Juliamon: oh, early!
sporkraptor: woooo
LoadingReadyRun: We were just sitting here, so
LoadingReadyRun: !cardview off
LRRbot: Card viewer disabled


sporkraptor: I should go get whatever BGC music is available and download it to my phone, it's great driving music
Juliamon: ooh! Gibb returned from the dead!
Juliamon: I mean, vacation!
ShaneLeeAtk: !bgc
Jimmy Hinson AKA "BigGiantCircles" is a musician whose chiptunes are featured during commercial breaks. His music, including LRR remixes and the soundtrack for Road Quest, is available here: https://biggiantcircles.bandcamp.com/music
sporkraptor: I already have the RoadQuest theme, but I've been using that as my driving soundtrack for a few years now XD
Juliamon: He definitely wasn't dead

sporkraptor: BandCamp, yay! thanks for the link!
sporkraptor: DraftMourne
hey nerds whomst i love beyond measure 
ArdCollider: o7

Happy Pardner anniversary!
Juliamon: (Bartleby, on the other hand, might have been dead, but who can tell?)
Happy Partner anniversary!
sporkraptor: partnerversarry!
Happy Partner, Partners
FireSpectreZero: Why does it say everything is FINE? Is something not fine? WHAT IS NOT FINE!?!?

jacqui_lantern234: HOWDY!!!!!!!!!!
Foxmar320: Hello Cori and Graham
northos: Magic: the Grahamening

sporkraptor: Magic The Grahamaneing
Cptasparagus: MTGC?
Flyingdelorion: Hello Graham, Cori and chat!
Juliamon: It isn't
SymphonySolstice: maggic the ggaggthering
Juliamon: You partnered in August
Happy Partner anniversary!
northos: classic Twitch
SymphonySolstice: because twitch says so
galloratti subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 58 months!
Thanks for subscribing, galloratti! (Today's storm count: 1)
patbaer: I get asked to click a thing, I (sometimes click it)
They forgor 
jacqui_lantern234: @Juliamon thanks Small Indie Company Amazon!
Foxmar320: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
ladyjessica: I didn’t understand why these messages came up as it didn’t show me anything like that…
Foxmar320: !patreon
Foxmar320: !youtube
Juliamon: anyway, glad you're feeling better!
Graved: serving c***
sporkraptor: bwam!
sporkraptor: serving c********
ArdCollider: \o/
Get Shivam'd
jacqui_lantern234: CORI YES
SymphonySolstice: a whole new giiiiirl
Happy Partner anniversary!
jacqui_lantern234: i was LITERALLY just typing that XD
Hulyen: Are y'all going to have a signing/meet and greet/etc at Magic con Chicago? I have THINGS to deliver
too late, I'm exhausted 
sporkraptor: ooooo
richard_ermen: Oh, roleplay endet at just the right time to watch some LRRmtg? Noice!
ladyjessica: ooo
Kentosaurus: I will now refer to "tapping" as "akira-sliding"
Hulyen: Hurray!
Hulyen: I'm STOKED for the panel!
tryllebanjo: Woo!





Graved: Still no scheduled emote changes? For shame, twitch
Happy Partner anniversary!





But it is a GNU for TB! 



follower emotes? Sweet

TheAwkes: A Public Good™
Earthenone subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 76 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Earthenone! (Today's storm count: 2)
Cptasparagus: survivors over innistrad
CaptainSpam: I like how the name works out, too, lrr L U L.
50 Bits!
Cptasparagus: oh man balloon man is great
CaptainSpam: Three l's, two r's, and a u.
Hulyen: those balloons are not okay
LiamK712: One of the scariest arts
EvilBadman: Urf 2025 still has inflation?
Earthenone: what is the extrudability of that clown?
SymphonySolstice: creepis peepis
Earthenone: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
Brozard: Please do not look up "clown inflation"
Sierkovitz ran the numbers and "take the good cards" is in fact good advice 
walkeroftales: When are we finally getting a Zumba card to go with Zimone?
Flyingdelorion: Nice rrom!
jacqui_lantern234: @Brozard BROZARD YES
Flyingdelorion: room I mean
sporkraptor: inflationary clowns
Gekyouryuu: Y'all excited to do the ONLY Innistrad Remastered event tomorrow?
Cptasparagus: @Brozard is that when funny money loses its value
walkeroftales: Cursed recording is the one where you get to double 7 spells and then you die
richard_ermen: Its great if you can sacc if beforehand
Earthenone: you will die in 7 spells
Juliamon: the obligatory Ring reference card
tryllebanjo: Ragged Playmate works well with the Balloon Man, don't it?
jacqui_lantern234: as someone with arachnophobia, i DO NOT WANT to imagine ANY spiders
walkeroftales: The superior spider, man!
Earthenone: i like the googly eyes, but its a spider, it needs more
Brozard: @Cptasparagus I think it's like the opposite of a clown car? I dunno
northos: if they can't google around, do they use bing instead?
Graved: Is it a superior spider? What makes a good spider?
richard_ermen: Maybe a Swiss Army.....Funguuuuuussss?
walkeroftales: creepy peeps!
Brozard: @Brozard maybe the tires
Gekyouryuu: Cori, that spider may be superior to regular spiders, but it's still not a clown on fire, so...
jacqui_lantern234: uh oh! PEEPIES~
CaptainSpam: I mean, they definitely have too many eyes...
Juliamon: Windows
SymphonySolstice: boops?
richard_ermen: Clearly Windows felt left out.
jacqui_lantern234: thats LRRs windows noises
Juliamon: You really should
kristof162028 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 32 months!
Thanks for subscribing, kristof162028! (Today's storm count: 3)
xantos69: I wish that was possible.
walkeroftales: Why does the slave ring have branches to snap?
raulghoulia: It's Alive!
Graved: Honk
CaptainSpam: DO IT!
SymphonySolstice: change it to be a clown horn
Juliamon: That would help clarify that it's from the stream tbh
NekomimiNinja: "ho ho ho! hohoho!~"
Earthenone: can we get a beejdrop on the windows noise?
Happy Partner anniversary!

NapalmSideburns: Ian siitting on himself
SymphonySolstice: because windows is a clown
Hulyen: Taskmaster "No Way!"
xantos69: How about the "Ian sitting on himself" sound?
EvilBadman: USB removed/added "OKAY"
ladyjessica: oh yeah
richard_ermen: Imagine Macho Man sounds instead
Graved: Windows, to the wall!
shea_wolfe: Ian installing a bidet . wav
Gekyouryuu: Windows changes your settings because you can't be trusted to know what's best for you. You're not a corporation
kristof162028: Hey Graham how are you and Corry doing today?
CaptainSpam: TURN DOWN (updates) FOR WHAT
jacqui_lantern234: uh oh! fleshies~!
Earthenone: the thing that gets me is windows dosent like "return to default settings" it seemingly randomizes them
walkeroftales: Did yall see the new taskmaster cast?
xantos69: I like the term "Freestyle Spelling".
raulghoulia: @walkeroftales looking forward to 'Zouks
BusTed: Sweet
jacqui_lantern234: jokes on you, graham, your voice is ALWAYS nice to listen to! #gottem
EvilBadman: Derek from good Place
Hulyen: Maximum Derek!
ArdCollider: maximum Derek!
Kentosaurus: the heynongman himself
Syntheticuh: im so excited for him to be on the show
ArdCollider: the pride of Nahant, MA
samu_btdp1985 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 85 months!
TheAwkes: And the Tick Tock man from John Wick.
Thanks for subscribing, samu_btdp1985! (Today's storm count: 4)
ladyjessica: oh wow that’s so cool!
walkeroftales: @Kentosaurus what's up, hot dog?
Bruceski: Also apparently spent more in plane tickets for filming than he got paid to do the show
EvilBadman: Also one of the women were in either Big Fat Quiz 25 or Everything
EvilBadman: 24*
ladyjessica: that is very on brand.
ladyjessica: for him
jacqui_lantern234: @Brozard ehehehehe
Hulyen: I'm expecting some very Nish energy from him
northos: @EvilBadman yeah she was so good on that, I'm excited to see her on taskmaster
walkeroftales: I'd believe it because he's a big enough celebrity that he'd fly back and forth constantly
Bruceski: People talking in comments for the cast announcement, I don't have an official source
EvilBadman: Well the house costs $1m if Horne's to be believed
kristof162028: So Graham will you be commenting on the canadian highlander championship this Sunday?
EvilBadman: so I hope they're filming back-to-back or whatever
northos: yeah on the podcast they've talked about how they film the studio sessions two per day
walkeroftales: when are they going to print the card "able to scream"?
wedge_x: get up to get down
jacqui_lantern234: thwomp URGH
Bruceski: The book is interesting and can probably be built around in constructed (whether it's better than other options is different) but is a total trap in Limited
walkeroftales: oh no! My suspicious bookcase is unable to scream!
TheAwkes: Deck needs more peepies.
sporkraptor: I love that "creepy peepee" has become the official nickname for that card, despite Kathleen disowning it XD
Syntheticuh: hey G, the "will it vintage" tap tap concede episode might be my all time favorite. So much fun
of Sorensen fame?! 
Diabore: winters back!
Hey G, i know in the past lrr has done costom tokens (like sheild) for new sets. any plans for speed. I bought aome hotwheels imma put die on 
Graved: Can you even change the name that often?
jacqui_lantern234: @Syntheticuh it was so much fun
xantos69: @Syntheticuh I'm with you. I love discussions of bad cards that somehow put in the reps.
Dalrint: Is vintage different from constructed?
Bruceski: "This totally normal-looking card saw play for four months to deal with one specific other card that was popular."
jacqui_lantern234: @Dalrint its a type of constructed
Gekyouryuu: I assume this week's episode happened because Aetherdrift story hadn't wrapped up at time of recording?
Earthenone: !ppr
Happy Partner anniversary!
Horse drugs 
sporkraptor: we have--a Plan!
Happy Partner anniversary!
sporkraptor: eewwww
Pappy Hartner Anniversary!
Cptasparagus: catharting
Phaers: cool, love when people find ways to further customize magic
sporkraptor: lol
Lord_Hosk: Take the rare!
omg cori
Gekyouryuu: Capartic Tharting
hugsenuef: Good eve, everyone
jacqui_lantern234: also why is that a mood?!
jacqui_lantern234: just sobbing uncontrollably at a party
kristof162028: Graham please tell you guys will be using a type of counter that looks like a atop light for tracking speed
EvilBadman: I got that anniversary prompt yesterday

