LRRbot Quotes

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Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #6573
    Botanically, bananas are a baby.
    — Serge [2019-11-14]
    Penn And Teller's Smoke And Mirrors on Adam's Gamehaüs
  2. #6572
    I AM WAR
    — Jacob, as Hello Kitty [2019-11-13]
    Penn And Teller's Smoke And Mirrors on Adam's Gamehaüs
  3. #6571
    I'm a problem solver.
    — Graham, actively making the situation worse [2019-11-13]
    Penn And Teller's Smoke And Mirrors on Adam's Gamehaüs
  4. #6570
    No, you can't have my dental floss. I need it to clean my teeth in an emergency.
    — Beej [2019-11-13]
    Penn And Teller's Smoke And Mirrors on Adam's Gamehaüs
  5. #6569
    I'm encouraging Ian and I don't think that should be allowed
    — Kathleen [2019-11-12]
    Penn And Teller's Smoke And Mirrors on Adam's Gamehaüs
  6. #6568
    Ben? ... You know what, don't explain what you were doing.
    — Graham [2019-11-12]
    Penn And Teller's Smoke And Mirrors on Adam's Gamehaüs
  7. #6567
    Enjoy my goo!
    — Jacob [2019-11-12]
    Penn And Teller's Smoke And Mirrors on Adam's Gamehaüs
  8. #6566
    It's yeehaws and hubris all the way down.
    — Wheeler [2019-11-12]
    Penn And Teller's Smoke And Mirrors on Adam's Gamehaüs
  9. #6565
    It's only day 4.... right? Christ, someone tell me it's day 4.
    — Graham [2019-11-11]
    Penn And Teller's Smoke And Mirrors on Adam's Gamehaüs
  10. #6564
    We manufactured our own murder hallway!
    — Wiggins [2019-11-11]
    Penn And Teller's Smoke And Mirrors on Adam's Gamehaüs
  11. #6563
    Fire is coming out the butt, and only the butt. That's where you want the fire to come out of.
    — James [2019-11-11]
    Penn And Teller's Smoke And Mirrors on Desert Bus for Hope
  12. #6561
    Serge and James are straight-up the humaniest humans ever.
    — Cameron [2019-11-11]
    Penn And Teller's Smoke And Mirrors on Desert Bus for Hope
  13. #6560
    There was a fraction of a second where I thought I was hallucinating again.
    — Alex [2019-11-10]
    Penn And Teller's Smoke And Mirrors on Desert Bus for Hope
  14. #6559
    Fudger's choice for me, thanks
    — Ian [2019-11-10]
    Penn And Teller's Smoke And Mirrors on Desert Bus for Hope
  15. #6558
    Ben, you're killing me. Never stop.
    — Graham [2019-11-10]
    Penn And Teller's Smoke And Mirrors on Desert Bus for Hope
  16. #6555
    It was my first time and I wanted to do a good job.
    — Andrew, about intending to rent a tank for his Desert Bus driver intro [2019-11-10]
    Penn And Teller's Smoke And Mirrors on Desert Bus for Hope
  17. #6554
    Adults are stupid.
    — Beej [2019-11-10]
    Penn And Teller's Smoke And Mirrors on Desert Bus for Hope
  18. #6553
    I've been left in control of Chat, and I've been subjecting them to me.
    — Cameron [2019-11-10]
    Penn And Teller's Smoke And Mirrors on Desert Bus for Hope
  19. #6552
    Now is probably not a great time to mention I have a vertigo issue.
    — Wiggins, while spinning in place [2019-11-09]
    Penn And Teller's Smoke And Mirrors on Desert Bus for Hope
  20. #6551
    I'm helping!
    — Graham, helpfully [2019-11-09]
    Penn And Teller's Smoke And Mirrors on Desert Bus for Hope
  21. #6550
    Any colour can be sad if you try hard enough!
    — Jacob [2019-11-09]
    Penn And Teller's Smoke And Mirrors on Desert Bus for Hope
  22. #6549
    Roughage and black coffee, what could go wrong?
    — Kathleen [2019-11-09]
    Penn And Teller's Smoke And Mirrors on Desert Bus for Hope
  23. #6548
    You probably don't want to touch my body because it's all lubed up.
    — Beej [2019-11-09]
    Penn And Teller's Smoke And Mirrors on Desert Bus for Hope
  24. #6547
    I think it's very metal.
    — Graham, calmly and matter-of-factly [2019-11-08]
    Penn And Teller's Smoke And Mirrors on Desert Bus for Hope
  25. #6546
    How does taxidermy change the mouthfeel of a dead goose?
    — Graham [2019-11-08]
    Penn And Teller's Smoke And Mirrors on Desert Bus for Hope