RealGamerCow: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Crossing the Streams (The LoadingReadyRun crew join hands (sometimes from the comfort of their homes) to play some video games! Game: 4-Player Arcade Night) at Mon 05:00 PM PST (3m from now).
RealGamerCow: oh neat
coachNelly: hey chat. we reserve the right to start this stream on time
Juliamon: who gives you that right
coachNelly: we reserved it
coachNelly: so I guess, the host?
MalFnord: But did you book it in advance?
coachNelly: idk whoever picked up the phone and wrote it down in the book
coachNelly: well we’re in advance of the stream aren’t we?
RealGamerCow: *puts his quarter up on the cabinet*
raulghoulia: I reserved this office for 2 pm
Mazrae: Oh crap arcade night is tonight, I need to go get some quarters
Mazrae: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Crossing the Streams (The LoadingReadyRun crew join hands (sometimes from the comfort of their homes) to play some video games! Game: 4-Player Arcade Night) at Mon 05:00 PM PST (1s ago).
Mazrae: dang off by one
ihlendrax: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: The famous James Bond film "Woo, Martinis!"
Metric_Furlong: stream not live, Nelly's right to starting the stream on time is henceforth revoked in perpetuity
Metric_Furlong: [gavel bang sound effect]
UnknownFriday: Just because you've reserved a right doesn't mean you are required to execute on that right.
Mazrae: do we all move up a spot in line since the stream isnt live
Metric_Furlong: UnknownFriday it does in this court
RealGamerCow: !adult
LRRbot: I need an adult!
Metric_Furlong: Mazrae yes
Mazrae: !searchfortreasure
LRRbot: You find: a Heroic Brew!

ButButTheJesus: woo I'm not late
Mazrae: !advice
LRRbot: Assume the form.
Mazrae: !badadvice
RechargeableFrenchman: @ButButTheJesus Of course not, yo're on time - which means you're early
Gekyouryuu: !y
Mazrae: !sire
LRRbot: Sir? Sir! This is a curling rink.
MalFnord: The stream is never late, nor is it ever early; it arrives exactly when it means to
TehAmelie: i had a bizarre nightmare, fortunately in time to get up for this
AugmentingPath: !help
Gekyouryuu: GLaDos voice: "oh, good, that still works."
AugmentingPath: !yay
LRRbot: Yaaaaaaay...
Mazrae: !findquote arcade
LRRbot: Quote #5825: "Right, Arcade mode, where if you die the game is just over." —Paul [2019-02-14]
Marvoleath: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Crossing the Streams (The LoadingReadyRun crew join hands (sometimes from the comfort of their homes) to play some video games! Game: 4-Player Arcade Night) at Mon 05:00 PM PST (5m ago).
arkilyd subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 128 months, currently on a 128 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, arkilyd! (Today's storm count: 11)
kusinohki: Meows
KeytarCat: mrow

KeytarCat: I could use a pick-me-up today
TheAinMAP: Signal
KeytarCat: thaaank
Metric_Furlong: call this stream a crowd of AMAB trans and non-binary people, because there's going to be (e)X-men
NewtyNewts: Arcade time!
KeytarCat: Arcade time arcade time arcaaaaade
BlasterKyubey210: hey hey
the_walking subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 84 months!
Thanks for subscribing, the_walking! (Today's storm count: 12)

It's 2025 and I want chicken nuggies. 
Lord_Hosk subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 113 months!
Lord_Hosk: thats almost 1 year!
Thanks for subscribing, Lord_Hosk! (Today's storm count: 13)
lamina5432: evening
miniMacGuru: I'm not sure what year it is, since Youtube is recommending nightcore remixes to me.
TehAmelie: Arcade is X-Men's worst villain send tweet
raulghoulia: @TehAmelie you're thinking of Sauron
kusinohki: X:2 ?? awww, I was hoping for the 6 player x-men beat em up (nightcrawler was my favorite) I'm sure this will still be fun
Dog_of_Myth: @raulghoulia Now you are thinking of Hobbits.
drfox17 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 85 months!
drfox17: 85!
Thanks for subscribing, drfox17! (Today's storm count: 14)
Loa_Ayizan subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 28 months!
Thanks for subscribing, Loa_Ayizan! (Today's storm count: 15)
Metric_Furlong: @raulghoulia idk, people can at least remember Sauron
teddywhosabear: the stream! let's cross it
Dog_of_Myth: To be fair, the xmen cartoon loved Sauron
I_Drink_To_Forget_Thermo subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 38 months!
I_Drink_To_Forget_Thermo: Almost 4 metric years!
Thanks for subscribing, I_Drink_To_Forget_Thermo! (Today's storm count: 16)
Metric_Furlong: @Dog_of_Myth well, if you're aiming for a younger audience, can't go wrong with dinosaur-man
lexiconjurer: LoadingReadyRun! Welcome... to DIE!
DudelidouX subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 33 months!
Thanks for subscribing, DudelidouX! (Today's storm count: 17)
MalFnord: Gotta respect Sauron as an X-villain; dude knows what he's about
blue_lotus_designs: Always love this opening
jessicaengle: Should I have more ramen chat?
A_Dub888: @lexiconjurer I thought there wasn't Watch and Play this week...
darkcyril: @TehAmelie Arcade is just... ugh... He could have been delightfully weird. But he just wasn't.
TehAmelie: hello

GDwarble: To meme, my X-men
drfox17: [sings the X Men 97 theme]
Mr_Horrible: "Charles! That's not the line, Charles!"
NewtyNewts: Good crew for arcade!
ButButTheJesus: Welcome, to die!
thmanwithnoname subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 105 months!

Thanks for subscribing, thmanwithnoname! (Today's storm count: 18)
SaxPython: X-Men, Assemble?

TheAinMAP: Hello.
raulghoulia: X-Men X-men
CaptainSpam: "Yo! X-Men!"
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Do not insert quarters into X-Men in real life.
LiamK712 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 55 months!
LiamK712: Hello everyone!
Thanks for subscribing, LiamK712! (Today's storm count: 19)
A_Dub888: aaa to you too Cori

lexiconjurer: The cartoon pilot that went with this arcade game rules as well. It has the first appearance of an Australian Wolverine too!
Nigouki: "for some reason"
IslandersCaper: X-men you say 👀
Mr_Horrible: Xavier's famous line: "Where my X-men at?"
kusinohki: Y men??

raulghoulia: Gremlin Adam
Lysander_salamander: hello everyone
Kramburger: EX-Men? Is that a new Pokemon card?
itira: Adam crawing around under the desks like a rat
SnackPak_: Adam enters his gremlin era
Is Cori wearing a Dwarf Fortress shirt? 
Kramburger: Adam's been in his gremlin era

NewtyNewts: Computers: just expensive Lego
RealGamerCow: I worked with a guy that "decomissioned" a server room by bringing a big pair of scissors and cutting all the network cords at the connectors
teddywhosabear: this background always looks wonky when they reveal the room is deeper than you think it is
stippledotter: Adam *is* the gremlin era
Kramburger: SNOW DAY
fastlane250: Y'all should have stickers I can slap on my car
Dog_of_Myth: Snow Day
A_Dub888: S N O W D A Y
Lysander_salamander: heck yeah
Lord_Hosk: its a inch of snow! you don't cancel school for that!
fastlane250: The 6-player X-Men cabinet is INSANE on the inside
jessicaengle: Snow'd, eh?
lexiconjurer: Yeah, the six person arcade cabinets are hard to find
SaxPython: The Oki Okis!
KaleidoscopeMind: snag gibb and creepy doll
Lysander_salamander: can you remote-play the xmen game?
Kramburger: So adam and cori will play with two hands
teddywhosabear: slight snow
Mai_Andra: an amount of large people
drfox17: @lord_hosk you do in texas

