props to Jordynne on the changes. Very curious what of the original survived other than the premise/setting.
Gascitygaming: hi chat, just got back, break in D&D or are we moving on?
JDMan94: Break
haberley: @Gascitygaming just a break
Sarah_Serinde: Just a quick break
Bobtheninjagoldfish: when they previewed this it was sad that jordynne had made some balance changes, do we know what those are?
Gascitygaming: cool, thank you :)
haberley: @Bobtheninjagoldfish balance, story, fun level - I think a lot of this is fairly Jordynne's creation
ClodiumSoride: it's not just a balance pass, it's an entire rewrite
Bobtheninjagoldfish: oh so this isn't the adventure that was released with it like they said?
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah it sounds like Jordynne did a lot of work
ClodiumSoride: Apparently hot wings were an unusually important mcguffin in the original.
JDMan94: Oh god
Sarah_Serinde: The adventure that released with it made all of Jordynne's players want to stop partway through, so she rewrote it
Sarah_Serinde: I don't know how much of the original bones are still there
Bobtheninjagoldfish: yeah hot wings as in dragon wings, I guess?
haberley: @Sarah_Serinde well the ones in the chicken, probably
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
neb_200: dice friends for the sub a ton?
Sarah_Serinde: Yup!
ClodiumSoride: I would be curious to know what she kept. I imagine the PCs and the inn, and that seems to be about it.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyJammin katesJAM
Sarah_Serinde: Oh yeah the PC characters she didn't have time to change, so those are straight from the adventure iirc
JDMan94: The pdf of the original is a free download
JDMan94: So you can always go check it out. I'm doing that rn.
Lysander_salamander: The lego set does look pretty cool. Expensive though.
Snakebyte36 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 61 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Snakebyte36! (Today's storm count: 437)
blackcoat: @overkill I think that bite club is their best lrrtt work, but yeah it's all great. and I don't normally like APs
Oreo1369: is there s written version of her verdion
Oreo1369: version
ClodiumSoride: @JDMan94 Oh cool, thanks, I'll check that out later.
haberley: @Oreo1369 i think not yet, maybe she'll release it?
Oreo1369: alright col, thanks
SmithKurosaki: Yea, I'm also a big fan of NaDtD
the_phantom_game_player: Back?
Sarah: I love the range of GMs and games we've had here
Dog_of_Myth: coxMog coxMog
inconsideratehat: nope, eating
BluJester: good morning chat
Mazrae: Waiting for ads to finish??
Lysander_salamander: as a youngster I used to have a big bucket of miscellaneous bricks from various sets. Too bad I don't have that anymore so I can just build whatever I like. Maybe there's like, "giant bag of mixed bricks" available for sale somewhere. I'll have to do a search later.
haberley: be patient, let them refuel
Despoiler98: mistorParty mistorParty mistorParty mistorParty foodvi2Jam foodvi2Jam foodvi2Jam
JDMan94: Yeahhh looking at it, it do be very bland
Simriel: I need to watch bylaw season 2
Simriel: my favourite games are Cams, his GM style always vibes well with my tastes
ClodiumSoride: @Lysander_salamander check ebay for folks selling large lots of random bricks?
inconsideratehat: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
GameSageZB: @Lysander_salamander There is a box of random stuff with some suggestions on what to build that they sell. It looks like a big yellow brick
bytecaster: What did you call me?
ClodiumSoride: if you're near a Lego store, most of them have a wall of bins of parts, and you can buy a cup and fill it with whatever you can get into it.
kasper1787: i suggest evryone go back and watch all the role playing they have done. they are all so go...i mean all you have to do is ASK DALE.
Simriel: I do love NaDtD too tho, hope more happens soon
RedRaptor: @Lysander_salamander There's a small franchise here in California called Bricks & Minifigs that have a "buy a bucket and fill it with assorted legos" for $15. Do you have something like that around?
Lysander_salamander: probably. I'll have to look around.
DapperKoala2: Mage Hand? The dashing Fencer?
SK__Ren: Magi?
patch_witch subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, patch_witch! (Today's storm count: 438)
Simriel: Dale's Paranoia game was soooo good
Simriel: I love Paranoia
SFSMaus: Mage, eh?
thekumquatking: The gift of the mage eye
RedRaptor: @Lysander_salamander Oh. I lied. It's all across the US.
Lysander_salamander: oh cool
IaCthulhuFthagn: You Have to Burn the Rope
hillwitheyes: For the 25th time, From Quebec with love
Simriel: it's such a fun setting and Dale was perfect for running it
LoadingReadyRun: is the stream still looking ok for you folks? I got a warning from youtube that there was a problem
Sarah: I'm delighted that I got to play in Dale's Paranoia setting a few times (not on stream)
Nigouki: Free axe!
ClodiumSoride: @IaCthulhuFthagn I understood that reference!
midnightcurryjazz: I know this is just a fun one off, but I would be so board in a D&D game without combat. Maybe I am spoiled by my group that has good story telling and good tactacle combat.
kasper1787: looks fine to me
Sarah: It seems okay to me?
LithosAndros: Looks fine from here
kasper1787: sarah i m sure it was great!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTH
IaCthulhuFthagn: @ClodiumSoride ...but how're you gonna spend the rest of your day?
ClodiumSoride: oh, tactical. Thought that said "tentacle combat".
hillwitheyes subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 25 months!
hillwitheyes: For the 25th time, From Quebec with love
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, hillwitheyes! (Today's storm count: 439)
LoadingReadyRun: great. I guess it was just a blip
Shadowsoflife: @ClodiumSoride It could be a a tactical tentacle combat
midnightcurryjazz: @ClodiumSoride khaosp4Lick
JadedCynic: @midnightcurryjazz I had that once happen; most of the adventure was non-combat, and even when the 'set-piece fight' happened, the party went all in on diplomacy and negotiation, and the DM was down for it and the fight was averted :)
haberley: a lute? But there's no bard!
Lysander_salamander: are there any "tell dale" items?
aesir_blade: Bottle of liquid oxygen!
Shadowsoflife: @JadedCynic Nice
midnightcurryjazz: @JadedCynic we are a bunch of patherfinder people, so we like the gritty rule stuff
DapperKoala2: How long is one minute in combat?
RatherLargeToad: We are dagger
Lysander_salamander: nice that you get the loot before the final encounter, and therefore have a chance to use it
voren_chalco: Be careful not to poison your new pants.
thekumquatking: @DapperKoala2 10 rounds
Texan_Reverend: @DapperKoala2 10 rounds
DapperKoala2: Perfect, thanks!
ElementalAlchemist: It goes in the square hole
Simriel: @Sarah I am legit jealous.
midnightcurryjazz: @DapperKoala2 10 turns
Lysander_salamander: I got that reference
JadedCynic: *drools*
JDMan94: Love weapons that can be a spell focus
LoadingReadyRun: @midnightcurryjazz Most of our Dice Friends campaigns tend to be fairly combat-light
Jillexie: My wizard is drooling over that Robe.
JadedCynic: ooooh
ClodiumSoride: Does it have the magic pockets for spell components?
midnightcurryjazz: @LoadingReadyRun Oh I know.
Simriel: Robe of the Archmagi? holy crap that's a really good item!
Simriel: legendary item I think?
Sarah: Dale is always a wonderful GM, and I got to play with LRR friends as well as some of Dale's. I even got to play with Andy a couple times and he's good at the roleplay/improv
Simriel: I feel like two of these are better than the others xD
airylan: oh hey, a vorpal sword.
KaleidoscopeMind: chosen by the dm = "tell jordynne"?
Dread_Pirate_Westley: "Tell Jordynne"
Mashamino: snicker snack!
DaxStrife: The shwarma sword
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyRaid
prince_infidel: DM I kick back & hang
BrowneePoints: Ooooooh okay the sword does max damage to OBJECTS
BrowneePoints: that’s fun
HorusFive: Seems like they helped the last group of folks that owned them....
nevermore913: Just for flavor reasons
drcthulu: 1d8
Tweygoh: idk if clerics can, maybe with a channel divinity
SwankyFlea: only wizards and warlocks regain spell slots on short rests, no?
BrowneePoints: I think he can regain channel divinity but not spells
JDMan94: Yeah clerics dont
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyW don't mess up
LoadingReadyRun: That transition from "yay! magic items!" to "uh oh, these are too good, something bad is coming"
JadedCynic: "vorpal <weapon>" and "<weapon> of sharpness" coexisted in the 1st Ed - vorpal was a *little* more powerful, in just KILLING the target with a double-20 (and sharpness would dismember on 18-20 with two rolls), but they've still be WONDERFUL weapons in later editions
Oreo1369: its from tashas
Simriel: Kathleen, give them back their pants!!!
BrowneePoints: oooooh taaaashas
ShifuDaxiongmao: this feels like a save point before a boss room :D
Oreo1369: both clerics and paladins should have it
saucemaster5000: (checks yelp, it's a 2 star....)
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPanic
JadedCynic: stable?
Sarah: poor kid
Simriel: I need to get Cameron's input again for my Alien RPG
Sarah_Serinde: lrrGREED
BrowneePoints: ye Sword of Sharpness does max damage to objects, does extra on crits and double crits dismember
JadedCynic: ^^^
BrowneePoints: @oreo1369 all Tasha’s stuff is optional(even if some are better)
thekumquatking: Capitalism is always the true evil!
DapperKoala2: I'm surprised no one got a Guillotine...
JadedCynic: always
LoadingReadyRun: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Lysander_salamander: I guess
DigitalSeahorse: katesPosh katesRaid
PawssumFable: Just scream more
JadedCynic: @DapperKoala2 I *think* we can fashion one with what we have at hand...
Oreo1369: you use a channel divinity to regain a spell slot then regain channel on short rest
saucemaster5000: 23 year olds are just teenagers with no one to tell them whatever they are doing is a terrible idea
Sarah_Serinde: lrrWOW
DapperKoala2: It's time to get these new pants dirty.
Oreo1369: @BrowneePoints fair just mentioning it as an option
blackcoat: buuuurn
BrowneePoints: *gasp* the thing!
JadedCynic: @DapperKoala2 and maybe some cool rips and stains...
DigitalSeahorse: digita435Octo ORB lrrCIRCLE
BrowneePoints: Dragonborn are hatched from eggs chat!
Lysander_salamander: Oh, like the Stork
Mazrae: Do the pants have a hole in the back for the tail if allax has one
DigitalSeahorse: PridePaint PrideWorld
Lysander_salamander: Depending on the mother, they are either eggs or live birth
LoadingReadyRun: <insert words of comfort>
JadedCynic: <3
Simriel: he does Priest Stuff
Oreo1369: aww
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyThump
gnyrinn: The words we’re looking for are ‘pastoral care’.
Oreo1369: healing is wonderful
BrowneePoints: I bet the thick skin makes them feel a lil cooler at least
josh___something: Consentually, in a private room
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHug
JDMan94: Man, the DnD itch... this only worsens it for me. Wish I had a group.
Sarah_Serinde: jlrrFacepalm
samb6678: Counselor of the party
JadedCynic: he's an MBA...
DapperKoala2: It hurts.
Lysander_salamander: a techbro wizard
JadedCynic: BOOOO!
ClodiumSoride: Ah, the grindset.
L0rdX33n: I’m stealing that
BrowneePoints: my dnd group calls my Dragonborn scaled all the time because it irritates him AND me
SytYoshi: pennyFeed
Sarah_Serinde: Throw this person in the trash
IaCthulhuFthagn: Corporate sensitivity training video right there: "When is it appropriate to ask the orc to remove their pants."
Shadowsoflife: @JDMan94 It's fun
macgirl75: Norm joke 🤣
BrowneePoints: have a long date with shar
JDMan94: I mean I've played before
IaCthulhuFthagn: @JDMan94 I have two concurrent groups and I still want more :P
DapperKoala2: Cameron keeps hurting me.
BrowneePoints: go drinking with Cyril
JDMan94: Just don't have anyone to play with NOW
Shadowsoflife: @IaCthulhuFthagn How?
haberley: "go take a long walk off a short dragon"
Sarah_Serinde: NotLikeThis
BrowneePoints: make images of dwarven gods that folks can own the rights to
Lysander_salamander: ew
BrowneePoints: call it BitDumathoin
SnackPak_: woooow
BusTed: rayfkWelp
JadedCynic: LUL
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha
Lysander_salamander: ewwwwwww
SFSMaus: lrrWOW lrrWOW lrrWOW
Oreo1369: noon cave?
vinewood_og: Oh nooo
saucemaster5000: why are the socks stuck to the ceiling?
Simriel: NO
Lobo_Apache: third story walk down
Lysander_salamander: this man eats a lot of squid
IaCthulhuFthagn: @Shadowsoflife I enjoy the hobby?
haberley: oh is THAT why the dungeon smells of mushrooms
josh___something: JORDYNNE
Oreo1369: ouch...
JDMan94: Oh lord
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyBox vicksyNom
vinewood_og: Where did you think that cube came from...?
saucemaster5000: except for one mimic who is REALLY into it
MerrimanLyon subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 94 months, currently on a 94 month streak!
JadedCynic: The black puddings even shirk away from this potential food
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MerrimanLyon! (Today's storm count: 440)
the_phantom_game_player: PogChamp
Shadowsoflife: @IaCthulhuFthagn I have one game and it hard to get play it. how do you have two of them?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyInspect
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHeck
Lysander_salamander: shoot at the ledge!
LoadingReadyRun: Going to end up a Bag of Holding Holder
BusTed: LUL
L0rdX33n: Good opener
ClodiumSoride: Bag of Hodling?
IaCthulhuFthagn: @Shadowsoflife Well, you know how scheduling one group is hard? Apparently, that problem does not scale, so you can fit more games in your schedule if you get more groups.
DaxStrife: This is not my beautiful egg...
BrowneePoints: you ain’t got no cloaca sir
saucemaster5000: That's the third D in D&D
josh___something: DAMN
Shadowsoflife: @IaCthulhuFthagn That's fair.
BrowneePoints: Dungeons Dragons and Dolts
josh___something: Kathleen D:
Scarbble: kathleen you are a treasure
excalgold: Note: Do not put Portable hole in Bag of holding unless you want to destroy a sizable chunk of the city
DigitalSeahorse: D vicksyW
SajuukSjet: is that a Chaise Lounge reference?! excellent!
SK__Ren: On the chaise lounge?
IaCthulhuFthagn: @Shadowsoflife Also, I'm not DMing anything at the moment, so that's my itch that I need scratching right now, which is why I'm putting a third group together.
ClodiumSoride: I know it's supposed to be like an arcane blast effect, but the thing in the wizard's hand looks like one of those extending grabby hands.
Shadowsoflife: @IaCthulhuFthagn Neat, what are you playing character wise
airylan: @IaCthulhuFthagn I've likewise got 3-4 games going on at any time, because we're *all* GMs and need an outlet. (it's kind of a lot, so we have one game on a short weekly session, and two other games with longer but alternating week sessions)
JadedCynic: @excalgold and potentially send yourself to a random outer plane...
Lysander_salamander: we just want to talk!
airylan: (having a gaming group where everyone is a GM is *fantastic* and I recommend finding it :D )
L0rdX33n: Bob Herzog would be proud
HorusFive: "So anyway, I started blastin'"
DapperKoala2: "I'd like to have a conversation while myself and one of my friends are within 5 feet of you."
nevermore913: I wish I had a game but it's ok I don't
Shadowsoflife: @airylan Neat
Oreo1369: Are you hot
voren_chalco: @JadedCynic I had a player do that to another player once.
Lysander_salamander: wow, a Human. Out of legend!
DigitalSeahorse: he's just a little guy
Nigouki: But Count Dooku is Christopher Lee so super hot
L0rdX33n: Do humans lay eggs?
Oreo1369: do you lay eggs
Sarah_Serinde: Time for science
ElementalAlchemist: ongLOL
NoxStryx: New 5e race "creepy little guy"
JadedCynic: I kinda wanna start up a game of lancer, or maybe Salvage Union (a nice new...'firefly-esque' rpg that I backed)
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTrash
Drammses subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 104 months, currently on a 104 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Drammses! (Today's storm count: 441)
SFSMaus: sergeScience
JadedCynic: @NoxStryx seconded! All in favor, say 'aye'?
DapperKoala2: @JadedCynic I searched online and found one described as a "post-apocalyptic mech TTRPG." Did I find the right one?
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
JDMan94: Oh did we ever learn whomst Nelly's character already knew in the party
Scorpio_o7 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Scorpio_o7! (Today's storm count: 442)
Lysander_salamander: hahahahaha
JadedCynic: @DapperKoala2 yep; mechs are involved - party is a tribe of salvagers making their way in a wasteland loosely ruled over by evil corps...
L0rdX33n: noice
WardsarTheWriter: Dragon wings by THX
DapperKoala2: @JadedCynic Awesome, thanks!
nevermore913: Love that
L0rdX33n: Lancer is such a good system… for combat. It’s ok for other things
Lysander_salamander: dang
Shadowsoflife: I have a few settings I would love to run games in.
IaCthulhuFthagn: @Shadowsoflife Currently a deeply religious exotic dancer in a thousand-and-one-nights-in-space game (Coriolis) and an increasingly unlikeable borderline cultist in a dark fantasy industrialpunk heist game (Blades in the Dark).
JadedCynic: @L0rdX33n I have found that non-combat is best dealt with 'house rules' and 'fudging' by an experienced group - the ruleset is secondary, really
Lysander_salamander: shield-bash!
JDMan94: Uh oh
Lysander_salamander: oh no
Tweygoh: owch
IaCthulhuFthagn: @Shadowsoflife You?
ElementalAlchemist: He did a training montage, so you know he can punch
JDMan94: He should have spell sculpting
Jillexie: Sculpt spell
JDMan94: The wiz in the pdf is an evocation wiz
goombalax: is there lego bat guano?
BloodnBullets: Fatal mistake, never ask how big the room is first.
JadedCynic: My current D&D campaign has me as a tired paladin playing ' babysitter' to a few loot goblins (one has become the high priest of an almost-dead god making a comeback, another is a wilderness raised naif druid...who ended up grabbing a demonically-possessed sword, and the last is an aloof tabaxi swashbuckler :) )
Jillexie: Sculpt spell doesn't work on the caster
Jillexie: But for fun, who carrs
TheAinMAP: RPGFireball
Shadowsoflife: @IaCthulhuFthagn those both sound really cool. I have read anything of coriolis but I have read blade in the dark. I'm playing an ship engineer on a space colony ship who and teleport after touch weird energy he found in a interdim trading post
Jillexie: Cares*
JDMan94: kaBOOM
WardsarTheWriter: Where's the earth shattering kaboom?! Oh, there it is.
SFSMaus: lrrCOW
Shadowsoflife: @JadedCynic I only seen barb picking up the possessed swords
BloodnBullets: lrrCOW_TK
Lysander_salamander: It's like playing as a character in the anime Slayers
ShifuDaxiongmao: What you do is implement "the magic police" which will track down anyone using magic above a certain level without the correct permit :D
NoxStryx: No two people are not on fire.
Lysander_salamander: hahahahahaha
ClodiumSoride: Toss the egg down to Allax!
measureofhope: I'm currently running two Exalted campaigns in different editions (one started ten years ago and we don't feel like converting). I'm also in three other regular games in different systems. My brain is mush and I have no regrets.
airylan: @ShifuDaxiongmao Baldur's Gate II has that... in Amn, I believe, which is not Waterdeep :D
ShifuDaxiongmao: @Lysander_salamander good ol' Lina Inverse :)
SFSMaus: VoteYea
MacbethSeemsSus: Nice touch slightly singing the model on screen
DapperKoala2: I cast "Sudden Gravitational Impact"
ShifuDaxiongmao: oh no, they minecraft laddered him!
NoxStryx: Hold person sounds like a spell invented by an introvert to comfort their friends
Shadowsoflife: @measureofhope That's fair
Simriel: hold person causes autocrats
Simriel: auto-crits
Simriel: not Autocrats xD
Lysander_salamander: yay
Tweygoh: hold person will give advantage anyways
JadedCynic: @Shadowsoflife see, I - being the paladin of Ilmater, god of suffering, was ready to use my iron strong will to resist the demon's temptations and control it long enough to see about banishing the demon and melting the weapon down...but the teen halfling druid rolled higher on the initiative :D I've been a very close 'big brother' to help our new Sword Bearer :) )
Lysander_salamander: yayyyyyy
mtvcdm: Hi from back in my room.
Shadowsoflife: @Shadowsoflife In Fate core
HorusFive: Cam may not be within 5ft, but he's certainly distracted.
Lysander_salamander: PrideRise PrideLionYay PrideRise
Tweygoh: and a crit right?
Jillexie: Auto crit
Suffix: @mtvcdm Your very own room? Lucky.
airylan: @JadedCynic but how would you have known what the sword did if you resisted it? :)
Mazrae: Is it an auto crit since he can't more
reptile___: autocrit, since he's helpless
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyRaid vicksyTrash
Bobtheninjagoldfish: a dagger that does D8? Can I have one of those please?
Jillexie: Because of Hold Person
Simriel: Someone tell Kathleen she should be rolling her dice twice cause Crits
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDed
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 62 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ThreeTwoOnePantsOff! (Today's storm count: 443)
Shadowsoflife: @JadedCynic Neat
ShifuDaxiongmao: Kathleen's character waved a hand in front of their face.. "You can't see me"
JadedCynic: @airylan it was talking to us in our dreams - it was stuck in the material body of that near-dead god, in the forgotten ruins of the god's temple...we needed to pull the sword out to keep it from eventually killing the god and absorbing their divine energy (which probably would cause a power struggle in their home plane, too)
Lysander_salamander: yay
ElementalAlchemist: Action Serge™
Lysander_salamander: Suuurge!
thekumquatking: Melee attacks do crit
SFSMaus: sergeHi
IaCthulhuFthagn: @Shadowsoflife Fate (though usually Accelerated) is my go-to for one-shots because I can explain the game, have the group make characters and run an adventure in a 4 hour time slot.
Jillexie: Not that it matters much, Hold Person is Paralyzed.
airylan: @JadedCynic (I may have played a character once who picked up the cursed sword and became possessed by the spirit of an ancient conquering warlord, as while the rest of the group was debating how to destroy the obviously cursed sword, I the player went "but I want to know what it does!")
JadedCynic: @Shadowsoflife since the halfling became the 'bearer', she took a level in warlock (guess who the patron was? :) ) and kept passing and failing willpower saves - it's been REALLY interesting :D
thekumquatking: Attacks are also at advantage
BrowneePoints: A paralyzed creature is incapacitated (Can’t take actions or reactions) and can’t move or speak. • The creature automatically fails Strength and Dexterity saving throws. • Attack rolls against the creature have advantage. • Any attack that hits the creature is a critical hit if the attacker is within 5 feet of the creature.
Shadowsoflife: @IaCthulhuFthagn Yeah, fate is really easy to make characters and run games. It's usper fun.
JDMan94: It's fiiiiine, this egg stealer is getting bullied anyway
JadedCynic: @airylan see, that's a logical request! :)
BrowneePoints: only melee hits are crits. but ultimately Jordynnes table, Jordynnes rules
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah it really doesn't matter here
ghizmou: He's a hater
Shadowsoflife: @JadedCynic That sound awesome.
seanmrwick: yaaay im in time for the d&D game
Lysander_salamander: runs away
HorusFive: hahaha [still on fire]
WardsarTheWriter: He breaks into a fit of coughs when he tries to cackle.
TheAinMAP: RPGFireball RPGFireball RPGFireball
Skye_Stryke subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 66 months!
ShifuDaxiongmao: fellow wizards, always cast fireball!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Skye_Stryke! (Today's storm count: 444)
seanmrwick: how did the building go?
ElementalAlchemist: 🌽
Lysander_salamander: oh, polymorph good idea
VorlonScout: "Cast it in someone else's parlor."
Grevas13: controlled fireball deals minimal damage to party. how dangerous could it be?
goombalax: The Virgin, The Chad, and the Pogging Ghost
haberley: Right, it's half three in the morning, i should reeeeally go to bed. Thanks for the show everyone, looking forward to seeing the end in the VODs! :)
Shadowsoflife: o/
BrowneePoints: a night of taco bell and beer or Mac and cheese and spam will have anyone firing off magical darts
JadedCynic: @haberley have a nice rest! <3
seasikberry subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 49 months!
seasikberry: 49 months? thats like a!!!!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, seasikberry! (Today's storm count: 445)
Lysander_salamander: yay
airylan: that same character that picked up the cursed sword, the party sorcerer once needed to cast a Fireball but couldn't quite exclude enough targets to not get me. I had enough hit points that the sorcerer would have to roll fairly significantly higher than average damage to fully cook me... and I had evasion so would be fine on anything higher than a 2 I think it was. And of course I died :D
on_and_awful subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 76 months, currently on a 76 month streak!
on_and_awful: Button goes boop
Lysander_salamander: censer that man
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, on_and_awful! (Today's storm count: 446)
Lysander_salamander: yay
WardsarTheWriter: -Gollum voice- Murdererrrrr....
HorusFive: Cam has done a felony lrrAWESOME
Lysander_salamander: hahahahahahaha
Sarah_Serinde: Perfect thank you Paul
mtvcdm: And then she just laughs
Garfman314: including the demons
thekumquatking: RIP that guy ig
JadedCynic: woo!
Shadowsoflife: @airylan This is why you take fire resist :p
JadedCynic: "We have recovered your egg, and have brought the body of the real thief."
airylan: @Shadowsoflife this one was Pathfinder 1 - fire resistance for Elf Rangers was hard to come by :)
trenzylive: lol
Lysander_salamander: yay
Shadowsoflife: @airylan Fair
E4rthR0cker: the boys!
mtvcdm: ! subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
nyoomgoom: creatures
0x6772: Did anybody retrieve the egg?
SFSMaus: Calpernia has it
Lysander_salamander: yes they have the egg.
AtrusOfMyst: Invest in SinCoin
L0rdX33n: Professional murder is 90% of adventuring
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
JadedCynic: LUL
BrowneePoints: it was self defense
ShifuDaxiongmao: the most important question.. did any blood get on Darkstabs fancy new pants?
Lysander_salamander: Gary Glittergold
JadedCynic: *fires up the forgottne realms wiki*
L0rdX33n: Curt, the god of doodles
saucemaster5000: alright, let's toast an english muffin, fry some canadian bacon, whip up some hollaindaise and POACH this bad boy!
BrowneePoints: Moradin hits Darkstab with a holy bolt from the heavens
Fruan: There's a whole alphabet of cool letters, the S is the only one that is allowed to be seen by non-dwarves.
Sarah_Serinde: @saucemaster5000 jlrrNo
Lysander_salamander: terrorize some other village
BrowneePoints: it’s a red dragon egg. crack it, and run to a new country
BrowneePoints: no new red dragons is a good thing!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyBox vicksyPoint
AtrusOfMyst: Three minutes until Slurp
northos: LUL
L0rdX33n: Cheese it!
josh___something: I'm sure the gelatinous cubes can find their way naturally to a sewer system, as is their "natural" habitat
LoadingReadyRun: gelatinous cube shouldn't be adorable :p
JadedCynic: Cam: "Sharindlar, intermediate goddess of fertility, romantic love, and healing." of the Forgotten Realms' dwarven pantheon...just an idea
Sarah_Serinde: @LoadingReadyRun Disagree
SmithKurosaki: @LoadingReadyRun But is it nutritious?
BrowneePoints: gelatinous cubes are also invisible to the naked eye chat!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTH
BrowneePoints: (they are completely translucent and have a gnarly stealth check)
2 raiders from izzynater06 have joined!
JadedCynic: @BrowneePoints well, apart from the indigestible 'accessories' they might have.
Sarah_Serinde: Welcome raiders!
L0rdX33n: Hello raiders
Clockwork Cthulhu: is it morally a good act to release man eating monsters?
SmithKurosaki: Hows YT doing? I've been fighting discord issues of the past lil bit
calgaming2283: hi
L0rdX33n: You weren’t prejudiced
Shadowsoflife: raiders o/
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyShrug 🥚 vicksyJammin
Drakas: who has the golf card now
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDed vicksyDed vicksyDed
Lysander_salamander: nice
JadedCynic: *bonk....bonk....bonk....thud-thud-thud*
Despoiler98: Viscera cleanup detail
Dave Vincenty: I am just thrilled to be getting another Dice Friends
mtvcdm: Sorry excuse me this flail is coming loose, lemme get a hammer
thekumquatking: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Destiny w/ Graham at Tue 08:00 PM PDT (18m from now).
Lysander_salamander: yay scarf
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyComfy
Despoiler98: hgsCOMFY foolsComfy
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCult katesSnug vicksyComfy
TheAinMAP: katesSnug
SmithKurosaki: Right?
Lysander_salamander: eeeee
BrowneePoints: I mean Dragonborn comes from eggs too so maybe!
ShifuDaxiongmao: she lit!
JadedCynic: and that anxious about her kid
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha
JadedCynic: LUL
GhostValv: D:
Lysander_salamander: hahahahahahahaha
neisan2112: LOLOLOl
Foxmar320: omg
josh___something: It's the lady that SPRINTS with high heels
northos: LUL
DigitalSeahorse: she's my own mother! oh no
Mythallian: are we still doing phrasing?
northos: I think we're well beyond phrasing
WalrusOntheCourt subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 35 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, WalrusOntheCourt! (Today's storm count: 447)
Shadowsoflife: Where did we start?
Lysander_salamander: nice
ClodiumSoride: Where we're going we won't need... phrasing.
JadedCynic: literally had been taken prisoner by the thief
blackcoat: hawt
josh___something: Group persuasion check, neat
Therberus: Oh but what is Jordynnes Hat on though? 🤔
DigitalSeahorse: katesDevil katesBless
mtvcdm: Welp
Lysander_salamander: yay
WardsarTheWriter: Oh my god...
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTH
AtrusOfMyst: LUL
JadedCynic: LUL
Oreo1369: yess
Lysander_salamander: lrrAWESOME
mtvcdm: All of you. Everyone's name in sequence
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHype vicksyPet vicksyClap
Sarah_Serinde: So wholesome
thekumquatking: "Hey are you a normal human???"
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyBless
JadedCynic: LUl
Carrion Crow: Popped back in just in time for "Thanks, Mommy." lol
JadedCynic: Soon™
Lysander_salamander: soooon
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyRoll vicksyFastRoll
BrowneePoints: orc man in skinny jeans
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Graham is playing something next, right?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPrider vicksyPride katesPride
ShifuDaxiongmao: @thedepthandbreadthofseth yeah, it's his Destiny
Sarah_Serinde: lrrWOW
BrowneePoints: Graham is going dedniddy 2
mtvcdm: This guy. Ew.
BrowneePoints: I had a small stroke there
DigitalSeahorse: katesShake butts king
Scarbble: busking without a permit? GET EM
malfnord: omg it's Times Square all over again
JadedCynic: pickpocket...
Sarah_Serinde: pfft
GhostValv: :)
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @shifudaxiongmao ty.
JadedCynic: SeemsGood
Lysander_salamander: yay
Sarah_Serinde: tqsClap
SytYoshi: pennyCrabgod DinoDance
spethycakes: marshm3Clap
AtrusOfMyst: Hell yeah FBtouchdown
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyClap vicksyClap vicksyClap
BusTed: tqsClap
definenull: Woo!
jdr_42: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
JadedCynic: lrrAWESOME
corpocracy: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
RebekahWSD: Much better than as written!
JDMan94: Great work everyone!
ElementalAlchemist: ongClap ongClap ongClap
JadedCynic: comrad5LuffShake
Oreo1369: Good Job everyone
cointosscryptid: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
vinewood_og: Nice job all!!! lrrSHINE
thekumquatking: lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHAM lrrHEART
phoenixfeather14: mattlrDogchamp FBtouchdown
thedepthandbreadthofseth: nhodouBongo nhodouBongo nhodouBongo nhodouBongo
macgirl75: well done kidlet <3
LowUpsideCJ: Amazing game everyone!
E4rthR0cker: man, this was fantastic!
KaleidoscopeMind: ran off together or "together"?
TheNerdySimulation: Knifeperson Sneaktime
Alterego2012 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
Alterego2012: Moar LRR. MOAR!!!!!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Alterego2012! (Today's storm count: 448)
LowUpsideCJ: Really good rewrite and DMing Jordynne
Despoiler98: mistorSubhype lrrSIG
Lysander_salamander: on the way to the Candlekeep library
northos: playfr3Clap playfr3Clap playfr3Clap playfr3Clap playfr3Clap
JadedCynic: lrrWOW
LowUpsideCJ: I like "we're criminals (techinically)" at this point you're criminals (actually)
malfnord: Waterdeep escape room?
mtvcdm: But how delicious are the hot wings?
AtrusOfMyst: Are the hot wings single?
Sarah_Serinde: Ah a real fantasy world
josh___something: Wow, it is a fantasy
Lysander_salamander: :D
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
AtrusOfMyst: LUL
spethycakes: are the hot wings breedable?
reptile___: Cinderhowl has hot wings....
Lysander_salamander: wow
BrowneePoints: waterdeep is nyc and the council of lords doesn’t bus around
vinewood_og: Dunked in thy holiest of Bleu cheese
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Oh man; Jordyne is the editor.... She knows all the lore!
nevermore913: This was a great one shot
BrowneePoints: the masked lords do NOT eff around
RebekahWSD: As written it seemed...very bad reading it
Oreo1369: Can we get a public rewrite
KWardJenx: This was a lot of fun. Thank you so much
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTap
Lysander_salamander: nice
Lobo_Apache: That reminds me of the Inn in The Apocalypse Stone where food is just a think that gets harped on
IanAllenBird: 👏
vinewood_og: Ace flying!
Bobtheninjagoldfish: as someone who is looking to run this when I finish building it, I would love access to your version Jordynne
northos: Kathleen understands that the true endgame is Glamour :p
nevermore913: For people who don't play D&D the adventure might be ok
ClodiumSoride: What did you keep from the original adventure?
saucemaster5000: can we ask about the gooning room?
Carrion Crow: Timing aside, now I want both Legos and D&D.
Simriel: Jordynne's version seemed super fun
Sarah: She did a great job with it
JadedCynic: Yeah, Jeremy worked up a kit for the Temple of the Lava Bears...
AtrusOfMyst: The inn was basically a Waffle House
vinewood_og: LUL
Sarah_Serinde: Everyone knows mimics love hot wings
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyClap vicksyCheer vicksyClap
JadedCynic: Monkey Island...
BrowneePoints: Jordynne, favorite D&D setting, and Favorite Faerunian City?
NotCainNorAbel: honey on the yo-yo
Luminaire_p: Use rubber chicken with a pulley in the middle on beholder
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyComfy eeepy owlbear
Simriel: I'm STILL waiting on the Lava Bears module :p
Carrion Crow: Thinking of a video game collaboration between Lego and Larian. It'll never happen, but it would undoubtedly be awesome.
northos: @NotCainNorAbel I was just thinking of that lmao
L0rdX33n: throw pie at yeti
WalrusOntheCourt: If you use the hotwings, you have to interview your target until they cry or drink milk. Youtube taught me that.
OldManJohnsonMB: more mimics should pretend to be carpet rather than chests and trunks
Lysander_salamander: wow cool
jamesinor: Monster House but the house is just a mimic
Patorik: The hot wings thing feels almost like the writer was making fun of a coworker
RebekahWSD: "Oh HELL we don't know how to make a module"
DeltaStrata: @Simriel Let Jer rest in peace!
DeltaStrata: I mean cook!
WardsarTheWriter: Literal form over function.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyThump vicksyShy
ClodiumSoride: It's possible that nobody playtested the original module.
Sarah_Serinde: Good for them
HedgehogKnight: This set was made by a fan and voted on
Lysander_salamander: would have sucked if the skeletons were his parents
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyChill
ShifuDaxiongmao: that's why you bring a necromancer for the family reunion
0x6772: I'd guess producing a perfect adventure to time with LEGO's release schedule for the toy may not have fit well into Wizard's writing/editing schedule.
AtrusOfMyst: Do we have in-universe Lego Alex OC art?
nevermore913: The module is really just a throw in
Simriel: @DeltaStrata I know I am never getting it, but I wanna run it for people xD
Oreo1369: check on chad mike&Ned
reptile___: if this set was trying to include all the iconic monsters, where are the flumphs? Kappa
jamesinor: Oh, a campaign set in the Lego Universe game could be interesting
ShifuDaxiongmao: it's both a oneshot and likely meant to be kind of introductionary?
RebekahWSD: Yeah, everything says as written is at least 2 sessions if you do all the combats
Lysander_salamander: dang
BrowneePoints: module writing is hard
WalrusOntheCourt: Three hours barely gets you out of the tavern. And that's without the hotwings...
AtrusOfMyst: There was a Sourpatch kids one too, right?
Electrodyne: Hello Internet Friends, I am beside a campfire
Shadowsoflife: o/
Patorik: There's always that one player, though...
L0rdX33n: Emerald Rose has an excellent song about why you never split the party
BrowneePoints: balancing split time is incredibly hard
L0rdX33n: @electrodyne That is sweet and fly
Texan_Reverend: @Electrodyne I hope you're enjoying the crackles and warm flickering light.
50keyz: wow thats a really good point
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDed when you split the party in horror movie style
BrowneePoints: even Matt from CR has trouble with it sometimes
LoadingReadyRun: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Sarah_Serinde: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
RebekahWSD: Woo subs!
Lysander_salamander: nice
Patorik: Hi Jordynne's mom!
Luminaire_p: DMing is hard and everyone who is trying it doing such a good job
Sarah_Serinde: So if you enjoyed this stream, consider adding to the counter with subs or bits lrrHEART
Scarbble: hi jordynne's mom!
JadedCynic: Wooo!
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
TheAinMAP: emilym10Clap
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyWave mom
Bobtheninjagoldfish: I'm really lucky with the group I DM for, most of them are Writers so they understand that side stories are important.
TheNerdySimulation: Let's go Jordynne's Mom!
betweenmyself: been DMing for almost three years straight and I’m *still* bad at it riffYeti
50keyz: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100
Lysander_salamander: congrats!
thatjerkherc is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 4 in the channel!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyNom
thatjerkherc gifted a Tier 1 sub to vengeancepaladin!
trenzylive: dattoHUG dattoHUG dattoHUG
Simriel: !subathon
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, thatjerkherc! Welcome to vengeancepaladin! (Today's storm count: 449)
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @macgirl75 you should be so proud! She's a fantastic DM.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksySellout vicksySellout vicksySellout
macgirl75 is paying forward the Gift they got from an anonymous gifter to the community!
macgirl75 is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 10 in the channel!
macgirl75 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Tynnan!
macgirl75 gifted a Tier 1 sub to robertspierre!
macgirl75 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Yshenor!
macgirl75 gifted a Tier 1 sub to samufranqu!
macgirl75 gifted a Tier 1 sub to gnomedeplume572!
macgirl75 gifted a Tier 1 sub to lyllithblackstar!
macgirl75 gifted a Tier 1 sub to venom_1982!
macgirl75 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Stauffy!
macgirl75 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Rerout343!
macgirl75 gifted a Tier 1 sub to hummbird!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, macgirl75! Welcome to Tynnan, gnomedeplume572, lyllithblackstar, Rerout343, hummbird, robertspierre, Yshenor, samufranqu, venom_1982, and Stauffy! (Today's storm count: 459)
AtrusOfMyst: Excellent job!!
RebekahWSD: :O
WalrusOntheCourt: DinoDance
Suffix: Treetza Pizza
L0rdX33n: What’s that one system where players can re-enter the scene dramatically with bonus dice? It always led to players diving out of the scene at first opportunity only to swing in moments later in ridiculous fashion
ShifuDaxiongmao: will Jordynne get to drink more Glurp?
Lysander_salamander: golf cart?
MahJunior17 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 15 in the channel!
DigitalSeahorse: golf card, not cart
MahJunior17 gifted a Tier 1 sub to SaturnStep!
MahJunior17 gifted a Tier 1 sub to jorbsdun!
MahJunior17 gifted a Tier 1 sub to kharnor!
MahJunior17 gifted a Tier 1 sub to SevenStarKiller_Tom!
MahJunior17 gifted a Tier 1 sub to crosswhite421!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, MahJunior17! Welcome to kharnor, SevenStarKiller_Tom, SaturnStep, jorbsdun, and crosswhite421! (Today's storm count: 464)
RhoxPaperScissors: Cheer100 Stretch!
Oreo1369: Great Job everyone and Jordynne are you exited to change your middle name?
Nashlake subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 83 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Nashlake! (Today's storm count: 465)
RealLegitStreamer is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 283 in the channel!
RealLegitStreamer gifted a Tier 1 sub to wisew3asel!
RealLegitStreamer gifted a Tier 1 sub to WaywardBeer!
RealLegitStreamer gifted a Tier 1 sub to SlendyHS!
RealLegitStreamer gifted a Tier 1 sub to diesel4u!
RealLegitStreamer gifted a Tier 1 sub to blackstar976!
RealLegitStreamer gifted a Tier 1 sub to Masu_oh!
RealLegitStreamer gifted a Tier 1 sub to qbob2!
RealLegitStreamer gifted a Tier 1 sub to Karakadon!
RealLegitStreamer gifted a Tier 1 sub to deathofspam!
RealLegitStreamer gifted a Tier 1 sub to Root711!
DigitalSeahorse: CARD
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, RealLegitStreamer! Welcome to SlendyHS, blackstar976, qbob2, Karakadon, wisew3asel, WaywardBeer, diesel4u, Masu_oh, deathofspam, and Root711! (Today's storm count: 475)
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and…
DeltaStrata: Will the pizza be on stream?
OVERKiLL!: 🔹️🔹️🔹️🔷️ 💙
nevermore913: Saturday has real life fork lifting
SFSMaus: Cheer1000 Congrats to Jordynne!
Lysander_salamander: oh, it's a small golf cart
somebasil is paying forward the Gift they got from Ivalenz_ to the community!
somebasil is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel!
somebasil gifted a Tier 1 sub to kinderwazabi!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, somebasil! Welcome to kinderwazabi! (Today's storm count: 476)
Texan_Reverend: @macgirl75 Thanks for all those gift subs!
tabbybabbyy is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel!
tabbybabbyy gifted a Tier 1 sub to ScottieJustDid!
tabbybabbyy gifted a Tier 1 sub to geodedragon!
tabbybabbyy gifted a Tier 1 sub to Amethyst_Crisis!
tabbybabbyy gifted a Tier 1 sub to thekumquatking!
tabbybabbyy gifted a Tier 1 sub to holdoncaulfield!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, tabbybabbyy! Welcome to ScottieJustDid, geodedragon, thekumquatking, holdoncaulfield, and Amethyst_Crisis! (Today's storm count: 481)
ckupf subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 37 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ckupf! (Today's storm count: 482)
Sarah_Serinde: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
RebekahWSD: Destiny! Woo!
Foxmar320: Yep
Brozard: Woo, I just finished Destiny for the night
Lysander_salamander: yay
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyNoU golf
Patorik: How much farther do we have to go to hit the cap?
vinopinguino: awwww yeah
thekumquatking: @tabbybabbyy Thanks for the gift sub!
Foxmar320: We are doing Warlord's Ruin
josh___something: Warlord's ruin!!!
TheNerdySimulation: I'm guessing ovaloid
ElementalAlchemist: gg Jordynne
josh___something: BIG MEATBALL!!!
Brozard: Warlords is a lot of fun
Scarbble: aw yeah, ruin them warlords
Shadowsoflife: o/
ElementalAlchemist: 👋
Jakelope13: $5 on the Final Shape being a 4-torus
WalrusOntheCourt: hotwings for everyone!
KWardJenx: Thank you!
OldManJohnsonMB: Jordynne is good at their job
GhostValv: bye :)
thatguysteve2709: Thank you
VorlonScout: Thank you Jordynne!
WardsarTheWriter: Bye! Thanks for the great game!
Oreo1369: good night
Snowcookies: ty!
IanAllenBird: o7
niccus: which 4-torus?
GhostValv: good game yall
BrowneePoints: Warlords Ruin
spethycakes: Thanks for a super fun story, everyone!
Foxmar320: Graham has never ran this dungeon so this will be fun!
KWardJenx: Brilliant job Jordynne!
Lysander_salamander: me waving at the screen again in response
Simriel: You have to accept it I believe?
Carrion Crow: Gah...after everything, I feel the urge to crack open Icewind Dale Enhanced Edition.
macgirl75: bye kidlet -<3
Gekyouryuu: it's a Great Icosahedron
Oreo1369: Same
Lysander_salamander: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
betweenmyself: Warlord’s Ruin: bad news, Graham’s going to jail! good news: the guard sucks at their job!
Wingnut5k: How is Destiny 2 these days? I became unhealthily attached to it and then quit because of how much FOMO they put on ya
tabbybabbyy: @thekumquatking you're welcome!
Foxmar320: Im having a blast with Final Shape
BrowneePoints: the spoiler free thing about the Final shape is that’s it’s way more horrifying than that
SmithKurosaki: @Simriel Where do I sign up to accept pizza?
Oreo1369: this should be fun
IanAllenBird: 👀
BrowneePoints: way less geometric and far more metaphysical while still being technically geometric!
Leebo140: @Wingnut5k Final Shape was a banger and the new seasonal model is cool too. We're going back to the Dreadnaught in Episode 3
22 raiders from EscherichiaCole have joined!
Foxmar320: Welcome raiders!
Leebo140: FOMO never left sadly, but the game is pretty damn fun still
JDMan94: Yeah, Final Shaoe kinda brought it back after that last expansion nearly killed it
thatguysteve2709: I do not know why that phrase is actually horrifying @browneepoints
BrowneePoints: and fighting Fallen Vampires in Episode 2
EscherichiaCole subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 125 months, currently on a 125 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, EscherichiaCole! (Today's storm count: 483)
ClodiumSoride: welcome raiders!
UnnnaturalD20: escher3DOOT escher3DOOT escher3DOOT
TheAinMAP: escher3DOOT escher3DOOT escher3MEOW
LordZarano: escher3DOOT escher3DOOT
LowUpsideCJ: The final shape is crab, ultimately
Sarah_Serinde: We're just switching between segments, Graham will be playing Destiny shortly
Foxmar320: Just in time for Destiny 2 times
BrowneePoints: @thatguysteve2709 the actual final shape is horrifying
BrowneePoints: conceptually
betweenmyself: @wingnut5k we got a special ammo sword, for what that’s worth riffYeti
Foxmar320: Going to be a bit, still getting setup on our end
SuperFpac: release the blur cut
Chris Ellis: y'all need to make YouTube interactions go toward the subathon
Scarbble: i still laugh about whoever said that the final shape goes in the square hole
JDMan94: Man, what a good time.
grgriffin3 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 131 months, currently on a 131 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, grgriffin3! (Today's storm count: 484)
Leebo140: Hi Paul
Sarah_Serinde: Hi Paul!
mtvcdm: In the meantime the clock is always there to add time to. We're still far from cap so.
Sarah_Serinde: Hi Jordynne, great work! :D
James_the_Dabbler: It was fate that this next segment would happen. You could even call it... Destiny
Sarah: They're unable to for this one but they hope to have something working for next time
Mattmitchell45: <3 <3 <3
0x6772: SOS?
Shadowsoflife: <3
VorlonScout: I do enjoy break screen shenanigans
macgirl75: nerds lol
Texan_Reverend: Ayyyy Macarena!
Sarah_Serinde: Nerds? Here?! Nooooo
Foxmar320: The break screen is real nice
BrowneePoints: oh god it’s Chappell town
BrowneePoints: roan
SmithKurosaki: @Sarah_Serinde I dont believe it
grave2057: thanks chapel roan
BrowneePoints: plz no
bigmtgman: what is nexts
betweenmyself: behind the scenes bLRR content
Sarah_Serinde: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Destiny w/ Graham at Tue 08:00 PM PDT (6m ago).
drocathekorok: Don't you love having to leave right in the middle of the dnd part and come back to stay tuned
Sarah_Serinde: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
mtvcdm: Aaaaaaaa
IanAllenBird: eek
MysticProtogen: Huh, just found out they have a twitch channel lmao
SnackPak_: lrrSPOOP
Scarbble: aieee, beholder
thekumquatking: H-O-T-T-O-G-O!
TheAinMAP: guyjudgeOhnoes
Carrion Crow: Getting different forms of tech to play nice is like trying to get psychotic apex predators to engage in cuddle play dates.
Scarbble: @MysticProtogen welcome in!
ClodiumSoride: it's a blurholder!
Mazrae: doont look it in the eyes
Foxmar320: Next is Destiny 2 w Graham, Sniper and me!
Wingnut5k: @drocathekorok Managed to do that both today and yesterday!
mtvcdm: BEHOLD
Jakelope13: Look! It's the Beholder! There is Beauty in it!
Mazrae: wait i might be thinking the wrong monster lol
drocathekorok: @Wingnut5k I did it earlier during the legos too
BorealMage gifted a Tier 1 sub to MysticProtogen! They have given 21 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MysticProtogen! (Today's storm count: 485)
ProfessorFalconer: So what's currently on/coming up next?
Simriel: Have a good time chat, I'm off to sleep
SmithKurosaki: Later Sim
Juliamon: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Destiny w/ Graham at Tue 08:00 PM PDT (7m ago).
MysticProtogen: Thanks BorealMage for the gift sub!
ProfessorFalconer: Much obliged, @Juliamon and @LRRbot
drocathekorok: OOO DESTINY
BrindleBoar: @LRRbot D with G
Mattmitchell45: byee
Redbassist: lrrGibb
betweenmyself: will Graham get a Buried Bloodline on his first WR clear? send him your spirit energy chat!
northos: @BrindleBoar uhhhhh
Leebo140: Methinks I shall learn the Warlords Ruin solo while G starts it
neisan2112: Just coming back, what's up next?
Carrion Crow: Goodnight, Simriel. Sleep well when you get there.
Redbassist: FBtouchdown lrrBartleby
Texan_Reverend: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Destiny w/ Graham at Tue 08:00 PM PDT (8m ago).
macgirl75: bye Jordynne 💕
neisan2112: Coo
neisan2112: Hiiii
Mazrae: wait was there a nat 1 or nat 20 in that whole game
pn55: benginHi
Dreamlettuce: brucegDance
malfnord: gdqGroove
neisan2112: Look at all these beautiful blury people
VorlonScout: Definitely was at least one nat 20, unsure about 1
pn55: jlrrDance jlrrDance3
Gascitygaming: squats?
TheAinMAP: jlrrDance jlrrDance3 jlrrDance
thekumquatking: @Mazrae The boss got a nat 20
adept_nekomancer: Out of focus dance!
Redbassist: TwitchConHYPE
Mollylele: sharkf11SHARK sharkf11SHARK sharkf11SHARK
betweenmyself: ohnoKrappy
Mattmitchell45: Always great to give these goofs more screentime
0x6772: @Mazrae Jordynne hit... Matt? I think? with a natural 20.
neisan2112: RaccAttack
insanecat6mtg: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
ProfessorFalconer: bbytesD bbytesD bbytesD
drocathekorok: @Mazrae Cam got a nat 20 pretty early on too
Redbassist: 🪑
Texan_Reverend: @wedge_x I was just wondering whether that flicker was only on my screen.
wedge_x: I can see between frames
0x6772: Or an LED on a dimmer out of phase with the camera.
wedge_x: probably, but I'm old, and ballast is funny :D
0x6772: haha
0x6772: But yes, I see the flickering too. ;^>
SmithKurosaki: @wedge_x Who uses flourescent lighting anymore tho
wedge_x: Oooooollllld
0x6772: Most office buildings in the US...? I've been working from home for a while, but last time I checked... Probably not new build stuff, but old stock.
BrowneePoints: Came rolled a nat 20 -1 on arcana
LostThePirate: Considering they renovated the space to turn it into a Moonbase, it is a little odd that there's old lights up.
