LRRbot Quotes

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Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #5632
    I landed! Just not, y'know...slowly.
    — Paul [2018-12-20]
    Steep on Games of Chance
  2. #5631
    Can you unlock better friends?
    — Paul [2018-12-20]
    Steep on Games of Chance
  3. #5630
    Turns out you get to the bottom really fast when you don't have a parachute.
    — Paul [2018-12-20]
    Steep on Games of Chance
  4. #5629
    Help, we're stuck in a rabbid.
    — Paul [2018-12-20]
    Steep on Games of Chance
  5. #5628
    If video games have taught me anything, it's 'don't trust the voice over the radio.'
    — Paul [2018-12-20]
    Steep on Games of Chance
  6. #5627
    I wanna go out rich.
    — Beej [2018-12-19]
    Board Games on AFK
  7. #5626
    We shouldn't have killed the healer.
    — Ben [2018-12-19]
    Board Games on AFK
  8. #5625
    I believe you, Twitch chat. You wouldn't lie to me.
    — James [2018-12-18]
    Unknown Player's Poor Schmuck Slayer on One More
  9. #5624
    I'm very good at complaining.
    — James [2018-12-18]
    Unknown Player's Poor Schmuck Slayer on One More
  10. #5623
    I don't know why I'm continuing this farce.
    — James [2018-12-18]
    Magic: The Gathering Online on LRRMtG
  11. #5622
    Chat is now just history of my losing.
    — James [2018-12-18]
    Magic: The Gathering Online on LRRMtG
  12. #5621
    Mistakes were made, then imbibed.
    — Cameron [2018-12-17]
    Tabletop RPGs on Dice Friends
  13. #5620
    It's the opposite of pugilism, it's friendship!
    — Kathleen [2018-12-17]
    Tabletop RPGs on Dice Friends
  14. #5619
    Lead with your heart, not with your bones!
    — Bengineering, as Blaise [2018-12-17]
    Tabletop RPGs on Dice Friends
  15. #5618
    Nothing says Christmas like drowning antediluvian insect queens in magma.
    — Cameron [2018-12-17]
    Tabletop RPGs on Dice Friends
  16. #5617
    When you're carving wording into your flesh, you really want to watch the descenders.
    — Ian [2018-12-17]
    Tabletop RPGs on Dice Friends
  17. #5616
    I don't think you can carve a permanent magical scar into yourself with a Wheaty Nibble.
    — Dale [2018-12-17]
    Tabletop RPGs on Dice Friends
  18. #5615
    I'm actually prepared to give myself over to a life of evil and misdeeds.
    — Kathleen, as Stina [2018-12-17]
    Tabletop RPGs on Dice Friends
  19. #5614
    My wood was great!
    — Serge [2018-12-17]
    Tabletop RPGs on Dice Friends
  20. #5613
    All right, exposition!
    — Bengineering [2018-12-17]
    Tabletop RPGs on Dice Friends
  21. #5612
    I always knew my phobia of commitment would get me in trouble one day.
    — Kathleen, as Stina [2018-12-17]
    Tabletop RPGs on Dice Friends
  22. #5611
    A fair attempt at butt-picking is all you need.
    — Dale [2018-12-17]
    Tabletop RPGs on Dice Friends
  23. #5610
    Sometimes warnings are just lies.
    — Heather [2018-12-17]
    Tabletop RPGs on Dice Friends
  24. #5609
    Sometimes the books are actually evil.
    — Kathleen [2018-12-17]
    Tabletop RPGs on Dice Friends
  25. #5608
    Sadness is not tax-deductible.
    — Kathleen [2018-12-17]
    Tabletop RPGs on Dice Friends