Diabore: im hoping they get a chance to play lockdown protocol on cts before the hype dies down around it
Thefluffiestguineapig: A game I haven't seen lore breakdowns of is always fun
Manae: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSPOOPY lrrSPOOPY lrrSIG lrrSIG
Juliamon: lrrSIG
SnackPak_: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
RockPusher: lrrDOTS lrrSIG lrrTrianglewreath
Thefluffiestguineapig: Hehe love me some holiday Let's Nope
hieroglyphica: Yesss I needed this
Inquisitor_Xian subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 114 months!
Inquisitor_Xian: Jump Scare!!!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Inquisitor_Xian! (Today's storm count: 53)
Manae: !next
Mazrae: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Let's Nope (Ben and Adam play horror games until they find the key that will bring them true happiness. Game: Hollowbody) at Tue 05:00 PM PST (0s from now).
betweenmyself: riffYeti
hieroglyphica: People go wild at my work every holiday
Mazrae: you got it
underhill33 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 98 months, currently on a 98 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, underhill33! (Today's storm count: 54)
saucemaster5000: hey everyone! happy halloween!
couchboyj: DinoDance lrrSPOOPY DinoDance
Mathwyn: I am watching this from the far-off future of 2025, spooky
GrassVortex: lrrSIG DinoDance
NimrodXIV: Let's inspect some cabins!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @hieroglyphica Ooof, sorry, that sounds miserable
itira: lrrSPOOP
Reddarian subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 14 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Reddarian! (Today's storm count: 55)
hieroglyphica: The premise of this game still seems pretty thin, but whatever I'll take anything with the boys
Thefluffiestguineapig: @hieroglyphica I mean, sometimes the thinnest premises end up with the best clowning
Meyari subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 117 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Meyari! (Today's storm count: 56)
DideRobot: LRR: The Nope Boys are here ending the Year at their brand new job, as Cabin Inspectors? Perfectly Ordinary Cabins. Nothing to worry about I'm sure. | https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun | https://kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun/113750386185584969
James_the_Dabbler subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 27 months!
James_the_Dabbler: Excited for New Years with these cuties (and also Chat I guess. Hi chat)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, James_the_Dabbler! (Today's storm count: 57)
JJ_Mickey: Hello! This is my first time catching a Let's NOPE! livestream. Seen a fair bit of it on the YouTube though
GasCityGaming: Happy New Years and Eve all!
bethy_kins24: Happy New Year to all!
couchboyj: DinoDance lrrSPOOPY DinoDance
hieroglyphica: Welcome @jj_mickey!
JJ_Mickey: Happy New Year/Eve everyone!
JJ_Mickey: @hieroglyphica thank you!
YawnLance subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 70 months!
YawnLance: Happy New Year from the futurrreeee oooooooo lrrSPOOPY
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, YawnLance! (Today's storm count: 58)
Thefluffiestguineapig: @JJ_Mickey Welcome! We are a silly lot here
SymphonySolstice: lrrFINE
saucemaster5000: no we are very serious
gamercat88: lrrFINE
Serpens77: lrrSPOOPY lrrSPOOPY
JJ_Mickey: @Thefluffiestguineapig thanks! Silly lots are the best
RockPusher: lrrSPOOPY lrrSPOOPY lrrSPOOPY
bethy_kins24: super serious
SymphonySolstice: lrrSPOOP
Kentosaurus: Cryptkeeper voice: Happy New Years Scream
iris_of_ether: lrrSPOOPY
SnackPak_: okay hi
GasCityGaming: so is stuff made at this cabin or is it a facory that makes cabins?
SymphonySolstice: it's me I'm dumbasses
YawnLance: Hilarious joke streamers
saucemaster5000: no talking until ben returns
James_the_Dabbler: Honestly the fact that next year is tomorrow is spookier than this game so far
TherapyforNarwhals: Good Morning Adam!
GrassVortex: PrideParty
SymphonySolstice: damn!
NorthstarTex: we drinking on the job?
SnackPak_: lrrXmasbart
Misslinnythebaker: Happy New Year everyone!
RockPusher: Booze! Booze! Booze!
ghizmou: seabatDance seabatDance
margieargie: Ah good, not the only one already drinking the new year in :p
MrSarkhan: seabatClap seabatClap
MWGNZ: 2020Pajamas 2020Party
gamercat88: bubbles
itira: uh ohhh
YawnLance: let's go
TherapyforNarwhals: So no games tonight I see lol
rosesmcgee: Sloppy New Year!
saucemaster5000: is that cupcake brand prosecco?
Diabore: fuckin gremlin hours in here
MalFnord: Well this is one for the highlights
Mischievous_Catgeist: Glass for chat?
DreadQueen_Persephone: Happy new year from the UK! My partner and I are tuning in with whisky and champagne at 1am because lesbian date nights are very normal
Misslinnythebaker: It'll be a damn good night
lamina5432 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 62 months!
lamina5432: thanks for THE time
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, lamina5432! (Today's storm count: 59)
YawnLance: We can guarantee that we will all experience the passage of time together
SarkhanGluedBackTogether: one of the times of all time
hieroglyphica: I've a n/a somewhere around here, I can cheers
NorthstarTex: does chat get some?
Hansk_and_Boo: Happy Gruul Year!!!! (JUst played my first game of 2025) Prosecco counts!
Juliamon: I like prosecco better anyway
SymphonySolstice: are you prosecco or consecco
BrowneePointz: Tequila is freaking delicious how dare you
wiganlass: my first Let’s Nope of 2025 Happy new year everyone zeroleClapp zeroleClapp
NimrodXIV: aim away from face
RockPusher: Carbonated Tequila
saucemaster5000: I also like prosecco better
James_the_Dabbler: It’s only champagne if it’s from champagne, Illinois. otherwise it’s sparkling American
tehfewl: Hand over the cage, don't pop your eye out
SnackPak_: lrrXmasbart
GrassVortex: smoooth
itira: crispppp
kynelwynn: Tequila goes into Margaritas
SymphonySolstice: 7/10 pop
TheWriterAleph: lil pop
Scy_Anide: The best tequila is mezcal (personally)
Thefluffiestguineapig: @BrowneePointz Some of us have no tolerance for tequila so no matter how delicious we cannot participate LUL
couchboyj: One day, you'll look back on this stream and say "Of all the times I've had, that was one of them."
Misslinnythebaker: Smol pop
cthulhudude23: so dapper
rosesmcgee: It's italian wine, so close enough?
itira: do you feel fancy now
RockPusher: It keys out - excellent
gamercat88: when ur here ur family
SnackPak_: cheers
NorthstarTex: does chat get some tequila? (tequila is goated)
BrowneePointz: I agree but yea the gulf between "normal" tequila and actual good tequila is NIGHT and freakin DAY
Reddarian: cheers
Mathwyn: Its been 2025 for 12 hours, you two need to catch up gosh
itira: eeeww
Kramburger: What up NARDS
NimrodXIV: ew no
RockPusher: Mmmmm, grape juice
BrowneePointz: I hope my next year is better cuz it can't get much worse! browne2Pride
kumatsu: Ben's glass is chroma keying OUT
James_the_Dabbler: Oh gross
saucemaster5000: as soon as you opened the champagne three cop cars rolled on my neighbor's house, what did you do
Pteraspidomorphi: Hello from the future
Kramburger: G'day
RockPusher: Big Cheats!
TherapyforNarwhals: How does it go?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Kramburger HEY, I'm a degenerate thank you
electra310: Happy New Year!
MWGNZ: 2pm in 2025
Nigouki: look, I just want one consistently good year and it hasn't happened since I don't know how long ago. At least half of each past year has been certified poop.
cthulhudude23: install anti-cheat in the timezones
YawnLance: We speedran it sorry
wiganlass: you’re just behind
splash369: And the beginning of next year is W.T.F. so there's that
iris_of_ether: Hawaii, Alaska, some of the Pacific
kumatsu: Dix doesn't exist anymore
Dog_of_Myth: RIP Dix
Hansk_and_Boo: hawaii isnt resal
spethycakes: Hawaii, the Mariana Islands, etc.
BrowneePointz: Funny that's what America said when they got there too Adam
NightValien28: my bois are here let's fucking go!!!!
SnackPak_: Hawaii counts more than Alaska
ladyjojo1987 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months!
TheAwkes: Hawaii: they've got boats.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ladyjojo1987! (Today's storm count: 60)
ghizmou: Dont spoil anything, but how's 2025 so far
Thefluffiestguineapig: @cthulhudude23 Isn't that just what GMT was intended to be? LUL
PhuzNutz: YAY!! NYE Spoopy Boys (:
SnackPak_: 6/10
Nigouki: ze bubbly
NotCainNorAbel: Cam?
hieroglyphica: Growing up was realizing the only reason my years were good was because of the relentless optimism and ignorance of youth. It was an interesting year in science tho
itira: tqsSweat
bethy_kins24: 10/10
Mathwyn: @ghizmou Bring plenty of rad-x and watch out for mutants
NimrodXIV: -1, carry the belch
RockPusher: Car-Ben-ation
BluTGI: Happy New Years, eventually everybody!
saucemaster5000: traditionally you vomit prosecco at 2 AM
wiganlass: tbh my 2025 is going ok apart from the weather is not stopped raining all day
bytecaster: Can't be! Italy doesn't exist!
Chaotically_Random: Ben is drinking water?
definenull: Ooh fancy boys today
bethy_kins24: I don't like champagne so I do the sparkling drinks
rabbitgta: Italian wine from Boffadeez? Nice
JJ_Mickey: No year? That's vintage pre-historic right?
itira: that would be a bad night
jessicaengle: jlrrIcream
kumatsu: but would he make you run naked across a bridge after?
Andymonium subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 49 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Andymonium! (Today's storm count: 61)
Chaotically_Random: I just got here, lol
TherapyforNarwhals: His hand
SnackPak_: lrrFRUMP
MrSarkhan: LUL
NimrodXIV: :D
itira: Adams thumb
electra310: Getting greenscreened
BluTGI: Is Ben the Anti-christ? Wine into water?
saucemaster5000: two cups of piss confirmed
spethycakes: quantu105Lol
margieargie: I think it's just Adam's hand behind it
Mai_Andra: It's keyed out, so it looks clear.
RockPusher: Adam's hand prevents it from keying out
GreyThey: It's getting color corrected by the green screen filter
cutaos: adams hands behind his
Mischievous_Catgeist: Adams hand covers the glass
Jennie_Fuchsia: is Ben a Mary Poppins?
hieroglyphica: Well, ideally you want a pale yellow
itira: so smrt LUL
YawnLance: A nice glass of carbonated piss
itira: carbonated it
GasCityGaming: It's only Cham-piss if it's from France
jessicaengle: jlrrNo
CataclysmicReverb: Adam finally got a cup of that man's
CTInfinity: pissecco
Mischievous_Catgeist: There is a mug for that
QuixoticScrivener: love the deleted scene from Gattaca, when the lab guy just does a shot of piss
BluTGI: Grapes + Sulfate
saucemaster5000: sulphites is german for dogpee
Reddarian: that's it. just sulfites
electra310: Only sulfites, nothing else
James_the_Dabbler: It’s a dry white wine
GreyThey: Pissecco?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @YawnLance Technically all things are just carbonated or not carbonated dinosaur piss of some description
James_the_Dabbler: if my memory serves me correctly
hieroglyphica: They're only required to tell you things that are common allergies probably
MWGNZ: @CTInfinity seabatClap
iris_of_ether: Oops! All Sulfites
spethycakes: lrrSPOOP 🍷
itira: o.o
GrassVortex: LUL
tehfewl: morty
Dog_of_Myth: Perfect
bytecaster: Its already 2025 over here
CastleOtranto subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 137 months!
CastleOtranto: Let's Nope those... nopes.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, CastleOtranto! (Today's storm count: 62)
Chaotically_Random: and now Ben's Drunk
BluTGI: The tiny bubbles, they are too powerful
YawnLance: @Thefluffiestguineapig Like the classic phrase goes "Ashes to ashes, piss to piss"
itira: you
jessicaengle: There are dollary doos in my bank account??
Despoiler98: foodvi2OK foodvi2OK Professional Streamers
betweenmyself: Ben burping to make sure he and Grandpa Bucket don’t fly up into the ceiling fans pennyWhat
jessicaengle: Fisticuffs!
itira: tqsFists
Hansk_and_Boo: I was playing the "5 Hours of Silence Being Randomly Broken by a Metal Pipe"on youtube and the sound played when Ben sayd "contains sulfites" ^^
SnackPak_: Adam's first fight is going to be on stream
NotCainNorAbel: They didn't have gloves
BluTGI: Protect the money maker!
BrowneePointz: they didn't have mouth guards
BrowneePointz: or gloves
kumatsu: Pugilist Savidan
margieargie: Tonight on Oki Oki Fight Club...
PhuzNutz: Back when punching hurt
kynelwynn: Queen's rule fisticuffs
Despoiler98: ltcustFight ltcustFight
Stormthius: Finally catch a live one and I missed the podcast segment.
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: and that's why modern boxing is way more dangerous than bareknuckle
spethycakes: Ahh, Queensbury Rules
Mazrae: the last LRR stream is Lets Nope and the first LRR stream of the new year is going to be Garbage day (W+P)
bsudo: Good call
Tangsm: This one is good
SnackPak_: 7/10
TheWriterAleph: that game looks dope
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
spethycakes: Queensberry*
electra310: So do they build Cabins at the Cabin Factory, or is it a factory in a cabin?
NimrodXIV: this is a "spot the anomaly" type game
SymphonySolstice: solid one
BluTGI: Let's Burp!
jessicaengle: barpa
TherapyforNarwhals: We're playing Content Warning?!
saucemaster5000: they're gonna gas us up
kumatsu: I see no trigger warnings on does the dog die
Reddarian: that looked painful
hieroglyphica: You know, some people PAY to hear this many burps
duallain: is this game related to satisfactory?
NorthstarTex: 7.5/10 in my book
KeytarCat: @hieroglyphica you know, us!
itira: Adam in 3.52 minutes cheebMOUFY
Sarah_Serinde: Definitely jump scares, if that's an issue for folks
Mathwyn: Fear is the mind killer after all
thatguysteve2709: Lethal company
betweenmyself: this game contains: Sulfides… huh riffThink
Sarah_Serinde: Uhh abusive family dynamics iirc
NorthstarTex: classic pig highlight
GrassVortex: there are spooky stuff, lots of tension, and some jumpscares
spethycakes: And Amanda with the pan
kumatsu: I miss Lethal Company, should bring that back
Kramburger: Does the pig make it?
electra310: Amanda with the pan was so funny
kynelwynn: am a USA'ian. A lot of shit did indeed happen this year
TherapyforNarwhals: Adam screaming at Ben putting on the mask is my favorite
RockPusher: and Gus! GlitchCat
BluTGI: It's a strange Tuesday
saucemaster5000: I have a glass of fancy wine
electra310: Ready to put 2024 in the trash can!
azninsect: oooh lets nope? on new years? what a treat
TheDevil_Risen: Howdy Gamers ! happy New Years/New Years Eve!
hieroglyphica: Yeah that was the question of the day from the customers all shift
Raincoast_Bear: Twitchin' on New Year's Eve!
duallain: have you considered celebrating Eastern Time NYE?
gamercat88: im getting dairy queen and hanving out with Lets Nope
Goblinsinsuits: its a good night watching lets nope on one screen and hockey on the other
BluTGI: @azninsect New year, new nope
Reddarian: I don't think i've stayed up til midnight for like 4 years now
jessicaengle: Gundam Adam?
kimmiekoneko: i wanted to sleep through it, but got woken up by the fireworks at midnight. it's 2:15 am now
hieroglyphica: The consensus appears to be 'fuck it, I'm sleeping'
eff_the_bard: Hi Adam, I wanted to say thankyou for Not a Drop. I'm going to thank the rest of the cast in chat as soon as I get the chance. Indirectly, that game helped me find local community
Kramburger: 'Mature' says the man who wants chicken nuggets and hates veggies
Chaotically_Random: Gun-Nuts Adam?
SymphonySolstice: kkona adam
couchboyj: Burried with Jimmy Hoffa
NoxStryx: Lets nope podcast till the new year?
QuixoticScrivener: save her from falling by shooting her?
wiganlass: it’s 1:15 am here I stayed up for the let’s nope
jessicaengle: Oh. I'd rather have Gundam Adam than Gun Nut Adam
saucemaster5000: we get to finally ask why there was no drop to drink
Swamplor: Ben said he didn't like it, so you did it a lot more. Got it.
jessicaengle: tnh
pn55 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 48 months!
pn55: Happy New Year from the future (Japan) friends! lrrSHINE
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, pn55! (Today's storm count: 63)
Raincoast_Bear: Maybe some more KillTeam in 2025?
betweenmyself: Q them right in the A riffGasp
Chaotically_Random: Oh THATS Right, I need to watch the new episode
notthepenguins: Vampires just don't, yeah
TheDevil_Risen: got Grace trying to eat real food now too haha
TheDevil_Risen: :D
cronatos: are we ringing in the new year, folks?
saucemaster5000: the game turns you british
Juliamon: Oliver is the worst influence
kumatsu: Masquerade is done, time for Vampire LARP Adam
niccus: diablerizing to figure out how to poop
iris_of_ether: I'm a Mage lady~
BluTGI: Now i'm wondering what happens when they go bat-mode
gamercat88: jared the galleria
kynelwynn: Ben is a Werewolf man? Next Jacob DF eh?
BluTGI: What's the quano situation?
mama_turtle13 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 61 months!
mama_turtle13: Happy new year everyone!
electra310: @niccus Only the Antediluvians know the secrets of how to poop
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, mama_turtle13! (Today's storm count: 64)
BrowneePointz: His name is Michael
BrowneePointz: Morbius is his last name
BluTGI: So 90s coded
Raincoast_Bear: 1970s
iris_of_ether: Adam might like Mage. It's people breaking the laws of reality with Consequences(tm)
GasCityGaming: Spider man villain
MirrorDisco: Happy New Year’s Eve!!! 🤘
jessicaengle: Morbo is pleased.
YawnLance: Is morbing out just frenzying, discuss.
Kramburger: Remember Morbius had lampray hands
QuixoticScrivener: isn't there a season arc?
Serpens77: Morbius has been around since the 70s
sasschad subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 31 months!
sasschad: HNY from 2025/the future/Australia. glad to be starting the year with you buys after playing board games with friends til midnight.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, sasschad! (Today's storm count: 65)
ArdCollider: (morbius in the books: 1971, Roy Thomas and Gil Kane.)
JJ_Mickey: He hungers for plasma
NimrodXIV: I need to watch Blade again
cthulhudude23: I love when daredevil shows up and they pretend to not know who the other is
Kentosaurus: @Kramburger Creepy hands burned into my childhood memory
saucemaster5000: how else do you ride a motorcycle
MirrorDisco: I thought Morbius was lame in that too. 😂😂😂
kumatsu: on the wall, like Spiderman
KV1NN4: I liekd the Spider-Man episode where Deadpool showed up and had to TikTok his language (because he was froma different Rating that the PG spiderman cartoon XD)
BrowneePointz: he's the Daywalker
BluTGI: What half is vampire? Top or bottom?
planeswalkagogo: dhamphyr
Chaotically_Random: They Call him Daywalker
Tangsm: Dhampire
BrowneePointz: a Dhampir
ThePixelSavage: its true
Kramburger: Dhampire
splash369: Yes it is
zefinderus: yeah
jessicaengle: Damp hire
BrowneePointz: or Dhampyr
rosesmcgee: a wet vampire?
itira: whats in it for us
JJ_Mickey: I back Ben up
azninsect: daaaaaaamn-pire
Kentosaurus: yep dhampir
electra310: Dhampir
Tangsm: It has an h
KV1NN4: dam-pier
YawnLance: Yeah it's unfortunately real
kimmiekoneko: a damp vampire
hieroglyphica: Look I didn't believe it the first time I heard it to
TheMerricat: Morbius - Created by writer Roy Thomas and originally designed by penciler Gil Kane, he debuted as a tragic, sympathetic adversary of the superhero Spider-Man in The Amazing Spider-Man #101 (October 1971).
Mortimew: yep, a half vampire is called a Dhampir
Mai_Andra: because he's all wet?
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
BluTGI: At least it's not Blackula!
TheWriterAleph: wampeeeer
James_the_Dabbler: @blutgi Pretty sure vampires are tops by default
CataclysmicReverb: Nah it's cause they water down the lore
notthepenguins: Dahm-peer i believe
tehfewl: uh, its kindred
lamina5432: according to wikipedias morbius is from 1971
MirrorDisco: The vampires had to wear sunscreen in the first movie
PMAvers: And doing a way better job
hieroglyphica: Yup, frenzy is real different
BluTGI: @James_the_Dabbler BG3 begs to differ
TheDevil_Risen: OOF
Wolfstrike_NL: (That's dutch for vampire - vampier)
duallain: ringing endorsement
Despoiler98: Yep its called a Dhampir
iris_of_ether: 1st-->2nd-->Revised-->V20-->5th
YawnLance: Jacob has been activated
NimrodXIV: Jacob storms in
Nigouki: Jacob just bursts through the wall
TheWooglie: it'll get Jacob
Chaotically_Random: LOL
rosesmcgee: we know you had fun
Reddarian: Summon Jacob to chat
Despoiler98: Jacob kicks down the door with his book boyfriend
Chaotically_Random: I was just about to say lets summon Jacob
ArdCollider: (just rats Ben out to Adi, who is the domain expert here)
circusofkirkus: LUL
RockPusher: Graham decided he needs to break a computer mouse lrrBEEJ
underhill33: lmao
YawnLance: benginLul
SnackPak_: but...
azninsect: HypeLUL
kumatsu: "What's Kill Command?"
Kramburger: If you want to enjoy a game, don't go to the subreddit
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
ItsThugDimmadome: sos1Hello
BluTGI: Serge: have you tried drowning yet?