xantos69: Hit on 23? You are a renegade!
Lord_Hosk: There are a lot of people working at LRR now, are you sure its not SOMEONE anniversary with their partner?
TheAwkes: @Gekyouryuu More like CaFartic Farting, amirite?
Nickiatori: green underworld breach!
QuickHand98: Happy Birthday Graham! Can't believe it's on the same day as your Partner Anniversary!
Flyingdelorion: Ah! It's a Serge card!
SymphonySolstice: is this the day you made the channel maybe and it got the prompt wrong?
NekomimiNinja: twitch was also kind enough to inform me I could unlock any sub I wish with my 780DolLRRs (I have 165.9K)
Cptasparagus: I store my pans in my closet so its a wok-in closet
sporkraptor: smubblin?
richard_ermen: Did the Bubble Smuggler negate the dog however?
TheAwkes: As long as you know your own.
Cptasparagus: Oh yeah Ben said that LRR was going strong and would be around for a long time so I guess you should know you're jinxed
sporkraptor: it's a real busy day
SymphonySolstice: August 1 in southern
sporkraptor: LRR is old enough to drink legally in the US
korvys: What day is the "everyone's birthday" day in Japan?
CaptainSpam: Just think, in a few short decades, it'll be the 30th Anniversary of Sonic's 30th Anniversary.
NapalmSideburns: Wait, so the movie Shrek is older than LRR?
richard_ermen: So what were LRRs major in college?
noonetoday subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 58 months!
Thanks for subscribing, noonetoday! (Today's storm count: 5)
leidrienne: The bottomless pit is no longer bottomless.
Diabore: oh right graham, did you see the new taskmaster line up?
EvilBadman: Second Monday in Jan, looks like
Juliamon: Diabore Already discussed
EvilBadman: @Diabore rewind about 7minutes
Cptasparagus: I believe James was having trouble telling the difference between swamps and mountains a few weeks ago
Gekyouryuu: Apparently Thunder Junction has a new name, now?
QuickHand98: I'm partial to Zendikar Rising whirlpool full art
Sandboxgamer27: isn’t everyone in koreas “birth day” ie the day they get older the first of the year?
Cptasparagus: @Gekyouryuu are you thinking of Kaladesh is now Avishkar
walkeroftales: It's now Junder Thunction
Diabore: kaladesh got a new name because of prononciation things but i havent heard abou tunder junder
Graved: Don't junder me!
xantos69: Please sir... my Thuncton is Jundering. Give generously.
Juliamon: I appreciate them working it into the lore
Gekyouryuu: I saw someone in the discord show a clip of an official stream where someone offhand says it's Magterra or something now
NapalmSideburns: Hey, who Thunked my Junktion?
walkeroftales: I did love how in story, the fascists were still calling it Kaladesh
tsp397 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 57 months!
tsp397: What up Lurmtuggers!
Thanks for subscribing, tsp397! (Today's storm count: 6)
spicyFerret_: @xantos69 Junder em out!
Cptasparagus: @Gekyouryuu oh theres Murganda which is one of the planes visited in the new race set
korvys: Bye Jim
Lord_Hosk: @Sandboxgamer27 Used to be... They officially changed it to the international "birthday" system this year
Happy Partner anniversary!
Cptasparagus: @Gekyouryuu oh sick I didnt see that clip you're right
Gekyouryuu: No, i know about Muraganda, but someone was talking about Loot being found in a vault on Thunder Junction, "or Magterra as it's called now"
Phaers: no thunder left, just magma
walkeroftales: my *exact* first and second reaction, great job you two
SymphonySolstice: thundered too hard in the junction, now it has a magnetic charge
Juliamon: is it "called now" by us, the players, or by the denizens?
Desruprot: good bye glimmer you did so much
shea_wolfe: Survival works if you tap him for mana right?
Gekyouryuu: That spider has the voice of Chansey the Rock God
walkeroftales: "Why did we have to rename it when we *just* named it", followed by "couldn't you have picked a better name than lavaland"?
NapalmSideburns: I image that spider with Chancey's voice from bite club
Kentosaurus: I think it's a typo. from mtg wiki: "Maag Taranau, also known as The Vault, was a mysterious ancient artifact from Thunder Junction"
Mal2mad: "Maag Tararnau" is the actual nam of The Vault, according to the MtG Wiki. That could've bee distorted into "Magterra".
Gekyouryuu: @napalmsideburns ey! High five
87 raiders from Seabats have joined!
Juliamon: Welcome seachats!
KingOfDoma subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 136 months!
KingOfDoma: Hey Cori and Graham! Spooky games going okay so far?
Thanks for subscribing, KingOfDoma! (Today's storm count: 7)
NapalmSideburns: @Gekyouryuu *An arm sticks out of a pile of rags to high five you*
Happy Partner anniversary!
sporkraptor: bats from the SEEEE
MilkInBags: mobs died and loot dropped
Welcome in Seachats 
spicyFerret_: (chanting) months months months months months
walkeroftales: can we rename it the gulf of thunder junction?
sporkraptor: that spider absolutely has Chancey voice
Mindfire13: Just wait until they draw Damnation
spicyFerret_: She thunder on my junction till i [USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST]
MarylandJutsu: ohhhh blue and green deck
walkeroftales: every time I see House Cartographer, I mentally sing "Il Cartographer" from Strong Bad Emails
sporkraptor: dashy bloodsucky
walkeroftales: The evil town in Thunder Junction was called Tarnation
walkeroftales: which was very saturday morning cartoon of them
BusTed: The Code of the West Boys of Moo Mesa
walkeroftales: Mmm. I don't know. Cause wouldn't the Cow Boys be essentially child soldiers?
Earthenone: severe lack of trains for a set called junction
Mindfire13: The only thing better than deathtouch+trample is deathtouch+first strike+trample
QuickHand98: !card Great Train Heist
LRRbot: Great Train Heist [R] | Instant | Spree / + {2}{R} — Untap all creatures you control. If it's your combat phase, there is an additional combat phase after this phase. / + {2} — Creatures you control get +1/+0 and gain first strike until end of turn. / + {R} — Choose target opponent. Whenever a creature you control deals combat damage to that player this turn, create a tapped Treasure token.
Desruprot: also Holy Cows
duke_dice: Howdy folks
duke_dice: hows the gaming
SymphonySolstice: gaming is occurring
gualdhar: I'm getting the feeling Cowboys of New Mesa was a subtle advertisement for the beef and railroad industries
korvys: I think they can take 6?
breadisbest1: what about biker mice in Aetherdrift?
Diabore: they go to 1
walkeroftales: I mean, even if they live, they're down to one creature
NapalmSideburns: they might live, but they won't be hhappy about it
Diabore: either miscounted or decided that they couldnt win
duke_dice: we take thoses
Earthenone: flap on down to the apple patch
SymphonySolstice: trundle junction
Foxmar320: Trundling confirmed
Cptasparagus: hopefully you fare better than Trundle in the new LoL cinematic
TheWriterAleph: ooh boy good time to come in, if we're off to trundlin
Mindfire13: Trundling called
Phaers: whats passively trundling
LiamK712: active trundler then non-active trundler
Gekyouryuu: I'm curious: has anyone heard if the old pilots from Neon Genesis Kamigawa are being errata-ed to also saddle mounts at 2 more power, like the new ones?
spicyFerret_: Roger, you are go for trundling.
sporkraptor: we have TRUNDLE
walkeroftales: in-laws of trundle crossover
psektos67: Dude I never knew you were Canadian!
raulghoulia: chat when you get a chance I recommend you check out the full art Marshal's Pathcruiser
patbaer: many Canadians
Cptasparagus: @Gekyouryuu I don't believe so, thats why it was specific
Diabore: why did they not just put the vancouver on the island
sporkraptor: I hope to go visit your island soon (once my passport arrives)
Saskatoon, SK boy here 
Karneioss: @Gekyouryuu Maro got asked about it and he said that it's just the new pilots he believes
MilkInBags: wait, toronto isn't the capital of canada!?
korvys: You should get them to name one of the smaller islands "Victoria Island", for maximum confusion
Juliamon: a bunch of white dudes
psektos67: Victoria is the home of the last of the Imperialist who love the throne.
walkeroftales: @raulghoulia that loxodon is about to drop the HOTTEST mixtape
TheAwkes: 3 hours and $200 if you're lucky is nearly next door!
sporkraptor: yeah, that sounds hideously confusing tbh
duke_dice: at least you guys dont live in hell michagan lol
@MilkInBags Toronto is the capital of Ontario. Don't tell them that's not all of Canada though. 
Cptasparagus: what are your feelings on corgis
Happy Partner anniversary!
Vancouver airport is the nicest airport I've ever got lost in 
Diabore: we take these
walkeroftales: Are you excited for needless economic turmoil brought on by orange man towards both our countries, graham?
Toronto is the capital of Canada, just ask anyone who lives there 
Juliamon: Can we *please* not bring politics in here
shea_wolfe: I suspect they didn't realize they were going to time walk themselves and then gave up
EvilBadman: OP could be Cori since she's afk right now
No politics going on here. 
Pharmacistjudge subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 121 months, currently on a 119 month streak!
Pharmacistjudge: I have not had such turmoil over the word "the" and the letter "s"
Thanks for subscribing, Pharmacistjudge! (Today's storm count: 8)
Happy Partner anniversary! I was encouraged by twitch to say this
Earthenone: i hear litterally anything else is nice this time of year
the_fanerdic: so…. the weather
the_fanerdic: sure is weather out there
walkeroftales: what is opponent doing
Pharmacistjudge: ordering ribbons for Chicago
TimIAm: Does anyone else pronounce this stream Lurm Tug
Anubis169: Magic magic MAGIC magic...
TheWriterAleph: is oppo ok?
Diabore: @TheWriterAleph they seem to have dc'd
psektos67: Freezin cold temperatures across Canada and the States.
TheAwkes: @TimIAm Literally everyone, of course.
Mr_Horrible: @the_fanerdic unironically yes, the weather is reeeeeally weather lately
Dog_of_Myth: @Pharmacistjudge ooo the ribbons return. Nice.
walkeroftales: maybe opponent is about to drop a new 2 mana boardwipe?
Foxmar320: Sometimes Magic be like that
Diabore: theyre back!
Diabore: and theyre gone again!
EvilBadman: This lends more credence to "Cori is OP because she's back now"
Mr_Horrible: I mean, I can understand needing to take a breather after something like that
walkeroftales: taking away the big tokens mouth has made it only more dangerous
the_fanerdic: @mr_horrible don’t I know it. had a pipe burst and destroy my second bathroom yesterday
Mr_Horrible: @the_fanerdic nooooo that sucks
Pharmacistjudge: the reminder word "base" is important
Dog_of_Myth: Ooo noo
sporkraptor: yipes! D:
Juliamon: yeah, pipe damage is the real awful part of freezing temps
MilkInBags: the bus comes for us all
Mr_Horrible: Cori you need to stop using your teleportation powers for mischief
Juliamon: turns out water doesn't care to be contained when it freezes
richard_ermen: Is Cori secretly a Plumbing Fiend?
spicyFerret_: We have learned the invaluable lesson of "reading the card explains the card"
richard_ermen: You...you had Asbestos??

