ihlendrax: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: spiper venom
baltimore_667083: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: the hairiest gherkin
baltimore_667083: why would they put all that hair on a random building in London
baltimore_667083: !badadvice
LRRbot: Touch the minecart hoppers.

Forlorgen: !quote robots
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
baltimore_667083: !quote 7000
LRRbot: Quote #7000: "Ian, never stop being Ian." —Kathleen [2020-06-17]
Forlorgen: !quote death
lamina5432: rvrning wonder what todays game plays like
Orxolon: good evening y'all
PharaohBender27: @Forlorgen You want to do "!findquote," I think
MrGibberish subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 43 months!
MrGibberish: the 43!
Thanks for subscribing, MrGibberish! (Today's storm count: 66)
Dog_of_Myth: Good evening all
MrGibberish: !quote 8000
LRRbot: Quote #8000: "Quote 8000 is gonna suck." —Heather [2022-03-13]
kusinohki: meows
Strebenherz: !findquote death
LRRbot: Quote #457: "EVERYBODY gets death!" —Cameron [2015-07-14]
MrGibberish: !quote 9000
LRRbot: Quote #9000: "What the hell is a "mile"?" —Cameron [2024-05-27]
DrFromage subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 39 months!
Thanks for subscribing, DrFromage! (Today's storm count: 67)
MrGibberish: !quote 9400
Shadowsoflife: o/
SandwichKed subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 99 months!
Thanks for subscribing, SandwichKed! (Today's storm count: 68)
baltimore_667083: !quote 9300
GasCityGaming: !quote 9200
LathosTiran: !qdb
Juliamon: this is why LRRbot has a cooldown, you apes
kusinohki: Ook?
MrGibberish: Banana?
PharaohBender27: Ook ook ook!
paronomasiac042: i am a monkey, not an ape.
Dog_of_Myth: I do say Ook Ook
paronomasiac042: my family tree was pruned a few million generations ago. most humans are apes
A_Dub888: @paronomasiac042 but do you work first then banan?
SandwichKed: I think the old Roborally was better, but I admit I haven't played enough of the new one yet.

LathosTiran: i am a meat popcicle
Shadowsoflife: I am a shadow
Its_VeeBot: beepboop
kusinohki: "I'm a soggy piece of bacon piloting a meat mech"
Diabore: 2023? but its 2025
Diabore: DALE
baltimore_667083: DALE!
Shadowsoflife: DALE!

CaptainSpam: IT'S DALE!
PharaohBender27: Bonus Dale!
Dread_Pirate_Westley: It's Dale! Tell someone!
KaleidoscopeMind: Tell Dale!

A_Dub888: @Diabore I'm still writing March 2020 on my checks soooo
ButButTheJesus: a Dale!
CaptainSpam: Ben "I don't have the cheeks to make this work" Ulmer
What a good bunch of people