GasCityGaming: I have me Ed. Degree, people who know everything don't always make good teachers
GasCityGaming: and that's ok
jessicaengle: Serge would definitely throw you into a canal.
notthepenguins: In his defense, you won't die IRL
duallain: serge doesn't understand how dumb we all are
Juliamon: Serge throws you into the deep end of the canal
Tangsm: sergePopcorn
margieargie: Teaching is a skill, and not everyone can be good at everything
jessicaengle: He enjoys things differently
Wolfstrike_NL: try it, click a button, die once
Diabore: fuck around till you finish act 3
electra310: sergeCanal
duallain: its very nice of him to think we're smart
Master_Gunner: head empty, number go up
Chaotically_Random: Yeah, Serge would feed one to the Sharks if we ask how to swim
itira: hahahaha
loufghyslaufey: Huh. Mhm. The ImTyping "Cabin-Ufacturer..." FBtouchdown mattlrDogchamp jlrrFacepalm
BluTGI: No thoughts. Just Jar Jar
SquareDotCube: no thoughts only ook
jessicaengle: Serge is more like a marmoset than a gorilla
NoxStryx: Serge gets so deep in the meta he forgets other people arent
RockPusher: sergeHi wheelerMonkey
hieroglyphica: What?! When did this come up??
rosesmcgee: To be fair, Adam's default intro to PoE is "behold, the skill tree"
BluTGI: Men only want 1 thing, and it's sickening. It's just Jar Jar
hieroglyphica: Jar jar
mrjujubeans: hello yeah! best boys for the new year!
loufghyslaufey: "Somehow Jar Jar returned..." -Adam
itira: mesa tired
hieroglyphica: Huh
BartholemewTheKitten: So Adam was Jar Jar trapped in there with you or are you trapped with a Jar Jar?
hieroglyphica: Oh yeah, agree with that
loufghyslaufey: Do they know? Do the NOPE Boys know?
notthepenguins: Yeah, agree
loufghyslaufey: Jar Jar is a sith now...
loufghyslaufey: In the LEGO-verse
BluTGI: What's that? I tried something and I wasn't perfect at it? Never agian
DragaFireHawk: I'm bad at a lot of games and it's a blast simplLOL
ButButTheJesus: Jar Jar was always with the Sith, there's a whole theory about it
TheDevil_Risen: bit is it single?
ButButTheJesus: also hi all
SnackPak_: I'd take a shot in the mouth from the PoE skill tree
NoxStryx: You are walking through a forest and see a jar jar trapped in a jar
Makrosian_Tay subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 50 months, currently on a 50 month streak!
Makrosian_Tay: Subbin for my favorite spoop boys yet again!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Makrosian_Tay! (Today's storm count: 66)
duallain: I got 2 more dmg per hit, lets goooo!
brainbosh: 10% sounds too big.
jessicaengle: Gamer
gamercat88: cold pen
itira: no we still do
SquareDotCube: who cares, just more HP and vampirism chance
BluTGI: Pen test
Wolfstrike_NL: till no adam
Wolfstrike_NL: still *
YawnLance: Ayo 👀
saucemaster5000: poor honey didn't think
itira: Adam we went over this like two days ago
Juliamon: Can't do it mate
randomblathering: so not true.
BluTGI: Penetrating the chill spot?
NoxStryx: Games where 100% fire resistance doesnt completely remove fire damage need to go away
notthepenguins: You'd have my attention that's for sure
GasCityGaming: you can't get 100%
GasCityGaming: in POE
YawnLance: No matter what you can always get (your resistances) penetrated
NoxStryx: Also over 100% fire damage should heal you when you take fire damage
tehfewl: PoE talent tree is fake complexity
cthulhudude23: skyrim became even easier once you made resistance rings and it wasnt even fun
NotCainNorAbel: as you said, you have matured
Juliamon: Sometimes your game vibes change as you grow
loufghyslaufey: Wish I could say... "TEETh percent" at this time mattlrAngy TableHere FlipThis localBorked jlrrFacepalm
BrowneePointz: I love D4 now.
BrowneePointz: but post launch d4 was ROUGH
Makrosian_Tay: Same for me. Campaign was great. Post game was awful
Earthenone: which doctor?
BrowneePointz: Spiritborn is a lot of fun
jessicaengle: Whomst doctor?
brainbosh: The "twist" in D4 story sucked all the joy out of the game for me"
BluTGI: Doctor whomst?
loufghyslaufey: More like... The "WHIFF, Doctor." mattlrDogchamp mattlrBonk mattlrDed
SnackPak_: a bit of yikes there
Arimus221: I'd watch an Adam and Ben Couch Co-op of PoE2
onetrueseth: Latest expansion's campaign is also great. Post game grind still lacks stickiness for me.
notthepenguins: It played great
Orxolon: any wizard warmth blink and blizzard enjoyers?
Earthenone: sounds like a fan of ludicolo
shendaras: exposure, too
jessicaengle: Well...... is it time for more Games for Babies?
BluTGI: How did he die? Kink shaming the lighting
Juliamon: I wanna see an Adam/Nicole/Serge PoE2 stream
itsaysTRUENO: Blizzard really called him Nazeebo
KeytarCat: I say "fetish" a lot, in full context
Kramburger: Diablo needs to go to a new continent. I'm tired of forest, desert, jungle, hell
Orxolon: by the way,Happy New Year guys!
Lockraemono subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 59 months!
Lockraemono: lrrSPOOP
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Lockraemono! (Today's storm count: 67)
BrowneePointz: it's very flat
saucemaster5000: fucking care bears ass party
YawnLance: You can't be nasty
ItsThugDimmadome: @saucemaster5000 Almost had chicken pot pie spray on my keyboard thanks
saucemaster5000: you're welcome!
GrassVortex: extraWhy
BluTGI: Sounds like great writing.
TheWooglie: dead naming isn't cool
spethycakes: quantu105Hmm
Earthenone: classic deadnaming
BluTGI: @TheWooglie ...
Mai_Andra: sounds like you found the asshole character...
TheDevil_Risen: so its WokeGuard?
YawnLance: Oh yeah, I enjoyed it but also I can see where your criticisms come from
BrowneePointz: Love ME1
BrowneePointz: ME1 my beloved
Kentosaurus: me legendary is 10/10
BrowneePointz: they announced it 4 years ago
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: ME1's the only one I liked
BrowneePointz: 3 years ago?
OmnipotentTrevor: They've been making Mass Effect for for a decade
PMAvers: 3 is a good game for 99% of the game, and then it ends.
patrick_stonecrusher: Lazer
OmnipotentTrevor: 4*
Uzumaki15: I'm kinda always on a solo game kick, currently replaying the Horizon series
KeytarCat: I actually liked the Legendary ending for ME3
NoxStryx: Some people ARE hypocrite but if that is the only representation of something that isnt great
notthepenguins: P sure it's not deadnaming, there's a necromancer dude who can literally become a lich
GrassVortex: CP2077 is quite good. I did not have any big bugs when I played recently
BrowneePointz: uhhhh welll, Cpunk runs now, but I wouldn't call it good
notthepenguins: Like it's being a dick but it's not dead naming dickery unless I'm misunderstanding
QuixoticScrivener: do you lose the loot?
Amentur: 2077 is rock solid now. The overhaul they did right along the DLC *chef's kiss*
NoxStryx: Begineering should get a discount on mass effect 4 as part of his andromeda season pass
DandyGeek: Cyberpunk has “gorilla arms” and they are just as dumb fun as they sound
Orxolon: crystal cannooonn for the wiiinnn
Juliamon: notthepenguins I think it's a joke about "dead" naming a dead guy
mrjujubeans: cyberpunk is great, just a tad dark
BluTGI: Cabin QA
MolaMolaphant: captain america shield was my favorite weapon of the elden ring dlc
loufghyslaufey: @kramburger air miles, perhaps. Like a skybox over the entire map of any of those... MOBAs, right?
margieargie: Ah, guess we're doin' cabins now
jessicaengle: This sounds like a W+P game
QuixoticScrivener: are cabins just innately haunted some times?
Makrosian_Tay: Uhh
ButButTheJesus: are they Cabins in the Woods ™ ?
Earthenone: no! not my Cabin corp!
Chaotically_Random: Whats our name in this game?!
gamercat88: cabin in the woods
YawnLance: Oh hey older protagonist representation cool
loufghyslaufey: A functional Skybox MOBA?
BluTGI: Cabin Factory: Totes not haunted
Makrosian_Tay: Congratulations
eff_the_bard: is this what they call an elevator pitch?
johnnylongtorso: @QuixoticScrivener depends on the wood you use, I think
OmnipotentTrevor: This is apparently a popular new genre of "anomaly hunt"s
kynelwynn: For the Company
mrjujubeans: cabins, please!
Makrosian_Tay: "proven to be our fault"
MacbethSeemsSus: Very portal-esque voice over
MalFnord: Oh so this is where they got the cabin for that one movie about the woods
BluTGI: #not our fault
Mollylele: Thom Yorke??
QuixoticScrivener: @johnnylongtorso manufactured using only the finest dryad groves from Fern Gully.
TheDevil_Risen: hahaha
itira: LUL
margieargie: I bet the Cabin Factory Corporation's products just have CFCs all over them though... >_>
GrassVortex: extraLUL
ButButTheJesus: @MalFnord what movie is that? Keepo
Phailhammer: "Here it goes, here it goes again~"
Phailhammer: DinoDance
TheDevil_Risen: YES!
Earthenone: jumpscares are set too off?
Makrosian_Tay: I'm gonna miss you SO MUCH
loufghyslaufey: Kay, this sounds- I mean, will this game scream meta right at our faces?
jessicaengle: How can we miss you if you don't go away?
ButButTheJesus: wait what
itira: this is how you tell us?
KeytarCat: You can turn off jumpscares!
TheWooglie: ever?!
Mazrae: did you just set the motion blur to ultra?
YawnLance: Motion Blur Ultra dear god
saucemaster5000: okay
BluTGI: Wow.....
sir_mimkana: Ever :O
DragaFireHawk: I don't believe you Adam
KWardJenx: The 'Let's Nope Finale'?!
MacbethSeemsSus: You turned motion blur on
itira: >.>
splash369: Yes! Jump scares!!
TherapyforNarwhals: On!
notthepenguins: Adam you can't go for psychological terror on the chat
7gorobei: does head bob go any lower?
mulligan2six: A horror game stream where the horror gets removed
Lockraemono: oh
GrassVortex: extraLUL
YawnLance: oh
PharaohBender27: If it is the last ever Let's Nope, someone forgot to tell James because it's on the schedule still sparkl171Smug
Master_Gunner: lol
gamercat88: lmao
Juliamon: off
margieargie: Welp
DragaFireHawk: Hated that
saucemaster5000: welp
phoenixletmeuseadashd: rude
Earthenone: good bit
Pteraspidomorphi: Ok then
feet2big: yes.
TheDevil_Risen: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
BluTGI: lol
PharaohBender27: lrrSPOOP
kumatsu: should've seen that coming
public_key_reveal_party: Pardon?
BrowneePointz: my ears. hurt so much
Amentur: extraLUL
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
itira: ok turn em off :)
jessicaengle: ooooh
electra310: lmao
mrjujubeans: nice
shendaras: lol
TomatoKigu: *golf clap*
CraftyandDevious: And I'm here for it!
Dezinkled: what a great time to unmute
YawnLance: it was a funny joke
Driosenth: What did you exprect
sir_mimkana: *clap clap clap*
shendaras: 10%
Mai_Andra: I mean... you did ask for it.
patrick_stonecrusher: 👏👏👏👏👏
electra310: Okay, that was pretty funny
MirrorDisco: Is this about Abe Lincoln?
Mai_Andra: Well, that was it. That was the jumpscare.
Nigouki: every jump scare, take a sip of the bubbly
QuixoticScrivener: was that a joke?
KV1NN4: i am so glad my headset wasn't turned up
BluTGI: Abraham Lincoln Experience. LFG
loufghyslaufey: Know something I just realized from the VGAs? There weren't enough horror game ads in that last award show chat, right?
kynelwynn: gdi
eff_the_bard: I looked away, why was there a jumpscare?
saucemaster5000: motion controls
Earthenone: Vsync
kumatsu: imagine head bob in a vr game
Mathwyn: I don't mind some head bobbint
ButButTheJesus: fuck film grain
Gulleko: chromatic abberation
Serpens77: chromatic abberation
Wolfstrike_NL: screenshake is up there
Kramburger: "iTs ImmErSiVe"
TheDevil_Risen: Gsync makes Vsync obsolete
Juliamon: eff_the_bard there was a "jumpscare" option in settings
QuixoticScrivener: shift to run
GrassVortex: we shall see :)
SageofShadowzF: Kinda want to see how nauseating max headbon would be
Makrosian_Tay: Ok, I kinda like this setup
loufghyslaufey: Do they default those horror genres to the summer?
Tangsm: It's moving cabins
BluTGI: Throw the whole cabin out
DragaFireHawk: Is the cabin gonna try and walk away? simplLOL
Earthenone: if nothing moves its not haunted. *cocks gun*
MirrorDisco: Epic Graphics
itsaysTRUENO: Someone inverted the plot of Cabin in the Woods
KWardJenx: Does Ben seriously not know how cabins are made?
Karmegeddon: What are the OSHA guideline for "Spooky cabin access stairs"?
jessicaengle: kikoskBeverage
NimrodXIV: stuff like curtains moving doesn't count btw
kumatsu: that polar bear is cute tho
NotCainNorAbel: Looks like when they had the Unabomber's Cabin the the storage room
niccus: these are american cabins, canadian cabins are different
QuixoticScrivener: dust is moving, dust in ghost stuff?
mrharrydresden subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 75 months, currently on a 75 month streak!
mrharrydresden: Hell yeah almost to a hundred!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, mrharrydresden! (Today's storm count: 68)
BluTGI: How is cabbbin formed?
YawnLance: Uh
saucemaster5000: fucking quaker ass take
YawnLance: Hello sir
mrharrydresden: ah man one away from being nice
Lockraemono: does he live there
electra310: When a mommy cabin and a daddy cabin love each other very much...
Nigouki: he kinda hunky
itira: yep haunted
MirrorDisco: you pay extra
CanvasWolfDoll: should ben be playing this game, then? if he's suppose to wait for marriage?
Tangsm: Weird looking croissant
Juliamon: That's not a banana either
BluTGI: Bread-nana
notthepenguins: It's a roll
Tangsm: That's a pilsbury crescent roll
johnnylongtorso: croissana
GasCityGaming: bent-guette
RockPusher: One day your parents take you aside and give you "The Talk"
Amentur: That's a weak croissant
ghizmou: a bread sausage
Kentosaurus: that's curved bread, not croissant
Serpens77: cronana
QuixoticScrivener: colon shaped piece of bread
BluTGI: Banana shaped bread.
brainbosh: the boomerange baguette
NotCainNorAbel: Didn't you and Nicholle go to a cabin!?!?!?
itsaysTRUENO: beware the ghost of Bob Villa
Makrosian_Tay: Can't see shit captain
ZombieHendrix: I got a total c-weinie
Mai_Andra: if you see weenies, your cabin may be haunted.
saucemaster5000: lumen the third
paulthemapguy: a colon-shaped bread is just a hamburger bun
BluTGI: I think that's a make-up beauty chain
Makrosian_Tay: @saucemaster5000 QUALITY reference!
loufghyslaufey: Creepy Horror Cabin Tycoon, we may as well be watching UP, but Charles Muntz is hunting us through the Amazon at the beginning of the film
Driosenth: under video?
mrjujubeans: Ben’s never gotten that good cabin fever
codatski subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 78 months!
codatski: Spoops
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, codatski! (Today's storm count: 69)
YawnLance: Huh there was a twitch option section
Zandivya: He looks so happy
NimrodXIV: Youtube viewer
LordZarano: IRL Your brain literally fucks with your sense of time to prevent you from seeing motion blur https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chronostasis
saucemaster5000: that frog is me after waffle friday
ButButTheJesus: frogfren
Mai_Andra: the infamous frog-chair
Thefluffiestguineapig: @LordZarano Yes, one of many reasons it's so utterly pointless
Ferisar: well well well if it isn't
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Mai_Andra Is the one from Animal Crossing that infamous?
KWardJenx: So this is basically a standard cabin-factory simulator? Basically job training.
Ferisar: ARMED and gobsmacked
Zandivya: The controller is haunted
NimrodXIV: sensitivity too high?
loufghyslaufey: Horror Cabin: somehow it's a TARDIS on the inside...
Mathwyn: Anything third person is usually controller for me
Despoiler98: foodvi2OMG that frogs gonna kill everyone
Ferisar: once moreeee
loufghyslaufey: *from the inside
Lockraemono: whoa
Lockraemono: cidertime imo
gamercat88: locked and loaded
Nigouki: but are you logged in?
itsaysTRUENO: half a xan 14 hours till I land
OmnipotentTrevor: What about mouse and pad? That's how I've been playing Talos Principle
kumatsu: imagine if the speedrun is just a series of perfect coinflips
Ferisar: for mutant kind!
paulthemapguy: brothers in vibing
OmnipotentTrevor: Cause the mouse is handy, but I'm happy to ditch the keyboard
Ferisar: *does 5 damage*
MacbethSeemsSus: Oh this is like 10 Bells
QuixoticScrivener: mass production and what not
electra310: It's a factory, what kind of cabin do you want?
catcard: omg omg OMG I'm so excited you're playing this.
Lockraemono: same guy ???
1 raiders from DarkXPSX have joined!
JJ_Mickey: They're for movies and theme parks
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Ferisar Is it psychic damage or physical?
JJ_Mickey: not real cabins for people
ButButTheJesus: frogfren
NimrodXIV: they should be the same!
loufghyslaufey: If wrong, the cabin just turns to the knock-off of that Monster House movie
Lockraemono: those cloths were waving, that's movement, haunted
johnnylongtorso: every cabin comes with a realistic Jason Statham, creepy portrait of a severe woman, and a forg
tod_vom_himmel: my dads a lawyer
BluTGI: Adam inveting the slap lawsuit
QuixoticScrivener: should bet on first haunted cabin
GasCityGaming: I live in Alberta, yes they do
Thefluffiestguineapig: @loufghyslaufey Is it that or you don't see the Cabin in the Woods style stuff?
saucemaster5000: it's part of article 16 of the canadian law.... act
Ferisar: "judge, the chat was mean to me"
tod_vom_himmel: but hes not baptised
Kramburger: You need money to hire a lawyer
ZackTheCatKing: Merry Canadians new Year
Ferisar: "your honor, my client is right"
MacbethSeemsSus: Is he bar'd?
loufghyslaufey: A shell company of lawyers?
Lockraemono: owned
GrassVortex: you missed some movement :)
jellybean57: @Kramburger unless they agree to work on contingency, which is admittedly rare
saucemaster5000: oh yeah Adam congrats on passing the bar!
itsaysTRUENO: who cares though rich people deserve to buy a haunted house
johnnylongtorso: Parapsychologists, Please
Ferisar: wraeclast
public_key_reveal_party: I do love these games that are like "say yes or no, and get it correct, because we will know if you get it wrong making your job kinda pointless"
Tangsm: You pass this test, you get to specialize in haunted property law
Mortimew: this seems like an interesting anomaly spotting game
electra310: The bar exam does not require eight questions in a row correct, but it does have jumpscares
KWardJenx: I thought YOU were the inspector? Who the Hell is critiquing your work?
QuixoticScrivener: that implies the company knows which cabins are haunted
Mai_Andra: if the machine knows which ones are haunted, why do they need an inspector? <Hmm.> xivCactuar
Camthelion: Law School LLC Victoria
loufghyslaufey: Are they crabs? Are they... turtles?
PMAvers: Time to finally do that Warframe stream
shendaras: all hail britannia?
patrick_stonecrusher: Loss school
itsaysTRUENO: we have PT at home
GrassVortex: :)
Lockraemono: I only see one person tho
public_key_reveal_party: PT is that you?
ButButTheJesus: all hail britannia!
electra310: This seems haunted
QuixoticScrivener: so we should be running?
public_key_reveal_party: Sound is movement of air though
BluTGI: Sound is just waves!
TherapyforNarwhals: The Frog
loufghyslaufey: The senator made the ducking case up, Ben.
saucemaster5000: we are moving in the cabins so they are ALL haunted
Mai_Andra: oh, is that what happened in the cabin you just released?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @QuixoticScrivener If this company is in the US they absolutely would and feel no obligation to tell people
Kramburger: This feels like PT core
ButButTheJesus: "Don't tough that DIAL now!"
ButButTheJesus: *touch
johnnylongtorso: can you turn it to channel 3, I want to play Legend of Zelda
Thefluffiestguineapig: @saucemaster5000 Cocks shotgun "cabin's haunted"
ProcyonFlynn: "3 bodies" ... who was the third body!?
Lockraemono: mine
public_key_reveal_party: @johnnylongtorso you can play that on radio?
electra310: Nobody lives in our fake-ass cabins
QuixoticScrivener: why are well selling haunted cabins for people to live in?
Diabore: god that radio is so fucking loud
ProcyonFlynn: Huh. Weird.
BluTGI: @QuixoticScrivener Capitalism
loufghyslaufey: Sounds low-key like Gravity Falls(the bad ending feat. their parents)
saucemaster5000: he didn't pour the glass down your throat take responsibility
ButButTheJesus: oh I'm not bothered after the Ian and Cam shots
Lockraemono: if they know the answer why are they making you check
Sir_Mimkana: Are these cabins set up with plumbing and electricity?
Sarah_Serinde: iirc these cabins are supposed to be for film sets or something, not for people to just live in
tod_vom_himmel: lets go gambling!
j_crane330: lrrSHINE
tod_vom_himmel: aw dang it
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: get Wheeler in here, he loves flipping coins
itsaysTRUENO: is carbon monoxide poisoning ghost behavior?
gamercat88: kill team board
kimmiekoneko: 8 coin flip wins in a row? i'm back on wheeler's pokemon stream
johnnylongtorso: the odds of winning are only 2^8:1
Lockraemono: I think it's haunted
Sogheim: Quality Assurance
NimrodXIV: you died
GrassVortex: sure was haunted :D
BluTGI: "ran"
electra310: We gotta go faster than that
saucemaster5000: not instant enough chop chop
shendaras: more of a saunter
QuixoticScrivener: didn't even see what killed us
ProcyonFlynn: You absolutely walked up for a closer look - and then ran.
Zandivya: Now your ghost is haunting the cabin
NimrodXIV: it was invisible
BluTGI: Haunted Butt Inspector?
PMAvers: Not haunted, they just realized it was for a Warhammer player and it was their terrain layout
SquareDotCube: a ghasst
Thefluffiestguineapig: @NimrodXIV Was it invisible due to speed or supernaturalness
ButButTheJesus: @SquareDotCube heh
MirrorDisco: is that what a fart is technically?
loufghyslaufey: Bukkus?
TherapyforNarwhals: @PMAvers Great one I chuckled
BluTGI: @MirrorDisco Science is still out on that one
NimrodXIV: @Thefluffiestguineapig supernatural... haunted!
BluTGI: Adam never had a hope sandwich?
Camthelion: different brerad
Kipstar: 3 pieces would be too decadent
kimmiekoneko: to throw turkey stuffing at it from across the room
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TherapyforNarwhals You also got me, I laughed out loud LUL
gundamschwing: Adams never heard of toast
ButButTheJesus: something something dry white toast, and 4 chickens
BluTGI: "Wish" sandwich is what my dad called em
QuixoticScrivener: 2 pieces of sliced bread, with no bread box
Tangsm: Chair privilege rears its head again
Earthenone: wait does adam come from a multi chair household?
Mazrae: theres a bench down the side of the table
BluTGI: "Wish I had something in this" sandwich
patrick_stonecrusher: I prefer a single pea on a plate
SymphonySolstice: lrrSPOOP
KakuEpsilon subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 50 months!