SymphonySolstice: cool times
walkeroftales: well, you were doing as best os you could
electra310: Yeah, we've been giving out a lot more water this week because peoples' pipes have frozen. Trouble is our relief center has been storing bottled water outdoors (along with most everything else) and it is hard frozen.
GasCityGaming: Asbestos is NOT the bestest

sporkraptor: wetwall
psektos67: How is the weather on the west coast? Pretty horrible central and east.
shea_wolfe: Tired of drywall? Try pea-wet!
sporkraptor: when people thought asbestos was Miracle Stuff
korvys: Asbestos is... stable... ish

Cptasparagus: if you think about it too hard it comes out and attacks
SymphonySolstice: if asbestos isn't disturbed it's safe. making it agitated is bad times
Diabore: im excited to see your takes on aetherdrift spoilers on (assumedly) monday
richard_ermen: Somehow....the Asbestos became a problem.
Kaaosa: discovery of unexpected asbestos is not recommended
Desruprot: don't touch the poisonous buildings
the_fanerdic: ppr is tomorrow? or Saturday?
Mr_Horrible: @psektos67 we're starting to feel the coldsnap here in PNW but thankfully it's not been too extreme, just finally getting below freezing temps regularly when it's been mid-40s F this winter
sporkraptor: saturday I believe
Juliamon: !ppr
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: most unexpected discoveries seem to be undesirable
spicyFerret_: Suddenly, the asbestos gets very eager to wangjangle your dna
the_fanerdic: thanks @juliamon
Dog_of_Myth: ooo nooo

korvys: @sporkraptor Asbestos is amazingly good at what they thought it was good for (resisting heat/fire) and *also* cancer. Which was less expected.
lamina5432: I see we r talking about poisons. I just found some mold
Asbestos, lead pipes, aluminum wiring etc etc Fun stuff. 
psektos67: Lead in paint too.
Happy Partner anniversary!
Desruprot: rip toilet
Bruceski: West coast weather varies. Here in Portland it's pretty "normal", just been about 40F for three weeks. Apparently some of California's been getting snow they aren't equipped to handle though. Nothing like the freezing temps the east coast has been getting.
SymphonySolstice: took a class in the drama department building at my uni and on day 1 the teacher pointed at little pink dots on the wall and said "see those? that's asbestos leeching out of the wall. don't touch it and don't put any pins in it and it's fine"
raulghoulia: I heard Shivam was involved with this set
TheWooglie: Road Quest PPR Edition
sporkraptor: @korvys yeah... like a lot of things people thought was Miracle Stuff when it was first "discovered," later developments revealed: oops
Desruprot: been a long time since Shivam
the_fanerdic: Subliminal messaging at its finest. thanks G!
sporkraptor: like radioactivity! and lead!
Earthenone: ahh SCP school
Juliamon: never trust any "miracle" scientific breakthrough until it's been VERY thoroughly tested
sporkraptor: all schools are SCPs tbh
Juliamon: it's wild how many times we have to relearn that as a species
sporkraptor: if they're not securing/protecting/containing supernatural stuff, they're still SCPing kids, so
spicyFerret_: At least theres not a goat stuck in the wall.
sporkraptor: @spicyFerret_ .... YET
sporkraptor: there's always time for more goatening
Mr_Horrible: Juliamon the irony is every time we think "Oh we're smarter than *last* time this happened, so surely this one is *actually* a miraculous breakthrough"
sporkraptor: yeeeep
raulghoulia: i don't mean to jinx us but has this deck lost any life yet?
drewm1022: It's coming right for us!
Mr_Horrible: our brains are good at recognizing all the patterns except the important ones
QuickHand98: You poked it too many times
spicyFerret_: @sporkraptor i pray that i will not need Derek's services.
I haven't heard any apologizing, are you guys sure that you are Canadian 
SymphonySolstice: more land precious
Mr_Horrible: hachi machi
the_fanerdic: draw all the land!
Gekyouryuu: "The MOON honk shoo!"
micalovits: So.... I heard you like Lands?
tsp397: James?
Mindfire13: At least you're getting the lands out of the way
Juliamon: James IS the one that changed the default lands
Wiliart: When has James last touched that computer?
nelife: <message deleted>You want all the lands. Are you called Donald?
Desruprot: holy land pocket
Suffix subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 137 months, currently on a 137 month streak!
Suffix: <boop>
Thanks for subscribing, Suffix! (Today's storm count: 9)
sporkraptor: we apologize for the lack of apologies in this channel
Earthenone: or bumping into the night
Mr_Horrible: apologizing to the credenza
micalovits: Time to draw 2 lands?
psektos67: All Your Lands Belongs to Us.
bytecaster: Hello Graham! Hello Cori! I see we are manifesting dread, like Gamers!
glitched_goddess: but is that because you’re Canadian or because of trauma?
Mr_Horrible: wait that's illegal
Earthenone: !card deck of many things
LRRbot: The Deck of Many Things [5] | Legendary Artifact | {2}, {T}: Roll a d20 and subtract the number of cards in your hand. If the result is 0 or less, discard your hand. / 1—9 | Return a card at random from your graveyard to your hand. / 10—19 | Draw two cards. / 20 | Put a creature card from any graveyard onto the battlefield under your control. When that creature dies, its owner loses the game.
Mr_Horrible: honestly, better than drawing them
Happy Partner anniversary!
tryllebanjo: !card Come Back Wrong
LRRbot: Come Back Wrong [2B] | Sorcery | Destroy target creature. If a creature card is put into a graveyard this way, return it to the battlefield under your control. Sacrifice it at the beginning of your next end step.
SymphonySolstice: landmourn
Desruprot: nice
Mr_Horrible: look sometimes you just need to stick a few 2/2's to win
sporkraptor: congrats!
bytecaster: I bet our opponent dreaded that attack manifesting!
Mr_Horrible: tramulet with bonus
iconicshadow89 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 62 months!
Always sad to see newbs playing in the Premium drafts 
Thanks for subscribing, iconicshadow89! (Today's storm count: 10)
Earthenone: choose one, lock or room
Cptasparagus: bolt cutters and locks
tryllebanjo: Stables, unstables etc.
Mr_Horrible: not tha natty bant
psektos67: No Bagels to go with your Locks?!
Cptasparagus: bant
Seth_Erickson: bant
Mindfire13: Brokers
Earthenone: wet sylesnia
Juliamon: psektos67 eh, we were all newbs at one point. If they want to burn their gems, so be it
Mr_Horrible: very dewey
Diabore: moldy azorious
gualdhar: and the constant reproduction
Mindfire13: Morally good Simic
coriolis_storm: Hey Graham, are you excited for the Section 31 show tomorrow?
bytecaster: Draw!
tsp397: Creepums Peepums!
Desruprot: !card Manifest Dread
LRRbot: Manifest Dread [1G] | Sorcery | Manifest dread.
Mr_Horrible: I mean we keep getting 2/2's
Mr_Horrible: so they've gotta do *something*
Bruceski: Are there any other cards like Manifest Dread that just do what they say?
sporkraptor: as opposed to solo tennis?
sporkraptor: oh I guess that's raquetball
bytecaster: Now everybody has two power, nice and even!
Mr_Horrible: no I think that creature makes an "aww FU-" noise
Happy Partner anniversary!
Dog_of_Myth: @Bruceski Well there is always Counterspell.
Mr_Horrible: hey wait a second
bytecaster: Maybe they wanted to be sane again!
Pharmacistjudge: oh no...i'm going down a font rabbit hole
Mr_Horrible: that card is stolen Iowa valor
Earthenone: 12 more orphans and this is an is this your card stream
bytecaster: The orphans yearn for the wheat!
glitched_goddess: because the corn field was occupied
Earthenone: children of the corn, at home
Bruceski: "if you build it, their parents will..." okay you can finish the rest, that's too dark for me.

