LRRbot Quotes

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The stream is not currently live. Next scheduled stream: Rhythm Cafe (Heather and Ian continue their never-ending quest to play ALL THE RHYTHM GAMES! Game: Super Crazy Rhythm Castle) at Sun 04:00 PM PDT (7:26 from now).
Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #5909
    If you take the bones out of meat, you get softer hands.
    — Ian [2019-03-16]
    None on LoadingReadyLive
  2. #5908
    The spirit of the challenge is to win the challenge.
    — Wheeler [2019-03-16]
    None on LoadingReadyLive
  3. #5907
    I'm here to embarass myself!
    — Beej [2019-03-16]
    None on LoadingReadyLive
  4. #5906
    They stick out like dogs balls.
    — Adam [2019-03-16]
    Dark Cloud 2 on Adam's Gamehaüs
  5. #5905
    It was nice wearing you, sweaty lice hat.
    — Ben [2019-03-15]
    Magic: The Gathering on Friday Night Paper Fight
  6. #5904
    Even the monarch has to obey OSHA guidelines.
    — Graham [2019-03-15]
    Magic: The Gathering on Friday Night Paper Fight
  7. #5903
    "Wiener" is not a swear!
    — Adam [2019-03-15]
    None on Friday Night Paper Fight
  8. #5902
    After stream I've got a Variety of unguents I can slather on you.
    — Kathleen [2019-03-15]
    Backstage Pass on Now Kiss!
  9. #5901
    The more I see the big poop, the less I like it.
    — Adam [2019-03-14]
    WWE 2K19 on Crossing the Streams
  10. #5900
    It only took about 15 minutes before my eyes glazed over, and fell out of my ass.
    — Graham [2019-03-14]
    Magic: The Gathering Online on LRRMtG
  11. #5899
    It wasn't that I lied to you, it's that I was overly optimistic.
    — Paul [2019-03-14]
    Ori and the Blind Forest on Games of Chance
  12. #5898
    When you spell Phil with an F it makes it more fancy.
    — Paul [2019-03-14]
    Ori and the Blind Forest on Games of Chance
  13. #5897
    Welcome to AFK, the show where we support our friends, and we LOVE people
    — Bengineering [2019-03-13]
    Board Games on AFK
  14. #5896
    Speaking of WHOMST!
    — Adam and Graham [2019-03-13]
    None on LRRMtG
  15. #5895
    Sometimes Magic the Gathering™ happens.
    — Graham [2019-03-13]
    None on LRRMtG
  16. #5894
    I have *OPINIONS!*
    — GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou [2019-03-12]
    Destiny 2 on Talking Simulator
  17. #5893
    First of all, I'm the fuckin' BOSHY.
    — Adam [2019-03-12]
    Devil May Cry 5 on New Day Tewsday
  18. #5892
    I'm post-cognitive.
    — Cameron, as Avenir [2019-03-11]
    None on Dice Friends
  19. #5891
    If you're looking for a way to speak with people, LISTEN to them.
    — Cameron, as Avenir [2019-03-11]
    None on Dice Friends
  20. #5890
    I remembered what day it was because I wrote it on my hand this morning!
    — Bengineering, as Nog [2019-03-11]
    None on Dice Friends
  21. #5889
    That would've been a good idea to pick up the thing that the NPC *literally tripped over*.
    — Cameron [2019-03-11]
    None on Dice Friends
  22. #5888
    Once more with feeling -- and less fucking up.
    — Kathleen [2019-03-11]
    CheckPoint Plus on CheckPoint Plus
  23. #5887
    — Serge [2019-03-12]
    None on Rhythm Cafe
  24. #5886
    No breaks, only apes!
    — Ian [2019-03-10]
    Ape Out on Rhythm Cafe
  25. #5885
    You shot his clothes off!
    — Ian [2019-03-10]
    Ape Out on Rhythm Cafe