BrowneePoints: Cam* gosh damnit keyboard
Shadowsoflife: A betting ad?
wedge_x: I know it's all LED on the rigging in studio, iirc tho
ElementalAlchemist: \o/
Sarah_Serinde: Hi Graham!
ProcyonFlynn: !quote 6710
LRRbot: Quote #6710: "F solves all our problems." —Foxmar320 [2020-01-17]
Texan_Reverend: Greetings, Graham!
Luminaire_p: Hola, Graham
Texan_Reverend: Waiting a moment.
malfnord: uno momento, por favor
Mazrae: hi G, bye G
mtvcdm: Hi Graham
betweenmyself: extra BLRRy filter here
thekumquatking: Time to claim your Destiny!
Foxmar320: Soooooooooon
LithelyUnshod subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 74 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LithelyUnshod! (Today's storm count: 486)
Suffix: Hi Foxmar320!
Foxmar320: Hello Suffix
Shadowsoflife: o/
Texan_Reverend: Hi @Suffix _and_ @Foxmar320
Suffix: So, what cursed out of bounds places are you taking G this evening?
ThorSokar: Who's playin the Destinys tonight besides Graham?
SmithKurosaki: Suffix GREET!
James_the_Dabbler: Suffix greet!
Foxmar320: Suffix we have... plans....
betweenmyself: kinda bummed that the new Buried Bloodline Ornament is Gjally themed, but oh well pennyWhat
Suffix: Right, yes. HELLO FRIENDS!
Lysander_salamander: :D
Texan_Reverend: @ThorSokar Foxmar and SniperPumpkin
Diabore: hello graham!
SmithKurosaki: @Foxmar320 Is it a Ruined Warlord?
Diabore: ready to ruin some warlords?
forcedreject: Hey everybody, Graham there
I_Am_Clockwork: I spy someone who's going to learn about shapes
Juliamon: oh hi
Gascitygaming: hullo!
Texan_Reverend: Shot given.
Suffix: Many shots, hopefully.
josh___something: ASMR G?
BrowneePoints: Welp Graham just jumpscared the shit out of me
TheAinMAP: lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrARROW foxmarNOV
Lysander_salamander: a voice!
Gascitygaming: shot receieved, ow
mtvcdm: Take the shot
BorealMage: This is a shooty game, hopefully there will be more than one shot
Mattmitchell45: We have Graham Tone!
Diabore: was that supposed to have sound?
Scarbble: hey!
BusTed: Hello!
MrPhlip subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 131 months!
MrPhlip: Time to shoot the Witness in one of his many faces!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MrPhlip! (Today's storm count: 487)
Foxmar320: Hello Graham
northos: g'evenin'
Brozard: Woo!
Sarah_Serinde: It had a little very quiet sound
mtvcdm: ! subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Luminaire_p: lgwHi
Genie_M: It's 5 am!
Texan_Reverend: @Diabore No, it cuts off.
ElementalAlchemist: The plan was not to have a plan
GameSageZB: Taking shots? But it's not Desert Bus!
wedge_x: hope you like screebs
dissimulate1: I says to James, I says
Shadowsoflife: @BrowneePoints I was still on ads
drocathekorok: Graham, you should do trials
Xafty: wiggins raid incoming
VorlonScout: @wedge_x everybody loves screebs
27 raiders from wiggins have joined!
Izandai: mattlrBork mattlrBork mattlrBork
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyD
dissimulate1: matt!
HawkeyeCadash: mattlrBork2 mattlrBork2 mattlrBork2
jibkat: mattlrBork2 mattlrBork2 mattlrBork2 mattlrBork2
Sarah_Serinde: Thanks Foxmar and Sniper :D
mtvcdm: Hi Chatt!
korvys: Hey Chatt
SmithKurosaki: Hi Wiggins and raiders
LostThePirate: Hey Wiggins and co
James Frank: just came in to say good luck, we are all counting on you
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
Dalrint: And wiggins, apparently
baltimore_667083: hello Wiggins and friends!
Orlantia: Suffer not a moon ghost to live
Pokedude512 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel!
Pokedude512 gifted a Tier 1 sub to gaia_arcade!
Pokedude512 gifted a Tier 1 sub to dtrain_67!
Pokedude512 gifted a Tier 1 sub to maxSol1D!
Pokedude512 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Johnny_Boots!
Pokedude512 gifted a Tier 1 sub to raze667!
neisan2112: Ayo Its G
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Pokedude512! Welcome to Johnny_Boots, dtrain_67, raze667, maxSol1D, and gaia_arcade! (Today's storm count: 492)
Gascitygaming: that's chat's full name
Texan_Reverend: @LoadingReadyRun Guests are a bit quiet.
Sarah_Serinde: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyArrive
shea_wolfe: Where did that wizard come from?
Lysander_salamander: did they final a fantasy?
Izandai: We're working through the Temple of the Ancients.
BrowneePoints: He was on ff7 rebirth
Xafty: like 2 streams from finishing FF7 Rebirth
Diabore: nope
jibkat: Not yet!
gualdhar: oh god no
Orlantia: Had to end early for DB meeting
OhaiMireiya: mattlrBork2 mattlrBork2 mattlrBork2 we're getting there
dissimulate1: @Gascitygaming canon
before_damage: always final fantasy
Izandai: We are nearly at the end of Rebirth.
Diabore: hes mid chapter 13
korvys: Wiggin's World (Party time, excellent)
before_damage: never not final fantasy
gualdhar: 140 hours later he's still on sidequests
RatherLargeToad: Making his way through the temple of the ancients
Izandai: Probably two streams left.
Dalrint: Who has 200 hours to finish Rebirth?
BrowneePoints: He finished Side Quests, he's on the Temple
Suffix: No spoilers. I don't know how it ends.
cosarprime: He's past the point of no return
Texan_Reverend: Much improved guest volume.
jibkat: mattlrLul
Izandai: Oh no
frameshifty: oh hey me too
northos: lol, I did that with FF8
OVERKiLL!: oOK Big G in the house🦍
Diabore: its a ff boss
MrPhlip: The last phase... that you know of
before_damage: what bosses don’t have multiple phases?
Diabore: yeah it is bullshit though i agree g
korvys: "This isn't even my final fantasy"
BrowneePoints: Graham did you hear the rumors FF9 is getting a large scale rework as well!?
Izandai: mattlrLul
neisan2112: It would be a spoiler to say that it DIDN"T have multiple phases
betweenmyself: the last phase is a serious pain, yes
BrowneePoints: I'm Excited!
Dread_Pirate_Westley: How groundbreaking.
tinpantithesis: Graham out here with the hot takes
ThorSokar: composNotes Time to queue up Denglebot sound effects faolkoNotes
Lysander_salamander: was it like a raid boss with damage areas and so forth?
Sarah_Serinde: Right well it's about bedtime for me, have fun Graham and everyone
Diabore: stream health bitrate?
Nigouki: Why else would Dancing Mad need to be like 20 minutes long even back in SNES days?
Izandai: @korvys You joke but there's an optional boss in the game that actually does a title drop.
MrPhlip: Stream health: Bitrate
northos: night Sarah!
thatguy575 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 84 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, thatguy575! (Today's storm count: 493)
Scy_Anide: Multiple phases? As a FromSoft and FF14 player, I am appaled.
Bobtheninjagoldfish: bitrate
wedge_x: Traveller says trans rights
OhaiMireiya: it's not a phase mom! (it is in fact 3 phases)
Orlantia: Every boss in the Chaos punchers game had multiple phases
before_damage: Takes as hot as charon’s crossing
SmithKurosaki: @ThorSokar Rip DingleBot
MrPhlip: I don't think we're hearing game audio
Lysander_salamander: space!
josh___something: Crank that music to TEN >:D
SmithKurosaki: Yup, he's doing something in Destiny 2 with a couple of the regular D2 playing mods
Brozard: We are all currently in space
Suffix: Bitrate.
GameSageZB: Oh hey, nice to see a Warframe stream!
Nigouki: oh, Ben's timer
BorealMage: From Ben's timer, I think
Juliamon: Is that the timer?
SmithKurosaki: @Diabore Ben was using a speedrun clock earlier
IanAllenBird: is that from Ben's timer
northos: paul halp
josh___something: Paaaaaaul D:
neisan2112: Oh thats the speedrun
0x6772: But you could time your Destiny... um... splits?
before_damage: Are y’all not speed running the dungeon tonight?
pn55: lrrFINE
Lysander_salamander: By the way, Saturday is the anniversary of Moon Landing
thekumquatking: Ah man, the barrel party with Ben was a great time.
DigitalSeahorse: lrrFINE vicksyPanic
Suffix: It's a Rhombus right?
josh___something: I wouldn't say it's a *speedrun timer* but it is a timer
BrowneePoints: Warlard's Rarn?
Diabore: a bungo dungo
BorealMage: beeg dungo?
SmithKurosaki: I *also* haven't beaten the game yet
josh___something: IT's fuckin SICK
Orlantia: What shape do you think the final shape takes?
Diabore: its my second favourite dungeon
A_Dub888: is it a BEEG Dungo??
SmithKurosaki: Ruin is heckin' fun
MrPhlip: ok, yeah, no game audio
BrowneePoints: Spoiler Free, the Final Shape is Horrifying
Nigouki: This is like the 3rd diffferent Destiny stream where I have to ask if the Final Shape is the Cool S or not
before_damage: Have they fixed the debuff?
Mazrae: its a pentadecagon
iris_of_ether: foxmarPOP foxmarPOP foxmarPOP
Gascitygaming: what are the D2 clans again? I'm in Merc Solutions but it's not terribly active
Lysander_salamander: First try rare drop fingers crossed
josh___something: Yeah. it's kinda fucked up
dungeonmasteralek: Just finished work, have I missed much destiny?
DoodlestheGreat: The final shape is that of a small weasel, wearing a hat.
Taveena: It kind of is a single shape, which is the problem,
KaleidoscopeMind: does it go in the square hole?
ArdCollider: the square hole!
Brozard: Diorama
BrowneePoints: It's metaphysically a final shape while also being geometircally a final shape
TheMandrew: Carcinization comes for us all
MrPhlip: sealed in amber, and sliced into layers
logophile99: Spoilers
sfn____: perfect moment sorta thing
MacbethSeemsSus: I hope the final shape is a bundt cake
Diabore: the witness wants a universe sized terrarium
RatherLargeToad: MC Esther type thing
JDMan94: Oh Time Kompression?
Suffix: So, it's a Phantom Zone?
Dalrint: He wants to pause the universe.
Izandai: The final shape is cubism?
BrowneePoints: And you're not DEAD
thekumquatking: So, I've never watched any Destiny content whatsoever. Am I gonna be completely lost here?
A_Dub888: Everyshape everywhere all at once
BrowneePoints: and you're not ALIVE
Luminaire_p: amber is the color of our energy (forever)
josh___something: It really wants to show of it's art projects
logophile99: !!!
TheWanderingNomad: He sounds like the worst!
betweenmyself: the Witness puts everyone through a freezing Slap-Chop
betweenmyself: *wants to
JoeKim: infinite tsukiyomi
Gascitygaming: what was that museum where they like disected people? that but shape
Badchop: Too many things
JDMan94: Yeah, Time Kompression
Badchop: All moving
JoeKim: just harvest the things
Diabore: witness wants to play permanent freeze tag
BrowneePoints: "What if I calcify you into a shape of my choosing in which you aren't alive and aren't dead"
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDed vicksyEmpty
JDMan94: Didn't realize this was FF8
josh___something: OH YEAH
BrowneePoints: yep
voren_chalco: I have had enough of Witnessing, and now it must stop.
Luminaire_p: No one will suffer ever again
malfnord: Kind of relatable, honestly?
BrowneePoints: not dead
ArbalestTheGeni: the final shape is Taco Tuesday
BrowneePoints: not living
KaleidoscopeMind: so the final shape is a pause and/or stop button?
josh___something: Living out it's final moments
CaptainSpam: Ah, yes, the "those damn kids today are ruining everything" argument.
Suffix: So it IS a Phantom Zone!
before_damage: The cutscene implies they’re conscious
Badchop subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 36 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Badchop! (Today's storm count: 494)
BluJester: BibleThump
DigitalSeahorse: sounds painful
MrPhlip: death would be change, and change isn't happening any more
bytecaster: Technically alive, the best alive
BrowneePoints: Living out a moment of Its Choosing forever
A_Dub888: The Witness as in the giant white orb that supposedly gave power to the hoomans??
tinpantithesis: everything? everywhere? all at once?
BrowneePoints: That happened yes
josh___something: no, it happened
ThorSokar: so, living nightmare ala locked-in syndrome, fantastic
TheWanderingNomad: @ArbalestTheGeni This is the LEGO Movie? zoomizLUL
Badchop: Yeah, that happened and Mara was like "whoa now."
Lysander_salamander: so much trauma
Gascitygaming: *everyone disliked that*
betweenmyself: very much happened
Carrion Crow: Ah, so it's ultimate stasis for everything, forever.
Gekyouryuu: I really love this Tumblr post about Final Shape:
Chesul: For those of you who know Whitewolf. Threat 0.
Badchop: lol
josh___something: I love the stupid warlock hat
Lysander_salamander: its a nice hat
Badchop: That has is _amazing_ for one of the raid encounters
Badchop: *hat
AdamYMHMI: The final hat?!
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
tajessa: That is a good hat
Brozard: Incredible
VorlonScout: I love it
thekumquatking: Outlaws of Thunder Junction?????
neisan2112: Elesh Norn?
dungeonmasteralek: Ehh, seems like a hat on a hat to me
adept_nekomancer: There may be better sources of Foxmar, but none of them have this hat.
Badchop: Elesh Foxnorn
WiJohn: The final shape!
BrowneePoints: yea the Final Shape Raid Sets are SIIIIICK
wedge_x: have you ever really calcified your hand
Morrigan9: the traveller came to earth for that
ArdCollider: the windshield scraper hat is the best
neisan2112: OTJ Elesh Norn?
mercano82: There may be better sources for Destiny news, but…
NevermorePainting: There are better raid parties, but they don't have, this hat
Mazrae: ice scraper to cowboy ice scraper
Kentosaurus: now that's just putting a hat on a hat
Arael15 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 77 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Arael15! (Today's storm count: 495)
Two_Hats: Is there game sound? It might just be really quiet on my end?
MrPhlip: neither can we
DigitalSeahorse: also sound like a real irl condition where people just lose all motor function and you can pose them but they can't move themselves
VorlonScout: A glorious hat crime
betweenmyself: game insists on Pathfinder tutorial
MrPhlip: oh hey, there's game audio
Orlantia: Foxmar the flying nun
A_Dub888: @northos Foxesh Maorn
ThorSokar: there's game audio?
couchboyj: Hat on a hat? Someone call Mann Co, we have copyright infringement
Two_Hats: ah, answer to question
Diabore: i forgot how pink the halloween stuff was
Izandai: @Gekyouryuu That's very good.
Dalrint: We can't hear the game either?
wedge_x: Graham's post is carbon dated to October, got it
thekumquatking: A little!
SmithKurosaki: Pretty much
SmithKurosaki: Which, hilariously, is not what the Hive thought it was originally
Carrion Crow: Apologies, I don't do multiplayer, so I know nothing of the plotline here.
Diabore: yup
SnackPak_: yup
MrPhlip: game audio is a little quiet but present
BrowneePoints: i could hear asher
DigitalSeahorse: yup
ClockTamer: I thought we were playing Destiny not TF2
Mazrae: tiny bit
BrowneePoints: rahool*
jimber_jam: it a little quiet, but yes
Scarbble: yes but it's a bit quiet
Badchop: Thanks for speaking up, Rahool
public_key_reveal_party: so this introduced "eternal hell as you are immobilized forever still alive and screaming" and also "yeehaw lazer hat"
Lysander_salamander: yes rahoul sounds good
BrowneePoints: < is a fake destiny fan apparently
midnightcurryjazz: Its a little quite. But combat is sure to be louder right
Orxolon: good evening every1
Gascitygaming: tower is kinda quiet compared to the shootys
TheWanderingNomad: Is Rahool still holding our good Engrams hostage?
ArbalestTheGeni: Graham what do you think about the fact that the Witnesses final pan is just Lord Business from the Lego Movie?
MrPhlip: that seems good
Suffix: There it is.
Mazrae: better
Orxolon: oh no!we only have 29 hours left!
coronax_cj subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 56 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, coronax_cj! (Today's storm count: 496)
thekumquatking: Happy Halloween errybody!
Diabore: oh theres a cat emote for bright in the store
MrPhlip: have you played this game since last Halloween?
Luminaire_p: oh, there's a cat emote
Natedogg2: I love that pumpkin emote. I use it all the time.
kasper1787: shout out to paul who works so hard!!!
ImmortalLen: It's THE tea pot!
A_Dub888: KITTY
HortonFearsACoup subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 61 months!
HortonFearsACoup: What is this Subscription Marathon of which you speak?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, HortonFearsACoup! (Today's storm count: 497)
MaddogM: time for tea?
Lysander_salamander: can you pet other people's cats?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyInspect katesLoaf
ThorSokar: I do like the table flip...
SmithKurosaki: Table flip is in fact good
SnackPak_: classic Destiny
thekumquatking: Pathfinder is like D&D but different.
BrowneePoints: You pick your path
Natedogg2: Instead of bounties, we have this system now.
Suffix: There's too many things that have changed.
BrowneePoints: They're Bounties you get to pick your path for
Natedogg2: Just follow the path and get the engram.
OVERKiLL!: 💙 mad love @Paul
Suffix: I havent played in 6 years.
MrPhlip: I did one (1) ritual pathfinder, and that's enough
ArdCollider: today's patch unscrewed a couple of things but not enough yet
betweenmyself: it’s different, and everybody loves different… riffYeti
ArdCollider: pale heart pathfinder's great, though.
MaddogM: Haven't they learnt that nerds don't like change?
Taveena: important kitty
Lysander_salamander: is there a star-cat?
BrowneePoints: Did you see the D&D armor Sets Graham?
DigitalSeahorse: katesBless
DigitalSeahorse: katesFlower
Luminaire_p: I'm happy that more people can get the Conditional Finality ornament
BrowneePoints: I think Titan gets Gold Dragon
Carrion Crow: If you missed it, wait until the VOD is available where everyone is assembled telling Paul to "say the line" and the cheer that erupts. That tells the story.
Dalrint: @MaddogM I'm still mad they changed talent trees in WoW in 2009
TheMandrew: that one is The Witcher
BrowneePoints: that's the Witcher
Natedogg2: Yeah, Mass Effect too.
StygianAutomata: is this live or pre-record portion?
BrowneePoints: Yep
Luminaire_p: It IS
TheWanderingNomad: Looks good
TheMandrew: the N7 armor takes shaders real well
betweenmyself: DnD sets prolly under Seasonal?
Shadowsoflife: yup that mass effect
MrPhlip: Schedule: 8pm-1am: figuring out keybinds, 1am-2am: Warlord's Ruin
MacbethSeemsSus: You have to earn an N7 ranking
StygianAutomata: Thank you @MrPhlip
BrowneePoints: Gold Dragon is in the store store
Suffix: Sick.
Carrion Crow: Paul is just Paul. He is mellow, and he is awesome. Learned that years ago.
bytecaster: Love generic Destiny one
BrowneePoints: I think in Seasonal?
Seth_Erickson: Reminds me of Zer0 from Borderlands that Cogent
A_Dub888: "I'm Commander Shepherd and his and this is my favorite store on the Last City"
gualdhar: what if Destiny had progresion systems ripped from Warframe?
Gascitygaming: it's fine TM
BrowneePoints: It's Destiny 2 with Nexon style microtransaction *eye twitch*
Diabore: also for the dnd stuff, im pretty sure its in the seasonal tab in the store
Cptasparagus: also has the worst name of all time
Dalrint: I have seen it described as Warframe with hotter characters
TheOneCalledStu: feels more warframe then dootiny from playing it
Stormgod519: im back. Hi graham
BrowneePoints: THERE IT IS!
DoodlestheGreat: It's the Palworld of Destiny.
Diabore: gold dragon
BrowneePoints: Warlock gets Mind Flayer and Hunter Gets Displacer Beast
sporkraptor: ooo, that's kinda pretty
A_Dub888: Pretty sure I fought that in Monster Hunter
excalgold: Look out Angel grove, theres a Titan in town
TheOneCalledStu: warlock is displacer beast
TheOneCalledStu: er hunter is displacer best
Robert: that's the game I keep thinking is an ad for Warframe
Diabore: how titan didnt get owl bear is beyond me
excalgold: thats just a Beholder...
Suffix: Okay. that shell is awesome.
iris_of_ether: OMG
BrowneePoints: Hunter is Displacer Beast. and the Helm and Cloak slaps
JoeKim: variant is right
Lysander_salamander: hahahahaha
Luminaire_p: I like using that shell
MrPhlip: I believe it's pronounced "iterant"
Camthelion: hai JoeKim <3
Suffix: WHY
Luminaire_p: Ghost shells are a raid mechanic
Diabore: maybe orbit so the tower doesnt affect?
TheWanderingNomad: @Luminaire_p How exactly?
bytecaster: No owlbears in the tower?
Lysander_salamander: :D
Lily the Otter: that's sick looking
Luminaire_p: I don't want to say too much, but you play a game of pin the ghost on the guardian
BrowneePoints: And breaks the game
BrowneePoints: they let you do STUPID things
BrowneePoints: like REALLY stupid things
A_Dub888: @BrowneePoints So perfect for Graham
Luminaire_p: Probably going to be another one with Solstice
excalgold: oh its a member of the Blue Graham group!
BrowneePoints: Its Admiral Akbar!
SmithKurosaki: @Carrion Crow It's all good. I'm semi-retired, but I've done enough D2 to know whats up for teh most part
$100.00 from kasper1787: "thanks"
SmithKurosaki: Thanks for the super chat, kasper :)
SmithKurosaki: (Unfortunately it doesn't move the timer)
Stormgod519: It's A Trap!
Scarbble: PodsMalone
BrowneePoints: clan BRED? woof
VorlonScout: "John Destiny"
TheOneCalledStu: John Destiny
Pywodwagon: its THE John Destiny
WriterRaven flops into chat, wondering if Density is still as impenetrable as ever
Malkmaven1176: Is this a raid run?
betweenmyself: THE John Destiny is in the Tower
BrowneePoints: Dungo
LowUpsideCJ: @WriterRaven Mostly yeah
Scarbble: density has not gotten less dense
trenzylive: yo its THE john destiny
Mazrae: the was the goose games in there, i didnt know that there was more than one game, lol honk
Suffix: Fun with Keybinds!
kasper1787: lol my best friends
Diabore: i played an iron banner game with tugger nuts last week
sporkraptor: birb
LowUpsideCJ: Best one I've seen in tower was Child Support
SnackPak_: they'll get it some day
adept_nekomancer: That is a very nice birb
sporkraptor: is that a real birb?
Seth_Erickson: Is John Destiny Jr. or more colloquially known as Destiny 2 around?
Lysander_salamander: yay exotic
Chesul: Jaundice Tony? feel sorry for him.
BrowneePoints: Oh yea, here's this year's Festival of the lost Armors too (Hunter/Titan/Warlock in order)
Luminaire_p: Does Graham need the quest to start the dungeon?
Diabore: youll find out
SnackPak_: we got a dog!
SajuukSjet: sporkraptor indeed, his name is Lewis
BrowneePoints: Archie is a neomuna puppo
betweenmyself: second page of Hawthorne probably has the Warlord’s Ruin Wuest
Carrion Crow: @SmithKurosaki Ah, got it. It's always a bit funny in a way, since it feels like people are speaking in a different language at a certain point.
sporkraptor: aaaaaaa
Izandai: mattlrLul
IanAllenBird: kijuiokjui
betweenmyself: *quest
Brozard: Archie gives you pawsitive reinforcement
josh___something: Technically, it's Ana bray's
I_Am_Clockwork: downward dog
GameSageZB: Because we have to bring _all_ of the 90s back, Graham.
BrowneePoints: He's not joking
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
BrowneePoints: Rasputin went splodey
josh___something: Ana bray (and her gf's dog)
excalgold: Rasputin is a dog....?
BrowneePoints: Rasputing was good and kind
niccus: does archie get exo blues or is it not that kind of robot
BrowneePoints: Rasputin was also confirmed to be Lord Felwinter
Lysander_salamander: Rasputin did one of those sacrifice things
WriterRaven: Ra Ra Rasputin, Tower's barking fluff machine~
SmithKurosaki: I'll do my best to translate, but I'm also in a voice call atm :)
Carrion Crow: @SmithKurosaki No worries, it's fine. Honestly, given how much I imagine Graham working on/worrying about, for him to have a multi-hour block to just do what he wants feels good to see.
betweenmyself: @loadingreadyrun Graham might need the Quest from Hawthorne’s second page to run the Dungeon
Diabore: you dont actually
BrowneePoints: new system also boosts you 5 under party lead
bv310: Fireteam banding baybeeee
Lysander_salamander: neat
josh___something: The call is THE GOAT
bv310: The Call RULES
Diabore: the call is great
TheMandrew: the call is amazing
Badchop: yeah that gun real good
josh___something: I FUCKIN LOVE rocket sidearms
Scarbble: the call is rad
Natedogg2: The Call is sweet. It carried me through the legendary campaign.
Leebo140: I love trying to do the solo triumph for Warlord's Ruin and got softlocked so I now have to restart : (
SmithKurosaki: Yea :)
SmithKurosaki: Based on previous experiences w/ Long Game, non-zero chance G will end up rubbing against things to break out of the world for fun at some point :p
Badchop: nooooo
Luminaire_p: a new one came out today, too
MrPhlip: Arc rocket sidearm with voltshot, from the dungeon, is just murderous, I love it
bv310: Buried Bloodline does NOT count Foxmar :P
ArdCollider: Indebted Kindness is good times.
shea_wolfe: Does Slice pair with Hook or with Dice?
Badchop: sounds like somebody doesn't have Buried Bloodline :D
Stormgod519: lol
Luminaire_p: Sever is VERY powerful
Lysander_salamander: what is "sever?"
BrowneePoints: You can slice up to a set amount of targets
betweenmyself: @bv310 the new Titan Exotic Chest counts Buried Bloodline as a rocket sidearm
BrowneePoints: wow
SquareDotCube: ?Does it cut a cake
josh___something: Sever = 40% less outgoing damage to enemies affected
BrowneePoints: that's a good perk set
Jakelope13: I'm sorry, did they give players a Boltgun as a sidearm?
BrowneePoints: that's a GOOD sterling
josh___something: WEEWOO WOUNDS?!
A_Dub888: Archer or Stehpanie Sterling?
BrowneePoints: they fire micro rockets
Brozard: WEEWOO
Pywodwagon: as much as a joke it can be that they have a lot of text, reading other things after magic cards will make you realize how well written they are
Brozard: We all say it Foxmar
josh___something: It's how I say it, and you can't stop me
Lysander_salamander: nice
BrowneePoints: cuz Cayde
SquareDotCube: speaking of Guardian faces...
Lysander_salamander: ohhhhhh
Luminaire_p: The Call is the Guardian as a Warlock
Izandai: I have long appreciated how precise Magic templating is.
josh___something: It's basically mini thresh
chrono2x subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 118 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, chrono2x! (Today's storm count: 498)
Stormgod519: @Izandai *Sauron of many colors has entered the chat*
Lysander_salamander: Pale Heart refers to Cayde's Daughter? Oh cool
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
Carrion Crow: If he breaks out of the world at some point and comes back with the Lament Configuration, we could have the seed of a whole new spin-off.
betweenmyself: Graham got a “Dungeon Bounty” from Hawthorne, not tye Quest for Warlord’s Ruin
Leebo140: Go to Ikora'
josh___something: ikora
josh___something: probably
vinopinguino: who up
TheOneCalledStu: should be talk to ikora
MrPhlip: Talk to Ikora
mtvcdm: Heed the Helm
thekumquatking: HEED IT
Arael15: need to grab the quest from ikora
Izandai: @Stormgod519 Saruman
vinopinguino: lol damn, beat me too it
SmithKurosaki: Ikora probably
Luminaire_p: You need a quest to start
Lysander_salamander: well, down to the wiki
Suffix: It's just after Pondering the Orb
Diabore: you need to pick up the dungeon bounty
TheNerdySimulation: Me trying to get my friends to play a NSR game
sporkraptor: real cairne-heeding hours
Seth_Erickson: Get me over to Lorwyn so I can Heed my Cairn
dungeonmasteralek: Cairn is a castle
josh___something: She's usually the Dungo questmaster
SquareDotCube: Hot Cairns Near Your Area
Luminaire_p: I think it's actually Hawthorne
Lysander_salamander: hahahahahahahaha
DoodlestheGreat: I heed my cairn, so now I have to wear Depends.
bv310: Heed The Cairnussy.
josh___something: HEED THE C A I R N
adept_nekomancer: Heeding your cairn? On stream?
BorealMage: Remember to water your plants and heed the cairn
MrPhlip: She heed my cairn until I [extremely loud incorrect buzzer]
LathosTiran: heed the cairn and respect the helm
mtvcdm: We all want to vacation in Cairns
Diabore: @bv310 banned, no reinstatement
TheWanderingNomad: Ach
TheWanderingNomad: Damn capslock
bv310: @Diabore You know what? Fair.
Gascitygaming: is that similar to druiding the ozferance?
Luminaire_p: ah, it was Ikora
betweenmyself: there we go
SmithKurosaki: @bv310 Illegal
Dalrint: Wait. You heed the cairn in PUBLIC?
Tz_BG: Heed the cairn makes me think of the ponder your orb Crapshot
Gekyouryuu: heeding the cairn? is that even TOS compliant?
Lysander_salamander: dull surprise
BrowneePoints: Dark Ether!? SCORM!
BrowneePoints: Scorm Dogs a plenty!
Jakelope13: I'm fairly sure "Heeding the Cairn" is against Twitch's ToS
MaddogM: having had the stream paused due to an incoming call, heeding the cairn let me know that I was watching live :P
Izandai: @Stormgod519 What's the issue with Saruman's templating?
Himyul: Cairn: Heeded
jedi_master_zll: I kinda want to play Destiny 1 again now...but all my friends stopped playing...
vinopinguino: cairn heeded
Gascitygaming: have we asked the cairn if it would like to be heeded?
OVERKiLL!: 🫳🏽🔮
snowb0und is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel!
snowb0und gifted a Tier 1 sub to xFiZeekx!
snowb0und gifted a Tier 1 sub to jbkovoz!
snowb0und gifted a Tier 1 sub to unholydough!
snowb0und gifted a Tier 1 sub to VeeDotGee!
snowb0und gifted a Tier 1 sub to theboohi!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, snowb0und! Welcome to unholydough, xFiZeekx, theboohi, jbkovoz, and VeeDotGee! (Today's storm count: 503)
BrowneePoints: don't forget to meditato to rememberato
jedi_master_zll: Destiny 2 I meant, but still
Diabore: still not enough
UltraVioletVodoo: you missed a void
Suffix: I knew you had an orb to ponder.
Morrigan9: heed the grenade
Beefpants: never tried Destiny, WoW stole my soul
northos: @Izandai it's extremely wordy with conditions and technicalities. it's totally functional, but not very human-readable
SmithKurosaki: Pondering the Orb tehre Over?
BrowneePoints: If you love WoW you'll probably love Destiny if you don't mind shooters
Lysander_salamander: mmmm harvest
BrowneePoints: similar grinds
Diabore: graham thought he was done, but there was another
Jakelope13: I'd play more D2 if they let you play through all of the content from game release (yes, I am a gamer who likes to start a fresh character on MMOs every once in a while; I am very weird)
bv310: Oh so you'll consult the astrolabe, but heeding the cairn is a step too far? :P
GameSageZB: "Consult the astrolabe" is a great "is it 1600 or is it 2020?" sentence
TheNerdySimulation: Cairn? Heeded. Astrolabe? Consulted
Diabore: 2006
betweenmyself: sometimes you forget to remember just one thing
DoodlestheGreat: Warlord, ruined.
BrowneePoints: it's to help facilitate new players play with their friends
miniMacGuru: Maybe Destiny will do the MMO thing and release "Destiny Classic" to play through it all again from the beginning.
BrowneePoints: and it's a great idea
northos: I thought astrolabe was banned Kappa
OVERKiLL!: you caught that haha
CaptainSpam: Gentlemen... BEHOLD! Cairn!
Lysander_salamander: I am forcibly removed from the tower
Beefpants: As the Astrolabe guides.
SquareDotCube: Iron, not Bannered
BrowneePoints: Graham gonna get himself some Scorm Dogs
Izandai: @northos Yeah but it's precisely worded to function in an exact way. I appreciate that.
jacqui_lantern234: Gaslight Gatekeep Caird-Heeded
Seth_Erickson: how goes the dlc Graham
LordShadner subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 125 months!
LordShadner: Woo never make it live these days. How is Destiny treating you this late in the game G?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LordShadner! (Today's storm count: 504)
BrowneePoints: Have you played through Lies of P and Crab Souls yet?
excalgold: oh i still love that gun Graham has, it looks like it is a cut down rifle
Seth_Erickson: Have you fought the final boss at all yet Graham?
mtvcdm: Cairns, astrolabes, what, are we searching for the Northwest Passage?
Seth_Erickson: if so how'd it feel
bv310: RIP Flawless
Stormgod519: o7
pimiento: destin ring
HolyHadouken: and much like dark souls, Gravity
Diabore: rip flawless
excalgold: wow Highlight reel!
SmithKurosaki: @Seth_Erickson He hasn't completed campaign yet
TheAinMAP: jlrrFall
jacqui_lantern234: also, reminder that i love you all AGGRESSIVELY!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
Seth_Erickson: That's the dark souls experience
OVERKiLL!: i dont know why that one was so funny. well. i do know. it was the writting and delivery. but a funny ass lil sketch.
MaddogM: as is tradition
Luminaire_p: I honestly feel like this was supposed to come out with the D&D collab
SmithKurosaki: @jacqui_lantern234 N o U
jacqui_lantern234: @SmithKurosaki NO U MORE
BrowneePoints: This expac was also a massive shakeup
Lysander_salamander: very busy
BrowneePoints: and it's an MMO
Diabore: mans is busy, hes got a company and a kid
northos: @Izandai there is a certain computational precision to it, but to an average person trying to play the game it's borderline indecipherable
BrowneePoints: big investment
Larkonus: There's a lot of games that want to be your main time investment.
ReverseCreations: oh cool, I'm really bad at Elden Ring
Seth_Erickson: @SmithKurosaki I was talking about hte dlc final boss that he said he just got too?
BrowneePoints: it still feels like old Halo Did
Omega_Lairon: It's a... blast?
Scy_Anide: A Shlooter
Seth_Erickson: wanted to know if he went into the fog for any attempts
jedi_master_zll: I wish they'd make a 3rd game already, 2 feels like a lot to get back into right now.
Natedogg2: The guns feel sweet. And that's important.
SmithKurosaki: *shrug*
northos: honestly all the best games are actively trying to render themselves irrelevant
bv310: Also big props to current Narrative Director Alison Luhrs.
MacbethSeemsSus: A walk and talk? Ah, the Sorkin gambit.
Ukon_Cairns: yeh the minute to minute gameplay is pretty stellar. no understanding of the larger scale gameplay or progression
SquareDotCube: oh yeah they put Marathon 1 and 2 on Steam now, I can see a G PiF coming out of that
Stormgod519: @MacbethSeemsSus dammit, I was so close!
HolyHadouken: 10/10
Obos_TAB: is she still going by Eddie?
DoodlestheGreat: LUL
Gekyouryuu: the bananers don't look i-ron
miniMacGuru: Bungie promised us new Marathon content, but then pulled all the excitement out of that announcement by saying it's an "extraction shooter".
SmithKurosaki: @miniMacGuru Right?
Elevation_4000_FT subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 89 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Elevation_4000_FT! (Today's storm count: 505)
A_Dub888: Based on my experience watching G stream Destiny, "exploring" will probably lead to clipping through the walls...
SmithKurosaki: Yup
Carrion Crow: Gah...brain is getting squishy from the heat. Apologies. Good day/evening to everyone, and good evening to everyone in LRR.
SmithKurosaki: its all good. Hello :)
Mazrae: i had got this game with 2 expansion a few months but couldnt really get into it
BrowneePoints: It's her First name "eddie" izard
AdamYMHMI: But they were RED flags, so... y'know.
Obos_TAB: I know she wants to go by MP haha
BrowneePoints: Suzy Eddie Izzard
Izandai: @northos I think that's an exaggeration. It might take a couple of careful rereads to fully grok, but I think that's worth it to eliminate ambiguity in how the ability functions while making the experience of playing the ability as smooth as possible.
BrowneePoints: for full professional name Graham
jacqui_lantern234: speaking of "liked games" ive been feeling nostalgic lately so im redownloading FFX cause i wanna cry
excalgold: Gamers do not look up
Ukon_Cairns: gamer, not Gamer™
josh___something: As opposed to Gamer(derogatory)
Stormgod519: Gamer Neutral, or Gamer Evil?
HolyHadouken: depression?
shea_wolfe: Patches!
korvys: Poison swamp?
Chronomos901: dying
MadWolf1290: pain
thekumquatking: Poisom swamp
IanAllenBird: crying
Carrion Crow: @SmithKurosaki Hey there. :)
Taveena: It does kind of have souls.
vinopinguino: LOL
SmithKurosaki: Amor is peak Dark Souls vibes
BrowneePoints: a Pop Scorn Pinata!
Lysander_salamander: hecking screebs
jacqui_lantern234: lmao
SmithKurosaki: SO much popscorn
A_Dub888: a skreeb-cret chest
Jakelope13: I really, really don't want to know how they all fit in there\
Lysander_salamander: skreeb in a box
northos: if the chain is pointing towrads you...
DoodlestheGreat: ~/Screeeeeeebs, release me, let me gooooooo.../~
Brozard: oh no, it's all falling down
Carrion Crow: Oh, Graham, you have to look up. That's where the cluster of Joker teeth are in Arkham Asylum.
That_Jerk_RMED subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 110 months, currently on a 110 month streak!
That_Jerk_RMED: Welcome to Dave's Warehouse of Screebs and Bones! Everything is free if you can escape the Screebs.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, That_Jerk_RMED! (Today's storm count: 506)
josh___something: Standing screeb D;
pimiento: welcoming cage
345tom: Balls I keep missing the beginnign of all the bits I want to see
Stormgod519: ah
Alsritt: wait did they actually crossover w/ fromsoft, or is this all a loving homage
Valentine Swonger: always a good sign
bv310: Loving homage
SmithKurosaki: Very Loving Hoamge
Lysander_salamander: heck
IanAllenBird: pretty fun way to teach you that ahead of time
345tom: How longs the destiny been going/how long left/
Stormgod519: Salud!
korvys: Taken eyes? Are the organ donation people still after Graham?
Stormgod519: Even Destiny wants G's eyes!
josh___something: This is gonna be MILDLY out of order if we're collecting ALL of the bones this run
mtvcdm: Why do all our problems keep being solvable with guns
epsilon_vee: sterile neutrinos...
just__fitz: On a scale of Brando Sando to Warhammer 40K how unnaproachable is this lore
SmithKurosaki: @josh___something You cannot I think
Valentine Swonger: That sounds bad!
Gascitygaming: even in death i still serve?
WalrusOntheCourt: I can tell only good things happen here...
bv310: @just__fitz Very reasonable
Brozard: Also, we kinda didn't kill the LAST one?
Lysander_salamander: somewhat dead
trenzylive: even in death i still serve
That_Jerk_RMED: H E E D T H E B O N E S
Dalrint: @mtvcdm I always thought violence never solved anything...until one day, it did.
Brozard: one(s)
betweenmyself: also something something Season of the Wish
TheWanderingNomad: @mtvcdm Obviously that means they're practical problems
BrowneePoints: We brought Riven back as a Ghost for a season
BrowneePoints: sorry not a Ghost* a spirit*
josh___something: @SmithKurosaki If someone in the instance has all the quest steps, they can open ALL the doors
Diabore: oh graham, not its both
Mattmitchell45: Are Ahamkara in the same genius as Leviathans?
Diabore: now*
BrowneePoints: Nope.
SmithKurosaki: @SmithKurosaki I dont know if you can pick up bones w/o quest?
bv310: Come out of your cage, and be doing just fine?
DoodlestheGreat: Invulnerability mechanics.
BrowneePoints: We had to use Techeuns to bring Riven back for a season @Mattmitchell45
MaddogM: isn't invincible the ultimate bullet sponge?
northos: !card wish
LRRbot: Wish [2R] | Sorcery | You may play a card you own from outside the game this turn.
Luminaire_p: I wish for a damage phase
Taveena: wish for a damage phase
A_Dub888: What do we get from outside the game?
DoodlestheGreat: I'd wish for a pony.
josh___something: BIGGER BUTT
Mattmitchell45: @BrowneePoints Ahh
Diabore: tack on 10 million more health
bv310: Khvostov, my beloved\
DoodlestheGreat: "add another couple zeroes."
Brozard: More health: the Division approach to endgame content
345tom: Had G been playing much recently I know he's bveen off and on
Beefpants: Just make enemies bigger. Like huge.
A_Dub888: Sniper's fighting Ganon from OoT
RubikDarkwill: Give us your EYES Graham!
Luminaire_p: MY BRAND
Dread_Pirate_Westley: It's a good joke.
SmithKurosaki: Everything is Fine
josh___something: G, tactically saving super... I assume
Taveena: it is no longer time for big gun.
Lysander_salamander: wow those minions have a lot of health
SmithKurosaki: hey Lumi
betweenmyself: only ever played this Dungeon Solo, so it’s weird seeing people dealing damage so quickly pennyWhat
A_Dub888: @josh___something All according to keikaku
Brozard: like a true Hunter
Luminaire_p: @SmithKurosaki lgwWave
IanAllenBird: could you make more specific wishes, maybe ask for longer damage phases
Larkonus: The dots from the radar move rather satisfyingly through the subathon icon on top of it.
Natedogg2: Just wish for more wishes.
josh___something: So...
Luminaire_p: lumina1Paw
josh___something: THe rocket sidearm ALSO sometimes hits the bars
Carrion Crow: Indeed. -proceeds to burn all passports and quietly...subdue...anyone who so much as whispered the name of Lars Gerhardt-
Luminaire_p: I think you actually shot yourself to death
Taveena: Oh, no, your rocket sidearm exploded.
Taveena: In your face. Like a rocket.
Lysander_salamander: does this dungeon have the revive tokens?
josh___something: so, you might be better served with your riskrunner, re:eyes
Luminaire_p: Dungeons have no revive tokens
bv310: Ignore the meatball
Brozard: It's a beholder!
Jakelope13: So, why can't you wish the boss dead? Would the Ahamkhara find that unsportsmanlike conduct?
josh___something: OH, graham is in one of the useful roomes
josh___something: *rooms
northos: "the Seath one" :p
SmithKurosaki: @Jakelope13 I mean, I'm sure theyd find a way to exploit that
A_Dub888: "The Ahamkar's Avatar" The Ahamkavatar
Lysander_salamander: love the "kapwing" noises from that gun
Seth_Erickson: This is the lost bastille from DS2
Brozard: What hand?
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Welcome to Oblivion.
BlazingPinkNova: Environmental storytelling skeleton
gnomonclature subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 122 months, currently on a 122 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, gnomonclature! (Today's storm count: 507)
Luminaire_p: spinning smoke alarms
A_Dub888: @Dread_Pirate_Westley I thought that was Bethesda
josh___something: the one this room can see is one opposite to the skeleton, and one above sniper
Carrion Crow: Really, it's Highlander rules at this point. There can only be ONE Lars. lol.
Luminaire_p: it's based on the hands
josh___something: foxmar's one is the one you only shoot once
Brozard: It's the skeleton's right hand
Taveena: IIRC it doesn't matter?
MrPhlip: Graham's 4 is next to the skeleton's right hand, so 4 of them need to be spinning right
Luminaire_p: 4 clockwise
josh___something: 4 clockwise, 2 CCW IIRC?
Luminaire_p: 2 widdershins
josh___something: Microwave's open! :D
josh___something: This dungeon's armor set is cool
WalrusOntheCourt: Never lock people in jail with their guns. Pro tip.
SmithKurosaki: The Hunter armour looks decent
WightKnight333: That must have sucked for the first few to experience it.
betweenmyself: this puzzle was fun Solo when the doors between cells were bugged to be perma closed… Had to bounce grenades around
excalgold: Dark Age Helm, complete with Tacticool nightvision goggles
TallynNyntyg: That kind of reminds me of the SPI helmet from Halo.
bv310: @Suffix JOIN US
mtvcdm: Ah. A nice leisurely walk with a single defined path.
SmithKurosaki: @Suffix Yessssss
Meark: Do I come back to destiny?
SmithKurosaki: One of Us :)
josh___something: The collapse dark age
BrowneePoints: lord felwinter etc
josh___something: It's SO COOOOOOOL
shea_wolfe: It hey it's Craig with the good hair
Pywodwagon: Allison good at story it turns out
Easilycrazyhat: "We've had first Dark Age, yes. But what about *second* Dark Age?"
BrowneePoints: yea the story was REALLY good
mrMorphius: So many dark ages
BrowneePoints: Also your friend Alison Luhrs helped right it Graham!
josh___something: The scorn are performing culture
jacqui_lantern234: @BrowneePoints YOURE REALLY GOOD
josh___something: how RUDE
Wingnut5k: Hideogame
northos: does that make this a strand-time game?
BorealMage: Love a good evening Strand
northos: *-type
BrowneePoints: write
BrowneePoints: damnit
BrowneePoints: i can't type tonight
Twilight_Spark: So you're Throwstrandman. I know this Kojima game.
MrPhlip: and she's doing a good job of it too
jacqui_lantern234: but, G, is your Strand Flooded? Kappa
mtvcdm: Alison is great
bv310: Also top-tier Friday Nights guest star
SketchyDetails: Angry yelling lady!
josh___something: Well, less unlikeable
midnightcurryjazz: lol
Easilycrazyhat: Easily the best storyline they put out, imo. Allison is so good. I miss her regular mtg stories dearly.
Goombill: More importantly, also was part of an amazing Glengarry Glenross parody
Stormgod519: highlight reel!
MacbethSeemsSus: James?
mtvcdm: !hole
LRRbot: Did somebody say holes??
Meark: peak indiana jones stuff right there
Mattmitchell45: Allison should be put on Osirus/Saint-14 dialogue
Lysander_salamander: Bones!
Gascitygaming: giving big Vermintide to me too
WalrusOntheCourt: The ol' Bone of Hefnd!! He died before he could buy a vowel.
SandwichKed: yeah, needs more waist-high rats
TheNerdySimulation: dang Scorns and they're bad wishes
jedi_master_zll: Well I was able to set up cross saves. Maybe I'll try D2 on Steam now.
TheNerdySimulation: their*
CardboardHorde subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 66 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, CardboardHorde! (Today's storm count: 508)
Stormgod519: well hang on
josh___something: Graham no
Texan_Reverend: Too _many_ head.
bv310: On a scale of one to head, they trended towards head
IanAllenBird: gains another skateboard
Gascitygaming: no "two *comma* much head"
Easilycrazyhat: @SandwichKed Rats of unusual size? I don't think they exist.
Mattmitchell45: Cranial Molting?
Dread_Pirate_Westley: The not-spiky part.
A_Dub888: !card price of progress
LRRbot: Price of Progress [1R] | Instant | Price of Progress deals damage to each player equal to twice the number of nonbasic lands that player controls.
Easilycrazyhat: Moar Bones!
MrPhlip: the more locks on the door, the more quest progress you need to open the door
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Cool hat.
niccus: where's your head at? right here
Jug_R_Not: Can never have too many bones, as the old saying goes
midnightcurryjazz: how very 40k
mtvcdm: Kitty
mrMorphius: Kitty squad
jacqui_lantern234: MEOW
excalgold: Why do i feel like the Dark Age would be ripe for books or spin off games....
Lysander_salamander: Hawthorne still snarking about guardians
Lysander_salamander: oh it's petra
josh___something: well, she's RIGHT... but yeah
Easilycrazyhat: Real Fake Chests™
Jakelope13: Is it the weird cable?
bv310: What's wild is I think y'all found a real one RIGHT away
SmithKurosaki: @bv310 Oh they got G with the first one
MrPhlip: it's more obvious if you're further away from the chest
josh___something: You get stuff you've already gotten (from secret chests)
bv310: @SmithKurosaki Oh yeah, that tradition is important to uphold. Like letting new people go Upstairs in Deep Stone Crypt E2
SmithKurosaki: Yuuuuup
TallynNyntyg: If you see it breathing, it's a thot.
josh___something: opening it is fun
Jakelope13: Should we be worried that G keeps finding helmets scattered around Ahamkara skulls? Were they Hefnid's helmets?
jdkaiba subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 18 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jdkaiba! (Today's storm count: 509)
Easilycrazyhat: Gamers something something something
Lysander_salamander: Looor
Valoopy: Uhm LRR dungeon run??
Stormgod519: im so mad
Dread_Pirate_Westley: A Dore?
DaVeganPolice: :|
Valoopy: Who all is in the fireteam??
BrowneePoints: PourOverMir can
TheNerdySimulation: ooo, a Game of Thrones ref, nice
DoodlestheGreat: FailFish
Easilycrazyhat: "One does not simply walk into Loor-dor"
Izandai: @Valoopy Foxmar and Sniperpumpkin
jamesinor: What kind of car does Sauron drive?
jamesinor: A Mordor sedan
Mazrae: a lrr lore dore
Mazrae: door*
Valoopy: @Izandai are these other LRR mainstays or guests?
mtvcdm: Consequences? My favorite!
Lysander_salamander: Oh, been a while since I've heard the House of Kings
BrowneePoints: Nope
mtvcdm: Foxmar and Sniper are on the mod team.
Valoopy: Dude I love Crow's characterization in this dungeon
josh___something: they're hunters
BrowneePoints: It's more "This man is kind and gentle and tied to so much pain"
josh___something: they're fundamentally annoying :)
BrowneePoints: Uldren was annoying. Crow is a sweet bean
northos: per-petra-ally
BrowneePoints: a lil edgy, a lil sad, but a sweet bean
A_Dub888: Is Crow the one who killed Nathan Fillion?
BrowneePoints: Yes
BrowneePoints: well no
BrowneePoints: Uldren was
excalgold: 'well no but yes'
BrowneePoints: Crow is his reborn self that now has his old memories but is a different person
bv310: @A_Dub888 Previous life, and then Cayde came back in the most recent expac
MrPhlip: One of them will speak to you, and it will say "hahaha get in the pit idiot"
Easilycrazyhat: "Sweet peaks, bro"
wedge_x: Hunter spoke to me, it said, "lol get fucked lmao"
shurtal: use gesture to teleport ot Archdragon Peak
BrowneePoints: they never give you articles
BrowneePoints: and rarely give you nouns
shea_wolfe: That auto translate too!
shurtal: Is this dog?
Chronomos901: ah yes, the art of "try finger, butt hole"
Stormgod519: Pardon?!?
BrowneePoints: "Finger, but Hole"
Scy_Anide: In my experience the messages has both not changed and not improved.
Scy_Anide: Have they changed? Sure.
Bruceski: magnificent chest ahead
betweenmyself: I play Souls-Likes offline specifically to avoid having just the appearance of messages spoiling things
Dread_Pirate_Westley: jlrrFall
A_Dub888: anyone else hear "edge" and immediately think of Catharine?
Gekyouryuu: apparently Japanese players thought there was a secret castle that only appeared in the darkness, but it turns out it was just english players meming with "Fort Night"
Omthebox: My favorite message was one on a spire that said "I wish I had bigger, But whole"
DaVeganPolice: behold, hole!
Scy_Anide: And yes, I did say they changed and yet did not change.
