LRRbot Quotes

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Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #9017
    I am receiving answers in chat and I have already forgotten the question.
    — Ian [2024-06-15]
    Assetto Corsa on Unknown
  2. #9016
    I paid for rain this year.
    — Ian [2024-06-15]
    Assetto Corsa on Unknown
  3. #9015
    I don't know how you're supposed to get your money back out of banana.
    — Graham [2024-06-14]
    Just Chatting on ChillPoint
  4. #9014
    I think I mull here. [...] Uh-oh.
    — Cameron [2024-06-11]
    Magic: The Gathering on Unknown
  5. #9013
    My new personality is Crabomination.
    — Cori [2024-06-11]
    Magic: The Gathering on Unknown
  6. #9012
    I have never wanted to read what is occurring in chat less.
    — Az [2024-06-10]
    Art on Can't Draw Horses Club
  7. #9011
    We're in the teeth zone now.
    — Cori [2024-06-10]
    Art on Can't Draw Horses Club
  8. #9010
    It's pride month, fuck the cops.
    — TXC2 [2024-06-09]
    Mahjong Soul on Is This Your Card?
  9. #9009
    Oh no, it's a hat! Run!
    — Paul [2024-06-07]
    Special Events on CheckPoint Plus
  10. #9008
    Oh worm? On goon?
    — Wheeler [2024-06-07]
    Street Fighter 6 on Oki Oki Fight Club
  11. #9007
    I get Silvester Stallone and Ash Ketchum mixed up all the time.
    — Adam [2024-06-07]
    Street Fighter 6 on Oki Oki Fight Club
  12. #9006
    I looked TOO you, YOU looked AT me.
    — Nelson, to Adam [2024-06-07]
    Street Fighter 6 on Oki Oki Fight Club
  13. #9005
    I blame James, although to be fair I blame James for most things.
    — Alex [2024-06-06]
    Pacific Drive on Play it Forward
  14. #9004
    Sometimes art is just knowing when to stop putting glitter on everything.
    — Cori [2024-06-03]
    SuchArt: Genius Artist Simulator on Can't Draw Horses Club
  15. #9003
    Can I... set the donut on fire?
    — Cori [2024-06-03]
    SuchArt: Genius Artist Simulator on Can't Draw Horses Club
  16. #9002
    Don't discount the abillty of smooth brained people to be entertaining.
    — Kathleen [2024-05-31]
    Magic: The Gathering Online on LRRMtG
  17. #9001
    I'm quite good at my job, actually.
    — James [2024-05-28]
    Raft on Mine O'Clock
  18. #9000
    What the hell is a "mile"?
    — Cameron [2024-05-27]
    Jackbox Party Packs on Crossing the Streams
  19. #8999
    What I am is a hustler.
    — Heather [2024-05-24]
    Just Chatting on ChillPoint
  20. #8998
    In my brain I like to mash everything together, in a big pile of potatoes.
    — Heather [2024-05-23]
    Romancelvania on Bonus Stream
  21. #8997
    Babies are the same as dogs.
    — Angel [2024-05-19]
    Mahjong Soul on Is This Your Card?
  22. #8996
    I'm a big fan of edging.....the keyboard.
    — Wheeler [2024-05-19]
    Mahjong Soul on Is This Your Card?
  23. #8995
    I'm just letting the bug bite me when it bites me.
    — Beej [2024-05-18]
    Fallout on Bonus Stream
  24. #8994
    Paul can yell at you now, everything is perfect!
    — Serge [2024-05-17]
    Just Chatting on ChillPoint
  25. #8993
    In retrospect, that was a lot of beef.
    — Beej [2024-05-15]
    Fallout on Bonus Stream