KakuEpsilon: Drunk lets nope?! I am in for this
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, KakuEpsilon! (Today's storm count: 70)
NimrodXIV: :D
GrassVortex: lrrSPOOPY
ButButTheJesus: NOEP
j_crane330: Noooooo
saucemaster5000: send it out you coward
Kramburger: The pattern holds
Chaotically_Random: Little girl singing NOPE
johnnylongtorso: Harvey Danger
Nigouki: ok so what does the company do with the haunted ones? dehaunt it or scrap it?
electra310: I was hoping they'd firebomb the haunted cabin or something
Kipstar: so kee an eye out for 2 pieces of bread
TheDevil_Risen: lrrSIG lrrSIG
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Tangsm As someone who very recently was too poor for a chair, chair privilege is super real
Makrosian_Tay: So, if there's noise but nothing MOVES is it still not haunted?
BluTGI: @Nigouki Asking the best questions
j_crane330: Wait, they manufacture these?!
Camthelion: eh
GasCityGaming: 5
CanvasWolfDoll: these cabins do not have enough beds
margieargie: My year was 7.8 out of ten (too much water)
Ferisar: 6
TherapyforNarwhals: My question is why are hundreds if not thousands of parks ordering the same horror house?
BrowneePointz: 1.5
itira: 6
brainbosh: 6/9
SymphonySolstice: like a 3
BluTGI: [trauma dumps]
Mortimew: 2/5
Zandivya: This year sucked. 3
vegantroll subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 27 months!
vegantroll: Hopefully these cabins are less cursed than 2024 was
Sir_Mimkana: 7
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, vegantroll! (Today's storm count: 71)
Lionhardt544: It was.... a lot
zefinderus: 7
SurrealKale: @Nigouki I think they just wait for the problem to go away
electra310: @Makrosian_Tay Maybe not, the radio program cabin was clear
Mai_Andra: "Blarg."
Scy_Anide: 8/10
Thefluffiestguineapig: Like 4 or 5 my dude
MacbethSeemsSus: Annual
Orestes290: I watching you so... 2
GasCityGaming: new job, relationship ended
spethycakes: I've had better
Kramburger: Spent most of the) it unemployed
saucemaster5000: in this five paragraph essay
Diabore: seems pretty not haunted
itira: honestly 6 though
Makrosian_Tay: Work sucked. Gonna quit. You and Ben got me through the hardest times <3
KV1NN4: 3 out of 12 i think
Mathwyn: My ear? My ears are fine
Misslinnythebaker: 2/10
Kelazi5: 8/10
lamina5432: 3/10
Sir_Mimkana: Frog
Ferisar: two of theeem
KakuEpsilon: Year? It was definitely one of them!
MirrorDisco: Tired teacher of Elementary schoolers
BluTGI: roasted
j_crane330: I came in at the wrong time
TheDevil_Risen: 4/10 , rating reduced by getting notice that i'm redundant as of the 1st week of Feb
ButButTheJesus: for me, like, 5?
QuixoticScrivener: full stop, that tv has DIALS and a REMOTE
gamercat88: 3 but got back into therapy so things getting better
YawnLance: Like a 4 I guess
Dalrint: It was fine.
BluTGI: lmao
gundamschwing: 3 out of 10.
Lockraemono: hi
Camthelion: it was a 7 until you said this was the last Lets Nope now its a 1
mrjujubeans: 2
electra310: Most of it was like an 8, but then hurricane knocked it down to like a 4
NorthstarTex: lrrFINE
ButButTheJesus: or 6 or 7 as I am still #blessed
loufghyslaufey: People still use SparkNotes?
TheDevil_Risen: would have been a 9/10 if i wasn't losing my job
BluTGI: Girl: No leave. Only stay
Thefluffiestguineapig: @MirrorDisco Or exhausted kennel attendant of a bunch of badly trained dogs
KWardJenx: Probably haunted
itira: danger
CraftyandDevious: Oh, profoundly mid
kid_flashionable: I got diagnosed with bronchitis and have to wait until the new year for half the drugs, so currently 2024 is a stinky poo poo
tod_vom_himmel: is she ok
CaptainSpam: She's small. Just pick her up and chuck 'er.
itsaysTRUENO: I banish you to the Unreal Engine Store!!!!!
vegantroll: JUst an ordinary child
QuixoticScrivener: into the basement
adept_nekomancer: Time to reverse santa this thing
Thefluffiestguineapig: @vegantroll Always inherently creepy
Diabore: hate it
QuixoticScrivener: on a conveyer belt
Mazrae: nope nope nope
electra310: Oh, I don't like this at all
TheDevil_Risen: !adult
LRRbot: I need an adult!
saucemaster5000: on the conveyor belt
CastleOtranto: 2024 was the least bad of the years starting with 202. But the bar was low.
Thefluffiestguineapig: NOPE
NorthstarTex: !badadvice
LRRbot: Don't bite tongue.
paulthemapguy: you need to find some AAAH keyskeys muffuckaaaa
margieargie: Nothing bad ever happens in a cabin's basement, you're fine
kimmiekoneko: how did they deliver the basement
JosephDeath: How did they truck the basement in?
ButButTheJesus: #biggerontheinside
Orxolon: i got out today from the hospital,recovering
TherapyforNarwhals: It is HAUNTED adam
Violet__Violence: nice murder basement
ChillTheEffOut: How is there a basement? It was on a conveyor belt
Makrosian_Tay: !adult
LRRbot: Adult currently unavailable, please try again later.
adept_nekomancer: Wait... how is the basement below the conveyer belt?
BluTGI: Basement does not come with every cabin
KWardJenx: It's also below the conveyor belt
loufghyslaufey: Wut, 2? Where from where did scoring a 2 get you here?
SymphonySolstice: why is the basement larger than the main cabin
CanvasWolfDoll: it's a cabin on a conveyerbelt. how does it have a basement?
johnnylongtorso: it's a TARDIS cabin
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: this is what you could do before zoning laws existed
vegantroll: go real close
kid_flashionable: gabberHorror
mexfire: here’s Jonny
Thefluffiestguineapig: @CanvasWolfDoll Shit's haunted yo
BluTGI: She has
SquareDotCube: the man upstairs
NorthstarTex: its fine, just send the family on their way
ButButTheJesus: oh that's some Insidious lady
Violet__Violence: don't like that
Dalrint: Obligatory: So much room for activities.
BluTGI: She has def seen it
TheDevil_Risen: its Mary!
Makrosian_Tay: lrrSPOOP
Camthelion: brother, ew
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: GMod face
spethycakes: real Hansel & Gretel situation here
TheWriterAleph: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
NorthstarTex: mary? That you?
Diabore: isnt that the face from the jumpscare?
Violet__Violence: poor kid has a thousand yard stare
TheDevil_Risen: just needs yellow eyes
Kirkygirl: Hey all
Zandivya: She looks fit and happy. Good dental work.
loufghyslaufey: Maybe if the Cabin Factory was more of an Escape Room game, eh?
Lockraemono: your camersa is still so high
TherapyforNarwhals: Are you the child that escaped the fire?
mrjujubeans: you don’t find scary sexy Adam?
Serpens77: the worst nightmare, babyfication
Orestes290: Quantum leap!
brainbosh: very modern bathroom
Nigouki: boo on them for not shifting the camera to proper height
BluTGI: Cabin has 1990s plumbing?
TheDevil_Risen: Where's JHONNY? :D
loufghyslaufey: Gravity Falls AU
johnnylongtorso: outside! what is it good for? absolutely nothing at all
CaptainSpam: What's in the box outside? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! Stupid!
Diabore: i think its haunted
gundamschwing: She looks like Kathryn Hahn
itsaysTRUENO: damn there's plot happening
Serpens77: that's emotional blackmail, you toxic mum
cutaos: greta? is he hansel?
Mazrae: i dont know if i will be able to continue watching, im getting freaked out a bit
tr3ewitch88: Fu*k this place! 😅
BluTGI: lmao
NimrodXIV: run
Makrosian_Tay: SHIFT to run
kimmiekoneko: brother grimm shit is going down
Thefluffiestguineapig: getougetoutgetoutgetout
Camthelion: Adam, thats 2 Nos in a row :D
MacbethSeemsSus: Seems fine, very immersive
Violet__Violence: yeet
CanvasWolfDoll: think you may have gotten possessed by mom ghost
Makrosian_Tay: OOF
NorthstarTex: !advice
LRRbot: Scan the taint.
BluTGI: That one costs extra... because it's got a basement
saucemaster5000: you're like 70
Diabore: easy clear, not a cahcne they triple haunted you
BluTGI: I won't question him this year
tod_vom_himmel: im a fucking togdelight, not a neanderthal
QuixoticScrivener: the cabins aren't hauntd, the factory is
bobokiddo: press the button harder?
Ferisar: nyanderthals :3
saucemaster5000: okay my last question is
TherapyforNarwhals: I got 3 hours
Camthelion: new year, new chat?
Serpens77: why do these types of horror games also have "slow trot" as their run
Lockraemono: don't fall asleep
YawnLance: It's already 2025 for me. That means I can question him, right?
CanvasWolfDoll: oh, is wheeler taking over lets nope?
KWardJenx: The benefits MUST be pretty good for this gig
mulligan2six: I'm not sure I like 1.5 glasses of Prosecco Adam
BluTGI: What are yall doing with the old Ben?
electra310: New year, faster Ben
Nigouki: do we get to watch the molting process of Ben?
Forlorgen: live your truth ben
PMAvers: New Year, New Steve
Makrosian_Tay: We should start a poll
Makrosian_Tay: "Is this house haunted Y/N"
SymphonySolstice: froggy!
CaptainSpam: He might come back with a fake mustache and a top hat and claim to be Ben Mulmer.
saucemaster5000: make a scrapbook
BluTGI: lmao
loufghyslaufey: It's... Kind of odd, no? These manufactured cabins... Seems like they're from alternate timelines?
BluTGI: Free Ben Mold
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Makrosian_Tay Third option of "the nope bois get it wrong"
paulthemapguy: a cranial tauntaun
Janee080: hi
patrick_stonecrusher: Ben's comin back next year with a n ew paint job and a spoiler
loufghyslaufey: New year? Is the morrow a stream day?
QuixoticScrivener: @loufghyslaufey the tv has a remote and dials, that is patently evil
kimmiekoneko: croissant also remains unhaunted
SquareDotCube: Give it to Ben Folds. Then you have Ben Fold's Ben Moulds
Janee080: !danger
NimrodXIV: dinger
GrassVortex: some of these are subtle :)
Makrosian_Tay: Poll seabatClap Poll seabatClap Poll "clap
mrjujubeans: he built it Ben!
Diabore: triple haunted? thats an anomaly
QuixoticScrivener: more cabins are haunted then not, we should change our business plan
saucemaster5000: Okay I'm using my last question
BluTGI: @GrassVortex Too subtle
shendaras: that one was definitely more subtle
ButButTheJesus: the only thing I saw was there was a cloth on top of the doll?
cutaos: games haunted
mexfire: press danger no this one
adept_nekomancer: Can be explained. But won't be.
loufghyslaufey: A very estranged man at the table; the apparent same man in each cabin timeline
TheDevil_Risen: LETS GO
electra310: I wonder if the cabin isn't haunted, they have to send it back to get haunted
SnackPak_: lrrXmasbart
CaptainSpam: Well, you just told us, so...
NorthstarTex: please? Chat will be good
ButButTheJesus: oh I didn't k now
Forlorgen: clearly you need our help
kimmiekoneko: a smoother, more subtle haunt, yes
Sir_Mimkana: :(
Pteraspidomorphi: I won't be good
MacbethSeemsSus: Can we tell the cabin builders to turn down the wind?
saucemaster5000: twitch integration is for the whig party
Makrosian_Tay: I dunno about integration, but what about a poll? "Is this cabin haunted y/n?"
TheDevil_Risen: how many subs do I need to donate for Interaction mode?
TheDevil_Risen: :D
tod_vom_himmel: id speed run this ish
vegantroll: same cabin again?
Sarah_Serinde: Or they already know the answers
Camthelion: for about 5 mins?
BrowneePointz: like more than 4 years
Mazrae: well this is not a game for me, i hope that you guys have a good stream and i hope that you all have a good new years
misskale: I think i saw what the last one was. But some of the changes are subtle.
Diabore: the cabin builders: ...what wind?
Sarah_Serinde: which is not really the point of playing
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TheDevil_Risen Maybe an idea for the next theoretical subathon LUL
Kramburger: Ben's a child
tod_vom_himmel: if theyre older than you, you can DI them
ShaneLeeAtk: At least 50 years combined
kynelwynn: Ben is just a wee lad
vegantroll: Does the fire in the stove count as moving?
TheWooglie: LUL
gamercat88: lmao
electra310: I have been playing video games for longer than Ben has been Benning
shendaras: is there a way to turn down the wind noise a little, btw?
loufghyslaufey: Funny how the radio brought up the family of parents & twins yet they don't appear to be dressed in the attire when the radio was first conceived?
NimrodXIV: whoopsie
GrassVortex: extraLUL
Makrosian_Tay: !sir
LRRbot: Sir? Sir! You got ten peanuts; try to knock all ten cars down. Good luck and go!
Diabore: LUL
NorthstarTex: XD
Camthelion: hahahaa
ButButTheJesus: katesGigl
DragaFireHawk: simplLOL
TheWooglie: "so good" at gaming
kid_flashionable: aroboWheeze aroboWheeze
TheDevil_Risen: hahahaha
Misslinnythebaker: Lol
ICitizenErasedI: turns out ben is just button-blind
BluTGI: Windmill time!
Tangsm: ButtonMash
DragaFireHawk: Ben are you okay? XD
CanvasWolfDoll: send out the spooky houses, destroy the safe ones
Serpens77: don't worry, they'll cancel out
BluTGI: 50/50
ButButTheJesus: katesGigl katesGigl katesGigl
TherapyforNarwhals: No worries, THIS ONE
Kramburger: !Clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
paulthemapguy: you're not an old soul unless you go to bed before midnight tonight
kynelwynn: Been a bit too drinky
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh man, I'm laughing so hard now
CaptainSpam: Fortunately, you have a damn good union, apparently. Kappa
tr3ewitch88: That strategy worked really well for you, ben
mrjujubeans: Prosecco Adam is great
johnnylongtorso: two buttons meme but with Ben
RockPusher: Ship em all, what could go wrong
Sir_Mimkana: Do you need to check the basement?
margieargie: 13%... that explains some things :p
adept_nekomancer: The odds of guessing eight in a row are 1 in 256... you could get lucky.
TheDevil_Risen: thats some strong wine
niccus: i give 2024 a 13%
paulthemapguy: Drink Prosecco, become Proshrekko
ButButTheJesus: 13% cold resistance POGGERS
BluTGI: @margieargie Mostly Adam taking a nap in 10 mins lol
Janee080: I think the frog is getting smaller or am I wrong chat
mrjujubeans: Adam’s size did not save him
ProcyonFlynn: I keep thinking I see the guy chewing, but it's just the low resolution and compression.
PMAvers: I feel like if it has a basement, it's automatically haunted. Since how the heck is on this conveyor belt
tod_vom_himmel: shoot the fire
saucemaster5000: I choo choo choose you. And there's a picture of a train
gamercat88: wait isn't you going into the cabin and walking around count as a movement in the cabin... therefore they are all haunted
MacbethSeemsSus: Worse the fire gif's looping!
Makrosian_Tay: !advice
LRRbot: Mash L2.
NorthstarTex: !badadvice
ButButTheJesus: oh yeahhh Nico
Diabore: nico is 4
NorthstarTex: cousin nico
BleedingToast: bowling when?
TheMerricat: "If you get a cabin version wrong/die on it, the game will loop it back into the pool more frequently until you get it right in the 'Story Mode'."
Diabore: "current"
tod_vom_himmel: "current"
ThorSokar: lets go bowling!
paulthemapguy: He's disappointed his croissant looks like a penis
CanvasWolfDoll: new streak: 1!
adept_nekomancer: Very haunted
Nigouki: MONKE
ButButTheJesus: MONKE
NimrodXIV: LOL
NorthstarTex: Moke
Tangsm: There wouldn't be a supply if there weren't a demand
niccus: did you know? nico is 30 years old
BluTGI: Monkey did nothing wrong
TheDevil_Risen: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
GrassVortex: awww, you did not even see the rest :D
7gorobei: do you need to walk around the house exterior as well?
vegantroll: crab = safe
Orestes290: Show paw
TheDevil_Risen: seabatOAK seabatOAK seabatOAK seabatOAK
saucemaster5000: seabatOAK seabatOAK seabatOAK
BluTGI: Free Monkey!
SnackPak_: haunted banan
GrassVortex: extraLUL
HorusFive: :oak = lrrSPOOP
mrjujubeans: GTA V came out in 2013 0.o
tr3ewitch88: 😅🤣🤣🤣
kumatsu: my question is how do they get the basement to work with the conveyor belt
HorusFive: seabatOAK = lrrSPOOP
BluTGI: Monkey slander
SquareDotCube: certainly explains the paw
paulthemapguy: Monkey has not yet become crab. Therefore it is haunted
Serpens77: I feel like there's a very good reason why you can't get into the basement of a cabin that's *on a conveyor belt* Kappa
Diabore: @mrjujubeans yeah, current
ProcyonFlynn: "Monkey Equals Haunted" - evergreen quote.
gundamschwing: Moons haunted
SquareDotCube: 2008
ButButTheJesus: @mrjujubeans yup, Xbox 360/PS3
saucemaster5000: 1973
electra310: @kumatsu It's like an oil pit below the conveyor
zefinderus: 1997
AnAnonymousGifter is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community!
We added 1 Gift Subs to AnAnonymousGifter's gift!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to DJ_Ho!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Blinkey17!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to DrThud666!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to bobbeans!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to squirrellwolf!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to JJ_Mickey!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, AnAnonymousGifter! Welcome to DrThud666, DJ_Ho, Blinkey17, bobbeans, and squirrellwolf! (Today's storm count: 76)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, VALORANT! Welcome to JJ_Mickey! (Today's storm count: 77)
Nigouki: PEE ESS TRIPPLE era
CaptainSpam: Um... does that stereo belong?
ButButTheJesus: Nico no!
NimrodXIV: you asked if he moved
ICitizenErasedI: what do you mean you dont want to come bowling?
Mortimew: Squid1 PrideLion Squid4
Mollylele: eat your croiguette
tod_vom_himmel: haunted
Makrosian_Tay: Incoming hubris in 3....
Lockraemono: he looking
definenull: flexible neck
TheDevil_Risen: seabatNogood
electra310: sergeHubris
BluTGI: 2 dingers?
loufghyslaufey: I somewhat miss the Happy Honda Days ad runs of holiday's past. Guess they got tired of running stop-motion(-ish) marketing
SixPairsOfFeet: turn 360 degrees and moonwalk out
Makrosian_Tay: It's a NEEEEEEEEW record
Diabore: first 3 streak
Serpens77: what are these prefab cabins *for* such they they come already furnished with *a man*? And snow?
NorthstarTex: sus
tod_vom_himmel: hews watching you again
SquareDotCube: weird rradio
CaptainSpam: @Serpens77 Amusement parks.
tod_vom_himmel: oh nvm
paulthemapguy: Happy Honda Days? The War on Toyotathon strikes again
Lightglobe subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 6 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Lightglobe! (Today's storm count: 78)
Nigouki: yes
Thefluffiestguineapig: The radio is disconcertingly loud
itsaysTRUENO: @serpens77 rich ppl vacation like Westworld
ThorSokar: do they slowly get more dangerous?
Sir_Mimkana: Ye
notthepenguins: think theyre for movies and stuff
Lockraemono: oh no
saucemaster5000: thoughts lead to liver damage
NimrodXIV: that's not a doll
loufghyslaufey: That's no doll
Diabore: doll was singing
7gorobei: can you walk around the perimeter of the cabin?
Lockraemono: gl gl
GasCityGaming: yeah, 'doll'
TheDevil_Risen: Haunted
Nigouki: 🐸 just waiting to fuck you up
BluTGI: lmao
Violet__Violence: oh
ButButTheJesus: oh that's good
paulthemapguy: did you check the baffroom
electra310: Time to scarper
7gorobei: ummmm
Serpens77: Ma'am. MA'AM. Get back in your painting
ICitizenErasedI: but is she a monkey
tr3ewitch88: Oh hello
Makrosian_Tay: Why do you always look back??
paulthemapguy: You blue skidoo your ass RIGHT back into that frame!
BluTGI: Ben's teasing the ghosts.
ButButTheJesus: teh hurbis
HorusFive: @ICitizenErasedI Is she a baptized monkey?
BluTGI: Ghost Edging.
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: honestly this has some solid framing
tod_vom_himmel: coward
tod_vom_himmel: get back in there
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Nigouki Revenge for all those comments after the cut of the VOD LUL
Diabore: windmill slam haunted
Serpens77: @ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa well it needs to, or the cabins would fall down
TherapyforNarwhals: Halfway, ez
TheDevil_Risen: hahaha
saucemaster5000: lunch is for closers
TheWooglie: gotta get 8 to get lunch
paulthemapguy: if you get a game over for bailing I'm gonna laugh so hard
GasCityGaming: 1 My dude
itsaysTRUENO: when you cab-in the cold food out hot eat the food
SixPairsOfFeet: it's simple as ABC: Always Be Cabin
Diabore: 1145 on the dot
HorusFive: Oh no- the guys inspecting haunted cabins are unionizing
PMAvers: Usually 1:55 AM.
Lockraemono: adam is correct
SnackPak_: hell yeah
SurrealKale: Oh no, they're shrinking
GrassVortex: no movement, no haunting :D
Lockraemono: wow
NorthstarTex: wat
Diabore: WAT
ButButTheJesus: ♪ and if you question my bathroom breaks then I'll see you in coooourt ♪
NimrodXIV: no movement
definenull: uhh
BluTGI: lol
SnackPak_: lrrWOW
TherapyforNarwhals: Nothing moved.
kumatsu: Missing ain't movin
TherapyforNarwhals: LOTS A DICKS
Makrosian_Tay: WOW
NorthstarTex: i wanna talk to the maanger.
electra310: She wasn't there, she didn't move
Lockraemono: look there wasn't a lady painting this time
ChillTheEffOut: not haunted, just defective
KeytarCat: The monkey didn't move!
margieargie: Not haunted, just a manufacturing defect, that's the other person's job! Union rules!
saucemaster5000: no movement (pushes up glasses)
Kentosaurus: ghost baited
BluTGI: Bring-em in boys!
DylPage: She's free
Kramburger: If you've got time to explore, you've got time to sweep the store
Veshnikard: So lunch?
adept_nekomancer: Gotta reset to the first dick now
brainbosh: They just forgot the painting, it wasn't haunted
SquareDotCube: It's not "find the difference"
tr3ewitch88: Oh dang ! 🤣
NimrodXIV: different does not mean haunted
loufghyslaufey: If Ben takes his lunch break now, does he have to take 30-60 minutes to commute to a time zone where people are mostly having lunch breaks? Chat?
mrjujubeans: burn em & turn em
electra310: Maybe it was haunted in spite of the monkey
saucemaster5000: you sure are a unit
SnackPak_: our b
Nigouki: got mastered and then got baited
ButButTheJesus: hrm
Lockraemono: safe
itsaysTRUENO: this is Papers Please but the papers are a house with ghosts
Lockraemono: o m g
Makrosian_Tay: LUL
BluTGI: lmao
gamercat88: the bed sheet moved
saucemaster5000: fucking. genius.
