mrsmacmanus: Lrr
coachNelly: that's us!
Mazrae: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Let's Nope (Ben and Adam play horror games until they find the key that will bring them true happiness. Game: Content Warning) at Tue 05:00 PM PDT (2m from now).
NorthstarTex: Soooooooooon
Pteraspidomorphi: Lrr, ruler of the planet Omicron Persei 8?
Bobtheninjagoldfish: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: aftermarket beards
NorthstarTex: !findquote content
LRRbot: Quote #5978: "I want content behind waterfalls." —Matt Griffiths [2019-04-10]
NorthstarTex: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Earthenone: lrrSIG lrrFINE lrrSIG
Earthenone: !cw
LRRbot: This game contains, or we have found it to contain, material that may be upsetting to some of our viewers. If that content is a problem for you, it's okay to not watch this stream. Self-care is more important.
TehAmelie: lrrSIG
fastlane250: lrrSIG we get content lrrSIG
Seth_Erickson: Oh we farming engagement this time for sure.
e_bloc subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 75 months, currently on a 75 month streak!
e_bloc: I'm here for more rizz god
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, e_bloc! (Today's storm count: 31)
Sarah_Serinde: Okay that's a pretty good gif with the going live message though
Sarah_Serinde: And yeah no music right now
paronomasiac042: oh, i love this song.
Kuhfeek subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months!
Kuhfeek: Woot
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Kuhfeek! (Today's storm count: 32)
DideRobot: LRR: In the far off darkness of the future, nobody can hear you say "Like and subscribe" | |
LoadingReadyRun: somebody broke the music ig
TristalMTG: I watched the VOD of the last one y'all did, I had a blast, the four of you were awesome!
Tweygoh: so spoop
PharaohBender27: Music!
LoadingReadyRun: oh i fixed it
Diabore: music got unbroken
LoadingReadyRun: im a wizard
SergeYager: Let's gooooo
gualdhar: Yay!
Sarah_Serinde: Good work :D
notthepenguins subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 89 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, notthepenguins! (Today's storm count: 33)
NorthstarTex: eyyy
ButButTheJesus: wizorb
Mr_Horrible: damn, good job
abaoa_qu subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 104 months!
SergeYager: sound wizard to the RESCUE
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, abaoa_qu! (Today's storm count: 34)
coachNelly: all hail the music wizard
lochnessseammonster: evening spoopy friends PrideUwu
paronomasiac042 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 83 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, paronomasiac042! (Today's storm count: 35)
saucemaster5000 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 60 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, saucemaster5000! (Today's storm count: 36)
raulghoulia subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 41 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, raulghoulia! (Today's storm count: 37)
Thefluffiestguineapig: What up LRR chat? Are we ready to see more chats from the diving bell for his bachelor party guy??
neisan2112 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 64 months!
neisan2112: Its spoopy time with Nelson and the Nightmares!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, neisan2112! (Today's storm count: 38)
Thefluffiestguineapig: Are we running back the same crew as last time?
lochnessseammonster: making chocolate peanut butter cake pops with leftover bday cake HahaCat
saucemaster5000: @lochnessseammonster I want one
Thefluffiestguineapig: @lochnessseammonster Oh that's such a good strategy
josh___something: Here just in time!
Mr_Horrible: @lochnessseammonster seabatBRAIN
itira: lrrSPOOPY lrrSPOOPY lrrSPOOPY
lochnessseammonster: PrideUwu
Seth_Erickson: lrrSIG lrrSHINE lrrSIG
Thefluffiestguineapig: lrrCREEPL lrrBEN lrrCREEPR
Mr_Horrible: @itira every time someone uses this emote it takes so long to start I just think they posted whitespace
hieroglyphica: Who's, I just used a scooter for the first time and those things are FAST
SymphonicLolita: lrrSPOOP lrrSPOOP
thefightnerd: time for spoops!
Sarah_Serinde: Hi Ben!
TehAmelie: hallo
satyropodobny: lrrSPOOPY lrrSPOOPY lrrSPOOPY lrrSPOOPY
ButButTheJesus: helluuuuu
emberBecky: lrrSPOOPY
Diabore: how computer ben?
itira: lrrSPOOP
lochnessseammonster: @saucemaster5000 would teleport you one if i could!
Kramburger: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Thefluffiestguineapig: @hieroglyphica Yeah, which is why the lack of helmet requirement is BONKERS
bethy_kins24: lrrSPOOP
seemsdeece: lrrSPOOP lrrSPOOP lrrSPOOP
saucemaster5000: yaay
fastlane250: It's been a week already? Damn
Sarah_Serinde: It's true
GhostValv: gottem
DarknessKingCoH subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 59 months, currently on a 55 month streak!
josh___something: Hows the PC, benjamin?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DarknessKingCoH! (Today's storm count: 39)
Sarah_Serinde: Oh good
Seth_Erickson: lrrSPOOP
SmithKurosaki: Oh there we go :)
NimrodXIV: hooray!
josh___something: Sick
NotCainNorAbel: Yeah!
ragnariiv: Yooooo
Stripe_dog: Ben I like your glasses
lochnessseammonster: seabatClap
Thefluffiestguineapig: Hey!!!!!
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
Mr_Horrible: the Ben Battlestation is fully operational! benginTraitor
seemsdeece: lrrBEN lrrADAM lrrSERGE lrrNELSON
emberBecky: ruh oh
Thefluffiestguineapig: Uhhhhhhhhhhh
FlynnRaccoon: Clean your windows every 6 months or so.
Sarah_Serinde: Whoops
PharaohBender27: Oh no lrrAWW
Fruan: Can you see the desktop wallpaper now?
SnackPak_: whoops
Pteraspidomorphi: It's technically possible not to...
SmithKurosaki: RIP
ButButTheJesus: about 6 years here
fastlane250: I wiped my PC once but the cloth got caught in the fans
MWGNZ: this windows install is going on 8 years and still good
Sarah_Serinde: Wild
niccus: sort the desktop every year
SymphonicLolita: last year
itira: last spring :P
WiJohn: A what now?
squ3e: Back with content warning? o7
SnackPak_: never ever
satyropodobny: Easter
Seth_Erickson: Never
Blakemcm: 1.5 years
FlynnRaccoon: About 2 weeks ago :D
seemsdeece: 3 days ago
Alzran: Ummmm, yes?
Pteraspidomorphi: Today
SergeYager: uhhhhhhhhh
frank_the_great: Never
saucemaster5000: 5 minutes ago
gualdhar: Jokes on you I don't have to
Pinwiz11: It's hard on the 20+th floor
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
Melfina__: uhhh
e_bloc: never
Sarah_Serinde: They're in a window well, that's my landlord's job
orangeleapfrog: the rain does that
RealGamerCow: 4 years ago, beginning of covid
Xed_Regulus: I live on the 6th floor, I can't
ladyjessica: it really isn’t that important to wipe your pc regularly especially since we have solid state drives.
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: I do that every morning
neisan2112: Never, been here 6 years
Scy_Anide: I can't reach mine.
Thefluffiestguineapig: I can't, I live on the 6th story
Juliamon: That's what rain is for
PharaohBender27: People are hired to do that for my building :p
CataclysmicReverb: Yeah that's not my department
Mandillio: we do it once a year.
Arclight_Dynamo: I pay a guy fifty bucks to do it once a year.
Veshnikard: i think thats illegal
Masslost: um i thought the rain clears the outside of windows
NorthstarTex: that's not my problem
ButButTheJesus: rent, so , never
Kuhfeek: 7 years ago
SquareDotCube: That's my landlord's problem, externally
saucemaster5000: If I can see through it it's clen
neisan2112: Aint my job, I'm in an apartment
Pteraspidomorphi: (It's a pure coincidence that it was today, I don't do it often)
ladyjessica: also I live on the 12 floor…
Mr_Horrible: they're not my windows why am I cleaning them?
firehawkzoa: The outside of windows gets dirty?
Mai_Andra: i live in an apartment. i am not washing the landlord's building for them...
prince_infidel: Landlord does it
ladyjessica: so I never clean the outside.
The_Timo: Oh fucking lichen keeps coming back on my patio
SpaceBattery: we have people for that. and by people i mean my dad like 2 weeks ago
finestotter subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months!
finestotter: AaaaaaAAAaaaHH this stream is scary!
mrsmacmanus: It's icecream weather!!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, finestotter! (Today's storm count: 40)
TheAlanHeffley subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 94 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheAlanHeffley! (Today's storm count: 41)
lochnessseammonster: we've been here 15 years and cleaned the windows ourselves and paid for it once
inconsideratehat: I can't wait; we had snow again today
Sarah_Serinde: I do need to bug my landlord to do mine though, it's been too long
notthepenguins: Yes, away from the scare ball in the sky
NotCainNorAbel: There is a game for that
myknorman: Waiting for the weather to be consistently nice, then I'm running a morning soccer club for students
Thefluffiestguineapig: Landlord should do it but the landlord should also fix the damn leak in my bathroom that causes the drywall to collapse every second big storm
SquareDotCube: IRL Powerwash simulator
saucemaster5000: I'd become a supervillain
The_Timo: For fun?
itira: you could just rent one :P
RealGamerCow: Ben is sounding especially Canadian today. Did you just talk with someone back in Alberta?
WiJohn: Dishes, dog baths, clothes
ReachW subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 28 months!
ReachW: dropping this off and then nodding off kthxbai
CataclysmicReverb: Don't trim your beard with a power washer
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ReachW! (Today's storm count: 42)
Mai_Andra: blast the siding right off the building...
Kramburger: You can't powerwash chat
Pinwiz11: Refill Remy's bowl
thegiftedgrifter: Like when the pet is shedding the winter coat
omdorastrix: Do NOT power wash your dog!
NotCainNorAbel: really clean dishes
TheAwkes: Ben using the power washer like Homer using his gun.
mrsmacmanus: Totally, not, stalking the LRR crew by being in Victoria at the moment
Mazrae: As long as you don't use it on Remy to clean him
josh___something: Like sharpening your knives cause you have a whetstone
satyropodobny: There's no problem an inquisitive mind can't solve with a power washer
frank_the_great: Easy crapshot bit
SquareDotCube: Let Serge buy a power washer, then ask him to borrow it
SnackPak_: lrrWOW
Sarah_Serinde: lrrWOW
Hail_Destroyah subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 24 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Hail_Destroyah! (Today's storm count: 43)
Faulpyr: Go with the Serge strat. Make James get a power washer and then you can borrow it
saucemaster5000: What did nicole do to deserve this
NimrodXIV: oofa
NotCainNorAbel: BEN!
ladyjessica: lrrWOW
Kramburger: Monohive
Mr_Horrible: trying to use a powerwasher on your dishes and it slices the plate in half like Metal Gear RAY's water cannon
RealGamerCow: Remy must *LOVE* mud
fastlane250: beeg rash
Seth_Erickson: All the dogs I've owned love playing in water so baths have always been very easy
bootsmalone subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 84 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, bootsmalone! (Today's storm count: 44)
FlynnRaccoon: Yeah, if you do end up renting a power-washer, there are at least 2 crapshots right there.
Trahas: Power washing is fun
Seth_Erickson: Are we sure Serge wasn't a power washer in a previous job
Kramburger: Serge is the drip captain
omdorastrix: He IS the "Splash Captain" on the Power wash Sim Streams
ReachW: the hives-mind
e_bloc: serge is the splash captain
Sarah_Serinde: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
Sarah_Serinde: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
The_Timo: Me-mst?
Sarah_Serinde: !youtube
LRRbot: LRR's main channel is . For Stream VODs check out . MtG vods and other MtG content are at . Tabletop related videos are at . LRR Videogame videos (including Checkpoint+) are at
SnackPak_: sha-sha-sha
saucemaster5000: wubby wubby wu?
RealGamerCow: I do not like the term Splash Captain
gamercat88: chaos!
mrsmacmanus: Rizz God!
saucemaster5000: It's come to wubby wubby wu?
lochnessseammonster: love it PrideLaugh
The_Timo: Ok, holding my butt. Next step?
notthepenguins: Rizz cod
WiJohn: I'm already disappointed
mrsmacmanus: Sha sha shua
emberBecky: sha sha shaaaa
Sarah_Serinde: Ben that youtube attitude can stay in the fake videos please and thanks :P
Seth_Erickson: Da rizz gad
mrsmacmanus: Rizz nod
Reduce_Sanity: sha sha shaaa
gamercat88: game is FIRE
CastleOtranto: This was so much fun to watch the first time.
frank_the_great: Play it for how long you played Alan Wake
Sarah_Serinde: It's okay Ben I forgive you :D
nyoomgoom: it's parody so it goes in a full circle back around to "hell yeah i'm gonna dongle a bongle for sure"
FlynnRaccoon: The algorithm works in mysterious ways.
Talin06: like irl
Sarah_Serinde: Ehh it's mostly that I've seen several other streamers struggle with it more than you have
saucemaster5000: Game was so bad it felt long obvs
Sarah_Serinde: You're just naturals :P
RealGamerCow: That was surely 6 months of Alan wake
josh___something: Time works differently in the dark place
Kramburger: We're algo-holics
josh___something: It might, in fact, be a spiral
mrsmacmanus: Bow down to the rizz goawwdd
definenull: Uhhh
SnackPak_: I'll miss Nelson
Blakemcm: hump son
Sarah_Serinde: Clearly this is Son
RealGamerCow: Get a Jordynne
omdorastrix: THE Sun?
Lysander_salamander: :D
satyropodobny: Is Ben god
josh___something: Nel-son
Arclight_Dynamo: Sunny D, brah.
Reduce_Sanity: fav son is goki piccolo
ButButTheJesus: i am disappoint
mrsmacmanus: Not your real ladder, your step ladder
Trahas: There is also Son Gohan and Son Goten
Tweygoh: yeah. what about Nel-son
Seth_Erickson: We'll miss Nelly lrrSPOOP
Kramburger: Son Wukong? No wait, serge already said that
protojman: thank you serge
Thefluffiestguineapig: o7
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
Robot_Bones: Last son of kypton
EikoandMog: God, this game is so perfect for this crew.
omdorastrix: teabagging the railing?
PharaohBender27: It also looks uncomfortable
Sarah_Serinde: Amazing, Adam :D
SnackPak_: sergeJustRight
josh___something: Not safe for work both ways
Sarah_Serinde: @PharaohBender27 Ehh depends on your bits
nyoomgoom: adam's technique is incredible
definenull: Let's go sonnel
Lysander_salamander: hahahaahahahahaha
Sarah_Serinde: Ah beautiful
Thefluffiestguineapig: The camera turn to see Adam running half on the wall was so good
ButButTheJesus: fixed
therepoman__: Howdy gamers
Sarah_Serinde: Thanks Serge very considerate
Tweygoh: nel, son, :3c
therepoman__: :3c
Pinwiz11: Meow back!
lochnessseammonster: meowdy :3
gamercat88: purrfect Adam
saucemaster5000: fuckinn uhhh mrrr
Thefluffiestguineapig: LUL
therepoman__: Fuckin uhhhhhhhhhh
NimrodXIV: fuckin mrow
ButButTheJesus: RAWD XD
nyoomgoom: :3
Stripe_dog: fuckin... mreow
omdorastrix: The visor visualization is FIRE
josh___something: Pretty good
Blakemcm: fuckin meow bud uhhhhh
Oreo1369: Damn Adam
theinvisiblevoice: can we get a clean take of that?
itira: :3
Thefluffiestguineapig: I know many cats who think that
ButButTheJesus: i messed it up
SnackPak_: go get some fuckin tuna subs
CastleOtranto: Sexy meow
Orxolon: good evening everyone!
