LRRbot Quotes

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You have to be alive to sleep.
Currently playing: Marvel Rivals on Crossing the Streams [Watch live]
Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #1349
    I killed his butt!
    — Beej [2015-10-31]
  2. #1348
    Enjoy Cam! You heard the man!
    — Cameron [2015-12-23]
  3. #1347
    I'm making Poop Yoshi.
    — Paul [2015-12-23]
  4. #1346
    It's everything I hoped it would be! It's a giant bullet!
    — Paul [2015-12-23]
  5. #1345
    I want to take his pants down
    — Paul [2015-12-23]
  6. #1344
    Am I going to have to fight a tent?
    — Paul [2015-12-23]
  7. #1343
    Are the big ones "blogs" or something?
    — Paul [2015-12-23]
  8. #1342
    Keep dying until you die from it.
    — Paul [2015-12-23]
  9. #1341
    Watch out! The plot's over there!
    — Paul [2015-12-23]
  10. #1340
    Always try to go the wrong way.
    — Paul [2015-12-23]
  11. #1339
    Thank you for your gift of your eye juice.
    — Cori [2015-12-22]
  12. #1338
    My tail is moving on its own!
    — Raymond [2015-12-22]
  13. #1337
    Turok: Dinosaur Titty Hunter
    — Raymond [2015-12-22]
  14. #1336
    Yay! LMAO!
    — Alex [2015-12-22]
  15. #1335
    Beej: You just broke everything. I'm blind!
    — Alex [2015-12-22]
  16. #1334
    Remember when I tried to kill you with that piece of rusty metal? Fun times...
    — Alex [2015-12-22]
  17. #1333
    Yes, black... Black like your ghost soul...
    — Paul [2015-12-21]
  18. #1332
    That was almost terrible.
    — Paul [2015-12-21]
  19. #1331
    A flower is me!
    — Paul [2015-12-21]
  20. #1330
    Aha! ... It doesn't help me!
    — Paul [2015-12-21]
  21. #1329
    Apparently, I'm awesome...
    — Paul [2015-12-21]
  22. #1328
    Do not eat a Jeep! It will not help your diet!
    — Paul [2015-12-21]
  23. #1327
    What the? I just ate their love! I just ate their love and killed them with it. That's got to be a metaphor for something.
    — Paul [2015-12-21]
  24. #1326
    Spiders have no right to be adorable!
    — Paul [2015-12-21]
  25. #1325
    I like easier things. They are better than hard things.
    — Paul [2015-12-21]