Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
You can break the railings...with your face.
Gang Beasts on Crossing the Streams
There ain't nothing wrong with being thirsty.
Rose of Winter on Now Kiss!
I'm done thinking.
Dungeons & Dragons on Dice Friends
If I'm gonna do a bad job, I want to do it on hard mode.
Cytus II on Rhythm Cafe
Me, I could never murder professionally. Too much paperwork.
Project CARS 2 on Bonus Stream
I love the things in Star Wars that no one loves.
Project CARS 2 on Bonus Stream
I thought police rhymed with face.
Project CARS 2 on Bonus Stream
I said some funny things in the past.
Project CARS 2 on Bonus Stream
If the opportunity presents itself, to straight-up murder a dude ... I won't say no.
Project CARS 2 on Bonus Stream
Let's maiden, mother, crone this shit.
Project CARS 2 on Bonus Stream
I killed a man, I only flipped over once...I'm feeling very accomplished.
Project CARS 2 on Bonus Stream
GANT GANT's a problem for everyone.
Project CARS 2 on Bonus Stream
You killed a man! Good start!
Project CARS 2 on Bonus Stream
My car is dummy thicc and the clap of my gear paddles keeps alerting the race officials.
Music on Bonus Stream
The devil now lives in my tummy.
Music on Bonus Stream
I'm hopped up on cola!
Music on LoadingReadyLive
How's the nosefeel?
Music on LoadingReadyLive
I stream video games to have time to play video games.
Project CARS 2 on Bonus Stream
Qwerpline will come out when Qwerpline comes out.
Project CARS 2 on Bonus Stream
That was someone inserting their nose into my bum.
Project CARS 2 on Bonus Stream
If everybody in the F1 drove like me, it would be a very safe sport.
Project CARS 2 on Bonus Stream
I tried to kill a man and died myself.
Matt Griffiths
Project CARS 2 on Bonus Stream
We won't look too deeply into it. If we do, we might suddenly realize we're currently dead.
Matt Griffiths
Project CARS 2 on Bonus Stream
Bad things happen in second gear.
Matt Griffiths
Project CARS 2 on Bonus Stream
Cori take the wheel — you're Jesus now.
Matt Griffiths
Project CARS 2 on Bonus Stream