SquareDotCube: right meow
Oreo1369: Ben whose the cats and who the dogs
Orxolon: let's content warning!
Mr_Horrible: Sas-CAT-chewan joke
satyropodobny: heathcliff levels of sass on that cat
Mr_Horrible: Nun Money? They pulling stacks?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Wait, flagged three times?
ButButTheJesus: for what?
itira: Wow Serge LUL
Thefluffiestguineapig: Do your deaths come from the algorithm?
empyreon: ah yes, the two genders: watchable & dead
SquareDotCube: gotta be more anime
josh___something: I vote to kill vevo
NorthstarTex: just got back with pizza, who is who? Other than the Rizz God, I know which one he is
mrsmacmanus: Does anyone know if the videos have a point system or is it just the monsters sighted that gets more views?
definenull: What a thrill
Sarah_Serinde: @NorthstarTex Nelly is Nel, and Serge is Son
gamercat88: live from the tip
SnackPak_: o7
Inquisitor_Xian subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 106 months!
Inquisitor_Xian: I'm liking and Subscribing!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Inquisitor_Xian! (Today's storm count: 45)
Orxolon: i remember Adam with the "none of your fucking business" and i laugh out loud
Sarah_Serinde: @mrsmacmanus There appear to be a lot of different things that will influence it, and I think the comments on the video can give you hints at things that the viewers like
SaxPython: @definenull SingsNote
NorthstarTex: o7 Rizz god
PharaohBender27: kates7
jackulhaups subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 16 months!
jackulhaups: liked and subscribed
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jackulhaups! (Today's storm count: 46)
SnackPak_: lrrFINE
EikoandMog: HypeLUL
carbonoid12: RIP in pigs
mrsmacmanus: Cheers Sarah!
Oreo1369: The Abyss
josh___something: Nelly crashed again?
coachNelly: the game kicked me out again
Fe1ix66: Aim for the bushes riz god
coachNelly: im gonna restart my damn pc
Nigouki: the host was chosen by the environment
josh___something: Rest in Pig
SnackPak_: lrrSPOOP
inconsideratehat: Why is this perspective making my feet tingle?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Do you have to invite him manually?
brainbosh: Just watching the flashlight Nelson was holding fly off after he was raptured
Oreo1369: Ouch nel fell into crashed
Orxolon: f**kiiinng a
EikoandMog: Signs?
Diabore: dont you have to go back and reinvite him?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Do you mean Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind?
niccus: i want to see what happens if nelson crashes while recording
Inquisitor_Xian: Close encounters?
thefightnerd: close encouters
JosephDeath: Close encounters of the 3rd kind?
TheAwkes: Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind
sorrow_of_aria: close encounters of the third kind I think
Robot_Bones: Contact?
wastetalent: ya, close enconters
Stripe_dog: Contact?
therepoman__: Sh shaaaaa
Mr_Horrible: Mac & Me
Blakemcm: read a book
Mr_Horrible: Serge is actually thinking of Mac & Me
Stripe_dog: Air bud.
OrangeFree: Close Encounters of the Third Kind
gamercat88: space jam
omdorastrix: Bwah-bee-bahh-boo-bwoaww!
Blakemcm: Contact
ShaneLeeAtk: Monsters vs. Aliens
Nigouki: it's a Spielberg movie that was endlessly parodied for like 20 years after
SnackPak_: wow rude
Blakemcm: ET
Sarah_Serinde: lrrWOW
Mr_Horrible: uh all movies involve lights, Serge
mrsmacmanus: The Notebook?
SmithKurosaki: WOW Serge
EikoandMog: I think you have to re-host, Ben.
Lysander_salamander: I don't think I liked Close Encounters of the 3rd kind
public_key_reveal_party: Serge discovers the concept of lighting a set
Mr_Horrible: you fool OpieOP
Diabore: every one? really ben?
RatherLargeToad: “The sun came out last night and sang to me”
kumatsu: Ben what are your top 3 Air Buds?
Oreo1369: Karma
mrsmacmanus: Nopebook
definenull: The og
Mr_Horrible: Let's Nope Classic
NorthstarTex: the faded "goodbye"
ladyjessica: goodbye…
Mr_Horrible: the antidote to New Nope
emberBecky: ohhh why does this actually make my knees weak from the height, lmao
Seth_Erickson: Ben what happens if you throw the camera off the map
ButButTheJesus: I don't remember lights in Contact, just the sound, when was lights?
Stripe_dog: There can only be 2.
therepoman__: "He's my air bud" very good Ben
SnackPak_: sergeScience
saucemaster5000: Fabio is my hair bud
Sarah_Serinde: I can't remember if I've seen someone throw the camera off the map
Diabore: that sounds like a bad idea
Stripe_dog: Can it record if you're not holding it
The_Timo: Science!!!!
therepoman__: LUL
RatherLargeToad: He became unstuck
underhill33 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 90 months, currently on a 90 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, underhill33! (Today's storm count: 47)
gamercat88: napster
niccus: typical saturday prerecord
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: my favorite Air Bud is the guy that fixed my HVAC system
Nigouki: booting off a magnetic disc
MWGNZ: kazaa
Sarah_Serinde: msn
notthepenguins: Kazaa
CataclysmicReverb: Skype
Oreo1369: It's fresh this is the perfect time to chuck off the edge
VinylMinty: @LoadingReadyRun he wont be able to join when you guys are outside the house if i recall?
SnackPak_: what was that gorilla thing?
Saintnex: aol
NorthstarTex: irc chat
patrick_stonecrusher: Bonzai Buddy
TheAwkes: It runs old people games like Valorant, not hip new games like Content Warning.
CastleOtranto: eDonkey2000
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
ladyjessica: steam
gualdhar: Hi, heard you need a tripod?
Sarah_Serinde: I love the way you land in this game
Oreo1369: I felt that fall IRL in my legs
Stripe_dog: What do you mean does it
EikoandMog: @LoadingReadyRun You need to re-host if someone disconnects.
VinylMinty: Yeh you have do it before you open the door
coachNelly: so i rebooted my pc
SmithKurosaki: Hey Nelly
The_Timo: Looks normal
FlynnRaccoon: Let 'em cook
emberBecky: maybe it's kerned a little weird yeh
HadesLeprechaun: nobody else can join once you've started a mission, which is when you open the door
Sarah_Serinde: Nah Ben I get it, sometimes my brain will do that with words
inconsideratehat: Bad kerning i guess
mrsmacmanus: Onya nelly
lochnessseammonster: seabatCHOICE
nyoomgoom: Offflline
CataclysmicReverb: needs a serif font
ladylinzington: keming is so important
Mr_Horrible: so the Madness is already setting in, is what I'm hearing
CaptainSpam: If you need to restart, can you chuck your camera off the map just to see what happens? Ah, dangit, too late. :D
ButButTheJesus: 0 ff 1ne
TheAwkes: Jimmy O'Ffline at your service.
Mr_Horrible: @ladylinzington sentences to set teeth on edge
Sarah_Serinde: He did show up in chat though
Tangsm: Post the "offline" debate to your video. You can get those conflict likes.
LordZarano: 𝓞𝓯𝓯𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓮
Oreo1369: EGG people
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
SnackPak_: hoodie then headphones
Juliamon: if it makes you feel better, I was walking past a haircare shop in the mall and a product called "Heat Sleek" caught my eye and my brain interpreted it as Meat Steak
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Mr_Horrible I mean, you didn't get that from the Nope Bois doing a multiplayer?
lochnessseammonster: sounds like a you problem
Nigouki: if the hoodie is over the scary noises it's an unsafety hoodie
NorthstarTex: get a larger hoodie
Mr_Horrible: @Thefluffiestguineapig true enough
Cptasparagus: nelly messaged you
Chesul: Nelly had sent you a message.
ButButTheJesus: @Juliamon mmm steak
mirshebs: there was a nelly message
coachNelly: i sent ben a mesage
coachNelly: i am online
frank_the_great: Was Nelly a ghost this whole time?
niccus: do what i do and put on someone else streaming in the background
coachNelly: i promise
mrsmacmanus: He belongs to chat now
coachNelly: not yte
Arclight_Dynamo: Nelson, you connected to the *other* internet.
SymphonicLolita: lrrSPOOP
SnackPak_: the real spooks is nelly's computer
coachNelly: ok im in game
Kramburger: NELSON
SmithKurosaki: @coachNelly It's Tuesday, Steam gets a lil screwy, esp w/ friends list
coachNelly: like so many lines are on
xantos69: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Let's Nope (Ben and Adam play horror games until they find the key that will bring them true happiness. Game: Content Warning) at Tue 05:00 PM PDT (23m ago).
Kramburger: Get it together
Mr_Horrible: Nelson we're gonna need you to lock the fuck in, okay?
ladyjessica: he’s been dead for 40 years
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
goombalax: thats my secret, I'm terminally online
ghizmou: nelson meant he powered up his modem
Seth_Erickson: The rumors of Nelly's death were not greatly exaggerated.
korvys: He's irish - Nelson O'Nline
coachNelly: but not that one.
Sarah_Serinde: Welcome back Nelly :D
ladyjessica: angry modem noises.
Sarah_Serinde: Ben, reminder that you're on booth
NorthstarTex: Hell yeah
Arclight_Dynamo: Booth.
NorthstarTex: Booth.
EvilBadman: Boooooth
FlynnRaccoon: !updog
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 2:50:07. lrrSPOT
TheWriterAleph: i'm the captain of the gravy train
speedracer4321: I just suffered a back I just and have to use a cane. I feel called out by nelson lol.
josh___something: Boofa
Thefluffiestguineapig: Get the shawl that Wheeler often wears while streaming
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
speedracer4321: Injury even.
Oreo1369: This is why Wheeler rags on him so much
Seth_Erickson: You know Nelly has a point
ladyjessica: cinnamon bun serge
Thefluffiestguineapig: @speedracer4321 I'm so sorry, that sucks, is it reparable or might heal?
Sarah_Serinde: tqsClap
Mr_Horrible: Ulmer Herzog over here
PharaohBender27: OUCH
Thefluffiestguineapig: @gualdhar Yes but only if the crane's physics cooperates
emberBecky: cronch
mrsmacmanus: Sha sha - shaaaahhhhhh
EricTheOrange: were you recording?
Symphoneers: Sha-sha-sh-shins are broken.
Thefluffiestguineapig: "You're good" SMASH
mirshebs: "look how the serge tries to communicate with light like that one alien movie"
prince_infidel: Can you recharge the camera before you go down?
Juliamon: EricTheOrange You can tell by how much film he has left
PharaohBender27: @EricTheOrange For the narration, yes - for the fall, I don't believe so
Mr_Horrible: "Submerging, much like our view count"
RatherLargeToad: The burlap dimension
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also your bodily integrity seems to go from acceptable to nonexistent when you take any damage
prince_infidel: Ah
Juliamon: The disc isn't rewritable
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah I don't believe there's a non-modded way to get more film time on the camera
PharaohBender27: Is there any sort of film upgrade you can get?
Mr_Horrible: film can only exist in 90-second bites in the future
josh___something: Is it just me or is the sound less chaotic?
Orxolon: le caracole
Orxolon: messie scargot
Seth_Erickson: Hey
Tangsm: Gary?
Juliamon: it does sound a little better I think
Sarah_Serinde: To be fair, I think it'd be pretty easy for videos to start to drag if you made them longer
PharaohBender27: So, you know, it takes 5 seconds to drain 3% instead of 2? :p
FarleyF: Whats
therepoman__: what up dort
EricTheOrange: dort fort?
Mr_Horrible: "I've noticed that we all seem to be of the male persuasion. Do you suppose the Arisen has a preference?"
Mr_Horrible: probably
josh___something: One way to find out!
Sarah_Serinde: Love some good science
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
Mr_Horrible: Average Twitch Chatter
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
Chesul: He just wants to mix things up.
hatboozeparty: wow
Tangsm: Ben, you won.
josh___something: LMAO
MWGNZ: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
Seth_Erickson: Mixed
Sarah_Serinde: Good work Ben, A+ :D
FarleyF: and Ben was the loser
gualdhar: BUT YOU WON
Diabore: well, at least you win chicken
therepoman__: Get mixed Ben
SmithKurosaki: sergeGG
NorthstarTex: GOT THERE!!
prince_infidel: FBtouchdown
thanzo: FBtouchdown
snowyowlly: FBtouchdown
RayFK: He has STRONG feelings about OTJ clearly
fastlane250: you got egg BEAT
SmithKurosaki: Ben did it for the Vine
hatboozeparty: You need to be alive to be the winner i think
Mr_Horrible: "What are you thoughts on OTJ?" *kills Ben*
Sogheim: didn't lose the shot, either
lochnessseammonster: seabatBRAIN
loufghyslaufey: they hate it, clearly
SnackPak_: Ben ain't a chicken
FlynnRaccoon: Amazing Footage if they get it out.
empyreon: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
mrsmacmanus: Winner winner chicken dinner
Orxolon: i would design a monster for this game which appears in the camera but not irl
Sarah_Serinde: That's why we have 4 people, it means 3 can die entertaining deaths for the views
josh___something: Shmixed XD
Mr_Horrible: Bro coming at you like a Dee Jay drive rush
NorthstarTex: Serge got launched
thanzo: strong opinions on oko for sure
Melfina__: That's one hell of a mix
Sarah_Serinde: Yes
Juliamon: Serge gets it
Chesul: have you won if you're unable to collect your prize?
Cptasparagus: no its bad
Sogheim: I think it needed more cactus bros
Sarah_Serinde: I had one great limited deck and one...that probably wasn't bad but I didn't play it well enough
Juliamon: What if death *was* the prize
Seth_Erickson: I've gotten several 7-xs and several 0-3s
The_Timo: Too volatile for me lol
Sarah_Serinde: And that's all I've really had a chance to do so far
Mr_Horrible: @Chesul in principle but not in practical
Mr_Horrible: Ben won the privilege to go Spectator Mode
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
EricTheOrange: Bens punishment is to have to read chat
SnackPak_: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
Diabore: LUL
empyreon: LUL
itira: LUL
GhostValv: wowie
Juliamon: Jealousyyyy
thanzo: LUL
EikoandMog: HypeLUL
SymphonicLolita: yEET
Sarah_Serinde: I'm glad we had such a good view of that
gamercat88: lmao
MrSarkhan: Oh I hope they got that on camera
mrsmacmanus: Hahaha
Seth_Erickson: Damn the mix
Brutask: bodied
WiJohn: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Mr_Horrible: "I'M COMING"
empyreon: now THAT'S art
Kazman20a subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 92 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Kazman20a! (Today's storm count: 48)
Diabore: PLEASE tell me that was caught on camer
PharaohBender27: OK they BETTER get the footage out
loufghyslaufey: What lrrADAM ?
