theymerLoviatar: fiddling with my Lily Bowen commander deck
Mazrae: !searchfortreasue
NovaTiempo: lrrCIRCLE
TXC2: !findquote circle
LRRbot: Quote #6357: "I am in the center of a trust circle and I do not like it!" —Heather [2019-08-22]
Gascitygaming: !badadvice
LRRbot: Give the demon sphere to Dale.
Tevildo: !searchfortreasure
LRRbot: You find: a Gem!
NekomimiNinja: !updog
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 14:25:19. lrrSPOT
EternalRoxas gifted a Tier 1 sub to Earthenone! They have given 16 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Earthenone! (Today's storm count: 522)
Sarah: Monikers
ALLxISxLOST: good game, very funny
maxthefourth: !quote 9036
LRRbot: Quote #9036: "I just did what the whale wanted." —Heather [2024-07-06]
Tevildo: !advice
LRRbot: Do not look directly at Mom.
Tevildo: !quote beej
LRRbot: Quote #1114: "Do you know the human body has to pee?" —Beej [2015-11-16]
AquariumPrime: !advice
Mazrae: Lol I need to quit misspelling the search for treasure command that's the second time I've done that and wondered why it didn't work
Earthenone: @EternalRoxas thanks for the sub! lrrCRAB :)
TXC2: Mazrae welcome to my life :P
NonUniqueGuy: !badadvice
LRRbot: Insert the soul.
EternalRoxas: @Earthenone lrrSHINE
Tevildo: !findquote subscribe
LRRbot: Quote #4664: "Don't forget to like, squeet, and subscribe." —Dix [2018-02-07]
Mazrae: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: beefy jeefy
Simon Pratt: Woo! Love monikers. Thanks, Sarah!
Sarah: It's gonna be wild
Lily the Otter: what's coming up next?
LoadingReadyRun: GOing to do a restart on the streaming PC to try to get the performance better
maxthefourth: !card treasure nabber
LRRbot: Treasure Nabber [2R] | Creature — Goblin Rogue [3/2] | Whenever an opponent taps an artifact for mana, gain control of that artifact until the end of your next turn.
TXC2: 25:25:25 coming up!
NovaTiempo: o7
Sarah_Serinde: Thanks Paul
TXC2: ok LRR
spicemelonge: whats next?
Juliamon: Monikers
beowuuf: monikers
Sorator13: @spicemelonge LRR-themed Monikers
maxthefourth: MonikLRRs
Tevildo: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: the abyss!
Sorator13: thanks to the various folks in the discord
Sorator13: (we did this!)
Tevildo: !quote ben
LRRbot: Quote #4902: "Protect the butt!" —Ben [2018-04-20]
IaCthulhuFthagn: Have people settled on how to portmanteau "LLR" and "Monikers" yet?
TXC2: so blame Discord is what I'm hearing Kappa
NovaTiempo: ooh, just notice the animation on the subathon logo
Mazrae: Okay while they restart the streaming PC everyone get in a quick few minutes power nap
DigitalSeahorse: when's the Temu games?
maxthefourth: !quote 9051
LRRbot: Quote #9051: "Today's word of the day is 'regret.'" —James [2024-07-17]
Lily the Otter: whoops, just looked at rhe chat
Lily the Otter: ignore me
Sarah: Haha no worries
Sarah: Heads up chat, the stream's going to go down for a minute
Sorator13: @IaCthulhuFthagn MonikLRRs, naturally
Earthenone: moikLRRs i belive
TXC2: MonkiLRRs
kristian_fischer: @IaCthulhuFthagn Or "LRR"
DNAli3n: i like moniklrrs
Sorator13: @TXC2 Absolutely
L0rdX33n: panic!
Tevildo: oh no
malfnord: lrrFINE
beowuuf: @DigitalSeahorse a few hours, monikers then catrography game first
BigDaddyBland87: lrrFINE
Shellsh0cker: What a lovely day for a picnic
NovaTiempo: !picnic
noblevegas: Picnic!
northos: lrrFINE it's a planned restart for performance
Texan_Reverend: We'll be back shortly, chat. No worries.
ReverseCreations: Today is a lovely day for A Picnic
RocknGrohlNerd: red baron II standing by
L0rdX33n: Screaming coherently
DaSunao: panicBasket lrrFINE
WardsarTheWriter: MonikLRRs, now a sound-only podcast.
mtvcdm: It will be a little bit, Camel Up finished early and some of the Monikers players aren't in the office yet.
NonUniqueGuy: !searchfortreasure
LRRbot: You find: a Potion of Healing!
IaCthulhuFthagn: @kristian_fischer My fingers are constantly conspiring against me, and I let down my guard.
noblevegas: @ReverseCreations Not here it ain't. LUL
Simon Pratt: Everything Is Fine!
Joshua Trytten: *panik*
DigitalSeahorse: @beowuuf vicksyInspect ty
maxthefourth: !card restart sequence
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
Tevildo: !findquote offline
LRRbot: Quote #804: "Ooh, xvidcore.dll not fou- [stream offline]" —Graham [2015-10-05]
Shellsh0cker subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Shellsh0cker! (Today's storm count: 523)
Juliamon: a clasic moment
Juliamon: wow I really REALLY can't type today
noblevegas: please tell me there is a clip of that
Juliamon: it predates clips sadly
noblevegas: aww...
ClockTamer: what stream was it from?
theymerLoviatar: hey chat, tell me where my at least one copy of Death's Presence is please
TXC2: !advice
LRRbot: Pick a difficult bone.
Sarah: Oh stream actually ended this time, we might need to migrate to a new live stream when it goes up
BusTed: on top of the dresser
mtvcdm: I do not have an easy ETA on when the Monikers players will all be in sooooooo stay patient chat
noblevegas: @theymerLoviatar Name might lend a clue? Kappa
TXC2: LRRbot thinks it's by your bone
BusTed: or maybe on that one shelf in the closet
jibkat: is the thon over?
Sarah_Serinde: Nope, quick restart
Juliamon: Just resetting for performance
TXC2: jibkat no, we just turning it off and on
jibkat: gotchas
BorealMage: @theymerLoviatar Usually when I can't find my keys, they're already in my pocket. Have you checked there?
marmalade_pen: !findquote performance
Camthelion: @theymerLoviatar it the back of the closet under the pile of clothes
jarnatan: Performance-enhancing power cycle
TXC2: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
RocknGrohlNerd: @theymerLoviatar have you tried under nearest simic player?
Nigouki: did monikers actually start or is the reset happening before that?
maxthefourth: Can it even be called Death's Presence if it's not present?
Sorator13: @jarnatan man, I wish I could do the same to myself
Sorator13: @Nigouki Has not started
ani laurel: huh
ani laurel: yeah, I don't see a live tab on the channel yet
Sarah: Stream's not back up yet
jarnatan: @Sorator13 Yeah I don't get rested from sleep either
TXC2: Nigouki before
Juliamon: Not all Monikers players are in the building yet
Mazrae: Are they going to comp us for the PC reset time, and or just pause the timer
TXC2: I have never once felt refreshed from sleep :p
Earthenone: nither i assume :P
Nigouki: well then, back to waiting
Dog_of_Myth: Just got off work, did something happen to the subathon?
Juliamon: TXC2 I have exactly once, after general anesthesia
Juliamon: Performance reboot
northos: yeah I don't think they planned any kind of comp for resets, but also the stream will likely run over a bit if we hit the full time so it's sort of a wash either way
Dog_of_Myth: Oh okay.
TehAmelie: just turning some things off and on again
Juliamon: the camera was having big struggs
TXC2: Dog_of_Myth turning it off and on again
missa_hancock: never imagined general to be actually restful. I always assumed the opposite hones
Dog_of_Myth: Thanks for the answers @Juliamon & @TXC2
Capt_clown: Performance Reboot was my College DEVO tribute band lrrBEEJ
TehAmelie: i keep having to reset my twitch tab cause chat slows down, don't know what's up with that
BorealMage: Flipping the comically-large breaker takes some time
itomeshi: @TXC2 @Juliamon has it right. Just get a colonoscopy. Best nap ever.
Sorator13: @missa_hancock I think the general anesthesia is restful; it's the other stuff that happens during it that is not
Juliamon: I think it's because you are FULLY out
Juliamon: when you sleep you're still slightly alert
TheMerricat: Chat, I have meme goldfish memory, but has today been especially fraught with stream issues more than the other two days so far? Feels like the equipment is rebelling.
RealGamerCow: I have that thing where I get very aggressive after anesthesia so that doesn't work for me.
TXC2: itomeshi I feel like the shits you need to take before that make it a wash :p
beowuuf: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Sorator13: @TheMerricat Yes, it's definitely been worse today
TheAinMAP: signal
SnackPak_: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Riandisa: xivCactuar xivCactuar xivCactuar
NekomimiNinja: lrrSIG lrrSHINE lrrSIG
Earthenone: lrrSIG lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR lrrSIG
neisan2112: lrrSIG lrrSHINE lrrSIG
maestrith: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
TehAmelie: lrrSIG
Nigouki: ah, another double refresh
Gascitygaming: lrrARROWS
ripark subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 98 months!
tehThane: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
TXC2: TheMerricat yes today has been a trying day tech wise
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ripark! (Today's storm count: 524)
noblevegas: Snihgol!
Shellsh0cker: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
itomeshi: @TXC2 OK, point.... but on the other hand, that means no digesting, just resting.
TimeKapsuleTK subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 84 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TimeKapsuleTK! (Today's storm count: 525)
RocknGrohlNerd: we are so back chat
far2muchsarcasm: lrrSIG lrrSIG
DeM0nFiRe: lrrSIG
Capt_clown: rhiHype rhiHype rhiHype rhiHype
Gascitygaming: refresh if you can't see a live page :)
DigitalSeahorse: lrrSIG katesBelt katesSteer lrrSIG
BearHandsHero subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 35 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BearHandsHero! (Today's storm count: 526)
KBKarma: A figure!
leggettor: neB
RocknGrohlNerd: yaay, maybe Ben
bakerydragon: FYI stonks in mtg arena. could go buy some gold there while waiting for stream to come
TXC2: we have blured camera!
KBKarma: Is that a Ben?
maxthefourth: I see a checkered silhouetto of a man
Nigouki: hallo
TheMerricat: Oh lordy, I know what the problem was chat... viewer count as I refreshed was 666... stream was possessed! :D
Juliamon: Looks smoother
KBKarma: I think that's a Ben. I recognise the hair.
StarWarsTHX1138: @maxthefourth that's too good
bakerydragon: @TXC2 Thanks!
marmalade_pen: they have to offline every once in a while to fulfill the "loading" part of their name
beowuuf: 500 people ran or never refreshed
Sergue_Thorien: Hello Ben
TheMerricat: I really do wish LRR had more reasons to roll out these BLRR screens.
KBKarma: I got the notf in Discord, and so came back.
IbunWest: merlekWave
RocknGrohlNerd: @maxthefourth scaramouche,scaramouche will you do the fandango.....
Sarah_Serinde: The nice thing about normal break screens though is that they give you privacy
Lord_Hosk: I feel like going on a road trip across BC with my 8 closest work friends all of a sudden
KBKarma: I was surprised the stream was dead - I was gonna fire up FFXIV and do some side quests and FATEs. May still do so.
KBKarma: @Lord_Hosk Oh, you too?
epsilon_vee: @Lord_Hosk ikr
Strebenherz: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Hardspace w/ Alex at Wed 08:00 PM PDT (6:47 from now).
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
Sorator13: @KBKarma I've been doing some of this during some other portions of the subathon, but I think I want my full attention for this part :D
NonUniqueGuy: With these break screens, not only can we see blurry versions of the, but they can see blurry versions of us.
N2Osferatu: @NonUniqueGuy How blurry? Should I put some pants on?
KBKarma: @Sorator13 I've done the MSQ, so I've nothing that'll really require my attention.
TXC2: Strebenherz up next is Monikers, with special LRR cards
BorealMage: @NonUniqueGuy lrrSPOOP
Metric_Furlong: okay, made it back with food in time
TheMerricat: !!!!
PawssumFable: What's next?
TXC2: steady
Juliamon: Smash cut to title card
TheMerricat: :D
the_phantom_game_player: WutFace
Gascitygaming: Hooooolllld
KBKarma: @Sorator13 I didn't see if you'd done the raids, by the way. They're fucking sweet.
duncandancing: Welp, I guess I'm here now with the YouTube stream down
Capt_clown: HOOOOLLLLDDD!!!!
Metric_Furlong: @PawssumFable Monikers: LRR edition
NonUniqueGuy: @N2Osferatu Maybe...
TXC2: hold
Fluffy776: @Lord_Hosk Road Trip 2: They drive around the UK :D
mtvcdm: Reminder players for Monikers aren't all here yet
flatluigi: o7
epsilon_vee: oop
Capt_clown: rhiPanic rhiPanic rhiPanic rhiPanic
public_key_reveal_party: lrrFINE o7
Stella_Noctis: lrrFINE
NekomimiNinja: lrrFINE
TheMerricat: lrrFINE HahaThisisfine mattlrFine lrrFINE HahaThisisfine mattlrFine
KBKarma: strim ded
beowuuf: o7
TehAmelie: the hype was too much
KBKarma: panicBasket
beowuuf: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
DaxStrife: Beej is chewing on the ethernet cables again.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPanic vicksyPanic vicksyPanic
Sorator13: @KBKarma Oh, I'm still mid-HW on this account (have previously played through ShB, felt like starting a new one this time around)
beowuuf: nm, died
Juliamon: Probably trying to get the Youtube stream back up
Sorator13: @Sorator13 so it'll be a while for me :D
KBKarma: @Sorator13 Ah, fair fair. HW is a good time.
Thus_Spooped_Zarathustra : @DaxStrife You'd think he'd have his own cable, since Heather is the supplier.
Capt_clown: drawfeKermit drawfeKermit drawfeKermit drawfeKermit
TheMerricat: You shouldn't have told them that you could see blurry us in the screen, we are shy. :D
undecided44: lrrSLOTH_TK
IbunWest: merlekFine
DaxStrife: Dave's Discount Internet! It goes up and down and up and up and down.
RocknGrohlNerd: gd youtubes, also dont forget to dongle the bongle
beowuuf: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Capt_clown: HypeOhDeer HypeOhDeer HypeOhDeer HypeOhDeer HypeOhDeer
Earthenone: signal
CelticGeek: Watching some Crapshots whilst waiting for the stream to come back up
TheAinMAP: Signal
LoadingReadyRun: try this one more time
KBKarma: Main screen turn on.
beowuuf: doublerefresh
TXC2: welp I had to refresh this time
Featherweight_: lrrCrab
Frogasaurus90 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 30 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Frogasaurus90! (Today's storm count: 527)
Thus_Spooped_Zarathustra : It's alive. It's aliiiiiiiive!!!
KBKarma: Ehhhh
bakerydragon: @LoadingReadyRun 🤞 lrrSHINE
Earthenone: i had to refresh this time, so i assume its working as intended
KBKarma: Oh, it be!
BorealMage: Alexa, start YouTube stream
Tevildo: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: a distinct lack of rats
IbunWest: merlekEyes
SnackPak_: lrrFINE
Capt_clown: rpgVictory rpgVictory rpgVictory rpgVictory
TXC2: back to the blur
KBKarma: Alexa, play Despacito - Sad Mix.
NonUniqueGuy: !advice
LRRbot: Hug a snake, it'll make you wiser!
enbyKriss: duggerHmmge
Capt_clown: hypnoGriddy hypnoGriddy hypnoGriddy hypnoGriddy
ArcLightningCanuck: Who's playing MonikLRRs?
WardsarTheWriter: Hi Jordynne!
mtvcdm: Back to Jordynne RDP time
CanPlayGames: jlrrDance jlrrDance3 jlrrDance
Tevildo: !badadvice
LRRbot: Tell Dale.
TXC2: Despacito played at half speed
DNAli3n: !quote
LRRbot: Quote #4002: "No! Continue the party! We paid 20 bucks!" —Ian [2017-02-12]
NekomimiNinja: DinoDance
jacqui_lantern234: Jordynne being a memelord? all is well in the world
Sarah_Serinde: We'll find out who's playing when they start
Juliamon: That !box! and !advice seem... related
CanPlayGames: axialBrupee axialGRupee axialRrupee
SnackPak_: Jordynne goofing around on the break screen is my favorite part of the subathons
L0rdX33n: we back?
L0rdX33n: emmaorYay emmaorYay emmaorYay
Capt_clown: kyoryuRazzleDazzle kyoryuRazzleDazzle kyoryuRazzleDazzle kyoryuRazzleDazzle kyoryuRazzleDazzle
Sarah_Serinde: Yes stream is back, if it's offline for you, refresh
thegentlepus: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: pain. Pain is always in the box.
Strebenherz: Refresh for screen
KBKarma: There *is* a sad Despacito!
RocknGrohlNerd: is my stream blurry due to the amount of Slivovice I just consumed or is it like that for everybody?
Tevildo: !findquote back
LRRbot: Quote #8473: "Come back, weird space clam!" —Serge [2023-02-20]
TehAmelie: lrrSIG once more!
BusTed: libtroLisa
Capt_clown: kyoryuRazzmatazz kyoryuRazzmatazz kyoryuRazzmatazz kyoryuRazzmatazz kyoryuRazzmatazz
jacqui_lantern234: @SnackPak_ Jordynne is nothing short of a delight. id like to meet them irl one day
Redbassist: DinoDance
TehAmelie: hey, random dance party
Tevildo: !quote cori
LRRbot: Quote #8196: "Keep some slush for gas." —Cori [2022-08-29]
mtvcdm: Still waiting on a few folks, hold tight
beowuuf: a cori?
IbunWest: merlekBouncy
maxthefourth: !findquote banana
LRRbot: Quote #6573: "Botanically, bananas are a baby." —Serge [2019-11-14]
Featherweight_: I know that pokemon!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCheer vicksyRave vicksyBravo vicksyBounce vicksySquish
mtvcdm: Oh Jordynne is delightful
Scarbble: jordynne your outfit is fantastic today btw
Capt_clown: mst3kDance mst3kDance mst3kDance mst3kDance
TheMerricat: Is Cori wearing a bucket on her head now? And if so... does that mean she's a Skyrim Shopkeeper?
haberley: evening everyone :)
Earthenone: could be a politician with a bucket like that
Tevildo: @TheMerricat yes and yes
Capt_clown: ecdyciBoogie ecdyciBoogie ecdyciBoogie ecdyciBoogie
bakerydragon: @haberley heya :)
jacqui_lantern234: @TheMerricat as someone who's now friends with Cori, its best not to question her methods :p
RocknGrohlNerd: yes @mtvcdm and @Scarbble yes I must agree
Mollylele: cpicsDance databaesFunkbotdance cpicsSunDance
TheMerricat: :D
TXC2: Cori IS a professional
Tevildo: @Mollylele hi Molly
bakerydragon: Recently bought Monikers and Drink More Glurp pretty much entirely because LRR has shown both to be so much fun lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
NovaTiempo: and serge!
ClodiumSoride: and Serge!
jacqui_lantern234: @TXC2 and also lovely to spend time with
mtvcdm: Glurp is so good and often just a buck
TXC2: jacqui_lantern234 indeed
TXC2: mtvcdm to bad you HAVE to play with controller :p
BITs19_: oh good I'm not late
mtvcdm: I play games on controller
jibkat: mattlrLurk
TXC2: I only play on KB+M :p
jacqui_lantern234: @BITs19_ yeah, they were sorting out some tech stuff. all seems to be good now
Root711 is paying forward the Gift they got from RealLegitStreamer to the community!
Root711 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel!
Root711 gifted a Tier 1 sub to sadfleck!
Root711 gifted a Tier 1 sub to SolarisII!
Root711 gifted a Tier 1 sub to CobaltJeme!
Root711 gifted a Tier 1 sub to andersgeek!
Root711 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Darth_Litigious!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Root711! Welcome to sadfleck, andersgeek, SolarisII, CobaltJeme, and Darth_Litigious! (Today's storm count: 532)
Darth_Litigious: @Root711 Thanks for the gift sub!
TXC2: Root711 lrrHEART
jacqui_lantern234: @jibkat hai lovely friend whomst i value and treasure <3
SquareDotCube subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 82 months!
SquareDotCube: Time for a lot of "wait, we did that?"
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SquareDotCube! (Today's storm count: 533)
Earthenone: controllers are weird for me, i only play japaneese games on a controller, everything else is keyboard and mouse
haberley: which game is next?
TXC2: haberley Monikers
jacqui_lantern234: @haberley mokiners
Earthenone: its not a concious thing either, i just looked back on what i play and it ended up that way
TXC2: with LRR cards
KeytarCat: @jacqui_lantern234 YOU'RE LOVELY TO SPEND TIME WITH, GOT'EM!
jibkat: where?! HypeLurk
BITs19_: I spy Jordynne, Graham, Ben.... Heather?
jarnatan: MonikLRRs
mtvcdm: Thing on Glurp is there's also a challenge mode, they preset events and target marks to hit.
jacqui_lantern234: @Earthenone im 50/50 on controller and keyboard. depends on the game and my own vibe
quietcat: I’m so excited for monikLRRs
neveth: is James gonna Moniker?
SolarisII: Thanks for the sub @Root711 ! lrrHEART
jacqui_lantern234: @KeytarCat have we spent time together? either irl or in a discord call?
KeytarCat: @jacqui_lantern234 Just in chat, but I enjoy it
jarnatan: I mean technically we are all spending the same time with everyone else on Earth
Root711: dolphinYay dolphinYay dolphinComfy dolphinComfy lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Colin Mills: hey it's back
Zornamations: I see
PraetusCortez: hey! welcome back
Earthenone: everyone on me?!
maxthefourth: @jarnatan sergeHolyMoly
TXC2: jarnatan unless you are in orbit, then time is faster
jibkat: @jacqui_lantern234 I hate to say it but you've been called out as a good person
PawssumFable: @jarnatan whooooaaaa
jibkat: lrrSHINE
jacqui_lantern234: @Earthenone whatever you say Ear The None Kappa
ckupf: @TXC2 But then you're not on earth
KBKarma: Who is sleep on table?
l0gin4me: mattlrSleep
neveth: James
Ivalenz_: mattlrSleep
N2Osferatu: Nap time!
TXC2: KBKarma James
bakerydragon: time for a znoozin
thirsty_kitteh: IS this what we call a table friend?
lirazel64: Awww. James eepy?
SursaiKosecksi: ResidentSleeper
jibkat: mattlrSleep HypeSleep
KharadBanar: Jordynne is currently playing her idle animation
neveth: I think>
TXC2: James the table Cat
Lord_Hosk: Is that Dick laying on the table?
PawssumFable: Yeah that's James' shirt today
Easilycrazyhat: Huh, blurry G looks a lot like Adam at a glance
Clockwork Cthulhu: back
Sarah: Welcome back friends
TXC2: Lord_Hosk no, that's James, I'm Dick
jarnatan: James was up at an ungodly hour, how is he still standing
Abavus: Trying to guess who everyone is through the blur is a fun game
lirazel64: Harry is off set.
baskwalla: @jarnatan He is the Elden Lord now
jacqui_lantern234: :o an Adam!!! you can tell cause of how ABSOLUTELY MASSIVE he is <3
BITs19_: I can't figure out who is next to Jordynne, unless it is Heather
TehAmelie: he signed up for 11 hours on camera today so i guess he's prepared himself
Piecrust9: My my a squad is beginning to form
TXC2: BITs19_ Cori we reckon
Earthenone: jordynne and ben are the easy ones they have poping colors
Clockwork Cthulhu: well thank you
FickleMuse: Jacob often comes by for monikers
Earthenone: jacob was also here at 6 am though
NonUniqueGuy: I think Jacob has other stuff he has to do today.
Rain2123 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 41 months!
Rain2123: lrrHEART
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Rain2123! (Today's storm count: 534)
TehAmelie: i think i see Graham wearing the muscle suit
FickleMuse: Ah. I was not awake so I didnt see
Fluffy776: Hi friend-os you're all wonderful! In room and in chat <3
FickleMuse: Fair!
Piecrust9: Clearly Jorbs stuck around for monikers. Weeks after he was there last
TXC2: hello Fluffy776 welcome
TXC2: Maybe Graham is just cut now
TXC2: Nelly!
Tevildo: nelly
NonUniqueGuy: Jacob and Cameron were the guests for the James morning show.
DiggerDog: I go meow. I go meow. go meow.
Anubis169: nah it's totally colonel mustard, in the library, with the candlestick
jarnatan: @TXC2 FinalCut Pro finally did it
Snowcookies: If we all just put on our glasses, it'll be less blurry Kappa
Earthenone: !card candlestick
LRRbot: Candlestick [U] | Artifact — Clue Equipment | Equipped creature gets +1/+1 and has "Whenever this creature attacks, surveil 2." / {2}, Sacrifice Candlestick: Draw a card. / Equip {2}
jacqui_lantern234: ok, chat, important question. which member of LRR would you hug, assuming they gave consent? you can only pick 1
marmalade_pen: wouldnt it be wild if they got jordynne in for monikers
NonUniqueGuy: !advice
LRRbot: Friendship will automatically expire.
cisco236 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 33 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, cisco236! (Today's storm count: 535)
TXC2: jarnatan indeed
BITs19_: Adam
ClodiumSoride: How many third-round clues will just be pointing at one of the people at the table?
TXC2: jacqui_lantern234 Adam
jarnatan: @jacqui_lantern234 Windmill slam Harry the Creepy Doll
TheMerricat: @Snowcookies What my parents and teachers told me the entire time K-12... too bad the bullies didn't care.
flatluigi: @jacqui_lantern234 gibb
Strebenherz: Ben
Earthenone: Graham for emotional reasons, Adam for hug quality
jacqui_lantern234: to answer it, myself, Paul
SandwichKed: what's the cap on the subathon?
jibkat: @jacqui_lantern234 what counts as a member?
CaptainChibale: I love boardgame day because I get to see people I don't normally watch XD. (usually just watch let's nope and watch'n'play)
Lord_Hosk: If I had to guess bassed on my years of experience watching LRR videos. Thats Kathleen, Tim, Tally, Jer, Morgan and Wiggins
Juliamon: What if I've already hugged multiple?
TehAmelie: i don't know how to initiate hugs, guess i'll leave it to them
jacqui_lantern234: @jibkat currently under their regular employ
Anubis169: is that discounting the ones i've already given hugs?
Graham_LRR: I have it on good authority I give great hugs
Piecrust9: Thats certainly a cori and a james. I have one more unknown
Arkouda Chien: is it just starting? did I miss the beginning?
Sarah: It started on Monday at noon PDT, they just restarted the computer and stream
jacqui_lantern234: @Graham_LRR prove it, coward
Strebenherz: PFFFT
jibkat: Barnabee doesnt count?
Piecrust9: @graham_lrr i would bet so much money that thats true
CaptainChibale: that is definitely james
RocknGrohlNerd: @Graham_LRR oh yeah, name 3 hugs :D
jacqui_lantern234: @Graham_LRR hug me, graham, damnit!!! <3 (you dont have to)
roseofloki: Alex has very huggable vibes
Alsritt: i think i spot bill somewhere in the back
TXC2: HUGS HUGS HUGS! some are good and some a great
roseofloki: but would also Ben's pet sneks
MaseyFool: How dare he tease us about good hugs. I want one
Earthenone: ask your mom ask your dad!
jarnatan: @Graham_LRR Smash cut to Graham at Magic Con handing out copies of Hugs, Grisly Guardian
Tevildo: !findquote hugs
LRRbot: Quote #7714: "Because even corners need to be hugged." —RebelliousUno [2021-08-03]
Fluffy776: levysc1Hype Table is full
DiggerDog: you missed it. Ben U. ate the most Subway sandwiches with a record 6 footlongs. Graham was second with 4 and a half.
Arkouda Chien: aw dang
Sarah: If we hit the subscriber cap it'll go until Saturday, but it only applies to subs and bits on Twitch unfortunately
Biggjudicem: did we miss monic-lrrs?
Arkouda Chien: looks like I'll have a vod to watch
Sarah: Monikers hasn't started yet
Sarah: Also nothing that DiggerDog said was true, they were joking
Sarah: You have missed some fun things though
Arkouda Chien: oh I didn't even consider the fact that it could have been true
Sarah: The vod will be up on YouTube after the subathon is over, but if you're willing to brave Twitch you can watch it any time
jarnatan: This stack is almost as full as the camels we just saw
Mazrae: I think I might need a bear hug for my lower back, it's too tense and is long overdue to be popped
Lord_Hosk: The best hug I got from a LRR person was Alex, because he says he doesn't like touching. But at one con he said "WAIT YOU'RE HOSK? (BEAR HUG)
beowuuf: is there where paul now trolls the room by making switcing to start screen randomly timed?
ihlendrax: Oh…someone gave me a gift sub since I watched last night. Thank you mystery person.
Lord_Hosk: and it made me feel super duper special
TXC2: Lord_Hosk I'll bet
Gascitygaming: BibleThump <3
TheMerricat: VirtualHug
MWGNZ: @Lord_Hosk as it should
Mollylele: @Graham_LRR co-signed
RocknGrohlNerd: @Lord_Hosk that is so sweet, man Alex is go precious
Arkouda Chien: no worries
DiggerDog: lol
Sarah: Oh good XD
Sarah: I try to err on the side of clarity
Arkouda Chien: twitch's vod interface is so jank
CaptainChibale: I don't get to catch most stuff live so this is a treat :>
TXC2: Here we GO!
RandomTrivia: benginHype Let's GOOOOO
Tevildo: here we go
TheMerricat: TIL chat, there is a 'type' of hug called the London Bridge Hug.... "The London Bridge hug. A notably awkward hug, the London Bridge hug is when two people embrace with their upper bodies touching but not their lower bodies."
beowuuf: go!
NovaTiempo: woo
Fluffy776: levysc1Hype levysc1Hype levysc1Hype levysc1Yay levysc1Yay levysc1Yay
Anubis169: !!!
DaSunao: lrrSIG
KBKarma: That still felt like the bit at the end of episodes of Police Squad.
RocknGrohlNerd: avngrHype
Nigouki: OH HECK
Brozard: Nice!
Mazrae: We're here!!!!!
Nigouki: that's fancy
flatluigi: good art
TehAmelie: hoho!
WardsarTheWriter: Oooh!
Sarah_Serinde: Oh what a good image :D
ElementalAlchemist: ooh, good art
DiscordianTokkan: Good art!
Gascitygaming: I have work meetings I'm starting soon but I am absolutely coming back to this later!
Jhoiraful_Chaos subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 92 months!
jacqui_lantern234: GOOD ART <3
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Jhoiraful_Chaos! (Today's storm count: 536)
marmalade_pen: hello mystery people
public_key_reveal_party: Very good art
jarnatan: The Surgeon Generalissimo!
Anubis169: o hai, surprise surprise!
JadedCynic: that was great art! <3
CaptainChibale: oh that's a nice splash screen
TheAinMAP: Hello
RedPandaGreenTea: i picked a great time to come across the subathon
LiamK712 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 48 months!
LiamK712: Almost 1/2 a year
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LiamK712! (Today's storm count: 537)
Mazrae: Moniklrrs
Piecrust9: The mystery has been revealed!!
RocknGrohlNerd: avngrHype avngrDance breyaDance breyaParty
Texan_Reverend: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
CelticGeek: Welcome back!
TXC2: Hello Jordynne, Cori, Ben, Graham, Nelson and James
Lord_Hosk: I nailed it... 6/6 people
ClodiumSoride: Playmat of that image on the back monitor when?
beowuuf: f we sub does it add a minute to the monikers timer? Kappa
RandomTrivia: benginTry
RocknGrohlNerd: many bilion trilion bits
fuzzy_died: Is there a hum in the background or is it just me?
TXC2: 0.5% billion bits
KeytarCat: Half a billion mits!
jarnatan: The one year of bits
jojo_habbit: oooh it was Cori
abslomdaak42: morbillion bits
PawssumFable: We've added THREE HOURS to the clock since 6AM, and that's with the time running
Arkouda Chien: here we go
Arkouda Chien: oh that's a great title screen
Sarah: It's fantastic
TehAmelie: !updog
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 1:57:22. lrrSPOT
kumatsu: once it hits half a billion James takes the money and runs
ANameYouCanRead: aka timbits
Abavus: Nice art annePaint
TXC2: Featherweight_ HYPE
Earthenone: what is the conversion ratio from twitch bits to tim bits?
Mazrae: Half a __llion bits
RocknGrohlNerd: great art, thank you featherweight
ClodiumSoride: I'm serious, I'd love a playmat of that.
Metric_Furlong: MonikLRRs
JadedCynic: Cheer380
TheMerricat: @fuzzy_died I'm no on my headphones so it could sound different there, but no hum here.
BorgarWithAShotgun: Monikers? Yiff! Yiff! Yiff! Yiff!
Rexsplosion: @Metric_Furlong drawfeGoodjoke drawfeGoodjoke drawfeGoodjoke drawfeGoodjoke drawfeGoodjoke drawfeGoodjoke drawfeGoodjoke
KBKarma: Inside Blaseball? RIV.
Anubis169: o.O
Earthenone: ~whichcord
DideRobot: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
TXC2: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
IbunWest: This is definitely one of the best AFK games
Shadwhawk: A half-billion bits would be about 1.25 million minutes, or about 868 days.
RocknGrohlNerd: I have it on good authority that lrr breyaChut is breyaBust breyaChut
Arkouda Chien: oh it's a custom set?
Arkouda Chien: sick
Sarah: Yeah the LRR Discord helped
Sarah: !discord
Sarah: Bot will get there eventually
Arkouda Chien: do YouTube memberships count towards the subcount?
Sorator13: There were a lot of very good suggestions
bakerydragon: Forgot the prompts *promtly* you say
SnowBuddy18: 100 card singleton?
Angreed66: under over on whether these will be easier/harder than base game?
jarnatan: @Shadwhawk I think I watched a musical with a song about that
KBKarma: @Angreed66 Based on the thread, I think odds are good that it'll be harder.
jacqui_lantern234: isnt it ALSO Nelly's first time?! Kappa
Sarah_Serinde: I had a chance to play this on stream and decided to pass gabyLul I am not bold enough
Sarah_Serinde: (last year, not this year)
Sunidesus: Oh dear, I feel like this might be too distracting to be second monitor content while trying to work.
Heckhoundbolt: three rounds
Earthenone: @Sarah_Serinde i totally get that
Sarah: They don't, unfortunately
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
Arkouda Chien: there it is
Sarah: They don't have a way of counting it in the subathon software, they're hoping to change that if they do this again next year
Sarah: Every membership here is still appreciated and helps them out, though :_lrrHeart:
KBKarma: @Sunidesus I'm gonna give it a lash while playing a vidya gaem.
Sorator13: @Sunidesus Unquestionably, yes
Shellsh0cker: OK yeah I was gonna say I thought it was three rounds, not two
Shadowsoflife: LRR themed monikers!
jarnatan: @Angreed66 I think its probably gonna be easier, the way the 18+ version was easier, because knowing the overall theme seems to narrow the options a lot. But then again, there is a ridiculous amount of LRR canon, so maybe not!
flatluigi: sound effects are fine
Sorator13: Anything goes in the first round!
Mangledpixel: first round is no pantomime
TXC2: ^
NonUniqueGuy: Do the cards have descriptions on them?
1 raiders from FinalBossFightLive have joined!
Piecrust9: No gestures
Earthenone: first round is no body stuff
TXC2: hello Raiders
saucemaster5000: wait, whatever I can do? can I just show them the card?
Desruprot: There is no right, only Other Team
Simon Pratt: I feel like Jordynne, Cori, Ben have the advantage over Graham, Nelly, James. 🤔
KBKarma: Raed!
Mazrae: I hope Agatha Fisty made it into the list of all the cards
IbunWest: no body stuff, only mouth stuff
jarnatan: @saucemaster5000 Only if you first ask "is this your card?"
7 raiders from AdzyandJaneComics have joined!
Sorator13: @jarnatan which doesn't work if the card *is* "is this your card?"
TXC2: hello Raiders
KBKarma: @AdzyandJaneComics o/
beowuuf: @Sarah_Serinde lrr are lucky enough to also be the employer so don't have to worry about scandalous videos getting you fired from your job Kappa
Pteraspidomorphi: You can use your one word as a single onomatopoeia
Mangledpixel: no, no gestures round 1
AdzyandJaneComics: The Raid bus is here
Piecrust9: No gestures round one
RandomTrivia: Welcome raiders! lrrSHINE
baltimore_667083: hello raiders!
Meyari: hey chat, it there a list of which games are being played today?
KBKarma: Raeds!
mtvcdm: Round 1 is Pyramid. Round 2 is Password. Round 3 is charades.
bakerydragon: Am I right thinking can say that one word multiple times?
Crad0k: cori is wearing a sonic special zone as socks! i like it
KBKarma: @Meyari In the Discord, as I recall.
Sarah_Serinde: @beowuuf I wish that were true but this is a volunteer thing and I have a day job that I am actively trying to wrap up right now :P
ElementalAlchemist: no Neil Cicierega
beowuuf: charades plus, soundsallowed as it's the reverse of round two
ladyjessica: face acting with mouth sounds.
jacqui_lantern234: LUL GDI Graham that GOT ME
TXC2: no mouth sounds, only mouth moods
LathosTiran: remember, no Neil
Joshua Trytten: I seem to recall Cori being a wizard at guessing clues, but with two new people, could go either way
Simon Pratt: True, true.
combustionwaltz: you can give the one word different inflections
combustionwaltz: slash accent
jarnatan: The sounds within reason include, but are not limited to, "reas", "on" and "easo"
TehAmelie: love me some unreasonable sounds
spinebustertee: mouth sounds only allowed in ASMonikeRs
Sarah_Serinde: @Sarah_Serinde Unless you mean for everyone currently on stream, in which case yes, true :D
accountmadeforants: On and on and on and on and on and on and on
Gekyouryuu: No gestures round 1 BECAUSE round 3 is charades, iirc
mtvcdm: Hoping one of mine gets drawn
epsilon_vee: asking a question for the benefit of the class
RandomTrivia: Challenge only off the clock
Sorator13: No pettiness on the clock
beowuuf: @Sarah_Serinde yeah, i meant on stream :D
LariatWest: don't be petty on the clock
Sarah_Serinde: Chat, you don't need to police this, leave it to the players. If the other team misses something, they get away with it and it's fine
TXC2: ^
Earthenone: !findquote houserules
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
betweenmyself: after-the-fact pedantry is perfectly acceptable
micalovits: Unlike the show "um actually" you cannot interupt to correct here
Earthenone: !findquote house rules
LRRbot: Quote #6881: "I have lots of Dale house rules; this doesn't happen to be one." —Dale [2020-04-06]
Meyari: thanks @kbkarma
TristalMTG: Take the Burst Lightning
Metric_Furlong: also, chat, it doesn't matter if what is *said* is factually accurate: the point is whether or not the team guesses the word
Gascitygaming: as long as the folks playing are having fun, then it's a good time :)
TXC2: this is an REL:axed stream of MonikiLRRs
Crad0k: obligatory six times nine joke
Mazrae: !findquote math
RandomTrivia: !quote 4748
LRRbot: Quote #4748: "I'm not good at jobs" —Kathleen [2018-03-09]
ElementalAlchemist: sounds like Graham has a fun hand
LariatWest: bonus: you now know 7 answers
jacqui_lantern234: TAKE THE LOTUS Kappa
Austere_Squire: 42
RandomTrivia: Oh shit the numbering was reset and now all my memorized quotes are wrong!
marmalade_pen: they dont call him deep-cut graham for nothing
micalovits: Take the foil Goyf
IbunWest: I wonder who will have advantage here.
alexsteacy: Oh boy im just in time
Bassios: I missed the start of this, is this Monikers LRR Edition?
TehAmelie: um actually is a renegade interrupt, it'll cost you points
RocknGrohlNerd: @TristalMTG but but but my goyf tho
Mazrae: !findquote math
TXC2: Bassios yes
RandomTrivia: Oh wait, I'm just an idiot
RandomTrivia: !quote 4847
LRRbot: Quote #4847: "Whenever I make a mistake, that's a house rule." —Cameron [2018-03-26]
beowuuf: @Bassios yup
Sorator13: Brainstorming prompts for this was so fun
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHeart vicksyHeart vicksyHeart
Bassios: Oh hell yes, this'll be great
ClodiumSoride: @Metric_Furlong My favorite part of this game is how associations become a temporary, private language, even if they're not dictionary correct.
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to alexsteacy!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, alexsteacy! (Today's storm count: 538)
Joshua Trytten: Remember, the rules are to hold on to your petty grudges and let them fester until the end of the round...
PraetusCortez: the um actually step! 😆 I need it for magic
combustionwaltz: i missed the begining, who made this set?
gnyrinn: I need to see what G said was a very deep cut.
Joshua Trytten: Right? I just want to know what all these cards are
Manraaj Nijjar: Which team is team left?
Piecrust9: Full art monikers
GrassVortex subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 22 months!
GrassVortex: extraShiny Board games lrrSHINE
alexsteacy: voxlunCarp
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, GrassVortex! (Today's storm count: 539)
ElementalAlchemist: Surely you had enough partial art lands to use
Anubis169: o hai Arex
epsilon_vee: decadent
Earthenone: you have good ones
Mollylele: oh heck I just noticed the MonikLRRs art :o
QuixoticScrivener: draft chaff? no! Full Art MONEY!
jacqui_lantern234: @alexsteacy HAI ALEX <3
TristalMTG: No, Jorbs isn't here
TehAmelie: Jorban's Borblor
Anubis169: Molly, courtesy of Featherweight <3
Gekyouryuu: Hey, Alex
abslomdaak42: JoBo's Bizarre Blorbos
Metric_Furlong: famous Star Wars character Jorbins Blorboes
TXC2: Hello Alex
Earthenone: @Mollylele yeah featherweight did a great job on it, they fullscreened it at the start
alexsteacy: Garbage day???
KaleidoscopeMind: is "and i'm excited about that" in parantheses
Anubis169: Recycling Bay
flatluigi: recycling bay
alexsteacy: Jorbos
flatluigi: recycling bae?
jacqui_lantern234: @abslomdaak42 LMFAO XD
Piecrust9: Jorbynne's Dlorbos
protojman: Great Jorbo
RhoxPaperScissors: I choose blorbos
Arkouda Chien: "Proceed to "JUDGE!:hand-pink-waving:" step
Quinten : what are they playing?
PraetusCortez: Monikers LRR edition
Arkouda Chien: monikers. just watch a bit, you'll get it
cyber952: you have variable recycling days????
Lily the Otter: they get picked up on different days in canada?
alexsteacy: Jorbynne's Blorbos sounds like a slime ranch
LowUpsideCJ: i'm back just in time!
Earthenone: i belive in you blorbos!
NonUniqueGuy: For me recycling day is always trash day.
Featherweight_: I've been/am very busy
RealGamerCow: My garbage and recycling days are the same day, same truck. They pick up one bin, throw the contents in the truck. Move 3 feet, repeat. I'm unsure if they're actually recycling
azninsect: Blorbos is that island in Greece right?
Twilight_Spark: Is being first an advantage?
insanecat6mtg: Monikers demands my full attention now.
IbunWest: Trash and recycling not going out together is baffling to me
Piecrust9: Rip the no gestures rule
Earthenone: @azninsect you are thinking of lesbos :P
public_key_reveal_party: @twilight_spark arguably yes
teddywhosabear subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 19 months, currently on a 19 month streak!
teddywhosabear: hooray
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, teddywhosabear! (Today's storm count: 540)
NimrodXIV: recycling day is always garbage day here. except garbage is every week, recycling every other
IbunWest: @nimrodxiv Same
ElementalAlchemist: great stark
dumbo3k: @IbunWest Yeah, they are often done by the same company, in the states, who just actually throw it both in the same truck, so it's often pointless to seperate
JadedCynic: @NimrodXIV same
LiamK712: false start offense
jarnatan: That's what they call him, Great Stark Graham
SnackPak_: o7 Cori
neisan2112: Ooof
LariatWest: this hurts the Cori
cyber952: i'm in canada in the same province even and i get them both on wednesdays
Arkouda Chien: recycling isn't a civic service here - if you wanna recycle, you've got to send it to the recycling center
Sarah: I don't know about Victoria or BC as a whole, but in Toronto, Ontario one week is for garbage pickup and one is for recycling. Same day of the week for both
Sarah: We also have green bin (compost/food garbage), which gets picked up every week
jacqui_lantern234: i was thinking "to hell" not "left" Kappa
jojo_habbit: @NimrodXIV whats the difference? just different kinds of trash being taken away?
Earthenone: !quote 8
LRRbot: Quote #8: "Once, at a LAN party, I sat down on my own nutsack so hard that I almost blacked out." —Cameron [2015-01-16]
TehAmelie: every day is garbage day here, or rather, late at night when the neighbors don't see you skulk down to the communal garbage room and judge you for your weird crap
alexsteacy: oh mannn
Dog_of_Myth: Poor Cam
hella_qh: is this custom monikers?
ElementalAlchemist: yes!
RealGamerCow: Ho Chi Minh City!
Sarah_Serinde: tqsClap
Sorator13: I'm so glad that made it in
ElementalAlchemist: Ho Chi Minh City!
GazzyInferno: ho chi min cityyyyyy
northos: @hella_qh sure is
GrassVortex: mamsClappies
SymphonySolstice: HO CHI MINH CITY FBtouchdown
public_key_reveal_party: @hella_qh it is!
Metric_Furlong: @hella_qh yes, it's MonikLRRs
Juliamon: hella_qh Crowdsourced from the discord!
azninsect: \o/
KaleidoscopeMind: and we have to remember all of these for next round
hella_qh: hell yeah :D
hella_qh: thats rad as hell
Arkouda Chien: these are good
Dog_of_Myth gifted a Tier 1 sub to hochimincity! They have given 1517 Gift Subs in the channel!
DanTheMediocre: plus the guess was just 'left'and the card is the imperative
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, hochimincity! (Today's storm count: 541)
jacqui_lantern234: yeah, id argue prepositions are fine
Sarah_Serinde: If it wasn't such a key part of the answer, I think "go" would be fine
ElementalAlchemist: to quote the rules: "c'mon..."
Sarah_Serinde: But it's reasonable to say you can't use it here when the answer is 2 words
jacqui_lantern234: Deep Cuts Left Beef
Metric_Furlong: the official rules for "can we challenge words like 'the' or 'a'" is "come on..."
Heckhoundbolt: The book specifically says that the is fine as basically a "be cool"
darkcyril: None deep cuts go left beef.
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby
BigDaddyBland87: lrrBartleby
Redbassist: Non deepcuts left team
jarnatan: Tee Cee Gee
ClodiumSoride: It's us!
marmalade_pen: what became our most human watched clip in detroid - ah damnit!
jacqui_lantern234: US
Dog_of_Myth: Us?
NimrodXIV: U S
Shadowsoflife: us
TehAmelie: i prefer "chat"
azninsect: Us!
NekomimiNinja: I'm on TV mom!
BigDaddyBland87: we a card!!
Strebenherz: Could this game be possibly available to the public?
NonUniqueGuy: We are in a game
ckupf: Ben just gave us the finger to point lol
SharktoothJack: hi mom!
Sarah: Thank you Jordynne :D
Arkouda Chien: it's garbage day
LariatWest: he's on a t-shirt
Pteraspidomorphi: :D
Dog_of_Myth: YES
lordofkatz: Cheer2750 Go LRR monikers!
jarnatan: Screaming Man That Beej Plays is the Spirit Halloween costume for Greg
SnackPak_: nice pull
TXC2: Otaku JEFF
RocknGrohlNerd: vaguely eastern european accent
jacqui_lantern234: the name Otaku Jeff ALWAYS gets me to laugh
Angreed66: definitely easier in round 1
Sogheim: not to be confused with Piccolo GOKU, which was a one time for Persona 5
TXC2: tuggernuts in the corner
jokerzgrave: Best dad worst dad
veelofar subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 16 months!
veelofar: Hi, Haven! 8D
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, veelofar! (Today's storm count: 542)
N2Osferatu: Love the Tugger Nuts
hella_qh: its a premonition
James Wiggins: Youtube chat mentioned!
Eepy Alice: youtube chat best chat
IaCthulhuFthagn: This is great but also a horrifying insight into what the further rounds will be like ^^
jacqui_lantern234: @TXC2 LOVE that book
bakerydragon: oh! I totally didn't realise about the art until pointed out
MWGNZ: long long creepy doll
Dumori: Creepy Doll as the Serpent from Dark Souls
CmdrMadMoe: Loooong Creep
extrudedclown subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 77 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, extrudedclown! (Today's storm count: 543)
Redbassist: Long long creepy doll
BigDaddyBland87: Can anyone prove Creepy Doll CAN'T do that?
NimrodXIV: turns out Featherweight is talented
jibkat: snakecreeps are blue, this is known
marmalade_pen: graham wants the countdown music
TXC2: jacqui_lantern234 :D
dougma: Someone tell Beej we need that art as a playmat
TehAmelie: Harry "Frampt" Creepydoll
tidehollowcat: Oh that creepy doll is more distressing than usual. Well done
ClodiumSoride: @dougma seconded
petey_vonwho: I now need to make a snake creepy doll and send it to mail time...
TXC2: oh Not Korea ?
IaCthulhuFthagn: I play the Countdown music twice in my mind.
RocknGrohlNerd: @NimrodXIV sounds correct
Sarah_Serinde: Hell yeah Stolen Jokes
PraetusCortez: featherweight is great
Simon Pratt: I feel validated <3
jacqui_lantern234: i wonder how Jimmy's doing
haberley: oh yeeeeah
azninsect: LUL
shagodoyle subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 49 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, shagodoyle! (Today's storm count: 544)
tidehollowcat: Oh I know that one
KaleidoscopeMind: oh i think i know "traveling without a vehicle" and that's a good clue
Metric_Furlong: I mean, a spin down can also be for sex if you're kinky enough
Mr_Horrible: I mean, I wouldn't use the fish for that, but you do you
Lord_Hosk: HEY! Its a organized shelf of unbought t-shirts
saucemaster5000: @Mr_Horrible coward
jacqui_lantern234: man, this is SO DELIGHTFUL :D
veelofar: Does anyone know if they still have the We Play shirts?
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 I prefer to think of myself as a pragmatist
RocknGrohlNerd: great to be here
Jillexie: Monikers is very fun
jarnatan: But Ben is Other Ben
QuixoticScrivener: are points being scored?
IaCthulhuFthagn: @Metric_Furlong I'm too vanilla not to use a properly numbered d20 myself...
LowUpsideCJ: i was just reading stolen jokes yesterday
Sogheim: Paul's sitting back thinking how easy this is lrrPAUL
Jillexie: Soon you get code words and gestures for very strange things
Abavus: lrrSPOOPY
Redbassist: lrrSPOOP
NekomimiNinja: lrrSPOOPY
Dog_of_Myth: lrrSPOOPY
northos: lrrSPOOP
BigDaddyBland87: lrrSPOOPY
KaleidoscopeMind: lrrSPOOPY
Mr_Horrible: lrrSPOOP mascot of Let's Nope
Crad0k: everything?
azninsect: lrrSPOOP
Strebenherz: lrrSPOOP
jarnatan: "Everything"
jacqui_lantern234: LART NART DART FART
kalira77: lrrSPOOPY
JadedCynic: hivemind :D
baltimore_667083: lrrSPOOPY
Mr_Horrible: LUL
Gascitygaming: jordynne edits and it's funny - everything!
LariatWest: "It's really funny" No, not that one
heartofgoldfish: uhh david haring
RocknGrohlNerd: bejjlader
incslayer: Beejlander
RocknGrohlNerd: lander
korvys: Strictly worse cube?
angreesloth: I will not stand for pauper slander!!!!
LariatWest: BEEJlander
TXC2: ander ander ander
Mr_Horrible: with the world's only level 5 superjudge
azninsect: Needs reverb
Sorator13: also yeah, wow, way to rag on Pauper LUL
YeomanAres: Did card say ben wheeler because cori said other ben?
Thadrin46: Current event is what?
Twilight_Spark: That's going to be good in the silent round.
WardsarTheWriter: Thanks for being here,it's great to have me.
Mr_Horrible: "Now, you don't want long clues" *proceeds to have a long answer*
ClodiumSoride: A faster way to sum points: make piles that sum to ten points, rather than sorting by the point values of the cards.
Diabore: @YeomanAres seems like it was just wheeler
Jillexie: James, I thought I would not like this game, but it gets good
Singenmeister: fair!
beowuuf: as it's lrr refs anyway, more memetic :p
reptile___: @Thadrin46 Monikers, using custom fan-submitted LRR-themed cards
NekomimiNinja: lrrFINE
TXC2: !quote James
LRRbot: Quote #5278: ""Blue barrels slow you down, and red barrels.." "Blow you the fuck up!"" —Paul and James [2018-08-23]
alexsteacy: Ham
NimrodXIV: lrrFINE
UnknownFriday: lrrFINE
jibkat: lrrFINE
jarnatan: Love "Cool Game" for that one
NimrodXIV: Cool Game is also a good answer though
beowuuf: lrrFINE
CastleOtranto: lrrFINE
tenthtechpriest: lrrFINE
ElementalAlchemist: lrrHAM
Dog_of_Myth: lrrHAM
Sorator13: "cool game" was an excellent answer for that, yeah
Singenmeister: lrrCrab
Earthenone: !quote dana
LRRbot: Quote #6331: "If you're cursed, it's your fault." —Dana Fischer [2019-08-15]
Chesul: I hate that the Hamfather was "Years ago"
MattIsAMage: said "wrong"?
Leonhart321: Sea cliff
Jillexie: Well done
RocknGrohlNerd: good job
Sarah_Serinde: You've got a prop for that one gabyLul
Alex_Frostfire: The sea cliff!
ElementalAlchemist: ah, the sea cliff
azninsect: Ohhhh the sea cliff
NimrodXIV: lol the sea cliff
Mr_Horrible: "I hope yuo fall off of a sea cliff"
GazzyInferno: yuo
SmithKurosaki: These are great so far :)
ArdCollider: o7
Sarah_Serinde: It's right beside Ben
flatluigi: @MattIsAMage notably, only the people on stream can challenge
TehAmelie: good ol Cusk Assbiefef made it in
DigitalSeahorse: lrrFINE lrrHAM
Thadrin46: Thanks. No idea what monikers is but i think i can guess the jist
Metric_Furlong: famously easy to remember events from: desert bus
Stormgod519: IM BACK!
beowuuf: for future reference, you have good luck
Mr_Horrible: I love that you transcribed the typo too, Sarah
jojo_habbit: wow, Chat is on the lookout today
jacqui_lantern234: @Stormgod519 hi "back" nice to meet you. im Jacqui
bakerydragon: huge credit on the phrases
jarnatan: welp the gesture for that one is gonna be easy
Sarah_Serinde: @Mr_Horrible I consulted with LRR when making it and the opinion was "absolutely include the typo" :D
MattIsAMage: @flatluigi oh ok, sometimes paul would say something too
Stormgod519: @jacqui_lantern234 you passed. well done
Mr_Horrible: @Sarah_Serinde 10/10, no notes
jacqui_lantern234: you GOT THIS jordynne
Sorator13: *what*
Mr_Horrible: LUL
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
flatluigi: good
Desruprot: limesBlink
Joshua Trytten: Turns out James is actually pretty good!
SmithKurosaki: I sadly missed the explainer at the top because I was on the phone
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
littleunknownn: Amazing
LariatWest: sponge?
azninsect: LUL
RocknGrohlNerd: vlog
northos: OH, I heard "sinning" instrument instead of "sitting" LUL
jarnatan: It's a chair for art, filled with fart
IaCthulhuFthagn: tell dale?
N2Osferatu: Filming your feet while vloging is great
RealGamerCow: The sign behind Nelly
Crad0k: tell dale!
bakerydragon: I thought it was bones of trees and skins of beasts
RocknGrohlNerd: one more birth
azninsect: Omg jordynne LUL
Stormgod519: play it forward
DanTheMediocre: we've accepted post-pass guesses before
DanTheMediocre: as long as no new card was being guessed already
NotCainNorAbel: I cannot wait for the mimes
SmithKurosaki: @DanTheMediocre Yea it's very much a situational call
jarnatan: "a chair-shaped fart sponge" also describes me though
Gekyouryuu: I have that CAH deck somewhere
GameSageZB: I have that set! and no one versed enough in DB lore to play it with!
ElementalAlchemist: lol
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
DanTheMediocre: bog witch
KaleidoscopeMind: the other thing
SmithKurosaki: @Gekyouryuu My partner has custom CAH cards that refer to him and the con we both work at
NimrodXIV: we're not in the one word round yet lol
Dog_of_Myth: !gant
LRRbot: Weber, no!
jarnatan: Binturong!
NovaTiempo: a binterone
Heckhoundbolt: she mention it yesterday
DaSunao: Toast
DanTheMediocre: toast man
JosephDeath: The toast gangster?
KaleidoscopeMind: oh
Saintnex: he has a name??
bakerydragon: discord?
bakerydragon: lol cat but
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
HadesLeprechaun: best bit
BusTed: tqsKnife
MTGRanger: Stabbists!
jibkat: alissa3Knife
GazzyInferno: professional stabbists? god that is a deep cut
Twilight_Spark: LOL
kalira77: !findquote knife
LRRbot: Quote #221: "Usually, in my dreams, the ghosts just give me a knife." —Cameron [2015-04-30]
IaCthulhuFthagn: XD
NotCainNorAbel: hahaha
hanzi_keat: I'm sat alone and I just shouted a cat's anus...
Abavus: LuL
incslayer: tell dale!
azninsect: LUL LUL LUL
Dog_of_Myth: hahaha
Chesul: wasn't it a rabbit butt? since it was the easter episode?
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
Desruprot: limesOk
SnackPak_: lrrWOW
Stormgod519: Tell Dale!
Saintnex: lol
Sarah_Serinde: It's hard when you're under pressure!
jarnatan: "die" I think
Melfina__: LUL
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
NimrodXIV: :D
bakerydragon: SO hard under pressure
jacqui_lantern234: LUL DWEEBS
wedge_x: a cat's anus is the sntipode to a man's romance
DigitalSeahorse: katesShake katesShake katesShake
wedge_x: *antipode
TXC2: LRR: we pull things out of butts
vinewood_og: settlers of catanus?
TXC2: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Niehilius: Think G dropped a card?
Stormgod519: @TXC2 i think we gotta update the quote database
jarnatan: I defy LRR to show us a LIVE bit that wasn't pulled out of an ass
Sarah: People tend to underestimate James, I think
Sarah: These cards were sourced by Ben from the LRR Discord
munocard: How much of LRR ISN'T pulled out of someone's ass?
TehAmelie: forming new mid term memories under stress, that's the real challenge here
beowuuf: puppet?
azninsect: lrrGibb
SquareDotCube: Call: "A cat's anus!" Response: "Aristocrats!"
Mazrae: lrrGibb lrrGibb
NimrodXIV: knife LOL
TheAinMAP: lrrGibb
TXC2: SquareDotCube aristocats !
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
raulghoulia: Schnog
flatluigi: augh
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
azninsect: Got there
RayFK: Shower Eggnog is cursed
LadyLockwood92: Shnog
marmalade_pen: oh not "im late" toast guy
chanterelleton: a what
munocard: I shuddered at "shower eggnog"
Sarah_Serinde: Okay I am done with work but now I need to do household things...
SmithKurosaki: Yes, I threw some in myself
jacqui_lantern234: @munocard they call it "Schnog"
TXC2: Sex bintarong eat your toast, guy
chanterelleton: thank you Nelly
bakerydragon: sex bintarong is one of my absolute favourite analogies , beautiful contrast against sex panther
Stormgod519: alright
Sorator13: LUL
kalira77: "spindowns and lube" is my new band name
DaSunao: Its like a sex panther, but smaller and sadder?
Saintnex: wow Ben how did you know about my cover dice Friends dnd campaign Kappa
TehAmelie: self-identified sex panther eh
KaleidoscopeMind: they're adorable
KaleidoscopeMind: i love them
BlueMechanic: they have prehensile tails
A_Dub888: Hi friends, is this Monik-LRRs?
jacqui_lantern234: @KaleidoscopeMind YOURE ADORABLE
jarnatan: Binturongs look fake
RAICx: They have binturongs at the local zoo and they're adorable
TXC2: hello A_Dub888 it sure is
Stormgod519: W
Dog_of_Myth: hahahah
marmalade_pen: theyre scruffy little guys
tajessa: Highlight of my life, got to pat one, can confirm they smell like popcorn
Shadowsoflife: @jacqui_lantern234 no u
azninsect: BEEEEEJlander
ani laurel: at least they got Tell Dale
Sarah: Nice
Simon Pratt: "Sex Binturong" fantastic
Sarah: If you're already familiar with Monikers then I don't think there's any more explainer that you need
John Hill: what is the spin down one from?
jacqui_lantern234: @Shadowsoflife NO U MORE
SharktoothJack: lrrGOAT there!
SnackPak_: so smart
jarnatan: Binturong sounds like a kind of jerky
Shadowsoflife: @jacqui_lantern234 :p
Abavus: Some sort of genius sitting at the table
OlaffStout: Finally!
tajessa: @azninsect there should have been reverb
MattIsAMage: wait, no one else puts cards in piles of 10s???
SmithKurosaki: But is it before 11?
Chesul: yeah, that's a standard thing in my play groups. XD
Dog_of_Myth: @jacqui_lantern234 No U times infinity
ClodiumSoride: Thank you, someone else had my idea too!
public_key_reveal_party: I went to a zoo with a partner once and I made them go with me to see the binturongs because I remembered it from lrr
northos: if that's a binturong, I don't want to be bintu-right! Kappa
jacqui_lantern234: @Dog_of_Myth NO U TIMES THE LARGEST INFINITY
Diabore: TIE GAME
NimrodXIV: ooooo
SymphonySolstice: gaming
Stormgod519: Split the room!
TehAmelie: @jarnatan Bintu jeefy?
Sarah_Serinde: nice
Dog_of_Myth: Perfect split
kalira77: lrrWOW
Saintnex: the Tie!!
ElementalAlchemist: ooooooo
jokerzgrave: Evenly matched
WriterRaven flops into chat, wondering if their suggestions made it into the deck
TXC2: hello WriterRaven welcome
PraetusCortez: Loading ready live
John Hill: thanks
Arkouda Chien: a TIE
NotCainNorAbel: The Alex method
LurkerSpine: yiff yiff yiff yiff
TehAmelie: "smurf"
bunn_tech subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, bunn_tech! (Today's storm count: 545)
Metric_Furlong: flashbacks to alex yelling "yiff"
bakerydragon: @SmithKurosaki it's always before 11 somewhere!
KaleidoscopeMind: or just have
KaleidoscopeMind: guessers close their eyes
jarnatan: It's always before 11 everywhere! There'll be an 11 tomorrow!
jokerzgrave: I cannot wait for some of these to be acted out via charades
Piecrust9: Voice over 2 words or 1? Not that it matter just curious
Arkouda Chien: that is so unlikely
John Hill: don't think I've ever seen a tie before
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCheer
marmalade_pen: 7 seconds when you asked
Dog_of_Myth: hahaha
bakerydragon: door to dinosaur past!
LowUpsideCJ: @Piecrust9 one typically
NimrodXIV: these are going to be hard
Sorator13: LUL
tajessa: It us!
SmithKurosaki: @Piecrust9 Let the other team challenge things :) ]
IbunWest: the strategy is to look constipated i guess?
WardsarTheWriter: _Them!_
type_variable: troglydytes
beowuuf: james avoiding seeing the cards gets perfect view of nelson's face :D
Piecrust9: @lowupsidecj thanks!
Sorator13: Oh no, we've been put back
wedge_x: the giant ants?
NorthstarTex: we are them
azninsect: Us!
DanTheMediocre: I feel like Nelson really goes hard on the one word round, entirely powered by sharp inhales
jarnatan: I feel strangely powerful being referred to this way
Lamebert1415: We are THEM
NonUniqueGuy: Chat is back in the stack.
DanTheMediocre: like he scores so much better with just the one word
TXC2: DanTheMediocre uses his Dad powers
A_Dub888: lrrSPOOP
DanTheMediocre: but needs to be controlling breath the entire time
josh___something: Shnog (shower nog)
bunn_tech: Ben’s reaction is great
beowuuf: for those just joining this...
jacqui_lantern234: HOLY CRAP JORDYNNE :O
BITs19_: sexY binturong?>
cmdrzellgaudis: MVP Jordynne
Saintnex: sea cliff?
Dog_of_Myth: Good round
TalpTheScot subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 12 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TalpTheScot! (Today's storm count: 546)
SmithKurosaki: Dang Jordynne
Simon Pratt: Cori and Jordynne are synced up now
ConsoleHandheldGamer: ♥️ the highlight reel
beowuuf: rejecting cards, useful skill
NimrodXIV: hmmm "D&D" ?
itomeshi: That first one was impressive... with LRR, butt could be anything :D
Sorator13: the difference between one concept and one word is rough
kusinohki: meows - home now. how much monikers have I missed?
spicemelonge: @NimrodXIV no dnd
SymphonySolstice: FBtouchdown
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby
TXC2: ho chi min city!
Mr_Bitterness: Ho Chi Min City!
beowuuf: @kusinohki one round, and two guessers
MattIsAMage: trading card games
korvys: TCG
MattIsAMage: ;)
ElementalAlchemist: Ho Chi Minh City!
ElementalAlchemist: I love that's still around
Stormgod519: lrrBartleby
PraetusCortez: Come on James! I believe!
TwoBitSlim subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 63 months!
jarnatan: Good that this is still the association LRR has with the word "pandemic". 2020 did not break their spirits
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TwoBitSlim! (Today's storm count: 547)
saintguard: Ho Chi Minh City!
josh___something: Ho chi minh city! \o/
TehAmelie: i've seen the expression "love thy neighbor" described as "a word"
vinewood_og: Pandemic Legacy was epic afk/long game content!
tajessa: Mom's spaghetti
A_Dub888: Serge running Kitchen Finks in Green Commander?
BusTed: LUL
Stormgod519: CORI!
jacqui_lantern234: LUL CORIANDER
SmithKurosaki: Yes Cori!
Sorator13: oh no; I got what that was supposed to be though!
Shadowsoflife: tiltyhYAS
MTGRanger: Robotech>
MTGRanger: ?
Sorator13: the what now, Ben?
jarnatan: @MTGRanger It's pronounced Robotech, but it's spelled Macross
NimrodXIV: thwomp?
MattIsAMage: camerion hitting his knee on the table
bakerydragon: cameron hitting knee on tamble
ConsoleHandheldGamer celebrates 21 months of membership: You can do it, Jordynne!
bakerydragon: @MattIsAMage beat me to it :)
Wolfstrike_NL: Ian crushing his balls on the newly installed toilet was not in the pool :P
Stormgod519: lol
Stormgod519: probably hide chat
KaleidoscopeMind: chat needs to do wrong answers only
nappitatti: A knife! No!
NimrodXIV: NO
bakerydragon: ah yeah, oops prob shouldn't guess here 😅
Shadowsoflife: @Wolfstrike_NL it was a bidet
Stormgod519: That one!
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Sorator13: LUL
bakerydragon: @KaleidoscopeMind oooh!
MTGRanger: @TXC2 NO!
betweenmyself: riffYeti
MattIsAMage: fair, i've learned
tergonis: gib was neo all along
EmoMcHipster: @jarnatan thanks for the gift sub
DanTheMediocre: The One lrrGibb
NimrodXIV: that guy :D
jacqui_lantern234: M A N A
josh___something: That guy lrrBEEJ
Dog_of_Myth: hahahahah
Strebenherz: MANA
jokerzgrave: Curse
IbunWest: F*%#ing Zinnias
Stormgod519: LOL
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha
Mr_Horrible: LUL
MattIsAMage: MANA
Transmuted_Elf: hahahaha+
LRRbot: Thanks for being a channel member, ConsoleHandheldGamer! (Today's storm count: 548)
FailureOfAName: I like jordynne's outfit
Sarah: Thanks @ConsoleHandheldGamer
Sarah: Jordynne has fantastic outfits
Simriel: Jordynne always looks gorgeous
NonUniqueGuy: Mana
saintguard: MANA
beowuuf: lol, loooooking at him too :D
tajessa: Chat!
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
marmalade_pen: is that why i say zinnias
MTGRanger: US!
bakerydragon: Mana Mana (doo dooo do do do)
missa_hancock: James not getting mana is 10/10
Dog_of_Myth: Nice
jarnatan: James drawing a blank on that one is ironic
jacqui_lantern234: "gremlins" was us, eh?
RocknGrohlNerd: nelly very good
nosole: My partner literally got Zinnia's this year because of those Crapshots, so he'll appreciate that one
Mr_Horrible: thanksforhavingmeitsgreattobehere
Morrigan9: Mana
Lord_Hosk: what was the last one?
beowuuf: @missa_hancock sergeJustRight
LariatWest: are WE gremlins?
soramayura: bugger I'm late to Monikers, guess I'm waiting for the VOD
Tweygoh: thanksfirhavingmegreattobehere
WardsarTheWriter: Slow down the video, see if he actually said it.
Laserbeaks_Fury: Is land part of the answer?
Mr_Bitterness: Shouting "MANA" at James for his own card was amazing
NorthstarTex: Nelly speed running the catchphrase
vinewood_og: busing zinnias!
TehAmelie: tnkyfohvnmesgrtbhr
LowUpsideCJ: g is a master of the intonation
itomeshi: Graham/James, please don't make me laugh so hard I see stars. :D
Strebenherz: @Lord_Hosk The catchphrase i think
MattIsAMage: i belve its just "james turner curse"
Sarah_Serinde: It's very memorable
jacqui_lantern234: "fuckin zinneas" lives in my brain rent free
LariatWest: and traded answers on it, too
TXC2: it did make the top 32 of crapshots
Sorator13: Nelly had an expression of absolute delight after James pointed to Greg
BITs19_: it's such a good premise reveal
Jon Grayson: Monikers, yay!
Simriel: LRR as a whole look great I reckon tho, they have all found looks that suit them
PraetusCortez: MANA
Arkouda Chien: MANA
Eepy Alice: MANA
Joshua Trytten: Gremlins? Twitch chat for sure
Simriel: *fucking* Zinias has ALWAYS been a favourite of mine
Stormgod519: oops
DigitalSeahorse: zinnias are hard to grow if you're new to gardening
KaleidoscopeMind: oh
jacqui_lantern234: LUL
Dog_of_Myth: hahah
bakerydragon: LOL
tezzatipoca: dang i missed the beginning 😭
DanTheMediocre: its us!
NimrodXIV: LOL
Stormgod519: fair enough
Mr_Bitterness: lrrFINE
jacqui_lantern234: US
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha
bakerydragon: beautiful timing
RocknGrohlNerd: good job gamers :D
josh___something: It WE!
BigDaddyBland87: !chat
LRRbot: Seriously, just never listen to chat.
KaleidoscopeMind: it's just pointing at the art
BITs19_: what's the pile of face down cards in front of Ben?
couchboyj: Godfather and Hamfather are pretty close
tajessa: We have downgraded from "them" to "that" I love that for us
Sorator13: We have previously determined that pointing to things is allowed in the charades round
kalira77: the best part about this round is when people dissociate into the void wracking their brains
Transmuted_Elf: godfather should be concidered one word (d&D was)
BITs19_: oh they both have piles never miiiind
Sorator13: much to Serge's dismay
hvhTim: which game is this
beowuuf: that's why noises are allowed in the rules it feels like
tezzatipoca: we've always really been "that" deep down
Mazrae: How to act out as a plie of unsold shirts??
rentar42 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 33 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, rentar42! (Today's storm count: 549)
epsilon_vee: @hvhTim monikers
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha sheraids just pointing everywhere in the room
fluchfux: lrrSPOOP
Earthenone: @Transmuted_Elf i think the issue was the aqnswer is hamfather, so both father
hvhTim: @epsilon_vee thanks!
northos: @Transmuted_Elf it's one word but it contains part of the card title
Dustjacket subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 77 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Dustjacket! (Today's storm count: 550)
MattIsAMage: oh the card is just "brainstorm" nice
NonUniqueGuy: I know it
Flyingdelorion: Hello!
nappitatti: Dinosaur past!
Stormgod519: COME ON!
Transmuted_Elf: @Earthenone thanks
TehAmelie: compound words would be dicey
hanzi_keat: Aaah, I get it
jarnatan: Timebits
bakerydragon: It's just a jump to the left!
MattIsAMage: i understand it
Dog_of_Myth: Good clue from Nelly
FailureOfAName: what's the maximum time allowed for this sub-a-thon ?
Sorator13: That was an excellent clue, Nelly
LariatWest: Delorean is really good
Heckhoundbolt: probably should hide chat
Stormgod519: very good nelly
CodeIndigo: who's that pokemon? probably ian
jarnatan: "the Ian dub thing"
bakerydragon: I'd totally see that as one word
korvys: Close enough
Saintnex: voiceover is one word
TXC2: right chat I'm off
flatluigi: was missy in the first round?
Stormgod519: cya TXC
Earthenone: bye txc2
Pteraspidomorphi: Bye, TXC2
NotCainNorAbel: !math
MTGRanger: @TXC2 seeya TXC2!
marmalade_pen: goodbye txc2
Dog_of_Myth: have a good one TXC2
TXC2: Goodnight Everybody, and thanks for streaming LRR, and keep on Subing chat !
Saintnex: cheers @txc2 !
Sorator13: have a good one!
MattIsAMage: did you get it wrong the last time???
jacqui_lantern234: @TXC2 sleep well <3
RocknGrohlNerd: @TXC2 good night
Sorator13: @flatluigi Yep!
bakerydragon: I hope you gety good rest TXC2
NimrodXIV: math defeats the LRR
PraetusCortez: til saturday. For some reason they want sleep before the ppr
SmithKurosaki: Currently hsve another 25h queud up
SmithKurosaki: Sorry, misread max as min
FailureOfAName: I mean pprs do take a lot of prep time and brain power to play
SmithKurosaki: yup
jarnatan: Missy was in the first round but they guessed her instantly so it was easy to miss
Dog_of_Myth: !findquote math
LRRbot: Quote #7697: "I don't do math before 11am." —Serge [2021-07-13]
Heckhoundbolt: this tends to happen
mulligan2six: To the tapes!
marmalade_pen: do not eat the delicious delicious cards
flatluigi: math, still the hardest part of monikers
BorgarWithAShotgun: !badadvice
LRRbot: Stand in the fire.
thimbles_edge: good policy
MattIsAMage: oh well
Metric_Furlong: so the sorting into 10 method has already failed Kappa
Earthenone: the points dont matter!
RocknGrohlNerd: math is for blockers, and I do not see any attack being declared
Inquisitor_Xian: this happens every time i play monikers lol, i have no idea how
Angreed66: points don't really matter anyway
MattIsAMage: whos line is it anyay rules
NimrodXIV: eh, it's a ~totally serious~ game
Lord_Hosk: 76
Metric_Furlong: #BlameJoe
FailureOfAName: np @smithkurosaki
PraetusCortez: oh most definitely. Honestly the 7 days of streaming blows my mind
FailureOfAName: they saw great support so decided it make sense to do another
Episches Versagen: seeing six people not being able to count to 50 is very relatable
RocknGrohlNerd: whatculator? never met her
kalira77: @Lord_Hosk 86 total
jarnatan: Doing a 100% run of... the streaming PC
kalira77: oh never mind, i mathed a different thing than you
alexsteacy: an annoyed grunt
ArcLightningCanuck: nonword sounds are okay
CodeIndigo: @jarnatan If you've got time to stream, you've got time to bluescreen
ShifuDaxiongmao: You may grunt if it makes it funny :P
A_Dub888: No words, only memories (and gestures)
Earthenone: !point
LRRbot: If you came here hoping for there to be a point to this, I have bad news for you.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPoint vicksyPoint vicksyPoint
Metric_Furlong: pointing to serge has been allowed before so
Sorator13: We established in prior games that pointing to stuff is acceptable!
korvys: You can hump a table if you want - there's precedent
eisice_ subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, eisice_! (Today's storm count: 551)
FailureOfAName: also probably practice for desert bus
Sarah: They've cut it down a bit to 5 days of streaming this time
PraetusCortez: I don't know if you practice for desert bus more than survive.
Sarah: They also have many years of practice at Desert Bus by now
TehAmelie: Cori turned into a ghost
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
LariatWest: Ian wanted that part BAD
MattIsAMage: which bit?
josh___something: Exertions, and air escaping your dying body are fine :p
DrakoniteDev: It was established that props are not supposed to be allowed, but that it tends to be funny so everyone is cool with it
Earthenone: get in the car ben, i need to yell at toast!
A_Dub888: “Shoved it right up me gob!”
jarnatan: Show feet? More like C'FUT
Stormgod519: love it
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
micalovits: Since we are talking so much about it
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTH vicksyPoint
Stormgod519: lrrBartleby
kalira77: lrrBartleby
Redbassist: lrrBartleby
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPoint vicksyHaha
g0blinslide: lrrBartleby
FailureOfAName: sorry my eye is magnetised to her at this point
DeM0nFiRe: Hahahaha
heartofgoldfish: they are SO COMMITTED
Stormgod519: o7
beowuuf: lol
BITs19_: am cori okay?
NimrodXIV: RIP
TehAmelie: it's almost like "i spy" with how many answers are around you
A_Dub888: @earthenone knowing Ian, that may have been what he actually said
ArdCollider: cori! no method acting!
Sarah_Serinde: tqsClap
jarnatan: Cori jumping on that grenade like a champ
tezzatipoca: NICE
DrakoniteDev: *clap*
josh___something: God DANG, cori!
jacqui_lantern234: LETS FUCKIN GO CORI
MattIsAMage: its the top comments ben being in the car :D
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyClap vicksyClap vicksyClap
DNAli3n: for the ones who wanna (re)watch the toast crapshot, it's ep222
Luminaire_p: Crushed it, like her leg
beowuuf: pointing for points
N2Osferatu: If we do another round, should hand out all the non-chosen cards before shuffling these back in
jarnatan: Why _was_ Ian wearing that mesh
Saintnex: Ngl, I always thought it was a flesh coloured shirt lol
Sorator13: @jarnatan look, there are many questions that could be asked about that sketch
micalovits: Us!
A_Dub888: @jarnatan good question, next question
Stormgod519: it that!
Elypants subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 70 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Elypants! (Today's storm count: 552)
TehAmelie: i know how i'd pantomime Banana Cori, but it would take some elbow room
jarnatan: @TehAmelie is it peanut butter jelly time?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHappy vicksyHappy vicksyHappy
Sarah_Serinde: tqsClap
TehAmelie: it's punching
jarnatan: I think that only works with Beej in the room
LowUpsideCJ: I just realized tell dale is also in the shot
wedge_x: Pushing Nelly in a Chair is the name of my Squeeze cover band
N2Osferatu: Wait, why is THAT lube??
Sorator13: lrrWOW
jarnatan: Amazing
jacqui_lantern234: but Jordynne! large femmes are universally gorgeous!!!
Metric_Furlong: @N2Osferatu ask your parents Kappa
Earthenone: you know why :P
NimrodXIV: large circles
JadedCynic: @N2Osferatu I'll tell you when you're older
MattIsAMage: @N2Osferatu you know why chatter
N2Osferatu: :D
LariatWest: Now I just want Kevin cam for Hootie cam
Transmuted_Elf: oh jordyn that was brilliant
tezzatipoca: Btw thank you for the sub @red_shoes_jeff !!!
tezzatipoca: (I went to sub for this game and I already had one and was like ???)
Stormgod519: well played
PraetusCortez: amazing
Sarah_Serinde: tqsClap
NimrodXIV: lrrBartleby
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPoint vicksyTH
JadedCynic: BRB I was foolishly drinking water during a session :D
jacqui_lantern234: LETS GO JORDYNNE
Sorator13: I absolutely know what that was supposed to be, Jordynne!
marmalade_pen: orb
KBKarma: Right, my immuno is well and truly suppressed for another 12 hours.
KaleidoscopeMind: it was. very literal
jarnatan: Jordynne is unstoppable
KBKarma: What'd I miss?
micalovits: Wasn't that the pile of t shirts?
DrakoniteDev: lrrAWESOME lrrAWESOME
Stormgod519: we're doing what Nelly?
ChrisHanel: only 24 hours and 48 minutes of this game to go
Lord_Dodo: @NimrodXIV some might even call them big or even giant
MattIsAMage: mind link acived
Sorator13: @KBKarma We are in the charades round of the first game of moniklrrs
Sarah_Serinde: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Shadowsoflife: @KBKarma LLR monkiers
heartofgoldfish: b'orangutang
Towpath_60X subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 14 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Towpath_60X! (Today's storm count: 553)
jacqui_lantern234: LUL
iris_of_ether: Hahaha
AugmentingPath: borangutang
Abavus: LUL
jarnatan: Burangotang
DrakoniteDev: @ChrisHanel and everyone would watch every minute
Strebenherz: This is peak comedy
KV1NN4: right region wrong animal
NimrodXIV: lmao
ElementalAlchemist: LOL
A_Dub888: !sir
LRRbot: Sir? Sir! I have many opinions about Peeps.
epsilon_vee: blorbos dying of laughter over there
Strebenherz: Graham just panicked going through cards
jarnatan: Burangotang murdered me
ChrisHanel: @DrakoniteDev agreed
KV1NN4: Binturungutan
JadedCynic: Interesting strategy: cause your opponents to laugh themselves to death. :D
MattIsAMage: i got it gram
DanTheMediocre: tell dale
MattIsAMage: its ok i know the refernce
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha
Stormgod519: that's going in the highlights
TehAmelie: i thought "bintu jeefy" was too weird
Earthenone: 3 cats a binturung, a large cat and a cat anus :P
Arkouda Chien: this is so good
FailureOfAName: fucking big is what breaks me
PraetusCortez: I love everyone dying of laughter off screen
Stormgod519: on it
TristalMTG: certainly it's biltong jeefy
DaxStrife: My favorite Skrillex song is "Barangatang."
itomeshi: Beej, get on b'ourangutang merch!
TehAmelie: bintu jeefy is binturong jerky
Stormgod519 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Barangutan! They have given 181 Gift Subs in the channel!
KaleidoscopeMind: is "binturangutang" going to get into the next set of these
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Barangutan! (Today's storm count: 554)
Mr_Bitterness: lrrFINE
jarnatan: Everything is Fine remains my favourite LRR thing of all time. What a masterpiece
dwchief: CRUSHING!
Dog_of_Myth: Amazing
Strebenherz: DAAAANG
Sarah_Serinde: They are crushing this
Sorator13: wow
NimrodXIV: Missy, known for having hair
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha
FailureOfAName: be especially
FailureOfAName: ben*
BusTed: what a round
Sarah_Serinde: tqsClap
Dog_of_Myth: Good job Ben
tezzatipoca: welcome @barangutan 😆
WriterRaven: Shnog!
maxthefourth: sergeHolyMoly sergeHolyMoly sergeHolyMoly
jacqui_lantern234: LETS GO BEN-BEN
DanTheMediocre: Ben swinging for the fences in charades
DrakoniteDev: *clap*
Saintnex: hehehe
Stormgod519: @tezzatipoca happy to add that in lol
Strebenherz: Welcome Barangatang XD
jarnatan: @NimrodXIV Everyone else on Friday Nights is bald
Foxmar320: Hello
tezzatipoca: "us telling jokes" is so meta 😵‍💫
Stormgod519: Happy to help. and yeah, a lot of results came up lol
WriterRaven: Whoa Black Betty, barangutang~
Sarah_Serinde: That just means there's the opportunity for multiple subs for the same concept :D
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDerp
jacqui_lantern234: @WriterRaven BWAHAHAHAHAHA
FailureOfAName: wait how the fuck is that missy?
Simon Pratt: Blorbos, let's go!
Stormgod519: oh wow
Shadowsoflife: @jacqui_lantern234 :D
KaleidoscopeMind: oh
Stormgod519: NICE!
jarnatan: Getting killed by a door and the door to the dinosaur past in the same deck is ambitious
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
NimrodXIV: OH
Sorator13: YES
beowuuf: nice
BusTed: We could just watch Nelly do the robot for 30 more seconds
Foxmar320: ohhhh
Sorator13: Nelly, you are incredible
micalovits: Nellys Robot is insanely good
Stormgod519: LOL
beowuuf: lol
tezzatipoca: TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity
Stormgod519: someone add that to the quote database
hella_qh: please dont nail the sex binturong
bakerydragon: I'm DYING Nelly
TehAmelie: i like that David Cage's bad sci fi epic Detroit Become Human is a LRR in-joke
josh___something: You are already cute, nelly
jacqui_lantern234: LUL
Sarah_Serinde: Dang
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTH
Earthenone: i would have pantamimed the naruto run for anime :)
Sorator13: now *that* could be a quote
LurkerSpine: wait wtf?
Sorator13: "you nailed sex bintarong!"
SmithKurosaki: sergeHolyMoly
jarnatan: "You nailed the sex binturong" sounds like a quote
beowuuf: 4th round...
kalira77: that math don't math
NimrodXIV: 62 and 34? what
AugmentingPath: Nelly only admits to having nailed a sex borangutang
Therberus: nailed the sex binturong 🫡🫡
Piecrust9: Waitthe math is srong
Stormgod519: GGs
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah that seems way above both the past 2 rounds?
jacqui_lantern234: "you NAILED Sexy Binturang" -Graham (2024)
LurkerSpine: wait that math is wrong AGAIN
Stormgod519: stormg28GG
SeismicLawns: "You nailed sex binturong" - Graham, 7/17/2024
Mollylele: whoa black betty, binturong
Saintnex: wait, math is wrong again
kalira77: you went from 88 total to 86 total to 96 total
ChrisHanel: Finally answering the age old question: Red vs blue
Desruprot: close game
insanecat6mtg: sergeGG
Bearudite: team scramble?
