
azidbern95 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 77 months!
Thanks for subscribing, azidbern95! (Today's storm count: 2)
ShaneLeeAtk: Magic magic magic
lightfut: Magic magic?
QuickHand98: Magic, magic
constablecrab subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 62 months!
Thanks for subscribing, constablecrab! (Today's storm count: 3)
eddieatthegov: Ahem. Duel Mast— (is tackled)
Juliamon: thanks for that toot, James
Juliamon: insightful
LoadingReadyRun: It wasn't
LoadingReadyRun: But it could have been
Diabore: ~!lasttoot
ShaneLeeAtk: Could it, though?
The call out there was great Juliamon. 
LRR: How many times can I write Magic: The Gathering after this sentence to indicate LRRMTG is online, taking into consideration the link? Magic: The Gathering Magic: The Gathering Magic: The Gathering Magic: The Gathering Magic: The Gathering Magic: The Gathering Magic: The Gathering Magic: The Gathering Magic: The Gathering [...] | https://kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun/113840297046268776
eddieatthegov: Came right after lrrbot tweeting "Cause mayhem"
Juliamon: I mean, I *guess* it could have been Cori, but Cori doesn't do toots
eddieatthegov: Tooting.
Scarbble: Magic: The Gathering
Juliamon: Windows
Diabore: boops!
eddieatthegov: Gad, I barely used x.
hurricanealpaca subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 41 months!
Thanks for subscribing, hurricanealpaca! (Today's storm count: 4)
Diabore: is everything fine? i heard boops
Juliamon: Probably just Windows asking if it's OK to install updates
Flyingdelorion: Good timezone!
Diabore: hi james!
lightfut: Magic magic magic magic
Wolfstrike_NL: Are we gonna draft 6 pickaxes?
micalovits: You are also looking cute James!
Welp, this is the stream, folks. Three hours of James waiting for MTGA to respond. 
have you considered, Canlander 
constablecrab: You can punch a chunk instead. I won’t tell.
Bugberry: I drafted Duskmorne, OTJ, and MH3 the most
Bugberry: I can't wait for Edge of Eternity just to see what themes it has.
RatherLargeToad: Aether Drift is looking good so far, at least from the story
RatherLargeToad: Have you heard the good word of BOOSTGOD?
Juliamon: He's still under the weather, huh
CaptainSpam: Wait, Checkpoint hasn't been recorded yet?
Juliamon: This is when they usually record it
tsp397: You could just redraft
Kentosaurus: haha I forgot about this
Juliamon: You deserve this.
Mindfire13: You could do Momir?
tidehollowcat subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 70 months!
tidehollowcat: This week: Paul draft surprise!
Bugberry: He didn't put anything in Sideboard, but it wasn't TOO bad.
Thanks for subscribing, tidehollowcat! (Today's storm count: 5)
RatherLargeToad: Chat helped, so you know it’s good
CaptainSpam: Huh. I always had the idea they recorded on Wednesday and spent Thursday doing editing.
Decaped: Sit in the gimmick you made for yourself
Diabore: this should be a green white deck, but paul didnt make cuts
Juliamon: How many drafts have YOU left for someone else?
Wicker_Guide subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 88 months!
Wicker_Guide: #BlameJames #BlameScheduling #BlameBusSchedules
Thanks for subscribing, Wicker_Guide! (Today's storm count: 6)
jayhawk515 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months!
jayhawk515: 2 months? that's almost 3 months!
Thanks for subscribing, jayhawk515! (Today's storm count: 7)
tsp397: Paul isn't to blame for this, Selesnya didn't seem open and the packs were terrible
baskwalla: Oh hi James
jayhawk515: confirmed: first ever life mistake
CaptainSpam: They keep coming back! You've gotta DO something!
Wicker_Guide: #LRRSoulExtraction
ghizmou: cut the bad cards
Bugberry: Remove the Construct at least
SeiichiSin: Cut 10 lands and run it.
Wicker_Guide: Innistrad Remaster IIRC
Diabore: unravel (2drop) and crackdown construct are my first 2
RayFK: How many auras d o you have
I never said my ideas were good ideas. 
RayFK: Great cut your heroic creatures
RatherLargeToad: Pioneer Masters. It’s a silly format
RayFK: Cut Evangel of Heliod
Diabore: we have at least 4, because we have 2 bestow
Bugberry: There are also Instants and Sorceries that trigger Heroic, but it's not heavy in this deck.
InTheHouseOfHavok subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 33 months!
Thanks for subscribing, InTheHouseOfHavok! (Today's storm count: 8)
RayFK: Think you cut a lotus eye
1y1e: 4x spell lands so can cut some basics
RayFK: They can be
RayFK: But it's unlikely
Bugberry: Bestow triggers Heroic, but only count as Auras when cast as Bestow
EOstby: They are when you Bestow them.
RatherLargeToad: they are auras when you bestow
RayFK: Cut a commune
Diabore: !card commune with the gods
LRRbot: Commune with the Gods [1G] | Sorcery | Reveal the top five cards of your library. You may put a creature or enchantment card from among them into your hand. Put the rest into your graveyard.
RayFK: You're not playing GY
Diabore: id cut both commune
Dromos_GHG subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 86 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Dromos_GHG! (Today's storm count: 9)
RayFK: How many creatures you have now
RayFK: Okay so maybe not all of your nonlands IMO
RayFK: Cut disciple
RayFK: This is a travesty
Juliamon: perfect
drcthulu: looks good
Diabore: slap a sticker on it and run it
drcthulu: I'd probably run one more land
RayFK: Classic ratio, 19/6/15
EOstby: Yeah, this feels like a 41 special.