Lysander_salamander: the death cries are great
Izandai: @Gekyouryuu mattlrLul
Easilycrazyhat: G wants to join Ben with the speedrunning
trenzylive: you don’t have the right o’ you don’t have the right
mrMorphius: Footsies
bv310: Oooh, the physics bounce
Chronomos901: James gameplay
FrostyKaze: @A_Dub888 here, me!
Omthebox: Titans are bouncy
Scy_Anide: Because there are new messages that convey the same thing, which is to say, a) pickle, and b) but hole.
bv310: That's always a good time
mtvcdm: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
Lysander_salamander: this game is wild
ForOhForError: conservation of momentum
Easilycrazyhat: This is 100% a DSs bridge
A_Dub888: They did mention a dragon...
BrowneePoints: yea! There's a healing RIFLE
BrowneePoints: and it's SICK
IanAllenBird: oh!
mtvcdm: Do keep that clock humming chat
BrowneePoints: yea but not a dragon with a chocolate starfish mouth
epsilon_vee: didn't expect dragon to be so friend-shaped
josh___something: I... believe axion darts are arc damage?
shurtal: get it wish twisted
trenzylive: behold, dog!
josh___something: LUL
MrPhlip: the trapped chests also glow if you look at them from a distance
TheNerdySimulation: know folks are saying DS and fair, but portions of this level really got me thinking about Spyro the Dragon. Especially the platforming
Stormgod519: oof
SmithKurosaki: @josh___something Yes
SajuukSjet: the breathe is client side
SajuukSjet: so guardians see it at different times
adept_nekomancer: Wow, Hefnd just died all over the place in here.
Astramentha: DinoDance
Gulleko: if this is dark souls, at what point do we get to the poison swamp?
bv310: Alright, I wish you all (and especially G) a Buried Bloodline Drop
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Damn it Graham, I'm a doctor not a [Destiny Thing]
SnowBuddy18: Caramelldansen? is it Desert Bus already?
mrMorphius: The poison swamp was 2 expansions ago
josh___something: If you're wondering why guardians are discouraged from finding about their past lives
trenzylive: good ol alternate route souls troupe
mtvcdm: You found a hole extension!
betweenmyself: don’t worry, it’s not like we’re ever going to have to deal with Fikrul again… definitely not next Episode pennyWhat
I_Am_Clockwork: like one of those gyrostable chiken experiments
excalgold: Willie E. Coyote the Titan
Meark: subocean?!
TallynNyntyg: Ground not loaded, 0/10 game.
SmithKurosaki: And thus the OoB rubbing hath begun
Lysander_salamander: yay
sporkraptor: nomnomgranomla
MaddogM: how much of the list is watching G die?
betweenmyself: what BYAR, is that granola bar? riffThink
Diabore: that might take longer than this dungeon
BrowneePoints: EXOTIC
type_variable: the borderlands redistributor i see
TheNerdySimulation: heh
Beefpants: STEP INSIDE
TheNerdySimulation: from a distance one of the guns fired sounded exactly like a spaghetti western revolver shot
betweenmyself: @thenerdysimulation that was the Khvostov ricochet round previously mentioned
trenzylive: just realized this is kinda like the entrance to layendel capital city
TheNerdySimulation: that was gonna be my guess, thanks
betweenmyself: @thenerdysimulation it stands out
shurtal: i haven't played Destiny in like 5=6 years is Telesto still broken?
ForOhForError: @shurtal it's been fine since it took over last yearish
trenzylive: @shurtal well it became self aware for a bit
DoodlestheGreat: It wimdy.
Graved: Extreme weather
GFreeGamer: "it will become winter" has big 'it becomes day' energy
Jakelope13: *pointedly looks around at the snow-covered ground*
Beefpants: many whelps
BrowneePoints: Telesto breaks things much less often lately
Twilight_Spark: That snow across the way looks like a face
ForOhForError: oh I wouldn't worry about Up There :)
betweenmyself: @shurtal there was a short lived event in which Telesto purposely did some really strange things, became self aware, and then they released Telesto themed cosmetics that spark and smoke
josh___something: The circle goes in the square hole
SajuukSjet: yes! I've corrupted Sniper with braziers!
Dread_Pirate_Westley: I have only one burning desire.
shurtal: @betweenmyself Well then, at least bungo leaned in to it
Valoopy: this dungeon is so freaking fun
ForOhForError: mostly it's been other things that broke in the meantime. titans could kill doors for a few days
StygianAutomata: lrrPistachio
Valoopy: plus the arc rocket sidearm is so good
betweenmyself: @shurtal and now we have a special ammo sword that can roll with an effect that drops Telesto bolts on Heavy attacks
Artificer_Evan: Man I am missing SO much of this sub a thon. sigh oh well life happens
StygianAutomata: My eyes glazed over after the "we carry it to these braziers" and i think this is how my friends feel when i talk about magic
SmithKurosaki: @Artificer_Evan, There's always the VoDs, here and on YT :)
thegitrogsquirrel: Find any good glitch platforming today?
Diabore: oh g
Lysander_salamander: :D
BrowneePoints: it's a sword with random rolls
Crispy042 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 89 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Crispy042! (Today's storm count: 510)
BrowneePoints: I have a sword with WOLFPACK ROUNDS
Jakelope13: Can you stab someone with the Telesto, and then they experience a physics glitch which kills them?
CommonCents43: Did it work?
SmithKurosaki: @StygianAutomata Yea, Dungeon and Raid mechanics can get a little complicated during explains on the first couple times
Brozard: It's the sword on your grave in the Corridors of Time, if you remember that
MrPhlip: it can be violet sky
betweenmyself: lightweight frame
Lysander_salamander: so much grinding
shurtal: good to know Telesto is moving up in the world.... Or moving the world
Natedogg2: I like my Riskrunner sword.
CommanderPulsar: it can be purple it can be hurtful
Lysander_salamander: way too much grinding
SmithKurosaki: @Jakelope13 I think they unbussed Telesto enough to not break the game anymore
Stormgod519: dammit
Stormgod519: lol
Stormgod519: that's so good
Diabore: swords now wolfpack rounds
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
BrowneePoints: Ergo Sum is BUSTED
Beefpants: Just your standard rocket sword
BrowneePoints: it also has a giant ghost as a pommel
guardianzero666: I have a possibly stupid question, because I haven't touched this game since forsaken, if I wanted to get back into it, did they ever unvault the red war campaign or is that story still no longer available?
betweenmyself: and it gets extra buffed when you’re Transcendent
BrowneePoints: red war is no longer available
StygianAutomata: @SmithKurosaki Thank goodness I thought i was just missing out on something
Bruceski: Can you re-roll the sword or is it luck of the draw once?
MrPhlip: this is the expansion of "what if you could do all the things". There's a sword with a bunch of weapon perks, a class item to mix and match armour perks, and prismatic that lets you mix and match subclass perks
SajuukSjet: guardianzero666 basically campaigns before Beyond Light are vaulted
trenzylive: the grind for class items is hard but can be mitigated with a macro
TheNerdySimulation: rocket launcher sword is gonna be my Marvel Multiverse character's Iconic weapon
TheOneCalledStu: Locus of Big Sad
Jakelope13: That sounds like a dev made that weapon to create an edge-case scenario, and everyone on the team couldn't stop laughing
CommonCents43: how does one "sub"
Stormgod519: isnt that just Adam?
Suffix: That was my nickname in Uni.
Natedogg2: @Bruceski You can get multiple rolls in a week.
Suffix: Wild,
MacbethSeemsSus: Locus of Wailing Grief is my Evanescence cover band.
trenzylive: cause the class item drops from world cheats in the pale heart like 1 per 30 mins
Beefpants: healing turret $3.99 to actually receive effective heals
Cptasparagus: Locussy
betweenmyself: @sajuuksjet prior to Shadowkeep, but yes
StygianAutomata: lrrGREED
CommonCents43: following was free
SajuukSjet: oh, true, Shadowkeep is still present... it's just been so long
Diabore: try not the jump, the ogre likes to push you
Juliamon: CommonCents43 There should be a big purple button that says "SUBSCRIBE" and it costs money
Lysander_salamander: love the ragdolls in this game
CommonCents43: hmm
heronblademaster: Cheer5000 here Graham, since I had to give Serge all my bits yesterday, these are yours
josh___something: Oh, on the 9th stack, they SLOW you
josh___something: it's SO mean
Juliamon: also, if you have Prime, you get a free sub every month
Juliamon: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
Texan_Reverend: @CommonCents43 Below the stream video window, there's a Subscribe button. From there, you can pay to subscribe to the channel, providing some money to the streamer and unlocking this channel's custom emotes.
guardianzero666: Yeah I knew they vaulted all the old story at one point, I was just curious if they ever brought them back. Thanks for the info :)
StygianAutomata: I UNDERSTAND WHATS HAPPENING~ yippee!
SajuukSjet: Red War/Osiris/Warmind/Forsaken campaigns are no longer present, though The Dreaming City remains along with Last Wish and Shattered Throne
betweenmyself: this fight was *fun* to learn, going in Solo with zero knowledge riffYeti
CommonCents43: nah nah, i'm considering my finances. I think following was enough
midnightcurryjazz: mcgroober aim
Texan_Reverend: That's totally reasonable. @CommonCents43
Juliamon: That's totally okay! LRR understands not everyone can afford to sub.
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Don't shoot at barns. Shoot at the enemies.
Juliamon: You might even get gifted one!
CommonCents43: offer them a fair sword fight first if they are reasonable
Dr.Sun just became a member!
TheNerdySimulation: chonky life
mrMorphius: Big lad
excalgold: this boss takes mechanics -AND- is chonkers
Beefpants: densely textures health points
TheOneCalledStu: The Calus Square Shuffle
Beefpants: *textured
MacbethSeemsSus is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community!
MacbethSeemsSus gifted a Tier 1 sub to Brasten!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, MacbethSeemsSus! Welcome to Brasten! (Today's storm count: 512)
betweenmyself: the revamped Dragon’s Breath is pretty strong for this fight when solo
Diabore: wait i thought it was reverse clockwise?
Orxolon: !players
LRRbot: [24 June 2024] Today's starwhals: Alex (Purple), Matt (Orange), Ian (White)
Juliamon: !raidteam
LRRbot: Who is Raiding in Destiny 2 tonight? It's Graham, Foxmar320, and SniperPumpkin!
CommonCents43: lol @ reverse clockwise
Luminaire_p: @Diabore They said both
LRRbot: Thanks for becoming a channel member, Dr.Sun! (Today's storm count: 511)
Lysander_salamander: do supers work in thisphase or do you have to stay in the circle?
Orxolon: @Juliamon thx
SajuukSjet: depends on the super, the buff allowing you damage will last a _very_ short time once you leave the circle
BrowneePoints: You should see Golden Gun rn
StygianAutomata: Nice! it seems like that could get a 2 round clear
Beefpants: Raid mechanics in an FPS is weird rkayLaugh
BrowneePoints: They made a golden gun sniper rifle(it's cayde's) and Nighthawk Hunters are doing STUPID things again
BrowneePoints: @Beefpants guess it's a good thing it's an MMO
CommonCents43: make six the sixth round of what and run?
betweenmyself: Graham gonna be stoked to see the damage number when he gets around to playing the [redacted] mission
CommonCents43: roulette
excalgold: Raid Mechanics is still better then beef walls at least
Rylical subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
Rylical: Don't want to bring down the mood, but I don't know if I would be here today if it wasn't for LRR and Graham talking about his cancer in 2022. Not much, but it's my way to give back. Thank you.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Rylical! (Today's storm count: 513)
seasikberry is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 16 in the channel!
seasikberry gifted a Tier 1 sub to Dyllbert!
seasikberry gifted a Tier 1 sub to prof_moose!
seasikberry gifted a Tier 1 sub to cephas138!
seasikberry gifted a Tier 1 sub to Jondare!
seasikberry gifted a Tier 1 sub to brianc84!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, seasikberry! Welcome to Dyllbert, cephas138, Jondare, prof_moose, and brianc84! (Today's storm count: 518)
DentedPockets: It helps that Destiny borrows from 3D platformers.
mtvcdm: Thanks for being here, Rylical.
SajuukSjet: the latest destiny 2 raid has been pushing the edge of what they can get away with mechanics wise
SajuukSjet: but in general, the destiny raids are a ton of fun
korvys: I do wonder, sometimes, just how many weird choices Destiny gets away with just because the gun play is *so* good.
Luminaire_p: you killed you
NazTMann: Killed by your rocket pistol hehe
KypFox: Hey all. good to see Destiny back on an LRR stream
Meark: Frank lloyd wright is having some fun in the afterlife
Luminaire_p: rocket sidearm deals self-damage
Dalrint: Bob Architect
excalgold: how do you know that dude wasnt an architect ! he could play with legos!
GameSageZB: @korvys Just as many as Warframe LUL
MaddogM: Is "goodbye" the most common phrase in destiny content?
betweenmyself: hoisted by his own rocket petard
RedRaptor: Maybe they do architecture on the side.
TheArchitectX: I deny this defamation!
chrono2x: He is just doing minion work to pay off his degree
SajuukSjet: i mean, the history videos indicate it has almost died a couple times when they didn't have everything in order
KypFox: oh man. The architects have such a high kill count over the years
Lysander_salamander: does the rocket pistol have self-damage?
SmithKurosaki: @SajuukSjet Yea not looking forward to trying to figure that one out once I get around to finishing Campaign.
Gekyouryuu: gesundheit
seasikberry: someone sub these subless people!
betweenmyself: @lysander_salamander yes
SmithKurosaki: @Lysander_salamander All rockets do
TheNerdySimulation: I have many subs- oh, that kind
josh___something: (yes)
CaptainSpam is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 112 in the channel!
CaptainSpam gifted a Tier 1 sub to ratfreq!
CaptainSpam gifted a Tier 1 sub to BoofTroupe!
CaptainSpam gifted a Tier 1 sub to SukAXYZ!
CaptainSpam gifted a Tier 1 sub to Bigtony111111111!
CaptainSpam gifted a Tier 1 sub to frostflash666!
CaptainSpam gifted a Tier 1 sub to darrr0w!
CaptainSpam gifted a Tier 1 sub to ragnar_forge!
CaptainSpam gifted a Tier 1 sub to n0tip!
CaptainSpam gifted a Tier 1 sub to xelhia345!
CaptainSpam gifted a Tier 1 sub to JarRdz64!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, CaptainSpam! Welcome to ratfreq, BoofTroupe, SukAXYZ, Bigtony111111111, frostflash666, ragnar_forge, n0tip, darrr0w, xelhia345, and JarRdz64! (Today's storm count: 528)
Beefpants: he died how he lived. Covered in snow.
CaptainSpam: Ten more!
seasikberry: wow i can believe that worked
Foxmar320 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 122 months, currently on a 2 month streak!
sporkraptor: for what it's worth Chat usually doesn't believe anything anybody says about anything so
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Foxmar320! (Today's storm count: 529)
ReverseCreations: Confidently lying to chat, who do you think you are? Ian Horner?
A_Dub888: I had to pee, what's this about G lying to chat?
Chronomos901: pro tip: don't shoot yourself in the foot
BorealMage: A romantic evening under the awning
SnowBuddy18: pre-damage yawning?
MaddogM: confidently lying to chat. isn't that backwards?
SajuukSjet: @Lysander_salamander it's honestly not that bad, it's just time consuming to learn, because they took the encounter intensity straight out of Pantheon
mrMorphius: A yellow snow stand
Suffix: Subbing WHILE carrying? Bold Foxmar.
TheNerdySimulation: dangit G, now I want lemonade
TheOneCalledStu: Just chuck Gunpowder Gamble at feet instead of healing grenade
SmithKurosaki: @Lysander_salamander Which I also didnt do because sabbatical
CommonCents43: anyone want to hear a joke i made yesterday in the name of lrr?
mtvcdm: ! addquote (Graham) [now] Look at me, confidently lying to chat.
LRRbot: New quote #9049: "Look at me, confidently lying to chat." —Graham [2024-07-16]
Luminaire_p: There is a time limit and if he gets there it will end early
goatprince: you can't see Shitcaptain? uh oh
josh___something: Permastunning the ogre with a 1kv is silly
CommonCents43: Why did they start printing jokes on popsicle sticks?
KypFox: @mtvcdm yes!
Angnor33: Locus of Wailing Grief does feel like an enemy of our current era.
mtvcdm: Oh phone compression is loving this
josh___something: not even close
SmithKurosaki: sergeGG
josh___something: :)
Diabore: pog, now i sleep and will catch up tomorrow
CommonCents43: They made too many tongue depressors. you wouldn't have been able to look that up :-P
BrowneePoints: Glam socket unlocked!
mrMorphius: foxmarGG
BrowneePoints: Now Graham can do ANOTHER fashion
Stormgod519: @goatprince hi Matt
SniperPumpkin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 104 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SniperPumpkin! (Today's storm count: 530)
Mazrae: was there something down at the bottom of the stairs around where the boss died??
Mazrae: or was i seeing things
Wingnut5k: I thought you were just saying "we dont care"
Luminaire_p gifted a Tier 1 sub to Foxmar420! This is their first Gift Sub in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Foxmar420! (Today's storm count: 531)
sporkraptor: darkage
MrPhlip: "How are you doing, youtube stream? We don't care [...]" - Graham Stark, 2024
jeepless subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 36 months!
jeepless: thanks! Awesome contents.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jeepless! (Today's storm count: 532)
SmithKurosaki: Hello :0
NotInsaneMuadib: hello
josh___something: What is this travesty of an armor set
SmithKurosaki: @MrPhlip We're fine :)
josh___something: (respectfully)
betweenmyself: Dark Age Mark: someone in medieval times who really REALLY believes wrestling is real
A_Dub888: benginChamp
SmithKurosaki: I acknowledged it for you, I guess?
sporkraptor: aww, that's awesome <3
northos: lrrSHINE
A_Dub888: rayfkKing lrrSHINE
zenthere is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 10 in the channel!
zenthere gifted a Tier 1 sub to Rhys_Puff!
zenthere gifted a Tier 1 sub to CloudHavok!
zenthere gifted a Tier 1 sub to An_Ornery_Emu!
zenthere gifted a Tier 1 sub to SoalerX!
zenthere gifted a Tier 1 sub to grizzzadams!
zenthere gifted a Tier 1 sub to PedroYup!
zenthere gifted a Tier 1 sub to NakedBeerICE!
zenthere gifted a Tier 1 sub to cairns6!
zenthere gifted a Tier 1 sub to kelras_shadow!
zenthere gifted a Tier 1 sub to IanWAdams!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, zenthere! Welcome to Rhys_Puff, An_Ornery_Emu, NakedBeerICE, cairns6, CloudHavok, SoalerX, grizzzadams, PedroYup, IanWAdams, and kelras_shadow! (Today's storm count: 542)
Stormgod519: W
Toxxick: zen where?
A_Dub888: !findquote tree
LRRbot: Quote #383: "The trees have stopped having sex." —Graham [2015-06-29]
mtvcdm: Good tree
DoodlestheGreat: Smoke trees
Chronomos901: what a treet
BorealMage: I still haven't found it, I'm bad at these
TheNerdySimulation: sick tree
CommonCents43: another joke anyone? riddle maybe?
cointosscryptid: Here's tree!
thekumquatking: Cairn? Heeded. Astrolabe? Consulted. Tree? Found.
vinopinguino: It's weird that it happened more than once
josh___something: I swear that was 29 hours left like... 10 hours ago
Antimuffin: Cheer500 I reached the perfect number of total gifted subs during the last Subathon and had to retire champion, so have some bits instead!
Twilight_Spark: People are just horny for trees it's embarrassing but I get that it sells.
Beefpants: I don't know man better check with a tree expert
BorealMage: Oh! There it is.
SajuukSjet: look, Season 11's Tree of Silver Wings was _amazing_
Suffix: Just relax your eyes, then like... cross them?
Suffix: Is that it?
haphapdatap subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 14 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, haphapdatap! (Today's storm count: 543)
TheNerdySimulation: @thekumquatking I approve lol
Brozard: That's a good bookshelf
CommonCents43: Merry you'll log
mtvcdm: Oh right I saw a tree thing but I can ask tomorrow because it's clearly Local Victoria Stuff
Chronomos901: stop bullying the mimic bookshelves
Omega_Lairon: De-feeted
Twilight_Spark: Drums in the deep
Texan_Reverend: No sweet katana dropped, though....
Camthelion: poor DM Hunk
shurtal: Drew McIntyre was here....
excalgold: you can tell because it has 'front towards enemy' engraved on the blade
GameSageZB: I see that the Demoman's trip to the past sucked.
betweenmyself: that bookshelf is the IKEA brand “… uuuuugh”
CptMurphey: feet are hard
A_Dub888: Someone learned not to bring claymores to a grenade fight
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Never bring a sword to a grenade fight.
T_Molitor: Someone took their soles.
brunothepig: Never give up feet for free
CommonCents43: some one set me up\
Brozard: Feet is an extra DLC
mrMorphius: Bungie knows you don't show feet for free
MrPhlip: "I could break half your bones, no problem"
MacbethSeemsSus: Did Rob Leinfeld design the skeletons?
Beefpants: Beware the Foot Harvest
A_Dub888: @Dread_Pirate_Westley Right!?
MadameAdversary: too many splines to reticulate
TheNerdySimulation: @shurtal CM Punk definitely De-Feeted him then
DoodlestheGreat: They must've hired Todd McFarlane.
MaddogM: Someone with a foot fetish was on a killing spree
Robot_Bones: too many bones, too many bones, too many bones, too many bones
Jakelope13: Maybe they were worried about people being too... "interested"... by the feet
excalgold: oh no hoisted by my own Picard
Laury Plant: Rob Liefeld? Is that you?
thekumquatking: Someone's got a whole bunch of feet and hands in a dungeon somewhere.
mtvcdm: Gong farmer
Seth_Erickson: can't be a souls like dungeon if there aren't highly detailed feet smh
CommonCents43: What's the difference between the beginning of a joke
Omega_Lairon: He was also in the Hogfather movie ^_^
Chronomos901: they were collecting the hands for elden ring
LowUpsideCJ: Good work if you can get it
Omega_Lairon: Shoulda serpentined
Orxolon: unrelated:do we have any idea of the friday nights release date?
Omega_Lairon: >_>
Wingnut5k: Dental insurance tho?
sporkraptor: more a "hoiking"
TheNerdySimulation: I bet they got some air
DudelidouX: Or just blow up the second you light it
excalgold: Today i learned! thank you Graham !
A_Dub888: didn't an uruk-hai do that at Helms Deep?
thekumquatking: Blown up by your own petard.
mwlsn: So that Uruk-hai from The Two Towers
vinopinguino: Zig zag
shurtal: we call that gettin' yeeted by your own kobe
mtvcdm: Gotta tactical roll
betweenmyself: I’m sure they got a non-zero amount of air pff of the impact
argusthecat: The hositing was the method of punishment if you screwed it up and cause losses for your army.
goatprince: the hot tip is rg problem
CommonCents43: hot meme he was asleep for
mrMorphius: Strong "Witness me!" Energy in that job
Jakelope13: I thought it was if they cut the fuse too short, the explosive would go off as they're leaving, "hoisting" them [read: their dead body] up into the air
Patorik: Shooting the chests doesn't do anything?
SnowBuddy18: "no thanks, I'm full"
The Lone Bard: "Watch the back-blast" - Tsun Tszu.
Luminaire_p: Monster-in-a-box! *FF6 Battle Noises*
TheNerdySimulation: what I'm hearing is more fighting and Destiny players love that
Lysander_salamander: more lore!
TheNerdySimulation: so open all the chests
mrMorphius: Pop Scorn packed in efficient packaging to save on packing waste
sporkraptor: "screeb" is just an inherently hilarious word
aitsu100: im not Pandora i will not release the screams
SmithKurosaki: @mrMorphius Sustainability!
CommonCents43: never played destiny, only bits i've ever seen were cam
josh___something: Do NOT listen to the drifter regarding scorn based cuisine
A_Dub888: @Luminaire_p How did all those trolls fit in there??
SnackPak_: cold screeb on a hot summer day
BrowneePoints: Pop Scorn are out. Scorn-Dogs are in
josh___something: he is NOT a reliable source
Luminaire_p: I still miss mini-screebs :(
TheNerdySimulation: mmm.. pulled screeb
Camthelion: farmed screeb
Suffix: Screeb-Nog
shurtal: grass-fed screeb
Brozard: Popcorn Screen with Vex Buttermilk Ranch
adept_nekomancer: I screeb, you screeb, we all screeb for ice screeb!
MacbethSeemsSus: Is this Skreeb locally sourced?
sporkraptor: screeb-B-Q
DoodlestheGreat: Poached screeb
mtvcdm: Imitation screeb food product
Rumiir_the_Dragon: please do not pull your screeb on stream
thekumquatking: 6 piece fried screeb meal with coleslaw and a biscuit is bussin
kevrik: @Jakelope13 that too, basically there were a number of things including it being packed poorly that would do it, so all kinds of things would count as hoisting
sporkraptor: ooo, screep skewers
Stormgod519: im super close to 200 gifts, but Im not quite able to get there yet. one day
ranen951 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 42 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ranen951! (Today's storm count: 544)
CommonCents43: i don't think i have a thing yet so you can aim for me
ph0enix__42: Sous vide screeb
excalgold: Screeb with a K - it's actually Pollock
BrowneePoints: You Thieving Wretch is a GREAT Band Name
Twilight_Spark: Thieving wretch low key brutal insult
TheNerdySimulation: that thieving wretch spilled is dark tincture all over my porch
MacbethSeemsSus gifted a Tier 1 sub to CommonCents43!
josh___something: good luck on this one XD
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, CommonCents43! (Today's storm count: 545)
Stormgod519: HEY!
CommonCents43: O.O
thekumquatking: I would never have the patience for those.
A_Dub888: what happens if you shoot it?
Dread_Pirate_Westley: KITTY!
Stormgod519: @A_Dub888 if ya open it, bad stuff happens
wristwatchmark: Destiny noob here: how long has the game been this fantasy? Just this event or has it always been like this
Luminaire_p: *It's Just a Chest* - Chrono Cross
TheNerdySimulation: It has always been a little fantasy given it is pretty space opera/space fantasy
MaddogM: I swear Fox and Snip are in this to see how often they can kill G
sporkraptor: meow?
Chronomos901: kitteh
Hawkwreak: @wristwatchmark Wish Dragons have been a thing for... quite some time. Ahamkara are some magic nonsense.
Foxmar320: @MaddogM lol
Hawkwreak: Also, good morning all.
CommonCents43: ¬.¬ Had to hit up google to chcek
sporkraptor: mew!
Stormgod519: Spokesman?
betweenmyself: so did Graham miss the entirety of Season of the Wish?
josh___something: again, not completely in order
Lysander_salamander: Does Shaxx realize that the Ahamkara skull near him is whispering?
BrowneePoints: A reminder that Sci-Fi IS fantasy
SajuukSjet: @wristwatchmark destiny always has been hybrid fantasy/scifi... it'll fluctuate the vibe depending on what it's focusing on at the time
Twilight_Spark: Walrus
CommonCents43: I'm going to thank who did that which I THINK was lrr themselves. They deserve one thanks.
A_Dub888: @BrowneePoints We're all fantasies, if you really think about it
Jakelope13: It sounds like the only way to "kill" an Ahamkara is to kill them, then collect all their bones, put the bones in a chest, encase the chest in concrete, and then fire it into the sun
Omega_Lairon: "Yo ho yo ho a screeby life for me"?
TheOneCalledStu: We are getting "vampire" Scorn in one of the episodes
Mazrae: if thats a skull door, then it needs to wipe the snot from its nose
TheNerdySimulation: just to default, Destiny does have you play as literal space wizards
BrowneePoints: BALL IS SPIN!?
BrowneePoints: JoJo Reference
Brozard: New platforming tricks
josh___something: The game IS
Stormgod519: hehe, balls
Hawkwreak: Also, is this Warlords Ruin? I dont think i've done this content yet is all.
A_Dub888: Positive or Negative spin?
SmithKurosaki: @Hawkwreak It is yes
Redbassist: lrrCIRCLE
Brozard: Well so
Brozard: Not only is ball life, but so is wall
DEATHlikescats: bôl
thekumquatking: Ball is life and possibly death in this case.
wristwatchmark: Initial message could have been clearer: I know science fantasy but I wasn't expecting the aesthetics of the environment to be this soulslike and castle-y
Brozard: The boopers!
A_Dub888: I call shenanigans!
CommonCents43: Why did the chicken cross the road?
wristwatchmark: Thank you to everyone who helped explain
Luminaire_p: 1/3rd
Beefpants: What's that on your face? Oh its pain.
TheNerdySimulation: Ref! I call shenanigans on that jump
Omega_Lairon: Transmat rights
CommonCents43: It hadn't thought of the roundabout yet
TheNerdySimulation: I want a cup of that ledge's piss
josh___something: Scorn, performing culture
BrowneePoints: @wristwatchmark this particular dungeon is a soulslike homage
Lysander_salamander: nice
Brozard: R9J79MJ6C
SajuukSjet: it was recently in one of the weekly news articles again, they highlighted them
Brozard: ^ that's the code
CommonCents43: 8679305
DoodlestheGreat: It was a crosstown boulder.
Hawkwreak: @Brozard And the license of that rock that just ended G.
TheNerdySimulation: @Brozard gesundheit
betweenmyself: does this lore room still have the death-loop bug?
Brozard: @Hawkwreak I didn't see, but did you get the link..., 15 hours ago to Adam's GDC talk?
Stormgod519: LOL
CommonCents43: incase i fucked the number up i do not have responsibility if you dial a wrong number
IanAllenBird: whoops
NoxStryx: Having only seen graham play this i would say this game is mosty about jumping into walls and falling down pits
CommonCents43: bussed*
Hawkwreak: @Brozard I did! Wonderful talk!
TheAinMAP: foxmarNOV
Brozard: @Hawkwreak Great!
MaddogM: "They're falling, I'll follow" :P
Stormgod519: ooooo
TheNerdySimulation: Besting some chests? no that doesn't work
goatprince: there's magic in there
BrowneePoints: We need Graham on a Bloomburrow Dice Friends playing a Badger
Stormgod519: this set looks so adorable
sporkraptor: is it adorable?
BrowneePoints: or a particularly stuffy Hare
Jorsh029: I believe the "hoisting" being done is of their spirit off this mortal coil felixl2Laugh
Stormgod519: @goatprince i wanna see matt piloting a goat tribal deck
NoxStryx: Next two sets look sweet
Texan_Reverend: Sunday! Sunday! Sunday!
TheDevil_Risen: well that was a super fun one shot (just finished it) also WOO!! Bloomburrow PPR!
BrowneePoints: i mean, bloomburrow is coming out at a reasonable time. Duskmourn however? coming out too soon
Azure: Sunday Sunday Sunday
Suffix: Not the worst thing you've run upto a PPR
Hawkwreak: That was... an entire sleep and.... inexplicably working with my partner at thier job secretly for an hour yesterday.
Hawkwreak: Spoiler alert. The service industry? Sucks out loud.
goatprince: @Stormgod519 i'd definitely make an attempt
A_Dub888: dang it, I was so ready to clip that if G missed the ledge
Stormgod519: @goatprince if ya ever need Ill try to make a decklist if the type gets enough support
CommonCents43: Service industry smiles until you are gone
TheNerdySimulation: oh my
Stormgod519: *road quest theme queues*
WriterRaven: You wanna take that one again?
Luminaire_p: Tincture, a good 50 MP right there
TheNerdySimulation: I hope he enjoyed it as much as you did
BlueDaNewb: I always respect a good stab from hell’s heart.
CommonCents43: at thee?
betweenmyself: the very darkest of disco balls
BrowneePoints: It also doesn't help this set has medium Typal synergies and that skews limited a bit
TheOneCalledStu: highly functional but not flashy
Hawkwreak: @CommonCents43 They work for... international coffee concern. And if I didnt go in (Initially just for moral support) They wouldnt have gotten out till midnight.
BrowneePoints: Also this set feels like Lorwyn meets Ravnica design wise in the BEST way
CommonCents43: yeah, some people just smile but i was making a joke sorta
Robot_Bones: opening a pool with a villainous wealth and a good boros deck
Hawkwreak: @CommonCents43 Oh for sure. I just wanted to elaborate a bit because like... I dont work there, and the whole situation was just funny.
CommonCents43: I put on a face to work. it's a nice face and my normal face is nice too but that's how it goes
Hawkwreak: @CommonCents43 Oh, the only work i've ever actually done is Remote IT Support. So instead of *Nice Face* I put on *Nice Voice*
betweenmyself: nobody wants to hear about your dangling thread, Crow pennyWhat
Beefpants: protoculture
josh___something: again, the scorn are performing culture!
Beefpants: wait no
SmithKurosaki: The ORBDOME
BrowneePoints: He's the De Facto leader of the Scorn
Brozard: He's the one that can't die, the one with the strike
josh___something: the one that couldn't die... I think?
Lysander_salamander: oh I didn't know Fikrul was in this dungeon
betweenmyself: Fikrul the Undying
theGuidingLark: specifically the first one uldren wished back to life
TheAinMAP: HyperGravity
virgil82: You may know Fikrul better as The Fanatic.
Brozard: the lightening circles boss
Mr_Bitterness: Fikrul is the scorn with the staff
BrowneePoints: they're STILL undead in some way, just not...mindless zombies
Sunidesus subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 54 months!
Sunidesus: Number go up?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Sunidesus! (Today's storm count: 546)
LordChrusher: this section involved a lot of falling when I first did it
MacbethSeemsSus: They're only "mostly dead"
SajuukSjet: Season of the Lost before Witch Queen had us exploring the Ascended Planes if you recall, and had the Scorn doing Interesting Things
TheOneCalledStu: dont forget you can tcrash to try and save at platforming
Stormgod519: oof
SmithKurosaki: I had to put grapple on to get through this
Stormgod519: cant wait for this montauge
betweenmyself: Episode 2 plans to expand on the whole “Scorn being undead” thing
Crispy042: There is another door that you guys passed already
Hawkwreak: @Hawkwreak On this note. I know I dont need to explain to *This* community, but it bares repeating. If you are on the phone with customer support. Remember tthat 9 times outta ten. If something's broke. They absolutely know, they wish they could help, but dear god it aint their fault.
SmithKurosaki: Yup
Mr_Bitterness: I see Graham is also enjoying the Call, best Final Shape gun
A_Dub888: benginTry
Angnor33: Functional Physics? In this econonmy?
MaddogM: "I can do that" - he couldn't do that :P
SmithKurosaki: @Hawkwreak I just wish CSRs wouldn't lie/omit info
dropkickstart: I wish I still had a fire team to roll with. Good times since D1
SmithKurosaki: @dropkickstart Theres a large community in the LRR discord :)
Stormgod519: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
Twilight_Spark: Get orbed on
Luminaire_p: Good news: that's an alternate route that I find easier
BrowneePoints: Yea Episode 2 is about Scorn and Undead/Vampire Hunter/Witcher Eliksni from ancient times and imbibing their alchemical tinctures Graham! (that's next season in several months)
shurtal: you're telling me this is a Strand-type game?
Hawkwreak: @SmithKurosaki Depending on what the CSR is working for, it might very well not be lie by omission. And just... They dont know because its not their paygrade to know just how fucky x is.
dropkickstart: @smithkurosaki I may have to get back into it then, haven't played in a while
Laserbeaks_Fury: The Strahd Grenade summons a demiplane of Despair
josh___something: Now that it's the last of these chests, only 3 chests are active at any time
thekumquatking: Better open it just in case just to make sure
BlueDaNewb: Is it a mimic?
Brozard: There's only ever two chests in the game
jacqui_lantern234: nah, it seems fine, G, go back and get it Kappa
TheAinMAP: jlrrFall
SmithKurosaki: @SmithKurosaki Youd think billing would know how much something would cost to be added to my bill...
Brozard: *in the dungeon
BrowneePoints: ah flashbanged
Valoopy: oh chat i just killed strahd in my last dnd session someone congratulate me
RocknGrohlNerd subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 49 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RocknGrohlNerd! (Today's storm count: 547)
Toxxick: whats the tell for screebmimics?
josh___something: One of them being at the evil 6 chest room
SmithKurosaki: But I dont really wanna get into it
Valoopy: we lost none of our party
BrowneePoints: Uh Oh Big Steppies
thekumquatking: Congrats, Valoopy!!!!
Suffix: Awesome!
BlueDaNewb: @valoopy huzzah!!! seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
BrowneePoints: Speaking of Strahd Graham, you excited for Vampire Hunter Eliksni sets next season?
betweenmyself: Bunny Ghost is best Ghost… Also “is love” and “is life”
jacqui_lantern234: @Valoopy LETS GO GAMER
CommonCents43: you find a tenfootwide door.. we take a long rest
theGuidingLark: my party didn't get to fight strahd, the amber gods replaiced him with a muppet before we got there
Twilight_Spark: What?
MacbethSeemsSus: I feel someone really wanted to get ouroboros into the script.
Laserbeaks_Fury: Is this before or after she got cought up in the time loop?
BrowneePoints: doomed to destroy itself
BrowneePoints: I think
Mr_Bitterness: Amusing considering how much Petra wanted revenge on Uldren
DoodlestheGreat: Vengeance is an ouroboros. And ketchup is a vegetable.
2TspSalt: anything cyclical can eat it
Wingnut5k: Those wizards came from the moon
MrPhlip: Just an abomination guarding a dead end
Angnor33: Revenge is a dish best served to Ouroboros.
Twilight_Spark: Word salad actually tho, tasty.
AdamYMHMI: When you set out for revenge, dig a circular grave that eats itself.
CommonCents43: anyone know hvac here?
Luminaire_p: @MrPhlip That's not a nice thing to call me ;)
Beefpants: "revenge is fiscal, and full of granules"
betweenmyself: gotta say the new Legendary Heavy Burst Pulse Rifles absolutely slap
josh___something: LUL
BrowneePoints: TWOFER
Carlioo: lmao
josh___something: CLASSIC
Suffix: It's a classic.
BrowneePoints: *yyEEET!*
Carlioo: that's comedy
TheDevil_Risen: dude just like Get OFF my LAWN
KitBirchbark: they'll stop when it stops being funny
TheDevil_Risen: poor Graham got yeeted
SajuukSjet: @MaddogM 'cause we keep falling for it :P
MacbethSeemsSus: Please, it's monsieur boops.
Twilight_Spark: Why would you Take a but hole?
CommonCents43: zut alors
DoodlestheGreat: Taken's anus.
TheDevil_Risen: so Destiny's Elevator Boss?
Jakelope13: Was it ever explained exactly where the Ahamkara came from? Or did they just manifest ins the Solar system one day?
Beefpants: choose your punishment
CommonCents43: swordsa at dawn
Hawkwreak: @Jakelope13 We dont have massive deep lore on Ahamkara yet.
BrowneePoints: where did people come from?
Lysander_salamander: the fire guys with stasis is an interesting thing
virgil82: @Jakelope13 We don't know their origins, but they may have also been following the Traveller
Robot_Bones: Somehow Ahamkara arrived
MaddogM: I only got an hour or so into the lore video
RatherLargeToad: someone wished for them, probably
Mr_Bitterness: They're were just sorta a thing.... then the Guardians went hunting.
Rumiir_the_Dragon: There have been hints that are not native to Sol
CommonCents43: earth and if before that somewhere else
Lysander_salamander: that was quick
TheDevil_Risen: that is a big spine
DoodlestheGreat: Well, that sure look like a final boss area.
Hawkwreak: Remember chat, rotate your fluids.
Texan_Reverend: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
TheDevil_Risen: nw <3
Foxmar320: Hello chat
betweenmyself: @jakelope13 there are references to them in the Pale Heart, which suggests the Traveler/Witness had contact with them prior to coming to Sol
sporkraptor: don't go away we'll be right back (mew)
ThorSokar: composMute ?
Suffix: Better.
MacbethSeemsSus: Okay chat, be honest. How would you react to coming across a set of floating bones?
MaddogM: quick break :P
josh___something: meow
A_Dub888: Are those two centipedes mating in the back?
CommonCents43: i just heard a cat
sporkraptor: meow break!
mtvcdm: Meow
Orxolon: mogBreak
Suffix: You're doing a great job Foxmar320 and SniperPumpkin.
josh___something: The cat emote makes noise
Foxmar320: foxmarPULSE
Hawkwreak: Rotate your fluids, stretch your limbs. If applicable, take your meds. Eat a snack.
sporkraptor: @josh___something oooooh okay, I was wondering if he'd brought the cats in to the Moonbase?? XD
MaddogM: Suffix approves of the deaths :P
Suffix: I approve of the chaos.
ClodiumSoride: @A_Dub888 I think it's two giant spines, rotating in the air
zenthere: meow
Dreamlettuce: Two hours of silence occasionally broken up by meow.
betweenmyself: riffDuffy
BrowneePoints: @sporkraptor Serge and Ben are allergic, probably not a good idea
thecybrbullys3: lil
jacqui_lantern234: ok so i booted up FFX to start a new file and im ALREADY on the verge of tears at the intro song 😭
Foxmar320: We never said deaths wouldn't happen but I am sure gonna let G find them on his own
CommonCents43: We were just getting to the fundamental crux of humanity. Oh well, get you best cat stories ready, I'm takinga break
thecybrbullys3: meoe
thecybrbullys3: meow
Stormgod519: red dead standing by
sporkraptor: @BrowneePoints yah, and most cats aren't really enthusiastic about "take your pet to work" days
LordChrusher: Kitty?
mtvcdm: The crux of humanity is kitties
Lushian_Cybasi: Destiny is one game I never got into to play, but its fun to watch.
thecybrbullys3: ….meow…………….meow…….
zenthere: mrow...meoow, mrew
Foxmar320: Cat emote is strong
Badchop: Killing Graham on purpose? Naw. Letting Graham find death? Absolutely.
itmightbemikey: Cats are pretty stressed out being put into an unfamiliar place that is not their territory
CommonCents43: Humans from earth ? Solid maybe. next topic is kitties
Hawkwreak: Chat has become cats.
Badchop: That cat emote is up for dust in case anybody is interested
jacqui_lantern234: @Foxmar320 my love for you is strong!!!!!!!!! <3
3isnotaletter: don't catch the streams often is the on break voyeur cam still just a sub-a-thon thing or has it made it into normal rotation?
Foxmar320: foxmarPULSE foxmarCOMFY foxmarPULSE
Astramentha: duncHey
Hawkwreak: @Badchop ....Well damn, im logging in just to grab it.
Mollylele: emilym10CleoDance emilym10CleoDance emilym10CleoDance
Badchop: It's a little expensive but doesn't cost real money this way :D
thecybrbullys3: 1k people watching a meowing blue screen and my montages won’t get 10 views
SmithKurosaki: @Hawkwreak nta?
Astramentha: xaraphSquish
zenthere: meow?
MacbethSeemsSus: Last time on Destiny 2: *Meow*
drocathekorok: does anyone know how long it will be in the store?
josh___something: meow
Stormgod519: hot mic
dumbo3k: Meeeeeow
RubikDarkwill: hi G
betweenmyself: it’s a cat emote party! riffOneMore
Luminaire_p: lumina1Heart
zenthere: meeeeeow
Badchop: The emote will be up for dust through next reset
CommonCents43: i have a feral i look after. three times i thought he was dead and he still greets me every morning
Stormgod519: lol
Stormgod519: fair enough
Stormgod519: mew
Badchop: (and maybe again later but I don't have the calendar up to see)
mtvcdm: It's Baxter!
TheInferno390: Mrow
Mr_Bitterness: I immediately bought that cat emote too
drocathekorok: isn’t remote later today/tmrw?
IanAllenBird: my real cat has appeared to add to the sounds
TheDevil_Risen: I should go watch that Punch-A-Chunk off, I was at work at the time :(
drocathekorok: reset*
MacbethSeemsSus: The end of the punch a chunk lined up with tornado warning fun. Who won??
josh___something: Evil game of tag
SmithKurosaki: Just for subathon generally
TheDevil_Risen: after this maybe
CommonCents43: once i literally pulled him out of someones basement. his name is dofus
betweenmyself: Blind works real well against the punch-guys
Hawkwreak: Cat Emote is 3250 Dust. Daaaamn.
virgil82: @Jakelope13 They aren't directly related. The Ahamkara follow the Traveller because it leads them to new feeding grounds(probably)
TheDevil_Risen is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 21 in the channel!
TheDevil_Risen gifted a Tier 1 sub to ominous111!
TheDevil_Risen gifted a Tier 1 sub to kalaszar!
TheDevil_Risen gifted a Tier 1 sub to FelidarSov!
TheDevil_Risen gifted a Tier 1 sub to realchalupahours!
TheDevil_Risen gifted a Tier 1 sub to Courier_Dan!
betweenmyself: they can’t punch ya back if ya blind em
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, TheDevil_Risen! Welcome to kalaszar, realchalupahours, FelidarSov, ominous111, and Courier_Dan! (Today's storm count: 552)
SmithKurosaki: Chat 'won'
josh___something: oh YEAH nah
Gascitygaming: we did!
SmithKurosaki: They didn't call an actual winner
mtvcdm: Friendshi
TheDevil_Risen: safe yet?
korvys: James picked a winner kinda arbitrarily, but yes
MacbethSeemsSus: Oh, I'm looking forward to the VOD in this case!
TheDevil_Risen: #NoSpoilers
chrono2x: It was basically too close to call
Morrigan9: we always do
BrowneePoints: chat don't spoil
Glim78: has the sub-a-thon been fully subbed for all the fun times
CptMurphey: orb
CommonCents43: his brother nicolas has never gotten stuck and their sister jackie (formerly jack bauer cause she escape the trap three times) don't run into so many problems out there.
sporkraptor: do not shoot happy fun orb
Beefpants: stare into the cringe orb
mtvcdm: I love no matter how many times they do the Punch a Chunk they never figure out endgame.
TheDevil_Risen: ok assuming its safe again :)
wedge_x: Hefnd is kind of a Wish-Mola Mola
Chesul: yeah, it was a case where the exact number for penalty blocks would have changed the winner, so the only real way to call it was that we won.
mtvcdm: Glim78, we're still a long way from cap.
chrono2x: @mtvcdm I think they really need to do it with a flat bedrock generation mod or something.
CommonCents43: we done with cats already?
mtvcdm: Remember degree of difficulty has gone up since last time.
TheDevil_Risen: Also again @LoadingReadyRun sorry for any offence a certain previous tweet possibly caused.
mtvcdm: Cap is harder to hit now.
Laserbeaks_Fury: Oh no, Ahamkara bones. I wish I hadn't found this.
josh___something: wraiths?
Risturbeat subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 33 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Risturbeat! (Today's storm count: 553)
SmithKurosaki: @Laserbeaks_Fury Deal :p
Chesul: @chrono2x while that would fix the problem, it would also remove an interesting part with the cleanup step. I think they need to just pick a number for the missed block penalty.
josh___something: I think they're called scorn Wraiths... the guys what charge at you and slam torches into you
LoadingReadyRun: @TheDevil_Risen I don't know what you're referring to, so... no worries?
TheDevil_Risen: @LoadingReadyRun was something I tagged you and Kathleen in related to D and D
TheDevil_Risen: I was not meaning it to be rude at all
MaddogM: So this is Destiny: Hot Potato?
Hawkwreak: @MaddogM Its more likely than you think
CommonCents43: Same callsign?
betweenmyself: will say it one last time in case it was missed, you can Blind the punchy guys to prevent them from hitting you back
thekumquatking: All right, it's been a blast but it is bedtime. Good night y'all!!! lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
TheDevil_Risen: [@thedevilcomes]
CommonCents43: ok
CommonCents43: i'm trying to remember my twitter handle
TheDevil_Risen: sick, floating platforms!
CommonCents43: Well it doesn't matter, haven't used it in ten years. It's like this and i don't plan on using it so again, won't matter
Antimuffin: I just killed a very chonky dragon in Shadow of the Erdtree and it was sweet. :)
korvys: The most villainous - a regifter
CommonCents43: healthy
RatherLargeToad: hehe…butt
josh___something: LUL
Badchop: lol, that rules
MacbethSeemsSus: Working as intended
josh___something: I love the healing turret being a collider for bullets XD
TehAmelie: Hefnd, huh? are we fighting some descendant of Heefenoff?
betweenmyself: It has been [0] days since a [healing turret] related self immolation occurred.
josh___something: You can only give it to non-taken wraiths
CommonCents43: uh
MacbethSeemsSus: @betweenmyself Why do we have that sign?
CommonCents43: there has to be a better thing for the healing turrets to do, you guys
Carrion Crow: Gah...somehow managed to get into a "how does Kuei-jin cosmology fit into real life" conversation.
RandomTrivia: Good morning (timezone dependent) friends! lrrHEART Glad I could catch part of my favourite FPS-based fanfic, "Graham x Warlock Jump"
Luminaire_p: This was a LONG solo
TehAmelie: mmm, round triangular fries
betweenmyself: @luminaire_p it feels a bit better with Prismatic in my eyes, but yes, a long solo
Luminaire_p: my solo flawless was an hour and fifty minutes
A_Dub888: Hang on, is that an ethereal Basking Shark?
ultin00b subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 88 months!
ultin00b: Pew pew
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ultin00b! (Today's storm count: 554)
Badchop: I was gonna say, if there is a dungeon, Lumi will solo it
shurtal: New from Traveler, Hefnds Void Balls! Now with 100% MORE Screeb!
Luminaire_p: Sunshot is your friend in this encounter
TheInferno390: No one needs that many eyes
betweenmyself: the updated Dragon’s Breath was a decent choice for this and the previous encounter while Solo
Luminaire_p: Whole dungeon
Leebo140: I actually just gave up on Solo for the night, got work at 10 tmr morning
Leebo140: I’ll try again some other time
ArdCollider: SamiKat does this stuff with only bows... HUD off.
mtvcdm: In case anyone is curious, by my reckoning we are presently funded to the start of tomorrow night's watch along.
alphashados: I've solo flawlessed every dungeon, and this was easily the hardest just because of how long it takes and the concentration necessary
Luminaire_p: I found Ghosts of the Deep the worst :/
tehcrashxor subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 118 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, tehcrashxor! (Today's storm count: 555)
betweenmyself: the great thing about Solo Flawless is that once you clear each encounter Solo, you have effectively proven to yourself that Flawless is within reach
josh___something: oh, YUUUUUUP
Badchop: Lumi has never been Destinied
alphashados: Ghosts was tough, thankfully I did it before the titan melee changes
theGuidingLark: sometimes the architects just hate you ye
MrPhlip: taken ogre eyebeam knockback in e2...
MrPhlip: just decides you don't get to be in the areaa any more
Leebo140: If you ever want to try solo or solo flawless on a dungeon G, Prophecy is a great place to start
alphashados: Ayup
gluonquark: did I miss the lego dnd game?
josh___something: I did solo ghosts, and it took me *5 hours*. I am not running it back for solo flawless
CommonCents43: if i had work in the morning i would be laying in bed awake not watching this
Juliamon: gluonquark you did
Badchop: Now is the time to Thundercrash!
Badchop: Aww.
MrPhlip: Do you wish for death, O Vengeance Mine? cheer100
Badchop: Sadge
alphashados: Awww no exotic
Badchop: I wanted the exotic to drop :D
TehAmelie: i've got two legs too!
gluonquark: @Juliamon :( well... I will watch it when it gets on youtube
Badchop: gonna end up a big ol' pile of them bones
TheInferno390: Two legs is exactly the amount a human person needs
CommonCents43: needs? 0
Badchop: conveniently the Scorn are...kinda mindless.