KaleidoscopeMind: 10 off
heartofgoldfish: i think barang-utan translates to like, "forest things"?
Vilun: how did you get 3 different counts each round?
Stormgod519: we're adding more cards each time
Sarah_Serinde: No that's higher total than last time
Earthenone: close enough, blorbos win!
Piecrust9: Thats soo
bakerydragon: second game is SO much harder as keep remembering the previous game's clues
Sorator13: look, the math is not important
Abavus: LUL
Saintnex: how does the math keep changing
BigDaddyBland87: Math is hard
Heckhoundbolt: no one can count
Metric_Furlong: Joe, you've failed us again! Kappa
LowUpsideCJ: it was 54/32 in round 2
Sarah_Serinde: Good thing everything's made up and the points don't matter
MattIsAMage: you guys can count to 10 right?
beowuuf: lrrFINE
public_key_reveal_party: LRR is good at comedy, bad at math
Veggiekeks: numbers go up lrrJUDGECALL
Melfina__: Math... how does it even work
Saintnex: that’s still 96
Creideiki_SE: It's clearly before 11am. No maths!
TehAmelie: binturongs sure are forest things
incredulouspasserby: you know what: we’re the ones who won
tidehollowcat: sergeCounting
mulligan2six: Everything is made up and the points change every round
flatluigi: carry the eight
Lord_Hosk: Every round they came up with differnet totals
Stormgod519: TIE
Tevildo: stop the counting
Angreed66: everyone gets 130
DNAli3n: the points don't matter lrrFINE
NimrodXIV: Cool, tie game
Piecrust9: Yaaaaay
Foxmar320: The maths math
Harukurochan: Great job everyone 👍
Simon Pratt: That makes 96....that's a new total
Simriel: Math!
Twilight_Spark: The math checks out.
ChrisHanel: World Peace Achieved
Sarah_Serinde: Perfect math tqsClap
couchboyj: seabatClap
jacqui_lantern234: ITS A TIE FBtouchdown
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyClap vicksyClap vicksyClap
beowuuf: the forbidden forth round
Falannt: Or... dont let ben do the math
lordofkatz: Are these cards available somewhere? I kinda want to play MoniLRRs
type_variable: teams?
LariatWest: 88, 86, 96. The points don't matter! FBtouchdown
jarnatan: This math sounds like tax evasion
jokerzgrave: Everybody wins
Marvoleath: no body won, yay!
ProcyonFlynn: The real winner was Chat all along.
LurkerSpine: maybe we should give the cards to Paul after you pick them and have him add up the total
vinewood_og: turns out the treasure was the friends we made along the way
Earthenone: lets rotate the hosts!
Abavus: Move one to the left
Stormgod519: DO DO Do do do
nosole: My favourite motto from when I was younger that seems applicable: I was told there would be no math
wristwatchmark: Nelson so quick to give credit to Ben's team; he did really great as well
AugmentingPath: I'm really excited to solve the mystery of "how many points are in the deck"
Laserbeaks_Fury: then take *back* one katam to honor the Hebrew God, whose Ark this is...
Crad0k: rotate the board!
jarnatan: Go left
IsSecretlyPaul: but when you tie you go to round 4
EOstby: That's Numberwang!
Stormgod519: Desert bus isnt for 4 months ben!
Bruceski: rotating chairs without Beej to coordinate? Madness!
Rhynerd subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 107 months, currently on a 107 month streak!
Rhynerd: Let's Rotate the Players!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Rhynerd! (Today's storm count: 555)
SmithKurosaki: !addquote (Graham) [now] You nailed Sexy Binturang
LRRbot: New quote #9052: "You nailed Sexy Binturang" —Graham [2024-07-17]
TehAmelie: now the game truly begins!
Desruprot: classic basics
Earthenone: we will never know
TehAmelie: i assume there will be traitors sticking to their old team in secret
Angreed66: They're still colorless
ChrisHanel: *everyone waves vapidly as the stage rotates*
Bruceski: That'll sole it, MORE NUMBERS
kalira77: @SmithKurosaki 'tis Binturong, if you care
SmithKurosaki: Thanks :)
PraetusCortez: TIE!
Simon Pratt: That's number wang!
LariatWest: that relies on SIX people doing math correctly
BorgarWithAShotgun: !goodadvice
LRRbot: At this time of year?
kalira77: :)
vinewood_og: The Doctors LRR are not CPAs, okay. Hire them only for your medical needs!
Stormgod519: maybe count the point total before the game starts?
Falannt: maybe count the points at the beginning?
jarnatan: @Stormgod519 Galaxy brain
haberley: wouldn't that spoil the cards?
bubba0077: then someone sees all the cards
ClodiumSoride: There should be 58 cards left, since they used 42 first time.
BorealMage: The points really don't matter
Stormgod519: @jarnatan happy to help
Sarah_Serinde: Eh the points are secondary anyway
bubba0077: just show them all to chat on the overhead after the first round
MattIsAMage: @Falannt that might require cheating lul
bubba0077: chat will keep them in line
EvilBadman: @ClodiumSoride Yeah but they pulled 60 total
Abavus: Reusing the name would be recycling
heartofgoldfish: Team Recycling Name
Twilight_Spark: Recycling the team names?
Angnor33: Recycling Jordynne's and Blorbos Day
Alness49: Recycled Blorbos
NonUniqueGuy: ReRecyling
Vilun: Recycled Team Name
flatluigi: go for it
TehAmelie: you thought it was Jordynne who swapped teams but it was the team that turned to Jordynne
Simriel: Jorbynne's Blorbos, now sans Jorbynne
korvys: Jorbynnes Burangatangs
Laserbeaks_Fury: please do read them all :P
Earthenone: cut the ones from last game but yeah
SmithKurosaki: !modquote 9052 (Graham) [now] You nailed Sexy Binturong!
LRRbot: Modified quote #9052: "You nailed Sexy Binturong!" —Graham [2024-07-17]
couchboyj: Sexy Borangutangs would be a good team name
Earthenone: cheat by learning :P
KaleidoscopeMind: Jorbynne's blorbynnes
jarnatan: @korvys They're locked in there with Jordynne
ClodiumSoride: @EvilBadman They each ot 10 the first time, but they kept 7 and put 3 back, so they only used 42 the first time.
Earthenone: ?whichcord
Stormgod519: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
Lord_Hosk: Check the numbers?
jokerzgrave: Is Jordynne really tall or is that the seat?
SmithKurosaki: @Lord_Hosk might be a good idea
vinewood_og: she's not locked in there with them...
Mazrae: What about all the cards that were cut last game
beowuuf: posture check
Lord_Hosk: Total score before you play?
beowuuf: posture check!
midnightcurryjazz: she is taller than me D :
neisan2112: Oh dang nice
Simriel: !discord
Simriel: This discord?
jacqui_lantern234: FIVE NINE?! GIANT WOMAN!!!!!! 🤩
NoxStryx: @jokerzgrave this always gets me, jordynne is taller than you would expect seeing her remote most of the time. I blame camera angles
micalovits: My posture is horrible, just like god intended!
SmithKurosaki: @jacqui_lantern234 She is above average yes :p
NonUniqueGuy: It is fine
MattIsAMage: everyon could count their own points
Earthenone: math will occur again,
jarnatan: "We'll just get it right this time"
beowuuf: lol
tezzatipoca: just make no mistakes
Sorator13: We definitely didn't mess up at least twice last time!
vinewood_og: This isn't to the death folks
MattIsAMage: then add up the 6 numbers :)
Vilun: well, everyone could've counted their own points, but considering how good they've been at that before...
DigitalSeahorse: ever forward never learning
tezzatipoca: everyone wins! lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
GameSageZB: Also most of the rest of the Moonbase is filled with giants.
Earthenone: just give all the scored cards to paul so he can add things up off camera :P
BusTed: just take the total value of all the cards in the set, and subtract the total from the first round 🙂
LariatWest: Just double check after round 1. It's probably fine. Probably.
TehAmelie: i know that one
Vilun: also, Ben could've added the points when writing the cards
control_rig: Muscletouch!
beowuuf: is there air conditioning on, since paul is roasting tat room
Mangledpixel: chank ponk
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
SmithKurosaki: (Yes, that one)
Mollylele: 👉💪
Stormgod519: West country doctor
jarnatan: Wrong answers only
Stormgod519: oof
Sorator13: @Vilun They choose different cards each time, so no, that wouldn't work
DaSunao: West County Doctor?
DracoFire87: People of all shapes, abilities, and genders!
bakerydragon: Guys Gals and nonbinary pals!
BusTed: just had to lead into it
tezzatipoca: young and old...
SnackPak_: nice prompt
public_key_reveal_party: Is "we're here" from sws?
Mollylele: animals vegetables minerals
Stormgod519: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
beowuuf: alex greeting lives on
jarnatan: What even is a shapeability
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyClap PrideLaugh vicksyPride
josh___something: Gotta have the LEAD UP GRAHAM D:
Vilun: @Sorator13 it would if he gave the list to Paul, who could check the cards used in the round
bakerydragon: it is both hard and fun to go for wrong answers to these :)
Simon Pratt: James had it but for one word!
gizmofreak1: I want a return of Sidewalk Slam
LariatWest: SAABine
jarnatan: saab-Ian
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPride vicksyPrider katesPride
spawnofhastur: Ian loved that car more than I've loved anything in my life.
incslayer: @jarnatan its shape, ability and gender... but i A LOT of live intros wondering the same thing
WriterRaven: rest in pieces, Saabine, you had a lineage of jets
vinewood_og: James struggling with LRR trivia is peak. That would be me!
control_rig: That's quitter talk!
virre_: SAAB = Svenska Aeroplan Aktiebolaget (Yes that as as in Swedish Airplane)
Desruprot: Qwrplin is cool
Featherweight_: I feel attacked
maxthefourth: Do werewolves have a shapeability
JadedCynic: buuuuuurn
Sorator13: LUL
NimrodXIV: and that guy
L0rdX33n: QWERPLine low key rules
Lord_Hosk: I used to have a deeeeeeep LRR Lore... I can't watch it anymore its 80 hours a week
DigitalSeahorse: Ian
ContingentCat: and applejack
BusTed: lrrDILLY
josh___something: If nothing, the kitty corner qwrp is ESSENTIAL VIEWING :P
ElementalAlchemist: lrrDILLY
BusTed: we always finish each other's...
TheOtherTrevor: paycheqe
AugmentingPath: Kathleen confirmed one true feed dump host
SmithKurosaki: Checkpoint was my card :o
ani laurel: Yeah, James admittied yesterday that he didn't watch much LRR stuff
ani laurel: but yeah, they make so much
greatknightgaramond: yaaas I love qwrpline and cfut, absolute S tier LRR content
bakerydragon: We finish each others... (icecream) Sandwiches!
ElementalAlchemist: (meej)
Earthenone: im excited to see the Noooooope
JadedCynic: I love that: *checks card* "oh NOPE!" :D
jacqui_lantern234: i WISH i could contribute to QWERPLine, but its improv so my writing for radio experience isnt applicable 😭
DigitalSeahorse: lrrBEEJ
trevor_impersonator: @TheOtherTrevor how many trevors we got in here?
Stormgod519: LOL
ElementalAlchemist: YES
spawnofhastur: my brain is completely smooth.
Stormgod519: we love callbacks
flatluigi: meej!
heartofgoldfish: omg i LOVED her brain is completely smooth
TheWriterAleph: actually smooth nice
enbyKriss: Mood raysL
bakerydragon: "bad news Meej" destroyed me when first heard it. same with putting tinsel o0n him and calling Treej
heartofgoldfish: is it a tiktok sound yet
Redbassist: Dang
vinewood_og: experience meej!
Laserbeaks_Fury: lrrDILLY
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCheer vicksyCheer vicksyCheer feliciaTeam feliciaTeam
LilyOfTheVeil6666: lrrDILLY
tezzatipoca: can not wait to get to the "nope" cards
ContingentCat: @jacqui_lantern234 sounds like you should try starting your own
DEATHlikescats: this version of the game is so amazing
josh___something: Ben said paul from paul clones, no?
TehAmelie: and sometimes a Threej
Jasper: This is an amazing creation
jarnatan: @josh___something He said Beardtones
DEATHlikescats: fourj
heartofgoldfish: my first person pronouns are I/meej
flatluigi: he didn't say paul i'm pretty sure
TheOtherTrevor: @trevor_impersonator Somehow at least two that aren't the original
WriterRaven: I have also said "dammit meej" to myself. XD
BusTed: all good
LariatWest: probably all good
BITs19_: no one called it, it's all good
Earthenone: no one on camera caught it so house rule says its fine
Bruceski: other people said Paul, but Ben didn't I don't think
spawnofhastur: chat the stakes have never been lower
Sorator13: Eh, if the people in the room don't catch it, it's fine regardless
Earthenone: !venga
LRRbot: I set my sail. Fly, the wind it will take me, back to my home, sweet home. Lie on my back, clouds are makin' way for me. The Venga Bus is comin' home, sweet home.
DNAli3n: now i really want beej to throw to himself, and catch with "thanks Meej"
Rytel subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 99 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Rytel! (Today's storm count: 556)
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah it's up to the opposing team to call out mistakes. If they don't catch something it's fine, the other team gets away with it
jarnatan: Spiders Georg
DEATHlikescats: whyyy is there so manyANSWERS for that?!
josh___something: Beardtones might just be too close in my head that I mixed it up
public_key_reveal_party: I don't know if I've ever heard of "the spider faucet"
TehAmelie: one day we'll find out what's really going on with Beej becoming more people and the Banana punching them. . .
jokerzgrave: @noxstryx makes sense, I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me.
ElementalAlchemist: wat
TheWriterAleph: simic slaw!
Abavus: LUL
tenthtechpriest: real
DEATHlikescats: lol
control_rig: Simic Slaw!
KiaStirling: slaaaw
bakerydragon: amazing
Sorator13: incredible
jarnatan: Out of context this just looks like Jordynne saying a sentence and Graham spouting random words. Within context it also looks like Jordynne saying a sentence and Graham spouting random words!
BusTed: Watch & Play ref
beowuuf: @jarnatan :D
Earthenone: spider faucet was so good
ContingentCat: watch and play references are wild
TehAmelie: not for-sale videogames anyway
haberley: it broke the game SO BAD
EOstby: That's more spiders than I was expecting!
public_key_reveal_party: They could have made games, they just shouldn't have sold it
tezzatipoca: going to start saying "the now times"
SharktoothJack: the spider faucet was hilariously bad
Saintnex: a literal carpet of spiders
maxthefourth: Okonomiyazaki
theymerLoviatar: Alright I gotta go bed so I can take down a spaceship and then go convention for three days, have a good rest of subathon folks!
flatluigi: lmao
bakerydragon: anyone know what episode of watch&Play that's from?
DEATHlikescats: lol
Stormgod519: YES!
control_rig: Dobbing!
DeM0nFiRe: I think I would also perform poorly if filled to the brim with spiders, to be fair
CypherRaze: is there a clip of that somewhere we can watch? I wanna see the spider faucet scene
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
BusTed: ohh
Mr_Bitterness: We're going sky high with Dob!
A_Dub888: “Screaming for a long time” describes a lot of W+P
josh___something: The fuckin DOB XD
Redbassist: Lmao
TheAinMAP: jlrrDance3
ElementalAlchemist: lol, the dob made it in
jarnatan: Hungry Hungry Beejos
DEATHlikescats: Beej eats
wedge_x: totally pitching Beej Eats It now tho
WriterRaven dobs unironically - ow.
JosephDeath: I just jumped back in... why is the pile so large? lol
Stormgod519: wow
ElementalAlchemist: This is a good set of cards
haberley: dang
Rebecca Holt: Good morning folks!
dilligaf: DOB
jarnatan: It's Piffs!
vinewood_og: VoteYea
Sorator13: YES
heartofgoldfish: I HAVE A NAME
ElektroTal: the flying what?
CaptynByrd: Shout out to everyone who dobbed
Creature_Comforts: Umm.
flatluigi: @JosephDeath they decided to do the whole rest of the custom cards
Desruprot: yeah
pkj3st3r is gifting 12 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 12 in the channel!
pkj3st3r gifted a Tier 1 sub to TheMazter1337!
pkj3st3r gifted a Tier 1 sub to selarom!
pkj3st3r gifted a Tier 1 sub to lazy_noodle!
pkj3st3r gifted a Tier 1 sub to Listrel!
pkj3st3r gifted a Tier 1 sub to dodge_monkey!
pkj3st3r gifted a Tier 1 sub to MaseyFool!
pkj3st3r gifted a Tier 1 sub to Doomlewa!
pkj3st3r gifted a Tier 1 sub to ab50luteunit!
pkj3st3r gifted a Tier 1 sub to Lillliann!
pkj3st3r gifted a Tier 1 sub to mikessoul!
pkj3st3r gifted a Tier 1 sub to Zairi!
pkj3st3r gifted a Tier 1 sub to espanel!
beowuuf: @JosephDeath using all the rest :p
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, pkj3st3r! Welcome to TheMazter1337, lazy_noodle, selarom, Listrel, ab50luteunit, MaseyFool, Doomlewa, Lillliann, espanel, dodge_monkey, mikessoul, and Zairi! (Today's storm count: 568)
micalovits: Man, there are so many good crapshots I need to rewatch
nosole: Fill this man with cream?
Stormgod519: woah!
ElementalAlchemist: This round seems hard
BigDaddyBland87: Continuous Enthusiastic Consent
Shadowsoflife: @ElektroTal skull
haberley: these are awesome
CraziestOwl: LUL
BOTGrant: I'm sorry, Boneathan the WHAT
ButterBall000: Jar of that mans piss
Stormgod519: TY pkj3st3r
DEATHlikescats: legit that was my thought too Nelly
Desruprot: limesPop limesPop limesPop
Dumori: @ElektroTal The Flying Fuck Skull the pro consent demi-litch
josh___something: Excuse you, NELLY. It's EATING tide pods
Mr_Horrible: we're going sky high with dob
Astramentha: lrrHEART
Sorator13: @BOTGrant Bonathan, the Flying Fuck Skull!
ContingentCat: @BOTGrant flying fuck skull yeah
flatluigi: reminder, the dob needs to hurt or it isn't real
BITs19_: Boneathan The Flying Fuck Skill, any other questions?
Spooky_Noises is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 21 in the channel!
Spooky_Noises gifted a Tier 1 sub to geom64!
Spooky_Noises gifted a Tier 1 sub to FlakMagnet!
Spooky_Noises gifted a Tier 1 sub to Siafu_Spark!
Spooky_Noises gifted a Tier 1 sub to CamazotzJr!
Spooky_Noises gifted a Tier 1 sub to swordmaster2551!
A_Dub888: I thought that was Adam who invented the DOB
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Spooky_Noises! Welcome to geom64, FlakMagnet, CamazotzJr, swordmaster2551, and Siafu_Spark! (Today's storm count: 573)
spawnofhastur: I love Bonathan.
bakerydragon: demi lich reminds me of that AMAZING pre-record for AFR PPR with the Hemi-Demi-Semi Lich
kusinohki: oh, there are some new chats unfamiliar with deep lore (like me!)
mymy0724 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 28 months!
mymy0724: 28 months woohoo
vinewood_og: Bonethan was peak crapshot/live content
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, mymy0724! (Today's storm count: 574)
Juliamon: Boneathan is the hero this world needs
jacqui_lantern234: @spawnofhastur i love YOU!!!!!!!!!
Earthenone: bonathan will make great charades
mikessoul: @pkj3st3r Thanks for the gift sub!
gnyrinn: dot blogspot dot conk
spawnofhastur: @jacqui_lantern234 no, i love you!
JosephDeath: tarp budget
public_key_reveal_party: Oooooh
micalovits: Ahhh!
Stormgod519: COME ON
DEATHlikescats: eyyyyy thanks for the gift subs @spooky_noises !
Gekyouryuu: oh, I know!
haberley: tarrrrrrrp
Artificer_Evan: tarp buget
SmithKurosaki: I eagerly await Marquis de Sade remake for Boneathon
Saintnex: tarp
Stormgod519: YES
Sorator13: @Sorator13 for reference
SeismicLawns: i need to rewatch the ww1 lamp sale ad
LariatWest: the budget!
vinewood_og: Cam's patience for dishwasher ettiquite
xVoxtric: Laughatron, good ol' mk3,
bakerydragon: "The kayfabe reason we left the old moonbase"
BOTGrant: @Sorator13 Thank you!
jedi_master_zll: Haven't thought of the laugh-o-tron for a while.
beowuuf: @SeismicLawns ducle et decorum est slayed me
haberley: @SeismicLawns my wife is a history teacher, that destroyed her XD
BusTed: LUL
flatluigi: zhaahhaa
NimrodXIV: HA
A_Dub888: TURNER
xVoxtric: HAHAHAAH
TheWriterAleph: MEAN card
Earthenone: 42069? i dont know
Abavus: LUL
GrassVortex: extraLUL
IanAllenBird: jiknhuikn
ElementalAlchemist: lrrWOW
vinewood_og: oh bus off
Mr_Horrible: there's only so many numbers, Graham Kappa
haberley: holy crap
Mr_Bitterness: Jordynne has seen infinity!
Snowcookies: that's the rude card
josh___something: I'm so happy I put this in
jarnatan: Lindex Eat My Shit with extended RAM bank
BusTed: You know, the funny number.
Saga: wait what happened - I was watching Adam and James do the Elden Ring and then it told me the livestream was unavailable and then I got back to tge boardgames?
NimrodXIV: oh I picked a bad time to take a drink of water
DEATHlikescats: there’s something amazing about James using the written descriptions, as the game suggests you do! haha
Redbassist: :D
DEATHlikescats: ratewoNderBirdDance ratewoNderBirdDance ratewoNderBirdDance ratewoNderBirdDance ratewoNderBirdDance
jojo_habbit: @beowuuf got a link? think I dont know it
RayFK: Graham "Eat My Shit" Stark
BorealMage: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
A_Dub888: Lindex-eez nuts
heartofgoldfish: Does Nelly ever go by Death Knelly
JadedCynic: @NimrodXIV *passes roll of paper towel*
jacqui_lantern234: @LoadingReadyRun sincere question. can we get a TShirt with a picture of Boneathan with text that reads "CONTINUOUS ENTHUSIASTIC CONSENT"
Earthenone: you have so many hats, and yet this subathon dosent seem to be capped :P
ttandmore: is this a version of monikers ?
SmithKurosaki: @jacqui_lantern234 {1
enbyKriss: omg my poor ribs and my asthma duggerWheeze duggerLol
SmithKurosaki: +1*
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCheer
bakerydragon: @ttandmore yep, customised for Lrr Lore
heartofgoldfish: @ttandmore yup! custom cards Monikers
Mathonwy: @jacqui_lantern234 I third that.
SmithKurosaki: @Saga They had some tech issues earlier, and youtube doesn't use persistent links for livestreams when it goes down and comes back up
SmithKurosaki: (Elden Ring also ended about 4h ago)
Chris Ellis: Graham is living in the year 8472
Rebecca Holt: Wait, are we not supposed to send hats anymore?
JadedCynic: okay everyone- stop drinking for a minute :D
NeoOfTheDark: @jacqui_lantern234 Fourthed
keltaklo: Where do I watch cfut? Is it just the one loading ready live?
heartofgoldfish: @bakerydragon the deepest Lorre
BusTed: tqsKnife
beowuuf: @jojo_habbit it's the firstloadingreadylive where they had the 80's f'ut channel
tezzatipoca: Nelly and Jordynne just bewildered about the amt of inside jokes
josh___something: The Man's romance
ElementalAlchemist: lol
Mr_Horrible: it is now Kappa
A_Dub888: not YET
l0gin4me: It's called a waffle
control_rig: Yapping
jojo_habbit: @beowuuf thanks
xVoxtric: Pre-game podcast is a pretty decent name
NotCainNorAbel: It is a great time
Saga: Ohh, I see! Thanks @SmithKurosaki - Felt like a timetraveller there for a second, questioning everything
Arkouda Chien: I think they still appreciate them, but there's not a show that regularly uses them
FailureOfAName: you could and it'll add up to the pile of hats they have
SmithKurosaki: Just about? Have you seen the Door to Dinosaurs Past?
Simon Pratt: Ha, didn't Ben and Cori do the muscle touch bit?
SmithKurosaki: Cori and Paul :)
Simon Pratt: Ahhh, right
Lev Kotlyar: Man's romance
SmithKurosaki: Benben is Bacon (Cool Technology 🙂 )
FailureOfAName: @saga doctor who plot?
Sarah_Serinde: Turns out, we enjoy that too
jibkat: waffles are copywritten!
enbyKriss: it's the yapping hour hawkaNODDERS it's very important!
jibkat: mattlrAngy
SymphonySolstice: the Wiggins Waffle
JadedCynic: @tezzatipoca I am SO old and really worryingly obsessed with the internet comedy troupe...
neisan2112: For Alan wake. I only watched the opening to avoid spoilers.
kusinohki: legally distinct "wiggin's waffle"
Mathonwy: That one Talking Sim where Cam and Cori only played one round of some warhammer game.
ElementalAlchemist: ongClap ongClap ongClap
mymy0724: Mm.
BOTGrant: Sometimes a chinwag is what's called for!
Laserbeaks_Fury: Sometimes it's just Fire
type_variable: if ben and adam dont yap, whats the point
Bassios: Heather has the knife so she's LESS of a danger to people
imat156 subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 128 months, currently on a 128 month streak!
imat156: Ooo, 128 months? Something something Binary?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, imat156! (Today's storm count: 575)
jacqui_lantern234: @SymphonySolstice its a shame Ben and Adam are better at it that Wiggins :p
TehAmelie: is Ben about to get Beejdropped?
WriterRaven: Heather doesn't *need* a knife, but it helps.
BusTed: 😬
flatluigi: ahahahahah
ElementalAlchemist: lrrWOW
Foxmar320: LOL
jarnatan: @Mathonwy I think that was a Cam solo venture
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
Sorator13: SAD
Jillexie: lol
fastlane250: LUL
Mr_Horrible: we found the fake fan
Artificer_Evan: QWRP FM
saiarcot895: sad
NimrodXIV: sad
josh___something: QWRP FM!!!
virre_: SAD
Mollylele: someone doesn't sample his own product
jibkat: called, out
public_key_reveal_party: James just admitted to not listening to that
DigitalSeahorse: WKRPfm?
SmithKurosaki: LUL
Stormgod519: YES
LariatWest: it's the rag on James minute
SymphonySolstice: sad.
control_rig: HAH
ANameYouCanRead: Jewelsburg 101
Stormgod519: love me some road quest references
Sorator13: omg I'm dying
Chris Ellis: trying to get on the roster for the pregame podcast
control_rig: Shame Inferno!
Astramentha: XD
DEATHlikescats: Jordynne killing it
josh___something: Shame inferno!!!
powerflapjack: i need to rewatch road quest again
LariatWest: Dusty Road?
Mathonwy: @jarnatan Oooo!!! Yeah, it just seemed like someone else was there. Mind you, I enjoyed that stream a lot.
NimrodXIV: meta
JadedCynic: okay, THAT is just MEAN
bakerydragon: uses Jame's face for it but I don't think he's played it much :)
BusTed: tqsEgg
Stormgod519: i was gonna say krokinole
baltimore_667083: EGG
DeM0nFiRe: 🥚
josh___something: CEILING EGG!!!
jacqui_lantern234: E G G
stippledotter: e g g
tezzatipoca: @stormgod519 saaaame
barefootgamer subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months, currently on a 11 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, barefootgamer! (Today's storm count: 576)
WardsarTheWriter: Sealing Egg, the last best weapon against evil.
jibkat: ThankEgg
jarnatan: @Mathonwy Oh me too, one of my favourite talking sims. Not better than Detroit, but nothing is
BusTed: The okonomiyaki
kusinohki: I said crokinole board instead of ceiling egg...
DEATHlikescats: it’s a brain WORKOUT
bakerydragon: "You ROLLED THE DICE ON FREEZER SALAD?1?" and Adam's delivery broke me in Friday Nights
DiamondMX: They must be really tough, noone has any points.
ameliette: @kusinohki same
jacqui_lantern234: hehehe ben said "backend"
j_crane330: lrrHORN
Sorator13: Someone said about a third of the way through the prompt session that we should try for more deep cuts
Sorator13: and we took that personally
tezzatipoca: except i couldn't remember the name 😅🤫
korvys: West Wing Monikers
Simon Pratt: It's round and up!
FailureOfAName: the movie up?
Simon Pratt: The sun?
garion99: red dwarf monikers
selarom: @pkj3st3r Thank you so much for the gifted sub!
haberley: i'd play west wing monikers
Mazrae: I was thinking croquinol board or however you spell it
nevermore913: New girl monikers
DEATHlikescats: Weeb Monikers would be awesome
ElementalAlchemist: WONDER CORE!
ElementalAlchemist: That's amazing
BorgarWithAShotgun: sweet hen abortion that does not come down
bakerydragon: Sweding adverts was choice
Foxmar320: lol
control_rig: Eeep
tezzatipoca: lava bear!
ElementalAlchemist: (40 points of acid damage!)
DEATHlikescats: Nelly is excellent at lateral thinking
FailureOfAName: MY EYE!
JadedCynic: cut to James shrugging
josh___something: QWRP FM!
DEATHlikescats: qwrp
haberley: here in scenic nsburg - Where the Sky Meets
Mathonwy: Robin Hood Men in Tights showed another use for that specific guillotine...
Luminaire_p: Wonder cOOOre
Desruprot: with A train and G-Money
themercenary1987: What does QWRP stand for?
jarnatan: You're listening to QWRP FM! Thanks this week to our sponsor, the sex binturong
flatluigi: @themercenary1987 yes
ButterBall000: has the guillotine been used with the hamfather?
virre_: QWROP FM now on the AM band?
maxthefourth: The place you left to come home to
Mangledpixel: kewdubyuarpee FM
nicolebarbaraann: I am heerree @loadingreadyrun
DeM0nFiRe: Oddly the number for the radio station is also "eat my shit"
jibkat: its a radio code themercenary1987
Sorator13: @DeM0nFiRe LUL
Astramentha: @dem0nfire pffffft
beowuuf: @jojo_habbit i think this one?
JadedCynic: Radio station call sign
DEATHlikescats: just realized lowercase qwrp looks like a beasty with bug eyes and fangs
jarnatan: I still want to find out what a pork-fried butt-steak is
PipeSmokingOwl: amazonOrb amazonOrb
tezzatipoca: qwp
WardsarTheWriter: I'm wearing the Wizard Chat shirt today!
Diabore: "old timey chat mechanism" "internet forums" crumbles to dust
Foxmar320: cup of piss
tezzatipoca: ^qwp^
Spooky_Noises: are you singlevl”?
DEATHlikescats: @tezzatipoca awww it has cute ears!
Nigouki: they do check for PSA for prostate
Sorator13: yeah that's not typically in context of prostate checks, but
Redbassist: :D
tezzatipoca: 😍
DiamondMX: That cannot be a real thing Adam says on the regular.
0x6772: That's not how prostate exams work.
jarnatan: Graham implying that his doctor has asked him for somebody elses piss
Sorator13: like, in pop culture at least
DigitalSeahorse: katesShake bend over?
Seabats: I say that a lot
josh___something: "I want a cup of that guy's piss"
JinaMahavira: @DiamondMX It absolutely is
TehAmelie: it might help if they're on too many steroids and can't pee
BusTed: s'true
tezzatipoca: adam is hilarious
josh___something: True
DEATHlikescats: just Adam being iconic
Metric_Furlong: @DiamondMX it's true, he does say that
josh___something: Also, Hi adam!
beowuuf: "more witch piss from the piss witch"
Laserbeaks_Fury: Show your work!
DNAli3n: i have had a request for a cup of my p**s, i had a kidneystone
Stormgod519: LOL
Earthenone: lmao
Sorator13: @DNAli3n Same, except they never said anything about it, they just handed me the cup
flatluigi: GOOD
BusTed: amazing
ElementalAlchemist: LOL
SnackPak_: holy shit
Sorator13: LUL
tezzatipoca: i usually just say I want to infuse myself with someone elses blood 😆
bondeulv: you're welcome!
josh___something: OH MY GOD
Pteraspidomorphi: :D
Redbassist: :D
DEATHlikescats: clip it!
DigitalSeahorse: katesNoted
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyNoted
korvys: Cori said nunchucks, sadly
jarnatan: nunchuck with left beef
control_rig: Derleks!
Crad0k: time for tae!
NimrodXIV: !y
accountmadeforants: dishonoring nihon is so good
James_the_Dabbler: I'm sitting in a public place and I just reacted hard to the first one
ButterBall000: "Little grain silos filled with hate"
bakerydragon: seriously, the custom moniker clues are great, but the sentence to say for them all is a FANTASTIC extra mile
bakerydragon: super impressed with those
nappitatti: Crapshonk
Mr_Horrible: going Honk-Shoot Mode
Foxmar320: wolf
Mr_Horrible: lmao
control_rig: Wolf!
bagfullofbees: wolf
Metric_Furlong: chat, shh
Mr_Horrible: love a deep cut
Saintnex: Alex cH
TheOtherTrevor: magic smoke?
control_rig: Oh are we not hidden?! Sorry!
DanTheMediocre: Fire!
jarnatan: But what's the muzzle velocity of an AK-12?
bakerydragon: this is definitely a case where fans memorised stuff more than creators for wolf Tuesdays
glitched_goddess: honk shoot is what you say when you’re sleeping
ElementalAlchemist: lrrFRUMP
jibkat: lrrFRUMP
DNAli3n: don't answer in chat, just answer out loud to yourself
korvys: lrrFRUMP lrrFRUMP lrrFRUMP
SymphonySolstice: lrrFRUMP
selarom: lrrFRUMP
DigitalSeahorse: lrrFRUMP
l0gin4me: lrrFRUMP
Earthenone: that one is so good
beowuuf: lrrFRUMP
BusTed: LUL
Sorator13: oh yes
Saintnex: ladder up and down
ElementalAlchemist: the Autumnal Rumble is such a delight
Earthenone: counting along in chat was great
NimrodXIV: that ladder bit <3
vinewood_og: We're here!!!!
JadedCynic: I remember that
Abavus: lrrFRUMP
Mr_Bitterness: And he picks it up, and he throws it back down x10 times
SharktoothJack: I love how many of these have emotes
AugmentingPath: lrrFRUMP
NeoOfTheDark: lrrFRUMP
beowuuf: everyting goes first round :)
bakerydragon: blew my mind wwhen I learned that USA "frown" refers to that kind of mouth shape. in the UK frown is all about eyebrows
Diabore: alls fair in round 1
control_rig: The picking up and putting down ladder bit absolutely killed me when it first happened. I was seeing spots from laughing so hard.
Sevinon: Quiz night
bakerydragon: @control_rig same :)
Crad0k: it's the yard sale one
Saintnex: yup Alex and Cam goes for lunch
Sevinon: Well, also quiz night
SeismicLawns: yard sale and quiz night cover it
WardsarTheWriter: Cool technology!
kalira77: cool technology!
HavenDragon: cool technology!
ScrapyardGhostTrain: @bakerydragon I'm just learning this now. What.
kumatsu: Nicole PogChamp
Alsritt: what song is playing?
vinewood_og: Math!?!? No one said there'd be math!
YeomanAres: What meat is on sale on Tuesdays
bakerydragon: @ScrapyardGhostTrain right?! It finally made the "turn that frown upside down" make more sense
Saintnex: it was the episode that LRR first start trying to figure out what to do after sketches right?
Falannt: count twice!
Shadowsoflife: @vinewood_og there's always ,math
kumatsu: if somebody has a Magic app that has judge tools on it, the decklist counter would work for counting score too
bakerydragon: @bakerydragon but still is bonkers to me
Thus_Spooped_Zarathustra : My wife was taken aback by not getting "Tuesday, wolf day", but then we realize that the crew probably doesn't have themselves on for background noise constantly like we do, lol
Sorator13: Matt isn't the hamfather!
Abavus: lrrWOW
Astramentha: Matt can u fluff my pillow
sparrowhawksilver: i feel like eyebrows and mouth is sulking, just eyebrows is frowning
mulligan2six: 142 total. Remember that now
DEATHlikescats: close game!
KirbySliver: Ooh, another fan of #mengufinance
Kreiseler: Matt can I have a turkey sandwich
NotCainNorAbel: Paul that is too smart
Falannt: good idea paul!
JadedCynic: James COULD just flip that switch - wait, that was the LAST Moonbase :\
InvadedOath: That was the yard sale episode where Cori made an appearance as a discerning customer
JadedCynic: 142 chat - remember that
bakerydragon: @sparrowhawksilver agreed
Lord_Hosk: Allegedly
AugmentingPath: Round one had 142 points in total, got it
BusTed: rolled in like a smoke grenade
AugmentingPath: I wonder what round two will have!
Sorator13: yiff yiff yiff yiff
flatluigi: remember when alex said yiff about thirty times
FailureOfAName: dammit now I'm hungry
Shadowsoflife: mana
JadedCynic: @flatluigi I remember what Jacob did in the charades round....:D
jarnatan: Beejboxing
Mazrae: 64k?
bondeulv: I do enjoy that since I hate the English Pokémon series dub, I asked Graham if Penelope was watching that or original japanese with subs, and it turned into "dishonoring nihon"
bakerydragon: Nelly knocking it out of the PARK
beowuuf: lrrCIRCLE
ElementalAlchemist: whoa
control_rig: Hooooooly
SmithKurosaki: FBtouchdown
BusTed: Impressive
NotCainNorAbel: amazing
ElementalAlchemist: good job
beowuuf: boom
nevermore913: Great job Nelly
JadedCynic: That. Team. is DRIFT-COMPATIBLE <3
Earthenone: does penelope know what a jelly dougnut is then? :P
jarnatan: Conveyor belt efficiency
DNAli3n: damn, great work barry bluebins
Vilun: I think we take points off for those high fives
AugmentingPath: Can't be good at monickers and high fives, nobody's perfect
DEATHlikescats: excellent communication
ElementalAlchemist: holy heck
vinewood_og: Damn Nelly!
Shadowsoflife: wow
ElementalAlchemist: Qwrpfm
Wolfstrike_NL: Jordynne dot exe needs a reboot
DiamondMX: Wow that was good. Is that mode always after you've been through the whole deck? I imagine that would be impossible if you didn't know all the cards.
beowuuf: awww
Sarah_Serinde: Nah Jordynne you've got this
Sorator13: @DiamondMX Typically, yes
korvys: About 5 minutes ago
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Like 5 minutes
DEATHlikescats: we believe in youuuuuuuu
NonUniqueGuy: Jordynne looks like she is about to get her performance review
jarnatan: Asmoranomardicadaistinaculdacar?
vinewood_og: WutFace
jacqui_lantern234: Queen? JORDYNNE
Saintnex: mushrooms?
beowuuf: @DiamondMX yup, 1st round get to know the deck, second round word, thid round charades plus
JadedCynic: stupid meta humor :D
ElementalAlchemist: ooh!
squ3e: crapshot hnk?
Artificer_Evan: near and far
Morrigan9: paul does not say that
beowuuf: lol
Metric_Furlong: he doesn't say "fuck off", james Kappa
vinewood_og: ScaredyCat
DanTheMediocre: from near and far, young and old, fuck off
IanAllenBird: it's live, so fuck off
jarnatan: From near and far, fuck off
Sorator13: man, that was rough
bakerydragon: @DanTheMediocre XD
beowuuf: @Metric_Furlong he does after being up from 5am :p
AugmentingPath: Metric_Furlong no, I'm pretty sure it's "Near and far, young and old, fuck off"
beowuuf: lol
WardsarTheWriter: Can you guarantee you've never said that, Paul?
JadedCynic: @Metric_Furlong he DID during one was his only line (being a distant bystander)
vinewood_og: Surly Paul from the mirror universe maybe
TheWooglie: we need a monikers game about this monikers game
Marvoleath: Hello everyone and f*ck off!
insanecat6mtg: I love how hard this game makes me laugh.
DEATHlikescats: @marvoleath hi hi !
Metric_Furlong: @JadedCynic as an intro, you silly sausage :p
tezzatipoca: we need a mirror paul crapshots
jokerzgrave: Ultra instinct Nelly
jarnatan: Up Mozart, up!
micalovits: #FreeCeilingEgg!
DiscordianTokkan: Ceiling Egg, our beloved
control_rig: Hahaha
DEATHlikescats: @insanecat6mtg the wonderful creativity and hilarious randomness of this is UNMATCHED
Marvoleath: Evil LRR would be neat idea for a series :D
Saintnex: hahaha
control_rig: Revolution!
Sorator13: oh god that got me
BusTed: FBtouchdown
Redbassist: FBtouchdown :D
SmithKurosaki: @Marvoleath Isnt that just cH?
BorgarWithAShotgun: revolucion
Mr_Horrible: the first thought I had at that was "Mozart!" because of that Rhythm Cafe clip LUL
DoctorHutch: When my gaming group plays moniker with have a 4th round, where the person has to again do charades but while under a bedsheet
EternalRoxas: I also believe in the Jordynne
Desruprot: BEEJ
beowuuf: peejka peejka
flatluigi: @DoctorHutch out of the view of god?
jokerzgrave: @marvoleath isn't that the version of them on Friday nights/commodore hustle?
stippledotter: In the Mr. Bean voice, precisely
TehAmelie: Beej BEEJ CHU
SeismicLawns: was it cam that said "beej! get the bat!"?
SmithKurosaki: Beejmon wants to learn 'Eat the Whole Thing'
JadedCynic: Cam: "Hey BEEJ! Get the bat!" <3
DEATHlikescats: Beej as a Pokémon is Psyduck, isn’t he?
BusTed: @DoctorHutch I have done a version where they can only pose, with no movement. So we had to institute a blanket to cover them before the reveal.
jarnatan: Oh Nook is so good
JadedCynic: @SeismicLawns yes! I love his delivery
PraetusCortez: beard tones is 2 words
Eepy Alice: it's a compound word
Sorator13: Synonyms are allowed!
Angreed66: encouraged even
betazed15: Oooohhhh love this game
Sarah_Serinde: tqsClap
ElementalAlchemist: lrrDILLY
Marvoleath: @jokerzgrave that's more like a "horrible" version (and not always), not actively evil
flatluigi: we're not allowed to stream meej's meat anymore
JadedCynic: Munro's Meats?
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Meej's MeatMoxing.
jarnatan: Jordynne just drops the weighted armbands
AugmentingPath: "Meej's Meat:" wolf for lunch?
DEATHlikescats: Meej’s Meatmaxxing?
ameliette: meej's mouth music
Sorator13: "Meej's meatmoxing" is something VERY different
Redbassist: No thanks ben
tezzatipoca: face noises
Coloneljesus: boojes boot booxing
IaCthulhuFthagn: "Meej's meat... fighting"
tezzatipoca: meat cubing
Bearudite: meej's mouth Muay thai
FailureOfAName: would think the ref would let it slide
bio boy66: is this a lrr themed monikers?
PraetusCortez: Yup!
TehAmelie: it's much harder to navigate the game if you speak multiple languages and can't use the words on the card in any of them
jarnatan: It's Piffs!
Saintnex: I dunno Ben, I think its actually lrrEFF off Kappa
beowuuf: lol
tezzatipoca: CORY FTW
stippledotter: lrrCORI lrrSACK lrrHEART
Sorator13: @tezzatipoca (Cori)
DEATHlikescats: you got thissss
jarnatan: It will be quicker to count and also probably more accurate
tezzatipoca: my bad fam i got excites
bio boy66: amazing
SmithKurosaki: @bio boy66 Yup, Ben made a thread on discord asking for clues
Sorator13: all good!
Saintnex: I need to remind myself not to keep typing in the answers in chat :p
Sorator13: honestly, the second game of Monikers is way more difficult, because you still have all the associations from the first game and they're *useless*
beowuuf: yup
JadedCynic: @Sorator13 so true - the in-jokes linger
beowuuf: i'm not sure how they managed to have a third game one time
Rogue 7: I should ask, is Jordynne sticking around for the PPR?
FailureOfAName: I love that it was Christopher Lee who said "she had a perfectly smooth brain"
DEATHlikescats: brains just thoroughly exhausted
TheWooglie: Jacob has a infamous action
Shadowsoflife: ^
DiamondMX: Does anyone else hear 3,2,1,let's jam. :D
dumbo3k: @TheWooglie Doesn't he have several?
A_Dub888: Beejboxing
beowuuf: i like how people seem to have forgotten ben's infamous action :p
heartofgoldfish: Meej's Meatmoxing
AugmentingPath: lrrFINE
JadedCynic: Bad news, Meej.
A_Dub888: lrrFRUMP
AugmentingPath: uh, i mean lrrFRUMP
Sorator13: hey now, it'd be quite different if Boneathan were *flaming*
Shadowsoflife: @dumbo3k for mokiners?
Joshua Trytten: That movie was way better than it had any right to be
vinewood_og: solid
spawnofhastur: Jacob on Monikers is the best because the game consistently kills him at least once.
Earthenone: i dident know boneathan came out good for him
JadedCynic: deep cut
JadedCynic: @spawnofhastur yeah
SmithKurosaki: @spawnofhastur And Serge often learns something new
EternalRoxas: @spawnofhastur also the image of him humping the table is seared into my brain forever
Saintnex: Its also one of those things that we as fans watch way more stuff than the performers themselves :p
SmithKurosaki: @spawnofhastur 100%
Mazrae: I think that's the one from the Ch garage sale where Graham doesn't want to sell anything
beowuuf: lol
FailureOfAName: so bad it's good
SmithKurosaki: @Mazrae It is
ElementalAlchemist: lrrJAMES
dzee_szed: ooo, i missed out on round 1 and just showing up for round 2. nothing better than walking in on round 3 of Time's Up / Monikers with absolutely no context
jarnatan: The wolf on tuesdays comes up in at least a couple of CH episodes
TheWooglie: @EternalRoxas this was what I was referring to
Sorator13: @dzee_szed There was also an entire game before this one, too
Saintnex: hahahaha
AugmentingPath: kwa
Shadowsoflife: @dzee_szed 100%
Earthenone: i wonder wonder wonder whats in a wonder ball
DanTheMediocre: core
Luminaire_p: OOO
stippledotter: NotLikeThis
ElementalAlchemist: aw dang
ElementalAlchemist: tiltyhYAS
nappitatti: Lindex eat shit
Metric_Furlong: mammary banks
Earthenone: extended mamory bank is extra
bakerydragon: Cori no that's so cursed
DEATHlikescats: mammary bank is just a bra
Sorator13: OH
heartofgoldfish: ooh
DanTheMediocre: showcase showdown?
josh___something: With extended mammary bank : WutFace
DanTheMediocre: I didnt see round 1
DEATHlikescats: 2020Victory
FailureOfAName: I think it's the fact that they did so many sketches over the years that a lot of it escapes them
Rogue 7: My butt just clenched up at the words "spider faucet"
Rogue 7: And i was here the first time it came around
DEATHlikescats: bootie5Coins
Saintnex: A very specific series of commercials
JadedCynic: That's why I'm worried for James ;)
stippledotter: I watch the wondercore episode like once a month
Saintnex: ones that I may or may not have saved on my browers
ElementalAlchemist: daaaaang
Sorator13: And then a sequel showed up in a Live "guess what this is advertising", didn't it?
kumatsu: it's anybody's game
Gekyouryuu: I always remember Wonder Core because I wrote the entire "Wonder Core?" "What's that?" "It's Japanese!" "I don't think it'll work out for me." joke from the Music Genres crapshoot
vinewood_og: twas a spanking
Saintnex: @Sorator13 yup Wonder Core 2
stippledotter: @sorator13 and someone was like "wait, that's the guy!"
Metric_Furlong: just have to get at least 67 more points than them, it's fine
FailureOfAName: some of the members are in their 40s
FailureOfAName: a lapse of memory is expected
AugmentingPath: aww, monikers is broken, there were the same number of points in the deck both times
TehAmelie: you know it's a great workout device when it gets a sequel
Sorator13: Oh that is good
Shadowsoflife: ^
TheWooglie: that was great
vinewood_og: sweet jeebus
NimrodXIV: good impression
DanTheMediocre: Oh I so hope whoever gets wonder core can pull off a full sit up from a squatting position
DEATHlikescats: niiiice
JadedCynic: yeeeeeees
ElementalAlchemist: good job
vinewood_og: solid
DEATHlikescats: niiiice!
Sorator13: Very good
Artificer_Evan: very nice
stippledotter: Well done!
Sarah: I've been watching for more than 15 years and I don't remember every single sketch and other video. It's been a *long* time since I've watched a lot of them
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyClap
bluj420: Wowzer!
nevermore913: Very impressed
DEATHlikescats: Jordynne with the 🔥 comeback
EternalRoxas: great job Jordynne!
DiamondMX: I thought it might have been wizard chat
sparrowhawksilver: very well done charades by Jordynne there
RealGamerCow: The Dob card was definitely made for this round
Sorator13: OH
ElementalAlchemist: oh!
Williams4jesus subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 33 months!
Williams4jesus: Thanks for a great community of awesome folks!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Williams4jesus! (Today's storm count: 577)
Shadowsoflife: Ah
Sarah: Also I wouldn't go to "they're in their 40s so their memory is worse"
ani laurel: same, I got into them in 2008 and there are so many bits I've never even seen much less re-watched
SmithKurosaki: Yea, I've had memory issues since I was a kid
ani laurel: For some reason I never got into DB until 9
SmithKurosaki: Age isn't relevant to memory capacity
Sarah: Yeah 2008 is about when I started too, I was introduced to them before DB2
SmithKurosaki: I have the weirdest path to LRR out of anyone I know
Sarah: I had a friend in university who showed me some videos in the computer lab
JadedCynic: I got the ones Cori did that they didn't
heartofgoldfish: Ho Chi Minh City!
JadedCynic: good work by Cori!
ElementalAlchemist: I love that "her brain was completely smooth!" made it as a card
nevermore913: Some of these are going to be super hard
JadedCynic: oh yeah
Stormgod519: aight, time for work. cya later chat
ElementalAlchemist: HO CHI MINH CITY!
TehAmelie: would you rather have a smooth brain or a porous brain?
josh___something: Lindex 17 with extended ram bank, my beloved XD
DEATHlikescats: Ho Chi Minh City!
123 raiders from benjamin_wheeler have joined!
YeetTheRich_: wheelerRat wheelerRat wheelerRat
Sarah_Serinde: Welcome rodeo
Sorator13: ahoy raiders! you come at a very interesting time
Earthenone: hello wheelie breakers
beowuuf: sergeHi
SmithKurosaki: Welcome raiders
marmalade_pen: hello benjamin
baltimore_667083: hello raiders!
TheWriterAleph: LUL
ElementalAlchemist: ongLOL
Doomlewa: Thank you raiders, it's great to be here
Shadowsoflife: o/ raiders
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah some of these are *great* for charades gabyLul
JadedCynic: heya raiders! Glad you could join us, Wheeler, it's great you're here
Sarah_Serinde: tqsClap
Mr_Bitterness: We're Heeeeeeeeeeere!
stippledotter: Thank you for raiding here, it's great to be you!
EternalRoxas: wheelerY wheelerH raiders
JadedCynic: James was pretty good too :)
DEATHlikescats: yay Wheelers chat!
Verrain2: Welcome to Ho Chi Minh City!
YeetTheRich_: wheelerBrat wheelerBrat
powerflapjack: wheelerRat
spawnofhastur: wheelerY wheelerH
LurkerSpine: rats rats we're the rats
josh___something: Ratthew <3
DEATHlikescats: ratewoNderBirdDance ratewoNderBirdDance ratewoNderBirdDance ratewoNderBirdDance
heartofgoldfish: does anyone have the clip of Thankyfrhvingmetsgreattobehere
Diabore: the full name is chatthew j wiggity
SymphonySolstice: beloved ratthew
KiaStirling: ratthias
EternalRoxas: wheelerBrat
Sarah_Serinde: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
JadedCynic: "Please! My FATHER is named 'Chat' - I'm 'Chatthew'."
the_bluest: We come in peace and Rabbit heat
bluegargantua: Please tell me that the LRR/Monikers graphic is available somewhere. That's amazing!
JadedCynic: yes!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyKissy lrrDILLY vicksyLick
Redbassist: FBtouchdown
JadedCynic: @bluegargantua ask Featherweight!
DEATHlikescats: yassss I was hoping they’d do that for Wondercore
arcanist1740 subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 76 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, arcanist1740! (Today's storm count: 578)
bluegargantua: @JadedCynic Thanks!
vinewood_og: TableHere
kumatsu: That was an excellent performance that last one Nelly
phoenixfeather14: got that last one Nelly. Good job
Mr_Bitterness: lrrDILLY
Featherweight_: Do not ask me. LRR owns the art
TheAinMAP: jlrrFall
JadedCynic: looking at the image; I'm a little sad that Dave's Spokesman hasn't turned up in a game yet ...
spawnofhastur: Dave's Spokesman is my hero.
JadedCynic: @Featherweight_ okay, we'll bug them between games <3
TehAmelie: the spokesman would be so hard in round two or three
JadedCynic: @TehAmelie exactly!
Sibwow: a mans romance
Redbassist: lrrGARBO
NornsFelidar: how is it "pooping in the wilderness" and not "man's romance"?
ElementalAlchemist: ongClap ongClap
trevor_impersonator: would love a moniklrrs playmat
SolarBlitz1: we heard it
CodeIndigo: WE heard it
JadedCynic: @TehAmelie although Graham might be able to pull it off in 3rd round with just a pose ;)
DEATHlikescats: we guessed it Graham
MilkInBags: dancing
vinewood_og: team not drift compatible... heard that gourd knock
vinewood_og: great effort
LoadingReadyRun: @trevor_impersonator good to know :)
IaCthulhuFthagn: @JadedCynic Anyone else can just point at Graham.
SmithKurosaki: @trevor_impersonator Also requests for the art as well, likely digital?
vinewood_og: wow
JadedCynic: I got it tho, good work ben!
ElementalAlchemist: ongLOL
vinewood_og: you've still got it!?!
TheWooglie: did James not have a go?
Marvoleath: pep talk!
Sorator13: belopa?
asthanius: marquis de sade?
SmithKurosaki: Heck yea
Earthenone: yiff?
Bitter0ne subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 77 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Bitter0ne! (Today's storm count: 579)
Gekyouryuu: "TQ's underwear?"
DiamondMX: That was a good round.
Wolfstrike_NL: @TheWooglie He had, as second of the team
Earthenone: @Gekyouryuu i put that in on the discord but it wasent picked
JustMeJude: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Hardspace w/ Alex at Wed 08:00 PM PDT (4:35 from now).
MrPhlip: Oh good, I'm joining a Monikers game mid-round, time to see some unreasonably psychic players
Thefluffiestguineapig: How goes the MonikLRRs
SmithKurosaki: Very good
Sorator13: @Thefluffiestguineapig It's been a great time
beowuuf: meme goodness
Thefluffiestguineapig: @mrphlip Same 🤣
spawnofhastur: THE BUS IS COMING
Thefluffiestguineapig: !bus
Joshua Trytten: Technically the first LRR video I saw was an Arrogant Worms music video, but I didn't know who they were at that point. Found the PPRs much later, and now we're just in too deep.
Thefluffiestguineapig: wait
heartofgoldfish: uhhhh Snaketrain
Earthenone: !venga
LRRbot: This is not a Venga Bus of honor. No interstate free disco is commemmorated here. No traffic lights are burning here. The danger is to the body, if you like to party.
Thefluffiestguineapig: !vengabus
LRRbot: Did you know that the critically acclaimed MMORPG Desert Bus has a free trial, and includes the entirety of the trip to Las Vegas AND the award-winning Return to Tucson expansion up to level 60 with no restrictions on playtime? Sign up, and enjoy Desert Bus today!
bakerydragon: exhausted so gotta go to bed but have a great time all
SAJewers: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
DanTheMediocre: quote that
Thefluffiestguineapig: New dance craze
nosole: @LRRbot Who wrote this up, because you are amazingt
jacqui_lantern234: lrrIAN
Luminaire_p: Everybody do the Ian
beowuuf: dob it? that's right!
Shadowsoflife: tiltyhPLS
kumatsu: everybody do the Ian! the Ian is a Dance!
DEATHlikescats: Do the Ian!
Mr_Bitterness: That MMORPG Desert Bus copy pasta is amazing and needs to be updated for Stormblood
DanTheMediocre: Do the ian, that's the ticket!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyClap
TehAmelie: i wonder if David Vanderpunch is in there too
Doomlewa: @kumatsu everybody is a being, that knows it in advance
DEATHlikescats: @kumatsu everyone’s a genius who knows it in advance!
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
beowuuf: oh no
DEATHlikescats: @doomlewa heck YES
Thefluffiestguineapig: That was a brilliant one
bakerydragon: the curse of Menthor the Fresh Maker!
tezzatipoca: incoming youtube link: spider faucets!
Sorator13: @DEATHlikescats oh no, we can't start this segment over
mtvcdm: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Hardspace w/ Alex at Wed 08:00 PM PDT (4:32 from now).
tezzatipoca: 1:50 is frame slowing down 1:57 all the spiders
DEATHlikescats: @sorator13 the poor camera
Thefluffiestguineapig: LUL
John Hill: I started watching LRR in '08 or '09 I think. I met them at PAX in 2010, and think I was watching them for st least a year before that. but not 100% sure
River: wow doing first LRR vids, i believe mine was a commadore Hussle, but the real first one and how i found LRR was a odd video that showed up on my feed called cake lunch made by graham stark vlogs
TehAmelie: it amuses me James plays the actor David Vanderpunch who plays Zach Meatfist. it's very Last Action Hero
Thefluffiestguineapig: I just cackled out loud at that
tezzatipoca: Thank you to Asthanius in the forums for posting a screencap or I never would have found it xD
failbag subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 14 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, failbag! (Today's storm count: 580)
DEATHlikescats: so many banger clips from this
mtvcdm: Still time for a comeback
SydPreviouslyHeadache: oh no, am i late to Monikers? this and Telestration are my favorite AFK games LRR does, i think
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby
Laserbeaks_Fury: SEPUKU
DEATHlikescats: yus the CHOSEN
Earthenone: i still stand by naruto run pantamime
Sorator13: @SydPreviouslyHeadache We are just wrapping up, I believe, but you'll have an excellent vod later!
beowuuf: @SydPreviouslyHeadache end of second game :(
TehAmelie: i thought you were miming honorable sudoku
spawnofhastur: lrrBartleby
Metric_Furlong: remember the total points should be 142
FailureOfAName: their announcement video on OG escapist after binge ing Zero Punctuation was mine
ArcLightningCanuck: Really funny and well played, all.
Earthenone: dosent matter!
SydPreviouslyHeadache: darn, yeah excited for the vod. thank you
Wolfstrike_NL: it does check out
BusTed: ggs
38Hypnodisc: Did anyone call this MoniLRRs?
Earthenone: ~whichcord
DideRobot: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
beowuuf: seabatClap
DEATHlikescats: that was amazing
Sorator13: @38Hypnodisc We settled on MonikLRRs
Redbassist: Dischat? Discord
DEATHlikescats: thank you
AugmentingPath: Official final scores: 241 to 109
Thefluffiestguineapig: I am stoked for that VOD
Sorator13: That was excellent; thank you for a wonderful idea, Ben!
bondeulv: that was great fun
38Hypnodisc: Coolcool, I showed up late
Mathonwy: Dischannel?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTap vicksyClap vicksyClap vicksyClap
38Hypnodisc: Thanks for the boardstrurm!
MilkInBags: when is monopoly
Lord_Hosk: Im curious why there were some changes to "generic names" vrs the "lrr name" like Mans romance and Simic slaw
Boomy Toadsmasher: is it crashing for anyone else?
SmithKurosaki: Im not having issues. Try refreshing?
Myk Pilgrim: No crashing here either
Anaerin: No, though there have been a couple hitches. That's probably my end, though.
River: all good here
Earthenone: remember to prepare if you want to play along at home
Dog_of_Myth: Chat can play along as well
NotCainNorAbel: Pride1600 - Fun Times!
jarnatan: Are cartographers and poggifers related?
Dumori: @Lord_Hosk my guess is not every one in the game has been there for all of it
38Hypnodisc: I used to hate Cartographers, but it turned out to just be projection
singinnonsense: new maps for old !
TehAmelie: i'm going to sleep, but i won't be far away
Shadowsoflife: @38Hypnodisc delevePun
Dog_of_Myth: @38Hypnodisc Booooooo :p
Anaerin: Also *waves* Hi Boomy. :D
Joshua Trytten: More Borb Game!
Simon Pratt: Take all the break you need, folks!
NotCainNorAbel: @Lord_Hosk I'd guess that it is so you could use the word Mans Romance and then someone had to describe it
Thagnok: @Lord_Hosk Maybe to make it easier to explain for the people who weren't in the specific episode or part of LRR at the time?
bondeulv: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100
jarnatan: The 24 Hours of LRR Mans Romance
38Hypnodisc: What's a crocodile's favourite map projection?
38Hypnodisc: Mergator
SeismicLawns: the table had a child!
jarnatan: @SeismicLawns do I hear seagulls?
DEATHlikescats: oooh! it’s telling jokes in chat time!
TheWriterAleph: Stop it now.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @seismiclawns I absolutely love that video
TheWanderingNomad: Cheer1000
FailureOfAName: my dumbass heard silent cartographer
Boomy Toadsmasher: hi Anerin
FailureOfAName: too much legendary halo runs tonight
Thefluffiestguineapig: OoAHoooooooAHOH
38Hypnodisc: @DEATHlikescats You give me entirely too much credit by calling what I'm saying jokes =]
AugmentingPath: I like NotCainNorAbel's bits just appearing as "No"
Thefluffiestguineapig: The seagulls gonna come
Thefluffiestguineapig: Poke me in the coconut
Thefluffiestguineapig: And they did, oh and they did
38Hypnodisc: But yeah, you hear about the WoW expansion for Cartographers? It's called Battle For Azimuth
haberley: booooo
Boomy Toadsmasher: so whos excited for bloomburrow
FailureOfAName: speaking of time, the sun is rising for me, so I'm off. good night everyone!
Boomy Toadsmasher: night night
stippledotter: @38hypnodisc not with that lattitude they aren't!
stippledotter: But maybe I'm just *projecting*
38Hypnodisc: I have longitude now, but after my HRT kicks in I'll have more of a shortitude
Kilo: Do we have a command for "what's up next"?
Jigokuro: Anyone know this specific track? I know it's BGCs...
38Hypnodisc: Big Giant Circles should play a concert in front of a rai stone
MilkInBags: oh no paul drank too much, the stream is blurry
DEATHlikescats: a bear and rabbit were defecating in the woods, and the bear turns to the rabbit and asks “ does the poo stick to your fur?” the rabbit responds “nope!” and the bear, in turn reaches over, picks up the rabbit, wipes its butt with it.
Anaerin: Not really, though there is a pin in the Discord.
SmithKurosaki: @Kilo So, we don't for board game day itself, buuuut
SmithKurosaki: !schedule
38Hypnodisc: This is also a pun if you're a fan of the history of Polynesian currency, but I'm just Yapping
inetro: Howdy chat. Whats next on the bracket for tonight?
Sorator13: @inetro cartographers!
DEATHlikescats: hi!
Sorator13: hi Cori!
Earthenone: cartographers with new maps!
Biggjudicem: hi cori!
WriterRaven: Hi Cori!
MilkInBags: hello alien blurry species
SmithKurosaki: Hi Coti
inetro: @Sorator13 Dope! Glad I am able to catch it
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Hi Cori
38Hypnodisc: (Rai stones are huge carved circular rocks, and they're found on the island of Yap)
SkylerRingtail: Hope the new maps are available online!
SmithKurosaki: Cori* I can type I swear
ShifuDaxiongmao: Flail arms if trapped!
38Hypnodisc: Also Hellori!
Biggjudicem: hi cam
SmithKurosaki: (Once LRRBot responds, it's a link to both the web and gcal schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
Anaerin: I don't think that mic is live.
Alsritt: are we getting 2 music tracks playing at the same time?
Earthenone: i dont know the process, but there is a way to play along at home so people might want to get whatever that is ready, i wish there was a ! command to let people know but i imagine to dosent come up much :P
Alsritt: soft guitar and BGC
jarnatan: Every time this track comes on I wanna replay FTL
rozodru: can't believe I missed so much of the subathon, had no clue it was going on.
Sorator13: You can download a cartographer's map to play along, but I believe LRR got new maps for today, and idk if those are readily available to play along with
DEATHlikescats: @38hypnodisc awww I like that.
Alsritt: @jarnatan every time this track comes on i want to play JSaB, so i get you
stippledotter: @38hypnodisc hope they have a raised relief map, cause that joke had levels!
38Hypnodisc converted from a Prime sub to a Tier 1 sub!
IaCthulhuFthagn: @38Hypnodisc The line cut off at "send Cam blood" and that sent me.
Anaerin: Oh, and there's 2 lots of music going on right now.
Kilo: Oh, it's Board Game Day, right!
SkylerRingtail: @Sorator13 It _may_ be one of these sets, but we'll have to see once the game starts
jarnatan: I think if Cam just received blood in the mail, he'd quit LRR
38Hypnodisc: @IaCthulhuFthagn I mean I'm gonna do that *too*-
DEATHlikescats: that’s dedication
human_pirate: What's the next game?
Sorator13: @human_pirate Cartographers!
Dog_of_Myth: Cartographers
human_pirate: Thanks, sounds fun
ClodiumSoride: @Jigokuro I think the BGC track is a remix of "Gront is a Muppet", not sure which mix.
Boomy Toadsmasher: so when i set the vid to live after a few seconds it's treating it like the stream has ended
Kilo: I only hear one track of music as far as I can tell?
Kilo: Man, shout-out to Big Giant Circles(?) for slapping so hard
Anaerin: Right now, BGC is bangin' it, so you can't hear the faint second track underneath.
DEATHlikescats: with new maps!
38Hypnodisc: Dave's blood mails and flood details! Protect yourself from rising waters and falling haemoglobin levels
IaCthulhuFthagn: @jarnatan It's the kind of thing you could send to Cam's CH character but not to the actual human being.
Dog_of_Myth: I play on the old ones cause that's what I have at home.
SkylerRingtail: Handy dandy rules reference
SkylerRingtail: (For those playing along at home)
Freezerassasin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 120 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Freezerassasin! (Today's storm count: 581)
DEATHlikescats: @iacthulhufthagn exactly!
mtvcdm: ! subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Anaerin: @Boomy Toadsmasher That is decidedly odd. And definitely not something I'm seeing here.
38Hypnodisc: but yeah i think cam would like blood bowl
38Hypnodisc: and the minis are some of geedubs' best
Texan_Reverend: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
IaCthulhuFthagn: Blood bowl miniatures yes, a miniature bowl of blood no.
IaCthulhuFthagn: We got there.
38Hypnodisc: idk, lrr have brought me so much happiness with what they love, i want to share something that makes me happy with them
Boomy Toadsmasher: yeah i'm gonna try a diferent browser
Despoiler98: do we know what the next game is?
Fyurios: cartographers
Dog_of_Myth: Cartographers
Despoiler98: cool
yamahako subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 77 months!
yamahako: 76 months? A whole trombone of moths.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, yamahako! (Today's storm count: 582)
38Hypnodisc: the game is also Who Can Send Cam The Most Blood In The Post
SkylerRingtail: Why are we sending Cam blood in the post?
Texan_Reverend: @38Hypnodisc It is decidely not.
CodeIndigo: @SkylerRingtail because it's cheaper than fdedex
midnightcurryjazz: I picked a good week to endlessly craft stuff for materia in ff14. Dont even have to worry about what to watch
SkylerRingtail: @CodeIndigo Well played
Dog_of_Myth: Send snacks instead.
38Hypnodisc: actual answer: i want to send cam blood bowl minis. the last two words got cut off.
marmalade_pen: im turning the stream off before i fall asleep, bye lovely people
saucemaster5000: send cam a good book of poetry and a coupon to a good cafe
38Hypnodisc: joke answer: s a u c e
3 raiders from AnderKryst have joined!
Dog_of_Myth: Heya Raiders
superdude097: Welcome raiders!
Sirius2010: how long break
Molladia: so far it was camel cup then ??? and next cartographers.
superdude097: @Molladia Monikers in the middle
Molladia: bugger missed it
SkylerRingtail: And still coming up is the Dexterity Game Power Hour (?), and maybe hopefully a surprise thrift store find from Graham?
trident042: Still hoping one of these days they find space for an AFK play of Sentinels of the Multiverse. Sure, it's co-op, but then everyone can win?
SkylerRingtail: (Though I guess that's more of a Tabletop Day tradition)
stippledotter: Totally gonna play Wit's End again based on how much they collectively loved it last time
Sorator13: Ben said earlier that he has arranged for the traditional Surprise Game, but that Graham might also contribute something in addition or instead
googoltudoris: wait we're still on break? this is scruffy the janitor levels of break :p
Molladia: I’d like to see them play werewolf… but not as interesting for us.
SkylerRingtail: @googoltudoris Gotta get enough crayons for colorful maps!
jarnatan: @googoltudoris Look, things don't get down the turlet themselves
Boomy Toadsmasher: nope every browser
trident042: @Molladia I could see Paul finding a way to make it interesting for us.
TheWriterAleph: helloooo
Brozard: It's so weird not to hear the LRR theme there
Brozard: *to not hear
JRandomHacker: Chicago mug sighted!
jarnatan: Is it on purpose that the LRR theme tune cuts out on these?
KBKarma: Which game is this game?
LilyOfTheVeil6666: @molladia Werewolf the hidden roles game or Werewolf the TTRPG?
SmithKurosaki: sergeJustRight
Sorator13: Can you tell us which maps you're using?
Dog_of_Myth: ^^^
KBKarma: Ah, Carto Graphers.
SkylerRingtail: (Waiting to see the maps they're using before linking)
JadedCynic: TYVM @SkylerRingtail <3
SmithKurosaki: Reboot?
fjordsword: Ohhhhhh ... all the shapes gotta touch
SkylerRingtail: Undercity map pack is Pack 3 at this link
SkylerRingtail: (Map PDF is free)
stippledotter: Mmm, Sixth District energy
thejonnay: I love board games
jarnatan: Oh I hate it when the shapes touch
Boomy Toadsmasher: nope thats odd
mtvcdm: The maps demand to be tactile
DEATHlikescats: the final shapes touch
345tom: I missed the link AAHHHH
MTGRanger: @DEATHlikescats my brain collapsed on seeing final shape lol
DEATHlikescats: lol
mtvcdm: @deathlikescats oh very good
Boomy Toadsmasher: just did a reboot and nada
mtvcdm: You can touch if it's just the tip
Anaerin: Is YouTube doing is stupid adblocker-blocker-blocker-blocker nonsense again?
38Hypnodisc: well, good luck with the cartographing
38Hypnodisc: gonna dip
38Hypnodisc: have fun yall
definenull: Long bois are also clusters
malkavcandy: i have one of those installed and it looks fine for me
malkavcandy: tech problems truly are arcane mysteries
Anaerin: Yeah, they do A/B testing on them.
SkylerRingtail: Rules reference once more, including the Edict scoring cards for ease of reference
rabbitgta: @red_shoes_jeff thanks for the gift sub
UrielAngelSpy: I thought you could only rotate, not mirror pieces?
Tevildo: can you do the gate rules again?
DEATHlikescats: let the Dungeon delving begin! *cue Dunmeshi horns*
DEATHlikescats: oops too early
Sorator13: Yeah, can you explain the gate rule again?
SkylerRingtail: @Tevildo Anything built beyond the gate must have a contiguous path to the gate
Tevildo: @SkylerRingtail thank you
Heckhoundbolt: do they have all eight monster cards?
Sorator13: Oh, and you may want to look at the rules doc for how to do monsters solo
HadesLeprechaun: monsters are adjacent -squares- not uncovered -sides-
Sorator13: (directed at chat)
Boomy Toadsmasher: plus side no issue with twitch, minus side is not an adblocker-blocker situation
mtvcdm: Food!
SkylerRingtail: Actually don't know how monsters work solo on this map
midnightcurryjazz: the monster cards have a corner you have to add it in for solo
BOTGrant: "This is my forest. There are many like it, but this one is mine."
midnightcurryjazz: there is an icon on it that tells you
SajuukSjet: oooh, are those Staedtler Fineliners matt?
SmithKurosaki: Yea, Chrome is really good at being a jerk to people trying to use adblockers on YT now
Heckhoundbolt: if you have pencils, it is recommended to make a sketch of the shape before filling it in
DEATHlikescats: if you’re unsure about placement, definitely just do outlines first
Anaerin: Something something "Major Ad-Provider also providing a browser"
DEATHlikescats: love the range of markers represented. from $8 per marker copics to washable Crayola, to permanent Sharpies
ArboristAndrew subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 106 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ArboristAndrew! (Today's storm count: 583)
Frankenstain: there is water at the bottom of the ocean!
Heckhoundbolt: if you cannot, you must place a 1x1 tile
Heckhoundbolt: of any type
DEATHlikescats: @frankenstain under the water
mtvcdm: The 1x1 is pretty much a 'keep you in the game' bit.
midnightcurryjazz: could we get a little bit more music volume? marker sounds are ehh
SkylerRingtail: Unsure how ruins work on this map; don't have the expanded rules handy. Will just go with what Nelly said.
DEATHlikescats: lidmaxxing
DEATHlikescats is staggered by my own brain rot
SeismicLawns: for chat, we put the tiles furthest to the top-right, yeah?
midnightcurryjazz: yes
Dog_of_Myth: Correct
Sorator13: meanwhile, for chat playing solo, we start at the top right of the map and place it exactly as shown
BusTed: wuh oh
Heckhoundbolt: uh oh
teddywhosabear: yuh-oh
HadesLeprechaun: aaaaah
KaleidoscopeMind: uh oh
definenull: Oh I don't like that
Diabore: camera unhappy
SkylerRingtail: For solo players: start in the corner indicated (this case, upper right), and try to place the shape. If you cannot, continue in the indicated direction (counterclockwise) until you can
heartofgoldfish: aa
MrGibberish: uhh
MilkInBags: the flayers are eating our minds
DEATHlikescats: cable dying?
Heckhoundbolt: top down camera may be dying
Mazrae: Who turned on the rave??
SAJewers: lrrFINE
KaleidoscopeMind: lrrFINE
DNAli3n: reboot overhead camera?
Sorator13: but we siad we have to continue being linked to the gate, correct?
phoenixfeather14: did the camera overheat and shut down?
Astral_Apache: the flayers brought a rave with them
DEATHlikescats: bootie5Coins bootie5Coins bootie5Coins
Shadowsoflife: utz utz utz
bagfullofbees: lol I thought Cam was doing a bit
steffex2 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months!
steffex2: lrrHAM
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, steffex2! (Today's storm count: 584)
mtvcdm: Spare me my land
josh___something: I was robbed by 2 Flayers
fjordsword: They are all contiguous
fjordsword: Above and below are still afjacent
fjordsword: *adjacent
ClodiumSoride: As long as everybody knows and plays by the same rules, it's fine.
Heckhoundbolt: Over head camera, please
Sorator13: oh I have definitely misplayed several times already
Gadora: Oh, that camera is very sick.
Hylazu: Camera is possessed by demon
TheNerdWonder: still flashy :(
Mazrae: I'm baking a cake and I wish I could send everyone a slice
TheWriterAleph: please, sirs. my camera, she is very sick.
Shadowsoflife: didn't know camera's could blink
Gascitygaming: but Doctor, I am Charles Canon
mtvcdm: Well that's hardly ideal... Obviously crew is aware.
RAICx: Camera, if you’re in danger, blink twice
TheNerdWonder: at least we're near the end of tabletop day
mtvcdm: We do still have Barcadia after this.
Juliamon: Such performance will be fitting for that
the_phantom_game_player: PopNemo
Heckhoundbolt: @TheNerdWonder we are half way through, we are no where near
Sorator13: My score is -1 :(
Fyurios: -2 here
Shadowsoflife: oof
Dog_of_Myth: Got a 6
AdamYMHMI: broke even, stupid monsters
ClodiumSoride: @Sorator13 mine too
Fyurios: Monsters gonna hurt us more than them early on I feel
Sorator13: Two points for monster blocks, isn't it?
definenull: Oof rough start
Darth_Litigious: 3
SkylerRingtail: 3 here
FarleyF: we need to jury rig Ben standing on a ladder with a Gopro as a replacement
SkylerRingtail: Those ruins modifiers were brutal
FarleyF: or Adam as he's one of the tallest people
Heckhoundbolt: its each empty square, not each open side
HadesLeprechaun: each square, correct
Grumpingtoon: Each adjacent square, no diagonals
SeismicLawns: singular point!
Pywodwagon: -3 lets go
Sorator13: Okay, I was counting monsters wrong; I'm at 0
measureofhope: Oh man am I missing Cartographers?
Matrim528: I don't think you shuffle in a new monster.
Heckhoundbolt: this one is rough
Hylazu: I was told the wrong rules. We shuffled the monsters back in. It was brutle
Heckhoundbolt: @Matrim528 you do
Matrim528: I thought you had a fixed amount and they got removed as you uncovered them.
HadesLeprechaun: you always add a monster
Matrim528: Oh, ok. My bad. Sorry.
measureofhope: Yes I am. Man, can't wait to play along with the VOD. Hi VOD me!
Matrim528: Hi VOD measureofhope!
Shadowsoflife: hi vod @measureofhope
midnightcurryjazz: man, marker sounds like like nails on a chalk board
Camthelion: hi future @measureofhope
Hylazu: Camera, please behave
Heckhoundbolt: @measureofhope if this game gets a vod, the technical issues with the overhea may kill this one
FarleyF: time for some percussive maintenance
Camthelion: the best kind
Juliamon: The overhead issues are irrelevant to the VOD
Juliamon: it'll go up with or without them
mtvcdm: Overhead camera trying real hard to be the 'beneficiary' of subathon proceeds here... In the meantime we just power through.
HadesLeprechaun: if it's easy to summarize, how does the water line or whatever that is affect the gameplay?
Tevildo: can we see it
Matrim528: Whatever you draw has to be fully above or below the line.
SkylerRingtail: @HadesLeprechaun Can't place a piece overlapping the line. Must be entirely above or below
Shadowsoflife: camera plz we don't know Morse code
mtvcdm: We're midgame, unless it becomes completely unbearable we're not going to shut down the game to fix it.
Sorator13: note that this site has the cards, so you can look here for the card with the name that was stated if need be
Heckhoundbolt: I just realized how bad the overhead camera dying is days before a PPR
FuzBubbles subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 60 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, FuzBubbles! (Today's storm count: 585)
aussie_rob_w: oh *no*
namagem1: Cartographers is a game that's kinda hard to follow imo if you aren't playing along, huh
namagem1: You kinda have to pay pretty close attention
mtvcdm: Let's try and relax about the camera for now and enjoy the game.
LoadingReadyRun: Sorry folks, idk what the issue with the overhead camera is. I have done the standard troubleshooting steps restarting it and unplug/replug. it's been ok for the last couple minutes we'll see how it goes
Shadowsoflife: <3
RAICx: Thanks lrrSHINE
namagem1: Wait the twitch mobile app has banner ads on the video page now
mtvcdm: Thanks Paul
namagem1: Gross
SkylerRingtail: Ooh, that Farmland is great for my monsters
Heckhoundbolt: @LoadingReadyRun You are trying your best, and honestly, that is all we hope for
TheWriterAleph: mind flayers are takin our jerbs
Sorator13: wait, but you can't do water
Dog_of_Myth: @TheWriterAleph A literal brain drain then eh?
Sorator13: You'll still get two coins and a point with it being farm, though!
Heckhoundbolt: I like how Nelly keeps refering to the underdark as underwater
Sorator13: @Heckhoundbolt well, the border does look a lot like water
mtvcdm: The FINAL shape of the round
Dog_of_Myth: Dang you Witness
KBKarma: Mix the wets with the dry.
Juliamon: but the Final Shape was last night!
KBKarma: It's the final shape, doo doo do doo.
stippledotter: Time for wet, or lrrCrab
Shadowsoflife: @KBKarma dry the wets and wet the drys
KBKarma: And on that topic, bed time. I have a COVID booster in the morning, and I didn't sleep well last night. Have fun all y'all!
SkylerRingtail: 16 season, 19 total
Shadowsoflife: o/
Sorator13: Hope you sleep better tonight @KBKarma !
SkylerRingtail: (+/- one or two points for accidental cheat step)
Heckhoundbolt: This map is brutal
Montesque64: Kathleen has 7
Dog_of_Myth: 18 points that round for me
Fyurios: Chat, for the coins we got from the cards played, are those this round only?
LordZarano: @namagem1 If you're on android I recommend Xtra from F-Droid over the official app. Otherwise, I'm very sorry for your loss
l0gin4me: 20 season, 20 total
SkylerRingtail: @Fyurios Permanent
SeismicLawns: got 15 points this round
Sorator13: I am now at 16
Darth_Litigious: 23 points total
Fyurios: Okay thanks
Dog_of_Myth: 25 total for me
Pywodwagon: I'm at 15
Montesque64: No, 7 instead of 6
Montesque64: you didn't count a plains
DarthRagnar815: Has it been said what brand of drawing tools Kathleen is using? They look interesting.
Sorator13: so for the mountain that's on the border, do we count it as fully encircled when we cover the three above-ground squares?
Pywodwagon: Jamie Loftus has a great podcast about it
Pywodwagon: she got death threats!
epsilon_vee: limbo
SnackPak_: raisins you say?
control_rig: Hey! Librarians are cool
SkylerRingtail: @Sorator13 I think it has to be all four sides, but that's one of the rules I'm unsure of on this map
Charlie_Victor7 is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 17 in the channel!
Charlie_Victor7 gifted a Tier 1 sub to gasperpaul!
Charlie_Victor7 gifted a Tier 1 sub to thejonnay!
Charlie_Victor7 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Dyosy!
Charlie_Victor7 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Dylan1913!
Charlie_Victor7 gifted a Tier 1 sub to ZiyeInverse!
Charlie_Victor7 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Nox_Invictus_!
Charlie_Victor7 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Sirius2010!
Charlie_Victor7 gifted a Tier 1 sub to four_of_seven!
Charlie_Victor7 gifted a Tier 1 sub to revhologram!
Charlie_Victor7 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Kurintoi!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Charlie_Victor7! Welcome to thejonnay, Dyosy, ZiyeInverse, Nox_Invictus_, Sirius2010, four_of_seven, revhologram, Kurintoi, gasperpaul, and Dylan1913! (Today's storm count: 595)
CodeIndigo: What comi is Cam talking about?
inaudibledaisy: @DarthRagnar815 they look like artist loft alcohol markers, michael's brand copic
Heckhoundbolt: well... then you just make a rift land anyway
Xan_The_Quiet: @CodeIndigo david mitchell
Heckhoundbolt: *anywhere, not way
DarthRagnar815: @inaudibledaisy Ah, thanks!
MrQBear: Ah, Achewood.
malfnord: Some has, some hasn't.
asthanius: achewood instantly aged and yet remained in its own bubble
CodeIndigo: Aaaaah, thank you, I hadn't read that back in the day and probably won't now
saucemaster5000: a webcomic from the early 00s? Not aging well? Noooooo
CodeIndigo: For a second, and speaking of defunct, I thought you were talking about Precocious
Woogachaka: "This is a thing that I like, I cannot recommend it." Story of my relationship to destiny
CommonCents43: I have a mensa story but i'm shadowed on yt so i can tell it here if you want. I'm not mensa material, btw
chloë zen: Google, for a brief decade, accidentally invented corporate anarcho-communism. It was glorious
CommonCents43: A mensa friend invited me to a competition in NY. I wasn't having fun and I asked him to take me home but we missed the last train so we took it easy in a bar until they restarted
Fyurios: What was the card after treetop?
SquareDotCube: "Give me farm or I give big ouch to head"
ZiyeInverse: thanks for the gift sub! :D
SkylerRingtail: @Fyurios Orchard
Fyurios: Mhmm, that 7 2nd largest village feels good
Ankarah: am immediately thinking of quilter friends who would be all "I will now sew all of these together post game"
SkylerRingtail: Winter will be a time of discontent
CommonCents43: NOW is the winter of my discountent, winter will just be cold
PurpleMonkeyCovers just became a member!
SkylerRingtail: 36 season, 55 total
l0gin4me: 28 season, 48 total
Sorator13: 25 season, 41 total
Darth_Litigious: 40 total
1y1e: 31 / 52 for me
Dog_of_Myth: 31 season, 56 total
SeismicLawns: 23 season, 39 total
LRRbot: Thanks for becoming a channel member, PurpleMonkeyCovers! (Today's storm count: 596)
Joshua Trytten: Oh yeah, towns paying off
Pywodwagon: 36 that round, 55 total
Tevildo: 37 51 total
AnSq_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 60 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AnSq_! (Today's storm count: 597)
bi0buster: Oh hey I got gifted a sub! Neat! :D
Pywodwagon: aw
Joshua Trytten: Didn't realise it was 2 points per
CommonCents43: pretty sure i did too, good ppl out there
quatoria: aww
MrGibberish is gifting 30 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 700 in the channel!