RatherLargeToad: perfectly cromulent deck
drcthulu: perfect
QuickHand98: Magic magic magic
Diabore: why did you do that to yourself james?
ShaneLeeAtk: Magic. Magic magic? Magic magic.
SFSMaus subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 54 months!
SFSMaus: Magic Magic Magik Magik!
Thanks for subscribing, SFSMaus! (Today's storm count: 10)
h3rsh3yb4r: i really like the friday nights episode where G goes around and asks everyone about his draft pick
ghizmou: that s a big dude
RayFK: Nest
Diabore: wait hornet nest
biganthonyrdean77 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months!
biganthonyrdean77: Two months enjoy the bazo bucks
Thanks for subscribing, biganthonyrdean77! (Today's storm count: 11)
SFSMaus: Hello Bees!
RayFK: Unless you want to take 6 next turn
Diabore: we get 6 deathtouchers
drcthulu: bees with the knees
Diabore: 8 deathtouch even
drcthulu: that's alot of bees
Wicker_Guide: fully armed and operational shonen protagonist
RangerAlpha7: BEES acquired
Diabore: op now reading hornet nest
xblue007: The BEES!
RayFK: Yes James, that is how the card works
QuickHand98: NOT THE BEEEES!!!
RatherLargeToad: they probably shouldn’t have attacked there…
RangerAlpha7: It in fact gets all the bees
CaptainSpam: BEES.
Wicker_Guide: ALL THE BEES
RayFK: So now you leave 1 back and swing for 7 in the air
Scarbble: reading the hornets nest explains, etc etc
SeiichiSin: Well okay then.

Diabore: yeah just big smites
Diabore: 6 is good
RayFK: Yep
RayFK: 7
RatherLargeToad: 6 seems right
walkeroftales: sometimes you get 8 bees
Diabore: you can 6-7-7
30teracyte: or 6-6-8
RayFK: Cowardice
Diabore: many ways to get to 2-
TheAwkes: Attacking with more now makes it safer than waiting when you might not have as many later.
Diabore: 20*
TheManOfX subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 44 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, TheManOfX! (Today's storm count: 12)
RangerAlpha7: My usual method of getting 8 bees is punching a gate colossus with bees
30teracyte: bees!
Diabore: op got bee'd
RatherLargeToad: Hero of Bees!
Scarbble: sometimes you get bees'd
Wicker_Guide: Meanwhile, opponent is rethinking life choices
QuickHand98: I, too, would play a lot more Magic if I just always won lol
Diabore: did you get apple juice out of tarkov too?
drcthulu: and this is why you don't throw rocks at hornet's nests
walkeroftales: man, this is a perfect flavor win for a theros game. The Hero of Iroas was full of hubris and then he got BEES
Diabore: @drcthulu got it, only punch hornet nests
RayFK: Stacos for short
Wicker_Guide: this sounds like an exhaustingly busy day
RayFK: Ah you bought one?
ShaneLeeAtk: Ooo... I should hot up the taco truck tonight.
ghizmou: free drawing
SeiichiSin: I think they DCed?
micalovits: Huh
RangerAlpha7: DC yeah
Diabore: oh checkpoint is probably late because switch 2, getting a story for that
RayFK: typically connection error
tsp397: Unexpected match complete?
MrPipboy3000: If the connection take too long it will draw like that
Juliamon: Diabore I don't imagine they're doing a full story for it, they write everything the night before
SeiichiSin: If there is a DC as the game starts, it auto draws. Least that is what I've seen.
Mishapp53: Which handheld emulator thingy are you talking about?
RayFK: Retroid pocket
Diabore: bold name
MrPipboy3000: Pie Grrrrrl?
RangerAlpha7: I have theorized those draws happen when the opponent cancels but the server doesn't realize that in time.
Mishapp53: cool, ty!
Diabore: op you should pump your creatures, we want bees
tryllebanjo: Beeeeezzz!
MrPipboy3000: Beads?!?
QuickHand98: Fight on their turn for bees? Lol
RayFK: Correct, you can get a ton of bees off that Zendikar
bradical92: Forced bees!
Diabore: i wait to see if they try to kill it, ambush is instant
thedepthandbreadthofseth: get five hornets?
gnomebot1: ambush nest.
Flyingdelorion: Hello Kathleen!
Scarbble: hi kathleen
Get 6 hornets? 

Natedogg2: Bay-bees
Diabore: trade is fine
Diabore: i think kathleens mic is off
djalternative: oh hai Kathleen
mastershake29x: kathleen's mic seems off
Flyingdelorion: Mic 5 for Kathleen
tryllebanjo: Beeeeezzz!
RangerAlpha7: theres the eldrazi pyroclasm actually
QuickHand98: 5-5-5-5 is just as fast as 6-6-6-6 #beemath
biosimicist subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 38 months!
Thanks for subscribing, biosimicist! (Today's storm count: 13)
thedepthandbreadthofseth: time to commit!
TimIAm: I ilke the regenerate animation
RangerAlpha7: they almost failed at reading goreclaw
kumatsu: they have trample you don't want to chump here
thedepthandbreadthofseth: attack with 3 bees
Diabore: i like attacks
RangerAlpha7: everything has trample anyway so the bees don't help much
RangerAlpha7: Well, everything but the gearcrafter
RangerAlpha7: block with all the non-bees?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: can't regenerate
MrPipboy3000: If you regen, you lose blocking power
LurkerSpine: I don't think you want to regenerate, right?
RangerAlpha7: Yeah block with everything but bees
RangerAlpha7: you do
Diabore: this is dead
ghizmou: tactician has a big butt
Diabore: i want bee tactician and smiter on incarnate, and bee experiment on goreclaw
thedepthandbreadthofseth: does the monstrous do anything other than counters?