TehAmelie: it's pretty ideal
alphashados: Two legs is technically more than the average person has
betweenmyself: @luminaire_p Arc Buddy, Vesper of Radius and a primary with Turnabout got me through GotD Solo Flawless without too much head-slamming-into-wall
Badchop: stop saying wish around the bones, Crow
josh___something: EYY, no using that word around ahamkara bones
Badchop: That quest is numerous steps
Luminaire_p: You have to do it like 4 or 5 times
Beefpants: you can make wishes, but they all manifest as chickpea related
TehAmelie: previously chat touched on how it would be better for our back and hips if we had four legs
mercano82: something’s gonna happen
zenthere: CHAIR!
sporkraptor: muahahaha
RubikDarkwill: Something is going to happen
mrMorphius: !adult
LRRbot: I need a better adult!
Stormgod519: chair strem
Luminaire_p: Quick, say nice things about Graham
ExtraWubs: kinesoIPeek
RandomTrivia: sergeChair
wedge_x: trapped in here with us, &c
josh___something: >:)
Stormgod519: !advice
LRRbot: Assume the form.
JuniorRoll: poke
A_Dub888: you know what that means everyone. PANTS OFF
MaddogM: needs more deaths :P
shurtal: Dungo was Fungo
Texan_Reverend: Moar plans, eh?
IanAllenBird: I don't know anything about destiny but I'm vibing
adept_nekomancer: Chair can't stop you!
Suffix: Shenanigans!?
MacbethSeemsSus: Big fan of chair
Oscelot: Mod takeover muahahaha
mtvcdm: Things
Caffine1138: sad i'm going to miss more destiny, but 9-5 jobs are a thing
ChroniclerC: Who do we have in the Fireteam tonight?
Badchop: lol
JuniorRoll: where chair go?
Badchop: Tonight! We have Graham, Foxmar320, and SniperPumpkin
ChroniclerC: Thankee!
mtvcdm: We have 28 hours
CommonCents43: when is zero hour?
A_Dub888: There's an AEW Payperview?
ChroniclerC: Less than one hour.
CommonCents43: tough to tell
Ormmannen: At home and on sick leave. Eating breakfast. Sub-a-thon gives me something to look at
betweenmyself: Zero Hour and Whisper are back! riffGasp
CommonCents43: 1ish i think
leggettor: !upnext
CommonCents43: here est
Oscelot: Good luck @ormmannen
TheDevil_Risen: phone is connected!
Azure: lol
Jadaris: @CommonCents43 if you believe elton john, 9am
Suffix: G, I'm sure you'll be fine - but if a Cab does not exist...
Leebo140: So how long until you put Graham through Salvation’s Edge?
DoodlestheGreat: I'm okay.
Oscelot: @leebo140 they’re his friends though…
Hawkwreak: I am doing well for someone who woke up at 5 AM
Ormmannen: @Oscelot thanks
Beefpants: I'm in bed playing Subnautica
TheInferno390: Vibin with the cookie clicker
sporkraptor: yah--will probably be headed to sleep soon m'self
JuniorRoll: Enjoying the 'thon
CommonCents43: my computer says 1030 even though its 1...30 oh... 2 then. i mean t2
Blip2004: Fall needs to come faster.
LowUpsideCJ: Was playing destiny until my controller hand started tweaking
LowUpsideCJ: So mixed bag for me tonight
Leebo140: @oscelot He’d enjoy everything except Verity probably
CommonCents43: if you are so lucky switch games between controllers and pc and sitting and standing
HaltBen2514: the sound design in destiny is so satisfying
Oscelot: @leebo140 verity is a myst puzzle with guns, he’d love it lol
Leebo140: Fair enough
betweenmyself: the Final Shape campaign is a much better experience after the opening few days, when getting dropped after a mission could prevent you from watching story cinematics BibleThump
Brozard: Say hi to TR3-VR
Leebo140: I think it’s a great puzzle
Oscelot: I can’t play this game (motion sickness), but I’ve watched the guide for the raid. It really is a cool puzzle
Whurzo: take unstop scout off and put back barrier pulse
CommonCents43: or switch mice out that are different during the day
Oscelot: (Also my husband, Alahmnat, wouldn’t stop talking about it lol)
Whurzo: got 2 unstop things in atm
CommonCents43: or keyboards. which hand?
Leebo140: Hopefully he’ll get to experience it soon
Oscelot: Hers hopimg
Oscelot: Here’s hoping*
betweenmyself: GrandMaster Excision sure is a hoot and a half
Texan_Reverend: @Whurzo Graham and the folks helping him will handle it how they feel best. No need to worry about it.
Mai_Andra: Is Rahool still getting work, or is there someone new by now?
Stormgod519: is your cat a plane?
CommonCents43: my cat was just meowing
sporkraptor: it sounds like static
Oscelot: Hi kitty!
MacbethSeemsSus: Cat go "chrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"
CommonCents43: i was like HOW
Sorator13: That sounds like a very interesting cat
TheDevil_Risen: Kitty is Jet powered!
sporkraptor: that cat is set on frappe
ChroniclerC: Very loud purring.
Camthelion: Heya Texan_Reverend ! Hope you and L are well. <3
mrMorphius: Sniper's cat forgot how to cat
betweenmyself: sometimes your cat just has to constantly vent exhaust
Texan_Reverend: Doing fine, thanks!
Stormgod519: I have made it. I've made Graham Stark laugh
Beefpants: mine is asleep with me
Suffix: My mic isn't live. but it could be?
josh___something: That's called purring
excalgold: Graham if you are a cat you have to tell us....
Chronomos901: Graham doesn't have his cats equipped? F
TheDevil_Risen: i like that one
Oscelot: Hey @texan_reverend ysbrydHeart
Texan_Reverend: Greetings @Oscelot
hypperstar2280: I'm so excited to see more destiny I recently watched the whole long game of it and it's done of my favorite stuff from lrr. But I gotta get up in 4 so catch you in the vod lrrSHINE
Natural_Ones_Only: The flick of the finer is more disrespectful than Dr. Manhattan would be i think
Natural_Ones_Only: *finger
josh___something: excuse me?
Stormgod519: hmmmmm
josh___something: That's the titan's synthcord name
JuniorRoll: Late night LRR!
betweenmyself: practically turgid, this synthcord
BrowneePoints: That's the same move The Witness did in Lightfall to Julienne that one Guardian and their Ghost Graham
Stormgod519: the worm god does do that
excalgold: Best i can do is Macaroni salad
Natural_Ones_Only: Wurmgod Caress's Rigid Sythcord
heckengine: so close
Beefpants: trade them for self sealing stem bolts
Azure: pretty good stat distrib
BrowneePoints: Excuse me
TheDevil_Risen: ooo Crayolas!
Oscelot: Back to sewing. Have fun everyone ysbrydHeart
BrowneePoints: He gets COPIC Markers
Sorator13: The namebrand crayons taste the best!
MacbethSeemsSus: I prefer my hummus wihtout worm god caress.
BrowneePoints: increases melee a lot
BrowneePoints: it's key to Bonk Titan
spicyFerret_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 32 months!
spicyFerret_: *rigidly synths your cords*
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, spicyFerret_! (Today's storm count: 556)
MrPhlip: punch = more punch
excalgold: @Beefpants the fact they got -land- out of that that sisko needed is just so much fun to me still
BrowneePoints: Bonk Titan and Shock Hadouken Titan love it iirc
Natural_Ones_Only: The return of Agatha Fisty?
Leebo140: Wormgod Caress: Simultaneously the worst and most broken titan exotic
Azure: no more crazy art crayons
betweenmyself: Hazardous Propulsion is pretty fun, as someone who doesn’t play Titan terribly often
Stormgod519: @BrowneePoints ill now call inferno titan Bonk titan
ExtraWubs: mmm yes, space gacha
josh___something: Trace rifles AREN'T terrible now. especially on warlock
ChroniclerC: Wouldn't want an unfresh Tower.
BrowneePoints: oof that was a good pvp shotgun
wedge_x: Douglas E. Fresh
A_Dub888: to be faiirrrrrr (guess who's been watching Letterkenny recently)
sporkraptor: as opposed to domesticated triceratops?
ChroniclerC: Gods I love Destiny usernames sometimes.
BrowneePoints: then that's valid!
shurtal: *Melodica Jurassic Park Theme starts playing*
BrowneePoints: but yea slideshot 1-2 is a GREAT combo for pvp
Stormgod519: lol
Sorator13: LUL
Fur Terra: how long has the sub-a-thon been going?
Stormgod519: show vault! show vault!
shendaras: show vault
TheDevil_Risen: Vault of Shame Kappa
shurtal: the shame hole?
josh___something: Graham, I assure you it is NOT as embarassing as some of ours
Stormgod519: Show Vault, Streamer!
zenthere: *shame*
snowewolf: Twin tail fox is good now - last i checked
ChroniclerC: Coldheart is really good these days.
MaddogM: "Hey streamer, show vault!"
MacbethSeemsSus: How many subs to show vault?
TheDevil_Risen: Can't be worse than my D4 Vault
betweenmyself: just 599 copies of Hard Light
Planar_Snap: Look, if you aren't living in Spicy Vault territory you're good.
Laserbeaks_Fury: Is the Tower capable of supporting Dinosaur Guardians? You bet Jurassic an
LurkerSpine: Show toilet?
sporkraptor: except people will *pay* you for feet pix
Sorator13: Hey, James offered us a challenge to show feet (which we did not meet)
Natural_Ones_Only: How quickly do you think the thon will cap this time?
GenericGlitterGoth: If it helps, I think I have like, 8 Ergo Sum in my vault because they're all fun rolls
ExtraWubs: @lurkerspine show airfilters
Brozard: I still haven’t gotten The Navigator to drop, and I’m mad about it
josh___something: nadir focus is funny on the sword
BrowneePoints: there's some spicy new Trace rifles too
spicyFerret_: Gotta be careful, lest you end up on wikivault
josh___something: it's mini-eager edge
TheDevil_Risen: or my D2R vault for that matter. or any of my FF14 retainers
BrowneePoints: the cwaftable
roflmaowful: Are you using DIM? It will change your life
Mai_Andra: (tips hat) n'deer
josh___something: You already talked to Ada-1 for it
BrowneePoints: Cwaftable Ow-tbweak Pewfectewd
TheDevil_Risen: @A_Dub888 lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
MeadyOchre: As someone who has never played Destiny wtf is this ui?
BrowneePoints: so yea now Exotic missions have rotatoes too
BrowneePoints: and as you can see Last Whisper is back
josh___something: so... you have a 40-minute timer
TheDevil_Risen: "Trying"
Chucky2sRevenge: lol im playing this rn trying to cure my boredom of farming pale heart
A_Dub888: they're doing their best
Sorator13: as someone who does not and has never played this game, it's very entertaining to hear all of this Vocabulary thrown around :D
TheDevil_Risen: its clearer than it was when I played this when it came out
MaddogM: Heed?
dungeonmasteralek: Heed it
Luminaire_p: heed
adept_nekomancer: heed the cairn
LowUpsideCJ: heed it
Brozard: Heed
josh___something: HEED THE CAIRN
Planar_Snap: As long as you don't end up using Kadi as a vault instead of the actual vault you're good.
Laserbeaks_Fury: Ask to see it's manager?
shurtal: Orb, pondered
dungeonmasteralek: Heed! That! Cairn!
Leebo140: Cairn: Heeded
Brozard: Heed the Karen
CommonCents43: agreed
josh___something: It's improved... I will not DEIGN to say it is great
MaddogM: They are trying :P
CommonCents43: aren't they just adding endgame now?
A_Dub888: "Is that a Rigid Synth Core or are you happy to see me?"
LowUpsideCJ: I'm shocked to hear that considering the original game is gone
betweenmyself: Clear Eyes, Rigid Synthcord, Can’t Lose
JuniorRoll: Who moved my cheese?
MaddogM: Yes I found that
BrowneePoints: yea, the only thing i can offer to returners is...follow the new stuff it's directing you to, the rest will filter in
dropkickstart subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 44 months!
dropkickstart: Sub count go brrrrr
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, dropkickstart! (Today's storm count: 557)
Brozard: Lens the flesh!
nova_plushie: Nah. I have Warframe if I wanna feel bloat or overwhelmed
Twilight_Spark: They don't really explain wtf the soft cap stuff is in the NPE though, and that was really confusing for me. I had to look it up via Google, even though it's mentioned as an unexplained vocab term in the NPE.
LowUpsideCJ: Every time I come back to destiny i trash all my gear because they've changed the perk system again
Aquarionics: I've not played for a few years, and logging back in was a hell bath
Planar_Snap: @nova_plushie Mood
josh___something: Stare DEEPLY into the lens
CommonCents43: I skipped destiny. one reason i'm watching
josh___something: appropriately microwave-y
RandomTrivia: That is such a good sound
Laserbeaks_Fury: Oh hey, is this the old tower CY
shurtal: reminds me of enterprise engine noise
nova_plushie: G. you should try Warframe
Lysander_salamander: such a fun gun
TheRaggedNoble: Rocket pistol my beloved
CommonCents43: lol, g can tell you the enterprise sound
Edward Little: “Where is my good friend Clyde-6.”
BrowneePoints: that's not even the neatest exotic trace anymore!
TheDevil_Risen: that made a satisfying pop
BrowneePoints: Warframe is even more time gated tbh
Brozard: Trace Rifles: for when you absolutely have to blow through all of your Special Ammo
Seth_Erickson: I think you pick between one of the two Destiny 2 or Warframe and run with it I think
Lysander_salamander: warframe is difficult to get into anyway
virgil82: I've heard Warframe is great after the first 300 hours.
Seth_Erickson: No living mortal has time for both
BrowneePoints: holy shit my memory of this mission just came flooding back
CommonCents43: youtube has ten hours of enterprise ambience if you're into that. maybe even a version without ads cause...that defeats the purpose
Laserbeaks_Fury: Can we go listen to Paul McCartney?
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
A_Dub888: what defiled that servitor?
TheDevil_Risen: he's doing the Vandal shuffle
Brozard: @laserbeaks_fury not for a couple years now
mrMorphius: Not on the good carpet!
TheRaggedNoble: It used to be the house of devils in D1, I think.
josh___something: THunder crash >:D
Leebo140: You should T-Crash the big buy
mns2trill: behind u
Leebo140: big guy*
Seth_Erickson: you better believe I don't let any undefiled servitors in my base
TheDevil_Risen: ok, that walker is very Final Fantasy
mns2trill: <message deleted>behind ubehind u
TheDevil_Risen: nice view
shurtal: defiling a servitor sounds like something from a regency-set erotic novel
Taveena: Cairn? Heeded. Tree? Viewed. Synthcord? Rigid. Servitor? Defiled.
josh___something: THe traveller is still here... huh
Suffix: I remember this.
Texan_Reverend: @mns2trill That's not helpful, and also please don't spam the same message over and over.
josh___something: hehehehe
snowewolf: While highly toxic the Eliksini Taste like Crab
betweenmyself: luckily 40 mins leaves a good amount of breathing room in this version of the mission
MWGNZ: anyone remember the farm?
josh___something: SAME
Leebo140: Man were those Live Events were cool
Azure: the travelers still there
Laserbeaks_Fury: Oh is this the opening mission of New Light, but backwards?
wedge_x: happening right now, sometime in the next 45-90 minutes
Luminaire_p: I have a video of both if people want to watch
RandomTrivia: Did they at least have announced schedules for them?
Luminaire_p: :)
MrPhlip: I saw both of them. It was a bad idea, since they happened at like 3AM for me.
josh___something: I wish it was, though...
korvys: Oh hey, I never checked? Was it a circle? The final shape. There's a lot of circles in Destiny, so I bet the final shape was a circle lrrBEEJ
TheRaggedNoble: It might as well have been called that.
m33pn8r: @CommonCents43 I've some deep personal memories involving that 10hrs of Enterprise ambience
A_Dub888: Is it called that because your connection is dammed?
Taveena: @korvys No, see, LIGHT is circle, DARKNESS is triangle. Definitely a pointy final shape. *nodnod*
TheDevil_Risen: i do like their error code names
KitBirchbark: one of steam's servers yeah
mrMorphius: There was an zombie node in one of the steam routing layers on the US east coat
betweenmyself: I missed the Traveler Healing event as it was during a DnD game I was DMing and I got DCed from Destiny for inactivity
TheDevil_Risen: sounds like something I'm trying to figure out on one of our new router profils :D
TheDevil_Risen: *profiles
MacbethSeemsSus: Hey remember when Star Wars thought a major plot point should be revealed in a Fortnight event?
BrowneePoints: End of Season of the Seraph
ThorSokar: aka "Amazon East" where nearly everyone keeps their stuff, and when it goes down like 1/2 the internet is just broken
Taveena: Traveler went Up
BrowneePoints: that's when Rasputin went KABLOOEY Graham
Luminaire_p: They're unlisted, but I'll hand them to people if I'm asked :)
TheRaggedNoble: It was *extremely* jarring to see the Traveler no longer be there.
cosarprime: @MacbethSeemsSus if only if was possible to forget....
RandomTrivia: Oh no
Brozard: but that wasn’t a live event like the end of Season of Arrivals
Taveena: @TheRaggedNoble I was there for the end of Season of the Seraph, and it still feels... weird, not having it there.
RandomTrivia: What Destiny really needs is harder parkour
MrPhlip: Hi, it's me, the weirdo that really enjoys Destiny jumping puzzles
Luminaire_p: Same, Phlip
Badchop: Nailed it
damn_i_am_pretty: follow Papa Sniper
Luminaire_p: ooh, I'd want to do the drop
josh___something: oh yeah, we're about to meet trevor
TheRaggedNoble: @Taveena I totally understand. I've been playing since TDB and seeing that sky lack the giant ball was a swerve.
RandomTrivia: Wheeeeee!
MrPhlip: I believe!
josh___something: Good luck, titan
betweenmyself: the jumping puzzles in Destiny never really bothered me, especially when they added mantling with D2
Luminaire_p: Thundercrash would get you there
RandomTrivia: jlrrFall
CommonCents43: I gotta cut it here, good as always, stay well ppl
TheDevil_Risen: sergeOffByOne
ChroniclerC: Yeah, I cheat and crack Chaos Reach when I do this on my Warlock.
Leebo140: If you have an Eager Edge sword from 30th Anniversary it makes this mission a lot easier
josh___something: Titan jump's ONE weakness, it can't stop falling momentum
snowewolf: Rocket man it ?
HesGotNoPants: @lysander_salamander
MWGNZ: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
RandomTrivia: Well that both worked AND looked sick
MacbethSeemsSus: That'd be useful commuting to work....
A_Dub888: Didn't Ian try that on a different jump with a.... different result?
Luminaire_p: do a little turn
betweenmyself: Thundercrash, aka, sideways jump
GameSageZB: Speaking of warframe, reminds me of... Jupiter?
TheDevil_Risen: as cam would say, Gamers don't look up :D
garfacemcgar: this is just giving me horrible guild wars 2 flashbacks
TheRaggedNoble: Oh it's almost time for everyone's favorite rogue robot.
korvys: Big fan of Tech Connections
DoodlestheGreat: Breathing is important!
Carlioo: hydrobros but for air
Luminaire_p: I bet Zavala does love ventilation
mrMorphius: It's how the Titans air out their marks
Brozard: call me Kowloon
TheDevil_Risen: weeeee
Stormgod519: lol
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL lrrCOW
Stormgod519: oh god
Luminaire_p: (I'm pretty sure there were always enemies and we just don't remember them)
Beefpants: it hurts
RandomTrivia: Who thought this was good area design?! :D
josh___something: Ghost'll print a new body for you
snowewolf: At this point i would not be surprised if Sabathoon made the towers blue prints
Dreamlettuce: Will he blend?
Beefpants: maddyRoasted
betweenmyself: the red shafts of light
TheRaggedNoble: Different column.
RandomTrivia: "Here, dive through this blender"
mrMorphius: One of them is open, the others tell only lies
TheDevil_Risen: that's pun..ishing
RandomTrivia: Ouch, ankles
Beefpants: The one with the red lights, but not that one
A_Dub888: How did the shanks get through the fans?
korvys: Guardians aren't big fans of their ankles, huh
Brozard: Momentuuuuuuuuum
GreyHat999: ptsd mission
josh___something: This DEATH FAN configuration was so "good" they added this in a SECOND ACTIVITY
ThorSokar: <really! in front of my OSHA handbook meme>
MacbethSeemsSus: OSHA's still there but the guardians kill the inspectors
TheRaggedNoble: When you have resurrective immortality OSHA is a suggestion.
josh___something: so true
A_Dub888: @korvys I mean, technically Guardians are walking corpses
Beefpants: Space Warlocks huh?
betweenmyself: the biggest problem with Final Shape is a complete lack of bigger, scarier TR3-VR
Taveena: Can we inflict Trevor on Graham
Stormgod519: trevor...
josh___something: OH, he's magical all right
TheRaggedNoble: Being a warlock meant you got to ignore the vast swathe of jumping puzzles in D1.
Brozard: TR3-VR!
josh___something: Oh GOOD, you remember him
ArdCollider: the first time I was in here no one told me he could turn corners?
TheRaggedNoble: Oh this will be a delight.
ArdCollider: I think I deafened my spouse.
dropkickstart: Everyone loves magical Trevor, cuz the tricks that he does are ever so clever...
MrPhlip: there is a Route:tm:
josh___something: It's a cleaner
Brozard: Let’s show chat Trevor
bagfullofbees: oh boy, density
A_Dub888: Trevor is a Demon Wall?
ChroniclerC: Trevor loves hugs.
betweenmyself: killer roomba
RandomTrivia: Oh he BIG
Mollylele: did he just say "if anyone's watching at home"?
IanAllenBird: oh!!
TehAmelie: it's Trevor's personal murder hallway
TheDevil_Risen: o lord hes big
josh___something: TR3-VR's a helper
mrMorphius: Yup, didn't for in there
ChroniclerC: You got thorugh the maze without getting Trevor'd.
Taveena: It means you didn't die to Trevor!
MrPhlip: It was for getting through the maze without meeting TR3-VR
I_Am_Clockwork: I think its for not being eaten by trevor
mwlsn: I missed it, can you do it again?
TheRaggedNoble: It's "extremely fun" to be running down a hallway and encounter Trevor.
Taveena: It's Trevor's tower, we just live in it.
RandomTrivia: *crunch*
josh___something: at least it isn't COMPLETE death now
ChroniclerC: I'm so glad you don't die to fall damage anymore.
azurite_d: it's trevors maze, we're just visiting
josh___something: It used to fucking KILL YOU
mrMorphius: Trevor answers the question of what if server maintenance robot kissed a wheat thresher
Beefpants: ow my plantar fasciitis
korvys: The floor is lava?
josh___something: now, it only takes 99.9999% of your health
A_Dub888: "I got through the maze with out getting TR3-VR'd" needs to be on a T-Shirt
shurtal: the slide turns guardians into tapinade
TehAmelie: gold bars? how quaint
TheRaggedNoble: @korvys Partially.
betweenmyself: super heated floor time! riffYeti
damn_i_am_pretty: still have pallet jacks in the future. lmao
RandomTrivia: Pfffft
MacbethSeemsSus: Oh this is going to go well
korvys: One further? I guess?
Twilight_Spark: I'm not huge on these types of puzzles any more. Might as well take a phone pic.
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown benginTry
betweenmyself: *insert Indiana Jones and Last Crusade reference here*
Stormgod519: WRONG LEVER!
TheDevil_Risen: toasty
Laserbeaks_Fury: Why do we even have that...oh yes that why we have that lever
ChroniclerC: "Had I known I could..." *looks directly at the camera*
Twilight_Spark: That's just rude.
TheRaggedNoble: It is probably a bad idea to let House Salvation have some SIVA.
Easilycrazyhat: Do they think desks just grow on trees!? Jeez.
betweenmyself: and Dungeons
A_Dub888: "Hey Siriks..."
Dascylus: I remember the old days, running through this and barely having 5 minutes left by the time I got here
CnCPOWERHOUR subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 65 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, CnCPOWERHOUR! (Today's storm count: 558)
TheRaggedNoble: Yeah this entire fight is a Situation.
Laserbeaks_Fury: Personally, I would have just had a bunch of ammo crates before a boss encounter. That is the tradition
varmintx0: Really into buff shanks.
betweenmyself: the surprise addition to this boss fight is *chef’s kiss*
CnCPOWERHOUR: Graham running double special, spicy
I_Am_Clockwork: Cheer5000 well, I gotta get to bed, but thanks for another fun day of strems
Sorator13: @I_Am_Clockwork have a good sleep!
azurite_d: super?
RocknGrohlNerd: @I_Am_Clockwork gn
MacbethSeemsSus: I sometimes wonder why every boss has an ostentatious title and then remember character titles.....
korvys: "Resilient shanks behind" sounds like a Dark Souls message
Texan_Reverend: And thank YOU @I_Am_Clockwork for being here and for your generosity.
Leebo140: I now realize how easy this fight is with 3 people instead of 1
josh___something: So... T-crash time?
Laserbeaks_Fury: Trip[mine
Seth_Erickson: trip mines
azurite_d: good ol' tripmines
Laserbeaks_Fury: Typical Solar Hunter expeience
TheRaggedNoble: The mines are less than ideal.
Luminaire_p: I think this fight is much worse now
TehAmelie: i'd like to think "house salvation" is an organization that goes door to door to preach to houses
trebuchetboy: My only issue with subathons is I want to watch all of it live but the other creators I watch do not cease making content wubbyHe
Mazrae: i kind of want to get into destiny 2 but i only have up to the witch queen expansion so i feel like i would way too behind to start now
ExtraWubs: deploy the trip mines kronk
josh___something: LMAO
MrPhlip: Perfectly timed
azurite_d: lol
azurite_d: so close
MacbethSeemsSus: Sorry kid
RandomTrivia: Bah, so rude :D
CnCPOWERHOUR: @Mazrae best time to start was before, next best time to start is now
josh___something: that was EXTREMELY perfect timing
TheRaggedNoble: This whole encounter is basically everything the vanilla Eliksni have at once.
Planar_Snap: @Mazrae Nah you'd be good. There's still plenty to do.
betweenmyself: @luminaire_p the addition of the Brig after the Spider tanks is certainly annoying on the higher difficulty
rhapsodyblue92 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 35 months!
rhapsodyblue92: Subbython!!!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, rhapsodyblue92! (Today's storm count: 559)
Serifina: Oh hey I recognize this content!
Taveena: @Mazrae The big thing is just the missing story.
Luminaire_p: and power matters less than ever
Serifina: Man it's been a while since I did Zero Hour
josh___something: a lot of the old content is still good, and unique
josh___something: a lot of the loot is ALSO still good
betweenmyself: @serifina they just brought it back last season
darkstormer945: I would be happy if someone gifted me final shape
Serifina: @betweenmyself Oh, I know. :D
MrPhlip: the ammo fairy picked it up for you
Twilight_Spark: Coming up to full light level after soft cap still felt pretty grindy to me a year ago, though.
Taveena: Someone should tell G how to transcend.
josh___something: Why does siriks have a BRIG now?
rhapsodyblue92: Hey friends, could someone direct me to a posted subathon schedule?
Luminaire_p: Explosions often show up as architects these days
RandomTrivia: "The Architects did it"
IanAllenBird: game wasn't watching
CnCPOWERHOUR: Any important story bits from between expansions are summarized pretty early on in the next expansion so you're missing some stuff but not much that ~matters~
Taveena: @josh___something This is actually a simulation of the original scenario.
MrPhlip: Yeah, the sky death lasers say "architects" sometimes
Taveena: Ada-1 felt like making it harder.
Serifina: You can revive. :D
josh___something: Oh, so I can blame ADA-1 For this
Sorator13: There's a fun kind?
Serifina: Honestly, the weird mech things are both fun and evil to fight
MacbethSeemsSus: @rhapsodyblue92 There schedule's at There's also a google calendar
dumbo3k: Somebody's got a case of the mooooondaaays!
Mazrae: i only got the game and the witch queen and another expansion for free from epic games, during one of their free games of the week, do i have to buy all of the expansions before i get the current one or can i just get the new one and it will be fine
betweenmyself: @twilight_spark they made some changes to LL; you get drops based on the level of gear across *all* of your characters, making it faster to level three characters than it was previously
HadesLeprechaun: the Architects remain the strongest enemy in Bungie lore
RandomTrivia: Oh nothing good is named The Annihilation Cannon
lightfut: Annihilation Cannon? That can't possibly be that bad
voren_chalco: THE annihilation cannon?! In this economy?!
Bio_Autarkis subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 40 months!
Bio_Autarkis: Click the heads, G!!1!
TheRaggedNoble: Y'know if it was me I'd have led with the Annihilation Cannon.
bagfullofbees: oh good, he exploded
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Bio_Autarkis! (Today's storm count: 560)
Serifina: "Help"
heronblademaster: At long last, we have invented the Torment Nexus, from the classic novel, Don't Invent The Torment Nexus
Stormgod519: !advice
LRRbot: Filter feeding is a sometimes food.
Lysander_salamander: yay
Tangsm is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 10 in the channel!
Tangsm gifted a Tier 1 sub to TheRaggedNoble!
Tangsm gifted a Tier 1 sub to nova_plushie!
Tangsm gifted a Tier 1 sub to Docthorr!
Tangsm gifted a Tier 1 sub to ghostkittiez!
Tangsm gifted a Tier 1 sub to seanahan!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Tangsm! Welcome to TheRaggedNoble, nova_plushie, Docthorr, ghostkittiez, and seanahan! (Today's storm count: 565)
RocknGrohlNerd: @voren_chalco right? sub-optimal tbh
GreyHat999: is he going to do expert as well?
Serifina: I remember the mad scramble to complete the mission
Bio_Autarkis: lrrSHINE
rhapsodyblue92: that is precisely how I said it!
nova_plushie: @Tangsm Thanks for the gift sub!
MeadyOchre: Who up subbying they thon?
Serifina: Just a *bit* more ham.
solarsheeptoken: uh oh SUBBIES!
RendezVoodoo is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 15 in the channel!
RendezVoodoo gifted a Tier 1 sub to killyb_!
RendezVoodoo gifted a Tier 1 sub to Lucinice!
RendezVoodoo gifted a Tier 1 sub to KoboldNook!
RendezVoodoo gifted a Tier 1 sub to gravy801!
RendezVoodoo gifted a Tier 1 sub to goobasedlifeform!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, RendezVoodoo! Welcome to Lucinice, goobasedlifeform, killyb_, KoboldNook, and gravy801! (Today's storm count: 570)
Leebo140: Enjoy the rest of the Destiny shinaniganerry, I need sleepies before work
Suffix: Needs more Us.
TehAmelie: she's putting her pores on it
Suffix: U's
Twilight_Spark: @betweenmyself My main thought after hitting soft cap as a total noob last year is that the game subsequently wants you to grind dailies/weeklies/etc., and I'd just like to play when I like and grind when I like if it wants me to grind.
betweenmyself: Ada-1 is pour-over-coffeeing the data collected
Tangsm: Well, they are inert.
TheDevil_Risen: SIVA clusters, are they like GRANOLA clusters?
MrPhlip: They were weekly, but all the weeks have happened
Serifina: Outbreak is my favorite Pulse Rifle. It's so good.
MacbethSeemsSus: Where are thee programming notes?
josh___something: They give it WEEWOO Wounds now
azurite_d: weewoo rounds
richard_ermen: Is that a Toblerone Rifle?
TheDevil_Risen: hehehehe
Taveena: Mmmm. Frosted SIVA flakes.
nova_plushie: that sure is alot of geometry on a gun
TehAmelie: highly efficient porous data absorption
BrowneePoints: it's still one of the best kinetic exotics in the game
TheRaggedNoble: God, Outbreak Perfected is so cool.
BrowneePoints: it's VERY good
Leebo140: Fun Fact: You can eventually craft Outbreak with Extended Mag and Rewind Rounds and have 70+ shots without reloading
RocknGrohlNerd: well english is not my first language, but man, I never thought it is spelled like that. no "u". poor, pour I mean por
leggettor: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 11:15 PM
josh___something: You should crack open the pattern
azurite_d: so much destiny
Suffix: Shenanigans!?
Stormgod519: E E E, EEEEE
RandomTrivia: Ooh, are we visiting the back of house?
shurtal: It's all about the game, and how your break it
Taveena: Gotta juice your weapon.
solarsheeptoken: breaking 4th wall?
Newavolon is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel!
Newavolon gifted a Tier 1 sub to DreadQueen_Persephone!
Newavolon gifted a Tier 1 sub to cryovandalism!
Newavolon gifted a Tier 1 sub to Ninjapeacema!
Newavolon gifted a Tier 1 sub to Asphexia42!
Newavolon gifted a Tier 1 sub to Raycorra!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Newavolon! Welcome to cryovandalism, DreadQueen_Persephone, Asphexia42, Ninjapeacema, and Raycorra! (Today's storm count: 575)
josh___something: Grapple is not availabe in prismatic
RandomTrivia: Time to rub against some geometry?
awildshen subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 99 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, awildshen! (Today's storm count: 576)
mrMorphius: foxmarWOW Kitty
BrowneePoints: You need to buy7 that Skimmer then Graham
Mai_Andra: "Quick! You have to reset the computer!"
BrowneePoints: Skimmers break the game in half movement wise
shurtal: does the geometry consent?
Serifina: Have fun breaking the game! I'm going to bed so I can go to work tomorrow. Good night. :)
betweenmyself: rub against the wall until the atoms remember that there’s so much space between them
CptMurphey: love an old hole
theinvisiblevoice: old holes, new holes, all holes need love
azurite_d: an oldie but a goodie
Drakas: waitr i just watched this anime
BrowneePoints: but yea as much as you love breaking geometry and goofy movement, 100% recommend getting a Skimmer
Mai_Andra: l-lewd!
RandomTrivia: *mrow*?
MrPhlip: mrowl
shurtal: CAT
Stormgod519: me....ew....mew-
TheDevil_Risen: reow!
azurite_d: cat!
IanAllenBird: nyah
MrPhlip: lumina1YOWL
Stormgod519: Well then!
mrMorphius: Kitten is talkative tonight
RocknGrohlNerd: meowdy cat
MacbethSeemsSus: Yeah not how that part of sciences works but its cool
DoodlestheGreat: "It's an old hole, and it's kinda sloppy, but it still puts out." cohhBlank2
Chronomos901: Hi cat!
josh___something: KITTY!
RandomTrivia: Hi Sniper's cat! benginLove
BrowneePoints: There's a couple Flashes that can do that
azurite_d: DxCat
SusanTD: tekniq6Thefear tekniq6Thefear tekniq6Thefear tekniq6Thefear
Stormgod519: Cat's about to take off
nyoomgoom: hairy baby
AdamYMHMI: It took me a second to realize you meant Flash the character, not Flash the technology
BrowneePoints: That's a skimmer
azurite_d: CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat
BrowneePoints: they break the game
BrowneePoints: in HALF
LowUpsideCJ: love the tiny sparrow
josh___something: Oh, btw. All sparrows are faster now
azurite_d: would tony hawk be a titan, warlock or hunter
BrowneePoints: all sparrows have Always On Time speed now
ztghostie: @azurite_d def hunter
nova_plushie: drive it like you stole it
thewicher8521: PogChamp PogChamp
TehAmelie: the sparrows have got into the coffee tank
MacbethSeemsSus: @azurite_d Accountant
RandomTrivia: There's just a hole! hypeLUL
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
betweenmyself: whoopsie doodles
Stormgod519: hole
TehAmelie: someone left this background in light mode
TacitusVigil: Graham playing Destiny again?!
RandomTrivia: sergeIntoTheSea
azurite_d: lol
TheDevil_Risen: are we trying to get to the sub sea?
ztghostie: oh man, I'm getting good memories of exploring outside halo 2 multiplayer maps
IanAllenBird: kind of the respawn to keep you oob
RandomTrivia: Sweet, there's just a Sub-Ocean
TacitusVigil: Graham/Cayde 6: "Wait, Saint-14 came back and *nobody told me*?!?" Kappa
teammanfred: Glad to see someone is finally playing D2 as it was meant to be played.
TehAmelie: this looks so suboceanic
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Stormgod519: you dont say
quton: LUL
Stormgod519: FPK
LordChrusher: Did they do this out of bounds last subathon or a different dreaming city one?
MacbethSeemsSus: @LordChrusher I think that was a raud
MacbethSeemsSus: raid*
Tangsm: Accurate to trying to rescue people out of actual environmental hazards without PPE.
MrPhlip: @LordChrusher I think that one was the one next to the blind well
DoodlestheGreat: We must go deepah!
MrPhlip: Graham, do you own Lion Rampant boots?
josh___something: Do you have an eager edge sword?
betweenmyself: Graham found the hole that leads out of OOB… And stars in the pilot episode of the new Twilight Zone
TacitusVigil: Strafe?
ArtOfStuttering: 127 Hours, off by one on both tries :D
josh___something: Strafe would be the jumping puzzle one
quton: strafe is the faster one that gets distance
josh___something: EGH-
RocknGrohlNerd: so what you are telling me is that there are people that just run around, pressing their face into random objects until something gives way?
betweenmyself: sometimes gotta feather that jump
TacitusVigil: Fun fact: "That was the wrong button" was the original name for Destiny!
TacitusVigil: (I have accidentally supered while trying to primatic so much lately)
Mr_Horrible: "Gee G, how come your mom lets you have *2* destinies?" etc etc
Mazrae: no space jump?
betweenmyself: @rockngrohlnerd it’s a substantial part of speed running various games, yeah riffYeti
Mr_Horrible: when will my grenade return from war
Painfully_Dyslexic: I've never played Destiny nor do I plan to any time soon, but I do enjoy watching G's shenanigans
lenonn_2949: You can do it! lrrPistachio
Asphexia42: @newavolon I wasn't even watching the stream and then I saw someone gifted a sub to me. Thanks! Also mornings everyone from eu timezone
RandomTrivia: Awww
SnackPak_: boo!
josh___something: If you have the lion rampants exotic, it would extend your lift timer
TehAmelie: we still can't Air Control, after all these years ;_;
IanAllenBird: lmfao
RandomTrivia: HAHAHAHAHA
Asphexia42: LUL
SheGoat_of_Dorchester: LUL
josh___something: Yoshi'd XD
TheDevil_Risen: hahaha
quton: hahah
heckengine: loooool
Mr_Horrible: seems like a strong idea tho
Mazrae: almost
betweenmyself: Phun with Physics riffThink
Mr_Horrible: a later jump might do it
quton: one sword swing could to do the trick too
RubikDarkwill: Get Yoshi-ed Foxmar!
TacitusVigil: Can you grapple to Foxmar while they grind?
mrMorphius: King of the world
Mr_Horrible: "An attack against the Core is imminent!" "Not now, we're busy"
TacitusVigil: Or the rocket grapple trick?
josh___something: You can spawn sparrow to maybe extend jump?
RocknGrohlNerd: @betweenmyself speedrunning right, you are right
MrPhlip: if you own Lion Rampant it'll give you more jump power
MacbethSeemsSus: with consent
TacitusVigil: Rampants are a good solution too, good call Phlip
RocknGrohlNerd: get Alex, he is so very good with out of bounds stuff :D
josh___something: Gib pant
TheDevil_Risen: WOOOO
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown
TehAmelie: first try!
IanAllenBird: 👏
Luminaire_p: Rampant: it's a heraldry thing
TheDevil_Risen is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 22 in the channel!
RocknGrohlNerd: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
MrPhlip: yeah, it's "rampant", the heraldry thing, not "ramparts", the architecture thing
TheDevil_Risen gifted a Tier 1 sub to Arxel1!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, TheDevil_Risen! Welcome to Arxel1! (Today's storm count: 577)
RocknGrohlNerd: 1st try
MacbethSeemsSus: Easy*
measureofhope: "simple"
josh___something: It "SHOULDN'T"
voren_chalco: That is a very couched statement
RandomTrivia: WHEEEEEE
dumbo3k: "shouldn't" explode
quton: LUL
RocknGrohlNerd: shouldn´t, yes
josh___something: LUL
chrono2x: just barely
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
RandomTrivia: *boop*
TheDevil_Risen: nice sub ocean
TehAmelie: tumbling, tumbling down
MrPhlip: !addquote (SniperPumpkin) [now] It shouldn't explode when you hit the ground.
LRRbot: New quote #9050: "It shouldn't explode when you hit the ground." —SniperPumpkin [2024-07-16]
measureofhope: Spinning is a neat trick
RocknGrohlNerd: @MrPhlip good qoute :D
Mr_Horrible: "AAAA-"
Mazrae: grapple to the wall?
MrPhlip: G: Stop holding W when you pull out the sparrow
Mazrae: to get closer?
betweenmyself: the trick is to miss the ground entirely
nova_plushie: G on his first day of flying school
Mr_Horrible: we all bore witness to it
TehAmelie: that sparrow did not take off
chrono2x: Do you need to be off to one side?
ThorSokar: WHAT was that
RandomTrivia: Uh
Mr_Horrible: I like how you're summoning and then failing to mount the sparrow
josh___something: Huh...
damn_i_am_pretty: has he tried reaching out with the force?
josh___something: You can... Equip a sword maybe?
Mr_Horrible: that narrow spit of land
josh___something: Try to do a couple sword swings to get some distance?
betweenmyself: still have Grapple grenade equipped…
RandomTrivia: Oh that's some good ragdoll
Mr_Horrible: a real Tony Hawk death
HadesLeprechaun: this is...not intended, right?
Stormgod519: Cannonball!
betweenmyself: @hadesleprechaun a bit unintended, yes
chrono2x: Off to the right just a bit
Mazrae: aim for the broken part of the bridge
midnightcurryjazz: Little more to the left
Mazrae: maybe??
Mangledpixel: boop
Mr_Horrible: is it killing all your forward momentum when you summon the sparrow?
SuitablyEpic: aim left?
Shaneusm is gifting 2 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 2 in the channel!
Shaneusm gifted a Tier 1 sub to Drum0_0!
Shaneusm gifted a Tier 1 sub to The_Brotman!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Shaneusm! Welcome to Drum0_0 and The_Brotman! (Today's storm count: 579)
Luminaire_p: I think you're hitting some debris
Mazrae: !advice
LRRbot: Bounce the baseballs with your face.
Luminaire_p: that might not be visible
Mangledpixel: How goes the Derstinies?
Mazrae: !badadvice
LRRbot: Buy more gachapon.
MacbethSeemsSus: Do you lose forward momentum on the sparrow?
josh___something: Nooooo
RandomTrivia: *DONK*
IanAllenBird: oh nooo
BrindleBoar: close!
josh___something: So close D:
Mr_Horrible: "BOINK"
SnackPak_: missed it by that much
TehAmelie: when you hit the edge of the pool
betweenmyself: robbed!
MrPhlip: bonk
Mr_Horrible: sofieHmm
LathosTiran: boink
josh___something: Aww, we hit the teleport zone D:
SnackPak_: impressive
RandomTrivia: Welp
TheDevil_Risen: impressive
TehAmelie: that move had to be useful to a speedrunner
josh___something: Campaign is fun
RandomTrivia: I do love the various, sometimes nested Sub-Oceans that can be found
TehAmelie: campaigns get champagne
BrowneePoints: I love that Outbreak is still a reasonable boss strat on several bosses
AquariumPrime: alright back from finishing my ff14 raids, how is the G-star doing?>
wraithbrood: What game is this
BrowneePoints: yep. That's why it's still a good Boss wep with a fireteam of em
TehAmelie: damn nanomachines
TehAmelie: @AquariumPrime just made it through some 15 minutes of out of bounds maze running
RandomTrivia: sergeFall
Carrion Crow: @wraithbrood Destiny 2, if I'm not mistaken.
Ironwater: so close
TehAmelie: or, that wasn't where we were going huh
SnackPak_: so close
RandomTrivia: Oooooh
TheDevil_Risen: spare sub ocean :)
TheDevil_Risen: nice
Luminaire_p: One of the Ascendant Challenges, I think
RandomTrivia: benginO7
IanAllenBird: o7
josh___something: You can try to use your melees
RandomTrivia: lrrCOW
Stormgod519: oh no
josh___something: LUL
TheDevil_Risen: ooo pointy rock!
TehAmelie: the 1 hp!
neatnamebro: fizzicks
MrPhlip: Never (asterisk)
josh___something: Can't die to momentum based damage
TheDevil_Risen: sub, sub ocean!
josh___something: (specific trap obstacles exclided)
BrowneePoints: You can watch it on Talking Sim!
josh___something: The travussy
Stormgod519: alright, i gtg. take care chat, and take care G. love the content as always
BrowneePoints: It got a Traveler Cloaca cut into it
SnackPak_: lrrCIRCLE
IanAllenBird: : (
heckengine: like the puzzle video game?
bagfullofbees: ball friend has triangle problem
TehAmelie: ah, that's how we got those round triangle fries
Jakelope13: He put a triangle in the circle hole?
TheDevil_Risen: sounds like their a bit of a square
PsychoI3oy: just shapes and beats?
BrowneePoints: it now has a Travelussy
varmintx0: No one said I'd need to know geometry.
TheDevil_Risen: making a triangular hole in the big circle
nova_plushie: i dont play destiny. is the witness that megamind looking ass dude?
josh___something: The pale heart portal, aka the travussy :)
RandomTrivia: Better than Triangle friend having ball problem lrrBEEJ
quton: yeah witness is the megamind with a white smoky head
josh___something: You are INFLICTED with shapes, yeah
lightfut: Did they shape aggressively in your direction?
MrPhlip: circle + triangle = cone, circle + square = cylinder, normal maths
TehAmelie: my favorite part is still the spaceship squad. just so funny to me everyone's going in their own space car when you traverse the solar system together
Hupfen: so we're saying that Triangle Man hates Person Man
josh___something: So true, ghost
wedge_x: <bungie dev> I didn't want to make it body horror. <same bungie dev> *makes everything hands*
MacbethSeemsSus: Wait Cayde?
josh___something: It's not JUST body horror
heronblademaster: the same dev that left the feet off the skeletons
CAKHost: Is Graham's Ghost in an Orb for Ghost crimes?
betweenmyself: @macbethseemssus yeah, he’s a bit less dead these days
josh___something: Oh yeah, cayde's un-killed
SuitablyEpic: I thought Cayde died?
OVERKiLL!: Particle Man Particle Man 🥊
SuitablyEpic: wild
heckengine: so how many shapes are there if we now have a final one
MrPhlip: He died a bit, but he got better
TehAmelie: if you can get Nathan Fillion you can bring someone back from the dead
josh___something: He's TECHNICALLY back to life
Mr_Horrible: "Cayde's not here, man"
josh___something: Kinda
Luminaire_p: Cayde is a Light projection of himself
TacitusVigil: They pulled him back in
SnackPak_: it's complicated
pimiento: NoNo
LowUpsideCJ: Nathan Fillion is actually one of the best nathan fillion impersonators so you're right about that one
heckengine: @Luminaire_p are we not all projections of light of ourselves
TehAmelie: i think he's really bad at any other impersonations so it evens out
betweenmyself: it def won’t happen during this stream, but it’d be cool if Graham could find a way to do his first Excision run on stream in the future
Jakelope13: @heckengine Speak for yourself, I'm non-baryonic
Kamotetop: What was the trick to the traversal earlier?
varmintx0: nice save
heckengine: nice save
Kipstar: that's the end of *that* sparrow
IanAllenBird: oh,
BrowneePoints: Their*
IanAllenBird: that would fix me
Mr_Horrible: Witness is the only remaining Salad Fingers stan
heckengine: the handness
Ritaspirithntr: So The Witness is an Esper mage? Got it.
kristian_fischer: Like The Traveler stepped on a huge LEGO brick.
dumbo3k: @IanAllenBird For certain definitions of "fix"
ArdCollider: The Witness having a real thing for installation art was *not* what I was expecting.
SuitablyEpic: is the witness from the lands between?
nova_plushie: i see all kinds a of shapes
BrowneePoints: Sundance
LowUpsideCJ: I realized the same thing!
quton: our's name is Ghost
Pywodwagon: his name is Dinklebot
josh___something: Ghost likes his name
Valoopy: I call my ghost Ulysses :3
chrono2x: Give it a name, Graham
Luminaire_p: There are several otehrs
SnackPak_: Ghost tried their best
SuitablyEpic: Because we are boring
josh___something: He's basically "norman"
TehAmelie: the same name for every guardian's ghost, dang
quton: it kinda goes with our name, Guardian...
heckengine: the curse of the generic mmo protagonist
Mr_Horrible: The Traveler: "I didn't think this through. Etoh... bleh."
nova_plushie: they were big Fan of Ghost the band
Ciijay: I was gonna say - are we just rude and never give our Ghost a name?
Jakelope13: I always thought the Ghosts gave themselves their names, and your Ghost is just.... kinda unimaginative
betweenmyself: this is my dog, “Dog” and my Daughter, “Daughter”
adi_pie: They have also mentioned it in some lore bits, but yeah
TehAmelie: the narrative doesn't make us the chosen one, right? it acknowledges there's legions of guardians?
LowUpsideCJ: It still scares me every time i speak in game
MacbethSeemsSus: Strong John Wick vibe
LathosTiran: sometimes a DM runs out of names
Renkai_116: was with the ship will it fly
josh___something: Ghosts can also name themselves
adi_pie: They do also mention that some Ghosts want to be named and some prefer to pick their own names.
wedge_x: Foresaken
Pywodwagon: It was something about revenge for Cayde
Mr_Horrible: forsaken, wasn't it?
Astramentha: that wizard came from the moon
josh___something: Shadowkeep?
Luminaire_p: Yes they did
terribleplan: "Sir, to give the Covenant back their bomb."
BrindleBoar: yeah it was something after Cayde died
adi_pie: Yeah, we talked in the base game
virgil82: First Voiced line I know of was the start of Forsaken
BrowneePoints: Forsaken is the first imte in d2
Jakelope13: @TehAmelie According to the game, there are thousands of Guardians, but your Guardian just happens to keep getting involved in world-shaping events
Mai_Andra: Guardian was voiced in the original Destiny
TehAmelie: ah
EvilBadman: "Sir, starting this fight"
LathosTiran: "those shoes are out of season."
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
TacitusVigil: "Hey look, it's the Guardian of Renown, Crota's End, Slayer of Oryx and Calus, who resurrected Saint-14 from the dead. You know, the idiot that calls their ghost "Ghost" " Kappa
quton: there are some voice lines in New light mission now. back when I started I think the first time was Forsaken missions
LathosTiran: Kappa
LowUpsideCJ: Jak Theft Auto
heckengine: Only Theory
heckengine: No Praxis
quton: after that it was Shadowkeep campaign
BrowneePoints: 2 was big city edgy edgy edgy
BrowneePoints: mega edgy
BrowneePoints: 5 too edgy
Mai_Andra: The original release of Destiny had voiced lines for the player characters. But then they didn't have any for a long time, and it became I meme. Then a few expansions into D2 they suddenly started talking again.
LowUpsideCJ: 3 had more driving but less grand theft auto
heckengine: jak and edgester
Ciijay: There's a HUGE backstory behind that
Mazrae: JTA and dax was there as well
Mr_Horrible: now they unfortunately only know how to make 1 game
MrPhlip: Original Destiny had 6 voice actors for the PC, male and female for each race... and they just couldn't afford to keep it up
BrowneePoints: Hey Sony
Sareaesque: I dunno, Lost Frontier was pretty pants
lightfut: G has many questions to axe
LowUpsideCJ: @BrowneePoints Subathon stretch goal
TehAmelie: let me SHOOT you a few questions oh no wait
nova_plushie: g has and axe to grind
nyoomgoom: traveler but it's a precursor orb
Mr_Horrible: traveler but it's an orb from the amnesia games
BrowneePoints: Immaru
Twilight_Spark: Ghost?
BrowneePoints: OH you didn't say the stupid ghost with the good name
LowUpsideCJ: Pulled Screeb
Mazrae: ghost with the most??
SuitablyEpic: pulled pork is a great name
TehAmelie: the problem with pulled pork is if you pull it too far you get long pork
cranky_geek: God i love that gun and i hate sidearms
lightfut: This gun is giving noisy cricket vibes
Mai_Andra: I miss Peter Dinklage ghost. It still sounds off, even after all this time...