raulghoulia: Dazzler
fastlane250: like they couldn't get a monitor wide enough so they finagled two of them inside it
darkcyril: Jubilee? Dazzler.
ButButTheJesus: Dazzler!
Garfman314: i believe the xmen cabinet was at my local roller rink growing up
CaptainSpam: I mean, most Konami beat-em-ups did that. TMNT and Simpsons did, too.
Lysander_salamander: nice
Kramburger: The Dazzler
couchboyj: The important thing about the X-Men arcade game is NOTHING CAN STOP THE BLOB
lexiconjurer: Dazzler! My Disco Queen!
kusinohki: and no one ever played dazzler
A_Dub888: Adam, you're tight
Woogachaka: Gotta love some CTS!
KWardJenx: Yes! Team Dazzler
raulghoulia: Master of Magnet
jessieimproved: Dazzler is one of my favorites
lexiconjurer: Correct
Orestes290: Yes!
darkcyril: X-Chicken!
Arnye1984 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 28 months!
Kramburger: Get your Dazz Hands ready
Thanks for subscribing, Arnye1984! (Today's storm count: 20)
lexiconjurer: Mag-Neato!
ButButTheJesus: Rescue Kittie from the cave!
A_Dub888: Is this a also Master of MAGNET?
KWardJenx: Magneto was right
CaptainSpam: I mostly hung around pinball. Still do today.
kusinohki: "X-chicken!"
TehAmelie: "You're all going to die down here" -Magneto
lexiconjurer: Also has a sick opening intro and theme
I spent a tooooooon of time in arcades as a teenager. 
Kramburger: Arcade machines in Aus all operated on $1 and $2 coins when I was a kid, we were ripped off
Garfman314: do we have hints about other games on the docket?
Lysander_salamander: I think I played one of the variants of this that allowed you to choose other characters regardless of your position on the cabinet
Masslost: soul caliber 2 in the arcade was just epic
Metric_Furlong: no sound
RealGamerCow: Oh god I can *smell* the bowling alley that I played this game in.
DiscordianTokkan: so HAIRY
teddywhosabear: dang, logan's hairy
drfox17: Emma Frost was in this game?!
CaptainSpam: Does attract mode have any audio?
SnackPak_: run it back!
n3ther: oh the old costumes
Metric_Furlong: windows plz
Thefluffiestguineapig: Hey Adam did you wear that shirt just for this?
Kramburger: Roms! Call Nintendo!
lexiconjurer: Yup
PharaohBender27: I hear dinging!
DiscordianTokkan: Windows noises heard!
DeM0nFiRe: We heard the ding too
lirazel64: Faintly...
Garfman314: dingdingidng
Lysander_salamander: yeah we hear the noise
MalFnord: dingdingding
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Thank you for wearing clothes
fastlane250: FYI: The vertical line down the emulated screen is NORMAL.
TehAmelie: an arcade sauna?
adept_nekomancer: Tinker Tailor Sauna Fry
Kramburger: Nelly let the girls out, them thangs thanging
nymistrya: Monday night clothing fight?
Lord_Hosk: Tinker Tailor Sauna Fry
Dog_of_Myth: Beej's Office/Sauna
SaxPython: Secret Sauna?
madtycho: oh wow, this takes me back big time
ghyllnox: Show sauna
lexiconjurer: This was from before the 90s cartoon
korvys: Pretty low for us
Lord_Hosk Highfives Adept_nekomancer
CaptainSpam: Seems quiet on our end?
DeM0nFiRe: 😬
DaxStrife: Kinda quiet
ThreeMemesInATrenchcoat subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 93 months, currently on a 85 month streak!
lirazel64: It's real quiet
Thanks for subscribing, ThreeMemesInATrenchcoat! (Today's storm count: 21)
Kramburger: It's called a beard IAN
darkcyril: Yeah, well before the 90s cartoon.
Serifina: Game is very quiet.
SnackPak_: preach Adam
raulghoulia: hell yea
lexiconjurer: It's based on the 'Pryde of the X-Men' cartoon pilot
Kramburger: Cyclops in my MAN
Lysander_salamander: I should try it out
kusinohki: this was more or less based on "pryde of the xmen" a pilot episode that went no where
h3rsh3yb4r: cyclops is a great character who was kind of assassinated in the movies
@Lord_Hosk Always fun to share the same braincell 
Thefluffiestguineapig: @SaxPython Secret Sauna sounds like something that only happens in horror movies or the Nordic countries
darkcyril: HRAAAAGH!!!
SirTrae: Cyclops being cool is becoming more and more of a widespread opinion
Kramburger: I was a cyclops kid, and James Masters can get it
DaxStrife: Ah, the sound that plagued the halls of MAGFest.
RealGamerCow: Game could be louder
Thefluffiestguineapig: Cyclops in Xmen 97 absolutely rips
couchboyj: Nightcrawler is where its at
johnnylongtorso: all these classic X-Men characters, and Dazzler is there too
MalFnord: Cyclops constantly bounces between been cool af and the lamest mfer in the universe. No in-between.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Are Adam and Cori on fight sticks?
@LoadingReadyRun Game is very quiet on stream. 
RealGamerCow: I was a nightcrawler main as a kid
CaptainSpam: Of course, the game's difficulty scales with player count...
DiscordianTokkan: Samus Sentinels!
TehAmelie: the smaller sentinels are, the more dangerous
SaxPython: The Colossus sound effect takes me right back
Kramburger: Adam this is a fighting game, why are yu jumping?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @DiscordianTokkan Those Sentinels have guns rather than the giant heads I'm familiar with
darkcyril: @MalFnord That's because Marvel has a hat they draw random names from every time they need someone to be the asshole. Roughly half of the names in the hat are Scott Summers.
Simonark: Say, Nightcrawler, what’s the best Alberta resort town?
Dog_of_Myth: Ahhh the nostalgia is setting in hard...
couchboyj: The point of this is to eat ALL of your quarters

raulghoulia: Adam's gonna call the Wendigo villain again
powerflapjack: whats our colossus screaming counter?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Wolverine: almost as short as I am
Milleg2: wow this brings me back to so many birthday parties at the local arcade
n3ther: these kind of games were always really fun

MalFnord: Okay is is just me or are they fighting a bunch of Samus clones?
teddywhosabear: I always found this game super tough as a kid, and part of that was that I didn't realize that using special moves cost life, so I would die instantly
lexiconjurer: Yeah but it does lots of damage
Lysander_salamander: hahahahahaha

darkcyril: @MalFnord Hellfire Knights!
Thefluffiestguineapig: DAMN
CaptainSpam: no u shut up pyro

adept_nekomancer: lol, punished for monologuing
SaxPython: !clip
If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
lexiconjurer: Yeah, Pyro doesn't get a monologue he's a dork
drfox17: Caught him monologuing!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Pyro that's what you get
Kramburger: The Canadian consulate is bringing Colin Mochre into pctive custody
Dog_of_Myth: Pyro isn't cool enough to get a monologue
TehAmelie: poor Pyro, with his powers he could never have been anything but a villain
couchboyj: Punching the villians during their monolog is like, half the draw of the game
Pywodwagon: no im pywo
Not letting the bad guy do their monologue? What is it? NaDtD? 
LostThePirate: Did they say who's playing who?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Pyro gets absolutely owned by Nightcrawler is my jam
kusinohki: my goal was to get as far as I could on $5 worth of quarters. I would occasionally get to the final boss fight
Xafty: @Pywodwagon i was gonna say
raulghoulia: once again Adam bullies an Australian
devilcultivator: pyro can control but not MAKE fire
Simonark: He controls, but can’t make fire.
A_Dub888: @Pywodwagon You're in the game!?
Pteraspidomorphi: raze?
CaptainSpam: Yeah, the sight of four X-Men just surrounding a villain and punching them a lot is hilarious.
JosephDeath: Vandalism?
korvys: Vandalism?
hieroglyphica: Vandalism
h3rsh3yb4r: vandalism?
Metric_Furlong: vandalism?
ghyllnox: Property damage?
Mai_Andra: he carries around a lighter and looks moody at iceman
lexiconjurer: That's most mutants power
Stripe_dog: There's a line going down the screen and for a brief second I thought my monitor was broken
Juliamon: I can't believe Pywo would do this
calculated_uncertainties: Land management. controlling fire could be really useful
Cptasparagus: is this an amazon warehouse or soemthing?
ButButTheJesus: @Juliamon Pywo needs an hug
Kramburger: Okay Chat, Sentinals: Smash or pass?
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: @Stripe_dog I believe it was because the original arcade used two monitors so it is emulating that
CaptainSpam: Right, the "Life" count is credits.
I didn't know Captain Planet was in X-Men 
ArdCollider: o7
Garfman314: someone should keep track of how much money would have gone into this
Pywodwagon: I was allowed in the moonbase and didn't start a single fire, I claim innocence
Milleg2: this was an ultrawide game at the arcade before ultrawide was a word
lexiconjurer: Yeah, use your powers as much as you want!
powerflapjack: "hey colossus someone broke into your car" "HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAGH"
Stripe_dog: @AMillionCatsOnTypewriters facinating
ButButTheJesus: @LostThePirate omg your right
pn55: Being able to hit each other was an issue in the Streets of Rage games.
kusinohki: line down the middle is normal. the original arcade had 2 crt screens (if you were lucky, other cabinets just had a single screen and did pan and scan)
TehAmelie: 8x3 is close to a normal width these days
Mai_Andra: the arcade owner is playing and just keeps putting in more quarters because he wants to see the ending.
Simonark: The BEST kind of visual novel, the kind with Wendigo and Juggernaut in it.
Garfman314: there are some metroids happening
Nigouki: what IS the actual plot of this game?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @pn55 Nightcrawler should be immune to being hit by others powers and Colossus should be able to deflect them
ButButTheJesus: @Juliamon may I request they be asked to turn up game volume? I can't hear the epic music
Kramburger: Oh MAN
lexiconjurer: @Nigouki Magneto is being a bad guy. Go stop him.
Juliamon: ButButTheJesus I can't do anything about that
CaptainSpam: Oh, man. The Simpsons arcade game.
ButButTheJesus: ah ok
Serifina: @ButButTheJesus We've already done our best to inform them.
lexiconjurer: Are you a bad enough X-Man to save the President?
JosephDeath: Why does The Blob get a mace?
NotCainNorAbel: I'm just seeing how much of arcade games are skins. How easy does this programing becomes TMNT?
Thefluffiestguineapig: The blob
Juliamon: It's up to them to read chat
RealGamerCow: I want to say it's like an hour?
johnnylongtorso: nothing moves the Blob, except for opera
kusinohki: magneto is setting up base on asteroid M (I think that's the plot??)
ButButTheJesus: @Serifina ok thx
Thefluffiestguineapig: Who knows
TehAmelie: Blob looks like he was drawn by a caricature artist
darkcyril: Because The Blob wanted a mace.
DiscordianTokkan: The Blob is flashing red!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also why didn't they just give the Blob a belly flop?
couchboyj: He just got back from the Ren Faire. Dude put away SO. MANY. turkey legs.
Nigouki: oh hey, plot!
n3ther: voice acting??
ghizmou: those were some mutant eyebrows
lexiconjurer: Oh no! They kidnapped Kitty!
TehAmelie: somehow i know Blob's street name, Fred Dukes
DiscordianTokkan: Prof X just had some wine and he's sloppy
lexiconjurer: Some manner of Alligator or Crocodile Men
Kramburger: I feel like this whole Magneto problem could be solved by giving Nightcrawler a ceramic knife
Orlantia: Magneto has been right the while time
n3ther: turtles in time Pog
lexiconjurer: What that mouth do?
TheAinMAP: Are lizard men mutants?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Aren't these dinosaur men allegedly?
fastlane250: Re: The Line: in order to achieve the wide screen, one of the monitors in the cabinet is mounted as normal, and the second monitor (which is being fed mirrored video) is set low in the cabinet, aimed at a mirror next to the first monitor.
Juliamon: damn those flowers caked
GDwarble: Why do they have full, luscious, lips?
underhill33 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 99 months, currently on a 99 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, underhill33! (Today's storm count: 22)
johnnylongtorso: Georgia O'Keeffe, help us
TehAmelie: flesh eating plants with sexy mouths to lure in prey, there's a horror idea
Oh no... the sexy flowers are trying to kiss me! Please.. stop... 
couchboyj: I bet that lizard man DOES NOT Remember his family. Also, his parents have been dead a long time.
Thefluffiestguineapig: What the fuck is Ian on about tonight?
CaptainSpam: BEES
adept_nekomancer: Live bees!
A_Dub888: Bees, my god
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: I remember as a kid going on a ferry to an island amusement park and watching some guys all the way through the Simpsons arcade game.
Kramburger: @TehAmelie Isn't that the ittle shop of horros?
lexiconjurer: I believe its a free use of your power that doesn't use up HP
@GDwarble Honestly, that's probably the least inexplicable thing about a 90s Konami beat-em-up. 
h3rsh3yb4r: woah marvel rivals looks different
Kentosaurus: each dino has a name and backstory
Mai_Andra: but lacking in teeth, somehow
johnnylongtorso: I love Nightcrawler hopping up and down on the enemy
Thefluffiestguineapig: @GDwarble Because Magneto is a genius geneticist who made a race of weird lizard mutants in Antarctica then abandoned them
Drasvin: Mutant power is uses of your special without expending health
darkcyril: @lexiconjurer Yeah, it's the flashing blue icon next to the life bar.