MrGibberish gifted a Tier 1 sub to Kythion!
MrGibberish gifted a Tier 1 sub to bluecanary3!
MrGibberish gifted a Tier 1 sub to nitestar428!
MrGibberish gifted a Tier 1 sub to cyrenman!
MrGibberish gifted a Tier 1 sub to rzrdrgn!
MrGibberish gifted a Tier 1 sub to penultima86!
MrGibberish gifted a Tier 1 sub to loricariidae!
MrGibberish gifted a Tier 1 sub to MLeeLunsford!
MrGibberish gifted a Tier 1 sub to Spolin!
MrGibberish gifted a Tier 1 sub to SydPreviouslyHeadache!
MrGibberish gifted a Tier 1 sub to zombub!
MrGibberish gifted a Tier 1 sub to kitsuneguitarist!
MrGibberish gifted a Tier 1 sub to HH2News!
MrGibberish gifted a Tier 1 sub to AquariumPrime!
MrGibberish gifted a Tier 1 sub to theanora1!
MrGibberish gifted a Tier 1 sub to mekidow!
MrGibberish gifted a Tier 1 sub to Sir_Louis!
MrGibberish gifted a Tier 1 sub to Camail!
MrGibberish gifted a Tier 1 sub to Lambent_Mongoose!
MrGibberish gifted a Tier 1 sub to OfficialBengan!
MrGibberish gifted a Tier 1 sub to itaphotmoms!
MrGibberish gifted a Tier 1 sub to EdibleDragon!
MrGibberish gifted a Tier 1 sub to Karoyence!
MrGibberish gifted a Tier 1 sub to dzee_szed!
MrGibberish gifted a Tier 1 sub to wonderlandskermit!
MrGibberish gifted a Tier 1 sub to OtherEdgeworth!
MrGibberish gifted a Tier 1 sub to Syntheticuh!
MrGibberish gifted a Tier 1 sub to technicalynotabott!
MrGibberish gifted a Tier 1 sub to bothendsburning!
MrGibberish gifted a Tier 1 sub to Krat_Arona!
RandomTrivia: WOAH
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, MrGibberish! Welcome to Kythion, nitestar428, bluecanary3, cyrenman, rzrdrgn, penultima86, loricariidae, MLeeLunsford, SydPreviouslyHeadache, kitsuneguitarist, zombub, HH2News, AquariumPrime, Spolin, mekidow, theanora1, Sir_Louis, Camail, Lambent_Mongoose, OfficialBengan, EdibleDragon, Karoyence, dzee_szed, OtherEdgeworth, Syntheticuh, technicalynotabott, bothendsburning, Krat_Arona, itaphotmoms, and wonderlandskermit! (Today's storm count: 627)
CommonCents43: Heart shape
bi0buster: Wowowowow!
RandomTrivia: sergeGift lrrSHINE sergeGift
Heckhoundbolt: wowie Mrgib
Dog_of_Myth: lrrSHINE
AquariumPrime: Holy smokes!
Sylenctone: Wow
phoenixfeather14: Woah! Mr Gibberish!
AquariumPrime: Thank you MR. Gibberish <3
Metric_Furlong: bingo bango *and* bongo? in this economy?
FickleMuse: ^_^
Verrain2: Huzzah to the gifter!
RandomTrivia: That's a half an hour right there
Kurintoi: @Charlie_Victor7 thank you very much for the sub. lrrHAM
Sylenctone: lrrDILLY
MrGibberish: I like an even number of gifted subs
Kiloken subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 57 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Kiloken! (Today's storm count: 628)
MrGibberish: If that updates right
Shadowsoflife: i'm surprised there are still more people unsub from the channel
Sorator13: It's very difficult to make cauldrons with the must-connect-to-gate rule
SkylerRingtail: Cauldrons is probably my least favorite Edict in this game. It's always so awkward
CommonCents43: I am hopeful this didn't put you out days from now
MrGibberish: @Shadowsoflife gift subs goes across all followers.
Shadowsoflife: @MrGibberish I always forget that
Metric_Furlong: well, it's an okay rivier
bi0buster: Interesting seeing everyone's shading styles side by side like this.
CommonCents43: If i had disposable into I wouldn't have need a gift but i do thank you cause-
CommonCents43: income*
midnightcurryjazz: nelly just made three cauldrens.
saucemaster5000: I knew paul was in the pocket of Big Otter
Heckhoundbolt: cauldrons are a safety net at the end of the game if I am not mistaken
EvilBadman: So these are Bloomburrow maps, right? :D
Redbassist: And we'll call this great river...Great River!
Sorator13: Ooh, this gets me two cauldrons and a mountain
CommonCents43: cartographer is a great game, they've played it a bunch, you will like how they shaded it before too
kataanglover1 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Shadowsoflife! They have given 16 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Shadowsoflife! (Today's storm count: 629)
josh___something: Cameron!
Shadowsoflife: @kataanglover1 Thanks for the gift sub <3
teddywhosabear: one day to go!
CommonCents43: For now but uh... don't be too generous, they have a ppr this weekend
OVERKiLL!: man i gotta go back and watch crossing the streams Lords of Waterdeep. i would love to see LRR jam more Lords in the future.
Krat_Arona: Thank you for the sub @MrGibberish ! lrrHEART
1y1e: 4 new cauldrons PogChamp
Dog_of_Myth: oooo 2 coins for me
Metric_Furlong: the rare triple, triple cauldron
Sarah_Serinde: The subathon is capped on Saturday so that it won't run into the PPR
blumax1: lyfe iz precious cherish every moment
Sarah_Serinde: LRR would in fact love for you to hit that cap
mtvcdm: Go ahead and unleash
midnightcurryjazz: judge
SeismicLawns: is it just that a part of this has to be contiguous, or both?
CommonCents43: oh, didn't know there was a cap, don't mind me
ArcLightningCanuck: the mountain counts as filled space
RandomTrivia: Make number go up, but make number go up responsibly
Heckhoundbolt: get the whiteout
1y1e: I cheated chat T_T
blumax1: lol
namagem1: Oh hey @seismiclawns. It's Arkouchie
Sorator13: @ArcLightningCanuck not for connection-to-the-gate purposes, we've decided
1y1e: ctrl-z ctrl-z
mtvcdm: Do the cauldron. Be brave. Do it for the content.
CommonCents43: undo undo
CommonCents43: i had undid the undo
CommonCents43: shit no
blumax1: lol
SeismicLawns: @namagem1 oh hi there!
An anonymous user is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to DaseBeleren!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Jesper_aka_Mordachai!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to rubbercluckey!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to hoppityonline!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Dalkeris!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, AnAnonymousGifter! Welcome to Jesper_aka_Mordachai, DaseBeleren, rubbercluckey, Dalkeris, and hoppityonline! (Today's storm count: 634)
ClodiumSoride: Getting Temple Ruins then Rift Lands twice in one game is unfortunate.
CommonCents43: >.<
HH2News: Thanks @MrGibberish
ArcLightningCanuck: sometimes it's a 4 monster game, sometimes you get lucky
blumax1: i love the intelligent family games u people play
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
blumax1: lol
Shadowsoflife: lrrSHINE lrrCrab
CommonCents43: it's an all channel. ages genders and abilities. Don't take it from me
teddywhosabear: one day to go! ... for now.
Tevildo: 41 season 92 total
SkylerRingtail: 39 season, 94 total
Pywodwagon: do monsters count for cauldrons
SkylerRingtail: (With allowances for rules oopsies on the new map)
ClodiumSoride: 41 season, 79 total
CommonCents43: Yeah, rough
Darth_Litigious: 65 total
letfireraindown: I know I've seen this here, but what's the name of the game?
ClodiumSoride: Cartographers
blumax1: villagez r the best
ArcLightningCanuck: If the two largest cities are tied you still get the points
Dog_of_Myth: 32 season, 88 total
Sorator13: You would still count the tied one as second largest, wouldn't you?
CommonCents43: cartopgrapher but spelled coreccetly
ClodiumSoride: this is with the third expansion map
Tevildo: lucky monster draws
letfireraindown: Thanks!
Ctabbe: in a very good game, 95 points total
Dog_of_Myth: Nice
Pywodwagon: 40 season, 93 total
mtvcdm: I mean whatcha *could* do is go make a healthy distance from that 24 hour mark, we've been hovering around it all day.
blumax1: haya
driguer: nelson is mirrored no?
SeismicLawns: 31 Season, 70 total
CommonCents43: whats the scehulde look like, are they playing again?
CommonCents43: no
Sorator13: 32 that round, 73 total
1y1e: @driguer mirroring is fine
Diabore: is it just barcadia after this?
CommonCents43: melson counting from left to right
ArcLightningCanuck: I think it's dexterity games next.
midnightcurryjazz: 76
Joshua Trytten: 103! Thanks Shieldgate
MrGibberish: @Diabore "Dexterity" games next
mtvcdm: Not was Camel Up, then Monikers, now this,Barcadia is later.
blumax1: u r ALL beautiful people
l0gin4me: Season 31, Total 79
CommonCents43: but this was like an hour
Sarah_Serinde: @mtvcdm You're missing dexterity games before Barcadia
mtvcdm: Oh right, dexterity hour too
CommonCents43: it's a shortish game, i just need to check the schedule, hold on
Sarah_Serinde: I look forward to what those are like
Pywodwagon: my second largest city being 12 was kind of a big deal
Diabore: im scared and curious about dexterity games
RandomTrivia: I can't wait for Ben's Bargain Bin Dexterity Segment
Tevildo: the a and b scoring cards were so low
Tevildo: 92
Dog_of_Myth: 88
Pywodwagon: 93
1y1e: 91 total (two monster cities carried me)
mtvcdm: I've seen Ben's selections. This'll be good.
UrielAngelSpy: 103!
AquariumPrime: I got 61
Metric_Furlong: 90 trillion Kappa
ClodiumSoride: To be fair, the solo monster placement rules are less harsh than what other players do.3
Tevildo: take coins every time
blumax1: we r all unique monsterz
Ctabbe: 95!
UrielAngelSpy: 103 minus 79 for solo mode...
RandomTrivia: @mtvcdm They're dex-based. Are any of them mini-golf? lrrBEEJ
Pywodwagon: yea, solo monsters make it a lot easier
Cptasparagus: I got 1 above the next highest person
1y1e: @UrielAngelSpy dang I gotta unlock the factorals one of these times
mtvcdm: Spoilers
Fruan: Playing a game AND being an entertaining performer is playing on hard mode. lrrSHINE
ClodiumSoride: Speaking of computers, it's possible for humans to beat AI opponents at go:
CommonCents43: point in three ideal directions
Kurintoi: sadge
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Pywodwagon: LRR hosts the 2 day 10k prize pool cartographers tournament when
mtvcdm: Just your hands
blumax1: we all gotta get thur
Boomyakalolo: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride
1y1e: GGs y'all
Dog_of_Myth: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Diabore: wait how did we let it get below 24 hours chat? this must be rectified
blumax1: no the other way around??
Sarah_Serinde: Great job Nelly
CommonCents43: I make jokes and riddles and have before you'd worry it was an AI was doing it. Any requests?
DiscordianTokkan: It's funny, because that time hasn't *really* perceptibly changed since James started this morning with Cam and Jacob
RandomTrivia: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
blumax1: hello!!
Strebenherz: Bye!
DistrustingSpectator is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 11 in the channel!
DistrustingSpectator gifted a Tier 1 sub to Vzgth!
DistrustingSpectator gifted a Tier 1 sub to eightbitrocket!
DistrustingSpectator gifted a Tier 1 sub to moltile!
DistrustingSpectator gifted a Tier 1 sub to magnus_did_nothingwrong!
DistrustingSpectator gifted a Tier 1 sub to noodlegoblins!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, eightbitrocket! (Today's storm count: 635)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Vzgth! (Today's storm count: 636)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, moltile! (Today's storm count: 637)
Sarah_Serinde: lrrHEART
Laserbeaks_Fury: Time for Full Contact Chess
SaxPython: e4 with a right hook!
Diabore: adam lrrSHINE
SnackPak_: Hi Adam
OtherEdgeworth: Apparently I got gifted a sub while afk (had to shift a car for Energex). Thank you MrGibberish
SkylerRingtail: What games are ya'll predicting?
Tevildo: !quote adam
LRRbot: Quote #8859: "I'm farming engagement from chat." —Adam [2023-12-08]
ContingentCat: @Laserbeaks_Fury ooo aussie rules? lol
NotCainNorAbel: blurry adam
CommonCents43: We all have theories as to why the chicken crossed the road but do you know why they came back?
Singenmeister: *DB* tunes away yeah
Montesque64: !quote paul
LRRbot: Quote #2848: "I'm not overwhelmed. I'm not underwhelmed. I'm just whelmed." —Paul [2016-06-21]
Tevildo: !searchfortreasure
LRRbot: You find: Gold!
RIAXIS subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 125 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RIAXIS! (Today's storm count: 640)
Tevildo: ohh. gold
Sarah_Serinde: Chat I would like to again remind you that even though we're pushing for subs and bits we also appreciate everyone who's here regardless of financial contribution lrrSHINE
KeytarCat: I just teared up thinking about how much space the new moonbase has
blumax1: the muscle haz entered the room
CommonCents43: Chicken: I made it. That's 500 seeds.
Montesque64: !quote muscle
josh___something: Hi adam!
Diabore: i see something jenga like
blumax1: hAyA
Tevildo: !findquote muscle
LRRbot: Quote #4136: "Muscles are easily confused!" —Paul [2017-04-01]
Lobo_Apache: !badadvice
Montesque64: Thanks Tevildo
Vzgth: thank you for the sub SeemsGood
superdude097: Were the "On Break" segments blurry on the last Sub-A-Thon? For some reason I'm remembering being able to see what they were doing clearly. Maybe my mind is just playing tricks on me
AquariumPrime: !advice
LRRbot: Roll for ghost!
Tevildo: @Montesque64 no problem
CommonCents43: as long as i remember yeah
mwlsn: @superdude097 they were, yeah
Sylenctone: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, DistrustingSpectator! Welcome to magnus_did_nothingwrong and noodlegoblins! (Today's storm count: 640)
superdude097: @mwlsn Okay, thanks
namagem1: What's up next? I missed the throw
excalgold: I got a four, does that mean i have four ghosts or no ghosts.....what constitutes a success on a ghost roll LRRbot?!
kasper1787: whelp gonna have to watch road quest for a fifth time now
superdude097: @namagem1 Dexterity Gamme Power HOur
Tevildo: !quote nelson
LRRbot: Quote #8064: "Stop making waterfalls if they're not going to have secret rooms." —Nelson [2022-05-09]
CommonCents43: some gaming blitz of many i think
namagem1: Ooh
Laserbeaks_Fury: Twilight Imperium: Soccer Rules Edition
Dread_Pirate_Westley: @excalgold Your ghost is four.
JinaMahavira: !quote robot
CommonCents43: what?
Tevildo: !findquote robot
LRRbot: Quote #4448: "That gun had 3 robot babies!" —Cori [2017-11-01]
excalgold: @Dread_Pirate_Westley oh that's awful.....i dislike children!
CommonCents43: Why would you quote a robot?
andy_ink is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 10 in the channel!
andy_ink gifted a Tier 1 sub to Flying_MTG!
andy_ink gifted a Tier 1 sub to bad_motivator!
Shadowsoflife: !badadvice
LRRbot: Enough! Buy at my price or be off with you.
andy_ink gifted a Tier 1 sub to Painfully_Dyslexic!
andy_ink gifted a Tier 1 sub to KeSMinn!
andy_ink gifted a Tier 1 sub to Gooseblast!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, andy_ink! Welcome to Flying_MTG, bad_motivator, Painfully_Dyslexic, Gooseblast, and KeSMinn! (Today's storm count: 645)
mwlsn: @laserbeaks_fury nobody understands the offside rule?
ClodiumSoride: A fun thing about Cartographers: it's even possible to play along with a VOD.
Dread_Pirate_Westley: @excalgold Might be an adult in ghost years. Who knows?
RealGamerCow: what was after MonkLRRs?
CommonCents43: Robots don't usually pay and you want them to know they will.
brunomant_ is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 10 in the channel!
brunomant_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to Poinketh!
brunomant_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to RaineExodus!
brunomant_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to bizness_cazual!
brunomant_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to bokochaos!
brunomant_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to PixelsCatCafe!
brunomant_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to CSRozzy!
brunomant_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to peregrinerose!
brunomant_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to icantdieb!
brunomant_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to Red_Ringo!
brunomant_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to Sitting_Mountain!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, brunomant_! Welcome to Poinketh, RaineExodus, bizness_cazual, bokochaos, PixelsCatCafe, peregrinerose, icantdieb, Sitting_Mountain, CSRozzy, and Red_Ringo! (Today's storm count: 655)
Tevildo: !findquote ghost
LRRbot: Quote #4588: "If you ever get the sense that somebody in the room is making vulgar thrusting motions, that's because Kathleen's a ghost and she's in the room with you." —Graham [2018-01-08]
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHeadbang vicksyHeadbang vicksyHeadbang
CommonCents43: the good way, of course
Therberus: Its funny, I don't think I've seen the time remaining go under 24 hours!
abaoa_qu: What's the name of the game they were just playing?
ClodiumSoride: Cartographers
the_phantom_game_player: PopNemo
Tevildo: cartographers
abaoa_qu: Ty
SydPreviouslyHeadache: oh shoot, MrGibberish, if you're still here thank you so much for the gifted sub. i was feeding and hanging out with my cats
Mazrae: Chat I just want you to know that I just baked a cake and it came cleanly and completely out of the pan
ylegm subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 130 months!
ylegm: Guess I'll bite and click the button
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ylegm! (Today's storm count: 656)
the_phantom_game_player: I see you!
Tevildo: !findquote wave
LRRbot: Quote #7686: "Are GMs not entitled to the waving of their hands?" —Cameron [2021-07-07]
Vzgth is paying forward the Gift they got from DistrustingSpectator to the community!
Vzgth is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel!
Vzgth gifted a Tier 1 sub to Huberis!
Vzgth gifted a Tier 1 sub to a2omega!
Vzgth gifted a Tier 1 sub to spinonon!
Vzgth gifted a Tier 1 sub to Hallontagg!
Vzgth gifted a Tier 1 sub to Throgani!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Vzgth! Welcome to Huberis, spinonon, a2omega, Hallontagg, and Throgani! (Today's storm count: 661)
Therberus: @Mazrae Ggs!
CommonCents43: maz, congrats on your good luck
Dread_Pirate_Westley: @Mazrae You have attained Cake Wizard status.
Camthelion: \ 0 /
ItsThugDimmadome: @Mazrae Welp, day's peaked. Back to bed.
AquariumPrime: !advice
LRRbot: There is no mistaking the City of Garbage.
FarleyF: Cena Cam - or how the world is going to look after playing Heroes of Barcadia
ClodiumSoride: @Mazrae FBtouchdown
mwlsn: @mazrae gamer
AquariumPrime: !badadvice
LRRbot: Get beaten by a mole.
Tevildo: !quote cameron
LRRbot: Quote #8500: "This game always drags out what my last noise will be." —Cameron [2023-03-27]
Throgani: @Vzgth Thanks for the gift sub!
UrielAngelSpy: @mazrae Nice!
chorinas: right, I'm back. did they just finish monikLRRs or did I miss another segment?
CommonCents43: AAAAaaaa... oh.
Juliamon: They just finished Cartographers
Tevildo: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: a man wondering about box contents
Seth_Erickson: @chorinas you also missed cartogralrrs
ClodiumSoride: @chorinas they just finished Cartographers, getting ready to start dexterity power hour.
Aidan Cox: Only 5th time?
SkylerRingtail: Have there been any announcements about the game selection for tomorrow's party games block?
Cinominn: sick made it for the dex games
CommonCents43: fellow feeling with cam. did labs, often thought of as smarter but only having more repose.
SkylerRingtail: Besides Glurp
Laserbeaks_Fury: Keep Talking And Nobody Converts: Players attempt to convert a Transformer with one person only reading the instructions and one person with the figure
DEATHlikescats: @chorinas t went MonikLRRs then carographLRRs no now we’re on tot he next one!
ClodiumSoride: uh, what's your breakage budget @Laserbeaks_Fury ?
Laserbeaks_Fury: $0
Tevildo: !findquote break
LRRbot: Quote #8747: "I like to break stuff." —Ian [2023-11-11]
the_phantom_game_player: BangbooBounce
Mazrae: Made a cherry cake (used cake mix) and letting it cool before frosting it with whipped frosting
DEATHlikescats: @mazrae that. sounds amazing
Azsedcf: What's the next game?
moltile: @DistrustingSpectator Wow thanks!!! I will try to send it on asap!
UrielAngelSpy: @mazrae can you send cake through the internet?
DigitalSeahorse: I hope this turkey marked bb Aug 8 is still good, other half of twin pack didn't look right
Diabore: @Azsedcf "dexterity game" is all the info we have
ClodiumSoride: @Azsedcf dexterity nonsense Ben bought off Temu.
WriterRaven: @Azsedcf Dexterity Power Hour, so who knows.
AquariumPrime: I finished making some Cherizo Mac and cheese
Mazrae: @urielangelspy if I could I would send everyone a slice
CommonCents43: look, i am not going to compliment every member of lrr as a robot brings up their quotes. You got good people there. I am also going to take a break
TheNerdWonder: Ben said what it was during the initial bit of the subathon, but I forget what he said
CodeIndigo: @UrielAngelSpy sadly, it's been like 30 years and nobody has perfected Baked Good Over TCP/IP
UrielAngelSpy: @aquariumprime tasty!
DEATHlikescats: oooh @clodiumsoride this is gonna be goofy and break immediately
UrielAngelSpy: @mazrae lrrSHINE
the_phantom_game_player: How is everyone?
AquariumPrime: @UrielAngelSpy would be but I think I burnt the cherizo XD
Azsedcf: Could be better, but OK
DEATHlikescats: hi @the_phantom_game_player ! welcome!
CommonCents43: nomimal and i hope you are as well or better. NOW i'm taking my break
RealGamerCow: Jordynne, Cori, Adam, Ben, Graham, Kathleen?
DigitalSeahorse: I wonder how vicksyTrash these shop like a billionaire games will be
ladyjessica: good to see we’re back over 24 hours left.
Cinominn: as a reminder and answer to how im doing, dental pain sucks
moltile: @the_phantom_game_player <3 <3 Grand, hope you are doing well. How are you?
OmnipotentTrevor: Good. Missed most of today's stream because I worked, but I'm looking forward to whatever is next
the_phantom_game_player: @DEATHlikescats Hello. Thank you
Singenmeister: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE
Tzimisce_Joe: Nice
the_phantom_game_player: @moltile I'm doing well also
mwlsn: @aquariumprime it’s still a revelatory idea to me, fwiw
saucemaster5000: what the next game folks? Quick round of twilight imperium?
RealGamerCow: |Fuzzy cam looks a lot like when I don't wear my glasses, so I'm good at guessing things at this resolution
moltile: @the_phantom_game_player Fantastic to hear, hope you have a great day
DEATHlikescats: @saucemaster5000 temu cheap o dexterity games!
Tzimisce_Joe: Dexterity games
NotCainNorAbel: lrrBartleby
Singenmeister: @saucemaster5000 just a quick jaunt through waterdeep
ClodiumSoride: I'll be satisfied if at least one of these games gets collectively rated "would play again".
Fruan: BAG!
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby
Azsedcf: lrrBartleby
moltile: @OmnipotentTrevor I hear you, got a 6 week old baby who is a handful so participation has been hard. I hope you enjoy the stream you get to be on
teddywhosabear: it's still weird seeing that graphic without the little da-na-na-na da na na da nananana
Redbassist: lrrSPOT
DEATHlikescats: HypeCheer HypeCheer HypeCheer
Seth_Erickson: Hiya Adam hope your gym time was good.
CaptainChibale: pubby bag :>
emberBecky: lrrPistachio
DEATHlikescats: ratewoNderCrabWalk ratewoNderCrabWalk ratewoNderCrabWalk ratewoNderCrabWalk ratewoNderCrabWalk
moltile: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
Sarah_Serinde: Now it is Ben's turn
DEATHlikescats: bootie5Coins bootie5Coins bootie5Coins bootie5Coins
the_phantom_game_player: FBtouchdown
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPride vicksyPrider katesPride
Shadowsoflife: lrrCrab
TheMerricat: Chat I missed third game, what was it?
RealGamerCow: Get Funched
Nigouki: Let's Talk was legit good and I want it back
SkylerRingtail: Flinch was great!
Metric_Furlong: Funch was A Time
Juliamon: rip funch
Lobo_Apache: Look! It's 6 of the hottest members of LRR!
DocPhoenix: !quote dexterity
Gekyouryuu: not even Ron?
Metric_Furlong: side effects may include Funchlessness
josh___something: Boooooo
MWGNZ: temu is wish at home
DEATHlikescats: it’s Wish adjacent
betweenmyself: *Ron Funches quietly cries in a corner somewhere*
Sarah_Serinde: It's a site for cheap knockoffs and unreliable goods
CommonCents43: frumpiness*
Cptasparagus: its a scam site
YeomanAres: Wish brand wish
TheMerricat: Chinese Wish but even more scammy
definenull: Hol up
malfnord: Not even AliExpress? D:
Mischievous_Catgeist: The new wish
Mr_Horrible: do not plug in ANYTHING you buy on Temu
UrielAngelSpy: Internet dollar store?
CommiePuddin: Amazon
DEATHlikescats: very Ali Express
CaptainKranok: What if I ordered Wish on WIsh.
GDwarble: "Wish-brand Wish" is an excellent descriptioin
Gekyouryuu: I've heard the Temu app is apparently full on spyware
Laserbeaks_Fury: Best of 3
FickleMuse: lmao wow that's a vivid description
Sarah_Serinde: As someone whose landlord was just complaining about rent control I agree with Kathleen about capitalism
josh___something: Wish squared
Fruan gifted a Tier 1 sub to YeomanAres! They have given 118 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, YeomanAres! (Today's storm count: 662)
LordZarano: Both Wish and Temu are just AliExpress but worse
Metric_Furlong: really putting the "r" in "capitalism" Kappa
DigitalSeahorse: yes, Chinese company that isn't very transparent, we do know they skip the middle man, drop-shipping
Koshindan: Funch
DEATHlikescats: factory rejects, the website
ThorSokar: Flying Binterons
Cinominn: the funch revival
HadesLeprechaun: I'm hoping for Super Rhino
virre_: I assume badly made private copys of established games
Gekyouryuu: Edlen
MeadyOchre: Ooooh Edlen Ring
Dog_of_Myth: Edlen
northos: is this 3v2 or is Ben on team bullet hell?
Cptasparagus: Maidenless vs Maidens?
raulghoulia: Edlen Ring!
tehfewl: elden ringers
Sarah_Serinde: tiltyhYAS
BigDaddyBland87: Edlen lol
SolarBlitz1: Elden Ring vs Touhou, both "git gud"
DigitalSeahorse: feliciaTeam feliciaTeam vicksyCheer vicksyCheer vicksyCheer
midnightcurryjazz: Edlen ring is temu eldren ring
DNAli3n: love edlen ring
DEATHlikescats: wat
MeadyOchre: Minor typo, get shat on
SaxPython: clap clap clap
Metric_Furlong: love to keep banlance
DigitalSeahorse: interesting
NullOfSpace: don’t forget to keep banlance!
baltimore_667083: BANLANCE
epsilon_vee: bandlands?
Sarah_Serinde: Way ahead of you Paul
underhill33: parnets
SkylerRingtail: Oh this is gonna be bad
Jigokuro: I only have hammers benginBonk
Boomyakalolo: opps all banlance
TheTekkieman: Modster Hunter.
YawnLance: Wait no this is super effective against me D:
KaleidoscopeMind: the banlance has reach
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyRaid katesBonk
WardsarTheWriter: Do we get to see the mods joust??!
DEATHlikescats: must keep BANlance
neisan2112: Is this an alt version of Yawnlance?
dm818: That seems like an excellent bad advice
FarleyF: Banlance - for when your a mod in another country
TheMerricat: sergeModLove
namagem1: Oh this is good
Rumiir_the_Dragon: Banlance came out during Covid-19 to keep distance
Heckhoundbolt: oh god, my grandmother bought me this
SmithKurosaki: And my LANCE!
DigitalSeahorse: xD
moltile: @Fruan being a champ again, thanks for gifting subs!!
Gaz_L: oh is this G's nonsense for Board Game Day this year?
definenull: Please check if you smell toast
tidehollowcat: Watch+Play: board game edition
the_phantom_game_player: Even with engrish
Camthelion: Has anyone even decided to do?
DigitalSeahorse: katesNoted vicksyNoted
WiJohn: I do have difficulty with unsteady pedestals
Juliamon: it's Ben's nonsense this year!
DEATHlikescats: my favorite BANLANCE novel was Temu of Summer Flame
Metric_Furlong: @Gaz_L no, this is Ben's nonsesne
Dog_of_Myth: Oh yes
Gekyouryuu: @Rumiir_the_Dragon see, this is why we needed that new throwable hammer from Shadow of the Erdtree
Despoiler98: foolsNotes foolsNotes foolsNotes
TuringsGhost: The Phailhaus returns
KaleidoscopeMind: this needs the dave spokesman voice
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyNoU using A card
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: just the one card
raulghoulia: Is this your card? Next game?
betweenmyself: wow, these Billionaires truly love their grammatically poor instruction manuals. riffThink
YeomanAres: @Fruan thanks for the sub!
rogerivany: This needs to be read by DaVE SpokeSmaN.
DEATHlikescats: so…. Jenna with extra steps
malfnord: Shitty translation or AI? *You* make the call!
DEATHlikescats: *jenga
Sarah_Serinde: phew I'm safe
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
northos: @DEATHlikescats is Jenna the one who broke up earlier? :p
saucemaster5000: why are they all laughing at the description I wrote for Banlance?
DEATHlikescats: @malfnord both?!
kusinohki: how much earlier??
DigitalSeahorse: I didn't break up today at all thankfully
WardsarTheWriter: What's the limit on "earlier" for the break up rule?
DEATHlikescats: @northos she MUST be!
malfnord: @DEATHlikescats I like the cut of your gibberish
DigitalSeahorse: clearly Tetris shape blocks
gnyrinn: Oh, I thought this level of Chinglish had been abandoned.
SmithKurosaki: Maybe don't refer to it that way, but I def got something like that yesterday
virre_: Oh its Blokus blocks but on the height
Gaz_L: how is yellow T different from the other one?
FarleyF: new advice
WiJohn: Put the shape of the block on the stage!
mtvcdm: Put the shape of the block on the stage
Earthenone: Put the shape of the block on the stage!
epsilon_vee: those instructions feel like they had to build them as quiplash answers for some reason
Taligan: The are on the height, but achieving the banlance!
DEATHlikescats: @malfnord *shakes hands* Doctor
MeadyOchre: It puts the shape of the block on the stage or else it gets the banlance again
kusinohki: block to the stage.... block to the stage please
Oreo1369: Just hoped in
GDwarble: Kinda reverse Jenga
blumax1: everybody knowz almost does not count
virre_: Block Jenga
ClodiumSoride: This game is actually on BGG:
CaptainChibale: it's tetris jenga
DEATHlikescats: oooh! physics games irl!
FarleyF: Ian and Kathleen just waiting to see who gets broken up
kusinohki: oh no. graham, kathleen, please don't break up!
DEATHlikescats: watch this be legit fun
namagem1: This game is memes waiting to happen
Twilight_Spark: This is a game made for mice.
Heckhoundbolt: wtf
DigitalSeahorse: soo teeny
northos: what is this, a card for ants?
WiJohn: Those are adorable!
DigitalSeahorse: just a lil deck
DEATHlikescats: wee
KaleidoscopeMind: that seems very choking hazard
betweenmyself: “Make sure your partner breaks up in front of your friends so they get all the blame.” Are we talking about board games here?
DEATHlikescats: they’re wee
Alex_Frostfire: It'd have to be a little shuffle.
Gaz_L: reminds me of Ben Brode's tiny Commander deck from Olivia and Kibler's channel
DigitalSeahorse: this wee deck is eepy
62MGcobra: I have Uno in that size, well my kids do
WiJohn: She said the thing!
blumax1: haya
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Hi gang. I've been doing Seth-son's bed time. What is game?
DigitalSeahorse: 2 dards
DEATHlikescats: @digitalseahorse eepy wee deck needs a cozy shuffle
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyNoU vicksyNoU vicksyNoU vicksyNoU
ClodiumSoride: He's going infinite!
an_archist2: what does pot of greed do?
WiJohn: How Uno!
gryfyn1: storming off!
tidehollowcat: He's playing storm!
iarethel0ser: Loop demonstrated.
voren_chalco: The game has demonstrated a loop, and Graham must concede
kusinohki: I'm so excited when the cards are drawn
Megaparsec256: what if: tetris-uno-jenga
northos: the square block goes in the square hole!
DEATHlikescats: wat madness!
DigitalSeahorse: they're all 3D but this one is EXTRA
Gadora: Under Uno rules, reversing order would skip the other player in a two player game. That sounds unpleasant though.
ItsThugDimmadome: Are there Stack rules for this game?
virre_: Oh yeah quite sure this is player colors
UrielAngelSpy: Draw 5 cards. Number of blocks does not change.
Halinn: And Graham takes an L
Valhallan597: LUL
ShifuDaxiongmao: can we have the audience in the room hum some fitting block stacking music? :D
mwlsn: do the yellow/blue varieties of Cori’s block have handedness?
mtvcdm: Such tiny cards
Valhallan597: Are those cards smaller than Sushigo's ?
CommonCents43: lol, i had the thing paused and i was like what?
GDwarble: This seems like an actually kinda neat game
Sorator13: had to take a phone call; is the goal here to not tip the thingy over?>
Gaz_L: they feel like the skill cards from BSG/Unfathomable
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
Lobo_Apache: time for three-uppies
DEATHlikescats: HypeCheer
CommonCents43: NRB did a donkey kick game
GredGredmansson: @Sorator13 goal is of to put block upon stage
CommonCents43: feels like this
kusinohki: it'll never get back to me
GDwarble: @Sorator13 The instructions were poorly translated, but that seems likely
DEATHlikescats: oooooooh
PharaohBender27: Ahoy-hoy! How did MonikLRRs go?
blumax1: shotz shotz shots
HadesLeprechaun: turns out it's hard to mess up simple dexterity games, Jenga is a staple for a reason
DEATHlikescats: this is a great party game
jamesinor: Boardgame drinking games sound fun, then you try and make Red Dragon Inn a drinking game and it'll destroy you
DigitalSeahorse: game not completely vicksyNoU vicksyTrash
Fruan: Please keep this game for Desert Bus.
KWardJenx: Cori, the hands of a surgeon
CommonCents43: 21 personalities min
Metric_Furlong: @PharaohBender27 very good. we discovered Borangutans
Juliamon: PharaohBender27 Delightfully
MeadyOchre: Who up stacking they blocks?
saucemaster5000: block this whackass banlance
FarleyF: @jamesinor funny enough my brother and i have done that and your not half wrong
Shadowsoflife: @PharaohBender27 much laughts was had
Strebenherz: @ShifuDaxiongmao
betweenmyself: can we isolate Graham’s mic feed for lulz? pennyWhat
PharaohBender27: I assume we still have Heroes of Barcadia to go after this?
ClodiumSoride: Normal game, normal shape.
SaxPython: #Physics
hiFunko: just gotta T-spin it right in there
TheNerdWonder: "favorite" is probably just a bad translation of "your choice"
CommonCents43: tetro what now?
Sarah_Serinde: @PharaohBender27 Correct
saucemaster5000: more like a tertaYOUno
NotCainNorAbel: CORI!
the_phantom_game_player: SpiritEel
jamesinor: @FarleyF I witnessed it, and it took the throne for worst boardgame Idea from "Risk: The War of Multiple Earths"
DEATHlikescats: smôrt
PharaohBender27: Because I might have a toast to offer during that katesPlot
UrielAngelSpy: Isn't non copyright infringing Terri's just Terri's?
CommonCents43: This isn't my field
UrielAngelSpy: *Tetris
johnobriant: Looong, looong block!
Shadowsoflife: did the overhead shot look like CGI to anyone else?
DEATHlikescats: GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey
ShifuDaxiongmao: chat, headphone users should probably be ready :D
AtrusOfMyst: Ooooh
SajuukSjet: Cori choosing violence _every_ time 😆
Dog_of_Myth: Ooooo
Texan_Reverend: @Fruan I agree that this will definitely be a good game to have around for Desert Bus.
DEATHlikescats: SpiritEel SpiritEel SpiritEel SpiritEel
jamesinor: On the note of "The War of Multiple Earths"... Don't play 9 games of Risk laid end to end to end in a giant circle
JkenzieG: the GOAT!!!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyBork
Programmerman1: What is the name of this game? I'm struggling to read the stylized logo
ShifuDaxiongmao: Cori likes living on the edge.. literally :D
kusinohki: "short and thick does the trick" - wiggins
CommonCents43: can't wait for the next DB but i will
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCheer
justwhatever_idk: dawn of the last day 24 hours remain
PharaohBender27: :O
Juliamon: This is Tetra Tower
saucemaster5000: remember, person who knocks it over gets fired!
Sarah_Serinde: This is Tetra Tower
GredGredmansson: @Programmerman1 Tetra Tower
emberBecky: watch this round be the longest this game goes..
Programmerman1: Thanks!
Halinn: Stick it through, use the 3rd dimension
CommonCents43: ian- job security
Laserbeaks_Fury: Is there a rule you have to stick to the plane?
measureofhope: Graham and Cori are both evil
circusofkirkus: consult the clear rules
Koshindan: The game has 3d pieces for a reason.
Texan_Reverend: 3rd dimension is fair.
DeM0nFiRe: NotLikeThis
GredGredmansson: there are 3d pieces for a reason, she's just making it MORE 3d
AtrusOfMyst: GG wp
Fruan: This game RULES
Sarah_Serinde: tqsClap
teddywhosabear: riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip
DEATHlikescats: so close!
Texan_Reverend: Poor Ian.
MilkInBags: gg ian
iris_of_ether: NotLikeThis tiltyhYAS
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Nameless_Sword: Crash!
underhill33: FBtouchdown
FarleyF: and Ian is now single lrrBEEJ
GredGredmansson: AND NOW THE MOST 3D
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDinkDonk vicksyClap
Diabore: actually a good one
WiJohn: Sorry Ian :(
voren_chalco: @saucemaster5000 Fired AND they broke up earlier? Rough.
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Cori is lost!
tidehollowcat: sergeGG
ItsThugDimmadome: The un-steadistle
Carson Chavez: Jenga!
PharaohBender27: :D
SeaDiegoFC: Game rules
kusinohki: the rules don't say a dog can't play.... I think
Lobo_Apache: So.... Is Ian single?
CommonCents43: <message deleted>he wonders why he is so happy.
l0gin4me: each piece has the holes in an orientation for what is probably a reason
CommonCents43: <message deleted>technically yes but also no
Gekyouryuu: "the blue blocks are higher in Vitamin B12"
bagfullofbees: it's full of microplastics
CommonCents43: <message deleted>I am sorry
micalovits: Do NOT put these in your mouth, they are probably quit toxic
schordash subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months!
schordash: minute bump! >:U lrrSHINE
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, schordash! (Today's storm count: 663)
Its_VeeBot: How many sad onions does this game have?
an_archist2: hit LRR show, back in the box
NevermorePainting: honestly, keep the game, it rocks
Laserbeaks_Fury: Putting it back in is *just* Tetris
Diabore: time to put it back... in the box
airylan: "Tetra Tower" has a 5.6 rating on BGG.
Texan_Reverend: @CommonCents43 Not kind to imply they don't want to be together.
Metric_Furlong: @bagfullofbees and macroplastics
SeaDiegoFC: Speed round of back in the box coming soon to the youtubes
DEATHlikescats: I’m glad he tested them
Jigokuro: Real gamer hours bitterLFG
PharaohBender27: @airylan Is that on a scale of 10?
CommonCents43: <message deleted>ian in the past wondered why he advocated for charity every year and was still single
Valhallan597: I hope they play the mars golfing game
DEATHlikescats: but now I’m sad none are just immediately broken
Programmerman1: That 5.6 seems to be highly based on not having enough ratings though. You start at 5.5
airylan: @PharaohBender27 yuuuup.
JkenzieG: *legally distinct* Jenga!!!
Carson Chavez: Yeah. It's a soft J. More like "Henga"
stippledotter: Each serving contains 150% of your daily value of lead
PharaohBender27: tqsLOL lrrDARK
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Twilight_Spark: This will never get back to me
Its_VeeBot: lrrWOW
underhill33: lmao
teddywhosabear: full-on cat
Halinn: A whole bunch of cats
NonUniqueGuy: Kathleen is a cat
Redbassist: lrrBartleby
l0gin4me: Cat-hleen
Gaz_L: threw it on the GROUND
goombalax: a true power hour
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHeadbang vicksyHaha
bagfullofbees: yes Kathleen
NimrodXIV: you totally won't regret that later
Metric_Furlong: @airylan that's only because it didn't have a deluxe kickstarter edition Kappa
Plasterboard: I know who "gets" to clean it up later :P
CptMurphey: and now it's someone else's problem
Pteraspidomorphi: She's not a part of this system!
DEATHlikescats: love Kathleen
emberBecky: oh it's just one round of that
micalovits: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
MeadyOchre: Someone gonna step on a lego later
OmnipotentTrevor: They'll be a special surprise to step on later
FarleyF: now walk around without shows
Diabore: wat
Dog_of_Myth: YES
MrQBear: what is that picture of children on the box
FarleyF: shoes
DigitalSeahorse: someone's gonna step on one of those and I hope it isn't Cori
tehfewl: little bees
DEATHlikescats: bumbles!
the_phantom_game_player: GoldPLZ
Chesul: TeamChAos
Shadowsoflife: hello bees!
DeM0nFiRe: 🐝
RealGamerCow: Live Bees
stippledotter: Are those balloons
Strebenherz: BEES
JoannaTastic: DnD NPC-ass name
space_turbulence: Beeeeee
James_the_Dabbler: Hello bees
Its_VeeBot: barrBEES barrBEES barrBEES
DEATHlikescats: PridePog PridePog PridePog PridePog PridePog
AtrusOfMyst: Hope nobody's allergic!
SeaDiegoFC: I don't even need to see the game, I'm in
CommonCents43: <message deleted>i am a real guy. not a bot and i can prove it easiest in person
aitsu100: Wish Hungie Hungie Hippos
chorinas: ooh massive legos
Laserbeaks_Fury: Yas
iris_of_ether: benginBees benginBees escher3BEE
ArrestedHouse: PrideLaugh
DEATHlikescats: ratewoNderBanger ratewoNderBanger ratewoNderBanger ratewoNderBanger ratewoNderBanger
Driosenth: escher3BEE escher3BEE escher3BEE
Dog_of_Myth: You go Queen
malfnord: Not the bees!
DigitalSeahorse: PrideLaugh PrideCute PrideCute PrideCute
CommiePuddin: I love how graham died a little bit there.
DEATHlikescats: bootie5Bee bootie5Bee bootie5Bee bootie5Bee
MeadyOchre: Step 1: Bottom
ClodiumSoride: Is this like Snifty Snakes?
wedge_x: l i v e b e e s
NimrodXIV: oh noooo
Strebenherz: Oh my god
Nameless_Sword: Not the bees!
GDwarble: This is amazing
DEATHlikescats: PrideFloat PridePog PrideCute PrideLaugh PrideUwu
Dog_of_Myth: Oh YES
Sorator13: oh *no*
WiJohn: Why are those children dressed up?
littleunknownn: Amazing
SmithKurosaki: Good ol Kathleen Chaos
ThatOverkillGuy: CHAOS
ThatOverkillGuy: i love it
Carson Chavez: Those bees are so cute
Alex_Frostfire: Those headbands look photoshopped on...
KWardJenx: This is BRILLIANT!
SeismicLawns: i came back to this stream at the wrong time
dm818: will the headband fit an adult?
Megaparsec256: look at that string of choking hazard warnings
CommonCents43: <message deleted>I am sorry a mod deleted a thing but i am sure they had a good reason
AtrusOfMyst: This is one of Jigsaw's games
DEATHlikescats: ratewoNderChefsKiss ratewoNderChefsKiss ratewoNderChefsKiss
Jigokuro: benginBees PrideCute PrideLaugh PrideFloat PrideUwu
thesoftestbunny: is the little kid wearing a little tux?
ylegm: critroleHellobees critroleHellobees critroleHellobees
2 raiders from protojman have joined!
DEATHlikescats: ratewoNderMindBlown ratewoNderMindBlown ratewoNderMindBlown ratewoNderMindBlown ratewoNderMindBlown
ShifuDaxiongmao: This might need to reappear on a later Live in a modified shape :D
PMAvers: barrBEES barrBEES barrBEES
IaCthulhuFthagn: Is Clumsiness the name of a series of games... or the company that makes it?
DigitalSeahorse: I wonder if these are child size only
momalyd: I don't like all the metaphors in this game.
GDwarble: Sumblebee
Metric_Furlong: sumblebee!
DeM0nFiRe: We can have someblebee, as a treat
Fruan: Magnetic sumblebee
Dog_of_Myth: Heya Raiders
stippledotter: Welcome raiders!
neveth: Sumblebee
Alex_Frostfire: Fumblebee would be a good joke.
saucemaster5000: spelled "cumblebee"
forcedreject: Someblebee once told me...
an_archist2: bartlebee
FarleyF: there may be better sources of games but they dont have this hat
Creature_Comforts: PrideUwu
chanterelleton: rock and flower!
phoenixfeather14: escher3BUZZ escher3BEE escher3BUZZ escher3BEE escher3BUZZ
Cinominn: why be nomblebee when you can be someblebee
KWardJenx: Whoa, what's with all the science terms? Dumb it down a little, please
OmnipotentTrevor: @dm818 Maybe, but will they fit a Canadian adult?
AtrusOfMyst: Really bumbled the bag
johnobriant: @FarleyF Hahaha yes
QuixoticScrivener: sumblebee!
littleunknownn: Can we buy this game still? Asking for a friend.
Laserbeaks_Fury: The LRR Sum-Bul-Bee
ArcLightningCanuck: Do the bee dance!
DEATHlikescats: ratewoNderLetHimCook
Twilight_Spark: So this is shameful Hungry Hungry Hippos I take it.
mwlsn: the rockin’ flower
Morrigan9: si that dick clark's rocking flower?
hackingducks: buying multiple copies of this game for simultaneous play by a team would be fantastic
PharaohBender27: Cheer2970
SeaDiegoFC: Proper board game attire
Dog_of_Myth: Why Not?
NevermorePainting: waiting for Adam to give a solid headbutt to Ben on accident
AtrusOfMyst: Boss Baby Bee
FarleyF: @littleunknownn maybe check out Temu
betweenmyself: the Billionaires that purchase from Temu admire the game devs decision to save money on copy editors.
Gekyouryuu: "what is he, Paul, a farmer?"
SomebodyNowhere: hes a pro
NotCainNorAbel: lol
Cinominn: back in my day we had a dress code for game night
kusinohki: mental note - challenge erica to play this next DB....
DigitalSeahorse: time for gaff tape
neveth: clumsiness bumblebees
Koshindan: I'm so glad Adam is doing this one.
James_the_Dabbler: Playing at the same time is gonna lead to some bumped heads
stippledotter: It's a children's game, please be on your best bee-hive-ior
SomebodyNowhere: you wanna take that one again
NotCainNorAbel: GRAHAM
the_phantom_game_player: LUL
forcedreject: the.
thesoftestbunny: for puttin the what?
Gekyouryuu: @FarleyF I would be careful, I've seen people saying Temu is possibly a security risk for computers
CodeIndigo: putting the WHAT?
tidehollowcat: Graham
Strebenherz: !phrasing
LRRbot: Have we ever done phrasing? Like, actually?
Its_VeeBot: Cheer52
NevermorePainting: Graham, bestie
DeM0nFiRe: Somebody's have a stroke, idk if it's me or Graham
Dog_of_Myth: Dave?
iarethel0ser: Step 1: Get the gaffer tape.
Twilight_Spark: Wowee was this ever put through a translator.
PharaohBender27: Day-buckle? Or Debuckle?
Morrigan9: did roborosewater translate this?
GDwarble: "Interpolate" is a fun word
plaidanddrpepper: interpolate?
hvhTim: please clip that
itira: im sorry..... whattt LUL
Alex_Frostfire: Interpolate is certainly a word choice.
mwlsn: then interpolate
30teracyte: interpolating splines...
Foxmar320: Is Graham ok? Those are a lot of words happening
UnkeptFlea: good thing they made the instructions for children too
Lobo_Apache: Help? I think I'm having a stroke?
RealGamerCow: Not sure if instructions or SnergeBot commands
DEATHlikescats: auto translate is WILD
DNAli3n: it feels like i should understand it, but i don't
Sarah_Serinde: I am too tired to absorb any of this
saucemaster5000: got it.
Metric_Furlong: this is the most Dave's spokesman text I've heard in a while
neveth: invert the spolarity
Its_VeeBot: (I couldn't cheer 25, so here you go)
FarleyF: Daves Spokemsan is here
DigitalSeahorse: who's got the smallest heads?
epsilon_vee: bouncing stick what?
CommonCents43: <message deleted>maybe worried about the ppr already
Megaparsec256: no you definitely don't want to debug this you're supposed to *put* a bee on it
SomebodyNowhere: something something bouncing sticks and strap ons
DEATHlikescats: GoblinJam GoblinJam GoblinJam
betweenmyself: we need to set those rules to a phat beat and create the dance song of the summer
NevermorePainting: Can Graham say that again in the dave voice?
IaCthulhuFthagn: Bees... how do they work?
ShifuDaxiongmao: Suggestion, make new bands and strap around waist with the magnet on the back... new Live! show event :D
DNAli3n: hey G, can you read it again as Dave Spokesperson
Laserbeaks_Fury: are the color score weighted?
PharaohBender27: Kathleen looks like she's about to do a 1980s workout, and I'm here for it
SomebodyNowhere: !findquote interpolate
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
Fruan: @ShifuDaxiongmao This is the best idea of all time
James_the_Dabbler: Can we get these rules from Dave Spokesperson
SomebodyNowhere: even better
neveth: Kathleen is living the dream
RealGamerCow: deep sea fangly fish
WardsarTheWriter: Bangler Fish
Lobo_Apache: Kathleen is living the dream
public_key_reveal_party: Kathleen was so excited
MrQBear: So, what I 'm hearing is we need to somehow source bigger versions of these headbands, and send them to mail time
itira: good luck Adam
KharadBanar: Hungry Hungry Anglerfish
FarleyF: 2 Bees or maybe not 2 Bees that is the question
SquareDotCube: Quick, someone get some black dye and paint
goombalax: Anglerfish aka Sumblebee
UrielAngelSpy: Deep Bee Anglerfish
wedge_x: is the on-set medic present?
RealGamerCow: Can you put 2 together?
DigitalSeahorse: Kathleen's brand: Angler Feesh voxlunCarp lrrEFF
Dog_of_Myth: Get the Duck Tape
castlewise: interpolate?!
Jonathan Rick: Graham, what?
Carson Chavez: Reticulate the splines
TheAinMAP: lrrDARK
SomebodyNowhere: adam head to big brain
SeaDiegoFC: I hear there's some expensive gaff tape around somewhere
SeismicLawns: adam's too strong and has too big a head
bigevildan: Two bees, or not two bees?
googoltudoris: duck tape in the hair!
Strebenherz: Kathleen, the menace anglerfish
NimrodXIV: for what now
Cptasparagus: is the bee circumstances?
stippledotter: Stick an led on there and that's a costume
Philocalist: Sexy Binterangler
DEATHlikescats: big Snork energy
Dog_of_Myth: Is the Bee Single?
SetraLynn: Correct @mrqbear . And you need to use your time machine to have sent them several months ago.
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
PharaohBender27: lrrWOW lrrDARK
KWardJenx: Science!
DEATHlikescats: yessss
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
SomebodyNowhere: sheesh
A_Dub888: today I learned
MrQBear: @SetraLynn Naw. This is just to encourage them to play it again sometime.
plaidanddrpepper: Kathleen is great
Sorator13: KATHLEEN
saucemaster5000: hot
GameSageZB: #lifegoals
Lobo_Apache: God I wish that were me
KaleidoscopeMind: lrrWOW
Fruan: That's the dream
iris_of_ether: She's not wrong
the_phantom_game_player: PopNemo PopNemo
Heckhoundbolt: nature is beatuiful
WiJohn: True facts
MWGNZ: the deep bintorang lore
NimrodXIV: an educational stream
FrostyKaze: I can see these headbands being used in a crapshot LUL
Alex_Frostfire: Nature is so fascinating.
Pteraspidomorphi: This channel is so educational!
IaCthulhuFthagn: "Sexy anglefish" for next year's Monickers :P
AtrusOfMyst: Those fish be freeballing
BrainBetter: Science lessons from lrrKATHLEEN
tidehollowcat: Truly one of my favorite nature facts
cobalturge: lrrWOW
IaCthulhuFthagn: anglerfish*
SomebodyNowhere: will it now
Strebenherz: Tonight on Wildlife
IchiBento: lol
FarleyF: Gravity Squeeze
DEATHlikescats: pollen technically is flower jizz so it tracks
couchboyj: Gravity Squeeze!
DigitalSeahorse: I'd like to unsubscribe from Angler Fish Facts
SeismicLawns: kinky?
SomebodyNowhere: wow it fits
Dog_of_Myth: Punish the Pollen
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Shame inferno Bees
betweenmyself: ya ever imbed yourself in your partner and then just… Dissolve? pennyWhat
Valhallan597: STICKERS
Strebenherz: @DEATHlikescats ... Oh god it DOES track.
singinnonsense: get a gun to eliminate those pollens
LadyGrey21 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 31 months!
LadyGrey21: Beeeees
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LadyGrey21! (Today's storm count: 664)
PharaohBender27: I suspect this game was designed for children . . .
PharaohBender27: escher3PUN
tidehollowcat: Can I extend my subscription to angler fish facts
SomebodyNowhere: !findquote bees
LRRbot: Quote #6159: "Do bees have emotions?" —Adam [2019-06-22]
neisan2112: Where's the angler fish stickers?
saucemaster5000: this game would be much easier if you used your hands to collect the marbles.
saucemaster5000: just saying
KaleidoscopeMind: assembly line
stippledotter: There was near bee tray-al
MrGibberish: !quote 9000
LRRbot: Quote #9000: "What the hell is a "mile"?" —Cameron [2024-05-27]
voren_chalco: It's a bee-lay race
Halinn: Oh beehive
qaz1291 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 33 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, qaz1291! (Today's storm count: 665)
Cinominn: im taking you incredibly seriously
ArdCollider subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 39 months!
ArdCollider: two beeple enter, no beeple leave!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ArdCollider! (Today's storm count: 666)
ShifuDaxiongmao: I promise we are taking you just as seriously as always, Adam :)
MrGibberish: !quote 9001
LRRbot: Quote #9001: "I'm quite good at my job, actually." —James [2024-05-28]
James_the_Dabbler: let’s see who will bee successful
SomebodyNowhere: may the best bee or anglerfish win
Mathonwy: That was the scout bee!!! She's the most important!
itira: you both look wonderful
CodeIndigo: !findquote beej
LRRbot: Quote #7159: "I was flirting with Beej, my bad." —Mikey [2020-08-26]
firehawkzoa: Can't wait for the crapshoot where they just a a mundane conversation wearing these head bands
Sarah_Serinde: I was distracted for nearly all this setup so this is an amazing visual to tune back into gabyLul
SomebodyNowhere: wow lookat this gamer
Dread_Pirate_Westley: That's the finder bee. It finds the pollen for the gatherer sumblebees (the players) who then give it to the transport bees.
DEATHlikescats: @strebenherz why did I hear that in the cadence of “oh god, I didn’t consider the implications “ from the Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals. (brains are goofy)
DigitalSeahorse: Adam's having fun
patrick_stonecrusher: PrideFloat
Dreamlettuce: He's a natural!
BusTed: the buzzing is an important part
neveth: if this doesn't come back for desert bus I will be sad
WardsarTheWriter: This feels like a much more physically intensive version of Hungry Hungry Hippos.
yoric_the_skull: PUNISH
DigitalSeahorse: PrideCute PrideLaugh
ArrestedHouse: thank you for the sounds adam
UrielAngelSpy: How does one add a quote to the database? "I feel like no one is taking me seriously right now" seems like a good candidate.
FarleyF: whoever is making the bee noises thank you
TheAinMAP: escher3BUZZ escher3BEE
betweenmyself: Warning: Do not cross the bee antennae… It would be bad.
James_the_Dabbler: Ben
DEATHlikescats: ooooh smack down
Sarah_Serinde: I enjoy Adam's sound effects
PharaohBender27: Oh it's getting PHYSICAL out there in the field!
circusofkirkus: Adam has found his calling
Sorator13: beenterference!
tidehollowcat: Ben
DigitalSeahorse: PrideUwu PrideFloat PrideFloat PrideFloat
micalovits: I love Adams subbtle buzzing
littleunknownn: OMG
Dalrint: Adam is shockingly good at this.
excalgold: a Bee-attle
DeM0nFiRe: I am immersed
Strebenherz: @DEATHlikescats I'm not familiar with that, i'll have to look it up after beetime
Pywodwagon: is PvBee allowed
Valhallan597: BZZZZ
FarleyF: thank you Adam
emberBecky: Adam's in character, he's method
BusTed: He's a natural
northos: @UrielAngelSpy new quotes get added by mods
SomebodyNowhere: mogBee
hackingducks: just the greatest drunk game ever made, targeted to the wrong demographic
PharaohBender27: escher3BEE escher3BEE escher3BEE escher3BEE escher3BEE escher3BEE escher3BEE escher3BEE escher3BEE escher3BEE escher3BEE escher3BEE
SkylerRingtail: Flight of the Bumblebee should be playing over this
JinaMahavira: This is a sppedrun
Lobo_Apache: Quick! what noise does an anglerfish mke??
WiJohn: You must beecomb the bee
Fruan: The lesson here is that bees are much better at collecting pollen than angler fish.
Azsedcf: Imagine doing this to tap mana in mtg
NotCainNorAbel: clearly the tighter the band the better
SomebodyNowhere: adams gonna go pro in this
Twilight_Spark: Adam is a bee how did we not know?
Dumori: Adam got them MLG Bee skillz
stippledotter: The bee noises are helping
crash006: This was a game from the 90s, I had it. The flower that holds the pollen was bigger (or seemed so at the time). And was from some reputable toy company. I don't recall what it was called.
ShifuDaxiongmao: This is the 2 queens fighting for control of the hive... All hail Queen Adam!
Metric_Furlong: @JinaMahavira it's a sBeedrun
Its_VeeBot: Adam Savidan: MLBee
Valhallan597: I don't think the right bee is gonna survive the winter
FarleyF: instructions unclear - have become an angler fish
SomebodyNowhere: conflict
DigitalSeahorse: the battle!
BusTed: pvp enabled
sounderfan84: scrum
neveth: PvBEE
goombalax: don't cross the beeems!
hesterbyrde: adam's buzzing is too cute for words
HadesLeprechaun: wait did the rules state whether stealing from the other player was allowed?
wedge_x: Kathleen is an ambush predator, not a persistence hunter
WardsarTheWriter: Don't cross the BEEams!
DigitalSeahorse: PrideFloat PrideCute PrideLaugh
hesterbyrde subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 51 months, currently on a 50 month streak!
62MGcobra: this is just Hungry Hungry Bees!!!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, hesterbyrde! (Today's storm count: 667)
PharaohBender27: escher3ANGRY escher3ANGRY escher3ANGRY
coriolis_storm: Bee fight!!!
apennamedquill: next week on Oki Oki
DaxStrife: Late night bee fight! Late night bee fight!
BusTed: FBtouchdown
DeM0nFiRe: gdqClap gdqClap gdqClap
PharaohBender27: sharkf11CLAP
Sarah_Serinde: tqsClap
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby
emberBecky: \o/
Its_VeeBot: Oki Oki Flight Club
singinnonsense: alannamClapgif alannamClapgif alannamClapgif alannamClapgif
saucemaster5000: damn. master ranked btw
DNAli3n: Graham, can you read the next instructions as Dave's Spokesperson
DigitalSeahorse: PrideCute vicksyClap
BusTed: ggs
Clockwork Cthulhu: your parents: "and now you know"
MyrddintheWizard: sharkf11CLAP
Cunobelenos: sergeGG sergeGG
DigitalSeahorse: lol
voren_chalco: Elden Stingers
HadesLeprechaun: Adam is best bee!
DEATHlikescats: well done 👍
stippledotter: @daxstrife late night buzz fight!
insanecat6mtg: sergeGG
couchboyj: See you later pollinators
BaronVonPoppinOff: Adam is the Queen Bee!
Cinominn: friend138Vibe friend138Vibe friend138Vibe
WardsarTheWriter: Ooooh
DEATHlikescats: imma be
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
DigitalSeahorse: hehehehheheh
AtrusOfMyst: That's going to be a nightmare on stairs
WriterRaven: There's a block from the previous game under the table.
FarleyF: Yes Yes
BusTed: pennyYesChicken
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
AugmentingPath: gonna injure neighboring gymgoers
Kikazi: watch out for the blue shape from the first game on the floor under the table
Plasterboard: Bee montage in the making :D
micalovits: A nugget
itira: hahahaaaa
JKBalch: those headbands would make great cat toys
DeM0nFiRe: lmao
DaxStrife: Bee down!
coriolis_storm: @couchboyj That’s brilliant! LUL
FarleyF: Reminder to check out Adams Twitter for the pictures
AugmentingPath: or yourself
Dog_of_Myth: hahahah
ArrestedHouse: LUL
AtrusOfMyst: LUK
Dread_Pirate_Westley: @WriterRaven Sounds like a problem for Future LRR
ShifuDaxiongmao: omg, the bee attacked him!
Strebenherz: Bee 1 Adam 0
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha vicksyHaha vicksyHaha
Texan_Reverend: Adam just chanting to himself, "I'm a busy bee! I'm a busy bee!"
poryout: Adam The Cat
WiJohn: Put a phone on it, make the most unwatchable vlog
AtrusOfMyst: LUL
iris_of_ether: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
SmithKurosaki: Person down. I repeat, Person Down
SomebodyNowhere subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 109 months!
SomebodyNowhere: adam is so good at this bee game
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SomebodyNowhere! (Today's storm count: 668)
josh___something: Mixed by a plastic bee XD
Alex_Frostfire: I need a Skullclamp alter that's just these bee headbands.
itira: wait why are they in wedding outfits LUL
hackingducks: ah, I was wondering if it was photoshop or AI box art
KaleidoscopeMind: those are "children"
ShifuDaxiongmao: Adam just wanted to bee himself
KWardJenx: Are they getting married?
neisan2112: Oh god that girl is 100% photoshoped wow
emberBecky: oh they're haunted children
BusTed: They're very proper
kumatsu: that girl is getting ready to tell you she grew up in a cult
GameSageZB: That looks like prime 80s stock photos.
SeismicLawns: the boy is about to cry
SomebodyNowhere: they look like they're in some kind of cult
singinnonsense: come play with us
teddywhosabear: that's alarming
Ruth Evers: Hi All!
themysticsdream: LMAO
A_Dub888: 100% photoshop
Laserbeaks_Fury: that's 100% wedding stock
TheNerdWonder: that is totally a picture from a first communion
heronblademaster: this is the activity at their wedding reception
RealGamerCow: "things for your kids to do atr the reception"
CodeIndigo: Odds are that they photoshopped white kids over whoever was already there
NevermorePainting: Adam better wear that while breaking a deadlift PR
62MGcobra: need to play that game after Barcadia
PharaohBender27: @NotCainNorAbel Same brain cell! :D
WardsarTheWriter: Redemption!
Dalrint: Who won that one?
northos: @Dalrint Adam
Larkonus: Don't Break the Ice?
jamesinor: Don't break the ice
goombalax: Club Pengiuns
DEATHlikescats: Chunk hammer’s dead
SomebodyNowhere: really
RealGamerCow: I vote for the bull
BusTed: 🆒
NotCainNorAbel: @PharaohBender27 You keep it, I'm not responsible enough to be in charge lrrAWESOME
SmithKurosaki: Hi Ruth :)
AugmentingPath: wowwowcool
DigitalSeahorse: the game for Bullies?
mtvcdm: Wow
BusTed: Is that Michael Jackson the matador
Dog_of_Myth: Such Cool, Much Wow
SomebodyNowhere: ohno
kumatsu: Exciting
pn55: Wow
PharaohBender27: :O
Diabore: SIX???
NotCainNorAbel: SIX!
Halinn: The reason that you bought this game is obvious.
Larkonus: 6 AAs? Holy crap.
Lanthess: Ages three and up, so chat can't play.
NimrodXIV: 6?!
DEATHlikescats: 6?!
underhill33: Rad!
SomebodyNowhere: !findquote bull
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
OmnipotentTrevor: Bull drawn from memory, apparently
googoltudoris: Go Bull!
l0gin4me: oh, good
GDwarble: 6!?
miniMacGuru: I'm having flashbacks to the Crossfire boardgame commercial
littleunknownn: Wow Wow Cool!!
BusTed: That's Game Gear territory
GhostValv: is that ... a resume?
Fruan: This is either going to be amazing or not work at all, and I'm down for either.
excalgold: and it's for ages 3+ !
DeM0nFiRe: It is important to never accidentally a bull
Montesque64: !findquote cow
LRRbot: Quote #7487: "I'm distracted by setting cows on fire." —RebelliousUno [2021-02-02]
DEATHlikescats: purposeful
AtrusOfMyst: A cardiac threat? Exciting.
stippledotter: I love a purposeful game
CanPlayGames: this is that old Bull Dog game
WardsarTheWriter: The brain is definitely a muscle!
Valhallan597: STRATEGY 💪
SomebodyNowhere: ooooh
BusTed: seabatBRAIN
HadesLeprechaun: also known as "Brave Bullfighter" on BGG
NotCainNorAbel: very cool
DEATHlikescats: what purpose tho
KWardJenx is paying forward the Gift they got from lordgrond to the community!
KWardJenx is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel!
DigitalSeahorse: RPGBukka RPGBukkaNoo porpoisefull?
KWardJenx gifted a Tier 1 sub to MarchionessRose!
KWardJenx gifted a Tier 1 sub to regicold!
KWardJenx gifted a Tier 1 sub to InternetFamousPaul!
neisan2112: Oh hell yueah
KWardJenx gifted a Tier 1 sub to bearded_mayne!
PharaohBender27: Ooooh, that's clever
KWardJenx gifted a Tier 1 sub to LaskoReadsComics!
62MGcobra: @BusTed ha i was gonna say that
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, KWardJenx! Welcome to MarchionessRose, regicold, LaskoReadsComics, bearded_mayne, and InternetFamousPaul! (Today's storm count: 673)
coriolis_storm: COOL TECHNOLOGY
excalgold: @miniMacGuru you saying the word 'crossfire' made the song enter my head.....
micalovits: That is cool
stippledotter: Okay that's great design
DEATHlikescats: ok that’s really good innovation
MilkInBags: ben are you a bull
Its_VeeBot: Legend... wait for it...
TheAinMAP: PrideCrown HyperCrown
Plasterboard: not Legen...Dairy? :P
northos: wake up babe new Monarch prop just dropped
Its_VeeBot: dary
PharaohBender27: Easiest episode of Back in the Box ever!
DEATHlikescats: leg, and dairy
stippledotter: lrrCOW
SomebodyNowhere: how many batteries
public_key_reveal_party: Oh my God that bull
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyGift katesGift vicksyGift
A_Dub888: there’s eggs?? and no one told Wheeler???
Morrigan9: if you put that crown on paul, will his clones dissapear?
kusinohki: not legend-dairy??
BusTed: The bull looks neat.
RealGamerCow: So you can get this on temu, huh?
tidehollowcat: So this is beetleweight bull fighting
superdude097: Did I hear right? It takes SIX AAs?
WiJohn: That bull has a cape
jjcard: is the Bull single?
ShifuDaxiongmao: I want to 3D print an arena for this.. :D
GDwarble: @superdude097 Ayup
SaxPython: FallWinning
WiJohn: Clearly they've killed before
BusTed: Very Dizzy Dizzy Dinosaur
Diabore: this actually looks great
saucemaster5000: that bull is baptized as fuck
PharaohBender27: Wait, why's the BULL wearing a cape?
DEATHlikescats: Ferdinand???
Fruan: This is so cool!
googoltudoris: what a cute representation of animal cruelty!
Montesque64: Ok, whether the game is good or not, the design of the box and physical elements are actually fantastic
chanterelleton: @PharaohBender27 emergent gameplay
Singenmeister: What now, German board games!?! lrrJUDGECALL
Juliamon: PharaohBender27 It takes the capes of gored matadors as trophies
KaleidoscopeMind: the bull didn't listen to edna mode
SomebodyNowhere: install the character
coriolis_storm: That looks fantastic from the side
Sarah_Serinde: Bulls can be stylish too
SeismicLawns: does that ending say hin?
PharaohBender27: @Juliamon I like this explanation
PineappleSarah: this is just fraidy cats but new
Laserbeaks_Fury: Is the bull wearing a *cape*?
DigitalSeahorse: this game is bull
Sarah_Serinde: @SeismicLawns Win
ShifuDaxiongmao: Ok, the Bull design itself is actually really nice :D
Mathonwy: It's a trophy from the last matador that tried to test him....
BusTed: Maybe more Running of the Bulls
HesGotNoPants: German board game about a Spanish sport
Its_VeeBot: Ole!
AugmentingPath: Laserbeaks_Fury in case it has to fight another bull, yeah
Featherweight_: bull is going to be great new set dressing friend
themysticsdream: No Capes!
MarkovDescendant: No Capes...
DEATHlikescats: @markovdescendant truly the best advice
Creature_Comforts: Jacob's a playable character?
DigitalSeahorse: AugmentingPath probably vicksyInspect
coriolis_storm: @featherweight_ For an animal-related PPR, for example… ;)
inkorstardust subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 105 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, inkorstardust! (Today's storm count: 674)
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPride katesPride vicksyPrider flags are for pride!
62MGcobra: how is this a dexterity game?
WardsarTheWriter: @62MGcobra The bull requires dexterity, not the players.
Megaparsec256: @62MGcobra he bought a 3rd dexterity game that they're not playing but also saw and bought this one
Juliamon: It's a dexterity game in the way Atmosfear is
Shadowsoflife: plot @62MGcobra
Montesque64: oh no, now the bull is insecure. Poor guy
Fruan: So order of operations is card->move->rail->bull
62MGcobra: :p
TheMerricat: Chat I had to run and missed it, what's the name of this game?
CanPlayGames: this is an old game but it was like a junkyard dog. I can’t remember the name.
googoltudoris: i thought bulls' bits were accessed with a knife, or sometimes a rubber band
Singenmeister: Chat know what it’s about.
patrick_stonecrusher: Dizzy Dizzy Dinosaur
coriolis_storm: @themerricat The Bullfighter Board Game
TheMerricat: @coriolis_storm Thank you!
Laserbeaks_Fury: 100% the bull knocks the arena off the table first activation
Juliamon: this one angle having Mousetrap in the background is a particularly nice touch
Larkonus: House rule: If the bull breaks through the box, the audience loses because it's rampant in the crowd. (/j)
Twilight_Spark: And now we're going beyond a step beyond.
protojman: and to go further beyond
gsyhiap: The dexterity part is your thoughts being dextrous enough to class this as a dexterity game...
micalovits: Good angle streamer!
TheMerricat: Has LRR played the OG Mousetrap game ever on stream? Now that Juliamon has said the name I'm having a distant memory of having watched MouseTrap played online....
Alex_Frostfire: Catch-up mechanics?
BusTed: yes.
PharaohBender27: :D
forcedreject: hold on
NimrodXIV: hahaha
BusTed: This is the best
Strebenherz: Amazing
62MGcobra: FBtouchdown
forcedreject: that's just the Vega SF2 theme
WardsarTheWriter: I love that it has music oh my god...
Sarah_Serinde: tqsClap
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
RealGamerCow: I need this game
iris_of_ether: Hahahaha
airylan: hubris!
superdude097: LUL
GDwarble: @TheMerricat The big problem with Mousetrap is that it's like Snakes and Ladders, there's no actual *gameplay* beyond roll-and-move
Sarah_Serinde: This is cute
SomebodyNowhere: the tension
Diabore: thats so good
Morrigan9: nice
Alex_Frostfire: That honestly worked better than I expected.
Dog_of_Myth: Amazing
Its_VeeBot: Ole!
Strebenherz: This is adorable
KaleidoscopeMind: i love him
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyClap vicksyClap vicksyClap
DEATHlikescats: ok this rocks
gsyhiap: miiliClap
Larkonus: Excellent. Bravo. 10/10, perfect. No notes.
Redbassist: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
abslomdaak42: That is excellent
Master_Gunner: I definitely had a game very similar to this as a kid.
Lanthess: This game is actually amazing
AtrusOfMyst: Pay that bull
TheAinMAP: emilym10Clap
stippledotter: Okay that's actually delightful
SaxPython: SingsNote FBtouchdown
WiJohn: No notes
public_key_reveal_party: This is actually kinda great
littleunknownn: I think this tops the bee game
MarkovDescendant: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
hvhTim: brb buying this
62MGcobra: shut up and take my batteries
BrokenGolem: katesSteer
powerflapjack: betusJam
Dog_of_Myth: coxMog coxMog coxMog
Rourke9: @GDwarble that can be a feature depending on the audience - those and candyland are great with kids because it puts them on equal ground
Sorator13: This is delightful
itomeshi: @hvhTim i know right
GDwarble: Why does this need *6* AAs?
Camthelion: he a lil confused
Diabore: this game is perfect
kusinohki: I have a bad feeling this game might not end...
hackingducks: well that was a buncha bull
BusTed: Y turning bull
micalovits: Okay this bull is amazing
UnkeptFlea: the shmoovement
the_phantom_game_player: LUL
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
GDwarble: @Rourke9 For sure, maybe a bit iffy for streaming, though
Strebenherz: @GDwarble Temu doing Temu things
RealGamerCow: He is my special son
johnobriant: They tried it with 4 AAs, but the music wasn't as exciting.
PharaohBender27: @GDwarble It's a beefy bull Kappa
forcedreject: Either it's a generic sample or that's Vega/Balrog's theme
PineappleSarah: This is so funny. I played the version Fraidy Cats all the time when I was a kid. You were cats going around a backyard fence and it was a bulldog
AtrusOfMyst: The bull is the best Uber driver I've seen
underhill33: He's doing the Austin Powers bit
Ruth Evers: That's brilliant!
powerflapjack: @GDwarble and why is it worth every battery?
Texan_Reverend: This game should also make a return during Desert Bus.
Rourke9: @GDwarble makes sense!
Dog_of_Myth: @Texan_Reverend Agree
TotallyNotaBeholder: Dawn of the Final Day, 24 Hours Remain (for now)
WriterRaven: @forcedreject It's "Espana Cani", the traditional music used for dancing the Paso Doble.
MyrddintheWizard: No one will be seated while bull is mooooving.
BusTed: Probably 2 for each of the X/Y axes, then 2 for the speaker
powerflapjack: Ben's just seeing the danger circles from playing too much Dawntrail
Oreo1369: It kind of looks like a pitbull
forcedreject: @WriterRaven Huh, so Vega/Balrog's theme from SF2 uses that as it's intro, neat
Larkonus: House rule #2: First person to say "This is bullshit" after getting launched has to skip a turn." (/j)
HadesLeprechaun: there are a grand total of THREE people that own this game on BGG
hackingducks: this is such bull1
Montesque64: It has been interesting how last year the subathon was fully funded in like two days, but this time it's been hovering between 24ish and 30is hours pretty much the whole time
powerflapjack: betusJam betusJam
NekomimiNinja: DinoDance
Juliamon: Montesque64 They better dialled in the numbers this time
SomebodyNowhere: dude moves the whole box
Sorator13: @Montesque64 Well, they significantly reduced the "value" of each sub/bit
dmack161 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, dmack161! (Today's storm count: 675)
BusTed: a light nuzzle
hackingducks: wow
Sarah_Serinde: @Montesque64 They also made it harder this year, minutes cost more
62MGcobra: hifunkSickest
Strebenherz: SO CLOSE
kusinohki: mostly by design. last supathon had bits and subs count for 2 mins. this time, just 1 min
underhill33: a bee's dick away
littleunknownn: pkmnZoom
SomebodyNowhere: ohno
Strebenherz: PFFFFFT
JadedCynic: The bull just wants pats
TheAinMAP: lrrWOW
mtvcdm: Bull giving kisses
Its_VeeBot: LUL
Sorator13: LUL
Jigokuro: death by dice
FarleyF: ok this game should come back for Desert bus
Megaparsec256: emergent gameplay!
JadedCynic: welp
littleunknownn: So what happens now?!
BusTed: benginO7
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Strebenherz: Kill by Dice? Is that a first?
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
DEATHlikescats: like a bull with narcolepsy it just skid to a halt in front of them
LowUpsideCJ: the otg
AtrusOfMyst: LUL
Twilight_Spark: The official bullshitter
Fruan: The bull had just barely not pushed it enough
Montesque64: @Sarah_Serinde Ah! thank you. I didn't know for certain, but I suspected that might be the case
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyShake vicksyDK
mtvcdm: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
littleunknownn: So close but so far
DEATHlikescats: the giggles
Strebenherz: Have... Has LRR had a kill by dice roll before?
ShifuDaxiongmao: "What did I roll?" "Yeet"
FarleyF: BEN
Its_VeeBot: Team Bullet Hell, more like Team Bull-et Hell
JadedCynic: @littleunknownn my headcanon is the audience behind them pushed the matador into the ring :D
PharaohBender27: @Sarah_Serinde Also, I would say there's an added element they *didn't* plan for, namely Twitch upped sub prices very recently, which leads to some scaling problems for multi-gift subs.
KaleidoscopeMind: that's how this is a dexterity game. you can choose violence
dankmemeter: Bull with that elder ring delay strat
Sarah_Serinde: @PharaohBender27 That was certainly awkward timing
SomebodyNowhere: wow
BusTed: LUL
Sorator13: Do you want to remove the dice before pressing the bull?
Rourke9: makes sense, that pushes the game to an eventual end
nevermore913: I don't know what this game is but it is amazing
Alex_Frostfire: Back to the start!
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Larkonus: Insult to injury. LUL
Sarah_Serinde: rude
Its_VeeBot: Insult to Injury
DEATHlikescats: just to make sure
underhill33: oof
Strebenherz: Being BULL'ied
SomebodyNowhere: targeted attack
Gekyouryuu: "and STAY there!"
mtvcdm: SO rude
josh___something: Rude
DEATHlikescats: so there’s no ambiguity
gsyhiap: Bull's favourite number: 1
coriolis_storm: “Screw that guy in particular”
ShifuDaxiongmao: I think the bull might have it out for a certain player :P
circusofkirkus: is the bull song just Malaguena?
SomebodyNowhere: shield op
BusTed: safe!
JadedCynic: nudge
hvhTim: is this worth 30usd on amazon
MeadyOchre: This game actually fucking rules
NimrodXIV: lucky
FarleyF: that was bull
mtvcdm: Safe
saucemaster5000: THEY TECHED????
TotallyNotaBeholder: A glancing bull
whitebadgerwolf88: Weren't shields only active for one turn or bull event??
Tevildo: this is the best game ever
Sarah_Serinde: @whitebadgerwolf88 The wording suggests it stays until your next move
Masslost: if you add drinking to this, it would be epic
kusinohki: there is some amount of "creative interpretation" one has to do with these rules....
PharaohBender27: Back to the Shield Warehouse
Koshindan: The Bulwark
Sorator13: I'd love to visit the place where shields live
BusTed: precision strike
mtvcdm: So I would like to invoke the Candy Land rule of player agency here
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby
Sarah_Serinde: benginRip
gsyhiap: F
Strebenherz: Amazing
00gogo00: @mtvcdm you get to choose when to play the cards
Alex_Frostfire: This game is pure skill.
saucemaster5000: I slipped that bull a fiver for that
googoltudoris: house rule- if the bull gets all four characters, the bull wins
Koshindan: It would be interesting with a betting mechanic like Camel Up.
Laserbeaks_Fury: NGL, I want someone to build a custom arena for this game
Fruan: A child could play this until the batteries run down and the bull starts sounding very sad
Cavemanhar: I see this being hilarious with some drunk friends
NimrodXIV: play until your parent gets tired of the song
AugmentingPath: When I was 8, I'd have played this until the cardboard wore out. So twice
KWardJenx: The Reddit strategy guide for the game must be fascinating.
kusinohki: I feel reddit strat is simply "don't get hit, forehead"
PharaohBender27: @Fruan escher3DOOT escher3DOOT - escher3DOOT - escher3DOOT - escher3DOOT - escher3DOOT . . . Dooooot . . . dooot .doooo
mtvcdm: Safe
Sorator13: LUL
neisan2112: I love that the acoustics change slightly as it goes around
BusTed: I must know how these cards affect gameplay
Sorator13: Card is always first, bull is always last
Sorator13: and move before shield
WardsarTheWriter: Me: -has Civ 6's Spain playlist going in the background as this plays-
lock3dinabox subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 39 months, currently on a 12 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, lock3dinabox! (Today's storm count: 676)
BusTed: damn
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
Diabore: counter!
Twilight_Spark: You've triggered my TRAP
Alex_Frostfire: Counterspell!
KWardJenx: Blue?
Fruan: The first card we see stops us seeing more cards. Great.
public_key_reveal_party: Ben's gotta learn to play around counters
josh___something: 2xKO?!
SomebodyNowhere: shield meta too strong
micalovits: Fewer shields, more bulls!
Fruan: So everyone understands that this game might never end, right?
Diabore: theres not enough bull happening
northos: make sure to leave a review, Ben :p
googoltudoris: spinner on the bottom
Diabore: BULL
Jesper_aka_Mordachai: @AnAnonymousGifter Thanks for the gift sub!
Larkonus: I'd love to see someone mod the bull to be even more chaotic.
PharaohBender27: @Fruan Well surely it ends when either everyone dies or someone reaches the WIN gate?
zerragonoss: You could 100% make a great game with this extra stuff and better rules than just count up
SkylerRingtail: @Larkonus Overclock the bull!
BusTed: LUL
DeM0nFiRe: lmao
Gekyouryuu: instantly
UrielAngelSpy: Next time on Tinker Tailor: Build-a-Bull
FarleyF: on the next TTSF - Ian reverse engineers the bull
CaptainSpam: The bull says "NO."
BrainBetter: @PharaohBender27 Death is transient. Just puts you to the start.
Sorator13: LUL
OmnipotentTrevor: Next I'm expecting Paul to pull a "through the magic of buying two of them" and take this thing apart
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha
SomebodyNowhere: so close
PharaohBender27: tqsLOL
Alex_Frostfire: Messing with the bull gets you the horns.
cobalturge: Next time on TTSF
BusTed: It's so dramatic
Its_VeeBot: LUL
micalovits: So close!
Halinn: This game is incredible
ShifuDaxiongmao: I like the immersion of the players :D
Its_VeeBot: I want to see this game's sales charts after this stream
gsyhiap: nearly the triple kill
mtvcdm: That was almost a TPK
Diabore: @cobalturge god ian woodworking an actual arena for this would be glorious
wedge_x: the bull knows where it is because it knows where it isn't
CodeIndigo: "SCREW YOU, BULL!!"
FarleyF: would it be too much to ask for a wooden version of this box being made for longevity
patrick_stonecrusher: So, l think the game board needs to be a circle/oval. The corners seem difficult for Bully to get to
Taligan: The corners might be seen as safe zones so the game is more likely to progress.
Rourke9: @patrick_stonecrusher its good for there to be safe areas or the game would never end
Taligan: Not like there are strats for this game lol
betweenmyself: lateral move to Bawls Guarana soda pennyWhat
BusTed: the spite
SnackPak_: take that, bull
Its_VeeBot: I guess the cards are supposed to be more strategic?
WardsarTheWriter: I would love if the bull were on a timer that activated periodically.
mtvcdm: Jordynne
SmithKurosaki: I mean, will the bull work if you stun it with dice?
Gekyouryuu: @Its_VeeBot Jordynne's would've been good to stop someone about to win
JadedCynic: @SnackPak_ can't imagine WHY the bull keeps hitting matadors... ;)
NimrodXIV: better than real bullfighting
CaptainSpam: Card, move, shield, bull.
dzee_szed: like watching for the DVD logo to bounce into the corner
namagem1: This game is fantastic
AtrusOfMyst: Bull was Tokyo drifting
Gaelan_Maestro: i want this human sized
hackingducks: this is such a good idea for a board game that just needed *a little* more time to cook
namagem1: A robot bull as an RNG device is so cool
micalovits: Lining up for Ben and Kathleen
Driosenth: It's like watching my mom try to parallel park
FarleyF: i wonder what would work best as a box material - Wood or sheet metal
DEATHlikescats: this is redhead on redhead beef!
FarleyF: it could be a neat TTSF project
Rourke9: honestly i feel this game is *perfect* for the target audience
ShifuDaxiongmao: You can almost see the bull think "Where is Jordynne? We have matters to discuss!"