Jakelope13: "I don't have time to explain why I don't have time to explain" Then leave a note?
wedge_x: I love that The Call just looks like a price gun
ComradeMik: i don't miss dinklebot. he's a talented actor, but it was not his best work.
cranky_geek: @mai_andra dinkbot shall live in our hearts forever
BrowneePoints: I think if he had 10% more voice direction it would've landed better
adi_pie: Still sad they didn't keep Cree Summer for my lady Exo, but the one they kept is still very good
Painfully_Dyslexic: are "ghost" sentient?
Hawkwreak: Like being in Toxic Avenger!
MacbethSeemsSus: Especially at the height of Game of Thrones
CanvasWolfDoll: nathan filion?
BrowneePoints: Speaking of Cree Summer Who is hyped for Legend of Vox Machina season 3!
Mr_Horrible: "Pete, read these lines" "Why?" "We'll tell you when we know"
Pywodwagon: He had another thing where the writers didn't know what they were doing that paid a lot more money
Ritaspirithntr: @browneepoints I AM!!!
Ritaspirithntr: also for M9 animated!!
RocknGrohlNerd: @BrowneePoints I may have missed season two, but now I am :D
BrowneePoints: Speaking of chat, I highly recommend the Critical Role cartoon. it's just very good all around. An Adult Cartoon that isn't needlessly edgy!?
BrowneePoints: in 202x!?
LowUpsideCJ: Personally I'm stunned they're gonna make you stand in a circle for a mission
RockPusher: How goes things? Have we identified the final shape yet? Is it perhaps the ever reliable oblate spheroid? Maybe even the more spicy prolate spheroid?
cranky_geek: Witch queen legendary almost killed my soul
Artificer_Evan: oh it is bed time goodbye
BrowneePoints: It was but they screwed up the scaling the first time around
BrowneePoints: it was the first attempt at legend campaign
coronax_cj: I've been going through the 3-man legendary and it's been pretty reasonable.
MrPhlip: from my experience, 2 people is the sweet spot
coronax_cj: Waaaay better than witch queen.
quton: double is way harder due to scaling, and your duo just don't have enough damage. it's not GM level but noticeably more difficult than single or full team
BrowneePoints: but yea. Witch Queen was first attempt at Legend Campaign and the dial was WAY too up
MrPhlip: honestly I'd order it 2-player > 1-player > 3-player
adi_pie: How dare you use the mechanics they give you
adi_pie: The nerve
MrPhlip: that said, I also did TFS both solo and 3-player and the 3-player version wasn't nearly as bad as I remember from previous expacs
Mr_Horrible: *drags cigarette* "I use ze summON... I block... eez fine..." kanagoClassic
RockPusher: Blocking‽ In a souls game‽
MacbethSeemsSus: You're doing it wrong if you're clearing bosses
josh___something: It's a LITTLE bid
ReverseCreations: I too would say I am not good at Elden Ring >_<
josh___something: Little bit*
Natural_Ones_Only: Graham's Alter Ego: Let Me Solo Him
BrowneePoints: Have you played Lies of P or Crab Souls yet Graham?
cmdrud87 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 78 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, cmdrud87! (Today's storm count: 1)
BrowneePoints: Highly Recommend Both
Chronomos901: Curse you [SPOILER]
Mai_Andra: Have you seen the woman who's been using EKG sensors to play Elden Ring with her mind?
SuitablyEpic: the summons are very obviously intended
ComradeMik: if fromsoft wanted you to use all the tools they put in the game, they wouldn't have put them in the game to force you to mod them in
EvilBadman: Tank with shield got a bit of boost with items so that build is quite good for most encounters
Mr_Horrible: if you enjoyed Elden Ring you will probably enjoy SotE since it's essentially From dialing all its normal stuff to 11
Sorator13: the black knight quiche summon
Sorator13: I want one of those
cspacefeet: from across the house I heard "tiche" and I had to come and agree. Tiche is fantastic.
Mr_Horrible: their official stance is "Whatever gets the job done"
Krektogar: play whatever way is fun for you I would say
BrowneePoints: I have Elonora's Poleblade and Mimic Tear
LowUpsideCJ: I watched adam play through with hunting horn and it seems like an excellent dlc I'll never buy
adi_pie: I did laugh that they fixed a bug where bosses would heal the HP Tiche had drained when her debuff ran out lol
Mr_Horrible: the Scadutree scaling when applied to mimic tear can get very funny
Natural_Ones_Only: Best character incoming
josh___something: BEST GIRL!
MrPhlip: Knowing nothing about the game, I assume "bloody tear" is a buff tha tmakes the game play Castlevania music
TacitusVigil: YOu'll find out
Basic_Human_Decency: witch one?
EvilBadman: Blood build with one of the new weapons and tear absolutely bully vanilla bosses
quton: ghost marks a secret, shh
Mr_Horrible: @MrPhlip *Underground Waterway intensifies*
cranky_geek subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months!
cranky_geek: sigbirdSigwiggly
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, cranky_geek! (Today's storm count: 2)
cranky_geek: she's pretty chill
Luminaire_p: If you shoot them, you gain a LOT of energy
BrowneePoints: and you've gotta do light damage and dark damage to power your transcendence
BrowneePoints: outside of just popping them
Luminaire_p: Luzaku was from a lore tab in Witch Queen
adi_pie: Also voiced by Mara Sov
ImmortalLen: F
AquariumPrime: Fun puddles
RoeDent89: F
MaddestScientist: i haven't played since like 2019, wtf is this gun lol
BrowneePoints: it shoots micro rockets Maddest
BrowneePoints: special ammo pistol
josh___something: Moth infested caverns :)
Mr_Horrible: pretty sure if you Handle your Stigma on twitch that's a 90-day ban
MrPhlip: When I didn't know what the cysts were yet, and saw people talking about the "moth cyst", I was extremely concerned
betweenmyself: got the 4 minutes Moth cyst with a build based around Heartshadow’s Invis
BrowneePoints: It's fricken Bats
TehAmelie: it's called stigMA not stick-somewhere-else
BrowneePoints: I love HalloWitness
FinalShowFilms: Stigma balls - The Witness, Presumably
AquariumPrime: is this another dungeon?
BrowneePoints: lost ssector
MrPhlip: @AquariumPrime This is part of the story campaign
MacbethSeemsSus: *pew pew*
AquariumPrime: oohh
BrowneePoints: lil mini mini dungeon you can repeat over and over
BrowneePoints: and the campaign makes you do all of them over the course of it @AquariumPrime
Jacob Visscher: density!
MaddogM: It's just wasted fire
AquariumPrime: inteserting
josh___something: She talks funny cause she found enlightenment in the pale heart
AquariumPrime: I tried to get into Destiny at onepaint and just couldn't
AquariumPrime: but the story is really intersting
Jacob Visscher: i have really gotten into destiny (lore video's) recently
Sorator13: kitty!
Natural_Ones_Only: So precious
pimiento: she sounds like one of the emotions from Disco Elysium
TehAmelie: Gardener vs Guardian?
HesGotNoPants: That npc sounds like a horny asthmatic
MaddestScientist: wait cayde?
dumbo3k: Stretchin'
josh___something: They say "this one" cause right now, they are luzaku. But on the next rez, they might be different
Chronomagistrate: @AquariumPrime Same. I mostly watch my friends play for the lore/story
AquariumPrime: Wait isn't Cayde dead?
BrowneePoints: Cayde got suddenly resurrected at the start of this campaign
ArdCollider: I love that she just hangs out Hive stimmin' while Cayde puts Crow through this.
BrowneePoints: Crow got into the traveler
robin morrison: Luzaku best friend
robin morrison: shes growing a little tree here
BrowneePoints: suddenly cayde was there
cranky_geek: Undead gunslinger
AquariumPrime: I am SO confused XD
josh___something: XD
Beefpants: Raziel? is that you?
CaptainSpam: And there's another voice whispering "Tom Servo!"...
BrowneePoints: Graham's already played over it at the first mission
josh___something: Traveler 1 on 1 time!
BrowneePoints: but our Ghost basically called Cayde a "Living Ghost" somehow
robin morrison: He gets ONE
ComradeMik: that's cool and all, but what happened to the Colonel
BrowneePoints: whatever resurrection he had makes him very similar to being a Ghost, at least energy wise
Luminaire_p: Colonel is living in the tower near Amanda's old spot
josh___something: The Colonel chillin at the cayde memorial statue, IIRC
josh___something: One of those spots
BrowneePoints: Not the ElikSquee!
josh___something: 1000 intellect Ikora with her instant supers :p
cranky_geek: Freaky staring at your own body
SmashTCG: theres one more...
BrowneePoints: Sundance mattlrCry
TehAmelie: by the way who made all the robots with such articulated, expressive faces? even the ghosts
TheDevil_Risen: ummm
BrowneePoints: Clovis Bray made the Exos @TehAmelie
ComradeMik: Is Sundance voice by Cortana?
BrowneePoints: Basically Future Elon Musk if he had an actual super brain
Beefpants: wait... the Destiny universe is the server thing from SOMA rkayMind
TehAmelie: ha
josh___something: And the witness found us...
RandomTrivia: Uh
cranky_geek: Unibrow
Jacob Visscher: is this Echoes content?
TheDevil_Risen: damm
matthaus_c: Sun-done
SmashTCG: its death
Twilight_Spark: Okay
josh___something: RIP sundance... Again
Beefpants: then everyone died the end *credits*
DaSunao: BibleThump
BrowneePoints: stupid Light and always having to be cryptic and stuff
Twilight_Spark: Shouldn't have taken those hallucinogens.
Luminaire_p: Wizard Girlfriend
Beefpants: "Who? Oh."
Basic_Human_Decency: snackrifice
Beefpants: Wizaifu
josh___something: Luzaku gets it
TehAmelie: she does sound a bit like Limbic System
BrowneePoints: Luzaku is a Sis-Bro
TehAmelie: or they
MrPhlip: This one cannot control them. What do you think we are, some sort of hive mi- oh wait, I understand why you'd think that.
BrowneePoints: Luzaku is a She
SmashTCG: was gonna warn
josh___something: Luzaku used to be an acolyte, btw
BrowneePoints: They are Megamind
BrowneePoints: fear them
LowUpsideCJ: My favorite fortnite skin
matthaus_c: the Witnace
Natural_Ones_Only: It's a cutie
Mazrae: that cutscene was crazy
Luminaire_p: The Witness also is referred to by "It" pronouns
Beefpants: Even Zorbs are getting ChatGPT these days
josh___something: The witness uses it/its and we sometimes
BreadGuyTV: I ordered the 20th aniversary Hoodie and it arrives tomorrow so excited thank you LRR
cranky_geek: It's one eyebrow is the deadliest thing in the universe
Luminaire_p: because the community is bad at that
DoodlestheGreat: "I was hoping the last word was 'mayonnaise.'"
BrowneePoints: Ah it is Its? I thought it was They/Them cuz of the whole Gestalt entity thing
Twilight_Spark: Hot
MrPhlip: @DoodlestheGreat Basically the same
ThorSokar: BONES you say composSus
Beefpants: Weasley is trapped inside that ball
josh___something: The witness uses WE, when referred to the first person
BrowneePoints: It is literally billions of lives fused together
BrowneePoints: into one gestalt being
SmashTCG: well, with only one notible exeption
Beefpants: Witness what
Beefpants: Up in the gym working on my witness
kataanglover1: One very notable exception
TXC2: speaking of we, it's thee, Hello everybody
Valoopy: the CAYDEnce
MrPhlip: The Witness's position is that, if you're able to use a third-person pronoun to refer to it, then you haven't been final shaped enough
josh___something: Well, TECHNICALLY yeah. But that's not hereyet
MacbethSeemsSus: Love Keith David but still, RIP Lance Riddick :(
ComradeMik: Zavala's ghost is called Targe?
Luminaire_p: Hi, James Urbaniak
RocknGrohlNerd: hello TXC2 :)
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Graham_LRR!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Graham_LRR! (Today's storm count: 3)
Mazrae: oh what this looks like is Fallout: Space Age
ComradeMik: of course it is.
TXC2: hi RocknGrohlNerd
josh___something: Yep, targe is zavala's ghost
RandomTrivia: Morning TXC2!
TheDevil_Risen: we're all made of the same stuff though... technically
TXC2: hi RandomTrivia
TheDevil_Risen: heya @TXC2
BrowneePoints: Yes Zavala's ghost is literally named Shield
Luminaire_p: I can't believe Rusty Venture is Zavala's Ghost KappaPride
TXC2: hi TheDevil_Risen
Beefpants: this has a real soap-y feel to it
DoodlestheGreat: "Well, I need to do my taxes, and to walk the dog..."
DandyGeek: Robot bones!
Natural_Ones_Only: How were you not subbed
BOTHthosearetaken: is that doctor venture talking to Goliath?
LowUpsideCJ: @Luminaire_p This honestly threw me off when I played through this campaign
nova_plushie: you werent a sub to your own job?
betweenmyself: the reason for the Witness’s pluralized pronouns is explained during a previous Season that Graham may have missed
Twilight_Spark: The information density in these story beats is too damn low.
Luminaire_p: GM is going to be HELL
ComradeMik: pretty sure graham being subbed is just losing money to amazon
Mr_Horrible: !card Challenging Strike
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
HadesLeprechaun: If someone was gonna replace Lance Redick, I'm glad it was Kieth David
RedtheLily: Dont get high off your own supply i guess
Mr_Horrible: dinger
Sorator13: @Natural_Ones_Only Well, it doesn't make a ton of sense for you to give Twitch money in order to give yourself some of that money
Renkai_116: thats fair lol
josh___something: XD
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to snipercat!
Mr_Horrible: also yeah, it just gives twitch 3 bucks a month
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, snipercat! (Today's storm count: 4)
nova_plushie: but you get 1 extra sub number
Mazrae: the broken down bridge with all of the broken cars really remind me of fallout
TehAmelie: but you're a partner, so you get back some of that right?
BrowneePoints: @LoadingReadyRun Also, the Witness is Brett Dalton, who was in Until Dawn and was Ward in Agents of SHIELD
Luminaire_p: There are breakpoints that would be worth it but LRR isn't at one of those
TXC2: capitalism is just net loses all the way down
TacitusVigil: Entropy
matthaus_c: does Prime subbing to yourself count as a cashback
RocknGrohlNerd: mainly down
plundypops: Luzaku sounds like the reptilian brain from Disco Elysium
BrowneePoints: Brett's job as the Witness is FANTASTIC
Krektogar: also presumably you'd have to pay taxes on the part of the money you get back
cebjyre subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 29 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, cebjyre! (Today's storm count: 5)
RedtheLily: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100
TacitusVigil: We should see if we can find someone to help us get rid of Entropy. Kappa
Luminaire_p: I can't believe that he does ALL the Witness's voices
Texan_Reverend: Yeah, in this particular situation, it's a net loss of money AND an additional minute labor.
Renkai_116: o7
Mr_Horrible: RIP to a real one
dumbo3k: o7
ComradeMik: Oh Lance :(
TXC2: when's Peter Dinklige coming back? Kappa
Texan_Reverend: minute of labor*
MacbethSeemsSus: o7
SmashTCG: Targe also voiced by Notible VA James Urbaniak, know for many Good voices like dr.Venture from venture bros and Dr.Mobus from Falout new vegas
RedtheLily: How far are we from the cap?
LowUpsideCJ: Big Titan boots to fill
RocknGrohlNerd: @Texan_Reverend still labor :)
TacitusVigil: @TXC2 We don't talk about those timelines Elsie came from.
BrowneePoints: Mara Junot
BrowneePoints: I think
Luminaire_p: correct
ThorSokar: composSalute Lance, you were amazing
TXC2: TacitusVigil my bad :p
Basic_Human_Decency: elsie is from destiny 3
ComradeMik: Tina Gorres
josh___something: I forgot that Ikora's VA was changed
KharadBanar: Liminality: Drain the Purulence
Luminaire_p: You can count the number of originals left on one hand at this point
TacitusVigil: @TXC2 J/k of course :D
cranky_geek: I'm glad he did his own voice and they kept Lance's voice in the tower
BrowneePoints: I wonder if he's gonna replace Lance in Legend of Vox Machina as well
MacbethSeemsSus: Keith David's got so unique a voice he it'd be rough just copying Lance Reddick
RandomTrivia: "It goes in the skull hole!"
Mr_Horrible: mechanics are for cars, I'm just here for dps OpieOP
Twilight_Spark: I put ball in skull every morning
pimiento: ahh, the ol' skullball play
ComradeMik: put ball in circle is classic destiny
BrowneePoints: Keith DOES have a unique voice, but it's VERY similar to Lance's cadence
josh___something: We're wishing again!
SmashTCG: im sure its nothing
BrowneePoints: which is WHY he was cast
MrPhlip: Zavala is having a normal one
BrowneePoints: When Keith yells he sounds like himself, but when he talks his timbre and cadence is similar to Lance's
SmashTCG: it is
cranky_geek: That sidearm is putting in the work
BrowneePoints: Yep I had to queue in 4 times on launch week
Luminaire_p: I really hope the Voice Lines aren't so present in the GM. It can be so frustrating hearing the same lines all the time
nova_plushie: speaking of VA's, Warframe recently added internet funny man and cool person Gianni Matragrano
ArdCollider: week one we got 12 minutes into it with no dialogue or anything else and just figured it was super tense or something
Luminaire_p: Wallhamkara
Drakas: did the traveler give power to the ahamkara
josh___something: A few days of this expansion was... ROUGH
Mr_Horrible: the Witness sure thinks about them
Mazrae: Metroid??
josh___something: You ever just think about holes?
TheDevil_Risen: is that some sort of eldritch horror frozen in ice?
ThorSokar: something something salid fingers?
MacbethSeemsSus: @BrowneePoints True, mostly meant I'm glad he didn't try and copy Lance and instread took his own approach
LowUpsideCJ: Do not combine the hand thoughts and squid thoughts
DoodlestheGreat: You ever just think about crackers?
TXC2: I'm now thinking of what if Lance Riddick had replaced Keith David in his roles, and thinking of Lance in They Live :p
ComradeMik: pretty sure ahamkara were their own kind of power separate from the traveller
Basic_Human_Decency: the things one could do with tentacle fingers...
Mr_Horrible: it'll be like the Resident Evil movie commentary tracks, where it's Mila and the Director of Photography just remembering really good sandwiches they got during filming
BrowneePoints: but yea Lance also voices the main villain for Legend of Vox Machina Seasons 2 and 3, but died shortly after the airing of Season 2 so....I have no idea what's gonna happen there and they haven't announced the replacement
josh___something: *bunch of explosions*, *single floating green yarn ball left in the wreckage*
Twilight_Spark: I didn't get to see my question though.
BrowneePoints: Also chat, when you get the chance, look up Lance Reddick's "Toys R Me" sketch for Funny or Die.
BrowneePoints: that sketch is BRILLIANT
TheDevil_Risen: well imo they are the hardest part of a body to draw
Twilight_Spark: to axe* my question. Dammit autocorrect.
Mr_Horrible: it's not *not* about the traveler
Mazrae: this canyon is just trying to give you a "hand" through it
TehAmelie: @Mr_Horrible funny, cause the Resident Evil Apocalypse commentary has MIlla and the leading man "eating" sandwiches and also laughing so hard they almost die
josh___something: Why'd you do that, foxmar?
MaddogM: The floor is lava?
BrowneePoints: Make Graham do the thing
MacbethSeemsSus: Good advice
betweenmyself: I believe the lava here is technically puss
Mr_Horrible: @TehAmelie honestly this might be what I'm remembering. Very charming, regardless
juzztshay subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 34 months!
josh___something: I mean, YEAH...I GUESS
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, juzztshay! (Today's storm count: 6)
bagfullofbees: that's the sort of always applicable advice I like to hear
BrowneePoints: :)
Ivannorr: If I had a nickel for every time Keith David voiced a video game character on the late night block portion of the LRR sub-a-thon I would have two nickels.
BrowneePoints: Legend of the HIDDEN TEMPLE BABY
TehAmelie: well i gotta watch the first one now
Mr_Horrible: welcome to Toxic Tower, you're playing DKC2 now
cranky_geek: My name is byf said it wss pus from the witness infection
BrowneePoints: The other one crushes you!
SmashTCG: it has a timer
wedge_x: it times out
josh___something: Timer
SmashTCG: go do the other one
SmashTCG: its fun
BrowneePoints: The left hallway trash compacts you and it scared the piss out of me
SmashTCG: its got a nice portal
Mr_Horrible: that's a^al
BrowneePoints: Xivu Arath technically is still a servant of The Witness
BrowneePoints: so yes Tomb Ships
josh___something: We should really stop, but desperate times...
Mr_Horrible: "Guardian have you watched Twin Peaks yet?"
BrowneePoints: so chat, those Tangle guys
Mr_Horrible: "It's really good, Guardian"
BrowneePoints: hurl a slingshot at you
LowUpsideCJ: "Catch this mixup guardian"
BrowneePoints: if it hits you, after a second you BOING in their direction
SmashTCG: maybe another color
Lord_Hosk: Just jump into the creepy yellow eye
Luminaire_p: Those were houseplants
TacitusVigil: Zavala is getting understandably worn down.
SmashTCG: a single accent color
MacbethSeemsSus: Solid emerald, way higher than $2k
Mr_Horrible: yeah but what else are you doing with your glimmer
Mr_Horrible: be honest
Mazrae: maybe some poppies for some colour
ThorSokar: communal bathroom with no stalls and just a row of holes in a slab
Laserbeaks_Fury: Heated Floors
TXC2: ThorSokar so communal outhouse then? :p
BrowneePoints: They were just gonna add 2
BrowneePoints: but then revamped it into an entirely new faction
Basic_Human_Decency: like ye olde roman toilets
Luminaire_p: Weavers
LowUpsideCJ: Can't beat the price on amankhara wishes, slight taken infestation reported
josh___something: Fuck BOTH the strand and stasis psions
MaddogM: Isn't G a strand guy?
Twilight_Spark: The floor is lava I guess
varmintx0: Famous early '90s plattformer Funky Bat Dudes.
josh___something: They hit SO hard for something so huge
josh___something: Err, small
BrowneePoints: Took Psions and reconfigured them
SmashTCG: various Races from the wintesses past
ThorSokar: @TXC2 The rich people words are "Roman Style"
SmashTCG: the bats are the least know
SmashTCG: n
Luminaire_p: I think part of it is the Cabal cloning program, too
MrPhlip: putting a bunch of the strand attendants in the raid encounters that want you to stand in a specific place sure was a choice
TXC2: ThorSokar :D
Basic_Human_Decency: so the witness is the german guy and we're fighting the human centipedes
BrowneePoints: Yep. the Attendants are Greater psions smashed with Lubraens ...I think
ComradeMik: great insight ghost: like a pyramid but not
BrowneePoints: they have psion tops but Rhulk leggies
Mr_Horrible: "Guardian, I need you to full send it"
Fruan: Wouldn't an intelligible wail just be a shout?
Mazrae: hello darkness my old friend
AndyDaMage: i love the doctor who story pyramids of mars
TXC2: 'cause wailing is so intelligible most of the time
ComradeMik: Evil Zavala: Eyes down, guardian.
HaltBen2514: that’s a mood
josh___something: Zavala, buddy... No
Jakelope13: "Only in Darkness will you find the answers you seek." Yes, until I find the light switch. Or wait until morning
BrowneePoints: Uh ohhhh
BrowneePoints: Zavala unraveling a lil bit
josh___something: Mom and dad are fighting D:
MacbethSeemsSus: It's like you've got an entirely different voice!
BrowneePoints: for Chat. Zavala is Space Dad
BrowneePoints: he's ALWAYS been the voice of reason
Mr_Horrible: Zavala with big "I don't need an intervention, *YOU* all need an intervention" energy
BrowneePoints: and right now? He's kind of spiraling
SmashTCG: Guardian, yolo
LowUpsideCJ: This was an unintentionally funny mission as I stranded around like "oh boy darkness is great!"
josh___something: G, pls XD
Jakelope13: Who taught Zavala those words?!
Mr_Horrible: "Guardian, are you familiar with this... KKona?"
Valoopy: Guardian, some of the younger tower dwellers have been showing me TikTok. Do you know what "mewing" is?
Twilight_Spark: Ikora, you just don't like that I've made a fortune on LightCoin.
Mazrae: just do the dew guardian
ComradeMik: @SmashTCG they provably live more than once tho
MrPhlip: "Pogchamp, Guardian"
Pywodwagon: "Guardian, I need you to put your whole guardussy into it"
EvilBadman: Zevala done got the brain rot
BrowneePoints: "Guardian, I need you to bus it down sexual style. Stick out that Gyatt for the Rizzler"
Luminaire_p: I honestly wonder if Cayde is instrumental to preventing the future from the Bastion mission
josh___something: That is EXPLICITLY not truthful
BrowneePoints: "What the Sigma?"
Pywodwagon: Zevala is just asking questions
betweenmyself: Zavala: “Hello, fellow teens!”
josh___something: No
Mr_Horrible: "Guardian that maneuver wasn't very cash money"
SmashTCG: please end this bit
Fruan: crapshot! crapshot!
BrowneePoints: Please Send this Bit
BrowneePoints: to Keith David
EvilBadman: Cayde, you're so fucking based
SmashTCG: i do NOT want to hear zavala say skibbity
ComradeMik: Keith David has a cameo right?
kristian_fischer: So Graham is now banned from Twitch.
Mr_Horrible is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 443 in the channel!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to icywolf1!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to cmart365!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to zerotradeinvalue!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to HariSeldonPlan!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to Coolkat6442!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to AlloyedClavicle!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to SchalaKitty!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to doubleo21!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to Junes_Joke!
Mr_Horrible gifted a Tier 1 sub to stoic_squirrel!
Mr_Horrible: Persist the bit
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Mr_Horrible! Welcome to icywolf1, HariSeldonPlan, SchalaKitty, cmart365, zerotradeinvalue, Coolkat6442, AlloyedClavicle, doubleo21, Junes_Joke, and stoic_squirrel! (Today's storm count: 16)
TXC2: Keith David is on Cameo right?
josh___something: Please continue this bit
Oreo1369: This is the best bit
TXC2: Mr_Horrible lrrHEART
Valoopy: Guardian, lets do some Fortnite duos
BrowneePoints: @Mr_Horrible browne26PearPride
ThorSokar: I would like for you to double down on this bit, maybe even a triple
josh___something: No, the call is a sidearm
Mr_Horrible: "You ever just think about holes, Guardian?"
AndyDaMage: 12:30am? sounds like the best time of day
ArdCollider: "Give the Witness some of that... hawk tuah, Guardian."
BrowneePoints: and now the bit is over
BrowneePoints: I dont' have time for real bad straight people memes
marmalade_pen: this is the second day in a row i've woken up to the sound of keith davids voice
SmashTCG: the portal was a short cut
kristian_fischer: Graham never saw an orifice he didn't want to go into.
TXC2: ArdCollider oh no!
bagfullofbees: "Guardian, I need you to eat my entire ass"
Twilight_Spark: We all see it, but did you have to say it?
MacbethSeemsSus: New super is "Summon Vanguard HR"
APartofManny subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 57 months!
MaddogM: Does one of the people you shoot in the back of the head need to be yourself?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, APartofManny! (Today's storm count: 17)
Oreo1369: Destiny+ Elden Ring+ Brain Rot= Fun times
Pywodwagon: "Guardian, Send him to the Rizz Chamber and Skibidi his ohio with the fanum tax"
SmashTCG: No
Basic_Human_Decency: is this vore?
Pywodwagon: I had to ruin my search history for that one
aClonedPickle: lmao
LathosTiran: sparkling marathon
SmashTCG: never go full brainrot
Twilight_Spark: Are these skulls offering continuous, enthusiastic consent?
LowUpsideCJ: Zevala gets his glimmer from donghua jinlong industrial grade glimmer
Mr_Horrible: "Guardian, whack his peepee"
kristian_fischer: This reminds me of that Crapshot where Graham does a voiceover about puberty. It goes places.
ComradeMik: i have been exposed to more skibidi toilet by exhausted millenials who hate it than any kids
josh___something: I know most of those words, but none of them in that order
Mazrae: @Pywodwagon that one hurt me
TheDevil_Risen: did someone just channel serge?
Oreo1369: Now I just wanna hear Batman with brain rot talk to the guardian
BrowneePoints: In the future we lost most of Earth. All that's left is Russia...and Ohio
BrowneePoints: which is the Russia of America
BrowneePoints: except less cool
korvys: Ok, I was away for a while, but now we're climbing into purple crystal buttholes?
HaltBen2514: guardian, remove his aura
TacitusVigil: No it gets cold in the winter
kristian_fischer: My, what a big scythe you have.
ComradeMik: so is the tormentor that psion that crow killed?
BrowneePoints: It became slang for "shitty place"
matthaus_c: Ohio is mid
StarShock2002: Guardian, give it the old hawk tuah.
Mr_Horrible: Ohio is slang for "mid" essentially
korvys: mid-west -> mid
LowUpsideCJ: Cuz it's mid
BrowneePoints: Ohio is Mid
terribleplan: ohio = mid
ThorSokar: Because Ohio SUCKS
EvilBadman: Guardian, let's just edge this Ahamkara wish. Real gooning hours.
josh___something: Ohio = unremarkable
DoodlestheGreat: Ohio knows what it did...
terribleplan: fanum is a new one for me though
Ukon_Cairns: ive never heard ohio spoken of so highly?
Natural_Ones_Only: Ohio= Boring
MaddestScientist: why this man be tormenting?
jj_q: ohio riz is bad charizma
MacbethSeemsSus: As XKCD pointed out, the vast majority of astronauts are from Ohio. Which means they wanted to get as far as humanely possible from it.
Mr_Horrible: yeah, it's just an old joke with new language
TacitusVigil: The motto of Ohio is literally "The heart of it all" which I suppose is the definition of mid.
bagfullofbees: love the concept of having slang for other slang
MrPhlip: it's slang for "mid", a term which is also slang
TacitusVigil: But at least it's not Indiana.
BrowneePoints: Ohio sucks so bad the rest of the Midwest deleted it from the Midwest
Pywodwagon: its a state that contains cleveland...which
hypperstar2280: Guardian I'm trying to subvert the final shape but the clap of my thunder crash keeps alerting the witness
snowewolf: Have you seen the "Brain Rot Girlfriend" manga - it physically hurt me
josh___something: Zavala... Honey
BrowneePoints: Indiana gets to come to the Midwest Cookout
jamesinor: I mean, I remember the Cleveland tourism ads on youtube
jj_q: could you please turn the game story voice up if possible ty
BrowneePoints: Ohio is right out
josh___something: Honey pls
matthaus_c: Ohio must be where the SCP Foundation is headquartered
Mr_Horrible: those are english words Zavala
Oreo1369: Ohio Australia Florida and the Amazon Rainforest are places on the Earth that are secretly alien planets attached to Earth
Mr_Horrible: they have meanings
Jakelope13: Dude, the Witness also speaks in Riddles. You just haven't heard them all yet
Dix subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 131 months!
Dix: Oh what up Destiny 2 content
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Dix! (Today's storm count: 18)
RockPusher: Temba, his rizz ohio
HaltBen2514: @oreo1369 as someone Aussie born, yes
BrowneePoints: so yea chat
Mr_Horrible: oh hey, it's Dix
josh___something: Zavala is uhh... not OKAY rn.
RockPusher: dixGRITCHAMP dixWTF
BrowneePoints: Zavala is Space Dad, and he's not doing okay
TXC2: RockPusher get out Kappa
ArdCollider: hi Dix, what's the best Tik Tok meme you want Zavala to mention in passing
BrowneePoints: Cleveland, his Arms Wide
LordChrusher: I hate it when our space parents fight
LordChrusher: Oh hey Dix
Oreo1369: Also born in Ohio I find this whole thing mildly entertaining
Beefpants: Internet, r u ok?
Natural_Ones_Only: What'd you just call us
ComradeMik: man, imagine if our guardian got to participate in narrative events directly instead of just watching the soap opera of other's lives
AndyDaMage: I'm too old to understand this new linguini
Dix: Hey chat!
MaddestScientist: so uhhh why is zavala so mad?
Pywodwagon is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 12 in the channel!
BrowneePoints: So @Dix You're doing a Bloomburrow Cosplay for Vegas right?
ArdCollider: @ComradeMik that's why the Traveler lets us emote in cut scenes
Pywodwagon gifted a Tier 1 sub to OneTrueGirbot!
Pywodwagon gifted a Tier 1 sub to traciwashere!
Pywodwagon gifted a Tier 1 sub to dmagnum_ch!
Pywodwagon gifted a Tier 1 sub to andreagustafson!
Pywodwagon gifted a Tier 1 sub to findingtarshish!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Pywodwagon! Welcome to OneTrueGirbot, traciwashere, andreagustafson, findingtarshish, and dmagnum_ch! (Today's storm count: 23)
Twilight_Spark: Guys I'm going to have to ask you to be less nifty. The beans are too cool. I don't want it that a way.
Lord_Hosk: Dix, GO TO SLEEP! you have two babies you should take any chance you have to sleep my dude
TXC2: Pywodwagon lrrHEART
DaSunao: I think I passed through Ohio on my way back from Misery
josh___something: "X, his rizz ohio" is fucking STRONG psychic damage. Holy fuckin moly
SmashTCG: the travaler JUST helped us
Pywodwagon: I owed the universe something
SmashTCG: it gave us another super
TacitusVigil: LeBron, at Cleveland. LeBron, in Miami. Lebron, in Los Angeles.
BrowneePoints: The Past Couple Seasons and Expacs has dredged up some real bad Trauma for Zavala
Mr_Horrible: I mean to be fair he is not wrong
Painfully_Dyslexic: love the hat
Jakelope13: The Traveler brought you back from the dead? And a lot of your friends? It keeps bringing them back from the dead?
DoodlestheGreat: I'm 60. I'm officially allowed to be done with this shit.
SmashTCG: also you have a new super G, you wana Huck some axes?
Dix: @lord_hosk it's 940 and Croissant is falling asleep right now
BrowneePoints: Zavala saw the Traveler gift Savathun and the hive Light and it SHATTERED his worldview
Oreo1369: What the hell is happening
Mr_Horrible: "The orb is cringe"
Basic_Human_Decency: based on what?
matthaus_c: showing up to Wrestlemania with a sign saying UPS Lynx Has Ohio Rizz
josh___something: GRAHAM
Beefpants: Young people sound like the kids from Thunderdome to me, I am old
BrowneePoints: and then other seasonal stuff has dredged up his trauma
RockPusher: Lord_Hosk Dix has baked goods, what are these smol humans you are implying lrrBEEJ
korvys: This is the second night in a row to feature Keith David in this time slot
Sorator13: @matthaus_c omg
Lord_Hosk: LOL
korvys: (he was in Fallout)
CanvasWolfDoll: 'it's not enough' immediately disintegrates.
TXC2: matthaus_c just kill the man instead, it'll be more merciful :p
Twilight_Spark: The Dahkness?
BrindleBoar: So much for the Travrizzler.
Oreo1369: He wants Ice powers
korvys: Hi Thomas
EOstby: Stand Against the Darkness.
josh___something: Again... Zavala is... NOT OKAY rn
BrowneePoints: HEALING RIFLE!
ReverseCreations: darkness? what is this? Kingdom Hearts??
SmashTCG: It only KINDA a gun
Mr_Horrible: Maybe Little Hesitation
josh___something: It's a HEALING gun
BrowneePoints: that rifle has healing rounds!
SmashTCG: its a HEALING gun
TXC2: here's the Final shape WITH A GUN
MaddogM: behind his eyes? optical nerves?
ComradeMik: i mean... maybe the traveller needs a little destroying
DoodlestheGreat: "We both know what's behind his eyes." His optic nerves?
Oreo1369: Pew Pew is healing
hypperstar2280: Support frame is so good
CanvasWolfDoll: wow, is the antagonist boeing?
Laserbeaks_Fury: "Maybe Consider Hesitating"
Mr_Horrible: healing bullets?
BrowneePoints: Support Frame
Beefpants: Gonna heal some faces off
Jakelope13: You know, if I had a nickel for every video game villain who tempts someone by saying "Give yourself to darkness", I'd have two nickels. Which is not a lot, but it is /very/ strange it happened twice.
Mr_Horrible: welcome back, Wildstar
BrowneePoints: shoot things, then shoot teammates
SmashTCG: with a very mid roll
MrPhlip: oh, with Demo, too? seems deece
RockPusher: Healing from the hip
Twilight_Spark: Listen, the American Monomyth glorifies violence, and we sure need that structure to prop up the Destiny plot word salad.
Basic_Human_Decency: the ghost just hands you a gun. where was it keeping it?
josh___something: Odd-to rifle
Twilight_Spark: Take the gun.
forcedreject: So ghost is a cat
Mr_Horrible: presenting it to you like a cat with a dead lizard
CanvasWolfDoll: @Twilight_Spark but i want canoli
josh___something: Look, ghost is doing HIS BEST
marmalade_pen: ghost stole ana's gun
adi_pie: In his defense, he also found us lying on the ground
SmashTCG: one of the crafted rolls can give you and your surrounding allies Restoration on sustained heal
MacbethSeemsSus: @CanvasWolfDoll Fine, leave gun take the cannoli.
SmashTCG: so not only do you heal your allies, you also heal yourself
josh___something: Dissent... I'm sure that means nothing
SmashTCG: i use at as a panic button
Natural_Ones_Only: So has the timer been holding steady at ~27 hrs?
Mr_Horrible: First-Person Reasoner
TacitusVigil: And sometimes bows!
TXC2: the plot of clinking on heads
Oreo1369: Big Skully
RockPusher: Look at the sinuses on this lad!
Luminaire_p: I actually really appreciate that the post-campaign story defies FPS story conventions
Beefpants: What happened to Paul Rudd!?
BrowneePoints: But yea Zavala gave everything for the Traveler, lost a wife and kid, still gave more, watched his best friend die, then saw it give the light to the Hive, and then had the old trauma dredged up
Jakelope13: Good lord, how big do these Ahamkara get?!
Natural_Ones_Only: 75% Gun. 25% Punch
matthaus_c: uh oh skussy
BrowneePoints: Zavala is not doing WELL
Dix: Go Team Ghost Venture
SmashTCG: booo
adi_pie: Still can't believe I didn't recognize Doc Venture over here as Zavala's Ghost when I first played
Mr_Horrible: sofieHmm
SmashTCG: you can really hear Venture in this mission
MaddogM: "The closer we get to the monolith, the larger the skulls get"
Laserbeaks_Fury: "I'm going for a walk. I may be some time."
Mr_Horrible: "Guardian we need you to take away Zavala's phone"
ComradeMik: Is Zavala going for a walk like Alucard going for a walk?
Natural_Ones_Only: Alucard? Going for a walk?
Oreo1369: Big Skully
josh___something: "I'm going for some milk"
Jakelope13: Hold on, did our Space Dad go out to grab some smokes and milk?!
Basic_Human_Decency: yes
LordChrusher: I may be some time
Oreo1369: Hell yeah Hellsing Abridged
bagfullofbees: maybe the traveller was just a giant skull all along
DandyGeek: you can hear the Venture, but not the Phantom Limb so much
MacbethSeemsSus: To be fair, the meme is in line with how everyone I've met from ohio feels.
CanvasWolfDoll: wait, is the final shape a skull?
Mr_Horrible: "He keeps posting 'this is what good traveler sounds like' with a video of pouring gravel into a bucket"
Beefpants: Do you speak the true true?
hypperstar2280: I'm going out for vex milk from the 7 11 anyone need anything?
TXC2: DandyGeek Phantom Limb was a different VA no ?
EOstby: Speak friend and enter?
adi_pie: Also still can't believe the Witness and all these statues are all one voice actor.
TacitusVigil: Turns out we should have tried talking to the statues years ago.
SuitablyEpic: why are we trusting the bad thing?
Sly_chocobo: Ah ni\ just recently came back to Destiny 2... had no idea who the Witness etc was.. was very confused :D
TacitusVigil: Guess nobody thought to say hello.
Luminaire_p: H.E.L.P.E.R.?
Twilight_Spark: It's worked so far
Jakelope13: Just head in the direction of the most people shooting at you, that's usually the direction you want to go
Sly_chocobo: But its a a banger of an expansion though!
josh___something: Devotion, bravery, sacrifice... Profit???
DandyGeek: @txc2 same VA
danbjorn subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 88 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, danbjorn! (Today's storm count: 24)
adi_pie: We did they were sacry about it
josh___something: That's how it goes, surely
TXC2: DandyGeek huh, ok then
Dix: And these statues are more chatty than the others
Laserbeaks_Fury: So if Targe is still kicking, why exactly is Zavala vulnerable
Mr_Horrible: me when I talk to rocks and they divulge plot-relevant secrets
PsychoI3oy: ok google, navigate to DOOM
TXC2: guess James Urbinak had more range then I thought :p
SmashTCG: noteably, none of the statues IN the travler have the same "wibbly movement" the ones we have seen outside of the traveler had
Toxxick: I do love that Targe is just as thick headed as Zev
adi_pie: To be fair, punching the exploder is the Titan way
Jonci_: Destiny has axes now?
Dix: Oh what up @dandygeek
Luminaire_p: I think the statues had no power to talk outside the Traveler
SmashTCG: all the ones we have seen before moved Slowly
Mr_Horrible: yum CRUNCH
SmashTCG: these ones are fully static
Dix: Ugh I hated this room solo
TXC2: sounding more Jonus venture Jr then rusty here
josh___something: Better than the barking plague of the witness
matthaus_c: Hooting, Hollering Plague of the Witness
josh___something: Rocket sidearms are neat
SmashTCG: golden tricorn
SmashTCG: so yeah when you get a kill, pop an abiltiy
Basic_Human_Decency: how is a rocket pistol not a handcannon?
Mr_Horrible: "It's too bright here" buddy, SAME
Luminaire_p: because they wanted it to be a sidearm so they could use sidearm as a weapon type for seasonal things
SmashTCG: Thats what i want to see, a Rocket assised handcannon
Dix: I have Subsistence and Desperate Measures... So kills reload the gun AND ramp up damage. It's fun
Werdnae: did you know that subsistence restores two rounds to rocket sidearms on a red bar kill?
SmashTCG: Ayyyy red one
TacitusVigil: These lines are just stolen from the Remans from Star Trek Nemesis!
josh___something: When you're here, YER FAMILY
Texan_Reverend: That _does_ sound fun @Dix
SuitablyEpic: I don't think we should just trust the statues
DoodlestheGreat: Give myself to Darkness? Nah, I'd rather give myself to Aqua.
Luminaire_p: num num num
josh___something: DESTINY!
Mr_Horrible: just wedge it right in there
quton: free upgrade yay
MacbethSeemsSus: @SuitablyEpic Depends on the artistic style
Laserbeaks_Fury: Thats very...gatcha mechanics
Luminaire_p: gun better
SmashTCG: its cheaper since it the same gun
adept_nekomancer: The gun goes in the square hole!
MaddogM: I herd you like guns ...
Twilight_Spark: My guns shoot guns so that you can gun while you gun.
Renkai_116: lol
Texan_Reverend: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Dix: @texan_reverend it's the first roll I got and it CARRIED me through the campaign
Basic_Human_Decency: what subathon Kappa
Mr_Horrible: oh I thought the countdown was until you had to delete your character Kappa
AndyDaMage: I thought this was just a week long destiny stream Kappa
Renkai_116: OOOO
Luminaire_p: it says co-op now
adi_pie: That sounds hilarious
juuzou00: "Seamless"
Pywodwagon: who else is that featuring?
TacitusVigil: Oh, since you can change appearance now, is this guardian an Agathy Fisty now? :P
DoodlestheGreat: Who will be with you, Graham?
shabe_x_roc: Love seamless coop mod
Mr_Horrible: Shadow of the ERMtree
josh___something: Oh, the mod's updated?
MrPhlip: The schedule says "Elden Ring Coop", which I assume is a box that you keep your elden ring chickens in
adi_pie: And then a Burning Man kills all of you in one stomp
bagfullofbees: will that also be randomized?
josh___something: ADAM!!!
RockPusher: That's a good grouping
DoodlestheGreat: That's going to be an amusing gathering.
Mr_Horrible: I didn't know Ian played Elden Ring, neat
Pywodwagon: late night Adam and Ian is gonna be a weird combo
LowUpsideCJ: Bring in James he'll be an expert by then
Mr_Horrible: THEY SAID THE THING kanagoPoint
EvilBadman: Cori plays too, I've been having side convos about her dlc adventure
DandyGeek: I’m going to spec healer and try to keep them all alive.
Mr_Horrible: cool stuff
marmalade_pen: is the final shape a tilted house?
Texan_Reverend: Godspeed @DandyGeek
Mr_Horrible: godspeed DandyGeek
spawnofhastur: me too graham me too
ComradeMik: ian doesn't just play weird driving sims
DandyGeek: Randomizer (the good one) hasn’t finished processing all the new DLC stuff
MaddogM: keep them alive? where's the fun in that?
Mr_Horrible: "Beacons absolutely rock against screebs" - a sentence
Beefpants: Try not to scratch Graham it just makes it worse
RockPusher: It's good for people to have some away-from-stream games too
josh___something: The screebs, or the voices. I'm fine with either.
adi_pie: Ah, Ben, going to attempt to aim that Heal from Afar or whatever the new miracle is called?
Toxxick: These hallways give me the Screebie-Jeebies
EvilBadman: @dandygeek I imagine there's also a need to have dlc lands open as an option as well?
Laurence72: Is the howling plague what was responsible for the chorus of the classic rock song "Werewolves of London"?
AndyDaMage: sword and board, gothca
forcedreject: Hey Graham have you heard of the legend of "Let me Tank him?"
DandyGeek: @adi_pie Mostly I target the boss and hope it lands while everybody is still in that spot. It’s slow!
Mr_Horrible: the Purpose of the Soul Is What It Does
LowUpsideCJ: Give em the whamjangle
Mr_Horrible: these MFs talking like bentuuzi
washed_o7 subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, washed_o7! (Today's storm count: 25)
AndyDaMage: a bit hard to see in the darkness
Basic_Human_Decency: why does it talk just like elsie
Mr_Horrible: NPH voice
josh___something: At least, Ghost, OUR ghost, doesn't
wedge_x: Targe is his own bare interrogation lightbulb
Mr_Horrible: I'm sure it is, tbh
josh___something: The witness is just a failed artist, got it
CanvasWolfDoll: at what point does it stop being 'the witness' and become 'the participant'?
Mr_Horrible: honestly makes me wanna get past Mt Gagazet in FFX again
MaddogM: mount painmore?
jj_q: me when i have a splitting headache
bagfullofbees: @CanvasWolfDoll excellent joke
Mr_Horrible: you're telling me training needs to be part of job estimation?
NSGReaper subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 126 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, NSGReaper! (Today's storm count: 26)
Fruan: 15?!~
Mr_Horrible: what a novel concept
Basic_Human_Decency: the existence of the pain wall implies the potential existence of the ahegao wall
Qwertiest_Mint: Where else in Europe would you like to see? ☺️🇪🇺
AndyDaMage: wow, 15?
forcedreject: Is "where are graham's feet" in the chat?
Hawkwreak: Davinci is an excellent piece of software. It really is.. But it takes a while to learn
LowUpsideCJ: I'm bad at resolve but damn it's cool and good it exists
Mr_Horrible: @Basic_Human_Decency your username juxtaposed with this comment is really something
teaandvalkyries: i keep telling myself i'll learn color correction in davinci resolve one of these days...
josh___something: No
Basic_Human_Decency: ok.
josh___something: Jail
aussie_rob_w: Is this a live Graham Playing Destiny?!
Lord_Hosk: the G-vlogs are never expected always appreciated. much like a tip or a birthday card with $10 in it from your grandma.
josh___something: IMMEDIATELY JAIL
Dedwrekka: More vlogs of pavement!
Hawkwreak: The fact that you only really need to pay if you need, proper multi person production capability and need to offload rendering? Thats.. Outstanding
MrPhlip gifted a Tier 1 sub to Basic_Human_Decency! They have given 202 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Basic_Human_Decency! (Today's storm count: 27)
Basic_Human_Decency: @MrPhlip Thanks for the sub~
jj_q: basic human decenceny? i heard that was a myth!
MrPhlip: @Basic_Human_Decency Your quip was horrifying and deserved to be rewarded :D
Lord_Hosk: 15 episodes of Grahams shoes!
LowUpsideCJ: DaVinci Resolve has powered many a student film and I'm forever grateful
josh___something: Ooh, is it Graham walking cam time?
Twilight_Spark: Classic work travel
aussie_rob_w: yeah, you're not gonna go to another continent and NOT do touristy things
Mr_Horrible: the Barcelled Lona...
forcedreject: @josh___something Feet timestamps incoming
Luminaire_p: That's not a.... good sound
Mazrae: but how devoted is the commander actually
Luminaire_p: n/a
Toxxick: its a 7
Hawkwreak: Obvioussly I recognise that when it comes to Europe. All the big cons etc are on the continent. But man I wish there was a reason for LRR to go to the UK. I might hate London, but i'd make the effort for yall.
TXC2: is this commander for cEDH ?
Mr_Horrible: "It's a 7" *goes infinite turn 4*O
aussie_rob_w: I am never missing a CommandFest in Sydney again! Richard Garfield PHD was a surprise guest at the recent one!
TXC2: Hawkwreak same
forcedreject: @Mr_Horrible Honestly that is why I don't find that assessment particularly useful
AndyDaMage: it's just a precon with a mana crypt
aussie_rob_w: what if LRR put on a show at the Edinburgh Fringe?
cranky_geek: It happen to lots of ghosts
Hawkwreak: I made the effort to go to london for AEW Last year. And I havent watched aew since. I absolutely would make the effort for a variety of lrr'smn.
TXC2: the people who run EDHREC have said that EDHREC ratings aren't that useful
novrdd: PopNemo
aussie_rob_w: Daaaang Hawk!
josh___something: Award winning emotional repression.
Mr_Horrible: @forcedreject it's a self-evaluation system, which Magic players (among most game players) are notoriously bad at, so it wasn't really built for purpose
novrdd: FBtouchdown
Hawkwreak: @aussie_rob_w I. Would. LOSE MY MIND. Like, Edinburgh during fringe is... Hell, But Its an hour bus journey for me.
forcedreject: @TXC2 I might recommend someone named Salubrious Snail who did a neat video on this topic
Toxxick: When did we end up in Nokron the Eternal City?
aussie_rob_w: I'm just gonna keep telling people that "if your deck stumbles, Purph will kill you."
TXC2: we're not in Kansas anymore, not even Ohio
TXC2: forcedreject thanks
Luminaire_p: we're on the weiloor
MrPhlip: The ceiling is just Floor 2
DoodlestheGreat: ~/Whoa what a feeling.... Dancing on the ceiling.../~
Symphoneers: A little ceiling, as a treat.
MehallD: MCM is the biggie
josh___something: "2020"
AndyDaMage: also now that the UK isn't in the EU....
Dix: PAX East 2020: Before Everything Changed
Mr_Horrible: the UK barely occupies reality at this point, let's be real
Hawkwreak: Oh absolutely. Travel is hell. Like, you have family here, you know the way our transit system is to a degree. The cost from Scotland, to get to London in a reasonable amount of comfort. Absolute HELLFIRE.
Krektogar: well, it's still in europe geographically :P
goateedave86: We're basically just a sitcom over here right now
Dedwrekka: So I'm curious, is it actually cheaper to fly to Japan from Victoria than to fly to England from, somewhere closer like Montreal?
Laserbeaks_Fury: NOOOOW...This is a story all about how my life got flipped, turned upside-down....
Pywodwagon: I’m guessing no since we haven’t heard anything yet, but is anyone going to gencon this year?
Sly_chocobo: Speaking from the UK.... *Sigh*... Yeah..., yeah.