sporkraptor: you're not wrong
Pharmacistjudge: For this events ribbons, i am trying to match the fonts from the Debut video with the ribbons.
psektos67: Soft Fontenelle
Mr_Horrible: seeing an A climbing into the side of Amigara Fault and coming out the other side with serifs
jacqui_lantern234: GRAHAM YES
RAICx: Fontenelle sans serif
Mr_Horrible: I cannot photoshop to save my life
drewm1022: Mr Horrible was never seen again.
Bruceski: @Mr_Horrible Dyslexia Fault
Mr_Horrible: it's been nice knowing y'all, I guess
Pharmacistjudge: i will avoid adobe as hard as i can

bytecaster: Photoshop is available for a one time payment of your eternal soul
psektos67: Land-de-lord again.
QuickHand98: Going on a tear
itira: farewell mr horrible
Pharmacistjudge: i'm learning davinci resolve....which is complete overkill to just not use adobe
sporkraptor: dang, wooo
Forlorgen: UG so strong in DSK after being terrible in other sets
Juliamon: I don't trust this username
bytecaster: That darn ball startles me EVERY time
CaptainSpam: At some point I should learn KdenLive for more than just slicing gifs out of videos...
Foxmar320: I use Davinci resolve sometimes. Its good but I have no idea what im doing sometimes
FeyWanderer: Hey folks. How comes the ppr?
Earthenone: !ppr
Diabore: are they grixis rooms?
bytecaster: Yeah, the mana acceleration is nothing to sneeze at
GreatGodOm: I had an opponent today who cast Unable to scream on my 5/5 primo the indivisible token. Making it a 5/7. They then proceeded to shame scoop.
bytecaster: Roomoval
anybutt, im gotta take off if i wanna make it to commander night. later nerds 
tryllebanjo: Da'room'p
Diabore: @GreatGodOm we also had that happen today, but it was our primo
walkeroftales: @GreatGodOm opponent did that to streamer earlier today
tryllebanjo: Room'p! There it is!
Desruprot: Reroomval
FeyWanderer: Now that I think about it. Hey G, you guys should do a video someday on all the prep work that goes into a ppr. Would be very interested to see the behind the scenes.
Bruceski: Looks like people are starting to reveal their Aetherdrift preview cards. Does LRR have any to watch for?
raulghoulia: this house has a lounge?!
walkeroftales: I want to make a Marina Vendrell commander deck with no rooms
GreatGodOm: Oh. I just got here. What a coinkydink.
Bruceski: neat.
gualdhar: And all the previews from doing the Aetherdrift PPR!
Juliamon: "excuse me while I go film something"
Gekyouryuu: Silly idea: a fight club where all fights are held in and only for the duration of a carnival attraction. Call it "The Tunnel of Shove"
Alles Gute zum Partner-Jubiläum!
GreatGodOm: Will we ever see the return of the nickname episodes? Or have they been permanently shelved?
walkeroftales: this pool in which no bottoms are allowed
Bruceski: Get out of the pool!
sporkraptor: yes
Pharmacistjudge: digestive system is just a canal
ghyllnox: Digestive systems usually end in what we'd call a bottom
sporkraptor: we are all donuts with appentages
psektos67: As long as your bottom doesn't have teeth all is good.





Faulpyr: Serge has infiltrated this chat

electra310: I wasn't even paying attention, I just saw we were doing canal
Bruceski: blue deck says no?
walkeroftales: how many counterspells could opp have drafted?
Look, we hear the word "canal" we post 
oh, NOW it gives me the prompt for
Happy Partner anniversary!
Juliamon: I guess they aren't really aggro after all. Good on them for honesty.
the_fanerdic: @diabore because serge can’t play a game where he builds things without building a canal
Juliamon: wait
tryllebanjo: Jeeeesus
sporkraptor: aaaand valvagoth
walkeroftales: what if manifest dread was manifest ted and all the creatures it created were named Ted
tryllebanjo: What. a. swing.
Diabore: @the_fanerdic i wasnt talking about that, i was talking about why they killed the room
Phaers: big bruuts
the_fanerdic: That makes way more sense.
Juliamon: says they aren't aggro, drops big moth
TheWriterAleph: yeesh
Jethrain: well they weren't kidding i guess, they're not aggro
tryllebanjo: oof
Diabore: yeah big vulvagoth does many things
the_fanerdic: 1 != 0
coriolis_storm: How the turns have tabled!
did you have fun

NapalmSideburns: Mothra
Seth_Erickson: He's brutal for sure
sporkraptor: velvet goth
Juliamon: do you think they regret doing the Godzilla thing before Valgavoth was printed
170 raiders from benjamin_wheeler have joined!
TheWriterAleph: notorious VGV
anhakha: boo
Juliamon: welcome rodeo!
Happy Partner anniversary!
Happy Partner anniversary!
Happy Partner anniversary!
Happy Partner anniversary!

Sandboxgamer27: Benny wheels
sporkraptor: thanks for having you raiders, it's great to be here!
anhakha: are ya winnin'?