Gekyouryuu: given the bull's inability to hit corners, I choose to imagine this game was invented by someone who zoned out watching a DVD logo bounce around
Diabore: CMON BULL
Koshindan: Do you have to roll exact to win?
Diabore: one time!
Pywodwagon: what if: a three hour stream of Beej playing this by himself
SmithKurosaki: @FarleyF Padding + wood - metal too loud
ShifuDaxiongmao: bull, bull, bull, bull.. :D
A_Dub888: “All Whammies” Oh that’s what they called me in highschool
Montesque64: @hackingducks I think it's good for what it is. It seems like a fantastic game for casual friends, children, and drunk people.
Gadora: Now do you have to roll it exactly? :p
TPRJones subscribed at Tier 3. They've subscribed for 113 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TPRJones! (Today's storm count: 677)
DeM0nFiRe: bruh
CaptainSpam: NAP TIME
JadedCynic: LUL
Camthelion: ahahaha
BusTed: tqsBuffering
pn55: HypeLUL
namagem1: It just stopped
Halinn: LUL
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
NotCainNorAbel: bruh
KaleidoscopeMind: bull says no
Sorator13: oh no
emberBecky: having a siesta
Its_VeeBot: Time for nap
dzee_szed: paradox of choice
Gekyouryuu: perfect
littleunknownn: Uhhh
James_the_Dabbler: Bruh
BigDaddyBland87: Bull eepy
DEATHlikescats: wow
WriterRaven: bull am eepy
HorusFive: Bull tired. So eepy
the_phantom_game_player: LUL
head_cannon: it just gave up, lol
Piecrust9: EEPY BABY
superdude097: LUL
ShifuDaxiongmao: it couldn't decide!!
ArmstrongRGM96X: It's just standing there...menacingly!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha vicksyDed
gsyhiap: Uhh, bull's dead
mtvcdm: Bull refused
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
Heckhoundbolt: "don't tell me what to do"
SmithKurosaki: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
MTGRanger: EEP
JadedCynic: "Fine - now I don't WANT to." *sulks*
DEATHlikescats: yes!
MWGNZ: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
hackingducks: LUL
DeM0nFiRe: Peak comedy happened!
BusTed: I clapped
namagem1: WWOWWW
JadedCynic: LUL
neisan2112: YEEEE
Strebenherz: OH NO
Halinn: WOW
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: meant to be
DEATHlikescats: yesssssss!
pn55: seabatClap
head_cannon: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
HorusFive: lrrCOW lrrCOW lrrCOW
Fruan: The game never ends!
HadesLeprechaun: PERFECT
BigDaddyBland87: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
MrSarkhan: seabatClap seabatClap
underhill33: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCheer
epsilon_vee: got there
Taligan: I also did the clapping!
Texan_Reverend: Way to go, Jordynne!!!
gsyhiap: FBtouchdown
stippledotter: lrrFRUMP lrrFRUMP lrrFRUMP
AtrusOfMyst: VICTORY
micalovits: It was calculating!
Jillexie: Amazing
iris_of_ether: FBtouchdown
Featherweight_: good bull
mercano82: Olé!
Oreo1369: Let's Go
WardsarTheWriter: Ouch
slickslickman: AMAZING
type_variable: seabatBRAIN
Its_VeeBot: lrrBartleby
CaptainSpam: Bull's working again. :D
BrainBetter: STRATEGY!
l0gin4me: YEEEESSS
Redbassist: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
KWardJenx: the tension!
Kreiseler: Bull was a sniper just lining up that shot
AtrusOfMyst: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
public_key_reveal_party: This game is perfect
FarleyF: 10/10
JadedCynic: Adam got his wish
Cunobelenos: sergeHubris sergeHubris sergeHubris
Alex_Frostfire: Did it scrape the box?
DEATHlikescats: narratively satisfying ending
Jillexie: Jordynne with the spite kill
Diabore: go directly to jail, do not pass go
hackingducks: laser targeted bullseye
BrokenGolem: tqsTarget tqsTarget tqsTarget
WardsarTheWriter: The Bull will not release you so easily...
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHeadbang vicksyHeadbang vicksyHeadbang
QuixoticScrivener: 29? That’s a hubris number!
SomebodyNowhere: !findquote shield
LRRbot: Quote #2573: "Ew... your shields touched." —Cameron [2016-05-19]
BusTed: aw dangit
Koshindan: Unleash the Bull is clearly an aggro card.
SnackPak_: lrrSPOOP
AtrusOfMyst: I'm gone to tell my children this was Raging Bull
Sarah_Serinde: lrrHERE
BusTed: How much time do we have
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
kodalith: Bull comes in clutch.
gsyhiap: FBtouchdown
Rebornflames: New bull, Who-bris?
Piecrust9: The game MUST GO ON
Fruan: The game never ends!
MrSarkhan: lrrHERE
the_phantom_game_player: FBtouchdown
QuixoticScrivener: !findquote bull
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
virre_: So we live here now?
meaninglessMeg: lrrHERE
namagem1: Are these dice like 1-2-3-bull-fence-card or something?
PharaohBender27: Cheer1200 Got to go to dinner, but will be back. Here's a few more minutes for the timer.
Dog_of_Myth: lrrHERE
slickslickman: in 23 hours this game will still be going on
00gogo00: aight I gotta go to dinner
littleunknownn: This game will never end
KWardJenx: The bull demands blood.
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to Aww_Dangitt! They have given 2484 Gift Subs in the channel!
WardsarTheWriter: "Don't forget, you're here forever..."
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Aww_Dangitt! (Today's storm count: 678)
BigDaddyBland87: this is the game that never just goes on and on my friends
Insane_L_Kegani: Someone gave me a sub thank you ❤️❤️❤️
Montesque64: !findquote cow
l0gin4me: At what point do we declare the bull the winner?
FarleyF: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Hardspace w/ Alex at Wed 08:00 PM PDT (1:59 from now).
Koshindan: Broken Bull
00gogo00: let me know if the game is still going when I get back
Joshua Trytten: *Target acquired*
PartisanGamer: this is limbo
BusTed: Can we somehow mod and supercharge this bull.
gsyhiap: Bullfighting will continue until morale improves
Strebenherz: Welcome to purgatory for madadors, population you and one bull with a score to settle
AugmentingPath: is the stuck wheel the powered one?
MeadyOchre: Kathleen, take the bull home for the cats
DeM0nFiRe: zeldaBack
CodeIndigo: This is definitely something for Ian to TTSFix
ShifuDaxiongmao: I like that it can randomly decide to not move :D
WardsarTheWriter: Who's going to take the bull by the horns and win this game?!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyJammin
fjordsword: Easy game Adam.... Easy game
superdude097: Fight for ev-er *Clap* *Clap* *ClapClapClap*
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
SnackPak_: woooow
Strebenherz: AMAZING
KaleidoscopeMind: immediate
Halinn: Don't forget, you're here forever
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
gsyhiap: LUL
Sorator13: Incredible
HorusFive: the TWOfer
Sarah_Serinde: benginRip
Saintnex: hahahaha
slickslickman: the bull wants blood!
SkylerRingtail: This is the game that never ends!
Rebornflames: And its all to play for
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCope
Diabore: this game is perfect, no notes
NimrodXIV: double kill
BluJester: FBtouchdown
TheNerdWonder: at some point, the bull wins
Redbassist: :D :D
Piecrust9: Man I am so ready for them to start the game for the first time
Herbert_Erpaderp: This song is a banger
stippledotter: VoteNay NotLikeThis
TotallyNotaBeholder: Incredibull
BigDaddyBland87: lrrHERE
CodeIndigo: the disrespect
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunBabhed
kumatsu: we call it a draw
Texan_Reverend: Keep going!
fjordsword: you have to reverse psychology it
mtvcdm: Do we go to clock
Featherweight_: the bull is the only winner
Fruan: Eternal bullfighting!
Alex_Frostfire: Tiebreaker?
JadedCynic: so, spite is a two-way street, apparently :D
Alex_Frostfire: Sudden death!
DEATHlikescats: The “again!” before the second elimination was so perfect
KWardJenx: Game apparently only ends when the batteries die
mtvcdm: Sudden death
patch_witch: Clearly this bull is a vengeful spirit
Diabore: final destination no items
ProcyonFlynn: Ya know. At least AtmosFear had a timeer to let you eventually end the game :p
patrick_stonecrusher: I can see this being a drink8ng game if the board was better made
stippledotter: Oooh, good call, Ben
googoltudoris: graham, how would the cats react to the bull?
Saintnex: we go until someone dies?
Texan_Reverend: @googoltudoris Violently.
Fruan: Honestly, this game seems like the perfect way to keep kids entertained for 4 hours.
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
BusTed: Triple kill
SomebodyNowhere: the triple
SnackPak_: holy moly
Masslost: oh wall of death time
NekomimiNinja: Bull's on a mission!
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
slickslickman: Ooh baby the Triple!
pn55: That was so quick!
micalovits: TRipple kill!
Gekyouryuu: the bull demands BLOOD!
Saintnex: Welp that was quick
underhill33: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
JadedCynic: @patrick_stonecrusher yeah, I wager there's a few sets of drinking rules out there already
Halinn: Bull knew what its job was
gsyhiap: Well that was fast
AugmentingPath: assassinated
CaptainSpam: The bull's had enough of this bull, too!
head_cannon: Got it in one!
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: multikill!
Its_VeeBot: Bull goes to the corner
BusTed: Legendary!
HorusFive: He's developed a taste for BLOOD!
littleunknownn: WOW
Cunobelenos: sergeGG sergeGG sergeGG
Oreo1369: Triple Kill
NotCainNorAbel: The bull knew the game
ShifuDaxiongmao: To the corner with you!!
MrSarkhan: sergeGG sergeGG sergeGG
Sarah_Serinde: tqsClap
iris_of_ether: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDed vicksyDed vicksyDed vicksyHappy
l0gin4me: Bull is the MVP
Gascitygaming: just got here and i immediately love this game
fjordsword: Bull understood the assignment
Rebornflames: The bull giveth and the bull taketh away
DeM0nFiRe: "You said you wanted the segment to end" -- Bull, probably
kumatsu: an emotional roller coaster
insanecat6mtg: sergeGG sergeGG sergeGG
HadesLeprechaun: Bull heard you needed to stop playing
Piecrust9: 300% kill
LunaLurkz: The DEATH and destruction is complete
DEATHlikescats: that was diabolical!
Lobo_Apache: Just fucking merc'd
RevolverRossalot: No. Chill
Valhallan597: belchaClap
UnkeptFlea: Legendairy
DudelidouX: Well you kept pushing the bulls botton so he snapped
gryfyn1: bull knew the stream wsa over
NimrodXIV: that is a fun little game
DeM0nFiRe: gdqClap gdqClap gdqClap
littleunknownn: pkmnZoom pkmnZoom pkmnZoom
midnightcurryjazz: clap
Mai_Andra: Bull said "clean-up step? I'm in!"
DEATHlikescats: amazing
northos: playfr3Clap
nevermore913: That game is wild
Joshua Trytten: Y'know, going into this, I wondered if it would be the Candyland experience of random restarts so that it's hard to reliably finish
Joshua Trytten: But on the other hand, it's *hilarious*
SmithKurosaki: *nods*
josh___something: Bull was ANGY
Tevildo: gg
gsyhiap: miiliClap
MyrddintheWizard: Incredi-bulll
Strebenherz: Great finds Ben
whitebadgerwolf88: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrAWESOME lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
stippledotter: Moooooving along
TheAinMAP: 2020Victory HyperCrown PrideCrown
public_key_reveal_party: Ben absolutely failed on the "bad game" front
Megaparsec256: yea you did a great job finding these games ben!
Texan_Reverend: What a way to close out the tabletop day.
Tevildo: lrrSACK
BusTed: FBtouchdown
Diabore: god that was so good
Sorator13: This was excellent, Ben
UrielAngelSpy: With the exception of the bull breaking, this game is surprisingly well designed for a Temu product.
Grevas13: that was fun
TheAinMAP: lrrCORI HyperCrown
KWardJenx: Bravo Ben. Great games!
Diabore: @Texan_Reverend theres still booze!
DEATHlikescats: all amazing games!
JadedCynic: @HadesLeprechaun The bull could've done that at any time, but was just toying with them. Also the bull was punctual. B)
Programmerman1: Hour was indeed quite powerful
nevermore913: Love that game
Texan_Reverend: @Diabore You are correct.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCheer
bagfullofbees: that was maybe the best board game I've ever seen
CodeIndigo: Ben, please go Temu-diving again for DB
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
Taligan: lmao
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Tevildo: lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrARROWS lrrBartleby
DigitalSeahorse: PrideLaugh
Earthenone: that bull music would make such a good alert sound
itira: LUL
Valhallan597: Can't believe they are gonna play a full game of Arcadia Kappa
Lobo_Apache: they're children. I love it
SkylerRingtail: Clip it
pimiento: make me!
superdude097: LUL
gsyhiap: LUL
DNAli3n: that was amasing
SomebodyNowhere: sheesh
BigDaddyBland87: NEVER!!!
blumax1: never
WardsarTheWriter: All of that was amazing!
samwiser_: Adam so mean to G
Earthenone: anyways, enjoy drinking!
neisan2112: Holy shit that was so good lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
William Johnson: & this is pre-drinking
A_Dub888: “dapper Cthulhu” was not on my bingo card today
Oreo1369: Based
Trymantha: Adam is so good
Gascitygaming: I would grow up but i can't get a mortgage DAD! :P
stippledotter: Such a great segment
ShifuDaxiongmao: The music made it 11/10
neisan2112: I should go get beer for this
MrsLlante gifted 3 months of Tier 1 to Fallen_Angel_Elizabeth. They've gifted 4 months in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Fallen_Angel_Elizabeth! (Today's storm count: 679)
kusinohki: thank you LRR. I needed that
Anubis169: travHert
josh___something: She went down ina BUBBLE, DOUG
Anubis169: thank yoooooooooou <3
Taligan: The music was amazeballs.
googoltudoris: also, all of those should also be drinking games
Shadowsoflife: @A_Dub888 theses a bingo card?!
Blasteg: I only caught the end of bullfighter, what was the other 2 games?
Anubis169 waves
Tevildo: !searchfortreasure
LRRbot: You find: a box!
Oreo1369: This was the best
neisan2112: HI
Sorator13: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: the Hatchet Men from Jackie Chan's Drunken Master 2
DigitalSeahorse: I don't wanna grow up. I'm a Toys R Us kid!
Tevildo: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: an extremely high-net-worth individual
SomebodyNowhere: great game
NewtyNewts subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 42 months, currently on a 42 month streak!
NewtyNewts: Ooh, button!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, NewtyNewts! (Today's storm count: 680)
Oreo1369: I look forward to rewatching this on YouTube
kodalith: I kinda want to see the Bull on a Warhammer board now
MrsLlante is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel!
MrsLlante gifted a Tier 1 sub to flamesruner!
SomebodyNowhere: blurry heart
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, MrsLlante! Welcome to flamesruner! (Today's storm count: 681)
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTap vicksyTap vicksyTap
serramarkov: That was so much fun- I was on YT, but now I'm home!
blumax1: rollin
stippledotter: I want a Mashup of the bullfighter song and the LRR theme
Redbassist: TwitchConHYPE
Tevildo: !findquote drunk
LRRbot: Quote #6426: "How drunk is drunk?" —James [2019-09-28]
SomebodyNowhere: !advice
LRRbot: Turn around.
Sarah_Serinde: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
FarleyF: maybe we should call this the Barcadia cam as this is how you see afterwards
Lobo_Apache: I cheered and laughed so hard my head hurts a little
Shadowsoflife: !searchoftreaure
NightValien28: the graham groove
Tevildo: !quote graham
LRRbot: Quote #5207: "I'm gonna go get out of my pyjamas and go to sleep." —Graham [2018-07-26]
SomebodyNowhere: can grow up by adam be added to the quotes
blumax1: u robot u
Sorator13: I love how much fun the crew has together
Mx_Asher_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 46 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Mx_Asher_! (Today's storm count: 682)
SmithKurosaki: Yup, not that the drinking game is that bad normally
Sylenctone: Cheer500
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
northos: beer beer beer beeeeer!
neisan2112: Ah PBR this time it looks like
goatprince: yo jordynne throw your hand up sensitive style
saucemaster5000: I just opened a cider
neveth: PBR? Really?
Blasteg: what's PBR?
SomebodyNowhere: can the bull game return on the next board game day
Tevildo: !quote gibb
LRRbot: Quote #5254: "That sounds like a you problem, not a me problem." —Gibb [2018-08-11]
neveth: Pabst Blue Ribbon
Juliamon: You want a drinking game to go on for awhile, so you gotta go with cheap stuff
neisan2112: Very cheap beer
northos: @SomebodyNowhere I doubt we've seen the last of any of those games tbh
neveth: @Juliamon Oh good point
MyrddintheWizard: PBR in the house?
GhostValv: o/
PipeSmokingOwl: lrrBartleby
public_key_reveal_party: Hi jordynne
Valhallan597: @Juliamon very sensible
bagfullofbees: hi Jordynne
MrGibberish: !quote 8000
LRRbot: Quote #8000: "Quote 8000 is gonna suck." —Heather [2022-03-13]
Blasteg: oh I thought that was the game name...
SnackPak_: hi moosie
Lobo_Apache: Hi Jordynne!
SeismicLawns: hi jordynne
TheNerdWonder: I can totally imagine a batsu game with that bullriding one
Tevildo: !quote jordynne
NevermorePainting: jordynne, hit the caramelldansen
plaidanddrpepper: Jordynne is a delight
saucemaster5000: imagine being the beer that won't stop talking about winning a contest 130 years ago
SajuukSjet: Jordynne on Breakfest Club
iris_of_ether: !findquote jordynne
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
Tevildo: !quote alex
LRRbot: Quote #315: "I love tank controls so much." —Alex [2015-05-30]
SomebodyNowhere: !badadvice
LRRbot: Don't do what Daddy Ian didn't.
Blasteg: @saucemaster5000 well if we adjust for inflation, winning a contest 130 years ago is clearly worth more
Blasteg: (/s)
Tevildo: !quote james
LRRbot: Quote #8399: "I don't care about anything except for balls. Nobody take that out of context." —James [2022-12-21]
JadedCynic: @LRRbot sarcasm not indicated, but evident to any that have previous knowledge of speaker
SomebodyNowhere: the quote catalogue doesnt believe in context
SeismicLawns: hi adam
itira: seabatUseless
BusTed: hello
Tevildo: !quote adam
LRRbot: Quote #3023: "These are the best victories: cheap and hollow victories." —Adam [2016-07-22]
iris_of_ether: seabatUseless
the_phantom_game_player: Hi Adam
AceGun_: Blurry Adam is so disappointed in us...
NorthstarTex: I see you Adam
Piecrust9: Hi adam. Love to see you even if you are disappointed in me
cobalturge: Dont judge us Adam...
NorthstarTex: !findquote adam
LRRbot: Quote #4943: "Only Adam is good at video games." —Ben [2018-05-02]
SomebodyNowhere: cori's is pretty good
DEATHlikescats: !findquote judge
LRRbot: Quote #8632: "JUDGE! I wanna do something gross!" —Kathleen [2023-08-26]
Tevildo: !findquote winning
SomebodyNowhere: !updog
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 1d, 10:46:00. lrrSPOT
NorthstarTex: !badadvice
LRRbot: Insert the soul.
saucemaster5000: welp I got my golden state cider and a half an Ike's sandwich. LIfe is good
kataanglover1: !findquote winning
LRRbot: Quote #4446: "It's Risk, so no matter who wins, we are all losers." —Ian [2017-11-01]
ClodiumSoride: Ike's is good
Loupetron: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 That was an awesome segment, Ben! After a hard work day, it was a great laugh. You should do challenge Bullrider where when they get hit you have to do “something”!
Tevildo: !searchfortreasure
LRRbot: You find: a Potion of Healing!
Juliamon: I got a nice cold glass of mugicha and some cookies
Gekyouryuu: !y
Blasteg: !yay
LRRbot: Yaaaaaaay...
kragmabutch subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months!
kragmabutch: first subbed because of the last subathon, still going strong
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, kragmabutch! (Today's storm count: 683)
Shadowsoflife: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: another box
cobalturge: !searchfortreasure
LRRbot: You find: a Gem!
Shadowsoflife: !kickdownthedoor
cobalturge: !knockknock
Tevildo: !goleft
Shadowsoflife: !whothere
cobalturge: !Marco
cobalturge: darn....
Juliamon: !help
Juliamon: all the commands are in there
Tevildo: !advice
LRRbot: Live life like Fastbond is in play.
QuixoticScrivener: is there one more board game, or are we doing Hardspace early?
ElementalAlchemist: Hello again friends lrrHEART
Juliamon: just guessing at commands is spammy and we'd rather you didn't
Heckhoundbolt: @QuixoticScrivener barcadia
QuixoticScrivener: @heckhoundbolt thanks!
Montesque64: @QuixoticScrivener One more
Shadowsoflife: @Juliamon the who there was a joke
ClodiumSoride: I will trust that all those commands still work, rather than spam trying all the funny ones.
Blasteg: wait that's fireball island isn't it
ClodiumSoride: it's Heroes of Barcadia
ProcyonFlynn: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Hardspace w/ Alex at Wed 08:00 PM PDT (1:43 from now).
Tevildo: !barcodeorvaseline
LRRbot: Vaseline!
kaziel0: Barcode!
Blasteg: @ClodiumSoride thanks!
baltimore_667083: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: highly experienced furniture yeeters
sawbladetornado subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 37 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, sawbladetornado! (Today's storm count: 684)
Tevildo: !birb
LRRbot: Tweet, twe-twe-tweet, tweet, squawk!
cobalturge: !findbutts
LRRbot: Behind you.
SomebodyNowhere: !advice
LRRbot: Jump over all the holes.
cobalturge: tee he he
AugmentingPath: !camera
LRRbot: The camera is off to help Cameron and Cori avoid motion sickness.
ContingentCat: !badadvice
LRRbot: I need someone to definitely not be ghost bait! Got anyone slow and inexpensive?
baltimore_667083: !searchfortreasure
LRRbot: You find: a Wandering Monster!
sawbladetornado: #2885, lets gooooo
baltimore_667083: not again!
John Hill: I always seem to tune in during the breaks
SmithKurosaki: Breaks are important. You are more likely to hit a break within 10 mins either side of top of the hour though
Dog_of_Myth: I need cookies for this
baltimore_667083: !sir
LRRbot: Sir? Sir! You come across the altar of a false god. What do you do?
SomebodyNowhere: !findquote sub
LRRbot: Quote #940: "lrrEFF ! lrrEFF ing Sub Notifier! Shit! You lrrEFF ed up my shit, asshole!" —Adam
SomebodyNowhere: theres no date on that
Gascitygaming: !badadvice
LRRbot: Eat the mold.
DEATHlikescats: such a good track
Tevildo: !holes
LRRbot: Luckily, this is Hole In One.... Or Two!
Texan_Reverend: @SomebodyNowhere It's because it's eternally relevant.
SmithKurosaki: (note, I see the current time, a bit of an outlier)
SomebodyNowhere: @Texan_Reverend that tracks
Juliamon: that just means someone didn't include the date field when adding it
Cavemanhar: !goodadvice
LRRbot: On the internet???
Tevildo: !ing
LRRbot: nginginginging...
Dog_of_Myth: !venga
LRRbot: I set my sail. Fly, the wind it will take me, back to my home, sweet home. Lie on my back, clouds are makin' way for me. The Venga Bus is comin' home, sweet home.
thebrainnopinky: @deathlikescats so true
Cavemanhar: !badadvice
LRRbot: Caress the spider.
SomebodyNowhere: !quote ian
LRRbot: Quote #3666: "To be honest, 750V does scare me a bit." —Ian [2016-11-28]
SmithKurosaki: !advice
LRRbot: Have you measured the girth?
SmithKurosaki: pfft
Juliamon: a lot of the early quotes are lacking it because we didn't know how long this 'streaming' thing was gonna pan out and didn't think it would be important for contextless quotes
omdorastrix: g i r t h y
Gascitygaming: yes
cobalturge: !pioneer
LRRbot: Pioneer is a brand-new constructed format using cards from Return to Ravnica onward. Think of it as a more-modern Modern, but with a different ban list. More information:
Tevildo: !unsubscribe squirrelfacts
LRRbot: You are already subscribed to Squirrel Facts.
SmithKurosaki: @Juliamon I mean, quotes added before date attrib have a smaller search band at least?
northos: brand new huh Kappa
Mazrae: Can't remember did they say that Jacob was joining them for this??
AugmentingPath: northos yeah, like Is This Your Card, a new stream
SmithKurosaki: Dont think so
Gascitygaming: i don't believe so
Tevildo: !quote jacob
LRRbot: Quote #7342: "I've never been more delighted to not know what's going on." —Jacob [2020-11-15]
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Are they supposed to be live?
Gascitygaming: bubbles tend to not like Jacob's tummy
northos: @thedepthandbreadthofseth stream is live, just coming back from a break
YeetTheRich_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 42 months!
YeetTheRich_: button
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, YeetTheRich_! (Today's storm count: 685)
ArcLightningCanuck: I was in lurk mode for the end of the dexterity games but I want to go on the record saying Ben did a fantastic job picking those games. Toro!
ElementalAlchemist: Hi!
SomebodyNowhere: helllo
neisan2112: Got back with beer just in time!!!
SmithKurosaki: Ian!
Gascitygaming: Hullo
ElementalAlchemist: PBR has been called
Sarah_Serinde: There are alternatives for people who can't or don't do bubbles or alcohol, Jacob has played this with LRR before
the_phantom_game_player: Ian!
Camthelion: My Boy!
SnackPak_: 8/10
TheAinMAP: Whoa
ElementalAlchemist: DOB!
Brozard: Ian wants beer
the_phantom_game_player: Nice one
itira: dear me
Shadowsoflife: tiltyhPLS
vinewood_og: LFG!
Sorator13: Have we played this with six people before? I only remember four
Sorator13: lrrWOW
ztghostie: Pabst sighting based based based
Juliamon: Jacob used Bolthouse juice last time
Herbert_Erpaderp: Well said
KarlKewbZ: LMAO
VorlonScout: But does the PBR have sriracha in it this time?
Lord_Hosk: Thats not James, thats Dick the DOBer
Gascitygaming: @Sarah_Serinde oh right forgot about that, and good point
BrowneePoints: PBR?
gualdhar: that is an unhealthy amount of PBR, even for 6 people
BrowneePoints: HELL YEA BROTHER!
vinewood_og: drinking, fun
nevermore913: Super cool game
SomebodyNowhere: !quote ian
LRRbot: Quote #3808: "Water can't be on fire." —Ian [2016-12-28]
NoxStryx: New expansion coming soon
Sarah_Serinde: Nice
Pharmacistjudge: high compliments
Sarah_Serinde: I forgot how good the art was
cobalturge: !game
LRRbot: Currently playing: Special Events
Shadowsoflife: its very good art
Heckhoundbolt: I don't think tipple has even been shown on stream
IaCthulhuFthagn: Water can be on fire if you try hard enough.
Gascitygaming: the tiles are waterproof too for spills!
Hello Moonkay: never been in a live one before! beep boop this is pretty cool!
Fancy_frenchman: @cobalturge Heroes of Barcadia is the name of the game
radiowasabi2014 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 17 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, radiowasabi2014! (Today's storm count: 686)
EdibleDragon: I love this game. It's really hard to drink your health properly without straws though
Montesque64: @LRRbot My favorite game!
DEATHlikescats: @gascitygaming great design is a gift unto itself PridePog 2020Victory
northos: I enjoy the range of beverage colors
googoltudoris: oh so like munchkin but fun?
Mazrae: Drinking munchkins
MaddogM: So this could be used to help with hydration, I keep getting nagged to drink more water
SmithKurosaki: welcome in
PraetusCortez: welcome to live!
Sarah: Welcome!
tetradd01: Surrounded by Boos?
mrverbal: @Mazrae Drunkskins
SomebodyNowhere: !findquote beer
LRRbot: Quote #3405: "You can't drink your beer without your spoon!" —Ben [2016-09-14]
saucemaster5000: when does the bull music start?
IaCthulhuFthagn: @googoltudoris What do you mean, Munchkin is fun! I mean, not to play, but to hang out with friends and read the cards in the four new expansions you just bought :P
Asimech: @EdibleDragon So what it really needs is bigger pints?
Anakin Skytoker: I'll replace the drink horde with a Zaza horde.
Michael Penn just became a member!
SomebodyNowhere: it is a may
Wondermoo: !storm
LRRbot: Today's storm count: 687 (new subscribers: 523, returning subscribers: 161, new patrons: 0, new YouTube members: 2, returning Youtube members: 1), bits cheered: 42820, new followers: 33, YouTube super chats: 0, YouTube super stickers: 0
asddsa28: us i would think
mercano82: chat will be the judge
Heckhoundbolt: guess wahat everyone is going to do this round
MaddogM: chat judges?
EdibleDragon: Nah, the problem is you can't see the lines while sipping. Straws let you see
NonUniqueGuy: For Graham, all dances must be K-Pop dances
Koshindan: The Jester Inspector
IaCthulhuFthagn: Fun is one thing, but what constitutes a "little" dance?
Cavemanhar: i how after the dance they just may draw a card
Gekyouryuu: the most fun dance of course being the dance of the mouse/rat from Bear in the Big Blue House in the original "quirked up white boy" meme
AquariumPrime: I shall drink every time Ian drinks
Pharmacistjudge: DinoDance lrrJUDGECALL
LRRbot: Thanks for becoming a channel member, Michael Penn! (Today's storm count: 687)
ogier300: Perfect timing to join the stream
345tom: this would be a great game to combine wih victoria oktoberfest
neisan2112: Oh what beer does Ian have? It looks nice
sipho_sizwe: what game is this ?
midnightcurryjazz: Do we have drinking music?
NonUniqueGuy: Heroes of barcadia
Juliamon: Heroes of Barcadia
mercano82: what are the drinks? It looks like different people have different colored beverages.
HadesLeprechaun: did everyone say what they're drinking tonight?
sipho_sizwe: Interesting
northos: wait, machine washable?
ztghostie: I'm sure that came up in the focus testing LUL
SmithKurosaki: @HadesLeprechaun They did not
zimmercj is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 2 in the channel!
zimmercj gifted a Tier 1 sub to archaicprospect!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, zimmercj! Welcome to archaicprospect! (Today's storm count: 688)
SmithKurosaki: @northos Dishwasher maybe?
RealGamerCow: I assume Ian's is a sour
Molator: starbucks
korvys: Shouldn't people be dancing? It's at the start of each turn, right?
Dumori: ooooooooh nice
PipeSmokingOwl: oh hell ya Ian
neisan2112: Ohhhh that sounds amazing
ElementalAlchemist: ah, everyone has their own beer
ElementalAlchemist: some people have their own beer
Stephonee: Yay, I made it back in time to catch Heroes of Barcadia!
FrankiePeanuts: To quote the male dwarf from WoW: "I'm just a so shall drinker. Whenever anyone says 'I'll have a drink' I say 'So shall i'!"
NoxStryx: Kickstarter coming soon for new expansion for this game too.
NonUniqueGuy: PBR with a PBR chaser
Juliamon: real heroes drink the PBR
SomebodyNowhere: wow
BrowneePoints: Look, as far as Cheap Beer goes, PBR is FAR for the worst
MeadyOchre: It's like that South Park episode in here!
Dog_of_Myth: hahahahah
BrowneePoints: FAR from the worst*
ElementalAlchemist: lol
ChaoticObserver: Trying to envision doing this game with a Guinness
Gekyouryuu: you need to put cute animals on the beer: call it the Bloomburrow PBR
NotCainNorAbel: I wonder who it will be
SomebodyNowhere: lrrJAMES
SmithKurosaki: Incomiing point at James
Piecrust9: I remember history
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Sarah_Serinde: benginRip James
SmithKurosaki: Called that over on YT lol
A_Dub888: didn’t that happen the last time James played Barcadia?
NoxStryx: The way it is going you might just wake up there at 6AM
Mazrae: is this the first time we had a full 6 players on this
Jadaris: love this game, we played it this year at a backelor party and the best man insisted on using fireball whiskey... the night did not go well for him
googoltudoris: james down to 35 already
NotCainNorAbel: been a while Adam
Omthebox: What happens when you gain HP
PharaohBender27: @LoadingReadyRun Prost!
NightValien28: this game is fucking brilliant
BrowneePoints: Look, there are WAY worse Cheap Beer than PBR
ShifuDaxiongmao: wow james, such a greedy drinker.. ;)
PharaohBender27 is gifting 69 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 1593 in the channel!
SomebodyNowhere: need to update the overlay
BrowneePoints: it could be freaking Steel Reserve
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to quietcat!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to wlsack!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to drroxorphd!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to pimiento!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to jamwno!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to EngineBeast!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to MiranFurz!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to rlredmond!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to feralskink!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Knight_of_None!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to justwhatever_idk!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to rahvi!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to SaltyReset!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to jj862326!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Pblurple35!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Nauss_Valantis!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to puzzgeek!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Huskey3737!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Buxx345!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to TomatoKigu!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to TheOtherElephant!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Swebo!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to harmonykey09!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to donoftheslum!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to justajester!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to exdyslia!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to cjcormac!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Leebo140!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to keep_it_lobster!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to 00gogo00!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Yelkco!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to jaoinpc!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Costar_s!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to jvg9849!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to thanzo!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to BluJester!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Issurru!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Gubaguy!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to sawtooth_sparky!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to minifootwear!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to heemodeux!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to RSage89!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to SmashTCG!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to jubale1!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to xblue007!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Vandristine!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Toshatron!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to wombatlad!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to drcthulu!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to RuncibleMan!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to nervousdavid!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to ArtsyBeee!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to poryout!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to vulpine_lantern7!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to trustyflumph!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to lostinjapansendhelp!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to mrverbal!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to halenpittman!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to rabid_k_nine!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Tz_BG!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to JimLaheysCar!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to garipus_ne!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Haijoza!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Sundrall!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to dylan16807!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to WightKnight333!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to DoomBringerIL!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to aWildWrenAppeared!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to slickslickman!
Mr_Horrible: oh my
Sorator13: NICE
MeadyOchre: holy shit
ElementalAlchemist: holy heck
Diabore: dang!
Dog_of_Myth: WOW
Daggerpeak: iepinbWhataguy
NoxStryx: Nice!
stippledotter: Nice!
serramarkov: Drop a house on her!
johnobriant: Whoa!
Mindfire13: nice
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, PharaohBender27! Welcome to all 69 recipients! (Today's storm count: 757)
nervousdavid: @PharaohBender27 Thanks for the gift sub!
Shadowsoflife: lrrSHINE
Mr_Horrible: nice kanagoNoice
g0blinslide: wooooooaaaa
Metric_Furlong: good lord PharaohBender27
eshplode: Very nice
Gascitygaming: NICE!
NotCainNorAbel: whll yeah @PharaohBender27
abslomdaak42: Very nice
YeomanAres: Nice
KWardJenx: Nice!
Stephonee: nice
nyxianillusion: nice
ElementalAlchemist: RIP my chat screen, but also good job gifting
Diabore: back above 24
DeM0nFiRe: nice
Dog_of_Myth: NICE
ElementalAlchemist: also: nice
neisan2112: Nice
Sarah_Serinde: Dang PharaohBender27
A_Dub888: nice
MarkovDescendant: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
DEATHlikescats: same Jordynne, same.
poryout subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 19 months!
poryout: nice
Anakin Skytoker: oh boy 6 am!
Sarah_Serinde: Guess we're back above 24 hours
HesGotNoPants: Omg start a hype train
Melfina__: nice
SmithKurosaki: sergeHolyMoly sergeGift lrrSHINE
phoenixfeather14: HOLY MOLY! PharaohBender!
kataanglover1: nice
FrankiePeanuts: Oh boy.
Sarah_Serinde: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
PharaohBender27: Look, I want to see that Kathleen/Jordynne stream on Friday :p]
ztghostie: sometimes you drink what your budget allows to drink
serramarkov: Fantabulous, PharaohBender27!
Leebo140: Yo thanks Pharaoh!
aWildWrenAppeared: Thanks!!
Halinn: Nice
Shadowsoflife: ericbitSubomb ericbitSubomb
RealGamerCow: Is Paul keeping track of health?
electra310: Whoa, Nice
BigDaddyBland87: Nice
the_phantom_game_player: Awesome
NighSeptem: nice
Sarah_Serinde: @PharaohBender27 Me too! Even if it will be past my bedtime
vinewood_og: nice
DEATHlikescats: ratewoNderNice ratewoNderNice ratewoNderNice
MiranFurz: @PharaohBender27 Thanks for the gift sub!
puzzgeek: @PharaohBender27 Thanks you so much for the gift sub!
drroxorphd: @PharaohBender27 Thanks for the gift sub! lrrHORN
MeadyOchre: What happens if you die?
SomebodyNowhere: is the skull good
BusTed: The Happy Squirrel
SomebodyNowhere: that needs added to the quote
PharaohBender27: No problem, @MiranFurz @puzzgeek @drroxorphd ! :)
NoxStryx: @somebodynowhere you respawn
Dog_of_Myth is gifting 3 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 1520 in the channel!
Dog_of_Myth gifted a Tier 1 sub to NexVesica!
Dog_of_Myth gifted a Tier 1 sub to JakX12321!
Dog_of_Myth gifted a Tier 1 sub to Khasi1596!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Dog_of_Myth! Welcome to Khasi1596, NexVesica, and JakX12321! (Today's storm count: 760)
MilkInBags: she came down in a fizzy bubble drink
Mr_Horrible: real "fortune teller flips a card with a picture of me flying into power lines" energy
Oreo1369: Refill your alcohol and try again
spicemelonge: @MeadyOchre go back to start and refill your cup
WhisperingWinds: Will the segments be uploaded to youtube as separate videos after this is all done??
Sarah: I believe so yes
Sarah: The subathon will be up on YouTube in some for after it's over, for sure
margieargie: I'm pretty sure it'd be bad to not have any skulls at all, so more skulls are good right?
zimmercj: @MeadyOchre Refill if I remember correctly
FrankiePeanuts: @meadyochre You drop all your stuff on the tile you're on, and return to the start.
A_Dub888: But Ben, you’re already dashing
TranquilCalamity subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 39 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TranquilCalamity! (Today's storm count: 761)
rogerivany: James "I wasn't suppose to be here" Turner
RealGamerCow: get one of those suction cup darts to pick up the pieces
Koshindan: Dual wielding
MeadyOchre: So the visual aesthetic of your glass as your character marker is cool, but wouldn't it make more sense to keep your drink near you and just use a much easier to move standee? xD
zimmercj: @MeadyOchre They have those on the site for the game
electra310: @MeadyOchre I am not sure that efficiency is the goal of the game. :D
Tremner: life totals arent changing
MeadyOchre: I can't help but feel this would result in fewer spills
Mazrae: hes dual wielding axes, i can see ian's character Kegger doing that
Sarah_Serinde: @MeadyOchre Maybe if your glass is closer to you it's easier to accidentally drink your HP when you don't need to
MeadyOchre: @Sarah_Serinde Literally skill issue
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
zimmercj: @MeadyOchre The cards are water proof too
stippledotter: I was wondering how they would keep the old beer smell out of the cards
WhisperingWinds: I hope they are, I've been missing a lot of them haha
Tremner: awesome. Thanks!
SmithKurosaki: @stippledotter Washable :)
LariatWest: QUADvantage
Lobo_Apache: It's kinda like drinking munchkin? I love it
ComradeMik: of course jordynne is playing the goth drink wizard
nevermore913: I love the names
bagfullofbees: perry the hangogre
ElementalAlchemist: "It took two cards to parry the hangover"
LariatWest: it's "DM I didn't do that"
ClodiumSoride: It's a much better game than Munchkin IMO.
Twinnie Onse: The Elden Ring segment was wholesome.
Mike Pearce: What are they playing?
SmithKurosaki: Heroes of Barcadia
BrowneePoints: it's munchkin but for adults and also people who enjoy fun
AceGun_: Adam built different, as always.
zimmercj: If you google the game and go to the store and read all of the features they put a lot of thought into the game for things like ease of cleanliness
PharaohBender27: @zimmercj Right, the tiles are coated so they can be wiped easily, IIRC
Mike Pearce: Is this like a proper game you can buy in the shops?
Mike Pearce: It seems a great end of night con game
DEATHlikescats: Kylie minogue?
zimmercj: Yep, everything is plastic-coated to be easy squeegy
tetradd01: Legally distinct Green Goblin
Grevas13: fairy should be wearing boots, 6/10
neisan2112: Uh 90 power, and regains 1/3 of the damaage
SmithKurosaki: @tetradd01 Green Fairy is a reference to Absinthe :)
micalovits: Yikes
Oreo1369: Adam is goated
Diabore: you cannot challenge the adam
Pharmacistjudge: Adam has a full bar of butter
ElementalAlchemist: thank you Ian
Jadaris: i've found it useful to use one of your loot or powerup cards as a 'scoop' to flip over tiles
Lobo_Apache: Mood Ian, Mood
PharaohBender27: SingsNote If you like PHOENIX COLADAS SingsNote
Blasteg: can we convince the phoenix ti join us?
justgravey67: Can someone remind me what game this is?
ClodiumSoride: Heroes of Barcadia
justgravey67: @ClodiumSoride absolute chad
FrostyKaze: are there rules for snaller maps? If for example the table is too small for all the tiles
SmithKurosaki: In your room maybe
SmithKurosaki: Con staff don't want to have to deal with people drinking in con space usually
ClodiumSoride: It'd be easy enough to just take out some tiles.
pimiento: oh heck thanks PharaohBender27! lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
PharaohBender27: Wait wait, are they *all* drinking PBR? I missed the start and thought it was just James
Sarah_Serinde: Most of them are, Ian and Graham brought their own drinks
PharaohBender27: No problem, @pimiento ! :)
ClodiumSoride: No, Ian and Graham have other beers.
aerohydra: not Ian or Graham
thatguysteve2709: Get the bull
PharaohBender27: @Sarah_Serinde (Nods) Makes sense and good for them
micalovits: Bull dance!
ElementalAlchemist: This song is great
ElementalAlchemist: It just needs to start up
itira: LOL
NotCainNorAbel: oh my yes
NightValien28: LOL
justwhatever_idk: @PharaohBender27 Thanks for the gift sub!
neisan2112: INCREDBILE
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
Astramentha: (a lil loud tho)
heartofgoldfish: judge? JUDGE? this dance is NOT little
vinewood_og: will ferrell old school vibes 10/10
FPNY41: I disagree on this being a "little" dance
Sarah_Serinde: tqsClap
micalovits: Lets go ben!
itira: good moves
NightValien28: go Ben go
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
Grevas13: that is definitely a good enough dance
Lobo_Apache: 0/10 is says it's a cute dance not a HOT dance
Pharmacistjudge: pharma2Allow
PharaohBender27: No problem, @justwhatever_idk ! :)
Transmuted_Elf: sergeBongo
DoomBringerIL: 10/10 @LoadingReadyRun
MilkInBags: the illusive paul
bagfullofbees: I'm excited to see that gif later
FrankiePeanuts: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
DoomBringerIL: should go into fortnight @LoadingReadyRun
KeytarCat: TheTIM!
neisan2112: Paul is now played by Martin Sheen
UrielAngelSpy: 8/10 because it was too short
Mike Pearce: Hold on do your cons in Canada not have open bars? Drinking and playing games is part of the European psyche.
Daniel Needham: What happened to Ben's eyebrows?
ztghostie: *deep pull on cigarette* Its a 4 minute song, Shepherd
Sunidesus: Woot! Home from work, time for more sub-a-thon!
FrostyKaze: @ClodiumSoride True. Was just wondering, if the game has specific rules for that
00gogo00: how long did the bull game end up taking
tetradd01: He can dance if he wants to, he can leave his friends behind...
Sarah_Serinde: It *is* entertaining to watch
LowUpsideCJ: a classic
CaptainChibale: oh I love the lil' pixie
Artificer_Evan: gotcha!
MilkInBags: ban anyone who snitches
Lobo_Apache: but but... we're all players
gnyrinn: Level 6 Pub Crawler was my nickname in Uni
DEATHlikescats: we are the lil pixie
ComradeMik: lil pixie is a great kings cup rule too.
ComradeMik: especially if you add a rule that you need to apologise to them every time you move them
itira: LUL
DEATHlikescats: @comrademik oooh I love that detail
SmithKurosaki: Wow G
MilkInBags: i was wondering where the little pixies were, now i get it
00gogo00: I don't get it
Khalstrom: It was just a little guy
SomebodyNowhere: but did he clear the pixie
MilkInBags: @00gogo00 you act like there is something on the glass
Sarah_Serinde: He did
00gogo00: oh gotcha that's what I figured
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
Easilycrazyhat: GOTTEM
00gogo00: also thanks for the gift sub @PharaohBender27
Diabore: hoisted by his own trap
PharaohBender27: @00gogo00 No problem! :)
Samuel: the pixie D: also doesn't he have to put it back after taking the sip ?
Andrew Muller: I am prepared and willing to help.
micalovits: Disarmed with you face!
Strebenherz: No no, you still disarmed the trap
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
Diabore: 40!
Rebornflames: Make it 40
jacqui_lantern234: disarmed by running into the door a dozen times Kappa
ElementalAlchemist: RIP
vinewood_og: Hoisted with his own petard
MilkInBags: get pixie mixed
DEATHlikescats: GoblinJam
Mr_Horrible: that's when the pixie's most dangerous
Piecrust9: Adam likes drinking pixies, what can he say?
00gogo00: did he remember the pixie when taking the pixie damage
BrowneePoints: Just wanna say, Hey Streamers, hey Chat, you are appreciated, and you are loved. Never forget the light you put into the world for others browne26PearPride
Halinn: I can't believe he'd do that to a poor innocent pixie
AugmentingPath: @00gogo00 shhh
MilkInBags: hey adam the pixie has a command grab
SmithKurosaki: @Mike Pearce Depends on the con space. Most con spaces in Ontario (that I'm aware of) do not have licensed floors
SmithKurosaki: Most cons are also at least some degree family friendly, which doesn't combine well with people drinking in public
SmithKurosaki: @Daniel Needham Please don't comment on the streamers' appearance :)
neisan2112: @BrowneePoints lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
sounderfan84: the question of the day will james roll a 1!
Mr_Horrible: LUL
MilkInBags: damn
Sarah_Serinde: lrrWOW
control_rig: HAHAahahaha
AceGun_: LUL
DeM0nFiRe: lrrWOW
Easilycrazyhat: WOW
Mr_Horrible: that's a 10% right there
DEATHlikescats: @browneepoints hey, that’s truly awesome to share. I hope no one being lost in your life recently has prompted this.
goatprince: adam, that's our joke.
Halinn: Wow
Pharmacistjudge: Crunch
Sorator13: WOW
TheOneCalledStu: Adam Savagedan
public_key_reveal_party: lrrWOW
starlitdiscord: oh no
vinewood_og: lrrSHINE
ichirous: slow down
MilkInBags: sadly, James will not be able to attend the subathon anymore
VonShnigglewitz: First one done wins, right James? LOL
ichirous: lady tedwina slowsbee
NotCainNorAbel: Pride10000 - lrrPistachio
BrowneePoints: @DEATHlikescats I mean, i've always been right behind Jacqui in being The Kind One but no. the person I lost was months ago
Transmuted_Elf: transm8Heart transm8Heart transm8Heart caseyexHeart caseyexHeart caseyexHeart TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride
SmithKurosaki: @Samuel Dont think so
Andrew Muller: I can check, you know
Andrew Muller: doesn't mean I don't want to help.
SnackPak_: o7 Adam
hesterbyrde: Mom-friend James. <3
MilkInBags: it's a subathon, not a bitsathon, come on!
DiamondMX: Is the water thing a house rule or a built-in rule? Either way, that's an excellent rule!
Malzath subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 38 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Malzath! (Today's storm count: 762)
SkylerRingtail: Just wanted to say: appreciate the 'switch to water at any time' consent rule
DEATHlikescats: @browneepoints that’s recent enough. my condolences, truly. and those sorta shoutouts really do help.
MilkInBags: hardcore mode is with everclear
varbles subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, varbles! (Today's storm count: 763)
Lord_Hosk: Cheer50 Wow, NotCainNorAbel and I cheered a combined 10050 bits! Yeah for us!
Brozard: Dirge
ElementalAlchemist: "Soberus" is really god
ElementalAlchemist: good*
SmithKurosaki: @Andrew Muller Not sure what you mean?
Andrew Muller: I am preparing to ask who you don't ban. was there a notice about me?
NotCainNorAbel: @Lord_Hosk Teamwork!
dm818: @ElementalAlchemist honestly was funny before too
Diabore: arent those smashed grotesques?
simic_yeti subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 65 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, simic_yeti! (Today's storm count: 764)
ElementalAlchemist: lrrWOW
LariatWest: the LRR story
jacqui_lantern234: JORDYNNE HOLY SHIT I LOVE YOU
measureofhope: That foam looks like Africa
Lobo_Apache: The least likely to dissappoint
ztghostie: Me every election:
BrowneePoints: No no, Y'all are the White Guys, Jordynne is your Beard
corianderd: #TeamJordynne
Transmuted_Elf: The LRR guess who game would be funny
arkanesugar subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 69 months!
arkanesugar: AND I got married. Nice.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, arkanesugar! (Today's storm count: 765)
Andrew Muller: oh gosh thanks so. what specifically? I will answer you.
Andrew Muller: that's a deleted not me
Andrew Muller: double*
ElementalAlchemist: nice!
MilkInBags: adam forgot to remove the pixie Kappa
Lobo_Apache: Did you remember the pixie?
NotCainNorAbel: @Lord_Hosk I do hope the little Hosks are enjoying this week.
justwhatever_idk: there is a possible LRR venn diagram of Glasses, Beard, and Hair
ClodiumSoride: the pixie rule is gone
electra310: Cheer400
MilkInBags: not for adam seabatUseless
Lobo_Apache: Shhhhh
LurkerSpine: Cheer100
gualdhar: magic portals? how soon until someone drops trou?
gualdhar: show off to the New Yorkers
LariatWest: do you have to touch if you use it? Or just everyone else?
BrowneePoints: @justajester Ian Graham Ben Adam Graham Matt all have Glasses and Beards(although Adam hasn't worn his in some time)
WitchyTQ: got any gluten free options?
MilkInBags: it's called water, tq
Andrew Muller: I entered sk* once. haven't seen yt dupe like that before but I have now
WitchyTQ: milk i stg
Camthelion: rofl
jacqui_lantern234: @WitchyTQ ive got this reminder that YOURE LOVED AGGRESSIVELY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
PharaohBender27: @MilkInBags lrrWOW
WitchyTQ: you want your ass kicked
ClodiumSoride: In an earlier game, someone used soda instead of beer.
Dumori: No coment
niccus: milk is also an option
Easilycrazyhat: No notes
gualdhar: @BrowneePoints no they all have glasses, that's what the beer is in
hiFunko: You miss 100% of the sticky tac shots you don't take
Camthelion: that free? :D
Dumori: I guess the cider I have open is gluten free
WitchyTQ: @Camthelion lmao never
jacqui_lantern234: @WitchyTQ palpatine underscore dew it dot wav
SmithKurosaki: Yea, that happens, just accidentalyl removed both :p
Camthelion: time to save money.
Gascitygaming: Adam somehow rolls and gets a land
TheBorzoi: Just face the other way then Graham is to your left.
TheManaLeek subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 99 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheManaLeek! (Today's storm count: 766)
Lord_Hosk: Does the person to your left have to roll a D20 for you?
SageofShadowzF subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 46 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SageofShadowzF! (Today's storm count: 767)
MilkInBags: By Azura, by Azura, by Azura! It's the Grand Champion! I can't believe it's you! Standing here! Next to me! Can I roll for you?
Taligan: James, instead of "yes, and", is all "yes, what?"
MilkInBags: is it a ball
tehfewl: it is
neisan2112: Yes it is
Gekyouryuu: o_o .....yeah, that makes sense
jacqui_lantern234: what did you call me, Graham?!?! Kappa
ghyllnox: The piss is stored in the ball
ElementalAlchemist: lol, the peeholder
Andrew Muller: no worries. thanks again. something I can answer for the good ppl at lrr?
aesir_blade: One imagines that rule should have a 'take damage if you try to roll for yourself'
Gekyouryuu: @BrowneePoints carefully
Halinn: When someone rolls for you, wouldn't it use their modifiers?
AtrusOfMyst: Gotta attack it with magic pissle
DiamondMX: @BrowneePoints Those probably aren't eye stalks.
Lanthess: @BrowneePoints it holds it
MilkInBags: james is a gamer that's too good at elden ring, AND rolling dice
DahudLefthanded: That line about "pee holders" was the first thing I heard when tuning in.
call_me_Aras subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 24 months!
call_me_Aras: 24 months, that's almost a real old reference!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, call_me_Aras! (Today's storm count: 768)
KeytarCat: Stick the edges should be better?
MilkInBags: in minecraft in minecraft
Sunidesus: Wow G
Diabore: i think thats the first time graham has made that joke on stream
northos: IRL job, still up in the air Kappa
SmithKurosaki: @Andrew Muller Please don't return with a third youtube account. Having chat hidden I dont think bars you from viewing, but this is the third time you've popped up in chat between YT and Twitch. :/
MilkInBags: @Diabore "joke"
saucemaster5000: lasted longer than the office pool expected
DrMagnify: what was the name of the game again?
MilkInBags: what do you mean what do you mean
Grevas13: @DrMagnify heroes of barcadia
SaxPython: Stay Strong SmithKurosaki :_lrrHeart:. You're doing great.
SmithKurosaki: Thanks Sax :)
MilkInBags: GOAT, glass of a tequila?
Gascitygaming: Did you see that man play Elden Ring? Clearly the GOAT
malfnord: Wait holdup when did the clock jump back up to almost 25 hours?!
Jadaris: use another tile as a scoop to pick up tiles, it works great
MilkInBags: hey adam what's the card you just drew
62MGcobra: need a bathtub suction cup or something.
tetradd01: Coming in The Office version: Dwight Russian
SmithKurosaki: This chat is much more chill than some of the other ones I mod on YT. Much appreciation to chat here :)
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Gekyouryuu: @tetradd01 also: Jim Beam Staring into the Camera
MilkInBags: hey james what's the card you just got
Gascitygaming: no 151 yeah
public_key_reveal_party: I am not googling
Krog42: has the time limit been met?
AllTheBacons: @malfnord big bits!
Oreo1369: What is kings cup?
Mr_Horrible: King's Cup can go to hell because I got got by a tab of budweiser popping on my turn before I'd even touched the can
MilkInBags: saskatchewan deep lore
Khalstrom: Or Thunderstruck
LowUpsideCJ: waterfall is maybe the purest drinking rule in that game
Gascitygaming: when I went to Uni in Manitoba they called it Socialbles
Astramentha: phrasing
Lobo_Apache: He's going down, not off
LariatWest: Can you duel through the portal?
MilkInBags: blap
KeytarCat: No longer afraid!
Mike Pearce: It depends on the Con and where it takes place but since most cons take place in hotel the bar is usually open from midday to midnight. People still come with their families although it mostly adults
googoltudoris: after that "job" "joke" i wanna see a commodoreHUSTLE meta where they make a spoof series, and graham's just an absolute shitheel of a boss and paul's just evil
Mr_Horrible: never bet against the Kid, etc etc
Texan Reverend: @Krog42 What time limit are you referring to?
SmithKurosaki: @Mike Pearce Yea, Ontario is /very restrictive/ about alcohol consumption, so its rare to find a venue that has a license for more than just the bar
DEATHlikescats: it has Franzia’d haste
TheInnsanity: James to 5, tech master :)
62MGcobra: @Gascitygaming right thats what I remember
neisan2112: I was hoping Ben rolled a 2
MilkInBags: exquisite dice roll, my lord
DiamondMX: @googoltudoris Perhaps normal Paul has an 'accident' with the door to the dinosaur past and it connects to an alternate dimension with their evil twins.
stippledotter: Their evil twins should have fake beards on top of their beards
rogerivany: It's #blameJames not #killJames
MilkInBags: this is a subathon, and every sub will remove 5 hp from either james or adam's health pool OpieOP
PharaohBender27: @DiamondMX And evil Paul is just a goatee instead of full beard
Sunidesus: so are their evil twins clean-shaven? Or extra goatees?
googoltudoris: @DiamondMX me thinking about meta jokes when the obvious "alternate evil twin dimension" answer was right there
50keyz: LUL this is amazing
ATrophonian subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 82 months!
ATrophonian: Them's Sippin' Words!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ATrophonian! (Today's storm count: 769)
Gascitygaming: just a tipple
Shadowsoflife: @Sunidesus yes
TallynNyntyg: I do tip my nuts, but not to you sir.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPoint voxlunNut voxlunNut
BrowneePoints: an Egg A Piece
Sunidesus: @Shadowsoflife :D
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
itira: LOL oh my god
googoltudoris: *Tipples hat* m'lady
50keyz: ADAM!
Astramentha: PFFFFFT
NotCainNorAbel: I do not tip my nuts at you but I do tip my nutz my sir
tergonis: manspreading
hackingducks: "it's like moses"
MrQBear: it's 10 pm i should not be laughing this hard people are sleeping
Gascitygaming: remember buying oranges in mesh bags? yeah that
Gekyouryuu: "I tip my nuts sir. I do not tip them at you but I do tip them, sir."
DEATHlikescats: the ol lift and separate
MilkInBags: balls apart, shaft down the middle, like a proper psychopath
Strebenherz: Split the nuts, not the sea
DEATHlikescats: @milkinbags the Coneydog
Julian_Rogue: This feels like Munchkin but with beer
hawktonguebaby: I'll be here all week, tip your nuts
jacqui_lantern234: get fucked, James :p
TallynNyntyg: "Looks like you're going back to the beginning, yugi-boy!"
AdamYMHMI: My assumption is their evil twins re all Beej with their facial hair
Mr_Horrible: not suspicious at all
Strebenherz: @Lord_Hosk Amazing
jacqui_lantern234: @Lord_Hosk BAHAHAHAHAHAHA
micalovits: Ben has a gun
MilkInBags: Ben: and I took that personally
evilghola subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 55 months!
evilghola: lrrBartleby
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, evilghola! (Today's storm count: 770)
Nauss_Valantis: @PharaohBender27 Thanks for the gift sub!
PharaohBender27: @Nauss_Valantis No problem! :)
SmithKurosaki: @Lord_Hosk Nice
googoltudoris: "what do you have?" "a KNIFE!" "NOOOOOO
Loren Farque: heeeeeeeeellllllll yeah let's gooooooooooooooo
MilkInBags: alternate rule: when you die once, refill your glass but with whiskey
Amoxxycillin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 17 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Amoxxycillin! (Today's storm count: 771)
googoltudoris: can they get james to lap everyone?
Lobo_Apache: @MilkInBags then when you die again you refill with everclear
RealGamerCow: flat warm pbr is rough
saucemaster5000: Head on the beer is grey health, it'll heal
jacqui_lantern234: @RealGamerCow pbr at any point is rough
DaimyoAmerica: What is Ben drinking? It's so red
Gascitygaming: genuine question, not being snooty, is PBR actually good?
thatguysteve2709: I think these rules work when they don't have to do anything for the rest of the week
KeytarCat: @saucemaster5000 ooh, very good
Sarah_Serinde: @DaimyoAmerica That's Ian's and it's a sour of some kind
nevermore913: Oof
MilkInBags: LUL
superdude097: @DaimyoAmerica That's Ian's drink. DOn't remember what it is
DiamondMX: @Lobo_Apache And then if you die again, you die in real life. From alcohol poisoning.
L0rdX33n: what game?
vinewood_og: eat the sawduast adam
MrQBear: Oh I remember wheeler talking about that game.
neisan2112: @Gascitygaming No, but its not terrible.
MilkInBags: simply don't be at home depot in the morning
Gascitygaming: they open at like 6 or 7
saucemaster5000: did the cashier say "I ain't checking you out till I see 10"?
AtrusOfMyst: People probably work out at Home Depot like the gym
jacqui_lantern234: @neisan2112 no, but its awful given its price
DiamondMX: Could we get a round the table on what beers are present, and a brief opinion on them?
MilkInBags: i just beat the twin gargoyles in elden ring
NotCainNorAbel: nothing like being at Home Depot at 6AM on a Sunday
Seth_Erickson: Congrats Milk
Lying: :hand-pink-waving:
BusTed: Adam putting his name on the group project
MilkInBags: D did it
SmithKurosaki: @DiamondMX Only two *not* drinking PBR are Ian and G
L0rdX33n: What is being played?
jacqui_lantern234: @MilkInBags LETS GO GAMER
DoomBringerIL: what is this rearedd elixir Ian is drinking? @LoadingReadyRun
DoomBringerIL: RED*
MilkInBags: "I printed the project, i get to put my name on it"
poryout: Matt Cardona*
LariatWest: Blade is now canonically shaped like a Z, so sayeth Tipple
DiamondMX: @SmithKurosaki What crime are they being punished for? It must have been heinous.
Anubis169 jots notes
NotCainNorAbel: woth extended ram bank
Anubis169: chat, you got all that?
MilkInBags: a lot of words to say adult juice
Sunidesus: that sure was a lot of words
DEATHlikescats: that read like a Wish listing
n3ther: yea totally got that
SeismicLawns: camelup supertallcan
googoltudoris: @Gascitygaming PBR- at least it's not Malort!(tm)
DoomBringerIL: i got none of that
DoomBringerIL: lol
stippledotter: Still better than Ye Olde English Malt
Diabore: one one one
Anubis169: i've had malort once, for the first time and the last time
CaptainChibale: as a non-drinker what does PBR stand for?
ElementalAlchemist: lrrGOAT
Gascitygaming: @googoltudoris I will get something else when I visit the US, and not Malort lol
Diabore: boooo
tehfewl: Pabst Blue Ribbon
Anubis169: CaptainChibale: Pabst Blue Ribbon
KaleidoscopeMind: oh i read that monster name as "blorbolds" and i like that better
Anubis169: it's a dog of a beer
voren_chalco: Probably Beer, Right?
MilkInBags: PBR stands for Probably Better Retch
DiamondMX: @googoltudoris It is better than Malort, but it is quite bad as beers go.
stippledotter: @captainchibale also Pretty Bad, Really
tehfewl: its cheap beer
Khalstrom: It has to be good it won a ribbon!
BrainBetter: @Anubis169 I tried malort in a cocktail about a year ago, and it was A Lot, but I'd get it again.
MilkInBags: our powerup, comrade
PharaohBender27: Adam's Home Depot story made me think of the Dan Olson line, "Is this the fruit of obsession? Is this where compulsion takes us? Are the damned and the damnagble doomed to wander to Home Depot?"
Gascitygaming: I do prefer a good old fashioned or whiskey sour. or a darker beer
DEATHlikescats: @brainbetter it’s an herbal one right? kinda anise-y?
tehfewl: working with people from chicago, and visiting MC Chicago, i've had Malort a bunch of times. It grows on you.
ClodiumSoride: @PharaohBender27 that was one heck of a video.
googoltudoris: PBR- less metal filings than Schlitz since 1957!
IaCthulhuFthagn: Americans who obsess about Malort'
BrainBetter: @DEATHlikescats It's *really* bitter. Like, grapefruit rind notes.
Shadowsoflife: @googoltudoris the gold? lodger?
zimmercj: I actually like Malört. I"m a sucker for all those anisey liquors
MilkInBags: miyazaki is a coward for never making a mimic grace
62MGcobra: expert mode is with Colt 45
ViscountStyx subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 47 months, currently on a 47 month streak!
ViscountStyx: Almost 2 days!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ViscountStyx! (Today's storm count: 772)
DEATHlikescats: @brainbetter oooh! harsh terpenes!
Metric_Furlong: Graham has a plus 2 now
IaCthulhuFthagn: Americans who obsess about 'Malort' should try some actual nice Scandiwegian wormwood schnapps/aquavit for a change.
Seth_Erickson: He's been drinking in the job
MilkInBags: yeah adam who allowed you to drink on the job
Gascitygaming: I have had actual absinthe and it was delicious
IaCthulhuFthagn: Or make their own, but wormwood is not native to the US, is it?
Anubis169: WHEEEEEEE
MilkInBags: FBtouchdown
ElementalAlchemist: 🎉
googoltudoris: @IaCthulhuFthagn oh i would love to, but that's not what they give you when you visit friends in chicago
AtrusOfMyst: FBtouchdown
SmithKurosaki: @IaCthulhuFthagn Yea, the unemployedwineguy on Youtube has been having fun working towards getting sponsorhip from them
BluJester: FBtouchdown
Catcard: FBtouchdown
Mr_Horrible: Never Bet Against The Kid
Koshindan: Doesn't Ian have a Bottle Axe for +1?
Anubis169: IaCthulhuFthagn: if you're up for wormwood, i prefer just straight absinthe.. the actual stuff not the imitation
Anubis169: though strangely, can't stand it over sugar
Fungidoctor subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 64 months!
Fungidoctor: 64. Keep the fun coming!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Fungidoctor! (Today's storm count: 773)
Gascitygaming: @Anubis169 when i had it it was straight as well and i loved it
DiamondMX: So, is this the ideal game for Adam to demand a glass of that man's piss?
DewMan001: so it's a hex based rpg but damage == drink?
Texan Reverend: More or less, yeah.
DEATHlikescats: @zimmercj my mom got me into them via galvanometer
saucemaster5000: "If I only had a dam"
Lobo_Apache: Richard the Beaverheart
inconsideratehat: Cheer100
Dumori: Lions where brave before Oz
IaCthulhuFthagn: @Anubis169 Absinthe, even the pre-bohemian formulations, is still primarily an anise liqueur with botanicals (like wormwood), wormwood is not the primary flavour you get.
AtrusOfMyst: LUL
PharaohBender27: @ClodiumSoride It really was, and for me I mean that as a compliment.
Blasteg: so uh what's he end game condition of this?
DEATHlikescats: @zimmercj Galiano!
IaCthulhuFthagn: liquor*
DEATHlikescats: autocorrect wtf?!
SFSMaus: Cheer500 Fill this man with booze, fill this man with booze!
DoomBringerIL: I'm disappointed by the ratio of the amount of Burps vs. beers consumed
neisan2112: Oh no
josh___something: adam NO
ClodiumSoride: @PharaohBender27 oh yeah, it was amazing, started veering toward mockery but ended much more sympathetic.
Catcard: lmfao
DiamondMX: Adam YES
korvys: That's my favourite song on Stunt, by the Barenaked Ladies
SmithKurosaki: Yea, the cups they're using as their tokens have lines and the less drink in your cup, the less HP you have
DewMan001: oh the cups are their playing pieces? dang
SmithKurosaki: yup
Shadowsoflife: adam YES
PharaohBender27: Oh SHIT
RealGamerCow: Adam is proof that size does not equal tolerance
TheInnsanity: what's the worst case scenario
zimmercj: @DEATHlikescats I was wondering, lol. I'm also an abomination that likes black licorice so it tracks for me.
rosesmcgee: Adam hasn't had a drink in years and he's probably got single digit body fat percentage.
n3ther: hahaha
jacqui_lantern234: ADAM WHAT THE SHIT
AtrusOfMyst: LMAO
ElementalAlchemist: That is the correct response
jacqui_lantern234: IM CACKLING
Sunidesus: oh no
Sarah_Serinde: Correct response to that question
TallynNyntyg: WTF Adam!
SmithKurosaki: Bluff called
Mr_Horrible: incredible
DEATHlikescats: lol
Strebenherz: WOW
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
DEATHlikescats: immediately dropped the bit. mad respect
Astramentha: lrrHEART
josh___something: LMAO
TallynNyntyg: Adam's getting divorced.
tehfewl: the shade of red that adam turned
Snowcookies: omg
Diabore: james aint making it for his morning shift
DainBread: LUL
hesterbyrde: Well James is sleeping in the moonbase tonight
EvilBadman: She single?
DewMan001: that sounds like hell to keep track of
jacqui_lantern234: oh, james is RUINED :p
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Who is married?
vinewood_og: coffee is cancelled
Gascitygaming: she baptised?
Thefluffiestguineapig: She baptized?
zelukester: anybody clip that?
NotCainNorAbel: soon
n3ther: soon possibly
Mr_Horrible: soon (tm)
emboar2235: hi, how is the subathonarino today? i did volunteering and saw a bunch of owls
Thefluffiestguineapig: @gascitygaming Drift compatible
micalovits: I mean, half this table is married I think
Shadowsoflife: @zelukester you can?
PharaohBender27: @emboar2235 ... How many owls?
Gascitygaming: @Thefluffiestguineapig *hi five*
ClodiumSoride: @emboar2235 more than two?
Sarah_Serinde: @micalovits 2/6
DiamondMX: @micalovits "Not to each other!"
DEATHlikescats: not yet, go for it @zelukester !
SmithKurosaki: @emboar2235, Sounds awesome
A_Dub888: @zelukester give it a minute, I’m sure someone’s on it
emboar2235: @ClodiumSoride 3, one was in another exhibit
Sunidesus: @emboar2235 Yay owls!
SnackPak_: thanks Paul
zelukester: @Shadowsoflife can I? just tuned in
SmithKurosaki: @ClodiumSoride Correct question :p
Gascitygaming: thanks paul!
DeM0nFiRe: Thanks Paul!
emboar2235: everyone who comes in loves the burrowing owls
Halinn: Thanks Paul
jacqui_lantern234: THANKS PAUL <3
Sarah_Serinde: Thanks Paul!
josh___something: !paullove
LRRbot: It's not Paul's fault, no matter what the streamer says.
midnightcurryjazz: thanks paul
DEATHlikescats: thanks Paul!
stippledotter: Thx paul!
Mr_Horrible: thanks, Paul!
nevermore913: Thanks Paul
SilverHalcyon: no thank you
vinewood_og: thanks dad
KeytarCat: Thanks paul
NotCainNorAbel: Paul handing out autio candy
CaptainChibale: thanks paul
micalovits: @Sarah_Serinde Check, was unsure if Ian was actually married or not
Misslinnythebaker: thanks paul
Gascitygaming: lrrPAUL lrrPAUL lrrPAUL
Lobo_Apache: I'm suddenly incredibly glad my D&D game got cancled so I could watch this
Risuchia: thanks paul
DewMan001: so custom cups then
Loren Farque: HOLY SHIT
Loren Farque: ADAM
Loren Farque: XD
FrogBox: ya that would be messy. especially since it's alcohol you're drinking
SmithKurosaki: Custom cups yes
Loren Farque: They included water in the recipe list. Plus a non-alcoholic version would still be sweet
Harukurochan: Thanks Paul
Shadowsoflife: @zelukester anyone can
zimmercj: lrrDARK Paul!
whitebadgerwolf88: Thanks Paul lrrSHINE
SFSMaus: Thanks Paul!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Paul is best as always
stippledotter: lrrDARK lrrPAUL
IaCthulhuFthagn: @Lobo_Apache Congratulations and I'm sorry for your loss.
epsilon_vee: hucking batteries into the sea
Mr_Horrible: tequila mockingbird
BrowneePoints: "What was Ian Horner most likely arrested for?" Huffing Batteries at a QVC
SmithKurosaki: [saxophone intensifies]
DEATHlikescats: lisan Al ghaib
Thefluffiestguineapig: I am so excited for the GPLP later in the subathon
TallynNyntyg: Is a tequila worm like a tequila mockingbird?
googoltudoris: i thought it was tequila mockingbird?
PharaohBender27: MIC 2!
PharaohBender27: Who's on 5?
Julian_Rogue: mic 5?!
Koshindan: Rotate the batteries
stippledotter: !paullove
LRRbot: It's not Paul's fault, no matter what the streamer says.
Thefluffiestguineapig: THIRD BASE
Sarah_Serinde: lrrFINE
DewMan001: "I think I was pink? like... maybe I was red? I dunno I've had like 5"
stippledotter: This is a great problem to have this much beer deep
GameSageZB: Paul trying to wrangle a bunch of vaguely tipsy comedians... :)
MaddogM: mic 5!
zimmercj: Spiderman meme
Gascitygaming: thanks paul!
SeismicLawns: who's mic 1? exactly
josh___something: Children XD
AtrusOfMyst: You need to change the mic in your battery
TheNerdySimulation: Jordynne! The fit? *chef's kiss*
Antimuffin: For the record, I'm on Mic 9 and you can't convince me otherwise.
AtrusOfMyst: LUL
62MGcobra: who's on 1
BrowneePoints: Paul you're amazing and the glue that keeps things together. browne26PearPride
Koshindan: I'm just glad they were responsible enough to have their Designated Paul.
neisan2112: The movie that's from is batshit and its great
SFSMaus: Thanks lrrPAUL
Sunidesus: I thought I left work, this feels like a work problem (tv news, there are many many mics & batteries every day)
jacqui_lantern234: @TheNerdySimulation RIGHT?!?!
LowUpsideCJ: dear god I hope i'm not micced
Dog_of_Myth: Thanks Paul
Thefluffiestguineapig: I also unironically love Jordynne’s fashion sense and wish I was confident enough to do it
LariatWest: By process of elimination, I believe Adam is on the meme number
Dread_Pirate_Westley: lrrFINE
saucemaster5000: What side of the batteries is the period on?
josh___something: lrrSHINE lrrPAUL lrrSHINE
CaptainChibale: we appreciate you paul
GameSageZB: Oh no, chat, I have to ask, how old is "Mic 5!" now? Are we past the half-life?
WardsarTheWriter: Batteries, Paul's mortal enemy.
wedge_x: you all pass the dexterity test
BrowneePoints: That Movie is Guns Akimbo, it's wacky and a fun watch
couchboyj: Hello! *BANG*
BusTed: oh no
DEATHlikescats: @thefluffiestguineapig right?! such a great look!
SmithKurosaki: This is amazing
space_turbulence: For real, Jordynne's look is killer
Thefluffiestguineapig: @wardsarthewriter I think general “nebulous tech problems” are the worst enemies with sub categories there in
RealGamerCow: Guns Akimbo is such a weird movie
DoomBringerIL: -10 ben
stippledotter: And the batteries too go in the square hole
Patorik: @Thefluffiestguineapig Jordynne would likely tell you to do it anyways, and that she believes in you
Texan_Reverend: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
PharaohBender27: @Thefluffiestguineapig You know, maybe this is why part of why Jordynne and Kathleen get along so well - they both have impeccable taste
VorlonScout: @GameSageZB @GameSageZB It'll never die, as long as it remains on wiggins' sound board
Thefluffiestguineapig: Which is why Jordynne is the best
WardsarTheWriter: @Thefluffiestguineapig True, but it doesn't roll off the tongue as nicely.
korvys: for THIS?
DNAli3n: well, it's 4:30 in the morning now, i should definately go to bed
Mr_Horrible: God looking at Adam's tab:
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
midnightcurryjazz: adam used that during choose your own adventure. Nice try bucko
DiamondMX: @RealGamerCow But if Daniel Radcliffe wanted to avoid being typecast as a boy wizard, it really did the job.
Mr_Horrible: "bruh"
VorlonScout: (Not sure how I double-tagged you there, oops)
Antimuffin: Ian has a good point, you get one "one time" per deity
Loren Farque: This game is so goddamn good
DewMan001: "To the TIGERS with you, squire!!"
Gekyouryuu: Adam, did you remember the pixie?
micalovits: There is no god, only miyazaki
BusTed: "Sorry, you already used your one time for that 6-piece chicken wings combo"
Gekyouryuu: Kappa
Lobo_Apache: Would have went to church if that had been a 20
AtrusOfMyst: God is like, "really? THIS was you used your one time on??" LUL
DoomBringerIL: -10 ben for the trap "oh noooo" @LoadingReadyRun
Mr_Horrible: "Is this the guy who hates anime or the guy who hates gamers?" Kappa
jacqui_lantern234: @LoadingReadyRun lrrPAUL in case you didnt see it earlier today (during the break before monikers), ive provably said that youre the LRR member i wish to hug the most. use this power responsibly
DeM0nFiRe: The idea that Hayao Miyazaki is watching every Elden Ring player and making it harder would be pretty funny
LoadingReadyRun: @jacqui_lantern234 lrrAWESOME
stippledotter: I forgot that the cards were rooms and I was wondering who was about to get the knife in the friend zone
SmithKurosaki: @GameSageZB VST has been consulted. First appearance of Mic 5 was DB13
Mr_Horrible: The Combat Caboose
Antimuffin: @DeM0nFiRe Some of my Bayle attempts last night felt like it.....
MeadyOchre: Elden Ring is easy, just play with the seemless co-op mod and have 3 players to distract the enemies Kappa
BusTed: gottem
Sarah_Serinde: lrrWOW
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Mr_Horrible: classic Adam move
Catcard: gottem
Oreo1369: Sniped
josh___something: "BROTHER"
SmithKurosaki: F for Jordynne
Mr_Horrible: fear the Highlight Reel, Savidan
couchboyj: seabatYIKES
DiamondMX: @LoadingReadyRun Paul does look like he'd give good hugs. He's so genuine.
Lobo_Apache: Will you remember after another beer or two?
AtrusOfMyst: RIP
jacqui_lantern234: @Mr_Horrible The Ass-ter Blaster
MacbethSeemsSus: Oh no its warm PBR!
mercano82: remember who controls the highlight reel.
type_variable: adam next on the highlight reel shame spot?
neisan2112: Oh god not leaving the drinks cooled??
Mr_Horrible: @jacqui_lantern234 LUL
PharaohBender27: @SmithKurosaki For reference, DB13 was 2019. I remember that bit; I may have even seen its origin live
GameSageZB: @SmithKurosaki Thanks! So... yes. That feels like much more recent than that x_x
Thefluffiestguineapig: Savidan needs to have a healthier fear of the Power of Editing
TheInnsanity: the warm, floor PBR
DoomBringerIL: ben at 5.. didn't take DMG from the trap disarm fail @LoadingReadyRun
DeM0nFiRe: Actually times when you are playing Elden Ring and you are struck by how nice the landscape works, that was when Hayao pulled the lever
Metric_Furlong: graham still has a plus 2
PharaohBender27: I say "may have" because Desert Bus brain is a heck of a thing
DeM0nFiRe: looks*
SirPlumpy: hello lrr and chat
DewMan001: what if both Miyazakis worked together on a thing?
FrogBox: warm pbr yall are monsters
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also I absolutely love that the pinned cheer of No is still there LUL
SmithKurosaki: We can let them play without us noticing misplays
DEATHlikescats: hello @sirplumpy !
CaptainSpam: Good thing the rest of the day's schedule involves two of the teetotalers on the crew. :D
TheNerdySimulation: the problem is using your head. They love that part of you
SmithKurosaki: @CaptainSpam Not that you can't play this game if you dont drink :)
LeeshaJoy: What is this game? I just got here
An anonymous user is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to aceofrimmer!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, AnAnonymousGifter! Welcome to aceofrimmer! (Today's storm count: 774)
DoomBringerIL: i wanna c them chug chug chug lol
GameSageZB: @PharaohBender27 Preach. I just think of Graham's comment on the half-life of a DB meme, and I wonder how much is because _they_ don't remember.
SmithKurosaki: @LeeshaJoy heroes of barcadia
SirPlumpy: ooo who's got the non-pale ale?
DewMan001: hardcore Ni No Kuni or magical whimsical dark souls for the whole fam
wardog 99: man I have seen this much blue ribbon since I was in highschool lolol
AtrusOfMyst: Jar Jar's favorite boss Meed Usa
Sarah_Serinde: Ian's got a sour
DEATHlikescats: her gaze ferments all sweet things
MrGibberish: @GameSageZB See Gangnam Hell
SirPlumpy: Sick
Sarah_Serinde: That is the only thing about his drink that I consistently remember :P
Thefluffiestguineapig: Are they using any of the expansions? I remember during the first stream of this they mentioned there were some
mercano82: Ian’s got some local brew.
jacqui_lantern234: speaking of mead, i need to tend to some mead tomorrow thats fermenting in my office
stippledotter: @sirplumpy Ian, with some kind of berry sour
DoomBringerIL: jordan not back to 60?
ThorSokar: @PharaohBender27 I remeber making the mp3 for Ben, haha
Sarah_Serinde: Some memes have more staying power than others
SirPlumpy: looks like some wild berry or maybe a cran if i had to guess
Halinn: I wish the pixie house rule had stayed
SmithKurosaki: @PharaohBender27 ofc you did lol
Sarah_Serinde: Some are just a one-DB meme and that's fine
emboar2235: if chat wants, i can post image of owl from couple of weeks ago
ElementalAlchemist: Most memes don't make it to the next year and honestly that's fine
ElementalAlchemist: A few do, and that's fine too
mercano82: what’s the victory condition for this game?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @emboar2235 I mean, I love owls and am always here for it but I'm also a confirmed weirdo
SirPlumpy: oh dang
kataanglover1: something something whale plaid, something something ajony
Lobo_Apache: @Halinn If we gaslight hard enough it could return
Mr_Horrible: HypeYum
hawktonguebaby: Adam "I drank a little too much" Savidan
MeadyOchre: You heard it live Adam, Graham loves the super tall boys
jacqui_lantern234: Jordynne and Ben are the fruits KappaPride
Mr_Horrible: blackcurrant? F me up on that stuff
SmithKurosaki: @jacqui_lantern234 Is it /ready/?
jacqui_lantern234: ill see myself out
emboar2235: also don't know if the mods would allow owl images
AtrusOfMyst: Super tall RizzBerry
googoltudoris: man, squires just can't roll 20s apparently
Thefluffiestguineapig: Dominated by jammy goodness? Excuse me
SirPlumpy: if only i could drink sweeter beers
Mr_Horrible: is the jam baptized
Sunidesus: I vote for owls
Dumori: It's clearly Supercall
Dumori: SuperTall*
DahudLefthanded: Who's cascadia?
Bearudite: ominous "issues"
Thefluffiestguineapig: What was lrrGRAHAM reading??
SmithKurosaki: @emboar2235 I would also love owl pics
superdude097: Gotta call it a night. Have a good night folks!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Familiars are based
TheNerdySimulation: Could this jam reach space?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @superdude097 Sleep well! We enjoy having you in chat!
IaCthulhuFthagn: @superdude097 Samsies... 4:30 am in western Europe. Nightie night!
Blasteg: the dungeon seems to be falling apart
googoltudoris: new house rule whenever someone dies?
emboar2235: i also don't want to distract people watching the stream with unsolicited owl pics
jacqui_lantern234: @SmithKurosaki thats what im gonna check on. test the stage of fermentation and taste. if done done, then i bottle it. if done but bad taste, add 1L of honey and 1L of water
NotCainNorAbel: ADAM! nice
SmithKurosaki: @emboar2235 Post link on discord?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @emboar2235 Ask whoever the main mod is for this section, they can make the determination
emboar2235: @SmithKurosaki i think its on discord
TheNerdySimulation: #JusticeForJordynne
ThorSokar: #JordynneDidNothingWrong
rogerivany: I miss Sidewalk S;am
Thefluffiestguineapig: MonikLRRs
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Ho Chi Minh City!
SirPlumpy: #WhatDidJordynneDo #IWasntLooking
PharaohBender27 is gifting 23 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 1616 in the channel!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to tangojuls!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to benny6298!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to bluj420!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Cimurph!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to KitteyWolf!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Tareeh!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to rink2017!
Sarah_Serinde: Ooh round numbers
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Pazy160!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to AMuseOfFirebane!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Iam_Dead!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to hellspikey!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to xXShado99Xx!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to brentluckey!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to gibby2013!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Sordidambition!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Sycclone!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to PabstBlueFalcon!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to A_Weskers_Husband!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to ChillTheEffOut!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to theeggheadsguidetoreading!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Kvalkrin!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Aeliteir!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to nobuzz!
Mr_Horrible: Jeffrey immortalized on stream
SmithKurosaki: @SmithKurosaki I dont see it :(
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, PharaohBender27! Welcome to tangojuls, benny6298, bluj420, Cimurph, KitteyWolf, Tareeh, rink2017, AMuseOfFirebane, Pazy160, Iam_Dead, hellspikey, brentluckey, Sordidambition, PabstBlueFalcon, ChillTheEffOut, theeggheadsguidetoreading, Aeliteir, xXShado99Xx, nobuzz, gibby2013, Sycclone, A_Weskers_Husband, and Kvalkrin! (Today's storm count: 797)
mjiig: I believe two separate cards got clued in the one word round with "Adam"
ElementalAlchemist: It was such a good Monikers
Mr_Horrible: bruh
AtrusOfMyst: OtakuJeff <3
saintguard: Ho Chi Minh City!
Dog_of_Myth: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
ChillTheEffOut: @PharaohBender27 Thanks for the gift sub!
hesterbyrde: Adam also had "WE'RE HEEEEERE" in monikers
Mr_Horrible: lrrSHINE
Jadaris: 3000 voxyCrabdance
NotCainNorAbel: More @PharaohBender27 nice
the_phantom_game_player: FBtouchdown
MeadyOchre: Was there a poggifers reference?
SmithKurosaki: sergeHolyMoly sergeGift lrrSHINE Pharoah again :o
DiamondMX: Three Thousand Subs!
jacqui_lantern234: @PharaohBender27 BRUH!!!!!!!!!!! lrrSHINE
Rafgmorais: voxyWeaselshake
googoltudoris: order!
GameSageZB: 3k get!