paronomasiac042: did pitbull step into the chat?
baltimore_667083: if there’s robo rally, surely there’s also robo rallycross
red_shoes_jeff: If Dale is here... TELL DALE.
Dog_of_Myth: Amazing
Chesul: That's awesome.
arcaneIllumination: Is there video?
PMAvers: I mean, rallycross is sorta the Transformers Robo-Rally version?
Geldaran: Of course Dale LARPs RoboRally.
Sarah_Serinde: !patreon
Sarah_Serinde: !store
SquareDotCube: Raglan
Juliamon: Tee, not jersey
kusinohki: I like Cori's glasses
Fruan: "racing"
baltimore_667083: Mario kart the board game
MrGibberish: Just in time for Aetherdrift!
baltimore_667083: meets battleship
kusinohki: I think there's a Wacky Races boardgame now
Chesul: Twonky is best.
SandwichKed: I have a memory of one with a steamroller and usually choosing that.
MAPBoardgames: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: an extremely high-net-worth individual
Chesul: Unless the lore has changed, Twonky is the only one who knows what's actually going on.
AtomicAlchemical: A Richard Garfield Game!
A_Catastrophic_Success: Gambling? Tell Dale!
PharaohBender27: Oooohhhh
HadesLeprechaun: which means "it's a programming game"
red_shoes_jeff: I have never once heard that phrase, no.
jessicaengle: !quote
LRRbot: Quote #492: "Oh wait we can go back! NO WE CAN'T GO BACK!" —Beej [2015-07-20]
jessicaengle: Ever forward!
kusinohki: so chat - how long before someone says "I didn't mean to go that way!"
SandwichKed: That is an improvement, the old prio numbers were a pain.
SK__Ren: I remember the original of this game as a kid. This brings back memories
was Robo Rally the first "programming" game?
gualdhar: did someone trigger Siri?
MAPBoardgames: Paul, it was the first popular one.
Dog_of_Myth: @LoadingReadyRun It was
Sarah_Serinde: Perfect
Its_VeeBot: *audience chanting* PIT! PIT! PIT! PIT!
Voidhawk42: Man, I love this game. Real nostalgic for me, my dad owns the OG version and I painted the metal minis with him
SandwichKed: @LoadingReadyRun Go look up "Scotland Yard" for prior art, though that was more a simul turn on an interesting map thing than proper programming.
Kitanin: Gunslinger from Avalon Hill was an earlier programming game.
RatherLargeToad: compulsory lazering
LoadingReadyRun: Also a Richard Garfield game, btw
Dread_Pirate_Westley: James isn't here. We won't fall into holes.
jessicaengle: @Dread_Pirate_Westley Not with that attitude
Chesul: Roborally wasn't the first Programming game, there was one in the 70s, but it was the first big one.
Its_VeeBot: Anyone here remember the Nickelodeon version of Robot Wars, with Dave Aizer hosting?
CaptainSpam: Oh hey, I'm in this, apparently.
Spam in the back of my car, spam anywhere that you are

Too bad Richard Garfield never made any good games since this one. 

HadesLeprechaun: Yeah, it wasn't the first, but might be the first that broke like, 300 sales, lol
jessicaengle: Spam. A lot.
TPRJones: omg robo rally, this was the first big board game I ever owned! although it looked a lot different back then.

Butternades: oooh robo rally I just played the OG version this past weekend
Sarah_Serinde: I need this option irl though
TheWriterAleph: i shout that sometimes
Butternades: ahh theyc hanged how shutting down works thats a nice QoL change
TPRJones: i thought that sounded different
MAPBoardgames: That was too real
BusTed: I remember that show
kusinohki: is that why I have trouble sleeping? I don't shout "I'm shutting down now!" first??
Butternades: is Ben playing as Twonky?
Juliamon: yup
Butternades: hes my favorite
I definitely like this damage system better then the original. In the original, your registers just got "locked" for each damage you took and repeated the same move over and over. kinda boring
Butternades: yeah i can agree with that
Butternades: it defintiely got a little frustrating
CaptainSpam: @kusinohki I just looked up the Wacky Races board game from a few years back. General consensus seems to be that it's fun enough, though kinda shallow, but people keep commenting on the amazing miniatures of the racers.
Butternades: epsecially when got shot in the butt 4 times in a row racing someone else
MAPBoardgames: Does one "win" at roborally?