Twilight_Spark: And it was quick.
CanvasWolfDoll: the uk seceded from a continent? can you do that?
TXC2: that fact alone should have been used on the remain campaign, and the fact it wasn't is treasonous to me :p
EternalRoxas: It sure is a mess here
jamesinor: I did a bunch of Baldurs Gate prereleases when I was in Berlin, I stil have a forest everyone signed as a souvenir!
TXC2: CanvasWolfDoll if you're dumb enough yeah :p
Hawkwreak: I mean... At least we ditched the tories... Its not perfect, but I will take the damn victories I can herre.
measureofhope: Pretty sure Britain is still on the European continental plate, unless they passed a bill to leave that too.
MacbethSeemsSus: Important question. With Rees-Mogg losing, who will ascend to the role of most British named politician?
marmalade_pen: @CanvasWolfDoll something something pangaea
Mr_Horrible: "I hate new-age apartments, Guardian"
Sly_chocobo: @CanvasWolfDoll you jus tneed a lot of shovels, and a big motor-boat engine
aussie_rob_w: every time I play Purphoros God of the Forge, I get one step closer to believing that Purph is a real god. It doesn't matter which sleeves it's in or who shuffles it, I get at least one Masterpiece artifact every. goddamn. Time.
forcedreject: @Hawkwreak I wish we could do that in the states
novrdd: Looks like gummy blocks
Twilight_Spark: The Traveler may also contain Escher
thirsty_kitteh: dedwrekka: cheaper, probably not. I can say in the UK -> Montreal direction, it was reasonable
Mr_Horrible: why do you need to subjugate the devoted?
AndyDaMage: i thought this was a shooter, not a platformer Kappa
Mr_Horrible: I would think they kinda do that themselves
josh___something: It's Not-fikrul!
CanvasWolfDoll: ah, the ol' danger puddle.
epsilon_vee: @Mr_Horrible and how do they feel about the non-devoted
jamesinor: Destiny isn't great about differentiating death circles and good circles
Hawkwreak: @forcedreject You and I both friend. I'd rather not have to try and cause a mass crowd funding campaign to airlift people Outta the states.
Mazrae: it says pillar of devotion but what is it truly holding up
Twilight_Spark: The Jordan curve theorem strikes again.
DoodlestheGreat: Needs mor triangles.
Sly_chocobo: Have they tired any of the new rocket-sidearms yet? 'The Call' is so good :D
josh___something: Foxmar...
MrPhlip: You put your guardian in, you put you guardian out, you put your guardian in, and you take a lighting bolt to the butt
mic_stuck: is there a single player game like destiny
Mr_Horrible: @epsilon_vee oh they're free to go. "Not my department" and all that
betweenmyself: it’s like a Venn Diagram you don’t want to be in
RockPusher: "Minister, Britain has had the same foreign policy objective for at least the last five hundred years: to create a disunited Europe."
josh___something: They might even make it TRIANGLES!
MrPhlip: @Sly_chocobo G has a The Call equipped rn
Hawkwreak: @RockPusher ....A Yes Minster reference. In a LRR Stream? Outstanding.
Sly_chocobo: Oh good choice, very good choice
Twilight_Spark: Deleted
josh___something: Rocket chestpiece FUNNI
Luminaire_p: Failsafe made it for us
Doncromatic: Morning Graham, guess who's driving his truck today
Mr_Horrible: it's a display of dominance, Sniperr
Mr_Horrible: *Sniper even
betweenmyself: Hazardous Propulsion pairs very well with Buried Bloodline
josh___something: Destiny CAN be played alone
Luminaire_p: Final Shape is REALLY good for playing alone
TheDevil_Risen: it is entirely doable single player
Zael250: Borderlands?
TheDevil_Risen: how do you raid in SP?
Dix: I play mostly solo
Serpens77: Graham gives you permission to play it solo
josh___something: Playing the final shape alone IS a vibe
Luminaire_p: *most of the raids
Taveena: Some people have done it
ThorSokar: Well, about that, there was a Solo raid at the last GDQ
RockPusher: Hawkwreak it's a very good show and recommended viewing for anyone working in a Westminster style government :D
SmashTCG: the solo final encoutner is ABSOLUTLY wild
Luminaire_p: I think you need 3 for some encounters
Dix: Doing Final Shape Legendary Campaign solo was quite fun
TheDevil_Risen: so basically everything but the raids
TXC2: sounds like a skill issue to me Kappa
SmashTCG: yall should seriously watch that
Dix: SmashTCG I just learned where to hide
josh___something: Currently, e1 and e4 of Salvedge CAN'T be solo'ed
Dedwrekka: You hear that Han! Graham says it's okay!
Luminaire_p: But there is an entire community of "low man" raiders
TacitusVigil: This boss honked on solo legendary.
Hawkwreak: @RockPusher Im surprised by how... Well written and relevant that show is to this day.
Dix: I wish I had time to raid... its really fun when you can
Mr_Horrible: but I was assured the traveler doesn't do that
Dix: TacitusVigil SRSLY
josh___something: Now run... Or... Die
TacitusVigil: @Dix This was the point when I called for help in the LRR LFG :D
Luminaire_p: don't forget the chest
SmashTCG: yes
Dix: TacitusVigil I refused to call in help for bosses
Luminaire_p: Nice
TacitusVigil: @Dix You're better guardian than I. :)
TacitusVigil: *You're a
LowUpsideCJ: That's the only one I found and then I went "aw hell how many did I miss"
NathanLonghair: There are raids that have been soloed. But can you play a raid solo, while also only having played solo content the rest of the time? So no phat raid loot to help you?
RockPusher: Hawkwreak probably because a lot of the scenarios are real — the writers were chummy with some politicians and civil servants and would often get story fodder over a boozy meal
josh___something: Well...
Luminaire_p: I don't think the solos use raid weapons often
SmashTCG: dont dont forget all the other things you havent done yet involveing the seaonal content
SmashTCG: act 2 just came out today!
TXC2: bad touch!
josh___something: Don't go into the venom portal
Hawkwreak: @RockPusher It actually helped me understand properly what a Permanent secretary was. Same with what the purpose of the civil servants was. Repositories of experience and knowledge.
Beefpants: Why is that star wars dude here?
Dix: Pour some out for the Scottish studio that worked on these cutscenes
Luminaire_p: (I know my Dungeon solos are usually just weapons that I like vs "the raid weapons)
Mazrae: looks like it would be sticky
TheDevil_Risen: don't you just hate it when you have to dip your hand into the icor?
Serpens77: turns out the final shape is... ooze?
Luminaire_p: He did this
Lord_Hosk: If I ever encounter a giant wall of liquid tar, my first action would not be to touch it... much less walk in
Serpens77: is ooze an shape?
TacitusVigil: Ugh, that Stargate puddle is way too polluted. Kappa
AndyDaMage: first inhale the icor
Sly_chocobo: I thought the new VA for Zavala did a respectable job
TXC2: "i'mma do it even harder!"
Dix: The Final Goop
RockPusher: Hawkwreak and they say television never taught anyone anything :P
josh___something: I would
jamesinor: Dude went full Homer Simpson there
Twilight_Spark: Seems hot.
KharadBanar: @Lord_Hosk But it beckons to yu
KharadBanar: you*
Lord_Hosk: No.... No it really doesn't
Pywodwagon: the slime from Nickelodeon has fallen on hard times
TacitusVigil: We get it Witness, you like My Chemical Romance.
Mazrae: @Lord_Hosk i would burn it, burn it with increasingly more fire
AndyDaMage: what's the oppersite of a sphere? a cube?
Hawkwreak: @RockPusher Comedy, can be an amazing teacher when well written. Hell, blackadder taught me a few helpful things... Shame that Rowan Atkinson wound up being a twat.
Mr_Horrible: oh they're Auditors
MrPhlip: @Mr_Horrible pretty much
jamesinor: @Mr_Horrible I was just about to say, serious Auditor vibes
Fruan: So the final shape is just putting a sheet over it?
Hawkwreak: @Mr_Horrible Do I see a discworld reference here.
Twilight_Spark: I hate it when sphere do leave me
SmashTCG: the unblemished traveler really is Something else
Mr_Horrible: @Hawkwreak indeedy do
Luminaire_p: Zavala, your head is smoking
Dix: And this is what the Neomunans were messing with to power their city...
josh___something: Tl;dr: the witness is a COSMIC TIER HATER of the traveler
TacitusVigil: It is the beginning. The end. The One Who Is Many.
Mazrae: i dont know if thats the best way to get the marge simpson haircut
Beefpants: yo I think that baklava was past its use by date
Dedwrekka: "They were all 'life, life life', but the first time we mentioned killing everyone they got all uppity"
TacitusVigil: So turns out they were just Emo Borg all along.
Beefpants: Palpatine, is that you
Mr_Horrible: "I see a dweeb"
Sly_chocobo: "In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move."
Lord_Hosk: I see a dutty head...
Beefpants: have you returned somehow
Jakelope13: So, the weird cloud atop its head is an amalgamation of its entire species?
Luminaire_p: :(
richard_ermen: The purpose of life is life itself. Must be hard for aliens to understand.
Dix: RIP Targe
CanvasWolfDoll: such big, watery eyes
Beefpants: Super Putty Brain
SmashTCG: If you look carefully in that last second ther
josh___something: RIP Targe
Mr_Horrible: "Nuh uh" - The Witness, trying to be cool
Mazrae: why are so many ghosts dying
TXC2: I assume that made some amount of senes
TacitusVigil: Yeah, despite so little time with them here, this hit like a train.
Renkai_116: neet
SmashTCG: you can recognise the hands pull him
TXC2: *sense
Twilight_Spark: Man did I not have any investment in that character.
josh___something: Well...
TheDevil_Risen: Disclaimer : Tesseract Friends were harmed in the making of this story
josh___something: Yeah...
KharadBanar: @Mr_Horrible "Yuh huh" - Targe
AndyDaMage: well that happened
Sly_chocobo: I joke a bit, but I did think a lot of this expansions plot beats were really solid :D
Jakelope13: You know, given how easily the Ghosts are destroyed, you'd think the Traveler would have some way of making more
TacitusVigil: Meanwhile, Rohan's memorial on Neptune is also...there.
RockPusher: Almost like some extremely talented storytellers worked on this lrrAWESOME
Dix: Twilight_Spark We've never heard Targe talk before BUT they've been mentioned continuously throughout D1 and D2
MacbethSeemsSus: Naming a ghost in game seems ominous for their health...
Mr_Horrible: I mean you've got purpose still
josh___something: Well ALSO not everything
josh___something: Miaow
Hawkwreak: I spent an hour grinding for bright dust, just to get the cat. Worth it.
hypperstar2280: Kitty!!
Dedwrekka: So many Ghosts™ being killed by ghosts.
marmalade_pen: eeeow
Mr_Horrible: Sniper please this is a serious moment Kappa
josh___something: LUL
pimiento: maybe we can get Tom Clancy's Ghost in here as backup
Ritaspirithntr: lul
TheDevil_Risen: did someone just punt a cat?
TXC2: Sniper Read the room Kappa
TacitusVigil: Ophiucus has talked, but only in lore, right?
Mazrae: love the dire situation and talk and theres just a cat and lounge chair behind you
SmashTCG: cat jumpscare
CanvasWolfDoll: excuse me, they're trying to have a moment over there.
Jakelope13: He was prepared for any cost.... but he didn't know about the hidden fees
Mr_Horrible: Zavala entering his Rot Girl Summer phase
TheDevil_Risen: @Jakelope13 yeah the bank, and casino, always wins
Luminaire_p: how much do Ikora's crew charge as Hidden fees?
hypperstar2280: Zavala wants the tik Tok brain rot
Nayorth subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 48 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Nayorth! (Today's storm count: 28)
Dix: Zavala lost his rizz
CanvasWolfDoll: and a riddle for boring campfire nights!
Mazrae: dont know why but everytime graham turns around to check on the other two, it just kills me
Zack Hennings: isn't Cayde dead?
Zack Hennings: why is he here?
Mr_Horrible: Zavala now an official Ohio resident
Beefpants: Detective Inspector Spectre
Sly_chocobo: Also having Cayde-6 some back was really great, I had *not* heard about it at all so it was a total surprise :)
Beefpants: at your service
Jakelope13: Okay, so, if the Witness dies.... do the people stuck in those statues go free?
TacitusVigil: Good question. Next question.
josh___something: The statues ARE the witness, technically
Sly_chocobo: @Jakelope13 ..... Sure..
cranky_geek: Feeling all the aches and pains of being mortal must suck after a couple of centuries
Hawkwreak: @Jakelope13 .....Kinda? Its... currently being explained in the post story stuff.
TacitusVigil: OH hey, it's David Pumpkins!
Renkai_116: bmoteMegafacepalm
Dedwrekka: Is he still Cade-6 or is he Cade-7 now?
cranky_geek: lrrFINE
josh___something: LUL
SmashTCG: The part that got me there was the "at least i hope"
Hawkwreak: @Dedwrekka Cayde-6
Mazrae: im dying
Jakelope13: @cranky_geek They're not really... immortal. They just don't stay dead
TacitusVigil: Cayde-7 is just Calus fan fiction Kappa
CanvasWolfDoll: npcs must find the pcs insufferable
Bassios: G'mornin folks
TXC2: hello Bassios welcome
jamesinor: @Dedwrekka I think Cayde-6, he didn't lose his memories in a reset which most exo have to eventually
Luminaire_p: I mean, technically it COULD be for nothing still
neatnamebro: imagine being in the endwar and your best soldiers are just emoting while you talk about serious strategizing
Mazrae: does that ghost have a safety bubble on it
TacitusVigil: Basic human decency? Doesn't sound real.
Dezponia: Hai Graham! Love you! adamvsLOVE
RebekahWSD: Basic human decency is pretty cool
jamesinor: That Ghost became the moon
TacitusVigil: That's what the Hive did
SmashTCG: lore
cranky_geek: @jakelope13 undead murder machine
TXC2: hello Dezponia welcome
betweenmyself: the Ghost is being strained
Jakelope13: @neatnamebro There's an entire branch of Guardian R&D where the researchers repeatedly kill themselves, because in the brief moments between life and death they experience insights
TacitusVigil: Oh, the Ghost, not the Moon. Nm.
Dix: Eye Searing Ghost
josh___something: Oh, it's the flashbang ghost
Bassios: It's not just "pink", it's "PINK!!!"
jamesinor: Inb4 claptrap ghost
Hawkwreak: @Jakelope13 Thanatonautics is wild..
betweenmyself: Bunny Ghost is best Ghost riffHurrHurr
TacitusVigil: I bet photo finish would look great on it.
Werdnae: Every time the witness has tried to take control of it, and Ghost fights back, it's damaged ghost
TXC2: these all look like cores from Portal 2 to me :p
Mr_Horrible: astrolabe ghost YUM
quietcat: oh the little bat friend is so cute
jamesinor: Uh... That ghost looks unstable
Dedwrekka: Imagine being in the endwar with resurected warriors from all over and -not- being surrounded by impenetrable memes
jamesinor: Like they might explode
Luminaire_p: I miss Cat Ghost and Ghost Ghost
NathanLonghair: so I know zero about Destiny, but Zavala sounded a lot like ME’s Captain Anderson - same VA?
LowUpsideCJ: I have a tennis ball one I call challengers ghost
Mr_Horrible: Iconoclasm? Eden's Verse?
TacitusVigil: NO
neatnamebro: this is the final mission of the campaign before all those other missions
Renkai_116: NO
Luminaire_p: Come on, let's raid, Graham
LowUpsideCJ: @NathanLonghair Yeah it is
josh___something: TIME for PAIN if you did this on legend.
Werdnae: you also don't have to do the raid yourself
mic_stuck: that is something you say before you sdtay up all night and do the raid
SmashTCG: wildcarc absolutly manditory
RebekahWSD: Final final FINAL mission (final)
neatnamebro: well we're not doing a raid tonight 1 hour later
Dedwrekka: @Luminaire_p It's only...3am CST, plenty of time
NathanLonghair: @lowupsidecj Neat 😊 He’s good at what he does for sure
josh___something: Yeah, considering what happens AFTER excision... you kinda need to do wildcard
Werdnae: It's framed as "someone did the raid, so this mission is unlocked"
Luminaire_p: We have 35 minutes to finish Salvation's Edge. It's notoriously easy
MrPhlip: I see James has been mining here
Mazrae: these biome splits are crazy
EvilBadman: Cool chunk ya punched there
Beefpants: Hands but not feet, never feet
Laserbeaks_Fury: CORN!
TXC2: "do you ever think about about hands?" ("AI" "art") "no"
Hawkwreak: @Beefpants Absolutely never.
terribleplan: jlrrFall ?
krfsm: y'ever just think about holes?
MrPhlip: @Beefpants there's plenty of reference material for that already
Luminaire_p: I think that's corn
Dedwrekka: Falling Down A Hole: Bad for your health, but GREAT for your highlights.
Mr_Horrible: the Witness is looking to trade for Sheep and Ore
ArdCollider: c o r n
RockPusher: Find a nice place to settle down and grow some mutant grass
RockPusher: dyketaCornWaveCheer
Hawkwreak: Its corn. Its big lumps with knobs. They have the juice.
TXC2: Corn is always interesting
NathanLonghair: are you guys in a corn hole?
nyoomgoom: this corn is arranged like the wheat fields in a minecraft village that generated oddly
Wolfstrike_NL: takes notes: Corn = our purpose
ComradeMik: I get it. It's a maize
adept_nekomancer: Corn is just extra fancy grass
Laserbeaks_Fury: I see Big Corn got to Bungie
Dedwrekka: @ComradeMik booo
Luminaire_p: Snot a problem
krfsm: @Laserbeaks_Fury corn is not a staple. corn is a PLATFORM.
josh___something: Triangles are neat
RockPusher: benginFingers RPGFireball RPGFireball dyketaCornWaveCheer
RockPusher: hifunkPopcorn sergePopcorn foxmarPOP
TXC2: that Sumo baby
snowewolf: i got knocked off the side so many time on this one
Mr_Horrible: this is true in essentially every mmo
Luminaire_p: what if it's a triangle you're standing in?
krfsm: the voice for the Witness reminds me a bit of the Mysterious Stranger from The Adventures of Mark Twain.
MaddogM: Get on/off the point!
quton: perfect thunder crash
Laserbeaks_Fury: If they don't find you handsome, they should at leats find you handy
josh___something: G does "Masculine NONSENSE guy" real well
TheDevil_Risen: its a 3d render of that painting of the stairs
Lord_Hosk: Wow, Rockpusher, when was the last time Tom "dyketacular" even streamed?
MaddogM: Is Cayde still the voice of Reason?
Luminaire_p: Bungie USED the extra time from the delay
Jakelope13: The Witness is sending out big "Will you lot just Stop Moving! I'm trying to paint your portrait here!" energy
Luminaire_p: Just Shapes and Beating up the Witness
Hawkwreak: Alison Luhrs being on the writing team for this expac absolutely shows.
RebekahWSD: Cuuuubes
TheDevil_Risen: one thing to do with the millions of tons of plastic floating in the ocean
Serpens77: hooray for geometry. You can't have things shaped like things without shapes!
Bassios: I cube, you cube, we all cube for cubecube
RandomTrivia: Getting so many vibes from Control here
PsychoI3oy: is this game funnier to Australians with all the Shapes?
Mr_Horrible: frankly how dare they
Hawkwreak: Even if when I first saw the vidoc, I remembered her for... Screaming at the Lrr folk for being bad at magic.
pimiento: now we can attack the darkness!
MrPhlip: "Stand in the aura and shoot the lemon" is going in !advice
helenad5 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 45 months!
RockPusher: Lord_Hosk no idea, but I think it was a bit unlock so it sits there, tempting me to use it whenever corn comes up :D
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, helenad5! (Today's storm count: 29)
josh___something: we have lemon, but not E G G
ArdCollider: "heed the cairn" should go in there too
Dix: That's right... the hand fits in the Hand Hole
Lord_Hosk: Oh, I thought you were paying to maintain the corn because you liked it so much.
neatnamebro: beeg
RandomTrivia: OH
ArdCollider: Miniature World!
MaddogM: It's got a handhole on you?
Mazrae: i really think Bungie just wanted to give everyone a "hand" for all of this
TXC2: Dix they're called gloves Kappa
Laserbeaks_Fury: It's just ghosts all the way down
betweenmyself: Oops! ALL Ghosts!
MaxVolume: This is where the cubes from Portal go
Beefpants: You're now a light of the pawn?
TheDevil_Risen: Yes luke,, the dark side... :)
NightValien28: what up team, what up G man
Bassios: I have absolutely no context for anything happening, having only briefly played a bit of destiny on google stadia, but it's all very pretty and weird lookin'
TXC2: hello NightValien28 welcome
MaddogM: tempt us into hands?
Mr_Horrible: "Hey kid you wanna smoke some DARKNESS?" - The Witness
josh___something: prism?
AndyDaMage: pizza shapes?
Hawkwreak: Im personally partial to the dodecahedron myself.
TXC2: duodecahedron ?
josh___something: cone maybe?
MaddestScientist: stately tetrohedrons
Laurence72: Tridecahedron?
MaddogM: BBQ shapes - S teir
MrPhlip: BBQ shapes, I think
Dedwrekka: icosohedron?
Mazrae: what about a pentadecagon?
MaxVolume: Everyone name their favourite shape!
Mr_Horrible: I'd fuckin' kill for some pizza shapes ngl
Luminaire_p: I'm really into Modern Shapes, but I could deal with Pioneer if I needed to
TheDevil_Risen: this is your brain, on fractals!
RockPusher: Lord_Hosk hehe, not in this case, but I'm also not above doing that as Dix can attest to dixGRITCHAMP dixHAMMER
josh___something: B
wedge_x: B
Dix: Tru story
josh___something: I switched mine to 5
ArdCollider: you hit B, although I remapped that to ~ because I don't cycle weapons that way
Dix: I really really wish I had the time to stream again
Dix: I miss it
betweenmyself: B for “Branscendence”
Werdnae: On controller it's L3 + R3
MaddogM: It's either B or not B
RockPusher: Dix you have more pressing concerns making sure there are new generations of Good Humans™
MaxVolume: @MaddogM B or not to B?
Hawkwreak: @Lord_Hosk Outstanding.
ComradeMik: Ok, so the witness' motivation is that life is painful, so i'm going to kill everything. Is that the new post-modern "world domination" of villain motivations?
Tom Ireland: zack - they brought him back from the dead. not sure how but saw him in some trailers
MrPhlip: upstairs in the corners
ArdCollider: more "life is painful but hey, have you considered fascism"
Musical_Marauder subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 77 months!
Musical_Marauder: oo 77 months im one 7 away from a jackpot
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Musical_Marauder! (Today's storm count: 30)
betweenmyself: @comrademik not “killing” everything; suspending them forever in “not death”
Mr_Horrible: yes, Witness, they're MMO players
Mr_Horrible: this is known
Toxxick: it’s not just that life is pain that pisses off the witness, it’s that life has yet to find an answer to life being pain.
Hawkwreak: The witness effectively thinks that perfection is a universe of perfect stillness. No death, no life, No movement or growth just... Its done.
Lord_Hosk: You don't get to keep the ax? disappointing
Mazrae: damn graphics driver update, just thought something bad happened to my moniter
MaddogM: So, Is the final shape a hand?
bagfullofbees: I like it when the witness talks at you
Dix: I do love that the Witness could have just wrecked shop but we made it PERSONAL
ComradeMik: I get all that. It still kinda sounds like therapy would be easier, but ok
Mr_Horrible: it's the very classic trope of "is life enough to warrant all this pain?" and when you answer "yeah it can be pretty cool sometimes" they get really red and mad
Laserbeaks_Fury: I like the reading that The Final Shape is a game that is no longer updated. It no longer changes, just loops in it's last iteration.
Beefpants: Behold, theatrics
Mr_Horrible: @Laserbeaks_Fury it does fit pretty well, thematically, for the closure of an MMO story
Luminaire_p: that was a hiccup, I think
LowUpsideCJ: I was trying to make it until this stream's end out of pst solidarity but I'm calling it. see you all to continue my watch and chat-a thon tomorrow
TXC2: gunplay, with theatrics
Luminaire_p: it's already steaming
TXC2: so the Witness is just saying "DEBATE ME!" to life its self ?
wedge_x: an amalgam of billions of consciousnesses will end all entropy before going to therapy
Mr_Horrible: it's doing the Tex Avery mad smokestack
MrPhlip: steam coming out of the ears of all the faces in the head cloud
marmalade_pen: see ya lower upside
Laserbeaks_Fury: Fuming, at a state of being
Mazrae: i know that it said pick up tangle but for some reason i kind of read it as pick up triangle and i was like theres your shape
RebekahWSD: Why are all these beings so TALL
ComradeMik: Gestalt consciousnesses of post calamity societies will literally freeze the universe rather than go to therapy.
betweenmyself: If we had just said “Life is pretty neat, and so are you…” the Witness would have been swayed to our side. Witness is a total Tsundere…. B-baka.
MaxVolume: Can I get a witness?
josh___something: Traveler, or portal
Dix: Thanks Kabir
marmalade_pen: gs a big shield mans
SomebodyNowhere: !findquote shield
LRRbot: Quote #6615: "Can I borrow your meat shields again?" —Cori, to Ben [2019-12-11]
MrPhlip: man this goes faster than Legend
josh___something: Star eater's warlocks, smh
RebekahWSD: "Oh we hit that thing like a truck"
Lord_Hosk: from three tailed Fox-mar
Mr_Horrible: in ESTA economia?
Luminaire_p: in this economy?
josh___something: y'know, it's front tail
MrPhlip: Get axed
NightValien28: tunk
Lord_Hosk: it axed you a question
Hawkwreak: Jebaited.
TheDevil_Risen: he axed you the final question :D
bjergmann101: There is one, Hoisting it's axe, There is one, Swing it's axe... There is death
terribleplan: RIP Internet?
Luminaire_p: Sniper had a power blip
Mr_Horrible: Blade of Reasoning, defeated by Ad Hominem again
Luminaire_p: coming back now
Mr_Horrible: Witness stop mugging to the camera
Dix: The 4th wall break
josh___something: No, commendations are actually not really that important
sephsays: what’s wrong with glittery things buddy
Musical_Marauder: god the witness is just ego jerking at this point
josh___something: They're only needed for guardian ranks really
measureofhope: High-key calling out gamer culture
Hawkwreak: Witness actually trying to tell us to stop playing the game.
MaxVolume: Is he telling you to quit playing Destiny?
Mr_Horrible: Witness really said "Log off, touch grass"
wedge_x: "Be a beacon."
Luminaire_p: It's not like it's the first time a character has broken the 4th wall
Doncromatic: How'd your morning G? I'm trucking
sephsays: if uplift includes “no glittery things”, I don’t want uplift tyvm
ThorSokar: this "escape" they offer sounds a lot like death.....
nyoomgoom: i do like that funky ocean block
MaddogM: Is that a terrarium?
TacitusVigil: He was being sincere!
Mai_Andra: "Is she baptised?"
Mr_Horrible: OOOOOOO
TacitusVigil: SINCERE
Mr_Horrible: get his ass, Mara
Dix: Mara jumping into the fray? Ya don't say
Mr_Horrible: mood
NightValien28: that's how I wanna go
ThorSokar: looks more like caramel to me
Luminaire_p: extruded
Hawkwreak: It does look deliciously viscous.
Beefpants: I put water cubes in my drink bottle at the gym
Sly_chocobo: you know, I jsut realised that the witness is basically like the dad from the Lego movie...
Beefpants: they fit in my pocket easier
TXC2: looks oddly like wood to me :p
Mr_Horrible: a scuffle
Luminaire_p: Little a witness
Mr_Horrible: a tussle
Mai_Andra: ice cream machine's broken (due to all the deaths)
Beefpants: Scripted loss?
HaltBen2514: is that like the pitch drop ting
Beefpants: :D
MrPhlip: soften him up a little
ThorSokar: just a little tap on the bottom?
Laserbeaks_Fury: We need our "If it bleeds, we can kill it" moment
EvilBadman: Agustus nooooo
FierceXena: ohhhh I’m new to Destiny so looking forward to watching you fight that cauliflower head guy
MrPhlip: And take a left at the dissected war beast
nyoomgoom: i'm headcanoning that the syrup is actually still fluid, just has unfathomable levels of viscosity
Luminaire_p: That's not THAT far
betweenmyself: Are you brave enough to walk the Hall of Hands? And can you solve the puzzle in the Shrine of the Silver Monkey?
TacitusVigil: The Witness loves swatches.
Beefpants: Its... lego
MrPhlip: the Traveler got minecrafted
Mr_Horrible: playing through an FPS of the glitch worlds from old SNES games
Luminaire_p: This has been in the plans since crafting
pimiento: my friend tiled his kitchen kinda like that
usmu1976: Am I correct in saying The Witness is similar to Terry Pratchett´s Auditors
Laserbeaks_Fury: It's as if someone took peices of a bunch of different things and mashed them the Witness
Mai_Andra: stairs are a sometimes food
Mazrae: almost made it to the end, but started feeling unwell, night G and night chat
MrPhlip: When in doubt, up
Alienfirst: watching my sister play this, and my only thought at the time was “huh, they went and mixed Minecraft and hellraiser on the mood board”
TXC2: so long Mazrae stay safe
EvilBadman: And this is the Hollywood sign, eh?
MaxVolume: Mainly cubes
Beefpants: so many chunk punches happened here
pimiento: witness is cutting shapes
Hawkwreak: @Mai_Andra You cant stop me from eating stairs whenever I want
TacitusVigil: Correction: You do not, in fact, have to hand it to The Witness
TXC2: Graham "fan of shapes" Stark
Beefpants: cool shtuff
Dix: "Behold... my stuff"
Luminaire_p: when it punches chunks, it just TAKES them
Mr_Horrible: "What if I shaved cubes into the known universe?"
sephsays: Is the Witness actually just James?
Laserbeaks_Fury: I mean, there's been a lot of falling already
Jakelope13: Is this what happens whenever James punches out a chunk? Do all those chunks wind up here?
ThorSokar: They're going to get to the end and it's going to be this blue guy who like troll dolls, isn't it?
sephsays: is this James’ final form?
Beefpants: World famous minecraft youtuber The Witness
josh___something: well...
josh___something: :)
josh___something: Stagger
Beefpants: no loitering in the hall of hands
Luminaire_p: stagger
MrPhlip: more stagger
gameboy350: Why does the terrain look like a minecraft chunk error
MrPhlip: anti-overload is the ability one
MaddogM: hands
josh___something: If you loop ignitions on a boss, it just PERMA STAGGERS
ThorSokar: some H.R. Giger time
josh___something: anti-barrier, as it's name implies, is better against elemental shields IIRC
TXC2: horsy no!
josh___something: STORSE!
Luminaire_p: I don't think that one is Star Horse
josh___something: Storse is fine, not to worry
ThorSokar: perhaps a Space Stallion?
MaddogM: Butt Stallion?
MaxVolume: Take it!
TacitusVigil: But really transparent crappy loot.
Beefpants: look at my shiz, all this shiz
TacitusVigil: Now if it had given us a legendary...
MrPhlip: ah, my favourite wall
TacitusVigil: *exotic
Mai_Andra: but none of that is useful loot...
Mr_Horrible: "I'm in this for the lore, Witness" "Oh fuck they're a weirdo..."
Jakelope13: Oh my god, this is where all the Engrams Rahoul collects wind up!
josh___something: mouthouthouthouthouth
Beefpants: compensating for no rizz here
MrPhlip: "mantle on the teeth" is also going in !advice
NightValien28: I don't really understand destiny, but what in the fuck is this place
Hawkwreak: Mantle on the teeth, is certainly AN Sentence of all time.
DaSunao: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
Mr_Horrible: oh I do love the offset-sliced humanoid models
NightValien28: who let kojima design a level?
TacitusVigil: Imagine if they'd made a fake exotic that they offered to us now.
Greyah: Normally I try to avoid visceral discomfort before noon, but it's 11am and here we are.
betweenmyself: this expansion has some quite evocative imagery
MaddogM: Sniper update?
satyropodobny: on the left you'll be passing the gift shop
gameboy350: What is rent like in chunk error land?
Luminaire_p: imagine pricing out the glass
goateedave86: Definitely an issue with the number of bathrooms though
sephsays: imagine how hench your legs will be from all this stairs to get up here
TheWooglie: Kids spoiling the fun
ThorSokar: yea, unless it's Louisiana those mosquitoes aren't making it 1km up
Mr_Horrible: also all Guardians count as kids
Drigerslash: No pets if its not closed up
Mr_Horrible: since they have the same self-preservation as children
TimeToFry: Doggy
josh___something: It's the dog-person
Mai_Andra: @Jakelope13 They get to the end and discover "The Witness" is just Rahoul, after consuming a billion engrams
TacitusVigil: Turns out the final shape is a bidet.
ThorSokar: That appears to be a disassembled screaming bull?
TXC2: drain to where ?
NightValien28: drain where?
josh___something: There's a person interspersed with that dog
NightValien28: drain where graham
TXC2: I will profoundly worry about it
Mr_Horrible: "Facet of Sacrifice" - me waking up before noon
MaddogM: I was expecting that to be another exploding chest
betweenmyself: and now back down the giant staircase! riffYeti
Luminaire_p: It's made of lots of things
TXC2: Like a Dinosaur but not
josh___something: along with sections of a DIFFERENT cabal soldier, I think
krfsm: I'm thinking körperwelten
Werdnae: So the three facet's that you've unlocked in those hidden chests are the facet of Devotion, facet of Bravery, and Facet of Sacrifice.
gameboy350: Intersectional artwork, imperssive
Lord_Hosk: Lets be honest our cloths are gong to be hung up on the unspeakable horor anyways, they are never going to get put away in the closet
TimeToFry: Is this on Legendary or normal difficulty?
krfsm: and also wossname, The Cell
josh___something: I mean, calus was infinitely more gaudy
satyropodobny: Looks like someone seen "The Cell" with J.LO
MrPhlip: @TimeToFry Normal
Mai_Andra: whether we wanted it or not, the cabal have really stepped in it this time
krfsm: by Tarsem Singh, I think?
josh___something: Oh no, they're talking about sniper and foxmar now
Mr_Horrible: yes, because that's what makes a good leader: brute strength
TacitusVigil: Join me Mr. Bond and we can rule together!
Mr_Horrible: I'm starting to think this amalgam of consciousness is a dipshit
Jakelope13: "I knew about humanity before it was cool. It never was."
MaxVolume: Him trying to bargain means he is afraid of you
nyoomgoom: woah title drop :0
TacitusVigil: It's kinda funny how desperate the Witness gets in the end.
josh___something: So, the witness knows the final shape is BUTTS for anyone a part of it
josh___something: Witness angy
Mr_Horrible: ayo
TacitusVigil: Here's loot. No? Uh uh, how about joining me?
Mr_Horrible: kanagoFloosh
josh___something: COME... and be destroyed
MaxVolume: He said come, and they came, all of them ,even the dragons
ThorSokar: OK, good he finished that sentence there
terribleplan: I can't wait for all the edits of that one...
RebekahWSD: Great explanation lmao
Aigarius subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 95 months, currently on a 95 month streak!
Aigarius: Just 5 days to a full year!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Aigarius! (Today's storm count: 31)
TheWooglie: the Harrison Ford film?
nyoomgoom: i am sure that the silly youtube videos community are aaaaall over that "come" line already
ComradeMik: No cumming in the chamber, got it
terribleplan: What happened? COME!
ComradeMik: Cum, and be destroyed
TXC2: "you've come! I mean I know you said you would come,'ve come!" "yes.....I have come."
ThorSokar: oh noooo
Serpens77: Weednesdays
krfsm: it's kind of nonsensical (not surprising, since it's supposed to be mostly set in a serial killer's subconscious) but visually *amazing*
satyropodobny: @TXC2 christ on a bike
Mr_Horrible: tbh if you're gonna smoke up before a class, Film Studies is not a bad candidate
TXC2: yeap that's a baaaaad trip :p
TXC2: satyropodobny well he walked, but yes
krfsm: Immortals
EvilBadman: Oh hey they have mouth and can scream
Mr_Horrible: YES
TehAmelie: this is Manos the Hands of Fate
Laserbeaks_Fury: AI hands
Mr_Horrible: I love the 2-thumb motifs
krfsm: they're symmetrical!
TacitusVigil: Yep. The Witness has Neo-Sapien hands.
accountmadeforants: The Miyazaki hall
TXC2: Hand 2.0
Laurence72: They're Koala Bear hands??
CanvasWolfDoll: general grievous hands
wedge_x: hands the hands of fate
ThorSokar: composFive The "High Five Bro" room composFive
Luminaire_p: hi, Ambi-Dexter
excalgold: Gotta hand it to tis level designer....
betweenmyself: @tehamelie riffTorgo
MaddestScientist: is that the final shape?
Jakelope13: Plant your Flag amongst the Final hand!
sephsays: those handshakes sound unsettling
panpan_unbroken: the shape was a hand :o
EvilBadman: Smash Brothers is Destiny canon
TacitusVigil: (ExoSquad did those hands 30 years ago)
Aigarius: face not final yet
TXC2: oh hello the end of Matrix Revolutions
Lord_Hosk: Watches you no matter where you move? THATS OUR JOB! Get off our bit!
HaltBen2514: why is that shot in 0.5x
cspacefeet: They kinda made this guy just a lil toooo goofy, I think
RocknGrohlNerd: oh no Final Hand, the worst named brothel in universe
MaddogM: I still say the final shape is a hand
satyropodobny: is the final shape just a big juicy butt
Dan G: Will we get a new Master hand to beat up with its exra thumb?
Cole Albee: Sure hope so
TacitusVigil: Don't even worry about it.
Peevvi: you know, fluxion
Mr_Horrible: that's just the newest nVidia graphics driver
ThorSokar: she sounds nice
TXC2: some Rick and Morty naming there
Serpens77: that can jsut fluxoff
ArdCollider: hypnotist of *ladies,* etc.
Laurence72: Fluxon sounds like some sort of stomach prescription medicine
RocknGrohlNerd: B I G fluxies
EvilBadman: Rizzler, Purveyor of Gyatt
Kipstar: you don't want your fluxion UNsubjugated!
Bassios: Ah, Wimblewam, The Wamblywimble Wimbler
Mai_Andra: didn't realize Keith David was in this now
RocknGrohlNerd: stop fluxin on the poor guy
HaltBen2514: m’aegis
TXC2: isn't Rizzler from Tron? :p
TacitusVigil: Aegis of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Laurence72: hooooooooooooooooold
PsychoI3oy: fluxion sounds like an offbrand from amazon for some sort of electronics parts
TXC2: Mai_Andra yes, he's replace Lance reddick
Greyah: The mix. Normally you gotta stand in the not circle to not die.
TimeToFry: Took me an embarrasing number of attempts to figure that one out
CanvasWolfDoll: i'm putting my money on the final shape being the friends we made, then lost down pits, along the way
Beefpants: and lo, he shalt NOT stand in fire
Bassios: [slow heavy metal plays]
RocknGrohlNerd: as a treat
RockPusher: lrrHAM
Mr_Horrible: "Nooo, Jeff!"
ThatWhichNeverWas: Mmm a single slice of Ham. Lovely.
Greyah: So from what I can tell, Destiny 2 is a point and click. Use shield on crack. Use sword on man.
Beefpants: His name was Robert Paulson
Beefpants: subjugator of prawn
CanvasWolfDoll: 'that was a limited edition creepy figure! still in its wrapping!'
RandomTrivia: Oh no!
HaltBen2514: I mean most pc games are point and click at their base forms
RockPusher: "The crack is here now!" well then, better get the party started! lrrBEEJ
josh___something: you got witness'ed
ThorSokar: Where are the cheetos!?
ThatWhichNeverWas: What've you got there?
TacitusVigil: You can have a little Darkness as a treat.
CanvasWolfDoll: a
ThatWhichNeverWas: A sword!
ThatWhichNeverWas: NO!!!
MaddogM: I cast magic missile!
TheDevil_Risen: The Darkness?i believe in a thing called love! Just listen to the rhythm of my heart *sings*
Beefpants: I roll to seduce all these weird statue people
Mr_Horrible: [screams terrifyingly]
satyropodobny: do we do this loop until all the stones are destroyed one by one?
TacitusVigil: Man, you can tell those beings have been working in retail for too long.
CanvasWolfDoll: are there any cloaked figures? cause i want to destroy theeem!
RandomTrivia: That's cool
Wolfstrike_NL: But we like a Gardener for our new apartment!
KharadBanar: You know a Gardener is serious business when they have a capital G
TacitusVigil: Ok, Dave Coulie
ThatWhichNeverWas: Big Angy!
TXC2: Samwise was a Gardener
CanvasWolfDoll: if you can only destroy one per visit, this is going to take a long while to get through that crowd
TacitusVigil: Fun fact: a healing grenade *will* restore your health
Luminaire_p: but my mother’s back!
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
frostownik subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 71 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, frostownik! (Today's storm count: 32)
ThatWhichNeverWas: That's why you don't stop
TimeToFry: This bit is rough
Renkai_116: bmoteReaper bmoteReaper bmoteReaper bmoteReaper bmoteReaper
RunningCommentary: <message deleted>Sorry if this isn't allowed, but this account is streaming every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10am UK time (NOW). Nerd who plays and talks about games while running on a treadmill to avoid being a Fat Nerd. Just playing whatever he's currently into that doesn't require precise micro. (Hades 1 right now.) Understandable if you don't want to join right now with the sub-a-thon, but if you like the sound of this, we'd love if you could give a follow to join next week. <3
ThatWhichNeverWas: Trundle your way to freedom!
RandomTrivia: sergeModLove
RunningCommentary: fair enough
ThatWhichNeverWas: Moseyx like you've never Moseyed berfore!
MrPhlip: I didn't even know there was a mechanic to this, I just walked straight through it first time...
terribleplan: You're like 5% hands.
Laurence72: It's a second teir bridge, a hand me down, if you will
TXC2: RunningCommentary sorry we don't allow other channel to advertise here, but good luck with the running
accountmadeforants: Heck yeah, we beat Metroid!
TheArchitectX: Dang, you gotta 5 star that Uber.
bagfullofbees: did you know that your hands are made out of hands?
panpan_unbroken: I'll get you next time, Gadget!
bentropik subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 50 months!
bentropik: Is this that Density I hear so much about?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, bentropik! (Today's storm count: 33)
TheDevil_Risen: its like the dhark draw, only with hands.
Serpens77: his head is full of heads
Beefpants: "I'm sorry bro but I can't take you seriously"
satyropodobny: @bagfullofbees no, they aren't. It's the "is water wet?" argument all over again
TheSoundOfWhiteNoise subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 76 months, currently on a 76 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheSoundOfWhiteNoise! (Today's storm count: 34)
TacitusVigil: Oh no, it's played The Force Unleashed!
Beefpants: "I am HUGE"
RebekahWSD: Everything likes being a big ;_;
RandomTrivia: NOW it's big
TacitusVigil: And seen Dr. Strange.
MrPhlip: Hands
CanvasWolfDoll: the witness looks like a clone wars sith until you can see the giant eyes
Serpens77: Look out! He's armed!
Beefpants: "My power is being HUGE"
RocknGrohlNerd: and I mean big big
TimeToFry: You REALLY pissed it of now
MaddogM: hand
RandomTrivia: Hey look, a hand!
Jakelope13: Oh no, the Witness has shown its true form! It is MADE OF HANDS
goateedave86: I mean, you've really gotta hand it to them
Beefpants: Leave him he's dead!
FarleyF: Witness only wants order in the universe - is the Witness Serge in the destiny world
Aigarius: it's quite handy, to be made out of hands
pimiento: maybe if we get absorbed into the witness we can influence it from within!
Renkai_116: Saladins Axe Lets go!
Aigarius: leave him, he is hand now
Musical_Marauder: all i hear is a baby crying because we wont give them what they want
Greyah: Those hands don't have that second thumb. Weird.
Redpandarama: Graham Stark what are you doing UP at this hour?
satyropodobny: so the witness was just a handyman all along
mrverbal: seems very handy
ThatWhichNeverWas: Raid time!
krfsm: kinda handsy
TacitusVigil: So you might say we escaped from the Witness's...clutches? Kappa
Creideiki_SE: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 2:10 AM
NapalmSideburns: I wonder if the Witness has an OnlyHands account
bagfullofbees: gettin' handsy
TheSoundOfWhiteNoise: A bit handsy, isn't he?
TXC2: 2d cutscene
Beefpants: with more hands
snowewolf: catching these hands
Serpens77: hands.... touching hands.... reaching out...
Dan G: That flick just making me think of "excuse me do you have a moment"
Shaneusm: This plotline is really Handy
Luminaire_p: now you get to meet Micah-10!
ThatWhichNeverWas: Bad touching.
pimiento: high five, witness .. ok not that many
mrverbal: the if it bleeds we can kill it song is so good
Luminaire_p: my new favorite character
quton: raid time?
Renkai_116: bmoteFist1 bmoteFist1 bmoteFist1 bmoteFist1 bmoteFist1 bmoteFist1
FarleyF: watch as we recreate the Commodore Hustle Episode about Alex Streaming IRL - just with Graham in the lead role
TacitusVigil: And Johnny Cage, from Earthrealm!
Renkai_116: oh another EXO!
satyropodobny: You'd think that someone called "The Witness" would have an eye motif, but nope, all hands!
bentropik: And my axe!
TacitusVigil: Micah-10 is from the Six Coyotes
Aigarius: micha-1 to -9 were not as great
TheDevil_Risen: Mac-10, brother of Tek-9 :D
Beefpants: To over 9000?
ArdCollider: Micah wrote a bunch of heartfelt letters to the Traveler back in the day.
Cole Albee: A very "hands on" ruler it seems
Luminaire_p: I would love to talk to you about Micah-10 later, she’s my favorite from way back
Renkai_116: SWORD!!!!
ThatWhichNeverWas: @satyropodobny Good news about the raid weapons :P
TheDevil_Risen: OOOO
Beefpants: "while he's on the toilet"
frostownik: @satyropodobny it has a first-hand account of the event
TheDevil_Risen: final battle
pimiento: witness the fitness
Renkai_116: BE LEGEND!!!!
RebekahWSD: ominous as shit
vidStrickland: maaaaaan, The Final Shape campaign was SO GOOD.
TheSoundOfWhiteNoise: Was that The Sword Of Fire and Ice?
Jakelope13: You know, I wonder if anyone will make a cutscene where someone says "Be warned, you will lose your strength, but you will prevail!"
Renkai_116: for the raid yes
Renkai_116: 3 days SMH
TXC2: countdown to infinity ?
accountmadeforants: Earthrealm's greatest champion! [punches nuts]
Aigarius: was it the final countdown?
RandomTrivia: Can we look forward to seeing that raid on the mighty Loading Ready Run Video Entertainment Network some time soon?
Laserbeaks_Fury: But can you....jump off the Tower
Dix: There's 55 feathers?! sheeeeeeeeeeeesh
quton: I loved the amount of collectible and secrets in pale heart
Beefpants: Get grinding
Mr_Horrible: @Dix me looking at any bird
RandomTrivia: jlrrFall
TheDevil_Risen: Thanks for the stream Graham
FarleyF: Graham and Pauls Sub stream will now be the Raid from Destiny lrrBEEJ
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
RockPusher: gabyLul
Renkai_116: bmoteRIP
RocknGrohlNerd: @TXC2 might take some time , but maybe maybe we get there in the end
Laserbeaks_Fury: Full Circle
Beefpants: rkayParty
TXC2: RocknGrohlNerd only one way to find out Kappa
Dix: Well you CAN land down there fine
Musical_Marauder: feather collection, my heart aches in assassin's creed 2
Beefpants: rkayThepit
RockPusher: Thank you Graham lrrSHINE
RandomTrivia: Thanks Graham, Foxmar, SniperPumpkin lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
TheSoundOfWhiteNoise: How many walls down there have collision?
MaddogM: that was handy :P
RockPusher: foxmarLOVE foxmarLOVE foxmarLOVE
RebekahWSD: Be well!
marmalade_pen: thanks graham, have good sleeps
TXC2: thanks for streaming Graham, Foxmar and Sniper
Renkai_116: thanks for the fun Times All!
Mr_Horrible: I don't partake myself anymore, but Destiny 2 always a treat to watch
TXC2: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
RocknGrohlNerd: thank you G :)
TacitusVigil: And unforgettable feast.
snowewolf: you got a bed setup in prop room G?
Hawkwreak: @Musical_Marauder I Recently replayed AC2 and... Man I very quickly decided I wasnt doing that nonsense.
MrPhlip: it's, like, infinity o'clock in the morning for Foxmar, rn
bagfullofbees: thanks for everything Graham, now go to sleep
MrPhlip: I don't know where Sniper lives
TacitusVigil: You're a strange fellow Graham, but I will say this: you finalize a good shape.
Beefpants: This new 'Destiny' game looks interesting, I hope it does well.
Foxmar320: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
RocknGrohlNerd: hello youtubes, how are the tubes today :D
RandomTrivia: Would love to see the raid at some point
TXC2: or today on the subathon
Earthenone: monikLRRs
RebekahWSD: Board games!!
Musical_Marauder: @Hawkwreak good it is both sad, storywise, and hurtful, gameplaywise
Shaneusm subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 75 months!
Shaneusm: DOOooOOooOOM
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Shaneusm! (Today's storm count: 35)
TXC2: "tonight, on a very special Monikers"
ThatWhichNeverWas: Temu games??? Yeeeeeessssss
Renkai_116: sadly all i can do is donate my time that is the best i can do hope you all have a great time all Bye Bye
ThorSokar: and some garbage game you found at a garage sale?
RebekahWSD: Hopefully my physical therapy doesn't interfere with watching a lot of the board games!
Mr_Horrible: board games from Temu - if you plug them somehow they *will* catch fire
RockPusher: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
ThatWhichNeverWas: Watch & AFK :D
Luminaire_p: go
RandomTrivia: Sleep well, Graham!
emberBecky: o/
TXC2: Renkai_116 and that's good enough too lrrHEART
ErinusTV: bye Graham!
ArdCollider: later G
Hawkwreak: Sleep well G!
TXC2: Bye
TheDevil_Risen: o7
Mr_Horrible: thanks, gang
ThatWhichNeverWas: o7
Shaneusm: lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrARROW
Dix: Bye G
josh___something: bye G!
macintose: o7
usmu1976: o7
marmalade_pen: buh bye
Redpandarama: byeee
Shaneusm: 007
Phailhammer: cya :)
bagfullofbees: o7
Hawkwreak: Oh its an banana phone
TXC2: o7
Renkai_116: thanks! @TXC2
Hawkwreak: New banana who dis?
RockPusher: fugiBANANA
bagfullofbees: is this just gonna be n entire episode of live?
epsilon_vee: extant banana phone even
TheDevil_Risen: time to watch the rest of EDSC
RandomTrivia: BAHAHAHAHA
josh___something: LUL
Mr_Horrible: LUL
ErinusTV: omg LUL
TimeToFry: LUL
TXC2: what a revile
TXC2: *reveal
RocknGrohlNerd: LUL
aussie_rob_w: ahahahah that really got me
RandomTrivia: Molly YES
leggettor: i didnt miss it
DaSunao: SingsNote
Hawkwreak: Oh man, I love how it was just the bringer. And honestly, one of my favourite ones too. If for no other reason than "New Banana who dis?
nyoomgoom: teal, eggplant, and coral is a banger color palette
MaddogM: a reviling reveal?
ComradeMik: Oh hey, it's the kathleen talking to herself episode
KharadBanar: I'm sure Graham did this logo while researching his Olympic logos/mascots
TXC2: MaddogM a beguiling reveal perhaps?
