LRRbot Quotes

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The stream is not currently live. Next scheduled stream: Rhythm Cafe (Heather and Ian continue their never-ending quest to play ALL THE RHYTHM GAMES! Game: Goodbye Volcano High) at Sun 04:00 PM PST (18:14 from now).
Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #5750
    I like Science Man but he wants money.
    — Cori [2019-01-22]
    XCOM 2: War of the Chosen on Talking Simulator
  2. #5749
    All right, now that Serge is gone we can have some fun.
    — James [2019-01-22]
    Minecraft on Mine O'Clock
  3. #5748
    umm, that's a good battery shaking crotch.
    — Ian [2019-01-22]
    No More Heroes: Travis Strikes Again on New Day Tewsday
  4. #5747
    I'm Ian Horner and I'm alive, AHHHHHHHH!
    — Ian [2019-01-22]
    No More Heroes: Travis Strikes Again on New Day Tewsday
  5. #5746
    I would appreciate it if you kept your triangles to yourself.
    — Ian [2019-01-22]
    No More Heroes: Travis Strikes Again on New Day Tewsday
  6. #5745
    It's like a car wash in your mouth!
    — Ian [2019-01-21]
    Makers & Crafting on Tinker, Tailor, Solder, Fry
  7. #5744
    You shouldn't take what I say seriously.
    — Beej [2019-01-21]
    CheckPoint Plus on CheckPoint Plus
  8. #5743
    If your dancing is burning hot, you should consult a doctor.
    — Ian [2019-01-20]
    Space Channel 5: Part 2 on Rhythm Cafe
  9. #5742
    This is terrible. I love it!
    — Ian [2019-01-20]
    Space Channel 5: Part 2 on Rhythm Cafe
  10. #5741
    The Lube Suit--Taking you from friction to function in ten seconds or less.
    — Graham, In response to a Jackbox Party PAX prompt [2018-08-31]
    None on Adam's Gamehaüs
  11. #5740
    Twitch chat is just as good as Google.
    — Adam [2019-01-19]
    The Messenger on Adam's Gamehaüs
  12. #5739
    Don't you ever tell me I don't know anime.
    — Adam [2019-01-19]
    The Messenger on Adam's Gamehaüs
  13. #5738
    Having your bodies intermingle is a lot!
    — Kathleen [2019-01-18]
    Dating Sims: The Visual Novel on Now Kiss!
  14. #5737
    Gender may live.... for now!
    — Kathleen [2019-01-18]
    Dating Sims: The Visual Novel on Now Kiss!
  15. #5736
    We'll destroy gender some other time.
    — Kathleen [2019-01-18]
    Dating Sims: The Visual Novel on Now Kiss!
  16. #5735
    I think that's the bro code: they appreciate killer whales and trying your hardest.
    — Kathleen [2019-01-18]
    Dating Sims: The Visual Novel on Now Kiss!
  17. #5734
    Suppressing your feelings is for chumps!
    — Kathleen [2019-01-18]
    Dating Sims: The Visual Novel on Now Kiss!
  18. #5733
    Maybe we should change Now Kiss to Big Mood.
    — Kathleen [2019-01-18]
    Dating Sims: The Visual Novel on Now Kiss!
  19. #5732
    I was only ever truly happy when I was on the dragon.
    — James [2019-01-17]
    LEGO Worlds on Games of Chance
  20. #5731
    I'm gonna go punch Santa!
    — Paul, In a sing-song voice [2019-01-17]
    LEGO Worlds on Games of Chance
  21. #5730
    Is it murder if I'm creating them also?
    — Paul [2019-01-17]
    LEGO Worlds on Games of Chance
  22. #5729
    It's a hodge podge of colours we got going on here.
    — James [2019-01-17]
    LEGO Worlds on Games of Chance
  23. #5728
    Finally, we don't have to play as those stinky heroes!
    — Bengineering [2019-01-16]
    Board Games on AFK
  24. #5727
    I am a real shaky boi.
    — Bengineering [2019-01-16]
    None on LRRMtG
  25. #5726
    If there's God there's gotta be Poseidon .
    — Adam [2019-01-15]
    Minecraft on Mine O'Clock