BluTGI: Frog?
Mai_Andra: the souldread
TherapyforNarwhals: What's your feeling on this one ADam?
Diabore: the safe ones feel semi random
Mai_Andra: *soul read
Nigouki: 🐸🐸🐸
SixPairsOfFeet: after it resets to 0 there is no reason to not just press a random button until you get the first correct one for free
SnackPak_: the ghost whisperer
Mollylele: who's coward now
Lockraemono: ope
ShaneLeeAtk: Quick, Retire Champion!
Lockraemono: what if he doesn't move
ButButTheJesus: NOEP
Diabore: is he moving?
coachNelly: inspector twitch chat hard at work
Juliamon: Is that our boss?
mrjujubeans: Adam has phone anxiety
BluTGI: Man is free!
SnackPak_: free bread!
notthepenguins: sir???
itsaysTRUENO: and he's the sheriff
paulthemapguy: Breadman finally finished his bread
mrjujubeans: he can’t make calls
Phailhammer: @Juliamon Doesn't look like Paul or Graham. Kappa
BluTGI: We were the dad the whole time?
Diabore: he didnt move, not haunted
paulthemapguy: I would laugh so hard if he kills you for trying to eat his food
Lockraemono: nice
Lockraemono: nonekey
Rylical subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months, currently on a 2 month streak!
Rylical: Oof. Was hoping to catch Let's Nope live for the first time, but I was an hour off. See you boys in the VoD
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Rylical! (Today's storm count: 79)
BluTGI: Mom is "sleeping"
Kentosaurus: lumps aren't moving
Robot_Bones: its lump its lump its in my cabin
Diabore: well why are we clearing it of ghosts if its supposed to be scary?
Nigouki: wait you dont intentionally arrange your pillows to look like a body when you make your bed?
Diabore: seems like a feature
saucemaster5000: look some days the broom is cold
NimrodXIV: Ben wants more wood
GasCityGaming: its for the stove
HorusFive: Broom is 1/2 sized. Cabin does not pass inspection
Lockraemono: do you get new cabins if you clear this one 8 times
paulthemapguy: Mattress didnt come with a boxspring, it's haunted
BluTGI: @Robot_Bones It's lump... might be dead.
ThorSokar: you do that after the stick breaks the first time
Mollylele: broom too short for a witch to fly. therefore not haunted
cutaos: sweepin on top of counters, tall brooms hit the cupboards
itsaysTRUENO: who is hot boxing this house
paulthemapguy: hows the turlet
Mai_Andra: "sorry, kid. The broom isn't long enough for mommy to use it, so you have to do all the sweeping."
Kirkygirl: AAAAHHH I just saw that doll face
ButButTheJesus: @Mollylele what if ghost scared witch away
mrjujubeans: you’re an Inn-Spectre!!
saucemaster5000: any napers?
vegantroll: Should chat point things out?
WhirlwindAbyss subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 27 months, currently on a 27 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, WhirlwindAbyss! (Today's storm count: 80)
notthepenguins: my question is how on earth they managed to get the prefabs pre-haunted
GasCityGaming: those knights from money python?
paulthemapguy: There's a town by me called Naperville
Nigouki: @mrjujubeans I'm stealing that
MAPBoardgames: Go left! 15 seconds ago!
Kirkygirl: I just saw it and it scared me. Sorry.
Robot_Bones: Can I point out Ben's a Cutie?
Lockraemono: wiggles
SnackPak_: there we go
Mnemonicman: new friend
itira: oop i dont like that
NimrodXIV: footsies!
ButButTheJesus: GAH
Phailhammer: Ooh, that is subtle.
notthepenguins: NOPE
Mnemonicman: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
Kirkygirl nopes the hell right out\
TherapyforNarwhals: Score 1 for Chat
electra310: Getting bored under that blanket
Robot_Bones: [SCREAM]
Makrosian_Tay: !findquote evil
LRRbot: Quote #5615: "I'm actually prepared to give myself over to a life of evil and misdeeds." —Kathleen, as Stina [2018-12-17]
Mnemonicman: lrrSPOOPY lrrSPOOPY lrrSPOOPY kiaticBrowWiggle
ThorSokar: the frostbite on the knees is a nice touch
Sogheim: this is a very odd game
Lockraemono: what was it
TheDevil_Risen: remember kids, don't turn your doll to evil before shipping it out
BluTGI: lmao
Serpens77: I feel like there should be like a giant screaming furnace at the end that the bad ones get dumped into
SnackPak_: lrrSPOOP
definenull: ?!?
Lockraemono: oh no
Violet__Violence: HUHHH
itsaysTRUENO: ahahahaha
Lockraemono: I didn't know they could escape
Phailhammer: huh
CanvasWolfDoll: that got me
Diabore: wat?
itira: holy shit
hieroglyphica: Hahahaha
Nigouki: fufufufufuf
SymphonySolstice: welp
TomatoKigu: …ok that legit got me
SurrealKale: HUH?
saucemaster5000: perish I guess
adept_nekomancer: No fair leaving the cabin, dude
HorusFive: Wait- they an get out?
SixPairsOfFeet: that's hella mean
TheWriterAleph: omg that's the worst
gamercat88: got me too
TheWooglie: be quicker
definenull: and now the game begins (?)
Nigouki: the rules are lies!
CaptainSpam: "Don't take my food, damnit!"
varmintx0: go back in?
Violet__Violence: legit made me jump lmao
CataclysmicReverb: Red tape bro
neisan2112: Imediatly send it
cutaos: got me as well hah
Makrosian_Tay: That's amazing
hieroglyphica: I LOVE it
margieargie: Hit "danger" REALLY quick I guess
SnackPak_: that's against the rules
electra310: sergeHubris sergeHubris sergeHubris
circusofkirkus: factory's haunted
paulthemapguy: hax
Kirkygirl: @Lockraemono the feet moved from under the blanket
mrjujubeans: She loves you
Mai_Andra: "turn around immediately and push the DANGER button"
BluTGI: Gotta sue them in ghost court
Makrosian_Tay: You gotta juke him INTO the cabin
gamercat88: who let the ghost out, who, who
PMAvers: So, if they find you dead, does that mean it should automatically be considered haunted?
electra310: Push the button!
BluTGI: Yall need a ghost lawyer
notthepenguins: the ghost seems to disagree with that notion
Makrosian_Tay: Imagine the footsies
CanvasWolfDoll: what does your name tag say?
paulthemapguy: Adam has to approve Ben's workman's comp claim
DragaFireHawk: lol
mrjujubeans: Turns out YOU’RE the ghost
Lockraemono: all I have it gengars
NimrodXIV: Haunter? this isn't Pokemon
SixPairsOfFeet: this game is ghastly
Lockraemono: whoa
Camthelion: ADAM!
SymphonySolstice: yeah
Robot_Bones: Haunter much better
Lockraemono: I mean that's fair
lamina5432: that is my favorite gen 1
Makrosian_Tay: I mean, is favoritism so weird?
circusofkirkus: so Gengar is a nepo Pokemon
Lockraemono: relatable
TherapyforNarwhals: I too like that animator on youtube
saucemaster5000: that's based
definenull: moon cheese o7
notthepenguins: thats fair tbh
TheDevil_Risen: that is pretty Based.
Nigouki: Gengar is best jolly doofus
SixPairsOfFeet: loonie tones pokemon cards
mrjujubeans: it’s the teeth
shendaras: moon cheese seabatClap
Hansk_and_Boo: PokGengar
TristalMTG: This is a Solrock household
Makrosian_Tay: "Beloved by the moon ]cheese]"
Thefluffiestguineapig: This game has been much better than I thought
KeytarCat: I want to see that frog look at you
TheWriterAleph: rat-a-tat-tat
margieargie: I'm relatively basic so for me it'd be Oops All Eevee
BluTGI: Pokemon catching strays
DragaFireHawk: I swear if that frog moves at all.....
Lockraemono: how do you feel about ivysaur
tod_vom_himmel: who hurt you
saucemaster5000: gengar is snorlax for godless heathens
Hansk_and_Boo: lrrHORN PokGengar lrrFINE
Juliamon: Golem is pretty mid tbf
TheDevil_Risen: what about Onyx?
Lockraemono: ivysaur and snivy both
tr3ewitch88: 🤣
gamercat88: geodude
KakuEpsilon: Adam is speaking my language
NimrodXIV: what about Geodude
The_Timo: Golem is great.
Hansk_and_Boo: Snorlax is hosted af
DragaFireHawk: Graveler's got 4 arms and Golem's got 2
Robot_Bones: Him Orb
mrjujubeans: ratatat tatts
notthepenguins: golem is a weird dude inside a rock rather than being a rock dude
BluTGI: The hit-o-men are weird.JS
MirrorDisco: jigglypuff! 😂
saucemaster5000: a pubic beard
BrowneePointz: they're Lodestones
ButButTheJesus: ew
BrowneePointz: which is why he can electric shoot
itira: LUL
TristalMTG: In my headcanon Geodude is pronounced like Geoduck
Lockraemono: this is a family show
itira: basically the same thing isnt it
The_Timo: Pubibeard, my fave pokemon
BluTGI: Ghost family show
GasCityGaming: it's called a Merkin
adept_nekomancer: What, you never went through pubeardy?
tehfewl: chin pubes
BluTGI: That happy trail just keeps happying
SnackPak_: one long happy trail
itira: tied together?
Nigouki: singular carpet
TherapyforNarwhals: They're braided
paulthemapguy: lmao
Hansk_and_Boo: PokMachamp
ButButTheJesus: Happy New Year folks
coachNelly: are we not after all, one big pube?
ExitPursuedByABear: That got clipped, right?
Robot_Bones: Link to the Ass
ButButTheJesus: @coachNelly wisdom
paulthemapguy: Someday we'll find it, the pube-beard connection! The lovers the dreamers and me
BluTGI: Happy New Year Trails
Makrosian_Tay: Happy (almost) new year
Kramburger: My chest and stomach are hairy enough...
saucemaster5000: may your beard and pubes never be apart. mazeltov
coachNelly: happy new year ❤️
coachNelly: negative
BrowneePointz: Nelson are you a cool dad
coachNelly: maybe next year
BrowneePointz: or do they have to go to bed early
patrick_stonecrusher: The stream that invented "wall of dicks" is not a family stream
coachNelly: haha
ThorSokar: hahaha
coachNelly: just whippets with my family
paulthemapguy: lmao
Lockraemono: kiss
TheWriterAleph: "my own clone!"
Mollylele: 💋
BluTGI: A family that whips together stays together
coachNelly: you wanna come over?
Nigouki: nitrous oxide
coachNelly: it’s laughing gas teah
BluTGI: This message brought to you by cool wip
cutaos: nitrous
glyndev: It's like a small greyhound
mrjujubeans: you can’t handle Prosecco 🤣
coachNelly: the whipped cream is a bonus
SixPairsOfFeet: oh lord, don't do carbon monoxide for recreational reasons
electra310: The fact that Adam does carbon monoxide whippets is why he doesn't get invited
Kirkygirl: hey Mollylele, I just said your name aloud, and you have an excellent nick. :D
CanvasWolfDoll: so, i'm guessing that the little girl ghost is the player character's younger self
itira: hahaha oh noo
Serpens77: more like DIE-orama
BluTGI: DIE-o-Rama
SquareDotCube: die-o-rama
NimrodXIV: it shows where the thing is
TherapyforNarwhals: Leave bro
BluTGI: @SquareDotCube Same brain cell
Lockraemono: louder
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: you shouldn't do whippets but you can pet them
TherapyforNarwhals: Knocking?
Makrosian_Tay: There is nothing wrong with not being able to hold your alcohol. It's ok not to drink
SnackPak_: lrrSPOOP
Dreamlettuce: The beating of the hideous heart!
electra310: And we die again
saucemaster5000: destroy it so bart doesn't win the science fair
paulthemapguy: Admiral ackbar: It's a MAP!
DudelidouX: It's you outside
Makrosian_Tay: Oh that's cleveer
fishboi_samurai: gus801Fedora gus801Fedora gus801Fedora seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Serpens77: it's a moving meeple!
HorusFive: Cabin is haunted, but the cabin inside the cabin is fine
Lockraemono: movement established
DragaFireHawk: Oooooh
NorthstarTex: time to go
DragaFireHawk: I hate that
SixPairsOfFeet: "plumber!"
Lockraemono: why not
ChillTheEffOut: this Jumanji board is fucked
notthepenguins: thats clever
Gaelan_Maestro: run ben ruuuuuuuuun
Lockraemono: adam I stg
mrjujubeans: what if you cleanse it with sage?
kumatsu: there was a child meeple next to the basement door
Lockraemono: I'll beat you up
fishboi_samurai: wishing you all a happy new year :)
notthepenguins: you saw the little model move
BluTGI: lmao
TheWooglie: LUL
SnackPak_: rip
fishboi_samurai: welp lol
Lockraemono: these fucking guys
ButButTheJesus: katesGigl katesGigl katesGigl
TheWriterAleph: WHY
BluTGI: 50/50
TherapyforNarwhals: THIS ONE for sure
SixPairsOfFeet: after you get it wrong you can get one correct for free by guessing untl it's right
Sogheim: what happens when you get eight right in a row?
Misslinnythebaker: Lol
paulthemapguy: That's not how this works! That's not how any of this works!
NimrodXIV: lrrAWW
mrjujubeans: murderers!
saucemaster5000: adam is right
ItsThugDimmadome: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
TristalMTG: I can't wait to see the speedrun of this on AGDQ and all they do is hit the buttons and it's over
Makrosian_Tay: !sir
LRRbot: Sir? Sir! There are limits on what qualifies as cheese.
The_Timo: wait til 8 on the next one
Its_VeeBot: Foreman Savidan, it's time for your performance review
DragaFireHawk: Dang, you were on such a role too simplLOL
coachNelly: is this a toxic work environment? 🦋
TheWooglie: @Sogheim how would they know?
thegitrogsquirrel: FBtouchdown
kumatsu: quick adam, go for the coin flip clear while he's gone
Lockraemono: like a what
itira: oooo those are good
Kirkygirl: THOSE ARE DAMN TASTY. I love those.
saucemaster5000: oooooo
tr3ewitch88: 😅🤣
onetrueseth: Just some straight narrow boys tonight
TheWriterAleph: owo
paulthemapguy: guys bein dudes
Hansk_and_Boo: lrrSIG PokGengar lrrSIG
CaptainSpam: AND narrow, mind you.
mrjujubeans: 5 ft apart
HorusFive clink
ButButTheJesus: never had those but I'm intrigued
Kirkygirl: and the Strait refers to the Strait of Georgia, as opposed to Dire Straits.
Lockraemono: excuse you
coachNelly: can’t drink on bad posture
notthepenguins: lets nope confirmed to lack girth
Loa_Ayizan: Hopefully straight and narrow is only temporary
coachNelly: did you have equal parts tequila?
TheDevil_Risen: still not as bad a THICC TANG
CaptainSpam: "Look, all we're saying is, just do your job right, eight times in a row, and THEN you can go home."
BrowneePointz: Okay Adam not a fan of Tropical Lime
nicolebarbaraann: Oh hey my boys
Kirkygirl: Uhhhm yeah sure Adam
Loa_Ayizan subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 27 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Loa_Ayizan! (Today's storm count: 81)
saucemaster5000: I'm a cherry coke slurpee enjoyer
nicolebarbaraann: Hey me too!
nicolebarbaraann: Adam is a lightweight baby
Kirkygirl: I should crack open a Dark Matter.\
itira: LOL
nicolebarbaraann: LMAO
ButButTheJesus: is there a US version that taste like that? I like fruity alcohol that's not too alcohol-y flavored
NimrodXIV: I hope someone is driving Adam home later
mrjujubeans: 5 feet together
adept_nekomancer: I'm not sure how narrow applies in this context, honestly
itira: hhahahaha
gamercat88: "two dudes, sitting in a hot tub, 5 feet apart cuz their not gay"
kumatsu: Straight and Thicc is the keg version of that drink
nicolebarbaraann: Thiccc
notthepenguins: girthy
Earthenone: which one is straight and which one is thicc? wrong answers only
saucemaster5000: I'm thinking
Kirkygirl: NimrodXIV the busses are free tonight post 5 pm, and it's now 615.\
fishboi_samurai: Needle ______, you fill in the blank
Its_VeeBot: "And you can't smell your own KNEES!"
fishboi_samurai: Kappa Kappa Kappa
paulthemapguy: That sounds like a 2-man detective show. Straight n' Thicc coming Thursdays to AMC
ThorSokar: Here I thought you'd go with "Strait and Arm Day"
NimrodXIV: @Kirkygirl Great!
Evil_John_Cena: Hi everyone
ButButTheJesus: katesSip
Evil_John_Cena: I will also take a sip
vegantroll: When you clear a haunted cabin they should play the screams of your victims
nicolebarbaraann: Mordrin
ButButTheJesus: the modren era
paulthemapguy: A household for the modren era
PMAvers: $2 million on the Victoria market
Mathwyn: Very Modron
Scy_Anide: For a modren era
notthepenguins: should that fireplace be uh, open
itira: HEY YOU! you haunted?
dm818: I'm eating peppermint bark that I found in my pantry from last year.
TherapyforNarwhals: Walkies?!
Amentur: Very demrue coxZen
The_Timo: stand
gamercat88: footsies
Juliamon: support your weight
mrjujubeans: Can’t believe it’s not bedder
kynelwynn: Help you stay balanced
The_Timo: be in socks
Earthenone: just call them lil' wigglers, got it
ButButTheJesus: did anyone else wiggle their toes just then
vegantroll: wiggle wiggle wiggle
nicolebarbaraann: Adam does sport now where feet are only grippers
itira: @ButButTheJesus guilty
7gorobei: was the cup moving?
ThorSokar: Suddenly I hear a Tenacious D song about pushups...
seepete subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, seepete! (Today's storm count: 82)
fishboi_samurai: what do feet grip?
ButButTheJesus: @ThorSokar one is all you need
TherapyforNarwhals: Was it you walking?
fishboi_samurai: DarkMode DarkMode DarkMode
TherapyforNarwhals: Was it your grippers?
mrjujubeans: get them red wriggles in the ground
notthepenguins: there's the basement door still
ThorSokar: @ButButTheJesus EXACTLY!
NimrodXIV: mug
7gorobei: i think the cup is moving
adept_nekomancer: Oh, there it is.
KeytarCat: I want to see that guy chew
Kirkygirl: Speaking of socks, I have reached peak adulthood. I love getting socks for Christmas.
saucemaster5000: cosmic crisp is the best apple
eli_9121 subscribed at Tier 1.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, eli_9121! (Today's storm count: 83)
silenceaux: That's a good face.
PMAvers: Adam just pulls out a axe
tod_vom_himmel: more like goat smith
Pteraspidomorphi: I've heard this one before
itira: I hear red delicious is the best apple
paulthemapguy: holy shit cosmic crisp apples slap
Hansk_and_Boo: GRANNY SMITH
neisan2112: @saucemaster5000 Based
7gorobei: mug is moving
gamercat88: on god
Hansk_and_Boo: YEEEAAAHHSS
coachNelly: is macintosh actually worse than red delicious?
ItsThugDimmadome: Fuji 100%
lilbeezie259: Joke's on all y'all, Bold Rock is the best apple
Its_VeeBot: Mug Moment
7gorobei: mug was moving
SnackPak_: woooow
DragaFireHawk: Pink ladies are my favorite simplLOVEY
couchboyj: Pink Lady is where its at
NimrodXIV: the cup was moving
gamercat88: the mug
ButButTheJesus: FACK
paulthemapguy: red delicious is mad overrated I will die on this hill
Kirkygirl: coachNelly yes. Too mealy for me.
Makrosian_Tay: Adam is 1/6 now on calls
SnackPak_: blat blat
ButButTheJesus: didn't see it either
vegantroll: Ben got mugged
Thefluffiestguineapig: @coachNelly No because red delicious taste like grainy wax
gundamschwing: His hands are moving
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also hey Nelly!!
saucemaster5000: gotta clear out the quota
TheWriterAleph: who was phone
HorusFive: "Start Blastin" - Graham, earlier
couchboyj: @dragafirehawk hooglSpider1 hooglSpider2
johnnylongtorso: @paulthemapguy I only ever hear people complaining about how bad red delicious apples are, so I don't think they're overrated at this point
definenull: moshi mosh?
gamercat88: banana phone
Lockraemono: huh
paulthemapguy: I would love to hear Graham tell Adam to ban a bunch of people
Makrosian_Tay: Trigger warning?
Lockraemono: send servives
coachNelly: I haven’t had a macintosh in forever but red delicious is terrible
eli_9121: That seems hunted
eli_9121: ngl
Diabore: ohp finger slipped
HorusFive: Prbly fine
DragaFireHawk: @couchboyj katesHug
Loa_Ayizan: MOST haunted
TheWooglie: well done on spotting that one
NoxStryx: Red delicious is maybe the worst named apple
notthepenguins: I'd have booked it the moment the phone rang tbh
nicolebarbaraann: Red delicious is Styrofoam
BrowneePointz: My Activation Phrase has been uttered
notthepenguins: no way that place is hooked up to the land lines
SquareDotCube: What about pink lady?
coachNelly: did I get banned last week for not showing up? 😂
MrPipboy3000: Pink Lady is the best apple
Juliamon: was about to say, BrowneePointz incoming in 3, 2...
notthepenguins: it's literally on a conveyer belt
NoxStryx: The only way they could make it worse is if they named it blue delicious
Lockraemono: macintosh is truly the best apple tho
Kirkygirl: Red (NOT so) Delicious
Diabore: gala is goated though
saucemaster5000: fuji is overrated
Kirkygirl: @Diabore YES
ButButTheJesus: I enjoy Red Delicious I wonder if there are regional differences or just me
margieargie: Yeah, styrofoam is MUCH tastier
onetrueseth: Some nice packing peanuts?
paulthemapguy: Gala and fujis are great
coachNelly: I also don’t like grabby smith but I respect her
itira: saaame Ben
nicolebarbaraann: Honeycrisp is actually the best
Thefluffiestguineapig: I think the best apple partially depends on what you want from them/how you're getting them
TherapyforNarwhals: Hot take
SnackPak_: true
Evil_John_Cena: true
Nighteyesss: pink lady or bust
Juliamon: grabby smith
eli_9121: Agreeee
Evil_John_Cena: yeah
tod_vom_himmel: orange is too much work
GasCityGaming: Mandarin orange?
Lionhardt544: Where the fuck is the honeycrisp love tho
dravman: Hard to compare the two
BrowneePointz: Nah I don't get in arguments over it anymore. I live where I can get Red Delicious fresh, other people can't, and Red Delicious degrade so fast
NotCainNorAbel: Navel oranges are mid
adept_nekomancer: Orange worth the work.
