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Penelope says that guy's hitting you really hard.
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Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #1216
    Explain why James is losing? Because James is a scrub lord.
    — James [2015-12-03]
  2. #1215
    Help! Help! I've ascended! No wait, I'm in the closet...
    — Paul [2015-12-02]
  3. #1214
    He's sucking my ghost!
    — Paul [2015-12-02]
  4. #1213
    Oh yeah. Desert Bus South: we are totally doing that. You can quote me on it.
    — Cameron [2015-12-02]
  5. #1212
    I need a ghost computer so I can look up... ghost porn.
    — Paul [2015-12-02]
  6. #1211
    New clue: I'm dead.
    — Paul [2015-12-02]
  7. #1210
    Surprisingly enough, "remove" removes things.
    — Paul [2015-12-02]
  8. #1209
    Luckily dumpster doesn't care.
    — Graham [2015-12-02]
  9. #1208
    I need to fill up with babies!
    — Paul [2015-11-30]
  10. #1207
    Damn you, Bob Ross! Stealing my views...
    — Paul [2015-11-30]
  11. #1206
    Let's not go there, through there lies madness... Whoops...
    — Ian [2015-12-01]
  12. #1205
    "lets speak English is a perfect representation of speaking English"
    — Ian [2015-12-01]
  13. #1204
    — Alex [2015-12-01]
  14. #1203
    What the lrrEFF has James installed on this computer?
    — Alex [2015-12-01]
  15. #1202
    Oh, for fudgles...
    — Paul [2015-11-30]
  16. #1201
    What is the point of youtube?!
    — Paul [2015-11-30]
  17. #1200
    You could just be a hole.
    — Paul [2015-11-30]
  18. #1199
    Look at how normal my human skin looks.
    — Graham [2015-11-30]
  19. #1198
    Now I don't have to be paranoid about beer.
    — Cori [2015-11-28]
  20. #1197
    The toilet doesn't count as a customer.
    — Cori [2015-11-28]
  21. #1196
    Fancy nuts! Holy fuck!
    — Beej [2015-11-28]
  22. #1195
    Those rats keep coming into our kitchen and drinking our beer.
    — Heather [2015-11-28]
  23. #1194
    Wash! Flush! Fuck!
    — Beej [2015-11-28]
  24. #1193
    Here comes a rush, and FLUSH!
    — Beej [2015-11-28]
  25. #1192
    I can fail...
    — Cori [2015-11-28]