fastlane250: he said the thing!
GDwarble: WelCOME to DIE
EmpressTila: If they end up playing the original TMNT or 1942, I am going to lose my mind.
he's protected while monologuing! 
Scarbble: WELCOME.. TO DIE
lexiconjurer: Classic Magneto
MalFnord: WELCOME... TO *DIE!*
SaxPython: Sand Lemurs?
Pywodwagon: wendigo
GDwarble: @Thefluffiestguineapig I, but...
johnnylongtorso: "Wendigo!" -Wendigo
Garfman314: these are some fun designs
SaxPython: Wendigo is a Pokemon
Caffine1138 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 41 months!
Caffine1138: I'm approaching the answer, but still questioning
Thanks for subscribing, Caffine1138! (Today's storm count: 23)
thymato subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 70 months!
thymato: This brings back memories
Thanks for subscribing, thymato! (Today's storm count: 24)
Thefluffiestguineapig: @GDwarble TLDR; SO MANY DRUGS were consumed at Marvel
h3rsh3yb4r: is this the guy from until dawn
Dalrint: I wonder if he was supposed to be sabertooth.
adept_nekomancer: Oh no, they're tickling him!
7gorobei: hey its wendi
fastlane250: "We need quarters!"
TheOtherTrevor subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 92 months, currently on a 53 month streak!
Thanks for subscribing, TheOtherTrevor! (Today's storm count: 25)
kusinohki: someone taught me a way to completely cheese wendigo
drcthulu: give us your ktity treats wendigo
TehAmelie: the evil has been degeated
NotCainNorAbel: so the Xmen are bullies
TehAmelie: defeated too
Simonark: Wendigo, canonically what happens when you eat human flesh in Canada in Marvel comics
rescue Kitty! 
lexiconjurer: Wolverine, get me a pizza!
Kentosaurus: albino lizards
darkcyril: They've evolved!
A_Dub888: @NotCainNorAbel no wonder people hate mutants
AugmentingPath: Don't be fooled by the rocks I've been gave, I'm still Kitty from the cave
GDwarble: I like that Magneto has acquired a bunch of Samuses
Diabore: fuckin fire breathing gators in this cave
LadyAiluros: oh cool!!!
TehAmelie: they're all Pokemon!

TehAmelie: keep saying their own names
Voidhawk42: My DM always calls that the "thousand-bladed sword-ball" attack. When you just stack everyone up and wail on everything around you.
A_Dub888: I see jets on them, they're Digimon
SaxPython: And this is for COVID!
kusinohki: I like when storm hits a bot that's on the ground she shocks them
couchboyj: Does this game pre-date Pokemon? Maybe the Pokemon are all mutants!
LadyAiluros: just getting in, how are we playing this?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @A_Dub888 Here they are bullying lizard people that Magneto created that hate mutants because Magneto created them and when they disappointed him he just left and did a deadbeat dad, the whole reason Xavier and Magneto don't get along is Xavier insists on NOT bullying humanity no matter how much I believe we deserve it
DiscordianTokkan: Oh DANG they have to fight TROGDOR
LadyAiluros: like MAME or which console?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @LadyAiluros Fight sticks and a custom controller plus I believe an emulator
drcthulu: the dazzler
LadyAiluros: @Thefluffiestguineapig Cool Cool
lexiconjurer: Magneto: "One thing you may not have noticed about my name is 'neto' is in there. Like 'Neato!' People like that!"
drcthulu: give em the razzle dazzle
foopoiuyt: My one weakness, rocks
darkcyril: The mutants greatest weakness! Rocks!
lexiconjurer: It's Nimrod!
darkcyril: Nimrod
Dog_of_Myth: Nimrod
MrSarkhan: Nimrod
Tiber727: You know, I really wish they brought this genre back. Not like retro throwbacks like Ninja Turtles. I mean like do a 3D action game like Bayonetta, but it's a co-op beat-em-up.
devilcultivator: master controler?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Such a dumb name
DiscordianTokkan: The Mighty Warrior
KWardJenx: or Master Mold
couchboyj: Nimrod, the Sentinel from the future
raulghoulia: he's from the future
lexiconjurer: He's a sentinel from the future
drcthulu: mastermold
darkcyril: Master Mold
LiveFaust: Nimrod, a mighty hunter before the Lord?
raulghoulia: Also Nimrod is a biblical hunter
Pywodwagon: Bastion was in 97
Mai_Andra: Nimrod was bright pink in the original. Master Mold is the prime that generates new sentinels.
A_Dub888: NOT Master Asia?
JosephDeath: @Tiber727 Isn't that just Monster Hunter?
TehAmelie: in the keyfabe, the sound was off at the start cause Dazzler needed to charge up
Mai_Andra: A super sentinel from the future.
lexiconjurer: Yay! You rescued Kitty!
Garfman314: this guy would have clearly eaten a ton of quarters
Thefluffiestguineapig: Bastion is the child of a normal human and a human who was infected with a techno virus I believe?
CaptainSpam: And now you have a fifth, CPU-controlled... wait, what?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Why the fuck do I know that
lexiconjurer: Yes
Tiber727: @raulghoulia Nimrod is an insult only because Bugs Bunny sarcastically compared Elmer Fudd to biblical Nimrod, but people didn't know the reference and thought it was a funny insult.
Pywodwagon: shes great
raulghoulia: she became president
CypherRaze: So who is who at the top? Is it ordered like what we're watching? Adam on the far left and Cory on the right?
lexiconjurer: She's had a resurgence in the past few years
ButButTheJesus: hole
CypherRaze: Cori*
Metric_Furlong: it's X-men, all of them are still a thing despite having died at least twice each
call_me_Aras: Dazzler just had a limited series like last month

adept_nekomancer: It's the blaggole
trainpants: wasn't dazzler a vampire for a while or something?
CaptainSpam: Give 'em the ol' razzle-dazzler.
Mai_Andra: @trainpants Jubilee was
trainpants: riiiight
call_me_Aras: @trainpants That was Jubilee
darkcyril: @trainpants That was Jubilee
@Thefluffiestguineapig So NOT an Omnic foot soldier that always gets Play of the Game? 
kusinohki: starlord had a dazzler poster in the guardians of the galaxy pc game
Tiber727: @JosephDeath In some ways, but Monster Hunter is mostly beating up on one guy for 20 minutes.
CaptainSpam: "Canonically, I don't know what side to be on!" I mean, that's true about most Marvel content...
SaxPython: Is this "Back check, forecheck, paycheck" the game
lexiconjurer: Fun fact: Dazzler was originally created as part of a planned multi-media deal between Marvel and a record label. They were going to have an actual singer produce a Dazzler album. The deal fell through but Marvel still made the comic anyway.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @kusinohki Gasp, you mean to tell me the people who made the Guardians PC game were Marvel nerds??? For shame!!!
Voidhawk42: Walked straight onto a freeway
GDwarble: Just being demolished by
ghyllnox: That's a Savidan death.wav
skintbint: man this game is so cool i love this
CaptainSpam: Colossus, noted Canadian.
couchboyj: Game is from 92, so early 90s even.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @CaptainSpam Isn't he Russian?
drcthulu: the hole calls to thee
SirTrae: Excuse me?