Happy Partner anniversary!
Xerodin: we're not your normal raiders we're the kind that are here for your booty
ToppHat: oooo, got valgavoth-0ed?
micalovits: We did just get recked by the mothman last game
sporkraptor: to be fair it was a *really* big moth
ToppHat: moths just getting bigger and bigger these days
Avawen1312: Enduring Vitality? That card is a house in my Standard deck
Mangledpixel: hueg
sporkraptor: the absolute size of that moth
couchboyj: The Ur Moth
ToppHat: is he like cannonically the whole plane?
Delerium76: was it valga shaped?
zeathean: was this moth also a Deamon?
micalovits: Yea, it was the size of a house!
BartholemewTheKitten: Your saying that just before disaster, a mothman appeared?
Phaers: as big as a plane ive heard
ToppHat: damn
ToppHat: big boy
unbanjitte subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months, currently on a 10 month streak!
unbanjitte: tfw oppenent cats thier big
Thanks for subscribing, unbanjitte! (Today's storm count: 11)
ToppHat: Slavering Branchsnapper erratta'd to "BIG"
sporkraptor: my big is bigger than your big
micalovits: I thought collosal dreadmaw was "big"
Mangledpixel: I cast my big pls respond
itira: I cast my Big starring Tom Hanks
ToppHat: you've heard of big?
ToppHat: how about BIG 2
Bruceski: "It resolves. Wait, did you say big or biiiiiiig?" "Biig, two i's." "Oh, counterspell."
Dread_Pirate_Westley: More BIG?
BartholemewTheKitten: Have you considered...second big?
Orxolon: i loved the limited green blue deck in DSK,SPECIALLY wirh Simone
CaptainSpam: A big, and then a big big.
couchboyj: 2Slavering2Branchsnap
glitched_goddess: Big if true
v_nome: "Clammy Prowler" to me sounds like a terrible spin off from jammy dodgers
walkeroftales: A second, slightly smaller, Big
Dog_of_Myth: !findquote big
LRRbot: Quote #4543: "Don't trust Big Tomato! Down with Big Tomato!" —Ben [2017-12-11]
ToppHat: Clown and then
ToppHat: teenager?
Orxolon: and that kids is how i met your mother XD
ToppHat: WOOF
sporkraptor: I've got a bad case of the clammy prowlers
unbanjitte: the bomb of bombs
ToppHat: Just in name this time
RayFK: Actually, that card is good #wotcstaff
Orxolon: it doesn't suck,i love it
raisins4life: its a very groanworthy card
snowb0und: clammy prowlers sounds like a regional name for jellied eels
maefly2: Good card is good, news at 11
raisins4life: "there are eyes out in the field Graham"
walkeroftales: you know, how when a demon onslaughts you, that's basically a part of the natural world
Happy Partner anniversary!
ToppHat: I forget, did playboosters affect arena in anyway?
Bruceski: Being the reporter on site for Valgavoth's Onslaught is like when they send someone from the studio into a hurricane to show how stupid it is to stand in a hurricane.
TheWanderingNomad: Is Valgavoth invading more or less terrifying then Eldrazi invading?
walkeroftales: They still control ethereal armor, yes
googoltudoris: @RayFK good cards are a lie perpetuated by big carboard!
Cptasparagus: the enchantment isnt an ability of the creature
micalovits: I wonder i playing land #7 was wrong incase we draw simone
walkeroftales: for SURE you steal the 6/8
ToppHat: Thats a LORG analyst
walkeroftales: oh no opponent, the basket that you put all your eggs in!
Orxolon: ok,elevator and they're in
BartholemewTheKitten: First, have this bun
ghizmou: it does lose the first strike since that's an ability provided onto the creature by the aura
bytecaster: Love draw card
ToppHat: that is weird
Cptasparagus: Zimone and Puumbaimo
Diabore: time stamps
shea_wolfe: I wonder if they remember they can re-equip
korvys: Layers
KeytarCat: !card zimone
LRRbot: Found 7 cards you could be referring to - please enter more of the name
KeytarCat: !card zimone, all-
LRRbot: Zimone, All-Questioning [1GU] | Legendary Creature — Human Wizard [1/1] | At the beginning of your end step, if a land entered the battlefield under your control this turn and you control a prime number of lands, create Primo, the Indivisible, a legendary 0/0 green and blue Fractal creature token, then put that many +1/+1 counters on it.
Avawen1312: they're just trying to get to 8 rooms right?
ToppHat: Man I thought the gym was the walk-in-closet for a second
bytecaster: The next prime is quite a ways off
Happy Partner anniversary!
Avawen1312: ah
Pharmacistjudge: ok finding one font took the past 20 minutes....why am i going this deep into the font mines?
Seth_Erickson: the central elevator it's called
KeytarCat: Getting zimone at 7 lands is rough
BartholemewTheKitten: Bad day for shiny buns it seems
bytecaster: Just gotta get to 11!
Holy Crappoli Partnerversary!?
the_fanerdic: @pharmacistjudge because fonts aren’t chill? except for Wingdings
Happy Partner anniversary!
ToppHat: did they forget about the flashlight?
shea_wolfe: Do they just die now?
zeathean: and flunge for the win?
micalovits: They sure looke dead to a flunge, but eh
Orxolon: oh sorry,when i spoke earlier i thought the Foundations Simone was in DSK
ghizmou: feel like you should have
Dog_of_Myth: All according to plan...
sporkraptor: all according to keikaku (that means plan)
bytecaster: We can still deroom them in response
walkeroftales: That anthro did WHAT now? On the carpet?!?
ZombieHendrix subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 69 months!
ZombieHendrix: 69!
Thanks for subscribing, ZombieHendrix! (Today's storm count: 12)
BartholemewTheKitten: Bodies, who will hit the floor
googoltudoris: anthro did what in his cup?
raisins4life: I'm always pede'ing
bytecaster: We could hold the pede
Strebenherz: Good evenin, how's the drafting been?
iconicshadow89: does a full swing not kill them?
Strebenherz: PFT. "Hold peede"
sporkraptor: dangit who peeded in my room??
googoltudoris: every day i'm pedeing
ZombieHendrix: don't impede the pede
korvys: That's not good for you
noSmokeFire: it's not healthy to hold pede
micalovits: They don't die to full swing this turn no
glitched_goddess: hold pede for next exit
EvilBadman: Don't hold too long lest you have prostate issues
BrowneePointz: "Yes i'd like a room reservation? Yes, hold the Peed"
Desruprot: ah yes hold the peed
bytecaster: Sometimes you prefer the primo over peed
raisins4life: subscribe with amazon primo
zeathean: now they do not
Desruprot: don't hold your peed too long though
bytecaster: Draws them another card too
walkeroftales: NOW we're entering dies to full swing territory
Diabore: i just moved to clear the revealed tab
bytecaster: Primo is not enough psychic damage alone?
Jethrain: !card meat locker
LRRbot: Meat Locker // Drowned Diner | Meat Locker [2U] | Enchantment — Room | When you unlock this door, tap up to one target creature and put two stun counters on it. // Drowned Diner [3UU] | Enchantment — Room | When you unlock this door, draw three cards, then discard a card.
bytecaster: They'll never see the pede coming
BrindleBoar: need for pede
googoltudoris: itty bitty living space
methodical_monk subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 44 months!
methodical_monk: We're back, bay-bee!
Thanks for subscribing, methodical_monk! (Today's storm count: 13)
BartholemewTheKitten: Anne is quite happy chilling in your hand, she feels no need to go eat rooms
Dog_of_Myth: Release the pede
bytecaster: 13 lands is what I call "doable"
ZombieHendrix: need for pede: hot pursuit
bytecaster: Pede them for psychic damage?
googoltudoris: isn't that how you get stuck?
shea_wolfe: What was in their deck? They were drawing 2-3 cards per turn for like half the game but never dropped a real threat
glitched_goddess: pede in a public space
NapalmSideburns: It's the pede's elevator now
Cptasparagus: that video of the kid peeing on the elevator board and it blows up
bytecaster: But now they will never know we were holding the pede
sporkraptor: oh hey, it's a horse!
ToppHat: good old bucey
rasterscan: Given that it's a house of horrors, I would be willing to bet that someone has pede in every single room in Duskmorne
Desruprot: casually tosses an elevator out
sporkraptor: yeah, it's Alexander's horse!
Featherweight_: they push all the buttons
enbycephalopod: I mean, It WAS
sporkraptor: alexander the great
jessicaengle: Mr. Ed?
definenull: Consult a doctor concerning your bucephelus
EvilBadman: Oh, I pede in the coffee <beejstare>
BartholemewTheKitten: A-Train's pony
Kentosaurus: today I learned. I just thought it was the horse from curse of strahd.
jessicaengle: Oh??



v_nome subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 66 months!
Thanks for subscribing, v_nome! (Today's storm count: 14)








Mr_Horrible: excellent, Gibb is a great choice for that

Featherweight_: oh it looks good live


googoltudoris: jojo wow dot wav
silent_sol: he's laughing like an anime lady
softservebl: Discarding lands? Who are you, Jimmy Wong?
Gekyouryuu: Chat's just a silly little guy. Chat's pronouns are he/he/he/he/he
bytecaster: We could have dunked that cheerleader into the pool
jessicaengle: Plz put Gibb in charge of things!

Happy Partner anniversary!
Cptasparagus: dunk the cheerleader, save the world
Phaers subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months!
Phaers: Dunk the demon
Thanks for subscribing, Phaers! (Today's storm count: 15)
Kentosaurus: ABD Always Be Dunking
bytecaster: He is a moth, he has a weakness to pools!
Hulyen: what if the pool gets pede'd
shea_wolfe: Oh they're going to be real mad about this bounce
Dog_of_Myth: Just dunk a demon into itself.
BartholemewTheKitten: Time to grasp
noSmokeFire: 'pump the brakes' better be a counter in aetherdrift
tryllebanjo: !card Oblivious Bookworm
LRRbot: Oblivious Bookworm [GU] | Creature — Human Wizard [2/3] | At the beginning of your end step, you may draw a card. If you do, discard a card unless a permanent entered the battlefield face down under your control this turn or you turned a permanent face up this turn.
a_Weakling: Oh no, pay 2 life to draw a card. Unplayable!
Dog_of_Myth: TRUE
ToppHat: amazing Cori
shea_wolfe: Never forget Beej
Mr_Horrible: Beej cameo in aetherdrift would be good
noSmokeFire: TRUE
bytecaster: "Fucking walk then" 1BB - Destroy target vehicle
ToppHat: Road Quest Vehicle
googoltudoris: we HAVE to get this printed
bytecaster: Wait, one green would be a better cost
KeytarCat: Just, Uncrew a vehicle
xantos69: But when will it appear in the art?
Mr_Horrible: "A good sturdy pair of fuckin' walkin' shoes" [Artifact- Equipment]
Dog_of_Myth: No, there were those monkies
Invitare: Pump Up The Jam
BrowneePointz: there is Pedal to the Metal
EvilBadman: Cori, 2026 "Everytime i see these funking creatures, I read it as fucking"
BrowneePointz: that got previewed today
Cptasparagus: ooooh a "Gas, Gas, Gas"
korvys: Not true, Coir - Uktabi Orangutan
korvys: *Cori
noSmokeFire: a ramp spell called Ramp
Gekyouryuu: there IS a "Pedal to the Metal"
Phaers: roadside repairs, brings an artifact from graveyard to play
a_Weakling: Speedbump would be cute
raisins4life: what about petal to the medal, putting foliage near olympic winners
CaptainSpam: !card Pedal to the Metal
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
Dog_of_Myth: I should watch redline again
jessicaengle: !findquote metal
LRRbot: Quote #6547: "I think it's very metal." —Graham, calmly and matter-of-factly [2019-11-08]
BrowneePointz: a lot of the Revved up treatments are redline coded
Vandristine: so where are all the fish pirates from? Ixalan?
Gekyouryuu: I love that not only is the normal Chandra art the Akira slide, her Vehicle token is ALSO the Akira poster
BrowneePointz: and LOTS of Stanced up Loxodons
EvilBadman: James looking at Aetherdrift, wanting to find a way to speed up the Bus Runner
Bruceski: I've enjoyed the stuff I've seen so far, but I think having both vehicles and mounts in the same set is going to lead to some mixups in mechanics.
Kentosaurus: I hope aetherdrift has a downshift card a la fast and the furious constantly downshifting
Diabore: how do we feel about the turbo yellow finish line borders?
Vandristine: that new rare black artifact has an INSANE alt art. from Mummy to Mommy?
JoannaTastic: An anti-vehicle enchantment called Adverse Camber
BrowneePointz: Looks like they filled the cards with Piss
ToppHat: oh no
ToppHat: its like
raisins4life: the yellow is a lot
anhakha: i have been screaming this, i want to see a full deck of bright yellow cards
Cptasparagus: they seem LOUD
ToppHat: road divider yellow
SolarBlitz1 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 65 months!
SolarBlitz1: Dat's a lot of months
Thanks for subscribing, SolarBlitz1! (Today's storm count: 16)

