LRRbot Quotes

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Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #5876
    We're all Ditto in our own little ways.
    — Adam [2019-03-09]
    Hollow Knight on Adam's Gamehaüs
  2. #5875
    Can we all relax? It's Pokemon!
    — Adam [2019-03-09]
    Hollow Knight on Adam's Gamehaüs
  3. #5874
    If you love something, take it off your body.
    — Bengineering [2019-03-08]
    Magic: The Gathering on Friday Night Paper Fight
  4. #5873
    The land council has deemed you worthy!
    — Adam [2019-03-08]
    Magic: The Gathering on Friday Night Paper Fight
  5. #5872
    That was a full-throated cloaca.
    — Ian [2019-03-08]
    Magic: The Gathering on Friday Night Paper Fight
  6. #5871
    Cranking the Twiddlestick Charger is optional.
    — Graham [2019-03-08]
    Magic: The Gathering on Friday Night Paper Fight
  7. #5870
    Make with the snipy-snipe.
    — Paul [2019-03-07]
    Star Wars: Republic Commando on Games of Chance
  8. #5869
    The English language has produced nothing of value.
    — Ian [2019-03-06]
    Board Games on AFK
  9. #5868
    I LOVE money.
    — Matt Griffiths [2019-03-06]
    Board Games on AFK
  10. #5867
    It's art right?
    — Adam [2019-03-06]
    imscared on Let's NOPE
  11. #5866
    Is this game breaking up with me?
    — Adam [2019-03-06]
    imscared on Let's NOPE
  12. #5865
    I only lied 2 out of 3 times, that's not bad!
    — James [2019-03-05]
    Unknown Player's Poor Schmuck Slayer on One More
  13. #5864
    — Left Alive, repeatedly [2019-03-05]
    Left Alive on New Day Tewsday
  14. #5863
    Serge why is every base better then ours? except for Uno's.
    — James [2019-03-05]
    Minecraft on Mine O'Clock
  15. #5862
    I just like the tubes man.
    — James [2019-03-05]
    Minecraft on Mine O'Clock
  16. #5861
    I saw my life flash before my eyes. It looked like a claw.
    — Cameron, as Avenir [2019-03-04]
    None on Dice Friends
  17. #5860
    It was neat.
    — Ian, as Enor [2019-02-25]
    None on Dice Friends
  18. #5859
    What's your clever idea that not going to work this time?
    — Kathleen, to Ian [2019-03-04]
    None on Dice Friends
  19. #5858
    Please don't milk the krasis.
    — Serge [2019-03-04]
    None on Dice Friends
  20. #5857
    It's the Simic: maybe it was intentional.
    — Kathleen [2019-03-04]
    None on Dice Friends
  21. #5856
    Nothing I say is weird.
    — Adam [2019-03-02]
    Dark Cloud 2 on Adam's Gamehaüs
  22. #5855
    I don't like you, you don't like me, but we both like Ben less.
    — Serge [2019-03-01]
    Magic: The Gathering on Friday Night Paper Fight
  23. #5854
    I'd never think put my hand down my pants in a combat scenario.
    — Kathleen [2019-03-01]
    Butterfly Soup on Now Kiss!
  24. #5853
    Succubus is the opposite of Mother.
    — Paul [2019-02-20]
    None on LRRMtG
  25. #5852
    Yeah, extra high, that's how we like to play.
    — Paul [2019-02-28]
    Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner on Games of Chance