A_Dub888: Does Cyclops use his eye beams in his?
KWardJenx: Reavers!
MrSarkhan: This is so fucking 90s
LadyAiluros: Do you ever just hink about holes?
BorealMage: "ok bye"
korvys: Why would the sentinels be working for Magnito?
Lysander_salamander: I think I remember those guys from the cartoon series
darkcyril: @lexiconjurer Fast forward to today when we have Luna Snow releasing music.
adept_nekomancer: Of the orifices they could have chosen, mouth was probably the least disturbing
@Thefluffiestguineapig He's clearly Canadian, as per his accent here. Clearly. 
GDwarble: Ah, it's Yougernowt
drcthulu: his power is you can't stop him
kusinohki: everyone has a 'mutant power' special attack, but it uses up health. cyclops' eye beams are that
Pywodwagon: reavers are mutant racists who get robot parts to kill mutants
JadedCynic: something-something-he's-something
lexiconjurer: Look, Trask Industries needed to keep those research grants coming. They made some weird stuff just to make sure they went through all their funding.
ButButTheJesus: "oww don't hit my helmet I had that since third grade"
JadedCynic: big-gun
Thefluffiestguineapig: I mean, Blob had a mace
Mokkun: probably had a bazooka as an accessory with the toy
Thefluffiestguineapig: Is this game just a reskin of something else
Bruceski: Nothing can stop the Juggernaut with a bazooka!
ArdCollider: forklift certified juggernaut
devilcultivator: we have this guy that can't be hurt lets make him a boss you punch to death!
A_Dub888: His helmet's off! Get him Charles!!!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Does Nightcrawler even have a teleport?
GGsLive: That's just the blob cosplaying
I did like Vinne Jones more than this rendition 
darkcyril: That's not just any bazooka. That's a goddamn Gundam bazooka.
NewtyNewts: These beans?
MechaKuuga: Juggernaut is actually part of the X-men team currently
MechaKuuga: in the comics
ButButTheJesus: yes Adam yes
Juliamon: Thefluffiestguineapig I would absolutely believe they just had base assets they skinned when the license was approved
Lysander_salamander: yaya
Lysander_salamander: ohhh
Voidhawk42: The greatest power of all: a million dollars in quarters
lexiconjurer: You got tricked!
Lysander_salamander: I don't think I got this far
JKBalch: The perfect Mystique reaction
CaptainSpam: The bamboozle!
Getter404: "Wait... Mystique can walk?!"
A_Dub888: @MechaKuuga Have he and Chuck solved their family issues?
JadedCynic: @Thefluffiestguineapig having spent so many hours at this game, yes (dangit, there it is)
couchboyj: Yo Noid was great
Mokkun: I think this is farther than I ever got because the game bugged out on me and wouldn't let me walk forward at some point.
LadyAiluros: YUP
JKBalch: Magfest mention@
Getter404: "Colossus, your car!"
ButButTheJesus: yep Ian
LadyAiluros: It's SO ANNOYING
corpocracy: Yup!
TehAmelie: every time Xavier turns out to be able to walk it's bad news. people could form bad associations from this
devilcultivator: the fact colossus does a new japan power coconut crush for his grab is PEAK
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Juliamon Because the enemies all have weird weapons for their characters and often have odd proportions, the characters don't have the signature powers in game play ( the Sentinels don't have the giant heads and have guns etc)
tehfewl: Magfest!
couchboyj: They're clones
JadedCynic: SO many palette swaps
Bruceski: @JKBalch I'd forgotten the plot of this game so I was in the middle of typing "thank goodness these ruins are wheelchair accessible" when the Professor stood up and transformed
Getter404: Because Tank Guy awaits
Dog_of_Myth: They cloned Pywo!
Scarbble: the colossus yell was funny for like, 2 days. and then they kept doing it for like 15 years
JadedCynic: proto-segues
darkcyril: Ahhhh... The Living Monolith
OuchOuchYoureOnMyHair subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 64 months!
Thanks for subscribing, OuchOuchYoureOnMyHair! (Today's storm count: 26)
Juliamon: Thefluffiestguineapig IIRC the company didn't know anything about the property so they just winged it
johnnylongtorso: one of them always lies, and one always tells the truth
Getter404: Apocalypse's stunt doubles
Cyclops_Havok_Vulcan : when this came out in the 90's me and 3 of my friends where playing this at the Mall Arcade and 2 girls wanted to play Storm and Dazzler we end up beating the first game the girls had to leave when you start over and it was a little harder
Garfman314: pikachu!
yalc321 subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 93 months!
itira: rooooaaaaw!
Thanks for subscribing, yalc321! (Today's storm count: 27)
AugmentingPath: These are his three horsemen ig
korvys: @Bruceski "thank goodness these ruins are shapeshifter accessible"
CaptainSpam: Hey, this reminds me, does Rivals have Howard the Duck yet?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Bruceski Also for me it is more believable since he's telekinetic so he can just levitate his wheelchair
Voidhawk42: @johnnylongtorso and the third shoots lasers at people who ask tricky questions
Lysander_salamander: hahaha
couchboyj: We already have a guy with eye beams, these Tuts gotta walk like an Egyptian on outta here
jacqui_lantern234: aaaaAAAA
SaxPython: !sir
LRRbot: Sir? Sir! This is a Hideo Kojima production.
ghizmou: I love when the ancient clay statues explode
Bruceski: @Thefluffiestguineapig That's true
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Voidhawk42 At least it's just lasers and not poop
Lysander_salamander: oh right the asteroid base
Fruan: Has anyone told Charles he has a cotton ball stuck to his forehead?
Kramburger: Nightcrawler sounds like an insulting euphamism\
JadedCynic: @Cyclops_Havok_Vulcan yeah, I actually made friends with what we'd later call 'pugs' around the arcade cabinet
Kaaannaaa: Profesor, there's a Pokemon on your forehead, watch out!
darkcyril: Oh hey look. It's Dummy from Iron Man
Voidhawk42: BTW, who is playing who?
@darkcyril nah, those are mini-Sentinels 
Mr_Horrible: "These Sentinel robots are great at hunting down mutants, but you know what would take them the extra mile? Making them smaller and more punchable."
Juliamon: Voidhawk42 Not actually sure
lexiconjurer: Solid Gold Sentinels seem extravagant to me
7gorobei: gold sentinels? those are govt property, who is responsible for this boondoggle
devilcultivator: you think magneto's meteor is rent controlled?
NewtyNewts: You press it harder!
darkcyril: Adam's unlocked the tech.
AugmentingPath: Why does the background say "HRT"?
Mokkun: those armed vacuum cleaners are probably right around the corner irl.
JadedCynic: @7gorobei prolly Ollie North...
TehAmelie: i've found the comics have a LOT of telepaths and brain swapping guns and stuff that take no advantage of the special effects budget of comics
Tiber727: Good old 90s, when everyone could be in space without a space suit.
CaptainSpam: That was before they put Space Gas in space.
darkcyril: The classic boss rush.
offbeatwitch: can't even go to space without a spacesuit anymore. because of Woke
JadedCynic: "No one can stop The Blob!"
KeytarCat: Looks like Dazzler's throw requires starting just out of range. She cartwheels into range
Thefluffiestguineapig: Emma Frost in her pre diamond phase
7gorobei: mutant power has an expiration date?

Lord_Hosk: lol
jacqui_lantern234: ADAM XD
Kramburger: WOW Adam
MechaKuuga: D: Adam
Mr_Horrible: "How about you get Emma Lost, nerd?"
drcthulu: get out of my head Charles
A_Dub888: @Mr_Horrible Now that you mention it, why did someone think that 20ft giant robots would be the perfect weapon against normal sized humans (albeit with superpowers but still)
Cyclops_Havok_Vulcan : JadedCynic my one friends birthday was on the day we first the game and his dad gave us 30 bucks to go to walk around the mall we spent some of the money playing the game then got some other stuff then later gone to a Pizza hut before home
lexiconjurer: Oh no, the classic tag team of Juggernaut and Nimrod: Juggerod
Voidhawk42: @A_Dub888 Military industrial complex. Can justify any boondoggle.
Mr_Horrible: @A_Dub888 presumably as, like, a mobile weapons platform, but yeah IDK
Kramburger: I comes out of Beej's pay
RealGamerCow: Each credit is 10 CAD
GDwarble: He is Magneto, Master of Magnet!
korvys: Probably Mystique?
Wrexadecimal: Welcome to die, etc.
darkcyril: @lexiconjurer Say Car Ramrod.
Mr_Horrible: @Voidhawk42 Metal Gear but somehow even more silly
RTwo28: Juggernaut with the Zaku beam cannon?
Cyclops_Havok_Vulcan : that looked like a miss colored Master mold
Garfman314: can someone do the math about how much this would cost in quarters?
@Cyclops_Havok_Vulcan so much nostalgia 
Nigouki: bunch of punks just wailing on an elderly holocaust suvivor
foopoiuyt: Magneto should totally throw colossus around
devilcultivator: it's cool of magneto to LET colossus be part of beating him up
Thefluffiestguineapig: @A_Dub888 It was a Trask run project and originally I think there was a nuclear reactor on board or some nonsense like that
couchboyj: Its time for an all out attack!
korvys: Called it

RatherLargeToad: “Magneto! Where’s my $20!”
GDwarble: Another place
raulghoulia: dab
rabbitgta: Look it's ian in a chair
Milleg2: magento is another castle
JadedCynic: @korvys I didn't wanna spoil things
WiJohn: You were all Mystique the whole time!
lexiconjurer: Sorry, X-Men. Magneto is in another asteroid.
Tiber727: Until Magneto fought back by kicking people.
Mr_Bitterness subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 41 months!
Mr_Bitterness: Master of Magetism!
Thanks for subscribing, Mr_Bitterness! (Today's storm count: 28)
GDwarble: Magneto! Master of Magnet!
adept_nekomancer: "He's over in that general direction!"
ghyllnox: Princess Magneto is in another castle
Master of Magnet 
ButButTheJesus: Shieeeldddd
Kramburger: How does Magneto pay for this?
7gorobei: is mystique a scooby doo villain?
A_Dub888: S H I E L D
TehAmelie: i expected Xavier to turn out to be Mystique again at the same time as Magneto
offbeatwitch: I am Magneto, Master of Magnet!
Mr_Horrible: that's Swagneto
BorealMage: Magneto's so *tall*
SaxPython: KickPuncher over here
Mr_Horrible: he wears only Supreme
darkcyril: @Kramburger Crime actually pays quite well.
devilcultivator: what is the "lazor" magneto is shooting here?
kusinohki: any chance of playing the avengers game that's kind of like this??
Dog_of_Myth: @Kramburger Bitcoin mining
teddywhosabear: oh THAT's what colossus's scream reminds me of: when drawfee draws new yorker cartoons
lexiconjurer: Man dresses like a Trojan Warrior who's REALLY into Madonna
skintbint: @Kramburger he can just magnetise all the money in the world straight into his bank account
Cyclops_Havok_Vulcan : the Game was based on the failed Pryde of the X MEN cartoon pilot
Kramburger: Could Magneto technically generate his own green power?
TehAmelie: Magneto at one point stole a pile of nazi gold the size of a small house. he should be fine
Milleg2: magneto's magnetism powers suck your quarters away
JadedCynic: @skintbint those metal strips in the modern banknotes contain enough magnetic material...
Tiber727: Classic Magento with his electric bolts and kickboxing powers.
Lord_Hosk: Thats why he eventually joined the X-men. Weed was legalized and he was like "well... I guess I don't have to fight the government anymore... Im on your team"
teddywhosabear: are we tracking the hypothetical quarters expended
niccus: at least he's not doing grav loops
Lysander_salamander: hahaha
TehAmelie: wait, is gold even magnetically reactive?
SaxPython: This Magneto is 2 Mystiques in a trenchcoat
Dog_of_Myth: @TehAmelie Nope
JadedCynic: @TehAmelie iron, nickel & cobalt
drcthulu: haha my only weakness is additional quarters
Kramburger: Money isn't usually magnetic
Voidhawk42: They're only allowed to deploy one clone at a time, to avoid tax issues
CrossXhunteR: my man throws out that shield like you just hit his revenge value in Kingdom Hearts 2
SirTrae: That was basically canon in the Krakoa era, wasn't it?
ShaneLeeAtk: Wolverine isn't here. Not canon
Fruan: @SaxPython Mystique armed with a microwave oven

Mr_Horrible: TehAmelie I was about to ask the same. I guess it was low karat?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @SaxPython Is one trench coat the cape and the other entirely the abs?
TehAmelie: must have been a heavy nickel alloy
teddywhosabear: approaching one desert buck in quarters
AugmentingPath: You have now put roughly $300 into this machine
JadedCynic: @Kramburger yep - usually an amalgam of copper and a bit of nickel...but not enough to be 'magnetic'
Nigouki: @TehAmelie it is not ferromagnetic, but magnetism can be induced in basically anything if it's strong enough. there's videos of magnetically levitated frogs :V
lexiconjurer: Take that, Holocaust Survivor!
darkcyril: Build a wall out of the pile of dead bards.
johnnylongtorso: quarters! a million allowances' worth of quarters!
Tiber727: Capitalism always wins.