Sarah_Serinde: PharaohBender27 taking us to a beautiful round number of 3k subs
patrick_stonecrusher: TheIlluminati 23 TheIlluminati
deejay_82: <message deleted>U
deejay_82: <message deleted>Pol
KWardJenx: Big Otaku Jeff-stan here
deejay_82: <message deleted>0l
deejay_82: <message deleted>Up
deejay_82: <message deleted>8hb
SmithKurosaki: sergeOrder ?
deejay_82: <message deleted>07hl
ClodiumSoride: PharaohBender27 likes round numbers
the_phantom_game_player: nice
deejay_82: <message deleted>Ul
BusTed: dang
PabstBlueFalcon: Yo thank you @PharaohBender27!
Mr_Horrible: great googly moogly
SnackPak_: daaaang
benny6298: @PharaohBender27 Thanks for the gift sub!
Anubis169: please stay civil
ckupf: Where is team chaos oat
Thefluffiestguineapig: PharohBender27 is doing hard work!!
Tz_BG: @PharaohBender27 Thanks for the gift sub. Just saw it after finishing walking the dog.
the_phantom_game_player: Thank you
DeM0nFiRe: lrrHEART @PharaohBender27
xVoxtric: Truly we will always remember Pharaoh Bender
momma_tatts: sergeModLove sergeModLove sergeModLove
FrankiePeanuts: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
PharaohBender27: I want that Kathleen/Jordynne stream, dangit!
Sarah_Serinde: I'm curious if that was a cat on a keyboard
SmithKurosaki: sergeModLove
nevermore913: We need chaos
Koshindan: I just want to see more house rules.
charlietrotter123 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 27 in the channel!
charlietrotter123 gifted a Tier 1 sub to alter_eagl3!
charlietrotter123 gifted a Tier 1 sub to theneatestburrito!
charlietrotter123 gifted a Tier 1 sub to jwholla!
charlietrotter123 gifted a Tier 1 sub to SuperFresh40!
charlietrotter123 gifted a Tier 1 sub to OnyxOblivion!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @PharaohBender27 Oh, that KFC nonsense last year made me laugh so hard I cried
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, charlietrotter123! Welcome to alter_eagl3, theneatestburrito, jwholla, SuperFresh40, and OnyxOblivion! (Today's storm count: 802)
tidehollowcat: sergeModLove sergeModLove sergeModLove
SmithKurosaki: @Sarah_Serinde Well find out shortly
jacqui_lantern234: @Sarah_Serinde thats what i suspect, but 🤷
Juliamon: yeah that felt like either a cat or someone cleaning a key
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Wait, doesn't James win? Because Jordynne was rolling for him?
BrowneePoints: @PharaohBender27 You're Awesome, and GhostofJeffGoldblum is 100% giving you a big smile and thumbs up from the Other Side browne26PearPride
EikoandMog subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 127 months, currently on a 127 month streak!
EikoandMog: Wooo. I get to resub during the thon!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, EikoandMog! (Today's storm count: 803)
Vampyre_Lord: just tuning in, what game is this?
TheNerdySimulation: "you don't look 45.. 50 though"
mrjujubeans subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 24 months, currently on a 24 month streak!
mrjujubeans: Love you all!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, mrjujubeans! (Today's storm count: 804)
nobuzz: @PharaohBender27 Thanks for the gift sub!
stippledotter: So much generosity! This chat is the best
KWardJenx: ha!!
wandering_t: @Dread_Pirate_Westley yah, Jordynne won which means James won I think
neveth: "James cucked me so hard."
SeismicLawns: excuse me
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeah, the alcohol plus necessary mental gymnastics is so good
HbombAndFriends: Cheer198 Gotta get back to a round number.
SmithKurosaki: EXCUSE
DigitalSeahorse: katesShake
Mr_Horrible: hmmmmmmmmmmmge
Saintnex: NOEP
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
DigitalSeahorse: katesHUH
Despoiler98: foodvi2OMG foodvi2OMG foodvi2OMG
googoltudoris: bangaddquote
Thefluffiestguineapig: lrrWOW lrrWOW
HorusFive: Going to see how James feels in the morning for coffee time
Mr_Horrible: but legitimately, lmao
BrowneePoints: Don't Movie Edge James
PharaohBender27: No problem, @PabstBlueFalcon @benny6298 @Tz_BG @nobuzz ! :)
jacqui_lantern234: FUCKIN IAN HORNER
BusTed: LUL
trilemma85: Rewatch all of the Marvel movies... at the same time! HahaThink
the_phantom_game_player: LUL
jacqui_lantern234: IM ALREADY LAUGHING
saucemaster5000: "I AM.... INEVITABLE"
Shadowsoflife: @jacqui_lantern234 tiltyhPLS
hesterbyrde: Hey Winter Soldier is the best. You hush sir.
SeismicLawns: you're all grounded
Mr_Horrible: predictable, but not unreasonable
mercano82: I am Iron Man
TheNerdySimulation: Graham is going to explode lol
SFSMaus: jlrrNo jlrrNo jlrrNo
SmithKurosaki: tiltyhPLS
kaboomjr26: !adult
LRRbot: I need an adult, preferably a trained physiatrist.
AtrusOfMyst: "suns getting pretty low...."
Dog_of_Myth: Heck yeah. Winter Solider rules
AugmentingPath: Adam wiling to keep those eyebrows going forever until James looks at him
DiamondMX: @trilemma85 With the MemeStream goggles that Paul invented.
uncleardata: I am enjoying the chaos that is happening right now
Thefluffiestguineapig: LUl
Dog_of_Myth: LUL LUL
Mr_Horrible: just block, Adam Kappa
space_turbulence: Winter Soldieris the best one, Adam
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh man, that got me
rogerivany: Controversial opinion. LRR should drink more while playing games on stream. ;)
mercano82: “On your right”
HbombAndFriends: Go left.
josh___something: damn, it IS a 10-0 matchup XD
LowUpsideCJ: Adam on the salty runback every time
type_variable: nerf ben adam needs a dmg buff
TheNerdySimulation: gottem
the_phantom_game_player: Got him
Blasteg: on a scale from 0-10 how drunk is everyone feeling?
Lobo_Apache: Oooooh, Ben's trapless!
DiamondMX: @rogerivany It is fun, but I think too often would get tiring for some of chat, and wouldn't be good to expect too often - it does take a toll.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ben is no longer a Yugi-Oh meme!
Juliamon: A lot of people do not feel comfortable watching others drink or become inebriated, so this has to be a very sometimes thing.
Koshindan: Next roll is a 20. 100% of the time.
googoltudoris: perhaps a danger... zone?
Mr_Horrible: you CANNOT call it that, Adam
hesterbyrde: Diablo corpse runs
SmithKurosaki: @rogerivany It does happen on occasion and during DB more often now
micalovits: I call 2 20's in the next 3 rolls
googoltudoris: wimmy wham wham whazzle!
Mr_Horrible: bro's letting loot coffers hit the floor, his inventory is maxed out
BusTed: Ben leaving a trail like an older, drunker Billy from Family Circus
345tom: Jordynnes going to have a good time picking highlights ehre
hawktonguebaby: Take the canoli
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Despoiler98: shugrvSuffer shugrvSuffer Im so tired ive been partying for 25 years
MrQBear: no pick him to help so he dies
BusTed: LUL
KWardJenx: Yes!!!
SnackPak_: lrrWOW
Dog_of_Myth: YES
the_phantom_game_player: SpiritEel SpiritEel
nevermore913: Perfect
HorusFive: Perfect play. No Notes
vinewood_og: lrrSHINE lrrHERE
Pharmacistjudge: this sounds very munchkin
Mr_Horrible: Adam officially at the "I love you guys" portion of the adult party
confracto: what game is this?
Pteraspidomorphi: A lot of people wish they were drinking, when playing Munchkin
Pteraspidomorphi: This fixed that design flaw
HorusFive: I was praying for the 20 there, just for Ben's face
SmithKurosaki: @confracto Heroes of Barcadia
saucemaster5000: Adam's down to 5? That's backwash HP
DiamondMX: Yeah, I don't think Munchkin is interesting enough to be played sober.
Pharmacistjudge: infinite are now cursed to permanently have a social media account.
Antimuffin: @Pharmacistjudge oof
itsr67: LOL
Mr_Horrible: @Pharmacistjudge worse, you'll never be able to actually read stuff that catches your eye on your timeline, it just scrolls away immediately
Dog_of_Myth: hahhaah
jacqui_lantern234: YO WHERE MEAD-DUSA'S GAYS AT KappaPride
vinewood_og: dayum
TheNerdySimulation: "Dad!" *PUNCH*
Cptasparagus: <message deleted>What is Jordynne doing to males?
Mr_Horrible: TRUE
Mr_Horrible: SPITTING
jacqui_lantern234: PFFT JORDYNNE
saucemaster5000: Can't help but notice everyone is slouching a lot more than they were at the beginning of this game
SnackPak_: gottem
Dog_of_Myth: WOW
TheNerdySimulation: damn, so true
SmithKurosaki: Get DUNKED
AtrusOfMyst: LUL
jwholla: oh no I made eye contact with graham
josh___something: So true bestie
neveth: Hell YES Jordynne!
AttackCowboy: Jordynne with those ancient burns
HorusFive: Hot Perseus takes, Jordynne
Jadaris: We got like full on Last Supper poses going on rn
TheNerdySimulation: that's not even a hot take it's just true
Khalstrom: SPitting greek fire
DiamondMX: Too soon, Jordynne. :P
Mr_Horrible: but is it the GIN Rummy?
SmithKurosaki: F
BusTed: 🙂
EikoandMog: F
SonofThoth: Not as much as theseus
Dog_of_Myth: Perfection
Thefluffiestguineapig: F
DoomBringerIL: 1:2 that adam falls to the medusa's gaze @LoadingReadyRun
AtrusOfMyst: o7
sounderfan84: did james roll a 1 for adam?
SmithKurosaki: Yup
Mr_Horrible: "alright well I'm dead" *drinks*
micalovits: He sure did
Sunidesus: Hee
Dog_of_Myth: Gottem
josh___something: GOTTEM
Mr_Horrible: beautiful
SirPlumpy: aye good beer crack
jacqui_lantern234: @Mr_Horrible YOURE BEAUTIFUL <3
ThePov42: Wait... Adam's drinking PBR?
Mr_Horrible: literally cracking a cold one with the boys (and gals and theys)
Shadowsoflife: @ThePov42 yup
Mr_Horrible: @jacqui_lantern234 sofieGasp
DiamondMX: @ThePov42 Most of them are. Ian has a double fruit sour.
ThePov42: Sure I guess
mjiig: I always wonder how waterproof these game pieces are...
Sarah_Serinde: They are explicitly made to be waterproof
TheNerdySimulation: they are specifically designed to be bar mats actually
Thefluffiestguineapig: As someone who gets canned water (the cans are genuinely recyclable as opposed to bottled water) due to hard water in my building, that sound is one I hear a lot
Sarah_Serinde: Because the designers knew what kind of game they were making and planned accordingly
BrowneePoints: Perseus was also most likely modeled after an actual person!
MannOfHats: What game is this?
fastlane250 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 54 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, fastlane250! (Today's storm count: 805)
Juliamon: Heroes of Barcadia
MannOfHats: Thanks!
tinpantithesis: evening, chat!
LurkerSpine: Brewce Springsteen
Thefluffiestguineapig: @BrowneePoints It's from the same era as the inspiration for the Trojan War myths, right? Or am I misremembering? Very possible
BrowneePoints: @Thefluffiestguineapig Older
itira: LUL
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
micalovits: Tell them Jordynne!
hesterbyrde: mmm brain rot
SmithKurosaki: Im with Jordynne on that one
heartofgoldfish: Ian with the ReBoot reference????
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: to mend and defend?
TheNerdySimulation: Jordynne will make it your problem
SmithKurosaki: @heartofgoldfish heck yea
Texan_Reverend: *tap* *tap* Reboot!
BrowneePoints: Perseus was the eventual "King of Mycenae" so whoever he's based on was Mycenean, meaning much older @Thefluffiestguineapig
tergonis: Ian's designation is definitely not guardian
Transmuted_Elf: Ian was that a REBOOT reference?
GameSageZB: Mainframe! Game inco- wait
DiamondMX: Well, that was an interesting search on urban dictionary. TIL.
phoenixfeather14: If it wasn't Graham's was
SmithKurosaki: Thats 3 Reboot references now
Thefluffiestguineapig: @BrowneePoints OH, neat! That's the one with the golden funeral mask of a king, right? (I havent studied classics in a long time since I swapped to an Early Modern European focus)
BrowneePoints: That's Agamemmnon
BrowneePoints: I think
BrowneePoints: yea Agamemnon
Thefluffiestguineapig: @BrowneePoints There's a different inspiration for Perseus? Older than the inspiration for Agamemmnon? I'll have to google that for my next ADHD hyperfixation rabbit hole. Thanks!
hawktonguebaby: @browneepoints Agamemnon? Like the beginning of the Lion King?
SmithKurosaki: Loving the reboot referfencex
AlphaHighHawk: wait jordynne looking so cute tho
captain_wulf subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 54 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, captain_wulf! (Today's storm count: 806)
malfnord: Well, it's claimed as Agamemnon's funerary mask; we don't actually know whose but it was
TheNerdySimulation: Okay but what does Adamemnon digivolve into?
BusTed: LUL
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Thefluffiestguineapig: @malfnord Same with so many archaeological things. Especially early documented classics ones. See Heinrich Schleiman for the worst crash course on that
the_phantom_game_player: LUL
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TheNerdySimulation I'm trying to make a Marisa joke but I don't know anything about digimon LUL
niccus: well agamemnon clearly came from agumon, so metal agamemnon
Texan_Reverend: That's the actual shot in the sling that's on fire, right?
Texan_Reverend: Squinting to see.
Sarah_Serinde: Oh Serge is here
TheNerdySimulation: @Thefluffiestguineapig so valid lol
malfnord: @Thefluffiestguineapig I took a lot of history courses in college & none of my professors had anything good to say about that guy.
excalgold: @Sarah_Serinde neat me to it...
TheNerdySimulation: @niccus LUL
Lord_Hosk: He swims in and says "WERE HERE!" and Adam sues him
TheNerdySimulation: Thirst Aid is what I need when watching any Iyo Sky match
ElementalAlchemist: "hard apple spider"
Thefluffiestguineapig: @malfnord They were all correct and probably understated it. It's genuinely nauseating for those of us who are passionate about archaeology and respecting the rights of descendants. But this isn't the place for that, it's fun drink times
fuzzra: @ElementalAlchemist Story checks out
Pharmacistjudge: I think we need a House Rule change after like 3 turn cycles or something
suprhero7 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 56 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, suprhero7! (Today's storm count: 807)
BusTed: FBtouchdown
Sarah_Serinde: lrrHORN
KWardJenx: Hero!
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
AtrusOfMyst: FBtouchdown
BluJester: FBtouchdown
nevermore913: Let's go
Gascitygaming: o7
The_Color_Twelve: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
plaidanddrpepper: woo
iarethel0ser: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
insanecat6mtg: sergeGG sergeGG sergeGG
neisan2112: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
head_cannon: FBtouchdown
Snowcookies: congrats!
MrSarkhan: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
NonjaBiru: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
ElementalAlchemist: ongClap ongClap ongClap
ClodiumSoride: Nice timing!
Thefluffiestguineapig: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby seabatClap seabatClap FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
thanzo: FBtouchdown
spethycakes: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
Mr_Horrible: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
TheNerdySimulation: #JusticeForJordyne achieved
nevermore913: Perfect timing
Sunidesus: @Thefluffiestguineapig Well I now have (yet another) wikipedia page open for later reading/learning fun
Mr_Horrible: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
space_turbulence: Glory to Jordynne!!
JkenzieG: 'fit on point!
DeM0nFiRe: gdqClap gdqClap gdqClap
BusTed: ggs
SFSMaus: sergeGG sergeGG sergeGG
TheNerdySimulation: Queen Jordynne
nevermore913: I wish he had gotten that rule
pn55: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
PharaohBender27 is gifting 4 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 1620 in the channel!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to AegeusEvander!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to hellfishfire!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to emperor_mid!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to fennegg!
KWardJenx: Brilliant TT-day
345tom: feminism on boys night
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, PharaohBender27! Welcome to emperor_mid, AegeusEvander, hellfishfire, and fennegg! (Today's storm count: 811)
mtvcdm: ! next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Hardspace w/ Alex at Wed 08:00 PM PDT (6m from now).
korvys: Turns out, it wasn't a white guy with a beard
Easilycrazyhat: What is Ian drinking, btw. It looks tasty.
magical_writer: thank you
BusTed: seabatClap
corianderd: let's go Jordynne!
Sarah_Serinde: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
AtrusOfMyst: Awesome day
plaidanddrpepper: Ben!
korvys: Perfect timing
TheNerdySimulation: Let's go Ben!!!!
AtrusOfMyst: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
Rafgmorais: voxyCrabdance
trilemma85: Ben is hype!
KWardJenx: Bravo Ben!!
TotallyNotaBeholder: sergeGG sergeFriend
Oreo1369: Good Job Ben
Gascitygaming: lrrBEN lrrBEN lrrBEN
Lex_Peacekeeper: down your drinks everyone
SFSMaus: Cheer500 #ConratsToJordynne!
Sarah_Serinde: I've been here as long as James >_>
theneatestburrito: LuvSign
korvys: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 7:53 PM
PharaohBender27: I needed to get my total back to a multiple of 3
spethycakes: He's been here the Whole Time
nevermore913: Thank you Ben
DoctorHutch: Was there any killteam today?
BusTed: Nice
hesterbyrde: Coffee with James is awesome. I'm glad we got morning shows again
Juliamon: Nope, today was a focus on board games, not minis games
ani laurel: Is it Temu time or did I miss it?
Sarah: That was before this
SmithKurosaki: Temu time was before Barcadia :(
Texan Reverend: Those were before Barcadia.
ani laurel: ah well, something to look forward to in the vod
control_rig: Shipbreak Hardspacer
an_archist2: fallout after dark
RealGamerCow: I am so happy that Alex is playing this.
Brozard: Jacob and Cam were wonderful this morning
Plasterboard: Clap Alex
emboar2235: wait, cuz you are done. Can i post owl pics now? @LoadingReadyRun
hesterbyrde: James loves us. He really loves us.
Mr_Horrible: "Beej After Dark" has a menacing air to it, but it's mostly harmless
DoctorHutch: Ty juliamon
62MGcobra: when is James having Beej on?
Juliamon: emboar2235 If you're only posting a couple you can
Mr_Horrible: Ian: "This is stolen valor"
HorusFive: Rule of 3
emboar2235: its just one
MrPipboy3000: Dude ... Bird Wizard ...
GameSageZB: Haven't you played Wingspan, Adam?
345tom: is that co op kiwi game
Juliamon: Even better
nevermore913: Bird guys
Shadowsoflife: tiltyhEXTREME
Thefluffiestguineapig: @MrPipboy3000 Better of worse than the Muscle wizard meta/
TheMerricat: Wow, have we stayed above 24 hours all day chat?
mtvcdm: You've done it three times, that's your role now
emboar2235: don't know if you can see
VorlonScout: Gonna need to get the total up to at least to the Jordynne/Kathleen stream on Friday night.
SmithKurosaki: @emboar2235 Adorable lrrSHINE
BrowneePoints: Make sure to pick up the Extra DLC Tracks for Mario Kart!
circusofkirkus: a new VIP will be chosen?
BrowneePoints: There's 32 of them!
Juliamon: aw look at that good baby birb
GameSageZB: Birb!
I_Am_Clockwork: I'm so sad I have to work that day and can't attend :C
korvys: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
Sunidesus: @emboar2235 *happy squeal*
the_phantom_game_player: jackbox?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Good owl!!!!!!!!!
nevermore913: Street fighter 6?
Strebenherz: @emboar2235 Aww!
BusTed: Hotel wifi let's go
BrowneePoints: A NON PROFESSIONAL FG Player will win this time!
NotCainNorAbel: someone else lives
itsr67: finals will be decided by NeoTurf
Mr_Horrible: *Heef connecting on hotel wifi* sofieStare
ghizmou: that sounds amazing
neisan2112: 72???
Easilycrazyhat: Can't play with noobs, to busy pogging off
LurkerSpine: I am tempted to play from the hotel wifi lol
HorusFive: lrrHAM ?
fuzzra: Oh, you're going to get a whole lot of meaty jelly from that
PharaohBender27: :D
DoctorHutch: Haha I was thinking they would just have to eat it early and be sad
TheWanderingNomad: He's what?
Seth_Erickson: Last time was such a good time
micalovits: More smooth brains please
ConsoleHandheldGamer: The lighting is making Adam look spooky.
SFSMaus: lrrHAM
Seth_Erickson: Her brain was completely smooth
magical_writer: hard to beat last years movie
thanzo: public domain movie night is one of my faves
emboar2235: everone loves the burrowing owls
62MGcobra: smooth brains 2
ThorSokar: It'll go with the 1 million liters of Toxic waste some other local company dumped this week!
BrowneePoints: Remember that Kathleen had some good choices to if you send her a line!
emboar2235: they are small like a robin
vinewood_og: First time I caught one of these live. Incredible. Fuck i have to get up in 6 hours!!!
betweenmyself: Charade with Audrey Hepburn a nice Public Domain movie riffYeti
hidingbox: More crazy zombie takes over train movies
Mr_Horrible: I still can't believe that movie had Christopher Lee *and* Peter Cushing
hawktonguebaby: Have we been at ~24hrs to go for the entire day?
vinewood_og: SeemsGood
an_archist2: half a trillion bit
Mr_Horrible: you think 5k won't happen, James?
emboar2235: i do hope that everone enjoyed owl
ArcLightningCanuck: This has been fun, really good mix of games.
northos: @hawktonguebaby more or less
DeM0nFiRe: o/ lrrHEART
Seth_Erickson: You tweeted about joining Elden Ring James
hesterbyrde: Thanks for the games!
TheNerdySimulation: Hail Queen Jordynne
Dog_of_Myth: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
BusTed: G'night!
Seth_Erickson: Liking*
vinewood_og: Thanks all lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
KWardJenx: Bye!
I_Am_Clockwork: bye
Mr_Horrible: I *am* home safe
thanzo: lrrSHINE
spethycakes: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Thefluffiestguineapig: @emboar2235 Absolutely! He/she is a very good owl
emberBecky: lrrSHINE
Sarah_Serinde: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
mtvcdm: We've been at roughly a day to go, all day.
ElementalAlchemist: Thank you and see you around!
Oreo1369: That was fun good night everyone
Antimuffin: lrrSHINE lrrAWESOME lrrSHINE
Easilycrazyhat: sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo
Strebenherz: Take care! Get home safe y'all
HorusFive: Jokes on you. I am home.
The_Color_Twelve: I am home
GlitchCast: Papers please
GlitchCast: I just joined
Loren Farque: Byyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeee
the_phantom_game_player: bye
Thefluffiestguineapig: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
The_Color_Twelve: That was fast
Charlie_Victor7: Later skaters!
Mr_Horrible: thanks for the games, gang
nevermore913: Thank you
Astramentha: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
josh___something: Has the timer dipped below 20hrs?
Sarah_Serinde: @HorusFive Yes, that *is* the joke :P
Jennie_Fuchsia: I love the “get home safe”
emboar2235: @Thefluffiestguineapig both burrowing owls are male
Shadowsoflife: lrrSHINE lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
WardsarTheWriter: Thanks guys! That was a blast!
niccus: good news everyone, they've announced the next prospective set of emojis
NotCainNorAbel: I got home safe and then started drinking, good way to do it
LariatWest: Thanks for the games!
345tom: I think we've been at about a day to go for about 24 hours I feel like thats where we were for destiny
Pteraspidomorphi: I haven't seen it below 20h while I've been awake
KongPhantom: is there a playlist command?
An anonymous user is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to TiTOWORX!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to tergonis!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to HungryHungry_Hobo!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to RhoxInSocks!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to gruubii!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, AnAnonymousGifter! Welcome to tergonis, gruubii, HungryHungry_Hobo, RhoxInSocks, and TiTOWORX! (Today's storm count: 816)
MostCallMe__Tim: tempted to play along with Alex, Hardspace Shipbreaker is soooooooo chiiiiilllllllll
Sarah_Serinde: !bgc
LRRbot: Jimmy Hinson AKA "BigGiantCircles" is a musician whose chiptunes are featured during commercial breaks. His music, including LRR remixes and the soundtrack for Road Quest, is available here:
62MGcobra: @MostCallMe__Tim I know right
mtvcdm: You will probably want to give it a nice bump if you can to get through that watch along. You know how overnight is.
RiverMyst: Bye!
SmithKurosaki: Alex will be on with Hardspace shortly :)
JkenzieG: Byeeeee! What's up next?
JkenzieG: oh, you just answered haha
SmithKurosaki: ~psychic~ :)
RiverMyst: Good night all!
Bobtheninjagoldfish subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 70 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Bobtheninjagoldfish! (Today's storm count: 817)
KongPhantom: @Sarah_Serinde ty
vinewood_og: Timer has been at 24 hours all day. Nice job everyone!
SmithKurosaki: @vinewood_og people been hella generous :)
345tom: I've missed so much subathon this year, I've been working from in office for most of it and its been sad. I need to catch up on so much when its uploaded
Twinnie Onse: Boop
Kamotetop: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
Sarah_Serinde: Okay chat I have been here all day so I'm off to bed, have fun!
ElementalAlchemist: Have a good sleep!
PharaohBender27: Goodnight, Sarah_Serinde!
NERVOUSHAIR: i have appeared
LostThePirate: When I left this morning it was 24 hours to go, and now that I'm home 12 hours later after a family day at the coast, it's still 24 hours to go :)
SmithKurosaki: gnight Sarah_Serinde
geckoinasuit: finally home from work- excited to see what is up!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Sarah_Serinde Sleep well! Amazing modding as always
pn55: G'night Sarah!
itira: tqsWiggle tqsWiggle tqsWiggle tqsWiggle
DeM0nFiRe: @Sarah_Serinde rpgSleep
NERVOUSHAIR: thank the mods!
neisan2112: @Sarah_Serinde Niight Sarah, you're awsome as always.
SFSMaus: sergeModLove sergeModLove sergeModLove
Sarah_Serinde: lrrHEART
NERVOUSHAIR: blessing to the mods as always
Gascitygaming: lrrSHINE
KWardJenx: Thank you mods!
geckoinasuit: i left at the end of camel up to do my due diligence so i am so excited to see what's next
neisan2112: Yeah shout out the Mods, here and Youtube, whoever is doing that
NERVOUSHAIR: all i know is that alex will be here. i think?
NERVOUSHAIR: who is current mod
the_phantom_game_player: I hope the remaining time doesnt dip too low tonight
geckoinasuit: though i fear nothing will top the public domain movie night from last time, mostly because when do i get to see that many amazing actors in one terrible movie
NERVOUSHAIR: i wish to appreciate them respectfully
FarleyF: Coming up is HArdspace Shipbreaker
SmithKurosaki: @NERVOUSHAIR many of them are around, silently watching *holds up wrench*
NotCainNorAbel: Pride5000 - I'm just a kid that 4 (d), Each day I grow some more (after this nap); I like exploring, I'm NotCainNorAbel. Well that almost worked. Night all.
NERVOUSHAIR @SmithKurosaki feels a wave of fear
Dread_Pirate_Westley: @NotCainNorAbel jlrrNo
geckoinasuit: i love hardspace shipbreaker, i need to rebuy it now that it is off game pass
SmithKurosaki: @SmithKurosaki No need to be afraid :)
NERVOUSHAIR: i love how you can absolutely identify blurry ian
PharaohBender27: Sudden music break
SmithKurosaki: Just, not all the mods are super chatty
FarleyF: which fits in well with the Comic Spaceshipping which he has created all about the crew of a space freighter and their lives - which i reccomend to read
the_phantom_game_player: Hello Alex
BusTed: HypeWave
josh___something: Hi paul!
VorlonScout: I've almost bought this game several times, happy to see a bit of it played and maybe finally decide to get it.
vinewood_og: Oooh
Thefluffiestguineapig: Wave!!
the_phantom_game_player: Hi Paul
geckoinasuit: i want a star wars version of hardspace
type_variable: @VorlonScout it goes in the square hole: the game
SFSMaus: lrrPAUL lrrPAUL lrrPAUL
hesterbyrde: Paul dance!!!
geckoinasuit: the beginning of jedi fallen order made me want that so much
uncleardata: Nice moves Paul!!!
FarleyF: I wish you could mod in ships for shipbreaker
NERVOUSHAIR: i love these dorks so much
josh___something: bye paul!
PharaohBender27: Ohai Harry
geckoinasuit: @FarleyF you sort of can?
Azsedcf: Hello vaguely human dancing blob.
NotCainNorAbel: cohost ready
Thefluffiestguineapig: Hi Harry!
neisan2112: Oh good, we get Harry co-host!
TheDangerWaffle: Hewwooo
geckoinasuit: it is not easy but people have
drocathekorok: Alex, do the whip n nae nae
bagfullofbees: @geckoinasuit all I want is aversion where the ship designs make sense
NERVOUSHAIR: very floral blurry alex
neisan2112: Glad Alex found him
Juliamon: "current mod" is not really a thing, as we don't have official schedules and just dip in and out as we can. So there's usually at least 3 or 4 mods around in some capacity, more during particularly exciting times like MonikLRRs.
FarleyF: @geckoinasuit huh neat i didnt know that - and i understand how difficult it would be
the_phantom_game_player: Hello Alex
BusTed: Hello!
Aenir798: hello
Shadowsoflife: o/
ElementalAlchemist: Hi Alex!
Catcard: hiiiiiiiiii!
space_turbulence: GooGood evening Alex!
IanAllenBird: 👋
josh___something: Hi Alex!
VorlonScout: Hello!
type_variable: heyyy
Plasterboard: o/
josh___something: Hi harry!
neisan2112: Wut up Alex
FarleyF: Hello
spethycakes: Hello!
MTGRanger: hello!
NERVOUSHAIR: oh howdy alex
vinewood_og: We have seen SOME THINGS
Herbert_Erpaderp: Hi Alex!
62MGcobra: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
space_turbulence: *good
hesterbyrde: Hi Alex!
TheAinMAP: Hello lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR lrrALEX
Camthelion: ohai alex!
HorusFive: Evening Harry. evening Harry's friend
ElementalAlchemist: They had a lot of PBR, yes
bagfullofbees: Hi Alex! I will be playing Shipbreaker alongside you
BrowneePoints: It's honestly a board game I think you'd enjoy!
VorlonScout: It was entertaining chaos
Strebenherz: Howdy Alex!
Aenir798: Public Broadcast Radio?
space_turbulence: It got very silly
NERVOUSHAIR: awwww ship
SFSMaus: lrrALEX
baskwalla: too much pbr
geckoinasuit: i haven't made it past ships with the really wild reactors yet
kataanglover1: Okay chat. I'm building the Lego Bonsai Tree set. Should I do the green leaves or the Sakura leaves?
Lord_Hosk: Break that ship, break that ship, break that other thing that will only be discovered through gameplay.
burleyboar subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 98 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, burleyboar! (Today's storm count: 818)
emboar2235: hi alex, did you see the owl yet?
DiamondMX: Watching the team get a little hammered was very fun.
josh___something: Whatcha drinking, alex?
zapshakur: let's breajk some ships!
violetblight: oh boy
PharaohBender27: SMH there's better beers that aren't *that* pricey
violetblight: this is gonna be fun
neisan2112: This looked interesting from what little I've seen
wedge_x: oh delightful
mweepigeon: ooo
Plasterboard: I hope you really enjoy it
DeM0nFiRe: It does seem like a game you would like
type_variable: YESS hes green this is going to be gooooood
geckoinasuit: @kataanglover1 sakura! frogs frogs frogs frogs
MaddogM: PBR vs PBF. discuss
Chesul: Oh man, this game is amazing.
codatski: You are in for a treat
BusTed: Cool. Hope it is up your alley.
Juliamon: I'm *very* excited to see how you play this compared to Pacific Drive.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @geckoinasuit I wish they would just make expansions for KotoR using the Legends stuff because them trying to police the canon. As a fan I like having choice
itomeshi: you are in for a treat, I think
zapshakur: it's very you for sure
Cptasparagus: how do you feel about capitalism?
Leebo140: @kataanglover1 The sakura ones look so good, do those
bagfullofbees: I reccomend open shift
nevermore913: Creepy doll helping break ships
space_turbulence: Eh, no-one can play every game
Aarek: crack into it literally
TheMerricat: Oh a blind playthrough! My condolences to the mods :D
Juliamon: There's things that are similar and things that are *extremely* different.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Juliamon I didn't even think of that and now I'm interested
KeytarCat: This game is very good in many ways
Despoiler98: ripping apart starships for fun and profit? I dont know how you wouldnt like it
Camthelion: Alex: I have been avoiding the stream due to spoilers, but how are you liking going through my old back yard in Pacific Drive?
CodenameBluebird1 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 13 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, CodenameBluebird1! (Today's storm count: 819)
space_turbulence: Hopefully you like it, but if not then lol no big deal
TheMerricat: O
Matrim528: This game is great. I have trouble watching others play it, because they don't play it 'the correct' way, which is the way I play it :P
Despoiler98: and by fun and profit I mean oxygen and barely sustained living
TennoHyena: Disable it.
kataanglover1: @Leebo140 Sakura it is!
josh___something: I mean, either way I think
TheMerricat: I'd disable it, shifts are short at the start.
Master_Gunner: may as well play relaxed
wedge_x: the intro cinematic is fantastic
SFSMaus: Disabled
bagfullofbees: try enabled for your first time, you can turn it off later
FarleyF: I've finished this game and i highly reccomend
thegentlepus: Hello from Italy!
nevermore913: I've heard good things about this game
Leebo140: @kataanglover1 Another bonus, Pink Frog!
BusTed: 😬
TheNerdySimulation: Good News: Not much has changed then
the_phantom_game_player: I was thinking about getting Pacific Drive but I ended up buying it because of your stream
geckoinasuit: i need more games like this
Dalrint: I don't know how you can put down Pacific Drive between playthroughs. It ate all my free time for like two weeks. All I could think about
TheMerricat: We were so optimistic 4 years ago... :D
NERVOUSHAIR: ai = alot of immigrants
TheNerdySimulation: Bad News: Nothing has changed then
chrono2x: there is a content warning in the first few minutes if i remember
burleyboar: I hope they have a cute furry mascot!
thedepthandbreadthofseth: There's a Futurama about it.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Even our fiction/escapism is just grim jobs
TheNerdySimulation: ACAB
TheMerricat: Eat the Rich
Gekyouryuu: Fuck da Space Police
MaddogM: PoPO?
DiamondMX: ACAB :D
l0gin4me: Space PoPo?
BrowneePoints: @burleyboar browne26PearPride
FarleyF: maybe call yourself Terri
space_turbulence: I mean, my partner makes like quintuple pay when they get posted at a wildfire, so I can see it
aesir_blade: ASCAB
thedepthandbreadthofseth: It's like the most toxic industry there is.
TheNerdySimulation: ASCAB I guess in this case
incredulouspasserby: what did I walk into
DigitalSeahorse: katesShake vicksyCheer vicksySellout
GameSageZB: Pick your "oh no I'm dying" noise!
NERVOUSHAIR: the one place tained by capitalism. space.
the_phantom_game_player: LUL
type_variable: bugs
GameSageZB: Bugs!
Master_Gunner: insect-based food
MTGRanger: yeah could you scream into the mic please? no reason, this work is safe
Despoiler98: um what was that radio traffic?
josh___something: Oh, "verify the voice file" is an ADORABLE way to pick voicelines
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha unf
gainsofcastamere: my friends keep telling me to play shipbreaker too, heard good things. Given how much you dig pacific drive it’ll probably be fun.
TennoHyena: Plastic Free
Sethalidos: you eat bugs
CodenameBluebird1: ACAB all day.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHug
TallynNyntyg: Knowing "entomology", I bet bugs.
zapshakur: crickets
Tz_BG: I really enjoyed this game
mercano82: I think Entomitarian is a bug eater
BrowneePoints: (the game has things to say and zero care about being subtle about it)
Strebenherz: Nation state of arizona
Thefluffiestguineapig: @NERVOUSHAIR My grim self wants to modify it to "existence" but then I remember scandanavia exists and I have dim hope. Also animals
Lex_Peacekeeper: so whos going to boot up their copy and play along?
VorlonScout: I don't know who McCullough is and I definitely don't have his lung in my locker
DrakoniteDev: so many boxes I can't check
Saintnex: oh god, I hate these sorts of checkmark disclaimers irl
bagfullofbees: lol your hat is getting keyed out
Thefluffiestguineapig: @BrowneePoints We need things that will be this in your face sometimes, I do enjoy that
ani laurel: excellent world building
SajuukSjet: that contract was a doozy, if you go back and read it later
DoodlestheGreat: Oh yeah, haven't seen this in a while.
Lord_Hosk: This is the best poem
violetblight: oh this games music is good
BusTed: we love banjos in space
Despoiler98: OH NO ITS FIREFLY
Chesul: and now the best opening song in gaming.
NERVOUSHAIR: spookybot's face has some keying artifacts as well
violetblight: i forgot how much it hit
Lysander_salamander: hello everyone!
TheMerricat: "Cant take the sky away from me..." oh wait.
mweepigeon: love this cinematic so much
Lysander_salamander: Oh, it's a space game!
DigitalSeahorse: a reflective black?
josh___something: Banjo!!!!!
Juliamon: I think the keying is just a little overaggressive due to specific lighting.
Leebo140: By the way Alex, your shirt is dope!
DeM0nFiRe: pjdDance
Thefluffiestguineapig: @SajuukSjet Oh, is it filled with lore? Those optional lore engagement points are great
josh___something: Fuckin hell yeah
chrono2x: I love this game
Lord_Hosk: I love this poem so much
type_variable: leelee worked on this game
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyShy
NERVOUSHAIR: space banjo
UltraVioletVodoo: i fucking love this game
Manae: Music is top notch in this game
TallynNyntyg: I don't remember this part of Enter Sandman.
thegitrogsquirrel: what is game?
IanAllenBird: I should finish this game
hvhTim: oh yeah, hat and headphones are kinds of transparent
Despoiler98: foolsCry foolsCry foolsCry foolsCry
Lysander_salamander: oh, folk music in space? Nice.
NERVOUSHAIR: there's been alot of space banjo games in the last 5 years
Matrim528: I love this intro SO MUCH.
WitchyWynne: spaced ship
PandaByName: Homeworld?
Dalrint: Homeworld
JuniorRoll: Sooo sad
Brozard: Pray the corp my wage to take
TheNerdySimulation: Was about to say
Despoiler98: 1000% Homeworld
Juliamon: The lore in this game is extremely up this community's alley.
GameSageZB: It's in the Homeworld universe.
I_Am_Clockwork: Mobius?
NERVOUSHAIR: jadawrowski?
TheMerricat: Homeworld vibes so hard.
Dalrint: @GameSageZB It's not, but they pitched it that way
Cavitation: Foss yeah
wedge_x: it is Chris Foss vibes, yeah
NERVOUSHAIR: open says me
Blue_Anteater: Space banjos make me think of Wander Over Yonder
Lysander_salamander: Reminds me of a couple of older scifi novel covers from back in the day
Pteraspidomorphi: Juliamon: I like it already
Shadwhawk: Chris Foss, yeah. He was into the bold color patterns
Chesul: This was originally going to be a homeworld spinoff, but they didn't get the license.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh yeah, this is a great 3d execution on a certain style of concept art and I love it
SajuukSjet: @TheMerricat funny you should say that, this was originally the NotHomeworld project
josh___something: This is such a good intro cinematic
TheDangerWaffle: The space banjo is *chef's kiss
NERVOUSHAIR: in space, no one can hear you strummin
zapshakur: prepare the space banjos
MrQBear: I need to play this again.
MrQBear: I never finished the story.
bagfullofbees: this intro sequence is awesome, but not super reflective of the actual gameplay
Lysander_salamander: ah, the capitalist nightmare
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHands vicksyEmpty can't find the helo emotes
NERVOUSHAIR: grimdark furries
PandaByName: Lynx, as opposed to CAT
josh___something: That's nice
Thefluffiestguineapig: Station named after a goddess of death is subtle Kappa
Gekyouryuu: if they weren't, we'd have never made it this far
TheMerricat: @SajuukSjet If anyone was the authority to tell me that, Sajuuk Sjet would be that person :D
Patorik: I loved this game
DiamondMX: @Chesul In hindsight, I think that was a mistake by the Homeworld people. This game has a lot of charm and polish - it would have been a good addition.
burleyboar: The Britsh scifi cover artist guy.... need to rewatch Jodorowsky's Dune
NorthstarTex: capitalism stole the furry tech...again...
Astramentha: theeeeese might be the corpo fash furries
josh___something: eww, president
hesterbyrde: You can't be evil without good cheekbones
Too_Many_Knives: This was a great tech demo badly in need of further investment
Lex_Peacekeeper: I thought Lynx was small time?
forcedreject: Ah so a nepo baby
PharaohBender27: Oh, a nepobaby
Chesul: @DiamondMX I definitely agree.
UltraVioletVodoo: this is such a capatalism sucks game, and i love it
burleyboar: As a furry, we tend to be anti-capitalist as tendency
Thefluffiestguineapig: @UltraVioletVodoo I am in favor of this
mtvcdm: Nah
SFSMaus: Only the UPS version of Lynx
space_turbulence: Honestly I'd take furrycorp over a lot of other corps
adamalprime: Jodorosky... Dune ht was never made
Juliamon: UPSLynx is not affiliated with Lynx Corp
GameSageZB: @Dalrint Welp! I thought it still was even now, but that does explain the vibes :D
Lysander_salamander: wow this is some good writing and voice acting. Really makes me want to start punching things
TheMerricat: "The working name for Deserts of Kharak was "Homeworld: Shipbreakers" (in fact, there's a dead sub for it somewhere). Hardspace: Shipbreaker is made by the same folks, BBI, and pays homage to its Homeworld inspiration, but is not in the Homeworld universe I don't think. iirc BBI didn't want to feel constrained (creatively or legally) by that franchise."
Thefluffiestguineapig: Sure, he's fine Kappa
TheAinMAP: lrrFINE
vinewood_og: Even in space, you have to go to work NotLikeThis
josh___something: "most pioneering"
neisan2112: @Juliamon They're too small time to be affiliated
mtvcdm: The other thousands were also selected
NERVOUSHAIR: had to do some corperate training and i think it changed me for the worse
TheNerdySimulation: just because something is named after an animal that doesn't immediately make it furry-related lol
Despoiler98: @TheMerricat Deserts of Kharak was SO GOOD
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyBless katesBless katesDevil I pray to the stars and heavens
UltraVioletVodoo: heed your superiors, become a wage slave
Dread_Pirate_Westley: The grinder, you say?
mwlsn: evening chat, have we broken much space?
Too_Many_Knives: death = opportunity
forcedreject: @burleyboar Hanging out and studying furry communities, I find that their relationship to capitalism is...complex
TheNerdWonder: don't worry about that
IanAllenBird: good luck
PharaohBender27: Hint: Anytime a large corporation calls employees "family," DON'T BELIEVE IT
TheMerricat: Strap in Alex. :D
excalgold: 'everwork' oh thanks i hate it....
zapshakur: :3c
Astramentha: don’t worry abt it
mtvcdm: It's fine
Juliamon: lrrFINE
MrQBear: Don't worry
PharaohBender27: Also wait what
NorthstarTex: lrrFINE
Despoiler98: shugrvShock shugrvShock shugrvShock SCUSE ME WHAT?
Lysander_salamander: Asset replacement program. Debt slavery, and the Company Store.
itomeshi: No no, Super Meat Boy is a different game.
GameSageZB: Nope nope nope nope this part
UltraVioletVodoo: youre a permenant slave
violetblight: you thought you were free at death huh
Brozard: You play MTG, you know life is just another resource
Angnor33: lrrFINE
BrowneePoints: @forcedreject not really
DeM0nFiRe: lrrFINE
DigitalSeahorse: death vicksyDed
burleyboar: @TheNerdySimulation Furry - it's like a secular religion
TheAinMAP: lrrFINE
BusTed: uh oh
Transmuted_Elf: did you read the fine print?
TennoHyena: Alex is not ready
Patorik: Think Bioshock
NERVOUSHAIR: you are a clone
FeyLynn: "Get in the grinder meat boy" is one of the ways to learn your earbuds are max volume
Lex_Peacekeeper: this is why you always read the contract
SajuukSjet: @TheMerricat they got into talks with GearBox, and then got given DoK, and also got to make Shipbreakers, worked out well for BBI
Transmuted_Elf: ear warning
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDed lrrFINE
Too_Many_Knives: "largely tolerable"
Gekyouryuu: congrats, you're now a Venture Brother
adamalprime: Alejandro Jodorosky was the never made Dune that was going to be Bananas...
RatherLargeToad: largely
bagfullofbees: when you die they dump you back into a clone
Dread_Pirate_Westley: "Largely"
TheNerdWonder: nonsense. slaves don't get paid. you're a permenantly inedentured servant
DiamondMX: "EverWork" yeah, that seems like a thing that the capitalists would invent.
Lysander_salamander: You owe your soul to the company store
josh___something: WAIT
ElementalAlchemist: um
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPanic vicksyPanic vicksyPanic vicksyPanic
Despoiler98: mistorFear mistorFear mistorFear mistorFear WAIT WHAT
CptMurphey: important to read the fine print
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCope
UltraVioletVodoo: even if you escape you are always employed there
chrono2x: yep
DeM0nFiRe: F
TheNerdySimulation: @burleyboar No Egyptian, silly /j
type_variable: get in the blender meatball
GameSageZB: Yuuup
Camail: freshly dead
TallynNyntyg: Welcome to the Human PLUS program, NOOB!
neisan2112: Ah so we're going the SOMA route?
RatherLargeToad: but I was using that original body
spethycakes: no deathless runs here, I guess
HorusFive: You checked the box. Don't start complaining now
Krillin_fan: Death Count: 1
MTGRanger: We sound very not under anesthesia
l0gin4me: lrrFINE lrrFINE lrrFINE lrrFINE
incredulouspasserby: "Please remain seated" WITH WHAT BODY
Angnor33: Death is only the beginning.
VorlonScout: Am I remembering correctly that Leels worked on this game?
excalgold: it sounds like there are just corpGuards beating you with batons while they do that....
xantos69: Pre killed for your convenience!
BrowneePoints: they OWN your DNA
Kaktus021: Just ground you into paste
Sethalidos: anesthesia costs money
Rhynerd: and they charge you for the death!
Juliamon: *
chrono2x: the small text is important there
TheNerdWonder: i love the lore in this expense page
Marvoleath: You cannot kill what is already dead
DiamondMX: @MTGRanger Anasthesia costs extra. And we're poor.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyRave vicksyRave vicksyRave
Dread_Pirate_Westley: @VorlonScout I believe she did some of the design of the hab.
violetblight: :)
Stephonee: Death is but a doorway, time is but a window
neisan2112: BRUHHH
vinewood_og: Weyland Yutani gonna sue somebody
JadedCynic: $$$$$$$$$
Lysander_salamander: look at all the debt you start with
PharaohBender27: Wait why did "die" have an asterisk?
TallynNyntyg: HOLY SHIT we're POOR!
UltraVioletVodoo: those are the charges
Mr_Horrible: hmm
Twilight_Spark: Indentured what did you say?
IanAllenBird: congratulations, you're in impenetrable debt
Camail: are we in soul debt now
azureHaights: Someone who knows budgeting please help me, my death is dying
neisan2112: JESUS
chrono2x: Welcome to wage slavery
tehfewl: sold my soul to the company store
zapshakur: uh oh spaghettios
josh___something: "DISPLAY OF FEES REPORT"
xVoxtric: Just a measly 1.3 billion dollars
Juliamon: This is how much it cost them to hire you
BrindleBoar: negative billionaire
UltraVioletVodoo: youre now permenantly enslaved
GameSageZB: They had to Delouse you, despite cloning you.
PandaByName: Welcome to debt!
epsilon_vee: that's a spicy meatball
TallynNyntyg: Now we're in debt to Hyperion too!
normarcl: Ahhh the debt rises
BusTed: tom nookin' it
ghyllnox: Display of fees report huh
TheAinMAP: tqsStonks tqsStonks tqsStonks
mwlsn: account maintenance fee (monthly)
Despoiler98: mistorCry
CodenameBluebird1: ummmmmmm
MrsLlante: what in the late stage capitalism is this??
DiamondMX: Technically not slavery.
miniMacGuru: Welp. That's a number.
Lysander_salamander: so much nightmare
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDed vicksyDed vicksyDed death is debt?
NERVOUSHAIR: i sold my soul to the company stooooore
Dread_Pirate_Westley: $7.50 for the report.
PharaohBender27: We're over a billion in debt!?
tehfewl: display fees fees
betweenmyself: Start your new life IN DEBT! riffYeti
violetblight: they definitely needed to spend all that money to get you into space
mtvcdm: And you'll pay back every penny
Bruceski: degaussing, delousing...
excalgold: wait how are they scanning your thumb, they turned you into a soup....
neisan2112: "Which side are you ooooonnnn"
archaicprospect: in debth
Astramentha: correct
PixelArtDragon: Deabth
mrverbal: what game is this?
TallynNyntyg: You're in deadth.
nyoomgoom: in deadbt
josh___something: Hi Weaver!
Too_Many_Knives: Woo Weaver is awesome
ghyllnox: Dead and in debt yes
forcedreject: @BrowneePoints Well there's discussions about visibility and pseduo participation in the community based around exchange of material goods like fursuits and art, but the community is so broad and diverse there isn't really a hard and fast rule
bagfullofbees: Hi Weaver
DrakoniteDev: too real
JadedCynic: now 'the company' owns your DNA...
violetblight: weaver my beloved
TennoHyena: Ready to work forever!
BrowneePoints: The Alex of Theseus
Shadowsoflife: so working for the orzhov
TheNerdySimulation: corporations were getting real sick of this whole "death" thing to avoid debt
QuixoticScrivener: #lifegoals?
ANeMzero: the suit computer in subnautica does tell you pretty early on that you'll be billed for it
NorthstarTex: weaver is a good bean in my book
TheNerdWonder: of course you're you...well a version of you at least
Sethalidos: I love that there is a $7.50 fee to show how much in debt you are
Lysander_salamander: mew
NERVOUSHAIR: weaver thinks hard work pays off
mwlsn: He's so folksy and easygoing
Talin06: now that you are dead do you have rights any more?
zapshakur: You're no longer Alex, now you're Balex
excalgold: i love the homeworldy feel of the art of this game atleast
ylegm: has anyone actually worked off their debt in this game? Honestly curious to know if it's possible.
DigitalSeahorse: katesLoaf meow
ReverseCreations: Welcome to Shipbreaker, where you're the Ship of Theseus
BusTed: libtroThumbsup
TallynNyntyg: Now we're doing a Halo tutorial.
josh___something: Weaver is also a cutie
JadedCynic: @Sethalidos you noticed that too? :)
Too_Many_Knives: Motion sickness warning
neveth: "You load 16 tons, what do you get? Another day older and deeper in debt St. Peter, don't you call me 'cause I can't go I owe my soul to the company store"
GameSageZB: There's a VR mod for this game!
Lysander_salamander: complex
SnackPak_: weee!
TheNerdWonder: @ylegm I have never done it, but I think it is actually possible if you work at it enough and don't die too much
Blasteg: is this live or highlight?
Lex_Peacekeeper: this is a "how quick till I get sick" game
ANeMzero: live
Azsedcf: You may try, but eventually you will forget.
Lysander_salamander: how many people die in the tutorial?
neisan2112: Oh no... I might not be able to watch this with this camera.
SajuukSjet: Gotta remember your Enders Game there, Alex :P
EikoandMog: @Blasteg Live!
Cavitation: The barge is down
betweenmyself: alright chat, your vomit bags are located below whatever you’re currently sitting upon
excalgold: @neveth there is a fee to sing that song, please deposite credits or add 72.50 to your existing debt
TheNerdWonder: some of the upgrades remove the periodic charges too
JadedCynic: 'up' and 'down are flexible - they'll make it easier to set a frame of reference for you :)
Astramentha: @talin06 an excellent question, we’ll find out! :3
tehfewl: pitch, roll, and yaw
TheMerricat: @EikoandMog Live and first playthough.
josh___something: Oh GOOD, we have scrip... sorry, lynx tokens
TennoHyena: Yeah recommended no oxy leak for a reason. It's better to take it slow.
Lex_Peacekeeper: Alex you want a spoiler for a missable secret?
josh___something: Uhhhhh
TheMerricat: Weaver an AI?
burleyboar: Is this Decent with more of a plot?
betweenmyself: Descent is a lot slower paced than I remember riffThink
Astramentha: @themerricat nope, fellow clone
burleyboar: lrrAWESOME lrrAWESOME
josh___something: Weaver's a normal guy, IIRC
josh___something: Well, spare
TheMerricat: @Astramentha Well he was... till his last revive. :P
MungoDude: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
epsilon_vee: roly poly fish feet
Azsedcf: Weaver is the best boss you will ever meet.
JadedCynic: alex - if you look carefully, your shadow will show your body as you move around :)
RealGamerCow: Good old weaver
josh___something: My headcanon is that someone accidentally forgot to backup weaver's leg
SquareDotCube: ended up with giant chicken thighs
GameSageZB: fiiiiiire =]
Too_Many_Knives: The Furnace Hungers
mercano82: all glory to the furnace gods
Caffine1138: You haven't lived until you Furnace Dive
JadedCynic: hot take: I preferred the 'alpha v/a' for Weaver more than this one; both good, but first one was better
TheMerricat: Chat... just double checking when you were referencing Descent... you were talking about the old old 6 DOF dos game, right? Or did they make a newer one since then that I haven't heard of?
Cavitation: Be reborn in its warm embrace
JadedCynic: there ya go!
excalgold: Open Furnace in space! -your safety is our highest concern here at Lynx! (note: your saftey is a tertiary concern next to profit, please manage your own safety)
I_Am_Clockwork: just biffing yourself right in the noggin with a piece of aluminum the size of god
RealGamerCow: It took me like 5 ships to realize I could reel in the grapple
jvetting83: Off the backboard.
JadedCynic: like you were born, er, cloned to do this job :)
Too_Many_Knives: You haven't played Shipbreaker until a physics glitch launches you a your entire ship into the furnace
Thefluffiestguineapig: My resub doesn't come around for 9 days cmonBruh
chrono2x: Momentum can be a harsh mistress in this game
Cptasparagus: @JadedCynic i thought it was the same guy, they just rerecorded with "better equipment"
BusTed: bonk
Too_Many_Knives: BONK
ANeMzero: @TheMerricat There was technically a newer Descent but it got publisher issues that took so long to resolve the license expired so it isn't Descent anymore
IanAllenBird: donk
josh___something: OWIE
GameSageZB: @Too_Many_Knives You mean crashes your game as it tries to go into the furnace!
I_Am_Clockwork: we all do it at least once
LordZarano: @JadedCynic Now I'm curious if there's an equivalent to port, starboard, fore, aft for ship's up and down
PandaByName: got hit by that thing going 40
EikoandMog: BONK
Thefluffiestguineapig: Game a little quiet?
RealGamerCow: @too_many_knives I had a ship that *vibrated* unsettlingly
DiamondMX: @ANeMzero Which game is the Not-Descent you speak of?
TennoHyena: Bonkk yourself in the helmet and yes it knocks the radio on
TallynNyntyg: When do the Necromorphs show up?
I_Am_Clockwork: "that's why you have clones haha :)"
PharaohBender27: @Thefluffiestguineapig Calendar clearly biased against this subathon
bagfullofbees: yep, I've bonked myself in the face to death several times
Thefluffiestguineapig: I can't really hear the narration
JadedCynic: @Cptasparagus if that's the case, I liked the worse recording :D
CptMurphey: little percussive maint
Cptasparagus: @LordZarano its all starboard brother
ANeMzero: @DiamondMX Descent Underground / Ships That Fight Underground
EikoandMog: We borked the radio with the headbonk
jjcard: I wonder what Speedruns of this game are like?
Too_Many_Knives: @RealGamerCow menacingly
BusTed: tqsWow
Sunidesus: Hi Jade!
IanAllenBird: puppy.....
Caffine1138: PUPPY
BrowneePoints: Hi Jade!
Despoiler98: PUPPY
DeM0nFiRe: puppo!
SnackPak_: ji Jade
measureofhope: Puppy!
josh___something: KITTY!
Gekyouryuu: puppy!
hesterbyrde: BABY
BusTed: benginPet benginPet benginPet
Lysander_salamander: yay
CaptainChibale: pubby!
EikoandMog: PUPPY NO
neisan2112: JADE!
Makoforte: DOG
baskwalla: bork
Shadowsoflife: pupper
TallynNyntyg: Oh god the dog got Rayman'd!
PharaohBender27 is gifting 3 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 1623 in the channel!
DiamondMX: Where is the rest of the dog, I am afraid.
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Sojourner1204!
Thefluffiestguineapig: DOGGOOOO
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Keyboardmonkey!
PharaohBender27 gifted a Tier 1 sub to YounGNerd2014!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPog
josh___something: DOGS GET SUBS!
HorusFive: mattlrDogchamp
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, PharaohBender27! Welcome to Sojourner1204, Keyboardmonkey, and YounGNerd2014! (Today's storm count: 822)
Strebenherz: DOGGY
Astramentha: anubianWaggle anubianWaggle anubianWaggle anubianWaggle anubianWaggle anubianWaggle
RealGamerCow: @too_many_knives yeah, it killed me
FadedOverseer: boof boof boof
Juliamon: Hi Jade!
hesterbyrde: A BABY!!!! And also a dog
ghyllnox: Jade~!
NERVOUSHAIR: what the dog doin!?
JadedCynic: remember - action/reaction - you push a chunk of metal, and YOU will move back a little
LostThePirate: DOGGIE
GenericHerooo: =3
excalgold: Chroma keyed Puppy!
Azsedcf: Dog shaped thing!
CaptainChibale: HI PUBBY
Lysander_salamander: cute dog
jvetting83: Dog has no torso
NERVOUSHAIR: i love him
PharaohBender27: Dogs get subs, you say?
iris_of_ether: benginBark
LurkerSpine is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 16 in the channel!
LurkerSpine gifted a Tier 1 sub to Lhugnar!
GenericHerooo: VirtualHug
JadedCynic: HEYA jadedc5LOVE
NERVOUSHAIR: he is perfect
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, LurkerSpine! Welcome to Lhugnar! (Today's storm count: 823)
measureofhope: Cheer100 #DogBits
josh___something: Hi jade!
neisan2112: So confused
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha vicksyInspect vicksyDerp
Lex_Peacekeeper: that poor dog
NorthstarTex: sub for the dog
TallynNyntyg: The eyes are keyed out too!
EikoandMog: GHOST DOG
Makoforte: such a cute puppy.....
xantos69: You can't prove that is a dog. That might be a cat!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Who is this puppy? Is this Jade? or someone else
vinewood_og: A+ puppers
RealGamerCow: Jade cute
NewtyNewts: Dog!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Dogs!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Dogs! (Today's storm count: 824)
SnowBuddy18: Dogs dogs dogs
burleyboar: The dog is a ghost!
CaptainChibale: bye pubby!
Theo Heyens: DOG
Despoiler98: foolsAWOOGA foolsAWOOGA foolsAWOOGA foolsAWOOGA lookit the PUPPY
Gekyouryuu: is her name Jade because she gets greenscreened out? Kappa
itomeshi is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 2 in the channel!
itomeshi gifted a Tier 1 sub to jjcard!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, itomeshi! Welcome to jjcard! (Today's storm count: 825)
I_Am_Clockwork is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 807 in the channel!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to mindrot!
pn55: Wow, exploiting pupper for financial gain :p
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to Sleirr!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to myknorman!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to Mechsican!
I_Am_Clockwork gifted a Tier 1 sub to Murfburffle!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, I_Am_Clockwork! Welcome to Mechsican, myknorman, mindrot, Sleirr, and Murfburffle! (Today's storm count: 830)
Thefluffiestguineapig: Jade is best as all doggos are best
azureHaights: Dogs get subs, cats get po'boys
Snowcookies: Love Jade
PharaohBender27: Hold on I gifted 3! And Clockwork's gifting 5!
Redbassist: lrrSPOT
mercano82: <message deleted>“Do you want your air on?” is a whole different question in this game.
Sunidesus: Cheer400 bits for Jade
Too_Many_Knives: Remember, crush damage is based on inertia not just velocity
GameSageZB: @jjcard 2h, apparently. Probably because of the story.
Astramentha: @sunidesus lrrHEART
Everspace: What receptacle does the dog go in?
DiamondMX: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
jjcard: oh dang, thanks for the gift sub
Strebenherz: Who's pupper was that?
NorthstarTex: off to bed, looking forward to this vod, see you in the morning for the watch along
Juliamon: Strebenherz James and Ashley's
TennoHyena: Really wish this had been multiplayer.
DiamondMX: Pride400 for doggo
Juliamon: that's Jade Turner
type_variable: you can shoot multiple times to stack the force push on them
josh___something: Does weaver have some (more) technology related trauma?
Lysander_salamander: got that big mass
Lord_Hosk: I have over 200 hours in this game. I love it so much. I can't wait for alex to discover all the fun things
Everspace: I worked at BBI, it was already struggling just with 1 guy ha ha
PharaohBender27: @Juliamon Holy shit that name works so well :D
josh___something: Or is being disabled via faulty data most of it?
TheMerricat: @TennoHyena On one hand. yes so much. on the other hand... I only see disaster looming with two cutters working on any of the higher tier ships at the same time. :D
FarleyF: i've only got 64.9 hours but hard agree Lord Hosk
MrQBear: no no no n o no
chrono2x: You are too close
Too_Many_Knives: too close
mercano82: <message deleted>i forgot how much beginner tools sucked in this game.
Lord_Hosk: Ohh nooo
62MGcobra: o7
TheMerricat: Umm alex....
chrono2x: goodbye
UltraVioletVodoo: you get dragged in
Too_Many_Knives: !!!
type_variable: lmao
Thefluffiestguineapig: This seems like Alex's brand of crunchy game
BusTed: benginO7
JadedCynic: bye alex
Too_Many_Knives: REEEEL
bagfullofbees: stay out of the processor
Easilycrazyhat: whelp
CptMurphey: lol
josh___something: alex, you're getting processed
excalgold: watch out for the succ.....
mercano82: <message deleted>!death
SnackPak_: lrrSPOOP
MrQBear: oh n- no
E4rthR0cker: ohno
Easilycrazyhat: That was quick XD
Thefluffiestguineapig: Uuuuuuuuhhhh
Too_Many_Knives: Congrats
CaptainChibale: oops
Lord_Hosk: You have been processed
IanAllenBird: rip
Thefluffiestguineapig: o7
Saintnex: whoops
62MGcobra: processed]
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDed vicksyDed vicksyDed
HorusFive: Shame about your life
tehfewl: too close
DoodlestheGreat: Oopsie poopsie.
Gekyouryuu: they DID say it was safe to die
Lex_Peacekeeper: did anyone have "being prosscesed day 1"?
JadedCynic: time for alex to get strapped to a pallet of nanopanels :D
BlindRift98: self processing
E4rthR0cker: we've all been printed before, ya know
Thefluffiestguineapig: Expired is super ominous
bagfullofbees: yeah, so the processor and furnace inlets are magnetic
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyLUL
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha bleak
QuixoticScrivener: death count 2
GameSageZB: And reminder that most of the value was in your equipment.
62MGcobra: at least you get money for yourself
BlindRift98: are we recyclable?
Juliamon: Most of that was the suit!
Bruceski: "This incident may be recorded for the company Christmas party."
bagfullofbees: don't get that close
DigitalSeahorse: breath with what lungs?
Dalrint: I like how you are your own next of kin
vinewood_og: 1099-187
JadedCynic: okay, so we've learned that there's a 'suction' near those aperatures, right? :)
Thefluffiestguineapig: @BlindRift98 I think more disposable
mercano82: shame about your death, now get back to work.
josh___something: THAT'S how they get ya, sure
PharaohBender27: Oh good, at least ISO 8601 survives into space capitalist dystopia
LordZarano: @LordZarano I just looked it up. On the ISS up is "Zenith" and down is "Nadir"
UltraVioletVodoo: congratulations you found out that you get dragged into the processor
josh___something: Dead space
Easilycrazyhat: "Your death has increased your debt...0.000000001%. Please not this in your records."
vinewood_og: Yet
Easilycrazyhat: *note
Despoiler98: hard space dead space SAME THING
DoodlestheGreat: Are ya sure?
JadedCynic: @Dalrint didn't you hear the little girl singing? Obviously the Cutter's next of kin is her Kappa
ylegm: at least necromorphs would let you die
BusTed: Satisfying
DigitalSeahorse: just like butter
Despoiler98: very satisfying
DigitalSeahorse: cuts like butter*
Despoiler98: cutter go BRRRRRRRR
TheAinMAP: Cool technology.
GameSageZB: Boop
RatherLargeToad: if you don’t see necromorphs then that means you are the necromorph
FarleyF: if it helps you can use the numbers to select your tools
JadedCynic: the more you cut, the more you waste
Too_Many_Knives: The grapple gets stronger with upgrades
UltraVioletVodoo: i really love the physics engine in this game
Too_Many_Knives: So you can yeet heavy things
mercano82: you can also switch tools with 1, 2, 3, and 4 if you don’t like the radial menu
Lord_Hosk: Yes... there are 0 evil space aliens that will try to eat your face in this... RIGHT CHAT? RIGHT? 0 Evil space aliens
Thefluffiestguineapig: The same gameplay that was supposed to make MGS Revengence captivating
Azsedcf: Be aware, there is a loss of mass when cutting
Lord_Hosk: Just like alex said
JadedCynic: one 100kg panel cuts into 2 498kg half-panels, there is wastage
ANeMzero: @Lord_Hosk I think this is a no spoiler stream so we can't answer either way.
TheMerricat: No that's because your cutter imparts force.
type_variable: youre increasing the lost dollarlydoos at top middle
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Lord_Hosk Are we counting upper management of hypercapitalist corporations as aliens/non-humans
Lex_Peacekeeper: the laser pushes it a little as you cut
Too_Many_Knives: red part of the bar at the top is waste
BrowneePoints: Hey Chat is in effect
BrowneePoints: !HeyChat
LRRbot: Please ONLY offer advice when the streamer uses the phrase "Hey, chat...". Let them try to learn the game on their own, even if it means they miss a thing or two.
ylegm: this is the worst game of pool ever
IanAllenBird: o7
type_variable: hahahaha
Caffine1138: hahahaha
I_Am_Clockwork: great first shift! we only died once Kappa
Everspace: You have 8 day workweek
Dalrint: If by four you mean seven, sure
Juliamon: What is a "week" in space
Lysander_salamander: I don't think you're unionized
GameSageZB: The four day workweek in a 3 day cycle?
Easilycrazyhat: Haahahaha...hahahaha...hah....lno
Caffine1138: he thinks he gets time off
UltraVioletVodoo: 4 day? you mean 10 days a week right?
JadedCynic: sure - a 4-day work week...on a 4-day week B)
Gekyouryuu: you've got the 4 Life Work Week Kappa
DigitalSeahorse: too close
DoodlestheGreat: I'd forgotten I've watched Serge play this.
Makoforte: it's a four day work week but in the system you are in it's a 3 day week
DiamondMX: I feel like this company would make you work 4 days at once with 4 clones, all week.
CanvasWolfDoll: how does this setting have a four day work week instead of eight?
mercano82: four day work week, but in LEO each day is only 90 minutes.
BrowneePoints: @Juliamon well if we're going off Star Wars, a standardized set of hours based on the Coruscanti Solar Day
TheFool76: 4 day work week but 7 days of rent payment
SajuukSjet: the one thing Open Shift lifts from you is the 15min time limit in which you'd otherwise be killed by radiation
Jorsh029: Spoiler alert: this Space-folk soundtrack fucking SLAPS
62MGcobra: you get the 8 hour off work day
SquareDotCube: The tank trap-lookling things are anchors you can grapple to
ylegm: they probably just have different hab just so you'll never meet yourself
TheMerricat: This setting has a 4 day work week. You work four days. Then your week is over and the next one starts.
measureofhope: Are those space hedgehogs in case someone invades your salvage yard with space tanks?
dylan16807: simultaneous 4 day work week?
josh___something: Not a seasoned spacefarer, so you still run in place
RealGamerCow: Does the game teach you the hot keys for the tools?
Trise: Space!
bagfullofbees: you can see your own shadow with the right positioning
Too_Many_Knives: (spoilers)
josh___something: hehe
korvys: Spiders man
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyLUL
Lysander_salamander: I should try this game someday
Easilycrazyhat: If you twist your head hard enough, the game will sense it ;p
MrBrightside1: what is this game?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyRoll
DiamondMX: I don't think airbrakes work in space.
LordZarano: @LordZarano Wait no, Zenith and Nadir are what those sides of the ship are called, but the directions are "overhead" and "deck"
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyFastRoll
SajuukSjet: @RealGamerCow yeah, all the instructions have the keybinds largely behind Alex
Everspace: When I first played I fucked up the tutorial so bad I couldn't continue FallCry
Too_Many_Knives: @RealGamerCow It only teaches you the radial menu but they're right there in the keymap
JadedCynic: @CanvasWolfDoll because we don't get ANY days off; it can be ALL of the possibilities: a 4-day work a 4-day week, or a 7-day work week in a traditional 7-day week, or a 10-day work week in a 'tenday' week...all the same
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyClap
Gekyouryuu: clearly they make 28 clones of you to work simultaneously: 4 week workday
TheDangerWaffle: make dat moneyyyy
mtvcdm: Out of how much debt
xVoxtric: 300k sounds like a lot. but 1.3B is too much.
BlindRift98: spork lift
tehfewl: you are a space forklift
TheMerricat: @measureofhope To let the joke woosh over me, I believe the actual purpose of them is as tether points to keep your ships from floating away since they are unpowered.
mercano82: inflation, man
Easilycrazyhat: Yeah XD
bagfullofbees: YOU ARE the space forklift
DoodlestheGreat: Bil and a quarter.
RealGamerCow: @sajuuksjet it was another thing it took me forever to figure out.
JadedCynic: @mercano82 my headcanon for that is - LYNX is trying to minimize exposure of their clone workers to unfiltered solar radiation
Thefluffiestguineapig: That was a sharp spike in debt
Lord_Hosk: A billion dollars sounds like a lot of money. I wonder how much you earn?
Despoiler98: nice little cabin
DiamondMX: The only landlord more unethical than this one is Tom Nook.
Jorsh029: You're a (billionaire)!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Is is compound interest by the minute? Plus materials
Juliamon: I love the Hab. It's such a good storytelling room.
DigitalSeahorse: so THAT's why they kill you, otherwise you'd not have enough time to pay it off
Juliamon: The filth on that counter and computer says just so, so much.
mtvcdm: Remember a 1 million credit shift would need to be done 1300 times to get your debt paid.
Dalrint: Maybe dying is tiring
RealGamerCow: Love the hab. It truly becomes home
TheNerdySimulation: most babies are likenthat
RTwo28: Did I join early on in the segment for once?
CanvasWolfDoll: take your union granted breaks, alex
MTGRanger: i mean you might want some time to process
measureofhope: 20min workday ain't bad for a corporate hellscape
DoodlestheGreat: Being born takes a lotta work.
josh___something: Dying may be emotionally taxing, if nothing
n__een_n: what game is this
DigitalSeahorse: charge your battery time I guess
PharaohBender27: What's the LOW?
ElementalAlchemist: why do they even have that weather report
BlindRift98: im sure psychologically after dieing twice in a day a nap would be nice
FarleyF: Damn we will need a sweater
TallynNyntyg: Live, Laugh. Salvage.
BusTed: bugs are the fundamental base of the food pyramid
Too_Many_Knives: No-Name DECOR
TallynNyntyg: Sausage*
FarleyF: @n__een_n HArdspace Shipbreaker
DiamondMX: 2 degrees above absolute zero, that's almost warm.
JadedCynic: @DiamondMX See, everyone rags on him for that, but 1) he gives you a 0% interest mortgage, 2) that has no term; you pay it off at whatever pace you want.
space_turbulence: I mean, who knows how big inflation has gotten by now. $1Bill debt might be, like $1Mill in today's money. Totally reasonable! ^^;
DigitalSeahorse: carreer regression?
TheDangerWaffle: @TheNerdySimulation I was about to say. Yeah. Especially the first day. Not so much the second.
mwlsn: hm, do I want bear or chicken?
ThorSokar: I'm willing to bet the reason they killed you is so that you don't have rights anymore since you're legally dead
BrindleBoar: that food pyramid tho
DigitalSeahorse: career*
BusTed: so many fingerprints WutFace
Easilycrazyhat: Cleaning supplies don't grow on trees
forcedreject: did that screen get dirty in space?
PharaohBender27: Look, screen cleaning fluid is at a premium Kappa
Lord_Hosk: I guess we will have to wait and see how much Alex can earn each shift
TheMerricat: @forcedreject Anyone ever tell you what the dust in your house is made of? :D
Easilycrazyhat: @forcedreject Humans are greasy, dirty monkeys
JadedCynic: @space_turbulence (tiny spoiler - if you throw an soda bottle into the furnace, you get reimbursed $10 - just a bottle RETURN. So yeah, inflation is a factor...)
patrick_stonecrusher: Humans are filth factories
forcedreject: @TheMerricat It's made of me
TheFool76: Only 2.500 for a bottle of company approved screen cleaner
bagfullofbees: what are you looking for?
RealGamerCow: Railmail
Easilycrazyhat: I mean... the game did *start* with a planned death.
Too_Many_Knives: Oh one important thing. When you see a box marked TUTORIAL click it. You won't be able to advance if you don't. People show up on the subreddit for this game confused about it all the time
Strebenherz: the freaking thumbs up
Thefluffiestguineapig: That name says many things
ani laurel: That "Decor" posted has strong No Name vibes
BlindRift98: this game should have curse button like summer car
NERVOUSHAIR: someone read the culture series with a ship name like that
Easilycrazyhat: "Throwing the whole buffalo in the bonfire"
mtvcdm: I mean this way they only have to hire once. Hiring someone new is expensive and high turnover rates are bad headlines.
PharaohBender27: Cheer4800 Will try to go into lurk mode, but here's a few more minutes
Despoiler98: this is 1000% a homeworld 1 scout
FarleyF: this is the best what they call a Dad Game - you put on a podcast and just chill out
Despoiler98: down to the low polygons
ReverseCreations: Vegeta, you get up and you EAT THAT HORSE!
bagfullofbees: @FarleyF or in my case, I have the LRR subathon on while I play this
caimheul subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 84 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, caimheul! (Today's storm count: 831)
NERVOUSHAIR: mom lets you have 2 horses?
RealGamerCow: I found I really enjoyed listening to Rush and other prog rock when I played
NERVOUSHAIR: hehehe structural memeber
ylegm: oh criminy, this feels very fraught
bagfullofbees: that's a game mechanic you haven't learned about yet
FarleyF: @bagfullofbees i would do that too but i have to work - im in the Mad Max Time Zone
Easilycrazyhat: At least it's not dolomite
Lex_Peacekeeper: ya somehow a chunk of the tutorial seems to have been skipped
JadedCynic: I like to think the yellow 'cut-points' are made of like lead or pewter
heronblademaster: ooo, this game is great
JadedCynic: low melt-points
NERVOUSHAIR: i already feel crippling workplace sadness
RealGamerCow: Jadedcynic my headcanon was pig iron
JadedCynic: streamer groks the underlying mechanics :)
Saintnex: so, are we on the pacific drive level of blasting/breaking down potentially dangerous things? lol
Too_Many_Knives: It gets way more dangerous
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDerp
Thefluffiestguineapig: Always assume the reason is at least partially sex stuff
type_variable: gooooooal
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDerp vicksyDerp vicksyDerp
JadedCynic: it's GOOD! lrrHORN
Shadwhawk: Now just do that 50 more times
TheAinMAP: FBtouchdown
ghyllnox: So, his stepbrother was an android is what I'm hearing
NERVOUSHAIR: at least your manager is nice
DiamondMX: @Shadwhawk I think you missed a few zeroes.
caimheul: @Shadwhawk That's optimistic we'll make enough money after only 50 times :P
DigitalSeahorse: yup
NERVOUSHAIR: that's wild
Too_Many_Knives: Splitsaw can cut 2 adjacent cut points at once, but be very careful.
Saintnex: @too_many_knives oh goody, I look forward to seeing Alex cutting through a reactor or something :D
JadedCynic: @RealGamerCow eh, we DO have 'steel' in the game, and it's cutable, but doesn't 'vaporize' like these cut points...
ylegm: DND has ruined my brain, I hear cutter and I can only think about Sigil
googoltudoris: man, i should have gotten this game on steam sale, but i've got so many good unplayed games...
Thefluffiestguineapig: I think you mentioned it during the Pacific Drive stuff at some point but the stories are amazing
NERVOUSHAIR: junkie jack
Shadwhawk: I meant for this mission alone
TheMerricat: You did mention that. Do they no longer scrap things or are the licenses just no longer necessary?
DEATHlikescats: Very Iron Giant of her
DoodlestheGreat: I had a uncle who ran a scrapyard in upstate New York.
Too_Many_Knives: wat
NERVOUSHAIR: i adore jack
Strebenherz: WHAT
E4rthR0cker: boom scrappin
NERVOUSHAIR: i stan jack
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyD
E4rthR0cker: i like it
Despoiler98: foodvi2OMG foodvi2OMG foodvi2OMG
BrindleBoar: time saver
Herbert_Erpaderp: Rad!
Thefluffiestguineapig: UUUUUUUHHHHHHHH
josh___something: S... sick?
Caffine1138: Rapid Scrapping
BlindRift98: king shit
caimheul: Dynamite, for when you need real small scrap.
DGatsby: frak yeah
bagfullofbees: neat
Camthelion: this man is awesome.
DigitalSeahorse: lrrCOW
TheNerdWonder: once again, this explains a lot :)
josh___something: Y I K E
Too_Many_Knives: CAREFUL
Thefluffiestguineapig: @PharaohBender27 Or did this dynamite incident stop it?
Everspace: maybe that's why they don't do any more of those
rosesmcgee: He was the speed runner of scrapping
josh___something: NOT AGAIN
Too_Many_Knives: Good use of the reel to save yourself
miniMacGuru: You can just put the dynamite in the car and just pick up a bunch of useful car parts afterwards, right?
TheDangerWaffle: Omg. yes haha.
Toxxick: Trinitrotoluene Jack doesnt quite roll off the tongue
Easilycrazyhat: I have a tip for the grav gun if you'd like it?
DigitalSeahorse: right into the other one
JadedCynic: yeah, if your UI starts getting interference, something's wrong...
niccus: the human goes in the square hole
Everspace: I thought you were going to fling yourself into the other one
NERVOUSHAIR: oh lovely!
type_variable: its for later
Too_Many_Knives: The floaties get explained later
Lord_Hosk: That looks like a thing!
DGatsby subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 28 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DGatsby! (Today's storm count: 832)
forcedreject: At this time of day? At this time of year? In this part of the country? Localized entirely within your family?
NERVOUSHAIR: thingamajig
TheMerricat: This one?
Easilycrazyhat: It's a usb podcasting mic
chrono2x: That's a thing for a bit later
BlindRift98: good old greebles
bagfullofbees: it's a game mechanic you haven't learned about yet
SajuukSjet: iirc recycling stuff comes later
NERVOUSHAIR: what a shame
JadedCynic: garbage - pesky LYNX crews treating their ships as garbage cans
mwlsn fires up the local bookstore website
RTwo28: Probably an RCS jet?
JadedCynic: <3
jjcard: square...pigs?
ghyllnox: Of course it's illustrated :D
Lysander_salamander: oh, I forgot about that movie
vinewood_og: It is pretty bad, but I've seen it a dozen times!
RealGamerCow: Space whippits
DigitalSeahorse: TheMerricat that's the one
measureofhope: Wow, Alex's whole family are illustrators?
DEATHlikescats: That's where spam comes from
DEATHlikescats: Space Ham
googoltudoris: i really wish i could adjust my "worry about" based on how much i'm getting paid
vinewood_og: Ham^3
SquareDotCube: They did it to watermelons, why not pigs
cosarprime: oof
JadedCynic: Debi Mazar (aka Maria from GTA 3)
PharaohBender27: oooooof
TheDangerWaffle: im sorry what lol
frogomb: It has old man Lanister
cosarprime: low bar?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Bro, that's a looooooow bar
Strebenherz: I just started watching the leprechaun movies
measureofhope: Low Intensity Wang is my Sex Pistols cover band
ANeMzero: a bar so low you have to dig.
BrowneePoints: Oh. The one where a guy pisses on the Leprechaun and he posses him as an STI?
googoltudoris: worse than armageddon though?
space_turbulence: This game is giving me big Planetes vibes
lady_olynder: i sure chose an interesting time to turn on sound
SquareDotCube: yet worse than Jason X
BrowneePoints: Possess*
Thefluffiestguineapig: That bar would snag a professional limbo dancer's clit piercing
DigitalSeahorse: xray vision! vicksyInspect
NERVOUSHAIR: notice he didnt say treat
HyruleGirl9: Hey everyone, what is this game called?
BrowneePoints: Possesses*
BusTed: LUL
vinewood_og: Warwick Davis let's go
Thefluffiestguineapig: It's sure a time
drroxorphd: Jason in space, so good
violetblight: fuck i wanna play this game again but i dont have game pass anymore
JadedCynic: Jason X <3
Strebenherz: I have been loving them so far. The leprechaun movies are fantastically cheesy in a wonderfully 90s way
CodenameBluebird1: While Jason X is not a *good* movie, it is super super fun lol.
IanAllenBird: @HyruleGirl9 Hardspace Shipbreaker
hiryuu1115: oh, the sleeping bag scene!
patrick_stonecrusher: I like Leprechaun 2 best of them. Suspence music for sneezes lol
JadedCynic: it's basically a softcore 'movie' setup :)
DigitalSeahorse: PrideLaugh
gainsofcastamere: I love that Jason X started as a fanscript and the writer named all the characters after people in his WoW guild.
BrowneePoints: That's one of his moves in Multiversus
Makoforte: AMAZING
BrowneePoints: and the Bed Snap
BrowneePoints: no i'm not joking Alex
forcedreject: I think it's literally the lines of "we are about to engage in premarital sex"
TheMerricat: @gainsofcastamere !!!!
drroxorphd: Cyborg jason LUL
Makoforte: wh-
TheDangerWaffle: lmao what.
undead__geek subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, undead__geek! (Today's storm count: 833)
BlindRift98: it sucks in the best ways
Makoforte: why is jason in multiversus
JadedCynic: Jason X was "so bad it's actually kinda good"
Dalrint: It's a great 'so bad it's good' movie
BrowneePoints: idk but Jason is in Multiversus
Strebenherz: Which movie, to be clear?
FarleyF: i love the Jason X movie
bagfullofbees: so bad they're bad?
TheMerricat: @forcedreject :D
Makoforte: I don't think I have ever had a genuinely so bad it's good movie?
ReverseCreations: too bad it isn't in the public domain
forcedreject: @TheMerricat Two become one
Juliamon: If it has TOO much momentum it double-loops
vinewood_og: Double dog shit
ylegm: what about the third time?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyRoll round and round
JadedCynic: Tommy Wiseau, for example - just didn't stop...
iris_of_ether: Star Wars Christmas Special
BrowneePoints: The enjoyable bad movies are the ones that were made honestly and earnestly
MacbethSeemsSus: You reach a point where you no longer have to care about it which then makes it fun to watch
Too_Many_Knives: You almost set yourself on fire
betweenmyself: there are a *lot* of terrible space movies, such as “The Journey: Absolution” starring Mario Lopez and Jaime Pressley
Too_Many_Knives: in a vacuum
vinewood_og: Fortress.
BrowneePoints: Like, the Room is a fun watch because Tommy Wiseau was TRYING
MacbethSeemsSus: Versus bad, but a sense of investment
space_turbulence: The secret sauce of good-bad movies is hard to really get right
gainsofcastamere: The Plan 9 formula.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh yeah, love is an important component
epsilon_vee: i can't really consider space truckers outside of the "remember that time when hollywood thought dorff was like a thing" context
drroxorphd: They have to be made seriously
DEATHlikescats: God's of Egypt. Earnest AF
Makoforte: Like I have a love for shows that are earnestly dumb? But they have to be like... genuinely earnest and still good in other ways
VorlonScout: Not unlike W+P games
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeah, "we want the hate watch people" is a bad start
SnowBuddy18: You have to put effort in
patrick_stonecrusher: Millhouse is not a meme
NevermorePainting: Like Sucker Punch is a good example of "Bad, but rules"
ylegm: "Hudson Hawk", I'll never recommend it but I love it to bits
Mollylele: some studio just announced a parody of Sharknado -.-
gainsofcastamere: You need to earnestly believe it’s great like Ed Wood.
betweenmyself: labors of love
measureofhope: Kung Fury threads that needle perfectly. It is a perfect 80s action camp parody movie
NERVOUSHAIR: effort is noticeable
forcedreject: Ah the Time Ramiscide Effect
BrowneePoints: Look, the first Mortal Kombat movie is dumb as hell. but it SLAPS
Dalrint: Like a lot of scify original movies
MWGNZ: prayer warriors was sincere
DigitalSeahorse: the game
GameSageZB: Much better than boring.