Blasteg: got'em

Butternades: did they change how to resolve moves in this ed? we always had to house rule that in 1st ed
kusinohki: hard mode has the goals on a conveyor belt that ends in a hole...
SandwichKed: There's more flavor in the damage system, but I like the old system more overall because it's less random.
Sarah_Serinde: Dale *is* a helper
Butternades: Dale is in fact a helper
Diabore: push and pull
Shadowsoflife: He is a helper
dumbo3k: So Dale can push Cori, and then Cori can pull Dale!
Fruan: Does someone get to install stairs?
Getter404: Does the pusher robot help old people go down stairs?
Butternades: so are cori and dale the statler and waldorf of this game then?
Fruan: @Getter404 We're both old!
kusinohki: so, I actually prefer RAMbots since you have a variety of beams. a tractor, a repulsor, and a damage beam
TheWriterAleph: math is for blorbos
A_Dub888: @TheWriterAleph fuck blorbos
Shadowsoflife: man eff blorbos
Getter404: @Shadowsoflife That's what the fanfics are for
Butternades: you only turn if pushed by the belt on the corner
prince_infidel: @A_Dub888 Fuck him again
Shadowsoflife: @Getter404 Well do it again
Butternades: pushed *into* the corner that is
Butternades: spin zone is my least favorite board
MaxxamusTime: I have the Transformers version with different rules
TranquilCalamity subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 41 months!
Thanks for subscribing, TranquilCalamity! (Today's storm count: 69)
Getter404: I am quite sure that boopa scoopa is robot-y
Nigouki: put a synth filter over boopa
Mr_Bitterness: Boopa Scoops is very appropriate for this game
TPRJones: no robo rally dance during planning? i'm surprised. (this is when people twist left and right in their chair without realizing it as they plan their turns and moves)
We gotta go Powerhouse for at least one of these songs. 
Jensling: What are the differences from the 2016 version? For example I don't see an antenna, so what decides priority in this version?
kusinohki: I've heard of board setups that include a 3d component/stories/stuff in the z direction...
Butternades: @Jensling I would guess its more like the original with priority number
Butternades: oh maybe not
Getter404: @CaptainSpam Computer, get me a royalty-free version of The Breakfast Machine
Butternades: if you end a phase on a flag (Sprocket) you do make a new checkpoint if you die
irreleverent: Uh I think Cori is supposed to have been rotated?
irreleverent: And therefore should have shot ben
Butternades: no cori wont
Butternades: you only rotate if the conveyor pushes you into the corner
kusinohki: rotation happens going into the curve, not out of it
Butternades: if you move onto the conrer you just move forward
The_Color_Twelve: gears?
Butternades: yeah gear rotate
Dog_of_Myth: All according to you know the meme
Butternades: hope beej doesnt fall off the board
Mr_Bitterness: Robo Rally!
TPRJones: at least Dale get to shoot back this round
gibbousm: baaaah
TPRJones: what?
Butternades: he should rotate
TPRJones: I thought so
SandwichKed: I think that's the curve art?
Sorator13: so much chaos...
TPRJones: okay, yes, Dale shoots back
TPRJones: no, wait
Sorator13: comparing the blue corner to the green corner, I actually don't think the blue corner turns
TPRJones: i give up
weff47 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 74 months, currently on a 74 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, weff47! (Today's storm count: 70)
Butternades: this game gets a little brain hurty sometimes
HadesLeprechaun: @Sorator13 the larger arrow is curved, the art just needed both arrows on a single square to still show two spaces of movement. I think they could've done better graphic design but this is what they went with
TPRJones: does that mean he loses the upgrade? i can't remember.
foopoiuyt: Wait, I thought this was AFK not Watch + Pla
foopoiuyt: Play
SandwichKed: It's a very high skill ceiling. I loved it when I had a decent play group in college.
Butternades: it is
Butternades: My stepmom and I are always fighitng for 1st when we play, we usually do 4-6 flags on a 4 board course
Mr_Bitterness: Cori with the big brain, jumping to the other belt and messing up both Ben and Dale
whowatchestheVOD: @Mr_Bitterness The best(worst) way to play, be the chaos factor
TPRJones: spam? this game is way different now.
Viscount16: is beej about to brainstorm wrong?
Love the Overlay
Sarah_Serinde: Paul always does such great work with the overlay
HadesLeprechaun: If I could just do what I wanted with no interference, this would be shrimple!
MaxxamusTime: @Viscount16 you can brainstorm wrong?
kusinohki: just predict how the others will mess with you and take advantage of that *galaxy brain*
Viscount16: @MaxxamusTime so I've heard
Voidhawk42: I first played it when I was 12yrs old, and played it every chance I got
Butternades: robo rally is its own 4 year degree
SandwichKed: It's fun when you program better than everyone else, and it's fun when everything is a disaster.
kusinohki: beej looking for the secret room pits...
Akaiatana: Robo Rosewater Rally?
kusinohki: wasn't there a sandtimer for the programming part? (understand why not using it)
gsyhiap: @SandwichKed Presumably it is sometimes both of those things simultaneously?
DaxStrife: You spin Beej right round, baby, right round...
Mr_Bitterness: Just pull that 900 and call yourself Tony Hawk
Jensling: 1080 would be excessive though
HadesLeprechaun: pro tour magic judge? we need Dale on FNPF! (unless he no longer plays, ofc)
Sorator13: that sounded painful!
SymphonySolstice: F for cori's elbow
RatherLargeToad: need to wrap a pool noodle on that leg
Akaiatana: Cameron is an ankle grinder
RatherLargeToad: or corner
kusinohki: Cameron "table tenderizer" Lauder
SandwichKed: It would be interesting to feed RR to a Google Alpha system.
Sarah_Serinde: Dale continuing to be a helper
dumbo3k: I thought the blue belt doesn't turn?
LoadingReadyRun: @dumbo3k we figure out that it does rotate. the icon is just a little weird
Mr_Bitterness: Queue MvC2 player select music. "I wanna take you for a ride."
dumbo3k: @LoadingReadyRun ty

