LRRbot Quotes

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Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #4401
    Yes, technically I can cheat, but that's cheating.
    — James [2017-10-14]
    Minecraft on Mine O'Clock
  2. #4400
    Fuck this fedora vampire
    — Ben [2017-10-13]
    None on Unknown
  3. #4399
    Yeah! Pain Again!
    — Graham [2017-10-13]
    None on Unknown
  4. #4398
    You took all my blood
    — Graham [2017-10-13]
    None on Unknown
  5. #4397
    Is a vampires anus functional?
    — Beej [2017-10-13]
    None on Unknown
  6. #4396
    I know what a VHS is...
    — Ben, Nightmare 4 [2017-10-13]
    None on Unknown
  7. #4395
    Keep your hands off my flesh dice.
    — Beej [2017-10-13]
    None on Unknown
  8. #4394
    Beej has a lot of blood.
    — Ben [2017-10-13]
    None on Unknown
  9. #4393
    My parents used to listen to Kenji and the Dinosaurs.
    — Graham [2017-10-11]
    Magic: The Gathering Online on LRRMtG
  10. #4392
    Serge, is it "outside assistance" if I do basic math for them?
    — Graham [2017-10-11]
    Magic: The Gathering Online on LRRMtG
  11. #4391
    Ian's just a slightly more sophisticated Markov chain than the one we're using to generate quotes.
    — Cameron [2017-10-07]
    LoadingReadyLive on LoadingReadyLive
  12. #4390
    There is a very large database of us saying stupid things.
    — Paul [2017-10-07]
    LoadingReadyLive on LoadingReadyLive
  13. #4389
    I guess I'm thankful I didn't kill my friends.
    — Kathleen [2017-10-07]
    LoadingReadyLive on LoadingReadyLive
  14. #4388
    'There's something sinister at play. Is it me? Who knows!' 'It's probably you.'
    — Kathleen and Cori [2017-10-07]
    Creative on Adam's Gamehaüs
  15. #4387
    I concede your passion for testicles.
    — Cameron [2017-10-07]
    Creative on Adam's Gamehaüs
  16. #4386
    What's wrong with our friend???
    — Graham, of Ian [2017-10-07]
    Creative on Adam's Gamehaüs
  17. #4385
    If it's real, it's James.
    — Alex [2017-10-07]
    Creative on Adam's Gamehaüs
  18. #4384
    I need to save some mouth-strength for the actual game.
    — James [2017-10-07]
    None on One More
  19. #4383
    What am I doing wrong? If it's that I'm not supposed to press the button labelled 'start,' I have some feedback.
    — Graham [2017-10-06]
    Creative on One More
  20. #4382
    Don't talk to me or my resolutions ever again.
    — Graham [2017-10-06]
    Creative on One More
  21. #4381
    'Why would you do that, Beej?' 'I just wanted to see if it would hurt.'
    — Alex and Beej [2017-10-06]
    Creative on One More
  22. #4380
    We're really weird.
    — Cameron [2017-10-06]
    Creative on One More
  23. #4379
    This room is vibrating. That's fine, right?
    — Graham [2017-10-06]
    Creative on One More
  24. #4378
    I just like to throw things at Beej all day. It's fun for everyone (but Beej)!
    — Graham [2017-10-06]
    Creative on One More
  25. #4377
    Poop's funny, okay? No one can deny this!
    — Alex [2017-10-06]
    Creative on One More