Gulleko: trying to be campy is similar to trying to be cool
FarleyF: Stand Against the Devil
NERVOUSHAIR: have you guys played the game jodiro yet?
DandyGeek: One of my favorite trash films is The Alien Factor. It’s so earnest, and its ambition is so far beyond anyone’s skillset. It made for a great episode of Cinematic Titanic.
PharaohBender27: @Mollylele I'm sorry what
Antimuffin: For me I need Rifftrax or similar to enjoy a bad movie. The hardest I've ever laughed was live commentary over the Twilight movie back to back with old TMNT movie.
bagfullofbees: oh man, Beautycopter was transcendently wierd
Rhynerd: ^
FarleyF: while in the meantime Spud was just a whole other game altogether
LurkerSpine: The intentionally campy movies have to be good, they can't be "so bad it's good". Like, "But I'm a Cheerleader" is a good movie that is intentionally campy
NERVOUSHAIR: beautycopter was performance art
Thefluffiestguineapig: @PharaohBender27 HOW??? How can you parody the level of parody that already is
Scarletdemon_1: I feel like Alex would love the game Mothergunship, it's so crazy sci-fi and just fun
Strebenherz: That's why I like the leprechaun moivies so far. It's very entertaining. Bad taste, cheesy, but fantastically entertaining
Saintnex: @mollylele wait, isn’t Sharknado already a parody?
Everspace: Loved beautycopter
Juliamon: Beautycopter is just dadaist art
Thefluffiestguineapig: It was an EXPERIENCE
bagfullofbees: it was beautiful
DEATHlikescats: It's definitely closer to something you'd see in a modern art museum
gainsofcastamere: Beautycopter might actually be a cool work of art.
vinewood_og: Fortress with Christopher Lambert. Wee wowie wow.
TheNerdySimulation: @measureofhope that's because Kung Fury doesn't try to be bad, it just is itself absurdly ridiculous.
Lysander_salamander: It was an electric sheep dreaming about androids
Makoforte: (But I find watching Movies really, really difficult and like.... if i watch a so bad it's good movie I tend to feel like I wasted my time)
E4rthR0cker: beautycopter was just unhinged, and i dont think i've ever been able to properly understand it
Strebenherz: Also seeing rachel from friends being chased by a leprechaun is a plus
Pinwiz11: The movie they did for the last MST3K tour (Making Contact) was so ridiculously bad it was a fantastic night out
RTwo28: Beauty Copter was absurd
ReverseCreations: Isn't the sub Ocean just earth in this game?
tknomncr: beautycopter just IS
E4rthR0cker: i want to though
forcedreject: Do you think Beautycopter could be made by generative AI?
GameSageZB: Repo: The Genetic Opera is my "Oh this is probably not good and yet I love it so."
PharaohBender27: Beautycopter was surrealist art in videogame form
Mollylele: sharknado - sharks + cats. irony is truly dead.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Everspace I loved experiencing it with other people for sure
NevermorePainting: but, unlike lots of games, it was *Functional*
Brozard: I feel like we all mass hallucinated Beauty Copter
emberBecky: beauty copter felt purposefully surreal but it made that work well
lightfut: It was like one of those "what English sounds like to non English speakers" videos
JadedCynic: @NERVOUSHAIR beautycopter was so into its own navel it bent spacetime around itself
RTwo28: @Brozard You might be right
forcedreject: It has a similar....uncannyness
mwlsn: Yeah, I think beautycopter knew exactly what it was doing
ElementalAlchemist: Beautycopter was... well, it was certainly a thing, but it was amazing
Thefluffiestguineapig: @lightfut But to the level of "what humans are like to non human entities"
lady_olynder: Beauty copter certainly had the thing going for it that it left you and G speechless for several minutes, which is wild since normally that would be a cardinal sin for streamers, but we found it appropriate
ElementalAlchemist: whatever it was
ImmortalLen: Confuse and befuddle?
drroxorphd: Launched it
RTwo28: nyoom
ThorSokar: Titanium is a nightmare
Too_Many_Knives: 69kg
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyBox this is just a huge version of unboxing
NERVOUSHAIR: @JadedCynic i am ok with that
Saintnex: Kobe!
Garfman314: friggin' Hippocampal
Manae: Everyone prefers steel and red metals
Lord_Hosk: You wanna know?
Patorik: That piece was two pieces that needed to be separated
Grevas13: titanium requiresitsown certs in my field
Easilycrazyhat: There were two parts on that piece
RTwo28: one of them was to be furnaced
TheMerricat: !heychat
LRRbot: Please ONLY offer advice when the streamer uses the phrase "Hey, chat...". Let them try to learn the game on their own, even if it means they miss a thing or two.
DigitalSeahorse: I think it said aluminum goes in different hole
Rabbt300 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 115 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Rabbt300! (Today's storm count: 834)
Saintnex: also now I’m remembering that skating? game on W+P, that was wild
62MGcobra: more cuttin
Grevas13: and yes, it sucks to work with
TheFool76: Its often not worth pulling the little bits off
Lord_Hosk: That piece had two parts stuck togehter one processor one furnace
frogomb: The objectively best space opera is The Fifth Element. It's science, it's facts.
RealGamerCow: Pricy thruster cap
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: that scans
PharaohBender27: One W+P game I loved that I don't see mentioned much is "The Dinosaur Hunt," which was made by a developer who did other games featured on W+P, but that one was special because it was half "audiobook that clearly needed an editor"
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyClap vicksyRave
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Saintnex Sometimes I remember specific moments from W+P or accidentally reference them and realize how alone I am in the real world in terms of fandom
DigitalSeahorse: lol
tehfewl: don't space yourself
Everspace: How would you smoke out there
Gekyouryuu: I mean... oxygen rich environment
drroxorphd: @frogomb Nice hat!
ClodiumSoride: @PharaohBender27 Franco said.
mercano82: Really, this game is all about sorting your space recycling, but man does it make it fun.
Easilycrazyhat: If you can figure out how to smoke in space without dying, you've earned it as far as I'm concerned.
62MGcobra: wow i never saw that no smoking sign before
Juliamon: When you yeet it push you backwards
TheMerricat: :D
Chance Logan: There’s a man who spring tempers titanium swords, one must assume this is some expression of creative masochism.
bagfullofbees: I don't think this is retrofuture, just future future
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyFrumpy so far music isn't too bad
RTwo28: I mean, if you really want to you could smoke in your helmet for maybe a few seconds
BusTed: @Juliamon tqsSmug
vinewood_og: New problems. Dammit Newton!
PharaohBender27: @ClodiumSoride :D
JadedCynic: yeah, the ship got light and lighter the more you took off of it :)
googoltudoris: "alex discovers newton's laws of motion"
Saintnex: I would imagine the concerns about fire would be very similar to the ones on a sub?
JadedCynic: Conservation of Mass
Easilycrazyhat: Law Number 3
ElementalAlchemist: Everything fits in the square hole
QuixoticScrivener: inertia is a property of matter! bill bill bill
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: I remember the Dear, Jane saga with fondness
patrick_stonecrusher: One of my favorite awful movies is Hard Rock Zombies. A lame rock band gets stranded in a small town and stays at ]-[itler's house, and then there's zombies?? Also the band -really- sucks
bagfullofbees: yup
GameSageZB: Nice catch =]
forcedreject: Unrelated but I just saw Bloomborrow has a Starforged Sword...*Redwall intensifies*
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyNoted
JadedCynic: good of you to double-check tho SeemsGood
DigitalSeahorse: knowing what not to weld
NERVOUSHAIR: not hired due to overqualification
josh___something: Does paint count as a contaminant material?
Lex_Peacekeeper: have a good night/day everyone, going to hit a pillow
EikoandMog: Funnily enough, the people who made this game actually consulted with real-world shipbreakers about their job.
RTwo28: at that scale I doubt it
DigitalSeahorse: may depend on what type of paint
JadedCynic: it seems that this 'nanocarbon' is used for outer hulls because it's really durable against micrometeorite impacts...
mercano82: Depends on how much Lynx cares about metal quality. (Hint: they don’t)
ThorSokar: fun fact all alluminum cans are lined with plastic
frogomb: @forcedreject should have been the black axe. Mouseguard > Redwall
DigitalSeahorse: bweh
ylegm: dross is a good word
TheFool76: Also aluminum oxidizes easily
TheMerricat: Smelting poop
JadedCynic: 'chat' :)
aerohydra: "waste:
azureHaights: smelting smeg
Garfman314: fumes prolly aren't great either
NERVOUSHAIR: cant you use a brick of parafin wax as flux?
RealGamerCow: Mung
DoodlestheGreat: Slag?
GameSageZB: Is that different than slag?
Patorik: Isn't that why charity drives collect can tabs but not cans?
lady_olynder: i freguently forget that dross is not an mtg word
NevermorePainting: soup cans are better?
forcedreject: @frogomb To each their own, I read Redwall
TheFool76: Slag is different, slag is silica/glass
miniMacGuru: I discovered that a lot of canned green tea they sell at sushi places comes in steel cans (magnetic) instead of aluminum.
azureHaights: @lady_olynder An "okra" on the OTT scale
Matrim528: Can I give you a small tip regarding the cutter?
space_turbulence: "Dank granola" god that hurts my brain to think
Check9Availability: hehe you "can"
lady_olynder: @azureHaights a what on the what?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Does Joss Ross's Boss Moss Floss create dross? LUl
ImmortalLen: What did you call me?
drroxorphd: From WikiPediaDross, as a solid, is distinguished from slag, which is a liquid. Dross product is not entirely waste material; for example, aluminium dross can be recycled and is also used in secondary steelmaking for slag deoxidation.
Too_Many_Knives: Alright I'm off to bed. See you in the VOD.
ylegm: note to self, never get into industrial stripping
GameSageZB: Wiki says slag is "broadly... ferrous, ferroalloy, or non-ferrous/base metals" soooooo
Saintnex: according to Wikipedia, the difference between slag and dross is slag is liquid dross is solid
NERVOUSHAIR: have you ever seen the GIANT GUN they use to knock slag off the sides of a hot furnace
verzegnassicaio: @LoadingReadyRun Hey Alex! How are you? Good to see you again on the streams VirtualHug
chance_dean: titanium smelting just makes me think of that madman who spring tempers titanium swords, must be wretched work.
drawnbinary: the frequent field trips to the nickel mines showed us slag dumping all the time when i was little
Jigokuro: Dross and Slag both have hyper specific definitions that are different, then also more general ones in which are somewhat synonymous
drroxorphd: Dross floats whereas Slag sinks
azureHaights: @lady_olynder There's an old series of articles on the WotC mothership that talked about the vocab of magic, categorizing certain words as "okra" (weird but real), "tofu" (neologisms based on real language) or "twinkie" (made up whole-cloth)
Matrim528: Be careful about the laser intersecting other objects. Later on, it can lead to... Undesirable interactions.
aerohydra: those look intense, i cant imagine what they sound like IRL
GameSageZB: Giant arc furnaces make me grin the same grin as watching steam locomotives.
Morrigan9: 3 phase power?
SajuukSjet: louder then a shuttle launch?
ThorSokar: and the saftey lecture is "if you fall in, we just use a stick and push you under"
tknomncr: My first job as a teen was in the office of a steel smeltery. The couple of times I had to go out to the floor were terrifying.
Thefluffiestguineapig: I feel like the difference between the video of that and real life is similar to video/recording of tiger roar and real life
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDespair vicksyInsane
GameSageZB: @Morrigan9 Yep.
drroxorphd: 2 terminals and a ground?
Strebenherz: DO WHAT
terribleplan: 3 electrodes because 3-phase power maybe?
rabbitgta: Probably 3 phase electric
Saintnex: watching steel being made from a blast furnace is amazing but also so terrible for the environment :D
NERVOUSHAIR: winchester uses an 8 GUAGE SHOTGUN to knock slag off the inside of a steel furnace without having to cool it down first.
Cptasparagus: I used to work in orthopedic manufacturing. It was so great to sit there and watch them smelt and pour titanium. We had our own power generation station and cooling pond.
BrowneePoints: I looked up the process for refining Titanium and JESUS CHRIST, it's complex Alex
DigitalSeahorse: "good"
Solahwin_Tampramain: is isnt all electricity straight from the power plant?
DigitalSeahorse: uhoh
TheNerdySimulation: O_O
Strebenherz: OH NO
ylegm: Uhhhh
Thefluffiestguineapig: NOOOOOOO
MacbethSeemsSus: Oh no
BrowneePoints: they created a bomb
NERVOUSHAIR: dat go boom
PharaohBender27: O_o
Lord_Hosk: There are a lot of things louder than shuttle launches... for the past 12 years
Solahwin_Tampramain: sans renewables
DigitalSeahorse: pressured steam
fuzzra: Nasty
TheDangerWaffle: aaaaaa
adept_nekomancer: Explosions? Was it explosions?
ImmortalLen: Boom?
Saintnex: Oh GOD
measureofhope: Is it boom?
MacbethSeemsSus: Pressure vessel
DigitalSeahorse: explody
lady_olynder: boom happens
E4rthR0cker: danger happens
Thefluffiestguineapig: BAD THINGS
bagfullofbees: it rapidly expands
ylegm: nothing like insta phase shift
Herbert_Erpaderp: A little bit of an oopsie doodle
RealGamerCow: The ratio of steam to liquid water is 22 to 1
ComradeMik: Are the 3 phases of electricity On, Off, and Guess LOL
DrakoniteDev: yeah, the reason there is water under shuttle launches is to disrupt the sonic waves and prevent it from destroying the launch pad
Thefluffiestguineapig: Organic matter no longer is compatible with that area
Sethalidos: Alex, you want a tip about the grapple?
TheFool76: Spraying globs of molten steel around is not safe
FarleyF: i imagine a bit like adding a bag of ice to a deep fryer
Morrigan9: slowmoguys did something similar recently with molten salt in a fish tank
NERVOUSHAIR: hell yeah
MacbethSeemsSus: That's a mini Mt St Helens
JadedCynic: I just deal with hot oil and ice - which is MUCH less dangerous (less lethal, but still dangerous )
DoodlestheGreat: My father worked at Rocketdyne, where the engines for the shuttle were built. Got to see a couple of engine tests. Those were exceptionally loud, and they didn't even include the solid boosters.
TheNerdWonder: that's how you get USCSB videos
Lord_Hosk: Shuttles have been remarkably quiet for the past 12 years. I assume they put some kind of silencer on the engines ;) Nasa is full of very smart people
DigitalSeahorse: gross
TheFool76: Cook limestone into lime for cement I think?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @DoodlestheGreat That sounds awesome and also would demonstrate the sheer power of science viscerally
excalgold: @Lord_Hosk i'm sad
GameSageZB: @Lord_Hosk Rude!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyBonk katesBonk breaker
Everspace: Like a cement mixer?
Mathwyn: Humans also get pretty crusty and disgusting when you run them for a long time to be fair
DigitalSeahorse: katesGun vicksyGun
NevermorePainting: that's horrifying and insane, I love it
googoltudoris: ooh, are we talking about punt guns?
TheFool76: Sandblast with buckshot? Yikes
Saintnex: all this talk about engineering is now making me think about the physics of how the push gun in this game would work irl :D
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh jeez
chance_dean: Kiln gunner sounds like a job from a dark fantasy novel set during an Industrial Revolution.
LordZarano: Most steel smelting now is "basic oxygen smelting" where they blast the liquid with supersonic oxygen. "Basic" refers to the material of the crucible being a chemical "base" (like baking soda) not to simplicity
NERVOUSHAIR: just another day with the industrial shotgun
Everspace: industrial yeeting
googoltudoris: reminds me very much of cement truck operators using a quarter stick of dynamite to get the dried cement off the inside of their trucks
drawnbinary: you have a captive audience
ghyllnox: You think we're not here for that?
Mathwyn: Alex: Metal Enthusiast
Thefluffiestguineapig: Not a mistake, I enjoy hearing about specialist subjects
MTGRanger: talking our ear off is your job! We beg you to continue
NevermorePainting: oh nooooo, we have to listen to alex talk about something he is super passionate about /sarcasm
TheDangerWaffle: always talk about metal :3
GameSageZB: A lot of advancements in the last century are due to materials science and the things we do with metals! It's super cool (Well... hot, usually)
DoodlestheGreat: Well, we're watching THIS game, so metallurgy is a great topic of discussion.
ComradeMik: oh nooo, don't talk passionately about a subject you're interested in and knowledgable about! we'd haaaattteee that....
forcedreject: Metal...? Metal Gear...?
drroxorphd: Full Metal Alexmist
Gekyouryuu: Alex, you remind me of a picture of a text message I saw on Tumblr. "Oh, good, I get to explain this to you. You will regret this."
bagfullofbees: reminds me of that water gun they built from a pair of jet engines to deal with oil fires
Thefluffiestguineapig: @DoodlestheGreat Same with the radiation/nuclear stuff during Pacific Drive
maduncan1976 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 57 months!
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DigitalSeahorse: vicksyKnife complicated knife
Strebenherz: Why is that?
WriterRaven: @Gekyouryuu Upon asking me about my special interest, several cutscenes will play in sequence. It is recommended to set aside time to view these scenes in their entirety.
TheNerdySimulation: all our structures went extinct :(
dungeonmasteralek: What is iron better for?
TheFool76: Wrought iron doesn't rust as badly
Despoiler98: like cast iron pans
Gaelan_Maestro: while cleaning out a falling down garage at a place my mom inherited, we found mortars, and only one waas live
Gekyouryuu: @WriterRaven lol
DigitalSeahorse: cast iron pans
TheFool76: Iron is also easier to forge weld.
SquareDotCube: iron chips, steel bends. That can be either good or bad
BrowneePoints: nickel vanadium
Everspace: oh so that's how you pronounce molydebnium
DigitalSeahorse: stuff to make it not rust as fast
drroxorphd: Plenty of alloys
TheBearBee: Are you telling me my Steel isn't non GMO?!
JadedCynic: "trade secret alloy percentages" ;)
Despoiler98: @Gaelan_Maestro my grandparents lived in an old 1800s house in the 1930s and found a walled off closet with a WWII grenade just sitting in a cabinet
WolfGirlVeronica: what game is this?
IanAllenBird: concerned that steel has genetics
virtue_the_cat: as someone with a fake knee/titanium & steel rod in my leg this is very cool to learn about tbh
ElementalAlchemist: @WolfGirlVeronica Hardspace: Shipbreaker
Everspace: @WolfGirlVeronica Hardspace Shipbreakers
FarleyF: @WolfGirlVeronica This is Hardspace Shipbreaker
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Despoiler98 Uuhhh, hope there were no kids/pets in the house during that
Despoiler98: *wwOne, not 2*
drawnbinary: i forgot that molybdenum is an element because there's also like 3 pokemon characters
Gaelan_Maestro: @Despoiler98 we got a few of those, not live, but we also had like 200 rifles from wwii and before
Despoiler98: @Thefluffiestguineapig my mom was a kid at the time
bagfullofbees: what distinguishes structural iron from regular iron?
Mathwyn: @despoiler98 I prefer to believe they found evidence of time travellers
LordZarano: If my steel had genetics in it I'd be concerned
ghyllnox: It's a fae conspiracy
Gaelan_Maestro: at least 125 of em where lee enfields
SuitablyEpic: This makes me think about how Scientist go looking for shipwreck iron because it has less radioactivity
googoltudoris: alex, have you talked to chat about low background steel?
Master_Gunner: it's mostly carbon content, iirc?
PharaohBender27: Cheer2400 Going to knock off for the night; here's a few more minutes. And chat? When I get up tomorrow morning, I'd like to see that counter still over 20 hours. I believe you can do it!
JadedCynic: @SuitablyEpic steel too (it's older than you think)
NevermorePainting: think about the iron used for old bridges
calculated_uncertainties: Cheer1000
UltraVioletVodoo: the main difference is the smelting process
SuitablyEpic: @JadedCynic I meant steel
BrowneePoints: Steel is iron with some carbon, Cast Iron is Iron with LOTS of Carbon
GameSageZB: Yeah, not just "lower," uncontaminated by nuclear testing.
Despoiler98: @PharaohBender27 foolsSleep foolsSleep foolsSleep
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Despoiler98 Welp, I'm sure that was a formative experience
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyNoted
PixelArtDragon: Weight is probably also a big factor
NERVOUSHAIR: apperently they dont need to use old crashed ships to make precision sientific instruments anymore, because the radition in the air has gone down enough that it is below the reading levels. the biggest issue now is radioactive material getting accidently recycled
Viscount16: Cast iron is also good for vibration reduction
Viscount16: In machine tool bodies
DrakoniteDev: cast iron has some neat properties, e.g. it is effectively self-lubricating
Mazrae: that piece going the wrong way
JadedCynic: @SuitablyEpic but yeah "Low Background Steel" for use in medical devices, or devices used to measure radiation :) (I'd imagine they'd be happy about low rad iron, too)
googoltudoris: i love my japanese pull saw
Gaelan_Maestro: Lee valley gets those wood working tools in every once in a while
Taligan: This is all tangent and Firefly-adjacent soundtrack, here for it.
Lord_Hosk: Alex getting too distracted talking about metal to pay attention to metal
Despoiler98: @Thefluffiestguineapig yeah thankfully nothing happened to her or my aunt (ya know since I'm here now) but the cops came over and took it away it was much more low key than it would have been today :D
UltraVioletVodoo: youre destroying the frame
Solahwin_Tampramain: I think the piece you sent the wrong way might be recoverable?
Mathwyn: @taligan I watch a streamer who uses this as his default background music and its great
DigitalSeahorse: getting distracted from metal by metal vicksyTH
Awfrigate: I'm liking the game and the talk. Both very chill and interesting.
JadedCynic: @UltraVioletVodoo yeah, but tbh, cutting the same frame would destroy most of it in cutting :)
SquareDotCube: you'll want to cut the frame, not melt it away.
Vindexrix: The frame youre zapping away is the cost lost youre seeing, its negligible overall so no worries
NERVOUSHAIR: that and scissors and pocket knives
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Despoiler98 I worked on an archaeological site where we stumbled across a late Medieval basically mass grave that was not expected/documented anywhere and the cops obviously had to come and check it wasn't recent enough to be a murder investigation. Shockingly casual
Saintnex: that or making super fancy scissors
62MGcobra: consulting my book cast iron and steel expand almost the same rate however cast iron takes like twice the heat to heat one degree
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyRaid
JadedCynic: the thin connector bits of aluminum - yeah, hard to not waste them, but the bars that are like 4-6" thick, you wanna cut tose up
Despoiler98: @Thefluffiestguineapig "oh you found a pile of skeletons eh? Alright we'll come take a look"
SetraLynn: Holy cow @thefluffiestguineapig . That's wild.
DigitalSeahorse: RPGEpicSword RPGOops
TheBearBee: Do they test the blades by seeing how many logs of wood they can cut through with one strike?
BrowneePoints: nope
DigitalSeahorse: bendy
Gaelan_Maestro: japanese blade smiths also made scissors and flechting cutters to keep in practice when they where banned from making swords
Lord_Hosk: Not really a spoiler just a frustration avoider, you can't 100% most ships, you will destroy some bits to cut off the larger bits.
BrowneePoints: they test the blades by seeing how few microns they can plane @TheBearBee
Despoiler98: Wrestling
TheWanderingNomad: Wrestling and MMA?
Despoiler98: its a fighting term in General
JadedCynic: What Hosk Said; "perfect is the enemy of Done" :D
kataanglover1: didn't veritasium do a video on japanese swords?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ok, I need to go to bed so I'm not drowsy at work tomorrow, but I am sad to miss the chill Alex hangs with good conversation. Have a good time scrapping!
Morrigan9: sounds like peening (ball peen hammer)
TheBearBee: Oh I know, that was just a joke about how old blademasters tested swords on how many bodies/ bamboo they could cut
forcedreject: Making usable things that last several lifetimes? What a novel concept Kappa
SharktoothJack: I’ve heard there’s also a market for pre-nuclear iron too
DigitalSeahorse: nice
bagfullofbees: that is pretty rad
Saintnex: @kataanglover1 yup
EikoandMog: @SharktoothJack Yeah, for sensors.
NERVOUSHAIR: @SharktoothJack not anymore, it got low enough now that we can make new stuff
Viscount16: Fun side note for western wooden planes - you can adjust the cutting iron depth by hitting only the wooden plan body via inertia, so you don't have to hit the iron at all
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunGeiger voxlunRad
NERVOUSHAIR: just read about that
DigitalSeahorse: we're radioactive
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyBanana voxlunGeiger voxlunRad
forcedreject: We are not a place of honor
thymato: i thought it was pre nuclear steel. Because the air has increased radioactivity.
DrakoniteDev: @SharktoothJack yep, particularly for medical and scientific use, iron and steel needs to be pre-nukes or it has too much radiation
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I just got back to stream and I just heard something about metal from bridges. As a Pittsburgher, I am captivated. 😁
Jigokuro: Bismuth is the least radioactive element that still technically is. Its half life is longer than the current age of the universe.
terribleplan: The story about Kodak detecting the nuke before it was announced is very interesting.
Lysander_salamander: huh
Solahwin_Tampramain: MRI Shields maybe?
DigitalSeahorse: water protecc from rads
Strebenherz: that's... huh
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Physics and medicine (radiology)
Brozard: I guess it's easier to get to?
SajuukSjet: MRI is/was pre-radiation steel, iirc
Despoiler98: yeah thanks to all the demand we've had lost the wrecks of many warships that are GRAVES that piece of garbage scavengers blow up with TNT and then dredge up the pre radiation steel and desecrate the graves of the war dead
pickles_mcelden: Most of the steel for scientific instruments used to have to be sourced from sunken battleships actually
DrakoniteDev: MRI machines are built from shipwreck metals
JadedCynic: lead was used as ballast :)
MacbethSeemsSus: It's weird how many forgeries have been bunked in the past half century based solely on whether or not they have post-1945 materials
Brozard: The metal's still good, it's just *down there*
Iluvatardis: I read that medical tools would be made from sunken battleships
Despoiler98: althavMAD althavMAD althavMAD althavMAD althavMAD althavMAD althavMAD althavMAD
thedepthandbreadthofseth: They do the same for iron and steel too.
EikoandMog: You can basically shove everything that's left in to the furnace at this point.
bagfullofbees: several hundred meters of water makes for good radiation shielding
Goombill: I was just reading the amount of radiation in the atmosphere has decreased to the point where new steel shouldn't have that issue going forward.
thymato: scooner
TheNerdWonder: kinda makes you wonder how much clean ore we could pull out of undersea mines, not that I'd want to destroy that biosphere too
lady_olynder: a literal ship of thesus then
Gaelan_Maestro: the ship of theseus
JadedCynic: schooner
Morrigan9: tall ho? arabella iis in new england
DaSunao: According to the folklore of the US Naval Nuclear program, they picked up that Fukushima had cracked their primary vessel when the Reagan hit the plume and set off all the aerial contamination detectors
blackcoat: acorn to Abella is building it from scratch
Morrigan9: nvm, that's arabella
Twilight_Spark: The USS Constitution is basically an extant instantiation of the ship of Theseus, and I think that's rad.
DigitalSeahorse: very hot, then very cool
Morrigan9: that boat launched a year ago btw Alex. doing fine
BrowneePoints: Speaking of Art and stuff, have you seen any of the pieces from Bloomburrow Alex? All the art has been on another freakin level
blackcoat: the restoration one is the Talley Ho
googoltudoris: @Twilight_Spark believe it or not, there's still a significant amount of original structure left on ol ironsides
mwlsn: One Piece informed me that if you rebuild from the keel up then it's technically a different ship :D
Bruceski: I want to cuddle every card
Gaelan_Maestro: its rad
BrowneePoints: it's INcredible(and yea the release cadence needs to chill the F out)
forcedreject: Mood
bagfullofbees: the sets start comin and they don't stop comin
GameSageZB: @mwlsn Theseus has a word for you.
RTwo28: Its a redwall set
BrowneePoints: Redwall and Mouse Guard primarly(Pedersen is based on it too) and Beatrix Potter
Gaelan_Maestro: i love the creaturefide planeswalkers
iPoding: i'm so behind in my pile of shame... and skaventide just came out
Cptasparagus: one of my friend's dads built the replica Nina thats been around the west coast for a few decades
incredulouspasserby: Alex where do you learn all of this stuff? Like about metal and everything
lady_olynder: tale of Desperaux
theambivalentagender: Wind in the Willows
blackcoat: Sampson boat co is the channel, they're going to Victoria now actually
Gaelan_Maestro: the old disney robin hood
mwlsn: @GameSageZB we were watching that episode like "well, I guess they've defined their way out of the ship of Theseus"
BrowneePoints: Frog and Toad/Wind in the Willows
theambivalentagender: Or Mr Toad's Wild Ride
Lord_Hosk: Magic sets used to come out 4 times a year, with the occasional supplement. now some product comes out every 3-5 weeks
ElementalAlchemist: Research doesn't have to be fancy
Bruceski: I'm not familiar with the release schedule. I know MH3 isn't allowed in the main formats, but did it take the place of another set or was it squeezed in between the usual pace?
maybe_games: how much do you tend to rely on wikis?
CaptainChibale: we have toad in a hole in canada it's just not called that. growing up we just called it egg in a hole.
DigitalSeahorse: fuck around and find out vicksyInspect voxlunBabhed vicksyNoted
GameSageZB: Media Literacy!
Despoiler98: foolsNotes foolsNotes foolsNotes
Gaelan_Maestro: i just got the colonial marines technical manual, its awesome
Cptasparagus: i have a phd in biomedical engineering and work as a researcher, and I use wikipedia and reddit all the time
DigitalSeahorse: there's better sources than wikis
ameliette: brambly hedge is also similar art style, but much more domestic in vibe
NevermorePainting: Crab movie night of those?
calculated_uncertainties: Scadian research, lol
Despoiler98: @Cptasparagus I mean how much classified information has been published on reddit? :D
MacbethSeemsSus: A lot of them were quietly paid by the related company
DoodlestheGreat: Yes. There's a couple of good channels for ephemeral films. Periscope Films and the A/V Geeks are my go-to ones.
measureofhope: Has anyone seen Staplerfahrer Klaus? German forklift safety film which is UNHINGED
Taligan: Experimental archaeology is a thing. There's a few great shows that dig into that. Time Team is a lovely British archaeology show that has a lot of episodes on YouTube. They do some of it between digs.
DigitalSeahorse: it'd be a dangerous gas
fuzzra: @CaptainChibale Nah, toad in the hole is sausages in batter. It's an evening meal and absolutely delicious.
Bruceski: @CaptainChibale My English dad taught me Toad in a Hole as a childhood recipe of his, then I got to the internet and found out UK folks call an entirely different thing Toad in a Hole. So either they use the term for both or somebody's lying, and I believe my Dad over the entirety of England.
calculated_uncertainties: @digitalseahorse my classics instructor called Wikipedia the place you go to find your research sources.
Cptasparagus: @Despoiler98 im just saying, at least for the sciences its not a bad resource
dungeonmasteralek: I've always wanted to get into turning wood and metal
Taligan: And they recently had an episode where they're rebuilding a longship from depressions that they found in the ground after the wood had rotted away.
WolfGirlVeronica: Alex have you ever seen the "Wartime farm" or "victorian farm" series that exists on youtube theyre really interesting
DoodlestheGreat: A lot of industrial demonstration films are for the benefit of potential investors.
fuzzra: @Bruceski Yeah, that. It's basically a Yorkshire pudding with sausages in.
DrakoniteDev: MIT has an amazing amount of freely available educational videos and other resources.
DigitalSeahorse: Beuller?
Gekyouryuu: Edith Slump?
NERVOUSHAIR: god i love deeply bland people describing minutia
Rhynerd: I have now been reminded of a series of speeches from the US armed forced radio back during the 40s-50s. "Times have Changed, and So Has the Man." They'd often talk about advancements in tech being used by the forces and how it required people specialized to operate it.
Lord_Hosk: The best lathes are from the 30-50s and weigh as much as a small house
JadedCynic: "Information wants to be free, you"
Rhynerd: they took the place of ads for radio shows taken on by the station.
Taligan: Curation and curiosity are great tools.
NERVOUSHAIR: i get all my information from "explosions and fire"
Saintnex: I know of a few universities that also just have youtube channels where they upload talks and guest lectures
Master_Gunner: My favourite old educational film is the one from GM about how differential transmissions work.
ThorSokar: Targeting the aussies there I see, well 1 specific one...
DigitalSeahorse: can be useful
TheFool76: If you want to get into blacksmithing look up the book "Practical Blacksmithing"
rabbitgta: What could possibly go wrong?
bagfullofbees: Remember to put your junk in the right hole, Alex
DigitalSeahorse: cross reference your sources
TheNerdySimulation: I always tell people to take in many sources but don't do so passively
SajuukSjet: sources, intent, presentation
DeM0nFiRe: Figuring out whether a source you are looking at is good or bad is one of if not the most important things in software engineering
MacbethSeemsSus: This is weirdly how I feel about most cooking videos online.
CaptainChibale: @fuzzra y'know what that sounds really good too
TheFool76: I do blacksmithing as a hobby and my dad's a goldsmith so ...
Despoiler98: foodvi2OMG foodvi2OMG foodvi2OMG foodvi2OMG the SCIENCES ARE CONNECTED?
fuzzra: @CaptainChibale It really is.
TheFool76: Trig is your friend
GameSageZB: "Math? In my applied precision applications?"
CaptainChibale: Love me a yorkshire pudding
CaptainChibale: Sadly can no longer eat it
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHeadbang vicksyNoted
LathosTiran: the "damnit i know theres a formula for this" math
calculated_uncertainties: There are so many math dialects, can confirm
iris_of_ether: Indeed
bagfullofbees: it's just the bits that are important for the job at hand
mwlsn: Nathaniel Bowditch to the rescue
JadedCynic: we stand on the shoulders of those who came before
NERVOUSHAIR: this site is old internet looking and i love it
Despoiler98: @DigitalSeahorse foolsNotes foolsNotes foolsNotes foolsCry foolsCry foolsCry
FarleyF: i tell people whenever they ask me about Advanced Excel that one of the best skills is how to reverse engineer from websites out there
fuzzra: @CaptainChibale There are egg or gluten free recipes that work surprisingly well.
iris_of_ether: Here's one of the versions, but for Electronics:
DigitalSeahorse: sweet
jacqui_lantern234: as the child of a mother with a PhD in Botany. MOST of science ISNT ACTUALLY *DOING* the math, rather just letting the spreadsheet do the math for you. cause human brains SUCK
ThorSokar: oh, so a ui that works
JadedCynic: like still outta craigslist? :)
DigitalSeahorse: I miss html
MacbethSeemsSus: @FarleyF This!
emberBecky: I tried doing metal shop for a few weeks or so and the math /counting part of it wasn't hard but terrifyingly precise
CaptainChibale: @fuzzra my problem sadly is cholesterol. I can't have carbs :<
CaptainChibale: though I am also celiac
DoodlestheGreat: That's all processor.
fuzzra: @CaptainChibale Ah, damn!
dylan16807: wow that's a rude structure
TheDangerWaffle: OH that is nice.
62MGcobra: but I don't have size H bits
KaukoPlays: I've gotten into 3d printing and laser cutting and wow there is more math than my programming job
DigitalSeahorse: they tell you how to tap a tree?
tidehollowcat: I enjoy listening, even if I don't necessarily understand what is being said
bagfullofbees: sorry, all I heard there was something about threading your rod
CaptainChibale: So I live near a steel mill. Far enough away we don't hear it and USUALLY we don't smell it. But on the hottest summer days when a breeze comes in from the great lakes, we get the smell over the entire city. It is not a pleasant one.
KaukoPlays: I designed my own laser cut computer case and wow is that complicated lol
schordash: i’m lovin’ it. keep going 😌 (the gibberish)
DigitalSeahorse: skulls
62MGcobra: I am a Power engineer. I make things work when they don't.
CaptainChibale: I like to joke this city stinks but sometimes it's true XD
DigitalSeahorse: steak!
Banrael subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 93 months!
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sporkraptor: everything in metalworking has these super hardcore names, which is hilarious because the things they're for are *already* super hardcore XD
mercano82: coal is free at the coal mine
terribleplan: And they had cheap coal
sporkraptor: yep, steam donkeys
harangueon: is this the hardship “break down ships in zero G” game?
Jigokuro: Asbestos still insulates bitterHehe
the_lone_bard: Sometimes, we had valid reasons for innovating. Other times, the reason was profit.
iris_of_ether: Honestly, the reason that I see for a bunch of obsolescences are not being able to get the specifically-machined prereq materials anymore...
dungeonmasteralek: 8cr13mov to the rescue!
MaddogM: tech version: do banks still run on cobol?
JadedCynic: Every nation has a lowest bidder :D
ThorSokar: the only downside to steam locomotives is the time it takes to turn one on (several hours)
sporkraptor: mesothelioma
terribleplan: It really sucks how good asbestos is at its job
ThorSokar: asbestosis, my grandfather had it, it's AWEFUL
LathosTiran: its lung sandpaper
Saintnex: yuuup
Inkymouse: mesothelioma
JadedCynic: Asbestos getting in the air and inhaled
dungeonmasteralek: I met my partner in a town called Asbestos
NERVOUSHAIR: asbestos is bestos
the_lone_bard: The thing that makes it such a great insulator is what makes it turbo-death for lungs.
Despoiler98: LOL "limited use"
thekumquatking: If you or a loved one has contracted mesothelioma due to contact with asbestos, you may be entitled to financial compensation.
sporkraptor: yeah, it's super hard to use it safely, but *nothing* beats it
MacbethSeemsSus: Quietly found out last year my parents still have asbestos tiles in the basement because they're fire resistant....
Earto: I think asbestos is still used in some automotive applications in the us
Caffine1138: Its still useful, just not in residential or commercial spaces. Mainly just Industrial applicaitons
NERVOUSHAIR: been doing audio stuff and loving rockwool
Saintnex: Its hilariously good at doing what it does: insulating and making ppl very sick lol
SajuukSjet: there's just no winning with cockpit glass, iirc
JadedCynic: nope - you gotta slice it ou....or you can just melt away $90k of glass
KaukoPlays: yeah we have found a LOT of stuff that is really good at what it does - and is VERY bad for you/the environment
Despoiler98: its still stupidly massed produced in southeast asia
jacqui_lantern234: @SajuukSjet hehehehe "cockpit"
Angnor33: Yes. Still in fairly wide use. Automotive, roofing, protective gear. As long as it's not friable it's probably ok.
sporkraptor: woooo acetalyne, I have some *stories* about a dumb ex of mine who did some fantastically dumb things with it
betweenmyself: Before selling my childhood home we had to remove the acoustic ceiling texture which was filled with Asbestos… It was a serious ordeal.
MacbethSeemsSus: "Apparently" it's safe so long as it doesn't get in the air -_-
tajessa: There is a large-ish area in northwestern Australia which is basically a no-go zone bc asbestos
Awfrigate: Isn't super cheap too? Relatively
ANeMzero: The US is finally banning aftermarket asbestos brake pads for cars which is... not one of those things where it was "good" so much as "cheap"
thekumquatking: Shout out to golden age marvel (I think) comic villain Asbestos Lady
thekumquatking: Who later contracted mesothelioma.
Inkymouse: YES, thrifting is the absolute best
TheFool76: Carbide lanterns?
Inkymouse: <- thrift shop manager
bagfullofbees: god I love thrifting, I wish I could do it more
sporkraptor: ooo, that sounds really neat
NERVOUSHAIR: anytime i hear about acetylene i think of vids of russians playing with Calcium Carbide
fuzzra: Ooh, carbide lamps?
andreagustafson: I love thrifting
TheFool76: I've done caving with carbide
JoshTheHod: i just got here, is he talking about strippers farting in your face?
JoshTheHod: thats a good time
Adam: kerosene lanterns?
jacqui_lantern234: man, i SINCERELY wish i could live in Victoria EXCLUSIVELY to go thrifting and stuff-making with you, Alex
ThorSokar: It's also how BIRD CANNONS used to work
sporkraptor: aaahahah yiiiikes
Despoiler98: yeah like WELDING BRIGHT
ThorSokar: (they were used for keeping birds off air fields)
62MGcobra: Lv 5 FBtouchdown
NERVOUSHAIR: especially with a little lime
Saintnex: oh boy
Mathwyn: Rolling around at the speed of sound?
aerohydra: you no take candle
iris_of_ether: D: D: D:
DigitalSeahorse: one reason they had finches fly in there for them
SajuukSjet: watrch the drift!
sporkraptor: an open *acetalyne* flame, aahahahah
jacqui_lantern234: hehehehehe "with no pee pee"
TheFool76: Yeeeup! and coal sometimes contained pockets of coal-gas which is flamable
fuzzra: The Davy lamp added a flame arrestor mesh.
TheFool76: Check local spelunking groups
TheFool76: They *might* know.
NERVOUSHAIR: what was the po box adress? (THIS IS A JOKE)
DigitalSeahorse: well not fly but yeah
KaukoPlays: ask NileRed how to get some
lady_olynder: i know calcium carbide is difficult to get legally in the states
ThorSokar: aww, you party pooper
Angnor33: ,, //
DigitalSeahorse: DON'T
Nimiphi: it wont make it through customs anyway
tajessa: The Moonbase
measureofhope: Nice mail save
TherapyforNarwhals: Got it alex I wont *wink*
JadedCynic: Nah, I'll just bring it in person Kappa
Cptasparagus: you dont want the two components of thermite separated by wax paper?
JoshTheHod: whoa that is wild, i learned something new today
Gaelan_Maestro: awwww but the uranium is incased in lead
RTwo28: I wasnt thinking of it before, but now I wanna
AtheistSanta: Hand Tool Rescue recently restored a device to scare birds that used it and he couldn't get it either.
excalgold: Customs would have questions for LRR that i dont think we want to cause ?
MacbethSeemsSus: Not even as a treat?
jacqui_lantern234: uranium?!?! nah, OURanium, commrade!
iris_of_ether: aaaaaaaaa
ImmortalLen: Awww, (Puts down my personal supply of carbonate.)
MaddogM: I mean, I am qualified to ship dangerous goods by air ...
tajessa: The Moonbase should remain a place of honour, where great deeds are commenmorayed
Gaelan_Maestro: ooooooo
FarleyF: ok so no demon cores for Mailtime lrrBEEJ
TheDangerWaffle: ooooo
fuzzra: Possibly the sort of model shop that sells steam engines? Carbide is used for model cannon.
EikoandMog: I kinda want to try and get a hold of some uranium glass....
bagfullofbees: aladin style, or aladin branded?
jacqui_lantern234: i have a limestone oil lamp based off an archaeological find in Scotland
JadedCynic: Alladin™
JadedCynic: oh, the mantles made of thorium?
DoodlestheGreat: Perfect time to take a break.
Texan_Reverend: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
Caffine1138: materials science is fun!
Kaladinar: Welding shops might be a good place to check too
Despoiler98: n foolsPopcorn foolsPopcorn foolsPopcorn time to get noms
bagfullofbees: ok byeeeee
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyNom vicksyBanana vicksyRamen
Jigokuro: Technology connections has a long vid on those mantles, very cool.
Lord_Hosk: I still have my Nuclear Biological Chemical cargo loading certification... If I could just find a pilot crazy enough. MERDOCK!
bagfullofbees: Ima go get some burritos & root beer
incredulouspasserby: All of that went entirely over my head. Gonna have to rewatch a lot of the vod.
Mark_D_Stroyer: Break time for me means probably just passing out for the night. For a mandated maximum of 8 hours.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksySip
RTwo28: and now we wait unsupervised
Nimiphi: unsupervised you say?
LordZarano: It's an incandescent light. But it uses a flame to heat the mantle up to the point that it incandeses
Despoiler98: foolsSteer NO SUPERVISION
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: ohno
MacbethSeemsSus: Chair is watching, remember
JadedCynic: @Jigokuro and the lanterns associated with them <3 Alec is the best ("and thanks to the magic of buying two...")
Despoiler98: foolsPeek
Despoiler98: mistorOmegalul mistorOmegalul mistorOmegalul mistorOmegalul
Andromeda7747: streamer is gone post chair
Saintnex: No mods, no gods Kappa
ylegm: @Lord_Hosk I'm no longer certified for radioactive waste disposal, but I could pull some things
ylegm: *stings
Despoiler98: shugrvBongos shugrvThisisfine shugrvBongos shugrvThisisfine shugrvBongos shugrvThisisfine
n__een_n: @Andromeda7747 joonie1MaroonChair
ylegm: *strings
tajessa: I saw a picture someone posted of a roll cushion they'd made with a shiny gold "drop and run" cover, and now I can't find the dang link for it
Mollylele: !bos
ElementalAlchemist: Technology Connections has many good videos, really
Mollylele: aw crap,
ElementalAlchemist: but yeah, the lantern videos are great
Mollylele: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: 35 grams of ant candy
JadedCynic: @Lord_Hosk I knew I should've bothered getting my civil aviation license....
Nimiphi: "I'm certified for radioactive waste disposal" is what I tell my partner when I empty the litter box
Despoiler98: shugrvSus shugrvSus shugrvSus @Lord_Hosk that pony is sus
5 raiders from cdutson have joined!
Lord_Hosk: Don't leave me unsupervised if you don't want me to post ponies
Defrost: Hosk I swear...
Ben Eastwood: What’s next? Just tuned in
iris_of_ether: @Lord_Hosk You say this like it's a bad thing
Lysander_salamander: ponies? Where?
JadedCynic: @Defrost @iris_of_ether there are TWO kinds of people :D
Despoiler98: foodvi2OMG unsupervised ponies?
Lord_Hosk: @Defrost You shouldn't its not polite
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPoint PrideWave PrideUnicorn
LoadingReadyRun: No pone Hosk
Despoiler98: shugrvSus shugrvSus shugrvSus Alex sees you
ElementalAlchemist: @iris_of_ether aaaaaaaaa
RTwo28: I love the chaos I incited
thekumquatking: Looking forward to y'all keeping me company while I work overnight from home tonight :)
Despoiler98: @iris_of_ether NO NO NOPERS NO
Lord_Hosk: Technically not a pony you are following the rules
ElementalAlchemist: beep
iris_of_ether: "Don't buy the honse mini? I already bought it, -30 minutes- several weeks ago"
ElementalAlchemist: wb
Solahwin_Tampramain: @iris_of_ether I love that creator tbh
LordZarano: At a museum I've been in a house that had a gas lamp hanging from the ceiling. It looked *shockingly* similar to a regular (electric) incandescent light bulb
RTwo28: Back to stream! Back to supervision!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTap beepboop
iris_of_ether: @Solahwin_Tampramain Me too, I'm one of his supporters on Patreon :D
Awfrigate: Such Decor
TheDangerWaffle: PFFFF
Nimiphi: I love the idea of a poster that just says "Decor"
RTwo28: much decor, is soothing
MostCallMe__Tim: you can collect/unlock more posters from ships
EikoandMog: John Madden
iris_of_ether: @MWGNZ oh that's real good
Lord_Hosk: check emails (cough cough)
Despoiler98: oh so you can hide in your basement as the nukes fell and listen to the broadcast saying your all gonna die
ThorSokar: oof, that's a rough find
62MGcobra: oooo going from hazard level 0 to 2
LordZarano: Like only by looking closely at it could you tell that it had a flame on a mantle rather than a fillament
Easilycrazyhat: "Please wait - Loading Barge"
Lord_Hosk: he said Be-low me
JadedCynic: and now the plot thickens
Sorator13: so is this Alex's first time playing this game?
Chandra_the_Mind_Sculptor: what is this game?
adept_nekomancer: I guess "towards the planet" is being defined as "down" in this context?
EikoandMog: Oh gods, the amount of heart attacks I've had getting.... volatile things on that barge.
HaltBen2514: mwgnz every time I see your name I think Matt wiggins but l33t
Despoiler98: @Chandra_the_Mind_Sculptor hardspace shipbreaker
cdutson: @Chandra_the_Mind_Sculptor hardspace shipbreaker: late stage space capitalism
JadedCynic: @adept_nekomancer if you want? Sure.
Patorik: I hate how fiddly the tool wheel can be in this game
Sorator13: @Chandra_the_Mind_Sculptor Hardspace: Shipbreaker (aka reverse lego in space)
mercano82: @patorik I just use the 1-4 keys
RTwo28: I'm gonna get off my computer for the night, I'll see yall later!
MWGNZ: @HaltBen2514 as a Matt, I'll take it lrrFRUMP
Mark_D_Stroyer: Wow, this game looks…incredibly therapeutic in a just systematically working through things.
Despoiler98: and you have a fixed point to focus on
JadedCynic: @Sorator13 yep; blind playthu (only offer advice if explicitly asked)
Strebenherz: Take care RT o/
Sorator13: @RTwo28 have a good night!
Sorator13: @JadedCynic excellent; thanks
adept_nekomancer: I got flipped around so many times when I played through this. I'd be working on a part and lose all sense of "but where is barge?"
DigitalSeahorse: lrrALEX vicksyFastRoll
Easilycrazyhat: Setting it in orbit helps, imo. The planet helps give a solid point of orientation.
Caffine1138: just be careful around pressurized sections later on. they can and will YEET you if you pop them
JadedCynic: @Patorik that's why I use my mouse wheel...
EikoandMog: This is the perfect kind of task for a game. Fun for game, would be an absolute ass to do irl.
DoodlestheGreat: The crusty mandibula.
JadedCynic: but to each their own preference <3
Solahwin_Tampramain: I love the "no way is up" things that can be done in videogames
pctjoe: lol yeah when you go fast it is disorienting and dangerous
mercano82: oh, wow, that almost got spicy there.
TheAinMAP: lrrCrab
JadedCynic: um...
bagfullofbees: if your mandibula is crusty, contact your doctor
iris_of_ether: Oh yeah it's apparently got a decent taste
tajessa: Time to chow down then
sporkraptor: yep XD
Miss_Evilyn: Good morning Alex
iris_of_ether: Like grape?
ghyllnox: Ah, the fastest carbon sequestration
HaltBen2514: wait kudzu isn’t just a made up magic thing?
hd_dabnado: same with carp
Saintnex: Likewise with Dandelions or so I hear
bagfullofbees: you forgot to detach that fuel tank
Sorator13: @HaltBen2514 No, not at all; it's an extremely invasive vine in north america
ylegm: I mean, they eat hostas in Japan, I never thought about it
jacqui_lantern234: @HaltBen2514 yeah, very really thing
MTGRanger: @haltben2514 hahahaha noooo
TacitusVigil: Dandelion wine is delicious
HaltBen2514: huh, there you go!
JadedCynic: @Saintnex never had dandelion wine?
sporkraptor: yep, fast-growing ivy
andreagustafson: it's a climbing vine
Miss_Evilyn "Eat it" by Weird Al begins to play
FarleyF: !card kudzu
LRRbot: Kudzu [1GG] | Enchantment — Aura | Enchant land / When enchanted land becomes tapped, destroy it. That land's controller may attach Kudzu to a land of their choice.
Earto: You realize you're basicaly asking Americans to eat a salad
MacbethSeemsSus: There's a trend of renaming things to get people to eat them. Like the Chilean Sea Bass
tajessa: Obligatory 'rip vine'
NERVOUSHAIR: we recently had an invasive bug come into the united states. good news, it eats alot of kudzu, bad news it eats soybean
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: there are basically entire towns overgrown by it
space_turbulence: Welp, I just got back from slamming my head against the elden ring dlc final boss. How're things going over here?
JadedCynic: the magic card is a MILD exaggeration of the real-life vine...
Caffine1138: It is a Vine. It also goes by the name Japanese/Chinese Arrowroot
Texan_Reverend: I've even seen someone prepare kudzu like traditional Southern collard greens. It went over well when served.
DaSunao: If you've driven some highways where the entire sides of the road are submerged in vines, that's kudzu
MTGRanger: @earto we like salads, we just have to apply bacon, toasted bread bits, and dressing!
HaltBen2514: !card vinelasher
LRRbot: Vinelasher Kudzu [1G] | Creature — Plant [1/1] | Landfall — Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, put a +1/+1 counter on Vinelasher Kudzu.
kataanglover1: my first exposure to kudzu was in simpark and it's just as annoying there as it's purported to be in real life
jacqui_lantern234: despite my mom being a Botanist, NONE of the practical info rubbed off on me. i was more into the chemistry behind plants
bagfullofbees: I love the sound the laser cutter makes
HaltBen2514: that’s what I was thinking of
Saintnex: @JadedCynic I cant say I have :D
lucky_gal: I think I saw something about doing that about the invasive snakes in Florida
Easilycrazyhat: Big brain on Alex
m33pn8r: kudzu is kinda the vine version of bamboo in eastern US. It grows dummy fast and devours everything
tajessa: @jacqui_lantern234 my grandparents were botanists and I have killed a cactus. I feel you.
JadedCynic: Good job!
Mai_Andra: kudzu is common in the US south. pronounced with a soft "u" here, though.
niccus: apparently kudzu is largely overestimated, it doesn't actually penetrate into forests or anything
ghyllnox: Raw
JadedCynic: or maybe another cockpit window :)
DigitalSeahorse: raaw
iris_of_ether: I'm not *great* at plants, but I did end up with a comedy amount of bonus pumpkin that grew out of the corner of my yard last year :D
EikoandMog: Raw
Sorator13: Cockpit glass gives me a very difficult time
jacqui_lantern234: its funny to think that i have an easier time recognizing plants by a string of numbers and letters rather than their actual appearance
Lord_Hosk: its going to be WOW boxes
niccus: it's just really charismatic because it's very good at infesting road sides
MTGRanger: @niccus oh that’s good
FarleyF: so in order to help relieve a little of the stress im currently going through how are you enjoying the game so far Alex
Texan_Reverend: Yes, locals call it cud-zoo.
TacitusVigil: Are we a space mechanic?
DigitalSeahorse: scotch broom?
Artificer_Evan: ugh scotch broom
Sorator13: @TacitusVigil Space scrapper, morelike
JadedCynic: yeah, like the one that was attached to the OUTSIDE of the ship, on a *crash barrier* for some odd reason
space_turbulence: As a fellow PNWer Alex: yes, f*ck scotch broom
ylegm: Hopefully the fuel tanks are fine?
bagfullofbees: pro tip: don't hit the fuel tanks with the laser
andreagustafson: @DigitalSeahorse another invasive plant
JadedCynic: maybe - there tends to be bits of implicit storytelling in these hulks if you go looking...
DigitalSeahorse: ah
PixelArtDragon: Huh, apparently this is currently on sale on Steam for 60% off. Good time for me to finally get around to playing it.
Artificer_Evan: @DigitalSeahorse An invasive plant here in the pacific north west
TacitusVigil: @sorator13 so this is what working for Weyland-Yutani is like when there are no aliens?
DigitalSeahorse: @andreagustafson vicksyNoted
type_variable: TIP: the extra arrows around the reticle are showing you can pull the object off the other ones with the grapple
Sorator13: @bagfullofbees I believe this was requested to be a blind playthrough with no advice unless actually requested <3
Sorator13: @TacitusVigil Yes, very much so
EikoandMog: We're basically at a space U-Pull-It. None of these ships have had good lives.
HaltBen2514: I’m not gonna lie, despite the creature type I thought the kudzu in the art of the vinelasher kudzu was the guy w the axe
DigitalSeahorse: you float my bolt
excalgold: the realization that i can use Spanish-American war era US Battleships as inspiration for Steampunk airships fills me with joy and i wished to share that with chat
JadedCynic: !HeyChat
LRRbot: Please ONLY offer advice when the streamer uses the phrase "Hey, chat...". Let them try to learn the game on their own, even if it means they miss a thing or two.
Sorator13: @excalgold Neat!
TacitusVigil: The Monitor vs Virginia
ylegm: monitor and merrimack stuff is hilarious
Artificer_Evan: I have done service projects removing scotch broom It is such a pain
excalgold: The poor Monitor is so goofy
JadedCynic: YM "The CSS Virginia"
iPoding: submarine history is also interesting, marvel of engineering
bagfullofbees: @Sorator13 it was a joke. I figured that was the sort of thing that wouldn't really count as spoiler since it's obvious
Mark_D_Stroyer: @excalgold Yeah the designs of Pre-Dreadnaughts was…really something
mercano82: they where both whatever the opposite of a glass cannon is.
SquareDotCube: Well, the Monitor did do some harm, to it's own crew
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyJammin
TacitusVigil: The monitor is a much better ship for fighting
excalgold: i -like- the monitor, the turret getting slammed so hard it couldnt turn during the battle was pretty interesting
malfnord: @excalgold Don't restrict yourself to just US battleships, fwiw. That era of throw-shit-at-the-wall warship design has some real bangers all over the place.
Juliamon: bagfullofbees That's how I read it. Had a "don't shoot the red barrels" vibe. :P
gualdhar: the Monitor basically only had its turret and exhaust pipes above the water line
JadedCynic: yeah, minuscule the end, that caused it to be sunk at sea in a storm
bagfullofbees: @Juliamon thanks <3
electra310: You know, I watched Serge play this game quite a bit and I don't think I ever caught on to the fact that you can just, like, cut the wall anywhere you want. I thought the yellow bits were the only place. :D
Saintnex: It was cool and super effective
excalgold: @malfnord oh the US Ships are going to be for one faction, i've got several i need to work on
Strebenherz: Thought I found the comic you were talking about, but i'm not sure. Who did you say did it, Miazaki?
Mark_D_Stroyer: Monitor was like a transitional submarine, really.
Despoiler98: The Monitor was wrecked exactly cause she was so low to the water she couldnt handle any seas
Sorator13: @electra310 Depends on what the wall is made of!
TacitusVigil: Future monitor classes had two or three turrets I believe
josh___something: I fuckin love this soundtrack, holy moly
MostCallMe__Tim: be VERY careful cutting in that mode
Despoiler98: IRON CLAD WOOD
JadedCynic: @electra310 some wall materials are stronger than your cutter
Despoiler98: the Iron CLads
JadedCynic: yep
iris_of_ether: Yee
electra310: Ah, gotcha
TacitusVigil: Did hms warrior still use wood?
HaltBen2514: what’s the game btw?
TacitusVigil: I think so
Sorator13: @HaltBen2514 Hardpsace: Shipbreaker
Strebenherz: Something like this?
SquareDotCube: Though the technique dates about a century later
Lord_Hosk: Correct they used thick wood, and then the iron clads were litterally wood ships they covered in big old sheets of iron plate
JadedCynic: "composite" armor - metal exterior, with thick layers of wood behind
HaltBen2514: ah thx @sorator13
Mai_Andra: ♪ I am the warrior ♫
excalgold: the Merrimack started out as a six screw steam ship then got it's sailed pulled off when converted to an Iron Clad
betweenmyself: I wonder if there’s any system by which you can cut off and sell pieces of the ship you work aboard to sell back to the company without them catching on riffThink
SquareDotCube: Old Ironsides
Cptasparagus: im a composite
terribleplan: Mmm, composite burritos.
JadedCynic: @Lord_Hosk that's how the USS Merrimack became the CSS Viriginia
TacitusVigil: Ironclads werewritten ships clad with iron? Noooo Kappa
bagfullofbees: I am currently eating a composite
MostCallMe__Tim: yes
Inkymouse: When you eat a burrito, does it become an alloy?
electra310: A wall made of burrito would be a composite
Omthebox: Is a composite a sandwich
Despoiler98: mmmmm delicious iron clad burritos
TacitusVigil: Wooden
MostCallMe__Tim: tearing bottom out helps yeeting barge stuff down
TheNerdWonder: Old Ironsides was a normal wooden ship. It got that name from cannonballs bouncing off its hull
Mathwyn: A taco is an alloy
adept_nekomancer: Meat and cheese composite materials
PixelArtDragon: Is a pita a taco?
Drakas: pizza is an alloy
TacitusVigil: Is a double decker taco an ironclad?
Gaelan_Maestro: now i want tacos
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: take a cue from Niven and start calling stuff "handmeals"
bagfullofbees: pretty sure it's only an alloy if it's uniformly mixed
TheNerdWonder: nacho cheese is an alloy
Inkymouse: Is poop slag?
JadedCynic: @TheNerdWonder exactly "ironsides" was a figurative description of its hardy hull
sporkraptor: mmmm, laminated lazanga
Easilycrazyhat: Cookies are an alloy
terribleplan: Alloy or amalgam?
Mai_Andra: blow it up and find out? seabatHITBOX
SquareDotCube: Pizza is a conglomerate one material away from being slag
xX_Before_The_Dawn_Xx: pizza is more of a laminate
LathosTiran: cheese is a solder for surface mount toppings
Mark_D_Stroyer: amalgamoy
josh___something: What's an "alloy" in this poor analogous context
JadedCynic: a roux is an alloy? ;)
HaltBen2514: but are they if they have chocolate chips @easilycrazyhat?
JadedCynic: @josh___something Bronze
bagfullofbees: @LathosTiran this is the most correct take of this entire conversation
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyAAAA
EikoandMog: HypeLUL
Sorator13: OH dear
IanAllenBird: ouch
Mark_D_Stroyer: saw that coming
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyFine
Strebenherz: The pause and ear cover irl was gold
violetblight: yep the classic
adept_nekomancer: "burnout"
Omthebox: Ah yeah. Fair
Lord_Hosk: Mistakes were made
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDed
JadedCynic: this is how we learn
excalgold: what did we learn..... :D
ylegm: one way to do it
Sorator13: LUL
TheWanderingNomad: Oh dear
thekumquatking: OH NO
JadedCynic: time to throw that in the furace...
Strebenherz: PFFFFT
IanAllenBird: kmjnikmjn
MostCallMe__Tim: yeah, pull tank off first
CptMurphey: this is fine
DigitalSeahorse: fuck around and find out
JadedCynic: welp nvm
TheNerdWonder: did NOT know you could do that
TacitusVigil: Let's put pun in our heat warning
adept_nekomancer: Just preheating the medicine before use
PixelArtDragon: lrrFINE
Strebenherz: fwoosh
Lord_Hosk: Simply apply burning bandages to burns to fix burns
Easilycrazyhat: It's just a *little* toasty.
type_variable: is this a hey chat yet
Strebenherz: No, blind
betweenmyself: a taco is a *very* poorly distributed suspension pennyWhat
Vindexrix: grapple and pull it off
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunCarp
Strebenherz: He'll ask if he wants advice
Cavitation: theres a swith
JadedCynic: sparks fly off what you cut
space_turbulence: Simply remove the fire from the medkit
bagfullofbees: maybe remove the tank first?
HaltBen2514: how poorly distributed does a suspension have to be until it is no longer a suspesion
josh___something: Point it so it doesn't intersect the bad bit?
Vindexrix: yeah just pull it off
Omthebox: Your hacksaw is also fire bassed
type_variable: yeah
DigitalSeahorse: lol
Sorator13: Well, you're only hazard level 2
bagfullofbees: nice
DigitalSeahorse: doof
Gaelan_Maestro: DONK
JadedCynic: DONK.
type_variable: the extra arrows on the grapple reticle indicate stuff you can pull off
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunBabhed
excalgold: smacked in the face by a fuel tank...ouch
Lord_Hosk: Yes, its really that stupid
RocknGrohlNerd: hello gamers, it is early morning in central europe so I hop in back into the chat
bagfullofbees: YEET
the_lone_bard: The entire game fundamentally boils down to two inputs: Pull thing, cut thing.
Vindexrix: lights just pull off too
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCheer scrappy pappy
JadedCynic: the UI will tell you...if you pay attention...
Sorator13: @the_lone_bard Now now, there are a *few* more bits than that
MaddogM: save
josh___something: GOOD CATCH
JadedCynic: REFLEXES! :)
excalgold: oh good catch!
excalgold: and the extra point is gooooood!
JadedCynic: "I want Alex in goal!" :)
DigitalSeahorse: I would have put the light in the green if it worked
the_lone_bard: @Sorator13 I mean, the specific engine releases, sure... But even the atmosphere management is fundamentally just "How do I cut without boom."
Sorator13: @the_lone_bard also fuses!
geckoinasuit: i used to play this while listening to lectures getting ready to write my master's thesis
Awfrigate: Worried about inertia hurting someone? You best be worried about making quota.
the_lone_bard: @Sorator13 It's been about a year since I played but, don't you have to pull to remove them? :D
Omthebox: I'm not sure sorting tiny bits would be faster
geckoinasuit: so i associate this really strongly with like... stan rogers and maritime safety reform
mwlsn: “I suppose if I was a maniac” is always a good start
DigitalSeahorse: PrideLaugh
ylegm: I hope so
MTGRanger: which bin does Human go in?
Lord_Hosk: in a early build HPbraincase accidentally blew up something that YEETED the entire ship into the processor
Mathwyn: Genre twist into Alien Isolation
bagfullofbees: I don't even know what that means
Sorator13: @the_lone_bard I don't think that's the word the game uses, but I'm not certain; it's been a while for me too
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTH
type_variable: which hole do you throw ripley into
Sorator13: @Sorator13 It's not with the grapple, though
FarleyF: So is this something that your considering coming back to
mercano82: @type_variable The square hole
Mark_D_Stroyer: @lord_hosk lullzz I want to see that now
excalgold: Swiming up a Coil Gun barrel to cut the individual coils out is a real image that i hope but doubt this game supplies...
JadedCynic: yeah, the 'barge' takes complex components that can be reused in new construction, the Processor takes structural panels for reuse, and the furnace takes base metals for melting and recasting (or ruined items for destruction)
tknomncr: The only existential horror in this game is space capitalism.
josh___something: Ripley how? Alien infestation, or fine red mist on the walls?
Omthebox: Now if you can find a way to explode the ship into the furnace that could be a thing
Mr_Horrible: Pacific Drive aka Roadside PNWnic
MaddogM: A dirty worksite is your own creation?
FarleyF: only because there are more tools in the future and i didnt want to give away info
FarleyF: maybe for your home stream
DigitalSeahorse: woops
josh___something: Ahh PISS
JadedCynic: @josh___something or the guy with the museum of weird shit?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPoint
MostCallMe__Tim: barge stuff tends to be high value
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPeek
adept_nekomancer: Yep, company makes you pay to breathe.
excalgold: man the fact they make you pay for the necessities to do your job is horrifying
Strebenherz: Is this just amazon CO in space?
Awfrigate: Corpo gonna corpo
Mathwyn: Capitalism intensifies
Omthebox: O2 is a privilege now I guess
TacitusVigil: Yep, Weyland-Yutani
JadedCynic: now you're a UDT diver that has to surface for air periodically
did_it_for_you_kojima_san: Owe my soul to the company store
1 raiders from HbombAndFriends have joined!
Strebenherz: Breathing is a privilege not a right
betweenmyself: wooo! resource management!
bagfullofbees: at least you turned off oxygen drain
fuzzra: Now the real scrapping souls begins
mercano82: Oxygen doesn’t grow on trees, folks, that’s just the way it is
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyEmpty oxy gen?
the_lone_bard: I remember when this happened I was like "I'm busy, I'll do it later." and promptly suffocated inside the ship XD
HbombAndFriends: hbombaBomb hbombaBomb lrrFINE lrrFINE
Bearudite: space capitalism isn't gonna power its souless furnace itself
Taligan: It's because you're not an employee. They don't need to provide you with frivolous things like "tools". You're an "independent contractor".
TacitusVigil: What's the company in total recall?
josh___something: "oxygen makers", you mean TREES?!
FarleyF: ah there you go - the Demo Charges
JadedCynic: @fuzzra "Now the game TRULY begins!" lrrIAN
type_variable: youre at full hp
NERVOUSHAIR: any time i think about oxygen candles i think of the kursk disaster. i need to stop listening to so many disaster podcasts.
Laserbeaks_Fury: Is there a "brake" or is it all manual counterthrust?
bagfullofbees: hey, look, the game is foreshadowing!
FarleyF: @Laserbeaks_Fury there are brakes
mercano82: no, you just have very low max health right now.
Strebenherz: PFFFFFT
adept_nekomancer: Wheeeeesplat
bagfullofbees: oops
type_variable: see, now you can use a suit patch kit lmao
josh___something: Thanks weaver
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDed voxlunBabhed
dzee_szed: you can go back to the kiosk and repair that if you need
IanAllenBird: there are brakes, they just aren't very good right now
Awfrigate: gonna need that suit patch kit after all
Lord_Hosk: You know how we were talking about your suit being perfect?
josh___something: Owie
JadedCynic: yeah, loads of breaks...just not getting used Kappa
NERVOUSHAIR: im fine. i can only eat soup now though.
Omthebox: Applied face break
excalgold: good news: now you need the kit! :P
Iluvatardis: now you can buy that suit repair
brainbosh: NOW your suit ifs fuckered lol
Jethrain: Chipped spacesuit helmet is probably fine, right?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTap vicksyHappy yay we tiggered jazz
trebuchetboy: Did that say finished the tutorial? lol
dzee_szed: your suit has like two health left so uhhhhhh careful
bagfullofbees: you yeeted too close to the sun
DigitalSeahorse: awwww it went away
JadedCynic: "PuT mE bAcK iN cOaCh, i WanNa WiN!"
DigitalSeahorse: more jazz vicksyCheer
FarleyF: the 'campaign' for Shipbreaker is pretty awesome with a fully voiced crew
EikoandMog: We have a crack.
excalgold: oh hey a crack in the hlet, i'm sure that isnt bad at all !
excalgold: helmet*
Laserbeaks_Fury: Is there a soft inertia?
EikoandMog: lrrFINE
bagfullofbees: oh hey, I just noticed the crack in your helmet also shows up when you're in scanner mode
bagfullofbees: yeah, a little bit
mwlsn: ablative impact resistant safety equipment is fine to use after impact
bagfullofbees: but also it's exploitable
Laserbeaks_Fury: pffft, game feeling good is more important
MostCallMe__Tim: I love later you get tehers that can just drag whole ship interior into furnace
type_variable: but where will the heat go alex
incslayer: radiators are great they keep my apartment warm during winter :p
Mathwyn: Turns out completely accurate physics usually makes for bad gameplay
KaukoPlays: scifi is science -fiction- not science -fact-
mercano82: one of my favorite memories of this game was standing in the middle of a metal donut and pushing it towards the furnace, only to be hit in the back by the same piece and joining it in the fires.
Artificer_Evan: @Mathwyn yup
leggettor: is this not pasific drive. The ui looks so similar
adept_nekomancer: Having a little bit of non-physical space drag makes flying around a lot easier.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyInspect
JadedCynic: the bay actually DOES have a weak gravitational field that slows objects - not a large effect, but if the object isn't moving very fast already...
excalgold: i love the section on personal weapons talking about gyrojets at least? but i love goofy weapons like that
JadedCynic: the bay's field is MUCH weaker than your gripper or your suit jets
Strebenherz: The kind of person who'd lecture why charlie brown couldn't get his socks knocked off by the baseball kinda?
Mathwyn: I mean is your cannon head mounted?
Laserbeaks_Fury: Yeah, I think there's enough wiggle room for handwavium to make a game feel good
BusTed: LUL
JadedCynic: and that's FINE
Sorator13: LUL
Lord_Hosk: Hard to pay attention to chat, and the little indicator telling you what bay to dump the stuff in
LordZarano: I think this game has a fully neutonian physics mode iirc
Sorator13: love that
NERVOUSHAIR: you are telling a story, not a textbook
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyTH
FarleyF: Read Spaceshipping if you get the chance - you will love it
DigitalSeahorse: !alex
LRRbot: Alex’s Varied Creations ~ Gumroad: | Patreon: | Etsy: | Home stream: | Twitter: | More:
epsilon_vee: like making hard sf fans seethe is what makes it all worthwhile :P
Nimiphi: there are rules to breaking rules!
JadedCynic: "NPRPI - No Plot Relevant Parts Inside" :D
josh___something: Spaceshipping is great
Bruceski: "How much research do you do for your fiction?" "As little as I can get away with."
Strebenherz: Spaceshipping was a great read
sporkraptor: that's one of the things I like about the Murderbot Diaries--doesn't talk at all about how/why, Murderbot doesn't care
Strebenherz: I liked the vibe
betweenmyself: not everything *needs* to be explained… Looking at you, midichlorians pennyWhat
Patorik: Those details are for if you release a Technical Manual someday
Lysander_salamander: really enjoyed the "Drainers" comic
Lord_Hosk: Please support space shipping, you can buy copies of some of the original art
ClodiumSoride: Alex, more Spaceshipping when?
FarleyF: its one of the things i will always promote as it's great work
bagfullofbees: is there a particular platform people should look for your work on?
CaptainChibale: what was it called?
ZephyrousOne: You mean like how Starfuries "move and the speed of plot"?
aerohydra: !alex
LRRbot: Alex’s Varied Creations ~ Gumroad: | Patreon: | Etsy: | Home stream: | Twitter: | More:
tknomncr: I'd say Spaceshipping is far less depressing than the plot of this game :)
Strebenherz: ooh heck yeah
JadedCynic: @Strebenherz 'was'
FarleyF: Terri is adorable
JadedCynic: Iret is scareousing :)
CaptainChibale: thank you!
EikoandMog: I love Terri.
iris_of_ether: Your shitpost sketches are also fun
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPog
JadedCynic: @tknomncr exactly, the hopefulness of the setting is a breath of fresh air <3
DigitalSeahorse: YOU'RE a space cutey
CanvasWolfDoll: i really need to rebuild my own creative habits. write more or make comics or something consistently.
ghyllnox: I thought the elevator scene was particularly clever
CaptainChibale: I'm mostly listening while I do art so I have to hop back to ask for clarification sometimes lmao
josh___something: Secretly?
ghyllnox: Shared it with a small NSFW discord I'm on and they liked it
bagfullofbees: I like utopian scifi
HaltBen2514: is spaceshipping finished or ongoing?
EikoandMog: It's utopia disguising itself as dystopia, imo.
JadedCynic: @iris_of_ether indeed...I should see about figuring out something for one...
theambivalentagender: I loved the description of it as a "boring utopia" that I think you used
Lord_Hosk: Everyone has a shitty job they hate, which makes them middle class
NERVOUSHAIR: absolute madness
NERVOUSHAIR: i love krung
Sethalidos: mm sllurm
mercano82: “eat” is a strong word there.
DigitalSeahorse: mmmmmm vicksyRamen vicksyRamen vicksyRamen
Saintnex: Im honestly down with most of that except the nutrient slurm
tknomncr: Hmmm edible material
Strebenherz: Everything seemed grungy, but everyone seemed happy. Like. Huh. That's a dream
measureofhope: I enjoy Spaceshipping, it is pleasantly weird and the fun level of horny
NERVOUSHAIR: i am fine with krung
iris_of_ether: @JadedCynic I had him sketch one of the characters we came up with in the CDHC Beak, Feather, & Bone game. Just a ravenfolk with a ton of shivs :D
JadedCynic: oh gods, crung....
Awfrigate: hmmmm nutrient sluurm
PixelArtDragon: Sort of how "having a refrigerator" now is considered something ubiquitous now, even though it was once a status symbol
NERVOUSHAIR: krung is.
Patorik: They like not being hungry anymore. It tastes like full
FarleyF: i read a story once about the government giving 'Standard Fare' which was bread that you got for free, but you could work to improve things
Dreamlettuce: Your ideas intrigue me and I would like to sign up for your newsletter.
theambivalentagender: (not that the story itself is boring at all, but the concept is like "ah man, a basic standard of living for everyone? Sure I guess.")
josh___something: krung is perfectly adequate
Miss_Evilyn: What's crung?
ghyllnox: Sometimes I wish I had a krung
Mathwyn: I mean people have strong opinions about tap water so probably
bagfullofbees: eating krung sounds like some sort of horrible sex act
EikoandMog: Much like Krung, nobody thinks about it too hard.
Laserbeaks_Fury: In a hard sci-fi setting, where long distances take a long time to travel and communicate, what is the speed of social change?
TheFool76: Spacer Dwarf Bread
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyRamen crung
fungal_bird: Perfectly cromulent sustenance
Gaelan_Maestro: Alexisms always make me smile
josh___something: I'd assume any kinky krung stuff isn't CENTERED around the Krung
jamesinor: Now the real question, is the Red Dwarf universe a Utopia or Dystopia?
Awfrigate: the whole nacelle is barge? neat
MTGRanger: I searched “Krung nutrient paste” and a local restaurant I actually kinda like came up :/
space_turbulence: Just got back from reading spaceshipping #1! Great character banter, and the backgrounds are so *luciously* detailed
josh___something: it's just the best material they had on hand
NERVOUSHAIR: the idea in alien that the tech is glitchy and the ship is FILTHY
JadedCynic: oh god, the FTL chart <3
PixelArtDragon: The whole "old tools are still really good"
theambivalentagender: I love the worldbuilding stuff in Spaceshipping
vidStrickland: Spaceshipping is some of my favorite world building, and I look forward to every granule of that world we get. Thanks for putting it out there, Alex.
excalgold: oh the McDonalds Ice Cream Machine
EikoandMog: Krung is the "sex through a hole in the sheet for procreation" of food.
NERVOUSHAIR: emergency use
loufghyslaufey: is it, that fast?
Strebenherz: Is... Is Krung edible packing peanuts?
FarleyF: one of my favourite world building was the reptiles with the generator
Toxxick: Ah. Elon Musks Hypertube.
an_archist2: so it's like concorde?
epsilon_vee: so, space 407
bagfullofbees: the scenic route
NERVOUSHAIR: @Strebenherz that is one use
LordZarano: Like concorde
PixelArtDragon: It's the private jet of the future
CanvasWolfDoll: i've always loved speculative fiction where tech/magic makes things better, but not amazing. like a few decades out from warp and such
Strebenherz: Well played
JadedCynic: @Strebenherz if you WANT to use it for packing material...
azureHaights: @Strebenherz The answer is close enough to yes
fungal_bird: Packing peanuts are already edible though, technically
wench_tacular: so versatile
Strebenherz: Upcycled waste product makes me think "oh no is this poop?"
NERVOUSHAIR: make childrens toys out of crung
jacqui_lantern234: good news: mead is done fermenting! bad news: tastes bad! good news: its not a spoiled batch! bad news: the fix will take a bit to fully take effect! good news: at this point, its just more waiting!
jonnykefka: Reminded of a recent Goldman Sachs analysis of ChatGPT: "If people are investing a trillion dollars into this, it needs to create a trillion dollars of value. And it isn't."
JadedCynic: the twitter link in chat explains Krung quite well
LordZarano: @an_archist2 Hi five!
ContingentCat: all of them are edible once
ylegm: I mean, an object has many uses, not all of them are suited to the task though
sporkraptor: technically everything is edible
Taligan: Anything is edible if you're brave enough?
ANeMzero: Sadly Crung is only minimally flammable so it can't also be burned for warmth
NERVOUSHAIR: i once went though a whole bag of them. they are basically flavorless cheetos
PixelArtDragon: Everything is corn
theambivalentagender: Also I am obsessed with the lizard aliens
HaltBen2514: I take it edible does not mean pleasant in that case
fungal_bird: Airplanes are edible
Nimiphi: wait, packing material is made of corn? jeez, basically everything is corn, huh?
themoonhowler subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 20 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, themoonhowler! (Today's storm count: 837)
Lysander_salamander: I liked the storytime about how there's two types of anti-gravity and the two companies that manufacture them are in a constant war over who invented it first.
azureHaights: this oil is made from SNAKES
NERVOUSHAIR: @Nimiphi some packing peanuts. dont test all of them
ZephyrousOne: All packing peanuts are edible, not all are digestible
ylegm: Goldman-Sachs just dropped a report on how unviable LLM are profit wise
ElementalAlchemist: but you're right though
DigitalSeahorse: hehehehehh
sporkraptor: nope, you're 100% right
NERVOUSHAIR: and soybean. dont forget soybean
Artificer_Evan: tell harry I said hi
jacqui_lantern234: LMFAO ALEX PLZ
EikoandMog: Americans are 10% corn by volume.
MTGRanger: I love my corn family
thekumquatking: It's true we are
sporkraptor: most of ohio is made out of corn
ANeMzero: "This thing you promised would reduce costs only reduces costs when you're selling it at a loss"
Jennie_Fuchsia: I wish I wasn’t
Jethrain: @fungal_bird airplane-eater georg was an outlier and should not have been counted
TheFool76: I'm only about 20% corn by weight
JadedCynic: "I say, old chap - this ChatGPT thing is just tulips all over again!" :D
Laserbeaks_Fury: The Internet is for Corn
Strebenherz: GOOGLY EYES
adept_nekomancer: Humans love corn.
TacitusVigil: Liquid corn
PixelArtDragon: I can't because you're not
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyNom
bagfullofbees: surely investors will learn their lesson this time [they won't]
optimalbook: its true, I'm American and I'm at least 5% corn
sporkraptor: Canadians are made of tundra and moose
CanvasWolfDoll: second night where someone playing a scifi game discusses corn
MaddogM: Are americans really edible though?
HaltBen2514: I’m learning so much about Americans todsy
ylegm: When Goldman_sachs says you're fucking up, it's a problem
excalgold: some percentage Maple syrup?
iris_of_ether: My manager is low-key conservative, and in today's 1:1 meeting he opened it up with "so do you feel like they're trying to shove AI down our throats?" and I just immediately "oh GOD YES". We had a rant.
DigitalSeahorse: Canadians are made of maple
FarleyF: Aussies are made out of spiders
PixelArtDragon: Canola?
josh___something: how many ppm of poutine? Kappa
Patorik: Canola?
JadedCynic: beet-sugar
ClodiumSoride: @ylegm beat me to it. They were more enthusiastic last year, but if the folks who only care about return on investment are turning on it, "AI"'s days are numbered.
bagfullofbees: 40% corn, 60% maple syrup
adept_nekomancer: @MaddogM Yes, but beware the LD50
EikoandMog: I thought Canadians were equal parts maple syrup, chips, gravy and cheese curds.
spicyFerret_: I am 30% buffalo sauce by weight.
FarleyF: Spiders and Vegimite
Awfrigate: Hey it's not all corn! It's artificial flavoring and hot gas too.
NERVOUSHAIR: the midwest grows so much corn that the corns resperation massively increases the humidity in mid summer
epsilon_vee: they don't have wisdom but they have math and the math isn't working out
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDed
TheFool76: The bits that aren't corn are ... corn fed beef... so more corn really
Strebenherz: The what movement?
azureHaights: @NERVOUSHAIR That's not what I meant by "i've got the corn sweats" and you know it Kappa
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyThink
betweenmyself: profit motive will *once in a great while* reign in certain excesses
DigitalSeahorse: yeah it's finite
NERVOUSHAIR: @azureHaights nervou31Smile nervou31Smile nervou31Smile nervou31Smile nervou31Smile
Artificer_Evan: ah yes the Ferengi approach
DigitalSeahorse: woop
Miss_Evilyn: Rules of Acquisition
ElementalAlchemist: yeah
PixelArtDragon: If it works, it works.
spicyFerret_: Support your local shipbreaker's union today!
NERVOUSHAIR: they are making solar cheaper than coal for that reason
excalgold: shoulda done it 10-15 years ago...but glad it's happening finally
fungal_bird: Won't argue with results
space_turbulence: Yeah, like it turns out we worked really hard to sucessfully save the bees because bees make a lot of money
JadedCynic: "enlightened self-interest" :\
Saintnex: Nothing like self-interest and self-preservation to motivate them to do ANYTHING that actually helps things
EikoandMog: I think it's just kind of pragmatic more than it is depressing?
ElementalAlchemist: it's something to further swing the pendulum, and despite the motivations, we'll take anything we can get on it
DigitalSeahorse: katesFlower katesFlower katesFlower
Sorator13: oh, I feel that
JadedCynic: "Am I actively being harmed?"
Taligan: I have the same combo, Alex. I feel ya.
bagfullofbees: understandable
PixelArtDragon: We'll be perpetually riding the line of "unrecoverable" and "profitable"
TacitusVigil: Don't worry, government subsidies will replace private investment....ugh
ylegm: about the water...
jacqui_lantern234: "at least its happening" is definitely better than "its NOT happening" imo
Artificer_Evan: right that one
MTGRanger: the three needs of a human: O2, H2O, and Krung.
Awfrigate: right? Right?
TheFool76: I broke my elbow and ranked it an eight.
excalgold: 'the normal number is zero my dude'
xVoxtric: I feel like 10 should be "you're passing out from the pain"?
fredcheckers: I once said 7 and they approved me for release.
Iluvatardis: i treat the pain scale as logarithmic
DigitalSeahorse: 10 is kidney stone
space_turbulence: That always bothered me. I mean, I can imagine being skinned alive
Sorator13: I have to preface pain ratings with "I have a chronic pain condition which throws this off; my 10 is probably a normal person's 12"
LathosTiran: treat 4 as i cant stop thinking about it
TheFool76: 10 is I'm blacking out from the pain.
NERVOUSHAIR: i always enjoyed a doctor joking about the farmer pain scale which is just "i came to the hospital didnt i?"
Juliamon: Yeah, when my back went out it didn't feel like "pain" it was just "my body is telling me to NOT MOVE"
EikoandMog: 10 is an Excrucionator from Star Control 2.
ThorSokar: That scale is so worthless because most people have NO IDEA where the top is (kidney stones)
Lysander_salamander: like, that dude from hellraiser
Sethalidos: severe testicular torsion
ylegm: Imagination is a hell of a thing
an_archist2: or the skeleton arms from that one crapshot
PixelArtDragon: The way I've heard it is "childbirth is supposed to be a 7'
Miss_Evilyn: Law abiding citizen was really effed up
Bearudite: skin off spritzed with vinegar
badpandabear: @DigitalSeahorse I rated my kidney stones 8 because I figured being burned alive or crushed would hurt more
Juliamon: it didn't "hurt" the way, say, my arm breaking hurt.
tidehollowcat: 10 in my mind is just some scenes from Happy Tree Friends
Strebenherz: "And a monkey mashing the button"
betweenmyself: as someone who experiences physical stimulus while sleeping, my brain can imagine some truly awful pain
jacqui_lantern234: having been hospitalized for a sunburn i STILL have noticable scars from over 25 years later, my imagination is pretty high
Bruceski: I'd put "pain so bad you forget to breathe" at, like a 4 on that scale. Happened to me a couple of times, it's a bizarre feeling once your brain gets back into control.
