LRRbot Quotes

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Eating your armor doesn't help you.
Currently playing: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl on Play it Forward [Watch live]
Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #6674
    It's all about fork-lifting for Snake Juice now
    — Ian [2020-01-04]
    Shenmue III on Play it Forward
  2. #6672
    Flex on us, birthday boy!
    — Serge [2020-01-01]
    Board Games on AFK
  3. #6671
    Are you a dru-id or a dru-idn't?
    — Serge [2020-01-01]
    Board Games on AFK
  4. #6670
    Not to be rude, but it looks like Serifina's base is full of farts.
    — Serge [2019-12-31]
    Minecraft on Mine O'Clock
  5. #6669
    I am super on fire right now and I don't appreciate it.
    — Serge [2019-12-31]
    Minecraft on Mine O'Clock
  6. #6668
    It's a horse. Horses don't have souls.
    — Adam [2019-12-30]
    Tabletop RPGs on Dice Friends
  7. #6667
    Don't quote me.
    — Ian [2019-12-29]
    Shenmue III on Play it Forward
  8. #6666
    When have I been known to take the obvious joke? ...I mean, other than all the times that I've taken the obvious joke.
    — Ian [2019-12-29]
    Shenmue III on Play it Forward
  9. #6665
    Put me in forklift jail!
    — Ian [2019-12-29]
    Shenmue III on Play it Forward
  10. #6664
    Screw you Twitch, I'm gonna go work in a warehouse!
    — Ian [2019-12-29]
    Shenmue III on Play it Forward
  11. #6663
    I'm a forklift master!
    — Ian [2019-12-29]
    None on Play it Forward
  12. #6662
    Oh. I see how it is. You wanted to win.
    — Cori, disgusted [2019-12-27]
    Magic: The Gathering on Friday Night Paper Fight
  13. #6661
    You can't just say things.
    — Graham [2019-12-27]
    Magic: The Gathering on Friday Night Paper Fight
  14. #6660
    Stop liking people.
    — Bengineering [2019-12-27]
    Magic: The Gathering on Friday Night Paper Fight
  15. #6659
    Why would you lie to me on Boxing Day, the most sacred of days??
    — Heather [2019-12-26]
    None on AFK
  16. #6658
    Sorry about Philadelphia.
    — Graham [2019-12-26]
    Just Chatting on AFK
  17. #6657
    I don't want to see Beej out there begging for anime.
    — Graham [2019-12-26]
    Just Chatting on AFK
  18. #6656
    Why do you take everything we like and Beej it up?
    — Ben, to Beej [2019-12-26]
    Just Chatting on AFK
  19. #6655
    I know about whale-fucking, baby!
    — Graham [2019-12-26]
    Just Chatting on AFK
  20. #6654
    I feel like I gained at least two levels in 2019.
    — Kathleen [2019-12-26]
    Just Chatting on AFK
  21. #6653
    Why do you need all those things in one thing?!
    — Adam [2019-12-26]
    Just Chatting on AFK
  22. #6652
    'You are not helping.' 'I am absolutely helping, just not the way you want!'
    — Beej and Heather [2019-12-25]
    Games + Demos on Bonus Stream
  23. #6651
    I must protect my fur baby forever!
    — Beej [2019-12-25]
    Games + Demos on Bonus Stream
  24. #6650
    Live with your monstrosities!!
    — Heather, to Beej [2019-12-25]
    Games + Demos on Bonus Stream
  25. #6649
    I'm worse than children.
    — Beej [2019-12-25]
    Games + Demos on Bonus Stream