Diabore: camera*
thanzo: that was an excellent shot/pov
Thefluffiestguineapig: The mixer guy is so good!
EricTheOrange: I love teh snails walk
Mr_Horrible: Snail being parasocial again
Thefluffiestguineapig: The way he yeets himself at you is amazing
Raincoast_Bear: Beater beating beat'em up.
thanzo: NotLikeThis
josh___something: To be fair, it's more that you're just cracked at navigating dark horror maps, Ben.
EikoandMog: To be fair, that skill would be CRACKED in hunter-gatherer life.
4 raiders from BrowneePoints have joined!
Juliamon: It won't be useless for Road Quest 2: Silent Hill
PharaohBender27: Ahoy-hoy, raiders!
Raincoast_Bear: Remember where you parked?
RatherLargeToad: “My finger points!”
BrowneePoints: New WoW season goofin
EricTheOrange: Die i assume
Diabore: i know what id do: die
The_Timo: Probably die
Mr_Horrible: Me confronting my trauma in Silent Hill and I just start calling him names
SquareDotCube: Let's be honest Ben, everyone would probably die
Mr_Horrible: pushing him down and taking his lunch money
Raincoast_Bear: Well, James would fall down a hole.
CataclysmicReverb: Face your inner demons like mythic raiding
niccus: do you have any unresolved regrets
TheAwkes: Throw together a Silent Hill themed Crapshoot and LRL, of course.
lochnessseammonster: seabatClap
emberBecky: lrrGOAT lrrPistachio
MrSarkhan: sergeGG
BrowneePoints: This just in Ben, Razageth still has a shitload of mechanics and is an lfr nightmare
EricTheOrange: I am honestly surprised they made it out
The_Timo: Imean I'm curious what your monsters would look like
Raincoast_Bear: 🇨🇦
Tweygoh: would taking a therapist with you to silent hill be cheating?
iiieye: LRR visits Centralia Pennsylvania...
Thefluffiestguineapig: @iiieye I bet Alex would sign up in a heart beat, and probably so would Ian
Stripe_dog: Can we talk about how messed up this 1:1 aspect ratio is
therepoman__: WHAT'S U--
TheAinMAP: PopCorn sergePopcorn guyjudgePopcorn katesNom
thanzo: good camera movements
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Tweygoh No because you do not have to listen to them
CastleOtranto: @iiieye I subscribe
PharaohBender27: tqsLOL
Mr_Horrible: good juxtaposition there
CataclysmicReverb: no whisk it no biscuit
Mr_Horrible: you got fuckin' corner-carried
io_Otter subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 101 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, io_Otter! (Today's storm count: 49)
Mr_Horrible: YOO it's nelly!
therepoman__: LMAO
Sarah_Serinde: Amazing :D
PharaohBender27: tqsClap
RealGamerCow: ope!
EikoandMog: YESSSSSS
MrSarkhan: seabatClap seabatClap
Sarah_Serinde: Even hit the camera
thanzo: YEAH!
Orxolon: nice
mrsmacmanus: Yes!!!
Mr_Horrible: that's actually beautiful
lochnessseammonster: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Sarah_Serinde: Halfway to quota in one video too
RatherLargeToad: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
Mr_Horrible: the long shot, the fact that the eggbeater was completely hidden...
Mr_Horrible: *chef's kiss*
raulghoulia: I knew it!
thanzo: honkshoo
bobokiddo: so does this mean the body pillow merch is coming?
Mr_Horrible: I *won't* think about it, thank you very much
Raincoast_Bear: I always imagine them sleeping in a heap like a littler of puppies.
Orxolon: microphone¿?
RealGamerCow: if it's not a fresh file, you do keep emotes
lochnessseammonster: seabatOAK
RatherLargeToad: hug was useful
SmithKurosaki: I miss the vid - did they get Serge getting bodied by EggBeate?
NorthstarTex: bring back rizz god
Juliamon: SmithKurosaki Sure did
mrsmacmanus: Sure did
EikoandMog: @SmithKurosaki It was a flawless shot.
lochnessseammonster: sergeSnerge
inconsideratehat: @SmithKurosaki yep
SmithKurosaki: Thanks chat :)
TheAinMAP: jlrrDance3 jlrrDance
SymphonicLolita: good shuffle
NorthstarTex: jlrrDance3 jlrrDance jlrrDance3
Pinwiz11: Hold me closer / Serge the Dancer
Mr_Horrible: Dancer of the Jovial Valley
korvys: Everybody do the Wenis
RealGamerCow: Adam with the Dad voice
Pinwiz11: The Wenis is a dance!
thanzo: me hands arr cold!
carbonoid12: why does that dance remind me of the Daft Hands video?
EvilBadman: Everybody do the wenis, the wenis is a dance
Sarah_Serinde: That's 2 party poppers!
goombalax: can afford chicken nugget
VinylMinty: @LoadingReadyRun Ben, go to teh area behind the table
NarishmaReborn: dollar menus are gone
VinylMinty: There's something cool there
The_Timo: 1 sub
dweebert91: Better make a good video
BrowneePoints: that’s 4 whole dollar menu items at McDonald’s
dweebert91 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 53 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, dweebert91! (Today's storm count: 50)
Faulpyr: The Rizz-son
mrsmacmanus: Nuggie meal deal
NorthstarTex: thats 12 small cans of pringles for me
goombalax: pamplemouse?
Arclight_Dynamo: White is cream soda.
lochnessseammonster: welcome to living in the streamer house PrideLaugh
Robot_Bones: Purple freezie supremacy
The_Timo: White
lochnessseammonster: white
SmithKurosaki: White > Blue > Purple > Orange > Anything else
CypherRaze: I thought pink was pink lemonade?
snowyowlly: i'm with nelly, purple kicks ass
BrowneePoints: Black Cherry QT slushie is the goat
10of9: Imagine spending all your money to learn the Shepherd Shuffle
finestotter: Sounds like Nelly is the friend you want, he'll eat all the bad ones
NorthstarTex: light blue or bust
ladyjessica: freezie discourse
Pinwiz11: @mrsmacmanus Better than a Nurgle Meal Deal
Goombill: @SmithKurosaki That's just the loot tree in RPGs
ShaneLeeAtk: I just want a tasty orange Popsicle
CataclysmicReverb: People honestly like blue?! I thought it was irony flavored
josh___something: Nelly's about to get cancelled on spooktube
SymphonicLolita: perf
SmithKurosaki: @SmithKurosaki lol you're not wrong. Holy Shit
mrsmacmanus: I don't even wanna know what a nurgle is
ghyllnox: Can you get cancelled in this game LUL
mrsmacmanus: Tell me more
TheAinMAP: sergeFall
Thefluffiestguineapig: @ghyllnox I think that's how you die, three flags on Spooktube
Mr_Horrible: it's like jumping down the stairs in the Forgotten Knight
Mr_Horrible: no one's *not* breaking their kneecaps
Tweygoh: its like he’s in the room with us
RealGamerCow: snail gang snail gang
josh___something: Da rizz god
Raincoast_Bear: Nelson was dead the whole time...
PharaohBender27: Welp, party done split
SymphonicLolita: I like the snails they just vibin
Sarah_Serinde: lrrFINE
A_Dub888: What if the camera guy falls down a hole?
thanzo: lrrSIG lrrSIG
loufghyslaufey: Get followed, Yager of lrrSERGE !!
josh___something: gundog!
shendaras subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 40 months!
shendaras: lrrSPOOP
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, shendaras! (Today's storm count: 51)
PharaohBender27: :D
SymphonicLolita: LUL
mrsmacmanus: Yeet
SmithKurosaki: Nope
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Mr_Horrible: well, we answered that
loufghyslaufey: Cameraman? In this job market? Oof. Had it coming.
Mr_Horrible: snail guy says "tee hee glomps you uwu"
EikoandMog: Was that a flashlight on the ground?
A_Dub888: !findquote lost
LRRbot: Quote #8839: "This isn't the lost nut." —Jacob [2023-11-17]
lochnessseammonster: imagine losing your flashlight
thanzo: !findquote rib
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
kumatsu: where did you come from, where did you go?
Mr_Horrible: "perhaps the *true* cage... is society..."
thanzo: !findquote skull
PharaohBender27: @LRRbot Huh. A Desert Bus quote, of all things
leymcc subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 27 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, leymcc! (Today's storm count: 52)
Mr_Horrible: mental image of Chumbawumpa just shouting "skill issue" for 5 minutes
josh___something: walk it off, champ
SmithKurosaki: Nice
Mr_Horrible: huh, serendipity
thanzo: diving bell, sweet diving bell
TheAinMAP: All according to plan.
NorthstarTex: there were actual spoops
josh___something: gundog!
qaz1291 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 31 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, qaz1291! (Today's storm count: 53)
NimrodXIV: phrasing
RealGamerCow: with h john benjamin?
loufghyslaufey: LRR-FVs
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
Mr_Horrible: the cuts are consistently *very* good
FarleyF: Quote that one
NorthstarTex: Is ben using the right mic for the game?
RealGamerCow: quick, where's the Graham's Feet guy?
RatherLargeToad: “knee destruction tutorial”
mrsmacmanus: We need that quote on a shirt.. or better yet, a body pillow? "Stop trying to enter me"
josh___something: "Knee destruction tutorial" good comment
dumbo3k: I think the mic depends on the way the camera is facing\
korvys: It does sound like you're on the other side of the room
frank_the_great: I think Seabats is very good as speaking
Sarah_Serinde: Already hit quota :)
PharaohBender27: @RealGamerCow I don't know if they've shown up since pandemic times . . . :\
korvys: Maybe the game is using the webcam mic or something?
NorthstarTex: quota nailed
couchboyj: I loved Three Snails and Gun Guy's debut album, but their new stuff just doesn't have the same edge
Mr_Horrible: the kids love it
SilverHalcyon: I wish I had a diving bell
Thefluffiestguineapig: What does that mean?
EikoandMog: It was coming from the controller.
RealGamerCow: I have watched a few people streaming this, and you have done by FAR the best of anyone
SymphonicLolita: save the vid!
raulghoulia: the greatest showmen
ThorSokar: save the video?
Saintnex: did we save the vid?
EikoandMog: Cheer100 New Mic fund for LRR.
TheAwkes: PS5 controller mic, what a choice, game.
Raincoast_Bear: The second act is always Serge getting groped by snailman.
TheAinMAP: SingsMic lrrBEN
Thefluffiestguineapig: @RealGamerCow I think their video production is unironically helping them here
Mr_Horrible: Streamer: "Why does nobody *TELL* me when audio issues are happening?" Also Streamer: *doesn't tell his friend when audio issues are happening* Kappa
Juliamon: Professional content creators being good at content creator game, who'da thunk it
frank_the_great: Nightlights are important
NorthstarTex: L's for Light
Mr_Horrible: gotta kiss the homies goodnight
EvilBadman: It said dual sense which is the ps5 controller? Lol
Orxolon: man LRR sleepovers must be fun
Mr_Horrible: and it was still picking it up
Mr_Horrible: impressive
josh___something: Fuckin ps5 controllers
thanzo: it's me on the ps5
VinylMinty: @LoadingReadyRun There's an area in the garden you still haven't found yet
BrindleBoar: into the sun
VinylMinty: Check behind the flower area
Thefluffiestguineapig: They fucked that one real hard
Darleysam: I'm gonna bet it was a Kojima Special Request
mercano82: Controller microphones are a Famicom tradition
NorthstarTex: the PS4 controller just had a speaker and that was a cool effect
VinylMinty: Sorry flower/table area
Sarah_Serinde: @Juliamon I mean I've watched a few other groups of people play it and they were all also professional content creators. Maybe they were just less professional :P
SnackPak_: hell yeah Serge
Juliamon: Sarah_Serinde I mean, have THEY been doing it for 10 years?
VinylMinty: @LoadingReadyRun Behind the flower/garden table set
Juliamon: Let alone 20?
Sarah_Serinde: @Juliamon Genuinely not sure, probably not most of them
VinylMinty: There it is
VinylMinty: You just saw it ben!
Sarah_Serinde: They have already seen the green screen
VinylMinty: Oh
VinylMinty: Rip
VinylMinty: I didnt know if it was the first time you guys were playing
josh___something: New drone, who dis?
VinylMinty: Sorry ben
Juliamon: pipe time
Sarah_Serinde: It's the second time they've all played. They're still pretty new but they've learned a lot about it by now
RealGamerCow: Who of you four have done the most boom work for LRR?
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
The_Timo: Classic uninformed backseatin lol
BusTed: Succinct
EikoandMog: Hell yeah brother!
MrSarkhan: LUL
josh___something: LMAO
SymphonicLolita: gonna nut the fruit
Thefluffiestguineapig: Adam is quite pithy sometimes
lochnessseammonster: seabatCHOICE
VrolikSyndrome: Clap
BrindleBoar: FBtouchdown
gamercat88: clap
SmithKurosaki: Yes
frank_the_great: Swore right at the start of the video, demonetized
e_bloc: is the rizz god now the jizz god
prince_infidel: Boooo
SnackPak_: clap 100%
RealGamerCow: seabatCHOICE
NorthstarTex: yes
josh___something: 👏👏👏
Orxolon: boooo urns
Kramburger: seabatCHOICE
Raincoast_Bear: boo
GhostValv: D:
Painfully_Dyslexic: I was doing both
LostThePirate: Double meaning haha
gsyhiap: BOO miiliClap
CastleOtranto: Something something grapefruit method
HiCallMeRusty: FBtouchdown
SpleenLord: Boo
ThorSokar: BOOOO
Thefluffiestguineapig: seabatCHOICE
patrick_stonecrusher: Mango 🥭 SeemsGood
Juliamon: No Serge we're not doing this again
Saintnex: booo Kappa
Scy_Anide: lrrSPOOP
crono3453: Does playing a slide whistle count as a boo?
seemsdeece: Fruits shouldn't have nuts in them
NorthstarTex: boo
raulghoulia: get that fruit
Awexdio: Minsc and _____
ThreeTwoOnePantsOff: I just feel sorry for the Apple
fastlane250: boooadams
FarleyF: boourns
josh___something: Adam, save this gold for film
NoxStryx: Ban spoopifer, he always boos
mrsmacmanus: I was saying boo'urns
thanzo: nooooooo
Sarah_Serinde: Serge I think you've probably used up all your "ban everybody" credits in MoC streams :P
SnackPak_: o7
Thefluffiestguineapig: Only if you can confirm the apple gives consent is it ok
fastlane250: the apple didn't want any part of this
NorthstarTex: you must have ate it
thanzo: uhoh
Thefluffiestguineapig: The apple was color and this world can't have it
josh___something: In front of the vuilding entrance I think
dumbo3k: I think it was behind the bell
SnackPak_: Nelson killing it with the soundboard
bosqueofpines: We always love a slidewhistle
josh___something: Like straight ahead from the building entrance?
loufghyslaufey: lrrADAM 's megaphonics be like, lrrWOW seabatSKYLADY seabatHITBOX seabatBRAIN katesMega
josh___something: rockos a ROCK
seemsdeece: It's corn!
inconsideratehat: It's a rock fact!