SaxPython: Pfffff
couchboyj: Prof X does have some Zap Branigan energy
Cyclops_Havok_Vulcan : Mystigue is Nightcrawler's mom or dad Destiny gave birth to Nightcrawler
Mokkun: that was a load bearing boss
CaptainSpam: No, Magneto: Welcome YOURSELF to die!

Milleg2: game over, no moral
WiJohn: Thousands died
HorusFive subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 75 months!
HorusFive: Ah yes- send waves of teenagers after him. It's the Xavier way
Thanks for subscribing, HorusFive! (Today's storm count: 29)
teddywhosabear: metroid-ass ending
Nigouki: noooo, we blew up Axis!

CrossXhunteR: a baoa qu?
darkcyril: Yeah, Blackbird. Quinn Jets were Avengers.
TehAmelie: flawless victory
Lord_Hosk: Werent there thousands of mutants living on that asteroid?

Scarbble: LEE
Kramburger: Honestly I kind of love Magneto throwing hands, like you come at him with a plastic knife and he justs beats your ass
Mr_Horrible: and now illegible comics panels
JadedCynic: @Lord_Hosk well, mutant CLONES
LostThePirate: GGa
LostThePirate: *GGs
Cyclops_Havok_Vulcan : there should be a second game
RTwo28: GGs
adept_nekomancer: This was the 90's... there were only so many pixels we could afford.
NotCainNorAbel: @Lord_Hosk I don't have enough time to watch Clerks right now
Thefluffiestguineapig: WHAT
2 raiders from BrowneePointz have joined!
Lysander_salamander: I thought it was Nightcrawler
Dumori: Yo full arcade stream RAD!
JadedCynic: nah, they weren't, Ian - and my eyesight was just as good back then
CrossXhunteR: dazzler being one of the 6 is amazing
Milleg2: ng+

CaptainSpam: Storm and Wolverine are all, "Did we miss anything?"
Kramburger: Cyclops is a service top, right?
lexiconjurer: They defeated intolerance
Thefluffiestguineapig: Welcome Browneepoints to Adam asking Nelly if he remembered about Cyclops asking Wolverine to peg him
Juliamon: Can you boost the game audio for the next game too?
LordZarano: Game sound was very quiet btw
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Kramburger I assumed he was a bottom
Wrexadecimal: Simpsons arcade game yeeeees
lexiconjurer: Simpsons? Aw hell yeah!
Scarbble: aw yeah, we're gonna simp
@CaptainSpam Logan was flying the blackbird, and Storm was decanting the X-Man clones our players needed 
tehfewl: Ian staring directly into our eyes
LadyAiluros: i hope Ninja Turtles is on the docket?
CaptainSpam: Let's all watch Smithers be a cackling lackey, robbing a jewelry store for some reason!
Voidhawk42: For the next game, can there be something that tells us who each of you are playing?
KWardJenx: Ian, in 3D!
ButButTheJesus: snaur
Orlantia: Do-d-d-do-d-dont have a cow man
wedge_x: hi bob
NotCainNorAbel: Hi Cori
NewtyNewts: hi cori
Cyclops_Havok_Vulcan : what happen to Kitty lol
EmpressTila: Do you have access to the original TMNT Arcade Game?
RTwo28: And then they said it's simpson time and they simped all over
Kramburger: @Thefluffiestguineapig Honestly, he's probably verse and just switches depending on his partner
Getter404: It was 77 degrees today. In February. I hate it
lexiconjurer: There was a brief golden age where literally ANYTHING could become a side scrolling beat 'em up game.
LostThePirate: It's not showing here YET but it's supposed to anytime
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Kramburger Fair, especially since it's heavily implied that he, Jean and Logan are a trio that have connected rooms
CaptainSpam: But seriously, the Simpsons arcade game is one of the more memorable of the 90s beat-em-ups.
Mr_Bitterness: Adam wants to work for his food
RealGamerCow: pizza pemmican
n3ther: wow so hardcore
NewtyNewts: It's like gnawing on a bone like a gremlin
OmnipotentTrevor: Okay, fridge pizza is peak, but I'm not with the fridge lasagna
SaxPython: Oki Oki Kings
DaVeganPolice: Lets not get into Adams habits when eating wings
wedge_x: this is the most Lower Decks thing happening live right now
KWardJenx: With Adam on this. Al dente lasagna is goated

teddywhosabear: dang I could go for some wings rn
Darleysam: nasty little orc
Dr_Seat: Yo Whose double arcade stick is that?
NotCainNorAbel: those tubs of popcorn with three flavours
hieroglyphica: I actually think stale chocolate coated kettle corn is dank
CrossXhunteR: i've heard that
nasty little orc 
Dr_Seat: Thats dope
CrossXhunteR: boneless pizza
Scarbble: love the pizza bones
hieroglyphica: But I haven't had access to a kettle for years
OmnipotentTrevor: I eat crust first so that I don't have one left over
adept_nekomancer: pizza crust is delicious
Darleysam: pizza crust rules
RealGamerCow: carbs make you fat?
HorusFive: Lots of people love to waste food
BrowneePointz: if the crust sucks why are you eating pizza
NorthstarTex: Its sacrilege to throw out stuffed crust.
lexiconjurer: I don't eat the crust unless its stuffed
Juliamon: it absolutely CAN be the best part... but it does depend on the maker
NotCainNorAbel: if it were the best part it would be calld Bread Stick Hut
hieroglyphica: I eat crusts last, but that's a remnant of having brothers. They don't steal crusts, just slices
Thefluffiestguineapig: @KWardJenx The pasta and veggies, right? If your meat is ever "al dente" you've got issues
SaxPython: A life bond
calculated_uncertainties: @NorthstarTex Well, yes. but there is cheese there
JadedCynic: the crust is what you get dip for!
Juliamon: It was too quiet
DaxStrife: Too quiet.
lexiconjurer: It's a classic
Kramburger: A local bakery akes sourdough pizza bases and their crusts are GREAT
ButButTheJesus: volume too low
wedge_x: it x'd some men
adept_nekomancer: Welcome... to DIE!
Mr_Horrible: ha ha game funny
CaptainSpam: We thought the X-Men game was entertaining and worth our time.
it was a nice nostalgia trip 
Getter404: Master of Magnet
DaxStrife: But other than that it was good.
Drasvin: Game was fun
RealGamerCow: Da da da da dazzler dazz da da dazz
ghyllnox: Welcome to Die!
n3ther: it was fun
skintbint: that game was cooler than the other side of the pillow baby
CrossXhunteR: Colossus' UUUUUHHHHHH is good
Scarbble: xmen were yell out of 10
devilcultivator: it's WAY short than i thought it was
JusticeJuice: It was..Dazzling.
Garfman314: it's interesting how short the game really is
Loa_Ayizan: Nice to get to see the whole game like that
BrowneePointz: idk I just raided so I missed it lol
SuperWriterAndy: 40 mins is short
NewtyNewts: There were men, AND Xs. So... accurate
Drasvin: "I am Master of Magnet!"
Ignatiuspants: The game reminded me of my childhood
Scarbble: the side scroller avengers is the STUFF
BrowneePointz: with the wild Hawkeye outfit
Mr_Bitterness: X-Men is cool, Simpsons game is another level up IMO
EmpressTila: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!
JadedCynic: I don't think I ever spent that much at one sitting - maybe $10 at a time...
teddywhosabear: ayy simpsons
NotCainNorAbel: sweet
SaxPython: Honestly, the Pyro Monologue Skip was peak LRR
Thefluffiestguineapig: It's almost like they had one dude doing the art
NewtyNewts: oh boy
Simonark: The Arcade Spider-Man brawler was the best one and the hardest to fine.
BrowneePointz: the PUUUUUURPLE hawkeye outfit
lagrangeisbae: OMG, SIMPSONS!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ok, who is who
Mr_Horrible: Simpsons by Konami, the lost Castlevania game
EmpressTila: Or Moonwalker!
HorusFive: Board traded for Cape. Strict downgrade IMO
RealGamerCow: why is smithers evil?
CrossXhunteR: why is bart the wrong color
Lysander_salamander: oh, so that's the plot

Thefluffiestguineapig: Also, that baby is dead
Bongo cameo 
A_Dub888: why’s Smithers robbing a Jewelry store?
HorusFive: @RealGamerCow He works for Burns. Had to sell his soul at some point
7gorobei: it is clearly mystique disguising as smithers
0x6772: Hurry up!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Diamond would lacerate her mouth and GI tract
korvys: If you wait long enough, the big hand gets impatient
kusinohki: I was soooo bad at this game
Thefluffiestguineapig: @7gorobei I would honestly respect that
JadedCynic: @RealGamerCow I mean, yeah, but the more relevant question is: "Why is Smithers resorting to mere larceny?"
lagrangeisbae: I loved this game
Kramburger: When I was seven, I thought Homer's attack was him sneezing
devilcultivator: the pointer arrow beats you up!?!?
DaxStrife: Put it in H!
BrowneePointz: fun fact, part of the weird choices in this game are cuz Japan only had season 1 and part of season 2 when it was in development
JadedCynic: maybe if he was BUYING the diamond for Mister Burns, and then they collide and Maggie 'catches' it...
Morrigan9: it sparks?
Darleysam: RB, we have the meat
0x6772: "Define, 'spark'."
LiveFaust: Like a Planeswalker?
MalFnord: I remember spending hours playing this at the KOA campground in Vernal, UT.
couchboyj: Look out world!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Do you know what sparks joy? My cats being nonsense
lagrangeisbae: Every one missed Newlson's great comment
HorusFive: Oh yeah- the team moves. I totally forgot about these
Lysander_salamander: didn't know there were team-up attacks

