LRRbot Quotes

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The stream is not currently live. Next scheduled stream: Crossing the Streams (The LoadingReadyRun crew join hands (sometimes from the comfort of their homes) to play some video games! Game: LOCKDOWN Protocol) at Mon 05:00 PM PST (2:34 from now).
Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #9204
    There once was a Gruul deck I drafted. That I thought was quite carefully crafted. I queued up on stream, But my deck it would seem, Was destined to punt and get shafted.
    — MommaGart [2024-12-05]
    Magic: The Gathering Online on LRRMtG
  2. #9203
    I never know what I'm talking about.
    — James [2024-12-05]
    Magic: The Gathering Online on LRRMtG
  3. #9202
    Like most of you, I'm dead inside.
    — James [2024-12-03]
    Minecraft on Mine O'Clock
  4. #9201
    Lightning is just sky fire.
    — Heather [2024-12-02]
    Froggy's Battle on Unknown
  5. #9200
    My bits cause me to lose.
    — Wheeler [2024-12-01]
    Mahjong Soul on Is This Your Card?
  6. #9199
    Isn't a floating, rotating Bible kind of a gun?
    — Adam [2024-11-29]
    Street Fighter 6 on Oki Oki Fight Club
  7. #9198
    Is this like the thing I did with the cougar? *gasp* YOU DID THE THING WITH THE COUGAR!
    — Adam, as Oliver [2024-11-25]
    Vampire: The Masquerade on Dice Friends
  8. #9197
    Where's my gay rock?
    — Matt [2024-11-22]
    Magic: The Gathering on Friday Night Paper Fight
  9. #9196
    You could just eat a block of butter.
    — Heather [2024-11-22]
    Just Chatting on ChillPoint
  10. #9195
    You were just equivocating, which is like lying, but different.
    — Nelson [2024-11-22]
    Street Fighter 6 on Oki Oki Fight Club
  11. #9194
    I don't have the strength, and only 70% battery left.
    — Alex, quoting game dialogue. [2024-11-20]
    Games + Demos on Watch and Play
  12. #9193
    I don't use my powers for evil, but I could. I'm not above it.
    — Heather [2024-11-18]
    Vampire: The Masquerade on Dice Friends
  13. #9192
    It turns out, roosters are basically free.
    — Cameron [2024-11-18]
    Vampire: The Masquerade on Dice Friends
  14. #9191
    I am currently winning, and my theme rules!
    — Wheeler [2024-11-17]
    100% Orange Juice on Is This Your Card?
  15. #9190
    I'm glad you have many questions. They will never be answered.
    — Jordan [2024-11-15]
    None on Desert Bus for Hope
  16. #9189
    I know there are fresh legs in the Friend Zone!
    — Jordan [2024-11-15]
    None on Desert Bus for Hope
  17. #9188
    I was wrong on the Internet and I shouldn't have been.
    — Carrie [2024-11-15]
    None on Desert Bus for Hope
  18. #9187
    Maybe this 30 year old toy is a little broken.
    — James [2024-11-15]
    None on Desert Bus for Hope
  19. #9186
    Thick Tang is something you can do on your own.
    — Paul [2024-11-15]
    None on Desert Bus for Hope
  20. #9185
    I think I just saw why you were confused about the balls.
    — Matthews, to Beej [2024-11-15]
    None on Desert Bus for Hope
  21. #9184
    Even crabs get sad sometimes.
    — Boomer [2024-11-15]
    None on Desert Bus for Hope
  22. #9183
    You bet. I can do the same thing all day.
    — Beej [2024-11-15]
    None on Desert Bus for Hope
  23. #9182
    People should not be able to make Crapshots by just recording life!
    — Ian [2024-11-14]
    None on Desert Bus for Hope
  24. #9181
    I love when Ian just says words.
    — Graham [2024-11-14]
    None on Desert Bus for Hope
  25. #9180
    The pollen goes right to the soul!
    — Jordan [2024-11-14]
    None on Desert Bus for Hope