LRRbot Quotes

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Currently playing: Board Games on Unknown [Watch live]
Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #647
    We may just need clearance to lrrEFF .
    — Alex [2015-09-04]
  2. #646
    She has a disproportionately large donk.
    — Graham [2015-09-04]
  3. #645
    That was a thing I agreed to do.
    — Cameron [2015-09-04]
  4. #644
    Time for some up-sheep...
    — Graham [2015-09-03]
  5. #643
    Stop breathing.
    — Graham [2015-09-03]
  6. #642
    Never go axe to mouth.
    — Cameron [2015-09-02]
  7. #641
    *music from Father Gascoigne's stage, replaced by "Get the thing"s*
    — Cameron [2015-09-02]
  8. #640
    *crushes fly* Hah! I read your book, you son of a bitch!
    — Cameron [2015-09-02]
  9. #639
    Aim for the head! It's the big part!
    — Cameron [2015-09-02]
  10. #638
    Does HE have an anus?
    — Julie [2015-09-02]
  11. #637
    Everything's edible if you try hard enough.
    — Cameron [2015-09-02]
  12. #636
    I know what General syndrome is because I have general syndrome. You are all shitty pawns you made me lose.
    — Kathleen [2015-08-28]
  13. #635
    Every one of those men was 10 kittens in a suit.
    — Graham [2015-09-02]
  14. #634
    You went over the falls and you didn't discover them?
    — Paul [2015-09-02]
  15. #633
    Oh my God! I can EAT IT?!
    — Alex [2015-09-01]
  16. #632
    Sorry, stop, rewind, play.
    — Alex [2015-09-01]
  17. #631
    Are you North America? Sir?
    — Alex [2015-09-01]
  18. #630
    Was that just Andy Serkis's family photos?
    — Paul [2015-08-31]
  19. #629
    I just broke that gun's neck.
    — Paul [2015-08-31]
  20. #628
    That wall was angry...
    — Paul [2015-08-31]
  21. #627
    Monkey has a crop circle on his back. That seems bad.
    — Paul [2015-08-31]
  22. #626
    Why can't I quit you, prop gold bar?
    — Cameron, on Feed Dump [2014-11-26]
  23. #625
    There's Mormons!
    — Alex [2015-08-28]
  24. #624
    Yes. Let's grope this.
    — Suzie [2015-08-28]
  25. #623
    Does she have a velociraptor in her tits?
    — Suzie [2015-08-28]