SeiichiSin: So close!
thedepthandbreadthofseth: buzz off OP
GreatGodOm: @thedepthandbreadthofseth Not inherently.
Diabore: you keep 1 of the incarnate blockers
thedepthandbreadthofseth: it's a keep
Diabore: with rampager i dont think anything changes but still
QuickHand98: I woke up feeling the beesiest coach!
Diabore: just for double green
cheezweazl subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 120 months, currently on a 120 month streak!
cheezweazl: Ten Flippin Years of LRR Goodness!
Thanks for subscribing, cheezweazl! (Today's storm count: 14)
cheezweazl: BEES!
matthaus_c: 10 years? that's like 10% of one year!
thedepthandbreadthofseth: surely this is a lie...
MrPipboy3000: "Give me 5 bees for a quarter" You'd say ... cause nickles had bees on them ...
cheezweazl: As was the style at the time
blepharic subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 36 months!
Thanks for subscribing, blepharic! (Today's storm count: 15)
matthaus_c: their deck is cool
MrPipboy3000: Butler got exiled when it diesd to get back the exe of sin
matthaus_c: was there a reason not to attack with Experiment and Sovereign?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @cheezweazl "I say we fill Michael's office with bees. My apiarist owes me a favor."
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @matthaus_c keeping them untapped is nice.
matthaus_c: you know what, that's true. I'm sure they appreciate being untapped
thedepthandbreadthofseth: release A hound.
MrPipboy3000: Exp one could have gotten it
Diabore: we can do for 2 and pop both 0/3's
Diabore: with monstorous
thedepthandbreadthofseth: no, that just gives up the counters...
Kentosaurus: i think now
EOstby: Now.
couchboyj: Yes
SeiichiSin: Before damage yes.
Scarbble: now i believe
matthaus_c: if only damage still went on the stack
thedepthandbreadthofseth: you get nothing! good day sir!
thedepthandbreadthofseth: fight linvala
thedepthandbreadthofseth: no!
Diabore: 1 short of fighting sadge
Diabore: poly k is x/x
thedepthandbreadthofseth: you can't do it for 0?
Diabore: you can, but you fight 0 creatures
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Oh, right @Diabore ty
thedepthandbreadthofseth: sorry
micalovits: Poly also isn't a fight
micalovits: It deals X dammage
brieandbacon: No, X is the damage
Natedogg2: The trigger is dealing X damage, not damage equal to Polukranos's power.
LurkerSpine: ^
a_shortfall_of_gravitas: no X is the amount of damage not the number of creatures
matthaus_c: Polukranos does not Fight
a_shortfall_of_gravitas: it would deal 0 and then die
singinnonsense: the 2nd one fought
micalovits: You could have paid G ti have it just die if you really want to
arbysgaming38: Its X damage to any number of creatures so you could have targeted but done no damage
thedepthandbreadthofseth: ok, I'm very wrong. I've never felt more like a twitch chatter in my life.
Diabore: gg go next?
Kentosaurus: @thedepthandbreadthofseth one of us!
singinnonsense: @thedepthandbreadthofseth it happens to the best of us
matthaus_c: yea we've all been there
NornsFelidar: Kathleen, how was the retreat?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @singinnonsense and also me!
matthaus_c: curving out!
thedepthandbreadthofseth: oh, yeah, Kathleen; tell us of book!
EOstby: The Juice!
matthaus_c: the JUICE
djalternative subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 68 months!
djalternative: (insert witty joke here). can you believe I’m a professional writer with material like that?
Thanks for subscribing, djalternative! (Today's storm count: 16)
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: hello, fellow nerdfolk!
thedepthandbreadthofseth: oh, bally! you're my best friend.
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @ThreeTwoOnePantsOff *looks over shoulder* who me?
Diabore: trample and next doesnt play well
Diabore: nest*
micalovits: Well, two bees cause trample is rude
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: @thedepthandbreadthofseth among others, i think so
matthaus_c: Ambush guarantees 5 hornets next turn
thedepthandbreadthofseth: hi
MrPipboy3000: You can hold the fight to get 5
SeiichiSin: Fight is 5 bees, land is more damage.
Kentosaurus: correct on dave brubeck
brieandbacon: It is, good joke streamer
matthaus_c: oh did they confuse it for a Shield Counter
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I would have gone for a "Bee's Fold Five" joke, but it worked.
micalovits: Then we have a 2/4 defender
SeiichiSin: I like that idea.
a_shortfall_of_gravitas: double blcokd with the tacticians?
MrPipboy3000: Then you can Knight a BEE!!
darkpanda84: why not block with one deathtouch bee?
a_shortfall_of_gravitas: then you take 4
EOstby: Yeah.
GreatGodOm: It's possible that the op hasn't played much with regenerate. So they don't know how it works.
tsp397: There was a reason regenerate was retired as a mechanic.
biosimicist: 2 bees or not 2. bees?
a_shortfall_of_gravitas: I assumed they had a creature to pitch to the troll but apparently not
regenerate made more sense when damage went on the stack (
matthaus_c: opp has the weirdest bluffs
LurkerSpine: I would've suited up a tactician
GreatGodOm: Troll gave them priority.
TimIAm: I would think regenerate is less confusing when there's a digital tooltip telling you what it does
Bugberry: Companion isn't confusing, just hard to balance
TimIAm: but I guess I haven't read the tooltip
CommiePuddin subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 124 months!
CommiePuddin: yay
Thanks for subscribing, CommiePuddin! (Today's storm count: 17)
CommiePuddin: less yay
TheWooglie: there's are bigger than yours
Wolfstrike_NL: 1-800-beesplease
lightfut: What did their monstrosity do? Can that get us?