whowatchestheVOD: @LoadingReadyRun Oh right, you can faintly see that the second arrow in the corner space has a bend
rabbitgta: Oh hell yeah is that dale?!
gualdhar: this game is getting entirely too lewd. ass lasers? in this day and age?
DeChunkandFriends: @gualdhar If it's good enough for AstroBoy, it's good enough for any robot.
SandwichKed: All we want, is asses with frigging laser beams on them! Is that too much to ask???
TPRJones: I'm given to understand that it's much more mainstream these days.
kusinohki: I assume if a bot is shot with the tractor and pusher at the same time nothing happens??
SandwichKed: @kusinohki I think technically it would move and then move back.
Diabore: plan aka pray
HadesLeprechaun: at 8 players you gotta operate on vibes
Buxx345: plan, I dare ya
Voidhawk42: Reminds me of the Crab Legs upgrade from the old "Armed & Dangerous" expansion. It let you use Move 1 cards to scuttle sideways
TPRJones: depends, are they simultaneous or in some sort of priority order? there's no priority numbers on cards now so I don't know.
Voidhawk42: In eight players, the best strat was to rush as fast as possible away from everyone else. Jump on a conveyor and run
SandwichKed: it basically adopted the old dealer prio house rule
Jensling: @TPRJones Priority seems to just be on a player now, and rotate every turn
Transmuted_Elf: At gencon that had a board that was using tiles that were 2 foot x 2 foot was super cool
LoadingReadyRun: @Voidhawk42 I think carb legs still exists
kusinohki: I think there's a start player/priority marker that's rotating around the table??
dumbo3k: @LoadingReadyRun are those legs noodley?
TPRJones: @Jensling that makes sense. i never liked having to compare card numbers every register.
PMAvers: A plan? Sounds like everyone needs to dogpile on Ben to stop him.
Jensling: I kinda prefer the old cardnumbers (and common deck) of the old version because it adds more chaos if you don't know if youre gonna be before a player or not
Voidhawk42: @LoadingReadyRun Nice! It was always my dad's fave. He loved stepping sideways out from behind a wall to shoot someone in the back
HadesLeprechaun: was gonna say Mechs vs Minions but that's no farming, lol
TPRJones: @Jensling I can see that, but it looks like there's other sorts of chaos being added in it's place these new damage cards having more than just "lose 1HP" as an option
duke_dice: do we also rotate the cushions?
A_Dub888: !card miscalc
LRRbot: Miscalculation [1U] | Instant | Counter target spell unless its controller pays {2}. / Cycling {2}
Strebenherz: !findquote dizzy
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
kusinohki: "Jane! stop this crazy thing!"
A_Dub888: Ben "Oh yes I get shot" Ulmer
Voidhawk42: As an autistic kid, a game with a very specific list of steps to constantly follow that forced other people to follow them every turn was very soothing for me
Blasteg: oh no

gsyhiap: Zoomies¬
Voidhawk42: And as a bonus, if they didn't do it well enough they got sot and crushed to a paste!
The_Color_Twelve: and its good
A_Dub888: @gsyhiap uh ohhhhhhh
MAPBoardgames: three or four more holes like that and he could stream minecraft
Getter404: 3 people are playing Robo Rally, and the fourth was told by the Gatekeeper to roll their exact age before playing again
SymphonySolstice: is there a damage counter somewhere?
gsyhiap: Ben is going full robotic chaos goblin
KeytarCat: @Getter404 Roll your age on this D20! oh no
kusinohki: I don't think there's a damage counter per say. you just get loaded with more spam and haywire cards
A_Dub888: @gsyhiap that's just Ben's default state
gsyhiap: @A_Dub888 Fair
CaptainSpam: Watch as Ben's haywire robot goes on a rampage and somehow gets both flags in one turn.
A_Dub888: how much spam does a bot need to make musubi?
Blasteg: you know, I have a board game party soon. might consider playing this if the store have it

TPRJones: that was a good boinking!
gsyhiap: Boink!
ChroniclerC: "You've activated my Boink card!"

