LRRbot Quotes

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Currently playing: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl on Play it Forward [Watch live]
Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #6648
    You can't stop me, I'm player 2!
    — Heather [2019-12-25]
    Super Mario Bros. 3 on Bonus Stream
  2. #6647
    I don't play hard video games, I only play Hollow Knight.
    — Heather [2019-12-25]
    Super Mario Bros. 3 on Bonus Stream
  3. #6646
    It's called a garbage can, not eating them.
    — Heather [2019-12-25]
    Super Mario Bros. 3 on Bonus Stream
  4. #6645
    Stop it! Stop having babies!
    — Cori [2019-12-24]
    Blade Runner on Bonus Stream
  5. #6644
    Bug James instead.
    — Heather [2019-12-22]
    Lofi Ping Pong on Rhythm Cafe
  6. #6643
    Words have meaning, which is why I like to make up so many words.
    — Ian [2019-12-22]
    Shenmue III on Play it Forward
  7. #6642
    We can't put our face through the cat anus.
    — Graham [2019-12-21]
    Music on LoadingReadyLive
  8. #6641
    Your turn is coming!
    — Heather, while pointing menacingly at Beej. [2019-12-21]
    Music on LoadingReadyLive
  9. #6640
    This is definitely a three-bears situation. Too soft, too hard, both!
    — Heather [2019-12-21]
    Music on LoadingReadyLive
  10. #6639
    I think I might have actually succeeded in spite of myself.
    — Ian [2019-12-21]
    Music on LoadingReadyLive
  11. #6638
    That seems like a James problem
    — Cameron [2019-12-21]
    Music on LoadingReadyLive
  12. #6637
    Now that's what I call a plate of hot brown.
    — Ian [2019-12-21]
    Music on LoadingReadyLive
  13. #6636
    That was a weird thing to say at this moment in time, Cameron.
    — Cameron [2019-12-21]
    Music on LoadingReadyLive
  14. #6635
    'I think this is a noble first attempt.' 'Well you only get one attempt.'
    — Cameron and Graham [2019-12-21]
    Music on LoadingReadyLive
  15. #6634
    When has Cameron ever been wrong?
    — Adam [2019-12-21]
    Persona 5 on Adam's Gamehaüs
  16. #6633
    I wouldn't try to mess with Heather.
    — Serge [2019-12-17]
    Slay the Spire on Talking Simulator
  17. #6632
    Do you remember all the pain I've experienced?
    — Serge [2019-12-17]
    Minecraft on Mine O'Clock
  18. #6631
    Nobody needs to see my face larger.
    — James [2019-12-17]
    Minecraft on Mine O'Clock
  19. #6630
    I would sacrifice it all for a moose.
    — James [2019-12-16]
    None on Rhythm Cafe
  20. #6629
    Hi, I'm Ian and I'm angry about software and computers.
    — Ian [2019-12-15]
    Lofi Ping Pong on Rhythm Cafe
  21. #6628
    LRRbot will be around forever.
    — Heather [2019-12-15]
    Lofi Ping Pong on Rhythm Cafe
  22. #6627
    Gotta do it for the quote.
    — Heather [2019-12-15]
    Lofi Ping Pong on Rhythm Cafe
  23. #6626
    Am I the villain if they deserve it?
    — Adam [2019-12-14]
    Persona 5 on Adam's Gamehaüs
  24. #6625
    Don't be so hard on yourself, you've been useless since the beginning.
    — Adam [2019-12-14]
    Persona 5 on Adam's Gamehaüs
  25. #6624
    Everything west of the polar bear is mine.
    — Graham [2019-12-12]
    Makers & Crafting on Tinker, Tailor, Solder, Fry