TheWooglie: @lightfut taps and freezes I think
Wicker_Guide: And this of course does not describe Kathleen

Diabore: !card shipbreaker kraken
LRRbot: Shipbreaker Kraken [4UU] | Creature — Kraken [6/6] | {6}{U}{U}: Monstrosity 4. / When Shipbreaker Kraken becomes monstrous, tap up to four target creatures. Those creatures don't untap during their controllers' untap steps for as long as you control Shipbreaker Kraken.
lightfut: Not that it matters anymore, but could goosle our attempts to block
CommiePuddin: boo ninja rob!
NornsFelidar: that was not cool
Wolfstrike_NL: that was some 666 behaviour
QuantumTwitch: very rude
Diabore: they were 1 short? even with follower i only saw 7 mana
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Foundations
intrepiddragon88 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 57 months!
Thanks for subscribing, intrepiddragon88! (Today's storm count: 18)
Diabore: foundations is gone as of a few days ago
yourboytect__: Currently out of rotation
Diabore: i dont know why but it is
BorealMage: But it's foundational!
mastershake29x: it's the current standard set?
Wicker_Guide: draft creatures that make multiple bodies, like our best friend Hornet's Nest
yourboytect__: Rotation of draft, I mean. No clue why they decided to do it that way, but they're going to be bringing back recent sets for premier drafts
micalovits: Uhhh, butcher!
Juliamon: Even Arena is not safe from the arbitrary removal of digital content for no good reason
LurkerSpine: extort is so good though
Hello LRR frands! 
kynelwynn: Did you not want another sac outlet in the Husk?
1y1e: humble defector is a consideration if you get instant speed sac
redsaint_uk subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 81 months!
Thanks for subscribing, redsaint_uk! (Today's storm count: 19)
biosimicist: skyknight wheeling there crazy
redsaint_uk: I missed the start, did last week's deck not get played?
Juliamon: They just finished playing it
micalovits: Went... 2-3?
Wicker_Guide: CHOMP
redsaint_uk: Thanks 🙂
Juliamon: Pack 2 pivot let's goooo
itookthisnamenotyou: Hello!
NotARealAccountDotCom: You've also got those green cards in the board
Diabore: district guide is fixing
biosimicist: district guide
a_shortfall_of_gravitas: bear punch
a_shortfall_of_gravitas: voyaging satyr?
biosimicist: I cannot wait to see “let’s dream thick greedy dreams
biosimicist: in the quote database
QuantumTwitch: manicore?
QuantumTwitch: its mid
QuantumTwitch: slash
a_shortfall_of_gravitas: juice is loose
biosimicist: slide runner
BartholemewTheKitten: What's the best way to post something long? I have a kayla bin-kroog rhyme I think Kathleen would appreciate but don't want to block out all of chat
lagrangeisbae subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 13 months, currently on a 13 month streak!
lagrangeisbae: Lucky 13!
Thanks for subscribing, lagrangeisbae! (Today's storm count: 20)
Snouut subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months!
Happy 6 Months! 
Thanks for subscribing, Snouut! (Today's storm count: 21)
Juliamon: ooooh rampager baby
Wicker_Guide: multi-format role-player gore-clan rampager
Snouut: hows the draft going so far?
Bugberry: Witch's Mark is really good common
Wicker_Guide: Never Punished
Snouut: Which set is this that youre drafting?
NotARealAccountDotCom: You always get the fixing in pack 3
Bugberry: Pioneer Masters
jessicaengle: Everything's coming up Millhouse.
kynelwynn: the juice!
Snouut: ohh okay. didn't recognize the set symbol, assuming this is a newer set?
Juliamon: One of the best pivots I've seen
RassilonDND: Do we still want the manticore?
uchihab7: which one can do a better impersonation of atarkra?
jessicaengle: !quote
LRRbot: Quote #6181: "I love chat like I love donuts." —Adam [2019-06-29]
lagrangeisbae: Winner of the Battle of Wits: James and Kathleen. They retire champions.
Datnade012: The Cool Jund was my bands name
RassilonDND: hmm, 1 satyr
RassilonDND: maybe?
RassilonDND: tessilate it
NornsFelidar: jund’em!
JoannaTastic subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 71 months!
JoannaTastic: 71 hours? That's nearly three days!
Thanks for subscribing, JoannaTastic! (Today's storm count: 22)
Mythallian: +1/+1 and drain on death iirc
Bugberry: @Mythallian no life gain though.
Mythallian: oh ping then
Diabore: now we can hold lands
micalovits: Oh no
SgtBrink: lmao
Juliamon: Oh wow
tryllebanjo: Yiiikes
brieandbacon: Eerrmmmm
Diabore: good game, both players tried hard
LurkerSpine: wild slash? in response?
Diabore: @LurkerSpine deals 2 only sadly
LurkerSpine: Ah, my b. I always assume Ferocious boosts damage
QuantumTwitch: atarka betrayed us
BartholemewTheKitten: Atarka helps those who help themselves...to dinner
Wicker_Guide: the strongest servants, make the tastiest snacks
micalovits: Wait, doesn't the mangler have haste?
micalovits: Oh well
brieandbacon: It's there for blocking, as we planned
TheWooglie: did you want to draw cards with defector?
micalovits: You were busy thinking of spending time in the woods and writing!
Blackaddicus subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 41 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Blackaddicus! (Today's storm count: 23)
couchboyj: Magic the Gathering: Arena: Limited Mode: A Deckmaster Game (by Richard Garfield)
KaleidoscopeMind: will we get secret paul again if james doesnt show?
tipulsar85 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 80 months, currently on a 80 month streak!
tipulsar85: Huh, this happened again..