KeytarCat: I don't think I've ever had a fresh apple
ProcyonFlynn: Who peels an apple?
nicolebarbaraann: @lionhardt544 I gotchu they are S tier
ThorSokar: Red Delicious from my parent's house is good, but we actually pick those when they're ripe, not green like those garbage apples from the store
HorusFive: Pealed apple vs unpealed orange.
Kirkygirl: I am just happy people eat fruit, especially for the fibre.
Phailhammer: Orange you glad it wasn't an apple?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @ProcyonFlynn I do when using them for a baking filling
Kirkygirl: And the vitamins.
CataclysmicReverb: what happened to kumquats
coachNelly: oh no now I’m wondering if fresh delicious could be tasty
GasCityGaming: i don't wanna eat the things that hurt? :P
itira: LOL
definenull: pw
DragaFireHawk: OMG
NimrodXIV: oof
betweenmyself: Cause Adam’s such a sweetie riffYeti
TheDevil_Risen: BRUTAL
SnackPak_: nice recovery
vegantroll: I feel this is compariing apples to oranges
ButButTheJesus: BEN
Makrosian_Tay: lrrWOW
TherapyforNarwhals: This is the greatest podcast
definenull: mixed
eli_9121: If someone handed me a peeled one Id think it's poisoned
itira: get his ass Ben
BrowneePointz: @coachNelly Hi! i'm from Iowa where they were invented/Grown. They are amazing fresh, but travel like DOGSHIT and get mealy fast from it
nicolebarbaraann: Damn babe
NoxStryx: Apples breads are all sudo-clones
Thefluffiestguineapig: @GasCityGaming Agreed, same reason I don't do stuff like captain crunch
Juliamon: walked right into that
ThorSokar: GOT'EM
saucemaster5000: doesn't like sour or spicy. soon we'll cut out salt and sugar from this cream of wheat man
kynelwynn: Adam with some real Joe Pesci in Goodfellas energy
nicolebarbaraann: Adam I'm so sorry, I'm on my way to help
TherapyforNarwhals: Well next year's about to begin so
paulthemapguy: navel oranges are indeed mid. tangerines and clementines are fire
mrjujubeans: Sumo oranges are BOMB
NotCainNorAbel: I think you started with we are morons
ThorSokar: Lets REVIEW the TAPES!
tr3ewitch88: You know what you did adam
Earthenone: !findquote loonie
LRRbot: Quote #1482: "Eat s*** chat, eat lrrEFF -ing bags of s***. Eat entire lrrEFF -in'... I hope that the next chocolate covered loonie you unwrap is just a nugget of s***, you lrrEFF -in', you lrrEFF -in pieces of crap. lrrEFF you guys!" —Adam [2016-01-09]
MrPipboy3000: 1q
spethycakes: next year's Year-end highlight reel is ONLY Adam giving chat the what-for
nicolebarbaraann: Lets eat shwasty
ButButTheJesus: doggo stream!
Makrosian_Tay: What was the thing that you did?
BrowneePointz: but if you get the chance, make some Cider some time with Red Delicious, cuz flavor wise they are some of the most Appley tasting Apples you can have(the mouthfeel degrades WAY too quick tho) @coachNelly
Its_VeeBot: "Cue the montage!" *LRR theme remix begins playing*
Kirkygirl: LUL
silenceaux: It also wasn't this year
circusofkirkus: so true bestie
HorusFive: Context! On my internet?! I think not
NoxStryx: Are all the quotes out of context
CanvasWolfDoll: that one is also not tbhis year!
adept_nekomancer: To be fair, that was from 2016, and Adam only claimed to have been good this year.
TheWooglie: also eight years ago
Diabore: wait, was the mug always there?
saucemaster5000: we said "hi adam" and that happened
coachNelly: ok good to know brownee 🫡
NoxStryx: Isnt out of context sort of the point of the quotes?
ThorSokar: Also, to be fair to Adam that was 2016 Adam, not 2024
spethycakes: !qdb
LRRbot: Quote database: https://lrrbot.com/quotes/
Lockraemono: show mug
ProcyonFlynn: !findquote adam
LRRbot: Quote #2312: "How are we supposed to beat Adam? He's just better at video games than we are." —Cameron [2016-04-13]
Thefluffiestguineapig: @spethycakes I would be down for highlights that are just from specific members of LRR doing their maximum self stuff
Kirkygirl: BrowneePointz that reminds me, I need to send LRR some really nice cider that's made nearby.
DragaFireHawk: In before the frog moves
eli_9121: That guy has a bagel and an apple on his plate.. haunted for sure...
Xaunaught: its 2025 here so I the quote database is pretty small
fishboi_samurai: “Feet are called grippers”
paulthemapguy: mug or gtfo
fishboi_samurai: Kappa Kappa Kappa
vegantroll: That frog blinking would be so creepy
SymphonySolstice: the receipts, my liege
fishboi_samurai: anything about milk
fishboi_samurai: DarkMode DarkMode DarkMode
TristalMTG subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months!
TristalMTG: Happy Boo Year!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TristalMTG! (Today's storm count: 84)
bytecaster: Do they?
duallain: grippers is not normal
Makrosian_Tay: Name 3 people
DragaFireHawk: I have NEVER heard ANYONE call feet "grippers" until today
Nigouki: that's an orangutan thing Adam
NotCainNorAbel: !quote 6809
LRRbot: Quote #6809: "Fuck James Turner." —Adam [2020-03-09]
itira: im with you on the grippers
paulthemapguy: my feet don't grip shit though I'm not an orangutan
brainbosh: I mean people say it but its not normal
FarleyF: imagine the different montages - Ian saying the wrong thing, Cameron hitting himself, Beej being topless, etc
mulligan2six: Grippers and gropers
electric_claire: Adam, please log off
lilbeezie259: So I know the premise of the game, but what is it we're trying to do?
ButButTheJesus: I've heard "thompers" but that's for cats
GasCityGaming: heard grippers a ton
saucemaster5000: I'm on the gripper trippers
Diabore: i think this one is clear
Lockraemono: safe
coachNelly: I’ve heard grippers before
varmintx0: is this some weird Canadian thing?
fishboi_samurai: where’s milk
BrowneePointz: Grippers have been a nickname for them for at LEAST 5 years by now
esherone: I can vouch for mr streamer re grippers
GreyThey: Yes, feet are grippers
fishboi_samurai: we need milk
neisan2112: I'm on Adam's side this time
GrassVortex: I'm with Adam on this, I have heard people call feet grippers
Veshnikard: feet are grippers
electra310: I have only heard Adam say grippers
YawnLance: I say grippers is normal, but also it's me so that might not be worth much
Robot_Bones: I've heard grippers but for animals
diy_ect: your feet are gripping the ground constantly
kynelwynn: Adam, outside of you in the entire 46 years of my life I have NEVER heard Feet refered to as "Grippers" buddy
Kirkygirl: You say "grippers," I immediately think of either grippy socks or things you put on your shoes to prevent you from slipping on ice.\
Mollylele: i learned "grippers" from Adam
margieargie: !quote 9041
LRRbot: Quote #9041: "I don't understand what that means but I'm going to assume that you're wrong." —Adam [2024-07-09]
Karmegeddon: They be grippin the inside of my mouth
bytecaster: But what about touching grass, Adam?
fishboi_samurai: MilkNBags always gets picked on by Adam
fishboi_samurai: Kappa Kappa Kappa
ThorSokar: Adam to chat: someone please lie for me!
circusofkirkus: floor grippers are definitely a thing
SnackPak_: !quote 8033
FarleyF: I heard it back in Reagan’s day - Do it for the Gripper
CataclysmicReverb: It is a common saying, but why
itira: LOL
Lockraemono: 7/9 apparently
Lockraemono: plushies!!
hvsoccer909 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months!
hvsoccer909: Enjoy the spooky new years eve!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, hvsoccer909! (Today's storm count: 85)
mrjujubeans: that’s some Red Greene shit
NotCainNorAbel: !quote 8393
LRRbot: Quote #8393: "Stop being thirsty! Drink a chicken!" —Cori [2022-12-14]
ButButTheJesus: k...kitty?
Kirkygirl: mrjujubeans it sure is!
eli_9121: sus..
DideRobot: LRR: Alright y'all. There is 5.5 hours left before we tick over to 2025 on the west coast of NA and we are 6 subs away from 100,000 over on https://www.youtube.com/lrrmtg. Let's start the new year off in the realm of the six digits shall we? | https://kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun/113750731160301859
Its_VeeBot: barrMonke
TherapyforNarwhals: That one obviously
DragaFireHawk: Oh no, not the frog
kumatsu: called shot it's the gator in the corner
Kirkygirl holds still and holds her breath
bytecaster: Frogs are always haunted!
kimmiekoneko: he beeg
Kramburger: !Quote 8939
LRRbot: Quote #8939: "I have the conch, shut the fuck up." —Adam [2024-03-08]
CanvasWolfDoll: this cabin's for a furry convention!
Nigouki: hell yeah 🐸
NotCainNorAbel: !wuote 8939
Gaelan_Maestro: nope
ButButTheJesus: FROGE
n3ther: froge
SymphonySolstice: b i g f r o g
KakuEpsilon: Grippers is questionable because it gets used in a weird community
TheWriterAleph: i luv heem
Kirkygirl: Kramburger LUL
eli_9121: That frog knows he did something wrong!
n3ther: Adam was a menace
silenceaux: Okay but you DID have the conch, so that's just asserting the rules.
bytecaster: Are we doing "Adams year in review?"
kumatsu: I want to show up to something with an actual Conch one of these shows
NotCainNorAbel: !quote 9056
LRRbot: Quote #9056: "I would alt-F4, write a scathing steam review, then go to bed." —Adam [2024-07-19]
ButButTheJesus: @NotCainNorAbel :D
Kramburger: !quote 8859
Nighteyesss: L + ratio + conchless
RebekahWSD: Extremely bad year here.
Diabore: so house good?
mrjujubeans: Must be Willy’s Wonderland
Kirkygirl: kumatsu I'm tempted to find one now for Alex for the Moonbase.
coachNelly: you got a cat this year 🤷🏻‍♀️
Kramburger: Aw beans
vegantroll: Maybe there's 2 monke cabins?
SymphonySolstice: that was from that content creator lethal company-esque game wasn't it
eli_9121: Stuffies in a cabin dont look right
kumatsu: what about the bed
Makrosian_Tay: !quote 9210
LRRbot: Quote #9210: "All I'm saying is, I just talked to my cat." —Adam [2024-12-16]
TheMerricat: Are you asking? Cause I've got the list of haunted cabins up...
margieargie: I would live in this cabin
NotCainNorAbel: @Kramburger It's kinda hard, Adam only have ~10 quotes this year
Lockraemono: is that a croissant plush on the couch
ButButTheJesus: Its Jeff!
Kramburger: !quote 8859
LRRbot: Quote #8859: "I'm farming engagement from chat." —Adam [2023-12-08]
Diabore: @SymphonySolstice content warning
brainbosh: Welp Ben is cancelled
BrowneePointz: Damn i'm catching hands for no reason
AlchemicalPanda: Woah sudden Jeff hate
BrowneePointz: AND EXCUSE ME
saucemaster5000: what did bezos ever do to you
BrowneePointz: THAT'S IRON FIST
PMAvers: Jeff is a hero, I had one the other night get a entire enemy six-stack
BrowneePointz: BENJAMIN
duallain: like you Ben
empyreon: lrrFRUMP
FarleyF: I mean all he did was talk to Stalks
RebekahWSD: Jeff is cute everywhere though?
itira: im unbanning Ben
DragaFireHawk: Jeff is adorable and I will not stand for this slander
BrowneePointz: well i am stupid
SnackPak_: lrrWOW
Kentosaurus: that's a quote
mrjujubeans: quote
brainbosh: I mean Adam was already cancelled lol
bytecaster: You can be cute and bullshit
DragaFireHawk: Okay that's fair
ThorSokar: welp, there's another quote
empyreon: I'm stupid for plenty of other reasons riffYeti
Kirkygirl: @coachNelly I forgot that the Cat Distribution System visited Ben this year. :3
Makrosian_Tay: !quote 8986
LRRbot: Quote #8986: "I'm the M.O.D.O.K of LRR." —Adam [2024-05-03]
ProcyonFlynn: So like the Teemo of Rivals?
TheAwkes: Is Jeff the Oddjob of Marvel?
RebekahWSD: He's fun to play in Marvel Match 3 Game, whatever that's called
Earthenone: !point
LRRbot: If you came here hoping for there to be a point to this, I have bad news for you.
BrowneePointz: His ult is powerful but he's also made of paper
DragaFireHawk: I have been throw off the map many a time by Jeff
Saintnex: me, an honest Capt America main
Lockraemono: clear
NoxStryx: It is funny everyone is all jeff fans
bytecaster: "Get on the point to be ulted by Jeff"
AlchemicalPanda: What games have ben been playing? Because my teammates NEVER touch the point
TheWooglie: gamers gaming
ButButTheJesus: ayyy
mulligan2six: Damn, that was a master bait
Amentur: You also have to wait while Jeff carries you over to the closest edge
TherapyforNarwhals: Have we ever looked up?
eli_9121: I'm so glad someone inspects the cabins before they go out into the world
electra310: This one's haunted
fishboi_samurai: have you considered just not getting hit by the ult? Kappa Kappa Kappa
Makrosian_Tay: !quote 8884
LRRbot: Quote #8884: "I don't trust anything that has snow on it." —Adam [2024-01-02]
vegantroll: Imagine the painting just casually scratching her nose
TherapyforNarwhals: I'm worried something will be above us
ThorSokar: I wanna see the lady step out of the painting one of these times
NotCainNorAbel: !quote 6749
LRRbot: Quote #6749: "Otaku Jeff is a coward!" —Cameron [2020-02-04]
definenull: lrrFINE
Lockraemono: open the window lady
Earthenone: nah fire isent a ghost, it cant go through walls
an_archist2: i don't think it's haunted
GrassVortex: :)
Makrosian_Tay: uhhhhhhhhhh
itira: ahhhh
DragaFireHawk: Oh that's different
zagman505: LUL
GrassVortex: extraLUL
RebekahWSD: Ohno
TheDevil_Risen: lrrFINE lrrFINE lrrFINE lunarj1Messy
Serpens77: LUL
NimrodXIV: LOL
eli_9121: Hmm maybe not sure
Amentur: HypeOhDeer Totally fine
SnackPak_: lrrXmasbart
FarleyF: marshmallow anyone
HorusFive: I think they're fine mattlrFine
Camthelion: ahjahahaha
Thefluffiestguineapig: @vegantroll Would that be more or less creepy than just a glance at the camera?
Nigouki: thank god 🐸 is fine
eli_9121: Haha
CanvasWolfDoll: frog survives
NightValien28: CINEMA
kumatsu: wait wheat is growing in the bayou?
eli_9121: Frog did it!
ButButTheJesus: frogfren!
vegantroll: 2 abusive parents and arsonist, vengeful kids?
Earthenone: chibi bitt
nicolebarbaraann: It looks like ben
itira: LUL
dm818: I feel like the girl the player character
Loa_Ayizan: frog in a bog
Kentosaurus: the kid's playing chubby bunny
mrjujubeans: seems chill
CanvasWolfDoll: they built the cabin directly in the wetlands?
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: this is why they have you inspecting these, imagine if this happened to an actor during a shoot. Production grinds to a halt, they have to send out a chopper, catering has to pull overtime...
adept_nekomancer: Can't believe they fit this entire forest on the conveyor belt
SquareDotCube: Brad Malkovich
kynelwynn: NotCainNorAbel!! Leave some for the rest of us
NotCainNorAbel: Being John Malkovich is a good new years movie
Kramburger: You look like cherubim Brad Pitt
PMAvers: Maybe they shouldn't have built the house on top of a fire well
tr3ewitch88: FootGoal
NotCainNorAbel: @kynelwynn quotes or clips?
public_key_reveal_party: Not haunted!
johnnylongtorso: you have entered the scary door
bytecaster: The fire did move
kynelwynn: Clips. And it's fine. Just means we're all on the same wavelength
Kramburger: Wait, Brad Pitt is an abuser, fuck Brad Pitt
margieargie: Bit of a fire hazard, at least
paulthemapguy: Idk I personally think that fire is dangerous but thats just me
eli_9121: burning peple = danger LUL
kynelwynn: Dunno how you're so damn fast though
MacbethSeemsSus: Well I was sent to another dimension, but nothing moved so it's fine.
Makrosian_Tay: 2nd
ThorSokar: Probably season 4
tr3ewitch88: The season Enders are always the best.
Kirkygirl plays Twilight Zone by Golden Earring
ThorSokar: season 4 was a banger
MrPipboy3000: Futurama season 4 and 5 are the best
TomatoKigu: Fourth; when they knew they were getting cancelled and just did anything
Pteraspidomorphi: Production 4 is pretty good
kumatsu: yo shoutouts to Leshoy
tehfewl: what ever season has jurrasic bark
PMAvers: So when we get to 8 correct, is our boss going to come down to tell us we did a good job, and it turns out that it's Spooky? (from the House of Jumpscares)
couchboyj: 4 was a banger, yeah
AlchemicalPanda: Plex Mentioned! KappaInfinite
vegantroll: The season with the dog episode
glyndev: The Devil's Hands are Idle Playthings is such an incredible episode
ThorSokar: whatever one has the holophoner and the worms, that season
WiJohn: @glyndev Fact
MrPipboy3000: @glyndev Best episode
TomatoKigu: @vegantroll Jurassic Bark makes me cry every damn time. meoniSadcat
HorusFive: Point of order- he does NOT beat them. His brother always did the last ship
margieargie: The best episode is where that new guy comes to the power plant and doesn't understand why Homer- wait, wrong show
Makrosian_Tay: Adam, I upgraded my CPU yesterday and started playing Returnal again. What an amazing game!
MrPipboy3000: You werre doing well until everyone died
NotCainNorAbel: @kynelwynn Figured; I am also dog shit at making clips, honestly I give a ton of room and make editing figure it out. People like Pheobender do so much work
Orxolon: if you are doing something right,no one knows
HorusFive: "You're already with me. This is the maximum amount of being with me."
SquareDotCube: piano and candleabra
WiJohn: @glyndev The metaphorical deal with the devil bit lives in my hed
n3ther: that is solid
Kirkygirl: I love that representation of the immortal being there.
Kirkygirl: "It requires just a light touch."
Orxolon: @Kirkygirl love it
Manae: "I was God once." "I saw. It was going well, until everybody died"
Ferisar: control 2 is confirmed
Ferisar: so ye
Kentosaurus: control is very fun
snowyowlly: control's such a banger
ThorSokar: yea, Control 2 is confirmed
Kirkygirl: Well yeah Control 2 is coming out next year sometime iirc?
NimrodXIV: uhhhh
Kramburger: God, that organ boss in returnal is so cool
Makrosian_Tay: ADAM NO
NotCainNorAbel: penetration
ButButTheJesus: what now
ThorSokar: Control is a fantastic game, Adam's not bullshitting for once
NightValien28: adam please
Thefluffiestguineapig: Control is very good
Kramburger: ADAM
Kirkygirl facepalms
7gorobei: they partnered with a company to make a alanwake/control universe tv show
Camthelion: adam yes!
saucemaster5000: stove down porch up that the we cabins fu-
tehfewl: lol
ButButTheJesus: lol
ProcyonFlynn: nah ... sos though
ItsThugDimmadome: horny = funny in my book
paulthemapguy: "please clap"
NotCainNorAbel: I was saying Adam yes
DragaFireHawk: Omg I screamed
tr3ewitch88: 👻
CanvasWolfDoll: best i can do is adam maybe
WitchyTQ: the only humour i know is horny humour so
tehfewl: adam yes and
Pteraspidomorphi: But was it moving
TheWriterAleph: LUL
definenull: gotem
nicolebarbaraann: Well well we'll
ItsThugDimmadome: Adam yaaaaaaaaaaaaaas
neisan2112: Holy fuck
Makrosian_Tay: WHY do you always LOOK BACK?
Kirkygirl: I was gonna say, I saw the mouth move on the guy!!!\
betweenmyself: Adam… Perhaps? riffThink
neisan2112: That did get me
SquareDotCube: we'll compromise and bring back to the :)
NorthstarTex: seems fine
TherapyforNarwhals: New record everyone! Good job
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also didn't Paul do a PIF of Control? Will he want to do Control 2?
Camthelion: Ben Mayhaps
CommiePuddin: Wait, is this a game about making a Mr. Beast video?
nicolebarbaraann: Adam shwasty
itira: Adam..
tr3ewitch88: Now you jinxed it
Kirkygirl: Time to Celebrate
itira: LUL
saucemaster5000: two bottles of prosecco now
mrjujubeans: Adam “Sava the Last Dan” 🎉
TristalMTG: that fire's moving
Thefluffiestguineapig: The boys are now more than tipsy LUL
kumatsu: she stole his apple
FarleyF: I would love for Paul to play creeper World Series again
SnackPak_: lrrXmasbart pizza
TheWriterAleph: smol zza
electra310: This is just the economy cabin, 100 dollars less for no chair
vegantroll: Why he angry with pizza?
The_Timo: He got the Mcdonalds pizza from the 90s
ButterBall000: homemade pizza
NorthstarTex: Pizza!? Def haunted.
ButButTheJesus: "how can you sit there and eat pizza?"
nicolebarbaraann: Uncrushablea
gundamschwing: Kathryn Hahn and Jason Statham make a hot couple
johnnylongtorso: the horrible truth about Mr. Beast Feastables
TristalMTG: How did she get behind the stairs
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: I saw that movie recently what WHAT was the tone it was going for
BrowneePointz: they're dece. especially a lil frozen
niccus: it's distressingly mediocre
itira: peanut butter and honey
feet2big: Backstory episode cabin
Kirkygirl: what about peanut butter and banana ben?
margieargie: I mean, they're PB&J, so if you like it you like it and if you don't you don't
Kramburger: The goons in the production line are messing with you
SquareDotCube: they're not bad, there's four flavors
DandyGeek: there’s a nutella uncrustable, too
electra310: Uncrustables are literally better than nothing. That is all I can say about them
kumatsu: when I got into esports our studio RAN on uncrustables
empyreon: I've done the most American thing and deep fried one KKona
tr3ewitch88: So this cabinet is just Fed up but safe.
Orxolon: they don't sell it here,but,how's feastables?are they good?
NimrodXIV: Uncrustables are great for quick food when travelling
Makrosian_Tay: Oh no, the mustache is coming from within the house!!
ProcyonFlynn: Curry Peanut Butter and Strawberry Marmalade - it's surprisingly good.