Mr_Horrible: he wants a rock to wind a piece of string around
Sarah_Serinde: Beautiful view
uneactrice subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 3 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, uneactrice! (Today's storm count: 54)
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
josh___something: HAH
Thefluffiestguineapig: You could do an ophthalmic exam with that close level
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah the boom mic will do that
SirPlumpy subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months!
flatluigi: the blenderman
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SirPlumpy! (Today's storm count: 55)
SymphonicLolita: LUL
Diabore: oh thats gonna be loud
EikoandMog: LUL
thanzo: rip boom
raulghoulia: that was some punt distance
NorthstarTex: Its goood!
Diabore: that was RIGHT into the boom
flatluigi subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 59 months, currently on a 10 month streak!
flatluigi: the microphones are very weird partwise
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, flatluigi! (Today's storm count: 56)
mrsmacmanus: Poor Nelson
Seth_Erickson: Resident mixer back in the ranked queues
NotCainNorAbel: that was my joke
Sarah_Serinde: Thanks Serge for booming the skull :D
Darleysam: interviewing it
frank_the_great: LUL LUL LUL
josh___something: Sick
EvilBadman: Is that dongling the bongle
NorthstarTex: spider, time to nope out
thanzo: the darkness creature
Diabore: so... are you just leaving nelson?
NotCainNorAbel: i got perfect audio
SymphonicLolita: rip
NERVOUSHAIR: you need to camera
GhostValv: suplexed D:
SmithKurosaki: F
Thefluffiestguineapig: o7
Thefluffiestguineapig: So far the camera has been a death sentence
BusTed: LUL
josh___something: This is just karma for not dying last time
dumbo3k: Deadicated to your art
SymphonicLolita: for da vine
Seth_Erickson: How's Nelly doing
CastleOtranto: Ben got better at the game, therefore he dies more.
Sarah_Serinde: As long as one of you gets the camera out, you're all pretty disposable
josh___something: HAHAAH
Mr_Horrible: Ben pulling an Antlers Holst and wondering why the UFO is eating him
emberBecky: that timing
SnackPak_: classic Nelly
Awexdio: Ben's out here trying to be a great asset
SymphonicLolita: oh nelly
EikoandMog: I like that this game encourages you to find the spoops rather than having spoops happen at you while doing something else.
Arclight_Dynamo: Nelson's going to take off without them, you watch.
Thefluffiestguineapig: LULLULULUL
gamercat88: its like playing hide n seek with nelly
KWardJenx: Nelly is 100% the dad in the group.
EricTheOrange: CLASSIC Nelson
BusTed: onstaWELP
patrick_stonecrusher: Hewwo??
ladyjessica: and we’re going live to Nelson
thanzo: nelson is just on an entirely separate adventure
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
Darleysam: Nelson's just in a Wendy's or something
Thefluffiestguineapig: Nelly is on perma sidequest
mrsmacmanus: Nelson just spiltting the party
NorthstarTex: And the band is (mostly) back together
EikoandMog: lrrBartleby
SymphonicLolita: LUL
raulghoulia: serge has the staff. he's gandalf
mrsmacmanus: Old man nelly
Smurfykins: oh our group has been wanting to bite in on this but unfortunately not working for those of us with steam decks :(
loufghyslaufey: Attack On Nelson?
josh___something: LMAO
SnackPak_: lrrWOW
Thefluffiestguineapig: Did Adam just quote Grima Wormtongue at Nelly?
NoxStryx: lrrGibb
loufghyslaufey: lrrBEN lrrSERGE lrrADAM vs. lrrNELSON !?
HadesLeprechaun: I've gotten it to work on Steam Deck, you just have to remap like 1, 2, and 3, to D-pad directions
SirPlumpy: im confsued at this game
josh___something: "big arm worm dude that suplexes your ass"
Smurfykins: have you played a lot of this ben? what's good score formulae to you?
KWardJenx: McGirk!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Souplex into a back break, literally
LithelyUnshod: *Home Movies
ButButTheJesus: @Thefluffiestguineapig erm ackshully it was Saruman-Theoden
NoxStryx: @josh___something thats the official name right?
Mr_Horrible: that has a much more sinister context when cut as such
loufghyslaufey: Wait, is this game almost just like 'Teletubbies'? Chat?
BusTed: the mix
nyoomgoom: the "there gonna feel it when they are about 50" comment lmao
FarleyF: Yoo it is serge
loufghyslaufey: PogChamp
Sarah_Serinde: That brief closeup of it walking towards you though :D
SnackPak_: gottem
Thefluffiestguineapig: @ButButTheJesus I know Theoden said you have no power here Gandalf the Grey but I thought Grima was the one who called him Greybeard
josh___something: Destroyed
crono3453: That cut at the beginning really makes it sound like he fucked that apple and that's why it didn't make it.
mrsmacmanus: No apples were hurt in the making of this video
SymphonicLolita: it was sadly cored
loufghyslaufey: Yeah, shove that apple in particular MindManners ImTyping lrrDOTS
Orxolon: there's gotta be a highlight reel with only the content warning videos XD
mrsmacmanus: DJ rizz god
Thefluffiestguineapig: @ButButTheJesus But my brain is too invested in deeply pedantic things that don't matter, my bad LUL
RealGamerCow: The way it cuts off
RealGamerCow: so good
Thefluffiestguineapig: It doesn't sound like a human
Smurfykins: do you need a flashlight?
Smurfykins: :P
Seth_Erickson: Fuckin pipe sound effect in the background
Sarah_Serinde: Have we even gotten that emote on camera once?
3 raiders from McGurganatorZX have joined!
SmithKurosaki: Kind of?
Smurfykins: dont knock on someone spending money on the ability to be happy D:
Mr_Horrible: Serge singlehandedly keeping the Fortnite store afloat
Sarah_Serinde: Serge, not on stream :D
Thefluffiestguineapig: Serge, what club are you going to?
Dog_of_Myth: Heya Raiders
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
Awexdio: Wait for Serge to emote and then shock em
Mr_Horrible: why does it sound like the Vine Boom?
frank_the_great: Now that's how you dance
loufghyslaufey: Was that uhhh- "giggle-stick"?
Sarah_Serinde: Delightful
Dog_of_Myth: hahaha
SnackPak_: sergeJustRight
SymphonicLolita: no notes
Thefluffiestguineapig: Well we have our gimmick for this stream LUL
Sarah_Serinde: This is the wrong site for that kind of content Kappa
SirPlumpy: what are you doing step-shock stick
patrick_stonecrusher: Giveem the stick! Dooooooont giveem the stick! Yoooooooooooo
inconsideratehat: @patrick_stonecrusher LUL
SnackPak_: lrrAWW
Sarah_Serinde: On a slow-moving snail that just feels mean :D
tc_antlers: Ok I just stumbled to twitched and I just randomly whatch3d caseoh, tour the only normal streamer I can find
EikoandMog: THe "Help! Help!" in the distance was just amazing.
SymphonicLolita: snail really wants a hug
Sarah_Serinde: @SymphonicLolita Relatable
Thefluffiestguineapig: You made it mad by shocking it, WHODA THUNK IT
VinylMinty: I find it funny the symbol for "and" is a stick figure dragging its butt.
josh___something: I thought it was corn
Sarah_Serinde: lrrFINE
shurtal: wheelerRat wheelerRat
LilyOfTheVeil6666: lrrFINE lrrFINE lrrFINE
frank_the_great: Noted
Thefluffiestguineapig: lrrHERE
EikoandMog: Adam is having a real time somewhere
mishrasbauble: wheelerRat wheelerRat wheelerRat wheelerRat
coopdawg_22 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 66 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, coopdawg_22! (Today's storm count: 57)
Quarthian: wheelerRat wheelerRat wheelerRat wheelerRat wheelerRat wheelerRat wheelerRat
Reece42: wheelerRat wheelerRat wheelerRat
SymphonicLolita: lrrSPOOP
Mr_Horrible: dazeKill
flatluigi: oh no ben found a doll
RatherLargeToad: Tonberry!
Sarah_Serinde: It's the not-a-tonberry
Dog_of_Myth: lrrSPOOP
Redbassist: lrrSPOOP
Diabore: youre still recording
Smurfykins: you have the content
Smurfykins: you must survive
Sarah_Serinde: You survived that though, good work
Mr_Horrible: sofieRaid sofieRaid sofieRaid
NorthstarTex: thats going to be intense content
EikoandMog: Ben is so f'd
Seth_Erickson: Slow small breaths you've got lots of oxygen left
FlynnRaccoon: "We're in self preservation mode ... [tape ends]" - - - that's a heck of a finish.
Arclight_Dynamo: "I've got *content.* I've *got* to get out of here!" Hell yeah.
Smurfykins: also that o2 gauge
Goombill: If you die somewhere you know, can you go back and find it?
Quarthian: So is this like lethal company but different?
Smurfykins: how does the game use your oxygen anyway?
Smurfykins: is it basically a time limit or is it impacted by other factors?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Quarthian By the admission of the creator inspired by Lethal Company but content creation
Sarah_Serinde: I think it's just a time limit
RealGamerCow: uppies
DudelidouX: Is he scared of his own shadow?
Stripe_dog: It's your own shadow as you're quickly passing strong light sorces
Sarah_Serinde: lrrFINE
Diabore: the thought of the content will keep you going
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah that O2 will last you for a bit yet
Smurfykins: ok this is good
Seabats: you're getting closer
TherapyforNarwhals: Do you have any recording left lol
Seabats: 30m
Sarah_Serinde: Cheaty Adam :P
couchboyj: Ben, show some respect! Falling in a hole is James' schtick!
Smurfykins: better get home soon
FarleyF: adam using streamsniping for good instead of evil
Sarah_Serinde: Also it doesn't matter that you're close if you're not close to a way up
Sarah_Serinde: lrrFINE
Diabore: stairs!
Seth_Erickson: Up two 4ight
frank_the_great: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
SmithKurosaki: Is Ben the GOAT?
Sarah_Serinde: lrrGOAT
lochnessseammonster: seabatClap
Thefluffiestguineapig: YEEEAAAAHHHH
NotCainNorAbel: seabatClap lrrBartleby benginDance
SymphonicLolita: gaming????
Sarah_Serinde: Nice work Ben
Redbassist: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
prince_infidel: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
Sarah_Serinde: And with juuuust a little air left :D
Redbassist: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
MrSarkhan: sergeGG sergeGG sergeGG
RealGamerCow: The jumpies
NimrodXIV: FBtouchdown
fastlane250: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
Sarah_Serinde: 5%!
Smurfykins: close the door and go before it completely runs out
Orxolon: da door!
brainbosh: Dies before they remember to leave
LilyOfTheVeil6666: spacev7Fingerguns lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
EikoandMog: FBtouchdown
Smurfykins: LUL
Sarah_Serinde: @Smurfykins It won't run out when you're in the diving bell
Smurfykins: oh good
Thefluffiestguineapig: And Serge lost the boom!!!!
lochnessseammonster: that flashlight will outlast all of us PrideLaugh
Mr_Horrible: the Flashlight W's continue to mount
inconsideratehat: I think that will be peak content
RealGamerCow: The people liked that
nyoomgoom: perfectly cut screams
EikoandMog: #perfectlycutscreams
Thefluffiestguineapig: LUL
frank_the_great: KNIFE GHOST
SmithKurosaki: 22k views
lochnessseammonster: i love this PrideLaugh
Sarah_Serinde: Still got halfway there!
SmithKurosaki: Apparently accidentally recording is the hack
Orxolon: "i cannot help you if i don't know where you are"
inconsideratehat: FBtouchdown
sporkraptor: you're going to put the videos up as a separate stream bonus right? XD
OrangeFree: don't forget to save vid
Smurfykins: ^
omdorastrix: Using the shock stick on your friend is key
Mazrae: That needs to be in the quote database
NoxStryx: @orangefree he did
therepoman__: DOGSHIT BABY
Awexdio: It'd be great if you could find camera's from "lost" adventures to add to your own as a found footage joke
Orxolon: did you save that last one?
SmithKurosaki: Quote?
Arclight_Dynamo: *Paul* calling something dogshit is especially good.
lochnessseammonster: apples, sticks, and dogshit
SmithKurosaki: @Arclight_Dynamo 100%
griffythepoo subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months!
griffythepoo: I wonder if you get more views based on how loud the audio is, more scared yelling and such
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, griffythepoo! (Today's storm count: 58)
atlr: where is apesh-t on this scake
CastleOtranto: Serge is in the pocket of Big Flashlight
Smurfykins: Next goal, selfie with a monster, a calm one
couchboyj: I love fucking dogshit! Adam Savidan, 2024
chaostreader: from what I’ve seen from other creators they can make for decent YouTube shorts.
ButButTheJesus: @atlr its higher for me
ButButTheJesus: reminds me of the Princess Peach meme
Redbassist: FBtouchdown
frank_the_great: Hoops!
Smurfykins: as you pull the lever "hold on to your butts"
A_Dub888: Wait he's the GOAT, I thought Adam was the Rizz God
Thefluffiestguineapig: That apple does not have any recoil
mitomanox: don't we all aggressively love Ben, chat?
raulghoulia: randy johnson is now a professional photographer and I highly recommend you look up the logo for his company
NoxStryx: The rizzgoat, sha sha sha
griffythepoo: Adam, the Rizz God, the Goat, and banger of Apples
lochnessseammonster: the rizz god is a goat like pan
EikoandMog: Remember, Kids, we're in the "Itchy" lot.
A_Dub888: @raulghoulia What a unit
NoxStryx: @lochnessseammonster fair,pan was a rizz god
Thefluffiestguineapig: Is that machine just punching? What is the point?
RealGamerCow: do the chorbys do anything?
phuznutz: wheelerRat wheelerRat wheelerRat wheelerRat
ButterBall000: Jason! I mean, Nelson!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @RealGamerCow I don't think we ever figured it out last stream
Thefluffiestguineapig: @ButterBall000 SHAWN
NoxStryx: Chris!
phuznutz: wheelerRat wheelerRat sbmtgdSpreadLoveB wheelerRat sbmtgdSpreadLoveB wheelerRat wheelerRat
NoxStryx: Roger!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Is this a new area?