Thanks for subscribing, tipulsar85! (Today's storm count: 24)
TheWriterAleph: @couchboyj featuring dante
Bugberry: I hope, if the Avatar UB set turns out to be true, that there is a Secret Tunnel card.
LurkerSpine: I wonder if they're running Gary
tipulsar85: All those months of free Amazon bucks.
tipulsar85: HI Jame
biosimicist: slash and satyr?
LurkerSpine: Chromanitcore
KaleidoscopeMind: @Bugberry should give creatures mountainwalk
Bugberry: Chromanticore on Zendikar Incarnate
biosimicist: block hero and hold up slash
biosimicist: slash
LurkerSpine: slash?
Bugberry: slash now
micalovits: F
Strebenherz: @Bugberry oh no
biosimicist: you are still in a good spot
thaigeprime subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 97 months!
thaigeprime: approaching triple digits
Thanks for subscribing, thaigeprime! (Today's storm count: 25)
GasCityGaming: yeah the autotapper doesn't like extort mana i find
micalovits: Yea, we just want to stay alive
micalovits: I would block
Marvoleath: creatures or planeswalkers
MrPipboy3000: It attacks for 10
Zerragonoss subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 72 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Zerragonoss! (Today's storm count: 26)
Bugberry: Now the Ranger, with a Bow, has Reach.
TheWooglie: Bye Kathleen
Chronomos901: damn prop baby
Blackaddicus: bye
Marvoleath: beeg dargon, still good

tryllebanjo: Ook!
Strebenherz: says the biggest monkey
KaleidoscopeMind: how dare penelope not have teleportation superpowers
Swamplor: Beej dargon?
BartholemewTheKitten: Trogdor method is a classic for a reason
Chronomos901: @Swamplor Very fond of abducting Princess Auto
Strebenherz: cough suck
thaigeprime: eating borger
ElektroTal: oh nothing, just fiddling with flights
Strebenherz: Ctrl+Shift+T is magic
raulghoulia: doesn't work with incognito mode
Swamplor: so be more cafeul with your porn tabs, I guess
KaleidoscopeMind: it does on firefox!
BartholemewTheKitten: Choose violence
ghizmou: making a sandwich from my new cookbook
jayhawk515: "what's in the cookbook?" james: "lots of things!"
Cptasparagus: james' mouth is censored
SnowBuddy18: are cookbooks sandwiches or tacos?
brieandbacon: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: a softened flute tube
Diabore: butcher imo
micalovits: Butcher I think? But close
Bugberry: menace helps get in more damage early
arbysgaming38: i would keep menace
Dane_VII: Butcher this early
Cptasparagus: men a che
QuantumTwitch: butcher easy sac
thaigeprime: uh oh
Thefluffiestguineapig: what are we drafting today?
micalovits: Just draw Atarka and win, ez
Juliamon: Pioneer Masters feat Atarka
kathleen took atarka with her when she left 
QuantumTwitch: slah the 2/2
Diabore: whenever atarka isnt in hand in play or in hand, we should be asking, wheres atarka
QuantumTwitch: in atarka we trust
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh, this is an Atarka deck
Juliamon: Atarka playing the role of Syr Not Appearing In This Deck
Cptasparagus: @ladyatarka where u at
Thefluffiestguineapig: this is so much land
Thefluffiestguineapig: is the James curse in effect?
thaigeprime: same
thaigeprime: i think it broke
Juliamon: It's not the most stable of networks
arbysgaming38: we're yet to draw atarka it was in our opener that one game
Marvoleath: !bsky
Dumori: Think their host is a little borked some other sites I wanted to use are also loading slow or not at all
Cptasparagus: it has green i counts
thaigeprime: simply draw a forest
thaigeprime: oh god what have I done
QuantumTwitch: clear mul
ryanmci: Look what you've done
micalovits: Close enough
Diabore: dabable
Juliamon: it's not NOT a forest
Mai_Andra: Blue skies, plenty of sunshine ♫ Take a stroll down by the bay ♪ Where else could there ever be ♪ such a sensational hideaway ♫
electra310: Not a simple forest
QuantumTwitch: half dab
Diabore: dob for us james
forest is common shorthand for green source Ill be taking you to court 
electra310: Got it!
TheWriterAleph: PAWNCH
TheWriterAleph: ARENA.
Cptasparagus: you thought you had a forest
Thefluffiestguineapig: ARENA
Marvoleath: you cant, no green
Kentosaurus: learning is fun
lamina5432: it's been that way since beta
BorealMage: TIL
QuantumTwitch: yup fun feature eh
micalovits: We can guide first
Diabore: ah see thats the problem, james wasnt playing in beta so easy mistake
Diabore: james stop ruining my joke
QuantumTwitch: punch and guide
Diabore: fair, have a nice day
thaigeprime: diabore is taking their union mandated break
arbysgaming38: still no atarka
I am the god of mulligans bow before me 
xblue007: WOO
GapFiller: more into David Lynch atm
raulghoulia: switch to what?
a "switch to" what? 
electra310: I give up, who?
micalovits: In like... A year or two when it has some cool games
Juliamon: yeah Lynch kinda dampened the mood
thaigeprime: excited for a new mario kart finally
Strebenherz: it's neat but will await games for the hype.
RassilonDND: It wasn't innovative. Im more hyped for games over sytems
micalovits: Simply draw a forest
David Lynch seems like he was a Switch 2 kinda guy
Cptasparagus: i think the slowness is worse than needing green
Diabore: mario kart 9 is pretty hype
GapFiller: Nintendo shdve tapped him up for a project while they had the chance
NornsFelidar: mull
ElektroTal: i honestly don't want innovation, i just want a stronger switch.
thaigeprime: Im just glad its backwords compatible
QuantumTwitch: faith keep?
micalovits: Well... Crap
@micalovits see it only works when I do it 
ElektroTal: the wii u was basically a smidge upgraded wii
lamina5432: ds lite?