TehAmelie: you'll have to walk sideways the whole way
A_Dub888: maybe a Tranformer’s Spark
NewtyNewts: Adam pressed all the buttons
Mr_Horrible: Fighting Fantasy is back with a vengeance
HorusFive: Environmental hazard

Rob_Racoon: killed by a door. again?
DigitalSeahorse: love the hamster
lagrangeisbae: All of Springfield is trying to kill you
Thefluffiestguineapig: Simpsons doing arbitrary nonsense for a bit? I'm shocked
skintbint: they've got this at my local arcade and the machine is absolutely massive, it has like 4 stools in a circle that you all sit around its so good
teddywhosabear: oh yeah! that was a gag they were gonna do, she had rabbit ears under her hair. they dropped that without confirming it down the line
GasCityGaming: can honestly say i've never seen the end of this game lol
CaptainSpam: You can GRAB the car with multiple players.
TehAmelie: it's funny cause Simpsons has so many side characters they wouldn't have to repeat any goons
NotCainNorAbel: Zelda?
teddywhosabear: ah, yes, the true enemies: firefighters
Orxolon: Good evening everyone
Orxolon: Ooohhh love the arcade idea
CaptainSpam: @TehAmelie Well, MODERN Simpsons. This was roughly around season 1 or so.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @teddywhosabear I would respect a game that had cops as the enemy not as a joke
Mr_Horrible: the famous streamer?
teddywhosabear: oh was this the dude from one of the wrestling parodies?
teddywhosabear: @Thefluffiestguineapig that's basically the payday series
Garfman314: when did this game come out?
DigitalSeahorse: I want to drink a whole carton of milk but I'm on my last carton
NotCainNorAbel: The late 1900's
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: 1991
Kramburger: This was done before the animation improved
Cptasparagus: The Konami code unlocks everything at the start menu
Orxolon: Maggie!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @teddywhosabear Sorry I should have specified, a modern developed game series
0x6772: Low blow, Nelson.
DigitalSeahorse: it is mildly comforting
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeah, for real be careful with your food
lamina5432: i will riot if there is no milk
7gorobei: test your might

Lysander_salamander: wow this games eats quarters almost as much as the waterworld game
0x6772: (There may or may not be a gov't next week. Let's turbo not get into it here.)
Thefluffiestguineapig: Regulations are getting extremely lose very rapidly and it will get very industrial revolution up in here
gualdhar: first eggs, now milk? what's next, cheese?
lamina5432: I drink a gallon a eek its needed
RTwo28: @gualdhar Not my omlettes!
lexiconjurer: It's Otto and loves to blotto!
DigitalSeahorse: good doggo
KeytarCat: @Lysander_salamander That was at gdq this year!
offbeatwitch: woe! dog be upon ye
teddywhosabear: marvin monroe
Cptasparagus: I found a copy of the actual instruction manual for this game and it doesnt mention the teamup moves at all lol
Cptasparagus: truly 90s
CaptainSpam: Stand near each other for a couple seconds.
DigitalSeahorse: I've never seen this game before so thanks for playing it
CaptainSpam: (and stand still)
LostThePirate: We have an abundance of reasons to riot right about now...
Lord_Hosk: Everyone talks about how expensive Milk is in Canada, but when you take into account the exchange rate... Milk is only like 15% more expensive. And most groceries are overall cheaper. Eggs are like HALF what they are in the US right now.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Anyways! NO US POLITICS
Orlantia: I don't think y'all understand how much milk the US dumps because of over production
skintbint: i really like marge's ass atack thats so funny
johnnylongtorso: hey, it's a kwyjibo!
teddywhosabear: oh no it's me
Orlantia: Also the strategic cheese reserve
RatherLargeToad: apparently Team Ups happen when two characters overlap each other for a few seconds
DigitalSeahorse: he was only bearly detained
Mr_Horrible: it does feel strange that they brought in the Life In Hell characters
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Orlantia And it's for no reason, the grocery stores dump it because they are afraid someone possibly might at some point maybe sue them because poor people might get mad at being sick from not truly expired donated milk
DigitalSeahorse: bnuy
Mai_Andra: you're gonna be eating a steady diet of government cheese and living in a van down by the river...
HorusFive: Almost like they just exist to suck in quarters
Milleg2: every simpson has a weapon except homer who is basically just a monk build
DaxStrife: The Simpsons was the Dark Souls of the arcade.
Orlantia: @thefluffiestguineapig I'm taking about the stuff that never leaves the dairy farms
CaptainSpam: The teamups are done by standing still near each other for a couple seconds.
Garfman314: this is more of these levels than i ever would have seen without emulation
KeytarCat: Someone said you team up by standing still next to an ally
Shadwhawk: Damn, I didn't realize this came out just 2 years after the show premiered
Cptasparagus: the manual says put in the konami code at the start screen to unlock everything, but it doesn't state what there is to unlock
Cptasparagus: and nothing about teamups

KeytarCat: ty cptspam
DigitalSeahorse: froggy
Mr_Bitterness: Do do teamups, stand still on top of each other for several seconds and don't hit any buttons
Orestes290: OG hypo toad
JadedCynic: @Shadwhawk the rabbit is a giveaway - it was Groening's trademark comic character before The Simpsons...
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: @Garfman314 I once saw someone beat the game at an arcade
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Orlantia Oh i was meaning stuff at grocery stores, a lot of that at dairy farms is genuinely contaminated. I work in vet med and modern milking can easily end up with blood from a minor cut/injury and if that ends up in the supply it's all dumped for contamination. Plus if the teats aren't hosed well enough you don't want that
CaptainSpam: Joke's on them, this show is still running!
AugmentingPath: Today on TTSF: shoving quarters into the streaming PC
Garfman314: @AMillionCatsOnTypewriters holy crap!
AugmentingPath: @CaptainSpam Joke's on all of us, tbh
jessieimproved: I was asking for more quarters at the bowling alley in 1992
EmpressTila: You know, if you told younger me that one day there would be an industry where people got paid to play video games and D&D for an audience, I would have lost my mind.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @AugmentingPath I think Paul will materialize behind them and "hello" them all out of existence
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: @Garfman314 Yeah, it was during a ferry ride to an amusement park so they had nothing else to do.
TehAmelie: i think i can guess what Homer and Bart's combo move is
TehAmelie: oh, it was less strangly than i thought

KeytarCat: pew pew!
lexiconjurer: Please, LLR, they prefer to be called the living impaired
devilcultivator: love marge's unhinged smile with the sling shot
DigitalSeahorse: this is rad
teddywhosabear: wholesome family bonding by beating up lawyers in a discount cemetery

TehAmelie: Homer has a hurricane kick?
Transmuted_Elf: alot of these arcade games would have had the moves listed on the wrap
Orxolon: i was about to i didn't want to "backsit"

Cptasparagus: ao3 is listening
Mr_Horrible: Ian we're putting you back in the oubliette
JadedCynic: @teddywhosabear role models
Lysander_salamander: first you make some folgers instant coffee...
lexiconjurer: Krusty's dead?!
johnnylongtorso: elevator level!
darkcyril: Can't be a beat 'em up without an elevator level.
Fruan: That is so cursed
DaxStrife: They look so angry
darkcyril: Wait... did X-Men have an elevator level?
teddywhosabear: the marge and homer thing seems like a great way to crack your back
jacqui_lantern234: @DaxStrife i would be too if i was in that position
CaptainSpam: They made a modern TMNT beat-em-up, they should do the same for the Simpsons...
Cptasparagus: the question is would this be more or less fun than desert bus after 5 days
jacqui_lantern234: @CaptainSpam 💯
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: They also made a TMNT rogue-lite
Garfman314: it takes too much thought for desert bus
darkcyril: Eh, there's quite a few other IPs with classic beat 'em ups that I'd like to see get at modernized treatment firsth.
darkcyril: first*
yeah, would be too distracting for the audience and performers 
Orxolon: imagine beating this game with only 1 credit
Mr_Bitterness: In Rod We Trust
lexiconjurer: Inanimate Carbon Rod?
kusinohki: pretty sure I've never seen this level...
jacqui_lantern234: carbon rod
HorusFive: Horray for Carbon Rod!
Garfman314: it's a control rod
RatherLargeToad: Maggie, with her gun
lexiconjurer: I'll show you inanimate!
Forlorgen: IN ROD WE TRUST
Garfman314: it limits the reaction
kusinohki: shhh, they're showing off hte carbon rod!
JadedCynic: *graphite
glitched_goddess: …you mean we actually get to SEE the rod?
CaptainSpam: I like how they just invented Bartman counterparts for the whole family solely so they all had a respwaning animation.
WiJohn: Why are the doors on the rest rooms glass?
SaxPython: !clip
If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
WetPaperSack: "I need Amanda Huginkiss!"
teddywhosabear: got a call for Ms. Quarter? Anita Quarter? Hey, guys, glasses down, Anita Quarter
JadedCynic: @WiJohn those are...wait for booths
Darleysam: yes I'm Hugh Jass
SnackPak_: aren;t we all
GasCityGaming: the flaming moe episode
mercano82: “I have a delivery for I. C. Weiner.”
HorusFive: RIP Bleeding Gums
couchboyj: Seymore? Seymore Butz? I need a Seymore Butz!
DigitalSeahorse: oh there's Bleeding Gums Murphy
TehAmelie: P I Staker?
WiJohn: @JadedCynic Why are there mens and womens phone booths?
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Hey, The SImpsons arcade game
lexiconjurer: "This place isn't faux dive. This is JUST dive."
Lord_Hosk: Simpsons Hosk fact. My parents wouldn't let me watch the Simpsons when it was on first run on Fox because it was "vulger" but I was allowed to watch it on syndication on the local station in the afternoon cartoon line up because "its just a cartoon"

