LRRbot Quotes

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Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #1432
    How come games like Gone Home and Dear Esther get questioned on being actual games and *** like this isn't brought up?
    — Alex [2014-01-17]
  2. #1431
    This is your brain on Jesus.
    — Alex [2014-01-17]
  3. #1430
    *gently rocking back and forth* Do we have to keep playing?
    — Alex [2014-01-17]
  4. #1429
    How is this getting more disturbing?
    — Alex [2014-01-17]
  5. #1428
    Will we play Russian Roulette with an automatic after this?
    — Cameron [2014-01-17]
  6. #1427
    We can see right up his skirt. We can see his bones.
    — Alex [2014-01-17]
  7. #1426
    How have we only died thirteen times? It feels like we've been here for a thousand years.
    — Cameron [2014-01-17]
  8. #1425
    I can't imagine living in the same world as the guy who wrote this game lives in.
    — Cameron [2014-01-17]
  9. #1424
    The Home key is 'jump'. It makes so much sense.
    — Graham [2014-01-17]
  10. #1423
    *Alex opens Start menu* Hurray, it's over. *Alex reopens game* No!
    — Cameron [2014-01-17]
  11. #1422
    There's a bat in the sky shooting lasers. That much we know.
    — Alex [2014-01-17]
  12. #1421
    Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, activated.
    — E.S.T.H.E.R
  13. #1420
    Why is there a sub-ocean?
    — Graham [2014-01-17]
  14. #1419
    "No, it's okay. This is the way to purgatory for sure. It's this way. We just have to keep running. Keep running, Cam. Never look back." "I can see the end, Alex." "It's going to be okay. It's going to be okay. It has to be okay." "We did our best."
    — Alex and Cam [2014-01-17]
  15. #1418
    Maybe we should just go towards the... nightmare. Maybe then we will know peace from... We'll bathe in the clear waters of not being alive anymore.
    — Alex [2014-01-17]
  16. #1417
    I'm experiencing fear.
    — Graham [2014-01-17]
  17. #1416
    We know that drugs kill. We believe you. We're experiencing it right now.
    — Graham [2014-01-17]
  18. #1415
    Why is the test tube shooting rockets?
    — Alex [2014-01-17]
  19. #1414
    The only thing I can take away from this game is that there's no God.
    — Cameron [2014-01-17]
  20. #1413
    The drugs are killing you with their MAC-10s.
    — Graham [2014-01-17]
  21. #1412
    Jesus saves, you will serve.
    — E.S.T.H.E.R
  22. #1411
    Eat it, butterman! Die!
    — Alex [2014-01-17]
  23. #1410
    I am offended that I'm getting better at this game.
    — Alex [2014-01-17]
  24. #1409
    This is like something Insane Clown Posse would have made for a music video.
    — Cameron [2014-01-17]
  25. #1408
    What is that? Why is it a tiny man made of armor shooting tennis balls and having a seizure?
    — Alex [2014-01-17]