Seth_Erickson: Another mix
Sarah_Serinde: Sweet footage though
Talin06: got to work on that Oki
RealGamerCow: The "Whats up dummy" and immediate retribution was great
ButterBall000: Well, that's not Nelson
Sarah_Serinde: @Thefluffiestguineapig It's the same general environment, their ship has just landed in a different part of it
Smurfykins: what if it is nelson just possessed?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Sarah_Serinde Is there just a single environment that you land in randomized parts of or do you get a new one if you last long enough?
Seth_Erickson: It's the ghost noise I think
Sarah_Serinde: @Thefluffiestguineapig I think it's just the one, that's all I've seen
SymphonicLolita: lrrSPOOP
Smurfykins: "boys..."
lion_byte: filmot1Gotter
7gorobei: adam's flashlight, you cant leave it behind
Sarah_Serinde: Ben, not on stream
Seth_Erickson: !holes
LRRbot: Did somebody mention classic young-adult action-adventure movie Holes??
WiJohn: Time to go
ButterBall000: I enjoy a goo hole
Thefluffiestguineapig: This hole? Was it made for you?
flatluigi: it's the blenderman
HadesLeprechaun: you ever just think about holes?
Firewhiskers: Are holes the best part of the donut?
Thefluffiestguineapig: NOOO
Thefluffiestguineapig: o7 Flashlight
Dog_of_Myth: o7 for the flashlight
Diabore: wrong way ben
RealGamerCow: There's a donut place near me that does blueberry donut holes and they are astouding.
Bearudite: blenderman>slenderman
Land_Manatee subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 24 months!
Land_Manatee: Those are some special eyes Ben has there.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Land_Manatee! (Today's storm count: 59)
Mr_Horrible: sure, that sounds like it won't end poorly
SymphonicLolita: this is the same room you were lost in before
korvys: Ben knows the key to funny video moments is lots of set ups
patrick_stonecrusher: Double punch lot
Diabore: yes down but the other way after the hole
Mr_Horrible: Get looped, nerd
Mr_Horrible: GG
ButterBall000: Respect the 1v1
coachNelly: adam is experiencing playing against stax rn
SymphonicLolita: FBtouchdown
Diabore: @coachNelly LUL
Smurfykins: is getting lost the best feature of these kinds of games next to limited communication?
SergeYager: what's it called in fighting games when you're stuck in the corner getting bullied?
Darleysam: you'll get there, and then you'll be there
SergeYager: that's adam rn
Sarah_Serinde: lrrFINE
Sarah_Serinde: Good work Ben gabyLul
Mr_Horrible: incredible
Land_Manatee: Had me jumpin'
SymphonicLolita: he's gaming again???
SmithKurosaki: What almost got him
SmithKurosaki: LOL
Mr_Horrible: the tardigrade is looking for you
SquareDotCube: record the goo@
SnackPak_: o7
Arclight_Dynamo: Leave him, bro.
HiCallMeRusty: oh wait its kinda cute
flatluigi: goodbye adam
Sarah_Serinde: Eh it's fine, the camera is here :P
therepoman__: LMAO
Seth_Erickson: 19% film still gotta use it
heartofgoldfish: uhhh he's right behind me isn't he
Land_Manatee: hell yeah
HiCallMeRusty: It gotta little nose
frank_the_great: You know what you have to do, but you don't have the strength to do it
SnackPak_: problem solved!
therepoman__: Holy shit
Mr_Horrible: took him off the edge LUL
Orxolon: he dead
ghizmou: well, the ooze is gone at least
NorthstarTex: o7
0x6772: Ben did nothing wrong.
TherapyforNarwhals: I think Adam fell...
circusofkirkus: he's falling
Diabore: i think he fell
saucemaster5000: I'm sure he's fine
Sarah_Serinde: But is he moving down
Stripe_dog: That scream not being recorded is a real loss
Blip2004: the DBZ Nooooooo!
therepoman__: AYOO
HadesLeprechaun: blob got him and carted him away
VinylMinty: I think he fell Ben
flatluigi: go home ben
Land_Manatee: Goodbye
Tangsm: Yeah, that was web.
Mr_Horrible: oh that's right LUL
fastlane250: Bail
ButterBall000: We're done here
frank_the_great: Let's "Nope"
NorthstarTex: we out
saucemaster5000: oh hi
Orxolon: leave
SmithKurosaki: I think its time to leave
HiCallMeRusty: big no
WiJohn: Time to go
Awexdio: Push the Button and go
barbmitzvah: Hey he's doing the name of the show!
circusofkirkus: o7 adam
SnackPak_: later Adam
Tweygoh: aye thats the name of the show
MAPBoardgames: lrrHERE
RatherLargeToad: The moment has arrived for fleeing
HiCallMeRusty: ben please leave
A_Dub888: Big nope from me dawg
Dog_of_Myth: o7
RealGamerCow: Oh that skittering is not fun
VinylMinty: oh wait
Orxolon: film it
niccus: yeah that's a bad time
prince_infidel: I think it's time to go
gsyhiap: lrrHERE
circusofkirkus: adam is dead
VinylMinty: he didnt fall
Seth_Erickson: Gotta film it
HadesLeprechaun: adam not movin
NorthstarTex: nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope
Sarah_Serinde: Oh dang Adam IS close again
VinylMinty: Adam is dead
Scy_Anide: Friend-shaped
Pharmacistjudge: he's not moving, get outta here
0x6772: Push the button!
Sarah_Serinde: lrrFINE
PMAvers: benginNo benginNo benginNo
NimrodXIV: those sure are some noises
Smurfykins: The team has died, the content lives
NoxStryx: Video that spuder!
sporkraptor: yeah game over man, game over XD
JuneBlue58: Their oxygen is all at 0%, time to go.
coachNelly: adam is dead
Painfully_Dyslexic: love how quick things go from jokes to actual terror
coachNelly: so are segre and i
snortablecola: like the show title!
niccus: are they still consuming oxygen
Diabore: adam stopped moving
circusofkirkus: nice distance serge
gualdhar: nice Serge
Mr_Horrible: at least Serge's distance is nice
Sarah_Serinde: Spoilers Nelly :P
frank_the_great: RIP Alan, I will never forget him
Sarah_Serinde: He still had film he wanted to use up
chrisvonclause subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 73 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, chrisvonclause! (Today's storm count: 60)
Sarah_Serinde: Gotta maximize your film to get those views
WiJohn: Good ol' Alan and Nestor
NorthstarTex: when you die, you join chat, we're all ghosts here
nyoomgoom: hecken spawncamping monsters
Mr_Horrible: That Slime hit you with the "Die 1000 deaths"
Mr_Horrible: literal actual "oh my bad, Slime"
Sarah_Serinde: What a bounce on that fall
inconsideratehat: shocked in the taint
Sarah_Serinde: :D
Diabore: ooh the viewers like the punch pistons
FlynnRaccoon: "If you look up, there's no down" - true facts.
NimrodXIV: oop, copyright strike
Thefluffiestguineapig: What, what got them the copyright strike??
TherapyforNarwhals: Great cut
Land_Manatee: Got the webs in the selfie mode
NimrodXIV: :D
circusofkirkus: nice
Sarah_Serinde: The things Ben does for content
omdorastrix: That spidro was there - you could see it web as you rounded the corner when you first saw the slime
kjwthe1: the hell bid I walk in to
raulghoulia: love that you cane hear the spider
Smurfykins: "you're all a sacrifice I am willing to make...for the content"
FarleyF: Nice
Fruan: The streamer not having the camera means the footage is new to us later, and we get to see fun stuff when people are dead. It's win/win!
RealGamerCow: only 300 bucks?
nyoomgoom: serge's got the camera, the cam the cam camera zone
inconsideratehat: Adam's scream at the end of that last one was gold
NoxStryx: Can you difibulate enemies?
Sarah_Serinde: It's fun to see you play with things you haven't used much yet
EikoandMog: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
CaptainSpam: I would've laughed so hard if that blew off all its charges. LuL
Bearudite: you know what would be cool? being able to buy a second camera for multiple views
kalira77: time for the S Vlogs
NoxStryx: Ben should prbably charge difb before going donw
Mister_Dee: Leave without him!
raulghoulia: whats my motivation?
SnackPak_: sergeJustRight
Sarah_Serinde: Fortunately they can charge their various devices while they're on the surface
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
josh___something: lol
grometty: LUL
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Bearudite Or if you retrieve a previously lost camera you could use it
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah I did notice that
Stripe_dog: Wake me up
omdorastrix: Wake me up
Sarah_Serinde: @Thefluffiestguineapig You can't film more things on an old camera but you can still retrieve the video from it
Thefluffiestguineapig: And remember last time that Serge was the one who lost you all those views last times
NoxStryx: Wake me up inside
omdorastrix: Wake me!!!!
Mai_Andra: lasagna tacos
NotCainNorAbel: food court
circusofkirkus: a buffet
TherapyforNarwhals: my moms house
omdorastrix: Combination East Side Marios - Taco Bell?
Bearudite: cheesecake factory
brainbosh: Italian mexican fusion
raulghoulia: gotta make two trips
HadesLeprechaun: combination Taco Bell and Pizza Hut
bosqueofpines: At "Que Pasta"
RealGamerCow: Mexican Garfield?
Seth_Erickson: Right here Ben
Sarah_Serinde: Hell yeah Nelly
SilverHalcyon: Cheddars
NoxStryx: Why are we exploring a cubist still life?
SnackPak_: tacos al lasagna
NotCainNorAbel: Hell yeah Nelson!
inconsideratehat: enchiladas
ZombieHendrix: I was thinking about lasagna 1 second before it came up
ShaneLeeAtk: Except for Alice!
nyoomgoom: doordash ghost kitchen
FlynnRaccoon: GoldPLZ Vegas Buffet
0x6772: South Philadelphia, Ben
BrowneePoints: just make taco lasagna
SmithKurosaki: @omdorastrix Im basically having that today. Pizza w/ Taco Beef on it
circusofkirkus: eat more fiber Serge
saucemaster5000: @BrowneePoints Yeah honestly
Mr_Horrible: Lasagna from Sbarro's has killed stronger men than you, Ben
Pharmacistjudge: it's called metamucil. super underrated
Darleysam: but who is the judge of food court
josh___something: you might be pooping too aggressively
omdorastrix: The mall near me used to have an Italian place that did pasta & lasagna 2 doors down from the Taco Bell - It was Good pasta to. Mrs Vanellis I think was the name
Sarah_Serinde: Did not know that
Thefluffiestguineapig: Same, I love that celiac doesn't have anything besides "you're already gluten free? Sucks to suck!"
Tweygoh: I have a quality food court taco place
NoxStryx: Gotta get consent for the hole to be open
omdorastrix: @SmithKurosaki Tex-Mex Pizza?
SmithKurosaki: @omdorastrix with Pepperoni
Thefluffiestguineapig: @omdorastrix Chorizo on a pizza could be amazing
hieroglyphica: Gotta say, I've started antispasmodics and it's been just the best in that respect
PMAvers: Enchiladas are basically lasagna right
EikoandMog: HypeLUL
circusofkirkus: LUL
SnackPak_: o7
Sarah_Serinde: Amazing audio
Smurfykins: I weep
Smurfykins: lol
carbonoid12: o7
Mr_Horrible: when will my streamer return from war?
BrindleBoar: LUL
FlynnRaccoon: lrrHERE
NotCainNorAbel: we might be in trouble
Sarah_Serinde: uh
slopoppotamus subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 85 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, slopoppotamus! (Today's storm count: 61)
SmithKurosaki: F
MrSarkhan: lrrHERE lrrHERE
omdorastrix: F
Sarah_Serinde: welp
SymphonicLolita: don't like that
Araragi298: we dead
Sarah_Serinde: lrrHERE
fastlane250: I don't like how that moves
gsyhiap: lrrHERE
0x6772: I mean, still South Philly.
ShaneLeeAtk: This is where we live now
raulghoulia: lrrWOW
Thefluffiestguineapig: lrrHERE
Saintnex: well lrrHERE
A_Dub888: rayfkWelp lrrHERE
NotCainNorAbel: lrrFINE lrrHERE
snowyowlly: don't worry ben, you've got that skull to keep you company
Orxolon: film it?
chaostreader: revive Adam.
Sarah_Serinde: lrrWOW
finestotter: Can you defib that body?
SmithKurosaki: @Orxolon Doesnt have the camera
Sarah_Serinde: So many monsters :D
Tweygoh: he dont have the cam this time
NotCainNorAbel: Gun to my Left, Monster to my right
HadesLeprechaun: abuse the wibbly physics, I'm sure you can get out!
Thefluffiestguineapig: He's doing what Serge was at the start of the stream, just vibing
Tangsm: Tragic. Ben trapped in a box with a defib.
TherapyforNarwhals: DEFIB?!
CaptainSpam: And you don't even have the camera on you. Drat!
Bearudite: defib the person with you?
A_Dub888: Yup, that's us. You're probably wondering how we got into this situation
circusofkirkus: defib adam?
marcosm_illustration: is that a body right there?
carbonoid12: "I think I'm just dead here." - Ben (probably)
shurtal: is THIS a wombo combo?
Sarah_Serinde: Rough place to bring him back to though :D
Fruan: If you both just run for it, one of you probably makes it?
HadesLeprechaun: someone must sacrifice themselves, for the greater good
Smurfykins: that looks like a lovely dance light
Arclight_Dynamo: NGL, this is a tough pickle, gents.
Orxolon: how do we leave?
PMAvers: Ben casting his battle rez right into the middle of a enemy AOE marker
Pharmacistjudge: i wonder if you can defib the monster in defense?
circusofkirkus: and he died
Smurfykins: again?
snowyowlly: so i guess leaving doesn't work
omdorastrix: Revive again?
NotCainNorAbel: Flashback: I'm sure you wonder how I got here
SirPlumpy: do the stanky leg
Mai_Andra: hashtag content
Darleysam: damn, Nelly ran out of juice again
chaostreader: look. you have a limited amount of air. might as well get tossed.
circusofkirkus: :O
HadesLeprechaun: oh that's the camera just outside the box too, huh
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Orxolon Some kind of body bag is my guess, either from dismemberment or asphyxiation
Sarah_Serinde: Wow it actually moved
inconsideratehat: LETS GOOOO
Orestes290: I wonder if the defib hurts monsters
Sarah_Serinde: That face so close up :D
TherapyforNarwhals: Damnit
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ben is gaming out of his mind!!!!!