TherapyforNarwhals: Let's fucking goooooo
paulthemapguy: They are are mad at the daughter for not eating her food lol
SquareDotCube: "You dare come into our cabin during dinner?"
hieroglyphica: I love PBJs but no judgement, more for me
fishboi_samurai: I’m leaving after that atrocious statement about PB & J
Juliamon: They're fine but I don't understand why grape is the primary jam, why is strawberry so hard to find
ButButTheJesus: gettin close
Mollylele: i brought Uncrustables to Desert Bus one year and they scarfed em in single bites FallCry
fishboi_samurai: have a good new year all
kumatsu: ok bye
Kirkygirl: ProcyonFlynn wait, did you say curry peanut butter?
fishboi_samurai: bye bye
Makrosian_Tay: Boss fights and streams, the worst places to find ads
Camthelion: @Juliamon or blackberry plz
gamercat88: yay
hieroglyphica: I love PBJs so much that I got a jam advent calendar
NotCainNorAbel: Grape jam is junk; it is so sweet for no reason.
varmintx0: is this reverse psychology? Do they actually want us to leave?
electra310: @Juliamon Grape jelly is much cheaper
tod_vom_himmel: dont tell ben i left
ThorSokar: HahaLean Totally not firing us
Kramburger: Peanut butter and jam union break
ButButTheJesus: shhh
gamercat88: meowdy :3
SnackPak_: o7
Kentosaurus: nothing going on here. just an ad break.
kumatsu: how can they run, they're already gone
Saintnex: o7
definenull: o7
FarleyF: say hi to heather then
Makrosian_Tay: I've been sick since literally Christmas, but I'm getting better :)
ButButTheJesus: Jason!
WitchyTQ: whats your resolution boys?
NotCainNorAbel: Subs like feeling lower
Kramburger: Don't clip this
couchboyj: JASON
Mollylele: seabatUseless seabatUseless seabatUseless
TheAwkes: Got to sneak in a 3rd bottle of prosecco during the break.
Mai_Andra: If you leave, the little girl will find you and follow you around with 3 hours of unskippable ads.
thundercat2000 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 59 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, thundercat2000! (Today's storm count: 86)
mrjujubeans: I don’t know Margo!
lamina5432: I heard some banging upstairs and thought it was my dog turned out it was thunder
ProcyonFlynn: @Kirkygirl Yes. If you can't find it in the store, a savory forward spice mix can make a good approximation
Camthelion: Seal doesnt exist?
tod_vom_himmel: ben lost the first to piss
ButterBall000: mic 5?
BrowneePointz: Yea he does. He sang Kiss from a Rose
GasCityGaming: you're science....
itira: its real
SnackPak_: yes Adam?
kumatsu: we're here to help
paulthemapguy: I was honestly surprised neither of them made a dash for the bathroom yet
duallain: it's real for sure
ButButTheJesus: elp?
mrjujubeans: you good
Xiff_: Ben is a fool to not respect the seal
ThorSokar: are your legs all fuzzy ?
Kirkygirl: ProcyonFlynn sorry- just surprised such a concoction existed!
tod_vom_himmel: the goat
Mollylele: the show isn't LET'S PISS
FarleyF: copyright Heathers Gig
thundercat2000: News years Stream folks
Camthelion: 1sttopiss Winner: Adam
PhuzNutz: Adam's gaming now!
MacbethSeemsSus: Break the seal, your body's trying to get rid of the poison
NotCainNorAbel: Assuming you didn't piss yourself
saucemaster5000: first to piss, first to bris
Saintnex: go to bed Adam, you’re drunk Kappa
ButButTheJesus: @Mollylele sometimes nope can cause piss
gamercat88: lmao @saucemaster5000
mrjujubeans: favorite 2024 moment??
ThorSokar: Last time I had alcohol that wasn't in food was college
Earthenone: yeah adam dosent drink unles he can monetize ir
Makrosian_Tay: A bit
gamercat88: no
CanvasWolfDoll: yes
GreyThey: Yes
NotCainNorAbel: nah,
TristalMTG: Adam while Ben is gone I just want you to know you're my favorite
SnackPak_: um...
Misslinnythebaker: No
Ferisar: the self-pisser has logged on
ButButTheJesus: nah
saucemaster5000: I'd applaud you for beating ben in first to piss
7gorobei: no
Forlorgen: not at all
Saintnex: depends, was it funny?
electric_claire: I would be worried for you
adept_nekomancer: You might win first to piss that way
NotCainNorAbel: things happen and choices are made
paulthemapguy: Pissing yourself for *content8
niccus: a bit but you still have my full support
ArdCollider: uncomfortably close to the "if your toilet could talk" bit
PMAvers: You would be a real trooper for doing the whole rest of the stream with wet pants.
Camthelion: chat or do you think more of adam?
ThorSokar: faolkoXmasNotes Adam is Team Piss Jugs
Inquisitor_Xian: if you were able to hide sitting in a puddle of piss for a whole stream i'd think MORE of you
birbtribul: i would respect you more
dravman: how much piss are we talking about?
betweenmyself: We need a science roundtable of Bill Nye, Niel deGrasse Tyson and Randall Munroe. Topic: Does “the Seal” exist, and can it be broken?
JJ_Mickey: Are we talking fear piss or Adam's territory piss?
TheAwkes: White Spot tonight because we got a couple gift cards for Christmas, and let me tell you, everything in the order is a consistent 6/10. Like nothing is technically wrong with it, but I wouldn't want to go out of my way to have any of it again.
Kramburger: We can't think less of you
fishboi_samurai: I’d think more of you
SnackPak_: so a lot
itira: My question is why didnt you go to the bathroom
WitchyTQ: dont talk about piss without charging adam cmon
FarleyF: your waking through the woods and you see a man’s romance in a jar - do you relieve yourself
paulthemapguy: lmao is twitch chat asking Adam to give his piss volume in mL
Pteraspidomorphi: :D
Mollylele: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Watch + Play (Graham and Alex are prepared... are you? It's Garbage Day!) at Wed 01:00 PM PST (18:16 from now).
KV1NN4: the enxt Beverage Ben brings in shoudl be a glass of water X3
Kirkygirl: TheAwkes good to know. I was thinking about going there soon, sounds like I need to just make my own food then.
duallain: got 'em
mrjujubeans: gotta change the chairs then
ButButTheJesus: yeesh
Mollylele: so Graham would have to sit in yer piss
WitchyTQ: @itira h istinky
GasCityGaming: my man's not wrong
tr3ewitch88: Chats getting a little weird NGL😅🤣🤣🤣
Kramburger: Some people pee a little when they sneeze
itira: @WitchyTQ tqsWiggle
WitchyTQ: youre welcome!
FarleyF: oy mad maxers in chat unite
SnackPak_: wow rude
Serpens77: waiut, what, the cabins are haunted?!
WitchyTQ: hell yeah
neisan2112: Absolutely
GasCityGaming: My own or someone else's?
ButterBall000: def
GrassVortex: a shot? Hell yeah, I can use the money
Makrosian_Tay: If it's confirmed safe
nevermore913: Absolutely
WitchyTQ: and i'd record it too for later cash
ButButTheJesus: hrm
itira: eeew
Pteraspidomorphi: :D
janky_as_heck: so it's a piss-tery
itira: nooooo
GasCityGaming: @WitchyTQ big brain
saucemaster5000: fuck I'd do it for a bacon mcdouble
TristalMTG: I only have to pay $1000? Deal
onetrueseth: Dewormers, please.
Earthenone: i think drinking piss is easier when you dont know whos it is
TheDevil_Risen: who took ketamine?
ThorSokar: There is 0% chance that piss is safe
PMAvers: So Adam would owe Ben double for the deception?
ButterBall000: That piss aint on the chart anymore
Ferisar: did someone say mountain dew
ZombieHendrix: I got Baja blasted by Joe rogan
Kramburger: 100% Rogan doesn't drink enough water
ButButTheJesus: frogfren?
paulthemapguy: Joe Rogan sells supplements on his show that turn your piss into Baja Blast, true facts
The_Timo: It probably has that oil slick like rainbow film on it too
Ferisar: no
Ferisar: i want mountain dew
itira: more like mountain poo amirite
janky_as_heck subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 43 months, currently on a 43 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, janky_as_heck! (Today's storm count: 87)
nevermore913: But it would definitely take more to eat poop
NimrodXIV: One more!
ButButTheJesus: uno mas!
TristalMTG: 50/50 hit the button now
kumatsu: just slam it
NotCainNorAbel: do it
mrjujubeans: True Cabin Pressure
mulligan2six: No scope safe
Pteraspidomorphi: This company wastes a lot of materials for each good cabin
paulthemapguy: Ben
vegantroll: Did TSM wonnered?
Makrosian_Tay: NOOOOOO
SymphonySolstice: no,
electra310: Noooooo
hedonistic_mushroom: Do it
PMAvers: I feel like eight would probably be haunted for plot reasons?
mrjujubeans: 🤦‍♂️
varmintx0: coward
feet2big: Do the story cabins
Seth_Erickson subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 71 months!
Seth_Erickson: oh hey I saw this game played and it's quite a good one
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Seth_Erickson! (Today's storm count: 88)
Mai_Andra: if you go in there and die...
paulthemapguy: This might be a grand finale of sorts idk
hedonistic_mushroom: Windmill slam haunted
dm818: Something is ticking
electra310: Do we even know if the game ends after 8?
nevermore913: Perfectly safe
Lockraemono: he def moved
TheDevil_Risen: GG
definenull: o//
NorthstarTex: Freedom!
DreadQueen_Persephone: Mostly just saying this in a vain attempt to swerve away from the piss conversation, but re: 'how has your year been?' from earlier in the stream, I was going to say 6/10 like Ben but then remembered I started hrt this year so actually pretty solid
Serpens77: 8!
ButButTheJesus: WINNAR!
JuneBlue58: It's just a little poltergeist.
TheWriterAleph: lrrHORN
Amentur: sammytYAY PrideBalloons sammytYAY
Earthenone: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
CaptainSpam: lrrHORN
Serpens77: are the balloons also haunted?
margieargie: Congats!
electra310: Door opened, we get lunch!
TheDevil_Risen: sergeModLove lrrAWESOME lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Kentosaurus: balloons are moving: haunted
kumatsu: oh shit, the balloons are moving
mrjujubeans: whole factory is haunted
Seth_Erickson: That was a good day of work time to clock out
Lockraemono: short shift
circusofkirkus: just like real life, no raises for a good job, just a pizza party
Sogheim: you won already?! it hasn't even been two hours!
paulthemapguy: now the game is Portal
margieargie: I hope there's cake
johnnylongtorso: congratulations, for surviving the horrible supernatural forces, management is throwing you a pizza party
definenull: art?
GrassVortex: work day over
silenceaux: End of the work day!
kumatsu: go home to your haunted cabin
Lockraemono: oh
Pteraspidomorphi: I was waiting for the reveal that we live in one of the cabins
GrassVortex: DinoDance
SnackPak_: art!
TheWriterAleph: hell yeah
TheDevil_Risen: HAHAHA
Serpens77: Dance Party Ending!!
neisan2112: LMAO
saucemaster5000: booooooooooo
Earthenone: perfect
ButButTheJesus: OMG
Saintnex: uuuuh
NorthstarTex: amazing
MWGNZ: DinoDance seabatDance jamieDance seabatDance DinoDance
TheDevil_Risen: HELL YEAH
phoenixletmeuseadashd: what
ghizmou: seabatApp
electra310: LMAO
NightValien28: perfect
shendaras: seabatClap seabatDance seabatClap
kynelwynn: This rules
adept_nekomancer: Haunted
Morrigan9: da fuk
Amentur: clover204Clap
TheDevil_Risen: lmao
kumatsu: 5 out of 7 ending
Sir_Mimkana: Good game
empyreon: riffGasp
ThorSokar: 11/10 ZERO NOTES
Makrosian_Tay: seabatClap
TheWriterAleph: coxJam
itira: seabatDance seabatDance
betweenmyself: riffIce riffIce riffIce riffIce
ladyjojo1987: this is the best thing of 2024
NorthstarTex: game good
definenull: ok every game should end like that
ButButTheJesus: ♪ I WANT TO GET AWAY ♪
7gorobei: DinoDance DinoDance TwitchConHYPE DinoDance DinoDance SplashTail
NimrodXIV: it's not over
GrassVortex: not over...
mrjujubeans: fly away with the cabin pressure
gundamschwing: Game of the year
Seth_Erickson: that is not it
Lockraemono: haunted apartment
paulthemapguy: Diet Lenny Kravitz
SnackPak_: and the reason is youuuuu
trebuchetboy: go again gamers
TristalMTG: I'm not a perfect perrrrrrrrson
bsudo: did exit 8 start this genre?
fishboi_samurai: excuse me?!?!?!?
CanvasWolfDoll: who followed you home?
GasCityGaming: and it was all yellow too!
kumatsu: is this the room from Silent Hill 4?
dm818: Are these ending credits or opening credits?
itira: or .. the other one... that sounds like this
Pteraspidomorphi: Tiny pizza?
ButButTheJesus: ♪ HWERE ARE YAOU? ♪
itsaysTRUENO: im gonna take a wild guess and say your home is an illusion
viloke_virran: You need to inspect your own home to see if it's also haunted.
TheDevil_Risen: GO BEN GO!
TheDevil_Risen: unarmeGameplay jlrrDance3 unarmeGameplay
Makrosian_Tay: DinoDance
Mollylele: song of the summer
TheDevil_Risen: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
FarleyF: please clip this
adept_nekomancer: lrrSHINE DinoDance lrrSHINE
silenceaux: KPOPheart KPOPheart KPOPheart KPOPheart
itira: LUL
hedonistic_mushroom: Banger
nevermore913: Song of 2024
onetrueseth: 100% saw Ben open for Sugar Ray in 1997
kumatsu: seabatClap
ButButTheJesus: katesShake katesShake katesShake
Tangsm: ApplauseBreak
ButterBall000: this is turning into a Bloodhound Gang song
definenull: part 2
TheWriterAleph: DUNDUNNNN
patrick_stonecrusher: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Saintnex: welp
TheWriterAleph: LUL
SnackPak_: lol
NorthstarTex: nope
kynelwynn: nice twist
NimrodXIV: Nope.
definenull: LUL
CaptainSpam: Eff you cabin
NorthstarTex: XD
shendaras: seabatClap
Camthelion: ahahah
kumatsu: work followed you home
margieargie: tqsLOL
Tangsm: The cabin is coming from inside the apartment
Saintnex: hahahaha
ButButTheJesus: heh
CanvasWolfDoll: right choice
WitchyTQ: that whole song fits in one clip
Camthelion: "Nope"
The_Timo: I don't think it was that deep lol
silenceaux: YES. Correct response. I love it.
j_crane330: I left for a second
Robot_Bones: its not a cabin, its a lake
Lockraemono: what
electra310: Excellent choice
Seth_Erickson: another day another dubloon
TheWriterAleph: back to work
seanmrwick: hey boys!
TherapyforNarwhals: Endings!?
CanvasWolfDoll: don't bring work home
Lockraemono: excuse you
NimrodXIV: cabins
The_Timo: 18 cabins you haven't witnessed
Mathwyn: You ain't done boys
mrjujubeans: fuuuuuuu
itira: jeesus LUL
NotCainNorAbel: Cam?
dravman: There are 18 haunted cabins you haven't seen
NightValien28: wow adam
Mollylele: a ghost!
itsaysTRUENO: lmao
definenull: WOW
SnackPak_: 8/10
ButButTheJesus: BEN
electra310: Gotta see the other 18 cabins for the story
TheMerricat: there are 41 cabins total. And you get more of the story if you achievement hunt.
paulthemapguy: exposed
seanmrwick: also....there's a Cabin factory?
CataclysmicReverb: The Path of Exile belch
Robot_Bones: uh oh Burpies
TherapyforNarwhals: Spooky as fuck
BrindleBoar: he's comin for ya
NimrodXIV: :D
paulthemapguy: leave the whole facility lol
varmintx0: fuck, I jumped
mrjujubeans: 😱
itira: omggg that made me scream
GrassVortex: super haunted
itsaysTRUENO: wow that was a good one
TherapyforNarwhals: Hated that
TheWriterAleph: baDING!
Juliamon: that was VERY good
CanvasWolfDoll: nope
TherapyforNarwhals: Thanks for the nightmares
NotCainNorAbel: @johnnylongtorso nice clip name
viloke_virran: That was great.
electra310: Good running!
seanmrwick: that was too close
Pteraspidomorphi: It made me start
PhuzNutz: fawk that noise.
itira: being chased scares the shit out of me
nevermore913: Good haunt
SymphonySolstice: Giga Haunted
silenceaux: Hey, good job not turning around a second time when you were being chased.
Lockraemono: the discord was also startled
paulthemapguy: Great job to the game devs and ALSO to Ben
Lockraemono: o def
hedonistic_mushroom: All my sphincters clenched at that
ThorSokar: oh this is new
Ferisar: yea
Nighteyesss: no wait
Juliamon: oh damn we in the Upside Down
CanvasWolfDoll: are they just going to marathon te haunts now?
BrindleBoar: who wants to know? get a warrant
seanmrwick: I'm watching here on Twitch
definenull: we in australia now?
paulthemapguy: Is this the bonus part of the game where the game shows you all the other haunted cabins for fun
TheDevil_Risen: who's camping discord?
Nighteyesss: cover blown
NotCainNorAbel gifted 3 months of Tier 1 to Ferisar. They've gifted 94 months in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Ferisar! (Today's storm count: 89)
TheDevil_Risen: and did you unlock hard mode?
electra310: Spiderman kiss
kumatsu: I'm vibing with discord muted to better hear you screaming
NorthstarTex: this must be the australian cabin
MacbethSeemsSus: Oh its an Australian cabin
Ferisar: @NotCainNorAbel aw ty
azninsect: Finally the stream is right side up
seanmrwick: where is this you're checking in discord?
seanmrwick: woooooaah ok
NotCainNorAbel: @Ferisar lrrSHINE
Nighteyesss: :)
TheDevil_Risen: Frog MVP
Nighteyesss: prog
Tangsm: FrogPonder
TristalMTG: forg
seanmrwick: if you have time from frog....you have time for dog
paulthemapguy: prog rock stands for pro-frog rock
Lockraemono: owned
Lockraemono: owned owned owned
Seth_Erickson: LUL LMAO
SnackPak_: sure bud
adept_nekomancer: That was movement. I'm on Team Ben here.
margieargie: Boooo!\
TheAwkes: That's what we call a breeze.
ProcyonFlynn: !highlight
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
Mai_Andra: pretty sure that was just the wind
NimrodXIV: wind
fishboi_samurai: Pro amphibian
saucemaster5000: take it up with the big guy ben
NotCainNorAbel: ben can't move a bed
nevermore913: Sometimes beds just move
Seth_Erickson: the fire was moving too Ben
Ferisar: liiife isn't faaair
JuneBlue58: Life *should* be fair.
Nighteyesss: ben your bed doesnt move????
Nighteyesss: whack
OmnipotentTrevor: Does that blanket not always move?
Seth_Erickson: you didn't call that out
DragaFireHawk: That's bullshit, the sign says ANY movement. The games cheating katesHrm
itira: you gettem next time bud
Ferisar: *malcolm in the middle*
ButButTheJesus: yeah wtf
Saintnex: It was moving because it was upside down Ben Kappa
Robot_Bones: Its Death Bed: The Bed that eats People!
gamercat88: "any movement" game wrong
Makrosian_Tay: I get it too, Ben. the Earth moves when you're on my bed Kappa
margieargie: I bet they faked that just to keep you from getting your bonus
GrassVortex: giving some great highlight moments extraLUL
Ferisar: are you sure you aren't moving
JuneBlue58: If they already know whether it's haunted or not, why do they need you to inspect them?
Seth_Erickson: don't look at the fire in any of these houses Ben
CaptainSpam: It would be hilarious if it was coded to always mark it as wrong if you didn't go in the cabin at all.
Abracadaver23: Too many cabins in my factory >:(
DragaFireHawk: katesEyes
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Robot_Bones I don't know if that is a real movie or if there's a blanket based one
OmnipotentTrevor: In what reference frame? Everything is technically always moving
Pteraspidomorphi: Isn't it always worth cycling cabins until you get one right answer?
Lockraemono: mogwine only
TheWriterAleph: the sprinkles are also cursed
Ferisar: this guy's face looks like he's about to do something no good to that croissant
SnackPak_: the band?
kumatsu: I need to go back and watch those movies again
ThorSokar: hell ya
NimrodXIV: Stripe scared me as a kid
bo_brinkman: @witchytq wow, I'm very grateful for that clip.
Seth_Erickson: can we see the frog again?
nevermore913: Never feed your cabin after midnight
saucemaster5000: gizmo can go back to the 80s the lil rat
TristalMTG: Ruby Heart
paulthemapguy: pikachu would f gizmo up
patrick_stonecrusher: Fan of the band Mogwai
Robot_Bones: @Thefluffiestguineapig It is a real actual movie
j_crane330: PopCorn
Abracadaver23: Rivals is fun
ButButTheJesus: the twitch drop ends today though, its too late I think
Lockraemono: start it now then
DragaFireHawk: 97
nevermore913: 97
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Robot_Bones Considering Rubber and the carnivorous jeans one I should have guessed
Ferisar: x-guys
Lockraemono: open it on ur phone omg
randomblathering: Magneto was right.
shendaras: Look up gambit
Makrosian_Tay: He's an anti-hero
Lockraemono: he's nuanced
gamercat88: gambit looks good
Thefluffiestguineapig: Gambit is fantastic and great
NotCainNorAbel: Sexy priests remind me of childhood
notthepenguins: He sort of straddles the line in '97
NorthstarTex: He's got his own creed
Nighteyesss: shrek..................
DragaFireHawk: I feel like Magneto's always been on the fence
Serpens77: Magneto has been hero, villain, anti-hero, and anti-villain
NorthstarTex: sus
randomblathering: -ish. Good guy-ish.
kumatsu: Cyclops was right, Adam
Thefluffiestguineapig: @NotCainNorAbel I was about to mention Nightcrawler but then processed the implications
ButterBall000: society keeps proving magneto right
notthepenguins: Adam you're extremely wrong but I accept you anyway
CataclysmicReverb: Might've been newnced in the 1970s now hes oldanced
Ferisar: cycraps
ProcyonFlynn: He's correct about a distressing number of points - but also has some bad "operational" standards.
ThorSokar: I think this one's a jebate
saucemaster5000: cyclops is the rum raisin ice cream of x men
NotCainNorAbel: @Thefluffiestguineapig and I went there instead. drinking out 2024 will do that.
ekplayscards: im just here for ben ben to get the ish scared out of him
ButButTheJesus: I like Cyclops but I'm partial to big lazors goin BWOOOMSHHH
ekplayscards: hey excited to see y'all again in 8 short weeks <3
CanvasWolfDoll: that's where she was during the dinner time cabin
Thefluffiestguineapig: Magneto has always been based on the negative assessment of the reactions of humanity with no regard to whether the public sees him as villain or hero
SquareDotCube: Logan's best moment is still when he ran up and just clocked Cyclops in the face
Ferisar: what about sighclops
Ferisar: trhink about it
MacbethSeemsSus: Don't betray us again bed.
saucemaster5000: trhinking
Camthelion: Superior Ben
gamercat88: back in the habit
The_Timo: Brother superior
Pteraspidomorphi: "Adam yes"
Seth_Erickson: never look at the fire Ben
ThorSokar: the bed's always moving in the wind
silenceaux: In much the same way the fire is moving, I suppose.