Taligan: Not mashing the button, just leaning on it.
Lord_Hosk: I was watching a interview with the PHD who's research into HFCS everyone sites as the reason why its so bad. And he was like "I hate that everyone uses my research to say that... I only used HFCS instead of Simple Syrup from cane sugar because I didn't want to make my lab assistants boil water, mix in sugar, then cool it every day. HFCS is exactly the same nutritionally to other sugar, its just easy to consume masses of calories these days but no one wants to confront that"
bagfullofbees: I always imagine Iain Banks' depiction of hell from Surface Detail
JadedCynic: @DigitalSeahorse I dunno, I've had kidney stones that were more like a 4; my FIRST one was a 9 tho (mostly because I didn't know what was happening)
Cyberegg: 10 should be "I can not function due to pain"
Makoforte: pain scales are fucked and pain scales for chronic pain are messed up
shadowmaster132: It has to be accompanied by the guide imo. When I had my gallbladder I wanted to say 5 but I couldn't ignore the pain so I used that to rank it as a 7/8
Artificer_Evan: "my commander deck is a 7" sure it is
LostThePirate: Childbirth was a 10 for me - blinding, undistractable pain.
jacqui_lantern234: 10 should be "this person is dead"
TheFool76: Message for you sir!
Laserbeaks_Fury: Message for you, sir!
Iluvatardis: "message for you, sir"
PixelArtDragon: Importantly, "supposed to be"
TacitusVigil: If you can say 10, it's not a 10
Sorator13: my kidney stone started as a 9 (couldn't functionally do almost anything, but was still conscious and not constantly screaming)
ZephyrousOne: That sounds like the bit from Brazil
Awfrigate: I thought the question was medical history related though? Isn't it asked relative to pain you've felt?
DudelidouX: 10 should be you cannot pay me all the money in the world to feel that pain again
Laserbeaks_Fury: "Message for you, sir!" is from Holy Grail
Kazuul: a kidney stone going though your ureter is a 7-9 so just some context
Taligan: @jacqui_lantern234 But then it loops around to 0. They're dead = no pain.
ylegm: monty python reference outta left field there
EikoandMog: @DudelidouX 10 is a "I cannot answer you as that would require me to stop screaming in sheer agony and terror"
xVoxtric: I think the worst I've had are my migraines that rock up to a good 5
NERVOUSHAIR: putting your hand into the polytron (which can reduce a mouse into a souplike homogonate in 30 seconds)
fredcheckers: There's a sentai series where the Yellow ranger receives her summons by getting an arrow with a message on it shot into her skull.
DigitalSeahorse: if I'm wailing it's either a 9 or a 10
jacqui_lantern234: @Taligan my point being they died *because of* the pain
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: learning that my back is so trashed I can't work a job that requires me to stand up for hours on end anymore was pretty high - spent more energy on not collapsing onto the ground in tears than I could afford to spend on listening to what people were saying to me
shadowmaster132: Like when it's like 5 and below is pain you can put out of your mind, and 6 and above is pain you can't it's more useful. But no one ever gets told that except *maybe* doctors
Nimiphi: I have; basically if you say "8" or higher, they send you to the ER unless they suspect ur bein dramatic
JadedCynic: *thinks* hhmmmm, now that you mention it, I don't think I've ever been asked "number your pain"...
Iluvatardis: not much. what's a polytron with you?
mrverbal: oh, the pain scale, I had reason to use it a few years ago and actually understand the high end. Kidney stones are *not* fun
TacitusVigil: More than one tron?
fredcheckers: It's a romantic relationship between several transformers.
Awfrigate: That suit looking might messed up
Miss_Evilyn: I've only had a 10 before when I had a sudden, unexpected lumbago 2 years ago... So bad my legs gave out
betweenmyself: a bunch of monotrons hastily taped together
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: but then again I've had boiling water spilled on my back and just powered through it so idk what my upper tolerance really is
josh___something: I... is our suit fine?
Laserbeaks_Fury: Are the Jack shaped object supposed to be immovable for the grapple?
ylegm: there was a history channel show where they tested pain
NERVOUSHAIR: sir. this is a wendys
Sorator13: @Laserbeaks_Fury Yep!
TacitusVigil: Don't worry about it, Josh
m33pn8r: Learning about the pain scale is learning about perspective. A toddler pinching their finger could be a 9 or 10
bagfullofbees: and that's why I never intend to visit the tropics
jacqui_lantern234: also, my pain scale is PERMANENTLY FUCKED due to that burn i got as a kid, and also that i have a high pain tolerance
Carlioo: someone has to be the pain tester
itomeshi: My understanding is kidney stones are roughly on par with childbirth. That said, pain isn't a constant: since it's a perception, time is a factor along with intensity. Your ability to handle pain is diminished with exhaustion or chronic pain.
DigitalSeahorse: they greenlit the green light
jacqui_lantern234: THANKS GINGER GENETICS (/sarcasm)
JadedCynic: @mrverbal agreed; I now drink so much water that my pee has no color, but that also means I'm not having my kidneys clogged with sediment and chunks breaking off and tearing through their passages :p
ylegm: Yeah, it was a show called "Kings of Pain" on the History channel
DigitalSeahorse: yes, drink lots
Mathwyn: Drink more wet
Enki1256: Can confirm DRINK SO MUCH WATER.
NERVOUSHAIR: @itomeshi i love that an effective way of passing stones is to sit at the back of a rollercoaster
Sorator13: Unfortunately, drinking lots of water does not always prevent them. But yes.
NERVOUSHAIR: there are studies
kumatsu: drink your chromakey, son
JadedCynic: ^^^
TheFool76: Can of dehydrated water
xVoxtric: I really like the Dole brand flavor powder, so I don't have to pay for the can and water.
TacitusVigil: Die mountain dew count as water...?
theambivalentagender: Do bagged margaritas count? Kappa
fredcheckers: I wish that worked for gallstones.
mrverbal: So, for me, it's not a water thing strictly; I also get gout and it can cause them. So it's a pills thing for me.
TacitusVigil: Does
JadedCynic: yeah, I cut back my calcium intake (way too much diary)
DigitalSeahorse: drink water and hydration approved fluids
NERVOUSHAIR: @TacitusVigil as a percentage yes, in health. no.
EikoandMog: Wooooo. Another one for the beetus club.
spicyFerret_: Always remember to make your insides more moist
EikoandMog: Turns out 2 energy drinks a day is BAD for you.
fredcheckers: We turnin into gibbering horrors later?
itomeshi: I've also had kidney stones. IF YOU HAVE ONE: Try to catch it, which can let them determine the type and relevant dietary changes.
RocknGrohlNerd: *spits out water* I should drink what?
Patorik: When I think you've had enough water to drink, I have a little more, for coverage
m33pn8r: 0.
NERVOUSHAIR: just push the whole thing into the blue
Laserbeaks_Fury: Are the Barge stuff way more worth than the other bits?
JadedCynic: also, I have the advantage of loads of liquid to sweat in hot temps
PixelArtDragon: Low-cost airline companies be like "let's get these seats out of here"
DigitalSeahorse: exercise also helps slow formation of stones
Sorator13: @Laserbeaks_Fury On a per-kilogram basis, yeah, barge > processor > furnace
EikoandMog: @Laserbeaks_Fury Yes. They are completed objects to be re-sold. The other parts are raw materials.
theambivalentagender: In all seriousness I've always had a weird issue remembering to drink water because of adhd issues and I've found just putting a bit of flavoring in it makes me crave it, ergo making me drink it more.
Sorator13: but some of the barge stuff is very very small/low mass and not worth much in total
NERVOUSHAIR: @PixelArtDragon isnt that basically just human distilling?
Mazrae: i need to get into a habit of drinking more water, usually its coke and redbull mostly
Ormmannen: I was in the hospital recently. Found their questions about where on the pain scale I am very difficult to answer.
EikoandMog: @Mazrae I was you and this is a fast track to the beetus.
NERVOUSHAIR: a 5 gallon jug of water next to the desk helps
NERVOUSHAIR: go from bottles to cans
JadedCynic: scale it back over time <3
PixelArtDragon: Soft drinks also have a lot of sodium in them
Patorik: Get used to not having it all the time. But still sometimes
JadedCynic: you body can do that
jacqui_lantern234: one of my people ive dated had type 1, and she really helped me reframe my understanding of diabetes
Kazuul: and summer is stone season so keep hydrated
Sorator13: Oh yeah, I have very much learned to work with baby steps
Artificer_Evan: I can't drink soft drinks due to my bad gut
Laserbeaks_Fury: Keto has helped a lot to put lower carb options out there in the market
mrverbal: yea, I have improved my diet by eating less chocolate etc, but aiming for zero was something I knew I'd fail
TacitusVigil: We need to talk about your blood-syrup level
mrverbal: so it's just way less
jacqui_lantern234: alex, why are you attacking me like this? :p
Gaelan_Maestro: carbonated soft drinks hurt my throat, so i drink iced tea
EikoandMog: @TacitusVigil OOf
Sorator13: @mrverbal oh god
LordZarano: Also, take vitamin D. You probably need it. It helps the calcium go to your bones. Also it's REAL CHEAP, like $15 for a year's supply
shadowmaster132: My best technique for water vs other drinks has been to keep my water cold
Sorator13: sorry, that was meant to be to TacitusVigil
DigitalSeahorse: don't drink more than one redbull than it says to on the can, less if you are a child or have a heart condition
Saintnex: switching to diet zero version soda first, then eventually to soda water over time works way better than cold turkey
cspacefeet: I think "perfect is the enemy of good" is a really useful thing to remember
PixelArtDragon: Do just enough to beat your average dirtiness
Mazrae: @EikoandMog at 33 so far my blood sugar has been roughly normal, for now at least
Artificer_Evan: I have also found that I cannot drink tea any more. It makes me go pee SO MUCH. just not worth it
Zu_o: Go nuts? Don't mind if I dooo!
Makoforte: I definitely have that problem
itomeshi: My partner has issues with the pain scale. Every time we go to the hospital, I need to explain that she always undervalues it due to chronic pain and depression.
fredcheckers: TWO tables?
mrverbal: @shadowmaster132 cold water so fucking good
RocknGrohlNerd: i call it little victories, and I support that
iris_of_ether: @LordZarano Yeah my Dr was like 'basically everyone in the Pacific NW needs a vitamin D supplement'
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDed
Bruceski: Something I've discovered is to look for ways to interrupt your own habits. If I keep a 2-liter of soda handy I'll drink the whole thing, while if I get cans I keep them in the kitchen so I need to keep getting up for another and am aware of that. For other folks it's different, "just one can" is nothing for their brain.
PrinceNimzar: for me what works better is to say "clean for x duration"
theambivalentagender: I got myself to drink more water by making myself alternate. Like, after I drank a can of soda, I'd drink a bottle's worth of water. This meant that I was more hydrated so I didn't want the soda as much anyway.
shadowmaster132: @mrve
Juliamon: Plain water makes me actually nauseous. I got into watering down Gatorade, and now I've been into barley tea this year. It's still probably not *great* but it's *BETTER* and that's what matters.
EikoandMog: @Mazrae That was mostly a comment of how I got it myself.
TheFool76: perfection is the enemy of good enough
Miss_Evilyn: Children shouldn't drink red bull at all imo
drawnbinary: i am cleaning the whole house rn :(( (except the bedroom because im going overseas next week but im mostly putting the mess into tidy boxes for later)
Sorator13: @itomeshi Same! It makes things Interesting. Fortunately, the medical folks I've talked to seem to accept that when I tell them.
Nimiphi: saving your ego by making mountains of mole-hills
shadowmaster132: @mrverbal it was a big help when my dentist was like, how much coke do you drink?
TacitusVigil: Love for others, high standards for me
MAPBoardgames: I hate the little voice which tells me to not do things because....
PixelArtDragon: Are you a perfectionist, or are you a premature optimizer?
Iluvatardis: if it's worth doing, it's worth doing poorly
shadowmaster132: And then it turns out I have acid reflux and that was probably the real tooth issue
JadedCynic: I don't look at it as 'perfection' as much as 'completion' - "if I clean all the house now, I can slag off for the rest of the day - and also I'll stop procrastinating, too
Mazrae: @EikoandMog thats fair but i know that i also got to be careful and not to over do it
LathosTiran: "if i cant succed might as well not try" Kappa
jacqui_lantern234: having lived my childhood with an ACTUAL perfectionist mother, hard agree, alex. people use the term wrong ALL THE TIME
Laserbeaks_Fury: And if you cleaned it: bonus
Bruceski: @Juliamon I've started experimenting with cold brew tea. It takes some adjustment and a lot of the herbals that smell great hot taste vile cold, but with the right tea it's a great drink without sugar.
bagfullofbees: the default state of my laundry is in a heap on the floor
JadedCynic: "Perfect is the enemy of Done"
theambivalentagender: For me my "perfectionism" mostly comes from previously feeling proud of myself for starting something and getting a lot of negative feedback from others who thought I just wasn't trying hard enough.
kumatsu: as someone dealing with a moderate hoarding situation, I'm a huge advocate of Small Wins for making progress
JadedCynic: I missed most of that, sadly :(
TacitusVigil: You tried your best. And failed. But you learned an important lesson: never try.
Saintnex: @Juliamon tbh, if it works it works, and honestly watered down Gatorade/sports drinks are really good if you have dehydration issues/sweat alot
shadowmaster132: I am a big fan of setting my goals with room to overshoot so I'm not shitting on myself 70% of the week for "failing" and avoidnig the work entirely
Saintnex: sorry I should say, CAN be good, not are good
iris_of_ether: @Bruceski Cinnamon orange rooibos (available from multiple companies) tastes amazing hot and cold
TheDevil_Risen subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months!
TheDevil_Risen: 7
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheDevil_Risen! (Today's storm count: 838)
PixelArtDragon: It could be not your fault, but you do have control over how much it can affect you
TheDevil_Risen: heya Alex hows the space salvage going?
m33pn8r: "Even if it isn't your fault, it is your responsibility"... That's a good IN CONTEXT quote. Thank you.
theambivalentagender: Also this convo about perfectionism is making me feel a bit less down on myself for not finishing inking my next comic tonight.
LordZarano: This is why I invented Tidy Time for myself. 30 minutes of cleaning per day and no more
Juliamon: Bruceski I settled on barley tea because it doesn't give me the weird 'rubber mouth' feeling that most herbal teas do. Also it's cheap as shit.
Lord_Hosk: There isn't a light attached to that
Bruceski: @theambivalentagender Euch, yeah. I have some family who think their responsibility for helping is to give a push and that means it's impossible for me to celebrate the small steps with them.
Sorator13: there wasn't a /light/ attached to that, but...
Juliamon: you can just... buy roasted barley in bulk for like, pennies
HaltBen2514: I love the CGP Grey video on how to maximise sadness
Makoforte: Personally my big problem has been 'okay I asked for help and now things are worse for asking'
HaltBen2514: great resource
Awfrigate: was it 7 grand? thought it was 70
EikoandMog: @Mazrae Small steps! I replaced my energy drinks with the powder stuff you can buy and sugar-coke with sugar-free. My levels are down to normal with meds :)
Sorator13: @Awfrigate it was indeed 70
n__een_n: dude same
jacqui_lantern234: perfectionism isnt "i wont start cause it wont be perfect". it often looks more like "why isnt this finished product perfect?"
Awfrigate: @Sorator13 oof
iris_of_ether: Unfortunately barley & me do not agree (celiac, RIP)
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyNoted
Strebenherz: I bought potatoes and i've been nuking those
Makoforte: @iris_of_ether coeliac club
PixelArtDragon: You can put some soy and some sesame oil on it
thekumquatking: This game seems satisfying.
Lord_Hosk: Its shocking how much less crap you eat when you fill up on veggies
Enki1256: Fresh, toss it in the air fryer for like 5 minutes. nice'n'crispy
HaltBen2514: I’m glad I love broccoli
DigitalSeahorse: rofl
dungeonmasteralek: little olive oil, garlic and salt and you're gaming
josh___something: ALEX
Sorator13: LUL
Jigokuro: Alternately: raw broccoli. Om nom nom.
Inkymouse: Even better if you have the energy to saute it in a pan with a bit of olive oil and garlic
jacqui_lantern234: LUL ALEX
Strebenherz: Next on spaceshipping, rawdogging brocili
Sethalidos: Alex no
EikoandMog: There's no "diabetic" diet. Just the same thing everyone else SHOULD be eating.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHeadbang rawdog
theambivalentagender: @jacqui_lantern234 For me it's "I've already mentally gone through the entire process of making this product perfect and seen that it won't actually be perfect and now the entire idea of starting is making me stressed and sad"
jamesinor: I no longer want to eat brocolli
JadedCynic: Storytime Paul: "So what did we learn, kids? Yes, that's right: The Powers That Be give you unrealistic expectations to set you up for a life of failure, so that you're more easily manipulated. So ignore what society tells you and find your own goals for happiness."
Laserbeaks_Fury: I've been roasting broccoli and topping it with hot sauce
Mollylele: at least toss a little vinegar on yer broc
TheNerdySimulation: having this on in background while I chat oon discord is.. interesting at the least
shadowmaster132: I think one of the best things for me was the nutrionist saying it's okay if I eat veg instead of fruit, because I struggle so hard with eating fruits
andreagustafson: THERE'S a phrase I was not expecting
Jigokuro: Just gnaw the whole head
FarleyF: HA i was just talking to one of the sales team people and mentioned you have got to eat your veggies before you get your desert - although in this case it's getting pricing from a website so boring but neccessary
Juliamon: I'm so sad my body stopped tolerating more than like, a bite of broccoli a week
Bruceski: I've boosted my veggie intake by dicing up a whole bunch of green chile and just tossing a handful into everything. It goes great in soups and stews. Mac and cheese tastes AMAZING with chile in there.
Saintnex: also, restrictive diets tend to not work amazingly and often lead to ppl picking up all that weight again which feels terrible
TacitusVigil: Air fried broccoli is great. Same with brussel sprouts
jacqui_lantern234: @theambivalentagender this is fair
fredcheckers: If it won't wreck your blood sugar then frozen blueberrries are a great source of nutrition other than calories.
Awfrigate: vegis taste good. It's about finding the ones you like, are available in your area, and cheap. Make it a habit. Save money, time, and health down the road.
m33pn8r: This stream is working great as just audio, am about to do some mild cleaning thanks to you, Alex.
IronwoodWizard: broccoli with a little soy sauce and a quick sauté is something we eat at least 3-4 times a week
Sorator13: @shadowmaster132 One of my friends said "get the nutritionist to tell you what you need to GET from eating fruit/veg/whatever, so you can work around what you do/don't like within that"
Mollylele: we buy a bag of slaw-type shred and just hide it in everything. gotta sneak veggies into the body by subterfuge
Inkymouse: I'm mostly vegetarian, and the thing that made me eat more protein and iron was smoothies. Chuck some protein powder in with frozen fruit and random greens and done
Patorik: I've been making homemade iced tea with minimal sugar. That's been a nice break from plain water
Mollylele: greejings
MostCallMe__Tim: honestly, Diabetes was probably the best thing to happen to me, healthwise
TheDevil_Risen: hello Beej!
RocknGrohlNerd: hi Beej
JadedCynic: Chill? Oh honey...
Texan_Reverend: Good evening, Beej!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyRoll we are space potat
jacqui_lantern234: HAI BEEJ
MTGRanger: lrrBEEEJ !
Saintnex: Yea, I used to have a whole can of Arizona tea a day and the friggin nutritional facts are SO misleading
LostThePirate: One bottle of, like, Snapple Peach Tea is something like 120% of your daily added sugars, yeah
Cptasparagus: It's spaceship bonsai
FarleyF: in a workmode it's different but you can honestly play it with no time limits
HaltBen2514: the other thing I think people over consume is alcohol
Awfrigate: To be fair, food companies wouldn't let you know how much sugar was in anything if they had their way.
MaddogM: Going too fast can hurt
shadowmaster132: @sorator13 It was such a relief I was like, okay I'm going to kill it with veggies, made things so much more achievable for me
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCope none of this
Sorator13: @shadowmaster132 For sure!
Laserbeaks_Fury: Also having *very* fixed objects on the horizon help with orientation
HaltBen2514: the definition of binge drinking is a lot lower than you think it is
DigitalSeahorse: computers!
DigitalSeahorse: watch it
Afxxthemad: This has been some nice and REAL advice.
spicyFerret_: Ive been slowly whittling down my energy drink habit
BrowneePoints: I miss Surge pop. Coke brought it back and killed it twice
jacqui_lantern234: ALEX LUL
Bruceski: @MostCallMe__Tim My brother's been adjusting to it for about a year now and really I should follow his habits. Indiana has a great diabetes education course he took at his library. That really helped.
spicyFerret_: WRONG HOLE
EikoandMog: Scanner should tell you where valuables are.
Awfrigate: I like guest Beej being here. His interested face is dope.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCheer
DudelidouX: would have cost a lot 2x 58k good catch
Patorik: This game is so meditative
TheDevil_Risen: yeah its a super chill but cool game
Sorator13: @EikoandMog He ahsn't unlocked that scanner mode yet, I think
JadedCynic: it's a wonderful chill pasttime - do a ship when you wanna depressurize
EikoandMog: @Sorator13 Ohhhh
Mazrae: <message deleted>Beej, you look so tired
shadowmaster132: Always more effective to look at the causes of the bad choices than to just be mad, good policy for society and yourself!
JadedCynic: time limits and oxygen use are optional later on - I just play 'unlimited' to relax
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyBox combining unboxing and golf
Juliamon: the biggest roadblock to my eating healthier has honestly been my mom's dietary restrictions. Her stuff takes up a full half of the fridge and freezer because she can't eat the same things as us, so I get scolded for taking up any space with something she can't eat.
Laserbeaks_Fury: This game is very chill and relaxed, and that how they *get* you to accidentally nick a fuel tank with your laser
Mollylele: Clap never tell somebody they look tired Clap
DigitalSeahorse: or pool
Juliamon: I miss green beans...
MaddogM: I've never tested: I wonder how far you can travel
theambivalentagender: Vyvanse really helped me with appetite and general impulse control, as well as cutting down on caffeine because adhd meds + too much caffeine = aaaaaaaaa
TacitusVigil: I don't care, I'm still free, but you can take this scrap from me.
JadedCynic: KONK :D
Strebenherz: Beej has dethroned Harry
bagfullofbees: Hi Beej!
BrowneePoints: the biggest obstacle to eating “healthier” is first and foremost to not moralize food
PixelArtDragon: We already found out what happens if you end up in the processor
Sorator13: This is such a nice game, honestly
Swageki: yooo Beej!
Sethalidos: you should prolly fix up your suit Alex
Awfrigate: Yeah Beej gets a mic!
thekumquatking: Is that another door console?
Sorator13: The music is EXCELLENT
Chantzzzzz: I heard it compared to the satisfaction of untying a knot
PixelArtDragon: No, the Qatar is in the Middle East
bagfullofbees: it's very Firefly
FarleyF: you can play this from normal shifts with time limits to chill out and relax to SPEED RUN THIS SHIT
TheDevil_Risen: oops
Strebenherz: PFFFFT
IanAllenBird: non-tutorial shifts do usually have a 15 minute time limit but you can come back to the same ship
Saintnex: whoops
josh___something: uhhhh...
Sorator13: OH NO
IanAllenBird: ouch
Chantzzzzz: domed
62MGcobra: o7
Texan_Reverend: o7
Morrigan9: oops
Mollylele: bonk
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDed vicksyDed vicksyDed vicksyDed
I_Am_Clockwork: Cheer5000 that'll buff Right out
DigitalSeahorse: uhoh
JadedCynic: suit patch
thebuzzstreams: You're alive still, for now
pn55: lrrFINE
Laserbeaks_Fury: Patrick Gil has a whole video about the music
JadedCynic: you broke it
DigitalSeahorse: F
RubikDarkwill: Because you have the cutter, not the grapple
CanvasWolfDoll: hold your breath!
dumbo3k: "safe" to die
tajessa: Uh oh
Chantzzzzz: F
JadedCynic: "Fetch me another Alex, this one's broken"
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDed we're predead already
TheDevil_Risen: submits a service desk ticket for injury :D
bagfullofbees: F
tajessa: F
Nimiphi: dont hold your breath in space! you'll die faster
Shadwhawk: And you pay through the nose for 'em
Awfrigate: Ooof
dumbo3k: and you get charged for the cloens too!
Laserbeaks_Fury: You are charged for your clone
EikoandMog: F
m33pn8r: anyone recall the site alex mentioned that had all the machinist's tools?
A_Dub888: Alex "It's safe to die" Steacy
DigitalSeahorse: "I need another Alex!"
josh___something: it LITERALLY fuckin kills you to get clones
tajessa: What is this, Paranoia?
ClodiumSoride: @m33pn8r I think it was "The Little Machine Shop"
62MGcobra: 1.2 Billion in debt and counting
RubikDarkwill: There is a limited lives mode too
EikoandMog: tskr
m33pn8r: @ClodiumSoride that was it, thank you!
josh___something: the... red hole?
Sorator13: the burny hole!
JadedCynic: you start in overdrawn poverty on earth, and Lynx gives you an escape - they take on your loans etc, and 'buy' your DNA, and you agree to work to pay off the expenses they incurred
Lysander_salamander: it's nice that you can tweak the difficulty like that
Laserbeaks_Fury: For real though, the idea that you can't die and are forced to exist for eternity is one of my deepest fucking fears
Astramentha: “how will people stop themselves from dying without the Profit Incentive “
FarleyF: this Beej is a Podcast game - as in you just turn on a Podcast and chill out
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyFox1 seg vicksyFox2 ment vicksyFox3
A_Dub888: @DigitalSeahorse We've got Hamilton or Granbell, which would you like?
FarleyF: like Frontier Elite is
BrowneePoints: yea it taps into bluegrass and folk compositions to evoke imagery of blue collar western/frontier workers. Outer Wilds uses the same playbook @loadingreadyrun
vinopinguino: how far is beej from finishing fallout?
TacitusVigil: That seems dystopian. We cured death, but 99% of people are indentured because they have to pay resurrection fees
Laserbeaks_Fury: There's no "seems" about it :P
EikoandMog: We're basically working at a space u-pull-it.
vinopinguino: aw dang it, aw dang it, aw dang it
JadedCynic: yeah, for prices: furnace < processor < barge
ANeMzero: The bar at the top fills yellow from one side for the stuff you actually salvage, and red from the other from the stuff you destroyed
DigitalSeahorse: lol
A_Dub888: eh, live and learn
Mr_Horrible: sentences spoken minutes before disaster
Awfrigate: I think you can use O2 canisters
maybe_games: I have followed directions and am now eating microwave broccoli
PixelArtDragon: You of all people should know that they do!
JadedCynic: BYE!
62MGcobra: bye bye
ghyllnox: I wonder if you can refuel off of o2 canisters
EikoandMog: You can use 'em, yeah.
Mr_Horrible: it's free now
JadedCynic: alex, contributing to the Kessler Ring :D
wench_tacular: yeeeeeet
vinopinguino: homerun!
josh___something: it said the O2 can was a "pickup" so I guess it wasn't valueable
Lord_Hosk: JUUUUUst a little outside
Mazrae: it didnt say barge so i think you are good to yeet it
A_Dub888: benginO7
tajessa: Buh byeeeeee
MaddogM: It's in orbit now
adept_nekomancer: At least they don't charge you for instigating Kessler Syndrome
Mr_Horrible: "What's that?" "Looks like a bit, sir"
L0rdX33n: Oops, kessler syndrome
Strebenherz: Oh god you just rod of god'd someone
PixelArtDragon: You do not eyeball it!
Sorator13: When you fire this gun, somewhere, sometime, you are ruining someone's day!
62MGcobra: you could use that to refill your O2
ClodiumSoride: Anybody else remember the bullet from the Candesce novels?
Strebenherz: Episode 60, cell saga was the last one
MadmanOreo: btw speedruns for this game are fun and kind of zen.
BrowneePoints: as a musician myself, there’s several amazing video essays by people who specialize in theory breaking down why so many recent indie space titles use bluegrass callbacks
Blasteg: what game is this called?
BrowneePoints: it’s very interesting
PTElder: In the limited oxygen mode, you can huff the canisters
Sorator13: @Blasteg Hardspace: Shipbreaker
tidehollowcat: Haven't watched Dragon Ball Abridged, but I'm really liking Hellsing Abridged.
Shadwhawk: They did a Buu speedrun for TotallyNotMark
62MGcobra: @Blasteg Hardspace Shipbreaker
brunothepig: They recently did the "big moments" as a collab with a DBZ reviewer yeah
BrowneePoints: I’m so random LOL
A_Dub888: Buu Bits
TacitusVigil: Put on the news, Alex, let's hear how the war against the Bugs and Robots is going Kappa
emboar2235: im watching mha so i can watch the abridged version
space_turbulence: They did "Buu Bits" that covered the highlights of the arc, total of like 30min i wanna say?
bagfullofbees: I think SAO abridged is my favorite
fredcheckers: Have any anime have rival abridgements?
PixelArtDragon: Hellsing Abridged is only slightly more ridiculous than the original
ReverseCreations: Yeah TotallyNotMark did a Buu review video and TFS did Buu Bits for that
JadedCynic: @L0rdX33n backstory - Kessler Syndrome happened a while ago, and Lynx took the contract to control and reduce the "Kessler Ring" (the wrecks we work on are dragged out of earth's 'nimbus of scrap')
A_Dub888: "Jesus wants a hug" lives forever rent free in my head
emboar2235: @bagfullofbees you don't seem to understand, my numbers. are higher than yours!
space_turbulence: "And there is NO ONE ALIVE who can comprehend my sexual preference!!
bagfullofbees: @emboar2235 is that a number in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
Astral_Apache: I think TFS recently committed to doing the full Buu arc.
m33pn8r: I picked my cell number ending in 1009 because of DBZ abridged
Sorator13: Yeah, that sort of mental conflict has always seemed rough for streamers, at least IMO
TacitusVigil: Very understandable
I_Am_Clockwork: the scene from Hellsing is him kicking in the door to the Queen of England's throne room to "I'm A B***, I'm a Lover, I'm a Child, I'm a Mother"
Woodthorn: Oooh! I'm so glad I got on in time to watch this for a bit!
Woodthorn: Good morning from Sweden
ylegm: I still like helldivers, regardless of the community acts
Astral_Apache: Just with no time-line
JadedCynic: @bagfullofbees yeah, they took a creepy cringe anime and not only lampshaded it...they kinda reformed it, too - because the parody couldn't be worse than the source
A_Dub888: @m33pn8r "Kick his ass Nappa!"
Nimiphi: hobbies have Cycling 2
L0rdX33n: It took me some mental effort to finish BG3. It just sat there like a monolith
TacitusVigil: Avoid the burn out
Greendrag13: Been a BLAST listening while I work. Finished up my model painting for a big 40k fling this weekend. Now I can finally watch, too!
BrowneePoints: I’ve had to monetize most of my hobbies cuz the American Disability/Assistance line is a nightmare
Strebenherz: Bespoke handmade guillotines!
Woodthorn: Oooh! I'm so glad I got on in time to watch this for a bit! Good morning from Sweden
ReverseCreations: Ghost Nappa "I'mhauntingyou!
TheFool76: What if your hobby is monetizing things?
Sorator13: @Woodthorn good morning!
DigitalSeahorse: Alex's shirts are super cute and comfy
DigitalSeahorse: !alex
LRRbot: Alex’s Varied Creations ~ Gumroad: | Patreon: | Etsy: | Home stream: | Twitter: | More:
Woodthorn: Is this their first time playing?
fredcheckers: So if I had you fabricate mysterious parts and then had a guy in a trench coat come pick them up, would you be down?
bagfullofbees: @JadedCynic unironically, the parody version is kind of everything I wish the original had been
AugmentingPath: That seems like an ironic place to draw the line: "Video games? Obviously for profit. Making things out of metal? No, that's just for fun"
Sorator13: @Woodthorn It is!
PixelArtDragon: There might be a difference between monetizing the fabricated object, and monetizing the fabrication process itself
FarleyF: @Woodthorn yes - its a blind playthrough
wench_tacular: yes
Juliamon: Woodthorn Yup, and it's a blind playthru, so no spoilers
Saintnex: welp
Woodthorn: Sweet!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyFastRoll vicksyFastRoll vicksyFastRoll
wench_tacular: rip
TheFool76: Do not swap your fuel tank with your O2 tank.
FarleyF: !heychat
LRRbot: Please ONLY offer advice when the streamer uses the phrase "Hey, chat...". Let them try to learn the game on their own, even if it means they miss a thing or two.
Sorator13: oh dear
Strebenherz: Whelp
iris_of_ether: benginO7
Laserbeaks_Fury: Look like we're gonna need another Timmy!
Awfrigate: F
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyDed
TheFool76: Clone number four now?
josh___something: The price of going FAST
TacitusVigil: Looks like we need another Weyoun
Astramentha: o7
bagfullofbees: time to savescum?
I_Am_Clockwork: Grappel swinging not for the faint of heart
62MGcobra: if your quick you can buy a repair kit
L0rdX33n: ooh can you find the previous owners drug stash?
Woodthorn: This game is such a gem
Chantzzzzz: decant another Alex, stat!
A_Dub888: Can you make toast in space?
DigitalSeahorse: liek 3
bagfullofbees: like 4 I think?
ReverseCreations: And that clone became a Meteor to earth
Juliamon: They reprinted you, not your fuel
Saintnex: well you have to pay for fuel Alex Kappa
FarleyF: there are achievements for extra deaths
IanAllenBird: you start out in debt and it just adds to the pile
Awfrigate: You want a new body AND fuel? Greedy employee aren't we?
Sorator13: Oh yeah, it doesn't refill your tanks! Then they couldn't charge you for it!
wench_tacular: another day older and deeper in debt
PixelArtDragon: This is what being an SCV in StarCraft is like
TheFool76: You start as your first clone so ...
MaddogM: patch you suit as well?
Werdnae: "Go into" We were already billions in debt from onboarding
Woodthorn: Even after finishing I'll just pop in now and then to disassemble a ship or two just for the peace of mind.
PixelArtDragon: Put the body in the biological reclaimer
TheFool76: YEEEUP
snowewolf: Morning it 6:45 here in uk
Jethrain: how morbid would it be to revive and then just have a body floating there with [Furnace] on it
jonnykefka: my favorite thing about this game was that it started as a Homeworld spinoff and the aesthetic is *chef's kiss*
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCope vicksyCope vicksyCope
iris_of_ether: I saw that and YUP
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPanic vicksyPanic vicksyPanic
DigitalSeahorse: I'm never diving
TheFool76: It's not so much that it sucks you into the helmet as the water shoves you in there.
L0rdX33n: I’m happy never watching that
Trenton Darnell: greetings boys
forcedreject: Well chances are death at that point would happen before the human pain response
ameliette: that clip is unfortunately seared into my brain since forever
PixelArtDragon: That would be a 9
tajessa: I bet I know what you're gonna say
bagfullofbees: [horrified expression]
ylegm: I have that clip on dvd
HaltBen2514: nah I’m good chief
theambivalentagender: Water pressure + human body is never a good combination
RebekahWSD: Ah, I know that already
JadedCynic: nopegirl.gif
Sorator13: Oh yeah. We don't fuck with delta P
forcedreject: We had an object lesson with that in a certain submarine recently
jonnykefka: oh the diving bell incident
Vindexrix: ah yeah, the crab gif
adept_nekomancer: Oh no... nothing good can come from that
Shadwhawk: Byford Dolphin
dungeonmasteralek: Cheer355 Had to do it
DigitalSeahorse: don't swim near fans
tajessa: Delta P vs crab. Who would win?
L0rdX33n: crab through a pinhole
terribleplan: The crab video, yeah
tajessa: DO NOT look up Byford dolphin
PixelArtDragon: Hot and cold running person
RebekahWSD: Poor poor crab
DigitalSeahorse: just a little guy
A_Dub888: #TeamOrder
DigitalSeahorse: F
fredcheckers: The delta P safety video led me to the NCSB rabbit hole.
betweenmyself: lrrCrab
L0rdX33n: At least he didn’t suffer
fungal_bird: So...Byford Dolphin. Did a dolphin get slurped?
ylegm: sounds like a normal tuesday for me
Sorator13: The downside of carcinization
Greendrag13: I've had to do fluid dynamics math. Those aren't really forces WE can comprehend XD
neisan2112: Assume that's kind of an oppisite to how the Bends happens
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyNoted
Laserbeaks_Fury: is the light blue stuff Barge?
TacitusVigil: The p stands for pain! Kappa
jonnykefka: Lowest bidder, Alex
MTGRanger: @laserbeaks_fury light blue is also processor
Sorator13: @Laserbeaks_Fury No, that scanner view is not indicating where stuff goes
PixelArtDragon: Costs extra for better lights
dumbo3k: I think there is an upgrade you have to pay for, that highlights barge goods
TheFool76: The tools wear out
TheFool76: And cost money to fix
Drakas: i think you mean Fathom Alex
jonnykefka: Cargo hatches are so annoying
Awfrigate: Beej picks up on this quick
I_Am_Clockwork: declamp this hatch
Laserbeaks_Fury: Maybe that detailed scanner is a paid upgrade
JadedCynic: yeah, people go on about dying in an explosion...but then there's High-Pressure Steam leaks - jets of near plasma streaking through the compartment next to you that will just cut right through ANYTHING - don't stick a finger in it, otherwise you just won't have that finger anymore
Mazrae: nope, def not going to look that up, getting a bit nauseous thinking about what you are saying about delta p
FarleyF: i hope this is something you would play at home yourself Beej
JadedCynic: :D
wench_tacular: #blamebeej
DigitalSeahorse: change leopardon?
TacitusVigil: I wonder if these tools would work well in, at, a dead space scenario...
tknomncr: Japanese spooderman best spooderman
BrowneePoints: SUPAIDAMAN
RoeDent89: All history is made-up bullshit
MaddogM: If you can't find all the barge stuff, then it'll be harder to pay off your debt
Miss_Evilyn: If I had a death metal band I'd call it Byford Dolphin Incident
Luminaire_p: The emissary of hell
ReverseCreations: Dear Dr. Beej, had you heard they're releasing a Cho Aniki collection on the Switch?
Jethrain: ohhh, the scanner has a scroll thing between structural/objects
Trenton Darnell: also the line cutter
jonnykefka: Moichendising! That's how the money from the tokusatsu is made!
Miss_Evilyn: Spiderman with guns
IanAllenBird: gotta unlock it first
Lord_Hosk: Yellow cut points
I_Am_Clockwork: upgrade the scanner I guess
Sorator13: There are many things you will get later
fredcheckers: There were 2 seasons of super sentai before spiderman, and then the 3rd IMMEDIATELY ripped off Leopardon.
Luminaire_p: Kamen Rider was before Spider-Man
FarleyF: when you get back to the base check the upgrade computer in the HAB
BrowneePoints: and Sentai started adding zords after Supaidaman
Luminaire_p: by 7 years
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyNoted
PixelArtDragon: Or the other Dunes
DigitalSeahorse: katesNoted
Lord_Hosk: Or if the movie HAD happened, would all those other movies have happned
Luminaire_p: Kamen Rider 1971, Spider-Man 1978
Lysander_salamander: wild
matthaus_c: looked it up, that POOR POOR CRAB
Luminaire_p: The giant robots in sentai
Natural_Ones_Only: Shai Halud the song slaps
I_Am_Clockwork: I remember watching the Jodorowski Dune doc back when Netflix sent actual physical dvd's
TheDihaltus: what's this game and the premise?
fredcheckers: Wait I may be wrong
BrowneePoints: Kamen Rider predates Supaidaman but it inspired Sentai
JadedCynic: oh GOD
RebekahWSD: Sure is a power!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha it so funy
BrowneePoints: they did not have the giant robots in Sentai until afterwards
Luminaire_p: There were several Sentai that were funded by Marvel, though
Lord_Hosk: Imagine Jodorowsky's dune was made, but because it was so out there it flopped would it have shut down late 70s and early 80s sci-fi?
jamesinor: Spiderman but he talks with his hands. Dude would die so often
JadedCynic: Italian Spiderman is lrrWOW
tajessa: @matthaus_c i am sorry for this new knowledge you have. It is no longer time for crab
I_Am_Clockwork: danger 5! love that show
Herbert_Erpaderp: Danger 5 is great
BrowneePoints: but yea Supaidaman inspired them to add Zords to Sentai
Natural_Ones_Only: Opinions on The Princess Bride?
L0rdX33n: I have seen Danger 5. It’s a lot
Luminaire_p: Also, if you've never seen Kaiketsu Zubat, it's a hell of a weird Tokusatsu
shadowmaster132: Camp isn't always bad, but when it's trying to be good and fails sometimes it's still funny
I_Am_Clockwork: Danger 5 gave us Sensable Chuckle
ANeMzero: all I know from Danger 5 is the Sensible Chuckle meme
voren_chalco: @L0rdX33n It's at least 5!
fredcheckers: Okay yep Supaidaman was 78 but Sentai started in 75.
Luminaire_p: They had a VAN
fredcheckers: Gorenger is a TRIP if you get the chance to see it.
jonnykefka: It might have been Voltron, it's pretty old
DigitalSeahorse: Thundercats
type_variable: getter robo
fredcheckers: The pink ranger's power is grenades.
Laserbeaks_Fury: I wouldnt be surprised if it was just toys first
BrowneePoints: I think it WAS voltron
Luminaire_p: They just had the 45 anniversary
PixelArtDragon: Combining series about combining robots?
Lysander_salamander: nice
type_variable: getter robo was 10 years before voltorn
fungal_bird: The creator of Voltron got the idea when he and his buddies accidentally crashed their cars together and he thought "What if robotos connected to each other and made a bigger robot?"
Luminaire_p: their Mobirates
chance_dean: still a light on that
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyRaid
Texan_Reverend: The Red Ranger saga thing with _all_ the Red Rangers was wild. I don't know how that worked in the Japanese show, though.
Miss_Evilyn: Directly from wiki page "The massive success of the show and the sales for the Leopardon toys inspired Toei to integrate a Giant Robot to their Super Sentai series, which would not only lead it to become one of the most popular Tokusatsu franchises in Japan but also led to the success of Power Rangers."
Lysander_salamander: yeah, like Ultraman
Natural_Ones_Only: Spaceballs! The Flamethrower
BrowneePoints: Gokaiger is the one that got butchered for Power Rangers
Strebenherz: Super Setai is the best about just making the coolest nonsense
L0rdX33n: That sounds sick as hell
ClodiumSoride: Alex, have you seen Rolling Bomber Special?
Luminaire_p: They don't do the combining weapons much any more
Trenton Darnell: Hard Space Ship Breaker. You salvage space vessels to make money.
TheDihaltus: ah, do we do anything with the money? or does it just like, let us buy better salvage equipment
Miss_Evilyn: @fungal_bird GATTAI!
Lord_Hosk: Goat there
fungal_bird: Getter Robo was the first combining robot anime
ComradeMik: Kamen Rider is better than Super Sentai.
BrowneePoints: they had combining weapons for Zyuranger
fungal_bird: Got it mixed up. Getter Robot was the first, not Voltron. Inspired by the time when the creator crashed his car
fungal_bird: Getter Robo*
fredcheckers: If you have a Roku there is an app called Pluto with 24/7 tokusatsu.
TheDevil_Risen: 1.2 bil in debt? ouch
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHeck vicksyHype lrrBartleby
Trenton Darnell: Pay off your debt and upgrades and resources like oxygen and fuel
TheDihaltus: ah. thx
Trenton Darnell: there is a story behind it but it's more of a chill game
PixelArtDragon: Welp, just got to work. Enjoy the rest of the ship scrapping, everyone!
BrowneePoints: Kamen Rider is on the average better, but Sentai has higher peaks
DigitalSeahorse: katesHypers
Lysander_salamander: :D
ClodiumSoride: I'm out, good night all.
Lord_Hosk: so we have a billion in debt but we made 4 million in a shift. If we just get a little faster with each shift... we could get out of debt
leggettor: got to go to all!!
DigitalSeahorse: katesFine vicksyFine profits
ANeMzero: The guy who played Anno in Blue Blazes also plays Nanba in the latest Like a Dragon games
Adam Haskin: Facist Recycling Corp
JadedCynic: @Lord_Hosk we also run up a bill of 800k a day...
mrverbal: make his own ultraman, with blackjack and hookers
Lord_Hosk: that was because he died twice
Makoforte: Anno is just. Some kind of ascended fanboy.
TheDevil_Risen: Thanks Alex!
DigitalSeahorse: vicksy7
SytYoshi: Thanks for the stream Alex.
Texan_Reverend: This was really great, Alex.
Laserbeaks_Fury: Let's Rotate The Streamers!
Juliamon: Thanks for shipbreaking!
BrowneePoints: I’m watching Gurren Lagann in Wiggins’ discord anime nights and I told them it was a rebuttal to Eva, they didn’t believe me, and then we got to the 2nd half of the show
TheDevil_Risen: Cheers Mate
IanAllenBird: o7
Texan_Reverend: I'd love to see more.
ANeMzero: Thank you for breaking the ships and not the stream.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyClap vicksyClap vicksyClap
Greendrag13: ooooog
Sorator13: thanks for the stream friends!
rabbitgta: Thanks alex
tajessa: Nice
heartofgoldfish: excuse
type_variable: morty!
DigitalSeahorse: heheheheheheh
wench_tacular: never change
Iluvatardis: thanks for streaming, alex!
Lysander_salamander: wow
TheDevil_Risen: this is the unhinged im here for
Texan_Reverend: Have a great night, Alex.
bagfullofbees: thanks Alex, I hope we get to see you play more of this!
Greendrag13: Have a good sleep!
tajessa: Thanks Alex lrrHEART
FarleyF: you know what i would love more streams with you and Beej just riffing with each other
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyHaha
Lysander_salamander: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
FarleyF: this was a delight
Texan_Reverend: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
I_Am_Clockwork: thanks for the fun times, Alex!
RocknGrohlNerd: sleep well Alex, thank you for the stream
JadedCynic: @Lord_Hosk oh just wait... (for the record, I've watched two streamers play thru the story - I only go to "free play" to chill)
Trenton Darnell: thanks Alex
Miss_Evilyn: Take care Alex
I_Am_Clockwork: now, for More Water
Juliamon: (also, your mic is live in this scene)
TacitusVigil: Beej. Beej never changed.
TheDevil_Risen: i need to go find the punch a chunk race
I_Am_Clockwork: pffft
fungal_bird: o7, Alex
sporkraptor: dance party
L0rdX33n: I stayed up for Fallout, it's 1 AM here. I have work tomorrow... this may have been a mistake
Mollylele: we can hear that you are humping in silence
fungal_bird: o7 Beej
DoodlestheGreat: Thanks for the fun, Alex!
BrowneePoints: thank you Justin Soylent for making burping synonymous with your shithead of a cartoon character
JadedCynic: welp, I really wanna watch this, but I'm kinda tired and if I stay up, I'll just fall asleep in the chair (like I did monday night :D )
JadedCynic: I'll cya all in the VOD! o/
DigitalSeahorse: !alex
LRRbot: Alex’s Varied Creations ~ Gumroad: | Patreon: | Etsy: | Home stream: | Twitter: | More:
L0rdX33n: @JadedCynic Sleep good.
FarleyF: Thankfully it's only 4PM here and the raiding spiders haven't come out yet
MAPBoardgames: I must be off to sleep too. Gnight chat, Gnight Beej.
JadedCynic: it's 3.30a here :p
Lord_Hosk: I played through and completely retired my debt before "the end of the game" once you get up to the big Javelin tankers I could pull one of those apart in under 30 minutes for over 10 million.
richard_ermen: That feels like a shirtless Beej.
Orxolon: @JadedCynic 3 a here,weird we have a 1/2 hour difference
type_variable: 6pm lets gooo
richard_ermen: 8 AM. Morning.
Mollylele: gotta gift more subs and bits for a shirtless beej
HaltBen2514: 6pm for me too. prime beej watching hours
L0rdX33n: Hello!
fungal_bird: Hello Booth Beej!
Texan_Reverend: Welcome and good evening, Beej.
Texan_Reverend: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
tajessa: Hey Beej!
FarleyF: Hello Beej
DigitalSeahorse: 2am here
richard_ermen: Ahhh, it's a semi-flesh-coloured shirt!
A_Dub888: Eat the rich?
Orxolon: helloo
IanAllenBird: 👋
Makoforte: It's Beej's ASMR Fallout Stream Time!
Texan_Reverend: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
fungal_bird: Dogmeat <3
Makoforte: ah yes
tajessa: lrrSPOT
Makoforte: the glow
L0rdX33n: You had just shut off the emergency power, plunging the facility into darkness
RocknGrohlNerd: heck yeah mods, I mean LRR Mods, doing gods work
Makoforte: i mean this is a United States facility, the punishment systems need to function even if none of the others do
Mazrae: so going in mostly blind
vinopinguino: Beej how far are you along?
L0rdX33n: !heychat
LRRbot: Please ONLY offer advice when the streamer uses the phrase "Hey, chat...". Let them try to learn the game on their own, even if it means they miss a thing or two.
Texan_Reverend: Wait for the "Hey, Chat."
Makoforte pushed into a nearby lake
tajessa: That is when we activate
RebekahWSD: We're Siri? :O
fredcheckers: Who's me then?
HaltBen2514: beej u activated my siri
itmightbemikey: To play this game, first you Fall, and then you're Out.
thekumquatking: Oh cool I don't know anything about the OG Fallout!
jamesinor: How did Ian end up in the game? Is that what the last Tinker Tailor Solder Fry was about?
RebekahWSD: I remember nothing about the game anymore, unfortunately
Toxxick: Indirect help and info? got it
jamesinor: Tinker Tailor Solder Isekai?
Nimiphi: I have never played this game, but i somehow have this great feeling of nostalgia for this aesthetic
tajessa: As in "hey Beej, there's a secret in this area" rather than "hey Beej, look in the third cupboard" right?
L0rdX33n: Did you read that holotape you found?
TehAmelie: "that's a lot of dead stuff in there" is a great line to wake up to
mallumet subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months!
mallumet: I'm sorry, my streamer, but no. We all have our own destinies, and yours culminates here. I would not rob you of that.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, mallumet! (Today's storm count: 839)
jamesinor: Uh...
jamesinor: That seems very bad
Lord_Hosk: Looks like it wants you to kiss the robots
glitched_goddess: holy nuts you’ve got a lot of money lol
Toxxick: Looks like they WERE sentry bots
Jan Eli Padilla: thank God it's a slow week at work. catching the subathon from here in the Philippines. it's a bit after lunch here. time for my post-lunch smoke break.
fredcheckers: Have you had any of your companions shoot eachother apart yet.
qwertiest_mint: Heading off to work there - this sub a thin is doing wonders for inter-meeting downtime ❤️
Shadwhawk: Most dangerous thing in the game is to be between your companions and some enemies
jamesinor: Friendly Fire apparently is not off in the Fallout Universe... shame, hoped that came with the nuclear winter update
L0rdX33n: The crater seems to be getting smaller as you descend.
fredcheckers: I had a companion TPK me in the last zone of fallout 2 because I gave him the super-upgraded minigun. Fun times.
Nimiphi: always bodes well when you consistently run into corpses
TehAmelie: at least it's not skull keys, then it would be an endgame level
flammenarsch: what the... when i played fallout 1, there werent any corpses on the ground. is this a mod thing?
an_archist2: blow on up to the apple patch
Shaneusm: Good Beejing
TehAmelie: i'd assume so, Rammen
Toxxick: @flammenarsch Beej is playing FO1 in the FO2 engine, is that maybe the cause?
L0rdX33n: No damage, yay
Jethrain: "you got blown up for 0 damage" dang, mood
TStodden: Just a safety check, but how's our rad resist?
TehAmelie: oh, i can't read
wildpeaks: we bench press radscorpions
TStodden: OK... still @ 100%...
L0rdX33n: Oooh, strength drugs :p
TehAmelie: ballistic lockpicking, yay
L0rdX33n: Yep
Makoforte: I am not sure the item is specifically a crowbar but yes?
jamesinor: Ian does seem like the guy to have a crowbar
HaltBen2514: I feel like that tracks
manfred909: which idiot has the crowbar? such a fallout question
L0rdX33n: +3 str
TacitusVigil: Time to get Ian hooked on drugs?
TehAmelie: now we're a very strong person! for a while
RocknGrohlNerd: is dynamite a crowbar
RocknGrohlNerd: FBtouchdown
Jethrain: it's nature's crowbar
L0rdX33n: Sorry, +2 str, +2 agi, +3 end
Shadwhawk: In 6 hours, you'll get a penalty to str, end, and ag for 18 hours
TehAmelie: huh, i thought it would reduce mental stats
FarleyF: is a crowbar a sandwich
L0rdX33n: lasts for 6 hours
jamesinor: I know Ian's a character in game, but I keep thinking you mean LRR Ian
fredcheckers: The 14mm sucks so bad in Unmodded fallout
L0rdX33n: Then you're gonna crash for 18 hours.
TehAmelie: we'll be able to carry so much more loot, for 6 hours
RocknGrohlNerd: @FarleyF those are the hard hitting questions we all should be asking :D good job
L0rdX33n: If you don't take any more, you should get over your addiction in a week
jacqui_lantern234: hey Beej! reminder that youre wonderful and fantastic and loved AGGRESSIVELY!!!!!!!!!!! <3
L0rdX33n: Hi Jacqui escher3FOX
jacqui_lantern234: @L0rdX33n hai ive been here this whole time
jacqui_lantern234: i was somewhat active during Alex's bit :P
fredcheckers: And then by fallout 4 casual meth usage is a viable strategy.
TacitusVigil: Why is picard's chair in the corner?
jacqui_lantern234: also, i have fun news! i just got done my 1st ever batch of mead!!! :D now i just wait until 2025 to get into drinking it
RocknGrohlNerd: @jacqui_lantern234 maybe so Jacqui, but still... HI lrrSHINE and <3
Saintnex: do grenades exist in Fallout 1?
L0rdX33n: @jacqui_lantern234 Wow!
TehAmelie: they do now!
L0rdX33n: @Saintnex They do, in 3 varieties
Shadwhawk: Nope
L0rdX33n: Nope
tajessa: Nah
L0rdX33n: c-4 does more damage
jacqui_lantern234: plasma grenade?! how bout you PLASMA NUTZ!!! GOTTEM!!!!
TehAmelie: maybe being stable means it's more likely to go off at the set time?
L0rdX33n: Yes
L0rdX33n: 1 minute
fredcheckers: If you stand on the C4 when it goes off, you will die.
TehAmelie: or under a minute :3
L0rdX33n: I think they were out of blast radius
fredcheckers: Oh yeah the robobrains in the first 3 games have to carry guns.
Saintnex: whoops
tajessa: welp
BluJester: ah classic Fallout
L0rdX33n: Hey, you have 9 action points
MWGNZ: hifunkSad
TehAmelie: that sneaky robot has very high dodge somehow
TheNerdySimulation: soo.. how ya doin beej? /j
Saintnex: first of all, how rude of the game to call dogmeat it, second, dogmeat aint doing so hot
TehAmelie: an autonomous sentry robot with a double barrel shotgun, now i've seen everything
fredcheckers: Cananically, in the FO2 manual, the original dogmeat dies by running recklessly into traps.
fredcheckers: *canonically
TehAmelie: might max out speech?
jacqui_lantern234: barter?! i hardly know her!!! :p
fredcheckers: Not really a spoiler because the canon ending is basically a joke.
L0rdX33n: Can I offer some real advice?
L0rdX33n: Your big limiting factor in damage output and urvivability are your action points and how many it takes to shoot
L0rdX33n: There is a perk to reduce AP cost to shoot
L0rdX33n: and there are a couple energy weapons that cost fewer ap
L0rdX33n: At level 12, you can also take Tag, which lets you pick a 4th tag skill
Makoforte: oh uh
L0rdX33n: Addding 20% to the skill and doubling the points you put into it.
Jethrain: is the carry weight from the level or the buffout?
Makoforte: Skills max out at 200% in FO2 IIRC?
misspokeycat: Cheer95 A perfectly symmetrical bit total? Not if team chaos can help it! Been enjoying the subathon so far, thanks for all the entertainment!
fredcheckers: IIRC targeting specific body parts isn't great unless you build around it.
Makoforte: er
Makoforte: FO1 in 2
L0rdX33n: You should decide if you want to ever get good at energy weapons, some of the strongest endgame weapons
L0rdX33n: or putting skills into smuall guns and consistently shoot things in the eyes
FarleyF: i see we are addicted to radiation - are we a Ghoul perchance
TehAmelie: just addicted and radiated, so, could still be a ghoul
FarleyF: just mainlining control rods
TehAmelie: one more elevator? is this the Underdark?
Mollylele: nice save
FarleyF: Nice Save
Mollylele: @FarleyF 👉 ayyy
FarleyF: @Mollylele Great Minds
L0rdX33n: What a weird description
OVERKiLL!: 💤 ZETA back at it again 💤
L0rdX33n: Peasant? Who says peasant? This is America. Or it was
Gaelan_Maestro: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100
TehAmelie: hilarious that it's a Glock
fredcheckers: Back in 1997 before they knew that glock would only make one pistol and then add/delete ginger grooves for all eternity.
bagfullofbees: sniperifle
L0rdX33n: Longest range in the game, no surprise
L0rdX33n: Takes more AP than any other gun
TehAmelie: might get a penalty at close range, the way these things tend to work
L0rdX33n: I don't... think so?
Shadwhawk: What floor are we on?
Shadwhawk: The blue card is not on 6
L0rdX33n: I'm 90% sure it is *not on floor 6
L0rdX33n: Save?
FarleyF: i have looked up where it is if/when you need the information
Factgc: <message deleted>hi
L0rdX33n: Poor puppy
Factgc: <message deleted>@loadingreadyrun dо уоu аlrеady tried streamviewers org? Reаl viewers, fire wоrks! Тhеy аrе nоw giving out a frеe pасkage fоr strеamers oO
FarleyF: hi bot bye bot
TehAmelie: that was quick
TehAmelie: blessed mods
FarleyF: using that Banlance
Saintnex: out of mild curiosity because I’ve never played this game, is a melee build possible in fallout 1?
TehAmelie: i've heard it's much more feasible in 2, so i guess barely
I_Am_Clockwork: 7.62 is a soviet calibur, isn't it?
Shadwhawk: A former friend of mine wa -all about- melee builds in Fallout 1 and 2, and it's entirely doable
manfred909: depends what numbers follow it
L0rdX33n: @Saintnex Bonus hand to hand a super sledge can wreck faces
fredcheckers: @I_Am_Clockwork There was a soviet and a NATO.
fredcheckers: As well as a smattering of other things
Saintnex: thanks folks! if I ever pick up this game, I’ll definitely try a melee build :D
TehAmelie: gun calibers are weird. no one can agree how many hundredths of a millimeter is best, except when they do
L0rdX33n: AI that extrapolated that security is meaningless. That's probably fine
Shadwhawk: Is it any wonder they dropped multiple nukes on this facility?
L0rdX33n: I... Don't thjink that existed in base F01
Makoforte: yeah a lot of the guns from FO2 are included since
Makoforte: it's using the FO2 engine
TehAmelie: assault rifle +2, whee
L0rdX33n: FWIW he's also proficient with the sniper rifle
TehAmelie: welp
breezegxh: <message deleted>hi
Riiiiiiis: Morning people and sheeple
CaptainChibale: baaaah
breezegxh: <message deleted>@loadingreadyrun dо уоu already triеd streamviеwers org? Rеal viеwers, fire wоrks! They аrе now giving out a frее paсkаge fоr strеаmеrs oО
Shadwhawk: Bot doesn't even use proper grammar
TehAmelie: people, sheeple and spample
FarleyF: wow that banlance has a lot of oil on the tip
CaptainChibale: they rarely do
Graved: You see: Cave Wall. You see: dancing shadows on the wall.
CaptainChibale: >Dance with shadows
FarleyF: an advanced mans romance
L0rdX33n: Specimen tanks?
TehAmelie: that card looks like it's a floppy disc
RocknGrohlNerd: @Riiiiiiis morning
fredcheckers: Elaborate Toilet System was my mathcore band.
L0rdX33n: I once played so much chess my Radaway wore off... oops
TehAmelie: can you use the keycard on the computer?
TehAmelie: rats
FarleyF: do we need to put a ghoul in a hamster wheel to generate more power
RocknGrohlNerd: @TehAmelie i dunno if stuffing rats into the computer will help, but heck I got nothing better
L0rdX33n: Was there a generator anywhere?
CaptainChibale: is there anything you can turn off?
FarleyF: @RocknGrohlNerd do you want skaven - cause thats how you get skaven
TehAmelie: hoho
crystal_bubbles: just home from work, time for some lrr shenanigans!
Didero: Good morning everybody!
crystal_bubbles: Good evening Didero!
TehAmelie: i see one wall locker still closed. probably won't have a generator in it though
Didero: @crystal_bubbles Seems we're at a Chat shift change :p
crystal_bubbles: it's just after 5pm here, I think it's 8am in the UK and .... 3am washington?
FarleyF: well we are in Zeta shift time - so us Aussies and NZ's are off work and logging in
CaptainChibale: 3am for me (near toronto)
FarleyF: Percussive maintenance time
Shadwhawk: I think try the repair on the console?
RocknGrohlNerd: bonk it with hammer, monke style :D
L0rdX33n: Sweet
Saintnex: noice
RocknGrohlNerd: wheelerY wheelerH FBtouchdown
TehAmelie: now we've got the good lights
L0rdX33n: load your gun?
Shadwhawk: Everyone healed?
TehAmelie: ah, with the lights on your aim is much better
BrindleBoar: LUL
Didero: We all know it's best to fight an armed robot with melee
Gaelan_Maestro: robo brains arnt known for ther brains
Didero: The robot was killed? That implies it was alive in the first place
L0rdX33n: Pulse grenades are great against robots, and harmless to humans and dogs
TehAmelie: we got there!
MWGNZ: FBtouchdown
BrindleBoar: rokkit
an_archist2: raoket lawnchair
Texan_Reverend: This is known.
TheMerricat: "Fallout 1's companions are kind of a special case. Jess Heinig was allowed to make them from existing game assets at the last minute, but as a result, they all resemble existing enemies and can only use specific weapons. This is why Katja can use throwing knives and grenades (there's a throwing animation), but not hammers; Ian can't use shotguns because his kind of bandit have no shotgun animations; Tycho obviously has several options...."
MWGNZ: give dogmeat the launcher
Shadwhawk: And -1% big guns skill
L0rdX33n: Still, it could work...
TehAmelie: what could go wrong using explosives in combat?
Shadwhawk: It'll be funny to try
Plundy: tiny arms
L0rdX33n: Is this your first big gun? All big guns only have burst mode
TheMerricat: "... This is also why they cannot change armor, and explains a few things about their behavior aside from this. Everything about companions was a (in my opinion brilliant) last second thing, scraped together from bits and pieces. But as a result they're, uh, quite limited."
Texan_Reverend: This is what save states are for.
TehAmelie: oh wait does the rockets use explosive skill?
L0rdX33n: @TheMerricat This is one of the best improvements in 2in1, getting companions up to FO2 standards
Shadwhawk: There isn't an Explosives skill
Texan_Reverend: @TheMerricat I kinda like that they all have their own idiosyncracies, though, rather than everybody being able to do everything.
TehAmelie: huh, that must be why we were so bad at setting the timer on the C4
CaptainChibale: if all else fails blow things up
TehAmelie: if the explosives skill isn't in this game
L0rdX33n: por que no los dos?
fredcheckers: @Texan_Reverend There were already a full gig of sprites in fallout. It was pretty much a necessity that they limit the animation set on NPCs.
Shadwhawk: Damn, not even any splash
Didero: You at least seem to have intimidated them
Shadwhawk: There might be a way to bypass the robots
L0rdX33n: This is definitely a winnable fight
Shadwhawk: And by 'might' I mean there is, but I dunno if your stats can access it
Didero: A great way to turn of a power generator is using a rocket launcher on it, I feel :p
Gaelan_Maestro: i always feel like, someone is watching meee SingsNote
TehAmelie: we could run around and stimpack our enthusiastic friends to keep them alive and EMP the bots, but reaching the off button has a certain simplicity
TehAmelie: oh no
Ty Dembele: Beej whats the last food that you ate?
L0rdX33n: Aw, they were all bunched up
forcedreject: Oh Keith David does general narration?
forcedreject: I always thought it would be Ron Perlman
TehAmelie: they could only get him for the opening monologue(s)
TXC2: Hello Everybody
TXC2: we still in the glow?
forcedreject: @TehAmelie Ah, I've always liked Perlman's voice cause of Teen Titans and the DCAU
Texan_Reverend: Sounds good.
Texan_Reverend: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
thekumquatking: Ah man, I just got back!
thekumquatking: lol
Mazrae: im going to have so much YT to catch up with after this week
RocknGrohlNerd: oh hello TXC2
RocknGrohlNerd: yeah still in the Glow
L0rdX33n: About to hit the real motherlode, hopefully
TXC2: RocknGrohlNerd ok thanks
L0rdX33n: It's that guy!
TXC2: and we're back
L0rdX33n: We believe in you!
bagfullofbees: HI bEEJ
FarleyF: thank you for spending time with us
Graved: Consume
Gaelan_Maestro: earl grey is my fav
TacitusVigil: Yes, Beej, YES
tajessa: Rebel Beej
Texan_Reverend: Why do you have to shoyu? Would tamari be just as good?
Graved: Don't you say
L0rdX33n: Madness!
RockPusher: fugiWow
thekumquatking: Wow! I also live with who I am married to!
thekumquatking: What a coincidence!
LunarJade: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
Texan_Reverend: Good evening, Heather.
TXC2: a married couple living together? scandalous Kappa
tajessa: Hi Heather!
TXC2: Hello Heather
FarleyF: Hi Heather
RocknGrohlNerd: @thekumquatking it must be some kind of a new trend, with the youths, I guess
ThorSokar: composLove LunarJade
RockPusher: lunarj1Heart lunarj1Heart lunarj1Heart
LunarJade: your gonna show them your secrets?
Texan_Reverend: L brews fridge tea a bunch. They have a pitcher with an infuser built-in just for that purpose.
Blue_Anteater: Fridge tea is actually safer than sun tea, and the taste difference is negligible
adept_nekomancer: Getting lots of tea in the mail sounds like an excellent way to keep hydrated.
Shadwhawk: The perfect criminal
TacitusVigil: Wait, What? Uh, time for crimes, Beej.
FarleyF: so now we know who Heather is going to get to murder Paul lrrBEEJ
bagfullofbees: no worries, I enjoy tangents
RocknGrohlNerd: tangent city is where I live basicaly
TacitusVigil: @FarleyF The only person that's going to murder Paul is a Paul Clone, thank you very much.
LunarJade: @farleyf it wouldn’t be Paul. I’ve got bigger fish to fry
ghyllnox: "Adermatoglyphia is an extremely rare genetic disorder that prevents the development of fingerprints. Five extended families worldwide are known to be affected by this condition"
Gaelan_Maestro: this isnt tea! its just hot leaf juice! -Iroh
TXC2: Gaelan_Maestro Uncle that's what all tea is
Wolfstrike_NL: Quickly, warn everyone who's taller then Paul
forcedreject: OmO What's that
LunarJade: daiso is like a dollar store type thing
FarleyF: we have a Daiso in Mad Max land - everything starts at like 2 AUD
TXC2: just barely see through
betweenmyself: for reference, Beej’s fist is roughly 17 km in circumference riffYeti
crystal_bubbles: Daiso is great. Sort of like a 100Y store
iangmorris: hello
TacitusVigil: Why stop there? THREE jugs.
LunarJade: I mean most of our dollar stores sell stuff for more than a dollar these days
TXC2: hello iangmorris welcome
crystal_bubbles: @FarleyF Haha, Mad Max land! (Also, love Daisos whenever I visit Sydney)
FarleyF: @crystal_bubbles thats my goto to explain the homeland
LunarJade: I just prefer it hot more often
L0rdX33n: plasma is not dog safe
TXC2: I like the description of our companions: Tycho, the ranger, Katja the Thief, Ian....
shadowmaster132: A daiso is where I got my drawer organisers, for an affordable store, it risks my wallet to look inside
L0rdX33n: Get closer?
artacuno53: Man I know these old games being hard is like a selling point but sometimes I feel like they just got to give you a hit once in a while to not be unfun to play
artacuno53: like throw me a bone after i reload 5 times
Saintnex: I don’t suppose we could tell our team to hold their position?
TXC2: oh yeah Fallout 1 gets unfun this late IMO
Mazrae: looks like you had 9 ap
L0rdX33n: @Mazrae He will until the drugs wear off
TehAmelie: it had something important in its head, that's a rookie mistake
TXC2: the MC, always the tank
L0rdX33n: What combat behavior is making her sprint in? Is she attacking the weakest?
alchemistsavant: "Process this!"
Gaelan_Maestro: have a good night all! and thank you Beej for the entertainment
TehAmelie: why did they program me to feel panic?
TXC2: so long Gaelan_Maestro sleep well
Species5618Beta: Not having enough action points to do anything sounds very familiar to me.
FarleyF: you have forgotten the face of your father
Shadwhawk: Does Ian have ammo?
MWGNZ: seabatNogood
Mangledpixel: *clown music*
TacitusVigil: Everyone drop their weapo-not you Jerry! (sigh)
L0rdX33n: It was a battle for the ages
L0rdX33n: You did it!
RebekahWSD: Horribly awake
bagfullofbees: pretty good, how about you?
TacitusVigil: Living the dream.
TehAmelie: at least the robots went into useless punch mode about as much as the party
LunarJade: I guess your in game character also doesn’t have fingerprints
L0rdX33n: You just get that urge to stab, ya know?
richard_ermen: I wonder if many a good BeejStories started wit "I see an Ian"...
MWGNZ: best not to ask questions of Ian
Texan_Reverend: Haven't we all "made some decisions" here and there in our lives?
Phailhammer: lrrIAN
TacitusVigil: Mood
L0rdX33n: Careful, first aid advances time
SombreroMonkey: Midnight gang whatup!
L0rdX33n: One of your crow bars?
SombreroMonkey: I can finally catch a stream being in Australia :face-red-heart-shape:
RockPusher: For when you need to bar 2 crows at the same time, obvs lrrBEEJ
TehAmelie: you never feel like dual wielding crowbars?
thegreatwyrdling: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 12:58 AM
thegreatwyrdling: Morning party people!
Mazrae: well its about 3am where i am, so im going to head off to bed, see you all tomorrow chat
TXC2: hello thegreatwyrdling welcome
TXC2: so long Mazrae sleep well
Dr_fragenstien: it's been too long since' i've taken biology to know what that ment
L0rdX33n: Oh hey, your radaway ticked
I_Am_Clockwork: alrighty friends, its been fun, but I gotta get some sleep. Good luck to all the oki oki tourny folks tomorrow
TXC2: so long I_Am_Clockwork sleep well
L0rdX33n: sharp
TXC2: Beej seems to be able to carry WAY more stuff then I could in my playthrough
NathanLonghair: he also has a lot of strength
TXC2: NathanLonghair so did I eventually :p
thekumquatking: He's also high on buffout. Or at least was.
L0rdX33n: That's another FO2 gun
NathanLonghair: I always end up hovering around 4 STR, and small frame
TXC2: yeah that P90 is a Fallout 2 gun
TacitusVigil: @TXC2 I hear that it's a weapon of war, meant to kill an enemy. Unlike some other weapons...
TXC2: TacitusVigil indeed
NathanLonghair: iirc small frame lowers your carry limit, so if you always take it (like I do) that might explain some too 😛
TacitusVigil: @TXC2 [Raises eyebrow]
L0rdX33n: When you use radaway, it reduces some of your radiationm immediately and then flushes more rads out of your system over time. You took some when you first arrived here and it ticked again a few minutes ago
TehAmelie: that's funny now that i know one of the most ridiculous airplane guns ever made shot about 6000 rpm. and they cut it down to half because it would rattle the airplane to pieces if you shot it too much
L0rdX33n: They must have different battery levels
TehAmelie: in the future we'll do sixty thousand rounds cause why not
TXC2: or how is fired so fast, the spent casings would change the weight of the plane too much, so it has to keep them in the plane
Graved: @TehAmelie sixty thousand rounds at once! Who needs that weak rpm stuff?
Mangledpixel: just imagining the whole party clunking around the place with pants full of too many guns
TXC2: 60,000 RPM is that Metal storm nonsense
NathanLonghair: @tehamelie The A-10 does up to 4200 rpm and it sounds ridiculous when it shoots. iirc it also needs powerful engines to counteract the recoil/pushback
NathanLonghair: It’s pretty insane 😅
L0rdX33n: minigun is 28 pounds
L0rdX33n: sells for 3800
L0rdX33n: Flamer fuel is very heavy and not worth much
NathanLonghair: I agree with @l0rdx33n there, flamer fuel is not worth it unless you use a flamer
Mangledpixel: throw it on the GRO— *explodes*
Johnny Big's Place: hi
TheBattleOfHastings subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 46 months!
TheBattleOfHastings: 46 months!? That's almost a year!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheBattleOfHastings! (Today's storm count: 1)
Johnny Big's Place: Ah Fallout. a game I never finished because I made a stupid mistake at the end and my last save was too far back.
TXC2: SUB HYPE BEGI.... oh wait
TXC2: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
Zack Hennings: is this live or a VoD?
thekumquatking: Heyyyyyy! FEV!
Bowlsrus2000 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 22 months, currently on a 22 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Bowlsrus2000! (Today's storm count: 2)
L0rdX33n: So FEV was originally an anti-biological weapon
thekumquatking: That's a lot of rabbits
Johnny Big's Place: @zach I do not know
Johnny Big's Place: or Zack sorry
TXC2: shufflecats !
an_archist2: the nsburg FEV program
Mangledpixel: oh gods, now I'm just imagining Fallout: Nsberg
Acroamatis: That's where Big Racky came from!
Mr_Horrible: always what you wanna read in your experiments log
Johnny Big's Place: Flashbacks to that tree mission in FO3
FailureOfAName: good day everyone
Johnny Big's Place: Hi
L0rdX33n: Apparently mutant raccoons were planned but were cut due t5o deadlines
L0rdX33n: 'volunteer'
thekumquatking: You might get to see some cool dogs!
FailureOfAName: what's after beej's dive in the wasteland?
thekumquatking: Or rabbits!
Mangledpixel: "Speaking of dangerous airborn materials, we now go over to Richter Hammockslam in the QWRP Traffic Vertibird"
NathanLonghair: @mangledpixel 🤣
Phailhammer: @Mangledpixel Ironically, he probably flies better than most Brotherhood pilots.
Species5618Beta: LUL @Mangledpixel
thekumquatking: Daily affirmations: I am looking fly in my combat armor. I am a powerful man. I could be carrying more stuff.
TXC2: Mangledpixel I could Hear that in Graham's voice
Johnny Big's Place: The music is so eerie in this game
Graved: Suspense Tank :)
L0rdX33n: Back to the brotherhood?
JandAKgaming: You see: Beej playing Fallout.
TXC2: "Marty, we have to go back, back to the Brotherhood!"
TXC2: hey chat is active
L0rdX33n: I think you cleaned it out and fouind all the data disks
Desruprot: limesShrug
TXC2: you've talked to the supercomputer right ?
L0rdX33n: As well as a huge stockpile of weapons, ammo, equipment, and more
TehAmelie: we'll never get admin access huh
Johnny Big's Place: I have absolutely no clue sry
FailureOfAName: black isle knew what they were doing
Species5618Beta: Please pick uip on this compliment that i think you should do consider yourself a very interesting and entertaining streamer.
The_Bob_Bobson subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, The_Bob_Bobson! (Today's storm count: 3)
Mangledpixel: in the unpatched first release of the game, it's actually impossible to win the chess game
FailureOfAName: @johnny no problem
L0rdX33n: I think there's no shame in losing to a supercomputer
TXC2: tell that to Kasperov Kappa
Mangledpixel: there's a bunch of little things like that in this game that they fixed with later patches. The initial release was rather rushed out.
TehAmelie: in FO2 they just have gambling and Tragic the Gardening. truly this is the more intellectual game, where you can play chess
Dr_fragenstien: how do you have an impossible to win chess game? I wouldn't think it would have a chess AI that good
L0rdX33n: no
L0rdX33n: never
NathanLonghair: no
Mangledpixel: nope, it's busted
Mangledpixel: Dr_fragenstien it's just a skill check, not an actual game of chess
L0rdX33n: In general, I noticed that much less armor is salvageable in this version
ghyllnox: A gas trap for no damage sounds like one of those air sprayers in front of a door to keep cats away
Dr_fragenstien: @Mangledpixel oooh that makes a lot more sense
TehAmelie: how are we on rad-x?
Mangledpixel: sufficiently rad
RocknGrohlNerd: breyaProfChamp rad, dude
L0rdX33n: I would advise taking another radaway, just in case
L0rdX33n: yes
TXC2: you sure can
Beefpants: cucumbered
LordZarano: Lol at the 90s, when a computer being better than humans at chess was big news. Now you can run stockfish on something like a $15 Pi Zero
TXC2: jet'll make you jittery
randomskeptical1: Fallout!! YAY!! :D
TXC2: lrrGREED has been called
bagfullofbees: Yay greed!
RocknGrohlNerd: wheelerGre wheelerE wheelerEed
crystal_bubbles: Nothing can go wrong with greed!
RocknGrohlNerd: everything I own is thanks to greed
L0rdX33n: You're far away enough from the glow, save and rest until party healed?
TehAmelie: traveling heals you a little, right? i guess equal to 8 hours of sleep per 24
TXC2: always had it
L0rdX33n: Oh dear
TXC2: can we N-gage ?
Mangledpixel: TXC2 not unless you take the battery out
L0rdX33n: Casually walk away
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Tuxbeej!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Tuxbeej! (Today's storm count: 4)
TacitusVigil: Can you just ask them nicely to leave?
RocknGrohlNerd: but it would be funny to blast them with rockets :D
Durugai: waking up in time for BEEJ 10/10 morning
L0rdX33n: You better run, you better take cover?
TXC2: hello Durugai welcome
TehAmelie: maybe they have some drugs to make us strong enough to carry more? nothing could go wrong when we're already addicted, surely
L0rdX33n: will you get xp for this?
L0rdX33n: Gotta have your pre rumble s'mores
TehAmelie: you do get xp for each kill, though it's usually tallied after combat
Species5618Beta: I mean, the left fire is obviously the superior fire
PerpetualDM: @TehAmelie affirmative
type_variable: dinner and a show!
RockPusher: "Let them fight!"
TacitusVigil: Ah yes, the Twix War.
TacitusVigil: "Well, that was dumb"
crystal_bubbles: It's a Marathon effort, he says, as he Snickers at the Twix pun
TXC2: well, bye I guess :p
L0rdX33n: Well done lads, anyhow. Movi' on
Graved: Apathy wins!
iDangero: successfully walked it off
RocknGrohlNerd: @iDangero the miracle of modern medicine
Redpandarama: no cap?
RocknGrohlNerd: on god
L0rdX33n: search his boxes?
TXC2: I thought we did that mission?
L0rdX33n: Stimpacks have no weight...
L0rdX33n: reading is wise
adept_nekomancer: Perhaps we should've brought a wheelbarrow.
L0rdX33n: frag grenades are a pound each?
TXC2: everything in this game is rather heavy IMO
TXC2: 92% is the limit
PerpetualDM: it will go up
L0rdX33n: It should
TXC2: no, it WILL go up, but by less and less until you hit 92%, then it wont
L0rdX33n: Will always increase up to the limit
TehAmelie: i guess the random chance is if the book will be used up?
RebekahWSD: Just shred that book lmao
iDangero: you have to eat the book to gain its power
Snowwraith: Read the whole book and then ate it.
L0rdX33n: Book is always consumed
RockPusher: Does one need to read a book to learn how to create broken electronics?
TXC2: my Headcannon is we literally eat the book
Durugai: mm tasty books
TehAmelie: ate the book so no one else could learn and become your challenger
adamsteelproducer: you would think he would get lighter 4-8 hours after eating the book!
RockPusher: absorb the book directly into the skin
pimiento: i am emcumbered by [gestures at world]
TehAmelie: ^Atlas tweet
TXC2: Emcumbered by gravity
Mangledpixel: time flies when you're irradiated
pimiento: gravity gets me down
L0rdX33n: After Junktown, they stop providing hotels, which is kind of a shame
lenny__cool: @LoadingReadyRun Do you have the no limit on the waterchip mod?
TXC2: lenny__cool no, we've gotten the waterchip
TXC2: the only mod we have is the fallout 1 in fallout 2 mod
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe refresh your drink, take your meds, or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
TXC2: and we're back
lenny__cool: @L0rdX33n Aah cool :)
lenny__cool: @txc2 ok nice :)
L0rdX33n: A fair number of caps, but you have mostly better weapons than what they have. Deathclaw xp is totes worth it.
NathanLonghair: Just make a HARD save before going near the deathclaws. like save here and don’t overwrite
TXC2: you can sneak past the deathclaws, so say it can be worth
L0rdX33n: You lost agility
PerpetualDM: you learned bad ideas
TXC2: 102% was when you were on drugs
L0rdX33n: You're not on drugs anymore
L0rdX33n: I know I pushed it a lot before, but I actually advise agaist buying combat armor before you vist the brotherhood. Caps are good though
FarleyF: i guess is it alright if you go over and shorten the late night playlist
TXC2: caps or stim packs
NathanLonghair: or books
pimiento: i need your boots, your clothes and your weapons.
Mangledpixel: cantweGG cantweGG
RockPusher: Thank you Beej
TXC2: thanks for streaming Beej
pimiento: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
RockPusher: !lovebeej
LRRbot: Chat loves Beej and I love Beej lrrBEEEJ
fluchfux: good night beej
TXC2: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
adamsteelproducer: good night beej!
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
The_Bob_Bobson: lrrAWESOME
Didero: bang a subathon? I barely know her!
Wolfstrike_NL: lrrAWESOME
L0rdX33n: See you Friday, hopefully. I'm going to bed.
tajessa: Night Beej!
crystal_bubbles: Thanks Beej!
TXC2: bye
GazzyInferno: thanks beej. theej.
TXC2: so long L0rdX33n sleep well
Species5618Beta: Thanks for the stream. Have a great rest of your timezone appropriate time section LuvSign
warpstonewarlock: Not the outside, that's where people are!
8thKingdom: Have a lovely time everyone! <3
Durugai: Ewwwww outside
type_variable: is the transistion music playing as well
thegreatwyrdling is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 11 in the channel!
Mangledpixel: it is
thegreatwyrdling gifted a Tier 1 sub to mostly_asleep!
warpstonewarlock: yup
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, thegreatwyrdling! Welcome to mostly_asleep! (Today's storm count: 5)
ghyllnox: Music is on
Genie_M: Road q
ghyllnox: I feel like it might not be supposed to be on
adamsteelproducer: bg music is kinda loud, yeah that’s not right. could be an interesting watch along!
TXC2: Public transport is (or should be) fine !
Mangledpixel: @LoadingReadyRun Beej, if you can see this, the transition music is playing over the watchalong!
adept_nekomancer: Roadquest watchalong remix
Chaos Treader: Is the bgm supposed to be playing still?
GazzyInferno: this is now canonical to road quest too
TacitusVigil: Oh right, this is back when Ben still had teeth.
Tuxbeej: huh. yeah, I hear the music in Studio C. I’ll see if I can stop that.
GazzyInferno: "when was the last time you saw a dentist?"
MrsLlante: thanks Beej
RockPusher: Beej is on the case!
Tuxbeej: I think I got it?
GazzyInferno: yep, think you did
RockPusher: sounds like you got it
Mangledpixel: you have! thank you!
TXC2: thanks Beej
tajessa: Sounds good, thanks Beej!
GazzyInferno: thanks bossman
Texan_Reverend: Much appreciated @Tuxbeej
RebekahWSD: I love Missylocks
GazzyInferno: god i love the punchline here
bagfullofbees: why is there a swamp in the ghalta deck
wiigamer1995: do grahm, james and adam classify as bears? DinoDance
TacitusVigil: [narrows eyes]
tajessa: Tooth holes is so upsetting
Orxolon: this happens to me so often
Orxolon: XD
Fábián Demeter: Ye, think it is special art they got from the creator of monikers
Fábián Demeter: Oh, background music
Fábián Demeter: No clue
Fábián Demeter: (thought bgm = background monitor)
bstarness subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 56 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, bstarness! (Today's storm count: 6)
Orxolon: "then end,no moral" XD
TacitusVigil: King Beej!
ShifuDaxiongmao: This is a very good fit for Cam. :D
GazzyInferno: the beejlander returns
TXC2: Bartelby voice Beej ?
CanvasWolfDoll: which fairy tale is this again?
GazzyInferno: think they're doing a rumplestitskin
Stratavarius: Rumplestiltskin?