Sarah_Serinde: Good effort buddy
noSmokeFire: undone by geometry
Scy_Anide: Too bad the monsters don't go after each other.
gsyhiap: F
Sarah_Serinde: I mean, at least you already made quota in 2 days
omdorastrix: When he got in the hole there was only one
BrindleBoar: and in the end, it didn't even matter
Smurfykins: :brooding piano:
Thefluffiestguineapig: @BrindleBoar He had to fall to lose it all
Sarah_Serinde: Tomorrow's a new quota
chaostreader: note. when Serge has the camera, bad things happen(joke)
NoxStryx: Really want someone to name themselves "Hospital Bill" so that it says "Hospital bill for Hospital Bill"
Sarah_Serinde: Oh I just meant it's a new(ish) start :D
kalira77: benben on camcam
Sarah_Serinde: Excellent
saucemaster5000: Sorry, subway footlongs are six dollars
Arclight_Dynamo: Could have bet anything he was going to use it immediately. :D
NoxStryx: 1 dollar per inch
josh___something: Dang, serge didn't pop it right away
finestotter: The self control not to hit it right away
Mr_Horrible: don't worry about it
FarleyF: @NoxStryx call yourself Hospital William so it's Hospital Bill for Hospital William"
NoxStryx: No wait...50 cents an inch
nyoomgoom: now it's $6 for a 6-inch. alas
NoxStryx: @farleyf i like it
saucemaster5000: @NoxStryx wasn't gonna correct you but I did giggle
Smurfykins: Subway Bread has been ruled as NOT bread but cake in several areas ; so their foot-long cookie is just owning up to this fact?
omdorastrix: Lots of (concentrated) light
Smurfykins: LUL
Sarah_Serinde: Perfect :D
Smurfykins: perfection
EikoandMog: HypeLUL
flatluigi: adam......
Sarah_Serinde: Sure is!
Thefluffiestguineapig: OH NO
gamercat88: on no his flashlight
raulghoulia: im crying
RealGamerCow: holy shit I am crying.
Sarah_Serinde: I love learning moments
barbmitzvah: LMAO
TherapyforNarwhals: A+ Adam great way to die
EikoandMog: @Smurfykins And yet, I actually got a real craving right now...
Smurfykins: the only difference is "hello X, im Y, welcome to Jackass"
Smurfykins: and sometimes "and im strapped to a. giant cannon"
Smurfykins: or something
omdorastrix: bunnyduck
SnackPak_: both
patrick_stonecrusher: Yes
Sarah_Serinde: huh
NoxStryx: Por que no los dos?
josh___something: OH, it's the orb!
SnackPak_: lrrSPOOP
Thefluffiestguineapig: UUUUUUUMMMMM
SymphonicLolita: welp
SmithKurosaki: F
NimrodXIV: uhhhh
ButterBall000: Is that a graveler?
sporkraptor: oooookay
lochnessseammonster: seabatYIKES
Sarah_Serinde: Not sure I've seen this one before :D
LilyOfTheVeil6666: Got rumbled out of nowhere
niccus: i'm not sure it's supposed to be quite this violent
CaptainSpam: Huh.
goombalax: was anyone recording that
Land_Manatee: That can't be right
josh___something: It's the barnacle ball!
BlindProphet32: A wild graveler has appeared
Arclight_Dynamo: Why does Serge keep being unable to see things?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Did those bunnies summon that?
hayhaiya: I think Serge can't see it so he can't take damage
HadesLeprechaun: I have seen it where monsters appear for some players but not for others, lol
SmithKurosaki: @BlindProphet32 Rollout is SUPER EFFECTIVE
itira: LOL
Sarah_Serinde: Wild :D
Orxolon: xD
Mr_Horrible: damn, they really need to nerf Ken
TheAwkes: A little desynch.
LostThePirate: XD
Thefluffiestguineapig: @SmithKurosaki The Monster has become fixated on using Rollout
HadesLeprechaun: great bug, tho
NimrodXIV: perfect game
Furrbahl: battle of the century
sporkraptor: it'd be awesome if you could film *this*
PMAvers: Machamp is no longer asking
10of9: Consecutive Serious Punch!
Saintnex: man that Ken carry is ridiculous
WardsarTheWriter: @Thefluffiestguineapig Someone used Encore on it.
CaptainSpam: Christ, man, this thing has some aggression issues.
itira: its so hard to look at LUL
Land_Manatee: Need to return to the surface asap, lol
circusofkirkus: An unstoppable force meets an immovable object
Sarah_Serinde: I wanna see it go inside the diving bell
Darleysam: Killer Instinct-ass combo
Omthebox: That's much better
Ins0mniZack: i cant look away
itira: thank god
Cptasparagus: biblically accurate serge
josh___something: LUL
raulghoulia: I want to see this from thecamera's perspective
skysonglark: what do we think serge is seeing?
HadesLeprechaun: serge is seeing nothing
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
circusofkirkus: ????
snowyowlly: oh good, the roiling mass of limbs made it to the bell !
fastlane250: Beatdown Cam
PMAvers: Wow, these combos in Melty are more absurd in every edition
Sarah_Serinde: Wild
Darleysam: ART!
chaostreader: I think this has to do with the statues, with one misspelled but I don’t think it’s supposed to do that.
omdorastrix: Diving Bell appareanty is a safe space
FarleyF: thank Q
MrSarkhan: Game is so broken
Darleysam: Serge touches the camera and the whole thing goes to indie arthouse
grometty: That certainly was a round
NoxStryx: Did...ben not count has having died there? He didnt get a hospital bill
Tangsm: Serge needs to watch the clip of that.
therepoman__: Is Adam muted?
therepoman__: Oh nvm
Smurfykins: sacrifice for art <3
Darleysam: the REAL horror...
SmithKurosaki: RIP
VinylMinty: Just give it a bit...
Smurfykins: it was stable for so long
Orxolon: oh no
CaptainSpam: I kinda want to wait to see if it's going to go somewhere.
omdorastrix: Or y ou fillm but there's no audio, or JUST audio
chaostreader: sometimes the video doesn’t extract but you will get views after.
Sarah_Serinde: Huh good to know
SmithKurosaki: The top left doesn't think the camera is in the box
josh___something: ffmpreg
Cptasparagus: ffmpeg is probably a genre....
CaptainSpam: Watch, we take an ad break, it finally finishes, it winds up being some ridiculous glitch video, and you get several billion views.
SmithKurosaki: @josh___something NO.
0x6772: Yeah, cool game.
VinylMinty: F3 will have the video of that last run
saucemaster5000: @josh___something yes
VinylMinty: IF it failes
CaptainSpam: Still only like $400.
VinylMinty: but they can check F3
fastlane250: GLURP on Monday? oh i'll be there
kalira77: membrane clarinet... sounds horrifying
notthepenguins: Garbage day eh
SmithKurosaki: @fastlane250 Heck ye
Catcard: DinoDance
Thefluffiestguineapig: @SmithKurosaki there to laugh till my face hurts
Tweygoh: ive always wondered if this is a cover of something
patrick_stonecrusher: That glitch clip might be worth sending to the channel Highlight Reel
WardsarTheWriter: So I nearly died laughing from that graveler bit. I couldn't breathe.
SmithKurosaki: @patrick_stonecrusher I mean, as long as someone clipped it
omdorastrix: Whomever clips that last monster bit has to put the sonic theme over it
VinylMinty: @SmithKurosaki They might be able to get the video from the F3 still even if the extraction failed
VinylMinty: @LoadingReadyRun Press F3
fastlane250: Bummer
SmithKurosaki: @SmithKurosaki Oh I was thinking the stream clipped
Sarah_Serinde: Well then gabyLul
flatluigi: try hitting f3
VinylMinty: Your video shoudl be in there
SnackPak_: sergeGG
fastlane250: Wait, WHA
gsyhiap: FBtouchdown
fastlane250: i retract that 'bummer'
CaptainSpam: Huh. So I guess there's a failsafe for errors.
FarleyF: yeah it got clipped
flatluigi: the most recent one
VinylMinty: Full recording i believe
Sarah_Serinde: @SmithKurosaki Yeah if you want things in the highlight reel, make clips! :)
MissMizare: fullRecording
circusofkirkus: time stamp
Bearudite: most recent?
VinylMinty: Yep
Mr_Horrible: Dark Cloud 2 voice: "Which shall it be?"
VinylMinty: Thats one
Orxolon: we met our quota on day 1?
TheAwkes: Newest by timestamp?
Sarah_Serinde: So this is the quality Paul was talking about huh
VinylMinty: Make sure you move it out of the folder before it gets overwriten
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah that's kinda rough
AliceDollVT: nyooom
SmithKurosaki: @VinylMinty This :)
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah that was a pretty accurate portrayal of Ben's experience
notthepenguins: This whole time we saw you as getting rolled over by the monster
Sarah_Serinde: Might as well use up that film even if it's not that "interesting"
omdorastrix: Where's teh clip - serge needs to see Ben's View
TherapyforNarwhals: From 0 to 128k
TheAinMAP: lrrWOW
circusofkirkus: he puts on his NPR voice
VinylMinty: Also you guys need to restart the lobby
AliceDollVT: blair witch asmr
VinylMinty: Otherwise you'll get more extract errors
Mathwyn: Tense those stomach muscles Serge
VinylMinty: No worries Ben!
VinylMinty: Also if its easierl, you can call me Minty
SmithKurosaki: Also, save the recording on the computer before it ets overwritten
saucemaster5000: N Pee R
saucemaster5000: Am I right?
saucemaster5000: Gamers?
skysonglark: oh nice it saves progress
Sarah_Serinde: @SmithKurosaki It's probably not a big deal if it gets lost, since it's not great quality
Thefluffiestguineapig: NPR horro ASMR
SmithKurosaki: kk
Sarah_Serinde: And yeah we have a lot of other ones anyway
Saintnex: well, we have quota so we can do whatever we want lol
Sarah_Serinde: It's okay if we miss some
therepoman__: @saucemaster5000 🦗
saucemaster5000: Damn
circusofkirkus: snuff films!
saucemaster5000: Missed my putt again
SmithKurosaki: I just really hope someone did actually clip Ben's view during the rolly polly exit
HadesLeprechaun: yeah, the quality is crunchy cuz in game you'll only be seeing it on the in game screen where it doesn't need to be hq
Sarah_Serinde: @SmithKurosaki People have been posting clips in chat, and also if it's really important to you you can always go to the vod and make your own at some point :)
omdorastrix: @SmithKurosaki The one @NotCainNorAbel posted above is that
Kramburger: I don't know stream, we can't judge your feet's guilt without feet pics
josh___something: owo
Thefluffiestguineapig: Serge your tone when asking "you think my feet are guilty" was very weird
GDwarble: Serge, Serge pls
SmithKurosaki: @SmithKurosaki I didn't see the links, but glad it got done
MrPipboy3000: I used to play bass for Pocket Full of Gooey Balls back in college
SmithKurosaki: @SmithKurosaki I generally don't have the clip interface available during stream
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also how would you know that Serge???
Sarah_Serinde: @SmithKurosaki That's why I mentioned going to the vod, clips still work there
SmithKurosaki: @omdorastrix Thank
omdorastrix: IIRC reporter mic moves audio to that instead of camera mic
annoyedandconfused subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months!
annoyedandconfused: wheelerRat wheelerRat wheelerRat wheelerRat
thatguysteve2709: Adam is waiting in the bell like a dog waiting in the car
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, annoyedandconfused! (Today's storm count: 62)
Sarah_Serinde: As long as you make clips by the end of the Wednesday before a highlight reel day, there's a good chance that those clips will get seen when we're reviewing them for the highlight reel
gsyhiap: It's the Serge show
jamesinor: Hear me out: Dave Spokesman in Content Warning
Mr_Horrible: oh wow
SmithKurosaki: Oh the weird shadow creature is there too
Mr_Horrible: I didn't know the goo bomb could do that
Thefluffiestguineapig: OH The flashlight makes it disappear!
dumbo3k: Oh, I think that thing doesn't like light
SmithKurosaki: @Sarah_Serinde Good to know :)
Lysander_salamander: no fall damage?
Lysander_salamander: nice
Mr_Horrible: par for the kourse?
Mathwyn: Its not the fall damage that kills you its the landing damage
TheAinMAP: lrrHORN
frank_the_great: So we ARE playing Alan Wake
SmithKurosaki: AGAIN?
SymphonicLolita: instadeath hello???
BrindleBoar: get one-shot LUL
circusofkirkus: LUL
Mr_Horrible: well then
Lysander_salamander: what a funky monster
Nigouki: ok that is a neaet monster
grometty: he do be spinning
Land_Manatee: It's again!
saucemaster5000: suck less, I guess
RatherLargeToad: Katamari Damacy!
TheAinMAP: guyjudgeOhnoes
Pharmacistjudge: What has vacuum power?
frank_the_great: Skirt go spinny
Lysander_salamander: wow
josh___something: It's very sucky
gsyhiap: That sucks
nyoomgoom: maybe it can be zapped?
Stripe_dog: "What can you do agaisnt that thing?" Die.
Fruan: what can you do against such reckless hate?
Mr_Horrible: probably some piece of tech
HadesLeprechaun: prolly by week 3 they expect you to have stun weapon and stuff
A_Dub888: The Black Hole?
frank_the_great: "Murder Dyson" is perf
ButterBall000: The suck hole
Orxolon: that vacuums xD
EikoandMog: You probably have to put something between yourself and it.
10of9: It's the Geo-dont
NotCainNorAbel: BEN!
Sarah_Serinde: Good work Serge :D
frank_the_great: Meow :3
Darleysam: Dyson, Murder Dyson
Saintnex: I’m Dyson, Murder Dyson
NimrodXIV: uhhhh
therepoman__: yeahhhh buddyyyyy
phuznutz: wheelerRat wheelerRat wheelerRat wheelerRat wheelerRat
A_Dub888: @Darleysam *James Bond intensifies*
nyoomgoom: they do have a ball-based vacuum so now i'm thinking "murder dyson" is just canon
omdorastrix: Dyson, Murder Dyson, 24601
ButterBall000: Adam coming in like Jason Momoa
A_Dub888: Stairs are for cowards
chaostreader: I love that Serge blamed Nelson for using up film when he’s the one doing the talk to camera bits.
Sarah_Serinde: Cool
itira: holy shite
circusofkirkus: I'm dying squirtle
therepoman__: Jeezus
RatherLargeToad: Tall Heracross?
josh___something: Oh sick. it's the big boi
SmithKurosaki: WTF was that
Orxolon: what da f********************
NotCainNorAbel: So left and left is a the murder hole
circusofkirkus: big momma
omdorastrix: Murder Titan
A_Dub888: rayfkWelp
SirPlumpy: git gud
fastlane250: double TPK
SymphonicLolita: ????
circusofkirkus: those thighs though
Arclight_Dynamo: Thicc fella
MWGNZ: game dont want you in that room
phuznutz: f
gsyhiap: F
BusTed: benginO7
omdorastrix: Titan, Murder Titan
Omthebox: Man was gooning
SkylerRingtail: When did the game get so difficult
flatluigi: is it because you were so many days in
TheAinMAP: lrrWOW
dougma: F F
raulghoulia: that room blows
Land_Manatee: 3 times in a row. Does this game not have any sense of scaling?