Cptasparagus: phrasing

Mr_Bitterness: Be the salmon, Cori! BE THE SALMON
TPRJones: ass lasers, boinking, and now Dale is a switch ... it's true, this is lewd stream
A_Dub888: @TPRJones though still not a lewd as that time Jacob humped the table
Shadowsoflife: so lewd
Its_VeeBot: Moonwalk to the finish
gsyhiap: Cori thinks she can, she thinks she can...
Blasteg: Cori's exercising
irreleverent: I think Ben's most productive turn has been rando cardrissian
Mazrae: Cori was going up the down escalator

TPRJones: i forgot how fun this game can be

Blasteg: with that last ppower up, I think cori is roleplaying a hamster in a wheel
SandwichKed: That was an okay board. Not the Spiral of Death, but nice and playable.
firehawkzoa subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 31 months!
Thanks for subscribing, firehawkzoa! (Today's storm count: 71)
gsyhiap: I'm still curious what that co-op game set in BC Beej alluded to earlier was.
Blasteg: would it possible for this game to never end?
miniMacGuru subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 43 months!
Thanks for subscribing, miniMacGuru! (Today's storm count: 72)
LaconicLad subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 42 months!
Thanks for subscribing, LaconicLad! (Today's storm count: 73)
@SandwichKed Maelstrom 
VorlonScout: Maelstrom is great. Fond memories of that board in an older edition
MacSquizzy subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 82 months!
Thanks for subscribing, MacSquizzy! (Today's storm count: 74)
DigitalSeahorse: hi, Dale!
octavia__scratch subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 58 months!
Thanks for subscribing, octavia__scratch! (Today's storm count: 75)

