LRRbot Quotes

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Currently playing: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl on Play it Forward [Watch live]
Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #1382
    I am a hoers. I'm hoers. NEIGH!
    — Alex [2014-08-01]
  2. #1381
    I don't think they're children. I think they're horrible mannequins animated by Noah's love for God.
    — Alex [2014-08-01]
  3. #1380
    Midnight rainbow, no big deal.
    — Alex [2014-08-01]
  4. #1379
    And yet Mario Kart 8 doesn't have a podium sequence.
    — Graham [2014-08-01]
  5. #1378
    I don't think it's silent, Graham. I think we just died.
    — Alex [2014-08-01]
  6. #1377
    No wonder why they're going extinct, that rhino sucks.
    — Graham [2014-08-01]
  7. #1376
    "God Cares" I disagree heartily with that statement.
    — Alex [2014-08-01]
  8. #1375
    Cam, that's what inside Room 101.
    — Alex [2014-08-01]
  9. #1374
    Oh my god! The racing was coming from inside the animals the whole time.
    — Matt [2014-08-01]
  10. #1373
    You know, what? I believe God does organise an animal race because every year in Vancouver there's a wiener dog race and the fact that that exist is proof that God exists and loves us and wants us to be happy.
    — Matt [2014-08-01]
  11. #1372
    I hope the camera is picking up the tears streaming down my face.
    — Alex [2014-08-01]
  12. #1371
    This looks like what would happen in a dream sequence in a David Lynch movie.
    — Cameron [2014-08-01]
  13. #1370
    You are the alpha-predator of this landmass.
    — Cameron [2014-08-01]
  14. #1369
    Why don't you just eat your opposition?
    — Graham [2014-08-01]
  15. #1368
    It is Bear Force One.
    — Cameron [2014-08-01]
  16. #1367
    *to the tune of Korobeiniki* I am the man who arranges the bears that get on the rocket to the moon.
    — Alex [2014-08-01]
  17. #1366
    — Alex [2014-08-01]
  18. #1365
    Is bear go to Moon?
    — Graham [2014-08-01]
  19. #1364
    It has people eyes.
    — Cameron [2014-08-01]
  20. #1363
    That's pig ass. That's vibrating pig ass.
    — Alex [2014-08-01]
  21. #1362
    City of LA. Make in India. Biting social commentary, I guess?
    — Graham [2014-08-01]
  22. #1361
    This is like the worst Disneyland ride ever.
    — Graham [2014-08-01]
  23. #1360
    I think the creators of this game would be against abortion.
    — Cameron [2014-08-01]
  24. #1359
    Why are the Luftwaffe attacking you?
    — Graham [2014-08-01]
  25. #1358
    What the shit? Why rats?
    — Alex [2014-08-01]