Sarah_Serinde: This seems like a significant ramp up in difficulty, and/or a lot of bad luck
SymphonicLolita: 3rd times the charm?
gsyhiap: Good job you got the quota on day 1
FlynnRaccoon: Is the game retaliating for the glitched video? lrrSPOOP
HadesLeprechaun: week 3 is no joke, lol
CaptainSpam: What's more hilarious is that if Serge didn't stop to film the documentary, you might've escaped. :D
lochnessseammonster: lrrWOW
fastlane250: Game thinks you owe it one for that freebie on the first day
Arclight_Dynamo: Third try to recover both?
EvilBadman: Did you mean /huge man/
phuznutz: wheelerRat sbmtgdSpreadLoveW wheelerRat sbmtgdSpreadLoveT wheelerRat
0x6772: Definitely go get both those cameras back… oh.
dougma: 2 old cameras?
Sarah_Serinde: I haven't seen higher quotas much
frank_the_great: This game has become a souls-like.
Lysander_salamander: wow
Seth_Erickson: Also Ben didn't get one shot for what it's worth
Thefluffiestguineapig: My assessment is don't go for the other two cameras
Sarah_Serinde: We don't know that
Robot_Bones: the first recovery team fell into the swamp
Sarah_Serinde: Casual pan over the the fallen body and back :D
phuznutz: LULZ
Sarah_Serinde: Worth it
shendaras: I had to step away. Were they able to recover the footage from Serge and the monster?
Juliamon: nope
Mr_Horrible: A24 lookin ass over here
Thefluffiestguineapig: @shendaras Nope, another TPK
shendaras: Darn.
Mathwyn: The second recovery team caught fire burned down then fell into the swamp
frank_the_great: Nelly = dad
flatluigi: next loadingreadylive: serge reacts to cocomelon live
Lysander_salamander: I don't know what cocomel is and at this point I'm afraid to ask
Sarah_Serinde: They did get the footage from the glitched run
Orxolon: let them art we are gonna get one shoted anyway
Sarah_Serinde: They found the file for it and got the views
Mr_Horrible: this is your punishment for playing Grappler Dnfduel, Adam
Sarah_Serinde: I kinda like its little feeties
Lysander_salamander: flep flep of little feets
MWGNZ: the meaty fleps of the feet
Thefluffiestguineapig: @MWGNZ Either meaty or chitinous and we can't see it long enough to know
SmithKurosaki: Whatever it is, I no like
Lysander_salamander: oh the rare sunglasses chorby
Lysander_salamander: collect them all
frank_the_great: It disappears in light, and recording causes a light... so you're filming nothing?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @frank_the_great You can fim your friend being thrown around I think? Or maybe it's just harder to get quota this way?
phuznutz: Is this really the first time these zooty felllas thought to bring back Chorbi ?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @phuznutz I think they just have died or whoever was carrying it died
chaostreader: try going up the stairs to the roof?
frank_the_great: Snail shmail
Mr_Horrible: "it was the guy"
KWardJenx: Bring snail guy home with you!
Mr_Horrible: one where we don't die, presumably
omdorastrix: Serge probably tastes like good coffee
Land_Manatee: Got the corn bit, yeh
Sarah_Serinde: You lived! Congratulations :D
phuznutz: wheelerRat wheelerRat wheelerRat wheelerRat wheelerRat
TStodden: We don't talk about Adam, huh?
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
NotCainNorAbel: denied
Mr_Horrible: "We"
Lysander_salamander: aw poor chorby
frank_the_great: Just like the companion cube
gsyhiap: miiliLoading
Sarah_Serinde: welp
SymphonicLolita: rip
Land_Manatee: Game is struggling
Lord_Hosk: You broke it by dropping it on the ground
HadesLeprechaun: another 325k view video, lets go!
circusofkirkus: free views!
Saintnex: uh oh
thefightnerd: good day to take advantage and wander
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh no
Sarah_Serinde: Maybe it'll give you the full quota again yeah :D
NimrodXIV: :(
WiJohn: That's one way to do things
TherapyforNarwhals: Another 'bio' break lo
Mr_Horrible: they've learned how to game the algo
Mr_Horrible: they're gods
Thefluffiestguineapig: Is this just a known week 3 bug?
Sarah_Serinde: phew
MacbethSeemsSus: Check out this one trick Spooktube doesn't want you to know!
0x6772: tape DV takes Time
frank_the_great: Eventually! FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
TStodden: Off to SpoopTube...
Mr_Horrible: small indie company (but like actually tho, I think)
Sarah_Serinde: I love that fall :D
circusofkirkus: "knee destruction tutorial"
Sarah_Serinde: Okay but you're already over 100k
Mazrae: Those views are just flying up
DavidVerro subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months!
circusofkirkus: "Bone"
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DavidVerro! (Today's storm count: 63)
NimrodXIV: bones!
SmithKurosaki: Bone1
Sarah_Serinde: look at those numbers go
thanzo: Bone
Mazrae: Views go brrrr
Mr_Horrible: oh yeah your views are schmoovin
LostThePirate: lol
flatluigi: Loved seeing the shadow monster!
Lysander_salamander: yay corn
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
Sarah_Serinde: Sooo that went well
frank_the_great: 231!
Mr_Horrible: that ad revenue
itira: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
SmithKurosaki: Y'all got some followers, dang
Mr_Horrible: oh my lordt
bosqueofpines: Growing that channel
HadesLeprechaun: 2/3rds of views in day 1 heck year
WiJohn: That's flashlight money!
saucemaster5000: THat's fleshlight money@
Sarah_Serinde: Now you just need to make it out with the camera one of these two days
skysonglark: now does the game have a solution to the dyson
Mazrae: You getting raid shadow money when go you get the glitch money
Sarah_Serinde: Defib again might be helpful
NimrodXIV: lmao
Sarah_Serinde: With these powerful monsters
Larkonus: Look, the sound board is essential.
phuznutz: !addquote "We've been feeding him exclusively corn" ~Nelly
Robot_Bones: more dancing
Mathwyn: Shock sticks for everyone!
skysonglark: have to stay alive for the defib though
Sarah_Serinde: lrrFINE
circusofkirkus: Serge is a Dancing Queen
Thefluffiestguineapig: SERGE
Sarah_Serinde: Okay A+ timing on that fall
noSmokeFire: they'd never attack someone who was dancing
Sarah_Serinde: Looked like he was delivered with the other stuff :D
phuznutz: Jock Jamz!
Thefluffiestguineapig: That's an evocative image
thanzo: the dance macabre
Lysander_salamander: hahaha
Thefluffiestguineapig: LUL
omdorastrix: "tossed salads and scrambled eggs!"
itira: serge singing fading in and out is so good LOL
Land_Manatee: Diving Bell dance anyone?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Diving bell dance is counter to the safety dance because diving bell dance means no way to protect yourself
phuznutz: Top floor, bottom buzzer
Lysander_salamander: nice
circusofkirkus: beautiful
NimrodXIV: A+
HadesLeprechaun: Nelson is *chefs kiss* on the soundboard
Sarah_Serinde: sergeJustRight
Thefluffiestguineapig: 10/10 no notes
fastlane250: lgioAPlus lgioPlusPlus
Sarah_Serinde: :D
Sarah_Serinde: Nelly A+ work with the sounds :D
niccus: maybe nelson should have a soundboard irl
NotCainNorAbel: lrrFRUMP
thanzo: good ol smiley
phuznutz: wheelerRat wheelerRat wheelerRat wheelerRat sbmtgdSpreadLoveB sbmtgdSpreadLoveT sbmtgdSpreadLoveW wheelerRat wheelerRat wheelerRat wheelerRat
TherapyforNarwhals: this is def where we die
flatluigi: the blenderman just wants his pages
TheAinMAP: Whoa.
TStodden: Mixerman...
josh___something: DOOR STUCK etc etc.
Mathwyn: Well Adam's dead as per usual
Saintnex: defib Adam?
Mathwyn: Adam's natural state: death
Quarthian: However much the soundboard was it was well worth the price
omdorastrix: Messing with that blenderman is some Whisk-y business
SymphonicLolita: nope dot gif
TheAinMAP: Nope
josh___something: It's the forrealreal spider!
Sarah_Serinde: lrrFINE
Sarah_Serinde: Oh dear :D
Sarah_Serinde: Well, pity that soundboard is gone forever
thanzo: uhoh
SymphonicLolita: welp
Orxolon: O2
NotCainNorAbel: Ben, the sound board is back there
Orestes290: Dying wish to save the sound board.... RIP
thanzo: my boys :(
MrSarkhan: Can't believe nelson lost another sound board
flatluigi: lrrFINE
chaostreader: Ben. you have a flashlight if you need it.
Lysander_salamander: does this game need mantling, or is it better to have bad jumping-climbing?
Bearudite: YE
ButterBall000: Do you have a defib?
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah no it was probably safer leaving the soundboard behind
josh___something: Can you defib nelly?
Sarah_Serinde: I wonder if it'd be good to have someone other than the cameraperson hold the defibrilator
chaostreader: you started in the maze and Adam jumped down a hole.
Lord_Hosk: Clearly you need to go left. 30 seconds ago
Bearudite: its in the hell halls
Orxolon: do or die
Mathwyn: Dang oxygen
Saintnex: it’s in the maze
Sarah_Serinde: lrrFINE
Sarah_Serinde: lrrGOAT
NimrodXIV: FBtouchdown
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Bearudite You mean the backrooms?
thanzo: LETS GO
SymphonicLolita: gaming!!
Sarah_Serinde: Nice work :D
Rourke9: that was GREAT
Mathwyn: Not even close
Thefluffiestguineapig: You keep doing these navigations by the skin of your teeth
phuznutz: wheelerRat wheelerRat sbmtgdSpreadLoveT sbmtgdSpreadLoveT wheelerRat wheelerRat
Rourke9: yeah that is a cool learning curve
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah I think it helps that you don't always enter at the same place
JuneBlue58: Yeah, smaller number of maps gives the benefit of learning them over time.
BrowneePoints: it’s also just released and will probably add stuff just like LC
Sarah_Serinde: I feel like if you've got the camera, you're always holding it out and it's easier to forget that you're carrying the defib
Sarah_Serinde: Plus it might be nice to have an open inventory slot
josh___something: I also thing Seabats's voice is very soothing
josh___something: *think, fuck
Sarah_Serinde: Great shot
flatluigi: "please give the dog a bone" i wonder if that works
noSmokeFire: Serge's dance style is captivating
omdorastrix: The comments: "Seabats' voice is very soothing" also "SERGE is very loud"
Lysander_salamander: hahaha
Sarah_Serinde: Okay wait... "please give the dog a bone!" I didn't register that comment before...
electra310 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 41 months!
electra310: 41 Months? That's more than four tens. And that's terrible.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, electra310! (Today's storm count: 64)
HadesLeprechaun: plenty of money for a new soundboard!
Sarah_Serinde: I hope it works :D
Land_Manatee: There definitely seem to be clues in the comments.
Seth_Erickson: The comments do seem to give himts
omdorastrix: The comments ALSO said that Serge was loud
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah I've picked up on other hints in the comments before, just didn't realize what that one might mean
Thefluffiestguineapig: Either hints on how to distract or hints on how to get more views
Land_Manatee: @omdorastrix So they can't be that smart
BrindleBoar: big if true
Rootpotato: just like twitch chat
MrTheWalrus: !chat
LRRbot: Chat? Engaging in mimicry?
Mathwyn: Helpful comments on the internet?
circusofkirkus: comments being helpful? I thought this was a realistic game
Tweygoh: chat tryna backseat from within the game
BrowneePoints: ah so it’s like the scans in lethal company
noSmokeFire: that's how you know this is a work of fiction
Quarthian: Comments being helpful, that's how you know this is a fictional game
patrick_stonecrusher: Bunch 9f backseaters Kappa
WiJohn: Chat is helpful? There goes my suspension of disbelief
prince_infidel: Unlike real life the comments are hepful
Seth_Erickson: Is it party popping time
Sarah_Serinde: I also assume stuff like "I'm so glad you have that mic" or reacting to people falling mean that those things help views
CataclysmicReverb: Youtube's backseating
Lord_Hosk: 14 soundboards
DarthRagnar815: Chat comments can be helpful? playfr3Shock
couchboyj: Chat making helpful comments? Immersion ruined!
justgravey67: thank you for recognizing the genius of comments. lol
SmithKurosaki: @LRRbot I'm a normal treasure chest, I swea
Thefluffiestguineapig: Chat? Helpful? Press X to doubt
to_to131: hi
thefightnerd: jeff hardy moonsault!
Sarah_Serinde: Look, chat can be helpful. It can just also simultaneously have bad advice and wrong info. Chat contains multitudes
justgravey67: insert monkey flip music
MrSarkhan: LUL
SmithKurosaki: sergeJustRight
to_to131: Can I play with you? I'm just Russian and I don't understand English.
JoeLowe2 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months, currently on a 2 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, JoeLowe2! (Today's storm count: 65)
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Sarah_Serinde But we are either all funny or not together
Sarah_Serinde: @to_to131 Sorry, no, they're playing with friends
to_to131: Can I play with you? I'm just Russian and I don't understand English
Sarah_Serinde: @Thefluffiestguineapig Oh well yeah obviously
nyoomgoom: hi-keeba! hup
Seth_Erickson: Give me Morde anytime
SymphonicLolita: oh no
circusofkirkus: milk noodles
Larkonus: Macaroni & sadness.
justgravey67: eyo what
Orxolon: hey!what's wrong with missionary with the lights on!?=
Lord_Hosk: No, we all main good charicters, we are all Corki mains.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Orxolon Nothing if it's not your default
SmithKurosaki: But I wanted to park in the Scratchy lot
Robot_Bones: didn't expect he hear actual heresy today
patrick_stonecrusher: Ill use mac+cheese as just pasta and save the pouch for popcorn
Orxolon: @Thefluffiestguineapig what if i like seeing my woman?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Orxolon Then you can do other stuff with the lights on
chaostreader: has Lrr ever seen a ceiling monster? I can’t remember seeing one on the streams.
Orxolon: aaahhh ok XD
Sarah_Serinde: @chaostreader I think so? But I forget
Sarah_Serinde: Maybe once
Blip2004: back to the murder halls
Thefluffiestguineapig: @patrick_stonecrusher Dude, that is the secret tech
SymphonicLolita: now I want popcorn
Orxolon: maze?like corn?
TStodden: The Maize Corn...
Robot_Bones: or as the whites call it "Corn"
NotCainNorAbel: work is work
SmithKurosaki: !holes
LRRbot: A hole is just a vertical cave.
omdorastrix: This is what you do to prove you can build solid volcano lairs
ButterBall000: Architecture as designed by management
Thefluffiestguineapig: Wait, you want to use the mechanic from the penguin climbing game here? Where you could get stuck on a corner?
Thefluffiestguineapig: !holes
LRRbot: Luckily, this is Hole In One.... Or Two!
mrsmacmanus: Diggy diggy hole
Thefluffiestguineapig: Fun fact, a vertical cave is actually called a cenote generally if you're a big nerd like me
Thefluffiestguineapig: The Spooki Bois vs. the Shadow Boi let's go!
Despoiler98: @Thefluffiestguineapig gandRAGE NERD
mrsmacmanus: Dance off?