Blasteg: oh those are not roadblocks?
Voidhawk42: @LoadingReadyRun Oh, Maelstrom was the best. Everyone loved the houserule "you can put flags on conveyors"
TPRJones: I predict someone is going to get pushed of the side of the board at that battery on the bottom left
TPRJones: pushed by another bot, I mean
VorlonScout: @Voidhawk42 Yeah, our group's house rule was "flags can go ANYWHERE"
Chesul: @Voidhawk42 Maelstrong and Cannery were my favorite two-board run.
I had a bunch of the expansions for the original including teleporters, crushers and flame throwers
Stormgod519: evening everyone, how is the board gaming?
@VorlonScout We also did "the flag can be moved by the conveyor. if it falls down a pit, respawn it at the start of the conveyor". We did it once, but then everyone but me went mad trying to get there 
Mazrae: Mulligan but each time you do, you have to add a haywire cards
kusinohki: a richard garfield game without a mulligan rule? *shocked pikachu*
LoadingReadyRun: From what I understand, the old boards are mostly compatible with the new version, which is neat
Voidhawk42: @LoadingReadyRun Did you have the Grand Prix expansion? That was the one with a board that was a canyon
Voidhawk42: And was played at the first organised Tournament
VorlonScout: @LoadingReadyRun Yeah, it's mostly just changes to the graphics used
confracto: I love it when someone thinks they can do things in Robo Rally.
Chesul: You can Mulligan, but you have to first lock a random card from your hand in your first slot, and you can't look at it after.
thekxwaiid3ath subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 15 months, currently on a 15 month streak!
A_Dub888: phrasing?
Thanks for subscribing, thekxwaiid3ath! (Today's storm count: 76)
VorlonScout: One can absolutely do things in RoboRally. You just have to not be picky about WHICH things.
Voidhawk42: @confracto Oh, doing things isn't an issue. It's the things that get done to you that will get ya
A_Dub888: Does anything go according to keikaku in Roborally?
chaostreader: left and right might be better intuited as clockwise and counter clockwise
Mai_Andra: <Manon players> get rotated
Chesul: Clockwise and Anti-Clockwise work really well, yeah.
confracto: @Voidhawk42 you've never gotten a hand that's all turns, have you?
Voidhawk42: @confracto Ah, the ol' disco dance turn. Just try and shoot everyone.
DigitalSeahorse: I sometimes say left when I mean the opposite too
VorlonScout: Does this edition have the rule that as you take enough damage, your current cards lock in for all future turns one at a time?
SandwichKed: E=spam*c^2
Chesul: VorlonScout I don't think so, I think you just get weird cards.
LoadingReadyRun: @VorlonScout this does damage differently
Nothing was quite as satisfying as going into a turn with 4 locked cards and somehow getting where you wanted to go anyway. 
SandwichKed: @VorlonScout this
VorlonScout: @Chesul Neat. Though easily house-ruled if someone decided they liked the old way better. Options are good!
DigitalSeahorse: zap?
LoadingReadyRun: FWIW it's taken 5 versions, but I think this the best rules set so far.
Chesul: VorlonScout this one also does turn order differently, it actually goes around the table instead of card priority, which is sad. and yeah, options are good.
Vilun: Cori turned around, took 1 step backwards, and turned back to face forward
confracto: I've not checked up on versions in 20 years, now I have a reason to
VorlonScout: @Chesul Mm. I do like using card priority, but I'm pretty sure that could also be arranged with some card edits if a group wanted to.
Stormgod519: install what?
Aarek: I have also named my switch bort
DaxStrife: Bort!
Its_VeeBot: My son is also named bort
A_Dub888: Just Bort a boy
Chesul: @VorlonScout It would be a lot harder, since each player has a personal deck of movement cards now.
Mai_Andra: Bort switch? Swedish Chef is flexible.
LordZarano: That's called the horn
@Chesul There's always a way. Worst case it means printing some extra custom cards. 
VorlonScout: Giving the bots distinct movement decks *is* a cool feature, though
tadpole9420: hat are they playing
Chesul: @VorlonScout True, though if you're going that far might as well just see if you can find one of the old copies.
tadpole9420: what
Juliamon: Robo Rally
Dog_of_Myth: Robo Rally, the newest version
Chesul: tadpole9420 Roborally, an old (but reprinted) Richard Garfield game.
Its_VeeBot: Some days you're Beej, some days you're Ben
VorlonScout: Honestly, I'm just glad it's still in print and getting some love
VorlonScout: (Or in print again, since it's fallen out at least once)
confracto: @Its_VeeBot and some days you're Squash Bot
Voidhawk42: @confracto Squash bot was my Bot. "One day they noticed the factory itself was remarkably unflat..."