Diabore: k good, i very dislike how they look digitally
passwordlost_hereiam: They had some ink leftover from printing Pokemon cards
a_Weakling: They look like pogs
Featherweight_: cheese cards?
Bugberry: super haste
BrowneePointz: there's a blue card that got spoiled that looks dece
BrowneePointz: cuz it has contrast
EvilBadman: Zoomies, clearly
Strebenherz: first place foils? what?
BrowneePointz: but yea they just look like cheesey pee cards
Phaers: Beep beep, would be cute
definenull: It'll go well with Kathleen's cheese sleeves
Cptasparagus: theres a new black enchantment which has Earthbind vibes
Pharmacistjudge: And...i think i'm done. I can't find the Goblin Rocketeer font
Desruprot: @Featherweight_ don't eat the delicious cards
Mr_Horrible: "Haste: brought to you by Mazda"
KeytarCat: Zoomies would give a mount haste
jessicaengle: Do you have sliced American cheese in Canada? Those are kind of like cheese cards
Diabore: i trust your style more than my own graham
Gekyouryuu: @Vandristine which one?
Mangledpixel: ᴢᴏᴏᴍ ᴢᴏᴏᴍ
jessicaengle: My condolences.
Bugberry: I expect the Commander decks to have at least 1 Splitsecond card.
Pharmacistjudge: It's not KD singles/
Vandristine: @Gekyouryuu Cursecloth Wrappings
Gekyouryuu: ah, ty
korvys: Kraft was Canadian, wasn't he? (the person)
tryllebanjo: Opinions on Kraft Dinner?
ToppHat: The commanders for the precons seem neat
GredGredmansson: @Vandristine oh, you meant the ART, not the effect
ghizmou: but similar
chat don't be culturally insensitive 
Vandristine: oh yeah the alt art for Cursecloth is so down bad
noSmokeFire: kraft singles in your area
googoltudoris: would kd singles have tiny little slices of macaroni in them?
xantos69: I love when the public bullies a company.
jessicaengle: Your true power, bullying Kraft
RayFK: KDeeze Nuts
Mangledpixel: at which point the power move would be to stop calling it that

rosesmcgee: Canadians will politely decline
breadisbest1: what is the most Canadian cheese?
v_nome: KD is a lot of people's safe food. Big fan of it not changing.
Wicker_Guide: If our plastic nostalgia tubes have to be called Kraft Dinner because you - people - can't let bad things be bad then... fine
Pharmacistjudge: @RayFK i'm trying to back derive some of your team's work and throwing a mild fit
ghizmou: @breadisbest1 cheese curds
raisins4life: weird how they reprinted Champion mechanic on just the one card in duskmourne
xantos69: @breadisbest1 Whatever they put in poutine.
googoltudoris: !addquote "KDeeze Nuts" -RayFK #WOTCStaff
RayFK: @Pharmacistjudge Time to abandon the plan entirely
ghyllnox: @breadisbest1 From what I've observed, the curds specifically on poutine
BrowneePointz: that's called *gets bonked really hard*
Mangledpixel: preese
KaleidoscopeMind: preese
Phaers: Squeaky cheese
KeytarCat: Cheese seed
Hulyen: cheese curds are absolutely cheese
ghizmou: better than post cheese
bytecaster: What is postcheese?
xantos69: "Pre-Cheese" sounds like a horrible medical condition.
jessicaengle: Yogurt is pre-cheese
Akaiatana: Wow, Cori is being Preachees
Pharmacistjudge: I'm just trying to figure out what fonts y'all are using
Hulyen: it's squished cheese
Happy Partner anniversary! Is LRR's Partner Anniversary gonna last as long as Sonic's 30th?
mcbaseballface: cori going to summon the wrath of wisconsin
Kentosaurus: technically milk is precheese
hugsenuef: I think I just threw up a little at "pre-cheese"
EvilBadman: k.d. lang is called Mac and Country down her
Featherweight_: goose cheese, the trick is milking them
Vandristine: Post cheese is those moldy ones right
Wicker_Guide: post-cheese is mold
Suffix: squeaky nuggs of pre cheese
wedge_x: squeaky cheese
ghyllnox: Post-cheese is whey
jessicaengle: @wedge_x Squeecheese?
noSmokeFire: happy sonic's partnerversary
BrowneePointz: isn't she a Lesbian?
BrowneePointz: That's Mac and Fleece
Gekyouryuu: you know what I find funny? for the mummy commander deck, the one that looks like a normal cloth mummy is the 4/4, but the one that looks like Lazotep ISN'T
RayFK: Your Stealy thing is now called Dan
RayFK: So you can have Stealy Dan

RayFK: You're welcome
Diabore: welp
Akaiatana: The worst Dan
Diabore: both teams had fun
ghizmou: save us forest
Mangledpixel: Darksteely Dandan
googoltudoris: @RayFK seriously though, "fucking walk then" gonna happen before the heat death of the universe?
Phaers: don't look to good, not gonna lie
BrowneePointz: so cori you're saying
Gekyouryuu: Blightsteely Dan
BrowneePointz: you could stab it with your steely knives
BrowneePointz: but you couldn't not kill the beast?
roastbeefsandwitch: The "Sword Off" filler between the various PPR segments still puts me in stitches today, even a few years out. The reference two the "Sword of Mac & Cheese, localized in Canada as the Sword of K&D" was a great include.
sporkraptor: infectious earworms
BrowneePointz: could*
Cptasparagus: Puresteely Dan
jessicaengle: Dealy Stan
sporkraptor: standeely
Mangledpixel: Mealy Flan
Hulyen: I wonder if anyone's done a mashup of Steely Dan and Steeleye Span
tryllebanjo: Franz Ferdimandan?
anhakha: If you want a quicker game of DanDan, they just have infect, so you only need to hit 3 times rather than 5.
jessicaengle: I think Dealy Stan might be Spokesman Dave's long lost brudder
Diabore: incredibly deceased, no one has ever been this deceased
GredGredmansson: @roastbeefsandwitch "Sword of Kiss & Tell?" *blush* "You know I can't!"
AutumnGold: Cutty Flam?
sporkraptor: need a bit of neural rinsing tbh
EvilBadman: y'all been lowkey smashing the draft so had to hit the wall eventually
seepete: Please take a break so I can attend to my peely tan
micalovits: To late stealy dan
roastbeefsandwitch: @GredGredmansson All the extras ideas in the comments were gold too
anhakha: gain control of your own glimmer
anhakha: just to flex
wedge_x: is there already a magic card called Dirty Work? someone should make that happen if not
Bugberry: At they would lose Flying
GredGredmansson: @wedge_x closest thing is Down // Dirty
jessicaengle: o7
Strebenherz: simply go boom
sporkraptor: gooooo
Diabore: !card dirty work
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
jessicaengle: !findquote dan
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
jessicaengle: !findquote cheese
LRRbot: Quote #5229: "Cheese is delicious." —Kathleen [2018-08-03]
Mangledpixel: aha, a truth!
Oh finally, the voice of reason

definenull: O hey new checkpoint is up
jessicaengle: Ooo. New chonkponk.
Juliamon: oh, early!
Akaiatana: The youtube vod has phasing
kumatsu: oh, they finally let you out of the cryotubes
BartholemewTheKitten: Time is strange in the house
BrowneePointz: My favorite Aetherdrift art so far Graham are the ones with Loxodon stanced up next to their rides
definenull: You know I bet duskmourn would still slap as a limited format 5 years from now
how does reality itself blip
Cptasparagus: MegaHaste
TheWriterAleph: Paul Blarf Mall Cough
kumatsu: Gavin watching the stream right now, writes down "Blarf" for later
Akaiatana: Duskmourn Remastered will be everyone's trapped in the old folks' home.
Strebenherz: gibbons of the coast
RayFK: Yo real talk, you two good?
xantos69: FlipFlorp of the Coast is releasing a new set this month.
definenull: UHH
BrowneePointz: I mean, all scat is made with your mouth
Hulyen: Secret Lair Scatman's World when
BrowneePointz: technically
Strebenherz: !Phrasing
LRRbot: "Phrasing has never been a thing and I will never do it even once." —Ian Horner, 2021
Cptasparagus: its all the same tube
GapFiller: RayFK Jordan is anyone 'good' rn
until_may subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 96 months!
until_may: Getting closer
Thanks for subscribing, until_may! (Today's storm count: 17)
GredGredmansson: !findquote 7473
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
bytecaster: no
Foxmar320: No! Im cold
GredGredmansson: !quote 7473
LRRbot: Quote #7473: "Maybe I'm better when I'm on fire ?" —RebelliousUno [2021-01-26]
Suffix: nah
v_nome: It's 2025, are people good anymore?
GredGredmansson: wrong one
ghyllnox: Well...
EvilBadman: I was better last week
TheWriterAleph: best i can do is a solid 7
Akaiatana: Working the Red Shift
Hulyen: oh, btw Cori, I've subjected so many of my coworkers to your Vengabus version to mixed results
GredGredmansson: !findquote water
LRRbot: Quote #1418: "Maybe we should just go towards the... nightmare. Maybe then we will know peace from... We'll bathe in the clear waters of not being alive anymore." —Alex [2014-01-17]
kumatsu: the most Graham-coded bit would be a subbed account Tonberry that counts down every month
Mangledpixel: !bus
Hulyen: I adore it! If it was on spotify I'd sneak it onto the store playlist
definenull: !venga
LRRbot: To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield to the oncoming Venga Bus.
GredGredmansson: Graham I hope you reveal the inevitable Tonberry card in the Final Fantasy set
Desruprot: now they get experience the pede
Faulpyr: That Venga Bus version came up on my Playlist as I was driving... it was very unexpected
raulghoulia: @GredGredmansson that would be a great video
Akaiatana: Hear me out: Loot as a Tonberry with Foretell