DNAli3n: good morning all
TXC2: hello DNAli3n welcome
RocknGrohlNerd: how is the News sting so goood, it gets me humming along every-GD-time
TacitusVigil: You have more fun as a defendant, but you make more money as a judge.
commentarywife: morning morning
Siladuell: This is a weird Destiny 2 stream. o.o
leggettor: @commentarywife Morning!!
TXC2: hello commentarywife welcome
Musical_Marauder: ah it's this episode, i don't recognize the titles just the main stories
leggettor: better than local issues of mouly porn
josh___something: "Moldy issues of local pornography"
commentarywife: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 2:21 AM
josh___something: THICC ONES
TXC2: come to the UK in the winter, it's night until 9am here :p
Graham_LRR: ah yes, Sp
Graham_LRR: ah yes, Ep4 “the one where we talk to ourselves”
josh___something: wait, that's both beej, right?
Zaghrog: Yup
TXC2: josh___something sure is
345tom converted from a Prime sub to a Tier 1 sub!
RockPusher: \ RaccAttack /
FarleyF: Just like when A-Train has a go at Dick - its that hot Alex on Alex action
TXC2: "I am a woman screaming to be heard"
TXC2: Kathleen is a hero for this performace
RocknGrohlNerd: bring out the comfy chair, confess women confess
Serpens77: the Watch Along segment is in Australian Prime Time, it should be being broadcast upside-down Kappa
FarleyF: Hell Yeah
Graham_LRR: I love that Kendra completely doesn’t get G’s sarcasm
Mr_Horrible: honestly she's justified
FarleyF: @Serpens77 too right mate - time for us aussies to show those Canadians how its done
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
TXC2: a real team effort
viowof: like this had to be recorded multiple times for the multiple voices, right?
FarleyF: ah but who voices gus
RockPusher: Richter is legal anywhere‽
hackingducks: dubiously.
Graham_LRR: @viowof each episode takes several hours to record, then Kathleen edits it all together
Lord_Hosk: They didn't have to record it multiple times, they had to invent cloning, which was suprisingly faster than recording each voice individually
Graham_LRR: alright, night y’all! my taxi is here.
KharadBanar: night Graham
RandomTrivia: Night Graham!
RockPusher: 'night G
Serpens77: ni-ni G
MrPhlip: Sleep well, G!
FarleyF: Ni Night Graham
Greyah: G'night G
viowof: night G
KINGKRU: Sleep well?
Earthenone: nite G
TacitusVigil: Night Graham
TXC2: Sleep Well Graham
RandomTrivia: Adding Moore and Moore, you say? lrrBEEJ
Oreo1369: Good night G
Mr_Horrible: LUL
spawnofhastur: Masked Shufflecat?
ExachixKitsune: I love how richter is a blood-pressure increasing event.
TXC2: Derrick got WAY better at his job this season
josh___something: XD
TXC2: CBT means different things
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha
Serpens77: @TXC2 at least 2 things
ExachixKitsune: "physical therapy"
cmdrud87: I was just about to make a Susaphone joke!
Serpens77: a sousaphone is also a tuba
Serpens77: it's jsut shaped differently to make it easier for marching with
Fruan: "Literal Tigers" gets a laugh out of me every time. It is the perfect joke.
hackingducks: yeah I love the team name "Literal Tigers"
RandomTrivia: :D
RockPusher: lrrGibb
Krektogar: Gibb!
KharadBanar: appaddabba
TXC2: More Gibb!
commentarywife: lrrGibb
Dix: RIP Jack's Terrible Bird Site
TehAmelie: and 4 years later. . .
TXC2: I've never do it right once :p
TehAmelie: okay 21 was only 3 years ago. but it's still the "2020 bonus round"
Earthenone: 2020 will contunue until morale impoves
Shaneusm: Gibb More Answers!
TXC2: the blockchain is just a shitty shreadsheet :p
hackingducks: it's an immutable append-only log that burns down rainforests.
cmdrud87: Wooo
TXC2: hackingducks immutable UNTIL it gets forked :p
TheWanderingNomad: Pretty sure that's assault Gibb
HadesLeprechaun: Woooo!
hackingducks: it's still immutable. you just now have two different forks.
hackingducks: you can't ever go back and mutate a record after it's added without breaking the hashing algorithm
TXC2: there was a pre pandemic normal ?
ExachixKitsune: the irony ofwatching this while on my last day of isolation due to inadvertently catching covid is not lost on me
TehAmelie: ouch
marmalade_pen: im marmalade!!
RockPusher: Noooo! My marmalade!
TehAmelie: a trolly opportunity, or trollportunity. wait
TXC2: you get and get in front of the trolley and stop it
TXC2: *get out
Dix: Oh no... and now he owns the bird site
nyoomgoom: cloud probably plays simulator games. he's too stressed thinking about SOLDIER or sephi or whatever so when he gets a moment he just goes head empty power wash
forcedreject: And now machines are doing that
TacitusVigil: @Dix Yep. :(
TXC2: lrrPistachio
RockPusher: lrrPistachio
RandomTrivia: I absolutely adore that Pistachio wears his headset upside down
ExachixKitsune: lrrPistachio
RandomTrivia: lrrPistachio
TXC2: I like the upside down headphones
hackingducks: pistachio so cute
Aigarius: actually useful answer
TehAmelie: i wanna make breakfast but i don't want to look away
Fanklok: Hey wait a minute that's not pistachio its Ian in a bear suit
nyoomgoom: gibb won't let pistachio cook (pensive emoji)
ExachixKitsune: some say pistachio is still talking to this day
TXC2: there's a TOO much Star trek?
HaltBen2514: does that make Gibb an antivaxxer?
TacitusVigil: I want to say Starfleet wouldn't be dumb enough to send a runabout to fight at Wolf 359, but they were desperate and they still had civilians on board the Saratoga, so...
type_variable: the christ / x jokes lmao
ErisOfSpace subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ErisOfSpace! (Today's storm count: 36)
TXC2: TacitusVigil right, surely having civies there was a war crime? :p
hackingducks: @TacitusVigil they probably took runabouts to flee and/or fight during the battle.
DaSunao: lrrGibb
hackingducks: I mean, it's not exactly a war crime. they didn't know the borg was going to be that big of a threat.
josh___something: Gibb of wisdom?
Ard_Rhys: silly cone valley
TacitusVigil: @TXC2 I mean, at least they never did a twist where Jennifer was somehow assimilated by the Borg!
RandomTrivia: Definitely "wisdom?"
ErisOfSpace: what's the bit count for an additional hour this time around?
MrPhlip: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
TXC2: TacitusVigil indeed, thanks for small mercies
HaltBen2514: 4 hundo
TacitusVigil: @hackingducks Fleeing makes sense.
hackingducks: 400 per minute x 60
nyoomgoom: here we have one of the best things on the entire earth: blooper reels where a puppet stays in character
hackingducks: @TacitusVigil the borg didn't exactly let anyone flee.
type_variable: did we ever get the 3rd remake?
hackingducks: besides, they were holding wolf 359 to stop them from getting to earth... fleeing to earth doesn't help either.
accountmadeforants: Wait, this was 2023
TacitusVigil: @hackingducks I think one shop got away. They say it was a fleet of 40 ships and 39 were destroyed.
ExachixKitsune: bowls
ExachixKitsune: YES
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Graham_LRR: @type_variable soon™
RandomTrivia: I forgot about the bowls
Woodthorn: @Graham_LRR Oooh, sounds promising!
RockPusher: it seems the taxi taxied correctly :D
TXC2: Graham_LRR go to bed :p
Graham_LRR: ok!
aussie_rob_w: Goodnight G!
Greyah: Pickles. Pickles is my favorite flavor of chip.
azninsect: Juicy couture
TXC2: a train leaves Bismark presumably to escape
jokerzgrave: Hello everyone
jokerzgrave: Loved that sketch!
Zaghrog: Hello!
DiamondMX: Lunch? Yeah! Let's get zoodles!
TXC2: hello jokerzgrave welcome
RandomTrivia: benginLul+
RandomTrivia: benginLul
nyoomgoom: 2017... was simultaneously 2 years ago and 200 years ago
DiamondMX: I forgot they did this legally-distinct-Unskippable thing.
type_variable: wow i got a replay from g star
FarleyF: Alex still mutters about it in the darkest of nights lrrBEEJ
Musical_Marauder: wow time has done nothing to paul, and shaved a beard multiple times for graham
TXC2: right this game, sponsored by Russian Maxim
type_variable subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 18 months!
type_variable: wheeee
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, type_variable! (Today's storm count: 37)
hackingducks: N.E.R.D lapdance, definitely not licensed.
TehAmelie: it definitely looked like they did a Lost Highway
marmalade_pen: what's running start
Woodthorn: A longer version of Unskippable
hackingducks: they show the opening of the game
ExachixKitsune: Unskippable but they endure some gameplay too
Woodthorn: They riff off the intro cinematic and play the first few minutes
KharadBanar: as opposed to the good, harmless cocaine
Woodthorn: Yeah
TXC2: this is before LRR got the rights to Unskippible back
type_variable: oh hell
marmalade_pen: so they don't do the commentary on treadmills?
Greyah: And in this case, it feels like a bonus Watch+Play.
TXC2: a further wail
RocknGrohlNerd: good joke Graham
type_variable: cant believe this is a sequel
TXC2: why a bipod on the mounted gun ?
DiamondMX: To be fair, some hard drugs are made *much* more dangerous because they're inconsistently made. You'd get a lot fewer overdoses if they were sold in consistent doses so people could use the intended amount.
hackingducks: you know, for the era, the in-engine cinematics are really not that bad
TXC2: also cocaine guts cut with stuff that REALLY should not be in the human body
TehAmelie: "evil drugs designed to kill the user" is even weirder than "drug dealers who give customers credit" up there on the list of things that only happen in movies
Greyah: This is a weird episode of Black Lagoon.
RandomTrivia: Impressively fast reload :D
TXC2: "the first one is free" is a thing that has never occurred in real life
type_variable: deehydrated water
accountmadeforants: "Faster. ... Faster."
hackingducks: that is a LOT of text
TXC2: type_variable so Oxygen?
MrQBear: ah, it's a mil-sim!
Greyah: @TXC2 It happens all the time! In "free"-to-play games. If you consider microtransactions addictive substances.
TXC2: Greyah touché
DiamondMX: @Greyah Which you should, because they are designed to be.
type_variable: @TXC2 weirdly no, that was the bad guys plan in The Tuxedo with jackie chan, to sell people water that would make them more thirsty
hackingducks: the game part of the game is looking tragic... definitely can tell where they spent their time
TXC2: type_variable huh I do not remember that part of that movie :p
Creideiki_SE: @type_variable Ah, diet soda.
TXC2: Right I'm of to exercise, it's shoulder day
type_variable: @TXC2 whoops no they were going to sell regular water and poison the regular water supply with the make thirsty
KharadBanar: This game was clearly made before fish-swimming-out-of-the-way technology was a thing
RandomTrivia: Take care, TXC2, have a good one
TXC2: So be good chat, and keep on Subbing!
TXC2: type_variable dastardly!
Fanklok: Did Graham have his knife out before he dove into the water?
FarleyF: txc2 your not my mod lrrBEEJ
FarleyF: but seriously will do
DaSunao: lrrHERE
RocknGrohlNerd: @TXC2 heck yeah, go for it, crush it even :)
RandomTrivia: lrrSPOOP
MrQBear: oh. no.
EikoandMog: @MrQBear Heya Q!
ExachixKitsune: oh this is *this* game
forcedreject: El spidro Automoto?
accountmadeforants: El spidro gigante
MrQBear: @EikoandMog Morning/Evening/Timezone, Eiko!
EikoandMog: El Spidro Pinto.
josh___something: I sorta miss Running start
doozard: Morning Folks
CoderBugsworth: Yeah I wish they'd done more episodes
RocknGrohlNerd: @doozard Hi :)
hackingducks: not as many games fit the show anymore tbh. opening cinematics like that have kinda fallen towards opening tutorial levels
MrPhlip: Google tells me that that number, 1114112, is the total number of Unicode codepoints. 17×2^16. Probably a coincidence, but still a weird number to be showing up.
type_variable: i think part of it is workload and avilable editors
type_variable: i mean to make this show again it would probably look like express edits of the play it forward show
EikoandMog: This is some's really, really good attempt at making Far Cry that they shouldn't have sold.
RandomTrivia: sergeIntoTheSea
hackingducks: @EikoandMog it's still a pretty far cry from far cry
BruceTuma: Much love everyone! brucet18BatmanHeart brucet18BatmanHeart brucet18BatmanHeart
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
HungryTanuki: :D
forcedreject: I mean, practically the same circles
RandomTrivia: Hello BruceTuma, welcome
MrQBear: Parade!
azninsect: ahh yes the followup to the one from last night
azninsect: excellent
MaddestScientist: IT RETURNS
EikoandMog: March marchness already?!
cmdrud87: I remember this!
TehAmelie: i'm sure someone over at Russian Maxim must have been really mad when two years into production they realized they could not make a superior Far Cry with the money they had
ExachixKitsune: Beej!
RandomTrivia: DOGGO
RandomTrivia: Another doggo!
HungryTanuki: Oh no, what happened Beej ?
ExachixKitsune: Serge!
hackingducks: long haired beej
HungryTanuki: OhMyDog
ExachixKitsune: such begins the game anew: from the top shot see if you can find Serge/Beej
RockPusher: mattlrDogchamp
RandomTrivia: YESSSSS
HungryTanuki: Puppers !
RandomTrivia: benginWow
marmalade_pen: dogs!!
hackingducks: everyone got dogs in the great pandini
RubikDarkwill: Was Joe Trollo cameraman?
nyoomgoom: july 6 2022 and based on peoples' outfits, it looks like the weather that day was more like mid spring than early july. shorts but also long sleeves and light jackets.
RockPusher: escher3SAFETY
ant_love_obliterate: please notice me
hackingducks: those are some pretty vintage fire engines
RandomTrivia: They're very nice
ant_love_obliterate: please notice me @LoadingReadyRun
RandomTrivia: Aww, Beej
CK__Corni: hi
ant_love_obliterate: hi
HungryTanuki: DinoDance
TehAmelie: the hosts are asleep (i think)
ExachixKitsune: Hello ant_love_obliterate : this is currently re-runs of older content, no-one is here to respond, but also generally people won't respond to that
MrPhlip: I sure hope they are, @tehamelie
ant_love_obliterate: aceBLANKY
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
RockPusher: Beej… Beej plz
CK__Corni: diggggii was ist hier los ?! ;D
ant_love_obliterate: @ExachixKitsune for shame?
Earthenone: this streaming block is brought to you by More Sleep TM
TehAmelie: yess, more sleep
MrQBear: @Earthenone waiting are you telling me MORE sleep is an option??
HungryTanuki: Star wars ? But which one Ian D: ?
CK__Corni: its funny ^^ and a bit crazy ;)
marmalade_pen: there's another version than beatles?
RandomTrivia: Ian please, it was literally on Sergeant pepper :D
Serpens77: "Beetles"? Never heard of 'em Kappa
RandomTrivia: That's pleny famous enough
RandomTrivia: *plenty
Psycho__Chuck: you idiot liberals are cringe as fuck. Demonratcracy is dead so deal with it💥
CK__Corni: @Serpens77 ^^
ant_love_obliterate: is this canada?
Earthenone: this is indeed canada, vancouver island, victoria
ant_love_obliterate: ooh i need some ice caps
Serpens77: omg shoes
NikoSpud: I... I flicked through my tabs at the right point
ant_love_obliterate: favorite SHOE?
type_variable: @ant_love_obliterate right
FarleyF: oh so you like shoes huh - name 5 shoes
ant_love_obliterate: ooh thats a good one
RandomTrivia: I choose to believe that the filming process for this is that they send Beej and Serge out and say "record some disconnected bits" and sort it out later during editing :D
ExachixKitsune: sergeHeart
RockPusher: sergeSipp
RandomTrivia: sergeHeart
ant_love_obliterate: new balances hokas brooks nikes adidas
Serpens77: Doggie!
hackingducks: @RandomTrivia probably accurate, plus or minus some text coordination (like the dogs bit)
HungryTanuki: :D
Serpens77: mood
ant_love_obliterate: word doe
RockPusher: tiltyhPLS tiltyhEXTREME
Serpens77: marching, obvi
HungryTanuki: Battle royale: Marching bands edition
RandomTrivia: lrrWOW
hackingducks: it is a preponderance of marching bands to be fair.
TacitusVigil: The marching band refused to yield. Do recall what was revealed?
ExachixKitsune: chho choooo
RockPusher: escher3DOOT escher3DOOT
HungryTanuki: Choo !
ant_love_obliterate: honestly the US could use a lttle bit of cuteness like this
HungryTanuki: E G G S
RockPusher: PrideGive tqsEgg PrideTake
Earthenone: show clown eggs you cowards
ExachixKitsune: eggsceptional rudeness
Astramentha: e g g s
RockPusher: Do you want Target Kids‽ 'cause that's how you get Target Kids!
hackingducks: @ant_love_obliterate my home town didn't have parades (they tried a couple times but the town wasn't well laid out for it)
hackingducks: @hackingducks but what we did have were festivals, and they were at least this cute
Astramentha: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
HungryTanuki: Another great coverage of the Oakbay parade, good job everyone !
HungryTanuki: Qwepline !!
RockPusher: escher3BEE escher3BEE escher3ANGRY escher3BEE
RockPusher: tqsFlower_HF escher3BUZZ
hackingducks: bee merkin is pretty cringeworthy
Serpens77: NO
Earthenone: glass to mouth? be careful of shards
marmalade_pen: lmao
Astramentha: 😱
NekomimiNinja: (Please do not insert bong.)
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
HungryTanuki: Bless Derek
DaSunao: They should have used Mickey Mouse from Steamboat Willie
ExachixKitsune: aha it is a known voice
Austere_Squire subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 35 months!
Austere_Squire: Ah, this came around. Happy subathon, all!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Austere_Squire! (Today's storm count: 38)
HungryTanuki: :D
Austere_Squire: i haven't listened to Qwerpline and maybe i should
ExachixKitsune: oh there's so much qwerpline content
ExachixKitsune: it's very good
Wolfstrike_NL: I did this year for the first time, it's a very good listen
HungryTanuki: Qwerpline is a lot of fun
Austere_Squire: it seems wild
ExachixKitsune: yes!
warpstonewarlock: pardon?
HungryTanuki: Ra-Racoon egg ?
Austere_Squire: i do not like the phrase "racoon egg"
ExachixKitsune: it has an excess of local lore
Austere_Squire: i have a lot of hardhitting question
Wolfstrike_NL: It having a mostly continues story was both a surprise and a selling point for me
marmalade_pen: such a satisfying sound
NekomimiNinja: excellent whump
warpstonewarlock: oh, it's this episode
warpstonewarlock: @Austere_Squire qwopter
Austere_Squire: oh, i see
Dog_of_Myth: Oh noooo
warpstonewarlock: Richter...
ExachixKitsune: oh
HungryTanuki: Oh Richter
MrQBear: Good for Richter!
HungryTanuki: Nothing more dangerous than a traffic reporter with the munchies
ExachixKitsune: !
HungryTanuki: D:
Astramentha: richter please
josh___something: Richter...
hackingducks: he just throws a rope out of hte helicopter, climbs down to the ground, gets a donut, and climbs back up
RandomTrivia: Gus only ever communicating in SFX kills me every time
ExachixKitsune: @hackingducks that's what you'd hope
MrQBear: @hackingducks It would be nice to believe that Richter could be that clever at any time.
warpstonewarlock: Oh, it's him! It's SCOTT JACKSON!
NovaTiempo: WHAT?
josh___something: SCOTT JACKSON
NovaTiempo: G in a Sweedish accent is startling
NotSoLuckyLydia: LOVE this guy
Redpandarama: MalmØØØ
RandomTrivia: Edith pls
HungryTanuki: Edith ?
josh___something: OH right, this is when edith gets FUCKING HORNT
RockPusher: gabyLewd sergeMoly
definenull: LUL
warpstonewarlock: She always is. Can't you tell by her voice?
josh___something: S C O T T
hackingducks: for the LONGEST time I thought edith was cori
Astramentha: S C O T T
commentarywife: so funny that the married couple are actually flirting here, they don't often put them together as a "couple"
MrQBear: Oh my god wait other people do the pronunciation too?
HungryTanuki: :D
ExachixKitsune: Ah yes, it's good to hear from ꜱᴄᴏᴛᴛ at this time
josh___something: S C O T T
josh___something: XD
alchemistsavant: that never gets old
HungryTanuki: I lovr this line so much "playful yet also very challenging"
NovaTiempo: Im in hysterics. *scott* made me snort coffee
definenull: alex is the third wheel in this situation, isn't he
josh___something: LUL
RandomTrivia: Oh, 100%
forcedreject: Ah fastenating
Astramentha: @definenull very much
charizardpopson30fps: W
josh___something: S C O T T
HungryTanuki: Edith please :D
MrPhlip: Edith.
RandomTrivia: Gets me every fucking time :D
Astramentha: S C O T T
commentarywife: S C O T T
hackingducks: lakes anesh
type_variable: S C O T T
Molator: eww
MrQBear: oh that's terrifying
definenull: c o r n
Grevas13: good morning sunbeams
RockPusher: dyketaCornWaveCheer
NovaTiempo: how in the heck did I miss this episode of Qwerp, its abolutly marvelous
TehAmelie: i like the extremely convoluted cornucopia/Coppola wordplay
hackingducks: this has been a rather lewd episode. is it the lewdest I wonder
TehAmelie: the only name in movies (whose name sounds like something related to corn)
josh___something: "Kids eat free if they don't cry"
HungryTanuki: XD
josh___something: Holy shit
definenull: needs an "(IMPOSSIBLE)" after that
DiamondMX: A bouncing betty?! Beej! That's not for internal use!
warpstonewarlock: speaking of lewd episodes
RandomTrivia: Ah yes
NotCainNorAbel: do not snort bouncing betties
alchemistsavant: I was gonna say, Graham really flexing his graphic design skills in these.
hackingducks: well timed
josh___something: HAH
Basic_Human_Decency: i think i need a honda now
Astramentha: ! adult
TehAmelie: legally distinct Honda Fitta parody
HungryTanuki: I'll buy ten of those please
ExachixKitsune: Big "Fuck You Baltimore" vibes
marmalade_pen: @TehAmelie honda fitta??
MrQBear: @HungryTanuki that seems fiscally irresponsible but you do you!
TehAmelie: that was a real car they tried to sell
RandomTrivia: Oh, this is the first appearance of Ian, isn't it?
marmalade_pen: oh my god
NovaTiempo: ian, or Beej?
warpstonewarlock: yuup, Ian
definenull: yes
TehAmelie: translator's note: nooo
josh___something: Is this peak "mistake" beard era, or did G grow it longer?
RiverGloom subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 32 months!
RiverGloom: i love the overnight watch along it makes for good going to bed noise
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RiverGloom! (Today's storm count: 39)
ThatWhichNeverWas: Such beards!
Redpandarama: aaah Delta <3
type_variable: mistake beard?
definenull: when cH!Paul says don't worry about it, *do* worry about it
warpstonewarlock: ah, this is not the debut of Ian
RandomTrivia: Oh right, not the debut but the triumphant return
josh___something: I've heard graham refer to the longer beard as "mistake beard"
hackingducks: ian's vantabeige outfit
type_variable: i thought he grew it out for the garruk bit
RandomTrivia: I really hope we're getting the following episode immediately afterwards, they make a great double-feature
josh___something: While I disagree that it was a mistake, that's what he said
RockPusher: always love seeing what cHustle LRR are filming :D
accountmadeforants: Yeah, these Ian Lore episodes are great
Astramentha: #BlameJames
FarleyF: i mean can anyone in the chat not say that they wouldn't do the same thing that ChIan did
warpstonewarlock: I hope that we will get the Coven episode
HungryTanuki: Ian :D
TacitusVigil: Why are you *not* in a box, James?
NotSoLuckyLydia: he looks so tiny
NovaTiempo: ohno
definenull: oh its this episode
DiamondMX: lol, I'd never realized that they're talking about Toupe 2000 as if it's futuristic, in 2016.
RandomTrivia: Look, the beige industry isn't exactly the most up-to-date market segment
GazzyInferno: one of my favourite running gags throughout CH history is whenever they film a sketch in universe its just doing a kick line in silly costumes
RandomTrivia: I love Cam and Alex's faces there
definenull: this video was released 31 December 2016, and the box said not to open until 2017... that *had* to be planned
RandomTrivia: Oh, absolutely
NovaTiempo: ayup.
accountmadeforants: Ooh, some real flashy colour pairings there
Earthenone: Sinner beige
commentarywife: who is mr arlo dustfinger?
TehAmelie: is there a beige filter on this scene?
DiamondMX: Who is the boss guy, and is he in any other videos?
Redpandarama: Think he was in a Friday Nights episde?
HungryTanuki: Uh oh
RandomTrivia: Credits suggest someone named Dave Morris, wiki lists a handful of other cameos
RandomTrivia: Also, absolutely STELLAR performance here
type_variable: the second hand cringe comedy hurts me
ExachixKitsune: I can haz beigeburger
RandomTrivia: Unless that's the person in the spectral apparition
accountmadeforants: It's very powerful yeah, type
RandomTrivia: That lunch was packed by Brendan "Beige" Dery
RandomTrivia: lrrBEEJ
definenull: LUL
Makoforte: Ian in a box is one of the best fucking gags
RockPusher: M E A T
ExachixKitsune: on unplugged, not Pax University
Nadriachi subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 115 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Nadriachi! (Today's storm count: 40)
Jasper: And now you have to MAKE It
RockPusher: We require your cheesiest of steaks!
definenull: ahh the great equalizer
MrPhlip: Filmed in December, released in March, fastest turnaround on a gvlog ever?
NovaTiempo: *ringtone* ..... its Ben
definenull: q.q
ExachixKitsune: ooof MrPhlip but also
josh___something: Oh no,I is this the one where they microwave the plastic?
hackingducks: you're locked in here with me says Ben
RandomTrivia: benginLul
pn55: I just noticed, how come the sub counter went down?
NotSoLuckyLydia: huh, i would've figured ben to be a big spoon kinda guy.
darkora: jeriyaki beefy jeefy
definenull: LUL
HungryTanuki: :D
NovaTiempo: F
type_variable: F
TheWooglie: F no fork
Earthenone: how are we eating these :P
Jasper: LRR-key
IaCthulhuFthagn: Slurp time!
definenull: q.q
darkora: Fs for Fork in chat
RocknGrohlNerd: rookie mistake
Austere_Squire: extremely relatable content
RocknGrohlNerd: F
DiamondMX: It's a hotel - they should have cutlery.
definenull: surely
Earthenone: time for branded cutLRRy?
hackingducks: depends on if they do room service. some express hotels don't.
DiamondMX: Oof, they only gave out the cheap cutlery
RocknGrohlNerd: @Earthenone but still plastic tho
NotSoLuckyLydia: single chopstick technique
MrQBear: @Earthenone was this before or after some of the 20th anniversary merch got sent out?
brieandbacon: Gremlins
accountmadeforants: gdqFaithPOP pastaThat
definenull: yeah that looks... uneven
Orxolon: I love Graham's vlogs
definenull: (citation needed)
Orxolon: I need More in my life
OmnipotentTrevor: I'm with Ben, a little crunch on the top in a ramen tastes kinda good.
DiamondMX: I don't think their Ichiban is the same as my Ichiban. I wonder what Ben is talking about.
HungryTanuki: "Vaguely chicken" sounds ominous
accountmadeforants: At least it didn't Incinerate
type_variable: i wonder how many cutaway lines g says to his camera and doesnt use
RockPusher: mmmmmmmeat!
Molladia: Did Ben mix the jerky in before cooking? or After?
TheWooglie: *now* I'm hungry
hackingducks: watching this in the middle of the night is a bad idea.
incslayer: that looks both supremely tasty and also like a heartattack waiting to happen
hackingducks: yeah... that sandwich is making my stomach grumble for deliicousness.
McArgh: Cheer400
Orxolon: @TheWooglie *initiated cooking sequence
trident042: Oh yeah I remember this gvlog!
ExachixKitsune: good job I am cooking brunch
Wolfstrike_NL: Really looking forward to the upcomming Gvlogs :)
TheWooglie gifted a Tier 1 sub to hackingducks! They have given 3 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, hackingducks! (Today's storm count: 41)
RockPusher: The sign on the corner booting up :D
hackingducks: what is that supposed to mean random background character
hackingducks: @TheWooglie Thanks for the gift sub wooglie one
HungryTanuki: P I K A
Astramentha: PokPikachu PokPikachu PokPikachu
Earthenone: welcome to our overpika
trident042: Oh hey Compile! The Sentinels of the Multiverse peeps make that
lesbianpunkpyromancer22: morning friends :P
RockPusher: ♫ It's business, it's business time ♫
MrMatternot: Hello LPP
RandomTrivia: Hey there lesbianpunkpyromancer22
pn55: Joe!
RockPusher: joekimCheers
commentarywife: asMODee or ASmodee?
NotSoLuckyLydia: yo i've got one deck dungeon, its real fun
ExachixKitsune gifted a Tier 1 sub to JoeKim! They have given 29 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, JoeKim! (Today's storm count: 42)
PMAvers: Asmondi (I think)?
Serpens77: they are from here... Earth
trident042: That's the answer
commentarywife: Asmodee is a board game publisher
marmalade_pen: has ben played armello?
ExachixKitsune: PharmacistJudge!
definenull: !!
Serpens77: flawless
Orxolon: "businesing!"
Austere_Squire: "We did business good." looking so proud
Orxolon: da quest
definenull: the canonical philly cheesesteak
trident042: ah yes the follow up to road quest; meat quest
accountmadeforants: The Ur-Cheesesteak
physics pony: bloomburrow foreshadowing
Orxolon: Philly!
MeagenImage: I made my own cheesesteak when I came back home from PAX Unplugged, I call it Edinburgh Cheesesteak
l0gin4me: Philly making things difficult? mattlrPika
Orxolon: here comes the characte with the advise!
Molladia: oh right this is live I can't skip this guy
Fanklok: The "correct" cheesesteak is from the place you could walk to and buy with your allowance when you were 12
Earthenone: woo my canadian kit kats arived!
Hawkwreak: Honestly, I like this guy. He's a bit odd. Butt I love the fact that hes just honest about his opinions on cheesesteak
Orxolon: and they ended at Papa John's xD
Austere_Squire: yeah, he just seems nice and is like "have good cheesesteak"
RandomTrivia: True local knowledge
TehAmelie: he acknowledges the No True Cheesesteak problem at least
ExachixKitsune: sergeJustRight
Earthenone: !lorcana along came zues
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
Hawkwreak: Sand off those mould lines.
Grevas13: i've been playing the owlcat 40k game and it's rad
Earthenone: !lorcana and along came zues
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
pn55: HypeLUL
Hawkwreak: !lorcaana and along came zeus
ArcticAtlantic: the cheesesteak guy seemed maybe a tad overly familiar to me but if the lrrfolks were fine with him then I'm all for him and his local knowledge :)
Hawkwreak: !lorrcana and along came zeus
Hawkwreak: !lorcana and along came zeus
LRRbot: And Then Along Came Zeus [4, Steel, Non-inkable] | Action | Song | (A character with cost 4 or more can ⟳ to sing this song for free.) / Deal 5 damage to chosen character or location.
Fanklok: Why would Ben say for the emporer when he's squarely traitor
Hawkwreak: There you go @Earthenone
accountmadeforants: I had no idea Ravensburger did Lorcana. My iPad is currently sitting on top of a ravensburger board game from the 90's
Orxolon: !findquote cheesesteak
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
brieandbacon: !findquote cheese
LRRbot: Quote #6261: "All mnemonics should be cheese-based." —Paul [2019-07-31]
Earthenone: ooh i never saw the legally distinct tap symbol in text it looks nice
RandomTrivia: Sadly I couldn't get out of work all this week, so I must leave. Hoping to lurk during morning coffee, so see you later, friends. lrrSHINE
WiseGuy57: west coast is asleep, post cheesesteaks
MilkInBags: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Coffee w/ James & Guests at Wed 06:00 AM PDT (1:27 from now).
trident042: Ah, the PAX Time Adjustment
Serpens77: Con Time (tm)
trident042: You think you have time, and then you get adjusted
hackingducks: such pretty weather.
NotSoLuckyLydia: who are james's guests this morning? anyone know?
definenull: i think it'll be a mystery to everyone
TheWooglie: Jacob and someone I forget
Earthenone: i want to say jacob?
Orxolon: that's why you needed to sit quietly
Biggjudicem: i heard jacob and cam
haberley: cameron i think
Zaghrog: Jacob and Cam sounds right
NotSoLuckyLydia: cool beans, thanks everyone :)
TheWooglie: oh no
TheWooglie: US commercials
Orxolon: word in the street says Jacob and Cam fam
TheWooglie: maybe vegetables tomorrow?
definenull: cheesecake quest LUL
Orxolon: @TheWooglie sunday sunday sunday!
Grevas13: i like the idea that those "best in town" containers are probably manufactured by a third party and shipped to thousands of restaurants
MrMatternot: Do spring rolls count as vegetables?
Astramentha: nom
bagfullofbees: no we don't
Orxolon: no part 2!?
accountmadeforants: sajamGasm
marmalade_pen: bus yes
MeagenImage: Aww, not showing day 2 of PAX 2023, I don't get to be on the stream.
definenull: I feel like Ian is the one of the last people in the crew to make a dad joke
DaSunao: lrrWOW
Orxolon: xD
TheWooglie: good ending
EikoandMog: HypeLUL
brieandbacon: lrrJUDGECALL sergePun
Astramentha: 😱
Earthenone: the daddlyest catch
CAKHost: Welp
TheWooglie: oh I love this
Orxolon: manhunt!
MrMatternot: Ah Carhunt!
Earthenone: this was such a good bit
TeacherSeanTV: Hide and Seek... and runnnn
BluJester: whoo Carhunt!
Zaghrog: Oh Beej
Orxolon: accurate name
Molladia: I wish I had a friend group large enough to play this
accountmadeforants: Carhunt: Genesis
felipe_modesto: ah that was a fun episode
TehAmelie: i wonder how this game works in the Cars-verse
Orxolon: @accountmadeforants the 1st of many
ExachixKitsune: ooh tea cakes
pn55: Love a good teacake!
spicyFerret_: The murder
Hawkwreak: Tunnocks tea-cakes are the goat.
tyrew0rm: this is still one of my favourite Live Prerecords
EikoandMog: Wheeler going the wrong way
definenull: love the bgm for wheeler
Grevas13: @tyrew0rm solid agree. it's whimsical
KharadBanar: It's like a one-shot version of Jet Lag: The Game
Fanklok: A marathon is a race
Earthenone: !card stomping ground
LRRbot: Stomping Ground | Land — Mountain Forest | As Stomping Ground enters the battlefield, you may pay 2 life. If you don't, it enters the battlefield tapped.
Orxolon: @Fanklok slow paced?
TehAmelie: can you ever have enough cameras? (not if you're in video production)
Fanklok: Serge has this amazing ability to say the wrong thing at all times
Orxolon: was this training for Road quest?i wonder
spicyFerret_ oaks your bay
Hawkwreak: Man I love Jacob's coat. Man's fit is forever immaculate.
tyrew0rm: @Orxolon this was post RQ i think
definenull: I believe road quest came first
NekomimiNinja: (spot the Korg Wavestation background music)
definenull: but this had RQ spin-off vibes
KharadBanar: @TehAmelie you can simultaneously have not enough and too many (for your editors to handle)
Orxolon: @tyrew0rm you're right,it was
MrPhlip: RQ was filmed 2018 and came out 2019-20
Astramentha: De we know if Jacob will be joining us at any point in the subathon?
josh___something: Jacob is very cute
TehAmelie: he's just a little prickly
FarleyF: im so happy Jacob is a LRR member by proxy
TheWooglie: Astramentha today for coffee
Astramentha: @thewooglie yay!
josh___something: If he is, it's probably in boardgame day
Hawkwreak: @josh___something They are just. Outstanding. Jacob is insanely friend shaped.
TehAmelie: cause of the stabs
ExachixKitsune: I should rewatch RQ
RockPusher: \ RaccAttack /
Hawkwreak: @ExachixKitsune Theres always time to rewatch RQ
NotSoLuckyLydia: road quest is a dang good time
TheWooglie: ExachixKitsune probably not this week
Earthenone: i feel like "i should rewatch RQ" is said in this chat at least once every 48 hours
josh___something: @FarleyF Doesn't jacob have an official position?
Hawkwreak: @Earthenone And for good reason. I rewatch it at least twice a year.
Grevas13: the cuts to beej are great in this one
Austere_Squire: i think i rewatched RQ a month or two ago; still very good
josh___something: SOmething related to the socials... or like promotional side?
NotSoLuckyLydia: why did they pick the person with the world's tiniest car for this role?
FarleyF: @josh___something you know what I don't know, he used to work with ysbrd games but not anymore
EikoandMog: @NotSoLuckyLydia Because they had a car
definenull: because content
TheWooglie: NotSoLuckyLydia good for hunting
Hawkwreak: @josh___something I dont know... I know he doesnt work for Ysbrd anymore, but I dont know if he has some official capacity with LRR Yet
TehAmelie: a nominal car
Orxolon: @Earthenone hhaahahaah
josh___something: I know Jacob has an @ Loadingreadyrun email
Orxolon: with good reason
FarleyF: hmmm interesting
Therberus: it shocks me how few sidewalks there are near wheeler...
NotSoLuckyLydia: I swear there's more than two cars at LRR, but maybe I'm wrong. Thought there was a minivan or something.
marmalade_pen: wheeler lore
ArcticAtlantic: does feel like Matt was quite happy to get into the dry car 😅
KharadBanar: @NotSoLuckyLydia To show that even a car of that size can fit 4 people.
josh___something: Unless Jacob lied when he said send sponorship emails to that email on okioki
jerrymat46: <message deleted>Hello buddy 👋 you stream pretty well 🥰 I would love to be a fan of yours if you don’t mind kindly add me up Discord:Lexzyco
Earthenone: yeah jacob is an "official" member now i belive ever since getting canadian citizenship, but he does a lot of outside projects
Earthenone: thanks mods :)
josh___something: Goodbye bot
KharadBanar: thanks mods
FarleyF: Beej, ian, James and Graham /Kathleen drive and own a car
definenull: yay mods!
marmalade_pen: ModLove
josh___something: You won't be missed
Hawkwreak: Mods Keeping it real as always.
FarleyF: actually I don't think Graham drives
Hawkwreak: Kathleen drives, G doesnt iirc.
Sevinon: @FarleyF Famously does not
FarleyF: ah Danke Sevinon
Sevinon: See a particular crapshot for example
RockPusher: Beej continues to do Beej things
Costar_s: mormin chat
Sevinon: @Costar_s Jewish, actually
TehAmelie: i figure if Graham took time to learn to drive the internet would fall apart
Stella_Noctis subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 44 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Stella_Noctis! (Today's storm count: 43)
Earthenone: i think james is the only one originally from the island who learned to drive :P
ArcticAtlantic: suddenly it's a race xD
Orxolon: @ArcticAtlantic hahahaaha
thebuzzstreams: @TehAmelie A drivers license for Graham could obtain would have to be made from the internet itself, and Graham isn't willing to force a life without internet upon us
definenull: *this* is why the mini was chosen as a car chase vehicle
ArcticAtlantic: i wonder what happens if the mini finds anyone else
NotSoLuckyLydia: I feel like "leaving the roads" should be an illegal maneuver :P
Orxolon: that is my fav capture,the way Ian just doesn't give a ¡f*** and drives the mini into someone's garde n XD
kimmiekoneko: duckies!
Astramentha: duckies!
Orxolon: we need to ask G if he had been closer than the mini XD
Astramentha: @kimmiekoneko drift compatible
Therberus: what a silly game they played, love these kinds of videos 🙂
Jasper: Would love to see a redo of this, but with 2 people in the car, one to look and one to drive
Therberus: WHY would they put G in the BACKSEAT?!
Articerile: duck time babyyy
definenull: kathleen being first was a pleasant surprise
FarleyF: imagine Graham and Adam in the back of the mini
TehAmelie: a mini car he got shipped from Japan, if i recall. still really cheap
Orxolon: FBtouchdown
TehAmelie: for a car
Risuchia: yay kathleen!
Earthenone: BenBen
marmalade_pen: it's benny wheels
RockPusher: Meanwhile, a search party heads to Nanaimo to locate Beej lrrBEEJ
Orxolon: ominous
Astramentha: o7
josh___something: RIP serge cam
luke_warme: I love beej just having a chill ride day
TehAmelie: as the skin surface area increases relative to the air volume, so does dankness
Orxolon: yes,Ben
Orxolon: s
josh___something: Doesn't ben get lost after this?
FarleyF: Ben Ben or Benneb
marmalade_pen: with a mournful look in his eyes beej rode off into the sunset never to be seen again
Serpens77: Deep Memories(tm)
KharadBanar: *numbers start counting down from 99*
definenull: something something clown care (affectionate)
definenull: *car
accountmadeforants: Ian "Hunter" Horner
MrMatternot: Ian is unstoppable behind a wheel.
Simonark: Drenched Man Screams Obscenities Through Streets of Oak Bay was a memorable headline.
josh___something: DUCKS!
thebuzzstreams: Ian is the driver in Spy Hunter
definenull: well except that time the saab died ;_;
Hawkwreak: Ben might have gotten lost. But! He had a cool adventure with duckies!
spicyFerret_: quack!
TehAmelie: Ben is lost to the ducks
Orxolon: How many years does:"Thank you for having me it's great to be here" has?
RockPusher: Cool Technology!
Hawkwreak: @Orxolon Infinite..
ExachixKitsune: Oh Ser Bengineering
NotSoLuckyLydia: @definenull rest in peace Saabine
Orxolon: infinite hahahahaha
thegentlepus: @orxolon how old Is Wheeler?
TheWooglie: that red squiggle!
GhostValv: john madden
Simriel: this is a fantastically fun and silly game
Simriel: but wheeler gets the front seat xD
Therberus: 🦆🦆🦆🦆
bourgeoiscaesar: Look at all those chickens!
MrMatternot: In RoadQuest, Ian mentioned that he raced motorcycles. Is there any other info on HornerCycles?
TheWooglie: DNF
GhostValv: lmao
Serpens77: Ben was never seen again.
Orxolon: thanks for coming Beej XD
TehAmelie: he belongs to the birds oh okay there he is
TeacherSeanTV: Beej: Job well done
Astramentha: DinoDance
ArcticAtlantic: lol Ben
Furyfire: lol
PMAvers: The LOOPS!~
Hawkwreak: The goddamn loops.
thebuzzstreams: Love the Ben going in loops
definenull: jacob LUL
NotSoLuckyLydia: @MrMatternot I think he brought in a photo of him winning a motorcycle race to a LRL, for a "guess if this story from my past is made up" bit.
luke_warme: lmao
Orxolon: DNF
Lord_Dodo: Love Jacob in the background
NovaTiempo: background sip
GhostValv: sips
Earthenone: i feel beej derserves a dnf too :P
thebuzzstreams: Don't think I noticed Jacob in the background there the first time i saw it
ArcticAtlantic: "Did Not Find"
Hawkwreak: lrrHEART_SG
Simonark: "The Few, The Proud, The Able To Reach Coffee"
ExachixKitsune: oh good
ExachixKitsune: Everyone loves Richard Therpston III
Orxolon: @Earthenone i agree
Hawkwreak: I love how the first sound played by Gus just sounds like... Whimsy noise.
TehAmelie: homeopathic animal control, what a concept
Simonark: If James overhears QWERPline again today, will he finally get so many Lorna Schlitzwhistle references after a whole decade?
adambomb625: This episode had the most important intro af
adambomb625: *intro ad
haberley: the mountain man slam can was also pretty integral
josh___something: God, edith is messy af
Astramentha: oh no ediiiiiith
NotSoLuckyLydia: I'm ALSO a disgusting finger mammal
Astramentha: I love her, Edith is perfect
ExachixKitsune: Edith the bi icon we need
TehAmelie: hmm has the whole series so far taken place over a summer?
UltraVioletVodoo: morning yall, guess whos work is definetly trying to get them to quit, this gal
PawssumFable: Edith is great
Astramentha: Alex did SO GOOD in this role
Hawkwreak: @UltraVioletVodoo How bad are we talking
Jasper: DNF
Jasper: Jacob inside sulking
Jasper: lol
bourgeoiscaesar: They joke about Serge being the cinnamon roll, but Ben did walk in circles at the park looking at ducks during a challenge
Adambomb: the most important intro ad
Molladia: How does Derek know the term for being Duke'd
haberley: @UltraVioletVodoo oh no, i'm sorry to hear that
spicyFerret_: Good heavens, what are they feeding you?!
UltraVioletVodoo: @Hawkwreak i work for kroger in grocery delivery, theyve cancled my routs 4 days in a row
Astramentha: @ultravioletvodoo :(
PawssumFable: Oh nice! I'll be able to continue my prime sub today.
PawssumFable: What great timing
Hawkwreak: @UltraVioletVodoo Fuckin... phenomenal. Sorry!!
ExachixKitsune: I love this bit
UltraVioletVodoo: thanks for the commiseration
TehAmelie: maybe nobody can afford groceries? heh heh um
PawssumFable: What
Desruprot: Publicly funded doesn't always mean public use sadly
Molladia: I REALLY want to compile a full list of everything Lorna has called G-Money and Alex
FarleyF: namaste
TehAmelie: Lorna sonded a little robotic there, how it would wound her to know that
Desruprot: the wee-fees
UltraVioletVodoo: @TehAmelie thats extremely possible, every person ive delivered to hasnt had a reciepte displaying under 250usd
NotSoLuckyLydia: "Gromp" and "Graaaah" are both top tier, Molladia
Hawkwreak: Read the colon
DaSunao: Oh no
NotSoLuckyLydia: "Foliage enthusiast" is. An excellent description of Justice Zeph
Astramentha: oh noooooooo
Molladia: @NotSoLuckyLydia The way it just floats off into nothingness makes the Graaaaah perfect
Desruprot: oh noooo
josh___something: Wait, former?
Desruprot: oh right the scientists have the spite house
josh___something: OH RIGHT
UltraVioletVodoo: oh right the possible explosion
SquidVorb: lmao
type_variable: ah wha
cle0deen: Morning
Hawkwreak: Even Lorrna knows Homeopathy is utter nonsense.
TehAmelie: i'd call that a broken clock scenario
Astramentha: I hope that Etsy account exists
warpstonewarlock: It doesn't IIRc
the_phantom_game_player: Kathleen is great plahing those type of characters
SquidVorb: Link 404s
Astramentha: aww, oh well
UltraVioletVodoo: if it doesnt ive been thinking of making that etsy store
TehAmelie: isn't etsy going full AI?
Astramentha: @ultravioletvodoo Make up for grocery fuckery, time to sell LRR-themed new age snake oil
Desruprot: @TehAmelie that wouldn't make sense, AI can't make physical things
UltraVioletVodoo: @Astramentha i would probably sell cool rocks i find on hikes
Tyranus421: so Alex is both a werewolf and Ulamog without knowing?
Desruprot: Etsy would be the last place for I think
Desruprot: oh the game Werewolf
TehAmelie: tell that to Coca Cola company. . .
Astramentha: @ultravioletvodoo Everyone can always use a cool rock
MrQBear: he what?
Featherweight_: If Ai use had to make sense no one would use it
UltraVioletVodoo: ive always wondered if gus is quiet or mute
FarleyF: ah that hot Alex on Alex action
Desruprot: You have no power here Jedi
ExachixKitsune: so, what does an Aldersman do vs a Mayor?
FarleyF: beat them alphabetically
Desruprot: Aldersman tends to do ceremonial stuff, Mayor tends to run the town or help run the town if the town also has halls/council
ExachixKitsune: ahhh
UltraVioletVodoo: i definetly thought aldersman was governor
Featherweight_: I don’t like him but I respect how much he like trains
type_variable: @ExachixKitsune i asked g this on mastodon, richard is mayor of nsburg, alex is in charge of the greater jewelsburg county which includes heathston, lesser miami, nsburg etc
ExachixKitsune: ahhh, cool!
Desruprot: heh mobile education
type_variable: and technically a-train is the Aldersm'n, which isnt an alderman
shadowmaster132: I think of it like London vs City of London
UltraVioletVodoo: such a good sketch
Desruprot: Mind Palace, someone call the Phantom Thieves
TehAmelie: of course nsburg is such a small town it's not its own county, should have known
GhostValv: :(
hackingducks: wow, his mind palace go robbed
incslayer: more like he went overboard on marie condo
kimmiekoneko: it's more of a mind condo
UltraVioletVodoo: so excited for new season of friday nights
SquidVorb: That logo!
Tyranus421: when is the new season of Friday Nights coming out again?
Desruprot: limesBrows
warpstonewarlock: Thief? So Dimir after all
TheGhostOfZero subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 83 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheGhostOfZero! (Today's storm count: 44)
Desruprot: @Tyranus421 They have been working on it, I dont think I got my playmat
hesterbyrde: This is absolutely one of my favorite Friday Nights Episode. It has my favorite things. Cameron being salty. Kathleen egging him on. And Adam being an excellent foil for their nonsense.
type_variable: theres a pink one on cams back lol
FarleyF: I identify with simic as I'm a green player And I am not selesnia
IaCthulhuFthagn: Silly quiz, everyone knows FN Kathleen is Gruul.
Desruprot: Kathleen is probably Jund, she likes Black
incslayer: perfect Adam
EikoandMog: I like adam is wearing Green and Black there
josh___something: XD
warpstonewarlock: LUL
TehAmelie: i like to think i'm so deeply blue i'm all about Abzan, as a feint
aussie_rob_w: FN Kathleen should have a Jund Cats commander deck.
warpstonewarlock: Mardu for me
warpstonewarlock: or Rakdos if going two-colour
Desruprot: LUL
RockPusher: Baxter is the Ajani-at-home
aussie_rob_w: I am the red mage of my LGS.
Desruprot: My arena avatar default is Ugin, then it varies per deck
FarleyF: tbf FN Kathleen started with the angry kitties deck
Orxolon: lrrFINE
incslayer: its bad when Adam is the reasonable one
warpstonewarlock: Is it?
hesterbyrde: I deeply enjoy how dead inside Adam looks in this exchange. He's such a good actor.
incslayer: @warpstonewarlock izzet? thief!
josh___something: damn...
CAKHost: Graham is Commander Playable?
josh___something: LUL
Orxolon: XD
RockPusher: Wait, you can Brainstorm wrong‽
Orxolon: you can brainstorm wrong?
IaCthulhuFthagn: @aussie_rob_w Does "red mage" in this context mean RDW or ruby storm?
incslayer: !brainstorm
incslayer: !findquote brainstorm
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
Tyranus421: brainstorm defensively
incslayer: how is there no quote about brainstorm
josh___something: Well... about that
FarleyF: !card brainstorm
LRRbot: Brainstorm [U] | Instant | Draw three cards, then put two cards from your hand on top of your library in any order.
Desruprot: LUL
warpstonewarlock: Organised? And he thinks he's Izzet?
IaCthulhuFthagn: Brainstorming in your own main phase but in response to your own spell just so your opponent can't call you out for using it at sorcery speed.
marmalade_pen: golgari 4 lyf
Orxolon: i want to do that quizz
josh___something: That laugh, jesus
ExachixKitsune: hehehehehehe
Krektogar: excellent laugh adam
Desruprot: @Orxolon If you have an extra 3 hours I guess
josh___something: That could kill a man
NotSoLuckyLydia: Adam has an infectious laugh
TehAmelie: or, Brainstorm in your main phase to make the opponent think your mind is weak
hesterbyrde: he really does
Orxolon: @Desruprot i do
RockPusher: Oh wow!