Diabore: i nominate nes and snes as just making it better
Marvoleath: dryad is kinda a tree, which is basically a forest
Juliamon: The WiiU had the huge screen controller
Dumori: WiiU was a Wii in a coat
ElektroTal: the ds family was incremental upgrades. etc etc
GapFiller: going back 20 odd years the Wii being backwards compatible was a major selling point due to personally missing out on the Gamecube
SymphonySolstice: can't improve perfection tbh, switch is a good console
Cptasparagus: forest!
Wicker_Guide: the NES and the SNES are probably the most direct successor pair
lamina5432: the gameboy advance to the sp
GapFiller: like to think the Switch 2 will be similar on that front
xblue007: Computer Mouse Joy-cons which means they can port Mario and Wario now!
Strebenherz: the wii is a gamecube in transformer disguise
MEL_155_A: N64 was just upgraded SNES, Gamecube was upgraded N64?
ElektroTal: honestly, i basically just play the switch, so a bigger stronger switch is all i'm really looking for so i'm hype
playstation 5 is just an upgraded ps1 
thaigeprime: if it can run tears of the kingdom at a more stable framerate im buying it day 1
Athelgar: the TNG > DS9 memes are great
Diabore: yeah just like specific joycon things i imagine wont be compatible (labo, ring fit)
7gorobei: any handheld or console with amd strix halo would be godlike
QuantumTwitch: if I could afford a new consol now I would go for it in a heartbeat
RassilonDND: I am happy for a stronger switch, but after looking at the specs, it needed a better screen and a better battery. I can't get hyped for basically an iphone 5 to iphone 7
SymphonySolstice: I'll probably buy the new one cause I fried the battery on my switch
ElektroTal: if nintendo came out and said 'switch 2- it's exactly the same but your controllers won't drift', they'd sell a hundred million
Mindfire13: I just hope the Switch 2 won't have any exclusive games I really want to play before I can afford one
Thefluffiestguineapig: @mindfire13 same
RassilonDND: i think ill probably wait for the switch 2 pro then swoop that up
SymphonySolstice: F in advance
RassilonDND: yeah 3 ish years
couchboyj: You don't have to play games at launch to enjoy them.
thaigeprime: yeah more bodies seems right here
QuantumTwitch: mangler
brieandbacon: I'm sorry, it came out when?
NornsFelidar: can you angler and punch?
chriswr5: i was day 1 gamecube, got a wii late, day 1 wiiu, got a switch late, so looks like im gonna be day 1 on switch 2 lmao

QuantumTwitch: yea seems good
Diabore: 2017 for og, 2021 for oled
GapFiller: there was a whole LRR stream on launch day!
brieandbacon: No, no, that can't be right, that would mean
EvilBadman: march of 17 yeah
LurkerSpine: you'd be correct
xblue007: 8 years this march
GapFiller: an All Day stream even!
lamina5432: time sucks
micalovits: March third, damn. That was good James
GapFiller: Cam in the cowboy hat will never not be an all timer moment
Marvoleath: but March 2017 was like 3 years ago
Marvoleath: oh, wait
thedepthandbreadthofseth: someone check quotes for "lickable." it's the march before that.
RassilonDND: james is correct. switch was 2017, oled was 2021. so ill wait a little longer
Strebenherz: !findquote lickable
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
thedepthandbreadthofseth: thyme is really good on roast game and fish.
GapFiller: !findquote lickability
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
thaigeprime: !findquote time
LurkerSpine: I hope we get a switch 2 lite but I'm not holding my breath
ElektroTal: tbh this is all hypothetical cause once civ 7 comes out i'm literally playing nothing else
Strebenherz: !findquote lick
Thefluffiestguineapig: how are there no quotes for time 🤣🤣
thaigeprime: not looking great team
Juliamon: I think that was pulling for lickability, not time
Juliamon: direct search the QDB
Marvoleath: !qdb
Cptasparagus: 2 mins to 4:20
GapFiller: open reminder while this topic has come up: James licking everything was NOT the reason everyone got sick at DB10
GapFiller: (tho it prob didnt help admittedly)
QuantumTwitch: it was fun
you say you love time but now find it awkward curious 
Marvoleath: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Tinker Tailor Solder Fry (Ian's either Tinkering, Tailoring, Soldering or Frying. Either way, something's catching on fire. Game: Cooking w/ Ian - Shrimp Toast) at Thu 05:00 PM PST (40m from now).
Thefluffiestguineapig: I mean pioneer masters does have Elsbeth from Theros on the packa
Strebenherz: Whatever you do, don't lick your friend's fingers today. — Beej [2016-08-08]
micalovits: Same
Mindfire13: You could Momir for the next 40 minutes
thaigeprime: you cant? why?
LurkerSpine: pioneer masters kinda sucks, ngl
SpaceRodeo: I want a traditional draft other than pioneer masters
Juliamon: They rotated it out of Arena for a bit
Marvoleath: Same
Wicker_Guide: I hope there is a strongly worded internal memo making the rounds at WotC Digital Marketing right now
themossybeard: do duskmourn? good format is good, even quickdraft
Marvoleath: There should be foundations draft and jumpstart always on
thedepthandbreadthofseth: You are correct.
Diabore: duskmourn was 1 month
Diabore: duskmourn went away with foundations
TheAwkes: Even if it was a these-days-every-week kinda thing.
thedepthandbreadthofseth: only the quick draft should rotate away from the current standard. standard set should get 10 weeks all the time.
