Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
It's hard to beat a tree at golf.
VALORANT on The Long Game
Some of you act like you haven't been stabbed in the genitals, and it shows.
None on Play it Forward
How do I draw thing like it's real thing?
Jackbox Party Packs on Play it Forward
You have no idea how fast I can put out a fanfiction.
Jackbox Party Packs on Play it Forward
Ah good old first pick is the right pick eh Chat?
Minecraft on Mine O'Clock
That's my defence, don't ask any more questions.
Minecraft on Mine O'Clock
'Oh that seems like a real bad idea.' 'That's why I'm saying yes to it!'
Jacob and Dale
Tabletop RPGs on Play it Forward
I really enjoy your better ideas not working.
Tabletop RPGs on Play it Forward
The lesson that I'm learning from this is 'don't try to be clever.'
Tabletop RPGs on Play it Forward
'Jacob, you look like you're objecting.' 'No. This is fear.'
Dale and Jacob
Tabletop RPGs on Play it Forward
That fixed it? that's stupid!
VALORANT on Play it Forward
I know why, wait no I don't.
VALORANT on Play it Forward
That wasn't so bad..... I think.
Metro Exodus on Play it Forward
I'm the oil winner around here.
Just Chatting on Bonus Stream
I'm still confused by Alf.
Just Chatting on Bonus Stream
Maybe we should scream more.
Just Chatting on Bonus Stream
'Am I gaming now? I can't see anything.' 'That just means you're gaming more.'
Serge and Paul
Fall Guys on Play it Forward
Note to self: my face!
Hardspace: Shipbreaker on Talking Simulator
There's nothing I love more than the vast emptiness of spaaaaaace.
Hardspace: Shipbreaker on Talking Simulator
Oh we are so dumb, we are so impossibly stupid.
Minecraft on Mine O'Clock
Skeletons can be very cosy.
Animal Crossing: New Horizons on The Long Game
There's just too much fire in this house.
Animal Crossing: New Horizons on The Long Game
I'm sure Chat is a treasure trove of terrible superheroes.
Special Events on The Long Game
I was flirting with Beej, my bad.
Jackbox Party Packs on Play it Forward
Video games are bad and you shouldn't play them. Anyway let's play video games!
Jackbox Party Packs on Play it Forward