Orxolon: already half O2¿?
NotCainNorAbel: what if we are the true monsters
TStodden: Where's the DIE-Son Sphear?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Can you use the party popper to draw them to you in future?
AutumnAuton: @Thefluffiestguineapig at what angle does a cave become a cenote? Like, is it only a cenote if it's 90 degrees to the surface?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @NotCainNorAbel But that kind of truth doesn't help you hit quota
Lord_Hosk: Quit bragging Nelly we all have skulls
Kramburger: I lost my skull back in 'nam
itira: LOL
itira: THAT was a scream
EikoandMog: HypeLUL
NotCainNorAbel: @Thefluffiestguineapig There is 'the truth' lrrAWW and then there is 'The Truth' lrrAWESOME
FlynnRaccoon: One more scream for the reel
Sarah_Serinde: benginChaos
NotCainNorAbel: everything camping the end
SmithKurosaki: There we go
flatluigi: amazing
Mr_Horrible: incredible
HadesLeprechaun: "easy mode" immediately run into every monster
EikoandMog: rip Nelson.
TheAinMAP: guyjudgeChaos
Thefluffiestguineapig: @AutumnAuton Technically it's a sinkhole resulting from limestone collapse
Sarah_Serinde: Amazing :D
Thefluffiestguineapig: RUUUNNNN
Lysander_salamander: ouch
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah it is
Sarah_Serinde: If you're broke, hospital fees are free
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeah, the bill is expensive when it's reconstructive surgery FOR EVERYTHING
Quarthian: We love Nelly but not that much
Sarah_Serinde: You got video out of all three days this time! Big change from last quota
Sarah_Serinde: sure is clumbsy
flatluigi: Bone
fastlane250: Bone
SymphonicLolita: "Bone"
CataclysmicReverb: Bone
josh___something: minor splling MISTAKE!!!
thanzo: Bone
SmithKurosaki: Bone
Thefluffiestguineapig: Bone
sporkraptor: sheebus, 40k already
josh___something: Bone
Sarah_Serinde: Someone's really impressed at Serge's dance skills too
quatoria: dont touch dead stuff!
sporkraptor: the views are going crazy, people really love backflips and bones
Seth_Erickson: Someone said don't touch dead stuff now does that actually matter
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also you shouldn't jump into water from there, it's like concrete at that height
Thefluffiestguineapig: @josh___something Sorry, I think you mean mitsake LUL
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
fastlane250: SE-
thanzo: S-
Mr_Horrible: SEE-
Sarah_Serinde: "Never change lol. Good footage!"
sporkraptor: it looked like the views were cascading in with the bones, then when you got to the monsters the views slowed down, weird
Thefluffiestguineapig: No one died/was maim on camera
Orxolon: what should we call it?
Sarah_Serinde: Over $800 though
TStodden: One last DIE below?
Thefluffiestguineapig: DAMN
Sarah_Serinde: Ego Kappa
Thefluffiestguineapig: So do you leave bones down below when you die?
sporkraptor: Dad let's get the big flashlight!!!
Sarah_Serinde: Easy come easy go gabyLul
dougma: but Daaaaaaaaddddd
Lysander_salamander: it looks identical?
brainbosh: I'd assume more light = more views
Thefluffiestguineapig: @sporkraptor We have flashlight at home!
Lysander_salamander: oh
sporkraptor: @Thefluffiestguineapig but this flashlight is REALLY BIG
fastlane250: Flashliiiiiiight
Tangsm: But think how cheap your medical bills will be now.
gsyhiap: mvpMuns
NotCainNorAbel: r/flashlight
Stripe_dog: Ben I think your teammates are moths
therepoman__: LUL
DudelidouX: Now you'll see the monsters clearly
patrick_stonecrusher: This way you get cheap hospital bills! <3
Sarah_Serinde: Oh it definitely seems good to spend your money...but they could've spent it on *different* things :D
Sarah_Serinde: Honestly the soundboard is great for the stream in general not just the vids
TStodden: Any bets on the DIEson Sphear?
ButterBall000: We have to go deeper
mrsmacmanus: We need to go deeper
fastlane250: You guys are too thin crust to do that
therepoman__: Any boners in chat? Wait--
Thefluffiestguineapig: They dug too greedily and too deep
Seth_Erickson: Have we seen the cage once since the first time they died last week
mrsmacmanus: I don't think so
Seth_Erickson: Dived*
Sarah_Serinde: Okay that was a great view of the shadow thing and of it disappearing
Sarah_Serinde: benginRip
shendaras: Try emoting?
mrsmacmanus: He belongs to the subocean now
EikoandMog: lrrPistachio lrrPistachio lrrPistachio
itira: oh myyy
Sarah_Serinde: That's it Serge you got it
FlynnRaccoon: lrrBartleby
WardsarTheWriter: Nelson's a wizard with that soundboard.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh the pipe sound will never not make me laugh
chaostreader: just film an outro on the surface.
Sarah_Serinde: Checks out
Sarah_Serinde: lrrWOW :D
mrsmacmanus: Lol
SymphonicLolita: perf
Stormgod519: LRR!!!
Stormgod519: im heeeeere!
Tangsm: It takes $2 to extract an Adam from solid concrete.
saucemaster5000: "Long thin fleshlight actually feels weaker than basic ass fleshlight" -- Serge
kalira77: if you come across a man stuck in the floor in an eldritch horror house, do you let him out?
Stormgod519: "as a med student"
therepoman__: YOO it's Seabats!
flatluigi: Canw e talk about the quick monster on the ground
flatluigi: Never stop the videos! Literally my favorite content creators!
Stormgod519: Can we talk about the quick monster on the ground?
EikoandMog: The diving bell looks heavy...
Sarah_Serinde: 250k is pretty good
NotCainNorAbel: Pride500
mrsmacmanus: Hey team, just wanted so say thanks for the stream. Me and my husband are on our honeymoon and have come from Australia to visit Victoria as we are massive LRR fans. We are going to follow about half the route from Road Quest (up to Nass Valley) and have visited a lot of the Coffee with Surge spots and other various locations spotted in episodes. It's super special being here. We cant thank you all enough for being so amazing and entertaining!
patrick_stonecrusher: FutureMan FutureMan FutureMan
thanzo: thanks for stream!
SmithKurosaki: @mrsmacmanus Hope you have a good trip
josh___something: Yeah, it felt nicer
NotCainNorAbel: @mrsmacmanus congratulations
EikoandMog: @mrsmacmanus lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah the mic does weird things to the audio unfortunately
Thefluffiestguineapig: @mrsmacmanus Congratulations and hope you have a delightful trip
mrsmacmanus: Cheers all :)
Stormgod519 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 161 in the channel!
Stormgod519 gifted a Tier 1 sub to gravybreeze!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, Stormgod519! Welcome to gravybreeze! (Today's storm count: 66)
itira: seabatClap seabatClap
MrSarkhan: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
SymphonicLolita: LUL
Stormgod519: pfft
NoxStryx: But there is a victoria in australia
josh___something: There it is
MrSarkhan: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
TheBearBee: Is he baptized?
EikoandMog: HypeLUL
Stormgod519: Adam....
Redbassist: FBtouchdown
LostThePirate: XD
Sarah_Serinde: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
thanzo: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Thefluffiestguineapig: And the bit continues!
Sarah_Serinde: Thank you Nelly :D
Sarah_Serinde: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
Sarah_Serinde: !youtube
LRRbot: LRR's main channel is . For Stream VODs check out . MtG vods and other MtG content are at . Tabletop related videos are at . LRR Videogame videos (including Checkpoint+) are at
Jennie_Fuchsia subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 106 months!
Jennie_Fuchsia: I just booked my honeymoon for Victoria and we are NOT doing that drive
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Jennie_Fuchsia! (Today's storm count: 67)
j0biwan: lrrWOW
therepoman__: FROGS ARE GONE sajamAaaa
fastlane250: huh, .run is a valid TLD
RatherLargeToad: Still here! OSFrog
Stormgod519: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
therepoman__: @RatherLargeToad You're a toad!
saucemaster5000: @therepoman__ LMao, I was waiting for it
finestotter: Super fun stream!
Kramburger: Next week we're playing Grabass
Sarah_Serinde: Huh
flatluigi: is that definitely not a fetish game
brainbosh: They made a vore game???
CataclysmicReverb: ^
kalira77: oh yeah i DEFINITELY will not be tuning into giant snake stream
fastlane250: @flatluigi seconding this question
Kramburger: The problem with digested is that the body cam footage always seems to get lost
EikoandMog: That's a game about a train, not a spider!
Stripe_dog: Choo Choo Charles is a train
mrsmacmanus: Giant squirrel?
Sarah_Serinde: And we appreciate your sacrifices :D
EikoandMog: Boo
flatluigi: i'm less worried about it being a snake game and more worried about it being a weird horny game
SymphonicLolita: two people at my company are releasing a horror game next month
TheAinMAP: guyjudgeTrainn
Stormgod519: oooooo
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby
pipshardfour: I am so excited for you guys to play SWU!!
thanzo: Ive heard good things about SWU
pipshardfour: ohhhh a box for draft later?!?
vinopinguino: HUH
SirPlumpy: hm
flatluigi: is that also going to be a fetish stream
Dog_of_Myth: Wut
gualdhar: it's a skin flute!
shurtal: wat
saucemaster5000: Yup
Mr_Horrible: TOS? Question mark?
Sarah_Serinde: gabyFacepalm
mrsmacmanus: That's my kind of clarinet
Stormgod519: Horner...
Kramburger: It's not NOT a penis
itira: i..
ButterBall000: TOS
NoxStryx: Choochoo charles isnt a giant spider, it is a regularly side train with spider legs
Orestes290: yes and?
flatluigi: but will he be stretching and reaching
saucemaster5000: Neither is the ski flute
Mr_Horrible: neither is the Membrane Clarinet
SirPlumpy: no but it's streching
Thefluffiestguineapig: The disturbed pause there was so good as a live reaction
Stormgod519: @Kramburger dammit Kramburger
TherapyforNarwhals: I'm sure ian will be stretching something...
Mr_Horrible: erosSmug
therepoman__: @saucemaster5000 ski flute
avjamethyst: sure am
Stormgod519: ooo
vinopinguino: the vampire?
Stormgod519: gladiator return?
Sarah_Serinde: Yes she will, and yes she is :D
Stormgod519: hell yeah!
avjamethyst: @RayFK I shall do my best
Kipstar: I like fun stuff!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Reaction to Pianistic which was no fun
Dog_of_Myth: Glurp!!!
finestotter: Glurp Glurp Glurp
Rhynerd: glurp!
Stormgod519: gluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurp!
WardsarTheWriter: Glurrrrrrrrrppppp!
emberBecky: glurp! I was just thnking about glurp
Tweygoh: gluuurp
shurtal: GLURP!?!? hell yeah
LordZarano: GLURP!
therepoman__: Any glurpers
fastlane250: I will not calm down until GLURP is in my system
Mr_Horrible: a mystery? On Let's Nope? Perish the thought
Thefluffiestguineapig: I enjoy watching Glurp consumed by LRRsmens
SymphonicLolita: talking sim was front page too
Juliamon: Seems to be a Tuesday thing
WardsarTheWriter: That's what playing the hot new game gets you.
SymphonicLolita: LRR Juice Tuesday
itira: Tuna Tuesday
xantos69: Cheer50 Bits!
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
SirPlumpy: :)
Sarah_Serinde: I like that people still forget that Xian is Christian despite it spawning that whole sub roll meme :D
KWardJenx: Thanks so much for the for the very fun stream.
josh___something: Zalto has big tromple, SirPlompy
Stormgod519: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Sarah_Serinde: I get it though Ben, sub reads are hard :D
SirPlumpy: @josh___something that he do
SymphonicLolita: dabits
electra310: Thanks Ben, fun stream! :D
EikoandMog: DA BITS
Orxolon: well good night every1
Stormgod519: DA BITS!
NotCainNorAbel: thanks for a great night
Stormgod519: gn all
therepoman__: g'night folks o7
Redbassist: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Dog_of_Myth: Give Remy all the treats
EikoandMog: Yessssss
SymphonicLolita: sorry for her loss
josh___something: What have you done D;
Earthenone: im sorry for your loss
Dog_of_Myth: WOW
niccus: rip and congratulations
MWGNZ: i hear it has a free trial
Mr_Horrible: SHEEESH
Stripe_dog: "I got my girlfriend into drugs"
saucemaster5000: GAMING
Kuhfeek: Wow
Mr_Horrible: turboing that MSQ
LostThePirate: Jacob will be so proud haha
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
emberBecky: night! o/
Earthenone: already to the award winning heavensword expansion?
mrsmacmanus: Byeee all - thanks the el chats
Mr_Horrible: LUL
itira: LOL
WardsarTheWriter: See you at the Star War!
itira: goodnight everyone
FarleyF: you monster lrrBEEJ
Redbassist: Lmao
Mr_Horrible: thanks for the the stream, gang
vinopinguino: cant take it back!
icedsly subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 85 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, icedsly! (Today's storm count: 68)
FarleyF: and ben was never seen again
FarleyF: um did ben forget to turn off the stream or secret podcast time
Juliamon: it's still within normal post-show parameters
Juliamon: we usually give it 5+ minutes before lighting the Paul beacon
FarleyF: i imagine that paul beacon is like the towers in LOTR - each one is lit to signal the next one
FarleyF: or it's 30 FT tall letters that just says HELLO
Saintnex: alternatively it’s lrrSLOTH or lrrPAUL
Juliamon: it's actually just the Bat-Signal but with lrrSLOTH
FarleyF: you mean it's not just a bunch of town cryers yelling "bring out the Paul"
Juliamon: I don't like yelling
FarleyF: We all know Paul is Cryogenically frozen - brought out just for tech issues and Sea Shanties
LordZarano: We have a thing for this
LordZarano: !endstream
LRRbot: LRR now runs ads at the end of a stream, and leaves the stream online while they run. This is intentional. If the stream is still live 10+ minutes after they've signed off, please notify a mod!
FarleyF: now i kind of want to see a crapshot with Graham and Paul playing Dr Frankenstein and igor
Earthenone: i could swear that happened @FarleyF
Earthenone: or something very similar
Saintnex: wow, I’ve never seen that lrrbot command before :D
Juliamon: You should browse the commands some time, there's lots of weird old ones
Earthenone: it has been 10 minutes, juliamon you are notified :P
FarleyF: there we go
FarleyF: !approaching nirvana
LRRbot: Approaching Nirvana makes some excellent music that James likes to stream during Minecraft. You can buy their albums here:
Juliamon: we mods admittedly have a bad "what if we need this command later" habit
LoadingReadyRun: <3 i was in the bathroom
Earthenone: aaaaaaand its down!
Earthenone: should the command be updated to 15 minutes to give more time for poopin? :P
LordZarano: lrrGARBO has been called!
Juliamon: we don't want to give Beej too much of a leash