QuantumTwitch: it should always be there
Thefluffiestguineapig: Especially since Duskmourn is SO MUCH harder to draft mechanics wise
QuantumTwitch: QD foundations
RassilonDND: same logic, the introduction of secret lair marvel feels bad as an introduction into years of marvel when it sold out in less than a day
adamshandy: it feels like the availability of the formats is quite predatory
Thefluffiestguineapig: as someone just learning to draft I agree
AnderKryst subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 78 months!
Thanks for subscribing, AnderKryst! (Today's storm count: 27)
Juliamon: Gatekeeping the beginner-friendly formats is a weird choice
DoomBringerIL: FDN has so many rares it's really hard to comlete them all @LoadingReadyRun
Marvoleath: The masters set is definitely messing things up
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @adamshandy not every plan to make money is "predatory"
Marvoleath: should be just foundations and the most recent set
Juliamon: Jump in?
Bruceski: It's not as predatory as a lot of mobile stuff out there, but there's definitely a FOMO factor that hooks into it. I tend to be slow to ramp into the new stuff (F2P player, need to talk myself into spending my limited coins) and invariably by the time I start it's on its way out.
MrPipboy3000: Jumpstart?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @juliamon it feels odd, I agree
Mindfire13: Momir's the Midweek Magic
Datnade012: Time to jump
thedepthandbreadthofseth: ooo, @Juliamon is wise!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Momir is weird
adamshandy: @thedepthandbreadthofseth no, but creating artificial scarcity to drive demand through FOMO is predatory IMO
Diabore: monsters
thaigeprime: monsteleves if you will
QuantumTwitch: Elves
Diabore: was, midweek magic ends 2pm lrr time thursdays
BorealMage: What's that elf that's like a Llanowar Elves but huge?
BorealMage: I imagine this deck is full of those
kireawolf: Wait he didn't even look at what was in the deck lol
Marvoleath: @BorealMage llanowar tribe? llanowar monstrosity?
BorealMage: @Marvoleath The second one, I think.
Diabore: @LoadingReadyRun midweek magic sadly ends at start time of lrrmtg unless you join before then
Marvoleath: @BorealMage sry, Elvish abberation
Thefluffiestguineapig: the landfall in this and the intro two color things is truly gross
BorealMage: @Marvoleath Ah, yes, that's it!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @diabore when I just checked mine said about 20 some minutes left
ArkohTheFuzzybutt subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 52 months, currently on a 3 month streak!
ArkohTheFuzzybutt: happy to support my favorite streamers
Thanks for subscribing, ArkohTheFuzzybutt! (Today's storm count: 28)
Diabore: @Thefluffiestguineapig did you join before lrrmtg started?
Thefluffiestguineapig: what colors is the opponent on? White green?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @diabore Ah yes, I think I did
CrossXhunteR: what format is this? standard?
Marvoleath: jump-in
themossybeard: unfortunate it's not coming to arena
couchboyj: Time Spiral Remastered was a banger, and Dominaria Remastered was pretty good.
MrPipboy3000: Bite down with deathtouch
LurkerSpine: bite down kills it
Thefluffiestguineapig: The jump-in decks and the two color decks are often one or two cards off being standard legal
KilrenKrae subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 103 months!
KilrenKrae: hio
Thanks for subscribing, KilrenKrae! (Today's storm count: 29)
CrossXhunteR: as someone that is recently returned to magic after stopping before innistrad, i think i might go ahead and skip the "prerelease" for INR. no real interest in it
Diabore: i really liked dom remastered because i was allowed to draft storm
Juliamon: Ravnica Remastered was extant
Yeah, I left Ravinica off the list on purpose 
mastershake29x: there's a launch event, which is a pre-release without pre-release packs?
Mr_Horrible: "Ravnica: we've been here 4 times but what if we also did a greatest hits album?"
mastershake29x: next weekend
CrossXhunteR: yeah, still sealed, just no real prerelease kits so no promo rare
CrossXhunteR: i would swear my store is doing it tomorrow night. might have gotten the date wrong
LaskoReadsComics: If your store is a WPN Premium store they might be doing it tomorrow
LaskoReadsComics: WPN Premium stores are allowed to do preview events
LaskoReadsComics: They are not breaking any embargo to do so
CrossXhunteR: @LaskoReadsComics yeah, found the WPN Premium preview event page online
ShaneLeeAtk: It is literally Pack Wars
CrossXhunteR: i do jump in to complete quests
Mr_Horrible: someone with a collection of them at my old LGS growing up would hold Precon Tournaments where you picked one randomly each round
Diabore: i do brawl to complete quests
GapFiller: but before then was the LGS Challenge always scheduled for this week or did it get pushed back to this week (prob misremembered but thought it was supposed to happen last week or something)
Thefluffiestguineapig: @crossxhunter same, I got a dinosaur nonsense thing so I do it for “kill x opponents creatures”

Mr_Horrible: they were always a fun time
EOstby: Live Crack-a-Pack?
Diabore: yeah its all spoiled
Juliamon: it was always this week GapFiller
Juliamon: a diff thing got pushed back earlier
Marvoleath: Jump in would be more interesting if you could 'go infinite' like with drafts, you win 7 games with a deck, you get to switch it for free
GapFiller: Juliamon yeh thats prob what confused me
kynelwynn: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Tinker Tailor Solder Fry (Ian's either Tinkering, Tailoring, Soldering or Frying. Either way, something's catching on fire. Game: Cooking w/ Ian - Shrimp Toast) at Thu 05:00 PM PST (24m from now).
skintbint: what format this?