confracto: same
Mai_Andra: classic
Stormgod519: youre gonna do what to Dale???
LoadingReadyRun: I surprised that there doesn't seem to be a digital version of Robo Rally. Doesn't seem like it would be that difficult to implement
SandwichKed: @LoadingReadyRun I always expected that this was a deliberate choice - leavers would be an issue, matchmaking, trolls. The game would get a reputation but not sell for as good of profit.
SandwichKed: An SP version would be a hoot, still.
damn_i_am_pretty: digital versions of board games is a weird space.
damn_i_am_pretty: it varies so much I can think of a bunch of different reasons why it wouldn't have happened
Chesul: Digital boardgames have the issue of overcoming the lack of being in the same place. it's kinda like how a lot of multiplayer games are pretty bad solo, but to an extreme.
LoadingReadyRun: There are some implementations of the *old* Roborally on TTS, but not the new version
0x6772: Definitely, the "just spin on it" hand is a real risk in RoboRally.
TheSeg: Oh hey! Robo Rally inspired a number of the puzzles I designed for Puzzle Agent 1 & 2!
LoadingReadyRun: Ya, I guess the *mechanics* of robo rally show up in other games fairly often
Simonark: Hey, I played and enjoyed Puzzle Agent 1 and 2!
damn_i_am_pretty: also, tbh, TTS isn't necessarily *easy* to learn for people
TheSeg: What's funny is that the lasers part was what I used for a number of the early puzzles. You don't get the robot control ones till much later in each game.
KeytarCat: i wonder how this game would change with a set of Cardinal Direction turn cards
As an autistic person, I consider my love of roborally at a young age to be my first diagnostic symptom 
Voidhawk42: Everything made sense, unlike life!
VorlonScout: If you play this game *enough*, you definitely start thinking in contingencies (if I get messed with here then this next card will do X), too... eventually.
TheAwkes: Galaxy brain won't cut it, we need someone to Neil Hamburger Mind Blown™
VorlonScout: This is one of those times where going by card priority is fun, because you wouldn't know which of Ben and Dale *was* going first
Chesul: Card Priority also lent an additional layer to planning, since there was an order to it (Move 3's always went before Move 2's, which went before Move 1's and so on)
Mai_Andra: <beep><beep><beep>
Getter404: Board shifted a bit to the left at some point?
Shadowsoflife: There was a shift some time at the start of stream
Juliamon: Shift happens
"Dale's on checkpoint-" ? Ben said those words, so it must be true. 
TheLodgium: Now all we need is some eurobeat
confracto: @Mai_Andra you're making me unreasonably excited for tomorrow's show, and I know that's not what you're talking about at all
we need to figure out a good way to lock the table in position 
confracto: damage it with a laser enough times and locks in, right?
Voidhawk42: If you get an earthquake and stuff falls over, can you sue?
TheSeg: I use that stuff to hold frames to the wall, but to prevent rattle; not load barring
e_bloc: Tell Dale
Vilun: I like how Ben has turned a game with no dice into a game where he's constantly rolling the dice
Vilun: does Cori not get pushed by the bumper?
Stormgod519: LOL
Voidhawk42: Reheat
Stormgod519: nice callback Beej, thank you so much for that (why???)
shushu2539: Moan is the least used button on the microwave oven
Stormgod519: sure is
Chesul: @Vilun I think that's a 1/3/5 pusher, not a 2/4.
Vilun: @Chesul ah, I see that now
gsyhiap: We're finding a lot of wire in this haystack today...
saltpastillen: Nice. Robo Rally is the best when played on one board. So much mayhem
SomebodyNowhere: !findquote energy
LRRbot: Quote #2298: "I wish I could download more health... and download more energy... that'd be great." —Paul [2016-04-13]
Juliamon: pewpewpewpew
Was that quote from when I was playing Tron 2.0?
DaxStrife: [Bonesaw voice] "TWONKY is READY!"
Fruan: Thank you Dale!
Stormgod519: no joke, you are, and its super helpful
Stormgod519: god dammit Ben!
Sethalidos: !findquote Dale
LRRbot: Quote #6288: "'I got everything I wanted this evening, but not in the way I wanted it. At all.' 'You've played with Dale, then.'" —Jacob and Kathleen [2019-08-05]
DaxStrife: True; I'm literally replaying Skyrim as I watch.
TPRJones: like the lofi of game streams
Stormgod519: You just got one from me
DigitalSeahorse: thank y9ou for all the good vibes! both me and the grandfolks can use all we can get
NorthstarTex: I'm fishing in an MMO, so technically you are 1st screen content
Going_Medium: Got me
Voidhawk42: *Sensible Chuckles* all around
TPRJones: "LRR lets me feel like I have friends somewhere nearby."
I'm working on Oil power in Satisfactory 
gsyhiap: Can confirm, second screen here. Stardeus on screen 1.
ArcLightningCanuck: Friendly voices and good vibes are valuable things.
Stormgod519: lol
gsyhiap: Hi Paul!

DigitalSeahorse: you*
DigitalSeahorse: xD
SnackPak_: excellent cut
spethycakes: hahahahaha
Shadowsoflife: XD
virgil82: *chef's kiss*
Getter404: Well that'd going to be fun in the VOD
anyGould: I'm surprised Paul doesn't have a Ziggy style remote for just such occasions.

Strebenherz: Amazing cut Paul xD
Sethalidos: new game for chat guess what Beej said(wrong answers only)
Shadowsoflife: Beej drop
Diabore: i missed end of first game due to destiny things, who won?
arcaneIllumination: @Diabore Beej
Diabore: tyty
Vilun: no Dale, you move 2x0 spaces
StarSorrows subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 14 months!
Thanks for subscribing, StarSorrows! (Today's storm count: 77)