micalovits: big
roastbeefsandwitch: I want to read the story of how the Duskmourn plane - the monster part, not the survivors - absolutely wiped the floor with the Phyrexian Invasion.
shea_wolfe: Big?!
GredGredmansson: @roastbeefsandwitch its a boring story. Phyrexia knocked on the door and Valgavoth didn't open it.
micalovits: They to have big
definenull: Well it wasn't 5/4 for long
Hulyen: oh, poor soul not realizing it's polyrhyhtmic
googoltudoris: not if you've murdered your rhythmic sense with jazz!
tryllebanjo: Something something Meshuggah
Hulyen: that edit was AMAZING

definenull: At some point you just give up an just vibe along
Akaiatana: With most music, you expect a 4/4, like Fear of Failed Tests
BrowneePointz: It's simple just take theory and comp classes *forehead*
LarkSachrosis: "What time signature is Dragon in?" ...yes!
GredGredmansson: wait is that OUR dinosaur
Dog_of_Myth: My High School Marching Band teacher loved jazz. Every year we marched to Jazz.
googoltudoris: @BrowneePointz were yours "how to make music correctly according to 19th century white men" ?
Dog_of_Myth: That was an experience
definenull: Oh good!
ghyllnox: @GredGredmansson They played their own
Juliamon: huzzah!
ghyllnox: Yaay!
Greyah: I don't really see the point of putting a spoiler on a train, but you do you.
Desruprot: in the dark and distant past there is only war
Dog_of_Myth: Congrats
bytecaster: Google Support must be having a time
jessicaengle: So James' secret power to make Patrick Mahomes sneeze and lose the superbobble worked
EvilBadman: Oh I should bug ashton for Db I guess
Suffix: Oh gods.
bytecaster: Zoho has been in the business for quite some time
BrowneePointz: It could be avoided if they'd make this garbage OPT IN
GredGredmansson: oh the manifest dread was a Manifest Dread
Dog_of_Myth: Stop forcing AI on me thank you.
Strebenherz: @jessicaengle do what now?
I'm sure they're losing tons of business from people choosing to drop google rather than deal with it. Wheeee! 
Desruprot: they manifest dreaded manifest dread
Vandristine: time for Gladiator
googoltudoris: sqwiwels!

micalovits: Ez win
Suffix: Nice.

Strebenherz: GG
KaleidoscopeMind: success!
EvilBadman: the system works
googoltudoris: huzzah!
xantos69: You are 1/0
LarkSachrosis: Yeah, people just do that in brawl.
Diabore: one hour? thats how much time is left in stream!
Jethrain: it's very silly
Strebenherz: sounds ridiculous

Akaiatana: The first spell you cast each turn has storm.
raulghoulia: !card maelstrom nexus
LRRbot: Maelstrom Nexus [WUBRG] | Enchantment | The first spell you cast each turn has cascade.
xantos69: Oh its one of THOSE formats.
GredGredmansson: oh dear
LarkSachrosis: Some players will snap concede in Brawl if they don't draw their Turn 2 win condition.
GredGredmansson: oh is this a funky format
Bugberry: I feel like the 0 MV Suspend cards have become the first ones that players think of.
kumatsu: respectfully, they should git gud
LarkSachrosis: It sure is G!
Vandristine: I went hard into Brawl for Ikoria with Snapdax monsters
Vandristine: and then I havent really played Magic since
Jethrain: i'm glad i didn't come up against anyone doing the cheesy no-cost suspend cards when i was playing this yesterday
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Not me. I snap concede if I don't get 3 mana by my 2nd mulligan.
Vandristine: wait is opponent mono green Kiora?
Akaiatana: I always want to think it's "Binding OF the"
if it makes you feel better at least rhonas is dead 
GredGredmansson: rhonas happened
Strebenherz: Rhonas is big evil buff
I LOVED that card in Standard, when I grinded my face off for a short while back then 
Strebenherz: I uhhh use G-E Rhonas in a legendary tribal deck of mine. It's rude
Mr_Horrible: only his Kaldheim version has haste iirc

definenull: its the himbo!
anhakha: we playing constructed elves...?
kumatsu: imagine if Bauble drew the Footfalls
Dog_of_Myth: This is the Cascade event
Diabore: sounds like we're hitting mox
Diabore: yay footfalls

tryllebanjo: zk1llz!
Vandristine: let's hit that MOX
Thefluffiestguineapig: is this the midweek event?
Thefluffiestguineapig: 8?
Thefluffiestguineapig: sorry, cat text
BrowneePointz: Magterra?
xantos69: Thundy Junkums.
EvilBadman: Thig Chundus
iconicshadow89: trundle function?
Cptasparagus: Conjunctivitis Junction
anhakha: the cat has a point
Dog_of_Myth: Junder Thunktion, what's your function
wedge_x: Chunder Junction
Thefluffiestguineapig: I did jam a bunch of this but I have not been playing arena long so boy my collection is sparse
Thefluffiestguineapig: oh she went to go sprint around the room, so I think she’s cooking on something Cori
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh I love Anim Pakal!
Diabore: oh they dont even have amber
anhakha: That's what the screenshot button is for
Mr_Horrible: love to put my library on the bottom of my library in a random order
Thefluffiestguineapig: I run Anim in my Aurelia deck
EvilBadman: @anhakha if only we had a video format
bytecaster: free goose!
Dog_of_Myth: !y
anhakha: naaaah, a series of screenshots is superior
Thefluffiestguineapig: I’m sorry I think you mean (whispers free real estate)
tryllebanjo: Beeeautiful
Cptasparagus: Squoose
Thefluffiestguineapig: The rhinos just don’t notice
Mr_Horrible: "Look as long as this job stays union, I don't care"
anhakha: the rhino's are the mounts. Everyone always goes on about the heroic knights, but never their trusty steeds.
bytecaster: free elf, frelf
iris_of_ether: "Rhino just happy to be included~"
Greyah: I like the idea that the rhinos are wholesome and encouraging: "yeah! You can do it lil' guy! Go get em!" while they do all the work.
Mr_Horrible: I like that they must be both small *and* invisible
iris_of_ether: A Ratatouille situation
Thefluffiestguineapig: The rhinos do get groomed by those teeny birds
anhakha: Crew 0? That's perfect for the goose!
roastbeefsandwitch: No, there's at least a dozen on each, but their collective size is too small to matter against the rhino's mass
bytecaster: This event might be silly

CaptainSpam: "OKAY!"
Wiliart: Windows, why?
electra310: More Squirrel!
anhakha: helf
Mr_Horrible: good vamping, Cori
Thefluffiestguineapig: the commanders that made me angry were one where when a spell enters exile she gets a +1 counter
kumatsu: you may not know this, but Graham is mildly allergic to dancing
anhakha: Has 'Gir' from IZ energy
electra310: No one is prepared for Cori dancing
bytecaster: My vision is based on movement
anhakha: "Look at me dancin'!"
Cptasparagus: eyeball time
Thefluffiestguineapig: And some Jace with a nonsense discard BS thing where it somehow made me lose and I couldn’t figure it out
kumatsu: There's some Zim concept art being auctioned right now for LA fire relief, was very tempted
Thefluffiestguineapig: the person with the player name blue black might be signalling too hard
ghizmou: this is a safe space
Bugberry: With toughness 5 or less, so only things with small buts
bondeulv: it's a good card
jamwno: great flavor, tractor beam doesnt work if butt too big
BurgerGamer: @Thefluffiestguineapig they're forcing monored
xantos69: You heard it here first: Cori has never gotten an alien off.
Akaiatana: I have never gotten an alien off either
Syntheticuh: g can you sing the doom song now?
anhakha: Can we get Paul in to draft the last pack?
Bugberry: I can't wait for the space vehicles that Edge of Eternity is bound to have.
KaleidoscopeMind: lindex?
tryllebanjo: @Bugberry Let's get Spelljammin'!
bondeulv: hm
Gekyouryuu: I swung that goat as a 10/10 at prerelease with a combo of it and a fully online flytrap
Thefluffiestguineapig: Glass, Ahhhh, Savior of the Universe!
bondeulv: with the hovership I'd veer into GW
Cptasparagus: 5. 5 color. 5 color good stuuuuufff.
xantos69: "...And they were room crabs"
kumatsu: 5 color crab stuff