SaxPython: We're pretty cheap
fastlane250: The illusion of safety
johnnylongtorso: @lexiconjurer let's just go to the Texas Cheesecake Depository
Mr_Horrible: Ian loves the thrill of terror
CaptainSpam: Moe's is also a casino, apparently.
Transmuted_Elf: you did that with balogna
Forlorgen: what a good idea for live
ButButTheJesus: Pywo
TStodden: Ian wants to play Fliched.
dumbo3k: @Transmuted_Elf well, the camera was behind the target, not any of the players
kusinohki: @lord_hosk .... I can't even....
teddywhosabear: they took that episode off of disney+ for... y'know, obvious reasons
darkcyril: He's just called "Drunkard" I guess.
lexiconjurer: I'm surprised you don't fight Moe. He used to be a boxer you know. Started out as Kid Gorgeous. Then Kid Presentable. And finally Kid Moe.
teddywhosabear: apparently they were gonna do a sequel episode where he came back to town and he was prince, but prince said no
Shurtal: i honestly thingk i've never seen antyhing past like the second stage on this game
HadesLeprechaun: Simpsons wiki just calls him "Drunk Man"
TehAmelie: that cow you have? time to let it go
JadedCynic: @WiJohn technically, they're all unisex, but they're also SINGLE-OCCUPANCY; only letting one person in there might make one think it's gendered...
niccus: very having a cow of you
kusinohki: I hope the final boss is flanders
HorusFive: Women distributing swords from a lake is no way to form a government Ian
DaxStrife: No no, in the Trogdor game you throw baby into the lake, and the baby returns with a sandwich.
NotCainNorAbel: Ian you are not wrong but IAN!
Shurtal: is that a First Past the Post form of electioN?
Mr_Bitterness: Strange women in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government

lexiconjurer: Go, my SImpsons! Save Kitty from the Cave!
WetPaperSack: As long as it's not the dogs with bees in their mouth
kusinohki: is the kitty snowball or snowball 2??
couchboyj: @horusfive As an American, I'm at the point where I am ready to try a woman in lake sword distribution system of government
darkcyril: Pick up that large boulder the size of a small boulder.
Shurtal: @kusinohki depends
HorusFive: @couchboyj You know what. Same
NotCainNorAbel: @WetPaperSack and when they bark they shoot bees
lexiconjurer: Remove the stone of shame!
lexiconjurer: Attach the stone of triumph!
WetPaperSack: @NotCainNorAbel Those are the ones, yes
a brown wendigo? woke strikes again 
CaptainSpam: Sideshow Bob, being not evil, apparently.
Fruan: I believe this game pre-dates Sideshow Bob's heel turn
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Lisa needs braces
lexiconjurer: It's German for: "The Bart, The."
WetPaperSack: @CaptainSpam He speaks German, he can't possibly be evil
jacqui_lantern234: @CaptainSpam AAAAA sideshow bob!!!
JadedCynic: @CaptainSpam again, this was only a couple of years after the show started
GasCityGaming: Gentle Ben, No!
Bearudite: question not Bear motives lest ye Catch bear hands
teddywhosabear: someone has to have done a 1cc speedrun of this
Mr_Bitterness: "It says, The Bart, The"
Bearudite: and by hands I mean claws and or paws
darkcyril: "Let the bears pay the bear tax. I pay the Homer tax"
Kramburger: How's may hair? Call 1-800-Frost-Tips
CaptainSpam: @JadedCynic I know, that's what makes so much of this game so wild.
lexiconjurer: Simpsons! Welcome... TO DIE!
devilcultivator: i miss when marge had optic blasts
NotCainNorAbel: Polar
fastlane250: Could only imagine what this game couldve been like had it been developed a few years later instead of like... right in the middle of Season 2.
Kramburger: Adam
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Ayula
Lobo_Apache: Sun bear
teddywhosabear: teddy!
SnackPak_: strong start
Voidhawk42: Pooh, Padington
WetPaperSack: Walter Payton
ButButTheJesus: Sugar?
jpost042: fozzie
soupgiraffe subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 59 months!
Thanks for subscribing, soupgiraffe! (Today's storm count: 30)
DiscordianTokkan: Berenstain?
devilcultivator: the one in the big blue house?
Kramburger: Baloo
jacqui_lantern234: @jpost042 FOZZIES NUTZ!!! GOTTEM
@fastlane250 imagine 'sequel' games like every 5 years later? 
lexiconjurer: Woah, that was a Werebear
RealGamerCow: Smokey
LiveFaust: Grylls?
darkcyril: Tier lists are always controversial, Nelson
Luminaire_p: Fozzy
YeomanAres: Ice bear
lamina5432: theodore rosevelt?
Bearudite: *me looking pointedly at Adam*
calculated_uncertainties: Ioric!
GhostValv: paddington better be near top for everyone

WiJohn: Ah the dream level
devilcultivator: kuma
ButButTheJesus: mmmm doonuuutsss
HorusFive: Isn't King the tigerman?
Shurtal: Smithers leanred to pilot from Richter
jacqui_lantern234: good question. next question
fastlane250: @jadedcynic Konami could've made a sequel as a ROM swap kit if they didn't want to put out a full cabinet
teddywhosabear: the simpsons predicted inception
YeomanAres: The bear in the revenant
CaptainSpam: Marge needs more coinage.
niccus: so the morphogenetic field theory-
DigitalSeahorse: Homer and Bart's dream
devilcultivator: @HorusFive yeah he's the luchador related to armored king
The Kuma, not A Kuma. 
Voidhawk42: Yellow privilage
Thefluffiestguineapig: Both often appropriate answers
DigitalSeahorse: and Marg
@fastlane250 yeahhhh...I mean, the industry would have to survive tho 
DigitalSeahorse: uhoh the school
CaptainSpam: Nah, this was in the NA version.
DigitalSeahorse: Lisa's part
lexiconjurer: Definitely a fusion of Homer and Bart's dreams so far
akuma? I don't seen no sharks 
couchboyj: Sax a mo phone~~
Boopity: @niccus "Have you heard about the prediction of the sinking of the Titanic?"
devilcultivator: MGs, mad game actually
lexiconjurer: What would Jung say about this level?
CaptainSpam: Honestly, in a way I'm kinda impressed there was this much to draw from after just one season of The Simpsons.
couchboyj: She's stuck where she is at home
NotCainNorAbel: mom and dad are wrestling
Sogheim: oh cool easter egg, when Marge gets shocked, you can see her bunny ears hidden in her hair
TheMerricat: interestingly this game is on the Simpsons wiki (that's not the interesting part) but each level has it's own link... but dreamland.
WiJohn: Is "Marge" written on it somewhere?
WetPaperSack: Is this the bowling ball Homer got Marge for her birthday?
kusinohki: what's more wild - simpsons are still going or they got their start on the now forgotten tracy ullman show??
Kramburger: It looks like those angry chaos marines
Shurtal: or Ballz
devilcultivator: i think of balz 3d
Tiber727: How about Vectorman?
Garfman314: i'm glad someone else remembers ballz
devilcultivator: that or a treasure boss
Garfman314: otherwise it feels like a fever dream
CaptainSpam: There's a TAS of this. It's wild.
couchboyj: The Internet has ruined me, for this is not the first time I have seen a bowling ball sprout appendiges
JoeKim: god i love this game
KeytarCat: Gunstar heroes for me
DiscordianTokkan: IAN

Scarbble: ian pls
BigDaddyBland87: nope
Lord_Hosk: a really long blood draw at the mall?
WetPaperSack: "It's bringing peace! Break it's legs!"
AugmentingPath: the Konami appendage is a slot machine arm
TehAmelie: "balls thoroughly licked"
RealGamerCow: I remember being completely BS about how much health that boss had
n3ther: it was all a dream
an_archist2: this game has woke in it?
teddywhosabear: wait didn't they fall from a cliff
Kramburger: You have to wake the wind fish
teddywhosabear: and they're just asleep?
TehAmelie: hitting yourselves?
DigitalSeahorse: I want to wake up from this nightmare too
JadedCynic: ah, Kent Bruckman...
teejayrivers: Does this take place in the Bart's Nightmare Cinematic Universe?
Orxolon: @TehAmelie stop,stop hitting yourself,stop hitting yourself hitting yourself
DigitalSeahorse: oh no anything but channel 6
teddywhosabear: breaks mean downtime, downtime means no quarters
Dalrint: I'm surprised no one has tried to make a modern version of this, like they have with ninja turtles and streets of rage
WetPaperSack: Wonder what file photo of Homer gets used for this news clip?
lexiconjurer: "You say evasion. I say eVOIsion!"
couchboyj: The TMNT game is looked back on more fondly than these games, I think
n3ther: suddenly outer space
TehAmelie: Mettaton?
WetPaperSack: Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos
JadedCynic: not even Kodos and Krang...yet
couchboyj: Simpsons Hit n Run is the Simpsons game errybody wants brought back
glitched_goddess: this game gets really bullshit late lol
fastlane250: Another one of those "Cough up them quarters!" bits
CaptainSpam: Gentlemen! BEHOLD! Corn!
fastlane250: Why not?
JadedCynic: 'ninjas'