SymphonySolstice: welp
NotCainNorAbel: teamwork
WowoT: does beej remember he has that move 2 he could use?
MadmanOreo: So this version looks like turns are done in a clockwise order as opposed to the cards having a number that decides order, right?
SymphonySolstice: Juice Buddies
arcaneIllumination: @MadmanOreo Correct
Shadowsoflife: this stream had a plot?
LeokadiaBosko: Holy shit Robo Rally! I haven't seen this in like a decade
LeokadiaBosko: Loved this game back in the day
Getter404: Zuma?
gnomonclature subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 128 months, currently on a 128 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, gnomonclature! (Today's storm count: 78)
Stormgod519: Pig Intestines?
MadmanOreo: zoup tuscana?
spethycakes: Logical Journey of the Zoombinis!
Shadowsoflife: ^
Chesul: I haven't thought of Zoombinis in so long, wow.
SandwichKed: Zoop was a thing in the SNES era I think? It was a block matcher with a strange cursor-movement and block swap mechanic, very arcade-y, very overpromoted.
Mikiao subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 64 months!
Mikiao: square number is best number
Thanks for subscribing, Mikiao! (Today's storm count: 79)
Chesul: And Genesis.
MadmanOreo: "four lefts is a circle ya idiot" I just unlocked a forgotten memory for 90s kids.
Sethalidos: @SandwichKed I always confuse it with Zool, that ninja platformer game


MadmanOreo: I need to get this game, I only played half a game but I managed to get someone to run off a cliff like a matador and shot someone else's handbrake so they drove into a pit.
LeokadiaBosko: The pusher robots are here to protect you from the terrible secrets of space
LoadingReadyRun: @LeokadiaBosko do not listen to the pusher robot. Shoving is the answer
crashdownreg: Humans must be shoved; they must go down the stairs
LeokadiaBosko: A reference almost as old as the last time I played Robo Rally
Mai_Andra: get rotated, nerds (I should play Street Fighter 6 again...)
Voidhawk42: Roated to any facing? Dear god
crashdownreg: @LoadingReadyRun the pusher robots shove and the shover robots push
LoadingReadyRun: I am the Twonky robot. Twonking is the answer, humans must be twonked down the stairs

spethycakes: Twonk me, robot, one more time
I'll be frank, roborally is best to watch when people only know how to play mostly and not alot 
Voidhawk42: The more cries of "oh wait, no!" the better
LeokadiaBosko: This is very different than either of the old editions I have in my closet from decades ago. I guess they released a newer one?
LoadingReadyRun: @LeokadiaBosko new in 2023, yes
LeokadiaBosko: Nice, I'll need to check that out
LoadingReadyRun: good news is that it *is* mostly compatible with the new boards
LeokadiaBosko: I think my two version are from the early and late 00s?
HadesLeprechaun: there is an old one, then 2016 and this is 2023
LeokadiaBosko: 1994, 2005, 2023
LeokadiaBosko: Wild
LeokadiaBosko: I thought I remembered it in high school. Got it new in 94
LoadingReadyRun: this is the 5th edition, I believe
KeytarCat: This seems like a great after high school game
Vilun: what were all the other rounds?
DigitalSeahorse: I'm imagining what this would be like if there were a huge board on the floor and they were all actually moving their bodies instead of pieces
KeytarCat: @DigitalSeahorse RoboRally LARP!
DigitalSeahorse: yes lol
spethycakes: yay Chicago!
LoadingReadyRun: @DigitalSeahorse Dale mentioned running a game like that
Juliamon: Kathleen mentioned her thing
LeokadiaBosko: Sound right
Getter404: I want that Twonky obliterated
MadWolf1290: oh that was terrifying
Chesul: Aww, I'm sad that they changed Twonky's lore.

Mai_Andra: There was also a thing mentioned on the wotc website that Graham did acknowledge in the discord. But it is otherwise unannounced.
DigitalSeahorse: @LoadingReadyRun woo!
Cptasparagus: Graham thought it was "descaling"
Cptasparagus: peel that dino
SymphonySolstice: big durgen
KeytarCat: Speed = 4
HadesLeprechaun: new Amonkhet Sunmare horse and it's one of the top 3 horses they've printed in like, 15 years!
Getter404: D&D Shadow Over Mystara or bust
Getter404: "Colossus, your car!"

Shadowsoflife: *colossus noise*
NotCainNorAbel: Thank you


Strebenherz: Have a good night y'all
Lysander_salamander: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Oki Oki Fight Club (Join the Oki Oki Bois for some fighty man games! Game: Granblue Fantasy Versus) at Thu 10:00 AM PST (13:58 from now).
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