Orxolon: surely not a Devourer of thoughts
Mr_Horrible: I don't know Nebuchadnezzar well enough to know if this bit is thematic
Mr_Horrible: but I'm pretty sure it's Nebuchadnezzar
Mr_Horrible: from that description
Didero: didn't realise Nelson could be scary
TXC2: this is basicaly stuff Nelson has had them do on stream :p
ShifuDaxiongmao: ah, he said the magic serge word
FarleyF: !card nebuchadnezzar
LRRbot: Nebuchadnezzar [3UB] | Legendary Creature — Human Wizard [3/3] | {X}, {T}: Choose a card name. Target opponent reveals X cards at random from their hand. Then that player discards all cards with that name revealed this way. Activate only during your turn.
RockPusher: coachn3Thankscoachnelly
RockPusher: mattlrSleep
Didero: Now that's the kind of puppy I like
josh___something: I was about to say I love that nelson is usually the straight man in FN... but I guess not this time XD
warpstonewarlock: EXILE ZONEEEE
bagfullofbees: @josh___something tbf that was story Nelson, not regular Nelson
TacitusVigil: Weird that Ben mentioned a niece though. That came out of nowhere.
TXC2: jan 2020 you say
warpstonewarlock: I think it was the penultimate episode
bagfullofbees: this is my favorite intro shot of Graham in CH
warpstonewarlock: ouch, coffee burn
RockPusher: ♫ Let's go to the mall… today! ♫
cmdrud87: "aah, loiterng"
TXC2: loitering: the cool crime
Saintnex: @warpstonewarlock eh, its Denny’s coffee :p
TXC2: coffee has calories, it's a food Kappa
Genie_M: Ian.
josh___something: sql?! ughhhh
cmdrud87: this depresses me, SQL is part of my job
ShifuDaxiongmao: Ah, the good old "to stop doing stuff, first you got to learn doing stuff"
RockPusher: Sometimes the query planner decides it is time to clown
warpstonewarlock: Hootie!
Grevas13: solid logic
Tuxbeej: I lied. I don’t have hypoglycemia.
josh___something: XD
Texan_Reverend: @Tuxbeej Lies? Shocking!
adamsteelproducer: but your character does!
adamsteelproducer: Real life beej made no such statement 😉
Saintnex: Im surprised it took cH Graham that long to remember lol
Texan_Reverend: She really is.
josh___something: OH good, there's still more fires
definenull: What a timeless statement for Heather
adept_nekomancer: One can always use more fires.
GazzyInferno: good for paul
josh___something: whatthefuck
definenull: Uhhhh
TXC2: This classic!
GazzyInferno: oh we got the CLASSICS tonight
josh___something: I NEED CLOSURE
Texan_Reverend: Ohhhhh, a classic!
ShifuDaxiongmao: Ooohhh
tajessa: The birth of a legend
measureofhope: Iconic
Earthenone: the origins
Serpens77: LRR's de-aging tech is very impressive
ShifuDaxiongmao: please tell me they lined up all 3 in a row :D
TXC2: casual 18 year old video :p
cmdrud87: "I, however, have three PS3s"
Inkymouse: Such a classic
Genie_M: Will we get the trilogy I wonder
RocknGrohlNerd: letsgo Paul, you show us :D
definenull: Paul's bandage on his hand adds some subtext to *how* he got 3 PS3s
TehAmelie: "watch a blue-ray-DVD" is my favorite activity with my ps3
cmdrud87: I hope they will play "guess where the quote is from" with chat. I bet we could get all as a collectiv
cmdrud87: e
AsteroidMerchant: ooh, classic
RockPusher: well now I want cake
RocknGrohlNerd: *spits out coffee* , WHAT? THREE?
TXC2: love that cake reveal
cmdrud87: so, Paul is not Scaramanga?
Earthenone: i got my first ps3 during the era where it was cheaper than a regular blue raay player
Mr_Horrible: I still sometimes think "...also I have this cake" unbidden
TehAmelie: need a new speaker that plugs into my non-bluetooth TV in order to watch anything on the PS3 now that i think of it. such problems
RocknGrohlNerd: unfort, Paul id correct here
Texan_Reverend: During that era, I had the rival Wii60 combo for the same total cost.
RocknGrohlNerd: I have no ps3s
cmdrud87: @Earthenone no, but you couldn't play games on most blu-ray players, so it was one less appliance in sum
TacitusVigil: Huh, Graham's son.
TacitusVigil: Kappa
warpstonewarlock: What about July?
Texan_Reverend: My first PS3 was the slim model with the sliding disc drive cover.
TXC2: but that would be the MOST surprise
TheWanderingNomad: Beardless G is just so wrong to me now
wiigamer1995: december 25 pog
Serpens77: @warpstonewarlock having it on Chrismas day is heavy on the christmas, light on the surprise. Having it in July would be the reverse
Flyingdelorion: @Texan_Reverend This is scary! I am playing a game on that version right now!
TXC2: I choose not to think about it
definenull: Thanks I hate it
SydPreviouslyHeadache: oh right i missed an episode of QWERPLINE, may as well just watch all of s3
Flyingdelorion: Also hello everybody! Hope you are all doing fine.
TXC2: hello Flyingdelorion welcome
TheWooglie: any Bucky O Hare fans?
artacuno53: @Texan_Reverend I just looked this up and i did not remember the super slim
Mr_Horrible: excellent logo
artacuno53: weird
TheWanderingNomad: G Money does not want to consider the implication of bio injection mold
artacuno53: I remember the slim, but i have never seen this console in my life
Texan_Reverend: @Flyingdelorion My favorite Playstation versions have always had mechanical drive covers instead of slot-load.
definenull: Orts!
RocknGrohlNerd: noted Edith, noted
Mangledpixel: Montgomoredith
Flyingdelorion: @TXC2 Hello!
cmdrud87: ah edith, never sounding not disinterested
definenull: Edith is such a supportive aunt
Flyingdelorion: @Texan_Reverend I understand. I love the feel of it and the sound!
RocknGrohlNerd: myr battlesphere?
Texan_Reverend: @artacuno53 My fav variant. Can't get a disc stuck inside or become unable to play due to a failed slot load mecvhanism.
cmdrud87: isn't that just Takeshi' Castle?
RocknGrohlNerd: won and kinda cheated
cmdrud87: like many good athletes
Texan_Reverend: I wish that the PS4 got a non-slot-load version, but alas.
RockPusher: lrrGOAT
TXC2: tugernuts HYPE
cmdrud87: is that... PG?
TXC2: nothing in NsBurg is PG
RocknGrohlNerd: true
TehAmelie: speaking of life's mysteries. . .
josh___something: I love how Joan can SOMEHOW send a message through a single red light
Metric_Furlong: @josh___something morse code
azninsect: Heck yeah qwerpline
EikoandMog: He's just htting every single crappy philosophy and puzzle design checkbox
cmdrud87: "iin an academic context, plenty, but here, nothing"- shound like a brief summary of me acquiiring my degree
definenull: This is a very elaborate for an arg
TXC2: cmdrud87 big mood
josh___something: I refuse to believe G-star and A-Train know morse code
TheWanderingNomad: Wju?
TheWanderingNomad: *Why?>
TehAmelie: i know it usually stands for augmented reality game but i'd like to think it's "alternate"
definenull: Oh wait it's this story. Mild jumpscare alert?
EikoandMog: Oh my god, I love this story.
josh___something: Oh yeah, loud glass shattering noise incoming
Species5618Beta: Do we at least get Stone Cold Steve Austin as well?
Species5618Beta: Ive kinda been prgrammed to expect him when i hear glass break.
azninsect: Mega mini golf
TXC2: I knida want to play this macro golf, despite not liking golf :p
definenull: If not for the impracticality, this would totally be a LRL prerecord
EikoandMog: I'm seeing why Farmer Bumper needs so much money
warpstonewarlock: Senn's Fortress...
warpstonewarlock: *Sen's
azninsect: Gaaaaaaaaaas
TXC2: "easest part of the run" fuck you Derrick :p
TehAmelie: wow, i'm literally in Sen's Fortress right now
EikoandMog: That's surprisingly specific.
marmalade_pen: was this before or after beej was a windmill on live
warpstonewarlock: before
warpstonewarlock: it was recorded in 2020 IIRC
warpstonewarlock: greenscreen Beej golf course was 2023
definenull: Loud sound inc
EikoandMog: The very, very quiet *tonk* kills me.
marmalade_pen: oh right!! hhaha
TacitusVigil: Good news, we don't have to pay the ball fee
EikoandMog: Didn't someone calculate just how far that ball travelled?
TacitusVigil: G$, no, they all taste the same!
TXC2: EikoandMog they sure did
warpstonewarlock: Excuse me?
99FineLines: BEEJ
josh___something: Ah fuck... wait, I said GStar earlier. It's GMoney for QWRP Graham
marmalade_pen: can noodle what?
definenull: !venga
LRRbot: But the Raven still beguiling all my fancy into smiling, Straight I wheeled a cushioned seat in front of bird, and bust and door; Then, upon the velvet sinking, I betook myself to linking Fancy unto fancy, thinking what this ominous bird of yore What this grim, ungainly, ghastly, gaunt, and ominous bird of yore Meant in croaking “The Bus is Coming.”
GazzyInferno: alex is playing this character... very well
TXC2: "we make videos, on the internet, and we need a white panel van"
TXC2: I feel like this predates Fake Taxi
Mr_Horrible: really just the perfect punchline
terribleplan: @TXC2 probably, but that genre has been around for a while
definenull: Oh I love this cH too, what a banger series of videos
Species5618Beta: fionPride2
azninsect: Wheelers delivery is pinpoint
azninsect: I love it
josh___something: To be fair, it doesn't help that the material they're parodying is *literally porn*
Molladia: The cast is so plentiful these days
TXC2: 👍
definenull: Good ol piss mug
warpstonewarlock: PISS MUG!
josh___something: The piss mug!
marmalade_pen: i really want a piss mug
RockPusher: lrrHAM
josh___something: I thought that was adam...
GazzyInferno: oh right, this is the cH where my relatively uncommon first name showed up as a side character and completely blindsided me first time i saw this
Mr_Horrible: oh beej, so optimistic
RocknGrohlNerd: we are actively active
TXC2: Loading ready "Active malfeasance" Run
azninsect: The conclusion of this cH is just...long sigh. Good but it's like gdi
TacitusVigil: NO
azninsect: None.
definenull: Because Ian
josh___something: IAN NO
forcedreject: Why does not seem so outlandish for Ian
EikoandMog: HOW?!
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: we all have medical waste every now and then, don't we
josh___something: @Serpens77 That's on a need-to-know basis
TXC2: hmm, more of that oil, must be nothing
azninsect: Geezus
Texan_Reverend: How many dice are in that giant wine glass?
Molladia: Moist
Texan_Reverend: "That's...incorrect."
TXC2: remember kids: you can't recycle pizza boxes if they're too greasy
EikoandMog: I have quoted that before.
definenull: That fritter joke is so good
TacitusVigil: Yes Beej...give in to your anger...
EikoandMog: Wheeler's delivery there is so good.
definenull: No who put the piss mug back in the bin?
shadowmaster132: @txc2 but you can compost them sometimes
TXC2: that reveal is so funny yet so creepy :D
TXC2: shadowmaster132 ooh neat
type_variable: the usual
Tuxbeej: Those colours are still up. They are similarly effective.
Mr_Horrible: so proud
shadowmaster132: red = garbage, yellow = recycle, green = organics
josh___something: Because the piss mug produces ichor... presumably
99FineLines: @josh___something see a doctor, soon.
azninsect: There it is
Earthenone: Pichor?
cyber952: oh that line kills me every time
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: real name jumpscare
RocknGrohlNerd: @Earthenone sounds phyrexian
azninsect: Tuxbeej similarly effective is still effective! I guess
Metric_Furlong: ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa out here, doxxing themselves Kappa
definenull: Hey! Stay behind the 4th wall
Molladia: *SPIKE*
josh___something: Don't look at me, beej
Mr_Horrible: the wink is a nice touch
shadowmaster132: can't steal valor from landlords, they don't have any
forcedreject: The meme goggles have given Beej 4th wall vision
Mangledpixel: wait, there isn't an entrance there
type_variable: that chair wasnt even here - best gag
josh___something: The chair spin out WAS great though, gotta admit
azninsect: Suddenly, Cam. And he wants to talk about the dishwasher
Simriel: Good old Dishwasher
Texan_Reverend: @josh___something I like it when Beej looks at me.
SentientRatKing: Saying that line probably hurt Ian.
josh___something: Poor pistachio D;
TheWanderingNomad: What is a dishwasher? That's obviously an internal drying and storage rack Kappa
TacitusVigil: I mean, I believe that could be a thing.
99FineLines: i forgot that LRR content is Not Safe For Lunch...again.
TXC2: it's always a sex thing
definenull: This sounds like some genai nightmare
Molladia: CH-Graham gets irked by SO many things. I wonder if real Graham is disgusted by many things.
TacitusVigil: Probably?
josh___something: EUGH
EikoandMog: Maybe?
TXC2: Yes, yes I would
azninsect: Yes
Kilo: Its lower rack is looking a little neglected!
Tarnius: Absolutely not.
Serpens77: @Molladia thinly finctionalised self-inserts
josh___something: Yes. But also DEAR GOD NO
TXC2: Feed Dump!
TacitusVigil: FEED DUMP
Tuxbeej: I mean, the sub-a-thon is still running and I can always find cream cheese.
azninsect: I thought that's what a YT membership got me
Molladia: Yes I would watch Iron-Stomach again
TheWanderingNomad: FEED DUMP
josh___something: BEEJ NO
BartholemewTheKitten: Wait is !Beej a command yet?
azninsect: Tuxbeej oh my yes
Species5618Beta: Oh, wow, this takes me back
TacitusVigil: BEEJ YES
Earthenone: i havent heard thatmusic in so long!
Texan_Reverend: @Tuxbeej I believe in you.
FarleyF: Beej goto sleep
Metric_Furlong: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 2:55 AM
azninsect: Real close
azninsect: Where's the nearest beach
josh___something: Wow... I hate how competent that rap was
azurite_d: they look so young (but they’ve aged so well)
RobustLaser: i feel like i just had 2017 thrown at me
TXC2: I feel like the UK sea at 2:30am would be VERY cold
warpstonewarlock: oh
azninsect: This was 7 years ago holy hell I just faded into dust
warpstonewarlock: oh it's this one
TheWooglie: @TXC2 why do you think they were in Thailand?
josh___something: Oh, this one!
Molladia: BEN Trigger Safety!
tajessa: Oh I love this one!
Species5618Beta: Oh, another good one
definenull: Trigger discipline! Jeez
Tuxbeej: WOW
warpstonewarlock: More spoilers for future than the Infinity War one
SentientRatKing: Love this episode
GazzyInferno: ah, when LRR got hit by apollo's dodgeball
Texan_Reverend: Deeply
adept_nekomancer: This predated covid by more than a year. Huh.
TXC2: TheWooglie I meant the sea around the UK
TXC2: Tuxbeej Like a Simpsons prediction
type_variable: whats with bens accent
tajessa: Don't worry about it
marmalade_pen: hes albertan
definenull: That is a mood Kathleen
Tuxbeej: The bandana is making him southwestern.
azninsect: That's just the Albertan
GazzyInferno: this is just an average day in the moonbase
Orellien: Ah, yes, the 2.5 years too early COVID sketech…
Sareaesque: Foreshadowing!
definenull: This is probably how their meetings go
azninsect: Tuna Whiskey Sandpaper
TXC2: am Ian ok?
Texan_Reverend: Rarely
99FineLines: define ok
SentientRatKing: that collapse gets me every time
Earthenone: classic ian lines
NotSoLuckyLydia: rip ian
josh___something: like, in the moment... or generally?
tajessa: Oh hey, Cameron! He'll save us!
Species5618Beta: This stinger is so good
azninsect: Ok is subjective and contextual
josh___something: I think the answer is no, either way I think
forcedreject: Saunders, P
azninsect: Meat husk
RockPusher: mmmmmMeatHusk
josh___something: gross
definenull: Eww
TXC2: hmm Jam
Simriel: A short one, but good.
tajessa: lrrSPOOPY
forcedreject: Whiplash when Beej said his wife and it was Kathleen
definenull: Lmao
josh___something: LUL
azninsect: HypeLUL
TXC2: Strong landlordism there Kathleen
Chronomagistrate: Wow, I don't remember that one.
NonUniqueGuy: Why should it pay rent? It was there first
nappitatti: that's amore
Chronomagistrate: I think I need to rewatch all the 2022/23 Crapshots
tajessa: Sick! Two swords!
Molladia: and 5 PS5's
NotSoLuckyLydia: they're all real good, chronomagistrate
TXC2: why wouldn't you want two swords ?
RockPusher: lrrGibb
TXC2: lrrGibb
tajessa: lrrGibb
azninsect: lrrGibb
IaCthulhuFthagn: "That's ridiculous. I already have more than two swords."
TheWooglie: lrrGibb
Texan_Reverend: lrrGibb
definenull: Hellsite is an accurate name
marmalade_pen: how are you gonna duel randoms if you dont have a spare sword to throw to them
RockPusher: fugiChicken DinoDance
RobustLaser: have a friend who keeps chickens. this is true.
TXC2: Chickens are descended from raptors and they KNOW this
Orxolon: Ska never left my dude
tajessa: lrrHAM
99FineLines: but you ARE a box of meat
Astral_Apache subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 54 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Astral_Apache! (Today's storm count: 7)
Simriel: :_lrrHeart:Gibb
Serpens77: when the
NotSoLuckyLydia: Love Not-Bigg
TacitusVigil: Both are good choices.
TacitusVigil: Although there are two Stargazers.
Orxolon: we haven't seen Gibb in a while huh?
TXC2: the spawning of the Jugalos
DeviantHS: are there youtube vods or past streams, i can watch? Would rather watch on youtube than twitch
RockPusher: I feel like G might have had fun writing that one
Orxolon: Ska never left my dude
Orxolon: hahahaaha
Earthenone: !youtube
LRRbot: LRR's main channel is . For Stream VODs check out . MtG vods and other MtG content are at . Tabletop related videos are at . LRR Videogame videos (including Checkpoint+) are at
TXC2: DeviantHS these will go up on YT eventually
azninsect: Accurate
Orxolon: i love that bit
DeviantHS: are the past broadcasts availabe @txc2 on youtube?
RockPusher: lrrCrab
TXC2: DeviantHS yeap, most of them
Texan_Reverend: lrrCrab
tajessa: lrrCrab
99FineLines: From the last subathon it took about a week for the segments to start appearing on youtube
DeviantHS: do you have a link? i cant find anything on the live tab. i am looking for the punch a chunk stream, from ealier this week
BartholemewTheKitten: Is Gibb answers your tweets the spiritual successor to Strong Bad emails?
SentientRatKing: Public service announcement: If you do donate your body to science be specific where you want it donated. Weird businesses sometimes claim them if you leave it open.
Orxolon: from where!?
TXC2: DeviantHS oh that wont be up yet
Orxolon: trapist 1?
azninsect: Why.
TacitusVigil: Or right, he the PM like 7 PMs ago.
TacitusVigil: Kappa
DeviantHS: @TXC2 ok, i might have worded that poorly. by past broadcasts i mean stream vods
definenull: What a one liner
TXC2: !vods
TXC2: !vod
LRRbot: Streams from the last few days can be found at and the Archive of all streams can be found at
TXC2: good featherweight art
nappitatti: Where can I find full episodes of fuzzboys
Orxolon: fuzzboys!
NotSoLuckyLydia: I would really love a full length fuzzboys
GazzyInferno: ye
DeviantHS: yeah, i dont mean the manual uploads of the streams. like twitch auto saves the vods, youtube has the same functionality, but i guess thats not enabled on youtube.
EikoandMog: I don't recognise the other member of Fuzzboys.
NonUniqueGuy: Correct, it will take a bit before they upload the VODs to Youtube.
forcedreject: I would love a full Fuzzboys as a LIVE segment
tdfox12: hi everyone
gluonquark: lrrGibb
NotSoLuckyLydia: @EikoandMog All we know about them is they're not named Bigg.
TXC2: DeviantHS yeah edited videos will go up on youtube later, not auto made like on twitch
marmalade_pen: i like this one
Species5618Beta: Fuzzboys better have Peanutbutter as a special guest
99FineLines: If you do youtube live the past broadcasts are often not posted publically, the streamer has to enable it. LRR do not.
Orxolon: xD
tdfox12: !followage
EikoandMog: Wait, is THAT why it's called a Tampon?!
tdfox12: !followage
tdfox12: Sad
definenull: Oh they're airing qwerps in chronological order
TXC2: tdfox12 what are you looking for?
Molladia: Considering the quality, there's a tiny part of me bothered that James hasn't listened to QWRP
MrPhlip: That's not a command our bots have, tdfox12
tdfox12: Follow age
josh___something: Is it just me or does the ad logo look like a wom- nvm
MrPhlip: @tdfox12 if you want to know when you followed, you can click your name in the chat, it shows it on the user card
warpstonewarlock: "fun"
tdfox12: I think I am at 5 years
RobustLaser: lotta eggs going on
AislinnBMln: It occurs to me that I've only listened to Qwerpline Season 3 once. So I don't have it memorized yet!
Blair Hanley Frank: That kerning joke gets me every time.
Marcus Head: Was just about done for the night/morning, was gonna go to bed...then Qwerpline starts. welp
Species5618Beta: @tdfox12 21st of January 20224
Species5618Beta: Sorry
Species5618Beta: 2022
josh___something: "following since Jan 22, 2022" from your profile
AndyDaMage: i get to watch this for once, I normally just listen in the car
tdfox12: @species5618beta thanks
TXC2: Right I'm off to exercise, it's cardio day! to so be good, and keep on subing!
RockPusher: later TXC2
Species5618Beta: @josh___something Huh... When i check its the 21st. You think thats a timezone thing? Im in GMT+1
taeasakura: greg reference!
forcedreject: Greg is canon in Qwerp?
josh___something: I'm in SEA, so probably
warpstonewarlock: There's a lot of LRR references in this episode
Species5618Beta: Huh, you would think it would show the date from THEIR pov, not ours
type_variable: arent you a philsopher omfg
tdfox12: Been watching Load ready run Youtube for a Lot more years
Jan Eli Padilla: :_lrrGoat:
taeasakura: Qwerpline is in the alternate greg universe where instead him making a gardening program, made his own version of craigslist, made millions of dollars and retired on his personal island away from all known human life
warpstonewarlock: I wonder why, Mephie
tdfox12: I am in Bc too
tdfox12: No joke
EikoandMog: Gout's no joke.
forcedreject: oh boy that joke on school cirriculum hits different in the U S
warpstonewarlock: Saab...
FarleyF: YIPES
warpstonewarlock: Man's Romance mentioned
Molladia: because of Ians last character My brain went of on a tangent and I found myself singing the Bumblebee Tuna theme song.
EikoandMog: Honestly, it's not the WORST way to divide a cow.
Molladia: It's better than front and back
xX_Before_The_Dawn_Xx: presumably the gut it first
xX_Before_The_Dawn_Xx: *they
EikoandMog: @xX_Before_The_Dawn_Xx Knowing Richter, probably not.
Serpens77: but what if the ghosts are moist?
Grevas13: the advantage to selling ghost-hunting equipment is that the people you're selling it to advertise their vulnerability to scams.
taeasakura: so ghosts are kind of like AI then?
josh___something: Lewd
FarleyF: man i love Tiffin
Molladia: Didn't Scout Leader Dan also undertake this gambit of free labor
josh___something: 7 THOUSAND?!
RocknGrohlNerd: wink wink, say no more
josh___something: I like how mundanely magical Nsburg is
EikoandMog: @josh___something It's like Night Vale but everyone is too stupid to be scared.
99FineLines: thank the culvert grid for that
EternalRoxas: ceiling egg!
EternalRoxas: egg!
MrPhlip: egg!
warpstonewarlock: ceiling egg, ceiling egg!
nappitatti: EGG! EGG!
josh___something: EGG
RocknGrohlNerd: obelisk obelis
EikoandMog: EGG
tajessa: EGG
RockPusher: PrideGive tqsEgg PrideTake
FarleyF: EGG
marmalade_pen: eg
Orxolon: gonna sleep,see you later y'all
99FineLines: this is the last pre pandeeno video
shadowmaster132: Oh turns out that it was good to not canonically get rid of that door
marmalade_pen: sleep well orxolon
RocknGrohlNerd: nerds... get them
Snowcookies: morning chat
marmalade_pen: morning snowcooks
Sevinon: morning
warpstonewarlock: 420 Blaze Street?
Austere_Squire: Morning, all
tezzatipoca: hi fam ✌️✌️✌️
EikoandMog: Paul spittig facts
marmalade_pen: theyve got some good pipes there they could do some sweet marching tunes
Grevas13: i love the implication that heather stole a child's wagon.
josh___something: And they were never seen again
shadowmaster132: @grevas13 I chose to believe she traded her axe for it
marmalade_pen: this is so great
TacitusVigil: But why the hats?!
tajessa: Beej should have worn the ointment bandolier today
type_variable: the triple take :D
RebekahWSD: I love this hustle lmao
tezzatipoca: editing and music 💯💯💯
TacitusVigil: Big squirrels in BC
EternalRoxas: perfect cut
marmalade_pen: beep
TacitusVigil: So in the end, it was all James' fault.
99FineLines: #maimjames
tajessa: EGG
Critterbot: Ben, Ben pls.
Austere_Squire: The egg is still ceiling'd to this day, yes?
josh___something: Not enough fart jokes for cH!LRR content
FarleyF: hey the game of my homeland
FarleyF: shout out to my fellow Mad Maxers
99FineLines: Kylie
EikoandMog: We do
Serpens77: Margot
tajessa: @austere_squire it got transported to the new Moonbase in a ceiling egg containment device and is still ceiling'd
EternalRoxas: @Austere_Squire indeed, was transplanted in the moonbase move
shadowmaster132: We really do need more non-grizzled rep
Just_Herby: I miss Running Start <3
Genie_M: So underrated game
josh___something: Same
an_archist2: they made a video game based on freeway fighters?
marmalade_pen: when will they release mad max 2: malding max
an_archist2: rememberance? elden ring?
RebekahWSD: I...never heard of running start, but my memory is pretty bad
TacitusVigil: Mood
FarleyF: i mean pauls not wrong
99FineLines: The series was only ten episodes because, as you will see, it's hard to be funny in real time.
Molladia: Which of these people is Ian?
EikoandMog: Damn it, G, we swore you to secrecy
Austere_Squire: Maybe Scrotus was his given name
Wolfstrike_NL: @Molladia The one with the most broken car at the end
Just_Herby: I mean what I really miss is GPLP, but this was almost like that. Graham and Paul just gel really well together
MrMatternot: Why does the narrator sound like a personality type from Disco Elysium?
marmalade_pen: if he finds out how to silence the mind cacophony can he please share his method
shadowmaster132: I remember hearing the announcement for running start but I don't remember ever seeing any of them
Awaiko: As an Australian, weird to see a documentary about my country
shadowmaster132: And I was excited for Unskippable/GPLP as a concept
shadowmaster132: @awaiko average end of season footy trip gone awry
marmalade_pen: amalur
99FineLines: Unskippable worked because they watched the scenes several times and scripted a very tight routine to perform over it. This was improv'd in real time, in one take.
tezzatipoca: "the ones who remember what it was like before are the most messed up" we call them... geriatric millenials
Species5618Beta: Great game, though. Janky as all hell and doesnt push any envelloppes, but a lot of fun to play.
EikoandMog: We adopted a doggo :D
itmightbemikey: Just went right between the lobes
shadowmaster132: @tezzatipoca if you thought the great recession made job hunting hard...
Awaiko: is this the same model as Nathan drake?
MrPhlip: Scritters
Species5618Beta: Scratch
99FineLines: BOAT
RocknGrohlNerd: boaty mcboatface?
shadowmaster132: Most boats in current (pre-apocalypse) australia are along coastlines or smaller
Serpens77: Chumbucket was actually in Furiosa very briefly
Awaiko: There’s at least river in the outback that takes boats
Species5618Beta: @Serpens77 Oh, really? Thats pretty cool. Video game characters rarely get that nod.
shadowmaster132: George Miller did have all of Furiosa's backstory written before making Fury Road. And I believe him when he says that
Awaiko: Henley on Todd regatta doesn’t need water
EikoandMog: Wasn't this game actually pretty good?
Species5618Beta: Nobody else did fighting like that?
99FineLines: It was a solid 7/10
Species5618Beta: Yeah, i agree
Species5618Beta: Nothing special, but a fun time
tezzatipoca: we could call thos segment "unscrappable" 🤔
EikoandMog: We need more fun 7/10s, imo.
Species5618Beta: Agreed fionNod
Serpens77: "Dinky Dee"
shadowmaster132: Oh past graham that's not how you say that
tajessa: Oh wow, I actually didn't even parse that that's what Graham was trying to say
EternalRoxas: Rinoa in ff8 has something to say about throwing dogs at people as an attack
Serpens77: @EternalRoxas "that's awesome!!!"?
shadowmaster132: For any non aussies in the chat it's dinky "die" and it means something that's true
terribleplan: I played this game for ~25 hours. I think I beat it, but eventually just lost interest in the rest of the same-y "open world" activities.
Molladia: Hey is that MegaTon City?
terribleplan: It was good, not great.
99FineLines: better than chalk
RocknGrohlNerd: @shadowmaster132 thank you never heard that phrase :)
Species5618Beta: Yeah, that makes sense @terribleplan I guess its all down to how much you like the classic Ubi-type open world game. The only thing this game did any different was the vehicle combat, and that was... just ok.
josh___something: Isn't there a difference between hardness and toughness
99FineLines: Hardness is resistance to impact. Toughness is resistance to tearing.
Serpens77: one thing this game is really well was the dust storms. They look AWESOME
Species5618Beta: Still, you can probably pick up this game for just a few dollars during a sale
Molladia: Oh i just noticed April '17, they mustn't have done this show for long. Becuase it didn't exist when I started watching
AndyDaMage: the shadow is australia chaped
EternalRoxas: @AndyDaMage oh yeah!
Species5618Beta: Oh, i just noticed that! Neat!
shadowmaster132: That australia shadow even has tasmania, that's commitment
CaptainTeo: People who guard buzzards.
FarleyF: oy chumbucket - thats our word not yours
Sevinon: "I want a cup of that guy's gas"
FarleyF: yeah this is what it looks like when we go to the petrol station
99FineLines: average Grimsby fuel stop
Sevinon: Is this why Graham doesn't have a license?
EikoandMog: @Sevinon It's not NOT why he doesn't have a license.
Species5618Beta: One of many reasons, i suspect
Genie_M: I really enjoyed this game back... some years ago
Sevinon: "My car shall make Jesus!"
Sevinon: Is quite the exclamation
EikoandMog: Damn, G
Molladia: Didn't somebody kill his dog?
Sevinon: So this came out like a year after Fury Road? That's a tight development time
Species5618Beta: We never even found out if it was mad as in crazy or angry
josh___something: AAAAAAAAAA
artacuno53: D:
MrMatternot: Bye Running Start, we hardly knew ye.
Serpens77: @Species5618Beta Yes.
Species5618Beta: Oh... the sequel
forcedreject: Wait the last video was around 3PM PST
RocknGrohlNerd: I do
forcedreject: This one is about at 4AM PST
Sevinon: Ah, was 3 PS3s earlier in the watch-a-longs?
Genie_M: 3:03, 4:04 and ... ;)
Molladia: If PS5's doesn't follow this ..... I'll type something in chat and no more.
MrPhlip: yeah, it was earlier tonight
forcedreject: So will 5 PS5 video be at 5:05?
99FineLines: I think this time they had two PS4s and clever editing.
Sevinon: Luckily no 6 PS6s at 6:06 since that would be a problem
azninsect: hehe how many ps4s?
Species5618Beta: nikaWhy My God, thats so incredibly nerdy
josh___something: Which X PSX video had photoshopped PSXs?
marmalade_pen: didnt they use a cardboard one on one of these?
EternalRoxas: @Sevinon the time door copuld make it happen
Genie_M: unless James has Paul in for coffee and PS6
Genie_M: (he won't)
Species5618Beta: I remember that two of these PS4's were inside a Macbook
Sevinon: @Species5618Beta Bloodbourne!
RocknGrohlNerd: dang it Paul, you were right about PS3s and you are still right about PS4s :D get rekt me
IviaRelle: Good news, folks can check if a previous clip/skit already played in the overnight watch-along at
Sevinon: @IviaRelle The VST did this?!
IviaRelle: We are sheeting the sub-a-thon, yeah :D
josh___something: HAH
Snowcookies: love this song
RocknGrohlNerd: wheelerRita wheelerRita wheelerRita wheelerRita
PMAvers: ah yes, the PS4: the Persona 5 box that gathered dust once it was done.
Invitare: I love that there are always people that don't understand the joke and get salty
Anubis169: Invitare: that's the holy grail of a good joke
josh___something: Pi PS4s, got it
Desruprot is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 21 in the channel!
Desruprot gifted a Tier 1 sub to hedonistic_mushroom!
Desruprot gifted a Tier 1 sub to mine_noam!
Desruprot gifted a Tier 1 sub to everythingspellslinging!
Desruprot gifted a Tier 1 sub to PerpetualDM!
Desruprot gifted a Tier 1 sub to ecceidle!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Desruprot! Welcome to hedonistic_mushroom, ecceidle, everythingspellslinging, PerpetualDM, and mine_noam! (Today's storm count: 12)
RebekahWSD: Woo subs!
hackingducks: one too many xbones
Awaiko: So generous!
Texan_Reverend: It's wild that the PS5 distribution was so lrrEFF -ed that those PS4s are still relevant for new games today.
Sevinon: Wolfday Tuesday?!
hackingducks: @Texan_Reverend could be worse: there still isn't a switch 2
tajessa: I love the list of transferable skills on the whiteboard growing
Invitare: long hair Kathleen
99FineLines: Nintento Swutch
Desruprot: if only more could be given, I think we wont get the Saturday stuff it looks like
EternalRoxas: nintendo swiitch
Desruprot: limesLook
Sevinon: @Desruprot Slow and steady
Desruprot: nice lunch
warpstonewarlock: ew
FarleyF: i like cheese and peanut butter
forcedreject: What a waste of a donut
MrPhlip: cheese and peanut butter is tasty
Desruprot: Cheese and Peanut Butter?
FarleyF: exactly MrPhilip
Furrbahl: depends on the cheese?
forcedreject: Okay what game was Cam playing with Alex and how does it work?
EternalRoxas: @forcedreject a game of electrical shock chicken?
tajessa: Tuesday Wolfday!
warpstonewarlock: Blue! No, yellow!
Desruprot: limesNoted
josh___something: Wolf for lunch!
forcedreject: @EternalRoxas Fascinating, I have a defib to acquire
Molladia: Wow Monikers callback
Texan_Reverend: A deeply Peanuts exasperated yell there.
Desruprot: indeed
MrPhlip: web dev, Paul's most evil plan yet
tajessa: Sunnydale has entered the chat
99FineLines: Whedon has no respect for civil boundary laws
SmithKurosaki: Wolf for lunch!
Texan_Reverend: @tajessa Sunnydale is the reason for the rule.
itmightbemikey: (cheese and pb sandwiches are actually quite nice)
Species5618Beta: I guess it depends on which kind of cheese you use?
RockPusher: hifunkFart
l0gin4me: all of the above
spicyFerret_: Do love merkins as a running lrr gag
forcedreject: Dave. Spokes man
RockPusher: tqsFlower_HF escher3BUZZ
Desruprot: limesNoted
josh___something: Is this cH!G, or Dave's spokesman
ShifuDaxiongmao: "The one place" and then holding up 2 fingers. Classic humor.
RockPusher: Local™
Desruprot: they separated the cheese and peanutbutter
Mathonwy: Also, normal golf uses up and destroys lots of land.
bourgeoiscaesar: "I quit, I guess?" gets me every time
hedonistic_mushroom: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
RockPusher: Local™ Haunted Mini-golf for Local™ Haunted People!
99FineLines: Par 2Spoopy
l0gin4me: lrrSPOOP
EternalRoxas: lrrGOAT s?
satyropodobny: lrrSPOOPY
hackingducks: here ghost nothing
99FineLines: Deep Ian Thoughts
Desruprot: indeed it is all about hitting the ball
Mathonwy: I mean, the winner is the person that plays the least amount of golf. Makes sense to me.
EternalRoxas: wheelerOok
Desruprot: Believe in yourself that believes in you
99FineLines: Ian "Par Fourner" Horner
ShifuDaxiongmao: after hole 1, they've already lost half their will to live :P
99FineLines: Dont Forget, You're Golf Forever
EternalRoxas: lrrIAN lrrHERE
Brozard: Look out hole, here it comes!
Desruprot: darksl5Clap
Desruprot: this didn't give the usual 2 clubhead's length for distance from barrier?
The_Color_Twelve: Lol nope is soon right. My memory is a little fuzzy
The_Color_Twelve: There it was
99FineLines: Barely Legal Strokes
Molladia: The "lol no" indicates Jordynne edited this one
wildpeaks: must have been the wind
Desruprot: looks like the place also has snacks
99FineLines: Themed snacks?
Desruprot: If only, its Pretzles, Churros, Pizza and Ice Cream Sandwiches none with on theme names
cmdrud87: @99FineLines "You rolled the dice on freezer salad?!?"
99FineLines: ooOOoooOOOooo the specter of Heart Diseaaase
hackingducks: it's curtains for kathleen
ShifuDaxiongmao: ah, the classic 'cough drop' shot
99FineLines: IAN
EternalRoxas: 5!
Desruprot: 5!
99FineLines: !numot5
EternalRoxas: wheelerKappa wheelerPog
spicyFerret_: (Mic) 5!
SketchyDetails: Ive just noticed the weird anti-shadows caused by the black light
Desruprot: this looks complicated for a minigolf hole
type_variable: complicated good
EternalRoxas: haven't figured out the Sick StratsTM yet
spicyFerret_ complicates your hole.
alchemistsavant: the omega yoink
99FineLines: this is a lot of hole to show on a pg stream
ErinusTV: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
EternalRoxas: give'er one of theeeeese
RockPusher: Fear is the par-killer
AugmentingPath: @99FineLines it's already R for language, no reason to let other metrics lag behind
99FineLines: the slow ball penetrates the field
hackingducks: the dinosaur future, also known as the present
Desruprot: the doors they move
EternalRoxas: @Desruprot it's all the dinosaur ghosts
Desruprot: @EternalRoxas must of been a former oil baron's house
EternalRoxas: @Desruprot it IS a fancy manor
99FineLines: the balls have touched
josh___something: Why did I think ian was gonna say the spirit of nihon... That monikers game is too imprinted into my mind
ManicPixieDreamLurker: Cheer505
dragon_pandaDnd: in goft is that one game you dont want bonus points
an_archist2: eek
BluJester: lrrSPOOP
satyropodobny: lrrSPOOP
spicyFerret_: lrrSPOOP
EternalRoxas: lrrHERE
HbombAndFriends: AAAAAH!
EikoandMog: JONT
ShifuDaxiongmao: Jont'em out
HbombAndFriends: JONT! JONT! JONT!
josh___something: Those are some neat practical(?) effects
PMAvers: Holes on the side of hills are the true evil.
RockPusher: tiltyhPLS tiltyhEXTREME
simic_yeti: lrrSPOOPY
EternalRoxas: the power of boneless meat compels you
MrPhlip: just leave the "Ian what" subtitle up for the entire duration
Desruprot: and strange women in ponds distributing swords is no way to form a government
RockPusher: !quote ian
LRRbot: Quote #6358: "The constant screams are always what I'm here for." —Ian [2019-08-22]
hackingducks: 98... 99...
EternalRoxas: one!
EternalRoxas: chants! chants! chants!
MilkInBags: oh it's not dust on *my* screen
Greyah: What the Golf?!
spicyFerret_: Golf it!
forcedreject: I hope we do not have to supper any more puns
EikoandMog: HypeLUL
Desruprot: that mechanism reminds me of Happy Gilmore
bronze0 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 30 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, bronze0! (Today's storm count: 13)
kimmiekoneko: but no ghost remains
CAKHost: Wait does that mean they have become ghosts?!
itmightbemikey: I really wish there was minigolf near me
Therberus: the music just stopping every time they hit the box is 😙👌
Brett Burns: anybody know if they are playing any good games today please ?
Desruprot: this reminds me of Duskmourn and its not even out yet
itmightbemikey: There's like, one placer, that may?? be open, but hasn't had any maitinance in a decade
NotSoLuckyLydia: Highly recommend building minigolf holes in your home
NotSoLuckyLydia: Constructing them is half the fun
itmightbemikey: My cat would get stuck in them
Therberus: nah just bad ones today sadly
Therberus: (I think it's the TCG day today? so mtg, lorecana etc.)
NotSoLuckyLydia: I think cats would make good minigolf obstacles, if it weren't for ethics.
EternalRoxas: free hole!
josh___something: Free HOLE?!
Desruprot: free hole
kimmiekoneko: don't mind if i do
itmightbemikey: Subtract the number... so wouldn't the -2 make it 4?
The_Color_Twelve: Power drive
NotSoLuckyLydia: It'd be impressive to get that hole in -1
CAKHost: I feel if this watch a long doesn't have the Corn Maze and the Hornhole, I'd be a bit sad
Brett Burns: thanks since i missed adam at Amsterdam im mmmmh on LRR atm just my personal disappointment lol
Sareaesque: That drop's a good sound
Desruprot: 15 holes thats uh interesting
AndyDaMage: I'm suprised it's not 13 holes
NotSoLuckyLydia: Losing your ball at an INDOOR minigolf course is a FEAT
ShifuDaxiongmao: "when we said let it fly.."
Desruprot: indeed it is
kimmiekoneko: what is mufasa going on about in the background
EternalRoxas: @kimmiekoneko how the ghosts of your ancestors are watching you
Desruprot: stuck here forever
EikoandMog: lrrHERE
hedonistic_mushroom: lrrHERE
RockPusher: gabyMath sergeCounting
dragon_pandaDnd: math mode
CAKHost: Obligatory Graham's feet shot XD
EternalRoxas: lrrSPOOPY GHOSTED
CaptainTeo: rip ben
EikoandMog: lrrSPOOPY
RockPusher: benginRip
CAKHost: And we never saw ben again
RockPusher: Kickstarter money well spent :D
Desruprot: LUL
forcedreject: Almost on the 5 o clock mark
Genie_M: a bit early but hey
CaptainTeo: Oh, no.
lady_olynder: Cant wait for 6 ps6
josh___something: Eh, close enough
forcedreject: but what if
xX_Before_The_Dawn_Xx: The implied pentology is over!
josh___something: It's 5 o'clock somewhere in the world
Coloneljesus: this was impressive, considering the availability at the time
EternalRoxas: hiring a fancy building for the most prolific longrunning jokes
Serpens77: iirc, they also rented a super fancy house to film this in LUL
Genie_M: "to beautify the neighborhood"
Anubis169: LOL the foot stands :D
EikoandMog: @Anubis169 Holy shit, I just noticed that
EternalRoxas: Seto Kaiba cosplaying consoles
ShifuDaxiongmao: I like the implied storytelling through these that he's gotten ahead in life by having more playstations on each release :D
Serpens77: OH NO
TacitusVigil: The sad part is knowing each of these made a fair number of people angry.
Anubis169: that was by design
Anubis169: i swear it
Isaac3567: I love how unremarkable the Xbox is in that scene
RocknGrohlNerd: what a day :D :D I got roasted 3 seperate times during one day :D , first for not having PS3s than PS4s and now PS5s. I suck
forcedreject: Whole Story name drop
CaptainTeo: How did you know that I'm looking at a shoe?
gnabaer: whole story mentioned
ShifuDaxiongmao: this part is the best :D
Anubis169: manLOL
josh___something: Y'know. Paul is usually very cute. But the house and ps5s really raise his face punchability level. (Affectionate)
Genie_M: costumes made by Kathleen
ShifuDaxiongmao: gotta have the flag waving in the wind :D
Desruprot: Does Paul have the whole scale so far? 1PS 2PS2?
Chartle: that is a precarious stack of ps5's
TacitusVigil: Huh, Canada updated their flag. Neat
forcedreject: @TacitusVigil I like the approach was to double down with each sequel though
micalovits: Never noticed the flag before
shadowmaster132: The canada flag in the background
MrPhlip: This scene is my favourite
TacitusVigil: @forcedreject Oh yes. And I like this skit. I just am a bit weary knowing people can't take or see the joke.
Desruprot: LUL
piggyback101: What a twist!
Anubis169: hahahaha
CaptainTeo: Oh, my goodness.
public_key_reveal_party: I'm glad that Sony has continued their console naming system, just for these videos
Genie_M: and that was such a great move
BluJester: 7?! madness
TheWooglie: *competition has ended
josh___something: XD
TacitusVigil: *Giveaway over. Offer void in Alaska, Hawaii, and Quebec.
AndyDaMage: remember when an all day stream was still newish
Serpens77: Solas? What's he got to do with it?
FarleyF: quick its only the 18th of july - we have plenty of time to enter lrrBEEJ
Desruprot: @AndyDaMage All Week Streams are newish now
ShifuDaxiongmao: I like that we are currently tied with Paul for the PS6's
TheWooglie: @AndyDaMage before desert bus?
Anubis169: manLOL
Gekyouryuu: Andy!
an_archist2: beejdrop adjacent noises from that bag of hate
Desruprot: a mime is a terrible thing to waste
micalovits: All week streams are older than twitch somehow
MaddogM: How many Desert bus are we up to now?
josh___something: Was it actually 7 ps5s, or was it a giveaway for some number of 5 ps5s?
type_variable: andy is a treasure
MrPhlip: DB18 this year iirc
Serpens77: @josh___something they did give away 2 of them
Genie_M: gvlogs are very welcome
Metric_Furlong: time for shoe shots Kappa
Desruprot: bizness
ThankYouUro: What do you mean this one is not called Tabletops and Tablebottoms
MaddogM: the 2 giveaway ps5's were 4 of the 7 iirc
Serpens77: you can eat anything once
MrPhlip: YOEO
lady_olynder: I regret to say that Reading Terminal Market is busy even in nonconvention times
Grevas13: "people keep eating our display" "put out a sign saying they're fake." sounds like retail. probably still only had a50% sucess rate
Desruprot: I tried Bagel and Lox in NYC last weekend, it was good
Serpens77: that's not just a schmear it's a schmorgasboard
NotSoLuckyLydia: Bagel with lox is perhaps my favorite simple food
warpstonewarlock: love bagels
Serpens77: ambigram
Grevas13: thanks dan brown
Makrosian_Tay: That's commitment
LarkSachrosis: I had that shirt
NotSoLuckyLydia: @PMAvers It's a really good game
RebekahWSD: I'm hoping one day for Twilight Imperium myself on...a very long day
IslandersCaper: dang now I want to make shortbread PrideLaugh
NotSoLuckyLydia: long game: the campaign for north africa :P
RockPusher: Okay party people, sleepy time for me. Have fun, practice responsible generosity, and enjoy the continuing entertainment lrrAWESOME lrrSHINE
NotSoLuckyLydia: Sleep well!
Desruprot: triple layover oh boy
CaptainTeo: Now I'm picturing the suitcase being completely filled with Magic gards.
Mangledpixel: @PMAvers they definitely have a copy of Dune Imperium, as they covered it on Back in the Box:
TheWooglie: GG Ben
EternalRoxas: poor Ben, that was documented
voren_chalco: I just assumed that was a play on "Magic is in the air"
Serpens77: they were decorating for Christmas in March?
aerolend: It is more of a Nicki Minaj christmas kind of year.
CaptainTeo: It takes a while to put those decorations up.
Desruprot: it was documented and made it through post
hackingducks: yep, they also played halloween golf in march
TheWooglie: March is when the video was released not film date
PMAvers: @Mangledpixel Yeah, I can't imagine how *that* got there.
Mangledpixel: @PMAvers oh, right :D
MomoNo9: March is that hotel's traditional Christmas time
SquidVorb: That can't be great for SEO
thegreatwyrdling: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 5:15 AM
aerolend: @squidvorb Or it's actually perfect for it.
CaptainTeo: It's Christmas 2. Takes place in March.
jadielady: nope
Coloneljesus: trainanids
jadielady: still lots of crossover and hijinks :D
MomoNo9: I would love to see train lobbyists and Warhammer people trade tips
TheWooglie: yeah bird watchers are twitchers
MrPhlip: iirc, warhams is the same scale as a popular model train scale
MrPhlip: HO, I think?
MomoNo9: College roommate had a bf training to be an accountant and was a gamer. Would recount ALL the numbers and deaths instead of stories of his games.
HbombAndFriends: Ooh, Rollacrit. Their Bag of Holding is pretty sweet.
MomoNo9: Ooh and I'd rather see lobbyists than lobbyists
aerolend: @momono9 Death and taxes.
warpstonewarlock: @MrPhlip It's S, IIRC
HbombAndFriends: Philly seems pretty cool. It’s too bad I’m not much of a tabletop guy.
MomoNo9: Hobbyists why does autocorrect hate so much
Pharmacistjudge: I remember this weekend.
Grevas13: *40yo knees pop*
99FineLines: lobbyists paid money to have the preferential autocorrect
MrPhlip: That seems like an impractical number of boosters
hackingducks: how many boosters is that to actually make a commander deck? (and what is the insane entry fee for that?!)
99FineLines: BDM's philosophy is that it's better to have too many cards than too few
dionizuz: Did Graham vlog Magiccon Amsterdam by the way?
99FineLines: There is an Amsterdam GVlog being edited
Ritaspirithntr: yes! but that will take a while
dionizuz: nice! something to look forward to
dionizuz: on his YT channel right?
Wolfstrike_NL: We get the Europe vacation from last year. 7.5 hours gvlog soon
RubikDarkwill: @dionizuz Yes
Hbomb & Friends celebrates 59 months of membership: 59 months. That’s almost 60.
RubikDarkwill: Also *last years* Barcellona
Ritaspirithntr: yeah on his YT channel it’s safe to assume he at least vlogs every convention he goes to. it just takes forever to edit.
definenull: so much reading
MilkInBags: I didn't find any vlog for Barcelona
Ritaspirithntr: and then when it video drops, it’s a pleasant surprise!
EternalRoxas: @MilkInBags it's coming soonTM
MilkInBags: ooooooh
Furyfire: Goooood morning all
RubikDarkwill: Barcelona is coming. He said yesterday it took longer because they were trying Da Vinci Resolve for the Editting
LRRbot: Thanks for being a channel member, Hbomb & Friends! (Today's storm count: 14)
Grevas13: good morning furyfire.
Wonder Moo celebrates 59 months of membership
MilkInBags: I'll find out if I'm featured or not
EternalRoxas: @MilkInBags yeah there's a lot of family holiday episodes too apparently, so it was a decently big project
Furyfire: lrrGibb
kimmiekoneko: isn't avernus some kind of wine
99FineLines: Friday Nights is taking up most of the work hours of editors right now. GVlogs get edited when nothing else is urgent.
Ritaspirithntr: ^
SquidVorb: This feels like gibberish as someone that doesn't speak Magic
MilkInBags: that makes sense, they seem quite long
Ritaspirithntr: fair :D
Admiralmatt subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 102 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Admiralmatt! (Today's storm count: 16)
Furyfire: You know, I would love LRR to go to GenCon one of these years.
LRRbot: Thanks for being a channel member, Wonder Moo! (Today's storm count: 15)
EternalRoxas: need LRR to come to the UK
99FineLines: GenCon doesn't pay for LRR level people to attend, Wizards does.
Furyfire: Oh I know
Furyfire: They'd have to set their own things up and that's a go no
Furyfire: no go.
Furyfire: Words are hard
CaptainTeo: Minimun.
99FineLines: another crime from Violators Minimum
RandomTrivia: Lurking from working - hi friends lrrHEART
Ritaspirithntr: hi
MilkInBags: :V
RocknGrohlNerd: @RandomTrivia Hi lrrSHINE
99FineLines: Untitled Duck Meal
TheWooglie: zetwilMeganDuck
CAKHost: Quack!
kimmiekoneko: this is sacrilege to me
Durugai: I am a duck enjoyer
tajessa: I enjoy duck also
MrPhlip: That's two nights in a row I've wanted to ping duckace
MrMatternot: Quack
hackingducks: i like ducks
dizzycriminal subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 32 months!
dizzycriminal: Duck
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, dizzycriminal! (Today's storm count: 17)
99FineLines: Ben is describing a rickshaw
HbombAndFriends: Screw the ducks. Eat the fowl menace.
hackingducks: un-ducking-believable.
kumatsu: Can confirm Minh is great
Pharmacistjudge: it was just honestly easier to just pay the bill myself that figure a split
superdude097: I really like the con vlogs
HbombAndFriends: On that episode of the Panalysts, where they had to get rid of either ducks or mustaches, they totally made the right call.
TheWooglie: oh hi Pharmacistjudge
HbombAndFriends: Also, no Panalysts in the watchalong?
RandomTrivia: More mileage from that limo
Niehilius: @superdude097 same - i look forward to them after each con
CAKHost: The Rich get punchy-er?
kimmiekoneko: ah, the day with the rented limo
99FineLines: wow that crapshot became sadly relevant.
kimmiekoneko: stop with the duck feasting already
SquidVorb: hmmm
TacitusVigil: Alex is right. My understanding is that it's said the way it is because "it sounds better" basically
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
River: I luv qwrp line it's absolutely my fav content by lrr
TacitusVigil: I like the ending, but this storyline made me surprisingly upset for a comedy podcast.
definenull: she's back!
TheWriterAleph: yay lorna!
RandomTrivia: Lorna!
baltimore_667083: lorna!
CAKHost: At least he's honest!
hedonistic_mushroom: lrrWOW
QuixoticScrivener: eww
TheWooglie: did Lorna call him Alec?
amyg87: lrrHEART
definenull: ALEX
CAKHost: Salt? D:
RandomTrivia: "Alex stop engaging" absolutely killed me HypeLUL
EternalRoxas: @TheWooglie yeah she calls G Grant too
HbombAndFriends: Kathleen is a treasure. Such range in Qwerpline.
voren_chalco: @EternalRoxas Or Gord
tajessa: And just called him Gord as well
TacitusVigil: We got an Alec too
Xed_Regulus: Hello, and Happy Thursday, early morning crew!!! Hope you are all doing well!
Mangledpixel: s u c k h o l e
HbombAndFriends: Suckhole!
kimmiekoneko: succ
Genie_M: Lorna always calls them random G and A names
hackingducks: the first time i listened to this, I thought it was the vacuum tube transit system they added to every home earlier
Genie_M: never the proper ones
Q_sic: Gruntle?
tajessa: Kathleen lrrDARK lrrDARK
CAKHost: Hmmm
Mangledpixel: hackingducks that is what it is
Q_sic: Gruntle is peak G name
hackingducks: @Mangledpixel not... exactly...
Mangledpixel: well, it's... related
GhostValv: heh
QuixoticScrivener: what are we feeding into our suckholes?
RandomTrivia: BAHAHAHAHA
definenull: I miss the corpsing, this segment would have been *wild*
EternalRoxas: GAMGEE
TacitusVigil: NO. No it's NOT
dizzycriminal: I feed other suckholes into my suckhole in an attempt to cause an infinite suck event horizon
Serpens77: Graham channneling Patrick Warburton
TheWriterAleph: patrick warburtgraham
Q_sic: Spot on Warburton
twistedsylvan: "pop out my brickspreader" is such a cursed phrase
jessieimproved: Good morning video squad
TacitusVigil: "Menace"
Grevas13: i found out the other day that patrick warburton sings lead in his band
RandomTrivia: HAHAHAHA IAN
TheWriterAleph: lol great cut
tajessa: Was that a Lehrer reference?
RandomTrivia: Has to be
tajessa: And this is why I love LRR so much
TehAmelie: cat dander is an ingredient in the final hot sauce, after all
EternalRoxas: ooh i just noticed the bit total is satisfying
HbombAndFriends: Namabeleaving
definenull: *groan*
MrPhlip: sergeOrder
JarofGoats subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 47 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, JarofGoats! (Today's storm count: 18)
TheWriterAleph: i think richter is tenured. somehow.
EternalRoxas: @TacitusVigil It's probably in his contract that he can't be, his lawyers seem lestigious
Grevas13: @TheWriterAleph this is the sort of show where i imagine no one knows who pays him
TheWriterAleph: he does it for the love of the art
GenericHerooo: Hi, everyone! lrrSHINE KonCha lrrSHINE
TacitusVigil: @EternalRoxas I just want some traffic!
RocknGrohlNerd: @GenericHerooo Hi @GenericHerooo
forcedreject: Is Nsburg a walkable city?
hackingducks: not sure i'd try it
Wolfstrike_NL: @forcedreject Only if your mind fills in all the voids
TehAmelie: it sounds small enough to wiggle through on your stomach if you ask me
hackingducks: not with richter in the air
TehAmelie: my frame of reference for small towns may not relate to North America though
TacitusVigil: Probably better to just go to Jewelsburg.
TXC2: hello everybody
forcedreject: I suppose it is "technically" walkable
HbombAndFriends: I probably would’ve been one of the 2-7.
TXC2: nsberg is walkable unless the Shanessy river floods again
forcedreject: I like how Alex's character has gone from incredulous to depressed resignation from the first season to now
TacitusVigil: Mood
Q_sic: Slow descent into madness
definenull: uh oh
TXC2: being Mayor changed him
QuixoticScrivener: don't engage Alex
TacitusVigil: Aldersm'n
TXC2: TacitusVigil right
Therberus: Bl-drinking problem
Genie_M: poor Derek....
TXC2: how could I forget about Mayor Stenno Paperclips
Lushian_Cybasi: QWRP is probably my favorite thing that LRR has ever done.
forcedreject: I still miss the live corpsing
TacitusVigil: You're 19!
warpstonewarlock: same
loufghyslaufey: @TacitusVigil canonically timelessly MindManners ImTyping "a g e l e s s ?"
definenull: oh it comes full circle
loufghyslaufey: Is Derek always 19 these days?
TacitusVigil: Maybe he was born on a double leap day?
TehAmelie: maybe it hasn't been very long
incslayer: how strong is derek?
LoadingReadyRun: We've got about 10 minutes left in the overnight rewatch, then I'll be taking the stream down for a second!
TacitusVigil: It's a MASH?
loufghyslaufey: Perhaps, that's a segment for...
TXC2: Derek is timeless like the 1984 chirstmas parade
l0gin4me: GriddyGoose
Therberus: @incslayer Surprisingly so
Grevas13: panic
TehAmelie: thanks for the update
incslayer: @Therberus escpecially since hes only 19
loufghyslaufey: Another season, of "GWRPLine."
TXC2: no panic
forcedreject: @incslayer He bent open metal with his bare hands
Therberus: @incslayer Feel like he's been 19 for the past 5 years...
loufghyslaufey: Wow, Nsbrg sounds oddly chill
TacitusVigil: Derek is a super strong uncorrupted timeless being with a ghost inside of him.
TacitusVigil: Also with a surprisingly amount of rizz apparently?
Angreed66: Derek is as strong as would be funny
incslayer: wait did A-Train go to the same school as Carrie?
hackingducks: I still don't know what exactly happened in that scene
TehAmelie: lrrSIG bugs!
hackingducks: i understand a goose was stuck in a pipe, but that's as far as I got.
Grevas13: i feel like derek's age is not the strangest thing about the character. The town might exist to contain him.
MadWolf1290: god, so many good puns
Therberus: Derek has that confused rizz
Genie_M: Nsburg is somewhere in the same universe as Night Vale and King Falls
SquidVorb: LMAO
TXC2: Matt!
TacitusVigil: @Grevas13 I like this theory.
loufghyslaufey: heh, oh?
Serpens77: a WEiggins!
baltimore_667083: Matt!
definenull: uhhh
twistedsylvan: Okay that was the foirst QWRPline I've heard, is that representative of the whole series?
northos: lol the bus sound effect is so good
TXC2: twistedsylvan kinda
AndyDaMage: my uncle has actually done that to a stranger before
loufghyslaufey: "Huh?"
HbombAndFriends: Oh, they put all 3 limo Crapshots in here.
the_phantom_game_player: Hows Wiggins doing?
TXC2: old school
MTigress: where did they get a limo
definenull: oh we're going *really* old school
GazzyInferno: yooooo
Genie_M: ooooh, some rarities
incslayer: @MTigress there are limo rental places
AndyDaMage: OG time
loufghyslaufey: (gasps) "Something is Happening?"
TXC2: MTigress they rented it with the kickstarter money
SquidVorb: 2006!!!!
loufghyslaufey: Where?
MTigress: i get that, but that's money
Therberus: Oh Paul, stolen jokes is a 2017 thing
KarlKewbZ: Ooo very meta!
Jaqspur: Are these just randomized of all LRR vids?
EternalRoxas: holy shit the first Live
MTigress: lol
Admiralmatt: oh wow
TXC2: Jaqspur yeap
MadWolf1290: @Jaqspur basicallly
josh___something: Oh, LITERALLY LoadingReadyLIVE
Simonark: QWERPline is also a cousin to a CBC radio show called The Great Eastern from the 90s, which was a cultural magazine show from a parallel universe Newfoundland. It’s all free online and worth a listen.
Jaqspur: Dope :)
TehAmelie: @twistedsylvan as much as the third season of anything, probably
HbombAndFriends: @mtigress Rented for the “Ways to Blow the Kickstarter money” video
LoadingReadyRun: We still have that fucking box. My god.
thekumquatking: baby lrr!
Gekyouryuu: @hackingducks my read was: goose stuck in new suckhole, Derek squeezes the pipe with his bare hands to cut off the suction, so the goose gets free and they crown Derek homecoming king for saving the goose
SquidVorb: I was 6 when this aired
incslayer: Live took a very long Hiatus from this to the current incarnation :D
TXC2: LoadingReadyRun it's a good box bront
Wolfstrike_NL: @LoadingReadyRun still full of mystery?
definenull: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: Hellshake Mnanker
twistedsylvan: @TehAmelie lmao good to know! It felt like Welcome to Nightvale, but surreal comedy instead of horror
LoadingReadyRun: Nah, fabric
AndyDaMage: just goes to show LRR never throws things away
SimplyDaveMN just became a member!
couchboyj: Kinda hard to maintain mystery for two decades
marmalade_pen: i need to take a stream break and regain some sanity, bye for now
LoadingReadyRun: I still kinda can't believe we did this show at all.
Therberus: "So anyway he was a ferrier from Souk!"
LoadingReadyRun: And to end it on a musical number?!
BrookJustBones: But do you still have the chicken?
incslayer: i like "Loading Ready Run - The Musical!
AndyDaMage: how come LRR doesn't do musicals anymore Kappa Kappa
TacitusVigil: Sooner or later, everyone does a musical episode.
loufghyslaufey: hahahahaha
forcedreject: He's so young
Wolfstrike_NL: baby james
TacitusVigil: Buffy did it, Star Trek did it, now LRR. In the past.
Genie_M: rubber poultry
incslayer: ahh James is soo weee
DTMWA6T: How have I never see this before!?!
loufghyslaufey: "babier" James
azninsect: fareehaDance
LRRbot: Thanks for becoming a channel member, SimplyDaveMN! (Today's storm count: 19)
AndyDaMage: James still has the same dance
SnowBuddy18: @TacitusVigil even Supernatural did it
CaptainTeo: 2006, geeze. I didn't actually know that LRR had been around that long.
loufghyslaufey: oooh
TheWriterAleph: booo LUL
loufghyslaufey: wordplays
EternalRoxas: Bill lrrSHINE
TXC2: CaptainTeo they started in 2003
CaptainTeo: Wow. hecticDrat
TacitusVigil: @SnowBuddy18 They did everything :D
QuixoticScrivener: I recognize like 3 people
Grevas13: in 2006, i was a junior in high school
patfinder: they are all so damn tall
incslayer: when are we getting a reprint of that Shirt @LoadingReadyRun
definenull: and then there's matt wiggins
azninsect: incredible
Gigabyte_Dragon: Bill ❤️
Therberus: Graham, Bill, Morgan, James, Wiggins, Paul, Jer!
TXC2: Gods and a Can can line ?
TacitusVigil: Fun fact: this is so old that I still had hopes and dreams!
loufghyslaufey: He just ran the chicken through all of them? LUL
Coloneljesus: they should remaster this show
RocknGrohlNerd: comedy gold right there
RandomTrivia: This is truly a work of A R T
Thisbymaster: they were babies in this one
MaddogM: Bill!
forcedreject: Grahm, Bill, Morgan, James, matt, Paul, Jer form left to right
couchboyj: Cursed singing rubber chicken
azninsect: tqsClap
RandomTrivia: seabatClap
Grevas13: adorable! brava!
Didero: These people are weird (complimentary)
Didero: Hello
hedonistic_mushroom: lrrHORN
TXC2: clap clap clap
pn55: seabatClap
DTMWA6T: Brilliant.
50keyz: midnig380Clap
Ritaspirithntr: tqsClap
definenull: clap
red_shoes_jeff: lrrARROWS lrrARROWS lrrARROWS lrrARROWS lrrARROWS
couchboyj: seabatClap
Gigabyte_Dragon: gdqClap
RocknGrohlNerd: encore encore
roefizzlebeef: that was downright adorable
jessieimproved: lrrHEART
loufghyslaufey: lrrSHINE lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrARROWS lrrARROW
10of9: seabatClap
TXC2: and that's were LRR peaked Kappa
Serpens77: ok but who stole the other sketch?
Xed_Regulus: tqsClap
Therberus: @TXC2 I can't believe that they stopped making LRR after that
TXC2: Serpens77 the kids in the hall Kappa
TXC2: Therberus right?
TacitusVigil: @TXC2 Hey, now we have Beej on guitar!
Serpens77: @TXC2 those bastards!
LoadingReadyRun: Ok, going offline for just a second.
incslayer: but did their song and dance number safe the [insert relevant youth center]?
loufghyslaufey: @TXC2 ye dare- ! No, wait. Wait. Huh. Fair, fair. It probably tracks...
99FineLines: loading two electric chickenloo
LoadingReadyRun: Should be back online
definenull: CONTACT lrrSIG
RandomTrivia: lrrSIG
KaleidoscopeMind: lrrFINE
CaptainTeo: hecticLove
northos: lrrSIG
TheAinMAP: Signal
incslayer: @TXC2 more like plateaued its not like they have gone down in quality
hedonistic_mushroom: lrrFINE
Xed_Regulus: lrrSIG
vinewood_og: Raise your hand if you survived Barcadia and are back for coffee!
AndyDaMage: I hope if LRR ends one day, they do it with another musical number
TheWooglie: Refresh lrrSIG (If you need to)
10of9: lrrSIG
NekomimiNinja: lrrSIG lrrSHINE lrrSIG
LilyOfTheVeil6666: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyPeek
TXC2: incslayer technically true
TacitusVigil: A sub-a-thon, or as we call it where I'm from, Streamed Hams.
TheBattleOfHastings: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
ke6960 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 65 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ke6960! (Today's storm count: 20)
couchboyj: ☕️ lrrJAMES
garfacemcgar subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 38 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, garfacemcgar! (Today's storm count: 21)
Hansk_and_Boo: Goodmorning James!
Bobtheninjagoldfish: Good Morning LRRChat! how is everyone today?
Xed_Regulus: Coffee Time with James and ... whom?
KBKarma: Sitting waiting for a vaccine. Hi everybody.
brainbosh: According to the alert this is day 2. I can't handle that confusion today lol.
Wolfstrike_NL: @Xed_Regulus Alex
definenull: I believe it's alex?
the_phantom_game_player: Good morning. I'm good
Xed_Regulus: Perfect, thank you
baltimore_667083: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: the rund
TXC2: hello Hansk_and_Boo and Bobtheninjagoldfish and KBKarma welcome
DahudLefthanded: Is anyone receiving signal yet?
TXC2: hello the_phantom_game_player welcome
awildshen subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 100 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, awildshen! (Today's storm count: 22)
TXC2: DahudLefthanded yes
SnowBuddy18: @AndyDaMage LRL full musical episode
KBKarma: Yes
kumatsu: I'm at the airport after waking up at 4 am for a work trip
Sarah_Serinde: @DahudLefthanded Yes, refresh
TXC2: Here we GO!
RandomTrivia: Dawn of the "Fourth" Day (ish)
Hansk_and_Boo: Its 3 pm here and about 27 c outside. Perfect weather to clean around the house with LRR on
NathanLonghair: signal
Ritaspirithntr: perfect timing!!
TacitusVigil: @brainbosh Congratuations! You have entered a timeloop. If you have seen Groundhog Day, please refer to that. If not, well, this will all be new to you...
vinewood_og: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Didero: Good morning James and Alex!
azninsect: hi alex
TXC2: Hello Alex
Grevas13: yay it's alex!
krfsm: morning
TehAmelie: beep beep
definenull: beep boop
baltimore_667083: eepy alex
Nigouki: hallo
TXC2: so eepy
HorusFive: Alex so eepy
TheWriterAleph: eepy time
MrPhlip: Beep
azninsect: moop
krfsm: or afternoon as the case may be
Hansk_and_Boo: Morning Alex!
pn55: Mornin' Alex!
tajessa: Good morning James and Alex!
baltimore_667083: eep oop
Miss_Evilyn: Welcome Back and good morning Alex
GhostValv: beep boop
TheWooglie: Time for day 2 again
KBKarma: Alex, you really look tired. Coffee time?
TXC2: Hello James
Sorator13: morning alex and james!
Stephonee: I was just gonna say
Mattthebeard: eeeeeepy
the_phantom_game_player: Helllo
gualdhar: James, who do we blame for the chicken musical number?
TXC2: #BlameJames
Brozard: much sleep very eepy
KBKarma: Iced coffee? Ooo
TacitusVigil: Because james promised to buy you breakfast?
99FineLines: @KBKarma telling someone this is always rude.
incslayer: #BlameJames
CraziestOwl: #BlameJames
HorusFive: If only somebody was in control of this schedule #blamejames
Grevas13: goooooooooood mooooorning suuuuunshiiiiiinnnne!!!
hypperstar2280: Good morning. Wishing you a full glass of coffee or your preferred caffeine
AndyDaMage: mistakes were made
RandomTrivia: Welp
NevermorePainting: Goooood morning!
forcedreject: Hello james, we just saw baby you
definenull: oo with ice this time?!?
HavenDragon: oh, i'm wearing the same shirt as Alex :D
avi_miller: Good morning!
HbombAndFriends: #BlameJames
Genie_M: day whatever
Lirelent: moaaar coffee
protojman: is that cup actively brewing?
Didero: Nobody is awake at 5 am anyway,it's fine :p
GhostValv: happy time of day
TXC2: Day rutubega
TehAmelie: according to my email, it's day 2 :o
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyComfy vicksyCult katesSnug
hesterbyrde: Someone please put some coffee into these men
Herbert_Erpaderp: Hooray! herberHeart
alchemistsavant: howdy!
KBKarma: I'm getting coffee in a half hour or so.
incslayer: @TXC2 i prefer Day Tortuga
definenull: oooh!
AndyDaMage: good choice alex
LathosTiran: ♫♪ dawn, dawn, dawn...oh wait.....
azninsect: ca phe sua
azninsect: eyyy
mweepigeon: ooooo, yum!
Nathan Hawkins: good morning :3
Sarah: Hullo chat
SimplyDaveMN: #BlameJames
azninsect: yep. sure did
azninsect: and soup broth
HbombAndFriends: Fill this man with cream… in his coffee!
Grevas13: let us ritually consume stimulants.
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyInspect
incslayer: Fancy
HbombAndFriends: Serge looks a lot like Alex today. :)
Bobtheninjagoldfish: SO how was barcadia james?
Didero: I'm still amazed at how well you did at Elden Ring, James
Inkymouse: It was such a chill stream!
Leonhart321: Ooooh, sounds nice. And you need the specialist equipment for it?
KBKarma: I am not permitted to buy iced coffee no more, but I can make it.
patch_witch: Vietnamese iced coffee is so good. Best part of ordering pho.
SuperPenguinWizard subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 65 months!
TXC2: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SuperPenguinWizard! (Today's storm count: 23)
incslayer: darnit you where faster
TimIAm: Do it like Adam
RandomTrivia: We have sub at hon lrrBEEJ
NoxStryx: This is a subathon? I thought it was toyotathon
QuixoticScrivener: I fell asleep watching Alex dismantle spacecraft. How is he awake already?
red_shoes_jeff is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 586 in the channel!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to unit599!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Dragonfirewiz!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to GodImSoSorry!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Lokkij!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Screenwatcher33!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to romanempire144!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to augustmonday!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to clevername_number!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to Casual_Thurston!
red_shoes_jeff gifted a Tier 1 sub to WyrmsEye!
incslayer: @RandomTrivia wait is sub at home beej?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, red_shoes_jeff! Welcome to unit599, Dragonfirewiz, Lokkij, GodImSoSorry, Screenwatcher33, romanempire144, augustmonday, clevername_number, Casual_Thurston, and WyrmsEye! (Today's storm count: 33)
Didero: @NoxStryx That's awful, well done
alchemistsavant: subathon implies the existence of domathon
TheWooglie gifted a Tier 1 sub to Inkymouse! They have given 5 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Inkymouse! (Today's storm count: 34)
TimIAm: So no nuclear battery in this ship?
Sarah_Serinde: Wonder if we can get that clock back up to 24 hours today
GodImSoSorry: @red_shoes_jeff Thanks for the gift sub!
Dragonfirewiz: @red_shoes_jeff Tack för prenumerationsgåvan!
Didero: @Didero Wait I misclicked, never mind, sorry
Leonhart321: This isn't Desert Bus after all
Genie_M: number go zoom
TXC2: red_shoes_jeff lrrHEART
KBKarma: @quixoticscrivener with difficulty, apparently.
An anonymous user is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community!
HorusFive: Unbounded marathon stream- what does this look like- A BUS!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to RunningMonkeys!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to GrillMeACheese!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to wontedfive30282!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to mahanexia!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Dabebb!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to ritzemb!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to lady_olynder!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Onyx_The_Paleontologist!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to ang3ioffury1985!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Trym___!
Hansk_and_Boo: I do wonder what an uncapped suthon would look like
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, AnAnonymousGifter! Welcome to RunningMonkeys, GrillMeACheese, wontedfive30282, lady_olynder, Trym___, mahanexia, Dabebb, ritzemb, Onyx_The_Paleontologist, and ang3ioffury1985! (Today's storm count: 44)
TXC2: Anon lrrHEART
HbombAndFriends: Cheer55
Coloneljesus: 5head move
red_shoes_jeff: @GodImSoSorry @Dragonfirewiz benginFingers
RandomTrivia: Zeta Shift happens once a year, that's plenty
TacitusVigil: It's pretty smart for everyone I'd say.
Dragonfirewiz: @red_shoes_jeff ty very much
pn55: Also, we like watching the reruns!
Genie_M: also it's daytime EU
Ian Christensen: what exactly is a subathon
HorusFive: Whoever decided to run the videos overnight deserves a raise
vinewood_og: somebody satyed at a holiday inn express before they had that idea
qwertiest_mint: plus international viewers 🇮🇪🇪🇺
Hansk_and_Boo: Also, people in EU
maestrith: Greej
AndyDaMage: aussie time
TheWooglie: so rude
incslayer: its 3:10pm in sweden right now
neisan2112: LRR rolls out the tv and vhs.
TacitusVigil: Earth is round?! :O
99FineLines: 2pm here on terf island, this is super convenient for me.
TXC2: that's a curse word were I'm from
qwertiest_mint: 2pm Ireland now
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyLUL
Didero: depends on the human
KBKarma: Yeah, it's 2pm Ireland time.
hypperstar2280: The rewatch is awesome for sleep stream!
Therberus: 9am montréal!
mrverbal: I think Alex is telling all the Australians to go to bed
hesterbyrde: I have also started turning into a morning ish person. I used to be 12-2 am bedtime and 10am up but now I'm like 10-11pm to bed and 8ish up
ThorSokar: Most people watched Carson's monologue before bed
NoxStryx: They should just play the videos on the TV we can see in this shot and leave this shot up
L0rdX33n: hello humans
qwertiest_mint: oh hi @kbkarma 🇮🇪☺️
KBKarma: @qwertiest_mint dia shit!
Greyah: Gosh I wish I could be a morning person. But my brain doesn't like to shut down before 2am.
Shellsh0cker: Yeah that's pretty normal. I actually try to get to bed by 10 at the latest, though I frequently fail
TXC2: hello L0rdX33n welcome
Aitsu111: Thanks to my job I'm a 3 an wake up person
Pteraspidomorphi: I used to go to work at 7 am every day so enjoy the peaceful empty office (huge open floor plan)
baskwalla: Good timezone all
McArgh is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 38 in the channel!
McArgh gifted a Tier 1 sub to painting_squirrel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, McArgh! Welcome to painting_squirrel! (Today's storm count: 45)
Sarah: The stream goes as long as people keep subbing. Subs and bits make the timer go longer
Sarah: !subathon
Ian Christensen: oh cool do they switch out or just them?
Sarah: But it's a capped subathon so there's an upper limit to the length
Sarah: LRR has a lot of folks, they'll be in and out all day
Hansk_and_Boo: Eventhough I usually wake up early, I still feel like a monring tourist
ClockTamer: I miss working overnights because I would go home in the morning and it was wonderful
KBKarma: Oh hells. Stupid autocorrect.
TXC2: hello baskwalla welcome
Coloneljesus: @baskwalla and good timezone to you!
TXC2: 1subathon
TXC2: !subathon
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and multiples will count (ie. 800 Bits will add 2 minutes), but Power-Up effects like big emotes will NOT count. Youtube contributions unfortunately do not count, but are nevertheless appreciated!
TehAmelie: you snooze, you lose (at any point in the 24/7 marathon)
roseofloki: I clock into work at 4am and I still wouldn't call myself a morning person
Dragonfirewiz: cool
qwertiest_mint: @kbkarma dia is Muire duit
bladed_shadow is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 7 in the channel!
bladed_shadow gifted a Tier 1 sub to novrdd!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, bladed_shadow! Welcome to novrdd! (Today's storm count: 46)
KBKarma is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 93 in the channel!
KBKarma gifted a Tier 1 sub to pilz_753!
KBKarma gifted a Tier 1 sub to neatht!
KBKarma gifted a Tier 1 sub to rewind113!
KBKarma gifted a Tier 1 sub to SnyperWoIf!
KBKarma gifted a Tier 1 sub to 99FineLines!
KBKarma gifted a Tier 1 sub to rewrtsosas!
KBKarma gifted a Tier 1 sub to UltimateSilence!
KBKarma gifted a Tier 1 sub to DarthRagnar815!
KBKarma gifted a Tier 1 sub to NowhereKerl!
KBKarma gifted a Tier 1 sub to ZealokBoi!
Brozard: I’ve been dealing with chronic pain, now waking up between 4:30-6, whereas I used to get up from 7:30-9. I’m becoming a morning person as a result. Morning walks have helped.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, KBKarma! Welcome to pilz_753, rewind113, neatht, 99FineLines, SnyperWoIf, rewrtsosas, UltimateSilence, DarthRagnar815, ZealokBoi, and NowhereKerl! (Today's storm count: 56)
Coloneljesus: we wouldn't wanna take that from james, right?
RandomTrivia: We'll see about that, James
TXC2: KBKarma lrrHEART
Sarah_Serinde: lrrWOW
RandomTrivia: sergeGift
NevermorePainting: You challenge chat?
Aitsu111: Chat we can't let James get extra sleep
ZealokBoi: @KBKarma Thanks for the gift sub!
qwertiest_mint: @kbkarma silly autocorrect 🤣
LRRbot: Sub-a-Thon rules: Prime/standard Tier 1/Gift subs will add 1 minute each to the timer, Tier 2 subs add 2 minutes, and Tier 3 subs add 5 minutes. Bits also can be used: 400 Bits will add 1 minute, and…
Sarah: Unfortunately they're not currently able to include YouTube memberships this time though
Sarah: There's a schedule at if you want to know what's coming up later
Dragonfirewiz: lrrGibb
McArgh: Cheer400 Make James get up at the crack of dawn for a couple of more days!
Serpens77: that's a weird middle name
Bobtheninjagoldfish: No.. Sleep.. TIll.. Sunday!
TacitusVigil: Don't worry, Ashley no doubt has chores for James.
Wolfstrike_NL: It looped perfectly around with Adam
TXC2: hello Dragonfirewiz welcome
incslayer: Ken "Actually Alex's Dad" Steacy?
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyChill
LilyOfTheVeil6666: Ken "Has a Million Nicknames" Steacy
Angreed66: childhood trauma is *not* normal.
Metric_Furlong: Ken "Ken Steacy" Steacy
KBKarma: Ken "Ken Steady" Steacy?
ThorSokar: since 2009 ish, if memory serves which it usually does in my case
red_shoes_jeff: @incslayer Father of Alex "Genuinely Ken's Son" Steacy!?
Ian Christensen: ill check it out thnx
Ian Christensen: I watch all their mtg stuff only usually
Sarah: Oh you picked a good day to tune in then!
Sarah: There's a lot of TCG stuff coming up today
TehAmelie: like Alison Bechdel, Alex grew up in a house of artists, but maybe a happier one
KBKarma: Damn your eyes, @metric_furlong !
Dragonfirewiz: @TXC2 watched alot of LRR mostly magic but sometimes other streams. Most lurking
Didero: They like their comics in general
Metric_Furlong: @KBKarma hee hee hee
NoxStryx: Tintin and Delirium Beer?
Nigouki: Belgians want you to forget about the Congo
Didero: There's an entire Asterix and Obelix themepark
incslayer: pff Tintin i prefer Spirou
QuixoticScrivener: @TehAmelie at least her home was "fun"
TXC2: Dragonfirewiz lurking is good too
TehAmelie: zing
ArrestedHouse: Belgium's Euros kit this year being Tintin was a nice touch
Coloneljesus: Gaston?
krfsm: <message deleted>Belgium: country of pedophiles, serial killers, and pedophile serial killers
L0rdX33n: Big fan of A+O
happy_harp is paying forward the Gift they got from cmdrud87 to the community!
happy_harp is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 2 in the channel!
happy_harp gifted a Tier 1 sub to lady_capybara!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, happy_harp! Welcome to lady_capybara! (Today's storm count: 57)
Leonhart321: Asterix and Obelix was my jam growing up
krfsm: <message deleted>(also chocolate and beer and comics)
richard_ermen: I remember my first Moebius experience. That was....weird.
red_shoes_jeff: Anyone remember the Tintin animated series back in the 90s?
NathanLonghair: I went to the Parc Asterix near Paris a few times as a kid - loved that place 😊
Metric_Furlong: @red_shoes_jeff I do
Ian Christensen: cool, drafting or like canlander or
Sarah: I don't remember the details I'm afraid
Ian Christensen: oh ya I see that on the schedule
Ian Christensen: whats keywe lol
incslayer: @red_shoes_jeff the one by nelvana? heck ye
Dragonfirewiz: Lucky Luke
kumatsu: One of my favorite artists is VERY inspired by Moebius
MaxVolume: People in chat being weird about Belgium
Metric_Furlong: didn't watch much of it, but I remember it
richard_ermen: Did Moebius ever get to say "It's Moebius Time!"
BtEtta: Did you ever get much of the British comics like the Beano?
Statist42 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 64 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Statist42! (Today's storm count: 58)
MegaDosX subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 49 months!
MegaDosX: Number go up!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MegaDosX! (Today's storm count: 59)
Sarah: It's a co-op puzzle video game, looks like you play as kiwi birds
Ian Christensen: oo just looked it up
richard_ermen: I remember the crash test dummies, they even got videogames at the time. It was...bizarre in hindsight.
voren_chalco: They GI Joe'd them
Featherweight_: they were live action safety adds first
QuixoticScrivener: I would constantly loose pieces for the dummies, because they would spring apart.
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunBabhed
patrick_stonecrusher: They were from seatbelt psa's and became a hit
TheManaLeek: It was a seat belt PSA commercial I think
TehAmelie: i had the crash test car toy. it was very non-interactive
HorusFive: Did it jsut come out of the PSA spots? Was it really not connected to any car company directly?
SnowBuddy18: Crash Test Dummies, like the band?
Didero: I'm sure parents loved that :p
Arazien: Crash Test Dummies were so cool
gnyrinn: Crash test dummies toys? mmm…
HorusFive: Like you do for normal toys- but this one smashed in on purpose
Featherweight_: and it was like the second ever cgi series
themercenary1987: so about 32 hours left to hit cap!
Arazien: Weird that they had a cartoon
tezzatipoca: dude I remeeember the commercials for those
The_Color_Twelve: it was certainly a time to be alive
themercenary1987: thats about 1900 subs?
TXC2: the 90's was a very odd time in gerneral
DigitalSeahorse: vicksyCope gross
NoxStryx: Back in the era of commerical character getting movies and toys, see "Ernest"
Nigouki: 90s, the Slime Decade
richard_ermen: Garbage Pail Kids?
KBKarma: I hated the gross out stuff.
Serpens77: Garbage Pail Kids
maestrith: MASK and Hot Wheels (the ones with the flipping crashed panels)
TehAmelie: they saw Garbage Pail Kids and thought this was a huge untapped vein
jimber_jam: Gak. Ugh
QuixoticScrivener: I miss Ecto Cooler
Stephonee: Based on my 7-year-old, I now know why they thought that stuff would sell to kids
Arazien: Creepy Crawlers, that weird gross candy lab