LRRbot Quotes

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Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #5381
    Please stop moving so I can click on your head!
    — Serge [2018-10-09]
    Unknown Player's Poor Schmuck Slayer on One More
  2. #5380
    Don't give me a stick if you don't want me to use it.
    — Kathleen [2018-10-09]
    Disgaea: Hour of Darkness on New Day Tewsday
  3. #5379
    Why did you put butts on my work?
    — Serge [2018-10-09]
    Minecraft on Mine O'Clock
  4. #5378
    Yeah, that's right. I've got friends, they're real...
    — James [2018-10-09]
    Minecraft on Mine O'Clock
  5. #5377
    There's no way you can make a man in a skin-tight blue jumpsuit look cool.
    — Ian [2018-10-08]
    CheckPoint Plus on CheckPoint Plus
  6. #5376
    Hey kids, unflatten your earballs: it's time for Rhythm Cafe!
    — Ian [2018-10-07]
    Beat Hazard on Rhythm Cafe
  7. #5375
    I'm coming around on breasts.
    — Beej [2018-10-06]
    Music on LoadingReadyLive
  8. #5374
    The best way to add a flavour to anything is just to burn it.
    — Serge [2018-10-06]
    Music on LoadingReadyLive
  9. #5373
    I have no idea what Beej just said, he said some Japanese stuff, and my brain just shut off.
    — Adam [2018-10-06]
    Bloodborne on Adam's Gamehaüs
  10. #5372
    "Whirlygig" is the best word to say.
    — Adam [2018-10-06]
    Bloodborne on Adam's Gamehaüs
  11. #5371
    There isn't a pity bone in James' body.
    — Serge [2018-10-05]
    Super Mario Party on Crossing the Streams
  12. #5370
    'I feel bad for Serge.' 'No you don't.'
    — James and Serge [2018-10-05]
    Super Mario Party on Crossing the Streams
  13. #5369
    At least I'm consistent.
    — Serge [2018-10-05]
    Super Mario Party on Crossing the Streams
  14. #5368
    This game has taken everything from me!
    — Serge [2018-10-05]
    Super Mario Party on Crossing the Streams
  15. #5367
    Never listen to James.
    — Julie [2018-10-05]
    Super Mario Party on Crossing the Streams
  16. #5366
    I just want the YouTube comments for this replay to be angry at me. It's all I want from life anymore.
    — James [2018-10-05]
    Super Mario Party on Crossing the Streams
  17. #5365
    We should high-five more often.
    — Heather [2018-10-05]
    Super Mario Party on Crossing the Streams
  18. #5364
    You notice it after you lrrEFF it up, but only AFTER you lrrEFF it up.
    — Kathleen [2018-10-05]
    Analogue: A Hate Story on Now Kiss!
  19. #5363
    Birthdays: the Scariest day of all.
    — Paul [2018-10-04]
    Alien: Isolation on Games of Chance
  20. #5362 I the library?
    — Ben [2018-10-03]
    Board Games on AFK
  21. #5361
    I can't not believe in myself.
    — Heather [2018-10-03]
    Board Games on AFK
  22. #5360
    This isn't dairy, it's ice cream.
    — Ben [2018-10-03]
    Transference on Mine O'Clock
  23. #5359
    It looks like we know what we're doing.
    — Graham [2018-10-03]
    None on Mine O'Clock
  24. #5358
    — james [2018-10-02]
  25. #5357
    Here, I'll bring you a test chicken.
    — RebelliousUno [2018-10-02]
    Minecraft on Mine O'Clock