Kentosaurus: wind not ghosts confirmed
Loa_Ayizan: cloths hanging from the roof are also always blowing slightly
Lockraemono: it moves
margieargie: From what I've learned from stealth game guards, it's -always- just the wind
Thefluffiestguineapig: @SquareDotCube In which thing? I do love in some of the Wastelanders stuff when he proves he is real to Hawkeye by swearing up a storm about the war
betweenmyself: Wind: what am and how do? riffThink
The_Timo: the joke is the fire is always moving
Seth_Erickson: every cabin is haunted if it's any movement that fire be going
Thefluffiestguineapig: @betweenmyself According to Calvin and Hobbes it's trees sneezing LUL
fishboi_samurai: look Ben isn’t the avatar, okay?
saucemaster5000: adam is bruce willis unbreakable?
fishboi_samurai: Kappa Kappa Kappa
itira: too expensive
ekplayscards: emo nite
TristalMTG: dad rock
saucemaster5000: I'm in
Camthelion: I wanna go to a goth bar
ekplayscards: i'll take you guys out in chicago and show you a good time LUL
margieargie: I still drink drink, but that's partly because I'm in Kentucky and have access to a wide variety of interesting bourbons :p
NotCainNorAbel: I went to a show; they poured 90% alcohol and 10% soda.
nevermore913: One in universal Florida
MacbethSeemsSus: Not going to lie only tourists go to the Hard Rock in Chicago
HadesLeprechaun: I want to go to a bar and just play simple board games like Skull & Roses and Sushi Go
ButButTheJesus: I want a video game rpg bar
Robot_Bones: yup, that's a 10
saucemaster5000: if chicago was goo it'd be on an actual ocean
MacbethSeemsSus: Fine no Malort for you Adam
TristalMTG: MagicFest Chicago was pretty great because Ben signed my BenBen
margieargie: I wonder what happens if you get in front of the cabin while it's being sent in...
tehfewl: Adam would die if he drank malort
gundamschwing: I live in Chicago and I agree
NotCainNorAbel: Malort is not great
TomatoKigu: Malört.
Mnemonicman: Do not consume the Malort
gamercat88: m'lort
kumatsu: it's like Absinthe, but more bitter
tergonis: Malort is windshield wiper fluid
itira: ma' lort
Mollylele: malort is a gasoline-flavored liquor from chicago, it is proudly gross
notthepenguins: It's super super bitter
ProcyonFlynn: Absinth with all the good parts removed.
MacbethSeemsSus: It's intentionally terrible
NotCainNorAbel: Tastes like hairspray
ButterBall000: it's popular because it's awful
HadesLeprechaun: isn't it like, super black licorice-y?
The_Timo: the grossest thing you can imagine, strained through the most disgusting thing you can imagine
Robot_Bones: That or Pickle juice?
GasCityGaming: it's polarizing like black licorice
ItsThugDimmadome: The inventor made it so they could actually taste something.
paulthemapguy: Malort is like thinned out vegemite liqueur
Juliamon: Yes
ekplayscards: it was one of the only liquors not outlawed by prohibition because it was used as a local anesthetic.
duallain: prove how tough you are
SnackPak_: mostly
PhuzNutz: It's shitty absinthe
hieroglyphica: I like absinthe, and find malort gross
Forlorgen: its to get tourists
kumatsu: I kinda dug it fresh but not from the cheap little bottles people get it in
NotCainNorAbel: South Chicago is the jam
Pinwiz11: It's not good, but I'll drink it. Pumpkin Spice Malort was actually not bad.
Mollylele: my cousin insists he likes malort but that is his whole personality
saucemaster5000: absinthe is so good tho, why ruin it
ThorSokar: That's the appeal of 99 Berries
lilbeezie259: For style points
Lockraemono: m'lort
ProcyonFlynn: You can use it in cocktails, just like how nobody drinks straight grenadine
margieargie: @HadesLeprechaun As someone who loves black liquorice, you you mean that in a good or bad way? <_<
tehfewl: its like "Welcome to Chicago, Here's Malort
Juliamon: It's a local pride thing, like how New Englanders have Moxie
kynelwynn: salted licorice liquor
ThorSokar: painting, get out
paulthemapguy: Malort is not good
Forlorgen: i dont think you could be that ironic
Pinwiz11: I have a Malort ornament on my tree.
Mollylele: didn't you sip alcohol that had touched a mummufied toe? i thought that was you
kumatsu: it's a shots liquer
SnackPak_: that's better than gun nut Adam
ekplayscards: it's low proof but kills your palette
duallain: every let's nope?
HadesLeprechaun: @margieargie I have not had it, but I'd mean it in a good way cuz I also love black licorice, but many hate it which might be why many hate malort
Juliamon: You did kiss the toe
kumatsu: when it isn't Tuesday they stick Ben in the closet
Lockraemono: ??
fishboi_samurai: Milort, Mi’ lord
PhuzNutz: Can barely find it outside ChicagoLand
NotCainNorAbel: I'd rather have the toe shot verse malort
hieroglyphica: Yeah unless you drink it often, either absinthe or malort will ruin your palette for a time
Mollylele: malort is worse than that for sure
Anubis169: Flappy New Year both <3
Seth_Erickson: is the painting head moving to follow us?
TheDevil_Risen: that's kinda wrong imo
CanvasWolfDoll: even if you're hungry?
Seth_Erickson: I thought I might be losing it
ItsThugDimmadome: If you swallow it, the fine's like, what, $2500?
DarknessKingCoH: Malort is 35% alcohol
ButButTheJesus: haven't heard that in a while
Juliamon: The toes are donated willingly
Robot_Bones: What's in the Middle? The white stuff
NotCainNorAbel: clipping this
Mai_Andra: ♪ oh-oh oh-AAAHHHHH!!! ♪
ThorSokar: I was hoping she was going to come out of the painting while your back was to her
electra310: Yell at that cloud
Forlorgen: lay it on us
Earthenone: i genually think it is the kids that are wrong
HadesLeprechaun: are you sure that painting isn't just a lenticular?
fishboi_samurai: Can’t swallow it?!?!? Watch me!!!! Kappa Kappa Kappa
lilbeezie259: Would you call yourself a musician?
Cptasparagus: have you heard mumble rap? music is bad now
Lockraemono: incorrect
SnackPak_: the biggest old man take
thundercat2000: Went out for snacks, I miss anything?
Orestes290: Cause we're old
Seth_Erickson: Nah music is still goated you just gotta find it
Morrigan9: becoming old man ulmer
The_Timo: It's the slow discovery that nothing is new.
saucemaster5000: music hasn't been good since beethoven's 5th
NotCainNorAbel: Music has a system, getting out of the system is hard
TristalMTG: Millencolin stops existing when you turn 23
electra310: Oh yeah, your ability to generate happy brain chemicals at hearing new music decreases as you age
itira: i dont agree. you arnt looking hard enough
margieargie: Huh, as someone in my mid-late 30s, I've only gotten more excited by music over the past few years
kumatsu: sending Adam back in time to attend the 3OH!3 tours my brother worked
Lockraemono: but plenty is still good
Seth_Erickson: I get that for sure
JuneBlue58: The older you get, the less novelty there is out there.
KeytarCat: The longer you live, the more you've seen, the less new any given thing is
NotCainNorAbel: braven10HEX braven10PRISM braven10KNOT braven10TRI braven10EYE
NimrodXIV: you just have to find what you like
lamina5432: anime music was eating good this year look up Ado
paulthemapguy: Streaming platforms make finding new good music almost impossible
Seth_Erickson: :)
NimrodXIV: I was waiting for that one! :D
tehfewl: same
Ferisar: music hasn't been good since sliced bread
ButButTheJesus: katesSmile
jellybean57: phrasing, ben
mrjujubeans: you gotta watch Kathleen’s stream!! lrrSHINE
varmintx0: phrasing
TherapyforNarwhals: That's why I only listen to tally hall
SymphonySolstice: there's always the corporate slop but there's still good stuff, it's just being made harder to find it through all the slop
SnackPak_: I'll buy that
nevermore913: Music peaked in the 90s
NotCainNorAbel: Which is why I farm it out to others
SymphonySolstice: yea exactly
Mai_Andra: I've actually been listening to the current pop "hits" radio recently, and I even like about a third of it.
hieroglyphica: I dunno, my brain locks onto a song or album and turns the good stuff faucet on until about a month later when it abruptly stops, so I'm pretty sure I'm not a barometer of musical attachment
Makrosian_Tay: Look up Ado. She just did guest vocals for imagine Dragons. She's amazing'
kumatsu: I tried to find some 14 music recently and I got AI generated slop that was named the same thing, got so mad
glyndev: @saucemaster5000 Unbelievable erasure of 6, 7, and 9
electra310: Everybody in the world thinks that music peaked when they personally were in high school.
Veshnikard: music algorithms are bad
GreyThey: Music tastes tend to solidify when you're younger. What's popular/common changes over time, so new popular stuff usually tends to seem worse as you age.
KeytarCat: Ah yes, the Spotify Muzak fiasco
KakuEpsilon: Have you two ever played Snatcher? That soundtrack is awesome
itira: iv definitely found new things from Kathleens stream and it sends me down another rabbit hole
Seth_Erickson: The listener suggestions is usually where I find my song types from Kathleen's stream.
tehfewl: old hiphop is goated
HadesLeprechaun: I only find new music through video games, Tales from the Borderlands had some banger intro songs for each chapter
Pinwiz11: You also need to seek out places where the music comes to you instead of relying on the streaming system. I see tons of amazing stuff each year but it's niche
NotCainNorAbel: I'd say that hip-hop right now is pretty good
Mai_Andra: not "run of the mill" more "run of the jewels"
ItsThugDimmadome: Adam screaming MUSTAAAAAAAAAAAAARD in the shower LUL
CanvasWolfDoll: have we learned why the boy's head is always covered?
electra310: Back under the blanket with you, scary child
TristalMTG: I collect rectangles
Lockraemono: you're getting to 18 not 8
saucemaster5000: I save all my music taste for video game taste instead
Ferisar: that dude's face
kumatsu: I want one to be the hot dog bun spinning in place
Ferisar: he's gonna fuck up that croissant
definenull: brebd
Lockraemono: it's a croissant
TomatoKigu: Kipfel.
Nighteyesss: banana
hieroglyphica: It's a banana
kumatsu: it's a poorly made croissant
Ferisar: it's definitely not a banana
Seth_Erickson: I would say taking some time to watch the stuff upstairs may save you.
Tangsm: I still say it's a pilsbury crescent roll
ThorSokar: one of these times you're gonna be watching the mug, and a little kid is gonna giggle
Loa_Ayizan: The mug moved all over the table it wasn't subtle, just got missed
GasCityGaming: bent-guette
NotCainNorAbel: not
margieargie: I vote for croissant
ItsThugDimmadome: It's a Croysint
itira: its a really shitty croissant
Mai_Andra: and then you just die because you should've been watching the mirror...
neisan2112: Then what the hell is it?
kimmiekoneko: it's a viennese kipferl
SnackPak_: crescent roll
Kentosaurus: curved bread =/= croissant
electra310: It's a very large pig in a blanket
brainbosh: bananaguette
DandyGeek: worst croissant in paris
Lockraemono: owned
Juliamon: It wasn't that the mug 'shuffled a bit,' it straight up left. I didn't even know it moved because I was asking myself "why doesn't he have a mug?"
paulthemapguy: It's a croyzant because it's made poorly
Saintnex: Oh god
ButButTheJesus: wtf game
CaptainSpam: Only 12 left, though.
NotCainNorAbel: Seems liek that was haunted
ThorSokar: ho, wow
TheAwkes: It's like the put a straight baguette texture on a small curved loaf.
TomatoKigu: Clearly neither croissant nor banana, but an Austrian Kipfel.
Seth_Erickson: gotta be fast you can run through them without perishing I think
fishboi_samurai: that’s half a bagel
fishboi_samurai: Kappa Kappa
mrjujubeans: like what was I meant to do!
feet2big: CUP!
Lockraemono: not it isn'y cut
SymphonySolstice: we have Mug
Phailhammer: uh
kumatsu: hey look, the mug
hieroglyphica: Mug is moving!
Juliamon: awful lookin bagel
swaggytaco: false
TherapyforNarwhals: THE MUG
viloke_virran: No, it's not cut properly.
electra310: Bye mug
Juliamon: Ben, the mug
Mai_Andra: Ben~
7gorobei: mug
betweenmyself: What the world needs is more feature length films starring up and coming recording artists well before they’ve demonstrated they have any staying power (eg. Cool as Ice riffIce )
Seth_Erickson: it's definitely bread, but that's also like not a croissant
viloke_virran: Also the mug, yeah.
paulthemapguy: LOOK
Lockraemono: it's one of the shitty pillsbury croissants
TristalMTG: My kaiser bun is curved
ThorSokar: could just be bread they made in a cast iron pan
electra310: It's very funny that the mug is actually going this time
MacbethSeemsSus: Got ripped off by that bagel hole.
electric_claire: It's a crescent roll
margieargie: THERE's the mug
NorthstarTex: coffee's haunted
niccus: can the mug kill you?
Seth_Erickson: look at the mug go, it's been working hard to move like that
Mathwyn: Duel of the fates starts playing
fishboi_samurai: huh?
electra310: The mug migrates south for the winter
saucemaster5000: it's a 10 minute timeout bread
brainbosh: Crescent is a brand of roll tho
margieargie: 100% this game!
fishboi_samurai: I wish my enamel mug moved like that
fishboi_samurai: Kappa Kappa Kappa
Juliamon: hang in there, baby
ThorSokar: she burned that house down for a REASON
1 raiders from ThisistheMasterM have joined!
KV1NN4: If this is inspired by Hansel & Gretel in any way, maybe it's Kipferl (german curved bread, i think existed before the croissant)
Juliamon: Welcome raiders!
electric_claire: After Adam threatened to ban me my chat legitimately crashed.
Serpens77: can you stand on the conveyor and get smashed by the cabin?
The_Timo: I keep wanting that pole to smack you and end in a halflife death
Robot_Bones: can't believe you condemned your pal Mug Man like that
paulthemapguy: I knew it lol
Seth_Erickson: gotta watch the stuff upstairs longer I think Ben
ThisistheMasterM subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months!
ThisistheMasterM: House on trains
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ThisistheMasterM! (Today's storm count: 90)
hieroglyphica: Well stop being so good at it then Adam!
FarleyF: give your balls a tug
gamercat88: bombastic side eye
NotCainNorAbel: BEN!
tehfewl: fight on sight]\
GasCityGaming: Doug Gilmour?
Robot_Bones: I'm seein' double! 4 Adams!
Mai_Andra: he said "best", he didn't say "good".
itira: tqsSmug
Kentosaurus: Doug
mulligan2six: Doug Gilmore
GasCityGaming: Curtis Joseph
silenceaux: picture is fucky btw
saucemaster5000: adam's naming leafs but all I hear is "blah blah blah my team is dogshit"
Camthelion: Goug Dilmore
TristalMTG: are there any living Leafs captains with rings
Havok4 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 132 months, currently on a 132 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Havok4! (Today's storm count: 91)
itira: wehwehwehwe
tehfewl: iCup new from apple
GasCityGaming: whatcha eatin under there?
Lockraemono: ???
TheWriterAleph: new house wat dis
NotCainNorAbel: no
itira: tqsShy
Seth_Erickson: uh oh
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: abolish the piss trough
hieroglyphica: Everytime I go to print a new badge at work I find a bunch of I.P. Freely badges in different fonts in the prior badges printed list
saucemaster5000: I just wanna watch someone satisfied
NimrodXIV: Mom's gone
tehfewl: As someone who has administered drug testing, Yes, i have watched people piss
hieroglyphica: So like, they're printing new ones on at least a weekly basis
Mai_Andra: Was she out there when we came in?
fishboi_samurai: I was unconvinced by Adam’s answer
fishboi_samurai: Kappa Kappa Kappa
Lockraemono: severe
margieargie: Hey, you free this weekend?
FarleyF: didn’t mean to make you cry if I’m not back again this time tomorrow
OmnipotentTrevor: I'd hit it
esherone: morrowind npc lookin ass
johnnylongtorso: whee!
kumatsu: imagine if she ragdolled off the porch
MacbethSeemsSus: Skyblivion is coming out in 2025
TherapyforNarwhals: There's a mod
ProcyonFlynn: Fan Project
tod_vom_himmel: what
SymphonySolstice: cmon tod,
margieargie: I haven't heard anything, but I'm sure there's a new version of Skyrim
TherapyforNarwhals: To remake oblivion in a current engine
ToadAM: drawfeToddchamp
Seth_Erickson: Todd we're begging you
saucemaster5000: @tod_vom_himmel you know what you did
Loa_Ayizan: I bet they only want to use the haunted ones in amusement parks
gamercat88: pole dancing with yourself
Amentur: Only a huge overhaul mod. Nothing by Bethesda afaik
Kramburger: Remember when cyberpunk was announced the same time as skyrim
NorthstarTex: Aussie cabin
duallain: ur a bad video game
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: I've been an Oblivion detractor since day 1
brainbosh: I still have no idea what Adam is basing this on
margieargie: Morrowind's the second-worst mainline Elder Scrolls game, but that's just because all the mainline ones other than Arena are great <_<
JuneBlue58: Skyrim is almost 14 years old.
Seth_Erickson: I remember that
kumatsu: there was the Jar Question game
Seth_Erickson: it might be on the discord?
Kentosaurus: i was waiting for a pacman punchline
FarleyF: that is indeed awesome
JuneBlue58: They just keep re-releasing it every couple of years so it seems newer than it is.
MacbethSeemsSus: No
NorthstarTex: No?
ButterBall000: ES6
paulthemapguy: Cyberpunk was supposed to come out like 257 years ago
Ferisar: cyberbunk
Morrigan9: phantom liberty is a great improvement
itira: 19 dickity two
Khalahd: Pretty easily the best open world game for me after Phantom Liberty came out
Lockraemono: oh boy
ButButTheJesus: I remember Cyberpunk being part of the PS4 announced games, before PS4 was released
Mai_Andra: I bounced off skyrim almost immediately. I would play oblivion again...
Ferisar: cyberjunk
margieargie: Morrowind came out in 3E 427, feel old yet?
itira: LUL
NorthstarTex: calling it, haunted.
paulthemapguy: lmao
TheWriterAleph: Hoop-and-Stick GOTY 1773
ButButTheJesus: I think
Kramburger: Sorry, cyberpunk was announced the year after skyrim came out, my bad
HadesLeprechaun: I maintain that Todd only mentioned ES6 at all that one time to be like "stop asking about it, we haven't forgotten about it, we're just doing other things first", not as a "get hyped!" thing
Seth_Erickson: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
Lockraemono: smile :)
ButterBall000: the cyberpunk American revolution
saucemaster5000: say cheese
itira: oh
neisan2112: Ah Aphex Twin
NimrodXIV: happy family
Seth_Erickson: they're not moving man
margieargie: :D
tergonis: adam with the immaculate math
Mai_Andra: I don't think you need to go back in time to see how fucking works...
Makrosian_Tay: Aphex Twin??
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: gmod up in here
SymphonySolstice: they did have automatons in the 1700s
Tangsm: It's a very happy family
ButButTheJesus: look how happy they am!
johnnylongtorso: cheese!
Seth_Erickson: that's just a happy family
Mathwyn: Resting GMOD face
Serpens77: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
SnackPak_: on new Aphex Twin album
Lockraemono: the dad's smile is not as big
MacbethSeemsSus: They're not moving.....yet
viloke_virran: Big happy family.
Juliamon: He's trying
varmintx0: Chris Cunningham music video.
Juliamon: leave him alone
tehfewl: Tag Yourself, im the daughter
Robot_Bones: No you're just smart for free
TheWriterAleph: garry's mod lookin ass
Mai_Andra: ♫ If the world was ending ♪ I wanna be next to you~ ♫
Lockraemono: clear, def
Tangsm: They should have had the frog smiling
Robot_Bones: Nah some other robot, sadly never been to a pax
johnnylongtorso: @TheWriterAleph Skibidi Cabin
tehfewl: RIP PAX south
neisan2112: I'm so sad its gone, it was the only PAX I'd possibly be able to go to.
Juliamon: well... it's Texas
saucemaster5000: good thing ben shot first
SymphonySolstice: mattlrWoof
SnackPak_: texas baby
NotCainNorAbel: but you avoided it
ExitPursuedByABear: I was just about to joke about seeing y'all at Pax South (you will be missed, Pax South)
shendaras: good things and bad things
itira: tqsSweat
Camthelion: hbow many shootings are you almost committing?
paulthemapguy: that sure is Texas
duallain: what are you doing on visits to the states?
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: good dodge gamer
Bionull: Ben almost had to shoot that person
GasCityGaming: was that the one with the wrestling?
ButButTheJesus: game pls
saucemaster5000: game harder
NimrodXIV: iirc it has a path and you can avoid it
kumatsu: there were 3 meeples patrolling in the mini again
HadesLeprechaun: I think the miniature is showing you where a monster is walking around so you can find the pattern and avoid?
Mai_Andra: See in Florida, we just had house fires caused by meth labs blowing up. Not nearly so many shootings.
CanvasWolfDoll: think dad was watching
ThorSokar: dad looked at you
KV1NN4: i think the dad was watching you
ToadAM: lol
gamercat88: lol
SnackPak_: gottem
NimrodXIV: lol
margieargie: "THis is the fake one"
saucemaster5000: alright that got me fuck
empyreon: LUL
silenceaux: No longer fake
MacbethSeemsSus: Did he throw a brick at you?
ButButTheJesus: katesGigl
NovahTalAura: What ho! Ready for EoY Chaos!
paulthemapguy: It's a fake FAKE one!
paulthemapguy: 2 levels of irony
saucemaster5000: DAMN it I never jump at this stream! I FUCKING LOST 2024!
itira: *My OpInIoNs*
Tangsm: Telekinetic frog
SnackPak_: o7
kumatsu: o7
itira: o7
CaptainSpam: o7
NimrodXIV: o7
empyreon: o7
Saintnex: o7
silenceaux: Wow it's really going
Mathwyn: o7
Robot_Bones: None of that Heresy in this Chat Brother
Nighteyesss: o7
shendaras: benginO7
electra310: o7
PhuzNutz: o7
Mai_Andra: much like Peekfrenes, Ben is a very serious cookie.
TheWriterAleph: Gostromo
ButButTheJesus: kates7
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: wasn't that the spaceship from Alien?