DigitalSeahorse: it's the channel 6 ninjas?
chanterelleton: woah wtf is this set up
TehAmelie: why does Mount Fuji look ready to spit?
Garfman314: my internet died as soon as they beat the bowling ball, what deep plot did i miss?
Nigouki: those look like Shocker masks from Kamen Rider
kusinohki: but marge... that guy hasn't done anything yet... you know he's about to do something really cool!
Voidhawk42: They're in a TV studio, this is the racist japanese set
@TehAmelie it's ashamed of appearing in this 
ghyllnox: @Garfman314 They woke
lexiconjurer: It's Occam's Shuriken: "If the answer is elusive, never rule out ninjas.
PharaohBender27: @kusinohki I got that reference!
schordash: can we get “I’m saving myself for cherry blossom season” as a quote? x)
WetPaperSack: Up and at them!
glitched_goddess: they’re ninjas, not monsters

tehfewl: japan
Cptasparagus: what is this, on e piece?
NewtyNewts: Who?
7gorobei: did konami work on samurai showdown
NotCainNorAbel: Season 3 Episode 5
Orxolon: The Simpsons vs Jiraiya
CaptainSpam: Yeah, weird how it was Konami that made this...
Transmuted_Elf: this was the 90s ninjas and japan were all the rage.....
@glitched_goddess well, they MIGHT be the latter, but yeah, the former doesn't NECESSITATE the latter 
jacqui_lantern234: CORIANDER
CaptainSpam: CORI

couchboyj: They prefer to be called people of primary color
NotCainNorAbel: So you can run to the counter for more quarters
RealGamerCow: Remember when Smithers was black?
Orxolon: shouldn't we change the category in the channel?(it still says x men)
WetPaperSack: It's Mr. Snrub
DigitalSeahorse: Mr Burns watching from behind his painting
you cant just ASK SOMEONE why they sound like that?!?! 
darkcyril: Because capes are cool, Adam!
TehAmelie: a cape with an atom symbol on it, no less
Texan_Reverend: Where else would he store his grenades?
jacqui_lantern234: @DigitalSeahorse omg i love it
ghyllnox: Where else did you want him to store the bombs?
Forlorgen: wheres dazzler when you need her!
micalovits: I like that the Mr Burns picture is looking around
glitched_goddess: better question is why don’t YOU have a cape?
n3ther: @Texan_Reverend exactly
cobalturge subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 35 months, currently on a 35 month streak!
cobalturge: One of my all time favorite arcade games!!!
Thanks for subscribing, cobalturge! (Today's storm count: 31)
Orxolon: Is Smithers' evil twin,Smitherino
JadedCynic: @ghyllnox I have a couple of ideas, but ToS...
Juliamon: love deploying bombs inside a nuclear plant
darkcyril: @Orxolon Smithereens, actually.
TehAmelie: behold the power of Lithium!
Mr_Horrible: release the robotic Richard Simmons!
Orxolon: @darkcyril xD
DiscordianTokkan: Mechaburns!
Procrastronauts subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 118 months!
Procrastronauts: several numbers
Thanks for subscribing, Procrastronauts! (Today's storm count: 32)
WetPaperSack: "But sir, your right fielder has been dead for 120 years!"
CaptainSpam: Yep. This is happening.
Mr_Horrible: "Welcome to your grave, suckers!"
Mr_Horrible: his famous lines
this game is flawless
Fruan: This is canon
couchboyj: Welcome to die was already taken
Texan_Reverend: Just casually bowling for Simpsons with little nukes.
ghyllnox: He's tossing NUKES?
glitched_goddess: that sounds like Prof Farnsworth not Burns lol
DaxStrife: "Simpsons! Welcome to die, suckers!"
Mr_Horrible: extremely localized explosion, tbh
darkcyril: "Hey, should we do any research on the characters for this Simpsons game?" "Nah."
doubledbear: @Fruan Yeah! this is why maggie shot mr. burns!
Mr_Horrible: Dr Wily still did it better
VTMonster: Have they played TMNT yet?
Darleysam: basically the ending to Wolfenstein
@ghyllnox what kinda nuclear energy do you think he makes?! 
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: @VTMonster Just this and X-Men
It all makes sense now!
Lord_Hosk: Smithers has a massive collection of "completely not barbies" that are worth millions so he must have some amount of money
@doubledbear spoilers 
TehAmelie: the children of the atom is apparently tank threads for legs
Texan_Reverend: Multi-form boss? What is this, a Dark Souls?
lexiconjurer: "Wow, Mr. Burns, you're really rich!" "Yes, but I'd trade it all for a little more."
DiscordianTokkan: Hoverskirt!
devilcultivator: "i'm toastified man" the famous bart catch-phrase we all know and love
Lysander_salamander: oh, she has bunny ears
Bearudite: lol you can see marge's bunny ears when she's shocked
Lysander_salamander: that's cool
ghyllnox: Marge totally has the ears in her hair
kusinohki: "it is the opinion of this podcast that hovercrafts are cool"
HadesLeprechaun: a real quarter-eater at the arcade
Ignatiuspants: Marge has human ears and bunny ears at the same time
JadedCynic: @Texan_Reverend *decades of video games give you The DIsappointed Cricket Fan Look*
NotCainNorAbel: given the games are ~40 minutes long, they really didn't want people to have a chance to win without pumping tons of money in.
seanmrwick: oh boy I haven't seen "The Simpsons" arcade since I was at the local arcade
glitched_goddess: this boss has more phases than most modern game bosses lol
Orestes290: I hope Maggie shoots him for this
darkcyril: @NotCainNorAbel Kind of like artificially inflating game difficulty so it couldn't be beaten on a weekend rental.
Mr_Horrible: monhun damage indicators trained you for this moment
hoveringhalibut: How many weeks of allowance would it take you to beat the game?

DigitalSeahorse: if Mr Burns finds out Homer is his employee he'll be fired
JadedCynic: @darkcyril yeah "Nintendhard"
DigitalSeahorse: or not
NotCainNorAbel: @darkcyril I was so close to beating it. Can we rent it again?
TehAmelie: can't beleive Maggie killed Mr Burns
devilcultivator: welcome to your grave mr.burns
Getter404: Her *second* attempt on Burns' life
Texan_Reverend: I played this game a bunch at Chuck E. Cheese as a youth.
russerbutter: How many quarters would it have taken to beat him?
fastlane250: In the Japanese version, MORE characters randomly arrive
Mr_Horrible: and they just keep the diamon
DigitalSeahorse: nice
Mr_Horrible: the diamond, even
feel like i’m passing out so thanks for the stream now, gang xD been a fun watch! 
Mai_Andra: They were supposed to be babysitting.
MalFnord: sic semper billionaires
Geldaran: @Texan_Reverend Aladdin's Castle at the Local mall for me...
Orxolon: leave us reading the credits xD
Shadwhawk: Boy, I had some serious nostalgia goggles on for this game. 30+ years on, it just looks like cheap, quickly-made, quarter-sucking garbage.
JadedCynic: Yeah, the arcade next to the movieplex at The Mall.
Lysander_salamander: I wonder if they have those arcade games that had the gun as a controller. Like Revolution X or that other one with the monsters
@Lysander_salamander or T2 
Geldaran: @Lysander_salamander Area 51?
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: I'm sure I played this at Marvin's Marvelous Mechanical Museum.
Lysander_salamander: yeah those
seanmrwick: I actually live near an arcade in the greater Chicago area called Galloping Ghost Arcade, which actually has these games
Lysander_salamander: I remember one that was like a team storming a haunted apartment complex?
JadedCynic: @seanmrwick wow...must be nice...there's a couple of 'old' cabinets amid all the 'win tickets' games in the INSIDE the movieplex 'arcade' now, but it's not the same
TehAmelie: i remember seeing some kid dual wielding shotguns and winning at House of the Dead
Thefluffiestguineapig: @AMillionCatsOnTypewriters That sounds like an incantation for something
chanterelleton: Is the stream silent rn?
Orxolon: yes,on me end at least
WowoT: Yeah i was just gona ask the same question
Geldaran: @seanmrwick Yeah, there's a semi-local place with a Pinball and Arcade Game "museum" but it leans heavily into the museum thing... lots of really old games, with a smattering of stuff to cover the various eras.
seanmrwick: @JadedCynic very nice, @JadedCynic ! my local arcade has over 1000 arcade machines and at least 30 pinball machines in a separate building
Lysander_salamander: maybe it was Midnight Mauraders?
NewtyNewts: Wonder wht'll be next
goombalax: there's a pinball and pierogi place here in ottawa that I want to hit sometime
Juliamon: Update the game?
Geldaran: @TehAmelie I used to do that with the time crisis games if no one else was around, before they went all "cover mechanics"
Thefluffiestguineapig: is this an all 90's night?
Getter404: Nooooooooooooo
SnackPak_: gottem
lamina5432: gnight
but my content 
Juliamon: aww
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: @Thefluffiestguineapig It was this small arcade place in the suburbs of Detroit. I used to have my birthdays there

seanmrwick: @Geldaran I'm interested in this
Orxolon: awww,really?
Getter404: D&D Mystara collection tho
Mr_Horrible: these were fun tho, this is a good setup
wow, Ian doesn't think much of his friends' skills 
LostThePirate: I love the clacks
raulghoulia: this was a lot of fun
ButButTheJesus: UUUAAAGH
Texan_Reverend: !patreon
AMillionCatsOnTypewriters: Hoping for some TMNT next time
play the avengers one 
rosesmcgee: Well strimmed
Texan_Reverend: !store
thanks for the fun! cya next time 
seanmrwick: so Lrrcrew, if you get a chance to come back to Chicago again, I highly recommend checking out the arcades
Orxolon: sunset riders?
jacqui_lantern234: NICE
teddywhosabear: excellent end
MrSarkhan: Nice
ButButTheJesus: thx adam

Mr_Horrible: thanks, boss
SnackPak_: 9/10
Its_VeeBot: 10/10

LostThePirate: Thanks for sharing
nevermore913: Thanks Adam
Texan_Reverend: !schedule

KeytarCat: hekki allmo!
JadedCynic: well brought-up, Adam (seriously, that was COOL!)
RealGamerCow: do not apologize Adam, that was majestic
Dog_of_Myth: Wooo More Killteam
RealGamerCow: with a funko?
HorusFive: The end of all trains. Also called the caboose
Mr_Horrible: we'll take up that torch, nelly
Mr_Horrible: with the B^Z^R
gn gn gn
PhlibbertyGib: Yesssss
itsr67 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 59 months!
Thanks for subscribing, itsr67! (Today's storm count: 33)
Texan_Reverend: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!

A_Dub888 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 125 months!
Thanks for subscribing, A_Dub888! (Today's storm count: 34)
Mr_Horrible: "We make more of the crew play the old X-Men and Simpsons games and see if they can beat it as fast as we did.""
tipulsar85 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 80 months!
Thanks for subscribing, tipulsar85! (Today's storm count: 35)
itsr67: 🐀
Lysander_salamander: have a good evening!
Texan_Reverend: On _your_ hair, Ian? Are you sure?
itsr67: p7
Texan_Reverend: !discord
LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
ButButTheJesus: thamk strem!
Texan_Reverend: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at, and LRRMtG at
Orxolon: they cutted us short of our content!Let's riot!!!
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
DiscordianTokkan: Byeeee

Texan_Reverend: !bsky
Mr_Bitterness: It WAS fun
Orxolon: g night everyone
Mr_Horrible: thanks for the stream, gang
HorusFive: A Million Allowances of Quarters to you All
8 raiders from edgeyberzerker have joined!
davechadwickauthor: Oh no you just got a raid!
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