LRRbot Quotes

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Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #1123
    Does this mean I can pee?
    — Ashley [2015-11-17]
  2. #1122
    I've only crashed the bus ONE time this year.
    — Matt [2015-11-17]
  3. #1121
    I always eat my mistakes.
    — Beej [2015-11-17]
  4. #1120
    Can I request an adult?
    — Tara [2015-11-16]
  5. #1119
    I don't need the codpiece.
    — Graham [2015-11-16]
  6. #1118
    I don't know what it tastes like, but it's not skin.
    — Graham [2015-11-16]
  7. #1117
    I have other stories, besides cancer.
    — Liz [2015-11-16]
  8. #1116
    Where did all this hair come from?!
    — Serge [2015-11-16]
  9. #1115
    I should've known this mess was from Turner.
    — Serge [2015-11-16]
  10. #1114
    Do you know the human body has to pee?
    — Beej [2015-11-16]
  11. #1113
    We usually hide you away when people call in.
    — Paul [2015-11-16]
  12. #1112
    I'm developing a fresh biome.
    — Beej [2015-11-16]
  13. #1111
    I can repeat the word 'penis' a whole bunch and I'm still fine.
    — Beej [2015-11-16]
  14. #1110
    It's not Salad Clicker...
    — Paul [2015-11-16]
  15. #1109
    Six pennies... however many cents that is.
    — Beej [2015-11-16]
  16. #1108
    No, it's wenge! I'm calling it wenge!
    — Cameron [2015-11-16]
  17. #1107
    By the way: we have a murder hall.
    — Alex [2015-11-16]
  18. #1106
    I find his... loin-hair... very disturbing.
    — Tally [2015-11-15]
  19. #1105
    I don't WANT The Device!
    — Kate Watt [2015-11-15]
  20. #1104
    Why is a skull more disturbing when it has hair?
    — Paul [2015-11-15]
  21. #1103
    I almost peed myself.
    — Beej [2015-11-15]
  22. #1102
    Stiffen everything, and we'll see if we can do it.
    — Beej [2015-11-15]
  23. #1101
    It's so stiff!
    — Beej [2015-11-15]
  24. #1100
    There's a surprising amount of results when you put "Shrek Wikipedia" into YouTube.
    — Graham [2015-11-14]
  25. #1099
    I'm covered in corn starch, so technically, I am a non-Newtonian fluid.
    — Ian [2015-11-14]