EvilBadman: Crab Ganroom
bondeulv: WU rooms is fine
anhakha: 5 colour rooms
anhakha: just pull the 5 colour room commander
bondeulv: eerie, technically
Bugberry: UW is Eerie, so Rooms are covered.
v_nome: Jeskais being dudes?
Thefluffiestguineapig: 5 color in duskmorn is so hard. I’ve had a hard time sometimes getting double (so 1 and two white or 1 and two black etc) in drafts reliably
Sethalidos subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 51 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Sethalidos! (Today's storm count: 18)
EvilBadman: Kombini wifi is messing with their draft
tryllebanjo: Soda spill in Bill's 7-1-1, hence the backup.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Cracked skull does a LOT of work for me
anhakha: Kree PPP
Thefluffiestguineapig: Unpleasant
EvilBadman: "earfeel" try that word
Vandristine: Just a very wet blink
Mangledpixel: squhwurlnch
TheAwkes: Repeated moist thuds.
Bugberry: I loved Duskmourn limited, but I wish Survival wasn't one of the worst archetypes.
bondeulv: I think abzan is more open than UR
Thefluffiestguineapig: seems like everyone is on blue in this
MegaDosX: Errapparitic
Thefluffiestguineapig: Earattic?
bondeulv: Errition
Bugberry: It can be good, I just recall it was consistently difficult to make work.
anhakha: Hey! scorching dragonfire!
Cptasparagus: peculiar lighthouse looks like a doctor who card
anhakha: it's part of the dragonstorm storyline apparently...
Bugberry: Rescue is really good if you care about Eerie
iris_of_ether: Suddenly Mystery Men
ghyllnox: Mostly
Strebenherz: what
MegaDosX: Depends on how big the crab is
Geldaran: crabs vary a lot in size.
DMGlol: gremlin so cute
Strebenherz: if your brain weighs as much as a coconut crab...
Gooseblast: I have no crab, and I must scream
Thefluffiestguineapig: I finally scrounged the gold to do a WOE draft and got to pack 1 pick 1 the legendary black red cares about rats guy and just jammed black red nonsense. first time getting 4 wins but boy was it fun even on the loses
Thefluffiestguineapig: @strebenherz SEE A DOCTOR PLEASE
ToppHat: @Thefluffiestguineapig The TOTEN
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh lord I hate Arabella
Thefluffiestguineapig: I played against an Arabella deck in that midweek magic thing and it was gross
Thefluffiestguineapig: also just creepy dolls
Cptasparagus: he looks like Bepo from one piece but brown
ghyllnox: It's even better that squeakers are intended to sound like dying animals
bartimus_thundercask: @thefluffiestguineapig that arabella deck might have been me
DMGlol: the panda bear
Cptasparagus: Bepo is the polar bear yeah
BrowneePointz: polar bear in an orange jumpsuit
BrowneePointz: and the GOAT
Thefluffiestguineapig: @bartimus_thundercask really? The deck was cool and I enjoyed getting to play the game Magic the Gathering unlike all the hand attack decks. was the opponent on Aurelia or blue black faeries? if so that was a billion percent me
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Tarkir.
BrowneePointz: temple of malice
ToppHat: it looks like ahmonket
BrowneePointz: Theros
Diabore: temple of malice iitc
Happy Patrial of agony not badrtner anniversary!
Mr_Horrible: oh so it's in skophos or something
Andasolde: trial of agnoy is quite good
nuthouse01: I just realized that with the new templating changes, "This enters tapped." is going to be a fairly common and oddly short line of rules text.
Thefluffiestguineapig: I pointed out some of the details in duskmorn art to a friend and they just said “oh thanks I hate all of this”
Pharmacistjudge: sad news graham only could find 5 fonts
bondeulv: no
Andasolde: dragonfire!
Andasolde: rawwr
bondeulv: dragonfire, glimmer seeker
Mythallian: its a 2/2
Mythallian: if thats not helpful then no
Bruceski: Random question; I rejoined mtg recently and am struggling to learn the guild/plane names everyone uses instead of saying colors. Is there some mnemonic or trick for them I'm missing, or just repeated use? I learned the Bloomburrow animals easily enough.
Flyingdelorion: dragonfire for sure
Thefluffiestguineapig: I run a “unable to scream” in my blue black faeries alchemy deck and it’s so satisfying to use on people. then I noticed how horrifying the art was and now it makes me cackle
Andasolde: oh check out the recording
bartimus_thundercask: @thefluffiestguineapig yes i think i played one of those
Juliamon: Bruceski Repeated use mainly
Bugberry: Glimmerburst?
Cptasparagus: @Bruceski its kind of repeated use. The old ones were like Dega and other random words and these are tied to the story more now.
bondeulv: glimmerburst
Thefluffiestguineapig: @bruceski I honestly learned it from old Friday nights episodes 😅
bondeulv: meat locker tho
bondeulv: unable to scream is bonkers
EvilBadman: It also helps the guild names are almost (hurk) 20 years old now so codified
Thefluffiestguineapig: @evilbadman thanks now I’ll just crumble to dust
Andasolde: Cursed recording might wheel from p3p1, Ben from LoL loves that card ha ha
Juliamon: Bruceski I'd suggest studying the sets those terms were introduced in, like Ravnica for two-colour pairs
Bruceski: @EvilBadman Last time I played was 25 years ago, unfortunately.
Mr_Horrible: @EvilBadman was just thinking about this and realizing that even the shards are over 15 years old
Thefluffiestguineapig: how old is tarkir even?
EvilBadman: @Bruceski Fair dinkum
Bugberry: @Cptasparagus those color pairs like Dega are from Invasion and refer to the Primordial dragons.
bondeulv: 2014 I think Khans?
Mr_Horrible: over a decade @Thefluffiestguineapig
bondeulv: either that or 2015
Cptasparagus: @Bugberry yeah im just saying theyre harder to parse as a word, its more a collection of letters
Mr_Horrible: none of these names have happened since I graduated college in 2014
Flyingdelorion: Khans was 2014
bondeulv: theros was 2013
Bruceski: @EvilBadman It was fun when people were talking about the damage assignment change and I was wondering "didn't it used to be this way" because I learned to play back when damage was on the stack which isn't the same as now but was similar for assigning it.
bondeulv: q4 2013*
Bugberry: @Cptasparagus just saying that they aren't random. Makes sense why Guilds would take over since they have more of a clear identity.
bondeulv: so khans was mid-late 2014
EvilBadman: Heh welcome back! It's mostly...easier on the base level of play now, but 20 years of keywords, etc is also against ya
Thefluffiestguineapig: I went back to school to get my vet tech certification and when some of the other students realized I had arthritis they looked at me like I was an animated skeleton
nizzdramati: i say cut the white
nizzdramati: the lands doesnt seem to support 3color
Juliamon: I am *astonished* that got through automod unscathed
Mr_Horrible: it's always kind of impressive what does and does not trip automod
bondeulv: arabella is white
Bugberry: It's funny to me that since returning to the game I've now played longer than when I first played, which was about 2006 to 2009-2010. Came back in 2017.
ghyllnox: Arabella too
EvilBadman: you're two land short somehow?
micalovits: Oh, and back up to 17 lands again
bondeulv: grab the prize is fine
micalovits: This seems pretty good
Thefluffiestguineapig: @bruceski To be real though one of the main reasons I felt comfortable getting back into MtG after being alienated by people telling my at the time female presenting self “you’re doing it incorrectly because you are playing cards you enjoy rather than the best deck” was listening to TTC silly episodes. having Kathleen talk about lore links to game mechanics got me fascinated with bloomburrow and duskmorn and I thought “you know arena’s free”
Juliamon: same hat!
sporkraptor: skkrabbling scullcrab
sporkraptor: skullbering scrabcall
TimIAm subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 105 months!
Thanks for subscribing, TimIAm! (Today's storm count: 19)
bondeulv: esper
bondeulv: huh
Thefluffiestguineapig: esper in duskmorn is hard to pull off
bondeulv: I guess they're splashing removal or niko?
Thefluffiestguineapig: in terms of synchronous mechanics and also mana
bondeulv: or... that
tryllebanjo: Damn.
sporkraptor: sometimes the hippo gronks in defeat
sporkraptor: ask not for whomst the hippo gronks!
Happy Partner anniversary! It keeps not letting me share my subiversary so I'll do this instead
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also I did not want to drive the Arabella player away from chat, the deck worked super well and I am not a fan of dolls in general. I apologize for any offense given
tcat13 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 85 months!
Thanks for subscribing, tcat13! (Today's storm count: 20)
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeah, but would it be too strong then?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Genuine question
PharaohBender27: Literally here because I learned about a new emote

Thefluffiestguineapig: New Gibb!!!

Thefluffiestguineapig: New gibb who dis
micalovits: big
Thefluffiestguineapig: it is a lorg shrk going snerk

sporkraptor: goodbye XD
v_nome: Time for Switch!
Thefluffiestguineapig: uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh
CaptainSpam: NO. It's Switch time now.
EvilBadman: Time for Glurp
iris_of_ether: !clip
If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)

Karzoni_: i blinked and missed it whadda heck
sporkraptor: your reward for winning: rainbows!!
Happy Partner anniversary!
Mr_Horrible: Miyamoto said it's time to play DKCRHD
Mr_Horrible: (just kidding he'd never say that, he wants to bury that series)
Thefluffiestguineapig: Victory
sporkraptor: welcome back! goodbye! XD
Strebenherz: !patreon
Thefluffiestguineapig: New QWERPLine shirt?????
Juliamon: "new"
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ah, ok

CaptainSpam: Newest Qwerpline shirt!
iris_of_ether: Yay mini!
micalovits: What? Cam painting warhammer? He would never
Juliamon: Ah, updated the image for Jackbox, good
Juliamon: put the Naughty Pack back in horny jail
letfireraindown: excellent
Strebenherz: did they use the wrong preview image
Juliamon: previously yeah
BusTed: k
Juliamon: !ppr
sporkraptor: that startled the heck out of me XD
Sethalidos: secret Cori Podcast
Strebenherz: Cori in the walls
sporkraptor: Bonus Cori
Strebenherz: Vampire Jo sneaking into your house to tell you about the PPR
Strebenherz: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: The Long Game (Choo Choo! We train barons y'all! Game: Ticket to Ride Legacy) at Thu 05:00 PM PST (9m from now).
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: !searchfortreasure
LRRbot: You find: a Gem!
Hi friends! 
RandomTrivia: Aww, that's nice of you, LRRbot
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Oh, I see next week they are playing a bird game. Nice.
TheAinMAP: Signal

kusinohki: meows
Happy Partner anniversary!
Reset scrolling