FarleyF: o7
margieargie: *Blue Danube Waltz plays*
NovahTalAura: o7
paulthemapguy: Alternately you can sing ghost remote to baby shark
itira: it has now lost meaning
Phailhammer: benginO7
kumatsu: Slide to the left
Loa_Ayizan: okay but that remote wouldn't work on that TV
SnackPak_: 2 step yall
ThorSokar: extra spooky because TVs like that didn't have remotes
Robot_Bones: it must return to its home planet
Bionull: I think ghosts are specifically unblessed
saucemaster5000: american ghosts saved gondor from the german orcs
ButButTheJesus: @saucemaster5000 huh
NotCainNorAbel: I do love a light weight
Trahas: GROW UP
MacbethSeemsSus: Do it
circusofkirkus: the guy was wrong
Trahas: Is he actually wrong?
hieroglyphica: Me too! I have a weirdly high tolerance for everything, no matter if I've had it or not, so lightweights are like unicorns to me. They have a good mutation and should be cherished
paulthemapguy: we're older than 30, we aint got time to take 6 drinks to get drunk
circusofkirkus: he thought Glinda and Elphaba were sisters, but they're just friends
Mai_Andra: They were roommates.
Earthenone: i thought they were toommates
Saintnex: I mean, yea? I kinda got that from it tbh :D
electra310: Elfaba, the egg substitute of witches
Kentosaurus: frenemies
HadesLeprechaun: literally just watched it tonight!
johnnylongtorso: Metal Gear Cabin
Abracadaver23: I realized I love musicals while watching that movie
CanvasWolfDoll: that meeple has a blanket on its head
paulthemapguy: take it back now yall?
nevermore913: I haven't seen the movie the Broadway show is great
wiganlass: I read the book I didn’t enjoy it so I’ve never seen the musical nor do I want to watch the@movie
electra310: The movie is great too, they made it for people who love the musical
itira: hahahahaha
swaggytaco: gotem
kumatsu: owned
BrindleBoar: F
Earthenone: got GOT
NotCainNorAbel: lol
Nigouki: holy shit
NimrodXIV: gottem
Makrosian_Tay: GOTTEM
saucemaster5000: GOT HIM
Abracadaver23: Adam that's mean
shendaras: seabatClap
electra310: @wiganlass The musical is very, very different from the book
Lockraemono: emotional rollercoaster
SnackPak_: damn Adam
Seth_Erickson: almost as scary as the game
CanvasWolfDoll: i wasn't as impressed with the music in nerdy prudes
gamercat88: gottem
Nigouki: end of the year SLAM
Tangsm: One more for 2024
hieroglyphica: That's cruel Adam
wiganlass: you fuckin tease
YawnLance: Nice one Adam
itira: Get his ass Adam
Mai_Andra: The movie/musical is much lighter than the book.
Dalrint: That was ice cold.
Abracadaver23: Adam that's so mean
saucemaster5000: oh that was goood
empyreon: GOTTEM riffYeti
wiganlass: it’s so good
ButButTheJesus: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
thatguysteve2709: Got me with the 10%
ThorSokar: Ben's not the only one who's mad you JERK
ButButTheJesus: @GasCityGaming thanks
MacbethSeemsSus: Whos there's? I'm there, I'm the one.....who's there.
Seth_Erickson: you don't watch the stuff upstairs long enough Ben
itira: fuck off Adam LUL
paulthemapguy: alright calm down Jerry
ThorSokar: it's a good joke
ButButTheJesus: jus jokin ovah heah
Abracadaver23: "you can't joke about anything anymore"- Adam Savidan 2024
itira: wdym wdym
BrindleBoar: comedy's been illegal the whole time
Saintnex: have to be comedic first Kappa
Larkonus: "Really? THAT top with THOSE pants?"
itira: LUL
ButButTheJesus: 10/10
NotCainNorAbel: that's pretty good
Fr0Dough: I really like that
Mollylele: title: wdym
Kentosaurus: would be a good crapshot
kumatsu: go after the boy pats to the top
wiganlass: @electra310 I’m sure it is but it’s still a no from me because of the book
Saintnex: Thats funny and seems like it would be potentially difficult to film lol
Lockraemono: gamer alert
NimrodXIV: FBtouchdown
swaggytaco: gaming
Makrosian_Tay: seabatClap
Larkonus: Got there!
margieargie: Victory!
NotCainNorAbel: but is is haunted
itira: cheebDabbed
shendaras: seabatClap
paulthemapguy: MLG
j_crane330: can't linger
ButButTheJesus: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
betweenmyself: “Adam, we filmed your Crapshot proposal and have run through our budget for the next seventeen years…”
kumatsu: imagine if it's the frog
saucemaster5000: the one that's left is the haunted cabin your heart
paulthemapguy: froggo kills you
Seth_Erickson: look at the frog ben
YawnLance: The frog is doing their best
NimrodXIV: frog's bigger
The_Timo: uh
ButButTheJesus: frogfren
Abracadaver23: HUHH
Amentur: HypeCocoa
gamercat88: ummm
neisan2112: Uhhhh
swaggytaco: frogs constant
Saintnex: uhhhh
Lockraemono: it's shrinking
paulthemapguy: why
empyreon: uhhhhhhh
kumatsu: I WAS JOKING
ButButTheJesus: uh
Mai_Andra: The frog is the ghosts we made along the way.
Seth_Erickson: it also grew bigger
electra310: Frog shrinking
Nigouki: 🐸
Tangsm: Wee froggie
TheWriterAleph: smol fren!
neisan2112: OH das haunted af
betweenmyself: HypeLol
Larkonus: How small will it go?
saucemaster5000: slurp the kermits
ghizmou: DON't snitch on frog !
MirrorDisco: The frog is changing!
Juliamon: Ku what the fuck
ThorSokar: the frog is shrinking!
Abracadaver23: Adam you made his frog small
j_crane330: it is the frog
Nighteyesss: froes
ButButTheJesus: I did not!
itira: yeah... Adam... sure...
Kramburger: Someone said that on like the first or second cabin
Serpens77: more dance party ending?
ThorSokar: lets goooo
TheWriterAleph: coxJam
Mollylele: seabatClap seabatClap
ButButTheJesus: katesShake katesShake katesShake
betweenmyself: riffIce riffIce riffIce riffIce
Pteraspidomorphi: Severance vibes
itsaysTRUENO: back into your SCP cage
ThorSokar: Employee of the Month!
duallain: not a drop to thrink
Phailhammer: Is this the part where we find out it was a gas leak the whole time? Kappa
paulthemapguy: The severance package is severing your head from your neck
Kentosaurus: coin flip run
Makrosian_Tay: Oh
Makrosian_Tay: This'll be good
Seth_Erickson: can he look through the window
NotCainNorAbel: seabatClap
CaptainSpam: 1/2
Mollylele: any% window run
TheMerricat: so according to the guide, in some of the cabins if you stared at the boy, girl, man, or woman long enough - but it wasn't a haunted cabin - they'd start talking to you and you'd get a bit more backstory on who you are.
Seth_Erickson: I'm calling clear on this one
ProcyonFlynn: !vaselineorbarcode
LRRbot: Barcode!
NotCainNorAbel: jlrrDance3 seabatClap
CaptainSpam: 1/4
paulthemapguy: This actually has better odds than the time Wheeler tried to get 10 coin flips in a row
margieargie: Getting there...
ButButTheJesus: dayum
Nigouki: imagine if there was a tell on the porch this whole time
electra310: This one's haunted
The_Timo: I mean as soon as you see somethign in the window it's no longer a coin flip run
7gorobei: flip them coins
CaptainSpam: Welp!
ButButTheJesus: dinger
MacbethSeemsSus: Knowing it's haunted, how much would you pay for one of these houses?
Lockraemono: does it get fiber internet
Dalrint: Does the ghost pay rent?
Tangsm: I want the mug house at a discount
Seth_Erickson: if it's the remote or mug moving I'm in
itira: remote ghost
The_Timo: if my frog shrinks and grows I'm ok
YawnLance: It's the throbbing frog
circusofkirkus: shrinking frog
j_crane330: the plushy one
mulligan2six: Gimme that shrinking frog toy for 50k
MWGNZ: how much for the vibing frog?
saucemaster5000: I'd pay extra for the frog one
PMAvers: Is the ghost paying rent?
trebuchetboy: diorama haunted
ThorSokar: The kid setting the house on fire, hard pass
TristalMTG: Adam wants the one with the clone of himself hiding behind the pole
electra310: Is it the one that comes with the basement? That increases the square footage and adds a bathroom
YawnLance: Oh?
YawnLance: Yes
YawnLance: You can
Earthenone: Throggchamp
TheWriterAleph: would you put a throbbing frog in your mouth
paulthemapguy: throbbing -hog- frog
MirrorDisco: I’m okay with it as long as the ghost helps out around the house.
betweenmyself: How’s the neighborhood? Is there an HOA? Is the HOA haunted?
ThorSokar: also, the mom wasn't on the porch at the start, you had to look at her painting first
MirrorDisco: All HOAs are haunted
paulthemapguy: HOA stands for Haunt on Arrival
Morrigan9: hahahaha
Pteraspidomorphi: This doesn't seem like a very good method
itira: LUL
GrassVortex: extraLUL extraLUL
ProcyonFlynn: !vaselineorbarcode
LRRbot: Vaseline!
silenceaux: I love how much amusement we can generate from a random number generator
gamercat88: seabatCHOICE
SnackPak_: lrrXmasbart
ButButTheJesus: game just trolling you
CaptainSpam: Seriously, I want it to turn out that it eventually just always marks it wrong if you don't go in the cabin, but only sometimes, and definitely before you get eight in a row.
Lockraemono: chiikaCash
NotCainNorAbel: Someone in a HS class guessed 'C' for the last 15 questions on an exam; none were 'C'.
The_Timo: Or it's random
saucemaster5000: ever watch two drunk canadians click on a mouse over and over?
paulthemapguy: 3 non haunts in a row??
PhuzNutz: Awwww man. Steeped away for a bit and missed the ending.
niccus: easily twice as good as the 8 game
varmintx0: can't get 3 in a row
CaptainSpam: @PhuzNutz They're employee of the month!
CaptainSpam: That's all I'll say!
betweenmyself: Time for Ben to start grinding out WR speedruns for this game via random button mashing.
mexfire subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 28 months!
mexfire: hi hi how you doing and happy almost new year
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, mexfire! (Today's storm count: 92)
1CozyCanadian: Oh heckkk no
silenceaux: Also, lose the 50/50 and act like you were robbed.
paulthemapguy: People DO tend to get way too proud after winning luck-based games
Lockraemono: bring it
ThorSokar: yes, it's clean, no, it's haunted
gamercat88: fun
varmintx0: are there any probability experts in chat? how unlikely is that they couldn't get 3 in a row?
Camthelion: Yes its clean, Yes its haunted
ThorSokar: why are there 4 more achievements?
ThorSokar: $2 well spent!
Nigouki: that's probably the best $2 Let's Nope ever spent
Earthenone: how did you ring in the new year? well two canadians were getting drunk and doing 50/50's
CanvasWolfDoll: there's secret dialogue
Seth_Erickson: you're supposed to stand and stare at the family for awhile
Nigouki: the menu one
MacbethSeemsSus: probably the menu
Lockraemono: in settings?
mulligan2six: In the options menu
Earthenone: in the menu
NotCainNorAbel: Pride2500 Thanks for the year
gamercat88: lrrSHINE seabatClap happy new year!!!!
ButButTheJesus: Happity Nogyog!
electra310: Happy new year!
Makrosian_Tay: Happy new year I love you guys!
TheWriterAleph: Thanks for stream!
Mai_Andra: wait, i was right? that menu setting really was "The" jumpscare. ..
ghizmou: happy new year
j_crane330: lrrSHINE
50keyz: happy new year
Loa_Ayizan: Let
CaptainSpam: Happy New Year, ya filthy animals! Hang on, wait...
YawnLance: Hi I'm new
saucemaster5000: This was my first stream
nevermore913: Happy new year Ben and Adam
SymphonySolstice: happy new year lads
Camthelion: I have been watching ben for a long time
itira: tqsSweat
neisan2112: Hell yeah I am
lamina5432: gnight see you next year
NotCainNorAbel: New viewer, who is this?
kid_flashionable subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 65 months!
kid_flashionable: Happy new year!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, kid_flashionable! (Today's storm count: 93)
Nigouki: Y'all are cool peeps
We added 1 Gift Subs AND 2 Bonus Gift Subs to electra310's gift!
electra310 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 21 in the channel!
electra310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to stephentoostronk!
electra310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to laucob!
electra310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to kazaryn!
electra310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to BurningWorld65!
electra310 gifted a Tier 1 sub to bucknasty6464!
VALORANT gifted a Tier 1 sub to LucSnider!
VALORANT gifted a Tier 1 sub to Mr_Bubbles17!
VALORANT gifted a Tier 1 sub to about2scoop!
Riandisa: Thanks for another fun year of nopes <3
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, electra310! Welcome to kazaryn, stephentoostronk, BurningWorld65, bucknasty6464, and laucob! (Today's storm count: 98)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, VALORANT! Welcome to LucSnider, Mr_Bubbles17, and about2scoop! (Today's storm count: 101)
patrick_stonecrusher: FutureMan FutureMan FutureMan
ThorSokar: something something my back medication
Seth_Erickson: Hollow Body and Mouthwashing surely
Earthenone: if next year disapoints you blame ben personally
Makrosian_Tay: POarasite Eve?
Seth_Erickson: Ben have you heard of The Shore?
ButterBall000: Could play CoD zombies
Earthenone: Two Two charles
tr3ewitch88: Thank you all at LRR for another great year of streaming and fun content! Happy new year everyone! 🎉
Juliamon: oh they should not play Mouthwashing
Lockraemono: miside chiikaBless
Mollylele: let's charles
mulligan2six: More like chug chug charles
Earthenone: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/loadingreadyrun
Earthenone: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out https://store.loadingreadyrun.com/ for the full catalog.
ThorSokar: hell ya, Choo-Choo Charles rocks
Earthenone: !findquote dongle
LRRbot: Quote #5252: "MY DONGLE!" —Adam [2018-08-11]
patrick_stonecrusher: Ratshaker for sure
TheWriterAleph: cheers!
Nigouki: 🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸
KV1NN4: i cannot wait to see who chooses of volunteers to babysit drunk ben and adam XD
ButButTheJesus: ribbit
thatguysteve2709: Thank you for the stream greatly appreciate all you have done to help me through the year. Thank you to mods as well for all you do
mrjujubeans: love you guys!!
SymphonySolstice: boxed em
itira: oh
duallain: get boxed on
Earthenone: box head? is that store brand cuphead?
ButButTheJesus: we care!
nevermore913: Garbage Day on New Year's!
NimrodXIV: oooo
Earthenone: MonikLRRs
Juliamon: It's really fuckin good
GrassVortex: Monikers is *fantastic*
mrjujubeans: it’s amazing!
squirrellwolf: @AnAnonymousGifter Thanks for the gift sub!
ButButTheJesus: right! downnn. the road
SnackPak_: lrrFRUMP
kumatsu: go break the tiger statue with jewels for eyes
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
itira: HAHA
ProcyonFlynn: Better Plan - bring one thing WITH you, and hide it somewhere.
itira: what the fuck Adam
MacbethSeemsSus: we didnt see Ben
NotCainNorAbel: good save'
PMAvers: I thnk it was said Ian's solo for this?
Earthenone: not a drop to 3nk
Lockraemono: it says 3
NimrodXIV: 3
Juliamon: !thrink
LRRbot: There will be a Q&A for Not a Drop to Drink next week, but we need some Qs to A! Submit some here: https://lrr.cc/NaDtDQ Please only submit one question at a time! Form will be open until 5 Jan, 9AM PST.
SnackPak_: wow
itira: LUL
MacbethSeemsSus: I'm dying
Lysander_salamander: everyone is so tired
DragaFireHawk: Adam's killing me right now LUL
ButButTheJesus: katesGigl
TherapyforNarwhals: You're in the cabin!
NimrodXIV: stream's haunted
Veshnikard subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 55 months!
Lysander_salamander: oh dang it forgot to get eggnog
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Veshnikard! (Today's storm count: 102)
kumatsu subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 97 months!
kumatsu: OSFrog
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, kumatsu! (Today's storm count: 103)
Naarius subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 69 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Naarius! (Today's storm count: 104)
We added 1 Gift Subs to NotCainNorAbel's gift!
NotCainNorAbel is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 99 in the channel!
VALORANT gifted a Tier 1 sub to matze465!
NotCainNorAbel gifted a Tier 1 sub to Styxseus!
NotCainNorAbel gifted a Tier 1 sub to duckmongrel!
NotCainNorAbel gifted a Tier 1 sub to Orxolon!
NotCainNorAbel gifted a Tier 1 sub to suntone!
NotCainNorAbel gifted a Tier 1 sub to silenceaux!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, VALORANT! Welcome to matze465! (Today's storm count: 105)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, NotCainNorAbel! Welcome to duckmongrel, Styxseus, suntone, Orxolon, and silenceaux! (Today's storm count: 110)
madmansk subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 62 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, madmansk! (Today's storm count: 111)
ButButTheJesus: lil muffin shuffle
empyreon subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 109 months!
empyreon: nah, stay on camera a little longer riffYeti
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, empyreon! (Today's storm count: 112)
Styxseus: Thank you @NotCainNorAbel ! <3
NotCainNorAbel: @Styxseus lrrSHINE
silenceaux: Happy new year eveyone, and thank you for the gift sub! lrrHEART
kid_flashionable: sipsipHellmo
SymphonySolstice: dabits
Styxseus: Happy new year all! :D
empyreon: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
itira: jesus christ LUL
Kentosaurus: happy new year
spethycakes: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
ButButTheJesus: Happity Nogyog!
shendaras: Happy New Year!
shendaras: seabatClap
j_crane330: bus
NotCainNorAbel: valid ending
thmanwithnoname subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 104 months!
thmanwithnoname: <3
TherapyforNarwhals: Thanks Valorant <3
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, thmanwithnoname! (Today's storm count: 113)
Nigouki: Thank you~
PMAvers: I mean, it could be worse, it could be from Magic.
itira: LUL
electra310: Happy New Year!
ThorSokar: woooooooooooow
CaptainSpam: Tune in on Monday for CtS, featuring... Valorant?!? OH CRAP
Lockraemono: ???
Earthenone: coming up next a sponsored stream of valorent
definenull: ?!?!?
kid_flashionable: HAHAHA
itira: Enjoy the rest of your evening you two LUL
kid_flashionable: aroboWheeze aroboWheeze
empyreon: their toonies spend just as good tho riffYeti
azninsect: hahahaha
Camthelion: was waiting for that
SnackPak_: wow
Mai_Andra: secret podcast...
CaptainSpam: Welcome to the highlight reel, Adam!
margieargie: I feel like the prosecco was the best thing for this stream
NotCainNorAbel: Valorent saving the frogs
electra310: They forgot for real now :D
itira: shhhh
mrjujubeans: uh oh
Camthelion: hahaa
Kentosaurus: everyone be coo;l
uncleardata: what do we do now???
ButButTheJesus: and the stream is left running for 12 hours
mrjujubeans: kick back
KV1NN4: start ur timers
electra310: Guess we gotta go do 2025
saucemaster5000: wait they legit didn't mic did they
Camthelion: !paul
ShaneLeeAtk: We are "live"
Makrosian_Tay: Chat do we all kiss at midnight?
Camthelion: yes
mrjujubeans: anything could happen
saucemaster5000: oh dear
electra310: Mmwah
margieargie: @ShaneLeeAtk So something's going to happen?
NotCainNorAbel: I still have some dollrs to gain from bad bets
ButButTheJesus: *offers kisses*
varmintx0: we stay up all night engaging in nonsense until James wakes up in the morning
spethycakes: SOMETHING'S going to happen
TheWriterAleph: happy new year twitch friends!
itira: IT ISSS isnt it
Nigouki: GO HOME
NimrodXIV: it is!
Forlorgen: WOOOOOOOO
mrjujubeans: we can blame the janitor again
SymphonySolstice: LUL
empyreon: LUL
Styxseus: :D
ShaneLeeAtk: Hello!
electra310: LMAO
Saintnex: hahahaha
margieargie: tqsLOL tqsLOL
Camthelion: rofl
Forlorgen: WERE BACK
ButButTheJesus: katesGigl
TomatoKigu: LUL
thingo314: LUL
bsudo: HA!
kumatsu: good night Adam
Mnemonicman: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
electra310: It was on
NimrodXIV: :D
Kentosaurus: go all night
itira: i blame ben for this
NotCainNorAbel: seabatSEAL seabatDance seabatUseless
uncleardata: get'em
Camthelion: one min of 'fuck em'
j_crane330: lrrJUDGECALL
ButButTheJesus: fack em
empyreon: riffYeti
electra310: Probably not, but we love you
ThorSokar: how dogshit is it?
itira: jlrrCai jlrrLlou
Mai_Andra: somebody get nelly in here
tod_vom_himmel: secret sf6 stream?
TheWriterAleph: secret podcaaaast
NotCainNorAbel: Glad to hear it
kumatsu: you're ok
shendaras: seabatClap
NimrodXIV: Happy for you
TheWriterAleph: we love you adam
TristalMTG: wax the carrot nostalgic
Makrosian_Tay: Adam, you're my inspiration
itira: my year was just fine
Earthenone: what do we say to the year? GG go next
itira: so be you
SymphonySolstice: wise words my liege
kumatsu: best I've got is WoW and running a 10k
NotCainNorAbel: gg
ThorSokar: hell ya PoE2, fire it up!
kid_flashionable: Bye Adam!
ButButTheJesus: wisdom
electra310: Happy New Year Adam!
lamina5432: gnight adam
snacksmuncher69: thx for the drunk wisdom
Camthelion: <3
empyreon: happy new year!
YawnLance: lrrSHINE
Nigouki: byeeeeeeeee!!! you're cool!
NimrodXIV: lrrSHINE
Riandisa: <3
empyreon: lrrSHINE
Kentosaurus: lrrSHINE
ArdCollider: happy new year, Adam.
NotCainNorAbel: Let us know if we can help more
itira: we know seabatUseless
uncleardata: lrrSHINE
kid_flashionable: aroboDance you did great bud
ButButTheJesus: katesL
Makrosian_Tay: LUL
tod_vom_himmel: quick compliment adam
electra310: We love you Adam, you're amazing
TheWriterAleph: lrrSHINE
margieargie: I'll play Infinity Nikki and pull out the treadmill in my apartment instead, does that work?
spethycakes: lrrSHINE
Saintnex: lrrJUDGECALL
shamblingkrenshar: We love you Adam!
NimrodXIV: goodnight
Makrosian_Tay: Trogs strong together
tergonis: we love you too
Saintnex: lrrSHINE
shendaras: lrrHEART
ThorSokar: you too buddy, you too
KV1NN4: <3
ShaneLeeAtk: Perfect. No notes
snacksmuncher69: VirtualHug
electra310: Okay, got 45 minutes to kill before it's time for celebratory s'mores to ring in the new year
electra310: Guess I'll go watch the highlights. :D
electra310: See you all next year!