LRRbot Quotes

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The demon plays the piano in the winter's tide.
The stream is not currently live. Next scheduled stream: Rhythm Cafe (Heather and Ian continue their never-ending quest to play ALL THE RHYTHM GAMES! Game: Super Crazy Rhythm Castle) at Sun 04:00 PM PDT (20:47 from now).
Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #6369
    I'm very much myself and I can't be stopped.
    — Ian [2019-09-08]
    pop'n music 10 on Rhythm Cafe
  2. #6368
    A closet is better than a human being.
    — Bengineering [2019-09-04]
    Board Games on AFK
  3. #6367
    No hitting above the belt. Or below the belt. No hitting at all.
    — Ian [2019-08-31]
    None on Play it Forward
  4. #6366
    If you're gonna lean into something, lean into our dicks.
    — Beej [2019-08-31]
    None on Play it Forward
  5. #6365
    I feel like I might be the type of person who can T-pose for dominance over gravity.
    — Ian [2019-08-26]
    None on Dice Friends
  6. #6364
    'I don't know why you would ever play a RAM card.' 'I'm going to play a RAM card.'
    — Dale and Cori [2019-08-26]
    Tabletop RPGs on Dice Friends
  7. #6363
    My heart is Japan.
    — Ian [2019-08-25]
    pop'n music 10 on Rhythm Cafe
  8. #6362
    Where's my skeleton?
    — Alex [2019-08-23]
    Magic: The Gathering on Crossing the Streams
  9. #6361
    'Do I want to know what you're talking about?' 'No, of course not!'
    — Graham and Alex [2019-08-23]
    Magic: The Gathering on Crossing the Streams
  10. #6360
    I'm not excited about that, I just found a huge vein of rhinos!
    — Graham [2019-08-23]
    Magic: The Gathering on Crossing the Streams
  11. #6359
    Sometimes, Ian just says wrong things.
    — Graham [2019-08-23]
    Magic: The Gathering on Crossing the Streams
  12. #6358
    The constant screams are always what I'm here for.
    — Ian [2019-08-22]
    None on Crossing the Streams
  13. #6357
    I am in the center of a trust circle and I do not like it!
    — Heather [2019-08-22]
    None on Crossing the Streams
  14. #6356
    I had to trust all of you and that was a mistake.
    — Heather [2019-08-22]
    None on Crossing the Streams
  15. #6355
    You can deliberately make your noises?
    — Cori [2019-08-22]
    None on Crossing the Streams
  16. #6354
    Everybody wants to be in China, that's why it's called China.
    — Beej [2019-08-22]
    CheckPoint Plus on CheckPoint Plus
  17. #6353
    Clocks: Adam Savidan's only weakness.
    — Kathleen [2019-08-22]
    CheckPoint Plus on CheckPoint Plus
  18. #6352
    What is dating, if not casing a person for future crime?
    — Paul [2019-08-21]
    Board Games on AFK
  19. #6351
    If they resist the Beejdrop, it can be painful.
    — Paul [2019-08-21]
    Board Games on AFK
  20. #6350
    All relationships are essentially pirate ships.
    — Paul [2019-08-21]
    Board Games on AFK
  21. #6349
    He's not cool! He's just like me!
    — Cori [2019-08-21]
    Blush Blush on Now Kiss!
  22. #6348
    If brute force doesn't work you're not using enough of it.
    — Cameron [2019-08-20]
    Submachine on Talking Simulator
  23. #6347
    You think I was saying 'help' for fun?
    — Serge [2019-08-20]
    Minecraft: Super-Hostile on Mine O'Clock
  24. #6346
    Oh, My, God this sucks......MY BUTT!
    — Serge [2019-08-20]
    Minecraft: Super-Hostile on Mine O'Clock
  25. #6345
    They're so much fun, I love the tinkle.
    — Serge [2019-08-20]
    Minecraft: Super-Hostile on Mine O'Clock