MrQBear: Yesssssss
marmalade_pen: oh boy
PMAvers: oh NO
Molladia: YAY
incslayer: ohh YES
Desruprot: limesLook
Woodthorn: Oooh, this one's fun! :D
KinkerbellRose: Oh boy...
Araragi298: WOW this is OLD
cmdrud87: yaaass
bagfullofbees: oh, I love this one
roefizzlebeef: yesssssss
RockPusher: the KS Iron Stomach lrrAWESOME
DaSunao: Woo!
aussie_rob_w: Deep cuts!
IaCthulhuFthagn: I rewatch this more than RoadQuest.
RubikDarkwill: Almost 10 years
FarleyF: oh i love this one
MrMatternot: Loooong hair Kathleen...
TheWooglie: cue "they look so young" comments
Redpandarama: oh yes, a classic!
incslayer: this is the first use of the Vitamix i believe?
Molator: oh no, im eating
felipe_modesto: ++
DaSunao: lrrGARBO
RockPusher: All Hail the Vita Mix!
BorgarWithAShotgun: oh, yeeeees
NapalmSideburns: mediocre tapenade
cmdrud87: you should do another one of these
CAKHost: Oh hey Beej's dice tower!
ExachixKitsune: ! 25A is too many Amps
NotSoLuckyLydia: the A C T I O N dome!
Orxolon: 2014,they were aall sooo "litlle" XD
cookiebeard: Smoortie
KinkerbellRose: Dear LORD. James looks infantile.
TehAmelie: where can i get a three-phase generator to run this blender?
Molladia: It's fascinating how little everybody has changed.
incslayer: @Orxolon except beej who looks exactly the same
incslayer: the beej never ages!
Orxolon: hahahaha,you're right
Molladia: Except Kathleen who has had uncountable hair styles
ExachixKitsune: actually, what are US/CAN Electrical supplies/sockets rated to
TheWooglie: ah before covid
josh___something: beardless james looks so odd now
Wolfstrike_NL: James; Lickable
incslayer: that is a good question kits
marmalade_pen: Sal Mickey
cmdrud87: "foul dirt, that has been cursed by a witch"
GenericHerooo: Hi, everyone! KonCha VirtualHug
Genie_M: Perfect salmiakki face
Orxolon: 1 job
josh___something: ONE JOB, james
inconsideratehat: @thewooglie more importantly, before the team-wide lick ick
RockPusher: escher3SAFETY
JaggerGTV: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Abavus: That was the "action"
josh___something: Oh, whatever was inside that got killed to DEATH
incslayer: @ExachixKitsune from a quick wikipedia jaunt i think its max 125 V AC, max rating 15 A
RockPusher: The Vita Mix — a part of our LRRitage
ExachixKitsune: incslayer : cool, thanks!
5 raiders from Herbert_Erpaderp have joined!
TehAmelie: "i'll fool them by putting in a higher amp circuit breaker" *the entire wiring of the house melts*
MaddestScientist: they're all so young lol
thebuzzstreams: Cam is error!
KinkerbellRose: LUL
EikoandMog: Cam has had an experience
DistractedMOSFET: oh man, memories
aussie_rob_w: I am suddenly reminded of Cam's pocket bacon expression.
bagfullofbees: man, Cam with no grey is a sight
NapalmSideburns: no-sell de vere in action
TheWooglie: good start
MrBrightside1: not the whole ginger
RockPusher: Ginger, soggy
MrQBear: @MrBrightside1 Yes, the WHOLE ginger.
Woodthorn: Yes, the whole ginger
KinkerbellRose: I got kimchi in my fridge.
Abavus: but why
IaCthulhuFthagn: I need to make more kimchi.
MaddestScientist: why
BorgarWithAShotgun: Fight Rollercoaster?
PMAvers: Let's go to the ACTION DOME
Woodthorn: @KinkerbellRose Sounds like you're partway to making the smoothie then
NotSoLuckyLydia: Ginger and kimchi are assertive flavors. I dont know that the werthers will survive this meeting
hackingducks: life before the blendtec blender
Dani El: "Who wants to lick my fingers?" 💀💀💀
Zentyfresh: Fun sewage./
incslayer: that is a chemical orange
Araragi298: kimchi smoothie sounds uniquely bad
baltimore_667083: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: a Russian nesting doll of voting
morgoth_bauglyr: the yellow mellow
TehAmelie: the color is very werther
KinkerbellRose: Pumpkin soup in a cup.
IaCthulhuFthagn: @NotSoLuckyLydia It makes this nice dip unpleasantly sweet.
incslayer: its trying to exit the cameron
baltimore_667083: this is triggering my gag reflex LUL
hackingducks: i doubt i could finish that if it were just the ginger
MrMatternot: Chewing the kimchigingerwerthers
Woogachaka: Cameron is nothing if not committed to the bit
Molladia: Looking at the timer 23hrs. It almost seems likely we wont actually go the full week.
TheWooglie: food escape!
KinkerbellRose: Cam is a trooooooper.
cookiebeard: Ginger, kimchi and sugar are stuff that i'd definitely put in a stirfry, so...not that bad?
MaddestScientist: you shouldnt have to chew a smoothie
Cunobelenos: that amount of ginger will buuuuurn
cmdrud87: @baltimore_667083 it gets worse
TehAmelie: maybe we should call it a chunkie
baltimore_667083: !badadvice
LRRbot: A Klobb.
L0rdX33n: i’m getting sick
Simonark: Well I'm not feeling as potent a need for breakfast as I did five minutes ago.
Genie_M: I really like kimchi
Hangedman: the timer tends to tick up once the day starts
Genie_M: Not this way probably
patfinder: kimchi battle
Simonark: I'm definitely not a big Werther's fan
TehAmelie: mouth wrestling!
KinkerbellRose: Kathleen concerns me.
MrMatternot: Kathleen is a flavour King 👑
KinkerbellRose: In the best ways.
cmdrud87 gifted a Tier 1 sub to JaggerGTV!
cmdrud87 gifted a Tier 1 sub to angreesloth!
cmdrud87 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Contrapastan!
cmdrud87 gifted a Tier 1 sub to EonsofIan!
cmdrud87 gifted a Tier 1 sub to BearGanon!
cmdrud87 gifted a Tier 1 sub to iarethel0ser!
cmdrud87 gifted a Tier 1 sub to DJ_Bouti97!
cmdrud87 gifted a Tier 1 sub to happy_harp!
cmdrud87 gifted a Tier 1 sub to tenthtechpriest!
cmdrud87 gifted a Tier 1 sub to dreadis_darkore!
cmdrud87 is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 317 in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Contrapastan! (Today's storm count: 45)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, EonsofIan! (Today's storm count: 46)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, JaggerGTV! (Today's storm count: 47)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, angreesloth! (Today's storm count: 48)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, iarethel0ser! (Today's storm count: 49)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, happy_harp! (Today's storm count: 50)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, tenthtechpriest! (Today's storm count: 51)
TehAmelie: Paul is the winner
JaggerGTV: @cmdrud87 Thanks for the gift sub!
thebuzzstreams: Subs for the blender!
hackingducks: so paul's is just a regular recipe?
Araragi298: I would drink this one
cmdrud87: yw
Simonark: I feel like you can just buy this pretty easily.
Cunobelenos: oh, that doesn’t sound bad at all
bagfullofbees: lol 5 bucks
Krektogar: 5 bucks? more like 15 today probably
TehAmelie: not great, but not terrible
TehAmelie: lrrBEEJ
IaCthulhuFthagn: Paul's was the prettiest.
amyg87: <3 <3
incslayer: that is a good color
ThatWhichNeverWas: Red Cabbage - as unpalatable as it is gorgeous
KinkerbellRose: That looks so good though.
MrBrightside1: its the grimace shake
hackingducks: mmm, tastes purple
commentarywife: it's sooo purple
Herbert_Erpaderp: Nice colour
Inkymouse: Oh, this is one of my all time favourite vids
Simonark: Ironically, it produces on Paul's face... a Grimace
Tyranus421: they should call this one the Thanos
ErisOfSpace: is this the grimace shake people were going on about?
hackingducks: it's basically just uncooked oatmeal porridge
TehAmelie: i'd like to think it has the same texture and flavor as Thanos
TheWooglie: Gritty Thanos
MrQBear: @TehAmelie That is a visual I didn't know I would have today.
cookiebeard: Leave it a few hours and you'd have some very trendy overnight oats
incslayer: bland and awful? blawful
IaCthulhuFthagn: Microwaving it (or leaving it in the fridge overnight) would probably make it pretty decent.
Tyranus421: drinking this is a choice, and the hardest choices require the strongest wills
ErisOfSpace: also, since they blended the whole apple without removing the seeds, trace amounts of cyanide!
TehAmelie: the mushrooms is i think what gives the dirt taste
cmdrud87: cheer400
an_archist2: bad apple jumpscare
Radjack: Wiat the background music is bad apple! I recognise that riff!
MrMatternot: Noice BadApple
cmdrud87: cheer100
IaCthulhuFthagn: The immediate pivot is great.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, cmdrud87! Welcome to BearGanon, DJ_Bouti97, and dreadis_darkore! (Today's storm count: 54)
nichwolfwood101: I love this smoothie competition. also RIP Bill
GazzyInferno: right, i forgot they used a chiptune Bad Apple for this segment
KinkerbellRose: I love me some bad apple.
BorgarWithAShotgun: !badadvice
LRRbot: Negotiate with the badger.
incslayer: ahh yes sewage
Inkymouse: blorp
azninsect: oh.
hackingducks: ew.
Austere_Squire: that... that's not a liquid
azninsect: that slopped.
todeswillen: this is mud
veelofar: I don’t know how many times I’ve watched this, and I’ve never noticed that the bg music is Bad Apple
thebuzzstreams: That color drink still haunts my nightmares to this day
RockPusher: Earthy
KinkerbellRose: For KATHLEEN to act like that. Concern.
EikoandMog: That's the first real retch here.
TehAmelie: we've made mud
incslayer: @Austere_Squire its almost a liquid
Austere_Squire: that is mud?
azninsect: it is all of it
thebuzzstreams: @Austere_Squire Cursed mud!
azninsect: i appreciate kathleens way with words
IaCthulhuFthagn: By the description, this tastes exactly how you'd expect a button mushroom and tea smoothie to taste.
LeeshaJoy: asphalt.
Austere_Squire: PAUL NO
azninsect: paul nooo
Tyranus421: this feels like that one sketch where they make beer in the moonbase, and Beej was like “my body is ready”
FarleyF: it's a golgari special
incslayer: Paul has a literal iron stomach
KidAmn: the Paul no-sell
BorgarWithAShotgun: why does Beej have an actual stein?
KidAmn: @BorgarWithAShotgun You don't have a stein, for quaffing?
BorgarWithAShotgun: or had.
incslayer: @BorgarWithAShotgun you dont have a stein at home?
ArrestedHouse: lrrBEEJ
bv310: "Foul dirt that has been cursed by a witch" is my go-to flavour description for anything particularly foul
cookiebeard: Paul did after all do a "not bad" nod after jameses smoothie...
ThatWhichNeverWas: Aaaaall the salt
IaCthulhuFthagn: Right, this one.
cmdrud87: "we've made tapanade"
IaCthulhuFthagn: So many nice dips in this episode.
thebuzzstreams: We call this drink "The Heel"
Abavus: That does not look like good rye bread lrrAWW
ThatWhichNeverWas: It's really hitting me how little these people have changed in the past 10 years. In a good way.
bv310: This one just looks like I want to dip carrot sticks in it
KinkerbellRose: OH noooo.
azninsect: thicc
vegadotexe: this looks like something you see a doctor for
MaddestScientist: so cursed
incslayer: that looks like it has already exited a body
return_of_floki4242: O hell
MrPhlip: Is this the Thick One I've heard so much about
luke_warme: mmm fresh shlopp
azninsect: oh thats so much
Araragi298: it looks like what my body produces after too mcuh chipotle
Abavus: Wait what were the other ingredients?
RockPusher: Bad news everyone!
azninsect: "bad news, this is fine"
NotSoLuckyLydia: rye bread, olives, and artichoke hearts.
thebuzzstreams: @Abavus Rye bread, olives, artichoke hearts
cmdrud87: alivess, artichoke heart, rye bread
LoadingReadyRun: Morning all! Looks like the overnight watch a long started 15 minutes later than expected so we'll be live back in the studio in about 30 minutes.
ExachixKitsune: 1 nothing wrong with this, 2 nothing wrong with this...
Abavus: Thanks.
FarleyF: Graham crackers or as Graham calls them crackers
KinkerbellRose: @LoadingReadyRun ♥ Take your time. We're entertained~
Krektogar: yeah, G went a bit over to finish a mission in D2
NapalmSideburns: @LoadingReadyRun yes, destiny went over time a bit
commentarywife: It's Graham's fault :p
Earthenone: the whole subathon started 15 minutes late, G was just maintining the schedule
BorgarWithAShotgun: smut is seasonal. interesting
TehAmelie: i love lemon licorice
IaCthulhuFthagn: This one, while divisive, would probably be my favourite.
L0rdX33n: “smut is seasonal”
incslayer: ahh yes a pound of butter
DistractedMOSFET: oh yes the butter!
Austere_Squire: w h a t
hackingducks: that's a lot of grahams
cmdrud87: "and now, we're making French food"
IaCthulhuFthagn: But not for quick xonsumption.
Molladia: @LoadingReadyRun What is at the end that we'll miss by stopping early?
thebuzzstreams: @L0rdX33n All four seasons if we go by Beej's Anime roundup
SharktoothJack: ooh, this is one of my old favorites
KinkerbellRose: That one "Buttah' lady would be proud.
incslayer: the vitamix is angry
josh___something: The vitamix is NOT HAPPY
SharktoothJack: Vitamix plus+
TehAmelie: and we dare not go to full power
commentarywife: they should have melted the butter
thebuzzstreams: Should have melted the butter probably
Chronomagistrate: This is the one that would make me tap out.
Abavus: LUL
Abavus: oh no
azninsect: its a lot of butter
roefizzlebeef: when beej says “I’ve never heard it make that noise before” you KNOW you should be nervous
FarleyF: eye cream
Austere_Squire: cursed butter
TehAmelie: i'm sure you could bake something with that
Astramentha: looks like pistachio ice cream
Austere_Squire: i hate it
Rhast0r: butternade
ThatWhichNeverWas: This makes my heart hurt
azninsect: immediate
hackingducks: that one is also a insta-hork
thebuzzstreams: Beej's face kills me here
Austere_Squire: oh no
incslayer: butterade
Austere_Squire: i hate it
KinkerbellRose: I'd totally try it.
DahudLefthanded: BEEJ
HubbeKing: to be fair, it's mainly butter and water
MaddestScientist: proof that butter is too powerful
Eklinaar: Kathleen with fingy out
NotSoLuckyLydia: i mean, its butter and lemon. those are both yummy together
TehAmelie: "rich" as in "almost pure butter" eh
incslayer: @HubbeKing with some lemon
DistractedMOSFET: turns out butter is good
thebuzzstreams: Butter makes everything great
cmdrud87: @thebuzzstreams I literally learned that in cooking class
DistractedMOSFET: oh yeah, the marmite
josh___something: Is this fucking BAD APPLE?!
MaddestScientist: yes
ExachixKitsune: it sure is bad apple
Hangedman: i always forget about the touhou midis
MrMatternot: Is an avocado a BadApple?
Abavus: Didn't put the whole avocado in. Cowards KappaClaus
ThatWhichNeverWas: Turns out your brain REALLY likes fat mixed with sugar
bagfullofbees: oh, I love the bit with the pumpkin
cmdrud87: "this is my pumpkin f***ing scar"
an_archist2: a second bad apple has hit the iron stomach video
Hangedman: earlier it was night of nights
Chronomagistrate: I really wish I liked the taste of butter
ThatWhichNeverWas: even more if theres any salt in there.
DiscordianTokkan: Hands ARE natures Spoon
McArgh is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 37 in the channel!
McArgh gifted a Tier 1 sub to spys212!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, McArgh! Welcome to spys212! (Today's storm count: 55)
RockPusher: Fist that pumpkin!
KinkerbellRose: AGAIN
azninsect: oh alex
incslayer: Only the finest Pumpkin Fisting here on Loading Ready Run
SharktoothJack: pumpkin fisting time!
KinkerbellRose: Oh this is going to be foul.
DistractedMOSFET: oh i forgot that detail
TehAmelie: butter is suggested if you really badly need to travel on foot and bring your own food. as much calorie per weight as you can get, as long as you can stand the process of eating it
NotSoLuckyLydia: ah, so this is JUST gonna taste like marmite
roefizzlebeef: ohhh nooooo
cmdrud87: "I never want to drink a turkey!"
hackingducks: ruined
DistractedMOSFET: i still want to try british marmite someday (here in new zealand we have a different marmite)
Bassios: I fukken' love marmite
thebuzzstreams: LRR should revisit smoothie making antics again
hackingducks: vegemite is definitely not marmite
thebuzzstreams: smells like turkey, looks like shamrock shake
Bassios: If you're making beef gravy, add just a little bit of marmite to it and it makes it so much meatier
MrMatternot: Kayhleen with the proper wafting technique
northos: Alex dot exe has encountered a problem
ClockTamer: I woke up to one of my fav vids Yay!
incslayer: there is a second of of these i think right?
Kyle Moran: new boxing glove idea just hit
Chronomagistrate: @thebuzzstreams There was a Live segment a few years back with the thanksgiving smoothies
MrPhlip: am Alex ok
Molladia: Ringing noise?
ErisOfSpace: that was the turkey calling
incslayer: @Molladia i also heard a ringing noise
SharktoothJack: Paul “kimchi is not a subtle flavor” Saunders
cmdrud87: fgsHurk fgsHurk fgsHurk fgsHurk fgsHurk
Woodthorn: I want to see this recipe repeated, frozen and carved to see if it makes for solid trukey
TXC2: hello everybody
ProcyonFlynn: Good penaddCoffee Chat, hope not-Zeta was good?
DistractedMOSFET: "That's marmite!"
TehAmelie: you know, as i recall there was no stipulation in the rules that they had to run the things in a blender, just eat them together
TXC2: ah hey this video !
Aigarius: it's lingering!
KinkerbellRose: @TXC2 Morning~
ErisOfSpace: dawn dawn dawn dawn...
TXC2: hi KinkerbellRose
cmdrud87: "beej can see through tiime"
incslayer: @TXC2 Hey TXC2 you missed most of it
ThatWhichNeverWas: Clearly this needs to be mixed with gravy
TXC2: hi incslayer
ArrestedHouse: lrrBEEJ 󠀀
vegadotexe: "tastes like a horrible warzone with good culture" goes hard
thebuzzstreams: Beej has seen things...
TXC2: Beej looks like he's about to see in 3d there
DiscordianTokkan: Beej dot exe has experienced An Error
Aigarius: Beej is already seeing all future "can Beej eat it" instances
ThePov42: Such a good beej face
thebuzzstreams: Right, I'm off to bed, g'night chat!
ThePov42: Also it's weird seeing the crew a decade ago, they look so young
TXC2: so long thebuzzstreams sleep well
ProcyonFlynn: What I'm gathering from this video - Loading Ready Live has been remarkably tame actually.
KinkerbellRose: @thebuzzstreams Nini!
TXC2: ThePov42 but they look so much better now
FarleyF: Heather in the background
cmdrud87: and we extended the stream to 2 pm tomorrow. Good work, us!
TXC2: oh heck yes this episode
IaCthulhuFthagn: @TXC2 Important followup ^^
ExachixKitsune: yah, heather just eating a disguisting smoothee in the background
abslomdaak42: Oh hell yeah! The Exile Zone!
ThePov42: Oh yeah the fashion game has improved in the last decade
Earthenone: has ben picked up his tokens yet?
ShaneLeeAtk: Now I want Marmite on toast
cmdrud87: "we met at a timed solitaire competition"
Molladia: Who's our guest this morning on "Coffee with James"
FarleyF: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Coffee w/ James & Guests at Wed 06:00 AM PDT (8s from now).
definenull: he's storming off!
Earthenone: @Molladia cam and jacob
TXC2: Molladia Jacob and Cameron I heard
McArgh: !help
RocknGrohlNerd: oh ravnica, simpler times
RockPusher: Alrighty, I need to sleep for t'work in the morning — be good, have fun, enjoy the entertainment lrrSHINE
ErisOfSpace: they did say the watch-a-long is going to end a little late, so ~15m
incslayer: i like narrator Graham
Orxolon: the exile zone,
TXC2: so long RockPusher sleep well
incslayer: Sleep Well RockPusher
IaCthulhuFthagn: Ah, Bump.
TXC2: good cards, and bump in the night
RocknGrohlNerd: @RockPusher good night
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I have no memory of this...
roefizzlebeef: this is such a fun episode premise
MrPhlip: Destiny ran long this evening, so the watchalong got delayed
IaCthulhuFthagn: @TXC2 Hey now, mono black burn is an actual deck right now.
Aigarius: this reminds me how I changed saturation on my webcam back in 2020 and never bothered to turn it back up again
FarleyF: I wonder if they still have all those bumps
TehAmelie: i liked the Exile Zone, but they tried way too hard in "Absolutely exiled from the game for-friggin-ever" Zone
cmdrud87: that draft format had Disinformation Campaign. Ah, good times.
Astramentha: I love how “collapse on couch and groan” is half of all times Cam enters frame
definenull: "whole lotta 1/1s" sounds like a preview of bloomburrow
RocknGrohlNerd: good sleeves Cam good sleeves
ErisOfSpace: Cameron did get boros on the ravnican guild quiz..
TXC2: me when I have to play to get an Arena daily :p
Earthenone: collapse and groan is cams intro, fuck is cams exit :P
incslayer: it feels odd to hear someone actually call Ben Benjamin
TehAmelie: i'm lying, i actually love that Un-card that introduced "super remove from the game"
Astramentha: @earthenone XD
roefizzlebeef: "who is Commander Night" is such a good joke lol
northos: honestly bridge stream when
definenull: ^
Noy2222: When is Bridge stream?
IaCthulhuFthagn: ^
incslayer: ^
definenull: would unironically watch a bridge stream
todeswillen: was this bevor or after the Raffica Quiss
warpstonewarlock: I tried to learn Bridge once. Never again.
Earthenone: i assume when wheeler finishes playing every pokemon game on ityc :P
kynelwynn: Only if Wheeler's playing
Orxolon: if no one remembers Magic invented yourself and get rich XD
Sevinon: @warpstonewarlock The trick is to have everyone in grad school just start playing at the same time.
PMAvers: I like this universe.
rasterscan: Magic; The Gathering
Kaerose: hey i remember this one
DiscordianTokkan: Magic The Gathering - Wheeler Voice
NekomimiNinja: p i c k u p y o u r t o k e n s
TehAmelie: my school had one guy who played MtG. he was "the weird guy", too. often confused with me
Noy2222: Pick up your tokens Ben
azninsect: pick up your tokens ben
incslayer: booh have to mute and actually work
tyrew0rm: Pick up your tokens Ben
ELD_Winterlight: BALD NELSON?
TXC2: in the laughter of children?
bv310: Correct answer from Nelson there
definenull: sounds about right
TXC2: correct response really
Molladia: Who's the forth player?
Orxolon: i hope we have more The exile zone next season
definenull: G probably
Astramentha: lrrSPOOP lrrSPOOP lrrSPOOP
Earthenone: presumably G. but he is nariting between turns
definenull: he got up to do that monologue
Lord_Hosk: The fourth player is us
PMAvers: "Have you heard of... Balatro?"
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @molladia clearly Graham.
thedepthandbreadthofseth: See
TehAmelie: snort
TXC2: see there you go
Earthenone: woah they 3d printed balatro cards for this bit?!
Earthenone: :P
TheWooglie: ah part 2
ArcticAtlantic: knowing that was coming made those messages very amusing xD
definenull: ah! the sequel to beej i mean beige
mizzytastic: don't worry, the stinger has you covered
marmalade_pen: part 2!
Astramentha: BibleThump
cmdrud87: that was random
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Who was the mime???
ProcyonFlynn: !quote Mime
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
bv310: Extremely sad slow mime
definenull: huh who was that
BorgarWithAShotgun: Ian with HAIR
kimmiekoneko: mimes *shakes fist*
the_phantom_game_player: Poor mime
northos: !findquote mime
LRRbot: Quote #7719: "A Mime is like a Clown right?" —Wheeler [2021-08-10]
Dumori: I do not recall that opening
TehAmelie: i hope they're just credited as "a mime"
Earthenone: !quote mime shouldent work they rarely speak :P
TXC2: wow delta was only 7 years ago ?
TXC2: or, WOW Delta was SEVEN years ago?
TacitusVigil: But James, a mime is a terrible thing to waste!
Serpens77: Vantabeige
thedepthandbreadthofseth: The second, @txc2
cmdrud87: @TXC2 yes, they would be out about 6 months later
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah when I visited LRR for the first time in 2017 they were in this Moonbase and were working on finding a new place
Astrovore: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
thedepthandbreadthofseth: What moonbase are we on?
marmalade_pen: brown light!!
ExachixKitsune: Moonbase the next one (5) was a 5 year thing I think which also helps scope timine
ItsThugDimmadome: 6
L0rdX33n: Brown light doesn’t exist
TXC2: thedepthandbreadthofseth six, moon base 3 in Japan
definenull: LUL
L0rdX33n: it’s just dirty orange
definenull: i vaguely got that reference
Abavus: @L0rdX33n Not with that attitude
MrPhlip: good ol' tech connections
HubbeKing: I forget the Necrobrownicon
ItsThugDimmadome: @L0rdX33n Hey! I danced under that name in college.
BorgarWithAShotgun: I just realised they are all wearing beige....
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Six... Huh. And three was when?
RandomTrivia: Sweet, I made it back for the sequel!
Earthenone: i assume brown light is the brown note on a diferent wave spectrum
TXC2: thedepthandbreadthofseth between 2010 and 2016
TehAmelie: i think of brown light as a worse version of "It"s deadlight
DiscordianTokkan: Ah, Delta.
TacitusVigil: What about the tacos?!
cmdrud87: when did they move to mk 6 again? like a year ago?
definenull: that had to give a brainfreeze
TheAinMAP: jlrrIcream
TehAmelie: they forgot about beige so hard they didn't even wear beige
TXC2: cmdrud87 last year yeah
Serpens77: @cmdrud87 just before Desert Bus last year I think?
DiscordianTokkan: A new Taupe!
RandomTrivia: Absolute smash hit pun
Bassios: "He's elected a new taupe!" kills me every time
TotalHell: That's a good joke
NotSoLuckyLydia: 12/10 joke
jarnatan: Some people are a one-man army. Paul is a one-man conclave
bagfullofbees: @Bassios I'm noticing that one for the first time
Earthenone: so this is what the taupe budget is for
TacitusVigil: Should have shouted holy smokes!
mrverbal: @Bassios it's such a perfect joke
cola_nq subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 39 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, cola_nq! (Today's storm count: 56)
TXC2: it's like its moving
TacitusVigil: This was an episode of Stargate
TehAmelie: oh, he's invented Pax from Firefly
TacitusVigil: No joke
RandomTrivia: I do like the implication that Ian, by exposure, is more resistant to VantaBeige
jarnatan: I live in the belief that this entire storyarch was made to let them make the elected a new taupe joke. I am basing this belief on nothing other than that would be very funny
TXC2: TacitusVigil a shockingly late season 4 episode no less
Lord_Hosk: lrrFINE
thedepthandbreadthofseth: It's actually a pretty warm tone. But needs must...
josh___something: P... paul, those goggles aren't protecting you from the vantabeige
definenull: so a peek behind the curtain: was that just colour-keyed in editing?
TehAmelie: the beige business peaks at 8 out of 13 points, like Jason in The Good Place's dance contests
TXC2: definenull almost certainly
Earthenone: gate is my favorite of the stars
Astramentha: o h n o
Genasi_Gaming: wait taupe eka for beige con?
InvadedOath: The new taupe still gets me
malfnord: I've been to Topeka, that tracks
Earthenone: Topeka is known for its pudding right? :P
TehAmelie: all i know of Topeka i learned from Almost Famous
jarnatan: Oh sweet the subcount just refreshed
ExachixKitsune: businessm'n
jarnatan: and jumped by like 500 subs as a result
L0rdX33n: Good comedian though
TehAmelie: "there's acid in the red beer cups"
Therberus: Beej's'mn
ProcyonFlynn: !upnext
definenull: wait so with the subcount updated, does this mean feet?
kynelwynn: Andrew Brimell was mime?
Metric_Furlong: Beejinessman
bagfullofbees: @TehAmelie All I know about Topeka I learned from that one episode of Showcase Showdown
RandomTrivia: @definenull It means we get feet yesterday...
NovaTiempo: ?!
jarnatan: No feet, only 'fut
ExachixKitsune: The forbidden tapes!
warpstonewarlock: oh, it's from the removed episode!
Makoforte: wait there was a removed episode? Why?
warpstonewarlock: copyright claim
Makoforte: ahhh
BrokenGolem: god, 2017 was a different era
ThatWhichNeverWas: Aww :(
Makoforte: oh for the ads, right?
TXC2: man Fuck copyright
warpstonewarlock: for Late Night Dub Fight
Makoforte: and they never reposted it without that bit?
jarnatan: We're having steamed claims
AtrusOfMyst: I miss Attack on Pie Pan
marmalade_pen: this reflector guy is op
cmdrud87: was this the on where they recreated the wondercore-ads?
warpstonewarlock: and its episode of Johnny Bravo
ErinusTV: I have so many questions
warpstonewarlock: @cmdrud87 that's still up
ExachixKitsune: goodbye!
LoadingReadyRun: going offline real quick
KinkerbellRose: Ian in the reflection. LUL
LoadingReadyRun: brb
ErinusTV: Ian in the reflection of the plate LUL
TehAmelie: it's called Wondercore
Cunobelenos: goodbye!
ThatWhichNeverWas: Man, the moment when Graham reminded Ben that it was going on a greenscreen. Perfection.
Inkymouse: @KinkerbellRose I was about to say!
bagfullofbees: I'm so sad that episode isn't available anymore
hackingducks: goodbye *stream goes down*
DNAli3n: amazing end to the watchalong
BigDaddyBland87: lrrFINE
DiscordianTokkan: Time to ROTATE the CUSHIONS
Earthenone: signal
Brozard: *Portal turret* Shutting doooown
Therberus: lrrFINE
MrMatternot: Refreshed
baltimore_667083: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
MrPhlip: Good news: the context for thst is unwatchable because that episode had a fun fight in it
Therberus: raavaFinger
FoxBehindTheTree: pivot
miniMacGuru: lrrSIG
RocknGrohlNerd: now hit the old f5
definenull: lrrSIG lrrSIG
josh___something: and, we're back!
josh___something: well, online
rasterscan: Ben killed the power to hide the shame of his defeat!
TXC2: rare double refresh for me :p
RocknGrohlNerd: we are so back, chat
FoxBehindTheTree: pivvvvot
bagfullofbees: well, this seems like as good a time as any to go to bed. 'night, chat!
Therberus: So day 3?
baskwalla: Happy timezone all
TXC2: so long bagfullofbees sleep well
Lord_Hosk: Oh no, the stream is gone forever, we will never see its like again...
M4RKNUTT: Goodbye. F5's chat.
KinkerbellRose: Hurray!
TXC2: Here we GO!
ShhIAmARealCat subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 37 months!
Earthenone: day 3, day 2 in canada
Lord_Hosk: oh wait there it is
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ShhIAmARealCat! (Today's storm count: 57)
definenull: oh that was weird
Pteraspidomorphi: It's a good time... for coffee
elysium_21 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 49 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, elysium_21! (Today's storm count: 58)
ItsThugDimmadome: Give it up for DAY 3!
commentarywife: friends!
MrMatternot: Hello
TXC2: Hello Jacob and Cameron
TotalHell: Hello! Hi!
amyg87: <3 <3 <3
Metric_Furlong: hello Cam an Jacob
jadielady: hello friends
Philocalist: Good morning!
SnowBuddy18: hi
KinkerbellRose: YAY! Cam and Jacob!
Sarah_Serinde: Oh hi Jacob and Cameron
FoxBehindTheTree: good morning cameron and jacob!
josh___something: Hi JACOB!
garion99: hi
yalc321: Good morning Cam and JAcob!
ArcticAtlantic: hello! sergeHi
thatladyinplaid: Good morning!
wench_tacular: good job existing
Cunobelenos: A Cam and a Jacob!
baltimore_667083: hello cam and jacob!
aussie_rob_w: good morning Cam and Jacob!
GhostValv: oh hi hello hi hello hi cheer100
mtvcdm: Morning
KinkerbellRose: Jacob, oh how I've missed you.
ExachixKitsune: Hello Jacob and hello Cam!
RandomTrivia: The morning has morning'd!
TXC2: Hello James
the_phantom_game_player: Hello
MrMatternot: Sublimated into existence.
Krektogar: Good morning early coffee people!
CelticGeek: Good morning!
BorealMage: hello!
abslomdaak42: Good morning
hypperstar2280: Good morning all! lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
ArtemisHuntress: Hello Drs LRR
quton: good morning
SageofShadowzF: Good morning
hesterbyrde: Oh boy
marmalade_pen: g'morn
WellFedGames: morning!
Lord_Hosk: Its dick!
amyg87: hi Jacob and Cam
TehAmelie: oh hai
varmintx0: omg, I couldn't see Jacob's legs and it just looked like a floating torso.
Short_Half_Life subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 70 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Short_Half_Life! (Today's storm count: 59)
Brozard: James, your pants are broken
commentarywife: Jacob is such a lot of energy for the morning
Knitting_Goblin: Good morning!
BlindProphet32: Morning James, Jacob and Cam
LidofLoathing: Isn't it 6 am there?
pn55: Morning James, Jacob, and Cameron! lrrSHINE
commentarywife: good thing it's 2pm here
yalc321 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 61 in the channel!
yalc321 gifted a Tier 1 sub to twasgaygary!
yalc321 gifted a Tier 1 sub to CoreyBMTG!
yalc321 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Twe4ky!
yalc321 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Yungera!
yalc321 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Baphi_!
Astramentha: Hi Jacob!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, yalc321! Welcome to Twe4ky, Yungera, twasgaygary, CoreyBMTG, and Baphi_! (Today's storm count: 64)
micalovits: Good "morning" from Denmark friends :D
KV1NN4: Gasp!
TheAlanHeffley: Theoretically existing!
BorealMage: Which coffee is it this morning?
rXpCH: yeay jacob !
Bassios: Oh heck, James, Jacob and Cam! Awesome!
Incandescent_Zubat: melizandeTAP coffee with cam and jacob?!
Creideiki_SE: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 6:20 AM
gluonquark: It's 4 pm here...
TXC2: yalc321 lrrHEART
Earthenone: matching mugs is a dangerous game
wench_tacular: #blamejames
drawnbinary: lord a minute and a half of ads
marmalade_pen: glame grahmes
RandomTrivia: Yeah, Graham was having too much fun playing Destiny
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Friskycharizard!
Cunobelenos: I blame those smoothies
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Friskycharizard! (Today's storm count: 65)
Jillexie: Let's talk about BattleTech!
KV1NN4: DinoDance lrrSIG DinoDance
Creideiki_SE: You're gonna chat? But we're chat!
ProcyonFlynn: Good Timezone and Happy Coffee penaddCoffee 'all
gualdhar: But that's 20 minutes less of content you have to make
TehAmelie: it was hard to put down Destiny
jarnatan: I thought one of the perks of doing online content was that you didn't need to get to work at 6am
the_phantom_game_player: #blamegraham
Denny40k subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 103 months!
todeswillen: Time Zone Check it is 3 :30 PM in Swisserland
StepInMyPep subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 25 months!
RandomTrivia: Pffft, yes you do
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Denny40k! (Today's storm count: 66)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, StepInMyPep! (Today's storm count: 67)
Jillexie is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 21 in the channel!
Jillexie gifted a Tier 1 sub to piratethealex!
Jillexie gifted a Tier 1 sub to Rhylax!
Jillexie gifted a Tier 1 sub to PluralKumquat!
Jillexie gifted a Tier 1 sub to Claudiohmtg!
Jillexie gifted a Tier 1 sub to bekuehling!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Jillexie! Welcome to piratethealex, Rhylax, PluralKumquat, bekuehling, and Claudiohmtg! (Today's storm count: 72)
definenull: (with consent)
DrStrangeAL subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 47 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DrStrangeAL! (Today's storm count: 73)
TXC2: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Sarah_Serinde: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Earthenone: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
TheRush192 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 43 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheRush192! (Today's storm count: 74)
TXC2: Jillexie lrrHEART
DiscordianTokkan: Oh good, I love Thon!
Desruprot: limesLook
Veggiekeks subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 63 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Veggiekeks! (Today's storm count: 75)
M4RKNUTT: Prime sub is available in 23 hours...
asthanius subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 76 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, asthanius! (Today's storm count: 76)
mtvcdm: I note the clock currently expires during the next watchalong, so get to stepping.
vingris_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 59 months!
vingris_: Enjoy this minute!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, vingris_! (Today's storm count: 77)
L0rdX33n: And now a word from our sponsor: Butts. That is all.
InvadedOath: Oh and the Loading Time where Ian was milking Ben. Nice
Icbat: Wooooooo! Coffee time!
Jess Kay: powerful friend combo
InvadedOath: Were you guys up for the King’s speech?
wench_tacular: so much maths so early
GhostValv: Cheer510
RandomTrivia: Gamers *do* love number go up, after all
Jillexie: Cheer500 Make timer go up.
Herbert_Erpaderp subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 60 months!
Herbert_Erpaderp: Yay!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Herbert_Erpaderp! (Today's storm count: 78)
Earthenone: you keep calling it a capped subathon, but no one is wearing any caps!
BorealMage: No simultaneous subathon/PPR this year
Shadree: Greetings from Down Under!
TehAmelie: i think it's been hovering around 24 hours for the last 12 or more
M4RKNUTT: Catching a subathon live is cool
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Taliesin_21 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Taliesin_21! (Today's storm count: 79)
wench_tacular: things are going to get weird
gualdhar: Not even Road Quest?
Laserbeaks_Fury: awkwardfart.wav
Therberus: What do you mean Jacob, Alex is a lovely individual
RandomTrivia: sergeCrimes
cmdrud87: Ask Graham about it, he does that regularly (on Watch+Play)
KinkerbellRose: Two hours with Alex is just free content.
ladyjessica: Jacob with the save
cmdrud87: nope
M4RKNUTT: N'awwww
Metric_Furlong: James "mmmmm" Turner
wench_tacular: no
BorealMage: I can't hear any
definenull: nope
AtrusOfMyst: If Watch And Play is any indication, it will be a good 2 hours
abslomdaak42: Very smooth, Jacob, very smooth
public_key_reveal_party: No
jacqui_lantern234: no music
Ceris75: no
Lord_Hosk: no music
Earthenone: nope
Kaerose: do not, no
Shadree: No music
ladyjessica: nope
GhostValv: nope :)
josh___something: But jacob's always cute
Therberus: None music, left streamer
KinkerbellRose: There's music?
baskwalla: no music
Denulius: no
Abavus: VoteNay
TXC2: no music
TheWooglie: So we starting on Warhammer on Transformers?
ottersqueals: silence
MrMatternot: No BGC
protojman: do you smell toast?
JRandomHacker: Coffee With James without James
RandomTrivia: No circles are audible, big, small, giant or otherwise
Laserbeaks_Fury: There are 4 lights
WiJohn: Only the music of your lovely voices
Krektogar: jsut the music running in my head
hesterbyrde: There is much cute happening this morning
M4RKNUTT: The only music I hear is James' voice ;)
Molladia: Dragula
Earthenone: for me its "crawling in my skin"
TheAlanHeffley: Great tastes
the_walking subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 78 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, the_walking! (Today's storm count: 80)
gluonquark: just the sound of silence
Metric_Furlong: Godsmack the song or Godsmack the band?
Brozard: I am smelling like a rose that somebody gave me
KinkerbellRose: Super Beast or Dragula here.
hawktonguebaby: James "It's too early to be cute" Turner
protojman: let the bodies go to sleep let the bodies go to sleep
baskwalla: We can now hear the music
TheWooglie: yes
jacqui_lantern234: yes
wench_tacular: sure
BorealMage: There it is
IronwoodWizard: yes
ArcticAtlantic: yes!
Narcuru: there we go
SnowBuddy18: there's always music, it's just not something everyone can hear
definenull: yep
warpstonewarlock: yup
commentarywife: we hear music now
RedNightmare7: Oh, already morning out there
Metric_Furlong: (the band is named after the song)
Denulius: yes
RandomTrivia: SingsNote !
hesterbyrde: I'm hoping for Warhammer and Not a Drop to Drink discussions personally
Mewr11: music is good
Shadree: Yes. It is fine
ErisOfSpace: !bgc
LRRbot: Jimmy Hinson AKA "BigGiantCircles" is a musician whose chiptunes are featured during commercial breaks. His music, including LRR remixes and the soundtrack for Road Quest, is available here:
Earthenone: yes, we can hear it
DiscordianTokkan: Sound confirmed
GhostValv: it's fine
TXC2: no it's fine
LidofLoathing: yes! and no, it's not too loud
omdorastrix: Roadquest yay
baskwalla: It is at a good volume
Pteraspidomorphi: It is not too loud
NonUniqueGuy: music good
KinkerbellRose: Music on, sound is good.
Astramentha: it’s good
ArcticAtlantic: all good
RandomTrivia: Volume great
Therberus: Time to go on a quest, of the ROAD variety
AtrusOfMyst: Yes not too loud
Orxolon: lrrFINE
samwiser_: Perfect volume roadquest music
gluonquark: music
hesterbyrde: muzak!
MegaDosX: #JamesIsPaul
hawktonguebaby: it sounds like circles, but like…very large?
Metric_Furlong: James "Paul Saunders" Turner
gualdhar: Paul isn't chained to the stufip chair?
L0rdX33n: Delightful sound
Orxolon: hellooo every1
NoxStryx: There is no paul only zuul
garion99: music is good
hesterbyrde: Roadquest jams!
Orxolon: still here
RandomTrivia: BAHAHAHAHA
drawnbinary: yall can hear music?
Spooky_Noises: time till warhammer achived
commentarywife: lrrFINE
MegaDosX: Get got lmao James
BalthusHomewood: Hi! I love the Chromosome shirt, Jacob
hesterbyrde: "In warhammer..." there we go
HbombAndFriends: And introducing James as Paul.
drawnbinary: now yes
TXC2: we activated his trap card
the_phantom_game_player: The music is good
OmnipotentTrevor: I guess we need to sub so James can afford jeans without holes
micalovits: James just wanted to not have to talk for 2 hours
RocknGrohlNerd: zero to warhammer in 0,5 seconds
gluonquark: it's a triggered ability
Earthenone: i was literally typing ride of the valkyries :P
RandomTrivia: YESSSSS
thedepthandbreadthofseth: James, this is how people feel about magic...
wizzo1138: Cheer1600
malfnord: Hallelujah!
KinkerbellRose: Cameron. Well done Sir.
TotalHell: Cam: Nuln Oil or Agrax Earthshade as your standard shade?
MegaDosX: @malfnord That song might not be the right vibe for Warhammer
SnowBuddy18: Bodies and It's Raining Men could be about the same event
definenull: LUL
NoxStryx: Its raining men and bodies are about the same event from different perspectives
McArgh: Cheer400 time
RandomTrivia: Ah yes, the icebreaker of the week
Laserbeaks_Fury: A long, long time ago
Julian_Rogue: suddenly therapy with James
MegaDosX: Asked and answered.
FoxBehindTheTree: its raining men and let the bodies hit the floor are the same event different perspectives
RedNightmare7: Amen, Jacob
Brozard: Music is fairly loud
MrDrLewis: Cheer800
Abavus: Good bit
RandomTrivia: And two for two on "well, bad" as an answer :D
BorealMage: The woods are great!
Jillexie: This is like the questions from Erika during Desert Bus
Genasi_Gaming: mowglui ass sentance
NonUniqueGuy: "Why are you like this?"
cmdrud87: II forgot that Down with the Sickness sounded so much like Stone Cold's old theme
malfnord: @SnowBuddy18 On the contrary, that song is *exactly* the right vibe for Warhammer!
varmintx0: did you find woods porn?
public_key_reveal_party: Rural New York is bad. Source: I also grew up there
hawktonguebaby: Damn, what is this,?Alpha Flight now?
Woodthorn: @Jillexie Ah, yes. Proust, I believe?
definenull: oh no
Hedinnnnn: Cheer510
cmdrud87: Plase tell me you got a robe as well
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Where did Jacob Grow up? I thought he was from the Bronx...
Laserbeaks_Fury: oh man, Bookstores in the 80's were awesome. So much good stuff
TXC2: thedepthandbreadthofseth upsate New york
Nebula662: Cheer525 Good morning folks NonbinaryPride
chaos_blast_exe: @hawktonguebaby which one of them gets to be wolverine
Earthenone: my laundromat had the first arcade machine i ever used, TMNT denied me such a purchase
Astramentha: IMO, I think music could actually be a lil quieter?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @txc2 apparently.
Brozard: I heard “The ADHD Lite version”
TXC2: hello Nebula662 welcome
jessieimproved: I had no access to D&D when I was a kid during the panic. I had HeroQuest though and I made custom maps and quests for it.
marmalade_pen: @TXC2 really where i'm from utica...
commentarywife: I was just thinking the same, music is a lil loud
Jillexie: 80s bookstores are where I got into Fighting Fantasy books.
MrMatternot: Jacob. What is your fav camping biome (plains, swamps, forest, mountains, beach, etc)?
RedNightmare7: Good setup, little Jacob
MegaDosX: This is giving heist planning vibes and I love it
Molladia: I know James just came back out, but could the Music go down just slightyly?
River: hi morning coffee crew
Kyle Ladd Stobener: Morning!
Isaac Myers: I thought it was basic d&d
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @jessieimproved that's awesome!
NonUniqueGuy: My first RPG book was TMNT.
Julian_Rogue: "dnd was my porn" is such a very Jacob Burgess thing to say
Julian_Rogue: with love <#
Julian_Rogue: <3
measureofhope: That is an epic origin story
PMAvers: The bookstores were the best source of Battletech books.
TotalHell: When I was twelve I brought my D&D books to church and someone stole the.
definenull: "used" eww
RandomTrivia: "used porn" lrrFRUMP
TotalHell: *them
Genasi_Gaming: USED?
BorealMage: The pages are slightly tacky
wench_tacular: gross
MegaDosX: There is a difference between second hand porn and used porn
RandomTrivia: ^
Brozard: New porn doesn’t have the same crinkle
KinkerbellRose: I remember those brown cover books. I had few.
Laserbeaks_Fury: Our first D&D was that red box
inconsideratehat: OK so right away I'm seeing a level of motivation that demonstrates a lot about Jacob's success with fun work
L0rdX33n: All Jacob stories are gold. I confess I’ve stolen the Loch Ness whisky story because it’s so fun to tell.
KinkerbellRose: Heck, I still got a boxed Ravenloft floating around.
hawktonguebaby: "Yeah, this porn still has some life in it."
MegaDosX: Ironic
rogerivany: Probably snaky mcsnakeface.
Earthenone: those who live by the snake die by the snake
IaCthulhuFthagn: A Salamander?
abslomdaak42: Top 10 anime betrayels
Hangedman: there was a particular period when a bunch of dads decided they probably didn't need to keep boxes and boxes of near-mint penthouses
Fruan: not all snakes know each other, James
IaCthulhuFthagn: I remember a lot of those in ToEE.
PharaohBender27: Morning, all!
0011110000110011 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months!
0011110000110011: good morning everybody
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, 0011110000110011! (Today's storm count: 81)
Chronomagistrate: That was a broken clas!
TXC2: hello PharaohBender27 welcome
Chronomagistrate: *class
KinkerbellRose: I miss the old Advanced Monster Manual. Used to read that big bish for fun.
public_key_reveal_party: Oh, hey, I recognize that from commodore hustle
PharaohBender27 is gifting 12 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 1521 in the channel!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to nashhh61!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Theothol4x!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to SaltySaintNick!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Magical_Girl_Madoka!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to tankfrank65!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Sophie_the_bookworm!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Vyr1s!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to shesnarrating!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to xRUSH117x!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Zadan_Tyvianne!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to EnnuiPoet!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to trickonometry!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, PharaohBender27! Welcome to Magical_Girl_Madoka, Vyr1s, Sophie_the_bookworm, shesnarrating, Zadan_Tyvianne, nashhh61, Theothol4x, SaltySaintNick, tankfrank65, xRUSH117x, EnnuiPoet, and trickonometry! (Today's storm count: 93)
KinkerbellRose: Pharoh~
Fruan: is that where the sack of rats came from?
TXC2: PharaohBender27 lrrHEART
MegaDosX: Sounds vile
gluonquark: nice!
RandomTrivia: sergeGift lrrHEART sergeGift
L0rdX33n: Oh, the kobold translatlantic teleporter
ladyjessica: my favourite splat book for adnd was the book of artifacts.
Laserbeaks_Fury: I never got into D&D because, and I'm not entirely sure why, roleplaying makes me feel anxious. I can't even watch folks roleplay.
Chronomagistrate: TBF, a lot of classes from the splat books were very broken
KinkerbellRose: I actually recognize some of these names coming through. xD
ladyjessica: oooo in nomine!!
MegaDosX: That's a great first character name
RandomTrivia: Sweet name
PharaohBender27: Look, I want this to go until at least Friday evening, so got to add to that timer. :p
MrMatternot: Baquan was my first PC.
IaCthulhuFthagn: If Master Samurai is your bar for broken in 3E, wait until you see literally any PHB-only spellcaster.
ladyjessica: so few people I’ve met have heard of In Nomine!
RedNightmare7: My first D&D book was the Monster Manual for 3.5, we as friends each bought one of the books. I never did get that manual back...
aussie_rob_w: Or a V?
MegaDosX: My first character has a y in his surname, but no z
Izandai: mattlrLul
GhostValv: hah mine was V
josh___something: How dare you
measureofhope: Yeah I had a V
L0rdX33n: X’s are cool
Chronomagistrate: MIne was Cail
Hangedman: or an X pronounced like a Z
Narcuru: mine was Narcuru....
HubbeKing: yeah, my first character was Raz
Astramentha: I pass the name test!
Xed_Regulus: My name now is my first D&D character. LUL
BrokenGolem: huh, i pass the test
Brozard: My handle is my first characters name, with a B
Bassios: My first D&D character was "Reyix Forth"
WiJohn: Difnog, they were a dwarf and we were drinking eggnog
micalovits: The first I remember was Lyra, not 100% sure if that counts
Sibwow: mine was Keith
KinkerbellRose: Greyhawk anyone?
hesterbyrde: My first character was actually a character I inherited from my now husband because he had exams so I played her. Her name was Syl.
public_key_reveal_party: My first character I played once, and then our DM moved away after one session
ProcyonFlynn: "Frinn" Gnome Rouge. But I was super basic back then lrrHEART
SharktoothJack: yeah that tracks. my first character name was Brynn
Izandai: huh
MegaDosX: Now that's hateful
hesterbyrde: The first character I ever made myself was a drow blackguard named Traaxa Tziaare. XD
haberley: my first character was a reformed mini gelatinous cube called Sid Viscous
measureofhope: Cheer100 My group had a 5 e converted Birthright game a few years ago! It rocks!
aussie_rob_w: @sibwow all I can think of is the nice guy from Scrubs named Keith that JD hated because he was Elliot's boyfriend.
Orxolon: Luzean?
malfnord: I was a GURPS kid; I knew about it through osmosis but I honestly didn't touch D&D until 5e.
KinkerbellRose: Currently in a Pathfinder game right now though. Running Necros that's been slightly adapted. Excited AF. It comes with built in lichification.
josh___something: that's so mean
Jillexie: Yup, Jacob
MegaDosX: Jacob, facts