GapFiller: mmm prawn toast
Marvoleath: jump-in
CrossXhunteR: ooh, TTSF
RassilonDND: NOOO
RassilonDND: oof
SymphonySolstice: you're telling me a shrimp is making toast?

Keab42: Incredibly charmed life or semi-charmed life?
Athelgar: doot doot doot, doot do doot doot
skintbint: james has lived the greatest life to have ever lived
Thefluffiestguineapig: as someone who has never gotten more than 3 maybe 4 wins in a draft and has to make sure to do the quests to be able to get the gold for drafts the whole “going infinite” idea is a distant vague idea
Cptasparagus: at least 1 more year
skintbint: just wait till i live my life then its over for james
Cptasparagus: @Thefluffiestguineapig if you look at the reward ratio of quick draft you have to be like a 70% winrate player which is impossible. I've topped out at 62% and that didnt last long.
Chronomos901: you're the cool frog, James
CrossXhunteR: i've only done a few drafts on arena, and they are either 6+ wins or like 0-1 wins, and kinda in even amounts.
Thefluffiestguineapig: James “can’t complain” turner
lamina5432: gotta make it to 69
Marvoleath: I supplement my draft winnings with daily quests, sometimes have to wait a day to get there, but I never spend any money on drafts on Arena
CrossXhunteR: being in red and green, do we have anything in the deck that kills large lads
Marvoleath: but yea, straight infinite with just drafts is hard to do
Thefluffiestguineapig: Lamina that would be the nicest year
gualdhar: there are too many damn Elves on this board, where's the damnation
Flamennight: Just tuned in, what kind of draft was this?
Juliamon: Jump In
arbysgaming38: this is the problem with jumpstart
Flamennight: Sick
Diabore: someone has to do something, but ill be damned if its us
skintbint: take it
Flamennight: gotta trade, chump, or take it
ghizmou: 3 2/2
MrPipboy3000: Chump the toke, and make a new one next time
MrPipboy3000: token
gualdhar: its perfect 3/3 double strike chump material
CouldntPickAUsername subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 95 months!
CouldntPickAUsername: is that 2 years yet?
Thanks for subscribing, CouldntPickAUsername! (Today's storm count: 30)
CouldntPickAUsername: damn, ok
CrossXhunteR: i wonder what our green rare/mythic is in this Jump In
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Only 5 months to go to the One Year!
couchboyj: Gotta get to the hundo
themossybeard: you're fecunded
CrossXhunteR: things became worse for us
gualdhar: gg
CrossXhunteR: and reach
SymphonySolstice: stop stop he's already dead
brainbosh: I play jumpstart a lot, you are lucky if you get to the point where lethal is on the board
Strebenherz: Have a good night
MrPipboy3000: Should have raged on their attacker lol
matthaus_c: thanks for the stream and take care!
Mr_Horrible: or reorder some innistrad premastered
SkiaSymphonia: have a good night everyone
SymphonySolstice: surely they've gathered all the magic by now
Mr_Horrible: looking forward to seeing what those wacky wizards cook up next
matthaus_c: we're called stinky weirdos tyvm
GapFiller: Ians making prawn toast!
Jundinator: Oh no is stream over?
Mr_Horrible: does this imply that Shrimp is now a country? Like French toast?
Strebenherz: !patreon
GapFiller: put me on Coach ect ect
matthaus_c: !card primevals glorious return
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
micalovits: I think it was pre pandemic?
RassilonDND: 25 dollars just doesnt go as far as it used to
SkiaSymphonia: neat
definenull: inb4 writhing chrysalis dot dec
Jundinator: Wait did you film on location?
SymphonySolstice: interesting
GapFiller: per the wiki there was a $20 LGS Challenge on 2022/04/22
matthaus_c: Scorching Dragonfire
Jundinator: Duress
RassilonDND: trash fire
skintbint: sorry just came back, any more streams today?
lamina5432: gnight peoples
singinnonsense: honestly some of my favorite fnpf
matthaus_c: @skintbint TTSF in 10m
Juliamon: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Tinker Tailor Solder Fry (Ian's either Tinkering, Tailoring, Soldering or Frying. Either way, something's catching on fire. Game: Cooking w/ Ian - Shrimp Toast) at Thu 05:00 PM PST (9m from now).
skintbint: @matthaus_c sweet, thanks
SymphonySolstice: g l o r p
definenull: GLURP
LordZarano: Oh sweet! I suggested Nebula Flow!
matthaus_c: flying jamesless
Mr_Horrible: Arctic Eggs pog
definenull: after squeeze eggs now to freeze them?
matthaus_c: Arctic Eggs speedruns are so much fun
Juliamon: very eggy January
GapFiller: Juliamon Cori clearly been on that egg game kick
Juliamon: I still wanna rewatch Egg Squeeze
RassilonDND: switch 3 announcement
switch 3 announcement 
Simriel: Anything could happen! even a boat!
SkiaSymphonia: sweet
Mr_Horrible: is Egg Squeeze at all related to Rat Shaker?
GapFiller: cant expect us to keep track of anything more than seven days in the future (or the past)

SkiaSymphonia: night!

matthaus_c: bye james! get out of our houses!
thanks for the stream 
Manae: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Tinker Tailor Solder Fry (Ian's either Tinkering, Tailoring, Soldering or Frying. Either way, something's catching on fire. Game: Cooking w/ Ian - Shrimp Toast) at Thu 05:00 PM PST (0s ago).

SnackPak_: whenever I read shrimp toast, my brain wants to add crunch on the end, like the cereal
Simriel: You guys don't have Shrimp Toast Crunch?
SnackPak_: not over here
Simriel: With their Mascot, the Shrimp Toast Crunch Leviathan??

🦐 🍞
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