LRRbot Quotes

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It's obviously cheaper if you just don't get hit in the first place.
Currently playing: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl on Play it Forward [Watch live]
Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #5154
    I was not looking forward to trying to punch a ghost.
    — Paul [2018-07-09]
    None on Dice Friends
  2. #5153
    I'm not staying overnight there, we'd have to bake our way out!
    — Graham, as Snak [2018-07-09]
    None on Dice Friends
  3. #5152
    Among the people trying to rip you off today is not this guy.
    — Dale [2018-07-09]
    None on Dice Friends
  4. #5151
    We're not making muffins or anything, so the bakers shouldn't get mad at us, he said hopefully.
    — Graham [2018-07-09]
    None on Dice Friends
  5. #5150
    Everything tastes better on a stick.
    — Dale [2018-07-09]
    None on Dice Friends
  6. #5149
    Whatever sound he is making, is not one of the familiar sounds.
    — Dale, as DM [2018-07-09]
    None on Dice Friends
  7. #5148
    Give me a 'look for children in burlap' skill check please.
    — Dale [2018-07-09]
    None on Dice Friends
  8. #5147
    All my gifts came to me from hard work and application of studious essay-writing.
    — Kathleen, as Morra [2018-07-09]
    None on Dice Friends
  9. #5146
    I wish I'd found more things to kill me in life.
    — Kathleen, as Morra [2018-07-09]
    None on Dice Friends
  10. #5145
    If you refuse to drop this subject, I'm just going to make it worse.
    — Heather [2018-07-08]
    Neon Drive on Rhythm Cafe
  11. #5144
    I'm always surprised when I make a joke, they just sneak up on me.
    — Heather [2018-07-08]
    Neon Drive on Rhythm Cafe
  12. #5143
    *maniacal laughter*
    — Kathleen [2018-07-06]
    Dating Sims: The Visual Novel on Now Kiss!
  13. #5142
    If you've made a lifestyle of kissing boys, I approve.
    — Kathleen [2018-07-06]
    Dating Sims: The Visual Novel on Now Kiss!
  14. #5141
    That's me: smokes a lot of weed, no moral values, and loves anime.
    — Adam [2018-07-05]
    Horizon Zero Dawn on Adam's GamehaĆ¼s
  15. #5140
    I steal all my great material from Twitch chat.
    — James [2018-07-05]
    Magic: The Gathering Online on LRRMtG
  16. #5139
    I predict a lot of angry tweets.
    — Graham [2018-07-05]
    Magic: The Gathering Online on LRRMtG
  17. #5138
    I don't understand half the crap you people are saying. I love it, but I don't understand it.
    — James [2018-07-05]
    Magic: The Gathering Online on LRRMtG
  18. #5137
    Don't get into a situation.
    — Cori [2018-07-03]
    Little Nightmares on Let's NOPE
  19. #5136
    Don't hug people with your mouth.
    — Cori [2018-07-03]
    Little Nightmares on Let's NOPE
  20. #5135
    Bring me back Twitch chat, my people!
    — Adam [2018-07-02]
    Board Games on Dice Friends
  21. #5134
    'Whose side are you on?' 'Ours! But I'm a buffoon!'
    — Graham and Adam
    Board Games on Dice Friends
  22. #5133
    'How do you kill that which is already dead?' 'Lethally.'
    — Adam and Beej [2018-07-02]
    Board Games on Dice Friends
  23. #5132
    — Adam [2018-07-02]
    Board Games on Dice Friends
  24. #5131
    When all you have is a barrel of gunpowder, everything looks like a thing you can blow up with a barrel of gunpowder.
    — Rodney Thompson [2018-07-02]
    Board Games on Dice Friends
  25. #5130
    This is what I've trained for my entire life: ambushing sick guards!
    — Adam, playing an assassin [2018-07-02]
    Board Games on Dice Friends